tHe NeW PatH fall 2011 Within the Waldorf community, we are
tHe NeW PatH fall 2011 Within the Waldorf community, we are
T H E N E W P AT H FALL 2 0 1 1 Haleakala Waldorf School H a l e a k AL Ā W a l d o r f S c h o o l N e ws l e t t e r Haleakala Waldorf School is located on the historic Kealahou Public School campus. Consistency Harmony and Within the Waldorf community, we are familiar with the outcome of a Waldorf education: graduates who can think for themselves, who value lasting human relationships, who help others, and who have high ethical principles. This is accomplished through a curriculum that is artistic, experiential, and reverent. What we frequently are not familiar with is the opportunity that Waldorf education provides to the entire family. This offering is most easily seen in the early years—the foundation of a child’s life. Modern life increasingly leaves families of young children isolated at a time when they can use the most support. Couples have moved away from their families of origin to pursue independence or career interests. When children arrive, mothers often find themselves at home alone with a newborn. What to do? Waldorf schools offer these families a strong sense of community, "a village' of like minded individuals in which to raise their children” (Sarah Baldwin). At a time when parents can use support, the Waldorf teacher serves as a child development resource. In the classroom, all the functions of daily life are modeled_the classroom is designed to replicate the activities of family life. The students cook, clean, garden, play, eat, and nap. Within this environment, children experience a healthy rhythmic schedule, meal time rituals, nutrition, and redirection of behavior when necessary. All or even just some of these elements may be adopted and carried out at home, creating a holistic experience for the child as well as an opportunity for the family to experience beauty and reverence. This can be therapeutic for the whole family. One family may adopt the blessing used at meal times, another may light a candle before the bedtime story, or create space for a nature table. When the rhythm and form of school is supported by a nurturing rhythmic structure at home, the child experiences consistency and harmony. The value of a simple, healthy lifestyle through play, story, quiet time, celebrations of festivals, and nature can be enjoyed by the entire family. Lokahi H a r m o n y Th r o u g h C o l l a b o r a t i o n Dear Friends, We stand at the edge of a new era for Haleakala Waldorf School. At the conclusion of last school year, we had our largest enrollment as well as your strongest testament of support: over $725,000. The school’s success is a direct result of your commitment to support it. During a national recession your help has allowed us to provide families with an increase in scholarships, faculty with salary and benefit increases, improved playground areas, increased hours to the 1st – 5th grade assistant, increased budgets for student supplies, programs, and classrooms, new computer software for working with alumni, and so much more. We are making a difference for our children together as partners and as collaborators. This is the theme for our year—Lokahi: Harmony Through Collaboration. This school year will mark our 40th birthday! Like a 40 year old, we have finally reached adulthood, and come into our own selves. It takes an entire community—parents, friends, teachers, staff, and board members—to raise children that are free, as well as encouraged, to live their true natures. We are grateful and excited that you have joined us in this endeavor. 1 2 Every month grades 1-8 get together for an assembly and open with the reciting of “At the Ringing of The Bells.” Tears spring to my eyes each time I hear the ideals spoken that the students have internalized during their time at HWS. These are the values that you support and actualize through your support of HWS. This is the beginning of “worldwork” and transformation of our planet. For every good wish, every dollar, every minute you have given to HWS over these last 40 years, we are humbly grateful. We know the children are as well. Aloha no, Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Chair of School To wonder at beauty Stand guard over truth. Look up to the noble, Resolve on the good. This leadeth us truly To purpose in living, To right in our doing, To peace in our feeling, To light in our thinking; And teaches us trust In the workings of God, In all that there is In the widths of the world, In the depths of the soul. Haleakala Haleakalā Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Gifts H ALEAKALA W ALDORF S C H OOL 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 Gi v in g R e p o r t ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Unrestricted annual fund gifts ANONYMOUS unrestricted TOTAL ANNUAL CAMPAIGN HOLIDAY FAIRE EVENT GIVING TREE RESTRICTED ANNUAL GIVING ANONYMOUS Grade Assistant ANONYMOUS Middle School Specialist ANONYMOUS Development Software ANONYMOUS Leadership Giving Event JOHN AND DIANE CLAERBOUT Educational Support TSUNE WATANABE AND PRISCILLA CARMICHAEL Professional Development TOTAL RESTRICTED ANNUAL GIVING TUITION ASSISTANCE G. N. WILCOX TRUST DIAMOND APPROACH GROUP MCINERNY FOUNDATION TOTAL TUITION ASSISTANCE HWS RISING SUN SCHOLARSHIP FUND ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS MATCHING GIFT ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS CLASS OF 2011 DANIEL AND BARBARA BERRY FOUNDATION JOHN ELDER MIKE AND ANGELA KROEGER JOHN AND NOOR MOREY MICHAEL AND JILL SPALDING TOD AND JACQUELINE WOOD TOTAL HWS RISING SUN SCHOLARSHIP FUND $153,350 $100,000 $253,350 $67,185 $10,055 $24,000 $55,000 $16,500 $4,140 $4,000 $2,750 $106,390 $5,500 $2,000 $30,000 $37,500 $66,000 $15,000 $6,000 $5,000 $2,000 $500 $3,000 $5,000 $2,500 $6,000 $3,000 $3,000 $117,000 RESTRICTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ANONYMOUS Early Childhood Renovation ANONYMOUS Building Improvements ANONYMOUS Maintenance Fixtures ANONYMOUS Playground ANONYMOUS Playground ANONYMOUS Playground ATHERTON FAMILY FOUNDATION Classroom Roof Replacements and repairs COOKE FOUNDATION Classroom Roof Replacements FRED BALDWIN MEMORIAL FOUNDATION Classroom Roof Replacements and repairs HWS LAMAKU PARENT ASSOCIATION Lighting JOHN AND NOOR MOREY Classroom Renovations THE SAMUEL N. AND MARY CASTLE FOUNDATION Early Childhood Renovation and repairs TOTAL RESTRICTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS IN-KIND GIFTS TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2010-2011 $14,800 $1,000 $3,000 $ 27,000 $15,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $2,130 $10,460 $14,800 $132,190 $5,000 $728,670 BALANCE SHEET JunE 30, 2011 INCOME STATEMENT JulY '10 - JunE '11 ASSETS (Current Assets) Cash $678,288.20 Contingency Fund $71,532.97 Accounts Receivable $26,083.40 Prepaid Expenses $36,332.95 Investments $25,000.00 Buildings $221,332.76 Equipment $80,905.78 Furniture & Fixtures $25,761.04 Land $438,137.27 Leasehold Improvements $323,243.84 Site Improvements $40,764.33 Other $14,714.33 TOTAL ASSETS $1,982,096.87 Revenue Tuition $2,714,626 Financial Assistance ($480,599) Fees & Programs $128,952 Grants $219,250 Donations $447,933 Events $75,754 Interest & Other $2,519 TOTAL REVENUE $3,108,435 Expense Salary $1,650,324 Benefits $184,462 Taxes $137,757 Events $30,562 Equipment $22,031 Operations $193,748 Professional Development $38,650 Repairs & Maintenance $80,046 Insurance $20,664 Supplies $78,146 Utilities $29,955 Depreciation $78,468 Other (incl. lunch program) $93,056 TOTAL EXPENSE $2,637,868 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $7,594.51 Prepaid Grants/ Restricted donations $305,240.00 Prepaid Tuition $372,431.81 Prepaid Tuition Insurance $18,550.42 Mortgage Principle $409,390.74 Other Loan Principle $9,689.91 Other $35,097.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,157,994.89 EQUITY $824,101.98 NET INCOME [email protected] [email protected] • •Visit Visitour ourwebsite websiteat:• Haleakala • Haleakal HaleakalaāWaldorf WaldorfSchool School $470,567 113 Community Connections C e l e b r a t in g t h e m a n y w a y s w e g i v e t o e a c h o t h e r . . . HWS is pleased to be a part of the greater Maui community— we welcome opportunities to serve others in the community and for community guests to be a part of our school. loha" a Lit tle A d a e r p S er t he " he C a nc o na te d ne d a t t io H WS d t c u a a s t r ee inner Chr is tm enefit D B n io t a Fo u n d Waihe'e ear weeds at cl d e lp e h e 3rd gr ad ge Coas tal Refu 2010 Foo d Dr ive for Maui culminate Family S er vices d on G r a n d pa r e nt's Day 5th graders honored the Japanese culture at the Matsuri Festival Being a "Waldorf family" supports my determination to live mindfully - to be conscious of my choices on a daily basis, to "be (at least part of) the change I want to see in the world". I have this idea, this concept, of "what if we wanted less? " If, as an advantaged world citizen, I choose to want less, to have less...then I have more to give, more to share, more ability to begin to create some equity with world citizens who are disadvantaged. So even though we don't have extensive financial resources, when I give significant amounts to Waldorf on a regular basis, it reminds me to actively "want less", so that I have those resources available for my commitment to HWS. If every US or Western citizen "wanted less" - there would be enough for everyone. My HWS contribution supports my son, our future leaders, in their awareness of global responsibility - that there is a choice beyond the "more, more,more" mainstream consumer mentality in our country. R ot a r y Club s with gif ted u dic tiona r ies To me, Waldorf represents everything that is good and right in the world, and reminds me that I have a responsibility - and the ability - to be good and right too - we all do. H WS A —Dr. Mia Carson, mother of Colter Carson, HWS class of 2013 4 dopt-a-h ighway c lean-up team Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Kahiau Award H ALEAKALA W ALDORF S C H OOL S TUDE N T RECE I VE S KA H I AU A W ARD HWS student Denise Kalff was awarded the first Kahiau Award by Michael Powell at the school’s last day assembly on June 3rd. The award recognized an 8th grade student for the personal quality of selfless giving and generosity of spirit without expectation of return. This is the meaning of the Hawaiian word “kahiau.” Denise was nominated by her peers who wrote essays on her kindness. Classmates wrote: “Some people hold a kind deed over your head, expecting to get something back. Denise doesn’t, she is simply a good person.” and “She just amazes me and makes me want to be a better person.” community”. That means generously sharing their insights, ideas and success. They regularly assist charities, more than 30 annually at the last count, in fund-raising through art sales. Powell began the Kahiau Award at La Pietra – Hawaii School For Girls and extended it to Haleakala Waldorf School when he learned of the value of human relationships at HWS. The award consisted of an original painting by Powell, created especially for the occasion, of a rural upcountry landscape featuring jacaranda trees and a central illuminated area where some saw an angel. Powell is half of Tagami & Powell, “Hawaii’s most remarkable artistic duo", though they would be the first to deny this as modesty is an important aspect of their philosophy. Over a 24 year shared artistic history, each has sold thousands of canvasses to collectors and connoisseurs around the globe. People who know art in Hawaii know them and their exhibitions are heavily attended. At the same time, their approach to art includes “giving back to the [email protected] • Visit our website at: • Haleakala Waldorf School 5 Mahalo nui loa! July '10-June '11 W e e x t e n d a sin c e r e t h a n k y o u t o a l l wh o h a v e c o n t r ib u t e d t o H W S On behalf of all HWS students, thank you so very much for contributing over $725,000 to our school! Thank you for the trust in HWS that each gift represents. It is remarkable to note the tremendous impact of the many donors who gave to Haleakala Waldorf School. We are proud of and grateful for our community that supports our school through generous giving in so many ways: arship Fund Rising Sun Schol growing from ship program is lar ho Sc n Su g The Risin students! s to suppor ting 11 nt de stu 9 g tin or supp Anonymous Don ors: A special Mahalo Nui Loa to our ge nerous anonymou who helped us with s donors the Annual Fund, the Rising Sun Scho Fund, matching gif lar ship ts and through restr icted gif ts. Our an donors have cont on ym ous ributed almos t 50 % of the total cont for 2010 -11! ributions iving Tree : Holiday Faire G Punana ke ola ’ana (The Nest of Life) Leadership Giving Circle: Many have stepped up to make HWS a philanthropic priority and have joined the Leadership Giving Circle with a contribution of $1,000 or more to the Annual Giving Fund. "Giving to HWS is supporting the community that has held my children for eight years, from preschool through junior high. It is expressing my gratitude for encouraging me to be the best possible parent. Giving is my gesture of financial commitment that mirrors the school’s unwavering commitment to growth, integrity and excellence. It is a privilege to be able to send my children to HWS. And it is a privilege to be able to support HWS at a level that says…'Thank you for being an exceptional partner in raising my children'. —Karen Bouris 6 ards specific wish over $10,0 00 tow ve ga s ilie fam S W H lis t items! es of our nta make the wish Sa ng lpi he r fo u y Thank yo year of our Holida This was the 2nd e. tru e m s co y ilie ult fam fac H WS as a great success. w it d an ee Tr ng a Faire Givi including Hawaiian for wish lis t items 00 0,0 $1 er s ov lie pp ve ga ience su er s, ar t supplies, sc ris r tie ic us m ts, r ins trumen om items as lowe areas and classro ct bje su ial y ec ult sp r fac fo m our lp fulfill dreams fro he e as Ple s. er ad gr ade re ber 3, 2011! iday Faire on Decem ol H r ou at t lis ish w DONATE NOW! Giving to HWS is quick and convenient when you visit our website Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Annual Fund P r o v i d in g e x c e l l e n c e f o r H W S s t u d e n t s The backbone of our fundraising efforts is the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is a yearly appeal to all members of our community for tax-deductible contributions that make our mission possible. Thank you so very much for contributing to our school! Your Annual Fund gift directly at work: Tuition A ssistance For over 70 students in n eed Holiday Faire Michaelmas and Campus Improvements Playgrounds, Preschool yards, Classroom roofs Finest Qu ality Supp lies Excellence in Teaching Professional D evelopment, S alaries and Be nefits Mahalo to everyone who helped with the Annual Giving Campaign and the HWS phonathon. A special thanks to our Advancement Committee Chairs Kristina Lyons Lambert and John Elder, to the Annual Fund Co-Chairs Dave Futch, Liana Horovitz and Jacqueline Wood. [email protected] • Visit our website at: • Haleakala Waldorf School 7 Punana ke ola 'ana ( t h e l i v in g n e s t ) L e a d e r ship Gi v in g c i r c l e Pueo $10,000+ Anonymous (9) Atherton Family Foundation The Cooke Foundation John Elder Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation Woody and Laura Harrelson McInerny Foundation John and Noor Morey The Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation David and Charlene Wagner ‘Io $5,000 $9,999 Anonymous (2) Daniel and Barbara Berry Foundation Andy and Mia Carson/ Bridge Medicine LLC Jon and Diane Claerbout G. N. Wilcox Trust Fritz Reynolds and Christine Hether Michael and Angela Kroeger Michael and Jill Spalding Tod and Jacqueline Wood Koa'e $2,500 $4,999 ‘I'iwi $1,500 $2,499 Anonymous (3) Mustafa and Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Thomas and Kristina Lyons Lambert Mette Lyons Sophia Shoen Tsune Watanabe and Priscilla Carmichael Anonymous Diamond Approach Group Leontine Elder Peter and Liana Horovitz Lamaku Parent Association Beth and George Wood ‘Elepaio $1,000 - $1,499 Anonymous (3) Tugger Balcom and Dorothy Day George Binney Raymond and Letty Borchers Anne Carter Mark and Leah Damon David and Andrea Futch Rob Hilbun and Karen Bouris Billy and Carla Jalbert Nicolas and Anja Kern Judith Lambert Nancy Meola Kathy Ross Bob and Margo Rowland Hal Wright Gi v in g b y Am o u n t Founders' Circle $500 - $999 Anonymous William and Marilyn Alpenfels Donald Anderson Mitch and Joan Selix Berman Dennis Brown and Cindy Krach/ Animal Care Hospital Robert and Iris Chapman Todd and Jayne Craine Ted and Astrid Grupenhoff HWS Class of 2011 Mancini, Welch & Geiger LLP Paul Levinson Gill Newton Brent Pickering and Sally Dominick Christian Rogge and Susanne Knappstein Stefan Schafer and Chenta Laury Dean and Linda Kay Whitney Yokouchi Foundation Jonathan and Victoria Yudis Kokua Circle $250 - $499 Anonymous (3) John and Brenda Andrick Richard and Melinda Armour Jeff and Janet Baldwin Alan Brisley and Kelley Janes Paul Brown Ted Buttner Glenna Carcon 8 Carol Conley Darcy Davis Tai and Sarah Domen Greg and Stacy Downs Karen Ellis Scott and Sherry Fisher Andrew Gross and Jenny-Li Hellsen Robert Hagebak Haleakala Ranch Co. Jim and Honey Bun Haynes Indigo Paia John and Sheri Kerr Steve Kreider and Gretchen Fisher Michael Loo Anders Lyons and Kiera Strohm-Herman Chris and Nanci Moes Ron Moore and Marion Haskins Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Miles Olson Joseph and Konstance Palmore Peter and Susie Peck Rodney Potter Gray and Bettina Ringsby Keith and Licia Sakamoto Schwartz Ohana Richard Spork and Agna Pang Ted and Leslie Tucker Cynthia Warner Miles and Koko Wolbe Community Circle $1-249 Anonymous (7) Robert and Kathy Adams Marty and Helida Adler Nick and Maggie Alves American Savings Bank Barbara Anderson Ryan and Elizabeth Anderson Connie Anzalone Ric and Dolores Arenas Del and Kathy Arkin Linda Arnold Association of Waldorf Schools Joyce Bain Evalani Barchet Genoa Barchet Stanley Bartlett Ray Baskerville and Josie Simpson Bill and Vibeke Bates Michael Beaulieu David and Kelly Behn Jaime and Paula Berdal Joshua Berman Chelsey Bilka David Blake and Suzanne Frew Tom and Patti Bowman Vince Bronick Tobias Brook and family Kevin and Nova Burnes Bennett Cale and Gabby Anderman Kathleen Carello-Thuro Jocelyn Chang Martin and Yasuko Claerbout Rebecca Clark Matthew Clement Peter and Vickie Conmy Rochelle Coop Christina Cowell Mark and Sol Cunningham Cutts family Brian and Eva Daniells Joseph Delinsky Pete and Jemma DellaCroce Linda Deslauriers Rich Doster and Marie Fitzsimons Roberta Ducharme Russell and Kimberly Dukes Gerald Durkan Shawn and Diane Fell Yvonne and Glen Fickbohm Auriol Naquin Flavell Jon Flynn and Dacia Waller Foodland Dale and Anne-Marie Forsythe Ann Fuggiasco Eduardo Gandolfo Jeff Gerard Malia Gerard Glenn and Delaina Gibson Frank and LauraLynn Giubardo Steve and Fran Goldstein Diannah Goo Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 In Gratitude ‘10 - ‘11 Gifts Gi v in g b y Am o u n t David and Bonnie Gott Francisco Goya and Tamara Catz Noell Grace Alan Grodzinsky and Susan Garland Carl Freedman and Kim Harter Chrstina Hemming Denver and Shelley Henry Brian and Brynne Heustis Frederick and Lindsey Hill Keith and Johanna Holland Paul and Betsy Horovitz HWS Class of 2010 Shane and Sierra Jacob Mark John Andrea Kalff Christine Kapiioho Andy Kauderer Todd and Kalia Kelmenson James and Teresa Kimmel Bernard and Helen Kovitz Mercy Kraft Bryan and Shelagh Lampshire Tana Larson Leslie Leclerc Nick and Colleen Lisowski Steven and Marie Lopes Amy Lord and Teri Holter David and Anmarie Mabbutt Shelley Maddigan Rick and Leanne Markham Maui Electric Company Keith and Lynette McCrary Allison McDonald Taj McDonald Jeane and Dan McMahon Patrick and Azusa Merrill Sarah Metz Jeannette Milholland Chris Miller and Rona Smith Tyler Morrison Dwight and Julenne Mounts Joyce Muraoka Jack Naiditch Martha Nerenhausen Emily Nielsen Clare and Jerry Norris Scott Obley and Gwen Arkin Sean and Ester Parkman Bonnie Pasicznyk Tony and Mikki Perricelli Christina and Riki Pestana Paul and Cindy Pokorski Syd and Vivian Rahe Craig and Teena Rasmussen Kala Raymond Keoki and Kim Raymond Danoucha Reynon Andy and Anne Rice Chris and Hillary Richards Dawna Richmond Teresa Rizzo Zea Robbins Konjit Robinson Joyce Romero Patricia Rosenblad Bob and Ingrid Rowland Jitendra and Kalyani Russell Rita Ryan Sagara Sanchez-Reinoso Chris and Signe Schaefer Michael and Carol Schwarz Sena family Lina Sena Laura Sequeira Jennifer Sheehan Heidi Sherman Ned Simonds Allison Smith Henry and Dorothy Smith Doug and Kathryn Smith Nicole Smith Starr Snead Scott and Perlita Sniffen Randolph and Jill Speak Heather Steiner Spar Street and Johanna Wilson Christopher and Irene Sutherland Paul and Amy Sutherland Kevin and Liz Tade Garry and Jan Taylor Rod and Linda Taylor James and Jenna Tolley Upcountry Sustainibility John and Teresa Vail Stephanie Viela Jen and Steve Vurno Ben and Hiroko Ward Dale and Jackie Webster David and Anne Wertheim Western Union Rob and Lorrie Williams Heidi Woessner Jerry and Carolyn Wright Thomas and Julie Ybarra Gi v in g b y A f f i l i a t i o n Alumni Eva Barchet Genoa Barchett (95) Joshua Berman (08) Sarah Cutts Anne-Marie Forsythe (90) HWS Class of 2010 HWS Class of 2011 Shane Jacob (06) Sierra Jacob (08) Kalia Kelmenson (86) Kristina Lyons Lambert (84) Anders Lyons (82) Tyler Morrison (80) Danoucha Reynon (95) Lina Sena (05) Allison Smith (07) Nicole Smith (99) Board of Directors Joan Berman Leah Damon John Elder Sherry Fisher Laura Harrelson Kim Harter Christine Hether Peter Horovitz Kristina Lyons Lambert Gill Newton Linda Taylor Ted Tucker Tod Wood Businesses Advancement Connections Aloha Maui Aprons American Savings Bank [email protected] • Visit our website at: • Haleakala Waldorf School Animal Care Hospital Bridge Medicine Current Electric danooshadesigns Foodland Grins2Go Haleakala Ranch Company Happy Day Gymagery Indigo Paia Mancini, Welch & Geiger LLP Maui Electric Company Maui Oceanic Properties Maui Orthodontics Michael Spalding Realty Morgan Stanley Smith Barney New Waves Wellness Center Outdoor Unlimited River Trips Paradise Flower Farms Pony Express R.F. Chapman and Co. Rainbow Rentals Rainbow Surf Hostel Reynolds Capital Management Sunrise Country Market Western Union Faculty and Staff Robert Adams Maggie Alves Ryan Anderson Stanley Bartlett Michael Beaulieu Paula Berdal Chelsey Bilka Paul Brown Kathleen Carello-Thuro Matthew Clement Vickie Conmy 9 In Gratitude ‘10 - ‘11 Gifts continued Gi v in g b y A f f i l i a t i o n Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Kimberly Dukes Karen Ellis Andrea Futch Astrid Grupenhoff Shelley Henry Mark John Mercy Kraft Gisele LaLonde Tana Larson Leslie Leclerc Paul Levinson Lynette McCrary Allison McDonald Jeannette Milholland Joseph Palmore Konstance Palmore Kim Raymond Teresa Rizzo Konjit Robinson Linda Kay Whitney Koko Wolbe Julie Ybarra Foundations Anonymous Atherton Family Foundation The Cooke Foundation Daniel and Barbara Berry Foundation Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation G. N. Wilcox Trust McInerny Foundation The Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Yokouchi Foundation Friends and Family Del and Kathy Arkin Association of Waldorf Schools Joyce Bain George Binney Cutts family Diamond Approach Group Pete and Jemma DellaCroce Roberta Ducharme Auriol Naquin Flavell Steve and Fran Goldstein Jim and Honey Bun Haynes Michael Loo Shelley Maddigan Ron Montgomery Joyce Muraoka Emily Nielsen Syd and Vivian Rahe 10 Joyce Romero Patricia Rosenblad Laura Sequeira Henry and Dorothy Smith Starr Snead Paul and Amy Sutherland Garry and Jan Taylor Upcountry Sustainibility Stephanie Viela Dale and Jackie Webster Grandparents Barbara Anderson Donald Anderson Connie Anzalone Ric and Dolores Arenas Bill and Vibeke Bates Daniel and Barbara Berry Ted Buttner Glenna Carcon Jon and Diane Claerbout Joseph Delinsky Diannah Goo Paul and Betsy Horovitz Bernard and Helen Kovitz Judith Lambert Mette Lyons Jerry and Clare Norris Tony and Mikki Perricelli Keoki and Kim Raymond Bob and Margo Rowland Chris and Signe Schaefer Michael and Jill Spalding Dean and Linda Kay Whitney Rob and Lorrie Williams George and Beth Wood Hal Wright Parents Anonymous (7) Robert and Kathy Adams William and Marilyn Alpenfels Nick and Maggie Alves Ryan and Elizabeth Anderson Richard and Melinda Armour Tugger Balcom and Dorothy Day Ray Baskerville and Josie Simpson David and Kelly Behn Jaime and Paula Berdal David Blake and Suzanne Frew Raymond and Letty Borchers Alan Brisley and Kelley Janes Vince Bronick Tobias Brook and family Dennis Brown and Cindy Krach Kevin and Nova Burnes Bennett Cale and Gabby Anderman Andy and Mia Carson Anne Carter Jocelyn Chang Martin and Yasuko Claerbout Rebecca Clark Carol Conley Peter and Vickie Conmy Rochelle Coop Christina Cowell Todd and Jayne Craine Mark and Sol Cunningham Mark and Leah Damon Darcy Davis Linda Deslauriers Tai and Sarah Domen Rich Doster and Marie Fitzsimons Greg and Stacy Downs Russell and Kimberly Dukes Gerald Durkan John Elder Leontine Elder Shawn and Diane Fell Yvonne and Glen Fickbohm Scott and Sherry Fisher Jon Flynn and Dacia Waller Dale and Anne-Marie Forsythe Carl Freedman and Kim Harter Ann Fuggiasco David and Andrea Futch Eduardo Gandolfo Jeff Gerard Malia Gerard Glenn and Delaina Gibson Frank and LauraLynn Giubardo David and Bonnie Gott Francisco Goya and Tamara Catz Noell Grace Andrew Gross and Jenny-Li Hellsen Ted and Astrid Grupenhoff Robert Hagebak Woody and Laura Harrelson Christina Hemming Brian and Brynne Heustis Rob Hilbun and Karen Bouris Frederick and Lindsey Hill Keith and Johanna Holland Peter and Liana Horovitz Billy and Carla Jalbert Andrea Kalff Christine Kapiioho Andy Kauderer Todd and Kalia Kelmenson Nicolas and Anja Kern James and Teresa Kimmel Michael and Angela Kroeger Lamaku Parent Association Bryan and Shelagh Lampshire Leslie Leclerc Nick and Colleen Lisowski Steven and Marie Lopes Amy Lord and Teri Holter Anders Lyons and Kiera Strohm-Herman Thomas and Kristina Lyons Lambert David and Anmarie Mabbutt Rick and Leanne Markham Allison McDonald Taj McDonald Dan and Jeane McMahon Patrick and Azusa Merrill Sarah Metz Chris and Nanci Moes Ron Moore and Marion Haskins John and Noor Morey Dwight and Julenne Mounts Jack Naiditch Gill Newton Scott Obley and Gwen Arkin Miles Olson Joseph and Konstance Palmore Sean and Ester Parkman Peter and Susie Peck Christina and Riki Pestana Brent Pickering and Sally Dominick Paul and Cindy Pokorski Kala Raymond Andy and Anne Rice Chris and Hillary Richards Gray and Bettina Ringsby Zea Robbins Christian Rogge and Susanne Knappstein Kathy Ross Bob and Ingrid Rowland Jitendra and Kalyani Russell Rita Ryan Keith and Licia Sakamoto Sagara Sanchez-Reinoso Stefan Schafer and Chenta Laury Michael and Carol Schwarz Jennifer Sheehan Heidi Sherman Sophia Shoen Scott and Perlita Sniffen Randolph and Jill Speak Richard Spork and Agna Pang Heather Steiner Spar Street and Johanna Wilson Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Mahalo a nui loa in k in d d o n a t i o ns Gi v in g b y A f f i l i a t i o n c o n t in u e d Christopher and Irene Sutherland Kevin and Liz Tade James and Jenna Tolley Ted and Leslie Tucker Jen and Steve Vurno David and Charlene Wagner Ben and Hiroko Ward Cynthia Warner Tsune Watanabe and Pricilla Carmichael David and Anne Wertheim Heidi Woessner Tod and Jacqueline Wood Thomas and Julie Ybarra Past Parents Anonymous (2) Marty and Helida Adler John and Brenda Andrick Linda Arnold Jeff and Janet Baldwin Mitch and Joan Selix Berman Tom and Patti Bowman Robert and Iris Chapman Brian and Eva Daniells Mustafa and Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Karen Ellis Alan Grodzinsky and Susan Garland Fritz Reynolds and Christine Hether John and Sheri Kerr Mercy Kraft Steve Kreider and Gretchen Fisher Mette Lyons Nancy Meola Chris Miller and Rona Smith Martha Nerenhausen Bonnie Pasicznyk Rodney Potter Craig and Teena Rasmussen Ron and Dawna Richmond Teresa Rizzo Konjit Robinson Schwartz Ohana Sena family Ned Simonds Doug and Kathryn Smith Michael and Jill Spalding Rod and Linda Taylor John and Teresa Vail Jerry and Carolyn Wright In-Kind Donations A Toy Garden Aardvarks to Zebras, Inc ABC Supply Ace Printing Co., Inc. Adonis Press Aloha Maui Aprons Aloha Cane Wizard Aloha Natural Brokers Amy Wakingwolf Anthony's Coffee Company Asian Arts Awekening Health Therapeutic Ayumi Ditamore Bella Rosa Resta Beverly Bernardino Bhakti Rocks Biasa Rose Big Island Candies Billy and Maggie Welker Bishop Museum Press Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Bounty Music Cain and Carolyn Savage Can Do Kid, Inc. Carolinie Woodham Photography Casanova's Italian Restaurant Chris McNeil Dr. Cindy Fernandez Colin Preston Collections Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery Curves Da Pets Daniel Sullivan and Caramiya Davies-Reid Danish Woolen Delight Dario Campanile Fine Arts David and Hannah Sullivan Deva Lifeware Doc Martin's of Maui Doubletree Alana Hotel Down To Earth Dr. Bennett's Med Spa Dr. Hauschka Duck Soup Duo at the Four Seasons Earth Creations Eddie Flotte Elena Peytchevea Emmanuelle and William Betham Erin Bummis Expeditions Expert Appraisals by Alison Flatbread Pizza Frogman Charters Gavin and Trish Barker Gecko Trading Co. Boutique Gisele LaLonde Global Girlfriend Grace & Beauty Day Spa and Boutique Grand Wailea Resort Hotel Green Banana Cafe & Yogurt Green Mountain / Tully's Coffee Grupenhoff family Haiku Maui Orchids Haleakala Bike Co. Harrelson family Healing Stones Heart Of Maui Hoaloha Na Eha, Ltd./ Old Lahaina Luau Holland Marylyn Hui No-eau Visual Arts Center Hula Grill HulaHoops Maui HWS Faculty HWS Grade 1 HWS Grade 2 HWS Grade 3 HWS Grade 4 HWS Grade 5 HWS Grade 6 HWS Grade 7 HWS Grade 8 HWS Nene Kindergarten HWS Pueo Kindergarten Ian and Shay Chan Hodges Indie Attire Indigo Paia Inspiritos Inc Isabelle Buell Isle Dream James McCall Jewels of the White Tara Jim Meekhof Master Wood JoAnne King Jocelyn Chang John Elder Jon Flynn and Dacia Waller Jordanne Gallery Junior Jewels K D Music Kaanapali Beach Hotel Kapalua Land Company Karen Fischer and John Eckhart Kealahealing LLC Kurt and Sari Kawauchi Lance and Kaye Whitney Lappert's Hawaii Lilipoh Publishing Linda Taylor Engineering, Inc. [email protected] • Visit our website at: • Haleakala Waldorf School Linda Whittemore Lori Koprowski Maha Conyers Makawao Fine Art Makawao Hair Saloon Mala Ocean Tavern Mama's Fish House Restaurant Mark Goldberg and Kira Enge Mary Ann Leigh Mary's Gone Crackers Maui Academy of Performing Arts Maui Arts and Cultural Center Maui Classic Charters Inc. Maui Coastal Land Trust Maui Craft Creations Maui Divers Maui Family YMCA Maui Filmfestival Maui Giclee Maui Hands Maui MoonBeams Maui Nui Botanical Gardens Maui Ocean Center Maui Pom/Thai Treat Mauidivegirl Designs Mia Carson Mike and Jill Spalding Melissa Newirth Merrill family Michael and Deborah Jacob Moana Cafe Moonbow Tropics Morey family Morihara Store Mothering Natural Family Living Mulligans on the Blue, Wailea Nalu Kai Lodge Nelson Bach Nina Valley North Shore Chiropractic Obentec, Inc. Ocean Obsession OM Maui Health & Fitness Organic Valley Farm Pacific Sign and Design Pacific Whale Foundation Pacifica Natural Brokers Paia Inn Pamela's Products Paragon Salon Patti and Alan Cadiz Peter and Sugandha Black Piiholo Zipline Polli's Mexican Restaurant Proflight Paragliding 11 In Gratitude ‘10 - ‘11 Gifts continued in k in d d o n a t i o ns & T r ib u t e R o s t e r Pukalani Country Club Pukalani Superette Pulehu Pizza Queen Bee Productions Rachel Taylor Ralph Bakshi Randy Jay Braun Gallery Reefdancer and America II Rita Ryan Rob Guest Robert Lang Rodeo General Store Rousetus LLC Ruth's Chris Steak House S Reeve Gallery & Gifts Sacred Bali Designs Sailboards Maui Salsa Dance on Maui Scarlatti Schlink Woodcuts Schwarz Jewelry Seventh Generation Shakti Carola Navran Shaunine Gundry Shear Organics Siganka Silpada Designs Simmer Hawaii Skyline Eco Adventures Sonja Acion Sophie Grace Maui SoulCollage Stella Blues Café Surfing Goat Dairy Tamara Catz, Paia Teri Holter, LCSW The Gypsy Tent The Pet Store The Reading Clinic The Sacred Garden of Maliko The Westin Kaanapali Resort Thee Salon Tofutti Brands Inc. Treasure Box Toys Turtle Reef-Fine Jewelry UFO Parasail Ulalena Uma Silbey Upcountry Acupuncture, Tom Bellerue Upcountry Fine Art Upcountry Legends Upcountry Rotary Club 12 Upcountry Veterinary Acupuncture Viewpoints Gallery Virginia Fish W.S. Badger Co Inc Weir Dolls & Crafts We are grateful for the support of each individual, organization and business listed. If we have left anyone off the list or misspelled a name, please let us know by calling 808-878-2511 Tribute Roster The following Tribute Gifts were made in memory or in honor of a student, a faculty or staff member, or a beloved family member or friend. In Honor of Keith and Lynette McCraryTwo Entwined Lifetimes Devoted To Waldorf Education Donald and Bette Anderson Tugger Balcom and Dorothy Day Eva Barchet Genoa Barchet Mitch and Joan Berman Alan Brisley and Kelley Janes Dennis Brown and Cindy Krach Paul Brown Robert and Iris Chapman Peter and Vickie Conmy Mustafa and Jocelyn Romero Demirbag Greg and Stacy Downs John Elder Shawn and Diane Fell Glen and Yvonne Fickbohm David and Andrea Futch Glenn and Delaina Gibson Steve Goldstein Andrew Gross and Jenny-Li Hellsen Ted and Astrid Grupenhoff Woody and Laura Harrelson Fritz Reynolds and Christine Hether John and Sheri Kerr Thomas and Kristina Lyons Lambert Rick and Leanne Markham Dwight and Julenne Mounts Peter and Susie Peck Keith and Licia Sakamoto Starr Snead Richard Spork and Agna Pang Kevin and Liz Tade Rod and Linda Taylor Ted and Leslie Tucker Tsune Watanabe and Pricilla Carmichael Miles and Koko Wolbe GIUBARDO GIRLS Connie Anzalone DOROTHY ARKIN Del and Kathy Arkin PUHI GIBSON Glenn and Delaina Gibson ELIJAH LOPES Steven and Marie Lopes DR. HARRY LOUIE Henry and Dorothy Smith, Laura Sequeira EMILY MATHIAS Rebecca Clark MAILE RIETOW Anonymous CALLIE AND MAGGIE SCHULTZ Michael Loo RUTH WILLIAMS AND CLAIRE ELLIS Karen Ellis HWS Giving Tree Parents, Board members, faculty and Alumni gave over $10,000 to our new Giving Tree at Holiday Faire Mahalo to: Anonymous (2) John Elder Grupenhoff family Peter and Liana Horovitz Andreas Kauderer Mike and Angela Kroeger Thomas and Kristina Lyons Lambert Mette Lyons Peter and Susie Peck Mikki Pericelli Christian Rogge and Susanne Knappstein Sophia Shoen Tsune Watanabe and Priscilla Carmichael Jonathan and Victoria Yudis Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 Alumni Spotlight I t T a k e s a F a mi l y One of the most beautiful aspects of being a part of the HWS community is that it is a place the whole family can participate in and enjoy. Parents and students alike experience opportunities for growth and evolution. It is also quite a strong statement when these former students begin enrolling their own children. The Dodge family is one that has engaged with HWS in many ways over the years. When pregnant with her first child, Clifton, Maile Rietow Dodge was handed one of Steiner’s books by a friend, and her passion for Anthroposophy was ignited. Maile then moved to Maui in 1976 before Clifton started kindergarten, and worked with teachers and the community to get our campus ready as this was the year that the school moved from Wailuku to its current location. And so Maile’s journey with HWS began. Ultimately, her three children Clifton (‘85), Kalia ('86) and Nina (‘95) all came through HWS. While her children were here, Maile served as board president, initiated the original Holiday Faire (then called Christmas Faire), created the first Ke Ala Hou Newsletter, wrote the original grant proposals to local foundations in Honolulu for both capital improvements and operating funds, courted trained Waldorf teachers to come to HWS such as the McCrarys, recruited families that now have lifelong multi-generational connections to HWS such as the Spaldings, and even served as the secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Hawaii. Under her tenure, the school grew and flourished. Maile set a fine example of community service and parent involvement, and her apples did not fall far from the tree. Clifton served as the school gardening teacher from 1996-2006. The children loved the joy that Clifton brought to working with plants, and Clifton responded out of a reciprocal love. Despite his landscaping business that spanned Molokai, Lanai, and Maui, Clifton made time to come back to school once a week on Fridays for ten years, and specialized in planting native plants around campus. Clifton’s son Duke is now enrolled in the 'Apapane preschool and the koa and sandlewood trees he planted during that time have grown tall. Nina came back to the school as well, serving as our Hawaiiana teacher for a year. Nina is now completing her Masters in Hawaiian language, has trained with Aunty Gordean Bailey as a hula dancer, and also has a wealth of knowledge regarding native plants. We are looking forward to the day when Nina's children attend HWS! Kalia has had two children enrolled at HWS over the past four years: Lana in the 3rd grade and Kyle in the 1st grade. Kalia is the founder of Maui Mind and Body, LLC, supporting women’s personal health and wellness. Over the years, Kalia has worked closely with her children’s teachers as a room parent, and has contributed significantly to the annual Holiday Faire as wreaths chair, was an angel and parent rep for Night of Delight, and has participated in school Wisdom Circles. As a Waldorf graduate, Kalia is regarded by her peers as a strong example of the kind of person they would love to see their children grow into! “I do feel deeply connected with the community of the school- and I love being a parent, and having the opportunity to understand at another level what I experience as a result of going through the school—it's quite profound. I am so grateful that my children get to have this experience, and that I get to experience it myself, as a parent”. —Kalia Kelmenson It is a treat now to see Tutu Maile back on campus picking up her grandchildren, and imagine the changes she has witnessed as HWS has grown over the years. It takes a whole family to raise a school, and the Dodges are a strong example of the difference that one family can make. [email protected] Visitour ourwebsite websiteat:• Haleakala • HaleakalaWaldorf WaldorfSchool School [email protected] • •Visit 11 13 A Social Education A r t w o r k f r o m o r i g in a l s t o r y b o o k s b y f o u r g r a d u a t e s o f t h e At the beginning of the school year, each first grade student is paired up with an eighth grade student. As the year unfolds, a deep and sweet bond blossoms. In the spring, the eighth grade students compose, illustrate, and bind a story book for their first graders. To really observe and reflect back the nature of a young child requires a level of compassionate thoughtfulness that is not always seen in adolescents. The opportunity to see themselves as role models, to reach back into their own experience at the beginning of their journey through the grades and connect with their inner seven year old is quite powerful for the development of the eighth grade students. Ella H "I feel t a r te r hat this me for school h every th ing I wil as prepared l need in life." e s s on f a W a l e eo Mik are on d for e r e h te ers "Teach are apprecia ou kind. Y ho you are." w 1 14 Haleakala Waldorf School • 4160 Lower Kula Road • Kula, Maui, Hawai‘i 96790 • Tel: (808) 878-2511 • Fax: (808) 878-3341 c l a ss o f 2 0 1 1 , a l o n g wi t h q u o t e s f r o m t h e i r g r a d u a t i o n sp e e c h e s Kyla Pinkard "I can't wait to live my life and do something extraordinary. I can't wait to see every one of us change the world." J ust "Unforget in Ringsby table the inspira journey...thanks for tion to do my best." [email protected] • Visit our website at: • Haleakala Waldorf School 15 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID Haleakala Waldorf School KIHEI HI PERMIT NO. 171 4160 lower kula road, kula, MAUI, HAWAI‘I 96790 Tel ep hone : (808) 878-2 5 11 • F a x : ( 8 0 8 ) 8 7 8 - 3 3 4 1 i nfo @ w aldorfmaui.or g • w w w. w a l dor f ma u i . or g " Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. " -Robert Louis Stevenson T H E N E W P AT H FALL 2 0 1 1 H a l e a k AL Ā W a l d o r f S c h o o l N e ws l e t t e r E Komo Mai! welcome G o in g G r e e n ! This Ke Ala Hou was printed with: 100% recycled content, 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free paper, soy based ink and generated from wind power. Th e 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 H W S B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s : President - Tod Wood Vice President - Kristina Lyons Lambert Treasurer - Gill Newton Secretary - Christine Hether Editor: Maka'ala Palmore Photography: Carla Jalbert and HWS Parents Joan Selix Berman Sherry Fisher Dave Futch Laura Harrelson Kim Harter Richard Spork Linda Taylor Ted Tucker Graphic Design: Danoucha Reynon ‘95 [email protected]
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