St. Joan of Arc Parish
St. Joan of Arc Parish
Our Mission… To Be Christ for Others As Christ is for Us “Learn it, Live it” St. Joan of Arc Parish 2601 San Ramon Valley Blvd. • San Ramon, CA 94583-1630 March 5/6, 2011 DAILY SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday, 4:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. or by appointment Saturday Evening Mass (Vigil of Sunday) – 5:30 P.M. Sunday Masses – 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. & 12:00 Noon Daily Masses: Monday through Friday – 9:00 A.M. Communion Service: Saturday mornings – 9:00 A.M. Anointing of the Sick:1st Saturday of the month -- 9:00 A.M. Holy Day Masses – 6:00, 9:00 A.M., 12:10 & 7:30 P.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - 7:00 p.m. First Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted) REGISTRATION: Pre-registration Forms can be found on the vestibule counters. You may drop them at the parish office or in the collection basket. PARISH OFFICES Mon.—Thurs., 8 A.M. - 7:30 P.M.; Friday Closed Phone: Fax: Email: 925-830-0600 925-830-5059 [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE Grades 7-12 Phone: Fax: Email: 925-830-4720 925-830-5059 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Pre-School-Gr. 6 Mon.—Thurs. 9:30 A.M.—5:00 P.M. Fri., 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Phone: 925-830-4710 Fax: 925-830-5059 Email: [email protected] CYO OFFICE Basketball: [email protected] Track: Website: Page Two ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH Dear Sisters and Brothers, Fr. Ray’s Reflections It seems now, more than ever, that our daily lives are being turned upside down. The collapse of respected financial institutions, the downsizing of businesses resulting in unemployment, the scandal of pedophilia in the church, deaths in an ongoing war, the question of the civil definition of marriage, all can leave us wondering what is reliable anymore? Is anything stable in life? This week’s scripture readings tell us that the Lord is reliable. In our first reading, Moses says that he is setting before the people a blessing and a curse. We are free to obey God’s commandments or not, but choosing not to obey will eventually result in problems. In disobeying, we bring the curse upon ourselves. In our second reading, St. Paul reminds us that all are freely redeemed by faith, not by anything we have earned or deserved, but by God’s gift of Jesus to us who believe. Our Gospel from Matthew comes at the end of Jesus’ sermon on the mount. Like Moses, Jesus offers sound advice to build on the rock of his teachings. Saying that we accept what Jesus teaches is not the same as acting on what we hear. We act on Jesus’ words not so much to be spared the storms of life, but to survive them secure in His love. For many of us the storms of life seem to wash away any sense of stability in life. Make the gift of Jesus’ teaching our foundation, so that whatever we come up against in life, we will remain grounded secure and directed. Blessings, Fr. Ray St. Joan of Arc Directory PARISH OFFICE .................................... 830-0600 Rev. Ray Zielezienski—Pastor x223 [email protected] Rev. Ian Mendoza—Parochial Vicar—x226 [email protected] Mike Backes—Maintenance Supervisor x225 [email protected] Jeanne Da San Martino—Office Manager x221 [email protected] Wendy Bankson — Admin. Asst./Bookkeeper x222 [email protected] Janèt Sullivan Whitaker—Music Director x227 Ruben Gomez—Deacon Hock Chuan Oey—Deacon Charlie Stanton—Deacon RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 830-4710 Maureen Tiffany—Director x229 [email protected] Sheri Martinez— R.E. Office Manager x230 [email protected] Liz Mooring—6th Grade Coordinator x231 [email protected] Jamie Ingrassia—Little Angels/Little Saints 232 [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE 830-4720 Bob Cummings—Youth Ministry Director x234 [email protected] Kerry Fahey — Y.M. Office Manager x234 [email protected] Mary Machi — Youth Minister x244 [email protected] Gina McCormick— Junior High x233 [email protected] WEB SITE Lisa Krenzelok - Web Master Sacraments SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Held Sundays—Please allow 8 weeks for preparation. Contact the parish office for more information. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Preparation for teens begins in Grade nine; please contact the Youth Ministry Office. Adults (over 18) please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The bride, the groom or their parents must be registered parishioners of St. Joan. The couple must also meet with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, surgery, long-term care, etc., please call the Parish Office to arrange an appointment with a priest. Also celebrated in the communal form on the 1st Saturday of each month at the 9am Mass. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (R.C.I.A.): For individuals interested in becoming Catholic, and for adult Catholics who have not received Eucharist or Confirmation please contact the Parish Office. EUCHARIST TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know would like to receive the Eucharist at home, please call our Parish Office at 830-0600 or Deacon Hock Oey at 804-6790 San Ramon, CA Page Three 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time March 6, 2011 Mass Intentions SAT: SUN: MON: TUES: WED: THURS: FRI: SAT: 5:30 PM Ron Ruff + 7:30 AM Marilyn Y. Hynan+ 9:00 AM Chris Sanchey + 10:30 AM Anthony Freccero + 12:00 PM Miguel L. Cordis + 9:00 AM Justin Deyoung + 9:00 AM Claudia Spencer + 6:00 AM Robert Hunter + 9:00 AM Wilfredo Magpayo + 12:10 PM Ann Charbonnett + 7:30 PM Ann Beadle + 9:00 AM John Thometz + 9:00 AM Bernadette and Larry Foster 9:00 AM Communion Service Pray for those who are sick or suffering: Elfi Ashouri, Stanley Zielezienski, Clare Dowling, Roberta Ambrose Sotelo, Ann Otis, Bob and Ann Grau, Honey Giblin, Nicholas Policar, Janet Bertolero, Susan Yates, Dona Marguglio, Joann Porter, Mary Splane, Mary Beth Kramer, Ida Trimmer, Mary Bickford, Mary Roberts, Fernando Ramos, Irene Moreno, Veronica Alexander, Danny Whalen, Heinz Miller, John Bauer, Piper Loescher, Annette Beaucheman, Matisse Samala, Sabrina Franklin, Anne Boot, John McKeown, Eden Tiongson, John Sneed Pavlic Khoudian, Ramon Navarro, Sharon Boursaw, Norm Wanek, Mike Theriault Pray for the deceased: Rosalina Pimentel, Joseph Nosenzo (father of Julie Disch), Tom Pult, William McGullam READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Tb 1:3; 2:1a-8; Mk 12:1-12 Tb 2:9-14; Mk 12:13-17 Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51; Rom 5:12-19 [12, 17-19]; Mt 4:1-11 Cross-Bearers The Holy Season of Lent is approaching. Ash Wednesday is March 9th. If you would like to carry the Large Wooden Cross in the Entrance Procession on Ash Wednesday and/or in Entrance Processions at our Saturday Evening/Sunday Masses, please contact Missy Davey at [email protected] or call the Parish Office 830-0600 with Your Name, Email Address or Phone Number and the Date (s) you would like to be a Cross-Bearer: Ash Wednesday and/ or any of the following six Saturdays or Sundays of Lent. It takes two or three adults or teens to carry the cross. Children are welcome to walk behind. Recruit family and/or friends to share with you, or just give your name and we will match up volunteers. There will be instructions and a short rehearsal before Lent starts. St. Joan of Arc Liturgy Planning Committee PARKING AT ST. JOAN OF ARC This is a reminder to always drive safely, slowly and considerately around the St. Joan’s parking lot and the neighboring streets. It sounds simple, but sometimes we all need to step back and remember to obey traffic laws, drive carefully around corners and park only in the outlined parking spots. Our parishioners, facility users and *especially* our neighbors need to feel safe and cared for by our parish community. It is vital that we put human safety ahead of any urgency that we may feel on a particular day. Let us inspire trust and show our Christian hearts by our examples of safe and compassionate driving. Be Christ for Others as Christ is for Us! 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time Questions of the Week: Question for Adults: “What values have provided a strong foundation for you and your family?” Question for Children: “What have you learned from your family that helps you make a good decision?” Daylight Savings 2011 Set your clocks AHEAD next Sunday, March 13 SAN RAMON, CA Page Four Religious Education Telephone: 830-4710—Email: [email protected] Last Tuesday, March 1, we had a parent meeting for those who have children eligible for First Communion. The preparation materials were given out at that meeting. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you need to pick up your materials in the RE Office as soon as possible. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. There will be a special service at 5:00 pm for children and their families. We will have the Liturgy of the Word and ashes will be distributed. ROCK meets Thursday at 6:15pm in the Multi Purpose Room. We will be talking about Social Justice and what we can do in our world. Next Sunday, March 13th at the 9:00 Mass we will have the Rite of Sending to the Bishop for those who are going to be baptized, welcomed and to complete their Sacraments of Initiation. The actual Rite of Election will be at 5:00 pm Sunday afternoon at the Cathedral of Christ the Light. There is still room to sign your preschooler up for Sunday school this year. Little Saints will meet during the 9AM and 10:30AM Mass on the following Sundays: March 13th, March 20th April 10th, April 17th May 1st, May 15th The pro-rated cost for the remainder of this school year is $30. Registration forms are located in the Religious Education office. Vacation Bible School June 20—24 This Sunday after the 10:30 Mass there will be a meeting for adults who are interested in helping with this year’s Vacation Bible School. The meeting will be in the Religious Ed Conference Room located across from the RE Office. Tiny Treasures Play Group... Parents and Children meet Thursdays 10:00 to 11:30 am in Classroom 2 & 3 (unless otherwise noted) March 10 Green Craft 17 St. Patrick’s Craft 24 Pasta Craft/Birthday 31 Park Come join the fun with Tiny Treasures! Meet new friends, create art, and have fun! Questions: Call Sabrina at 456-0569 SAN RAMON, CA Page Five YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE 925-830-4720 [email protected] Next Youth Mass Sunday, March 13 to the 96 teens who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend! May God bless you as you continue to grow in faith and in service to God and God’s people. John Aiello Elise Alvarez Cassi Barrera Krysten Basquez Kristine Bielaski Melanie Bottini Breck Buschini Christina Calderon Alessandro Carpio Kate Castillo Alyssa Chan Stefan Chapman Audra Collins Kevin Conneely Kristine Craig Kelsey Croker Paige Cummings Jessica Dahlgren Rizelle Dizon Bryan Dotzler Kyle Durand Gisella España Allison Fernandez Mitch Flores Cielli Galvan Christina Garza Emily Gebhardt Nicole George Stewart Granger Connor Gurley Haley Harrison Christina Henning Jen Hight Daulton Howick Jason Jirjis Jack Kane Jessica Kay Shane Kelley Anne Kelly Amber King Ashley King Shannen Knudsen Brianna Krevitz Andrew Lacey Greg Landon Jenna Lorenz Francesca Macarandang Felicia Manan Patrice Mardo Jake Martin Will Massa Jonathan Maulino Deanna Mendelsohn Jessica Monis Monica Montes Olivia Mooring Michael Morelli Caitlin Morris Dani Mowat Ryan Murphy Connie Neale Alyssa Nelson Jesse Nestler Nickie Nguyen Cameron O'Hanlon Maureen O'Neill Sara Osantowski Kyle Owens Jonathan Pangilinan Tyler Phelps Glory Pinheiro Katrina Pioroda Nicole Pipp Natalie Pratt Nick Ranelli Lauren Roberts Taylor Rogers Dennis Rooney Kelly Rostratter Nicole Russo Francesco Sergi Gina Snyder Brad Spence Johnny Thompson Jackie Torkildson Amélie Tristant Kelsey Turner Carly Tye Hailey Van Sickle Jake Van Sickle Molly Walker Megan Wiegmann Nolan Williams Danielle Wilson John Wolfe Dominick Yeo ASH WEDNESDAY MASS during our regularly scheduled EDGE night this Wednesday, March 9. Parents invited. CAR WASH SATURDAY, MARCH 12 If it is not raining, the St. Joan of Arc teens will be having a FREE CAR WASH on Saturday, March 12, from 2-4 p.m. in the St. Joan’s parking lot! The car wash is part of our 30-HOUR FAMINE retreat, where our teens fast for 30 hours to raise money and awareness of world hunger. Free will donations will be gladly accepted, but mostly we want to give you a clean car while we tell you what we are doing to make a difference in our world. So come by our car wash next Saturday! Page Six ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH Parish Stewardship March 6, 2011 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” - Matthew 7:24 Our Lord gives us two distinct commands today. We must listen and we must act. We listen when we participate in Mass. We act when we participate in the ministry of the parish. We need to do both for a strong foundation. Participating more fully in the liturgy and life of the parish may require some changes on our part. We may have to move away from our current lifestyle so that we can move closer to God. LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW: The Stewardship Committee is praying a nine-day novena for the improved financial health of the parish and individuals in the parish who are experiencing financial distress. We are not only connected but we are changed. “As I prayed our novena yesterday and this morning, I felt united with my St. Joan faith family, even while I am away in the mountains … and inspired by my mountain parish who reminded me that we are fulfilling our highest calling as stewards by leading the parish in prayer – our novena – for our financial situation!” Rosemarie McKenney – Member, Stewardship Committee Jesus tells us today that "Not everyone ... will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven." What is the will of God for my almsgiving and stewardship? Treasure Weekly Goal: $28,000 February 26/27, 2011 Collections Envelope Users $ 14,327.00 Loose Checks $ 3,156.00 Loose Cash $ 2,683.00 OTHER* $ 5,200.00 Total Sunday Collection: $ 25,366.00 Excess/(Shortfall) $ (2,634.00) *Other includes EFT, Employee Giving Campaign, On-Line Banking We are pleased to report families all over the Diocese are joining together to help our larger ministries and services thrive. Thank you to all members of St. Joan of Arc who have participated and supported the 2011 Bishop’s Appeal, and to all those who volunteered their time to help make this effort so successful. If you have not yet made a pledge or gift to the Bishop’s Appeal, you are encouraged to do so today or as soon as possible. I, along with Bishop Cordileone, would like to thank you in advance for your support. Page ST. JOAN Eight Seven OF ARC PARISH ST. JOAN OF St.ARC JoanPage PARISH of Arc Nine St. Joan of Arc Book Group Is anyone beyond God’s forgiveness? Father James Martin S.J., wrestles with this and other questions of faith when he serves as an advisor for an Off-Broadway play about Judas Iscariot. He discusses these topics and shares his experiences with the cast in A Jesuit Off-Broadway. Please join the book group in reading this book and in our discussion on Thursday, March 17, at 9:30 a.m. in Classroom 1. You can call Meg Monaghan at 803-8830 or email her at [email protected] if you have any questions. PEOPLE OF LIFE “When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women’s Rights Movement Organizer October 16, 1887 ! W NE • • • Catholics@Work is proud to announce Mr. Bill Moyer and his son Mr. Billy Moyer, co-founders of the SOS Leadership Institute will be our speakers at the Tuesday, March 8, 2011 breakfast forum. Bill and Billy will share with us aspects of their personal journeys’, one long established and one in the early stages and explain the challenges and rewards of changing personal perspective from Success to Significance. As always, the breakfast event will be at the Crow Canyon Country Club, 711 Sliver Lake Drive, Danville. A full buffet breakfast is served starting at 7:00am (Mass is offered at 6:30am). All are welcome. Cost is $20 for members and $25 non-members. For more details and to reserve your seat, please go to our website: Friday, March 18 Saturday, March 19 Sunday, March 20 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 p.m. Friday, March 25 Saturday, March 26 Sunday, March 27 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 p.m. You may purchase general seating tickets for $15 each, one of the following ways: Now available online! Go to and pay by credit card or a PayPal account. From St. Joan of Arc’s Main Office during office hours: Monday -Thursday 8:00am - 7:30pm Call (925) 234-5514 and order Will Call tickets over the phone. Page ST. JOAN Eight Nine OF ARC PARISH St. St. Joan Joanof ofPage Arc ArcNine LENT-A TIME OF CHANGE The Lenten Season calls us to change our hearts and lives. This call to change is reflected in our prayer and environment during the Holy Season. PRAYER: It is through the cross of Christ that we come to new life. The cross is central to who are as Christians, and at all our liturgies during the Lenten Season, we carry the cross through the community in the gathering procession. We begin by kneeling in adoration, and then, as the cross passes, we stand in honor. The cross is then placed behind the altar for all to see. Incense precedes the cross, carried in by the incense bearer. She incenses the altar and then once the cross is placed, she incenses the cross as a sign of reverence and holiness. The incense bearer is barefoot, reflecting the reading from Exodus where Moses was told to take off his sandals because he is “standing on Holy Ground.” Our worship is truly Holy Ground because we gather as God’s people to give God worship and praise. We sing Kyrie Eleison, taken from the Greek which means, “Lord Have Mercy.” Here we proclaim God’s power over sin and darkness. Having heard the Word of God and nourished at the Table of the Lord, we leave the Church in quiet and without song to live what we have become, the Body of Christ. ENVIRONMENT: Our environment is very simple. This is not a time for flowers or elaborate decorations. The simplicity of our environment reminds us of our call to let go, to die to self so we can rise with Christ at Easter. The color of Lent is reddish purple which reflect the penitential nature of the season. Our images of the saints are covered with this purple to remind us that our prayer and our focus during this Lenten Season is the Cross of Christ. Pussy willows are introduced into the environment as a sign of hope as we draw closer to the great Feast of the Resurrection. It is the hope of new life that we are journeying towards this Lenten Season. FASTING FROM SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS: During the season of Lent, we are blessed with a beautiful tradition of fasting and abstinence from those external things we might cling to as essential. We can always find ways of living more simply, more humbly and less cluttered. As a community, we can simplify our Sunday worship as well. Between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, we will “fast” from our usual practice of making announcements during mass. Let us use this time to reflect upon the loving kindness of our Lord, who died for us. Information on parish events and activities can still be found in the bulletin, as always. GUIDELINES FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE DURING LENT: ABSTINENCE: Abstinence is a penitential practice consisting of refraining from the consumption of meat, and is observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. FAST: In addition to abstinence, fasting is to be observed by all Catholics between the ages of 18-59 years. On days of fasting (Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of self-denial that are suitable to their condition. Page Eight Nine ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH SPIRITUAL RENEWAL OPPORTUNITIES for LENT and EASTER 2011 Ash Wednesday: March 9: 6:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:10 pm, and 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross: Fridays of Lent at 7:00 pm in the Church Daily Mass: Monday through Friday at 9:00 am Parish Reconciliation Service: Monday, March 28 at 7:00 pm in the Church Several visiting priests will be here to assist with individual Confessions NOTE: The Sacrament of Reconciliation will not be celebrated during Holy Week-April 17-24 Bukas Palad: Sing Forever Concert Fundraising April 3 @ 5 PM at St. Joan of Arc "The promises of the LORD I will sing forever, proclaim your loyalty through all ages." - Psalm 89 The Bukas Palad Music Ministry has been a proponent of original Filipino liturgical and inspirational music. More commonly known as "Bukas Palad" (literally, "open palm" in Tagalog), the group borrows its name from the title track of its first album, "Panalangin sa Pagiging Bukas-Palad," a translation of Ignatius of Loyola's Prayer for Generosity. The group will be performing at St. Joan of Arc on April 3 at 5 PM at our church, a fundraising to benefit St Joan Of Arc. The proceeds will be added to the funds for the purchase of a new Audio-Video system used during Liturgy. Bukas Palad's music has reached far and wide, wherever Filipino Christians gather for prayer. Songs such as "Tanging Yaman" (Only Treasure), "Hindi Kita Malilimutan" (I will never forget you, from the book of Isaiah), and "I Will Sing Forever," have become standards in Filipino worship. Founded by childhood friends and classmates Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ, Norman Agatep, and Jandi Arboleda, Bukas Palad's membership counts over a hundred voices, who have recorded 15 albums and sung for hundreds of concerts and services over the last 25 years. In 2011, Bukas Palad returns to North America with the SING FOREVER concert tour. With the SING FOREVER tour, Bukas Palad renews and celebrates its 25-year commitment to proclaiming the good news through song, helping people to give voice to their faith. The concert will be enjoyed by everyone. Praise songs will be in Tagalog and English. Tickets will be on a first come first served basis. The event has been posted in most of the parishes in the Bay Area. To purchase ticket please contact: Marietta Ocampo 925-525-6821 [email protected] Ramon Santana 925-285-4732 [email protected] Arnel Tecson 925-548-0425 [email protected] You can also purchase tickets at the parish office Please visit