St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love. ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax Msgr. Michael D. McGraw • Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag • Parochial Vicar Fr. Tomasz Bochnak • Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Byaruhanga • In Residence Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi • Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm School Office Hours 561.392.7974 • 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm(Spanish) Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 1st Saturday (Bilingual): 12 noon 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Confessions Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm For the Gift of Life – “Thank you” This reflection is not about today’s readings, but somehow I don’t think God will mind if we take a moment to say “thank you” to our Mothers. Anna Jarvis is the Founder of Mother’s Day in the U.S. On May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson designated the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. Today we will come with flowers, candy, a homemade card, card that plays music. We will take mom out for dinner or we will cook dinner for ourselves, “O’ boy”. We will do all sorts of kind gestures that will simply say “Thank You Mom”. Thank you for feeding me when I was hungry. Thank you for changing me when I was dirty. Thank you for holding me when I was sick. Thank you for teaching me to pray. Thank you for watching me in the play at school, or on the altar the first time I served Mass. Thank you for not crying in front of my friends the first day of college. Thank you for helping me be all that I can. Bringing the Message Home Not all of us have been fortunate enough to be blessed with a nurturing caring mother. However, beneath the Cross, Jesus gave us his mother to love and care for us. In turn, we are to love and care for her. Regardless of any woman’s nurturing abilities we must say, “Thank You to all Mothers for the Gift of Life”. God Bless Fr. Carlo Di Natale-Tarasi Like us on MAY 11, 2014 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON MODIFICATION OF MASS SCHEDULE AT ST. JOAN OF ARC Beginning June 1st, 2014, we will be making a small change in our Mass Schedule. The 7:00am and the 8:00am Masses will be combined into one 7:30am Mass. Please make note to adjust your calendars to this new schedule. Thank you, The SJA Pastoral Team INDEX PG. 3 - Pastor´s Message: First Holy Communion and Mother's Day PG. 4 - Wish List - Weekly Treasure - Parish Directory PG. 5 - Blessing of Little Children - Congratulations to our Pastor Msgr. Michael D. McGraw PG. 6 - Father Wesler was celebrate his First Mass PG. 7 - Applauses for Our SJA School Drama Club! PG 8 - CCW Installation Mass and Dinner PG 9 - God bless you Sister Ellen Murphy in your retirement! - Healing Mass PG. 10 - Faith Formation & Religious Education PG. 11 - St. Joan of Arc celebrates the sacrament of First Holy Eucharist PG 12 - Pray for the Sick - Deceased - Overseas in the US Armed Forces PG. 13 - Alleluia Club - Conflict resolution techniques that work PG. 14 - Around our Diocese PG. 15-16 - Ministerio Hispano If you would like to be included in SJA's School Quarterly Newsletter mailings, please email us your name and address at [email protected] or call the School Office with your contact information (561) 392-7974. Thank you Dear Parishioners & Friends, When coming to Mass, please note that additional Parking is available across the street at Temple Beth El. Thank you very much. BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY *Please email Bulletin materials to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion 2 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 May 11, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 12, 2014 MONDAY – May 12 SATURDAY – May 17 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Myriam Harter Mother’s Day Novena 8:15am Margaret Cremin by Tim & Sonya Cremin 8:15am Mother’s Day Novena Richard Saigh by Marty & Pat Conaghan 4:30pm Mary Pershyn (Moira) by Helene Farrell Greg Risko by Debbie Dettmer & Joe Petito 6:30pm Roberto Cid by The Cid-Burbano Family Maria Dos Santos by Daughter, Filomena Ribeiro TUESDAY – May 13 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Myriam Harter Mother’s Day Novena 8:15am Elsie Aquino by Jessica & Nicolas Aquino The Riccio Family by Luisa Riccio SUNDAY – May 18 WEDNESDAY – May 14 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Myriam Harter Dorothy Brydzinski by Karen & Jim Keenan 8:15am Jack Stone by Margarita Castellon Mother’s Day Novena THURSDAY – May 15 6:45am Mother’s Day Novena Tessie O’Dea & Family by Women of Grace 8:15am Louise S. Lowe Msgr. Michael McGraw 39th Anniversary FRIDAY – May 16 6:45am Msgr. Michael McGraw Mother’s Day Novena 8:15am Miriam & Ron Gaynor 50th Wedding Anniversary Msgr. Michael McGraw 39th Anniversary 7:00am Theresa Porpora by The Family Mother’s Day Novena 8:00am The Poor Souls by The Power Family Steve Brown by The Smith Family 9:15am Elsa & Joe Santacroce by The Family Joe Agnello by The Quarantillo Family 10:45am Steve Schnellenberger by Mom & Dad Carmelina Prioriello by Husband & Daughter 12:15pm Abdus Salam Mia by The Molloy Family Michael Raymond Molloy by The Molloy Family 5:00pm Jerry Metzger by Catherine Miner Michael Caplia by Susan & Kerr Brady SUNDAY READINGS MAY 11 (Fourth Sunday of Easter) Acts 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10 PASTOR´S MESSAGE A FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND MOTHER'S DAY s we all know from personal experience, our church is a very busy place. Masses daily and many on weekends, Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals, Confirmations, Penance Celebrations, personal devotions and prayers, and Anointing of the Sick. All of these sacramental encounters with God strengthen us and help us to grow in holiness. Our church truly is the House of God and where the People of God encounter the "Living God" in ways that are transformational. This Saturday we will gather to celebrate our greatest sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, being received for the first time by the children of our parish families. This reception of the Holy Eucharist is a significant and joy filled occasion for all of our larger parish family and for the families of our children. We are "One Body In Christ". This is because the Holy Eucharist is both the center of our spiritual lives and the source of our unity with each other and with God. For over 2,000 years Catholics have gathered to be fed by Word and Sacrament and to be united in Christ as baptized members of His Body. As the Parable of the Vine and the Branches reminds us, united with Christ our Vine, we flourish unattached to Him, we spiritually languish, and die. The immense privilege of being united with Christ in the most intense way possible is what we are sharing with our children. Each family present for the First Holy Communion Mass will be passing on a priceless heritage and a most important family value and practice. Families pass on, form and support faith and, like Christ, each family is itself a spiritual vine supporting the faith of all family members especially our youngest. Participation in the Holy Eucharist should be understood as the most significant moment in the faith life of the family. It should be one that completes the fabric of family prayer, scripture reading, spiritual devotions, love and forgiveness and care for neighbor. The "First Communion" is just that, the first, in a lifetime of Holy Communions that will support and nourish our children spiritually throughout their lives. Families that together participate in the Holy Eucharist faithfully will be blessed with an abundance of love, peace and joy. As important as the food that we share around our tables, the Holy Eucharist keeps us spiritually alive and capable of living out our Baptismal promises. We congratulate and are prayerfully united with all of our First Communicants and their families as they take this most important step in their spiritual development. This weekend we also celebrate Mothers Day and have an opportunity to recognize and thank all of the mothers of the parish for the immense gift they are to us. It goes without saying that most of us received our first religious instruction from our mothers. It was not so much teaching with words but by the example of their generous and self-sacrificing love. For all of these lessons of love, we thank our mothers and pray that God's most abundant blessings shower upon them and bless them. Mary, Our Blessed Mother, pray for us and keep us always in your love, especially our mothers. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 3 WishList S T. J O A N O F A R C C H U R C H & S C H O O L 1. Tuition (full or partial) for a needy child for 2014-2015 school year. 2. Underwrite Religious Education Classes for a Needy Child. 3. New plastic play equipment for the children of the Mommy and Me groups for the backyard at the Ark. Partial or complete donations may be made for any item To donate an item call Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appt. only. MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 Deacon Bill Watzek (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. 561-392-0007 PARISH MANAGER Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 COUNSELING CENTER (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW - 561-215-0208 Conseling Director Fanny B. Ramos, IMH - 561-777-6407 COUNSELING CENTER (Private Practice) Pamela Diane Sigda, Ph. D. - 561-706-2277 COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 LIFE LONG FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Constanza Preble, 561-620-6280 Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 Religious Education - Sister Vivian Gonzalez, 561-392-0007, ext 2870 Office, 561-391-4345 Fax: 561-962-6002. FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 561-392-0007 HISPANIC MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for May 3/4, 2014 totaled $23,286.00. 731 envelope users contributed $19,140.00 and non envelope users contributed $4,146.00. DIOCESAN SERVICES APPEAL The 2014 Diocesan Services Appeal recently launched in parishes across the Diocese of Palm Beach. There are many ministries and programs supported by this annual appeal. Because of the DSA, and your generosity, the Diocese can continue to support the many aspects of our larger Church, including the 53 parishes and missions, and our 19 schools. The DSA is the primary source of funding for the Diocese, providing more than 70 percent of the annual operating income. The strength of our diocese comes from us recognizing God’s gifts and sharing a portion of these gifts for building up the Kingdom of God. Please contribute to the Diocesan Services Appeal and help us meet our Parish Goal. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006. Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Sat, 9:00am to 5:30pm Sun. 9 am to 1:30 pm. SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. SACRISTAN Laura Watzek 561-952-2808 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. Sr. DeLourdes O’Mahony R.S.M. SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 (Special Projects) USHERS MINISTRY Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Tomasz Bochnak, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 4 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 5 As you all know, implementation of Our Journey Forward Strategic Plan has gradually started. This implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Seven Goal Champion Teams. In this bulletin you will notice a Journey Forward Goal number next to every event, task or program that points-out a pertinence to one of St. Joan of Arc’s Goals: GROW IN LOVE SPREAD THE GOSPEL GROW IN SERVICE GROW OUR RESOURCES GROW IN FAITH GROW OUR SCHOOL GROW THE CHURCH Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY CREDIT CARD? Forms are available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office. You can earn frequent flyer miles on your contributions to St. Joan of Arc. We now accept most mayor credit cards: PARISH LITURGY COMMITTEE: “BLESSING OF LITTLE CHILDREN” “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (LK. 18:16) Our Children’s Sunday Liturgy Masses received a very positive reception from both parents and children alike. However, starting this Mother’s Day Sunday and during summer, we will not have Children’s Liturgy and instead bless all little children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion at the 9:15, 10:15 and 12:15 Masses. One of the objectives of Our Journey Forward Goal 4 “Grow Our Church” states that we should “Reach out to all youth through new, engaging and relevant programs.” So the Committee and the Pastoral Staff deemed it wise to bless the little children at Sunday Masses. We have been doing it at the Sunday 5:00 O’clock Mass and the parishioners really appreciate it as they stay until the final blessing. Praying you will support our endeavor to make the little children feel their importance in our communal worship by staying until the final blessing. Share the joy and happiness with the whole community as the little children, with their loving parents, come forward to get their special blessing while the choir sings this beautiful song written by Stephen H. Scott. “ This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” Happy Mother’s Day and God bless you all! - Father Jimmy B. Hababag CONGRATULATIONS to our Pastor Msgr. Michael D. McGraw as we honor your 39 years of service to God on Friday, May 16, 2014. Msgr. McGraw will celebrate the 8:15am Mass on THURSDAY, MAY 15 in the Chapel. Thank you for your loving example of self-sacrifice and generous service. May you be richly blessed. … I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last... JOHN 15:16B MAY 5 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 5 FATHER WESLER HILAIRE ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST CATHEDRAL OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA. MAY 3, 2014 FATHER WESLER HILAIRE FIRST MASS OF THANKSGIVING ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH. MAY 4, 2014 6 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 7 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AT ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH & SCHOOL First Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in a Roman Catholic's life. It means that a person has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This Saturday, May 10, 2014, many of our St. Joan of Arc children received their First Holy Communion at our beautiful Church in front of our majestic Corpus of Christ, what a wonderful way to remember this occasion than by wearing the Sterling Silver St. Joan of Arc Corpus of Christ necklace or lapel pin, available for sale at our Church Bookstore and online at These necklaces and lapel pins make a wonderful gift too! 561-393-0006 Necklace $40 • Lapel pin $30 Carnations at the 9:15am Sunday Mass "May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary" donated by Altar flowers this weekend donated in honor of Giuliana Mejía who is celebrating her Holy First Communion, by her family. 8 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 THE CUBAN CAFE RESTAURANT 3350 NW Boca Raton Blvd. Suite B-30. Boca Raton 561-750-8860 • Sr. Ellen Murphy All are invited to a formal celebration of Sister Ellen’s Retirement on June 8, at the 12:15pm Sunday Mass A Parish Reception will follow in Our Lady of Mercy Center. GOD BLESS YOU SISTER ELLEN MURPHY IN YOUR RETIREMENT! PARISH LITURGY COMMITTEE: HEALING MASS “Do not be afraid; just have faith and she will be saved!” – LUKE 8:50 MAY 21, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH CHURCH CHOIR: ST. JOAN YOUTH CHOIR CELEBRANT: FATHER JIMMY B. HABABAG MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 9 FAITH FORMATION & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SR. VIVIAN GONZALEZ, Director of Faith Formation (561)952-2870 [email protected] Rosa Davidson, Administrative Assistant (561)952-2872 [email protected] REGISTRATIONS FOR 2014-2015 ARE NOW OPEN You can pick up the new Registration Form in the Religious Education Office; pick up a copy in the Parish Office or the Information Cart coming out of Sunday mass. You may download a copy from our website as well. Please note the Registration Form has been changed, we ask you to fill one out completely for each child. REGISTER YOUR CHILD EARLY. It is important that you register your child early so we can order the books on time. There will be a $25.00 discount for early registration before June 1st, 2014. HOMESCHOOL AND ONCE- A- MONTH PREPARATION CLASSES While Home School is discouraged for Sacramental classes due to the communal component sacramental preparation has, we understand there are valid serious reasons why some parents will choose Home School. Please be aware registrations for Home School will be evaluated by Sr. Vivian on personal basis. Parents will need to come with their children once a month to prepare the Curriculum for the following month. If you are interested in Home School Sacramental or Non-Sacramental Preparation, please see Sr. Vivian. We understand sports are important but we ask the parents to pray and reflect on the importance of the Sacramental preparation of their children. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Summer hours for Religious Education are Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (we will be open during lunch hour for parents who would like to stop by then). After hours by appointment. For parents’ convenience we will also open on Saturday May 24, June 7, and June 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday May 25, June 8 and June 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (we will close during the 10:45 a.m. Mass) for parent’s convenience. R.C.I.A. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Registrations for RCIA for adults who need to receive Baptism, Confirmation and Communion or are interested in converting to the Catholic faith are now open. Please call the office to make an appointment for the initial interview. The RCIA program is also open for adults who have the sacraments but would like to know more about their faith. Please note that RCIA has been moved to Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. Classes will start on August 26, 2014. CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS Adults 18 and over who only need the Sacrament of Confirmation and have no impediment to receive it can take a 7 week program of preparation to be Confirmed on October 11, 2014 when the Bishop comes. The program will start on Thursday August 7, 2014. Please stop by Religious Education Office to register. 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 CALENDAR/CALENDARIO CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE CHILDREN WHO RECEIVED THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION THIS PAST SATURDAY MAY 10th and SUNDAY MAY 11th. MAY JESUS ALWAYS REMAIN IN YOUR HEART. Parents don’t forget Faith Formation continues after First Communion; please register your children grades PKto 9th grade for the 2014-2015 school year. There is a discount for early registration before June 1st, 2014. PRE- BAPTISM CLASSES First Thursday of every month in English. Conference Room A 7:00p.m. Next classes June 5, 2014 and July 3, 2014 EN ESPAÑOL... l Felicitamos a todos los niños y niñas que hicieron su Primera Comunión el pasado Sábado 10 de mayo y Domingo 11 de mayo. l Recordamos a los Padres que la formación en la fe continua después de la Primera Comunión. Por favor inscriba a sus niños para el próximo grado. Las matriculas ya están abiertas. Tenemos un descuento de $25.00 si se matricula temprano antes del 1 de junio, 2014. ST. JOAN OF ARC CELEBRATES THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY EUCHARIST St. Joan of Arc celebrates the sacrament of First Holy Eucharist this Saturday, May 10. The First Communicants worked very hard all year, praying and studying, to be ready to receive Jesus, the Bread of Life, for the first time. The parish rejoices with them, and gives thanks to our priests, deacons, Religious Education and school teachers, and all the parents and grandparents who helped prepare our youngsters for this very special and holy day in their journey of faith at St. Joan of Arc Church. Achurra, Luke Adami, David Aletto, Luca Ambrose, Dante Anderson, Nicholas Andrelos, Niko Antoine, Garvey Antoine, Lynn Arilli, Kaiya Armstrong, Brianna Austin, Ava Babione, Trevor Barcia, Matthew Beardsley, Audrey Bellinger, Riley Bennardo, Alessa Berens, Nicolas Berens, Phillip Bermeo, Fiorella Besner, Isabella Boden, Miranda Boswell, Maggie Bowser, Marley Brahney, Jackson Brown, Ann-Campbell Caronia, Victoria Carrasco, Luca Carrasco, Stefano Charqueno, Alexa Chavez, Berlin Chinchilla, Aurora Clancy, Lily Clouse, Hunter Connor, Mark Crawford, Joseph "Brady" Criscuolo, Vincent Crowe, Kevin Cruz-Betanzos, Alfredo David, Gabrielle David, Madison Delp, Davis Delp, Demetria Dennison, Mikayla Diaz, Zoe Duboc, Stefano Dunlea, Aubrey Eloi, Marcus Esquivel, Carolina Esquivel, Sergio Farrar, Caitlyn Farrar, Haleigh Felisimo, Cassidy Fernandes, Nina Fisher, Ethan Formica, Michael Garcia, Alex Garcia-Villegas, Sara Gentile, Chloe Gentile, Molly Genz, Cassandra Gerard, Jack Ghislandi, Julia Gibbs, Santino Gibney, Maeve Giffin, Jacob Gill, Thomas "Trip" Glamoclija, Kaya Gomez, Julian Gonzalez, Christian Gonzalez, Cristian Gonzalez, Mariana Gonzalez, Nataly Granda, Nicholas Grieco, Alexander Guasch, Carlo Halikman, Julianna Hammes, Claudia Hancock, Alexander Handal, Angeline Hankey, Audra Hanley, Angelica Hanley, Renata Hanlon, Tyler Hernandez, Camila Holland, Stephanie Horton, Christina Inmon, Alana Iovene, Emma Issa, Johan Juarez-Perez, Kristbel Keller, Alexis Kepley, Caroline Keys, Chad V. Koslowski, Elle Koziol, Ryan LaFleur, Kaitlyn Lara, Aiden Lara, Mathias Lawrence, Christopher Leavitt, Ashlie Lehmann, Luke Lichtenberger, Tyler Lips, Madison Lombardo, Anthony Lombardo, Gianna "Gigi" Lopez, Noelia Lubitz, Indie Luquis, Andres Luquis, Alex Luquis, Cynthia Martin, Michael Massarella, Julia Melanson, Sophia Mendieta, Francesca Mendieta, Josephine Murphy, Paige Noland, Calleigh Ocampo, Peyton Palermo, Caterina Robb, Michael Rogers, John Shortley, Amanda Ternus, Sarah Walsh, Landon Briggs, Sophia De La Cruz, Benjamin De La Cruz, Marcelo De Rosa, Luca Diaz-Francia, Valentina Hakman, Juliana Imbriano, Giulia Mack, Alexa MacLaren, Jay Mandia, Miabella Manko, Grace Marold, Marissa Mazzamaro, Patrick Mayen, Isabel McAllister, Peyton McCleneghen, Graham McGrath, Brooke McMullen, Ernie McPherson, Victoria Mejia, Giulianna Menhennett, Grace Merizalde, Alessia Mijares, Joaquin Moises, Santiago Molestina, Stephanie Murrison, Margaret Musa, Andrea Musa, Stella Nelson, Isabella Newstreet, Susan Nordheim, Caroline Nordheim, Gregory Noriega, Nicole O'Connor, Ruari Olarte, Jennifer Ortega, Elena Pacheco, Alejandra Palmer, Stephen Parra, Emily Penaflor, Ismael Penaflor, Juliana Penaloza, Angelisa Perez, Vincent Petrone, Kevin Pierre, Caleb Piza, Cecilia Polanco, Abigail Press, John Radice, Brianna Radice, Madison Reilly, Emma Richards, Leena Riggi, Cara Rizzo, Alaina Robles Gonzalez, Ana Lizbeth Robles-Gil, Julian Robles-Gil, Evelyn Rodriguez, Ava Rodriguez-Baz, Ana Rodriguez-Baz, Gabriel Rojas, Dominic Sacco, Angela Sanchez, Alexandra Sandor, Lily Schramm, Ryan Scroggie, John Scroggie, Olivia Seaborn, Brianna Sicolo, Gianna Souza, Nicholas Spelman, Te'a Stellmach, Michael Suarez, Mario Thomas, Ava Thomas, Caitlin Trejo, Michelle Trinley, Luke Ugalde, Matthew Valentin, Kevin Vassalluzzo, David Vazquez, Aisha Vazquez, Kaitlyn Vazquez Longino, Fatyma Villa, Cassandra Vitteri, Pietro Vitteri, Vincenzo Welcom, Jake Wells, Kaitlyn White, Kelly Wilke, Elizabeth Worley, Baylor Wylie, Bryce Kaskey, Isabella Santos, Alyssa Santos, Kimberly MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 11 PRAY FOR THE SICK Amantia, Bill Avalos, Zuany Ayala, Angelina Bernier, Jean Paul Cassani, Angela Conaghan, Patrick Cuccolo, Anthony Desmarais, Clovis Dorre, Cherry Gesner, Carmella Teresa Marrou Freundt Farrell, Helene Feerguson-Byrne, Ashley Ferguson, John Gonzales, Christine Hamilton, Bob Horn, Amy Holmes, Mary Hamilton, Ashley Imbrigiotta, Marlene Kabbas, Elise Kassing, Robert Kenny, Pauline M. Kick, Debbie BAPTISMS We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. BerlinNayeli Chavez Perez Kristbel Sulemy Juarez Perez ALTAR BREAD May Kolcun, Laverne Krasne, Mary Rose Krzewnski, Roy Lang, Elaine Lippy, Jim Lynn, Adele Lopez, Claudia & Family Manno, Jean Marrou, Ana Teresa Mazak, Catherine Miller, Betty Munafo, Robert Muriel Muñoz, Antonio McCarthy, Mary McCormick, John Nguyen, Christopher Pinto, Kevin Pfistner, Paul Rellick, Mary Ridge, Teresa Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez, Mary Ann Sagaria, Joyce Simmonds, Carla Schley, Megan Tousignant, Helen Trzeciak, Max Yee, James Zimmerman, Shirly WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? You can do this to celebrate special dates, (birthdays, anniversaries etc.), you can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord's table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement/s. If interested, please call Patty Delaney at (561)952-2868 or email [email protected] This week’s altar flowers: donated by DUCH DESIGNS 141 NW 20th Street, Suite B7. Boca Raton, Fl 33431 Please call Patricia at (561)-405-6856. Cell: (516)-444-2072 10% discount offered to SJA parishioners 12 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. May 11: In loving memory of our granddaughter Devon Kurlander by Gay and Ken Kielbania DECEASE Joan Marie Bertolino "We loved them in life; let us not abandon them in death until we have seen them safely into the House of the Lord." - ST. AMBROSE Overseas in The US Armed Forces: Afghanistan: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Iraq: Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Germany: Benjamin Creed, PVT. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. Djibouti, Africa: Rev. John Gayton, member of the Navy Chaplain Corps Spain: Lance Corporal Brett R. Bryant When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual Family Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. Consider becoming a member of The Arc Angel Society as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. Your attorney, or financial advisor can advise you on the tax benefits and other considerations you will want to think about as you consider your estate plans. A number of valuable and attractive benefits will accompany your membership. These include special masses and mailings designed especially for Society members. For more information, please contact Wendy Horton at 561.952-2838. CONFLICT RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES THAT WORK ALLELUIA CLUB Family Life Ministries proudly presents two workshops by DR. PAMELA SIGDA. [Dr. Pamela Diane Sigda has three Masters Degrees and a PhD in Psychology]. She has been a professor for over 20 years at Hofstra University and currently is one of our resident Psychologists at the St. Joan of Arc Counseling Center. Our next meeting will be a Champagne Luncheon for members only SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2014 BLOOD DRIVE In these presentations you will discover both the origins of conflict and the skills to successfully resolve conflict in your home. Monday, May 12th at The Ark from 7-8:30pm - This presentation will focus on marriage. BRING A FRIEND! Date: June 8, 2014 Start Time: 7:30am End Time: 2:00pm Where: Saint Joan of Arc Catholic School/Church Bloodmobile. THE EDGE END OF THE YEAR CELEBRATION FRIDAY, MAY 16TH 6:30pm-8:30pm All 6th, 7 th and 8 th Gr aders are invited Music, Foo ! d, and Fun Special Dance for the Graduating 8th Graders! MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 13 SJA FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION The Knights of Columbus will be passing out bags next weekend for their annual May food Collection to benefit the SJA Food Pantry. The food will then be collected on the weekend of May 24th and 25th. Thanks and God bless FIRST ANNUAL ARMED FORCES DAY BREAKFAST BY THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OF ST. JOAN OF ARC AND PUBLIC ADVOCACY The Knights of Columbus of St. Joan of Arc and her Public Advocacy Ministry is giving its first annual Breakfast for Veterans on Armed Forces Day. The mission of this event is to formally introduce to our community the commitment of the Knights of Columbus and Public Advocacy to the honor, enrichment and assistance to our Veterans who have served our Nation. The Knights and Public Advocacy have since last year been directly involved in fostering communication, assisting in procuring benefits, and overall honoring from many venues the Veterans of our nation. This is a program that is growing with the Knights and Advocacy and will continue to do so. All Veterans are invited as guests (with some documentation of service). All friends and parishioners are invited. Date: SATURDAY, MAY 17 Where: Duffy's Restaurant, Federal Highway, Deerfield Beach. Arrival 8:00am. to 8:30am. Breakfast served 8:45am Veterans: Guests no charge All other guests $15.00. Limited Seating: A must. R.S.V.P. Contacts: Joseph Kabbas, Grand Knight: 561-299-8921 Bob Vetto, Officer, Knights of Columbus: 561-716-6070 Dr. V. Matthew Rao, Second Marine Division Association, Surgeon General, Knight of Columbus 561-306-7138 ROSARY SERVICE HELD EVERY MONTH Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life conducts a Rosary Service the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. outside the Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach. The center is located at 100 Northpoint Parkway, just off 45th St and Village Blvd. Please join us across the street from the abortion center as we peacefully pray. For information, call the Respect Life Office at 561-775-9565. SUBSCRIBE TO THE FLORIDA CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER Florida Catholic newspaper—75 years of service and still going strong! Let your Catholic newspaper help you grow in your faith. Subscribe now or renew your subscription to the Florida Catholic—24 issues of your home diocese for $24; or access to our e-Edition, which includes Orlando, Palm Beach and Venice editions, via your PC or tablet, for $20. Visit, or call toll-free 1-888-275-9953. BILINGUAL ENCUENTRO TO BE HELD IN MAY The Diocese of Palm Beach Hispanic Ministry will hold Encuentro (Encounter) on Sunday, May 18, from noon to 6 p.m. at St. Ann Catholic Church in West Palm Beach. This will be a bilingual event designed to help ministries at each parish to work together for evangelization, and to unite those parish resources at a diocesan-wide level in order to carry out the mission of the Church and for the Kingdom of God. It will feature fellowship, breakout groups, discussions and presentations.Last year, more than 500 people representing 20 parishes attended Encuentro. For more information, contact the diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry at 561-175-9544. PROMOTING LIFE, DIGNITY AND JUSTICE Counseling, Elder Affairs, Guardianship Training, Immigration & Refugee Services, Outreach Information and Referral, Pregnancy Care Centers, Prison Ministry, Respect Life Ministry, Catholic Relief Services, Samaritan Center, and Interfaith Health & Wellness. For general or program information contact 561-775-9560. Volunteer opportunities are available. PARADE AROUND THE OUR FATHER WITH ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO Once again the Ascension Youth Ministry is hosting a Catholic Kidz VBS called: Parade Around the Our Father with St. Joseph of Cupertino for children four years old through fourth grade. Parents are encouraged to register their children for 5 FUN-FILLED DAYS of exciting lessons, cool crafts, fun games, upbeat music, creative skits, hands-on activities and delicious snacks. Dates: June 9-13, 2014. Times: 8:30am.-12:00pm. Don’t miss out on this spiritual adventure of a lifetime! Contact: Debbie Cramsie at 561-866-3482. Registration Forms Available online or at Ascension Parish Office. Adult/Youth Volunteers are also needed and welcome OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC CEMETERY is less expensive than the for-profit secular cemeteries. Plan in advance for cemetery arrangements, for details and more information call 561-793-0711. 14 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11 Ministerio Hispano MISA EN ESPAÑOL TODOS LOS SABADOS A LAS 6:30pm. (Confesiones todos los Sábados a las 5:45pm (antes de la Santa Misa) en la capilla) “Nuestro principal apostolado como cristianos consiste en crear en el mundo un ambiente de auténtica caridad” IV DOMINGO DE PASCUA - SAN JUAN 10, 1-10 EL BUEN PASTOR, AMOR AL PAPA Jesús es el buen Pastor y encarga a Pedro y a sus sucesores que continúen su misión aquí en la tierra en el gobierno de su Iglesia.- El primado de Pedro: Cristo confía en Pedro, a pesar de las negaciones. Sólo le pregunta si le ama, tantas veces cuantas habían sido las negaciones. El Señor no tiene inconveniente en confiar su Iglesia a un hombre con flaquezas, pero que se arrepiente y ama con obras. Donde está Pedro se encuentra la Iglesia de Cristo. Junto a él conocemos con certeza el camino que conduce a la salvación. En el Papa debemos ver a quien está en lugar de Cristo en el mundo: al “dulce Cristo en la tierra”, como solía decir Santa Catalina de Siena; y amarle y escucharle, porque en su voz está la verdad. BIENVENIDO A SANTA JUANA DE ARCO PADRE WESLER HILAIRE NUESTRO NUEVO SACERDOTE El día 3 de mayo el Obispo Gerald Barbarito ordeno al sacerdocio al diacono Wesler Hilaire. El domingo 4 de mayo Father Wesler celebro su primera Misa en la parroquia de Santa Juana de Arco. Participaron en la Misa muchos miembros hispanos de nuestra parroquia para quienes el padre Wesler es muy querido. Con gran alegría recibimos la noticia de los labios de Monseñor McGraw, de que el padre Wesler será sacerdote en nuestra parroquia a partir de julio. Para el ministerio hispano será una gran ventaja ya que el padre Wesler habla español y podrá celebrar y predicar en nuestras Misas en español. Para Información sobre los sacramentos, clases de preparación para bautismo, etc. Entrar en nuestra página web: o pedir información en la parroquia con María, Rosario o Alba 561-392-0007. Para pedir una intención en las misas para difuntos o enfermos dirigirse a la oficina parroquial en las horas de oficina. Nuestra contribución semanal a la Iglesia. Como miembros de Santa Juana de Arco la comunidad hispana contribuimos semanalmente con el ofertorio, continuemos siendo generosos con nuestra aportación. La participación de todos los feligreses es esencial para el éxito de nuestros ministerios apostólicos. MAY 11 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 15 MINISTERIO HISPANO AVISOS PARROQUIALES PORQUE ES IMPORTANTE REGISTRARSE COMO MIEMBROS DE LA PARROQUIA Es muy importante que participemos en nuestra comunidad como miembros activos de la parroquia registrándonos en la oficina y utilizando el sobre en la Misa (en lugar de dejar la contribución sin sobre). De esta manera la parroquia conoce quienes somos y que participamos activamente de las Misas y demás liturgias. A la hora de pedir los sacramentos (Bautismo, Confirmación, Primera comunión, Matrimonio y funerales) para nuestros hijos o ahijados se nos preguntara si hemos sido miembros por lo menos durante tres meses, (seis para matrimonio), si estamos registrados como miembros activos de la parroquia se podrá comprobar fácilmente, el solo asistir a Misa regularmente no es suficiente para que la parroquia nos reconozca como sus miembros. Por favor no deje de registrarse para evitar inconvenientes en la hora de pedir los sacramentos. Gracias. INVITACIÓN PARA EL SABADO 10 DE MAYO DESPUÉS DE LA MISA Nos reuniremos en Mercy Center para ver una película del Papa Francisco. Una biografía detallada. Quien es Francisco? De dónde vino?, cuál será su desafío más importante? Una vez más Santa Juana de Arco estará presente en el ENCUENTRO DIOCESANO DE PASTORAL HISPANA DE LA DIÓCESIS. El tema a ser desarrollado es “La alegría del evangelio en la familia”. TALLER BÍBLICO CON EL PADRE OSCAR ALONSO Próxima clase el Jueves 29 de mayo Ultima clase!en la sala de conferencia “B” del edificio de la Escuela. Horario: 7:00pm – 8:30pm CONFESIONES EN ESPAÑOL todos los sábados antes de la Misa. Próxima REUNIÓN DEL CIRCULO DE SANTA ANA es el miércoles 28 de mayo a las 8:00am en la Casa Hispana PRÓXIMO BAUTISMO EN ESPAÑOL para menores de 6 años: Sábado 17 de mayo Próxima clase pre bautismal en español para padres y padrinos: martes 20 de mayo a las 7:00pm. Información: 561-392-0007. LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA LOS NIÑOS de 4 a 11 años durante la Santa Misa. Todos los jueves a las 7:00pm volvemos a reunirnos en la Casa Hispana para leer la Biblia y orar juntos. Todos están cordialmente invitados a participar. Próxima CLASE DE AYUDA CON LOS FORMULARIOS DE CIUDADANÍA los lunes 12 y 26 de mayo. A las 11:00am en la casa Hispana. 954-818-5032 (no se dan clases para la preparación al examen). LAS CLASES DE INGLÉS se reúnen todos los miércoles por la mañana y por la tarde Llame al 561-212-9868 para registrarse y recibir más información. CLASES DE COMPUTACION PARA ADULTOS Y PRINCIPIANTES: Inicio de Clases: el 31 de Mayo a las 10.00am. Computación básica, Microsoft Office Word, Internet, Correo Electronico y muchos trucos para el uso de computadoras, laptos o tablets. Llamar al 561-929-9005 para reservar su asistencia. SEMINARIO GRATUITO: "EN BUSCA DE LA FELICIDAD… Vivir con Salud, Dinero y Amor". Es un planteamiento diferente en la vida diaria, que te hara recuperar tus ilusiones, tu optimismo y la intencion de surgir en la vida, participa de esta charla en familia, podras aprender a resolver problemas de toda índole pero sobretodo a ser FELIZ. Reserve el dia 31 de Mayo a las 12.15pm y confirme su asistencia llamando al 561-929-9005. CONFIRMACIONES PARA MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS El 11 de octubre de 2014 el Obispo Barbarito celebrara el Sacramento de la Confirmación en Santa Juana de Arco. Las clases de preparación para recibir este sacramento serán los lunes de 4:00 a 5:30 a partir del primer lunes de agosto. Envié su información por email : [email protected] para ser contactado. ATENCIÓN MONAGUILLOS Las Clases de preparación para los monaguillos serán en junio anótese con Rita después de la Misa si quiere participar. Los que participan de esta clase podrán GRUPO DE ORACIÓN PADRE PIO: Todos los jueves a las 9:00am en la casa de oración THE ARK para rezar juntos el Santo Rosario. Directorio Director: Constanza Preble 561-859-4666 - 561-620-6280 - Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía: Sr. y Sra. Córdova 561-573-0194 Monaguillos: Rita Carrillo 561-543-6049 - Liturgia de los niños: Nanci Mesa 561-208-6380 Clases de Inglés: 561- 212-9868 - Computación: 561-929-9005 16 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l MAY 11
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