Jury`s Report
Jury`s Report
Jury’s Report Up to the closing date of the submission, we have received 87 entries. The adjudication process took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands between 7-13 April 2009. Jury: Stephen Cairns (Edinburgh University, subcurator IABR 2009) The following criteria were used: -how the proposal brings up relevant urban issues in Jakarta -how it offers creative, visionary architectural/ urbanistic intervention -how it corresponds to the theme Reciprocity/ Gotong Royong -how it situates itself within the context of Jakarta -potential for further work to be exhibited in IABR 2009 -built on sound research -strong representational skill Winy Maas (MVRDV, the why factory) Kees Christiaanse (KCAP Rotterdam, curator IABR 2009) Vedran Mimica (Berlage Institute Rotterdam) Andrea Peresthu (TU Delft) Daliana Suryawinata (SHAU Rotterdam, the why factory, subcurator IABR 2009) All decisions by the jury are final and indisputable. FIRST PRIZE Jakarta Bersih! 402777 NUNC architecten Steven Brunsmann Johan Krol João Bentes Floor Moormann Tanja Van der Laan SECOND PRIZE Let’s Catch the Water! Jakarta Sponge City 135677 mamostudio + UPH University Adi Purnomo and David Hutama with Carolina Setiawan, Steven Rendi Willyvans, Irene Setiawati, Tifani Veronica, Cicilia Angelia, Arsheila Kinan, Ayudya Paramitha, Kelly, Conny Andriani Yosisca THIRD PRIZE Field Estate: A Platform for Symbiotic Urbanism 777881 GABPA architects Gesa Buettner and Alejo Paillard with Alvar Mensana FIELD_ESTATE: a platform for symbiotic urbanism Segitiga Emas Area 777881 Co2 KAMPONG TODAY TOMORROW SITE PLAN: 1:4000 H2O HIGH-RISE PLATFORMS WATER LILY ORGANISM Field Estate – a platform for symbiotic urbanism Field Estate is an urban development game. The aim is to achieve a city-scape of typological diversity and cooperative coexistence, combining segregated urban conditions into strategic partners: high-rise AND kampong; mall AND street market. The game is played with two pieces: towers and platforms. Tower and platforms move interdependently; their formation mimics a water lily: every vertical stem of a tower is surrounded by elevated platforms floating above the city. The purpose of the towers is to provide density; their employment follows the logics of the real estate market. The purpose of the platforms is adaptation of the existing; their employment follows the logic of community and preservation. The bio-textile semi-transparent roofs absorb and recycle water, and they dehumidify, cool and clean the air. By erecting the elevated platforms citizens across the social, religious and political divide join in a Gotong-Royong to diminish the danger of flooding and improving the city’s climate. 1 FIELD_ESTATE: a platform for symbiotic urbanism 777881 Segitiga Emas Area WATER TANK Current trends CLEAN TRANSPORTATION FARMING IRRIGATION LEISURE PARK CO2 ABSORBANT H2O DEHUMIDIFYING LAYER: BIOTEXTILE COOLING SPRINKLERS SHADE COMMUNAL WATER SOURCE RENEWABLE ENERGY H2O PLATFORM 1:125 Jakarta’s development follows the same scheme as other Asian mega cities where high land values and weak legal frameworks for preservation of low-income neighborhoods and open space facilitated mono-development of high-rise towers and mega-malls. Whole functioning neighborhoods are being displaced to make room for luxury towers, rural migrants have to squat in informal settlements and green space has reduced to a meager 9%. The informal sector of street vendors and urban farmers today accounts for 70% of the work-force and 20% of the GDP. The unregulated densification leads to an increase in pollution, waste and energy-consumption. Indonesia is the 3rd largest greenhouse gas provider and most vulnerable to the increase in sea water levels and climate patterns due to global warming. Outside air pollution and the hot and humid tropical climate make walking the streets unbearable. Well-off citizens flock to the malls, their poorer counterparts migrants escape from the climate by setting up camp in areas with naturally cooler climate: under bridges and close to the rivers Field Estates learns from successful strategies. Instead of furthering the segregation between tower and low-rise dwellers Field Estates encourages the coexistence of the two housing typologies, allowing for different scenarios of cohabitation. It turns the city itno an indooroutdoor continuum, enticing all citizens back to the streets by providing for a semi-conditioned climate throughout the city. WATER MANAGEMENT Rules of the game FOUR CONDITIONS THAT SEGREGATE JAKARTA 1.DENSIFICATION 2.SHOPPING HIGH RISE PRIVATE MALL KAMPONG + 3.FLOODING STREET MARKET PROTECTED + 4.TROPICAL CLIMATE UNPROTECTED + CONDITIONED UNCONDITIONED + With every new high-rise a developer has to provide 20% of the gross floor area as elevated platforms. The platforms are placed as a climatic layer above the existing low rise, providing shade and air-conditioning, a full water cycle from water collection and absorption to drinking water and irrigation, and amenities to the neighborhood. 75% of the platforms are for water collection and renewable energies, their waterabsorbing semi-transparent roof shading the houses and streets below. The remaining 25% range from urban farmland to sport fields. Platforms can also be installed per community initiative without entailing towers. ONE STRATEGY THAT UNITES JAKARTA $ RULES OF THE GAME FARMING 15% ACCESS 10% ENERGY 65% ACCESS 10% FARMING 15% SPORTS 10% WATER 65% PARK 10% PLAYGROUND 10% SITE SECTION 1:750 2 SPECIAL MENTION Ojek City: Permeable Mobility 523477 LABO Architecture+Design Deddy Wahjudi PhD, Nelly L. Daniel PhD, Hamal O. Pangestu, Mariska Pratimi, Angga Rosiawan OJEK CITY : permeable mobility 523477 jl.Rasuna Said - jl. Jend Sudirman - jl. Gatot Subroto ( South Jakarta ) Ojek city What have lost in Jakarta? a man that lost themself in the middle of city named Jakarta. City development that dominated by physical consideration. It has conduced gap between human and environment and the net of human social. Design and strategy plays role in dismissing the humanity. interchage transportation mode... ( in traffic jam ) a new car lanes ? Ojek city is an issue that focused, represented city face and city life in Jakarta, at present and the future. Ojek is a motorcycle taxi part of public transportation which have efficiency and ability to trough the traffic jam, so that it can be deliver people faster than other vehicle. It can be help people to access places which uncomfortable to walk, and can be maneuver in density area with its narrow alleys. no-car Jakarta (with a good public transportation) or a new strategy ? A place to interaction ? new transportation in disaster ? No standart price (bargaining) ? an ojek stop... new cheap transportation for family ? a mobile shop ? Ojek is so humanist, very Jakarta, and very Indonesia. Ojek’s motor owned by the driver itself, and it's a unofficial and unlicenced public transportation. Thus, the transaction in the practice is very informal, there is no tax standard based distance, but its play with compromise between driver and passenger. A bargaining communication. Ojek has its zone or service area, but in the practice its very permissive and sometimes very accidental to access places where the passenger want. In the future, ojek with its network and relationship can provide range of services like ride children go to the school,delivery service with gentleman agreement, or a part of 24 hour shop’s delivery. Ojek corner (pangkalan ojek) is a place to park the motorcycle and a place for socialization its drivers and colleagues , a part of social space in the city. Its potential to become an interaction place can be happen if its near of kiosk or food court. It is a strategic place to ask an address if we lost, a node or security center of a dwelling zone. How we can live as a human in Jakarta? Enjoy a conversation at ojek corner, and make a plan to trough the traffic jam with ojek. Busway route - artery road e Jl. J d en u lS a r an There are 2 type of routes in Jakarta : a planned route and unplanned na Said m dir Jl. Rasu 1 one, which grows organic and sprawling from the settlement area in Jl. G atot Subr oto the city. This organic route cannot be mapped and only can be understanding trough human-scale space experienced by the ojek driver and the community inside. These kind of routes are scattered all around jakarta, folded, wrapped, and growth between settlement area. Furthermore, these roads have a high permeability, crossing main roads, with unlimited route that can be provide by any kind of ojek : an unplanned road become an alterative road with human scale dimension. It can be developed to free-car road and walkable area, an escape route from the traffic. If these route traced ,the result is a pattern like fireworks spreading all around the city. An unlimited end with high permeability, that is ojek route. 2 Ojek corner points 3 Ojek routes OJEK CITY : permeable mobility 523477 jl.Rasuna Said - jl. Jend Sudirman - jl. Gatot Subroto ( South Jakarta ) CONCEPT a nest , organic shelter that can be build everywhere,a temporary and place for community. PLACEMENT Placements of ojek’s shelter Like a nest, ojek corner can be placed everywhere, from crossroad side to under highway. ? It will fill lost spaces which have potential to become a social space and easy to find,naturally,sporadic,organic,and unplanned. It maintained by community,belong to community, and a part of community space. APPLICATION......... SPECIAL MENTION Stitching the Strip 513557 Dimitrij Zadorin 513557 STITCHING THE STRIP GOTONG ROYONG CITY JAKARTA DKI JAKARTA - SITE Jalan Sudirman in Jakarta is a blatant example of a modern corporate strip that expands depthward at the cost of the existing urban structure. This process is accompanied by rupture and isolation of existing villages – kampongs (dating from before WWII in this area) as well as visual contamination and physical fragmentation of the space acquired. The proposal, representing metaphorically ‘stitching the cut’, is based upon reconnecting kampongs by series of ‘bridges’ and reorganization of space around the skyscrapers. As form is dominant for these buildings, they will wallow in their symbolical verticality while all service and parking buildings are removed to the back. Conversely the everyday life is amorphous and horizontal (what allows to create an abstract slab of a fixed low height). It uses bridges to reconnect kampongs among the ribbons of public space for all, which is safeguarded against uncontrolled kampong‘s expansions by physical barriers – walls. INTEGRATION FIELD SLAB JAKARTA UTARA JAKARTA BARAT JAKARTA PUSAT JAKARTA TIMUR JAKARTA SELATAN REORGANIZATION OF SPACE BRIDGE LAYOUT KAMPONGS CORPORATE CORPOR CO ORA RA AT T TE E SPACE SPA SP PA AC C CE E SEPARATING WALLS PREVENT FROM UNCONTROLLED EXPANSION OF KAMPONGS INTO PUBLIC SPACE LOW HEIGHT OF KAMPONG BUILDINGS ALLOWS FOR CONTAINING THEM IN A HORIZONTAL SLAB OF A FIXED HEIGHT FOR PRESERVING THE ABSTRACT CHARACTER OF CLEANED-UP SPACE FREED F FR REE R RE EED ED FROM FRO FR RO OM M VIS V VISUAL IS ISU SUAL CONTAMINATION AND CO CO ON NT NT TA AMI AM MIN MIN NA NA ATI AT TI TION A AN ND ND RECONNECTING RE R E EC CO CO ON NN NE E EC CT CT TIIN TIN NG NG FRAGMENTED FRA F FR RA R A AG GM GM ME E EN NTE TE ED D SPACE SPA SP PAC P ACE AC CE KAMPONGS PUBLIC SPACE STITCHING BRIDGE EXISTING KAMPONGS KAMPONGS AND THE STRIP STITCHINGS OF KAMPONGS 575 m C CL CLEANED-UP L LE E EA A AN NED EDD--U UP ABSTRACT A ABS AB B BS ST ST TR RA RA AC CT SPACE CT SPA PA AC CE CE CLEAN-UP OF THE STRIP CORPORATE BUILDINGS NEW KAMPONGS CORPORATE STRIP CONNECTION POINTS 520 m 525 m 445 m 415 m OLD KAMPONGS JALAN SUDIRMAN SERVICE ZONE REQUIRED CONNECTIONS /STITCHINGS CITY FABRIC GREEN BELT 500 m 580 m CLEANED-UP ABSTRACT SPACE GREEN BELT SERVICE ZONE EXISTING KAMPONGS PROJECT SITE 1:20000 STI TCH ING 513557 5: SITE PLAN 1:2000 HT Jalan Kh Mas Mansyur LIG COV PARKING FACILITIES ERE WITH BASKET AND TENNIS COURT ON THE ROOFS existing kampong building OO AMB D B existing greenery existing corporate building BRI NEW PUBLIC BUILDING DGE HING 4: IN TEG RATIO sar Jalan Karet Pa I VI t ra Baru Ba SLAB PARK WITH ELABO RATED PUBLI C FAC IL ELEVATORS CULTURAL CENTRE NEW KAMPONG EXTENSION FOOD FACILITIES FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS NEW KAMPONG EXTENSION kampong Karetpasarbaroe ONG AMP T K ELEVATORS N FIE LD NEX SPORT CENTRE NEW KAMPONG BUILDING THE STITC NEW BUILDING/INFRASTRUCTURE TO ESCALATORS ITIES STAIRCASE SHAFT CENTRAL SQUARE TIONS CONTINUOUS WALL AS VISUAL MANIFESTATION OF CONNEC existing greenery NEW KAMPONG EXTENSION NEW KAMPONG EXTENSION CROPS FIELD TREE CHILDREN PLAYGROUND SMALL SHOPS ELEVATOR NEW KAMPONG EXTENSION MOSQUE existing mosque SQUARE FOR INFORMAL MEETINGS Jalan Karet Gusuran III AI R TU NN EL S Je TCH nd STI Su di rm an ESCALATORS kampong Karetblakang BRI DGE PARKING FACILITIES -AL LEY TO THE ando Raya Jalan Kom 3: Ja la n ING COCONUT PARK AS PART OF THE GREEN BELT SEPARATING CORPORATE BUILDINGS FROM PARKING AND SERVICE BUILDINGS NEX ONG AMP T K SITE VIEWS CENTRAL SQUARE IN THE INTEGRATION FIELD SLAB STITCHING 3: BRIDGE-ALLEY STITCHING 5: LIGHT BAMBOO BRIDGE ENTRANCE TO THE SLAB FROM KAMPONG KARETBLAKANG IN THE CENTRE: TRANSFORMATION OF THE CONTINUOUS WALL TO THE LEFT: NEW MOSQUE PARK OF LOW-HEIGHT TREES TO THE LEFT: NEW GARAGE BUILDINGS WITH SPORT COURTS ON TOP ENTRANCE TO THE SLAB FROM KAMPONG KARETPASARBAROE SPECIAL MENTION Eco Gate as Border Device 534558 Budi Pradono Architects Budi Pradono, Anton Suryono, Yuli Sri Hartanto, Rina Nur Aisah, Adam Modigliani Prana, Adryan Fernando Hutagaol, Primaldi Perdana ECO GATE BUMI SERPONG DAMAI 534558 AS BORDER DEVICE POTENTIAL ECO-GATE PROGRAM Gotong Royong City Eco gate as border device The periphery of Jakarta has experienced a drastic increase in population. The population in the periphery of Jakarta has tripled from 4.4 million in 1980 to 12.6 million in 2000, while Jakarta's population increased by only 30 percent. ENERGY DEPOSIT BIOETANOL PRODUCER FOOD COURTAPPLE ECO GATE - COW FARM FOREST SUNFLOWER FOREST HOME ACESSORIES The growth of Jakarta is the cause of suburbanization in Jakarta's peripheral areas, and will correspond to suburbanization in Jakarta's neighboring areas such as Tangerang area of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) city ECO GATE - AGRICULTURE development. Gated functional suburban housing estates / gated communities are the products of the market. The sprawl of private new towns that have been developed without regional planning coordination, and the resultant social and natural segregation, which we can see from the concrete wall as a rigid symbol of two areas desa /rural and inside the gate kota / urban LOW-COST HOUSING HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY In our research Tangerang area as one of suburban area lost its fast frontier forest and agricultural paddy field, everyday the equivalent of 5 football fields of agricultural land disappears. ECO GATE - INDUSTRIAL For many years The rural-kampung where traditional people depend on agricultural sector are neglected. Can we in the context and based on the uniqueness demographic circumstances, provide BSD rural area with series of contemporary ecogate? Eco gate is a contemporary gate, which is replaced the conventional physical concrete fence. It is an open plan structure, which can be mutated in term of form or programming depend on the specificity of the place. Eco gate will function as the border to stop the development of the gated communities at the same time to provide a new opportunity for both communities to maximize the cohabitation relationship by providing several attractive programming such as energy producer, CO2 producer by re-planting the forest, fish market, fishing garden, ethanol producer from the cow farm, social housing, bamboo producer, organic vegetable. ECO GATE - INDUSTRIAL Eco gate also act as job provider for several informal job, such as servant, housekeeper, car washer, baby sitter, florist, mobile tailor, food stall, café, and practical business education, Eco gate is a border device, between gated communities and rural kampung-settlement. ECO GATE AS BORDER DEVICE BUMI SERPONG DAMAI 534558 CONVENTIONAL SECURITY GUARD SOCIAL INTERACTION GAS STATION TANGERANG WE DO NOT NEED ANYMORE CONVENTIONAL SECURITY GUARD IN THE FUTURE, TO BE REPLACED WITH ECO GATE INFORMAL WORKER DIRECT CONTACT BETWEEN CONVENTIONAL FENCE AND RURAL-KAMPUNG HOUSING SERVICE DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE HOUSING IN JABOTABEK AGRICULTURE CONVENTIONAL FENCE GATED COMMUNITY RURAL-KAMPUNG COMMUNITY MUTUALISM RELATIONSHIP HOMOGEN TANGERANG POPULATION GROWTH BASED ON TRADITION SOCIAL FORMAL WORKER INTERACTION TANGERANG BUILT-UP GROWTH SERVICE SIMILAR STRATA HETEROGEN BASED ON LIFESTYLE GATED COMMUNITY CLUSTER MONOTONE SPACE LESS NATURE/GREEN ORDER ORGANIZED PUBLIC SPACE DYNAMIC SPACE MORE NATURE/GREEN UN-ORDER SPREAD PUBLIC SPACE RURAL-KAMPUNG COMMUNITY FRAGMENTED ECO GATE CATTLE BREEDING ECO GATE INDUSTRIAL ECO GATE NURSERY ECO GATE FISHMARKET ECO GATE AGRICULTURE ECOGATE PROTOTYPE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FISH MARKET SEA FOOD RESTAURANT MARKET GARDENER POOL CAR WASH/BENGKEL NURSERY CAFE+RESTO ATM CENTER PARKING CENTER GREENERY BOUTIQUE AND TAYLOR ECO GATE FISHMARKET ECO GATE FISHMARKET ECO GATE NURSERY