ال صف اخللفي - Muscat International School


ال صف اخللفي - Muscat International School
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2013-2012 …ƒæ°ùdG ÜÉàµdG
YEAR BOOK 2012-2013
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said
Words of Wisdom From
His Majesty Sultan
Qaboos bin Said
‫كلمات م�ضيئة‬
‫حل�ضرة �صاحب اجلاللة ال�سلطان‬
‫قابو�س بن �سعيد املعظم‬
It is well understood that education is
the basis of development. In the various
stages of education and through its diverse
curricula, national manpower, which is
necessary for domestic development and for
the implementation of its programmes, is
prepared. Therefore, it has been necessary,
for the success of development plans and
the execution of its programmes, to work to
secure the quality of output of all types of
educational establishments in accordance with
the general policies of the state, to help attain
the goals that we all aspire to achieve.
‫ال يخفى �أن التعليم �أ�سا�س التنمية ففي مراحله‬
‫املتعددة ومن خالل مناهجه املتنوعة تعد القوى‬
‫العاملة الوطنية الالزمة لإدارة عجلة التنمية و تنفيذ‬
‫براجمها يف �شتى امليادين لذلك كان ال بد لنجاح‬
‫خطط التنمية و براجمها التنفيذية على النحو‬
‫املبتغى و امل�ستوى املطلوب من �ضمان جودة خمرجات‬
‫التعليم و النهو�ض مبختلف �أنواعه و مراحله و فقا‬
‫لل�سيا�سة العامة للدولة و مبا ي�ؤدي اىل بلوغ الأهداف‬
.‫التي ن�سعى جميعا اىل حتقيقيها‬
During the past period, various systems of
education and curricula were implemented and
different training programmes were executed,
but the matter calls for greater attention to be
accorded to linking the educational output to
the requirements of the labour market.
Hence one of the priorities of the current stage
of development and th e next stage, which
we prepare for is to revise the educational
policies, its plans and its programmes, which
need to be developed to keep pace with the
changes that the country is going through.
More attention should be accorded to the
requirements imposed by scientific and
cultrual development towards the evolution
of a generation armed with awareness,
knowledge and the abilities required for
worthwhile work. The establishment of
the Education Council seeks to promote this
sector. Therefore, all departmnets in charge
of education at all levels have to cooperate
with this Council in total dedication and
Speech of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said
At the opening of the annual session of the Council
of Oman - 12 November, 2012
‫و خالل الفرتة املن�صرمة طبقت يف عمان �أن�ضمة‬
‫و مناهج تعليمية متنوعة و برامج تدريبية و ت�أهيلية‬
‫متعددة �إال �أن الأمر يتطلب �إيالء عناية �أكرب للربط بني‬
‫ لذلك ف�أنه‬.‫خمرجات التعليم و متطلبات �سوق العمل‬
‫من �أولويات املرحلة التي منر بها و املرحلة القادمة‬
‫التي ن�ست�شرفها مراجعة �سيا�سات التعليم و خططه و‬
‫براجمه و تطويرها مبا يواكب املتغريات التي ي�شهدها‬
‫الوطن و املتطلبات التي يفر�ضها التقدم العلمي و‬
‫التطور احل�ضاري و�صوال �إىل بناء جيل م�سلح بالوعي‬
‫و ما �إن�شاء‬...‫و املعرفة و القدرات املطلوبة للعمل املفيد‬
‫جمل�س التعليم �إال للنهو�ض بهذا القطاع لذلك يجب‬
‫على اجلهات امل�شرفة على التعليم مبختلف �أنواعه و‬
‫م�ستوياته �أن تتعاون مع هذا املجل�س بكل فاعلية و جدية‬
‫و مثابرة و ال يفوتنا يف هذا املقام �أن ندعو جمل�س‬
‫عمان �إىل تقدمي ر�ؤاه و �أفكاره يف هذا ال�ش�أن �إىل‬
‫جمل�س التعليم و نحن على ثقة ب�أن اجلهود امل�شرتكة‬
.‫�سوف توئدي �إىل النتيجة املرجوة مب�شيئة اهلل‬
‫من اخلطاب ال�سامي حل�ضرة �صاحب اجلاللة ال�سلطان‬
‫قابو�س بن �سعيد املعظم يف االنعقاد ال�سنوي ملجل�س ٌعمان‬
2012/11/12 ‫يف‬
‫‪Message from the Chairman‬‬
‫ي�سعدين دائما �أن �أكون �أول املهنئني واملباركني يف نهاية العام الدرا�سي لطلبتنا اخلريجني من املنهاجني العماين والربيطاين‬
‫على �إجنازهم واجتيازهم املرحلة الثانوية ا�ستعدادا للخروج �إىل املرحلة اجلامعية ثم قطاع الأعمال ليكونوا من بناة عماننا احلبيبة يف‬
‫امل�ستقبل ويكملوا امل�شوار الذي بد�أه �آبا�ؤهم و�أجدادهم‪.‬‬
‫كما يطيب يل �أن �أهنيء �إدارة ومدر�سي املدر�سة لقيامهم بكل اجلهود املمكنة والالزمة مل�ساعدة الطلبة يف تل ّقي العلوم‬
‫والأخالق احلميده كما نبارك لأولياء الأمور ون�شاركهم يف فرحهم مبا �أجنز �أبنا�ؤهم بعد �صربهم ومثابرتهم على متابعة الأبناء‬
‫وامل�شاركة يدا بيد مع املدر�سة لتحقيق الهدف املن�شود‪.‬‬
‫ال�صحي من م�ستلزمات كبيئة مريحة ونظيفة وتوفري �أحدث املفرو�شات والتجهيزات‬
‫ف�إننا دائما ن�سعى جاهدين لت�أمني املناخ ّ‬
‫واملناهج والكتب احلديثة ملواكبة التقدم والتطور يف كافة املجاالت‪ ،‬ومن ذلك ف�إننا على يقني �أن هذه التغيريات والتطوير‬
‫�سيلقى قبوال ح�سنا و�سعادة يف نفو�س الطلبة و�أولياء �أمورهم وكذلك اجلهاز التعليمي يف املدر�سة و هذا د�أبنا يف كل عام‬
‫درا�س ّي جديد نطمح فيه اىل املزيد و املزيد خلدمة علمية وتعلم ّية وتقنية حديثة‪.‬‬
‫نحن دائما نن�شد التعاون والتوافق مع جميع العاملني يف القطاع التعليمي اخلا�ص والعام وعلى ر�أ�سهم وزارة الرتبية والتعليم‬
‫ال�صائب والتوجيه املنري ملوالنا �صاحب‬
‫املوقرة ممثلة باملديرية العامة للمدار�س اخلا�صة بكل �إدار ّييها وم�رشفيها م�ستلهمني الفكر ّ‬
‫اجلاللة ال�سلطان قابو�س بن �سعيد املعظم حفظه الله ورعاه يف االهتمام بت�أهيل و�إعداد الإن�سان العماين املتعلم وامل�ؤمن والقادر‬
‫على بناء امل�ستقبل‪.‬‬
‫وكل عام و�أنتم بخري‪.‬‬
‫�سعيد بن علي القا�ضي‬
‫ال�رشيك املفو�ض‬
School Song
‫من هنا جيل �سيبني قلعة‬
‫املجد بعزم‬
‫من هنا جيل �سيم�ضي ين�شر‬
‫العلم بجد‬
Let us all join hands together,
you and me and everyone, as
we travel on life’s journey along
the road that’s just begun. We
are very special people, we rank
among the best for it’s truth
we seek as we go each week to
Muscat International School.
We are the youth of Oman; we
are students from the West; and
we come from way Down Under,
North and South and all the rest.
But the thing we have in common
is we do our level best for the
friends we seek as we go each
week to Muscat International School.
In English and in Arabic we study
hard each day; we strive with
every lesson as we do at games
we play; we score the goals, we
read our books, we try to pass
each test, for it’s knowledge
we seek as we go each week to
Muscat International School.
‫من هنا نور �سي�سطع يغدو من‬
‫�شرق لغرب‬
‫يحكي دوما كيف كانت مدر�سة‬
‫م�سقط لنا‬
‫درة للعلم تبقى دوما يف‬
‫نحن جيل قد ورثنا �سرية‬
‫املا�ضي املجيد‬
‫ترتوي منه لتعلى حا�ضر‬
‫العهد ال�سعيد‬
‫�إ�س�ألوا التاريخ يحكي‬
‫قالها قابو�س هذا‬
‫يحكي دوما كيف كانت �أر�ضنا‬
‫قرب العدا‬
‫دمت نورا يا عمان يبقى يف‬
‫وجه الدنى‬
In the beauty of Oman, Seas
of silver, sands of gold, rugged
mountains, splendid wadi s, many
wonders to behold, we look
after one another in this land we
cherish best; it’s the beauty of
we seek as we go each week to
Muscat International School.
Message from the Principal
Welcome to the 2012-13 Muscat International School Yearbook. I would like to begin by thanking the staff, students and parents for
their continued support throughout this Academic Year. I am acutely aware that without support from these quarters, I would not be
able to carry out my role and lead the school in its continued development.
On-going developments this year have included the upgrading of our ICT facilities throughout both primary and secondary sections
of the school and we are in the process of renewing the classroom furniture and fittings to improve further the learning environments.
As the school role continues to rise we are also in the process of opening a number of new classrooms to cope with the increase
in student numbers.
On the academic side there have been significant developments in the assessment and reporting procedures, particularly in Primary
and Kindergarden where parents have had a much more active involvement in their children’s progress through the Goal-Setting
interviews and Open Classroom days which have been arranged. In Secondary, we continue to offer a wide range of courses at
IGCSE and A level as well as our Omani GED Programme in Grades 11and 12. Our results in these external examinations were
extremely pleasing last year and we are hoping for a further improvement this session.
Our school community is rightly proud of its history of raising funds for local charities and again this year we saw an increase in the
money raised at our Pink Day as well as our Annual Charity carnival. I am also particularly pleased with the manner in which our
students have conducted themselves both in school and on the various educational excursions in which they have taken part. The
positive ethos which exists in the school is something on which visitors continue to make favourable comments. This is not only a
reflection on the students and the school; it illustrates clearly the manner in which our students have been influenced by their home
To those students who are graduating, I wish you all the best for the future. I hope you leave the school with many happy memories
of the special times you have had here and the special people you have met. Keep in touch with us and keep a place in your heart
for Muscat International School. As I said last year at the graduation ceremony, I am confident that we have provided our graduates
with a firm foundation on which they can build a successful future. I have watched you grow over the last three years of your high
school education and I would like to thank you for the manner in which you responded to my request to you, as a group, to act as
role models for our younger students. This year especially you have shown a commitment to working with the secondary school
staff to show them the way.
Finally, I would like to thank the teaching and administration staff in the school, including the Chairman, Mr. Said Al Qadhi and the
Board of Directors for their continued hard work and their commitment to developing our school and, by extension, developing our
I hope you enjoy reading the following pages which attempt to give you a flavor of the Academic Year 2012-13.
Brian McCormack
1st Day for Primary School
1st Day for Secondary School
From Around the World to MIS
2013 June mis School Profile
Muscat International School is a private, co-educational day school, licensed
by the Omani Ministry of Education to deliver the English National Curriculum
alongside Arabic, Islamic Studies and Social Studies from the Omani curriculum,
to students of all nationalities in the Pre-KG to Grade 12 age range. The school
was founded in 1989 as the first school in Oman to pioneer the IGCSE/’A’ level
curriculum and is centrally located in Qurum,
Children in the Kindergarten follow the English National Curriculum Foundation
Programme, leading to implementation Key Stages 1 and 2 of the English National
Curriculum in Grades 1 to 6 . This progamme is extended into Grades 7 and 8
[Key Stage 3].
Thereafter, in Grades 9 and 10, students are taught the IGCSE curriculum, based
on the University of Cambridge and/or Edexcel syllabi. Edexcel and/or Cambridge AS-A2 courses follow
in Grades 11 and 12. Alternatively, students may choose to follow the Omani General Education Diploma
course in Grades 11 and 12 where all subjects are taught in English except for Arabic, Social Studies and
Islamic Studies which are taught in Arabic.
Non-Moslems may be exempted from Religion; non-Arabic speakers may receive their Social Studies in
English and non-native speakers of Arabic take Beginners’ Arabic up to and including Grade 9.
Special provision for non-native speakers of English needing intensive support is available so that they can
be fast-tracked into the mainstream curriculum.
Students with learning difficulties, which currently range from attention deficit issues to mild cases of
autism or physical handicap, are welcome to apply to join M.I.S. A personal interview with the individual
student and his/her family is a pre-requisite before final acceptance can be given.
Teaching staff, who are all appropriately approved and qualified, represent some nineteen nationalities in
all and many of these are seasoned professionals from the British and/or international school circuit. All
teachers are expected to commit to the school’s activities programme, as indeed are all students, which
is incorporated into the daily timetable. All students, for the purposes of sporting competitions and school
activities, are allocated to a School House.
School facilities and resources are excellent. M.I.S. is equipped with a gymnasium, swimming pool
and training pool, a most impressive armchair theatre, examination halls, craft, drama, music and home
economics studios, computing suites, four very well-equipped specialist science laboratories, as well as
ample and generous classroom space. Provision for outdoor recreation and sport is also excellent.
Students proceed after graduation [for which twelve completed and successful years at school, excluding
KG and Reception, are an absolute essential] to universities worldwide. Currently the most popular
destinations are the U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Lebanon, Australia, Jordan and the Gulf countries besides
Oman itself. M.I.S. maintains links with its former students through the Alumni Association.
The school year starts in late August / early September and ends around the third week in June. All
National and Religious Holidays are observed as well as longer breaks in December/January and March/
April. There are 3 Terms modelled on the British system with winter and spring breaks.
All students are obliged to wear school uniform. Admission is by personal interview and placement
evaluation, however, previous school reports, IGCSE and AS results are taken into consideration, where
appropriate. High standards of behaviour and discipline are required. All enquiries regarding admissions
are initially to be addressed to the Principal/Registrar.
Muscat International School is a full member of British Schools in the Middle East [BSME], an Associate
Member of the Council of International Schools and is a recognised CIE and Edexcel Centre for the testing
of London University and Cambridge University syllabuses.
We look forward to welcoming you and your family to M.I.S.
P O Box 1031, P C 112, Ruwi, Oman
Tel: 968-24565550 Fax: 968-24560957 Email: [email protected]
Accounts / IT
‫ مدير احل�سابات‬- ‫ب�شري �أحمد‬
Bashir Ahmed – Finance Manager
‫ عبد ال�ستار‬.‫م‬.‫ب‬
P.M. Abdul-Sattar
Hassainar Abdul-Khadir
Tina Danpunnose
‫ح�سينار عبد القادر‬
Syed Mahmood Mohiuddin
IT Department
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ جرالد �أوليفاري�س‬،‫حممد الرايف‬
From Left to Right
Mohammed Al-Rafie, Gerald Olivares
‫تينا دانبونو�س‬
‫�سيد حممود حمي الدين‬
Administration / Registration
Dianne Blight
‫ديان باليت‬
‫�ضرار مف�ضي‬
Derar Moufadi
‫�سعيد الرحبي‬
Said Al-Rahbi
Administration/Front Desk
‫لينا �أغا زين‬
‫رحمة ال�شحي‬
Lena Agha Zain
Rahma Al-Shihi
‫�صديقة احل�سني‬
Saddiqa Al-Hasni
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ خليل ال�سليمي‬،‫ خمي�س ال�صلتي‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �سامل اليعربي‬،‫�شبيب ال�شق�صي‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ �أحمد الرا�سبي‬،‫فايز الرا�شدي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �أحمد الن�ضريي‬،‫ حممد اجللندين‬،‫جالل الرواحي‬
‫ �شبيب املعويل‬،‫عبداهلل الرا�شدي‬:‫الغياب‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Khamis Al-Salti, Khalil Al-Sulaimi
Third Row: Shabib Al-Shaqsi, Salim Al-Yarobi
Front Row: Fayez Al-Rashdy, Ahmed Al-Rasbi, Jalal Al-Rawahi,
Al-Gelandani, Ahmed Al Nudhairi
Absent: Abdullah Al-Rashdy, Shabib Al-Mawali
‫عبداهلل الرا�شدي‬
Abdullah Al-Rashdy
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ ناير‬.‫ �سودي�ش ك‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
.‫ ك‬،‫ �سريكوماران‬.‫ك‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ راجندار‬،‫فران�سي�س فاز‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ برافني باراكيتي‬،‫باراكيتي‬
‫ كري�شنا مورثي‬.‫م‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Sudish K. Nair
Middle Row: K. Srikumaran, K. Sathiandran
Front Row: Francis Vas, Rajendar Parikiti, Praveen Parakiti, M. Krishnamurthy
Mercy Philipose
‫مري�سي فيليبو�س‬
Nasra Al-Mahrezi
‫ن�صرة املحرزي‬
‫ خلود ر�شدي‬،‫عزة ال�سيد‬
Azza El-Sayyed, Kholoud Roushdi
‫جميلة القا�ضي‬
Jamela Al-Qadhi
Primary Library
‫مكتبة اللُّغة العرب َّية‬
A Library is heaven for a student, a teacher and of course for all
those who are fond of reading. This is the place where one can get
unlimited stocks of books on any and every subject that may be of
interest or need for an individual.
‫ متثل املركز الفكري للمدر�سة‬، ‫ُت َع ُّد املكتبة املدر�س َّية مرفق من �أهم مرافق املدر�سة‬
‫برت�سيخ املهارات ومن‬
‫وال�سلوك ّيـَة‬
ِّ ‫�أهـم �أهدافــها حتقيق ال ُّنمو املتـكامل مـن كافة ال َّنواحـي العقل َّيـة‬
ُّ ‫وال�صح َّيـة‬
َّ ‫واالجتماع َّيـة واكت�ساب‬
‫كما حتتوي املكتبة على مراجع‬، ‫الطالب للمهارات املكتب َّية‬
.‫وكتب وجمالت ت�ساعد الطالب على القدرة يف اختيار الكتاب املالئم‬
‫ومن الأعمال التي قمنا بها تعليم الطالب �أهمية النظام ومعرفة ال�سلوكيات اخلاطئة‬
‫ ولقد تعرف الطالب على الأجهزة املكتبيـة وفائدة كل جهاز‬، ‫وكيفية ت�صحيح الأخطاء‬
. ‫وكيفيـة ا�ستخدام اجلهاز وتو�ضيح �أجزاء الكتاب والكثري من الأن�شطة املتنوعه‬
‫ولقد مت توفري جمموعات كبرية من كتب الأطفال امل�شوقة التى ت�شمل الق�ص�ص‬
‫والكتب املو�ضوعية التى تغطي �أفاق وا�سعة من االهتمامات لت�شجع الطالب على ك�شف‬
. ‫مواهبه‬
It’s a place where one can spend hours of time fruitfully and filled
with interest. One can learn so much by reading books authored by
eminent writers and thus become knowledgeable.
This year the primary library was stocked with around 600 new
books of different subjects and titles of both fiction and non – fiction.
We also ran the Book club which took place twice this year and is
very popular among students. They enjoyed choosing their own
books which match their level of reading.
The habit of reading can be developed only if we get into the habit
of going to a library regularly and spending a lot of time there. It
is the place that provides just the right atmosphere necessary for
studies, assimilating and retaining all knowledge.
‫ع َّزه ب�شري‬
Kholoud Roushdi
Secondary Library
School libraries play an influential role in the formation and direction of children’s reading tastes
and habits. Therefore, it is very important to set a policy for selection of appropriate and attractive
material. Over the past 2 years, the fiction section has had the most purchase and the most borrowing
as more classes were assigned independent reading tasks.
Research projects have also been introduced to students which enabled them to develop and improve
skills in this area and widen their general knowledge. Students also use the library for study, for
reference, and of course, for reading.
A big thank you to the English department for their support in the addition of new books and making
the library an enjoyable reading area.
We hope to continue to develop the literary appreciation of the Secondary school students at MIS.
Jamela Al Qadhi
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ دليلة‬،‫ ميمونة الرحبي‬،‫ حنان احلو�سني‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ مري�سي فيليبو�س‬،‫ مروى �أوالد ثاين‬،‫احلارثي‬
Back Row: Hannan Al-Hosni, Maimouna
Al-Rahbi, Dalila Al-Harthy, Marwa Awlad-Thani,
Mercy Philipose
،‫ �ألي�س زهران‬،‫ دبي نل‬،‫ �سهام الوهيبي‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ خال�صة البلو�شي‬،‫�أنطوانيت لونة‬
Second Row: Siham Al-Wahaibi, Debbie Nel,
Alice Zahran, Antoinette Luna,
Khalsa Al-Balushi
Front Row: Lisa Kruger, Hazel McCourt,
Venula Sharma
‫ فنوال‬،‫ هايزل ماكورت‬،‫ لي�سا كروغر‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
Absentees: Ibtisam Al-Khamisi, Ranju
Didwania, Christine Young
‫ كري�ستني‬، ‫ راجنو ديدوانيا‬،‫ �إبت�سام اخلمي�سي‬:‫الغياب‬
It is slowly turning
into a garden for
plant flowers and
vegetables and so
on to give them the
opportunity to care
for them and to
watch them grow.
It has also been
receiving a makeover
in the form of large
Mr Men and Little
being painted on
the will brightening
the overlook of the
playground. The new
astro turf which
has been laid has
also contributed to
the more appealing
It has been a busy time during my first
year as KG Coordinator, but a thoroughly
enjoyable one.
Since, August, new additions to the
staff have taken place. Ms. Venula joins
the KG2 classes taking the total number
in the year group to four.
Ms. Dalilah, Ms. Eptisam and Ms.
Maimunah have also joined the department
as teaching assistants.
The children have also been busy
participating in a number of activities
through the year. These have involved,
for example,
MIS National Day
Literacy Festival and Book Character Day
MIS International Day
MIS Carnival and other charity events
and Sports day, to name but a few.
of the curriculum
has also continued. More Jolly Phonics resources have
been purchases and as a result, the children are showing
great progress in their phonic and Literacy skills which
come from using the program.
The first trip of this academic year found all of KG at
Qurm Park for ‘A Teddy Bear’s Picnic.’ The children
listened to stories, participated in games and races and
ended the day with a lovely picnic in the sun – with their
teddy bears of course.
It is not just what is done in class however that makes
a difference. The staff greatly appreciate the role you,
as parents take in your child’s education. Taking part in
consultations and extra-curricular activities leads to a
more positive experience for the children.
Just recently, the children spent a wonderful day out at
Al Wattaya animal park. They observed horses having
their new shoes put on, learnt about how to look after
them, and of course, the highlight of the trip was getting
a ride on a horse. Some of the staff enjoyed this part
the most as well!
Continued support from the staff and parents will
ensure that MIS Kindergarten remains a safe, fun and
challenging time in your child’s life.
On a different note, changes which have been taking place
in Kindergarten, is the development of the playground.
Hazel McCourt
KG Coordinator
Thank you to everyone for a great first year. I look
forward to working with you next academic session.
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ الي�س‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫مروه اوالد ثاين‬/‫ املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫انتونيت جوريزا لونا‬/‫زاهران املعلمة‬
Back Row: Ms. Marwa Awlad Thani, Ms. Alice
Zahran, Ms. Antonette Joeriza Luna
‫ فادي‬،‫ موافيا موقيم‬،‫ رائد ن�صري‬:‫ال�صف االثالث‬
‫ مو�سى ن�صري‬،‫ منذر امل�سكري‬،‫�سالمة‬
Third Row: Raidh Naseer, Muaaviah
Moqueem, Fady Salama, Mundhir Al-Miskiry,
Moosa Naseer
،‫ �أنندي �أروموغهان‬،‫ مريا الراجحي‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ يا�سمني الهنائي‬،‫ قمر �شريفي‬،‫ماتيلدا �شيلد‬
Second Row: Meera Al-Rajhi, Anandi
Arumughan, Matilda Shield, Qamar Shariefi,
Yasmin Al-Hinai
‫ قابو�س‬،‫ نيل �سريياك‬،‫ نيثان بانيكر‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ حذيفة قادري‬،‫ علي النا�صري‬،‫خ�ضر‬
Front Row: Nethan Panicker, Neil Syriac,
Qaboos Khodr, Ali Al-Nasseri, Huzaifa Qadri
‫ فاطمه الطائي‬،‫جا�سمني مهري‬
Jasmine Mehri, Fatima Al-Taie
22 ‘R US...We are all present... 5 March’12
Counting is lots
of fun!... Fady
I can walk on the balance
beam confidently!... Moosa
Meera and Matilda are
making strawberry jam
P for pizza; We can
cook for you!
Refining our fine motor
skills...Qamar and Ali
I’m a cowboy from
the wild, wild west....
Playing on the slide is lots
of fun. Weeeee, down we
go! Neil and Gonzalo
We are learning to spell
our names.
This is our class plant.
Today, it’s my turn to
water it... Salma
Ready, steady, go!!! Off we
go to the finish line...
Mundhir, Qaboos and Raidh
We go to ride on a pony.
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ في�صل املطاعني‬،‫ �أمني بنجاين‬،‫ راجنو ديدوانيا‬/‫املعلمة‬
،‫ هاري�س عثمان‬،‫ �سعود بهوان‬،‫يو�سف الإبراهيم‬
‫ كر�ستني يونغ‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ليان �أبوعابد‬
Back Row: Ms. Ranju Diwania, Aameen
Punjani, Faisal Al-Matani, Yousuf Al-Ibrahim,
Saud Bahwan, Haaris Usman,
Layan Abu Abed, Ms. Christine Young
‫ كار�س‬،‫ حممد امليمني‬،‫ نور مرزوق‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ عون ال�شيهاين‬،‫ زارا م�سكارينا�س‬،‫ �أياد حمت�شم‬،‫جنكينز‬
‫لوتي كوفنرتي‬
Middle Row: Nour Marzouk, Mohammed
Al-Maimani, Cerys Jenkins, Ayaad Mohtisham,
Zara Mascarenhas, Aun Al-Shaihani,
Lotte Coventry
،‫ حممد بوثنبورايل‬،‫ هيا موغال‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ مارك‬،‫ فرحية كيليما‬،‫ �أحمد اللواتي‬،‫فران�شي�سكا باريتو‬
Front Row: Haya Mughal, Muhammed
Puthenpurayil, Francesca Barreto,
Ahmed Al-Lawati, Farhia Kilima, Mark Anis
Aden and Lotte
watering plants
g puzzle
Aun busy fixin
Ahmed working on a puzzle
his dad at stud
Ayaad with co
Faisal working with numbers
ith puzzle
Farhia busy w
Francesca enjoying horse
riding at a school trip
an sorting sou
Haaris and Ly
Haya playing in sandpit.
erys working
Ignacio andbeCd cylinders
Mark sorting out pegs
and Nawarah
palying at kids
Yousuf working with numbers
Saud sorting
Yumna and d
Muhammed counting pegs
on a
Nour working
Zara sorting out colours
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ �آدم غدار‬،‫ابت�سام اخلمي�سي‬/ ‫ املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫خال�صة‬/ ‫ املعلمة‬،‫ تانيا عمر‬،‫ نوايا ال�شيهاين‬،‫�أريام الهنائي‬
Back Row: Ms. Eptisam Al-Khamisi, Adam
Ghaddar, Aryam Al-Hinai, Nawaya Al-Shihani,
Thanya Amr, Ms. Khalsa Al-Belushi
‫ مرمي‬،‫ فدوى ال�شحي‬،‫ حممد �شاكل‬:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
‫ جودي غدار‬،‫ لني الغيثي‬،‫العربي‬
Third Row: Mohammed Shakil, Fadwa
Al-Shahi, Maryam Al-Abri, Leen Al-Ghaithi,
Judi Ghaddar
،‫ احلبيب اللواتي‬،‫ حممد بيت رجب‬: ‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ تيمورة �آل �سعيد‬،‫هميان �آل �سعيد‬
Second Row: Mohammed Bait Rajab,
Al-Habib Al-Lawati, Hemyan Al-Said,
Taimora Al Said
.‫ ج‬.‫ ت‬،‫ مروان الوحيدي‬،‫علي غدار‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �أزهر دامدا‬،‫ج�سنت ثريوباكاران‬
Front Row: Ali Ghaddar, Marwan Al-Wahidi,
T. J. Justin Thirubakaran, Azhar Damda
‫ �أيهم غباين‬،‫ �أ�صيلة الطائي‬،‫ زاريا �شيخ‬:‫الغياب‬
Absentees: Zareya Shaikh, Asila Al-Taie,
Ayham Ghabayen
‫لني و تانيا تق‬
‫ومان بعمل حفل لل�شاي‬
a tea
ia are having
Leen and Tan
‫�أزهر ي‬
‫كتب ا�سمه على ال�سبورة‬
the board
his name on
‫مروان يقوم بالعد‬
Marwan wor
ks on his ad
‫لنباتات مب�ساعدة املعلمة‬
‫لني تقوم ب�سقي ا‬
Leen is water
ing her plants
‫مرمي قامت بعمل منزل كبري‬
‫�أريام تلب�س القمي�ص الوردي‬
‫للم�شاركة يف اليوم الوردي‬
Aryam on Pink Day
‫ميار تلب�س الزي العماين يف‬
‫احتفال العيد الوطني‬
Meyar wearing her
Omani traditional
dress on National
Mariam builds a big
‫�صيلة تقوم بكتابة حرف د‬
ng on the D
Asila is worki
‫من بالطبخ يف ركن املنزل‬
‫ لني و أ��صيلة‬،‫ نوايا‬، ‫دوى‬
d Asila are
aya, Leen an
Fadwa, Naw
‫�آدم يكتب ا�سمه‬
‫تيمورة تقر�أ ق�صة الأ�سبوع‬
Taimora is reading
her story of the
‫�أيهم م�ستعد للذهاب للرحلة‬
‫�إىل حديقة القرم الطبيعية‬
Ayham is getting
ready to go on a trip
to the Qurum Park
‫زاريا حتتفل بعيد ميالدها‬
Zareya is
celebrating her
Adam learns to write
his name
‫تانيا تقوم بال�شيء املف�ضل لديها‬
‫�أال وهو الر�سم‬
Tanya loves to draw
‫جودي يف الزي اللبناين يف‬
‫احتفال اليوم العاملي‬
Judie in her
Lebanese national
‫احلبيب يحمل العلم امل�صري‬
‫يف احتفاالت اليوم العاملي‬
Al Habib carries
the Egyptian flag
on International
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ دليلة احلارثي‬/‫م�ساعدة املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �سهام الوهيبي‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ديبي نل‬
Back Row: Ms. Dalilah Al-Harthi, Ms. Debbie
Nel, Ms. Siham Al-Wahaibi
Middle Row: Hussam Abbas, Efe Toran, Elvin
Varghese, Hadi Dhiyab, Ashaz Damda, Tugra
Akcan, Mohamed Al-Amin, Al-Waleed Al-Zadjali
‫ الفن‬،‫ �إيفي توران‬،‫ ح�سام عبا�س‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ حممد‬،‫ توغرا �أكان‬،‫ �أ�شاز دامدا‬،‫ هادي ذياب‬،‫فارجي�س‬
‫ الوليد الزدجايل‬،‫الأمني‬
‫ يوال‬،‫ عمرو ال�صبحي‬،‫ زهرة اللواتي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ جنى‬،‫ ابراهيم ناهند‬،‫ فرح فوزي‬،‫ روان املحرزي‬،‫�صابوين‬
‫ نورجمان‬،‫ تاريندو كومارارثنا‬،‫ طيبه كوال‬، ‫الزدجايل‬
Front Row: Zahra Al-Lawaty, Amr Al-Subhi,
Yolla Sabouni, Rawan Al-Mahrezi, Farah
Fawzy, Ibraahim Nhende, Jana Al-Zadjali, Tiba
Kola, Tharindu Kumararathna, Nur Majan AlAmri
: ‫الغياب‬
‫نوار الأ�سعد‬
Nouar Al-Asaad
Amr always wants to learn about
new things
Amr, Nouar, Yolla, Hadi and Farah
are practising number concepts
Ashaz enjoys playing with the
building blocks
Efe enjoys reading books about
Elvin learnt about different colors
Hadi and Jana always give their best
during PE
Hussam is writing in his workbook
Ibraahim and AlWaleed enjoy
reading a book
Mohamed had a good time riding on
the pony
Nouar is practising to write letters of
the alphabet
Nur Majan likes to build puzzles in
her free time
Rawan enjoys role play in
her free time
Tharindu has a vivid
imagination and enjoys
dressing up
Thiba and Farah enjoys to do
free writing
Tugra enjoys the outdoors
and playing on the jungle
Zahra is practising and
learning how to write her
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ فاطمة ال�شكيلي‬/‫ م�ساعدة املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ هيزل مكروت‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �سهام الوهيبي‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Miss Fatma Al-Shukili, Miss Siham
Al-Wahaibi, Miss Hazel McCourt
Third Row: Ayaan Ahmed Mohtisham, Saood
Al- Kalbani, Zayana Al-Harthi, Danny Sabouni,
Shahinaz Al-Abyad, Abdul Malik Al-Mukhaini
Bahwan, Arianna Jannat Kibria
‫ زيانه‬،‫ �سعود الكلباين‬،‫ �أيان �أحمد حمت�شم‬:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
‫ عبد امللك املخيني‬،‫ �شهناز الأبي�ض‬،‫ داين �صابوين‬،‫احلارثي‬
‫ �أريانا جنة كربيا‬،‫بهوان‬
‫ ماجدة‬،‫ فجر ال�شكيلي‬،‫ روان احلجري‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ زينب العجمي‬،‫ عبدالنا�صرالنا�صري‬،‫العامري‬
Second Row: Rawaan Al-Hajri, Fajar
Al-Shekaili, Majda Al-Amri, Abdul Nasir
Al-Nasseri, Zainab Al-Ajmi
‫ جودي‬،‫ ماثيو كينا�ست‬،‫ زين �شريفي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ جود الزيدان‬،‫ زينة فوزي‬،‫ تاال دغم�ش‬،‫عمر‬
Front Row: Zain Shariefi, Matthieu Kynast,
Judy Omar, Tala Dagmash, Zeina Fawzy,
Joud Al-Zeidan
inaz enjoying
Zain and Shah
painting activi
d the boys!!!
Sibgha and Sa
So many choic
ood build tow
tes her bear
Majda comple
g the teddy b
Majda countin
I can write my
Judy loves he
r puzzles
Deep in thoug
What a lot of
Matthieu takin
g his counting
very seriously!
Let›s see what
anna concentr
Danny and Ari
on their work
I can make
working hard
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫حنان احلو�سني‬/‫ م�ساعدة املعلمة‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ لي�سا كروغر‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �سهام الوهيبي‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Ms. Hanan Al-Hosni, Ms. Siham
Al-Wahaibi, Ms. Lisa Kruger
‫ الوليد‬،‫ علي ال�سيد‬،‫ زهرة بلكنتون‬:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
،‫ �أحمد علي حداد‬،‫ مرمي املرجان‬،‫ �أحمد الرفيعي‬،‫الغيالين‬
‫ جودي عبدالرحيم‬،‫ اخلطاب املع�شري‬،‫مالك الهدابي‬
Third Row: Zahra Pilkington, Ali El-Sayed,
Al-Waleed Al-Gheilani, Ahmed Al-Rafeei,
Maryam Al-Marjan, Ahmed Ali Haddad, Malak
Al-Haddabi, Al-Khattab Al-Maashari, Judy
،‫ عمار اللواتي‬،‫ ال�سيدة فتوح �آل �سعيد‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ ليلى الريامي‬،‫ زكريا ال�شرجي‬،‫ليونارد بريون �شيلد‬
Second Row: HH Sayyida Fetooh Al-Said,
Ammar Al-Lawati, Leonard Byron Shield,
Zakariya Al-Sharji, Laila Al-Riyami
،‫ لوي�س براغنزا‬،‫ ابراهيم جنواين‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ يزن علي‬،‫ يو�سف الوهيبي‬،‫�سيزار ب�صمجي‬
Front Row: Ibrahim Najwani, Luis Braganza,
Seazar Bassmaji, Yousef Al Wahaibi, Yazan Ali
Ahmed, Ahmed Ali, Ali and Yazan
exploring shapes during sand play
Al Khattab, Ahmed and Laila practising
letter formation
Ali and Yazan on the slide during playtime
Seazar and Yousef doing construction
with wooden blocks
Malak and Judy exploring sand play
Malak Ahmed Ali Maryam and Judy sharing
outside toys
Luis, Zakariya and Fetooh riding
the bikes in the play ground
Zahra, Yousef and Maryam
playing house
Judy, Fetooh, Lenny and Ammar
pretending to play in a tree house
Al Waleed and Al Khattab
colouring pictures
Lenny and Ibrahim
practicing cutting
Fetooh and Maryam exploring shapes
Ammar, Al Khattab, Ibrahim and Yousef
with their craft crowns
Zahra, Ammar and Judy doing Yazan, Luis and Ahmed Ali
leaf painting
building a garage
Laila, Ahmed Ali, Malak, Ibrahim,
Lenny and Zakariya playing
Seazar, Yazan and Ibrahim
during Chinese New Year
‫‪KG 2D‬‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫‪From Left to Right‬‬
‫ال�صف اخللفي‪ :‬م�ساعدة املعلمة‪ /‬فاطمة الغيالين‪،‬‬
‫املعلمة‪ /‬فنوال �شارما املعلمة‪� /‬سهام الوهيبي‬
‫‪Back Row: Ms. Fatma Al-Ghailani, Ms. Venula‬‬
‫‪Sharma, Ms. Siham Al-Wahaibi‬‬
‫ال�صف اخللفي ‪ :‬رادين رزفاندي‪� ،‬صالح �سرتكايا‪ ،‬رائد‬
‫كوال‪ ،‬علي اليا�سني‪� ،‬آدم ح�سن‪ ،‬بي�شوى �سالما‬
‫‪Middle Row: Radin Rizvandi, Salih Sertkaya,‬‬
‫‪Raid Kola Ali Al-Yaseen, Adam Huessin,‬‬
‫‪Beshoy Salama‬‬
‫ال�صف الأمامي‪� :‬آمنة الرئي�سي ‪ ،‬دانيا الكندي‬
‫‪Front Row: Amna Al-Raisi, Daniya Al-Kindi‬‬
‫الغياب‪ :‬مي�ساء ٍ‬
‫‪Absent: Mayssa Siddique‬‬
Beshoy,Amna,Ahmed and Radin are coloring
signs of the fall season.
Ali and Raid are painting their fall tree.
Fathi is excited to build words
Amna is counting numbers
Amna cuts out her Mr.Tickle !
loring colours
Adam is exp
Beshoy disco
vers letter O
from play do
es a birdcag
e for
his bird
Primary Staff
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
، ‫ لي�سا غرغ‬،‫ غدير ع ّواد‬،‫ لو�سي �آدمز‬،‫ال�س ّماين �أبو �صالح‬
‫ روبرت جنكنز‬،‫ �ستيفن بون‬،‫حممد مناجرة‬
Back Row: Al-Samaneh Abu Salih, Lucy
Adams, Ghadeer Awaad, Lisa Gregg,
Mohammed Managera, Stephen Bown, Robert
Third Row: Ihsan Sulaiman, Eimear Foxe,
Stephanie Mueller, Taiba Al-Sinani, Owen
Rose, John Murphy, Catherine Coventry
:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
،‫ طيبة ال�سناين‬،‫ �ستيفاين ملر‬،‫ �إميار فوك�س‬،‫�إح�سان �سليمان‬
‫ كاثرين كوفنرتي‬،‫ جون مرييف‬،‫�أون ُر�س‬
،‫ منا ل قزاز‬،‫ ليان ملر‬،‫ لن�سي �سينت جون‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
،‫ لورن �أولد فيلد‬،‫ مي�شل �ستفاين‬،‫ لوري امليمني‬،‫لي�سا تريي‬
‫كريا كنغ‬
Second Row: Lynsey St. John, Leanne Miller,
Manal Ghazaz, Lisa Terry, Lori Al- Maimani,
Michelle Stephanie, Lorraine Oldfield, Ciara
،‫ �إما كونر‬،‫ بن �شيلد‬،‫ �سامر راحممداين‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ �آن كني‬،‫ كم بري�سي‬،‫ �ستيفن كوفنرتي‬،‫حممود �أبو ال ُّرب‬
‫ �سهاد اجلاعوين‬،‫ را�ضية �ص ّفوري‬،‫�شرينا فان غران‬
Front Row: Samer Ramhamdany, Ben
Shield, Emma Connor, Mahmoud Abu-Er-Rub,
Stephen Coventry, Kim Percy, Anne Keen,
Shurena Van Graan, Radia Safori,
Suhad Al-Jaouni
Head of Primary
It is extremely rewarding to look back on another year at MIS. We are very proud of the advancements that have taken place
and our growth as an international school. The development of our programs and connections with the wider community
become so much richer with each year. While we have come a long way, we know that as a learning community there are
always areas in which we can improve.
The Primary staff have worked tirelessly during this year to implement a number of major changes; specifically with the aim
of enhancing the learning in the classroom and strengthening our home/school communication.
Assessment and reporting was one of the main focus areas during the year. We introduced goal setting conferences in
Term 1 and in January parents once again had an opportunity to participate in their child’s learning through Student-Led
Conferences. While in Term 3, students reflected on their learning to date and established new goals for the remainder of
the year.
This year has also seen an expansion of the learning that takes place outside of the classroom. We firmly believe, in the
Primary Section, that learning is not restricted to the four walls of a classroom so teachers have worked hard to bring various
programs of enrichment into the curriculum and extend the learning process to all areas of the child’s world. Grade 6 joined
in on the Tour Of Oman again this year and were able to meet the riders and teams as well as design a possible new jersey
for the Tour. Grade 3 took a look behind the scenes at the world famous Royal Opera House while Grade 2 studied how
forces affected their bowling game. KG had a wonderful experience at the Al Wattyaya Animal Park. Grade 5 were all wet
trying to trim the jib with Sail Oman and Grade 4 sweated it out for 5 fieldtrips in their endeavours to explore the various rock
formations found all over Muscat. Students also participated in the ‘Why Knot?’ project and were able to tie a knot onto a 3D
global carpet being created in Muscat.
Parents play a major role in their child’s learning and for this reason we are continuing to encourage and welcome parents
into the classroom through open classroom sessions, major whole-school events and conferences.
Primary has participated in a wide range of events this year to promote learning and support our community. Popular events
such as the Reading Festival, Science Fair and World Challenge days were great additions to our classroom learning. Our
annual charity Carnival, International Day and National Day celebrations were highly successful occasions for the school as
Learning is not limited to our student population. Throughout the year teachers have participated in a Jolly Phonics course,
Workshops on implementing the iPad in classrooms, and leadership courses.
I would like to thank the Primary staff for their exceptional hard work throughout the year. We are a highly motivated and
dedicated team who are focused on providing the best possible education for the children at MIS. I would also like to thank
parents for their support and feedback during the year. We welcome your input on all new developments occurring in the
Primary department.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and restful summer break with your families. I look forward to
welcoming our returning students in September.
Stephen Coventry
Key Stage / Subject Coordinators
From Left to Right
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
Back Row:
Anne Keen, Mahmoud Abu-Er-Rub
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممود ابو الرب‬،‫�آن كني‬
:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ِكم بري�سي‬،‫ �ستيفن كوفنرتي‬، ‫ �إما كونر‬،‫بن �شيلد‬
Front Row:
Mr. Ben Shield, Ms. Emma Connor,
Mr. Stephen Coventry, Ms. Kim Percy
Primary Student Council
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row : Mr. Stephen Coventry, Jason
Dhakal, Shreshta Harish, Adam Hammad,
Leena Al-Harthy, Yan Zhou Halket
‫جاي�سون‬،‫ �ستيفن كوفنرتي‬/‫ رئي�س الق�سم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ يان زو‬،‫ لينا احلارثي‬،‫ �آدم حماد‬،‫ �شر�شتا هاري�ش‬،‫دكال‬
Front Row: Robin Kynast, Yazan Gheithy,
Nihal El-Nafa, Reem Al-Mahrezi,
Dana Al – Matani, Javier Duque Malpica,
Al-Hussein Al-Matani, Maha Shams
‫ نهال‬،‫ يزن غيثي‬،‫ روبن كينا�ست‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ خافيار دوك مالبيكا‬،‫ دانا املطاعني‬،‫ رمي املحرزي‬،‫النافع‬
‫ مهى �شم�س‬،‫احل�سني املطاعني‬
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Ms. Catherine Coventry, Sharvari
Nivendkar, Maitham Al-Hinai, Samantha
Tasaukadala, Yasir Al-Khattab, Tariq AlJahdhami, Saad Bari, Ms. Suhad Al-Jaouni
‫ �شرفاري‬،‫ كاثرين كفنرتي‬/‫ املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ يا�سر اخلطاب‬،‫ �سمانثا تا�سوكاداال‬،‫ ميثم الهنائي‬،‫نفندكار‬
‫ �سهاد اجلاعوين‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �سعد باري‬،‫طارق اجله�ضمي‬
‫ حم ّمد رحيم‬،‫ �سارة �أحمد‬،‫�آريان مندال‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ حم ّمد‬،‫ �سما كوال‬،‫ ناجي ح ّماد‬،‫ ي�سرية ال ّرواحي‬،‫قري�شي‬
‫ �سكايال �سوزا‬،‫البلو�شي‬
Middle Row: Aaryan Mandal, Sara Ahmad,
Muhammad Raahym Kureishi, Yusriya
Al-Rawahi, Naji Hammad, Samaa Kola,
Mohammed Al-Bulushi, Schuyla Souza
‫ مرمي بيت‬،‫ حم ّمد عبد ال ّرحمن‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ ر�ضا احليز‬،‫ قابو�س �آل �سعيد‬،‫ تقي ال ّدين هبهوبة‬،‫رجب‬
‫ �سرتيا �أحمد مهاجرين‬،‫�سنافاطمة جناتوفيتل‬
Front Row: Mohammed Abdel-Rahman,
Maryam Bait Rajab, Takieddine Habhouba,
Qaboos Al-Said, Reda Al-Haize, Sana Fathima
Njattuveettile, Satrya Ahmad Muhajirin
‫ �أحمد مقري عبد املكمن‬،‫ نيل �شاه‬،‫ مرام اجلني‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absentees: Maram Al-Jenni, Neil Shah,
Ahmad Muqri Abdul-Mukmin
Maitham and Naji in the cage
more papier mache
Maryam, yusriya and samaa
all smiles
Maryam. Yusriya and Maram are
h papier mache
Muqri & Samantha wit
more smiles
with their
Neil and Samantha
Sara and Saad in the ball pitt
Schuyla in uniform
The busy life of Mohammed Al alushi
Sana Fathima on the
Yasir & Tariq
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Amran Al-Muhaidhri, Angeline Tong,
Tamara Rafay, Arshia Valanejad, Abdullah
Al-Wahaibi, Al-Muthana Hammash,
Ms. Lorraine Oldfield
Middle Row: Sam Al-Balushi, Ebrahim
Al-Yazidi, Ajr Abbas Mughal, Rana Awad Alseed,
Maryiam Al-Bulushi, Shihab Al-Sakhbouri,
John Olivares, Mohammad Shahir Ahmed
Front Row: Hajar Al-Abri, Al Yaqdhan Al- Amri,
Sultan Al-Rajhi, Omar Al-Raisi, Ebrahim Eliyas,
Abdullah Jwaid
‫ متارا‬،‫ �أجنلينا تونغ‬،‫ عمران املحي�ضري‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ املثنى هما�ش‬،‫ عبداهلل الوهيبي‬،‫ �أر�شيا فالجناد‬،‫رايف‬
‫لورين �أولدفيلد‬/ ‫املعلمة‬
،‫ �إبراهيم اليزيدي‬،‫ �سام البلو�شي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �شهاب‬،‫ مرمي البلو�شي‬،‫ رنا عو�ض ال�سيد‬،‫�أجر ع ّبا�س مغل‬
‫ حممد �شاهر �أحمد‬،‫ جون �أولفرز‬،‫ال�صخبوري‬
،‫ اليقظان العامري‬،‫ هاجر العربي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ عبداهلل‬،‫ �إبراهيم اليا�س‬،‫ ُعمر الرئي�سي‬،‫�سلطان ال ّراجحي‬
‫ طالل دغم�ش‬،‫ دانيال ما�سكارينيا�س‬:‫الغياب‬
Daniel Mascarenhas, Talal Daghmash
‫ را�ضية �صافوري‬:‫معلمة اللغة العربية‬
Arabic Language Teacher : Radia Safori
“Is it hometime yet?”, Asks
Abdullah knows that he needs to
be quiet at carpet-time
“I like helping to give out the diaries at
the end of the day”, says Abdullah
“I’ve finished this puzzle”, smiles
Al Yaqdhan
“Do you like the colour of my
balloon?” asks Amran
“Do you like my girlie photo
pose?”, laughs Angeline
“We have great fun at playtime”,
say Ebrahim and Hajar
“I’m on top of the world”,
shouts John
Maryiam always enjoys reading a
“I’m the queen of the castle”,
sings Rana
“What’s for lunch?” asks Sa
“We love to read our Arabic
books”, say Ebrahim and Shihab
“Look at our new crayons – cool!”
says Talal
“I love to paint” Says Tamara
All friends together!!
“Morning everyone”, says Omar
“What a lovely day!” jokes Sultan
“I’m going to get on with my
work now”, says Al Muthana
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Ms. Lori Al-Maimani, Pranav Bimal,
Simon Donzel, Malach Edwards, Antonio
Luizza, Ahmed Al-Wahaibi, Mai Al-Wahaibi, Ms.
Lisa Wishart-Terry
Middle Row: Joshua Abraham, Muneeb Shuja,
Razan Al-Zadjali, Marco Cebanamos, Nyla
Nourhafidz, Amina Puthenpurayil, Toby Sankey
،‫ براناف بيمال‬،‫ لوري امليمني‬/‫ املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �أحمد‬،‫ �أنتونيو لويزا‬،‫ ملك �أدواردز‬،‫�سيمون دونزيل‬
‫ تري‬-‫ لي�سا و�شارت‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ مي الوهيبي‬،‫الوهيبي‬
،‫ منيب �شوجا‬،‫جو�شـ ـ ــوا ابراهي ـ ــم‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ نايال نورحفـ ــيظ‬،‫ ماركو �س ــيبانام ــو�س‬،‫رزان الزدجايل‬
‫ توبي �سانكي‬،‫�آمنة بوثنبورايل‬
‫ ميالين‬،‫ ليان اللواتي‬،‫ �سيفانا �أبو عابد‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ ي�شنـ ــور �سنج‬،‫ علي العـ ــجمي‬،‫ �آري ـ ــ�شي علي‬،‫بالكازار‬
‫فيجفال داتا‬
Front Row: Sivana Abu Abed, Layan AlLawati, Melanie Balcazar, Aarishi Ali, Ali Ajmi,
Yashnoor Singh, Vijval Datta
‫ زكي اللمكي‬،‫ حممد عثمان‬،‫ روهان بانيكر‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Rohan Panicker, Mohamed Othman,
Zaki Al-Lamki
‫ غدير عواد‬:‫معلمة اللغة العربية‬
Arabic Language Teacher: Ghadeer Awaad
Are we cute
Balls, balls everywhere
Aarishi in the shop
Antonio working on his puzzle
Malach working on the white board
Costume Day
Painting different shades of blue
Simon and his writing piece
Smile for the camera Marco
Smile for the camera
We are having fun
We won
Yashnoor and Simon working hard
Look at my cookie!
My cookie
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ �سيف اليا�سني‬،‫مي�شيل �ستيفاين‬/‫املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �سهى‬،‫ دي�شا ناجديف‬،‫ عبداهلل الغيثي‬،‫�سيام �سيد حممد‬
‫لي�سا جريج‬/ ‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �سالف احلارثي‬،‫ت�سنيم‬
Back Row: Ms. Michelle Stephanie, Saif
Al- Yaseen, Sayam Sayed Mohammed,
Abdullah Al-Ghaithi, Disha Nagdev, Suha
Tasnem, Sulaf Al-Harthy, Ms. Lisa Gregg
‫ �أيان‬،‫ ح�سني قادري‬،‫�أ�سماء اللمكي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ �إميان املحروقي‬،‫ بوميكا جوالين‬،‫ �شاه زيب خان‬،‫حمرياين‬
‫ نورا املرجان‬،‫دانا البلو�شي‬
Middle Row: Asma Al-Lamki, Hussain Qadri,
Aayaan Hamirani, Shah Zeb Khan, Bhumika
Gulani, Eman Al-Mahrouqi, Dana Al-Balushi,
Noora Al-Marjan
‫ ن�شوى‬،‫ دزكي ح�سني‬،‫�إبراهيم البلو�شي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �إليزا بيرتيز‬،‫ تايا �سي�سيل‬،‫ نا�صر الكندي‬،‫فريندا �أجنيليكا‬
‫ ح�سني ال�صايف‬،‫رودولفو‬
Front Row: Ibrahim Al-Balushi, Dzaki Husni,
Nashwa Firanda Angelica, Nasser Al-Kindi,
Taia Cissell, Eliza Beatriz Rodolfo, Hussain
‫ غدير عواد‬:‫معلمة اللغة العربية‬
Arabic Language Teacher: Ghadeer Awaad
Making hot air balloons
Noora, Suha, Aayaan
, Dana, Sayam, Dis
Sulaf, Abdullah- Ha
ving fun with Play-do
ser, Asma,
, Disha, Nas
a, S
affi, Sayam,
Bhumika, Tai
Hussain Al S
long day
af- After a
Shahzeb, S
a, Eliza,
Abdullah, Dan
at school!
Shahzeb and NasserFirst
day of extra activity
Decorating cookies in class
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Ms.Ihsan Sulaiman, Mohammed
Hassan, Franco Barreto, Hajira Hussain,
Maryam Saeed, Yousuf Khattab, Haitham AlSaid, Ms. Stephanie Mueller
،‫ حممد ح�سن‬،‫�إح�سان �سليمان‬/‫املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ يو�سف خطاب‬،‫ مرمي �سعيد‬،‫ هاجرة ح�سني‬،‫فرانكو باريتو‬
‫�ستيفاين ميولر‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫هيثم �آل �سعيد‬
Middle Row: Hussam Abu Sohyon, Imran
Al-Azri, Evah Melsom, Maia Norhafiz, Ahmed
Moufadi, Ayesha Qureshi, Hiba Benmahiddi,
Haneen Babiker
،‫ عمران العزري‬،‫ ح�سام �أبو �صهيون‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ عائ�شة‬،‫ �أحمد مف�ضي‬،‫ مايا نورحفيظ‬،‫�إيفا ميل�سوم‬
‫ حنني بابكر‬،‫ هبة بن مهيدي‬،‫قري�شي‬
Front Row: Kinan Hafidz, Harishta Gulani,
Hamza Khan, Al-Waleed Al-Mahrouqi, Andro
Shafik, Rawdha Al-Qassabi, Maryam Al-Lawati,
Ahmed Al-Lawaty
: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ الوليد‬،‫ حمزة خان‬،‫ هري�شتا غوالين‬، ‫كنان حافظ‬
،‫ رو�ضة الق�صابي‬،‫ �أندرو �شفيق‬،‫املحروقي‬
‫ �أحمد اللواتي‬, ‫مرمي اللواتي‬
‫ را�ضية �صافوري‬:‫معلمة اللغة الغربية‬
Arabic Language Teacher: Radia Safori
2A received the cup for being
the class of the week
Imran, Harishta and Hiba are
working very hard in English
Mohammed, Maryam and
Ahmed M., Ahmed L., Franco
and Hajira during English
Ayesha and Maryam
Rawdha, Harishta, Andro and Hussam
are hunting mini beasts in Qurum Park
Al Waleed, Hussam and Imran
found earthworms!
Yousuf, Hamza and Haitham having fun
after the mini beast hunt in Qurum Park
Imran and Maia
Ameera is showing her house
made from different materials
Haneen made a snow house
Rawdha and Haitham are creating
a picture using the dot technique
Al Waleed and Evah are having
fun in Arts
Ahmed and Franco during an
Art lesson
Kinan and Youssef are creating
pictures with the dot technique
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Mohammed Al-Shamsi, Jabran
Al-Alawi, Yassen Marzouk, Hamza Al-Ghazali,
Saud Al-Hamdan, Yamman Al-Gheithy, Ms. Taiba Al-Sinani
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ يا�سني مرزوق‬،‫ جربان العلوي‬،‫حممد ال�شام�سي‬
‫طيبة‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ ميان الغيثي‬،‫ �سعود احلمدان‬،‫حمزة الغزايل‬
Middle Row: Caleb Ferro, Hanum Muhajirin,
Amal Kilima, Raneem Mahmood, Maheshwari
Nair, Pragya Thambuswamy, Ali Al-Lawati,
Mazen Al-Huraibi
،‫ ه ّنيوم مهاجرين‬،‫كيليب فريو‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ براغيا‬،‫ ماهي�شواري ناير‬،‫ رنيم حممود‬،‫�أمل كيليما‬
‫ مازن احلريبي‬،‫ علي اللواتي‬،‫ثامبو�سوامي‬
‫ نا�صر‬،‫ ن�صر الطائي‬،‫ تركي ال�سعيدي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ ماجد العامري‬،‫ فاطمة ال�شيخ‬،‫ �إن�شريا عثمان‬،‫البو�سعيدي‬
‫علي ال�سلماين‬
Front Row: Turki Al-Sa’idi, Nasr Al-Taie,
Nsser Al-Busaidi, Insyirah Othman, Fatma
Sheikh, Majed Al-Amri, Ali Al-Salmani
:‫معلمة اللغة الإجنليزية‬
‫�شورينا فان غران‬
English Language Teacher:
Shureena Van Graan
Picnic in the park
A few finishing touches here and there
Belal Al Atta. My house in
the middle of the street
Ali Taha
Caleb Ferro, Ali Al Lawati. A
helping hand is always welcome
Getting ready to hunt
HaniI hope the roof fits
Hard at work
Mohammed Al Shamsi
got one in his bottle!
Nsser Al Busaidi. Building a
house is serious business
Ali Al Salmani,
does it bite!
Al Ghazali
Al Hamdan
Busy bees
Pragya Thambuswamy,
Maheshwari Nair, Raneem
Mahmood. building a house
Majed Al Amri,Nasr
Al Taie,Mazen Al Huraibi,
Yamman Al Gheithy
Out and about
Turki Al
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ جوخة ال�سليماين‬،‫غديرع ّواد‬/‫ املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ �شازيا دامدا‬،‫ �سحر �إبراهيم‬،‫ �شام مرخان‬،‫غيد قا�سمي‬
‫ املعلمة �إما كونر‬،‫ ماثيو �سانكي‬،‫ هارون عثمان‬،‫جيدن بوثا‬
Back Row: Ms. Ghadeer Awwad, Jokha AlSulaimani, Geed Qasmi, Sham Mirkhan, Sahar
Ibrahim, Shazia Damda, Jaden Botha, Haroon
Usman, Matthew Sankey, Ms. Emma Conner
Middle Row: Aashna Chaturvedi, Lila
Coventry, Maryam Islem, Zayna Khan, Lubna
Al-Kindi, Zainab Al-Lawati, Aser Riccardo
Melis, Abu Said Abdullah, Eyan Ahmed,
Madeeha Shedbalkar
: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ زينة خان‬،‫ مرمي �إ�سليم‬،‫ ليلى كوفنرتي‬،‫�آ�شنا �شاتورفيدي‬
‫ �أبو �سعيد‬،‫ �آ�سر ريكاردو ميلي�س‬،‫ زينب اللواتي‬،‫لبنى الكندي‬
‫ مديحة �شيدبالكار‬،‫ �إيان �أحمد‬، ‫عبداهلل‬
Front Row: John Aziz, Montasser Al-Busaidi,
Ali Al-Raisi, Aakanksha Mandal, Syed Ryyan
Hussain, Omar Ghunaim, Moamen Ibrahim,
Parisa Haddad
‫ علي‬،‫ منت�صر البو�سعيدي‬،‫ جون عزيز‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ عمر غنيم‬،‫ �سيد ر ّيان ح�سني‬،‫ �أكنك�شا ماندال‬،‫الرئي�سي‬
‫ بر�سا ح ّداد‬،‫م�ؤمن �إبراهيم‬
3D shapes
Always hard at work
Building houses using materials
We love to read!
Computers are easy!
Concentrate on your work please!
Looking for Mini
Today I will be the
Say cheese!
We found a butterfly
When I’m older I’m going to build a big house!
Maths games are so
Our school Library is such a
nice place.
Building houses
We learn our spelling all
different ways
We built a pink house!
We love to learn outside
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Noor Ibrahim, Micheline Tong,
Fatma Al-Shaihani, Miguel Moncada, Hamood
Al-Harthy, Abdullah Al-Mahrouqi, Ali
Al-Shaihani, Ms. Leanne Miler
‫ فاطمة‬،‫ م�شلني تونغ‬،‫ نور �إبراهيم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ عبداهلل‬،‫ حمود احلارثي‬،‫ ميغل مونكادا‬،‫ال�شيهاين‬
‫ ليان ميلر‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ علي ال�شيهاين‬،‫املحروقي‬
Middle Row: Mazin Saad, Laila Abdullah,
Nadia Weindarko, Keysan Askari, Reham
Awad Alseed, Nash George, Fatima Al-Lawati,
Nevan Panicker
‫ نادية‬، ‫ ليلى عبداهلل‬،‫ مازن �سعد‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ نا�ش جورج‬،‫ رهام عو�ض ال�سيد‬،‫ كي�سان �أ�سكاري‬،‫ونداركو‬
‫ نفني بانيكر‬،‫فاطمة اللواتي‬
Front Row: Layan Abusohyon, Aziz Baruno,
Mohammed Bakry Khodr, Ahmad Al-Wahaibi,
Ali Punjani, Mohammed Habhouba,
Reem Al-Mahrezi
‫ حممد‬،‫ عزيز بارونو‬،‫ ليان �أبو �صهيون‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ حممد هبهوبة‬،‫ علي بنجاين‬،‫ �أحمد الوهيبي‬،‫بكري خ�ضر‬
‫رمي املحرزي‬
Absent: Moram Mamdouh, Ameera Siddiqui,
Shiza Shaikh
‫ �شزا �شيخ‬،‫ �أمرية �صديقي‬، ‫ مرام ممدوح‬:‫الغياب‬
:‫معلمة اللغة العربية‬
‫ منال قزاز‬، ‫غدير عواد‬
Arabic Language Teacher:
Ghadeer Awaad, Manal Ghazaz
Anyone for a
How much do
birds weigh?
Astronauts in the
Adventure Zone!
Just weighing
things up!
Rocket building!
Happy Birthday
“Can I have a go
please dad?”
“Can somebody
tell me why?”
Is there anybody
out there?
“Where’s my
“Do you like my hat?”
Team work!
Look what we’ve
Me and my
“Look what I’ve got?”
“You can’t catch
“Where’s my chair
Fruit Surprise!
What a find!
Beach exploration!
Greek vases
Having a ‘whale’ of
a time!
Looking in
Oman does
International Day!
Beach fun!
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ �آرهان قا�سماين‬،‫ منال قزّاز‬/‫املعلمة‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ ريتا‬،‫ �شارلني فروتيغر‬،‫ عائ�شة البو�سعيدي‬،‫رنا الغافري‬
‫ �آن كني‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ هاجر البلو�شي‬، ‫ميخائيل‬
Back Row: Ms. Manal Qazzaz, Arhaan
Kasmani, Rana Al-Ghafri, Aysha Al-Busaidi,
Charleen Frutiger, Rita Mikhail,
Hajer Al-Bulushi, Ms. Anne Keen
،‫ عبد الغني الفايع‬،‫�أوريل ماردت‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ �أحمد حممد‬،‫ رنا غامن‬،‫ منري ب�سمجي‬،‫فكتور �سيبمانو�س‬
‫ رميا اجله�ضمي‬،‫�شراحيل بادياث‬
Middle Row: Orelie Maridet, Abdulghani
Alfaia, Victor Cebamanos, Mounir Bassmaji,
Rana Ghanem, Ahmed Mohammed,
Sharaheel Padiyath, Reema Al-Jahdhami
Front Row: Joshua Snyders, Mohammed
Al-Yazidi, Ahmad Farhan Khawaja, Khalifa
Al-Shamsi, Mohammed Al-Naamani, Lea Maria
Syriac, Sara Abouelkhair Muhammad Ali
‫ �أحمد‬،‫ حممد اليزيدي‬،‫جو�شوا �سنايدرز‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ليا‬،‫ حممد النعماين‬،‫ خليفة ال�شام�سي‬،‫فرحان خواجة‬
‫ حممد علي البلو�شي‬،‫ �سارة �أبو اخلري‬،‫ماريا �سرياك‬
‫ حيدر م�صطفى‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absent: Haidar Mustafa
Power of an elastic
Fishy tails!
Something fishy!
Fishy science!
Shaping up!
Cafe Ceramique!
3B class display!
In the deep!
Measuring up!
Dem bones, dem
Whale uncovered!
Fun Zone!
Team building at
Fun Zone!
Monsters from the deep!
Reading in progress!
Whose is the longest?
Natural History
Museum visit
We can classify!
Scavenger hunt!
What a find!
Fine set of teeth!
Freaky fish!
Eat your heart out!
Designer wear!
Top scorers!
No-one at home!
In charge!
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �شوب‬،‫ يزن الغيثي‬،‫ حم�سن درابو‬،‫غدير ع ّواد‬/‫املعلمة‬
‫ فرح‬،‫ اليمان الوهيبي‬،‫ مرمي مكي‬،‫ مهند الوهيبي‬،‫هري�ش‬
‫�إميار فوك�س‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫الزدجايل‬
Back Row: Ms.Ghadeer Awwad, Mohsin
Draboo, Yazen Al-Gheithy, Shubh Harish,
Mohanned Al-Wahaibi, Maryam Makki,
Al-Yaman Al-Wahaibi, Farah Al-Zadjali,
Ms. Eimear Foxe
Middle Row: Hunida Abdulla, Meia Cissell,
Shoib Uddin, Zulqarnain Memon, Yasser
Al-Lawati, Alexi Kislenkd, Pavithra Krishnan,
Zain Al-Saffi
: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ ذوالقرنني‬،‫ �شيوب يورين‬،‫ ميا �سي�سيل‬،‫هنيدة عبداهلل‬
،‫ بافيرثا كري�شنان‬،‫ الك�سي ك�سلينكد‬،‫ يا�سر اللواتي‬،‫ميمون‬
‫زين ال�صايف‬
Front Row: Bayan Al-Haize, Maitha
Al-Amri, Mohammed Al-Zadjali, Mohammed
Al-Ghattami, Hadeel Al-Jabri, Hafsa Amry Lafir,
Maher Abuabed, Abdulla Al-Rawahi
: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ حممد‬،‫ حممد الزدجايل‬،‫ ميثاء العامري‬،‫بيان احليز‬
‫ ماهر ابو‬،‫ حف�صة عامري الفري‬،‫ هديل اجلابري‬،‫الغتامي‬
‫ عبد اهلل الرواحي‬،‫عابد‬
Working as a team!
Our favourite planet
Sport Star
Tasting time!
Pulling hard at Spor
Solar System Scene!
Creating earth with
Slippery Slide!
Our Solar System
Good landing!
Uranus and its many
A day out for Grade
National Dress and
Snacks at the Beach!
Irish for the day!
Fun times!
Yum yum!
Playing a tune!
Time out from Scav
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Jack Davis, Raaif Ijaz, Isra Ismail,
Reem Al-Lawati, Abdullah Al-Ojaili, Yousef
Al-Rafeei, Tareq Al-Raisi, Annie Yang, Ms.
Lynsey St John
‫ �إ�سرا‬،‫ رائف �إيجاز‬،‫ جاك ديفيز‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ يو�سف الرفيعي‬،‫ عبداهلل العجيلي‬،‫ رمي اللواتي‬،‫�إ�سماعيل‬
‫ لين�سي �ساينت جون‬/ ‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �آين يانغ‬، ‫طارق الرئي�سي‬
Middle Row: Ali Abdul-Bagi, Roaa Abo Abbas,
Zainab Bari, Khalid Ahmad, Mishaal Al-Darei,
Zaimah Khan, Harry Melsom, Mohamed
Al-Jahdhami, Farid Al-Lamki
،‫ ر�ؤى �أبو عبا�س‬،‫ علي عبد الباقي‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ هاري‬،‫ زمية خان‬،‫ م�شعل الدرعي‬،‫ خالد �أحمد‬،‫زينب باري‬
‫ فريد اللمكي‬،‫ حممد اجله�ضمي‬،‫مل�سوم‬
:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ ت�سنيم ال�شارجي‬،‫ حال دياب‬،‫ ف�شفاز باغيا‬،‫�أ�سماء �أحمد‬
،‫ الوليد اجلهوري‬،‫ �صالح الوهيبي‬،‫�سعيد احلارثي‬
‫مارك عزيز‬
Front Row: Asma Ahmad, Vishvas Bhagia,
Hala Dhiyab, Tasneem Al-Sharji, Said
Al-Harthy, Saleh Al-Wahaibi, Al Walid
Al-Jahwari, Mark Aziz
:‫معلم اللغة العربية‬
‫حممود �أبو الرب‬
Arabic Language Teacher:
Mr. Mahmoud Abu-Er-Rub
We enjoyed learning new
facts at the Museum!
We love to read!
We were lucky to be chosen
as mascots for Oman
I loved collecting rocks
We made pirate ships and hats
We love going on class trips
We enjoy working in groups!
We love science experiments
We made pirate hats
Look at how my hair stands up!!
Look at the rock I’ve just found!
It floats!
Will this float or sink?
We loved the ‘Rock On’ topic
How should we solve this problem?
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ معاذ‬،‫ وردة �أرين‬،‫ �ستيفن بون‬/‫ املعلم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ جينيفر‬،‫ �سليمان احلارثي‬،‫ ماك�س كوفنرتي‬،‫احلارثي‬
‫ ال�سماين �أبو �صالح‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫لوثراد‬
Back Row: Mr Stephen Bown, Wardah Arain,
Muadth Al-Harthy, Max Coventry, Sulaiman
Al- Harthy, Jennifer Leuthard, Mr. Al-Sammani
،‫ بري�سينا ديالكروز‬،‫ ماريا ميخائيل‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ حممد �آل �سعيد‬،‫ قتيبة ال ّرا�سبي‬،‫هافري دوك مالبيكا‬
‫ نور الزدجايل‬،‫جربان ال ّدلهمي‬
Middle Row: Maria Mikhail, Perseana De La
Cruz, Javier Duque Malpica, Qutaiba Al-Rasbi,
Mohammed Al-Said, Jubran Al-Dalhami, Noor
Front Row: Ali Al-Mandhari, Ryan Roch,
Ebteel Al-Rawahi, Abdullah Al-Qassabi, Abrar
Al-Rasbi, Dana Al-Matani, Radin Hajimaneshi,
Nasser Al-Subhi
،‫ �إبتيل ال ّرواحي‬،‫ ريان روخ‬،‫ علي املنذري‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ رادن‬،‫ دانة املطاعني‬،‫ �أبرار ال ّرا�سبي‬،‫الق�صابي‬
ّ ‫عبد اهلل‬
ّ ‫ نا�صر‬،‫حجيماني�شي‬
‫ مري الربز مريي‬،‫مودة الفايع‬
Mawada Alfaia, Mir Alborz Miri
I’m not going up there!
All the pink minerals flocculate
Are we there yet
Is this giving you enough shade
I helped all these people cross
this dangerous river
Don’t let me go
Ooooooooh Mawada
Somebody has said something
Wadi Mayh Concentric Fold
Wadi Mayh Field trip
4C award their cup to 4B
She’s my friend
Preparing the class for
international day
They made us walk down
just so we have to walk
back up again
We are going the other
way, Sadeem!
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ زارا جالي�سا فان‬، ‫ ملك علي توران‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممد‬، ‫ �أحمد بندر احليزي‬، ‫ �إليكا بيهروزفالنيجاد‬،‫غران‬
، ‫ زينب �إ�سماعيل �أتي�س‬، ‫ �أحمد هالل البو�سعيدي‬، ‫العبداهلل‬
‫ لو�سي �آدمز‬/ ‫ املعلمة‬، ‫مينا حممد نابف‬
Back Row: Melek Ali Toran, Zahara Clyde
Van Graan, Elica Behrouz Valanejad, Ahmed
Bander Al-Haize, Mohammedal Abdulla,
Ahmad Hilal Al-Busaidi, Zeynep Ismail Ates,
Mina Mohammed Nayyef, Ms Lucy Adams
Middle Row: Iram Abdullah Al Harthy,
Fatma Abdullah Al Rajhi, Maliha Mohammed
Khan, Arash Hussein Jalali, Rayyan Ikram
Burney, Haider Hasan Kazmi, Geeshan Venuja
Kumararathna, Halaiyl Mohammed Al Sulaimani,
Front Row: Hamed Nasser Al Araimi, Abdulla Ali
Al Yhya, Thamer HIlal Al Azri, Abdullah Ibrahim Al
Rahbi, Meryam Joseph Emil, Khulood Mohamed
Al Bulushi, Firas Sulaiman Al Shekaili, Khizer
Abdul Rahman.
‫ فاطمة عبداهلل‬،‫ �إرم عبداهلل احلارثي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ ريان‬،‫ �آر�ش ح�سني جاليل‬،‫ مليحة حممد خان‬، ‫الراجحي‬
‫ جي�شان مهو �شادا كوماو‬،‫ حيدر ح�سن كاظمي‬،‫�أكرم برين‬
‫ هاليل حممد ال�سليماين‬، ‫�أرثنا‬
: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ثامر هالل‬، ‫ عبداهلل علي اليحيى‬، ‫حمد نا�صر العرميي‬
،‫ مرييام جوزيف امييل‬، ‫ عبداهلل �إبراهيم الرحبي‬، ‫العزري‬
‫ خيزر عبد‬، ‫ فرا�س �سليمان ال�شكيلي‬، ‫خلود حممد البلو�شي‬
. ‫الرحمن‬
: ‫معلم اللغة العربية‬
‫�سامر راحممداين‬
Arabic Language Teacher :
Samer Ramhamdany
the scoundrel
Abdullah enjoys
in Artemis Fowl
ad anything
Iram likes to re Child
penned by
ys. Ahmed and
Boys will be bo
joy the Wimpy
Haider both en
Kid’s Diary
llah are sold on
Firas and Abdu
the Wimpy Ki
rash out in the
outdoors, le
Hamed shows his fe
at a
local geoherita
out ecoc
coming after you!
and compare
Time to discuss
ins a firm favourite
Goosebumps rema
Mina, whilst Moha
sadventures) of Ar
temis and Rayyan
Geeshan with Ar an says his favourite
Puss in Boots. Ra d kitty
line was “She’s a
s thinking
Halailyl says she wa o, it
about how,
e to and
lives to walk th
from their village
a and Mina
Ah, bliss! Fatm
marvel at the su tdoor
scenery of th
The girls were
of different
by the laye
in the
types of rocks
is wadi was
out the way th
romp in the
enjoyed a little
formed, Elica
cool, shallow wa
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ يو�سف‬،‫ حممد الفايع‬،‫ عمر دغم�ش‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ طاهر ال�شيهاين‬،‫ �أحمد الرئي�سي‬،‫ ت�شن كوان ت�شو‬،‫�إ�سليم‬
‫ جون مرييف‬/‫املعلم‬
Back Row: Omar Daghmash, Mohammed
Alfaia, Yousef Islem, Chen Kuakng Chou,
Ahmed Al-Raisi, Taher Al-Shaihani, Mr. John
Middle Row: Abhishek Singh, Louise Kynast,
Iram Al- Khalifan, Maryam Al-Bulushi,
Al-Ghalya Al-Bulushi, Mai Hamza
‫ �إرم‬،‫ لوي�س كينا�ست‬،‫ �أبهي�شك �سينغ‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ مي حمزة‬،‫ الغالية البلو�شي‬،‫ مرمي البلو�شي‬،‫اخلليفني‬
Front Row: Rawan Al-Busaidi, Hilal Al-Jabri,
Ghassan Al-Yaqoobi, Salim Kalbani,
Azan Al-Ghattami, Said Al-Ghaithi
،‫ هالل اجلابري‬،‫ روان البو�سعيدي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �سعيد‬،‫ عزان الغتامي‬،‫ �سامل الكلباين‬،‫غ�سان اليعقوبي‬
‫ فزة قر�شي‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Fizza Qureshi
‫ حممود �أبو الرب‬:‫معلم اللغة العربية‬
Arabic Language Teacher: Mr. Mahmoud
Put your hands in the air
Which planet are we from?
Working in Space
Group work is AWSOME
Say Cheese
Working in the sun
Look how much we have grown
Learning is fun
Our password was Fish Fish
Please don’t clean me!
The presentation party
Are you Hungry?
Yummy Yummy
Hello from grade 5A
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ نيل جورج‬،‫ �إميان فاروق‬،‫ لينا احلارثي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ كيم بري�سي‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ و�سام بو كامل‬،‫تبيان �سعد‬
Back Row: Leena Al-Harthy, Eman Furrukh,
Neil George, Tibyan Saad, Wissam Bou
Kamel, Ms. Kim Percy
Middle Row: Sayyid Ali Al-Said, Naji Al-Alawi,
Lubna Al-Habsi, Shayan El Jawhary, Al-Husain
Al-Matani, Ammar Al-Lawati
،‫ ناجي العلوي‬،‫ال�سيد علي �آل �سعيد‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ ع ّمار‬،‫ احل�سني املطاعني‬،‫ �شيان اجلوهري‬،‫لبنى احلب�سي‬
Front Row: Imad Al-Balushi, Mohamad Yaman
Hammash, Sameer Mussa, Abdullah Al-Abri,
Ahmed Fawzy, Shabrina Wiendarko
،‫ حممد ميان ه ّما�ش‬،‫عماد البلو�شي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �شابرينا‬،‫ �أحمد فوزي‬،‫ عبد اهلل العربي‬،‫�سمري مو�سى‬
‫ ديانيتا ياجيندران‬،‫ عبد اهلل برهام باعمر‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absent: Abdullah Burham Ba-Oman, Daya
Nitha Yagendran
: ‫معلم اللغة العربية‬
‫�سامر راحممداين‬
Arabic Language Teacher :
Samer Ramhamdany
Busy serving Tacos
Lots of fillings
Come to the Diamond Gym!
Ageing a treasure map
Everyone wants a taco!
Working together
So this is the petal...
Maybe one more layer...
How far has it moved...
Off we go.....
Bake Sale 1
Bake Sale 2
Ready for sailing!
Close examination...
Just a little more coffee
Literacy - Persuasive
language - advert
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Maya Bou Dargham, Nada
Ghanem, Juveria Memon, Owen Ross
‫ جفريا‬،‫ ندى غامن‬،‫ مايا بو درغام‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �أوين رو�س‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫م�ؤمن‬
Middle Row: Nasser Saidi, Veronica Boulos,
Rawan Al-Wahaibi, Manaaf Al-Lamki, Ahmed
،‫ فريونيكا بول�س‬،‫ نا�صر �سعيدي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �أحمد ري�شي‬،‫ مناف اللمكي‬،‫روان الوهيبي‬
‫ عادل‬،‫ حممد الوهيبي‬،‫ �ساجد �سهيد‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ حممد غايل‬،‫ حممد �شيخ‬،‫بيت رجب‬
Front Row: Saajid Sahhed, Muhammed
Al-Wahaibi, Adil Bait Rajab, Mohammad
Sheikh, Muhammad Ghali
Absent: Dilashan Dissanayake, Omar Syed,
Mohamed Ahmed, Mukurram Murabeen,
Rangga Wijayakumara
‫ حممد‬،‫ عمر �سيد‬،‫ ديال�شان دي�ساناياكي‬:‫الغياب‬
‫ رجنا ويجاياكومارا‬،‫ مكرم مورابني‬،‫�أحمد‬
Arabic Language Teacher: Mr. Mahmoud
Abu-Er-Rub, Samer Ramhamdany
‫ �سامر‬، ‫ حممود �أبو الرب‬:‫معلما اللغة العربية‬
5C boat race
Adil’s boat needs a little help!
Dilashan dismayed by his
capsized boat
Getting pysched for sports day
Juveria happily working
Manaaf unusually quiet!
Mohammed getting his war
paint on
Muhammed ready for action
Omar writing a healthy recipe
Rawan painting
Saajid studying hard
Taraf enjoying her work
Maya willing her boat to
spped up!
Nada with fastest boat
Rangga showing off his
Veronica Boulos
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ ن�سيبة �سعيد‬،‫ حممود �أبو الرب‬/‫ املعلم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ مديحة خان‬،‫ حياة احلب�سي‬،‫ �أ�شرف حمرز‬،‫فريت بول�س‬
‫ روبرت جنكين�س‬/ ‫املعلم‬
Back Row: Mr. Mahmoud Abu-Er-Rub,
Nusaybah Saeed, Vert Boulos, Ashraf Mehrez,
Hayat Al-Habsi, Madihah Khan, Mr. Robert
،‫ �آدم ح ّماد‬،‫ زيد �شاه‬،‫ جي�سن ذاكال‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �شامري ريا�ض‬،‫ خديجة �أحمد‬، ‫منجد غنيم‬
Middle Row: Jason Dhakal, Zayed Shah,
Adam Hammad, Monjed Ghunaim, Kadija
Ahmed, Shamir Riaz
‫ �أبو الدرداء‬،‫ �أمرية العلوي‬،‫ �سارة حممد‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ كارلو�س‬،‫ �أبو بكر العزيزي‬،‫ علي البو�سعيدي‬،‫عبد اهلل‬
‫ �أمرية �أبو اخلري‬،‫�ساورا‬
Front Row: Sara Mohammed, Amira AlAlawai, Abu Dardaa Abdullah, Ali Al-Busaidi,
Abu Bakr Al-Azizi, Carlos Saura, Amira Aboul
6A girls meet Peter Sagan
Adam & Abu Dardaa
At the Tour of Oman
Bollywood meets Brazil
Carlos and Vert show off his
flag for Spanish TV
Class Time
Excitement before the finish 2
Hard at work
Making Hats
Monjed with a World Champion
Practising Music
Tour of Oman
Y6 do Brasil
Year 6 Meet BMC Riders
Zayed on Camp
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ جوليان‬،‫ �سامر راحممداين‬/‫ املعلم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ ارت�سام الهنائي‬،‫ �إيدل ياكتوبي‬،‫ �سيف العزري‬،‫هالكت‬
‫ بن �شيلد‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫فايزان كياين‬
Back Row: Mr. Samer Ramhamdany, Julian
Halkett, Seif Al-Azri, Idil Yaktubay, Irtisam
Al-Hinai, Faizan Kiani, Mr. Ben Shield
‫ عمرو‬،‫ حممد الغيثي‬،‫ مها �شم�س‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ حممد البلو�شي‬،‫ علي العجمي‬،‫ �آرمن فاالجناد‬،‫حمرز‬
‫كارولني تا�سوكادال‬
Middle Row: Maha Shams, Mohammed
Al-Ghaithi, Amr Mehrez, Arman Valanejad,
Ali Al-Ajmi, Mohammed Al-Balushi,
Caroline Tasaudala
‫ فاطمة �شبري حممد‬،‫ غادة اليعقوبي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ال�سيد �سعيد �آل‬،‫ حممد اخلنجري‬،‫ �صابرينا عبد اهلل‬،‫جواد‬
‫ فاطمة الوهيبي‬،‫�سعيد‬
Front Row: Ghada Al-Yaqoobi, Fatma
Shabeer Modh-Jawad, Sabrina Abdallah,
Mohammed Al-Khanjiry, HH Sayyid Said
Al-Said, Fatma Al-Wahaibi
Seif and Mohammed look
Go Camp with Mr. Ben!
Lenny shows the Bromance how
to work!
Ghaithi/Ajmi Reparto Corse
Team Astana
Fatma and Ghada demonstrate
colour wheel
Chillin in the Majilis
Julian realises he is really mor
of an indoor person!
That’s it! I’ve got it!
Where’s Mohammed
Thai food was Tom Yum Yum!
Desert Dancer
Tour of Oman HQ
Jens Mouris and 6B
Chillin at the Tour of Oman
finish in Matrah
Marcus and his creative
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ رميا اخلرو�صي‬،‫ حممد مناجرة‬/‫ املعلم‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ علي‬،‫ �سلطان البلو�شي‬،‫ �أديليدي فروتغري‬،‫حف�صة �ص ّديقي‬
‫ كريا كينغ‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫املحي�ضري‬
Back Row: Mr. Mohammad Managara, Rima
Al-Kharusi, Hafsa Siddiqui, Adelaide Frutiger,
Sultan Al-Balushi, Ali Al-Muhaidhri, Ms. Ciara
،‫ جنوان الزّدجايل‬،‫ �سري�شتا هاري�ش‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ لورا‬،‫ �إلزابيت كرني�شيف‬،‫ بارمي�س هجمان�شي‬،‫وقا�ص �أياز‬
‫ م�آثر ال ّرواحي‬،‫ �أندرو نظمي‬،‫العامري‬
Middle Row: Sreashta Harish, Najwan
Al-Zadjali, Waqas Ayaz, Parmis Hajmaneshi,
Elizabeth Chrnyshev, Laura Al-Amri, Andrew
Nazmy, Maather Al-Rawahi
،‫ �سابا�ستيان بالكازار‬،‫ علي الرئي�سي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ هناء الكندي‬،‫ روبن كاينا�ست‬،‫ رينيه روخ‬،‫نيهال النافع‬
‫ تارا �سنايدرز‬،‫دينا اجلهوري‬
Front Row: Ali Al-Raisi, Sebastian Balcazar,
Nihal El-Nafa, Renee Roch, Robin Kynast,
Hanaa Al-Kindi, Deena Al-Jahwari, Tara Shaw
We have the future song writers of Oman.....
You connect this wire
to this and...
We also have the fu
Learning about bicyc
Learning about
Let there be light!
Preparation is everythin
My helmet is going to
And the next biggest
meeting the
The champions of 6C
champion of cycling...
Busy little bees!
Making Greek helmet
Hi Everybody!!
his future
Paul Le Guen meeting
Look at our unusual
Reading Festival
Book Character Day
Super Stars
Secondary Staff
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
،‫ فاروق ح�سن‬،‫ دافيد كويل‬،‫ جورج يونغ‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫�أنتوين مرييف مايكل غلني‬
،‫ ليان برير‬،‫ �سامرراحممداين‬،‫ زارا كيدي‬:‫ال�صف الرابع‬
‫ ملك‬،‫ �أ�ستل رورك‬،‫ ليزيل هاملتون‬،‫ وندي لوف‬،‫كارا مرييف‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: George Young, David Cawley,
Farouk Hassan, Antony Murphy, Michael Glynn
Fourth Row: Zara Keady, Samer
Ramhamdany, Lianne Brear, Cara Murphy,
Wendy Love, Lesley Hamilton, Estelle Rourke,
Malak-Al Shara’a
‫ حممد‬،‫ حممد مناجرة‬،‫عماد زيدان‬:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
‫ �سمية‬،‫ علياء جعفر‬،‫ �إح�سان �سليمان‬،‫ نينا رماناند‬،‫ال�سيد‬
‫ فين�سي‬،‫ بافيني دو�شي‬،‫ روث بيتون‬،‫ جني �سرتت�ش‬،‫العمري‬
Third Row: Emad Zeidan, Mohammed
Managera, Mohammed El-Sayyed, Nina
Remanand, Ihsan Sulaiman, Alia Jaafar,
Somaiyah Al-Omari, Jenny Stretch, Ruth
Bayton, Bhavini Doshi, Vincy Jose
‫ مايكل‬،‫ هيثم حديدي‬،‫جيم�س تريبن‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
،‫ نعيم عبداهلل‬،‫ وليد نقا�ش‬،‫ خالدابو �صهيون‬،‫هندر�سون‬
‫ �شاليني‬،‫ فالح اجلارحي‬،‫ كري�ستوفر تريي‬،‫جو�س �سريياك‬
‫ لي�سا كين�سال‬،‫ناير‬
Second Row: James Turpin, Haitham Hadidi,
Michael Henderson, Khalid Abu Sohyoun,
Waleed Naccash, Naim Abdullah, Jose Syriac,
Christopher Terry, Faleh Al Jarhi, Shalini Nair,
Lisa Kinsella
Front Row: Katherine Oliver, Carmen Locke,
Clyde Van Graan, Lucy Byford, Stefano
Piumatti, Dawn Melsom, Prabhakumar Nair,
Leslie McGarry, Darren Melsom, Adnan Khalil
‫ كاليد‬،‫ كارمن لوك‬،‫ كاثرين اوليفر‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ دون مل�سوم‬،‫ �ستيفانو بوماتي‬،‫ لو�سي بايفورد‬،‫فان غران‬
‫ عدنان خليل‬،‫ دارن مل�سوم‬،‫ ليزيل مكغاري‬،‫بربهاكومار ناير‬
Head of Secondary
Dear Parents and Students,
It gives me great pleasure to
write a few words for this yearbook. This year has been an
extremely fulfilling, satisfying and
successful and as always an extremely busy one as well. As you
peruse the pages of this book you
will see the many areas that MIS
students have left their mark in
2012/2013. There is no doubt that
in answer to my request of ‘participation’, the MIS secondary community has with energy and gusto involved itself in many activities in both
the academic and non-academic
spheres. As I have mentioned before
this is a healthy testimony to the sheer
diversity and range of talents that we have here at
MIS. I am very proud of the students and my colleagues and it is clear from their response that there
is a great deal to celebrate at MIS.
Without doubt the stand out event this year has
been the first and third place gained by our students
in the internationally acclaimed Readers Challenge
Cup held in Dubai. If you remember this was due
to our entering the competition which was part of
the Festival of Literature where over 120 schools
and over 200 teams participated in early knock-out
rounds. To even make the finals was remarkable
but to come third and first, was just simply outstanding. The ‘junior’ team (Zain Burney, Sasangee
Dissanayake, Hissaan Nadir and Shaheer Haider)
placed third while our ‘senior‘ team made up of
Maha Al Balushi, Wasan Al Balushi, Ali Babiker of
Grade 10 and Shehrbano Kazmi (Gr7) won the
overall competition. Hearty congratulations to them.
The school’s first Inter-House Debating competition was held in March and proved to be a huge
success. A wide range of topics were covered, giving our senior students the opportunity to polish up
on their debating skills. Poetry reading took a new
direction this year with a Sonnet writing competition being held in conjunction with William Shakespeare’s birthday in April. Public speaking also
remained a very important part of the school year,
with a wonderful Inter-House event taking place in
October, followed by an even larger event in March
that allowed Upasana Basu (Year 9) and Wasan al
Balushi (Year 10) to go forward and represent our
school at the prestigious ‘Listen Up!’ Public Speaking event at the Al Bustan Palace.
As well as our team of students doing a great job
in the annual ‘Cubscribe’ journalism competition
in February, a final mention must go to all of Years
7 and 8 who took part in their respective fun-filled
Spelling Bees. This was the first time the school has
staged such events and we were delighted to witness impressive displays of memory but also verbal ability as the students were pitted under timed
pressure to see who had the best overall spelling
I must make a mention here of the impact, dedication and sheer hard work that the English Department led by Mr Darren have made to MIS. They have
been extremely busy throughout the year in organising and giving our students opportunities to get in-
volved in a wide range of activities.
Turning our attention to elsewhere, 2012/2013 provided students with many sporting opportunities
and successes. The Physical Education department
was assisted by many other members of staff to offer a varied selection of sports training, clubs and
activities for all age groups both on and off campus.
Notable highlights were significant improvements at
the Muscat School Sports League annual athletics
meet at The Sultan’s School where Raghad Zubaidi
shone, football tournaments at TAISM and BSM and
a gold medal for Arsy Baruno at the British Schools
of the Middle East Swimming meet at the Sultan
Qaboos Stadium.
In February, students returned to The Royal Omani
Police Stadium to compete in the 2013 sports day.
The enjoyment of last year’s competition was evident as there was close to 100% attendance. Maximum participation from all meant that there was
very little between the houses when the final points
tally was calculated. In the end, the red house of
Jabrin (Red House) claimed top place and replaced
the green ribbons of the previous year’s winners,
The mathematicians amongst us were also busy this
year. October saw the KS3 Tessellation competition.
The number of entries was very pleasing with some
great designs. Mr. Brian, Ms. Katherine and myself
judged the entries and the best three from each
year group were ranked. I must say that due to the
high standard choosing the winners was no easy
Years 11 and 12 sat AS and A2 modules in January
with some outstanding results. Bayan Al Balushi,
Vinod Kumararathna, Ayesha Burney, and Uroob
Haris all achieved 100% in Core 1 while the following students also achieved a grade A in one or more
Mathematics module in January: Hari, Rida, Hannia, Ibtihal, Jueun, Si Yuan, Afiq, Ahmed and Habab. Congratulations and well done. It is envisaged
that the same level of success will occur in June.
Many students involved themselves in Environmental week in late January. This was organized
by the Humanity department and each subject area
History, Geography and Business Studies was
responsible for organising an event such as the
Environmental Cinema, Big Environmental Draw,
Energy Busters, Muscat Daily Recycle Campaign,
Assembly on Environmental issues. In Mathemat-
ics, year 9 were given a project involving calculating the space and
waste produced from tin cans while
others planted trees and about 50
students participated in a beach
clean-up of Marjan Beach. Pupils
also participated in a Green Mufti
day proceeds of which have been
donated to charity. The Humanities Department also organised
and hosted the Second Enterprise
Day for Grade eight students
which was held in June. This will
be an annual event with another
one taking place in the last week
of May. It also helps students
to see how businesses operate
and how they have the potential to affect their everyday lives. Another event which had
much participation was the recent and now annual
Science Quiz Day where houses competed vigorously to answer the demanding and challenging
questions set under timed conditions. This year
Masirah (Green house) made a compete sweep of
all Key Stages for winning all key stages. A huge
amount of gratitude must go to Mr. Prabha and every member of the Science Department who, behind the scenes worked for many weeks to make
this an outstanding success. The House System
has continued from strength to strength and the
students have participated with vigour and vim. I
have to say that I look forward to such days. The
school becomes a kaleidoscope of colour and there
is definitely an excitement in the air as houses and
individuals compete for points.
My gratitude also goes to all other departments
who have been active and involved in many other
events throughout the year. Art, Music and Drama
worked very well and very hard together to produce
this year’s production was ‘The Lion, The Wicked
Queen & The Wardrobe’. This was a success and
enjoyed by all but more importantly it was an opportunity for all students to be involved in a theatrical
production as performer, technician, backstage and/
or front of house. Three performances took place in
the MIS theatre. The students who took part all said
that it was very satisfying, a lot of hard work but
they would do it again. The Arabic department also
were instrumental in involving their students in competitions. In the Quran Reciting Competition in February, Mohammed Jayed Hossain took first place.
This competition was open to all private educational
institutes in Oman so to achieve this, is remarkable.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect
and point out that MIS is a growing and improving
school and this has been in no small part due to the
positive and willing nature of our students and to the
dedication, skills and hard work of the MIS staff. The
school runs on mutual respect and it is precisely in
this safe environment that your sons and daughters
are taught self expression and discipline, the value
of hard work and success and the importance of being part of a community. It remains me to wish you
all parents, students and teachers alike a safe and
relaxed summer. I look forward to recommencing
anew and in greeting returning and new students
in September.
Stefano Piumatti
Key Stage Coordinators
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ دون‬،‫ �ستيفانو بومياتي‬،‫ لو�سي بايفورد‬،‫كاليد فان غران‬
Clyde Van Graan, Lucy Byford, Stefano
Piumatti, Dawn Melsom
Examinations Officer
‫كري�ستوفر تريي‬
Christopher Terry
Planning for higher education begins
for students at Key Stage 3 when
faced with the task of selecting
IGCSE subjects. Within the domain
of this area are the senior programs,
career options, and eventually the
application process.
This year, students have had the
opportunity to meet with university
and college admissions officers from
many parts of the world including
Europe, North America, Australia,
the Middle East, and the Gulf. They
were advised to carefully research
courses they are interested in and
decide whether these courses will
lead into their chosen careers, keeping
in mind locations of universities, size
of campuses, and support offered to
international students.
Once students have chosen courses, it
is time to apply. They need to check
entry requirements to make sure they
are eligible.
Students studying in
the GED programme will be required
to do a foundation year in the UK
and Australia. All students need to
provide universities with proof of
English Language ability and other
The Student Guide
provided by the Higher Education
Admissions Center (HEAC) through
the Ministry of Education is an
important source of information on
academic programmes, admissions
and scholarship requirements. We
encourage all students to review it for
for entry qualifications into colleges/
universities in the Sultanate as well as
those abroad.
Early preparations will guarantee
an early acceptance, convenient
accommodations and a successful
We wish our graduating students a
successful future in their respective
Stefano Piumatti
Head of Careers
Student Council
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �أمال‬،‫ نور عيديد‬،‫ دون مل�سوم‬/‫ املعلمة‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ عبداهلل العلوي‬،‫ عبداهلل اخلرو�صي‬،‫البلو�شي‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Ms. Dawn Melsom, Nour Aideed,
Amal Al-Balushi, Abdullah Al-Kharoosi,
Abdullah Al-Alawi
Fourth Row: Kawthar Al-Kharusi, Jinan AlBusaidi, Zainab Al-Farsy
Third Row: Haneen Ibrahim, Maha Al-Balushi,
Lujaina Al-Subhi, Hamad Al-Kharusi
Second Row: Shaheer Haider, Suleiman
Barakat Al-Lamki, Rashid Al-Kalbani, Alyssa
Misolas, Sasangee Dissanayake
‫ زينب‬،‫ جنان البو�سعيدي‬،‫كوثر اخلرو�صي‬:‫ال�صف الرابع‬
‫ جلينى‬،‫ مهى البلو�شي‬،‫حنني �إبراهيم‬:‫ال�صف الثالث‬
‫ حمد اخلرو�صي‬،‫ال�صبحي‬
،‫ �سليمان بركات اللمكي‬،‫ �شهري حيدر‬:‫ال�صف الثاين‬
‫ �سا�ساجني دي�سناياكي‬،‫ �ألي�سا مي�سوال�س‬،‫را�شد الكلباين‬
Front Row: Noora Al Mata’ni ,Wedd Al-Zadjali,
Najma Al-Farsy
Absent: Abdul-Latif Mukri
‫ جنمة‬،‫ ود الزدجايل‬،‫ نورا املطاعني‬:‫ال�صف االول‬
‫ عبد اللطيف مكري‬:‫الغياب‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Fatima Fazal, Hannia Qureshi,
Ayesha Burney, Mohammed Reshi, Ahmed
Ali, Basil Al-Riyami, Harikrishnan Nair, Fahad
Ansari, Vinod Kumararthna, Fahad Al-Wahaibi,
Sulaiman Al-Sharji
‫ عائ�شة‬،‫ هانية قر�شي‬،‫ فاطمة فازل‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ هاري‬،‫ با�سل الريامي‬،‫ �أحمد علي‬،‫ حممد ري�شي‬،‫بريين‬
‫ فهد‬،‫ فينود كومارارثنا‬،‫ فهد �أن�صاري‬،‫كري�شنان ناير‬
‫ �سليمان ال�شارجي‬،‫الوهيبي‬
‫ حليمة‬،‫ ب�شرى الروا�س‬،‫دانية فاروق‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ جوين ت�شوي‬،‫ �صفاء البلو�شي‬،‫ ر�ضا فاروق‬،‫البو�سعيدي‬
‫ بيان‬،‫ �إبتهال اخلليفني‬،‫ عفت �شارمني‬،‫�أ�سماء ال�شيخ‬
،‫ برتا نور ني�سا عبداهلل‬، ‫ �أوليا دارا نور عارفني‬،‫البلو�شي‬
‫ �سارة البلو�شي‬،‫�أريج الربطماين‬
Middle Row: Dania Farouqe, Bushra
Al-Rawas, Halima Al-Busaidi, Rida Furrukh,
Safa Al-Balushi, Jueun Choi, Asma Sheikh,
Iffat Sharmeen, Ibtihal Al-Khalifin, Bayan
Al-Balushi, Aulia Arifin, Petra Nur Nisa
Abdullah, Areej Al-Bortmani, Sara Al-Balushi
‫ نائبة‬،‫ براين مكورماك‬/‫ مدير املدر�سة‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ امال البلو�شي‬/‫ رئي�س الطلبة‬،‫ نور عيديد‬/‫رئي�س الطلبة‬
/‫ نائب رئي�س الطلبة‬،‫عبداهلل اخلرو�صي‬/‫رئي�س الطلبة‬
‫ امل�س�ؤلة عن �صفوف‬/‫ املعلمة دون مل�سوم‬،‫عبداهلل العلوي‬
‫ رئي�س ق�سم الثانوي‬/‫ املعلم �ستيفانو بوماتي‬،12 ‫ و‬11
Front Row: Mr. Brian McCormack, Nour
Aideed (Deputy Head Girl, Amal Al-Balushi
(Head Girl), Abdullah Al-Kharusi (Head Boy),
Abdullah Al-Alawi (Deputy Head Boy), Ms.
Dawn Melsom, Mr. Stefano Piumatti
Oath Ceremony
‫‪Head Boy‬‬
‫ب�سم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫لقد ت�رشفت بان �أكون احد طالب مدر�سة م�سقط العاملية يف العام ‪2004‬م حيث التحقت بال�صف الرابع االبتدائي‬
‫ووا�صلت الدرا�سة فيها بكل جد و اجتهاد حتى ح�صلت يف ال�صف التا�سع على ال�شهادة الدولية ك�سفري ملدر�سة‬
‫م�سقط العاملية خلدمات التميز ونتيجة لذلك فقد ر�شحتني وزارة الرتبية والتعليم املوقرة وب�إيعاز من املدر�سة‬
‫كي امثل املدار�س الدولية يف ال�سلطنة يف املنتدى الدويل لل�شباب بجزيرة جيجو الكورية يف العام ‪2012‬م‪،‬‬
‫و�سعدت �أكرث هذا العام بف�ضل الله وبعون من الأ�ساتذة والزميالت والزمالء الأعزاء الكرام الذين منحوين ثقتهم‬
‫الغالية ور�شحوين كي �أكون رئي�سا للطلبة ‪.‬لقد بذلت ق�صارى جهدي ووقتي‬
‫وبدعم وتعاون خمل�ص من العرفاء بتقدمي كل العون‬
‫واخلدمة وامل�ساعدة م�شمولة باملحبة لكافة �أ�رسة‬
‫املدر�سة �أ�ساتذة وطالبا يف كافة املجاالت العلمية‬
‫والإن�سانية واالجتماعية والريا�ضية والفنية‪ ،‬والتي مت‬
‫تنفيذها بنجاح يف املدر�سة مثل‪ :‬النادي اخلريي‪ ،‬واليوم‬
‫الريا�ضي‪ ،‬والكرنفال والتجهيز امل�رسحي ‪....‬وغريها‬
‫من الفعاليات وكلها متثل ذكريات جميلة ال ميكن‬
‫ن�سيانها‪ .‬هنيئا للطلبة الذين �سيوا�صلون درا�ستهم يف‬
‫هذه املدر�سة العتيدة م�ؤكدا لهم بانهم �سيحظون‬
‫باهتمام بالغ من الإدارة املدر�سية والأ�ساتذة الأجالء؛‬
‫والو�سائل احلديثة يف تعليمهم ‪ -‬وعلى قدر اهل العزم‬
‫وهم بال �شك يوفرون الطرق‬
‫ت�أتي العزائم ‪ -‬وما على الطالب �إال بذل ق�صارى جهدهم يف التح�صيل املتميز واال�ستفادة من االمكانات التعليمية‬
‫الراقية التي وفرها هذا ال�رصح العلمي الرائع‪ .‬اىل االمام دائما يامدر�ستنا الرائدة يف رفد هذا الوطن الغايل‬
‫ب�أجيال متميزة خلدمته حتت ظل قيادة رائد هذه النه�ضة العلمية املباركة ح�رضة �صاحب اجلاللة حفظه الله‬
‫عبدالله نا�رص اخلرو�صي‬
‫رئي�س الطلبة‬
Head Girl
Being appointed Head Girl of Muscat International School for this academic year has been a huge honour. It has also provided me
with a great opportunity to sum up twelve years at MIS.
During this academic year at Muscat International School, twenty four of our Grade 11 and Grade 12 students were given the honour
and opportunity of taking on the role of MIS Senior Prefects. When signing up for the role, our esteemed Principal, Mr. McCormack,
informed us that the greatest duty of the Senior Prefects are to lead the student body by example, and that we are important
ambassadors of our school. After signing the Oath, we all grew into our new positions and became the important role models
required for our school. We grew accustomed to the ideas and attitudes that come with being a Senior Prefect and have recognized
the serious responsibility of representing our school. With determination and effort, each Senior Prefect contributed towards trying
making the school a better place.
As a group, we managed to help and organise charity events such as Pink Day and our
annual School Carnival, both raising larger sums of money than ever before at Muscat
International School. We have assisted the teachers to the best of our ability, on break duties,
at PTA meetings, or by attending external and internal events such as this year’s Drama
Production. I feel blessed and thankful to have been given the privilege of working with
such a passionate, kind and helpful group of students who have made this a truly joyful and
memorable experience.
My role as Head Girl has also allowed me to work with various other groups within the school
such as the members of our Student Council who have always come up with interesting
ideas and topics. I also co-hosted Muscat Daily’s Listen Up competition which took place in
school, alongside two fellow students and our Deputy Head Boy which was an exciting new
experience for all of us. I also enjoyed helping the Primary Choir group at their Christmas
performance at the Intercontinental Hotel .
I feel it would be unfair if I do not officially thank the other three students who have who I
have worked closely with, as part of the leadership team of the Senior Prefects; Head Boy,
Abdullah Al Kharoosi, Deputy Head Boy, Abdullah Al Alawi and Deputy Head Girl, Noor
Aideed. All three colleagues were a constant support and I cannot begin to thank them
enough. Guys, we made it!
I also feel it would be even more unfair if I do not take this opportunity to thank Ms. Melsom,
our Key Stage 5 Coordinator, whom we could at all times turn to with our concerns and ideas. Also, to our encouraging
Principal Mr. McCormack, who was always helpful and understanding, pushing us forward with our ideas and standing firmly by us
when we needed the support.
Muscat International School is a place that I will always remember. The laughs, the atmosphere, the diversity, the mindset of our
students, and the teachers of our school; these are the things that help to make it unique. Thank you all for accepting me as your
Head Girl and for giving me the opportunity to prove myself. It feels like each year we progress and develop into a stronger school
community and I see nothing but the brightest future for the school and students. I wish you all the best for the years to come.
Amal Al Balushi
Head Girl 2012-2013
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ حممود الربواين‬،‫ جنمة الفار�سي‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ جورج‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫ يا�سمني كا�شمريي‬،‫عبدالعزيز الع�سيائي‬
Back Row: Najma Al-Farsy, Mahmood
Al-Barwani, Abdulaziz Al-Essai, Yasmin
Kashmiri, Mr. George Young
Middle Row: Azim Baruno, Seyed Mohammed
Moheimani, Ali Al-Maskiry, Shaheen Naji,
Haroub Mussa, Qamra Al-Kindi
‫ علي‬،‫ �سيد حممد مهيمني‬،‫عازم بارونو‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ قمراء الكندي‬،‫مو�سى‬
َ ‫ حارب‬،‫ �شاهني ناجي‬،‫امل�سكري‬
‫ �سلطـ ـ ــان‬،‫ فينلي برايد‬،‫لف كري�شـف‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ريل‬،‫ من�صورة البو�سعيدي‬،‫ مهند الوهيبي‬،‫البو�سعيدي‬
‫عو�ض ال�سيد‬
Front Row: Lev Chrhyshev, Finlay Braid,
Sultan Al-Busaidi, Mohanned Al-Wahaibi,
Mansoora Al-Busaidi, Reel Awad Alseed
Ali - Answering text
en is the bell
Lev and Finlay - wh
Haroub and Ali going green
Mahmoud in Geography
I know the Mohanned and Haroub discussing
Mohammed - I think
their answers
st friends
Qamra and Chelsea posing for
Najma and Yasmin be
the camera
Shaheen reading quiet
The Boys together
Haroub and Azim Da
Mansoora and Sulta
n Team work
Mohanned smiling fo
r the
Qamra and Mansoora
the Earth
The Girls together
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ �أريب ن�سيم حيدر‬،‫ بوجانا ميوكولوف‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ دافيد‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫ بدر اليحيى‬،‫ كنان احلامتي‬،‫�أني�سة �سليماين‬
Back Row: Bojana Mucalov, Areeb Nasim
Haider, Anisa Solemani, Keenan Al-Hatmy,
Badr Al-Yahya, Mr. David Cawley
Middle Row: Chelsea Ferris, Ibrahim Al-Habsi,
Wedd Al-Zadjali, Reem Ali, Christian Lanzalotti,
Ramis Al-Habsi
Front Row: Chantel Ferro, Atheer Al-Aisri,
Al-Muntaser Al-Mata’ni, Al-Ghubaria Al-Shamsi,
Hassina Al-Wahaibi
‫ ود‬،‫ �إبراهيم احلب�سي‬،‫�شل�سي فار�س‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ رامز احلب�سي‬،‫ كري�ستيان النزالوتي‬،‫ رمي علي‬،‫الزدجايل‬
:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ الغبرية‬،‫ املنت�صر املطاعني‬،‫ �أثري العي�سري‬،‫�شانتل فريو‬
‫ ح�سينة الوهيبي‬،‫ال�شام�سي‬
So B
ow w
I do ing eith
I am
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ اخلليل‬،‫ رميا البلو�شي‬،‫�شهربانو كا�ضمي‬
‫بافيني دو�شي‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫اجله�ضمي‬
Back Row: Shehrbano Kazmi,
Rima Al-Balushi, Al-Khalil Al-Jahdhami,
Ms. Bhavini Doshi
Middle Row: Andrea Gomez-Cureno, Zahra
Ainayah Hafidz, Malak Al-Nadabi, Muhammad
Adil Fazal, Zuhayr Al-Bulushi, Sara Mezdour
Front Row: Jorge Alejandro Balcazar,
Ali Al-Qadhi, Suleiman Al-Taie, Amnah
Al-Araimi, Vidushi Bhattacharjee
،‫ زهرة �أناية حفيظ‬،‫�آندريا جومزكورينو‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �سارة‬،‫ زهري البلو�شي‬،‫ حممد عادل فازل‬،‫مالك الندابي‬
،‫ علي القا�ضي‬،‫ خورخى �آخلاندروبالكزار‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ فيدو�شي بتا�شارجي‬،‫ �آمنة العرميي‬،‫�سليمان الطائي‬
‫نورا املطاعني‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Noora Al-Mata’ni
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ كفني نور زمان‬،‫ �شيان خان‬،‫ �سنان نادر‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ عبداهلل ال�شغري‬،‫ حممد العجيلي‬،‫�سليمان بركات اللمكي‬
‫روث بايتون‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Sannan Nadir, Shayan Khan,
Kevin Nurzaman, Suleiman Barakat Al-Lamki,
Mohammed Al-Ojaili, Abdullah Al-Shighri,
Ms. Ruth Bayton
Middle Row: Faisal Al-Ajmi, Ayman
Al-Yahyaey, Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim, Yana Durado,
Mariam Al-Maimani,Ghadi El-Jawhary, Nadiyah
‫ �إبراهيم‬،‫ �أمين اليحيائي‬،‫في�صل العجمي‬
،‫ غادي اجلوهري‬،‫ مرمي امليمني‬،‫ يانا دورادو‬،‫الإبراهيمي‬
‫نادية خان‬
Front Row: Ann Joe Maria Syriac, Sara
Al-Qadhi, Ishaanee Didwania, Nasser
Al-Suleimani, Ali Al-Subhi, Kerem Uslu, Rayyan
‫ �إي�شاين‬،‫ �سارة القا�ضي‬،‫�آن جو �سريياك‬
‫ كرمي �أو�سلو‬،‫ علي ال�صبحي‬،‫ نا�صر ال�سليماين‬،‫ديدوانيا‬
‫ براديل موري‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Bradley Murray
Nasser & Abdullah Bake
Having a blast with the instruments
Faisal and his Balloons on
Carnival Day
Gangam Style on Pink Day
Bradley- I hope our house
wins the most merits
Linda, Mariam, and Yana on Big Draw Day
Sannan and Shayan - the Spelling Bee winners
Celebrating International Day
Sulaiman the Conductor
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Khaya Mpeta, Faisal Al-Harthy,
Saamir Al-Naamani, Alyssa Misolas, Malak
Al-Zarafy, Kimia Askari, Ms. Jenny Stretch
‫ �سامر‬،‫ في�صل احلارثي‬،‫ كايا مباتا‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ كيمياء �أ�سكاري‬،‫ مالك الزرايف‬،‫ الي�سا مي�سوال�س‬،‫النعماين‬
‫ جيني �سرتت�ش‬/‫املعلمة‬
‫ حممد‬،‫ في�صل الوهيبي‬،‫ را�شد �إبرهيم‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ حممد علي‬،‫ مهدي اللواتي‬،‫ حممد ال�شنفري‬،‫العزيزي‬
‫ حممد زهيب فاروق‬،‫عبا�س‬
Middle Row: Rashed Ibrahim, Faisal
Al-Wahaibi, Muhammad Al-Azizi, Mohammad
Al-Shanfari, Mahdi Al-Lawati, Mohammad Ali
Abbas, Muhammad Zohaib Furrukh
Front Row: Neharika Chakravarthy, Maryam
Al-Balushi, Samarth Kapur, Abdul-Latif Mukri,
Sergio Gonzalez, Elia Al-Rawahi,
Farah Al-Abdisalaam
،‫ مرمي البلو�شي‬،‫ نهاريكا �شكرافارثي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �إيليا‬،‫ �سريجيو غونزال�س‬،‫ عبداللطيف مكري‬،‫�سمارث كابور‬
‫ فرح �آل عبدال�سالم‬،‫الرواحي‬
Here is 8B full of fun
Don’t believe anyone that says otherwise
We do the work together no matter what
We all join together to have celebrations
No matter if we are from different
Maybe we can be the fools of our school
But we know we are cool!
Here is 8B holding hands
And telling “we are the best Class”
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ �سيف وليد زهران‬،‫ املهند الكيومي‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ را�شد‬،‫ حممد ال�ضبعوين‬،‫ همام الغزايل‬،‫و�ضاح الزدجايل‬
‫ نينا رماناند‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫الكلباين‬
Back Row: Al-Muhannad Al-Kiyumi,
Saif Walid Zahran, Wadhah Al-Zadjali,
Hammam Al-Ghazali, Mohammed Al-Dhabouni,
Rashid Al-Kalbani, Ms. Nina Remanand
Middle Row: Yara Al-Alawi, Meray Joseph,
Linda Allali, Mirdas Al-Busaidi, Gheovan
Maridet, Jorge Gomez-Cureno, Fahim Kawsar
‫ ليندا‬،‫ مرياي جوزف‬،‫ يارا العلوي‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫جومز‬-‫ جورج‬,‫ جيوفان ماريدت‬،‫ مردا�س البو�سعيدي‬،‫العلي‬
‫ فهيم كو�سر‬،‫كورينو‬
Front Row: Imaad Abdul-Wahab, Yunus
Al-Mahrooqi, Mareh Al-Balushi, Dina Al-Jabri,
Roshmonda Abdul-Monem, Moosa Al-Mayahi,
Yarub Al-Sammari
،‫ يون�س املحروقي‬،‫ عماد عبد الوهاب‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ مو�سى‬،‫ را�شموندا عبد املنعم‬،‫ دينا اجلابري‬،‫مارح البلو�شي‬
‫ يعرب ال�سمري‬،‫املياحي‬
‫ بدر ذياب‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absent: Bader Diab
8C is an interesting medley of cosmopolitan
and multifaceted students. They are lively,
affectionate, a shade naughty!!!!
Although, to many of them, English is second
language, they conquered all language
barriers and seemed to communicate,
cooperate and enjoy each other perfectly.
Mohammed engrossed in ICT work
Celebrating Diversity
They believe “To feel the joy of life 8C is the
right place to be. It is where you not only
find people engaged in studies, but comedy
and fun while learning is the Motto. We
are naughty; we are noisy; yet we enjoy the
lessons with a bit of spice”.
We love science
Hammam, Mirdas, Mohammed constantly
brought in glory to the form with their
splendid performances in Football matches.
8C has some very versatile actors who
showed their talents at the LWW production.
They won the crowd with their enthusiasm
and vigour on Carnival day. They are a
fabulous group of budding champions and
talented youngsters.
Quiet reading time in the
Wadhah and Bader celebrating their
Yunus - peace out
What we love the most
Mirdas - Best Goal keeper
The boys experimenting
enjoying London
Saif busy reading
With our favourite form tutor
Good friends
It’s my Birthday!!
Geovan- enjoys
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Anas Al-Bakry, Zain Burney,
Momin Mustafa, Hissaan Nader, Ayman
Al-Harthy, Dashe Iluyemi, Eun Kyun Lee,
Ms. Cara Murphy
Middle Row: Mohammed Al-Hooti, Osama
Al-Rawahi, Ahmed Al-Mahry, Lama Ibrahim,
Hanan Al-Wahaibi, Anas Shuhada Othman
‫ م�ؤمن‬،‫ زين برين‬،‫ �أن�س البكري‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ يون‬،‫ دا�شي ايلوميي‬،‫ �أمين احلارثي‬،‫ ح�سان نادر‬،‫م�صطفى‬
‫ كارا موريف‬/‫ املعلمة‬، ‫كون يل‬
‫ �أحمد‬،‫ �أ�سامة الرواحي‬،‫ حممد الهوتي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �أن�س �شوهادا عثمان‬،‫ حنان الوهيبي‬،‫ ملى ابرهيم‬،‫املهري‬
،‫ �س�ساجني دي�ساناياكي‬،‫ �صوبية ال�شيخ‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ مليكة ال�شفيع‬،‫ زينب ب�سكريت‬،‫ �سامية العلي‬،‫�آيا ابو اخلري‬
Front Row: Sawebia Shaikh, Sasangee
Dissanayake, Aya Abouelkhair, Samiya Ali,
Zeynep Baskrit, Melika Shafiei
e Chubby
Ayman and Aya do th
Bunny Challenge
Anas and Lama
Lama, Shuhada and Melika work
on the Chubby Bunny Poster
ama apres
Dashe, Hissan and Os
International Friends
Melika and Me oze
Ayman getting creative
in Art
working hard
Samiya and Shuhada
boys how it’s
Sasangee shows the
tes on
With Other Classma
9A form time2
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ ماجد احلريبي‬،‫ ذو الع�ضيم ذو القبلي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �شاهري‬،‫ حممد الرحبي‬،‫ �سلطان اجلنيبي‬،‫عابد احلريبي‬
‫ جو�س �سريياك‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫ �سامل احلب�سي‬،‫ن�سيم‬
Back Row: Zul Azeem Zulkipli, Majid
Al-Huraibi, Abid Al-Huraibi, Sultan Al-Jenaibi,
Mohammed Al-Rahbi, Shaheer Nasim,
Salim Al-Habsi, Mr. Jose Syriac
Middle Row: Divya Gandhi, Valentina Romero,
Raas Ijaaz, Ahmad Al-Ghattami, Hussein
El-Genidy, Jamsheed Al-Said
‫ را�س‬،‫ فالنتينا رومريو‬،‫ دفيا غاندي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ جم�شيد �آل �سعيد‬،‫ ح�سني اجلنيدي‬،‫ �أحمد الغتامي‬،‫ايجاز‬
‫ �أبا�سانا‬،‫ �آر�سي بارونو‬،‫ فاطمة �سعيد‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ فائقة احلارثي‬،‫ لني �إبراهيم‬،‫ �سلمى اجلنيدي‬،‫با�سو‬
Front Row: Faatimah Saeed, Arsy Baruno,
Upasana Basu, Salma El Genidy,
Leen Ibrahim, Faiqa Al-Harthy
Abid - had a good
break in London
Keep Earth Green-plant a
9B-Thought for the week
Ahmed-Exams are
coming up
Arsy-Has a Geography quiz
in 10 min.
Anas - I like MIS
Divya-Thinking of changing
the Periodic table
Hussein-Forgot to do the
Divya, Valentina, and Arsy
on Sports Day
Faatima & Valentina -our
canrnival stall was a great
Mohammed Rahbi-I forgot
the answer
UPASANA-equations are
Faiqa - I forgot this
Ryan-from RSA
Leen-Reading Shakespeare
Shaheer, Jamsheed and
Sultan-good friends
UK is cooool!
Zul- The dragon fan!!
Celebrating Environment Day with their classmates
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ يزن‬،‫ هيثم اليا�س‬،‫ يو�سف الريامي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممد فا�ضل‬،‫ طه ال�شيهاين‬،‫ حمد اخلرو�صي‬،‫عبدالفتاح‬
‫�أنتوين موريف‬/‫ املعلم‬،‫علي‬
Back Row: Yousef Al-Riyami, Haitham Eliyas,
Yazan Abdul-Fattah, Hamad Al-Kharusi, Taha
Al-Shaihani, Mohammed Fadhil Ali, Mr. Antony
Middle Row: Mohammed Al-Taie, Adham
Al-Shidhany, Talal Al-Zadjali, Ali Al-Shaihani,
Maisy Allbless, Anahita Arora, Gyu Bi Yun
‫ طالل‬،‫ �أدهم ال�شيذاين‬،‫ حممد الطائي‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ �أناهيتا �أرورا‬،‫ مي�سي البال�س‬،‫ علي ال�شيهاين‬،‫الزدجايل‬
‫جوبي ين‬
‫ نورهان‬،‫ �سلمى النافع‬،‫ نادين بو كامل‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ ثي�ساجنا كوراى‬، ‫ رنيى حمفوظ‬،‫ نبيهة ابو احل�سن‬،‫غايل‬
‫فرح ح�سن‬
Front Row: Nadine Bou Kamel, Salma El
Nafa, Nourhan Ghali, Nabeeha Abul-Hassan,
Reine Mahfouz, Thisanja Cooray, Farah
‫ في�صل اجلاعوين‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absent: Faisal Al-Jaouni
Our class
This year we had a load
of activities in M.I.S. and
our class students have
progressed well in each
of them.
Focusing on the
‘Public Speaking
Competition’, Thisanja
Cooray (Who is in
Masirah) was in a group
with other members of
the green team and won
that competition with
high marks from the
Next we had the
‘Cancer Awareness
Walk’ which we
performed well in by
giving money for treating
cancer and having
a walk in and out of
We then had quite a few
‘House Days’ which all
us students had to wear
our house t-shirt and to
win points for our teams
and having meetings
with our houses.
Then we had the
‘Sports Day’ which was
real fun and Mohammed
Al Taie won the cup for
the best grade 9 boy.
In English we had to
write an 80 word story
‘Around the world in 80
Days’ which was sent
to the UK to choose
the best ones to be
published in a book.
Last of all we had the
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ �سيف‬،‫ �أحمد احل�سني‬،‫ ح�سن �أمني‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ يو�سف الزرايف‬،‫ يقظان احلب�سي‬،‫ �آندرى قارح‬،‫احلجري‬
‫وندي لوف‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫مو�سى‬
ّ ‫مدرك‬
Back Row: Hassan Ameen, Ahmed Al-Hasni,
Seif Al-Hajri, Andre Kareh, Yaqdhan Al-Habsi,
Yousef Al-Zarafy, Mudrick Mussa, Ms. Wendy
Middle Row: Sherine Bou-Dargham, Ruwaid
Al-Habsi, Omar Al-Rawas, Amna Siddiqui, Iram
Al-Ghafri, Shahad Al-Nadabi
‫ عمر‬،‫ رويد احلب�سي‬،‫ �شرين بو درغم‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �شهد الندابي‬،‫ �إرم الغافري‬،‫�صديقي‬
ٍ ‫ �آمنة‬،‫الروا�س‬
،‫ خديجة احلمداين‬،‫ حنني �إبراهيم‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ كلي فان‬،‫ احل�سناء ال�شيهاين‬،‫فلورجنيال دوك مالبيكا‬
‫ هدى العزيزي‬،‫ و�سن البلو�شي‬،‫غران‬
Front Row: Haneen Ibrahim, Khadija
Al-Hamadany, Florangela Duque Malpica,
Al-Hasnaa Al-Shaihani, Kelly Van Graan,
Wasan Al-Bulushi, Huda Al-Azizi
‫ �صفات عزيز‬: ‫الغياب‬
Absent: Saffat Aziz
I walk in our class,
And this is what I see,
Miss Wendy taking the register,
While Khadeeja and Kelly are talking to me.
Mudrick is laughing and amusing the class
And Wasan Is studying for her exams, she wants to pass.
Seif and Yousef sitting and being typical boys,
“Stop talking, I’m doing the register, DON’T MAKE ANY NOISE!”
Sultan walking in, wishing this is his class,
“Stop distracting me; go to your form room, FAST!”
Shahed is standing and playing with her hair, her friend Hasna is
Sitting on the chair.
Amna wants to leave she´s waiting for the bus, Kelly
Is screaming “I can´t hear, there´s too much fuss”
Who´s obsessed with one direction? I know, Haneen!
She´s also a great friend that keeps secrets ask Sherine!
Huda is sitting quietly on her chair,
Did I forget to mention I love Flora´s red hair?
Yaqdhan is always smiling; Ruwaid is too smart for ICT,
Iram always whines about how much she hates P.E.
Andre is a good student, Seefat is new, Hassan likes sport cars,
Believe me what I’m saying is true.
Anyways I’m done talking about my class.
See you next Year! n grade 11… um that´s if I pass.
By Iram Al Ghafri
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ فهد ذياب‬،‫ جا�سر امليمني‬،‫حمزة �سعيد‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ فين�سي جوز‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �أرمني �سليماين‬،‫�أ�سعد البلو�شي‬
Back Row: Hamza Saeed, Jasser
Al-Maimani, Fahad Diab, Assad Al-Balushi,
Armin Soleimani, Ms. Vincy Jose
Middle Row: Aiman Haidar Agha, Mohammed
Al-Harrasi, Yousuf Al-Mahrooqi, Sultan
Al-Sibani, Sajid Kamadia, Muhammad Hassan
Furrukh, Rifat Helal-uddin
،‫ حممد احلرا�صي‬،‫ �أمين حيدر �آغا‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ حممد‬،‫ �ساجد كماديا‬،‫ �سلطان ال�سيباين‬،‫يو�سف املحروقي‬
‫ رفعت هالل‬،‫ح�سن فاروق‬
‫ �أمال‬،‫ �إيالف العرميي‬،‫ مها البلو�شي‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ كاثرين‬،‫ هند اليا�س‬،‫ يو�سم ين‬،‫ ميثاء ال�شكيلي‬،‫حممد‬
Front Row: Maha Al-Balushi, Elaf Al-Araimi,
Amaal Muhammad, Maitha Al-Shukeli, Yeosim
Yun, Hind Elyas, Catherine Colley
Carnival was fun
Catherine on
Environment Day
The proud Omani men!
Yeosim preparing
the Carnival Poster
The boys on Pink Day
The ladies celebrating International day
Armin the Math whiz
Fahad and Jasser revising for Mocks!
Scientist at work
Sajid and Fahad with Mr. Ahmed
Al Harthy
Serious revision for the Maths quiz
Men in Black!
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ �آيان‬،‫ علي بابكر‬،‫ �شهاب البلو�شي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ ل�سيا كن�سيللة‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ ايالريا النزالوتي‬،‫كماديا‬
Back Row: Shahab Al-Balushi, Ali Babiker,
Ayaan Kamadia, Ilaria Lanzalotti, Ms. Lisa
Middle Row: Manal Al-Azri, Taimur Al-Said,
Harib Al-Said, Mohammed Al-Wahaibi, Andrey
Medvedev, Marthinus Ferreira
‫ حارب‬،‫ تيمور �آل �سعيد‬،‫ منال العزري‬: ‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ مارتينا�س‬،‫ �آندرى مدفدف‬،‫ حممد الوهيبي‬،‫�آل �سعيد‬
Front Row: Heba Al-Akkad, Lujainah Al-Subhi,
Nurul Fareesha Zulkapeli, Swafiya Sheikh,
Amira Al-Jabri, Tegan Al-Harthi
‫ نور‬،‫ جلينة ال�صبحي‬،‫ هبة العقاد‬: ‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ تيجان‬،‫ �أمرية اجلابري‬،‫ �صفية ال�شيخ‬،‫الفري�شة ذو القبلي‬
‫ فاطمة ح�سني �إ�سالم‬،‫ �أليوت فروتغر‬:‫الغياب‬
Absentees: Eliott Frutiger, Fatima Hussein
Andrey and Marthinus looking
studious while Mudrick looks on
Interesting mix for Mohammed
and Ali
Ayaan-manly in Pink
Lujaina, Manal and Shahad take
a break from the Maths lesson
Welcoming Yousef to the 10C Form
Swafiya and Fatima are
mixing it up in Chemistry
Taimur, Assad and Harib on
Carnival Day
Lujaina and Fareesha working on
their weight and measurment
Taimur and Mohammed looking
sporty in London
Too cool for you
Shahab all excitment
on the first day of
All together
Ilaria in ICT
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ هاري‬،‫ فهد �أن�صاري‬،‫ فينود كومارارثنا‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ هاين اللواتي‬،‫�صديقي‬
ِ ‫ عمر‬،‫ حممد ري�شي‬،‫كري�شنان ناير‬
‫ ليان برير‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Vinod Kumararathna, Fahad
Ansari, Harikrishnan Nair, Mohammed Reshi,
Umar Siddiqui, Hani Al-Lawati, Ms Lianne
‫ مرمي‬،‫ في�صل ال�صبحي‬،‫�أكا�ش داتة‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ مايكل‬،‫ ف�ؤاد البلو�شي‬،‫ تاال عبدالفتاح‬،‫ �أ�سماء �شوغل‬،‫خليل‬
Middle Row: Akash Datta, Faisal Al-Subhi,
Mariam Khalil, Asma Chogle, Tala AbdulFattah, Fuad Al-Balushi, Michael Hanania
Front Row: Nor Fadzillah Ibrahim, Zulfadzil
Zulkipli, Jinan Al-Busaidi, Rida Furrukh, Fatima
Fazal, Bayan Al-Balushi, Sarah Al-Wahaibi
‫ ذو الف�ضل ذو‬،‫نور ف�ضل اهلل �إبراهيم‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ فاطمة فازل‬،‫ ر�ضا فاروق‬،‫ جنان البو �سعيدي‬،‫القبلي‬
‫ �سارة الوهيبي‬،‫بيان البلو�شي‬
‫ عبداهلل مهدي‬،‫ فاطمة عبداهلل‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Fatma Abdalla, Abdullah Mahdi
The studious Bayan and Sarah
“And I was like…talk to the hand…”
The lovely Rida and Fatima
“I have a dream…”
Super Hair to the rescue!
Rida : “Does Mariam even take science?”
Jinan : “No, but just smile anyway”
Don’t look into the light Zul!!
11A doing their bit for the environment, recycling
Faisal working hard as always (ahem….)
Fahad the class clown
Fatma’s art
11A boys playing dress up
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ حممود‬،‫ كر�ستوفر روب�سن‬،‫ حبيب �ضاهر‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ �سعيد غا�صمي‬،‫ �أمري املازين‬،‫ كرمي البلو�شي‬،‫الزدجايل‬
‫ �أ�ستل رورك‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Habib Daher, Kristofer Robson,
Mahmood Al-Zedjali, Karim Al-Balushi, Amir
Maziny, Saeed Ghasemi, Ms Estelle Rourke
،‫ كوثر اخلرو�صي‬،‫عبداهلل البحراين‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ مارلني قارح‬،‫ رغد الزبيدي‬،‫ �سامي العلي‬،‫�سي وان جة‬
Middle Row: Abdullah Al-Bahrani, Kawthar
Al-Kharusi, Si Yuan Ge, Sami Allali, Raghad
Al-Zubaidi, Marline Kareh
‫ رفيقة‬،‫ هانية قر�شي‬،‫ بلقي�س الزدجايل‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ جوين ت�شوي‬،‫ �إبتهال اخلليفن‬،‫بري�سا‬
Front Row: Balqees Al-Zadjali, Hannia
Qureshi, Rafika Bersa, Ibtihal Al Khalifin,
Jueun Choi
‫ اليا�س العراقي‬،‫ �صفاء البلو�شي‬:‫الغياب‬
Safa Al-Balushi, Elyas Al-Eraqi
Diversity may be the hardest
thing for a society to live
with, and perhaps the most
dangerous thing for a society
to be without.
Variety is the spice of
11B are like me, they work well under pressure
and to deadlines, evidence of which was shown in
our class assembly on Celebrating Diversity! Our
assembly took place the week after the AS Level
mock exams so most of the students not only had the
pressure of studying for these important exams but
also had me continually pestering them to organise
our theme at the same time. It was impressive how
they took the whole thing in their stride, how they
pulled together an excellent assembly as a group
and I am proud of what they achieved that morning
on stage. The amount of thought, preparation,
hard work and imagination at one of the busiest
times of their academic year shows how far these
students in 11B have come since the start of Key
Stage 5 and gives us an idea of how they are going
to contribute in MIS next year as they move into
It takes a lot of different
Year 12. 11B – we’re celebrating YOUR diversity flowers to make up a bouquet
on these pages!
Strength lies in differences,
not similarities
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Ghalib Al-Balushi, Omar Al-Jabri,
Moustafa Roushdi, Mohammed Al-Araimi, Qais
Al-Mahry, Al-Munther Al-Suwaid, Mohammed
Jayed Hossain, Ms. Alia Jafaar
،‫ عمر اجلابري‬،‫ غالب البلو�شي‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ املنذر �آل‬،‫ قي�س املهري‬،‫ حممد العرميي‬،‫م�صطفى ر�شدي‬
‫ علياء جعفر‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ حممد جايد ح�سني‬،‫�سويد‬
‫ �سارة‬،‫ زهرة البكري‬،‫ �أروب هاري�س‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ �شهروق بادياث‬،‫ تنيم الأزد‬،‫ �سمر الكثريي‬،‫البلو�شي‬
Middle Row: Uroob Haris, Zohra Al-Bakry,
Sarah Al-Balushi, Samar Al-Kathiri, Taneem
Al-Azad, Shahrukh Padiyath
Front Row: Kulthom Al-Habsi, Zainab Al-Farsy,
Dania Mustafa, Ayesha Burney, Nadeesha
‫ دانية‬،‫ زينب الفار�سي‬،‫ كلثوم احلب�سي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ ندي�شة تناكوم‬،‫ عائ�شة بريين‬،‫م�صطفى‬
Ghalib and omar tryna figure some
gibberish out
Munther and Qais doing some last
minute preparations for the test
Shahrukh, Taneem and Jayed chilling
at the back of the class
Ayesha and Dania disucssing the mysteries of the “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Dania and Zainab at the Big Draw
Ayesha helping Abdul Malik with his
drawing at her KG duty
The Green Day Beach cleanup: Uroob and
Kolthum with their friend Asam. Photo shoots
are necessary, even with garbage bags in our
Samar and Sarah getting some notes down in
form room
Uroob, Nadeesha and Kulthoom posing
in the corridor
Nadeesha, Zohra, Dania, Zainab, Moustafa and Shahrukh at the
Geography trip. Taken by the J.B.
Le Guys of 11C acting like gentlemen
The Geographers
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ عبداهلل‬،‫ حممد �أفيق بنجريان �أزهر‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ حممد الروا�س‬،‫ �إياد الأ�سعد‬،‫ فهد الوهيبي‬،‫ال�صبحي‬
‫ ليزيل هاملتون‬/‫املعلمة‬
Back Row: Muhamad Afiq Pengiran Azhar,
Abdallah Al-Subhi, Fahad Al-Wahaibi, Iyad
Al-Asaad, Mohammed Al-Rawas, Ms Lesley
‫ ت�سنيم‬،‫ مازن حمزة‬،‫با�سل الريامي‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
‫ عمار‬،‫ �أحمد علي‬،‫ �سعيد الكثريي‬،‫ ليال امليمني‬،‫البكري‬
Middle Row: Basil Al-Riyami, Mazin Hamza,
Tasneem Al-Bakry, Leyal Al-Maimani,
Said Al-Kathiri, Ahmed Ali, Ammar Al-Mahry
‫ �أ�سماء‬،‫ ب�شرى الروا�س‬،‫ �أمل البلو�شي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �ألك�سي�س نيزات‬،‫ رمي القا�ضي‬،‫ال�شيخ‬
Front Row: Amal Al-Balushi,
Bushra Al-Rawas, Asma Sheikh,
Reem Al-Qadhi, Alexis Nezat
12B have contributed to the positive ethos of the school in a wide variety of ways throughout
the year.
Many members of the tutor group were appointed to important positions of responsibility.
These include: Amal Al Bulushi, Head Girl; Bushra Al Rawas, Masirah House Captain; Fahad
Al Wahaibi, Sports Captain, Masirah; Ahmed Ali, Prefect; Basil Al Riyami, Prefect; Asma
Sheikh, Prefect.
These students have offered their time and support at countless events that have taken place in
the school throughout the year, including parents’ evenings and charitable events. They also
delivered a whole-school assembly on the theme of ‘Generosity’, with other members of the
form including Muhamad Afiq Pengiran Azhar, Iyad Al Asaad and Abdullah Al Subhi working
hard behind the scenes to offer stories, videos and quotes to ensure the assembly ran smoothly.
Amal, Basil, Fahad, Asma, Reem Al Qadhi, Leyal Al Maimani and Alexis Nezat also enjoyed
taking part in the National Day fashion show. Alexis was also the make-up artist in the school
production, “The Lion, the Wicked Queen and the Wardrobe.”
Amal and Reem took part in the Inter-house Speaking competition and Reem extended her
conversational skills further by attending a meeting with the Ministry of Education to discuss
the educational system in Oman.
Ammar and Abdullah
on the bus to Bait Al
Baranda museum
12B are very proud of their achievements throughout the year, and they also made an excellent
partnership with 12C at the Charity Carnival, raising a significant amount of money for charity
through the Secret Roses stall.
Leyal, Tasneem, Reem and Alexis at a
U.K. University visit
Abdullah, Ahmed, Bushra and
Amal discussing important
Student Council matters
Basil and Ahmed take part
in the Science Quiz
Basil on National Day
Say cheese!
Reem and Amal on Pink
I look so manly in pink!
On the ICT class trip
Leyal and Alexis looking pretty
in pink whilst Tasneem tries to
hide from the camera
Afiq working hard
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
،‫ عبداهلل اخلرو�صي‬،‫ علي خ�ضرة‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫�شاليني ناير‬/‫ املعلمة‬،‫ �أحمد الراعي‬،‫�سليمان ال�شارجي‬
Back Row: Ali Khadra, Abdullah Al-Kharoosi,
Suleiman Sharji, Ahmed Al-Raie, Ms Shalini
‫ حليمة‬،‫�أوليا دارا نور عارفني‬:‫ال�صف الأو�سط‬
،‫ حباب عثمان‬،‫ ح�سام علي‬،‫ بدر الدين ندمي‬،‫البو�سعيدي‬
‫عفة �شارمني‬
Middle Row: Aulia Dara Nur Arifin, Halima
Al-Busaidi, Badaruddin Nadeem, Hussam Ali,
Habab Osman, Iffat Sharmeen
Front Row: Petra-Nur-Nisa Abdullah, Ghaida
Rabie, Othaila Al-Saifi, Areej Al-Bortmani, Noor
،‫ غيداء ربيع‬،‫ برتا نور ني�سا عبداهلل‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ نور عيديد‬،‫ �أريج الربطماين‬،‫�أثيلة ال�سيفي‬
‫ عبد اهلل العلوي‬:‫الغياب‬
Absent: Abdullah Al-Alawi
Nour and Petra on Sports Day
Ahmed posing on
International Day
Suli embracing education !
Our Prefects-Job well done!
The Abdullah’s
Ghaida and Nour in their
Omani National dress
The girls of 2013 Class, with their best smiles!
Our Head Boy giving a lesson in
Social Studies
The boys ushering on the final night
of LWW
Habab, Aulia, and Iffat
working on their assembly
Ali receiving his Cerfiticate for
First Aid course from
Mr. McCormack
‫الدائرة العربية و الدرا�سات الإن�سانية‬
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
‫ال�صف اخللفي‪� :‬إح�سان �سليمان‪� ،‬سامرراحممداين‪،‬‬
‫حممد مناجرة‬
‫ال�صف الأمامي‪ :‬عدنان خليل‪ ،‬نعيم عبداهلل‪ ،‬هيثم‬
‫حديدي‪ ،‬حممد ال�سيد‬
‫‪From Left to Right‬‬
‫‪Back Row: Ihsan Sulaiman, Samer‬‬
‫‪Ramhamdany, Mohammed Managera‬‬
‫‪Front Row: Adnan Khalil, Naim Abdullah,‬‬
‫‪Haitham Hadidi, Mohammed El-Sayyed‬‬
‫ب�سم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫�إن مدر�سة م�سقط العاملية التي تتجدد دائما يف مبناها ‪ ،‬وحمتوياتها و�أ�ساليبها و�أن�شطتها املنهجية والالمنهجية ‪ ،‬وفعالياتها املختلفة ‪ ،‬وال�سيما يف حتديثها املتوا�صل لأ�ساليب التدري�س الذي �صاري�ضمن‬
‫لها متيزا يف نتائجها كل عام على امل�ستويني املحلي والدويل ب�صورة جعلتها حمط �أنظارالنا�س الذي يقيمون يف ال�سلطنة من كل الأ�صول واملنابت ‪ ،‬ذلك لأن الدرا�سة فيها حتولت �إىل متعة حقيقية ‪،‬‬
‫فطلبتها ين�رشون �أخبارها ‪ ،‬وطبيعة التدري�س فيها يف �أماكن تواجدهم حتى باتت �سريتها على كل ل�سان ‪.‬‬
‫�إن �إدارة املدر�سة جندت نف�سها لتقدمي كل ما متتلكه من خربة من �أجل ح�صول الطلبةعلى النتائج املرجوة يف امتحاناتهم ال�شهرية والف�صلية والنهائية ‪ ،‬كما �أن املعلمني يولون التدري�س الذي ي�ؤدونه‬
‫لطالبهم داخل �صفوف الدرا�سة �أهمية ق�صوى مبراقبة حثيثة من ر�ؤ�ساء �أق�سامهم الذين ميتلكون خربة كافية ‪ ،‬كل يف جمال تخ�ص�صه ‪.....‬‬
‫لقد حظيت مدر�سة م�سقط العاملية بعدد من نيا�شني العزوالفخاروالتفوق كون رئي�سها يوظف معرفته ‪ ،‬وي�سخروقته ‪ ،‬ويبذل جهده من �أجل و�ضع املدر�سة يف املكان الذي يليق بها على كل امل�ستويات ‪،‬‬
‫�إنه املهند�س الفا�ضل ‪ ،‬ال�رشيك املفو�ض ‪� ،‬سعيد بن علي القا�ضي ‪� ،‬صاحب احلنكة الإدارية ‪ ،‬والنظرة الرتبوية الثاقبة التي ح�صل عليها عرب ع�رشات ال�سنني من عمله الد�ؤوب يف جمال الرتبية والتعليم ‪.‬‬
‫�إن تركيزمدر�ستنا على تدري�س الرتبية الإ�سالمية واللغة العربية ‪ ،‬ودعم برامج الرحالت الداخلية واخلارجية ‪ ،‬و�إف�ساح املجال للطلبة مبمار�سة الأن�شطة التي يرغبون بها طوال العام الدرا�سي ي�ضيف �إليها م�آثر‬
‫�أخرى ‪.‬‬
‫�إنني �شخ�صيا با�سمي ‪ ،‬وبا�سم كل زميالتي ‪ ،‬وزمالئي يف دائرة اللغة العربية والدرا�سات الإن�سانية يف جميع املراحل الدرا�سية ‪،‬ال ي�سعني �إال �أن �أتوجه بوافر ال�شكروالتقدير للمعلمات واملعلمني من العرب‬
‫والأجانب على جهودهم املثمرة ‪ ،‬و�أبتهل �إىل الله جل يف عاله �أن يهب كل العاملني دوام ال�صحة والعافية ‪ ،‬و�أن ينعم على طلبتنا بالنجاح املبهج كي تبقى الفرحة دائما تعمرقلوب �أولياء �أمورهم الكرام ‪...‬‬
‫هذا و�آخر دعوانا �أن احلمد لله رب العاملني ‪.‬‬
‫عدنان خليل‬
‫رئي�س الدائرة‬
English / French
From Left to Right
Back Row:
Cara Murphy, Estelle Rourke, Christopher Terry
Front Row:
Michael Glynn, Darren Melsom, Dawn Melsom
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ كري�ستوفر تريي‬،‫ �أ�ستل رورك‬،‫كارا مرييف‬
:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ دون مل�سوم‬،‫ دارن مل�سوم‬،‫مايكل غلني‬
The English Department continues to provide energetic and stimulating lessons for all students at Muscat International School. The English Curriculum
covers all aspects of language, enabling our students to develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The English Department is fully
aware of the importance of language acquisition, helping students develop the skills needed in many academic subjects as well as in a wider, thriving
social context.
Our Key Stage 3 students in Grades 7 and 8 have continued to consolidate and reinforce the invaluable skills acquired in the Primary School. All students
follow a progressive language course, as well as a thorough and wide-ranging programme of English Literature. These crucial years give our younger
students the skills and experiences necessary for the step up to Key Stage 4 and IGCSE examinations.
This year, our Grade 9 students began the Edexcel IGCSE First Language course, giving all students the ability to explore and engage with a wide range
of situations and texts. This two year course will thoroughly prepare our students for the challenges of the Edexcel ‘AS’ and ‘A2’ courses studied in
future years.
Year 10 students have been able to continue and finalise their preparations for the Cambridge IGCSE Second Language as well as the Edexcel First
Language course, enjoying the challenges of these renowned course.
Literature continues to inspire many of our students in Years 9, 11 and 12, with our IGCSE group enjoying their explorations of Shakespeare in Term 1
and contemporary prose in Term 2. Year 11 have met the challenges of the Literature Edexcel course, while our group of Year 12 students have extended
their analytical and higher reading skills in preparation for the ‘A2’ English Language & Literature examinations.
Muscat International School students have continued to take pride when representing the school in a wide range of competitions, both within the school
and internationally. The Inter-House Public Speaking Competition gave students from Grade 7 up to Grade 12 the opportunity to develop their teamwork
skills, as well as their ability to research and refine speeches that were delivered to students, teachers and distinguished guest judges.
Our students also enjoyed success in the Cubscribe Young Journalist Competition held at The Week, essay writing competitions organized by The Oman
Observer and poetry writing competitions held by several groups in the UK.
This year also saw both MIS teams qualify for the prestigious ‘Readers’ Challenge Cup Final’ in Dubai. The department also introduced highly successful
Spelling Bee competitions at KS3 and enjoyed its first full Inter-House Debating Competition for Key Stage 4 and 5. To complete an incredibly busy
year, MIS also held a second Public Speaking Competition as part of the Muscat Daily ‘Listen Up!’ project and saw the two finalists go on to represent
the school at the Grand Final at the Al Bustan Palace. This involvement obviously continues to be an area highly valued by the English Department.
Darren Melsom
Around the World in 80
English Language Activities
8 Spel
ling Be
Bee W
7 Sp
House tition
Spelling Bee
Public Speaking Competition
Listen Up Competition
hool W
Readers’ Cup Candidates in Dubai
Readers’ Cup Winners
House Debating Competition
Super Sonnet Competition
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ روث بيتون‬،‫ ليزيل مكغاري‬،‫فين�سي جو�س‬
Vincy Jose, Leslie McGarry, Ruth Bayton
Over the past year, the ICT department has continued to give students the knowledge and skills that can be used in all walks
of life. The use of Internet for research etc. and email are encouraged to help students understand modern day interactive
communication. The increase in multimedia applications has meant cross curricular involvement with Year 7/8 students
creating projects which involve Art and ICT etc and also students up to Year 12 being fully conversant with a wide range of
multimedia software and hardware.
Extracurricular school trips where organised for Year 10 students and above to PDO (GED Years 11 and 12) and the Comex
Exhibition. As these were well attended and students gained much from them, we are hoping to make them yearly events
and to even expand our visits to other companies etc. Again the school is not standing still but is looking to upgrade at least
1 ICT lab in order to make it a fully multimedia ready classroom.
The ICT staff has worked very hard over the year both in the subject but also as support for other areas such as the school
production which was a great success. Continuity of staff has always been important and again all ICT staff are returning
next year to help enable students to even greater heights.
Mr Leslie McGarry
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ وليد نقا�ش‬،‫ ليان برير‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
Back Row: Lianne Brear, Waleed Naccash
‫ ليزيل‬،‫ كاثرين اوليفر‬،‫ علياء جعفر‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
Front Row: Alia Jaafar, Katherine Oliver,
Leslie Hamilton
This year has seen some changes in the Mathematics Department with three new members of staff joining the team, taking
the number up to six. We are also introducing a booklet system in Key Stage 3 that will allow us to develop and adapt as time
goes on in order to meet the needs of the pupils and the ever changing curriculum. IGCSE texts are also being updated and
extra resources bought in to provide more practice and support material for these Key Stages.
In the first term a Tessellation Competition was run for KS3. We had some amazing entries and the effort put in by many
students surpassed our expectations. Congratulations go to those students whose entries were placed or were highly
recommended. It looks like it will become an annual event so there will be no excuses for anyone next year.
During Environment Week, Year 9 found out about the volume of waste that is produced by just tin cans in Oman – (huge
assumptions had to be made in order to make the calculations possible!) They worked out that nearly 300000cm3 is needed
for every household’s tin cans. This is 180000 cubic metres of waste for the average family in Oman. This also includes about
9 million square metres of paper from the labels! This is a rather frightening amount of waste that could be recycled.
Next year we hope to continue to develop the resources and the schemes of work to suit the changes in the exam syllabi with
the hope that even more pupils choose to continue their Mathematics education post-16.
Katherine Oliver
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ عماد‬،‫ خالد ابو �صهيون‬،‫ جو�س �سريياك‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ فالح اجلارحي‬،‫زيدان‬
Back Row: Jose Syriac, Khalid Abu Sohyoun,
Emad Zeidan, Faleh Al-Jarhi
Front Row: Nina Ramanand, Lisa Kinsella,
Prabhakumar Nair, Shalini Nair, Somaiyah Al-Omari
The Science department has continued to thrive during this academic year
2012/13. The results of the 2012 June examinations were excellent and there
was a record number of ‘A*’ grades in the IGCSE Examinations. This has
really motivated our young scientists to take Sciences at AS level. As a result
of this motivation and encouragement the students have achieved excellent
results in the January modular examinations; including a few students scoring
100% marks! The teachers and students are working hard to maintain these
results in the coming June examinations.
As part of our effective learning process, we have continued to give special
emphasis on Practical assessments and the IGCSE students were given an
option of doing the Practical examination instead of the written alternative
paper. Training for this paper has started early this year and teachers
and technicians have dedicated their afternoons (after school) to help the
students in accumulating practical skills. I thank all the Science staff who was
involved in this activity for the whole year.
I am thankful to the administration and the management for their support in
availing the latest Science technology and lab resources which are vital for
a meaningful Science education. As part of the professional development
program, the teachers in the department have attended in-service training
courses conducted by EDEXCEL from the UK. These courses have helped
the teachers to interact with the subject experts and examiners and also to
know the latest updates on the assessment and marking policies.
The grade 11 and 12 students were invited to attend an education symposium
by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) International, USA, at AlBustan Palace Hotel. This was an excellent career guidance opportunity
for the young Scientists who may have an ambition to pursue their career
in Petroleum Engineering and also in other related courses. Students were
informed about the scholarships offered by SPE to study such courses in
International Universities. Our students got a special mention as the most
interactive group in the Seminar.
،‫ لي�سا كين�سال‬،‫ نينا رماناند‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �سم ّية العمري‬،‫ �شاليني ناير‬،‫بربهاكومارناير‬
As well as gaining scientific skills and knowledge students have been getting
creative in Science this year. Grade 7 made all kinds of model plant and
animal cells, Grade 8 have made both useful and pathogenic model microbes
and Grade 9 made wonderful hanging models of atoms.
As part of environmental week in Science, Grade 7 wrote stories about life
without fossil fuels and poems about acid rain or global warming. Other
year groups produced power points on the uses and impacts of fossil
fuels, alternative energy sources, nuclear energy, air and water pollution,
mining of metals and numerous other environmental issues. The most
impressive were awarded certificates of merit and excellence. To kick off the
Science week the whole of Primary were treated to some exciting chemical
demonstrations during assemblies. Also as part of Science week Grade 5
and 6 were invited to the secondary laboratories to witness and take part in
explosions, implosions and chemical trickery. As usual, Grade 6 was invited
to attend transition lessons in the Science labs in order to gain some new
skills in preparation for their Secondary School Science career.
The department has continued to support the MIS house system in many
ways. Two members of the department have been leading the two of the
four houses and all members have contributed well. The Science staff has
exhibited excellent teamwork and dedication in making the MIS inter-house
Science quiz a great success. The enthusiasm and talent shown by the
young Scientists in preparing and participating in the Quiz have been very
inspirational for teachers to continue with such events in future.
Heartfelt thanks to all Science teachers and technicians for their co-operation,
support and hard work. On behalf of the science Staff I wish all our students
good luck in their external examination.
Prabhkumar Nair
Science Inter-House Quiz
Humanities/Business Studies
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
George Young, Antony Murphy, Carmen Locke,
David Cawley, Stefano Piumatti
،‫ دافيد كويل‬،‫ كارمن لوك‬،‫ �أنتوين مرييف‬،‫جورج يونغ‬
‫�ستيفانو بوماتي‬
This academic year has proven again to be a very busy and successful year for the Humanities Department. The teachers
within the department including: Mr David, Mr George, Mr Antony, Mr Christopher, Mr Stefano and Ms Carmen have all worked
very hard to make sure the Humanities courses and curriculum have been exciting and interesting. The department includes
the following areas: Business Studies, Geography, History and Travel and Tourism. Many pupils within the department have
achieved excellent grades in the external exams and have such passion they have chosen to follow these subjects into further
The Humanities Department hosted two fantastic events. Environmental Week which was held in the beginning of February
helped to raise the profile of Environmental issues in Oman. Students throughout the whole of the Secondary School enjoyed
participating in events including: Environmental Cinema, Big Environmental Draw, Energy Busters, Muscat Daily Recycle
Campaign, Assembly on Environmental issues and over 50 students took part in a Beach Clean. Pupils also participated in a
Green Mufti day proceeds of which have been donated to charity.
The Humanities Department also organised and hosted the Second Annual Enterprise Day for Grade eight students which was
held in June. This was a huge success and enjoyed by all students. Student participated in three different activities throughout
the day with the aim of building confidence, team working, communication and presentation skills. It also helps students to
see how businesses affect their everyday lives.
Grade ten and eleven pupils enjoyed a joint History, Geography trip to Mutrah Port and the Shangri-la Hotel. The trip focused
on the Geography areas of: rock and soil types, slope management, coastal management, changing functions of a settlement
and land-uses of a settlement. Whilst the Historians focused on: the history of Mutrah Port and Oman.
We look forward to the challenges of next year and the opportunity to build on the success of this year.
Carmen Locke
Learning Difficulties
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ فنيتا تلغوت‬،‫فاروق ح�سن‬
:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ ملك ال�شرع‬،‫�إياد �ضمرة‬
Back Row:
Farouk Hassan, Vanita Telgote
Front Row:
Iyad Damra, Malak Al Shara’a
‘NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND’ has always been our motto. Bearing this in
mind, we have strived to cater to students with different learning needs
who are at varying levels of performance.
Our senior students have been well supported by the Comprehensive
Integration System of the department. They attend mainstream
classes where they participate in academic and non-academic lessons
with their peers. In addition to this, they receive intensive one-onone remedial classes where they are taught strategies to overcome
their learning difficulties. The success of this system is evident from
the results our students have achieved. One of our students has
successfully completed the GED exams, while 3 others are now ready
for their IGCSE Exams.
The fledgling Kindergarten/Primary Division of the department provided
support to some of our younger students who show great potential.
The addition of a new special education professional enabled us to
continue with our emphasis on integrating students into mainstream
classes. Some of our students are now being partially integrated into
mainstream classes with the special educator shadowing them. Our
vision for this Division is to see it expand into an Early Intervention
program, with a multi-disciplinary team to work with both the students
and their families. Such a team can not only enhance the student’s
academic performance, but also enhance their holistic development
by attending to their social, emotional and physical development.
We have seen an increase in student enrollment, which can be
attributed to students from Early Childhood Developmental Programs
reaching school age; or students requiring an alternative education
program moving from mainstream schools; or newly diagnosed
students requiring an alternative education program.
The increase also reflects on the Department’s success at delivering a
model that meets the demands of student needs within the academic
framework of the school, and also the social needs of a burgeoning
Omani population that has an increasing incidence of children with
learning difficulties.
Each new academic year brings with it new challenges. With every
new challenge comes an opportunity to grow as a professional.
Looking back at the year that has been, we can say with satisfaction
that we have been inspired by our motto to overcome the challenges
faced. Looking onward, we are committed to our vision to make the
MIS - LDD one of the finest facilities in Oman for students who learn
differently – A School for Everyone!
Only the brave dare look upon the gray –
upon the things which cannot be explained easily,
upon the things which often engender mistakes,
upon the things whose cause cannot be understood,
upon the things we must accept and live with.
And therefore only the brave dare look upon difference without flinching.
(Richard H. Hungerford, “On Locusts”)
Eyad Damrah ‫اياد ضمرة‬
Creative & Peforming Arts
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ زارة كيدي‬،‫ جني مونتي‬،‫ بافيني دو�شي‬،‫جيم�س توربني‬
Bhavini Doshi, Jenny Stretch Zara Keady
The Art department aspires to develop each student’s
independence and creative approach to the subject.
Schemes of work are structured to prepare students for
success in GCSE, AS and A Level assessment, but most
importantly to address their enjoyment and wellbeing
generating a positive learning environment for all.
Music is a very beneficial subject at several levels.
Teaching and learning is delivered through projects, each
project is designed to develop the students skills over
the course of the year. Within each project, students will
experiment with a range of materials and techniques
gaining knowledge and understanding of the formal
elements and art history. We strive to educate students
to become creative thinkers, independent enquirers,
reflective learners and self managers. These skills can be
encouraged to use in all areas of education and throughout
the students life.
It is a well-known fact that music aids other studies. I like
to think this is because it is centered on the aural sense
and therefore encourages listening. For if you cannot
listen, you cannot learn.
Jenny Stretch
Art Teacher
It opens out the spirit or being. It increases well-being
in both the listener and the performer and allows the
performer to express sentiments one is hard put to find
words for.
The music department gives grades 7 & 8 music lessons
in which the theory of music is taught, with a view to
composing. World music is also introduced to broaden
the cultural awareness and to inspire interest through
diversity. Singing is also taught to encourage selfdiscipline, particularly when part-singing.
Zara Keady
Music Teacher
AS Level Artwork
LWW Production
Drama allows us to transcend the boundaries of our identity, and to better understand ourselves as people. Drama allows students to explore and
make sense of the world in which they live. It can be used to communicate a message, to teach, to make a statement, to make your voice heard
Within MIS, Drama is about drawing from the students a capacity for creativity which even they may not have been aware of. Drama is taught not only in
lessons, but through the school productions. This year’s production was ‘The Lion The Wicked Queen & The Wardrobe’ with whole school participation.
The main aims of the department are:
• To develop and nurture confidence, co-operation, creativity and independent thinking.
• To develop and nurture appreciation and enthusiasm for performance art as well as developing students’ skills in all aspects of performance,
production, analysis and evaluation.
• To develop and nurture understanding and interest in the historical, cultural and social context in which drama is created and performed.
• To offer opportunities for all students to be involved in theatrical productions as a performer, a technician, backstage or front of house.
• To allow students access to drama in the wider community through theatre visits.
Curriculum Drama
• In Grade 5 & 6 and Year 7 & 8 students have one lesson of drama per week.
• Drama is offered at IGCSE at IGCSE level students have four lessons per week.
• Facilities within the theatre are extensive and all-embracing.
Bhavini Doshi - Drama Teacher
The Big Draw
Physical Education
‫من الي�ساراىل اليمني‬
From Left to Right
‫ كاليد فان‬،‫ وندي لوف‬،‫ لو�سي بايفورد‬،‫مايكل هندر�سون‬
Michael Henderson, Lucy Byford, Wendy
Love, Clyde Van Graan
The 2012/2013 academic year has been a busy and successful year for the Physical Education Department. Michael Henderson continued
as subject coordinator and worked closely with Clyde Van Graan, Lucy Byford and the newly appointed Wendy Love to build on the success
of the previous year and continue to raise the profile of Physical Education within the school.
Physical Education has now been an established GCSE subject within the school for 3 years and plans are afoot to introduce A level as an
option as the subject continues to offer new academic opportunities to the students of Muscat International School. Furthermore, the now
established General Education Diploma course remains a very popular subject and has provided the students in year 11 and 12 with unique
experiences such as gaining their first aid qualification and playing golf at Almouj Golf Course at The Wave.
Students in both primary and secondary school have had many opportunities to participate and compete in events both on and off campus. It
is important at this point to recognise and thank the dedication and commitment of staff throughout the school that help organise these events
in conjunction with the Physical Education Department. We have continued to be a valued member of The Muscat Schools League (MSL) and
achieved impressive and improved results in basketball and football tournaments with both girls and boys teams. Other notable highlights
were primary and secondary athletics competitions at The Sultan’s School and swimming meets at The American International School and
The Sultan Qaboos stadium where the team has regularly trained. Activities remain ongoing throughout the academic year and at the time of
writing, over 65 students are involved in an interschool indoor 4 – a – side league. An incredible amount of enthusiasm and fair play has been
shown in each game and it would appear that the event will become a regular sporting highlight in the MIS calendar.
Students throughout the school once again thoroughly enjoyed the school sports days. Primary and secondary events were held at the Royal
Omani Police Sports Stadium in Wattayah and the fantastic facilities contributed to a tremendous atmosphere. With maximum participation
the key, events were closely contested with the Blue house of Buraimi winning the primary sports day and the Red house of Jabrin winning in
secondary. A special mention must go to the Grade12 GED physical education group who helped in the organisation and running of the primary
event. Similarly, the KG sports day hosted in the MIS gym and on the green field and won by the Green house of Masirah was professionally
prepared by the Grade 11 GED physical education class. Both groups of senior students’ demonstrated maturity and their positive attitude on
these special days contributes to a great school ethos within MIS.
The school has many outstanding individual talents in the field of sport and physical activity. The following students have shown a great deal
of dedication and hard work and demonstrate a talent in their chosen sport. Arsy Baruno – Swimming. Azim Baruno – Swimming. Linda Allali Football. Modric Mussa – Football. Karim Al Balushi – Competitive weight lifting. Raghad Al Zubaidi - Athletics. Sarah Al Balushi – Tennis. The
department wishes them and all students participating at various levels of sport every success in 2013/2014.
Michael Henderson - Coordinator
Curriculum in Action
Sports Teams
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �س�ساجني‬،‫ �أناهيتا �أرورا‬،‫ نبيهة ابو احل�سن‬:‫ احل�سناء ال�صف اخللفي‬،‫ ملى �إبراهيم‬،‫ فرح ح�سن‬،‫ نادين بو كامل‬،‫رين حمفوظ‬
‫ �أبا�سانا‬،‫ فاطمة �سعيد‬،‫ ثي�ساجنا كوراى‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ يارا العلوي‬،‫ لني �إبراهيم‬،‫ال�شيهاين‬
Girls Basketball
Girls Football
From Left to Right
Back Row: Nabeeha Abul-Hassan, Anahita
Arora, Sasangee Dissanayake
Front Row: Thinsanja Cooray, Fatima Saeed,
Upasana Basu
Reine Mahfouz, Nadine Bou Kamel, Farah Hassan,
Lama Ibrahim, Al-Hasnaa Al-Shaihani, Leen Ibrahim,
Yara Al-Alawi
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ بدر اليحيى‬،‫ يون كيون يل‬،‫ عازم بارونو‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
،‫ جوين ت�شوي‬،‫ �آر�سي بارونو‬،‫ جوبي يون‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
،‫ تارة �سنايدر‬،‫ �أليزبث كري�شف‬،‫ فريو ِنكة بول�س‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ م�آثر الرواحي‬،‫فرت بول�س‬
‫ عبدهلل‬،‫ عزيز بارونو‬،‫ ديل�شان دي�ساناياكي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �آندرو نظمي‬،‫الرواحي‬
‫�شانتل فريو‬
Secondary Swimming
From Left to Right
Back Row: Azim Baruno, Eun Kyun Lee, Badr Al-Yahya
Front Row: Gyu Bi Yun, Arsy Baruno, Jueun Choi,
Chantel Ferro
Primary Swimming
From Left to Right
Back Row: Veronica Boulos, Elizabeth Chrnyshev, Tara
Snyders, Vert Boulos, Maather Al-Rawahi
Front Row: Dilshaan Dissanayake, Azzis Baruno,
Abdullah Al-Rawahi, Andrew Nazmy
Sports Teams
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ حاروب‬،‫ و�ضاح الزدجايل‬،‫ في�صل اجلاعوين‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ دا�ش �إليومي‬،‫ همام الغزايل‬،‫ �سريجيو غونزالي�س‬،‫ ح�سني اجلنيدي‬،‫مو�سى‬
‫ حممد‬،‫ حمد اخلرو�صي‬،‫ �إبراهيم البلو�شي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
،‫ علي ال�شيهاين‬،‫ طالل الزدجايل‬،‫ جم�شيد �آل �سعيد‬،‫الطائي‬
‫ رامز احلب�سي‬،‫مردا�س البو�سعيدي‬
Under 14 Football
Under 16 Football
From Left to Right
Back Row: Faisal Al-Jaouni, Wadhah Al-Zadjali,
Haroub Mussa, Hussein El Genidy, Sergio Gonzalez,
Hammam Al-Ghazali, Dashe Iluyemi
Front Row: Ibrahim Al-Balushi, Hamad Al-Kharoosi,
Mohammad Al-Taie, Jamsheed Al-Said, Talal Al-Zadjali,
Ali Al-Shaihani, Mirdas Al-Busaidi, Ramis Al-Habsi
From Left to Right
Back Row: Mr. Clyde Van Graan, Faisal Al-Jaouni,
Hamad Al-Kharusi, Mirdas Al-Busaidi, Elliot Frutiger,
Modrick Mussa, Shahab Al-Balushi, Armin Soleimani
Front Row: Saamir Al-Namaani, Hussein El-Genidy,
Sergio Gonzales, Ahmad Al-Ghattami, Taimur Al-Said,
Andrey Medvedev, Ahmad Al-Mahry, Abid Al-Huraibi
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �آندرى‬،‫ مازن حمزة‬،‫ عمر اجلابري‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممد العرميي‬،‫ �إياد الأ�سعد‬،‫فهد ذياب‬،‫مدفدف‬
‫ بدر الدين‬،‫ �أمري املازين‬،‫ عمار املهري‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ غالب البلو�شي‬،‫مو�سى‬
ّ ‫ مدرك‬،‫ �شهرق بادياث‬،‫ندمي‬
Under 19 Football
From Left to Right
Back Row: Omar Al-Jabry, Mazin Hamza, Andrey
Medvedev, Fahad Diab, Iyad Al-Asa’d, Mohammed AlAraimi
Front Row: Ammar Al-Mahry, Amir Maziny,
Badaruddin Nadeem, Shahrukh Padiyath, Mudrick
Mussa, Ghalib Al-Balushi
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
،‫ في�صل اجلاعوين‬،‫ كاليد فان غران‬/‫ املعلم‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ مدرك‬،‫ �أليوت فروتغر‬،‫ مردا�س البو�سعيدي‬،‫حمد اخلرو�صي‬
‫ �أرمني �سليمان‬،‫ �شهاب البلو�شي‬،‫مو�سى‬
‫ �سريجيو‬،‫ ح�سني اجلنيدي‬،‫ �سامر النعماين‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ �أحمد‬،‫ �آندرى مدفدف‬،‫ تيمور �آل �سعيد‬،‫ �أحمد الغتامي‬،‫غونزال�س‬
‫ عابد احلريبي‬،‫املهري‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ عمر‬،‫ هاريكري�شنان ناير‬،‫ فينود كومارارثنا‬: ‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ دا�ش �إليومي‬،‫�صديقي‬
‫ مارتينا�س‬،‫ م�ؤمن فاروق م�صطفى‬،‫ يون كيون يل‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫ هد �أن�صاري‬،‫فاريرا‬
Under 17 Boys Basketball
From Left to Right
Back Row: Vinod Kumararathna, Harikrishnan Nair,
Umar Siddiqui, Dash Iluyemi
Front Row: Eun Kyuin Lee, Momin Farooque
Mustafa, Marthinus Ferreira, Fahad Ansari
Sports Teams
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ ح�سني اجلنيدي‬،‫ جم�شيد �آل �سعيد‬،‫ طالل الزدجايل‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممد الطائي‬،‫حممد الرحبي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �أدهم ال�شيذاين‬،‫ دا�ش �إليومي‬،‫ طه ال�شيهاين‬،‫ �سلطان اجلنيبي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ �أ�سامة الرواحي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
Barcelona Muscat
Krispy Kreme IV
From Left to Right
Back Row: Sultan Al-Jenaibi, Taha Al-Shaihani, Dashe Iluyemi, Adham
Front Row: Osama Al-Rawahi
From Left to Right
Back Row: Talal Al Zadajli, Jamsheed Al-Said,
Hussein El-Genidy
Front Row: Mohammed Al-Rahby, Mohammed Al-Taie
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ يزن عبدالفتاح‬،‫ �سامر النعماين‬،‫حمد اخلرو�صي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ علي ال�شيهاين‬،‫عبد اللطيف املكري‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ حممد ال�ضبعوين‬،‫ مهدي اللواتي‬،‫ ليندا العلي‬،‫ في�صل احلارثي‬،‫حممد العجيلي‬
The Destroyers
From Left to Right
Mohammed Al-Ojaili, Faisal Al-Harthy, Linda Allali,
Mahdi Al-Lawati, Mohammed Al-Dhabouni
From Left to Right
Back Row: Hamad Al-Kharusi, Samir Al-Naamani,
Yazan Abdul-Fattah
Front Row: Abdul-Latif Al-Mukri, Ali Al-Shaihani
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �سمارث كابور‬،‫ �أريب حيدر‬،‫ عادل فازل‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ جورج بلكزار‬،‫ حممد علي عبا�س‬،‫ زهري البلو�شي‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ �سيف وليد زهران‬،‫ �سليمان اللمكي‬،‫ �سريجيو غونزالي�س‬،‫ كرمي �أو�سلو‬،‫علي ال�صبحي‬
The MonstArs
From Left to Right
Ali Al-Subhi, Kerem Uslu, Sergio Gonzalez, Sulaiman Al-Lamki, Saif
Waleed Zahran
From Left to Right
Back Row: Adil Fazal, Areeb Haider, Samarth Kapur
Front Row: Zuhayr Al-Balushi, Mohammed Ali Abbas,
Gorge Balcazar
‫من الي�سار اىل اليمني‬
‫ مهند الوهيبي‬،‫ مردا�س البو�سعيدي‬،‫ مو�سى املياحي‬:‫ال�صف اخللفي‬
‫ حممد ال�شنفري‬،‫ بدر دياب‬:‫ال�صف الأمامي‬
From Left to Right
Back Row: Moosa Al-Mayahi, Mirdas Al-Busaidi, Muhanned Al-Wahaib
Front Row: Badar Diab, Mohammed Al-Shanfari
Muscat Youth Summit
The Delegates with Mr. Brian McCormack and Ms. Dawn Melsom
The Muscat Youth Summit is a ground-breaking and worldwide
5-day residential project that aims to augment young people’s
knowledge and awareness of culture, modernization and
venture by enlightening skills based learning. This year, the
4th Muscat Youth Summit was held at the Millennium Resort
at Al Musannah by Brand Oman Management Unit (BOMU).
The 4th Muscat Youth Summit gave a deep-focus to an
overabundance of vital youth matters facing young people
in a rapidly changing world. From growing industries to
urban arts, from graffiti expression to digital activism, the
Muscat Youth Summit was a life changing experience which
included progressive exploration of universal youth issues in a
collaborative and participatory approach.
On the first day, each participant was assigned to a specific
group with people from different schools and colleges. All of us
from MIS were divided into three groups; Muscat, Mussandam
and Masirah.
The theme of the first day was entrepreneurship. Each group
took part in different workshops with specialized lecturers. All
the groups learned how a person can be creative and how
they can attain their inner goals. We discussed different ways
to tackle a problem and how to use our initiative to explore
new ideas. In small groups we were given different types of
businesses and all the participants worked together in a
productive and enjoyable manner.
The second and third days revolved around the same topic:
road safety in many forms. Based on our interests, we were
split into teams of social media, designing and graffiti. Those
who were part of the social media groups had to create a page
which was targeted at the youth and included useful information
about road crashes. The page consisted of short films, articles
and stories that were made interesting and appealing to raise
awareness about the reasons for road incidents and for the
youth to be fully aware of the consequences. For those who
were part of the fashion design groups, they had to design
a shirt, bag and accessory that symbolized the road safety
awareness. The people who were part of the graffiti groups
had to come up with so many ideas regarding to the road
safety awareness, so that they could interpret their ideas and
represent it in terms of art.
The fourth day was designated a Community Day and it was
a chance for the participants to give back to the community
and show their generosity. Everyone was transported to a local
park in al Musannah where we helped to renovate it. Different
tasks were allocated to different people such as painting the
walls, planting flowers, trimming trees and cleaning the park. It
was a truly delightful and entertaining day.
The MYS experience has given us all the opportunity to express
and share ideas in so many ways. It was a privilege for us all to
be a part of this thrilling and educational event.
Petra Nur Nisa Abdullah
Concert at the Inter-Continental
Readers’ Challe
nge Team in Du
The ICT Class
Visits PDO
A visit to Bait
Al Baranda
Desert Camp
A Trip to Wahiba Sands
Our Headboy
in Korea
Sports Day
Beach Clean-up Environment Week
Sports Tourname
Natural History
Mr. Maan Al A
sfour - Society
of Petroleum En
The British Embassy
Ministry of Health-Vaccinations
Harub Dental Clinic
Tour of Oman Passes by the School Building
Jane Jaafar-A
Ministry of Education Inspectors
Anne Bouji-Author
The Honourable
Yuthar Al Rawahi
President of OCA
Nelson Thornes Publishers
Book Fair
Ahmed Al Harthy-Road
Centre for Omani Dresses
Dr. Waheed Al-Kharusi
Charity Club
Cheque Presentation
Sindbad Mobile Library
Early Inte
Oman Cancer Association
Oman Association for Disabled Children
Al Noor Association
Early Intervention Center for Children with
Charity Club
Senior Graduation
Senior Graduation
‫معايل ال�شيخ حممد بن �سعيّد الكلباين‬
2012/2013‫تف�ضل بتقدمي جوائز العام الدرا�سي‬
:‫�إىل كل من الطلبة التالية �أ�سما�ؤهم‬
‫التفوق الأكادميي‬
A-LEVEL - ‫ب�شرى الروا�س‬
Bushra Al-Rawas - A LEVEL
‫ دبلوم التعليم العام‬- ‫علي خ�ضرا‬
‫ دبلوم التعليم العام‬-‫�أثيلة ال�سيفي‬
Othaila Al-Saifi - ged
‫جمل�س املدار�س العاملية‬
Amal al-bulushi
‫�أمال البلو�شي‬
‫عبداهلل اخلرو�صي‬
Basil Al-Riyami
‫با�سل الريامي‬
3201/5/28 ‫خالل حفل التخرج الرابع والع�شرين الذي �أقيم يوم الثالثاء املوافق‬
Senior Graduation
Senior Graduation
Senior Graduation
Graduation Dinner
MIS in the News
VOL ٠٦ ISSUE ٣٤ /
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VOL ٠٦ ISSUE ٣٤ /
٢٠١٢ ,٣٠
The first digital book
Franklin eBookman, was
didn’t catch
in 1999, but the concept
a wide variety of
up until recently when
market. The coneReaders flooded the
e eReaders has now
venient, cost-effectiv
book lovers. With
become a rage among
the smartphones allowing
of book reader applications,
eReader market
path, thanks to the
ngly trudging the digital
popular titles
Bibliophiles are increasi
the unavailability of
ps and libraries, and
the members of eReadin
number of booksho
dheen catches up with
in Oman. T A Ameeru
out their experience
community to find
can get discounts on
sly,” and customers
many books simultaneou
sort of titles.”
so long can read
here was a time, not
to said Hosam.
ago, when people longed
Brian McCormack, principal,
avail- Death of printedof eReaders has trigpossess a best selling
l School, said easy
The emergence
pages, Internationa
debate about the
made him an eReader
flip through the
savour ability of bookshas revolutionized the gered a world-wide books too. Even
touch the letters and
of the printed
fan. “eReader
are now
carry the
its distinctive smell.
reading culture. I
bigger publishing housesdigital market.
about the availabilflood with inquiries
where ever I go,” he said. of OmanTrada ing major share in the Penguin and
from a best selling
Abdul Kareem, head
ity of a new release
The planned merger top two trade
used to witness
company, has plenworld’s
author, while libraries
Net, an e-commerce
device. Random House, be seen in this perfirst copy.
to get hooked to the
huge rush to grab the
and publishers, should merger announcea thing of ty of reasons
After the
But it has almost become of an elec- “Instant availability, portability,
advan- spective.
other features are the read ment, a Penguin official had said
the past, thanks to the
less than 300 numerous
eReader. Those who love
company would have
tronic device that weighs
consider it tages of
own reasons to merged to invest in digital publishing
cannot be measthe development
and they may even
as a treasure trove that
stick to their hobby,
which could include
books direct to
its virtual memory
advantages as disured physically, as
find some eReader
of a web platform selling
If it is to choose between consumers.
contains millions of invaluable
think the
book reader advantages.
booklovers in Oman
based on reasons, I
For them, electronic
will not
thing happened
advent of e-books
(eReader) is the best
deciding factor is whether
to you that the
books. “Of
them better readare really important
any threat to printed
in their lives. It gives
them choose advantages’ Kareem, who reads most of pause
a bright future. It
ing experience as it allows
or not,” said
course, E-reader has
e-store, save it in
into some sort
these days.
their books from the
the books in his iPad
will put printed books printed books
their eReader and read
of deep sleep. But I
in Oman conforever,” said Darren.
Avaricious readers
has a Portability
hallmark will remain eReaders do not give the
sider it as
Many find
and libraries. Litof the students Hosam
of handling a printed
scarcity of bookshops
of the device. Majority
l School, happiness
every page
some of the electle surprise, then, that sold more than from the Muscat Internationafound the “Having physically touched
took part in our survey, is more in between the two covers, different
tronics stores in Muscat
alone. Ama- who
100 eReaders last month
feature quite fascinating.to carry thou- printed books is altogether believes
favourite, followed
as I am able
But Abdul Kareem
zon Kindle is the hot
device,” said experience.” and eReaders can co-exBarnes & Noble convenient
of books in a single
by Kobo, Sony Reader,
printed books
Many others use sandsRobart, a Class 11 student.
in a non-linear world.
Nook and BeBook Neo.
books. It also ist peacefully
will live many
Samsung Galaxy,
“It is easier to get latest read books
“As an object, books
Tablets (Apple iPad,
by its
me multi-task and
HP Touchpad), Mobile
lives, as is evidenced
and Desk- helps
has to do with
said Noor of Class
advent of printing. It
iPhone, Android, Windows)Digital Edi- whenever I get time,”
Amal Al Balushi the
side than reading. Some
top Applications (Adobeto experience 12. But her class-mate
“It is an eco- the production
possible without
tion, Microsoft Reader)
has a different perspective. need paper, great works are not
call for research
digital reading.
friendly device. It doesn’t It is good royalty advances as it
whole question
so it minimizes tree
and travel. Thus the many vantage
” For Darren Melt.
at MIS, the needs
which are otherauthor and book
Availability of titles,
som, who teaches English makes the points - that of reader,
—ameerudin Oman, forced
of cheaper books
” said Abdul Kareem.
wise difficult to get
eReader. “I use availability
“Books from e- sellers,
Hosam Jamali buy Kobo it allows to syn- device more attractive.
prices [email protected]
are available at competitive
Kobo on my phone,
devices. Now I store
chronize with multiple
We keep our passion
with my
I take my reading along
enjoying the
passion in technology,
But it
growth of both the domains.
given up reading
doesn’t mean I have
read most books
printed books, but I
now in digital format.
Different types of
Amazon Kindle
It is the leaders in e-book
long battery
Its success lies in its
life, e-ink screen (claimed
and its
cause less eye strain)
PRC files as
ability to read MOBI,
well as PDF and TXT
Barnes & Noble Nook
Running on the Android
Barnes & Noble’s e-book
offers easy downloading
the Barnes & Noble Store.
But it doesn’t support
or PDF files.
BeBook Neo
The BeBook Neo e-book
comes with an open-market
technology, comfortable
to make
and long battery life
Neo also
reading enjoyable. The
offers up to 16GB storage
Wacom touch screen
Kobo e-reader
The Kobo e-reader supports
EPUB, PDF and Adobe
100 free
formats and comes with
books to start with.
Sony Reader
allows direct
Sony’s Reader Wi- Fi
download from public
that support wireless
It supports a wide range
(with or
formats including EPUB
PDF (with
without Adobe DRM),
or without Adobe DRM),
MP3 and AAC.
The Apple iPad
well as a
The iPad works very
reading device. The free
to be
application allows eBooks
downloaded from the
can also be
Kindle and Kobo apps
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Tab comes
The Samsung Galaxy
with a preinstalled Kindle
in my eReader
I store plenty of books thing about
(Kindle Touch). The best
carry it where
the device is that I can
favourite titles
ever I go and read my
Obviously, I
whenever I get time.
read more books these
Darren Melsom
Muscat International
Class XI
Muscat International
Dania Farooq
Class XI
Muscat International
Zain Ali Burney
Class IX Student
Muscat International
Abdul Kareem
Oman TradaNet
makes reading
The compact eReader
sure the device
more enjoyable. I am
It is a blessis going to be the future.who don’t
ing for students like
the weight of
have to bother about
the printed books.
eReader, it
Before the advent of
find favourite
was very difficult to
Now, I can
titles in the bookstores. want from
access whatever books carry the
the e-book store. I love I go.
portable device wherever
as I can access
I find eReader useful
like to read.
any book that I would
about its
I used to tell my studentscomfortable
virtues. It is convenient, e-books
and easy to use. Moreover, prices.
are available at competitive
reader to
but also enables the
Kobo apps
download Nook and
through Android market.
HP Touchpad Tablet
Its Kindle app gives readers
access to millions of
books in the Kindle store.
Apple iPhone
Comes with free downloadable
Stanza reader software
from the Apple App Store
can be accessed through
It also supports the Kindle
PRC and
Barnes & Noble app in
MOBI formats.
phones can
Users of Android OS
download Aldiko, a functional
book reader application.
Android-tailored apps
FBReader, Word-player
can be
Kindle for Android which
downloaded from the
Windows Mobile smartphones
have the choice of downloading
a wide variety of book
including Microsoft Reader,
Mobipocket eBook Reader,
eReader, Kobo, Txtr, Iceberg,
Adobe Digital Editions
The most commonly
desktop book reader,
the only
Digital Editions, is still
reader that fully supports
ePUB table of contents.
PDF and
Editions also supports
is perfect for downloading
reads from Project Gutenberg.
Microsoft Reader
This free, downloadable
to read
application allows you
e-books on any Windows
-running laptop.
Before enrolling on
a programme of study
you are advised to
check with the Ministry
of Higher Education.
CUBSCRIBE 2013 TEMPLATE:Template TW 3/19/13 4:29 PM Page 1
Jueun Choi
Age: 17
Age: 17
Akash Datta
Age: 17
Uroob Haris
Age: 17
Ayesha Burney
Age: 16
Feeling under the, literally speaking, rather hot weather?
Why not find a way to spend your free time enjoying the
heat? With temperatures rising day by day, I’m sure many
of us have been cooped up in our air conditioned rooms
far too much. Not to mention the rapidly approaching
exams, the tons of homework and the boring old weekday
routine that all leave you longing for a fun, relaxing
Stress, stress, stress! It’s pretty much all that’s being
uttered from the mouths of teenagers nowadays isn’t it?
Test, assignments, coursework folders, and to top it all
off, externals headed right your way! Totally stressed,
aren’t you? Well, you can use this stress to your own benefit. How? Well carry on reading!
The most cost-effective and easy way to achieve this? The
beach, of course! Whether you want to head over to
Shatti beach to just collect a few shells, or to As-Sifah
beach while enjoying a scenic drive, Muscat’s coastline is
bound to have a sand-and-sea spot that’s perfect for you.
So gather your friends and family, slather on some sunscreen, grab a picnic basket and you’re all set!
The first thing you have to do is think positive. As clichéd
as it sounds, just remember that tension and stress can
actually be used to increase your productivity, which
means less working time and more TV time. Also, remember that everything you learn counts. Everything.
For our current generation, social life plays a major role
in what teenagers tend to find interesting. It often happens to be that many young people stray from their
studies during the most crucial time of their education;
exam season.
Next, MAKE this period positive. Most of you probably
know about the ten-minute study slots with forty-minute
breaks to calm yourself down because you’ve worked so
much. Then you spend three weeks making a decent
study timetable and then completely disregard it. If it
works out for you, great! Carry on doing what you’re best
at and save yourself from pulling your hair out by the end
of May. However, if that piece of advice DOESN’T work out
for you, I might have a few alternatives.
“So, what is the right option?” you might be thinking. A
teenager’s life should be balanced and time must be distributed equally, rather than us straying off-track and
spending too much time on one type of activity. Start by
planning out your schedule and decide what your major
aim in the long term really is (achieving a life style, or a
growing social circle). Although many people want to
party and they still do, the primary aim of a teenager
should be to accomplish studies and socializing
should be part-time relief.
It is advised to sit down, relax, and put on new glasses.
These glasses should help you look at each task at school
as a challenge instead of a hardship and as an opportunity
instead of an obstacle. It should be used to prove to yourself that ‘you can do it’. If you succeed, you should know
that you are a winner and an example of success. Tick
each task off and reward yourself with that Galaxy bar
that’s been lying under your pillow for three weeks. Get
out of your bat-cave and take a break. I can’t help but
sound clichéd, but things do work out!
Without beating the purpose of this text, I’m gonna
stop writing and you can
take a break by examining
(simply ‘looking at’; don’t
get stressed by big words)
those cute little illustrations
across the page. Just
remember one thing: at the
end of all of this, you will
be thankful you ever had to
study; you will value the
fact that you had an education, and you will look back
at the seemingly prolonged
stress and tension in one
flashback and SMILE!
Wahiba Sands can be your weekend destination if sandsurfing, dune bashing and stargazing appeal to you. The
weather will, of course, be hot during the day (it’s a
desert after all!), though the finger-numbing night time
chill will definitely compensate for it.
Simply going to catch a movie and some ice cream with
friends or family may be the desired, laid back weekend
plan for you. Friendly company and time-off of school
work can help out a lot with stress levels and hectic
It goes without saying that summers in Muscat coupled
with upcoming exams do seem like a formidable pair to
cope with, but if you spend your time productively without
getting too bogged down by your heavy workload, then
you’re sure to keep your cool.
However, stress levels can increase drastically if one
sets their focus on studying only. A party or spending
time with friends constantly along the way isn’t too bad
for the health of us teenagers. This is because our brain
forgets to rest; healthy activities that involve enjoying
time with your friends can be a great way to refresh
your mind.
Thank you Letters
Early Intervention Cheques Presentation
Thank you to our Sponsor
Our sincere thanks and appreciation for ALL the assistance and
support you have so generously contributed to the M.I.S. family
during the year 2012-2013.
Especially …. Our MIS Parents
…. To Our MIS Staff
…. To all Our Students
95.9 Hi! FM
Al Bustan Bakery
Millennium Resort – Mussanah
Al Darwish Travels
Modern Oman Bakery
Al Fatth Furniture LLC
Mumtaz Mahal Restaurant
Al Fawaris Bakery
Muscat Daily [Apex Publishing]
Al Mina Bakery
National Tea Company
Al Mudhish LLC
Nur Majan
Al Raid Jewellery
O Sole Mio Restaurant
Al-Shaihani Foods
Oman Arab Bank
Al-Wattan Newspaper
Oman Fisheries Co.
Apex Press & Publishing
Oman Foodstuffs
ATC [Cadbury’s]
Oman Press Establishment [Observer]
Bank Muscat
Oman Sweets
Café Ceramique
OUA Travel
Caravans Flowers, Qurum
Pavo Real Restaurant
Cards and Gifts
Pizza Inn
CCC Oman
Qatar National Bank
Radisson Blu Hotel
Desert Discovery Tours
Risail Photo Laboratory
Golden Tulip Seeb
Rotana Hotel Muscat
Grand Hyatt Muscat
Shangri La Bar Al Jissah Resort & Spa
Harub Dental Centre
SJS Group
Hay Al Rahbah Trading Co.
Star Bowling Centre, Qurum
Star Care Hospital HMR Consultants
The Week [Apex Publishing] United Travels Honda
Hoshan Trading
Star Care Hospital
The Week [Apex Publishing]
United Travels
Graduates Destinations
Ulla Abdul Baqi
Oxford Brookes University, UK
Yousef Abu Hmaid
Angela Ruskin University, UK
Natasha Assadi
Hertfordshire University, UK
Ghada Abdoud
Omran Al Balushi
Mazoon College, Oman
Ahmed Al Balushi
Modern College of Business and Science, Oman
Tasha D’Silva
Raffles Millennium International College, India
Nasser Al Ghattami
Swansea University, UK
Adil Al Harthy
Higher College of Technology, Oman
Shahad Hassan
University of Westminster
Abdul Rahman Khalil
Cardiff University, UK
Reemaz Al Lamki
Royal Holloway University, UK
Alaa Al Mahrooqi
Oman Medical College, Oman
Tariq Al Mahruqi
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Sabrina Majumder
Majan College, Oman
Mohamed Malik
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
Shayma Al Maskery
College of Scientific Design
Mohammed Al Maskiry
University of Coventry, UK
Yousuf Al Mawali
Higher College of Technology, Oman
Mohammed Fauzi Mohamad
Ivana Mucalov
College of Tourism, Oman
Rahma Al Naamani
Modern College of Business and Science, Oman
Samah Al Naamani
University of the Arts London, UK
Al Mamoon Al Nabri
California State University Long Beach, USA
Nur Zahira Othman
Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Daniele Portaluri
Le Roches International School of Hotel Management, Spain
Simone Portaluri
Le Roches International School of Hotel Management, Spain
Nicole Prince
South Africa
Amal Al Rahbi
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Rubaba Rahman
Macquarie University, Australia
Tariq Al Rawas
Sultan Qabous University, Oman
Raya Al Said
University of Westminster
Ahmed Al Said
Coventry University
Omar Al Said
Coventry University
Noora Al Said
York College, UK
Deepak Shahdad Puri
Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman
Aryaaf Al Shidi
Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Ali Al Taie
Swansea University, UK
Hamza al Taie
Sultan Qabous University, Oman
Salah Al Thanwi
California State University Long Beach, USA
Zeynep Uslu
Bilgi University, Turkey
Noor Al Wahaibi
Oman Higher College of Technology, Oman
Sultan Izzat Al Zadjali
Majan College, Oman
MIS School Calendar 2013-2014
[ Ministry of Education Approval May 2013 ]
August 2013
August 2013
September 2013
Placement Evaluations of New Students begins
Eid Al-Fitr Holiday [as announced by Government]
Academic Year begins for students in Grades 10, 11 and 12
Academic Year begins for students in Grades KG to G9
Eid Al-Adha Holiday – Mid Term 1 Break
Al-Hijra New Year Holiday
* 23-24
National Day Holiday [as announced by Government]
End of Term 1
Dec/Jan 2014
Winter Break
Term 2 begins
Staff Inset [student free day]
Mid Term 2 Break
End of Term 2
Spring Break
From 8
Final exams
End of School Year for students
Sept 2014
2014-2015 Academic Year Begins
*Denotes tentative dates depending on Government announcements
Environment Week organized by the
Humanities / Business Studies Department
Recycling Programme
Tel: 968-24565550 Fax: 968-24560957
P O Box 1031, P C 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman
Muscat International School
[email protected]