CONTENTS CORN Corn Products Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2013-2014 Corn Technology Conversion Chart. . . 4-5 Insect Control Reference Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Corn Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25 Silage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-31 ALFALFA Alfalfa Products Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-67 Alfalfa Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69 SOYBEANS Soybean Products Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Soybean Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-55 LOVELAND Loveland Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-75 WHEAT Wheat Products Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 Wheat Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-61 SORGHUM Wheat Products Legend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Hybrid Forage Sorghum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Grain Sorghum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65 403154_NationalGuide.indd 1 COTTON Cotton Product Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-71 Cotton Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-73 MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Premium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Dyna-Shield Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79 Dyna-Shield Platinum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-81 Management Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-85 Dyna-Gro Focus Seed Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-88 5/13/14 11:11 AM CORN IT BEGINS WITH AND ENDS WITH YOUR SUCCESS! 2 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 2 5/13/14 11:11 AM CORN LEGEND Respect the Rotation™ is an initiative to elevate the importance and farmer adoption of herbicide diversity to prevent or manage weed resistance. Glyphosate weed resistance is a dominating threat throughout the U.S. that affects land values, rental agreements, conservation tillage and can greatly reduce yields. Use of Integrated Weed Management practices, such as use of residuals, pre-emergence herbicides and rotation of crops, traits and herbicides, is critical as no one method is likely to be completely successful. Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your Monsanto representative for the registration status in your state. IMPORTANT IRM INFORMATION: Genuity® RIB Complete® corn blend products do not require the planting of a structured refuge except in the Cotton-Growing Area where corn earworm is a significant pest. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Always read and follow IRM requirements. Roundup Technology® includes Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide technologies. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup PowerMAX®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Technology®, Roundup®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO® and VT Triple PRO® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DroughtGard™, Genuity Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, VT Double PRO®, VT Triple PRO®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard VT Triple®, YieldGard VT® and YieldGard® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. LibertyLink and the Water Droplet Design® is a registered trademark of Bayer. HERCULEX® and the HERCULEX Shield are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Agrisure®, Agrisure Artesian®, Agrisure Duracade™, Agrisure Viptera® and E-Z Refuge® are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. For more information, visit LibertyLink® Corn The LibertyLink® trait with Liberty® herbicide enables growers to effectively avoid or manage weed resistance as the only nonselective alternative to glyphosate-tolerant systems. LibertyLink hybrids combine high-yielding genetics with excellent crop safety from built-in tolerance to the powerful, postemergence weed control of Liberty. A wide selection of LibertyLink hybrids are available from elite germplasm providers, including all Optimum® AcreMax™ 1 products, SmartStax™ hybrids, Herculex® hybrids and Agrisure® hybrids with corn borer protection, or as a single trait in hybrids for refuge acres. Seed products with the LibertyLink® (LL) trait are resistant to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium, an alternative to glyphosate in corn, and combine high-yielding genetics with the powerful, non-selective, postemergent weed control of Liberty® herbicide for optimum yield and excellent weed control. Liberty herbicide applied over the top of LibertyLink corn hybrids provides powerful control of broadleaf and grass weeds, including weeds resistant to glyphosate and multiple herbicide classes. Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Liberty is not registered in all states. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at RATING SCALE: 9 = 7-8 = 5-6 = 3-4 = 1-2 = NA = Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Rating not available * All information is based on comparisons with other Dyna-Gro hybrids. Environmental conditions may cause hybrids to perform differently. GDU (Growing Degree Unit) Black Layer - Physiological maturity/zero milkline from planting. This can vary due to day length, temperature, fertility, date of planting, etc. TECHNOLOGY: CONV=Conventional RR2 = Roundup Ready® 2 Corn GENVT2P = Genuity® VT Double Pro® GENVT2PRIB =Genuity® VT Double Pro® RIB Complete® Corn DC/GENVT2P =Genuity® DroughtGard® with Genuity® VT Double Pro® GENVT3P = Genuity® VT Triple Pro® GENVT3PRIB =Genuity® VT Triple Pro® RIB Complete® Corn GENSS = Genuity® SmartStax® GENSSRIB =Genuity® SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn GENDG/VT2P =Genuity® DroughtGard with VT Double Pro® HXI/ RR2 =Herculex® I with Roundup Ready® 2 Corn HXTRA/RR2 =Herculex® XTRA with Roundup Ready® 2 Corn GT =Agrisure® GT trait, glyphosate herbicide tolerance GT/CB/LL =Agrisure® GT/CB/LL trait stack, glyphosate and glufosinate 3000GT = Agrisure® 3000GT trait stack, corn rootworm and European corn borer insect protection and glyphosate and glufosinate herbicide tolerance. VIP 3111 =Agrisure Viptera® 3111 trait stack, multi-pest control, both above and below ground. Tolerance to glyphosate and glufosinate herbicide. PLANT HEIGHT: S=Short M/S=Medium-Short M=Medium M/T=Medium-Tall T=Tall EAR HEIGHT: L=Low M/L=Medium-Low M=Medium M/H=Medium-High H=High DISEASE RATINGS: 8 - 9 = High Tolerance 6 - 7 = Tolerance 4 - 5 = Moderate Tolerance 1 - 3 = Susceptible NA = Information not Available DYNA-GRO LETTER DESIGNATION: CC = Conventional Corn SS = Genuity® SmartStax VP = Genuity® VT Triple Pro® VC = Genuity® VT Double Pro® DC =Genuity® DroughtGard with VT Double Pro® RR = Roundup Ready® 2 Corn HR =Herculex® I with Roundup Ready® 2 Corn Q = Agrisure® 3000GT QV = Agrisure Viptera® 3111 QC = Agrisure Viptera® 3110 GT =Agrisure® GT Glyphosate herbicide Tolerance VN =NutriDense® Grain and Genuity® VT Triple Pro or YieldGard® VT3 RIB = Refuge In Bag - Refuge Complete DYNA-GRO CORN NUMBER SYSTEM: 1st Digit = D=Corn 2nd & 3rd Digit = Add 60 for Maturity 4th & 5th Digit = Technology 6th & 7th Digit =Family within 5 day maturity group Example: D50VC43RIB = Corn, 110 day, VT2 Pro RIB, D50SS43 family DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 3 3 5/13/14 11:11 AM D34CC52 D40CC48 Herculex® I, Liberty Link Roundup Ready® 2 Agrisure® Viptera 3110 Agrisure® GT GENVT2P D18VC61RIB D19VC89RIB DroughtGard RR2 HXI/RR2 VIP 3110 GT Silage Select™ Roundup Ready® 2 GENVT3P Genuity® Droughtgard®, Hybrids with VT Triple Pro® GENSS Genuity® VT Double Pro® RM 78 79 79 80 81 83 84 85 85 86 86 87 89 91 92 92 92 94 95 95 96 97 97 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 101 102 103 103 Genuity® VT Triple Pro® *Relative Maturity Conventional Genuity® SmartStax® Base Genetics CORN TECHNOLOGY CONVERSION CHART 2014 Technology Conversion Chart Silage Select D19RR89 D19RR91 D20VC73RIB D21VC68RIB D23VC35RIB D24VC44RIB D25VC45RIB D25VC66RIB D26VP56RIB D26VP56RIB V26R86 D27VC76RIB D29VC30RIB D31VC31RIB D31SS31RIB D32SS32RIB D32SS56RIB D34VP52RIB D35VP40RIB D32VC56RIB D34VC52RIB D35VC40RIB D35VC95RIB D32RR29 D32RR29 D32RR56 D34RR52 D32SS56 D35VC95RIB D36SS39RIB D37SS60RIB D37SS71RIB D38SS50RIB D39VC69RIB D39SS17RIB D39VP14RIB D39VC14RIB D39RR14 D40SS48RIB D39RR12 D40SS09RIB D40SS27RIB D41SS71RIB D42SS42RIB D40VC09RIB D39RR12 D40SS09RIB D41VC71RIB D41SS71RIB D43VC50RIB D43RR22ND D43RR22ND 4 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 4 5/13/14 11:11 AM D49CC78 D51CC32 D54CC81 D55CC77 57N73 Genuity® VT Double Pro® Genuity® Droughtgard®, Hybrids with VT Triple Pro® Roundup Ready® 2 Herculex® I, Liberty Link Roundup Ready® 2 Agrisure® Viptera 3110 Agrisure® GT GENSS GENVT3P GENVT2P DroughtGard RR2 HXI/RR2 VIP 3110 GT D45GT50 D46SS62RIB D46SS46RIB D47SS23RIB D48SS76RIB D47VC23RIB D47RR23 D48RR76 Silage Select D45GT50 D47SS23RIB D48VP93RIB D48SS38RIB D49VP88RIB D50VN10 D50SS43RIB D51SS54RIB D49VC59RIB D49VC88RIB D50VN10 D50VC43RIB D51VP32RIB D51VP40RIB D52VP20RIB D52SS91RIB D51VC32RIB D51RR32 D51RR40 D52VC20RIB D52VC91RIB D53VC47RIB D53VC55RIB D53VC13RIB D53VP61RIB D54DC94RIB D54VP81RIB D55VP77 D54VC81RIB D54VC59RIB D54VC21RIB D55VC77 D54RR21 D55RR77 D55VP77 D55QC73 D55GT73 D56VC46 D56VP10 D56VP24 D57VP51 D56RR10 D56VP24 D57RR51 D57DC58 D57VP75 D58QC72 D59HR50 Red = New Commercial Release. *Relative Maturity will vary with Trait Conversion. The 2014-2015 Technology Conversion chart should not be used as an availability sheet. RIB products may or may not be available in products shown and other RIB versions may be available. Copyright © 2014 Dyna-Gro Seed, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 403154_NationalGuide.indd 5 Silage Select™ Genuity® VT Triple Pro® *Relative Maturity D48CC76 Genuity® SmartStax® Base Genetics RM 105 106 106 107 108 108 109 109 109 109 110 110 111 111 111 112 112 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 115 115 116 116 116 117 117 117 118 119 CORN TECHNOLOGY CONVERSION CHART Conventional D57VP75 D58QC72 D59HR50 D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 5 5/13/14 11:11 AM INSECT CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Insect Control Reference Guide Letter Designation Trait Name Abbreviation Bt Protein(s) SS Syngenta - Agrisure Viptera® 3111, AgriSure Viptera® 3110, AgriSure® 3000GT, Agrisure® GT/CB/LL, and AgriSure® are registered trademarks of Syngenta Group Company. Genuity® SmartStax® SS SS-RIB Genuity® SmartStax® RIB Complete® Corn Blend SS-RIB VP Genuity® VT Triple PRO® VT3P Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 Cry1F Cry3Bb1 Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 Cry1F Cry3Bb1 Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 Cry3Bb1 VP-RIB Genuity® VT Triple PRO® RIB Complete® Corn Blend VT3P-RIB VC Genuity® VT Double PRO® VC-RIB Trait Logo Product Registrant Trade Name Monsanto® - Genuity®, SmartStax®, VT Triple PRO®, VT Double PRO®, RIB Complete®, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, YieldGard®, and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Dow AgriSciences - Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC Refuge–NORTH Refuge % Location in Non-Cotton Growing Areas Refuge–COTTON GROWING areas Refuge % Location in Cotton Growing Areas 5% - Structured Adjacent 20% - Structured Adjacent RIB - 5% Not Marketed 20% -Structured Adjacent 20% -Structured Adjacent Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 Cry3Bb1 RIB - 10% Not Marketed VT2P Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 5% - Structured within 1/2 Mile Genuity® VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® Corn Blend VT2P-RIB Cry1A.105 Cry2Ab2 RIB - 5% 20% - Structured within 1/2 Mile Not Marketed R Herculex® Extra / Roundup Ready® Corn 2 XTRA/RR2 Cry1F Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 20% - Structured Adjacent 50% - Structured Adjacent HR Herculex® 1 / Roundup Ready® Corn 2 HXI/RR2 Cry1F RR Roundup Ready®Corn 2 RR2 NONE 20% - Structured within 1/2 Mile NONE 50% - Structured within 1/2 Mile NONE QV 20% - Within or Adjacent 20% - Within or Adjacent GT Agrisure® GT (Golyphosate tolerant) Agrisure Viptera 3111 Agrisure Viptera 3110 Agrisure 3000GT Agrisure GT/ CB/LL Agrisure GT Vip3Aa20 Cry1Ab mCry3A GC Agrisure Viptera® 3111 (Glyphosate Tolerant/ Corn Borer / Rootworm / LibertyLink® (Agrisure Viptera trait) Agrisure Viptera® 3110 (Glyphosate Tolerant / Corn Borer / LibertyLink® (Agrisure Viptera trait) Agrisure® 3000GT (Glyphosate Tolerant / Corn Borer / Root Worm / LibertyLink®) Agrisure® GT/CB/LL (Glyphosate Tolerant / Corn Borer / LibertyLink®) CC Conventional Corn Conventional NONE NEW Q Vip3Aa20 Cry1Ab Cry1Ab mCry3A Cry1Ab NONE 20% - Within, Adjacent or up to 20% - Within, Adjacent or up to 1/2 Mile Away 1/2 Mile Away 20% - Within or Adjacent 50% - Within or Adjacent 20% - Within, Adjacent or up to 50% - Within, Adjacent or up to 1/2 Mile Away 1/2 Mile Away NONE NONE NONE NONE 6 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 6 5/13/14 11:11 AM European Corn Borer (stalks) Southwestern Corn Northern Corn Western Corn Borer (stalks) Rootworm (roots) Rootworm (roots) Fall Armyworm (whorl) Western Bean Cutworm Black Cutworm (seedling) Corn Earworm (ear) E E VG-E VG-E E VG G-VG G-VG E E VG-E VG-E E VG G-VG G-VG E E G-VG G E NC-P P G-VG E E G-VG G E NC-P P G-VG E E NC NC E NC-P P G-VG E E NC NC E NC-P P G-VG E E VG-E VG-E VG-E VG VG F E E NC NC VG VG VG F NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC E E G-VG G-VG E E VG E E E NC NC E E G E E E G-VG G-VG G NC-P NC-P F E E NC NC G NC-P P F NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC RATING SCALE: E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good F = Fair P = Poor ~ 30% Control or Less NC = No Control ROOTWORM MANAGEMENT NOTE: For Best Control of High Population Rootworm following corn on corn fields - Use a Dual Mode In Plant Protection BT such as Genuity® SmartStax® combined along with a Planting Time Insecticide or Beetle control the previous season RIB = Refuge In a Bag. Insect ratings from University of Georgia and Clemson. D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 7 INSECT CONTROL REFERENCE GUIDE Insects Controlled / Amount of Insect Control: 7 5/13/14 11:11 AM 78-97 RELATIVE MATURITY Red = New Greensnap Risk Drought Tolerance Ear Flex Ear Height Plant Height Seedling Vigor GROWTH Emergence GDU Hybrid Family Available Non-RIB Technology RM Dyna-Gro Brand RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available PLANTING Planting Pop. CORN PRODUCT D18VC61RIB 78 GENVT2PRIB D18VC61 1930 34-36 77M/T M/H Semi-det77 D19VC89RIB 79 GENVT2PRIB D19VC89 1940 28-32 88MM Semi-flex77 D19RR8979RR2 D19VC89 1940 28-32 88MM Semi-flex77 D19RR9179RR2 D19RR91 1960 28-34 88M/T M Determinate 77 D20VC73RIB 80 GENVT2PRIB D20VC73 2050 32-36 88M/T M Determinate 77 D21VC68RIB 81 GENVT2PRIB D21VC68 2080 32-36 88M/T MSemi-det67 D23VC35RIB 83 GENVT2PRIB D23VP35 2120 32-36 88MM Determinate 78 D24VC44RIB 84 GENVT2PRIBD24VC44 2125 30-3488M/TMSemi-det67 D25VC45RIB 85 GENVT2PRIB D25VC45 2160 32-36 88M/T M Semi-flex77 D25VC66RIB 85 GENVT2PRIB D25VC66 2150 32-36 77M/T M Semi-flex87 D26VP56RIB 86 GENVT3PRIB D26VP56 2195 28-36 88MM Semi-flex87 D27VC76RIB 87 GENVT2PRIB D27VC76 2180 32-36 77M/T M/L Determinate 78 V26R86 86RR252V01 2150 26-32 77MM Semi-flex77 D29VC30RIB 89 GENVT2PRIBD29VC30 2290 32-3877 M MSemi-det77 D31VC31RIB 91 GENVT2PRIB D31VP31 2320 32-36 88MMSemi-det88 D31SS31RIB 91 GENSSRIB D31VP31 2320 32-36 88MMSemi-det88 D32RR2992RR2 D32VP29 2320 28-34 88M/T M Semi-flex67 D32SS32RIB 92 GENSSRIB D32SS32 2350 32-36 77M/T M Determinate 68 D32VC56RIB 92 GENVT2PRIB D32SS56 2320 30-38 78M/T M Semi-flex86 D32SS56RIB 92 GENSSRIB D32SS56 2320 30-38 78M/T M Semi-flex86 D32RR5692RR2 D32SS56 2320 30-38 78M/T M Semi-flex86 D34CC5294 Conventional D34VP52 2370 32-38 78 M/S M/L Determinate 87 D34RR5294RR2 D34VP52 2370 32-38 78 M/S M/L Determinate 87 D34VC52RIB 94 GENVT2PRIB D34VP52 2370 32-38 78 M/S M/L Determinate 87 D34VP52RIB 94 GENVT3PRIB D34VP52 2370 32-38 78 M/S M/L Determinate 87 D35VC40RIB 95 GENVT2PRIB D35VP40 2360 32-38 87M/T M/H Semi-flex78 D35VP40RIB 95 GENVT3PRIB D35VP40 2360 32-38 87M/T M/H Semi-flex78 D36SS39RIB 96 GENSSRIB D36SS39 2390 32-36 87MM Semi-flex67 D35VC95RIB 95 GENVT2PRIB D36VC95 2370 32-38 78M/T M/H Determinate 87 D37SS60RIB 97 GENSSRIB D37SS60 2405 32-36 88M/T MSemi-det78 8 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 8 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Leaf Anthracnose Anthracnose Southern Rust Common Rust Eye Spot S. Leaf Blight PRODUCT N. Leaf Blight Goss‘s Wilt Gray Leaf Spot Silage Select™ Dual Purpose Husk Coverage Staygreen Grain Drydown Test Weight Root Strength Stalk Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE CORN 897897RNn/a5n/a n/a n/a8n/a77 D18VC61RIB 777886RN737n/a n/a n/a n/a77 D19VC89RIB 777886RN737n/a n/a n/a n/a77 D19RR89 778867RN868877n/a88 D19RR91 878867HRN468n/a77n/a77 D20VC73RIB 867888HRN647n/a7n/a n/a77 D21VC68RIB 788877RN777n/a77n/a n/a n/a D23VC35RIB 8 9 9 7 7 7 R Nn/a6 8n/an/a8n/a7n/a D24VC44RIB 887877RN757n/a n/a7n/a7n/a D25VC45RIB 888887RNn/a78n/a n/a8n/a n/a n/a D25VC66RIB 687877HR Yes n/a67n/a87n/a67 D26VP56RIB 689777RNn/a58n/a88n/a66 D27VC76RIB 886777RN747777n/a77 V26R86 8 9 7 7 8 7 R Nn/a4 8n/an/a7n/a7n/a D29VC30RIB 887777RN55887n/a n/a78 D31VC31RIB 887777RN55887n/a n/a78 D31SS31RIB 877887RYes657667n/a66 D32RR29 987776RNn/a5n/a n/a78n/a77 D32SS32RIB 787877HR Yes766n/a n/a7n/a n/a n/a D32VC56RIB 787877HR Yes766n/a n/a7n/a n/a n/a D32SS56RIB 787877HR Yes766n/a n/a7n/a n/a n/a D32RR56 888788NNn/a77n/a88n/a77 D34CC52 888788NNn/a77n/a88n/a77 D34RR52 888788NNn/a77n/a88n/a77 D34VC52RIB 888788NNn/a77n/a88n/a77 D34VP52RIB 777877HRN766668n/a76 D35VC40RIB 777877HRN766668n/a76 D35VP40RIB 878867RN667677n/a76 D36SS39RIB 896778HR Yes n/a77n/a88n/a5n/a D35VC95RIB 698887RNn/a76n/a88n/a66 D37SS60RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 9 78-97 RELATIVE MATURITY HARVEST 9 5/13/14 11:11 AM 97-109 RELATIVE MATURITY Red = New Greensnap Risk Drought Tolerance Ear Flex Ear Height Plant Height Seedling Vigor GROWTH Emergence GDU Hybrid Family Available Non-RIB Technology RM Dyna-Gro Brand RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available PLANTING Planting Pop. CORN PRODUCT D37SS71RIB 97 GENSSRIB D37VP71 2430 32-36 88MMSemi-det78 D38SS50RIB 98 GENSSRIB D38SS50 2460 30-36 87M/T M Semi-flex67 D39VC69RIB 99 GENVT2PRIB D39VC69 2480 30-36 88MM Semi-flex88 D39VP69RIB 99 GENVT3PRIB D39VC69 2480 30-36 88MM Semi-flex88 D39SS17RIB 99 GENSSRIBD39SS17 2495 32-3877 M M Determinate 78 D39RR1499RR2 D39VP14 2490 30-38 77MM Determinate 88 D39VC14RIB 99 GENVT2PRIB D39VP14 2490 30-38 77MM Determinate 88 D39VP14RIB 99 GENVT3PRIB D39VP14 2490 30-38 77MM Determinate 88 D40SS27RIB 100 GENSSRIB D40SS27 2500 32-36 77 M/S M Determinate 86 D40CC48100 Conventional D40SS48 2490 28-36 77M/T M/H Semi-flex67 D40SS48RIB 101 GENSSRIB D40SS48 2510 28-36 77M/T M/H Semi-flex67 D40VC09RIB 100 GENVT2PRIB D40SS09 2500 28-34 88M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D40SS09RIB 100 GENSSRIB D40SS09 2500 28-34 88M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D41VC71RIB 101 GENVT2PRIB D42SS71 2500 30-36 77M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D41SS71RIB 102 GENSSRIB D42SS71 2520 30-36 77M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D42SS42RIB 102 GENSSRIB D42SS42 2570 32-38 77MMSemi-det85 D43VC50RIB 103 GENVT2PRIB D43VC50 2540 32-38 77MMSemi-det88 D45GT50105GTD45Q50 2590 26-30 87TM Flex 88 D46SS62RIB 106 GENSSRIB D46SS62 2620 32-38 87M/T MSemi-det78 D46SS46RIB 107 GENSSRIB D47SS46 2655 32-38 76MLSemi-det87 D47RR23106RR2 D47SS23 2630 30-36 77MM Semi-flex68 D47VC23RIB 106 GENVT2PRIB D47SS23 2630 30-36 76MM Semi-flex68 D47SS23RIB 107 GENSSRIB D47SS23 2630 30-36 77MM Semi-flex68 D48SS38RIB 108 GENSSRIB D48SS38 2710 32-36 78M M/L Semi-det78 D48VP93RIB 108 GENVT3PRIB D48VP93 2740 32-36 77 M/S M Semi-flex67 D48CC76108 Conventional D48SS76 2760 30-34 88MM Semi-flex76 D48RR76108RR2 D48SS76 2760 30-34 88MM Semi-flex76 D48SS76RIB 108 GENSSRIB D48SS76 2760 30-34 88MM Semi-flex76 D49CC78109 Conventional D49CC78 2730 32-38 87MM Semi-flex87 D49VC59RIB 109 GENVT2PRIB D49VC59 2730 24-32 78M M/LFlex 77 10 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 10 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Leaf Anthracnose Anthracnose Southern Rust Common Rust Eye Spot S. Leaf Blight PRODUCT N. Leaf Blight Goss‘s Wilt Gray Leaf Spot Silage Select™ Dual Purpose Husk Coverage Staygreen Grain Drydown Test Weight Root Strength Stalk Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE CORN 787867RN567977n/a66 D37SS71RIB 797768RNn/a68n/a n/a8n/a66 D38SS50RIB 987877NN587n/a87n/a66 D39VC69RIB 987877NN587n/a87n/a66 D39VP69RIB 8 9 6 7 6 8 N Nn/a7 7n/an/a8n/a6n/a D39SS17RIB 877777NN767n/a n/a8n/a77 D39RR14 877777NN767n/a n/a8n/a77 D39VC14RIB 877777NN767n/a n/a8n/a77 D39VP14RIB 797886NN757n/a88n/a77 D40SS27RIB 688777HRN667n/a n/a6n/a77 D40CC48 688777HRN667n/a n/a6n/a77 D40SS48RIB 767777HR Yes667778867 D40VC09RIB 767777HR Yes667778867 D40SS09RIB 767778HR Yes n/a877n/a77n/a n/a D41VC71RIB 767778HR Yes n/a877n/a77n/a n/a D41SS71RIB 998767NN658n/a n/a846n/a D42SS42RIB 899767NN688996666 D43VC50RIB 897868HR Yes888667n/a88 D45GT50 778777RN787998576 D46SS62RIB 988875NN6468n/a776n/a D46SS46RIB 778767HR Yes785767n/a66 D47RR23 778767HR Yes785767n/a66 D47VC23RIB 778767HR Yes785767n/a66 D47SS23RIB 778857NN6577n/a8755 D48SS38RIB 786866NN678878n/a88 D48VP93RIB 796778RN677868666 D48CC76 796778RN677868666 D48RR76 796778RN677868666 D48SS76RIB 687787NN648n/a n/a6n/a66 D49CC78 887867NN588888n/a68 D49VC59RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 11 97-109 RELATIVE MATURITY HARVEST 11 5/13/14 11:11 AM 109-115 RELATIVE MATURITY Red = New Greensnap Risk Drought Tolerance Ear Flex Ear Height Plant Height Seedling Vigor GROWTH Emergence GDU Hybrid Family Available Non-RIB Technology RM Dyna-Gro Brand RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available PLANTING Planting Pop. CORN PRODUCT D49VC88RIB 109 GENVT2PRIB D49VP88 2730 32-36 78MM Semi-flex87 D49VP88RIB 109 GENVT3PRIB D49VP88 2730 32-36 78MM Semi-flex87 D50VC43RIB 110 GENVT2PRIB D51SS43 2730 28-36 76TM/H Semi-flex88 D50SS43RIB 111 GENSSRIB D51SS43 2740 28-36 76TM/H Semi-flex88 D51SS54RIB 111 GENSSRIB D51SS54 2740 32-38 77MMSemi-det78 D51CC32111 Conventional D51VP32 2775 32-36 78MMSemi-det87 D51RR32111RR2 D51VP32 2775 32-36 78MMSemi-det87 D51VC32RIB 111 GENVT2PRIB Yes D51VP32 2775 32-36 78MMSemi-det87 D51VP32RIB 111 GENVT3PRIB D51VP32 2775 32-36 78MMSemi-det87 D51RR40111RR2 D51VP40 2760 26-32 78M/T M Semi-flex77 D51VP40RIB 111 GENVT3PRIB Yes D51VP40 2785 26-32 78M/T M Semi-flex77 D52VC20RIB 112 GENVT2PRIB D52VP20 2780 30-34 77M/T M Flex 85 D52VP20RIB 112 GENVT3PRIB D52VP20 2780 30-34 77M/T M Flex 85 D52VC91RIB 112 GENVT2PRIB Yes D52VC91 2825 28-36 77 M/S M Semi-flex98 D52SS91RIB 112 GENSSRIB D52VC91 2825 28-36 77 M/S M Semi-flex98 D53VC55RIB 113 GENVT2PRIB Yes D53SS55 2850 32-36 87MMSemi-det78 D53VC47RIB 113 GENVT2PRIB D53VC47 2780 30-36 77MM Flex 87 D53VC13RIB 113 GENVT2PRIB Yes D53VC13 2830 30-36 76M/T M/H Semi-det98 D53VP61RIB 113 GENVT3PRIB D53VP61 2820 28-34 78MM Semi-flex78 D54DC94RIB 114 GENDG/VT2P Yes D54DC94 2840 28-32 77THSemi-flex88 D54VC59RIB 114 GENVT2PRIB57V59 2850 28-34 77MM Semi-flex76 D54CC81114 Conventional D54VP81 2840 28-34 77MM Semi-flex85 D54VC81RIB 114 GENVT2PRIB Yes D54VP81 2840 28-34 77MM Semi-flex85 D54VP81RIB 114 GENVT3PRIB Yes D54VP81 2840 28-34 77MM Semi-flex85 D54RR21114RR2 D54VP21 2740 28-32 88MM Semi-flex88 D54VP21RIB 114 GENVT3PYes D54VP21 2740 28-32 88MM Semi-flex88 D55CC77115 Conventional D55VP77 2850 28-34 99MM Semi-flex87 D55RR77115RR2 D55VP77 2850 28-34 99MM Semi-flex87 D55VC77RIB 115 GENVT2PRIB Yes D55VP77 2850 28-34 99MM Semi-flex87 D55VP77RIB 115 GENVT3PRIB Yes D55VP77 2850 28-34 99MM Semi-flex87 12 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 12 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Leaf Anthracnose Anthracnose Southern Rust Common Rust Eye Spot S. Leaf Blight PRODUCT N. Leaf Blight Goss‘s Wilt Gray Leaf Spot Silage Select™ Dual Purpose Husk Coverage Staygreen Grain Drydown Test Weight Root Strength Stalk Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE CORN 987786RN675877655 D49VC88RIB 987786RN675877655 D49VP88RIB 777778HRN7868n/a865n/a D50VC43RIB 777778HRN7868n/a865n/a D50SS43RIB 797787NN778997866 D51SS54RIB 887777RN678987766 D51CC32 887777RN678987766 D51RR32 887777RN678987766 D51VC32RIB 887777RN678987766 D51VP32RIB 777877HRN577887n/a66 D51RR40 777877HRN577887n/a66 D51VP40RIB 789767HRN697977n/a77 D52VC20RIB 789767HRN697977n/a77 D52VP20RIB 879777NN688977666 D52VC91RIB 879777NN688977666 D52SS91RIB 676767RN7868n/a n/a5n/a n/a D53VC55RIB 776767HRN7787n/a5n/a66 D53VC47RIB 766766RN656878567 D53VC13RIB 888887RN687799556 D53VP61RIB 777668RN6769n/a n/a687 D54DC94RIB 888876RN737777567 D54VC59RIB 789787RN677999756 D54CC81 789787RN677999756 D54VC81RIB 789787RN677999756 D54VP81RIB 887787RN988777777 D54RR21 887787RN988777777 D54VP21RIB 898677HR Yes568676566 D55CC77 898677HR Yes568676566 D55RR77 898677HR Yes568676566 D55VC77RIB 898677HR Yes568676566 D55VP77RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 13 109-115 RELATIVE MATURITY HARVEST 13 5/13/14 11:11 AM 115-118 RELATIVE MATURITY Red = New 78-79 RELATIVE MATURITY NEW D18VC61RIB Brand - CORN 78 RM NEW D19VC89RIB Brand - CORN 79 RM Brand - CORN 79 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 Greensnap Risk Drought Tolerance Ear Flex 57N73 115 Conventional57N73 2860 28-32 77TM Flex 67 D55GT73115GT57N73 2860 28-32 77TM Flex 67 D55QC73115 3110 Yes 57N73 2860 28-32 77TM Flex 67 D56RR10116RR2 D56VP10 2860 30-36 88 M/SLSemi-flex87 D56VP10116 GENVT3PYes D56VP10 2860 30-36 88 M/SLSemi-flex87 D56VC46116 GENVT2PYes D56VC46 2860 30-36 67 M/S M Semi-flex96 D56VP24116 GENVT3PYes D56VP24 2870 28-34 78M/T M Flex 76 D57RR51117RR2 D57VP51 2880 28-32 77MM Flex 78 D57VP51117 GENVT3PYes D57VP51 2880 28-32 77MM Flex 78 D57DC58117 GENDG/VT2P Yes D57DC58 2860 28-34 66MMSemi-det87 D57VP75117 GENVT3PYes D57VP75 2870 30-36 77TM/H Semi-det87 D58QC72118 3110 Yes D58QC72 2870 30-34 77M/T M Semi-flex67 RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available 1 Ear Height Plant Height Seedling Vigor GROWTH Emergence GDU Hybrid Family Available Non-RIB Technology RM Dyna-Gro Brand PLANTING Planting Pop. CORN PRODUCT 6 7 8 9 • Early, 78 day hybrid with high yield and fast drydown • Dent-by-dent hybrid with excellent root strength • Potential for dual purpose with medium-tall plant height • Responds well to high yielding environments and irrigation • Plant at high populations for high yield acres 1 2 3 4 5 D19RR91 6 7 8 9 • Early flowering hybrid with quick grain fill and consistent high yield performance • Slender ear, dent-by-dent hybrid with moderate ear flex • Very good seedling vigor • Excellent late season intactness and harvestability • Out yields Pioneer P39D97 with 0.5 point less harvest moisture Other Hybrids within Family: D19RR89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Widely adapted 79 day hybrid • Very good roots and early season vigor • Girthy ear 16 to 18 rows around • Early flower with open husk • Very good disease package 14 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 14 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Leaf Anthracnose Anthracnose Southern Rust Common Rust Eye Spot S. Leaf Blight N. Leaf Blight PRODUCT Goss‘s Wilt Gray Leaf Spot Silage Select™ Dual Purpose Husk Coverage Staygreen Grain Drydown Test Weight Root Strength Stalk Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE CORN 799798HRN877766777 57N73 799798HRN877766777 D55GT73 799798HRN877766777 D55QC73 888788RN7777754n/a n/a D56RR10 888788RN7777754n/a n/a D56VP10 777676NN6486n/a n/a65n/a D56VC46 876787HR Yes658868477 D56VP24 997687RN6589n/a6766 D57RR51 997687RN6589n/a6766 D57VP51 786669RN5568n/a n/a45n/a D57DC58 887698HR Yes6689n/a n/a466 D57VP75 778688HR Yes8877n/a8n/a66 D58QC72 D20VC73RIB NEW D21VC68RIB Brand - CORN 81 RM Brand - CORN 83 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 80 day Genuity VT Double Pro with very nice grain quality • Very good stalks and low greensnap scores • Best used in zone or south • Medium-tall plant with medium ear height 1 2 3 4 5 D23VC35RIB 6 7 8 9 • Impressive yield for maturity, fast drydown, adapted east to west • Medium-tall plant stature with dual purpose potential • Strong seedling vigor for cooler spring conditions • Very good fall staygreen and harvest intactness • 16-18 kernel rows on semi-flex ears with best performance on productive soils 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 83 day Genuity VT Double Pro hybrid with very good test weight and grain quality • Performs well under medium and high populations • Medium plant height and ear placement • Wide area of adaptation with good drought tolerance • Good corn-on-corn D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 15 80-83 RELATIVE MATURITY Brand - CORN 80 RM 115-118 RELATIVE MATURITY HARVEST 15 5/13/14 11:11 AM CORN Brand - CORN 84 RM D24VC44RIB NEW D25VC45RIB Brand - CORN 85 RM Brand - CORN 85 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 84-87 RELATIVE MATURITY • Top yield performance on productive soils with high test weight grain • Good seedling vigor allows for early planting • Strong stalks and roots allows for flexible harvest schedule • Very early flowering and grain fill for its maturity along with good drydown • Requires higher populations and maintains very consistent ear size 1 2 3 4 5 D25VC66RIB 6 7 8 9 • Outstanding 85 day hybrid with top-end yield • Fast drydown with long ear style, best adapted central and east • Strong stalk and root strength • Very good seedling vigor and early flowering characteristics • Excellent response on both good productive soils and also on stressful tougher soil types D26VP56RIB AutomAtic compliAnce And eAse of plAnting in every bAg. • The broadest choice in above and below ground insect protection • The truly simple refuge-in-a-bag solution for the Corn-Growing Area; just fill your planter and go Contact your seed rep or go to Important: Genuity® RIB Complete® are blended seed corn products that require the planting of a structured refuge in the Cotton-Growing area. always read and follow IrM, grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these practices can be found in the trait stewardship responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. rIBCOM029454 rIB_Page_ad 2 3 4 5 Brand - CORN 86 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Adapted well across all environments and soil types • Very showy type plant • Medium statured plant with excellent roots • More ear flex than anything in this early maturity group 6 7 8 9 • Western adapted Genuity VT Double Pro hybrid with top yields throughout adapted maturity zone • Outstanding top-end potential with fast drydown • Excellent Late Season staygreen and intactness • Widely adapted with good southern movement and very good drought tolerance • Excellent stalk and root strength for maturity NEW D27VC76RIB Brand - CORN 87 RM 1 the first fAmily of single-bAg refuge solutions. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High yield with high test weight grain, best adapted in western environments • Good option for corn following corn, best with moderately higher plant populations • Early flowering hybrid with good plant health • Dual purpose potential with taller plant height and very leafy • Out yielded D26VP56 in west with more than 1.5 lbs higher test weight grain, slightly wetter EvEry BushEl MattErs 16 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 16 5/13/14 11:11 AM D29VC30RIB Brand - CORN 91 RM NEW D32SS32RIB Brand - CORN 92 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 D31SS31RIB 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Leading genetics with top-end yield potential • Very good stalks and roots • Responds well to high populations • Very good drought tolerance Other Hybrids within Family: D31VC31RIB 1 2 3 Brand - CORN 94 RM Brand - CORN 95 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 D34VP52RIB 6 7 8 9 • Tremendous yield performance across west to east geography • Consistent ear size and widely adapted to all soil types; excels on highly productive soils • Medium-tall plant and medium ear height with good stress tolerance • Very good stalk and root strength and strong early season vigor • Widely adapted, strongest performance toward central Cornbelt; good fungicide response Other Hybrids within Family: D32VC56RIB, D32RR56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New 93 day Genuity SmartStax hybrid for northern areas in the western Cornbelt • High yield potential with consistent determinate ear type, best at higher populations • Early flowering for maturity, position on better soils with high management • Strong performance especially in Minnesota, the Dakotas and into Wisconsin • Dual purpose with top grain and very good silage potential NEW D32SS56RIB Brand - CORN 92 RM 1 4 D35VP40RIB 5 6 7 8 9 • Consistent performance, the hybrid to beat in this maturity • Shorter plant with excellent drought and greensnap scores • Very good test weight and late season health • Excellent corn-on-corn and good Goss’s Wilt scores Other Hybrids within Family: D34CC52, D34VC52RIB, D34RR52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Tremendous yield potential with fast drydown • High yielding hybrid that responds to high management and populations • Early flowering hybrid that has the ability to move north as a full season hybrid • Great choice for grain and silage • Proven genetics widely adapted east to west Other Hybrids within Family: D35VC40RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 17 89-94 RELATIVE MATURITY • Excellent yields in all environments with good stress tolerance • Excellent stalk and root allows for flexible harvest schedule along with good drydown • Flowers early with good greensnap tolerance • Very attractive hybrid with good staygreen and late season intactness • Keep populations up for maximum yields 1 CORN Brand - CORN 89 RM 17 5/13/14 11:11 AM D35VC95RIB CORN Brand - CORN 95 RM NEW D37SS60RIB Brand - CORN 97 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 95-99 RELATIVE MATURITY • E xcellent roots with very good stalks along with consistent yield performance • Competitive in low yielding environments, first choice for silage in maturity • Good Goss’s Wilt tolerance and recommended corn after corn • Taller hybrid and will work well as a dual purpose hybrid D37SS71RIB D38SS50RIB 1 2 3 Brand - CORN 99 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Premium genetic combination with very high top-end yield potential • Strong performance across all geographies • Plant at medium to high populations with balanced fertilities • Best performance on highly productive soils • Excellent drydown 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 D39SS17RIB Brand - CORN 98 RM 2 5 • Top 97 day hybrid with Genuity SmartStax and exceptional yield potential • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance, low greensnap risk, excellent stalks and good roots • Attractive plant, fast drydown, medium-tall plant • High test weight grain on semi-determinate ear with some flex • Best performance west, out yielding D37SS71 and D34VP52 Brand - CORN 97 RM 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete 98 day hybrid option with yield punch • Strong agronomics with very good stalk and excellent root strength • Excellent emergence and seedling vigor • Late flowering for maturity along with good Goss’s Wilt tolerance • Robust plant type with girthy flex ear 1 2 3 v 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent roots and very good stalks extend the harvest window • Widely adapted with consistent yield performance, best adapted in zone and south • Responds to higher populations with good ear tip fill and good husk cover • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance combined with low greensnap risk 18 CORN 403154_Corrected Pages.indd 18 5/16/14 9:04 AM Brand - CORN 99 RM NEW D40SS48RIB Brand - CORN 101 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 D39VP14RIB 7 8 9 D40SS09RIB 2 3 ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 101 day Genuity SmartStax hybrid with impressive yield, available as conventional D40CC48 • Very good grain quality with good ear flex • Adapted across most soil types along with good Goss’s Wilt tolerance • Widely adapted across maturity zones and soil types • Good Gray Leaf Spot and Goss’s Wilt scores Other Hybrids within Family: D40CC48 D41SS71RIB Brand - CORN 102 RM 2 5 • Top performance on fertile soils at high population • Early flowering and widely adapted north to south • Medium plant height with good stalks/roots and late season intactness • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance with low greensnap risk Other Hybrids within Family: D39VC14RIB, D39RR14 Brand - CORN 100 RM 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High yield genetics with very good staygreen, plant health and stress tolerance • Semi-flex ear type with very good grain quality • Reliable performance at all yield levels • Good Goss’s Wilt and very good Common Rust tolerance • Responds well to fungicides Other Hybrids within Family: D40VC09RIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Widely adapted 101 Genuity SmartStax hybrid, with consistent top yield for maturity • Consistent ear size and will perform well at varying plant populations • Good greensnap tolerance along with good stalks and late season plant health • Great stress tolerance and will move west and south very well as early hybrid • Open husks at harvest with very good drydown for early harvest Other Hybrids within Family: D41VC71RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_Corrected Pages.indd 19 99-102 RELATIVE MATURITY • Western Cornbelt; west of I-35, has excellent stalks and very good roots for superior standability • Very good heat and drought tolerance and produces consistent girthy ear size • Very good greensnap tolerance along with heat and drought tolerance • Very good performance across soil types and environments with the ability to move south 1 CORN NEW D39VP69RIB Brand - CORN 99 RM 19 5/16/14 9:04 AM CORN Brand - CORN 102 RM D42SS42RIB NEW D43VC50RIB Brand - CORN 103 RM NEW D46SS62RIB Brand - CORN 106 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102-107 RELATIVE MATURITY • Top yield performance in maturity plus maintains its edge in low environments and drought • Widely adapted east to west, best kept in maturity zone • Excellent stalks and roots for flexible and delayed harvest schedules • Very good grain quality and excellent test weight • Only average for Goss’s Wilt tolerance, keep off continuous corn fields where Goss’s Wilt is a concern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 103 day hybrid with wide area of adaptability with medium plant and ear height • Moves north as full season hybrid and south as a short season hybrid • Excellent test weight on 14-16 row number red cob • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance along with good drought tolerance • Very good stalks, excellent roots along with very good greensnap tolerance D46SS46RIB 1 2 3 ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 3 4 6 7 8 9 D47SS23RIB Brand - CORN 107 RM 2 5 • High yielding hybrid, widely adapted east to west, top agronomics • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance, good Gray Leaf Spot scores, low greensnap risk • Very good test weight with semi-determinate ear type • Very attractive, medium-tall plant and medium height ear • Position for top yields on average to better soils Brand - CORN 107 RM 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 • This is the 106-107 day Genuity SmartStax hybrid to beat in the central to eastern Cornbelt • Excellent standability along with very good drydown for ease of harvest • Very reliable performance under drought stress • Very good greensnap tolerance • Manage with fungicide program for Gray Leaf Spot and avoid Goss’s Wilt areas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent yielding, healthy hybrid with strong agronomics • Very good drydown and excellent grain quality, will meet most food grade lists • Wide range of adaptability, best in zone or north of zone, avoid extreme stress conditions • Excellent Goss’s Wilt and good Gray Leaf Spot tolerance, use fungicide for Northern Leaf Blight • Good ear flex, can be planted at medium to high populations on most soil types Other Hybrids within Family: D47VC23RIB, D47RR23 20 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 20 5/13/14 11:11 AM D48VP93RIB Brand - CORN 108 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D48SS76RIB 2 3 4 Brand - CORN 108 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Widely adapted, excellent for continuous corn fields and variable soil types • Excellent stalks and roots • Great staygreen and fall intactness • Good Goss’s Wilt rating Other Hybrids within Family: D48CC76, D48RR76 6 7 8 9 • High population, high management, high yield 108 day hybrid • Medium statured plant with girthy semi-flex ear • Very good root strength and early seedling vigor • Very responsive to high levels of balanced management and higher plant populations • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance, best adapted central to west NEW D49CC78 Brand - CORN 109 RM 1 5 1 2 3 Conventional 108-109 RELATIVE MATURITY • Genuity SmartStax hybrid with consistently high yields for Cornbelt • Good agronomics and top grain quality • Excels at higher populations on better soils • Good response to fungicides and higher inputs • Tested as CX13108 1 CORN D48SS38RIB Brand - CORN 108 RM D49VP88RIB Brand - CORN 109 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High yielding conventional 109 day hybrid, widely adapted, best fit is central and east • Medium plant statured with girthy ears and deep kernels • Impressive stalk and root strength with great fall intactness • Recommend high populations for optimum yields • Very good Gray Leaf Spot and Common Rust tolerance, avoid Goss’s Wilt fields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Consistent, widely adapted hybrid from high yield to low yield environments • Very good stalks and roots along with very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance • Large girthy ears with deep kernels, food grade characteristics grain quality • Excellent drought and heat stress tolerance for dryland conditions and irrigated fields • Very attractive fall appearance along with very good greensnap tolerance in western Cornbelt Other Hybrids within Family: D49VC88RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 21 21 5/13/14 11:11 AM CORN Brand - CORN 111 RM D50SS43RIB NEW D51SS54RIB Brand - CORN 111 RM Brand - CORN 111 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 111-112 RELATIVE MATURITY • Widely adapted 111 day Genuity SmartStax across many environments and soil types • Very good Goss’s Wilt, good Gray Leaf Spot and greensnap tolerance • Will work very well on stressy soils and in low-end yield environments • Semi-flex ear type maintains consistent ear size under stress and varying populations • Produces tall plant height under high populations and high management, good dual purpose hybrid Other Hybrids within Family: D50VC43RIB D51VP40RIB 1 2 3 4 5 D51VP32RIB 6 7 8 9 • Lead hybrid with high yield and excellent response to high management • Good tolerance for Gray Leaf Spot and Goss’s Wilt; excellent heat and drought tolerance • High quality grain and potential food grade hybrid • Top yield that doesn’t fall apart on low end of yield scale • Medium plant height and ear height, good staygreen and nice appearance through harvest D52VP20RIB 1 2 3 Brand - CORN 112 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Top-end reliable yield performance in high yield environments • Excellent ear flex with positive response to high fertility management • Very good performance in zone with good northern adaptation • Excellent Goss’s Wilt tolerance • Consistence performance across all soil types on irrigated and dryland conditions Other Hybrids within Family: D51RR40 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 D52SS91RIB Brand - CORN 112 RM 2 5 • Reliability, consistency, yield and stress tolerance for intense corn production • Top yield with consistent ear size and very good standability • Medium plant and ear height and very nice look in the fall • Perfect hybrid to package with other Dyna-Gro products • Good Goss’s Wilt tolerance and agronomic package Other Hybrids within Family: D51CC32, D51VC32, D51VC32RIB, D51RR32 Brand - CORN 111 RM 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent yield potential and consistency under varying environments • Flex type ear allows for variable planting populations, avoid very high populations • Very good stalks with good roots • Excellent Goss’s Wilt tolerance combined with good Gray Leaf Spot tolerance • Medium-tall plant with medium ear placement and excellent test weights Other Hybrids within Family: D52VC20RIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Lead 112 day Genuity SmartStax RIB complete with great stress tolerance and consistently produces top yields • Also available in VT Double Pro RIB Complete as D52VC91RIB • Top yield out of research and farm trials, high yield across environments • Medium-short plant height with excellent grain quality and approved food grade characteristics • Good Goss’s Wilt and average Gray Leaf Spot tolerance along with strong stalks and roots Other Hybrids within Family: D52VC91, D52VC91RIB 22 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 22 5/13/14 11:11 AM D53VC55RIB NEW D53VC47RIB Brand - CORN 113 RM Brand - CORN 113 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 Brand - CORN 114 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 • Very adaptable yielding hybrid that can be used for dual purpose and as silage hybrid • Produces deep kernels with very good husk coverage • Exceptional disease package including very good Goss’s Wilt scores • Medium statured hybrid with long, very flexible ears with very good drought tolerance • Widely adapted east to west with good southern movement and high pH soils NEW D54DC94RIB Brand - CORN 114 RM 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Outstanding yield performance, high or low yield environments • Good southern adaptation and western to eastern geography • Tolerates heat and drought stress very well • Low greensnap risk Other Hybrids within Family: D53VC13 D54VC59RIB 6 7 8 9 • Genuity DroughtGard stacked VT Double Pro hybrid, adapted west to east • 114 day hybrid with high yield potential, good drought tolerance • Excellent greensnap tolerance and very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance • Tall, high eared hybrid which moves across all soil types, including very stressy soils • Does not need ultra high populations to produce high yields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Consistent yields for stress acres with best stalks in maturity range • Well adapted across mid-south, into southern Illinois and Indiana with excellent stalks and roots • Semi-flex ear that excels at medium-high populations • Long ear style with very good test weight • Caution: Keep off fields with history of Goss’s Wilt D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 23 113-114 RELATIVE MATURITY • Widely adapted with key characteristics for the western Cornbelt • Very good Goss’s Wilt, excellent greensnap and good Gray Leaf Spot tolerance • Best suited on highly productive acres, maximize performance with irrigation • Timely harvest recommended with average fall stalk and good root strength • Medium plant height with medium ear height, intense corn production Other Hybrids within Family: D53VC55 1 D53VC13RIB CORN Brand - CORN 113 RM 23 5/13/14 11:11 AM CORN D54VP81RIB D54VP21RIB D55VP77RIB Brand - CORN 114 RM Brand - CORN 114 RM Brand - CORN 115 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 114-116 RELATIVE MATURITY • Excellent yield potential across a wide geographical area • Excellent grain quality, on Frito’s approved yellow food grade list • Semi-flex ear with high test weight grain • Very good Goss’s Wilt tolerance and yield reliability • Good option for corn following corn, fungicide is recommended Other Hybrids within Family: D54CC81, D54VC81, D54VC81RIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Replacement for our reliable D55VC21 and 57V21 family of hybrids • D54VP21 offers higher yield potential, better stress tolerance and drydown • Excellent agronomic package, stalks, roots and consistent ear size • Very good tolerance to Goss’s Wilt and Gray Leaf Spot • Also available in straight VT Double Pro as D54VC21RIB Other Hybrids within Family: D54RR21 2 3 Brand - CORN 116 RM Brand - CORN 116 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent grain quality, on most approved yellow food grade List • Tall plant with medium ear placement and heavy test weights • Very good roots and stalks and Ear Worm control with above ground Agrisure Viptera 3110 • Exhibits excellent staygreen during drydown • Widely adapted south, especially in humid areas Other Hybrids within Family: 57N73, D55GT73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Top Genuity VT Triple Pro 115 day performer Dyna-Gro research and on farm strip trials • Outstanding yield performance across environments and soil types • Medium statured plant that canopies fast and maintains plant height under stress conditions • Excellent early vigor for cold soils and early planting • Very good ear flex and test weights • Meets taco corn standards in the west Other Hybrids within Family: D55CC77, D55VC77, D55VC77RIB, D55RR77 NEW D55QC73 Brand - CORN 115 RM 1 D56VP10 1 D56VC46 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Girthy ear with very good grain quality • Semi-determinate type adaptive to higher plant populations • Very good fit for stress conditions • Excellent stalk and root strength • Offers additional benefits of corn earworm trait Other Hybrids within Family: D56RR10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High yield potential with girthy ears across a wide range of environments • Solid agronomic performance with tight husk cover for maintained grain quality • Reduced plant stature for improved standability and reduced residue • Adapted across a wide range of soil types and management practices • Favorite hybrid under stress 24 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 24 5/13/14 11:11 AM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D57VP75 Brand - CORN 117 RM NEW D57DC58 Brand - CORN 117 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 Brand - CORN 117 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE TEST WEIGHT DRYDOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 117 day dual purpose hybrid with top forage tonnage and good grain production • Silage hybrid in west growing conditions of California and Arizona • Excellent staygreen and late season intactness • Medium-tall hybrid with semi-determinate ear type • Good plant health, excellent for Southern Leaf Blight and good Gray Leaf Spot scores 7 8 9 • High yielding full season hybrid with stress tolerance and tropical background • Medium plant with a very full canopy, use on dryland or irrigated • Excellent stalk and root strength with great staygreen and intactness • Excellent grain quality, test weight and food grade properties • Excellent plant health, drydown will be slow Other Hybrids within Family: D57RR51 NEW D58QC72 Brand - CORN 118 RM 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New Genuity DroughtGard with VT Double for southern areas • High yield potential irrigated or non-irrigated • Performs well under heat and drought stress • Good stalk and very good root strength • Low greensnap risk; good companion to D57VP51 with similar yields 116-118 RELATIVE MATURITY • Flex eared product with excellent stalks • Highly adapted to both dryland and irrigated • Very good choice for silage or grain • Very strong plant health • Adaptive to most soil types in southeast and eastern areas . D57VP51 CORN D56VP24 Brand - CORN 116 RM How your insect traits perform this summer can be measured right here this fall. 6 7 8 9 • New 118 day hybrid with above ground Agrisure Viptera 3110 • Excellent late season plant health and intactness and excellent earworm control • Best suited southern markets on irrigated acres • Good choice for silage, top tonnage and top milk/ton • Excellent tip fill and grain quality Visit Contact your Agrisure® traits representative to see what’s right for your farm. ©2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow all bag tag and label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Agrisure,® Agrisure Viptera,® the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. MW 19GL3006-AV 00/13 D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 25 25 5/13/14 11:11 AM LEGEND RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor HR = Highly Recommended R = Recommended N = Not Recommended NA = Not Enough Information SILAGE KERNEL TEXTURE S=Soft MS=Medium-soft M=Medium MH=Medium-Hard H=Hard IVSD7 M=Medium MH=Medium-high DEFINITIONS NDFd24=Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestibility % 24 hour IVSD7 =Invitro Starch Digestibility 7 hour test *CP = Crude Protein % *NEL = Net Energy for Lactation Hybrids in Bold are SILAGE SELECT Hybrids Milk per Ton and Milk per Acre are based on Milk 2006 calculations. FOCUSED ON YOUR SUCCESS! Rating comparisons relate to silage only hybrids and best hybrids used for dual purpose. 26 CORN 403154_NationalGuide.indd 26 5/13/14 11:11 AM SILAGE Corn Silage Dairy Beef Dual Purpose Milk Per Acre Milk Per Ton *NEL *IVSD7 *NDFd24 *CP Forage Yield Kernel Texture Silage Select Silage Only Dairy and Beef Characteristics Population Trait RM Dyna-Gro Brand Planting Early Season D21VC68RIB 80GENVT2P30-36,000MS987M889HRHRHR D23VC35RIB 83GENVT2P28-34,000M677M887HRHRR D24VC44 84GENVT2P30-34,000MH678M887HRHRHR D26VP5686 GENVT3P30-34,000YESM778MH778HRRHR D31VP31 91GENVT3P28-34,000MS777M888HRHRR D32VP5692 GENVT3P30-36,000YESM887M877HRRHR D32RR2992 RR2 28-34,000YESM877M778HRRHR Mid-Season D35VC9595 GENVT2P30-36,000YES MS787M888HRRHR D37SS71 97GENSS 32-36,000M877M777HRHRR D39RR1299 RR2 28-34,000YESS898M788HRRHR D40SS09RIB 100GENSS 28-34,000YESM877MH788HRRHR D40VC09RIB 100 GENVT2P28-34,000YESM877MH788HRRHR D41SS71101GENSS 30-36,000YESM888M777HR HRHR D43VN22103 VT3 28-36,000 YES YESS888M898N HRHR D47SS23107GENSS 32-38,000YES MH888M888HR HRHR Full-Season D50VC43 110 GENVT2P30-36,000M977M779HRHRR D50VN10110 GENVT3P28-36,000 YES YESS888M889N HRHR D53VC13 113 GENVT2P28-36,000MS987M878HRHRR D55GT73 115 GT 28-32,000MH987M788HRRR D55QC73 115VIP 3110 28-32,000MH987M788HRRR D55VP77115 GENVT3P28-34,000YESM987M888HR HRHR D56VP24116 GENVT3P24-30,000YES MS878M988HR HRHR D57VP75117 GENVT3P30-36,000YESM887M788HRRHR D58QC72118 VIP-311030-36,000YESM887M888HR HRHR D59HR50119 HX1/RR2 30-36,000 YESMS988MH777N RHR DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 27 27 5/13/14 11:11 AM 86-119 RELATIVE MATURITY Red = New 86-92 RELATIVE MATURITY D26VP56RIB Brand - CORN SILAGE 86 RM Brand - CORN SILAGE 92 RM NEW D32SS56RIB Brand - CORN SILAGE 92 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 2 3 4 5 Greensnap Risk Drought Tolerance D26VP56RIB 86 GENVT3PRIB Dual Purpose 2195 28-36 88MM Semi-flex87 D32RR2992RR2 Dual Purpose 2320 28-34 88M/T M Semi-flex67 D32SS56RIB 92 GENVT2PRIB Dual Purpose 2320 28-34 78M/T M Semi-flex86 D35VC95RIB 95 GENVT2PRIB Dual Purpose 2370 32-38 78M/T M/H Determinate 87 D39RR12 99 RR2 Dual Purpose 247028-348 8 M/TM/HSemi-flex 7 7 D40SS09RIB 100 GENSSRIB Dual Purpose 2500 28-34 88M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D41SS71RIB 102 GENSSRIB Dual Purpose 2520 30-36 77M/T M/H Semi-flex77 D43RR22ND 103 ND-RR2 ND Silage 2600 28-36 88M/T M Semi-flex78 D47SS23RIB 107 GENSSRIB Dual Purpose 2630 30-36 77MM Semi-flex68 D50VN10110 ND-GENVT3P ND Silage 2725 28-36 88M/T M Semi-flex77 D55VP77RIB 115 GENVT3PRIB Yes Dual Purpose 2850 28-34 99MM Semi-flex87 D57VP75117 GENVT3PYes Dual Purpose 2850 30-36 77TM/H Semi-det87 D58QC72118 3110 Yes Dual Purpose 2850 30-34 77M/T M Semi-Flex67 D59HR50119 HXI/RR2Yes Silage2900 30-36 78TM/HFlex 76 RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available 1 Ear Flex Ear Height Plant Height Seedling Vigor GROWTH Emergence GDU Silage/Dual Purpose Available Non-RIB Technology RM Dyna-Gro Brand PLANTING Planting Pop SILAGE PRODUCT D32RR29 6 7 8 9 • Moves well across all environments and soil types • Very showy type plant with very good tonnage and milk per acre, Silage Select hybrid • Medium statured plant with excellent roots • More ear flex than anything in this early maturity group • Excellent test weight and medium-high starch digestibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Racehorse genetics with wide adaptability throughout it’s maturity zone • Very good late season intactness and appearance • Superior top-end yield for maturity for not only grain but silage as well and qualified Silage Select entry • Very girthy semi-flex ear • Very good stalks and roots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Tremendous yield potential across multiple years testing along with very good silage yields • Consistent ear size and widely adapted to all soil type, excels on highly productive soils • Medium-tall plant and medium ear height, excellent stress tolerance • Very good stalk and root strength, strong early vigor emergence • Strongest performance east and toward central Cornbelt, good fungicide response Other Hybrids within Family: D32VC56RIB 28 S IL AG E 403154_NationalGuide.indd 28 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Leaf Anthracnose Anthracnose Southern Rust Common Rust Eye Spot S Leaf Blight N. Leaf Blight PRODUCT Goss‘ Wilt Gray Leaf Spot Silage Select™ Dual Purpose Husk Coverage Staygreen Milk/Acre Milk/Ton Root Strength Stalk Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE SILAGE 788877HR Yes n/a67n/a87n/a77 D26VP56RIB 877887RYes657667n/a66 D32RR29 787877HR Yes766n/a n/a7n/a n/a n/a D32SS56RIB 898878HR Yes n/a77n/a88n/a5n/a D35VC95RIB 8 7 8 8 8 8 R Yes 7 n/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/a D39RR12 768877HR Yes667778867 D40SS09RIB 767778HR Yes n/a877n/a77n/a n/a D41SS71RIB 769888NYes7n/a n/a n/a67n/a77 D43RR22ND 778867HR Yes785767n/a66 D47SS23RIB 778988NYes6n/a6n/a67n/a77 D50VN10 898877HR Yes568676566 D55VP77RIB 888898HR Yes6689n/a n/a466 D57VP75 778888HR Yes8877n/a8n/a66 D58QC72 577996NYes66786976n/a D59HR50 D39RR12 D40SS09RIB Brand - CORN SILAGE 95 RM Brand - CORN SILAGE 99 RM Brand - CORN SILAGE 100 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent top-end yield 95 day Genuity VT Double Pro hybrid and new Silage Select entry • Excellent roots with very good stalks along with consistent yield performance • Very good yield performance in low yielding environments • Good Goss’ Wilt tolerance and recommended corn after corn • Taller hybrid with very good tonnage, milk per ton, and milk per acre along with above average protein 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Medium-tall plant with excellent tonnage and milk per ton rating, Silage Select entry • Dark green canopy with very good milk per acre capability • Very good roots and stalks, good choice for corn after corn • Dual purpose hybrid with excellent nutritional values • The 100 day hybrid with a NutriDense background with excellent feed quality and tonnage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High yield genetics with very good staygreen, plant health and stress tolerance • Semi-flex ear type with very good grain quality • Very reliable performance at all yield levels including lower stress yield environments • Good Goss’ Wilt and very good Common Rust tolerance • Consistent silage hybrid with very good tonnage, milk per ton and milk per acre, Silage Select entry Other Hybrids within Family: D40VC09RIB D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 29 95-100 RELATIVE MATURITY D35VC95RIB 86-119 RELATIVE MATURITY HARVEST 29 5/13/14 11:11 AM SILAGE D41SS71RIB Brand - CORN SILAGE 102 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102-110 RELATIVE MATURITY • Very good Goss’s Wilt, Southern Rust and disease package in 102 day SmartStax • Consistent ear size and will perform well at varying plant populations • Good greensnap tolerance along with good stalks and late season plant health • Great stress tolerance and will move west and south very well as early hybrid • New Silage Select hybrid with great tonnage and very good milk per ton and milk per acre Other Hybrids within Family: D41VC71RIB D43RR22ND D47SS23RIB D50VN10 Brand - CORN SILAGE 103 RM Brand - CORN SILAGE 107 RM Brand - CORN SILAGE 110 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New genetics with very high tonnage and forage quality • Responds extremely well to high fertility, top management and high populations • Very good milk per ton and milk per acre, Silage Select entry • Responds extremely well to top management and high populations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent yielding, healthy hybrid with strong agronomics for grain or silage, new Silage Select hybrid • Very good drydown and excellent grain quality, will meet most food grade lists • Wide range of adaptability from short season to full season hybrid • Excellent Goss’ Wilt and very good Gray Leaf Spot tolerance • Very good ear flex, can be planted at low to high populations on most soil types Other Hybrids within Family: D47VC23RIB, D47RR23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • High tonnage with dense canopy, excellent seedling vigor and good staygreen • Positive response to fungicide • Large medium girthy ear with lots of flex and soft kernel texture • Adapted from the Iowa to the east coast • Silage only Silage Select hybrid 30 S IL AG E 403154_NationalGuide.indd 30 5/13/14 11:11 AM D57VP75 Brand - CORN SILAGE 117 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 Brand - CORN SILAGE 119 RM ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE ROOT STRENGTH STALK STRENGTH STAYGREEN DROUGHT TOLERANCE GREENSNAP MILK/ACRE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 117 day dual purpose hybrid with top forage tonnage and good grain production • Silage hybrid in west growing conditions of California and Arizona also adapted to East Coast • Works well as grain or silage hybrid throughout adapted maturity zones, new Silage Select entry • Excellent staygreen and late season intactness • Medium-tall hybrid with semi-determinate ear type NEW D58QC72 Brand - CORN SILAGE 118 RM 1 I protect high-yielding corn hybrids. I destroy insects all season long. I do it all from this seed. 115-119 RELATIVE MATURITY • Top Genuity VT Triple Pro 115 day performer Dyna-Gro research and on farm strip trials • Outstanding yield performance across environments and soil types for both grain and silage • Medium statured plant with wide leaves that canopies fast with surprising tonnage for silage and milk/acre • Excellent early vigor for cold soils and early planting, maintains plant height under stress conditions • Very good ear flex and test weights • Meets taco corn standards in the west Other Hybrids within Family: D55CC77, D55VC77, D55VC77RIB, D55RR77 1 D59HR50 6 7 8 9 • New 118 day hybrid with above ground Agrisure Viptera 3110 • Excellent late season plant health and intactness and excellent earworm control • Best suited southern markets on irrigated acres • Consistent ear size and excellent eye appeal suited for both grain or silage • Excellent tip fill and grain quality with very good milk per ton and milk per acre potential 1 2 3 HERCULEX and the HERCULEX Shield Logo are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC ®™ HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Silage specific hybrid with high tonnage and good quality • Very good top-end silage yields under irrigation or good moisture profiles • Girthy flex ears with good husk coverage • Good tolerance to ear molds, Northern Leaf Blight, Southern Leaf Blight and Southern Rust • Broadly adapted to southern and western regions and as full season silage in northern areas D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 31 SILAGE D55VP77RIB Brand - CORN SILAGE 115 RM 31 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS NATIONAL BRAND COMMITTED TO LOCAL SUCCESS! 32 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 32 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS LEGEND RATING SCALE: 9= Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6= Good 3-4= Fair 1-2= Poor NA = Rating not available Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. *All soybean product trademark statements are included here. Only include trademark attributions for products mentioned in your material. Acceleron and Design®, Genuity Design®, Genuity Icons, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup® and Vistive and Design® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. LibertyLink® Soybeans LibertyLink® soybeans with Liberty® herbicide provides the most reliable solution for weed management. LibertyLink soybean varieties combine elite genetics and excellent crop safety with built-in tolerance to the powerful, postemergence weed control of Liberty. Highyielding LibertyLink soybean varieties are available in a range of maturities. Liberty herbicide applied over the top of LibertyLink soybean varieties provides powerful control of broadleaf and grass weeds, including weeds resistant to glyphosate and multiple herbicide classes. Soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink® trait are protected under multiple United States patents and may be planted only to produce one (1) commercial crop and only after signing a Grower Trait License agreement. It is illegal to save or catch soybean seeds containing the LibertyLink trait for use as planting seed or for transfer to others for use as planting seed. 2 R Rps1c R R 3 4 5 R Rps1k R R R R R Rps3a R R R R R PUBESCENCE: G = Gray T = Tawny LT = Light Tawny POD COLOR: BR =Brown T =Tan SOYBEAN CYST NEMATODE: R = Resistant MR = Moderately Resistant S = Susceptible # = Number denotes race resistance PHYTOPHTHORA GENE RESISTANCE: R = denotes resistance to specific Race HRps =denotes Heterozygous resistance (partial resistance) to the specific gene noted. S =Susceptible or no specific gene resistance (unshaded white cell) PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT – RACE RESISTANCE: 1 PLANT HEIGHT: M = Medium M/S = Medium-Short M/T = Medium-Tall T = Tall FLOWER COLOR: P = Purple W = White Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Liberty is not registered in all states. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at R HILUM COLOR: BL = Black BR = Brown IB = Imperfect Black BF = Buff TN = Tan Y = Yellow CANOPY TYPE: T = Thin or Narrow MT = Moderately-Thin M = Moderate or Intermediate MB = Moderately-Bushy B = Bushy or Full The LibertyLink trait with Liberty herbicide provides the most reliable solution for weed management. The LibertyLink trait is available in LibertyLink soybean varieties; LibertyLink corn hybrids, including all Herculex®, SmartStax™ and Agrisure® hybrids with corn borer protection; FiberMax® and Stoneville® cotton varieties and InVigor® LibertyLink canola hybrids. Gene HERBICIDE TOLERANT TRAITS: GENRR2Y =Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® GENRR2Y/STS =Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and STS stacked LL = Liberty Link LS + Liberty Link, STS stacked CONV = Conventional PLANT TYPE: I =Indeterminate D =Determinate Liberty® Herbicide Liberty® herbicide provides growers cost-effective, nonselective, postemergence weed management in days vs. weeks, across all LibertyLink® crops including corn, soybeans, cotton and canola. Liberty delivers powerful control of broadleaf and grass weeds, including weeds resistant to glyphosate and multiple herbicide classes. Additionally, Liberty can be applied as a burndown treatment prior to planting or prior to emergence of any soybean, cotton, corn, canola, or sugar beet crop. It is a valuable tool prior to emergence of glyphosate-tolerant crops to provide a clean start, free of tough-to-control or resistant weeds. Rps1a Ratings given are approximate and should not be considered as absolute. Ratings are based on Dyna-Gro Seed® conducted trials and are relative to other Dyna-Gro Seed® Brand soybeans. PHYTOPHTHORA FIELD TOLERANCE: • Score designates reaction to Phytophthora sojae Race 25 for commercial genes Rps1a, Rps1c and Rps1k • Score designates reaction to Phytophthora sojae Race 30 for commercial gene Rps3a • Score may also be based upon in-field observations in addition to the specific Race reaction • Phytophthora Field Tolerance scores are important for races of Phytophthora not covered by specific genes or resistance • Refer to chart for specific Phytophthora gene resistance 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R DYNA-GRO SOYBEAN NUMBER SYSTEM 1st Digit = S=Soybean 2nd & 3rd Digit =Relative Maturity, (On the old numbering system that don’t start with an S and instead start with a 3, the last 2 digits are the maturity designation) 4th & 5th Digit =Technology: RY=Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, RS=Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and STS stack, LL=Liberty Link 6th & 7th Digit = Last number is year of release Example: S24RY73 = Genuity® RR2Y at 2.4 Maturity R R R R R R DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 33 33 5/13/14 11:11 AM 0.04-2.2 MATURITY RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available Red = New 30RY04GENRR2Y0.04 S006RY75 GENRR2Y0.06 S007RY44 GENRR2Y0.07 S008RY43 GENRR2Y0.08 30RY09GENRR2Y0.09 35RY01GENRR2Y0.1 S02RY74GENRR2Y0.2 34RY03GENRR2Y0.3 S04RY55GENRR2Y0.4 S05LL34 LL 0.5 S06RY24GENRR2Y0.6 S07RY45GENRR2Y0.7 S08LL84 LL 0.8 S08RY23GENRR2Y0.8 S09RY64GENRR2Y0.9 S12RY44GENRR2Y1.2 S13LL35 LL 1.3 S14RY95GENRR2Y1.4 S15LL75 LL 1.5 34RY17GENRR2Y1.7 S18RY25GENRR2Y1.8 36RY19GENRR2Y1.9 S19RY84GENRR2Y1.9 S19LL05 LL 1.9 S20RY45GENRR2Y2.0 S20RY94GENRR2Y2.0 35RY21GENRR2Y2.1 S22RY64GENRR2Y2.2 S22LL65 LL 2.2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All 8 7 8 7 7 7 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 6 9 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 9 7 6 7 8 7 6 7 7 8 7 6 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 M/T T M M/T M/T M/T M T M M M/T M M M M M M M M M M M/T M M M/T M/T M/T M/T M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Canopy Type Plant Type Plant Height Shatter Resistance Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Stress Tolerance Standability PLANT ATTRIBUTES Row Width Emergence Maturity PRODUCTION Technology Dyna-Gro Brand SOYBEANS PRODUCT M M M M MT MT MB MB M MB MB MB MB MB MB MB M M M M MB MB B M MB MB MB MB MB 34 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 34 5/13/14 11:11 AM 7 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 8 7 6 6 7 7 6 7 6 6 7 8 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 6 5 n/an/an/an/an/an/a30RY04 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/aS006RY75 8 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS007RY44 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/aS008RY43 9 n/an/an/an/an/an/a30RY09 8 n/an/an/an/an/an/a35RY01 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/aS02RY74 8 n/an/an/an/an/an/a34RY03 9 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS04RY55 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/aS05LL34 9 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS06RY24 9 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS07RY45 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS08LL84 5 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS08RY23 6 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS09RY64 9 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS12RY44 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS13LL35 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS14RY95 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS15LL75 8 5 n/an/an/an/an/a34RY17 n/an/an/an/an/an/an/aS18RY25 8 5 n/an/an/an/an/a36RY19 n/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS19RY84 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS19LL05 9 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS20RY45 8 5 n/an/an/an/an/aS20RY94 8 6 n/an/an/an/an/a35RY21 8 6 n/an/an/an/an/aS22RY64 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS22LL65 DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 35 Dyna-Gro Brand Chloride Sensitivity Root Knot Nematode Cercospora Leaf Blight Stem Canker Frogeye Leaf Spot Sudden Death Syndrome BR SRps1c7 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 BR SRps1c7 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 BR SRps1c5 BR SRps1k7 T SRps1c8 BR SRps1c6 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 BR SRps1k7 T R3, MR14 HRps1k7 BR R3, MR14 HRps1c6 T SRps1k7 BR SRps3a8 BR R3, MR14 S 7 BR R3, MR14 HRps1k7 T MR3, MR14 S 7 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 T R3, MR14 S 7 T R3, MR14 Rps1k7 T R3, MR14 Rps1k7 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 BRMR3 Rps1c6 T MR3 S 7 BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 T R3, MR14 Rps1c7 T R3, MR14 Rps1c7 BR MR3, MR14 Rps1k6 T MR3 Rps1k7 Sclerotinia White Mold T T T T T T LT T T T LT LT G LT LT LT LT LT G G G G G LT LT G G LT LT Brown Stem Rot Phytophthora Field Tolerance Pod Color Phytophthora Resistance Pubescence Soybean Cyst Nematode Hilum Color Flower Color BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BR BL IB BR BL BL BL BL IB IB IB IB BF BL BL IB IB BL BR 0.04-2.2 MATURITY P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P W P P P P P P PRODUCT SOYBEANS DISEASE TOLERANCE 35 5/13/14 11:11 AM 2.4-4.1 MATURITY RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available Red = New S24RY65GENRR2Y2.4 39RY25GENRR2Y2.5 S25RY44GENRR2Y2.5 S25LL85 LL 2.5 S26RS75 GENRR2Y/STS 2.6 S27LL55 LL 2.7 38RY28GENRR2Y2.8 S29RY74 GENRR2Y 2.9 S29RY05GENRR2Y2.9 3290 Conventional 2.9 S31RY93 GENRR2Y 3.1 S31LL43 LL 3.1 S32RY95GENRR2Y3.2 37RY33 GENRR2Y 3.3 S3305N Conventional 3.3 S35RS75 GENRR2Y/STS 3.5 S35RY83 GENRR2Y 3.5 S35LS15 LL/STS3.5 S36RY24 GENRR2Y 3.6 34RY36 GENRR2Y 3.6 S38RY84GENRR2Y3.8 S38LL54 LL 3.8 V388SCN Conventional 3.8 32RY39 GENRR2Y/STS 3.9 S39RY65GENRR2Y3.9 S40RY25 GENRR2Y 4.0 S40RY73GENRR2Y4.0 S40LL35 LL 4.0 3410SCN Conventional 4.1 8 7 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 8 9 8 7 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 9 6 8 8 7 7 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 8 7 9 8 9 9 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 8 7 8 7 8 9 7 8 7 9 9 8 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 7 7 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 5 6 n/a 6 5 7 5 7 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 6 6 5 Canopy Type Plant Type Plant Height Shatter Resistance Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Stress Tolerance Standability PLANT ATTRIBUTES Row Width Emergence Maturity PRODUCTION Technology Dyna-Gro Brand SOYBEANS PRODUCT 8 M/T 7 M 7 M/T 8 M 7 M 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 9 M/T 9 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 9 M/T 8 M 8 M/T 9 M/T 9 M 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/T 8 M/S 8 M/T 9 M/T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M MB MB MB MB M M MB MB M M M M M M MB M MB M M MB M MB M MB M B MB M 36 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 36 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Chloride Sensitivity Root Knot Nematode Cercospora Leaf Blight Stem Canker Frogeye Leaf Spot Sudden Death Syndrome Brown Stem Rot Sclerotinia White Mold Phytophthora Field Tolerance Phytophthora Resistance Soybean Cyst Nematode Pod Color Pubescence Hilum Color Flower Color PRODUCT SOYBEANS W BF G T R3, MR14 S 7 7 n/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS24RY65 P BF G BR SRps1c6 5 9 5 n/an/an/an/an/a39RY25 P IB G BR R3, MR14 Rps1k6 7 7 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS25RY44 P BR LT T MR3, MR14 Rps1k7 6 7 n/an/an/an/an/an/aS25LL85 P BR LT T R3, MR14 Rps1c7 6 7 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS26RS75 P IB G T R3, MR14 Rps1k7 7 7 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS27LL55 P IB G BR R3, MR14 Rps1c8 6 8 7 n/an/an/an/an/a38RY28 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1k 65777n/a n/a n/a n/a S29RY74 P IB G BR R3, MR14 Rps1k8 n/a 9 7 7 n/an/an/an/aS29RY05 P BL LT BR S S 7 7 9 6 n/an/an/an/an/a3290 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 77987n/a n/a n/a n/a S31RY93 P BL LT BR MR3, MR14 Rps1k7 n/an/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS31LL43 P IB G BR R3, MR14 Rps1k6 n/a 8 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS32RY95 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 76677n/a n/a n/a n/a 37RY33 P BL LT BRMR3 Rps1k7 6 7 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS3305N P IB G BR R3, MR14 S 7 n/an/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/aS35RS75 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 76777n/a n/a n/a n/a S35RY83 PBLLTBR R3, MR14 Rps1k 76777n/a n/a n/a n/a S35LS15 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 76676n/a n/a n/a n/a S36RY24 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 75777n/a n/a n/a n/a 34RY36 W BL LT T R3, MR14 S 6 n/an/a 7 5 7 n/an/an/aS38RY84 WBLLT T R3, MR14 S 7 5n/a7 7 6n/an/an/a S38LL54 W BL T BRMR3 Rps1c7 n/an/a 8 7 7 n/an/an/aV388SCN P IB G BR R3, MR14 Rps1c7 n/an/a 7 8 n/an/an/an/a32RY39 P IB G T R3, MR14 S 7 n/an/a 7 5 n/an/an/an/aS39RY65 WBF GBR R3, MR14 Rps1c7n/an/a7 7 9n/a8INC S40RY25 W BF G BR R3 S 8 7 n/a 7 7 n/an/an/an/aS40RY73 WBLLT T R3, MR14 Rps1c7n/an/a7 8 6n/a5n/a S40LL35 WBLLTBR MR3 HRps1c 877887n/a n/a n/a 3410SCN DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 37 2.2-4.1 MATURITY DISEASE TOLERANCE 37 5/13/14 11:11 AM 4.2-6.1 MATURITY RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available Red = New S42RS03 GENRR2Y/STS 4.2 S42LL63 LL 4.2 39RY43 GENRR2Y 4.3 S43RY95GENRR2Y4.3 31RY45 GENRR2Y 4.5 38RY45GENRR2Y 4.5 S45LL33 LL 4.5 S46RY85 GENRR2Y 4.6 3460SCN Conventional 4.6 S46LL05 LL 4.6 S47RY13 GENRR2Y 4.7 37RY47RR2Y/STS 4.7 S48RS53 RR2Y/STS 4.8 S48LL23 LL 4.8 S49RY25 GENRR2Y 4.9 33LL49 LL 4.9 S49LL34 LL 4.9 S49LS65LL/STS4.9 S51RY45 GENRR2Y 5.1 S52RY75 GENRR2Y 5.2 S53RY23 GENRR2Y 5.3 34LL53 LL 5.3 S54RY43 GENRR2Y 5.4 32RY55 GENRR2Y 5.5 S55RS13 GENRR2Y/STS 5.5 S56RY84 GENRR2Y 5.6 39RY57 GENRR2Y 5.7 33LL58 LL 5.8 S61RY93 GENRR2Y 6.1 9 All 7 8 All 7 7 All 7 8 All 7 7 All 7 7 All 8 8 All 7 8 All 7 8 All 8 8 All 7 7 All 7 8 All 7 8 All 8 8 All 7 9<30”7 7 All 6 8 All 8 7 All 7 7 All 7 8 All 6 8 All 8 8 All 7 9 All 7 8 All 7 8 All 5 8 All 6 9 All 7 8 All 8 8 All 8 8 9 9 8 9 7 8 7 7 8 9 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 7 9 8 7 7 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Canopy Type Plant Type Plant Height Shatter Resistance Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Stress Tolerance Standability PLANT ATTRIBUTES Row Width Emergence Maturity PRODUCTION Technology Dyna-Gro Brand SOYBEANS PRODUCT 8 M/T I 8 M/T I 8 M/T I 8 M/T I 8 T I 8 M I 8 T I 8 M I 8 M/T I 8 M/T I 8 T I 7 M I 8 M/T I 8 M/T I 8 T I 8 T I 8 T I 8 T I 8 T I 8 M/T D 7 M D 8 M/S D 8 M/T D 8 M D 8 T I 8 M/T D 8 M D 8 M D 8 M/T D M MB MB M M MB M B M M MB B M M MT MB M MB M MB M B MB MB M M MB B M 38 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 38 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Chloride Sensitivity Root Knot Nematode Cercospora Leaf Blight Stem Canker Frogeye Leaf Spot Sudden Death Syndrome Brown Stem Rot Sclerotinia White Mold Phytophthora Field Tolerance Phytophthora Resistance Soybean Cyst Nematode Pod Color Pubescence Hilum Color Flower Color PRODUCT SOYBEANS P IB GBR R3, MR14 Rps1a8n/an/a5 6 7n/an/aINC S42RS03 W BL LT T R3, MR14 Rps3a8 n/an/a 7 7 n/an/an/aINCS42LL63 PIBGT R3, MR14 HRps1c 6n/a n/a66552INC 39RY43 P BL T BR R3, MR14 Rps1k8 n/an/a 6 7 7 n/an/an/aS43RY95 PBLLTBR R3, MR14 HRps1c 7n/a n/a68952INC 31RY45 P IB G T R3, MR14 Rps1c6n/an/a7 7 9 4n/an/a 38RY45 P BL LT BR R3, MR14 Rps1k7 n/an/a 7 6 n/an/an/aINCS45LL33 PIBGBR R3, MR14 HRps1k 7n/a n/a76972INC S46RY85 W BL LT T R3, MR14 Rps1c7 n/an/a 7 n/an/an/an/an/a3460SCN WBF G T R3, MR14 S 7n/an/a7 7 7n/a4INC S46LL05 P BLLTBR R3, MR14 S 6n/an/a7 7 7n/an/aINC S47RY13 P BLLT T S HRps1c 7n/an/a7 4 5 8n/an/a 37RY47 P IB G T R3, MR14 Rps1c7n/an/a6 8 9 6n/aINC S48RS53 WBL T BR R3, MR14 Rps1k7n/an/a7 4n/an/a2INC S48LL23 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 8n/a n/a88762INC S49RY25 P BF G TMR3 Rps1k7n/an/a5 8 9n/a7n/a 33LL49 P IB G T R3, MR14 Rps1c7n/an/a7 7 7n/an/aINC S49LL34 P IB G T R3, MR14 Rps1k6n/an/a6 7 7n/a6n/a S49LS65 PBLLTBR R3, MR14 HRps1c 6n/a n/a86962INC S51RY45 WBRLTT R1, R3 S6n/a n/a78969INC S52RY75 PIBGBR R3, MR14 S7n/a n/a57942INC S53RY23 WBL T BR R3, MR14 Rps1k7n/an/a7 7 8n/a6n/a 34LL53 WBFGT R3, MR14 S7n/a n/a77955EXC S54RY43 PIBGT R3, MR14 Rps1c 8n/a n/a77958EXC 32RY55 P IB GBR R3, MR14 S 7n/an/a7 7 9 8n/aEXC S55RS13 PBRTTR3S8n/a n/a88779INC S56RY84 PBLTTS Rps1a 7n/a n/a n/a6678EXC 39RY57 WBF GBR R3, MR14 Rps1k7n/an/a6 7 7n/a7EXC 33LL58 WBL T TMR3S 6n/an/an/a7 4n/a8EXC S61RY93 DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 39 4.2-6.1 MATURITY DISEASE TOLERANCE 39 5/13/14 11:11 AM 6.5-7.9 MATURITY Red = New 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 All All All All All All All 7 7 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 7 8 8 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.06-0.08 MATURITY Brand - SOYBEANS 0.07 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.08 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Taller plant type that can handle the heavier clay soils in the valley • Parentage of our popular 35RY01 • Very good tolerance for Iron Deficiency Chlorosis with cyst nematode resistance • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with average tolerance for Sclerotinia White Mold 1 2 3 4 Canopy Type Plant Type Plant Height 8 M/T 7 T 8 T 8 M 8 T 8 M 8 T NEW S006RY75 Brand - SOYBEANS 0.06 RM 1 S007RY44 Shatter Resistance Iron Deficiency Chlorosis Stress Tolerance Standability Row Width Maturity Technology S65RY73 GENRR2Y 6.5 36RY68GENRR2Y 6.8 S69RY34 GENRR2Y 6.9 S74RY15 GENRR2Y 7.4 34RY75 GENRR2Y 7.5 S77RY85 GENRR2Y 7.7 S79RY05 GENRR2Y 7.9 RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available PLANT ATTRIBUTES Emergence PRODUCTION Dyna-Gro Brand SOYBEANS PRODUCT D D D D D D D M MB M MB MB B B S008RY43 5 6 7 8 9 • Excellent tolerance with above average recovery for Iron Deficiency Chlorosis • Rps1c protection with very good field tolerance scores for Phytophthora Root Rot • Strong tolerance for Sclerotinia White Mold and moderately resistant to Brown Stem Rot • Performs best on loam soil types or in rotations following corn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Solid agronomics with proven multi-year performance • Strong Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance with cyst nematode resistance • Rps1c protection with improved field tolerance over 30RY09 • Medium-tall height and strong stress tolerance for heavy clay soils in the valley 40 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 40 5/13/14 11:11 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Chloride Sensitivity Root Knot Nematode Cercospora Leaf Blight Stem Canker Frogeye Leaf Spot Sudden Death Syndrome Brown Stem Rot Sclerotinia White Mold Phytophthora Field Tolerance Phytophthora Resistance Soybean Cyst Nematode Pod Color Pubescence Hilum Color Flower Color PRODUCT SOYBEANS P BL T T R3 S 7n/an/an/a5 8n/a8EXC S65RY73 P BL T T R3, MR14 Rps1c6n/an/an/a8n/a7 7n/a 36RY68 WBL T T S S 7n/an/an/a8 3 6 8n/a S69RY34 PBLTBRS HRps1a 6n/a n/a n/a5969EXC S74RY15 PIBGBR R3, MR14 Rps1c 7n/a n/a n/a7578EXC 34RY75 P BL T T SRps1c7n/an/an/a8 9n/a9EXC S77RY85 WBL T T S S 8n/an/an/a7 9n/a9INC S79RY05 35RY01 S02RY74 Brand - SOYBEANS 0.09 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.1 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.2 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Genuity RR2 Yield line that brings excellent yield performance with solid agronomics • Multi-year yield leader across the region on offensive well drained soils • Resistant to Brown Stem Rot with very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance • Strong choice east or west and in the Red River Valley 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Strong Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance and moderately resistant to Brown Stem Rot • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with very good tolerance for Sclerotinia White Mold • Excellent in tight Red River Valley soils and running to the east • Medium-tall plant height with intermediate canopy width 1 2 3 4 0.09-0.2 MATURITY 30RY09 5 6 7 8 9 • Very offensive genetic package with strength going west across North Dakota • Moderately bushy canopy with excellent standability • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with good field tolerance • Average tolerance for Iron Chlorosis; avoid fields with known Iron Deficiency Chlorosis issues DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 41 6.5-7.9 MATURITY DISEASE TOLERANCE 41 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS Seed Stewardship Policy 34RY03 Dyna-Gro Seed is committed to providing our customers with superior genetics and the newest technology available. We believe this approach allows our customers to achieve the highest possible return on their investment. It is our responsibility as an industry to properly steward patented genetics and technology to sustain continued development of new genetics and future technologies. We must continue to reach new yield goals, both through improved genetics and new technologies, to feed a growing world population and maintain a quality food supply. We support the laws that are in place surrounding variety protection and technology patents. Brand - SOYBEANS 0.3 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 0.3-0.6 MATURITY Seeds containing the Roundup Ready® trait and the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® trait are protected under numerous U.S. patents. Seed containing patented traits, such as seed containing the Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready 2 Yield® traits, can only be used to plant a single commercial crop. It is unlawful to save and replant Roundup Ready® soybeans and Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on these products are provided in the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement and the Monsanto Technology Use Guide. The licensed U.S. patents for Monsanto technologies can be found at the following webpage: 3 4 Brand - SOYBEANS 0.5 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.6 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Top of the class for Sclerotinia white mold protection • Good tolerance for Iron Deficiency Chlorosis with cyst nematode resistance • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot and resistant to Brown Stem Rot • Tested as SX13804R in 2013 • Medium plant height with excellent standability and performance across varying environments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Exceptional tolerance for Iron Deficiency Chlorosis • Tall, moderately bushy plant type with very good standability; ideal for any row width • Rps1c gene for protection for Phytophthora Root Rot • Excellent choice for clay soils and moving north or south of its maturity zone NEW S04RY55 Brand - SOYBEANS 0.4 RM 1 S05LL34 2 S06RY24 5 6 7 8 9 • Mid-group 0 with LibertyLink trait for weed resistance management in northern areas • Medium plant height with exceptional branching and excellent standability • Strong Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance and Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Above average tolerance to Sclerotinia white mold • Excellent standability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Resistant to cyst nematode with very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis protection • Medium-tall plant height with moderately-bushy canopy width • Excellent yield consistency with superior performance on loams • Resistant to Brown Stem Rot and HRps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Attractive light tawny-tan plant with excellent standability 42 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 42 5/13/14 11:11 AM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.8 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 0.9 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 S08LL84 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Late group 0 with LibertyLink trait for weed resistance management in northern areas • Excellent yield potential for its maturity • Medium plant height with exceptional branching • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora with solid tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis • Moderately resistant to Brown Stem Rot and good Sclerotinia White Mold tolerance • Cyst nematode resistance with strong Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance • Medium plant height with nice branching and canopy width • Very showy light tawny-brown plant that expresses high yield appearance at maturity • Handles stress well and is widely adapted throughout the central and western regions Brand - SOYBEANS 1.2 RM NEW S13LL35 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.3 RM NEW S14RY95 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.4 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS S12RY44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Game changing performance at early group I maturity; ideal for intensive production management • Resistant to cyst nematode and Brown Stem Rot • Light tawny-brown plant that has very good canopy width • Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis protection and HRps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • One half of parentage is derived from 31RY20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Early group I with the LibertyLink trait for weed resistance management • Yield leader for its maturity; dominate moving west into North and South Dakota • Similar parentage as S08LL84 • Very good tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis with moderate resistance for Brown Stem Rot • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Replaces S15RY53 for improved tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and shattering • Resistant to cyst nematode and moderate resistance for Brown Stem Rot • Rps1c gene with very good field tolerance for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium-plus plant height with good canopy width and very good standability • Proven genetic background of 31RY20 DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 43 0.7-1.4 MATURITY • Similar genetic background as S09RY64 with improved Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance • Cyst nematode and Brown Stem Rot resistant • HRps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium plant height with very good standability • Key line for moving west into North Dakota 1 S09RY64 SOYBEANS NEW S07RY45 Brand - SOYBEANS 0.7 RM 43 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS NEW S15LL75 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.5 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 1.7 RM NEW S18RY25 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.8 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 34RY17 5 6 7 8 9 1 1.5-1.9 MATURITY • Mid group I with the LibertyLink trait for weed resistance management • Strong yield for maturity in northern areas • Very good tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis with resistance to cyst nematode • Above average tolerance for Phytophthora Root Rot and Sclerotinia White Mold • Solid performance east to west within its maturity zone 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Superior multi-year yield performance with a great defensive package • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance • Moderate resistance to Brown Stem Rot with strong Sclerotinia White Mold tolerance • Medium plant type with excellent standability score • Resistant to soybean cyst nematode S19RY84 ® ® More beans per pod and more bushels per acre compared to original Roundup Ready®. Ask your seed rep why you should demand more. Go to for more information. Individual results may vary. Always read and follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these practices can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. GRR2Y More Yield Page.indd 1 EVERY BUSHEL MATTERS 3 4 EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 • Unique genetic background that brings wide adaptation east to west • Resistant to cyst nematode with good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium plant height with a wide, bushy canopy • Average Sclerotinia White Mold tolerance, similar to 36RY19 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.9 RM • Excellent top-end yield potential and yield stability across all environments • Very good scores for Sclerotinia White Mold and Sudden Death Syndrome • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode with Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium plant height with a wide, bushy canopy HOLD YOUR BEANS TO A HIGHER STANDARD WITH GENUITY ROUNDUP READY 2 YIELD . 2 NEW S19LL05 Brand - SOYBEANS 1.9 RM 1 DEMAND MORE YIELD. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Late group I with the LibertyLink trait for weed resistance management • Attractive light tawny-tan plant with unique genetic background • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode with average tolerance to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis • Well adapted to most soils, but avoid high pH soils where Iron Deficiency Chlorosis may be a problem • Unique genetic background compared to existing LibertyLink lines 5/15/13 3:54 PM 44 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 44 5/13/14 11:11 AM Brand - SOYBEANS 2.0 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 S20RY94 5 6 7 8 9 S22RY64 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Proven parentage of 36RY19 with improved standability and yield consistency • Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and IDC recovery scores similar to 36RY19 • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with moderate resistance to Brown Stem Rot • Yield data supports excellent performance moving north • Avoid areas with history of Sudden Death Syndrome 2.0-2.4 MATURITY • Consistent performer and broad adaptation east to west • Parentage of 31RY20 with improved yield and shatter tolerance • Medium-tall plant with good width and standability • Above average scores for Iron Deficiency Chlorosis, Sudden Death Syndrome and Sclerotinia White Mold 1 SOYBEANS NEW S20RY45 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.0 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 2.2 RM NEW S22LL65 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.2 RM NEW S24RY65 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.4 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • The yield champion at early group II maturity • Beautiful lateral branching that really shows off its yield at maturity • Excellent movement north and south across its maturity zone • Well adapted across all soil types and all row widths • Nice rounded agronomic package for use east to west 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New LibertyLink at early group II for weed resistance management in northern areas • Dominating yield performance from east to west • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode with Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium height with moderate bushy canopy and very good standability • Adapted across all soil types 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Replaces S24RY73 for better top-end performance and yield consistency • Good tolerance scores for Phytophthora Root Rot, Sudden Death Syndrome and Sclerotinia White Mold • Broadly adapted from Iowa and east on mixed to loam soil types • Medium-tall plant with excellent standability and nice eye appeal • Pilot line tested as SX13324R in 2013 internal research trials DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 45 45 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS 39RY25 THREE RULES FOR A PRODUCTIVE CROP YIELD: 1. NO WEEDS. 2. NO WEEDS. 3. NO WEEDS. S25RY44 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.5 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 2.5 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Mid group II performance leader with broad adaptation from east to west • Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and Sudden Death Syndrome scores • Solid agronomics with good Charcoal Rot tolerance • Medium-tall plant with nice canopy width and very good standability NEW S25LL85 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.5 RM NEW S26RS75 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.6 RM NEW S27LL55 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.7 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS-n/a WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 2.5-2.7 MATURITY • Exceptional yield performance for the central to western Cornbelt • Rps1c gene for multi-race Phytophthora Root Rot protection • Proven under intense management, pivot irrigation and high yield production • Medium plant height, good canopy width and branching with very good standability • Resistant to Brown Stem Rot The LibertyLink® trait and Liberty® herbicide work together to control weeds – even the toughest ones like Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, waterhemp and marestail. With your weeds gone, you’ll see higher yields from your high-performance seed. Take control of your fields with Liberty herbicide and LibertyLink seeds. Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Liberty, LibertyLink, and the LibertyLink logo are registered trademarks of Bayer. Liberty is not registered in all states. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at CR0813MULTI1A643V00R0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • LibertyLink at mid group II for weed resistance management in northern areas • Multi-year research performance supports wide adaptability east to west • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode with Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium height with moderately bushy canopy • Well adapted across all soil types 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Broadly adapted mid-group II with RR2 Yield and STS stacked traits • Attractive light tawny tan with medium height and moderately bushy canopy • Multi-year data supports broad adaptation from east to west • STS trait provides great option for combating weed resistance • Strong defensive package for Sudden Death Syndrome, Brown Stem Rot, Phytophthora Root Rot and Iron Deficiency Chlorosis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Gray-tan plant with nice eye appeal and solid agronomics • Resistance to cyst nematode with the Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium-tall plant with excellent standability for height • Tested in research as SX13227L and limited farm strip testing • Good Sudden Death Syndrome scores and broadly adapted east to west across all soil types 46 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 46 5/13/14 11:11 AM 38RY28 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.9 RM NEW S29RY05 Brand - SOYBEANS 2.9 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD-n/a IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 S29RY74 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.3 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD-n/a IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 • Excellent high yield consistency for the central to western Cornbelt • Great eye appeal at maturity; showy high yield look with great lateral branching • Excellent stress tolerance and widely adapted across all soil types • Above average plant height with exceptional standability NEW S32RY95 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.2 RM 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New late group II that has very broad adaptation east to west • Outstanding stress tolerance and very good Charcoal Rot tolerance • Medium-tall plant with moderately bushy canopy and strong agronomic disease package • Great companion with 38RY28 for an unbeatable 1-2 punch • Reduce planting populations on better loam soil types 37RY33 5 6 7 8 9 • A new yield leader for the early group III maturity • Medium-tall plant with very good standability • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and moderate resistance for Brown Stem Rot • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with average field tolerance; avoid poorly drained soils • Unbeatable performance throughout the central Midwest and across the “I” states 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • The multi-year performance leader at mid group III maturity • Resistant to cyst nematode with very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot protection • Widely adapted east to west across all soil types • Outstanding multi-year yield performance track record DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 47 2.8-3.3 MATURITY • Resistant to cyst nematode and moderate resistance to Brown Stem Rot • Rps1c gene with excellent field tolerance for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium-tall plant with strong stress tolerance • Adapted from Iowa and to the east across all soil types 1 SOYBEANS Brand - SOYBEANS 2.8 RM 47 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS NEW S3305N Brand - SOYBEANS 3.3 RM CONVENTIONAL EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3.3-3.5 MATURITY Yield loss. • New brand soybean seed out-yielded bin-run soybeans by 5.9 bushels/acre1 • “ASK FOR THE 2”—Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® outyielded Roundup Ready® Soybeans by an average of 4 bushels/ acre2 Higher seeding rate. • Bin-run planting rates are generally 15% higher than new branded seed Cleanout loss. • Average loss of ~ 10-15% cleanout at harvest for bin-run seed Lost income. • Income lost by not selling a bushel of soybeans Plant Variety Protection (PVP) and Variety Patent laws must be followed. • These laws prevent growers from buying and replanting commodity market grain as seed. Brand - SOYBEANS 3.5 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT-n/a SDS WHITE MOLD-n/a IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 • New early to mid group III conventional line • Medium-tall plant height with moderate canopy width • Moderately resistance to cyst nematode and Brown Stem Rot • Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with strong Sudden Death Syndrome scores • Exceptional data and replaces Dyna-Gro S3403N The Real Cost of Bin-Run Seed NEW S35RS75 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.5 RM 2 3 4 S35RY83 5 6 7 8 9 • Stacked RR2 Yield plus STS that is a great choice for the west region to replace 31RY34 • Medium-tall plant with moderately bushy canopy and very good standability • Excellent stress tolerance to handle varying soil types • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and Phytophthora Root Rot • Ideal for use in double-crop plantings after wheat The Value of New Branded Seed Local Seed Expertise Dealer agronomic support before and after the sale Seed company quality standards Seed Innovations The latest elite germplasm Advanced trait offerings Seed treatment options 7 new innovations over the next 5-7 years Meets U.S. Federal Seed Act Ensure varietal purity Germination tested for peace of mind Known purity level University yield trials range from 1.2-5.9 bushels/acre; Dunphy, J., and J. Ferguson. 1991. Field performance of farmer-saved and professionally-grown soybean seed lots. Prod. of the American Seed Trade Assoc. Annual Mtg. 2 Data as of November 2, 2011. Includes all breeding and commercial strip trial data. All head-to-head comparisons are within +/- 0.4 day maturity. Data represents the top performing Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield products (with a minimum of 30 comparisons per product) versus competitive Pioneer® and NK® brands with Roundup Ready by state. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Strong agronomics and broadly adapted for the central and eastern Cornbelt regions • Very good Brown Stem Rot and Sudden Death Syndrome scores • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot protection • Medium-tall plant height with excellent standability • Parentage of 37P37 and genetically related to 37RY33! NEW S35LS15 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.5 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • LibertyLink and STS stacked traits at mid group III • Light tawny-brown plant with great eye appeal and yield potential • Medium height, moderately bushy canopy and strong standability • Best adapted from central Iowa and to the east • Replaces S34LL73 for greatly improved yield stability, stress and Charcoal Rot tolerance 48 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 48 5/13/14 11:11 AM S38RY84 S38LL54 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.8 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 3.8 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE BROWN STEM ROT SDS WHITE MOLD IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Attractive light tawny-tan at maturity • Medium-tall plant height with great standability for height • Exceptional yield potential and widely adapted across all soil types • Solid agronomic package and strong southern movement for maturity • Proven parentage derived from 34LL37 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.9 RM NEW S39RY65 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.9 RM NEW S40RY25 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.0 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 32RY39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Genuity RR2 Yield and STS stack that combines great agronomics with top yield performance • Medium-tall plant height with excellent standability and stress tolerance scores • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with strong Sudden Death Syndrome and Frogeye Leaf Spot scores • Strong choice moving south of its maturity zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Medium-tall plant with very good to excellent standability • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and Charcoal Rot • Widely adapted from eastern Kansas to the East Coast • Tested as SX13839R with top performance in internal research trials • Replaces 36RY38 and S39RY33 for improved standability and overall yield performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Widely adapted early group IV line with excellent agronomics • Medium-plus plant height with excellent standability • Resistant to cyst and Southern Root Knot Nematodes • Resistant to Stem Canker with Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and Frogeye Leaf Spot DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 49 3.6-4.0 MATURITY • Excellent yield stability with excellent performance under stress environments • Great choice for mixed to lighter soil types from Kansas to Ohio • Excellent southern movement into the lower Midwest as an early product • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome • Attractive light tawny-tan plant with nice eye appeal • Handles elevated pH levels very well • A great companion for 34RY36 with slightly less height with improved standability • Packages well with S35RY83 for a genetically diverse pair • Broadly adapted east to west across all soil types • Great yield stability and stress tolerance across environments • Rps1c gene for Phytophthora Root Rot with very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance SOYBEANS S36RY24 Brand - SOYBEANS 3.6 RM 49 5/13/14 11:11 AM SOYBEANS NEW S40LL35 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.0 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 4.1 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS 1 2 3 4 3410SCN 5 6 7 8 9 4.0-4.3 MATURITY • New elite genetics with the LibertyLink trait platform • Proven parentage background of Dyna-Gro 34LL37 • Medium-tall plant height with great standability for height • Moderate resistance for Southern Root Knot Nematode • Replaces S39LL03 for superior yield performance with improved agronomics S42RS03 2 3 4 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.2 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 4.3 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Stacked Genuity RR2 Yield plus STS herbicide trait package • Great Phytophthora Root Rot field tolerance to handle poorly drained soils • Above average scores for Stem Canker and Frogeye Leaf Spot • Medium-tall height with very good standability • Excellent choice for heavy clay soils and stress environments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Superior multi-year performance record in the early group IV maturity • Resistant to cyst nematode with solid Phytophthora Root Rot field tolerance scores • Medium-bushy plant with excellent stress tolerance for use on all soil types • Average Sudden Death Syndrome and Frogeye Leaf Spot Scores • Widely adapted across all regions east to west 5 6 7 8 9 • Widely adapted conventional soybean with great performance record • Excellent Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance • Moderate resistance to cyst nematode with HRps1c Phytophthora Root Rot protection • Medium-tall plant with excellent stress tolerance and shatter ratings NEW S43RY95 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.3 RM 1 39RY43 1 CONVENTIONAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Attractive tawny-brown plant with medium-tall height and very good standability • Rps1k gene with excellent field tolerance for Phytophthora Root Rot • Resistant to cyst nematode with very good Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance • Strong performance moving into the Mid South and Delta regions • Parentage that traces back to Dyna-Gro 3410SCN conventional 50 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 50 5/13/14 11:12 AM 31RY45 NEW S46RY85 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.6 RM NEW S46LL05 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.6 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S47RY13 2 3 4 EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 3 4 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • LibertyLink with medium-tall plant height with moderate canopy width • Resistant to cyst nematode with good Sudden Death Syndrome score • Very good field tolerance for Phytophthora Root Rot • Best performance is on mixed to loam soil types • Adapted across the lower Midwest into the Mid South 37RY47 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.7 RM 2 6 • Mid group IV line that has very broad adaptation for all regions • Height and width comparable to 37RY47 with improved agronomics • Resistant to cyst nematode and Stem Canker • Very good tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and Cercospora Leaf Blight • Best adapted for mixed and loam soils, excellent choice for high yield irrigated fields Brand - SOYBEANS 4.7 RM 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 • Taller plant type with great stress tolerance • Very good standability for height, but avoid fields prone to lodging • Moderately resistant to Stem Canker with very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance • Ideal choice for mixed and heavier clay soil types in the Mid South and Delta • Not recommended for the East Coast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Combines Genuity RR2 Yield and STS herbicide traits • Medium height and bushy canopy that is ideal for wide row widths • Excellent Sudden Death Syndrome and stress tolerance scores • Wide area of adaptation, except in fields with known cyst nematode pressure • Fungicides recommended for control of Frogeye Leaf Spot DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 51 4.5-4.7 MATURITY • Outstanding yield potential at the mid group IV maturity • Taller plant with very good standability and excellent shatter scores • Resistant to Stem Canker and excellent tolerance to Frogeye Leaf Spot • Excellent stress tolerance and widely adapted across varying soil types • Ideal for planting in double-crop after wheat rotations 1 SOYBEANS Brand - SOYBEANS 4.5 RM 51 5/13/14 11:12 AM SOYBEANS Brand - SOYBEANS 4.8 RM S48RS53 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.8 RM NEW S49RY25 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.9 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 S48LL23 5 6 7 8 9 4.8-4.9 MATURITY • Dominant yield performance leader at late group IV maturity • Medium-tall height with great standability; top choice for highly productive loams • Resistant to Stem Canker with strong tolerance for Frogeye Leaf Spot • Widely adapted across all regions and soil types • Stacked Genuity RR2 Yield plus STS herbicide trait platform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Late group IV LibertyLink line with proven multi-year performance record • Cyst nematode resistance with Rps1k gene for Phytophthora Root Rot • Medium-tall, tawny-brown plant with moderate canopy width • Very good Sudden Death Syndrome score • Fungicides are recommended for control of Frogeye Leaf Spot S49LL34 Our exclusive, enhanced fungicide combination matters. Excellent broad-spectrum disease and insect control matters. More complete and consistent protection from Rhizoctonia and Fusarium matters. THE FIRST 30 DAYS MATTER Acceleron® Seed Treatment Products Matter. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Acceleron and Design® and Acceleron® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. ©2013 Monsanto Company. 1 2 3 4 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.9 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Top performing late group IV indeterminate line with LibertyLink trait platform • Proven southern genetic germplasm base • Similar plant height as 33LL49 with improved standability and top-end yield potential • Well adapted across all soil types including heavy Delta clays 6 7 8 9 • Tall late group IV indeterminate line with strong standability for height • Excellent tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome, Frogeye Leaf Spot and Phytophthora Root Rot • Resistant to cyst nematode and moderate resistance to Stem Canker • Provides good tolerance to chloride salts • Narrower canopy that is best in 30” or narrower row widths NEW S49LS65 Brand - SOYBEANS 4.9 RM 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • LibertyLink and STS stacked traits at late group IV maturity • Taller plant type with very good width to canopy • Moderate resistance to Southern Root Knot Nematode • Very good Stem Canker and Frogeye Leaf Spot scores • Has 33LL49 in half of parentage and is best adapted into the Delta on mixed and clay soils 52 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 52 5/13/14 11:12 AM NEW S52RY75 Brand - SOYBEANS 5.2 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S53RY23 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • New determinate that is ideal for mixed and clay soils in the Delta or East Coast • Peking source for cyst nematode and resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode • Light tawny plant with excellent Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance • Resistant to Stem Canker with good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance • Keep off of highly productive loams S54RY43 5.1-5.5 MATURITY • Tall early group V indeterminate line with very good standability for height • Pilot line tested as SX13851R in limited strip tests in 2013 • Best performance seen on mixed and loam soils in Mid South, Delta and East Coast • Excellent tolerance for Sudden Death Syndrome and Stem Canker resistant • Light tawny-brown plant with nice eye appeal 1 SOYBEANS NEW S51RY45 Brand - SOYBEANS 5.1 RM 32RY55 Brand - SOYBEANS 5.3 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 5.4 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 5.5 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Top choice for mixed and loam soils in Mid South and East Coast regions • Determinate plant that has medium height with nice standability • Cyst nematode and Stem Canker resistance • Avoid heavy clay soils in the Mid South and Delta • Fungicides are recommended for Cercospora Leaf Blight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Medium-tall determinate plant with good standability for height • Very good Phytophthora Root Rot field tolerance • Resistant to cyst nematode and Stem Canker • Best adapted on mixed to clay soils and stress environments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Yield breaking performance standard at mid group V maturity • Resistant to both cyst and Southern Root Knot Nematode • Resistant to Stem Canker with strong Frogeye Leaf Spot and Sudden Death Syndrome ratings • Medium height with very good standability and stress tolerance scores • Excluder for chloride salts DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 53 53 5/13/14 11:12 AM SOYBEANS S55RS13 S56RY84 Brand - SOYBEANS 5.5 RM Brand - SOYBEANS 5.6 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5.5-6.5 MATURITY • Stacked Genuity RR2 Yield plus STS herbicide trait platform • Very tall indeterminate mid-group V with below average standability • Must position on lighter soils and stress environments • Resistant to Stem Canker with strong Cercospora Leaf Blight and Frogeye Leaf Spot scores • Excluder for chloride salts 39RY57 S61RY93 1 2 3 4 Brand - SOYBEANS 6.5 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Very attractive tawny-tan plant with a strong yield performance record • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode and excluder for chloride salts • Strong Frogeye Leaf Spot and Cercospora Leaf Blight scores • Excels on loam to mixed soil types • Widely adapted for the Delta and East Coast regions 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 S65RY73 Brand - SOYBEANS 6.1 RM 2 6 • Tawny-tan “red bean” that is a great choice for mixed and heavier clay soils • Strong emergence and early season vigor scores • Great agronomic scores for Sudden Death Syndrome, Frogeye Leaf Spot and Cercospora Leaf Blight • Cyst nematode and Southern Root Knot Nematode resistance • Taller determinate plant with good standability for height Brand - SOYBEANS 5.7 RM 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 • Medium-tall, tawny-tan line, moderate canopy and great standability for height • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode with moderate resistance to cyst nematode • Very good Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance and excluder to chloride salts • Moderately susceptible to Stem Canker and sensitive to metribuzin • Tested as SX12861R in 2012 OVT’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Very attractive tawny-tan with medium-tall height and very good standability • Resistant to cyst and Southern Root Knot Nematodes • Excluder to chloride salts and resistant to Stem Canker • Dominant performance moving south into South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama • Fungicides are suggested for control of Frogeye Leaf Spot 54 S O YBE AN S 403154_NationalGuide.indd 54 5/13/14 11:12 AM S69RY34 NEW S74RY15 Brand - SOYBEANS 7.4 RM NEW S77RY85 Brand - SOYBEANS 7.7 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Bushy tawny-brown plant with medium height and excellent standability • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode and moderate resistance to Peanut Root Knot Nematode • Excluder for chloride salts and resistant to Stem Canker • Strong choice for mixed to loam soil types • Avoid late plantings on stressful sandy soils or heavy clays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Tawny-tan late group VII determinate line with very good Frogeye Leaf Spot tolerance • Medium plant height and bushy canopy with excellent standability • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode and excluder for chloride salts • Research data indicates strength moving south into Georgia and South Carolina • Limited supply for 2015 6.9-7.9 MATURITY • Taller late group VI determinate line with good standability for height • Attractive tawny-tan plant with moderate canopy width • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode and highly tolerant to Frogeye Leaf Spot • Good tolerance to metribuzin herbicides • Strong data package and competitive into group VII maturity 1 SOYBEANS Brand - SOYBEANS 6.9 RM NEW S79RY05 Brand - SOYBEANS 7.9 RM EMERGENCE RATING STANDABILITY RATING SHATTER SCORE STRESS TOLERANCE PRR FIELD TOLERANCE SDS-n/a FROGEYE LEAF SPOT IRON CHLOROSIS-n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Tall tawny-tan late group VII determinate with very good standability for height • Resistant to Southern Root Knot Nematode and Stem Canker • Very good tolerance for Frogeye Leaf Spot • Strong performance in the Carolinas and excellent double-crop choice for the Deep South • Bushy plant type making it ideal for wide row widths DYNAGROSEEDS.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 55 55 5/13/14 11:12 AM WHEAT 56 WH E AT 403154_NationalGuide.indd 56 5/13/14 11:12 AM We understand that successful yields don’t just happen. They are the result of your planning, hard work, years of experience, and the right inputs. To ensure your fields are equipped with the right seed and other inputs, your CPS Crop Consultant walks your fields scouting for disease or pest pressures. They take soil samples, and learn about your management practices. When your neighbors need an extra hand, they know they can count on you. As your neighbor, your local CPS Seed Team wants you to know you can count on us as a Partner in your farming operation. Required Lbs./Acre for Desired Seeds/Acre (in million seeds/acre) Seeds/lb. 1.31.4 1.5 1.61.7 1.8 10,000 130.0140.0 150.0160.0170.0180.0 10,500 123.8133.3 142.9152.4161.9171.4 11,000 118.2127.3 136.4145.5154.5163.6 11,500 113.0121.7 130.4139.1147.8156.5 12,000 108.3116.7 125.0133.3141.7150.0 12,500 104.0112.0 120.0128.0136.0144.0 13,000 100.0107.7 115.4123.1130.8138.5 13,500 96.3 103.7 111.1 118.5 125.9 13 3.3 14,00092.9100.0 107.1114.3121.4128.6 14,50089.7 96.6 103.4110.3117.2124.1 15,00086.7 93.3 100.0106.7113.3120.0 15,50083.9 90.3 96.8103.2109.7116.1 16,00081.3 87.5 93.8100.0106.3112.5 16,500 78.8 84.8 90.9 97.0 103.0 109.1 17,000 76.5 82.4 88.2 94.1 100.0 105.9 17,500 74.3 80.0 85.7 91.4 97.1 102.9 WHEAT It begins with Dyna-Gro Seed... and it ends with success. LEGEND RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available RELATIVE MATURITY: VE = Very Early E= Early ME = Medium Early M= Medium ML = Medium Late L= Late PLANT HEIGHT: S= Short MS = Medium Short M= Medium MT = Medium Tall T= Tall Yellow Mosaic = Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus Dyna-Gro Seed recommends the use of a broad-spectrum cereal fungicide seed treatment to help wheat get off to a fast, healthy start by providing protection against early season seed and soil-borne diseases. These treatments also provide growers with a significant increase in germination and vigor. Fungicides applied directly to seed provide excellent seed and seedling safety giving your wheat crop a faster start enhancing yield performance and higher returns. Dyna-Gro Seed wheat is also available with a seed-applied systemic insecticide that provides early season control of certain insect pests. See your Dyna-Gro dealer for details. Benefits of fungicide seed treatments: • Control of early season seed and soil-borne diseases • Increased plant health and vigor • Excellent worker and environmental safety • Outstanding seed and seedling safety • Faster Start/Stronger Finish DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 57 57 5/13/14 11:12 AM Red = New V9710 Red VE MS 9441 Red E M 9171 RedME MS 9491W WhiteME MS 9012 Red M M 9042 Red M M 9242W White M MT 9362W WhiteM M NEW 9441 Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Early • New early maturing soft red winter variety for the Midwest • Medium plant height with strong straw strength and high test weight grain • Good resistant scores for Leaf and Stem Rust • Good tolerance for Soil-borne Mosaic and Barley Yellow Dwarf viruses • Dyna-Gro 9031 replacement with significant improvement in yield and standability Management Tips • Seed at 1.4 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Earlier maturity makes this an ideal variety for early double-cropping • Ideal choice for poorly drained and variable soil types 9171 9 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 Hessian Fly Winter Hardiness Awn Type Test Weight Straw Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE Plant Height Relative Maturity Dyna-Gro Brand WHEAT RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available GROWTH Grain Color PRODUCT 7Awnless7 3 8Awnless8 n/a 7Awned 8 n/a 8 Awned 8 n/a 9Awned 9 n/a 7Awnless8 n/a 8Awnlett 8 n/a 9Awnless8 n/a 9012 Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Early NEW 9491W Soft White Winter - WHEAT Medium-Early Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium • Medium-early bearded variety with exceptional yield potential • Medium-short plant height with outstanding straw strength • Very good ratings for Leaf Rust, Powdery Mildew and Stripe Rust • Tolerant to Yellow Mosaic, Soil-borne Mosaic and Barley Yellow Dwarf viruses • Widely adapted to all wheat growing regions north of I-20 • Soft white winter wheat line with exceptional yield potential • Medium-early maturity with awned heads and nice eye appeal • Medium-short plant height with excellent straw strength • Strong ratings for Powdery Mildew and Stagnospora Glume Blotch • Evaluated as experimental WX13612W in 2013 testing • Bearded medium maturity variety with high yield potential and high test weight grain • Medium plant height with very good straw strength • Strong ratings to Fusarium Head Scab, Powdery Mildew and Stripe Rust • Excellent winter hardiness and adapted across all soil types • Widely adapted across the Midwest, Mid South and eastern coastal regions Management Tips Management Tips Management Tips • Seed at 1.4 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Shorter plant height and maturity makes this a top choice for double-crop growers • Great straw strength to handle higher levels of nitrogen and fertility • Seed at 1.6 to 1.9 million seeds per acre • Excels under high fertility management and better soils • Fungicides suggested for reducing Fusarium Head Scab incidence levels • Seed at 1.5 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Great choice for double-crop growers and no-till plantings after corn • Ideal for higher levels of nitrogen, fertility and top management programs 58 WH E AT 403154_NationalGuide.indd 58 5/13/14 11:12 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Barley Yellow Dwarf Soil-Borne Mosaic Virus Fusarium Head Scab Yellow Mosaic (WSSM) Stagnospora Glume Blotch Septoria Leaf Blotch Powdery Mildew WHEAT Stripe Rust PRODUCT Leaf Rust CE 767767756 V9710 76657n/a787 9441 777678777 9171 7 6 8 7 8n/a6n/a8 9491W 6776677n/a7 9012 7686686n/a7 9042 7 5 8 7 7n/a7n/a7 9242W 76766n/a77n/a 9362W 9042 9242W Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium Soft White Winter - WHEAT Medium • Medium maturity awnless variety with great top-end yield potential • Medium plant height with very good straw strength • Strong ratings for Powdery Mildew, Leaf Rust and Yellow Mosaic Virus • Very good winter hardiness and high test weight grain • Adapted across all soil types in the Midwest and East Coast regions • Soft white winter variety with exceptional yield potential • Medium maturity with fantastic eye appeal • Medium-tall plant height with excellent straw strength • Very good scores for Powdery Mildew and Stagnospora Glume Blotch • High test weight grain with very good milling and baking quality Management Tips • Seed at 1.6 to 1.8 million seeds per acre • Excellent response to high levels of fertility and management • Fungicides suggested for Stripe Rust control • Seed at 1.5 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Responds extremely well to high fertility programs • Average tolerance to Fusarium Head Scab; use fungicides to reduce incidence levels Management Tips D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 59 59 5/13/14 11:12 AM Red = New Oglethorpe Red M MS 9053 RedML M 9223 RedML MT 9343 RedML MT 9373 RedML MT Baldwin RedML MT Yorktown RedML M Shirley Red L MS OGLETHORPE 6 8 7 7 9 8 8 9 Hessian Fly Winter Hardiness Awn Type Test Weight Straw Strength DISEASE TOLERANCE Plant Height Relative Maturity Dyna-Gro Brand WHEAT RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available GROWTH Grain Color PRODUCT 7Awnless7 9 6Awned 8 n/a 7Awnless8 n/a 7Awnless8 n/a 7Awnless8 n/a 8Awned 7 9 8Awnlett7 4 6Awnlett7 3 9223 9343 Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Late Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Late • Proven adaptation to all of southern wheat growing areas • Medium maturity variety with excellent yield performance track record • Highly resistant to both Leaf Rust and Stripe Rust • Medium-short plant height with good standability at moderate fertility levels • Resistant to all known biotypes of Hessian Fly • Medium-full maturity awnless variety with outstanding yield potential • Medium-tall plant with very good straw strength and great eye appeal • Highly resistant to Stripe Rust with strong Fusarium Head Scab tolerance • Excellent potential for high grain, straw or forage yields • Widely adapted to all wheat growing regions east to west • Medium-late maturity variety with high level of tolerance to Fusarium Head Scab • Medium-tall plant with unique showy appearance • Very good tolerance for Powdery Mildew, Septoria Leaf and Stagnospora Glume Blotch • Widely adapted across a wide range of soil types • Ideal choice for high forage or straw yields Management Tips • Seed at 1.3 to 1.6 million seeds per acre • Excellent choice where Leaf and Stripe Rust occurs with frequency • Consider fungicides for control of higher levels for Powdery Mildew Management Tips • Seed at 1.4 to 1.6 million seeds per acre • Strong choice for 15”rows, no-till after corn and poorly drained fields • Fungicides suggested for Powdery Mildew and Leaf Rust control Management Tips • Seed at 1.4 to 1.6 million seeds per acre • Excellent choice for varying soils types and areas where Fusarium Head Scab is a concern • Not recommended for areas where Stripe Rust occurs frequently 60 WH E AT 403154_NationalGuide.indd 60 5/13/14 11:12 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Barley Yellow Dwarf Soil-Borne Mosaic Virus Fusarium Head Scab Yellow Mosaic (WSSM) Stagnospora Glume Blotch Septoria Leaf Blotch Powdery Mildew WHEAT Stripe Rust PRODUCT Leaf Rust CE 885776477 Oglethorpe 6767685n/a7 9053 5867867n/a6 9223 64777n/a887 9343 88577n/a587 9373 85566n/a676 Baldwin 97976n/a738 Yorktown 939777547 Shirley 9373 BALDWIN YORKTOWN SHIRLEY Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Late Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Late Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Medium-Late Soft Red Winter - WHEAT Late • Widely adapted awnless variety with outstanding straw strength • Excellent resistance for Stripe Rust and Leaf Rust • Strong tolerance for Soil-borne Mosaic and Barley Yellow Dwarf Viruses • Well adapted across a wide range of soil types • Not recommended for areas with high Powdery Mildew pressure • Adapted to all soil types on the East Coast and Deep South wheat growing areas • Medium-late maturity with outstanding yield potential and high test weight • Good resistance for Leaf Rust and Soil-borne Mosaic Virus • Medium-tall plant with awned heads and strong straw strength • Moderate level of resistance to most biotypes of Hessian Fly • Medium-late variety with adaptation to the East Coast and southern region • Medium plant height with very good straw strength • High level of resistance for Leaf Rust and Powdery Mildew • Moderately resistance to Stem Rust and Stripe Rust • Good Fusarium Head Scab tolerance with high test weight grain • High level of resistant to Leaf Rust, Stem Rust and Powdery Mildew • Strong ratings for Septoria Leaf and Stagnospora Glume Blotch • Medium-short plant with outstanding straw strength • Avoid areas where Stripe Rust occurs with frequency • Fuller season variety with outstanding yield potential and wide range of adaptability Management Tips Management Tips Management Tips • Seed at 1.4 to 1.6 million seeds per acre • Excellent choice where leaf and Stripe Rust occurs with frequency • Fungicides may be warranted for Stripe Rust control in some areas • Seed at 1.4 to 1.6 million seeds per acre • More photoperiod insensitive; avoid early planting to avoid potential freeze damage • Do not use in fields with known Soil-borne Mosaic Virus history • Seed at 1.5 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Outstanding choice for high fertility and management • Plant after Hessian Fly-free date and manage for Fusarium Head Scab Management Tips • Seed at 1.5 to 1.7 million seeds per acre • Outstanding choice for higher nitrogen and fertility programs • Use fungicides for aid in control of Fusarium Head Scab and Powdery Mildew D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 61 61 5/13/14 11:12 AM LEGEND SORGHUM DYNA-GRO SORGHUM NUMBER SYSTEM: 1st & 2nd Digit = M7=Grain Sorghum, F7= Forage Sorghum 3rd Digit = Relative Maturity: 1=Very Early, 3=Medium, 9=Very Late 4th Digit = Type Sorghum: G=Grain Sorghum, F=Forage Sorghum 5th Digit = Grain Color: B=Bronze, R=Red, C=Cream, W=White 6th & 7th Digit = Random for hybrid designation Example: M75GR47 = Grain Sorghum; Medium Maturity; Red Grain F75FS28 BMR = Forage Sorghum; Medium Maturity; BMR gene RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor PRECISION PLACEMENT 62 S ORG H UM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 62 * The late maturity (LM) Fullgraze concept is 20-30 days later than conventional sorghum/sudan hybrids. This late maturity allows for higher tonnage and a wider window for harvest of high quality leaves before boot stage is reached. Fullgraze has greater IVTD value and a higher crude protein. IVTD of Fullgraze was 20+%more than a commercial check in trials. Fullgraze has a wide range of adaptation because of its incredible drought resistance and yield of quality forage. 5/13/14 11:12 AM DANNY BOY BMR DYNAGRAZE II Sudan Sorghum Sudan Sorghum • Premium BMR sorghum sudangrass with impressive leaf vigor and high digestibility • Tall broad-leaved type BMR with digestibility comparable to corn silage • Can be used for silage, hay, or grazing* • Day light/photo period sensitive for extended harvest window • Very high yield and excellent regrowth • Seeding Rates: Dryland 10-30 lbs/acre: Irrigated 15-60 lbs/acre • Do not feed to horses; *Do not use for grazing in extreme southeast U.S. • Improved conventional Dynagraze sorghum x sudangrass hybrid • Consistent High Yields with excellent regrowth and recovery • Juicy sweet fine stems for improved feed quality • Should be harvested prior to boot stage for maximum quality • Cut or graze approximately 3-4 inches above soil • Very good foliar disease resistance • Do not feed to horses 71F10 Sudan Sorghum • Full season maturity dwarf plant style with shortened, compact internodes • BMR sorghum-sudan packed with leaves on top of leaves • Unique product with extremely high forage quality • Improved standability over other BMR’s • Great fit for hay or cattle grazing • Not recommended on stressy soils or under drought stress • Do not feed to horses DYNAGRAZE Sudan Sorghum • Economy price with quality and small seeded for lower seeding rates • Conventional style plant, fine stemmed stalks and leaves • High yields of sweet palatable feed • Excellent drought tolerance • Use for hay or greenchop; can be grazed • Do not feed to horses DYNAGRAZE BMR Sudan Sorghum • A small seeded quality BMR sorghum/sudan • Widely adaptive across the U.S. • Excellent drought tolerance • Good choice for hay and grazing • Excellent palatability • Do not feed to horses FULLGRAZE* Sudan Sorghum • New late maturing that allows for a wider window harvest of higher quality forage • Higher yields and digestibility than conventional sorghum/sudan hybrids • Fullgraze has excellent tillering, recovery and regrowth after cutting • Wide range of adaptation because of it’s very high quality forage and drought resistance • High green leaf retention, 90-100 days to flowering • Can be planted anywhere–harvest whenever you want and as often as you want! • Do not feed to horses Hayin g an d Gr az in g NEW FULLGRAZE BMR Sudan Sorghum • New late maturing that allows for a wider window harvest of higher quality BMR forage • Higher yields and digestibility than conventional sorghum/sudan hybrids • Fullgraze has excellent tillering, recovery and regrowth after cutting • Consistently # 1 in cattle preference grazing trials • Wide range of adaptation because of it’s very high quality forage and superior drought tolerance • High green leaf retention, 90-100 days to flowering; do not feed to horses • Can be planted anywhere–harvest whenever you want and as often as you want! Hybrid Forage Sorghum 705F –Fo r C h o p p in g an d Silag e– 725F BMR Forage Sorghum Forage Sorghum • Short statured leafy plant with very large grain heads produces top tonnage • Medium-early maturity with very good heat and drought tolerance • Excellent standability and root lodging ratings • Conventional style plant producing very good grain yields • Large leaves with very good stalk quality • One of best forage sorghum available for chopping and silage • High yielding, short statured BMR with improved standability for chopping and silage • Brachytic shortened internodes gives it a compact plant appearance • Very high digestibility comparable to silage corn quality • Very good heat and drought tolerance •M edium maturity, produces cream colored grain • Excellent choice for greenchop or dairy silage • Not recommended on stressy soils or under drought stress F75FS13 Forage Sorghum • This hybrid is best positioned and used for hay, grazing, or silage • Sweet stalked, medium maturing hybrid with high yield performance • Averages 8’ to 10’ in height and has very good standability • F75FS13 tolerates drought stress very well • Should be cut in the soft dough stage for highest tonnage and best quality • Good choice for double-crop with excellent early growth • Quality medium maturity cane hay F75FS28 BMR Forage Sorghum • BMR 12 with large grain heads for excellent feed digestibility and palatability • Excellent high tonnage forage hybrid with very good early vigor • Very good drought and heat stress ratings • Approximately 7 to 9 feet tall with very uniform stands and plant height • Medium maturity: 95-110 days to soft dough • Recommended seeding rate 100,000 to 120,000 seeds per acre • Strong tonnage and feed data from Kansas, Texas, Delta, East Coast, New Mexico and California DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 63 SORGHUM Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass — For 63 5/13/14 11:12 AM RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor NA = Rating not available Red = New Dyna-Gro Brand PRODUCT Approximate Seeds/lb. (thousands) Green Bug Resistance Downy Mildew Head Smut Heat Tolerance Drought Tolerance Threshability Head Exertion Standability Early Vigor DISEASE TOLERANCE Plant Height Head Type Grain Color Days to Mid-bloom PLANT ATTRIBUTES Relative Maturity Dyna-Gro Brand SORGHUM PRODUCT M71GB01 Very Early 52 Bronze/Red Semi-open S 99688867n/a 12-14M71GB01 722B Early58 Bronze Semi-open M/S 78798858C 13-15722B M72GW14 Early 58-60 White Semi-compact M 89899978C,E 12-15M72GW14 742CMed-early 62 CreamSemi-open M 77898899C 12-15742C 766BMedium 65 Bronze Semi-open M/T 78889966 C, D, E 16-17766B M75GB39 Medium 66 Bronze/Red Semi-open M/T 87888877C 12-14M75GB39 M75GR47 Medium 67 Pale Red Semi-open M 79889965n/a 14-16M75GR47 772BMed-full 68 Bronze Semi-open M/T 78878847C, E 13-15772B M77GB52 Med-full 68-70 Bronze OpenM/T 88898889C 14-16M77GB52 771BMed-full 69-71 Bronze Semi-open M/T 87887879n/a 14-16771B M77GR61 Med-full 74-76 Red Trans Semi-compact M/T 78888899C, E 14-16M77GR61 765B Full80RedSemi-open M/T 78888899C, E 11-13765B M71GB01 722B Grain Sorghum Very Early Grain Sorghum Early • Very uniform short plant height with large round, no tannin grain • Very early maturity to dodge drought or use as double-crop hybrid • Excellent drought and heat tolerance • Consistent yields for very early maturity milo • Adapted very well to northwest Kansas or northeast Colorado • Ease of harvest with great standability • Excellent yield for maturity • Consistent performer • Strong drought tolerance and heat • Best placed in northwest Kansas or northeast Colorado • Matures well during cooler weather • Works well as replant or double-crop grain sorghum NEW M72GW14 Grain Sorghum Early • This new white hybrid offers both top yield potential and stress tolerance • Top yields under high intensity management, irrigation and fertility • Maintains yield under severe heat and drought stress • Good head exertion and uniform plant height • Vitreous round white grain threshes easy with high test weights • High quality white grain qualifies for food grade • Replacement for 742C 742C Grain Sorghum Med-Early • Medium-early, cream colored grain • Very good heat and drought tolerance • Good emergence and excellent yielder • Excellent staygreen and late season intactness • Adapted to the High Plains region of Texas and throughout Kansas and Nebraska 64 S ORG H UM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 64 5/13/14 11:12 AM M75GB39 M75GR47 SORGHUM 766B 772B Grain Sorghum Medium Grain Sorghum Medium Grain Sorghum Medium Grain Sorghum Medium-Full • Medium maturity with consistent reliability in all growing seasons • S emi-open head type with good head exertion • Excellent yield for maturity and consistent on all soil types • Strong early vigor and excellent drought tolerance • Position hybrid for areas of low disease pressure • Best suited to High Plains Texas and throughout Kansas and Nebraska • Excellent yield history in research and farm plots • Intense red colored grain with semi-open head • Very uniform plant height • Good grain weathering with high test weights • Good head extension and uniform plant height • Adapted eastern Cornbelt, southern states and East Coast • Favorite from high plains Texas throughout Kansas • Medium plant height with good uniformity with pale red grain • Maintains agronomics and yields well under drought stress • Produces exceptional yields under more ideal conditions • Excellent pre-flowering and post flowering drought tolerance • Adapted to eastern Cornbelt, southern states, North Carolina and Virginia • Medium-full season maturity, red grain colored • Semi-open head, good head exertion • Excellent threshability, good standability • Resistant to Head Smut and Downy Mildew • Adapted to irrigated areas or dryland in high rainfall areas • Best performance in high management • Highest yields under top management and soil types M77GB52 771B M77GR61 765B Grain Sorghum Medium-Full Grain Sorghum Medium-Full Grain Sorghum Medium-Full Grain Sorghum Full • Very high yielding hybrid adapted throughout all sorghum growing areas • Excellent disease package with resistance to anthracnose • Excellent resistance to Downy Mildew Pathotypes 1, 3 and P6 • Bronze grain open head type, which aids fast drydown • Very good standability and uniform appearance • Easy threshability facilitates an easy and efficient harvest • This product shines when drought and disease are present • Top yielder in medium-full maturity, bronze grain color • Semi-open head type, good head exertion • Excellent drought tolerance and staygreen • Strong early vigor, excellent stalk strength • Excellent yield for maturity with high test weights • Top yielding, very diverse hybrid adapted to Texas, southern Midwest and East Coast • Use insecticide for Greenbug control • High yield hybrid has red translucent grain • Excellent field appearance and standability • Produces consistent yields with high test weight grain • Excellent disease package and pre-flower stress tolerance • Excellent tolerance for Head Smut, MDMV and Downy Mildew • Top hybrid in Coastal Gulf, Mid South, Delta and East Coast • Full season maturity, red grain color, non-tannin • Comprehensive disease package including Fusarium and Anthracnose • Universal use for dryland or irrigation • Very good stress tolerance early and late • Excellent late season intactness and grain threshability • Tropical parentage, use in Mid South, East Coast and Texas D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 65 65 5/13/14 11:12 AM ALFALFA GROWING WITH DYNA-GRO 66 A LFALFA 403154_NationalGuide.indd 66 5/13/14 11:12 AM Raw versus Coated Seed in Alfalfa Understanding the value of coated alfalfa seed versus raw seed is significant, with the objective of obtaining a long-lived highly productive stand. When the term raw seed is used, this is descriptive of truly raw seed treated with Apron or another systemic fungicide, along with a suitable Rhizobia inoculant. When we talk about coated seed, this description refers to an end product that has gone through a process where each seed is literally coated with a tough, durable and hygroscopic seed coating that protects and supports the live Rhizobium and is nearly dust free, providing improved seed handling, plantability and superior agronomic performance. Of the thousands of different strains of bacteria, only a few are efficient in doing this for a given plant, such as alfalfa or clover. Systemic fungicides, minerals and other ingredients may also be included. New seed coating enhancements will contain specially selected micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients that boost seedling establishment and crop production under difficult soil conditions. Seeding rate studies have shown that coated seed improves seedling establishment by 35% even when both raw and coated seed are planted at the same seeding rate per acre. FALL DORMANCY: 1-9 Rating Varieties with higher fall dormancy ratings tend to grow at a lower temperature. A higher dormancy begins to grow earlier in the spring and later into the fall, extending the growing season. Until recently it was generally felt that fall dormancy rating was very closely correlated with winter hardiness. This relationship with modern varieties seems less dependable. For example, a variety with a “3” dormancy rating may not always have greater cold tolerance compared to one with “5” fall dormancy rating. Rating 1 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7, 8 9 Dormancy Group Normal # of Cuttings Very Dormant Dormant Moderate Dormant Non-Dormant Very Non-Dormant WINTERHARDINESS: 1 = Very Hardy 2 = Hardy 3 =Moderately Hardy PERSISTENCE INDEX: 9 = Long Persistent 1 = Least Persistent 1-2 2-3 4-6 7-8 8-9 DISEASE RATING INDEX Includes Phytophthora Root Rot, Bacterial Wilt, Anthracnose, Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt and Aphanomyces on a 30 point scale where a HR ( Highly Resistant ) rating of 5 for all six major diseases gives you a perfect 30 out of 30 score. ALFALFA LEGEND DISEASE RATINGS: HR =Highly Resistant or greater than 50% resistant plants R =Resistant or 31-50% resistant plants MR =Moderately Resistant or 15-30% resistant plants LR =Low Resistance or 6-14% resistant plants S=Susceptible IMPORTANT: Ratings are based on the average performance of a variety grown over a wide range of climate and soil types within its adapted maturity under normal growing conditions. Extreme conditions may adversely affect performance. Consult your local Dyna-Gro Representative for specific recommendations in your area. CUTTING RECOVERY: 9 = Very Fast 1 = Very Slow YIELD LEVEL AND FORAGE QUALITY: 9 =Excellent 1 =Poor DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 67 67 5/13/14 11:12 AM Phytophthora Root Rot Disease Rating Index Multi-Foliate Leaf Expression Recommended Cuttings Per Season Yield Level Forage Quality DISEASE RESISTANCE Cutting Recovery Persistence Index Winter Hardiness HARVEST Fall Dormancy RATING SCALE: HR = Highly Resistant R = Resistant S = Susceptible n/a = Rating not available Red = New Dyna-Gro Brand ALFALFA PRODUCT TMA 310 Brand 3 2.0 6.8 7.5 7 7.5 2-3 n/a 29 HR DG 4210 9 8.83-582%30 HR TMA 420LH Brand 4 2.1 8.4 8.0 8 8.4 3-5 81% 30 HR TMA 420 Brand 4 2.0 7.0 7.5 7 7.8 3-5 n/a 29 HR Grandstand 9 9.03-578%30 HR Grandslam 8 n/a8.28.799.07-951%24HR TMA 880 Brand 8 n/a 7.8 7.5 8 8.0 3-4 n/a 22 HR DG 9212 9n/a9.08.7 9 8.08-1086%21 HR TMA 990 Brand 9 n/a 8.2 8.6 9 8.0 8-10 n/a 22 HR TMA 310 Brand DG 4210 TMA 420LH Brand TMA 420 Brand ALFALFA FD 3.0 ALFALFA FD 4.0 ALFALFA FD 4.0 ALFALFA FD 4.0 • Selected for its versatility in a wide range of northern growing conditions • Excellent choice for shorter stand rotations at a reduced seeding cost • Combines high forage yields with strong winter hardiness • Very high forage quality • Combines exceptional forage yield potential, fast recovery after cutting and excellent winterhardiness • Significantly more winterhardy than other commercial varieties of this dormancy • Multiple pest resistance is excellent • High multifoliate leaf expression and dark green in color • Plant across Midwest and north for high quality, long stand life, intense management and high yields • High yielding Potato Leafhopper alfalfa from Dyna-Gro bred for Midwest and northern growing areas • Yield trials show strongest performance in the first and second production years • TMA 420LH produces high expression of the multifoliate for high feed value forage • Highest disease index rating available with 30 out of total 30 possible score • Plant for Potato Leafhopper resistance, disease resistance and high quality forage • Will generate plenty of residual nitrogen for corn, potatoes or other crops to follow • Healthy, fast-growing alfalfa • Combines high tonnage and strong winter hardiness • Represents a breakthrough in production of high quality forage throughout the dormancy 4 maturity zone 68 A LFALFA 403154_NationalGuide.indd 68 5/13/14 11:12 AM Dyna-Gro Brand Root Knot Nematode Stem Nematode Potato Leaf Hopper Spotted Alfalfa Aphid Pea Aphid Fusarium Wilt Verticilium Wilt Anthracnose Bacterial Wilt Aphanomyces PRODUCT ALFALFA INSECT RESISTANCE R HR HR HR HR R n/a n/a n/a n/a TMA 310 Brand HRHRHRHRHR R HRn/a R n/a DG 4210 HR HR HR HR HR R R HR n/a n/a TMA 420LH Brand R HR HR HR HR R n/a n/a n/a n/a TMA 420 Brand HRHRHRHRHR R R n/a R n/a Grandstand n/aR R RHRHRHRn/aRn/a Grandslam n/a R R R HR HR HR n/a R R TMA 880 Brand n/aLR HR R HRHRHRn/aHRn/a DG 9212 R HR R R HR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a TMA 990 Brand GRANDSTAND TMA 880 Brand DG 9212 TMA 990 Brand ALFALFA FD 4.0 ALFALFA FD 8.0 ALFALFA FD 9.0 ALFALFA FD 9.0 • Huge yield potential in western growing areas • Outstanding multifoliate expression • Disease rating index excellent at 30 out of potential 30 • Superior forage quality • Adapted to intense cutting schedules • Super fast regrowth after cutting for dormancy 8 growing areas • Broadly adapted to a wide range of soils and management considerations • Phenomenal hay and excellent for greenchop • Great nematode resistance • Excellent tolerance of leaf diseases • Adapted to traditional western and southwestern non-dormant zones • DG 9212 combines exceptional yield and good forage quality potential • Dark green color and give this variety excellent appearance and forage quality • Excellent choice for forage production in the non-dormant regions of the U.S. • DG 9212 combines exceptional stand persistence and fast recovery after cutting • Very fast growing with very strong disease resistance package • For the southern San Joaquin Valley, interior valleys and low desert areas of California, Arizona and New Mexico • Fast stand establishment and high seeding year yields • Outstanding persistence and long stand life even under intensive cutting schedules • Consistently produces leafy, fine-stemmed, palatable hay with high percent TDN, percent crude protein and milk yields GRANDSLAM ALFALFA FD 8.0 • High forage yield potential in southwest and western growing areas • Multiple pest resistance • Multifoliate trait for improved forage quality • Fast recovery after cutting D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 69 69 5/13/14 11:12 AM COTTON 70 COT TON 403154_NationalGuide.indd 70 5/13/14 11:12 AM COTTON LEGEND RATING SCALE: HR = Highly Resistant R = Resistant S = Susceptible Red = New HERBICIDE TOLERANT TRAITS: GENB2RRF = Genuity® Bollgard II® with Roundup Ready® Flex Cotton GENRRF = Roundup Ready® Flex Technology Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS ). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. Growers may utilize the natural refuge option for varieties containing the Bollgard II ®trait in the following states: AL, AR , FL, GA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, MO, NC, OK, SC, TN , VA, and most of Texas (excluding the Texas counties of Brewster, Crane, Crockett, Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Loving, Pecos, Presidio, Reeves, Terrell, Val Verde, Ward and Winkler). The natural refuge option does not apply to Bollgard II cotton grown in areas where pink bollworm is a pest, including CA, AZ, NM, and the above listed Texas counties. It also remains the case that Bollgard® and Bollgard II cotton cannot be planted south of Highway 60 in Florida, and that Bollgard cotton cannot be planted in certain other counties in the Texas panhandle. Refer to the Technology Use Guide and IRM/Grower Guide for additional information regarding Bollgard II, Bollgard, natural refuge and EPA-mandated geographical restrictions on the planting of B.t. cotton. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. DYNAGROSEED.COM 403154_NationalGuide.indd 71 71 5/13/14 11:12 AM Variety Maturity Technology Seedling Vigor Plant height Drought Tolerance GROWTH 2285 B2RF Edge B2RF 2355 B2RF 2570 B2RF Epic RF Nitro-44 B2RF 2595 B2RF 2530 B2RF 2610 B2RF Early Early-med Early-med Early-med Medium Medium Medium Medium Med-full GENB2RF GENB2RF GENB2RF GENB2RF RF GENB2RF GENB2RF GENB2RF GENB2RF Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good Very Good Very Good Medium Medium Medium Med-tall Med-tall Med-tall Med-tall Med-tall Tall 7 7 7 8 8 6 6 7 7 Brand COTTON PRODUCT RATING SCALE: 9 = Excellent 7-8 = Very Good 5-6 = Good 3-4 = Fair 1-2 = Poor n/a = Rating not available Red = New 2285 B2RF Dyna-Gro ALL-TEX Dyna-Gro Dyna-Gro ALL-TEX ALL-TEX Dyna-Gro Dyna-Gro Dyna-Gro EDGE B2RF Brand - COTTON Early Brand - COTTON Early-Med • Semi-smooth leaf type • Early maturity • Modified bushy plant type • Medium plant height with compact boll orientation • Very responsive to irrigation and intense management • Adaptable to Texas, Mid South, upper Southeast and East Coast • Semi-smooth leaf type • Early-medium maturity • Excellent for short season or late planting • Good dryland or excellent irrigated option • Adaptable to Texas and East Coast • Very good storm tolerance for delayed harvest NEW 2355 B2RF Brand - COTTON Early-Med • Semi-smooth leaf type • Early-medium maturity • Broadly adaptable for Texas, Delta, Mid South, East • Medium plant height with compact boll orientation • Very good storm tolerance for delayed harvest • Southern Root Knot Nematode tolerance 2570 B2RF Brand - COTTON Early-Med • Smooth leaf type • Early-medium maturity • Broadly adaptable for all cotton growing areas • Very good dryland or irrigated option • Best performance on sand to silt loams 72 COT TON 403154_NationalGuide.indd 72 5/13/14 11:12 AM Staple Strength % Uniformity 39 - 42% 38 - 40% 38 - 40% 39 - 42% 39 - 42% 38 - 41% 38 - 40% 40 - 42% 41 - 44% 4.3 - 4.6 3.6 - 4.8 4.0 - 4.6 4.4 - 4.6 4.4 - 4.6 3.7 - 4.2 4.3 - 4.7 4.5 - 4.7 4.4 - 4.7 1.16 - 1.19 1.16 - 1.22 1.14- 1.16 1.13 - 1.17 1.14 - 1.18 1.19 - 1.25 1.15 - 1.18 1.18 - 1.22 1.15 - 1.19 29 - 31 29 - 33 30 - 32 30 - 32 30 - 32 29 - 37 29 - 32 30 - 33 29 - 31 82 - 85% 80 - 81% 81- 84% 83 - 85% 83 - 85% 82 - 85% 81 - 84% 83 - 86% 83 - 85% EPIC RF NITRO-44 B2RF Dyna-Gro Brand Micronaire Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good COTTON % Gin Turnout PRODUCT Strom Tolerance HARVEST 2285 B2RF Edge B2RF 2355 B2RF 2570 B2RF Epic RF Nitro-44 B2RF 2595 B2RF 2530 B2RF 2610 B2RF 2595 B2RF 2610 B2RF Brand - COTTON Medium Brand Medium Brand - COTTON Medium Brand - COTTON Med-Full • Smooth leaf type • Medium maturity • Outstanding yield potential • Very good dryland or irrigated option • Broadly adaptable • Use on most all soils • Semi-smooth leaf type • Medium maturity • Premium fiber quality • Good dryland for clay or irrigated loams • Adapted to Texas, Tennessee, East and Gulf Coastal growing areas • Manage with growth regulators early, avoid high populations • Semi-smooth leaf type • Medium maturity • Best performance in Southwest U.S. • Manage with growth regulators early • Medium-tall plant type • Very responsive to irrigation and intense management • Smooth leaf type • Medium-full maturity • Best performance on sand to silt loams • Good dryland or excellent irrigated option • Broadly adaptable for maturity zone • Manage with growth regulators early D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 73 73 5/13/14 11:12 AM Loveland Products, Inc. offers a complete line of high performance input products that make a great partner with our Dyna-Gro seed offerings. Our portfolio of seed treatment, plant nutrition, fertilizer, adjuvant and crop protection products are second to none. We are constantly striving to bring new, unique chemistries to the marketplace to provide innovative solutions to problems across the agricultural industry. The combination of high performance, high quality, competitively priced products, with the knowledge and service, makes Loveland Products a good value for any operation. Plant Nutrition LOVELAND A Great Partner with Dyna-Gro Seed PRODUCT MARKETING DIRECTION NUTRIENT ANALYSIS *ACA® CONC 15-0-0 A premium crop additive that will enhance root development and plant vigor, and reduce crop stresses. 15-0-0 Zinc Ammonium Acetate ACA PLUS® A fertility enhancement designed to maximize nutrient use in combination with pop-up and sidedress application. 7-0-0 Zinc Ammonium Acetate ACCOMPLISH® LM Concentrated biochemical fertilizer catalyst for use with liquid fertility programs to enhance nutrient availability. AWAKEN® Superior foliar micronutrient package designed to enhance root growth, promote plant health and vigor, and increase yield. 16-0-2 w/Micronutrient Package BLACKJACK Mn™ An organically complexed manganese, designed to be readily absorbed allowing maximum utilization by the plant. An excellent tank mix partner with glyphosate. 4-0-0-4 Mn BLACKJACK Zn® An organically complexed zinc, designed to protect the zinc from tying up in the soil, sustain the zinc in a readily absorbable form, and protect the plant from any phytotoxic salt effects. 4-0-0-6.5 Zn *BLACK LABEL® Zn Contains a proprietary organic acid package in combination with nitrogen, phosphate and zinc. 6-20-0-0.77 Zn w/7.1% Organic Acid BOROSOL® 10 A patented soluble polyborate liquid designed to prevent or correct boron deficiencies. 10% Boric Acid FULLBACK® Magnesium acetate formulation for maximum uptake. 6% Magnesium LOKOMOTIVE® A new type of liquid potassium that has significant advantages and benefits over other foliar applied potassium sources. Unlike other liquid potassium sources, LoKomotive has been specifically designed to provide maximum potassium uptake with minimal potential for phytotoxicity. LoKomotive is a hybrid of an inorganic salt and organic salt, making it a truly unique foliar fertilizer. 2-0-25 (Potassium Acetate) MAXIMUM N-PACT® Triazone nitrogen enhanced with amino acids for increased drought and salinity tolerance, and improved performance during stress conditions. 24-0-0 Triazone Nitrogen NITRAIN™ Engineered to increase nitrogen use efficiency by inhibiting the Urease enzyme in the soil. No Analysis N-PACT® Triazone slow release nitrogen, which provides increased foliar nitrogen uptake and translocation, reduced volatility and excellent crop safety. 26-0-0 w/33% SRN NUTRISYNC® BORON A unique foliar nutritional liquid Boron designed to enhance plant physiological activities which is not monocot or dicot dependent. 5% Boron *NUTRISYNC® COPPER A unique foliar nutritional liquid Copper designed to enhance plant physiological activities which is not monocot or dicot dependent. 4.5% Copper NUTRISYNC™ D POWERED BY BOMO™ A is a unique foliar nutritional liquid especially designed to enhance plant physiological activities and growth of various crops. 1-0-0.8 w/Boron and Molybdenum NUTRISYNC™ M POWERED BY BOMNZN™ A unique and superior foliar nutritional liquid designed to enhance plant physiological activities and plant growth of various grass type crops. 0.2-0-2 w/Boron, Manganese, and Zinc NUTRISYNC® MANGANESE A unique foliar nutritional liquid Manganese Acetate designed to enhance plant physiological activities which is not monocot or dicot dependent. 3.0% Manganese *NUTRISYNC® SULFUR A unique foliar nutritional liquid Sulfur designed to enhance plant physiological activities which is not monocot or dicot dependent. 6.3% Sulfur NUTRISYNC® ZINC A unique foliar nutritional liquid Zinc Ammonium Acetate that also contains copper, manganese and iron designed to enhance plant physiological activities which is not monocot or dicot dependent. 13-0-1-2 Zinc *QUICK ULTRA™ + AWAKEN® A dual source of phosphates containing an enriched micronutrient package in the highly available EDTA/HEDTA forms. 7-28-4 w/Organic Acids and Micronutrient Package *RADIATE® A high quality, very consistent plant growth hormone containing IBA and Kinetin. Radiate is designed to increase early season plant vigor and improve overall plant health leading to increased yields. Contains (IBA), Cytokinin, as Kinetin *REBAR 2® A gel suspension technology EDDHSA iron specifically designed to rectify iron induced chlorosis in a wide variety of crops. 3% Iron RISER® Pop-up fertilizer designed to increase seedling vigor and root mass for optimum yield potential. 7-17-3 w/Micronutrient Package RISER® FA Low salt seed-safe starter fertilizer with a proprietary organic acid package for increased availability and uptake of nutrients. 7-17-3 w/Micros Reacted with Fulvic Acid TASK FORCE® 2 An 11-8-5 with micros including boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, moly and zinc. Task Force 2 is an excellent “catch all” nutritional product. 11-8-5 with Micro Package **TITAN® PBA Concentrated biochemical fertilizer catalyst for dry fertilizer impregnation to enhance nutrient availablility. 3-0-0 w/ Humic Acid 74 LO VE L AN D 403154_NationalGuide.indd 74 5/13/14 11:12 AM Seed Treatment Adjuvants Crop Protection CATEGORY ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) AWAKEN® ST Nutritional Complexed Seed Treatment Package CONSENSUS® Fungicide IBA + Salicylic Acid + Chitason Dyna-Shield® FLUDIOXONIL Fungicide 4# Fludioxonil *Dyna-Shield® FOOTHOLD Fungicide Tebuconazole + Metalaxyl *Dyna-Shield® FOOTHOLD EXTRA Fungicide + Insecticide Tebuconazole + Metalaxyl + Imidacloprid Dyna-Shield® IMIDACLOPRID Insecticide 5# Imidacloprid Dyna-Shield® METALAXYL Fungicide 2.65# Metalaxyl *DYNA-START® PRO Inoculant/Soybeans Bradyrhizobium + Biological Fungicide *EQUITY® Fungicide/Insecticide Fludioxonil + Mefenoxam + Thiamethoxam + TBZ PRODUCT CATEGORY CHOICE® WEATHER MASTER Water Conditioner A convenient, liquid water conditioner designed to replace AMS with herbicide applications including all glyphosate formulations. COMPADRE® Leci-Tech® Designed to improve coverage of pesticides by reducing drift and optimizing droplet size. Compadre also contains anti/defoaming properties. LOVELAND PRODUCT MARKETING DIRECTION FRANCHISE® Leci-Tech® Specifically formulated for use with strobilurin chemistries. HERBIMAX® Crop Oil Concentrate A multi-component oil/surfactant containing premium emulsifiers which provide exceptional penetration and crop safety. *INFUSE® Surfactant A proprietary vegetable-based soil adjuvant designed to hold soil applied chemistry in the profile longer extending residual weed control. LI 700® Leci-Tech® Multipurpose adjuvant with acidification properties designed to reduce spray water pH and increase penetration vs a conventional NIS. LIBERATE® Leci-Tech® Multipurpose adjuvant with a neutral pH ideally used with sulfonyl urea & other pesticides that require a neutral pH and higher. MSO® Methylated Seed Oil Highest quality MSO with the additional benefits of Leci-Tech technology providing improved plant uptake and improved crop safety. *STRIKE FORCE™ Leci-Tech® Specifically formulated to be used with the D-Traited (Dicamba & 2,4-D tolerant) crops. VADER® Leci-Tech® A unique, proprietary adjuvant designed to aid in the delivery and deposition of insecticidal (ex. imidacloprid) sprays powered by Leci-Tech chemistry. WEATHER GARD COMPLETE Leci-Tech® Premium adjuvant partner for glyphosate which includes water conditioner, defoamer and all the additional benefits from Leci-Tech. PRODUCT CATEGORY ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) ADJUVANT RECOMMENDATION *HAT TRICK® Cereal Herbicide Fluroxypyr + Clopyralid + MCPA LI 700® INTENSITY ONE Herbicide Clethodim 12.6% A.I. MSO® Concentrate with LECI-TECH *INTIMIDATOR™ Herbicide S-Metolachlor + Fomasafen + Metribuzin MAKAZE® Herbicide Loaded Glyphosate Weather Gard Complete with LECHI-TECH *MAKAZE YIELD PRO® Herbicide Loaded Glyphosate + IBA + Kinetin Weather Gard Complete with LECHI-TECH *MATADOR® Herbicide Metolachlor + Metribuzin + Imazethapyr Liberate® with LECI-TECH *MATCH-UP™ Insecticide Chlorpyrifos + Bifenthrin LI 700® with LECI-TECH *POTENZA® PGR Mepiquat + IBA + Kinetin LI 700® with LECI-TECH REAPER® CLEARFORM™ Insecticide Low VOC Abamectin LI 700® with LECI-TECH SABER® Herbicide 2,4 D Amine Choice® with K-Salt *SALVO® Herbicide 2,4 D Ester LI 700® with LECI-TECH or Liberate® with LECI-TECH SATORI™ Fungicide Azoxystrobin Franchise® with LECI-TECH SWAGGER® Insecticide Bifenthrin + Imidacloprid Vader® with LECI-TECH TOMBSTONE HELIOS® Insecticide Cyfluthrin LI 700® with LECI-TECH WARHAWK® CLEARFORM™ Insecticide Low VOC Chlorpyrifos LI 700® with LECI-TECH *Product not registered, approved or intended to be used or sold in CA. **Not registered for sale or use in AR. D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 75 75 5/13/14 11:12 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Premium Fungicide Seed Treatment Dyna-Gro’s Dyna-Shield Premium fungicides are selected and blended to reduce regional pathogen pressures. Our fungicides are engineered to exact specifications, defending your crops against the dangerous plant threats of today so you can profit from the high-volume yields of tomorrow. Dyna-Gro Fungicide Seed Treatments are ideal for: • Early planting in cold, wet soils • Fields with insufficient drainage • Fields with reduced till and no-till practices • Seeds with germination of less than 80% • Indications of low seed vigor and seed coat damage • Regional history of pathogen pressure Protect your crops against damaging pathogens including: • Pythium • Rhizoctonia • Phytophthora • Fusarium • Sclerotinia • Phomopsis Come treat your high-value seed at one of our professional locations. We have the best seed treating equipment on the market, operated by the best operators. Our focus is safety! We have high stewardship values focusing on our operators, our communities and our environment. Maximize your next yield with Dyna-Gro Seed. Dyna-gro seed treatments are specifically targeted to meet the unique demands of specific growing regions and planting conditions. We determine the ideal solution for each of our clients’ fields and can help develop a full-scale, customized crop protection program. Ask your certified Dyna-Gro seed specialist about the fungicide solution that’s right for your field. Find a dealer near you by visiting and click on “Locations.” 76 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 76 5/27/14 10:46 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Premium Plus® Powered by Dyna-Start Max Inoculant Inoculant and LCO Growth Promoter Dyna-Shield Premium Plus offers the best in performance and profitability. We select only the top inoculant for your crops, based on research and testing. Add this yield-boosting product to your high-value seeds and you will start seeing results. With the added advantage of a powerful inoculant combined with LCO Promoter Technology®, seed can attract nutrients naturally for even more success potential in the field. Why inoculate your seed? Learn the science behind our solutions: • Nitrogen fixation is critical for high crop yields • For nitrogen fixation to occur, the nitrogen-fixing bacterial must be established in the soil through seed inoculation • Plants can obtain 50-70% of their nitrogen requirements from the air when nitrogen-fixing bacteria have established functioning nodules on the roots • Active fixation begins in the V2 to V3 stage, after which the number of nodules and the amount of nitrogen fixed continues to increase Dyna-Shield Premium Plus® enhances your plant’s natural growth processes: • Heartier root system for improved nutrient and water uptake • Earlier and increased nodule development for improved nitrogen fixation • Improved vigor, stand and emergence • Faster canopy closure, reducing weed pressure and conserving soil moisture • Increased flexibility: seed treatment compatibility of 120 days D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 77 77 5/27/14 10:47 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Professional Insecticide & Fungicide Seed Treatment Dyna-Gro’s Dyna-Shield Professional fungicides/insecticides are selected and blended to regional pathogen and insect pressures. Our fungicides and insecticides are engineered to exact specifications, defending your crops against the dangerous plant threats of today so you can profit from the high-volume yields of tomorrow. In addition to adding class-leading chemistries to our blends, we also utilize the best seed coaters on the market. Seed coaters promote low seed treatment “dust off” during planting an increases flowability through planters. National studies have shown that adding insecticides has an 82% positive effect on crop yields. Dyna-Gro fungicide seed treatments are ideal for: • Early planting in cold, wet soils • Fields with insufficient drainage • Fields with reduced till and no-till practices • Seeds with germination of less than 80% • Indications of low seed vigor and seed coat damage • Regional history of pathogen and insect pressure Top damaging insects: • Bean leaf beetle • Soybean aphid • Seedcorn maggot • Wireworm • Thrips • White grub • Leafhoppers • Hopper • And many more Protect your crops against damaging pathogens including: • Pythium • Rhizoctonia • Phytophthora • Fusarium • Sclerotinia • Phomopsis Come treat your high-value seed at one of our professional locations. We have the best seed treating equipment on the market, operated by the best operators. Our focus is safety! We have high stewardship values focusing on our operators, local environment and community. 78 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 78 5/27/14 10:47 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Professional Plus® Powered by Dyna-Start Max Inoculant Inoculant and LCO Growth Promoter Dyna-Shield Professional Plus offers the same great benefits of Dyna-Shield Professional, with the added advantages of a powerful inoculant combined with LCO Promoter Technology®. Seed can attract nutrients naturally for even better success potential in the field. Why inoculate your seed? Learn the science behind our solutions: • Nitrogen fixation is critical for high crop yields • For nitrogen fixation to occur, the nitrogen-fixing bacterial must be established in the soil through seed inoculation • Plants can obtain 50-70% of their nitrogen requirements from the air when nitrogen-fixing bacteria have established functioning nodules on the roots • Active fixation begins in the V2 to V3 stage, after which the number of nodules and the amount of nitrogen fixed continues to increase Dyna-Shield Professional Plus® enhances your plant’s natural growth processes: • Heartier root system for improved nutrient and water uptake • Earlier and increased nodule development for improved nitrogen fixation • Improved vigor, stand and emergence • Faster canopy closure, reducing weed pressure and conserving soil moisture • Increased flexibility: seed treatment compatibility of 120 days Maximize your next yield with Dyna-Gro Seed. Dyna-Gro seed treatments are specifically targeted to meet the unique demands of specific growing regions and planting conditions. We determine the ideal solution for each of our clients’ fields and can help develop a full-scale, customized crop protection program. Ask your certified Dyna-Gro seed specialist about the fungicide solution that’s right for your field. Find a dealer near you by visiting and click on “Locations.” D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 79 79 5/27/14 10:47 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Platinum Fungicide, Insecticide, Inoculant & Growth Promoter Dyna-Gro’s Dyna-Shield Platinum is everything you need in a single seed treatment. Dyna-Shield Platinum features fungicides/insecticides that are selected to blend to regional pathogen and insect pressures. Our fungicides and insecticides are engineered to exact specifications, defending your crops against the dangerous plant threats of today so you can profit from the high-volume yields of tomorrow. The Dyna-Shield Platinum seed treatment blend will give you the best chance of growing the best crop. It is packed with the hardest working components in the industry. Your crops get the resilience to stand up against damaging fungi and insects. Plus, the addition of a proven growth promoter will stimulate plant health to help keep your fields on the rise. In addition to utilizing class-leading chemistries in our blends, we also use the best seed coaters on the market. Seed coaters promote low seed treatment “dust off” during planting and increase flowability through planters. Maximize your next yield with Dyna-Gro. Dyna-Gro seed treatments are specifically targeted to meet the unique demands of specific growing regions and planting conditions. We determine the ideal solution for each of our clients’ fields and can help develop a full-scale, customized crop protection program. Ask your certified Dyna-Gro seed specialist about the fungicide solution that’s right for your field. Find a dealer near you by visiting and click on “Locations.” 80 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 80 5/27/14 10:47 AM MANAGEMENT Dyna-Shield Platinum Defend your field against pest plants and insects while proactively promoting excellent plant health, all with Dyna-Shield Platinum. It’s powered by Dyna-Gro science to help you achieve the best yields possible. Fungicide Insecticide Protect your crops against damaging pathogens, including Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Sclerotinia and Phomopsis. Guard your crops against today’s most destructive pest, including bean leaf beetle, soybean aphid, seedcorn maggot, thrips, white grub and leafhoppers. • Early planting in cold wet soils • Ideal for insufficient drainage and reduces till/no-till practices • Improved germination • Address low seed vigor and seed coat damage • Broad spectrum • Soft chemistry • Blend compatibility • High stewardship • Economical options Inoculant Growth promoter Applying inoculant direct to your seed increases your plant’s ability to receive valuable nitrogen, helping the natural growth processes. Take advantage of Dyna-Gro’s top performing plant growth promoters to encourage the healthiest plants possible. • Enhanced root system • Increased nutrient and water uptake and nitrogen fixation • Improved vigor, stand and emergence • Faster canopy closure • Faster germination • Added stress protection • Boosting plant performance • Thicker early root system • Quicker emergence D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 81 81 5/27/14 10:47 AM MANAGEMENT Assessing Crop Stands As your crops emerge, evaluating the stand is important to identify problems from planting, insects, or disease. Evaluating your stands early can help you identify concerns while there may be time to remedy them. Three common methods for taking stand counts are outlined below. The 1/1000th acre method is widely used for corn and wide-row soybeans. A more accurate method is the wheel method, which counts 150 plants and measures the distance from start to finish with a measuring wheel. The hoop method is often used for drilled beans. When evaluating a corn or soybean stand, only count plants that have a good chance of survival. Keep in mind that while corn plant populations are a critical component of yield, soybean plants are better able to compensate for low plant populations. Source: Purdue Corn & Soybean Field Guide. 2007. 1/1000th Acre Method For Rows Count the number of plants in a length of row equal to 1/1000th of an acre based on row width (Table 1). Multiply the number of plants by 1,000 to get plants per acre. Repeat the process in several locations in the field. Table 1. Stand count evaluation for 1/1000th acre based on row width and number of plants in a given row length. Table 1. 1/1000th Acre Method Row Width (inches) 7 10 15 20 22 30 36 38 Row Length 1/1,000th acre (feet, inches) 74’ 8” 52’3” 34’ 10” 26’ 2” 23’ 10” 17’ 5” 14’ 6” 13’ 10” 40 13’1” Wheel Method For Drilled Crops Count 150 plants and measure the distance from start to finish with a measuring wheel. Divide the number of feet traveled into the appropriate factor in Table 2 to determine plant population. For example, if you walked 94 feet while counting 150 plants in 30-inch rows, the population is 2,613,600 ÷ 94 = 27,804 plants per acre. Table 2. Stand count evaluation factors, by row width, for measuring the distance when counting 150 plants. Table 2. Wheel Method Row Width (inches) 20 Factor 3,920,400 30 2,613,600 36 2,178,000 38 2,063,350 Hoop Method For Drilled Crops Measure the diameter of the hoop, toss it in the field, and count the number of plants inside the hoop. Do this in at least 5 locations in the field. Multiply the average number of plants by the appropriate factor listed in Table 3 to get the number of plants per acre. Notice that having a diameter of 28 ¼” allows you to simply multiply by 10,000 to obtain the number of plants per acre. This size of hoop can be made by cutting anhydrous tubing to 88 ¾ inches and joining it to form a circle. Table 3. Stand count evaluation factors, by hoop diameter, for determining soybean plant populations using the hoop method. Table 3 Hoop Method Diameter of Hoop (inches) 18 21 24 27 28 ¼ 30 33 36 Factor 24,662 18,119 13,872 10,961 10,000 8,878 7,337 6,165 82 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 82 5/13/14 11:13 AM Approximate number of seeds/plants per acre at varying row widths and spacing’s in the row Seed Spacing in the Row (in.) # Seeds/ Plants in One Foot Row 1 12.0 7 896,000 14 448,000 20 314,000 24 261,000 28 224,000 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 598,000 448,000 298,000 224,000 179,000 149,000 217,000 112,000 99,300 89,600 81,400 299,000 224,000 149,300 112,000 89,600 74,700 63,500 56,000 49,700 44,800 40,700 209,000 155,000 104,000 78,400 62,700 52,400 44,400 39,100 34,800 31,400 28,500 174,000 131,000 87,100 65,300 52,300 43,600 37,000 32,700 29,000 26,100 23,700 149,000 112,000 74,800 56,000 44,900 37,300 31,700 28,000 24,800 22,400 20,400 12 1.0 74,700 37,300 26,100 21,800 18,700 Seed Spacing in the Row (in.) # Seeds/ Plants in One Foot Row 1 12.0 30 209,000 32 196,000 36 174,000 38 165,000 40 157,000 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 139,000 104,000 69,700 52,200 41,800 34,800 29,600 26,100 23,100 20,900 19,000 131,000 98,000 65,400 49,000 39,200 32,700 27,800 24,500 21,700 19,600 17,800 116,100 87,100 58,000 43,500 34,800 29,000 24,700 21,800 19,300 17,400 15,800 110,000 82,500 55,000 41,300 33,000 27,500 23,400 20,600 18,300 16,500 15,000 104,000 78,400 52,300 39,200 31,400 26,100 22,200 19,600 17,400 15,700 14,300 12 1.0 17,400 16,300 14,500 13,800 13,100 Row Width (in.) Row Width (in.) Basic Seeding Rates MANAGEMENT Seeds Per Acre, Row Width Chart *Average Seeding Rates, Weight per Bushel, Seeds per Pound Crop Corn - Good Moisture Corn - Dryland Soybeans 30" Row 10" row 20" row 36" row Alfalfa - straight seeded Alfalfa - w cover crop Cotton - 38" Row Cotton - 30" Row Wheat - Hard Red Spring Wheat - Winter Oats Sorghum Grain - Good Moisture Sorghum Grain - Dryland Sorghum Forage - 30" Row Sudangrass Sorghum - 7" Row Canola - spring Canola - winter Red Clover - straight seeded Sweet Clover Millet - Foxtail Proso Orchardgrass Kentucky Bluegrass Fescue, tall Fescue, red or creeping Weight per Bushel Avg. # Seeds per lb. Avg. Seeding Rate per Acre (lb.) Avg. Seeding Rate Seeds / acre # Seeds 56.0 56.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 32.0 32.0 60.0 60.0 32.0 56.0 56.0 50.0 40.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 48.0 56.0 14.0 14-28 24.0 15-40 1,400 1,400 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 199,000 199,000 5,500 5,500 14,300 14,500 15,500 17,000 17,000 25,000 55,000 142,400 156,960 252,000 250,000 218,000 65,000 590,000 2,200,000 225,000 545,000 23 14 60 56 56 56 18-22 12-15 8-9 9-11 120 75 80 8-10 4-6 8-12 25-40 5-6 5-6 8-10 12-15 15 20 14 15-25 15 20-30 32,200 19,600 165,000 185,000 185,000 165,000 3,582,000 2,786,000 45,000 55,000 1,716,000 1,087,500 1,240,000 170,000 85,000 250,000 1,512,500 783,200 863,280 2,268,000 3,375,000 3,270,000 1,300,000 7,965,000 44,000,000 3,375,000 12,262,500 1.8 /foot 30" row 1.3 /foot 36" row 9.4 /foot row 3.4 /foot row 7.1 /foot row 11.3 /foot row 82.2 /sq ft. 64.0 /sq ft. 3.4 /foot row 3.1 /foot row 35-40 /sq ft. 25 /sq ft. 28.5 /sq ft. 9-10 /foot row 4-5 /foot row 5-6 /sq ft. 38 /sq ft. 18 /sq ft. 20 /sq ft. 50 /sq ft. 75-80 /sq ft. 73-76 /sq ft. 30 /sq ft. 180 /sq ft. 1000 /sq ft. 75-80 /sq ft. 280-300 /sq ft. *Seeding Rates will vary by geography, field and management practices Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Dyna-Gro® is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. Featured logos are service/trademarks of their respective owners. D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 83 83 5/13/14 11:13 AM MANAGEMENT Replant Decisions Corn Now is the time when corn producers should be out in their fields assessing stands to determine if replanting is necessary. Replant decisions are never easy and are ultimately determined by which decision provides the greatest net income. Attempts to “thicken” stands by inter-seeding directly into an existing stand generally result in additional complications. Larger plants compete strongly for space, water, and nutrients and complicate subsequent management decisions. Each field will have its own set of circumstances that will influence the decision. Remaining stand and likely replant date will be the key issues. Thus, it is always recommended that if a replant is warranted, destroy the original stand and start over. If the original stand is adequate, leave it alone and be willing to accept it as is. For various reasons -- weather, soil, crusting, insects, or diseases – poor crop stands sometimes occur, requiring a replant decision. The issue is whether a late-planted crop at a non-guaranteed population level will produce a higher net income than an early-planted less than desired stand. As an example, in the corn chart, if you planted at the optimum time for your area and anticipated a final stand of 27,500 plants per acre, you might expect to achieve 95% maximum yield. If, at a later date, you find that the stand is only 19,000 plants per acre, your yield expectation is 78% of maximum. This is a 17% yield loss due to stand reduction. Once again, stand assessment will be important to determine if the damage will be economic. Young corn plants (<V5 stage of development) can tolerate significant leaf damage and loss and yet remain viable and produce new leaves. This is because the growing point remains below the soil surface until approximately the V6 stage. If you can replant 20 days later than optimum and actually achieve a 30,000 plant population, yield prospects would be 90% of maximum. This is a 12% (90-78) gain in favor of replanting over leaving the older stand, reduced stand. Will a 12% increase pay the replanting costs and provide something to cover the risks of replanting. Also strongly consider additional weed competition from a reduced stand, the health of surviving plants and uniformity of the existing stand when making a replant decision, the charts are based upon uniform stand distribution and healthy plants. However, flooded areas in fields also may cause stand losses. Small corn plants are not tolerant of flooding and may succumb to this condition in one to three days. Warm, sunny days may accelerate these losses. Soybean shows slightly better tolerance to flooding but still will not tolerate this condition very long. There is a decided yield penalty for delayed planting. The tables below can be used for general replant guidelines and shows most recent data on stand levels and planting dates. Although growing season, location, hybrid, and other factors may cause some variation in the data, the information in the table will serve as a good starting point for making replant decisions. Another major consideration that goes hand-in-hand with making a replant decision is whether or not a hybrid change is needed or perhaps a change to an alternate crop such as soybean. Switching to an earlier maturing corn hybrid can be done at any time if so desired. Hybrid and planting date studies, however, suggest switching roughly five days earlier in maturity if planting is delayed beyond 20 days later than optimum and another five days earlier if delayed beyond 30 days later CORN yields at various planting dates and stand levels, expressed as a percentage of the optimum stand and date than optimum. If considering switching to soybeans or another crop, double check to insure safety from herbicide carryover. Soybeans Soybean plants readily compensate for stand variations. Usually a 50% stand, if planted at a normal time, will not justify replanting. When replanting or double cropping soybeans, switching to a “too early” variety can be costly. Because soybeans are day-length sensitive, adapted medium-full season maturities can be planted until about 20 days later than optimum planting dates. After that date, adapted medium maturity varieties for your area should be planted. In the Midwest, medium maturity soybeans can be planted up until around July 5 and be expected to mature in a normal growing season. Varieties earlier than this will not mature faster and do not grow to adequate height and also pod very low, making harvest very difficult. For replant or double crop production, narrow row spacing and increased plant populations are desirable. Don’t rush into replanting without careful assessment of all the factors involved, patience normally flavors leaving the existing stands in most situations. SOYBEAN yields at various planting dates and stand levels, expressed as a percentage of the optimum stand and date Percent of Desired Population* Planting Date Optimum 20 days later 30 days later Percent of Yield 100 100 92 73 80 92 83 57 50 88 73 48 *Assumes reasonably uniform stands Plants Per Acre 19,000 21,000 22,000 Planting Date 25,000 27,500 30,000 32,500 Percent of yield Optimum – Normal 78 83 88 92 95 100 100 10 days later 75 81 86 90 93 96 98 20 days later 69 75 80 84 87 90 92 20 days later 59 64 69 73 77 80 81 *Assumes reasonably uniform stands 84 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 84 5/13/14 11:13 AM Crop Corn Corn Silage Soybean Alfalfa Cotton (lint) Grain Sorghum Grain Sorghum Forage Sorghum Sorghum-Sudan Wheat Sunflower Unit** Ib/bu lb/ton Ib/bu lb/ton Ib/cwt Ib/cwt Ib/bu lb/ton lb/ton Ib/bu Ib/cwt Plant Food Uptake N P2O5 K2O 1.33 0.57 1.33 8.30 3.60 8.30 5.40** 1.06 2.36 60.00** 15.00 60.00 12.00 4.33 8.33 3.12 1.12 2.50 1.75 0.63 1.40 25.00 8.00 35.00 40.00 15.00 60.00 1.67 0.67 2.02 5.20 2.00 3.65 Plant Food Removed N P2O5 K2O 0.75 0.44 0.29 8.30 3.60 8.30 4.00** 0.80 1.40 56.00** 15.00 60.00 7.00 2.67 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.38 0.84 0.42 0.21 25.00 8.00 35.00 40.00 15.00 60.00 1.15 55.00 0.34 3.60 1.70 1.10 Source: Potash and Phosphate Institute * Plant Food Uptake in Harvest Portion ** Legumes convert most of their Nitrogen requirements from the air. *** Figures given are total amounts taken up by the crop in both the harvested and the above ground unharvested portions. These numbers are estimates for indicated yield levels, taken from research studies, and should be used only as general guidelines. Approximate Nitrogen Produced from Previous Crop: Soybeans: Normal Yield = 45-55# of N, Low Yield = 15-25# of N Alfalfa:Good Stand = 80-110# of N, Poor Stand = 30-50# of N Other Legumes: Good Stand = 50-70# of N depending on the crop Sorghum: If residues are incorporated into the soil an additional 30-40# of N should be applied. Approximate Fertility removed from previous Corn Crop per bushel produced: Grain: 0.75# N, 0.44# P, 0.29# K, 0.06# Mg, 0.02# Ca, 0.07# S Silage: 1.50#N, 0.60# P, 1.30# K, 0.20# Mg, 0.21# Ca, 0.16#S Best Crop Response Related to pH Levels Continuous Corn (No Alfalfa-Clover) Corn/Soybean rotation (No Alfalfa-Clover) Soybeans Alfalfa & other legumes: Cotton Grain Sorghum (milo) Forage Sorghum Wheat Range 6.1 - 6.6 6.3 - 6.9 6.0 - 7.5 6.6 - 7.5 5.5 - 7.0 5.5 - 7.0 5.5 - 7.0 6.0 - 7.0 Calculating Grain Yields Economic Thresholds for Weeds 1 % Corn Yield Loss 2 4 6 8 10 Number of weed clumps per 100 feet of row Weed Cocklebur Giant ragweed Pigweed Lambs quarters Velvetleaf Morning glory Jimsonweed Smartweed Sunflower Giant foxtail* Shattercane** 4 4 12 12 6 10 6 8 8 25 25 12 20 12 16 16 50 50 25 50 25 28 28 100 100 50 100 50 34 34 125 125 62 150 75 40 40 150 150 75 200 100 Volunteer corn - - 4 8 12 16 *5 to 8 stems per clump **2 to 3 stems per clump Weed Cocklebur Giant ragweed Pigweed Lambs quarters Velvetleaf Morning glory Jimsonweed Smartweed Sunflower Giant foxtail* Shattercane** Volunteer corn % Soybean Yield Loss 1 2 4 6 8 10 Number of weed clumps per 100 feet of row 1 1 2 2 8 8 8 8 1 5 2 1 2 2 4 4 16 16 16 16 2 10 5 2 4 4 6 6 24 24 24 24 3 17 8 3 6 6 10 10 32 32 32 32 5 25 11 4 8 8 15 15 40 40 40 40 8 32 14 5 10 10 20 20 50 50 50 50 10 44 18 6 MANAGEMENT Plant Food Utilization Grain Yield = (100-moisture) x (lbs. Of grain) x (factor for crop) / (Row length in feet) / (Row width in inches) / (Number of rows) Crop Corn Soybeans Grain Sorghum Sunflowers Wheat Corn Silage Factors 109.815 100.138 108.538 5805 100.176 7.467 Yield Corrected to % Moisture 15.0% 13.0% 13.0% 10.0% 13.5% 70.0% Growing Degree Days T. Max - T. Min minus 50 = GDD 2 T. Max is the maximum temperature during the day and T. Min is the minimum. Fifty degrees F is substituted for the minimum temperature when it falls below 50° F, and 86° is substituted for the maximum if it goes above 86° F. Example: If the high is 90 degrees F and the low is 70 degrees F: ( 86 + 70 ) /2 - 50 = (156 / 2 ) - 50 = 78 - 50 = 28 GDU’s Source: University of Illinois Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Dyna-Gro® is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. Featured logos are service/trademarks of their respective owners. D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 85 85 5/13/14 11:13 AM MANAGEMENT Focus Seed Treatments Water Requirements Normal days to maturity and water requirements between various stages of growth and maturity State of Growth Ave. Days to Maturity Water Use to Maturity Planting 125 22.0" Blister 45 10.5" Dough 34 7.5" Full Dent 13 2.5" Mature 0 0.0" CruiserMaxx® Full Pod 42 11.0" Beginning Fill 31 7.5" Full Pod Fill 18 3.5" Maturity 0 0.0" Dyna-Shield® Imidacloprid Dyna-Start® Max Inoculant Consensus™ (Performer!) Beans, Wheat, Cotton Avicta® Nematode product Poncho Votivo Nematode product Awaken®ST (Performer!) CORN Equity™ (With TBZ!) Acceleron D Fungicide/Insecticide With Thiabendazole Fungicides Three fungicides. Fungicide/Insecticide Nematicide/Insecticide & Fungicide Biological/Insecticide Broad spectrum of disease control including; Phomopis , Fusarium, Thrips, pod & stem blight. Excellent control of soil and seed borne diseases including Rhizoctoina, Pythium and Phytophthora. Offers proven insect and disease protection including; Phomopis, Fusarium, Thrips, Phytophthora and many more. Provides seed and seedling protection over a wide variety of soil types against insects. Improved vigor, stand, emergence, root systems, nutrient and water uptake and improved nitrogen fixation. Trigger a seedling’s natural defenses against pathogens. Create better seed nutrient utilization, Promotes root system development. Reliable protection against damaging nematodes, insects and diseases. Increase stand, vigor and yield. Creating a living barrier that prevents nematodes from causing damage. Micronutrient Increase plant health, vigor, water and nutrient absorption and root health. Fungicide (2) & Fungicide (2) Insecticide Protections against Rhizoctoina, root rots, Pythium, smuts, aphids and more. SOYBEANS GRAIN SORGHUM Half Bloom 34 9.0" Soft Dough 23 5.0" Hard Dough 12 2.0" Mature 0 0.0" Foothold + Foothold Extra Wheat Seed Treatment Insecticide New Formulation Inoculant 120 days on seed Plant Growth Regulator Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Dyna-Gro® is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. Featured logos are service/trademarks of their respective owners. 86 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 86 5/13/14 11:13 AM ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ D YNAG RO SE E D S. CO M 403154_NationalGuide.indd 87 MANAGEMENT Notes 87 5/13/14 11:13 AM MANAGEMENT Notes ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 88 M AN AG E ME N T 403154_NationalGuide.indd 88 5/13/14 11:13 AM