M - Lancaster County and the Civil War
M - Lancaster County and the Civil War
'T,in#fSP<jfli/.Jtf'} lOEfiw .^M'jy^' «L'*V*'^ • I.UU b>^old^,byagent%fian;h'9ldin4ar^popaIHe I ^ U O J I under our ;jndkdalvByttaih,, that th*«am«f o f his t ^ a n d f a t h e r ^ e l t i t K i n - J t n o i ^ ' « x i I « e r M n - t o v ^ day/iUndi';cbJBfg^' , o a t o goreinnwnt-boaki ',widi,: thouianda- of idoUartjttreira, although -b* war- a : man o f igrseVoonrage' ana -aW i t a l l likely t o be d*ur-j n d from the discharge of his duty b / i n ^ f c ' -dlnary. obstacle. • *howv*«w**Jit#4l>«k,i1iiiafit»d fit; vrou x n m i « . . ' ofwiaii: tk'' n u f " W B V •ncnif. T H E E X A M I N E R *»'HBBAliI> • p i t * o f t U l iSTMtfalB Of U t t n a W m l MUtlM* o M h i t f H J a g M B a T M S i . WHd# fui. brought tfalrjrtft*^'''''^'"^:';;..:" Vlf^'-^'J,'. : " % ^ W k U ' s ' . t a n ^ / i f a a n ^ U u a n muia l ^ > M -andjinient:; l a d l i i w a * " p r o b a b l y the mOat w ^ r i W being OP h i t fewptortaUod a m ^ t W M f ' l w r y jSaSiW' HtfJ%r»J««sf « ! ' • " • . * ' J l i '•>*• no ttfety,batiBth»dettructlonof bitatMay,—j a fact well nrsderitood try the elder Nipokon,; w h t a h i t t o t u a d M r t M g i r b * 4 t b y i b b m t ^ ^ who, however be might admire, never pardon- coming nemo to U u m , t h e y ralttd't tbont of ed thsatirwhose atternpta on-hit parson showed gftfltsmi i i T i r ~ * - r lend at. the thunders; of t h ^ ; j n i t ^ l r w k b i i s ' of the safety o f ;tbtSr tnair otanon. Bayarfwat willinVto fight alane.at well a t own. And now,fara tew honrs;-the whole inter- with hit army. Onoeihaidelindtd a. bridge est of our narratire oenttat in her whom that over the rirer ChrigiitrwaiainttiWO hundred 8reamaidaV and by j U ^ . i » e a n a l e j a r e d the r o w t ^ ' W i* w m p t e t e l y . ^ made' already a_murd6tesa.in.beart and i n trhole French army..<. For this heroic deed h e purpose. Arid bow^thorongbfjr^rflust that n o U r e d a title of nobility, from bit H n g . w i t h heart have been steeled, and how entire m a t t this rntoriptian:—f First q p n t t t r unut habit Ikt power of a hare been the banishment of all Montaraotlng —ont van vnitit in hinttlf ' feellngi r *hen she could for a' whole dayi-lri multitude. tie-, poysicisaa for their Mrvkes out of h i s W a t ATJ&. ATLBB, prirajf purse. ••: i-.-4 V TTOKNEY: A3? LAW, No, 45 East baaing v: There. were-JiO limits to h i s beneficence and X t a u King etreet, op~poilte Sprsob.er'e HoteL Laaeatter, By order of the Secretary of state, all pastengen ]Bl><-17-!J the United StaUt are requited to procure Pauperis beliberality. A t least an hundred orphan girls fore going on board the Steamer. . BDWAKD HBH.I.Y, JOHN G. DALE, Agent. were ,prorirled'for and educated b y Mm.— TTOKNEY: AT LAW.SOPS1CE, When;:taking one of them by the hand'he S T E A M W EEKLY _, UTJEXtftK^fSdobrelfOTthof'the'Court Houee: Xiuea ono»!taia:— leaeter/ftln'a. .'•• • nnrX-tf-41 ' 11. wish.yon w h a t . neither rain, nor storm, PBBBQTAND B. HAYEB, nor human power, nor injustice can erer TTORNEY AT LAW, No. 402.LIA N D I N G - a n d E m b a r k i n g Passengers BBAST STBXBT, Kraut' Building, EBALASET, take Kmf^mtdom and virtue." J a t QOEWTSTOWN, (InVH1A. ' .. aprU13-tf-g) PASSENGERS FOB ETJBOPE. Between New York and Liverpool, lnfltot,toity.iW,ot!pmiliJ>Wintj»tathto>i* dAnmtU p * m , u cklialjr, lU-ttmpwid, i n s groat.' Triett), Wowerer, oiwtV o e a t e * t » »«< ADVKBTISBMBNTS TtrfUb* IiatettdUt ffie1 p m o t f t l a n i r r n h t l W y w C T i D y l n OilniUlj for him^^th« i ^ * t o r « . i t o h m » n t fitpvrtd W otctufldatUt.'IbiM o n » W M wibbaled In ; Snob was the place sought and obtained b y (L) The LlrerpooJ, New York hlV ktadnett during t o e h i p p y years of h i s IOM or Ian; udKMntsptr aq^irtform^ytditlouil tbt.panob of »nroob.i>ld»i: t l i t u j WTJO b»paadFhlladelphlabteamshipComthe MfortrinaW: Wlide as a ,relfnge ton doTABUSES'. BANK 0 ? LAN0A8TBR ) iaay-intend despatching their naertjon* 1 praad'to b»Jw!Ut«r mild, wife, nor widow, me8tio.wretohedness..Theoonsequenoelt.waa baobelot-ilfe: but, t w i n g e a t It mr teem, that : '' ' NovemberSti, i s t l . { all-powered " " 'Iron " •powered Clydi Clyde-Built AdT^rttMMtivnMilBglOUBMirlU l » a h u | « } 6 Et6amshipa,ja^llai m d , h i r i n g ono»:«a»ot«dio, «ntrano& under easy to foresee. In a few months, be who bad feeling waa n o w a i n g t o i w i t h a tort of p i t y ; T*HE DIBEGTOBS have this day deCITY. OF HEW yOBK, Saturday, HOT. 16th. J o uta. par 11a* £« the litta^rtioa,, u d . .1 «aU p « limt for' they well; kneWtiie painful raoriti»C(? with L - e l a n d a dlridead of THBBS per cent, parable OD r tha ptetenoe of aMlating to arrange the dlsor- been accustomed to universal good-will be-_ EDINBDBG, do do 23rd. or ee«h enbeeqeeni InwilorL. BDW. H. BSOWH, Pope Jullut II. having deolared war against Mmaad.. which h e obeyed the harsh' command! of h i t the mldtt" of-a household of feUow-tervants, CITY 0 7 WASHINGTON, do do 30th. • nti-lt-st-Si: . Gaehler. Bads«M AdTWtiMinMbi Intert*! t y the qurtir. dei»d ho«»«killJ»g»lr», eaillT eonttiwd t o oa'me an object of almost as general d i s l i k e ; and erery Saturday, at Moon, from Pier 44, North Blrez Franoe, and a great battle taking place be wife. And of all who monraedthe hapleBS and under the watchful eyes of an angry misTHI HIGHEST CASH MARKET PEICE WILL BE i«id»rherpoa(Uonapenn»nentone. So BOOT half. r « u or j u t , will b* ekatgtd aa followa UNITED STATES MABINES. and as people, are apt to attribute all sorts of Hates of Passage: PAID AT twees h i t 'forces' and t h e Frenob, t h e Holy Mvumffa. • •watt*. Ummfta aa this waa achieTed,-ihe appeiui to bare be- evil to one who has by a n y means incurred ; fate of this unfortunate gentleman) hone tress, continue to discharge her usual talks, FIRST OAB1H ,*75 00 "\X7"ANTEI) IMMEDIAf ELY, for c H E E M A K M I L L E R ' S B mourned more Utterly, and few cherished his bearing this deadly purpose i n her breast, y e t Fitber wason the point of bemg taken prisoner ' » T ' ' tire •ervftela'the Darud'Bntee HarluCorpe. 0 » Sojoart.. do to London 80 00 *B00 8 00 ISM gan bar: batofol work, of Bowing disoord be- their hostility, and are never satisfied until Two " do to Paris 85 00 by Bayard. Afienriardi t h i Pope issued 'ahull SCO ABXa-BOPUn J|ga. All uronnittoo. requ'rK Xoolnma . . . . . . . 1 0 00 18 00 JO 00 tween t h e new-mirried: pair. Hiring long they baye blackened the whole oharaoter In memory so long or so tenderly, as these hum- never, b y word, look, or gesture, betray t h e wUl be'ttrn It the- Eeadesvooe. t i l SOOTH PKOUT do to Hamburg 89 00 NOBTH QUEKV ST., of exoommunicatlon against him, and offered a STBiEf.rhlladelpkU. CAPT. JAMES LEWIS, ble dependants, who best knew bis real char, slightest Indication of its dreadful secret,—no, .....WOO » 0 0 « 6 0 Binoe blighted bet own hopei of happiness, SFEEKAGE 30 00 One and a -half B q u r e s mbor* th» Bail Bond. aoTls-4t-fll Heenutlag Oflleer. Which they bare found one offensive quality, do to London S3 00 . no i s -3m*M not even » muoh attod n w suspiolon toward high reward t o a n y one w h o would' deliver r M Y.'.V....... so oo »oo so oo t h e seemed to find no consolation t o "tweet as the t u n n y dimoultlesof the unpopular ^ffioial aotar. do to P a r i s . . . . . . 28 00 Bayard into h U b i b d t ; ; H e also sent a secret BANK NOTICE. : But'it was Upon the mulatto girl Fanny, par- herself after the dh]w very, of t h e o r y i T l i e r e BUSINISS SOTICtS buertod befor* Marriage* and WMeUng.that it otheri;—not that the had no Estray Notice. do to Hamburg 36 OO soonbeoame a theme of oommon scandal,' a l l Deatha, double th* rafnlar rata*. tJ»Piissenger8 forwarded to Harre, Bremen, Botterticularly, that the tyrannical cruelty of Mrs. was no i m a or ^ p j f & t ^ ^ o r j r e j ^ i f o n , of agent to Alphoute of Ferrara with the proffer T\TOTICE is hereby given that the love for her sister; on the contrarr, her lore, TRAYED'from the subscriber, from dam, Antwerp, Ac., at reduced through fares. PneldaotaadDlnetoreorUieXaaeuterCoiuitT til* Farm of 0 . W. BUCKLKY, l a Ealiibnry townKf^JOl advartlilBX aoeonnU a n eonaldered eollaeta- s a s h a i i t waa, wat really strong and b a t i n g ; the blame, of oourse,being.laid upon biro.' Wilde waa ponied on t i n all itttererlty. From of great wealth If h e would betray theFrenoh. ± . \ which HlBeVitf rWeed aeoesiary; ftrrhuman Persona wishing to bring out their friends can bny S a f e l o t e a i t t B i k e appnsauoB to the £egUUraro of atup, about th« 10th of OCTOBER, 2 H.lSar. Calres, hle at t i t expiration of half the period eoatrictad for. This state of things, disagreeable i n itaelf, 0 f r e a a 1 7 l T u l a . i t t a e l r a e x t i e i - about « month*) o l d , the on* l i a light re3 with white tickets at low rates. and la her fieroe grief for that. Bitter's death some cause,—whether because her duties ren- life is a frail thing, and a determined hand is The Duke told this to Bayard and alio inform- tbaCotamoiweaUb. Ttanslcst adTardiemeBts, oiBH i l o a , f o r i rsaewal.of the e a r n e r , and an exteniloa of fact, tha other la a dark rad with tone,white. A n y 1 3 - F o r further Information apply at the Company's proved most unfortunate i n its influenoe on 1 ed him that h e had-.bribed s,. certain man to the prtxUetee of the ^ d Bank, w i t h i l l tha rijhti and she met a punishment i l m o e t equalto her dered her more liable t o commit irritating always strong. She had already undergone on s i r i n g information w i l l ha liberally rewarded offices.JOHN Q. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, H. Y . p r i r u ^ e . now epjojed, for a termor twenty joara, his subsequent fate; for, h a d h e retained hit poison the Pope within eight days. JAMKS BTIRLIKG. deserts.: Nor.waa it long before s h e provided' from the expiration o f the preient ehirter, with t h i ; faults, or whether, being always in sight, she the most effectual preparation for raoh a-task, or BEED, UcGBANH, KELLY & CO., Agents, Lancaster THE LAND OF THE " t ^ J f foiuid pleaae address the robeoriber, at Gap P. •ami aani.,tule, locitlon tad. capital of $ago.ooo.. mar 13 (1J1T-1« herself with a roosteneotnal means of accom- previous popularity i n t h e county, the hut was simply t h e most convenient object et —that of the soul; and when that i s once " O m y Heavenly,Father 1" exclaimed the O-tLancaatercounty,Pa. .: no 13-3t*61 Br order. •••'• W. L. FEIPSK, "When the eagle ascends on hie elond-elMTing pinions, deplorable catastrophe would oertainly. never DEItAWAEE HUTUAI. Cachler LiQcuter Co. Bank abuse, or whether on account of the alleged thoroughly accomplished, not muoh mora i s true-hearted Knight, " h o w can y o u b e s o - JttUO-Bm-as •• He sweeps from the s i z e through the ether so b l u e t plishing her.malioions object, of inflaming the CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. BAPETx" "When the meteor descends from It* etarry d o n l n l o n j , troubles of the household Into whioh s h e bad have happened: since every lawyer knows full former mtimaoy between .this girl and h e r needed: a fact which eeems Sot', t o n e under- foolish and blind as to undertake s n c h a wick- To the Citizens of Lancaster County. HE undersigned citizens of East U k e a dream of tht night It depart* from tha T t e w ; Donegal township, Lancaster county, Fa., hereby INSURANCE COMPANY Bnt tha itar of Columbia, In glory ascending. intruded herself. This .wis' t h e disoorsry, well, that to capital.cases'esp^olaHy, juries rna«ter,-^ertaln it is that the.hatred with stood by those patriotio assassins—French and ed piece of work f If I. were sure y o u w e n i n HE (iOV-ERNMENT announces that caution all persona against trespassing on their premShall baacon tha nattoni unborn In t h a b glee. tae-iapplr of BIiArfKBTS i n .the country l i e x - ises, b y gunning, fishing or.otherwsse, under penalty of OF PHILADKLPHIA. real or pretended, of a former illioit connection are merely the exponents of public'sentiment,' whioh the mistress pursued her had something Italian—whose elaborately contrived inferaal- earnest, I would warn the Pope at onoe of b i s A n d the anthems of fraedom melodiously blending. haaeted^iha invitee eontrlbaUoni,'to relieve preselng the l a w : Shall flee llks the winds o'ar tha laud of tha free. between her brother-in-law and a pretty and and that the power of any judge to cause the in i t almost diabolioal: And s h e seemed t o maohines do bnt betray the anxious precau- danger^" n e c w l U e i ; from t h e enrplm etbrei of ftmlllee. Incorporated 1835* Samuel Bedsecker, Daniel ZTlssley, . K f T h e Subeexlber will cheerfully reoerri any good sympathies of a oommnnity to Blnk into calm Darld F . Brubaker, How glorious tha nation haa waked from ita dreaming, intelligent mulatto girl, about eighteen or " B u t i t would b e ridding u s of a great eouSi BUakeU weighing n o t ' l u e t h i n four pound!, John H . WUtehlll, take a peculiar satisfaction in making her h u s - tions taken to insure lives which, according to A K E Insurance against L o s s or In splendor arrayed Uia\tne'er crowned It before, . Christian Hersh, nineteen years of age, who was still retained indifferenoe at t h e railing of, a . jory-box is band t h e instrument of her persecutions: an Damage b y Fire o a Buildings, Furniture, Stock which may b i •ntmated to hUa for thatpurpoM b r the George B. lUUer, And the Star Bpangled Banner In majesty streaming. their owo professions,. have been rendered enexny.'.' Jonas Mamma, Ben., l o y i l add patriotic citizens of the county, and w i l l take Benjamin Gather, ol ttoods, Merohsjullxe, Ac., on as farorable terms a s about at effective as was the command of the B y milUona la echoed from mountain to ahora: in the family i n the capacity of housemaid. " No matter for t h a t ; it wonld be dishonora- care that t n i y a r a promptly foiwarded and applied to Christian K. Xftuley, Christian Gerber. any other reliable Company. ingenious method of punishing both her v i e . valueless by tyranny, and ought therefore to It rldaa Ilka toe tempest, majestically sweeping; the m e of the troope. THOS. E. FBAttKXlH. Dane in arresting the in-rolling waters of the Having once struck this jarring ohord, she John K. Vlsatey, 8eth Bbr, -ASSETS OF THE C0HPANT, It glldai Uka tha starlight that n i r a n tha 1 M ; t i n s , if the motive were the last of those be the more freely risked. Felton and Char- ble and wicked to resort to suoh means to put oct 16-tM7 Lancaster. Jonas Momma, Dr. tfathaniel "Watson. It surges and swell*. Ilka <na wild billow* leaping, (November 1,1660.) oontinned to play ODonitwithdiaboUoalskUl: ocean. This is peculiarly true in this country, above suggested. And truly bitter it must lotte Corday nndersood their business better; your enemies to death. I would muoh rather Andrew Armstrong. Michael Hnber. And hovers like bliss o'ar the land of the free. $100,000 United StateaSper c e n t . L o a n . . . . $100,60000 A SSIGNED: ESXATE: OF JACOB To those who watobed the ooorse of hernnholy where the people, both in theory and in fact, Eli Hoffman, John G. Hoerner, be betrayed myself than to betray others." 116,000 United 8tate» 6 per cent. Treasury have been to both, when the hand that h a d but even their preparations may b e called Onr legions are swayed b y the accents of glory— _ £ ^ _ 8 . KAUFFKAN 4 WITH, of Manor tawruhlp, John-Gross, James B. Clark, labors, the energy and ingenuity with which are so completely sovereign that the instituNotes, with accrued interest 119,463 34 The memories of age*, are waked b y a sound— After that nothing more was said about Lancaster co. HaTing b y deed o f Toluntary assign- John W . Clark, been only too kind was now forced to the in elaborate, oompared with those of this poor J. E. Ereybill. 100,000 Penna. State 5 per cent. Loan 95,970 00 Hew buoyancy leapt In the heart of the hoary, ment, dated the 3tst day o f OCTOBER, 1661, assigned this wretched woman wrought at her task, and tions of. government are only instruments, poisoning the Pope. East And youth with the wisdom o f a g u It crowned. and tranarevied all their estate and effects to tbe underC a uDonegal t i o n ttwp. o G u n n e r s a n d F oct i s h2-ly-lJ ers. 21,000 " " 6 " " 2\,f>4S 00 friction even of stripes; so that one hardly slave-girl. the oompletenesB of her suooese, would hare The voice of a nation may languish in alnmbers, signed, for the benefit of tbe creditors of said Jacob 123,050 Fhilad'a. City 6 per cent. L o a n . . . 125,203 31 and none at all of antagonistic action. The L L P E R S O N S are forbid trespassing ' BATA2D WOUNOSD. knows which to pity m o s t : though, if the esCaptain Wilde returned late in the evening Like a harp that reclines on oblivion's tree, 8 . Saoffman, he .therefore, hereby glvee notice to all 30,000 Tennessee State 6 per c e n t Loan. Z-f.OGO 00 seemed a subject ofadmiration, if the resnlt upon the Elizabeth Furnace property for the advocate, therefore, always watches the crowd Tat, a moment may call forth the depths or its numbers. knowing themstlTes indebted to said Assignor, 60,000 Pennsylvania Ballroad 2d Mortsence of punishment be degradation, certainly with the coveted coach; and the whole family, At the siege of the city Brescia, while Bay- persona to make payment to the undersigned witbont delay, purpose of huntlng.gunnlng, fishing, or remoringstonee, gage € per cent. Bonds 45,00000 And scatter Its sweats o'er the land of the free. had not been so deplorable as.to merge all other of eager faces without the bar, with eye as or hoop-poles, or trespassing in any w a y under 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germ an town Gas the legal slave Buffered less of it than the moral white and black, of oourse, turned out to ad- ard was fighting bravely in t h e street h e re- and those hating claims against Dim to present them wood, the penalty ot the law. 0 . CALDWELL, Agent, emotions in indignant detestation. Like streams from the mountains our heroes assemble, to the undersigned. HJiNBT. ff. EAUFFMAN, Company, Interest and Principal anxious and far more prophetic than that sept 11 eow-6t-42 one who had fallen so low beneath the domin- mire that orowning addition to the family ceived a deep wound from a lance. Nevertheno 1KH*61 Bait Hempfleld twp. guaranteed by the City of PhilaWith gaze that la fixed upon Liberty's star; with which he studies the formal countenandelphia. 16,300 00 On the.breezes of freedom their proud steamers tremble, ion of a termagant wife. But let it be ever splendor. Bnt among the noisy group of t h e less he fought on, but when he oould k e e p u p OPEL TFTBOLB COUPTBT—AS IT WA3 1 Their standards emblazoned with Union afar; So thoroughly had her design been accom- ces whom he direotly addresses. 6,000 100 Shares Pennsylvania Railroad SSIGNED ESTATE OF JAMES And woe to the traitors shall meet them i n motion, remembered to t h e honor of this wretched latter there stood one who gazed npon the ob- no longer he lay down exhausted. He cried Company 3,900 00 PEARSOtf.ofWeatHempfieldtowjUihlp. Haying S . S . B A T H V O N , plished in the coarse of a single year, that the When flares as the tempest that scourges the sea, There was one oironmstance, arising i n - daughter of bondage, that, in spite of all, she jeot of admiration with thoughts far different ont to a lower officer: "Brother, take com- by deed or OCTOBER 99th, 1861, assigned all his estate 6,000 100 Shares North Penn'a. Railroad They pour forth thslr vengeance, their wrath and de- birth of as sweet a child as ever smiled upon the undersigned In tro.it for the benefit of creditor*, Company 900 00 rotion. directly from h i s public employment, that never lost that devoted attachment for her from those of her companions; and soon the mand of m y m e n ; but don't trouble yourself to all persons indebted to said estate are requested to 1,200 60 Shares Philadelphia Ice Boat foud parents, instead of serring as a point of And Ylctory presides o'er the land of the free. Gor. ORANGE! a n d N . Q,UBKN gta., make Immediate payment, and those haring claimB exeroised no trivial influence upon Captain maBter which in one of a more favored race oareless mirth of all waa cheoked and ohilled about m e . " and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 union between Captain Wilde and h i s wife, against the same w i l l present them- to the undersigned OULD respectfully beg leave to 250 6 Shares Philadelphia and Havre Wilde's fate. On one occasion, while engaged might be called by a softer name. For, what- into silent fear, when they saw their master . The French had no sooner heard that their assignee, residing In West Hempfleld twp. . only increased their estrangement by furnishinform the publio that he has on hand, of his deGraceTow-boat Company... 360 00 no 18-8t»CI JACOB M. OKlDEEt. CYEIL WU.DE. with a brother-ofiloial in arranging their books ever may' have been his feelings toward her, take from beneath one of t b e ' s e a t s a new own manufacture, a large and wall selected s*ock of 200 2 ShareB Philadelphia Exchange leader had fallen than they rushed with suoh ing another subject of contention- A l a s ! the Company 125 00 preparatory to the annual settlement, his wife, there can remain no donbt'of the nature of specimen of the well-known green cow-skim STATE of JOHN DENLINGEK, FAIL AHD WINTER CLOTHING vigor and enthusiasm against their enemies, For some reason which, it does not oonoern peaoe of Eden was not more utterly destroyed 1,000 2 Shares Continental Hotel Comlate of East Lampeter township, deceased.—Lotbecoming enraged because he failed to attend hers for him,—so touohlngly displayed at a and hand it, to his wife. A h ! they all knew for Men and Boys, which will be sold at prices to salt 0664,700 (Par) panyooat $047,336 34, market val $55i,3W 600 00 71 na now to investigate, Kentucky, under the by the treacherous wiles of the serpent than that in a few minutes they were masters of t e n of administration on said estate baring bees grant- the present peculiar state of the ttmsn;—also ed to. the undersigned, all parsons Indebted thereto are Bills Receivable for Insurances made 17L38S43 instantly to her orders concerning some tri- subsequent period, when she cast away t h e that appealing look well, and the hard, relentWOOLLBN, COTTON and dominion of the white man, has continued t o that of this ill-starred household by the whisrequested to make immediate payment, and those barthe city. Bond* and Mortgages 34,600 00 SILK UNDEBCLOTHIHG, ing claims or demands against the same are requested to justify its native name of " Dark and Bloody pers of this serpent i n woman T s shape. Under fling domestio matter, rushed into bis study terror of violent death, so strong i n a l l her less frown b y which i t was answered, as well Real Estate 61,363 35 W h e n a few soldiers bore their brave general present them for settlement to the undersigned, without e i l l S T S AND COLLARS, NECKTIES, CBAVATS AND STOCKS, Balances due at Agencies—Premiums o n DANAL DEEfLINOEB, Ground," in being the soene of a remarkable her oohtinual exasperations, Mrs. Wilde's and oaught up an armful of papers, whioh she race, and sought, by a voluntarily confession as they knew the use of the dreaded instru- into one of the most magnificent houses in the delay. HOBE AND GLOVES, Marine Policies, Interest and other debw JOHN G DELENGEK, temper, naturally harsh, became at last so out- attempted to throw into the fire. The docu- of guilt never imputed to her, to save htm by ment itaelf. B u t there was only one among oity, he said to them as they w e n taking h i m number of tragedies in real life. HANDKERCHIEFS residing in Bast Lampeter twn. due the Company 61,566 02 ments were of great importance; and to pre- taking his place npon the scaffold. Surely, them who oompreheuded its immediate purSUSPENDEKS and SAMUEL DRNLBNGEK, Scrip and Stock of Sundry Insnrauce and One of these, less known t o the public in rageous and unbridled as to render her unforthrough the door:— UMBRELLAS,'and a residing in Leacock twp. other Companies 2,62650 vent her carrying her childish purpose into suoh heroio self-sacrifice suffices to rariety ot other articles usually kept In Clothing and D A Y I 0 LANDIS, pose. Tbe glance of cruel meaning which the later times, we think transcends all the others tunate husband's life one long ooorse of h u " Children, I hope you will not injure this $2S,673 16 Furnishing stores. He has also just recslrsd a fresh Canh on hand—in Banks o 13 6t"51 residing in West Lampeter twp. *• " in Drawer 43635 in boldness of conception, regularity of plot, miliation and misery.. Far from taking any execution, her husband was obliged to seize tyranness, after having examined the lithe, and choice stock of house or anything in it. Take good oare of it " sublime 29,106 SI 51 $904,907 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTWGS, variety of passion and character displayed, and pains to hide their disoords from the world, her quickly and violently, and drag her from Her dirk dtcp&lr and plead for IU one crime." twisted rod critically for an instant, oast npon for m y sake, and I will compensate y o u for KOTICE. WILLIAM MARTIN.Prealdent. suitable to the approaching season, and adapted to mil HE undersigned, appointed Auditor tastes and pecuniary clrcnmBtances, which will bo THOMAS C. HAND, Vice-President. horror and pathos of catastrophe. It might she seemed to court observation by seizing the hearth. The reader will hardly recognize It was probably on a discovery of this feeling the objoct of her malice, probably banished the the treasures i n i t out of m y own private by the Court of Common Fleas of Lancaster county HKHET L T L B 0 B 5 , Secretary. made to order with skill and dispatch. In any desired have furnished a worthy subject to the pen of every opportunity of inflicting mortification this Incident i n the form i n whioh 'it was iu the girl that the intermeddlingsister-in-law last lingering hesitation from the breast of the : purse." to dlstributs the balance remaining in. the hands of style, and warranted to giro entire satisfaction. J. ZIMMERMAN, Agent, Abraham Brlsman, one of tht) Assignees of Christian oct 30-3m-29 No. 74 North Qaeen nt. ( Lancaster. Sophocles or Shakspeare, one that they would upon him in public, reokless of the reflections afterward detailed from the witness-stand; founded her oharge against the'master. Thankful to an appreciating public for past patronlatter,—who turned away ostensibly to the perThen the lady of the house cast herself at Hershey and Ann his wife, among those legally entitled age, and In order that he may be enabled, lu these tryBut there is a point beyond which human formance of heraoonstomed duties, but in reto the same hereby glres notice that h e will attend for ing times, to continue employment to a namerous ctass. have found already oast into a highly dramatic sooh Improprieties might bring npon herself. and it is only on aooount of the effect whioh his feet and said :— tha purpose of his appointment In the. .Library room of of laborers who are "worthy of their hire," ha respect T H E I N L A N D I N S U B A N C E A N D But why, it may be asked, did not both this and other occurrences of like nature had endurance cannot go,—at which milder na ality to settle the details ofa crime unsurpassform, requiring only fitting words to convey House, i n the city of Lancaster,on WEDNES- fully HollciU and hopes he may merit a reuonsble " My dear sir, this house and all it contains the.Court DEPOSIT COMPANY DAY, the 11th day ofDECBMBEB next, (1861) at 2 share of future favor. the passions of the aotors. Little invention parties seek a separation, when affairs had In bringing about t h e final event of our his- tures turn to voluntary death as a refuge from ed in coolness and resolution by aught recordis by the laws of war in your hands, to do with o'clock, P . M . when and where all persons Interested t^Don't forget the place, at the late F . J.KBAMPH'R N S U R E against loss by fire o n B u i l d may attend if they think proper. of situation or inoident would have been need- reached suoh a state as this F First, because tory, that we take the trouble to narrate mat- further suffering, and fiercer oneB begin to ed of pirate or highwayman. It was probably old atand, opposite the Hotel and Stage Offices of Em'I ings, either perpetual or limited. Also, on Meichanit us you please. You shall have all our wealth novlJ.-it.61 ABBAM SHANE, Anditor. Shober, corner of North Qaeen and Orange streets. ed, for neither could be imagined more intense- Captain Wilde, though adrised thereto, nat- ters so trifling and uninteresting ; for it ap- contemplate orime with savage complaqenoy during the boors immediately succeeding Capdlse,farnUnra and otbflrperdODal property, at reasonable oct9.3m.47 S. S. RATHVON. 'if you will accept i t . But I beseech you t o raUn. ly interesting; nor oould the most finished urally shrank from the scandal snob a step peared that every Inoident of the kind was Towards this point the ruthless and persever- tain Wilde's return that her deadly purpose STATE of CHRISTIAN BENTZ, £3~SaId Coinpauv alBO r e e e ' T 6 money on deposit as look-at these m y two daughters. Take pity late of East Cocallco township, deceased. Letters artist have constructed a plot more coherent always occasions; and, on the other Bide, be- carefully registered i n the memory of the ing cruelty of these two women was now rapid, shaped itaelf forth in the plan finally executheretofore, pay 5 percent interest for one month or ot administration on said estate h a l i n g been granted to C O N S U M E R S O F on them and on my husband, who has fled longer, and 2>£ per cent on deposit made for a. year. in all its details, or mere strictly in accordance oause his wife was gifted with one of those in- Srinnys of this devoted household, whenoe it ly driving their wretohed. viotim, and soon, ed; because it was not till then that she be-, the.undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are reH. E. MUHLENBERG, President. for safety to the cloister." quested to make immediate payment, and those haTing COAL, with the rales of composition,—even to thetolerable tempers that make some women came out magnified raid distorted into a brutal they were to learn that they had been huntR. F. Baccff, Secretary. mar 2l-tf-17 claims or demands against the same w i l l present them oames' cognizant of all the oircumstances whioh " Madame," he replied, " I wish t h e whole for settlement to the undersigned, residing i n said ing, not a lamb, but a tigress, whose single preservation of the Aristotelian unitieB of time cling to a partner they hate with a jealous and unprovoked outrage.. T A K E N O T I C E ! entered into its formation. Seldom have more oity could be saved. I oannot tell whether I township. SARAH BSNTZ, B A N K I N G H O U S E O F spring, when brought to bay, would be aa and place. So perfect, indeed, does it seem, tenacity which love conld soaroely inspire, oct 9-6*1-48 Administratrix. Wretched indeed must have been the state nioely calculated combinations entered into the BhaU ever recover from my wound, but as long B E E D , H E N D E B S O N & CO. qulok, as sure, and as deadly as was ever made that, were it not substantiated iu every point simply for the reason that a separation would ELIIMAKER'S of that family in which such scenes were alplots of criminals, and never was a plot de- as I l i v e l will proteot y o u and yonr daughters. SSIGNED ESTATE OF GERN t h e 2 6 t h of March, instant, t h e from an Indian jungle. For now; near the end by the reoords of a judiolal tribunal, it might pnt an end to their power, so dearly prized, of HABD BBANDT. The undersigned, anditor, apnndeniftnod, under the firm of SEED, HENDEBlowed to meet the eyes of strangers; and pending on BO many chances more completely You may depend upon that." of the third year of Captain Wilde's married pointed b y tbe Court of Common Fleaa of Lancaster SOJf St CO., will commence the Banking Business, la ita well be taken for the invention of some master inflicting pain;—for hatred has its jealousy, again it may be asked, Why did not Captain to distribute the balance in the hands of C. 8. asnal branches at tbe office hitherto occupied b y John. as well as love. life, its wretohed soenes of disoord and tyranny suacessfnl. Yet the pivot of the whole, as ofThen he sent for the absent husband and Count/, of human nature and the dramatic art. E a u f i o a n , Assignee, for tha benefit of creditors of GerK. Eeed & Co., at the corner of Ea.it King and Doke Wilde take measures to dissolve a union that SHU at the Old Place, Streets, between the Conrt House and Sprecher*s Hotel, were about to be olosed iu a catastrophe tha t ten in more extensive schemes of homioide, i s the two daughters who had oonoealed them- hard Brandt, among those legally entitled to the same, Lancaster, Pa. had resulted iu so muoh nnhappiness, and in hereby gives notice to all persons interested in such disCaptain Cvril Wilde, the hero, or rather the to be found in the reokless daring and utter dis. Of the perverse ingenuity of these two was to overwhelm a great oommnnity with selves from feai. When they arrived, he told tribution, that he will attend for the purpose of hiB ap- Cor. of Prince and Lemon sts., - one square They will pay Interest on deponUe* at the following viotim, of the events we are about to narrate, women in oausing the deepest mortifioation to whioh all hope of improvement must now consternation and horror, and blot an entire regard of personal safety manifested throughNorth of the Railroad. pointment. In one of the J o r y Booms i n the Court rates: them not to fear anything. House, at Lancaster, on 8ATDBDAT, the 30th day of 6% percent, for 6 months and longer. was one of those perfectly happy men whom the unfortunate gentleman, whenever Fate have disappeared ? Suoh a step would cer- family ont of existence almost i n a single out. For this alone she seems to have made NOVEMBER, at 10 o'clock A. H., when and where they And that was the only house i n Brescia 5 " " 30 days and looger. H E most convenient yard i u t h e city every one has learned to regard as favorites of and his own weakness gave them the power, tainly have been wise ; nor could tbe strict- night,—a catastrophe i n which Providence, no oalonlations and taken no precautions; her can attend. WM. ADO. ATLEB. They will bny and sell Stocks and Beal Estate on for Country Trade, being out of sight of the ears, that was free from the cries and sobs of grief. commission, negotiate Loans far others, purchase and no 6 41.60 and fronting on two streets, Fortune, and on whom no one ever expects we will notloe one instanoe, on account of the est moralist have found aught t o censure true t o that ideal of perfeot justice called poet whole mmd being bent apparently on the solusell Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Drafts, i c , W h e n he recovered from his wound and &e., &c. disaster to fall, simply because it never has important influence it had in bringing about therein. But i t was now too late. No ob- ioal,.working ont the punishment of two of tion of one single dlffloulty,—how to approach STATE of JOHNB.PENINGTON, £3~Having procured the services of The undersigned will be Individually liable to the was about to take h i s departure from t h e of Little Brittaln twp., dee'd. The undersigned server of human affairs has failed to notice done so. Well descended, at a period when the denouement of this domestio tragedy. extent or their meanu, for all deposltes and other obll her enemy undetected. Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster tbe actors by means of their own inhumanity) JACOB BBIWHOLD, friendly family, the lady said:— gallons of Eeed, Henderson 2c Co. how Burely a stronger character gains a s County, to dlstribnt* the balance In tbe hands of Sam. good birth was a positive honor in itself, and [CONCLUSION NEXT WEEK.] March 15, 1860. JOHN K\ EEED, According to the kindly custom of that time, cendency over a weaker with whioh i t is at the same time mysterionsly involved two '' Gracious friend, you have saved our bono.* E. Falrlamb, administrator of the estate of said dee'd., for 15 years V e i l and favorably known to the connected, either by affinity or friendship, !••»» AMOS 8 . HENDERSON, to and among thobe legally entitled to receive it, will people of this county In connection with the coal busiothers,—one olothed in all the innocence of mar 21-1M7 ISAAC E. HIESTER. meet tha parties Interested In said purpose on THURS- ness, and b y giving hit entire attention to the bnsineis, with the best society of Kentucky, h e held, by Captain Wilde had on one occasion requested brought into familiar oontaot. No law of man infancy, and the other guilty only through HISTORY FOE THE UTTLE F01KS. and our property. While all onr neighbors DAY, the Slat of NOVEMBER, A. D . 1661. at 2 o'clock, the subscriber hopes to merit and receive a liberal the assistanoe of some of his neighbors in have been murdered or plundered, you have can abrogate this great law of Nature. Talk P. M., In the Library Room lu the Court House, Lan- share of the public patronage. hereditary right, a high position among that weakness and as the instrument of another.— caster City. J . K . ALEXANDER, old aristocracy which then and for a long time treading out his grain; and the party had set as we may about tbe power of knowledge or Seldom has destruction been more sndden or [adapted from tbe Oennanfor the Ef. T , Hethodiet.] protected us from all harm. Permit me then tSr&ean Coal and full weight guarantees to all. oct30-4t49 Anditor. to work at dawn, i n order to avail themselveB to give y o u a little testimonial of our esteem intellect or virtue, the whole ordering of soafterward stoutly maintained its own agaioBt T h e Philadelphia a n d Baltimore Cenapr 17-ly-31 LEVI ELLMAKER. Bayard, the Knight without Fear or more complete, and never, perhaps, was so anSTATE of MARY WATSON, late of the cooler portion of the day. After waiting and gratitude." ciety Bhows that i t is strength of character the enoroaohing spirit of democratic equality, tral Bailroad. of Providence twp., dee'd.—Letters of admlniatranihilating a blow dealt by BO weak a hand. Eeproach. with longing ears for the Bound of the breakwhich fixes the relative italut of individuals. Then she handed to him a little box which Uon on said estate haTing been granted to the underand whose members still kept in mind many FALL ARRANGEMENT. signed, aU persons indebted thereto are requested to fast horn, they finally, at a latehonr, repaired In whatever community we m a y live, we was filled with dncats, of the traditions, honored in their own persons BOEN 1476, niKo 1524. make Immediate payment, and those haying claims or Those.who remember the early times of N a n d after M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 , to the house, uncalled. Here the host, sups e e d only look around to discover that its " How muoh money is there iu this box ?" demands against the same w i l l present them for settle' 1661, the Trains will leave Philadelphia from the dignify, and strove to preserve in their Kentucky know that the place of the agriculment to the undersigned, residing In Martlc twp. tneDepot of the W . C. and P . H. R. Company N. E . This remarkable hero was born of a noble she asked. households somewhat of the manners, of the posing all to be ready, led his friends uncere- real leaders are not the merely intelligent, tural and mechanics' fairs of t h e present day oct30-6t«49 S I B AH WATSON, CORNER of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET STREETS, at moniously into the dining room, where h e family. By nature h e was a bold and fearleBS 8 A. M-, and 4.30 P. M. educated, and good, but the energetic, the Cavaliers of the Old Dominion. Nor was wealth " Only twenty-five hundred ducats. I wish was supplied b y " big meetings," which, u n Returning, leave Oxford at 6.40 A. M., and 3.20 P. M. STATE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, S T E A M "wanting to complete his happiness,—at least, was astonished, and no t a little angered, to find self-asBerting, the aggressive. Nor will mere der the various names of associations, camp- man. His ancestors had been brave warriors we could give yon much more, but that is imThe Train leaving Philadelphia at S A . M., connects late of Marietta. East Donegal twp . dee'd.—Letat Oxford with a line of Stages, via Hopewell to Peach ters of Administration on aald estate having been such wealth as was needed b y one of h i s hiB wife and sister Beated composedly at their passive Btrength of will prevent snbjeotion; meetings, and basket-meetings, continued in for many generations. In his thirteenth year possible." Pottom, In Lancaster connty. granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and simple tastes and unostentatious habits. He meal, which they bad already nearly finished, for how often do we see a spirit, whoBe only full popularity to a qnite recent period, and he became a page of the Duke of Savoy, who Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford '' My good lady," replied Bayard, " I wish no those having demands against tbe same w i l l present with only the three customary plates on the was in friendship and allianos with the King with the afternoon Train /or Philadelphia prominent characteristic is a restless and was rioh beyond his disposition to spend, hut were at last partially suppressed ou account of HENBT WOOD money. All t h a t l desire from you Is the friend- them far settlement to the undersigned, residing In said table, and no apparent preparation for a larger of France. W h e n h e went away his excellent tireless pugnacity, hold in complete subservient w p . JOHN W . CLARK, not beyond his capacity to enjoy,—a capacity the immorality which they occasioned and enship of yourself and yonr family. You have SIMON GBOH, number. On his beginning to remonstrate in mother told him never to forget the virtues cy those who are far superior in actual strength multiplied by as many times as he had friends oct 23-6t-48 Administrators. couraged. I t was to these holy fairs—as now been very kind to me, and I can never forget TEADE SALES TBADE SALES to stimulate it;—summer friend's, alas I too a rather heated tone, his wife arose, and, re- of mind, purely through the apathy of the to secular ones—that the wealth and fashion of frankness, modesty, and compassion. He OFFICE. STATE OF REBECCA SIDES, it. Take back your money, and always conmarking that she had not been used to eat in took tbe advioe, and his oonduot at court of H E ub b h n u u n d latter, and their indisposition to live i n a many of them proved to be. H.B character late of Martlc twp., dece'd.—Letters of Adminisof early Kentuoky orowded for the purpose of m h T a h sider me yonr servant and friend." tration o n said estate having been granted to the unwas without reproach; his disposition easy oompany with oommon laborers, swept dis- state of oonBtant effort! It is because this displaying themselves moBt conspioiotisly be- Savoy was suoh as to win the respect and lore w B m LAW C dersigned, all persona indebted thereto are requested to T OH MED CAL BBLK OU B O BA dainfully from the room, followed by her sisof all. Full of astonishment, the lady cast herself petty domineering temper is found muoh make immediate payment, and those having 'claims or and genial; his mind of that happy middle HY HECHAK CAL nd nay J? WM fore the eyes of assembled counties. Mrs. demands against the aame will present them for settleT B w b ~ LAHCASTEB, PA. On one occasion h e attracted t h e notice of at his feet and implored h i m to accept the box ment to the undersigned, residing i n said twp. order which, always commands respect, while ter. No more unpardonable inBult could have dftener in women than iu men, that we see a Wilde, like most women of her temper, was pasw w been offered to Kentucky farmers, at the very of ducats. Bayard refused no longer, but took score of henpecked husbands to one ill-used JAMES SIMPSON, it feels none of the restlesB ambition and imw B m L sionately fond of suoh publio triumphs, and the King of France b y the splendid way i n oct 23-61-48 Administrator. T a w potent longing for public recognition that foundation of whose social creed lay the prin- wife. W o e to the man who falls into t h i , had determined, at a oamp-meeting soon to be which he managed his horse. The invitation it with asBuranoes of gratitude. He then turnB w A w h B STATE of JAMES FOSTER, late m usually attend the possession of superior ciple of equality, and of whose oharaoter an kind of Blavery to a wicked woman 1 for in the vicinity, to outshine allherruralneigh- was made him to b e an officer in the French ed to her two daughters, and said:— of Elizabeth twp., Lancaster county, dee'd.—LetWEB TRB B UNABR DGED D CT HAKY intense and jealous feeling of personal dignity through him she will commit aots aba would " I thank yon, girls, for your attention to me ters of Administration on Bard estate having been abilities. WOBCR TBE DHABB DQ D D CT ONARY bors in Bplendor. For the full realization of Bervice: It was aooepted, and Bayard entered was the most salient feature: for these men never dare iu her own person; and a double OLD EB TEXT BOOK in my sickness. I wish I could make you some granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make Immediate payment, and this ambition, a new carriage was, in her opin- his new field of duty in his seventeenth year. REV ED ABMY BEQDLAT ON adequate compensation for your kindness.— those having claims or demands against the aame will Suoh was the position of Captain Wilde, and were of independent means, who had come woe to him, if lie be not as wioked and hard- ion, absolutely necessary. This fact she comM CLELLAH BAYONET EXERC E One day a knight of great strength and noble present them for settlement to the undersigned, residN ANTRY TACT C suon was the character h e bore during the first rather to superintend the labors of their ne- ened aa his mistress I The bargain of the old municated to her husband, and upon some family came forward and challenged all men But you know we soldiers never have muoh ing at Baohmansvllle, Lebanon county, Pa, ZOUAVE DR LL BOOK oct 33-6t»48 WILLIAM FOSTER. thirty-eight years of his life. Not many have groeB than to labor themselves,-—Buob ooca- Devil-bought magicians, was profitable com- demur on his part, a thing now very rare, her of war to fight him iu a tournament. He was money, so you must take m y present as if it G T BOOK O ALL K ND HOTOGRA H C ALBUM known a more lengthened prosperity,—and Bions bejng regarded only as pleasant oppor- pared with h i s ; since he getB nothing what- temper, as ;usnal, broke forth i n a storm of astonished to find among his opposers a young were ten times as muoh. Here are one thousand SSIGNED ESTATE of ANDREW h C T The 0 . BOWER & WIPE, having b y deed of OCTOducats for you, and another thousand for you. few, very few* a more sudden and terrible re- tunities for free and unrestrained sociability, ever for the soul he surrenders up. man scarcely eighteen years old. The King G T BOOB AND BEAL ESTATE. reproach and abuse, so that the poor man, BBK 21st, 1861, assigned all their estate to the underCHOOL MA CHABT AND CABD Here are five hundred whioh I wonld like you signed In trust for tha benefit of creditors, all persons Terse. Fortune,' like a fond mistress, had far more agreeable than formal and oeremoniand noblemen, and wealthy men gathered from completely subdued, was glad to purchase BLTON OUTL NE MA to take to the cloister, which has suffered a Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate lavished her gifts on him without stint,—butt ons visits. On these occasions, tbe host would AKDEB ELOCUT ONARY CHART payment, and those having claims against th e same I n the present case, a couple of years s u f peace b y acquiescence in what his jadgment all parts of the country, were spectators of the AKDER CHOOL CABD great deal from our conquest of the oity." will present tbem to the undersigned assignee, residing like a jealous one, seemed resolved that he conduct his friends over his farm to survey combat. Vaudrei conquered one enemy after WE HAVE A LABOE VABIBTY OF ERGEANT CHOOL CARD regarded as a foolish expense ; and he preparSeed for the energetic and ever-belligerent In East Hempfleld twp. WEBB CHOOL CARD should owe everything to her gratuitous boun- the oondition of his orops,or point out to their So the girls received the money which their another, and they fell like straws beneath his oct 23-61-48 BENJAMIN B0WSB6. to protemper of the wife to subdue completely the ed immediately to set off for L B BLE m Tw o ty, and the moment he sought to win an object admiration his fine cattle, or obtain their opinTw T m o m Q motherhadjuatmadeBayardaocept. In return strong blows. Finally he made an attack upon mild and peaceable nature of the husband. cure the coveted vehicle. But before h e had n w STATE OF "WILLIAM KOCH, of deflire by his own exertions turned her face ion concerning some contemplated improvethey presented h i m with a beautifully emBayard. Bnt the brave yonng man fought lata of Caernarvon twp., dee'd.—Letters testaAt her bidding most of bis former acquain- mounted, his wife, yet hot from their recent UNDAY CHOOL BOOK —M L mentary ou said estate having been granted to the away forever, persecuting her former favorite ment; a most admirable means of drawing E Am T Am tances were discarded; and even his warmest altercation, discovered or affected to disoover fearlessly. Every one trembled for him, but broidered purse. In reply, he Baid:— undersigned, all persona Indebted thereto are requested C thenceforth with vindiotive malioe. Continu- closer the bonds of neighborly feeling and inwhen the conflict was ended be was the victor. to make immediate payment, and those having c l a i n s " I accept this with heartfelt gratitude.— friends and nearest relations, no longer meet- some negligence on the part of the mulatto CHOOL BOOK — T w W or demands against the same wiU present them for seting to yield, for a time, with apparent com- terest. A more bitter mortifioation, therefore, A W R & M Then he pulled the mask from his face and Depend npon it I shall wear it as long as it tlement to the nnderslgned, residing in said twp. ing the old hearty welcome, gradually ceased girl, who was engaged iu nursing the child, W m G A A A placency, every boon he sought, she treaoher- oould hardly have been devised for one who the great multitude for the first time knew SUSANNA KOCH, Widow. will last." m G mm H D & to visit his house. B u t the bitterest effect of which was at this time suffering from a danOct 16 6t«47 C C m B C N nd L ouBly concealed therein the germs of all his alwayB prided himself on his open-hearted gerous illness. Now the one tender trait o who he was. A Bhout arose in his praise, and B B L nd U Soon he was with the French army again, Kentuoky hospitality even to strangerB. Just- this weak and culpable abdication of h i s A B a r e O p p o r t u n i t y . nd H nd nk R Bayard's name was on every tongne. The this violent woman was intense love for her ready for new deeds of valor. But the joy E T n m ly enraged by snob fooliBh and ill-timed rude- rights was experienced by his Blaves. Sad inO a n y one w i s h i n g to engage i u b u i n the year 17— Captain Wilde was perM AN A B L offspring; but i t was a love that, far from King presented him with a magnificent horse, over his return did not last long. He was taken siness, one of the most desirable conntry etore ness, be flung a knife, which he had idly taken deed was the ohange from the ease and abun& B B w A h C B suaded to better bis already happy condition in a thriving village. In Lancaster co., Tor sale. softening her manner toward others, partook and said to h i m : OHN BEA ER very sick, and h e felt, that h i s life was i n stands, up, violently npon the table, swearing that dance of h i s bachelor's hall, where slavery Also, a reduced stock of mdze:, and fixtures. For furFOB T H E PRINTING OF by marriage. The lady he chose, or suffered N Q L on the contrary, of the fierceness of her general ther Information address A . B. 0 . , " My friend, may the Lord still protect y o u ! danger. his friends should, in his house, be treated as meant little more than a happy exemption aug 28-U-40 Lancaster P. 0 . , Pa. to b e chosen for h i m , was a MIBS M , a oharaoter, and became, like that of a wild ani- Be brave, and I will always take oare of you I" gentlemen; at the same time oalling to the from care, to their present oondition, in which " Ah I" said he, " I am not afraid of death ; KKMOVAL scion of one of those extensive families, not mal for ita young, a source of constant appreFOB BENT. After some time he made a tournament and but what grieveB me BO muoh is, that I may mulatto, Fanny, he bade her prepare breakfast, it meant hopeless submission to the power of DTTNCAH" & S T O K E B now so common as formerly, which by repeathension to those whose dnty compelled them DWELLING HOUSE, Blacksmith offered to combat all knights who would enter die like a woman in my bed." But he afterO he C B and added, i n a tone but half-suppressed, a oaprioious and oruel mistress. The worst Bbop, Shoeing Shop, a Wagon Maker Shop, MfSk ed intermarriage and always settling together H m to approach Its object. So now, seizing t h e tbe lists against h i m . The viotcry resulted wards got well again, and was once more i n and a New Stable and 1 ^ ACRES OF LAND. A K j ] " You are tbe only woman on the place who form of female tyranny is that exhibited on a develope a spirit of clanship, so exclusive a s weeping culprit by the hair, she dragged her BOOKS AND STATIONERY good business Is done at the present time. Sltuat- J E ! L . to him, for he overcame all who opposed him. battle against the enemies of his country. behaves like a lady." This imprudent remark Southern plantation, under tbe sway of a tered In East Hempfleld township. Apply to TO THE To which we inrlttf the attention of persona abont oel to make them almost incapable of any feeling to the door, and, after exhausting her own People said of him : " Bayard conquers everywas overheard by the ever-present sister-in- magant. Her power to aflict is so complete oct30-tf-49 JOHN McGOVERN. OLD ESTABL SHED BOOK STAND ling their of interest outside of their own name and conpowers of maltreatment, called to her husband LAST DATS. body." K m B S Q K law, and the use she made of i t may be im- and all-pervading, that not an hour, nay, nection, and render them liable to regard any baldly a minute of the victim's life is e x - and ordered him to bring, on his return,.! new Blacksmith. Shop a n d D w e l l i n g F o r mm H In a severe battle between the Frenob and agined. A HAPPT BELEASS. Bent. TTTHEKE h w be d o person of different blood, who may happen to empt, if the disposition exist to exeroise it. cowhide,—" For y o u shall," cried she, in unSpanish Bayard was strnok b y a stone shot He was a plain man, willingtotell the truth H E subscriber offers for rent a Blackintermarry amemg them, as an intruder. In Besides, this Bpsoies of domestio oppression controllable rage, " g i v e this wretch, i n the W w from a gun. He sank down to the ground smith Shop and Brick DWELLING HOUSE, Mfifk B a ADO MH nd U some parts of the Union these olana may still In this unpleasant state of his domestio re- has this in common with all the worst tyran- morning, two hundredlashes I" It was a brutal even hefore his enemies. Onoe h e was fight- with these w o r d s : " J e s u s , m y Saviour, this situated i n Lancaster township, on the Milters- B i t town turnpike, half w a y between Lancaster and J E J L be found flourishing in considerable purity and lations, the character of Captain Wilde seem- nies which have been* most feared and hated threat, falling from the lips of one w h o was ing near tbe oity of Milan, and theFrenoh is my death 1" He then prayed with a loud Mlllerstown. PH LADELPH A TRADE SALES To a good mechanic (and no other need m w w w vigor,—the name sometimes prevailing over ed to undergo an entire transformation. by m e n ; the severities are ordered by those called a lady: for, of all tortures, that of t h e forces proved victorious. But Bayard was too voice: " Lord, have meroy npon me in thy apply,) tha rent will be reasonable and possession given B m w W on the 1st day of AprU. 1862. The stand la one of the h a distriot of many miles,—a fact which an ob- From being remarkable tor his love of quiet who neither execute tbem nor witness their oowhide is for the moment the most intolera- impulsive. He followed the flying host of great compassion 1" best In the county. Address personally or b y letter. PHILIP BAUSMAN, N w p p and M n Bu n and servant traveller would surmise from a certain retirement, he became restless and dissatisfied; execution,—that being left to agents, usually ble, in its sharp, penetrating agony, as i s well Italians too far, and found himself within the When the soldiers carried him off a short no I3-tf-Sl Lancaster, Pa. AND w ub p n a he prevailing cast of form and feature. and instead of laughing, as formerly, at pub- hardened to their office, and who dare not be known by .those who remember even a moder gate of the oity. A t onee i t olosed behind distance and laid him under a tree:—" Turn w FOB BENT. n K n C o It was with a family of this kind that Cap- lic employment as only vanity and vexation, merciful, even if so inclined. It adds two- ate application of i t to their own person in him, and he was iu their hands. The Duke m y face around, so that l e a n sea the enemy." TORE BOOM and DWELLING, sit- H O U S E H O L D F T T B N I T T T B E C L T KAUEH m tain Wilde was, in an evil hour, induced to he, now that a greater vexation assailed him fold to tbe bitterness of Buob tyranny, that school-boy days. Tbe victim knew that t h e of Milan had often heard of his bravery, and a i t e d In 1 Tilllge where a eieh business e i a be His friends were unwilling to leave h i m , w m m done. F o i s e u l o n can be had In tbe fill. execution of the barbarous menaoe would be was delighted with his prisoner. He saw h i m in his onoe peaceful home, eagerly sought retbe tyrant Is able to acquire a Bort of exempally himself,—a step whioh soon proved to be though hard pressed by their foes. He e x - For putloul&rs enqnlte i t this oiBce. A G LT RU EWOOD O m the first in a long cpreer of misfortune. The lief, not, as a younger and less virtuous man tion from tbe weakness of pity. It i s wisely strict to the letter, and that it would be but oaplured, and was extremely anxious to make horted them to flee for their lives, and in a few ]niM trss DOBCAN & TONEE little preferable to death itself. Yet, In spite might have done, i n dissipation, but iu the ordered that few human beings shall feel his acquaintance. H A N D B I L L S lady possessed that worst of all tempers, a M K m B N Q minutes the dying hero found himself sur- CJCHOMACKEK EOSEWOOD, 65 " W h a t brought y o u here?" asked the rounded b y his enemies. But not one of O OCTAVE PIANO, Lonle X I V , Style ./ine lone and quick and irritable, but at the same time hard distraotions of publlo business. B u t here aught but pain in looking upon the extreme of this, she now, for the first time, failed to BISHOP BOWMAN cower and tremble, but arose and faced her again his evil fortune granted t h e desired bodily anguish of their fellow-men; and when i n good order. Will be eold very low. Apply to T,0 r Duke as Bayard was led Into his presence. P R N T E D IK and unforgiving one. And she soon showed, them approachea hTm without t h e greatest FULL SIZE PHOTOGRAPH of B. II. KILUKBLLT, " My wish to conquer," was his reply. R E T AMOBL BOWMAN D no S.St-60 Pandlae, Lan. co., F i . that, in her estimation, the feelings and inter- boon in a shape pregnant with future dis- a monster appears who seems to oontradlot oppressor, erect and defiant. The last drop had respect. Among them was Duke Charles of A B B D A now been dashed Into the oup of endurance,— aster. The hostility of Mrs. Wilde's family, this benign law he is embalmed at a monger, " But did you think you conld conquer Mi- Bourbon. He said:— ests of her husband were as nothing in comJ M W H Seven and Three-Tenths United N C N Q O parison with those of her family, and that, in whioh had now beoome deeply exoited,— and transmitted to future times along with the final blow had been strnok, under which lan alone?" States Treasury Rotes. 11 T B Ah ! Bayard, how I pity y o u 1" " Not at all, but I thonght a few brave men any variance, she would leave the former and combined with his own political heterodoxy,- Buoh rara aves as- Caligula, Domitian, and the hnman spirit either falls crushed and prosw w H F U N D E R S I G N E D are n o w prewere with m e . " m m m w " Y o u need not pity me, f o r i die in t h e pared to dellTex it once, inr amonnt of tba ibore cleave to the latter. Such variances were, forbade any hope of attaining a r-labe by pop- Nans Sahib. And here—as a Southern man, trated forever, or from which it springs n p m w m Sotei. BESD, WQRAHN A Co., " Had they followed you, they might also tempered to adamantine hardueBS, and IncapaSerrioe of my king and country. B u t y o u ular ohoice; and in an evil hour his friends brought up i n the midst of a household of —E E E unfortunately, almost inevitable; for the famOct 33 ««MS Bankers. have been taken prisoners." ought to take pity on yourself, for you have CARDS ily of Mrs. Wilde differed both in politics and succeeded in procuring him the offioe of e x - Blaves—let me remark, that the worst feature ble thenceforth of feeling either fear for itself notice to Tax Collectors. "It might have been so. But they were drawn your sword against your ohleftan, your of onr system of slavery IB t h e possibility of or pity for its smiter. That one moment had religion from her husband,—a fact, it may here ciseman. O H N BAEB S SONS HE Tax Collecora of the different C RCULABS the negroes falling into the hands of a brutal entirely reversed the relations of the two, mak- wiser than I. When they saw the great country, your friends, your oath, and your . Townihlpa, Wards and Boroughs of the Const? of be remarked, whioh had no small influence on BOOKSELLERS AND STAT ONERS Now there is no peculiarity more marked Lancaster, are hereby notlned that they are reqnested danger before them, they fled back to our army. ing the slave mistreBs of her mistress's fate, owner oapable of exercising all the power of B LL HEADS honor." V 1 2 N ORTH UEEN L his subsequent fate,—and the narrow, bigoted in all the branches of the Anglo-Saxon raoe to collect a l l the taxes dne npon their dopllcites b y BuC here I am a ^prisoner. - Still, I will not the 3d day of OgCEMBEB next. If any reH w exolusivenesB of the wife was utterly incom- than the extreme impatience with whioh they the inflioting misery which the law gives while the latter thenoeforward held her veiy The commander-in-chief of the Spanish HOBDAY, ORDER BOOKS main nnpald b y that day.the collector will be required existence at the will of her slave. The cruel oomplain. I am in the hands of an honorable forces sought out the place where bis great to fnmlan a llat of all delinquent, s o that It may appear patible with the free and open-hearted fellow- Bnbmit to any direct interference of the gov- him. who are In arreare. This measure Is absolutely necesCONST TUT ONS ec woman had raised n p for herself that enemy man." m n w n — ship with whioh the husband received his ac- ernment in the private affairs o f the citizens; enemy was dying. As h e seized Bayard's sary In eoassqnenca of the heavy drafts made npon the WU T w nd W After a few less important questions the hand he said with Wars in his e y e s : — more trerrible even to throned tyrants than an Treiauryby t b l Belief Committee, for the purpose of quaintances, of whatever seot or party. In a and no form of such interference has ever been FOR SOC ET ES B •applying the wants of the families of those brave men M W m H N But the natural law of compensation io uni- army with banners: for there i s something Duke inquired after the strength and number very few months, therefore, it began to be so generally odious a s the excite, and, b y D B A m " I would give the fourth part of my blood w h o haTi Toluatoered In behalf .of the defence of their versal ; and if the most wretched object i n truly terrifio in the almost omnipotent power of the - French army. Country. The eollectora will also be requested to p i y PROGBAMBTES W nd W D A •whispered abroad that the hitherto happy and consequence, no officer so generally detested if you could b e j n y prisoner without Buffering Into the Treasury, all taxee ae fast aa they are collected. existence be a slave subject to the sway of a of harm possessed by any intelligent being, Q mm H & Bayard replied.:—"We never count onr joyous bachelorVhali had become" * scene of as the exciseman. This feeling, on account of JAB. BOYaBB. ) W C B brutal owner, certainly the next is the humane whom hatred, or fanaticism, or suffering h a t enemies; bnt all that I shall h e n tell you i s any injury* Then I would be able to show ATTZST, LKVI 8. BK1ST, S Comralsioaers. L Poa era Xaabo a* eo constant bickerings and heartburnings. .. . the very large anmber of parsons engaged i n W JOHS DOBXB. ) master who has to do with a sullen, malicious, wound up to that point of desperation,.where that the soldiers of m y King a n so brave and how generously I can treat a noble enemy." B oot30-1(49 P . O . BShLBMAlf,Clerk. But mere incongruity of tempers and habits dittUling, was then formidably strong i n Kenn by m a b After he died his body was embalmed.— or dishonest negro,—while for one Initanw of .it i t willing to throw away i u own life in order fearless that your men will never be able to G was not, as was supposed by their neighbors, tucky,—all the more so that this form of taxthe former, t h e n are a hundred of the latter to reach that of an adversary,—suoh despera- opnqusr u s In a single conflict. Would S o d The grief whioh followed his death waa uni- NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA E ON B ank Books andOHM S aBAonery the.only source of domestic, discord. This' ation was a avorito measure of the TexiBting M & C A L L AND S E E S P E C M E N S ® w who would willingly give np the whole value tion a t inspired the gladiator katernus, i n h i * we oould have another battle to-morrow, and I verial all oyer Franoe, and in the province of T H X B T B H H T H VOIiCSEffl, might in time have entirely disappeared; had Federal Adjniniitration ..Those who .ventured B Danphiny the people refrained from all plays HOW BEADY FOB SUBSCRIBERS-. PAYABLE ON of their human chattels i n order to get rid of romantio expedition from - the woods of Tryn- should certainly be free." DEATH TO TBA TOBS conjugal confidence only been allowed its nat- to aooept t o hatafnl an.offioe at the. hands of BELntlBY.AT the vexations they occasion. : And w h a n aylvania throughthe marthet of Pannonla and •'Youm tune free!" Bald the Duke. " I and sports for a whole month. THE CH O ural growth, a l l might have been passably t o bated a.goTernmant.were i n n , to make KvBABE A CO.'S Bookstore. The common people were dearly attached matter and man w e n equally bad, w e have the Alpine pattet.-to ttrike the lord of the admire your frankness and honesty, and if y o u well in the end, in spite of aush serious dra». ftemflelves h i g h ^ unpopular. I n time, when TB B COT ORKVEE to him. He had spent the, greater part of his known oases in which It was really bard to Eoman worldfb. t W r o e W t i o f bitownpalaoe. want anything'eisei will give it to yon," AHHOtraCalHHT XSTSAOBDIBABYI DOHE TO OBDKB backs;for,from the n e o e a s i t y o f h i s n a t u i ^ H DN H AHD THB COH T TUT OH wealth for their good* - On o n * occasion, " T l w n l w i n a a k f o r m y a n n s a n a m y h o r s e , " EXilABjaABB & GO. and'" 'ffiftjfiffltififffifamkfagMifa, ENVE O E A D E ER A ER W H m when an epidemic broke oat among the poox. 8SLL BABDUrSiBilXa AUD LIGHT IHFABTBY said Bayard. ;.-5:-v-.'-,- -;•• Wt*Jo»ttt.#thf;»tr*orittot, the. fn-: one might get m o d to blows and i r a r t e a w THE I aAO TACTICS,for»116. ' " You BhaU hare^hem," answered the noble o l m e i o f ' % : H t b a i ^ ^ ; ^ B r t . t o . w th#m BBL8 GREEN APPLES 200 e •GMi.'WMrrS'HaBTJal, »2 10. not much to rnlnd thetr^ but the 6Uia* oonld AND THE CANNON -d^lh",h,tatp^jn^^^^ a a d w s l U d o p a n s t a t t ^ t a U . H e boa^hi D u k e . - - - _ ; •. " ' - ' ~ - ^ j ' . : . : j . . ' ; ; : ' B O MA WB D i BontSm* Ko. IJOpj«M*e (feCou- Routt.; altogether lapMriblt, The writer hat t f « , . W i l l agoniet of r a p into whioh A N C H w d ^ "V^^ V \ :in;ivl^,rtinn^J^ n o a i i f t a w t ^ t h t a , a a d paid > may IS tf-M A I WANTED. KS. ! 20,000 Pounds of Good Rendered TALLOW. STEAM SOAP & CANDLE WORKS, S r T T M A A Merchant Tailor and Clothier, W E T I E A COAL YARD, O T E E EXAMINER &'HERALD Q E JOB PRINTING E NORTH QUEEN STKEET, T E Sales of Personal Property A E T A NEW and BEAUTIFUL CUTS, Neatest Display Type in the City, SALE BILLS, REAL T ESTATE, Farm Stock, Agricultural Implements, S From One to Three Hours No ce T Onr fac es for Pr n ng T Schoo Books Bronze and Co ored Worh m (Bxminit # geraML 1 expeote$ aoTerily of tig? of the Teasels a r e considered, we h a r e only cause for great thonkfulness. r >m L , . , ,.,L^JJL_, I,,!,!,.,,!,,, ^ ^GaVraferebce^o^Ee^meir^Mrarptue" fiaacr .SmltJ a n d well-armed vessel l,J5ut£npt£intended to e n e o ^ « t ^ B 4 c h - 4 J s e « ^ a - w f e d > f t a d to throw h e r formidable battery overboard to keen from THE 1 E G A L H T OF ry^yj-" w ^?" er wticl1 you can CAPTURE OF IvdSii peatfef prosperity or quietness 1 tl P O S T EOYAI,, 8 . C , Nov. 8, 1861. / Carolinians!—We have come among y o u To the Adjutant Gen. V. S. Army, Washington as loyal men, fully impressed with our constiJjlJiqn^.oJaligaihjnj^io^^ ,gB£a)BBfcgE8&^^ JB^Iffejl^ii . . ^ J J j Q A S T K i B , , T . i -•?*_ force under mj command embarked a t A n - 'STaTe. These obligations" shall b e performed" great m a n y opinionB^ar^ expressed. One" Iribm'loK # napolis, Md., on the 21st d a y of October, and as far as in our power. B u t b e not deceived. p a r t y denying t h e legality of t h e act, a n d the so shown t h e peculiarly cold-blooded a< IMBER 20, 1861. arrived a t Hampton Roads, Ya., on t h e 22d. The obligation of suppressing armed combinaT U S S m San other stoutly maintaining i t F r o m a variety often found among t h e rebels a s their oondj In consequence of the delay in the arrival of tions against t h e constitutional authorities Is derirons t h a t t h e r e m n a n t of the frhrt people U m C m of authorities cited, we think the following in t h a t town. T h e little b a n d of Union forces «d^g£unfawrablwstBty i t g M ^t ^ # *i f i o^ r ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ « ^ : tpbro*ot^Ber i o K P m he o f t h e weather, the.fleet was unable to set out" 7 ? i ^ W " l ° e r ' m but important 1—r " — SBBone6r uPlit^^»^'^»fr-^ I r t g i r t a r s G e n e r i l of ^Irelfmd/Jjttst'J-pubUshedi 7 tions shonld-beinrfny wayTieglect6aV it must m m T and m on to the a s s i s t a n c e b r i b e chartered B t e a ^ e r § o y s for^e^s^ntfiero'ebaif^uhtai ' t h e "29th,"' when b e a t t r i h u t e t b t o the necessities; o f the-cafle> E l ^ r e Virglntans?»b^ufriwoi*unTtf**lri4 ffi$y BhbWiwnehisMy'that l a r g e itippHM of-cereais r i g h t of Under, the'eenvby of a naval squadron, under* 6 ernor, then i n a very dancerqus condition, a n d M and SH mm o In number. Twice as m a n y rebel! Civatry must-b« farniAed^o-'hee-ihhabitanta ioipre» «ftrarse j tt&s,-. ... i i ^ i $ & n . i B - d e P e n d e n k - o n , a h a laws o £ 4 h a r o n ^ ' W r * S f m f o f w & e ^ n f i e G a l l o n " of C*mmqdgre : pupont,-and.afterthemostniaiure m o he o E h a d concBhtrAfednearbyViaiidniightTirobably « r i t a i i o t h e T ifiihiiite^rrlh coilBequ enceiofi«h> natiqnilrlaws, p a g e r consideration of .the objectsj)f the ^expidMon State'must b e necessarily 'subor^nat'e tq'"the maHnfcfl? unu^trV^ajw Efeyi«!a'B.~ ^hey^%"er* favorable weather last fall, lato s t o n a r i n i t K e militaiycexigehries'-'created 'byMnsurfediibn- T w a e he he "O/thT g pfcon- h a v ^ n t e ' r ^ m e T a x d r i t e t t o u t ' t h e . U n l o h i i t a ' i n finally j T«ecued;by i C a p t a i n i / R I n g g o l d / i n the* by 4natTiTag; officer and' my self, it was agreed s^ringpand^oiHer'iiy^esvUhere *JW©rwrf!0,U54 a n d rebellion;-: : • : : * : -> ~r\ '•\i '• . ;: 8rmahIyrflgto.i-.:Butanstead of J i h a t p t h e y s n ? §apigej- ^ n d n r j diffujol^ q|rcumstances, i : sopn ; to' first reduce anywork's t h a t might b e found acres le«s toe»V>sn&J38;878 acres less of .'p'c* .-.;,..-.•' •:--7 T. W - S H E B M A N , a t P o r t Royal, South Carolina, a n d thus open a f t e r . ^ h i c h the Governor went "down I b e C mm W a m wa tefed jihto; p l a n s :with the>robel'.:citiMns t6 t a t o « : o u l t i v a t e 4 this-.year^than .foil860. v.-In Brigadier Gen oral Co mm an ding. the finest harbor on t h e coast that.existssouth ^'l^Semi^el0mtifis lieve s -s'BTeiibf^nffnfarmea : were h 'dr ou o m he San m he murder our soldiers i n cold bloodi- ' T h e l a t t w addifiottto thosy'ther wheat-crop i s both-.short Headquarters, Port Royal, S. C , Nov. 8 , ' 6 1 . pert . f o r t h e enemy-a "4ocontheir- own f£mfetudfchO0.*-'rlLieu£r Commanding of.Hattefas.." o A on h he a I t was calculated to reach P o r t Royal i n "ibellig- Were t r e a t e d w i t h . t h e g r e a t e s t ' a p p a r e n t kind- 'fctf q u a n t a ^ y a n d i f i n f i r i o r iim-qdality?. -while C w he M Nmhob3on!fl,rCpndue^;i^ The,-War D e p a r t m e n t - h a s dismissed t h e erentlrG NOT-wUL'tne Jafit/ofilHi i u m b g b j f c n ness a n d -invited _to.-xniert«inrrw^»/; a t t h e the.deficit tiiiU»)^o4a<o^^dpiui':e«Umated.ati SU h a d u n he and w n»e^lrith.my 1 w^^ i commenjjaUon6„ .. , s j j .r,;> five days a t moBt, b u t in consequence of adiffijueiasd i » t o : r t h e v « o « m y ^ >Bervice:exejppt houses of thcrebel;mmilies^.At«-giTattitiaBuaf from.one-thlrd-to-jonetBixth;the.'aBiial>yiflld;j:; E by he way o . T h e Peerless, "trans^or^' J in"£ sinking con-, verse .winds and.a perilous.storm; on.the d a y officers iof Fremont's staff, a n d also a l l officers ;, ThenaMiral.foelingiof a n American.-in.view" her;*"^th^'master cannot be permitted to aver He u p and w a dition"; was 'met'by1* thV'l^ohlfean^CJom'minder and nigHt of the 1st. of,November, .the, fleet. appointed; without t h e .approval of- t h e Presi-" C tfaCTefbi^whwth^-weTB~th1^ : of these shooking developments is o n ^ p f g o y t h a t h e was a p B r o t o t r o ^ g j j i t . T he he C G o r d o n ; ^ A H the p e o p t o o h boardj'twenty^six di'd'not arrive'at Port Royal bar until'the'4th," dentj except company a n d regimental officers.. H ,; mm had b u a Were a n actjof ipxce exercised b y one b e l - little'gMheringa,'ijd . d ^ e r e n t ^ ' a r t s of t h e town^ that our country ,has again the ( opportunity of in number, were; saved-under vcryipeculiarcir- a n d ' t h e n b n t . i n part, fbr i t -had 'been'olmos'tf His chief, adviser, Capt. MoReever, h a s been: w n he B m i i g ^ r e n t . p o w W o i t a n e t i t r a l l a h i p o r . person'to s i g n ^ were ;displayed; from eyfiry,twao^e>ojtf demonstrating'1ier ; 'ca5aOTry-for^fee*dinfe''the cnms'tances^.in. which, service, Lieut. -H«_-W.. entirely, dispersed by the galeV and the vessels y r : : arrested. . . . m T he 7 h be considered^ j& justification for an, aot con- house t h a t held;them;, a n d t h e r e b e l - o a T a l i y bnbgry'millions' of tne^green isle. - ^Yet taere FULL PAETICTTLABS OFTHE AC- Miller'was very favorably noticed by h i s com- have .been struggling in.it u p to this date.— Flag of the free heart's hope a n d h o m e ! m He mm p u o ea d t r a r y to t h e knoTO&uties of ttfe neutral charA l a r g e . English steamer laden with w a r N By angel hands to Valor given !•'.: ~\ The ".transport steamers Union, Belvidere, m&n&kt.' '::}':n,i''' ''-•'-• "•'•dashing.in J assassinated them by the firesides UunhappilyjftjdiBculAy inAho .road which.has • ••^TtSS At'HIMOH HEAD. -! h oa o he not b e e n ( B ^ a i e n t I j ; c ^ Thy stars h a v a l i t t h e welkin' dome, . . . . ,. acter, there w o u l d b e a n end, of,any.prohibiOscela a n d Peerless have n o t arrived. Two munitions, h a s been captured a n d taken t o On passing Charleston Ise'nfc i n t h e Seneca,' W m o M tion under t h e law 'ruf -nations, to c a r r y con- of i h e i x ^ t e r j a j n e r e . . * A-more pratal, c^w^ard- Bumcieiit means ,of' transporting (he "crops And all tby hues-were born In Heaven. Lieut. Commanding.Ammen, to direct Captain of them are known to be lost, a n d it is proba- Key West by a,U. S. frigate. he o d B m C he T n t r a b a n d s OTJBUgager i n any-,other-, hostile act. ly deed could n o t he> perpetrated. - ; 7,\ . -i g $ from^tne^hterTor H b U e ' s e a t i o a r a . 'OurVail^ Forever float that s t a n d a r d sheet 1 Lardner to. join .me. with f the steamer Susque- b l e . a U a r e . . I t i s gratifying, however, t o s s y a n d he wo w w If a n y loss is.su8tamed.in such a service, ^ .the , , ( Th"e, murdereratBliulked, ,away., iefbref t£e . The -London Times argues strongly in favor that none of .the troop,,transports connected Where breathes t h e ' foe b u t falls before u s , wayr'are?ohokediidp;withirreigtit to "such air COMPLETE" L I S r W l H E ' ^ I I X E P AND hanna off P o r t RoyaTwith'out delay!' C mm W a neutral yielding' ^ i a c h ^ e t o a n a s must seek o f t h e recognition o f t h e southern confederacy With freedom's; soil beneath o u r feet, r e t u r n of a U n i o n f o r c e : . c o m p ^ e n t ^ o V j i M A extent; as,to<b* obliged AO refuaajarge amountaj ''Oh Monday, a t ' 8 o'clock i n i h e morning, I with the land forces were lost, though the he w o he T To redress from the Jgoveffinwntifwhioh imposed And Freedom's banner- streaming o'er u s ? anchored off^ftbevbar-with^some': twenty-five Winfield Scott had to sacrifice her whole cargo,' as a cure.for filibusterism a n d slavery pn*wa w wa d the Restraint" upon- h i m ^ ' A s 7 ' to the'"number them?;, and.-theI"citizens,'-'the-inale and;fe-s an.d. thg season.o£ internal gayjgation^s^draw-. t h a t noVihuch'inore c a n b e vessels in company, with many more heaving and t h e Roanoke a portion of h e r "cargo, to pagandism... - . . . . - he bow T he o f military persons necessary t o subject'the male'accompHces of the g u i l t y ; d e e d , r d o n b t - ing'co a'cToserso' i , , :!i : v m / w sight„..Tbe_ Department u n a w a r e that^all save th& lives of: the regiments on board. T h e m o L F o w m vessel to confiscation-it is r .dimcult t o define; less considere^^'th^m&eVretf •'safe frpm_our 6 b t a i n e d b ^ a n a l t l a ^ b ' W ' r i v e T ? - . - ' ^>» THET5TEEEST 0 7 THE PEOPLE. I n Richmond, V a . , t h e rebels have b y lot the "aids t^naMgahbn'h'ad'.been'' r e m o v e d / a n d former.will be. unable to . again p u t to sea.— L'Moreover,^thequatftity'of^breadstuff's sent C w since few persons 'of nig&'quality. n n d characiKT .EMEHTEff By THE There'is some.danger of g i v i n g l o t h e deep t e r m a y b e of much'mpra'impbrtance th'au^n over-merciful Govermeht,because'they d i d y p t tpjGreat Britain ;and I r e l a n d this year seems the b a r lie's terimileff'yeaward/'withnofeatures The vessels connected with the naval portion choBen from among the U . S.-. captives in jail w wa on na J w wo m w to be much,less than t h o public nave.been .led ,./;,, :WHiTE.£NiHABlTi^a/r- !- on t h e s h o r e l i n e % i t h sufficient prominence to' o f t h e fleet have alBo Buffered much, and some there, Col. Corcoran, three captains and and eager i n t e r e s t of the loyal'couh t r y ;iri t h e m u c h . g r a t e r h u i ^ e r t o f lower condition. ^-* b e a r : : a r m s ! ~ ' ! T b e y r w ^ :J 1 have been lost. ''• v moke, any bearings .-reliable;. B u t to the skill m L F w on , ' To &r^!a>:§te"ran.general ^under gomecir.The Colonel in command; a s flb6ti as/he learlit U DW4Ve . " In ^ p t e m b e r a n i i O c t o b e r of'i860 eighteen lieutenants, to'he h n n g in case snccess of o u r arms, t h e name of impatience. After a Careful reconnoissance of Port Royal of Commander Davie, the F i a g . C a p t a i u , a n d o M M and S cumstanceS'might ^be a much more noxious the facts, a n d , doubtless, that 4 i t - was -useless the total exports'ofcflotir 1 arid wheat'from'th'e Captain B a k e r a n d the crew of t h e privateer w Oco&aionallyi indeed, i t amounts to that, a n d aot th"an Uie obnveyance o f a whole 1 regiment. L F po Mir'. B'butellie," the" a'ble 'assistant of the Coast bay,.i.twaa ascertained, t h a t t h e r rebels h a d t United States t o Gre a t ; B r i tain;-for-tho first i s unreasonable, though founded on a n honora- The o6hsequence!of Buch.,asaistanoe a r e great- to" t r y to winnow out a n y innocence from, such ten monthe, amounted 10-8,13^(193 bushels, GBEAT.BEJOICIHG AMONG THE SLATES. Survey, i n charge 1 of tfie ;; steamer'Tixeri, ihe three field-works' of remarkable strength, Savannah should be h u n g a t New York. m m o he o h strongly garrisoned and covered b y a fleet of and m o go on h channel w a s immediately found/ sounded out ble basis. I t generally sins through ignorance er a n d therefore the belligerent h a s n strong- a mass.df guilt, ordered the town to;be Iflred, a n d for t h e s a m e ^ e r ^ q d of t h e : present y e a r The rebel account of the fight a t Port Royal m To M m and.buoyed. , J: .;..,.,... ; ..,. r . ; ; » ' i . / ••.-;; \- three gunboats u n d e r Capt. Tatnall, late ofthe says t h a t in the battle twenty-Beven of the —ignorance of the vast extent of preparations er r i g h t to ;P,re^ent;vand^pjanhib^jt; -Lnor is it and i t was soon i n ashes. I t w a s a j u s t - sen- the ' e i p o r i ha'a ^ e e h ' b u t " ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U., S. Navy, .beside strong land forces which had o material i n 'the* judgement of'.the prize court, .. B y three o'clock I received assurances from necessary for dealing with such a crisis as t h i s whether'.themaster^be'igndranVof the' charac- tence., -.When.ajwhole community;rea^lres.it* leaving a'defioii'bf 4,84t),952 bushels; * AtUhe Pi'oclamation to the 'People of South o he B C a HU Capt/ Davis, that I "could send' "forward "the were concentrating from Charleston a n d S a - twenty-nine guns in Fort^WaBxer were dis- E BelfVinlo barbarians, i t shouldinot count! irpon same, time the aggregate exports of breadstuff's and ignorance of how much i s really 'doing b y t e r of t i e service i n which h e i s engaged. : ' " SB o he m m lighter transports '(those 1 under I S ' f e e t j ' w i t h vannah. The troops of the rebels were after r mounted or rendered useless, a n d t h a t after w from the United States to E u r o p e have-^-inand he w no w R those who have the active agency of affairs> '•• I t is deemed sufficient if there h a s been a n any leniency. • They sow the wind* aniT they all t h e gunboats, which was immediately done,- ward ascertained to have been commanded by his r e t r e a t General Drayton retired to BluffF o h m w injury arising t o the. belligerent f r o m t h e e m - must r e a p t h e whirlwind. We sinoerely • t r u s t creased, t h e . difference, being caused by the a n d before dark [they w e r e securely anchored Gen. Draytonl " One of the forts, and probably ton, General Donavon r e t i r i n g to Port Royal L b u t which cannot b e made public, without d e targe quantities'shipped to F r a n c e and other on he B m ployment i n which t h e vessel is found. .. the strongest, w a s situated, on Hilton head, in the roadstead of Fort Royal, S, C. that we shall n o t ' again be "called uprin'to parts of continental Europe. The shipment of feating its own ends. I t is only when such ferry. General Lee was h a r d at work n e a r You he w The g u n b o a t s ' a l m o s t immediately opened and the other two. on Hilson Head, a n d the Last week we briefly announced thcsuccesB If imposition be. practiced it operates as record a n y aimilar instances of rebel oruelty b'rtadstuffs''from ; 'the ! southern p o r t s - i s ' also T you m u e e misconception degenerates into habitual faulttheir batteries u p o n two or three' rebel steain- other two on Phillip's island. It.was deemed Beaufort, a n d General Ripley at Boyd's landforce; and if redress is to be sought against M W L F attending the great Naval Expedition, a n d missing thi&vyear from t h e total.? -It 'constiand atrocity.b u t if we are, w e hopo the sefinding, and the impeachment of motives, that under.sCommodore Tatnall,; . instantly proper to first reduce the fort on Hilton head, ing, for the defence of t h e railroad. I n case any person, i t must b e a g a i n s t . those, who quel w i l l b e of the same retributive type.'. he S and tutos,a.;,V(ery great i t e m . i n ; t h e commerce, of ribw'we are enabled tb'lay before o u r readers though t o do this-a greater or less fire m i g h t : chasing h i m u n d e r shelter, o f t h e batteries. i t becomes mischievous, and merits the con- have b y means-either of compulsion o r deceit of attack Bluffton would be burned. T h e h m o he w A a complete history of theExpeditiohicbmpiled In the morning, Commodore J o h n Rogers, of have to.be metfrom the batteries on Bay point Charleston Mercury, says- that the U . S . fleet demnation of all loyal citizens. As to the exposed the property to danger. he w m the IT. S. steamer Flag, temporarily on board a t t h e same t i m e . . Our original plan of a coNewOrleanB.. ' , _. , . , , . . . . . . . • from a number of sources, arid'' alT'b'f which w and m o — Such opportunities of conveyance would.be THE BEATTEOET DI6TBICT0FSOTTTHCAHreally sound interest of the people in their own this ship, and acting on1 my staff, accompanied operation o f t h e land forces in this attack h a d wiU capture a n immense amount of cotton of T I t i^lilso aTfact t h a t " l h e stocks of wvHeat appear'to bo reliable. ' ": " ' m mm w constantly used, a n d it would be almoBt imO L I N A I H T E « £ S T I N e STATISTICS AB \ welfare—for t h a t i s w h a t i t i s — h o w e v e r i t n m y to be set aside in consequence of the loss, the b e s t quality. 1 Brigadier General, Wright, i n t h e gunboat and flour i n t h e Atlantic poTtB a r e light, dnd and M o he o possible i n the greater number of cases, to UHIOK flBGTOBHTS.} / The expedition arrived'off P o r t Eoyal on Ottawa, Lieut. Commanding. Stevens, a n d d u r i n g t h e voyage, of a greater portion of our occasionally transcend the limits of strict pro- prove the privity of the immediate offender. F he m be much less than a t the Bame time: last-year; The b u r n i n g of the railway bridge over the L The Beaufort district, or. county, of South Ordinarily, too, the exports of wheat a n d Sunday, Nov. 3—a portion of the fleet, how- supported by the Seneca, Lieut. Commanding means of disembarkmenf, together with the priety a n d justice, it is not ouly natural and m om h n w The fraudulently carrying".the dispatches of Cumberland river h a s occasioned great alarm Nicholson, made'a reconnoissance in force, fact that, the only point where the troops a m o E m pardonable, but it i s the saving element of the the enemy will also subjeot the neutral vessel Carolina, now i n the occupation of o u r laud flour from the first of November to the 1st of ever," being detained b y the gale. The steamand drew the -fire of the batteries on Hilton should have lauded was from five to six miles in the rebel camp a t Bowling Green. n m o m he Bepublio. Every intelligent statesman and in which they a r c transported to capture a n d and naval'forces, literally swarms with, n e - April i s not heavy, because of t h e difficulties ers' Vixen a n d Mercury were' sent'on Monday Head and. B a y P o i n t sufficiently to show that (measuring around theinterveningshoal)from ; n mm o he m The rebel prisoners captured at Belmcnt confiscation." groes. According to t h e census of; 1850, of tninsiL. Duru3g.thatper.odj,of 1,860-61 the morning'to sound the'ch'an'nel, a n d were soon the fortifications were works of strength, a n d the anchoring place of our transports, altogether large-minded offioer will turn his eyes to it as m why on exports of wheat a n d flour from a l l the ports too great a distance for successful debarkation allege that Tennessee h a s furnished 170 rebel followed' b y several of the gunboats, which scientifically constructed. w m L F m to the sunlight, and will know how to deal with The limits assigned to the operations of war which is n o t materially varied i n this case by of the United'States were 13,914,589 buBheli, m he hod o C M o I n the evening of Monday, Captain Davis with our limited means. I t was therefore regiments for the war. I n the battle a t Belit. Every step i n o u r progress thus far h a s against .Embassadors b y writerfl on public the returns of 1860, t h e population of this of which the southern" ports s h i p p e d ' several werefired upon b y the batteries of Fort Beauagreed that t h e place should b e reduced b y mont we h a d 88 men killed. T h e rebel loss, why he wo o a n d M r . Boutellie r e p o r t e d t h e w a t e r deep sprung from its inspiration. Observe how Com. law, are that the belligerent may exercise his district was as follows: -• . $'~ millions of bushels. .^ During t h e present sea- regard. The rebel Commodore Tatnall also the naval force alone. I n consequence of the according to the Memphis Appeal, is 500 men. and he had no ex enough for the. Wabash to venture u p . son all the exportation must be doqe through attacked them with his gunboats, b u t darkness Dupont has recognized its guidance. I n speak- right of w a r against them wherever the Total white populationo m P w The responsibility of hazarding so noble shattered condition of the fleet, and the delay character of hostility exists. ITe may stop'the Free colored , northern ports,, where, the s t o c k s are light, put an end to the contest for t h a t day. ' On a frigate was n o t ' a light one over a prolonged in the arrival of vessels that were indispensa-, In Col. J a p p a n ' s Arkansas regiment there w up and M and S w i n g of his selection of a destination for the JSmbassador.of his enemy on.his passage, but and : t h e chances' of'increase growing very T u e s d a y morning, the 4 t h , the whole fleet en- b a r of over two miles. There was about a ble for the attack, it had to be postponed until were 50 or GO killed, a n d 200 wounded. and M F m w fleet, he s a y s : when h e h a s arrived i n . t h e n e u t r a l country Total free population...:....... 6,529 small. T h e n a t u r a l inference from these facts the 7th inst. o he Com W According to the Savannah Republican, tbe tered the harbor, and Gens. Sherman, Wright a foot or two of water to spare, a n d the fall and takes on himself the functions of his* ofSlaves..,. 32,279 a m o he b must b e that, unless,our.merchants generally I was a mere spectator of the combat, a n d rebel loss at Fort W a l k e r was twelve killed and the rise o f t h e tide is. such that if she "After mature deliberation, aided 03' the fice, and h a s been admitted i n his representaand Stevens made a reconnoissance, to ascerwa a o This will give u s a n average in round num- engage i n , a far more enterprising movement grounded she would have sustained serious it is not my province to render a n y report of professional knowledge and great intelligence tive character, he becomes a . sort of middle m he o he U tain t h e location of the rebel batteries, b y injury from "straining, if not total loss. Too this action, b u t I deem it an imperative d u t y and forty wounded. of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Fox, and upon man, entitled t o peculiar privileges, a s set bers of five slaves to every white inhabitant of breadstuff's 'and " p r o v i s i o n s to Ireland T w and The Unionists i n E a s t Tennessee, on Fridoy S taking into consideration the magnitude _ to apart for the preservation of the relations of of the district, so t h a t n o better point {hah promptly, the' dread alternative of starvation drawing-their fire. At 7- o'clock, A. M. t h e much, however, was at stake to hesitate, and to s a y t h a t t h e i i r i n g a n d manoeuvring of o u r on he The wa m fleet against that of the rebels a n d their for- night, burned five railroad bridges. The loss which the joint naval and military expedition amity a n d peace, in maintaining which all the district could be selected a t this crisis for must again be felt there,—'North American. enemy opened fire from their batteries a n d the result was entirely successful. h e 8 h a n d be San a On "the morning of Tuesday the Wabash midable land batteries was a.master piece of to the enemy is very heavy. h a d been extended, to which you have called nations are i n some degree interested." gunboats; the-National fleet responding with F M on F L T a trial of the temper of this vital Cotton State The F a s t a n d t h e P r e s e n t . crossed the b a r , followed closely by the Sus- activity a n d professional skill that must have my attention, I came to the conclusion that the w o W w he o A t Columbus, Ky., which is in possession of promptitude a n d telling effect:' Our gunboats J u d g e Kent, also, i n s p e a k i n g of t h e r i g h t institution of Blavery. d i e t e d the applause of t h e rebels themselves • When w e contrast t h e glowing anticipations quehanna, t h e Atlantic, t h e Vanderbilf a n d original intentions of the Department, if carria n d he San wa the rebels, a Dahlgren g u n exploded, on tbe withdrew about 9 o'clock, having gained a ful[ other transports. of deep draught, and on a s a tactical operation. ed out, would Jail short of the expectations of the of search, says that, The agricultural r e t u r n s of the census from of the. Secessionists, • as -put forth a few months New Y w he w be I t h i n k that too muoh praise cannot b e 11th inst., killing two rebel lieutenants a n d six country, and of the capabilities of the expedi" All writers upon t h e law of nations, and this district embrace t h e following very i n - ago, with t h e i r present views after going knowledge of the location a n d strength of- the' r u n n i n g through, that portion of tho fleet w oF W nB H already in, the safe passage of this great ship awarded to the science and skill exhibited by privates. Gen. Polk narrowly escaped. tion, while Port Royal I thought would meet the highest authorities, acknowledge the right, enemy's batteries. I n the afternoon the heavy, : T o M a n d S a m teresting statistics, a n d the reader will bear through- some bitter'experience,- orie would over the b a r was hailed b y gratifying cheers the flag officer of the naval squadron a n d the both in a high degree." in time of war, a s resting upon sound princim ac n he o he men-of-war moved inward to get into position, officers connected with h i s ships. I deem t h e in mind that t h e whole district or county is hardly suppose t h a t they were t h e same peofrom crowded vessels. We anchored, a n d ples of public jurisprudence, a n d u p o n the Arrest of Senator Gwin. w T no wo m From this it appears that the Navy Departbut.the Wabash grounded, where she remain- immediately commenced preparing the ship' performance a masterly one, and ought to have institutes a n d practice of all great maritime flat and swampy, a n d made u p almost entirely ple. How could - they Tiave so * victimized n he w S E o On the arrival at P a n a m a of Senntor Gwin mant h a d selected some other destination than powers. And if upon making the search, the of sea islands, separated from each other b y : a themselves with foolish conceits; a n d over- ed' for a n h o u r and a half. This circumstance for action,, b u t the delay of planting buoys, been seen to be fully appreciated. After the m w men n he S o and his associates, B e n h a m a n d Brent, General Port Royal, but as the expedition had become vessel be found employed i n the contraband postponed t h e general engagement. On Wed- particularly on Fishing Rip, a dangerous shoal works were reduced I took possession of them U S nnd very remarkable n e t w o r k of inlets, estauries looked t h e r e a l merits of t h e case, i t i s h a r d with the land forces. The beautifully construc- Sumner arrested them for treason. Papers we h a d t o avoid, rendered the hour late before capable of doing somthing better, he thought trade, or in carrying enemy's property, or o m M nesday, the 5th, the d a y was stormy and u n and bayous. . to understand. I t would seem a s if the disit was possible to move with the attacking ted work on Hilton Head was severely crippled compromising them were found in their pos- M wa he C and that the expectation of the country that some- troops, or dispatches, s h e is liable to be taken favorable, a n d a council of w a r decided to " w a i t squadron. I n our anxiety to g e t the outline and many of the guns dismounted. Much he w o he w position to gasconade, for which South CaroBKAUFOET ( s . C.) DISTRICT. thing better should be done ought to be grati- and brought in for adjudication before a prize slaughter had evidently been made there, many session. Their Iriends having applied to the and u p o he m he o w court." Farms 8 4 2 lina h a s so long. been. distinguished, h a d i n - a little longer." On Thursday, a t 9 o'clock, of the forts before dark, we stood in n e a r the fied.andtherefore h e overuled the Department. M H he m o A. M., the fleet got underway, a n d a t a few shoal, a n d the ship grounded. B y t h e .time bodies having been buried in the fort, a n d Governor to annul the arrests, he issued a n ; ' 239,289 According to this, t h e captain of the Trent, A c r e s i m p r o v e d C mm on F AT and n He had the genius to consult the popular Acres unimproved.,.; \'. ' 687,469 fected even the,most sedate.and sober-minded minutes past 10 o'clook the rebels opened fire she was taken offitwaBtoo late to proceed, some 20 or 30 were found, some half a order prohibiting the conveyance of foreign instead of raving about " piratical Yankees," V a l u e , i m p r o v e m e n t s , i o ~ wa w w o he F M $5,601,350 throughout the Seceding States. We gave in and I* made s i g n a l for the squadron to anchor mile distant. The island, for many miles, prisoners across the Isthmus, a n d sent a large heart, as well as his maps a n d official orders. again. T h e Wabash gave one* broadside to was found strewed with arms a n d accoutreD W and 5,026 our .last issue, from t h e Memphis ought to have been thankful that, he a n d h i s H o r s e s , oases, a n d m a l e s , . out of gunshot from the enemy.' Avalanche, If he had been a professional snob, he would force of soldiers to release them, b u t the U. Neat Cattle F o r t Walker, on Hilton Head, a n d a n o t h e r t o 48,338 To-day the. wind blowB a gale from the ments, and the baggage of the rebels, which vessel were n o t also taken i n tow b y t h e S a n Sheep.,;..-...,..; ', have turned up his nose a t any suggestions of 1 6 , 8 9 2 some of t h e b r i g h t visions w i t h which they F o r t Beauregard, on B a y point. The rebel southward and westward, and the attack is they threw away i n their hasty retreat. We S. consul placed them under h i s protection, and Jacinto. B u t all of these positions of t h e S w i n e 37i856 ' had deluded themselves. Here is something have also come into possession of about 40 they were carried across safely, the question of the people's wi3h in the matter, as entirely navy also opened fire, b u t k e p t a t a prudent unavoidably postponed. 2,465 American jurists are still more firmly asserted W h e a t , b u s h e l s r a i s e d I have t h e honor to b e , sir, respectfully, pieces uf cannon, most of which are of the jurisdiction being referred to Washington. beueath'his notice, and perhaps would have Rye a n d oats,; 29,913 of October 2Gth, a n y thing else b u t rose-color, distance from the b i g guns of Uncle Sam's H ha o m w heaviest calibre and the most approved models, by the best British authorities. For instance, y o u r obedient servant, I n d i a n corn , .. 4 9 2 , 6 7 1 from t h e Memphis Appeal: ships. The Wabash, Susquehanna sn&Uienhe m he m one o and a large quantity of .camp equipage. nventcd an original fling at " newspaper Dr. Robert Fillmore, in h i s late great work, I r i s h a n d s w e e t p o t a t o e s . . [Signed] S. F . DUPONT, 485,209 G Z and h m n m V m and " We m a y now be said to have fairly entered I t is my duty to report the valuable services ville swept down i n line, a n d delivered their B.uff." But he had the j u s t ambition not to entitled Commentaries on International Law, P e a s a n d b e a n s , . F l a g Officer commanding. , 76,353 K m C m w he upon the war. How long its prosecution is to of Mr. Pontelle, assistant in the Coast Survey, compliments at Hilton H e a d i n the shape of Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. 25 ** fall short" of the expectations of the twenty is very explicit- l i e is "Advocate of H e r B u c k w h e a t G m au m o he o d U a nd oC m gap he assisting me with his accurate and extensive Butter a n d cheese, pounds. 83,421 continue is beyond the power of human wis- 10-second shells,, while the lively gunboats p u t millions of people whom he h a d the honor to Majesty in h e r oflice of of Admiralty, as J u d g e H a y , t o n s G m and n o H To us, we say, in all candor, F L A G S n i p WABASH, OFF.HJLTON H E A D , \ knowledge of this country. His services are . - : 17 dom to forsee. by mm m w m o serve. This feeling is the root of noble achiev- of the Cinque P o r t s , " universally approved, C a n e e n g a r , p o u n d s P o r t Royal Harbor, Nov. 8, 1861. j invaluable to the army as well as to the navy, 20,000 there is nothing that indicates a speedy termi- in the punctuation points for the benefit of the a no S U men and o o nation. A black cloud hangs like a pall above rebel Commodore, a t the same time enfilading Molasaea, g a l l o n s . . . . . 6,221 S I B :—I have the honor to inform you that and I earnestly recommend that particular noments—and well may he who acknowledged l i e s a y s : N S and R and ha m o m w Rice, p o u n d s ; 47,230.082 the horizon of the future, over whose dark bor- the two batteries. The firing was now inces- yesterday I attacked the enemy's batteries on tice be taken of this very able and scientific it say that, in the most appaling moments of M S wa m 12,672 der no bright winged cherub of peace shows B Page 308, Sec. 27 (Contraband). " I t is, Cotton, ginned bales of 400 lbs.eaoh.. sant, a n d a perfect shower of shot a n d shell Bay.point a n d Hilton Head, F o r t s Beauregard officer by the War Department. n b W he the storm and gloom which h e encountered, indeed, competent to a belligerent t o stop the Wool, pounds .;......; 24,730 i t s smiling countenance. Unless a period is and Walker, a n d succeeded i n silencing them, 1 am, very respectfully, y o u r obedient serC G h a h a d no u e M B he his " f a i t h never gave way.'' That kind of ambassador of his enemy or his passage." Beeswax and honey.'. ' 7,975 p u t to the contest by a counter revolution in fell ins»de the rebel forts. A t noon, the three after an engagement of four hours' durntion, vant, T. W. SiiEnsiAS, A m he m h w m m on he V o he P m a n d $121,317 the North against the fanatical horde who are ships above-named came, down, a n d poured and driving away the squadron of rebel P a g e 369, Sec. 272. " As to carrying of Animals slaughtered, value.. Brigadier General Commanding. virtue comes not by " m i l i t a r y necessity" on a a w a o m military persons in the employ of a belliger- Produce of market gardens. 200 hounding on Lincoln's blood-thirsty Adminis- full broadsides into the two forts, the gunboats steamers under Com. Tatnnll. alone. h m w n W 2,186 tration, we see n o reason t o anticipate its keeping their positions, a n d doing excellent B Am h e C ent, or being i n a n y w a y engaged i n h i s trans- Orchard produce.... The reconnoissance of yesterday made u s 300 a man o w he But in truth, there is no conflict in this port service, it h a s been most solemnly deci 'termination before t h e expiration of h i s Fresi A a he he Wine, gallons '. acquainted with the superiority of Fort WalkT o H P and S m and service. The flag-ship, t h e Susquehanna and matter between the people and their military ded by t h e tribunals of international law, both HAKUFACT0ELB3. . m on H he er, a n d to that I directed my special efforts, $63,800 dential term. Every ear of wheat, every blade he m S men o he S M v a W w o S Bienville, went within six hundred y a r d s , a n d of grass, every stalk of corn, every potato, and n m m defenders—only their positions are different. in England a n d the United States of North C a p i t a l e m p l o y e d . . . . . . >75 engaging it a t first a t a distance of eight hunF C Hands employed .'.,......" he m m by an ad a u o ma L $50,030 every bean which can be groicn, will be required made terrible havoc with their u-second shells, dred and afterwards six hundred y a r d s ; b u t T h e man who looks on is apt to be more im- America, that these a r e acts of hostility on P n i d u c t , 10,090 to meet the increased demand a t home and silencing several of the enemy's guns. oa m o m E o D CR ARY o he o S and A the p a r t of the neutral, which subject the vehithe plan of attack brought the Bquadron sufThis patient than the man in action—the man in I'rodnced in families „ Bupport the gallant army now imperilling T S o M S by nnd wa D o cle in which the persons a r e conveyed to con exceed o S bu w and fire WHS continued for four hours, during which ficiently n e a r Fort Beauregard to receive its action often wants the stimulus derived from fiBcation a t the hands of the belligerent." Reduced to an analysis, these are. < heir lives on the field i n the defenco of o u r C o F wa C and o he fire, nnd the ships were frequently fighting w he o he m S L v a S the National fleet delivered over two thousand o ay be a on o M his spectators. The people have undoubtedly T m tho batteries on both sides at ihe same time. Page 370, Sec. 273. " Official communica- ingly interesting statistics. First, we find thhi liberties, our homes and our firesideB. The On S P m 27 o Gov E a m and aDd R Tho action was begun on my part a t erred in this unwonted crisis, but all the er- tions from a n official on the affairs of a bel- district of Beaufort divided into 842 f a r m s ; necessities of tho public defence, t h e voice of rounds. T h e rebels fought with desperation o L aod o wo m a patriotism, a n d t h e general interests of our and inflicted considerable damage on our ves- twenty-six minutes after 0 o'clock, and a t men and 25 o m m w S m rors have not been theirs. At the outset they ligerent government are such dispatches as or, in other words, the whole district is divim m o C m o he section, demand lliat we p u t forth all our r e - sels, nearly all of which were h i t b y shots. At half past 2 the American ensign was hoisted m and m The impress a hostile character on the carriers oj w w w P and unwisely did much toward precipitating the ded among S42 land owners, allowing a n aver- sources to meet the emergency." m N w O M E a on and he an u n them. The mischievous consequences of such he day M C m o 3 o'clock P . M. the guns of the enemy h a d on the flagstaff of Fort Walker, and this mornw o M C he Bull Run disaster; b u t since then, u p to the a service cannot b e estimated, a n d extend far age of nearly 3,000 acres of improved land; o m ing on Fort Beauregard. w B A k A W and w m no been dismounted or silenced, a n d Commander w o and present victory—a long period, wity no palpa- beyond t h e effect of a n y contraband that can forty negroes, a n d only six horses, mules, and BURNING The defeat o f t h e enemy terminated in their GOVEENMERT MAHuTACTOm w go w a J o h n Rogers went on shore a't Fort Walker utter route a n d confusion. Thoir quarters m m o m an P EIE8. ble successes nnd many distressing events— be conveyed: for it is manifest that by the asses to each farm, all told. This will give C H w A k carriage of such dispatches the most imporand encampments were abandoned without and found i t vacated, and hoisted the Stars and we have really wondered at the p a t i ^ c e oX us an idea of tho vast amount of labor perI t is evident that there are rebel emissaries T M a G t a n t operations of a belligerent a r m y m a y be a n y attempt on their part to carry away either A a he m w G S m B the people in the mass. Their motives are no forwarded or obstructed.formed b y the negroes with a hoe, t h e spade a t work, b u r n i n g manufactories engaged on Stripes. A considerable n u m b e r of killed and public or private property. The ground over T m U G wa n he on wounded were discovered, and it was estimahe G Lee m better now than before, but they have simply which they fled was strewn with arms of p r i I n general cases of contraband the quantity and shovel; and then it must b e remembered government oontracts. Not a week passes b u t Va n any m F W H o and he learned their duties better. And we have all of the article carried may be a material cir- that, c u t u p as the district is with islands, one or two such establishments are reported ted t h a t t h e enemy must have suffered a loss* vate soldiers, a n d the officers retired i n too m w w he o a wa m T w n m he and wa ha G he n and n learned together—soldiers nndcivilians,states- cumstance ; b u t t h e smallest dispatch may boats discharge to a great extent the duties to have been destroyed b y fire, involving n o t of a t least one h u n d r e d men killed a n d a n t much haste to submit to the incumberance of their swords. L a u d i n g m y marines a n d wa a w a o B n Two U S a e • men, financiers, editors, readers a n d every- serve to t u r n t h e fortunes of w a r in. favor of a performed elsewhere by horses, asses, a n d only a large loss of property, b u t serious de- equal number severely wounded. Bay P o i n t compnny of seamen, I took possession of the particular belligerent.-' •. w o C on he O a m W w w a e you battery was taken possession of on Friday a t he Bu body. Let us go on in the same w a y , a n d l a y i n meeting t h e wants of tho government. deserted ground, a n d held the forts ou Hilton Sec. 274. " The penally is confiscation of mules. m o he G 228 m w sunrise. The rebels fled i n the greatest con- Head, until the arrival of General Sherman, o B he C C our mutual respect, class for class, • will be the ship which conveys the dispatches, and of T h e l a t e s k s t a n c e of the kind chronicled is W and 800 m w by m R w we d o ou " K I N G COTTON." fusion, leaving everything in their tents, even w h e M he e to whom I h a d the honor to transfer its ocsure to increase. The people will have a bet- the c a r g o . " R m an m m the b u r n i n g of the extensive agricultural imwa ho The Secession leaders have need for all the to their swords, watches, private papers a n d cupation. Two on H H and he m o a T m w be t e r discernment of the soldier's methods a n d As to the right of search, which forms a plement manufactory of Messrs. Itidgeway, We have captured forty-three peices of cano be w and o clothing. T h e loss on b o a r d of the National o m philosophy they c a n muster, in view of the a and The a more implicit reliance upon h i s judgement, material p a r t of this question, it is to b e r e Eoofe a n d Laws on, a t Germantown, P a . , which non, most of them of the heaviest calibre a n d R m w w mm by a o do and no be m and the a r m y will find that it can do without membered that all the diplomatic controversy grevioua' disappointments to which they have occured on T h u r s d a y morning. T h e firm h a d fleet was eight killed, a n d six severely a n d of the most approved description. o wo had o T God o m w seventeen slightly wounded. The troops landbeen-subjected of late. I n relation to cotton,' anything better than the lively, intenee and we have h a d with Great Britinn on the subject, recently changed their business, a n d rfere The bearer of these dispaches will have the O one The w m a P R w he and m o ou a universal interest of the people. has related to the assumed exercise of the especially, a l l their grand calculations have m a k i n g Springfield bayonets a n d sword b a y - ed nnd took possession on Thursday evening, honor to carry with him the captured flags, a o n P w m a A w m by he m w and and n e x t d a y the Bienville left with diapatchea and two small brass field pieces lutcly beR a he failed so completely that never again c a n a r i g h t in time oj peace—its validity in time of onets for the.army on .contraot. T h e IOSB is o B The U m o he who longing to the state of South Carolina, which w wa Tw w w a r having b e e n universally conceded. The great assumption b e based u p o n its sway a s estimated a t $12,000, on which there is a n tor the Government. Not ono of the National we send home as suitable trophies of the sucS w o m o w a o CS w vessels was disabled or destroyed, as reported, G F S . FREMONT'S RECEPTION AT S T . Louis.— New York Commercial Advertiser recalls the would, now seem. The whole world h a s become insurance to tho amount of $7500. m a m o one cess of the navy. w on he 14 h m though Beveral of them were badly cut u p . The reception of Gen. Fremont at St. Louis, following historical precedent which England indignant a t their fierce pretensions, their wish m who n he o I enclose a copy of the general order which oM P o C C m ha a m w T w he was, according to the St. Louis papers, one of has set for our e x a m p l e : is to bo read to Ihe fleet to-morrow morning m w o eew de w to subjugate everything to their rule, and with he o a m o n o o G FBOM EUROPE. at muster. w a T he w the most entusiastic demonstrations that h a s o be F he m o " A similiar proceeding on the p a r t of a n the efforts everywhere making to become indeA detailed account of this battle will be The steamship Norwegian, arrived a t P o r t a an w w he m up M ever taken place in the city of St. Louis.— English vessel of wff£ will probably bo within pendent of them in the future, they will be Captain Dupont's B e p o r t s . a he w o m o he w and he m submitted hereafter. G G G G G God l a n d on Monday, with one d a y later news Thousands, of people waited at the railway the recollection of some of our readers. We consigned to good behaviour as is to be hoped. V m a n d a ew o Co Z F i r s t in order we take a private letter from I have the honor to b e , very respectfully, Y a e m O E o h V C station for h o u r s , and Gen. Fremont's appear- refer to the boarding of the ship Hercules, of T h a t they a r e coming t o their sense we have from Europe. She left Liverpool on the 8th Captain Dupont to t h e Assistant Secretary of your most obedient servant, S. F. DUPONT, w he w by o he o iost. The sales of cotton in the Liverpool Flag-officer, commanding. wa w he ance was hailed with great applause. Under Salem, Mass., Captain E d w a r d West, in a Sarhe m dey a the Navy, dated P o r t Royal, Nov. 7th, from dinian port, some fifty years ago, a n d forcibly some proof in a late number of the New Oro m you a e he o m ou PS.—The bearer of dispatches will also m a r k e t d u r i n g t h e week h a s been 00,000 m bu w dey ee de b g a n escort of cavalry he proceeded to headquar- taking from on board Lucien Bonaparte, then which we make the following e x t r a c t s : — leans Delta. It says: m you a e you m A c a r r y with him the first American ensign mm on do de bales. The sales to speculators were 30,000 ters, where he was formally received, and on his way to the United States. The Herm a m o ou During the disheartening events of our. **lfthe South should during t h e present raised upon the soil of South Carolina since m w h e r e a series of resolutions were presented. cules p u t into p o r t on account of tho sickness war and blockade continue i n its old course, bales, a n d those to exporters 7,000. Bread- passage, m y faith never gave w a y , b u t a t the rebellion broke out. on and m S. F . D.P. T m o w I of Lucien Bonapartc,and a t his urgent request. G H and a S on and a To Hon. Gideon Wollcs, Secretary of the Gen.;Fremont's response was brief but earnest, of devoting its land, labor and capital to a stuffs were quiet b u t steady, a n d provisions some moments they seemed appalling. day and he m o a d j An English man of w a r was in port, got wind Navy. w w he — L on F On the other, hand, I permit no elation at production which it cannot make available m be a n d contained touching allusions to the sympa- of the passenger on board, a n d Bent a boatsdrooping. No change h a d taken place in AmerW he our success. Yet I cannot refrain from telS and R a e o be t h y extended to him. I n concluding, he r e - wain with a n armed crew, who took Lucien for the support of its p e o p l e ; if i t continues ican securieties. T h e English Government, it he w S w General Orders No. 2. ling you that i t h a s been more complete a n d H w he S C he S to raise cotton a n d tobacco, which it cannot away by force, carried bini on board the man and m w newed h i s thanks for his kind reception, and m w he F is stated, h a d ordered a large shipment of ball more brilliant than I ever could have believed. FLAG S H I P WAUAsn, H I L T O N H E A D , P O B T \ T m o he he on vert into money with which to purchase of war. and he was taken a prisoner to E n g m w and said h e shouldsoon have occasion for he should land. he w I believe my plan was a clever one. I stood he necessaries of life, and is further prevent- cartridges to Canada, though a previous order ROYAL B A Y , November 8th, 1861. j he m n T n K by own m W a w o men ed from such purchase by the blockade—there to send out Armstrong guns h a d been rescin- against tho tide, a n d h a d the management the make occasion, to answer all charges against I t is the grateful duty of the Commander-in w m m a better in consequence . ' The confidence of the must be no little suffering and hardship among T men and w m o P G — Chief to make a public acknowledgment of h i s h i m definitely. ded. T h e latest intelligence from the ContiI t seems that the absurd story about T h u r wa a o he o a enemy was extreme that they could drive us entire commendation o f t h e coolness, discipo m and he n he ourpeople, and to thwart the new policy and R F m low Weed's mission to Europe, published in tb e strategy of the enemy, 1 it will be t h e obvious nent,'is the announcement that the Emperor away. They fought bravely, and the rifled line, skill a n d gallantry displayed by tho offiw o he and The m o F n w CO.AST D S V E N S K B . ^ G O V . Curtin h a s written Independent, was slipped in after the paper was duty a n d policy of our planters to abandon of Austria h a d addressed a n autograph letter guns never missed. An 80-pounder rifle shot cers a n d men under his command in the capm a a o a a and w T U o V a m o bu w w and had he w and r a t h e r a sharp letter in anBwerlo the cir- made up, without the knowledge of the editors. altogether or greatly reduce their cultivation to the Chancellor of H u n g a r y , directing a went through our mainmast in the very centre, ture of the batteries on Hilton Head and Bay and V ew w w ou and he w a m a k i n g a n awful hole. 1300 men a E w he Point, after an action of four h o u r s ' duration. cular letter of Secretary Seward to the Gov- It was one of the accidents which will happen of the great staples, i n order to devote their suspension of civil officers. he m w he a and a men can be land and labor to raising provisions and sup They aimed a t our hull, where they knew The Flag Officer fully sympathizes with the N C and o 700 ernors of loyal Slates respecting coast de- in the best regulated newspaper offices. In m n he o plies which they have hitherto purchased from they would make a hole if lucky. A shot in officers and men in his squadron in the satisS w P U m fences. Gov. Cur tin points out all the diffi- this case, the cessation of that vigilance which other countries. the centre let the water into the after magafaction they manifest a t seeing tho ensign of THE SLATE QUESTION. P m o he P o S C w C Z and K T ha culties of t h e p l a n suggested in the circular, is imperatively required i n conducting a news" M o r e than this, if we should have two or zine, b u t I saved perhaps a h u n d r e d lives by the Union flying.once moro i n t h e State of The late speech of J o h n Cochrane to the New keeping under way, and being in close, we o he he A and o he m w South Carolina, which h a s been the ohief a n d maintains t h a t the object can be much paper was more than usually annoying and more crops of cotton on hand when the blocko w w he ade i s opened, the planters, reduced to ex- York troops a t Washington, a n d which was found their sights graduated a t six hundred promoter of the wicked a n d unprovoked r e G S m he w R m m E T more expeditiously and economically accom- mischievous. w mm a n d he w w tremity for want of money, must rush their emphatically a n d strongly endorsed b y Gen. yards. When they once broke, ihe stampede bellion they have been called upon to suppress. m o m F w o w plished b y the general government, to which it cotton to market. The European markets Cameron, contains the following p a r a g r a p h : was intense, and not a g u n was spiked. S. F . DUPONT, F l a g officer, To he P o S uh C n appropriately", belongs. I n introducing the SWEARING IN D A R K I E S . — T h e Kentucky cor- would be glutted, the price would go down, a Command'g S. Atlantic Blockad'g Squad'n. " Let u s have no more dallying witbdilitant Official Dispatches to t h e Navy Department. o he P T m a S he e A F subject, Gov. Cur tin s a y s : P —C by h e R o respondent of a Cincinnati paper relates that glut of manufactured goods would load the conservatism, this doubting in Cabinet when o U S o Am shelves of dealers on the succeeding season, The Killed a n d Wounded—Official List. W and F T FLAGSHIP WABASH, orp HILTON, 1 o he w m B o " I a m £ l a d to learn that the prospect of a while on an expedition to Harboursville with and thus the price of cotton would suffer a your soldiers a r e perishing in the field. Solon w a m F L A G S H I P WADASH OFF HILTON H E A D , 1 P O R T ROYAL H A B B O E , NOV. 8, 1801. / C w n he A w ou m G N WAD disturbance of o u r amicable relations with Rev. M r . Fullerton, aid-de-camp t o General depression it might take y e a r s to recover diers, you know no such, reasoning as this.— P O U T ROYAL, S. C , Nov. 8 , 1 8 6 1 . / S I B : — T h e government having determined You have arms i n your hands, a n d those arms foreign countries is now less serious than it Schoepff, a pair of Ethiopians, " d a r k as from. m mm u p a n d WOU on S ahd T o a w Sir.—I have the painful duty to report the to seize and occupy one or more important are for the purpose of extirminating the enemy h a s been a t a n y period during the course of m owe o a m and w he " W e are in for a w a r of longer or le3S d u a o E r e b u s , " were met, to whom the fighting p a r points upon the southern coast, where our following causualities i n the action of yestert h e insurrection. T h e d u t y of taking preand o a and ration. If the blockade of our ports is not until he submits to law, order and the Consti- squadrons might find shelter, possess a depot, day, in the capture of the batteries a t Hilton S n he F o w be caution against such disturbance is appro- son, after some interrogation, proceeded to raised within three or four months cotton will tution. Then explode whatever magazine of m w m m and afford protection to loyal citizens, commith e a d a n d Bay p o i n t : m m he m and T R m E m he F p r i a t e to the government of the United States; administer this o a t h : " Y o u do swear to adjure be a dyug. Prices of breadstuff's are advanc- combuatibles i s i n your w a y ; set fire to and o my m me o m ted to my discretion t h e selection from among Flagship Wabash—Killed; 1—ThomiB Jackeon. coxconsume the cotton; export the cotton; take n he wo a n d a m o a n d a s , when the prospect was more serious, the pomps a n d vanity of this wicked world, ing to most exorbitant prices." B a e he o we m m you w no swain and o i p u i o of A p a n . Slightly vroanded, 2— property wherever you find i t ; take the sla^e those places which were thought most availa- Alfred Hcrnibyand Wm. W a l l , w a m e n . i t w a s not thought fit t o invite to the subject and especially one Jeff. Davis." The darkies o F C he men o m no o m V he m S m and give him to the non-Blnveh older if you ble nnd desirable for these purposes; Susquehanna—Killed, -2—John P . CUrk, ordinary the attention of Congress, which h a d authority o n m and w w a m o g e A N E V E TO CONTINGENCIES.—Brigbam Young plense; do unto them a s they would d o unto grinned a n d took it easy, a s they would a corn After mature deliberation, aided b y the pro- s e a m e n ; WED. P r i e s , second coalb«aver. Woonded seMd to make - suitable provision, I do n o t underw any o w o m o ca A o has sent three hundred Mormons with their y o u ; raise u p in their midst a party interest fessional knowledge a n d great intelligence of varety, 1—SamnelP. BtnartjlirBt-elaflfl b o y . Wounded stand how the fact that it i s now less serious dodger. Blightty, 2—Patrick D w y n , 0 . 8 ; 6ama«l Holbrook, and w he the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Mr. F o x , A m pe day w H w had n he *^*m-* families to colonize the southern portion of against the present slaveholder; distract their second Or. can afford a reason for calling on individual o may and upon taking into consideration the magPawnee—Killed, 2,—Jolm K e l l y O.S^Wm.Fltzbnfth, he o w o m m o m States, which have no such authority." ONE Y E A R . — O n the 8th Nov., I860, the Utah Territory, in order to strengthen the set- counsels^ Do all this, ahd if that bo not suffim o he bay. Wonnded Blightly, S—Alfred W a s h cient take the slave b y t h e hand, place a mus- nitude to which the' joint naval a n d military first-class F w b u r n , master's m a t e ; Jacob Hanse, O . S.Patr Q C o S C —T w ou Slaveholding nabobs of South Carolina began tlements already there, " i n s y i e w , " says t h e k e t in it, and bid him i n God'B name to strike expedition had been extended, t o which you B w a he you a e M A J O E P B I H H E Y ; AMD. T H E $800,000.—The to tear down a n d trample on the Stars and Deseret News, **of the great demand there will ou S R by ho F and m m have called my attention, I came to the conM —K — A W m for t h e liberty of the h u m a n race. — a he m you a c m W B —W T m New York World Bays that letters received | Stripes. On the 8th Nov., 1801, the patriotic be for cotton and other products of a warmer clusion that the original intentions of the Dew m m F P w o The Col. Cochrane h a s always : rbeen a Democrat partment, if first carried out, would fall short B m m B m O S m own m — i n t h a t city-by the friends of Paymaster Phin-1 freemen " mud-sills" of the Nation began clime than Great Salt Lake and surrounding he m o w w he o w and W —M C O m and he m of the most u l t r a stamp. of the expectations of t h e country and of the m m m W T w O B C ney relieve t h a t officer from t h e imputations again to raise the National F l a g in Beaufort valleys, i n the event, that the civil war in the T U S a N w N w ha A en o capabilities of the expedition. Port- Royal I B w which m a y have been conveyed in the first and vicinity, South Carolina. n o ex B —K UA — H O A ou a e n a o he aud may East should continue for a number of ^years?' thought would meet both in a high degree. I THE REGULAR A B U T . C m H W B — M A he w o You dispatch regarding h i s arrest with the money ou n he m o there fore, submitted to Brigadier General Sher- K m o he may y e a This is a sagacious movement on the:part, of Wm The proposition for the increase of the regw he and w m — ww w m chest'en route to St. Louis. Major Phinney's m a e o no m the Mormon P r o p h e t ; b u t we believe governs u l a r army, from'17,000, to 40,000, h a s proved man, commanding the military part of the ou mm A MODERN B R E A S T - P L A T E . The Scientific expedition, this modification of our earlier latest orders were to p a y no money except m a he w T a o he T ment h a s recently set apart this section of the. ai most expensive -experiment,- a n d a signal matured plahs, a n d had the satisfaction to RECA CLAT OW and w and w American describes a breast-plate, which, it is T u p o n Gen. JFremont's order. When removed you a e n m and w a G D m New Y R m The w country for a n Indian reservation, a n d - B r i g - failure, .as was c l e a r l y foreseen, would be the receive his full concurrence, though ho and T w U Baid, is being extensively worn by officers and case t j from.the.character^ of. t h e . men Beleoted. the. command era of the brigades very j u s t l y wa h e ordered Major Phinney to r e t u r n with him he V up he P m w ou and ham's squatters will have to . i ( vamose ; the, T w men in tho Federal army before Washington. to "command the'riew regiments. Commissions e m and h e o a t o S t . Louis^ which & Major did, having no m had m U S he o own r a n c h e . " - The Gentileshave got ahead.of bini were issued to about five hundred officers, em- laid great stress.on t h e necessity, if possible T w I t i s composed of thin spring steel, and is worn m w a e by he m of getting this frigate into the harbor of Port orders t o the contrary, n o r ihtimajtiipn.of any he o be w this time, a n d the " p a t r i a r c h a l i n s t i t u t i o n " bracing every grade of decayed political hacks a m m o and between the cloth a n d lining, of a common Royal. S F DUPONT until the telegraph, came from Gen. Hunter will not have a n opportunity to Bpreaditself and incompetent favorites; and. the result of n no G H ha a S L On Theaday, the 29th of October, the fleet military veBt. I t has two leaves, which lay a t F O S B S six months recruiting b y these officers, h a s ordering him to.be a r r e s t e d - a n d sent back.— m w o over the fertile a n d genial valleys of Southern T o H S and P T U men o T a c G D ON W S N thcedges when the vest is buttoned, so a s to been the enlistment of about'four •thousand u n d e r my command-left Hampton Roads, and, w H i s obedience of Gen. Premont's order was Utah. w w a on he o B men. The cause of this lies i n no distaste for with the army transports, numbered fitly vescover the entire chest. I t weighs only three you a c he w evidently a mistake, b u t a very n a t u r a l one T C o B the regular service. I t is found.solely, in the sels. On the day previous I h a d .dispatched P R T a S n o w he m m pounds a n d a half, a n d can be worn with ease incompetency o f ' t h e officers, commissioned, the coal vessels, twenty-five in all,'under the u n a ^ t h e . c i r c u m s t a n c e s , a n d which a n interAG H WABA H H ON H AD m w m U a P R wa o T Wa D m w a by any officer or soldier during the most active . G E K . CHABXES L E E . — B y a n improvement in: •and their"total'unfitness for' such" positions. convoy of the Vandalia, Commander Haggerty, view'with GenJ H u n t e r will doubtless correct O U ROYA H A B O B N F w m you o and he men w w he o he G o he exercise. I t is'very strong in.prop"prgou to its Philadelphia last week, b y which a parfc.of the They were mostly political brawlers a n d pot- to rendezvous off Savannah, not wishing to he and o S —S w my give t h e true point. The weather: h a d been S he w w o up o weight, and it can resist the t h r u s t of a Bword cemetery of Christ .ChurcU.was taken for a houso loungers, a n d no -• m a n ; - w h o has:- the w m by he he o o A VOTE of tfie stockholders of the Pennsylvaspirit to r make,.a good soldier, i s willing to .en- unsettled i n Hampton Roads, though it promo he o m a m w m w w wa or bayonet, a n d a t .will repel the b u l l e t s - o f public way, the remains of many persons who t e r t h e service u n d e r such-commanders. o ou he o o he bu ised.woll.when we sailed; b u t off Halleras i t B n i a R a i l r o a d % a s t a k e n i n Philadelphia a day M n he m and he m ha o ay and w G S m ha o musketB and pistols, a t r a n g e s which would were entombed d u r i n g the last century, came blew hard'.' Some'of t h e ships got into t h e or two a g b / t i ' ^ e o j d e 3forT>r a g & i s 1 t h e leasI U B now proposed to consolidate the frag- breakera, a n d two struck, b u t without injury. w o w w o U e who a o m w be e P a he otherwise be fatal to life. once more to .the l i g h t of .day, ondjajmongthem ments' of the'- several rn*ew regular regiinfents," : i n g of t h e ' S u d b u r y - a n d E r i e Railroad,- I t a e m nc a a w , On Friday^tho 1st of November, the rough own m and m o he w be T w T H E C A L r F O a S I A ' T E E E Q a A P H T A R I F F . - ^ - T h e ware the bones.of Major GeneraVCjtaarles Lee, a n d to •• employ- the-omcers in > the-•volunteer Weather soon.increased to a gale, a n d w e . h a d WAS decided i n favor of leasing t h e road b y • T m G R n w C F ha he m bu no n o he of r e v o l u t i o n a r y memory., , T h e ; mahogany service, fts was authorized to ; b e done ^ a t itho -to encounter one of great,violence from . t h e w r a t e s fixed from St. Louis a r e a s follows: a y e s 1^5,652 ,to noes 2,364.:; ;, r ; i_ ; > . E x t r a Session, without prejudice to their/rank, w m he The w o he w and V a e T F i r s t 10 w o r d s . . - * . . • - • , . . . . . . _ . , § ^ 05 coffin in which h e was buried h a d decayed a n d in t h e regular army'."" B u t even" this Bhould •southeast,, a portion cf which approached to a t 1 a m o m & ob h u r r i c a n e . ' The'neet was utterly dispersed, w am G C he K w FAiLUBBfl AHD SnsrENsioh-B.- T The..Cbmitter- N e x t ^ S r b r d B X e a i m ) . ' . ' . . . . .*.-.*;£, .V-Y^'fitf stained the bones, and also hia wig, which was nbt^bS'torie''wiftouV a~ st&^ S J Next 400 words feach) 24 N w on he 10 h and They and bn'SatnDrday morning one sail only w a s i n T M a n d SH a e found i n a good-state o& preservation; with a animation ^ intc^-their-qualifications : c t o i ^ u I ^ m ^ l i s V o f business changes i n t h e S a m o you sight from-the deck of the Wabash. •••••>--•-. Next 600 w o r & ^ & w h j . . ' - . ; . . . : - • . . v . . 13 should not.onlyjbeimade.to-eaxnT their, p a y , m m a po o a B cu o mm w mT On the following dfty the weather moderated, B After;1000 words (each) 12 reddish brown-color. •Hisun*arthingiccasion- b u t c v e r y j o m o e r . w h o is.not qualified, should w C and S m B a e he F G B m had a m sions i n Boston, eight^inj Nejf c York, four i n ed no exoitement^though once^hisname wOuld beTJ'roSen of liu^pinmisaion. T h e rigid" r u l e s a n d the steamera a n d ships began to reappear. R m w m n W V The w he and m m o a p p l h ^ t o ' t h i ' t o l t t i l ^ ' s e r W ^ a h o u l d ^ o i W ; :.8ealed:ordeTB, n o t t o be..opened,.except i n h a v e stirred the. o ^ ' ; U y i . a n d aU ^ h ^ Philadelphia^-tjro i n „ ^ e j n $ a M , aud.ejghteen F DTOOB P O o a .owe at* B e ^ a r a f T o n ^ w e r e ' f u r a ^ t o ' all tho hektiMtfotteto*top^c«lfc m m u and U he w m o w m :cd of.him:was--carried.a«ty''inft BnaU^pfaie C mm B S A B S i n other places, a total of thirty-seven for t h e a t a b & t e & . ' l i e i ^ by w — 'iien-of-war. jby myself, end;|P. t h e . transports' o m up w m he Baker, r ; ^ ,Vr£i?(,;r * ' ~ -,;-:;liTbox,^-; ' a tm ^ S& & o h " w byGTOCriFSheMtO. ^'AS flit" v%Bffel« rejoined, 1 B n & M Guyandotte, of which mention | bishop of Tuamiri his second I Hee ^uu«r ge ea ^P a l m e r a toonniis tterriblv, .emphatic. . H ^ y ^ / ^ f ^ fElair -meritDi ^ ^ S S S ^ o ^ o W d l U o T o f l r B h iahdr With reference t o t h e ^ K ^ U t y ^ T t a ^ of Com. Wilkes i n boarding a British steamer OIBdal Reports »f Com. Dupont S: t «—» SLIDELL AKD MASON. ^ S ? ^ S 5 ? ^ ; l ^ ^ ™ ? ^ * i ^ ;.VfJ*»4.-r>;;- iSi?'"?.'•"-'?i«**jF-^t^J •\k4^<^ mm j ^ w ^ n , .of the a b f i ^ 7 i f y , ( i | i f l , J i r f e ^ | n i r a V l a f l e £ j G[ea. Berihimtosl bi^y ivro nMw.in;the e n g a g e m e n t . ' ^ >• VT.OI?. c'.-:.-^' b.-T^e learn b y w a y of CinoicaatithAtiheretil general S, A. Johnston, w i i h £ I | i r g e force' of 40,000 m e i waaidvancin^no^wiardtlirough E e n t a o 3 r y / ^ d : m i a p p & ^ i ^ ^ i a ^ « n attack either upon Leiingt^i;I^mferBle, or Cincinnati^.Thei Uniontroop«iftW$-Sen ordered to concentrate immedUtciy'upon JDanville, thereto oppose, if neccaaary,the advance of Johnston's foroee.;•- -•}•• 'The rebel low"ai Belmont was two hundred and sixty nine killed, four hundred and twen-. ty-seven wounded, and two hundred and sixtyeight miaaing. At Piketon they loBt between two hundred; and'three nnndred, o f whom torty-six were killed and sixty wounded,- the Union loss, being six killed, and, seventeen wounded. General Hunter has sent a letter to General Pricei>y a flag of truce, repudiating Fremont's treaty. General McKinstry has been removed from his command in Missouri, arreBted, and put under the strictest surveillance. Expedition to the Baatern Shore of Virginia. Proclamation of Gen. D i i . On Sunday about four thousand troops, including a heavy battery marched from Snow Hill, Maryland, into Accomao and Northampton counties, Virginia. Accomao is prepared to array itself for the Union, but Northampton shows fight Tho following proclamation from General Dix had been sent in advance of the expedition. To (he people of Accomac and Northampton counties. Va:—The military forces of the United Stales are about to enter your counties as a part of the Union. They will go among you as friends, and with the earnest hope thut they mny not, by your own acta, be forced to be your enemies. They will Invade no rights of person or property, on the oontrnry, your laws, your institutions and your usages will be scrupulously respected. There need be no fear thut the quietude of any fireside will be disturbed, unless disturbance is caused by yourselves. Special directions have been given not to interfere with the condition of any persons held to domestic service, and in order that there may bo no ground for mistake, or pretext for misrepresentation, the commanders of the regiments and corps have been instructed not to permit any such persons to come within their lines. The command of the expe Htion is entrusted to Brigadier Gen* Benry B. Lockwood, of Delaware, a State identical iu some of the disiiaative features of social organi2ation with your own. Portions of his force"came from counties in Maryland bordering on one of yours. From him and from them you may be assured of the sympathy of near neighbors, as well as friends, if you do not repel it by hostile resistance or attack. Their mission is to assert the authority of the United States, to re-open your i n tercourse with the loyal States, and especially with Maryland, which has just proclaimed her devotion to the Union by the most triumphant vote in her political annals; to restore to commerce its accustomed guides, by re-estab-, lishing the lightB on your coast, to afford you a free export for the products of your labor, and' a free ingress for the necessaries and comforts of life, which, you require in e x change, and in a word to put an end to the embarrassments and restrictions brought upon you by a causeless and unjustifable rebellion. COUBT NMMpBonres.. Court of Suarttr f w i i o & ^ o T v ^ w f c * J * 6 1 . C'iSt N i v m , KBHTHOKT, 1 Three weeks ago to-day we arrived at Camp Nevin.M miles, South.by,W«| j&om;^lomsvill* £»le« of real and:poreoo»l property, advertised andriUbU o^reent*i./Qur5^adfi,K»P:W cn P i »* jn tK«gTfMTMTtaApxRAU>.or-,for,-whioh billi nave'been printed"at this office.*— 5-.-.:c:-.-i'i:-.•",.,:? The list of GrariiJurors was called, and thefol- four large fields, and is surrounded onthrw sides by lowing j ni^}«nsifered ;to .their/names j ^ - • ,-r* ;' -7 heavy *r&*Jr®M&pW%rArandMt first sight John&&&j-tv*^tej>$Jj*iFxrtJiKTA-?? John Bowers, Daniel S.Geiat, John Graybill, w a £ a ^ ^ u £ b u | J a y i j ^ al Levi Good, s MlrSn^pHeBsj'^l8a*c S. l n - stumps and sassafras sprouts r those, however, were PSSWMSB girjjNQlbfcDiol^.iJIaneel,' ^oh^r;Bmne»^A;v;;B' soon cleared away and-we- inn' have a tolerably EsUte oT&th ? * & « M M fet^ftMded half interest" W t K r t f p m n ^ I t f ' a e ' . ; in Kaufiman, Anthony I>eohIcr, .Christian H. Moyeri good camp good and plenty of room for drilL The West JjamMter«wninlp..?J?^M.,..., £2. Carpentor McClecry/'Jacob'"R: Knissly, Hugh health of our Regiment (Col. Hambnght'a) .is yery Brtatoof*&nJF«*m^n6,aerWtf *™ ( good j Company K., CapU Gbmpf^at tW'presenf . .with'impro-rtm#mte, ft^Satfsborj twp.j/ : . v" i^ O'NAUj-DanieTRVe; E^ffie?Bie^B^ *S B ? * a e y , Davis E. Wel!er,ph/o»tiajn Wannerj^Borge YeiBly timo has dn^'due private who Vi-not ablo to attend Batateoftfa^bWArW.-deo'd;:! tracts of land dril[v*hJ*ii; Bernard Short, from Martio town• in Camarron to wnihip.:.^r-.„.^-.^..;;....r..-2S Christian S. K^n^a^Ohristian'Grube—22 presJacob LpjatUi;&QtiBl Pxepextyrin the city of .-,,..:--• ent AbrabaA B;H«femaD7r(stia116d and excused ship/ who had the forefinger of his right hand LMcaatar.^.,.^...™....^..,^,^..... •- ..-.26 from service.-; -.; >. -.; •;-;' ;'-•:.'• "i iiV; A >' ; \'rblow^fd^the ; a£flident^4^ v A&jdgned'Estate .of Jaoop^.i>Kfvtffman,<23,. -„, •;-: We receive our rations regularly, which are com"Grand Jury sWorn) C. S. Kaufiman,' Foreman, ',~«creB-,ofbwaVHul'P^^ : ^Sfcana^aJso/? aerat'of.Timber-'land in _„'.,.. and charged by'- the Court. The'charge of the posed Of<-fresh-Deef,^ahoulders^'<fccasienally Ham* Court contained nothing but tho usual instructions ooffee,iboahsj'rlce^hard.bread and flour; We have "Manor ind W: He'mpfield tWpa, tancaa! ter county. 25 tothe Jnorors.- : '"' also an opportunity ofj!purehuing<apples, pies, ' v ' ' ' , - v •• '• Daniel Kriderrdec'd., 98~aefe8~ of'land and chickens, butter and.eggs ifronjithe: farmers, who improvements; in Carnarvon twp-......... > 28 . List of Constables called and their returns made. are allowed to pass into the. camp ground. . They Very few violations of the Liquor Law returned, Estate of SamL Johnson, dee'd. valuable Mill, Lands^dweIlbg^Hoaterf".'Ac.f--*c., are reasonable in their prices: apples for 60 cents and the zoids graeraUyjrejported in^good^ order. Marietta, Xancuter, county 28 Tho list of Petit Jorors wore called, and tho fol- per bushel, eggs 15 cents per doz., butter 20 cents Assigned1 Batata o f JA. H:'* ' XJifehoolc; 7"' per pound, and-young chickens ;-for^ 30. centVper lowing answered Ao .their namoa: ' :" Kivor Eota'and stone^Waieu'ous&vtvHonse and Lotmnd-49 other Lot* of Ground, all Geo. L. PAuman/lBaac^Bushong, Isaac L. Bair» pair. in the Borongh^of Marietta, I*ano. Co. Before we left Camp-Wilkinj,-at-Eittsbiirg, we John Brady, Daniel Bard, Jeremiah Bauman, John and voidable Peach Orchard, Ac, inTorfc • : County..... 29430 Rdeboiigt-rrT. Long, ^rankltn -Clark/. Chriatian' were styled tho 77th Regiment, but since ; our arCols. Assigned Batata of James Pearson, 66 aores Coble, Jr., Jno. Charles, Benj.. Danner, EU Eshle* rival hert/som^d'iffiouity'na^ of land with improvements,' in West man, Isaao'Evans/Henry' Forney, Rudolph Fry^ Hambright and Stambaugb> in regard to our num-r Hempueldtwp.;i.Va^;-;...Vil.i.V.^.'.'».v..li;.. 30 ber. Col. Hambright was ordered to givo up the DavidGraybill, Michael Groff, Jacob: Hart; Peter EaUte of'Wm.'ColBinan,. deo*diV Grist A Helman, Benry Hubei, Henry Hiesfahd, Jr., Jno* 77th flag, to Col. Stambaugh, and take his in reSaw. MUV'£,urnaee,.'.and'rUwo- tracto of land, with improvements,, in ( Lebanon G,-Hoern8r, Jacob Herr, David Kline, Jos,NiBsley': turn, the 79th. Col, Hambright,refused to, accept County . . . . . . . . . . . » . „ . , . » . . !.,......'.... Dec 446 Henry Kebler,'Jacob B. Reinhold, Benj Ritter,' it, and we are how withoutany -riumben 'Persons Geoi C. Smalley, 90'acres'of land; with im- ' provements in Bart township ' 4 Jacob R. Shenk,' Jn6.;lL Whitehfl];Jai»b B. Wis- writing to their friends in Col. H's Regiment, Henry Miller,.* tract of.land with improveler, H. M. Weller, Henry Wolf, hjarks G. Wengen should omit-^e.number.f.ri <, / . y ments,' in-TJpper Leabobt township;.^.-../.! 7 Jos. Shenk, and S. W. Scott. Watson H. Miller, [Since the above was wrttien the difficulty has Assigned- Estate of And. Bowers^ and .Wife, was excused. been arranged, and Col. Hambright's Regiment is valuable' properties itTequea and Marttc Com. v s . JfYWarn Smith and Peter Mim, t w o for-. now:the79thr] township..:......:.;../. ^........ •'... 7 Jacob and John K. Good, two small tracts lorn looking y o u n g men, w h o should h a v e been As a general thing all the officers arc liked very of land, with improvements in Martic township »» ; •••»»••> • ^~ engaged- i n s o m e m o r e h o n o r a b l e b u s i n e s s , p l e a d much, and you hear of very little complaint againBt g u i l t y o n t h r e e i n d i c t m e n t s to s t e a l i n g w a s h baslns f any one. I , for one, feel prond of our company PR1YATE SALES. Samuel HCSB, Jr., and others, 54 acres of land s u n d r y p i e c e s of f e m a l e a p p a r e l , d o . S e n t e n c e d t o officers,^and I feel confident that the same feelings' with improvements, in East HempSeld twp. 4 months imprisonment. are entertained by the entire company, • No CapDaniel Gilbert, Jr.; Mill Property and 88 acres Com. v s . John Judy.—Indicted for s t e a l i n g a coat, tain could be more'attentive '.to the wants of his of land with improvements, in Sadsbnry twp. p a n t a l o o n s a n d boots, t h e p r o p e r t y of S a m u e l Otto, men than Capta'in Gdmpf, and the same is true of The Result of the late County Election.— v a l u e d a t $ 0 , p l e a d g u i l t y , a n d w a s s e n t e n c e d 1 0 Lieutenants Johnston and Smith. • This morning we were surprised to hear that a The return Judges of the election met in this city m o n t h s i n t h e C o u n t y P r i s o n . Com. v s . John Zone.—A r a t h e r s i m p l e l o o k i n g report was in circulation in Lancaster, that Captain on the 11th insto for the purpose of counting, the additional returns, received since the regular re- G e r m a n , p l e a d g u i l t y t o t h e c h a r g e of s t e a l i n g Gompf had been dismissed from tho service—that turn day. The returns from Captain HOBS' Com- several pieces of s o a p , a n d o t h e r a r t i c l e s . S e n t e n c e d he did not pass a creditable examination. How a report of this kind could get in circulation is more pany, Pennsylvania Reserves, and Captain Kline's to 6 m o n t h s i n t h e C o u n t y P r i s o n . Com. vs. Andrcat Eberly.—Indicted for s t e a l i n g than I can imagiue. ' There is not a word of truth Company of Hambright's Regiment, were rejected a b a g o f w h e a t , t h e p r o p e r t y of G e o . T o m t i n s o n , on in it. There has been no examination yet, and on account of the law not haviog been complied J with, and also for informality. The totals, as now the. N e w H o l l a n d t u r n p i k e . Officer B a k e r , u p o n a should there be one, no one'here thinks for a moreported, differ very little from the official vote s e a r c h w a r r a n t for o t h e r s t o l e n p r o p e r t y , f o u n d t h e ment that he will not pass a creditablo examinapublished tho week after' the election, and are as g r a i n b a g w i t h M r . T o m l i n s o n ' s n a m e t h e r e o n , a n d tion. He and the Regimental Officers "are on the identified i t a s t h e m i s s i n g o n e . T h e j u r y r e t u r n e d very best of terms: in a word, he is liked and refollows i a v e r d i c t of g u i l t y . S e n t e n c e d to 6 m o n t h s i m p r i s - spected by all.PBBSTDBXT JODQB. 1 COKKISSIOZCBU. H.G.Long . . . . 7 6 3 3 W m . Spencer 7604 o n m e n t . I have just heard that Gen. Buckner, who is now A. H. Hoott 7227|D»vid K i i n p t r . . . 7410 T h e n e x t w a s a s u r e t y o f t h e p e a c e c a s e o n c o m - at Bowling Green, has been reinforced by General ASSOCIATE JUDGE. | DIBECTOIU OP THE PDOE. p l a i n t of C a t h a r i n e Y e c k e r , a g a i n s t G e o r g e D o o r . Ferree Brlnton 76IB;Geo. Y e l s l e y ; . . . 7403 Johnston with 20^000 men. Well, let them come Day Wood 7266 JamesBaraea 7431 T h e r e b e i n g n o w i t n e s s a n d t h e t h r e a t s c o n d i t i o n a l , on, we arB ready. Our cause is just, and though AScKMBLT. ICODTEa G u t . 7567 t h e c a s e w a s d i s c h a r g e d a n d c o u n t y for c o s t s . they bring a million of men against us we will in J a m e s Myers 7588JM. H . F r y . V 74S1 Com. v s . Joseph Marls.—Assault a n d b a t t a r y # the ond come off victorious. Should the " Pony Katban W o r l e r 7651 -• paiBoir IKSPECTOES. S. A. W o r t h 7380G. L . Kekert, .7430 P l e a d g u i l t y . T h i s w a s a q u a r r e l a b o u t a m a r k e t Riflea" get into an engagement you will hear a Abm. Peters 7 4 9 3 S a m a d BecUecker.....7434 s t a n d b e t w e o u two G e r m a n s , i n w h i c h h a r d wordB good account of them. We have a leador whom J . U. Steamwt -7JSS-Peter John* 7503 a n d b l o w s w e r e u s e d . S e n t e n c e d t o p a y a fine o f wo need not fear to follow. Ho has already been H. C. L e b m a u . . . . . . . . . 7 6 6 8 > . H . H a o c t : . 7639 $5 a n d costs of p r o s e c u t i o n . Joseph Hood 7229. Arorroa. tried on the field of battle. Hath«nlei My«r 7430 J . MUl«r.. 7655 Com. v s . Freybcrger.—Indictment, selling liquor You would be amused to see us sitting in squads C0D5TX TBKABUBBtt. iJaCOD K s r U 7510 wUhout]Hoense. P l e a d g u i l t y , a n d w a s s e n t e n c e d around the fire, making "slap-jacks," short or long Geo. D.Sprecher 7216! to p a y a fino of $ 1 0 a n d costs. J o a n Denllngor 7720! cakes. We do it tho cheap way: take half a tin Sale of Chestnut Timber and Sprout Land.— Com. vs. George Broum, c o l o r e d . — I n d i c t e d for oup of flour, and mix it up with water ; then pour At a recent sale of Chestnut Timber and Sprout a s s a u l t w i t h i n t e n t to r a v i s h . P l e a d g u i l t y . T h e it into a pan, and fry it with a little fat.' We have Land situate in Providence township, the followiog faotS i n t h i s c a s e w e r e , t h u t a Minn R r n h » k « r , of not got ma rat always, no wc tuuao tUo avugu otiir prioea ware realized:— Sadsbury township, on her way to church hear and bake'itin tho ashes. No. 1, Containing 5 Acres and 106 Perches, to Steelville, was attacked by this negro-fiend, who a This morning Company B., Capt. Miles, came D. Landis, for $38 per acre. No. 2, Containing 3 Aores and 14.0 Perches, to few days.before had asked and reoeived food ether in from picket gnard, and brought with them two hands, thrown down and an attempt made to bomS. Book, for $67 per acre. fine young opossums. They will make a fine roast. No. 3. Containing 7 Acres and 94 Perches, to D. mit an outrage upon her person. The court could All tho companies of .Col. Hambrighfs RegiLandis, for $51 per aero. not inflict the full extent of the law in setencing ment have had their turn at pioket duty; but one No. 4, Containing 4 Acres and 30 Perches, to J. the black scoundrel, as his sentence would expire Secessionist has been arrested since wo are here. Lantz, for $52£ per acre. No. 5, Containing 6 Acres aad 60 Perches, to J. in tho month of November. He was sentenced to Daily men aro brought into Head-Quarters by the Fisher, for $37 per acre. 4 years and 9 months, separate and solitary con- guard, but they all manage to given good account No. 6, Containing C Acres and 50 Porches, to D. finement in the Lancaster County Prison. of themselves, and are allowed to go on their way. Landis, for §48 per aore. Com. vs. Henry Oreider, indicted for arson. Tho No. 7, Containing 6 Acroa and 50 Perches, to J. M.H.J. Peoples, for $15 per acre. ovidence of the Commonwealth being mainly that SATURDAY MOUSING, 9th. No. S, Containing 5 Acres and 40 Perches, to J. of two very young children, and not sufficient, in ep Peoples, for $151 P acre. I will open tho letter before mailing this mornNo. 9, Containing 6 Acres and — •—, to J. the opinion of tho District Attorney to conrict, a ing, aud give you another item. No. 10,for Containing 4 Acres and 70 Perches, to verdict of not guilty was taken. Peoples, $25 per acre. Last evening WB were visited by a tromeudous S. Reese, for $7 per. acre. Com. VB. Wm. Beck, for robbery. This affair, as storm, accompanied with heavy'showers of rain, No. 11, Containing 5 Acres and , to stated by Mr. John Eon, the person robbed, occurH. J. Byers, for $17 per acre. and a great deal of thunder aud lightning. While Tho whole tract contained 61 Acres and sold at red iu this city, one evening in September last.— the storm was raging, the lightning struck into the Beck, it appears, got into Ms company by some an average of $33.79 per acre. marquee of Captain Wishart, Company F . , Col. means, and induced him to go with him to Plitt's' Stambaugh's Regiment. The Captain was lying Beal EBtate i n Chester County.—The farm of whore they staid till 10 o'clock, when Johnson Jerome Keely, in Uwohlan, containing 50 acres, wished to go to hia lodgings, and Beck asked him betwen his two Lieutenants, and escaped with but was sold to L Slonaker, at $60 per acre. a slight scorch, above the left eye. Lieutenant The farm of Joshua Hoopes, in Brimingham, to accompany him to bring some of his friends West was paralized, and Lieutenant WiBhart, Del. co., was bid to$78 per acre—75 acres—but not homo to their lodgings. They went out in a south brother of.the Captain, bad his left arm and side sold. east direction (Strawberry-st), and entered tho scorched to a orisp. It is feared that neither will • The farm of Jesse Seal, iu Brimingham town-, ship—107 acres—has boea sold to Benj, Seal, of fields, when Mr. Johnson was knocked dawn by a recover. Both Lieutenants were respected by the blow on the side of the head, rendering him insenChristiana Hundred, Delaware, for $70.12J per oompany, and a gloom has been cast over tho whole acre. sible. When he recovered, his money, a $20 bill The farm of David Priest, dee'd, in West Pike- on tho Octorara Bank, and $5 bill on another regiment. land, was sold on tho 7th inst., at $65 per acre— The camp ground this morning presents a water; Bank, was missing. It was proved that Beck bad 50 acres—to Isaac M. Sloanaker. a note of that character changed by Mr. Skiles, appearance. Company B. has been completely County Bank.-'-The following persons were which Jchuson believed to be the same, from the swamped out, and they aro now shifting their M. H. J. elected Directors of this Bank at the last election : marks mado by his manner of wrapping it up.— quarters. * lwNM"S^*fe]fc* .• u y i w i 4 i } ? ^ * . u OT^ An amusfer f ^ f i f f ^ tte prooeeslon Ir— Assignee's i k l e ^ F B e a l Estate. phrhrtiw^pa^ ^ K . $ A ^ B J ) A Y , t h a 7 t h : o f P K O B M - r p H E A C C O U N T S o f flierespective d e Everybody in the town aud'mefg^hboihood knows \ ^ B ^ : l ^ l , wUl-b. Mliby.pobUo »*l8, at tho J L oedeata hereunto annexed a r e filed i n t h s Begls!/h the name'and'Si/ idc'a^tfwiy-fof'.tb*:^o^•A -illATK'kAB'TWABD. pubUo hooH$t Jwob'BErb, lathe vttlagabn&nkhiU, tSrB Offloe of Lancaster county, for confirmation a n d Db^dBtT'intl: his jog'aifld l oarri|^ oa'tb'o Copttto^;«n4-tf*ttor'tttroj>lk«,- aoont a mfl«« » l l m n m c * £ s £ a n Orphans* Court, t o o * h e l d i a l f i t f Court .Through. JEkp'reBSi-. .'.ui.-'w. :u w.V..; .„... 4.S0;a Troai'8a/aiHartwr.*nd't^.tall»«:frota:i^UE'« MUI, iha HouseriiTEhVCIty of LeucasferVou the ffilrdTIOflDAY to.b*'as sdaiods".-in the' tes4frrtH^oi as his master. l 10.00 foUowp^.uikpied.xesV,eitat«;,of,Audww Bgwersand In DECEMBER next, (18th.) a t 10 o'clock, A . M. •riir, .'Governor fythftqff, Comvjonuntd^th:\r : FastLineu./i.w.....,;, j$»y^eSo^ 8:40 it. LWieasterAccom/.;.......;...;......... M a r r ^ a r o l a x , M u t t s township-.'.By .William KlobArd* ; r fl^:vrj^ ladW;of*attwc^ A tract o r pleba'of LAND, s o n a n d David Cully, Administrators. . -v;-.= Mail Train. ...;..;..;,%.;,...;. ....:7.27p .'m. •; Parp'ait8olI;, r "' l:'COMTAIMa?f>:lOlACRES, '! ' ; Marls. H o b « t r K a » t . H s m p f l e U .township. B y D a v i d ^ t f t f f n'o dc^to'ojw'^fiim^h'J • Hrround ingcouotry Harrisbnrg Accommodation^.,,V.. .'.-.:: 3.0g .......8.40 a . m. more or Mi*,' i&Jelaii'fj- tints WAmos MUhr, I Bnrfc. Hnb«r,Executor. ; '•"'•' ^ ' to'sea-the-'ahflw.'-- •^•-••a '^'•''''*a'';^/.'J'?;:.£j and comes down to ua from the^Almjgbiyvtb. JHt J,oy AccQm^idiiopj..',\;,',';.;J.l h n Bower, Strasburg t o w n s h i p . By WUUam Bower, d •LBATBTVBSrWABD. halt :and ttthuajn.'wattieare enatid * two-story brink J•o *)dTnlilitfatnri :..:3haf'dic]ring,^season< isifully,uponruBi"\ This whom ife.-iB meet," ^ r Simuel Jenkins, Tulton township. B y Jesse. Jenkins, •Sip'reMr..U»;.:«v4«';;//». .™' 1.30 a. m. isone.of.tbp prinilipal 'points "for'ih'tfbptng.iTud of evdfy:'poople'ib' render 'thanis*for ; flia!nu»• • Administrator. * ' • '". . " ,„,., , l U i , , . M . i > . . . , , ^ . „ M , ' . . . ' . ' . / . . . ' , . ....:.it:24, up-within t b e l a a t S y e a r s J f A l s o i ^ Jaoob Wiasler, Manor t w p . Guard iaaehip A coon n t B y ducks* ^Numbers of persons follow this badness* " i; Thertfoi^I^AI^REW.GJtJURTDrV^v- Moani Joy Accommodation..;. ....11.31 i » a thrifty condition, onmbering, 260; trees,.to- .' .George S, Mann, Guardian of Barbara. W i s s i e r , J t o w frequenUy'llukingias-inuch during theifti'u will crnir of .tho^Commonwcallh Df;PennBylyi£n3t», Fart Llne.v.;».....:^/................... .iii. 2;35j . m. Orchard .wife of BeubeaStrlckler, a minor daughter o'deceased. s t t h e r w i t h other f; ^ t ; " s n o h a « apjilM, p w s . ' g r a p e s , 1 Ac.. T h e l a i d is" fn"a high stat* of - oumva&oir, i t b r i n g ffenry Moatelman.of the County of—:—; Stataof Mary keep thsjr.fiuulliei during tbd res t of the year. It do'aeoommend to; the people'of this Common- Harrfsborg 'Accommodation..,.,..,. .-..:. 6.08 u landi B y D . G.Bsnleman,B£q., Administrator. •''•'•. llmestone:ad-.aiidsr;:good'-feaeca. <Th« p r o p e r t y I s 'J^oasfor*jAic(>mtaouatibrij|..";....... .:... t.il It has been rAdaced to a system'amongst ^th'e'wgular wealth, -that thoy sot Apart'-, *";,."''...'','/ "'.^: ; located In a-beaua/olcoantry^anil w«U worth v t h e at- Jaoob Mnsselman, Logan county. State of O h l o . ^ B y UntiotLof «oy onerdarirlng a ooavehfent residence, or 1 H e n r y Mussekaaa, Administrator do bonis non c o m gushers/^TEvery other day oDlyfej'dayoted to the testamento anhexo, -^ -iPis..-' K •.:•., I-.*-., j - , . - . , - • • : . , . . . . . . " Card -Printing.—Alarge assortment ot CARDS of home. THu^8DAY;^t'hOF;iOVSluia>tiT,'' : B l a a k , Q4Uabory township; Guardianship AespVrVto aroi^driving them entirely awsy..:&>me Nb.-2v A; SAW'MILI/, Ut«ly put u p on'the Stephen viryiityift aad variety Jurt'received, and neatly print* Conestogo 1 By.John:E..&tultzrus«, QaaTdlan of F a n n y Bavlgattoa; with kmpls water power, and in :.ooant.: of the^gdtfbershaye several hundred; decoys.'. ^The as a day of .solemn Thanksgiving to GodVfor a minor daughter of deceased. •drtthUoBc^atntw cheaper thin any olfeer astab- a boslaese.oommunity;. The (acuities tor.a.buslaess J aBlank, n e Montgomery, Coleraln township. B y William it. having prepared our corn and watered our tiirshooting, hi dona troin. boras sunk tinto the water's maaof making a sore lnrestinent are nasurpajeed In • •'• Galbrtfth, Administrator. llrtnamtlm'tlte cUT.' the purchase of thla 'property. An extensive'landing edge} in'wJUoh; the\ men: He; conceale^. with' their roro,'and blessed th^yh^ora o f ^ n h ^ h a h ; d J o h n C. I r w i n , West Hempfield township- Guardianfor ooal Is ooaneotsd wlUtthaproperty; also;a* """' ship Account, By Sheldon S. Spencer, Administrator decoys anchored -around'them; There are: various mad, and crowned the -year with-His -goodness,: • P r :i n t i n g X « Socdetlea.to.—CoaBtitntioni. By WAES HOUgJE, for• the stonga of.grain.and Uw», OrdBr BOOKB, Certtneates, *c: pri&Ud la tho best ' of Seth P . Spencer, w h o W M Guardian of Mary A. and appliances) 'stioK'as; ^ater-oolpred^^ cwva||j^wings, Inliie increase of the" ground", "and the gatliei;- vl*,-.and at. moderate pricsi.. Cali.aadaH ipKimsn floor; it being one' o f the best on the Cone»loga.„^^ 1' Honriett* Irwin, minor children of deceased. Also, a two-etoryframe DWBLLI5G HOUSJ, nearly n r y Becker, W a r w i c k totrnuhlp. Guardianship Ao* Ac, attached to'the boxes;- Sometimes-two'and i n g i u o f tWfruita thereof, 7 so'that our-borna newywlth'sii the nocesMjy^othaUdings, with stable, B ecount. -•••' ' ..'•••". ,.'<»•«''..'. —r— r .'•• By Abraham Myers.Gaardlanof Leah Becker, wagon >sood, &c,.. making the,whole a complete and thrM Ehourjary^^ '•'• : H S A M H ! " ' T a a A L T H ! HBAI.TH! ' minor child of deceased. are J&Hed V i t l r plen^^^ wellfinishedproperty., Samuel H a r m a u , Providence township. B y Adam L e the range of the guns; •> JSome use swivel guns, and favorably; bnthteCommonVehlth,'andBtM Swayne'siGompcmnd' Byrup of W i l d fever, E N o / 3 , ' A Twd-atbry'frame DWELLING B w B when,1* l^gV-floek" comes; within. range of one of ened the bars of her gates and'blessed the '•; ! i ^ ; . ^ w - ; C h e e r y . v . ;: -\t \ • HODBS.ion the.Conestoga, n e a t l y n o w , w i t h a lot of B m LH C A m these, great execution i s sometimes done. Severa obildren within her, and made men\toj)e""of . T e a <3r»»t Bamedy for CoxlatobaUaata Cough*, CoUk . Orpondt adjoining Abaer Miller a n d others. M w C w B E A : ^ • t a u n a , - B r o n c h i t i s , BloodtpltUng.HoaTaueM.'W'eak . , N o . , 4, A . Tsro-Btory: frame "DWELLING m hundred ;hiiye,thu«;beeB brought down at one fire. one:mind, and^pr^aerybd peace in her borders; Voice, P a h u ^ U t h e SldaiaBd.OnHttBiokBn.ConiUta* HOCSK," and'lot of .Ground, adjoining lands of Adam D m C L G A UoB^ffrom t h e abnsa of Calomel a n d o t l u r cause,} Pal* Btollaadothers.r""' " ' The Canvass Back are the most desirable, and sell B D F A M T m Beseeching Him also on behalf of these United pttatloa or D i s u s e of t h e Heart, Tickling Irritation, o r No; 5,'-Th& Interest' In a piece of Ground, G Em R D m readib/:in good-times atfrom one to ;fivedollars a l o a s m m a u o B of t h e Throat, a l l P u l m o n a r y Complaint*. CONTAINING 7G ACRES, States, that our beloved country may have de- 7or.B*«tUsa Nights, for the Aged a n d DablUtated, It Is pair. These feed ou a- species of wild oellery, W m E D w B A more or less; adjoining: lands or Amos Miller, John liverance froni Ihofie great and apparent dan- v s r y v a l a i h l s . wA m E whioh abounds oh'the 'flats-around here.' This is "C0flBOllPTIVB,8TOP THAT DHKADFCL COUGH." Warfel and .tho Coneirtoga. ., D L B M m B E C gers wherewith she ii compassed; and that the .. Also, at the Bam© time and place, 5 shares , B w a y n t V C o m p o a a d 8 y r a p of W i l d Cherry gives what.imparts-to' thi meat the,peculiar flavor so deD B A m quick; a n d . p * r m i a s o t r e i l W . ' ffothlng ever y e t dis- of t h e ' S A P K HAHBOE T U B « P I K B STOCK, and a M w G sirabfeJ'' Bo* ahpd.bu^.foa t>ee.n in vogue 'for.abou't brave, and, loyal men now. battling in the Sold wjTertdsqostH'U'ia c a i l a g t h e above eompUlats, and number b r shares of Stock i n theSOllersTllIe State A A m B m G Hormal School. • ••:..< In connectloa w u h . ' ! S w » y h « ' i s t r s a p a i l l l * a n d T a r for her life, may have their arms made strong fi fteen years, and was introduced here by a Yankee. m Sale to coauaenxe a t 1 o'clock P . M., w h e n conditions PUIs," t h e U v e r ; Bowsla/Stomach, In i h o r t , t h e w h o l e G C E H m O w B D Befow.thai'j tolling " was practised. A red or spot- and their blows heavy, and - may. be shielded •JJawatary e a a a l w l U toeleansed a n d t h e blood purl- w i l l be m a d e known b y B C E BENJAMIN BOWBHB, ted dog. would be trained to pace up and down the by'His Divine Power, and that He will mer- . ; • £ A m D E w B D L H A 5 0 T O S E HOME ClBTIPIOATE. noaO-ts-52 • Assignee. A m beach/or iprod or spotted handkerchief be. moved cifully still tho outrage-of perverse, violent, - T w a s afflicted w i t h a violent cough, p i i o s i n t h e side M A W C L B G m and breast, n i g h t sweatB, aore throat, g n a t weakaess, froni a'pola. .This would attract the- ducks to the unruly and rebellious people, and. make a p t a n i n t of blood a t one t l s t £ - I remained for months V a l u a b l e B e a l E s t a t e a t P u b l i o S a l e . A m m T m U L w B i n t h l s a w f o i condition, arid g*Y« u p alt hopes of ever shore, when they could be shot/ Little tolling is them clean hearts, and renew a right spirit N 8 A T U B D A Y , t h e 7 t h o f J D E C E M Em w E recovering. -I w a s recommended to t r y " D r . Bwayne'* BXB, 1861, t h e subscriber will sell a t t h e pnblio V B w B A B now done. It is said that foxes, with the Instinct within them, and give them grace that they may. Composed 8 y r n p of Wild C h e r r y / ' which immediately L w H A m to soothe; comfort a n d a l l a y t h e eoogh, strength- hoosa ot S. & s l y e r . I n t h e village of Barevllle, Upper for which their race is ftunoua, catch ducks by see the error of their ways.and bring forth began C w L w G ened and healed m y longs, l a short It hsa made a per- Leacock twp,, Lancaster connty, Pa., a tract of flrst- C A B W m G N pacing up and down" the banks where ducks are fruits meet for repentence, and hereafter, in all fect cure. ' A n y person- doubting this fast, w i l l pleas* rate limeitone l a n d , " l C w m CONTAINING "8J ACEES, or address m e , a t H r . George Sweeney's Pottery, or feeding. I have not Seen H done, but l a m inform- godliness and honesty, obediently walk i n His call C w L w G A more or less, ritnate In said village,- %% miles east from C m y residence. EDWARD HAHBON, B W m G A K the city ofLancaster, and 4 miles w e s t from t h e village ed by one on whom I can rely, that he saw a man holy, commandments, and in submission to the G e n a a n t o w n Boad, opposite F o u r t h , P h l l ' a . C w m BEMEKBKB t ' If t h e oowels a r e costive, o r n o t suffi- of New Holland, adjoining l a n d s or D i l l e r Bare, David who heard another man say that he saw the person A m B C m B A A m Myers,' J . C. Bohnert and others, and t h e New Holland just and manifest authority of the republic, so ciently free.uBe i n connexttoa w i t h t h e Wild Cherry, turnpike. The Improvements thereon a r e a l a i g e a n d A m who-witnessed foxes securing .ducks in this way. Bwayne't Sana and Tar Pills as a Family Physic. that we, leading n quiet and peacefullifeymay B C m w B Thousands of persons and families h a v e thoroughly commodious two-story BRICK DWELLING -MStk There are other varieties, besides the canvass back. HOUSE, with cellar underneath, a n d summer- B i S W m A m contmuallyofFeruuto Him our sacrifice of praise tested a n d tried-them, for almost e v s r y disease, and honae attached, a good a n d ample frame b a m . | f i j K K E H m w E They are more numerous, and sell atfrom twelve to have given their testimony t h a t they are, beyond alt with carrlage-honse a n d corn crib attached, a large B A m denbt, t h e very b*Bt medicine an a family physic. fifty cents.per pair. • There aro other peculiarities and t h a n k s g i v i n g . . . . ,& « .":'. " M O in ducks and duck shooting, but I fear I have already given moro than will interest your readersThe Patriot Daughters of Lancaster, I notice by the newspapers, are sending mittens, &c., to the volunteers in the army. As there are several hundred persona from. Lancaster county engaged aa teamsters at this wagon camp, many of them poorly provided with warm clothing, I have been asked to call the attentions such persons to the matter as have suitable articles at their disposal; This place is located farther north than most of our soldiers, and ot course is so much colder. In working with mules, harness, &6., much exposure is necessary. The Lancaster county men aro principally from tho Southern part Suppose the residents of those ports take tho hint. R. NORTHERN AGRICULTURE AND THE TIMES. Headache, — • — , . Given under m y hand and the great SEAL. J-seal of the State at Harrrisburg, —,—.'* this sixteenth day of October, in the -• year of: our Lord, one thousand • eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Commonwealth, the eighty-sixth. BY THE GOVERNOR: A. Gr. CURTIK. E L I SLIFER, Sick Btadacht, Foul Sromacft, Swayne's Sana, and Tar Pills. are Sugar Coated; so that-' the most sensitive c a n ' take them pleasantly. "--• •.*,•BILLIOUS DISOEDERS—LrVEE COMPLAINTS. : SWAYNES SARSA. A M ) TAB PILLS. . C J - A b o x w i l l b e sent b y m a l l prepaid on receipt of the Price—iTwenty-Five Cents, . Address a l l ordero to D r . H . S W A T H S A SOS, . . 144 North Eight Street, P h U t d e l o h l a . S 3 - B o l d h y CHARLBA A. H a i a r r a a , a a d Kxvsraxs & Co., Lancaster, a a d a t a l l t h e principal Stores throughout Lancaster a n d adjacent conQUes, no aO-eow-62 Secretary of the Commonwealh. GOOD HEWS FOB THE 7ABMEBS. A late article in the Boston Post contains so much practical good sense and encouragement to the farmers of the United States that we insert it at length: Of the English imports during the last eight months, the United States have furnished 36£- per cent, of wheat, and 61 per cent, of flour, and from the figures given, it is evident that the continent of Europe in general has all it can do take care of itself in regard to bread.' At the same time, it i s a well ascertained fact for the year to come,, at all events, Europe will take all the breadstuff's we can spare at a good price. At this moment there are in New York SO to 35 vessels loading with grain for Europe; while the weekly figures of exports and the known condition of the grain markets and grain supplies abroad fully sustain our general position. Moreover, Europe will take all we can spare, and even then will have no: considerable surplus to carry into next year. In all probability, therefore, we are sure of a large foreign demand for grain for two years to come. amagw. On t h e 7 t h inst., b y the Rev. J . J . Btrlne, ISAAC H . S H S B K of Conestoga, to A » 3 A E S H M M A S , of Pequea. On t h e 10th Inst., b y t k e same, BBRJAUIX MSTEBB, of Str&aburg to H A U T CLATXAS, of Providence. On t h e 12th i n s t , b y t h e same, CHBISTUM B . BBDB A E E B . J r . , of Manor to M A E T B . HEBSRET, of East Hempfield. By t h e Bsme, HEITBY S H E E I H E E to S A R A H S H E E I S B B , both'of Manheim. On t h e 14th inst., b y t h e same. ABEAM P . BBESEMAN, of Bapho, (o M A R T G. H E R B , of Weet Hempfield. two-story frame cabinet m a k e r s h o p ; also, a large machinist's shop with englne-honae attached. A s e r e r falling well of excellent w a t e r w i t h p u m p therein, convenient to t h e d w e l l i n g s ; also a large cistern. Alas, a young a n d t h r i v i n g orchard of choice fiait tress. Btores, mills, schools, churches, &c., convenient a a d In a good neighborhood; i t possesses every advantage to make It a first-rate p r o p e r t y . ' I t w i l l be sold in one or four tracts, as m a y best suit purchaser*. ' A f u r t b e r description is deemed unnecessary. Persons wishing to view t h e premises cau d a no by calling on the subscriber, resldibg thereon. Sale to commence a t 1 o'clock, P . M. of said day, when terms will b e made known b y no 20-Sf52 HENRY MILLER, Valuable BffUl P r o p e r t y at Publio . Sale. N T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 12, Q.- IStfl, will be offered a t public vendue, a t the l public house of H a n r y Sablenjaa, i n the villago of Marticvllle, Martic township, Lancaster county, a v a l uable t r i c t of land, " CONTAINING 10 ACRES, K G A E A L D G m G m B W D H w B G m E G m E A m H L w H M M w B H O E A U C w K A m K B A M D Uw B C m T GEO C HAWTHORN B L HO T C U B AYER S CATHARTIC PILLS m A w B m w m m m m m T m A — U T A m m m m m V m w T m W Uw E A m w w w V mm m m m T C m m m m w N w m m m w m m m m F F w Y m WMM$. w w M C% U T m H m m w A w MORG UDOE F m D m KO E O T Y w m T T w w m m U m H H E w F m D m B B m w w m Wm w w m w m w w m w E C R W S w w m m w Y w E W C B D F m D E LE C m —X C m X C m L m T m m m w m © w w O T R m W B L m L E C m W G B B H Ma E w B w w G B A B A C W G D C w m C L W H m w B H W B E E W w w G A G G E m w m L C w B A mL D L M E W H m w B M B E A N M w B A m NU C H K E H M W D w B H H E C L C w G A B m H G L m A W E w B Wm A A m G W B C m B B T B A m E M w B A m W m A B M G A B m G R w A M A H K m E w B K m A m H B M m w B B C N B E B m W D H w B D W ™ m K D E Jatfosu [mm tit L L M be the same more or less, situate-on Pequea creek, I'equea township, whereon is ereated a large and comaa commodious MERCHAHT and GRIST MILL, b u i l t of brlok, SAW MILL u n d STILL HOUHE. w i t h a U r g e one a n d a half-story atone DWBLI4HG; HOUSE, a u d other out-houaea thereon. This property is Hltnatedon t h e public road leading from Lancaster to Marticvllle, about seven miles from the former and one mile from the latter. The mill has been lately lepalrsd, the machinery is made out of the best materials and is all In good order, and propelled b y Feiata. creek, commanding the advantage of a a . excellent and constant water power, sufficient i n a l l season*, A large share of country caatom Is now doing and b y care will con Unas the same, as it has no superior l a th« connty. Posasudau and a n Indisputable title will be given on tho tint day of ADtil n s x t . Wt% Sale to commBflce a t * o'clock, p . m „ on said d a y . w h i n attendance will be given and terms made known D B by JACOB K.GOOD, P*quea twp., N07. 16.1831. JOHN K. QOOD. The season, having now arrived when the On the l o t h lust., b y t h e R e v . W . T . G e r h a r d , CHRISTIAK. H . BASLEK to FlAHSA S. ECCKWAJ.TEB, both of farmers should determine upon the course of BIsnhelmitownBhip. : their culture next year, we think it proper to r 0 h . t h s ^ l 2 t h IDEU, b y t h e same, DAVID L. KKBIDKB, of Ellzabsth township, to SOPHIA P . PiBBar, of F e n n . urge them to act with a view to the peculiar On t h e I2th lost., b y Rev. D. P . HoBonmillar, J O B S F . BAKBEto SUBASa-A M. STEBX, both of Rapho t o w n s h i p . exigencies of the times and the wants of the Ou the name d a y , b y t h e same, TZTXR P . SHAXE to country. In planting a greater breadth iu C A T H A B J W R . SHAKE:, both of B a p h o t o w n s h i p . Ou t h e 7th I n B t . b y t h s R e v . S . B . Boyer.SAJinii. breadsluffa Um past n«aatj»- OJC^ Lave uuuferRxirsmDnB. of Carnarvon twp., to CAHOLUTB BECKER, of red a great blessing not only upon tho United Brecknoektownanip. - - - *If the calamities of intestine war, which are On t h e 17thlnBt.,by t h e Rev. Daniel Herts, Jojf ATHA* States, hut all the civilized word, and as the desolating other districts of "Virginia, and have A K E E , to E L I Z A BBBK, a l l of Yogeasville. already crimsoned her fields with fraternal On the 10th i n s t . , b y t h e Rev. J.W.Kavley.ExAHUAl. result we have witnessed a vast change in our BECK of E a r l t w p . , to ELIZABETH HOAK of Upper Leacock blood, fall upon you, it will not be the fault commerce and the- accumulation of a large twp. of the" government. It asks only that its auAlso, At tlie same time and place will TJQ On. t h e 14th inst., b y the. s a m e , HEO. F . Buarcaa, of balance of trade in our favor. But the defecthority may be recognized; it sends a force S t n s b u r g borough, to SARAH 8. BTEB.LT, of Rast Lampe- sold a lot o r piece of land, with a one a n d a haU-*lory log DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected, situate on tho ter twp. too strong to bo successfully opposed—a force tive means of transportation for these immense public road leading from said mill to Martioville, And if w e stop sending grain abroad, where which cannot be resisted in any other spirit crops render it impossible to move all the sur- is England to get the 36£ per cent, of wheat, . CONTAINING 1 ACRE, than that of wantonness "and malignity. If adjoining lands of the Widow Eshleman and Samael plus to the seaboard for shipment in due Reaand 61 per cent, of flour, received this year, there are any among you, who, rejecting all Bookman. The house has boea lately b n i n . a a d ' t h e l o t from the United States, and required in 1862, son and without incurring such an expense as Is well fenced and l a good order. Aleo.another lot conovertures of friendship, thus provoke retaliataining 88 PERCHES, adjoining the above lot, fronting tion and draw down upon themselves conseto deprive the farmer of a proper remunera- and perhaps in 1803 ? Groin is already quite on said road, and Is beautlfnlly situated for a building high in Europe. Where would it "tand if the quences which the government is most anxious On t h e 10 Inst., i n this city, JAMES JOBETH, son of lot, 8aid Iota would be suitable fur mechanicfl or labortion for his toil. To illustrate this, we cite American supply of three millions per week Timothy and Ellen Farrell, in the 10th year of his age. ing men, situato in Martic t o w n s h i p . to avert, to their account must be laid the On t h e 101 h l o s t , In t h i s city, P H I L I P H . FRIGS:, aged from the Chicago Tribune the annexed state- were to be cut off, or even if there were any Also, Two Timber Lots, one containing 11 blood which may be shed, and the desolation 41 years, 2 m o n t h s , a n d 21 d a y s . reasonable fear of such a disaster? ment of the cost of exporting Indian corn to which may be brought upon peaceful homes. On t h e 13th. inst.. In this c i t y , M r s . ELIZABETH FEAHK- ACBES e n d 120 PKHCHE3 of l a n d , which Is covered with excellent Chestnut timber. The other lot containOn all who are thus reckless of the obligations We do not question that Great Britain, row>, wife of J a c o b Frankford, In t h e Slat y e a r of h e r ing 3 ACHES a n d 60 PEBCHBS, which ia also covered Europe: of humanity and duty, and on all who are under certain circumstances, could be drawn ago.In West Earl tw., on the 6th Inst., L E A H , daughter of with Chestnut t i m b e r ; adjoining lands of J o h n ArmOne bus. of corn costs at Bloomington, HI., 10c. found in arms, the severest punishment warinto war, corn or no corn; but as an English J o h n Good, deceased, aged 18 years, 2 m o n t h s a n d 2 strong and others, and fronts on the vablia roifi loading from Boyd'a ecbool-honse to ilartlc Forgo, and «i[Freight to Chicago, 10c. rented by the laws of war will be viBited. minister once said to an American ambassa- d a y s . uate In Martic township. 2c. Storage, Sister thou wast mild and lovely, dor, 'The United States can do almost anyAny person wishing to r i e w the above properties will To those who remain in the quiet pursuit Gentle as t h e s u m m e r breeze, 22c. Lake freight to Buffalo^.'. please call on the subscriber, who will ohow the u m « . thing with England.' Great Britain needs Pleasant a s t h e a i r of evening, of their domestic occupations, the public au3c. Possession and good titles to said premises will be Elevating at Buffalo, our bread more than she needs our cotton. W h e n i t floats among t h e trees. 3Sc. given on the first d a y of April next, 1662. thorities assure all they can give peace, freeCanal freight to New York,...-..... Peaceful be t h y silent slumber, LosiDg our cotton, and losing our trade, Sale to commence s t 1 o'clock, p . m. on aald day when •lc. dom from annoyance, protection from foreign Peaceful in t h e grave so l o w . Transfer jn New York, attendance w i l l be given and term* made k n o w n b y she must have bread nevertheless ; and France Thou nu more w i l t j o i n our number. and internal enemies, a guaranty of all conJACOB K. GOOD. Insurance from Chicago to Liverpool 2c. Thou no more our songs Bhalt k n o w . must have it oven more than Great Britain. stitutional and legal rights, and the blessings nov 20 2»t-S2 Ocean freight, ...', 23c. American affairs have already injured both of a just and parental government. On t h e 11th lust.. In Manheim, MART DEOHTMBYEB.III countries severely, and the worst, perhaps, the 83d year of h e r age. Cost of one bus. corn to Liverpool, 80c' V u b B E a Pub S JOHN A. DIX, On t h e 15th ult., a t h e r residence In Maytown, A35 Remarking upon this, the New York Tri- has not y e t been experienced. But war Major General Commanding. L be d b y pub ndu a would not help them, either to cotton or CATBABIHB BSSHLBR, aged 8 1 y e a n , 8 m o n t h s a n d 21 T T T bune s a y s : d a y s : R W trade, and they know it; while war -would Besebler, w a s a member of t h e Evangelical H B w L Beturn of the Army from Springfield. *' The ten cents per bushel paid for the double thepricc of bread to their work-people- L~Mrs.. DECBMBEE u t h e r a n Church a t Haytown. I n e a r l y life she sought Intelligence from Springfield apprises us of corn at Bloomington will not give tho grower already needy and discontented. Our posi- and found h e r Saviour and consecrated hereslf to h i m . B w m G G w m m G the freaking up of the Federal camn^ at that more than day wages for harvesting, Bhelling tion is, therefore, that war with France or Sba w a s ever faithful and steadfast in b e r a t t a c h m e a t m m G w A h e r Redeemer. She suffered much during the lust pUce, and commencement of the return march and drawing it ten miles over Illinois roads England i s almost impossible, unless it be de- to G G G M months of h e r life, b u t endured a l l h e r sufferings w i t h of the army. The divisions of Gens STUEGIS C m to market, leaving the use of land, seed, til- clared by the U. S. whatever be the feelings of christian patience and fortitude. andSiEGEL are on their way to Roll a, and the By. h e r consistent deportment and amiable disposition lage, &c.r a dead loss. Grain is a very poor the European Governments or newspapers. ACEES AND 61 PERCHES gained t h e esteem and confidence of a l l w h o k n e w ber. m remainder of the army, consisting of the diw WELL NG reliance for the maintenance of a favorable Sb Hence we are not startled by diplomatic cir- r h e large concourse of mourning friends a n d neighbors HOU E w w visions of POPE, MCBJNSTRY and ASBOTH, are balance of trade. We doubt whether it is culars or correspondence, aud pay little regard who followed h e r remains to her last resting place on w w marching towards Sedalia through Warsaw. ever really profitable to send so bulky a staple to what ignorance or crudity the London Post earth, gave evidence of the esteem Iu w h i c h she w a s w John Landes, James Smith, George G. Brush, Beck admitted, while in prison, that be had posThe family h a v e lost a k i n d mother, and t h e A AB we have already intimated, the plan for Jacob Baobman, Henry Esbenshade, Abraham An Unfounded Rumor Exploded.—For several across half a oontinent and an ocean. The may be pleased to publish. Nay, it seems to held. community a valuable friend. I t Is said she b a d not an w w tbejfuiure operations in Missouri probably H.'wry, John Hess, Kinzer D. Bender, Samuel session 0 f Johnson's $20 note. Johnson was con- days it has been reported about the streets that cost of transportation eate up tho cargo." us that the want of cheap bread, in combina- enemy on e a r t h ; for a l l who k n e w h e r loved her, h e r m m T m contemplitieatheestiibtishment of garrisons at Kanck, Christian B. Herr, Isaac Long, Dr. Isaac siderably bruiBed on the face. The jury returned Captain J. D. Gompf, Company K, Col. Hamloss we trust h a s been her eternal gain. L. w We instance corn because it is the great tion with the confidence of foreign capitalists w w a verdict of.gmlty. with out.leaving the box. It was the most important pnstB in the SouthweBt C. Woidler, Abraham Bowman. On t h e i e t h inst., near Strasburg, j n this county, staple of the country, raised everywhere in iu our loans aud institutions, the evident symbrighfs Regiment, had been removed. We paid army for aciive service in another quarter— shown that this was Beck's second offense, he havsuch immense quantities as to defy rivalry.— pathy of theEuropean people with our national JOHN H A E T M A S , for m a n y y e a r s a resideat of Union T m most proh>tbiy Southeast Missouri or SouthFarmers' Bank.—The following gentlemen were ing served fourteen months in the Penitentiary for no attention whatever to the rumor, convinced as What must be dono, then, with the corn if it cause, and the natural and well grounded fear county, i n this State, i n the 83rd year of h i s age. w m [Union Connty Papers please copy.] western Kentucky. U elected Directors of this Bank at the election on another robery. He was sentenced to 6 years and we were that it arose from some misapprehension, cannot be exported and is still/raised? The even among princess and potentates that, after : Hm or was put in circulation for the purpose of morti- option, as the Tribune remarks, is to convert all, our Government is very strong, is growing By a late order, the department of the West Monday :— T m m 3 month's imprisonment in the County Prison. iB divided into two Department—that of MisG V w w stroug, and may be strongest in this contest— fying his numerous friends in this city. As an act it into beef and pork for export, and this, of Christopher Hager, Joseph Ballance, Jacob B. m E souri, inoludiug the States of Missouri, Ar- Tsbndy, Hiram F . Witmer,Frederick Sener, Henry Com. vs. Christian Miller, for assault and bat- of justice to a brave and deserving man, we pub- course, will be done to a great extent through- is quite sufficient to prevent even the heavy m m kausas, Illinois, Iown, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arndt, Christian Lefever, Thomas E. Franklin, tery. The evidence was olaar that he had, when cargo of Slidell and Mason, now on its way to out the west, where stock farming is so well w m and that portion ot Kentucky lying west of the' Solomon Diller, George Calder, George H . Kline, drunk, committed an assault on an old lady in lish the following letter, received a few days since understood, so that, as the result of the block- England, from doing any serious injury to the m m by one of the editors of this paper. HOUSEHOLD MABKET Cumberland River; and that of Kansas, in- Philip Bausman, Charles A. Heinitsh. m m m ade at the west, wc may look for a heavy in- country. Rothville. The jury gave a verdict of guilty, cluding Kansas, the Indian Territory, NebrasH CAMP NEVIS, Nov. 8,1S6L crease of the' provision trade. But, as the ATDRDAT N G Had France and England acted as they ka, Dacotab, and Colorada. The Department Inland Insurance and Deposit Company.—At and he waB sentenced to 4 month's imprisonFBIEND : I have just received your letter farmers will cease to grow crops they cannot BUTTER @ w m of Missouri is to be-under command of Gen\ the election on Monday the following gentleman ment and a*costs prosecution. of the 4th inst., and was astonished to hear the re- sell to advantage, we may also expect them should have done, the rebellion would have EGG w G K @ ^d been ended by this time, and the ring leaders HA^LECK. with his headquarters at St. Louis ; wore elected Directors:— Com. vs. .Ho&ert Thomas, for stealing a horse. port in circulation that I had been dropped from to turn their attention to 'something else be- would have been out of the way, either in LABD @ b and the Depart mem of Kansas under comB mm M w the service. It is entirely without foundation. It sides breadstuff's. He plead guilty and was sentenced to,5 years and Philip Arndt, Daniel Good, John Styer, David HOKED MEAT @ Europe, jail, lunatic asylum, or the grave. w m m w maud of Geo. HIINTEE with his headquarters is entirely news to me, as I have heard nothing Hartman, Daniel G. Baker, Samuel Nissley, Jere- 3 months* imprisonment, and costs of prosecution. about i t I am still here in command of Company The extraordiuary demand for wool points V EAL b n qu 4 GEO G MALLEY at Fort Leavenworth. miah Brown, Robert A. Evans, Isaac E. Hiester, @ E, and have bad no intimation of anything of the out a path in which they may find large profits, AYHAWEEBS John W. Jackson, Robert H. Long, Barr Spangler. : The arrangement of the parts of these new @ STATE o ADD LA HUBEK kind; on the contrary, Colonel Hambright has and we hope to see them pay attention to it.— Personal.—Mr. W. T. Davis, for many years @ E H m w L Departments foreshadows, to some extent, the William P. Brinton. Th n h dd n m hu p n Principal of the Male High School in this city been very kind to me, and I do not think that I Wool is wanted at home for the manufacture of p m @ plan of future operations. The field of Gen. will be the Jirst Captain dropped, as I can hoe my goods sorely needed, and the patriotism, not d by he L nw h K n p n @ Turnpike Elections.—In addition to those has been unanimously elected Principal of the road with any of them. I do not intend to leave less than the interest of the farmers should in HAI-LEOK'S most important service will be in m mm m m T un @ Chambersburg. Academy. Mr. Davis is one; of the service, under any consideration, until tho war duce them to engage in sheep raising to such d n o h Ch Southeast Missouri and Southwestern Ken- given last week, we add the following:— m w m p k U mm @ w "Th m T h wk h b m n is over, unless I can do it honorably. I envy not an extent as to relieve the American markets. tucky; and in-that region he will no doubt CONESTOGA AND MANOR.—President—Bartram the best teachers in tho State of Pennsylvania/ @ W HKNKT HDBEH the feelings of any porflon who can put such reports pp d n K n h m n findhiB battlefields. Gen. HUNTER will ope- A. Shaefier. Managers—Abraham Peters, Jaoob b But the demand for flax has become also very U be u d o kn w h m n n rate in Southern Kansas, and find his battle- K. Shenk, W. W. Miller, George K. Read, Jacob Another Company.—Squire E. D. Roath, of iu circulation to wound the feelings of my friends importunate, and, in order that our agricultu- m p bu h w at home: give it flat contradiction. Excuse these STATE o OHN DENL NGER fields there and in the Indian Country. b m n n he o wh n M. Frantz. Treasurer—Geo. F. Bronemau. Marietta, is engaged in recruiting a company of few lines—I will write more fully at another time. ral friends may understand the subject we E L m w —L MANHBUI, PBTEBSBUBO Aim LANCASTER PLANK h ub n u h n K n h n LANCASTER GBAHT MABKET—Wh m volunteers for the war, to be attached to CoLGray's Truly yours, J. D. GOMPF, subjoin a paragraph which we find in the JourROAD AND TURMHIKK.—President—John Sheafier. mm n d he S p p b d R by ALBR GHT A Co F n n aud A Sharp Transaction. nal of Commerce: Managers—J. E. Cross, John S. Hostetter, John 61st Regiment He has already a number of men Captain Commanding Company K. m mm m C mm nM h n qu u b wh h h d he Yestoday an expose of a sharp transaction, to Stauffer, Emanuel Shober, Dr. 5. Parker. Secre" Ooe of the Irish papers published in Belm m B m at Camp Curt in. " T ESDAT N m n wh "w u d o m n n d u b say the least, came to light. A Brigade Com- tary and Treasurer—H. C. Gingrich. m m w fast contains an elaborate article in reference LOOR up n p bb [Correspondence of t h e E x a m i n e r a a d Herald.] n Th m h d o pun hm n DAB EL DENUNGEB WILLOW STREET.—President—John Mccartney. missary made a requisition upon the Commisto the proposed substitute of flax for cotton, Howard Evenings.—The first leoture of the d " 5 62 o he n m o h wk Men w OHN Q DEXL KGEB Managers—Andrew Mehafiy, Christian Hess, D . and expresses a belief that nothing can be sary Department for 150 barrels of flour. The PERRYVILLE, Md., Nov. 17th, 1861. E L m w n d he n o wh h ud L n h WBTTHWBBAT p bu h Herr, (Pequea,) Christian Hoover, do. Secretary season, was delivered last night iu tho C ourt Room AMUEL L NGER requisition was filled, and the Commissary, it .—Levi Hoover. Some of the Philadelphia papers having started hoped from this source, unless the culture of by Judge Hayes. Subject:" " Would it be a wise und h m u On u o m he L w flax is entered upon on a large scale, far exCOB T d " is^ said, sold the flour to a dealer in sutlers' n h w d by m d p wh BEATER YALCET.—President—Hon. J. Strohm. polioy in the United States, to establish a large and the report that a gentleman from that city had ta- ceeding anything y e t attempted. The supply DAV D LAHD " W L m w stores, receiving therefor over $1,000. Subse- Managers—Jacob Herr, Christian Lefever, Daniel powerful Navy." h n d h m by n or k OAT ken one thousand horses to winter, subject to the of this article, for some years past, has been p h p " n d d n o pay quently the dealer sold the flour to another Herr, Michael Groff.: Secretary—C. B. Herr, orders of the government at Washington, a number sufficient only to supply in part the demand of h wh h h CLOVBBHMD (Pequea.) L A D E S F U H S h m n w n mm d party, and received the money for it. He in Religious.—The East Pennsylvania Eldership of persons at once visited Perryuille t« procuro Irish spindles, so that there i s not a pound to Z" 17 WH KKY n hhd w d d o HE b and h p his turn offered it for sale to Maj. Beckwtth, of the Church of God, held its annual session in horses or mules to feed over the coming.winter. At spare from the.old established manufactures. h p d nbb Chaplain Appointed.—Rev. C. F. Stock, formn n h n n o S b M nk S b h n he d w n d wa the Commissary of Subsistence, who identified Mechanicsburg. Cumberland county, commencing present the officers of this department have no or* The exertions made by merchants and capital& U m w merly of this city, has been appointed chaplain of mph a B m o w n The PH LADELPH A MABKET it and made a seizure. The facts were exR w on the 30th u l t The opening sermon was preached ders to put out horses or mules on board; and ists to obtain a more liberal supply has afford, M Col. Hambright's Regiment. u n ay h a o h wk MOKDAT EVEHL G N m plained, and the last dealer called upon the by Rev. A Swartz, the pastor in chargo. Rev. E. judging from the immense quantities of hay and ed only partial relief. The cry ot famine in wh h d no a n w p n p bu FLOUR —T m p nqu or m first for his money, who returned it this afterd bu n a p b w h Religious.—Rev. Geo. F. Krotol, of this city, H. Thomas, editor of the Church Advocate of this grain already stored and still arriving at this point the flax market still rings from Belfast to k a m n wh Th kn wn F L A D KS S O CS Dundee, and from 1)unfermline to Leeds, and noon. It is said that this i s one of a series of has received a call from one of tboLuthcran Church" city, was elected Speaker; Rov. JoBoph Ross* w h d who are rm n h d m nd ho h wk Th m p d it is clour that no animals will be given out to win. prices of the raw material remain comparativT nd nd d up n nd w n d a similar transactions that have taken place be- es in Philadelphia. It 1B not yet known whether Treasurer; Revs. J. Haftelgh and C. H. Fornoy, u d he n m o be pp d o he GENT AND YOUTH HAT AND CA ter. Several thousand horses were sent here from ly unchanged, notwithstanding the competi- n w h m d n m o upp h u o S u h n K n do n kn w tween the same parties, and by which the Gov- ho has accepted. Clerks. A largo amount of business usual to such Washington some time ago, on account of the tion from the reduced value of cotton. The C F H C m d h b u h h ab d o h h b nd a h ernment has been swindled. m 5 nd n b nd a m occasionB was transacted. The following appoint scarcity of feed there, after the blockading of the Irish manufacturers do not despair, if the culG n m n Fu n n n G d b k arc n h n m n n d o d ub p bb o qu d he m Sword Presentations.—Tho friends of Lieu- ments were made for the coming year: ture of flax can suitably be encouraged in the n d H B Potomac. Sheds for those have already been erectbu h w d a n w n u e n n o k h qu he p nd k o ho Mittens Wanted. tenants Jacob S. Dochman, and John M. Kelloy Canadian provinces. The Belfast Whig s a y s : H RT MADE TO OKDK WARBANT D TO F T STATIONS. K n had h n" ed here. As to the mule teams it is impossible to w d p b n h "Our troops are suffering for the want of mit- have presented them with handsome swords du"Within the last few days, we have had ARMY AUD NAVY GOODS Lancaster—G. Sigler. RYE LOUR nd n a w n da say anything with any degree of certainty. Trains tens and gloves. No provision is made by the ring the past week. some conversation with the highly intelligent A m N R H C Mount Joy and Washington—E. H. Thomas of wagons are being sent off every week. If any bb o a b k nd b u h he O Government for the supply of these needed gentleman who, as the accredited agent of the hn E n n n u n n o Nor w B Em A and C. H. Fornoy. p articles, and donations will be gratefully reteams are kept hero over winter temporary shedding Canadian, government, has been sent over to w H A wn Pa d d a wd n o h d Distressing Accident.—Yusterday morning Elizabethtown and Bainbridge—C. Price. CORN MEAL m w h u h m o ceived by the men. A half million pairs are H m w will no doubt be erected to protect thorn against t h i s c o u n t r y f o r t h o p u r p o s e o f a s c e r t a i n i n g ph b He w b n b u am nh n b P nn p bb wh h about nine o'clock a distressing accident occurred Middle town—D. A. L. Laverty. now wanted. CHARLE ORD < ON tho probabilities of success in an extended d wh h had no pp n o b n nd w n d The p d bb HarriBburg and Wormleyaburg—A. X. Shoe- tbo inclement weather. at the honse of Mrs. Jenkins in North Dufcc street. C system of flax culture in Upper Canada. From b d nd wh h wa d n n d u bu h wh bu h n 080 in akar. m U C H Miss Grace Hubley, an aged sister of Mrs. Jenkins, Tho rush of persons seeking appointments aa all wc have been able to ascertain on the subbu h nd bu b h m n Mechanicsburg—A. Swartz. GEK. NELSON. accidentally set fire to her clothes while standing GRAHT —T B n mu h Wh n or Wagon-Master has become so great here that it was ject, there seems to be no doubt that, by due L SbippeuBburg—H. L. Soulc. Th n m n o un or m The following is a sketch of the life of the before an open grate, and before assistance could B n nd he m k m and on h d E M A N N G n he P O a Newburg and Green Spring—J. B. Seabrooks. found necessary to-put up placards around the energy ou the part of the Canadians, coupled n nw d w h n d b ac n m h d b n nd n b n n hero of the Union victory in Eastern Ken- arrive the unfortunate lady was so badly burned L M N Chambersburg—A. H. Long. Quarter-Master's.oflace with tho inscription, " N o with a fair [prospect of remunerative prices n C n d p u qu n Ab u bu h w w w K here, the lands of that colony would soon protucky : TJniontown—J. C. Owens. that her recovery is deemed extremoly doubtfulMore .Wagon-Masters Wanted." I hardly know d p do 35 or d P nn n d m B duce yery large additions to our present supHighspiro—A. Snyder. " General William Nelson is one of the re- Miss Hubley was widely known throughout the n a wh h w n d n ud n what there is in the office that makes it so attracLAD E L T T C u PTT m—Th Ad h n plies of flax." Newville—J. Maokey. bn b B p m n h n d a $1 nd cently appointed Brigadier Generals of the city, and the intelligence of the accident caused tive to " outside- barbarians." If some of thorn w w m H H B M L " T h e soil of the larger settled parts of bu h d wh Fayettvilleo—J. B. Hostetter.. volunteer forces of the United States. He is m B w H B B B A once experienced its vexatious and onerous duties, Canada has so deteriorated under the continued CIRCUITS. C m — a native and citizen of Kentucky, was former- deep feelings of regret to all classes of our citixens. RYB b and bu h P nn H w U B wm Miss Hubly died about 5 o'clock in the afterLancaster—J. S. Stamm. m w w BU they would probably be less anxious to get the culture of grain crops, that the rotation would K M B T M ly a naval officer, and was appointed thereto n da m B K E B A S Dauphin—W. H. Coulter. CORK m n w and d w nd from his native State. He entered the service noon. post. The " outfit" of a Wagon-Master, (thoy are prove beneficial; land is abundant and labor w w U A W York East—J. Keller. d a New w h > BB wm M on the 12th of May, 1840, and on the 18th of all "captains " here!) is a mare to rido, packEaddle, cheap; and, according to the Toronto leader, w M A M Connty Teachers Instilute.--The County nd n nd bu n n Yirk WeBt^-J. T. Bender. m w w A w M U April, 1855, was commissioned a Lieutenant. B H A surcingle, saddle cloth or blanket, pair brass spurs, which is to attaoh some importance to this sub- B BE C T M H L C OAT n or P nn nd or Perry proper—B. F. Book. His sea service under that commission was Teachers Institute met on Monday at Fulton ject, the last two years have witnessed a more H C M A D w bu h o he h p Juniata, including Soule's and Germany—Thos. Colt's Navy^Revolver, holster, bolt, brass plate extended cultivation of the plant than ever beless than threo years, but, his total sea service Hall. There were a large number of teachers,.and Still. m E D Plainfiold—S. Fleegle. qu d a n h vf tth the initials U. S. on it, Ac. was twelve years and six months He perform- persons interested in the cause of education presw C A fore, with results 'peculiarly satisfactory,' Camp Hill and Good Hope— S. Crawford. B dM are qu w M m w K H M ed shore and other duty for over four years, Tho old trains are having two mulos added to where proper intelligence and industry have Washington Md.—W. L. Jones. KED —T a d d m nd or C d O m m T Bm and was nearly five years unemployed, ma- ent. After au able address by County Superinbeen applied; The most that can be hoped for, Ft. Littleton and Broad Top—P. D. Collins. each of their teams, making six mules to each T R nd bu n or n 624 Q w w tendent Evans, the Institute was organized by the king a total of twenty-one years in the Bervice W m M Harrison's Cove and Stonerstown—Jas. Charlton- wagon. The compensation of drivers will be in- however, from this or any similar movement G BDWABD A W L ON p bu h L T m h d S nd F W H B of hie country previous to hig present commis- appointment of the following : WU m Orrstown—P. K. Shoemaker. BE 87 p bu h creased, as a matter of course. This Is in accord- elsewhere, could afford no appreciable relief; Z K H EL m K C H wY sion. He was last at sea in May, 18G0, in the Shirem BUB town—S. K. Boyor. in attempting a substitute for cotton. Were WB BKBY d Bb w a B C Pretident—3)avid Evans. ance with a late order from tho War Department, G NT EME L T Frizzleburg and Hesson's—B. Fleegle. sloop St. Louis, when he was ordered on ordh p m Oh nd d ud a the farmers of Canada to cultivate annually Vice Pretideutt—B. G. Behmer and J. H. GreiPleasant Ridge and Pine Orchard—S. Spurrier. requiring each government team to consist of six U w B M —T nance duty at the Washington Navy Yard, A HS E 300,000 "acres'of flax, the entire product could m H TABY .. . * ; B B w A G R from which point he was promoted to the hon- dcr. MISSIONS. horses. I presume it was found necessary to adopt be worked up by Irish spindles." CATTLE MABKET m m m m Secretaries—Vfja. M. Crothers, A. Kieffer and K Altoona, including Allegheny Mission—S. S. this ebango on account of the scarcity of good orable position he now holds. At tho comm w G J. W. Guernsey. MONDAY EYE O NOV B G *9tfk Richmond. mencement of the present year he stood 14G m m w w m O T L B B m K BEE — Th m k or B C wa du teamsters. Considerable saying will also be effectFinance CantmiUet—D. R. Brabaker, H. Hack Adams county. Mission—John Ross. w w w m L D on the list for promotion, out of 321 LieutenH PERSONAL n h w k and he p hn B and Mr. McCaskey. '' ' • K w w U Matamoras,-' inoludiug Dauphin—Wm. Johnston. L ed; besides, during the bad .roads in winter, but B wm U ants, and by thus taking the field, has gained h d Ph p d m o wh h m L M B L O L B SuT TEBLAND—Th d h o h Committee on Reception—S. Lineawever, B. M. a position of command doubtless well merited, small loads could be drawn with four mules to a D w w d p d b u p u p n n B L HD d nd w kn wn n o Ph d ph MB B w but by the rules of the naval service far from Herr, T. Hershey, H. P. Alexander, H . V. Miller. . The Genesee Farmer.—The November number wagon. L A m m o mm n d nd qu C C H B W wm W nn n d u dF d nn a L L Treasurer—Seymour Preston. C Wm H his reach while serving on the sea, at leaBt Th bu k o h w h m E U of this well known and truly excellent agricultural . Canvass tents, capable of seating twenty -five to h M B M C C d n nW P n B M Su h BO wO for Some time." T m M C The hours for meeting and adjourning were journal is received. We are not surprised at its thirty inen,-have beenordered for teamsters. 'Sheet C B E nd n d a n p u uB p n T m m m C w —Abuu w d p d o a d M C D fixed as follows :— H m immense circulation. It furnishes just Buch,infor- iron stoves have also been ordered. These will be h p o h He d n he S M p n n m $20 h or p n D M M R Convene at a quarter before nine o'clock', a. m., mation' as' every farmer and gardener needs—no placed iu the cen tro of the tent, leaving room enough L ANNECDOTE T O t D BY D A B I K L W E B S T E n . — nd $20 o or C w and C a o D u nd w A m mb o C n m U m G D H d n Hon. Daniel Webster had au anecdote of old and adjourn at 12 j convene again at 2 p. m.r and matter where ho is located. It costs only FIFTV for tho men to seat themselves around them. Some m he un o Ph d ph m 1827 U C B WS HOG —H w d d h p Frtther*Searl, the minister of his boyhood, adjourn at 5 j convene at 7 and adjourn at 9J.' M M He w a n m n o n and D CZHTS A YKAR ! This is surely cheap enough for of them have already arrived here. As the weather MC R m h d d p d n ud n a E E m which has never been in - print,- and which is h h h H h&d h d he age o A CABDTOTHBLAD BS —D Dnp n C d M The Corner.—When our good friend Jndgo such a paper, but we observe that thepnolUher of- sometimes grows pretty eold in this latitude in h mb T d & or com P Fm hUU n uU U too good io be lost. Ii WHS customary then nd e n He wa he u h o D S O L w H d and 920 a he A nu h b b u n m wh u ud w u to wear buckskin breeches in .cold weather. Caines resolved to goto the ".wars," he sold but fers to send the remaining uumhere of this year winter, they will be a great comfort to teamsters. h "L M nu " a nd d w k G W AB p M Th Ud u n OnesuDda; morning in autumn Father Searl the good will and fixturesof the," Corner'' * to fir? FREE to all toAo subscribe at this time for the volG A m On last Thursday evening there .was a grand G np m n u * wh m p do h n d u u h nM SHSEp ^ S m w d and d a G M brought his down from the garret; but t h e John P. Weiee, who at once was installed as Master ume for 18G2 ! We adviEfl every one of our agri- . torchlight procession in Port Deposit, in honor of n a "D p n G d nP " On o h G BU p b n Bpw n np h n A wH C m Ch "W k wh n m h d Bu n n d h A ^ n h h h d waspahad taken possession of tbem during' cultural and horticultural friends to subscribe at the Union viotory achieved in this State, on tho H A m R d o mu h b n m h u h m Ab m m n u n p k n by h u nd o the summer and w e r e having a nice time *n of Ceremonies, in the place where the Judge, was once. Send the fifty cents in postage stamps to B B R w w w H m A n h n b n b kn wn He X them. By dint of e ff o t t he got out the intru- wont to deal out theartiBolaland'•thei^useful to his JOSEPH HARRIS, Rochester, N. Y.,—or get one of fith'inst 'Several hundred persons on foot, and a p C TY T A X NOT CE — hwn n Th n— d B B wm H M number en horseback, participated, each bearing a w "b n n N w T kM and h b n der^ and dressed for meeting.: B u t ' w h i l e numerous patrons. Under'tho'oWi.regime\ih*. n mp u h m kb wd m B M ^ ^ L L C H y T a x TCm n n n d or H B or h F m 1888 A n Th w U TOD h p UU h reading the senptures to the congregation, he " Corner0 was a famous place of xesort, and under your 'neighbors to join you, and send a dollar bill. Wide Awake torahf;;Neariyjj»yeryj house : in the n w UU H H m K DKGKMBK w D H UG W felt^a dagger from one of the enraged small the.new it .has lost none of its former prestige. Jinhe w " mm nd o h Un d wn d mp n d h bh n P u OnndD pU U^ & C town was brilliantly illuminated with candles at B d H A mA M U warned fellows, and jumped about the nulDit The Ladies at OaWoraV.—Our citizens are in- every pane o f glass.' Most'of the windows were SL E p n E p d n n h P and wh B B nd U b DAS BL H HB T HT m H M deed it has rather improved, mi Jack' give* his; formed H NEY C WKNTZ that in Messrs; Charles Oakford 4 "Sons' E slapping hie thighs. But the more h B slapned A n Lmn W Kn S u h n O n H n o h Ex H w M T T B around and danced the more they stung, The whole attention to the bnsineaa, and caa not only magnificent eBtablishment,under Thd_Contihenta]7 decorated with - wreathB of artificial flowers, in p d d by up n n h m $1 h h he H mm n n um m oa T M H H people thought him crazy, and were in 0 Q n i . forniah the "drinkablei" but good aad substantial Philadelphia, there are among other, special de- wbiafc machinate aud ingenuity was displayed. At nb h P n r ^ ^ b n n " He h u h o a P O T w M H H motion what to do, but he explained'the mat- substances .in^jtbjr^ating line. •: .,-To. our friends' partments, those for the:sale of LadW-shoei, (in several places I noticed the likeness of Washing- w k n kd > W W V mm un n d o p n Am " uwh h H A m which the finest-French article can -always be W C B w n u U B n PU d Du ter by Baying 1 " _-; pHB D b w n w p p d o X m &C ton, encircled with wreaths, to.l The residence of n n u b n m n n C found,) Children's Hats, and .Ladies'Fnra., All W G p p d TU nn n d h U B U B X^ mUh B T COA O L S p n <*BreLhern don't he alarmed. X hA d O n Wh n h p n d "H D H w MU pQm W H r/" ' • -—'-•—•'"'-"-b AH h T Km > MBU ph P U h b T thw..departments in~n<i%. dally^tbropged %ilh M C h h h wB H O T M T m h " ^A WV h Cq $*nk Lb* Lord i s in my mouth, but W A U M N ^ w m ^ U ^ ^ w h p wh h he w ho K H jfair' eustomeraj and w e ' ^ . | i n o e ^ f ^ r a ^ : i b i s WB TO b ^p Uu m — Y &C nryxftrtfaitfl." ' ^d T BO „._ h K C U W n pw D U bb Kbh " & pcpulaT^houlels'-iiow seUlag Is at prMutoB* of . ^U^ • s i ap K &UL ^ mU n V h k ^ ^p H ^ w n U W Z W T B < < ^^ ^ " " X B U SB K thrmo^toterettbg-toplcs of convemtfon.-•'<* -m T C M o A > COOKRA T T M dwellings, the namaiVf whope owiarttooUd not h ^ BOT H " Ap h S T< nb ^M U B C w E m W C m G m W D U m L K m m m w m m m & T K m m m ALO N D m D W O OV T w wm T m m m m C w m Y m UALL M M R m m w m w M m w m D m m B V U A C w m & m T w m mm V m m M W m W m RC C m m B w M w m U N Y O m m N G MKACHA C M D C R A F m D m P V D m Cmm W m m m m w w w U m F m M E P M w U w m w m G w & mm m B w T mm E C w E m R D UL K w V G ON R m m w A m N w ww B w m w m m C AMBTO B m G m M T R m m D w w w H L D — T KCENT m L DKLL m m w B M w m P P p T m 25 n db D B m w p B 5B C AXES & CO L w MB O A HE W T H L B w m T W UTEB REQU S TES u u hn o h k n h pp d O G C Am C co^iiioixi d6i2i6ii rr m m G C m C m BALX BY N B H n B d n T m C C m G C m H W CHARLE A HB N T B A K E L p n d a h Up U rS^K-^fi^i-^riyajaj^^ritfqrv.•>« » • « jrt»'»ii,nMi»i)-iiiifiit;iM i " - . T w f T i ' f i- BOOK-KBMCTG FOR ? A B B K B 8 . PMWATErSALB. . . . . H B snoaoriber offera at Pritata Sale, laVfoUowiat»i»f«ij- sttsaua at tie itUlaa. »f iHa^iaiiTK^liMUE«u«M;U J S S w X we ta^Mwelf.exoeet: tender . Inaariyui; ; ^^;i;b»cara"arjam»r, I •JfcatfcfafcaiairMMjrjfrj's-^vv-J'--'- K v-:-.'!v•..;:-. r?r»jaU^i^»(»a^rma«jUto«JaUlttpro»»4 WATB VBIii. Mil." ~la parnaBon of aa order or 0Mo t r o w sad Hea^»iiVseU-ias»raitieied' Tali fCeaatjvtBeneo'ir- anaMaetM W o « r t a « . • * « * aai l o l a t . n u « b«r - " \ « « W a a U < t o a 4 i a,a V i a » . ^ t o t a l a e i , i a . i , | M . , oVtae»r«als»a,la 'V***fr'ewereaait :_._----—. ___„. YalaabU 'real aetata. _ koa^aew«n ra*a« w t e t e n v ^ I t a e n t p M w a ft^S^Satt^^alSJ^ o w AtanUe olUeay:' lato rtha 'Vwaflia »f,» at " aaia&UalulBlaSMBaWMeitBaraj " f u t o n I bronght my hablu a ^ M p M k t •lia-aWttSa' simple foritv'dr••jfp*«^"" adapM&io Ibat.-oooBpitfcMi, Wem-waeel», »*>»*.* sTtaaswa*ts>Uss*e*w»f to u r t n "—"-""• 0et*an^wlih;a:ieaViatMw«t..t*/«uae4H»Bw«! mad.' ItTa •iilaea lo <rp«*--* -btwi young: ftw«1feW«AtT^nrBe'fl Una of aooonntswlted' Kcthali" 1 as Uio-pi^nt l » a ttmVo»Bl^:!iBaiy:.;for! wifli^ttow.^^'eatf get eooaomy, I thongW th»V;pa^«pil«aTaiia.j.a»; toWk, wlthnWl^v »0i j a w r j a a t a ^ a h e l i fori a palaar»ls»«lstrl*i.Ui.rals a «od eejertaattr.fi i brie* M tha anb]«tmiTadmlt, r might be ao-i egji,.e*vhatdmiiiittk»wrBter;in(mtha,they a*" wr " ' -*- '"''''••y«^Mi^f1^|l*»»iBt»a» «p*w».' -..- ~':'' -:..\'r:X-Z:'J .;V'v:':v-; p"l a J ^ ' p a«*atb«EieT~TDtat:t»i^«a«»ai™* E l t e ' m r a r J p of dlfsreTt'dlMfaleaHoas, 1 ^ B a o e l i & i a l & a• a• •litt wUh-the! J u k U e - W1 MMMiF«—4 l a—« ^ l *•'— a a i <-a*) K u >* a alaai k ? ^l l la»W With the a i l of aocounts, a Jannei c a n a t *"•** - «b •a — T a«i «9l M l r f ;l a c y tima oall into intelUmn^'array • aIl : U»a| « A ^oTwwird,^ aayi -ene; "ootei: nltpucbMui ' J (aoUo?hi«bMln««»,wbid^oti«r^nb1i«ini-j 1 w U 1 wi«£ TaritaV'w«^noU«f; i n ' a\itfc a a r aataaaa wlsMat to. Tie*-rtjtTw»*; >" ** 017, h o n r a r tmaolona, can traaiarianp,; a n d all they^a» notfaa»hegaV:An attempt to beat } a o T l t e t ' ^ l s i : ' .H-,n;*arja»30Ha«gT.Jr. t h r o i h e Important; flat, w h e t t o t b a i l atusoeai-j th^whllelnto a froth wiUeoon iho»tha<lif' t« iCRJSS AN» 4 EEHCKB3, - J U t , W l 4 . , f l ^ Store. I nOL^BIJTOA.;ADVKRTISBMBNTS larBtsnramaate tasveeja^aara a n two *— trafi trees, ' * XAxnrepoBK. In one respeot, farmers oommonly show the worst of their management i n fattening hogs; These animals appreoiate and enjoy oleanltis, y*t their owners make t h e m live i n dirt, and than oharge t h e m w i t h ft fondness for filth. This i s oppreaalon and slander combined. Every person familiar with their hab its,knows that w h e n clean straw beds and other comforts ere given them, they are sornp n l b n s t b k e e p t h e m olean. . W h e n s h n t n p i n a harrow pen, "where t h e y mnst'eat; sleep and live in one apartment, they oannot b a t be uncomfortable; and such a condition greatl y retards their thriving. A "hog p e n " h a s become proverbially a repnlsive place j this is the owner's fault, and shoald never be naffered. There 1* n o reason w h y i t shooldnot be neat and attractive. W e hear farmers w h o raise grain aay that t h e y have more straw than they can rise, while at the same moment their fattening hogs have n o t enough to make a dry and olean bed. r \ N THURSB2fcl?WOVEMBBR 28, \ J . 1M1, la»Tm»»a»e*^«oi*^^^r^J*M» , l O o u t o f LancaeUr M O » T . , U X « * » * « H l f ^ M « a r A r 4*C4t»d, will Ml;..at ' f ^ B S ^ f f t ^ S l M f i S S •aMtwp ^Xuautw ^ ^ ^ ^ • W ^ ^ ^ F ! M i ^ i t i a i t ' ' •"'•'• > -" ' ' ' S ""' . < - • • ' . L N « , , 3 , A Tr«ot-of Sprout Land, In same v.. aajolalnc tfo. ,i, aad s J t a d i o f J>avUXoadoa.' j^«a%U^oihi<avwlthfaB?e»>elleat iprln( u i mb»>oa»a,nnd«l«tljnproTiBmnUUi»r»on.., , : "jiiBKaiilMlrtM orvl«w[a(-tha pramUeiprlir totho day bfoaJa.-wai-plMM.onll*. M&. BUaabtta WarAl, natelafea Be. I. : Ub'-to'eoaiaiUM »t 1'o'oIook.P. sf.;"on aald dny, .whaa attaadaaca will bo givnn and Urrot inndt known' • , -:"6HEI8tIaHD.-WaRJ«L," : ty,~ JIOOB B<:WABMIHH-. . oitSOJtMt admlnUtnton. w m t T u t a f a n l k ; and ofSoib BonUr aat t t l t i U I a » n ? » W ' « j * ^ ' t ! » ^ i * r 7 r . . - : . . vV,r'^-"v";- COWAlNnWiS^ACEBS.Xmore.orleuO^ wltn » onoand a naif «torj\p»rt .a(oaa a w part )t» DWSLLIBO H0B8I. a Stem Bank Bare, -"""*•' •ton* •prlat.hoUM, wjtth a; eerar^EalUaf u! watan naa eiaar, .a«««iaiyi oatkn. t . __ tkara»a«r>«tai..Skaiaj>njaa,4kUJrM.aWu acna.oMraUata.qakJnnbar... Alto a aood Oi of aaalaf ftalttnai lnieoi, baarlaf ord.r, kmrtaf M aaanaaaatiof fralt at .araiaaLaai ,a Tarltry nf .other fralttiwabjitba praiiUM.:. Biora are. aboat Oa— aarooj-of lood anadow bank, watered, by a n a a l a c . IwnaawUMafto-vUwaopioMrtypnvloutoUui n t t w i l l p l o a u oall oa WffllanBMa«,rt<Ulaged-i Jolnln«H..l, or on M>. David Sty<n,:naar CBoroitowb ~, * - Utlo. will bo givoa oa taoflxst d aPosawaion y o r A p r i l ,and l s e sgood . T sale t„oe eo n u n o n o t nt 1 o oloek, P . H ^ o f u l d dny, when attnndanM w i l l bo sivon and t o n u mada known bj DAVID 6TYSB8, no-S-ta-aO Actlnk Admlnlitrplor. • O VBMB1B.1861, will to told t y public amis on tn« ptanJUaivHo: 1, Mamor t4wnahlp, about OBI and a half mllaa (roB-tbr«Uy « ' Laneaatar, o a the Colambla taraptk* road, t l » : following daaorlbad aailfatd M(ata of StaonB.KnuMmMaiaAynfi ' No. 1, A tract or. piece of Land, situate in said towaabip ot Haoor,. Laaeutar County, and ioiaa Perehai, OB wbloji U-arartad a t w o - i t o r y . STON* TAVBEff BODfl*. kaoWD'M tk* " Jaf- flft . ^ n H ^ " M b>W^wlUib«JCbalIdiag • » / M O U W coil the attention the large O DAT, «tk".and.«« of DECXMBIK, l « l . Tha vnranblo p V » . i t y , - ' k n * w n n i - - l h » ? . ' « O b l a B r » O K ; I D M A C I MTUtK,", auaaUd in tondoadnrry, towna W p 7 l * r ^ a " « » a t y , ' P a . , ' n l d w / U t w a o i i . ike • - - ^ - k . «*?.H>kh>iaiawft-aad'-Lebaaoe,nadJmUnt WIU be M ottered oftVrod a a tt pnbllo pnbllo from the Cornwall Ore Banks, will I S ? c V * W & £ l e e s , « M T M D A * . ihrfithfay'of. fygQBMBlH, iflfli^ln pursuance of a n order of^the Orphaas* Court of Lebanon county, aald estate contains of tht pallic, np w latawaaatof utarawnt. -taol nali pmraia-h aMtappiaraaa«nnd.«na.na.«vniatwlthaloth.. ; , . . «UoRaaDMrnbletopMarva oorpMO n lwinr t i a i Inan utiil, laotdor to nfeii nlnltvw fnni a^elauata nn mBAfMBitv. tooM tknnaulat.af teoet daarta tbtau Ta.nnab.am dnannyanaarot the Alr-HjltCoBij. .. ef all Main, from i n . nnanuaia i t j l . t* Hart,tianafMtnreiatriaorf notice a a l at lowprt' . i^thtami nno>nlaaad,at.ab .latlwri B e . . « Walt InTlnait, Etofitrant. eornar of, afolberrr. . •• J»al*.lfJ»" : ' ' " " y M t o S E O K BBUBlOHr . ht of 1881. O n r S t o o t will oonalstafl heretofore of SILK A N D CASSIMERB, F I R A N D WOOL SOBT H A T 8 , Improved Storea lnt t h e market, w h l e L v I a m IN JILL THEIR determined to aell at t h e r e r r VARIETIES. 1 ^ CaXL and tee for yvurtitvet. T H E McCLELLAN HAT. ALSO, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, The Fremont flat, «rar ofltrod for lain In tbli Cltjv USCttJtri08BPR6;Lan: Co., Pa: H E nndersigned respeotfiilly informs Stove Emporiom, THB UWION IS SAIE HEODOa^.JrUijiBB, Praqtioal and T STOVES, TIN W A B E , r <?<>I>I>e>r W a r e , FURS! E J - ALL GOODS WARKAHTKD as EEPEK8EKTED. oct-10 Sm^id Boy's Fatigue Caps. T PUBS! FUHSI! PUBS!! I FAREIRA & THOMPSON'S F C Sheet Iron Ware, <fcc, F FURS 111 H E undersigned, having completed the reflltlag of his new andoommodloos establishment i a tforth Queen Street, two doers south of his Old SUad has greatlr Increased facilities for the accommodation e i h l s customers, In the retail and wholesale trade In TOBACCO, SUGARS, SNUFF, ETC. W e would narnMUr lnrlto all to g i n a s an e s i l y call He respectfully inrltes attention to the foUowlnglargs Z&JOUB^ASCY FTTES.' before pnrehaslng elsewhere, feeling well nainred amid stock of standard brands: tbe Tarletles offered, they will not fall to be salted. I n 25,000 Imported HAVANA SEQABSof Tarionsbrand ooneraston w e woald return onr sincere thanks for the 60,000 '* YABA, OIiD S T A N D pnstliberaV patronage afforded as, and w a trnst, by 60,000 " HAVANA AND CUBA. 300,000 SIXES, fine qoalllr. No. 818, KAEKET St.. above 8tb t close nttention and despatch, to merit Its continuance. 200,000 HALF SPANISH, of hestqnalltT 80CTH 8ID1, PHUADBLPHIA. 60,000 COMMON, of good quality. J O B S A . SHtTLTZ, H .A. 8 B 0 I . T Z . Have jaBt opened their Entire N e w Stock of ALL of which he Is determined to sell at lower rates hom<e in Lancaster. North Queen street, Lanoaster. Ladies' a n d Children's F a n c y F u r s , than any otherCHEWING TOBACCO. oct 8tM6 comprising all tha laiding and desirable itylea, FIFTY BOXES Chewing Tobacco Jnst received, of the at a tremenduoiu reduction in price*. different brands, such s s FBEDEEICK 8MITH, W e h a r e detarmlDad to offer for vale oar stock of RUSSELL & HOBKRTSON'S, Fnra, at Panic Prices ; affording an opportuniGREANERS, THOMAS'S, A S H I O N A B L E HAT a n d / * ty to all Ladlaa w h o w i s h to purchaa a KEIM ROBERTSON'S CAP KAHtrPACTOSEB, H o . 11X W M t J s n % eat of Fnra at a great redaction and aU thepopular brands in Vie jnarket. King Btreat.Lancsster.Pa. de 1-iy-l from former prices. Also, a largi stock of the best SMOKING TOBACCOS SHDFF, etc.. constantly on hand, and cold at the lowea FATVRTRA & T H O M P S O N , HATS AND CAPS. wholesale prices. 8 1 8 M t s K K K T at., P H I L A D ' A . W. A. HEITSHU, "With the largest atock avaropened In tha city, and ample room for conveniently diaplayiag i t to the best K. B. Old Fnra ottered to Fashionable Stylet. No. 14 North Queen Street, next door to Baer 1 3 * Highest prlca paid for SBIPPIWO Fcraa, MISK advantage, purchasers will and It to their interests to pattoniza this establishment. JOHN KDHKS, t[ Sona' Book Store, Lanauter, BABBIT, & C , A C . dsc22-tM No. 25 North Qaeen Street. PEN&jl, oct 23 Sm-48 CHILDREN'S FANCY HAT8, GAPS AND TDBBAN8, th. elUuaa of er.olUttIo.San ane'Yialatty tint A. naa nlwayn on hint a larga/ai— •• •ortmnnt or FUBaiTOBJof mrj i t . naitpUoaitovUnhliaoalUtlitattontloa' of BowaKMpon-nnd thou-aboat oomra nadoilounkMplni. 0EaII8 cf aU kindjon band T " " 0 ' l o o AC B B S . "•'"'•' or made to-order. NO. 7 EAST K I N G STREET, a oonsiderabla portion or which Is In Timber, the reEjpatrinl don. In l b . but poadbl. nnunor. All mainder bela* in « high state of cultivation, admirably morn wnrnrnttd to glw anUifactlon. octMm-15 LANCASTER, PAtt watered.and the/whole under excellent fencing. The. ImCMveMe^U-consist of a sttaeiotas a a d ' w e i r buUt: HTOSIstaJlBIO»T,wltbwa^«ntsatTOandi(ln- e»afc eluding a tan pin aUey.) kitchen, garden, dairy, K ] , Kxpsrlmental Boot and Shoemaker respectfully U h t «tAblee,aiaoke koaaasvamltba'And wagoaA'^^BL .t this Establishment t h e pnblio can find makers' abopa, rice honsea and oflces.of every-rte- : informs the Ladles and Gentlemen of Xaucuter that ha H u v n Niiia^, B c r f p U o n . a t t l o n t d . A-attBCHAMT, : has removed his BOOTftSHOE 8TOBB, and can, tbe largest assortment of now b e found near the rTorthwert corner of OBIST A 5 D BAW MILL, built of J C I B T B B BQUABB, and vtly t w o doors from' atone, on a neverfaillng stream of wa- the atarket House, where h e i s fully prepared. ter.1 with fine STOHB DWBLLIWO, to receive tod promptly fulftl all orders'witha w whleh h e ••i«hnn>- and eJl necessary; and conmayBoots, be favored.:' To the GcaUame* would^sayithat Teniakt ouUinildlois eonnecUd therewith; a large his of whatever deseripUon orha quality, ara. made OP E V E R Y DESCRIPTION, Stone -FABM HOU3B, witb tenant house, wash^ond: under his immediate supervision, and will b e warrantsmokeChouse, with a very superior bankbara, 96 by 46 e d to give the most perfect eatlsfactlaa- H e would infeeVand all other necessary eo?venlsneeB.^There are form the Ladles that ne w i l l keep constantly on hand, TO B E F O t r a D EST T H I S CITY. ale? connected with the property upwards of yipTBS&I and make t o order. T a n e y Gaiters, Slippers, Shoes, Bhoteee.Ac. * DWELLIBTGB for hands, l a good repair, aud the Having made arraageme&ta to receive the latest styles OLD COIiEBEOOK F U H N A C E , which might be put In running order at a trifling ex* from Philadelphia; his facilities to accommodate w i l l greater than any heretofore possessed b y the trade inss. There are likewise a xomber of thriving be l u Lancaster. T h e Ladles are invited to call and e x BDIT ORGHABDBp of the choicest qualities a n 4 amine h i s JBKHIB L1MD &LIPPBB8, which are now varieties of Fruit. almost exclusively w o r n l n the IargeoIUes. Don't forget the place, may 8-tf-24 ALSO, will be offered on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of DBCBHBKR, 1861, oa the premises, the valuBOOTS A N D S H O E S . able property how occupied by William Touts, situated In South Aunvlllfl township, near Bachman's Mill, on OB the beBt Soots, go to wRii the road -ieadtng from; Colebrook: to AnnrUle,, »,-, and and on on BEEHEMAirs, W . King Street. f | ^ which" are*erectea two HO06E8, and two eta- ' " ' A T T H E LOWEST CASH B A T E S . bias. Hear the buildings and on the public Por the b « t Women's Shoes, go to road,toone of the finest springs In the State.— BBEHEMAB'S, W . King Street. T h i s property contains 336 ACRES, For the beat Children's 8hoes,-go l o a large proportion of w h i c h is Thriving Timber, of SO t J - T H B I E HATEBIAL IS THE BEST IN THE MAKBEBHEMAM'8, W . K i n g S t m t . years growth, not.excelled by any in the county, and KET, ADD THE KEPITTATTOH 0 ? THE E8which will b e sold i n lots to suit purchasers. For the most eomfortabl.fit,go to All t h * abora property w i l l b e sold either In the TABLI8HMEHT IS A BDBE QIJABBSKHBMAN'S, W . King Street. whole or l a parcels, t o suit purchasers, as the buUdlngB, fences, and other: improvements, admit of convenient AMTES OP THE BUFEBIOBIT; For work that will notrip.go to subdivision. BKBNSMAH'S, W . King Street. 0 ? THE WOEK. Persons purchasing with a v i e w of entering into the Iron Business, can b« accommodated with 1,000 or 9,000 For Boots that w i l l not let l a water, go to ACBSB of choice Timber Land. o J » . X i X a A.TJ3J S S E . BBSSEtCAD'S, W . E i n g Stteet. ., Those desirous of viewing the property, oan do so b y "calling o n the manager, Mr. John Benson, residing on For the largest Stock In town, go to the premises, w h o will show a connected Draft of the BEBNEMAH'S, W . King Street. Jaad, with the proposed subdivisions. An indisputable title w i l l be given on the 1st of Apill Kemember, Eor tbe aelf stock In town, go to 18*3, and terms made known on day of sale, b y BEEKKMAN'S, W . King Street. W . O. FREEMAN. Administrator of the Estate of W a . Coleman, dee'd. AU i n want of B o o t j , } ^ ^ to ^ ^ ^ no I t ui-ot FTJR8II AN IMMENSE STOCK, FALL STYLE CAPS. A. C. FLIKa. tMs DEAJNE.R & SCHATJM'S T A Beautiful Assortment o f * DtS3 DBUSimON. THE OXFORD HIT,—Latest Oat. STEAM T O I.01TD0NDEBRY, GLASGOW, AND L I M U P O O l . , r p H E MONTliBAliOOBAX STEAMI uaip coai-anru rutsT Obaaa, fan powend Clyde'— yde bnllt tiuamer. :— HOTA SCOTIAff, O.pt. MoKs.Ur. . BOHajfUB, L* .-Orange. " Borland. " - Orahaia. u lT,AM£HO*.IJ, r Alton. " . Bsllstlne. iKGtO-SAiOlV, (How Balding.) m B S W a l l f , •;.. NofiWSQIslN, Ciirjlnir tii« Otasdlissti' kind tValt<xl> State* H*IU. y j - O a e o f fh» KUt*m*t% of t h t lio» will n*ll fiom Llrarpuol •T»ry TaarmUy ma& from Qmbto araryrJ»wrd*jr. calUHtf flt Loadoadatry to rwsira oa board u d Uad : ttall*fta4'pafl«90g#r« to and from Irtiaad and Scojimnd. QlMagQW pwagm ar« furaLsb.d wnk f r - i piaiaja tickets to aad ffomLoadoadarry. . B^Ma of paasag* from Uaibao to Loodond.rry, QUsgowor£»iT«rpooI: JTlrtt G U M (accordlaff to aewommodatloa) - - $96 & $30 StMriga(found TTUb..ookadptortsioaa) --• JiO Aa'axpflrteaead Sargton attached to aachstoaiQer. Bttarn Uolca^ laaaad at r sdoeed rataa. OesrUfleates Lnoad .for bridging oat aftMAagsrt from s l l t b a p r l M i p a l M W u o r O f M t Britain, aad LraUad, at Uia following low ratM :— is. B O S K N B A U M ; & co., LoadondartT to lf«w T o r k . . . . . , • « rvt No. 801, ABCH St., Cor. FIFTH, PHILAD'A. Olat^ow " , " .*...... M M Urerpool « •« M w Importers and afnnnfactnrers of and Dselers in F r o m a a y K . B . station in Snglaad 40 TO LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S " " " " I r a l a n d . . . . . . . . a j fig From Antwerp, Bremen. Hambarg aad Kottardam, to WBW Tork 45 QQ TIckata iunad at reduced ratea. per WASHISOTOJ Lisa WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL. OF BAiLDta FAOKHTB, leaTiog Uvarpool for Naw rork week! j . The subscribers respectfully Invite those wishing to o r ?au &*> ^ 7 ftt t n 8 ° f f l « of tha Compaur n *?"* porchaseto call and examine their etock 23 Broadway, Now Ywrk, tJABSb & rfiJAKLB, O a u n i Thej/havcalarotitotkqfaUklnde of FUBS on hand, AgeatBporJ.M. WKSraAfiPFiiS, Wo. 44 North Qoaoa ang 2l-7m.S9 bought at PANIC PEICES. and mU_bc told _atreat, Laacaatflr, Pa. AND BLBHTX' O FB O O M ! O B CTJSTOMBBS I at prices to SUIT THE TSSBS. FANCY WITH TBS LABOKSIASD BHBI AaSOBTlfSaT OF . Housekeeping. Goods, SIB E. ItTTOnT BTJLWKR writing from a Water Care 6stabllshment,'niya Hydropathjr Is not only safe bnt the safest of all modes of' core and Infinitely th. most agreeable In tbe baftdi af.edn'cated and experi•nced Fbysldens." " ' TheaMtnltcnoftatxiiUtUamisi to the W A T E R O t m a V ' o n Prsnlllii B i n a n , PSllaaal pbla, and t h e O H E f TfttJOD I S B I t r O S W A T K B O T J S K , eight..rafiea from t h e Qlty,' Both nre nnder l b . e h . r g . of Dr. CHAK1E3 LOBOI and Dr. JAMS8 A. ZIKOtBR, regnlar msdlosl grsdn. atee of many yeare .experience In Water Car. prentice" ZnTallds m a y come nnd board In either physician's family, (at a nominal chargs) without going nnder treatment until conrlnced of Its applicability. Please call for consultation free of oharge, or write for circular and references, to Dr. James A . Ztegler, franklin Sonars, or Dr. Charles Lodge, Cbestnat **'", Philadelphia. ao6.ly.ao FURS I WE would call particular attention to lowest o i s a : prioea. KaanrAOTDBiB or. BTEIT O P DININa BOOM, STOVES, Bar RootB and Store Stores, Union Housekeepers' Emporium. F U B l U T P r T OP CUSTOMBBS And all disposed to favor as with their patronage to OtTB STYLES FOB. THE PALL P A B t O E STOVES, -. t r w u i ' CASPBETIDITIIAN, lo COOKING; STOCKS, And ernry Tarlety of t h e meat OBPHAHSr OOUBT SALB. N ; W B B H E S D A r < and, TfliDKS- ASSIGNEES SALE OF VALUABLE MHiL PBOPEBTY AKD TAVEEN BTA3JID. N TUESDAY, the 26th.day of NO- We would again call tbe attention of OUT H e a r M I O H A l l l / 8 HOTJOt, t a n o a i t e r , J L l Qepbers, lege, ftnaa-Air-TlfUOnaa^tainaetraTlT^iibtU-nUaaUonof taapabUeto UnlBportant InTMiuoa; i i u o i j o B m « •lama-oorpor'U an'nirtlfkt irpodMlooaU. by.npriwiai tt, H4 dowaat onnt, FbrviTrioiiifSrAonaialrJIng \J^SB, to at W n i i d i o rMrjMlat, aaCtoprivaaVaMaH of tio •te niOElB*. M'niaW tlrp?, ndjolnut »o.l,,Und or alrnadnny.uploMMtodgr.nndyatntaoinaaMtlnia .atouaworaBaaM>araaa^un»»eiar. nnnlM Sair rrftraaalne; wittf and.jowl ftaoei oa, : 1j : i SHWFZr & B « © . , HAT1OTFACTMERS. ; iiPATHOT: AIB-TIOHT 'COPEINi [ 7BSDBBIOK BBUBAOH, -XTATING obtained -a: Eaiant, dated " w A T E B CtrBE. HOUSE K E E P E B S ' toordtr.plntronihj.MlUr (rates, plow,aaattaas,*a, kaptoaaead. r-anoretnadlraaiadu Inn aadm^atdat OordoaTipiwiaranMnannpt attention.:. , . nprt-SnTn •"• -" > " - ; « a t B B T / a t o o . lMuMl«lt,taWiVTea. «s( aaauw •Sniaat5SsiS^ssL«a fnl or not, aa w e t t t e themaa«ni»,6f that wo-j oeM, inay.at a n y time U a ' o a r t a l n e d . ' To, hare, good, t e o a e t o h l a k e n a , a n d f r e e h A farmer reqairee only two bpoa*;*s Ledger new.earaldnrlB* t h e winter, t h e h e n a w a n t a »nd : STembraodaro Book. One b o o * m a y b e j W M « h W a e . 1 r * n , i n i P e H 5 w i t n aandj/Ume oonTenlenUy n s e d / o r both. I n t h a t o a s e a o o m Hoi aaTieiTail w e r i a i good r water.: Wlttttheiei ntenoe a t . e u h e n d of t h e hook and write to ^ h e y - h a y e t h e material for maaljeatini their watds'it»,'iiiiadle.". ••>••••>=• ••- 'food and>lprming«Mi;aheU. i T o k e e p t h e m I n t h e .Ledger, t h e first, page Bhoald b e -m- h e a l t h ' , they- want «>meUilng for. food, thai served for a n index, whioh need not be alpha- wiU take the place of animal matter that t h e * betical. : Tha drat aoooant may be an.arooniij * t t e , i n . r*MrW; : in'ffie rorm of htrgj,' wormi of PromlMoryaotes giren and reoeited, opened aridgriaa^ioprieri. S p r i i f l w f l h o p p e d , 3 / r M * o n a donble page, t h u s : i meat, ahonld be'glTen t h e m daily, and aJlbera) rnrpp^of armflower aeed. The oily natare of pogmtni Jcooimr«/ rAc Prantuonr ^ocovaf t h i k l a , .of ltaett almoBt eqaal to meat, for A'dfet. J 801. IML • keepS«fowiii°' < ui goodoondition.V T h e p r l n i Jan. 1. John Browa aoto forJuly 1, Boe'd prln^" clpaloWeot of a a h e a l i for them to wallow J n , dpai.;aeo.oe teo, payable e moi. aftar B o . l n U r t i t . . ' I J O toTkeepalU«hael»errre»fromllM/ B r t r y o n e dat^-'WltA' i n t u e i t , d o t h a a r i o t i c ^ the apparent l a x n r y i t i s for a h e n Julrl. to wallow In dry dust, and eepeolally.If t M r e i s aahae i n it. If bene ere t h r u oared for, they will' furnlih not' only freah e g g r throagh t h e Jan 10. My note In raror ApiUlO.PaldpilnoI. Jos. Bmlth for $40, payarai...tM.oe winter, b a t will thamselTes beitender, fat," and , bl« S moi. from date,wldi D o . l a U r M t > 60juiojr...'ii'.','VA.'•eawn'la : '"nojr, here., tor InUroat, dne April 10. gathering our 'flower seed, we^ hope erery farmer will lay i n a good supply of it, - follow these' ruleato managing h i s hennery, and aend The next account m a y he an aoooant of all ns-afew.ehlnkonb, and freeheggs for Christcash paid or reoeired, and may be kept o n dou- inas, and New Year. ble or single pages, at t h e aooonntint's opinion. I give a specimen on doable pages: , .-.-„.- S A«45«*aW,m<iarBmoritirp,, ' «a|p,-.oar.i»» I«llc wUl^Ular rn» _rd6>H^fI9)»rWaiaMkt'i«BI.«)«a-i OABOBT^lAJj Cash Paid. Or. Dr. Cath Received. 1861. ISfll. Mi,r. L B j Kobort J&A. 1. To uno't of Msrry, a s c u h on up*rftt> hind *160.0C count on u Vth. 3 . J M , Btoels file $120.0C forlOObo. Ap'I 10. ' Joa.Emltn w & u t . . . . llfi.OC up«rpioJuly 1 . " JooJBrovn mli'ynotB aiperpro•.coonnt,' mtt'y note ptgt 1 . . . 40.&, iseonat July 7. " £ t e p f a « n P B 5 0 I . . . . €1.80 Javmas,lbr Vlgfti OR account.. 20.W T h o , ? ^ ^ • ars V»Ju»Jjie H « r t » t « t f « t ^ n b U p B»l«. T8ii0Tin«^T*trp«»ti<mmideithi^finn No gTMtw 1 0 3 ^ w W b a d l a w l a U T tha* O N S T A N T L T o n hand, or made to order, arary r a i i e t y or HATS, i n c h Lffl.Mfe aa BaaTar, Moakrat, Brush, Casabaere. and. SilkHata." ALSO, a Fins aasortment of SOFT HATS, FCB MEN AMD BOYS, embracing erary, color: shape and qnallty. OAFS: A FULL AMD COMPLETE ASSOETMll*T OF ^ ^ ^ CAPS, of every variety and material, tor KEN, ^ ^ H BOY8, AND CHILDllfiN. Also, ^BPk>, . FANCY JUTS FOB CHILDREN, nlgraat Tariety. t t - H e a a * call and examine at Ho. 14 N. tlnean-tit. W . A. HEITSHTJ, (formally D. Haltthn.) dael ly.j ' FANCY FURS. FANCY FURS. - John Fareira, * T l - A R C H Street, between 7th and 8th Sta, (Late of BIS Market St.,) Philadelphia. IWORTIK* HAVUFACTG- S E G A B A N D TOBACCO S T O B E . H A T Old Stand, No.—, W. KING T ST., second door bsloir the CroBs Keys Tavern, contains the finest and bast assortment of Segars and Tobacco of every description In this city. The stock consists of the finest and best qualities of Havana, Principe. and Yara Segars of every variety. German and American Sixes ,and Hatf-Spaalah Segars. Bongh and Beady, Boss Twist, Fig, Bldorado, Congress and Twist Tobaccos. Snnff of every variety. Pipes.Soaff and Tobacco Boxes, and a general variety of Fancy Ooods belonging to the trade. All of which will be sold at prices to salt parchasers, wholesale and retail by tbe proprietor. ALSO, Eentnchy, Alaysvllle, Maryland, Ohio a Fenna. seed leaf Tobacco in lots to 6nit maaofactare ]nneSiy-28 P . O . EBEBMAN. 40 faat; wagon ah«d S4 b y 80 faat, with f r a u n a a at-; taebad; bog atabla, 48 by 16 faat: eairtaga i o x u a , lee. Cash is regarded as a person, and is charged hoota, and olhar oafrbuildlnji, Tho.aboTa attiUlflgs KSK of, and DKALEE in all art ah flrat-elaaa a i d ^ n a^allaBt oittat.VTharali at with all moni-B received and oredited with' kinds of FANCY FURS, cellar d'ndar the w h o ! * taTam honae, that ondfr t h * .for Ladles' Misses' and all monies paid. Every three or s i x months back bnlldlBg balai; arebad. Thete.laaleo a i a r e h e d .Children*' wear. this aocdnnt shoald be balanced, and if corcellar nodarpart of th* barn. A well of exeallentaad : j Having- now mannfaenavar faUtag water with'pomp therein at th* bar room rectly kept, t h e balance of the aoooant will tured and In store m y door, another at the barn, and elatern at the kitchen exactly agree with the mouey on hand. This TWial lar.je and beautiful door. Attached to the well at the baraleamArohed: 'assortment of all the vaaccount is often evidence of the payment of Tanlt, used aa a milk boot*. Theretoaleij a T u U t y of rious styles and qnalit.es SPALDING'S fralt and other trace on the premlaea. A small debts of whioh there is no other record; . . of Furs adapted to the th«e-«tory 8TOHE GfilffT AHD MKSTHROAT CONFECTIONS. and if one's expenses are too nearly approxicoming Fall and Winter seasons. I would respectfully GQAHT MILL, k a o w a aa' the. M Abbe-: OR relieving Couglis, Sore Throat, mating, or going beyond one's inoome, t h e invite an examination of m y stock and prices from those Anim.in oan never thrive well unless kept Tllla Mill," 'ately rebnllt, with four tnn] Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, &e. intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer them place of retrenchment m a y here be sought out. clean. The rale applies to swine as well as to of etone and turbine water-wheel. The; For pttrifying the Breath and strengthening Are now opening a F a l l Stock of seasonable Dry Goods. very desirable inducements. Next in order are accounts with persons horses. Every one knows that a welt groomed machinery of the mill U a l l now, of the „,. ,}.tJ-s:^ I All m y Fare have been purchased for cash, and mada tbe voice. latefet and moat approred. pattarns. and baa back pnt by experienced and competent hands, and as the pros' with whom we have dealings.. They m a y be horse is better than a neglected rone with a npregardlaae of azpenae.. The mill belagloeated.on SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, tot tUa cere 01 ent monetary trouble* render it necessary that I shoald Headache, Nnrvonnaeas. &e. kept on single ledger pages, with a doable shabby coat. Nearly the same result has been the U t t l e Ooneetoga-Oraekp there to alwayj an aboudispose of m y goods at vary small advance on coat. FOR SALE b y C1URLK3 A HEIi'ITSH, ruled column for debt and credit, t h u s : found when this treatment is applied to swine. dance or water. Attached to the above la a platter mill I am satisfied that it w i l l be to the Interests of those A blMkamlth chop. Apothecary, BROCADK POPLINS, FEINTED DEL4IHES. who design purchasing, to give me a call. Let every manager lay down this rale, that a aud JOHJT Biovnr. Credit* Debtor. _sep_ 1S.tf.J3 _Mo. 13. Sent King Sliest. The above mill property being located i n « rich and CHINTZES, EHB. CASHUBBSS, 93~Becollact the sama. number and street: . . £ 5 . 6 y «l«. ^emtalAoai k»l«k1>wrluaad, eAAVaaiatil *• Ul* rtlj, OSCn Jan. 1 —To Gu Umba at $1 *uch $60 00 hog p e n t a o u i o ! im*r frc dittumguish4d J o h n F a r e l r * , (New For Store,) 7 1 8 A r c h S t . , H O . 7 E A S T E X N G S T . WOOL PLAIDB, GINGHAMS. ETerybodr l n t b . conntrj go to odor twenty feet distant. The Bleeping apart- .IndBeempnUtopenone withlng to enter the butlaast, Jan 1.—By note, payable inftmot. as PETEESVILLE Philadelphia. sept U-Sm-42 BEKHEMAH'S . perprom'y note a c e , pag*l $60 00 ments should be separate, and be perfeotly •eldom met with. In the amonnt of work done, and Opposite Cooper's Hotel. JOHN DBANBK, JOHN P. SCHAUM. A farmer may, if he ohoose to do s o , open olean and dry: The other portion ehonld be thaquallty o t l t . i t la ujuurpauad by aay other mill In P H I L A D E L P H IA an aoooant with each orop, or field, or with oleaned oat a t least twioe a day, and the man- the county. MOTJBTJTH-Gr D E E B S GOODS. N E W D E N T I S T OFFICE, AT aug 23 ly.40 No. 2 , A Tract of Timber Land, situate in _ j W A T C H & JEWELRY STORE. his farm in general, or with any speoial invest- ure at once m i x e d with muck, loam, oool ash- West Hempfleld township, on. the Marietta turnpike OPPOSITE HORTINCFS BLACK HORSE HOTEL BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, CBAPE8, ment i n fltocfc, or all of these. In that, case, es, &c„ to make oompoat and destroy the odor, road, naar Hall'a TaTern, = • • N o r t h Q u e e n St*, J L a n c a e t e r . O. C O N R A D , F o r m e r Occupant, DELAINES, N O . 1 3 , W E S T KISO STREET CHINTZES. HSBINOBS, suoh accounts, as with persons, should be which is a s injurious to the health of Bwine CONTAINING 7 ACRES. r T I H E snbsoriborwonld invite his friends, SO. 1 4 8 NORTH SECOND STREET LANCASTER. oharged, with all cost and expenses, and cred- to breathe, as i t iB to m e n and woman. I t i s (more or lew.) and adjoining lands of Ghnstlan Boner, G E O R G E A , H O B T I K G , Dentist. I patron., and a l l Interested, to blfl facilities for CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. Je B tf.2S ited with all receipts. not necessary that a pigery shoald cost five Or. Bohrer and others. Iron Ote of a superior quality ruling orders, for eawlnff E 8 P E G T F D L L Y informs h i s friends H E undersigned naa leased the above and an abundance of Ptre Brick Clay Is on this tract. The memorandum book Is for reoords of hundred-dollars that it m a y be k e p t i n splenpremises, where he will keep a large assortment PINE, OAK, Wishart's P i n e Tree Tar Cordial. and people of the county tha* he baa established No. 22, (east aideJ NOETH QUEEN STREET SQUARE AND LONG BUCK THIB1T SHAWLS, No. 3 . A Tract' of 1 6 0 ACRES of Land. every kind which do not appropriately belong did order; a cheap and Bimple stractare m a y ot OOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, of American, WALNUT, A DENTIST'S OFFICE, situated In Winnebago county, Iowa, HIS great aud popular medicine cures opposite Michael's Hotel. PLAID WOOLEN SHAWLS, English and Swiss Hannfactnre of the most celebrated to the ledger. Charges against transient per- be subjected to the most perfect system of The mill property with three Acres of Land, will be HICKORY, In North Queen Street, over Examiner •§• HerIHFL4SIM4TIOH OFTBELDNOS. O O K S T O V E S , for W o o d a n d Coal, makers, i n addition to which, w i l l b e found always on BBOCHA SHAWLS, sona, with a margin for record of settlement; oleahliness. The satisfaction i t will afford t o sold separate, or the whole together as may best suit Cares tORE THROAT snd BREAST. finisbed In the meet substantial manner. .**_.«•» hand and made to order, a n extensive variety of J e w . ASH AND ald OJice, Lancaster, Pa, spaoeB sufficient tor one year for the birth and owner, the comfort-to t h e occupant, and. the; porcbasera. with copper-bottnmad boilers, 4 c . K S I BBOCHA BOBDEE SHAWLS, CA8HMSBE SHAWLS. elry, SUver, and SUver Plated Ware, together with a Cnre* COUGHS aad COLDS. POPLAE TIMBER. Where be la prepared to perform DENTAL Persons wishing t o v i e w H o . l and 2 of the above GAS and SMOKE CONBDMEH3, among w h l c h e f l | H general assortment of snen goods as are osnally kept in Cores HJEV10RKHA0E of the LTJHaS. feonndation of stock; a record of all oontraots ; profits to the purse, will be a three-fold eom-> described property, or desiring farther Information, All orders for tbe aamo attended to at ebort notice, and OPERATIONS of every character, i n thai is the moat subetanUal and best of all Cook " V . * ! a first clsss Watch and Jewelry Store, Cnre-} A^TUilA and PLbURISr. ' the time, earned and loBt, of domestics and oensatloh.—-Country Gentlemen. will please call on Jacob a. Kauflmau, residing on Ho. on reasonable terms. Also to bis stock of LUHBBR, bast style of the art. which a-lonr experience h a s enabled us to select Cares BLINDsod BI.SED1KO PILES. The patroos of 0 . Conrsd, and those of the subscriber Having obtained the most approved instruments, he Stotes, 1. Possession and Indisputable titles given on the 1st laborers; details of harvests of all k i n d s ; of a maaa of worthies* ones. This Medicine has enred morn ca^es of CO-VSf/iifPtogether with the pnblic generally, are invited to call, consisting of natters himself prepared to give satisfaction to a l l w h o from day of April, 1*62. FABIiOB COAL STOVES, among which la the Modern planting trees; diary of farm work; notes of where they will receive a good article for their money. TIONthan any otbor rem"df known on the earth.— may favor him with, their patronage. BARRED AND PRINTED OPBSA FLANNELS, Sale t o commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, FINE, 1st and 2nd Common Boards, Gaa and Smoke Consumer, the neatest, meet economical As I am determined to do stricUy a cash boslnesa, We say to tho sick cive It a trial'and prava Its powers the weather; spaces for valuable reoipes; t h e sap 266uv44 when attendonoe w i l l be given and terms made known HIQH COLOBBD AND OBEY SACK FLANNELS, goods will be sold very low. " SmaU Profits and Quick to core. Beteareof Counterfeits I and b u t Parlor StoTa y e t produced. do do do do Plank, arrival and departure of visitors ; records of by H. B. KAUFJMAH, COALand WOOD STOVES, of the ordinary kind—Terr BED—WHITS—BLUE FLANNELS. JOHN F. LONG S CO., Sales," Is tbe motto of the Establishment. do Colling Boards, Scantling nnd Boards. no 6-ts-50 Assignee of Jacob S. Kaufman & Wife. J. B . MAKKT.EY, some deaths and marriages; of sheep shearlow. sep 25-tf.*4 Agents for Lancaster. J L E W I S B . B E O O I A L I , SHEET IROH WORK of all description for sale at the Wholesale and Retail"~ Dealer i n ing; of mailing valuable letters; the purchase VALUABLE LUMBER PROPERTIES AT HBHLOCK Jolce, Scantling and Plank. most advantageous terms and prices, and old storea and (FOBHEKLT. O . GOSBAD,) Assignee's Sale o f R e a l Estate. OAK Boards, Scantling snd Plank, of stock, with the age of the *TI""HTB ; about Iron taken In exchange. GEO. MAYER. DRUGS, MEDICINES, &o. PUBLIC SALE. No. 148 North Second Street, Comer of Quarry* N SATURDAY, the 30th of NOHICKORY i x nnd two Inob Flsnk. line fences; the yearly assessment of taxes, norg tMfl PHILADELPHIA. No. 4 1 N o r t h Q u e e n a t VKHBSB. 1861, w i l l be sold on the premises, in N S A T U R D A Y , the 30th of NO- ASB Hi, 3 and S Inch Plank. maps of fields and farm; when foddering be-' Watt Hempfleld township, o n the road leading from' CASSIMERB, CLOTHS, TESTINGS, Jan ly-ffl VBMBKB, 1861, the undersigned Assignees of A. B.^esC» (Late Kaufman's,) Lancaster, Fenna. POPLAE X and 1 Inch Boards, Scantling nnd Plank. gins, and. when i t ends ; w h e n winter Beta i n ; Columbia to the Marietta turnpike, about one mile from' H. and J . Schock. w i l l sell at public sale, a t the Cross JEANS. OTBBCOATINGS, BATTINBTTS, WALNUT a and 1 inch Boards and Plank. HYSICIANS and Country Merobants when the hoga were shut n p t o fat. I n short, Cordelia Furnace, and two miles north of Columbia, a: Keys Hotel l u the Borongh of Marietta, the following real estate, v l i :•• •' will find It to their Interest to b u y their Drugs Booflng nnd Plastering LATH. anything and everything of whioh the farmer tract of land. and Chemicals at Hartley's Cheap Cash Drag Store, CONTAINING 66 ACRES, No. 1, 7 RPTER LOTS, well wharfed, and PIHB Bails, Pales, and Pickets, for fencing. desires to preserve a record. This book h a s & JBBO. where they can rely In getting Pure and Fruh Drug*. L A T E S P E E C H E E more or less, under good fences and i n a high ststa of often refreshed m y own memory, and that of cultivation, on whiohtoa good two-storr BHTCKsista 01 STONE WAREHOUSE, situated In the centro or Also, LOCUST Posts, mortised. FOR PUR FY NG THE B OOD E f T i l l of the celebrated Preparations put up b y the VARIED and HANDSOME assortment of the Borough of Marietta. These lots adjoin NORTH QUEEN ST. . C O M P L E T E S T O C K FOE M E N AMB B O T S . others, relative to important transactions in- DWELLING HOUSE, a good bank barn, tenant LOCUST POSTS for Board Fence. A h m N lateDOCTOR HARHLET,dae'd., for sale, and made Jacob Btahl on the east, and C. A. Shaffaer on Irom the Original Recipe*. His great DYSPEPTIC H E W FALL GOODS, house, a neverfsiling spring of water near t h e . volving peonniary gain or loas. H E particular a t t e n t i o n o f t h e p u b l i c CHESTNUT Posts mortised, the west. -This Is a first-rate location for a Lumber A door, spring house, summer house,.with, other o a Embracing all tha newest styles l a SILKS, DBESS REMEDY ia»VaiZit^. augSl-tf-39 is called to examine the extensive assortment o f Yard, and was formerly UBed by the assignors for that do Bsila. T m U K buildings. Cattle have access to the spring from Ihe GOODS, CLOAKS, EMBEOIDEBIES and FANCY DEYD O M E S T I C S . PABLOB STOVES, purpose. Onoe a year an acoount of Block ahonld be barn yard. There is a good Orchard of choice Fruit P m P B B GOOD8. < HORSE A N D CATTLE POWDERS. No. 2, A smaU House aud Lot, known aa COOKIHO STOVES, G R O U N D ALXHS. SALT. made o a t and entered i n this book, whioh Trees. There are four or Ave Acres of good Chestnut BALES UNBLEACHED SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, Also, s fall asBortment of MOURNIHa GOODS, B nndn D CK the " Glatx Property," situated in- the western part of DIKING BOOM STOVES,, " H . KAUFEMAN'S Celebrated shoald be a summary or condensed view of the Woodland, ready for cutting. WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITS, » c . CASES BLEACHED SHIRTING AND SHEETINGS, OAK K U the borough of Marietta. aud every variety of Stoves and Furnaces n o w Also, COAL, suitable for Lime Burning Horse and Cattle Powders can be had, wholesale This stock Is principally T. W . EVANS & Go's o w n Any person wishing to view the premises before Ihe farmer's affairs, and include all that belouga C A CT & C G m o In use In the market. BALE8.TICKING8—O3NAB0R<53—CHECKS, No. 3 , 5 LOTS OF GROUND, with frame Blacksmttb and FamU]M>s«, all of which will be sold and retail, of the subscriber. having bean eeloated in tae baet European of sale will caU* on the subscriber, or on James w w hn m> Particular attention Is call«d to a new DINING BOOM CASES BLEACHED, BROWN AND COL'D CANTON Importation, to the debt and credit sides of his standing day office and stable thereon erected. Also, 40 LOTS of low at his Tard on the Conestoga, 1 mile sontb of HUHsrkeu, ejxproaaly for thalr own retail trade, and will H T Pearson, residing thereon. J. B . MABKLEY, H T COOKIHG STOVE offered to the public for tha first time with the world. A yearly comparison of these be found aofinrpuaed (or &TYLE, QDALITY and BEA6Sale to commence, at l o'clock, P . M . of said day. Q HOUft J>. with sideline, situated partly on the east and lersriU.. successor to B , H . Kauffman, FLANNELS, m n G w m M mm this season. This stove having the fire box In tbe cenOliABLE PBICES. annual accounts of stock will be very valuable w h i n attendance will be given aud terms mada known partly o n the west aide of the Canal, i n the western aug 21-ti^K Mo. 41 Worth Quean at. n U on my nd m m tre Instead of one end—giving an equal draft around BED BLANKETS, QUILTS, 4 c , 4 c . part of the borough of Marlstta, and long occupied and No» 8 1 8a n d 830Cbeatnut Street. nor la-fim.-Sl J. Q. PETEBS. w m m m THC and interesting, and may inoite to that economy by the undersigned. Assignee of James Pearson. the oven, baking, and roasting more uniformly than known as " Scbock's Lumber Yard." BELOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. s o 131'6-61 JACOB M. GBIDEB. For sale Wholesale and Betail at Lowest Prices. nm m heretofore—makes It a Tory 'popular 'stove, adapted and thrift whioh are the foundations of suoN". C—"Wholesale bayers will find it adfantaKeons to No. 4 , 4 LOTS OF GROUND, known as *' T h a B e a t o r a l l t h e A m e r i c a n f T e w a p a w w w w either for wood or coal. Warranted not to fall. sep II lf-a examine tbla stock; oct9*2m-4S eess. FJBTSB HATHAWAY. the " Hopkins Lots," situated In the western part of the pera d e v o t e d t o m a t t e r s o f R u r a l m m T Also, the sale of a number of the latest patterns of Desirable H o t e l P r o p e r t y for Sale. borough of Marietta. w m m n E c o n o m y , " — S C O T T I B H F A R K B B AITD H o r n No. 60 BAST KINS STEHBT, LANCASTEE Cooking stoves, equally adapted for wood or coal—two w w A w These properties are well located and calculated for W E N T Z B B O T H E E B , PLUMING, GAS FITTING. &c. or three of which.especial attention la called, having CULTUHIBT, EDlITBtTBOH, August 7,1601. OETRAITS P A I N T E D from life or N M O N D A T , NOYJEMBEE 25th, the Lnmber and Coal Business. G M superior advantages over others. enlarged from Photographic pictures. Likenesses 1961, the undersigned will sell by public vendue, HATE BEHOVED TO TUB LARGE AND COHTEKA B E A M C. BEOWIF, w m Persons deelrouq of viewing the above properties, will r i l H E C O U N T R Y GENTLEMEN: warranted. GAS BDSHIHG PABIiOB STOVES of every variety. A GOOD BAEN. on the premises, b i s Hotel Property i n West King be shown the same b y either of the undersigned asm IBNT 8TOBB, A S removed bis Plumbing and Gas and see and Judge far yourselves, a t the Stove EmA WEEKLY JOtTaiTAl. Street, i n the city of Lancaster, known as the *' SOBBBL. signees, residing in-Marietta.; ^osseaston-and good , | PHOTOGiUPifScolored In Oil or Water Colors and Call m m "Fitting EatabliBhment from the nortb-eaat to the C porium, late Sprecher<kBro. rttouched, In India' Ink, Sepia, and according to the For t b e F a r m . t h e Garden, a n dt h e n a Much h a s been written and published i n the HOS8E HOTgL," In thfl first square of the city. The: good, titles given on the first day of April, 1883, nortn-weat corner of Eighth and Battonwood «ta., A. W . BUSSEL, method-called "Tinting." m N w Sale .to commence at 3 o'clocfcp. M., w h e n thrcondiPhiladelphia, where he wUl continue ths business with m various agricultural journals upon the con-; property « a * l s U of a two-storied and attic Brick TAVFlreilde. North Queen Street. LATBLT KSOWir AS i r O f l F T F P E S finished i n the highest style of tha o m w 8RH HOOBB, with a Urge basement, aa srten- Uons'will be made kuowu by the undersigned assignees. renewed seal and Ingenuity. He would call especial atraotion of barns, and so much importance do art and at the lowestpoaslble prices. "HBBB'B STOBE," M w w m B. F. HIESTAND, attention to the Deep Well Pomp, which a child of ten w n v a Back Balldlng.larKe.eommodioce, airy and Volume XIX—January 1,1862. N E W DINING-ROOM STOVE, w m m m Y w e attach to the subject that we feel inclined fireproof SUbUng,"sufficient for one hundred SIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONpainted at lower 3 6-U-60 JOHN K U K B . Where they are now opening the most desirable stock of Tear* can readily operate in a well of 60 feet deep.— : entire new pattern aad the bast In the market. w w These Pnmpa ars made of brass, and not liable to get to publish every article that w e oan fluid whibL Horses, and- the lot of ground belonging thereto, conTHE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN i s now aeVnowladged ratea than can b e bad any where else i n the c i t y and in An DRr GOODS AT GREAT BARGAINS. Call and sea before purchasing. K H be bant maner. Inly a7-ly*-S6' talnlngin front o n West King street, S8 feat and 9 ont of order ; m a r be Been In operation at tbe booses contains an idea or suggestion calculated! to; lnobes,«adln depth S4&feet to a public alley, adjoin- Valuable P r o p e r t y a t Private Sale. to be the L u D n r o AoBicirLTiTaaL JODBKAL OP AMERICA. ft^Ther ars determined to eell at the lowest prices, m Y At SPBECHEBS' OLD STAND, of MOSBT*. Vfm. C. Sent, John Brock and Saml. HagarIt contains 16 pages i n each number— forming t w o Hijj subscriber will offer at private sale, handsome impress our readers with the great advantage; ing property of Doct. W. B. Fahnestock on the east, and gee, near BbOfimakeirtown; and Col. Jacob 5. Baldeman, A FKKD B TALLKY oct 2-3m-45 North Quean Street. N. B.—Conntrjr Produce taken In Exchange. volumes per year, of 832 pages, and not too in the Tillage of Eonderaburg, East Lampeter twp., Harriabarg.' - tJ"P&rticalaxfl on application. Ianre a page for convenient binding. of a well-constructed and thoroughly ventilat- Hon A. 3 . fioherta o n the west. The yard Is large, A P R or E CHAS. E . "WBHTZ, all that valuable and desirable property, situate at tha TEBHS—Two DOLLAKB PZK TEAK: with reduction to with' access to It by wide alleys in front and back. TAKE NOTICE! He keeps constantly on hand the Tariona kinds of T nnd m ed barn. In the multitude of inventions none! HENBY C. WENTZ, 1 3 * T h i s Hotel Is one of the best In the city for regu- east end of said Village, adjoining lands of Abm. I*fe> Clnba; = - , - - • .. MARIETTA, .PENNSYLVANIA. H7DRADL1C BAMS, and parts of Bams, and Force and no e-tf-60 THOS. J . WENTZ. R w m E D has been attempted for the purification of t h e lar business, having always had Its full share of cus- T*r. Col. Llgbtner and others, and containing about A S o n h a n d a large a n d general SPECIMEN NUMBERS are mailed gratultouely o n Lift Pnmpa, and their sereral parts, to accommodate D M P w m m N Y 10 ACRES, free air of heaven. Our only aim Bhoald h& tom, and for the several last years has been increasing assortment of appllcaticn. costomerH, should any part break o w ho h n o largely. Its proxiinUy t o I t t t o a Hall, (being the nearest more or less. Tbe lmprevemeata ara a large . two-atory BOARDS, FLASK, P T H B m w n n Tne Conntry Gentleman w i l l be Sent Tree to give it to our domestic animals as pure and Hotel;) gives it advantages over any other i n the city.; D w o m h BRICK DWKLLIBG HOUSE, with two-atory aWfk JOISTS, RAFTERS. w w m by to all who are Interested In Agricultural Improvement, free from offensive and deleterious gases audi Possession and an Indisputable title w i l l be given om brick kitchen attached; a summer kitchen, good. H i t or w h o would like t h e opportunity of examining its 8CAMTL1KO, SHIHOLES, aad LATHS. w w nd M E b o h m the first of April next. Part of the purchase money can. barn and frame shop. There la a well of water, J g J L odors a s possible. The following:upon the: Planed White Pine for BhelTiug, Flooring and Celling, w m m n ages before subscribing" : mm E remain on the premises. • ? •= and also a cistern for rain water-near tha'door. -There Shingle aud Plaster Lath, Pales, etc.; also. w m subject of a good barn, is from a correspondent ^ront t h l a T i m e u n t i l t h e c l o s e o f t h e B G or w V Eale w i l l commence a t 6 o'cloca i n the evening of, are also a Tariety or FRUIT TRESS o n tha pramtaei— Pine a n d Oak:Stuff, 5 ear. of the New Hampshire Journal of Agriculture :> said day. Z V w T This la a desirable property. Tha land la In a high -. Address, -with y o u r .T o w n -name, and those o f your OOBSTA*TIT oir HASTI "-ABT> 'aawar/ TO o a n a a . E m m aG — state of eoiavaUoa, and la beautifully located l a a uovlS-ts-Ol JACOB LEMAH. One of the moat essential requisites for the friends, for thla purpose, the Publishers. Also, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, Plain and T.nlUsn. pleasant Tillage. w n h w h d V m LUTHER TUCKER & SON, farmer i s a good and convenient barn; y e t A V E now in store a large and exI 3 * 0 r d e r s attended to at t h . s h o r t . r t aotloe,aad d ^ w Persona wishing to view tha property w i l l please oct S0-Sm-49 AiBAar, If. Y . tensive assortment of sew and beaatlfnl styles V a l u a b l e F a r m at Private Sale. there are many different opinions i n regard to W O T m 'Terwl at a a y point on t h . Railroad and Canal. eall upon the subscriber, residing thereon, whan every or WALL PAPBB, which have been earefolly selscted H E subscribers will offer at private Information w i l t be given. CHRISTIAN HESS. U U K m D the best mode of constructing them, and act THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST febis iy-al for the Spring Trads, and w i l l be sold at greatly rednsale a T a l u h l a farm, In Bart Hempfleld townahlp, D D C N Y C w no G-aWO ' Agent for B . Hess. FROM GBABFFS LANDING, there oan be but one best way, i t would b e BLACK H O B S B HOTEL, c^2prlces. ' App o Lancaatar county, on the public road leading from Colem m w FLHE OOLD PAPEBS. NORTH Q.UEEN STSEET. LANCASTER. well, if possible, to ascertain what that best broot.FaiBac* to Laaeaater () onejuid a half miles from m POSITIVE SALE. To the Property formerly occupied b y Meaars. P VELVET PAPEBS, n h m m w wo way is. This of course must depend in a great 8portikg Hill aad aaren mllaa nbrthwaat fromI*ancaa GEO. H O H T I H Q , Proprietor. N SATURDAY, N O V E M B E R 2 3 , Long: A Nephew, on the opposite or south m m n D A t ELIA8 BAER & GO'S, A V I N G removed from the National, measure upon the use for which it is intended.! tar, two Jnltaa morthweat from, F « U n b u i « a d one and SATIM PAPEBS. at 1 o'clock: P . M.. to w i t : A Farm, may lfrtf-25 tide of the.Conestoga, m Opposite tha Court Bona ahaUmUeanorUfroml-ajwliaTilla, the following real to the aid and w e l l known standi 'the " BLACK QEOONDED PAPEBS, A barn finished suitably for a professional man, estate, Ti«; A i r a c t o f llmeattualand eontalnlng '• CONTAmtNGl 96 ACRES, L m w m UOKSE," lately oooapled b y BaoBBB- Joans, woald rer BLANKS, i n one or two parts, v i z : 60 ACRES w i t h good BUILDw m T w h o would keep only a horse and perhaps a spectfully Inform his old frtsnde and the pablfe, that PUH ADH FU A F A N D would call the attention of their 5 4 ACRES A N D 105 PBRCHES, BORDERS, w N w m w he Is prepared to aeeommodata aU-who m a y favor aim cow, would be quite unsuitable for a farmer, in a high itata of cnltiraUon, dirided Into flva flelda, ING, and 46 without, l a a high state of culUra- MNb 3m 4 tlon. ID oonneoiloa or a part of a first-rate "HILL • ! ! old customers end all interested, to their onperior m their enatom. T h . h o u s . is l a r g . and commodlwho would keep thirty head of cattle, with adjoininglatrda of JacbbHabtr, John 8tetuaaa, Jacob PROPERTY of two ran of B o n a , and an e x c e l * ' J U 'TVHE undersigned invites attention to with E w S M w N w A w MOULDINGS, DECORATIONS AND STATDES. oos. Every attention w i l l be paid to the comfort of ~JL " th'etf large and well 'aroirn stock of m m m the usual number of horses, sheep, &o. The Sbarer ttd otitri.-.Tlialt6proTam€ntaare a two-atory lent SAW HILL U% Acres therewith, wall improved; visitors. PATTON S BHICKHO06B, w i t h kitchen, waah honaaaad aWfb aleb. a DOUBLE DWAXLI5G HOUSE, stable, & « ; a w n m w M m FBOIT ASD OBMHBNTAL TBBE8, one horse barn might be clapboarded, painted shop altathad; t w o v a i l s of naTerfaUlog water B i i CTJBTAIIT P A P E B S , flrst-rato stand for custom, mora particularly described BhnDB>.&e.vsinhraelaK a large add eomplete uaortmant - The stabling oonneeted with thle establishment Is m K sopsrlor to any In the city of Lancaster, aad aoae bnt a n d g H a e d i i i a s g o o d s t j l e W a n y d w e l l i n g : ) w n b p T m p a-a.t h «-^ o »„».. -aat t. h U.t.a_n a a i & o i A a ii d J B P - i n handbills, and tha Saturday Express, for particulars of APPLSa, PEARS. FBaCBES, PLUMS, CQBBR1ES, . ^a ^ On Suitable for STEAM, Lues Bnaanra, BLACK SMITH and l aour.i please oall on or address and obliging ostlere smployed. other la' the' barnyard, and a cistern near tha h nonse, while anoh.finish..woaldbe miioh too1 tha »*•--••—»*•'**• *»••""•«• ••*•»*-'-»-*"——•• APBICOT8,'aad-£f£GTAitl&TE0('8taadard for the Or* attentive F A U L T TJHB, b y tbe boat load or ton. Also, to their mar 27 lv-18 a UuiTlng young orflhard,_wlth applw,peacLas, a o 6-31*60 SAMUEL ERSST, Bart P. 0. a b m nd ohard; and D m u f f o r t h . gard.D, tight for a barn in whioh hay and grain in any; aloo itockof peara aad a nuiiJMr otTgrapa vinM al. the house; awlaA m w H S h h n n d mp und o considerable quantity were to be preserved.—: aar bara, etraw abed, wagon ahed, corn crib, amoka V a l u a b l e R e a l Estate at Publio Bale. BIIOLIBH'WAIHIDTS.-SFANISHOHKBHBTS.HAZLKm m U m H K D T S . ' i o . . BASBSRRIE8, CUKRAMTS and GOOSEh w o U WHITE, QEBBNand BUFF HOLLANDS, One of the mo9t essential things for the farmer honsa, hog •ty,'aad allaaoasaary oatbnildlDgi. ud M D . N T H U R S D A Y , tbe 28th day of BERRIES, la great Tariety. MOH A PHO PHATE a h PertoBs wiabing t o Tlow the premises will please N Om A who would hare handsome, thrifty stock, is to call m P U NOVBMBER, 1661, in purauanca of aa order of at tha premlaea. Cords, Tassels, Fixtures, 4c. C S w h have his fodder Bweet aad kept in the best Poaaaaalon and a n lodlapatabla till* w i l l be giTtn on the orphans* Court of Lancaster County, wUl be sold at WALNUT STREET, NEAR WATER, Q B A P E 8 , o f Choicest Bonds. w OF avsaT DBsqarPTioir, coirsiBTiita o r m A n C M public sale, at the Hill* the following real estate of possible manner. tha lat day or April. 18C3. t ^ W o invite a n examination of oor stock at onr LAIfOABTBB, PBITNA. 1st and 2nd COM. BOARDS, E H U B A E B . i c . A c . Also a due slook w m daalrad ono half of tha purchase money can remain Samuel Johnson, late of tha borough of Marietta, dee'd. ASPARAGUS, Warehouse, No one oan expect that each load of hay forIfone of well-formed, bnsby 1st and 2nd 0OHV PL/LNK, w n m m m nd year on the premises. CDLLIHQ BOAEP8. Purpart, No. 1, A LABQE MERCHANT w n mm n which he pats into his barn will be equally SAMUEL BBSS, Jr., BABB BOARDS. U L L , situate o a the Lancaster andHariettA w n h o Vm M w HO H well oared; daring the six weeks in whioh he FREDERICK SES9, Of every descriptloa on hand and mad.' turnpike, l mile from the latter, place.:-Tata L D A O m N CULURO FLAKrl, THU DOB A PERMANENT GOOD snltable for the Cemetery aad X e w n . DASISL MILLER. is employed in securing his hay, he will find no 13 21*51 •PBS, CAMAHGO to order. All work warranted. Bepairm i l l baa 4 run of burrs, capacity to niaka:8A--—,, w w m FXHB BHINOLK8, O p m B P lono37-ly-3 lag promptly attended to. bbls of floor during 34 hours during tha y e a r ^ H K ^ o h m Y the first pat In too green while the last will DEOIDTJOTJB T H B B 8 , CTPBI8S SHISaLES, m nd b sad haa" exteuiWe water powaV being propilied b y m n w A K P U B L I C SAXE. HEMLOCK SCANTUNO MANUFACTURING COMPANY be too dry, and owing to unavoidable causes big and little Chlquos Creak; and Is without doubt one Tor street plantlog, and a general assortment of S A M U E L B . COX 6 CO., m m n H & m h h d AUD JOIST. arising from showers and other things, he w Ornamental Trees and H o w e r i n g Shrnba. ,N FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, of the best mills in Lancaster county. The' maehlnery Are now opening a large and well-ae'eoted assortment w T H L CAEELAQK UANDFACTUBERS AND PRACw n m will find bat very little, if any, of his hay io w m H 1861, the nnderslgned Assignees of Abraham l v a l l l n good condition end repair. The mill has a BpSES of choice Tarletles, CAMELLIAS, BEDDIKQ of Carpeting, consisting of TICAL MECHANICS, C A R O L I N A YELIOW PUS FLOORING BOARDS vary good and profitable custom,: Also a two-atory o m m U n h P B O E $46 P E B T O N hare been properly oared when pat into his] Schock, w i l l sell at publio sale, on the premises i n TLAHTS, Ac. VELVET. w m w Corner of Duke and Fine St. Lancaster, Pa., Hellam twp., York county, about 8 miles north of the brick DWELL.HU HOUdE, with kitchen attached.de* barn. Now the question ought to be, how'borough P p Onr Stock Is remarkahly. thrifty and Dne, and w e m Aw m w b d PLASTEBTNQ LATHS, BRUSSELS, of York,, tha following real estate, vix- . A signed for the use of tbe miller; also a corn kiln for dryE E P constantly on hand and. manu m this mass, thrown together, while eaoh load is tract of Land, ing core attached to the mill, with stable and other offerlt at prices to suit the times. m m w T TAPESTBT, faotur. to order UARBJAGK8 • KsfCatalogoeamaUed t o a l l appllcsats. BONE DU T AND LAND PLA TER FOR BALE out-buildings. m n X m B undergoing a different process of oure, can be JVfaoi THBEE-PLY, CONTAINING 4 0 ACRES, P A I L S A N D PICKETS, &o., &c, _ -ERS DESCRIPTION, made of, AOdress EDWARD J. EVAHS S CO., F w m Q A AMC M PATTON INGRAIN. made to afford the most nutriment. I have more or l e u . adjoining tha Susquehanna River, lands OFEVEB Also, A t the Bame time and plaoe, will be K n w the bast materials and by experienced! sap 85-gMs OraMaenuq a T o w i l M , York.Pa' B w W P U SDPSBIOB, of Jacob Harttier, Jacob White .andotbers.. The imsold a tract of Limestone Land, containing no hesitation in Baying that a barn sufficientAU of which Is of the best quality, and w i l l be sold as na w w worktma. • ' COTTAGE, are a twe-aiory fraoa DWELUffQ Wm% 112 A C K E S , N o t i c e t o Sugar Cone G r o w e r s . w m m w m ly large for a good sized farm, whioh is made provamenta Having been engaged l a t h e Caxriaga inaklag - bosil o w aa can be purchased elsewhere. DDTCB. HOUSE, bank barn and other necessary oat- K 3 (more or leas,) with a two story DWELLING a W h P m m m a tight by olapboarding, painting and glazing buildings. ThU tract Is k n o w n a s " Schock*. a H - HOUSE, kitchen, bant wagOavehed, tobaaea BjJ!|N entire new and improved Sugar iiess for some years, they feel coafideat that t h . work VEHIT1AK, Q - W e have the best Stock of POSTS and Torrs i B m m aad Molasses Boiler, for making Sorghum Saiar. made by them w i l l be found folly equal If aoteaperlot HEMP, the outside like & dwelling house, however Peach Orchard," and Is conaidared one of tha beat in house, grain kouae and other out-bnli dings J U L L WH W w to any other made l a the ctate,either as;to style, work- the city of Lancaster, consisting; of from the ]alce of t h . Chinese Soiar Cane. BAQ Haoe ree above Th rd Ph ade ph a many and large the ventilators may be in the the county. There la also a large variety of other fruit thereon created. Tbe land is i n a U g h state oriniprura- dlreotly manship or qoaUtyof materials, aad also l a reasonaF 0 V LAR MER M D . A e s t , representing the evaporator,-and samples of and LIST this tract. Tha land h a s b e t a w a U U m a d , a a d i s ' l n meat and under good fences. roof, 1B the very worst kind of a bam for the on Term — S 25 per day S a g a r a a d E y r a p c a n h e i e e a a t . A D A M B - BASS'S Ag- bleness of prlca They therefore lavite those In want a good state of cultlTaUon, aad under excellent fences. R m m G C m Also, a t t h e aaate time and place, w i l l be eold tbe rlcaltnral Implement and Bert Warehouse, East King of Carriages, to give them a call before pnrehaslng LOCUST MORTICBD POSTS, purpose of preserving hay and grain. Hay, About 6 acres of tbe above i s good Woodland. QXT LLH AJ? & B O Y E B Propr e or following Personal property: NDC NCE MO C V C P next door to Laae's Dry Goods Store, w h o w t l l elsewhere. CHESTNUT MORTICED POSTS, in order to be well preserved, should always Persons desirous of viewing t h e pMBtaee, w i l l call % Shares of Marietta ft Lancaster turnpike road steak. street, O he o d Cu omer of h we The following PBEaHUUS h a v e been awarded to this C h m w attend to all ordsnasatto~htm;-' ' u n the Tenant redding thareoa, o r o a tbe Assignees, 3 Columbia Bank •* w H w w be aocessible to fresh air, especially if it is in iresiding BOARD FENCE POSTS, Prsmlnm by the Lancaster Connty m m f m w l a the borough of Marietta, w h o will gWe all 2 Persons wishing to porchas. State or County Bights establishment:—A TABLK AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, " afariatUAMaytown " Co. " m w m nd Fair of l&BS for BEST SULKY; also, a Prsmlnm and o m n h large quantities, and in order for that, the tbe Information daalrad. Pceaeeatoa and good title will plesseaddrass the subscriber. w B o 4 - • Marietta, Balnbridge "Falmouth and Silver Medal for the BEST SHIFTING-TOP BOOGY.— AHD A VABIETT OP CHB8HDT KAILS AJfD OTHEB m m On : D r u g g e t a , XLisgs, S l a t s , H a s s o e l c s , dee body of a barn should be covered with boards,; given on tha 1st day of April, 1863. W . J . WHITNEY, ' A SUvar Medal b y the Historical, Agxlenltoxal and m n w w m Portsmouth *oad Company ^ FBNCINO MATERIAL. Bala to commence at 3 o'clock p . M., when the terms Sole proprietor for the State of Pennsylranla. jointed if not planed, and nailed on "perpenliechauleal Instltnta.la Jane, 1859; and also b y the Ka^Baving a bnysr In ths Philadelphia and Hew m m w T V w 1 " Busquahaaaa ateam tow boat Company " Assignees. JollMm.33 raetoryrllle W y o m l m j C o , Pa. Fulton Institute, l a November, 1809, for BEST SHIFTTork markets continually, onr facilities for obtaining w m M T F EAM dicularly, leaving the joints so that: in a dry will be made known b y the undersigned "N — m Sale to commence at 13 o'clock, M , w h a n attendance B. F . HIBSTAHP, 1NG-TOP BOGGY end TROTTING BOGGY. the bast and most desirable styles of goods a r . nneY O T K w " m m will be given and terms made known b y th* undertime they will be open at least one eighthof no e-ts-60 JOHff KLIfeTE. SWAK, HOTEL, ' EfvpscsoaswaatingearrlagMcaaselectfromFIFTl qaallsd by any other hoase l a the city. w n o L w signed, JOHH W . CLARK, O m an inch. This will secure to the hay, how-. STYLES, all In one l o o m w m BIHOS QROH, m CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. DIFFERENT LUMP AST) GEOUBD PLASTEE, ever large the quantity, a good supply of Public Sale o f V a l u a b l e R e a l Estate. All work: manufactured at this establishment lswarm a w m Camargo M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y , Admlniitraton of Samuel Johnson, deo'd. W w w o w nd lantod. B e p a l r l n g o f a l l k i u d s d o n e o n short notice. m m n O sweet, fresh air, the benefit of whiah will be m w o M N THURSDAY, 21st of NOVEMK^RecoUeet that w e have remoTed to tbe sooth end SAMUEL B. COX, L M M ALSO, on WEDNESDAY, t h e 2 7 t h d a y of CH A K w 20 EAST KING STREET. readily seen by the slick hair And bright eyes _; f o r a s hie old costomare and the public generally BKB.iaai, w i l l b e aold on the premlaea i n Wast m K w nov 14-11-51 J . G. HESS. of the Bridge, where w e w i l l be pleased to see our old w w i l l b e sold by the node-signed, at the of the cattle; bnt hay which In any large JJouegal t w p , Lancaster county, Pa., one mile wast of HOVEHBKR, b a > a s t a k e n t h e a b o T a boose,.formerly kent br m w w H Donegal House, Centra 3q.uar*,in tha borough or Jlafriends and customers. and fronting on the Harrisburg aad Mrs, EosUia Habley aad Edward 8 . Hnbley, where he is C A R R I A G E M A N U F A C T O R Y G m m quantity is kept In a tight barn; will become Elixabathtowa, HEHRY QU LLM N rietta, tbe following real aetata also of aald,dec*d. Lant«st«r turnpike, to wit: prspared to aeeommodata .those who may faror him m w m Tbe H I S E J Z A H H sour and musty, an J will smoke when fed to m M OHN BOYEB ALTICK & McQINNIS, Pnrpart, N o . 3/oonaUtlDg of r two-atory with" their custom l a a satisfactory, manner. The BARNo. 1, A desirable Homestead and good the cattle, and the only reason why they will tract C T m N E m y o j u a s L T DECKEE, ALTICK *t Co'e^ brick DWELLIMG HoTOaV witfca wmab-houa*' * I A B l * B K D p i H a a n a STABLlSa will b e crefnlW of Land, '• OFFICE IH LAHCASTEB, AS USUAL, U U n J s d to. aad srery eS-ort m a d . to glre satisfaetibu U C nd E o eat it is because they can get nothing better. thereto attached, with t h e lot not -ground -oa^ CONTAINING 28 ACRES, B e respMtfnlly solicits the patronage of the public DEALER N H B a i f Orange St., second door from North The roof arid eaving of a barn should be well more or lees, w i t h t h e Improvements thereon, consis- which the aaldbuOdina^an etmtrttAttaatce jam'far •••••• tt_g A w Front street and n o w U ocaropaAcy c l Samaalr finished and made tight, while in Ihe covering; ting of a two-storied-HOUSE, bank barn and Queen. m m m "W. Orange at., next to the oor. of Frinoe. P o j r w t r l j N o . .4, . o o n a f a t i ^ , . b f V i ! 4 j 0 t o f y (l necessary bat-baildiaga. The land Is dU t . h L A K G E assprtment of W h i t e a n d of the body speoial referenceflhouldbe had to other m w m OROUBD, with a frme onenrtory DW^LTJHii^blTSE, vided into convenient'Balds with fruit trees,r ^ E B P constantly on hand, and manu- Ian so tf-io VrBio'jra BrjaAHS,-El6, Java and Lagulra COF. m m o m m u u Am the preservation of the hay and grain, as well and i s well watered. ,. t , w i t b a sideling^ thereto attached l a the fiont, and a Canal Wharf on tka rear, eitaala lnaald borough. This I V ; tictare to order CAEBIAQBS of *mj daterlpAm w h w m o \>2S<&iS£ ^ S S S S ^ S - ' « • » ' ST"1? MOLASSES. aa to the convenience of the stalls, N o . 2 , I s a trapV o f P a s t u r e L a n d , c o n t a i n - property. la v « y deeUatye fa«? lumber aad coal waresVCHrTBICE, SPICSS of all hinds.. HAOKREEL. W P Um on. intda of th* b u t tnsttrlAle, t y w m ing 15 ACRES, i a p r a o r l t s s , adjoining l f o „ l , and aleo! house bnalaeas.. <ixp«rlgDiMd and compettnt. wotkm-n, l D H D P E IiANCASTEB DE LEB H frosting o a Mid. taraplke, n i t a b l a for building lota, .,: PnriarL No. * ff,":consisting'',of a" two-atory Jast received and for sale, waolesala and retail, b y H»Tlnx beoa «itaiuiTaly engaged i n t h t D N aad Is alaq valuable for grailngand dairy parpoaee. t h e brick DWELLIHO HOUSE, with i l t e b s n t b a r a ^ M k uboTcboilawa formwiy j t w i j t J i t j * ! * . • • JOHH D . aCILES, M m confldtnt tnat ths worft~ttiriaMu6iit b y t h i m w i l l b« atUnUoa of Drovars la eepaciaUy Invited. .; to atuehedrarso a fi». stable and other bat.aolS-tf-dl No. 18. East King St, m w mm m round eqaMifjiot mporioi'to nny,qtbnr n a k a i n tb« Bale to e o m m a n o e a t 1 o'clock P . tf^on tald day, nd How LONO SHOULD Cows GO DBT?—In answer boildtngs.' The let la aboat 60 fast la front a a « V _ _ T O B AOOO county,-aitb'M at" regardi' 8TYLB, WOsKKHA^BHtP, - WX ATrTTWEH & H B H A I i D m w w 1when terms w i l lfarmade known b y -aSOdeap:^ Thtaa^vaaTtruTetYThuaatatiyBltaaiasi" to thifl qnestion, a oozrespondent of the noS-St-CO. tjaalltV of m a t w U l i orprice.' Thtlr'itock of n i w and THE CELEBRATED JOHH. KELLY. W NJdS a n d L QTJOES a m Cralr. Square, and u a very dMliablerasUeac.. -• B t e a ^ Job and Card Printing Office. utwondluuid'is^uziigas lfl tbe moatextenBlr» In th» FLATBD WARE AND JEWELRY w w Ohio Farmer farnUhea the following sensible S a l . to commence at 6 o'clock, P . 1L, w h e a aticaC m B m nnty.-.J J - A V I N Q - introduced into, onr Office c otJ-Pertwna m d .daace w i l l b e . given and terms made kaowa b y thein want of anything i n their Una w i l l V a l u a b l e Heal Eatate at Publio Sale, roggestlons. After saying that no role oouldi J t J L l * a a ' « f '• • ' ;• JOBS' Wi-CL-aBk.-' i l>leue e a U s n d axamlna tbeir work and accartaln their N "SATURDAY, the 5 3 d . aay of undersigned. apply to all OOWB alike, he adds: inlees btfore pnwhasloji «li*wh*ra. AU work manaROTAHY^CAED.CUTTEES, :•••'- ' • 8OI0N OKOH,,- - : ' ^m^sVKs NOVEMBER, ISM, i n pursuance of anajlaiTo" COT o Cen re Square and B" Queen S oHer nf ,a,ji nraliemai* «Vta*^ ot. air Eaaeaater EssUftsut» eonakr; Mnntw-iW*II 1.*'. AdnUnUtratorsof8amaal^oaaaba;dee?d.' - togethsr-'wlth a large aasortmsnt of CARDS—PLAIN iactar»sd at this ettabUabment warranted. Futfcnlar Orpaaas* <Ieazt w i l l fee'-sold nttenUo'n paid to all kinds of-repairing. . " ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ' w W s i m l i n e d t o t a f e e w i i aott the FOR THE KAP D CURE OF aad COLOBBDjwe a n now prepared to print cards of oct 30 ts-tf • pafcUe sale," at the l e i . i e t f•d . n o . ot b o c k Passoiore, The Best Coal BratlolU to this Market for Range, inMteeaUrat'tar'-' A B E ' DANIBI, A. ALTICK, & t ^ d > e milked n p to within two weeksof dee'd, l a 8sBsh*iT WT^-khe toUowlal n i l aatase-lale evary*8IZI C C H with t h e i r , AND COLOR for all w h o m a y favor u s J P U B L I C BALE. & D C B C oaiTtog,andhaTe both cow and calf M U t e : t h . jdW, U« t8rs«B*sai^«!T* al i ' a l t < > l r I t : ^ LANCASTER F A * '•^.•'.••i | : -' :"» T'" n a ! ! - l a a g e , AT THE LOWEST BATES. ang at-iy^a . .A. MoQimna. Store, OJIee or Patter vse, at w V and E m D n m nd o he R vtandshed-aviUi CASD3 OFJXLL SIZES • puTsuanos of an; order of the Or- atftiladsll EEQTJBA L I M E I f ^ r - S ? * • % 9 0 W 1 t h » t . oooldaot be fat-!f H o . 1 , A T r t s j t « X a n d In Bajlabtuy ttrji. J .J I-W: C o D o h O C m P pbJaarlM.. .•Cat! aad a s . epaeimaaa. f d " . . j i h a a s ' Court » f Lancaster senary, the uadersigaad ten«4 while milking, required fromfourtortx booadel Sr'Iasall'oi'leaa Hjata, CarteUsa Banimj Administrator ,*T^UE Original Poquea Lime constantlv of flatb. P . tfpaaear, lata of LaacaatsrW he D % on hand at the Ulna of tha sabscribsr. • All ot. twp., dae'd., wUl ttpoe. t o public. sale, oaTB1DAYJ BD CAL A D V C E g ven gra ? ^ %£& &&.WS*hg preTioua W Joha DleUaaea'aaa JivM staox. cvatalaUasI'"' T a m O w n t h . t l d day of B O y W r e a ^ l s S f a t CoopVrt BotaLlal _ _ J . 3 s * ™ t B . B M s , Hairand QaarUr Bbls. Also Her- ders left at Cooper*a Hotel, Lanoastisr, w i l l be prompt!? NORTH PRINOK ST. calving, otherwise the.calf was amaU asid not1 more or.lees.aa waltkto'araetad4 J>WlCUs?& Q A w atteadodto.DASLSL HERB m t h . City . f L a a « s t . ^ t J a toltawlag r « l « U V s , late o f : r J •a, u i w f e d / . f ^ f l f , a , 8 n.iiwvM, a l m o a i mv., * « . , * « « . U well formed, and the following year's shnnlv l EOUBB. a Jaiaa iaxa, a saUlh shan«.Uaia KJ-The subscriber, havlag the exeloslva salaof tha • apr-4.tf.19 _ ^ ^ PeSnsa. * P A E N PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO U & m H ofiniliemnchle«enea.'' •. . ™ y : Mlasaadotaai 6aan«eaMnls Astras»»iofwa.^__ saiddWdvsoaeOtlag i f n r a a d l T H I H aalf l a i n sal l i ' Jaatraosivedaadforsaleby J a s i raeaivedaad'fbr salt by . JOHS D . BKILSS, M U above well known eoal, ia this dry. Is now ready,to jBo. 18 l a s t Kjng gttaet. ur raas t a a a i g a a awgeilj. The laeaH.Jata,ani w o m m T AM POKTO O stabi -s— " • — i s — ^ - s — . — j - | Y „ „ - „,.-.-i.'.T j w h o hu D B O HEW BEM deliver the same, , F w mm m m m 'Maia«dflovaTam)satJaTaCo«^IOHogshd. ED m D D To EBsaa^>a«6km:la4al.-i-Hoir"-often am S ! S S ^ S ? ? w S ? f f t , ! d J ! " a U a i H a J « e a a » a l a » • a^d. l o . B e n i s s m s e ^ a t S V e t ^ k . - P . s s \ ; » l t e a - s l a s i . B w n m — U M Tw best'oaantr of ^bOD*' BDBHT Hire, at his w* oisappointed-In onr liojtfof l u ^ m a t bnralagliaia F r w , ! * ! , 7a«>}baasalaa(duaaaav. a a a a s . < t U l b . i l v a a aad t e n s r e a d , k a s w a k r - v - . f '•< m D m h w • ^ ' . _ , . •' .-^•••-•'•'tXKDOK'BiViSKmBi^. iVoa.-aad a half tails'BOBth of-LasaaeUr Sqnare iulas.o RMLE CBAN BEKK ES A DE B XL MBODGBTO A h u u anting tne annuner, after oawfnlly.-imj ^^J U Ai?? r *«*«"aSaa. ^ ^ " , ^ ™ " i 3 " * \ large assortment of coal of aU kinds always o a A w Ordera left atfiprsehar'sHotel, la taa eltj of Laaeas aataB4»4B.. .:•:•••••• Ada^alstrator. BBW TOBK HOM BT » T H w A U H H ingud • m o H r % t t a % f t g i l W g : . a i 4 ! ?"•'•2' £F2*<!t:*«a«tnntSprontLand w m w caatar. wUl b . pronptlr atlanasd to. . AdaoTa Cdn Sb ^ K In h d ph P B o d h D d hand. 4 m m w T kC B kw P OEO HOH LD B U w m w O ^O M nh L. ELLMAKKR. m Z B A D HKAETW L P w K m H e a d QaarUza fi» Coal Oil. b k • t o ^ i ^ . S ^ » S ^ \ « K > i > Now tins JACOB B U S H O U ) , A j t . )yMy43 P p & b D C AYES & CO L w MAM dB d >p dP [ U 8 I reoeiTed 1 0 bbls extra quality of FOB SA B OB BENT A HK B T H L '--«""•'"'uasalfjriaala, wholsaaje aad retail,at w B u V ud S I M E Snb or ber naa on hand a num FALL GOODS, F HAGEK & BEOS., LADIES' DRESS GOODS. THE OLD STAND !! SAW S P A R i X L I B T G r SODA W A T E R , MILL LUMBER AND COAL YARD. H E I T S H U ' S , STOVES I STOTESIl At GEO. MAYBH'S Old Hardware and Iron Store, R T T C FLANNELS. LANCASTER COUNTY EARMS. O MEN'S O STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! STOYE DEPOT, P AYEE'S WEAK. READY MADE CLOTHING. T m NEW FALL GOODS. T H O S . W , E V A N S & CO. NVITE attention to their LARGE, I Sarsaparilla B, T H O S . 3. D Y 8 A E T , P O IVo. S, E A S T m T GEO. CALDER & CO. S H B M O V S S D Warehouse, Coal and Lumber Yard, O Street, H GEO. W. MEHAI-FKT, LUMBER MEECHANT H T KIN& Wall P a p e r s ! "Wall Papers! THE CAMABGO MANUFACTUBING COMPANY HAW BOWES OXTT T O A 3DIJST H UHION WRITING PAPER UNION ENVELOPES, TREES! TREES!! TREES!!! JAMES M PATTON H BROWN WHARF A STOCK OF COAL, FIRE-BOARD PRINTS. H. M. WHITE & SOH, COACH Q STREET MAKE RS, Transparent Window Shades, 'LUMBER, AMMONIATED PHOSPIIATIC GUANO! T S EVERGREENS, NO. 2 0 EAST KINO ST. CABEIAGES TZBIl A NATIONAL OAR P E T S. White, Checkered and Cocoa Hatting, HOTEL T Gronnd linn, and Ashton Salt, - ~ E N B T S.;8HENK respeotfullvin- O a. CALDEB & c o , Extensive HATCH & CO Carriage Manufactory. WATCHES CLOCKS C O L L I E R Y COAL. SPECTACLES SILVERWARE GOAL.. iXm^tmSS^o'. ELLMAKER'S 1,2and8 MACK- SUPBBIOR PEQUEA LIME . FOB-SAW.' "^HE subsoiioer continnea io sell the GRAIN PRODUCE H O W A E D ASSOCIATIOBT PHILADELPHIA Either by the Boatload or Ton. F r g Ink* _ kega>nd e na of he bo> Q u y ' Ae^nsstsiib^os'Saeak. nlMH Ayer's Cherry Pectoral YARD, BUSHEIi8 PBS!E-YliUHN. .*«>•. FLOUB Lancaster Colliery White Ash O Mrlvw-tUoktlieBlea, hamiwiU keep »! COMMISSION MERCHANTS P n "" V Bd^ > b T OHH D A W EUS u F AH wh h h w U m S q n MBS D W S" H U MB H ULO S wrr •;• -~— [Prat f gPaper for sa e aU sef e*