Construction of Farm to Market Road Project Proposal
Construction of Farm to Market Road Project Proposal
Performance Challenge Fund Proiect Proposal Format I. Description A, !!l \.t!a Proiect Location The municipality of Burdeos, Quezon, is geographically located in the coastal part of Polillo Island in the first Congressional District of the Province of Quezon. It is a town which is trapezoidal in shape, facing the vast Pacific Ocean. It is bounded in the North by the Pacific Ocean; on the NorthWest by Panukularl Quezon; on the South by Polillo, Quezon; on the SouthEast by Lamon Bay and lomalip Quezon; on the East by Patnanungan, Quezon; and on the West by Panukulan, Quezon. Approximate distance from Burdeos to Lucena City is 300 kilometers. Burdeos can be reached either passing to Mauban, Quezon or Infanta and Real, Quezon. Travel time from Mauban port to Burdeos is about 6-7 hours on good weather condition. Coming to Burdeos from Infanta or Real will take 23 hours by motorized banca to Polillo port only, and it will take 1 % hours travel by motorcycle along Burdeos-Polillo road from Barangay Anawan, Polillo, Quezon to Burdeos town proper. For more convenient trip, there is a regular route by motor & banca via Real-Burdeos and vice versa taking a31/z hour trip. On the other hand, traveling by means of chopper takes 45 minutes from Lucena City. It has a total land area of 20,948 hectares representing 2.4Lo/o of the 870,660 hectares total land area of Quezon Province. The municipality is. composed of L4 barangays, three (3) of which are island barangays. Only Poblacion is classified as urban barangay with an area of 2,L9L.14 hectares, and the remaining 13 barangays are considered rural The seat of government is located at Poblacion, Burdeos, Quezon, with 13 other barangays, namely: Aluyon; Amot; Anibawan; Bonifacio; Cabugao; Cabungalunan, Calutcot; Caniwan; Carlagan; Mabini; Palasan; Rizal; and San Rafael. B. Brief Summaryof the Proiect o Indicate the development concerns that the project wishes to address and cite existing indicators to describe the development situation. In Burdeos, there are still limited viable concrete farm to market roads that will facilitate the transport of goods and services among our constituents. Thus, the realization of tle concreting of at least 250 meters Farm to Market Road in Sitio Biyabet, Brry.San Rafael will boost further the development of the locality in terms of ease in accessibility and mobility. With the project, hrm produce can be easily Fansported, from Brry. Caniwan - Brry. Cabugao - Brry. San Rafael to the Poblacion, and vice versa. People will have better access to health, social and other necessary local government services and facilities. o Enumerate indicators that will demonstrate t}te current the conditions being addressed. Without the projec! people coming from Poblacion going to San Rafael to Cabugao and Caniwan, and vice versa will have hard time on transport mobility due to the bad condition of the existing road, that is, muddy during rainy season. But, with the project the people will have easy access to land transportation from that location to the Poblacion and back. o Discuss if the proiect is complementary to other proiects (i.e' CLT, Pamana and Focus LGUs) This project is complementary to the maintenance of existing farm to market roads located in Brrys. Rizal, Amot, Mabini, and Caniwan funded from KALAHI-CIDDSS.J which requirement is for the LGU to have the counterpart fund for their maintenance. C. Proiect o Goals and Obiectives Describe project goals (what you hope to achieve) and obiectives (in measurable terms). GOAL: To have viable transport accessibility from the Pobl;acion going to Caniwan traversing Sitio Biyabet, San Rafael and Cabugao. OBJECTIVES: t. To concrete the existing 250 meters rough farm to market road in Sitio Biyabet Brgr. San Rafael; 2. To have better access to transport facilities in the delivery of goods and services; 3, To ease-up mobility and access to government services 4. and facilities among the constituents; and To boostthe socio-economic and tourism development of the locality. D. Target Beneficiaries o Identifythe direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project and the potential project benefir that might accrue to them. The direct beneficiaries of the proiect are the people from Brgys. Poblacion, San Rafael, Cabugao and Caniwan. The indirect beneficiaries are the other barangays of the locality which will also enioy the benefits from the projectin teims of ease mobitity. "i;;;il;;and E. projectpartners o Describe other partners in the projec! commitments, if any. CSO participation, their roles and The other partners of the project are those coming from the KATAHI crDDss like the Department of sociar welfare and Development who wil be implementing the othgr agvei;p;;;; of the locarity. The NGO polillo Island Biodiversity ConseiraUon "."ds Foundatioq Inc, will be helping the LGU in terms of technicar ,rrirt n.e and advice in the protection of the remaining forest ,na *rt"rrhed areas oitrre ro.arity vital to water reservation and economic sustainability thru tourism deveropment while the project is in progr.rl ,o ensure that they are o Describe other sources of funding for the project incruding other support received relevant to this proposal. E None. II. Project Components and Implementation Schedule o Identiftand describe the major components and activities to be carried out in the imprementation of the prgigct rrre pran srr"rio u" presented by task with the responsible parties *fri.t ,hrli;r.,y hsks. ";;;e Initiaily, the project will cover at least four-(4J meters prus 1 meter shourder both sides of the proposed road with rength of 5 kilometers. MAIOR l.of,/lpnrrurr'r'o 1. Road Preparation ACTIVITIES ruu -uteanng and qrubbins: rleru rul- ttemoval of strucfures and obstructions rLeru ruu[sJ - Individual removal of trees rrem TUZUJ - Unsuitable excavation rLEur rrcm lus- Subgrade FreParation rrem zuu- Aggregate 2. Road Ie veling and concreting RESPONSIBLE PARTY Mun. Engineering Ofnce / Contractor -do-do-do-do-do-do- Sub-Base Course rLeru 4ur - aggregate Base Corrrse -do- Irem J11- Portland -do- Cement Concrete 3. MiscellaneoiF o each task w,r be compreted :vhe:, fff";|fiTf;,;;,:?yry fri.,$:i[T: rurrndt ord of the project imptum"nta;;;.*"'= cover all months ". il;;; ITPtEyIN@ MarchZlG rtemlol_nffi obstructions Itemtoo@ trees It.m ro+ - EilGnrffi Ivtarch 201a Item 105-Su ruarch rturngrrffite Base Course te Pave m en m. t c ox cre i;; ; ;iT"::,:'^lt thickness = 150 mm -apriiTotZ tvtarch - March - apriiToi+ Apdmi; Workand Financial plan Rilotiir Item rorstructures and obstructions Item 104 Item Lump Sum Z0o-Egre-;il Sub-Base Course ttem str-Em;a Cement Concrete Pavement 1,200,000.00 [pCCpJ thickness = 1SO mm 1,994,35018 Include detailed financial schedules of the proposed proiect Line Items Item 100 -Clearing and erubbins: Item 101- Removal of structures and obstructions Item 104 Embankment Item 200- Aggregate LGU Counterpart Other Partners Suooort PCF Total Subsidy 300,000.00 300,000.00 320,359.05 320,359.05 24,000.00 24,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,5000.00 Sub-Base Course Item 201 - Aggregate Base Course Item 311- Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCPJ thickness = 150 mm Item 505 - Proposed Sisn Board Y- 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000.000.00 1,000.000.00 1,984,359.05 2,000,000.00 50.000/o 50.000/o 100.00% 5,000.00 984,359.05 sav ry. Proiect Management will be directly accountable for proiect Describe the on and post-project management scheme, internal monitoring and evaluation procedures. Name the key officers and personnel that The Municipal Engineering offtce under ME HENRY p. DULDULA0, the Coordinator under MPDC PEDRITO U. TALISAY0N and Sangguniang Bayan Chair on Public Works under SB HENRY TURGO and their staff shall be directly accountable for the physical requirements of the project They shall be responsible in the periodic requirements of the project in terms of implementation monitoring and evaluation. Office \-- tle of Municipal Planning and Development The Municipal Treasurer's Office, Municipal Accountant's Office and Municipal Budget office under MT Naime V. Ayuma, MA Cielo A. Ruzol and MBo Eddie N. Arojo, respectively, shall be responsible for the financial requirements reporting and liquidation of expenses relative to the project. V. in terms of ProiectSustainability o Demonstrate how the benefits/returns ofthe project can be greater than the costs. with the project in placg urban development in terms of influx of residential, commercial and industrial establishments along the road opening is foreseen economic growth. re ve n u e o u, I 4 uR. ' to flourish as a Mo." ig ;;;;:ffi;Yitive..indicator .; ffi ; "1i,:. T:fji:: of tuture socio- convenient access 1: ". ft to " sociar ,na ..oio.nrc services and fac,ities. i.:?ect ii;TfllH"ff ,fn'.;7ffi ;;r"ffi wilr be susrained _ift."r Ii "T,i flT"rHl:l ,lil pcF assistance in rerms ,:T."Hffi'"hH,:il,;:'flhi::fra,.ai,,,..,, iX'['#l[T";AH,J,ffi *::,.#ii r."rr'i8 developmenr "il;ffi? q,*rrehensi ve Land use pra n th ru readilv imptemented in said Hll",T, lh,.tffi lnr?##in1r*,'#*tl-i1*-.**gi{j construction of soci VI. m::m::u,-,#,m:l*l*mm#*,,1i *# RiskAnalysis Describe under what conditi_ons the project preventive and mitigation mechanir* n;;;;;;H:ifi.fong. rndicate what The project is adjacent, both si{e; that needs to uJ prouia"i10 existing and proposed residentiar/mixed ,,t".'#.ete canrk o, uoii-riaes impremented rater tffiJi'o' br ,rr" dor"ri.'no #Lrru." the free flow or fto be tc water going to rivers ,ra .."ut, ,,ij"oin". rain and waterways. Rart along hilly areas sus.Fhnhr^ +^ fold --_ to erosion both sides or riprappeJil:I;:,::fble witt be properry sroped on ft, HfrJ:fufi4i&H'fi,,l"J:j?,i#:::,,11;:. master urban planning orur" PREPARED BY: p.csrauhcma -GJr tvtunicipal Mayo. r."r. t,*,he said road,, s,ric, regotiable to guarantee proper