Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015


Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015
workforce development
plan 2015–2018
Executive summary
Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
This document summarises the content of the Gascoyne workforce development plan
2015–2018 which was prepared by the Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance in
collaboration with the Department of Training and Workforce Development. The Alliance
comprised the following individuals who generously contributed their time and expertise:
Mr Anthony (Tony) Beard, Chair of the Alliance and Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Ms Cheryl Cowell, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Ms Christine Douglas, Durack Institute of Technology
Mr Colin (Turk) Shales, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Ms Danielle Richardson, Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr Greg Nairn, Department of Education
Mr James (Jim) Caunt, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Mr John Oxenham, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Ms Larina Burke, Commonwealth Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Ms Merome Beard, Shire of Carnarvon
Mr Paul Kelly, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Mr Phil Bruce, Shark Bay Prawn Trawlers Association Inc
Mr Stedman Ellis, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
Mr Stephen Webster, Gascoyne Development Commission
Mr Tom Day, Gascoyne Development Commission Board
Mr Wayne McDonald, Department of Aboriginal Affairs
Mr Wayne Murray, Commonwealth Government Department of Employment
Ms Joanne Favretto, Department of Training and Workforce Development
An electronic version of the executive summary and the full plan can be accessed from
Title: Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
ISBN 978-1-74205-132-1
© Department of Training and Workforce Development 2015
Reproduction of this work in whole or part for educational purposes, within an educational institution
and on condition that it is not offered for sale, is permitted by the Department of Training and Workforce
Development. This material is available upon request in alternative formats. Published by the Department of
Training and Workforce Development, Optima Building, 16 Parkland Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.
For further information please contact:
State Workforce Planning
T: 08 6551 5000
E: [email protected]
Disclaimer: This publication was prepared by Carpe Diem Strategic Solutions under the direction of the
Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance and published by the Department of Training and Workforce
Development. While the information contained in the publication is provided in good faith and believed to
be accurate at the time of publication, appropriate professional advice should be obtained in relation to
any information in this publication. Members of the Alliance, the consultant, the State Government and
the Department of Training and Workforce Development shall in no way be liable for any loss sustained or
incurred by anyone relying on the information. While every effort has been made to vet the contents of this
publication, it may contain references to, or images of, people who are now deceased. The Department
regrets any offence this might cause.
The term ‘Aboriginal’ people in this publication is inclusive of Torres Strait Islanders. It is noted that the terms
‘Aboriginal’ and ‘Indigenous’ have both been used in this publication as a result of the terminology used in
sourced information.
Guide to
The Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018 (the plan) aims to build, attract and
retain a skilled workforce to meet the economic needs of the Gascoyne region. It contains
a range of priority actions which were identified by local stakeholders to address local
workforce development challenges.
The plan aligns with the State Government’s Skilling WA – A workforce development plan for
Western Australia (Skilling WA), which provides a framework for government and industry’s
response to Western Australia’s skill and workforce needs.
The Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance, which is made up of industry, community
and government representatives from the region, will be responsible for overseeing the
implementation of the plan. The Alliance will identify those actions within the plan that should
be given highest priority and facilitate their implementation. Progress will be reported to
stakeholders annually and be included in Skilling WA’s annual progress report.
The plan has been designed as an important reference point for all stakeholders as it identifies
the challenges, agreed solutions and organisations that have a key stake in its implementation.
For the Regional Development Council, as the peak advisory body to the Western Australian
Government on regional development matters, the plan is used to identify workforce issues
and solutions which require policy consideration across regions. Importantly, the plan will also
be closely aligned and will support the long term aspirations of the Gascoyne Development
Commission Blueprint. It is expected that the Blueprint will have a significant role in prioritising
many funding decisions in the region including Royalties for Regions initiatives.
For local government bodies, the plan identifies workforce issues to be taken into account as
part of local government decision making processes.
The plan will be used by industry associations and employer peak bodies as a reference
when working directly with employers to implement industry and enterprise solutions to
workforce development challenges.
The plan also captures the views and aspirations of the broader community and provides a
useful reference when engaging on workforce development issues across the region.
The Department of Training and Workforce Development in conjunction with the Gascoyne
Workforce Development Alliance will facilitate the coordination of State Government
responses outlined in the plan. This will include working with those agencies and training
providers designated to take the lead on priority actions in the plan.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Strategic context........................................................................................................................6
Regional workforce development plans.....................................................................................7
Roles, responsibilities and timeframes......................................................................................8
Alignment to the Blueprint..........................................................................................................8
Research and analysis......................................................................................................... 10
Geography.............................................................................................................................. 10
Population............................................................................................................................... 10
Economy................................................................................................................................. 10
Employment by industry sector............................................................................................... 12
Gascoyne Regional Investment Blueprint – economic opportunities..................................... 14
Strategic goals for meeting future labour needs.............................................................. 15
Workforce participation........................................................................................................... 15
Targeted skilled migration....................................................................................................... 16
Attraction and retention........................................................................................................... 16
Skills development and utilisation........................................................................................... 17
Planning and coordination...................................................................................................... 17
Priority issues in the Gascoyne.......................................................................................... 18
Summary of priority issues......................................................................................................18
Access to education, VET and higher education................................................................. 18
Out-migration........................................................................................................................ 19
Competitive salaries and wages.......................................................................................... 20
Quality and availability of accommodation........................................................................... 20
Securing local labour and appropriate skills........................................................................ 21
Seasonal and transient labour force.................................................................................... 23
Availability and access to childcare services....................................................................... 23
High Aboriginal unemployment............................................................................................ 24
Availability and access to air services.................................................................................. 25
Other observations.................................................................................................................. 26
Future workforce needs for the Gascoyne region............................................................ 27
Economic drivers for future labour force demand.................................................................. 27
Future projections................................................................................................................... 28
Gascoyne workforce development – the way forward..................................................... 30
Action plan.............................................................................................................................. 30
Appendix A: Data limitations............................................................................................... 40
Appendix B: Gascoyne consultation list........................................................................... 41
Appendix C: Gascoyne regional community identified occupation list......................... 45
References............................................................................................................................. 47
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Strategic context
Over recent years, regional Western Australia has faced a number of challenges associated
with ensuring the availability of a skilled and flexible workforce that can respond to the
State’s changing economic needs. Maintenance of a labour market environment that allows
the State’s regions to meet their full economic and social potential has been impacted by a
combination of:
•rapid economic growth, followed by a recent softening;
•shifts in the nature of employment demand;
•inter-regional migration trends;
•ageing workforces; and
•changes in the nature of education and training.
To address this issue the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce
Development has developed a coordinated and integrated whole of state workforce
planning and development process: Skilling WA –– A workforce development plan for
Western Australia (Skilling WA)1. The overarching objective of Skilling WA is to maximise
the availability of skilled labour to meet the needs of employers, the community and the
individual and involves a number of core considerations:
•an assessment of current and future demand for workforce skills;
•an examination of existing capacity and capability of the workforce;
•current and future workforce gaps; and
•the development of realistic and achievable workforce development strategies.
The Skilling WA outputs shown in diagram 1 ensure that the specific needs of industries,
regions and those under-represented in the workforce, as well as major projects and
enterprises are addressed. Governments, industry, community, education and training
providers, enterprises, new job seekers and workers all have a role to play in meeting the
workforce development needs of the State. Only in partnership with these stakeholders will
the State address the skill and labour demands of our industries and provide the opportunity
for all Western Australians to benefit from our strong economy.
Skilling WA is reviewed and updated by the Department of Training and Workforce
Development as required. Skilling WA, second edition 2 was released in November 2014.
vailable from
Diagram 1: Skilling WA planning framework
lanning framew
ng WA p
plan f
or W
Industry workforce
development plans
Regional workforce
development plans
Workplace essentials
State Training Plan
Training together –
Working together
Skilled migration
Source: Department of Training and Workforce Development
Regional workforce development plans
Regional workforce development plans are a key element of the Skilling WA framework.
These are being developed by regional workforce development alliances to provide a whole
of government, industry and community sector approach to providing services, infrastructure
and support for each of the nine regions in Western Australia.
Skilling WA articulates five strategic goals which set the direction for workforce planning
and development in Western Australia and are aimed at building, attracting and retaining a
skilled workforce to meet the economic needs of the State. With this in mind, the Gascoyne
workforce development plan 2015–2018 identifies local workforce issues related to these
strategic goals, and suggests strategies and priority actions to address these. The Skilling
WA strategic goals considered in the Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018 are
shown in diagram 2.
The Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018 has been developed in partnership
with the Gascoyne Development Commission (GDC) and overseen by the Gascoyne
Workforce Development Alliance, which comprises key industry, community and government
representatives from across the region.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Diagram 2: Strategic goals of the Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018
Attraction and
Targeted skilled
Gascoyne workforce
development plan
Skills development
and utilisation
Planning and
Roles, responsibilities and timeframes
The Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018 has a four year timeframe and is
intended to provide a broad assessment of the workforce development trends and issues
in the region. It does not aim to tackle in depth all of the various issues and scenarios
associated with employment in the region but rather to develop a more general analysis of
problems, likely solutions and required actions.
The plan’s implementation will be overseen by the Gascoyne Workforce Development
Alliance. Specific government, industry and community based agencies will be given the
‘lead’ responsibility to coordinate strategies and projects included in the plan. Progress
on these will be monitored on a six monthly basis. As economic conditions evolve the
Alliance will monitor the progress of the workforce strategies and projects included in the
plan, and review and modify these as necessary to address the prevailing conditions in
the region. Importantly, the plan will support the Gascoyne Regional Investment Blueprint
(the Blueprint), once developed.
Alignment to the Blueprint
The Gascoyne Regional Investment Blueprint, currently being developed by the Gascoyne
Development Commission, will outline the region’s long term growth and development
aspirations, comparative advantages, and will provide a set of initiatives and investment
opportunities to drive future growth. It will articulate a series of ‘transformational pillars’ to
facilitate achievement of the Gascoyne’s vision for its future. All pillars will have a training
and workforce development response. Once the Blueprint is finalised, the Gascoyne
Workforce Development Alliance will ensure that Gascoyne workforce development plan
2015–2018 initiatives are aligned with, and support the Blueprint.
To support the preparation of the Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018,
extensive desktop research was undertaken, including a review of current research, literature
and statistical data. While a number of data limitations were encountered (see appendix
A), this material provided the basis for the development of an economic and social profile
for the Gascoyne region. The research was then validated via a series of consultations
conducted in Carnarvon, Gascoyne Junction, Denham and Exmouth. These included three
forums and a number of one on one and small group interviews with the regional community,
State and Commonwealth Government agencies and industry personnel, together with
teleconferences. In total over 100 stakeholders participated. Appendix B contains a list of
agencies and organisations involved in the consultation process.
Pre-reading for these forums and interviews included a discussion paper designed to
provide background information for the consultation phase of this project. Importantly, this
paper offered a basis for discussion and debate about workforce planning in the region
and provided:
•an overview of selected employment trends in the Gascoyne; and
•a review of some of the key attraction and retention issues in the region.
The consultations were used to validate the priority issues facing the Gascoyne’s workforce
which form the basis for actions in the Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
and analysis
The Gascoyne region represents approximately 6% of the land area of Western Australia. It
covers over 135 000 square kilometres, has a coastline which extends along more than 600
kilometres of the Indian Ocean and reaches 500 kilometres inland (see figure 1).
The region encompasses four local government areas (LGA), namely the Shires of
Carnarvon, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Upper Gascoyne. Key centres in the Gascoyne region
include Carnarvon, Coral Bay, Denham, Exmouth and Gascoyne Junction. There are three
Aboriginal communities, Burringurrah and Woodgamia in the Shire of Upper Gascoyne and
Mungullah in the Shire of Carnarvon. The average distance between towns across the region
is 300 kilometres. This can present challenges for the development of the region.
The Gascoyne is a region of diverse and remote landscapes with coastal reefs and outback
ranges. Internationally recognised natural features such as the Ningaloo Reef, Coral Bay,
the Shark Bay World Heritage Area and Monkey Mia may be found along its coastline. Inland
areas include the dramatic features of the Kennedy Range and Mount Augustus.
According to the 2011 Census of Population and Housing there were 9 2913 people across
the region of whom 1 369 were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The majority of the
population live in the Shire of Carnarvon which has a population of 5 787.
The population represents about 0.4% of the total State population. Between 2006 and 2011
the population grew by approximately 4.5%. During the same period the State’s population
grew by 14% (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012j and 2012w).
With its numerous natural features, the region has a particularly strong tourism sector.
Livestock grazing is the main land use activity and is widespread across the Gascoyne.
Carnarvon’s horticulture industry is developing and diversifying. Further growth is expected
through the Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative which comprises a number of projects to further
horticulture development in the lower Gascoyne River area. Mining activity is evident in
the Shires of Carnarvon and Shark Bay where salt and gypsum are mined. Developments,
existing and potential, in the defence and oil and gas industries provide further prospects for
the region, in particular the Shire of Exmouth.
his figure is based on place of usual residence. It is worth noting that the ABS estimated resident population for the Gascoyne was 9 766
in 2012 (GDC 2013).
Figure 1: Gascoyne region
Source: Department of Regional Development, 2014
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
As a result, the economy of the region is regarded as diverse. Fishing, horticultural
and pastoral industries ‘the food industries’, as well as tourism and mining, are major
contributors to the Gascoyne economy. These industries are supported by a network of
retail, administrative and trade services. Environment and natural resource management and
government services also feature strongly in the region.
Employment by industry sector
The top five employing industries in the Gascoyne accounted for just under 50% of
employment in 2011. These were: agriculture, forestry and fishing; accommodation and food
services; retail trade; public administration and safety; and construction. Of note, employment
was distributed fairly evenly across these industry sectors. In contrast, the industry sectors of
arts and recreation services; information, media and telecommunications; and financial and
insurance services each accounted for less than 1% of employment in the region.
Table 1: Gascoyne employment by industry, 2011
Industry of employment
No. of
Percentage of
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Accommodation and food services
Retail trade
Public administration and safety
Education and training
Health care and social assistance
Transport, postal and warehousing
Administrative and support services
Other services
Professional, scientific and technical services
Inadequately described/Not stated
Wholesale trade
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Rental, hiring and real estate services
Arts and recreation services
Information, media and telecommunications
Financial and insurance services
4 340
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census, 2012j
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Gascoyne Regional Investment Blueprint – economic opportunities
The Gascoyne region faces significant opportunities and challenges in meeting its economic
potential. Research and consultations undertaken by the GDC in the preparation of the
Gascoyne Regional Investment Blueprint have identified six transformational pillars that
when enabled, will facilitate the Gascoyne in achieving its vision.
1 Developing industries and markets.
2 Improving regional accessibility.
3 Advancing human capacity and knowledge.
4 Encouraging innovation.
5 Developing Aboriginal and small business economic capacity.
6 Enhancing health and lifestyle.
Opportunities include: enhanced hospitality and tourism offerings; expansion of pastoral,
fishing, aquaculture and horticulture industries (including value added food chains),
underpinned by the optimal use of land and water, and supplying both domestic and
international markets; an expanding oil and gas industry; and potential expansion of
defence operations in the region. Investment in transport infrastructure will be needed
to optimise these opportunities. Other challenges include labour market efficiencies and
communications connectivity.
It is anticipated that a common theme to all of the transformational pillars will be the critical
imperative of human capacity building to support the economic and social future of the
region. At present a comprehensive picture of future skills demand in the region is not
available. During development of the Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018,
stakeholders were surveyed on current and anticipated occupational shortages in the region.
The results are included as appendix C. Due to the low response rate, demand for specific
occupations now and into the future will need further investigation. Once released, the
Blueprint will provide further insights on the likely areas of skills growth.
For example, should the aspirational population targets of just over 15 700 residents by 2026
and 23 000 by 2050 be realised, the quality of health, aged care and child care services will
be paramount. Education and training will be critical in supporting economic development in
the region, not only in terms of ‘job-readiness’ but also higher order skills such as leadership,
entrepreneurship, critical thinking and problem solving.
Strategic goals for meeting
future labour needs
The following sections explore in more detail Gascoyne’s current and future workforce
challenges and opportunities in the context of economic aspirations of the region. Issues are
grouped into the five strategic goals of the Skilling WA.
Workforce participation
Skilling WA: Strategic goal 1
Increase participation in the workforce particularly among the under-employed and
disengaged, mature-aged workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other
under-represented groups.
This goal relates to addressing issues which act as barriers to people entering or remaining
in the workforce, including the under-employed and those disengaged from the workforce.
In the Gascoyne, unemployment rates vary considerably across the region, reflecting
different economic, age and social profiles. For example:
•as at December 2013, the Upper Gascoyne had the highest unemployment rate (15.1%)
compared to the regional average (7.2%). However, this is for a very small number of
workers so its statistical validity is questionable. In contrast, Exmouth had the lowest
unemployment rate (2.5%); and
•the unemployment rate, based on the 2011 Census, for Aboriginal people in the Gascoyne
was 18.6% compared with 2.9% for the non-Aboriginal population and 4.4% for the total
population in the region. There is an urgent need to address this imbalance.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Targeted skilled migration
Skilling WA: Strategic goal 2
Supplement the Western Australian workforce with skilled migrants to fill employment
vacancies unable to be filled by the local workforce and address those factors which
support a growing population.
This goal relates to addressing issues which impact on the growth and composition of the
State’s population including overseas and interstate migration. In the Gascoyne region this
•extensive use of seasonal workers, including backpackers, in the key industries of tourism
and horticulture;
•the use of 457 visa holders for skills shortages areas such as the engineering trades; and
•the need for a more flexible skills migration policy to enable businesses to recruit suitably
qualified employees, particularly in the tourism and food industries.
The 2011 Census revealed that approximately 48% of the region’s population were living at
the same address in 2011 as in 2006, and that 461 and 317 people moved in from elsewhere
in Australia and overseas respectively. Consultation indicated that out-migration, particularly
of the non-Aboriginal population occurs primarily due to a perceived lack of career pathways,
educational and employment opportunities in the region.
Attraction and retention
Skilling WA: Strategic goal 3
Attract workers with the right skills to the Western Australian workforce and retain them
by offering access to rewarding employment and a diverse and vibrant community and
environment to live in.
This goal relates to addressing issues affecting the attraction of people into Western
Australia, especially regional Western Australia and encouraging them to stay. In the
Gascoyne region:
•the high proportion of smaller businesses, particularly those with less than 10 employees,
are more acutely affected by skilled labour shortages than larger organisations and face
issues including the rising cost of wages, attraction of new staff and high staff turnover;
•tourism and horticulture feature strongly, but are not industries which provide high
salaries and wages. As a result, the region generally has a lower income profile than
the national average;
•the availability of suitable and affordable housing and adequacy of public services act as
a barrier to effective attraction and retention of workers and hence to improved regional
development, business activity and job creation; and
•an increasing trend of out-migration of young people has significant ramifications for the
Gascoyne as it creates difficulties in attracting and retaining young people to fill skilled job
vacancies and apprenticeship positions.
Skills development and utilisation
Skilling WA: Strategic goal 4
Provide flexible, responsive and innovative education and training which enables
people to develop and utilise the skills necessary for them to realise their potential and
contribute to Western Australia’s prosperity.
This goal relates to addressing factors impacting on the level of training participation by
those in the workforce and those yet to enter the workforce. In the Gascoyne region:
•Certificate level qualifications are most common for residents, accounting for almost half of
the population with post-school qualifications;
•Bachelor Degree level and Advanced Diploma and Diploma level qualifications account for
the next largest shares (19.5% and 15.9%);
•availability and access to quality education post Year 10 is perceived to be an issue in
retaining young people in the region; and
•there is a need for greater commitment to a workforce development culture by many of the
region’s key industries.
Planning and coordination
Skilling WA: Strategic goal 5
Plan and coordinate a strategic State Government response to workforce development
issues in Western Australia.
This goal relates to addressing issues which impact on the ability of the State, industries
and enterprises to strategically manage the development of their workforce. In the
Gascoyne region:
•the prospect of an additional 400 hectares (initially) of irrigated land as a further stage
of the Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative represents a significant increase in horticulture
production which is likely to have major social and economic multiplier effects on
Carnarvon and the surrounding region, including workforce implications; and
•the ongoing off shore liquefied natural gas production and construction projects, possible
future developments in defence and Exmouth’s proximity to the Pilbara may result in a
significant increase in the region’s population and workforce. Capacity planning, such as
the provision of adequate water supply will be important should this eventuate.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Priority issues
in the Gascoyne
Summary of priority issues
The following provides a summary of the key workforce development related challenges
for the region, confirmed through consultation forums, one on one and small group meetings:
•perceptions relating to the availability and quality of access to education, vocational
education and training (VET) and higher education as well as career pathways;
•out-migration of young adults (followed by their parents and families - who are
experienced workers);
•competitive salaries and wages in other parts of Western Australia resulting in a clear
income differential between the local and State average;
•the quality and affordability of accommodation;
•challenges in securing local labour and appropriate skills;
•the seasonal and transient nature of parts of the labour force;
•availability and access to childcare services;
•low labour force participation and high unemployment rates for Aboriginal people; and
•availability and access to air services.
The following sub-sections explore these key workforce development related challenges
in more detail.
Access to education, VET and higher education
Education (particularly secondary and tertiary education) services are seen as lacking
across the region and are a major driver of the loss of young adults from the Gascoyne.
A key labour force challenge is ensuring that education and training opportunities are
available and accessible. Education and training are key to ensuring student skills are
matched to current and future labour needs. Consultations highlighted issues around literacy,
numeracy, general comprehension and work readiness. Stakeholder consultation also
indicated some limitations within government schools in providing access to VET. Flexible
VET course options should be examined.
Education services are provided via a variety of means across the region. Both government
and private schools are available as well as the School of Isolated and Distance Education
and the Carnarvon School of the Air.
The 2013–14 State Budget through the Royalties for Regions program allocated $5 million to
the redevelopment of the Carnarvon Senior High School (Projectlink 2013).
Stage 1 is complete with the amalgamation of two existing primary schools and the senior
high school into Carnarvon Community College and includes a new trades training centre.
As with any major change, consultations in Carnarvon highlighted the need for ongoing
communication strategies to both inform and engage the local community on the recent
changes and the future direction of the College.
The Durack Institute of Technology has campuses in Carnarvon and Exmouth. It provides a
range of vocational training and community courses including off-campus courses for those
in other areas of the Gascoyne (Department of Planning 2012, Department of Regional
Development and Lands 2011 and GDC [n.d.]).
It is worth noting that:
•access to higher education is limited to external study only;
•Year 11 and 12 study is only available in Carnarvon and Exmouth through the Carnarvon
Community College and Exmouth District High School; and
•currently there is no opportunity in the region for mature-age students to undertake
university entrance or Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) programs,
although Tuart College in Perth offers online courses to post-compulsory age students
and tertiary entrance can be gained through Certificate IV and Diploma courses at Durack
Institute of Technology.
As the regional centre for the Gascoyne, it is important Carnarvon provides future access
to a broader range of academic and vocational opportunities through the Carnarvon
Community College and the expansion of courses offered by Durack Institute of Technology.
In turn, this would support human capacity building and the needs of the local economy.
It would be useful to re-examine an initiative previously explored by the GDC in 2003 to
enhance the role of education and lifelong learning and support pathways to appropriate
education solutions through a Carnarvon Learning Centre. The general intent and proposed
activities remain relevant today, particularly in promoting access to higher education courses
that align to industry career pathways relevant to the Gascoyne region.
The Gascoyne region experiences difficulties in retaining young adults, particularly those
undertaking secondary and tertiary education and training. The perceived quality of
education facilities, particularly secondary schools, is a key concern for the community
and also for those planning to come to the region. Numerous studies have shown that the
transition from primary to high school and from school to work or tertiary studies are when
high rates of out-migration occur by individuals and their families.
There has been considerable research into the demographic shifts affecting the region and
how this might impact on the labour market. The key demographic changes include a net
loss of young people. In the Gascoyne region only 9.0% of the population were aged 15–24
years in 2012, compared to 13.7% across Western Australia (ABS 2012j and 2012w).
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Education facilities are therefore a critical piece of social/community infrastructure and an
important issue for labour force attraction and retention. Perceptions facing rural areas
include (Pelusey, Hatch and Tonts 2010):
•limited education opportunities after Year 10;
•more limited Year 11 and 12 course options than metropolitan schools;
•limited tertiary education options; and
•higher rates of teacher turnover and less experienced teachers.
Addressing these perceptions in the Gascoyne region will be important in assisting with
labour force attraction and retention and reducing youth out-migration.
Competitive salaries and wages
One of the major challenges facing the public and private sector in attracting and retaining
labour is the capacity to pay competitive salaries and wages. In 2011, 55% of all households
in the Gascoyne region had a gross weekly household income of $1 000 or more, compared
to 62% across the State (ABS 2012j and 2012w). While the Gascoyne’s high Aboriginal
unemployment and resulting welfare dependency need to be considered, the relative income
differentials can be attributed to a number of factors:
•farm incomes have decreased in relative terms across Australia over the past two decades,
which has major direct impacts on median incomes in regions with a heavy dependence
on farming;
•many businesses in the Gascoyne, because of their close links to horticulture, have not
been able to increase their wages in line with the State average;
•there has been a shifting geography of trade in agricultural regions with increasing
amounts of business being conducted in larger regional centres, often bypassing local
economies. This has led to a contraction of many private enterprises and restricted wages
growth; and
•rapid increases in wages elsewhere, particularly in those regions with strong resource
sectors, has contributed to a significant increase in the Western Australian average when
compared to the median incomes in the Gascoyne.
It is worth noting that in 2011 the median weekly household income in the Gascoyne was
$1 167 compared to $1 415 across the State. While the State median monthly mortgage
repayments were $1 950, Exmouth and Carnarvon reported median weekly household
incomes of $1 181 and $1 146 respectively, with median monthly mortgage repayments
of $2 000 and $1 517 respectively (ABS 2012j and 2012w). In addition, the 2013 Regional
Price Index indicates that the cost of living in the Gascoyne was 10% higher than that in the
Perth metropolitan region (Department of Regional Development 2013).
Quality and availability of accommodation
Affordable and suitable housing is crucial to accommodate the unskilled and semi-skilled
workforce required for seasonal work in tourism, hospitality and horticulture. As indicated
above, more households are under pressure to pay a high proportion of their incomes on
housing, particularly in Exmouth.
According to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia (2013) the value of houses and
land has increased across the region. For example, house prices in Exmouth increased by
12.3% and the Carnarvon urban area grew by 12% over 10 years, compared to an 8.9%
increase for regional Western Australia. Over the same period, land prices in Exmouth
increased by 19.8% and Carnarvon urban area by 10%, compared to 6.8% for regional
Western Australia.
Current and expected pressure on housing is as a result of increased tourism, the need to
service the resource sector and the second tier service industries such as transport and
trades which supply the resource sector. It is likely that the Gascoyne will face challenges in
the provision of housing for the government and private sectors across the region. These are
mainly due to the geographic spread of the region, compounded by high commodity prices in
the building sector and the great distance from building suppliers (GDC 2010). An additional
challenge for the provision of affordable housing is the region’s cyclone rating, with building
code requirements increasing building costs significantly.
In response to housing being identified as a critical regional issue, the GDC secured funding
through the Regional Development Council to develop the Gascoyne Affordable Housing
Strategy. The Commission is now working with the Department of Housing and LandCorp
to identify the housing needs in the region and to thus create demand and supply forecasts.
The aim is to address critical shortages in housing for essential service workers, low income
earners, retirees and seniors across Gascoyne communities (GDC 2013).
Securing local labour and appropriate skills
Figure 2 indicates that the highest level of schooling achieved by the majority of residents in
the Gascoyne was Year 12 (33%). This was lower than the Western Australian rate of 49%.
Figure 2: Highest level of schooling comparison Gascoyne and Western Australia, 2011
Percentage of people (%)
Year 12
Year 11
Year 10
Year 9
Highest level of schooling
Year 8
or below
Did not go
to school
Highest level
not stated
Source: ABS Census, 2012j and 2012w
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Post school qualifications across the region in 2011 are presented in figure 3. Approximately
18% of the region’s population with post school qualifications had Bachelor Degree or
Postgraduate level education. For Western Australia, as a whole, it was 31% (ABS 2012j
and 2012w).
Figure 3: Post school qualifications comparison Gascoyne and Western Australia, 2011
Percentage of people (%)
Grad Diploma
and Certificate
Adv Diploma
and Diploma
Level of education
Source: ABS Census, 2012j and 2012w
Not stated
There is a need to ensure a steady supply of labour in the region by ensuring that
education, training and employment pathways are established, together with a range of
career opportunities.
It will be important to enhance links between the region’s key industries and education
providers leading to a more highly skilled and better qualified regional workforce. This in turn
will assist with the attraction and retention of young people and families in the region.
In addition, the population of the Gascoyne is slightly older and ageing faster than the
Western Australian average. Twenty one per cent of the workforce was aged 55 years and
over and 44% was aged 45 years and over in 2011 (ABS 2012j). The loss of labour, skills
and knowledge would be considerable if the majority of those aged over 55 years left the
workforce in the next five years. However, the standout in 2012 was Shark Bay with over one
in every eight residents of retirement age. This ageing can and will decrease the relative size
of the labour force available to new businesses and industries.
In considering the age profile of the Gascoyne it is evident that some industries are at
greater risk due to the ageing of the population. Significantly, the majority of these industries
are the key industry employers and also represent those industries with the largest economic
impact. For example, in agriculture, forestry and fishing, 54% of workers are aged 45 years
and over and 31% are aged 55 years and over (ABS 2012j).
Seasonal and transient labour force
Human capacity building is a serious issue for the Gascoyne’s major employers who
regularly cannot attract or retain skilled workers, impacting the sustainability and commercial
viability of regional business and industry. As a result, many of the Gascoyne’s industries
including tourism and horticulture are characterised by the use of seasonal workers to
supplement their workforce. Whether a Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)
would assist industry is worth considering.
Education and training is an important contributor to building the human capacity of
the region. An opportunity exists to improve the alignment between training and key
regional industries, particularly in tourism and horticulture, by increasing investment in the
development of the region’s workforce. In turn, this would increase productivity and result
in employment and career pathways that would better attract and retain workers in the
Gascoyne. Regional economic growth is increasingly becoming dependent on integrating
tertiary education and research with innovative, knowledge intensive industries and a
dynamic small business community. The availability of a skilled residential workforce could
significantly enhance potential investment in the region particularly by the resource sector.
Availability and access to childcare services
Regional consultations indicated the limited availability and cost of childcare is restricting
parents, particularly women, from participating in the workforce. It also has implications for
attracting and retaining families in the region. In addition, there is some suggestion that the
lack of Aboriginal childcare workers is contributing to the low take up of childcare services by
Aboriginal parents.
There are approximately 650 children in the region under 5 years of age, of which over 150
are of Aboriginal descent and almost 1 200 between the age of 5 and 14 years, of which over
340 are of Aboriginal descent. There is one main provider of childcare in Carnarvon and the
introduction of national quality assurance requirements, including new higher qualification
levels has seen the closure of many family day care centres in Exmouth.
The Department of Local Government and Communities (DLGC) supports the development
of regional education and care services through the Regional Community Child Care
Development Fund. Consultation with the DLGC indicated that they are currently undertaking
the development of a Regional Children’s Services Plan in the Gascoyne through this fund.
This project will undertake regional analysis and identify gaps in service provision.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
High Aboriginal unemployment
The need to improve Aboriginal employment is a priority issue. Low rates of participation in
the labour force are often combined with very high unemployment rates. In areas of high
unemployment, it is not uncommon for participation rates to fall as individuals withdraw
from the labour market on account of the low levels of success in finding work (Siegal and
Swanson 2004).
Low participation rates can reflect a degree of self-exclusion from the labour market.
However, unemployment rates reflect external exclusion whereby persons willing to be
employed are unable to gain work. According to Gray, Hunter and Lohar (2011), this
exclusion can be due to:
•human capital (that is, lower education and skill level);
•ill-health and disability;
•locational disadvantage and access to services;
•arrest and interactions with the criminal justice system;
•job retention and labour demand; and
•job search behaviour and labour supply.
Aboriginal people comprise an above average share of the Gascoyne’s residential
population and are not evenly distributed across the Gascoyne. Almost one in every five
residents (18.3%) identified themselves as Aboriginal in 2011 compared to State (3.7%)
and national averages (3.0%), highlighting the important role of Aboriginal people in the
Gascoyne population. The largest number reside in the Carnarvon LGA (1 107 persons in
2011), accounting for 19.1% of the local population and 81.8% of Aboriginal residents of
the Gascoyne. In contrast, Exmouth (2.1% of local residents) and Shark Bay (8.5%), have
lower proportions of Aboriginal residents. However, the highest proportion, adjusting for total
population size, is in the Upper Gascoyne, where more than three in every five residents are
of Aboriginal descent, many of them living in remote communities.
It is also worth noting that approximately 50% of the regional Aboriginal population is
under 25 years of age, compared with 27% of the non-Aboriginal population. Only 12% of
Aboriginal persons have completed Year 12 or equivalent compared with 33% for the entire
Gascoyne population (ABS 2012j).
The Gascoyne region has a low labour force participation and high unemployment rate for
Aboriginal people. According to the 2011 Census:
•the labour force participation rate for Aboriginal people was 46% compared with 71% for
non-Aboriginal population and 62% for the total population in the region;
•the unemployment rate for Aboriginal people in the Gascoyne was 18.6% compared with
2.9% for the non-Aboriginal population and 4.4% for the total population in the region; and
•in terms of employment, 37.1% of Aboriginal people aged 15 years and over were
employed (employment to population ratio). For the non-Aboriginal population the ratio was
69.0% and 59.5% for the total population (ABS 2012i and ABS 2012v).
The Aboriginal unemployment rates in the Gascoyne indicate that a number of external
factors, such as lack of qualifications and socio-cultural differences, may contribute to the
unemployment rate and low participation rate in the region. In particular, the Aboriginal
community in Carnarvon requires targeted support to address systemic issues which manifest
themselves in poor education and employment outcomes, including long term unemployment.
Literacy, numeracy, general comprehension and work readiness issues are seen as critical
areas of focus for improving Aboriginal employment and workforce participation.
There is a view that employment options and social and economic conditions would
improve if Aboriginal communities were afforded the opportunity to develop more social and
commercial enterprises in keeping with their traditions and culture. Examples cited include
the supply of bait for the wild-dog program and building on the success of recent research
into the health and medical benefits of the Gubinge fruit tree experimental program. Whilst
the Western Australian Aboriginal Economic Participation Strategy was developed for the
whole of State, with a number of initiatives agreed upon at a national level, any appropriate
initiatives listed in the strategy related to addressing high rates of long term Aboriginal
unemployment should be considered for Carnarvon’s Aboriginal community, which requires
targeted support.
Other areas highlighted during the consultations include:
•income tests connected to the eligibility for housing acting as a disincentive for individuals
to take-up or retain their employment. Transitional housing models, such as the scheme
recently piloted in the East Kimberley should be given consideration;
•the need for seamless and continued mentoring services that are linked to an individual
rather than a program, to assist in successfully sustaining employment;
•leveraging existing Aboriginal community activity that could lead to increased business
start-ups and local employment opportunities;
•strategies to enable more Aboriginal people to be employed in local government should
be investigated; and
•the limited number of Aboriginal people employed by State Government agencies,
particularly where services are being provided directly to Aboriginal families.
Availability and access to air services
Air services and airports are important to the region given its distance from Perth and other
major centres, its growing tourism industry and the potential for more resource industry
development. Other services and industries such as health services and the pastoral
industry also rely on air services.
Currently there are direct flights between Perth and Exmouth (Learmonth), and Carnarvon
and Denham with some of these only available on alternate days. In addition, there are
very limited intra-regional flights and no connections between Exmouth and Carnarvon
or Denham.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Consultations indicate that this limited access and connectivity of air services is a critical
issue for the growth of business, employment, incomes and the broader economy that needs
to be addressed. Consistent comments were received about this lack of connectivity and
interface within and beyond the region. In addition, costly air services for Carnarvon and
inadequate terminal facilities were seen to have an adverse effect on tourism and attracting
fly-in fly-out workers and their families to the region.
Other observations
The adequacy of access to general practitioner services, particularly in peak tourist season
was identified as an issue in Exmouth and Denham.
A common concern expressed by stakeholders is that government sector services are being
increasingly delivered outside the region (Geraldton and Karratha).
The status of Carnarvon as a regional centre needs to be confirmed as the regional
headquarters of key government services. This is an important consideration as it impacts on
the identity of Carnarvon, the provision of employment opportunities and the town’s ability to
attract and retain its workforce.
Future workforce needs for
the Gascoyne region
Economic drivers for future labour force demand
A range of major investment projects are currently underway that present opportunities for
the Gascoyne economy, these are identified below.
Carnarvon Horticulture Expansion (Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative)
Carnarvon is growing its horticultural precinct through the provision of new land and
water resources for irrigation expansion, including water infrastructure development and
sustainable soil, water and catchment management practices. The initiative is seen as a key
driver for the Carnarvon horticultural industry to reach a production scale that will support
export markets, and therefore increase opportunities for existing and new producers to
market their produce both domestically and internationally. The first stage is a proposed
400 hectare expansion of the horticulture industry, with a further expansion of 400 hectares
of irrigated land envisaged in the future.
Highlights reported in the August 2014 Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative newsletter include:
•drilling and water tender contracts have been awarded with targets identified and access
paths cleared;
•a contract for the electrification of the existing northern borefield has been awarded to
Horizon Power and works have commenced;
•the infrastructure corridor for the existing northern borefield has been completed; and
•economic studies on developing new and target markets investigating existing and new
market opportunities, and to consider the impacts of growth on industry development are
being developed.
Carnarvon Airport redevelopment
According to a media release from the Shire of Carnarvon on 12 May 2014, the Carnarvon
Council adopted a planning report that will enable the redevelopment of the Carnarvon
Airport precinct within the existing 340 hectare site. A tender to undertake geotechnical
and preliminary design assessments for the airport development has been awarded.
Strategies for redevelopment of the airport includes realignment and relocation of the
existing airstrip towards the east of the site, which is expected to enable up to 1 400 mixed
density residential lots along with industrial and commercial land development over a 20 year
horizon. The Shire President acknowledged that there could potentially be an alternative
airport site on reserved land to the north of the town.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Nimitz Street residential development
As part of an ongoing attempt to address affordability in Exmouth, there are 15 residential
lots in stage one of Nimitz estate being offered for sale via an exclusive pre-release.
Development of the estate is dependent on market demand.
Ningaloo Centre
The $30 million plus Ningaloo Centre project is funded through the State Government’s
Royalties for Regions (Gascoyne Revitalisation Fund), the Regional Development Australia
grant program and a Shire contribution. The Ningaloo Centre will be a multi-purpose
building providing a centralised resource for scientific research, education and community
engagement with a new visitors centre, library, museum, convention centre, cafe and
childrens playground. It will function as a major facility for scientists studying the
Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range national parks. The Ningaloo Centre is expected to
generate economic growth for Exmouth, including a boost in tourism and an increase in
employment opportunities.
Exmouth Boat Harbour expansion
The Exmouth Boat Harbour is set to undergo a major $20 million upgrade, extending the
service wharf with the construction of a heavy lift facility and additional moorings. The
two year upgrade funded through the Royalties for Regions program will offer significant
economic benefit to the wider Gascoyne region, and will further promote a diversified local
economy. The project is expected to create approximately 140 new jobs for current operators
and the wider community. As the only harbour between Carnarvon to the south and Dampier
to the north, the project will further strengthen Exmouth’s ability to supply and service the
resources sector, including off shore oil and gas. The construction phase of the upgrade is
scheduled to commence in 2015–16.
Future projections
Employment forecasting, particularly in regions with small and volatile populations is difficult.
For example, in the Gascoyne occupational projections and forecasts have been subject to
and may continue to feel the influences of:
•fluctuations in the agricultural (including pastoral) market;
•the comparatively small population and hence a smaller local workforce;
•the income differential between the local and State average;
•the immediate and flow-on effects of a series of severe weather events in recent years
(floods in 2010 and fires in 2012) on the tourism sector in particular; and
•the high Aboriginal population in Carnarvon and the need to address issues of
meaningful employment.
Consultations have highlighted a number of considerations related to future labour force
requirements including, but not limited to the following opportunities.
•The Department of Agriculture and Food’s ‘Seizing the Opportunity in Agriculture’ initiative
is likely to result in skill demands with projects involving horticulture, biosecurity and
diversification and support of the beef industry, including Aboriginal pastoral ventures, all of
which have implications for the Gascoyne labour force.
•Rio Tinto’s Dampier Salt is planning to expand its Lake MacLeod operations. It is intended
to increase annual salt production. Should this occur, there is a reasonable expectation the
workforce will increase to meet production levels.
•The Gascoyne region is strategically located to support and facilitate the development
of major off shore oil and gas deposits with the centre of Exmouth already fulfilling the
role of a strategic hub for existing operations. The growth in investment expected in the
medium term has the potential to underpin future economic growth in the region providing
employment, supply chain opportunities, training and economic engagement opportunities
during both construction and operational phases.
•Exmouth is strategically positioned in closer proximity to major South East Asian centres
than Darwin, providing defence with a rapid response capability. Any expansion of defence
operations in Exmouth would provide a critical mass of employment, population and
expenditure activity. This is analogous with Darwin and Townsville on a smaller scale.
•Pending investment decisions, the Coburn Mineral Sands Project situated just outside the
southeast edge of the Shark Bay World Heritage Property is ready to commence. Gunson
Resources Limited has indicated that the total workforce to be employed at the site is
expected to be 173.
•The population age profile of the Gascoyne is older than the State average. This is
expected to underpin growing demand for health, medical and welfare based services
(including retirement accommodation and aged care). This is particularly the case in
Shark Bay.
It is also worth noting that the Gascoyne region may be expected to compete for workforce
requirements from other regions such as the Mid West and the Pilbara.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Gascoyne workforce
development – the way forward
Action plan
In order to address the workforce challenges and opportunities in the Gascoyne a series of
priority actions have been developed. These draw on inputs from stakeholder consultations
and have been refined through the input of the Gascoyne Workforce Development
Alliance and nominated lead agencies to ensure both relevance and practicality of action
Implementation of the 23 priority actions (some of which are inter-related) will be overseen
by the Alliance.
Skills development and utilisation - recommended priority actions
As a matter of priority the Gascoyne Development Commission initiate a staged
establishment of Industry Education, Training and Career clusters (IETCs) in
the region’s key industries including:
•food (horticulture, fishing and pastoral);
•tourism (including hospitality);
•environment and natural resource management; and
•government services.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
Each IETC, with the support of the Gascoyne Development Commission, to
develop regional industry career pathways linked to accredited qualifications
which can be delivered by regional schools, training providers including Durack
Institute of Technology, the proposed open learning university centre or a
combination as appropriate.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
The Gascoyne Development Commission to investigate the feasibility of
establishing an open learning university centre which would promote access
to higher education courses that are aligned to the industry career pathways
developed by the IETC.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
Skills development and utilisation - recommended priority actions
The rationale for actions 1.1-1.3 relates to the need to enhance links between the
region’s key industries and education providers leading to a more highly skilled and
better qualified regional workforce. This in turn will assist with the attraction and retention
of young people and families in the region. The membership of each IETC will need to
include representatives from the following (with industry representatives to be appointed
as cluster Chairs):
•Durack Institute of Technology;
•Employment Plus, the region’s Regional Jobs and Community Program (RJCP) provider;
•the proposed open learning university centre;
•Aboriginal community;
•government agencies; and
•others as appropriate.
It is important that Carnarvon Community College, Exmouth District High School, Shark
Bay School and St Mary’s College actively participate in the IETCs and provide Year 11
and 12 programs where possible, which are linked to the industry career pathways.
Employment Plus will need to actively participate in the IETCs and where possible, align
their employment and training activities with the industry career pathways.
It is essential that all the regional key stakeholders take an active role in supporting the
work of the IETCs.
Durack Institute of Technology, under the direction of the IETC, and as required,
to undertake feasibility studies on the future training needs of Exmouth, based
on confirmed industry investment decisions in areas which may include:
•tourism and hospitality;
•training relevant to the resource sector;
•natural resource management in partnership with the Department of Parks
and Wildlife;
•marine industry; and
Lead agency: Durack Institute of Technology
Potential industry growth and development in and around Exmouth must be assessed to
ensure that any training and workforce development needs likely to arise from confirmed
projects are identified early. This will allow Durack Institute of Technology to align training
programs, subject to cost efficiencies with the key needs of local industry.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Skills development and utilisation - recommended priority actions
Carnarvon Community College to commence investigating the concept of
links with industry to include VET in Schools opportunities in the proposed
expansion of the horticulture industry.
Lead agency: Carnarvon Community College
It is worth investigating the concept of links with industry to include VET in Schools
opportunities given the intended expansion of the horticulture industry and the importance
being placed on the region’s Food Bowl Initiative. Currently the Carnarvon Community
College’s new trades training centre only intends to offer construction and engineering
trades related training.
The Department of Education is committed to exploring flexible ways by which
students in the Gascoyne region can access accredited training programs
which contribute to the new requirements of the Western Australian Certificate
of Education (WACE).
Lead agency: Department of Education
Stakeholder consultation indicates some limitations in the Department of Education
schools in the Gascoyne region to provide access to vocational education and training.
Examination of this issue by the Department of Education will continue to assist schools to
enhance their VET course options.
Workforce participation - recommended priority actions
The Shires of Carnarvon, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Upper Gascoyne in
collaboration with the Department of Local Government and Communities,
through the Regional Community Child Care Development Fund, to analyse the:
•adequacy of childcare services in Carnarvon, Denham and Exmouth; and
•need for childcare services in Gascoyne Junction with the support of the Shire
of Upper Gascoyne.
Lead agencies: Shires of Carnarvon, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Upper
The Department of Local Government and Communities to encourage the
development of funding applications for initiatives/pilot projects that contribute
to increasing the uptake of traineeships, including Aboriginal traineeships, in
the Gascoyne under the Regional Community Childcare Development Fund
Lead agency: Department of Local Government and Communities
Durack Institute of Technology to research the demand for accredited childcare
training programs and the opportunity to provide them through flexible delivery
Lead agency: Durack Institute of Technology
Regional consultations indicated that the limited availability and cost of childcare was
restricting parents, particularly women from participating in the workforce. It is worth noting
that childcare is currently not available in Gascoyne Junction. In addition, there is some
suggestion that the lack of Aboriginal childcare workers is contributing to the low take up of
childcare services by Aboriginal parents. The lack of affordable childcare has implications
for attracting and retaining families in the region.
The Shires of Carnarvon, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Upper Gascoyne to ensure
that Aboriginal employment strategies in their workforce plans encourage
greater Aboriginal participation.
Lead agencies: Shire of Carnarvon, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Upper Gascoyne
The number of Aboriginal people employed in the local governments is variable.
The inclusion of strategies designed to promote Aboriginal employment would enhance
the experience of Aboriginal communities in engaging with local government.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Workforce participation - recommended priority actions
The Alliance to consider which of the initiatives listed in the Western
Australian Aboriginal Economic Participation Strategy are relevant to address
systemic issues relating to the high rate of long term unemployment in the
Carnarvon Aboriginal community and if appropriate, work with local, State and
Commonwealth agencies to promote and support their implementation in the
Lead agency: Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance
Carnarvon’s Aboriginal community requires targeted support to address systemic issues
which have resulted in high rates of long term unemployment. Whilst the Western
Australian Aboriginal Economic Participation Strategy was developed for the whole of
State with a number of initiatives agreed upon at a national level, any initiatives listed in
the strategy related to addressing high rates of long term Aboriginal unemployment should
be considered for Carnarvon’s Aboriginal community.
The Alliance with the assistance of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs’ Chief
Operating Officer, to examine the issues within the Burringurrah community
which are limiting participation in the region’s workforce. The Alliance is to
monitor the relevant agencies’ activity against those issues, to complement the
work of the Commonwealth’s Remote Jobs and Community program provider
in the Burringurrah community.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Workforce Development Alliance
Regional consultations identified significant concern with what appears to be dysfunctional
aspects of this community which manifest themselves in poor education and employment
The WA Public Sector Commission to encourage State Government agencies
located in or servicing the Gascoyne region to include recruitment strategies
which lead to increased employment of Aboriginal people particularly where
front line services are being delivered to the Aboriginal community.
Lead agency: Public Sector Commission
Regional consultations have indicated that there are a limited number of Aboriginal people
employed by State Government agencies particularly where services are being provided
directly to Aboriginal families.
Workforce participation - recommended priority actions
The Department of Housing to give consideration to the introduction of the
transitional housing scheme (piloted in the Kimberley) in the Gascoyne region.
Lead agency: Department of Housing
The Department of Housing is currently evaluating the East Kimberley Development
Package Transitional Housing Program which has been operating in Kununurra since
September 2012. The outcome of the evaluation (including identification of potential
funding models) will inform the potential expansion and/or replicability of the model in
other regions. The income tests related to the eligibility for housing is often seen to act
as a disincentive for individuals to take-up or retain their employment and this transitional
housing program is a strategy to address this issue.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Attraction and retention - recommended priority actions
The Department of Housing to review the affordable housing needs in the
Shires of Carnarvon, Exmouth, Shark Bay and Upper Gascoyne.
Lead agency: Department of Housing
Under the State Government’s Affordable Housing Strategy 2010-2020: Opening
Doors to Affordable Housing, the Department of Housing delivers a range of affordable
housing options across WA and engages with local government as part of this process.
Consultations in these shires indicated that the limited supply of affordable and
appropriate housing (including owner occupier and rentals) is significantly impacting on
families being attracted to the region.
The Gascoyne Development Commission in collaboration with the Shires of
Carnarvon, Exmouth and Shark Bay and other regional industry stakeholders,
to work with the Department of Transport in the development of a Gascoyne
aviation services strategy and consider the workforce development implications
of this.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
Consistent comments were received about the lack of connectivity and interface within
and beyond the region. Costly air services for Carnarvon and the inadequate terminal
facilities were seen as having an adverse impact on tourism and acting as a deterrent for
fly-in fly-out workers and their families to live in the region. A Gascoyne aviation services
strategy would take into account the need to service the region’s major towns and
passenger travel costs.
The Shires of Exmouth and Shark Bay in collaboration with the Department of
Health, to review the adequacy of general practitioner services in Exmouth and
Denham and identify options to attract private medical practices.
Lead agencies: Shires of Exmouth and Shark Bay
Waiting times to see a general practitioner in Denham and at the Exmouth Hospital
sometimes extends to several weeks. The availability of readily accessible health services
is an issue for families particularly in the peak tourism season.
Attraction and retention - recommended priority actions
Carnarvon Community College to develop and implement, as a matter of
priority, a community communication and engagement strategy.
Lead agency: Carnarvon Community College
Consultations in Carnarvon highlighted the need for recent changes in the future direction
of the college to both inform and engage the local community. The strategy should
consider how community engagement can be sustained to enable the college to enhance
community support and involvement and to further build the college’s reputation and
intention to become an Independent Public School.
The Department of Education is committed, when funding permits, to complete
stages 2 and 3 of the Carnarvon Community College.
Lead agency: Department of Education
Completion of the college will encourage community acceptance of the community college
concept and emphasise its importance as a significant regional resource.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Targeted skilled migration - recommended priority actions
The Gascoyne Development Commission to consult with regional industry
to determine the need and support for a Designated Area Migration
Agreement (DAMA).
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
It is evident that many of the Gascoyne region’s key industries including tourism and
horticulture, will continue to rely on a seasonal workforce and skilled migration to
complement other strategies to fill the labour gaps. Whether a Designated Area Migration
Agreement (DAMA) would assist industry is worth considering.
Planning and coordination - recommended priority actions
The Gascoyne Development Commission to collaborate with the Departments
of Agriculture and Food, Regional Development, Water and Planning in the
identification of any direct and ancillary workforce implications as a result of the
possible future development of the additional 400 hectares (initially) of irrigated
land in Carnarvon as a further stage of the Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
The prospect of an additional 400 hectares represents a significant increase in horticulture
production which is likely to have major social and economic multiplier effects on
Carnarvon and the surrounding region, including workforce implications.
As the Water Corporation addresses future water requirements in the
Gascoyne, it provides advice to the Alliance through the Gascoyne
Development Commission on activities which may have workforce implications
to allow the Alliance to assess project implications for workforce requirements.
Lead agency: Water Corporation
Advice received during the consultations indicated that any significant increase in the
Gascoyne’s population would require desalination facilities to be established to process
either sea or artesian water sources.
The Gascoyne Development Commission in collaboration with other relevant
State Government agencies, to identify any direct and ancillary workforce
implications as a result of Exmouth becoming a major services centre for the
resource and/or defence sectors.
Lead agency: Gascoyne Development Commission
The ongoing off shore liquefied natural gas production and construction projects, possible
future developments in defence and Exmouth’s proximity to the Pilbara may result in a
significant increase in the region’s population and workforce. Planning will be important to
prepare for the region’s capacity to respond to such an eventuality.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Appendix A:
Data limitations
Where available the most recent government and industry data have been used in the plan.
However, there are a number of limitations associated with the availability and accuracy of
data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census being the most notable. There are
well known concerns with the accuracy of some Census data in rural and remote areas.
Where possible, alternative sources of data have been used or the trends and patterns have
been cross-checked during regional consultations.
The data used were mostly derived from the ABS 2011 Census, labour force and business
data and from the Commonwealth Department of Employment’s Small Area Labour Market
data. In addition, published secondary sources of data and information have been used such
as that available from the Gascoyne Development Commission, the former Department of
Regional Development and Lands now Department of Regional Development, Regional
Development Australia, Department of Planning, Department of Training and Workforce
Development and a number of private sector reports.
Considerable caution must also be exercised when using Aboriginal labour market data from
the ABS Census. The ‘net undercount’ for Western Australia’s Aboriginal population in 2011
is estimated to have been around 20%. While the ABS does have a methodology to adjust
for this, it is only applied to basic counts of Aboriginal persons, but not to any labour market
related Census variables. Also there are cultural considerations and other difficulties related
to collecting information from a small and highly dispersed group of people. This means
that any Census labour market data for Aboriginal people (particularly in the more remote/
traditional communities) may have a higher than average error rate.
As the Gascoyne is statistically a small region its data sets are often small and volatile.
Caution should be used in analysing and interpreting the data, including any projections, as
these are not necessarily as rigorous as larger data sets would be.
It should also be noted that some sources combine the data for the Gascoyne with the Mid
West region thus making some statistical analysis less reliable and less accurate for the
individual regions4.
Please note that some of the percentages presented in this document may not total 100% due to rounding.
Appendix B:
Gascoyne consultation list
Aboriginal Affairs Coordinating Committee
Aboriginal Family Law Service
Aquanorth Aboriginal Corporation
Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill – Mental Health Carers
Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation
Best Western Hospitality Inn
Carnarvon Aboriginal Congress
Carnarvon Community Charitable Trust
Carnarvon Community College
Carnarvon Community Men’s Group
Carnarvon Community Women’s Group
Carnarvon Development Aboriginal Corporation
Carnarvon Family Support Services
Carnarvon Medical Service
Carnarvon Tourism Alliance
Carnarvon Trustees Aboriginal Corporation
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Carnarvon)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Exmouth)
Chevron Australia
Commonwealth Department of Employment
Commonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Community Services, Health and Education Training Council
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Construction Training Council
Dowling Giudici and Associate
Durack Institute of Technology
Electrical, Utilities and Public Administration Training Council
EMU Services
Engineering and Automotive Training Council
Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre
Exmouth District High School
Exmouth Visitors Centre
Financial, Administrative and Professional Services Training Council
Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council
FutureNow Creative and Leisure Industries Training Council
Gascoyne Asset Maintenance
Gascoyne Development Commission
Granny Glasgow Education and Care Centre
Gunson Resources Limited
Logistics Training Council
Milyuranpa Banjyma Aboriginal Corporation
Mungullah Community Aboriginal Corporation
Novotel Ningaloo Resort
Police and Community Youth Centre
Public Sector Commission
Resource Industry Training Council
Retail and Personal Services Training Council
Salvation Army – Employment Plus
Shark Bay Resources
Shire of Carnarvon
Shire of Exmouth
Shire of Shark Bay
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
WA Department of Aboriginal Affairs
WA Department of Agriculture and Food
WA Department of Child Protection and Family Services
WA Department of Education
WA Department of Health (Western Australian Country Health Service)
WA Department of Housing
WA Department of Local Government and Communities
WA Department of Parks and Wildlife
WA Department of Regional Development
WA Department of Training and Workforce Development
WA Department of Planning
WA Department of Water
WA Police Service
Water Corporation
Wurrakaj Aboriginal Corporation
Yuggoo Aboriginal Corporation
Forums (26 and 27 March 2014)
Carnarvon Aboriginal Reference Group (CARG)
Aquanorth Aboriginal Corporation – John Oxenham
Bayiyungu Aboriginal Corporation – Paul Baron
Carnarvon Aboriginal Congress – Maria Poland
Carnarvon Community Charitable Trust Aboriginal Corporation – Jenny Walsh
Carnarvon Community Men’s Group Aboriginal Corporation – Jalba Dann
Carnarvon Development Aboriginal Corporation – Beverley Ladyman
Carnarvon Medical Services Aboriginal Corporation – Aileen Mitchell
Carnarvon Trustee Aboriginal Corporation – Kathleen Musulin
Former Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs – Larina Burke
Milyuranpa Banjyma Aboriginal Corporation – Roddesa Mitchell
Ukkakaga Corporation – Merle Dann
Yuggoo Aboriginal Corporation – Susan Oakley
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
Carnarvon Non-Government Organisations Network (CNGON)
Aboriginal Family Law Service – Susan Oakley
Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill – Medical Local Partners in Recovery –
Ross Monaco
Carnarvon Family Support Services – Julee Nelson
Carnarvon Medical Services Aboriginal Corporation – Aileen Mitchell
Carnarvon Community Men’s Group – John Oxenham
Carnarvon Community Women’s Group – Ella Oxenham
Carnarvon PCYC – Gloria Quinn and Benita Donda
Centacare – Tracey Armstrong and Santosh Shende
EMU Services – Jackie Cameron
Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre – Wil Nayar
Former Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs – Larina Burke
Gascoyne Asset Maintenance – Natalie Perry
Mungullah Community Aboriginal Corporation – Leisha Norling
Salvation Army Employment Plus – Sylvia Bush
Carnarvon Human Services Agency Group (CHSAG)
Aboriginal Education Manager – Margaret Maxwell
Department of Aboriginal Affairs – Elise Ronan and Kym Carter
Department of Child Protection and Family Support – Sandra McGhie
Department of Employment – Wayne Murray
Department of Health Gascoyne – Helen Webb
Department of Housing – Ted Duke
Former Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs – Larina Burke
Gascoyne Development Commission – Paul Niesler and Kim Pervan
Shire of Carnarvon – Charlie Brown and Vivienne Tonga
WA Police – Paul McComish and Jane Gillham
Appendix C: Gascoyne regional
community identified occupation list
As part of the qualitative research undertaken for this project, a survey instrument was
deployed to capture Gascoyne community views on skilled occupations in the region:
•that are likely to be in critical demand (i.e. crucial to industry operations, growth and
development and/or could seriously harm business viability if not addressed); or
•where employers are unable to fill or have considerable difficulty filling vacancies due to
skill shortages.
While the survey instrument was distributed widely, the response rate was low. The survey
results are therefore not conclusive and can be considered broadly indicative only.
An analysis of the nominated occupations indicates services to support families and
communities in the Gascoyne region are considered important. It should be noted that:
•while teachers featured strongly in the survey results (pre-primary school teachers,
secondary school teachers, teacher of English/other languages, vocational education
teachers, special education teachers and middle school teachers), it is likely that this is
a function of high rates of teacher turnover and less experienced teachers rather than
a shortage of teachers, leading to community perceptions of inconsistent quality and/or
substandard offerings;
•health services and related professional services are relatively accessible in Carnarvon
and generally people are well serviced in Exmouth, except in peak seasons. While there
is a desire by the Gascoyne community to increase the range of health services provided
in regional towns, stakeholders also understand that more resources in smaller towns may
not necessarily be economically feasible;
•the identified need for a given occupation may be town or sub region-specific and may not
necessarily indicate a critical shortage. One example is ‘butchers and smallgoods makers’
which may actually be covered by alternative services provided by supermarkets; and
•while it could be argued that hospitality occupations could be filled by seasonal workers
or backpackers, some difficult to fill positions in hospitality require skilled workers, such
as chefs and bakers and pastry cooks. These positions are significant to the tourism and
hospitality industries.
Gascoyne workforce development plan 2015–2018: Executive summary
The following presents a summary of the occupations identified by 45 stakeholders in the
Gascoyne community as being of high priority.
Butchers and smallgoods makers
Pre-primary teachers
Social workers
Ambulance officers and paramedics
Dental practioners
Secondary school teachers
Indigenous health workers
Teachers of English to speakers of other languages
Vocational education teachers
Special education teachers
Middle school teachers
Health and welfare services managers
Child care centre managers
Bakers and pastry cooks
General medical practioners
Welfare workers
Welfare, recreation and community arts workers
Financial and insurance services
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For further information or to provide comment on the plan,
please contact:
State Workforce Planning
Department of Training and Workforce Development
T: 08 6551 5000
E: [email protected]