Activity Report - IFM - Linköping University


Activity Report - IFM - Linköping University
Activity Report
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
January - December 2012
Introduction.............................................................. 3
Organization.............................................................. 4
Financial Summary.......................................................6
Personnel Situation ...................................................... 7
New Professors ............................................................ 8
The Environment..........................................................9
Equal Opportunities................................................... 10
The Third University Task............................................ 11
Undergraduate education......................................12
Chemistry.................................................................... 14
Physics – Measurement Technology ......................... 16
International Master’s Programmes .........................17
graduate education..................................................18
Forum Scientium.........................................................18
Agora Materiae ............................................................18
IFM Graduate Programme ........................................ 19
Scientific branch of Applied Physics.....................21
Applied Optics............................................................ 23
Applied Physics........................................................... 24
Biomolecular and Organic Electronics...................... 25
Biosensors and Bioelectronics...................................26
Biotechnology.............................................................. 30
Molecular Physics........................................................31
Regenerative Medicine................................................33
Molecular Surface Physics and Nano Science.......... 34
Applied Sensor Science.............................................. 36
Surface Physics and Chemistry.................................. 38
Scientific branch of Biology.................................40
AVIAN Behavioral Genomics and Physiology........... 41
Conservation Ecology Group .................................... 42
Plant Evolution and Domestication Group .............. 43
The Sensory and Behavioral Physiology Group........44
Scientific branch of chemistry.................................46
Molecular Biotechnology................................................47
Organic Chemistry..........................................................48
Physical Chemistry..........................................................49
Inorganic Chemistry.......................................................50
Analytical Chemistry.......................................................50
Scientific branch of Material Physics...................... 52
Functional Electronic Materials...................................... 53
Nanostructured Materials.............................................. 54
Plasma & Coatings Physics............................................ 56
Semiconductor Materials............................................... 59
Surface and Semiconductor Physics.............................63
Thin Film Physics............................................................ 65
Scientific branch of Theory and modeling.......... 69
Computational Physics................................................... 71
Theoretical Biology.........................................................72
Theoretical Physics......................................................... 73
Research centers..........................................................76
CeNano............................................................................ 77
LBB .................................................................................. 85
Theses........................................................................... 110
Doctoral Theses............................................................ 110
Licentiate Theses.......................................................... 110
Undergraduate Theses.................................................. 111
– The department of physics,
chemistry and biology
The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) hereby
presents its 42nd consecutive progress report since the start in 1970.
The report contains a description of activities in research and education within the department and is intended as a source of information for colleagues and other interested readers.
IFM is organized in five scientific areas
Applied Physics
Material Physics
Theory and Modelling.
A large part of the research within these divisions is made
possible by generous grants from founding agencies like The
Swedish Research Council (VR), The Swedish Foundation for
Strategic Research (SSF), VINNOVA, Formas, The Knut and
Alice Wallenberg Foundation and internationally also through
the European Research Council and the FP7 framework programme.
The image on the cover shows a mirror-reflected experimental
Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectrum line scan obtained
across an Al1-xInxN multilayer structure grown on Al2O3. The
spectrum intensity is represented by a color scale and each
horizontal line corresponds to a local electron energy loss spectrum in the range 15 to 25 eV. The central layer corresponds to
Al2O3 and it is surrounded by Al1-xInxN layers with step-wise
increasing In-concentration
More details of our research, graduate and undergraduate programmes can be found at
Please also feel free to contact us by mail, e-mail or telephone.
Göran Hansson, Professor
Head of Department
During the year 2012, a record high of 29 doctoral and 19
licentiate theses were presented. More than 230 undergraduate
courses were presented in Master of Science in Engineering
programmes, in Master of Science programmes, in Bachelor of
Science in Engineering programmes, and in teacher training
IFM activity report 2012
ADMINISTRATION Head of Department
Deputy Heads
Financial Administrator
Personnel Administrator
Principal Research Engineer
Göran Hansson
Magdalena Svensson
Per Jensen
Inger Johansson
Louise Gustafsson Rydström
Bengt Andersson
MembersDeputy Members
Göran Hansson, Chairperson
Igor Abrikosov, Teacher representatives
Karin Sundblad-Tonderski
Kenneth Järrendahl
Karin Enander
Peter Nilsson
Magnus Odén
Johanna Rosén
Elke Schweda
Uno Wennergren Susanne Andersson, Techn/adm. representatives Jeanette Nilsson
Mattias Tengdelius, PhD stud. representatives
Leif Johansson
Martin Eriksson
Monica Malmbecker Edstam
Patrik Åkesson, Student representatives
Mats Werme
Patrik Hallsjö
Ingegärd Andersson, Secretary
Lena Martinsson
Department board
Department board
Head of Department
LSG, Local co-operation group
Central department functions
Computer support
Central department functions
Scientific areas
Scientific areas
Applied Physics
Applied Optics, Applied Physics, Biomolecular and
Organic Electronics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics,
Biotechnology, Molecular Surface Physics &
Nanoscience, Applied Sensor Science,
Molecular Physics, Surface Physics and Chemistry
Ecology, Molecular genetics, Zoology
Study Programmes
Research Centra
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre
Material Physics
Functional Electronic Materials, Nanostructured
Materials, Plasma and Coatings Physics,
Semiconductor Materias, Thin Film Physics
Ecology, Molecular genetics, Z
Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular biotechnology,
Organic Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry, Protein Chemistry
Applied Physics
Applied Optics, Applied Physics, Biomo
Organic Electronics, Biosensors and Bio
Biotechnology, Molecular Surface Ph
Nanoscience, Applied Sensor Scie
Molecular Physics, Surface Physics and
Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular b
Organic Analytical Chemistry, Org
Physical Chemistry, Protein C
Material Physi
Functional Electronic Materials
Materials, Plasma and Coat
Semiconductor Materias, Thi
Theory and Mod
Bioinformatics, Computat
Theoretical Biology, Theor
Theory and Modeling
Bioinformatics, Computational Physics,
Theoretical Biology, Theoretical Physics
Research and Education
IFM activity report 2012
Research and Education
Undergraduate Teaching
AreaDirector of Studies
Agneta Johansson
Stefan Svensson
Ragnar Erlandsson Leif Johansson/Magnus Johansson
Magnus Boman
Measurement Technology
Physics-engineering programs
Physics-natural science International Master´s programmes
Applied Ethology and Biology,
Molecular Genetics and Physiology, Ecology and The Environment Materials Physics and Nanotechnology Agneta Johansson
Agneta Johansson
Agneta Johansson
Leif Johansson/Magnus Johansson
IFM Graduate Programme
Forum Scientium
Agora Materiae
Per-Olof Holtz
Stefan Klintström
Per-Olof Holtz
Scientific Branch of Applied Physics
Applied Optics Applied Physics Applied Sensor Science
Biomolecular and Organic Electronics
Biosensor and Bioelectronics
Biotechnology Molecular Surface Physics and Nanoscience
Molecular Physics Surface Physics and Chemistry
Hans Arwin, prof.
Stefan Klintström, Dr., chairperson Annita Lloyd-Spetz, prof.
Olle Inganäs, prof. Anthony Turner, prof.
Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, prof.
Kajsa Uvdal, prof.
Bo Liedberg, prof.
/Thomas Ederth,, acting head of division
Mats Fahlman, prof.
Scientific Branch of Biology
Per Jensen, prof., chairperson
Per Milberg, prof. Johan Edqvist, assoc. prof.
Jordi Altimiras, assoc. prof.
Molecular genetics
Scientific Branch of Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Molecular Biotechnology
Organic Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Protein Chemistry Uno Carlsson, prof.
Per-Olov Käll, prof.
Bengt Harald Jonsson, prof., chairperson
Roger Sävenhed, assoc. prof.
Peter Konradsson, prof.
Lars Ojamäe, prof.
Per Hammarström, prof.
Scientific Branch of Material Physics
Functional Electronic Materials Nanostructured Materials
Plasma & Coatings Physics
Semiconductor Materials
Surface and Semiconductor Physics
Thin Film Physics
Weimin Chen, prof.
Magnus Odén, prof.
Ulf Helmersson, prof.
Erik Janzén, prof., deputy chairperson
Roger Uhrberg, prof.
Lars Hultman, prof., chairperson
Scientific Branch of Theory and Modelling
Computational Physics
Theoretical Biology
Theoretical Physics
Bengt Persson, prof.
Sven Stafström, prof.
Bo Ebenman, prof.
Igor Abrikosov, prof., chairperson
IFM activity report 2012
Financial Summary
Operating income (Amounts in MSEK)
University allocations for teaching
University allocations for research
External sources of income
allocations for
Operating expenses (Amounts in MSEK)
Expences for staff
Expences for premises
Other operating expenses
Total 237
sources of
allocations for
Change in capital for the year
Balanced capital January
Balanced capital December 65
External sources of income 2012 (Amounts in MSEK)
Swedish Research Council, VR
Other Research-funding agencies, e.g. Vinnova, Formas
Research foundations, e.g. SSF
Other private foundations, e.g. Wallenberg
Funding from the European Union
Other sources of funding
Contract research
Distribution of income sources, IFM, 2012
External sources of income, IFM, 2012
IFM activity report 2012
IFM activity report 2012
PhD students
Other researchers
2 3
Assistant Professors
2 1
Assistant Lecturers
Adj Lectures
Senior Lecturers
Guest Professors
During 2012, 25 persons began their employment at the department.
Adj Professors
New employments during 2012
Personnel category
Women Total
Senior Lecturers
81 9
Other researchers
PhD students
01 1
214 25
469 55
Adj Professors
Guest Professors
Senior Lecturers
Adj Lectures
Assistant Lecturers
30 3
Assistant Professors
4015 55
Other researchers
PhD students
3 2427
214 25
01 1
299138 437
Personnel Situation 2012
New Professors 2012
Nguyen Tien Son, professor in Semiconductor Materials,
received his PhD in solid state physics at the Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of Amsterdam in 1993.
After that he worked as a postdoctoral fellow (1993-1997)
at the division of Semiconductor Materials, IFM, Linköping
University. He became docent (1999) and associate professor
(2003) in materials science at IFM.
His research covers from the fundamental properties of
semiconductors to the physics of defects and the influence of
defects on the material properties. The materials of interest include bulk Si, SiC, GaN, AlN, and ZnO as well as the thin-film
structures of III-nitride alloys. In the research, different optical,
electrical and magnetic experimental techniques, such as photoluminescence, deep level transient spectroscopy, magnetic
and cyclotron resonance, have been employed.
His current research interests focus on defect physics and
defect engineering in SiC and III-nitrides (GaN, AlGaN and
AlN) to solve material problems for their applications in highpower and high-frequency electronics and deep-ultraviolet
light-emitting devices.
Sergei Simak Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
(2000) at National University of Science and Technology (MISiS), Moscow, Russia. Forskarassistent at The Department of
Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden 2000-2002, Forskare
at The Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden
(2002-2004), University lecturer at IFM, Linköping University
since 2004.
Sergei’s research is focused on studies of physical properties of materials based on fundamental laws of Nature, first of
all the principles of Quantum Mechanics. What he does, can
be described as “theoretical experiments” employing modern
supercomputers instead of standard experimental equipment.
He develops new methods which allow one to calculate and
predict physical properties of solid materials at given external
conditions, such as, for example, pressure, temperature and
composition. In particular, he is deeply involved in studies of
IFM activity report 2012
the Earth’s core and superhard materials. The results of his
research are presented in many publications, in particular in
high-impact journals Science, The Physical Review Letters and
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA
Sergei’s main current interest is in the materials for fuel
cells, i.e. the possible future sources of “green” energy which
do not pollute the environment. His ultimate goal is theoretical
materials design of fuel cells with optimum properties. This
work brought substantial attention of the international scientific community. In particular, Sergei got a patent for the solid
oxide fuel cell electrolyte, designed exclusively on the basis of
quantum mechanical calculations. Excellent properties of the
predicted material were later confirmed by experimentalists in
Florida University, USA.
The results of Sergei’s research have been many times described in popular form by different scientific sources (like in
“A Clean Air Act At the Quantum Scale” by Phil Schewe, James
Riordon, and Ben Stein, Physics News Update, Number 607
#1, October 2, 2002; “The quantum origin of oxygen storage”,
Physics Update, Physics Today, December 2002; “Quantum
oxygen storage” by Ed Gerstner, Nature Materials Update, 10
October 2002); by the Swedish Radio (like the presentation by
the Swedish Radio P1, 2007-06-29); and by newspapers (like
in N. Olauson, “Jordens innersta hemlighet avslöjad”, Newspaper Östgöta Correspondenten, 2007-06-29; C.-J. Bilkenroth,
“Svenskar först till mitten”, Newspaper Svenska Dagbladet 2007-06-29; “Stärkt teori om jordens kärna”, Dagens Nyheter
nätupplaga, 2007-06-29; “Nya rön om jordens inre”,
Norrköpings Tidningar, 2007-06-30).
Sergei’s scientific interests would be incomplete without
teaching. He is a teacher and developer of undergraduate
and Ph.D. courses. In particular, he gives regular courses in
Solid State Physics and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics at
Linköping University. His international PhD courses “Quantum Simulation of Liquids and Solids” hosted by Centre européen de calcul atomique et moléculaire (CECAM) were great
success and attracted young researchers from all over Europe.
He has also been principal supervisor of 2 Ph.D students (both
received the Ph.D. degree), 4 M. Sc. Students, and 2 Post. Docs.
IFM has an injunction, according to the Swedish Environmental Code, to submit a yearly report to the local environmental
agency describing the laboratory work at the department. The
agency makes regular inspections at IFM.
Environmental management systems
The Rector at LiU decided in 2006 that all departments must
work according to an environmental management system.
Since 2009 a regulation of environmental management for
government agencies stipulates how to perform the environmental work. In 2010 an environmental enquiry was performed at LiU and resulted in several environmental target
areas and goals.
At IFM a plan for the environmental work was first established in 2004 and resulted in measures taken towards reaching an environmental management system. An environmental
plan for 2011-2012 was decided by the IFM board in March 2011
and consists of an action plan with environmental targets and
measures needed to be taken. The environmental work has
been presented in the local co-operation group during the year.
IFMs environmental targets 2011-2012
The targets are organised according to the long-term environmental areas adopted by LiU and IFM and are to be accomplished by 2012-12-31.
Limit the contribution to the climate changes
1. Decrease the energy consumption of IT-equipment by installing energy-saving mode and increasing the number of
switched off equipment.
A system for automatic measurements of the number of
computers turned on or off was to be developed and implemented during 2012, but unfortunately it proved to be
difficult to find a method that provided reliable data. When
installing computers in offices etc, the computer support
group always configures to energy-save mode. The measures
to achieve the target were partly fulfilled.
2. Work shall be performed to take the previously designed
measures to reduce the environmental impact from travel
made by IFM.
Information to the IFM employees regarding the guidelines
for environmentally friendly travelling set by LiU is needed
during 2013. During 2012 it became possible to use the LiUcard when travelling with the Campus bus. The measures to
achieve the target were partly fulfilled.
Limit the contribution to the climate changes/ efficient
use of natural resources
The Environment
3. IFM shall, whenever possible, buy computers with good
environmental performance (use of electricity and content
of hazardous substances) based on the demands in procurements of local/public framework agreements.
IFM follows the available framework agreement. The measures to achieve the target were fulfilled.
Efficient use of natural resources
4. IFM shall supplement the waste sorting system in accordance with decisions made by LiU regarding waste sorting.
The waste sorting system has been supplemented during 2011 and 2012; the measures to achieve the target were
Minimal impact from use of hazardous or contagious
5. IFM shall implement future guidelines for handling of hazardous waste and other laboratory waste at LiU.
IFM has decided to offer some of the most common containers for laboratory waste for free. Information regarding this
and the new routine for laboratory waste has been sent by
e-mail and published at the IFM website. Information has
also been given at different meetings during 2012. At IFM,
the laboratories have embraced the new routines to a large
extent. Information about the new routine for handling hazardous waste was given by e-mail and information at different meetings. The routine was published on the IFM website.
The measures to achieve the target were partly fulfilled.
6. Risk assessments shall be made before all new experiments/
laboratory work and when purchasing new equipment.
In the autumn 2012 LiU initiated work to improve information on the website, templates etc. When that work is completed, spring 2013, IFM employees will receive information
about risk assessment. The measures to achieve the target
were partly fulfilled.
Organizational action
7. At IFM all laboratories where work that can be considered
riskful takes place, must have an appointed person responsible for supervision of the laboratory.
Improvement is needed to make sure persons responsible
for supervision of laboratories have a written delegation.
Information was given at different meetings during 2012 and
the work will continue during 2013. Laboratories at IFM have,
to a large extent, a notice outside the entrance with contact
information. The measures to achieve the target were partly
IFM activity report 2012
Equal Opportunities
IFM believes that equal opportunity is important for both
students and employees. The institution has therefore assigned
the responsibility of equal opportunity to a group with the
following members: Lejla Kronbäck (administrative personnel), Anna Sundin (administrative personnel), Simona Eles
(technical staff), Ulf Frykman (technical staff), Göran Hansson
(prefect), Agneta Johansson (director of studies), Uno WennerIFMbelievesthatequalopportunityisimportantforboth
gren (professor),
and Linnéa Selegård (PhD student).
Equal Opportunities
we worked with during 2012
Projects we worked with during 2010
The equal opportunity group has worked with several projects
2012 and listed below are some of the actions taken by
s tudentsandemployees.Theinstitutionhasthereforeassigned
The group aims to meet once a month to discuss ongoing
projects and initiate new ones. These projects are in some way
related to one or several of the five main issues that we build
our work
around; gender equality and gender issues, ethnicity
and religion
or other belief systems, disability, sexual orientaThegroupmeetsonceamonthanddiscussongoing
tion and
gender identity and victimization, discrimination and
at an individual level.
In order
to prevent discrimination and harassment the group
andreligionorotherbeliefsystems,disability,sexualorientahas drawn
up an Equal Opportunity Strategy. We believe that
this strategy
will contribute to the following:
• an attractive
study and work environment
• development
and creativity
• quality in education and research
• anattractivestudyandworkenvironment
• equitable
structures and processes
• developmentandcreativity
• qualityineducationandresearch
• equitablestructuresandprocesses
The Equal Opportunities vision
• IFM aims to be a study and working
that makes
full use of the
resources contributed
The Equal
to the •
with different
life situations and skills.
makesfulluseoftheresourcescontributedtothedepart• IFM seeks
to promote equal opportunities in the academic
mentbystudentsandemployeeswithdifferentbackworld andgrounds,lifesituationsandskills.
the community at large.
• Admission
and recruitment processes should be non-dis• IFMseekstopromoteequalopportunitiesintheacademic
• IFM’s
study programmes should formally offer equal op• Admissionandrecruitmentprocessesshouldbenon-
and be accessible to, prepared for and considerate
of the •
of various student categories.
• The content
of IFM’s study programmes should promote
equal opportunities
as far as possible.
• New• students
should be received in such a way that they all
feel welcome.
• Newstudentsshouldbereceivedinsuchawaythattheyall
• Equal
opportunities should prevail in terms of employees´
feelwelcome.salaries, influence, career prospects and
working conditions,
• Equalopportunitiesshouldprevailintermsofemployees´
scope for
combining a professional career with responsibility
for homeworkingconditions,salaries,influence,careerprospects
and family.
andscopeforcombiningaprofessionalcareerwithrespon• IFM seeks
to make it easier for employees and students,
of gender, to combine their studies with parental
• IFMseekstomakeiteasierforemployeesandstudents,irresponsibilities.
• IFM aims
to be free from all discrimination and
• IFMaimstobefreefromalldiscriminationand
IFM activity report 2012
iFM Activity RepoRt 2010
Our website is continuously being updated with new information
about our work. There are links to the university central
opportunity group with related information found in
Swedish and English. studentsandhowwecanbemoreawareofthesedifferences.
personnel department ensured that there were no unjusOurwebsiteiscontinuouslybeingupdatedwithnew
differences in salaries between men and women.
We are trying to achieve a distribution according to gender
is within 40%-60% in the Board of Directors and all other
groups at IFM.
lecturersandmeetingswascontinuouslysentouttoallemWe are continuously trying to increase the number of female
lecturers and our goal is to have both genders within a
of 40%-60%.
School contacts
Our department has always been very active in different
forms of school contacts. For several years we have had young
researchers part time employed for external contacts, one each
from physics, chemistry and biology. IFM is represented in the
board for school contacts of LiTH. The goal of this board is to
coordinate and support existing activities, as well as developing
new exciting activities.
Perhaps the most frequent activity is various study visits
by children, young people and teachers. In May we have a
popular activity directed to secondary and upper secondary
school teachers, the May Mingle, Majminglingen. Schoolteachers and university teachers meet in lectures and discussions.
This activity is arranged in cooperation with the Mathematics
Open house days
Linköping University arrange yearly two open house days for
schoolteachers and pupils, and IFM participated with hands-on
exhibitions during these days.
IFM received about one hundred female high-school students
within the Quintek program, aimed to promote the interest
for science and technology among the young women. At this
event have the high-school students a chance to familiarize
themselves with university studies though meeting university
teachers, PhD-students and MSc-students from IFM in activities such as mini lectures, science demonstrations and general
Popular science week
In October we participated in a Popular Science week for the
general public. This event was initiated by the Professor Per
Jensen in 2005, and the interest is growing. The success of
the initial Popular Science day has led to a larger three-day arrangement in cooperation with other departments, the Popular
Science week. IFM participated with various exhibitions and
Senior researchers and PhD students from the
Semiconductor materials Division shared their
excitement about science and research with the
pupils from Katedralskolan. In an introductory
lecture by Vanya Darakchieva and Olle Kordina, the
youngsters learned about the properties and societal
impact of group-III nitrides, graphene and SiC. The
young people also visited key labs and witnessed
growth runs and exciting experiments on materials
IFM activity report 2012
The third university task
D: Computer Science and Engineering (90)
Industrial Engineering and Management (180)
Industrial engineering and
Undergratuade education
Management - International (40)
Education for
The undergraduate education given by the Department of
Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) had four main divisions
•Physics (Directors of Studies: Leif Johansson/Magnus Johansson)
•Physics -Measurement Technology (Director of Studies: Magnus Boman) •Biology at the Natural science, Teachers and Engineering
programs (Director of Studies: Agneta Johansson)
•Chemistry at the Natural science, Teachers and Engineering
programs (Director of Studies: Stefan Svensson)
These divisions have in turn subprograms.
Information Technology (30)
M: Mechanical Engineering (120)
MED: Biomedical Engineering (30)
MT: Media Technology and Engineering (60)
TB: Engineering Biology (30)
Y: Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (90)
Applied Physics and Electrical
Engineering - International (20)
The nominal time for the Engineering M.Sc. programs is 5
years. The first three years mainly consist of compulsory courses in basic subjects and corresponds to B.Sc. degree. During
the third year the students make a choice among the different
specialisations (profiles) in years 4-5, which contain some compulsory courses (profile courses) but most are selectable and
can be composed to fit the students own interest.
The Y(Yi)-students can choose between 11 profiles, two of which
are related to our division:
• Theory, modelling and visualization (Irina Yakimenko)
• Material and nano physics (Jens Birch)
In addition, we also give physics courses on the Programme
in Physics and Nanoscience (FyN), leading to a Bachelor of
Science (3 years) with a major in Physics, and on the Master’s
Programmes in Physics and Nanoscience (MFYS), Materials
Physics and Nanotechnology (MPN), and Biomedical Engineering (BME).
Below is a list of the courses given by our division in 2012.
•Directors of studies: Leif Johansson / Magnus Johansson
•Administrative assistants: Agne Virsilaite Maras / Karin Bogg
•Technical staff: Hasan Dzuho and Jonas Wissting
•Teachers (with course responsibility): Torun Berlind, Jens Birch,
Magnus Boman, Irina Buyanova, Valeriu Chirita, Per Eklund, Fredrik Eriksson, Jens Eriksson, Mats Eriksson, Ragnar Erlandsson, Urban Forsberg, Carl Hemmingsson,
Lars Hultman, Magnus Johansson, Kenneth Järrendahl, Fredrik Karlsson, Peter Münger, Son Tien Nguyen, Wei-Xin Ni, Weine Olovsson, Plamen Paskov, Johanna Rosén,
Per Sandström, Kostas Sarakinos, Bo Sernelius, Daniel Söderström, Roger Uhrberg, Chariya Virojanadara,
Irina Yakimenko, Fengling Zhang
In our division, we are responsible for physics courses on the
following 9 Engineering M.Sc. programs offered by the Institute of Technology at Linköping University.
(The Swedish name of the degree from one of these programs
is “Civilingenjör”.) A total of about 700 students are annually
accepted in these programs.
IFM activity report 2012
Tuition in Physics
Basic courses:
• Electromagnetic Field Theory (FyN, Y, Yi), 8hp
• Electromagnetism (summer course), 2hp
• Electromagnetism - Theory and Applications (IT, MED), 6hp
• Engineering Mechanics (D), 6hp
• Engineering project (MED, Y, Yi), 6hp
• Models in Physics (IT), 8hp
• Modern Physics (FyN), 8hp
• Modern Physics (MED, Y, Yi), 6hp
• Nano Scientific Project (FyN), 6hp
• Nanotechnology (BME, FyN, MFYS, MPN, TB, Y, Yi), 6hp
• Principles of Physics and introduction to
• Nanophysics (FyN), 10 hp
• Perspectives on Physics (D, FyN, Y, Yi), 2hp
• Physics (D), 6hp
• Physics (I, Ii), 6hp
• Physics (M), 8hp
• Physics of Sound (MT), 6hp
• Science and Technology for Renewable Energy Related Applications (FyN, MFYS, Y), 6hp
• Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (FyN, Y, Yi), 6hp
• Wave Motion (FyN), 6hp
• Wave Motion (MED), 8hp
• Wave Motion (Y, Yi), 8hp
Science (180 credit points/hp). The programme includes, in the
first two years, basic courses in chemistry and general biology.
In the third and fourth years there are a number of advanced
level courses, mainly seven profiles; Ecology, Ethology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Conservation Biology, Theoretical Ecology, Zoology and Zoophysiology and Biomedicine and
Cellbiology. The latter profile is carried out in collaboration
with the department of Pharmacology and others within the
Faculty Bachelor of Science in Biology, profiles in Ecology, Environmental Management and Nature Conservation, Ethology and
Animal Biology and Molecular Genetics and Physiology (180
credit points/hp). The Programmes include, in the first two
years, basic courses in chemistry and general biology. In the
third year here are courses specific for each profile.
Master of Science in Biology, profile in Applied Ethology and
Animal Biology, Ecology and the Environment and Molecular
Genetics and Physiology (120 credit points/hp). The profiles in
Applied Ethology and Physiology are a collaboration between
the department of biology at Linköping University and the
Kolmårdens Djurpark.
The first year includes nine courses and at the end of the
year the student start with his/her Master thesis. The Master
thesis is a full year project that will take most of the second
year. At the end of the second year the programme ends with a
final course – Communicating science.
The Programme for Biology and Chemistry with
Mathematics, leading to the degree of Master of Science (240
credit points/hp). or to the degree of Bachelor of Science (180
credit points/hp). After study of mathematics (40 credits) the
student makes a choice of further studies in biology or chemistry.
The current Program for education for the Upper Secondary School and the Primary School started in 2001. The
program involves a Biology and a Natur Science profile. The division has been responsible for the biology part of the program.
Director of studies: Agneta Johansson Education secretary: Jessica Lövdahl and Eva-Maria Stigsdotter Engineers: Ingevald Abrahamsson and Tove Bjerg Teachers: Jordi Altimiras, Mats Amundin, Karl-Olof Bergman, Kjell Carlsson, Bo Ebenman, Johan Edqvist,
Anders Hargeby, Per Jensen, Matthias Laska, Ronny Lock,
Örjan Lönnevik, Eva Mattsson, Per Milberg, Bengt Persson,
Lina Roth, Karin S Tonderski, Cornelia Spetea-Wiklund,
Uno Wennergren and Thomas Östholm
Courses in biology are offered as parts of the following study
• Biology Programme
• Bachelor of Science in Biology, profiles in Ecology, Environmental Management and Nature Conservation, Ethology
and Animal
• Biology and Molecular Genetics and Physiology
• Masters of Science in Biology, profiles, Applied Ethology
and Animal Biology, Ecology and the Environment and
Molecular Genetics and Physiology
• Chemical Biology
• Engineering Biology
• The Program for education in Linköping
• Separate courses
• Basic year
The Biology Programme, leading to the degree of Master of
Science (240 credit points/hp) or to the degree of Bachelor of
Biology courses are also given in the program Chemical Biology (240 or 300 credit points/hp). and Engineering Biology
(300 credit points/hp).
Separate courses. All courses within the Biology programme
are also available as separate courses. Besides the courses in
the Biology programme 8 separate courses has been given.
Basic year, with introductory courses in biology on the Upper
Secondary School level.
Animal Husbandry and its Administration, 6 hp
Botany 1, 6 hp
Botany 2, 6 hp
Cell Biology, 6 hp,
Degree Project - Bachelor’s Thesis, 16 hp
Ecology , second course, 15 hp
Ecology, 6 hp
Environmental Management, 6 hp
Ethology and Animal Welfare, 15 hp
Environmental Engineering for Biologists, 15 hp
Evolution, 6 hp
IFM activity report 2012
Undergratuade education
Advanced courses:
• Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics, 6hp
• Analytical Mechanics, 6hp
• Analytical Methods in Materials Science, 6hp
• Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena, 6hp
• Classical Electrodynamics, 6hp
• Computational Physics, 6hp
• Elementary Particle Physics, 6hp
• Experimental Physics, 6hp
• Mathematical Methods of Physics, 6hp
• Nano Physics, 6hp
• Optoelectronics, 6hp
• Physical Metallurgy, 6hp
• Physics of Condensed Matter I, 6hp
• Physics of Condensed Matter II, 6hp
• Project course in Computational Physics CDIO, 12 hp
• Project Course in Physics - Design and Fabrication of Sensor
Chip, CDIO, 12 hp
• Quantum Computers, 6hp
• Quantum Dynamics, 6hp
• Quantum Mechanics , 6hp
• Semiconductor Physics, 6hp
• Semiconductor Technology, 6hp
• Surface Physics, 6hp
• Thin Film Physics, 6hp
• Genetics, 6 hp
• Genomics and Bioinformatics, 9 hp
• Human and Animal Physiology: a problem based approach, 15 hp
Undergratuade education
• Introduction to Biology, 3 hp
• Introduction to Molecular Genetics, 6 hp
• Introduction to Scientific Methods, •
Analysis and Statistics, 6 hp
Microbiology, 6 hp
Molecular Biology, 15 hp
Nature Conservation in Practise, 15 hp
Principals in Physiology, 6 hp
Scientific Methods and Ethics, 6 hp
Zoology, Physiology, Morphology and Systematics, 6 hp
The Programme for Biology and Chemistry with Mathematics
• Animal Husbandry and its Administration, 6hp
• Ecology , second course, 15 hp
• Environmental Engineering for Biologists, 15 hp
• Environmental Management, 6hp
• Evolution 6 hp
• Final thesis, 30 hp
• Genomics and Bioinformatics, 9 hp
• Nature Conservation in Practise, 15 hp
• Population Ecology: Theories and Applications, 12 hp
Master of Sicence in Biology, profile Molecular Genetics
and Physiology
• Adaption: Molecules to Organism, 6 hp
• Communicating science, 6 hp
• Current Concepts, 6 hp
• Degree Project - Master’s Thesis, 60 hp
• Functional Genomics, 6 hp
• Gene Expression Analysis, 6 hp
• Immunological Techniques, 6 hp
• Molecular Physiology, 6 hp
• Plant Molecular Genetics, 6 hp
Masters of Science in Biology, profile Ecology and the Environment
• Advancements in Ecology and the Environment - Part I, 6 hp
• Advancements in Ecology and the Environment - Part II, 6 hp
• Communicating science, 6 hp
• Conservation Biology in situ, 6 hp
• Current Concepts, 6 hp
• Degree Project - Master’s Thesis, 60 hp
• Methods in ecology, 6 hp
• Modelling of Biological Systems, 6 hp
• Population Ecology: Theories and Applications, 12 hp
Masters of Science in Biology, profile Applied Ethology
and Animal Biology
• Adaption: Molecules to Organism, 6 hp
• Behaioral Neurobiology, 6 hp
• Communicating science, 6 hp
• Conservation Biology in situ, 6 hp
• Current Concepts, 6 hp
• Degree Project - Master’s Thesis, 60 hp
• Methods of Applied Ethology, 6 hp
• Primate Ethology, 6 hp
• Theory of Applied Ethology, 6 hp
• Zoo Biology, 6 hp
IFM activity report 2012
Programme For Education - Biology courses
• Biologi: Genetics, Botany, 15 hp
• Biology (ae 21-30), 15 hp
• Biology : Zoology, Physiology, Morphology and Systematics, 15 hp
• Biology: Cell Biology and Microbiology (ae 1-10), 15 hp
• Evolution and Applied Ethology (41-50), 15 hp
• Environmental Science & Introduction to Molecular Genetics (51-60), 15 hp
Engineering Biology
• Bioinformatics - Overview and Practical Applications, 6 hp
• Cell Biology, 6 hp
• Microbiology, 6 hp
• Principals in Physiology, 6 hp
Chemical Biology
• Behavioral Neurobiololgy, 6 hp
• Bioinformatics, 3 hp
• Bioinformatics - Overview and Practical Applications, 6 hp
• Cell Biology, 6 hp
• Genetics, 6 hp
• Immunological Techniques, 6 hp
• Microbiology, 6 hp
• Molecular biology, 15 hp
• Molecular Physiology, 6 hp
• Plant molecular genetics, 6 hp
• Principals in Physiology, 6 hp
Separate Courses
• Animal Behaviour, 15 hp
• Animal Communication II, 7,5hp
• Behaviour and Biology of the Dog, part 1, 7,5 hp
• Behaviour and Biology of the Dog, part 2, 7,5 hp
• Behaviour and Biology of the Dog, part 3, 7,5 hp
• Introduction to Ethology, 7,5 hp
• Faunistics & Floristics, 9hp, summer course
• Wetlands and Streams, Ecological Applications, 15 hp
Biology for Foundation Year 3hp
Biology for Foundation Year 7,5hp
Director of studies: Stefan Svensson
Education secretary: Rita Fantl
Study counselor: Helena Herbertsson
Technical staff: Bo Palmquist
Teachers: Anki Brorsson, Uno Carlsson, Johan Dahlén, Karin Enander, Per Hammarström, Helena Herbertsson,
Bengt-Harald Jonsson, Peter Konradsson, Ingemar Kvarnström, Per-Olov Käll, Maria Lundquist, Patrik Lundström, Annika Niklasson, Gunilla Niklasson,
Lars Göran Mårtensson, Peter Nilsson, Lars Ojamäe, Nils-Ola Persson, Elke Schweda, Maria Sunnerhagen,
Magdalena Svensson, Roger Sävenhed.
Most of the chemistry courses offered are part of the three-year
programmes, Chemistry (Ke) and Chemical Biology (KB), (180
credits points/hp). Students completing these programmes
are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
All courses within the Chemistry Program are also available as
separate courses.
The program, Chemical Biology (KB), have an open entrance
for the students: after a year of studies the students can choose
to continue in natural science (or to choose a more technical
variant to become engineers. Chemical Biology combines understanding of complex biological processes with the fundamental principles of chemistry.
During 2009 all study programs were transformed into
three-year Bachelor of Science programs (180 hp) and master
programs on advanced level for further two years (120hp).
Chemistry offers master profiles in Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry and Protein Science.
Some of the chemistry courses are also included in the study
programmes of students majoring in Biology and in Teacher
Training Programs (students becoming Upper Secondary
School teachers). Biology bachelors are required to earn 21 hp
chemistry, while Science Education majors earn up to 60-120
hp of chemistry. Introductory courses in chemistry for the
study program Medicinal Biology were started under the
autumn semester.
Besides the above mentioned courses as part of the Mathematical Natural Science, chemistry courses are offered for engineering students in the M.Sc. program Chemical Biology (also
mentioned above) and Engineering Biology (TB) (270 hp).
The Chemical Analysis Engineering (KA) (180 hp), a threeyear programme, has analytical chemistry as the main profile.
Basic Year (130 students, 13 hp), with introductory courses in
Chemistry on a secondary school level, is offered to students
who do not meet the requirements for studies at the University.
Final theses, the last 30/45 or 60 hp in the Chemistry and
Chemical Biology program, have been carried out by six students. For the engineering programs 14 KA students carried
out the 16 hp, and 14 KB students the 30 hp final theses work in
the chemistry area. Besides projects conducted on campus or
at the University Hospital, were projects performed at different
national companies and at University of Sidney.
Under the period 10 students were awarded the Master of Science degree and 17 students the Bachelor of Science from the
Chemistry and Chemical Biology programs. From the Chemical Analysis Engineering program were 17 awarded the degree
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Analysis Engineering and
15 Chemical Biology engineering students were awarded the
M.Sc. degree.
Altogether approximately 600 students have enrolled in about
60 courses in chemistry through the year 2012.
General Chemistry 1
General Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry 1
Organic Chemistry
Biochemistry 1
Physical Chemistry -Thermodynamic
Analytical Chemistry S
Organic Chemistry 2
Analytical Chemistry T
Inorganic Chemistry
Calculation Tools for Chemistry Students
Experimental Chemistry
Physical Chemistry -Spectroscopy
Analytical Chemistry - Chromatography
Organic Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 15
Organic Synthesis
Physical-Organic Chemistry
Nano Chemistry: Surface and Colloid Chemistry
Medicinal Natural Products
Protein Chemistry
Combinational Protein Engineering
Biomolecular Design
Degree Project - Bachelor’s Thesis (KB)
Degree Project - Bachelor’s Thesis
Degree Project - Master’s Thesis
Degree Project - Master’s Thesis (KB)
Undergratuade education
Study programmes in Chemistry:
• Chemistry (Ke)
• Chemical Biology (KB)
• Chemical Analysis Engineering (KA)
• Master of Science program. Profiles: Organic Synthesis/Medicinal Chemistry and Protein Science
• Technical Biology (TB)
• Teacher Training Programs
• Separate Courses
• Basic Year
TECHNICAL COURSES Chemistry for Foundation Year
7.5 + 6
Organic Chemistry
Chemistry (C,Y,D)
Physical Chemistry (KB)
Analytical Chemistry (TB)
Biotechnical Biochemistry (I)
Life Scientific Research Review
Biostructural Technologies
Biochemistry 2
Biological Measurements
Gene Technology
Project Course; Chemical Biology
Applied Structural Biology
Spectroscopy and Kinetics
Interactions and Recognition in Biomolecular Systems 6
Protein Engineering
Protein Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Biomolecular Disease Processes
Protein Engineering
Materials for Sustainable Energy Production
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Preparation of Proteins 3
Principles of Environmental Chemistry
Biochemistry 1 (KA)
Application Areas to Chemical Analysis Engineering
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry
IFM activity report 2012
Undergratuade education
Project in Chemical Analysis Engineering
Forensic Chemistry
Degree Project - Bachelor’s Thesis (KA)
Degree Project - Master’s Thesis (KB)
Degree Project - Master’s Thesis (KB-TB profile)
Chemistry: General Chemistry (1-15hp)
Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Teaching Practice and Subject-specific Didactics (16-30hp)
Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Experiments and Teaching Practice with Subject Didactics (31-45hp)
Analytical Chemistry and Teaching Practice with Subject Didactics (46-60hp)
Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (61-75hp)
Biochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (76-90 hp)
Thesis (76-90 hp)
Natural Science Chemistry (11-20)
Physics –
measurement technology
Activity field
The division provides undergraduate courses in:
• Physics
• Measurement technology
• Biomaterials and Biotechnology
• Director of studies: Magnus Boman.
• Administrative assistants: Karin Bogg, Rita Fantl, Åsa Forsell,
Agne Virsilaite Maras.
• Technical staff: Hasan Dzuho, Jonas Wissting.
• Course leaders: Daniel Aili, Mike Andersson, Valerio Beni,
Peder Bergman, Lars Björklund, Caroline Brommesson,
Thomas Ederth Anders Elfwing, Lars Alfred Engström,
Jens Eriksson, Mats Eriksson, Ragnar Erlandsson, Daniel
Filippini, Anne Henry, Johan Hurtig, Olle Inganäs Henrik
Jakobson, Magnus Johansson, Kenneth Järrendahl, Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, Weine Olovsson, Henrik Pedersen,
Galia Pozina, Mehrdad Rafat, Per Sandström, Anke Suska,
Kajsa Uvdal
Highlights 2012
• The two separate divisions Physics, natural science and Measurement technology were merged into one common division:
Physics – Measurement Technology.
• The new course Introduction to Biosensor Technology was
developed (Valerio Beni).
• The new course Materials for Biomedical Engineering; from
nano- to macro-level was developed (Caroline Brommesson).
The courses are given for the:
• Engineering Master of Science programmes:
BME, D, I, Ii, KB, M, MED, TB, Y.
IFM activity report 2012
• Engineering Bachelor of Science programmes:
• Bachelor of Science program: FyN.
• Programmes for Teacher Education: LÄR, ÄLP.
• Basic year and semester: BAS, BAST.
• and as Separate courses: FRI.
At an advanced level, courses are provided for two profiles:
• Devices and Materials in Biomedicine (TB)
Profile leader: Karin Enander.
• Industrial Biotechnology and Production
(KB, TB). Profile leader: Carl-Fredrik Mandenius.
Astronomy and Geophysics (FyN), 6 hp
Basic education, physics (BAST), 15 hp
Engineering Mechanics (KB, MED, TB), 6 hp
Mechanics I (FyN), 6 hp
Mechanics II (FyN), 4 hp
Molecular Physics (TB), 6 hp
Natural Science: Physics (LÄR, ÄLP), 15 hp
Physics A (BAS), 7,5 hp
Physics B (BAS), 12 hp
Physics (KB, TB), 6 hp
Physics 1-15 hp, (LÄR), 15 hp
Physics 16-30 hp, (LÄR), 15 hp
Physics 31-45 hp, (LÄR), 15 hp
Physics 46-60 hp, (LÄR), 15 hp
Physics 61-75 hp, (LÄR), 15 hp
Planets, stars and galaxies (FRI), 4,5 hp
Research at LiTH: IFM part
Thesis in Physics (76-90 hp) (LÄR), 15 hp
Wave Physics (EL, MI), 4hp
Measurement technology:
Computers in Measurement Systems (KA), 6 hp
Contemporary Sensor Systems (BME, FyN, MFYS, Y), 6 hp
Electrical Measurement Systems (EL), 4 hp
Measurement Technology (FyN, Mat, MED, Y, Yi), 1,5 hp
Measurement Technology (D, DI), 4 hp
Measurement Technology (M, MI), 6 hp
Measurement Technology (TB), 6 hp
Biomaterials and Biotechnology:
Biomedical Materials (BME, TB), 6 hp
Biosensor Technology (I, Ii, KB, TB), 6 hp
Biotechnology Manufacturing (KB,TB), 6 hp
Biotechnology Project (I, Ii), 6 hp
Degree project - Master’s Thesis (TB), 30 hp
Design of Biotechnical Process and Production -systems,
project Course (KB,TB), 6 hp.
Engineering Project (TB, KA), 6 hp
Materials and Nanotechnology (TB), 6 hp
Materials for Biomedical Engineering; from-nano- to
macro-level (MED), 8 hp
Materials in Medicine, CDIO-Project (TB), 6 hp
Microsystems and Nanobiology (TB, Y), 6 hp
Imaging and ubiquitous biosensing (TB), 6 hp
Industrial Biotechnology (KB, TB), 6 hp
Introduction to Biosensor Technology (MED), 6 hp
Supramolecular Chemistry (TB), 6 hp
Surfaces and interfaces (KB, MED, TB), 6 hp
Surface Science (KB, TB), 6 hp
Applied Ethology and Animal Biology
This program deals with animal behaviour and biology from
an applications perspective. Central issues are the biology of
stress and animal welfare, domestication effects on behaviour,
physiology of behaviour and conservation biology.
The programme is taught in association with Kolmården
Zoo which sometimes is the teaching venue. Learning rests on
a mix of classroom lectures, seminars and hands-on projects
involving studies of animals in captive environments. All over
the world, problems associated with keeping animals in captivity require increased attention and knowledge.
After completed studies, the student should be well-acquainted with theories of animal behaviour and biology, and have a
close understanding of the concepts of animal welfare and conservation. Examination requires the ability to plan, implement
and present a scientific investigation in the subject framework
of the programme.
More information
Master’s Programme in Molecular Genetics and
Physiology, 120 ects
This master’s programme focuses on eukaryotic molecular
genetics and physiology, with particular emphasis on how this
relates to both embryonic development and adult homeostasis.
The programme is divided into a first year of courses and
a second year of work on a particular research project in a
laboratory setting. The courses are taught using a multitude of
formats, including regular lectures, practical laboratories and
seminar discussions.
The laboratory classes will utilize powerful biological model
systems such as Arabidopsis or chicken to illustrate modern
concepts of molecular genetics and physiology. The thesis project during the second year (diploma work) will be conducted
in a research laboratory at LiU or other university, in industry
or the public sector.
During the first and second year, there will be a parallel
seminar course in Current Concepts in Life Sciences, involving research articles and research lectures by invited speakers.
During the second year, a parallel course in thesis writing and
presentation techniques will be given.
More information
Master’s Programme in Ecology and the
Environment, 120 ects
Students will develop a critical scientific approach to ecology and an awareness of its role in society. The programme
includes training in skills in experimental design and ecological field methodology, both in the classroom and during the
individual project in the second year which can be linked to
current research projects at the department – e.g. in grassland
and weed ecology, ecology and Biogeochemistry of shallow
waters or conservation biology. Alternatively the link can be to
other universities or research institutes.
This master’s programme also emphasizes the need for, and
use of, mathematical models and statistical analyses for addressing complex ecological problems. Such methods serve as
Master´s Programme in Physics and Nanotechnology
Aim and Organisation: The Master’s Programme in Materials
Physics and Nanotechnology educates specialists in the area of
physics of novel materials. The master students are prepared
for university or industry careers in materials related research
and development.
The programme covers a wide range of materials including
materials used in semiconductor and nano-technology, optoelectronics, biotechnical applications (biocompatibility), chemical and bio-sensors, mechanical applications such as hardness
and elasticity etc.
The programme comprises four semesters. The first autumn
semester consists to a larger part of compulsory courses while
the two following semesters contains mainly elective courses.
The fourth semester is assigned to the Master’s thesis project.
The student can chose courses among essentially four elective profiles:
Electronic Materials and Devices
Surface and Nano Sciences
Computational Physics
Organic Electronics and Sensors
The master’s thesis should be based on high quality scientific
research within the area of the profile chosen by the student.
This work can be performed either at Linköping University or
at other universities.
Information about this master’s programme can be found
on the web page:
The programme started in 1996 and around ten students have
since then joined the programme each year. This year when
tuition fees were introduced the number dropped so only five
students entered the programme. The study results of our International master’s students have overall been good. Several of
them have produced very good results and have after receiving
their MSci degree continued to a PhD degree at LiTH, KTH,
CTH, LTH, KU and at universities abroad.
IFM activity report 2012
Undergratuade education
International Master’s
powerful tools to e.g. identify crop management strategies for
effective biological control, understand life-history strategies
and the risk of population extinction in a variable environment,
or evaluate the preservation status of nature reserves and the
impact of management schemes.
The courses cover theories in population, community and
systems ecology and how they relate to current environmental
problems. Examples are methods in ecology, mathematical
modelling of biological systems and conservation biology.
More information
Other activities during 2012:
Graduate Education
Ten monthly meetings at Campus US and Valla
Reunion March 2012
Study visit to the Boston area May 2012
Summer Conference August 2012
Poster competition August 2012
Yearly individual follow-up with each PhD-student
Courses of high quality
and much more that can be found in the Forum Scientium
Yearly Report that is published at
Forum Scientium
gratuade education
A multidisciplinary doctoral programme within biology,
chemistry, medicine, physics and technology
March 2012 Forum Scientium arranged a Reunion were former PhD students
and supervisors met the current
Stefan Klintström (programme director, director of studies),
Charlotte Immerstrand (assistant director of studies), Ingemar
Lundström (chairperson of the scientific advisory committee),
Anette Andersson (administrator)
IFM is the host for the doctoral programme Forum
Scientium (
Forum Scientium is a multidisciplinary programme and the
doctoral students have backgrounds within biology, chemistry,
medicine, physics and technology. The research projects are located at two faculties, Faculty of Health Science and the Faculty
of Science and Engineering. Forum Scientium has financial
support from the faculty, from the supervisors and from the
Swedish Research Council.
The strategic objectives are “PhDs well prepared for their
future careers through a structured doctoral programme which
includes research of world class, and cooperation and multifaceted contacts with industry and society”.
During 2012, the doctoral programme Forum Scientium
had around 60 PhD-students, and 8 PhD-dissertations were
Since 2008, a special Forum Scientium Award exists. Forum
Scientium PhDs can apply for an award providing 50% of the
salary for a period of up to one year from the PhD-exam. The
award aim at promoting the future career for the awardees, and
to promote twinning among active Forum Scientium members. Most important is also that they should be of benefit for
the active PhD-students. The awardees are called “Transformers” and during 2012 we had all together five transformers.
IFM activity report 2012
Agora Materiae
March 2012 Forum Scientium arranged a Reunion were former
PhD students and supervisors met the current
AFM Director: Lars Hultman
Graduate School Head: Per Olof Holtz
Graduate School Mentor: Stefan Klintström
Graduate School Administrator: Kirstin Kahl
Agora Student Council in end of 2012:
Martin Eriksson (Semiconductor Materials)
Christopher Tholander (Thin Film Physics, IFM)
Thomas Fransson (Computational Physics, IFM)
Mattias Calmunger (Engineering Materials, IEI)
Roger Magnusson (Applied Optics, IFM)
Zia Ullah Khan (Organic Electronics, ITN)
Agora Materiae is a Graduate School for PhD students working
in the research field of novel functional materials. The Agora
Materiae Graduate School is dedicated to offer graduate studies
in a true multi-disciplinary environment. Agora was started up
in the beginning of 2012 and has got 40 members during its
first year. Agora Materiae is hosted by IFM, but attracts PhD
students from several departments such as ITN and IEI. Agora
has financial support from AFM, which manages larger investments in research and infrastructure, based on the strategic
support from the Swedish government for materials-science.
The PhD students can work in an environment, at the
forefront within several research fields within materials science
and the students are offered breadth and depth in scientific and
didactic competence. A student council with five or six PhD
students in the Agora graduate school acts as contact between
the Agora members and the management of the graduate
school. The student council is responsible for activities e.g.
study visits, the home page, symposia and a summer conference.
Some important activities within the Agora Materiae Graduate
School are:
• Seminar activity. Every fourth week, there is a joint PhD students seminar activity. Also invited speakers, often former
PhD students, give seminars at these occasions.
• Common courses. Agora Materiae graduate school will arrange common courses. Can also be compulsory courses for
the graduate school.
• Study visits: There are visits to research-intensive companies
and/or academic departments arranged. Also study visits
outside Sweden will take place.
• Summer conference: Every year, there will be a summer
conference during approximately three days arranged, with
activities like invited presentations, poster sessions,
• Progress reports. Together with the individual study plan,
the progress plans three times a year are a follow-up of the
progress in the PhD-students projects, planning of their
research work with the purpose to improve the communication between the PhD-students and their supervisors. • Yearly individual follow-up. Each PhD student in Agora will
have a discussion with the graduate school director to discuss project, progress, time schedule, but also problems in
the graduate program.
IFM Graduate Programme
Per Olof Holtz, Director of Graduate Studies
The graduate program at IFM, Linköping University aims at
a degree of Licentiate or Doctor of Technology or Philosophy
for the PhD students. The requirements for the Licentiate /
PhD exam consist of a course part, corresponding to 30/45 and
60/90 credit points (hp), and a doctoral/licentiate thesis. The
nominal time for training to the Doctor degree is four years
(full-time training) and for the Licentiate degree approximately
half the time. The PhD students are encouraged to do teaching
at undergraduate level (at maximum 20% of their time), which
means that the total time to provide the Doctor degree can be
up to five years. During the year 2012, 38 new students entered
the graduate program at IFM with PhD as the final exam and 3
new students started the graduate program with the licentiate
exam as the final exam. For a development of the number of
students entering the graduate program at IFM during the last
five years, see Diagram 1 below.
Lic as final exam
Later part of PhD
PhD as final exam
Diagram 1 showing the number of students entering the graduate program
at IFM during the last five years.
During the year 2012, there were in total 50 exams; 31 PhD
exams and 19 licentiate exams, taken at IFM. For a development of the exams during the last five years, see Diagram 2
PhD exams
Lic exams
Diagram 2 showing the number of exams from the graduate program at IFM
during the last five years.
The course menu is organized jointly for the different scientific
research groups at IFM, which means that a broad course
menu within physics, chemistry and biology is offered,
reflecting the strong inter-disciplinary character of IFM.
During the academic year 2011/12, the PhD students could
choose between approximately 60 courses at IFM. The
students can also follow courses given at the graduate schools
Agora Materiae and Forum Scientium at IFM, at other departments of Linköping University or at other universities. For all
PhD students, who do teaching at undergraduate level, a basic
pedagogics course is compulsory. IFM is arranging a specific
pedagogics course for PhD students registered at the department. A course in science methodology and ethics is compulsory for all PhD students.
At IFM, a doctoral-studies board is a forum for various topics associated with the graduate studies. This council, with four
meetings per year, has the following members: The Director
of Graduate Studies, one representative for each scientific research area at IFM and two PhD student representatives from
Physics and Chemistry/Biology, respectively.
Each graduate student has to make up an individual study
plan each year. This study plan should contain a time schedule for the PhD studies, a project plan for the research work
together with teaching and other duties at the department. This
individual study plan is followed up each year.
IFM activity report 2012
gratuade education
The Agora Materiae members will benefit from:
• specific training courses offered to Agora Materiae members, but also to the extensive menu of PhD courses at IFM
• research at the international forefront, in an international
atmosphere, offering a broad scientific and didactic competence
• a large number of experienced thesis advisors from various
• research programs of high industrial relevance
• extensive and advanced experimental techniques available
on state-of-the-art equipment
PhD Courses Offered
gratuade education
during the academic year 2011/12
Introductory course in Scanning Probe Microscopy
(3 hp):Ragnar Erlandsson
Quantum Dynamics (6 hp) Irina Yakimenko
Quantum computers (6 hp): Irina Yakimenko
Quantum mechanics II (7,5 hp) .Irina Yakimenko
Electronic Structure Theory (5 hp) .Igor Abrikosov
Chemical Vapor Deposition (8 hp) .Henrik Pedersen
Ion Beam Analysis in Material Science (7.5 hp) .Jens Jensen
Soft Materials and Self Assembly: Niklas Solin
Theoretical ecology – society related ecology (6 hp)
Bo Ebenman
Oganic Chemistry (7,5 hp): Stefan Svensson/Peter Konradsson
Differential equations for bio applications:Peter Munger/ Bo Ebenman/Uno Wennergren Biotechnology, Advanced course (10 hp): Carl-Fredrik
Biotechnology Exp. Techniques (10 hp): Carl-Fredrik
Computational Quantum Chemistry(7,5 hp) :Patrick
Norman/Matieu Linares/Bo Durbeej
Microsystems and nanobiology (6 hp) Anders Elfwing
Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics in Chemistry:
Matieu Linares
Magnetic resonance characterization of defects in
semiconductors (6 hp): Nguyen Son
Chemical Sensor and Science Technology (4 hp):
Anita Lloyd Spetz
Contemporary Sensor Systems (6 hp): Anita Lloyd Spetz
NEXAFS:Kajsa Uvdal / Patrick Norman
Molecular imaging, vibrations :Thomas Edert
Growth of wide bandgap semiconductors: Anelia Kakanakova
Electrical characterization of semiconductor materials and devices: Ejnar Sveinbjörnsson
Advanced methods for XRD (5 hp): Jens Birch
Nano Physics (6 hp):Plamen Paskov
Properties of III-nitride semiconductors (5 hp):
Plamen Paskov
Advanced semiconductor materials (7.5 hp): Vanya Darakchieva
Analytical Methods in Materials Science (AMMS) (6 hp): Fredrik Eriksson
Many particle physics I (7,5 hp): Bo Sernelius
Electro dynamics (6 hp): Bo Sernelius
Surface Physics (6 hp): Chariya Vironjanadara
Introduction to theoretical methods in material physics: Björn Alling
Semiconductor physics (10 hp): Peder Bergman
Time resolved spectroscopy: Galia Pozina / Peder Bergman
Raman spectroscopy (3 hp): Ivan Ivanov
Nucleation, growth and structural evolution of thin films and nano structures: J Greene /L Hultman / J Birch
Statistical Methods in Experimental Sciences (4 hp): Anders Grimvall (HU)
Basic management of Research Projects (1,5 hp): Stefan Klintström / Rune Olsson
Bioethics /research ethics (3 hp): Stellan Welin/
Health University
Intellectual Properties as a Business Tool (3 hp):
Stefan Klintström/Lena Sjöholm
Magnus Klofsten/Arne Jakobsson
Modern Biology for non-biologists (6 hp): Stefan Klintström
IFM activity report 2012
Biosensor Technology (6 hp): Fredrik Winquist
Advanced Biosensor Technology with Medical Applications (4/6 hp) Fredrik Winquist
Chemistry (6 hp): Nils-Ola Persson Biophysical Chemistry (7,5 hp): Nils-Ola Persson
Nano Chemistry II (Surfaces and Colloids) (6 hp):
Nils Ola Persson/Lars Ojamäe
Introduction to Concepts in Molecular Genetics: Per Jensen
Scientific Publishing (3 hp): Per Jensen
Biomolecular interactions (7,5 hp): Anki Brorsson/ Bengt-Harald Jonsson
Bio/ nano technology (3hp): Bengt-Harald Jonsson
Protein Chemistry: Lars Göran Mårtenson/
Maria Sunnerhagen
Defects and dislocations: Jawad Ul Hassan
Fluorescence Microscopy: Per Hammarström
Molecular Basis of Protein Conformational Diseases:
Per Hammarström
Semiconductor physics (6 hp): Fredrik Karlsson
Imaging and Ubiquitous Biosensing (6 hp): Daniel Filippini
Applied structure biology (6 hp) : Maria Sunnerhagen
Biomolecular structure analysis (6 hp): Patrik Lundström
Bio measurement technology (6 hp): Maria Sunnerhagen
Statistical and Thermal Physics I (7,5 hp): Peter Munger Transmission Electron Microscopy I (7.5 hp): Per Persson
Vacuum science and technology (7.5 hp): Per Eklund Chaos and non-linear phenomena (6 hp): Magnus Johansson
Semiconductor device physics (7.5/10 hp): WeiXin Ni
Optoelectronics (6 hp): WeiXin Ni
Thin film physics (6 hp): Ulf Helmersson
Plasma physics (6 hp): Ulf Helmersson /Kostas Sarakinos
Cluster Assembled materials (6 hp): Gueorgui K. Gueorguiev
Photovoltaic energy conversion: Koen Vandewal/Olle Inganäs
Applied Physics
PhD students work normally in projects that involve two or
more divisions or departments at Linköping University. Forum
Scientium is directed by Dr Stefan Klintström, who also is the
chairperson of the Scientific Area Applied Physics.
Staff from the Scientific Area Applied Physics teaches in several
undergraduate programs, especially within the programmes
“Engineering Biology” and “Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering”.
General Information
Steering committee during year 2012
Prof Bo Liedberg (chairperson Jan-March), prof Kenneth Järrendahl, prof Kajsa Uvdal, prof Olle Inganäs, prof Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, prof Anthony Turner, prof Anita Lloyd Spetz, prof Kajsa
Uvdal and ass prof Stefan Klintström (chairperson April-Dec).
Highlights during 2012
Waste materials from paper pulp processing to build
polymer electrode for storing charge
Research divisions and Professors
Applied Optics: Kenneth Järrendahl, Hans Arwin
Applied Physics: Ragnar Erlandsson, Helen Dannetun (Rector
Linköping University), Martin Holmberg (Guest Prof from
Swedish National Defence College, Stockholm, Sweden), Pentti
Tengvall (Guest Prof from Gothenburg University, Sweden)
Applied Sensor Science: Anita Lloyd Spetz
Biomolecular and Organic Electronics: Olle Inganäs
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Anthony Turner, Fredrik Winquist,
Ingemar Lundström (Emeritus)
Biotechnology: Carl Fredrik Mandenius, Anders Brundin (Adjunct)
Molecular Physics: Bo Liedberg
Molecular Surface Physics and Nanoscience: Kajsa Uvdal
Surface Physics and Chemistry: Mats Fahlman
Polymer electrodes incorporating polypyrrole and lignin derivatives, coming
from brown liquor formed during paper processing, enable charge storage
in the quinone functions deriving from lignin. [G. Milczarek and O. Inganäs,
Science 335 (6075), 1468 (2012)]
• Strategic Faculty Grant AFM – Advanced Functional Materials
• VINNEX Center FunMat
• The Linköping Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology CeNano
• EU Marie Curie ITN “Seacoat”
• SSF funded OPEN (Organic Hybrid Printed Electronics and
• A Cost Network, EuNetAir
• Linköping Initiative for Life Science Technologies (LIST)
• Power Papers funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation
• EU Marie Curie ITN Renaissance
• EU Modelling of electronic processes at interfaces in organic-based electronic devices (MINOTOR)
• EU All-carbon platforms for highly efficient molecular wire-coupled dye-sensitized solar cells (MOLESOL)
• EU Next Generation Hybrid Interfaces for Spintronic Applications (HINTS)
• EU SUstainable Novel FLexible Organic Watts Efficiently Reliable (SUNFLOWER)
The research within the Scientific Branch of Applied Physics is
multidisciplinary and in many cases directed towards the area of
Life Science Technologies.
There were 38 PhD students within the Scientific Area Applied
Physics during 2012. Four PhD students did successfully defend
their PhD thesis, and two defended their Licentiate.
Most of the PhD students participate in the graduate schools
Forum Scientium or Agora Materiae (see separate entries). The
A new generation of SiC-FETs was developed by the spin-off
company SenSiC AB in collaboration with Applied Sensor
Science and FunMat. The new sensors show largely improved
sensor characteristics in terms of selectivity, sensitivity and
long-term stability. It is also possible to fine-tune the operation
parameters for use of the sensors in alarm purposes, demonstrated for ammonia.
Layout of SiC-FET gas sensor chip including sensors and resistive heater.
Background, part of the processed SiC wafer.
Lloyd Spetz was appointed Deputy Chair of the COST Network,
EuNetAir TD1105, with partners from 25 countries in the field
of New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and
Environmental Sustainability.
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
The Sweden-Japan Seminar on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (SJS-Nano) was organized 10-11 September 2012
by Linköping Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, IFM,
Linköping University. Sessions included theoretical and experimental works on:
• Biomedical Nanotechnology
• Nanotheragnostics
• Energy and Environmental Nanotechnology
• Nanobioanalytics
• Nanofabrication and Engineering
in Cancún, Mexico
Linköping University had an impressive stand at the exhibition
is an LiU Center, focused on the development of future health
care solutions and an important contribution from LiU to the
regional Vinnova supported program “New Tools for Health”.
The missions of LIST are to stimulate the interest for and
increase the possibilities to perform excellent research on new
technologies for distributed health care at LiU and to reinforce
the importance of long-term collaboration between faculties
in this research area. The Scientific branch of Applied Physics
is engaged in LIST through Karin Enander (part time director), Anke Suska (part time co-director), Ingemar Lundström
(chairperson of the steering committee) and Anthony Turner
(member of the steering committee).
LIST activities include support of research projects (in total
1 MSEK/year) and arrangement of workshops. In 2012, LIST
granted financial support to the following projects:
• “Optically coupled touch screens for lab-on-a-chip medical
diagnostics”; PI: Daniel Filippini (IFM).
• “Behavior analysis in elderly HF patients”; PIs: Pierangelo
Dell’Acqua (ITN) and Tiny Jaarsma (ISV).
• “Wearable contact lens biosensors with nanoengineered architecture at interface”; PIs: Martin Mak and Ashutosh Tiwari
In April 2012, LIST co-arranged the international LIST/COST
symposium “Bioinspired nanotechnologies for distributed
diagnostics” and in October, senior scientists from different
faculties at LiU were invited to meet in a scientific speed-dating
format with the purpose of forming new research collaborations. This event turned out to be very successful and will be
followed by more arrangements of similar kind.
Biosensors 2012 was held in Cancún, Mexico, from Tuesday 15
to Friday 18 May 2012. Congress Chairperson of the event was
Prof Anthony P F Turner, Linköping University, Sweden.
applied physics
organised by LiU in Cancun, Mexico
The pre-congress Summer School on Printed Biosensors and
Electronics, aimed at providing an in depth and tutorial view of
this specialist topic. This was organised by Linköping University in association with Elsevier and supported by Erkon. The
increasing popularity of the Summer School was demonstrated
by the capacity audience of around 100 delegates. The delegates
were treated to a unique insight into the commercial reality of
biosensor production with copious amounts of information being provided that does not appear in the conventional academic
literature. This “how-to-really-do-it” day was extremely well
received by the audience.
COST-LIST workshop 26/27 April 2012
The workshop was organised by the three organizations:
• COST Action TD1003 - Bio-inspired nanotechnologies: from
concepts to applications
• LIST - Linköping Initiative in Life Science Technologies
• Hälsans nya verktyg - New tools for health
IFM activity report 2012
Professor Turner was sponsored to present a series of Award
lectures in the UK, Ireland and Italy during the spring of 2012
culminating in a ceremony at Imperial College, London, at
which he was presented with the Royal Society of Chemistry
Theophilus Redwood Medal for his outstanding contribution to
Analytical Science.
A Tutorial Review based on the lectures will be published by
the prestigious journal Chemical Society Reviews.
Applied Optics
Scientific collaboration (external only): M. Schubert, J. Woollam, B.
Johs, Lincoln, Nebraska - ellipsometric methodology; H. Kariis,
FOI - tunable coatings; B. Gallas, Paris - metamaterials; M.
Käll, CTH - metamaterials; H. Granberg, Innventia AB - paper
optics; V. Karpus, Vilnius - quasicrystals; R. Rehammar, CTH carbon nanofibers; A. DeMartino, Paris - imaging ellipsometry;
C.G. Granqvist, UU - electrochromic thin films; H. Engqvist,
UU - bioadsorption; L. Wågberg, KTH - cellulose films; V.G.
Chigrinov, H.S. Kwok, Hong Kong – active diffractive optical elements; P. Tytarenko, Kiev - active diffractive optical elements;
Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk, Kiev and J. De Smet / H. De Smet,
Ghent – near-to-eye displays.
Natural photonic structures Optical properties of cuticles of several beetles were studied to learn how nature has
designed biomultilayers. Figure 1 show a specimen of Chrysina gloriosa viewed through a left-polarizing (LPC) and rightpolarizing (RPC) filter (Arwin, Fernandéz, Järrendahl, Landin,
The polarization properties of three specimens of Cotinis
mutabilis with different color were studied by analyzing the
Mueller matrix data and complemented with the structure
revealed by microscopy techniques (Muñoz, Mendoza, Arwin,
BRDF measurements and Mueller-matrix ellipsometry on
Cyphochchilus insulans was performed to analyze scattering and
depolarization properties (Åkerlind, Hallberg, Arwin, Järrendahl).
Figure 1 Chrysina gloriosa viewed through a left-polarizing (LPC) and rightpolarizing (RPC) filter.
Artificial photonic structures Gold-silica dot arrays were
investigated in collaboration with M. Käll and a model describing their optical response was developed. Figure 2 show
transmission data from this kind of structure (Mendoza,
Järrendahl, Arwin). Nanostructured helical films composed of
InAlN nanorods were fabricated and analyzed in collaboration
with J. Birch at LiU. Left-handed and right-handed structures
were grown. In collaboration with École Polytechnique in Paris
imaging Mueller-matrix analysis was performed (Magnusson,
Arwin, Järrendahl).
Figure 2 Transmission data from nano-disks
Electrochromic thin films Tungsten doped NiO films with
different compositions were characterized by ellipsometry.
Dielectric functions of nickel doped WO3 were studied in
terms of the Bruggeman effective medium approximation.
Inhomogeneous Au films with mass thickness from 1.5 to 10
nm on glass substrates were characterized by spectroscopic
ellipsometry (I. Valyukh).
Active optical elements Diffractive elements based on liquid
crystals are studied with focus on non-uniform alignment conditions that enable us to achieve the needed distribution of the
liquid crystal molecules under a uniform external electric field.
(S. Valyukh). An objective LC micro-lens array for a display
located at the immediate vicinity of the eye has been proposed.
The developed micro-lens array changes optical power from
0 to up to 5000 dioptres and is a promising technique for
augmented reality. (S. Valyukh). Non-absorptive flat thin reflectors, based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymers, with specific
spectral and spatial characteristics have been developed and
patented. Among the areas of applications are optoelectronics
and photovoltaics (S. Valyukh).
Proteins and cells at interfaces In collaboration with Håkan
Engqvist, UU, (SSF Strategic Research Center, MS2E) surfaces
aimed for bone replacements are examined. (T. Berlind).
Cellulose films and chitin films In collaboration with Lars
Wågberg, KTH, optical properties of cellulose films and humidity induced changes are studied with in situ spectroscopic
The optical properties of dip-coated chitin thin films are
also studied. Chitin is a semi-crystalline biopolymer found in
the beetle’s cuticle as nanofibrils in a helical lamella structure
which is responsible of the fascinating and complex polarization properties. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry is used to
study the changes induced in amorphous and semi-crystalline
chitin thin films by humidity and temperature (Muñoz, Mendoza, Järrendahl, de Mayolo, Arwin).
Scientific output 2012 8 publications, and 24 conference contributions including 3 invited talks.
Special event Sergiy Valyukh became docent (ass. Prof.). Applied Optics was represented at the exhibition NANO, at Norrköpings Visualiserings-center showing polarizing scarab beetles.
Teaching Järrendahl, Berlind, S. Valyukh and Arwin were
responsible for many undergraduate courses and activities.
Kenneth Järrendahl is vice chairman for the EF study board.
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
Professors: Hans Arwin, Kenneth Järrendahl, Arturo Mendoza Galván
Administrative assistant: Anna Maria Uhlin
Assist. professors: Sergiy Valyukh, Tomas Hallberg (external)
Post docs: Torun Berlind, Iryna Valyukh
PhD students: Lia Fernandéz del Río, Roger Magnusson, Eloy
Muñoz Pineda, Christina Åkerlind
Visiting/diploma students: Rodrigo Becerra Carrillo, Eduardo de
Mayolo, Johan Gustafson, Adam Icardi, Lia Fernandéz del Río,
Kristofer Krus, Venkata Sai Dinesh Sugavasi, Sebastian Ekeroth
Applied Physics
Professors: Ragnar Erlandsson, Helen Dannetun (Rector at
Linköping University), Martin Holmberg (Guest Prof from
Swedish National Defence College, Stockholm, Sweden) and Pentti Tengvall (Guest Prof from Gothenburg University,
Associate professors: Mats Eriksson, Daniel Filippini
Assistant professor: Stefan Welin Klintström (head of the division)
Researcher: Dr Anke Suska
Administrative staff: Anna Maria Uhlin
PhD students: Roger Klingvall, Zafar Iqbal, Pakorn Preechaburana
Research engineers: Jörgen Bengtsson, Jeanette Nilsson, Hans Sundgren and Bo Thunér (lab manager)
faces deployable at a comparable scale and the formulation of
solutions, which demand neither permanent modifications nor
additional peripherals.
Disposable lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices can satisfy these
requirements, if the measurement principle can accommodate
the desired analytical performance. In 2012, Filippini’s groups
demonstrated the first angle-resolved surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection system that is based on a single disposable device, which is configured to use conditioned illumination
and optical detection from cell phones.
The SPR coupler central to this implementation is compatible
with regular (LOC) technology and temporarily adheres to the
phone screen surface during the measurement; it couples and
conditions the illumination from the screen and directs the
SPR image to the phone camera. After the measurement, the
device can be detached and disposed of, thereby leaving the
phone intact.
SPR detection, within diagnostics range, was illustrated with
a commercial assay for β2 microglobulin (β2M), which is an
established marker for cancer, inflammatory disorders, and
kidney disease, which are relevant candidates for complementary monitoring in decentralized conditions.
General information
applied physics
The research within the Division of Applied Physics is multidisciplinary. The members of the division are electrical
engineers, physicists, chemists, biochemists and biologists.
Several projects are in the areas between physics and chemistry, and physics and biology. The projects are often conducted
in collaboration with other divisions within the three scientific
branches of Applied Physics, Material Science and Chemistry.
The research activities also include fundamental multidisciplinary research, mainly within the surface sciences. Many
projects are run in cooperation with external collaborators.
The division is hosting Forum Scientium, a multidisciplinary
doctoral student programme under the direction of Dr Stefan
Klintström. See more under “Graduate education”.
The division also participates in two VINNOVA-graduate
schools: Forum Securitatis, a graduate school in security research and AgoraLink, an agora for Medical and Life Science
Technologies in Linköping.
Research overview, Highlights, and Collaborations
The research within the Division is conducted in collaboration
with many different parts of IFM and with larger programs
described elsewhere. This means that some activities are more
extensively described at other places in the Activity Report.
The research groups within the Division of Applied Physics are
led by:
• Ass prof Mats Eriksson
• Ass prof Daniel Filippini
• Dr Anke Suska
Research group Daniel Filippini
Optical Devices Lab
Daniel Filippini’s group works on optical chemical sensing
methods and devices. One important area of the group’s activity is on physically interfacing chemical sensing techniques
to operate on consumer electronic devices (CEDs). The other
main research focus is microfabrication methods for disposable optics and fluidics.
CEDs sensing ubiquity is restricted by the availability of the
chemical sensing element and accessories rather than the CED
platform itself. Hence, the critical requirements for cell phone
applications are the development of chemical sensing inter-
IFM activity report 2012
Biacore SPR chip evaluated with a smart phone aided by a disposable optical
coupler. Sensorgram of label-free β2 microglobulin detection within the
diagnostics range (P. Preechaburana, M. Collado Gonzalez, A. Suska, D.
Filippini, Angewandte Chemie 51(2012))
Research group Mats Eriksson
This is a research group within bio- and chemical sensor science and technology. Eriksson is also a member of the management group of Security Link, a strategic research area at LiU on
technology and methodology for civil security applications.
“Microelectrode arrays for drinking water quality monitoring”
is an ongoing project financed by Formas and running 20112014. In this project new sensors with improved properties for
drinking water monitoring, such as improved detection limits
and faster response times, are developed. Several types of arrays are investigated as well as a new type of printed electronics microband structure (see figure), developed by the groups
postdoc Mikhail Vagin together with Acreo.
Visiting students: Yang Zhao, Armantas Melianas, Scott Mauger,
Tomasz Rebis, Indrė Urbanavičiūtė, Bedasa Abdisa, Sai Bai
Administrators: Mikael Amlé 65%,
Research engineer Bo Thunér (27%),
Diploma students: Alexander Vastesson
Research in biomolecular and organic electronics is focused on
the development of polymer electronics, particularly polymer
photovoltaics, and the combination of biological macromolecules with synthetic conjugated polymers for supramolecular
materials assembly. We published 14 papers during 2012.
Biomolecular electronics
The group is furthermore involved in a project within the
VINNOVA program “Challenge-driven innovation”. The
project name is “Online sensor system for resource-efficient
water management (Sensation)”, it has 23 partners, is running
during 2012-2014 and is coordinated by Acreo. The role of the
Eriksson group is to provide “electronic tongues and noses” for
online water monitoring in field tests, in particular for detection of microbial contaminations and petroleum products.
During 2012, the PhD work of Zafar Iqbal was completed
and resulted in a thesis entitled “Optical Sensing with an Ordinary Mobile Phone”. The thesis contains several investigations
of the possibilities and weaknesses of a standard mobile phone
for use as a simplified and ubiquitous spectrophotometric unit.
During 2012, we have initiated an effort to build up a
Linköping research environment on raw water and drinking
water monitoring and to develop new methods that have the
capacity to rapidly capture changes and disturbances in drinking water production and distribution. The proposed research
environment consists of several research groups at Linköping
University and at FOI. A first research application for funding
was submitted at the end of 2012.
Biomolecular and
organic electronics
Professor: Olle Inganäs,
Associate professor: Docent Fengling Zhang, docent Niclas Solin
Visiting scientists: Shimelis Admassie, Hongyu Zhen, Yizheng
Jin, Ping Liu
Postdocs: Kristofer Tvingstedt (-July), Koen Vandewal(-Feb),
Doddahalli Nagaraju, Shuyan Shao, Feng Gao (Feb-),Wolfgang
Tress (April-), Mahiar Hamedi (-Aug), Deyu Tu
Graduate students: Viktor Andersson(-Feb), Anders Elfwing,
Zaifei Ma, Fredrik Bäcklund, Zheng Tang , Jonas Bergqvist,
Armantas Melianas (Sept-), Erica Zeglio (Nov-), Fatima Ajjan
We have evaluated the anisotropy of the charge transfer state,
which is an intermediate state on the path to photocurrent in
polymer/fullerene devices, through materials and device studies of oriented polymer systems. Semi-transparent solar cells based on modified ITO cathodes combined with transparent polymer anodes have been
developed. Stacking a number of these cells on top leads to a
higher photocurrent than can be obtained by a standard geometry, where a reflective metal act both as cathode and mirror.
With these semitransparent solar cells, we have also recouped
some of the transmitted photons with the help of an external
micropatterned metal reflector, which is superior compared to
a flat metal mirror in improving the total amount of absorbed
photons in the active device.
We investigated the effects of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)
modified ZnO nanoparticle as electron acceptors in Hybrid Solar Cells. Compare with reference device using ZnO as electron
acceptor, after PEO modification, all the device parameters are
enhanced. Typically, the PCE was enhanced by 42% increase.
When ZnO used as an interfacial layer between ITO and active
layers in inverted OSCs, the best inverted solar cells were the
ones based on the smoothest ZnO layers, with the largest D/A
interfacial area, and lowest ZnO/active layer interfacial area.
We found that the performance of inverted OSCs can also
be improved with PEO modified ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) as
interfacial layers. PEO modified ZnO surface can effectively
passivate the surface traps of ZnO, suppress the combination
loss of carriers, reduce the series resistance, and improve the
electrical coupling of ZnO/active layer. PCE could be increased
from 4.4% to 5.7%.
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
Printed microband electrodes. a) The microband is produced by only two
printing steps, followed by cutting. b) The current density, J, is more similar
to that of a reference microelectrode than to that of a macro electrode, both
in terms of size and time dependence.
We published in Science the first generation of biopolymer
based polymer electrodes, where a electronic polymer is storing
charge in a biopolymer which is modified to be electroactive.
Further developments of polymer electrodes incorporating
electroactive biopolymers has been done. By adding small quinone compounds into the biopolymer composites, considerable
improvement of charge densities is obtained. These polymer
electrodes are of relevance for energy storage in supercapacitors and possibly in secondary batteries based on aqueous
Decoration of DNA chains with metallic conjugated polyelectrolytes has been accomplished. Stretched and aligned
decorated DNA chains acts as the conducting channel in a electrochemical transistor geometry, with sparsely printed wires
connecting two electrode pads.
We have prepared self-assembled protein structures incorporating iron oxide nanoparticles. Moreover, these hybrid materials have been used as test systems in electron tomography
Teaching in the undergraduate curriculum included the undergraduate courses Microsystems and nanobiology (TB), Materials and Nanotechnology(TB), Introduction to renewable energy
and energy saving
One PhD thesis defence: Viktor Andersson: “Electron tomography and optical modelling for organic solar cells”
Collaborations: With Chalmers University for polymer materials, and with Lund for spectroscopy. With Björn Högberg, Karolinska Institutet for DNA origami. With Beijing Normal
University, China, Zhejiang University, China, Georgia Institute of Technology, US and ISE, Freiburg, Germany.
Funding in the field of printed organic electronics and organic
nanoelectronics comes from SSF, through the program OPEN
2008-2013. The Wallenberg Scholar fund for Olle Inganäs has
been instrumental in creating novelty, and the Wallenberg
foundation funded project Power Papers, together with Magnus Berggren at ITN will consolidate these new topics.
We held a Swedish-Sino bilateral workshop on polymer photovoltaics, 31/10-1/11, 2012, IFM, LiU.
We organized the national MicroSystemWorkshop (MSW-2012)
in May 2012, with ≈ 100 participants.
applied physics
Biosensors and
Professors: Anthony (Tony) Turner and Fredrik Winquist
Emeritus Professor: Ingemar Lundström
Associate Professor: Edwin Jager
Assistant Professors: Wing Cheung Mak, Ashutosh Tiwari and
Valerio Beni
Ph.D. Students: Onur Parlak and Mohsen Golabi.
Research Fellows: Amy Gelmi and Hirak Patra
Visiting Researchers: Dr Raeann Gifford and Dr Douglas Holub
Visiting Scientists: Dr Masoud Mehgardi, Dr Janno Torop, Dr Aysu Yarman, Dr Lokman Uzun,
Visiting PhD Students: Daniel Melling, Alina Sekretaryova, Jose
Luise Sebastian Avila, Mabel Torrens del Valle, Leila Kashefi,
Najmeh Karimian, Jose G. Martinez and Roghayed Imani. Diploma/Master Students: Nirul Masurkar, Namdi Nworah,
Aswathi Anto Anthony, Shalini Nagabooshnam, Aristide Ganci,
Ines Moreno, Nisar Ul Khaliq, Jenny Orban, Swapneel Deshpande and Presty Mathew Merna.
Consultant: Dr Claes Nylander
Managing Editor: Dr Alice Tang
Administrative Staff: Anette Andersson
Polymer electrodes incorporating polypyrrole and lignin derivatives, coming
from brown liquor formed during paper processing, enable charge storage
in the quinone functions deriving from lignin. G. Milczarek and O. Inganäs,
Science 335 (6075), 1468 (2012).
The division of Biosensors and Bioelectronics expanded rapidly
during 2012, averaging around 30 researchers, with the addition of new members including Assistant Professor (Martin)
Wing Cheung Mak, post-docs Amy Gelmi and Hirak Patra,
Guest Researcher Douglas Holub and PhD. Students Onur
Parlak and Mohsen Golabi. Edwin Jager was promoted to Associate Professor. The biosensor laboratory (L202) reached capacity and a comprehensive set of equipment was purchased to
support the group’s work in key areas such as electrochemical
biosensors, actuators and nano-materials. Our overall mission
remains the creation of next generation bioelectronics devices
with a focus on distributed diagnostics. More specifically, key
strategic targets include fully-integrated bisosensing devices,
wearable and implantable sensors, non-invasive diagnostics
and the creation of new biomaterials.
Biosensors for Clinical Analysis:
All-printed Biosensing System
In close collaboration with Acreo AB (Norrköping) and with the
invaluable help of Hans Sundgren (Applied Physics), Raeann
IFM activity report 2012
Wearable Contact Lens Biosensors with Nanoengineered
Architecture Interface. LIST (2012-2013), 350k SEK
This interdisciplinary project bridges research activity in the
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre on wearable biosensors
for non-invasive ocular diagnostics and work at the Integrative
Regenerative Medicine (IGEN) Centre on cornea regenerative
medicine for infection-associated corneal transplant rejection.
Ocular fluid is an extracellular fluid excreted from the tear
gland. With recent advances in proteomic technology, several
important biomarkers from ocular fluid have been identified
having significant clinical diagnostic value for various diseases.
The contact lens is disposable, relatively cheap and serves as
a platform to obtain direct intimate contact with ocular fluid,
which is an attractive and a promising platform for non-invasive diagnostics. With support from LIST, Masters student Jenny Orban is being supervised by Wing Cheung Mak to develop
surface engineering techniques integrating a biorecognition
layer onto contact lens surfaces. This exploratory project will
serve as a foundation for the future development of wearable
biosensors. Our long-term goal is to develop simple, inexpensive and non-invasive contact lens-based wearable biosensors
for rapid screening of different potential health risk factors in
ocular fluid.
are supervising a visiting student from Lomonosov Moscow
State University (Alina Sekretaryova) funded by “The Visby
Program – Swedish Institute’s Baltic Sea Region Exchange
Program”. Alina is working on two main areas: i) the development of an electrochemical mediated enzyme sensor for the
detection of cholesterol and the ii) characterisation of novel
mediators for oxidase-based biosensors.
Cell microencapsulation and monitoring: towards cell therapy
Delivery of stem cells to target tissues for tissue regeneration is extremely challenging. Stem cell microencapsulation
provides a new strategy, which may improve the effectiveness
of cell delivery to the target tissue by creating a semi-permeable
container separating the encapsulated cells and the environment. In parallel, monitoring of the encapsulated cells inside
the microcapsule environment is important to optimise the
microcapsule construct design and therapeutic efficacy. We
have initiated collaboration with IGEN on integrated stem-cell
encapsulation and monitoring for tracking the well-being of the
encapsulated stem cells for cell therapy. Master student, Inés
Moreno from Cranfield University (UK) is being supervised by
Wing Cheung Mak, to develop encapsulation techniques based
on hydrogel materials and to perform cell monitoring within
microcapsules. The focus is on controlling and monitoring
proliferation of stem cells within microcapsules and testing encapsulated Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC)
for use as a cardiac patch for heart muscle regeneration.
Nanobioreactors, stimuli-responsive and intelligent carrier/scaffolds
for bioelectronics, drug delivery, imaging and tissue engineering
Swedish Research (VR) Council (2012-2016) 4m SEK
In addition to our nanobioreactor work decribed in the previous report, temperature-, pH-, magneto- and photo-switchable
nanomaterials are being integrated into high-order dignostic
devices with switchable bioelectronics and modulated biochemical processing. Reversible immunosensors have been designed
for the cardiac injury marker, troponin, using both antibodies and molecularly-imprinted polymers. These biomimetic
biosensors serve as a model for the design of other affinity
sensors for cardiac, genetic and infectious diseases. We are also
exploring the use of these smart materials for targeted drug delivery using smart nanocarriers in conjunction with magnetic
resonance imagin (MRI) and exploiting their hyperthermic
properties for tumor treatment. Stimuli-responsive polymeric
unimolecular micelles, formed from pH- and temperatureresponsive block copolymers, provide a unique core-shell
architecture wherein the hydrophobic core serves as a natural
carrier environment for hydrophobic drugs and the hydrophilic shell allows particle stabilisation in aqueous solution. A
metallic core can also be introduced into the particle, endowing
the particle with optical, magnetic or hyperthermic properties.
These novel micelles will contain three key components: (i) a
chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin that will be released from
polymeric micelles through a pH-dependent mechanism; (ii)
a biological ligand, i.e., specific aptamer that can target tumor
cells and subsequently induce receptor-mediated endocytosis
for cell uptake; and (iii) a metallic core for ultrasensitive MRI
or hyperthermic properties.
Enzyme sensors
Swedish Institute (2012-2013), 64k SEK
A key topic for the group is the development of low-cost disposable biosensors for clinical analysis. In close collaboration with
Mikhail Vagin (Applied Physics), Valerio Beni and Tony Turner
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
Gifford and Tony Turner realised a first demonstrator of an
all-printed biosensing system, where not only is the amperometric sensor printed, but all the associated elements such as
battery, display and circuitry are printed on a single sheet of
PET and then laminated in an appropriate casing. The picture
below shows the reality to date, a prototype functioning system.
Glucose concentration can be measured in a few seconds and
observed via the printed display using this device, powered by
a printed battery. Rudimentary silicon circuitry can be seen to
the right of the picture, but this could be readily integrated into
a tiny, inexpensive silicon chip. This device is being used as
a concept demonstrator to develop a range on new products,
principally for medical diagnostics.
Biosensors for environmental analysis:
Salmonella typhimurium
S. typhimurium has been identified by the WHO as the most
common source of food-borne illness worldwide. Traditionally,
microorganisms are detected and quantified by culture and
colony count; this is time consuming and requires well-established laboratory facilities. In an effort to reduce analysis time
and costs, and to move to on-site analysis, Valerio Beni is working, in collaboration with the Nanobioengineering group at
the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain, on
the development of electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors. As part of this collaboration, Jose Luise Sebastian Avila (PhD
student) visited Linköping University for four months. Funded
by “The Ministerio de la Ciencia de Espana”, he designed and
tested a series of different assay formats using aptamers as
recognition/capture elements with enzymatic labels for electrochemical detection.
applied physics
Kanamycin A
Contamination of aqueous environments with pharmaceutical
residues has an important impact on the environment and on
human/animal health; the presence of antibiotics can promote,
for example, multi-drug resistance in pathogens. With the aim
of improving water quality, we are developing, in collaboration with the working group “Biological on-site measuring
Methods” at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
(UFZ) in Leipzig, Germany, an electrochemical aptasensor for
the rapid screening of Kanamycin A in water,. This collaboration was generated as part of the COST action TD1003 on
Bioinspired Nanotechnologies. The electrochemical biosensor
took advantage of the ability of the aptamer, selected at UFZ,
to undergo a competition event between the target and an onsurface immobilised probe. Electrochemical monitoring of the
recognition event is performed by the use of electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy or by the voltammetric monitoring
of the presence of a redox centre (Methylene blue) synthetically introduced at one end of the aptamer. The project was
supervised by Valerio Beni and carried out by Aristide Ganci, a
visiting Master student from Cranfield University (UK) and is
being continued by Presty Mathew, a LiU Master student.
ricated the first fibre mats and are investigating the biocompatibility of the electroactive surfaces. Initial results are promising.
Guest researcher, Douglas Holub, started work to investigate
synthesis conditions for electroactive materials for the stem cell
therapy project, which was made possible by a LiU “U” grant.
Poly(dl-lactide-co-glycolide) fibre scaffold.
Polymer actuators:
We are currently working on new materials development,
micromechanical stimulation, microrobotics and novel actuator
designs. We have developed novel polypyrrole-based actuator
materials to investigate the role of crosslinking in the actuation
mechanism. Daniel Melling from Cranfield University, who
Edwin Jager externally supervised during his PhD, continues
to visit the Biosensor and Bioelectronics Centre as a part of this
project. We have a collaboration with the Italian Institute of
Technology, Center for Micro-BioRobotics, in Pontedera, Italy,
developing all polymer soft actuators and new bioinspired propulsion schemes. As a part of the ongoing collaboration with
the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute (IPRI), at University
of Wollongong, Australia, Edwin Jager visited IPRI during the
summer of 2012 to continue work on microfabricating new
soft actuators that work in air. In parallel two MSc students,
Nnamdi Felix Nworah and Nirul Masurkar, worked on this
project at LiU. We successfully demonstrated new fabrication
and interfacing methods and a paper has been submitted. As
a part of the COST MP1003, Dr. Janno Torop worked on novel
PPy hybrid materials. This work resulted in a Carl Trygger Stiftelsen grant and he will join the group as post-doc in 2013. A
second STSM was performed by José Martinez, a visiting PhD
student from the University of Cartagena, Spain. He stayed in
the group for 3 months utilising our specialised laser scanner
micrometer for measuring the volume change of PPy as a part
of the modeling work on PPy actuation.
Material/surface Science:
PhD student Mohsen Golabi is investigating a novel concept
based on surface interactions to detect and identify different strains of bacteria. We recently expanded this project to
include quorum sensing molecules, in collaboration with Dr
Elena Vikström and Prof Karl-Eric Magnusson at the division
of Medical Microbiology at campus US. A project developing
electroactive fibre scaffolds for increased stem cell differentiation, in collaboration with Dr Mehrdad Rafat at Campus US,
has gained important momentum from an IGEN grant. Amy
Gelmi joined the team in October this year as a post doc to
develop these novel fibre-based scaffolds. We have recently fab28
IFM activity report 2012
Highly stable surface chemistry for genosensors
As part of a long-standing collaboration with the Universitat
Rovira I Virgili, PhD student Mabel Torrens del Valle came to
visit the Centre to investigate the use of micro-contact printing and aryl diazonium salt assembly for the preparation of a
highly stable sensing surface for genetic analysis of pathogens.
A novel approach based on the catalytic activation of the aryl
diazonium salts was developed allowing spontaneous stable
grafting of aryl diazonium salt on different substrates such as
carbon, Au, Pt and PDOT. The surfaces had high chemical stability and were suitable, following the immobilisation of DNA
probes, for electrochemical genosensing. Characterisation of
the prepared surfaces is currently on going in collaboration
with Dr Johan Hurtig (Molecular Physics). The use of the approach for the functionalisation of siliconcarbide and graphene
is also under investigation in collaboration with Graphensic.
Automatic synthesis of plastic antibodies
A recent paper in Advanced Functional Materials (Poma et al.)
describes an automatic solid-phase photo-reactor developed
in collaboration with Cranfield University (UK). At the core of
the reactor is an immobilised template, which can be a small
molecule, peptide or whole protein. This ensures that surfaceconfined imprints are formed only on one face of polymer
nanoparticles and that the template can be reused for the synthesis of subsequent batches of imprinted polymer. The reactor
integrates template-directed synthesis with affinity separation,
a combination which ensures the production of monoclonaltype molecularly-imprinted nanoparticles. Batches of 100 mg of
particles can be produced in each six-hour cycle with templates
including melamine ((KD= 7x10-10 M), vancomycin (KD= 1.9x10-10M), a model peptide (5.5x10-12 M) and various proteins
(KD= 10-11-10-9 M for trypsin, pepsin, amylase, peroxidase).
Affinity measurements were obtained using a SPR sensor
(Biacore 3000).
The Biosensors and Bioelectronics division has greatly
strengthened its role in education during 2012 by designing
and giving a series of courses, comprising tutorials, lectures
and practical classes. The division runs key courses in the area
of biosensors including: Introduction to biosensor technology
(TFYA62 – Valerio Beni), dedicated to 2nd year students of
the Biomedical Engineering bachelor degree and the advanced
Masters course “Biosensors Technology” (TFTB34 – Fredrik
Winquist). Edwin Jager presented several lectures for Microsystem Technology and Nanobiology (TFTB33), Biomedical
Materials (TFTB40) and the PhD course Organic Electronics
and Tony Turner delivered a number of guest lectures to LiU
students. The group has also been engaged at various levels
in the design of new courses, mainly at PhD level, that will
run from 2013. These include: “Colloids and Interfaces” (Wing
Cheung Mak) and Integrated Nanomaterials and Medical
Devices’ (Ashutosh Tiwari). Moreover some of the group have
been also involved in design of the course “Experimental Electrochemistry / Electroanalyical Methods”, an effort led by the
Biomolecular and Organic Electronics group. Finally the group
has been actively involved in the design of CDIO projects
(TFTB36 and TBMT41).
applied physics
This generic approach to the automated synthesis of polymer nanoparticles provides material of ”monoclonal” quality
produced in a consistent and reproducible manner, suitable
for use as a direct replacement for antibodies in a variety of applications. It offers speed of synthesis and multiple batches of
polymer nanoparticles can be produced in 24 h under continuous computer control. Template re-use and in-built affinity
separation also ensure consistent, economic and high-quality
Another relatively new imprinting approach that is particularly useful for electrochemical sensors uses electroploymerisation of a thin film of the recognition element directly on the
sensor surface. The ability to precisely control the thickness of
the layer and the fact that it is generated in situ, makes this an
attractive alternative. In so far unpublished work, we showed
that a troponin sensor could be prepared by electropolymerisation of o-phenylenediamine on a gold electrode in the presence
of troponin as a template. Measurements were performed in
the presence of 5 mmol l−1 K3 Fe(CN)6 and the current generated was inversely proportional to the analyte concentration,
since the measurement depends on occlusion of the electrode
surface by the template. The resulting molecularly-imprinted
troponin biosensor could be used to detect cardiac injury, offering benefits in terms of cost effectiveness, storage stability,
sensitivity and selectivity.
IFM activity report 2012
New EU project on induced pluripotent stem cells (STEMBANCC)
Professor (head of division): Carl-Fredrik Mandenius
Professor (adjunct): Johan Hyllner
Associate Professor: Gunnar Hörnsten
Research engineer/Lab manager: Robert Gustavsson
Postdoctor: Michael Fritzsche
PhD students: Gunnar Bergström, Inga Gerlach
Research engineer/project: Jonas Cristoffersson
Master students: Cornelia Lukasser, Christopher Darkins, Dan Paulsson, Robin Taponen
Administration: Susanne Andersson/Anna Sundin
applied physics
The research and education at the division of biotechnology
focus on industrial applications of biotechnology. In essence,
industrial biotechnology is the integration of engineering and
biology for production purposes. The scientific breakthroughs
of the seventies and eighties in molecular genetics, which resulted in the industrial production of recombinant proteins in
microbial and animal cell cultures, are now furthered by new
products such as stem cells, therapeutic antibodies and gene
therapy vectors. A number of bioengineering tools are currently exploited based on genetic, protein, metabolic, physiological
and organ engineering in order to improve production capacity of proteins, metabolites, and cells. It is a prime task for the
current biotechnology research to integrate and develop these
tools in order to achieve and optimize new and better industrial
applications. The biotechnology division at IFM is contributing to this by inventing and developing novel analytical means
that can provide better insights into the biology of industrial
production systems. The cross-disciplinary environment of
Linköping University furnishes unique opportunities for this.
The combination of sensor technology, mathematical computation methods and production design, supports the use of new
approaches that enhance the understanding and allow further
optimization of the bio-industrial production systems. The
integration of these topics in the curricula of the Engineering
Biology program forms an important link between education
and research at the division. Our PhD-study program in biotechnology is directly connected to the research of the division
and is a part of the research that is highlighted below.
The division has together with 40 partners received a five year
IMI project – STEMBANCC - on induced pluripotent stem cells.
The aim of the project is to generate and characterise 1 500
high quality human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines
that can be used by researchers to study a range of diseases,
including diabetes and dementia, and test for drug efficacy and
safety. The cell lines will help to improve and speed up the drug
development process, and ensure that patients benefit from
more effective and safer drugs. Mandenius is the leader of the
in vitro assay development in the project.
The STEMBANCC project
New project on Lab on a Chip for toxicity testing
Together with the group of Dr Nate Robinson at IFM we study
new designs of Lab on a Chip for toxicity testing. The project is
supported by the Swedish Research Council program for reducing animal testing.
Soft sensors for bioprocess monitoring and control
Soft sensors are robust on-line sensors supported by mathematical models derived from the systems under study. In
particular, they are useful for bioprocess monitoring due to
the complexity of the biological mechanisms of the producing
cells. We have used soft sensors to monitor physiological signals from typical industrial cultures by combining sensors for
biomass, effluent gases and key metabolites with basic mass
balances and kinetic (Gustavsson and Mandenius, Bioprocess
Biosystems Engineering, 2012). Also, a conference talk was
given by Robert Gustavsson at the 15th European Congress of
Biotechnology in Istanbul.
Johan Hyllner new adjunct professor
Johan Hyllner, former CEO of the stem cell company Cellartis
is new adjunct professor in cell engineering at the division.
Cellartis was recently acquired by the French biotech company
Cellectis, a world leading company in the stem cell business.
Soft sensor setup for control of GFP production
Biomechatronic Design in Biotechnology
In collaboration with IEI at LiU we have continued studies
on the industrial development and design process of complex
biotechnology instruments and devices. During 2012 we have
followed up this topic with several new research articles and
conference talk (see publication list).
Johan Hyllner, new adjunct
professor in engineering biology,
especially cell engineering
IFM activity report 2012
Molecular Physics
Virtual Bioreactor Training
In collaboration with the University of Applied Science in
Bremen, and with support from PUG at the technical faculty,
we have continued to develop new virtual tools. One of these is
a virtual bioreactor that mimics the operator environment in a
biotech production plant. It allows the engineering students to
apply monitoring and control methods in a hands-on fashion.
The goal is to strengthen the link between engineering theory
and practice with the aim to make the students better prepared
for professional life.
A virtual bioreactor used for training master students in engineering biology
The division has during 2012 delivered three advanced level
courses in the Engineering Biology/Chemical Biology programs (Industrial Biotechnology, 6 hp; Bioprocess design, 6
hp; and Bioprocess manufacturing, 6 hp) and examined several
diploma work theses in biotechnology.
The division of Molecular Physics conducts fundamental and
applied research in three closely related fields of biologically
inspired surface and nanoscience: Biosensing and biochip technology; molecular/polymer thin film physics and spectroscopy;
and nanoscale physics/chemistry.
The fundamental part of the biosensing and biochip research
is devoted to the design and synthesis of surface active compounds and new biorecognition molecules. Polypeptide as well
as carbohydrate recognition molecules are synthesized and
evaluated using the above mentioned transducer platforms. We
are also working with de novo synthesized helix-loop-helix polypeptides and minimized sequence peptides for microarrays.
A significant portion of the research utilizes solution selfassembly techniques to produce novel surface architectures
and materials. A new type of oligomeric monolayers forms the
base for our investigations, and through a fruitful combination
of surface vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemical ab
initio calculations we have improved the understanding of the
mechanisms that influence the phase behaviour and orientation in such layers.
Several projects utilize nanoparticle plasmonics for sensing
applications. We are particularly interested in using gold and
silver particles for studies of metal-enhanced optical phenomena such as metal enhanced extinction (MEE) or metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF), or using localized surface plasmon
resonance (SPR) for improved imaging. Some of these projects are carried out with the School of Materials Science and
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The plasmonic research also relates also to our activities on
helix-loop-helix polypeptides for controlled aggregation of gold
nanoparticles (NPs) into functional entities.
Our long-standing research on antifouling surfaces has
somewhat shifted focus from biomedical to marine biofouling applications over the last few years, and is now conducted
primarily through our involvement in the Marie Curie Initial
Training Network SEACOAT. The network involves research
in three complementary, interdisciplinary themes: surface
engineering, surface analytics and bioadhesion. An important
part of our research in marine biofouling is the development
of real-time methods for monitoring of surface interactions of
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
Conceptual design solutions from a biomechatronic approach
Professors: Bo Liedberg (on leave), May Griffith.
Associate professors: Thomas Ederth (acting head of division),
Karin Enander.
Assistant professors: Daniel Aili, Johan Hurtig.
Post-docs: Li Buay Koh, Jaywant Phopase, Luigi Petrone, Staffan Dånmark.
PhD students: Emma Ericsson, Hung-Hsun Lee, Erik Martinsson,
Robert Selegård, Feng-I Tai, Mattias Tengdelius, Abeni Wickham,
Wetra Yandi, Christopher Aronsson, Camilla Sandén, Mohammad Javad Jafari.
Visiting scientists: Ramunas Valiokas, Alexander Onipko, Sushanth Gudlur.
Administrative and technical staff: Therese Lindkvist, Anna Maria Uhlin, Bo Thunér.
Guest professor: Atul Parikh, UC-Davis
marine organisms. For this purpose, a recently acquired laserTIRF microscope with an integrated imaging SPR facility will
be of great importance.
The Molecular Physics division is deeply involved in the initiative on Regenerative Medicine headed by Prof May Griffith,
and which is now in its third year. The laboratories for polymer
science and peptide chemistry at the division serve other partners in the project with new materials and molecules, and also
provide advanced tools for the characterization of the developed
materials and implants, thus contributing to a concerted effort
to make translational technologies (bench-top to bed-side) a
Staff at the division are also involved in undergraduate teaching, giving advanced courses on surface and supramolecular
chemistry, spectroscopy and biomedical materials.
Daniel Aili was recruited as a LiU-Forskarassistent in 2011
and has during 2012 received extensive funding from both the
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (Ingvar Carlsson
Award) and the Swedish Research Council (VR) to pursue
research on responsive hybrid materials, leading to a considerable expansion of the division over the last year. Aili was also
awarded the AkzoNobel Nordic Prize in Surface and Colloid
Chelation assisted photoimmobilization – a novel route to covalent, oriented
protein immobilization
applied physics
Karin Enander, Bo Liedberg, PhD student: Emma Ericsson. A novel
two-step method for homogenous orientation and covalent
attachment of His-tagged proteins to sensor surfaces has been
developed, where a chelating agent (nitrilotriacetic acid, NTA)
captures the protein in an oriented fashion followed by covalent
tethering by the reaction with a photolabile group (benzophenone, BP). The strategy was demonstrated on gold sensor
surfaces with mixed self-assembled monolayers of NTA- and
BP-presenting alkanethiolates. Although homogeneous ligand
orientation is less crucial for analyte accessibility in the case
of multivalent ligands, this strategy may prove very useful for
monovalent ligand-analyte interactions, offering a well-defined
mode of immobilization suitable for microchip photopatterning applications.
Detailed molecular characterization of thrombin-par4 interactions
Karin Enander, PhD student: Robert Selegård. In a recently
formed collaboration with Prof Tomas Lindahl and Dr Sofia
Ramström (Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry, Department of
Clinical and Experimental Medicine, LiU) we use surface plasmon resonance-based analysis to characterize low-affinity interactions between thrombin and polypeptides corresponding to
the extracellular loops of the human PAR4 receptor expressed
on platelets. Our ambition is to map sites in both thrombin and
the receptor that contribute to the interaction, which is crucial
for platelet activation during blood coagulation.
Interfacial charge and swelling of layered polyelectrolyte hydrogel gradients
Thomas Ederth. PhD student: Feng-I Tai. Hydrogel patterns and
gradients are of immediate interest for biochip and protein
array technology. In sandwiched thickness gradients of anionic
and cationic polymers, charge neutral regions are very resistant
to non-specific protein adsorption. We have prepared twocomponent hydrogels (Figure 1) with a charged uniform bottom layer, an oppositely charged thickness gradient is grafted.
The location of the charge neutral region along the gradient
depends on the pH, and direct force measurements using a
IFM activity report 2012
charged colloidal probe is used to study the complex swelling
behaviour of the hydrogels and monitor the shift of this minimum as the pH is changed.
Figure 1. Top: schematic of a two-component hydrogel gradient. Below: AFM
force curves obtained using a negatively charged probe on a P(AEMA-CEA)
gradient, showing re-location of the charge-neutral region.
Lipid membrane architectures
Johan Hurtig. Funds from the Magn. Bergwall and Carl Trygger Foundations have permitted acquisition of a fluorescence
microscope with an ultrasensitive camera detector. This is used
in projects related to control of directional growth of intercellular nanotubes through micropatterned substrates as well as
nanosurgical extraction of cell material. The investigation of
intercellular nanotubes is based on an interdisciplinary approach between microfluidic sample handling, nanopatterned
substrates and sensitive detection technologies to probe a new
eukaryotic cell-cell communication strategy.
Mechanisms for lysosomotropic destabilization of membranes
Thomas Ederth, PhD student: Timmy Fyrner. Lysosomes are
vesicular organelles found in virtually all eukaryotic cells and
are involved in macromolecule turnover and thus contain
numerous hydrolytic enzymes, digesting unwanted material in the cell. Lysosomes are also involved in apoptosis; the
lysosomal membrane is permeabilized in response to cell
death stimuli, although the mechanisms behind this are poorly
understood. In collaboration with Karin Öllinger (Faculty of
Health Sciences, LiU), and Atul Parikh (UC Davis) we investigate mechanisms for lysosomal membrane destabilization by
natural and synthetic lysosomotropic detergents.
Local refractive index sensing based on metal nanostructures
Bo Liedberg, Daniel Aili, PhD students: Erik Martinsson. We
develop optical biosensors based on detection of small local
refractive index changes in the vicinity of metal nanostructures. In cooperation with a group at the School of Materials
Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore we have explored the bulk and surface refractive
index sensitivity of core-shell Ag@Au nanoprisms, finding that
these are much more sensitive to local refractive index changes
than both conventional surface plasmon resonance as well as
spherical gold nanoparticles (Figure 2). We aim to integrate
these nanostructures as sensing elements in optical biosensors
in order to monitor biomolecular reactions occurring in the
proximity of the nanostructures.
Regenerative Medicine
Figure 2: A comparison of surface refractive index sensitivity between coreshell Ag@Au nanoprisms, conventional SPR and spherical Au nanoparticles.
Peptide-polymer hybrid materials
Daniel Aili, Post-doc: Staffan Dånmark, PhD student: Christopher
Aronsson. We develop peptide- and polymer hybrids for selfassembly of hydrogels with well-defined and tunable properties
for biomedical applications. The peptides are designed to fold
into coiled-coil heterodimers with high structural integrity,
low KD for dimerization, and controllable/tunable assemblyand oligomerization-properties.. The peptides are modified to
promote polypeptide fiber-formation but can also be covalently
attached to polymer scaffolds based on hyaluronic acid and poly
ethylene glycol. Polymer scaffolds are currently being modified
for conjugation with the peptides.
Linköping Integrative Regenerative Medicine Centre (IGEN),
funded by LiU and the County of Östergötland, enables multidisciplinary teams to work together to develop bold innovative
treatment methods that will restore function to damaged or
diseased organs and tissue. The activities within regenerative
medicine at IFM include design and preparation of new biomaterials and bioactive molecules, and provision of advanced
tools for the characterization of the developed materials and
Collagen-based scaffolds and hydrogels
May Griffith, PhD student: Abeni Wickham. A large focus is
on development of different strategies for collagen scaffold
formation. We are now able to make the collagen and cellulose
as a hydrogel (90% water), collagen electrospun fibers, and
highly dense collagen meshes (5% water). The latter material
is very similar to the Apligraf® used for wound treatment and
has now become the material emphasis for the collaboration
with Linköping University Hospital’s burn unit. In collaboration with Prof Juan Scaiano and Dr. Emilio Alarcon of Ottawa
University, silver nanoparticle/collagen composites have been
developed demonstrating excellent antibacterial activity. The
joint work with groups supplying electroactive polymers still
continues and motions are underway to move those materials
into proper animal models.
applied physics
Figure 3. Circular dichroism spectra of non-linear peptide monomers
(1 and 2) and the folded heterodimer (3).
Self-assembly of anisotropic nanostructures
Daniel Aili, Karin Enander, PhD student: Camilla Sandén. The aim
of this project is to develop well-defined and biocompatible nanoscale components for modular self-assembly of anisotropic
hybrid materials using reconstituted high-density lipoprotein
(rHDL) as a supramolecular template. The rHDL is functionalized to specifically associate with gold nanoparticles and to
form well-defined and discrete nanostructures with interesting
and useful optical properties. The synthesis of rHDL has been
optimized and several strategies for functionalization and assembly of the nanostructures have been evaluated.
Figure 4. Frontal (top) and transverse (bottom) planes of highly dense collagen meshes made from plastic compression.
Cell response regulation on collagen surfaces with patterned peptides
May Griffith, Bo Liedberg, PostDocs: Li Buay Koh, Jaywant
Phopase. The aim of this research is to stimulate an enhanced
growth of cells for clinical applications as biomimetic corneal
substitutes. Micropatterns of laminin-derived cell-adhesive peptides (YIGSR-NH2 and IKVAV) with varying dimensions were
grafted onto a collagen layer and subsequently seeded with various cell types to investigate for the cell responses. Our results
showed the attachment, alignment and proliferation of human
corneal epithelial cells on the patterned surfaces with IKVAV as
shown in Fig. 1. Current studies which involve other cell types
(e.g. neuroblastoma and stromal cells) and investigation on the
cells proliferation rate on these modified surfaces is ongoing.
IFM activity report 2012
Molecular Surface
Physics and Nano
Figure 5. a) Attachment of the human corneal epithelial cells on the grafted
patterns with IKVAV at 6 hrs and b) cells proliferation along the peptide patterns at 48 hrs with live dead staining of the cells.
Development of Template-Assisted Supramolecular Assembled CollagenMimetic Hydrogels
applied physics
May Griffith, Bo Liedberg, Jaywant Phopase.
Our objective is to develop designer scaffolds using polymeric
multiarm templates conjugated with collagen-mimetic peptides
(CMPs) which can self-assemble into collagen-like triple helical
networks. Collagen forms the basic scaffolding of virtually
every organ, but is susceptible to enzymatic degradation. This
can be circumvented by CMPs with the desired properties of
collagen but whose stability can be controlled. A CMP conjugated with 8-arm PEG maleimide template forms a selfsupporting transparent hydrogel suitable for corneal implant.
The hydrogel supported the growth and proliferation of human
corneal epithelial cells and has shown significantly higher enzymatic stability compared with EDC/NHS cross-linked human
recombinant collagen hydrogels, currently in phase-2 human
clinical trials for the corneal regeneration.
Figure 6. Assembly of CMPs into scaffolds.
Professor: Kajsa Uvdal
Junior Researcher: Xuanjun Zang, Caroline Skoglund
Postdoc: Zhangjun.Hu
PhD students: Cecilia Vahlberg, Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Linnéa Axelsson, Natalia Abrikossova, Emanuel Larsson
Diploma students: Emanuel Larsson
Technical staff: Bo Thunér
Administrative staff: Anna Maria Uhlin, Therese Lindkvist
The division of Molecular Surface Physics and Nano Science is
a division at Applied Physics IFM, active in the field of Nanomaterial and Molecular thin film physics and spectroscopy. Our
main focus is on surface modification for sensing/biorecognition and nanoprobes for biomedical imaging. Biospecific
binding phenomena at solid surfaces are investigated. Design
and characterization of new and improved nanoprobes for
imaging are performed. Equipment used are X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Photoemission electron Microscopy
(PEEM) Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) Spectroscopy, Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (IRAS),
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Transmission Electron
Microscopy (TEM), computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI). Super small particles i.e. particles
with very small volume, with unique physical and chemical
properties, have a high potential in biomedical imaging and
future biosensing applications. We are designing biocompatible nanoparticles based on rare earth metal oxides. These are
very promising as positive contrast agent (Patents) in MRI and
CT. Powerful equipment available at IFM, in house experience
of life science technology and molecular physics as well as
close collaboration with CMIV (Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization) facilitate progress in the field of novel
nanomaterial design for bio medical imaging.
Research based on the use of synchrotron radiation is of main
importance for our research group and is conducted at MAX
II Swedish national laboratory in Lund and at Elettra Trieste
Italy MAX II is a third generation electron storage ring for
synchrotron radiation. The techniques used are high resolution
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Near Edge X-ray
Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy) This year
we have expanded our activity to computed tomography (CT) at
the synchrotron facility at Elettra Trieste in Italy. Teaching
A yearly course in Surface Science (TFTB35) which is an Undergraduate profile courses, 4th year for students on the programmes Chemical Biology and Engineering Biology, is conducted in our research laboratories. The students obtain hands
on experience in using powerful techniques and equipment in
IFM activity report 2012
The PhD programme
The PhD students within the division of Molecular Surface
Physics and Nano Science are enrolled in the graduate school
Forum Scientium.
Nanoparticles for biomedical imaging In this project we are designing and characterizing rare earth nanoparticles to
optimize the contrast in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
This project includes material design and synthesis, characterization, surface modification, biofunctionalization and signal
optimization followed by tagging for targeting purposes.
The synthesis of the material is done in close collaboration
with Inorganic Chemistry and bioorganic chemistry, IFM.
The MR signal optimization is done in cooperation with the
Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) at
the medical faculty and University Hospital. We have shown
that the relaxation properties of this contrast agent have an
enhancing capability with respect of MRI signal, compared to
the commercially available ion based Gd-DTPA contrast agent.
With this new contrast agent the aim is to obtain higher resolu-
tion, tissue specific images and cell- and molecular imaging.
Knowledge obtained with in the project will contribute to
the understanding of drug delivery targeting. Our goal is to
improve the contrast to enable high resolution imaging for e.g.
early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. This
is a true interdisciplinary project, combining Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine.
Figure 1. A). Transmission electron microscope images of one Gd2O3 based
nanoparticle, B) Schematic illustration of one surface modified nanoparticle
C) Image of X. laevis fibroblasts exposed to Nanoparticles D). MR image of
the human brain.
Multifunctional Nanoprobes for Tumor Diagnosis One fundamental part of the biomedical imaging research is devoted to
the design and synthesis of new recognition nanoprobes and
to their capability for signal enhancement. A new interdisciplinary project involving Applied Physics, Organic chemistry,
Pharmacology, CMIV and Clinical and Experimental Medicine to develop nanoprobes for biomedial imaging and tumor
targeting. Our vision is to design calcium-receptor targeted
nanoprobes with luminescence and magnetic properties, with
the capability to specifically image.
Figure 2 A). Transmission electron microscope images of one Gd2O3 based
nanoparticle B) Schematic illustration of surface modification including
specific tag both for plane surface and nanoparticle systems
Supramolecular approach to nanoscale metal-containing gels,
fibers, belts, and rods. The ligand-structure effect and mechanism of 1D growth of nanofibers have been studied. Cu-L1 acts
as “super-gelators” representing one of the rare examples of
metallogelators with very good selectivity to Cu(II) over other
metal ions. These dynamic gels and nanofibers exhibit solvent
mediated shape transformation by stimulation of ultrasound.
The shape control and the study of the structure effect at the
molecular level in this work will certainly expand the synthesis
of 1D metal-containing nanostructure in the development of
new functional materials.
IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
surface science. The projects and molecular systems chosen are
closely related to issues in biomolecular surface modification
research. A new course Material for biomedical engineering
–from nano to macro level (TFYA63) was developed and given
for students enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering program.
The course deals with biomaterials and their interaction with
human cells and tissues and is composed of lectures and seminars as well as extensive laboratory exercises. Applied Sensor Science
Figure 3. Left: molecular structure of ligand H2L1; right: TEM and SEM
images of L-Cu nanofibers and photoimage of the ligand after addition of
different metal ions.
Nanoparticles and human living cells Studies investigating the
interaction between nanoparticles and human living cells and
tissues are of great importance in the further development for
e.g. nanoparticles for biomedical imaging. We have performed
studies to clarify the effects of Gd2O3 nanoparticles on neutrophil granulocytes and we show that functionalization of the
particle surface is essential in order to maintain a healthy cell
response upon neutrophil exposure to nanoparticles.
Professor: Anita Lloyd Spetz
Scientists: Dr Mike Andersson, Dr Robert Bjorklund, Dr Jens Eriksson, Dr Donatella Puglisi
Administrative staff: Therese Dannetun
Graduate students: Zhafira Darmastuti, Christian Bur, Hossein Fashandi
Research engineers: Peter Möller
Research activity
Division of Applied Sensor Science participates in several research organizations within IFM: The Vinn Excellence Center
FunMat (Lloyd Spetz acting Deputy Director), Advanced Functional Materials, AFM, and in projects within Applied Physics,
Material Science and Chemistry Division.
The COST Network, EuNetAir TD1105, with partners from 25
countries was launched in May 2012. The network acts in the
field of New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control
and Environmental Sustainability. Lloyd Spetz was appointed
Deputy Chair of the network.
Lloyd Spetz is acting FiDiPro, Finnish Distinguished Professor at Oulu University at 50%, 2011-2014. The research project
concerns development of a portable nanoparticle detector for
detection of number, size, shape and content of particles.
applied physics
A new generation of SiC-FETs developed by the spin-off company SenSiC AB in collaboration with Applied Sensor Science
and FunMat, shows largely improved sensor characteristics
Figure 4. Left; fluorescent Gd/Zn nanoparticles phagocytosed by neutrophil in terms of selectivity, sensitivity and long-term stability. It is
granulocytes. Right; Schematic illustration of experimental setup evaluating
also possible to fine-tune the operation parameters when using
the effect of nanoparticle exposure on the production of reactive oxygen
the sensors for alarm purposes simply by adjusting an offset
voltage, as demonstrated for ammonia in the top right figure.
The new FET sensor generation also allows for better control
of sensor operation parameters such as operation temperature
Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)
and automatic zero point calibration.
S. Svensson, Pharmacology HU. M Griffith, Nanomedicine,
Health University Linköping, Prof P. Norman, Computational
Physics , Linköping University Prof, R. Yakimova, Prof. A.
Lloyd Spetz, Applied Physics Liu Åbo Finland, T Bengtsson
Örebro, LiU Cancer network, IGEN centre which is strategy
area of regenerative medicine University M Lindgren NTU
Trondheim Norway, MaxLab Swedish National Laboratory in
Lund, J Tromba Elettra Trieste Italy. C Dullin Germany S. S.
Venkatraman NTU Singapore Industry partners Vironova,AB SPAGO Imaging AB Lund.
an organization within the Technical Faculty of Linköping
University. The mission of CeNano is to strengthen and support the competence within nano science and nano technology
of the faculty. This is made by gathering researchers with nano
activities in the centre and by acting for increased collaboraUpper panel: flue gas emissions of CO (red) and ammonia slip (blue). Lower
tions and common projects in the nano realm. CeNano also
panel: The corresponding sensor signal (gate electrode, iridium) set to an
acts for development and coordination of the graduate and
alarm level of 15-20 ppm ammonia.
under graduate education in this scientific area. K. Uvdal is the
director of CeNano.
IFM activity report 2012
Operation modes like cycling of the operation temperature or
applied bias are designed and together with smart data evaluation the information from SiC sensors is largely improved.
Interesting results were obtained like simultaneous quantification of both NO and NO2 in a (varying) mixture of synthetic
exhaust. Christian Bur has a position as PhD student in this
project at both Saarland and Linköping Universities within the
research school DocMASE.
The VINNOVA VINN Excellence center FunMat, is also
presented elsewhere. We run projects with industrial partners
(Alstom Sweden AB, SenSiC AB, Volvo Technology, Ford Motor
Company) focused on MAX materials (conducting ceramics)
for ohmic contacts to SiC, new sensing layers for SO2, H2S,
NO/ NO2 and O2 and a soot sensor for diesel exhausts.
In a joint project with Chemistry Division, Profs. Per-Olov Käll
and Lars Ojamäe, the synthesis of methanol, with potential as
a biofuel, from CO2 and H2 is studied. Methanol is toxic and
therefore we develop a sensor as an alarm for this gas and for
process control.
Response to <1.5 ppm NO2 (black, left Y-axis) and calculated change in
carrier concentration (blue, right Y-axis) due to change in Fermi level for
single- and bilayer graphene
This project was initially supported by Värmeforsk and involves
the industrial partners, Tekniska Verken, SenSiC AB, Vattenfall
and Alstom Power Sweden AB. It concerns development of a
SiC based ammonia sensor system to control SNCR (selective
non catalytic reduction), i.e. injection of ammonia (or urea)
in hot flue gases in order to convert nitrogen oxide gases to
nitrogen and water. It continued partly on faculty support during 2012. Now an ammonia sensor, also intended for stationary
engines, is commercially available through SenSiC AB.
In collaboration with Prof. Andreas Schütze at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, smart sensor operation of
SiC-FETs and advanced data evaluation are developed. IFM activity report 2012
applied physics
Mono- and bilayer graphene, epitaxially grown on SiC in the
group of Prof Rositza Yakimova, Material Science Div was characterized for gas sensing and shows ultra-low detection limit,
less than 10 ppb of NO2. It was shown that upon exposure to
electron acceptors (oxygen, water vapour, NO2) or donators
(NH3), the relative Fermi level in single layer graphene suffers
a greater change than that in bilayer graphene, (R. Pearce, J.
Eriksson, T. Iakimov, L. Hultman, A. Lloyd Spetz and R. Yakimova, ACS nano, accepted). The graphene sensor research is
supported within FunMat and AFM - Strategic Faculty Grant in
Advanced Functional Materials. A patent was filed regarding a
smart sensor device based on graphene/ SiC. Also MAX based mono- or few layer materials like MXene (TiC) are investigated
according to gas sensing properties.
Surface Physics and
Professors: Mats Fahlman (Head of Division), Koung-An Chao
(Emeritus), William R. Salaneck (Emeritus)
Associate professors: Nathaniel Robinson
Research engineers: Slawomir Braun, Xianjie Liu
Postdocs: Shengwei Shi, Zhengyi Sun
PhD students: Qinye Bao, Katarina Bengtsson, Per Erlandsson,
Sara Nilsson, Parisa Sehati
Administrative staff: Kerstin Vestin
applied physics
The division consists of two research groups: Organic Physics
(Fahlman, Bao, Braun, Liu, Sehati, Shi, Sun) and Transport and
Separations (Robinson, Bengtsson, Erlandsson, Nilsson). The
Organic Physics research consists of fundamental study and
model development of weakly-interacting organic-organic and
organic-metal interfaces; interface engineering in organic electronics i.e. development of techniques for improving charge injection, exciton dissociation and stability of interfaces in organic
electronic devices; transparent conducting electrodes (graphene,
inorganic oxides) and their interaction with organic electronic
materials; intrinsically conducting polymers such as PEDOT
and PAni: the effect of synthesis and choice of (poly)anion on
conductivity, bio-compatability and general surface properties.
The Organic Physics group also does research focused on the
study and design of hybrid organic spintronic interfaces (spinterfaces) with the aim to understand and improve devices such as
hybrid spin-valves; and the development and study of thin film
organic-based semi-conducting magnets such as V(TCNE)x, x~2,
with the aim to understand and tune materials properties to enable efficient organic spintronic device design and fabrication.
The Transport and Separations group focuses on ionic and
electronic transport in fluids and solid-state materials. One
particular goal of the research is to create and understand new
devices in areas such as micro- and nano-fluidics and solidstate lighting. The group develops pumps for microfluidic
labs-on-chips. In addition to this work, the group studies the
interface between large molecules and conducting surfaces for
applications in separation processes. In addition to the work
on microfluidics, research and development of light-emitting
electrochemical cells are carried out in collaboration with Umeå
Collaborations with specific funding during 2012 included
the EU-FP7 project on Modelling of electronic processes at
interfaces in organic-based electronic devices (MINOTOR, Fahlman PI of LiU), the EU-FP7 project All-carbon platforms for
highly efficient molecular wire-coupled dye-sensitized solar cells
(MOLESOL, Fahlman PI of LiU), the EU-FP7 project Next Generation Hybrid Interfaces for Spintronic Applications (HINTS,
Fahlman PI of LiU) and the EU-FP7 project SUstainable Novel
FLexible Organic Watts Efficiently Reliable (SUNFLOWER, Fahlman PI of LiU).
IFM activity report 2012
The division received additional funding from three contracts
issued by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and a contract
from the Swedish Energy Agency.
The division’s involvement in the undergraduate teaching
activities of the university during 2011 consisted of the course
Fysik B (Erlandsson).
Repair and renovation was carried out on the Scienta and MOSES photoelectron spectrometer systems.
Emeritus professors
Prof. Salaneck attended the March meeting (solid state physics)
of The American Physical Society, Boston, MA, USA; the “Festshrift” for Prof.-Dr. Klaus Müllen, Shanghai, China; the 50th
Anniversary of the foundation of the Laboratory for Research on
Structure of Matter (LRSM) at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA; the ICSM-2012 (International Conference on Synthetic Metals), in Atlanta, GA, USA, where he was
Chairman for “Surfaces and Interfaces”.
Prof. Salaneck is a member of the Board of Directors for an
SME and a Vinnova project.
Organic Physics group
By combining XPS, UPS and NEXAFS, we studied the interface
interaction and energy level alignment between dye molecules
(EPFL, IMEC in MOLESOL) and TiO2, shedding light on the
importance of surface defects states in the TiO2 nanocrystals.
By combining XPS, UPS and NEXAFS, we carried out engineering and characterization of graphene and NCD surfaces,
with an emphasis on achieving work function tailoring. (MPIP,
By combining XPS, UPS and NEXAFS, we studied the chemical interactions, energy level alignment and degradation effects
of materials and interfaces constituting tandem solar cells (GenesInk, BASF, Chalmers, AGFA-Gaevert in SUNFLOWER).
Continued development of the Integer Charge Transfer Model
focused on molecular order effects and energy gradients over
multilayer sysytems was carried out in collaboration with Geert
Brocks and Michel de Jong of the University of Twente (MINOTOR).
Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, optical absorption,
photoluminescence, and charge carrier mobility versus temperature data was used to determine the contributions from the
polaron binding energy and energetic disorder on the hole-transporting properties of poly(3-hexylthiophene).
By combining XPS and UPS with device performance, mechanisms for engineering charge-injecting interfaces were clarified
By combining XPS, UPS, NEXAFS and XMCD, spin-injecting
hybrid organic interfaces were designed and studied (HINTS
and Fudan collaboration).
The group gave two invited talks and one invited tutorial:
TPE12, Rudolstadt, Germany, May (Invited talk); Electronic processes at interfaces to organic semiconductors: from modeling to
devices, Mons, Belgium, June; OREA-ICARUS summer school,
Crete, Greece, July.
Transport and separations group
The Transport and Separations Group has initiated several projects in the area of microfluidic devices. Our LIST project in collaboration with the Imaging and Ubiquitous Chemical Sensing Lab at IFM and the Cell Biology group
at IKE has resulted in microfluidic devices for use in measuring
fucose in urine. We have begun making and testing microbioreactors with
our partners in the Biotechnology group at IFM. These devices
are intended to help reduce the need for animal testing during
chemical toxicity and pharmaceutical evaluations. We have also initiated a project with the Clinical Chemistry
Group at IKE to design microfluidic systems for studying and
analyzing the activation of platelets in blood by shear stress.
-One of the most exciting areas of development is the use of 3D
printing (fabbing) to produce microfluidic devices. We use a 3D
printer capable of extruding soft materials like polymers, allowing us to take advantage of our previously-developed technologies such as the polymer electroosmotic pump and making our
research rather unique in the world.
The different international universities, institutes and companies with which funding were shared in projects during 2012 are
listed below:
EU-FP7 MINOTOR: University of Mons, University of Twente,
Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica, University Bordeaux, Bologna
University, Universitad Autonoma de Madrid, BASF, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and Georgia Institute of Technology.
EU-FP7 MOLESOL: IMEC (Belgium), J. Heyrovsky Institute of
Physical Chemistry of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Max-Planck
Institute for Polymer Research, SolarPrint Ltd, Greatcell Solar.
EU-FP7 HINTS: ISMN-CNR, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, NanoGUNE, Trinity College Dublin, Jožef Stefan Institute, Queen Mary University of London, University of Kaiserslautern, Universitat de València, Dr. Eberl MBE-Komponenten
AMCOR Flexibles, AGFA-Gaevert NV, Fluxim AG, Konarka
Technologies, SAES Getters, CNR – ISMN, Fachhochschule NordwestSchweiz, Chalmers, FhG IVV & ISC, Universitat Jaume I
de Castellon, GenesInk, CNRS, University of Glasgow.
applied physics
We also received a visit from Martin Kronstein from the Vienna
University of Technology.
There are many other partners in co-publishing activities outside
of the co-financed projects as well.
Commercialization efforts are underway for both the LEC and
microfluidic research via Lunavation AB.
We assist the industrial partners in their commercialization
efforts in the various EU FP7 projects.
IFM activity report 2012
Professors: Mats Amundin (adjunct professor), Per Jensen, Jan
Landin (emeritus), Matthias Laska, Per Milberg
Associate professors/Senior lecturers: Agneta Johansson
(Director of studies), Ricky Ansell (adjunct), Jordi Altimiras,
Kristina Blomqvist, Johan Edqvist, Karl-Olof Bergman, Jenny
Hagenblad, Anders Hargeby, Ronny Lock, Karin Tonderski,
Jennie Westander (adjunct), Thomas Östholm
Assistant professors: Heidi Paltto, Hanne Løvlie, Lina Roth,
Dominic Wright, Lars Westerberg, Matti Leino
Junior lecturers: Kjell Carlsson, Eva Mattson, Örjan Lönnevik,
Åsa Rybo Landelius
ScieNtiFic BRANcH oF
Other teaching staff (part time): Johan Bergstedt
Post doc: Rie Henriksen, Vivian Goerlich, Isa Lindgren, Niklas
Jansson, Daniel Nätt (50% IKE), Hugo Oliveira, Ann-Charlotte
PhD-students: Beatrix Agnvall, Johan Beltéky, Hristina Bodin,
Maria Ericsson, Amir Fallahshahroudi, Nils Forsberg (NTU),
Pernilla Foyer (FHS), Magnus Elfwing, Karin Johannesson,
Martin Johnsson, Anna-Carin Karlsson, Håkan Lättman, Pia
Lötvedt, Helena Olsson, Monika Malmbecker Edstam, Josefin
Starkhammar (LU), Daniel Wennergren, Josefina Zidar, Anders
Wirén, Hanna Österman
Administrative/Technical staff: Ingevald Abrahamsson
(Engineer), Lejla Bektic (Animal Technician), Tove Bjerg
Biologycoversallaspectsoflifescience,fromsubcellularmo(Technician), Maria Lundström (Lab Technician), Jessica
Lövdahl (Administrator), Mia Persson (Lab Technician),
Andrey Hoglund (Lab Technician), Eva-Maria Stigsdotter
(Administrator), Anna Sundin (Administrator)
General information
Biology covers all aspects of life science, from subcellular
molecular processes, via organisms to whole ecosystems. Basic
scientific challenges in the area concern the way in which
genetic instructions influence the development of organisms,
which interact and constitute a complex biological system.
andthemanagementofspeciesandechosystemsforbiologiThis is knowledge, which is strongly requested from society. It
influences a wide range of societal issues from the use of gene
for altering and affecting the function of various
organisms, to questions of animal welfare in modern farming
and the management of species and echosystems for biological
conservation purposes. committee,whichincludesallprofessorsandothermainPhD IFM Biology has about 60 persons employed in total, of
which about 20 are PhD-students. To organize and lead the
activities, the branch has a steering committee, which incluorganization.
des the head of division, two assistant heads of division, and
the director of studies. This group meets every week and is
responsible for matters concerning budget, teaching, research,
PhD-education and organization.
• Ecology(professorPerMilbergandassociateprofessor
• Molecularbiology(associateprofessorJohanEdqvist)
• Zoology(associateprofessorJordiAltimiras).
IFM activity report 2012
Within IFM Biology, the research is organised in research
groups, which are ad hoc associations of people working on a
common scientific theme. The groups are dynamic, and can
change their composition as deemed suitable by the involved
people. In the following pages, the research groups active
during this year present their activities.
The PhD-education is carried out within four different
subjects: Ecology, Zoology, Ethology and Molecular Genetics.
Within Ecology, emphasis is on community and population
ecology, including conservation biology, vegetation and wetland
ecology. Here, methodology and temporal trends have been studied in areas such as phenotypic plasticity and seed dormancy.
In Molecular genetics, research training is focusing on plant
molecular biology. In Zoology, research is mainly focused on
developmental aspects of cardiovascular control systems and
comparative olfaction research, and in Ethology, focus is on
domestication effects on behaviour in chickens. The staff is
also heavily involved in undergraduate teaching in all subjects
covering the biological education programs.
IFM Biology has had an excellent success rate in external
funding over the last couple of years, and important grants
were also obtained 2012. For example, researchers from the
branch were awarded project grants from both VR and Formas.
Per Jensen, professor Per Milberg, and Senior lectu(“Wood-Gush”)andthehatchery(“Kruijt”),alongwithstate-ofrer Jordi Altimiras hold contract supports from the University,
and Professor Per Jensen was awarded an ERC Advanced
Research facilities include the research chicken house
(“Wood-Gush”) and the hatchery (“Kruijt”), along with state-ofcontaininglecturesinbiology,chemistry,physicsandmathethe-art molecular lab facilities.
Staff from IFM Biology was instrumental in planning
organizing a popular science day, with parallel sessions
lectures in biology, chemistry, physics and matheThebiologybranchhasawide-rangingcollaborationwith
matics. The lectures attracted in total about 1000 attendants,
mostly school teachers and high school students.
IFM Biology has a wide-ranging collaboration with groups
and labs in different places of Sweden and abroad. For exmaintainedwithgroupsinBolivia,TheNetherlandsandGreat
ample, cooperation in both teaching and research is mainBritain.Furthermore,thecooperationwithKolmårdenZoo
tained with groups in Bolivia, The Netherlands and Great
hascontinuedandproducesbothresearchresultsandteachBritain. Furthermore, the cooperation with Kolmården Zoo has
continued and produces both research results and teaching collaboration.
Chickens are important model animals in the Division of Zoology.
are important
in the Division
of Zoology.
Their behaviour,
Their behaviour,
are studied
in a number
physiology are studied in a number of research projects.
of research
The AVIAN Group includes research on behaviour (Per Jensen)
and personality (Hanne Løvlie), physiology (Jordi Altimiras)
and genetics (Dominic Wright).
Although not restricted to it, most of the group’s research
focuses on the ancestral Red Junglefowl and modern chicken
breeds selected for farming purposes such as egg productivity
or meat yield with the goals of understanding the genetic basis
of animal domestication and its functional mechanisms.
As part of the Centre of Excellence in Animal Welfare
Science our research is also dedicated to the improvement of
animal welfare. In 2012, for example, we have shown that early
stress produces life-long and transgenerational modifications
in behaviour, stress reactions and gene expression in chickens
(Goerlich et al, 2012 in Hormones and Behavior).
A Red Junglefowl hatching in the foreground and a White Leghorn hatching
in the background
The ethology lab has recently published part of the results from
the fear selection study showing that Red Junglefowl selected for low fear of humans displays correlated responses in a
number of other behaviour traits. The role of two genes, TSHR
and ADRA2C in chicken domestication is also under study,
since they have recently been found to carry a clear signature of
selection. Anders Wirén successfully defended his PhD thesis
entitled “Correlated selection responses in animal domestication: the behavioural effects of a growth QTL in chickens”.
The genetics lab has made important progress in their attempt to dissect complex behavioural and physiological traits
using Quantitative Trait Locus experimental approaches. Their
paper in PLoS Genetics (Johnsson et al. 2012, A sexual ornament in chickens is affected by pleiotropic alleles at HAO1 and
BMP2, selected during domestication) received a lot of media
attention and demonstrated how two genes that were responsible for increasing comb mass also increased egg production
and bone allocation. This revealed at a genetic level how a
sexual ornament (the comb) can have pleiotropic effects on
other traits.
Cardiomyocytes isolated from embryonic chicken hearts. Cell nuclei shown
in blue (DAPI), actin myofilaments shown in green (Bodipy Phallacidin) and
α-actining shown in red
The physiology lab continues the work on the mechanisms of
fetal programming of cardiac growth and function. In collaboration with Dane Crossley at the University of North Texas the
group has shown distinct differences in the mechanisms of
cardiovascular regulation in different chickens breeds (Crossley
and Altimiras, 2012 in Poultry Science). The group is also collaborating with Alvaro Garitano from Universidad Mayor de San
Andrés in La Paz, Bolivia in the study of cardiac function in the
Ornate Tinamou, a primitive bird that thrives in the Andean
Altiplano at 4000 meters above sea level. To support the increasing need for studies in cellular models a new cell culture
facility was installed and studies on the growth of cardiac cells
in response to different hormones and environmental factors
are being carried out.
Further information, news and publications from the
AVIAN group can be found at
AVIAN Behavioral
Genomics and Physiology
The personality lab has started working with the incorporation
of the first LiU PhD student Josefina Zidar. Zidar and Løvlie
published a paper in Animal Behaviour showing the behavioural responses to olfactory cues by domestic fowl.
IFM activity report 2012
Conservation Ecology
Professors: Per Milberg
Research during 2012 focused on insect, trees, species-rich
grasslands and deciduous forests.
Many species of insects and fungi, including many rare ones, depend on
forest fires. Preserving such species constitute a major challenge, and is
likely to benefit from a landscape perspective
Our projects involve cooperation with a number of universities
and research institutes, e.g. University of Lund, Sweden; SLU
(Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå), Sweden; Mid Sweden University,
Sweden; Oklahoma State University, USA; Middle Tennessee
State University, USA; Haremaya University, Ethiopia; University of Ballarat, Australia. EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES
Boloria selene, a butterfly of species-rich meadows, visiting the plant Knautia arvensis.
We published a study on the saproxylic beetle fauna on old
oaks (Quercus spp.) with the aim to find a spatial scale at which
density of old oaks best explained the presence of species in a
landscape. Finding such a spatial scale is important for conservation of biodiversity in oak-rich landscapes. Several projects
with similar focus, but different approaches for sampling and
analyses, are currently running.
In some of these spatial projects, we used a new pheromone-trapping method (where the males are attracted to a
substance equivalent to the female pheromone). In 2012 we attempted two additional pheromone systems: a moth associated
with large deciduous trees, and a group of moths in grassland
(burnet moths), that are potential indicator species for monitoring biodiversity.
Another promising line of work involved species dependent
on, or promoted by, forest fire.
IFM activity report 2012
Monitoring of species is an important part of detecting
environmental changes. Per Milberg, Lars Westerberg and
Karl-Olof Bergman were involved in a national evaluation of
monitoring programs in semi-natural grassland, and Per Milberg in a feasibility study for monitoring of agricultural weeds
(both commissioned by the Board of Agriculture), and Lars
Westerberg has an appointment as monitoring analysis expert
(the Environmental Protection Agency). Karl-Olof Bergman is
involved in a national monitoring program for biodiversity in
semi-natural grasslands. Heidi Paltto has been invited to talk to
staff members of authorities, and to give a course.
Our staff presented research for students and teachers from
secondary schools in the county at the Popular Science Day,
arranged by IFM. We have also been involved in presentations
for the public arranged by the university, and have guided study
visits from primary and secondary schools.
Håkan Lättman presented his PhD thesis “Studies on spatial
and temporal distributions of epiphytic lichens”. Heidi Paltto
was promoted to docent (associate professor).
Since 2010 Kolmarden is engaged in the LIFE project SAMBAH (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Harbour porpoise;, which aims at, by using 300 passive
acoustic data loggers, monitoring harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea. Kolmarden is the international coordinator. The project
is now in its second year of data collection; it will be completed
in May 2013. The final report will be issued in December 2014.
Kolmården was also engaged in the 3-year EU-project, called
EUZooS-XXI, ( It was finished in September 2012. It focussed on four important conservation topics:
invasive alien species, endangered species, biological diversity
and ecological connectivity. Representatives from the general
public were invited and asked to produce concrete suggestions
how these subjects could be presented to the zoo visitors. At
Kolmarden this resulted in a new animal exhibit, called “Madagascar”, where three lemurs represented the island’s unique,
critically endangered fauna. A rich variety of information was
developed around the exhibit, e.g. via large touch screens and
daily oral presentations by zoo educators.
Kolmården’s engagement in the LiU Masters program
”Applied Ethology and Animal Biology” continues, with several
course parts carried out in the zoo, e.g. the entire 7hp course
Zoo Biology.
Josefin Starkhammar at the Division of Electrical Measurements, University of Lund, supervised by Mats Amundin,
defended her doctoral thesis in the end of 2011. The final paper
was published in the beginning of 2012. It presents a technical
description of the multi-hydrophone system that she developed. The project was funded by the Research Council, and
was called ELVIS (Echo-Location Visualization and Interface
Plant Evolution and
Domestication Group
Associate Professor: Johan Edqvist, Jenny Hagenblad
Assistant Professor: Matti Leino
First Research Engineer: Kristina Blomqvist
Post doc: Hugo Oliveira
PhD student: Monica Malmbecker Edstam, Nils Forsberg
Technician: Maria Lundström, Tove Bjerg
Director of studies: Agneta Johansson
Figure 1. The ELVIS system, with the 47-hydrophone matrix in front of a
dolphin. In the acoustic “touch” screen configuration this screen is mounted
in front of an underwater window, allowing the dolphins to see active
symbols and the computer screen graphics projected on the screen.
Research and PhD training
The PlantED group focuses on two main lines of research. The
LTP team headed by Johan Edqvist focuses on understanding
lipid transport proteins using Physcomitrella patens and
Arabidopsis thaliana as model systems. The Historic Seed
Group, headed by Jenny Hagenblad and Matti Leino explores
the evolution crop plants in a range of crop species cultivated
in Scandinavia.
The research in the LTP group is focused on function,
structure and evolution of the non-specific lipid transfer
IFM activity report 2012
Arvidsson, J., Amundin, M. and Laska, M. (2012): Successful acquisition of an olfactory discrimination test by Asian
elephants Elephas maximus. Physiology and Behavior, 105:
Starkhammar, J. Amundin, M., Nilsson, J., Jansson, T., Almqvist, M., and Persson, H.W. (2012): Design and benchmark
tests of a multi-channel hydrophone array system for dolphin
echolocation recordings OJA2012_2_121-130.
Tasker , M., Amundin, M., Andre, M., Hawkins, A.D., Lang,
W., Merck, T., Scholik-Schlomer, A., Teilmann, J., Thomsen,
F., Werner, S., and Zakharia, M. (2012): Managing Underwater
Noise in European Waters: Implementing the Marine Strategy
Framework Directive. In: A.N. Popper and A. Hawkins (eds.),
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology. Springer Science and Business Media.
Tougaard, J., Kyhn, L.A. Amundin, M., Wennerberg, D. and
Bordin, K. (2012): Behavioral reactions of harbor porpoise to
pile-driving noise. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 730:277-280
protein (ns-LTP) in plants. The Historic Seed Group runs
several projects concerning the genetics and evolution of
landrace crops and agricultural history with particular attention
to crops cultivated in Fennoscandia. Both genebank material
and seed samples from historical collections are used for the
studies and both neutral markers and functional genes are
investigated to explore both population genetic structure and
specific traits such as flowering time and nutrient content of
historical crops.
In addition to the research the PlantED group has also
run a bi-weekly journal club where also researchers and PhD
students not in the PlantED group have joined to discus the
latest findings within plant genetic research.
A number of new people have been recruited to the group:
Kristina Blomqvist as First Research Engineer, Nils Forsberg as
a PhD student and Hugo Oliveira as a post-doctoral researcher.
The LTP group has established an efficient system for
production of plant lipid transfer proteins. We have also
identified novel Arabidopsis phenotypes showing a role for
LTPs in seed development.
The Historic Seed Group has in collaboration with
researchers at INRA Clermont-Ferrand published a worldwide screen of a nutrient content gene in wheat in Theoretical
and Applied Genetics. An extensive screen of the genetics of
landrace grey pea during the past century and a half has been
published in Heredity. Two papers on genetic diversity on
Mediterranean wheat have been published in PLoS One and
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution respectively. A Swedish
language overview on the origin of hops in Sweden has been
published in Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, and a popular science
essay on the history of the stem rust disease was published in
Fataburen. The Historic Seed Group also hosted a meeting with
two researchers from Cambridge, hopefully the initiation of
future collaborations.
Special events
In May Jenny Hagenblad received a stipend from King Carl
XVI Gustaf 50th Anniversary Fund for Science, Technology and
the Environment from HRH Carl XVI Gustaf. In November
Matt Leino was promoted “docent” in genetics.
The Sensory and Behavioral
Physiology Group
Professors: Matthias Laska
Research in the Sensory and Behavioral Physiology Group
focuses on odor structure-activity relationships, that is, on determining the properties of stimulus molecules that are critical
for the interaction with an olfactory receptor and thus for the
odor quality they evoke. A second research topic concerns correlations between chemosensory performance and neurobiological and genetic properties such as the size of olfactory brain
structures or the size of the olfactory receptor repertoire. With
both topics, a comparative approach including human subjects
and a variety of animal models is employed.
External collaborations
LTP group – Tiina Salminen(Åbo Akademi University), Peter
Mattjus (Åbo Akademi University), Magnus Eklund (University
of Melbourne)
Historic seed group – François Balfourier and Catherine
Ravel (INRA Clermont-Ferrand, France), Robbie Waugh and
Joanne Russell (James Hutton Institute, Scotland), Anna
Palmé (NordGen, Alnarp), Linnéa Asplund (SLU, Uppsala),
Else-Marie Strese and Per Larsson (Nordiska museet, Julita),
Kristiina Antonius (MTT Agrifood Research, Finland),
Jim Weller (University of Tasmania, Australia) and Bente
Graae, Christophe Pelabon, Atle Bones and Torfinn Sparstad
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
External Activities
The Historic Seed Group has participated with talks and
posters at five international meetings. The senior members
of the group have also been evaluating a PhD dissertation,
a PhD half-time report and an ERC advanced researcher
grant application. The Historic Seed Group has also been
represented at workgroup meetings at NordGen and the
Swedish programme for diversity of cultivated plants (POM)
IFM activity report 2012
Master’s student Nellie Linander gearing up for her studies on olfactory
sensitivity in honeybees, performed at the Centre for Research in Animal
Behaviour at the University of Exeter, England
Matthias Laska and one of his students were able to demonstrate that mice are extraordinarily sensitive to the odor of
aliphatic carboxylic acids, substances known to be part of
their body odor. The mice detected concentrations as low as 3
ppt (parts per trillion) and displayed significant correlations
between olfactory sensitivity and molecular structural features
of the odorants such as length or branching of the carbon chain
(Güven and Laska 2012. PLoS ONE 7: e34301).
In collaboration with the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter (England), Nellie Linander
showed that honeybees are able to detect the odor of amino
acids, important constituents of floral nectar, at millimolar
concentrations (Linander, Hempel de Ibarra, and Laska 2012.
Chem. Senses 37: 631-638).
Josefin Arvidsson succeeded in training the Asian elephants
at Kolmården zoo to cooperate in a food-rewarded olfactory
discrimination test, thus adding yet another species to the
comparative studies on olfactory performance performed by
the group. She found that elephants are even faster than dogs,
mice, and rats in learning new olfactory tasks (Arvidsson,
Amundin, and Laska 2012. Physiol. Behav. 105: 809-814).
In collaboration with the Instituto de Neuro-Etologia of the
Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), Pia Katrine Løtvedt demonstrated that spider monkeys are highly sensitive to the typical
“green odors” emitted by young leaves. Further, she found that
the number of functional olfactory receptor genes are poor
predictors of olfactory sensitivity in primates (Løtvedt, Murali,
Hernandez Salazar, and Laska 2012. Pharmacol. Biochem.
Behav. 101: 450-457).
Master’s student Josefin Arvidsson training Asian elephants in an olfactory
discrimination test at Kolmården Wildlife Park
The Sensory and Behavioral Physiology Group has a longstanding collaboration with the Instituto de Neuro-Etologia
of the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa, Mexico. Every
year, students enrolled in the International Master’s Program
“Applied Ethology and Animal Biology”, have the possibility to
perform the experimental part of their thesis work in Mexico
and collect data on chemosensory performance in spider monkeys. The group is also collaborating with the Department of
Food Chemistry at the University of Erlangen, Germany, where
joint studies on the chemical composition of complex natural
odors are performed. The group is also collaborating with the
Department of Neurobiology at Yale University in New Haven,
Connecticut, and is involved in a joint project on the phenotypical characterization of Alzheimer’s disease model mice.
Further, the group is collaborating with the Centre for Research
in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter, England, in a
joint project on comparative olfactory performance in honeybees and mammals. Finally, the group is collaborating intensively with Kolmården Wildlife Park where numerous studies are
IFM activity report 2012
Steering committee
Prof. Bengt-Harald “Nalle” Jonsson (chairman), Assoc. prof.
Stefan Svensson, Prof. Uno Carlsson, Prof. Per Hammarström,
Prof. Peter Konradsson, Prof. Ingemar Kvarnström, Prof. Lars
Ojamäe, Prof. Per-Olov Käll, Prof. Maria Sunnerhagen. Prof. Elke Schweda
The e-mail address to the head of the branch is: [email protected]
Research Divisions of Chemistry
Protein Chemistry
Molecular Biotechnology
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Molecular chaperones. Folding in vivo is for many proteins
assisted by several protein factors such as molecular chaperones. Although proteins can fold spontaneously the chaperones
suppress aggregation during folding and increase the yield. In
our research we aim to gain insights into the mechanism of
chaperone function that is essential for the understanding of
the folding mechanism and prevention of misfolding.
Misfolding diseases represent a large collection of diseases.
This group includes for example the prion diseases CreutzfeldtJakob disease and mad cow disease; the amyloid diseases such
as Alzheimer’s disease and familial amyloidotic polyneuoropathy (Skellefteåsjukan). All these diseases are connected to a
specific protein that misfolds into alternate conformations and
often forms aggregates. We are working with proteins involved
in all of the mentioned folding diseases. Our objectives are
also to inhibit the formation of the toxic species of amyloid and
prion diseases by using different strategies including smallmolecule binding and interactions with molecular chaperones.
Summary of activities
The research branch of Chemistry, cover all traditional areas of
chemistry. The major research programs Protein Chemistry,
Molecular Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry all have a
strong focus on Molecular Life Science and Chemical Biology. Research activities in Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic
Chemistry and Physical Chemistry are led by senior staff,
often in co-operation with other researchers in the department
and with other research programs at the University. 18 PhD
students have been enrolled and 4 PhD Thesis and 1 Lic Thesis
were defended at the department during 2012.The research in
the different research divisions are presented in the following
Protein Chemistry
Professors: Uno Carlsson and Per Hammarström
Associate professors: Lars-Göran Mårtensson , Magdalena Svensson
Post-doc: Sofie Nyström, Andreas Åslund, Jeffrey Mason, Rajesh Mishra, Cecilia Andresen
Technician: Maria Carlsson, Daniel Sjölander
PhDstudents: Patricia Wennerstrand, Maria Jonson, Raul Campos Melo
Administrator: Susanne Andersson
The general objective of our research in protein chemistry is to
understand different important aspects of the protein folding
process. This also includes misfolding and related diseases as
well as conformational changes associated to protein-protein
interactions and protein adsorption to solid surfaces.
A major goal of protein engineering is the design of stabilized protein variants for use in many applications. In this
project we use several strategies based on experience from our
folding studies to stabilize the structure of our model protein
carbonic anhydrase. Engineered proteins with varying stability and different surface structure are also employed to study
the interaction with solid surfaces, a phenomenon that is very
important in many biotechnological applications.
Fig I. Amyloidogenic proteins studied in the Hammarström lab. All proteins
possess totally different native sequence and folds. Nevertheless all five
proteins ultimately misfold into cross-beta-sheet structure of amyloid fibrils.
The central image is a transmission electron micrograph of lysozyme amyloid fibrils taken at 80000 fold magnification.
Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) is a polymorphic
enzyme and a key enzyme in treatment of childhood leukemia
and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease. TPMT is one of the few classical examples of pharmacogenetics
where the dosages of medical drugs are directly dependent on
the polymorphism of the enzyme.
 In collaboration with Department of Clinical Pharmacology
at University Hospital in Linköping mutants of different
variants are engineered and biophysically characterized, using
a repertoire of techniques such as enzyme activity measurements, circular dichroism, fluorescence and differential scanning calorimetry .
In parallel we are also screening conditions to crystallize the
various variants.
Fig II: Structures of Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) with cofactor SAH
IFM activity report 2012
Molecular Biotechnology
Professors: Bengt-Harald ”Nalle” Jonsson, Maria Sunnerhagen
Assistant Professors: Patrik Lundström, Martin Karlsson
Associate Professor: Ann-Christin Brorsson
Post-docs: Lotta Tegler, Cecilia Andrésen, Theresa Lindholm
PhDstudents: Cecilia Andrésen, Anna-Lena Göransson, Jutta
Speda, Linda Helmfors, Sara Helander, Alexandra Ahlner,
Annica Blissing, Madhan Anandapadmanaban. Mikaela Eliasson Administrator: Susanne Andersson
The research activities in molecular biotechnology are focussed
on detailed characterizations of protein structure and dynamics at the molecular level. The role of protein interactions for
understanding a variety of biological functions are addressed
in different projects. The results which are gleaned from our
studies of these fundamental biological phenomena are also
utilized in projects, which aim at efficient diagnosis and novel
strategies for treatment of some human diseases.
The protein misfolding disease ALS: The mis-folding and
intracellular aggregation of the protein superoxide dismutase is
strongly coupled to the neurodegenerative disease ALS. To find
the molecular basis for ALS we perform a detailed characterization of the structural and dynamical effects of a large set of
different ALS-associated mutations in the gene for CuZnSOD.
Therefore, we have used chemical cross-linking, analytical
ultra-centrifugation and hydrogen/deuterium-exchange experiments to unravel the effects of the mutations on the dynamics
of the protein.
Protein-surface Interactions. Enzymes are of increasing
use in biotechnological applications. Regardless of the application, the enzymes will always encounter surfaces and this will
often lead to that the enzyme activity is lost. It has been a long
standing perception that ”soft” proteins are proteins that bind
to, and unfolds at, surfaces even when there are no apparent
attractive force between the protein and the surface. There is
however little knowledge about which features of a protein that
dictates whether a protein will behave as a “soft” protein or a
“hard” protein, although the physical stability of the protein is
believed to play a crucial part. In order to discriminate between
the importance of thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability we have engineered protein variants with these properties
separated. Our aim is to pinpoint which feature is the most
important so that the correct modifications can be performed
on proteins that are to be used in various biotechnological
Stabilization of Carbonic anhydrase. At this time there is a
consensus view that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is the major contributor to increasing global warming and
much effort is directed to find methods for carbon capture and
sequestration (CCS). However, no method has thus far proved
to be practically or economically feasible. Since the natural
function of carbonic anhydrases is to facilitate the removal of
carbon dioxide from the blood it has been suggested that carbonic anhydrases can be used as biological catalysts in bioreactors
designed for capturing CO2 from various gas streams. However, there are no naturally occurring carbonic anhydrases that
have high enough stability to be used in such a bioreactor. We
are therefore currently working on the design of engineered
human carbonic anhydrases with increased stability which
can then be used as catalysts in enzyme based bioreactors for
carbon capture and sequestration.
Functionalization of nanoparticles by peptide design: Earlier studies have given us a firm knowledge about the
structure of and dynamics in proteins upon adsorption to solid
surfaces. Recently we have unraveled fundamental principles
that govern the formation of helical structure on silica nanoparticles, which is important in the development of devices that
interact with biological systems.
Alzheimer’s disease: The aim of this project is to perform
detail studies of the molecular origins of Alzheimer’s disease
(AD). The aggregation process of the amyloid β peptide (associated with AD) is studied by using Drosophila melanogaster
as a model organism, in parallel with biophysical studies. The
challenge is to identify and characterize toxic species as well
as to study the influence of cellular factors on the toxicity. This
knowledge will then be used to test the effect of anti-aggregation agents in vitro as well as in vivo.
Lysozyme amyloidosis: Misfolding and aggregation of lysozyme are associated with lysozyme amyloidosis where abnormal depositions of aggregated protein are found in organs
such as the liver, spleen and kidney. By expressing lysozyme
in Drosophila melanogaster we can study the aggregation of
these proteins in a complex multicellular environment and
look into the role of specific cellular factors and pathways in the
pathogenesis caused by lysozyme misfolding and aggregation.
Results from studies using this Drosophila model suggest that
the onset of familial amyloid disease is linked to an inability of
the quality control system in the cell to completely degrade the
amyloidogenic lysozymes prior to secretion, resulting in secretion of these destabilised variants, thereby leading to deposition
and associated organ damage.
Rational Enzyme mining: Enzymes are biological catalysts that
find their use in a large number of biotechnological applications and enzyme based industrial processes are expected to
increase in the near future. One central concern in order to
realize the promise of industrial biotechnology is then to find
new enzymes that are active and stable at the conditions of
interest. In this respect microorganisms are an ideal source of
novel enzymes since they can survive and propagate in many
environments. However, to be able to screen full microbial
communities for new enzymes methods that is independent of
pure culturing needs to be developed. We are currently working
on the development of such methods to mine for new enzymes in methanogenic microbial communities in experimental
biogas reactors.
IFM activity report 2012
Protein-protein interactions are intrinsic to virtually every
cellular process. We are studying the interaction of the cellular receptor tissue factor (TF) with the coagulation factors VII
(FVII) and X (FX) that is the key step in the initiation of blood
clotting and thrombus formation. The information output from
this project will directly be used in drug design of therapeutic
agents that can intervene in the association process of FVII and
FX to TF.
Enzymatic enhancement of sludge digestibility: As partners
of the centre of excellence in biogas research, recently established at LiU with support from the Swedish Energy Agency, we
are investigating the possibilities to enhance sludge digestibility with enzymes for increased biogas production. The aim
of the research is to determine whether enzyme addition de
facto is a feasible method to increase biogas production. For
this, it is necessary to monitor the fate of added enzymes by
determining the activity, modification and lifetime of each type
of added enzyme at the conditions that would prevail in a real
life process, rather than simply observing the effect in biogas
production. This can then be used to correlate enzyme activity
to e.g. metabolite turn-over and possible inactivation mechanisms of added enzymes. This will also give information about
e.g. which of the many commercially available enzymes which
are the most suitable for the intended process.
Bacterial and immunological responses in infectious
disease. The human Ro52 protein is an autoimmune target
in Sjögren’s disease, and involved in the production of fetal
antibodies in pregnant mothers. We have characterised the
interaction of the disease-related antibodies and are currently
characterizing the subdomains of Ro52 and their interactions
on a molecular level.
Our most recent results show that patient autoantibodies that
hinder ubiquitination interfere with the E2-binding surface of
the E3-active RING domain of Ro52. Taken together with our
previous studies, we can now propose an action model for the
entire Ro52 protein (Fig III, below) MexR is a DNA_binding
protein that regulates the expression of the Pseudomonas
Aeruginosa efflux pump, and a target for antibiotic resistance
mutations leading to multi-drug resistance. We have described
the biophysical and molecular basis for resistance and are currently evaluating their implications on structure.
globule structure, perhaps a prerequisite for its high-affinity
binding to a range of biologically important target proteins. A
range of protein interactions are currently being screened on a
structural level.
Structural biology in cancer and infectious disease The
group of Maria Sunnerhagen is currently describing a series of
intrinsically disordered interactions between the c-Myc transactivating domain and its regulatory co-partners, including
Bin1 and TBP, using both NMR and crystallography. The Ro52/
Trim21 regulatory network including E2 ligases Ubch6 and
Ubch8 is addressed using a range of biophysical and biochemical techniques. In our Pseudomonas Aeruginosa project, aimed
to investigate principles for novel antibiotics, several novel protein structures have been determined and molecular dynamics
simulations reveal novel principles for how mutations result in
antibiotics resistance
Regulation of kinase activity. Eph proteins are involved in
developmental processes such as cell migration, angiogenesis
and axon guidance and in the adult organism they have been
implicated in certain cancers. The crystal structure of the
kinase domain of EphB2 as well as those of other Eph proteins
suggests that the ground-state cannot be catalytically active.
Our working hypothesis is that a low-populated “excited” state
is responsible for catalysis and we have shown that the protein
exchanges between the ground-state and something else on the
millisecond time-scale. We are currently using NMR spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography to further study the interplay
of structure and dynamics for this unusual mode of enzyme
Organic Chemistry
Professors: Peter Konradsson, Ingemar Kvarnström
Associate professor: Stefan Svensson
Assistant professor: Peter Nilsson
Senior researcher: Åsa Rosenquist
Post-doc: Marcus Bäck, Anders Dahlgren, Hamid Shirani
Technician: Mikaela Eriksson
PhDstudents: Alma Åslund, Timmy Fyrner, Veronica Sandgren,
Roger Gabrielsson, Rozalyn Simon, Therése Klingstedt, Leif
Johansson, Karin Magnusson, Katriann Arja and Mathias
Administrator: Susanne Andersson
Structural biology in cancer development and protection.
The oldest characterized oncogene, c-Myc, houses a series of
fatal hotspot mutation sites leading to increased tumor development. We have characterized the structural properties of the
transactivation domain which, surprisingly, adopts a molten
IFM activity report 2012
Synthesis of functionalized oligothiophene derivatives with
specific optical and electronic properties: By combining the
features of polymers and the electro-optical properties of conjugated molecules, conjugated polymers suitable for a wide range
of applications, such as solar cells, displays and biosensors
are created. Our research is mainly focused on creating welldefined oligothiophene derivatives through rational chemical
design (See figure below, and highlight)
As a first instance we are synthesizing oligothiophenes that can
Fig IV: General chemical structure of functionalized oligothiophene derivatives.
Synthesis of potential protease inhibitors: Proteases are
enzymes capable of restructuring peptides and proteins by specific hydrolysis and are therefore powerful mediators for health
and disease. There are five different classes of proteases, classified according to the most significant functional group in the
active site of the enzyme. Design and synthesis of inhibitors
and screening for efficient and selective inhibitors of key proteases have become an attractive and powerful course for new
drug development. This is an area of fundamental importance
to the pharmaceutical industry. Structure based drug design
has been used in the search for potent and selective drug candidates. An important part of this is to find the minimum necessary chemical features for binding to a particular protease.
Methods for screening of potential inhibitors are available and
it is possible to screen large libraries of single compounds to
identify lead compounds. Design and synthesis of inhibitors
have been studied against the following proteases: HIV-1 protease, Hepatit C protease, Malaria parasite proteases, Thrombin
and γ–Secretase (Alzeimers disease). The research projects are
done in collaboration with the University of Stockholm, BMC,
Uppsala and Medivir AB, Huddinge.
Physical Chemistry
be utilized as tools for studying biological and pathological process. The aim of these projects are mainly to provide molecular
tools that can be used for real time in vivo imaging of biological
events from the nanoscopic level (biomolecules and cells) to
the macroscopic level (organs and body). Secondly, we are also
investigating if similar molecular scaffolds can be utilized as
therapeutic active agents towards distinct pathological processes.
Furthermore, we are developing electro-active oligothiophene
derivatives that can be combined with defined biological template molecules, such as amyloid fibrils, to generate materials
that can be implemented with in research areas such as nanobioelectronics. Though a multidisciplinary collaboration with
other researchers at IFM and ITN, we are aiming at develop
novel materials that can be used for electronic release of pharameuticals, and devices that can stimulate and record cellular
activity in complex environments.
Professor: Lars Ojamäe
Post-doc: Annika Lenz
PhDstudent: Yuan Liu
The research projects concern computational-chemistry studies
of nanostructures, functionalized nanoparticles, dye-sensitized
metal oxide solar cells, electron transfer processes, heterogeneous catalysis, and water and hydrogen bonding phenomena. We thereby apply quantum-chemical computations and
molecular-dynamics simulations using national supercomputer
facilities to address these fundamental issues in surface science
and atmospheric chemistry.
Nanoparticles exhibit many unique properties. We model
crystallites of materials such as ZnO, TiO2, RuO2 and Gd2O3
and quantum dots of GaN, which are of interest in applications
ranging from nanomedicine to optoelectronics. In particular
we design novel nanocompunds by functionalising metal oxide
nanoparticles using organic adsorbates. One such example
is the dye-sensitised solar cell, where organic molecules are
chemisorbed at a nanostructured metal-oxide surface (ZnO,
TiO2). Catalytic reactions at metal-oxide surfaces (RuO2) are
also studied, where we are developing ab initio MD methods
that are useful for elucidating the mechanisms of surfacecatalyzed reactions.
Fig V: A self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of MPTMS on a ZnO surface.
Another research theme concerns hydrogen bonding, where
we are elucidating the phase transitions and proton-ordering
phenomena involving water clusters, liquid water, ice and
clathrate crystals. These investigations are of importance for
understanding for example the properties of liquids, environmental processes occurring in the atmosphere, and CO2 emission from the tundra.
IFM activity report 2012
Inorganic Chemistry
Professor: Per-Olov Käll
Assistant Professor: Fredrik Söderlind
Associate Professor: Henrik Pedersen
The research in inorganic chemistry at IFM is mainly focused
on colloidal synthesis and characterisation of (i) magnetic
metal oxide nanoparticles (e.g. Gd2O3) for magnetic resonance
imaging; (ii) chemical or electrochemical synthesis of semiconducting nanoparticles, e.g. ZnO, CuO, Cu, as sensing material
in gas sensing studies of, e.g., of O2, NOx, CO, H2, MeOH.
The above projects are pronounced interdisciplinary with collaboration partners both within and outside IFM.
(i) Several of the rare earth metals are strongly magnetic and at
least one of them, gadolinium, is a unique because it combines
a high magnetic moment with a very high cross-section for
thermal neutrons, implying that Gd(III) containing nanocrystals are potentially interesting both as contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neutron capture therapy
(NCT). We have found that small nanocrystals of cubic Gd2O3
produce significantly shorter T1 relaxation times than the
conventional gadolinium containing chelates normally used
in examination of patients. A possible explanation of the effect
is the higher density of magnetic active ions in a nanoparticle
compared to that of a bulky chelate providing access of only a
single water molecule to the magnetic central atom.
(ii) A novel sensing project carried out in collaboration with
Profs. Anita Lloyd-Spetz and Lars Ojamäe is the development
of a SiC based methanol sensor for application under demanding conditions. Two articles have so far been published in
Sensors and Actuators: Chemical where Pt and Ir have been
tested as sensing materials.
(iii) During the year, a new project has been started in collaboration with Profs. Magnus Odén at the Div. of Nanostructured
materials, and Lars Ojamäe at Physical chemistry. The project
which is partly funded by KAW aims at the experimental and
theoretical study of catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 in the
formation of methanol or dimethyl ether. So far a high pressure reactor (autoclave) and a GC has been installed, an MS to
be connected with the GC presently being under purchase (see
Fig VI: Autoclave connected to GC
Analytical Chemistry
Professor: Elke Schweda
Associate Professor: Johan Dahlén
Research in Analytical Chemistry is focused on analytical
carbohydrate chemistry and studies structures of biologically
active carbohydrates from pathogenic bacteria. Of particular
interest are the exclusively human pathogen non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) and Helicobacter bizzozeronii,
which normally colonizes cats and dogs. Humans potentially
acquire gastric infections as a consequence of direct contact
with these animals. NTHi causes otitis media and both acute
and chronic lower respiratory tract infections in small children. The potential of both NTHi and H. bizzozeronii to cause
disease depends upon their surface expressed carbohydrate
antigen, lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
The heterogeneity and structural complexity of LPS from pathogenic bacteria pose significant analytical challenges. Typically, structural profiling involves analyses by chemical, nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometric (MS)
methods. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)
has played an increasingly important role in the characterization of LPS. CHEMISTRY-Highlights
I. Johan Dahlén has been appointed associate professor in
analytical chemistry
II. Henrik Pedersen has been appointed associate professor in
inorganic chemistry
III. A study from the Hammarström lab in collaboration with
the Nilsson and Thor labs showed that Curcumin, a substance
extracted from turmeric, prolongs life and enhances activity
of fruit flies with a nervous disorder similar to Alzheimer’s
disease. 50
IFM activity report 2012
The article “Polythiophenes inhibit prion propagation by stabilizing prion protein (PrP) aggregates” was published in The
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012) I. Margalith, C. Suter, B.
Ballmer, P. Schwarz, C. Tiberi, T. Sonati, J. Falsig, S. Nyström,
P. Hammarström, A. Åslund, K. P. R. Nilsson, A. Yam, E.
Whitters, S. Hornemann and A. Aguzzi J Biol Chem. 2012:
V. Elke Schweda and coworkers has characterized the structural diversity of the lipopolysaccharide from two Haemophilus
influenzaee strains.
Vitiazeva V et al in Carbohydrate Res 357(2012) 98-110
VI. In a study by Annika Lenz, Lars Ojamäe and coworkers
from FOI and Lund University the reaction mechanism of
DNT decomposition on platinum nanoparticles was elucidated.
This is of importance for understanding the detection of explosives by chemical sensors.
The article “Computational study of the catalytic effect of
platinum on the decomposition of DNT” by Lenz A, Pohl, A,
Ojamäe L, Persson P. was published in Intern. J. Quantum
Chem. (2012) 112: 1852-1858.
VII. Lars Ojamäe and Per-Olov Käll are members of the “Designed Nanoparticles” project that was awarded a major grant
from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. They will
study the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol by
the use of novel nanoparticles. A new PhD student in physical
chemistry will be enrolled in the project in 2013.
VIII. Yuan Liu obtained a grant from the China Scholarship
Council to join Lars Ojamäe’s group as a PhD student, which
he did in October 2012. His studies will focus on CH4 and CO2
ice clathrate structures and their implications for atmospheric
chemistry and for carbon dioxide storage.
Figure. Survival curves for ”Alzheimer flies” treated (dashed line) and those
not treated with curcumin. The flies that were administered curcumin
lived longer and were more active. The scientists identified an accelerated
formation of amyloid plaque in the treated flies, which seemed to protect the
nerve cells. On the right we see microscopic images of neurons (blue) and
plaque (green) in the fruit fly’s brain. The study strengthens the hypothesis
that a curcumin-based drug can contribute to toxic fibrils being encapsulated (bottom left of the figure).
IV. A study from Nilsson lab in collaboration with Hammarström and with colleagues at the University Hospital in Zürich
(Aguzzi) tested luminescent conjugated polymers, or LCPs,
on organotypic live tissue sections from the brains of mice
that had been infected with prions. The results show that the
number of prions, as well as their toxicity and infectibility,
decreased drastically. This is the first time anyone has been
able to demonstrate the possibility of treating illnesses such as
“mad cow” disease and Creutzfeldt-Jacobs with LCP molecules.
The course of prion disease is relentless when the prions fall to
pieces and replicate at an exponential rate. When researchers
inserted the LCP molecules into their model system, the replication was arrested, through stabilizing the prion aggregates –
which is a new concept in treating prion disease.
IFM activity report 2012
Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterized by the accumulation of sticky amyloid-beta and Tau protein amyloid fibrils.
Linköping researchers wanted to investigate how the substance
affected transgenic fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster),
which developed evident Alzheimer’s symptoms. Flies shwoed
enhanced activity, deceased neurotoxicity and lived up to 75%
longer when treated with curcumin. However, surprisingly
the amount of amyloid in the brain or eyes did not decrease.
Curcumin did not dissolve the amyloid plaque; on the contrary
it accelerated the formation of mature fibrils by reducing the
amount of their precursor forms, known as oligomers.
The study hence, indicates that it is the initial stages of fibril
formation and fragments of the amyloid fibrils that are most
toxic to neurons and that curcumin accelerated this conversion
The article “Curcumin promotes A-beta fibrillation and
reduces neurotoxicity in transgenic Drosophila”. was published in PLoS One (2012). Ina Caesar, Maria Jonson, K. Peter,
R. Nilsson, Stefan Thor and Per Hammarström PLoS One.
2012;7(2):e31424. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031424.
• SSF Synergy Grant FUNCASE (Hultman et al.)
• SSF project: III-nitrides for UV and high frequency applica-
tions (Janzén et al.)
• SSF project: SiC – the Material for Energy-Saving Power
Material Physics
• The Linköping Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Electronics (Janzén et al.)
CeNano (Hultman, Chair)
• FP7 EU project: Nano-RF (PI R. Yakimova)
Summary of Activities
General Information
Steering Committee
material physics
Lars Hultman (Head), Erik Janzén (Deputy Head), Weimin
Chen, Ulf Helmersson, Magnus Odén, and Roger Uhrberg.
Research Divisions and Professors
Functional Electronic Materials: Weimin Chen, Head
Irina Buyanova
Nanostructured Materials:
Magnus Odén, Head
Bo Jansson (Adjunct SECO Tools AB, deceased)
Plasma and Coatings Physics:
Ulf Helmersson, Head
Nils Brenning (Adjunct from KTH, Stockholm)
Semiconductor Materials:
Erik Janzén, Head
Peder Bergman
Anne Henry
Per-Olof Holtz
Leif Johansson
Rositza Yakimova (Emerita)
Bo Monemar (Emeritus)
Surface and Semiconductor Physics:
Roger Uhrberg, Head
Göran Hansson (Prefect of IFM)
Wei-Xin Ni
Thin Film Physics:
Lars Hultman, Head
Jens Birch, Deputy Head
Esteban Broitman (Guest Prof. Carnegie-Mellon)
Joseph E Greene (Guest Prof., Univ. Illinois)
Ivan Petrov (Guest Prof., Univ. Illinois)
Michel Barsoum (Guest Prof., Drexel Univ.)
Individual and Coordinated Excellence Research Programs
Government Strategic Grant (SFO) for Materials
• ERC Advanced Grant (Hultman)
• ERC Starting Grant (Rosén)
• KAW Project Isotopic Control - Ultimate Properties (Janzén,
Hultman, Greene, Abrikosov)
• KAW Scholar Grant (Hultman)
• KAW Academy Fellow (Rosén)
• ESF Epitaxial Graphene EPIGRAT (Janzén et al)
• EDA/FMV GaN HEMT MANGA (Janzén et al.)
• EU EuSiC (Janzén et al.)
• VR Linnaeus Center LiLi-NFM (Hultman et al.)
• VR/RÅC Coordinated Program Grant Materials Science using High-Energy X-Rays (Birch et al.)
• VR SiC Material for Power electronics (Janzén)
• VINNEX Center FunMat (Hultman et al.)
• Nordic Research Center SIMARC (Chen et al.)
• SSF Coordinated Grant in Materials Science MultiFilms
(Odén et al.)
• SSF Nano-N (Holtz et al.)
IFM activity report 2012
The Material Physics Area is the largest research unit of the
Faculty and is internationally recognized as a strong research
environment. It engages ~150 persons, including over 60 PhD
students. The research is of a basic experimental character, but direct
collaboration with industry is essential in many projects. Theoretical modelling is a natural part of many projects.
The research activities include growth of a variety of material
structures with different techniques, mainly PVD, CVD and
sublimation-based. The materials studied span a broad field,
such as metallic thin films, semiconductor materials, nanostructures, and organic structures.
We operate several advanced laboratories; mostly in clean
room environment. The characterization techniques include
electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, FIB, EELS, PL, CL) and surface studies (ARUPS, STM, AFM, XRR, ERDA, XPS), partly at
external synchrotron radiation facilities, but also extensively optical, transport and magnetic resonance techniques. Collaboration with foreign laboratories is typical for all research groups;
in fact most published papers have international co-authors.
In 2012, 11 PhD theses were published in our divisions.
The researchers are heavily involved in teaching on the basic
and advanced level in physics, materials science, and nanotechnology (>30 courses). ~10 courses for PhD students are also
given each year.
Prof P O Holtz is Director of the Graduate Education at IFM
including the Graduate School in Materials Science: AGORA
Prof. L I Johansson retired as Director of the Master Education in Materials Physics at LiTH and Director for undergraduate teaching in Physics at IFM in 2012.
We are host for the EC Erasmus-Mundus graduate school for
Material Science and Engineering DocMase (Odén et al.)
Lars Hultman won the Junior Faculty Prize 2012 at LiU for
supporting the careers of junior researchers, thus creating a
sustainable research environment
Technology Transfer & Public Interaction
Dr Galia Pozina won the IVA – Royal Swedish Academy of
Engineering Sciences ”Mentor 4Research” Prize – a catalysts
for Commercialization
Our research has generated high-tech industries like Norstel
AB in Norrköping, producing SiC substrates, Epigress AB in
Lund, producing SiC growth systems, and Impact Coatings
AB in Linköping, developing PVD-processes and equipment
for functional and decorative thin films. A spin-out company
Cyclops AB develops a novel SiC epitaxial tool.
We are also part of the LiU Fund Raising Campaign; www.
Several patent applications were filed in 2012.
Highlights 2012
Linkoping University is taking part in the Graphene Flagship
ramp-up stage, which is funded by EC within the FP7, to bring
Functional Electronic
Professors: Weimin Chen, Head of Division
Irina Buyanona
Post-docs and visiting scientists (>1 month): Daniel Dagnelund, Jan Stehr, Alexandr Dobrovolsky, Galyna Rudko, Igor Vorona
PhD students: Jan Beyer, Shula Chen, Stanislav Filippov, Yuttapoom Puttisong
Administrative/Technical staff: Susanne Andersson, Anna-Karin Stål, Arne Eklund
In the area of ZnO-based materials, several topics were addressed. We have continued our studies of exciton dynamics and
exciton-photon coupling in bulk and nanostructured ZnO. We
have also initiated investigations of non-linear optical and plasmonic effects in ZnO NWs. In bulk ZnO, signatures of excitons
bound to isoelectronic centers - an important class of excitons
and defects that have so far hardly been investigated in ZnO,
were provided. Impact of various intrinsic defects on p-type doping of ZnO via ion implantation with phosphorous and nitrogen
were also examined.
In 2012, we have conducted detailed studies of spin-dependent
properties of self-assembled InAs/GaAs QD, QD molecules and
rings. Special attention was paid to understanding the physical
mechanism for spin injection, spin relaxation and spin detection.
For dilute nitrides like Ga(In)NAs and Ga(Al,In)NP, the
presence of harmful residual defects is still one of the major
obstacles preventing the materials from practical applications in
photonics and optoelectronics. In 2012, we have continued our
experimental efforts to identify point and interfacial defects that
are responsible for deteriorating optical quality of the materials. We have also initiated new research activities on GaP/GaNP
core/shell NWs. Great potential of these structures as nano-sized
light emitters was demonstrated based on the observation of
intense emission from a single NW at room temperature. Our
current efforts are devoted to improving optical efficiency of the
NWs via optimization of their structural design and material
We have also been actively involved in the education program
for undergraduate students. During the year, the courses in
“Semiconductor Technology” (TFYA39) and “Perspectives on
Physics” (TFFM12) were given.
Room-temperature electron spin amplifier based on Ga(In)NAs alloys
The first experimental demonstration of a spin amplifier at
room temperature is presented. An efficient, defect-enabled
spin amplifier based on a non-magnetic semiconductor Ga(In)
NAs is proposed and demonstrated, with a large spin gain (up to
2700% at zero field) for conduction electrons and a high cut-off
frequency > 1 GHz. [Adv. Mater. 25, 738 (2013)]
We conduct scientific research on electronic, magnetic and optical properties of semiconductor materials and nanostructures.
The materials systems under study in 2012 include: (i) advanced
spintronic materials based on II-VI and III-V semiconductors;
(ii) ZnO-based materials and nanostructures; (iii) self-assembled
InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) nanostructures; (iv) dilute
nitrides; and (v) GaP/GaNP core/shell nanowires (NWs). The
research has been carried out mostly through close collaborations with many groups worldwide. Our aim is to obtain a better
understanding of fundamental physical properties and a good
control of materials properties, and to fully explore functionality of the studied materials for applications in future generation
micro- and nano-electronics and photonics, spintronics, as well
as in potential multifunctional devices and systems.
In the area of spintronic semiconductors, we have continued
and extended studies of our recently discovered room temperature spin-filtering in a non-magnetic semiconductor Ga(In)NAs.
The focus has been on development of room-temperature spin
amplifier and spin detector based on Ga(In)NAs. We have also
studied magnetic interactions in coupled CdSe/ZnMnSe QD
structures. Fig.1 A schematic picture of the demonstrated defect-engineered spin
Evidence for coupling between exciton emissions and surface plasmon in Ni-coated ZnO NWs
We show that coating ZnO NWs with a transition metal, such
as Ni, can increase the efficiency of light emission at room
temperature. Based on detailed structural and optical studies,
this enhancement is attributed to energy transfer between nearband-edge emission in ZnO and surface plasmons in the Ni film
which leads to an increased rate of the spontaneous emission. It
is also shown that the Ni coating leads to an enhanced non-radiative recombination via surface states, which becomes increasingly important at low measurement temperatures and in annealed
ZnO/Ni NWs. [Nanotechnology 23, 425201 (2012)]
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
this amazing material to revolutionary solutions in high speed
electronics, medical diagnostics, space research, etc. Researchers at IFM have the know how to produce the best graphene on
silicon carbide world wide. A goal of the Graphene Flagship is
to bridge research and commercialization by creating new and
improved graphene products to be implemented in advanced
applications, which will bring value to the society. The first
European company on epitaxial graphene (Graphensic AB) is
operated out of Linköping.
We have experimentally demonstrated the first spin amplifier operating at room temperature - one of the fundamental
building blocks in spintronics. This defect-engineered spin
amplifier is based on a non-magnetic semiconductor Ga(In)
NAs, with a large spin gain (> 2700% at zero field) and a high
cut-off frequency (> 1 GHz). Adv. Mater. 25, 738 (2003)
We reported on the Magnetic quantum ratchet effect in graphene. Orbital effects in the presence of an in-plane magnetic
field provide strong evidence for the existence of structure
inversion asymmetry in graphene. Nature Nanotechnology 8,
104–107 (2013)
material physics
Dynamic nuclear polarization and its effect on electron
spin relaxation and dephasing in InAs/GaAs QDs
Efficient upconvertion of photoluminescence via twophoton-absorption in bulk and nanorod ZnO
Electron spin dephasing and relaxation due to hyperfine
interaction with nuclear spins is studied in an InAs/GaAs QD
ensemble as a function of temperature up to 85 K, in an applied
longitudinal magnetic field. The extent of hyperfine-induced
dephasing is found to decrease, whereas dynamic nuclear
polarization (DNP) increases with increasing temperature. We
attribute both effects to an accelerating electron spin relaxation
through phonon-assisted electron-nuclear spin flip-flops driven
by hyperfine interactions, which could become the dominating
contribution to electron spin depolarization at high temperatures. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 143105 (2012)]
Efficient upconversion of PL from donor bound excitons is
revealed in bulk and nanorod ZnO and attributed to two-photonabsorption (TPA) and two-step TPA (TS-TPA) processes. The TSTPA process is found to occur via a defect/impurity (or defects/
impurities) with an energy level (or levels) lying within 1.14-1.56
eV from one of the band edges, without involving photon
recycling. One of the possible defect candidates could be VZn. A
sharp energy threshold, different from that for the corresponding one-photon absorption, is observed for the TPA process and
is explained in terms of selection rules for the involved optical
transitions. [Appl. Phys. B: Lasers and Optics 108, 919 (2012)]
Mechanism for radiative recombination and defect properties of GaP/GaNP core/shell NWs
Zeeman splitting and dynamics of an isoelectronic bound
exciton near the band edge of ZnO
Recombination processes in GaP/GaNP core/shell NWs grown
on a Si substrate by molecular beam epitaxy are examined using
a variety of optical characterization techniques, including cwand time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) and optically detected
magnetic resonance (ODMR). Superior optical quality of the
structures is demonstrated based on the observation of intense
emission from a single NW at room temperature. This emission
is shown to originate from radiative transitions within N-related
localized states. From ODMR, growth of GaP/GaNP NWs is also
found to facilitate formation of complex defects containing a P
atom at its core that act as centers of competing recombination.
[Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 163106 (2012)]
Sub-millisecond dynamic nuclear spin hyperpolarization
in a semiconductor: A case study from PIn antisite in InP
ODMR is employed to identify key factors governing DNP in a
semiconductor. We demonstrate that the extent of DNP can be
efficiently controlled by varying lifetime of the localized electrons
that transfer spin angular momentum to nuclei. The ultimate
speed of a DNP process, on the other hand, is determined by the
strength of hyperfine interaction that drives DNP. We show that
about 50% nuclear spin polarization of a PIn antisite in InP can
be achieved by shortening electron lifetime within a remarkably
short time (<0.1 ms), see Fig.2, due to strong hyperfine coupling.
[Phys. Rev. B 86, 205202 (2012)]
Comprehensive time-resolved PL and magneto-optical measurements are performed on a bound exciton (BX) line peaking at
3.3621 eV (labeled as I*). Though the energy position of I* lies
within the same energy range as that for donor bound exciton
(DX) transitions, its behavior in an applied magnetic field is
found to be distinctly different from that observed for DXs. An
exciton bound to an isoelectronic center with a hole-attractive
local potential is shown to provide a satisfactory model that can
account for all experimental results of the I* transition. [Phys.
Rev. B 86, 235205 (2012)]
We have active scientific cooperation with over 20 international
groups, including an on-going exchange program sponsored by
the Swedish Institute through the Visby program (Inst. of Semiconductor Physics, Ukraine, and A.F. Ioffe Physico-Tehnical
Institute, Russia).
Fig.2 Rising curves of the PL and the ODMR signal (i.e. DNP) after σ+ excitation is switched on, by selecting the high-field ODMR line as indicated by
the arrow in the insert.
Professors: Magnus Odén, Bo Jansson*
Assistant Professors: Naureen Ghafoor, Mats Johansson Jöesaar,
Fredrik Söderlind
Post-docs: Klara Asp Grönhagen, Mohamed Ballem, Lina Rogström
PhD students: Emma Björk, Axel Knutsson, Jianqiang Zhu, Jennifer Ullbrand, Rickard Forsén, Niklas Norrby, Torkel Stenqvist, Robert Pilemalm, Susanne Sveen, Nina Shulumba, Isabella Schramm, Jenifer Barrirero, Kumar Yalamanchili, Jing Yang, Aylin Atakan, Syed Bilal
Diploma students: Hassan
Adminstrative and Technical staff: Therese Dannetun, Karl-Olof Brolin
*Died Feb 2012
IFM activity report 2012
Rikard Forsén: “Mechanical properties and thermal stability of
arc evaporated Ti-Cr-Al-N coatings”
Jennifer Ullbrand: “Phase field modeling of spinodal decomposition in TiAlN”
Discovered surface directed spinodal decomposition in TiAlN,
see figure, where a compositional wave originates at internal
Research Programs
Hard coatings:
The thermomechanical properties of nanostructured reactive arc
evaporated ceramic materials are studied in model systems that
include a miscibility gap. Special interest is paid to the kinetics of the decomposition process in hard coatings and how it is
influenced by the environment. Here we use high energy SAXS,
and DSC as tools to in situ study the formation of nm-sized
particles within the solid solution. STEM and 3D-atom probe in
combination with phase field and ab-initio calculations are used
to further advance the understanding. An example of a reconstructed 3D-atom probe image of a multilayer is given in the
figure below, i.e nanocandy.
In addition the microstructure evolution of alloyed cathode surfaces are also studied.
The influence of growth conditions and chemical composition
on ZrAlN coatings was determined. The figure shows the resulting phenomenoligic phase diagram.
We found a new route to increased hardness at high temperatures in metastable multilayer coatings. The figure shows the
improved hardness at very high temperatures.
Mesoporous materials:
Synthesis of several types of pore structures with a variable pore
size (30-300 Å) based on micelles and how to use these mesoporous materials as chemical microreactors. Of special interest
is to use these frameworks to synthesize nanoparticles with narrow size distributions.
Engineering materials:
Application based research on surface behavior related to tribology at elevated temperature and brazing.
Scientific Highlights
Two PhD graduated:
Lina Rogström: “High temperature behavior of arc evaporated
ZrAlN and TiAlN films”
Axel Knutsson: “Thermal stability and mechanical properties of
TiAlN-based monolithic and multilayer coatings”
Three Licentiate theses defended:
Niklas Norrby: “High pressure and high temperature effects of
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
General Information
The division of Nanostructured Materials was established 1 April
2007 as a response to several research centers being granted at
that time (i.e. Vinnova-FunMat, VR-LiLi-NFM, and SSF-MS2E).
In 2009 SSF granted the group an additional Material Science
program called MultiFilms and 2010 an Erasmus-Mundus
graduate school, DocMase, with support from EC for 20 students was added. Naturally most of the Nanostructured Materials group’s research activities are related to these centers and
The scientific aim of the group conforms to the material science paradigm: understanding of the synthesis, microstructure
evolution, and material properties of nanostructured materials of
industrial interest.
Plasma & Coatings
material physics
Ulf Helmersson, Professor
Nils Brenning, Guest Professor
Kostas Sarakinos, Associate Professor
Daniel Söderström, Assistant Professor
Iris Pilch, Post-doctor
Mattias Samuelsson, PhD-student
Montri Aiempanakit, PhD-student
Asim Aijaz, PhD-student
Daniel Magnfält, PhD-student
Viktor Elofsson, PhD-student
Bo Lü, PhD-student
Marta Saraiva, Visiting Scientist
Robert Boyd, Research Engineer
Sankara Pillay, R&D Project Manager
Mikael Amlé, Administrative Assistant
Associate Members
Daniel Lundin, CEO at Ionautics AB
Peter Münger, Docent in the Theory & Modeling Division, IFM
The Plasma & Coatings Physics group is a division at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping
University, Sweden. Our overall goal is to contribute towards addressing challenges of contemporary materials science and technology through the synthesis of novel films and nanomaterials.
To realize this goal, we employ innovative processes which allow
for the generation of plasmas with unique properties as well as
control of the material synthesis at the atomic level. Through a
combination of advanced experimental and theoretical tools we
seek to understand the process-plasma-material interactions and
gain insight into the knowledge-based synthesis of functional
films and nanomaterials.
Scientific Highlights in 2012
Nanoparticles: Synthesis & characterization
Our novel high power pulsed-plasma based method for synthesizing nanoparticles (particles with sizes in the range of a few to
hundreds of nanometers) was developed further during 2012.
The method allows for the synthesis of nanoparticles of a wide
range of materials with a narrow size distribution. The past year,
we have focused on the materials (silver and copper) and how
the process parameters and the geometry of the experimental
set-up affect the nanoparticle growth. It was found that the different geometries of the experimental set-up greatly affect e.g.
the sizes of the nanoparticles. To get a fast response on the mass
of the synthesized and collected nanoparticles when the process
parameters are changed, research on using a quartz crystal
microbalance (QCM) for this purpose was initiated. Preliminary
results show that the QCM can be a valuable tool to determine
“sweet spots” for the process (see Fig. 1).
IFM activity report 2012
Fig. 1. Deposited mass of nanoparticles as a function of pulse frequency for
different peak currents. The pulse width was 30µs and the pressure 0.8 Torr.
A new compact vacuum system for the synthesis of nanoparticles was procured during the year. It will be devoted to the synthesis of oxide nanoparticles, e.g. copper and zirconium oxides,
which will find applications in projects that are run in collaboration with other groups at the university.
Work on a computer simulation of the nanoparticle growth in
a highly ionized plasma was initiated. The computer model will
allow us to see how the plasma parameters will affect the collection efficiency of ionized material to the nanoparticles, and will
help us to understand the fundamental processes we observe in
the experiments. A manuscript is planned to be submitted during the first half of 2013.
Research on core-shell nanoparticles was continued with a
major re-design of the synthesis chamber. We now have the
opportunity to accurately sift ready-made particles through our
coating zone. This allows us to study the coating of nanoparticles
before we combine the processes to synthesize both the core and
the shell in a continuous process.
During the year, two manuscripts were submitted to peerreviewed journals.
Control of film nucleation and growth using ionized pulsed vapor
We have used pulsed, ionized fluxes generated by a HiPIMS
discharge to deposit Ag films on SiO2 substrates. We have found
that the time domain of the deposition flux (controlled by the
pulsing frequency), the instantaneous vapor arrival rate and the
energy of the film forming species (control by the pulse energy)
enable one to tailor film nucleation and growth, manifested by
the changes in the film thickness required for the completion of
the film coalescence (Fig. 2).
Reference: D. Magnfält et al., “Time-domain and energetic
bombardment effects on the nucleation and coalescence of thin
metal films on amorphous substrates”, submitted for publication.
Fig. 2. (a) Effect of pulsing frequency, f, on the coalescence completion
thickness at pulse energy, Ep, values of 20 (squares), 40 (circles) and 60 mJ
(triangles). (b) Dependence of coalescence completion thickness on deposition rate during pulsed (Ep=20 mJ, f=50 Hz/squares) and continuous (DCMS/
circles) deposition. (c) Effect of pulse energy (at constant f=50 Hz) on the coalescence completion thickness. In all cases coalescence completion thickness
values calculated from the intrinsic stress measurements are plotted.
Atomistic mechanisms for stress generation in physically
vapor deposited films
We have studied the stress evolution in Mo films grown by
HiPIMS. We have found that, depending on the energetic bombardment encountered by the growing film (controlled by the
process conditions), films with intrinsic stresses ranging from
highly compressive to slightly tensile are obtained. No correlation between the stress and the stress-free lattice parameter has
been observed (Table I) indicating no changes in the concentration of intra-grain point defects. On the contrary, compressive
stress generation is associated with increase of the film mass
density (Table I). Based on these results, we have concluded that
compressive stresses are generated via grain boundary densification through incorporation of film forming species. Atomistic
mechanisms that lead to diffusion of film forming species into
grain boundaries have been suggested.
Reference: D. Magnfält et al., “Atomistic mechanisms leading
to insertion of adatoms into grain boundaries and compressive
stress generation in physically vapor deposited film”, in final
Table I. Effect of deposition conditions (pw and PTp) on stress
(σ), stress free lattice constant (a0), and film mass density (ρm)
PTp (kW)
σ (GPa)
a0 (Å)
3.152± 0.003
3.151± 0.003
3.151± 0.002
3.150± 0.002
3.150± 0.003
3.151± 0.003
pw (Pa)
Fig. 3. Column tilt angle with respect to the substrate surface normal as a function of the peak target current density (or equivalently the degree of ionization of the sputtered material) for Cu and Cr films grown at constant average
power and Cu films grown at constant deposition rate (set 2). The lines are
drawn as a guide to the eye.
Synthesis of carbon-based thin films using HiPIMS
We continued to explore the potential of HiPIMS for the synthesis of carbon based thin films in the year 2012. We developed
a HiPIMS based process for the synthesis of hydrogenated
amorphous carbon (a-C: H) thin films. The process is based on
the hybrid arrangement of HiPIMS and DCMS, whereas the
film synthesis is performed using a hydrocarbon precursor gas
(acetylene) mixed with argon. We have found that the a-C:H thin
films with low H content (about 10%) can be grown at about
ten-fold higher deposition rate as compared to those deposited in
pure argon ambient using an acetylene fraction of 5% in the gas
mixture. The films, along with low H content, exhibit high hardness (more than 25 GPa) while the mass densities of the films in
the order of 2.32 g/cm3 are obtained (Fig. 4). Reference: A. Aijaz et al., “High-rate deposition of hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films using high power impulse
magnetron sputtering”, in preparation.
ρm (gcm-3)
Tilt of the columnar microstructure in off-normally deposited films using
highly ionized vapor fluxes
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
We have investigated the tilt of the columnar microstructure
in Cu and Cr films deposited off-normally from highly ionized
fluxes generated by a HiPIMS discharge. We have found that
the film columns are positioned closer to the substrate normal
as the ionization degree of the incident vapor increases (Fig. 3).
This correlation between column tilting and degree of ionization is, however, valid only at certain kinetic conditions during
growth (Cu but not Cr films at room temperature), indicating
that the film morphology during the nucleation stage also affects
the resulting column tilt (Fig. 3). A phenomenological model
that explains, qualitatively, the column tilt accounting for atomic
shadowing at different nucleation characteristics has been suggested. Reference: V. Elofsson et al., “Tilt of the columnar microstructure in off-normally deposited thin films using highly ionized
vapor fluxes”, submitted for publication.
Synthesis of wear-resistant, anti-reflective coatings using
material physics
Fig. 4. Hardness, mass density and the H content of the a-C: H thin films
grown using 5% acetylene in the gas mixture and the equal fractions of
HiPIMS and DCMS powers. The total average power used was 50 W while the
total pressure of 2 Pa was used.
We have used HiPIMS to synthesize Al-Si-O wear-resistant
antireflective coatings. Broad band anti-reflective multilayer
coatings require the use of a low-index material at the top
position. Normally SiO2 is used which exhibits sufficiently low
refractive index (~1.5 at 550 nm) yet its low hardness (~10 GPa)
hinders its application in abrasive environments. A strategy to
circumnavigate these limitations is the synthesis of multicomponent materials that combine good mechanical and optical
performance. We synthesize Al-Si-O films seeking to combine
the low refractive index of SiO2 and the relatively high hardness
of Al2O3. HiPIMS is used to enhance film properties, such as
density and hardness. The work is performed in the framework
of the EU project NoScratch (Grant agreement no 286697) in
which our group is one of the RTD performers.
HiPIMS – Reactive Sputtering
Awards 2012
Discharge current behavior in reactive HiPIMS
In a more recent work, we investigated the behavior of the
discharge current in reactive HiPIMS processes of metal-oxides
(Ti-O and Al-O). The investigations were carried out by measuring the ionic contributions of the sputtering and reactive gas
ions (Ar1+ and O1+ respectively), sputtered metal ions (Ti1+
and Al1+) as well as material-dependent properties (secondary electron emission yield and partial sputtering yield), to the
discharge current. The ionized flux of the plasma species, Ar1+,
O1+, Ti1+ and Al1+ was obtained by measuring the time-averaged
and time-resolved ion energy distribution functions using ion
mass spectrometry while the secondary electron emission and
partial sputtering yields were obtained by performing TRIDYN
It was found that the observed increase in the discharge current in the oxide mode is due to the substantial contribution of
O1+ ions to the discharge current while the source of these O1+
ions is the sputtering target rather than the gas phase.
Reference: M. Aiempanakit et al., “Understanding the discharge current behavior in reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering of oxides”, submitted for publication.
• Asim Aijaz received the first Young Scholar Award at the
International Conference on Diamond and Related Materials
(ICDCM) 2012, Granada, Spain for his research on the synthesis of amorphous carbon thin films using HiPIMS.
Invited lectures given during 2012
• U. Helmersson, The use of highly ionized pulsed plasmas for
the synthesis of advanced thin films and nanoparticles, 68th
IUVSTA workshop, “Multifunctional Surface Engineering for
Advanced Energy Applications”, December 9-13, 2012. City
University of Hong Kong.
• U. Helmersson, Opportunities using HiPIMS, The 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Sept. 10-14,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Tutorial presentation
Spin-off companies generated from the group:
• TiÅ AB, 2012
• Ionautics AB, 2010
• PlasmAdvance AB, 2007
Academic and industrial collaboration partners (outside
the department) in on-going projects or joint publications in 2012:
• Prof. J.T. Gudmundsson and co-workers, Science Institute,
University of Iceland.
• Drs. T. Kubart T. Nyberg and prof. S. Berg, Uppsala University.
• Prof. H. Kersten and co-workers, Kiel University, Germany.
• Prof. M.A. Raadu, KTH, Stockholm.
• Profs. J.E. Greene and I. Petrov, University of Illionois, USA.
• Dr. H. Ljungcrantz, Impact Coatings AB, Sweden.
• Prof. Ulf Jansson, Uppsala University, Sweden.
• Dr. E. Lewin, EMPA, Zürich, Switzerland.
• Prof. T. Minea and co-workers, Université Paris-Sud, France.
• Prof. J. M. Schneider, and co-workers, Materials Chemistry,
RWTH Achen University, Germany.
• Dr. S. Kassavetis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
• Prof. G. Abadias, Département Physique et Mécanique des
Matériaux CNRS - Université de Poitiers - ENSMA, France.
• The group is also involved in industrial collaboration with
companies in Sweden, Finland, France and Japan.
Fig. 5. Typical discharge current waveforms in the metal (Ar) and oxide mode
of HiPIMS (Ar+O2) for (a) Ti and (b) Al sputtering targets. There is a striking
difference in both the rise time and the peak current value between the two
modes. The pulsing frequency was constant (50 Hz), the pulse length was
300 μs, and the target diameter was 100 mm. The average discharge power
was varied between 100 and 400 W.
IFM activity report 2012
Semiconductor Materials
Professors: Erik Janzén, Per Olof Holtz, Leif Johansson, Peder Bergman, Anne Henry, Nguyen Tien Son, Rozitsa Yakimova (emerita), Bo Monemar (emeritus).
Associate professors (docents): Vanya Darakchieva, Urban Forsberg, Carl Hemmingsson, Ivan Ivanov, Anelia Kakanakova-Georgiev,
Fredrik Karlsson, Olle Kordina, Plamen Paskov, Henrik Pedersen, Mikael Syväjärvi, Qamar ul Wahab, Chariya Virojanadara.
Assistant professors: Jawad ul-Hassan, Gholamreza Yazdi.
Post docs: Philip Hens, Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Jianwu Sun,
Somsakul Watcharinyanon..
Visiting scientists: Heung Taek Bae, Japie Engelbrecht, Lin-Chin Hung, Kotaro Kawahara, Ickchan Kim, Kazushiro Nomura, Shakila Bint Reyaz, Nebiha Ben Sedrine,
Zhou Shuai, Einar Sveinbjörnsson, Rie Togashi, Qing Xiang Zhao.
PhD students: Supaluck Amloy, Chamseddine Bouhafs, Ian Booker, Jr-Tai Chen, Mihails Cubarovs, Daniel Dufåker, Martin Eriksson, Sadia Muniza Faraz, Andreas Gällström, Chih-Wei Hsu, Tomas Jemson, Valdas Jokubavicius, Xun Li, Louise Lilja, Anders Lundskog, Björn Lundqvist, Björn Magnusson, Daniel Nilsson, Susanna Stammbach, Pontus Stenberg, Pitsiri Sukhaew, Xuan Thang Trinh, Thien Duc Tran., Remigijus Vasiliauskas, Chao Xia, Mengyao Xie, Milan Yazdanfar.
Others: Annop Ektarawong, Tihomir Iakimov, Rickard Liljedahl.
Administrative/Technical staff: Eva Wibom, Sven Andersson,
Roger Carmesten. 2. Summary of activities
The research activities in the Semiconductor Materials Division
cover a broad spectrum, dominated by basic research. The projects are mainly funded by external agencies, partly with direct
industry collaboration. There is a strong international cooperation within most research projects. The present research program can be divided into the following partly overlapping areas:
• Preparation and characterization of epitaxial films and bulk
material of semiconductors with chemical vapor deposition
(CVD), and sublimation techniques, with a strong emphasis
on SiC and III-nitrides. The characterization includes surface
and interface properties, structural properties, optical properties and transport properties.
• Investigation of properties of dopants and defects in a large
variety of semiconductors, including structural as well as electronic properties. The latter covers bulk, surface and interface
defects, with several techniques including laser spectroscopy
and magnetic resonance. • Preparation and investigation of the electronic properties of
semiconductor quantum structures and nanostructures such
as heterostructures, quantum wells, quantum wires and dots,
and superlattices, with various spectroscopic techniques in
several material systems.
• Studies of the electronic structure of III-nitride materials
including defects and doping.
• Fabrication and characterization of graphene on SiC.
• Development of GaN and AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures for
high-frequency power devices and Al-rich AlGaN heterostructures for laser diodes (LDs) and light emitting diodes (LEDs)
in the UV (<400 nm) and deep UV (DUV, <300 nm) spectra
improved spectroscopy, enhanced thermal conductivity, and
for quantum computing studies.
Research activities in this division during 2012 have produced
73 papers published in high quality international journals, 26
conference proceedings papers with peer review and 3 review
articles/book chapters. During the year, 15 invited talks were
given by the staff at international conferences or symposia. The
researchers of the division are well cited in international journals, the SCI citations of papers cited for the researchers in the
division cover more than 22000 ISI citations.
The highlights of the research work are presented at our website: An updated list of publications
2012 can be searched in Linköping University (LiU) data base:
te&organisation=semiconductor materials&from=2012&until=2013
The turnover for research in our division was about 57.9 MSEK during the period 120101-121231, excluding equipment
grants. The major part of this budget comes from external
sources. The faculty support for research was about 8 MSEK
for the year. External grants originate mainly from the Swedish
Research Council (VR), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW), the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF),
Swedish Energy Agency, European Defence Agency (EDA/
FMV) and EU. In addition there is a strong support from and an
intimate cooperation with several industries, mainly LG Innotek,
Norstel AB and Aixtron AB, and with the Defense Research
Institute FOI. The Division was during 2012 engaged in several European
research projects and Nordic project:
Manga and EuSiC are two large-scale joint multinational
initiatives of leading system houses and research laboratories in
Europe aiming at the development of independent and state-ofthe-art capability in GaN HEMT technology. The goal of EuSiC is
to develop high quality European GaN-Wafer on SiC substrates
for space applications and to create an independent European
supply chain for space technology.
NORLED– The N-Inner project with partners from Sweden,
Denmark, Germany and Norway explores fluorescent silicon carbide for light emitting properties. A paper that describes the new
research was included in the Physica Scripta Highlights of 2012.
This collection celebrates the most influential research published
in the journal from the last 12 months.
LG-Innotek– The project, which is sponsored by LG Innotek
and the State of South Korea, strives to develop uniform epitaxial
layers for power device material on 4” wafers using the chlorinated epitaxial process that has been studied here for several years.
The first phase (three years) of the project has been concluded
and the next phase is about to commence. During the coming
phase the focus will be on reducing the density of structural
defects that are harmful to the device performance and increase
and control the carrier lifetime of the material which is an essential part in the fabrication of bipolar devices.
A major part of the KAW project is devoted to isotope enriched
SiC mainly for improved thermal conductivity. Isotope enriched
SiC layers manifest a number of interesting properties useful for
scientific and industrial applications. Among them is a very narrow linewidth in optical characterization which enables detailed
measurements of defect centers. Another interesting phenomenon of the enriched layers is that they exhibit significantly higher
thermal conductivity due to a reduced isotope scattering process
in the material. We produced a number of isotope enriched
epitaxial layers which we used to measure thermal conductivity on. The measurements told us that we indeed could see a
substantial improvement in thermal conductivity yet we have not
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
• Growth and characterization isotope enriched SiC layers for
material physics
yet been able to firmly establish the magnitude of the increase
as compared to natural SiC. In light of the favorable outcome
of these experiments we managed to secure a larger amount of
enriched precursor gas to continue our experiments. A new reactor which is specially designed to reduce contamination from
foreign isotopes is being constructed.
The SSF project SiC – the Material for Energy-Saving Power
Electronics started in 2012 and is focussed on determining,
understanding and improving material related issues in SiC
epitaxy and gate dielectrics, which today are the limiting factors
for the SiC power device technology. The project includes: (i)
Understanding and control of carrier lifetime limiting defects
in SiC material and devices, (ii) Characterisation and identification of device-critical epitaxial defects, (iii) Investigation novel
alternative gate dielectrics and novel fabrication techniques, (iv)
Develop on-axis and/or low-off angle epitaxy for power device applications and (v) Develop Cl-based epitaxy for high growth rates.
Three PhD students (Remigijus Vasiliauskas, Anders Lundskog, Mengyao Xie) and four diploma works graduated in 2012.
The Division is very active in teaching and has the responsibility
for about 20 undergraduate and graduate courses at IFM.
3. Highlights
Chloride-based CVD growth of Silicon Carbide for
Electronic Applications
A review paper on chloride-based SiC CVD was published in the
highly renowned journal Chemical Reviews, highest ranked journal in the field of multidisciplinary chemistry (the 2011 impact
factor is 40.197). This is the first review of the field of chloridebased CVD for SiC. [H. Pedersen et al., Chemical Reviews 112,
2434 (2012)].
Low temperature CVD of boron-carbon films for neutron detectors
To enable CVD for the production of the novel neutron detectors
based on the isotope 10B suggested by the European Spallation
Source (ESS), novel low temperature CVD routes are needed.
The neutron detectors will be based on aluminum, setting an upper temperature limit of 600°C and preventing the use of BCl3
as boron precursor. We have demonstrated the synthesis of thin,
amorphous, boron-carbon films, with density and stochiometry
close to B4C, at ≤ 600 °C by thermally activated CVD using the
organoborane triethylboron, B(C2H5)3, (TEB) as single precursor. [H. Pedersen et al., Chem. Vap. Deposition 18, 221 (2012)]
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional SEM image of a BxC film deposited on a silicon substrate at 600 °C in an argon atmosphere.
IFM activity report 2012
A novel high-power pulse PECVD method
A novel plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) technique has been
developed in order to combine energetic particle bombardment and high plasma densities found in ionized PVD with the
advantages from PECVD such as a high deposition rate and the
capability to coat complex and porous surfaces. Ionized plasma
is generated above the substrate by means of a hollow cathode
discharge sustained in direct current (DC) mode, or in highpower pulsed (HiPP) mode using short pulses of a few tens of
micro second. [H. Pedersen et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 206, 4562
Growth of semiconductor quality 3C-SiC
Cubic SiC was grown by a sublimation method. Bulk like material demonstrated that the 3C-SiC can reach similar quality like
commercial hexagonal SiC. As an ultimate device property, in a
760 µm thick material the measured carrier lifetime is 8.2 μs,
which is comparable with the best carrier lifetime in 4H-SiC layers. [J.W. Sun et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 252101 (2012)].
Shockley-Frank stacking faults in 6H-SiC
Shockley-Frank stacking faults (SFs) identified in 6H-SiC by a
combination of low temperature photoluminescence and high
resolution transmission electron microscopy. In the faulted area,
stacking faults manifested as large photoluminescence emissions bands located in between the 6H-SiC signal (at ~ 2.99 eV)
and the 3C-SiC bulk-like one (at ~ 2.39 eV). Each of the stacking
fault related emission band had a four-fold structure coming
from the TA, LA, TO and LO phonon modes of 3C-SiC [J. W. Sun
et al., J. Appl. Phys. 111, 113527 (2012)].
Negative-U System of Carbon Vacancy in 4H-SiC.
Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), energy levels of
the carbon vacancy (VC) in 4H-SiC and its negative-U properties
have been determined. Combining EPR and deep-level transient
spectroscopy, the two most common defects in as-grown 4HSiC–the Z1/2 lifetime-limiting defect and the EH7 deep defect–
have been identified to be related to the double acceptor (2-|0)
and single donor (0|+) levels of VC, respectively. [N.T. Son et al.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 187603 (2012)].
The influence of substrate morphology on thickness uniformity and
unintentional doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC
A major part of the research related to graphene on SiC prepared by high temperature sublimation has been focused on
understanding the effect of the graphene surface morphology
on its properties. Monolayer and bilayer graphene has been
investigated. Effect of environment conditions has been studied
as well. [J. Eriksson et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 241607 (2012); F.
Giannazzo et al., Phys. Rev. B 86, 234422 (2012)]
Nucleation control of cubic silicon carbide on 6H-substrates
It has been demonstrated that when using 6H-SiC substrates
3C-SiC nuclates on a homoepitaxial layer grown prior to the
cubic material. Ones nucleated 3C growth rate becomes higher
than that of the 6H-SiC. Supersaturation has been calculated
via thermal simulation in the growth cell and shown that the
supersaturation non uniformities resulted in 6H-SiC inclusions.
These findings were used to propose proper growth conditions
of high quality bulk-like cubic SiC. Another project was to develop new substrates for optimized epitaxial graphene – cubic SiC
[R. Vasiliauskas et al., Cryst. Growth and Design 12, 197 (2012)].
spectrum is a consequence of a Stranski-Krastanov transition
on a truncated area located at the apex of the hexagonal GaN
pyramid (Fig. 4). [A. Lundskog et al., Nanotechnology 23, 305708
Fig. 4. Sketch of a) curvature and b) SK-dependent growth mechanism of the
QDs together with TEM images.
Fig. 3. LEEM images collected (a) after Si deposition at RT, (b) after 950 C
annealing and (c) after deposited more Si at elevated temperature. The area
marked by red “A” circle show a change of intercalation after annealing via
migration at the defect area (green “C”). The area marked by blue “B” circle
show no change with after deposition and annealing.
Changes in structural and electronic properties of graphene grown on
6H-SiC(0001) induced by Na deposition
The effects of Na deposited on monolayer graphene on SiC(001)
were investigated. The experimental results show that Na prefers
to adsorb on the graphene layer after deposition at room temperature. A fully Na intercalation at the graphene-SiC interface
was obtained after heating at about 75 ºC. Interestingly, the two
bands show different locations of the Dirac point after heating
and both exhibit linear dispersion in the vicinity of the point and
not the hyperbolic dispersion observed for AB stacked bi-layer
graphene. [S. Watcharinyanon et al., J. Appl. Phys. 111, 083711
On the polarized emission from exciton complexes in
GaN quantum dots
The optical linear polarization properties of exciton complexes in
asymmetric Stranski-Krastanov grown GaN quantum dots have
been investigated experimentally and theoretically. It was demonstrated that the polarization angle and the polarization degree
can be conveniently employed to associate certain emission lines
in the recorded photoluminescence spectra to a specific dot (Fig.
5). The theory further predicts that the polarization degree can
provide information about the charge state of the dot. [ S.Amloy
et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 021901 (2012)].
Fig. 5. (a) Polarization resolved μPL spectra of GaN QDs recorded for different
angles of the linear polarization analyzer. (b,c) Polar plots of the integrated
peak intensities of the emission lines XX, X, A and B as a function of the polarization angle along with curve fittings. X and XX originates from the same
QD, while both A and B originate from different QDs.
Fig. 2. π-band dispersion around the k-point recorded from a) monolayer
graphene, b) after Na deposition and c) after heating at 75 C.
Formation of nitride based pyramidal dots
InGaN quantum dots have been fabricated on top of hexagonal
GaN pyramids by selective area growth using hot-wall metal
organic chemical vapor deposition. To understand the growth
mechanism of these InGaN QDs, correlated scanning transmission microscopy (STEM) and micro-photo-luminescence (µPL)
measurements were performed. It is found that the InGaN QDs
giving rise to sharp and well defined emission peaks in µPL
CVD growth of sp2-hybridized rhombohedral boron nitride.
(M. Chubarov, H. Pedersen, H. Högberg, A. Henry). The
epitaxial growth of sp2-hybridized rhombohedral boron nitride
(r-BN) using chemical vapour deposition has been investigated
using ammonia and triethyl boron as precursors and sapphire
as substrate. Hydrogen gas is necessary for the formation of
r-BN, whereas its formation is considerably damped when using argon as the carrier gas. The presence of Si atoms in the
process improves the crystalline quality of the growing film and
contributes to the growth of high quality epitaxial r-BN instead
of less ordered t-BN film. The incorporation efficiency is found
rather low with an accumulation on the surface. [Cryst. Growth
& Design 12, 3215 (2012) and Cryst. Eng. Comm. DOI: 10.1039/
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
Detailed studies of Si intercalation/de-intercalation of graphene on
The intercalation and de-intercalation mechanisms of Si deposited on monolayer graphene grown on SiC(0001) substrates
and after subsequent annealing steps were investigated. After
Si deposition on samples kept at room temperature, small Si
droplets were observed on the surface, but no intercalation can
be detected. Intercalation was revealed to occur at an elevated
temperature of about 800 °C. The Si was found to migrate to
the interface region via defects and domain boundaries. This
observation may provide an answer to the problem of controlling
homogeneous bi-/multilayer graphene growth on nearly perfect
monolayer graphene samples prepared on SiC(0001). [C. Xia et
al., Phys. Rev. B. 85, 045418 (2012)].
material physics
Elastic constants, composition, and piezolectric polarization in
We have reported for the first time a detailed study on the lattice
parameters and stiffness constants of InxAl1−xN and discuss
in detail their deviations from Vegard’s rule, and effects on the
determination of the alloy. We also reported for the first time the
piezoelectric polarization behavior for InxAl1−xN with arbitrary
surface orientations pseudomorphycally grown on GaN and discuss the implications of the deviations from Vegard’s rule in the
lattice parameters and stiffness constants. The detailed discussions provide guidance to experimentalists on the appropriate
approaches to estimate composition and piezoelectric polarization for InxAl1−xN with different compositions, surface
orientations and degrees of strain. [M.-Y. Xie et al., Phys. Rev. B
86, 155310 (2012)].
Fig. 6. Piezoelectric polarization PPZ in InxAl1-xN grown pseudomorphically
on GaN as a function of the inclination angle between the growth plane and
the c-plane, θ, for different compositions, x.
AlN and AlN alloys
We address AlN material growth and doping issues by exploring technologically and scientifically motivated approaches: (i)
implementation of a high-temperature MOCVD process [A.
Kakanakova-Georgiev et al., “Approaches to yield benefits in the
performance of emerging AlN semiconductor” presented at the
XI Brasilian MRS, 23-27 Sept 2012]; (ii) interplay between growth
kinetics and thermodynamics to alter the conditions for point
defects incorporation [“Shallow donor and DX behaviors of Si in
Si-doped AlxGa1-xN (x > 0.70)”, paper nominated for IWN2012
Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, Sapporo, Japan]; and (iii) AlN scalability [E.F. de
Almeida Junior et al., “Defects in hexagonal-AlN sheets by firstprinciples calculations”, [Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 48 (2012)]
Manga & EuSiC
Manga and EuSiC are two large-scale joint multinational initiatives of leading system houses and research laboratories in
Europe aiming at the development of independent and state-ofthe-art capability in GaN HEMT technology. Manga program is
a continuation of the KORRIGAN program with dedication to
build up a European supply chain of GaN HEMT technology.
LiUs participation within Manga is material development with
focus on interface properties between the SiC substrate and the
nitride epilayer and to improve the thermal dissipation. The goal
of EuSiC is to develop high quality European GaN-Wafer on SiC
substrates for space applications and to create an independent
European supply chain for space technology. Linköping University will grow HEMT structures on 3” wafers, which then will
be processed at the European process house, United Monolithic
Semiconductor, UMS in Germany.
IFM activity report 2012
The SSF funded NANO-N consortium
Nitride based quantum dots and wires for optoelectronic applications
The NANO-N consortium is financed within the NANO-X program by SSF. The focus for NANO-N is towards nano structures
made of the wide band gap semiconductors: GaN/AlN/InN
based quantum wires and dots.
The organization of our NANO-N consortium Consortium leader: Prof. Per Olof Holtz
Senior researchers: Prof. Erik Janzén, Prof. Jens Birch, and Prof Lars Ojamäe
Industry/institute mentors: Jan Andersson, Susan Savage, Teresita Kvarnström, Qin Wang, Acreo, Kista and Steven Savage,
FOI, Linköping
Junior researchers: Fredrik Karlsson, Mattias Kula, Urban Forsberg, Maria Lundskog, Ching-Lien Hsiao, Reui-San Chen, Yen-Ting Chen
PhD students: Anders Lundskog, Chi-Wei Hsu, Supaluck Amloy,
Justinas Palisaitas, Muhammad Junaid, Martin Eriksson
Within the NANO-N consortium, financed by SSF, nitride based
quantum dots for optoelectronic applications are investigated.
The focus is towards fabrication and optimization of photon
emitting GaN/InGaN based quantum dots structures.
Within the Nano-N project, the development of deterministic
InGaN quantum dots (QDs) at the apices of GaN pyramids has
been focused. For practical QDs device applications, the QDs
must be positioned in a controllable manner in order to facilitate
efficient device processing. Most InGaN quantum dots reported
up to date, consist of QDs randomly distributed across a planar
sample area. This is a consequence of the Stranski–Krastanov
(SK) growth method, enabling self-assembly of the QDs. The
growth of InGaN QDs at the apex of a hexagonal GaN pyramid is
an elegant site controlled approach, which we have developed in
our hot-wall MOCVD reactor. The reproducibility and performance of these site controlled pyramidal dots have now attained
such a maturity that we can proceed with more detailed investigations of the optical and structural properties of the InGaN dots.
Nitride based pyramidal quantum dots
The GaN pyramids were produced by growing GaN on photolithographically-patterned substrates by means of selective area
growth. On top of these pyramids, a thin InGaN/GaN quantum
well and a GaN capping layer were grown. The growth process
was tuned till the films had state of the art quality structural
quality and comparable with the best InGaN materials presented
in the literature. An InGaN QD is formed at the apex of the GaN
pyramid due to the pronounced (tensile) strain at the apex. Tunable QD emission energy by varying the growth temperature of
the InGaN layers is also demonstrated.
Ternary nitride based nano rods
Ternary Al1-xInxN nanorods have been produced by ultra-highvacuum magnetron sputter epitaxy (MSE) by cosputtering highpurity Al and In targets under ultra-high-pure nitrogen atmosphere. The crystal structure of the nanorods is wurtzite without
mixing zinc-blende phase. Although the Al1-xInxN nanorods
have hexagonal cross-sections in geometry, the nanorods have
phase separation and forms core-shell structure with higher In
content in the core. Furthermore, self-assembled superlattices
(SLs) in the rods were observed. Optical characterization of nitride quantum dots
The formation of individual InGaN QDs grown on GaN micropyramid arrays is evidenced by observing single, sharp, excitonic
emission lines of excitonic origin from various pyramids in the
optical characterization by means of micro-photoluminescence
(μ-PL). These μ-PL spectra demonstrate that our process gives a
better controllability on the dimension and/or the composition
of the dots compared to e.g. conventional SK dots.
zation routes by balance of donors and acceptors, and influence
by 3C stacking faults in the material. The network proposed a
symposium on “Alternative approaches of SiC and related wide
bandgap materials in light emitting and solar cell applications”
which was accepted at the E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting. The
collaboration initiated a previously unexplored research area of
cubic silicon carbide for a highly efficient solar cell by impurity
4. Collaborations
We have active collaboration with more than 30 research groups
and industries in Europe, USA, Asia, America, Australia and
material physics
Electron microscopy on nitride pyramidal quantum dots
The superior spatial resolution and analytical capacity of the electron microscope has been employed to analytically investigate
nitride quantum structures with a spatial resolution below 1 nm.
Currently, we have investigated the pyramidal structures, in particular the truncated area of the pyramid on which is crucial for
the formation of the quantum dots. By means of the world class
electron microscopy in Linköping, these understandings will be
employed to investigate in detail the localization, segregation
and diffusion of quantum structures throughout the remaining
Surface and
Semiconductor Physics
Professors: Göran Hansson, Head of Department
Roger Uhrberg, Head of Division
Wei-Xin Ni
Post-Docs: Jacek Osiecki
Ph.D. students: Hafiz Muhammad Sohail
Adm/Techn. staff: Kerstin Vestin, adm. asst., Karl-Olof Brolin,
research eng., Chun-Xia Du, senior research eng., Ph. D.
Fig. 7. µPL spectrum of a GaN pyramid with an InGaN quantum dot on the
top of the pyramid.
Industrial Research Project with LG Innotek
During 2010, a large collaborative effort between Semiconducting Materials and LG Innotek was started. The project, which is
sponsored by LG Innotek and the State of South Korea, strives to
develop uniform epitaxial layers for power device material on 4”
wafers using the chlorinated epitaxial process that has been studied here for several years. For this purpose LG Innotek placed a
new commercial CVD reactor at LiU that can effortlessly handle
4” wafers. The full project is anticipated to last for 9 years split
into three stages. In total the research funding to the Semiconducting Materials group is worth 20 MSEK not counting the
CVD reactor. Researchers from LG Innotek are here at LiU to
learn the fundamentals of CVD and to study the chlorinated
NORLED – Northern Light Emitting Diode Initiative (M Syväjärvi,
R Yakimova).
NORLED ( is a project funded by Nordic
Energy Research. It explores a new research area of light emission from silicon carbide. The light properties have the potential
to lead to a white LED for general lighting, as it is able to deliver
a pure white light or a warm white LED. Besides it has the advantage that it does not use a phosphor and rare earth metals. In
2012, the research findings lead several discoveries about optimi-
The research within the division of Surface and Semiconductor
Physics includes the following fields. Firstly, basic studies are
made of the electronic and atomic structure of semiconductor surfaces, either clean or with well-characterized overlayers.
Foreign atoms on a surface may result in a large variation of
ordered atomic structures, i.e., surface reconstructions. Physical
properties like metallic or semiconducting surface conductance
may depend on what reconstruction is formed. Various physical
properties are studied using a range of different techniques. The
most important one is photoelectron spectroscopy from which
one can obtain a complete determination of the surface electronic structure. These studies are performed at the synchrotron
radiation facility, MAX-lab in Lund, Sweden. Another important
technique that we use is scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
that provides information about the atomic structure of the different surfaces. A variable temperature STM (Omicron) in our
lab at IFM is the major instrument used for these studies. Over
the period of several years we have also built up an experience
in theoretical studies of various systems. We find the capability
to do both experimental and theoretical studies quite important.
It gives us the advantage that we can approach a problem from
both the experimental and theoretical side to obtain a complete
picture of the electronic and atomic structure.
Within this field, the division was supported by the Swedish
Research Council (VR) as Roger Uhrberg has one research grant
for studies of the atomic and electronic structure of semiconductor surfaces.
Secondly, there are studies, development and application of
silicon-based molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), which is a crystal
growth technique to produce advanced semiconductor structures
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
for fundamental physics and device studies. We have also built
up competence and process capability for the development of
some device modules like SiGe-heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) for applications in optoelectronics and rf technologies.
Within this field, Wei-Xin Ni has recently gained one research
grant from VR for studies of the silicon epitaxy on silicide
templates for applications in extremely high frequency HBT
We are extensive users of the synchrotron radiation facility
MAX-lab in Lund and over the years we have built up experimental equipment at two different beam lines. One of us, Uhrberg,
is working actively with the angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) beam line, which is one of the first seven to be
built at MAX IV. The beam line, which will be located at the 1.5
GeV ring, has received a funding of 70.2 MSEK.
The division has during the year been responsible for the following undergraduate courses for students within the Engineering
Programs and the International Masters Program on Material
Science: TFYA38 Optoelectronics (Ni), TFYA25 Physics of Condensed Matter, part II (Uhrberg). The Ph. D. course Solid State
Physics I was given by Uhrberg.
1) The structural and electronic properties of the two-dimensional Sn/Ag/Ge(111)3x3 surface alloy has been studied. This is a
rare example of a system that forms a well ordered, one atomic
layer thick, alloy. Experimental techniques like low energy
electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
(ARPES) are complementary, and they combined provide both
electronic and atomic structure information. Figures 1a and 1b
present filled and empty state STM images of the same area of
the 3x3 structure, respectively. The STM images are representations of the density of states within the energy range set by the
tunneling voltage. The parallelograms drawn in Figs. 1a and
1b outline the unit cell that is nine times as large as that of the
substrate. The filled state image is dominated by one protrusion while the empty state image show two protrusions per
unit cell. Each protrusion in the filled state images corresponds
to several Sn and/or Ag atoms. The electronic structure
that gives rise to the STM images can be studied in detail by
ARPES. Fig. 1c shows the intriguing Fermi surface consisting
of overlapping triangles at every K-point and a complex shape
at G. The electronic bands that disperse across the Fermi level
have a free electron like shape, with a high electron velocity.
These steep bands, with almost linear dispersion, are clearly
seen in Figs. 1d and 1e.
IFM activity report 2012
Fig. 1. a) and b) show filled and empty state STM images of the Sn/Ag/
Ge(111)3x3 surface alloy, respectively. c) Fermi surface of the surface alloy. d)
and e) Surface band dispersions along the symmetry direction in b). The Fermi
surface is formed by the uppermost, steeply dispersing, bands.
2) Following the earlier success in fabricating RF- and photonictransistors using Si/SiGe-heterojunction structures made by
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) with improved performance,
the group continues its effort in making Si-based epitaxial
layer structures for advanced device applications. A growth
technique has been recently developed, which enables the
epitaxial growth of Si layers on some silicide templates.
Si-on-silicides or vice versa are highly interested for many device
applications, in particular, SiGe-heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) to operate at extremely high frequencies, e.g., with
a fmax value beyond the 0.5 THz forecast of the International
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). One obstacle
that blocks research was occurrence of the Si 3D growth due
to a result of strong local distortion and a large bond-energy
difference between Si and metal atoms, although the crystalline
structures are similar with a very small lattice mismatch between
Si and some silicides, e.g., CoSi2 (a0=5.364 Å compared to
a0=5.430 Å for Si) and NiSi2 (a0=5.406 Å).
In our approach, the growth experiments were carried out on
the patterned Si substrate, supplied by Uppsala University, with
6-nm thick Co1-xNixSi2 strips of 1-10 μm in width. With an elaborate in situ surface cleaning process using a Si beam, and the
substrate temperature modulation during growth to trade off the
nucleation rate and dislocation propagation, defect-free Si layers
with a thickness below 10 nm have been successfully grown on
Co1-xNixSi2 strips. The interface between Si and silicate was very
flat and coherent, as evidenced by high-resolution transmission
electron microscopy.
The group has also recently initiated some research activities
aiming at developing the techniques that can produce an oxide
layer on silicon-carbide (SiC) with improved interface properties and a high dielectric strength. By investigating the detailed
chemical processes involved during the oxidation of SiC, we pro-
1. Scientific program committee of the 8th International Conference on Si Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSi-8, Fukuoka, Japan
on June 2-7, 2013). Ni.
2. Scientific program committee of the 14th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-14,
Gyeongju, Korea, June 30-July 5, 2013). Uhrberg.
1. Prof. Wei-Xin Ni is currently an appointed associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
There is extensive collaboration with other groups at IFM for
the characterization of MBE-grown structures, in particular the
divisions of Semiconductor Materials and Thin Film Physics. External collaboration has been done with, e.g., groups at Johannes
Kepler Universitaet (Prof. G. Bauer, Dr. T. Fromherz), HeriotWatt University (Prof. C. Pidgeon), National Nano Device Labs in
Taiwan (Drs. M.-N. Chang and J.-M. Shieh), Sichuan Institute of
Solid State Circuits (Dr. K.-C. Li), Tsinghua University (Dr. D.-G.
LiU). In projects involving synchrotron radiation we collaborate
with Dr. K. Sakamoto, Chiba University, Japan.
Master thesis work:
Yu-Wei Chiu: Novel method of SiC oxidation for the improvement of interface properties, June 2012.
Thin Film Physics
Lars Hultman, Head of Division
Jens Birch, Deputy Head
Esteban Broitman, Guest Prof., Carnegie-Mellon
Michel Barsoum, Guest Prof., Drexel University
Joseph E. Greene, Guest Prof., University of Illinois
Anne Henry (from 2013)
Ivan Petrov, Guest Prof., University of Illinois
Associate Professors / Lecturers
Johanna Rosén, Senior Lecturer, Docent, Deputy Head
Valeriu Chirita, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Per Eklund, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Fredrik Eriksson, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Gueorgui Gueorguiev, Lecturer, Docent
Hans Högberg, Senior Lecturer, VR Researcher, Docent
Jens Jensen, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Martin Magnuson, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Per Persson, Senior Lecturer, VR Researcher, Docent
Galia Pozina, Senior Lecturer, Docent
Assistant Professors / Researchers
Björn Alling, Docent
Grzegorz Greczynski
Ching-Lien Hsiao
Carina Höglund, ESS AB
Jun Lu
Lars-Åke Näslund
Per Sandström
material physics
posed a new means to pre-treat the carbide surface, followed by
the oxidation of a Si-based layer at low temperature. The initial
results are positive, and we will continue the activities, in order
to achieve a technology that would be used for manufacturing
SiC-MOSFETs for power electronic applications. Post Docs
Yen Ting James Chen, Natl Tsing Hua Univ Taiwan
Axel Flink, Impact Coatings AB
Andrej Furlan, Uppsala University and Linköping Univ.
Magnus Garbrecht, CAU Kiel and Technion Israel
Árni Sigurdur Ingason, University of Iceland
Petru Lunca Popa, Univ. Strasbourg, now U. Paris-Sud
Biplab Paul, IIT, Kharagpur
György Zoltán Radnoczi, MFA, Hungarian Acad. Sci.
Jeremy Leroy Schroeder, Purdue University
Mark Tucker, University of Sydney
Igor Zhirkov, Tomsk State University
PhD Students
Konstantinos Bakoglidis
Mikhail Chubarov (from 2013)
Martin Dahlqvist, Licentiate
Daniel Edström
Annop Ektarawong (from 2013)
David Engberg
Anders Eriksson, Licentiate
Hanna Fager, Licentiate
Amie Fallqvist
Mathias Forsberg
Cecilia Goyenola
Joseph Halim, also at Drexel University, USA
Mewlude Imam
Lars Johnson, PhD 2012, now at Sandvik AB
Linda Karlsson
Sit Kerdsongpanya, Licentiate
Ali Khatibi, Licentiate
Sergey Khromov, Licentiate
Hanna Kindlund
Chung-Chuan Lai
Ludvig Landälv (from 2013), Ind. PhD Stu-dent, Sandvik
Aurelija Mockute, Licentiate
Junaid Muhammad, Licentiate
Marlene Mühlbacher (from 2013) also Leoben Univ.
Simon Olsson, Licentiate
Justinas Palisaitis, Licentiate
Andrejs Petruhins
Davide Sangiovanni, Licentiate
Susann Schmidt, Licentiate
Steffen Sønderby, Licentiate, Ind. PhD Stu-dent, DTI
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
Lina Tengdelius
Olof Tengstrand, Licentiate
Christopher Tholander
Andreas Thore
Agne Zukauskaite, Licentiate
Administrative and Technical Staff
Kirstin Kahl, Division Coordinator, AFM Coordinator
Camilla Karlsson, Division Coordinator, Linné Coord.
Inger Eriksson, Division Coordinator, retired 2012
Therese Dannetun, FunMat Vinnex Center Coordinator
Sven Andersson, 1st Research Engineer
Karl-Olof Brolin, Research Engineer, retired 2012
Thomas Lingefelt, 1st Research Engineer
Harri Savimäki, Research Engineer
Aims and Vision
We conduct application-inspired basic research on thin films
to fundamentally understand the atomistic nature of materials
properties and behavior and learn how to make materials perform better through new methods of synthesis and processing. Emphasis is put on the relationships between growth from the
vapor phase, microstructure and properties of advanced functional materials. We thus extend the frontiers of materials and
nanosciences to expand the scientific foundations for the development of materials. Our research concerns unsurpassed design
of new multi-functional materials for engineering, electronics,
and the life sciences. Results are explored in collaboration with
industry and the properties of structures unique to thin films
form the basis for new and improved materials and processes.
We further seek novel phases and structures, as well as discovering materials phenomena.
Research Program
Our research concerns the materials science and nanotechnology of thin films. It is aimed at increasing the understanding of
vapor phase deposition, ion-surface interactions, and reactions in
advanced materials. Specifically, we probe into the nature of epilayers, textured thin films, and nanoscale materials. Model systems include transition metal nitrides, wide-band gap nitrides,
multifunctional ceramics (MAX phases; e.g., Ti3SiC2, Ti2AlN),
nanocomposites, superlattices, fullerene-like compounds, low
dimensional phases, cluster-assembled materials, and multilayers. The core techniques operated and developed by the Thin
Film Physics Division are:
• Magnetron Sputter Epitaxy
• HIPIMS, in particular hybrid techniques
• Cathodic Arc, incl pulsed filtered
• Electron Microscopy: Cs-corrected, FIB, CL
• X-ray Diffraction, incl. RSM
• Nanotribology
• Ab initio Calc., incl Synthetic Growth Concept
• Molecular dynamics simulations
VR Linnaeus Grant, LiLi-NFM
Vinnova Excellence Center, FunMat
KAW-Project: Isotopic Control for Ultimate Materials
(Janzén, Abrikosov, Birch, Hultman)
VR/RÅC Frame Program Materials Science
using High-Energy X-Rays (Birch)
Individual Research Project Grants
- EU-FP7NMP: Life-Long Joints; SiNx Coat-ings for Improved
Implant Function (Hultman, Högberg)
- VR Special Researcher Electron Microsc (Persson) - VR Special Researcher + Boride Project (Högberg) - VR MXenes - 2D Ceramics (Barsoum, Hultman) - VR Selforganized nanostructures (Hultman)
- VR Ternary III-nitride nanostructures (Hsiao)
- VR Diffusion in Ceramic Films (Hultman)
- VR Design of Nanolaminated Films (Rosén)
- VR ScN-based films for thermoelectrics (Eklund)
- VR Atomically resolved electr. prop. (Persson)
- VR Design of Nanostr. Materials (Gueorguiev)
- VR Theory of neutron-sensitive films (Alling)
- EnergyAgency: On-axis epitaxial SiC (Henry)
- Nordforsk PhD Fuel Cell Electrolytes (Eklund)
- Nordic Innovation Centre “Thin-SOFC” (Eklund)
- EnergyAgency: Defects physics in GaN (Pozina)
- ÅPF: Development of hybrid LEDs (Pozina)
- Carl Trygger: Defects in nanostr. GaN (Pozina)
- Carl Trygger: Ion Beam Synthesis (Jensen)
- Carl Trygger: BN epitaxial CVD growth (Henry)
- STINT Cluster-assembled materials (Gueorguiev)
Undergraduate Courses Offered
TFYA21 Materials Science (Hultman)
TFYA50 CDIO – Computational Physics (Chirita)
TFYA53 Computational Physics (Chirita)
TFFM 40Analytical Methods in Mtrl Sci. (Eriksson)
TFYA43 Nanotechnology (Birch)
NFYA04 Nano Scientific Project (Rosén)
TFYA17 Advanced Project Appl. Phys. (Eklund)
TFEI71 Electr. Measurem. Systems (Sandström)
TFMT13 Measurement Technology (Sandström)
TFMT16 Computers in Measurem. Syst. (Sandström)
TSTE05 (IFM) Electr. & Meas. Tech. (Sandström)
Graduate Courses Offered
Synchrotron Radiation (Magnuson)
Ion Beam Analysis of Condensed Matter (Jensen)
Fundamentals of Ceramics (Barsoum)
Nucleation and Growth (Greene, Birch, and Hultman)
Vacuum Science and Technology (Eklund)
Electron Microscopy (Persson)
X-ray Diffraction (Birch and Eriksson)
Individual Excellence Grants
- ERC Advanced Grant (Hultman)
- ERC Starting Grant (Rosén)
- KAW-Scholar (Hultman)
- KAW Academy Fellow (Rosén)
- SSF Ingvar Carlsson Award (Eklund)
- Vinnova Vinnmer: III-N nanostructures (Pozina)
- VR Break-Through Research Grant (Pozina)
Lars Johnson, Inside The Miscibility Gap: Nanostructuring and
Phase Transformations in Hard Nitride Coatings
Muhammad Junaid, Magnetron Sputter Epitaxy of GaN Epilayers
and Nanorods
Justinas Pališaitis, Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of IIINitride Semiconductors
Center-of-Excellence and Coordinated Grants
- Strategic Grant (SFO) in Materials Science, AFM
- SSF Synergy Grant, FunCase
Hanna Fager, Growth and Characterization of Amorphous TiAlSiN
and HfAlSiN Thin Films
Sit Kerdsongpanya, Scandium Nitride Thin Films for Thermoelectrics
Sergey Khromov, The Effect of Mg Doping on Optical and Struc-
PhD Theses in 2012
Licentiate Theses in 2012
IFM activity report 2012
tural Properties of GaN
Aurelija Mockutė, Thin Film Synthesis and Characterization of New
MAX Phase Alloys
Simon Olsson, Approximant Phases in Quasicrystalline AlCuFe Thin
Susann Schmidt, Carbon based Thin Films Prepared by HiPIMS
and DCMS
Steffen Sønderby, Physical Vapor Deposition of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia and Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Thin Films for Fuel Cell Applications
Olof Tengstrand, Me-Si-C (Me= Nb, Ti or Zr): Nanocomposite and
Amorphous Thin Films
Agnė Žukauskaitė, Metastable YAlN and ScAlN thin films: growth
and characterization
• Together with researchers of ESS AB we presented a method
to produce thin films of 10B4C, with maximized detection efficiency, intended to be part of a new generation of large area
neutron detectors.
J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 104908.
• We found by ab initio calculations and synthetic growth that
fullerene-like sulfocarbide (FL-CSx) is structured for 10-20
at.% S. Both quasi-planar networks and cage-like conformations form, but bond rotation and cross-linking have a minor
role. J. Phys. Chem 116 (2012) 21124
Special Events in 2012
Johanna Rosén appointed KAW Fellow
Per Eklund Senior Lecturer
VR Break-Through Grant to Galia Pozina
Dr Galia Pozina winner of the IVA Engineering Sciences
”Mentor 4Research” Prize – a catalysts for Commercialization
Lars Hultman winner of the Junior Faculty Prize 2012 at LiU
for supporting the careers of junior researchers, thus creating
a sustainable research environment
Lars Hultman Editor-of-Chief and Per Eklund Editor for Rapid
Communications of VACUUM.
Ching-Lien Hsiao, Per Eklund, and Johanna Rosén received
VR Young Re-searcher Grants
VR Industry Graduate Student (Ludvig Landälv, Sandvik)
Grant to Hultman, Alling and Eklund.
5-year SSF Synergy Grant: Functional Carbides and Advanced
Surface Engineering FunCase.
• Chromium carbide thin films were found to form amor-
phous nanocomposites with non-crystalline CrCx in an
amorphous carbon matrix. Our soft X-ray absorptionemission study performed at MAX-IV Lab. shows additional
peak structures exhibiting non-octahedral coordination and
bonding. J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 24 (2012) 225004.
Scientific Highlights in 2012
• The Division published 72 papers in ACS Nano, Acta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, Chemical Physics Letters,
Crystal Growth and Design, Nanotechnology, Physical Review
B, and Physical Review Letters, et.c.
• We commissioned a Kratos Axis Ultra DLD XPS System
(Porthos). It is a state-of-the-art spectrometer equipped with
monochromatized Al Ka and Ag La photon sources and a lowenergy, low-incidence angle ion sputter gun for high resolution depth profiling of thin films. Instrument is equipped
with the imaging analyzer that is capable of producing chemical state images with <3 mm spatial resolution. An in-situ
heating stage (1000 °C) is available.
• The origin of the anisotropic Seebeck coefficient (thermoelec-
tric effect) in nanolaminated crystals was traced to anisotropies in element-specific electronic states by using polarized
angle-dependent X-ray spectroscopy. Our results explain why
the average Seebeck coefficient of Ti3SiC2 in polycrystals is
negligible over a wide temperature range. Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 195134.
IFM activity report 2012
material physics
Diploma Theses in 2012
Peter Carlsson, Combinatorial Thin Film Synthesis of Cr2AlC; a
Comparison of 2 Sputtering Methods
Kuo Chieh-Yi, Fabrication and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanocrystal/GaN Quan-tum Well Based Hybrid Structures
tronics and Nanotechnology group in Norrköping, We have
used HRTEM together with SAED studied the 3D complex
nanostructure and first time found out a 3D interpenetrated
architecture with (101) twin structure in β-shape nano CuO. Results are published on-line in MRLs.
• We employed a simplex-optimization procedure to predict
material physics
that the hypothetical Nb2GeC MAX phase is stable, after
which we discovered this Nb2GeC phase in theoretically
guided thin film synthesis using magnetron sputtering. This
is the first new 211 MAX phase to be discovered since the
1960s. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 035502.
• In collaboration with Uppsala Univ. and KTH, we have in-
vestigated solid-state-reactions to form nanoelectronic nickel
silicides. Using the Linköping double-corrected Titan3 TEM
we discovered a novel silicide with bcc structure, which is a
metastable intermediate phase and play an important role for
reduced-temperature formation of ultrathin epitaxial NiSi2
• The structural perfection of fci-ZnMgY single-grain qua-
sicrystals was investigated using XRD and TEM in the
Linköping aberration-corrected Titan3. Reciprocal space
mapping analysis revealed a linear phason strain, which is a
quasi-crystalline specific defect related to atomic rearrangements in the quasi-lattice. TEM revealed an unusually large
phonon strain of up to 5% in film AlCuFeSi quasicrystal
• The distribution of an A element strongly influences the
properties of Me1-xAx Zy, ternary materials, where Me is early
transition metals, A is Al or Si and Z is C or N. We used our
double-corrected Titan3 TEM combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis to study the Si distribution in magnetron
sputtered TiSiNy films grown on TiN-templated MgO(001),
(110), and (111). Si segregation to form SiNz (z ≈ 1) tissue
phases, which promotes formation of epitaxial TiN-enriched
nanocolumns with {110} interfaces and {200} top facets. • We used metastable NaCl-structure TiAlN as a model system
to probe the effects of Al vs. Ti ion irradiation during film
growth employing a hybrid approach combining high-power
pulsed magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) with dc magnetron
sputtering. We showed that Al+ ion flux from HIPIMS target
results in high-AlN content films with high hardness and low
residual stress, unlike the growth assisted by Ti+/Ti2+ ions.
Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2012) 4202
• We used VN as a model system to demonstrate, with experi-
ment and DFT calculations, that refractory VMoN alloys
exhibit not only enhanced hardness, but increased ductility.
The hardness of newly synthesized V0.5Mo0.5N is ~25%
above that of VN. While nanoindented VN and TiN samples suffer from severe cracking typical of brittle ceramics, V0.5Mo0.5N films do not crack. Instead, they exhibit
material pile-up around nanoindents, characteristic of plastic
flow in ductile materials. In addition, the wear resistance of
V0.5Mo0.5N is considerably higher than that of VN.
• CuO nano materials have interesting properties, depending
on their nanostructures. Collaboration with Physical Elec68
IFM activity report 2012

Component: Carina Höglund (ESS), Jens Birch, Lars Hultman
• Patent issued: US 8,157,446 B2 ”Cage for a roller bearing ...”
L. Hultman with SKF AB
• Patent application: Coating of Substrates using HIPIMS:
Lars Hultman, Grzegorz Greczynski with CemCon AG.
• Patent application: Graphene FETsensor, Ruth Pearce, Mike
Andersson, Rositza Yakimova, Lars Hultman, Anita Lloyd
• ABB Corporate Research /Impact Coatings / SP for applications
of MAX phases
• SECO Tools, Sandvik Coromant, Ion Bond, SKF, CemeCon:
research on wear-resistant films and PVD processes
• N-works AB – a spin-off company started 2012 by Jens Birch
and Lars Hultman
• Per Eklund and Sveriges unga akademi (SUA) published in
Theory and Modeling
The program ‘Theory and Modeling (T&M)’ at the Department
of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) includes Theoretical
Physics, Computational Physics, Theoretical Biology, and Bioinformatics. The field of theory and modeling is presently in
a very expansive phase. The reason is the profound and rapid
development of computers, efficient algorithms, software, and
immense databases that we experience today. It offers new and
rich opportunities to solve in realistic ways many important
problems. Moreover most challenging problems for modern science, the discovery of new and clean energy sources,
understanding the structure of the Earth’s core, understanding
mechanisms of protein function, solving the protein folding
problem, and understanding the ecological consequences of
global climate change require truly interdisciplinary efforts.
Only a few years ago the complexity associated with shape,
intricate boundary conditions, different length and time scales,
immense amount of data, etc., simply made it prohibitive to
tackle problems of this kind. Today we consider them with
great success.
The general field of theory and modeling is also becoming
increasingly important because it may supplement expensive
and/or time consuming experiments and product developments with realistic simulations based on mathematical
models, rapid access to large databases, etc. It may also replace
hazardous, dangerous and/or very expensive experiments and
even substitute inaccessible experiments. It is also important to
point out that though the disciplines at T&M represent broad
scientific fields, from physics to biology, they all rely on a common core of mathematical modeling, mathematical/numerical methods, and simulations. The computational problems
usually deal with complex systems that require a wide range of
scientific knowledge: problem formulation, mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, programming for parallel execution,
hardware solutions, tools for analysis and visualization etc.
There are about fifty persons actively engaged in T&M. To
organize common activities within T&M there is a steering
committee, which includes Igor Abrikosov (theoretical physics
and head of theory and modeling), Bo Ebenman (theoretical
biology), Bengt Persson (bioinformatics), and Sven Stafström
(computational physics). Lejla Kronbäck, Anna Sundin, AnnaKarin Stål and Malin Wahlberg acted as administrative assistants. Members of T&M carry out innovative research. In 2012
we published 82 papers in international journals with referee
system. Our papers are well cited. We gave large number of
invited talks at international conferences. Members of T&M are
active in undergraduate and graduate teaching.
IFM is a motivating place for conducting theoretical programs, because it offers close contact with experimental activities and educational programs in engineering and science.
Another important aspect is the access to the computational
facilities and expertise at the National Supercomputer Center
(NSC). In particular, our groups and NSC are actively involved
in Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC). We are actively
participating in the Interdisciplinary Materials Science Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials (AFM). Both, SeRC
and AFM are supported by the Swedish Government. We are
involved in Linnaeus Strong Research Environment supported
by the Swedish Research Council, in Strategic Research Centres “Multifilms”, “Center of Organic Electronics (COE)”, and
FUNCASE supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Also, we are part of FORMAS Strong Research
Environment “Centre of Excellence for Farm Animal Welfare
Research”, as well as projects “Isotopic Control for Ultimate
Material Properties” and “Nanoparticles by Pulsed Plasma” supported by Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation.
T&M represents a broad and interdisciplinary research
program. To find out more about each other research, we
organize annual group meetings, “Theory and Modeling
Day”. In 2012 we met on December 19 (see photo) and
discussed climate modeling. The conference program included a visit and presentations at SMHI (Norrköping) followed by presentations of T&M alumni, working at SMHI,
Christian Asker, Mattias Jakobsson, and Nina Håkansson, as well as a presentation from NSC by Johan Raber.
IFM activity report 2012
Technology Transfer and Interactions
• Granted Patent: Method for Producing a Neutron Detector
surfaces and exactly which residues that interact (cf. Figure
2). This information will improve both docking and structure
prediction. The result for single domain proteins is fantastic, around 70% accuracy given enough sequence homologs
(>1000 seqs).
Bengt Persson, professor
Björn Wallner, senior lecturer
Thabit Alabsi, Masters student
Joel Hedlund, Ph. D., also at NSC
Lejla Kronbäck, administrative assistant
Malin Larsson, Ph. D., BILS expert
Fredrik Lysholm, Ph. D. student
Robert Pilstål, Ph. D. student
Anna-Karin Stål, administrative assistant
Malin Wahlberg, administrative assistant
Linus Östberg, Ph. D. student
Characterisation of protein families
We develop methods and strategies for protein family characterisation, including hidden Markov-model-based classification of the superfamilies of SDRs and MDRs (short-chain and
medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases). (http://www. and
Membrane protein structure prediction
We develop methods that can predict the structure of fairly
complex membrane protein topologies from sequence information alone. We have also extended these methods to utilize
limited structural information such chemical cross-crosslinks,
metal-bridges or predicted interactions to improve these predictions further. Membrane proteins are a class of proteins with a
severe gap between its occurrence in the genomes (30%) and
the fraction of known protein structure (<1%). At the same time
they are highly interesting since they are the gates to the cell
and are involved in a wide variety of functions such as signal
transduction, transport and cell-cell recognition. They are also
the main targets for drugs on the market today. Structural
knowledge for this important class of proteins is crucial to
understand function and to be able to model the effect at the
molecular level of small molecules and drugs.
Figure 1: Structural prediction of two salt-bridges that promotes helical hairpin
membrane insertion. In a recent collaborative effort with experimental groups
in Spain, we used computational modelling to explain mutational data (cf.
Figure 1).
Prediction of protein domain interaction
We are developing methods that utilize the massive amount of
growing sequence data available to find subtle compensatory
single point mutations in protein domain to predict interaction
IFM activity report 2012
Figure 2: Predicted residue contacts in the interface of a two domain protein
highlighted in sticks, domain 1 in cyan and domain 2 in magenta.
Protein model quality assessment
With the rapid increase in computer power it is now easy to
generate thousands of alternative models for a given protein
sequence, using different methods and alternative alignments.
This has transformed the field of protein structure prediction
from predicting one single structure to selecting one structure
for a large set of alternatives. We have pioneered in this field
with both our consensus-based methods (
and with our machine learning based model quality assessment programs, ProQ and ProQM. Our latest version of ProQ,
ProQ2 was ranked no 1 in its class at CASP10, the biennial
community-wide assessment of these methods.
Structural calculations and predictions
We use molecular modelling techniques to study molecular
interactions and sequence variations in relation to structural
changes. This methodology is applied to predict the effects of
mutations in cancer-related proteins.
Facilitating analysis of massive amounts of sequencing data
Bioinformatics methods and strategies have been developed for
usage in large-scale metagenomics projects. These include an
automated highly efficient BLAST search and result analysis
pipeline, a novel alignment algorithm to produce more robust
and accurate results with 454 data, and a new alignment tool
HAXAT, allowing for on-the-fly correction of sequence read
errors. The novel techniques have been used to analyse naso-
ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for biological information, is now in its implementation phase. Bengt Persson is on
the steering board, and BILS is establishing the Swedish node,
which will start its activities in 2013.
The research infrastructure BILS – Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences – has increased its activities during the
year with over 250 projects nation-wide. BILS is coordinated
from Linköping University, and Bengt Persson serves as director.
IFM Bioinformatics is very active in the recently started Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC), where Björn Wallner
coordinates the bioinformatics community.
During 2012, we have arranged courses in bioinformatics:
at LiTH (TFTB29 and TFBI14 autumn 2012)
at HU in collaboration with IBK (spring 2012)
Popular science
Bengt Persson is on the organising committee of the annual
research school at the Nobel manor Björkborn, Karlskoga, for
2nd/3rd year of Swedish high school students.
PhD students: Elham Mozafari, Jonas Sjöqvist, Cecilia Goyenola,
Olle Falklöf, Thomas Fransson, Paulo V C Medeiros, Baswanth
Oruganti, Riccardo Volpi
Adm. Assistants: Lejla Kronbäck, Anna-Karin Stål, Malin Wahlberg
In their work to describe electronic structure and electronic
motions in molecular materials, the Computational Physics
group employs a wide variety of methods including molecular
mechanics and molecular dynamics for studies of structures
and morphology, first principles electronic structure theory,
response theory (for spectroscopic applications), DFT and
TD-DFT, QM/MM methods, finite size scaling for studies of
electron localization, the Landauer formalism, electron lattice
dynamics and Monte Carlo methods for studies of charge
transport. Most of the systems that we are studying are based
on carbon but also silicon based systems, III-nitrides, etc are
being modeled. The research cuts across a range of disciplines
(molecular and supramolecular electronics, photonics, materials and polymer science, cluster-assembled compounds and
low-dimensional phases, device physics, photochemistry and
biochemistry) with many applications in the fields of nanotechnology, optoelectronics, and organic electronics.
The Computational Physics group gives a large number of
courses on graduate as well as under-graduate levels: Classical
Mechanics (undergraduate,MB), Quantum Mechanics (undergraduate, MB), Computational Quantum Chemistry (graduate, PN, ML, BD), Potential Energy Surfaces and Dynamics
(NGSSC school, graduate, ML). Two diploma students have
been working in the group during the year.
Patrick Norman was appointed director of the National Supercomputer Centre, NSC, at Linköping University.
The group organized the 2012 annual meeting of Svensk Teoretisk Kemi (STK), August 23-24, 2012.
• Monte Carlo simulations of charge transport in organic
Computational Physics
systems with true off-diagonal disorder, M. Jakobsson, M.
Linares, S. Stafström in J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 137, 114901
Characterisation of Gadolinium nanoparticules, J. Kauczor,
M. Linares, P. Norman, et al. in J. Nano. Res., 2012, 14, 1006
Demonstration of 2D hexagonal-AlN sheets by first-principles calculations, Edward F. de Almeida Junior, Fernando de
B. Mota, Caio M. C. de Castilho, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva,
G. K. Gueorguiev in European Physical Journal B, 2012, 85,
Characterization of the elusive 5’-deoxyadenosyl radical in
coenzyme-B12-mediated reactions, D. Bucher, G. M. Sandala,
B. Durbeej, L. Radom and D. M. Smith, in JACS, 2012, 134,
Homo-coupling of terminal alkynes on a noble metal surface,
Y. Zhang, et. al in Nature Communications, 2012, 3, 1286
Collaborations within LiU
Professors: Patrick Norman, Sven Stafström (head of division)
Associate professors: Magnus Boman,
Gueorgui Gueorguiev, Bo Durbeej, Mathieu Linares
Postdocs: Jonas Björk, Joanna Kauczor, Chang-Feng Fang
Center in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CeNano)
Center of Organic Electronics (COE)
Thin-Film Physics, IFM
Surface Physics and Chemistry, IFM
Mol. Surf. Phys. and Nano Science, IFM
Biomolecular and Organic Electronics, IFM
Semiconductor Materials, IFM
Organic Electronics, ITN
IFM activity report 2012
pharyngeal aspirates of children suffering from severe lower
respiratory tract infections.
External activities and networks
• Secretary general, Swedish Science Research Council, secre•
tary general (SS)
Board member, Nordforsk (SS)
Director, NSC (PN)
Unimolecular Electronics Center, Uppsala University
Swedish Research Establishment
Co-authoring the DALTON and DIRAC programs (PN)
Individual external collaborations
H. Ågren (KTH, Stockholm)
T. Saue (Toulouse, France)
F. Hanke (Liverpool, UK)
K. Ruud (Tromsø, Norway)
N. Avarvari (Angers, France)
D. Beljonne (Mons, Belgium)
R. Rivelino, F. Brito (Federal University of Bahia, Salvador,
• J. Helliwell (Manchester, UK)
• Fernando Nogueira (Coimbra, Portugal)
• J. Barth (Technische Universität München, Germany)
External funding
External funding is absolutely essential for the activities in
the computational physics group. We are grateful for support
from a number of sources including the Swedish Research
Council (VR), European Commission, Foundation for Strategic
Research (SSF), Swedish Defence (FMV), Carl Trygger Foundation, Olle Engkvist Foundation and International Science
Programme (ISP). In particular, Patrick Norman is “rådsforskare” at VR, Bo Durbeej has a VR grant for young researchers, Mathieu Linares is supported by the Swedish e-Science
Research Centre (SERC) and Gueorgui Gueorguiev has a Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and
Higher Education (STINT) project for bilateral collaboration
with the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil. High performance computing resources were provided by the Swedish
National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) and the National
Supercomputer Centre, NSC, at Linköping University.
headed by Professor Bo Ebenman and Spatiotemporal Biology lab (SPABIO lab) headed by Professor Uno Wennergren.
Present research projects include:
• The response of ecosystems to species loss: using commu-
nity viability analysis to quantify the risk and extent of extinction cascades (Bo Ebenman PI)
Using sensitivity analysis to identify keystone species and
keystone links in ecosystems (Bo Ebenman PI)
The robustness of ecosystems to an increasingly variable
world: effect of climate change on the structure and functioning of ecosystems (Bo Ebenman PI)
The response of metacommunities to habitat and species
loss: the role of local and regional processes (Bo Ebenman
Ecologically effective population sizes (Bo Ebenman PI)
Population growth in heterogeneous landscapes: crop management strategies for effective biological control of pests
(Uno Wennergren PI)
Reducing the risk of spread of diseases (Uno Wennergren PI)
Long term strategies for preserving species in a dynamic
landscape (Uno Wennergren PI)
Analysis and optimization of animal transport: logistics and
animal welfare (Uno Wennergren PI)
Members of the group are involved in several courses at graduate as well as undergraduate levels including courses in ecology, population ecology – theories and applications, mathematical models in chemistry and biology, and conservation biology.
External activities and networks
Participation in:
The ESF Research Networking Programme SIZEMIC (Bodysize and ecosystem dynamics: integrating pure and applied
approaches from aquatic and terrestrial ecology to support an
ecosystem approach). The programme is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and several other national research
councils in Europe. Bo Ebenman is a member of the steering
committee of the programme. Sofia Berg, Alva Curtsdotter,
David Gilljam and Anna Eklöf (presently a post doc at the
University of Chicago) are active in two of the working groups
organized by the network.
Mathematics in the Living Environment (MILE). Erasmus/
Socrates collaboration with York University.
external collaborations
Theoretical Biology
Professors: Bo Ebenman (head of division), Uno Wennergren
Associate professors: Peter Münger, Tomas Jonsson (guest lecturer)
Postdoc: Anna Eklöf, Tom Lindström
PhD students: Sofia Berg, Peter Brommesson, Alva Curtsdotter, David Gilljam, Sara Gudmundson, Nina Håkansson, Linda
Kaneryd, Jenny Lennartsson, Malin Setzer, Stefan Sellman,
Torbjörn Säterberg
Administrative assistant: Anna Sundin
There are two research labs in the division of Theoretical
Biology: Population and Community Ecology lab (PACE lab)
IFM activity report 2012
PACE Lab – Prof. Richard Law (York University, UK), Prof.
Owen Petchey (University of Zürich, Switzerland), Dr. Guy
Woodward (Queeen Mary University of London, UK), Prof.
Mark Emmerson (University of Cork, Ireland), Prof. Ulrich
Brose (Darmstadt Technical University, Germany) and Dr.
Tomas Jonsson (Skövde University, Sweden).
SPABIO Lab - Prof. Mikael Rönnquist (Bergen University), Dr.
Annie Jonsson (Skövde University), Prof. Bo Algers (SLU), Prof
Colleen Webb (Colorado State University). Dr Michael Tildesley
(Warwick University) and Docent Susanna Sternberg Lwerin
External funding
Financial support has been received from the Swedish Research Council (VR), Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS),
Swedish Agricultural Board, Swedish Emergency Management Agency, and Department of Homeland Security US.
Professors: Igor Abrikosov (Head of T&M), Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Magnus Johansson, Bo Sernelius, Sergei Simak, Irina
Associate Professors: Peter Münger
Assistant Professors: Rickard Armiento, Weine Olovsson, Leonid
Pourovskii, Ferenc Tasnadi
Postdoctoral fellows: Marcus Ekholm, Qingguo Feng, Olle Hellman, Peter Steneteg
PhD students: Viktor Ivady, Peter Jason, Hans Lind, Alexander
Lindmaa, Igor Mosyagin, Olga Vekilova, Fei Wang
Administrative assistants: Lejla Kronbäck, Anna-Karin Stål, Malin
Masters students: Lasse Hultberg
Bachelor students: Gustaf Lundberg, Jesper Norell, Joakim Andersson, Felix Faber, Patrik Harrysson
Project student: Johan Bergman
Visiting researchers: Prof. Lennart Stenflo, Sweden, Dr. Mathias
Boström, Sweden, Dr. Alena Ponomareva, Moscow, Russia, Dr.
Maxim Belov, Moscow, Russia, PhD student Anton Nikonov,
Tomsk, Russia, PhD student Andrey Lugovskoj, Moscow, Russia, PhD student Pavel Korotaev, Moscow, Russia, PhD student
Katarina Kirr, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Appointments in 2012
Sergei Simak was appointed professor of Theoretical Physics at
Linköping University.
Magnus Johansson was appointed Director of Studies in Physics.
Rickard Armiento was appointed Assistant Professor.
Marcus Ekholm was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow.
Qingguo Feng was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow.
Olle Hellman was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow.
Peter Steneteg was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow.
The research in theoretical physics is focused on condensed matter physics/theoretical materials science, nanoscience, electromagnetic modeling, and non-linear physics. Typical projects are:
- Electronic structure theory and first-principles simulations of
materials properties (I. Abrikosov,
S. Simak, F.Tasnadi, T. Marten, M. Ekholm).
- Phase stabilities, phase transformations, and elastic properties of materilals (F.Tasnadi, H. Lind,
I. Abrikosov, M. Ekholm, O. Vekilova, O. Hellman, P. Steneteg,
S. Simak)
- Theoretical study of materials with fast ionic conductivity for
energy applications (S. Simak,
O. Hellman)
- Physics of strongly correlated materials (L. Pourovskii, M.
Ekholm, Q. Feng V. Ivady, I. Abrikosov)
- Theoretical spectroscopy (W. Olovsson)
- Materials modeling and high throughput energy material
design (R. Armiento, A. Lindmaa, J. Bergman)
- Nanophysics, ultrasmall semiconductor structures and devices in the quantum regime, quantum information, transport,
quantum and classical waves in cavities and constrictions with
oscillating boundaries (I. I. Yakimenko, K.-F. Berggren)
- Nonlinear effects on energy transport in periodic and aperi-
We participate in leading national research programs. In
particular, we are actively involved in a new Swedish e-Science
Research Centre and in the Interdisciplinary Materials Science
Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials, both supported
by the Swedish Government. Igor Abrikosov is leading the Network for excellent research “Materials Science for New Energy
Technology”. We are part of the Strategic Research Centers
“Multifilms” and “FUNCASE”, both supported by the Swedish
Foundation for Strategic Research. We, together with Computational Physics Group, build the node ”Materials Modeling”
within the Linköping Linnaeus Initiative for Novel Functional
Materials, supported by the Swedish Research Council. Also,
we participate in projects “Isotopic Control for Ultimate Material Properties” and “Nanoparticles by Pulsed Plasma” supported by Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation. At the
European level, we were actively involved in European Network
Psi-k, where Prof. Abrikosov is a spokesperson for Working
Group “Alloy Theory”.
The theory group gives a large number of courses on graduate as well as undergraduate levels. The teaching has a wide
range of courses, including analytical mechanics, quantum
theory, relativistic quantum mechanics, condensed matter
physics, many-body physics, statistical mechanics, quantum information and computing, elementary particle physics, cosmology, chaos and nonlinear phenomena. Peter Münger represents
Linköping University in the ERASMUS Academic Network:
Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies - Two (STEPS
TWO). It is a collaboration between more than 70 European
University Physics Departments with the aim to investigate
and improve various aspects of physics education.
PhD examinations
Marcus Ekholm, “Theoretical description of complex magnetism
in transition metals and their alloys”, Dissertation No. 1452
Olle Hellman, “Thermal properties of materials from first principles”, Dissertation No. 1453
Peter Steneteg, “Development of molecular dynamics methodology for simulations of hard materials”, Dissertation No. 1454
Importance of correlation effects in hcp iron revealed by a
pressure-induced electronic topological transition
[K. Glazyrin, L.V. Pourovskii, L. Dubrovinsky,
O. Narygina, C. McCammon, B. Hewener,
V. Schünemann, J. Wolny, K. Muffler,
A. I. Chumakov, W. Crichton, M. Hanfland,
V. Prakapenka, F. Tasnádi, M. Ekholm,
M. Aichhorn, V. Vildosola, A. V. Ruban,
M. I. Katsnelson, I. A. Abrikosov, Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press)]
Iron is the most abundant element on our planet. It is one of
the most important technological materials and, at the same
time, one of the most challenging elements for the modern
IFM activity report 2012
Theoretical Physics
odic spatially modulated systems (M. Johansson, P. Jason)
- Studies of dispersion forces in nanoscience, of the fundamental nature of the Casimir force and its temperature dependence (B. E. Sernelius and M. Boström)
- Gravitation as a Casimir interation (B. E. Sernelius)
- Luminescence in ZnO nanorods, nanotubes and nanoparticles (B. E. Sernelius)
-Molecular dynamics simulations (P. Münger, P. Steneteg, O.
Hellman, O. Vekilova, S. I. Simak,
I. Abrikosov).
We first demonstrated how two-dimensional sheets are
incorporated in the formalism for planar structures. Then we
derived the interaction in the geometry of two freestanding
graphene sheets and of one graphene sheet above a substrate.
Numerical results were produced for the fully retarded interaction at 0 K and at room temperature for undoped and doped
graphene. Additional results were given both for a gold substrate and for an ideal metal substrate. We found that for two
freestanding undopedgraphene sheets the retardation effects
are negligible. The same holds for an undoped graphene sheet
above a gold substrate. This behavior is very unusual and is the
result of the particular band structure of graphene. However,
for doped graphene sheets, two freestanding or onefreestanding above a gold substrate, the retardation effects are bound to
be important at large enough separations. However,at T = 300
K the retardation effects again go away.
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Electron density for up-spin electrons in the case of implant gate geometry for
the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure.
Retarded interactions in graphene systems[Bo E. Sernelius,
Phys. Rev. B 85,195427(2012)].
IFM activity report 2012
The attractive retarded interaction energy as a function of separation, d, at
room temperature between (a) two undoped graphene sheets and (b) two
doped graphene sheets. The separate contributions from TM and TE modes
are shown. The interaction energy between two ideal metal half spaces is also
shown as a reference result.
Exact localized eigenstates for an extended Bose-Hubbard model with pair-correlated hopping [P. Jason and M. Johansson,
Phys. Rev. A. 85, 011603(R) (2012) (Rapid Communication)]
The increasing precision and tunability of ultracold atoms in
optical lattices has greatly increased the interest for quantum
lattice models, such as the Bose-Hubbard model. Ordinarily
only interactions between bosonic atoms located on the same
site are included, but extending the model with effects from
longer-range interactions such as pair-correlated hopping between nearest neighbours may lead to new physical effects.
We showed that this extended Bose-Hubbard model has exact
one-site “Quantum Lattice Compactons”, being eigenstates
with complete localization of all particles at one site. These
appear at parameter values where the one-particle tunneling is
exactly canceled by nonlocal pair correlations, and correspond
in the limit of infinite particle number to exact compact solutions (“discrete compactons”) of a classical lattice model. Classical compactons existing at other parameter values, as well
as exact multisite compactons, generically get delocalized by
quantum effects, but strong localization appears asymptotically
for increasing particle number. Compactons are interesting for
applications due to their tail-less nature, prohibiting mutual
interactions unless being in direct contact.
Q /N
We analyze the occurrence of local magnetization and the effects of electron localization in different models of quantum
point contacts (QPCs) using spin-relaxed density functional
theory (DFT/LSDA) by means of numerical simulations. In the
case of soft confinement potentials the degree of localization
is weak and we therefore observe only traces of partial electron
localization in the middle of the QPC. In the pinch-off regime
there is, however, distinct accumulation at the QPC edges.
At the other end, strong confinement potential, low-electron
density in the leads and top or implant gates favor electron
localization. In such cases one may create a variety of electron
configurations from a single localized electron to more complex structures with multiple rows and Wigner lattices.
Bound states, electron localization and spin correlations in lowdimensional GaAs/AlGaAs quantum constrictions [I. I. Yakimenko, V.S. Tsykunov, and K.-F. Berggren, J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter 25, 072201 (2013), Fast Track Communication]
ρ (nm
The DMFT k-resolved spectral function (a and b), the corresponding oneelectron band structures (c and d) and the DMFT Fermi surfaces (e and f)
are shown for two volumes corresponding to low and high pressure. DMFT
shows that ETT occurs around the L and Γ points.
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theory. As a consequence, the study of iron and iron-based
alloys has been a focus of experimental and computational
research over the past decades. While the structural properties
of iron and iron-nickel alloys at pressures below 100 GPa are
well established, their electronic and magnetic properties are
still debated. Our state-of–the-art ab initio calculations of the
Fermi surface of Fe within the dynamical mean-field theory
(DMFT) reveal a change of its topology, the so-called electronic topological transition (ETT) at pressures of about 30-40
GPa (see the figure). The ETT manifests itself through anomalous behavior of the Debye sound velocity, c/a lattice parameter
ratio and Mössbauer center shift observed by our experimental
colleagues. The ETT is absent in one-electron calculations (see
the figure) and represents a clear evidence of the importance of
correlation effects in Fe at high pressure.
Q /N
Projection of the highest eigenstate on the single-site localized basis state as
function of one-particle (Q2/N) and pair-correlated (Q5) hopping parameters,
for (a) 16 and (b) 26 particles in a 4-site extended Bose-Hubbard model. The
compacton appears as a white stripe.
Collaborations within LiU
- International Interdisciplinary Materials Science Laboratory for
Advanced Functional Materials from the Swedish Government.
- Linköping Linnaeus Initiative for Novel Functional Materials.
- SSF Strategic Research Centre “Multifilms”.
- SSF Frame program “FUNCASE Functional Carbides and
Advanced Surface Engineering”
- KAW Research Centre “Isotopic Control for Ultimate Material
- KAW Research Centre “Nanoparticles by Pulsed Plasma”
- National Supercomputer Center (NSC).
- Visualization Centre at Norrköping.
- Peter Münger, collaboration with the group of Prof. Bo Ebenman, Theoretical Biology, IFM.
External activities and networks
- Swedish Physical Society (K-F Berggren, chairman, also Swedish delegate to European Physical Society Council) ); legally
repsonsible for “Fysikaktuellt”.
- I. Abrikosov was a co-organizer of International Symposium
and Workshop on Correlated Electrons and Materials Properties of Compounds and Alloys, Porto Heli, Greece.
- I. Abrikosov and S. Simak were co-organizer of International
conference “Electronic structure theory for materials Modelling: from early days to current success”, Stockholm, Sweden.
- K-F Berggren was co-organizer of Nordita Workshop Spin2012:
”Spin-Related Phenomena in Mesoscopic Transport”.
Participation in:
- Ψk Network.
- NordForsk Network: Nanospintronics – Theory and Simulations (coordinator C. Canali, Linnaeus University of Kalmar,
Sweden); I. Yakimenko node coordinator Linköping.
- Peter Münger participates in ”The ’Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies - Two’ (STEPS TWO) initiative by the
’European Physics Education Network’ (EUPEN) within the
ERASMUS programme (
Individual external collaborations
- Igor Abrikosov and Prof. Michel Barsoum (Drexel University,
USA), Prof. L. Dubrovinsky (Universität Bayreuth, Germany),
Prof. M. I. Katsnelson (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Prof. Yu. Kh Vekilov (Moscow Institute of Steel and
Alloys, Russia), Prof. J M Schneider (Aachen University, Germany), Prof. J. Neugebauer (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Germany).
- Igor Abrikosov, Viktor Ivady, Rickard Armiento and Dr. Adam
Gali (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Bo Sernelius and Prof. G. D. Mahan (Penn State University,
USA), Prof. Antonio Ferreira da Silva (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil),
Prof. Barry Ninham (Australian National University, Australia),
Prof. Chris Binns (University of Leicester, England), Dr. Mike
Ward, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, and Dr.
Astrid Lambrecht, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
- Magnus Johansson with Dr. R. A. Vicencio (Universidad de
Chile, Santiago), K. Kirr (National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, Kharkiv), Dr. S. Derevyanko and Dr. Y. Prylepskiy
(Aston University, UK), Dr. A.V. Yulin (Universidade de Lisboa,
- Sergei Simak and Prof. O.M. Krasilnikov, Prof. Yu.Kh. Vekilov
at NUST ”MISIS”, Russia, Prof. N.V. Skorodumova at KTH
- Leonid Pourovskii and Marcus Ekholm with Prof. Antoine
Georges, École Polytechnique, Paris, France
- K.-F. Berggren and I. Yakimenko with Prof. Sir M. Pepper
(Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK and London Centre
for Nanotechnology, UCL and with Prof. J. Bird (University of
Buffalo , USA),
- Research Policy Institute, Lund University/Dept for Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, Gothenburg University
(Olof Hallonsten/K-F Berggren)
- Peter Münger, collaboration with Anna Eklöf, University of
Chicago, USA, the group of Tomas Jonsson at Högskolan i
Skövde and Céline Hauzy at Universite Pierre & Marie Curie,
Paris, France on ”Dynamics in food webs - local and regional
- Weine Olovsson with the group of Prof. Claudia Draxl at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (previously at Leoben University),
the group of Prof. Isao Tanaka at Kyoto University, Japan, and
Dr. Venkata Rama Rao Medicherla, Siksha ’O’ Anusandhan
University, Bhubaneswar, India
- Rickard Armiento and Ann E. Mattsson (Sandia National
Laboratories, USA), Stephan Kümmel (University of Bayreuth,
Germany), Predag Lazić (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia),
Marco Fornari (Central Michigan University, USA), Boris Kozinsky (Robert Bosch LLC, USA).
- Olle Hellman and Prof. D. Broido, Boston College, USA
External visits
- Marcus Ekholm spent a total of one month at the École
Polytechnique in Paris, France, with a support from the PHC
Dahlén grant.
- Olle Hellman visited Boston College, USA, to initiate collaboration on thermal conductivity simulations.
- Viktor Ivady had a long-term visit to Hungarian Academy of
- Igor Abrikosov visited Tomsk State University, Russia.
- Leonid Pourovskii has shared employment between IFM and
École Polytechnique, Paris, France.
- Sergei Simak visited NUST ”MISIS”, Russia.
- Magnus Johansson visited Universidad de Chile, Santiago.
- Weine Olovsson visited Kyoto University, University of Tokyo
and Waseda University, Japan.
Popularization of science
- Start page of our group web-site is used to present highlights of our recent
research for the general public.
- Igor Abrikosov was interviewed for newspaper Dagens Industri
enclosure “Forskning i Framkant” (November issue).
- Fysikaktuellt (K.-F. Berggren).
- ”Parametric instabilities and pattern formation” Ohlin Laboratories, Uppsala (K Ohlin/K-F Berggren)
- Presentation of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 (I. Yakimenko
for IFM and Y-program students).
- Higgs particle (Östgötacorrespondenten and the Swedish newspapers; K.-F. Berggren, Magnus Johansson).
- Magnus Johansson gave a talk ”Quasi crystals and accelerating universe - infinities in the 2011 Nobel prizes” at the interdisciplinary symposium ”A Day on Infinity” arranged by the
department of Philosophy, LiU, 23 March 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
• Peter Isberg, PhD, Adjunct Professor (LiU), Technical Man-
ager, Machines and Automation Products, ABB AB
The Swedish Government Strategic Research Area (SFO-MatLiU) in Materials Science;
International Interdisciplinary Materials Science Laboratory for
Advances Functional Materials
Director: Prof. Lars Hultman
Deputy Director: Magnus Berggren (ITN)
AFM encompasses 240 researchers from the departments
IFM, ITN and IEI, and a partner ACREO, organized into interactive collaborating teams.
Management Board:
Lars Hultman (Chair)
Magnus Berggren (Vice Chair)
Igor Abrikosov
Erik Janzén
Kajsa Uvdal
Hans Högberg (Research Manager)
Kirstin Kahl (Administrator)
AFM is in operation since 2010. It contributes at the highest
level to the creation of knowledge. Materials science is a top research priority at Linköping University and strongly supported
by industry and institutes. It is extremely productive as judged
by both academic and societal metrics.
We envision that science is focused on the atomic/molecularscale design of new materials will provide solutions to broadlybased societal issues, including jobs, health, energy, environment, and sustainability.
Our mission is to:
research centers
Build a Coordinated Excellent Research Environment that
integrates theory, simulations, and experiments
Target and recruit internationally leading researchers in
complementary fields
Promoting tenure-track positions and career paths for
young (star) researchers
Investigate and open new and creative research fronts with
commensurate industrial opportunities
Create novel high-performance soft, hard, and hybrid
smart materials
Explore new concepts in synthesis, processing, analysis,
and computer based modeling
Provide for state-of-the-art laboratory settings. Invest in
equipment with relevance for Sweden’s infrastructure in
synchrotron work, microelectronics processing, neutron
facilities, supercomputing, and electron microscopy
Link research to LiU’s large undergraduate, international
master, and graduate programs and doctoral programs
Expand core R&D capabilities by enlarging and protecting
the IPR base of Swedish companies in key industrial sectors and foster new grass root spin-off companies
Facilitate the introduction of novel smart materials, with
specifically designed properties, into production by Swedish industry
Industry Reference Panel:
• Hans Hentzell, PhD, CEO Swedish ICT Research AB and
Acreo AB
IFM activity report 2012
• Dr. Ingrid Reineck, PhD, Manager, Sandvik Tooling AB
• Hans Sjöström, PhD, Docent, General Manager, SKF Nova
• Jan-Eric Sundgren, PhD, Senior Vice President Public and
Environmental Affairs, AB VOLVO
The charge to the industry Reference Panel is to provide
benchmarking and a robust critique of the AFM’s performance
in terms of technological transfer, problem-oriented research,
industry collaboration, IPR policy and performance, statistics
on spin-off companies and researchers places in industry.
Agora Materiae – the Materials Science Graduate
Agora Materiae is our new graduate school with a multidisciplinary direction within Material Physics. It involves about 20
research groups/areas at IFM, IE, ITN, with an interest in hard
and soft materials.
Agora Materiae is managed by:
• Per Olof Holtz (Head)
• Stefan Klintström (Mentor)
• Kirstin Kahl (Administrator)
Agora Materiae Student Council:
• Roger Magnusson, IFM, 2012
• Jonas Bergqvist, IFM, Spring 2012
• Linda Karlsson, IFM, Spring 2012
• Martin Eriksson, IFM, 2012
• Thomas Fransson, IFM, 2012
• Zia Ullah Khan, ITN, start Fall 2012
• Mattias Calmunger, IEI, start Fall 2012
AFM Highlights 2012
We started the Graduate School AGORA MATERIAE in Materials Science (see separate section for more information).
Researchers of the AFM environment is taking part in the
Graphene Flagship.
One paper accepted in Nature Nanotechnology on the Magnetic
quantum ratchet effect in grapheme.
We published in Science the first generation of biopolymer
based polymer electrodes of relevance for energy storage in
supercapacitors and
possibly in secondary batteries.
The first reported complementary and integrated chemical
circuits were published in Nature Communications, addressing
neuronal signals in vivo and in vitro.
Among 212 other peer-reviewed publications, we have published the first review in the field of Cl-based SiC growth
(Chemical Reviews) and identified the origin of the lifetime
limiting defect in bulk SiC (Physical Review Letters). The grants of AFM have been partially invested in building
strategic infrastructure for industry collaboration. A new XPS
system was commissioned in 2012 with co-financing from the
vice-chancellor. We have also upgraded our materials testing
Lab with strain test and a furnace. A new mass-energy analyzer
for PVD-plasma characterization was commissioned.
We installed the advanced micro-Raman system capable of
operating within the temperature range of 4-300K and under
magnetic fields up to 5T.
Berggren received the Wallenberg Scholar and became an
elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Docent Johana Rosén became KAW Academy Fellow.
Xavier Crispin was awarded the Tage Erlander prize, and the
ERC starting grant.
ties in the centre and by acting for increased collaborations
and common projects in the nano realm. CeNano also acts
for development and coordination of the graduate and under
graduate education in this scientific area. Included in the mission of CeNano is also exposure of the faculty’s nano activities
by seminars, actions for contact establishment, taking initiative
to larger projects, etc.
The board of CeNano:
The Organic Electronics team received major grants, incl. the
SSF Framework Program in Material Science (Membrane
Chromatography, together with Fredrik Höök, Chalmers), the
VINNOVA-UDI (Printed Electronics for Internet of Things,
with Acreo AB) and KAW project (Bioelectronics for plant science, together with Marcus Grebe, Umeå U.).
We were granted the EU-FP7-NMP project Life-Long Joints:
Silicon Nitride Coatings for Improved Implant Function.
We were granted the EU FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES International Research Staff Exchange
Scheme PIRSES: Development of Nanotechnology-based Bisensors.
Projects supported CeNano in 2012:
• Self-assembly of Anisotropi Nanostructure for Metal En-
A VR Industry Graduate Student Project was granted for
Ludvig Landälv of Sandvik Coromant AB to with the Thin Film
Group at LiU.
We founded the companies: TiÅ, LumiSigns AB, n-WORKS
AB, and REM AB.
Recently graduate PhD’s from AFM are employed by industry (e.g., Mattias Samuelsson at Impact Coatings AB, Jonas
Lauridsen at SECO Tools AB, Lars Johnson at Sandvik AB; Axel
Knutsson at Alfa Laval AB, Anders Eriksson at Balzer Oerlicon).
Lars Hultman, Chair
Igor Abrikosov
Per-Olof Holtz
Olle Inganäs
Per-Olov Käll
Kajsa Uvdal, Director of CeNano
hanced Fluorescenceand Plasmonically Triggered Drug
Release PI: Daniel Aili
Biocompatibility studies of engineered nanoparticles aimed
for use in biomedical applications PI: Caroline Brommesson
Nanoparticle-based localized surface plasmon resonance
excitation for improved lateral resolution in SPR imaging of
marine fouling organisms PI: Thomas Ederth Theoretical studies of the mixing thermodynamics of solid
solutions of ScN with other mononitrides for the purpose of
thermoelectric thin films PI: Per Eklund
Boron Nitride – the ultimate substrate for Graphene PI:
Anne Henry
Synthesis and Characterization of Chiral Organic Nanostructures PI: Kenneth Järrendahl
Nano-scale particles for efficient polymer-based light-emitting devices PI: Per-Olof Holtz
Superhard Nanocrystalline Materials: Theory and Experiments PI: Ferenc Tasnadi
Exploring ZnO Nanostructures Embedded in Polymers for
Enhanced Performance in Light Emission and Photovoltaic
Applications PI: Fengling Zhang
Ultrabright Semiconducting Polymer Dots (Pdots) for Specific Cancer Cell Targeting PI: Xuanjun Zhang
The Centre in Nano Science and Technology (CeNano) is an
organization within the Technical Faculty of Linköping University. The mission of CeNano is to strengthen and support the
competence within nano science and nano technology of the
faculty. This is made by gathering researchers with nano activi-
Exploring ZnO Nanostructures Embedded in Polymers for
Enhanced Performance in Light Emission and Photovoltaic
Fengling Zhang IFM, LiU
We prepared varied ZnO nanostructures. The light emission
of the nanorods was studied by μ-PL in the temperature range
of 4 – 300 K. The low temperature PL spectrum of high quality
ZnO nanorods is solely dominated by NBE emission, which
consists of several closely located peaks, attributed to the donor
bound exciton emission (D0X)(Fig.1a). The ZnO nanoarray as elecrtron acceptor was integrated in Hybrid solar cells
(HSCs) with polymer Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethyl-hexyloxy)1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) as electron donor. The
current density (J)-voltage (V) curves are shown in Fig.1b. The
performance of the HSCs is mainly limited by large dimensions of ZnO nanostructures (diameter 100 nm and length 500
nm), which can be improved with reduced the dimensions of
nanostructures by one order of magnitude.
IFM activity report 2012
research centers
Lars Hultman was named Editor-in-Chief for the journal
VACUUM and Per Eklund Rapid Communications Editor of
Figure 1 LT PL spectrum of ZnO nanospikes (a) and illuminated J-V curves of
the devices using different MEH-PPV/ZnO weight ratios (b).
Nanoparticle-based localized surface plasmon resonance
excitation for improved lateral resolution in SPR imaging of
marine fouling organisms Thomas Ederth IFM, LiU
Understanding how marine organisms explore and interact
with surfaces is essential for the development of efficient and
non-toxic antifouling coatings. In this project we take advantage of localized plasmons excited in surface-bound metal
nanoparticles to improve the resolution in surface plasmon
resonance imaging of spores and larvae of marine organisms
and their interaction with surfaces.
VINNOVA Excellence Center in Research and Innovation on Functional Nanoscale Materials
FunMat is in equal parts financed by VINNOVA, industry and
the university. The Center runs between 2007 and 2016 with the
mission to:
• Provide the strongest research platform for a consortium of
companies in the area of advanced surface engineering, with
a focus on nanotechnology for tools, components, contacts,
and sensors
• Offer knowledge-based design of functional materials on the
nanoscale to provide unique and improved surface properties
with commensurate industrial opportunities
• Expand core R&D capabilities by enlarging and protecting
the IPR base of Swedish companies in key industrial sectors.
The Center is based at IFM, Linköping University.
Research Program
Figure 2 Zoospores of the alga Ulva linza (left) and an array of 15 nm gold
nanoparticles (right)
FunMat is a leading environment for problem-oriented research
on nanoscale functional materials. It offers scientific competence and innovative solutions in advanced surface engineering.
We develop thin film processing, advanced materials analysis,
and IPR.
research centers
Project Themes
Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Combined Electric and Mechanical Contacts
We develop novel coating materials for electrical contact applications. The nanocomposite MaxPhase coating materials replace
gold in electrical contacts. They are tough, electrically conducting, resistant to corrosion and wear, cheap, and environmentally
friendly – truly multifunctional materials.
Photo: Impact Coatings AB
IFM activity report 2012
Self-Organizing Nanoscale Coatings for Cutting Tools and Components
FunMat generates strategic knowledge for the deposition and
structure evolution of new hard coatings used in wear protection of metal machining tools. The next generation of tools must
withstand yet higher mechanical and thermal loads than those of
today. We explore nanostructured ceramic coatings and push the
frontiers of characterization techniques as well as computational
Photo: Single layer graphene sensor on semi-insulating SiC
Highlights 2012
Photo: Sandvik Coromant AB
HiPIMS Key Technology Platform for Cutting Tools and Low-friction
We explore hybrid HiPIMS Technology for advanced surface
engineering. Target applications are for transition metal nitrides
and resilient fullerene-like C-based coatings. We also develop
coating/substrate adhesion processing. Expertise is provided on
PVD deposition, plasma characterization, XPS, electron microscopy, nanotribology, as well as theoretical calculations.
Johanna Rosén appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow
Two spin-out companies (GraphenSiC and
Four PhD theses (Doctors now working at Seco, LiU, Sandvik
and Oerlikon Balzers)
Five new PhD students (incl. one VR-industry PhD student
with FunMat partner Sandvik)
Patent progress incl. issued US 8,157,446 B2 ”Cage for a
roller bearing ...” with SKF AB and issued US 8,216,702 B2
”Coated cutting tool ..” with Seco Tools
Dr Galia Pozina winner of the IVA –Royal Swedish Academy
of Engineering Sciences ”Mentor 4Research” Prize – a catlyst
for commercialization
Dr Naureen Ghafoor and Dr Per Eklund appointed Senior
Prof Lars Hultman winner of the Junior
Faculty Prize 2012 at LiU for supporting the careers of junior
researchers, thus creating a sustainable research environment
30 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed
Expansion of strategic research infrastructure
Industry – University mobility and job placements
research centers
Center Board Stage 3 (2012-2014)
Lennart Karlsson, SECO Tools AB (chair)
Birgit Jacobson, CEI-Europe AB (deputy chair)
Ann W Grant, Volvo Technology
William Salaneck, LiU
Peter Värbrand, LiU
Åke Öberg, ABB AB
Photo: Hysitron Inc.

New Nanoscale Sensor Materials & Application
Silicon carbide chemical sensors are commercialized for applications in harsh environment at temperatures below 400 °C.
Applications at higher temperatures require improved contact
materials. The conducting ceramic materials developed within
FunMat offers a unique possibility for the silicon carbide sensors
as well as other challenging sensor developments. Graphene
eptitaxially grown on SiC is developed as an ultra sensitive gas
sensor for close to room temperature operation.
Management Team
Prof. Lars Hultman (Head)
Prof. Anita Lloyd Spetz (Deputy Head)
Prof. Magnus Odén (Research Coordinator)
Ms. Therese Dannetun (Coordinator)
Prof. emerita Rositza Yakimova (Adviser)
Senior lecturer Per Eklund (leader Theme 1)
Partner Companies Stage 3 (2012-2014)
ABB AB, Corporate Research
Alstom Power
CemeCon AG
Ford Motor Company
Impact Coatings AB
Ionbond Sweden AB
Sandvik Tooling Sverige AB
IFM activity report 2012
Volvo Technology
Senior Researchers
Mike Andersson
Robert Bjorklund
Esteban Broitman
Vanya Darakchieva
Naureen Ghafoor
Grzegorz Greczynski
Gueorgui Gueorguiev
Hans Högberg
Anelia Kakanakova
Jun Lu
Per Persson
Galia Pozina
Johanna Rosén
Research Engineers
Karl-Olof Brolin (until Nov -12)
Thomas Lingefelt
Peter Möller
research centers
PhD students
Konstantinos Bakoglidis
Zhafira Darmastuti
Hossein Fahandi
David Engberg
Anders Eriksson (PhD January -13)
Lars Johnson (PhD Oct -12)
Nils Nedfors (at Uppsala University)
Lina Rogström (PhD March -12)
Susann Schmidt
Bilal Syed
Olof Tengstrand
Jennifer Ullbrand
Jianqiang Zhu
Axel Flink
Ruth Pearce (until Febr -12)
Lina Rogström (from June -12)
University collaborations
Prof. Ulf Jansson, Uppsala University
Linköping Linnaeus Initiative for Novel Functional Materials
LiLi-NFM is a coordinated laboratory for interdisciplinary
research on advanced materials. It is supported by the Swedish
Research Council (VR) for a 10-year period until 2016 by a Linnaeus Grant. The research environment constitutes the backbone of materials research at Linköping. It consists of ~150 researchers from 9
divisions of IFM.
Director: Prof. Lars Hultman
Deputy Director: Prof. Erik Janzén
Scientific Secretary: Prof. Irina Yakimenko
Coordinator: Ms. Camilla Karlsson
Research Divisions and Principal Investigators:
Computational Physics
Prof. Sven Stafström
Functional Electronic
Prof. Weimin Chen
Prof. Irina Buyanova
Nanostructured Materials Prof. Magnus Odén Plasma & Coating Phys. Prof. Ulf Helmersson
Prof. Nils Brenning
Semiconductor Materials Prof. Erik Janzén
Prof. Peder Bergman
Prof. Per-Olof Holtz
Prof. Leif Johansson
Prof. Bo Monemar
Prof. Rositza Yakimova
Surface & Semiconductor Prof. Göran Hansson,
Physics Prof. Wei-Xin Ni
Prof. Roger Uhrberg
Surface Physics and Chemistry
Prof. Mats Fahlman
Theory and Modelling
Prof. Igor Abrikosov
Prof. Sergei Simak
Prof. Irina Yakimenko
Thin Film Physics
Prof. Lars Hultman
Prof. Jens Birch
Prof. Esteban Broitman
Prof. Anne Henry
Prof. Joseph E Greene
Prof. Ivan Petrov
Prof. Michel Barsoum
Our objective is in doing basic research to fundamentally understand the atomistic nature of materials synthesis, structure, and
properties. We can thus extend the frontiers of materials and
nanosciences to expand the scientific foundations for the development of materials that improve, e.g., the efficiency, environmental acceptability and safety in energy generation, conversion,
transmission and use.
The core activity of LiLi-NFM is within the largest and most
rapidly developing area of physics research worldwide. In fact,
the understanding of materials is the fundamental driving force
in natural science and basic engineering research. We focus
on studies on the nature of epilayers, thin films, and nanoscale
materials. Here, we are in the forefront regarding materials synthesis including wide-band gap materials (SiC, BN, AlN, GaN,
ZnO), graphene, nanocomposites, superlattices, fullerene-like
compounds, and organic molecular materials.
IFM activity report 2012
Our research concerns unsurpassed knowledge-based design of
new functional materials for electronics, engineering, and the
life sciences. We design material structures and explore outstanding phenomena. We also seek to discover novel phases.
Graphene Flagship
Linköping University is taking part in the Graphene Flagship
ramp-up stage, which is funded by EC within the FP7. The
decision of funding is opening for the graphene researchers
new horizons to bring this amazing material to revolutionary
solutions in high speed electronics, medical diagnostics, space
research, etc.
Researchers at IFM have the knowhow to produce one of the
best graphene on silicon carbide worldwide. In November 2011
the first European company on epitaxial graphene (Graphensic
AB) was founded as a spin off from LiU.
One of the goals of the Graphene Flagship is to bridge
research and commercialization by creating new and improved
graphene products to be implemented in advanced applications,
which will bring added value to the society.
The existence of a highly ordered, two-dimensional, Sn/Ag
alloy on Si (111) is reported in this study. We present detailed
atomic and electronic structures of the one atomic layer thick
alloy, exhibiting a 2x2 periodicity. The electronic structure is metallic due to a free-electron-like surface band dispersing across
the Fermi level. By electron doping, the electronic structure can
be converted into a semiconducting state. A rotated Sn trimer
constitutes the key structural element that could be identified by
a detailed analysis of constant energy contours derived from the
free-electron-like band.
It is our strategy for excellence to develop and integrate theory,
simulations, and experiment. The philosophy for operating LiLiNFM contains the following elements:
• Natural science and basic engineering research
• Strategic recruitments and tenure-track plans
• Intra-disciplinary excellence
• Inter- and multi-disciplinary modus operandi
• Strong national & international collaboration
• State-of-the-art laboratories
• Leading computational capacity
• Synergy and added value from collaboration
Figure 1: Constant energy contours (up) and electronic band structure (bottom) of the 2D Sn/Ag alloy. In combination with a theoretical study, these
data revealad the existence of rotated Sn trimmers.
Competence Platforms
Recent Strategic Recruitments
Olle Kordina
Per Eklund
Jens Jensen
Mathieu Linares
Daniel Dagnelund
Martin Magnuson
Weine Olovsson
Henrik Pedersen
Iris Pilch
Fredrik Söderlind
Daniel Söderström
Jan Stehr
LiLi-NFM Seminars Series
We organize open seminars. In 2012 presentations were given by
Dr. R. Armiento, Dr. M. Magnuson, Dr. J. Jensen, Dr. V. Chirita
(all IFM), and Dr. V.R.R. Medicherla (Institute of Technical Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, India).
Antiferromagnetic interaction in coupled CdSe/ZnMnSe quantum dot
structures [D. Dagnelund, Q. J. Ren, I. A. Buyanova, A. Murayama, and W. M.
Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 052405 (2012).]
Spin polarization of nonmagnetic CdSe quantum dots (QDs)
coupled to adjacent ZnMnSe diluted magnetic semiconductor
(DMS) is investigated by CW and time-resolved magneto-optical
spectroscopy under tunable laser excitation. Efficient enhancement in the degree of σ− circular polarization of photoluminescence from the CdSe QDs is observed under optical excitation at
the σ+-active exciton state of the DMS. The fact that the enhancement persists much longer than the exciton lifetime of the DMS
rules out a role of the DMS excitons. A possible explanation is
discussed in terms of antiferromagnetic coupling between the
excitons in QDs and aligned Mn ions in DMS.
Scientific Highlights
Experimental and Theoretical Evidence of a Highly Ordered TwoDimensional Sn/Ag Alloy on Si(111) [Jacek R. Osienski, H.M.
Sohail, P. E. J. Eriksson,and R. I. G. Uhrberg, Phys. Rev. Lett.
109, 057601 (2012)].
IFM activity report 2012
research centers
LiLi-NFM supports the following competence platforms around
which several profile projects are operated:
1. Materials Synthesis;
2. Materials Modeling;
3. Advanced Materials Analysis
&G6H 4'¶V
Figure 2: (a) Schematic picture of the studied structures along with an STEM
image displaying a close-up of the CdSe QD layer. The bright and dark areas
correspond to Cd-and Zn-rich regions, respectively. (c)-(e) Profile of Mn and
Cd content across the structure with the 2 nm wide ZnSe barrier. (b) Schematic drawing of the structure aligned with (c)-(e).
in order to investigate the stability and the electronic structure
of graphene-gold interfaces. Two configurations were studied:
an Au cluster interacting with graphene and different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules, namely, C6H6
(benzene), C24H12 (coronene), and C54H18 (circumcoronene)
adsorbed on Au(111). Nonlocal interactions were accounted for
by using the semiempirical DFT-D2 method of Grimme. A
limited set of calculations were also performed by using the firstprinciples van der Waals density functional method (vdW-DF).
Adsorption distances around 3 Å and electronic charge transfer
values of about (3–13) × 10−3 e− per C atom were predicted for all
systems. No major changes resulting from the adsorption of the
Au cluster were detected in the graphene’s density of states. The
DFT-D2 results involving the adsorption of the PAH molecules
on Au show an estimated binding energy of 73 meV per C atom,
as well as an electronic charge loss of 0.10 × 10−2 e− per C atom,
for an extended graphene sheet adsorbed on a Au surface. The
modeling of the adsorption of C6H6 molecule on a Au surface
suggests that the vdW-DF method provides more accurate results
for the binding energies of such systems, in comparison to pure
DFT calculations, which do not take the nonlocal interactions
into account, as well as to simulations employing the DFT-D2
research centers
Size-Controlled Growth of Nanoparticles in a Highly Ionized
Pulsed Plasma [I. Pilch, D. Söderström, N. Brenning, and U.
Helmersson, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 033108 (2013)].
Nanoparticles in a size range of 10 to 40 nm were synthesized
using a high power pulsed hollow cathode. It was shown that
the size of the nanoparticles could be controlled by the pulse
parameters, i.e., frequency, peak current and pulse width. By
applying a high power pulse to a hollow cathode, a high degree
of ionization of the sputtered source material is achieved. The
growth process of nanoparticles in a pulsed, highly ionized
plasma is discussed, and underlying mechanisms for controlling
the growth process are proposed.
Figure 3: Nanoparticle diameter vs. the pulse frequency for constant energy
per pulse (□) and constant average power (∆). Inset: Example of a size distribution with corresponding fit.
Benzene, coronene, and circumcoronene adsorbed on gold, and
a gold cluster adsorbed on graphene: Structural and electronic
properties [Paulo V. C. Medeiros, G. K. Gueorguiev, S. Stafström,
Phys. Rev. B 85, 205423 (2012)].
Figure 4: Top panel: Atomic configurations at equilibrium for the model
systems C6H6-Au(111) (a), C24H12-Au(111) top (b) and side (c) views, and
C54H18-Au(111) (d); Bottom panel: Electronic charge transfer per carbon atom
(ΔQ/NH) from the carbon components to the gold components of the model
systems, plotted as a function of the NH/NC ratio for the Au49-graphene,
C6H6-Au(111), C24H12-Au(111), and C54H18-Au(111) model systems.
Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed
IFM activity report 2012
Effect of point defects on the electronic density of states of ScN
studied by first-principles calculations and implications for thermoelectric properties [S. Kerdsongpanya, B. Alling, P. Eklund,
Phys. Rev. B 86, 195140 (2012)].
We have discovered an anomalously high thermoelectric power
factor in epitaxial ScN thin films, suggesting ScN-based materials as candidates for thermoelectric application. Our theoretical studies demonstrated that this is due to the defect states
introducing sharp features in the electronic density of states,
which would yield a large enhancement in Seebeck coefficient
without reduction in electrical conductivity. Sc and N vacancies
produce an asymmetric sharp feature in DOS of ScN. The other
defects will move the position of the Fermi level (EF) depending
on whether they are donors or acceptors, for example O, F, and
Zr act as donors and C, Be, and Mg act as acceptor. Our results indicate a promising pathway to obtain high thermoelectric figure of merit in ScN-based materials by stoichiometry tuning and
reduction of lattice thermal conductivity.
Figure 6: Electronic density of states for partially reduced ceria. Top is ceria
with no impurities, middle is ceria with a carbon atom occupying an oxygen
site and bottom has a nitrogen atom on an oxygen site. In all panels the upper
half represents spin up and the lower half spin down DOS.
Figure 5: Thermoelectric power factor of ScN compared to established thermoelectric materials
Charge Redistribution Mechanisms of Ceria Reduction [O. Hellman, N. V. Skorodumova, and S. I. Simak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,
135504 (2012)].
Ceria is a core material of many modern environmentally
friendly technologies, which rely on its excellent redox properties. The efficiency of the oxygen vacancy creation and annihilation in ceria can be controlled by external parameters, such as
oxygen pressure and temperature, and modified by appropriate
doping. Unfortunately, only concentrations of oxygen vacancies exceeding 1.5 at. % are accessible in standard first-principles
calculations due to prohibitive computational cost for very large
supercells. In the present work we have proposed a model to
approach the dilute limit in the framework of the first-principles
density functional theory. Our model allows one to reproduce the
characteristic experimentally observed behavior of composition
versus oxygen pressure dependency. We have shown that in the
dilute limit the charge redistribution is likely to be driven by a
mechanism different from the usual one involving electron localization on cerium atoms. It can involve charge localization on
light element impurities. In particular, natural impurities, like
carbon and nitrogen, are able to act as catalysts jump-starting the
process yielding the redox properties of ceria (see Figure 6). The origin of the anisotropic Seebeck coefficient (thermoelectric
effect) in nanolaminated crystals is traced to anisotropies in
element-specific electronic states by employing polarized angledependent x-ray spectroscopy. These results constitute experimental evidence explaining why the average Seebeck coefficient
of Ti3SiC2 in polycrystals is negligible over a wide temperature
Figure 7: Calculated and measured Seebeck coefficients of Ti3SiC2. (a) Sxx
calculation [L. Chaput, G. Hug, P. Pecheur, and H. Scherrer, Phys. Rev. B 71,
121104 (2005).], (b) Sxx measurement (present work), (c) polycrystal Ti3SiC2
[H.-I. Yoo, M. W. Barsoum, and T. El-Raghy, Nature (London) 407, 581 (2010)].
IFM activity report 2012
research centers
Electronic-structure origin of the anisotropic thermopower of nanolaminated Ti3SiC2 determined by polarized x-ray spectroscopy
and Seebeck measurement [M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, Ngo
Van Nong, P. Eklund and L. Hultman, Phys. Rev. B 85, 195134
Surface morphology effects on the light-controlled wettability of
ZnO nanostructures
[V. Khranovskyy, T. Ekblad, R. Yakimova and L. Hultman, Applied Surface Science 258, 8146 (2012)].
The effect of surface morphology on the UV light-controlled
wettability of ZnO nanostructures has been revealed [1]. The
hydrophobicity state of the ZnO nanostructures is converted
to superhydrophilicity after UV irradiation during ~5 - 30 min
(Fig. 1), where smaller ZnO features on the surface yield a faster
hydrophobicity-hydrophilicity transition. This is explained by
the semiconductor nature of ZnO and its surface chemistry.
The fastest and most prominent wettability change is obtained
for ZnO nanosheaves: the contact angle changes from 124º to
5º after ~ 5 min. of irradiation. Such effect is explained to be
due to the small (~30 nm) needle tip diameter and their highly
developed surface area. The results encourage the application
of the ZnO nanostructures, particularly for the effective control
of micro or nano-fluid motion, and enabling patterning hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity with photolithography. The observed
features of ZnO can also be used for the design of microdevices,
where the nature of a surface plays a key role on the mediation
of protein adsorption or cell adhesion.
Figure 9: Charge distribution iso-surfaces associated to the spin excess
emerging from the SiAl defect incorporated in an h-AlN sheet.
research centers
Negative-U System of Carbon Vacancy in 4H-SiC [N.T. Son, X.T.
Trinh, L.S. Løvlie, B.G. Svensson, K. Kawahara, J. Suda, T. Kimoto, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, T. Makino, T. Ohshima, and E. Janzén,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 187603 (2012)].
Using n-type 4H-SiC epilayers irradiated by low energy (250
keV) electrons we were able to obtain the electron paramagnetic
resonance (EPR) signals of the carbon vacancy (VC) without
interference from other defects and determine its energy levels
and negative-U properties. Combining EPR and deep-level
transient spectroscopy (DLTS), the two most common defects
in as-grown 4H-SiC–the Z1/2 lifetime-limiting defect and the
EH7 deep defect–have been identified to be related to the double
acceptor (2-|0) and single donor (0|+) levels of VC, respectively.
The results clarify the long-standing issue on the origin of the
lifetime limiting defect in bulk SiC.
Figure 8: Change of the contact angle (θ) with time upon UV irradiation for
ZnO nanostructures of diverse morphology. The insets are wettability images
before irradiation (left) and after 5 min of UV irradiation (right).
Defects in hexagonal-AlN sheets by first-principles calculations
[E.F. de Almeida Junior, F. de Brito Mota, C.M.C. de Castilho, A.
Kakanakova-Georgieva and G.K. Gueorguiev, Eur. Phys. J. B 85,
48 (2012)].
The structural and electronic properties of an infinite h-AlN
sheet were addressed by DFT calculations together with the
implications for its network of selected defects, e.g., vacancies,
anti-sites as well as C and Si impurities. Defects such as nitrogen vacancies and Si impurities lead to a breaking of the planar
shape of the h-AlN sheet and in some cases to the formation of
new bonds. The defects significantly change the band structure
in the vicinity of the Fermi level in comparison to the band
structure of the perfect h-AlN, which can be used for deliberately
tailoring the electronic properties of individual h-AlN sheets.
Figure 10: Scheme of energy levels of VC at the hexagonal (h) and cubic (k)
sites determined by photo-EPR and the Z1/2 and EH7 levels determined by
IFM activity report 2012
Linköping Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre (LBB)
Director: Prof Anthony (Tony) Turner
Professors: Anthony Turner and Fredrik Winquist
Emeritus Professor: Ingemar Lundström
Associate Professor: Edwin Jager
Assistant Professors: Wing Cheung Mak, Ashutosh Tiwari and
Valerio Beni
Ph.D. Students: Onur Parlak and Mohsen Golabi.
Research Fellows: Amy Gelmi and Hirak Patra
Visiting Researchers: Dr Raeann Gifford and Dr Douglas Holub
Visiting Scientists: Dr Masoud Mehgardi, Dr Janno Torop, Dr Aysu
Yarman, Dr Lokman Uzun,
Visiting PhD Students: Daniel Melling, Alina Sekretaryova, Jose
Luise Sebastian Avila, Mabel Torrens del Valle, Leila Kashefi,
Najmeh Karimian, Jose G. Martinez and Roghayed Imani. Diploma/Master Students: Nirul Masurkar, Namdi Nworah,
Aswathi Anto Anthony, Shalini Nagabooshnam, Aristide Ganci,
Ines Moreno, Nisar Ul Khaliq, Jenny Orban, Swapneel Deshpande and Presty Mathew Merna.
Consultant: Dr Claes Nylander
Managing Editor: Dr Alice Tang
Administrative Staff: Anette Andersson
The Linköping Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre (LBB) was
set up in 2010, with the aim of bringing together the many competences, activities and resources at LiU that are already working
on, or can bring valuable contributions to, the development of
biosensors, biosensing, bioelectronic devices and relevant biomaterials and nanomaterials. The mission of the Centre is to improve the quality of life, health and the environment by the provision of distributed diagnostics and personalised analytical tools
and therapies. Its remit encompasses implantable, minimallyinvasive and non-invasive techniques that may be wearable, used
at the point of care or more widely distributed in the home or
environment. Disease management is focused on cancer, cardiac
diseases, infectious disease, diabetes and care of the elderly. The
Centre’s principal tools are high level research, advanced teaching and the organisation of specialist conferences and workshops. During 2012, the Centre consolidated with the appointment of a number of seniors, including three in association with
the Integrative Centre for Regenerative Medicine (IGEN). It also
played a leading role in the management of Linköping Initiative
in Life Sciences (LIST) and contributed to the strategic direction
of New Tools for Health (HNV). The Centre further reinforced
its role on the international stage in the rapidly expanding field
of biosensors by the creation of several key international collaborations, organisation of two international workshops and
several major conferences. Work at LBB today spans a full range
of core technologies including: bioimaging and drug delivery;
bio-inspired and bio-specific ligands; biointerfaces; biomaterials; biomolecular electronics; biosensors; chemical transducers;
pre-clinical trials; printing and microfabrication; micro-actuators;
nanomaterials and nanostructures; tissue scaffolds; smart materials and nanomaterials; therapeutics; and user interfaces and
electronic design.
LBB is home to the principal journal in the field, Biosensors
and Bioelectronics, published by Elsevier. Tony Turner is the
Editor-In-Chief, Alice Tang is the Managing Editor and Ingemar
Lundström is an Editor. The journal has the highest Impact Factor (5.602) for a research publication in the broad field of Electrochemistry, as defined by ISI, and is also the highest ranking
journal in Sensors. The team handled over 3,000 submissions in
Ashutosh Tiwari is Editor-In-Chief of Advanced Materials Letters, published by VBRI Press, and Raeann Gifford is an Associate Editor. The journal seeks to promote studies of the structure,
synthesis, characterisation and application of novel nanomaterials.
The Centre generated three comprehensive text books in 2012:
Intelligent Nanomaterials (Eds. Tiwari, A., Mishra, A.K., Kobayashi, H. and Turner, A.P.F.) Wiley-Scrivener Publishing, USA.
838 pp. ISBN 978-0-470-93879-9.
Biomedical Materials and Diagnostic Devices (Eds. Tiwari, A.,
Ramalingam, M., Kobayashi, H. and Turner, A.P.F.) WileyScrivener Publishing, USA. ISBN 978-1-118-03014-1.
Integrated Biomaterials for Biomedical Technology (Eds. Ramalingam, M., Tiwari, A., Ramakrishna, S. and Kobayashi, H.),
Wiley, USA, ISBN 978-1-1184-2385-1.
LBB organised the 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, in association with Elsevier, in Cancun, Mexico 15-18 May
2012. The World Congress hosted ca. 700 delegates from all over
the word and is the largest and most prestigious conference in
the field. The Congress was chaired by its founder, Tony Turner,
for the twelfth time. Seven delegates attended from the Centre,
presenting 2 oral presentations and 5 posters. LiU achieved high
visibility thanks to its large exhibition stand promoting the activities of the Centre and its close partners, New Tools for Health
(HNV), GraphenSic and ACREO.
IFM activity report 2012
research centers
LBB’s seeks to harness the fundamental research activities
and innovation at LiU to facilitate the creation of the next generation of bioelectronic devices and to support the national and
worldwide development of the field. It is working closely with
IGEN, headed by May Griffith, ACREO AB in Norrköping and
the Joint Research Centre for Biosensors in Singapore, headed
by Bo Liedberg. Other key external collaborators are Cranfield
University (UK), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
(UFZ) in Leipzig (Germany), Hacettepe University (Turkey),
Italian Institute of Technology in Pontedera, Jiangsu University
(China), Manchester University (UK), National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba (Japan), Potsdam University (Germany),
Prince of Songkla University (Thailand), University of Calcutta
(India), University of Florence (Italy), University of Wollongong
(Australia), Wuhan Institute of Virology (China), Univeristat
Rovira i Virgili (Spain), Zanjan University (Iran) and a number
of well-known companies.
The Centre organised the first international conference on Labelfree Technologies, in conjunction with the University of Bonn
and Elsevier, in Amsterdam, 1-3 November 2012. The conference
was co-chaired by Tony Turner and Evi Kostenis (Bonn) and attracted over 200 delegates and 20 commercial exhibitions. The
focus was on emerging techniques for drug discovery and life
science research.
Masters students. Furthermore, the Centre consolidated its
exchange agreement with Cranfield University (UK) by hosting two Master students for their final research project in 2012.
Ashutosh Tiwari received a JSPS (Japan) Bridge Fellowship in
2012 for ‘A highly sensitive and reproducible nanobioreactor for
the artificial kidney device’ and the Centre signed a collaboration agreement with the National Institute for Materials Science
(NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan.
research centers
In advance of the World Congress on Biosensors in Cancun,
LBB organised a one-day Summer School on Printed Biosensors and Electronics, aimed at providing an in depth and tutorial
view of this specialist topic. The Summer School was sponsored
by Elsevier (Amsterdam) and Erkon Inc. (USA) and attended by
around 100 delegates. The Summer School was coordinated by
Edwin Jager and Chaired by Tony Turner.
The Sweden-Japan Seminar on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (SJS-Nano), 10-11 September 2012, was a two-day bi-national
event organised by LBB (Ashutosh Tiwari et al.) in collaboration
with IGEN, LIST and the International Association of Advanced
Materials (IAAM) at Campus Valla. It focused on recent advances in nanomaterials and nanotechnology and possibilities
for further collaboration between Sweden and Japan. It very successfully incorporated additional presentations from colleagues
in Tsukuba by video link on the second day. During the event,
Hirak Patra was awarded the prize as “Best Young Scientist”
from the International Association of Advanced Materials.
Edwin Jager is the national representative for Sweden on the
management committee of this COST action, chairman of short
term scientific missions (STSM) working group and vice-chairman of the medical devices and conference committee working
groups. LiU received two visitors funded by STSM grants from
this action in 2012, Dr. Janno Torop (University of Tartu, Estonia)
and José Martinez (University of Cartagena, Spain).
IFM hosted an international Workshop funded by COST action
TD1003 entitled Bioinspired Nanotechnologies for Distributed
Diagnostics, 26-27 April 2012, in conjunction with LIST. The
symposium comprised 18 oral presentations interspersed with
discussions and poster presentations. Ingemar Lundström and
Tony Turner are the representatives for Sweden for this action
and LiU hosted Dr Aysu Yarman (Potsdam Univ., Germany),
funded by an STSM grant from this COST in 2012.
International agreements
The Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre signed an Erasmus
exchange agreement with the University of Dundee (UK) for
IFM activity report 2012
Swedish Interdisciplinary MAgnetic Resonance Center
Director: Prof. Weimin Chen
Prof. Anders Lund, Linköping Univ., Chair
Prof. Weimin Chen, LiTH, Linköping Univ.
Prof. Per Hammarström, LiTH, Linköping Univ.
Prof. Erik Janzén, LiTH, Linköping Univ.
Prof. Eva Lund, HU, Linköping Univ.
Doc. Ann Magnusson, Uppsala Univ.
Prof. Bo Monemar, LiTH, Linköping Univ.
Prof. Einar Sagstuen, Oslo Univ. (Norway)
Senior scientists: Prof. Irina Buyanova, Prof. Uno Carlsson, Prof.
Weimin Chen, Ass. Prof. Håkan Gustafsson, Prof. Per Hammarström, Prof. Erik Janzén, Prof. emeritus Anders Lund,
Prof. emeritus Eva Lund, Prof. emeritus Bo Monemar, Dr. Sara
Olsson, Prof. Nguyen Tien Son
Visiting scientists and post-docs (>1 month):
Dr. Alexandr Dobrovolsky, Dr. Daniel Dagnelund, Prof. Mikael
Lindgren, Prof. Galyna Rudko, Dr. Jan Stehr, Dr. Igor Vorona
PhD students:
Emelie Adolfsson, Axel Israelsson, Jan Beyer, Shula Chen,
Stanislav Filippov, Mattias Karlsson, Yuttapoom Puttisong,
Xuan Thang Trinh.
Administrative/Technical staff:
Susanne Andersson, Anna-Karin Stål, Arne Eklund
The research activities at SIMARC cover several areas of various disciplines, including materials science, chemical physics,
chemistry, radiation physics and medical science. The materials studied include advanced semiconductor materials, organic
materials for dosimetry and biochemical materials.
The goal is, by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and
optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), to identify
chemical nature and geometrical structure of defects, impurities and dopants that are important in semiconductor materials
and nanostructures. The activities in this area during 2012 were
focused on: (i) Ga(In)NAs and GaNP dilute nitrides; (ii) SiC;
and (iii) ZnO. EPR dosimetry
The aim is to improve EPR dosimetry (ionising radiation dose
measurements) to be a competitive dosimetric method for applications in radiation therapy. We worked with optimization of
measurement precision and accuracy in dose measurements
by development of new dosimeter read-out protocols and dosimeter calibration protocols. We were also searching for new
dosimeter materials with higher sensitivity and better tissue
equivalence with respect to attenuation and scattering of ionizing radiation. We are currently clinically evaluating a lithium
formate EPR dosimeter system for dosimetry in special measurements situations such as dosimetry in intensity modulated
radiation therapy (IMRT) and brachytherapy with electronic
sources i.e. a micro X-ray tube. Further the robust design and
high stability of the dosimeters were used for verification of the
whole radiotherapy chain.
Retrospective dosimetry by means of EPR spectroscopy
EPR spectroscopy measurements of chewing gums and
sweeteners sorbitol and xylitol have been performed in order to
optimize their use as retrospective dosimeters. We participated
in an international intercomparison on retrospective dosimetry
of Touch Glass in mobile telephones. Radical identification,
transitions, stability, dose response and light dependence have
been investigated. Retrospective dosimetry on finger nails has
been performed with a focus on the preparation procedures
to avoid mechanically induced signals. First attempts were
made on imaging of the dose distribution in tooth enamel by
imaging of simple geometries of enamel grains in paraffin and
carbonated hydroxyapatite.
Medical applications of EPR imaging (EPRI)
Research aiming to use EPRI for medical applications such as:
(i) imaging of radical distributions in atherosclerosis for a better understanding of the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
in atherosclerosis; (ii) imaging of radical distributions for
experimental verifications of calculated dose distributions in radiation therapy of cancer, e.g. narrow beam dose distributions
and interface dose distributions; (iii) imaging and spectroscopy
of spin-labelled amyloid proteins involved in degenerative
is used to evaluate optical and defect properties of ZnO nanowires (NWs) grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition.
By monitoring visible emissions, several grown-in defects are
revealed and attributed to Zn vacancies, shallow (but not effective mass) donor and exchange-coupled pairs of Zn vacancies
and Zn interstitials. It is also found that the intensity of the
donor-related ODMR signals is substantially lower in the NWs
compared with that in bulk ZnO, indicating that formation of
native donors is suppressed in NWs, which is beneficial for
achieving p-type conductivity. [J.E. Stehr et al, Nanotechnology
24, 015701 (2013)]
EPR and theoretical studies of Nb in 4H- and 6H-SiC
A Nb-related defect in unintentionally Nb-doped 4H- and 6HSiC is studied by EPR. A strong and anisotropic hyperfine (hf)
interaction with two equivalent Si atoms and a much weaker
hf interaction with the third Si neighbor are observed, showing considerable spin density on three Si neighbors of the C
vacancy. Comparing the hf data obtained by EPR and by hf
calculations provides further support for the identification of
the defect as the neutral Nb-vacancy complex, NbSiVC0. The
observation of only one Nb-related EPR spectrum in 4H- and
6H-SiC is in line with the result from previous calculations
predicting that the h-h configuration of NbSiVC0 is more stable than others. [N.T. Son et al., J. Appl. Phys. 112, 083711 (2012)]
Fe(III) distribution varies substantially within and between atherosclerotic plaques
Atherosclerotic plaques that are unstable may rupture and
the resulting thrombosis may cause subsequent catastrophic
events such as a stroke or a myocardial infarction depending
on the position of the atherosclerotic plaque. This work aims to
study if the vulnerability for rupture of carotid atherosclerotic
plaques is better correlated to intra-plaque iron distribution
and therefore to the localization of oxidative stress, rather than
to a high mean iron concentration in the plaque. We found
large intra-plaque Fe(III) variations in addition to the observation that plaques from patients with neurological symptoms
had a higher Fe(III) concentration as compared to asymptomatic plaques as well as signs of cap rupture and increased cap
macrophage activity. [Gustafsson et al., Magnetic resonance in
medicine, In press].
About 30 research groups worldwide.
Education activities
We have also been actively involved in undergraduate and
graduate education. During 2012, the courses in “Semiconductor Technology” (TFYA39), “Perspectives on Physics” (TFFM12),
“Experimental Physics” (TFFM08), “Project work” (TGZD20)
and “Magnetic resonance characterization of defects in semiconductors” were given.
Defect properties of ZnO nanowires revealed from an ODMR study
ODMR complemented by photoluminescence measurements
IFM activity report 2012
research centers
Important defect issues and recombination processes in semiconductor materials
Applied Optics
Iryna Valyukh, S V Green, C G Granqvist, K Gunnarsson, Hans Arwin, G A Niklasson,
Ellipsometrically determined optical
properties of nickel-containing tungsten
oxide thin films: Nanostructure inferred
from effective medium theory, Journal of
Applied Physics, 2012, (112), 4, 044308.
Sergiy Valyukh, V. Chigrinov, H. S. Kwok,
Hans Arwin, On liquid crystal diffractive
optical elements utilizing inhomogeneous
alignment, Optics Express, 2012, (20), 14,
Other: Ching-Lien Hsiao, Roger
Magnusson, Justinas Palisaitis, Per
Sandström, Sergiy Valyukh, Per Persson,
Lars Hultman, Kenneth Järrendahl, Jens
Birch, Curved-lattice epitaxial growth of
chiral AlInN twisted nanorods for optical
applications, 2012.
Conference: Kenneth Järrendahl, Jens
Birch, Roger Magnusson, Ching-Lien
Hsiao, Per Sandström, Torun Berlind,
Johan L.I. Gustafson, Lia Fernández del
Río, Jan Landin, Hans Arwin, Polarization
of Light Reflected from Chiral Structures Calculations Compared with Mueller Matrix
Ellipsometry Measurements on Natural and
Synthetic Samples, 2012.
Conference: Hans Arwin, Polarized
reflection and nanostructure in scarab
beetles studied by spectroscopic Muellermatrix ellipsometry, 2012.
Saulius Tumėnas, Vytautas Karpus,
Klemensas Bertulis, Hans Arwin, Dielectric
function and refractiveindex of GaBixAs1-x(x
= 0.035, 0.052, 0.075), Physica Status Solidi.
C, Current topics in solid state physics,
2012, (9), 7, 1633-1635.
Johanna Olofsson, Mikael Grehk, Torun
Berlind, Cecilia Persson, Staffan Jacobson,
Håkan Engqvist, Evaluation of silicon nitride
as a wear resistant and resorbable alternative
for total hip joint replacement, Biomatter,
2012, (2), 2, 94-102.
Hjalmar Granberg,, Ludovic Coppel,,
Mohamed Eita, Eduardo de Mayolo, Hans
Arwin, Lars Wågberg, Dynamics of moisture
interaction with polyelectrolyte multilayers
containing nanofibrillated cellulose, Nordic
Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 2012, (27),
2, 496-499.
Conference: Hans Arwin, Blaine Johs,
Kenneth Järrendahl, Analysis of Muellermatrix data from chiral structures in
exoskeletons of scarab beetles, 2012.
Conference: Eloy Guadalupe Muñoz-Pineda,
Arturo Mendoza-Galván, Reina Araceli
Mauricio-Sánchez, Jan Landin, Kenneth
Järrendahl, Hans Arwin, Polarization
properties and structural color of the scarab
beetle Cotinis mutabilis (Mayatl), 2012.
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Hans Arwin,
Olle Inganäs, Determination of optical
constants and phase transition temperatures
in polymer fullerene thin films for polymer
solar cells, 2012.
Conference: Lia Fernández del Río, Hans
Arwin, Jan Landin, Roger Magnusson,
Kenneth Järrendahl, A Mueller Matrix
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of Scarab
Beetles of the Chrysina Genus, 2012.
Conference: Hans Arwin, Analysis of
photonic structures in beetles using Muellermatrix data, 2012.
Arturo Mendoza-Galván, Kenneth
Järrendahl, Alexander Dmitriev, T. Pakizeh,
Mikael Käll, Hans Arwin, Fano interference
in supported goldnanosandwiches with
weakly coupled nanodisks, Optics Express,
2012, (20), 28, 29646-29658.
Conference: Hans Arwin, Torun Berlind,
Jens Birch, Lia Fernández del Río, Johan
Gustafson, Jan Landin, Roger Magnusson,
Christina Åkerlind, Kenneth Järrendahl,
Polarization effects in reflection from
the cuticle of scarab beetles studied by
spectroscopic Mueller-matrix ellipsometry,
AES 2012, Advanced Electromagnetics
Symposium, 2012.
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Kristofer
Tvingstedt, Hans Arwin, Olle Inganäs, In
situ reflectance imaging of organic thin film
formation from solution, 2012.
Conference: Hans Arwin, Structural and
optical properties of chiral natural photonic
structures determined from spectroscopic
Mueller-matrix data, E-MRS 2012 Fall
Meeting, 2012.
Robert Rehammar, Farzan Alavian
Ghavanini, Roger Magnusson, Jari Kinaret,
Peter Enoksson, Hans Arwin, Eleanor
Campbell,Electromechanically Tunable
Carbon Nanofiber Photonic Crystal, Nano
letters (Print), 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Hans Arwin,
Olle Inganäs, In situ reflectance imaging of
organic thin film formation from solution,
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Hans Arwin,
Kenneth Järrendahl, Light Scattering
and Colour Generation in exoskeletons
of Jewelled Beetle, Photonics Global
Conference, 2012.
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Pavlo
Tytarenko, Liquid-crystal-based diffractive
optical elements, 8th EOS Topical Meeting
on Diffractive Optics 2012, 2012.
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Adaptive liquid
crystal lenses for display applications, SIDME Spring Meeting 2012, 2012.
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Hans
Arwin, Christina Åkerlind, Kenneth
Järrendahl, Simulation of light scattering
from biological helicoidal structures, 7th
Workshop Ellipsometry, 2012.
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Jelle De Smet,
Herbert De Smet, Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk,
A Liquid Crystal Lens Array-Based
Projection System for NearEye Displays, The
19th International Display Workshops in
conjunction with Asia Display, 2012.
Conference: Sergiy Valyukh, Diffractive
optical elements based on liquid crystals,
4th Workshop on Liquid Crystals for
Photonics, 2012.
Hans Arwin, Roger Magnusson, Jan
Landin, Kenneth Järrendahl, Chiralityinduced polarization effects in the cuticle
of scarab beetles: 100 years after Michelson,
Philosophical Magazine, 2012, (92), 12,
Applied Physics
Other: Zafar Iqbal, Mats Eriksson, Optical
sensing with a mobile phone applied to
liquid solutions, 2012.
Other: Zafar Iqbal, Mats Eriksson,
Classification and quantitative optical
analysis of liquid and solid samples using
a mobile phone as illumination source and
detector, 2012.
Daniel A Bricarello, Mira A Patel, Atul
Navinchandra Parikh, Inhibiting hostpathogen interactions using membranebased nanostructures, Trends in
Biotechnology, 2012, (30), 6, 323-330.
Francesca Dini, Eugenio Martinelli,
Roberto Paolesse, Daniel Filippini, Detlev
Schild, Ingemar Lundström, Corrado Di
Natale, Data processing for image-based
chemical sensors: unsupervised region of
interest selection and background noise
compensation, Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry, 2012, (402), 2, 823-832.
Lic: Zhafira Darmastuti, SiCFET gassensors:
theory, developent, and applications to flue
gas cleaning processes in power plants,
Kristina Buchholt, Per Eklund, Jens Jensen,
Jun Lu, R Ghandi, M Domeij, C M Zetterling,
G Behan, H Zhang, Anita Lloyd Spetz,
Lars Hultman,Growth and characterization
of epitaxial Ti3GeC2 thin films on
4H-SiC(0001), Journal of Crystal Growth,
2012, (343), 1, 133-137.
Pakorn Preechaburana, Anke Suska, Daniel
Filippini, Embedded Adaptive Optics for
Ubiquitous Lab-on-a-Chip Readout on Intact
Cell Phones, Sensors, 2012, (12), 7, 85868600.
Anita Lloyd Spetz, Vacuum technology
applied to solid state chemical sensors,
processing, characterization and applications, Vacuum, 2012, (86), 5, 488-494.
Other: Pakorn Preechaburana, Per
Erlandsson, Eva Åström, Peter Påhlsson,
Daniel Filippini, Nathaniel D. Robinson,
Disposable total internal reflection
fluorescence lab-on-a-chip for medical
diagnosis, 2012.
Pakorn Preechaburana, Marcos Gonzalez,
Anke Suska, Daniel Filippini, Surface
Plasmon Resonance Chemical Sensing on
Cell Phones, Sensors, 2012, (51), 46, 1158511588.
Anke Suska, Urban Alehagen, Ingemar
Lundström, Ulf Dahlström, Salivary
Alpha-Amylase Activity, a New Biomarker
in Heart Failure?, Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Cardiology, 2012, (S2).
Applied sensor science Christian Bur, Peter Reimann, Mike
Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Andreas
Schuetze, New method for selectivity
enhancement of SiC field effect gas sensors
for quantification of NO (x), Microsystem
Technologies, 2012, (18), 7-8, 1015-1025.
Rositza Yakimova, Linnea Selegård,
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Ruth Pearce, Anita
Lloyd Spetz, Kajsa Uvdal, ZnO materials
and surface tailoring for biosensing,
Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition), 2012,
(4), 254-278.
Jens Eriksson, Ruth Pearce, Tihomir
Iakimov, Chariya Virojanadara, Daniela
Gogova, Mike Andersson, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Anita Lloyd Spetz, Rositza Yakimova, The
influence of substrate morphology on
thickness uniformity and unintentional
doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC, Applied
Physics Letters, 2012, (100), 24, 241607.
Andreas Larsson, Olav Storstrom, Torleif
Tollefsen Seip, Magnus Hjelstuen, Robert
Bjorklund, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Mats L
Johansson, Ann Grant, Peter Jozsa, Per-Erik
Faegerman, Jaska Paaso, Lars Hammarlund,
Thermal Management System for Particle
Sensors Design, Performance and
Verification, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2012,
(12), 6, 2299-2305.
Christian Bur, Peter Reimann, Mike
Andersson, Andreas Schuetze, Anita Lloyd
Spetz, Increasing the Selectivity of Pt-Gate
SiC Field Effect Gas Sensors by Dynamic
Temperature Modulation, IEEE Sensors
Journal, 2012, (12), 6.
Other: Zhafira Darmastuti, P. Bhattacharyya,
Mike Andersson, Jayita Kanungo, Sukumar
Basu, Per-Olov Käll, Lars Ojamäe, Anita Lloyd
Spetz, SiC-FET Methanol Sensors for Process
Control and Leakage Detection, 2012.
Conference: Ruth Pearce, Rositsa Yakimova,
Johan Eriksson, Lars Hultman, Mike
Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Development
of FETs and resistive devices based on
epitaxially grown single layer graphene
on SiC for highly sensitive gas detection,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720, 2012.
Biomolecular and organic electronics
Renee Kroon, Robert Gehlhaar, Timothy
T Steckler, Patrik Henriksson, Christian
Muller, Jonas Bergqvist, Afshin Hadipour,
Paul Heremans, Mats R Andersson,
New quinoxaline and pyridopyrazinebased polymers for solution-processable
photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials and
Solar Cells, 2012, (105), 280-286.
Koen Vandewal, Zaifei Ma, Jonas Bergqvist,
Zheng Tang, Ergang Wang, Patrik
Henriksson, Kristofer Tvingstedt, Mats R
Andersson, Fengling Zhang, Olle Inganäs,
Quantification of Quantum Efficiency
and Energy Losses in Low Bandgap
Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells with High
Open-Circuit Voltage, Advanced Functional
Materials, 2012, (22), 16, 3480-3490.
Koen Vandewal, Kristofer Tvingstedt, Olle
Inganäs, Polarization anisotropy of charge
transfer absorption and emission of aligned
polymer: fullerene blend films, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (86), 3, 035212.
Other: Roger H Gabrielsson, Grzegorz
Milczarewic, D. H Nagarajuc, Peter
Konradsson, Olle Inganäs, Hydrogels of
polypyrrole and self doped PEDOT for
porous electrodes and supercapacitors, 2012.
Other: Mahiar Hamedi, Anders Elfwing,
Roger H Gabrielsson, Olle Inganäs,
Electronic Polymers and DNA Selfassembled in Nanowire Transistors, 2012.
Olle Inganäs, Fengling Zhang, Mats R
Andersson, Alternating Copolymers and
Alternative Device Geometries for Organic
Photovoltaics, Ambio, 2012, (41), 138-142.
Niclas Solin, Olle Inganäs, Protein
Nanofibrils Balance Colours in Organic
White-Light-Emitting Diodes, Israel Journal
of Chemistry, 2012, (52), 6, 529-539.
Hongyu Zhen, Kan Li, Zhuoyin Huang,
Zheng Tang, Rengmao Wu, Guolong Li, Xu
Liu, Fengling Zhang, Inverted indium-tinoxide-free cone-shaped polymer solar cells
for light trapping, Applied Physics Letters,
2012, (100), 21, 213901.
Viktor Andersson, Caroline Skoglund,
Kajsa Uvdal, Niclas Solin, Preparation of
amyloidlike fibrils containing magnetic
iron oxide nanoparticles: Effect of
protein aggregation on proton relaxivity,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications - BBRC, 2012, (419), 4,
Grzegorz Milczarek, Olle Inganäs,
Renewable Cathode Materials from
Biopolymer/Conjugated Polymer
Interpenetrating Networks, Science, 2012,
(335), 6075, 1468-1471.
Ming Wang, Cuihong Li, Aifeng Lv, Zhaohui
Wang, Zhishan Bo, Fengling Zhang,
Synthesis and photovoltaic behaviors of
benzothiadiazole- and triphenylamine-based
alternating copolymers, Polymer, 2012, (53),
2, 324-332.
Zaifei Ma, Ergang Wang, Markus E Jarvid,
Patrik Henriksson, Olle Inganäs, Fengling
Zhang, Mats R Andersson, Synthesis and
characterization of benzodithiopheneisoindigo polymers for solar cells, Journal of
Materials Chemistry, 2012, (22), 5, 2306-2314.
Zheng Tang, Mattias Andersson, Zandra
George, Koen Vandewal, Kristofer
Tvingstedt, Patrik Heriksson, Renee Kroon,
Mats Andersson, Olle Inganäs, Interlayer
for Modified Cathode in Highly Efficient
Inverted ITO-Free Organic Solar Cells,
Advanced Materials, 2012, (24), 4, 554-558.
Anna-Lena Göransson, Daniel Kanmert, K.
Peter R. Nilsson, Katarina Kågedal, AnnChristin Brorsson, Identification of distinct
physiochemical properties of the toxic
prefibrillar species formed by AΒΒ peptide
variants, Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications - BBRC, 2012,
(420), 4, 895-900.
Ph.D.: Viktor Andersson, Electron
tomography and optical modelling for
organic solar cells, 2012.
Viktor Andersson, Sergej Masich, Niclas
Solin, Olle Inganäs, Morphology of organic
electronic materials imaged via electron
tomography, Journal of Microscopy, 2012,
(247), 3, 277-287.
IFM activity report 2012
Christian Ulrich, Dan Louthander, Per
Mårtensson, André Kluftinger, Michael
Gawronski, Fredrik Björefors, Evaluation
of industrial cutting fluids using
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
and multivariate data analysis, Talanta, 2012,
(97), 468-472.
Zaifei Ma, Zheng Tang, Ergang Wang,
Mats R Andersson, Olle Inganäs, Fengling
Zhang, Influences of Surface Roughness
of ZnO Electron Transport Layer on the
Photovoltaic Performance of Organic
Inverted Solar Cells, The Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 46, 24462-24468.
Zheng Tang, Zandra George, Zaifei Ma,
Jonas Bergqvist, Kristofer Tvingstedt, Koen
Vandewal, Ergang Wang, Mattias Andersson,
Mats R Andersson, Fengling Zhang,
Olle Inganäs, Semi-Transparent Tandem
Organic Solar Cells with 90% Internal
Quantum Efficiency, ADVANCED ENERGY
MATERIALS, 2012, (2), 12, 1467-1476.
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Hans Arwin,
Olle Inganäs, Determination of optical
constants and phase transition temperatures
in polymer fullerene thin films for polymer
solar cells, 2012.
Kristofer Tvingstedt, Zheng Tang, Olle
Inganäs, Light trapping with total internal
reflection and transparent electrodes in
organic photovoltaic devices, Applied
Physics Letters, 2012, (101), 16.
Bettina M. Wegenast-Braun, Angelos
Skodras, Gonca Bayraktar, Jasmin Mahler,
Sarah K. Fritschi, Therése Klingstedt, Jeffrey
Mason, Per Hammarström, Peter Nilsson,
Christian Liebig, Mathias Jucker, Spectral
Discrimination of Cerebral Amyloid Lesions
after Peripheral Application of Luminescent
Conjugated Oligothiophenes, American
Journal of Pathology, 2012, (181), 6, 1953-1960.
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Kristofer
Tvingstedt, Hans Arwin, Olle Inganäs, In
situ reflectance imaging of organic thin film
formation from solution, 2012.
Conference: Jonas Bergqvist, Hans Arwin,
Olle Inganäs, In situ reflectance imaging of
organic thin film formation from solution,
Mattias Andersson, Yu-Te Hsu, Koen
Vandewal, Alexander B Sieval, Mats R.
Andersson, Olle Inganäs, Mixed C60/
C70 based fullerene acceptors in polymer
bulk-heterojunction solar cells, Organic
electronics, 2012, (13), 12, 2856-2864.
Alexander Vastesson, Anders Elfwing,
Olle Inganäs, Micro-Structuring of New
Materials Combined with Electronic
Polymers for Interfaces with Cells, 2012.
Ilan Margalith, Carlo Suter, Boris Ballmer,
Petra Schwarz, Cinzia Tiberi, Tiziana
Sonati, Jeppe Falsig, Sofie Nyström,
Per Hammarström, Andreas Åslund,
Peter Nilsson, Alice Yam, Eric Whitters,
Simone Hornemann, Adriano Aguzzi,
Polythiophenes Inhibit Prion Propagation
by Stabilizing Prion Protein (PrP)
Aggregates, Journal of Biological Chemistry,
2012, (287), 23, 18872-18887.
IFM activity report 2012
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Yashpal Sharma, Ashutosh Tiwari,
Shinya Hattori, Dohiko Terada, Ashok K
Sharma, Murugan Ramalingam, Hisatoshi
Kobayashi, Fabrication of conducting
electrospun nanofibers scaffold for threedimensional cells culture, International
Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2012,
(51), 4, 627-631.
Vasiliki Fragkou, Yi Ge, Greg Steiner, Dom
Freeman, Norbert Bartetzko, Anthony
Turner, Determination of the Real Surface
Area of a Screen-Printed Electrode by
Chronocoulometry, International Journal of
Electrochemical Science, 2012, (7), 7, 62146220.
Ashutosh Tiwari, Swapneel R. Deshpande,
Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Anthony Turner,
Detection of p53 gene point mutation
using sequence-specific molecularly
imprinted PoPD electrode, Biosensors &
bioelectronics, 2012, (35), 1, 224-229.
Conference: Edwin Jager, Actuators,
biomedicine, and cell-biology, Volume 8340
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices
(EAPAD) 2012, 2012.
Conference: Silvia Taccola, Francesco
Greco, Edwin Jager, Virgilio Mattoli,
Electrochemical actuation of free standing
PEDOT: PSS/SU8 bilayer microactuators,
EuroEAP 2012 online proceedings, 2012.
Conference: Edwin Jager, Babita Gaihre,
Gursel Alici, Geoff Spinks, Patterning of
polypyrrole trilayer actuators working in
air for microrobotics, EuroEAP 2012 online
proceedings, 2012.
Raksha P Dhankar, Anjali M Rahatgaonkar,
Mukund S Chorghade, Ashutosh Tiwari,
Spectral and in vitro antimicrobial
properties of 2-oxo-4-phenyl-6-styryl-1,2,3,4tetrahydro-pyrimidine-5-carboxylic acid
transition metal complexes, Spectrochimica
Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy, 2012, (93), 348-353.
Q A M Al-Khafaji, M Harris, S Tombelli,
S Laschi, Anthony Turner, M Mascini,
G Marrazza, An Electrochemical
Immunoassay for HER2 Detection,
Electroanalysis, 2012, (24), 4, 735-742.
Larisa Lvova, Marco Mastroianni, Corrado
Di Natale, Ingemar Lundström, Roberto
Paolesse, Towards Hyphenated Sensors
Development: Design and Application
of Porphyrin Electropolymer Materials,
Electroanalysis, 2012, (24), 4, 776-789.
Maelle Perfezou, Anthony Turner,
Arben Merkoci, Cancer detection using
nanoparticle-based sensors, Chemical
Society Reviews, 2012, (41), 7, 2606-2622.
Francesca Dini, Eugenio Martinelli,
Roberto Paolesse, Daniel Filippini, Detlev
Schild, Ingemar Lundström, Corrado Di
Natale, Data processing for image-based
chemical sensors: unsupervised region of
interest selection and background noise
compensation, Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry, 2012, (402), 2, 823-832.
S. K. Shukla, Swapneel R. Deshpande,
Sudheesh K. Shukla, Ashutosh Tiwari,
Fabrication of a tunable glucose biosensor
based on zinc oxide/chitosan-graft-poly
(vinyl alcohol) core-shell nanocomposite,
Talanta, 2012, (99), 283-287.
Ashutosh Tiwari, Intelligent nanomaterials
for prospective nanotechnology, Advanced
Materials Letters, 2012, (3), 1, 1-1.
Dohiko Terada, Hisatoshi Kobayashi,
Kun Zhang, Ashutosh Tiwari, Chiaki
Yoshikawa, Nobutaka Hanagata, Transient
charge-masking effect of applied voltage on
electrospinning of pure chitosan nanofibers
from aqueous solutions, Science and
Technology of Advanced Materials, 2012,
(13), 1, 015003.
S. K. Shukla, Anand Bharadvaja, G. K.
Parashar, A. P. Mishra, G. C. Dubey,
Ashutosh Tiwari, Fabrication of ultrasensitive optical fiber based humidity sensor
using TiO2 thin film, Advanced Materials
Letters, 2012, (3), 5, 365-370.
S. K. Shukla, V. Vamakshi, M. Minakshi,
Anand Bharadavaja, Aparna Shekhar,
Ashutosh Tiwari, Fabrication of electrochemical humidity sensor based on zinc
oxide/polyaniline nanocomposite, Advanced
Materials Letters, 2012, (3), 5, 421-425.
Ashutosh Tiwari, Yashpal Sharma, Shinya
Hattori, Dohiko Terada, Ashok K. Sharma,
Anthony P. F. Turner, Hisatoshi Kobayashi,
Influence of polyN-isopropylacrylamide)CNT-polyaniline three-dimensional
electrospun microfabric scaffolds on cell
growth and viability, Biopolymers, 2012, (), .
Henrik Höckerdal, Anthony Turner, Fredrik
Winquist, Electrochemical Measurements of
Salivary Amylase Activity, 2012, (), .
S. Cao, L. Fang, Z. Zhao, Yi Ge, Sergey
Piletsky, Anthony Turner, Hierachically
Structured Hollow Silica Spheres for High
Efficiency Immobilization of Enzymes,
Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, (), .
He Li, Jing He, Songjun Li, Anthony
Turner, Electrochemical immunosensor
with N-doped graphene-modified electrode
for label-free detection of the breast
cancer biomarker CA 15-3, Biosensors and
Bioelectronics, 2012, (43), 25-29.
Anthony Turner, Biosensors 2012, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, (40), 1-2.
Chapter: Anthony Turner, M Harris, S
Tombelli, G Marrazza, Affibodies as an
alternative to antibodies inbiosensors for
cancer markers, Biosensors for Medical
Applications, 2012.
Chapter: Anthony Turner, Sense and Sensorbility, Public Service Review:Europe 24,
Chapter: Anthony Turner, Preface, Biomedical materials and diagnostic devices, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner, S
Deshpande, Ashutosh Tiwari,
Label-free nano immunosensor for
diagnosis of cardiacinjury based on
localised surface plasmon resonance,
Bioinspired Nanotechnologies for
DistributedDiagnostics, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner, N.
Karimian, Ashutosh Tiwari, Plastic
troponin immunosensor for diagnosis of
cardiacinjury, Bioinspired Nanotechnologies
for Distributed Diagnostics, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner, N. Karimian,
Ashutosh Tiwari, Electropolymerised MIP
sensor for Troponin A, MIP 2012, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner, Onur Parlak,
Ashutosh Tiwari, Towards cholesterol
biosensors based on goldnanoparticlefunctionalised graphene oxide by direct
electron transfer, Label-free technologies,
Conference: Anthony Turner, Biosensors:
Sense and Sensibility, Theophillus
Redwoood Medal and Award Lecture, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner,
Nanobiosensors: a bottom-up approach
to integrated biosensor design, Nanoscale
Science and Technology, 2012.
Conference: Anthony Turner, Biosensors
as consumer products to support
personalwellbeing, ambient assisted living
and early disease diagnosis, The 22nd
Anniversary World congress onBiosensors,
Chapter: Ajay Kumar Mishra, Shivani
B. Mishra, Ashutosh Tiwari, Polymers/
Composites Based Intelligent Transducers,
Intelligent Nanomaterials, 2012, 571-584.
Chapter: Debasish Mondal, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Nanofibers Based Biomedical
Devices, Intelligent Nanomaterials, 2012,
Chapter: Debasish Mondal, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Electrospun Nanomatrix for Tissue
Regeneration, Biomedical Materials and
Diagnostic Devices, 2012, 577-596.
Book: Murugan Ramalingam, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Seeram Ramakrishna, Hisatoshi
Kobayashi, Integrated Biomaterials for
Biomedical Technology, 2012.
Chapter: Raghvendra S. Yadav, Ravindra P.
Singh, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avinash C. Pandey,
Smart Nanomaterials for Space and Energy
Applications, Intelligent Nanomaterials,
2012, 213-250.
Anthology: Ashutosh Tiwari, Ajay K. Mishra,
Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Anthony P.F. Turner,
Intelligent Nanomaterials, 2012.
Chapter: Murugan Ramalingam, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Polymeric Nanofibers and their
Applications in Sensors, Intelligent
Nanomaterials, 2012, 801-823.
Anthology: Ashutosh Tiwari, Murugan
Ramalingam, Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Anthony
P. F. Turner, Biomedical Materials and
Diagnostic Devices, 2012.
Chapter: Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma,
Ashutosh Tiwari, R. P. Singh, Experimental
Techniques: An Introductory Overview,
Synthesis, Characterization and Application
of Smart Materials, 2012, 15-30.
Chapter: Ashutosh Tiwari, R. P. Singh,
Radheshyam Rai, Vinyls Modified Guar
Gum Biodegradable Plastics, Synthesis,
Characterization and Application of Smart
Materials, 2012, 125-136.
Chapter: Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, Ashutosh Tiwari, Synthesis and Characterization of Bi, Fe, Al and Sb- Modified PLZT,
Synthesis, Characterization and Application
of Smart Materials, 2012, 31-98.
Chapter: Atul Tiwari, Ravi B. Srivastava,
Rajesh K. Saini, Anil K. Bajpai, Lucia
H. Innocentini Mei, Shivani B. Mishra,
Ashutosh Tiwari, Ashok Kumar, Mohsen
Shahinpoor, Golok B. Nando, Subash C.
Kundu, Avrath Chadha, Biopolymers: An
Indispensable Tool for Biotechnology,
Biotechnology in Biopolymers, 2012, 1-16.
Chapter: Yashpal Sharma, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Conducting
Polymer Composites for Tissue Engineering
Scaffolds, Biomedical Materials and
Diagnostic Devices, 2012, 597-510.
Chapter: Sharda Sunaram Sanjay, Ravindra
P. Singh, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avinash C.
Pandey, Mode of Growth Mechanism of
Nanocrystal Using Biomolecules, Intelligent
Nanomaterials, 2012, 625-648.
Chapter: Ravindra P. Singh, Jeong-Woo
Choi, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avinash C. Pandey,
Biomimetic Materials toward Application of
Nanobiodevices, Intelligent Nanomaterials,
2012, 741-782.
Chapter: Ravindra P. Singh, Jeong -Woo
Choi, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avinash Chand
Pandey, Utility and Potential Application
of Nanomaterials in Medicine, Biomedical
Materials and Diagnostic Devices, 2012,
Chapter: Ravindra P. Singh, Kaushal
Kumar, Radheyshyam Rai, Jeong-Woo
Choi, Ashutosh Tiwari, Avinash C. Pandey,
Synthesis, Characterization of Metal-Oxide
Nanomaterials for Biosensors, Synthesis,
Characterization and Application of Smart
Materials, 2012, 225-238.
Chapter: Ravindra Pratap Singh, Ashutosh
Tiwari, Joeng-Woo Choi, Avinash
Chandra Pandey, Smart Nanomaterials
for Biosensors, Biochips and Molecular
Bioelectronics, Smart Nanomaterials for
Sensor Application, 2012, 3-41.
Chapter: Ashutosh Tiwari, Smart Chitosan
Matrices for Application to Cholesterol
Biosensors, Biotechnology in Biopolymers,
2012, 193-232.
Chapter: Ashutosh Tiwari, Atul
Tiwari, Bionanocomposite Matrices in
Electrochemical Biosensors, Biomedical
Materials and Diagnostic Devices, 2012,
Chapter: Ashutosh Tiwari, Dohiko
Terada, Hisatoshi Kobayashi, R. P. Singh,
Radheshyam Rai, Bionanomaterials for
Emerging Biosensors Technology, Synthesis,
Characterization and Application of Smart
Materials, 2012, 137-154.
Conference: Rositsa Yakimova, Remigijus
Vasiliauskas, Jens Eriksson, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Progress in 3C-SiC growth and
novel applications, Materials Science Forum
Vol 711, 2012.
Juankun Zhang, Yan Wu, Binbin Zhang,
Min Li, Shiru Jia, Shuhai Jiang, Hao Zhou,
Yi Zhang, Chaozheng Zhang, Anthony
Turner, Label-Free Electrochemical
Detection Of Tetracycline By An Aptamer
Nano-Biosensor, Analytical Letters, 2012,
(45), 9, 986-992.
Mandenius C, Andersson T, Alves Cecilia
Andrésen, Sara Helander, Alexander Lemak,
Christophe Fares, Veronika Csizmok,
Jonas Carlsson, Linda Z Penn, Julie D
Forman-Kay, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Patrik
Lundström, Maria Sunnerhagen, Transient
structure and dynamics in the disordered
c-Myc transactivation domain affect Bin1
binding, Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, (40),
13, 6353-6366.
IFM activity report 2012
Alesandro Poma, Antonio Guerreiro,
Michael J. Whitcombe, Elena Piletska,
Anthony Turner, Sergey Piletsky, SolidPhase Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted
Polymer Nanoparticles with a Reusable
Template–“Plastic Antibodies”, Advanced
Functional Materials, 2012.
Patricia Wennerstrand, Paolo Dametto,
Janosch Hennig, Therése Klingstedt,
Karin Skoglund, Malin Lindqvist Appell,
Lars-Göran Mårtensson,Structural
Characteristics Determine the Cause of the
Low Enzyme Activity of Two Thiopurine
S-Methyltransferase Allelic Variants: A
Biophysical Characterization of TPMT*2
and TPMT*5, Biochemistry, 2012, (51), 30,
Alexandar L Hansen, Patrik Lundström,
Algirdas Velyvis, Lewis E Kay, Quantifying
Millisecond Exchange Dynamics in Proteins
by CPMG Relaxation Dispersion NMR
Using Side-Chain H-1 Probes, Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 2012, (134), 6,
S Raza Haq, Celestine N Chi, Anders
Bach, Jakob Dogan, Ake Engstrom, Greta
Hultqvist, O Andreas Karlsson, Patrik
Lundström, Linda C Montemiglio, Kristian
Stromgaard, Stefano Gianni, Per Jemth,
Side-Chain Interactions Form Late and
Cooperatively in the Binding Reaction
between Disordered Peptides and PDZ
Domains, Journal of the American
Chemical Society, 2012, (134), 1, 599-605.
Anders Bach, Bettina H Clausen, Magda
Moller, Bente Vestergaard, Celestine N Chi,
Adam Round, Pernille L Sorensen, Klaus B
Nissen, Jette S Kastrup, Michael Gajhede,
Per Jemth, Anders S Kristensen, Patrik
Lundström, Kate L Lambertsen, Kristian
Stromgaard, A high-affinity, dimeric
inhibitor of PSD-95 bivalently interacts
with PDZ1-2 and protects against ischemic
brain damage, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 2012, (109), 9, 3317-3322.
Janet R Kumita, Linda Helmfors, Jocy
Williams, Leila M Luheshi, Linda Menzer,
Mireille Dumoulin, David A Lomas, Damian
C Crowther, Christopher M Dobson,
Ann-Christin Brorsson, Disease-related
amyloidogenic variants of human lysozyme
trigger the unfolded protein response and
disturb eye development in Drosophila
melanogaster, The FASEB Journal, 2012,
(26), 1, 192-202.
Anna-Lena Göransson, Daniel Kanmert, K.
Peter R. Nilsson, Katarina Kågedal, AnnChristin Brorsson, Identification of distinct
physiochemical properties of the toxic
prefibrillar species formed by AΒ peptide
variants, Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications - BBRC, 2012,
(420), 4, 895-900.
Lic: Anna-Lena Göransson, The Alzheimer
AΒ Peptide: Identification of Properties
Distinctive for Toxic Prefibrillar Species,
Celestine N. Chi, S. Raza Haq, Serena
Rinaldo, Jakob Dogan, Francesca
Cutruzzolà, Åke Engström, Stefano Gianni,
IFM activity report 2012
Patrik Lundström, Per Jemth,Interactions
outside the Boundaries of the Canonical
Binding Groove of a PDZ Domain Influence
Ligand Binding, Biochemistry, 2012, (51), 44,
Conference: Sofie Nystrom, Erin Nelson,
Nina Reitan, Pal Ellingsen, Ann-Christin
Brorsson, Jeffrey Mason, Leif Johansson,
Chanan Sluzny, Susann Handrick, Stefan
Prokop, Bettina Wegenast-Braun, Simone
Hornemann, Katarina Kågedal, Mikael
Lindgren, Frank Heppner, Mathias
Jucker, Adriano Aguzzi, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Monitoring amyloid
formation and maturation in vitro and in
vivo using LCO fluorescence in PRION, vol
6, issue , pp 13-13, PRION, 2012.
Chapter: Mikael Akke, Patrik Lundström,
Conformational Dynamics by Relaxation
Dispersion, Encyclopedia of Biophysics,
Chapter: Robert Gustafsson, Annica
Theresia Johnsson, Patrik Lundström,
Biophysical characterization of the *5
protein variant of human thiopurine
methyltransferase by NMR spectroscopy,
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Nuclear
Overhauser effect, Encyclopedia of
Biophysics, 2012.
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Alexandra
Ahlner, Annica T. Blissing, Isotope labeling
methods for large systems, Isotope labeling
in Biomolecular NMR, 2012, 3-5.
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Alexandra
Ahlner, Annica T. Blissing, Isotope labeling
methods for relaxation measurements,
Isotope labeling in Biomolecular NMR,
2012, 63-82.
Molecular Physics Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Tobias Ekblad,
Rositsa Yakimova, Lars Hultman, Surface
morphology effects on the light-controlled
wettability of ZnO nanostructures, Applied
Surface Science, 2012, (258), 20, 8146-8152.
Emilio I Alarcon, Klas Udekwu,
Mårten Skog, NataliL Pacioni, Kevin G
Stamplecoskie, Maria Gonzalez-Bejar,
Naresh Polisetti, Abeni Wickham,
Agneta Richter-Dahlfors, May Griffith,
Juan C Scaiano, The biocompatibility
and antibacterial properties of collagenstabilized, photochemically prepared silver
nanoparticles, Biomaterials, 2012, (33), 19,
Lyuba Malysheva, Alexander Onipko,
Timmy Fyrner, Hung-Hsun Lee, Ramūnas
Valiokas, Peter Konradsson, Bo Liedberg,
Spectroscopic Characterization and
Modeling of Methyl- and HydrogenTerminated Oligo (ethylene glycol) SelfAssembled Monolayers, The Journal of
Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 22,
Mohammad Mehdi Shahjamali, Michel
Bosman, Shaowen Cao, Xiao Huang,
Somaye Saadat, Erik Martinsson, Daniel
Aili, Yee Yan Tay, Bo Liedberg, Say Chye
Joachim Loo, Hua Zhang, Freddy Boey, Can
Xue, Gold Coating of Silver Nanoprisms,
Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, (22),
4, 849-854.
Christian Ulrich, Dan Louthander, Per
Mårtensson, André Kluftinger, Michael
Gawronski, Fredrik Björefors, Evaluation
of industrial cutting fluids using
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
and multivariate data analysis, Talanta, 2012,
(97), 468-472.
Daniel Kanmert, Alf Kastbom, Gunnel
Almroth, Thomas Skogh, Karin Enander,
Jonas Wetterö, IgG Rheumatoid Factors
Against the Four Human Fc-gamma
Subclasses in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis
(The Swedish TIRA Project), Scandinavian
Journal of Immunology, 2012, (75), 1, 115-119.
Timmy Fyrner, Karin Magnusson, Peter
Nilsson, Per Hammarström, Daniel Aili,
Peter Konradsson, Derivatization of a
bioorthogonal protected trisaccharide linker:
towards multimodal tools for chemical
biology, Bioconjugate chemistry, 2012, (23),
6, 1333-1340.
Yusong Wang, Daniel Aili, Robert Selegård,
Yeeyan Tay, Lars Baltzer, Hua Zhang, Bo
Liedberg, Specific functionalization of CTAB
stabilized anisotropic gold nanoparticles
with polypeptides for folding-mediated selfassembly, Journal of Materials Chemistry,
2012, (22), 38, 20368-20373.
Molecular surface Physics
and nano science
Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Fredrik
Söderlind, Mathieu Linares, Joanna Kauczor,
Patrick Norman, Per-Olov Käll, Kajsa Uvdal,
A simple polyol-free synthesis route to
Gd2O3 nanoparticles for MRI applications:
an experimental and theoretical study,
Journal of nanoparticle research, 2012, (14), 8.
Natalia Abrikossova, Caroline Skoglund,
Maria Ahrén, Torbjorn Bengtsson, Kajsa
Uvdal, Effects of gadolinium oxide
nanoparticles on the oxidative burst
from human neutrophil granulocytes,
Nanotechnology, 2012, (23), 27, 275101.
Rositza Yakimova, Linnea Selegård,
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Ruth Pearce, Anita
Lloyd Spetz, Kajsa Uvdal, ZnO materials
and surface tailoring for biosensing,
Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition), 2012,
(4), 254-278.
Viktor Andersson, Caroline Skoglund,
Kajsa Uvdal, Niclas Solin, Preparation of
amyloidlike fibrils containing magnetic
iron oxide nanoparticles: Effect of
protein aggregation on proton relaxivity,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications - BBRC, 2012, (419), 4,
Cecilia Vahlberg, Mathieu Linares, Patrick
Norman, Kajsa Uvdal, Phenylboronic
Ester- and Phenylboronic Acid-Terminated
Alkanethiols on Gold Surfaces, The Journal of
Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 1, 796-806.
Chapter: Helen Karlsson, Stefan Ljunggren,
Maria Ahrén, Bijar Ghafouri, Kajsa Uvdal,
Mats Lindahl, Anders Ljungman, Twodimensional gel electrophoresis and mass
spectrometry in studies of nanoparticleprotein interactions, Gel electrophoresisAdvanced Techniques, 2012, 1-32.
E. Larsson, F. Brun, G. Tromba, P. Cataldi,
Kajsa Uvdal, A. Accardo, Quantification
of Structural Differences in the Human
Calvarium Diploe by Means of X-ray
Computed Microtomography Image Analysis:
A Case Study, International Federation
for Medical and Biological Engineering
Proceedings, 2012, (37), 599-602.
Surface Physics and Chemistry
Yiqiang Zhan, Mats Fahlman, The study
of organic semiconductor/ferromagnet
interfaces in organic spintronics: A short
review of recent progress, Journal of Polymer
Science Part B, 2012, (50), 21, 1453-1462.
Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Fredrik
Söderlind, Mathieu Linares, Joanna Kauczor,
Patrick Norman, Per-Olov Käll, Kajsa Uvdal,
A simple polyol-free synthesis route to
Gd2O3 nanoparticles for MRI applications:
an experimental and theoretical study, Journal
of nanoparticle research, 2012, (14), 8.
Ph.D.: Parisa Sehati, Influence of
intermolecular order at the interfaces, 2012.
Other: Parisa Sehati, Deniz Çakır, Geert
Brocks, Mats Fahlman, Slawomir Braun,
Tuning low work function contacts using
molecular donor layers: intermolecular
order effects, 2012.
Other: Parisa Sehati, Manipulation of ZnO
work function upon deposition of 4-TBP
molecule, 2012.
Other: Parisa Sehati, Slawomir Braun, Mats
Fahlman, Energy level alignment in Au/
Pentacene/PTCDA trilayer stacks, 2012.
Uvdal, Effects of gadolinium oxide
nanoparticles on the oxidative burst
from human neutrophil granulocytes,
Nanotechnology, 2012, (23), 27, 275101.
Deniz Cakir, Menno Bokdam, Michel P
de Jong, Mats Fahlman, Geert Brocks,
Modeling charge transfer at organic donoracceptor semiconductor interfaces, Applied
Physics Letters, 2012, (100), 20, 203302.
Nathaniel D Robinson, Ludvig Edman,
Manish Chhowalla, Graphene electrodes for
organic metal-free light-emitting devices,
Physica Scripta, 2012, (T146), 014023.
Geert Brocks, Deniz Cakir, Menno Bokdam,
Michel P de Jong, Mats Fahlman, Charge
equilibration and potential steps in organic
semiconductor multilayers, Organic
electronics, 2012, (13), 10, 1793-1801.
Other: Pakorn Preechaburana, Per
Erlandsson, Eva Åström, Peter Påhlsson,
Daniel Filippini, Nathaniel D. Robinson,
Disposable total internal reflection
fluorescence lab-on-a-chip for medical
diagnosis, 2012.
Antonio Briones-Leon, Xianjie Liu, Paola
Ayala, Hiromichi Kataura, Kazuhiro Yanagi,
Eugen Weschke, Thomas Pichler, Hidetsugu
Shiozawa,Orbital and spin magnetic
moments of ferrocene encapsulated in
metallicity sorted single-walled carbon
nanotubes, Physica status solidi. B, Basic
research, 2012, (249), 12, 2424-2427.
Chapter: Helen Karlsson, Stefan Ljunggren,
Maria Ahrén, Bijar Ghafouri, Kajsa Uvdal,
Mats Lindahl, Anders Ljungman, Twodimensional gel electrophoresis and mass
spectrometry in studies of nanoparticleprotein interactions, Gel electrophoresisAdvanced Techniques, 2012, 1-32.
Surface and Semiconductor Physics
Jacek Osiecki, Hafiz Muhammad Sohail, P.
E. J. Eriksson, Roger Uhrberg, Experimental
and Theoretical Evidence of a Highly
Ordered Two-Dimensional Sn/Ag Alloy on
Si(111), Physical Review Letters, 2012, (109),
5, 057601.
Hafiz Muhammad Sohail, Jacek Osiecki,
Roger Uhrberg, Electronic and atomic
structures of a 3x3 surface formed by a
binary Sn/Ag overlayer on the Ge(111)c(2x8)
surface: ARPES, LEED, and STM studies,
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics, 2012, (85), 20, 205409.
Conference: Ruth Pearce, Rositsa Yakimova,
Johan Eriksson, Lars Hultman, Mike
Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Development
of FETs and resistive devices based on
epitaxially grown single layer graphene
on SiC for highly sensitive gas detection,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Vladimir Novak, Nicklas Jansson, Stefano
Chiari, Agnese Zauli, Paolo Audisio,
Giuseppe M. Carpaneto, A new species
of Allecula (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae:
Alleculinae)from cork oak stands of Italy,
Zootaxa, 2012, (3483), 29-38.
Ph.D.: Håkan Lättman, Studies on spatial
and temporal distributions of epiphytic
lichens, 2012.
Hristina Bodin, Jesper Persson, Hydraulic
performance of small free water surface
constructed wetlands treating sugar factory
effluent in western Kenya, HYDROLOGY
RESEARCH, 2012, (43), 4, 476-488.
Karl-Olof Bergman, Nicklas Jansson,
Kenneth Claesson, Michael W. Palmer, Per
Milberg, How much and at what scale?
Multiscale analyses as decision support for
conservation of saproxylic oak beetles, Forest
Ecology and Management, 2012, (265),
Erik Ockinger, Karl-Olof Bergman, Markus
Franzen, Tomas Kadlec, Jochen Krauss,
Mikko Kuussaari, Juha Poyry, Henrik G
Smith, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Riccardo
Bommarco, The landscape matrix modifies
the effect of habitat fragmentation in
grassland butterflies, Landscape Ecology,
2012, (27), 1, 121-131.
Jeffery L. Walck, Laila M. Karlsson, Per
Milberg, Siti N. Hidayati, Tetsuya Kondo,
Seed germination and seedling development
ecology in world-wide populations of a
circumboreal Tertiary relict, AoB Plants,
2012, pls007.
Hristina Bodin, Jesper Person, Hydraulic
performance of small free water
surfaceconstructed wetlands treating sugar
factory effluentin western Kenya, Hydrology
Research, 2012, (43), 4, 476-488.
Hristina Bodin, Anna Mietto, Per Magnus
Ehde, Jesper Persson, Stefan Weisner, Tracer
behaviour and analysis of hydraulics in
experimental free watersurface wetlands,
Ecological Engineering, 2012, (49), 201-211.
Rebecka Le Moine, Karl-Olof Bergman,
Anders Hargeby, The land use cover
changes from 1992 to 2011 in Karbi
Anglong, Assam, India, 2012.
Malin Lundberg, Anders Hargeby,
Peter Gustafsson, Karl-Olof Bergman,
Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig
målarmussla (Unio crassus) med avseende
på vattendjup och beskuggning, 2012.
Natalia Abrikossova, Caroline Skoglund,
Maria Ahrén, Torbjorn Bengtsson, Kajsa
IFM activity report 2012
Wenjing Wang, Qianhuo Chen, Qing Li,
Yu Sheng, Xuanjun Zhang, Kajsa Uvdal,
Ligand-Structure Effect on the Formation of
One-Dimensional Nanoscale Cu(II)-Schiff
Base Complexes and Solvent-Mediated
Shape Transformation, Crystal Growth &
Design, 2012, (12), 5, 2707-2713.
Sofia Nygårds, Karl-Olof Bergman, Uno
Wennergren, Importance of habitat quality
and landscape factors for a monophagous
shield bug on a rare host plant, 2012.
Tom Lindström, Scott A. Sisson, Nina
Hakansson, Karl-Olof Bergman, Uno
Wennergren, A spectral and Bayesian
approach for analysis of fluctuations and
synchrony in ecological datasets, Methods in
Ecology and Evolution, 2012, (3), 6, 1019-1027.
Hans Arwin, Roger Magnusson, Jan
Landin, Kenneth Järrendahl, Chiralityinduced polarization effects in the cuticle
of scarab beetles: 100 years after Michelson,
Philosophical Magazine, 2012, (92), 12,
David A. Adams, Jeffery L. Walck, R.
Stephen Howard, Per Milberg, Forest
Composition and Structure onGladeforming Limestones in Middle Tennessee,
Castanea, 2012, (77), 4, 335-347.
Molecular genetics
Ricky Ansell, Hårfärg, ögonfärg och
biogeografiskt ursprung, Kriminalteknik,
2012, 2, 18-19.
Linnéa Asplund, Matti Leino, Jenny
Hagenblad, Allelic Variation at the Rht8
Locus in a 19th Century Wheat Collection,
The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 385610.
Anders Nordgaard, Karin Hedberg,
Christina Widén, Ricky Ansell, Comments
on ‘‘The database search problem’’ with
respect to a recent publication in Forensic
Science International: Letter to the Editor,
Forensic Science International, 2012, (217),
1-3, e32-e33.
Anders Nordgaard, Ricky Ansell, Weine
Drotz, Lars Jaeger, Scale of conclusions for
the value of evidence, Law, Probability and
Risk, 2012, (11), 1, 1-24.
Jenny Hagenblad, Jenny Zie, Matti W.
Leino, Exploring the population genetics of
genebank and historical landrace varierties,
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution,
2012, (59), 6, 1185-1199.
Anders Nordgaard, Ronny Hedell, Ricky
Ansell, Assessment of forensic findings
when alternative explanations have
different likelihoods—“Blame-the-brother”syndrome, Science & justice, 2012, (52), 4,
Matti W. Leino, E. Boström, Jenny
Hagenblad, Twentieth-century changes in
the genetic compositionof Swedish field pea
metapopulations, Heredity, 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
D A Crossley, Jordi Altimiras, Effect of
selection for commercially productive traits
on the plasticity of cardiovascular regulation
in chicken breeds during embryonic
development, Poultry Science, 2012, (91), 10,
Martin Johnsson, Ida Gustafsson, CarlJohan Rubin, Anna-Stina Sahlqvist, Kenneth
B. Jonnson, Susanne Kjere, Olov Ekwall,
Olle Kämpe, Leif Andersson, Per Jensen,
Dominic Wright, A Sexual Ornament in
Chickens Is Affected bu Pleiotropic Alleles
at HAO1 and BMP2, Selected during
Domestication, PLOS Genetics, 2012, (8), 8,
Nellie Linander, Natalie Hemper de Ibarra,
Matthias Laska, Olfactory Detectability of
L-Amino Acids in the European Honeybee
(Apis mellifera), Chemical Senses, 2012, (37),
7, 631-638.
Selcuk Can Güven, Matthias Laska,
Olfactory Sensitivity and Odor StructureActivity Relationships for Aliphatic
Carboxylic Acids in CD-1 Mice, PLoS ONE,
2012, (7), 3, e34301.
Beatrix Agnvall, Markus Jöngren, Erling
Strandberg, Per Jensen, Heritability and
Genetic Correlations of Fear-Related
Behaviour in Red Jungelfowl -Possible
Implications for Early Domestication, PLoS
ONE, 2012, (7), 4, e35162.
B. Bagatto, D. Crossley II, Jordi Altimiras,
R. M. Elsey, J. W. Hicks, Physiological
variability in yearling alligators: Clutch
differences at rest andduring activity,
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 2012, (Part A), 162, 44-50.
Helena Wallén, Ida Engström, Laura Teresa
Hernandez Salazar, Matthias Laska, Olfactory
sensitivity for six amino acids: a copmarative
study in CD-1 mice and spider monkeys,
Amino Acids, 2012, (42), 4, 1475-1485.
Pia Katrine Lötvetd, Sathish Kumar Murali,
Laura Teresa Hernandez Salazar, Matthias
Laska, Olfactory sensitivity for ”green odors”
(Aliphatic C6 Alcohols and C6 aldehydes) - A
comparative study in male CD-1 mice (Mus
musculus) and female spides monkeys
(Ateles geoffroyi), Pharmacology, Biochemistry
and Behavior, 2012, (101), 3, 450-457.
Dominic Wright, C Rubin, K Schutz, S
Kerje, A Kindmark, H Brandstrom, L
Andersson, T Pizzari, Per Jensen, Onset
of Sexual Maturity in Female Chickens
is Genetically Linked to Loci Associated
with Fecundity and a Sexual Ornament,
Reproduction in domestic animals (1990),
2012, (47), SI, 31-36.
Ph.D.: Anders Wirén, Correlated selection
responses in animal domestication: the
behavioural effects of a growth QTL in
chickens, 2012.
Josefin Arvidsson, Mats Amundin,
Matthias Laska, Successful acquisition of
an olfactory discrimination test by Asian
elephants,Elephas maximus, Physiology and
Behavior, 2012, (105), 3, 809-814.
Daniel Nätt, Carl-Johan Rubin, Dominic
Wright, Martin Johnsson, Johan Beltéky,
Leif Andersson, Per Jensen, Heritable
genome-wide variation of gene expression
and promoter methylation between wild and
domesticated chickens, BMC Genomics,
2012, (13), 59.
Vivian C. Goerlich, Daniel Nätt, Magnus
Elfwing, Barry Macdonald, Per Jensen,
Transgenerational effects of early experience
on acute stress reactions in behaviour,
steroid hormones and gene expression
in the precocial chicken, Hormones and
Behavior, 2012, (61), 5, 711-718.
Frank W. Albert, Mehmet Somel, Miguel
Carneiro, Ayinuer Aximu-Petri, Michael
Halbwax, Olaf Thalmann, Jose A. BlancoAguiar, Irina Z. Plyusnina, Lyudmila
Trut, Rafael Villafuerte, Nuno Ferrand,
Sylvia Kaiser, Per Jensen, Svante Pääbo,
A Comparison of Brain Gene Expression
Levels in Domesticated and Wild Animals,
PLOS Genetics, 2012, (8), 9, e1002962.
Chapter: Dominic Wright, QTL Mapping
Using Behavioral traits in the Adult
Zebrafish, Zebrafish Protocols for
Neurobehavioral Research, 2012, 301-312.
Groenning M, Campos R, Fagerberg
Patricia Wennerstrand, Paolo Dametto,
Janosch Hennig, Therése Klingstedt,
Karin Skoglund, Malin Lindqvist Appell,
Lars-Göran Mårtensson,Structural
Characteristics Determine the Cause of the
Low Enzyme Activity of Two Thiopurine
S-Methyltransferase Allelic Variants: A
Biophysical Characterization of TPMT*2
and TPMT*5, Biochemistry, 2012, (51), 30,
Henrik Zetterberg, Per Hammarström,
Editorial Material: Power tools for
Alzheimers disease - an electrochemical
preamp for A beta, Journal of
Neurochemistry, 2012, (122), 2, 231-232.
Therése Klingstedt, Peter Nilsson,
Luminescent conjugated poly- and
oligo-thiophenes: optical ligands for
spectral assignment of a plethora of
protein aggregates, Biochemical Society
Transactions, 2012, (40), 704-710.
Timmy Fyrner, Karin Magnusson, Peter
Nilsson, Per Hammarström, Daniel Aili,
Peter Konradsson, Derivatization of a
bioorthogonal protected trisaccharide linker:
towards multimodal tools for chemical
biology, Bioconjugate chemistry, 2012, (23),
6, 1333-1340.
Conference: Karin Magnusson, Rozalyn
Simon, Shivanjali Joshi-Barr, Christina
Sigurdson, Peter Nilsson, Conformationsensitive probes for strain-specific
characterization of prion aggregates in
PRION, vol 6, issue , pp 47-47, PRION,
Katarzyna Maria Psonka-Antonczyk,
Julien Duboisset, Bjorn Torger Stokke,
Tamotsu Zako, Takahiro Kobayashi, Mizuo
Maeda, Sofie Nyström, Jeffrey Mason,
Per Hammarström, Peter Nilsson, Mikael
Lindgren, Nanoscopic and Photonic
Ultrastructural Characterization of
Two Distinct Insulin Amyloid States,
MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2012, (13), 2,
Conference: Sofie Nystrom, Erin Nelson,
Nina Reitan, Pal Ellingsen, Ann-Christin
Brorsson, Jeffrey Mason, Leif Johansson,
Chanan Sluzny, Susann Handrick, Stefan
Prokop, Bettina Wegenast-Braun, Simone
Hornemann, Katarina Kågedal, Mikael
Lindgren, Frank Heppner, Mathias
Jucker, Adriano Aguzzi, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Monitoring amyloid
formation and maturation in vitro and in
vivo using LCO fluorescence in PRION, vol
6, issue , pp 13-13, PRION, 2012.
Bettina M. Wegenast-Braun, Angelos
Skodras, Gonca Bayraktar, Jasmin Mahler,
Sarah K. Fritschi, Therése Klingstedt, Jeffrey
Mason, Per Hammarström, Peter Nilsson,
Christian Liebig, Mathias Jucker, Spectral
Discrimination of Cerebral Amyloid Lesions
after Peripheral Application of Luminescent
Conjugated Oligothiophenes, American
Journal of Pathology, 2012, (181), 6, 19531960.
Ilan Margalith, Carlo Suter, Boris Ballmer,
Petra Schwarz, Cinzia Tiberi, Tiziana
Sonati, Jeppe Falsig, Sofie Nyström,
Per Hammarström, Andreas Åslund,
Peter Nilsson, Alice Yam, Eric Whitters,
Simone Hornemann, Adriano Aguzzi,
Polythiophenes Inhibit Prion Propagation by
Stabilizing Prion Protein (PrP) Aggregates,
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, (287),
23, 18872-18887.
Molecular Biotechnology
Cecilia Andrésen, Sara Helander, Alexander
Lemak, Christophe Fares, Veronika
Csizmok, Jonas Carlsson, Linda Z Penn,
Julie D Forman-Kay, Cheryl H Arrowsmith,
Patrik Lundström, Maria Sunnerhagen,
Transient structure and dynamics in the
disordered c-Myc transactivation domain
affect Bin1 binding, Nucleic Acids Research,
2012, (40), 13, 6353-6366.
Patricia Wennerstrand, Paolo Dametto,
Janosch Hennig, Therése Klingstedt,
Karin Skoglund, Malin Lindqvist Appell,
Lars-Göran Mårtensson,Structural
Characteristics Determine the Cause of the
Low Enzyme Activity of Two Thiopurine
S-Methyltransferase Allelic Variants: A
Biophysical Characterization of TPMT*2
and TPMT*5, Biochemistry, 2012, (51), 30,
Alexandar L Hansen, Patrik Lundström,
Algirdas Velyvis, Lewis E Kay, Quantifying
Millisecond Exchange Dynamics in Proteins
by CPMG Relaxation Dispersion NMR
Using Side-Chain H-1 Probes, Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 2012, (134), 6,
S Raza Haq, Celestine N Chi, Anders
Bach, Jakob Dogan, Ake Engstrom, Greta
Hultqvist, O Andreas Karlsson, Patrik
Lundström, Linda C Montemiglio, Kristian
Stromgaard, Stefano Gianni, Per Jemth,
Side-Chain Interactions Form Late and
Cooperatively in the Binding Reaction
between Disordered Peptides and PDZ
Domains, Journal of the American Chemical
Society, 2012, (134), 1, 599-605.
Anders Bach, Bettina H Clausen, Magda
Moller, Bente Vestergaard, Celestine N
Chi, Adam Round, Pernille L Sorensen,
Klaus B Nissen, Jette S Kastrup, Michael
Gajhede, Per Jemth, Anders S Kristensen,
Patrik Lundström, Kate L Lambertsen,
Kristian Stromgaard, A high-affinity, dimeric
inhibitor of PSD-95 bivalently interacts
with PDZ1-2 and protects against ischemic
brain damage, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 2012, (109), 9, 3317-3322.
Janet R Kumita, Linda Helmfors, Jocy
Williams, Leila M Luheshi, Linda Menzer,
Mireille Dumoulin, David A Lomas, Damian
C Crowther, Christopher M Dobson,
Ann-Christin Brorsson, Disease-related
amyloidogenic variants of human lysozyme
trigger the unfolded protein response and
disturb eye development in Drosophila
melanogaster, The FASEB Journal, 2012,
(26), 1, 192-202.
Anna-Lena Göransson, Daniel Kanmert, K.
Peter R. Nilsson, Katarina Kågedal, AnnChristin Brorsson, Identification of distinct
physiochemical properties of the toxic
prefibrillar species formed by Aβ peptide
variants, Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications - BBRC, 2012,
(420), 4, 895-900.
Lic: Anna-Lena Göransson, The Alzheimer
Aβ Peptide: Identification of Properties
Distinctive for Toxic Prefibrillar Species,
Celestine N. Chi, S. Raza Haq, Serena
Rinaldo, Jakob Dogan, Francesca
Cutruzzolà, Åke Engström, Stefano Gianni,
Patrik Lundström, Per Jemth,Interactions
outside the Boundaries of the Canonical
Binding Groove of a PDZ Domain Influence
Ligand Binding, Biochemistry, 2012, (51), 44,
Conference: Sofie Nystrom, Erin Nelson,
Nina Reitan, Pal Ellingsen, Ann-Christin
Brorsson, Jeffrey Mason, Leif Johansson,
Chanan Sluzny, Susann Handrick, Stefan
Prokop, Bettina Wegenast-Braun, Simone
Hornemann, Katarina Kågedal, Mikael
Lindgren, Frank Heppner, Mathias
Jucker, Adriano Aguzzi, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Monitoring amyloid
formation and maturation in vitro and in
vivo using LCO fluorescence in PRION, vol
6, issue , pp 13-13, PRION, 2012.
Chapter: Mikael Akke, Patrik Lundström,
Conformational Dynamics by Relaxation
Dispersion, Encyclopedia of Biophysics,
Chapter: Robert Gustafsson, Annica
Theresia Johnsson, Patrik Lundström,
Biophysical characterization of the *5
protein variant of human thiopurine
methyltransferase by NMR spectroscopy,
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Nuclear
Overhauser effect, Encyclopedia of
Biophysics, 2012,
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Alexandra
Ahlner, Annica T. Blissing, Isotope labeling
methods for large systems, Isotope labeling
in Biomolecular NMR, 2012, 3-5.
Chapter: Patrik Lundström, Alexandra
Ahlner, Annica T. Blissing, Isotope labeling
methods for relaxation measurements,
Isotope labeling in Biomolecular NMR,
2012, 63-82.
Organic Chemistry
Other: Roger H Gabrielsson, Grzegorz
Milczarewic, D. H Nagarajuc, Peter
Konradsson, Olle Inganäs, Hydrogels of
polypyrrole and self doped PEDOT for
porous electrodes and supercapacitors, 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
Sofie Nyström, Peter Nilsson, Per
Hammarström, Multiple substitutions of
methionine 129 in human prion protein
reveal its importance in the amyloid
fibrillation pathway, Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 2012, (287), 31, 25975-25984.
Other: Mahiar Hamedi, Anders Elfwing,
Roger H Gabrielsson, Olle Inganäs,
Electronic Polymers and DNA Selfassembled in Nanowire Transistors, 2012.
Lyuba Malysheva, Alexander Onipko,
Timmy Fyrner, Hung-Hsun Lee, Ramūnas
Valiokas, Peter Konradsson, Bo Liedberg,
Spectroscopic Characterization and
Modeling of Methyl- and HydrogenTerminated Oligo (ethylene glycol) SelfAssembled Monolayers, The Journal of
Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 22,
Ph.D.: Veronica Sandgren, Design and
Synthesis of Inhibitors Targeting BACE1, an Aspartic Protease Involved in the
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2012.
Veronica Sandgren, Tatiana Agback, PerOla Johansson, Jimmy Lindberg, Ingemar
Kvarnström, Bertil Samuelsson, Oscar
Belda, Anders Dahlgren, Highly potent
macrocyclic BACE-1 inhibitors incorporating
a hydroxyethylamine core: Design, synthesis
and X-ray crystal structures of enzyme
inhibitor complexes, Bioorganic & Medicinal
Chemistry, 2012, (29), 14, 4377-4389.
Ina Ceasar (Berg), Maria Jonsson, Peter
Nilsson, Stefan Thor, Per Hammarström,
Curcumin Promotes A-beta Fibrillation
and Reduces Neurotoxicity in Transgenic
Drosophila, PLoS ONE, 2012, (7), 2.
Tamotsu Zako, Masafumi Sakono, Takahiro
Kobayashi, Karin Sörgjerd, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Mikael Lindgren,
Mizuo Maeda, Cell Interaction Study of
Amyloid by Using Luminescent Conjugated
Polythiophene: Implication that Amyloid
Cytotoxicity Is Correlated withProlonged
Cellular Binding, ChemBioChem (Print),
2012, (13), 3, 358-363.
Sofie Nyström, Peter Nilsson, Per
Hammarström, Multiple substitutions of
methionine 129 in human prion protein
reveal its importance in the amyloid
fibrillation pathway, Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 2012, (287), 31, 25975-25984.
Therése Klingstedt, Peter Nilsson,
Luminescent conjugated poly- and
oligo-thiophenes: optical ligands for
spectral assignment of a plethora of
protein aggregates, Biochemical Society
Transactions, 2012, (40), 704-710.
Timmy Fyrner, Karin Magnusson, Peter
Nilsson, Per Hammarström, Daniel Aili,
Peter Konradsson, Derivatization of a
bioorthogonal protected trisaccharide linker:
towards multimodal tools for chemical
biology, Bioconjugate chemistry, 2012, (23),
6, 1333-1340.
IFM activity report 2012
Cyrus Bett, Natalia Fernandez-Borges,
Timothy D. Kurt, Melanie Lucero, Peter
Nilsson, Joaquin Castilla, Christina J.
Sigurdson, Structure of the beta 2-alpha 2
loop and interspecies prion transmission,
The FASEB Journal, 2012, (26), 7, 28682876.
Conference: Karin Magnusson, Rozalyn
Simon, Shivanjali Joshi-Barr, Christina
Sigurdson, Peter Nilsson, Conformationsensitive probes for strain-specific
characterization of prion aggregates in
PRION, vol 6, issue , pp 47-47, PRION,
Katarzyna Maria Psonka-Antonczyk,
Julien Duboisset, Bjorn Torger Stokke,
Tamotsu Zako, Takahiro Kobayashi, Mizuo
Maeda, Sofie Nyström, Jeffrey Mason,
Per Hammarström, Peter Nilsson, Mikael
Lindgren, Nanoscopic and Photonic
Ultrastructural Characterization of
Two Distinct Insulin Amyloid States,
MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2012, (13), 2,
Conference: Sofie Nystrom, Erin Nelson,
Nina Reitan, Pal Ellingsen, Ann-Christin
Brorsson, Jeffrey Mason, Leif Johansson,
Chanan Sluzny, Susann Handrick, Stefan
Prokop, Bettina Wegenast-Braun, Simone
Hornemann, Katarina Kågedal, Mikael
Lindgren, Frank Heppner, Mathias
Jucker, Adriano Aguzzi, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Monitoring amyloid
formation and maturation in vitro and in
vivo using LCO fluorescence in PRION, vol
6, issue , pp 13-13, PRION, 2012.
Timmy Fyrner, Stefan C.T. Svensson, Peter
Konradsson, Synthesis of tri-, penta-, and
hepta-saccharides, functionalized with
Orthogonally N-Protected Amino residues
at the reducing and non-reducing ends,
Tetrahedron, 2012, (68), 33, 6712-6720.
Susanna Zetterström, Peter Konradsson,
Stefan Svensson, Isolation and synthesis of
curcumin, 2012.
Ph.D.: Roger Gabrielsson, Electroactive
Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Based on EDOT
From Synthesis to Organic Electronics,
Ilan Margalith, Carlo Suter, Boris Ballmer,
Petra Schwarz, Cinzia Tiberi, Tiziana
Sonati, Jeppe Falsig, Sofie Nyström,
Per Hammarström, Andreas Åslund,
Peter Nilsson, Alice Yam, Eric Whitters,
Simone Hornemann, Adriano Aguzzi,
Polythiophenes Inhibit Prion Propagation
by Stabilizing Prion Protein (PrP)
Aggregates, Journal of Biological Chemistry,
2012, (287), 23, 18872-18887.
Physical Chemistry
Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Fredrik
Söderlind, Mathieu Linares, Joanna Kauczor,
Patrick Norman, Per-Olov Käll, Kajsa Uvdal,
A simple polyol-free synthesis route to
Gd2O3 nanoparticles for MRI applications:
an experimental and theoretical study,
Journal of nanoparticle research, 2012, (14), 8.
Mathias Kula, Lars Ojamäe, A theoretical
study of the electronic structure of GaN
nanorods, International Journal of Quantum
Chemistry, 2012, (112), 7, 1796-1802.
Annika Lenz, Anna Pohl, Lars Ojamäe,
Petter Persson, Computational study of
the catalytic effect of platinum on the
decomposition of DNT, International
Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2012, (112),
7, 1852-1858.
Other: Zhafira Darmastuti, P. Bhattacharyya,
Mike Andersson, Jayita Kanungo, Sukumar
Basu, Per-Olov Käll, Lars Ojamäe, Anita
Lloyd Spetz, SiC-FET Methanol Sensors
for Process Control and Leakage Detection,
Functional Electronic Materials
Conference: Qijun Ren, A. Devika, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova, Localized
surface plasmon mediated emission from
Ni coated ZnO nanowires, 2012.
G. Yu. Rudko, A. O. Kovalchuk, V. I. Fediv,
Jan Beyer, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Effects of ultraviolet light on optical
properties of colloidal CdS nanoparticles
embedded in a polymer PVA matrix,
Advanced Science, Engineering and
Medicine, 2012, (4), 5, 394-400.
Conference: Yuttapoom Puttisong, Daniel
Dagnelund, Irina Buyanova, Charles W. Tu,
A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, Weimin Chen,
Optimization of room-temperature defectengineered spin filtering effect in Ga(In)
NAs: rate equation studies, 2012.
Conference: Yuttapoom Puttisong, Daniel
Dagnelund, Irina Buyanova, Charles W. Tu,
A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, Weimin Chen,
Effect of post-growth hydrogen treatment
and annealing on spin filtering functionality
in Ga(In)NAs alloys, 2012.
Conference: Shula Chen, Weimin
Chen, Irina Buyanova, Magneto-optical
spectroscopy of donor bound excitons
involving B valence band hole, 2012.
Conference: Stanislav Filippov, X. J. Wang,
N. Koteeswara Reddy, C. W. Tu, Weimin
Chen, Irina Buyanova, Raman scattering
studies of Ni-coated ZnO nanorods, 2012.
Conference: S.-K. Lee, Shula Chen, D.
Hongxing, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Cathodoluminescence characterization of
ZnO Tetrapod structures, 2012.
Conference: Jan Beyer, Irina Buyanova,
S Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu, Weimin
Chen, InAs/GaAs quantum dots as
highly polarized spin and light sources
and efficient spin detectors at room
temperature., 2012.
Conference: Qijun Ren, Weimin Chen, N.
Koteeswara Reddy, C. W. Tu, Irina Buyanova,
Effects of Ni-coating on optical properties of
ZnO/Ni core-shell nanowires, 2012.
Conference: Daniel Dagnelund, I.P. Vorona,
G. Nosenko, X. J. Wang, C. W. Tu, H.
Yonezu, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, Weimin
Chen, Irina Buyanova, An optically detected
magnetic resonance study of effects of
hydrogenation on non-radiative defects in
GaNP and GaNAs alloys, 2012.
Conference: Daniel Dagnelund, Yuttapoom
Puttisong, H. Yonezu, A. J. Ptak, Weimin
Chen, Irina Buyanova, Effects of substrate
defects on photoluminescence of GaNP and
GaNAs epitaxial layers: optically detected
magnetic resonance study, 2012.
Conference: Yuttapoom Puttisong, Irina
Buyanova, Aaron. J. Ptak, Charles W. Tu,
L. Geelhaar, H. Riechert, Weimin Chen,
First demonstration of room-temperature
electron spin amplifier based on Ga(In)NAs
alloys, 2012.
Conference: Jan Beyer, Yuttapoom
Puttisong, Irina Buyanova, S Suraprapapich,
C. W. Tu, Weimin Chen, Hyperfine-induced
spin depolarization and dynamic nuclear
polarization in InAs/GaAs quantum dots,
Conference: Daniel Dagnelund, Q. J. Ren, T.
Furuta, K. Hyomi, I. Souma, A. Murayama,
Weimin Chen, Evidence for interlayer
magnetic coupling in coupled CdSe/
ZnMnSe nanostructures, 2012.
Daniel Dagnelund, Q. J. Ren, Irina
Buyanova, A. Murayama, Antiferromagnetic
coupling in CdSe/ZnMnSe quantum dot
structures, Applied Physics Letters, 2012,
(101), 5, 052405.
Yuttapoom Puttisong, Irina Buyanova, L
Geelhaar, H Riechert, C W Tu, Weimin
Chen, Efficient room-temperature spin
detector based on GaNAs, Journal of Applied
Physics, 2012, (111), 7, 07C303.
Yuttapoom Puttisong, Irina Buyanova, Aaron
J. Ptak, C. W. Tu, Lutz Geelhaar, Henning
Riechert, Weimin Chen, Room-Temperature
Electron Spin Amplifier Base on Ga(In)NAs
Alloys, Advanced Materials, 2012.
Lic: Shula Chen, Excitonic effects in ZnO,
Conference: X. J. Wang, Weimin Chen,
F. Ren, S. Pearton, Irina Buyanova, P
implantation –induced defects in ZnO,
Lic: Yuttapoom Puttisong, Spin-dependent
recombination in Ga(In)NAs alloys, 2012.
Xingjun Wang, Weimin Chen, F Ren,
S Pearton, Irina Buyanova, Effects of
P implantation and post-implantation
annealing on defect formation in ZnO,
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, (111), 4,
Other: Jan Beyer, Po-Hsiang Wang, Irina
A Buyanova, S. Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Quantum dot structures:
limiting factors for spintronics, 2012.
Ph.D.: Jan Beyer, Spin Properties in InAs/
GaAs Quantum Dot based Nanostructures,
Jan Beyer, Irina Buyanova, S Suraprapapich,
C. W. Tu, Weimin Chen, Hanle effect and
electron spin polarization in InAs/GaAs
quantum dots up to room temperature,
Nanotechnology, 2012, (23), 13, 135705.
Jan Beyer, Yuttapoom Puttisong, Irina
Buyanova, S. Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Temperature dependence of
dynamic nuclear polarization and its effect
on electron spin relaxation and dephasing in
InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (100), 14, 143105.
Daniel Dagnelund, I.P. Vorona, G. Nosenko,
X. J. Wang, C. W. Tu, H. Yonezu, A.
Polimeni, M. Capizzi, Weimin Chen, Irina
Buyanova, Effects of hydrogenation on nonradiative defects in GaNP and GaNAs alloys:
An optically detected magnetic resonance
study, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, (111),
Other: Jan Beyer, Irina Buyanova, Bo E.
Sernelius, S Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Strong suppression of
spin generation at a Fano resonance in a
semiconductor nanostructure, 2012.
Shula Chen, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Long delays of light in ZnO caused by
exciton-polariton propagation, Physica
status solidi. B, Basic research, 2012, (249),
7, 1307-1311.
E A Tveritinova, I I Kulakova, Yu N
Zhitnev, A V Fionov, Anders Lund,
Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova, V V Lunin,
Catalytic conversion of C(2)-C(3) alcohols
on detonation nanodiamond and its
modifications, Russian Journal of Physical
Chemistry, 2012, (86), 1, 26-31.
Conference: A. O. Kovalchuk, G. Yu.
Rudko, V. I. Fediv, Weimin Chen, Irina
Buyanova, Nanoparticles incorporation for
improvement of polymer endurance to UVillumination, 11th International Conference
on Global Research and Education, 2012,
Inter-Academia, 2012.
Daniel Dagnelund, Qijun Ren,
A. Murayama, Weimin Chen,
Antiferromagnetic interaction in coupled
CdSe/ZnMnSe quantum dot structures,
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, (101), 5,
Shula Chen, Jan Eric Stehr, N. Koteeswara
Reddy, C. W. Tu, Weimin Chen, Irina
Buyanova, Efficient upconvertion of
photoluminescence via two-photonabsorption in bulk and nanorod ZnO,
Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics (Print),
2012, (108), 4, 919-924.
Qijun Ren, Stanislav Filippov, Shula Chen,
M. Devika, N. Koteeswara Reddy, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova, Evidence
for coupling between exciton emissions
and surface plasmon in Ni-coated ZnO
nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2012, (23), 42,
X. J. Wang, Irina Buyanova, Weimin Chen,
Sub-millisecond dynamic nuclear spin
hyperpolarization in a semiconductor: A
case study from PIn antisite in InP, Physical
Review B Condensed Matter, 2012, (86), 20,
Conference: Shula Chen, Weimin Chen,
Irina Buyanova, Magneto-optical properties
and dynamics of donor bound excitons
involving a B valence band hole., 2012.
Conference: Shula Chen, Weimin Chen,
Irina Buyanova, Realization of slow light in
ZnO media, 2012.
Conference: Shula Chen, Weimin Chen,
C. W. Tu, Irina Buyanova, Efficient
upconversion of photoluminescence in bulk
and nanorod ZnO, 2012.
Conference: Yuttapoom Puttisong, Xingjun
Wang, Irina Buyanova, Aaron J. Ptak,
Charles W. Tu, Lutz Geelhaar, Henning
Riechert, Weimin Chen,Defect-enabled
Room-temperature Spin Functionality in
Ga(In)NAs, 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
Conference: Jan Beyer, P. H. Wang, Irina
Buyanova, S. Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Effect of in-plane anisotropy
on spin injection efficiency in InAs/GaAs
nanostructures revealed in a longitudinal
magnetic field, 2012.
Conference: Alexandr Dobrovolsky,
Shula Chen, Jan Stehr, Y. J. Kuang, S.
Sukrittanon, H. Li, C. W. Tu, Weimin
Chen, Irina Buyanova, Optical studies and
defect properties of GaP/GaNP core/shell
nanowires, 2012.
Conference: G. Yu. Rudko, A. O. Kovalchuk,
V. I. Fediv, Jan Beyer, Weimin Chen, Irina
Buyanova, Nanocomposites properties
variation under UV-exposure, 2012.
Conference: Jan Stehr, X. J. Wang, F. Ren,
S. Pearton, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Defects in N, O and N, Zn implanted ZnO
single crystals., 2012.
Conference: Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Defect-engineered spin functionality in a
non-magnetic semiconductor.: Invited talk
at the 3rd Nordic Workshop on Spintronics
and Nanomagnetism, Varberg Kurort, April
22-25, 2012., 2012.
Shula Chen, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Zeeman splitting and dynamics of an
isoelectronic bound exciton near the band
edge of ZnO, Physical Review B. Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics, 2012, (86),
23, .
Alexandr Dobrovolsky, Jan Eric Stehr,
Shula Chen, Y. J. Kuang, S. Sukrittanon,
C. W. Tu, Weimin Chen, Irina Buyanova,
Mechanism for radiative recombination and
defect properties of GaP/GaNP core/shell
nanowires, Applied Physics Letters, 2012,
(101), 16, 163106-1-163106-4.
Other: Shula Chen, Weimin Chen, Irina
Buyanova, Donor bound excitons involving a
hole from the B valence band in ZnO: Time
resolved and magneto-photoluminescence
studies (vol 99, 091909, 2011), 2012.
Conference: Jan Beyer, Yuttapoom
Puttisong, P. H. Wang, S. Suraprapapich,
C. W. Tu, Irina Buyanova, Weimin Chen,
Spin properties in InAs/GaAs quantum
dot structures: Invited talk at the Second
Int. Conf. on Small Science (ICSS 2012),
Orlando, USA, Dec.16-19 2012., 2012.
Jan Eric Stehr, D. M. Hofmann, B. K.
Meyer, Electron paramagnetic resonance
and photo-electron paramagnetic resonance
investigation on the recharging of the
substitutional nitrogen acceptor in ZnO,
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, (112), 10,
Wang Po-Hsiang, Beyer Jan, Chen Weimin,
Magneto-optical studies of optical spin
injection in InAs quantum dot structures,
Jan Beyer, P. H. Wang, Irina Buyanova, S
Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu, Weimin Chen,
Effects of a longitudinal magnetic field on
spin injection and detection in InAs/GaAs
quantum dot structures, Journal of Physics,
2012, (24), 14, 145304.
IFM activity report 2012
Nanostructured Materials
Hanna Gustafsson, Emma Johannsson,
Albert Barrabino, Magnus Odén, Krister
Holmberg, Immobilization of lipase from
Mucor miehei and Rhizopus oryzae into
mesoporous silica - The effect of varied
particle size and morphology, Colloids and
Surfaces B, 2012, (100), 22-30.
Ph.D.: Axel Knutsson, Thermal stability
and mechanical properties of TiAlN-based
multilayer and monolithic coatings, 2012.
Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Fredrik
Söderlind, Mathieu Linares, Joanna Kauczor,
Patrick Norman, Per-Olov Käll, Kajsa Uvdal,
A simple polyol-free synthesis route to
Gd2O3 nanoparticles for MRI applications:
an experimental and theoretical study,
Journal of nanoparticle research, 2012, (14), 8.
Natalia Abrikossova, Caroline Skoglund,
Maria Ahrén, Torbjorn Bengtsson, Kajsa
Uvdal, Effects of gadolinium oxide
nanoparticles on the oxidative burst
from human neutrophil granulocytes,
Nanotechnology, 2012, (23), 27, 275101.
Lic: Jennifer Ullbrand, Phase field modeling
of Spinodal decomposition in TiAlN, 2012.
Lic: Rikard Forsén, Mechanical properties
and thermal stability of reactive arc
evaporated Ti-Cr-Al-N coatings, 2012.
Lic: Niklas Norrby, High pressure and high
temperature behavior of TiAlN, 2012.
Jesper Stjernberg, John C Ion, Marta-Lena
Antti, Lars-Olof Nordin, Bo Lindblom,
Magnus Odén, Extended studies of
degradation mechanisms in the refractory
lining of a rotary kiln for iron ore pellet
production, Journal of the European
Ceramic Society, 2012, (32), 8, 1519-1528.
Ferenc Tasnadi, Magnus Odén, Igor
Abrikosov, Ab initio elastic tensor of cubic
Ti0.5Al0.5N alloys: Dependence of elastic
constants on size and shape of the supercell
model and their convergence, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (85), 14, 144112.
Lars Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna
Stiller, Magnus Odén, Lars Hultman,
Spinodal decomposition of Ti0.33Al0.67N thin
films studied by atom probe tomography,
Thin Solid Films, 2012, (520), 13, 4362-4368.
Lina Rogström, Jennifer Ullbrand, J.
Almer, Lars Hultman, B. Jansson, Magnus
Odén, Strain evolution during spinodal
decomposition of TiAlN thin films, Thin
Solid Films, 2012, (520), 17, 5542-5549.
Lina Rogström, Naureen Ghafoor, Mats
Ahlgren, Magnus Odén, Auto-organizing
ZrAlN/ZrAlTiN/TiN multilayers, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 21, 6451-6454.
Lina Rogström, Mats Johansson, Naureen
Ghafoor, Lars Hultman, Magnus Odén,
Influence of chemical composition and
deposition conditions on microstructure
evolution during annealing of arc
evaporated ZrAlN thin films, Journal of
Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum,
Surfaces, and Films, 2012, (30), 3, 031504.
Yaqoob Khan, Sajjad Hussain, Fredrik
Söderlind, Per-Olov Käll, Mazhar Ali
Abbasi, Shahid Khan Durrani, Honeycomb
β-Ni(OH)2 films grown on 3D nickel foam
substrates at low temperature, Materials
letters (General ed.), 2012, (69), 37-40.
Edwin Escalera, Mohamed A. Ballem, José
M. Cordoba, Marta-Lena Antti, Magnus
Odén, Synthesis of homogeneously
dispersed cobalt nanoparticles in the pores
of functionalized SBA-15 silica, Powder
Technology, 2012, (221), S1, 359-364.
Mohamed A. Ballem, Xuanjun Zhang,
Emma M. Johansson, José M. Córdoba,
Magnus Odén, Low Temperature
Nanocasting of Ultrafine Hematite
Nanoparticles using Mesoporous Silica
Molds, Powder Technology, 2012, (217),
Anders Eriksson, Naureen Ghafoor, Jens
Jensen, Lars-Åke Näslund, Mats Johansson,
J. Sjölen, Magnus Odén, Lars Hultman,
Johanna Rosén, Arc deposition of Ti–Si–C–N
thin films from binary and ternary cathodes –
Comparing sources of C, Surface & Coatings
Technology, 2012, (213), 145-154.
Niklas Norrby, Mats Johansson, Rachid
M’Saoubi, Magnus Odén, Pressure and
temperature effects on the decomposition
of arc evaporated Ti0.6Al0.4N coatings
during metal cutting, Surface & Coatings
Technology, 2012, (209), 203-207.
Jonas Lauridsen, Per Eklund, Jun Lu, A
Knutsson, A M Andersson, Lars Hultman,
Magnus Odén, Microstructural and
Chemical Analysis of AgI Coatings Used
as a Solid Lubricant in Electrical Sliding
Contacts, Tribology letters, 2012, (46), 2,
Didem Sen Karaman, Diti Desai, Rajendran
Senthilkumar, Emma Johansson, Natalie
Ratts, Magnus Odén, John E Eriksson,
Cecilia Sahlgren, Diana M. Toivola,
Jessica M. Rosenholm, Shape engineering
vs organic modification of inorganic
nanoparticles as a tool for enhancing
cellular internalization, Nanoscale Research
Letters, 2012, (7), 358.
Ph.D.: Lina Rogström, High temperature
behavior of arc evaporated ZrAlN and TiAlN
thin films, 2012.
Muhammad Bilal Syed, Rikard Forsén,
Naureen Ghafoor, Magnus Odén, Thermal
Stability of Arc Evaporated ZrCrAlN, 2012.
Lina Rogström, Mats Ahlgren, J. Almer,
Lars Hultman, Magnus Odén, Phase
transformations in nanocomposite ZrAlN
thin films during annealing, Journal of
Materials Research, 2012, (27), 13, 1716-1724.
Plasma and Coatings Physics Chunqing Huo, Michael A Raadu, Daniel
Lundin, Jon Tomas Gudmundsson, Andre
Anders, Nils Brenning, Gas rarefaction
and the time evolution of long high-power
impulse magnetron sputtering pulses,
Plasma sources science & technology
(Print), 2012, (21), 4, 045004.
Ph.D.: Mattias Samuelsson, Fundamental
aspects of HiPIMS under industrial
conditions, 2012.
Lic: Asim Aijaz, HiPIMS-based Novel
Deposition Processes for Thin Films, 2012.
Mattias Samuelsson, Daniel Lundin,
Kostas Sarakinos, Fredrik Bjorefors,
Bengt Walivaara, Henrik Ljungcrantz, Ulf
Helmersson, Influence of ionization degree
on film properties when using high power
impulse magnetron sputtering, Journal of
Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum,
Surfaces, and Films, 2012, (30), 3, 031507.
Daniel Lundin, Kostas Sarakinos, An
introduction to thin film processing using
high-power impulse magnetron sputtering,
Journal of Materials Research, 2012, (27), 5,
N Brenning, C Huo, Daniel Lundin, M A
Raadu, C Vitelaru, G D Stancu, T Minea,
Ulf Helmersson, Understanding deposition
rate loss in high power impulse magnetron
sputtering: I. Ionization-driven electric
fields, Plasma sources science & technology
(Print), 2012, (21), 2, 025005.
C Vitelaru, Daniel Lundin, G D Stancu,
N Brenning, J Bretagne, T Minea, Argon
metastables in HiPIMS: time-resolved
tunable diode-laser diagnostics, Plasma
sources science & technology (Print), 2012,
(21), 2, 025010.
Asim Aijaz, Kostas Sarakinos, Daniel
Lundin, Nils Brenning, Ulf Helmersson, A
strategy for increased carbon ionization in
magnetron sputtering discharges, Diamond
and related materials, 2012, (23), 1-4.
Mattias Samuelsson, Kostas Sarakinos,
Hans Högberg, Erik Lewin, Ulf Jansson,
Bengt Wälivaara, Henrik Ljungcrantz,
Ulf Helmersson, Growth of TiC/a-C:H
nanocomposite films by reactive high
power impulse magnetron sputtering under
industrial conditions, Surface & Coatings
Technology, 2012, (206), 8-9, 2396-2402.
Franko Greiner, Jan Carstensen, Nils
Koehler, Iris Pilch, Helge Ketelsen, Sascha
Knist, Alexander Piel, Imaging Mie
ellipsometry: dynamics of nanodust clouds
in an argon-acetylene plasma, Plasma
sources science & technology (Print), 2012,
(21), 6, 065005.
Henrik Pedersen, Petter Larsson, Asim
Aijaz, Jens Jensen, Daniel Lundin, A novel
high-power pulse PECVD method, Surface
& Coatings Technology, 2012, (206), 22,
Mohsin Raza, Kosts Sarakinos, Asim Aijaz,
Ulf Helmersson, Synthesis of hydrogenated
amorphous carbon (a-C:H) thin films by
HiPIMS-based processes, 2012.
Pär Arumskog, Kostas Sarakinos, Ulf
Helmersson, A Combinatorial Chemistry
Approach to the Amorphous Al-In-Zn-O
Transparent Oxide Semiconductor System,
J. T. Gudmundsson, N. Brenning, Daniel
Lundin, Ulf Helmersson, High power
impulse magnetron sputtering discharge,
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology.
A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2012, (30),
Semiconductor Materials
Agnė Žukauskaitė, Christopher Tholander,
Justinas Pališaitis, Per O. Å. Persson, Vanya
Darakchieva, Nebiha Ben Sedrine, Ferenc
Tasnádi, Björn Alling, Jens Birch, Lars
Hultman, YxAl1-xN Thin Films, Journal of
Physics D, 2012, (45), 42, 422001.
R Ramzan, F Zafar, S Arshad, Qamar Ul
Wahab, Figure of merit for narrowband,
wideband and multiband LNAs,
International journal of electronics (Print),
2012, (99), 11, 1603-1610.
I J van Rooyen, J H Neethling, Anne Henry,
Erik Janzén, S M Mokoduwe, A Janse van
Vuuren, E Olivier, Effects of phosphorousdoping and high temperature annealing on
CVD grown 3C-SiC, Nuclear Engineering
and Design, 2012, (251), SI, 191-202.
S Yang, B H Lin, C C Kuo, H C Hsu, W-R
Liu, M O Eriksson, Per-Olof Holtz, C-S
Chang, C-H Hsu, W F Hsieh, Improvement
of Crystalline and Photoluminescence of
Atomic Layer Deposited m-Plane ZnO
Epitaxial Films by Annealing Treatment,
Crystal Growth & Design, 2012, (12), 10,
Hsu-Cheng Hsu, Geng-Ming Hsu, Yushiung Lai, Zhe Chuan Feng, Shuo-Yen
Tseng, Anders Lundskog, Urban Forsberg,
Erik Janzén, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong
Chen, Polarized and diameter-dependent
Raman scattering from individual
aluminum nitride nanowires: The antenna
and cavity effects, Applied Physics Letters,
2012, (101), 12, 121902.
Henrik Pedersen, Carina Höglund, Jens
Birch, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, Low
Temperature CVD of Thin, Amorphous
Boron-Carbon Films for Neutron Detectors,
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, (18), 7-9,
Martin Fagerlind, Ian Don Booker, Peder
Bergman, Erik Janzén, Herbert Zirath,
Niklas Rorsman, Influence of Large-AspectRatio Surface Roughness on Electrical
Characteristics of AlGaN/AlN/GaN HFETs,
IEEE transactions on device and materials
reliability, 2012, (12), 3, 538-546.
Carl Junesand, Chen Hu, Zhechao Wang,
Wondwosen Metaferia, Pritesh Dagur,
Galia Pozina, Lars Hultman, Sebastian
Lourdudoss, Effect of the Surface
Morphology of Seed and Mask Layers
on InP Grown on Si by Epitaxial Lateral
Overgrowth, Journal of Electronic Materials,
2012, (41), 9, 2345-2349.
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, V Lazorenko, G
Lashkarev, Rositsa Yakimova, Luminescence
anisotropy of ZnO microrods, Journal of
Luminescence, 2012, (132), 10, 2643-2647.
Bogdan Ranguelov, Desislava Goranova,
Vesselin Tonchev, Rositsa Yakimova,
Diffusion Limited Aggregation with
modified local rules, Comptes Rendus
de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences /
Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, 2012, (65), 7, 913-918.
Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius, Rositza
Yakimova, Mikael Syväjärvi, Haiyan
Ou, Omnidirectional luminescence
enhancement of fluorescent SiC via
pseudoperiodic antireflective subwavelength
structures, Optics Letters, 2012, (37), 18,
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Tobias Ekblad,
Rositsa Yakimova, Lars Hultman, Surface
morphology effects on the light-controlled
wettability of ZnO nanostructures, Applied
Surface Science, 2012, (258), 20, 8146-8152.
Conference: M. Asghar, F. Iqbal, Sadia
Municha Faraz, Valdas Jokubavicius, Qamar
Wahab, Mikael Syväjärvi, Study of deep level
defects in doped and semi-insulating n-6HSiC epilayers grown by sublimation method,
Conference: M. Asghar, F. Iqbal, Sadia
Faraz, Valdas Jokubavicius, Qamar Wahab,
Mikael Syväjärvi, Characterization of deep
level defects in sublimation grown p-type
6H-SiC epilayers by deep level transient
spectroscopy, 2012.
Henrik Pedersen, Mikhail Chubarov, Hans
Högberg, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, On
the effect of water and oxygen in chemical
vapor deposition of boron nitride, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 18, 5889-5893.
IFM activity report 2012
Rikard Forsén, Mats Johansson, Magnus
Odén, Naureen Ghafoor, Decomposition
and phase transformation in TiCrAlN
thin coatings, Journal of Vacuum Science
& Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and
Films, 2012, (30), 6.
Jianwu Sun, Ivan Gueorguiev Ivanov,
Rickard Liljedahl, Rositsa Yakimova, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Considerably long carrier lifetimes
in high-quality 3C-SiC(111), Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (100), 25, 252101.
Milena Beshkova, Jens Birch, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Rositsa Yakimova, Sublimation
epitaxy of 3C-SiC grown at Si- and C-rich
conditions, Vacuum, 2012, (86), 10, 1595-1599.
Anders Lundskog, Justinas Palisaitis, ChihWei Hsu, Martin Eriksson, Lars Hultman,
Per Persson, Urban Forsberg, Per-Olof
Holtz, Erik Janzén,InGaN quantum dot
formation mechanism on hexagonal GaN/
InGaN/GaN pyramids, Nanotechnology,
2012, (23), 30, 305708.
Ph.D.: Mengyao Xie, Structural and elastic
properties of InN and InAlN with different
surface orientations and doping, 2012.
Rositza Yakimova, Linnea Selegård,
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Ruth Pearce, Anita
Lloyd Spetz, Kajsa Uvdal, ZnO materials
and surface tailoring for biosensing,
Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition), 2012,
(4), 254-278.
Mikhail Chubarov, Henrik Pedersen, Hans
Högberg, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, Growth
of High Quality Epitaxial Rhombohedral
Boron Nitride, Crystal Growth & Design,
2012, (12), 6, 3215-3220.
Jens Eriksson, Ruth Pearce, Tihomir
Iakimov, Chariya Virojanadara, Daniela
Gogova, Mike Andersson, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Anita Lloyd Spetz, Rositza Yakimova, The
influence of substrate morphology on
thickness uniformity and unintentional
doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC, Applied
Physics Letters, 2012, (100), 24, 241607.
Henrik Pedersen, Stefano Leone, Olle
Kordina, Anne Henry, Shin-ichi Nishizawa,
Yaroslav Koshka, Erik Janzén, ChlorideBased CVD Growth of Silicon Carbide for
Electronic Applications, Chemical Reviews,
2012, (112), 4, 2434-2453.
Jianwu Sun, T. Robert, A. Andreadou, A.
Mantzari, Valdas Jokubavicius, Rositsa
Yakimova, J. Camassel, S. Juillaguet, E. K.
Polychroniadis, Mikael Syväjärvi, ShockleyFrank stacking faults in 6H-SiC, Journal of
Applied Physics, 2012, (111), 113527.
T J B M Janssen, J M Williams, N E Fletcher,
R Goebel, A Tzalenchuk, Rositsa Yakimova,
S Lara-Avila, S Kubatkin, V I Falko,
Precision comparison of the quantum Hall
effect in graphene and gallium arsenide,
Metrologia, 2012, (49), 3, 294-306.
V Panchal, K Cedergren, Rositsa Yakimova,
A Tzalenchuk, S Kubatkin, O Kazakova,
Small epitaxial graphene devices for
magnetosensing applications, Journal of
Applied Physics, 2012, (111), 7, 07E509.
IFM activity report 2012
Somsakul Watcharinyanon, Leif I
Johansson, Chao Xia, Chariya Virojanadara,
Changes in structural and electronic
properties of graphene grown on
6H-SiC(0001) induced by Na deposition,
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, (111), 8,
Conference: Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius,
Chuan Liu, Rolf W. Berg, Margareta
Linnarsson, Satoshi Kamiyama, Zhaoyue
Lu, Rositza Yakimova, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Haiyan Ou, Photoluminescence and Raman
spectroscopy characterization of boron and
nitrogen-doped 6H silicon carbide, 2012.
J A A Engelbrecht, I J van Rooyen, Anne
Henry, Erik Janzén, E J Olivier, The origin
of a peak in the reststrahlen region of SiC,
Physica. B, Condensed matter, 2012, (407),
10, 1525-1528.
Stefano Leone, Olle Kordina, Anne Henry,
Shin-ichi Nishizawa, Örjan Danielsson, Erik
Janzén, Gas-Phase Modeling of ChlorineBased Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon
Carbide, Crystal Growth & Design, 2012,
(12), 4, 1977-1984.
Andreas Gällström, Björn Magnusson,
Franziska Beyer, Adam Gali, Nguyen Son
Tien, Stefano Leone, Ivan Gueorguiev
Ivanov, Carl Hemmingsson, Anne Henry,
Erik Janzén, Optical identification and
electronic configuration of tungsten in
4H-and 6H-SiC, Physica. B, Condensed
matter, 2012, (407), 10, 1462-1466.
Anne Henry, Stefano Leone, Franziska
Beyer, Henrik Pedersen, Olle Kordina, Sven
Andersson, Erik Janzén, SiC epitaxy growth
using chloride-based CVD, Physica. B,
Condensed matter, 2012, (407), 10, 14671471.
Per-Olof Holtz, Chih-Wei Hsu, L A Larsson,
K Fredrik Karlsson, Daniel Dufåker, Anders
Lundskog, Urban Forsberg, Erik Janzén,
Evgenii Moskalenko, V Dimastrodonato, L
Mereni, E Pelucchi, Optical characterization
of individual quantum dots, Physica. B,
Condensed matter, 2012, (407), 10, 14721475.
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Rositsa Yakimova,
Morphology engineering of ZnO
nanostructures, Physica. B, Condensed
matter, 2012, (407), 10, 1533-1537.
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Rositsa Yakimova,
Fredrik Karlsson, Abdul S Syed, Per-Olof
Holtz, Zelalem Nigussa Urgessa, Oluwatobi
Samuel Oluwafemi, Johannes Reinhardt
Botha, Comparative PL study of individual
ZnO nanorods, grown by APMOCVD and
CBD techniques, Physica. B, Condensed
matter, 2012, (407), 10, 1538-1542.
Jianwu Sun, Satoshi Kamiyama, Valdas
Jokubavicius, H. Peyre, Rositsa Yakimova,
S. Juillaguet, Mikael Syväjärvi, Fluorescent
silicon carbide as an ultraviolet-to-visible
light converter by control of donor to
acceptor recombinations, Journal of Physics
D, 2012, (45), 23, 235107.
Vanya Darakchieva, K Lorenz, Mengyao
Xie, E Alves, W J Schaff, T Yamaguchi,
Y Nanishi, S Ruffenach, M Moret, O
Briot, Unintentional incorporation of H
and related structural and free-electron
properties of c- and a-plane InN, Physica
Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials
Science, 2012, (209), 1, 91-94.
Thomas Maassen, J Jasper van den Berg,
Natasja IJbema, Felix Fromm, Thomas
Seyller, Rositsa Yakimova, Bart J van Wees,
Long Spin Relaxation Times in Wafer Scale
Epitaxial Graphene on SiC(0001), Nano
letters (Print), 2012, (12), 3, 1498-1502.
Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius, Philip Hens,
Michl Kaiser, Peter Wellmann, Rositsa
Yakimova, Mikael Syväjärvi, Haiyan Ou,
Broadband and omnidirectional light
harvesting enhancement of fluorescent SiC,
Optics Express, 2012, (20), 7, 7575-7579.
I J van Rooyen, J A A Engelbrecht, Anne
Henry, Erik Janzén, J H Neethling, P M
van Rooyen, The effect of grain size and
phosphorous-doping of polycrystalline
3C-SiC on infrared reflectance spectra,
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2012, (422), 1-3,
Rui Masuda, Chih-Wei Hsu, Martin
Eriksson, Yoshinao Kumagai, Akinori
Koukitu, Per-Olof Holtz, Improvements in
Optical Properties of (0001) ZnO Layers
Grown on (0001) Sapphire Substrates by
Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy Using Thick
Buffer Layers, Japanese Journal of Applied
Physics, 2012, (51), 3, 031103.
Ph.D.: Remigijus Vasiliauskas, Sublimation
Growth and Performance of Cubic Silicon
Carbide, 2012.
Remigijus Vasiliauskas, A. Mekys, P.
Malinovskis, Mikael Syväjärvi, J. Storasta,
Rositza Yakimova, Influence of twin
boundary orientation on magnetoresistivity
effect in free standing 3C–SiC, Materials
letters (General ed.), 2012, (74), 203-205.
Remigijus Vasiliauskas, A. Mekys, P.
Malinovskis, Sandrine Juillaguer, Mikael
Syväjärvi, J. Storasta, Risitza Yakimova,
Impact of extended defects on Hall and
magnetoresistivity effects in cubic silicon
carbide, Journal of Physics D, 2012, (45), 22,
Remigijus Vasiliauskas, Sandrine Juillaguer,
Mikael Syväjärvi, Risitza Yakimova, Cubic
SiC formation on the C-face of 6H-SiC
(0001) substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth,
2012, (348), 1, 91-96.
S Sonde, C Vecchio, F Giannazzo, Rositsa
Yakimova, E Rimini, Effect of graphene/4HSiC(0 0 0 1) interface on electrostatic
properties in graphene, Physica. E, LowDimensional systems and nanostructures,
2012, (44), 6, 993-996.
Mikael Syväjärvi, J. Müller, Jianwu Sun,
Vytautas Grivickas, Yiyu Ou, Valdas
Jokubavicius, Philip Hens, M. Kaisr,
Kanaparin Ariyawong, K. Gulbinas,
Rickard Liljedahl, M. K. Linnarsson, S.
Kamiyama, P. Wellmann, E. Spiecker, H.
Ou, Fluorescent SiC as a new material for
white LEDs, Physica scripta. T, 2012, (T148),
Somsakul Watcharinyanon, Leif Johansson,
A. A. Zakharov, Chariya Virojanadara,
Studies of Li intercalation of hydrogenated
graphene on SiC(0001), Surface Science,
2012, (606), 3-4, 401-406.
D W Boukhvalov, Chariya Virojanadara,
Penetration of alkali atoms throughout a
graphene membrane: theoretical modeling,
Nanoscale, 2012, (4), 5, 1749-1753.
Mengyao Xie, Ferenc Tasnadi, Igor
Abrikosov, Lars Hultman, Vanya
Darakchieva, Elastic constants, composition,
and piezolectric polarization in InxAl1-xN:
From ab initio calculations to experimental
implications for the applicability of Vegards
rule, Physical Review B. Condensed Matter
and Materials Physics, 2012, (86), 15, 155310.
Sergey Khromov, Bo Monemar, V. Avrutin,
Xing Li, H. Morkoç, Lars Hultman, Galia
Pozina, Optical and structural studies
of homoepitaxially grown m-plane GaN,
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, (100), 17,
Tim L Burnett, Rositsa Yakimova, Olga
Kazakova, Identification of epitaxial
graphene domains and adsorbed species
in ambient conditions using quantified
topography measurements, Journal of
Applied Physics, 2012, (112), 5, 054308.
Chao Xia, Somsakul Watcharinyanon, A A
Zakharov, Rositsa Yakimova, Lars Hultman,
Leif I Johansson, Chariya Virojanadara, Si
intercalation/deintercalation of graphene
on 6H-SiC(0001), Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 4, 045418.
Other: Justinas Palisaitis, Anders
Lundskog, Urban Forsberg, Erik Janzén,
Jens Birch, Lars Hultman, Per Persson,
Characterization of InGaN/GaN quantum
well growth using monochromated valence
electron energy loss spectroscopy, 2012.
Philip Hens, Valdas Jokubavicius, Rickard
Liljedahl, G Wagner, Rositsa Yakimova, P
Wellmann, Mikael Syväjärvi, Sublimation
growth of thick freestanding 3C-SiC
using CVD-templates on silicon as seeds,
Materials letters (General ed.), 2012, (67), 1,
K. Fredrik Karlsson, Amloy Supaluck, Y. T.
Chen, K. H. Chen, H. C. Hsu, C. L. Hsiao, L.
C. Chen, Per-Olof Holtz, Polarized emission
and excitonic fine structure energies of
InGaN quantum dots, Physica. B, Condensed
matter, 2012, (407), 10, 1553-1555.
Remigijus Vasiliauskas, Maya Marinova,
Philip Hens, Peter Wellmann, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Rositsa Yakimova, Nucleation
Control of Cubic Silicon Carbide on 6HSubstrates, Crystal Growth & Design, 2012,
(12), 1, 197-204.
J. W. Sun, Volodymyr Khranovskyy, M
Mexis, M Eriksson, Mikael Syväjärvi, I
Tsiaoussis, Gholamreza Yazdi, H Peyre, S
Juillaguet, J Camassel, Per-Olof Holtz, Peder
Bergman, Lars Hultman, Rositsa Yakimova,
Comparative micro-photoluminescence
investigation of ZnO hexagonal nanopillars
and the seeding layer grown on 4H-SiC,
Journal of Luminescence, 2012, (132), 1,
Ph.D.: Anders Lundskog, Controlled growth
of hexagonal GaN pyramids and InGaN
QDs, 2012.
Nguyen Tien Son, Xuan Thang Trinh, L
S Lovlie, B. G. Svensson, K. Kawahara,
J. Suda, T. Kimoto, T. Umeda, J. Isoya,
T. Makino, T. Ohshima, Erik Janzén,
Negative-U System of Carbon Vacancy in
4H-SiC, Physical Review Letters, 2012, (109),
18, 187603.
Franziska Beyer, Carl Hemmingsson,
Henrik Pedersen, Anne Henry, J Isoya,
N Morishita, T Ohshima, Erik Janzén,
Capacitance transient study of a bistable
deep level in e(-)-irradiated n-type 4H-SiC,
Journal of Physics D, 2012, (45), 45.
Satoshi Kamiyama, Motoaki Iwaya, Tetsuya
Takeuchi, Isamu Akasaki, Rositsa Yakimova,
Mikael Syväjärvi, White light-emitting diode
based on fluorescent SiC, Thin Solid Films,
2012, (522), 23-25.
Valdas Jokubavicius, P. Hens, Richard
Liljedahl, Jianwu Sun, M. Kaiser, P.
Wellmann, S. Sano, Rositza Yakimova,
S. Kamiyama, Mikael Syväjärvi,Effects
of source material on epitaxial growth of
fluorescent SiC, Thin Solid Films, 2012,
(522), 7-10.
Jianwu Sun, Valdas Jokubavicius, Rickard
Liljedahl, Rositsa Yakimova, S. Juillaguet, J.
Camassel, S. Kamiyama, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Room temperature luminescence properties
of fluorescent SiC as white light emitting
diode medium, Thin Solid Films, 2012,
(522), 33-35.
Peter Wellmann, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Michael Kneissel, Rongmin Wang,
Preface to selected papers from EMRS
2011 Symposium Q: Engineering of wide
bandgap semiconductor materials for
energy saving, Thin Solid Films, 2012, (522),
Conference: Sofie Nystrom, Erin Nelson,
Nina Reitan, Pal Ellingsen, Ann-Christin
Brorsson, Jeffrey Mason, Leif Johansson,
Chanan Sluzny, Susann Handrick, Stefan
Prokop, Bettina Wegenast-Braun, Simone
Hornemann, Katarina Kågedal, Mikael
Lindgren, Frank Heppner, Mathias
Jucker, Adriano Aguzzi, Peter Nilsson,
Per Hammarström, Monitoring amyloid
formation and maturation in vitro and in
vivo using LCO fluorescence in PRION, vol
6, issue, pp 13-13, PRION, 2012.
Henrik Pedersen, Petter Larsson, Asim
Aijaz, Jens Jensen, Daniel Lundin, A novel
high-power pulse PECVD method, Surface
& Coatings Technology, 2012, (206), 22,
N Thierry-Jebali, Jawad ul-Hassan, M
Lazar, D Planson, E Bano, Anne Henry,
Erik Janzén, P Brosselard, Observation of
the generation of stacking faults and active
degradation measurements on off-axis and
on-axis 4H-SiC PiN diodes, Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (101), 22, 222111.
Mi Zhou, Frank L Pasquale, Peter A
Dowben, Alex Boosalis, Mathias Schubert,
Vanya Darakchieva, Rositsa Yakimova,
Lingmei Kong, Jeffry A Kelber, Direct
graphene growth on Co3O4(111) by molecular
beam epitaxy, Journal of Physics, 2012, (24),
7, 072201.
J H Choi, L Latu-Romain, E Bano, Anne
Henry, W J Lee, T Chevolleau, T Baron,
Comparative study on dry etching of alphaand beta-SiC nano-pillars, Materials letters
(General ed.), 2012, (87), 9-12.
Nguyen Son Tien, Xuan Thang Trinh,
Andreas Gällström, Stefano Leone, Olle
Kordina, Erik Janzén, Krisztian Szasz, Viktor
Ivady, Adam Gali,Electron paramagnetic
resonance and theoretical studies of Nb in
4H- and 6H-SiC, Journal of Applied Physics,
2012, (112), 8, 083711.
F Giannazzo, I Deretzis, A La Magna, F
Roccaforte, Rositsa Yakimova, Electronic
transport at monolayer-bilayer junctions in
epitaxial graphene on SiC, Physical Review
B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (86), 23, .
IFM activity report 2012
Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius, Margareta
Linnarsson, Rositza Yakimova, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Haiyan Ou, Characterization of
donor–acceptor-pair emission in fluorescent
6H-SiC, Physica Scripta, 2012, (T148),
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, Vanya
Darakchieva, Rositsa Yakimova, M.
Schubert, Visible to vacuum ultraviolet
dielectric functions of epitaxial graphene
on 3C and 4H SiC polytypes determined by
spectroscopic ellipsometry, Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (101), 1, .
Conference: Ian Don Booker, Jawad Hassan,
Anders Hallén,, Einar Ö. Sveinbjörnsson,
Olle Kordina, Peder Bergman, Comparison
of Post-Growth Carrier Lifetime
Improvement Methods for 4H-SiC
Epilayers, Materials Science Forum Vols 717
- 720, 2012.
Xiaolong Zhu, Yiyu Ou, Valdas
Jokubavicius, Mikael Syväjärvi, Ole Hansen,
Haiyan Ou, N. Asger Mortensen, Sanshui
Xiao, Broadband light-extraction enhanced
by arrays of whispering gallery resonators,
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, (101), 24, .
Conference: Ian Don Booker, Jawad Hassan,
Erik Janzén, Peder Bergman, HighResolution Time-Resolved Carrier Lifetime
and Photoluminescence Mapping of 4H-SiC
Epilayers, Materials Science Forum Vols 717
- 720, 2012.
Conference: Valdas Jokubavicius, Björn
Lundqvist, Philip Hens, Rickard Liljedahl,
Rositza Yakimova, Satoshi Kamiyama,
Mikael Syväjärvi, On stabilization of 3C-SiC
using low off-axis 6H-SiC substrates, 2012.
Conference: Jawad Hassan, Louise Lilja, Ian
Don Booker, Peder Bergman, Erik Janzén,
Influence of Growth Mechanism on Carrier
Lifetime in on-axis Homoepitaxial Layers of
4H-SiC, Materials Science Forum Vols 717 720, 2012.
Conference: Jianwu Sun, T. Robert,
Valdas Jokubavicius, S. Juillaguet, Rositza
Yakimova, Mikael Syväjärvi, J. Camassel,
Low Temperature Photoluminescence
Signature of Stacking Faults in 6H-SiC
Epilayers Grown on Low Angle Off-axis
Substrates, 2012.
Supaluck Amloy, Evgenii Moskalenko, M
Eriksson, K Fredrik Karlsson, Y T Chen, K
H Chen, H C Hsu, C L Hsiao, L C Chen,
Per-Olof Holtz,Dynamic characteristics of
the exciton and the biexciton in a single
InGaN quantum dot, Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (101), 6.
Supaluck Amloy, Fredrik Karlsson, T. G.
Andersson, Per-Olof Holtz, On the polarized
emission from exciton complexes in GaN
quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters,
2012, (100), 021901.
T. Hofmann, P. Kuehne, S. Schöche, Jr-Tai
Chen, Urban Forsberg, Erik Janzén, N. Ben
Sedrine, C. M Herzinger, J. A Woollam, M.
Schubert, Vanya Darakchieva, Temperature
dependent effective mass in AlGaN/GaN
high electron mobility transistor structures,
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, (101), 19.
Annop Ektarawong, Growth and
characterization of graphene on
4H-SiC(0001), 2012.
Conference: Peder Bergman, Ian Don
Booker, Louise Lilja, Jawad Hassan, Erik
Janzén, Radial Variation of Measured
Carrier Lifetimes in Epitaxial Layers Grown
with Wafer Rotation, Materials Science
Forum Vols 717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Louise Lilja, Jawad Hassan,
Ian Booker, Peder Bergman, Erik Janzén,
Influence of Growth Temperature on Carrier
Lifetime in 4H-SiC Epilayers, Materials
Science Forum Vols 740 - 742 (2012), 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
Conference: Andreas Gällström, Björn
Magnusson, Franziska Beyer, Adam Gali,
Nguyen Tien Son, Stefano Leone, Ivan G.
Ivanov, Anne Henry, Carl Hemmingsson,
Erik Janzén, Electronic Configuration
of Tungsten in 4H-, 6H-, and 15R-SiC,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Conference: Philip Hens, Julian Müller,
Erdmann Spiecker, Peter Wellmann, Defect
structures at the silicon/3C-SiC interface,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Conference: Philip Hens, J. Müller,
G. Wagner, Rickard Liljedahl, Rositsa
Yakimova, E. Spiecker, P. Wellmann, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Freestanding 3C-SiC grown by
sublimation epitaxy using 3C-SiC templates
on silicon, Materials Science Forum Vols
717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Andreas Gällström, Ivan
Gueorguiev Ivanov, R. Coble, R. P. Devaty,
W. J. Choyke, Erik Janzén, Investigation of
intrinsic carbon-related defects in 4H-SiC
by selective-excitation photoluminescence
spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum Vols
717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Leif I. Johansson, Somsakul
Watcharinyanon, A. A. Zakharov, Rositsa
Yakimova, Chariya Virojanadara, The
registry of graphene layers grown on
SiC(000-1), Materials Science Forum Vols
717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Stefano Leone, Henrik
Pedersen, Franziska Beyer, Sven Andersson,
Olle Kordina, Anne Henry, Andrea Canino,
Francesco La Via, Erik Janzén, ChlorideBased CVD of 4H-SiC at High Growth Rates
on Substrates with Different Off-Angles,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Conference: Xun Li, Stefano Leone, Sven
Andersson, Olle Kordina, Anne Henry,
Erik Janzén, CVD Heteroepitaxial Growth
of 3C-SiC on 4H-SiC (0001) Substrates,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Conference: Ruth Pearce, Rositsa Yakimova,
Johan Eriksson, Lars Hultman, Mike
Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Development
of FETs and resistive devices based on
epitaxially grown single layer graphene
on SiC for highly sensitive gas detection,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Conference: Nguyen Tien Son, V. Ivady,
Adam Gali, Andreas Gällström, Stefano
Leone, Olle Kordina, Erik Janzén,
Identification of Niobium in 4H-SiC by EPR
and ab Initio Studies, Materials Science
Forum Vols 717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Mikael Syväjärvi, Rositsa
Yakimova, M. Iwaya, T. Takeuchi, I. Akasaki,
Satoshi Kamiyama, Growth and light
properties of fluorescent SiC for white
LEDs, Materials Science Forum Vols 717 720, 2012.
Conference: Jawad ul-Hassan,
Chariya Virojanadara, A. Meyer, Ivan
Gueorguiev Ivanov, J. I. Flege, Somsakul
Watcharinyanon, J Falta, Leif I. Johansson,
Erik Janzén, Control of epitaxial graphene
thickness on 4H-SiC(0001) and bufferlayer
removal through hydrogen intercalation,
Materials Science Forum (Volumes 717 720), 2012.
Conference: Chariya Virojanadara, Somsaku
Watcharinyanon, A. A. Zakharov, Rositsa
Yakimova, Leif I. Johansson, Studies of Li
intercalation into epitaxial graphene on
SiC(0001), Materials Science Forum Vols
717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Milan Yazdanfar, Stefano
Leone, Henrik Pedersen, Olle Kordina,
Anne Henry, Erik Janzén, Carrot defect
control in chloride-based CVD through
optimized ramp up conditions, Materials
Science Forum Vols 717 - 720, 2012.
Conference: Rositsa Yakimova, Remigijus
Vasiliauskas, Jens Eriksson, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Progress in 3C-SiC growth and
novel applications, Materials Science Forum
Vol 711, 2012.
Conference: Anne Henry, Xun Li, Stefano
Leone, Olof Kordina, Erik Janzén, CVD
growth of 3C-SiC on 4H-SiC substrate,
Materials Science Forum Vol 711, 2012.
A M R Baker, J A Alexander-Webber,
T Altebaeumer, T J B M Janssen, A
Tzalenchuk, S Lara-Avila, S Kubatkin,
Rositsa Yakimova, C-T Lin, L-J Li, R J
Nicholas, Weak localization scattering
lengths in epitaxial, and CVD graphene,
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics, 2012, (86), 23.
Anelia Kakanakova-Gueorgieva, Daniel
Nilsson, Erik Janzén, High-quality AlN
layers grown by hot-wall MOCVD at reduced
temperatures, Journal of Crystal Growth,
2012, (338), 1, 52-56.
E. F. de Almeida Junior, F. de Brito Mota,
C. M. C. de Castilho, Anelia KakanakovaGueorgieva, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev,
Defects in hexagonal-AlN sheets by firstprinciples calculations, European Physical
Journal B, 2012, (85), 1.
Gabriel Civrac, Farah Laariedh, Nicolas
Thierry-jebali, Mihai Lazar, Dominique
Planson, Pierre Brosselard, Jawad ul
Hassan, Anne Henry, Erik Janzen, Bertrand
Vergne, Sigo Scharnholz, 600 V PiN diodes
fabricated using on-axis 4H silicon carbide,
Materials Science Forum, 2012, (717-720),
V. Ivady, B. Somogyi, V. Zolyomi, Andreas
Gällström, N. T. Son, Erik Janzen, Adam
Gali, Transition Metal Defects in Cubic and
Hexagonal Polytypes of SiC: Site Selection,
Magnetic and Optical Properties from
ab initio Calculations, Materials Science
Forum, 2012, (717-720), 205-210.
L. Lilja, Jawad ul-Hassan, Ian D. Booker,
J. P. Bergman, Erik Janzen, The Effect of
Growth Conditions on Carrier Lifetime in
n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers, Materials
Science Forum, 2012, (717-720), 161-164.
Siva Kotamraju, Bharat Krishnan, Franziska
C. Beyer, Anne Henry, Olle Kordina, Erik
Janzen, Yaroslav Koshka, Electrical and
optical properties of high-purity epilayers
grown by the low-temperature chloro-carbon
growth method, Materials Science Forum,
2012, (717-720), 129-132.
Thin film Physics
Agnė Žukauskaitė, Christopher Tholander,
Justinas Pališaitis, Per O. Å. Persson, Vanya
Darakchieva, Nebiha Ben Sedrine, Ferenc
Tasnádi, Björn Alling, Jens Birch, Lars
Hultman, YxAl1-xN Thin Films, Journal of
Physics D, 2012, (45), 42, 422001.
Henrik Pedersen, Carina Höglund, Jens
Birch, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, Low
Temperature CVD of Thin, Amorphous
Boron-Carbon Films for Neutron Detectors,
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, (18), 7-9,
Cecilia Goyenola, Sven Stafström, Lars
Hultman, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev,
Structural Patterns Arising during Synthetic
Growth of Fullerene-Like Sulfocarbide, The
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116),
39, 21124-21131.
Ph.D.: Muhammad Junaid, Magnetron
Sputter Epitaxy of GaN Epilayers and
Nanorods, 2012.
Lic: Steffen Sønderby, Physical Vapor
Deposition of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia and
Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Thin Films for Fuel
Cell Applications, 2012.
Renato B. dos Santos, Roberto Rivelino,
Fernando de B. Mota, Gueorgui Kostov
Gueorguiev, Exploring Hydrogenation and
Fluorination in Curved 2D Carbon Systems:
A Density Functional Theory Study on
Corannulene, Journal of Physical Chemistry
A, 2012, (116), 36, 9080-9087.
Conference: Ali Khatibi, Face-Centered
Cubic and corundum (Al1-xCrx)2O3 Thin
Films: Deposition, Characterization, and
Heat Treatment Studies, 2012.
Ph.D.: Lars Johnson, Inside The Miscibility
Gap: Nanostructuring and Phase Transformations in Hard Nitride Coatings, 2012.
Carl Junesand, Chen Hu, Zhechao Wang,
Wondwosen Metaferia, Pritesh Dagur,
Galia Pozina, Lars Hultman, Sebastian
Lourdudoss, Effect of the Surface
Morphology of Seed and Mask Layers
on InP Grown on Si by Epitaxial Lateral
Overgrowth, Journal of Electronic Materials,
2012, (41), 9, 2345-2349.
T J Lawton, V Pushkarev, Esteban Broitman,
A Reinicker, E C H Sykes, A J Gellman,
Initial Oxidation of Cu(hkl) Surfaces Vicinal
to Cu(111): A High-Throughput Study of
Structure Sensitivity, The Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 30, 16054-16062.
Jonas Lauridsen, N Nedfors, U Jansson,
Jens Jensen, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman,
Ti-B-C nanocomposite coatings deposited
by magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface
Science, 2012, (258), 24, 9907-9912.
Susann Schmidt, Zs Czigany, Grzegorz
Greczynski, Jens Jensen, Lars Hultman,
Ion mass spectrometry investigations of the
discharge during reactive high power pulsed
and direct current magnetron sputtering of
carbon in Ar and Ar/N-2, Journal of Applied
Physics, 2012, (112), 1, 013305.
Lic: Hanna Fager, Growth and
Characterization of Amorphous TiAlSiN
and HfAlSiN Thin Films, 2012.
Per Eklund, Martin Dahlqvist, Olof
Tengstrand, Lars Hultman, Jun Lu, Nils
Nedfors, Ulf Jansson, Johanna Rosén,
Discovery of the Ternary Nanolaminated
Compound Nb2GeC by a Systematic
Theoretical-Experimental Approach,
Physical Review Letters, 2012, (109), 3,
Nina J Lane, Michael Naguib, Volker
Presser, Gilles Hug, Lars Hultman, Michel
W Barsoum, First-order Raman scattering
of the MAX phases Ta4AlC3, Nb4AlC3,
Ti4AlN3, and Ta2AlC, Journal of Raman
Spectroscopy, 2012, (43), 7, 954-958.
Carina Höglund, Jens Birch, Ken Andersen,
Thierry Bigault, Jean-Claude Buffet,
Jonathan Correa, Patrick van Esch, Bruno
Guerard, Richard Hall-Wilton, Jens Jensen,
Anton Khaplanov, Francesco Piscitelli,
Christian Vettier, Wilhelmus Vollenberg,
Lars Hultman, B4C thin films for neutron
detection, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012,
(111), 10, 104908.
Nina J. Lane, Michael Naguib, Jun Lu, Lars
Hultman, Michel W. Barsoum, Structure of
a new bulk Ti5Al2C3 MAX phase produced
by the topotactic transformation of Ti2AlC,
Journal of the European Ceramic Society,
2012, (32), 12, 3485-3491.
Volodymyr Khranovskyy, Tobias Ekblad,
Rositsa Yakimova, Lars Hultman, Surface
morphology effects on the light-controlled
wettability of ZnO nanostructures, Applied
Surface Science, 2012, (258), 20, 8146-8152.
Conference: M. Asghar, F. Iqbal, Sadia
Municha Faraz, Valdas Jokubavicius, Qamar
Wahab, Mikael Syväjärvi, Study of deep level
defects in doped and semi-insulating n-6HSiC epilayers grown by sublimation method,
Conference: M. Asghar, F. Iqbal, Sadia
Faraz, Valdas Jokubavicius, Qamar Wahab,
Mikael Syväjärvi, Characterization of deep
level defects in sublimation grown p-type
6H-SiC epilayers by deep level transient
spectroscopy, 2012.
Fridrik Magnus, Arni Sigurdur Ingason,
Sveinn Olafsson, Jon T. Gudmundsson,
Nucleation and Resistivity of Ultrathin
TiN Films Grown by High-Power Impulse
Magnetron Sputtering, IEEE Electron
Device Letters, 2012, (33), 7, 1045-1047.
Henrik Pedersen, Mikhail Chubarov, Hans
Högberg, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, On
the effect of water and oxygen in chemical
vapor deposition of boron nitride, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 18, 5889-5893.
Steffen Sønderby, A. J. Nielsen, B. H.
Christensen, K. P. Almtoft, Jun Lu, Jens
Jensen, L. P. Nielsen, Per Eklund, Reactive
magnetron sputtering of uniform yttriastabilized zirconia coatings in an industrial
setup, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012,
(206), 19-20, 4126-4131.
IFM activity report 2012
Anders Lundskog, Urban Forsberg, Per-Olof
Holtz, Erik Janzén, Morphology control
of hot-wall MOCVD selective area -grown
hexagonal GaN pyramids, Crystal Growth &
Design, 2012, (12), 11, 5491-5496.
Grzegorz Greczynski, Jun Lu, M.P.
Johansson, Jens Jensen, Ivan Petrov, Joseph
E Greene, Lars Hultman, Role of Tin+
and Aln+ ion irradiation (n=1, 2) during
Ti1-xAlxN alloy film growth in a hybrid
HIPIMS/magnetron mode, Surface &
Coatings Technology, 2012, (206), 19-20,
Milena Beshkova, Jens Birch, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Rositsa Yakimova, Sublimation
epitaxy of 3C-SiC grown at Si- and C-rich
conditions, Vacuum, 2012, (86), 10, 1595-1599.
Anders Lundskog, Justinas Palisaitis, ChihWei Hsu, Martin Eriksson, Lars Hultman,
Per Persson, Urban Forsberg, Per-Olof
Holtz, Erik Janzén,InGaN quantum dot
formation mechanism on hexagonal GaN/
InGaN/GaN pyramids, Nanotechnology,
2012, (23), 30, 305708.
Mikhail Chubarov, Henrik Pedersen, Hans
Högberg, Jens Jensen, Anne Henry, Growth
of High Quality Epitaxial Rhombohedral
Boron Nitride, Crystal Growth & Design,
2012, (12), 6, 3215-3220.
Björn Alling, Peter Steneget, Christopher
Tholander, Ferenc Tasnádi, Ivan Petrov,
Joseph E Greene, Lars Hultman,
Configurational disorder effects on adatom
mobilities on Ti1-xAlxN(001) surfaces
from first principles, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 24, 245422.
Paulo V. C. Medeiros, Gueorgui Kostov
Gueorguiev, Sven Stafström, Benzene,
coronene, and circumcoronene adsorbed
on gold, and a gold cluster adsorbed
on graphene: Structural and electronic
properties, Physical Review B. Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics, 2012, (85), 20,
Lic: Aurelija Mockutė, Thin Film Synthesis
and Characterization of New MAX Phase
Alloys, 2012.
Thierry Cabioch, Per Eklund, Vincent
Mauchamp, Michel Jaouen, Structural
investigation of substoichiometry and
solid solution effects in Ti2Al(C-x,N1-x)
(y) compounds, Journal of the European
Ceramic Society, 2012, (32), 8, 1803-1811.
Martin Magnuson, Maurizio Mattesini,
Ngo Van Nong, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman,
Electronic-structure origin of the anisotropic
thermopower of nanolaminated Ti3SiC2
determinedby polarized x-ray spectroscopy
and Seebeck measurements, Physical
Review B Condensed Matter, 2012, (85),
Martin Magnuson, Matilda Andersson, Jun
Lu, Lars Hultman, Ulf Jansson, Electronic
Structure and Chemical Bonding of
AmorphousChromium Carbide Thin Films,
Journal of Physics, 2012, (24), 225004.
IFM activity report 2012
Lic: Simon Olsson, Approximant Phases in
Quasicrystalline AlCuFe Thin Films, 2012.
Lars Johnson, Mattias Thuvander, Krystyna
Stiller, Magnus Odén, Lars Hultman,
Spinodal decomposition of Ti0.33Al0.67N thin
films studied by atom probe tomography,
Thin Solid Films, 2012, (520), 13, 4362-4368.
Davide Sangiovanni, Valeriu Chirita, Lars
Hultman, Toughness enhancement in
TiAlN-based quarternary alloys, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 11, 4080-4088.
Kristina Buchholt, Per Eklund, Jens
Jensen, Jun Lu, R Ghandi, M Domeij, C
M Zetterling, G Behan, H Zhang, Anita
Lloyd Spetz, Lars Hultman,Growth and
characterization of epitaxial Ti3GeC2 thin
films on 4H-SiC(0001), Journal of Crystal
Growth, 2012, (343), 1, 133-137.
Grzegorz Greczynski, Jun Lu, M Johansson,
Jens Jensen, Ivan Petrov, Joseph E Greene,
Lars Hultman, Selection of metal ion
irradiation for controlling Ti1-xAlxN alloy
growth via hybrid HIPIMS/magnetron
co-sputtering, Vacuum, 2012, (86), 8, 10361040.
Lars Hultman, Editorial, Vacuum, 2012,
(86), 8, 1013-1013.
Jonas Lauridsen, Per Eklund, Jun Lu, A
Knutsson, A M Andersson, Lars Hultman,
Magnus Odén, Microstructural and
Chemical Analysis of AgI Coatings Used
as a Solid Lubricant in Electrical Sliding
Contacts, Tribology letters, 2012, (46), 2,
Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius, Philip Hens,
Michl Kaiser, Peter Wellmann, Rositsa
Yakimova, Mikael Syväjärvi, Haiyan Ou,
Broadband and omnidirectional light
harvesting enhancement of fluorescent SiC,
Optics Express, 2012, (20), 7, 7575-7579.
Ali Khatibi, Jun Lu, Jens Jensen, Per Eklund,
Lars Hultman, Phase transformations in
face centered cubic (Al0.32Cr0.68)(2)O-3
thin films, Surface & Coatings Technology,
2012, (206), 14, 3216-3222.
Lic: Agnė Žukauskaitė, Metastable
YAlN and ScAlN thin films: growth and
characterization, 2012.
Agnė Žukauskaitė, Gunilla Wingqvist,
Justinas Pališaitis, Jens Jensen, Per O. Å.
Persson, Ramin Matloub, Paul Muralt,
Yunseok Kim, Jens Birch, Lars Hultman,
Microstructure and Dielectric Properties
of Piezoelectric Magnetron Sputtered
w-Sc<sub>x</sub>Al<sub>1-x</sub>N thin
films, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, (111),
9, 093527.
Tobias Marten, Björn Alling, Eyvas Isaev,
Hans Lind, Ferenc Tasnadi, Lars Hultman,
Igor Abrikosov, First-principles study of the
SiNx/TiN(001) interface, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 10, 104106.
Michael Naguib, Olha Mashtalir, Joshua
Carle, Volker Presser, Jun Lu, Lars Hultman,
Yury Gogotsi, Michel W Barsoum, TwoDimensional Transition Metal Carbides,
ACS Nano, 2012, (6), 2, 1322-1331.
Yiyu Ou, Valdas Jokubavicius, Margareta
Linnarsson, Rositza Yakimova, Mikael
Syväjärvi, Haiyan Ou, Characterization of
donor–acceptor-pair emission in fluorescent
6H-SiC, Physica Scripta, 2012, (T148),
Mikael Syväjärvi, J. Müller, Jianwu Sun,
Vytautas Grivickas, Yiyu Ou, Valdas
Jokubavicius, Philip Hens, M. Kaisr,
Kanaparin Ariyawong, K. Gulbinas,
Rickard Liljedahl, M. K. Linnarsson, S.
Kamiyama, P. Wellmann, E. Spiecker, H.
Ou, Fluorescent SiC as a new material for
white LEDs, Physica scripta. T, 2012, (T148),
Lic: Sergey Khromov, The Effect of Mg
Doping on Optical and Structural Properties
of GaN, 2012.
Sergey Khromov, Bo Monemar, V. Avrutin,
Xing Li, H. Morkoç, Lars Hultman, Galia
Pozina, Optical and structural studies
of homoepitaxially grown m-plane GaN,
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, (100), 17,
Lina Rogström, Jennifer Ullbrand, J.
Almer, Lars Hultman, B. Jansson, Magnus
Odén, Strain evolution during spinodal
decomposition of TiAlN thin films, Thin
Solid Films, 2012, (520), 17, 5542-5549.
Lina Rogström, Naureen Ghafoor, Mats
Ahlgren, Magnus Odén, Auto-organizing
ZrAlN/ZrAlTiN/TiN multilayers, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 21, 6451-6454.
Lina Rogström, Mats Johansson, Naureen
Ghafoor, Lars Hultman, Magnus Odén,
Influence of chemical composition and
deposition conditions on microstructure
evolution during annealing of arc
evaporated ZrAlN thin films, Journal of
Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum,
Surfaces, and Films, 2012, (30), 3, 031504.
Lic: Susann Schmidt, Carbon based Thin
Films Prepared by HiPIMS and DCMS, 2012.
Chao Xia, Somsakul Watcharinyanon, A A
Zakharov, Rositsa Yakimova, Lars Hultman,
Leif I Johansson, Chariya Virojanadara, Si
intercalation/deintercalation of graphene
on 6H-SiC(0001), Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 4, 045418.
Jonas Lauridsen, Per Eklund, Jens Jensen,
A. Furlan, A. Flink, A. M. Andersson,
U. Jansson, Lars Hultman, Effects of
A-elements (A = Si, Ge or Sn) on the
structure and electrical contact properties
of Ti-A-C-Ag nanocomposites, Thin Solid
Films, 2012, (520), 16, 5128-5136.
Mengyao Xie, Ferenc Tasnadi, Igor
Abrikosov, Lars Hultman, Vanya
Darakchieva, Elastic constants, composition,
and piezolectric polarization in InxAl1-xN:
From ab initio calculations to experimental
implications for the applicability of Vegards
rule, Physical Review B. Condensed Matter
and Materials Physics, 2012, (86), 15, 155310.
Mattias Samuelsson, Kostas Sarakinos,
Hans Högberg, Erik Lewin, Ulf Jansson,
Bengt Wälivaara, Henrik Ljungcrantz,
Ulf Helmersson, Growth of TiC/a-C:H
nanocomposite films by reactive high
power impulse magnetron sputtering under
industrial conditions, Surface & Coatings
Technology, 2012, (206), 8-9, 2396-2402.
Niklas Gunnarsson Sarius, Jonas Lauridsen,
E. Lewin, U. Jansson, Hans Högberg,
Å. Öberg, P. Leisner, Per Eklund, Lars
Hultman, Contact resistance of Ti-Si-C-Ag
and Ti-Si-C-Ag-Pd nanocomposite coatings,
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, (41), 3,
Niklas Gunnarsson Sarius, Jonas Lauridsen,
E. Lewin, Jun Lu, Hans Högberg, Å. Öberg,
H. Ljungcrantz, P. Leisner, Per Eklund, Lars
Hultman, Ni and Ti diffusion barrier layers
between Ti-Si-C-Ag nanocomposite coatings
and Cu-based substrates, Surface & Coatings
Technology, 2012, (206), 8-9, 2558-2565.
Lic: Olof Tengstrand, Me-Si-C (Me= Nb, Ti
or Zr): Nanocomposite and Amorphous
Thin Films, 2012.
Other: Olof Tengstrand, Nils Nedfors,
Ulf Jansson, Axel Flink, Per Eklund, Lars
Hultman, Incorporation effects of Si in TiCx
thin films, 2012.
Other: Olof Tengstrand, Nils Nedfors, M.
Andersson, Jun Lu, Ulf Jansson, Axel Flink,
Per Eklund, Lars Hultman, Beam-induced
crystallization of Me-Si-C (Me= Nb or Zr)
thin films during transmission electron
microscopy, 2012.
Nina J Lane, Michael Naguib, Jun Lu, Per
Eklund, Lars Hultman, Michel W Barsoum,
Comment on ”Ti5Al2C3: A New Ternary
Carbide Belonging to MAX Phases in the
Ti-Al-C System”, Journal of The American
Ceramic Society, 2012, (95), 10, 3352-3354.
Other: Anders Eriksson, Igor Zhirkov,
Martin Dahlqvist, Jens Jensen, Lars
Hultman, Johanna Rosén, Characterization
of Plasma Chemistry and Ion Energy in
Cathodic Arc Plasma from Ti-Si Cathodes of
Different Composition, 2012.
Ph.D.: Justinas Pališaitis, Valence Electron
Energy Loss Spectroscopy of III-Nitride
Semiconductors, 2012.
Other: Anders Eriksson, Jun Lu, Olof
Tengstrand, Jens Jensen, Per Eklund,
Johanna Rosén, Lars Hultman,
Nanocolumnar Epitaxial Ti1-xSixN (0 ≤ x ≤
0.18) Thin Films Grown by Dual Reactive
Magnetron Sputtering on MgO (001), (011),
and (111) Substrates, 2012.
Other: Ching-Lien Hsiao, Roger
Magnusson, Justinas Palisaitis, Per
Sandström, Sergiy Valyukh, Per Persson,
Lars Hultman, Kenneth Järrendahl, Jens
Birch, Curved-lattice epitaxial growth of
chiral AlInN twisted nanorods for optical
applications, 2012.
Other: Justinas Palisaitis, Anders
Lundskog, Urban Forsberg, Erik Janzén,
Jens Birch, Lars Hultman, Per Persson,
Characterization of InGaN/GaN quantum
well growth using monochromated valence
electron energy loss spectroscopy, 2012.
Other: Justinas Palisaitis, Ching-Lien
Hsiao, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Per
Persson, Thermal stability of Al1-xInxN(0001)
throughout the compositional range
as investigated during in-situ thermal
annealing in a scanning transmission
electron microscope, 2012.
Other: Justinas Palisaitis, Ching-Lien
Hsiao, Lars Hultman, Jens Birch, Per
Persson, Spinodal decomposition of
Al0.3In0.7N(0001) layers following in-situ
thermal annealing as investigated by STEMVEELS, 2012.
Lic: Sit Kerdsongpanya, Scandium Nitride
Thin Films for Thermoelectrics, 2012.
Conference: Kenneth Järrendahl, Jens
Birch, Roger Magnusson, Ching-Lien
Hsiao, Per Sandström, Torun Berlind,
Johan L.I. Gustafson, Lia Fernández del
Río, Jan Landin, Hans Arwin, Polarization
of Light Reflected from Chiral Structures Calculations Compared with Mueller Matrix
Ellipsometry Measurements on Natural and
Synthetic Samples, 2012.
Jianwu Sun, Valdas Jokubavicius, Rickard
Liljedahl, Rositsa Yakimova, S. Juillaguet, J.
Camassel, S. Kamiyama, Mikael Syväjärvi,
Room temperature luminescence properties
of fluorescent SiC as white light emitting
diode medium, Thin Solid Films, 2012,
(522), 33-35. Davide Sangiovanni, Daniel Edström, Lars
Hultman, Valeriu Chirita, Ivan Petrov,
Joseph E Greene, Dynamics of Ti, N,
and TiNx (x=1-3) admolecule transport
on TiN(001) surfaces, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (86), 15, 155443.
Other: Anders Eriksson, S. Mráz, Jens
Jensen, Lars Hultman, J. M. Schneider,
Johanna Rosén, Influence of Ar and N2
Pressure on Plasma Chemistry, Ion Energy,
and Thin Film Composition during Filtered
Arc Deposition from Ti3SiC2 Cathodes, 2012.
Anders Eriksson, Naureen Ghafoor, Jens
Jensen, Lars-Åke Näslund, Mats Johansson,
J. Sjölen, Magnus Odén, Lars Hultman,
Johanna Rosén, Arc deposition of Ti–
Si–C–N thin films from binary and ternary
cathodes — Comparing sources of C,
Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012, (213),
Henrik Pedersen, Petter Larsson, Asim
Aijaz, Jens Jensen, Daniel Lundin, A novel
high-power pulse PECVD method, Surface
& Coatings Technology, 2012, (206), 22,
Conference: Hans Arwin, Torun Berlind,
Jens Birch, Lia Fernández del Río, Johan
Gustafson, Jan Landin, Roger Magnusson,
Christina Åkerlind, Kenneth Järrendahl,
Polarization effects in reflection from
the cuticle of scarab beetles studied by
spectroscopic Mueller-matrix ellipsometry,
AES 2012, Advanced Electromagnetics
Symposium, 2012.
Ching-Lien Hsiao, Justinas Palisaitis,
Muhammad Junaid, Per O A Persson, Jens
Jensen, Qingxiang Zhao, Lars Hultman, LiChyong Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Jens Birch,
Room-temperature heteroepitaxy of singlephase Al1-xInxN films with full composition
range on isostructural wurtzite templates,
Thin Solid Films, 2012, (524), 113-120. Kimleang Khun, Zafar Hussain Ibupoto,
Jun Lu, M. S. AlSalhi, M. Atif, Anees A.
Ansari, Magnus Willander, Potentiometric
glucose sensor based on the glucose oxidase
immobilized iron ferrite magnetic particle/
chitosan composite modified gold coated
glass electrode, Sensors and actuators. B,
Chemical, 2012, (173), 698-703.
IFM activity report 2012
J. W. Sun, Volodymyr Khranovskyy, M
Mexis, M Eriksson, Mikael Syväjärvi, I
Tsiaoussis, Gholamreza Yazdi, H Peyre, S
Juillaguet, J Camassel, Per-Olof Holtz, Peder
Bergman, Lars Hultman, Rositsa Yakimova,
Comparative micro-photoluminescence
investigation of ZnO hexagonal nanopillars
and the seeding layer grown on 4H-SiC,
Journal of Luminescence, 2012, (132), 1,
Nina J. Lane, Sven C. Vogel, Gilles Hug,
Atsushi Togo, Laurent Chaput, Lars
Hultman, Michel W. Barsoum, Neutron
diffraction measurements and firstprinciples study of thermal motion of atoms
in select M(n+1)AX(n) and binary MX
transition-metal carbide phases, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (86), 21.
Esteban Broitman, Lars Hultman, Adhesion
improvement of carbon-based coatings
through a high ionization deposition
technique, Journal of Physics, Conference
Series, 2012, (370).
Conference: Ali Khatibi, Phase
Transformations in Face Centered Cubic
(Al,Cr)2O3 Thin Films, 2012.
Ali Khatibi, J. Sjolen, Grzegorz Greczynski,
Jens Jensen, Per Eklund, Lars Hultman,
Structural and mechanical properties of
Cr-Al-O-N thin films grown by cathodic arc
deposition, Acta Materialia, 2012, (60), 19,
Sit Kerdsongpanya, Björn Alling, Per
Eklund, Effect of point defects on the
electronic density of states of ScN studied by
first-principles calculations and implications
for thermoelectric properties, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (86), 19.
Kuo Chieh-Yi, Galia Pozina, Fabrication and
Optical Properties of ZnO Nanocrystal/GaN
Quantum Well Based Hybrid Structures,
Peter Carlsson, Per Eklund, Marcela
Bilek, David McKenzie, Johanna Rosén,
Combinatorial T hin F ilm Synthe sis of
Cr2AlC; aComparison of Two Sputte ring M
e tho ds, 2012.
Conference: Ruth Pearce, Rositsa Yakimova,
Johan Eriksson, Lars Hultman, Mike
Andersson, Anita Lloyd Spetz, Development
of FETs and resistive devices based on
epitaxially grown single layer graphene
on SiC for highly sensitive gas detection,
Materials Science Forum Vols 717 - 720,
Rikard Forsén, Mats Johansson, Magnus
Odén, Naureen Ghafoor, Decomposition
and phase transformation in TiCrAlN
thin coatings, Journal of Vacuum Science
& Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and
Films, 2012, (30), 6.
E. F. de Almeida Junior, F. de Brito Mota,
C. M. C. de Castilho, Anelia KakanakovaGueorgieva, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev,
Defects in hexagonal-AlN sheets by firstprinciples calculations, European Physical
Journal B, 2012, (85), 1, .
IFM activity report 2012
Grzegorz Greczynski, Jun Lu, Jens Jensen,
Ivan Petrov, Joseph E. Greene, Stephan
Bolz, Werner Koelker, Christoph Schiffers,
Oliver Lemmer, Lars Hultman, Metal versus
rare-gas ion irradiation during Ti1-xAlxN
film growth by hybrid high power pulsed
magnetron/dc magnetron co-sputtering
using synchronized pulsed substrate bias,
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A.
Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2012, (30), 6.
Esteban Broitman, C Bojorge, F Elhordoy,
V. Kent, G Zanini Gadioli, R. Marotti, H
Canepa, Comparative study on the properties of
ZnO nanowires and nanocrystalline thin films,
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012,
(213), 59-64.
J De Bona, S Laino, V Pettarin, Esteban
Broitman, R Dommarco, P Frontini,
Differences in the Sliding Wear Track Patterns
Between UHMWPE/Steel and UHMWPE/
CNx Pairs, Procedia Materials Science, 2012,
(1), 329-336.
J Miller, T Ashok, S Lee, Esteban Broitman,
Zinc oxide-based thin film functional layers for
chemiresistive sensors, Thin Solid Films, 2012,
(520), 6669-6676.
M Soomro, I Hussain, N Bano, Esteban Broitman, O Nur, M Willander, Nanoscale
elastic modulus of single horizontal ZnO nanorod
using nanoindentation experiment, Nanoscale
Research Letters, 2012, (7), 146-148.
Ahmed Zainelabdin, Gul Amin, Siama
Zaman, Omer Nur, Jun Lu, Lars Hultman,
Magnus Willander, CuO/ZnO Nanocorals
synthesis via hydrothermal technique:
growth mechanism and their application
as Humidity Sensor, Journal of Materials
Chemistry, 2012, (22), 23, 11583-11590.
Lina Rogström, Mats Ahlgren, J. Almer,
Lars Hultman, Magnus Odén, Phase
transformations in nanocomposite ZrAlN
thin films during annealing, Journal of
Materials Research, 2012, (27), 13, 1716-1724.
Esteban Broitman, Andrej Furlan, G. K.
Geuorguiev, Zsolt Czigany, Hans Högberg,
Lars Hultman, Structural and Mechanical
Properties of CNx and CPx Thin Solid
Films, Key Engineering Materials, 2012,
(488-489), 581-584.
Erik Nordling, Mirna Abraham-Nordling,
Colonic amyloidosis, computational analysis
of the major amyloidogenic species, Serum
Amyloid A, Computational biology and
chemistry (Print), 2012, (39), 29-34.
Cecilia Andrésen, Sara Helander, Alexander
Lemak, Christophe Fares, Veronika
Csizmok, Jonas Carlsson, Linda Z Penn,
Julie D Forman-Kay, Cheryl H Arrowsmith,
Patrik Lundström, Maria Sunnerhagen,
Transient structure and dynamics in the
disordered c-Myc transactivation domain
affect Bin1 binding, Nucleic Acids Research,
2012, (40), 13, 6353-6366.
David Bzhalava, Johanna Ekström,
Fredrik Lysholm, Emilie Hultin, Helena
Faust, Bengt Persson, Matti Lehtinen,
Ethel-Michele de Villiers, Joakim Dillner,
Phylogenetically diverse TT virus viremia
among pregnant women, Virology, 2012,
(432), 2, 427-434.
Kristina Melkersson, Bengt Persson,
Evidence for a negative association between
schizophrenia and a polymorphism in the
insulin receptor substrate-3 (IRS-3) gene,
Neuro - endocrinology letters, 2012, (33), 3,
Ulrike Henrion, Jakob Renhorn, Sara
Börjesson, Erin M Nelson, Christine S
Schwaiger, Par Bjelkmar, Björn Wallner, Erik
Lindahl, Fredrik Elinder,Tracking a complete
voltage-sensor cycle with metal-ion bridges,
Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America,
2012, (109), 22, 8552-8557.
Christine S Schwaiger, Sara Börjesson,
Berk Hess, Björn Wallner, Fredrik Elinder,
Erik Lindahl, The Free Energy Barrier for
Arginine Gating Charge Translation Is
Altered by Mutations in the Voltage Sensor
Domain, PLoS ONE, 2012, (7), 10, .
Yvonne Kallberg, Åsa Segerstolpe, Fredrik
Lackman, Bengt Persson, Lars Wieslander,
Evolutionary Conservation of the
Ribosomal Biogenesis Factor Rbm19/Mrd1:
Implications for Function, PLoS ONE, 2012,
(7), 9, .
Fredrik Lysholm, Anna Wetterbom,
Cecilia Lindau, Hamid Darban, Annelie
Bjerkner, Kristina Fahlander, A Michael
Lindberg, Bengt Persson, Tobias Allander,
Bjorn Andersson, Characterization of the
Viral Microbiome in Patients with Severe
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections, Using
Metagenomic Sequencing, PLoS ONE, 2012,
(7), 2.
Chapter: Jonas Carlsson, Bengt Persson,
Investigating protein variants using
structural calculation techniques, Homology
Modeling, 2012, 313-330.
Chapter: Thabit Al-Absi, Fredrik Lysholm,
Bengt Persson, Efficient Characterization
of Short Anelloviruses Fragments Found in
Metagenomic Samples, 2012, .
Computational Physics
Belen Nieto-Ortega, Francisco J Ramirez,
David B Amabilino, Mathieu Linares,
David Beljonne, Juan T Lopez Navarrete,
Juan Casado, Electronic and vibrational
circular dichroism spectroscopies for
the understanding of chiral organization
in porphyrin aggregates, Chemical
Communications, 2012, (48), 73, 9147-9149.
Cecilia Goyenola, Sven Stafström, Lars
Hultman, Gueorgui Kostov Gueorguiev,
Structural Patterns Arising during Synthetic
Growth of Fullerene-Like Sulfocarbide, The
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116),
39, 21124-21131.
W A Al-Saidi, Sanford A Asher, Patrick
Norman, Resonance Raman Spectra of TNT
and RDX Using Vibronic Theory, ExcitedState Gradient, and Complex Polarizability
Approximations, Journal of Physical
Chemistry A, 2012, (116), 30, 7862-7872.
Maria Ahrén, Linnéa Selegård, Fredrik
Söderlind, Mathieu Linares, Joanna
Kauczor, Patrick Norman, Per-Olov
Käll, Kajsa Uvdal, A simple polyol-free
synthesis route to Gd2O3 nanoparticles
for MRI applications: an experimental and
theoretical study, Journal of nanoparticle
research, 2012, (14), 8.
Zhen Sun, Sven Stafström, Spin-dependent
polaron recombination in conjugated
polymers, Journal of Chemical Physics,
2012, (136), 24, 244901.
Malin Uppsten, Bo Durbeej, Quantum
chemical comparison of vertical, adiabatic,
and 0-0 excitation energies: The PYP
and GFP chromophores, Journal of
Computational Chemistry, 2012, (33), 23,
Paulo V. C. Medeiros, Gueorgui Kostov
Gueorguiev, Sven Stafström, Benzene,
coronene, and circumcoronene adsorbed
on gold, and a gold cluster adsorbed
on graphene: Structural and electronic
properties, Physical Review B. Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics, 2012, (85), 20,
Sonia Coriani, Thomas Fransson, Ove
Christiansen, Patrick Norman, AsymmetricLanczos-Chain-Driven Implementation of
Electronic Resonance Convergent CoupledCluster Linear Response Theory, Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation, 2012,
(8), 5, 1616-1628.
Zsolt Szekrényes, Katalin Kamarás,
György Tarczay, Anna Llanes-Pallás,
Tomas Marangoni, Maurizio Prato, Davide
Bonifazi, Jonas Björk, Felix Hanke, Mats
Persson, Melting of Hydrogen Bonds in
Uracil Derivatives Probed by Infrared
Spectroscopy and ab Initio Molecular
Dynamics, The Journal of Physical
Chemistry B, 2012, (116), 15, 4626-4633.
Patrick Norman, Hans Jorgen Aa Jensen,
Phosphorescence parameters for platinum
(II) organometallic chromophores: A study
at the non-collinear four-component KohnSham level of theory, Chemical Physics
Letters, 2012, (531), 229-235.
Denis Bucher, Gregory M Sandala, Bo
Durbeej, Leo Radom, David M Smith,
The elusive 5’-deoxyadenosyl radical in
coenzyme-B12-mediated reactions, Journal of
the American Chemical Society, 2012, (134),
3, 1591-1599.
Sonia Coriani, Ove Christiansen, Thomas
Fransson, Patrick Norman, Coupledcluster response theory for near-edge
x-ray-absorption fine structure of atoms
and molecules, Physical Review A. Atomic,
Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2012, (85),
2, 022507.
Lic: Jonas Sjöqvist, Luminescence properties
of flexible conjugated dyes, 2012.
Cecilia Vahlberg, Mathieu Linares, Patrick
Norman, Kajsa Uvdal, Phenylboronic
Ester- and Phenylboronic Acid-Terminated
Alkanethiols on Gold Surfaces, The Journal
of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, (116), 1, 796806.
Ph.D.: Mattias Jakobsson, Monte Carlo
Studies of Charge Transport Below the
Mobility Edge, 2012.
Mattias Jakobsson, Mathieu Linares, Sven
Stafström, Monte Carlo simulations of
charge transport in organic systems with
true off-diagonal disorder, Journal of
Chemical Physics, 2012, (137), 11, .
David Sulzer, Patrick Norman, Trond
Saue, Atomic C-6 dispersion coefficients:
a four-component relativistic Kohn-Sham
study, Molecular Physics, 2012, (110), 19-20,
Felix Hanke, Matthew S. Dyer, Jonas Björk,
Mats Persson, Structure and stability of
weakly chemisorbed ethene adsorbed on
low-index Cu surfaces: performance of
density functionals with van der Waals
interactions, Journal of Physics, 2012, (42),
Jonas Hådén, Mathieu Linares, Patrick
Norman, Theoretical study of orientations
of biofunctionalized thiolates on Au(111)
surface, 2012.
Elham Mozafari, Sven Stafström, Polaron
stability in molecular crystals, Physics
Letters A, 2012, (376), 22, 1807-1811.
Guomin Ji, Yuqing Xu, Bin Cui, Chang-feng
Fang, Xiangru Kong, Dongmei Li, Desheng
Liu, Rectifying behaviors of an Au/(C-20)
(2)/Au molecular device induced by the
different positions of gate voltage, RSC
ADVANCES, 2012, (2), 30, 11349-11353.
Maija Honkela, Jonas Björk, Mats Persson,
Computational study of the adsorption
and dissociation of phenol on Pt and Rh
surfaces, Physical Chemistry, Chemical
Physics - PCCP, 2012, (14), 16, 5849-5854.
Yi-Qi Zhang, Nenad Kepčija, Martin
Kleinschrodt, Katharina Diller, Sybille
Fischer, Anthoula C. Papageorgiou,
Francesco Allegretti, Jonas Björk, Svetlana
Klyatskaya, Florian Klappenberger, Mario
Ruben, Johannes V. Barth, Homo-coupling
of terminal alkynes on a noble metal
surface, Nature Communications, 2012, (3),
Theoretical Biology
Frida Lögdberg, Uno Wennergren,
Spectral Color, Synchrony and Extinction
4, 545-554.
Anna Eklöf, Linda Kaneryd, Peter Münger,
Climate change in metacommunities:
dispersal gives double-sided effects on
persistence, Philosphical Transactions of the
Royal Society B, 2012, (367), 1605, 2945-2954.
Jenny Frossling, Anna Ohlson, Camilla
Bjorkman, Nina Håkansson, Maria
Noremark, Application of network analysis
parameters in risk-based surveillance Examples based on cattle trade data and
bovine infections in Sweden, Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 2012, (105), 3, 202-208.
Tom Lindström, Susanna Sternberg
Lewerin, Uno Wennergren, Influence
on disease spread dynamics of herd
characteristics in a structured livestock
industry, Journal of the Royal Society
Interface, 2012, (9), 71, 1287-1294.
Ph.D.: Malin Setzer, The decline of great
Arctic charr in Lake Vättern: empirical and
theoretical analyses of suggested causes,
Ph.D.: Nina Håkansson, Network analysis
and optimization of animal transports, 2012.
Jenny Lennartsson, Nina Håkansson, Uno
Wennergren, A. Jonsson, SpecNet: a spatial
network algorithm that generates a wide
range of specific structures, PLoS ONE,
2012, (7), 8, .
IFM activity report 2012
Fredrik Lysholm, Highly improved
homopolymer aware nucleotideprotein
alignments with 454 data, BMC
Bioinformatics, 2012, (13), .
Ph.D.: Linda Kaneryd, Dynamics of
ecological communities in variable
environments: local and spatial processes,
Ph.D.: Frida Lögdberg, Population dynamics
in variable environments – impacts of noise
colour and synchrony, 2012.
Linda Kaneryd, Charlotte Borrvall, Sofia
Berg, Alva Curtsdotter, Anna Eklöf, Celine
Hauzy, Tomas Jonsson, Peter Münger,
Malin Setzer, Torbjörn Säterberg, Bo
Ebenman, Species-rich ecosystems are
vulnerable to cascading extinctions in an
increasingly variable world, ECOLOGY
AND EVOLUTION, 2012, (2), 4, 858-874.
Tom Lindström, Scott A. Sisson, Nina
Hakansson, Karl-Olof Bergman, Uno
Wennergren, A spectral and Bayesian
approach for analysis of fluctuations and
synchrony in ecological datasets, Methods in
Ecology and Evolution, 2012, (3), 6, 10191027.
Theoretical Physics
Conference: Iryna I. Yakymenko, KarlFredrik Berggren, Bound states and
electron localization in low-dimensional
semiconductor quantum point contacts,
O M Krasilnikov, Yu Kh Vekilov, I Yu
Mosyagin, Eyvas Isaev, N G Bondarenko,
Elastic phase transitions in metals at high
pressures, Journal of Physics, 2012, (24), 19,
Mathias Boström, Simen A. Ellingsen, Iver
Brevik, Drew F. Parsons, Bo Sernelius,
Sign of the Casimir-Polder interaction
between atoms and oil-water interfaces:
Subtle dependence on dielectric properties,
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and
Optical Physics, 2012, (85), 6, 064501.
A V Ponomareva, Eyvas Isaev, Yu Kh Vekilov,
Igor Abrikosov, Site preference and effect
of alloying on elastic properties of ternary
B2 NiAl-based alloys, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 14, 144117.
Peter Jason, Magnus Johansson, Katarina
Kirr, Quantum signatures of an oscillatory
instability in the Bose-Hubbard trimer,
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and
Soft Matter Physics, 2012, (86), 1, 016214.
Mathias Bostrom, Iver Brevik, Bo Sernelius,
Maofeng Dou, Clas Persson, Barry W.
Ninham, Enlarged molecules from excited
atoms in nanochannels, Physical Review
A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,
2012, (86), 1, 014701.
Agnė Žukauskaitė,, Christopher Tholander,
Justinas Pališaitis, Per O. Å. Persson, Vanya
Darakchieva, Nebiha Ben Sedrine, Ferenc
Tasnádi, Björn Alling, Jens Birch, Lars
Hultman, YxAl1-xN Thin Films, Journal of
Physics D, 2012, (45), 42, 422001.
Mathias Bostrom, Barry W. Ninham, Iver
Brevik, Clas Persson, Drew F. Parsons,
Bo Sernelius, Ultrathin metallic coatings
can induce quantum levitation between
nanosurfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 2012,
(100), 25, 253104.
Bo E. Sernelius, Graphene as a Strictly
2D Sheet or as a Film of Small but Finite
Thickness, Graphene, 2012, (1), 2, 21-25.
P K Shukla, B Eliasson, Lennart Stenflo,
Stimulated scattering of electromagnetic
waves carrying orbital angular momentum
in quantum plasmas, Physical Review
E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter
Physics, 2012, (86), 1, 016403.
A R Karimov, M Y Yu, Lennart Stenflo,
Large quasineutral electron velocity
oscillations in radial expansion of an
ionizing plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 2012,
(19), 9, 092118.
Chapter: Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Fysik,
Naturvetarguiden, 2012, .
Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Slow physics,
Fysikaktuellt, 2012, (), 3, 3-3.
Other: Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Fortsatt
förtroende - Fysikaktuellt nr 1, 2012.
Anna Eklöf, Linda Kaneryd, Peter Münger,
Climate change in metacommunities:
dispersal gives double-sided effects on
persistence, Philosphical Transactions of the
Royal Society B, 2012, (367), 1605, 29452954.
Other: Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Parallella
världar - Fysikaktuellt nr 2, 2012.
P K Shukla, B Eliasson, Lennart Stenflo,
Nonlinear propagation of coherent
electromagnetic waves in a dense
magnetized plasma, Physics of Plasmas,
2012, (19), 7, 072302.
Conference: Iryna Yakymenko, Karl-Fredrik
Berggren, Spin magnetization and electron
localization in semiconductor quantum
wires and quantum point contacts, 2012.
Bo Sernelius, Cassimir Effects in Graphene
Systems: Unexpected Power Laws,
International Journal of Modern Physics:
Conference Series, 2012, (14), 1, 531-540.
Ph.D.: Peter Steneteg, Development of
molecular dynamics methodology for
simulations of hard materials, 2012.
Björn Alling, Peter Steneget, Christopher
Tholander, Ferenc Tasnádi, Ivan Petrov,
Joseph E Greene, Lars Hultman,
Configurational disorder effects on adatom
mobilities on Ti1-xAlxN(001) surfaces
from first principles, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 24, 245422. Ph.D.: Marcus Ekholm, Theoretical
Descriptions of Complex Magnetism in
Transition Metals and Their Alloys, 2012.
Ph.D.: Olle Hellman, Thermal properties of
materials from first principles, 2012.
Bo E Sernelius, Retarded interactions in
graphene systems, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 19, 195427.
IFM activity report 2012
Ferenc Tasnadi, Magnus Odén, Igor
Abrikosov, Ab initio elastic tensor of cubic
Ti0.5Al0.5N alloys: Dependence of elastic
constants on size and shape of the supercell
model and their convergence, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (85), 14, 144112.
S A Barannikova, A V Ponomareva, L
B Zuev, Yu Kh Vekilov, Igor Abrikosov,
Significant correlation between macroscopic
and microscopic parameters for the
description of localized plastic flow autowaves in deforming alloys, Solid State
Communications, 2012, (152), 9, 784-787.
Mathias Boström, Bo Sernelius, Gustavo
Baldissera, Clas Persson, Barry W Ninham,
Casimir-Lifshitz interaction between ZnO
and SiO2 nanorods in bromobenzene turns
repulsive at intermediate separations due
to retardation effects, Physical Review A.
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,
2012, (85), 4, 044702.
Peter Steneteg, Björn Alling, Igor Abrikosov,
Equation of state of paramagnetic CrN from
ab initio molecular dynamics, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (85), 14, 144404.
Olle Hellman, N V Skorodumova, Sergey
Simak, Charge Redistribution Mechanisms
of Ceria Reduction, Physical Review Letters,
2012, (108), 13, 135504.
G Brodin, Lennart Stenflo, Three-wave
coupling coefficients for a magnetized
plasma, Physica Scripta, 2012, (85), 3,
Tobias Marten, Björn Alling, Eyvas Isaev,
Hans Lind, Ferenc Tasnadi, Lars Hultman,
Igor Abrikosov, First-principles study of the
SiNx/TiN(001) interface, Physical Review B.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (85), 10, 104106.
I Loa, Eyvas Isaev, M I McMahon, D Y Kim,
B Johansson, A Bosak, M Krisch, Lattice
Dynamics and Superconductivity in Cerium
at High Pressure, Physical Review Letters,
2012, (108), 4, 045502.
O G Onishchenko, O A Pokhotelov, Lennart
Stenflo, P K Shukla, Stabilization of
magnetic curvature-driven Rayleigh-Taylor
instabilities, Journal of Plasma Physics,
2012, (78), 93-97.
Jan Beyer, Yuttapoom Puttisong, Irina
Buyanova, S. Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Temperature dependence of
dynamic nuclear polarization and its effect
on electron spin relaxation and dephasing in
InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Applied Physics
Letters, 2012, (100), 14, 143105.
Other: Jan Beyer, Irina Buyanova, Bo E.
Sernelius, S Suraprapapich, C. W. Tu,
Weimin Chen, Strong suppression of
spin generation at a Fano resonance in a
semiconductor nanostructure, 2012.
Pavel A Korzhavyi, Inna L Soroka, Eyvas
Isaev, Christina Lilja, Borje Johansson,
Exploring monovalent copper compounds
with oxygen and hydrogen, Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America, 2012, (109), 3,
Mathias Boström, Bo Sernelius, Repulsive
van der Waals forces due to hydrogen
exposure on bilayer graphene, Physical
Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical
Physics, 2012, (85), 1, 012508.
Mathias Boström, Bo Sernelius, Iver Brevik,
Barry W Ninham, Retardation turns the
van der Waals attraction into a Casimir
repulsion as close as 3 nm, Physical Review
A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,
2012, (85), 1, 010701.
Peter Jason, Magnus Johansson, Exact
localized eigenstates for an extended
Bose-Hubbard model with pair-correlated
hopping, Physical Review A. Atomic,
Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2012, (85), 1,
Mengyao Xie, Ferenc Tasnadi, Igor
Abrikosov, Lars Hultman, Vanya
Darakchieva, Elastic constants, composition,
and piezolectric polarization in InxAl1-xN:
From ab initio calculations to experimental
implications for the applicability of Vegards
rule, Physical Review B. Condensed Matter
and Materials Physics, 2012, (86), 15, 155310.
Conference: Padma Kant Shukla, Bengt
Eliasson, Lennart Stenflo, Hydromagnetic
solitary and shock waves in a
magnetoplasma, 2012.
Conference: Gert Brodin, Lennart Stenflo,
Three-wave coupling coefficients for a
magnetized plasma, 2012.
Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Åsikter om
infrastruktursatsningarna, Fysikaktuellt,
2012, (), 3, 5-5.
Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Signerat: Nya krafter
vid rodret, Fysikaktuellt, 2012, (), 4, 3-3.
Olga Vekilova, Sergey Simak, A V
Ponomareva, Igor Abrikosov, Influence of
Ni on the lattice stability of Fe-Ni alloys at
multimegabar pressures, Physical Review
B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
2012, (86), 22, 224107.
Mathias Boström, Clas Persson, Bo
E. Sernelius, Casimir Force between
Atomically Thin Gold Films, European
Physical Journal B, 2012, (), .
Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky, Alexey V. Yulin,
Magnus Johansson, Stanislav A.
Derevyanko, Discrete solitons in coupled
active lasing cavities, Optics Letters, 2012,
(37), 22, 4600-4602.
P K Shukla, Lennart Stenflo, Acoustic
gravity tornadoes in the atmosphere,
Physica Scripta, 2012, (86), 6, .
Mathias Boström, Simen Ådnöj Ellingsen,
Iver Brevik, M. F. Dou, Clas Persson, Bo
E. Sernelius, Casimir attractive–repulsive
transition in MEMS, European Physical
Journal B, 2012, (85), 11, 377.
Chapter: Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Olof
Hallonsten, Timeline of major events, In
pursuit of a promise, 2012, 21-30.
Chapter: Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Aleksandar
Matic, Science at the ESS: a brief outline, In
Pursuit of a Promise, 2012, 31-47.
Linda Kaneryd, Charlotte Borrvall, Sofia
Berg, Alva Curtsdotter, Anna Eklöf, Celine
Hauzy, Tomas Jonsson, Peter Münger,
Malin Setzer, Torbjörn Säterberg, Bo
Ebenman, Species-rich ecosystems are
vulnerable to cascading extinctions in an
increasingly variable world, ECOLOGY
AND EVOLUTION, 2012, (2), 4, 858-874.
Igor Abrikosov, Marcus Ekholm, Alena
V. Ponomareva, Svetlana A. Barannikova,
Importance of Thermally Induced Magnetic
Excitations in First-principles Simulations
of Elastic Properties of Transition Metal
Alloys, Solid State Phenomena, 2012, (190),
Sit Kerdsongpanya, Björn Alling, Per
Eklund, Effect of point defects on the
electronic density of states of ScN studied by
first-principles calculations and implications
for thermoelectric properties, Physical
Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials
Physics, 2012, (86), 19, .
Chapter: Padma Kant Shukla, Bengt
Eliasson, Lennart Stenflo, Alfvénic Solitary
and Shock Waves in Plasmas, Multiscale Dynamical Processes in Space and
Astrophysical Plasmas, 2012, 129-141.
Conference: Peter Jason, Quantum
Compactons in an extended Bose-Hubbard
model, 2012.
Conference: Magnus Johansson, Peter
Jason, Katarina Kirr, Quantum signatures
of an oscillatory instability in the BoseHubbard trimer, 2012.
IFM activity report 2012
Doctoral Theses
LÖGDBERG, FRIDA: Population dynamics in variable environments– impacts of
noise colour and synchrony
Dissertation No 1416
(13 January 2012)
WIRÉN, ANDERS: Correlated selection
responses in animal domestication : the
behavioural effects of a growth QTL in
Dissertation No 1413
(20 January 2012)
ANDERSSON, VIKTOR: Electron tomography and optical modelling for organic
solar cells
Dissertation No 1414
(3 February 2012)
studies of charge transport below the
mobility edge
Dissertation No 1425
(9 March 2012)
ROGSTRÖM, LINA: High temperature
behaviour of arc evaporated ZrAIN and
TiAIN thin films
Dissertation No 1428
(22 March 2012)
BEYER, JAN: Spin properties in InAs/
GaAs quantum dot based nanostructures
Dissertation No 1426
(2 April 2012)
KANERYD, LINDA: Dynamics of ecological communities in variable environments
– local and spatial processes
Dissertation No 1431
(4 April 2012)
HÅKANSSON, NINA: Network analysis
and optimization of animal transports
Dissertation No 1434
(26 April 2012)
epidemics – impact of network structure
on disease transmission
Dissertation No 1433
(27 April 2012)
Synthesis of Inhibitors Targeting BACE1, an Aspartic Protease Involved in the
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer´s Disease
Dissertation No 1436
(27 April 2012)
Growth and Performance of Cubic Silicon
Dissertation No 1435
(3 May 2012)
FYRNER, TIMMY: Synthesis of Orthogonally Functionalized Oligosaccharides for
Self-assembled Monolayers and as Multimodal Tools in Chemical Biology
Dissertation No 1442
(11 May 2012)
HUNG-HSUN LEE: Structural Studies of
Oligo (ethylene glycol) – Containing Assemblies on Gold
Dissertation No 1446
(31 May 2012)
SETZER, MALIN: The decline of great Arctic charr in Lake Vättern – empirical and
theoretical analyses of suggested causes
Dissertation No 1447
(1 June 2012)
STENETEG, PETER: Development of
molecular dynamics methodology for
simulations of hard materials
Dissertation No 1454
(8 June 2012)
EKHOLM, MARCUS: Theoretical descriptions of complex magnetism in transition
metals and their alloys
Dissertation No 1452
(14 June 2012)
HELLMAN, OLOF: Thermal properties of
materials from first principles
Dissertation No 1453
(15 June 2012)
SAMUELSSON, MATTIAS: Fundamental aspects of HiPIMS under industrial
Dissertation No 1461
(16August 2012)
Characterization of Thiopurine
Dissertation No 1462 (7 September 2012)
LUNDSKOG, ANDERS: Controlled growth
of hexagonal GaN pyramids and INGaN
Dissertation No 1464 (20 September 2012)
SEHATI, PARISA: Influence of intermolecular order at the interfaces
Dissertation No 1468 (27 September 2012)
Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Based on
From synthesis to Organic Electronics
Dissertation No 1470 (28 September 2012)
LÄTTMAN, HÅKAN: Studies on spatial
and temporal distributions of epiphytic
Dissertation No 1471
(22 October 2012)
JOHNSON, LARS: Inside The Miscibility
Gap – Nanostructuring and Phase Transformations in Hard Nitride Coatings
Dissertation No 1472
(19 October 2012)
IQBAL, ZAFAR: Optical Sensing With an
Ordinary Mobile Phone
Dissertation No 1473 (26 September 2012)
KNUTSSON, AXEL: Thermal stability and
mechanical properties of TiA1N-based
multilayer and monolithic coatings
IFM activity report 2012
Dissertation No 1474 (16 November 2012)
Sputter Epitaxy of GaN: Epilayers and
Dissertation No 1482 (5 November 2012)
XIE, MENGYAO: Structural and elastic
properties of InN and InAIN with different surface orientations and doping
Dissertation No 1485 (12 December 2012)
Energy Loss Spectroscopy of III-Nitride
Dissertation No 1488 (14 December 2012)
Licentiate Theses
BERGSTRÖM, Gunnar: Exploring the SPR
methodology for monitoring of critical
attributes in toxicity testing and bioproduction
Thesis No 1517
KHROMOV, Sergey: The effect of Mg
doping on optical and structural properties of GaN
Thesis No 1520
SCHMIDT, Susann: Carbon based thin
films prepared by HiPIMS and DCMS
Thesis No 1521
SJÖQVIST, Jonas: Luminecence properties of flexible conjugated dyes
Thesis No 1522
ZUKAUSKAITE, Agne: Metastable YAIN
and ScAIN thin films: growth and characterization
Thesis No 1524
GÖRANSSON, Anna-Lena: The
Alzheimer AB Peptide: Identification of
Properties Distinctive for Toxic Prefibrillar
Thesis No 1526
PUTTISONG, Yuttapoom: Spindependent recombination in Ga(In)NAs
Thesis No 1533
CHEN, Shula: Excitonic effects in ZnO
Thesis No 1534
OLSSON, Simon: Approximant Phases
in Quasicrystalline AlCuFe Thin Films
Thesis No 1536
AIJAZ, Azim: HiPIMS-based Novel Deposition Processes for Thin Films
Thesis No 1537
MOCKUTE Aurelija: Thin Film Synthesis and Characterization of New MAX
Phase Alloys
Thesis No 1538
NORRBY, Niklas: High pressure and
high temperature behavios of TiA1N
Thesis No 1540
Ex-2572 DAHL, Madeleine: Microorganisms in Diesel Fuel – What are they and
how do we combat them?
FAGER, Hanna: Growth and Characterization of Amorphous TiA1SiN and
HfA1SiN Thin Films
Thesis No 1542
Ex-2573 CARLSSON, Peter: Combinatorial thin film synthesis of Cr2AlC; a comparison of two sputtering methods
ULLBRAND, Jennifer: Phase field modeling of Spinodal decomposition in TiA1N
Thesis No 1545
FORSÉN, Rikard: Mechanical properties and thermal stability of reactive arc
evaporated Ti-Cr-A1-N coatings
Thesis No 1546
SÖNDERBY, Steffen: Physical vapor
deposition of Yttria-stabilized Zirconia
and Gadolinia-doped ceria thin films for
fuel cell applications
Thesis No 1552
DARMASTUTI, Zhafira: SiC FET gas
sensors: theory, development, and applications to flue gas cleaning processes in
power plants
Thesis No 1554
KERDSONGPANYA, Sit: Scandium Nitride Thin Films for Thermoelectrics
Thesis No 1559
TENGSTRAND, Olof: Me-Si-C (Me=Nb,
Ti or Zr) Nanocomposite and Amorphous
Thin Films
Thesis No 1561
And natural sciences
Ex-2570 KLEMEDSSON, Shicarra:
Flocculation of natural organic matter in
Swedish lakes
Ex-2571 ENQVIST, Erik: Synthesis and
characterisation of non-evaporable getter
films based on Ti, Zr and V
Ex-2574 SAMUELSSON, Camilla: The
influence of different stress factors on
the lag phase and genetic expression of Listerina monocytogenes in cold smoked
Ex-2587 MÅRTENSSON, Tomas: Application of enzymes for pre-treatment of wood
chips for energy efficient thermomechanical pulping
Ex-2588 WALLENHAMMAR, Amélie: The
Ro52/TRIM21 E3 ubiquitin ligase and the
role of ints conserved B-box in ubiquitination
Ex-2589 ZIMDAHL, Anna: Do antibiotics affect the TPMT enzyme activity in
leukemic cells?
Ex-2575 PILSTÅL, Robert K: Probing protein shape and interactions using Small
Angle X-ray Scattering
Ex-2590 EKHOLM, Oskar: Reducing Inhibitory Effects in Surface Water Samples
by Comparing DNA Extraction Kits
Ex-2576 HÅDÉN, Jonas: Theoretical
study of orientations of biofunctionalized
thiolates on Au(III) surface
Ex-2591 KRONANDER, Björn: Quantification of alpha-synuclein in cerebrospinal
Ex-2577 HÖCKERDAL, Henrik: Electrochemical measurements of salivary alphaamylase activity
Ex-2592 TUNEK, Henning: Development
of Alu repeat assay as a tool for normalization of gene expression using RT-qPCR
Ex-2578 SVENSSON, David: Synthesis
and characterisation of polyelectrolytes
based on polymers of diallyldimethyl
ammonium chloride and poly(styreneco—butadiene)
Ex-2593 VÅHLIN, Lisa: New method for
exploring protein stability-effects of random mutations
Ex-2579 ARJA, Katriann: Synthesis of
porphyrin-oligothiophene conjugates as
potential photodynamic therapy agents
Ex-2580 MATROOD, Ikhlas: Preparations of fluorine derivatives from bis(2,4dimethoxyphenyl)-4-nitrophenylmethanol
and bis(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-fluorophenylmethanol exploring three alternative methods for demethylation and
Ex-2581 MÅNSSON, Sanna: Synthesis
and Characterization of Tryptamine and
Cathinone Based Designer Drugs
Ex-2582 STRID, Elin: The influence of
Host Genetics on JVC and EBV Antibody
Levelse in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and
Ex-2583 GUSTAFSON, Robert: Biophysical characterization of the *5 protein
variant of human thiopurine methyltransferase by NMR spectroscopy
Ex-2584 CARLSSON, Cecilia: Studies of
unspecific interaction between the Aβ antibody 6E10 and blood coagulation protein
factor X
Ex-2585 KARLSSON, Sandra: Förseglingsegenskaper hos pappersförpackningar
med konventionell plasat och bioplast
Ex-2586 OLOFSSON, Linda: Surface
plasmon resonance based quantification
of Tau, a marker of neurodegenaration
Ex-2595 ELIASSON, Mikaela:
Sekretessbelagt t.o.m. 2017-09-27
Ex-2596 ANDERSSON, Per och ENMYREN, Caroline: Metodutveckling
för spåranlys av laktos på förhistorisk
Ex-2597 BYHEDEN, Camilla: Metodutveckling och validering för analys av
svavel och klor me ED-XRF
Ex-2598 DOVBERG, Marcus: Utveckling
av analysmetod för kadmium och järn i
fast fas med röntgenfluorescensspektrometri
och LINDGREN, Mattias: Test av
experimentell bestämning av deklorering
i svensk skogsjord
Ex-2600 HEDLUND, Josefin: Utvärdering av direktfällning med polymerdosering som delreningsstrategi vid Slottshagens reningsverk
Ex-2601 JENSEN, Ann-Sofie: Metodutveckling för analys av Deoxynivalenol i
spannmål med ELISA
Ex-2602 JOHANSSON, Alexandra:
Metodutveckling för analys av metaller i
pannvatten med ICP-OES
Ex-2603 JOHANSSON, Emil och
WALLGREN, Jakob: Implementering
av analysmetoder för kvalitativ analys av
Ex-2604 JOHANSSON, Emma: Framtagning av analysmetodik för uppslutning av
kemiska produkter
IFM activity report 2012
Ex-2605 JOHSSON, Johanna: Study of
thermal protein stability with the help of
fluorescence and light scattering techniques
Ex-2606 KOMOROWSKA, Marta: Luftprovtagning samt analys av mono- och
Ex-2608 ADOLFSSON, Dan och
SMAJILOVIC, Sanela: Utveckling och
optimering av protokoll för uttryck och
rening av calmodulin-Tr2C E140Q
Ex-2609 BERGKVIST, Liza: Characterization of Aβ using size exclusion chromatography and western blot
Ex-2610 JOHANSSON, Maria: Cholecystokinin-like concentration in the rat brain:
A comparison of two different radioimmunoassays
Ex-2611 LEPENICA, Aida: Amino acid
selective unlabeling of the protein thiopurine methyltransferase for resonance
assignments of NMR spectra
Ex-2612 MOLIN, Ottilia: Urea stability study of a monomeric variant of
transthyretin at different temperatures
using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence
Ex-2621 BAHRAMPOUR, Shahrzad:
Identifying novel regulatory genes affecting cell specification and proliferation in
the Apterous cluster of the Drosophila melanogaster embryonic central nervous
Ex-2623 DUTTA, Ravi Kumar: Mutation
and copy number variation analysis of
Notch1 and Notch2 gene in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Ex-2624 MOHAMMED, Ebrahizim
Ziauddin Javed: Brood patch morphology and hormonal correlates during
natural incubation in Red Junglefowl
Gallus gallus
Domestication related genotype on
ADRA2C - a determinant of fear response
in chickens?
Ex-2626 HUQ, Md. Nazmul: The genetic basis of a domestication trait in the
chicken: mapping quantitative trait loci
for plumage colour
Ex-2627 KIM, Sunghee: Olfactory discrimination ability of South African fur
seals (Arctocephalus pusillus)
Ex-2613 FRANSSON, Marcus: Stability
study of transthyretin at different temperatures using urea denaturation and
tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy
Ex-2629 MATHEW, Binu: T regulatory
cells (Tregs) from interferon gamma (IFNy) deficient mice contribute to a reduction
in the formation of auto-antibodies in
mice exposed to mercury chloride
Ex-2614 PETTERSSON, Ämma och
RAPP, Emma: Synthesis of 1-DL-1-O-α-DGalactopyranosyl-myo-Inositil and 1.DL-1O-α-D-Glucopyranosyl-myo-Inositol
Ex-2630 MUSA, Najihah: Using sex
pheromone and a multi-scale approach to
predict the distribution of a rare saproxylic beetle
Ex-2615 JOHANSSON, Malin: Investigation of hPin1 mediated phosphyrolation
dependency in degradiation control of
c-Myc oncoprotein
Ex-2631 NYGÅRDS, Sofia: Importance of
habitat quality and landscape factors for a
monophagous shield bug on a rare host
Ex-2616 SIGVARDSSON, Jonas: Synthesis and study of mesoporous, high surface
area, zirconia and yttria-stabilized zirconia
Ex-2632 ODHAMMAR, Anna M E: Olfactory sensitivity of spider monkeys (Ateles
geoffroyi) for predator odours
Ex-2617 ZETTERSTRÖM, Susanna: Isolation and synthesis of curcumin
Ex-2618 KALERED, Emil: Quantum
chemical studies of the chloride-based
CVD process for Silicon Carbide
Ex-2633 PALIVELA, Santosh Kumar:
Immunogenicity of EndocineTM adjuvanted Influenza A split virus vaccine
administered via intranasal and sublingual routes
Ex-2619 LIN, Ching-Chi: Quantum
chemical studies on Titanium Carbide
formation in a Chemical Vapor Deposition process
Ex-2634 PERSSON, Mia: Effects of stress
and balance of options on decision-making and associated physiological responses in laying hens
Ex-2620 AKOTO, Brenda: Is spring
burning a viable management tool for
species-rich grasslands?
Ex-2635 RACHAMADUGU, Shiva
Krishna: Characterization of specific
volatiles of pig blood with the potential
as predator chemoattractants and as prey
warning signals
IFM activity report 2012
Ex-2636 RAMAN, Amitha: Heterologous
expression of non-specific lipid transfer
proteins (nsLPTs) from Physcomitrella
patens in yeast Pichia pastoris
Ex-2637 RAMESH, Girish: Effects of
chronic hypoxia on cardiac wall thickness
and cardiomyocyte size in fetal broiler
Ex-2638 RAVICHANDRAN, Pravin: Is the
vasodilatory effect of nitric oxide on the
brood patch microcirculation enhanced
during broodiness in Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia
Ex-2639 RIZVANOVIC, Alisa: Olfactory
discrimination performance and longterm oder memory in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
Ex-2640 SUBEDI, Yuba Raj: The response
of ecosystems to an increasingly variable
Ex-2641 SVEMER, Frida: A mutation in
the TSHR gene - how does it affect social
and fear related behaviours in chickens?
Ex-2642 THERNSTRÖM, Taina: Maximum price paid in captive Bush dogs
(Speothos venaticus)
Ex-2643 URIO, Florence: EBV immortalization and characterization of malaria
specific B cells from immune donors
Ex-2646 EKSTRÖM, Andreas: Metabolic
implications of having a small heart: Indications of hypometabolism and genetic
alterations in glycolytic metabolism in the
Ornate Tinamou, Nothoprocta ornata
Ex-2647 GASPARINI, Isabella: Cardiorespiratory responses upon increased
metabolism in the Ornate Tinamou,
Nothoprocta ornata
Ex-2648 MAHADEVAN, Lavanya: Enchanced immunogenicity conferred by
TNFR superfamily members ligation in
Ex-2649 SARRAFCHI, Amir: Equine
stereotypic behavior as related to horse
welfare: A review
Ex-2652 BERGNER, Adam: Studier av
habitatval och revirstrukturer hos vassångare (Locustella luscinioides) i Tåkern
Ex-2653 BERGVALL, Caroline: The
domestication effects on social support in
chickens (Gallus gallus)
Ex-2655 BLIXT, Torbjörn: The behavioural response of mice to predator
Use of space in captive Siberian tigers
Ex-2657 FOGELHOLM, Jesper: Genetic
analysis of potato onion (Allium cepa var
Ex-2659 HIDING, Camilla: Deversity of
birds in relation to area, vegetation structure and connectivity in urban green areas
in La Paz, Bolivia
Ex-2662 JÖNSSON, Johan: The effect of
rope and an activation ball on the performance of harmful social behaviors in pigs
Ex-2663 KATAJAMAA, Rebecca: Effects of
domestication on social support in chickens (Gallus gallus)
Ex-2664 LINDBLOM, Emelie: Traits and
behaviour affecting social status in red
junglefowl (Gallus gallus) hens
Ex-2665 LUNDBERG, Malin: Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig malarmussla
(Unio crassus) med avseende pa vattendjup och beskuggning
Ex-2666 MOLIN, Johan: Predation på
evertebrater under tidig vår i sjön Tåkern
Ex-2668 NILSSON, Emma: The effects of
an activity ball and ropes on pigs’ behaviours
Ex-2669 NILSSON, Sara: Use of space in
captive Siberian tigers
Ex-2670 NILSSON, Sofia: Effects of
stress on fowl and their need for social
Ex-2671 KUO, Chieh-Yi: Fabrication and
Optical Properties of ZnO Nanocrystal/
GaN Quantum Well Based Hybrid Structures
Ex-2672 EKTARAWONG, Annop: Growth
and characterization of graphene on 4HSiC(0001)
Ex-2673 PETTERSSON, Elin: Vilken preferens har tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio
crassus) för bottensubstrat och vattenhastighet i Storån, Östergötland?
Ex-2675 SONELIN, Sarah: Effekter av
luftföroreningar på lavar och grönalger på
lind i Norrköpings kommun
Ex-2677 VENNERHOLM, Linn: Ontogeny of personality in red junglefowl chicks
Ex-2678 WEDDFELT, Erika: Recycling
potential of phosphorus in food –
a substance flow analysis of municipalities
Ex-2679 LE MOINE, Rebecka: The land
use cover changes from 1992 to 2011 in
Karbi Anglong, Assam, India
Ex-2680 SARRAFCHI, Amir: Olfactory
sensitivity of human subjects for six
predator odorants
Ex-2681 SCHARIS, Inger: Cross-fostering
in Grey wolves (Canis Lupus)
Ex-2682 LUNDBERG, Gustaf: Core Level
Binding Energy Shifts in a random AgPd
alloy using the Exact Muffin-Tin Orbital
Ex-2683 NORELL, Jesper: Elastic
constants and sound velocities of
Fe0.87Mn0.13 random alloy from first
Ex-2684 VASTESSON, Alexander:
Micro-Structuring of New Materials
Combined with Electronic Polymers for
Interfaces with Cells
Ex-2685 EDBERG, Jesper: Sekretessbelagd t.o.m. 2017-06-14
Ex-2686 SANDÉN, Camilla: Nanostructures on a Vector – Enzymatic Oligo
Production for DNA Nanotechnology
Ex-2687 DEL RÍO, Lía Fernández: An
Investigation of the Polarizing Properties and Structural Characteristics in the
Cuticles of the Scarab Beetles Chrysina
gloriosa and Cetonia aurata
Ex-2688 HEDBORG, Julia: A Printed
Biosensor Based on an Organic Electrochemical Transistor with Mediated Gate
Ex-2689 HUANG, Ho-Hsuan: Cubic Silicon Carbide Sublimation Growth using
1.2 deg off-axis substrates
Ex-2690 TSUNG, Chang Che: Investigation on a change in response direction
of Ga doped ZnO nanoparticles resistive
sensors on exposure to NO
Ex-2699 TAPONEN, Robin: Mass spectrometry methodology for evaluation of
components in effluents from a bioreactor culture
Ex-2700 BILAL, Syed Muhammad:
Thermal Stability of Arc Evoporated
Ex-2702 LAXVIK, Caroline: Adenovirus harvest process: Use of hollow fiber
microfiltration for PER.C6@CLARIFICATION
Ex-2703 NWORAH, Nnamdi Felix:
Fabrication and characterization of
individually adressable Polypyrole Trilayer
Ex-2704 RAZA, Mohsin: Synthesis of
hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H)
thin films by HiPIMS-based processes
Ex-2705 ANTONY, Aswathi Anto:
Smart Label-Free Troponin Based Immunosensor for the Early Diagnostics of
Myocardial Infarction
Ex-2706 PAULSSON, Dan: A colarimetrybased control of specific growth rate in
an Escherichia Coli fed-batch culture
using a sequential filtration approach for
increased robustness
Ex-2709 JONSSON, Josefine: Effect of
voluntary exercise on BDNF/TrkB gene
expression and alcohol intake
Ex-2710 JOENSUU, Jenny: Praktik utförd
på Billerud Skärblacka AB (Praktikrapport)
Ex-2692 BLANK, Jennie: Tillverkningsstrategi för medicintekniska produkter
Ex-2694 ARUMSKOG, Pär: A combinatorial chemistry approach to the amorphous
Al-In-Xn-O transparent oxide semiconductor system
Ex-2695 ERIKSSON, Nicklas: Metodutveckling för kvantitativ analys av nickel
och kobolt i fast matris med XRF
Ex-2696 FORS, Jonathan: Modeling
and OpenFOAM simulation of streamers
in transformer oil
Ex-2658 HALLDÉN, Lise-Lotte: Fjäderfänäringen I Östergötland – en överblick
Ex-2697 BROMAN, Eva: Printable Biosensors based on Organic Electrochemical Transistors with a Platinized Gate
Ex-2698 LINDMAA, Alexander: Supercell
Treatments of Dirsordered Magnetism in
Chromium Nitride
IFM activity report 2012
About this publication
Editor: Lejla Kronbäck,
IFM, Linköping University.
Print: LiU-Tryck
Production: Markus Reklambyrå AB
IFM Activity Reports are also available