Bröşürü İndir - KARBA Otomotiv


Bröşürü İndir - KARBA Otomotiv
Fire Fighting Vehicles
Fire Fighting Aerial Vehicles
Fire Fighting Vehicles with Telescopic Boom Systems
Combine - Canal jettings and Vacuum Trucks
Vacuum Trucks
Canal Jetting Trucks
Garbage Trucks
Tipper Trucks
Water Tankers
Hydraulic Platforms
Skip Loaders
Funeral Vehicles
Fire Pumps and Components
KARBA, 1991 y1l1nda belediyeler ve kamu sektorOne itfaiye, 90p kamyonlan ve kana!
a9ma ara9lan gibi ekipmanlan Oretmek Ozere kurulmu§tur. 1991 y1ilndan beri ara9 Ostu ekipman
sektorunde faaliyet gosteren firmam1zda bug on konusunda uzman 120 personel istihdam edilmektedir.
6.500 m2 si kapal1 olmak Ozere 10.000 m2 lik alana sahip alan tesisimizde ayilk 50 adet ara9 Ostu
ekipman Oretim kapasitesine sahibiz.
Oretiminin yans1n1 yurtdl§lna gonderen KARBA, bug On 32 Olkeye ihracat yapan bir firma konumuna
gelmi§tir. Olke dl§lna giden her OrOnO bir bayrak mant1g1 ile degerlendiren firmam1z OrOnlerini AB
Yasalanna uygun CE belgeli olarak Oretmektedir. Satl§ sonras1 hizmetlere verdigi onem nedeniyle
24 saat yerinde servis hizmeti vererek fark1n1 gostermektedir.
Kaliteli Oretim yapabilmek i9in; bu dogrultuda kabul gormO§ standartlara uygun OrOn ve hizmet
sunmak, 9ail§an sagiiQinl ve gOvenligini gozetlemek, egitim faaliyetleri ile insan kaynag1m1z1n
yetkinligini art1rmak kalite yonetim sistemimizin, sorekli geli§tirilmesini ve iyile§tirilmesini saglamak,
temel ilkemizdir.
KARBA, Automotive Machine Industry Trade Company Ltd. was established in 1991 and
has been operating in the field of manufacture of Vehicle Mounted Equipment since its establishment.
With in our product range you can find Fire Fighting Trucks, Aerial Ladder Trucks,
Sewage Cleaning Vehicles, Vacuum Trucks, Jetting Trucks, Combine Canal JettingNacuum Trucks,
Garbage Trucks, and Tipper Trucks. Besides the mentioned trucks KARBA also manufactures its
on fire fighting pumps and equipment.
With a total area of 10.000 sqm of which 6. 500 sqm is closed factory area, KARBA manufactures
a mountly avarage of 50 truck with its qualified 120 employees and has become one of the biggest
and most successful companies in its sector. KARBA exports fifty percent of its manufactured
units to 32 countries around the globe.
Genel kullamm amac;l1 Orettigimiz itfaiye arac;:lan, 1500 Lt/Dk dan
6000 Lt/dk' ya kadar kapasiteli pompa ile techiz edilmi~, serme bez
hortum ya da donammmda varsa yOksek basmc;h tabancalar
arac1hg1 ile yang1n mOdahalesinde kullamlan, su ve kapOk tank1na
sahip geni~ yelpazeli Oretimi yap1labilen arac;lard1r. $ehir ic;:lerinde
k1sa sOreli ve h1zh yang1n mOdahalelerinde kullamlan araztiz
yap1s1ndaki arac;:lann tomo bu yeryevededir.
itfaiye personelinin tam anlam1yla yardlmCISidlr. Arac1n ta~1ma
kapasitesine bagh olarak 1.000- 12.000 Lt. arasmda su tank1,
400 - 4.000 Lt. kopOk tank1 ihtiva eden yap1da Oretimleri yap1labilir.
Farkh tasanmlanda tizel sipari~ler kapsam1nda imal edilebilir. Dar
sokaklan olan, donO~ kabiliyetinin yOksek olmas1 gereken ~ir iyi
ic;in kullan1lan hatif arac;lar ile, arazi yang1nlan ve bOyOk tilyekli
yang1nlara mOdahale etmekte kullan1lan 6x2, 6x4, 6x6, 8x4 tipinde
yOksek tonajh arac;:lar da bu yeryevededir.Arac1n kullan1m arnac1na
bagh olarak kurtarma ve mOdahale techizatlann1 bannd1ran, yan
taraflarda bulunan, yekmeceli ya da rafh rayh, aiOminyum kapak11
dolaplan da bulunmaktad1r.
Fire Fighting Vehicles
These vehicles are manufactured on a wide scale ranging
from vehicles equipped with fire pumps with capacities
from 1500 1/m to 6000 1/m with cloth hoses and high pressure
guns used in firefighting along with water and foam tanks.
The vehicles in this context are a/so aimed for use in
firefighting within the city for short interval fire interventions.
It is the main assistant of fire fighters. The manufactured
vehicles bear water tanks from 1, 000 liters to 12,000 liters
and foam tanks from 400 liters to 4,000 liters. These vehicles
can be manufactured in custom designs with respect to
special orders. Light vehicles having high maneuver
capability and used in narrow city streets, and high gross
weight vehicles such as 6x2, 6x4, 6x6, 8x4 used in land
fires and big scale fires a// lie in the context of these vehicles.
Depending on the area of use of the vehicle, compartments
with aluminum shutters having shelves or drawers loaded
with rescue and intervention equipment can be found on
the sides of the vehicles.
Fire Fighting Vehicles with Telescopic Boom System
Uzun sureli veya yogun yangm mudahalelerinde kullamlmak
Ozere tasarlanm1:;; arac;lard1r. Ozellikle kimyasal yangmlar
ba:;;ta olmak uzere, diger sanayi yangmlannda da
kullamlabilen mudahale arac;land1r. $ehir ic;lerinde de aym
ozellikleri ta:;;1yan yangmlarda gorev alabilen arac;lard1r.
Yangm mudahalesi bu arac;lar ile yuksek olc;ekte su yada
yuksek yogunluklu kimyasal kopuk ile yap1l1r. Bu nedenle
geni:;; olc;ekte sondurme gucune sahiptir. Yangma yuksek
kotta mudahale edebilir. Tamamiyle uzaktan kumandal1 imal
Arac; yangmlan dahil, mudahalenin c;ok k1sa surede ve etkin
bir hizla yapllabilmesi ic;in gerekli tom mudahaleler ic;in tam
kar:;;1hk olarak nitelendirilebilir. Kullamm1 esnasmda kullanan
personel uzerindeki yuku hafifletmesinden dolay1, yangm1
geni:;;lemesini onleyici faaliyetler ic;inde ideal bir c;ozumdur.
Fire Fighting Vehicles with Telescopic Boom System
These vehicles are designed for use in long interval and
dense firefighting situations. These vehicles can be used
for intervention in fires of all sorts of industries especially
chemical fires. These vehicles can also be used in fires
with similar characteristics in the city. Fire intervention with
these vehicles is carried out with high capacity water or
high density chemical foam. For this reason, these vehicles
are capable of high density fire interventions. Fire intervention
can be made to high levels. It can be manufactured to be
fully remote controlled. It can be accepted as the exact
requirement for all interventions required effectively in a
very short period of time. As these vehicles reduce the
workload of the personnel controlling the vehicle it is an
ideal solution for activities related to prevention of fire
Yang1n mOdahalesinden daha ziyade yang1n esnas1nda, dogal
afetler neticesinde kaza ba~ta olmak Ozere ~~itli nedenler ile
bulundugu konumu degi~tirme kabiliyetini yitirmi~ insanlann
kurtanlmas1m amar;:layan arar;:lard1r. Yi.iksek yerden, altematif bir
a~ag1ya ini~ merdiveni, gec;:it vermeyen bir yerden ger;:i~ k6pr0s0
oldugu gibi, pek r;:ok kurtarma faaliyetinde kullamlabilir. Yuksek
mukavemetli ala~1mll ~lik profil malzeme kullamlarak merdiven
irnalat1 yap11ir. 12, 18, 24, 28, 32 metre standart kurtarrna yOksekligine
eri~en uretimleri vard1r. Kullamm yerine gore arar;:, jenerator ve
kurtarma sepetine eri~n elektrik tesisab ile techiz edilebilir. Yine,
kullan1m amaana uygun, ve ongorOien arac1n ta~1ma kapasitesiyle
s1mrl1 kalmak kayd1yle, yang1n pompas1, su ve kapOk deposu ile
techiz edilmi~ hidrolik rnerdivenli arazaz modelleride irnal edilrnektedir.
Bu arar;:lann bir diger amac1da, r;:at1 yang~nlan, katta meydana
gelen yang1nlar gibi yerden yOksek olaylarda, personel yard1m1 ile
yap1lan mudahalelere imkan saglamakt1r. Bu i~lem hem kurtarma,
hem de mi.idahale olmak i.izere ayn ayn ya da birlikte yap1labilir.
Fire Fighting Aerial Vehicles
These vehicles are manufactured with the aim of saving
people's lives who are not able to change their position
during a fire (rather than fire inteNention) and/or as a result
of natural disasters, mainly accidents. It can be used in
many rescue activities such as an alternative ladder for
decline from high levels and a bridge in places where no
route is available. Ladders are manufactured from steel
alloy high durability profiles. Standard manufacturing enables
rescue from heights of 12, 18, 24, 28 and 32 meters.
Depending on the area of use the vehicle can be equipped
with a generator and an electrical circuit reaching the rescue
basket. Also depending on the area of use and limited to
the gross vehicle weight fire fighting vehicles equipped with
aerial ladders, fire pumps, water and foam tanks are
manufactured. One other aim of these vehicles is inteNention
with the help of personnel in roof fires and high level fires.
This operation can be done as rescue and inteNention at
the same time or separately.
Vacuum Trucks
biriken pis su ve at1klan
ve ozel olarak
nk ic;erisindeki hava
--·-·..:.-.•-.-:.•.nle•i,..;:>ric:ino emilmesi ve tank
n<i"m:l1Sin.,.J.o.J..,;;:<, verilerek pis sularm tahliye edilmesi,
vakum pompas1 kullan1larak yap1lmaktad1r. Vakum pompas1
gOcOnO, arac; ~anzumamna akuple olarak baglanan PTO
dan almakta olup, soroco mahalinde bulunan bir dOgmeyle
kumanda edilmektedir. EkipmanlarlmJz, tamamen
mO~terilerimizin istekleri dogrultusunda tasarlamp, ihtiya9iarm
kar~JiandJQJ en uygun ozellikte ve en iyi kalitede
Vacuum Trucks
Vacuum trucks are superstructures designed and specially
equipped for suction and transfer of sludge water and
materials which are accumulated in the septic wells and
canals. The superstructure is vehicle mounted and the
volume of the tank is designed taking into consideration
the wheelbase and the gross vehicle weight of the vehicle.
The tank is manufactured as one-piece in cylindrical shape
and inside the tank there are baffle plates to prevent
turbulences while the vehicle is in motion. Vacuuming of
the tank, suction of sludge water into th.e tank and evacuation
of the sludge water from the tank by high pressure air
blown into the tank is made via a vacuum pump. The power
of the vacuum pump is generated from a PTO coupled to
the truck transmission ana is controlled by an electrical
located in the driver cabin.
equipment is designed totally based on the requirements
customer with the best specifications and quality to
the mentioned requirements.
Combine Canal JettingsNacuum Trucks
$ehi~ ic;:i yerle§im yerlerinde ve OI§Jnda kullamlan foseptik
c;:ukurlannm bo§alt1 mas1 t1kanan kanallan ac;:mak ic;:in imal
e ilmil?_.ara~j:lardlr. Kullamm yerine bagll olarak, sadece
vidanjor, kanal ac;:ma yada her ikisinide ihtiva eden Kombine
arac;:lar olarak imal edilir. Yine bu c;:erc;:evede temiz ve pis
su tankl1 vakum ve basmc;:ll su pompall olarak uretim yap1llr.
Siyah sacdan veya paslanmaz c;:elik olarak standart model
yap1labilmektedir. Kanal ac;:ma veya temizleme olarak
kullan1lan bu arac;:lann emi§ hortumlannm hakimiyetini
art1rmak amac1 ile bomlu ve tamburlu olarakda uretilebilir.
Combine Canal JettingsNacuum Trucks
Combine trucks are used for the purpose of emptying septic
wells and to open the clogged canals within the residential
and industrial settlements. These trucks are manufactured
as combined vehicles bearing both the functions of vacuum
and canal jetting depending on the area of use. In this
context, these trucks are equipped with clean and sludge
water tanks and have vacuum and high-pressure water
pumps. Based on the required specifications the tanks of
these vehicles are manufactured in various capacities from
stainless steel or carbon steel mate~ls. Combine trucks
which are used as canal jetting and/or vacuum trucks are
manufactured with optional attachments such as hose
booms and drums to increase the control of the suction
hoses. Various designs and options are available based
the customer needs and area of use.
~yi btilgelerinde, konut oolgelerinde, ~ntiyelerde ve diger 9(ip
«;lktJSI olan yerlerde bannd1nlan konteynerlerinin at1k toplama
sahalanna ula§bnlmas1 ve ~ltllmas1 amaa ile kullan1lan araQ8rd1r.
Bu at1k toplama ~eklinde 9(ip tek bir noktada toplamr ve «;evreye
,..._ _,,,.-~~·.,llmamasJ saglamr. Konteynerleri platformunun Ostone almak
ve at1k toplarna sahas1nda devirerek ~ltma yapabilmek amaayla
Oretilmi~ ekipmanlard1r. 2-6m 3 konteynerleri ta~1yabilecek ve
devirebilecek ~kilde imalatlan yap11ir. Yukleme esnas~nda arag
stabilitesini saglamak amac1 ile hidrolik bask1 ayaklan ile teghiz
Skip Loaders
These vehicles are used for transport and emptying of
containers located in industrial areas, residential areas,
construction sites and other garbage disposing areas. With
this waste gathering method, garbage is collected in one
place and is not scattered. These vehicles are designed
to lift up and carry and empty the containers at garbage
disposing sites by tipping. These vehicles are manufactured
to carry and tip containers with capacities from 2m3 to 6m3.
The vehicle is equipped with outriggers to maintain stability
during loading and unloading activities.
Hydraulic Platforms
Havai elektrik hatlan ve aydmlatma direkleri ba~ta olmak
Ozere yuksek yerlerde yap1lacak olas1 i~lemlerin tomunde
kullamlmak Ozere tasarlanm1~ eri~im ekipman1d1r. Kullamm
xerine gor-e degi~ik ta~lma kapasitelerinde ve metrajmda
Oret1m en yap1hr. 32 metreye kadar eri~im yuksekliginde
lan~teleskopik bomlu Oretimleri yap1labilmektedir. Elektrik
tesisat1 ic;:in Oretilen modellerde personel ta~1ma sepeti
polyester malzemeden elektrik izolasyonlu olarak imal edilir.
Hydraulic Platforms
This equipment is designed for use in operations such
as high level electricity lines and lighting poles. Depending
on the area of use, these platforms are manufactured
with various loading capacities and lengths. Manufactu
of platforms with telescopic booms reaching up to 32
meters is available. In models manufactured for et tricity
lines, the operator basket is manufactured from polyester
and is isolated against electricity
1g1 aracm ta§1ma kapasitesine bagh
olarak r;:ok degi§ik kapasitelerde Oretilmekle beraber,
genellikle 20.000.- litreye kadar Oretimleri yap1lmaktad1 r.
Kullan1m yerine gore siyah sac ya da paslanmaz r;:elik olarak
imalatlan yap1lmaktad1r. Oretim amacma gore arar;: onune
ve/ya da arkasma sulama nozullanda yerle~tirilebilmektedir.
Tahrikini arar;: motorundan alan, genellikle 10 barda 1500
litre/dakika kapasiteli merkezkar;: tip pompa ile ter;:hiz
edilebilmekted ir. ihtiyar;: duyulmas1 halinde degi§ik
kapasitelerde pompalar da kullamlabilmektedir. Yine kullamm
yerine gore su monitorO de yerle~tirilebilmektedir. Kullanllan
pompalar, sabit su kaynaklanndan tankerin doldurulmas1na
olanak saglayan on vakum sistemleri de ir;:ermektedir.
Water Tankers
Equipment used in transport of drinking and utility water.
These tankers are manufactured in difference capacities
generally up to 20,000 liters depending on the gross vehicle
weight of the chassis vehicle which they will be mounted
on. Depending on the area of use these vehicles are
manufactured as carbon steel or stainless steel. Also
depending on the area ofuse these vehicles can be equipped
with watering nozzles in the front and on the rear. These
vehicles are equipped upon need with centrifugaL type
pumps driven by the vehicle engine with a .ca"PaGJtY: of 150Q
lim at 10 bars. In case of need, pumps with different
capacities can be used. Depending on the area of use these
vehicles can be equipped with~r throwimg monitor.
The pumps used in these vehicles have a front vacuum
system which allows filling the tank from a fixed water
Tipper Trucks
; • .:-- ln$i:f'at, hafriyat vb. amar;:lara yonelik yap1lan kamyon
~,........."'~·~" · 'damperler; ihtiyaca gore farkh ozellik ve kapasitelerde
hizmetine sunulmaktad1r. Genel olarak arka
~~• , ·; ,, :.-tk' ka~ag1 otomatik modeller, yanm boru tipi damperler, kapakh_..;"' • "R'k,1t<apakslz modeller uretimini yapt1g1m1z urunler olup ,
~r:·: •·"'" !:~ •·t" I110l;lterinin talebine bagh olarak farkh model damper Oretim
:.-' 1,. '!I. ' :.j~· ~/1:~.:~ ~~, imkam mevcuttur. Damper kald1rma sistemi teleskopik
pistonludur. Hidrolik gur;: PTO ile akuple di§li tip hidrolik
pampa ile saglanmaktad1r. Damperlerimiz mO§teri talebine
gore farkh marka kamyonlar uzerine monte edilmektedir.
Tipper Trucks
Tipper trucks are manufactured to be used in fields of
construction, excavation and waste transportation. Different
options of manufacture are being offered with a variety of
specifications and capacities based on customer
Our product line is composed of automatic rear door, half
pipe tipper trucks, models with and without doors.
Furthermore, there is a/ways an option for manufacture of
trucks based on customer requirements.
Hydraulic power is generated via a hydraulic pump coupled
to the PTO. The tipper hoisting system is by a telesc pic
piston. Tipper trucks are mounted on different bra d vehicles
based on customer demand.
Garbage Trucks
Modern §ehirciligin gereklerine uygun olarak geli§tirilmi§
arar;:lard1r. Sefer ba§ma ta§man r;:op miktanm art1rmak, r;:op
toplama si.iresini azaltmak ve operatorlerine esneklik
saglamak i.iretimin ba§hca amac1d1r. Modern tasanmlannda,
arar;: yapiSinl hatifleten ve arar;: agmg1/ toplanan r;:op ag1rhg1
oramm;:i.ilten mesnet de ir;:eren modelleri mevcuttur.
Ce§itli kapasite ve standartta konteyner kald1rma sistemi
ile imal edilebilir. Arar;: teknik ozelliklerine ve kullan1m
amac1na gore farkl1 imalat
tipleri imal edilebilir.
Garbage Trucks
Garbage trucks have been developed according to the
requirements of modern urbanization. These trucks are
manufactured with the aim of increasing the garbage being
transported per round, decrease garbage transportation
time to the least possible time and provide flexibility for the
operators. Within the modern designs available there are
models equipped with brackets that lighten the weight of
the structure and decrease the ratio of vehicle weight to
gathered garbage.
Vehicles with variable capacities and variable container
lifting systems are also manufactured, as well as with
different types and capacities can be manufactured
Canal Jetting Trucks
Kanal ac;:ma arac1 (Kuka), t1kanan kanalizasyon kanallanm
basmc;:ll su ile ac;:mak Ozere tasarlanmll? ve ozel olarak
donat1lm1l? arac;: Osto ekipmanlard1r. Arac;: Ozerine monte
edilen su tankmm hacmi; tal?1tln dingil ve azami yOk ag1rllg1
goz onOne allnarak imal edilmektedir. Tanktan alman su
yOksek basmc;: kanla ac;:ma hortumu vas1tasyla yOksek
basmc;:ll su pompas1yla foseptik kanallarma pompalamr.
Pompaya goc;: aktanm1, ara l?anzuman kullanllarak
yap1lmaktad1r. Ekipmanda bulunan kanal ac;:ma ve hortum
makaralan, istenilen uzunluktaki hortumlan sarmaya uygun
olup hidrolik veya mekanik olarak mOl?terilerimizin istekleri
dogrultusunda Oretilir. Aynca ekipmanda y1kama amac;:ll
kullamlabilen y1kama tabancas1 mevcuttur. Su tanklan ,
hidrattan veya bal?ka bir arac;:tan tank dolum vanalan ile
veya tank Ozerindeki menhol kapagmdan doldurulur.
Ekipmanlanm1z, tamamen mO~terilerimizin istekleri
dogrultusunda tasarlamp, ihtiyac;:lann karl?1land1Q1 en uygun
ozellikte ve en iyi kalitede Oretilmektedir.
Canal Jettings Trucks
Canal jetting trucks are vehicle mounted equipment with
special features designed for opening clogged canals by
the help of high pressure water flow.
The volume of the tank mounted on the vehicle is specially
designed taking into consideration the wheelbase and the
gross vehicle weight of the vehicle. Water acquired from
the tank is pumped into septic canals through high-pressure
canal jetting hoses via a high-pressure water pump. Power
generation of the pump is made through a split shaft PTO.
The hose and canal jetting reel available on the
superstructure are appropriate for rolling the necessaqr
hose length and are manufactured as hydraulic or mechanic
depending on customer requirements. Moreover, a water
used for washing purposes is a/se available on he
The water tanks can be filled through the
or from another vehicle via the filling valves or
' m~n11rm the manhole cover: located on the top of the tank.
equipment is designed totally based on the requirements
the customer with the best specifications and quality to
the mentioned requirements.
Vacuum Trucks
biriken pis su ve at1klan
ve ozel olarak
nk ic;erisindeki hava
--·-·..:.-.•-.-:.•.nle•i,..;:>ric:ino emilmesi ve tank
n<i"m:l1Sin.,.J.o.J..,;;:<, verilerek pis sularm tahliye edilmesi,
vakum pompas1 kullan1larak yap1lmaktad1r. Vakum pompas1
gOcOnO, arac; ~anzumamna akuple olarak baglanan PTO
dan almakta olup, soroco mahalinde bulunan bir dOgmeyle
kumanda edilmektedir. EkipmanlarlmJz, tamamen
mO~terilerimizin istekleri dogrultusunda tasarlamp, ihtiya9iarm
kar~JiandJQJ en uygun ozellikte ve en iyi kalitede
Vacuum Trucks
Vacuum trucks are superstructures designed and specially
equipped for suction and transfer of sludge water and
materials which are accumulated in the septic wells and
canals. The superstructure is vehicle mounted and the
volume of the tank is designed taking into consideration
the wheelbase and the gross vehicle weight of the vehicle.
The tank is manufactured as one-piece in cylindrical shape
and inside the tank there are baffle plates to prevent
turbulences while the vehicle is in motion. Vacuuming of
the tank, suction of sludge water into th.e tank and evacuation
of the sludge water from the tank by high pressure air
blown into the tank is made via a vacuum pump. The power
of the vacuum pump is generated from a PTO coupled to
the truck transmission ana is controlled by an electrical
located in the driver cabin.
equipment is designed totally based on the requirements
customer with the best specifications and quality to
the mentioned requirements.
Acil durum ve insani kurtarma araglannm Oretimi modern
ekipman gereksinmelerine gore dizayn edilmektedir.
Ambulans olarak kullan1lacak aragtan igindeki dOzenekler
ve bulunmas1 gerekli personel say1sma kadar istenilen
vas1flarda Oretilir. Hasta veya yarall ta~1maya, acil bak1ma
gore dOzenlenmi~ aydmlatmas1 ve gOg Oniteleri mobilize
edilerek iginde kullan1ma haz1r tutulan tum cihazlarm gOg
ihtiyacma gore Oretimi planlamr. Ekipmanlanm1z tamamen
mO~terilerimizin istekleri dogrultusunda tasarlamp, ihtiyaglann
ka~lland1g1 en uygun ozellikte ve en iyi kalitede Oretilmektedir.
The production of ambulances, emergency and human
rescue vehicles is designed in accordance with the modern
equipment requirements. Vehicles that will be used as
ambulances are manufactured with the requested
requirements such as necessary apparatus and personnel
number. The manufacture of these vehicles is planned in
Funeral Vehicles
Bu tip ara91Bnn Oretiminde s1hhi ~rtlara uygun alan malzemeler
kullan1hr. lhtiya98 gore frigofrik kasa uygulanabildigi gibi diger
duz tip imalatlarda mevcuttur. Donamm i~risinde gasilhanesi,
s1cak ve soguk su tesisat1, 4 dereceye kadar sogutma
haznesi konulabilir. Morglu veya morgsuz, sadece nakil
ama~;ll olabildigi gibi, mOl?teri taleplerine gore dizayn
Funeral Vehicles
Materials complying with sanitary requirements are used
in the manufacture of these vehicles. Plain production is
also available besides the frigorific models depending on
the requirement. The vehicle can be equipped with a bathing
cubicle, hot and cold water facility and cooling compartment
up to 4 degrees. It can be equipped with a morgue, can be
used only for transportation purposes or can be designed
according to customer requirements.
- -_-
__ ---
Yang1nla mOcadele ara9iann1n en onemli birimleridir. Merkezkag
kuweti ile yall~~m yap1lan vard1r. YOksek dayan1mda aiOminyum
dokOm malzemeden imla edilir. 20 bar basmca kadar
olanlan alyak basm9!1, 40 bar bas1nca kadar olanlan ise yuksek
bas1ngll olarak nitelendirilirler. Alyak bas1ng boiOmlerinin, 10 bar
basmgla 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 litre/dakika su sevkiyat1
yapabilecek kabiliyette Oretimleri yap1lmaktad1r. YOksek basm9!1
bOIOmleri ise, standarUar geregi 40 bar bas1n9ia, 250 litre/dakikaya
kadar su tevcih edebilecek niteliktedir. Yanmay1 geryekle~tiren
malzemenin yada maddenin havadaki oksijen ile baglant1s1m
kesmeye yonelik kimyasal kan~1mlar ihtiva eden kopuklerin kan~1m
sistemleri de pompa Ozerindedir. Genellikle %1-%6 oramnda
kapOk kan~tlrmasistemleri ile donat1hrlar. YOksek litreli algak
bas1ng pompa boiOmOnOn Orettigi su ya da su/kopOk
kan~1m1n1n yang1n bOigesine tevcih edilmesi monitorler arac11ig1
ile yap11ir. Monitooer 360 derece yatay, 120 derece dO~y olarak
hareketli mafsallar Ozerine yerle~tirilmi~ bir 91k1~ agzmdan
mote~kkildir. y1k1~ ag1zlan suyu dag1tlk ya da toplu halde etme
kabiliyetinde Oretilirler.
Fire Pumps & Components
Fire pumps are the most essential components of a fire
fighting vehicle. Pumps are manufactured from corrosion
resistant aluminum alloy casting. Up to 20 bar components
are considered as low pressure and up to 40 bar components
are considered as high pressure. The low pressure level of
these pumps is designed to allow water flow of 1500, 2000,
3000 and 4000 lim at 10 bars and the high pressure level
of these pumps is designed to allow water flow of up to 250
lim at 40 bars as per standards. The foam mixing systems,
for chemical solutions aimed at cutting the connection to
oxygen of the flammable material, is also available on the
pump. The pumps are generally equipped with 1%-6% foam
mixing ratio systems. The delivery of the water or water/foam
concentrates generated by the high volume low pressure
pump compartment to the location of the fire is through
monitors. The monitors are composed of outlets installed
on joints having 360 degrees horizontal and 120 degrees
vertical movement. The outlets are manufactured to deliver
water as jet or stream forms.
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