Issue 18 Winter 2014 COLLECTORS CLUB Spot the Difference Winners! Watermill Bakery Delight QUIZ – PUZZLES – ACTIVITIES! Hi Moll y, 9, near My name is A ly 10 y nna a ear nd Walnu t Fam s old. I love I am nearly ily. I h cool Sy the S op lva q whoeve nians and ho e that you wil uirrel l have uses. I r inven n ted the lo m are th ve Sylvanian ew s, e best in the wo rld. an Families n of Sylvani fa a 45 n ee b , I’ve 32 sets and Dear Molly time. I have ng lo , ng . lo for a long, e the picture Hope you lik rs old characters. a e y hie – 6 Love Sop ears old Sally – 12 y Hi Molly, He Families ro re is a picture of m e in my S om at my ylv g Sylvanian s I have c randparents’ house anian ollected in , I started c the past se with all the ollecting when I w v en years. eleven. F as rom yo ur bigg four and I am now est fan , Ophe lia. Imogen – 4 year s old s old ar 1 ye 1 – el Rach Lucy – 6 years old Breanna – 7 years old ld years o Bess – 9 Hi Molly an fans, I’ve d the group of S ylvanian been wa nting the ages so tree hut fo I drew a pic r like it! Th e first flo ture of it. Hope y or is the ou second fl baby pa oo rt, top is wh r is the kid’s part ere they and the all live. L Neave ove Fr – 7 yea om rs old. E d i t o rW. ith such e h t om too! N o t e forur summer; hopeabyleoutodidspend loatsll ohfad a yed been you We enjo ther we have outside. Have a s e d w n t ie grea ith fr fill ying w 014? ities to time pla beginning to 2 of activ at recipe s t ic t lo s d a gre fant ture ave fea s, including a d ue we h . n s s e is d k e n is e ie h In t nd w nd fr lidays a with family a o h r u es… it is o y tionnair o share s t e t u c q fe r r you - pe receive wait to g your mail! ’t n a c We eivin fun rec always s Sparkle Hugs & right. Molly B Word scramble We have mixed up the letters for 12 words below. Rearrange the letters to decode and spell each word correctly. For example… ECEOOHDBW can be u nscrambled to form the word BEECHWOOD. d n an g u f A in leng chal game! word 1. AVSNIYALN = 2. ARC = 3. LLRBAOOM = 4. ZZAIP = 5. FILIAEMS = 9. KPASRLSE = 6. YOT = 10. OXF = 7. NICCIP = 11. RESNUYR = 12. BBTIAR = 8. PEMRKASURET = Spot the Difference There have been seven changes made to the picture of the Chocolate Rabbit Family keeping warm in front of the fire. Can you spot all seven? 1. The photo on the right wall has changed. 2. The dial on the telephone is missing. 3. Two of the candles are missing. 4. The pink part of the arch toy on the rug has changed colour. 5. The handle on the cupboard under the telephone has swapped sides. 6. The bricks in the fire place are missing. 7. The balls of wool on the floor have swapped colours. Collectors Club Questionnaire We love receiving letters from Sylvanian Collectors Club members. To hear more of your great ideas we have created this awesome questionnaire! Post in your completed questionnaire – include your best friends name and get mum or dad to sign – and we will email you your very own Sylvanian ‘Best Friends Forever’ Poster! 1. Who is your favourite Sylvanian Family? 2. (a) If you could create your own family, what type of animal would they be? For you to fill out… Name: Age: Postal Address: (b) What would their names be? 3. If you were a Sylvanian designer what product would you create? 4. Where do your Sylvanians like to go on holiday? 5. How old were you when you started collecting Sylvanian Families? 6. What is your favourite colour? 7. What do you do in your spare time? Postcode: Email: For your mum or dad to fill out… I confirm that I, , am the parent and/or legal guardian for , and agree for my child to participate in providing these details. Signature: Date: Tick the box if you do not wish to receive Sylvanian Families Updates. 8. If you were granted one wish what would it be? 9. Who is your best friend? Send to: Attention Molly Bright, Collectors Club Questionnaire PO Box 71 086, Rosebank, Auckland, 1348 DESIGN a poster design Competition competition Maze Puzzle Help Christopher Appleblossom find his way to the Watermill Bakery Issue 17 – Summer 2013 Chronicle Start che Bonnie Scha GWT0166 13 years old Abby Cameron Membership TW TJ1606 11 years old – Membership Rebekah van der Zwaag 9 years old – Membership TWP726 Esther Ball 11 years old Maline van de Ve 10 years old – Mem n bership TWN161 Finish – Members hip TWNE00 10 vell Georgie Lo TWTJ099 Membership 10 years old – We hope our winners enjoyed the Grocery Shopping prize, and that it is now a favourite in their Sylvanian Collection! R A F E R U T I N R U F E B I G T D R U O L O A N B T A R E H F I A P T Y A E E H O E A T S I H P T I T U R I N C X N E A H O S M O T H E R S R S R E E A L E R L T Y I B O E F B H A L L O L N E O Z A B N A C O O E A E M L M E R U Y C H E I C F R I E N D S C E E N H S E L F B N T T A R A W Y T Y S U I N H B V V O L S O D K U J O U I L O J I K A T E I R A G Y D O S P A R K L E S P S Word search Can you find all these words hidden in the puzzle? Words will appear horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backwards. Bathroom Beechwood Brother Collection Father Family Woodland Delights from the Watermill Bakery Ingredients: 100g Butter (softened) 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence 50g Icing Sugar 100g Flour 25g Corn Flour 25g Coconut 2 tablespoons Raspberry Jam e len s e i S ou or th e! y f k ip an lia ec Th Ame rful r & nde wo Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Friends Furniture Hall House Hugs Kitchen Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Put butter into a large bowl. Mix until creamy. Sift icing sugar into the bowl, and mix until smooth and creamy. Sift flour and corn flour into the bowl, add coconut and mix to make a soft dough. Roll dough into small balls and place onto baking tray. Push your little fingers into the middle of each dough ball. Bake for 12 – 14 minutes. Leave to cool. Sift icing sugar over biscuit and fill holes with Raspberry Jam. Please remember… Parental supervision is required for this recipe! Mother Sister Sparkles Sylvanian Healthcare in Sylvania Range includes: Nurse Set, Dentist Set and Country Clinic. ! W E N All items featured sold separately. Back for a limited time... Motorbike with Side Car Monkey Family If you would like to send in your stories & photos, please send to the address below. We would love to hear from you! Mailing Address: Attention: Molly Bright Sylvanian Families Chronicle PO Box 71 086 Rosebank Auckland, 1348 RETAILERS STAMP ©1985, 2013. EPOCH CO., LTD For further information on the Sylvanian Families range please feel free to contact your Sylvanian Collectors Club retailer.