A single solution to four challenges
A single solution to four challenges
Number 313 September | October 2011 A single solution to four challenges urea prilling plants Farmers prefer pastilles to prills. Asinglesolution tofourchallenges Typical problems and challenges experienced by ageing urea prilling plants include high ammonia and dust emissions, low prill quality, competition from granules in the market and demand from farmers for additional nutrients for their crops. In this article, Mark Brouwer of UreaKnowHow.com explains how the Rotoform pastillation system from Sandvik Process Systems meets these challenges and outlines a number of additional benefits. M ost of the urea plants around the world operate a prilling tower; the majority of these plants are now several decades old and their capacities have been gradually pushed to about 120 to 130% of their original design capacity. These plants typically face several problems or challenges: high ammonia and dust emissions from the prilling tower, low prill quality, competition from granules in the market and demand from farmers for additional nutrients for their crops. The solution to all four challenges can be provided by Sandvik’s Rotoform pastillation system. High emissions In prilling towers the urea melt falls down inside a concrete structure, cooling and crystallising against a large quantity of upward-moving air. In some prilling towers this air flow is created using fans; in others natural draft is used. However while the draft is created, the air becomes loaded with urea dust particles and ammonia, and is typically emitted into the atmosphere from the top of the prilling tower. In some cases a dust scrubber is installed on top of or alongside the prilling Nitrogen+Syngas 313 | September - October 2011 tower to reduce the urea dust emissions. In a limited number of cases, the dust scrubber is combined with an acid washer to reduce the ammonia emissions. These scrubber systems are only feasible in so-called forced draft prilling towers, where air fans are available. Scrubber systems are not feasible in natural draft prilling towers as the pressure drop over the scrubbers is too high, unless extra air fans are installed. The amount of urea dust and ammonia emissions are directly related to the load on the prilling tower (there is a linear relationship)1.The relative emission figures 3 urea prilling plants Fig 1: Sandvik Rotoform pastillation process for urea can be influenced by the air flow, but one should realise it is not a solution but a dilution of the problem. Low prill quality Increasing the load on a prilling tower can have negative consequences for the prill quality. Higher moisture contents and higher temperatures cause more dust formation and an increased likelihood of caking problems2. Caking can be so severe that the product becomes damaged when it is loaded on trucks or cars. Part of the product will be lost and complaints from customers may follow. Measures need to be taken. Competition from granules The quality of prills is significantly lower than that of granules, the main difference being the lower strength and smaller size of prills. Research has shown that once a farmer has used granules, he will not choose prills again, unless the price is lower. Most new urea plants are large scale granulation plants and are located in low feedstock areas; these plants are export driven and compete with prills. From bulk to specialty products Urea prilling plants that are several dec- 4 ades old and located inland will typically have built up a strong relationship with its customers. When competitors with very low feedstock costs offer their products for a lower price, it can be very difficult to compete on price if your plant capacity is lower and your feedstock costs are higher. However, a strong customer relationship does provide a competitive advantage. More and more farmers are starting to realise that their crop needs more nutrients than just nitrogen (N). Other primary plant macronutrients include phosphates (P) and potassium (K); others – carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) – are available through air (via the photosynthesis process) and water. Then there are the secondary macronutrients: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) and the micronutrients boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), chloride(Cl), nickel (Ni), and molybdenum (Mo), which are also essential for plant growth but required in much smaller quantities. Finally, silicon (Si) and cobalt (Co) are also beneficial for some plants in even smaller quantities. A deficiency of any single nutrient is enough to limit growth. In general, nitrogen application efficiencies are very low as between 30 and 50% of the nitrogen supplied to the soil is typically lost to air and water, causing more and more environmental problems. In Canada, for example, urea has become the broadcast fertilizer of choice for many winter wheat growers on the Canadian Prairies, especially since ammonium nitrate fertilizer was removed from the market. However, the problem with surface applications of urea is that the N is susceptible to ammonia volatilisation. The urea molecule, in the presence of moisture and the soil enzyme urease, converts to ammonium carbonate, which can lead to the production of ammonia gas. Adding slow release substances to urea prills contributes to higher efficiencies, resulting in less environmental problems and less fertilizer product lost and wasted. Producing specialty fertilizer products based on urea therefore fulfils farmers needs; these are considered to be higher value products attracting a higher price. Having a close relationship with your customers gives you the competitive advantage and opportunity to produce and sell higher margin specialty products. The solution The solution to all four of these challenges can be met by Sandvik’s Rotoform pastillation system. Figure 1 shows a simplified flow scheme of the Rotoform system. The feed to the Rotoform unit is urea melt with a concentration of 99.6 wt-% and in existing urea plants can be branched off Nitrogen+Syngas 313 | September - October 2011 urea prilling plants Fig 2: Rotating shell delivers droplets of the required size Urea pastilles on the steel cooling belt Below left: Rotoform skid mounting equipment showing the hood which captures and ammonia and dust emissions. Right: Front view of installation of urea plant with four Rotoform units. from the urea evaporation section downstream of the urea melt pumps. Urea is introduced under pressure (2-3 barg) in molten form to the drop former. The Rotoform HS (High Speed) drop former, patented by Sandvik, consists of a heated stator and a perforated rotating shell that turns concentrically around the stator to deposit drops of urea across the full width of the belt. The circumferential speed of the Rotoform unit is synchronised with the speed of the steel belt cooler ensuring that the drops are deposited on the belt without deformation and, after solidification, results in regular pastilles with an optimum shape. The rotating shell (Fig.2) contains rows of small holes which are sized to deliver the required product size. The heat released during crystallisation and cooling is transferred by the stainless steel belt to the cooling water. The cooling water is sprayed against the belt underside, absorbs the heat and is collected in pans, cooled in a cooling system (cooling tower) and returned to the Rotoform units. Under no circumstances can the cooling water come into contact with the urea product. The use of formaldehyde is not neces- Nitrogen+Syngas 313 | September - October 2011 sary in this technology to realise pastilles with a high crushing strength. The pastilles are very uniform. After solidification the pastilles are smoothly released from the steel belt via an oscillating scraper. The product then falls directly onto a conveyor belt for transfer to storage. The section above the moving steel belt is enclosed with a hood and vented to an existing vent system. There are no large air flows involved in this technology and there is no visible urea dust emission. The ammonia vapours that are produced can easily be captured in a simple atmospheric absorber; this results 5 urea prilling plants in negligible emissions of ammonia and urea, a unique feature of this technology. By installing one or more Rotoform lines in parallel with a prilling tower, the load on the prilling tower will be reduced, leading to lower ammonia and urea dust emissions from the prilling tower and a higher prill quality. For example, reducing the load on the prilling tower from 1,300 to 1,000 t/d by installing two Rotoform lines in parallel will reduce the ammonia and dust emission figures by approximately 23% (300/1300). Let’s show an imaginative but realistic example how the switch from prills can take place. Figure 3 shows the production capacity of a typical urea plant over time. The plant has a design capacity of 1,000 t/d prills and during its first years will be able to increase its actual production to some 1,300 t/d prills, typically by making use of the design margins and by creep debottlenecking technologies. Dust and ammonia emissions from the prilling tower will increase in line with the increase in production as these are linear related. So, as plant capacity increases from 1,000 t/d to 1,300 t/d, dust emissions will increase from 100 mg/Nm3 to 130 mg/Nm3 and ammonia emissions from 80 mg/Nm3 to 104 mg/Nm3, as can be seen in Fig.4. When pastilles are produced the load on the prilling tower will be reduced, as will the dust and ammonia emission figures. In this way one can reach emission figures which are acceptable to local governmental regulations. Furthermore, while the load on the prilling tower decreases, the prill quality increases. For example, Figure 5 shows that after start up of the plant the prill quality was considered good. After increasing the load on the plant and prilling tower the prill quality became problematic. Too much dust, high moisture content, high prill temperatures, low strength and caking troubled the production and sales of the prills. As pastille production reduced the load on the prill tower, the prill quality became good and even excellent again. Finally, if you operate a forced draft prilling tower, the power consumption per tonne of urea will reduce by about 9 kWh/t as the Rotoform unit consumes less power than a forced draft prilling tower. The quality of the pastilles is better than the quality of prills. It is similar and in some aspects even better than the quality of granules. Table 1 provides an overview of the product properties of 6 Table 1: Typical properties prills, granules and pastilles Average diameter, mm Moisture, wt-% Formaldehyde content, wt-% Shape Crushing strength, N Product temperature, °C Prills Granules Pastilles 1.5-1.9 0.15-0.30 0.1-0.3 (in case of export) Spherical 12 (1.7 mm) 60-80 2-4 0.10 0.3-0.55 2-5 0.10 Only when required Split-pea 40-75 (3 mm) 40-45 Spherical 40 (3 mm) 50-60 Fig 3: Production capacity of prills and pastilles in t/d vs age of the plant in years 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 prills, t/d pastilles, t/d Fig 4: Dust and NH3 emission from prilling in mg/Nm3 vs age of the plant in years 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 dust emission, mg/Nm3 NH3 emission, mg/Nm3 Fig 5: Prill quality vs. age of the plant in years Excellent Good Problematic 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Nitrogen+Syngas 313 | September - October 2011 urea prilling plants Fig 6: Flow scheme to produce urea + AS Blending unit to produce urea +AS Urea Urea + AS 20% Urea + AS 40% Urea + KCl 20% Urea + KCl 43% Urea + sulphur AN + AS 15% NPK Sulphur bentonite 10% prills, granules and pastilles. For example, the strength is similar to the strength of granules even without any formaldehyde. The size of the Rotoform product is the same as for granules, moreover the size can be easily varied between 1 and 5 mm. The pastilles are extremely uniform, even more than granules. It goes without saying that the Rotoform product quality is significantly better than prills. Farmers who have applied the pastilles have been very satisfied and were prepared to pay a premium price above prills. From Table 1 one can conclude that granules and pastilles have some significant advantages over prills: Granules and pastilles can be produced with larger average diameter (which can be specified over a relatively wide range) and are significantly stronger than prills. A Rotoform system with a typical capacity of 130-140 t/d can be used to produce all kinds of specialty urea products in addition to fertilizer grade urea. The following products have been already produced with a Rotoform pastillation system: l fertilizer grade urea l technical urea for urea-formaldehyde, melamine, ad blue production l urea blended with macronutrients l urea blended with micronutrients l urea with ammonium sulphate l ammonium nitrate l ammonium nitrate derivatives (KCl, Zeolite, AS < 10% and NPK) l NPK complex fertilizer from nitrate and urea route l calcium nitrate l magnesium nitrate l sulphur bentonite The production processes for these specialty urea products is fairly simple and straightforward. In some cases a liquid additive can be simply injected into the urea melt, in other cases a blending unit is applied to grind and mix the solid additives in the urea melt (Fig.6). For example, for urea plus ammonium sulphate (AS), urea melt and solid AS are mixed and grinded in two steps in a blend- ing unit, which is a standard packaged unit. Up to 40 wt-% AS has been mixed with urea with excellent results. The introduction of specialty urea products can be realised smoothly by starting off with a single Rotoform line, which can be brought into and out of production whenever required, and then by adding additional lines in parallel when market demand increases. The pictures above show various specialty urea products. nх Nitrogen+Syngas 313 | September - October 2011 References 1. 2010 02 Brouwer UreaKnowHow.com Dust Emission of Prilling Towers. 2. 2010 01 Brouwer UreaKnowHow.com Forms of Urea & Background of Caking. 3. 2010 03 Baeder SPS UreaKnowHow.com Rotoformer Pastilles the Sustainable Premium product. 4. 2010 04 Baeder SPS UreaKnowHow.com Rotoformer applications. 5. IFA website. 6. Nitrogen & Syngas 2011 Presentation, Kumar Swamy, Sandvik Process Systems. 7 Upgrade granulation of urea, sulphur bentonite and other fertilizers Urea Urea + sulphur Urea + AS Sulphur bentonite Are you interested in granulation of urea, urea & mixtures, ammonium nitrate and mixtures and sulphur bentonite? Take advantage of Sandvik Process Systems’ proven Rotoform granulation system and start producing highquality granules in a more efficient, cost effective and environmentally-friendly manner. The process, already the world’s most widely used system for sulphur solidification, is ideal for debottlenecking or revamping urea and other fertilizer processing facilities, enabling fast, controlled production with no need for recycling, scrubbing or crushing. Highly efficient process • From liquid to solid in a single step • High quality, virtually dust-free pastilles • Suitable for urea and nitrate fertilizers, technical urea, AdBlue, animal feed, speciality urea products and more. Environmentally-friendly production • Indirect heat transfer – no contact between product and cooling media • No separate air cleaning necessary; low dust/ammonia emissions • Low sound emissions Significant commercial advantages • Initial investment costs significantly lower than competitive systems • Very low energy consumption: 4kW/t for urea granulation • No use of chemicals such as formaldehyde. Sandvik Process Systems P. O. Box 42 62 • D-70719 Fellbach/Germany Tel: +49 (0) 711-51 05-0 • Fax: +49 (0) 711-51 05-196 • www.processsystems.sandvik.com E-mail: [email protected]
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