1-Food Regulation in - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
1-Food Regulation in - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
4 March 2004 Food Regulation in Indonesia Dedi Fardiaz Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology SEAFAST Center BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, INDONESIA Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 1 LAWS AND REGULATIONS MoA, MoMAF, MoI, MoT, MoH NADFC LOCAL GOVs Food Producer/Industry Dedi Fardiaz LABORATORIES Law No 7/1996 Food Law No 8/1999 Consumer Prot GR No. 69/1999 Food L&A GR No. 28/2004 Food SQN Food Safety Standards, etc. Better Quality and Safer Foods Consumer Sept 2009 Monitoring food Singapore, safety1 and quality in Indonesia Dedi Fardiaz 2 4 March 2004 Law No. 7/1996 on Food Government Regulation No 28/2004 on Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II Food Safety Chapter III Food Quality and Nutrition Chapter IV Food Importation and Exportation Into and Out of Indonesian Territories Chapter V Control and Supervision Chapter VI Community Participation Chapter VII Provisions of Transfer Chapter VIII Closing Provisions Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 3 Chapter II Food Safety Part One Sanitation Part Two Food Additives Part Three Food Derived from Genetically Modified Organism Part Four Food Irradiation Part Five Food Packaging Part Six Food Quality Assurance and Laboratory Testing Part Seven Contaminated Food Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 4 4 March 2004 Improvement of food quality and safety through GOOD PRACTICES* GOOD FARMING PRACTICES FRESH FOODS GOOD FRESH HANDLING PRACTICES DIRECT CONSUMPTION RAW MATERIALS GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES PROCESSED FOODS Distribution and Marketing FRESH FOODS, PROCESSED FOODS, READY TO EAT FOODS CONSUMERS GOOD RETAILING PRACTICES GOOD DISTRIBUTION PRACTICES GOOD CATERING PRACTICES READY TO EAT FOODS *Government *Government Regulation Regulation No. No. 28/2004 28/2004 on on Food Food Safety, Safety, Quality Quality and and Nutrition Nutrition Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 5 le mp a x E Government Regulation 28/2004, Article 4, para 1 Good Agricultural Practices GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES GOOD FRESH HANDLING PRACTICES FRESH FOOD DIRECT CONSUMPTION RAW MATERIALS GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES PROCESSED FOOD • Avoiding the use of land whose environment has the potential to threaten food safety. • Controlling the biological contamination, animal and plant diseases that threaten food safety. • Reducing to the minimum chemical residues in foodstuff as the consequence of using fertilizers, pest and disease control drugs, growth hormone and inappropriate animal drugs. Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 6 4 March 2004 le mp a x E Government Regulation 28/2004, Article 5, para 1 Good Fresh Handling Practices GOOD FRESH HANDLING PRACTICES GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES FRESH FOOD DIRECT CONSUMPTION RAW MATERIALS GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES PROCESSED FOOD • Preventing fresh food from being contaminated by biological and chemical contamination and other objects that disturb, impart and risk health from the air, land, water, food, fertilizers, pesticides, animal drugs or other materials used in the fresh food production. • Controlling the health of animals and plants, so that it does not negatively impact fresh food Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 7 Pre-Market Assessment for Processed Food Government Regulation 28/2004, Article 42 GOOD FRESH HANDLING PRACTICES GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES FRESH FOOD DIRECT CONSUMPTION RAW MATERIALS GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES PROCESSED FOOD Processed food for trade in retail packaging shall obtain the registration approval letter from NADFC, prior to distribution (based on food safety, quality, and nutrition assessment results). Exempted processed food produced by home industries. Processed food made by home industries shall possess a home industry food production certificate issued by the Local Government. Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 8 4 March 2004 Government Regulation No 28/2004 on Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition, Article 42 Registration of Product NADFC Registration Approval Letter National Agency for Drug and Food Control Republic of Indonesia Food Industry •• BPOM BPOM MD MD for for domestic domestic products products •• BPOM BPOM ML ML for for imported imported products products Dedi Fardiaz, 061107 9 Food Industry Scientific data and information is supplied by the client Request for additional data and information (if needed) Food Labeling Assessment Peer Review Team Labeling Standards NADFC Product Registration National Agency for Approval Letter Drug and Food Control Republic of Indonesia Dedi Fardiaz, 061107 Dedi Fardiaz Result Government Regulation No. 69/1999 on Food Labeling and Advertisiment 10 4 March 2004 g i n g ling ory a od ack abe ateg o F P L C CORNBEEF Netto 250 g HIMITEPA, 080809 What are regulated /standardized? Copyright Dedi Fardiaz 1. Wh at i s 11 the typ eo f Fo od ? Look at Food Category! CORNBEEF Netto 250 g Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 12 4 March 2004 Food Category National Agency for Drug and Food Control Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 13 Based on Food Category System (GSFA, 2005) No. Name of Food 01.0 Dairy products and analogues, excluding products of food categor y 02.0 02.0 Fats and oils, and fat emulsions 03.0 04.0 Edible ices, including sherbet and sorbet Fruits and vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 05.0 Confectionary 06.0 Cereals and cereal products, derived from cereal grains, from roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, excluding bakery wares of food category 07.0 07.0 08.0 Bakery wares Meat and meat products, including poultry and game 09.0 Fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms 10.0 Eggs and egg products 11.0 12.0 Sweeteners, including honey Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads, protein products (including soybean protein products) and fermented soybean products 13.0 Foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses 14.0 Beverages, excluding dairy products 15.0 Ready-to-eat savouries 16.0 Composite foods - foods that could not be2009 placed in categories 01 - 15. Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept Dedi Fardiaz 14 4 March 2004 SURAT KEPUTUSAN KEPALA BADAN PENGAWAS OBAT DAN MAKANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR : HK. TANGGAL : 9 OKTOBER 2006 Decree of the Head of the TENTANG National Agency for Drug and Food Control, KATEGORI PANGAN Republic of Indonesia KATEGORI PANGAN 0.1 Produk – Produk Susu dan Analognya, Kecuali Yang Termasuk Kategori 02.0 Halaman 1 2 01.1 Susu dan Minuman Berbasis Susu 2 01.1.1 Susu dan Buttermilk (Plain1) 2 Susu (Plain1) Susu Susu Segar Susu Pasteurisasi Susu UHT (Ultra High Temperature) Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Susu Steril Susu Tanpa Lemak atau Susu Skim 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 15 Sample Ready-to-eat Savouries 15.0 Makanan Ringan Siap Santap Termasuk semua jenis makanan ringan asin/gurih (savoury) atau rasa lainnya. 15.1 Makanan Ringan – Berbahan Dasar Kentang, Umbi, Serealia, Tepung atau Pati (dari Umbi dan Kacang) Termasuk semua jenis makanan ringan tawar dan gurih atau rasa lainnya, namun tidak termasuk cracker tawar dari kategori 07.12. Sebagai contoh adalah keripik 2 kentang, jagung berondong (popcorn), pretzel , krekers beras (senbei ), dan krekers rasa (contoh: krekers rasa keju), bhujia (namkeen; sebuah makanan ringan terbuat dari campuran tepung, jagung, kentang, garam, buah kering, kacang, rempah, pewarna, perisa dan antioksidan), dan papad (terbuat dari tepung beras atau tepung black gram atau tepung kacang cow pea soaked (basah/rendam), dicampur dengan garam dan rempah, dan berbentuk bola atau lempengan). 15.1 Snacks - potato, cereal, flour or starch based (from roots and tubers, pulses and legumes) Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Scope 16 4 March 2004 Sample Keripik 2 Kentang Definition Definisi : Keripik 2 kentang adalah makanan kering yang dibuat dari kentang segar dapat berbentuk irisan tipis yang digoreng dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan lainnya. Karakteristik dasar : • Tekstur renyah; • Kadar air tidak lebih dari 3%. Basic Characteristics Keripik 2 Gadung Definisi : Keripik 2 gadung adalah makanan kering yang dibuat dari gadung (Dioscorea hispida) berbentuk irisan tipis yang digoreng dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan lainnya. Karakteristik dasar : • Tekstur renyah; • Kadar air tidak lebih dari 6%. Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Indeks Pangan 17 Food Index Food Category No Page No Kategori Pangan Halaman Abon Daging 08.2.2 138 Abon Ikan 160 Acar Bawang Putih 60 Acar Cabe 60 Acar Jahe 60 Acar Jamur 59 Acar Lobak 60 Acar Timun Mentah 60 Adas Bubuk 12.2.1 184 Adas, Adas Pedas, Fennel, Jinten Manis 12.2.1 184 Adonan Biskuit 07.1.4 114 A Air Bermineral Dedi Fardiaz Air Berperisa Air Demineral Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 213 212 232 18 4 March 2004 2. Fo Qu od S alit afe y S ty a tan nd da rds ? CORNBEEF Netto 250 g Vitamin , Mineral , Lainny a Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 19 Chemical Contaminants Contamination may occur during food handling from farm to table (Pesticides, animal drugs, mycotoxin, heavy metals, etc.) Chemicals produced during food porocessing Maillard and flavor products, 3-mcpd, trans -fatty acid, ester, acrylamide, polar materials in fried products, etc. Food Additives Permitted to be used in food Preservatives, coloring, intense sweeteners, antioxidan, emulsifyer, etc.. Hazardous Substances Chemicals prohibited to be Basic CompositionSingapore, of Food 1 Sept 2009 used in food preaparation 20 Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz 4 March 2004 PHYSICAL HAZARDS CHEMICAL HAZARDS Chemical Contaminants Contamination may occur during food handling from farm to table (Pesticides, animal drugs, mycotoxin, heavy metals, etc.) BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Chemicals produced during food porocessing Maillard and flavor products, 3-mcpd, trans -fatty acid, ester, acrylamide, polar materials in fried products, etc. Food Additives Food Safety Measures Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Permitted to be used in food Preservatives, coloring, intense sweeteners, antioxidan, emulsifyer, etc.. Hazardous Substances Chemicals prohibited to be used in food preaparation 21 Chemicals prohibited to be used in foods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Boric Acid and Its Compounds Salisilic Acid and Its Salts Diethylpyrocarbonate Dulcin Potassium Chlorate Chloramphenicol Brominated Vegetable Oil Nitrofurazon Formalin (Formaldehide) Hazardous Substances Chemicals prohibited to be used in food preaparation Dedi Fardiaz 4 March 2004 Colorings prohibited to be used in foods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Auramine Alkanet Butter Yellow Black 7984 Burn Amber Chrysoidine Crysoine Citrus Red No.2 Chocolate Brown FB Fast Red E Fast Yellow AB Guinea Green G Indanthrene Blue RS Magenta Metanil Yellow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Colorings Sweeteners Preservatives Antioxidants Anticaking agents Flavorings Acidity regulator Whitening agents Emulsifier, Stabilizer, and Thickening agents 10. Hardening agents 11. Sequestrans Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Oil Orange SS Oil Orange XO Oil Orange AB Oil Yellow OB Orange G Orange GGN Orange RN Orchid and Orcein Ponceau 3R Ponceau SX Ponceau 6R Rhodamin B Sudan I Scarlet GN Violet 6B Food Additives Permitted to be used in food Preservatives, coloring, intense sweeteners, antioxidan, emulsifyer, etc.. 24 4 March 2004 SNI 01- 6993-2004 Sweeteners Sweeteners SNI Indonesian National Standard Standar Nasional Indonesia Bahan tambahan pemanis buatanPersyaratan penggunaan dalam produk pangan FOOD ADDITIVE: SWEETENERS REQUIREMENTS IN FOODS National Standardization Agency Badan Standardisasi Nasional ICS 67.220.20 Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 Content Daftar isi Content Forward Introduction Daftar isi Prakata Pendahuluan 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Ruang lingkup 2 Istilah dan definisi 3 Istilah dan singkatan 4 Batasan penggunaan pemanis buatan 5 Ketentuan label 6 Penggunaan pemanis buatan berdasarkan kategori pangan iii 1 1 2 3 3 4 Lampiran A Kajian keamanan pemanis buatan Bibliografi 32 41 Scope Definition Abbreviation Limitation Labeling Food Category Risk assessment References Tables Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz 25 Tabel 1. Tabel 2. Tabel 3. Tabel 4. Tabel 5. Tabel 6. Tabel 7. Tabel 8. Tabel 9. Tabel 10. Tabel 11. Tabel 12. Tabel 13. Penggunaan Alitam berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Asesulfam-K berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Aspartam berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Isomalt berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Laktitol berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Maltitol berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Manitol berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Neotam berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Sakarin berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Siklamat berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Silitol berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Sorbitol berdasarkan kategori pangan Penggunaan Sukralosa berdasarkan kategori pangan Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 i ii 4 6 9 12 14 16 17 18 19 22 24 26 28 26 4 March 2004 Example of Table for sweeteners permitted to be used in foods based on GSFA Food Category System No. Food Category Maximum Level Table 8. Penggunaan Neotam berdasarkan Kategori Pangan No. Kat. Pangan 01.1.2 Kategori Pangan Batas Penggunaan Maksimum (mg/kg) Food Category Minuman berbasis susu, beraroma, dan/atau terfermentasi (misalnya : susu coklat, kakao, eggnog, yogurt minuman, minuman berbasis whey) 15 01.4.2 Krim "whipping" atau "whipped" atau krim rendah lemak yang disterilkan, di UHT 25 01.7 Makanan penutup atau pencuci mulut berbahan dasar susu (misalnya : es susu, puding, buah atau yogurt beraroma) Yogurt (Strawberry) 15 Pudding dessert 45 Gelatin dessert 19 Ice cream 20 Frozen novelties (ices) 20 02.3 Emulsi lemak selain kategori 02.2, termasuk produk mix (campuran kering) dan/atau produk beraroma berbasis emulsi lemak 25 Jem, jeli dan marmalad 100 Bahan baku berbasis buah -buahan, meliputi bubur buah, puree, toping buah dan santan kelapa 100 Makanan penutup atau pencuci mulut (dessert) berbasis buah-buahan, termasuk Dedi Fardiazdessert berbasis air beraroma buah Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 27 SNI 01- 7152-2006 SNI Flavorings Flavorings 19 Standar Nasional Indonesia Indonesian National Standard BAHAN TAMBAHAN PANGAN PERSYARATAN PERISA DAN PENGGUNAAN DALAM PRODUK PANGAN FOOD ADDITIVE: FLAVORINGS REQUIREMENTS IN FOODS National Standardization Agency ICS 67.220.20 Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Badan Standardisasi Nasional Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 28 4 March 2004 National Food Safety Standards on Flavorings Table. Substances which are prohibited to be used as flavorings in food products No Substances CAS No 1. Dulkamara (Dulcamara, Solanum dulcamara) 2. Kokain (Cocaine) 50-36-2 3. Nitrobenzene (Nitrobenzene) 98-95-3 4. Sinamil antranilat (Cinnamyl anthranilate) 87-29-6 5. Dihidrosafrol (Dihydrosafrole) 94-58-6 6. Biji Tonka (Tonca Bean) 7. Minyak Calamus (Calamus Oil, Acorus calamus L) 8. Minyak Tansi (Tansy Oil) 9. Minyak Sasafras (Sassafras Oil) Dedi Fardiaz 8024-04-2 8016-87-3 68917-09-9 Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 29 National Food Safety Standards on Flavorings Table. Flavoring substances which are permitted (with maximum level of application) in food products No Flavoring Substances Flavoring Substances 1 Agaric acid 10 Estragole 2 Aloin 11 Quassine 3 β-Asarone 12 Quinine 4 Berberine 13 Rue oil 5 Caffein 14 Safrole 6 Coumarin 15 a-Santonine 7 Hydrocyanic acid 16 Sparteine 8 Hypericine 17 Thujon 9 Iso -safrole Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz No Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 30 4 March 2004 National Food Safety Standards on Flavorings Table. Flavorings Positive List (based on JECFA Evaluation) No. JECFA EC FEMA 1 allyl propionate Flavoring Substances 1 09.233 2040 2 allyl butyrate 2 09.054 2021 3 allyl hexanoate 3 09.244 2032 4 allyl heptanoate 4 09.097 2031 5 allyl octanoate 5 09.119 2037 6 allyl nonanoate 6 09.109 2036 7 allyl isovalerate 7 09.489 2045 8 allyl sorbate 8 09.312 2041 9 allyl 10-undecenoate 9 09.146 2044 1615 14.141 425031 1609 piperazine Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 SNI SNI 01-7152- 2006 Standar Nasional Indonesia RSNI3 RSNI3 - - 2006 RSNI2 - - 2006 RSNI1 - - 2006 Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 3 RSNI2 Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 2 RSNI1 Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 1 Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009of Food Safety Standards 32 Process of Review and the Development Dedi Fardiaz Preservatives Preservatives 4 March 2004 RSNI3-7383-2008 RSNI3 Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 3 Indonesian National Standard BAHAN TAMBAHAN PANGAN PENGAWET PERSYARATAN PENGGUNAAN DALAM PANGAN FOOD ADDITIVE PRESERVATIVES REQUIREMENTS IN FOODS National Standardization Agency ICS 67.220.20 Antioxidants Antioxidants Dedi Fardiaz Badan Standardisasi Nasional Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 33 RSNI3-7384-2008 RSNI3 Rancangan Standar Nasional Indonesia 3 Indonesian National Standard BAHAN TAMBAHAN PANGAN ANTIOKSIDAN PERSYARATAN PENGGUNAAN DALAM PANGAN FOOD ADDITIVE ANTIOXIDANTS REQUIREMENTS IN FOODS National Standardization Agency ICS 67.220.20 Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Badan Standardisasi Nasional Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 34 4 March 2004 Kontaminan Kontaminan Kimia Kimia Vita Vita min, min, Min Min eral, eral, Lain Lain nya nya s al s) d r i da ater n a St M g n ct i ag nta k c o Pa od C (Fo Mungkin Mungkin mencemari mencemari pangan pangan pada pada mata mata rantai rantai pangan pangan from from farm farm to to table table Pestisida, Pestisida, obat obat hewan, hewan, mikotoksin, mikotoksin, logam logamberat, berat,dsb. dsb. Senyawa Senyawa Kimia Kimia yang yang mungkin mungkin terbentuk terbentuk dalam dalam Pengolahan Pengolahan Produk Produk Maillard Maillard dan dan citarasa, citarasa,33-- mcpd, mcpd,transtransfatty fatty acid, acid, ester, ester, akrilamida, akrilamida, senyawa senyawa polar polar pada pada gorengan, gorengan, dsb. dsb. Examples: BTP BTP(Bahan (BahanTambahan TambahanPangan) Pangan) Diperbolehkan Diperbolehkanuntuk untuksengaja sengaja ditambahkan ditambahkan ke ke dalam dalam pangan pangan • Heavy metals • Vinyl Chloride Monomer • Melamine • Formaldehyde • Phthalates (DINP, DIDP, DEHP) • etc. Dedi Fardiaz Pengawet, Pengawet, pewarna, pewarna, pemanis, pemanis, antioksidan, antioksidan, pengemulsi, pengemulsi, dsb. dsb. Komposisi kimia dasar pembentuk pangan BB BB (Bahan (Bahan Berbahaya) Berbahaya) yang dilarang tapi mungkin yang dilarang tapi mungkin disalahgunakan disalahgunakan untuk untuk pangan pangan Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 35 NADFC Regulation on Food Packaging Material Decree Nomor : HK on Food Packaging Materials Scope Article 2 This regulation covers: a. materials which are prohibited; b. materials which are permitted to be use as packaging which directly contacts with food Article 3 (1) Additives prohibited to be used for food packaging (Appendix 1). (2) Basic materials and additives permitted to be used for food packaging. (3) Basic materials permitted to be used for food packaging (Appendix 2A). (4) Additives permitted to be used for food packaging (Appendix 2B). Copyright Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Packaging, Jakarta 271107 36 4 March 2004 Article 4 (1) Basic materials: plastic, cellophane, paper, rubber, elastomer, metal, metal alloy, ceramic, and/or glass. (2) Additives: antimicrobial agent, sanitizer, plastic foaming former, glue, anticorrosive agent, antistatic and or antifog, cleaner, coloring, emulsifier and or surface active agent, lubricant, plasticizer, preservative, filler, stabilizer, antiblocking agent, anticoagulant, modifier, whitener. Copyright Dedi Fardiaz Packaging, Jakarta 271107 37 ple m a Ex Plastic/Rubber/Elastomer No 16 Food Contact Substance Resin Melamine Formaldehyde 30 Resin Urea Formaldehyde 31 Polyvinylchloride Polymer Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Parameter 1 Produced with1 mol melamine and not more than 3 mol of formaldehyde Chloroform soluble total extract Maximum Migration Limit 0.078 mg/cm2 2 Formaldehyde migration 3 ppm 3 Melamine migration 30 ppm Formaldehyde migration 3 ppm Vinyl Chloride Monomer 1 ppm Jakarta, 12/06/2008 38 4 March 2004 ple m a Ex Ceramic Food Contact Substance No 2 3 All types of ceramic which can be filled Cooking utensils, packaging, tank with vol <3 L Dedi Fardiaz Parameter Maximum Migration Limit Pb (acetic acid solvent 4% at 22 ± 2oC, 24 ± 0.5 hr) 4 mg/L Cd (acetic acid solvent 4% at 22 ± 2oC, 24 ± 0.5 hr) 0.3 mg/L Pb (acetic acid solvent 4% at 22 ± 2oC, 24 ± 0.5 hr) 1.5 mg/L Cd (acetic acid solvent 4% at 22 ± 2oC, 24 ± 0.5 hr) 0.1 mg/L Jakarta, 12/06/2008 39 ple m a Ex Metal No 1 Food Contact Substance Can Parameter As (water, 95°C, 30 min for usage > 100°C, or citric acid 0,5%, 60°C, 30 min, for food with pH < pH 5) Maximum Migration Limit 0.2 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.4 ppm Cd (water, 95°C, 30 min for usage > 100°C, or citric acid 0,5%, 60°C, 30 min, for food with pH < pH 5) Pb (water, 95°C, 30 min for usage > 100°C, or citric acid 0,5%, 60°C, 30 min, for food with pH < pH 5) Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Jakarta, 12/06/2008 40 4 March 2004 ple m a Ex No Food Contact Substance Parameter 2 Can with plasticresin coating 1 Dry residue (n-heptan solvent, 25°C, 60 min) 90 ppm 2 Dry residue (ethanol solvent 20%, 60°C, 30 min) 30 ppm 3 Dry residue (acetic acid solvent 4%, 60°C, 30 min) 30 ppm 4 Dry residue (water solvent, 95°C, 30 min for usage > 100°C) 30 ppm 5 Phenol from synthetic resin (water solvent, 95°C, 30 min for usage > 100°C) 5 ppm 6 Epichlorohydrin from synthetic resin (n-pentan solvent, 25°C, 2 hr) 0.5 ppm 1 ppm 7 Dedi Fardiaz Maximum Migration Limit Vinyl Chloride Monomer Jakarta, 12/06/2008 41 ple m a Ex Chemical Migration Testing for Can with Resin Coating Type of Food Extracting Solvent Water (T and t) Conditions of Usage Heptane (T and t) Alcohol 8% (T and t) Pasteurization above 66 o T Oil in water emulsion Filled at boiling temperature and cooled to 38 o C Water in oil emulsion high oil content Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Filled at boiling temperature and cooled to 38 o C 49 oC, 15 min Jakarta, 12/06/2008 42 4 March 2004 ple m a Ex Chemical Migration Testing for Sealing Gasket Type of Food Conditions of Usage Extracting Solvent Water (T and t) Heptane (T and t) Alcohol 8% (T and t) Sterilization above 100 o T Oil in water emulsion 121 o C, 2 hr Water in oil emulsion 121 o C, 2 hr high oil content 66 o C, 2 hr Oil-based Sauce Dedi Fardiaz Jakarta, 12/06/2008 43 Go an verm d A en dv t Re ert ise gula me tion nt No . 69 /19 99 on Fo od La be l CORNBEEF Netto 250 g Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 44 4 March 2004 § Name of Product § List of Ingredients § Net Weight (Volume) § Name and Address of Producers or Importers § Expiration date (Best used before) Processed food should be registered ata NADFC or Local Governments (MD, ML, SP, P-IRT) MD, ML, SP, P-IRT Food label shall at least contains 5 information Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 45 § Name of Product § List of Ingredients § Net Weight (Volume) § Name and Address of Producers or Importers § Expiration date (Best used before) d on anm i t i r t u N th Clai s Heal MD, ML, SP, P-IRT Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 46 4 March 2004 Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims (CAC/GL 23-1997, Rev. 1-2004) 2.1 Nutrition Claim 2.1.1 Nutrient Content Claim 2.1.2 Nutrient Comparative Claim 2.2 Health Claim 2.2.1 Nutrient Function Claims 2.2.2 Other Function Claims 2.2.3. Reduction of Disease Risk Claims www.codexalimentarius.net Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 47 Food Industry Scientific data and information is supplied by the client Request for additional data and information (if needed) Food Labeling Assessment Peer Review Team Labeling Standards NADFC Product Registration National Agency for Approval Letter Drug and Food Control Republic of Indonesia Dedi Fardiaz, 061107 Dedi Fardiaz Result Government Regulation No. 69/1999 on Food Labeling and Advertisiment 48 4 March 2004 Production FOOD (fresh, processed, ready to serve) IMPORTED FOOD Distribution g in ng ry g d cka beli tego o Fo Pa La Ca CORNBEEF Netto 250 g Copyright Dedi SUMMARY: Fardiaz Food Regulation HIMITEPA, 080809 in Indonesia 49 Thank You Very Much Browse: Browse: www.pom.go.id www.pom.go.id Dedi Fardiaz Dedi Fardiaz Singapore, 1 Sept 2009 50
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