St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love. ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax Msgr. Michael D. McGraw • Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag • Parochial Vicar Fr. Tomasz Bochnak • Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Byaruhanga • In Residence Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi • Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Cairnes Deacon Michael Zatarga Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm School Office Hours 561.392.7974 • 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Saturday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Thy Kingdom Come Today we celebrate the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King but we do not see a person who looks like a king. Rather, we see Jesus shackled before Pilate who arrogantly questions him. Jesus’ words to Pilate, “my kingdom does not belong to this world” would seem to envision another worldly world pointing to a non-material heavenly kingdom. But is this what he really means? There is good reason to believe that his rule will not tolerate the sin and evil that exists in much of our present experience. However, Jesus’ desire is not to abandon this world but to save it. For most of us the Gospel is presented in this way: the Son of God came to earth, died and rose to forgive our sins. He opened the gates of heaven so if we live a good life, our souls will go to heaven when we die. This understanding assumes the Gospel story moves from earth to heaven which orients the Christian imagination toward life after death. As a result, we may not expect to encounter Christ at work in our daily lives since our focus is to earn a place in heaven. Bringing the Message Home We pray each day, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This prayer moves our attention from heaven to earth. It moves from God’s future world into the current world. When we understand Jesus’ desire is not to abandon the world but save it. When we understand Christ’s kingdom in this sense, our mission is not to escape from the world but to change it. Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 1st Saturday (Bilingual): 12 noon 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Confessions Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm Like us on NOVEMBER 25, 2012 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON STEWARDSHIP CORNER TAX TIP$ Dine! Donate! Deduct! Enjoy our big Midnight–in-Paris Fundraiser and take some tax savings while you do it. You can also take tax-savings deductions by contributing to our Weekly Offertory collection. This is a main source of revenue, which supports our Church, School, and Ministries. Also, annual donors to the Coat of Arms Society can count on deductions. Additionally, hundreds of our parishioners who donate money, food, Christmas clothes and toys to our Care Ministry and Food Pantry can claim deductions. Special gifts from IRA Accounts or designated gifts for specific projects in the Church or School also qualify for generous deductible savings on income tax returns. So plan ahead. Just Donate and Deduct! Supporting the Church is Good Stewardship and good business. You’ll receive earthly credits and best of all, Many Heavenly Rewards. - Brother Steward God Bless! November 25, 2012 Solemnity of Christ the King MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 26, 2012 MONDAY INDEX PG. 3 - Msgr. McGraw’s Message: Thanksgiving And Christ The King PG. 4 - Wish List - Weekly Treasure - Parish Directory - Sunday Readings PG. 5 - SJA Annual Auction PG. 6 - Advent and Christmas Schedule 2012 - Hospital and hospice Pastoral Care - Christmas Concert PG. 7 - Journey Forward Update PG. 8 - Angel Tree 2012 - Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Barnes & Noble - CCW Annual Christmas Luncheon PG. 9 - Annual Blessing of Nativity Scene at Sanborn Park - Breakfast with Santa - Fr. Randall Book Club 2013 PG. 10 - Religious Education - St. Ignatious Study - Mommy and Me - Advent Talks - Medicare 101 Seminars - Blood Drive PG. 11 - Movie Night with October Baby - High School Youth Group - FAU Catholic Ministry PG. 12 - Pray for the Sick - Overseas in the US Armed Forces - Altar Bread donations - The Arc-Angel Society PG. 13 - S.J.A. Ministries & Support Services PG. 14 - Around our Diocese PG. 15-16 - Ministerio Hispano TUESDAY 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners WEDNESDAY 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Clauda St. Simon by Emilie Razafikely THURSDAY EVENTS CALENDAR NOVEMBER Annual Blessing of Nativity Scene at Sanborn Park 11/27 Auction 11/30 DECEMBER Parish Advent Reflection Parish Christmas Concert Breakfast with Santa 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Aldo Girasole by Margaret Carlson William Smith by Joe, James & Jeremy 12/3 12/14 12/15 BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY *Please email Bulletin materials to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion 2 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Randall Arnold by Rose Marie Arnold FRIDAY 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Edward Farrell by Mary Bello Pascuale Tulio by Luisa Ricco SATURDAY 8:15am Claudia & Jose Maria Valencia by Elisa Barona 4:30pm Henry Joseph Farrell by John Kamuda Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Trotta by Jeff & Joan Cline 6:30pm Insmailina De Amaya by Doris Amaya David Hernandez by Lucy Jurzec SUNDAY 7:00am Claudia Holland Duffey by The Duffey Family Theresa Porpora by Theresa Bonnie 8:00am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners James Rogers by Robert & Darlene Allen 9:15am Camille Nieter by Ed Nieter Kaitlin Kesl by Martha & Tony Nicolli 10:45am Alberto Castellon by Pam & Bob Sigda Ellen Iovene by Joe & Kathy DiJoseph 12:15pm Delia Aristizabal by Luz Aristizabal Chester Polanin by Joe & Terri Smith 5:00pm Joe Monicelli Love from The Dymtrow Family Edward Farrell by Patti & Vince Mulhall PASTOR´S MESSAGE PUTTING THE "GALA" IN THE "AUCTION" MIDNIGHT IN PARIS O n November 30 in the evening we will gather in the Arena and in Mercy Center for our parish Gala Auction. This tradition serves to bring all parishioners together for a great time with excellent food with a French flair and silent and live auctions. This tradition ties us in with memorable past events and also helps to position us for the future. New resources that will be generated by the Gala Auction will be shared between church and school and allow us to undertake new initiatives and programs. An immense amount of work goes into the planning and execution of this major fund-raising event so that it will have something new and exciting for everyone. For your formal entrance, our Honorary Chairpersons: Paul and Lynn Lawless and Michael and Sandy Fascetti will welcome you with the added colorful accompaniment of French mimes. The FAU Jazz ensemble will be entertaining in the gazebo all during cocktails and dinner time. The imaginative decor will transport you to Paris, Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysee. The silent auction will fill five rooms with exciting gift opportunities just in time for Christmas. Best of all, the Live Auction will pit bidder against bidder to win unique and fun-filled vacations and other entertainment excursions. The most anticipated events of the evening are the auctions of the special class projects--each of them capturing the love and imagination of our grade school children. To top off the evening of fun and as the grand finale will be the drawing for the Grand Prize of an all-inclusive river cruise through Normandy including air transport to Paris. This will be a great vacation as you leisurely cruise past and visit quaint towns, beautiful countrysides and enjoy fine food. This week is your last chance to purchase tickets for this memorable evening in Paris, (Boca Raton, Florida). Like Owen Wilson in the film Midnight in Paris, you will discover the wonder and beauty of Paris and connect with friends in an evening not to be forgotten. You will also have the good feeling that comes with supporting valuable programs of our school and ministries of our parish. This is a combination not to be beat "to have a great time and to do great good". - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 3 WishList S T. J O A N O F A R C CHURCH & SCHOOL 1. Underwrite the materials needed to renovate the confessionals. WEEKLY TREASURE Due to early printer deadlines, because of the Thanksgiving Day, this week’s Weekly Treasure posting will be featured in next week’s bulletin. Thank you. 2. Tuition (full or partial) for a needy child for 2012-2013 3. Underwrite Religious Education Classes for a Needy Child. 4. Underwriters for the Brass Quartet for Christmas and for our Christmas Concert As you all know, implementation of Our Journey Forward Strategic Plan has gradually started. This implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Six Goal Champion Teams. In this bulletin you will notice a Journey Forward Goal number next to every event, task or program that points-out a pertinence to one of St. Joan of Arc’s Goals: Partial or complete donations may be made for any item To donate an item call Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 GROW IN LOVE GROW IN SERVICE ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appt. only. BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 Maria Jose Mitsoulis (English). Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 COUNSELING CENTER AND CATHOLIC CHARITIES SATELLITE OFFICE Pamela Sigda, Ph.D., 561-706-2277 Maria T. Isava MSW, ISW. Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern. 561-215-0208. COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 FAITH FORMATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Constanza Preble, 561-620-6280 /Maria Jose Mitsoulis, 561-391-4345 Religious Education - Maria Jose Mitsoulis, 561-391-4345 Maria Jose Mitsoulis, 561-391-4345 Fax: 962-6002. Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8-4 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 – 6 p.m. Sunday 9:15 – 10:30 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-620-4805 YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR Katherine Leach, 561-952-2858 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY & PASTORAL CARE Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 GROW IN FAITH MUSIC MINISTRY Dr. Lola Gonzalez, 561-392-0007, ext. 2856 GROW THE CHURCH PARISH MANAGER Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 SPREAD THE GOSPEL PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Rose Marie Arnold, 561-392-8337 GROW OUR RESOURCES RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Teresa Vogt, 561-393-0006. Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Sat. - 9 am to 5:30 pm, & Sun. 9 am to 1 pm. SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. Sr. DeLourdes O’Mahony R.S.M. SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 (Special Projects) USHERS MINISTRY Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 1 year notice required for marriages HISPANIC MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-843-1099 4 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. Emails indicating interest in volunteering should be sent to: [email protected] SUNDAY READINGS NOV 25 (Solemnity of Christ the King) Dn 7:13-14, Rv 1:5-8. Jn 18:33b-37 DEC 2 (1st Sunday of Advent) Jer 33:14-16, 1Thes 3:12-4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY CREDIT CARD? Forms are available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office. You can earn frequent flyer miles on your contributions to St. Joan of Arc. We now accept most mayor credit cards: NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 5 ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2012 BLESSING OF THE CRECHE Tuesday, Nov. 27 6:15pm at Sanborn Park Mon, Dec. 17 at St. Joan of Arc Church, Tues. Dec. 18 at St. Jude Church, Thurs. Dec. 20 at St. Vincent Ferrer Church WEEK DAY MASSESS FOR ADVENT Beginning Mon. December 3 through Sat. December 24 Mon.-Fri. 6:45am & 8:15am – Sat. 8:15am CHRISTMAS CONCERT Friday, December 14 7:00pm in the Church ADVENT TALKS English in Church at 7:00pm Mon. Dec. 3 & Dec. 10 “Christmas Narratives” Scripture Scholar Fr. Bill Burton Spanish in the Chapel at 7:00pm “Preparandonos para Recibir a Jesús” Thurs. Dec. 13 Padre Emilio Sotomayor, Thurs. Dec. 20 Padre Bill Muñiz THE DAILY MASS Monday, December 24 6:45am & 8:15am CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Monday, December 24 (Christmas Eve Vigil) 4:30pm (3 sites), 6:30pm (Spanish Mass in Church), 8:30pm & 12:00am Midnight Tuesday, December 25 (Christmas Day) 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm (final Mass of the day) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MASSES Friday, December 7 6:00pm in the Church (Vigil for the Holy Day) Saturday, December 8 8:15am, 9:15am, 12:15pm in the Church MARY THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Monday, December 31 6:45am & 8:15am daily Mass, 6:00pm (Vigil for the Holy Day of Obligation) Tuesday, January 1 (New Year’s Day “Mary the Holy Mother of God”) 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am & 12:15pm MASS FOR THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Wednesday, December 12 6:30pm in the Church (Spanish Mass) ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL Your Catholic Community in Downtown Boca Raton ADVENT CONFESSIONS Saturdays, Dec 8, Dec. 15 & Dec. 22 at 3:15pm to 4:00pm & at 5:30pm to 6:15pm ADVENT RITES OF COMMUNAL PENANCE at 7:00pm ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS! HOSPITAL AND HOSPICE PASTORAL CARE Christmas Concert ST. JOAN OF ARC To ensure pastoral visitation while in the hospital, hospice or homebound, it is necessary to call the Parish Office to advise us 561-392-0007. It is also critical for the hospital & hospice that upon admission you identify yourself as a Catholic and, if you choose, a Catholic requesting a Clergy Pastoral Visit. BRRH does not advise us of your presence in the hospital and your desire for pastoral visitation unless you specifically request upon admission that they do so. 6 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, at 7 pm in the Church FREE CONCERT JOURNEY FORWARD UPDATES Each week we will update you on the development of some of our Journey Forward Initiatives so that you can learn about them and consider participating in one or more initiatives to help make a difference in the future of Your Parish! This week we are featuring Initiatives of: GOAL 6, GROW OUR RESOURCES In 2016 St. Joan of Arc will have the infrastructure and the resources to realize our vision. STRATEGIC AGENDA Over the next five years, we will: A. Build awareness among parishioners of their ownership in SJA, its programs and facilities. B. Teach and encourage stewardship and sacrificial giving of time, talent and treasure as pathways to growing in faith. C. Educate parishioners to participate in the broad range of giving opportunities such as coat of arms, arc angel society, endowment, planned giving and major gift vehicles that exist for supporting the parish and its ministries. D. Develop and implement a parish campaign to support Journey Forward initiatives and facility improvements. E. Optimize the marketing of Saint Joan of Arc’s distinctive qualities of worship, community and service. Priority/Ranking Initiative Description 1. Establish a Journey Forward Committee for on-going implementation of the Plan 2. Study the possibility of getting drops for Gazebo so we can enclose area in during events. 3. Research and implement a plan for the protection of the vulnerable church windows from hurricanes. 4. Examine options and choose a plan to make the St. Joan of Arc Gift Shop profitable, and to better serve the needs of the community in regards to merchandise, hours of operation, etc. 5. Show off the art work and achievements of our students to the larger parish family and to the community by finding a public place to display. 6. Find new and effective ways to encourage parishioners’ financial support through their offertory giving. 7. Form a financial workshop from professionals to inform parishioners on current tax regulations, gift-giving, will and trust development to aid church development. Publicize the findings in bulletin, church video, and outcome paper. Goal 6 Champions: Wendy Horton, (561) 952-2838 Email: [email protected] Patricia Suau, (561) 952-2806 Email: [email protected] Paul Miceli, (561) 392-2937 Email: [email protected] Please consider in what ways you can help on the success of one or more of these initiatives. Please call our Goal Champions –listed under each goal– to be part of building the St. Joan of Arc of the future! NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 7 2012 SAINT JOAN OF ARC COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN INVITES ALL WOMEN OF THE PARISH TO OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON ST. JOAN OF ARC SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 AT 12:00 NOON THE DELRAY BEACH CLUB 2001. S. OCEAN BOULEVARD, DELRAY BEACH GUEST SPEAKER, SISTER PHILIP MARIE BURLE, C.PP.S. WILL PRESENT "THE BEAUTY OF GOD'S LOVE FOR ALL OF US" Will you take some time this Advent to reflect on the "Beauty" of JOHN 3:16? Will you take time to appreciate "who" God gave us in the "Immaculate Conception?" LUKE 1:38 Come and see, hear, reflect and celebrate, with Sister Philip Marie, the CCW, and all Women. RSVP by December 3rd. (cost is $35) Make check payable to SJACCW and mail to: Nancy Karlin 16216 Mira Vista Lane. Delray Beach, Fl. 33446 Please contact Nancy for questions [email protected] The tree has now arrived! Pleased consider taking a tag to help bring Christmas to a needy child. There are many tags to choose from, and your donations are given to: 1. The Guatemalan-Maya Center: these items should be WRAPPED 2. St. Joan of Arc’s Care Ministry: these items should be UNWRAPPED Here is some additional information: -- The deadline to return items is DECEMBER 10 -- Please return items to Church, or School Office, or Church Office - Please put the TAG from the tree on any items you donate -- If a child’s size seems confusing... just make a good guess Please call the SCHOOL OFFICE, 392-7974, if you have any questions FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PATRON OF THE AMERICAS AND PROTECTOR OF THE UNBORN DECEMBER 12 Monsignor Michael McGraw and Father Bill Muniz will lead us in a procession into the church for a Marian Mass. 6:30pm. Procession 6:45pm. Holy Mass 7:30pm. Mexican Hot chocolate in Mercy Center. The Knights of Columbus join the Spanish Ministry in Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe and they are helping to underwrite the festival please call Joseph Kabbas at 561-299-8921. 8 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 GLADES ROAD GLADES ROAD IN IN BOCA BOCA RATON RATON SHOPPING DAY . SUNC. DE SHOP WITH YOUR CHILDREN, VISIT WITH THE STAFF & TEACHERS, AND A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR PURCHASES WILL BENEFIT ST. JOAN OF ARC SCHOOL. Gift wrapping available for a minimal donation 9 You Must Mention St. Joan at the register, for our School to receive credit. Please give our ID number to friends & relatives to use online: Bookfair ID 10909323 SJA Events on Sunday, December 9, 2012 (BARNES & NOBLE GLADES RD. ONLY) Singing and Bell Choirs performing ~ 1:00pm ~ TEACHER STORY TIMES ~ Mrs. McConnell 10:00am Mrs. Martin 10:30am Ms. Acuna 11:00am Mrs. Canning 11:30am Mrs. Adler 12:00pm Mrs. James 3:00pm Mrs. Kissel 2:00pm & 3:30pm Can’t attend our shopping day at Barnes & Noble? Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online from 12/09/2012 to 12/15/2012 by entering Bookfair ID 10909323 at checkout. Cheesecakes for Sale - Proceeds benefit SJA - Café - Proceeds also benefit SJA Special once-a-year Spiritual Community Experience ANNUAL BLESSING OF NATIVITY SCENE AT SANBORN PARK Parishioners are invited to join with other Christian communities to welcome the display of the crèche in Sanborn Park. The event will be on Tuesday, November 27 at 6:15pm. Join us for a blessing of the crèche, you will also see the live Nativity scene from children of the HISPANIC MINISTRY, there will be singing and reading of the Christmas story. Sanborn Park in on Federal Hwy. one block north of Palmetto Park Rd. on the east side. Saturday, 2012 Saturday,December Dec. 18, 15, 2010 8:00am to 10:00am Our Lady of Mercy Center Pancakes with all the Trimmings Fun Time includes: Visit & Photo with Santa, Crafts, & a Christmas Sing-A-Long A merry morning for everyone from Tots to Seniors! Sponsored by Family Life Ministries $4 per person Children under 2 years of age admitted free Tickets are available in the Parish Office, the School Office and the Book Store. FR. RANDALL BOOK CLUB 2013 4 NOVELS Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene 1.- Brideshead Revisited 2.- The Loved One 3.- The Power of Glory 4.- Heart of the Matter Meeting every other Tuesday, beginning January 8, 2013 at 3:00pm in the Parish Conference Room. PRELUDE to the Series will be held Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 3:00pm in the Parish Conference Room. It will be a presentation of 2 Christmas Columns of G. K. Chesterton, ("The Nativity" and a Notredame Poem called "The Arena".) Participants are encouraged to read Chesterton's "Orthodoxy" which had great influence on Waugh and Greene. NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 9 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ADVENT TALKS Scripture Scholar FR. BILL BURTON, OFM. Theme: Christmas Narratives. When: Monday, December 3 and 10 Time: 7-8:30 pm. Place: SJA Church Learn more about the Word of God by studying one of the books in the Bible. Meetings are held in Conference Room A on Sundays from 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Contact the Religious Education office for more information. Gather to read and reflect Sunday’s Readings on Thursdays from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Family Life House located at 399 S.W. 3rd St. (The corner house). Religious Education Families and the Annual Haitian Children’s Christmas Party. The children in Religious Education classes as part of our Stewardship program help St Joan of Arc Care Ministry by bringing unwrapped gift for a child in the range of $10.00 to class or Religious Education Office between Nov. 14 and Dec. 9. Director: MARIA JOSE MITSOULIS Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm THE MASS MINISTRY The Liturgical Committee of St. Joan of Arc has recommended starting a new ministry that will provide Adult Servers for the Masses on the weekends. The name of the ministry is called Ministry of Adult Servers Society or “MASS.” This special ministry will not replace the Children Altar Servers. We are asking individuals to come forward and volunteer to use their talents to help in this important Liturgical Ministry. Members of MASS will be asked to serve at various Masses during the weekends to serve the priest, especially when there is no deacon available. They will also be serving on special occasions. Training in the liturgy and the rubrics of serving will be given to anyone interested in this new ministry. Please contact Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag (561) 392-0007 or Deacon Bill Watzek (561) 952-2828 if you wish to join this exciting new ministry in service to God and His Church! 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 PADRE EMILIO SOTOMAYOR Cuando: El Jueves 13 de Diciembre Hora: 7:00pm. Donde: En la Capilla PADRE BILL MUNIZ Cuando: El Jueves 20 de Diciembre Hora: 7:00pm. Donde: En la Capilla ST. IGNATIOUS STUDY Please join us for an inspiring and wise Ignatious Study and reflection of the book: The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. A Spirituality for Real Life. By James Martin, SJ author of My Life and the Saints. This New York Times Bestseller makes the spiritual genious of Ignatious accessible and useful to all. Study begins Monday, October 22 through December from 4-5 p.m. at the Family Life House located at 399 SW 3rd St (the house in the corner across the church) Book fee is $10.00. For more information call 561- 391-4345 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 7:30am - 2:00pm at St. Joan of Arc Church mommy &me TUESDAYS 10:00am - 1:00pm “The Ark” located at 319 SW 3rd Street Boca Raton (across the street from St Joan of Arc parking lot) TUESDAY 10 am - 1 pm “The Ark” located at 319 SW 3rd Street Boca Raton (across the street from St Joan of Arc parking lot) NOV 27 - The Ark DEC 4 - The Bees Knees Learn and Play 12550 S. Military Trail Boynton Beach. $10 open play 10-1 pm includes snack & Craft DEC 11 - The Ark DEC 18 - South Inlet Park Playground and Optional Beach Day 1100 S. Ocean Blvd. Boca Raton DEC 25 - No Session due to Christmas Holiday. Please contact Katie Correia for more details at [email protected] or 215-435-6766 MEDICARE 101 SEMINARS Place: Family Life House. 399 SW 3rd Street. Dates and Times: Nov. 29 - 2pm to 3:30pm Please join us for an informational seminar regarding your 2012 Medicare options. Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) began October 25 through December 7, 2012. This is the time for you to select a new Medicare Health Plan for 2013 if you are not happy with your existing plan! This event is only for educational purposes and no plan specific benefits or details will be shared. Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious which will be observed in the parishes of this Diocese on December 8-9, 2012. We write to ask for your support and encouragement in promoting this most necessary appeal. There is a growing crisis in retirement funding for religious based on insufficient retirement savings, rising health care cost, and declining income. These conditions have had a serious impact on religious institutes' capacity to provide the care that their elder members need. Traditionally, women and men religious worked for small stipends that include retirement benefits. These stipends were invested in ministry and in education for members who were engage in ministry. At present, the income of younger religious supports a large portion of elder-care expenses. In the coming years, however, this will no longer be the case as more religious reach retirement age and leave compensated ministry. By 2019 , it is expected that religious past age 70 will outnumber those UPCOMING EVENTS HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Nov 25 - NO Youth Group Meeting: Thanksgiving Break Nov 27 - Open Field Soccer w/ Fr. Tomasz 7pm at the SJA Field Nov 30 - SJA Auction 6pm in Mercy Center Dec 2 - Youth Group Meeting: 6-7:45pm in The Ark FAU CATHOLIC MINISTRY Nov 25 - Mass on Campus 8pm in BU 109 Nov 26 - Rosary and Daily Readings 11-12 in the Newman Lounge Reconciliation 3:30-4:30 Nov 27 - Reconciliation and Spiritual Direction w/ Fr. Tomasz 1-3:00pm in Traditions Plaza Adoration w/ Fr. Tomasz 3-4:00pm in the Newman Lounge Nov 28 - FAU Study Break 10-2:00pm in the Newman Lounge Dec 2 - Mass on Campus 8pm in BU 109 For more information please contact KATHERINE LEACH at 561-952-2858 or Email: [email protected] under age 70 by roughly four to one. Further, it is important to note that religious communities are financially autonomous and solely responsible for the support and care of all members. Income, earnings, and expenses are managed separately from the catholic Church and its diocesan structures. Therefore, it is very clear why this appeal is so important to the retired religious of our Church. We ask you to support this cause and contribute to this collection as a way to express your gratitude and appreciation for the work of these retired religious. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious. God's peace and blessings be with you. Sincerely in Christ, Revered Joseph Santa-Bibiana, SDB Sister Joan Dawson, O.S.F. Episcopal Delegates for Religious NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 11 BAPTISMS PRAY FOR THE SICK Aloi, Nick Amaya, Sara Ayala, Angelina Barker, Marion Braisted, Mary Jo Conaghan, Patrick Cohane, Rosita Cox, Vida DaSilva, Maria Gomez Feeney, John Fiorito, Josephine Fromm,Catrina Flores, Roberto Guerra, Mayelin Horn, Amy Kolcun, Laverne Lynch, Beatriz Lynn, Adele Lyew, Madeline (4 yrs.) Labrador, Eva Maingot, Ann November We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. Isabella Quintana Catano Oscar Aparicio Garcia ALTAR BREAD Maingot, Keith Maloney, Jim Meyers, Theresa Manno, Jean Miller, Betty McCormick, John McGarry, Joan Nguyen, Christopher Ortiz, Daniel Ortale, Peter K. Parodi, Julieta Pershyn, Moira Pike, Stephen Polanin,Chet Prochilo, John Ray, Roger Rellick, Mary Ridge, Teresa Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez Mary Ann Santiesteban, Lilian Schoemaker, Frydel Szlyk, Edward Strazzulla, Joseph Vaught, Grace Vissicchio, Patricia Vivanco, Myriam Wyatt, Tabitha (3½ Yrs. Old) WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? You can do this to celebrate special dates, (birthdays, anniversaries etc.), you can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord's table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement/s. If interested, please call Patty Delaney at (561)952-2868 or email [email protected] This week’s altar flowers courtesy of: provided complimentary by BOCA BY DESIGN. A floral & décor company servicing south Florida for all of your floral and event needs 561-447-5444 10% discount to SJA parishioners should you state prior to ordering that you were referred by St Joan of Arc. 12 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. November 25: In memory of beloved Thomas F. Manno, Sr. by his wife Jean and children "We loved them in life; let us not abandon them in death until we have seen them safely into the House of the Lord." - ST. AMBROSE Overseas in The US Armed Forces: Afghanistan: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Benjamin Creed, PVT. Brendan Nestor. Gilberto Estevez Jr., Chief Iraq: Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual Family Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. Consider becoming a member of The Arc Angel Society as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. Your attorney, or financial advisor can advise you on the tax benefits and other considerations you will want to think about as you consider your estate plans. A number of valuable and attractive benefits will accompany your membership. These include special masses and mailings designed especially for Society members. For more information, please contact Wendy Horton at 561.952-2838. S.J.A. MINISTRIES & SUPPORT SERVICES PRAY THE ROSARY Join us every morning, 6:15am in the Chapel, to pray for our Pope, Bishop, Priests, Deacons, and Religious, and for vocations. Join us every morning after the 8:15am Mass in the Chapel to pray to end abortion. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 10:30 am. in Conf. Room B as we study the Book of Romans. Thursday morning Bible Study (9:00am. to 10:30am.) at the Family Life House. ST. JOAN OF ARC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS! We are a part of this great dynamic Catholic International Organization. Call Joe Kabbas, G.K.: 561-299-8921. ST. JOAN OF ARC COLUMBIETTES are the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary of dedicated Catholic women. Please join us as United We Stand to embark on this fresh new year in building a strong bond in our parish. For details call Terri Picinich, 561-901-7312. MOMMY & ME Weekly get together Weekly get together-Every Tuesday between 11:00 am and 1:00pm Come and go as you please at THE ARK. We bring snacks/lunch for the little ones and ourselves. Please contact Katie Correia at 215-435-6766 or [email protected] for information. JOIN THE SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) St. Joan of Arc Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a dynamic group of women who support, empower and educate its members in spirituality, leadership and service. We are an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women. Our Circle Meetings are smaller groups that meet once a month. St. Ana Circle 4th Wednesday at 8am. St. Clare Circle 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. St. Elizabeth Circle lst Friday at 1pm. Sts Martha & Mary Circle 3rd Thursday at 7pm. St. Monica Circle 4th Monday at 2pm. St. Therese of Lisieux 3rd Tuesday at 8am. We have an interesting calendar of events. Please join us, make new friends, as we are Women Making a difference. For more information call Miriam Gaynor, 561-395-5615 SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join us to pray the rosary at the Planned Parenthood site at 8177 Glades Rd., West Boca. We meet in front of the shopping center at 9:45am on Fridays. For information call Terri at 561-901-7312 or Mary Jane at 561-961-4900. PREGNANT? KNOW YOUR OPTIONS, CALL 800-395-HELP ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. KNIT/CROCHET SOCIAL All are invited to join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am in the Spiritual Life House. Beginners to experts are needed to make prayer shawls and projects for preemies, kids and our troops. Call Claire at 445-4802 or Dottie at 395-2681 for more information. SJA DAD’S CLUB Every Wednesday in Mercy Center at Drop off - 7:45am All dads in the Parish welcome. NA (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Fridays at 7 pm, in Immaculata Center. More information call: 276-4581 P.O.P.S. Parents of Prayer & Service meet every Thursday during the school year, 7:45am to 8:15am in the Convent Chapel. Please join us. KOINONIA GATHERING 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Immaculata Center. For info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-620-4805 ALLELUIA CLUB Is a meeting of Parishioners 55 +, resume meeting January 13, 2013. SJA SCHOOL ALUMNI: We invite you to register on our St. Joan of Arc website as an alumnus if you haven't already done so at [email protected] SHARED CARE Each Wednesday at Temple Beth El, 9:30am to 2:30pm. Bring your loved one so you may have some respite care, or come and volunteer and have fun with us! This is a combined effort between Temple Beth El, St. Joan of Arc and The First Presbyterian Church. For more info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. THE SJA PUBLIC ADVOCACY COMMITTEE is requesting the current members and any other parishioners who wish to join, to send their email/phone number (whichever you wish) to Joseph Kabbas, Chairman of Public Advocacy. Joined with Public Advocacy is Respect Life. If you are a member or wish to be part of these two ministries, please forward your e-mail / phone number to Joseph Kabbas Chairman e-mail [email protected] phone 561-299-8921 fax 561-362-7134 AA (ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays, 10am in Immaculata Center, Mondays, 7:00pm, Art Room, and Wednesdays 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. JOYFUL AGAIN For more information please call Marjorie O’Sullivan 561-395-6029. SUNDAY TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Each week at 9:30am on WPXP TV, Channel 8, Mass for the Homebound can be seen. For a copy of the Sunday Missal, call the Diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Call us if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the elderly & infirmed Parishioners. Call 561-952-2828 UPGRADE YOUR CLOSET! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC USHERS WANT YOU!!! Are you tired of your wardrobe and deciding what to wear to Mass each week? Let us dress you! We are a ministry of over 60 men and women that provide each mass with the hospitality & services to make all parishioners and guests feel welcome. We would like to tell you about this great ministry and how getting involved provides a service to St. Joan and a blessing for you. And you’ll be one of the best dressed people at Mass! Call Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 or Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329. NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 13 EVENTS AT OUR LADY OF FLORIDA SPIRITUAL CENTER 1300 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Phone: 561-626-1300. December 5: Day of Reflection. Presenter. Sr. Roberta Popara, O.P. “ Advent’s Gift of Waiting.” 10:00am-2:30pm. $30.00. Reservations required. December 22: Special Advent Day of Reflection presented by the retreat team. 10:00am-4:30pm. $30.00. Includes Mass for the 4 Sunday of Advent. Reservation required. December 31: New Year’s Eve Program with optional overnight. Registration: 6:30pm with Dinner promptly at 7:00pm. Program by retreat team. Check website for additional information. Cost: $80.00 for overnight. $60.00 for commuter. Reservations required. CATHOLIC CHARITIES: DIOCESE OF PALM BEACH PROMOTING LIFE, DIGNITY AND JUSTICE Counseling, Elder Affairs, Guardianship Training, Immigration & Refugee Services, Office of Black Catholic Ministry, Pahokee Pals, Outreach Information and Referral, Pregnancy Care Centers, Prison Ministry, Respect Life Ministry, Catholic Relief Services, Samaritan Center, Substance Addiction Ministry, Wellness and Interfaith Health & Wellness. For general or program information contact 561-775-9560. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF FAITH, WOMEN OF ACTION All Women of faith are invited to attend the: 4 Annual Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action Conference. Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 8:00am to 3:00pm. At Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola Palm Beach Gardens. For a more information, call 561-876-1028. NEXT WEEKEND IS FLORIDA CATHOLIC SUNDAY Consider the importance of Catholic communication and prayerfully consider subscribing to the newspaper or offering a loved one a gift subscription. Print edition is available for home delivery; e-Edition is available for PCs and tablets, including iPads. Subscribe online at, or call toll-free 1-888-275-9953. HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENT TEST FOR INCOMING 9TH GRADERS Pope John Paul II High School. Saturday, December 1, 2012. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. Testing begins at 8:00 a.m. All freshmen entering 14 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25 Catholic high school are required to take the High School Placement Test (HSPT). To take the test at Pope please go to and click on “Apply Now.” For more information please call at: 561-314-2132. WATCH THE CATHOLIC MASS EACH SUNDAY Tune in each week for the televised Catholic Mass which airs Sundays at 9:30 a.m. on Ion Television Networks (on most local cable it is Channel 8). Priests from around the five- county Diocese along with the local Bishop bring the Mass to the sick, homebound and all the people of God on a weekly basis. The televised Mass is produced by the Diocesan Office of Communications. Please visit and go to the online calendar for the weekly schedule as well as the multimedia page where with just one click you can hear the weekly homilies. To support the televised Catholic Mass contact 561-775-9529 or write to Office of Communications, 9995 N. Military Trail, Post Office Box 109650, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. PROMOTING LIFE, DIGNITY AND JUSTICE Counseling, Elder Affairs, Guardianship Training, Immigration & Refugee Services, Office of Black Catholic Ministry, Outreach Information and Referral, Pregnancy Care Centers, Prison Ministry, Respect Life Ministry, Catholic Relief Services, Samaritan Center, Substance Addiction Ministry, Wellness and Interfaith Health & Wellness. For general or program information contact 561-775-9560. Volunteer opportunities are available. COMING SOON – NEW DIOCESAN WEBSITE The Diocese of Palm Beach will soon launch a revamped version of our website. The new design will be more user-friendly and interactive. There will be more opportunities for parishes, schools and ministries to share their events and news. Stay tuned and be prepared to log on to to see our new look! ROSARY SERVICE HELD EVERY MONTH Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life conducts a Rosary Service the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. outside the Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach. The center is located at 100 Northpoint Parkway, just off 45th St and Village Blvd. Please join us across the street from the abortion center as we peacefully pray. For information, call the Respect Life Office at 561-775-9565. Ministerio Hispano XXXIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo B Solemnidad: Jesucristo, Rey del Universo El Reinado de Cristo es un reinado de justicia y de amor. Queremos que Cristo reine, en primer lugar, en nuestra inteligencia, en nuestra voluntad, en todas las acciones... y asi extender el Reino de Cristo. La vida consiste en habitar con Jesucristo, y donde está Jesucristo allí está su Reino. “En la fiesta de hoy oímos al Señor que nos dice en la intimidad de nuestro corazón: Yo tengo sobre ti pensamientos de paz y no de aflicción, y hacemos el propósito de arreglar en nuestro corazón lo que no sea conforme con el querer de Cristo. A la vez, le pedimos poder colaborar en esa tarea grande de extender su reinado a nuestro alrededor y en tantos lugares donde aún no le conocen. «A esto hemos sido llamados los cristianos, esa es nuestra tarea apostólica y el afán que nos debe comer el alma: lograr que sea realidad el reino de Cristo, que no haya más odios ni más crueldades, que extendamos en la tierra el bálsamo fuerte y pacífico del amor». Esto solo lo lograremos acercando a muchos a Jesús, mediante un apostolado constante y eficaz entre las personas que diariamente pasan cerca de nuestra vida.” La PROGRAMACION DE LAS ACTIVIDADES DE ADVIENTO Y NAVIDAD se encuentran publicadas en nuestra pagina web y en este boletin. PARA INFORMACIÓN sobre los sacramentos, clases de preparación para bautismo, etc. Entrar en nuestra pagina web: o pedir información en la parroquia con Maria o Rosario 561 392 0007. Si necesita hacer una intencion para difuntos o seres queridos durante nuestras misas, por favor dirijase a la oficina parroquial en horas de oficina. “En el año de la fe, he aqui un resumen de nuestra vida en la fe: llevemos la Verdad con Amor y Obras a nuestros hermanos en Cristo”. NOVEMBER 25 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 15 MINISTERIO HISPANO. AVISOS PARROQUIALES COMPENDIO DEL CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA 66. ¿En qué sentido el hombre es creado «a imagen de Dios?» El hombre ha sido creado a imagen de Dios, en el sentido de que es capaz de conocer y amar libremente a su propio Creador. Es la única criatura sobre la tierra a la que Dios ama por sí misma, y a la que llama a compartir su vida divina, en el conocimiento y en el amor. El hombre, en cuanto creado a imagen de Dios, tiene la dignidad de persona: no es solamente algo, sino alguien capaz de conocerse, de darse libremente y de entrar en comunión con Dios y las otras personas. 67. ¿Para qué fin ha creado Dios al hombre? Dios ha creado todo para el hombre, pero el hombre ha sido creado para conocer, servir y amar a Dios, para ofrecer en este mundo toda la Creación a Dios en acción de gracias, y para ser elevado a la vida con Dios en el cielo. Solamente en el misterio del Verbo encarnado encuentra verdadera luz el misterio del hombre, predestinado a reproducir la imagen del Hijo de Dios hecho hombre, que es la perfecta «imagen de Dios invisible» (Col 1, 15). ACTIVIDADES DE ADVIENTO Y NAVIDAD ESTE MARTES 26 DE NOVIEMBRE PESEBRE VIVIENTE NO FALTES! a las 6:15 en el Parque Sanbon, bendición del Pesebre, villancicos y oración junto con otras comunidades cristianas. DICIEMBRE Novena de La Inmaculada Concepción: A PARTIR Del viernes 30 de noviembre HASTA EL Sábado 8 de Diciembre después de la Misa de las8:15. NOS REUNIMOS EN LA CASA HISPANA PARA REZAR LA NOVENA A LA INMACULADA CONCEPCION FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: El Miércoles 12 De diciembre en la Iglesia Santa Juana de Arco. 6:15 Encuentro en Mercy Center 6:30 Procesión con la Virgen y entrada en la Iglesia 6:45 Santa Misa 7:30 Chocolate y música en Mercy Center Meditaciones de Adviento “Preparándonos para recibir a Jesús” Con los Padres Emilio Sotomayor y Bill Muñiz Jueves 13 y 20 de diciembre en la capilla a las 7:00pm. “VEN NIÑITO JESÚS” CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD El viernes 14 de diciembre a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia La Novena de Navidad “Aguinaldos” comienza el 14 de diciembre. Lo invitamos a participar en “LA MISA DE GALLO” que el padre Oscar Alonso celebrara el lunes 24 de diciembre a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia de Santa Juana de Arco. ACTIVIDADES DE SIEMPRE: Los GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN de los jueves continúan reuniéndose! Te esperamos! Grupo Santa Juana de Arco todos los jueves de 7:00pm a 8:00pm de la tarde Grupo Padre Pio, Santo Rosario en español todos los jueves a las 9:00am de la mañana (Grupo de Oración Padre Pio) ARREGLOS FLORALES todos los miércoles a las 10:00am si usted esta interesado en participar llame a Dora: 954-548-9059 email: bloomsfloraldesign@gmail CLASES DE ARTE con Patricia Cadena. Llamar al 954-394-4846 para mas informacion. Todos los Martes a las 7:00pm en la casa Hispana: CLASES DE PREPARACIÓN EN INGLES PARA EL EXAMEN DE CIUDADANÍA. El curso dura seis semanas continuas. Si usted esta interesado y puede participar cada semana llame a la hermana Carmen al 561-289-7846 para mas información. “CÓMO HACERSE CIUDADANO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS” La próxima sesión el lunes 3 de diciembre de 11:00am a 12:00pm para mayor información llame al 954-818-5032 Las CLASES DE INGLES gratis son todos los Miércoles en dos turnos por la mañana y por la tarde para mayor información por favor llame al : 561 289 7846 Seminario “RE-EMPLEO Y RESUME” , estrategias para mejorar su resume y encontrar empleo, dictado por Celestino Cubillos los sábados de 10:00 a 11:00 en la casa Hispana. Los temas incluyen métodos para buscar empleo, identificar su empleo ideal, resume basado en sus habilidades, preparación para la entrevista. Totalmente GRATIS . Llame a 561 699 7679 para mas información y registrarse. “CATOLICISMO” : un Viaje alrededor del mundo hasta los confines de la fe. “WORD ON FIRE” AHORA EN ESPANOL! Viaja junto al aclamado autor, conferencista y teólogo, el padre Robert Barron, a más de 50 lugares a lo largo y ancho de 15 países y descubre todo el significado de tu fe.Todos los martes de 1:00pm a 2:30pm en la Casa Hispana. Directorio Director: Constanza Preble 561-859-4666 - 561-843-1099 - Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía: Sr. y Sra. Córdova 561-573-0194 Bautismos en Español: 561-952-2860 - Servidores del Altar: Patricia Jaramillo 561-674-4852 - Proclamadores de la Palabra: Gisela Delgado 561-952-2860 Clases de Inglés: 561- 289-7846 - Director de Música: Dr. Lola González : 561-952-2856 - Informes: 561-952-2860 16 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l NOVEMBER 25
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