Light-weight structures produced by laser beam joining
Light-weight structures produced by laser beam joining
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 Light-weight structures produced by laser beam joining for future applications in automobile and aerospace industry E. Schubert*, M. Klassen, I. Zerner, C. Walz, G. Sepold BIAS Bremen Institute of Applied Beam Technology, Klagenfurter St. 22, 28359 Bremen, Germany Abstract Light-weight components are of crucial interest for all branches that produce moving masses. The aim to reduce weight has to be accompanied by high production ef®ciency and component performance. Laser beam joining offers the possibility to manufacture joints of all light metals and their combinations. This paper will give examples for structures built with aluminium, titanium, magnesium and their combinations and explain how the requirements of the industry could be ful®lled by applying laser beam joining. For aluminium the weldability of the so-called non-weldable alloys by use of powder ®ller will be explained for aerospace applications. Another example will deal with increased process stability during laser beam welding of aluminium. Especially for future car manufacturing applications, Al± steel and Al±Mg joints will be presented for optimised material use. Stiffened titanium structures for aerospace applications will demonstrate the potential of a combination of laser welding and straightening for precision manufacturing. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Light-weight structure; Joining of material combinations; Aerospace applications; Automotive applications; Aluminium welding; Titanium welding 1. General considerations on light-weight structures A crucial factor for the application of new technologies are the costs. Especially for the substitution of metals by light-weight alloys beneath all technological properties, the economical aspects have to be considered. Knowing the costs for an existing structure with a certain material for different transport systems it is possible to estimate the cost savings S over the lifetime for the reduced fuel consumption due to the lower weight. For a typical car this value S is approximately 9.4 Euro/kg, for an aeroplane 120 Euro/kg and for a rocket 8000 Euro/kg. For more details, see [1]. The costs Cconv. for typical structures in conventional design can be derived from the literature. For cars these costs are in the range between 14 Euro/kg for steel components and 55 Euro/kg for Al- structures [2±4]. Typical costs for aeroplanes are between 42 Euro/kg (steel) and 155 Euro/ kg (aluminium) [5], whereas rockets reach ``astronomic'' prices between 6.000 and 100.000 Euro/kg [6]. Using the equation Csubst : S 1 R Cconv: R * Corresponding author. Tel.: 49-421-218-01; fax: 49-421-218-5063. E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Schubert). with: S the cost savings over the lifetime due to reduced fuel consumption for light-weight structures; and: R weight ratio between conventional and new structure with material substitution. Depending on the preferential type of loading the structure has to withstand, typical R-values and therefore, typical allowable costs for economic material substitutions can be derived, see Table 1. This clearly shows that even estimating with a very similar equation a priori considerations of allowable costs are possible and show good agreements with literature values, see e.g. [2±4]. As can be seen allowable costs Csubst. for cars are in the range 29 Euro/kg (substitute steel by aluminium) and 23 Euro/kg (substitute steel by titanium). The economic window for automotive production can be very small, but using modern mass production techniques material substitution may be economically reasonable. The very high values for aircraft and rocket structures give evidence that nearly every effort for weight reduction is economically worthwhile. The estimated costs are the total costs for the new structure with material substitution consisting mainly of tooling, manufacturing and material costs. The distribution of the costs for typical structures from steel, aluminium, titanium and magnesium is shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, knowing the total allowable costs for a new 0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 5 6 - 7 E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 3 Table 1 Allowable costs Csubst. for material substitution in different transport systemsa Saving S (Euro/kg) R for preferential loading with Subst. St/Alwrought T6 Cconv. (Euro/kg) Csubst. (Euro/kg) Subst. St/Mg alloy AZ91 Cconv. (Euro/kg) Csubst. [Euro/kg] Subst. St/TiAl6V4 Cconv. [Euro/kg] Csubst. [Euro/kg] Subst. Alwrought Mg alloy T6/AZ91 Cconv. [Euro/kg] Csubst. [Euro/kg] a Car (saving S 9.4 Euro/kg) Aeroplane (120 Euro/kg) Rocket (8000 Euro/kg) r Re t r Re t r Re t 0.36 14 56 0.24 14 88 0.59 14 30 0.67 55 87 0.2 14 108 0.21 14 102 0.08 14 283 1.04 42 <Kalt 0.61 14 29 0.54 14 34 0.42 14 46 0.88 29 34 ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.59 42 155 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.08 42 1905 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.42 42 266 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.59 500 6407 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.08 500 98250 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.42 500 12238 ± ± ± r: density; Re: yield strength; t: stiffness. structure the maximum manufacturing costs can be estimated to be 25% of the total costs easily from Fig. 1. By determining, e.g. the costs for the laser joining process it is possible to decide whether a laser based substitution structure can be economically manufactured. The following sections give examples for new laser joined structures using light-weight alloys with better technical performance. 2. Laser beam welding of aluminium alloys Aluminium alloys are potential materials for light-weight constructions especially in the transportation industry due to their good mechanical properties and low density. An appropriate joining technology is the laser beam welding process, because of its low localised energy input leading to low distortion, high strength of the joint and high processing speeds. This concentrated heat input is based on the deep penetration effect which is leading to small but deep weld seams (see Fig. 2). Despite of the numerous advantages, LBW still suffers from statistically occurring seam imperfections like notches or holes in the seam which reduce the mechanical properties of the joint. The reason for this process instabilities is a resonant reaction in the system laser-beam, vapour cloud and keyhole. Experiments [7] show that a part of the laser Fig. 1. Cost distribution for typical structures in transport systems. beam is refracted by the vapour plume. This changes the beam intensity distribution on the workpiece having strong in¯uence on the keyhole geometry and hence on the geometry and optical properties of the plume and therefore, again to a changing laser intensity distribution and so on. This system is able to be put into resonance by itself due to the low viscosity and thus low damping effect of the molten material around the keyhole [7]. This last aspect is the reason for stable processes by welding steel compared to aluminium because of the higher viscosity of steel. Also, the behaviour of different aluminium alloys depends on their viscosity. Alloying elements like copper, titanium or iron increase the viscosity and with it the stability of the welding process. Elements like silicon or magnesium decrease the viscosity resulting in more irregularities in the weld seam. Different methods are appropriate to stabilise the process by in¯uencing the resonances in the system, like defocusing, special process gas mixtures, the use of two laser beams, modulated laser power and the use of ®ller wire (see Fig. 3) [8]. Using the required process parameters adapted to the alloy and weld geometry, weld qualities are possible, which ful®l the requirements of the aircraft industry. In future Fig. 2. Deep penetration effect by laser beam welding. 4 E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 Fig. 3. Stabilising methods by laser beam welding of aluminium alloys. aircraft bodies the normally riveted skin-stringer joint will be laser-welded leading to lower costs and a decreased weight (see Fig. 4). This is possible by using a weldable AA 6013 alloy. 3. Joining of dissimilar materials The main problem of thermal joining processes for dissimilar materials is the formation of intermetallic phases. Typically, these phases are characterised be their extreme hardness and therefore, brittleness and their existence inside a joint will decrease the usability of the joint. The key to overcome this problem is to control the diffusion process which is the basic for the formation of intermetallic phases. The developments of BIAS try to reach this aim by using high power laser beams combined with high joining speeds to achieve an overall low energy input, resulting in high temperature gradients for heating and cooling. An example for this is the technology for joining aluminium to steel. The sheets are overlapped in a small area and the laser beam heats both sheets. The aluminium melts and E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 5 Fig. 4. Future application of laser beam welded structures in the aircraft industry. as a braze wets the steel. During heating and cooling the diffusion process occurs in a relevant manner, thus the intermetallic phases grow and form a layer between aluminium and steel. The thickness of that layer determines the ductility and tensile strength of the joint. Below a thickness of 10 mm the mechanical properties are acceptable for technical applications. Fig. 5 shows a cross-section of such a joint and a 2 m long tailored blank produced by this process can be seen in Fig. 6. Earlier studies showed that the process window for this technology is quite small and opens up with higher beam power. Therefore, the aim of the actual work is to identify possibilities to enlarge these windows. A simple but effective solution is to optimise the contact between the sheets and thereby improve the heat conductivity thus increasing the process stability and enlarging the process window. This is done by a special working head where wheels are pressing the sheets together directly before and behind the process zone, see Fig. 7. Additionally, the wheels are guiding the system along the seam without allowing a displacement of the beam or the sometimes used ®ller wire. Using this head increased the maximum welding speed up to 40%. Fig. 5. Cross-section of an aluminium to steel joint. Fig. 6. Tailored blank with outer parts of steel and an aluminium sheet in the middle. Fig. 8 shows different process windows as a function of beam power and joining speed for sheet thicknesses of 0.9 mm steel and 1.0±1.1 mm aluminium. The smallest process window bases on theoretical calculations and experimental results carried out without a special working head with an aluminium alloy with Mg- and Si-content. The mean thickness of the intermetallic layer is calculated or measured. All other windows are a kind of worst case estimation. Therefore, hundreds of intermetallic layers from experimental results are measured and a wrapping curve combines the thickest and therefore, worst layers. This includes a natural dispersion of the results. Compared with the mean thickness of a layer this method leads in general to even smaller process windows. For an optimised process Fig. 7. Working head for parts of steel and a joining of dissimilar materials. 6 E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 Fig. 8. Process windows for different aluminium alloys joined with and without filler wire compared with an older result based on the set-up without optimised working head. Fig. 9. Overview of an aluminium (bottom)±magnesium (top)- joint. without ®ller wire using pure aluminium the window is widened caused by the working head and secured by the described worst case method. Using ®ller wire additionally enlarges the window, because the Si-content minimises growing of intermetallic phases. Using an aluminium alloy with Mg- and Si-content additionally widens the process window. Another example is the joining of aluminium to magnesium where again at least two different intermetallic phases are expected. The joining technology used is identical to the joining of aluminium to steel except the special working head which is not used here. The process itself is different because of the similar melting points of aluminium and magnesium. Therefore, a melting of both metals cannot be prevented and the molten metals ¯ow into each other. Fig. 9 gives an overview of a joint. Fig. 10 shows a crosssection of an aluminium±magnesium- joint. As expected, Fig. 10. Cross-section of an aluminium±magnesium- joint with diagram of hardness. E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 the hardness increased in the weld but areas consisting of intermetallic layers could not be found. Additionally, the EDX- analysis shows a constantly increasing, respectively, decreasing content of the metals over the weld without the expected typical steps. Further research is necessary to investigate the metallurgical character of the weld. 4. Manufacturing of low distorted structures of titanium by process combination laser beam welding and laser beam straightening Laser beam welding is often applied to prevent high distortions, but it is not possible to avoid them completely. 7 In many cases a following straightening process is necessary. One technology is straightening by applying thermal deformation. The laser has been proved as a suitable heat source for straightening distorted structures [9]. Building aeroplane structures two boundary conditions have to be considered, the local deformations and the macro deformations of the skin. Earlier experiments have shown that low welding speed causes high local deformations and low angular distortion. In contrast to that high welding speed leads to low local deformations and high angular distortion. Fig. 11 shows the local and angular deformation depending on the welding speed and a principle sketch of the process sequence. The idea was to minimise the local deformation and to compensate the higher angular distortion by laser beam Fig. 11. (a) Local deformation and angular distortion after welding on the outside of the skin [10]; (b) principle sketch of combined laser beam welding with straightening. 8 E. Schubert et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 115 (2001) 2±8 Fig. 12. Welded polygon (a) and (b) straightened structure. straightening, because it is not possible to decrease the local deformation below the required 20 mm, but to eliminate the high angular distortion. The right sketch shows the sequence of the two processes. The measured angular distortion is the base for the straightening parameters. Fig. 12a shows an example for a stiffened structure built from 0.8 mm titanium sheet (size 1500 mm 1200 mm) with 50 welded strings and the resulting polygon distortion. Fig. 12b illustrates the structure after the straightening process, with a remaining surface quality due to the local deformation below 20 mm. These structures may be used for future wing or fuselage components of aeroplanes. 5. Conclusions A new generalised concept for evaluating material substitution for light-weight constructions in transport applications has been developed. An easy equation allows apriori considerations to determine whether a material substitution under given loading conditions is economically reasonable. Stating from this point typical examples for new laserbased structures were presented. For aeroplane manufacturing the weldable alloy AA 6013 will substitute a conventional riveting structure. The described example gives details about the process stabilisation that enables the practical use of laser beam welding for this high-quality welds. The second example shows the newest developments in laser joining of dissimilar materials. By using an improved working head an increased processing window allows to join both aluminium±steel and aluminium±magnesium sheets with higher joining speed for new automotive applications. The last example deals with a possible new application also for the aerospace industry. High-precision titanium structures could be manufactured by a combination of laser beam welding and straightening, possibly be used for future wing or fuselage components. References [1] G. Sepold, E. Schubert, T. Franz, M. Klassen, Laserstrahlschweiûen von Leichtbaukonstruktionen, in: Fortschritte bei der Konstruktion und Berechnung geschweiûter Bauteile, Braunschweig, DVS Berichte Bd. 187, DVS-Verlag, DuÈsseldorf, 1997, pp. 65±69. [2] H.-G. 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