Fed by Word and Sacrament to Love and Serve March 20, 2016


Fed by Word and Sacrament to Love and Serve March 20, 2016
Fed by
and Sacrament
to Love
and Serve
March 20, 2016
Holy Week Masses
Holy Thursday, Mar. 24: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7 p.m.
Good Friday, Mar. 25: The Passion of the Lord with
Veneration of the Cross, 3 p.m.
Holy Saturday, Mar. 26: Easter Vigil, 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday: 8 a.m. in Church and School Gym
10:30 a.m. in Church and School Gym
New to the Parish: Welcome! Please call the office to
make an appointment to register at 377-4869.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30-4pm or
by appointment with one of our priests.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Call the office and make an
appointment with the priest.
RCIA: If you interested in finding out more about the
process of becoming Catholic, please contact Matt Selby at
377-4869 or [email protected].
Infant Baptism: The next baptism preparation session
will be held on Saturday, May 9th, 2016 in the St.
Joseph Room of the parish offices from 9 to 11 am. Contact
Deacon Dennis Ternes at [email protected]
or 377-4869 to register and learn more.
Notifications for Worship Aid: Contact Trish at 3774869 or [email protected].
Mass Intentions: Please stop in the office to schedule.
Prayer Chain: Contact Vicki at 241-9402 or contact
Janice by email at [email protected]͘
St. Joseph Quilting Ministry: Day sessions meet every
2nd Tuesday, 1 to 3 pm, in the Church Hall. To learn more,
call Lynn at 377-6166. Evening sessions meet every 2nd
Thursday, 6 to 8 pm. For location, call Sue at 377-1394.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Compassion and the love of
knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful
ministry which reaches out to those in need of comfort. If
you are interested, please call Sharon at 373-2810.
Men of Action: Men’s prayer groups meet on Mondays at
7 pm in the St. John Paul II Room and Thursdays at 6 am
in the Church Hall. Contact Deacon Dennis Ternes at 3774869 or [email protected] to learn more.
Women’s Connection: Widows from the parish have
the opportunity to share experiences, solve problems,
support each other emotionally and spiritually and have
fun, all while developing true and lasting friendships.
Gatherings are the 2nd Thursday of the month, 1 to 3 pm
in the Learning and Leadership Lounge at our school.
Contact Carol G. at 319-200-6905 or Sally W. at 373-5484.
Silent Prayer: 6:30-7 pm on Monday and Fridays in the
church. There is no formal ritual; just time for quiet
prayer. Give your hopes and worries to God and be
enlightened by His love!
Pilgrim Virgin Statue: Honor Mary March 20th-25th with
Tim and Rose Gorton; 2575 Bullis Drive, Marion. Rosary
every evening fr0m Sunday through Friday at 7:30 pm.
Feed My Sheep: The Marion Food Pantry needs canned
pastas for March. Please place your offering in the basket
on the altar or ask an usher to bring it up. Thank you for
your generosity.
SCRIP: Contact Jennifer Decker at jennifer.jill.decker@
gmail.com or 558-9072.
Individual Confessions at St. Joseph Church:
Sunday, March 20th, 3 pm to 5 pm
Tuesday, March 22nd, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Mon. 3/21
Tue. 3/22
7:30 am
7:30 am
St. Joseph
St. Joseph
Wed. 3/23
8:15 a.m.
St. Joseph
Thu. 3/24:
7:00 pm
The Mass of the (No 7:30 am
Lord’s Supper
St. Joseph
Richard J.
No Mass or Adoration
Fri. 3/25:
The Passion of
the Lord/
Veneration of
the Cross
Sat. 3/26:
Easter Vigil
Frank Rettig
Charles Martin
Ed & Louise
Sellner Family
Veneration of the Cross, 3 p.m.
No Nursing Home Mass
8:00 pm
(No 4:30
pm Mass)
St. Joseph
8:00 am
St. Joseph
8:00 am School Gym
10:30 am St. Joseph
10:30 am School Gym
Paul Supple
Irene & Lester
Dennis Lent
For the People
Week at a Glance
Sun. 3/20 9:15 am Alteration Series, St. John Paul II Rm
1:00 pm Prayer Shawl, St. Joseph Room
3:00 pm Confession, Church
Mon. 3/21 5:45 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Cub Scouts, Church Hall
Silent Prayer, Church
Boy Scouts, Church Hall
Men of Action, St. John Paul II
Scripture Study, St. Joseph Rm.
Tue. 3/22
6:00 am
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Wed. 3/23 9:30 am
5:50 pm
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Women’s Prayer Group, Church
Confession, Church
Stewardship Comm., Community
Bells, Church
Scripture Study, St. Joseph Room
Minor Miracles, Church
JAM, Church
MAC, St. Joseph Room
Thu. 3/24 6:00 am
Fri. 3/25 5:30 pm
6:30 pm
Sat. 3/26 9:00 am
Men of Action, Church Hall
Stations of the Cross, Church Hall
Silent Prayer, Church
RCIA Retreat /Rehearsal
Week March 13, 2016—Week 37
Budgeted Sunday Envelope Needs
Year-t0-date budget
Collected last weekend
Actual Year-to-date envelope income
Social Concerns (5% of Donations)
Bricks and Mortar Envelopes
Holy Week—is the most
important week of the liturgical
year. I invite and urge your
Fr. participation in as much of it as
David you are able. The schedule is
O’Connor found below. But first, something
about the week.
Palm Sunday commemorates the Lord’s
triumphant entry into Jerusalem while the crowds hail
him as king. His passion, crucifixion and death are
remembered as well which forms one of the bookends of
the week to culminate with the celebration of his
resurrection the following Sunday.
The days building to Thursday allow the Church
to reflect upon the suffering servant passages in the Book
of the Prophet Isaiah, which is a prophecy about
Jesus. The gospels recount the events surrounding the
Last Supper. Then, the Triduum, the sacred three days,
begins with Holy Thursday. The Church counts these
three days differently than we do. Day one begins with
sundown on Thursday and concludes with sundown on
Friday through Easter Sunday night, hence three days.
On Holy Thursday, we commemorate and
participate in the events of the Last Supper during which
time we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist, the ordained
priesthood and the call to service through the washing of
the feet. We will reenact the latter during Mass that
night. On Good Friday, a universal day of fast and
abstinence, we participate in and reflect upon Jesus’
passion and death on the cross and venerate his
cross. On Holy Saturday during the day, we keep quiet
vigil at the tomb of Christ until sunset when the great
Easter celebration begins with the Easter Vigil. During
that time, the Easter fire is lit, the story of our salvation is
told, the Elect (the non-baptized) are received into the
Church through baptism along with those seeking to
profess their faith in the Church having been baptized
into another Christian faith community. The night is
culminated by the celebration of the Eucharist.
Easter Sunday is the full and joyful celebration of
the resurrection of Christ and the time we all renew our
baptismal promises.
Of special note is that there is only one Mass on
Holy Thursday, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, which is to
be celebrated in the evening. Except for the Sacrament of
Penance, no sacraments are celebrated during the
Triduum save for emergency situations and exceptions
made to the infirmed. No Mass is celebrated anywhere
on Good Friday, although Holy Communion is distributed
during the Friday of the Passion of the Lord liturgy with
hosts consecrated during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
I look forward to observing and celebrating Holy
Week with you, the most spiritually powerful week of the
♦ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, March 19-20
♦ Saturday, March 19th—4:30 PM—The Solemn
Entrance—Palm procession in the church
♦ Sunday, March 20th
♦ 8:00 AM—The Solemn Entrance—
Palm procession in the church
10:30 AM—The Procession—Palm
procession begins in the gym of the
school and proceeds to the
church. Plan to meet in the gym
instead of going to the
church. Inclement weather will cause
the process to begin in the church
♦ Incense will be used during the liturgy.
Monday of Holy Week, March 21st--Daily Mass
at 7:30 AM
Tuesday of Holy Week, March 22nd
♦ Daily Mass at 7:30 AM
♦ The Chrism Mass, St. Raphael Cathedral,
Dubuque, 2 PM—Everyone is invited to
attend. During this Mass the bishops blesses
the oils used in the celebration of the
sacraments and the priests renew their
promises made on the day of their
Wednesday of Holy Week, March 23rd—Daily Mass
at 7:30 AM
Holy Thursday, March 24th
♦ Mass of the Lord’s Supper—7 PM
♦ Incense will be used during the liturgy.
♦ The Washing of the Feet will be observed.
♦ The Reservation Chapel (where the Blessed
Sacrament is kept) will be in the church
basement and open for a visit to the Blessed
Sacrament until 10 PM
Good Friday, March 25th
♦ Friday of the Passion of the Lord (which
includes veneration of the cross)—3 PM
♦ Stations of the Cross—5:30 PM
♦ This is a day of fast and abstinence.
♦ The Reservation Chapel will be open for a
visit from 8 AM until the Friday of the
Passion of the Lord liturgy at 3 PM.
Holy Saturday, March 26th
♦ The Easter Vigil—8 PM
♦ Incense will be used during the liturgy.
♦ During the day, there will be various
observances in the church scheduled for the
Elect and RCIA participants who will be
baptized and/or received into the Church
during the Easter Vigil.
Easter Sunday, March 27th
♦ Masses in the church—8 AM and 10:30 AM
♦ Masses in the gym—8 AM and 10:30 AM
♦ Incense will be used during the liturgies.
Easter Flowers
If you wish to donate to the Easter flowers for our church
in the name of a loved one, please place $15 in an envelope
marked “Easter Flowers,” print the name of your loved one
along with your name, and put your envelope in the
collection basket at Mass or drop off envelopes at the
parish office by Monday, March 21st. Thank you for
contributing to the beauty of our parish’s Easter season
with a special remembrance of your loved one.
Matt Selby: 377-4869 or [email protected]
Stations of the Cross on Good Friday
You’re invited to pray Stations of the Cross on Good
Friday at 5:30 PM (following the 3:00 PM liturgy). In
observance of the fast on Good Friday, there will NOT be
a Soup Supper following the Stations.
comedian Jim Gaffigan, and Harry Connick, Jr. The film
will be shown at St. Patrick’s Parish Center (120 Fifth St.
NW, Cedar Rapids) every evening from March 28th through
April 3rd from 6:30-8:30 PM. St. Joseph will be hosting the
showing on Sunday, April 3rd (Divine Mercy Sunday). There
is no charge and all are welcome any night.
“Divine Mercy”
Video Series by
“Wine & Wisdom” Series
Fr. Michael
You’re invited to the next “Wine &
Wisdom” on April 10 ! These delightful
You’re invited to
evenings of spiritual conversation, light
celebrate the Year of
snacks, and good wines are for any adults
Mercy through
21 and older. Each evening will take place
experiencing a brand
at Lowe Park (4500 10th St.) from 7:008:30 PM. There is a $10 cost per person. No registration -new video series
entitled “Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever
is required. Here are the details:
Sunday, April 10th – “Called to Serve: The Sacraments Told,” presented by Fr. Michael Gaitley. Take a journey
through history to explore the amazing story of Divine
of Marriage & Holy Orders” – Deacons Dennis
Mercy. The series, which is based on Fr. Gaitley's book,
Ternes & Ken Bauer
explores the spiritual significance of Poland, saints like
Maria Faustina Kowalska and John Paul II, and Marian
Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour
Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Second Sunday apparitions like Fatima to illustrate a powerful story of
of Easter, which is April 3rd this year. During this Year of God's message of mercy in our time. The series will be
offered on Tuesdays, beginning April 12th and ending May
Mercy, you’re invited to celebrate this great feast by
10th from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Church Hall. There is a $20
attending a special Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration
cost for materials. Please register at
devoted to Divine Mercy at 3:00 PM in the church that
www.stjoesmarion.org/divine-mercy-series by April 5th. If
day. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available
can’t attend the series, you can view the video series on
after the Holy Hour from 4:00-5:00 PM.
FORMED. Just visit formed.org and get free access to this
series and more using our parish access code: ae0136.
“The Original Image of Divine Mercy”
Film Showing
New Lighthouse Resources at Discounted Price
Stop by the Lighthouse kiosk in the vestibule to take a look at
Don’t miss the exciting opportunity to see a brand-new
the many new titles of CDs, booklets, and books. Many of the
film, The Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold
titles focus on the theme of Divine Mercy for the Year of Mercy
Story of An Unknown Masterpiece! Come learn about
and upcoming celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday on April 3rd.
the image of divine mercy and its stunning history
All resources are available for a discounted price of 2 for $5
through this inspiring documentary which includes
from now through April 3rd.
appearances by Bishop Robert Barron, George Weigel,
St. Joseph Parish Office: 377-4869
1790 14th St. Marion, Iowa
Hours: Monday -Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(May be closed 12:30 to 1:30 p.m..)
Rev. David O’Connor, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Donald Komboh, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Dennis Ternes, Permanent Deacon
[email protected]
Deacon Ken Bauer, Permanent Deacon
[email protected]
Bryan Sourwine, Business Manager
[email protected]
Matt Selby, Adult Faith Formation Director
[email protected]
Bonnie Bluml, Coordinator of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Laurie Schill, Ministry Scheduling/Census
[email protected]
Kate Fejfar, Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
Cathy Wobbe, Pastoral Associate
[email protected]
Trish Peyton, Secretary
[email protected]
The Holy Week and
Easter Liturgical Ministry
schedules are not available at press time. Please
check your email and/or
the parish website at
Youth Faith Formation: 377-8402
1430 14th St. Marion, Iowa
Liz Lockhart,
Youth Faith Formation Director:
[email protected]
Theology on
Judy Ramsey,
Tap in April
Adolescent Faith Formation Coordinator:
Anyone ages [email protected]
39 is welcome to
JoAnn Starr, Youth Faith Formation
Coordinator: [email protected] attend this event
St. Joseph Catholic School:
1430 14th St. Marion, Iowa
Cathy Walz, St. Joseph School Principal
[email protected]
Peggy Brady, School Secretary
that happens
every Thursday in April, 7 pm,
at Parlor City in the NewBo
area. Come enjoy a beverage
and discussion with your peers
in a casual atmosphere! Go to
facebook.com/CRToT for
more information.
St. Joseph
Catholic School
Tours and Registration
If you are interested in a tour or in
finding out more about St. Joseph
Catholic School and Preschool,
and in how we can serve as a
partner in growing your child’s
heart, mind and faith, contact Cathy Walz, principal:
377-6348 or [email protected].
Clip and Earn Money for St. Joseph School!
St. Joseph Catholic School collects:
Box Tops, Hy-Vee receipts, Campbell Soup labels,
Tyson Foods and A+ labels.
Drop them off at the school or parish office.
Father and Daughter
Cinderella Ball!
Join us for a Father/Daughter Dance on
Saturday, May 7th from 5:30-8 pm in the
St. Joseph Catholic School gym. All fathers and daughters are welcome (or grandpas, stepfathers, uncles, etc.). $15 per person with a $45 family
maximum. Includes a buffet style dinner, dessert, music,
pictures and more! Register online at
www.stjoesmarion.org/american-heritage-girls. Send
your check and the name of all those attending in an envelope to the parish office, marked “Attn: Father/
Daughter Dance.” Please make checks out to American
Heritage Girls, the sponsors of the event. Deadline for
Cave Quest
Vacation Bible School:
Following Jesus, The
Light of the World!
Sign up now for VBS, which will
take place June 20th—-24th, 9
am to noon each day!
The Brightest Week of the
Summer! At Cave Quest VBS,
kids explore the rock-solid foundation of Jesus’ love.
Cave Quest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning
experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! We’ll
help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday
life. Get ready for an over-the-top underground
adventure!! VBS will take place June 20-24 from 9 am to
noon each day. Kids in grades K-6 can participate, and
grades 7 on up (including adults) can sign up to
volunteer. Register online at http://www.stjoesmarion
.org/vbs. Cost is $25 per participant, with a maximum of
$60 per family. Scholarships are available if
needed. Cash or checks are accepted, or—new this year—
-pay online. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph
Catholic Church and note VBS in the memo. Turn
payment in to the Church or School Offices; payment
kindly requested by June 13th. For questions, please
contact Robin Castor at (319) 329-5053 or
[email protected] or Nicole Trapani at
[email protected].
Hungering to Build
We follow Jesus this week
on our Lenten journey as
he enters Jerusalem, a
community he knew well.
CRS Rice Bowl asks us to
prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find
those who are hungry and thirsty, those who need our
ehlp. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to
serve those we encounter in our daily lives? Visit
crsricebowl.org for more.
CRS RICE BOWL: Year of Mercy
Lenten Giving Project for St. Joseph Parish
Pick up your family’s rice bowl from the church
entryway or from the parish, school or YFF office this
week. All rice bowls should be returned to either the
Youth Faith Formation or School offices by March 30.
Good Friday Pontifical Collection
Please support Christians in the Holy Land and plan to
contribute to the Good Friday Pontifical Collection to be
taken up on Good Friday during the Passion of the Lord
and Veneration of the Cross at 3 pm, March 25th.
Women’s Connection:
For Food, Fun, and Friendship!
Women’s Connection, a support group for widows of St.
Joseph Parish, will gather at The Red Lobster for our next
monthly luncheon, on Thursday, March 24th at 11:30 a.m.
For more information Call Carol at 319-200-6905 or Sally
at 373-5484. See you there!