Cosa SI Gomma, cassette audio e video, CD, piatti e posate di plastica, secchielli, bacinelle, giocattoli, penne biro, spugne, piccoli oggetti in plastica e bakelite, carta carbone, carta oleata, carta plastificata, calze di nylon, cocci di ceramica, pannolini, assorbenti, cosmetici, polveri dell'aspirapolvere, lampadine, stracci sporchi Cosa NO residuo SECCO Roverbella venerdì Frazioni marteDÌ nel sacco viola Rifiuti riciclabili Non introdurre materiali riciclabili, causereste uno spreco di risorse preziose e un danno all’ambiente Cosa SI Roverbella martedì e sabato dal 15/6 al 14/9 anche il giovedì Scarti di cucina, avanzi di cibo, alimenti avariati, gusci d'uovo, scarti di verdura e frutta, fondi di caffè, filtri di tè, lettiere di piccoli animali domestici, fiori recisi e piante domestiche, pane vecchio, salviette di carta unte, ceneri spente di caminetti, pasta, pesce, piccoli ossi UMIDO ORGANICO Cosa NO Pannolini e assorbenti, stracci anche se bagnati, borsine di plastica e tutti gli altri materiali riciclabili e non riciclabili bidoncino da 25 lt bidoncino da 7 lt Frazioni lunedì e venerdì dal 15/6 al 14/9 anche il mercoledì Cosa SI CARTA CARTONE e cartoni per bevande Giornali e riviste, libri, quaderni, tabulati, fotocopie e fogli vari, scatole per alimenti, imballaggi di cartone, carta e cartoncini in genere novità: cartoni per bevande Cosa NO Carta plastificata Roverbella giovedì ogni 15 giorni Frazioni giovedì ogni 15 giorni devono essere conferiti impilati e legati Cosa SI Roverbella mercoledì ogni 15 giorni Bottiglie, vasetti, bicchieri in vetro, contenitori e scatolette in banda stagnata, in alluminio, in metallo (tonno, pelati ed altro) VETRO alluminio e metalli Frazioni mercoledì ogni 15 giorni Cosa NO Lampadine e neon nel bidoncino blu Cosa SI Tutti gli imballaggi contrassegnati dai simboli PE, PET, PP, PVC, PS, bottiglie per bibite, flaconi per detersivi, shampoo, bagnoschiuma, confezioni sagomate (uova, ecc.), contenitori per alimenti, confezioni di merende, biscotti e alimenti in genere, borse della spesa, buste di surgelati e altri alimenti, film e pellicole per imballaggi, reggette, scatole e buste per abbigliamento, polistirolo imballaggi in PLASTICA Cosa NO nel sacco giallo Frazioni Venerdì ogni 15 giorni Oggetti in plastica e gomma (giocattoli, grucce per abiti, ecc.) Cosa SI Sfalci d’erba, fiori recisi, ramaglie, potature di alberi e siepi, residui vegetali da pulizia dell’orto Cosa NO Sfalci e potature Roverbella Venerdì ogni 15 giorni Nylon, sacchetti e cellophane, vasi in plastica presso il centro di raccolta di Roverbella “La Paesa” e di Canedole in strada cimitero RUBBISH Place it in the PURPLE SACK: rubber, audio and video tapes, CDs, plastic tableware, buckets, bowls, toys, pens, sponges, small plastic and Bakelite objects, carbon paper, beverage cartons, laminated and coated paper, nylon tights, broken pottery (plates, cups), babies’ nappies, make-up, hoover dust, electric light bulbs. Door-to-door collection ORGANIC WASTE There are 2 bins: A small 7l. one (that you can keep in the house) and a larger 25l. one. You can place either of these on the street for collection (on collection days only). If you wish you can keep the small bin for use inside the house. Place the organic waste in biodegradable or paper bags, closed properly. Door-to-door collection Kitchen food scraps, leftovers, bad food, eggshells, vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds, tea filters, excrement, cat litters, flowers, house plants, stale bread, dirty paper serviettes, fireplace ashes, pasta, fish, small bones. PAPER AND CARDBOARD, DRINK CARTONS Door-to-door collection They must be placed outside your door folded up and piled up. Small quantities of paper should be placed in old cardboard boxes. The material will be collected by TEA. Newspapers and magazines, books, notebooks, printouts, photocopies and sheets of paper, food boxes, cardboard packaging, paper and light cardboard in general. GLASS, ALUMINIUM AND METAL They are collected in the BLUE BIN. To avoid unpleasant smells, you should rinse the containers, particularly those that have contained food or liquids. Bottles, jars, glasses, tins and cans (for example for tuna, peeled tomatoes, etc...). Door-to-door collection PLASTIC PACKAGING They are collected in the YELLOW SACK. All the containers and bottles must be empty. All plastic bottles, such as for drinks, cleaning materials, shampoo and bath foam, shaped containers (eggs…). Food packaging, such as for snacks, biscuits and food in general, carrier bags, bags for frozen food, food wrapping and film, boxes and bags for clothes, polystyrene. Door-to-door collection DANGEROUS WASTE Household Waste Recycling Centre, Roverbella This waste must be brought to the Household Waste Recycling Centre in Roverbella (via Paesa, industrial area “La Paesa”). CONTAINERS FOR THE COLLECTION OF MEDICINES ARE AT THE CHEMISTS’. Medicines that are past their expiry date, phials for injections, disinfectants, syrups, pastilles, creams (without the cardboard packaging), staff or rectangular batteries, button batteries (such as for calculators, watches...), containers labelled as “T” and/or “F”, household products (nail polish remover, anti woodworm products, stain removers), DIY products (insulating materials, solvents, acids, adhesives). CLOTHING Knitwear, underwear, hats, bags, leather goods, pairs of shoes. In the street containers THE COLLECTION CENTRE What is it? The collection centre is equipped for properly disposing and recycling many types of material. Entrance is free and personnel at the centre will help you with any queries you may have or help you in disposing of waste correctly. Where you will find these centres ROVERBELLA: in Via Paesa in the “La Paesa” industrial area CANEDOLE: in Strada Cimitero What you can take ROVERBELLA: paper and packaging materials in cardboard, plastic and polystyrene, glass, voluminous items, wood, plants, garden waste, metals, refrigerators, television sets, aggregates, batteries, medicines, neon lamps, toner, edible oil, kitchen food waste, clothes, nappies/sanitary towels. CANEDOLE: paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, plants and garden waste, kitchen food waste, nappies.