WhAt`s On thE PREsIdEnt`s MInd - Early Mustang Club of Colorado


WhAt`s On thE PREsIdEnt`s MInd - Early Mustang Club of Colorado
A F A M I LY O R I E N T E D, S O C I A L D R I V I N G M U S TA N G C L U B What’s on the President’s Mind
Summer is hereWell almost – I sure do love the warm weather more so than the cold dark miserable winter time to get those
APRIL 2013
Friday, May 3rd
O’Meara Ford
2nd Floor Meeting Room
104th & I-25 @ 7:30 PM
mustangs out and stretch their legs.
he 1980s were here and Mustang Service Center was in full swing. I purchased a lot more
mustangs, many to be parted out, including two 1969
428 Cobra Jets, a 1967 390 GT, a 1968 Shelby that
had no title and even a 1970 Boss 429. The cars I did
keep and drive for a while included a 1969 Boss 302,
a custom 1965 fastback with a large Meyer Racing
fender flares and Shelby Hood, lots of 1965-1966
coupes every color available, a white with black interior, an ivy gold with ivy gold interior, a paint delete
Presidential Blue with blue and white pony interior,
a red with black interior, a yellow with black interior.
Other cars included a 1969 convertible that I gave the
wife when I got married and my all-time favorite a
1967 triple black convertible that later when I lived in
Arizona, I installed a red deluxe interior and white top
COVER: Craig Sampson’s Pick-Me-Up truck stang.
and boy was that car a looker. I did a car for a Ford
dealer in 1984 and he let me pick any car I wanted,
I chose a 1984 turbo GT convertible triple black and
after a boring 1982 hatchback the wife bought in late
1988 I brought her a 1966 coupe that I painted silver
blue with blue and white pony and a white vinyl top, a
good looking car. I sure wish I had a place to keep all
those great mustangs over the years. But still there
were more to come. Remember all the neat cars you
owned over the years. We’re all car nuts and I’m sure
everyone had lots of cool rides, they wish they had
kept. “remember”
n The Boss Dan Bybee
Denver Center of the
Performing Arts Tour
April 5, 2013 Meeting Parade and Show
Started at 7:29pm and was called to order by Dan
Guests –Dave and Pat gave a short talk on Colorado
Rides for Kids Sunday June 9th 12pm – 2pm cars to
show up after 10:30am and cost is $40 and includes
free lunch. Call 800 253-6530 for more info or www.
John a corvette guy gave info about a big car show
on May 19th at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595
Nelson Road in Longmont. Call 303 682-3000 www.
torcavettes.com to register and is free.
Correction to March newsletter: No changes all were
approved as published.
Board reports
President report
(Dan Bybee) Showed a sample of the phosphate
Vice President
(Cliff Albrandt) Looking for suggestions for election
dinner, maybe the elks club? His new question: how
much wider is a 1967 mustang than a 1966?
Answers from last month was: Based on a build date
6K25 1) is an exhaust manifold part number 7M14
correct for this car? NO 2) Identify the build date 7M14
December 14, 1967 3) why could that part have not
been built on 6J31?. Part built too late for production
of car September.
Secretary report
(Bob Cloutier): Nothing.
Treasurer Report
(Darrell Schwartzkopf) Checking Account Balance
$1721.91 74 members currently paid. Charity account
$1172.30. Darrel wants everyone to give him their
email address to have in the club roster as all newsletters will be email only starting this month.
Director report
(Chuck Kochan) Chuck did not make meeting but
gave his info to Dan to pass along to club. The Christmas location has been picked and Chuck asked that the
club subsidize the party by $5 per person.
April 2013 EMC News
(Ken Laing) Horsefeathers will be at Northfield date
is Aug 3rd and he had all the new flyers available. Ken
wants to setup a contest where anyone that brings 5
others to also sign up for horsefeather with their club
registration, that person will get ½ car show entry.
July 6th will be the date of the all American car show.
Aug 17th is the Front Range Airport show. The Havana
Cruise will be June 15th. Ken gave some info about
some local car shows and the one the club participates
at is Miss Colorado wheel chair April 13th at Westminster Senior Center 10am – 2pm. (But this is in conflict
with the Tebo Museum Tour if you are not going to the
Tebo here is the one to go to.)
Tourmaster report
(Bill Carpenter) April 13th Tebo museum 10am to 12
noon in Longmont FREE. The corvette guys will also be
there. Email Lisa at [email protected] she gave who
is on the list, as there isn’t room for any others to go.
May 18th Chuck’s trying to get something setup.
June 1st 9am -3pm Dyno Day at Lou’s shop would
like to get 8 cars and cost of $65.00 see Gary ([email protected]). 7 have already signed up for
a dyno spot. Will be free barbecue lunch and drinks
provided by Lou and Bernie Rivera located at 12495
Dumont Way. Littleton, CO 80125. Show up to see how
a dyno works and get some free lunch.
Mustang Roundup June 13th thru 16th. Check all
out at www.rmmr.org and the AX is sold out and now
so is the MCA judging option. The club is in charge of
staging and parking on Saturday and all club members
attending the Roundup are asked to help.
July 20th poker run done by Dan Bybee and might
include an overnight option.
EMC picnic at Jim Copland’s house or at a local park.
This will be in July or Aug
August 3rd Horsefeathers will be the same location
as in 2012 Northfield in Stapleton.
September: garage tour, aspen tour George Wilson & Lee Nelson. The Clement Park Show is also this
October: May farm corn field and parade laps at
High Plains Raceway in Byers. Saturday October 5th
November: Bowling with the DMC
December: Christmas party TBA by Chuck Kochan
(Steve Widman) all is well. Ron Barta & Darrell
Schwartzkopf won Horsefeathers Entrys at the EMC
Mini Golf Tournament at last months event.
EMC Store
(Tim) Tee shirts $5 each and caps $8 and much
other cool stuff
CCCC report
(Bob Bettinger) new category for collector vehicles
to be cars over 32 years old so something that might
occur later. Havana cruise June 15 (if you want to volunteer to help contact Bob Bettinger 303 985-0932)
and Front Range Airport and swap meet Aug 17th .
http://collectorcarcouncil.com/ For those that have
Chrome insurance contact your agent as we are to get
10% off as our club belongs to CCCC. Or call Paul 303
662-0789 Bob gave a good joke to the club, it did
have a stinky punch line.
RMMR report
(Lee / Rod): June 13th – 16th Father’s day Weekend.
Looking for some cars to display at Colorado National
Speedway check with Lee ([email protected])
303 986-2110 if interested and this to occur May 18th
and those who participate will get a free parade lap
on their track and free entry to watch the race. EMC
in charge of parking so will need volunteers to help.
There is a warm-up AX to occur May 11th at the Castle
Rock high school. That info can be down loaded at:
Charity Committee
(Bob Teets, Nancy Kochan, Bob Bettinger, Julia
Shaffer) No meeting yet, but one will occur soon to
decide on what to do.
Old Business
Bylaws resolved as overwhelming decided to go with
the bylaws as proposed. (Dan to get Bob electronic
copy to post to web) thanks to Bill Miller and Bob Dallas and Kim Novitch for getting them done.
New Business
Bob Capilito was at the meeting to give a short talk
on what occurred a long time ago and gave a talk on
Obama Care as he now sells insurance 720 445 5801
also if anyone has old horsefeathers tees, Ken is look-
ing to get them as someone in the club is going to
make a quilt for charity.
Door Prizes – yeah!! Lynn, Mike, Bill, Bill, Bill,
Ron, Tim, Rebecca, Gary, Deb, Bob, Fran, Josh, Jim all
won something neat.
Pass the Mustang
Darrell said ready to buy a mustang wants a 65 or 66
convertible, Chrome testimonial from Bob Carpenter,
Barry Shaffer had a question on a pop open gas cap, 73
mustang for sale Victor 303-422-7323 Negotiable on
price. Craig Sampson had a few questions and needs.
The golden cruise starts tomorrow night. We had a
person send us info about a 1979 mustang go cart pace
car body to sell, an original pedal car and a 1966 coupe
to sell. Those items will be listed on the website at
www.earlymustang.com under classifieds.
Motion to adjourn, seconded and approved. 9:04pm
This year the banquet will be held at the Applewood
Golf Course on Sunday, December 1st, from 11:00 am
to 2:00 am. We felt this time would allow for early
church and evening activities. Selection of the buffet
menu will be at the May general meeting. The board
will be contributing to the cost of the banquet.
autocross warm-up
May 11th the PPSCC will be staging an autocross at
Castle View High School in Castle Rock. Pre registration
is strongly encouraged! Great warm-up for the RMMR
In an ever increasing effort to work directly with
Mustang clubs Motorbooks is offering our Mustang
titles at 50% off to clubs with NO CLUB MINIMUMS on
orders and free freight at 18 total books! We must ship
to a singular location due to freight costs. Once you have an account with Motorbooks you
would be able to order ANY of our titles at 50% off,
including our fall title, “Mustang Fifty Years”, which
is licensed by Ford. This $50 book would be offered to
your club members at $25 per copy. www.motorbooks.com
2013 OFFICERS and
Dan Bybee
Cliff Albrandt
Bob Cloutier Secretary
[email protected]
chuck kochan Director
Bill Carpenter Tourmaster
Kenny Laing
Parade & Show
[email protected]
Bob Cloutier Web Master
Steve Widman Newsletter
[email protected]
Bud & Dot Bevard Newsletter
[email protected]
Joe Miklos
MCA judging
Bill Duran
Vice President
[email protected]
If all goes as planned, we will have a new membership directory at the June meeting. If you, or anyone
you know, owns a business and would like to advertise
in the directory, please let me know as soon as possible by e-mail - [email protected] or my cell
phone - 303/905-8146. Chuck Kochan
For those that are going to the mustang roundup
and that might want to see what is required to be
part of doing the MCA judging on the cars that have
requested MCA judging. There is going to be a planning meeting and judges seminar currently scheduled
for April 27. For those that might be interested Tom
Kay [email protected] from the Front Range Mustang
Club is the one to be in contact with. We have a few
that have said they would help and that is great as Tom
has your info. But if any others are interested do let
him know via email [email protected] as that meeting
is scheduled just a few weeks away.
Tim and Connie Sauer
[email protected]
[email protected]
Calling/Card Committee
Rocky Mountain Roundup
Lee nelson
Bob Dallas
April 2013 EMC News
Denver Center of the
Performing Arts
mustang MAY 18th Events
Due to unforeseen scheduling changes for the use
of the parking lot at 6th and Kipling (Jeffco Stadium),
we have been bumped from using the lot on 5/18. I am
working on an alternate date with them and will let you
know as soon as I do. I am determined to have the car
games this year. I want to thank those who volunteered
to assist and hope I can rely on you for our future date.
I am replacing the car games event on May 18 with
another event. I have booked a tour at the Denver
Center of the Performing Arts, located at 1101 13th
Street in downtown Denver. We will tour the behind
scenes of 3 or 4 of the theaters at the Center and the
tour will last from 10:00 am to noon and then lunch at a
“to be determined place” The tour consists of the many
activities behind the scenes of a performance - costumes, scenery, music, etc. and is an exciting tour for
the whole family. More information will be in the May
news letter and at the May meeting.
narrowest ever fitted to a Shelby GT500. After Shelby
himself ran the car to 170 mph, Goodell averaged a
speed of 142 mph for about 500 miles, proving the
durability of the tires.
VINTAGE: Rare 427
Shelby GT500 At
Powered by the racing engine from a GT40, the
unique and all-original 1967 demonstration car will be
offered by Mecum in May.
A very significant 1967 Shelby GT500 Mustang will
cross the auction block at Mecum’s Original Spring
Classic auction in Indianapolis on May 17, according to
Mustangs Daily. Originally intended as a demonstration vehicle for Goodyear’s Thunderbolt tires, the car
was turned into much, much more after a conversation
between Carroll Shelby and Don McCain.
McCain had been the sales manager for Shelby
April 2013 EMC News
American, and he saw a potential market for cars with
even higher performance than the production Shelby
GT500. Since Carroll Shelby had been in charge of
Ford’s GT40 racing efforts, McCain convinced Shelby
to stuff the 427-cubic-inch race engine from the GT40
into the GT500 reserved for tire testing.
The low-mileage GT500 was restored with all its
original equipment. (Photo: Mecum Auctions)
Shelby engineer Fred Goodell was happy to comply,
equipping the car with the same engine used to win Le
Mans in the GT40 Mk II. The end result was a Mustang
with around 600 horsepower and a top speed of 170
miles per hour. Its name, coined by McCain, was to be
the Shelby Super Snake.
The Goodyear tire test was a success, despite the
fact that the whitewall Thunderbolt tires were the
The public was less than thrilled with the price tag
of the Shelby Super Snake, which at $8,000 cost more
than a 427 Cobra. In the end, only the test car was
built, which makes it among the most desirable for any
serious Shelby collector.
Its current owner, Richard Ellis, purchased the car
with just 26,000 miles on the odometer. Though wellpreserved, Ellis went to great lengths to return the car
to the condition it was in the day of the Goodyear tire
It’s impossible to predict what the car will sell for,
as there is no frame of reference with which to compare it. A low-mileage, all-original 1967 Shelby GT500
Fastback sold at Barrett-Jackson’s Scottsdale auction
in January for $192,500 (including buyer’s commission), so it’s safe to assume the original Shelby Super
Snake will far exceed this value.
mustang buzz
Original 1967
“Eleanor” Mustang
heads to auction
A true movie star will make its way down Mecum’s
signature red carpet this May in Indianapolis. Known
by most simply as “Eleanor,” the modified 1967 Ford
Mustang from Touchstone Pictures’ “Gone in 60 Seconds” will cross the block as Lot S135 at Dana Mecum’s
26th Original Spring Classic auction this May 14-19.
This collector car icon piloted in the movie by
retired master car thief Memphis Raines, played by
Nicholas Cage, is the real McCoy. Several cars were
built to handle various duties in the filming of “Gone,”
but this is serial number 7R02C179710, the “Hero” car
driven by Cage during filming and the model used in
movie close-ups, posters and promotional materials.
Built by Cinema Vehicle Services with the help of
master designer Chip Foose, the body pieces of the
GT500 were mocked up on a Mustang using clay and
wood. Molds were then made to produce a new fiberglass front end filled with high-powered PIAA driving
lights, new fender flares, side skirts and scoops, hood
and trunk lid.
To give the car big-screen performance, it was
treated to a 351/400 HP Ford crate engine, which
shares room with a front subframe body brace by Total
Control Products, LLC. This progenitor of the Eleanor
revolution is relatively untouched inside with the
exception of an Autometer Sport Comp Monster tach,
fire extinguisher, Go-Baby-Go shift knob button for
Line Lock and a switch for activating a nitrous injection
“Eleanor has become one of the most widely
recognized movie star muscle cars in the world, so
when the decision was made to offer the ‘Gone in 60
Seconds’ Hero car for sale, Mecum’s Spring Classic
auction in Indianapolis seemed like the perfect venue,”
commented Ray Claridge, owner of Cinema Vehicle
Services. Set to be offered directly from the builder on
Saturday, May 18 at the original, best and largest mus
cle car auction, this is truly the car that started it all.
Thirty-two hours of the Indianapolis auction will be
broadcast live on Discovery’s Velocity Network with
the entire auction streaming live on Mecum’s website.
Mecum’s Indy auction is open to buyers, sellers and
spectators. Gates open at 8 a.m. each day and general
admission can be purchased at the door for $20 per
person; children 12 and younger will be admitted at no
cost. For more information www.mecum.com .
Lowest mileage Ford
Mustang Boss 429 in
existence going up for
Browsing through the list of cars scheduled to go
across the block at RM’s upcoming auction of the Don
Davis Collection, a 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429 caught
our eye. The estimated sale price specifically stood
out – $300,000 to $350,000. That range is significantly
higher than the other Boss 429s sold earlier this year,
which varied from the low $200,000s up to $275,000.
So what makes this Boss 429 so special as to command
a premium of nearly six figures? Well, it has 97 miles
on the odometer, and according to RM Auctions, this is
the lowest mileage Boss 429 on the planet.
So what’s the story behind this very original Boss
429? It was first delivered to its owner in Denver, CO
who hoped to compete with the car in the NHRA’s Super
Stock class. Those plans were eventually shelved, and
the car went into storage for more than a decade. The
Boss 429 was eventually discovered and underwent an
extensive restoration including the installation of its
original 429ci V8. RM says the car shows “virtually no
wear” and still has all the original tags, stampings, and
markings from the factory.
Vehicle Description:
Don Davis’ Wimbledon White Boss 429 was delivered in Denver, Colorado, in 1969, equipped with
power steering, power front disc brakes, a Philco
radio, a Hurst shifter, and factory competition suspension. Reportedly intended to be used on the
NHRA Super Stock drag racing circuit, the project
was abandoned shortly thereafter due to NHRA rule
changes, and the Boss went into storage for over a
decade. It was discovered years later, its original
block sourced and re-installed, and the car lovingly
restored to, frankly, better than it would have been
when new. It speaks highly of the effort that the car
had been restored, to ensure greatness it was sent to
Bob Perkins, widely recognized as the master of Boss
429 restorations, who went over the Boss from stem to
stern until it was absolutely correct, down to the tiniest of details. All original tags, stampings, and markings “from the factory” are present throughout and in
their correct locations. Under the body and under the
hood are spectacular and show virtually no wear, and
all of the correct decals expected by Boss 429 experts
are present.
Due to having been stored from new until its restoration, and then used as a pampered show car ever
since, this Boss 429 really is “new.” The 97 miles, yes,
97 miles, on the odometer are verified accurate and
original, making this the lowest-mileage Boss 429 to
survive today.
Awarded a Gold Award at the 2005 Boss Car Nationals in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, this pristine Boss 429
is supplied with extensive documentation, including
copies of the window sticker, factory delivery documentation, the owner’s card, the owner’s manual, all
the factory tags, and a full Marti Report verifying its
original options, as well as a detailed appraisal for
the previous owner, in which the car’s condition is
carefully detailed, and a discussion of its restoration
by restorer David Randal. Combining thorough documentation, Bob Perkins vetting, and lower original
mileage than any of its brethren, this is the new Boss
429 from the local dealer in 1969. It is absolutely as
good as will ever be seen again.
So what will this very special 1969 Ford Mustang
Boss 429 sell for? We’ll find out at the end of the
month when it’s sold to the highest bidder on April
27th in Forth Worth, TX. Until then, you can read more
about the car below courtesy of RM’s description, or
view the car in detail in the gallery.
April 2013 EMC News
S AT U R D AY A U G U S T 3 , 2 0 1 3 AT N O R T H F I E L D S TA P L E T O N
Early Mustang Club of Colorado
Horsefeathers Event T-Shirt
37th Horsefeathers Dash Plaque
Gift Bag
Rain or Shine Staging:
Judging Begins:
Awards Presentation:
Show Ends:
8:00 am
10:00 am
2:30 pm
3:00 pm
1st, 2nd, and 3rd, in each class
American Stang Award of Excellence
“Bad As” Award, $200 Cash for early model
Mustangs 1965-1973 from Boss Auto Designs
Merchants Choice, & People’s Choice
Best of Show
$25.00 Before July 27th, 2013
$30.00 Day of Show
o H
o I
o J
1964 1/2 – 1966 Coupe
1965 – 1966 Fastback
1964 1/2 – 1966 Convertible
1967 – 1968 Coupe
1967 – 1968 Fastback
1967 – 1968 Convertible
1966-68 High Country
& Cal Specials
1969 – 1970 Coupe
1969 – 1970 Fastback
1969 – 1970 Convertible
o K
o L
o M
o N
o O
1969 – 1973 Mach 1
1965 – 1970 Shelby
Boss 302/351/429
1964 – 1973 Modified
All Body Styles
71 – 73 Coupes/Fastbacks/
1974 – 1978 All Mustang
1979 – 1993 All Mustang
1994 – 2004 All Mustang
2005 – 2009 All Mustang
o T
o U
2010 – 2013 All Mustang
Up and Coming
(one time entry and/or car in progress)
2005 – 2009 Shelby
2010 – 2013 Shelby
All AC Cobras
All Falcons – Judged
All Thunderbirds – Judged
Trailered/ Concourse
All Years – Other Ford Power
Display Only (not judged, no charge)
Name: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________________________ State: _________________________________
Model of Car: _____________________________________________________________ Year of Car: ____________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Judged show open to all that enter. Judges are not professionals and are selected from outside the club membership.
The Horsefeathers Committee reserves the right to modify or change any class as necessary.
I hereby waive and release Early Mustang Club of Colorado and Northfield at Stapleton, its directors, officers, agents,
representatives and anyone else connected with management or presentation of the 2013 Mustang Club Car Show
from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries or losses, judgements, and /or claims that may be suffered by
any applicant to his person or property including any member assisting applicant.
Make Checks Payable to: E.M.C.
$25.00 Before July 27th 30.00 Day of Show $______________
Extra T-Shirts $15 Each (1 FREE with entry fee)
Shirt Sizes: o M
April 2013 EMC News
Total Enclosed $ __________________________
Mail to: Kenneth Laing • 7331 Dexter Street • Commerce City, CO 80022
Signed:______________________________________________________________________________ Date:
(If under 18 years of age, parent or guardian must also sign)
o XL
Ads will run in three issues, unless requested to continue. If the Advertised item sells, please notify
Steve Widman so it is removed from the listing.
For Sale: ‘67 Mustang coupe Resto-rod. Car is originally from California and is virtually rust-free. FatMan front suspension, Front disc brakes, 5L engine and T5 trans from a ‘95 Cobra (not in car), Computer and new
wiring harness, New black interior, 60/40 split front seat, Many more new parts, Asking $ 10,500, but will consider decent offer. Please call Richard Dyess at 720-568-0627
As April is coming very soon, the Mustang 50th
Anniversary is about to get started in a big way.
Today Ford opened the doors for what will be the
largest celebration of the Mustang’s history by
unveiling the 50th Anniversary logo.
FOR SALE 1966 Ford Mustang 2 Door Hardtop. 289 V8 Holley 4bbl, C4 Auto. Ford Emberglo Color, Ground
up Restoration. Manf Dearborn, MI Feb ‘66 purchased by owner April 66, Purchased by current owner in 1985
Ken Enselmo 303-467-1495 $16,000
As we begin the 50th Anniversary year, Ford
has announced they will be licensing the Mustang
50th Anniversary logo only to 50 companies to
sell products including watches, T-shirts, model
cars and more that celebrate the Mustang’s first
50 years.
“During its first 49 years of production, Mustang has come to evoke a variety of emotions
in our customers – freedom, independence and
being true to one’s self – just to name a few,”
said John Nens, Ford’s team lead for Global Brand
Licensing. “We’re marking this Mustang milestone with a distinctive collection of licensed
products from select manufacturers that will
carry the unique Mustang 50 Years logo.”
All of the new merchandise will be easily identified with a custom logo that celebrates 50 years
of Mustang.
The logo was crafted by Ford designer Michael
Thomson. It features the Mustang’s trademark
galloping pony in silhouette over the characters “50 YEARS.” This new icon has a clean and
sophisticated appearance in either white on black
or black on white. Only 50 companies will be
licensed to create products bearing this special
logo including high-quality die cast models,
videogames, watches and apparel.
“We’re working closely with our licensees to
ensure every item reflects the unique qualities of
Mustang,” said Nens. “Like the car itself, we want
our licensed products to convey an attitude of
strength, passion and the highest quality.”
Over upcoming weeks and months, other Ford
licensees will reveal a variety of Mustang products featuring the Mustang 50 Years logo to mark
this special moment in automotive history and
kick off the next 50 years of Mustang.
Randy Coy & Son’s Denver Auto & Parts Swap Meet
Bandimere Speedway
Street Machine Showdown
Bandimere Speedway
Havana Cruise
Havana Street
Goodguys Colorado Nationals
Loveland, CO
Steamboat Springs
Ford Fun Weekend
Bandimere Speedway
EMC Horsefeathers All Ford Show
Stapleton Northfield Shops
KBPI Rock & Roll Car Show presented by Fineline
Bandimere Speedway
Front Range Air/Car Show/Swap Meet
Front Range Airport
Randy Coy & Son’s Denver Auto & Parts Swap Meet
Bandimere Speedway
Wednesday Test Nights
Bandimere Speedway
If any EMC members have any info or questions about shows. Contact Parade & Show officer Ken Laing
April 2013 EMC News
Saturday, January 12th
Rod & Linda Holland
Saturday, May 18th
Chucks Kochan
Car Collection Tour
Saturday, February 23rd
Wayne & Robin Schmeckle / Bill Carpenter
Mini Indoor Golf Tournament
March 9th Putting Edge
Steve Widman
Tentative Tebo Collecion Tour
April 13th
Lisa Capano
Car Games
Dyno Day June 1st
Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup
June 13th-16th in Steamboat
Garage Tour/Aspen Tour /Clement Park
May Farms/High Plains Raceway Laps
Bowling EMC vs. Denver Mustang Club
July 20th
Dan Bybee
Chuck Kochan
EMC Poker Run
Horsefeathers Car Show
Christmas Party
Saturday, August 3rd
Kenny Laing
P.O. BOX 202290
Denver, CO 80220
Mustang Tech Session/Pot Luck