Phi Dip fhWp - Oceanic Time Warner Cable
Phi Dip fhWp - Oceanic Time Warner Cable
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTERJ2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by AIflt)dJ during the above-referenced calendar quarter that j.S q-’iy-Jj-nJa---- were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by dii; ,as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] 1\LJftO I hereby declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this , day of cip(LQ nature Phi Dip fhWp / VP Name Title ,2013. . •.. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMlUNG CERTIFICATES Sun Sports hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 \ Timlvy Programming Director y • • 4•-. t I •“ TJE 1211 Avenue oftheAmericas, 15th Floor NewYork, NY 10036 Phone 212.301.5110 Fax 212.301.5785 [email protected] A N EWS Miriam A. Otero Media Counsel Legal & Business Affairs July8,2013 Via Regular Mail and Email Janelle Z. Lindstrom Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon, VA 20171 Re: Children’s Television Act of 1990 and Closed Captioning Quarter 2 (2013) (April 1, 2013 June 30, 2013) — Dear Ms. Hill: The Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network (collectively, “Fox News”), as a standard practice, do not format or air any children’s programs and/or stories and therefore are in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission pertaining thereto. With regard to closed captioning, as you know, the FCC holds video programming distributors (as opposed to programmers) responsible for compliance with the closed captioning rules. Accordingly, Fox News is under no obligation to demonstrate that it is in compliance with the closed captioning obligations. However, as a courtesy to Time Warner, Fox News hereby notifies you that Fox News is in compliance with all closed captioning benchmarks, rules, and regulations promulgated by the FCC. Unless we notif you otherwise in writing, you may rely on this certification for Fox News being in compliance with the FCC’s’ closed captioning requirements that apply in future calendar quarters. Very truly yours, FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLC 1 A NEWS CORPORATION COMPANY amA. ero 7580 GOLF CHANNEL DRIVE ORLANDO, FL 32819 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTER (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that as a standard practice, The Golf Channel formats and airs the following children’s programs and series so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) does not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission: NONE I further certify that I have been designated by The Golf Channel as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits and I am familiar with the relevant Regulations. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this _day of July, 2013. _Lcq GOLTV, INC. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of GoITV, Inc., I hereby certify that GoITV, and any applicable HD and VOD services, has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission promulgated there under for the second quarter of 2013. You may rely on this certification for the upcoming calendar quarters of 2013. Specifically, G0ITV did not broadcast any children’s programming during the seond quarter of 2013, and will continue to do so for the remainder of 2013. This certification is executed on June 26, 2013. E Signature: ( Ródrigo Lombello Chief Executive Officer I I I I 1666 John F. Kennedy Causeway, Suite #402 North Bay Village, FL 33141 Tel.: 305.864.9799 Fax: 305.864.7299 CroWnMedia FAMILY NETWORKS ‘+‘&NEL CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTER 2013 This is to certify that Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movie Channel did not carry any children’s programming as described in the Children’s Television Act of 1990 during the second quarter of 2013. Executed this 1st day of July, 2013. Charles Stanford Executive Vice President Legal and Business Affairs and General Counsel Crown Media Holdings, Inc. CrownMedia UNITED STATES A Crown Media Holdings, Inc. Company Leslie Park [email protected] 12700 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604 Ph: 818.755.1217 Fx: 818.755.2461 insp\ Children’s Programming Certification This is to certify that The Inspirational Network as a standard practice, formats and airs the following children’s programs and series so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails) is less than 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during quarter ending 6130/2013. Time Program Name Proaram Lenath All children’s programming was discontinued effective May 1, 2009. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct. &LiiL, Phyls L. Costner &kLIc Director of Network Compliance Legal and Business Affairs 3000 WoridReach Drive Indian Land, SC 29707 phone 803-578-1000 fax 803-578-1727 jnsp \. Children’s Programming Certification This is to certify that The Inspirational Network as a standard practice, formats and airs the following children’s programs and series so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails) is less than 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during quarter ending 6130/201.3. Proaram Name Time Proaram Lenath All children’s programming was discontinued effective May 1, 2009. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct. Phyls L. Costner Director of Network Compliance Legal and Business Affairs 3000 WoridReach Drive Indian Land, Sc 29707 phone 803-578-1000 fax 803-578-1727 I. Children’s Programming Certification This is to certify that the La Familia Cosmovision as a standard practice, formats and airs the following children’s programs and series so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails) is less than 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during quarter ending 6/30/2013. Program Name Time Program Length La Familia Cosmovision did not air any children’s programming during Q2 2013. (Times are Eastern Standard Time.) I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct. Phyll L. Costner Director of Network Compliance Legal and Business Affairs 3000 WoridReach Dr. Indian Land, Sc 29707 phone 803-578-1000 803-578-1727 fax Cff[LDRENS PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTER/2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGB JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by 1cc& during the above-referenced calendar, quarter that Nc.LjU-r\L were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by o 1 I5e;’ L- as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this O day of .Signà1. ,ij,- Name Title , 2013. Ui. 1. 2:59PM) No, Q231 P. 1 july 1, 2013 Janelle Z. Lindstrom Sr. Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Dr Herndon, VA 20171 RE: Children’s Programming CertIficatIon —2nd Quarter 2013 and serIes aired by Jewelry This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs originally produced and broadcast Television during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were rd practice, we formatted and primarily for an audience of children [2 years old and under. As a standa that the total commercial time aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so and ad,jacent ads running before or after (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs s per hour on weekends, and 12 the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10,5 minute en’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules minutes per hour on weekdays, In compliance with the Childr ), (the Regulations”). and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC” (including local ad None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots g before or after the program avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads runnin actors from, or that offered within the same clock hour) that contained reference to, characters or es In which the children’s products related to, the underlying program or series. Any Instanc ce calendar quarter are explained in programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referen y Television as the official detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by Jewelr mming commercial limits, and I responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s progra am familIar with the Regulations. Network exempt—W Shopping Network true and correct. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is ‘this 1st day of July, 2013 Burt VP DIstribution, Jewelry Television 9600 Parkside Drive • Knoxviue, TN 37922 loweirytele vision. corn 06/25/2013 10:35 BLAZER MEDIA GROUP 0163809232 PAGE CmLDREN’s jRiGRAMMThIG CERTICAflON $COND OUARTERIIND (AflIL 1,2013 TJfflOU’H JUNE 30. 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by iJ...C. during the above-refrrenced calendar quarter that -. were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the cluidren’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads rxmning before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compilance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulatizns”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs arid .djacent ads numing before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by as the official responsibJe for oversight of compliance .h..-ni LLCwith the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. -- (List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] ç, cir%30t 3 tA9ktO%- I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ExecutedthisjS dx. Li dayof Signature fli4 J t.A C i. i v r- r LLJ( Name . Title -w--”. : t.a___ ,2013. 02/03 JUL—09—2013 15:43 P.002 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND OUARTERI2ND (APRIL L 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30.. 20131 This is to certify that the List set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by JC(T cjp,tL4? during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads nmning before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails 3 promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running bcforc or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarterj ‘1V •c ooHoci ‘f)f’tMA /<‘,.iott&A4rc’h) T(c Aa.poirr flY ix 1 3 /CE, *jjç VIty I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 5 e 9 Exe s dih tdyf ZJ5prt Signature f°f,eA,.r.n / i 4 //-f’ ame 1 yP Title 5 1 ,2013. JUN—26—2013 WED 02:24 PH FAX NO. NETWORKS NAME; KinQNe Coroorétion. dibla NWCN Address: 333 Dext Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109 E-Mail Address; Mloranori rlwcni corn Phone Number: 206.449 39 Fax Number; 206.44841 95 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMl$ CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the NWCN pr4ç children’s programming as defined ue Federal Communications Commission, matter per hour on the weekends, anc4 on weekdays during children’s prograr$i Television Act of 1990. The following during the 2nd Quarter of 2013. - SECOND QUARTER 2013 amming service (the ‘Service”), to the extent it airs er 47 CFR 76.255 of the rules and regulation of the has aired no more than 10.5 minutes of commercial o more than 12 minutes of commercial matter per hour ing, and is otherwise in compliance with the Children’s ets forth children’s programming aired on the Service Children’s Prooran’ 1 ma Aired Durina 2nd Quarter 2013 NONE I hereby declare under penalty of periup that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 1st day of July, 2013. / - Signature: ‘I.. 1 1 / Xcz Name: Wayn Title; News Dfr’ tar. NWCN Janelle Z. Lindstrom Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon,VA 20171 Fax: 704-945-1298 P. 02 07/09/2013 10:26 12124654169 MADISON SQ GARDEN PAGE 01/01 es MEDIA MA(.I:N ‘61F9 tAIzN July9,20i3 VIA FACSIMILE — (704’i 945-1293 Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Hemdon, VA 20171 Attu: Sancho Z. Lindstrom Paralegal, Reguiatory Re: certification of Compliance With Childrens Television Proanmmg Ociarter 2013 2 n d — Dear Ms. Lindsixom.: You have recently requested information from us to assist you in your record keeping obligations respecting the commercial limitations imposed on children’s programming by the Children’s Television Act. We hereby advise you that for the period April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, none of MSG or MSC3 Pius programming was originally produced and broadcast primarily lbr an audience of children 12 years old and under, and therefore the FCC limits on commercial time as contained in 47 C.F.R. Section 76.225 do not apply to any of MSG or MSG Plus programming for such period. We trust that this satisfies your request. 9 Sincerely Kelly Congdon Director, Affiliate Sales Ops cc: it ELEVEN A. Levine K. Sardo PENNE;YLv.ANgA PLAZA 3RD FLOOR NEW YORK.. NY OQOI NETWORK NAME: Address: MavTV 302 N. Sheridan St. Corona, CA 92880 Phone Number: 951-493-1195 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION-SECOND QUARTER 2013 This is to certify that the MavTV programming service (the “Service”) for the Second quarter of 2013 has not contained, nor will it contain, any children’s programming, as defined under the Children’s Television Act of 1990, 47 CFR 76.225 and the rules and regulation of the Federal Communications Commission. In the event that the Service includes any children’s programming on its schedule after the date hereof, the Service will provide in writing, by the tenth day following the end of the calendar quarter in which such children’s programming is added, a description of such programming specifying the dates and time of transmission and the duration of the “commercial matter” included therein. Children’s Programming Aired During Second Quarter 2013 None I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 8th day of July 2013. MAVTV By: Its: Accountant NETWORK’S NAME: Multimedios Television Address: Paricutmn 316 Sur. Col. Roma. CP 64700 Monterrey, Nuevo LeOn, Mexico Phone Number: +52 (81) 8881-9991 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION - SECOND QUARTER 2013 This is to certify that the Multimedios TelevisiOn programming service (the “Service”), to the extent it airs children’s programming as defined under 47 CFR 76.255 of the rules and regulation of the Federal Communications Commission, has aired no more than 10.5 minutes of commercial matter per hour on the weekend, and no more than 12 minutes of commercial matter per hour on weekdays during children’s programming, and is otherwise in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990. The following sets forth children’s programming aired on the Service during the 2 Quarter of 2013 (April, May, June). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying programs or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. - - - - Children’s Programming Aired During Second Quarter 2013 La Casita de las Munequitas Tiempo Mágico El Show de Bely y Beto Juguetes I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the Signature: Name: Title: — correct. Executed this 9” day of July, 2013 NETWORK’S NAME: Milenio Television Address: Paricutin 316 Sur. Cot. Roma. CP 64700 Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Phone Number: ÷52 (81) 8881-9991 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING — PERPETUAL CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the Milenio TelevisiOn programming service (the “Service”) does not currently contain any children’s programming as defined under 47 CFR 76.255 of the rules and regulation of the Federal Communications Commission. In the event that the Service includes any children’s programming on its schedule after the date hereof, the Service will provide in writing, by the tenth day following the end of the calendar quarter in which such children’s programming is added, a description of such programming specifying the dates and time of transmission and the duration of the “commercial matter” included therein. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 9th day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Title: Legal NETWORK’S NAME: Teleritmo Address: Paricutin 316 Sur. Col. Roma. CP 64700 Monterrey, Nuevo LeOn, Mexico Phone Number: +52 (81) 8881-9991 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING PERPETUAL CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the Teleritmo programming service (the “Service”) does not currently contain any children’s programming as defined under 47 CFR 76.255 of the rules and regulation of the Federal Communications Commission. In the event that the Service includes any children’s programming on its schedule after the date hereof, the Service will provide in writing, by the tenth day following the end of the calendar quarter in which such children’s programming is added, a description of such programming specifying the dates and time of transmission and the duration of the “commercial matter” included therein. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 9th day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: CP. Title Legal epresentative anuel Cisneros OUTDOOR CHANNEL. 43445 Business Park Drive, Ste. 103 Temecula, CA 92590 800-770-5750 951 -699-6991 . Fax 951-699-6313 CHILDREN’ S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION 2’ OUARTER (APRIL 1, 2013 throuh JUNE 30. 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by Outdoor Channel during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communication Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I am the official responsible for oversight of compliance with FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] No Children’s Programming Aired I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. of July 2013. d t Ets1s Signature Randy Brown Name EVP, Affiliate Sales & Marketing Title CTI ZI-IONG TIAN CHANNEL hereby certifies that it is exempt from all Children’s Programming benchmarks, rules and regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission because our company does not broadcast any children program. Unless we notify you otherwise in writing, you may rely on this certification for Children’s Programming exemption from the Federal Communications Commission’s Children’s Programming requirements that apply in future calendar quarters. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 2 quarter of year 2013 (April Pt, 2013 THROUGH June 30, 2013) CTI ZHONG TIAN CHANNEL PTV Network (USA), Inc. 4 By: (Signature) Andy Chuang (Name) General Manager (Title) PTV Network (USA), Inc. 1255 Corporate Center Drive Suite 212 Monterey Park CA 91754 T323•415OO68 F323•415•0038 07/01/2013 MON 919 FAX 484 701 6386 QVC—Legal 001/Q02 lawrcncc r. hayes senior VIce President and General Counsel p. 464.701.8192 f. 484.7011021 QVC Larry.hayesqvtcom Via Fax 704-945-1298 July 1,2013 Ms. Janelle Z. Lindstrom Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable Inc. 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Hemdon, VA 10023 Dear Ms. Lindstrom: In response to your recent request, this is to certify that QVC, Inc., a cable network, had no programs originally produced or broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under during the calendar quarter ended June 30, 2013. Accordingly, none of QVC’s programming during such quarter constituted “children’s programming” as defined by Section 73.660 of the FCC’s rules, and, therefore, none were subject to the commercialization limits imposed on children’s programming. (See 47 C.F.R., Section 73.660). To the extent we should decide, in the future, to include any children’s programming on our schedule, we would, of course, comply with all pertinent FCC requirements and would, at that time, notify you of the programming change. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, QVC Studio Park West Chester, PA 1 Mail Code 207 1 19320-4262 I 484.701.1000 I 07/01/2813 2013639241 15:33 RMG PAGE CHILDREN’S PROG1SMMIN( CERTffICA3J SECOND C)UARTERI2NI) (APRIL 1,2013 THRQII(W.JT)Ttt. 30. 201$ (Ru This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by (T1-&€C.. L t C during the above-referenced calendar quarter that grbc)P. were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted arid aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the PCC children’s programming commercial limits, arid I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] 5€. € I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed this - - &t€c, Zy, 2013. I day of C17- Signature ttZ. r’eT Name uiieT’ ss Ss’ Title M 02/84 07/01/2013 15:33 2013639241 RMG RUSSIAN TELEVISION NETWORK OP AMERICA A DIVISXON OP RUSSIAN MflPIA GROUP, LLC 1 Bridge Plan North, Suite 145, Port Lee, NJ 07024 Phone: 201/441-5220 ?C 111 Paat 201/363-9241 CHILDREN’S PRQGRAMMtNG Q2 2013 April 2013 4/11/13 12:50 am - cartoons no commercials insid e or or adjacent ads running before or after 4/17/13 11:30 pm cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after 4/26/13 12:50 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after - - - - - May 2013 5/09/13 12:23 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after 5/12/13 5:50 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after 5/18/13 5:52 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after 5/26/13 5:50 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after 5/29/13 5:46 am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads running before or after - - - - - - - June 2013 6/12/13 5:51 running before 6/16/13 4:43 running before - - - - - am cartoons no commercials insid e or or adjacent ads or after am cartoons no commercials inside or or adjacent ads or after - - PAGE 03/04 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING EXEMPTION CERTIFICATION SECOND OUARTER 2013 This is to certify that Saigon Broadcasting Television Network (“SBTN”), is exempt from all children’s advertising limits, rules and regulations promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission because of the following reasons: The program is broadcasted in Vietnamese language solely. Unless we notify you otherwise in writing, you may rely on this certification for compliance with the FCC’s closed captioning requirements that apply in future calendar quarters. Unless we notify you otherwise in writing, you may rely on this certification for future compliance with the FCC’s closed captioning requirements that apply in future calendar quarters. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this July 2, 2013. By P1111 DO NGUYEN Vice President (Title) Jul. 9. 2Q13 1:52PM SCOLA 712—566—2502 No. 4839 P. 2 ChILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND OUARTERI2t3j (APRIL L 2013 ThROUGH JtKE 30.2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by during the above-referenced calendar quarter that SCOTA were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educationai programs and adjacent ads rurming before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial lirn.its were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by - as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] scotp is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. SCQLA does not run comniertia1 advertisements. SCOLP does not originate children’s programming on the SCOLA network I hereby declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and contct. Executedthis S dayof Signature Peter Hejfljpke Name dr. Title July ,2013. COOKING CHANNEL CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of Cooking Channel, LLC, I hereby certify that Cooking Channel, LLC has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, Cooking Channel, LLC did j broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary DIV NETWORK CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of DIY Network, I hereby certify that DIY Network has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, DIY Network did broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this 2’’ day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary FOOD NETWORK CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of Food Network, I hereby certify that Food Network has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, Food Network did broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this nd 2 day of July, 2013. Signature: 2 , 7 Y Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary GREAT AMERICAN COUNTRY CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of Great American Country, I hereby certify that Great American Country has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, Great American Country did broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this 2 day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary HOME & GARDEN TELEVISION CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of Home & Garden Television, I hereby certify that Home & Garden Television has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, Home & Garden Television did broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this 2’ day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary TRAVEL CHANNEL CfflLDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION On behalf of Travel Channel, Thereby certify that Travel Channel has fully complied with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) promulgated thereunder for the Second Quarter of 2013. Specifically, Travel Channel did broadcast any children’s programming during the Second Quarter of 2013. This certification was executed this 2h1( day of July, 2013. Signature: Name: Cynthia L. Gibson Title: EVP, CLO & Corporate Secretary CHILDREN’ S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND OUARTERI2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by Si TV during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certifr that I have been designated by Si1V as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarterj I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this - - day of Signature Ne Title ,2013. June 25, 2013 Time Warner Cable Inc. 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon, VA 20171 ATTN: Ms. Janelle Lindstrom Re: Children ‘s Television Act of 1990 Dear Janelle: This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the Federal Communications Commission’s regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of SNY (which service is owned and operated by Sterling Entertainment Enterprises, LLC) (“SportsNet”). This is to certify that, for the quarter ended June 30, 2013, SNY was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and did not televise more than 10.5 minutes of commercial material per hour on the weekends nor more than 12 minutes per hour on weekdays during children’s programming (including local ad avails that you may insert under our Affiliation Agreement). Best regards, Steve Raab President cc: Affiliate File SIZ. Starz Entertainment, LLC 1 8900 Liberty Circle Engewood, Co 80112 T 720.852.7700 STARZ.COM ENTERTAINMENT July 2,2013 VIA FACSIMILE: 704-414-9401 AND U.S. MAIL Olivia Hill Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable Inc. 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon,VA 20171 Dear Ms.Hill: Pursuant to your request for Starz Entertainment, LLC’ s (“STE”) Children’s Television Certification, I am enclosing the appropriate certificate of compliance in accordance with the cable operator’s public record-keeping requirements for The Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and 47 CFR §76.225 and 76.1703, thus satisfying such requirements for the second quarter of 2013. STE does not air commercial matter on any of the channels it operates and provides to Time Warner Cable, including Encore, Encore Drama, Encore Love, Encore Suspense, Encore Action, Encore Family, Encore Westerns, Encore On Demand, Starz, Starz InBiack, Starz Cinema, Starz Edge, Starz Comedy, Starz Kids & Family, Starz On Demand, Encore HD, Starz HD, Starz Edge HD, Starz Comedy HD, Starz Kids & Family HD, MoviePlex On Demand, MoviePlex, IndiePlex and RetroPlex. The accompanying certification attests to these channels’ full and complete compliance with the Act and the FCC’s corresponding regulations, as set forth at 47 CFR §76.225. Please contact Todd Hoy, Senior Counsel, Business & Legal Affairs Distribution, at 720-852-6266 if you have any questions regarding this matter. - Sincerely yours, STARZ ENTERTAINMENT, LLC By: &chard Waysdorf “ Senior Vice President, B RW:th Enclosure cc: Christine Carrier ess & Legal Affairs — Distribution STARZ ENTERTAINMENT, LLC’S CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATE Starz Entertainment, LLC is the owner and operator of the following programming channels distributed by cable television systems: Encore, Encore Drama, Encore Love, Encore Suspense, Encore Action, Encore Family, Encore Westerns, Encore On Demand, Starz, Starz InBiack, Starz Cinema, Starz Edge, Starz Comedy, Starz Kids & Family, Starz On Demand, Encore HD, Starz HD, Starz Edge HD, Starz Comedy HD, Starz Kids & Family HD, MoviePlex On Demand, MoviePlex, IndiePlex and RetroPlex. This is to certify that, for the period from April 1, 2013, through June 30, 2013, the foregoing channels, which are all commercial-free premium channels, did not contain any “commercial matter” during any children’s programming that was aired on such channels. See 47 CFR §76.225. I hereby declare that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 2nd day of July, 2013. STARZ ENTERTAINMENT, LLC ichard Waysdorf Senior Vice President Business & Legal Affairs — Distribution TELEMUNDO th 2470 West 8 Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33010 TELEMUNDO NETWORK GROUP, LLC CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CLOSED CAPTIONING REQUIREMENTS FROM APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 I, Javier Maynulet, Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Telemundo Network, LLC (the “Network’), hereby certify that the Network complied with the closed captioning requirements during this calendar quarter for new, nonexempt, Spanish-language programming in compliance with the closed captioning rules of the Federal Communications Commission (47 C.F.R. §79.1, et seq.). -‘ Javier Maynulet / Senior Vice Pre*ient, Finance & Chief Financial Officer Telemundo Network Group Date: C’ - TELEMUNDO NE1WORK GROUP, LLC CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITh CHILDREN’S TELEVISION COMMERCIAL LIMITS IN PROGRAMMING FURNISHED BY TELEMUNDO NETWORK FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 1, 2013 ThROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 Telemundo Network Group, LLC (uTelemundol) broadcast the following programs primarily for children 12 years old and under during this calendar quarter on the dates and times indicated below: DATE(S) OF BROADCAST PROGRAM NAME Raggs Jay Jay the Jet Plane Jay Jay the Jet Plane Lazytown Raggs Raggs Noodle and Doodle Lazytown TIMES OF BROADCAST (ETIPT) AMOUNT OF COMMERCIAL MATTER IN PROGRAMS FURNISHED BY TELEMUNDO NETWORK (minutes_per half hour) Saturdays 411-6130113 Saturdays 4/1-6/30/13 8:00-8:30 am 8:30-9:00 am 2.0 2.0 Saturdays 411 -6/30/13 9:00-9:30 am 2.0 Saturdays 411-613C113 9:30-1 0:00 am 2.0 Sundays 4/1-6130/13 Sundays 411-6130/13 Sundays 4/1-6130/13 8:00-8:30 am 8:30-9:00 am 9:00-9:30 am 2.0 2.0 2.0 Saturdays 411-6130113 9:30-1 0:00 am 2.0 I certify that the regularly-scheduled children’s programming and promotional content furnished to you by the Telemundo Network during the 2 quarter of 2013 contained the amount of commercial matter set forth above and complied with the commercial limits of the Children’s Television Act and 47 C.F.R. § §73.670 (a)-(d). The commercial minutes set forth above do not include any local advertising or promotional matter that you may have added to the children’s programming. Each station must determine its compliance with the commercial limits by combining the commercial minutes set forth above with any commercial matter added by the station. Name: Viviane E. Roura Title: Finance Director Telemundo Network Group, LLC Date: 7/3/13 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CHILDREN’S TELEVISION COMMERCIAL LIMITS IN PROGRAMMING FURNISHED BY EXITOS NETWORK FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 Exitos Network (“Exitos) broadcast the following programs primarily for children 12 years old arid under during this calendar quarter on the dates and times indicated below: PROGRAM NAME budley the i)ragon Dudley the Dragon Dudley the Dragon Salsa Salsa Finley the Fire Engine DATE(S) OF BROADCAST TIMES OF BROADCAST (ETIPT) AMOUNT OF COMMERCIAL MATTER IN PROGRAMS FURNISHED BY EXITOS NETWORK (minutes per half hour) Sundays 4/1-6130113 10:00am 6.45 Sundays 411-6130113 10:30am 6.45 Sundays 4/1-6130/13 11:00am 6.45 Sundays 4/1-6/30113 Sundays 4/1-6130/13 Sundays 411 -6/30I13 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 6.45 6.45 6.45 I certify that the regularly-scheduled children’s programming and promotional content furnished to you by the Exitos Network during the 2 quarter of 2013 contained the amount of commercial matter set forth above and complied with the commercial limits of the Children’s Television Act and 47 C.F.R. § §73.670 (a)-(d). The commercal minutes set forth above do not include any local advertising or promotional matter that you may have added to the children’s programming. Each station must determine its compliance with the commercial limits by combining the commercial minutes set forth above with any commercial matter added by the station. Name: Viviane Roura Title: Finance Director Telemundo Network Group, LLC Date: •1 •i ._II7 WAPA America CERTIFICATION REGARDING COMMERCIAL LIMITS 2nd. Quarter 2013 During the above referenced quarter, the following television programs were carried by WAPA America that was originally produced for an audience of children 12 years old and younger: Atención Atención Each episode of Atención Atención is 30 minutes in length. As a standard practice, each 30 minute episode accommodates up to 5.25 minutes of commercial time. WAPA America inserts 5.25 minutes of commercial material into each episode, which includes the commercial material that cable systems may replace with their own commercial material. WAPA America provided the program on the following days. April Saturdays —6, 13, 20, 27 Atención Atención 8:OOAM—8:3OAM Atención Atención 8:30 AM 9:00 AM — Sundays—7, 14,21,28 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 8:3OAM—9:OOAM — Atención Atención Atención Atención ii Saturdays—4, 11, 18,25 Atención AtenciOn 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Atención Atención 8:3OAM—9:OOAM — Sundays—5, 12. 19,26 8:OOAM—8:3OAM 8:30AM—9:00AM Atención Atención AtenciOn Atención June Saturdays— 1,8, 15,22,29 Atención Atencióri 8:OOAM—8:3OAM Atención Atención 8:3OAM—9:OOAM Sundays 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Atención Atención 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Atención Atención 8:30 AM 9:00 AM — 2g5)27 Animal Atlas rd practice. each 30 minute Each episode of Animal Atlas is 30 minutes in length. As a standa America inserts 5.25 WAPA episode accommodates up to 5.25 minutes of commercial time. es the commercial material that minutes of commercial material into each episode, which includ WAPA America provided the cable systems may replace with their own commercial material. program on the following days. April Saturdays 6, 13, 20, 27 AnimalAtlas 9:OOAM—9:3OAM Animal Atlas 9:30AM 10:00 AM — — Sundays—7, 14. 21,28 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30AM 10:00 AM — — Animal Atlas Animal Atlas Saturdays —4,11, 18,25 Animal Atlas 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Animal Atlas 9:30AM— 10:00 AM — Sundays—5, 12, 19,26 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30AM 10:00 AM — — Animal Atlas Animal Atlas June Saturdays— 1,8,15,22,29 Animal Atlas 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Animal Atlas 9:30AM 10:00 AM — — Sundays —2,9. 16,23,30 AmmalAtlas 9:OOAM—9:3OAM Animal Atlas 9:30AM 10:00 AM — the number of commercial WAPA America hereby certifies that: (i) this certification reports America network during the 2nd minutes included in each children’s program carried on the WAPA a listed program within or adjacent to that quarter of 2013; (ii) it did not place advertising related to or adjacent to the listed programs. program; and (iii) it did not display any website addresses within June26,2013 29527 Programming Coordinator WAPA-TV CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTER/2ND (APRIL 1. 2013 THROUGH JIJNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by I 144 4&’ I J(EA1S during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter arpIained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by 1\JE\Ms as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this9..d? day o/QJ ignatu NaiE7 Title - , 2013. July 2nd, 2013 Re: 2nd Quarter Children’s Programming Certification To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to certify that Sportsman Channel is in full compliance with the provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission promulgated there under for the 2nd quarter of 2013. Specifically, Sportsman Channel did not broadcast any children’s programming during the 2nd quarter of 2013. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. This certification was executed on the 2nd Day of July 2013. Sincerely Yours, Joy Kleinhans Programming Manager New Berlin, WI 53151 2855 S. James Drive, Suite 101 (262) 432-9100 - - SPQflTi1AN (4 / I Li TENNIS CHANNEL July 1, 2013 Time Warner Cable Inc. 60 Columbus Circle New York, NY 10023 Attention: Executive Vice President, Programming To Whom It May Concern: The Tennis Channel, Inc. certifies that the video programming service known as Tennis Channel: 1. does not include any programs originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and younger; and 2. complies with the closed captioning requirements imposed in Section 79.1 of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules. Sincerely, Patrick Wilson Senior Vice President, Distribution cc: SVP, Programming, Time Warner Cable Inc. General Counsel, Time Warner Cable Inc. Janelle Z. Lindstrom, Paralegal, Regulatory, Time Warner Cable Inc. 2850 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 150, Santa Monica, GA 90405 T 310.314.9400 F 310.314.9433 1’ CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND OUARTER/2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by Three kge1s Brca±astin ttrk, Inc. during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by Three neis &tir tori, as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] Kid’s Thre Tiny 9:bts Fbr Jesus Kid’s Tine Praise I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 1 t day of July Signature James W. Gilley Name President/CEO Title , 2013. omerico July 2, 2013 Subject: WGN America Children’s Television Act Compliance Certification This will certify that no programs subject to the FCC’s commercial time limits for children’s programs were broadcast over WGN America during the 2’’ quarter of 2013. We will continue to certify Children’s Television Act Compliance quarterly. If you have any questions or need any further help, please call me at 773-883-7834. Sincerely, George Pappas Sr. Programming Coord. WGN America cc: Kevin Connor, Jane Hayden, Chris Moody, Tom Boyd, Chuck Sennet J A TimeWarner Company Tern Tingle SVP, Standards and Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. 1050 Techwood Drive, NW Atlanta, GA 30318-5604 T 404.885.4480 F 404.885.4497 [email protected] July 8, 2013 Olivia D. Hill Sr. Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon,VA 20171 RE: Compliance for the Children’s Television Act of 1990 for Infinito and hTV nd 2 Ouarter, 2013 Dear Ms. Hill: As of January 1, 1992, the Federal Communications Commission’s rules (“FCC Rules”) implementing the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (“Act”), require cable operators to maintain certain records regarding their compliance with advertising limits imposed on children’s television programming. Please note, the Act’s advertising limits are inapplicable to Infinito and hTV, as these networks do not carry children’s programming. If there are any changes in the programming policies of these networks, we will provide you with the updated certifications reflecting such changes. Sincerely, Tern Tingle SVP, Standards and Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ‘I Li •7 , A TimeWarner Company Turner Network Sales, Inc. 101 Marietta Street NW, 21st Floor Atlanta, GA 30303-2720 T 404.827.2250 July 9,2013 Certificates of Compliance for the Children’s Television Act of 1990 Re: Dear Affiliate: As of January 1, 1992, the Federal Communications Commission’s rules (“FCC Rules”) implementing the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (“Act”) require cable operators to maintain certain records regarding their compliance with advertising limits imposed on children’s television programming. Accordingly, Turner Network Sales, Inc. provides the attached Turner Entertainment Networks’ certificates of compliance for 2’ Quarter 2013. Please note that the Act’s advertising limits are inapplicable to CNN, Headline News, Turner Classic Movies, CNNI, and CNNE as these networks do not carry children’s programming. If there are any changes in the programming policies of these networks, we will provide you with updated certifications reflecting such changes. To comply with the FCC Ruies, please place the attached certificates of compliance in your system’s public file(s) no later than the tenth day of the current quarter following the quarter in which the programming aired. For your convenience, the certificates of compliance are also available online for your review. Please follow these steps in order to download the certificates: 1. Go to the Turner Resources web site at [Note if you do not have a user ID and password, you will need to register online with the web site.j 2. From the homepage for, you will find the Children’s Television Programming certificates of compliance by clicking on a “link” called “FCC Compliance.” — If you have any questions, please contact me at (404) 827-3395 or e-mail Thank you for your continued carriage of the Turner networks. Contracts Coordinator / TBS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH COMMERCIAL LIMITS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING I, Tern Tingle, in my capacity as Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (“Turner”), hereby certify that for the period from April 1,2013 to June 30, 2013: 1) 2) 1 am familiar with the statutory limits of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the FCC regulations implementing thosc limits (no more than 12 minutes per hour of commercial matter may be broadcast during children’s programming” on weekdays, and no more than 10 ¼ minutes per hour on weekends). To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief; no children’s prograniniing aired in the period noted above. Certified by me this h t8 day of July, 2013. Tern Tingle Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. “Children’s programming” for the purpose of the commercial limits means programs originally produced and telecast for an audience of children 12 years old and under. TNT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH COMMERCIAL LIMITS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING I, Tern Tingle, iii my capacity as Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (“Turner”), hereby certil5’ that for the period from April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013: 1) 2) I am lhmiliar with the statutory limits of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the FCC regulations implementing those limits (no more than 12 minutes per hour of commercial matter may be broadcast during children’s programrning* on 2 minutes per hour on weekends). weekdays, and no more than 10 V To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, no children’s programming aired in the period noted above. Certified by me this th 8 day of July, 2013. Tern Tingle Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Jnc. Children’s programming” for the purpose of the commercial limits means programs originally produced and telecast for an audience of children 12 years old and under * I tn.TV CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH COMMERCIAL LIMITS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING I, Tern Tingle, in my capacity as Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (“Turner”), hereby certil’ that for the period from April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013: 1) 2) 1 am familiar with the statutory limits of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the FCC regulations implementing those limits (no more than 12 minutes per hour of commercial matter may be broadcast during children’s programming* on 2 minutes per hour on weekends). weekdays, and no more than 10 Y To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief; no children’s programming aired in the period noted above. Certified by me this 8’ day of July, 2013. Tern Tingle Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. - “Children’s programming” for the purpose of the commercial limits means programs originally produced and telecast for an audience of children 12 years old and under. 7 CARTOON NETWORK CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH COMMERCIAL LIMITS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING I, Tern Tingle, in my capacity as Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices for the Turner Entertainment Networks (“Turner”), hereby certilS’ to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, that the following information is accurate for the period from April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013: I) I am familiar with the statutory limits of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the FCC regulations implementing those limits (no more than 12 minutes per hour of commercial 2 matter may be telecast during children’s programming* on weekdays, and no more than 10 V minutes per hour on weekends). 2) From April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013, Turner treated all of the programs telecast on the Cartoon Network, a 24-hour program service, as “children’s programming” for the purposes of the commercial limits set forth in the Act, except for its telecast in the “Adult Swim” block of programming created for an adult audience that airs late night seven days a week.*w The Adult Swim block contains hourly warnings to noti’ and remind viewers that the content is intended for an adult audience, and is not considered “children’s programming” subject to the commercial limits set forth in the Act. On a weekly basis, therefore, approximately 105 hours of television programming were treated as “children’s programming” for the purposes of the commercial limits set forth in the Act. 3) Programs listed on the attached Exhibit 1, although not originally produced nor broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 and under, aired outside of the “AduLt Swim” block and were treated as “children’s programming” for consistency with other Cartoon Network-branded programming. The advertising that Turner included during and adjacent to these programs complied with “children’s programming” commercial time limit rules. 4) Turner has, as a standard practice, formatted and telecast all of the programs carried on the Cartoon Network during the period noted above within the commercial limits set forth in the Act, to the extent applicable to the programming. Certified by me this t day of July, 2013. CL— - c Tern Tingle Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ‘“Children’s programming” for the purposes of the commercial limit means “programs originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years arid under.” nOn December27 2010 the Adult Swim block of programming began airing from 9 p m to 6am 7 nights a week ill Exhibit 1 List of Cartoon Network programs NOT aimed at Children 12 and Under Outside of Adult Swim April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 Date 04/06/2013 04/07/2013 04/27/2013 04/28/2013 Time 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM Program Title Madagascar Madagascar Shrek Shrek TV Rating TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG-DLV TV-PG-DLV 05/04/2013 05(05/2013 05(11/2013 05/12/2013 05/18/2013 05/19/2013 05/25/2013 05/26/2013 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM Planet 51 Planet 51 Robots Robots Underdog Underdog Madagascar Madagascar TV-PG-V TV-PG-V TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG-V TV-PG-V TV-PG TV-PG 06/01/2013 06/02/2013 06f2212013 06123t2013 06/29/2013 06/30/2013 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 6:00PM Shrek Shrek Princess Bride Princess Bride Surf’s Up Surf’s Up TV-PG-DLV TV-PG-DLV TV-PG-V TV-PG-V TV-PG TV-PG BOOMERANG CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH COMMERCIAL LIMITS FOR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING I, Tern Tingle, in my capacity as Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (“Turner”), hereby certify to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, that the following information is accurate for the period of April 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013: 1) 1 am familiar with the statutory limits of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) and the FCC regulations implementing those limits (no more than 12 minutes per hour of cormnercial matter may be telecast during children’s programmingt on weekdays, and no more than 10 ‘/ minutes per hour on weekends). 2) In April 2000, Turner launched Boomerang, a digital 24-hour network airing classic cartoons such as The F!intsrones, Scooby-Doo, and The Jersons. 3) Since the launch of Boomerang, Turner has treated all of the programs telecast on Boomerang as “children’s programming” for the purposes of complying with the commercial limits set forth in the Act. 4) Turner has not aired any national paid advertisements on Boomerang to date. 5) On January 1, 2003, Turner began designating a “commercial” break of approximately 2 minutes per hour during which time Turner could insert limited cross-promotions for programming on other Turner networks such as Cartoon Network.” At the same time, Turner inserted automated cue tones that would signal and allow cable operators to insert local advertisements over any Turner crosspromotional spots without overlapping with Boomerang’s television programs or exceeding the permissible commercial time limits under the KidVid rules and regulations. From the launch of Boomerang through June 30, 2006, Boomerang therefore contained approximately 2 minutes per hour of commercial matter, which is well below the commercial limits set forth in the Act 6) On July 1, 2006, Turner added an additional Ito 2 minutes per hour of cross-promotional spots for Cartoon Network during the designated “commercial” breaks on Boomerang. Therefore, Boomerang contained approximately 4 minutes per hour of commercial matter, which is well below the commercial limits set forth in the Act. 7) To the best of my information, knowledge and beLief, there were no instances in which the commercial limits were exceeded during the period noted above. Certified by me this th 8 day of July, 2013. -DeAL Tern Tingle Senior Vice President of Standards & Practices Entertainment, Sports and Animation ‘ “Children’s programming” for the purpose of the commercial limits means programs originally produced and telecast for an audience of children 12 years and under. * e* Tumer counts promotional announcements by a Turner network for Thmer network programs as “commercial matter” for purposes of complying with the commercial limits set forth in the Act. I. 07/08/2013 10:03 FAX 3017552873 W FINANCE FAX TM iJ003 loin WaneAvenue. lothFloor Silver Spring, MD 20910-5600 Tel: 301.755.0400 Where Black Life Unfolds QUARflRLY CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMENG CERTIFICATION nd 2 Quarter 2013 — I, Endi Piper, Senior Vice President; Business and Legal Affairs fir TV One., LLC, hereby certify to Time Warner Cable, that the programming found on the TV One Network compiled filly with the provisions ofthe Children’s Television Aa of 1990 and the associated rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission pmmusgated thereunder for the period April 1,2013 through June 30,2013. Specifically, the TV One Network did not broadcast any Childretvs Programming during the period April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013. I hereby declare that that the foregoing is true and correct This certification was executed on the 5th day of July, 2013. di ess and Legal iSairs . tvonetv — ..-t .- CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTERJ2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by VN (3 E as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] or see c\rn 1% I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ExecutedthisL dayof Signature Name Title iO”\ ,2013. Exhibit A 64, Rue Du Zoo Les Sauvenature Petit Lapin Blanc Samson et Neon Commandant Clark Wakfu C’est Pas Sorcier Tactik Sam Spoiler Chaplin and Co Mon Ami Grompf Tara Duncan Lulu Vroumette Comment Dessiner? Leonard Mouk Geronimo Stilton Zou Labo Genius Flapacha, Ou Es-Tu? Sally Bollywood Magic 4 : CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION FIRST QUARTER (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30. 2013) This is to certif’ that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by TVG Network during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by TVG Network as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. List No Children’s Programming I hereby declare under penalty of peijury that Aaron D. Arntson Name National Director of Affiliate Sales Title is true and correct. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTERJ2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by ES f’.) cj-bJO ,Jc during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by J\ E’ 3 0 ?--- as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. this 1 Bj 2..- dayof vLj ,2013. — EflD Title CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES YES Network, LLC herby certificates that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: July 5, 2013 .FiIiplliIt Pr iden P oduction & Programming 1 3 P JUL—01—2013 02:12 PH CHILDREflPROGRAMMING CERflEICKflON SECOND OUARTERI2ND (APRIL 1. 2013 flfflQJJGH JTJT1E. 3O,3O13 This is to certiñ’ that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by e y Pv I t A-f4 rj Al&17 during the above-referenced calendar quarter that . were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads nmning before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes .per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by as the official responsible for oversight of compliance J I-faa ka.’ - .. with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter) I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executedthis_/ffdayof I Sign re 6W4tttit Name PS1t4W F Title l/y ,2013. CHILDREN S PROGRAMMING. CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTERI2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 ThRouGH JUNE 30, 20131 This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by 7 ,‘jci’ I ,4. as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed this &‘ ayof jUM, ignáturë V Vi::. V V V V V Title : •V.:;;V.V.V Ai1MName ,2013. V •VVV V CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND OIJARTERI2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THRO.UGIFJUNE 30g 2013). This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by ANTENNA PAY TV USA during the above-referenced calendar quarter that - were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by ANTENNA PAY TV USA as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregomg is true and correct Executed this 95 day of Signatut( BiN Migdal Name Title )VvP ,2013 WORLDWIDE II LJI.JL AMERICA 1120 Avenue of the Americas, 5” Floor, New York, NY 10036 Tel 212.105.9300 Fax 212.705.9382 July 2, 2013 Children’s Television Act Certification Dear Affiliate: This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “CTA”) and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of our video programming service BBC America. New Video Channel America, L.L.C. hereby certifies that BBC America did not air children’s programs (as defined in the CTA) last quarter, and we trust that this enables you to satisfy your obligations under the CI’A in connection with your carriage of BBC America. Please forward this letter (or copies) to any other appropriate individual(s) in your organization. As always, we appreciate your support. Sincerely, NEW VIDEO CHANNEL AMERICA, L.L.C By: Sandy Ashendorf EVP, Network Distribution CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTERI2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) This is to cer)i1 that the list set fo h below identifies all programs and series aired by LLC y during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally pro uced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commerciaL limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certif’ that I have been designated by LI_C as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] ML 4’45 AfL 2 fb’6f I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this day of Signature /6rU Z, j44 Name Title 2013. Cable Provider: Time Warner Cable Network Name: Address: BYTJ Broadcasting (a non-commercial, educational broadcasting station) BYU Broadcasting Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 Email Address: heidi.chewning( Phone Number: (801) 422-8495 Fax Number: (801) 422-0298 CIIILDREN’S PROGRAM1’{ING CERTIFICATION SECOND QUARTER 2013 (APRIL 1. 2013, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013) - This is to certif’ that, during the above-captioned calendar quarter, the BYU Television programming service (the “Service”), to the extent that it aired children’s programming as defmed under 47 C.F.R. § 76.225 of the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, aired during such children’s programming no more than 10.5 minutes of commercial matter per hour on weekends and no more than 12 minutes of commercial matter per hour on weekdays, and is otherwise in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing is true and correct. Signature: uA Name: Heidi N. Chewning Title: Paralegal/Licensing Administrator Date: July2,2013 66/25/2013 12:30 19164449812 CALIFONIA CHANNEL PAGE CffiLDREN!S PRQjAMNflNG CERTIFICATI) SItEOM) OUARTERL2NJ) (APRIL 1. 2013 THROTXiIELUJTNE 30.2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the sante clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avail, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within, the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter arc explained in detail below. I fUrther certifSr that I have been designated by (Nr2I_.. as the official responsible for oversight of compliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarterj I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, Executed this 2S day of Jj _, ,20i3. _NCbLC) Signature Title k 02 07/01/2013 5103445241 09:14 HUMAN RESOURCES PAGE 02 4%deØe4 e& 1 w 510 Smith Street, Schenectady, New York 12305 (518) 344-5200 July 1,2013 Janelle Lindstrom Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon VA 20171 703-7l31 177 (Direct) 704-945-1298 (Fax) Re: Exemption from Compliance with Children’s Television & Closed Captioning Programming Laws 2nd Quarter (April 1, 2013 June 30, 2013) — — Pear Ms. Lindstrom: We are writing in response to your previous request to certif’ compliance from Capital District Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation (Capital 0Th) with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the closed captioning requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the Federal Communications Commission rules implementing these Acts, Background Capital OTB Network can be seen in the Capital Region on Time Warner’s Cable Channel 12. The network displays live horseracing and race replays as well as horseracing related information and programming. This programming can be seen virtually 24 hours a day, seven days per week. The Capital 018 Network is exempt from the requirements of the Children’s Television Act of’ 1990 and the Closed-Captioning requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Exemption from requirements of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 On April 9, 2007 a representative of the Federal Communications Commission confirmed to a Capital 0Th representative that cable networks are not required to air children’s programming. Therefore Capital 018 is exempt from airing programming in response to the Children’s Television Act of 1990. Exemption from Closed-Captioning requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Capital 018 also maintains that we are exempt from providing closed-captioning per Section 79.1(d) (12) of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules of Exemptions from Closed Captioning, which states the following: Channels producing revenues of under $3,000,000. No video programming provider shall be required to expend any money to caption any channel of video programming producing annual gross revenues of less than $3,000,000 during the previous calendar year other than the obligation to pass through video programming already captioned when received pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. 07/01/2013 09:14 5163445241 HUMAN RESOURCES PAGE Capital OTB defines gross revenue as monies generated from commercial advertisements appearing on Capital 0Th Network. Under this enclosed definition, Capital 0Th Network produces annual gross revenues well under $3,000,000, Based upon the above rule and criteria the Capital OTB TV Network is exempt from providing Closed Captioning. Please accept this letter as Capital OTB Network’s exemption from the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the closed captioning requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 for the 2nd Quarter (April 1, 2013 June 30, 2013). A similar letter of exemption will be filed upon request for each quarter of the calendar year. — Sincerely, Robert J. Dantz 0113 TV Capital 0Th 03 4 NETWORK’S NAME: Children’s Network, LLC dlb/al PBS KIDS Sprout Address: One Comcast Center, 3O” Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Telephone Number: 215-286-8019 Fax Number: 215-286-1046 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the linear, VOD, and Spanish VOD programming service currently known as PBS KIDS Sprout (the “Service”) was in compliance with the commercial time provisions of the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “Act”) as set forth in 47 U.S.C. Section 303a and the rules and regulation of the Federal Communications Commission promulgated thereunder during the period of April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013 (the “Applicable Quarter”). A list of all programs that the Service considered children’s programming under the Act that aired on the Service during the Applicable Quarter has been attached as Schedule A hereto and is fully incorporated herein. I hereby declare that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Dated as of: June 30. 2013 Signature: Andrew Beecham Senior Vice President, Programming This is a copy. The original is on file at Children’s Network, LLC Offices located at One Comcast Center, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Childrens Programming Certification(2nd Q 2013).docx Exhibit A To CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION For CHILDREN’S NETWORK, LLC D/BIAJ PBS KIDS Sprout (April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013) 64 Zoo Lane The Mighty Jungle TM Angelina Ballerina TM Monkey See Monkey Barney & Friends Noodle & TM The Berenstain Bears TM TM Olive the Ostrich TM Pajanimals TM Bob the Builder Bob: Project Build It Play with Me Sesame Caillou ® Plaza Sesamo Chloe’s Closet Roary the Racing TM CarM Driver Dan’s Story Train TM Sesame Street ® Fifi and the FlowertotsTM Sid the Science Kid Fireman Sam Thomas & Friends George Shrinks Tree Fu Tom TM Wibbly Pig The Wiggles ® TM TM Make Way for Noddy Children’s Programming Certification(2nd IM What’s Your News? TM TM TM Kipper Lazytown TM Super Why TM Franny’s Feet TM Justin Time TM Poppy Cat M Dive Oily Dive! TM Q 2013).docx SPORTSNETF 42 THIRD AVENUE BURLINGTON, MA 01803 July 1, 2013 Janelle Z Lindstrom Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive Hemdon, VA 20171 RE: Certification of Compliance with Children’s Programming — 2 Qtr 2013 Dear Janelle: This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC”) regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of Comcast SportsNet (which service is owned and operated by Sports Channel New England Limited Partnership) (“SportsNet”). The SportsNet service does not currently contain any “children’s programming” (as defined by the FCC), and we have no current intention of adding such programming. in the event, however, that the service does contain any “children’s programming” after the date hereof, such programming will not contain “commercial matter” (as defined by the FCC) that, when added to the “commercial matter” you may insert under our affiliation agreement, exceeds applicable limits. Best regards, Executive Vice President & General Manager cc: Amy B. Cohen Ronald James Denise Garcia Jun. 27. 2013 6:39PM Corncast Sportsnet Chicago LLC No, 2686 P. 2 350 N. ORLEANS SUITE Si-IOU CHICAGO IL 60554 - June 28, 2013 VIA FAX: (704) 945-5805 Olivia 11111 Senior Paralegal, Regulatory Time Warner Cable, Inc. 13820 Sunrise Valley Drive HerndoriVA20111 Re: Coincast SportsNet Cfflcagq.- Children’s Television Act of 1990 Dear Ms. Hill, This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of Comcast SportsNet (which service is owned and operated by Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC) (“SportsNet”). The SportsNet service does not-eurrently contain any “children’s programming” (as defined by the FCC), and we have no. ãurrent intention of adding such programming. In the event, however, that the service does contain any “children’s programming” after the date hereof; such programming will not contain cccownnercial matter” (as defined-by the FCC) that, when added to the “commercial matter” you may insert under our affiliation agreement, exceeds applicable limits, Best regards, c t 7 President CC. Amy B. Cohea Esquire Denise Garcia Ronald James Dana Maragos Erie Matthews, Esquire Kathy MeMahon 1• ••-. ‘ i_ -s CSC(FCCJC1u]drcWs TV Act Ccrdflcatian “R iO6dcc I, - 07/1U/2@13 15:39 COMPASS PROD INTL 12126434369 a COMPASS. S PRODUCTIONS INTERNATIONAI ØHLDREN’S .FROGRAMMXIiG_CERTWICAtON SECOND QU4RflRt2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JU1NE 30, 2013) ‘This is to certifsr that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by The. i sL C1 during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on. weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC’), (the “Regulations”) None of the following programs or series included any conunercial spots (including local ad avails, pronios for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or a±cr the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I tirther certi±’ that I have been designated by 3ewSL, as the official responsible ±br oversight c’fcornpliance with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarterJ Not%t.. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executedthis ‘dayof3t .2013. Signahrre Name 4r Mcm.r Title One Penn Plaza Suite 6181 New York, NY 10119 Phone: (212) 643-9500 Fax: 212-643-4369 - - PAGE 02 02-Jul-2013 10:42 DW Justitiariat 0049 (0)228 429 2120 2/3 CHILDREN’S PRQGRAMMING CERTIFICATION 30, 20131 $ECOND OUARTERI2ND (APRIL 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE. and series aired by This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs during the above-referenced calendar quarter that t)a *c 4€ ch (/€ n 12 years old and were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of childre n’s programs and series under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the childre s for nonidentified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promo the same clock educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within s per hour on weekdays, hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minute and regulations ofthe in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules ”). Federal Communications Conintission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations ing local None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (includ before or after the ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running actors from, or program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or es in which the that of&red products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instanc ced calendar quarter children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referen are explained in detail below. I further certiI that I have been designated by as the official responsible for oversight of compliance 4/a’ tie i) t( cSe with the Regulations. with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar — [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] •“ tV,cee, aiad7’ .46 A — - - I hereby declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 1 . 0 iZ )o .dayof Signature /‘. Name k Title! H 1cc,tA ,2013. &Li/ .6€-hr 4D1 scove ry COMML)NCATI0NS - June3O,2013 Children’s Television Act Certification Dear Affiliate: This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “CTA”) and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of our video programming services (the “Discovery Networks”). The attached schedule lists the Discovery Networks that aired children’s programs (as defined in the CTA) last quarter and identifies the children’s programs aired on each such network. The schedule excludes all networks distributed by Discovery that did not air children’s programs last quarter (Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Investigation Discovery, Destination America (formerly known as Planet Green), Science, Military Channel, Discovery En Español, Discovery Fit & Health and Velocity). Discovery Communications, LLC certifies that, as standard practice, the children’s programs identified on the attached schedule are formatted so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails) is no more than 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays. This is in compliance with the CTA and the rules and regulations of the FCC. We trust that this enables you to satisf’ your obligations under the CTA and its regulations in connection with your carriage of the Discovery Networks. Please forward this letter (or copies) to any other appropriate individual(s) in your organization. As always, we appreciate your support. Sincerely, DISCOVERY C MIJNICATIONS, LLC By: Eric Phillips President Affiliate Distribution Date: 1ctI Page 1 of8 Attachment to Children’s Television Act Certificate The following is a list of the children’s programs aired on the Discovery Networks during the 2 Quarter 2013: Network Program Discovery Familia Plim Plim Plim Plim Mister Maker Mister Maker Fifi and the Flowertots Fiji and the Flowertots Sea Princesses Hi-5(Australia) & SI 3 Hi-5(Australia) & S 13 Milly Molly Milly Molly Animal Mechanicals Animal Mechanicals Bo On the Go Bo On the Go My Big Big Friend My Big Big Friend Air-time -— — Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday 10 Minutes Weekday 10 Minutes Artzooka! Weekend 10 Minutes Fishtrounaut Weekday 10 minutes Fishtrounaut Bananas in Pyjamas Bananas in Pyjamas Rob the Robot Rob the Robot Justin Time Justin Time Mister Maker Comes to Town Mister Maker Comes to Town Word World Word World Raa Raa the Noisy Lion Raa Ran the Noisy Lion Iconicles Iconicles Joe & Jack Joe & Jack Weekend 10 minutes Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes Weekend 10 minutes Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes jj9iinutes 10 minutes 10 minutes Poppetstown Artzooka! — Page 2 of 8 I — Commercial Minutes Per Hour 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes — hUb I 2950 N. HOLLYWOOD WAYSVItE 100 BURBANK CA 91505 June 30, 2013 Children’s Television Act Certification Dear Affiliate: This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “CTA”) and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of The Hub. The attached schedule lists the children’s programs (as defined in the CTA) that aired last quarter on The Hub. HUB Television Networks, LLC certifies that, as standard practice, the children’s programs identified on the attached schedule are formatted so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails) is no more than 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays. This is in compliance with the CTA and the rules and regulations of the FCC We trust that this enables you to satisf’ your obligations under the CTA and its regulations in connection with your carriage of The Flub. Please forward this letter (or copies) to any other appropriate individual(s) in your organization. As always, we appreciate your support. Sincerely, HUB TELEVISION NETWORKS, LLC By: . 4. (fl eicj Title: SeqgrcI wa4 45UBts:ii’ Name: Date: Jt4iiu.a ‘ Attachment to Children’s Television Act Certificate The following is a list of the children’s programs aired on the The Hub during the 2 Quarter 2013: Per Hour Animal Mechanicals Animaniacs Animaniacs Bamyond Batman Beyond Batman: The Animated Series Batman: The Animated Series Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot Dennis and Gnasher Endurance Fraggle Rock Fraggle Rock (3.1. Joe: A Real American Hero Goosebuinps Goosebuinps Igor Igor In the Night Garden Jem and the Holograms Kaijudo: Clash of the Duel Masters Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters Littlest Pet Shop Littlest Pet Shop My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation Pictureka! Pound Puppies Pound Puppies Secret Millionaires Club Secret Millionaires Club SheZow Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitt’ Adventures The Hub (continued on the following page) — * — 14 - .- Commercial Minutes Air-Kline Program Network - -- —- Weekday Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday - II Minutes 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes Weekend 10.5 Minutes Weekday 11 minutes Weekend 10.5 Minutes Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekend Weekday 11 Minutes 11 Minutes 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes Ii Minutes Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes Weekday 11 Minutes Weekend 10.5 Minutes Weekday Weekend Weekday 11 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes Weekend 10.5 Minutes Weekend 10.5 Minutes Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekend Weekday 10.5 Minutes 11 minutes 10.5 Minutes ii Minutes 10.5 Minutes 10.5 Minutes 11 Minutes The Hub 10.5 Minutes Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Weekend Bitty Adventures 11 Minutes Weekday Superman: The Animated Series 10.5 Minutes Weekend Superman: The Animated Series 11 Minutes Weekday The Adventures of Chuck & Friends 11 Minutes Weekday The Aquabats! Super Show! Minutes 10.5 Weekend Show! Super Aquabats! The 11 Minutes The Super Hero Squad Show Weekday 10.5 Minutes The Super Hero Squad Show Weekend The Twisted Whiskers Show y_ 11 Minutes 11 Minutes Transformers Animated 11 Minutes Weekday Transformers Generation I 11 Minutes Weekday Transformers Prime 11 Minutes Weekday Transformers Prime Beast Hunters 10.5 Minutes Weekend Transformers Prime Beast Hunters 11 Minutes Weekday Transformers Rescue Bots I 05 Minutes Weekend Transfonners Rescue Bets OWN OPRAH WNFREY NEIWOR1 June 30, 2013 Children’s Television Act Certification Dear Affiliate; This letter is intended to assist you in satisfying your obligations under the Children’s Television Act of 1990 (the “CTA”) and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connection with your carriage of our video programming service OWN; Opah Winfrey Network, OWN, LW hereby certifies that OWN: Oprnh Winfrey Network did not air children’s programs (as defined in the CTA) last quarter, and we trust that this enables you to satisfy your obligations under the CTA in connection with your carriage of OWN: Oprah WInfrey Network. Please forward this letter (or copies) to any other appropriate individual(s) in your organization. As always, we appreciate your support. Sincerely, OWN, LLC Date: - 4 1 — I 4 - I 4 ‘I I — 1 44 4 4 4 ___ _____ _____ ____ _____ 3 net .$covery a 3fldiann& SONY IMAX 1 Discovery Place Silver Spring, MD 20910 June 30,2013 Children’s Television Act Certification Dear Affiliate: the Children’s Television Act This letter is intended to assist you in satis1jing your obligations under tion with your carriage of our of 1990 (the “CTA’) and the FCC regulations relating thereto in connec video programming service 3Net. the CTA) that aired last quarter on The attached schedule lists the children’s programs (as defined in 3Net. ms identified on the attached 3D NetCo LLC certifies that, as standard practice. the children’s progra local ad avails) is no more than schedule are formatted so that the total commercial time (including This t in compliance 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays. with the CTA and the rules and regi4utions of the FCC. CTA and its regulations in We trust that this enables you to satis your obligations under the copies) to any other appropriate (or letter this connection with your carriage of 3Net. Please forward t. suppor your iate individual(s) in your organization. As always, we apprec Sincerely, 3D Net Name: Fitle: Date: — Network Program Air-time 3Net Bolts& Blip Bolts & Blip Dream Defenders Dream Defenders High Octane High Octane Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekday Weekend J2m.Cocgroy President CEO3net Commercial Minutes Per Hour - - 0 Minutes 0 minutes 0 Minutes 0 Minutes 0 Minutes 0 Minutes —. Discovery Networks, U.S. policy statement on TV Parental Guidelines Discovery Communications, LLC supports the goals of the inter-industry task force to provide parents with advance, cautionary program information that’s simple to use, and has always been committed to offering quality non-fiction programming that educates, enlightens and informs our air documentaries that depict at times viewers. To that end, each of our cable networks may the consequences of violence through the use of graphic images, which underscore the seriousness of the acts committed. While we believe that such content is neither gratuitous nor without social context, Discovery Communications, LLC historically has pro-actively included advisories in programs that contain violence, nudity. objectionable language and other adult themes, — — Discovery Networks, U.S., including Discovery Channel, TLC, and Animal Planet will participate in the voluntary ratings program and expects to continue to rate programs that we determine are not subject to the news/news magazine exemption. The Hub, which is distributed by Discovery Communications, LLC, is equally committed to voluntarily rating its programming. Oprah Winfrey Network, which is distributed by Discovery Communications, LLC, is equally committed to voluntarily rating its programming. Page8of8 EHS AMERICA 07/09/2013 15:02 FAX 6265819209 LI003 S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATION t CHILDREN SECOND QUARTERJ2ND (APifiL 1.2013 THROUGE JUNE 30. 2013) This is to certify that the list set forth below identifies all programs and series aired by €ictQrfl RYnwlrns1!j 6nerrcs (bfp during the above-referenced calendar quarter that were originally produced and broadcast primarily for an audience of children 12 years old and under. As a standard practice, we formatted and aired each of the children’s programs and series identified below so that the total commercial time (including local ad avails, promos for noneducational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) did not exceed 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends, and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays, in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”), (the “Regulations”). None of the following programs or series included any commercial spots (including local ad avails, promos for non-educational programs and adjacent ads running before or after the program within the same clock hour) that contained references to, characters or actors from, or that offered products related to, the underlying program or series. Any instances in which the children’s programming commercial limits were exceeded during the referenced calendar quarter are explained in detail below. I further certify that I have been designated by as the official responsible for oversight of compliance R*sçeyy Rradrosji I riene. with the FCC children’s programming commercial limits, and I am familiar with the Regulations. [List children’s programs run during calendar quarter] /:$cqa refey to -l ie enciostl 4 hsk r P9r’D 0 I hereby declare under penalty of peijury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executedthis &eewrc k - dayof 34y ,*owpar Title ,2013. Di 0 0 La fr-I a 0 z a a Iii 11 0• S Di fri a 0 0 a e Di ‘a a La 0 a a I DI DO CD ‘4 a ‘C a S 0 n La a a 0 DC 0 a a a 0 a a- 0 a. a Di Di a a Di D) a b C iO #0 a 0 ‘-I Di DO E a 0 a a DI a a 0 Ca C 8 0 0 a Di C, a a DO a a DO tD 0 Di a ci. 0 a B 0 CD Di La a ‘0 C) 0 a’ i-I Di a La a C DO a a Dl, 0. Di B, 0 a. ci Di Di Di Di a Di 0 PD I-i Di a DI DO Di a C a aa 0- = Di a CD 0 CD 0 PD a a C, a 0 -‘I 0 a r •‘l a I-. CD CC a- 0 0 ‘C a a I, 0 I-. 0 Di C, -C 0 0 a: F.’ a. Dr -i 0 0 Di -e i-I, IC -i a Di ‘0 ‘0 La Di a a La a Di 0 i-I -i a Di DO Di S Di a. a F-’ 0 S C 0 C 0 0 ‘C Di 0 G’2 a S a. La a C, CD 0 a a a. a 0’ “La “0 0 — a 0 Di -‘ls Di o — 1 C -, C) a C CD a. Di a. 0 0 iN Cl) La ti-I 0 a) cii CO I “a La 0 I 01 c-i I-I is:. 0 0 —1 0 N° 5091 3, JuH 2013 12:29 P. 3 S 3 CHILDREJV 4 1 IfrJMLVG PROGR CERTJFICATIONS FOR SECOND QUARTER 2013 rh/s is to cert?/j’ that Eurovu SA, distributor among others, of Polish language television program known as “TV Polonla” and Polskie Radio audio programs has aired NO Commercials clw’ing any and all children programming broadcast, and therefore Is in compliance with the children ‘s Television Act of 1990 and the ,‘tiles and regulations of the Federal .Yonunun tail/otis Cominiss ion ( RCC ‘9, 1 Affiliate may rely upon this certjflcation for future calendar quarters, unless not Wed in writing by the Network within five (3,) days after the close of any quarter that advertising has been included in the Network’s children programming and that the Network is in compliance with the chlldi’en ‘s Television Act oJ’1990 and with the i’ it/es azid regulations of the FCC I dec/are under penalty ofpeijuiy (hat the foregoing is trite and correct. Executed this rd 3 EUROVUSA Jean-Marc Vi a Director day ofJuly 2023 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Fox Co11ee Sports hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Derek Crocker Senior Manager, Collegiate Sports CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMiNG CERTIFICATES FX hereby certifies that it was in conipliance with the Childrens lelevision Act of 1q90 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission durmg the seuwd quarter of 2013. Dated: June IS. 2013 \... -. c..-- I Chuck Saftlcr ‘( President. Proate and COO FX Networks CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Fox Movie Channel hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 18, 2013 Chuck Saftier President, Progra FX Networks gy and COO CHILDREN’S PROGRAMIs’IING CERTIFICATES Fuel TV hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17,2013 enberg E and General Manager el CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES The National Geographic Channel hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 13 Dated June 27,2013 Senior Vice President Development & Production National Geographic Channel ;;“:‘. 4 I 4 -: :, f - 4’ - 4444 / 4 444 444444 4 8,;: 8-4 4 ,‘; “, 4 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMrIING CERTIFICATES Fox Soccer Channel hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Manager Fox Soccer Channel CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES CCTV hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Mike Hopkins President Distribution Fox Cable Networks Services V CHI LDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTI F’ICATES Fox Deportes hereby certifIes that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. j — Dated; June 17, 2013 Vincent Cordero EVP/General Manager Fox Deportes c CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Nat Geo Mundo hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17,2013 o ture’ V Programming & Production FLAC , CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Nat Geo WILD hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 if aniels EVP/ eneral Ma Nat Geo WILD CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Speed hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 18,2013 Robe Hacker/ Vic resident Business & Legal Affairs CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES Utilisima hereby certifies that it does not currently air any children’s programming as defined under the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and as such is not subject to the commercial time limitation requirements set forth in the Children’s Television Act of 1990. Dated: June 17, 2013 anet Diaz-Pujol tive Director Business & Legal Affairs, FLAC : r CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Arizona hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Andrew Kuey Programming : f CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Detroit hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17,2013 Programming Director FS Detroit CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Florida hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17,2013 Timlvy Programming Director •1 CfflLDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Midwest hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Director, CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS North hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 ..-‘iin Sirvio Director, Programming CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTW[CATES FS Ohio hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Jim der Programming CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Prime Ticket hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Programming Coordinator I CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS San Diego hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 revor Arroyo Prograirnning CHILDREN’S PROGRAM1’’IING CERTIFICATES FS South hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Corey Executive Director, Programming FS SouthlSportSouth CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES FS Southwest hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17, 2013 Tom Gamier Director, Programming (! CHILDREN’S PROGRAMM[NG CERTIFICATES FS West hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 172013 j’L . 4 ’ v eralta Programming Coordinator CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES SportSouth hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 17. 2013 Director, Programming Ex FS SouthlSportSouth CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING CERTIFICATES SportsTime Ohio hereby certifies that it was in compliance with the Children’s Television Act of 1990 and the implementing rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission during the second quarter of 2013. Dated: June 25, 2013 S