14-1520 Thank report


14-1520 Thank report
QEH Foundation
Thank report
The QEH Foundation was thrilled to host special friend Brad Richards, who won the Stanley Cup
with the Chicago Blackhawks in June 2015. Richards, along with his wife Rechelle, stopped by for a
visit to meet young patients and their families in the Pediatric Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
There were many big smiles as children met their hero and touched the Stanley Cup in the winterthemed Pediatric Oncology treatment room that features a mural of young hockey players on an
outdoor rink.
Richards has a close connection to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Pediatric Unit; he established
the Brad Richards Foundation endowment fund in 2010 to assist in the purchase of medical
equipment to help children. He made the gift in honour of his cousin and best friend, Jamie Reynolds
who passed away in 1989 as the result of a brain tumour. Jamie was seven years old and Brad
was nine at the time.
Brad’s endowment gift was invested and the income earned each year is directed toward medical
equipment for children’s health at the QEH.
On cover: Brad Richards with Pediatric Oncology patient, Josh Tweel.
This year concludes our present three-year strategic plan developed
by the QEH Foundation Board of Directors and planning is underway
for our upcoming three-year strategy. Reflecting upon our organization’s achievements, we are extremely proud to see the growth in
our planned giving and major gifts programs. We have been able to strengthen the level of giving
by focusing on being more donor-centred and have also expanded on our signature events. Our
Foundation has seen growth and success over the past three years – an outcome of a focused staff,
supportive Board of Directors, and exceptional donor support. As a result, the Board of Directors is
pleased that one hundred percent of your donation goes to support the purchase of priority medical
equipment for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
This past year we continued to make strides in fundraising for critical equipment priorities. Our QEH
Friends for Life Campaign chair, Cory Gray, launched the campaign by saying that it was an “easy
decision to make” when he was asked to lead the annual fundraising drive to support our Island
hospital. Many individuals, businesses, groups, and organizations followed suit by making the decision
to give to the QEH Foundation in a number of different ways – from hosting and participating in
special events in support of the QEH Foundation, to responding to our annual fundraising appeal
and our signature events. The Harry MacLauchlan ‘Great Day’ Fore Health Memorial Golf Tournament
was once again a success and our Yuletide Gala Auction and QEH/Eastlink Telethon set new records
for their fundraising totals. From North Cape to East Point awareness, engagement, and dollars were
raised in support of PEI’s main referral hospital.
We closed our year with two very special occasions:
• The Gray Family Foundation’s announcement of a $1 million gift
in support of eye care, a provincial service at the QEH; and
• For a number of young patients from across the province who receive treatment
at the QEH Pediatric Day Unit on a regular basis, hockey star and donor Brad Richards’
visit to the Pediatric Unit with the Stanley Cup was a highlight.
Read more about this within our report.
This is our opportunity to say ‘ThankQ’ to all our donors. It is your
generosity that ensures your Island hospital is well-equipped to help
patients through all levels of healthcare needs. You will see throughout
this report that gifts of all sizes have had a huge impact on the health
of our Island community.
Thank you!
Adam Balderston, Chair
QEH Foundation Board of Directors
Barb Dunphy, CEO
QEH Foundation
Our Yuletide Gala Auction drew
a record number of attendees and raised
L to R:
Rotarians and Event
Co-Chairs, John Furlong and
Lee Forbes pictured with
Marjorie MacLauchlan and
President of the Rotary Club
of Charlottetown Royalty, Bob
Gray at the Harry MacLauchlan
‘Great Day’ Fore Health
Memorial Golf
The Helping Hands Band holds a bi-weekly Jamboree at
the St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Woodstock. Orville Rogers,
Alton Silliker, Junior Boylan, Ted Peters, and Lorne Howard
presented a cheque for $1,000 to the QEH Foundation,
the proceeds of 50/50 draws held at the Jamborees.
Wo-He-Lo’s spring clothing sale
raised over half the required funding
for a new transport isolette for the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The Fall
2015 sale will raise the remainder.
The Fall
Friendship Dinner
recognized 138 donors who
were added to the Donor
Wall or moved in giving levels.
The Estate of Dr. Paul Joseph
McCarvill was recognized,
with his wife Mary and
daughter Rebecca in
attendance, pictured
here with Board ViceChair Bob Sear.
Myron and Glenn Younker celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary by
requesting gifts to the QEH Foundation
in lieu of presents and raised $1,790.
Dr. Jackie Goodwin, left, QEH
Foundation Board Member
and QEH Clinical Psychologist
with Dr. Jennifer Ashby, Family
Physician, at the Community
Engagement Breakfast held in April at
the QEH. Both spoke of how pleased
they were to return home to PEI to work
and raise their families and stressed
the importance of up-to-date medical
equipment to recruitment and retention
of healthcare professionals.
19th Annual Telethon raised a record-breaking
Sales of Nortons Christmas
Angels raised $2,745. Laura Lee
Lewis from Nortons Jewellers
and Wanda MacLean, QEH
Auxiliary member, displayed
an angel in Lillibet’s Gift Shop.
for Cancer
ready for
140 people chose
the QEH to receive
donations in memory
of a loved one.
Donors to the QEH Foundation made it possible for the Operating Room to
acquire five new anaesthesia machines. Dr. Tim Fitzpatrick, Anaesthesiologist,
reports that they are top-of-the-line machines, fully electronic so gas flows
are perfectly regulated, with an economizer function to reduce waste and
reduce greenhouse gases.
“The healthcare and caring was amazing.”
Patient’s son, referring to the care his father
received at the QEH
Medical residents from the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital teamed with
those from Prince County Hospital
to organize the first annual Bedpan
Trophy Relay, a health and wellness activity raising money for
medical equipment.
Sophie, Monica
and Lauren raised
$52 for the
QEH/Eastlink Telethon
at their lemonade
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Friends for Life Campaign 2014-15
Every year the QEH Friends for Life Campaign focuses on raising funds to purchase priority medical equipment
to assist the Queen Elizabeth Hospital family in providing the best healthcare possible. In recent years, the Hospital
has undergone extensive renovations resulting in greater space and more efficient treatment areas and the
Foundation has focused on ensuring that the most current equipment is available in this transformed space to
care for all Islanders in times of need.
In 2014-15, a few Campaign priorities were to purchase a Dynamic Adaptive Radiation Therapy (DART) treatment
planning system for the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre; to fund the replacement and upgrade of the Intensive Care
Unit patient monitoring system; and to replace a Nuclear Medicine SPECT/CT Camera in the Diagnostic Imaging
DART for PEI Cancer Treatment Centre = $328,000
A cancer diagnosis can be devastating. The PEI Cancer Treatment Centre’s holistic approach to cancer care has
been a source of comfort to many Islanders since it opened in 1999.
In 2014-15, the QEH Friends for Life
Campaign was successful in raising the
funds to purchase a DART system for
the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre. The
DART is a high-tech system that allows
radiation treatment to be customized
to account for daily variation in patient
anatomy, ensuring the radiation is
delivered precisely to the affected
tissue with the least exposure possible
to surrounding tissue. This state-ofthe-art software application will be
implemented throughout the year.
Nicole MacKay, Radiation Therapist with the CTC, preps to deliver treatment.
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ICU Patient Monitoring System = $400,000
Nursing staff and physicians must be able to constantly
and accurately observe the vital signs of all patients
in the Intensive Care Unit. ICU patients are typically
in an unstable condition and any changes must be
addressed immediately. The patient monitoring
system allows staff to continuously monitor all patients
in the Unit.
A new and upgraded patient monitoring system
was among the medical equipment priorities for the
Friends for Life Campaign. Fundraising for this system is
complete and staff and physicians are currently
evaluating systems for implementation in the ICU.
Nuclear Medicine SPECT/CT Camera = $950,000
Diagnostic imaging is the foundation upon which successful treatment for many conditions is based. One of the
best tools for making accurate diagnoses is the Nuclear Medicine SPECT/CT Camera. The QEH Nuclear Medicine
Department requires a new SPECT/CT camera to replace an out-dated model. This camera is an integral part of
day-to-day operations in the Nuclear Medicine Department. With advances in technology, this piece of equipment helps provide accurate diagnoses for cancer, cardiac, and pediatric patients along with a variety of other
important imaging.
This camera was a fundraising priority for
the 19th Annual QEH/Eastlink Telethon
and, thanks to the generosity of donors
from all areas of PEI, we have raised over
$700,000 of the total cost to date. This
campaign continues.
Dr. Patrick Bergin, QEH Internist, talks to Kara
Callaghan, ICU RN, about the benefits of
upgrading the aging patient monitoring system.
Nuclear Medicine Coordinator, Corinne Bell,
demonstrates the use of a SPECT/CT Camera.
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G ray Family Focuses
on Eye Health at the QEH
On June 9, 2015, Wayne Gray, founder of Vogue Optical, announced before a large audience that his family had
decided to make a gift to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital of $1 million.
This gift will establish an endowed fund to support annual purchases of equipment for ophthalmology services
at the QEH. Knowing these funds will be available each year, in perpetuity, allows medical staff to plan for the
future of eye care in our province. In recognition of this inspiring commitment to healthcare in PEI, the new eye
surgical rooms at the QEH will be named The Gray Family Eye Surgery Suite.
The Grays have been supporters of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for many years. Wayne is a former member of
the QEH Foundation Board and his son Cory has followed in his footsteps as a Board Member and chair of the
2014-15 Friends for Life Campaign. This gift represents the second endowment fund established by the Grays at
the QEH. In 2001, the family made an endowed gift in memory of Wayne’s wife Doreen who received cancer
care at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Eye Care at the QEH:
• This provincial service which is only available at the QEH includes the
following eye surgical procedures:
- Retinal / Vitrectomy procedures
- Corneal procedures
- Strabismus procedures
- Oculo-plastics procedures
- Repair of eye trauma
- Drainage procedures
•There are approximately 1,600 eye surgeries performed annually at the QEH.
“Over the course of
a weekend, I had a
cataract develop in my
left eye. I was referred
to the QEH for eye surgery with Dr. Drysdale
and the improvement was immediate!
I was really pleased that I didn’t have
to leave PEI for the surgery.”
Vicky Richard, Summerside
“Eye care has become
increasingly important
on PEI because we
have an aging population. This gift will allow us to continue
to make improvements to eye care
services and will enable more people
to remain in their homes and in their
Dr. Guy Boswall, QEH Eye Surgeon
Wayne Gray with sons Cory, left, and Darren in the QEH Eye Surgery Suite
that will be named for his family. Photo courtesy of The Guardian.
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QEH Auxiliar y makes
$520,000 Telethon pledge
The QEH Auxiliary has been providing funds and services in support of the patients and staff of the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital since 1981. This year the Auxiliary made a big impact by announcing a $520,000 pledge on-air
at the 2015 QEH/Eastlink Telethon!
The group has chosen to direct the majority of that pledge to the Supply, Processing, and Distribution (SPD)
Department. The staff and services of SPD are imperative to the delivery of safe patient care and the QEH
Auxiliary recognized the importance of their work with a Telethon pledge in 2014 in support of a large-capacity
washer-disinfector and an instrument washer-disinfector.
Their latest gift in support of SPD will equip the
department with an electronic instrument tracking
system. This system provides permanent markings
for individual instruments, allowing for visibility
and traceability throughout the Hospital and full
accountability for every item throughout the entire
cycle from sterilization to return of the
instruments. This level of visibility and traceability is
what CSA defines as part of the complete patient safety
record. The electronic instrument tracking system
costs $275,000.
Susan MacKinnon, far left, manager of SPD at the QEH, with members
of the QEH Auxiliary and Board Members Chris Whitlock and Spencer
Campbell, far right at the 2015 QEH/Eastlink Telethon.
The remaining $245,000 is earmarked for the
purchase of advanced ophthalmology equipment to
fill an immediate need in the dedicated eye surgery
suites within day surgery.
For further information on how to become a member
or volunteer of the QEH Auxiliary, please contact
Wilma at 902-894-2197.
Did you know?
Lillibet’s Gift Shop and The Royal Pantry in
the main lobby of the QEH are managed by
the Auxiliary. Any time you make a purchase
from these shops you are supporting the
Auxiliary’s mission.
Melvin and wife, Claudette,
at their home in Mont Carmel.
In September of 2013, Melvin Gallant of Mont Carmel was helping fix the foundation of a community
building when the foundation collapsed, the building fell, and Melvin’s left leg was caught and
Melvin Gallant
crushed. He was rushed to the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital where
doctors worked quickly to repair the
damage to his leg. There was concern that he might lose the limb, but with the help of the excellent
medical staff of the QEH, Melvin pulled through with both legs. After recovering from surgery,
he began the long road to rehabilitation and his positive attitude helped things go smoothly.
Today, Melvin says he works ten hour days in a physically demanding job; he walks normally; and
has no pain whatsoever!
For more Grateful Patient stories like Melvin’s, visit www.qehfoundation.pe.ca
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Marlene Cairns
After her first diagnosis in 2003, Marlene Cairns has spent the last twelve years living with
breast cancer, but she remains grateful that the services she requires can be received here,
at home, in PEI.
“Being diagnosed with cancer can be, and is, very scary, and it’s really important not to
have that added stress of off-Island travel, and to be able to get your chemotherapy and
radiation treatment here at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.”
Marlene knows her situation isn’t ideal, but approaches her life with a positive outlook and
doesn’t plan on giving up! She says she’s very thankful for the amazing staff at the QEH,
as well as the donors who have helped to equip the Hospital for treatments like hers.
“I am so grateful to everyone who supports the QEH! I can’t thank them enough.”
For more Grateful Patient stories like Marlene’s, visit www.qehfoundation.pe.ca
Marlene with Oncology Nurse Heather MacKenzie
at the PEI Cancer Treatment Centre, at the QEH.
Nico Kenny
Nico Kenny, from Summerside, was just over two and a half years old when, in September
2014, his mom and dad started to become concerned about his health. Machi Venegas and
David Kenny said the first red flag was Nico’s colour. He was very pale and then began to
show unexplained bruising.
Nico was admitted to Prince County Hospital and when blood tests confirmed the
Kennys’ fears – he had acute lymphocytic leukemia – he was rushed to the Queen Elizabeth
Hospital by ambulance. He was referred to the IWK in Halifax for two weeks of intensive
treatment. Nico and his family were happy to return to Prince Edward Island, where
the treatment plan designed by his doctors at the IWK is delivered by the QEH Pediatric
Day Unit and regular blood tests are performed at PCH.
Nico loves Holly and Hazel, nurses in the QEH Pediatric Day Unit, and his parents are
relieved to know that their son is in such good hands.
“He is a treasure”, says Machi. “And we trust the staff enough to put him in their hands.”
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QEH Legacy Society
The QEH Legacy Society was established to recognize those who have planned a future gift to the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital to support the purchase of priority medical equipment. The Society was launched in the fall of
2014 as part of our 30th Anniversary activities.
The Legacy Society recognizes individuals and families who include the QEH Foundation in their estate planning
through a bequest, life insurance, or other planned gift such as shares transfer. If you are interested in
becoming a member of the QEH Legacy Society or learning more, please drop in to the Foundation office located
off the main lobby of the QEH or contact Helen Chapman, Gift Planning Officer at (902) 894-2432. You may also
choose to remain anonymous.
QEH Legacy Society members are invited to attend an annual Legacy
Tea each fall.
“Being a Charter Member of the QEH Legacy Society is a good way to
participate in the future planning needs of the hospital. As a former
staff member I have witnessed first-hand the kindness and compassion
shown to patients by hospital and medical staff. My husband Ivan and I
are pleased to do our part to help ensure future generations will receive
the best possible heath care in PEI.”
Marion MacArthur
Honourable Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, at the launch of the QEH Legacy Society with
QEH Legacy Society Charter Members Marion MacArthur and Spencer Campbell, Past Chair of the QEH Foundation.
Leaving his Legacy
Living in PEI his entire life, Keith Mutch was a very proud Islander who had a warm and
infectious smile. He and his wife Ruth had three children and spent their early years running
a mixed farm in Stratford. Keith went on to become co-owner of Sherwood Estates which he
later subdivided.
Keith had his fair share of experience with the Queen Elizabeth
Hospital. His wife passed away from cancer and both of his
parents had cancer. Keith also needed the hospital on more than
a few occasions.
Keith truly believed in the importance of healthcare and
supporting others. His good friend and executor Lloyd Parker
remarked how Keith always spoke highly of the QEH and
knew he gave generously every year. He recalled Keith
saying how fortunate he was, how he enjoyed life, and how,
“This will help the Hospital when I’m gone.”
The QEH Foundation is honoured to recognize J. Keith
Mutch at the Gold Level of giving ($500,000 - $999,999)
on the beautiful donor wall in the main lobby of the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital.
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Staying Accountable
Where revenue comes from
Annual Fund (Note 1)
Bequests (Gifts in Wills)
Major Gift Campaign (Note 2)
Signature Events (Note 3)
Investment Income
Total Revenue ($6.4 M)
6.4 M
Where revenue goes
Donations made to QEH for
Medical Equipment (Note 4)
Commitments to
Medical Equipment (Note 4)
Endowment Fund (Note 5)
Operating Costs (Note 6)
6.4 M
Total Invested ($6.4 M)6,421,190
1. The Friends for Life Annual Fund includes all gifts
under $10,000, not made through a signature event.
2. Major Gifts Campaign includes all gifts $10,000
and above, not made through a signature event.
3. Signature Events include the QEH/Eastlink Telethon,
Yuletide Gala Auction and “Great Day” Fore Health
Harry MacLauchlan Memorial Golf Tournament.
4. Revenue is committed to fund medical equipment
in nursing units, cancer treatment centre, diagnostic
imaging, ambulatory care, stroke care, day surgery,
neonatal ICU, pediatrics, operating room, ophthalmology,
SPD, and other areas as designated by donors. Donations
to QEH are made when equipment arrives on site.
5. In 2001, the Board of Directors established a policy
that unrestricted bequests are to be directed to the
Endowment Fund. Other gifts to the Endowment
Fund are directed by the donor.
6. The operating costs for the Foundation are covered
by investment income. Actual cost per dollar raised
is .13 cents.
Copies of the audited financial statements are available by contacting the QEH Foundation
at (902) 894-2425 or online at www.qehfoundation.pe.ca
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Celebrating Generosity
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is pleased to recognize the following donors who, as a
result of their cumulative giving, have appeared for the first time or moved into new
milestone giving levels on our Donor Wall.
Gold ~ $500,000 - $1,999,999
Dr. Rosemary Henderson
J. Keith Mutch
QEH Foundation’s Yuletide Gala Auction
Silver ~ $250,000 - $499,999
Amalgamated Dairies Limited
The Guardian
Bronze ~ $200,000 - $249,999
Island Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Robert, Shirley & Lisa McGee
Florence E. Simmons
Named Endowment ~ $100,000+
Gray Family Foundation
Major Benefactor ~ $100,000 - $199,999
Estate of John Moore
Ocean 100 & HOT 105.5
Bev & Shirley Simpson
Benefactor ~ $50,000- $99,999
Estate of Ralph & Jemima Beairsto
Boobie Boogie
Spencer & Janet Campbell
Capital Honda
Freedom 55 Financial
Michael & Patricia Schurman
James & Lynn Travers
Paul & Tara Young
Patron ~ $25,000 - $49,999
Dr. Kathryn Bigsby & Doug Millington
C R M Ready-Mix Ltd.
Charlottetown Co-op Food Markets
Lawson & Eileen Drake
Leigh & Lettie Frizzell Memorial
Dr. Kenneth & Heather Grant
John & Wendy Land
John L. MacDonald Memorial
Dr. Anne MacDonald
Michael H. MacNevin Memorial
Murphy Hospitality Group
Murray & Norma Myles
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Harry E. Snow
Sponsor ~ $10,000 - $ 24,999
Samson E. & Florence Adams
Atlantic Enterprise Ltd.
Bob Brothers Memorial
Campbell’s Concrete Ltd.
Dr. Krista Cassell & Chris Harris
Cavendish Beach Music Festival Inc.
Charlottetown Airport Authority
Wayne & Terri Cheverie
Colours for Cancer
Communities of Burlington & Irishtown
D.C.D Auto Electric Inc.
Tom & Eleanor Davies
Alex & Valerie Docherty
Geraldine Driscoll & Stella Driscoll (RN) Memorial
John C. & Katherine L. Furlong
Ken & Grace Gillis
Sheldon & Marion Howatt
Drs. Wolf & Eva Leon
Harry & Anne Love
Marilyn MacDonald
Lloyd & Lucinda Martin
McKenna Bros (1989) Ltd.
Monticello Ceilidhs
Murray’s Poultry Farm Inc.
Dr. Lewis & Stella Newman
Gordon & Jean Peardon
Phillips Agri Services
Robinson Group of Companies
Cyril & Daisy Sanderson
Merrill & Barbara Scott
Eileen Shaw
W. Maureen Sinnott
J. Edwin & Elsie Smith
Staff of Scotiabank - St. Peters Road
Doug & Beverly Stark
Estate of Frank Weir
Douglas & Barbara Wood
Robert & Donna Younker
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Subscriber ~ $5,000- $9,999
Alliston Women’s Institute
Hon. Doris M. Anderson
Edward & Stella Blanchard
Janet R. Boettcher
Dr. Graeme & Alberta Boswall
Annie C. Boyle
Chris & Monica Brittain
Allan & Roma Burgoyne
Dr. John Campbell & Krista Giddings
Ted & Vickie Cobill
Curran & Briggs Limited
Ernest & Marilyn Diamond
Doiron’s Landscaping and Nursery Limited
Arthur R. & Shirley Doucette
Paula Dyer
Reagh & Jill Ellis
Warren, Marlene, Josh & Brody Ellis
Lowell & Audrey Farquharson
Mel Gallant
Dr. Greg & Cristina German
Dr. Donald & Carol Glendenning
Wesley & Una Glennie
The Gray Group
Joanne Green (RN) Memorial
Jim & Margaret Hatcher
Dr. William & Lucille Hogg
Mervin & Eleanor Holmes
Captain James Cooke Howatt
Michael Hughes
Inn at St. Peters
Island Sprinkler Systems Limited
William D. & June Ives
Earl & Helen Jewell
Parker & Irene Jewell
Jewell’s Country Market
W. Baird Judson
Kindred Spirits Quilt Guild
Kaye Larkin
Don & Kathy MacCormac
Dr. Rhod & Angie MacCorquodale
Shirley MacGregor
Donnie & Claire MacKenzie
Laird & Olive MacKinnon
Main Street Pharmasave
MAW Charitable Trust - Lois Drummond
MayFlower Seniors Club
John & Eleanor McEntee
Desmond & Marlene McIvor
Kevin & Kathy Murphy
PEI Mudrooters
Basil & Velma Phillips
Keith Pigot & Joan Auld
The Polyclinic
Chef John Pritchard
Red Isle Produce Co. Ltd.
George J. Rogers
Royal Canadian Legion - Eldon Branch No.7
Hector & Ethel Scott
Springvale Women’s Institute
St. John’s Anglican Church Women
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Alan Stewart
Stewart Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary
Students & Staff of Charlottetown Rural High School
Ken W. Sulston
John Thistle & Margaret Woolridge
Laurene Tye & Tye Family
Marjorie Vessey
Stan & Elizabeth Warwick
John & Millie Weldon
Winsloe & West Royalty Irvings
Named Endowments ~$100,000+
Named Endowments are lifetime gifts that keep
on giving. The principal, contributed by the
donor(s), is invested and only the income from
the fund is used to purchase medical equipment
each year. The following Endowment Funds
(minimum $100,000) have been established in
recognition of those named:
Brad Richards Foundation
Banyan Tree Foundation
Doreen Gray Memorial
Gray Family Foundation
Harry W. MacLauchlan Memorial
Wanda J. & Eric P. MacPhail
Alex & Irene MacRae Memorial
Evelyn Patricia Matheson
Estate of D. Lloyd Mathieson
M. Eileen (McMillan) Fulford Memorial
David Rodd Memorial
Estate of John H. Walker
Vernon E. Williams Memorial
Estate of Sandra Younker
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this donor recognition. If an error has been made,
please contact the QEH Foundation office at (902) 894-2425.
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To raise funds for
medical equipment for the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Board of Directors
To assist the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Family to provide the best
healthcare possible.
Adam Balderston
Spencer Campbell
Kim Ladner
Bob Sear
Past Chair
Vice Chair
Dr. Jackie Goodwin
Dr. Peggy Bethune
Karen Creighan
Stephen Dunne
Ed Lawlor
Laura-Lee Lewis
Patsy MacLean
Cory Gray
Chris Whitlock
Dorothy Johnston
President, QEH Auxiliary
Jamie MacDonald
Barb Dunphy
Chief Administrative Officer
Chief Executive Officer
QEH Foundation
Honouring Memories
The QEH Foundation wishes to thank the following funeral homes that have made it possible
for friends and family to make a meaningful gift in memory of a loved one and the families
who chose our Hospital to receive donations in memory of their loved ones who passed away
between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Belvedere Funeral Home
Central Queen’s Funeral Home
Davison Funeral Home
Dawson Funeral Home
Florence Adams
Walter Arbing
Gerard “Mac” Baglole
Marjorie Beaton
Mervin Birt
Donald “Hooks” Blanchard
Gordon Brown
Daisy Bruce
Lloyd L. Bunt
Francis Cain
Charles E. Campbell
Lloyd Carew
Ken Carragher
Don Carter
George Carter
Allan Chandler
Arthur “Jim” Chandler
William Merrill Clark
Preston Coffin
Laura Lee Cofran
Daniel Coles
Helen Compton
Lorna Conway
Marie Cook
Maria Costache
Jeanne Coulson
Judith Craig
Helen Craswell
David Crew
Fern Cross
John Cullen
Walter Currie
Adrian Daley
Rick Dawson
Isabel Dennis
Dorothy Dockendorff
Dingwell Funeral Home
Ferguson Logan Montague Funeral Home
Hennessey Cutcliffe Charlottetown Funeral Home
Hillsboro Funeral Home
Katherine A. Domingo-Saban
Joseph Donovan
Arthur R. Doucette
Peggy Dowling
Stella Driscoll
Doris Ellis-Coffin
Jean Fall
Norva Fall
Annie Ferguson
Wayne D. Fisher
Amy Ford
Robert G. Forsythe
Aubin Gallant
Faustin Gallant
Hazel Gallant
Irene Gallant
Marion Gallant
Catherine Giggey
Adam “Bear” Gill
Theresa K. Gill
Ernie Gormley
Robina Griffin
Thomas Garvey
Alastair Hammond
Danielle Marie Handrahan
Clifford Hogan
Rose Mary Howatt
John Hughes
Belinda Jamieson
Robert Johnson
Jeanette Jones
Robert Jones
Brenda M. Jones Doucette
Carl Joudrie
Ethel Kelly
Mary Kelly
Zora Kujundzic
Agnes LeBlanc
Aubrey MacDonald
Gwynneth MacDonald
John L. MacDonald
William MacEachern
William MacFarlane
Glady MacKay
Elaine MacKenzie
Kenneth A. MacKenzie
Arthur W. MacKinnon
Jim (Urville) MacKinnon
Allan H. MacLean
E. Blanche MacLeod
Hazel MacLeod
Ann MacPhail
Alexander “Sandy” MacPhee
Florence MacRae
Sabina Mallard
Cathy McCormack
David McDonald
Merlin McDonald
Althea McGuigan
Richard McGuigan
Pat McHugh
Grace McIntosh
Dianne McKenna
Glen McKenna
Bernadette McQuaid
Catherine “Kay” Mitchell
Tim Mossey
Carl Murphy
Rita Naddy
Phyllis Newman
Carl D. “Coola” Nicholson
Elbert Orr
Jenkins Funeral Home
MacLean Funeral Home
Dorothy Orton
Una Perry-Lamont
Leona Peters
Art Pineau
Wayne R. Reeves
Bonnie Rhynes
Art Rodd
Helen Rodd
Elaine Ross
Adrien J. Rossignol
Norma Rossignol
Radoslav Rudic
Alton Russell
Daisy H. Sanderson
Beverly Schofield
Muriel Siemers
Eileen Smith
Marjorie Smith
Pauline Steele
Marjorie Stewart
Sarah A. VanDonkersgoed
Thelma VanEwyk
Elinor Vass
Jerry Veinot
Ruth Vessey
Leonard Weatherbie
Steve Webster
Bernice Weeks
Jean White
Penni Whittle
Charles Williams
Fern Younker
For more information
or to make a donation please contact:
QEH Foundation
PO Box 6600
Charlottetown, PE C1A 8T5
Tel:(902) 894-2425
[email protected]
#ThankQ report
QEH Foundation

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