Experts in Civil Engineering - New Dry impermeabilizaciones SL
Experts in Civil Engineering - New Dry impermeabilizaciones SL
impermeabilizaciones S.L. Experts in Civil Engineering Integral waterproofing Tunnels Waterproofing and repair of large hydraulic works Injections techniques Structural repairs Roofing, false tunnels and viaducts Continuous paving impermeabilizaciones S.L. New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L., is a dedicated company to the waterproofing and sealed of all kinds of routes of water, the structural repair of the concrete and structural reinforcement as well. New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. is provided with professionals of the sector, with big experience and reputation in the Field of the special waterproofing, systems of protection, revetments and repair of structures, carrying out a detailed study of all those critical points and offering a design and a optimum execution, fulfilling this way our main target, the whole satisfaction of our customers. New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. is committed with research, innovation and continuous improvement of our processes. Compromised with a sustainable future, we bet and use respectful systems with the environment. Our technical team researches, designs, oversee and manage the execution of all our work. Study Procedures and materials adapted according to every need. Design Appropriate construction solutions. Monitors Legal regulations, materials, and tools for a proper execution of the works. Manages From beginning to end all of the work, giving maximum attention to the customer and proceeding to a good realization of the work according to all the criteria set out above. 01 Integral waterproofing Waterproofing below groundwater level Waterproofing and drainage in walls Waterproofing of lakes, canals, swimming pools, tanks and sumps Tunnels Tunnels made in Mina Tunnels made with TBM Wells and access galleries to tunnels Waterproofing and repair of large hydraulic works Dams Hydraulic jumps Injections Techniques Consolidation injections sealing waterways injections Injections of structural resins Injections micro-cements underwater shots Structural repairs Geometric reconstruction Structural reinforcements with fibers of carbon Cosmetic repairs Waterproofing of roofs, false tunnels and viaducts System Cubidry System SDS Traditional covers Continuous paving References 02 Integral waterproofing Waterproofing below groundwater level Thanks to the professionalism of our customers, suppliers and employees, we have made progress in the world of waterproofing, leading to higher level systems for any type of waterproofing. New Dry technical team has designed a series of adequate systems to contain the freatic layer resting in the batter of the elements of containment, studying thrust due to the submerged land, totally or partially, and the water hydrostatic thrust. 03 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Waterproofing and drainage in walls Study of the degree of permeability according to the values of the land in walls in contact with water. Design of constructive solutions depending on the type of wall (of gravity, flex, or slurry wall), the type of waterproofing and the degree of permeability. Application of rigid or elastic materials with certificate of potability, chemical resistance, etc. Waterproofing of lakes, canals, swimming pools, tanks and sumps 04 Tunnels Tunnels made in Mina New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. is one of the national companies with largest number of tunnels proofed in Spain. With more than 500,000 m2 executed and the implementation of the most modern technologies and materials. New Dry waterproofing S. L. is a leader in its field. 05 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Tunnels made with TBM Its highly qualified staff and the knowledge of the profession make New Dry waterproofing S. L. a national leader in the waterproofing and drainage of underground works. Wells and access galleries to tunnels The objective of continuous collaboration with customers searching the best solution for each work, as well as the knowledge of the most modern systems and legal regulations, make New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. a perfect partner for customers, administrations, designers or any other company that assists in the execution of an underground work. 06 Waterproofing and repair of large hydraulic works Dams Great New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. technical capacity enables us to repair waterworks with serious pathologies both structural and large water leakage with full reservoirs and equipment at full capacity without affecting the normal operation of the installation The Technical Team of New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L, aware of the problems associated with a disease derived from leaks in all types of hydraulic works, offers its highly responsive service, highly qualified staff and a wide range of solutions, always working with fully respectful with the environment materials suitable for contact with drinking water. 07 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Specialized in all types of injections for sealing leaks water, consolidations and injections and structural repairs by resins and mortars, avoiding progressive internal corrosion of the structure and, therefore, extending the life of the dam. Hydraulic jumps Offers a comprehensive study, evaluating the most determinant parameters: -temperature and pressure. -Bearing capacity of the structure and the affected land. -Permanent or stationary flow. -Impermanent or transient flow, etc. 08 Construction details Waterproofing diaphragm walls Waterproofing forged Waterproofing embankments Grouting in slurry wall Waterproofing and sealing water deposits Grouting of wall formwork Water table Grouting between walls Waterproofing and sealing of pits and elevator shafts pumping Waterproofing slab Waterproofing diaphragm walls Grouting expansion Consolidation land Grouting in diaphragm walls Grouting between walls impermeabilizaciones S.L. waterproofing formwork walls Green roofs Resin injection Waterproofing diaphragm walls Grouting between walls Water table Sealing anchors Sealing joints in wall formwork Waterproofing and sealing elevator pits and pumping wells Gallery waterproofing Grouting concrete Grouting concrete Resin injection tunnel Tunnel Waterproofing Sealing of expansion joints Injections Techniques Consolidation injections Injections for improving ground quality and filling holes. Apply in the stabilization of soft or collapsible land, underpinning, pre-treatment of land potentially licoefactibles, reinforcement against the construction of tunnels and excavations, replacement of losses of land, filling gaps caused by mines, karstifications or hollows in the ground. 11 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Sealing waterways injections Injections for instant sealing of waterways, fissures, anchors, pump wells and bilge. Water leak detection with high flows or high hydrostatic pressure Stopping leaks in walls display Injection LDPE and HDPE membranes in tunnel construction Sealing anchors injection resin to screen mode after porous structures, when the speed of the water is high 12 Injections Techniques Fibra de Carbono Injections of structural resins Injections of resins with 100% solids, low viscosity, high mechanical resistance and high adhesion to the injection of cracks in concrete, masonry, or wood Injections micro-cements. Microcements injections 13 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Underwater shots Injections of mortars of high resistance and low viscosities for land improvements and gaps, compensation and stabilization of differential seats filled. 14 Structural repairs Geometric reconstructions These restore the geometry and structural capacity of the concrete element considered by the elimination of the degraded concrete, and the application of union bridges and repair mortar followed by the eventual application of a protective coating according to the needs of environmental protection. 15 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Structural reinforcement with carbon fibers Solution with carbon fiber allows increasing the capacity of reinforced elements through a procedure of execution minimally invasive and adaptable to the needs of the client. This structural reinforcement with carbon fiber systems has consolidated its position in the market the last years, thanks to its excellent mechanical properties and its advantages over traditional solutions. Currently, these reinforcements are mainly used in: Errors in design and\/or construction. Increase in stress (change of use). Vertical extension of the building. Upgrade and rehabilitation (change of rules). Cosmetic repairs The main objective is to reconstruct the appearance of the surface of the concrete element considered by application of repair mortars followed by the eventual placement of a protective coating according to the needs of protection. 16 Waterproofing of roofs, false tunnels and viaducts Cubidry system The cover is one of the most important components of a building. New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. with its Cubidry system has set itself the aim of protecting its heritage, providing solutions of waterproofing for roofs to measure, that resist weather and mechanical aggressions. The waterproofing system Cubidry on the basis of application on-site, polyurethane resins are able to protect the structures, in particular the flat roofs and most difficult construction geometries, lasting way, water and atmospheric influences. Traditional covers: asphalt and PVC sheets 17 impermeabilizaciones S.L. Technology application Another great advantage of the system Cubidry is the application for projection of high-performance. Together with a team of appropriate technology, ensures production on-site of a unique membrane, completely attached to the support without joints or overlaps. Absorbing the possible structural movements and cracks of up to 0. 6 mm given their high elongation (700%). SDS waterproofing New Dry Impermeabilizaciones S.L. has been developed in conjunction with internationally recognized companies in the sector, a waterproofing system for structures that have to withstand heavy loads or heavy traffic. The SDS system consists of the union of two high quality materials, a waterproof membrane manufacturing on-site + geocomposite of geogrids and a high strength.and lightweight no- tissue. This union of materials gives the structure of excellent protection against water and a high level of tensile strength. 18 Continuous paving The new generation of continuous pavements allows for a decorative finish with a new air and high quality, meeting all the needs of protection and treatment of soils, industrial, public or private. HIGH RESISTANCE FLOOR - Flooring with resistance measurement. - Heavy load. - High mechanical and chemical performance. - Decorative Finishes. - Flooring under high demands. - Parkings, chemical, pharmaceutical ... SELF-LEVELLING OF RESINS AND CEMENT - Smooth finish or leveling of the floor covering. - Heavy load. - High performance mechanical and chemical. - Decorative finishes. - Excellent impermeability. - Industry, warehouses, shops, hangars ... 15 19 impermeabilizaciones S.L. INDUSTRIAL PAINTS AND ROAD SIGNS - Protection of concrete and road signage. - Easy to clean. - Lightly or half load. - High variety of finishes and texture. - High chemical resistance. - Resistance to road traffic. - Car parks, warehouses, industry ... PERSONALIZED FLOORING - Coatings for all types of use. - Varying degrees of hardness and elasticity. - Different thicknesses and finishes. - From rubber to high strength polyurethane. - Paddle tennis, playgrounds, streets, public areas ... 20 15 References UTE L9 LLOBREGAT FIRA. (OBRA INTEGRAL METRO DE BCN). ACCIONA CENTRAL TÉRMICA BESÓS REPSOL PERTOLEOS, S.A. (INYECCIÓN DE RESINAS DEPÓSITOS). CARBONELL FIGUERAS, S.A. CENTRO COMERCIAL MÓSTOLES. UTE EDIFICI FGC (ACCIONA. EDIFICIO CORPORATIVO DE FCC, CONSTRUCCIÓN, S.A. FGC). UTE AVE GIRONA (OBRA INTEGRAL. AVE GIRONA). SACYR ESTACIÓN BELVITGE TP FERRO LAV TÚNEL DEL PERTÚS. UTE CARRIL BUS VAO UTE TÚNEL SABADELL. CONSTRUCCIONES PAI, S.A. ACSA OBRAS E INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. EDIFICACIONES MARAGALL, S.A. DRAGADOS TÚNEL DE LA MAT. UTE GORG (IMPERMEABILIZACIONES, INYECCIONES MERCADONA, S.A. (OBRAS INTEGRALES. REFUERZOS FIBRAS POZOS DE BOMBEO). DE CARBONO). UTE AVE TRINIDAD UTE ACCESOS SAGRERA. UTE LAV MONTCADA MOLLET SACYR, S.A.U. ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. (AVE TRAMO RUIDE- RODIO CIMENTACIONES ESPECIALES, SA (IBERDROLA-PORTAFI- LLOTS-JOAN TORRO). RAL). TERRATEST CIMENTACIONES, S.L. CORSAN-CORVIAM CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A. (SOTERRAMENT COPCISA CENTRO COMERCIAL ANEC BLAU C-17. OBRAS INTEGRALES). UTE CENTRE DEL DISSENY. (OBRA INTEGRAL). UTE LAV TRINIDAD-SAGRERA. UTE HOSPITAL DEL MAR. (OBRA INTEGRAL). SACYR ESTACIÓN DE SANTS. COMSA EMPRESA CONSTRUCTORA. (MANTENIMIENTO UTE L9 ESTACIONES. L2 METRO BCN. PONT SOBRE RIU SEGRE). UTE CERDÀ (OBRA INTEGRAL. INYECCIONES ESPECIALES. SAN JOSÉ CENTRO COMERCIAL GLORIAS SELLADO POZOS FREÁTICO). CONSTRUCCIONES SAN MARTIN (Parking Inteligente ABANTIA CONTRATAS, S.A. Gran Vía, Madrid). UTE TÚNEL TERRASSA. ENGESTUR, S.A. FERROVIAL AGROMAN, S.A. (SOTERRAMENT RONDA NORD. REGESA. GRANOLLERS). ACCIONA CENTRO COMERCIAL MAQUINISTA UTE AVE SANT BOI. DRAGADOS (Parking Tarrega) UTE CANAL TRAMO 2B (CANAL SEGARRA GARRIGUES. IBERDROLA (Hotel Hilton) AGRAMUNT). UTE PORTO CAMBA-GALICIA LUÍS PARÉS PALAU BLAUGRANA ENDESA PRESAS ACCIONA CENTRE DEL DISSENY CRC DIQUE PUERTO BCN SACYR CENTRO EMPRESARIAL 22@ COPISA B-40 COPISA ESTACIÓN DE GRÁCIA FGC ACSA COLECTOR SOLDEVILLA VIAS Y CONSTRUCCIONES ESTACIÓN METRO L-5 ACCIONA HOSPITAL SANT PAU VIAS Y CONSTRUCCIONES CAMPUS BESÓS ABANTIA ANTIGUA FÁBRICA DAMM UTE MUELLE PRAT URBASER COLECTOR AVDA ESTATUT CORP BADALONA TESTA AGUIRRE NEWMAN EL CORTE INGLÉS CONDIS 15 21 AIGÜES DE TERRASSA impermeabilizaciones S.L. UTE AVE GIRONA UTE CENTRE DEL DISSENY UTE AVE MONTCADA CANAL SEGARRA GARRIGUES COPCISA ANEC BLAU COPISA B-40 COPISA ESTACION DE GRACIA FGC CORP BADALONA LAV UTE PALLARESOS PRESA VIELLA REPSOL SACYR 22@ TÚNEL PERTÚS URBASER AVDA ESTATUT UTE ESTACION GIRONA UTE L-9 ESTACIONES COPISA ESTACION FGC VILASAR DRAGADOS AP-7 DRAGADOS HOSPITAL DEL MAR FCC EIX TRANSVERSAL VIAS CAMPUS BESOS HOSPITAL DEL MAR CORSAN C-17 UTE LA SAGRERA UTE TÚNEL SABADELL UTE RONDES BCN TUNEL DE LA MAT ENDESA CENTRAL TERMICA BESOS SAN JOSE LAV MONTCADA MOLLET UTE PORTO CAMBA GALICIA TUNELADORA PARC LOGÍSTIC CRC ESPALDON MUELLE BCN SAN JOSE C.C GLORIAS GOLDEROS CRESPO BLANES FERROVIAL MUELLE PRAT PRESA DE ARTIES 16 15 22 impermeabilizaciones S.L. P.I. Pla D'en Coll Carrer del mig, 5 08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) - SPAIN Tel. (+34) 93 564 27 97 Fax. (+34) 93 564 68 87 Website: E-Mail: [email protected]