Laconia Motorcycle Week is Here! CHANGE IN LOCATION OF
Laconia Motorcycle Week is Here! CHANGE IN LOCATION OF
June 10, 2016 - Edition #240 Don’t miss the fireworks show at Weirs Beach on June 15 from 10-11 pm! (Rain date June 16th) CHANGE IN LOCATION OF ZONING BOARD MEETING Please note that due to a scheduling conflict the June 20, 2016 Zoning Board meeting will be held at 7:00 pm in the Training Room at the Central Fire Station, 848 North Main Street in Laconia. Parking is available at the Fire Station and overflow parking is at the Opechee Park parking lot across the street. If you have any questions or for additional information, please call the Planning and Zoning Department at 527-1264. This will be a great opportunity for the Zoning Board and members of the public to see the newly renovated Fire Station! Welcome a weekly email to newsletter update devoted to keeping you informed of City of Laconia department news, City projects, useful links, activities and events! Look for a new edition of the newsletter each Friday. If you have already signed up to be on our distribution list to receive your newsletter by e-mail, thank you for your interest! If you would like to be added to our e-mail list (or to unsubscribe), please click here. As always, we welcome your ideas and comments as to what you would like to see included in future issues. Just give us a call in the City Manager’s office at 527-1270, or contact us by e-mail at [email protected] We look forward to keeping you up to date on our beautiful City! Laconia Motorcycle Week is Here! Get ready for the excitement of Motorcycle Week which this year runs from Saturday, June 11th through Sunday, June 19th. This year’s event promises to be an exciting one! Be sure to catch one of the big name musical acts or daily shows presented by LaconiaFest ( - new this year! - and located at the Drive-In. Please be sure to drive safely with the extra traffic on our roads! Laconia Public Library Upcoming Events….. Teen Movie Thursday, June 16th at 3 pm at Laconia Rotary Hall: "Eddie the Eagle", rated PG 13. Inspired by true events! “Skin Deep: Body Care Class” - Tuesday, June 14 at 7 pm in Laconia Rotary Hall Certified Holistic Health Coach Laura Walker will talk about the importance of what we put on our skin. She will demystify body care ingredients and discuss which ingredients to avoid and why. Participants will also take home a pocket guide to common ingredients one should avoid and a recipe and sample of the DIY whipped body butter she will make in class! Please bring a small container for a 2 ounce sample to take home. There will be prepackaged body butter ingredients available for purchase on the evening of the program so you can go home with all the supplies necessary for the body butter recipe. Pre-registration is required! Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards is an unlikely British ski-jumper. He never stopped believing in himself even when an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious coach, the lovable underdog wins the hearts of fans around the world by making an unforgettable showing at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Keeping the public updated and aware of what’s going on in our community and receiving residents’ feedback is an important goal of the City Council. Check each week’s issue of Laconia Links for a schedule of the upcoming week’s meetings. As agendas become available, they will be posted to the City’s website. You can also contact any of the City’s departments for more information on a meeting or to obtain a printed copy of the agenda. Meetings are open to the public. You are invited and encouraged to attend and provide input. Follow this link to the “Calendar” page of the City of Laconia’s website. Click on a specific meeting for more information. Please check the “Calendar” page often for updated info and changes. City Council Budget Presentation Water, Library & Assessing June 13, 2016, 6:00 pm City Hall, Room 200A City Council June 13, 2016, 7:00 pm City Hall, Room 200A Agenda Conservation Commission June 15, 2016, 6:00 pm City Hall, Room 200B Become involved in your City and make a difference! Laconia Airport Authority June 16, 2016, 4:00 pm Airport Conference Room Two new updates have been posted to the City’s website to keep you up-to-date and informed on what’s happening in your City! First, take a look at the updated Financial & Operational Trends report. In this document you’ll find financial information for the current year compared to prior years in several departments, such as fire and rescue call data, revenue from motor vehicle registrations and property taxes, police incidents, overtime costs and much more! Next, check out the current version of the Monthly Economic Development Report. This report contains information pertaining to Laconia’s unemployment rate and wages, as well as business and economic development partnerships. Contact the City Mgr’s office at 527-1270, or [email protected] Follow this link to our Tax Dept. for more info... PROPERTY TAX BILLS HAVE BEEN MAILED! Tax bills were mailed on May 27th. They are due on July 1st. Payments are accepted by mail and at the counter in City Hall during normal business hours. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30. For your convenience there is a drop slot located on the side door of City Hall. We are now accepting credit cards over the counter and online…. Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted. Convenience fees apply to all credit card transactions. Please call the Tax Office at 527-1269 if you have any questions. PLEASE HELP SAVE THE SEWER SYSTEM Your assistance is greatly appreciated! All Laconia households play a vital role in preventing neighborhood sewer system blockages. Please do your part to protect and maintain the City’s significant investment in the sanitary sewer collection system. Click here to find out what is not allowed to be disposed of in. the toilet or down the drain, and the proper way to dispose of such items. Questions? Please call Matt Mooney, DPW, at 528-6379, Extension 303. Get a Head Start on Independence Day with Inextinguishable Brass Taylor Community’s 2016 Concert Series continues Sunday, June 26 at 3 p.m. with a concert by Inextinguishable Brass, a dynamic group of young professional musicians. Based in Seacoast, New Hampshire, Inextinguishable Brass is comprised of Adam Gallant and Greg Bechtold, trumpet; Jennifer Larson, horn; Claude Fried, trombone and Ben Stadelmann, tuba. The event is free and open to the public and will be held at Taylor Community’s Woodside Building. It is generously being sponsored by Barbara and Tom Madden. Committed to performing brass literature at the highest artistic level and providing educational outreach to the community, the group will highlight a variety of music, including some good old fashioned patriotic classics, just in time for Independence Day! June 18—September 24 River Crew Art Exhibit at the Belknap Mill River Crew Art, a local art and photography program will display their exhibit “Creative Recovery” from June 13th – July 14th at the Belknap Mill in Laconia. River Crew Art was founded in 2011 by Elaine Morrison and Dick Smith. Its members, who struggle with homelessness, addiction and mental illness, express their creativity through media including painting, pottery and photography. This painting by Elaine Morrison entitled “The Invisibles” shows River Crew Art members planting Mark's Garden. The public sees only the beautiful flowers choosing not to see the homeless. Morrison and Smith both have extensive experience with at-risk population. Morrison is a retired special education and integrated arts teacher as well as an artist. Her work includes a collection of original military art honoring all veterans. She has participated in cultural art exchanges traveling to Brazil, Alaska and Haiti. Morrison currently volunteers sharing her artistic skills with students at Pleasant Street School. Smith, a native of Laconia, is a retired licensed clinical social worker who spent more than 40 years working with homeless people with acute medical situations. For the last five years of his career, Smith worked with HIV/AIDS patients in Connecticut where he developed a positive-psychology photography program to compliment the mental health and substance abuse treatment the patients were receiving. One of the goals of River Crew Art is positive recognition from the community. This exhibit affords its members the opportunity to receive feedback which builds on their self-worth, competence and confidence. The exhibit runs Monday thru Friday, June 13th – July 14th from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. A reception will be held on Thursday, June 16th from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. and is open to the public. For more information please contact Jennifer McLean, Events & Program Coordinator, The Belknap Mill at [email protected] or 524-8813. Click Here! Herbal Pathfinder Series June 18, 2016 10:00 am - 12:30 pm Foray into the wild and tame world of herbs in this very fun educational class series! Click here to register. A Medication Collection and Disposal Box is located in the lobby of the Laconia Police Department for your convenience in disposing of old or unused prescription drugs in a safe manner. Open 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk. The collection box is accessible 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week! Property Tax Credit Forms DP-8 forms are now available in the Assessing Office. The deadline for filing is June 30. This form applies to the Low/ Moderate income homeowner’s property tax credit. This program offered by the State refunds the state education tax portion of the tax rate to qualifying owners. Call the Assessing Office at 527-1268 with questions or for additional information. Deadline Approaching to Register For GOT LUNCH! Laconia GOT LUNCH! Laconia, a summer healthy lunch program that delivers healthy groceries directly to the child’s home every Monday morning will begin deliveries June 20th. June 13th is the deadline to receive the June 20th delivery. The program runs each Monday through August 22nd, with the exception of Tuesday, July 5th because of the holiday. You may begin participating at anytime but new registrations close one week before each delivery date. All Laconia school age children are eligible. Although our target population is those families who qualify for ‘free and reduced’ lunches at the school, it is NOT a requirement for participation. If you need the help feeding your children/child this summer, this program is designed for you. GOT LUNCH! Laconia does not want any child to go hungry this summer. Each year we require a new registration form for you to participate, even if you participated last year. For more information about the program or to register go to our website: or call Paula Gile at 524-0668. Registration form are also available at all of Laconia schools and at the Congregational Church of Laconia’s office at 18 Veterans Square. Registration forms can be returned to any of the schools or mailed to GOT LUNCH! Laconia, 18 Veterans Square, Laconia, NH 03246. NOTICE City of Laconia Hilliard Road Brush Dump WILL BE CLOSED ON MOTORCYCLE WEEKEND FRIDAY, JUNE 17th and SATURDAY, JUNE 18th Questions? Please call Ann at the Public Works Department, 528-6379, Ext. 300 Early Childhood Summer Series Making Connections: Creating a Toolbox for Thinking Outside the Box This four session series designed for providers in early childhood includes: Family & Relationships by Jeanine Fitzgerald - July 13, 2016 - Family Resource Center Curriculum by Laconia School District Staff - July 27, 2016 - Pleasant Street School Child Development by Jeanine Fitzgerald - August 10, 2016 - MVSB Café/Huot Career Center Intentional Language by Scott Noyes - September 14, 2016 - MVSB Café/Huot Career Center Sessions will be held from 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Participants will leave with a tool box of resources to support their work in Early Childhood! SPONSORED BY: BelknapMerrimack Head Start June 13, 2016, 6:00 pm: Water, Library & Assessing June 20, 2016, 7:00 pm: Planning, Code, DPW, Finance and Administration All meetings are held at City Hall, 45 Beacon St. East, Laconia Room 200A June 27, 2016, 6:00 pm: General Budget Discussion Meetings are open to the public - be involved in how the City spends its tax dollars! Questions? Call the City Manager’s Office at 527-1270 It doesn't take a big donation to make a big impact. $10 might not seem like it'll help that much, but if you donate $10 and so do your family, friends and neighbors, that makes a HUGE impact in the lives of the abused, homeless, and neglected animals waiting for their forever homes at the NH Humane Society. Our June goal is to get 2,500 of our many friends like you to donate $10. Can we rely on you to support the daily care of the animals at the shelter? Your $10 will help with their basic needs; food, shelter and love. The Assessing staff is continuing to update sales and building permits for the 2016 tax year. If you have received a letter requesting an appointment to review your property but have not yet contacted us, there is still time. Please give us a call at 527-1268 to set up an appointment Monday through Friday to update your property. It just takes a few minutes of your time! Thank you for your assistance! CORNER Don’t forget ! ServiceLink Resource Center (1-866-634-9412 or 528-6945)….it’s the first number to call for CITY OF LACONIA PHONE DIRECTORY Assessing ................................ 527-1268 Assistant Assessor - Deb Derrick City Clerk .................................. 527-1265 City Clerk - Mary Reynolds Enjoy our great weather and get outside! Here are some great reasons why walking is so good for you: 1. 2. 3. 4. Strengthens your heart Lowers disease risk Helps you lose weight Helps avoid dementia City Manager ............................ 527-1270 City Manager - Scott Myers Code Enforcement.................... 527-1293 Asst. Planning & Zoning Dir. - Brandee Loughlin Finance .................................... 524-3877 Finance Director - Donna Woodaman Licensing .................................. 528-6331 Licensing Clerk - Cheryl Hebert Planning & Comm. Dev. ........... 527-1264 Asst. Planning & Zoning Dir. - Brandee Loughlin Tax ........................................... 527-1269 Tax Collector - Lindsey Allen Check next week’s issue for more reasons to get those feet moving!! Welfare ..................................... 527-1267 Laconia Senior Center is located at 17 Church Street in Laconia. Questions? Call 524-7689 Fire Dept. (Central Station) ...... 524-6881 Fire Dept. (Weirs Station) ........ 366-2229 Welfare Specialist - Suzi McCormack Welfare Director - Donna Woodaman Fire Chief - Ken Erickson Library ...................................... 524-4775 Library Director - Randy Brough Parks & Recreation................... 524-5046 Parks & Rec. Director - Kevin Dunleavy Personnel ................................. 524-3877 We hope you have enjoyed this Edition of Personnel Administrator - Paula Baumoel Police (Administration) ............. 524-5257 Police (Crime Line) .................. 524-1717 Police Chief - Christopher Adams Public Works (Main Office) ....... 528-6379 Public Works (Transfer Station) 528-5822 We welcome your input, comments and suggestions! Feel free to contact us at the City Manager’s office, 527-1270, or by e-mail at [email protected] Have a great weekend! Scott Myers, City Manager City’s Website: Public Works Director - Paul Moynihan Water........................................ 524-0901 Superintendent - Seth Nuttelman City Council Contact Info: Mayor Edward Engler ............... 630-4484 Ava Doyle (Ward 1) .................. 393-6533 David Bownes (Ward 2) ............ 524-4330 Henry Lipman (Ward 3) ............ 528-0191 Brenda Baer (Ward 4) .............. 524-6349 Robert Hamel (Ward 5) ............ 524-6360 Armand Bolduc (Ward 6) .......... 524-2514 E-mail: [email protected] Visit the City’s website at:
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