joan of arc history power point


joan of arc history power point
Joan of Arc
History project
By: Mariana
 In
this presentation I will discuss about the
characteristics of a young French leader. Joan of
Arc an admirable leader, even by not knowing how
to read or write she fought for the benefits and
interests of her nation.
Joan of Arc was a young French humble girl and
believer in god that fought for her loved nation. She
was also known as the Maid of Orleans and was a
French national heroine who later became saint of the
Roman Catholic Church. Joan of Arc rescued France
from the defeat of one of the darkest periods of the
Hundred Year’s of war with England
Major accomplishments of
Joan of Arc
Some of the major
accomplishments Joan of
Arc achieved during her
short life time were:
She saved her French
country from being
taken over by the
strong English army.
She turned upside
down a war that had
been fought for almost
100 years.
• Joan of Arc’s first war
victory at Orleans was an
immense miracle, and her
second war victory at Patay
is considered one of the
greatest military victories
that involved a woman in
Major accomplishments of
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc identified the Dauphin
at Chinon, even though the Dauphin
or Charles disguised himself as a
plebian and made one of his friends
disguise as himself
Joan started hearing and seeing
visions from God, the first vision
that came to Joan was at the age
of 13, at first Joan didn’t pay much
attention to these visions but as
time went on, these visions started
to bother herself and they were
very constant so she had no other
way than to do what they told her
to do, these visions lead to the
triumph of the hundred years war
and many other historic
Major difficulties faced by
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was a very
young girl, she had to lead a
huge army to defeat the
English, so she could save
her country. Joan was in a
very difficult position,
because she had this
enormous task, it was
especially difficult because
she was a woman and in the
Medieval times women had
very little rights.
Joan later faced a big
difficulty at Jargeau because
the police caught Joan
wearing men's clothing. In
this times this act was
considered an offense . The
officers didn’t take Joan to
jail because a soldier said she
was the maid of Orleans and
she was destined to dress like
a man in battle field.
Major difficulties faced by
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was a teenager
and she had no military training
this was a big problem when
going to war. Joan surpassed
this problem by convincing the
king she was sent by God and
she was destined to save the
French nation.
Joan said she had seen
different sets of visions
sent by God and most
people in the higher class
did not believe her, so it
was very difficult for Joan
to get proof that she was
truly sent by God. Joan
surpassed this difficulty by
convincing the Dauphin and
restoring his self-esteem
and confidence.
Social importance
Joan of Arc was the first woman in history to betray
the men in the middle ages, even though she was a woman
she kept herself strong to have the courage to fight
with the French enemies at war, Joan had to be very
strong physically and in her personality. In the Medieval
Times men had very little respect for women and worst
of all women had very little rights. Thankfully Joan of
Arc demonstrated that women are also capable of
working and performing tasks that were only required
for men.
All the important things
Joan of Arc was able to
do at a very young age in
her life are surpassing
and impressive to history.
At the age of 17 she was
commanding the whole
French army, she is the
youngest person in
history to ever command
the armies of a nation.
Joan of Arc today
The worlds fascination with Joan of Arc has
never died out. For hundreds of hears books,
statues and many paintings have been made in
honor of Joan of Arc’s faith and courage.
Today the country of France claims Joan of
Arc as a Patron Saint. The French government
declared May 8 to be a National holiday
dedicated to her memory.
Today Joan of Arc is
remembered by her sword
that was carried from the
first time she had interacted
with God to the last day of
her inspiring and harsh life
were she was burned at the
Stake .
In 1869, the bishop of
Orleans wrote a letter to
the pope to nominate Joan
for sainthood. The
process for being
declared a saint by the
catholic church is a long
formal one. After years
of studying her long holy
life, the church began to
focus on her special
qualifications for
sainthood. After all the
studies and investigations
about her life and
important contributions to
this day she was named
saint or canonized in the
year 1920.
Joan of Arc gave the people of
France a national identity.
Before Joan of arc marked
history, mostly French people
would identify themselves as
being only a small part of
France, and would not feel
important for this specific
cause. After Joan of Arc
marked history people in France
people would identify
themselves as being part of the
French Nation and they would
also feel proud for their high
developed nation.
Joan of arc’s time line
1412 or 1413---------Joan
of Arc is born in the
farming village of
Domréy, France
arrive at English- held
Orléans. Battle begins 5
days later
1424--------Joan starts
hearing voices. They tell
her to crown the Dauphin
king of France.
April 1429------ Joan gets
her banner and armor and
joins the armies at Blois
May 1428-------- Robert
de Baudricourt refuses
to help Joan meet the
Spring1428-------Joan's parents
arrange a
marriage. Joan
refuses vowing
never to wed
February 1429------ At
Vaucoleurs Baudricourt
gives Joan horses and
June,8,1429--------- Joan
embarks on her Loire
campaign to clear the
path to Reims
March,6 1429---------Joan
identifies the Dauphin at
Chinon and gains his trust
May,8,1429-------- The
English surrender Orléans
to Joan and the French
Joan of arc’s time line
July 17, 1429–---Charles VII is crowned
at reims cathedral with
Joan by his side
July,7,1456--- A
new trail
declared Joan's
May, 23 , 1430 ------Burundians capture
Joan outside the
gate at Compiegne.
May 28,1431----------Caught wearing men´s
clothes again , Joan is
declared a relapsed
November, 1431---Burundians turn Joan
over to the English for
January 9, 1431---Joan's trail begins,
run by pro-English
clerics who are paid by
May, 24, 1431 --------Threatened with
death Joan sings a
confession but returns
to prison
May,30,1431- Joan is
burned at the stake
at the old market
place at Rouen
Actual sainthood proof
In 1874, a magnificent statue of
her was constructed in Paris.
This statue shows Joan in a
battle riding her horse. Later in
1958, the people of France gave
a copy of the statue to the city
of Orleans in Louisiana. Later in
2005 the hurricane Katrina
almost destroyed all of New
Orleans, but people started
asking if Joan of Arc was still
standing? The next day there
was a printed picture in the
newspaper saying “ still riding
and no wars lost”.
 1.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1963. Pages 72-75
 2. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1956. Pages
 3. Joan of Arc Biography, Kathlleen Kudlinski,
 4. Joan of Arc – Maid of Heaven, Ben D
Kennedy, 2007
 5. Joan of Arc – Information, Allen Williamson,
July 2009
 6. Giving Voice to Joan of Arc, Tony Saura,
October 2002