Nov Newsletter - FILNLSA1415Accreditation
Nov Newsletter - FILNLSA1415Accreditation
November 2013 Issue 11-13 Inside This Issue: Thanksgiving Service Times ...... 2 New Members ............................. 3 FIL Cross Country ...................... 4 Calendar ...................................... 5 LWML ......................................... 6 Men’s Retreat ................................ 7 Harvest Blessings Concert ......... 8 Mom2Mom ........................................... 9 LWML Winter Getaway...……...10 River of Life Updates ................. 11 In the Word ............................... 12 Missions and Outreach ............ 13 Parents Link .............................. 14 Celebration Garden .................. 17 Ruth 1:16 ................................... 18 FIL REACHGroups The mission statement for our congregation is and reminds us that we exist to “reach up to God, reach in to each other, and reach out to others.” One of the best ways we “reach in to each other” is through our REACH Groups. These small groups provide an intentional way for us to make Christian friendships. Some people have asked why they should join a REACHGroup. Our new REACHGroup Director, Vicki Manzeck, gives some good reasons: The Top Five Reasons Why You Should Join A REACHGroup at FIL: 5. A REACHGroup is a great way to really connect with other FIL members, get to know people, and to make lifelong friends! 4. A REACHGroup is a wonderful opportunity to really dig into God's Word using really interesting and exciting study materials in a smaller, more intimate setting! 3. You won't have to read, pray or sing aloud unless you want to! 2. You will be joining a group of people who truly care about you and will always be a warm and supportive place for you to be! Mission: In response to God, who first reached down to us—the mission of First Immanuel Lutheran Church is to reach up to God, reach into each other and reach out to others. And the Number One reason to join a REACHGroup at FIL is: You will grow closer to God as you deepen your faith relationship with Him and discover what God's plan is for you! Those who are members of a REACHGroup can verify these reasons. Their faith has been deepened, their relationships have been broadened, and the joy in their lives is complete. If you are not currently in a REACHGroup and would like more information or would like to know how to be connected to one, please contact Vicki Manzeck at [email protected]. Pastor Raasch Page 2 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Let’s Welcome our New Members! Joe and Laura Clausing join us from Mequon and enjoy ballroom dancing and are experienced with music and volunteering their time to church. Bill and Lisa Jefferis join us from Cedarburg and enjoy going to the movies and traveling together as a couple. Parker Prochaska is currently a Concordia student. He enjoys playing sports and interacting with those around him! John and Megan Dirks along with their two year old daughter, Madison. They expecting another child in March 2014. Jeffery and Keri Michels and their children Katelyn, Nathan, and Abigail join us from Mequon. Katelyn and Nathan both attend school here at First Immanuel. Karyn Sotiriades joins us from Cedarburg and is a teacher. She is married and has two daughters. Her family attends regularly at River of Life in Saukville and she enjoys gardening, camping, and jogging. Peter and Angie Kelm along with Jacob, Caleb, and Chloe join us from Cedarburg. Peter Kelm was a Pastor at Trinity Freistadt and is now a Disctrict Mission Exec. They enjoy working on crafts together as a family. Patrick and Rachel Drayna join us from Cedarburg and have one newborn son, Charles. Rachel enjoys running, cooking and being with her family. Frank James is an active participant in River of Life’s Lifetree Café. He has been in the Saukville area for about 2 years. Next time you see these folks around, be sure to give Patsy Roeske has relocated from them a very warm FIL welcome! St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church Blue Not Pictured: Nathan & Mary Boeckers, Chris Point, Altamont, Illinois and is the Millard & family, Todd & Jaci Spykstra & family, Kurt Buchberger, Martina Batiansila, mother of our Missions and OutAndreanna Barth, Rachel Pokorny & family, & Sally Balkevich. reach Director, Karl Roeske. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 3 FILS Boys and Girls Win LSA State Cross Country Meet; Lindsey Weiss is State Champion for Girls Lindsey Weiss: FILS 8th grader Lindsey Weiss (center) runs out of the fog, setting the pace for the girls' race. Weiss won the first place medal at the LSA State Cross Country Meet for the second time in her career. First Immanuel Lutheran School swept the Lutheran Sports Association (LSA) Wisconsin State Cross Country Meet on October 5th – taking 1st place in both the boys and girls divisions. Twenty-three schools were represented, with more than 200 runners between both races. As a team, First Immanuel has been runner-up in both the boys’ and girls’ divisions in the past, but neither team has ever won it until now. “Our runners worked very hard this year,” FILS coach Dan Riederer said. “We knew we had a great opportunity for success, so it was very exciting to see the hard work pay off with both championships in the same year.” In addition Lindsey Weiss’ top honors, eighth grader Jessie Juergensen got First Team All-State Honors by finishing 6th, and seventh grader Keri Walker received Second Team AllState honors by finishing 9th. Fifth grader Hope Rutkowski earned Third Team All-State Honors with her 15th place fin- ish. Fourth grader Ellie Juergensen was First Immanuel’s final scoring runner finishing in 22nd place. In the boys’ race, eighth grader Sam Schleicher took 5th place and eighth grader Lucas Gitzlaff took 6th place, both earning First Team All-State Honors. Earning Second Team All-State Honors were eighth grader Grant Fox (8th place), and sixth grader Timmy Brey (11th place). The boys’ scoring team was rounded out by fifth grader Ty Mueller, who finished in 22nd place. FILS Girls CC State Runners: The top 9 girls competed for First Immanuel in the State Meet. From left: Emma Osborne, Coach Dan Riederer, Ellie Juergensen, Katarina Hinck, Hope Rutkowski, Keri Walker, Sofia Memmel, Jessie Juergensen, and Abby Helm. (Not pictured: Lindsey Weiss) FILS Boys CC State Runners: First Immanuel's top 8 runners competed in the LSA Wisconsin State Cross Country Meet. From left: Ty Mueller, Coach Dan Riederer, Timmy Brey, Grant Fox, Luke Gitzlaff, Joe Jurss, Ethan Graham, Samuel Schleicher and Nolan Burnside. This year First Immanuel has fielded its largest cross country team ever, but only the top 9 girls and 8 boys were selected to run in the State Meet. Running at the State Meet for First Immanuel were boys Timmy Brey, Nolan Burnside, Grant Fox, Lucas Gitzlaff, Ethan Graham, Joe Jurss, Ty Mueller and Sam Schleicher; and girls Abby Helm, Katarina Hinck, Ellie Juergensen, Jessie Juergensen, Sophia Memmel, Emma Osborne, Hope Rutkowski, Keri Walker and Lindsey Weiss. Both teams advanced to the 4th Annual National Lutheran Cross Country Championships, which took place at Concordia University Wisconsin on October 26th. Results were not available at time of publication … stay tuned! Page 4 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter November 2013 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Communion Schedule First Immanuel: On 1st and 3rd Sunday, Communion is at 7:30 and 10:35; on 2nd and 4th Sunday, Communion is at 5:00 and 9:00 Adult Volleyball is every Sunday evening at 6:20pm in the FIL Gym! Feel free to drop in! 1 2 6:00am Breakfast Bible Study 7:30am Men's Bible Study NO SCHOOL 3 4 5 6 7 7:30am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service-ROL 10:30am Café Worship-ROL 10:35am Contemporary Svc. 9:00am Little Dresses for Africa 10:00am & 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 3:00pm Serve a Meal 7:00pm Lifetree Café 11:30am Ladies Aid 9:00am Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Men’s Basketball 5:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Adult Bell Choir 7:30pm Senior Choir 10 11 12 13 14 7:30am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service-ROL 10:30am Café Worship-ROL 10:35am Contemporary Svc. 2:00pm Harvest Blessings Concert 9:00am Mom to Mom Veterans Day 10:15am Thank you for Veterans Day Assembly your service! We 6:00pm salute you! LWML 9:00am Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Men’s Basketball 7:30am Men’s Bible Study 5:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Adult Bell Choir 7:30pm Senior Choir 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 17 18 19 20 21 7:30am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service-ROL 10:30am Café Worship-ROL 10:35am Contemporary Svc. 9:00am Little Dresses for Africa 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 3:00pm Serve a Meal 9:00am Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Men’s Basketball 6:15pm Glory & Praise –Cedar Gardens 7:00pm Lifetree Café 5:30pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Adult Bell Choir 7:30pm Senior Choir 24 25 26 27 28 9:00am Mom to Mom 7:00pm Lifetree Café 4:00pm Stephen Ministry Leaders Meeting 9:00am Adult Bible Study 9:00am Traditional Thanksgiving Worship Service—both FIL & ROL 7:30am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service 9:00am Worship Service-ROL 10:30am Café Worship-ROL 10:35am Contemporary Svc. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 8 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service NO SCHOOL 9 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 7:30pm Ruth 1:16 Book Discussions at CUW 15 16 7:00pm Lifetree Café 7:30pm Men’s Club Meeting 6:30pm Glory & Praise – Hamburg Home 6:45pm ROL Adult Bible Fellowship 11:10am Early Dismissal (School) 7:00pm Contemporary Thanksgiving Worship Service at the CPAC 22 23 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 7:30pm Ruth 1:16 Book Discussions at CUW 29 NO SCHOOL 30 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service OFFICE CLOSED NO SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 5 Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) Come and join us for “A Winter Getaway” Retreat. It’s the 26th Annual SWD Retreat for women at The Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake, WI. The theme for this year’s retreat is Patchwork of Friendship. Join us for this two day retreat for women ages 12 and up, as our Keynote Speaker, Amy Meyer teaches us how to build and strengthen friendships. Look for the poster in the narthex. Invite a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, a sister! Open to the public! Please visit or call Patty Butenhoff for more information at 262-628-4212. Also, please join us for our November Meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 6 PM. Meet at Lasata to sing familiar hymns with the residents. Then join us at the First Immanuel fellowship hall for a short business meeting along with beverages and desserts. All women of the church and their guests are invited to attend. If you have questions, please contact the church office or call Eunice Keske at 675-6753. See page 11 for more details on the retreat! Market Day MARKET DAY November Bonus Days are here! The more desserts purchased the more our school earns! Time to think about what you will serve for your Thanksgiving desserts!!! Plus get a free dessert plate and server with a $90 online purchase with promo code: NOVBONUS. Place your order in the office by Tuesday, November 5th or online by 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6th. Pick up will be in the Family Life Center on Saturday, November 9th from 8:009:00 a.m. Questions? Contact Jenny Jurss at 375-0519 or [email protected]. Stephen Ministry THE GIFT OF STEPHEN MINISTRY It doesn't take much observation to know that the world is a broken place. Violence, racial hatred, divorce, sickness and death - they are all daily reminders of this world's brokenness. It's enough to make you feel hopeless. As Christians, we believe that all this brokenness has one origin: our brokenness from God, otherwise known as sin. Sin is the rift, the gap that stands between us and the Creator and His original intentions for the world. Because we are broken from God, we are also broken from one another, hopelessly disconnected from the Source of our being, and from our brothers and sisters. And in our hearts, we hunger deeply to be put back together, to be reconciled with God, and with one another. It's been said that if we could somehow cut the heart of the world in half, we would find a God-shaped hole. It is to bridge that gap, to feed that hunger, to fill that hole, that Jesus Christ came; not with power, not with great psychological methods, not with grand philosophy or "just the right words", but with love. Stephen Ministers are people who know brokenness first hand. But they are also the people who have tasted the wholeness that comes from faith in Jesus. Stephen Ministers are, to use an old phrase, "hungry people telling other hungry people where to find bread,” the Bread of Life. Page 6 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Our Stephen Ministers' task is not to cure hurting people of their ills. It is not to solve their problems. It is not even to make them feel better. Our task is to be the loving, life-giving presence of Jesus Christ in their midst. By that listening, caring, loving and compassionate presence, we accompany hurting and broken people on the long journey towards wholeness. Ours is not a haphazard presence. It is a very intentional one. One that takes both great skill and a mustard seed's worth of faith. Its effectiveness is not found in method, but in conveying Christ's loving presence. Its success is as sure as the Christ who promises to be present with us. When we establish trusting, compassionate relationships with hurting people in the name of Jesus Christ, healing begins. How healing it is to be listened to, when we know that we are really being heard and understood! How satisfying and liberating it is to be loved and not judged! To be free to be who we really are. This is the fertile soil in which broken lives begin to grow strong. It is not salvation itself, but it can surely open the door to faith in faithless lives. This is the gift that Stephen Ministers offer in the name of Jesus Christ. It is a gift without price. And a gift with out measure. For more information about our FIL Stephen Ministry, please contact Pastor Reichmann at 377-6610. VOLUNTEER NEEDED! We now have only 13 members who have made a commitment to visit a shut-in once a month for one year beginning in October 2013. We could use at least 20 more volunteers. If the Lord has put in your heart to make a commitment of Christian caring, call the new one-on-one shut-in visit coordinator, Jean Drigot at 262-375-1293 or email Betty Robison at [email protected]. Pray God would lead you to become part of our Care Ministry to help bring His comfort and love to the shut-ins of our family in Christ. Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid meeting on Nov. 5th will begin with a salad lunch at 11:30 a.m. This meeting will include the Election of Officers. The devotion will be on "A Mighty Fortress.” Our program will be "Dr. Martin Luther" presented by David Wiedenkeller. All ladies of First Immanuel and River of Life are welcome to join us. Questions? Contact Lois Schwarten at 262-377-7495. Men’s Club Men, come and hear Richard Laabs, President of the Lutheran Urban Mission Initiative (LUMIN) discuss challenges, opportunities, and success of LUMIN schools in the Milwaukee urban environment. Mr. Laabs will be speaking at the November Men's Club meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m. A light meal and refreshments will follow the meeting. 2014 Men’s Retreat The men of our congregation have been invited to be a part of the 13th annual Men’s Retreat to be held at the Holiday Inn in Manitowoc on February 28, 2014-March 2, 2014. Men from First Immanuel in Cedarburg, Our Redeemer in Wauwatosa, and Divine Redeemer in Hartland helped to put the retreat together. The theme for this year’s retreat is, “gods at war.” The retreat will deal with defeating the gods that battle for your heart. The Bible is very clear that false gods and idols have no place in a believer’s life. For most people living in our modern day culture the thoughts of idols like a golden calf are obsolete. When someone or something replaces the Lord in position of glory in our lives, that person or thing has become our god and idol. What are some of the gods that battle for our hearts? They include: money, pleasure, sex, entertainment, sports, materialism, comfort, success, gambling, and technology. At the retreat we will be looking at how these things have a big impact on our lives. Come to the retreat and learn how to defeat the gods warring for your heart and how you go about making Jesus number one in your life. Questions? Contact Jim Berg at 414-462-5871. Further details will be in next month’s newsletter. Stop by the First Immanuel Office to pick up your book at the “bargain” price of $10.00 until November 5, 2013. All veterans and members of First Immanuel are invited to our Veterans Day assembly happening on Tuesday, November 12th at 10:15 a.m. in the sanctuary. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 7 ! ! ! ! First Immanuel Lutheran Ministries !"#$#%&'("&)*'+,$-./#,0'1-,*#%0' tϲϳEϲϮϮǀĞƌŐƌĞĞŶůǀĚ ĞĚĂƌďƵƌŐ͕t/ϱϯϬϭϮ ZĞǀ͘ZĂŶĚŽůƉŚ,͘ZĂĂƐĐŚ͕^ĞŶŝŽƌWĂƐƚŽƌ Harvest Blessings Concert A Special Salute to Our Veterans and Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving Sunday, November 10th, 2013 @ 2:00pm Featuring Presentation of Colors By Army Captain Leo Lesch Living Word Lutheran High School Vocal Choir Concordia University Wisconsin Jazz Ensemble Dr. Louis Menchaca, Director Enjoy the Swing Big Band music from the 1940s and other selections saluting our veterans Congregational Hymn Sing Tom Giordano and Kaethe Grabenhofer, Directors Holly Gast and Joan Scholz, Soloists Mary Jo Wirth, Pianist Prayer shawls and blankets will be distributed by school children to veterans who have served in peace and war, shut-ins and homebound, people who grieve for loved ones, and caregivers. For more information, contact Carol at 262-243-4233 or at [email protected] Page 8 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 9 Page 10 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Dear FIL/ROL Friends... We continue channeling our energy towards the goals of our ROL Ministry Plan. In this addition we will highlight progress around the prepositions of our Mission- “in”, “up”, and “out”. God’s blessing to you at you continue reaching “in” to fellow believers, reaching “up” to God, and “out” to the world that needs to hear. In His Service, Pastor Monte “IN” UPDATE As I write, we are about to host our third session of “Not a Fan.” So far our group has been relatively small (8 to 10 people). The discussion, however, has been worthwhile. We continue to challenge one another with Jesus call to follow- a call that far surpasses the level of dedication required of a mere “fan”. Our wrap up of “Not a Fan” will take place on the third Wednesday of November (the 20th), beginning at 7pm. We will then take a break for Advent Worship on the 3rd Wednesday of December. We will begin a new emphasis on the 3rd Wednesday of January (January 15). Come join us and give your input for our next topic of study. Our Sunday School is also doing well these days. The effort is “Spear Headed by Ann Eger and Katie Hansen. The picture shows Katie and Ann preparing for their students in our new Sunday School Room , The Port of Call. “UP” UPDATE Our Lifetree Café continues. We have been averagNovember, it isn’t too early to start mentioning ing 15 to 17 participants per week. Our topics for NoAdvent. Our plan at ROL is to enjoy traditional vember are: Advent worship on December 4th and December Nov 5 - Is Church Obsolete? Has God Left the Build11th. Then on our final Wednesday (December ing? 18), we plan to enjoy a service of lessons and carNov 12 - Getting Past Your Past And Making the ols (no sermon). We will wrap up the evening by Most of Your Future traveling from ROL to a local institution to do Nov 19 - Forgiving the Unforgivable A Son Confronts His Mother’s Killer some Christmas Caroling. All Advent services Nov 26 - A Christmas Surprise Rekindling the Joy of begin at 6:00 pm. Christmas We also plan to employ the gifts and talents of Our Lifetree meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the our children in worship on Sunday, December Conversation Café at River of Life. These episodes are 22nd at both services (9 and 10:30). The chilthe ideal place to engage friends in faith based condren’s program will encompass about 15 minutes versation. of the service. Who would God have you invite? “OUT” UPDATE We continue our support of the Saukville Food Pantry through our monthly “Food Fourth” emphasis. On “Food Fourth” (the Fourth Sunday) we send home reusable We are also in conversation these food pantry bags with our days regarding establishing a Love worshipers, encouraging Inc. sight in our area. Local Pastors them to bring them back are “warm” to the idea of collaboratfilled the next Sunday. Our ing for the purpose of addressing human care goal is to “bury” our blue needs. We are in the process of gathering assessbarrel with food. As you ment materials that will assist us in identifying can see, we are getting closer and closer to that goal. real need. A field trip to Janesville, WI to see their Love Inc. in action is also in the works. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 11 IN THE WORD… REFLECTIONS ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY FROM LOIS GIORDANO DISASTER AREA Most of you have heard about the catastrophic flooding in Colorado. Our home is in Estes Park, a picturesque town at the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. But now our beautiful town is part of a large disaster area that stretches across the northeastern quarter of the state. store businesses and homes; rivers flow across new streambeds forged by flood waters; neighbors chat at the portable toilets that have been brought in because the sewer system that serves much of the community was totally destroyed by the rampaging water. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ESV No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 TLB Many homes were destroyed. Hundreds of residents of nearby communities have been evacuated by National Guard helicopters and Humvees with little hope of returning to their homes for months because the access routes have been swept away. Mercifully, loss of life was limited. But property and disrupted lives are a different story. Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you. 1 Peter 5:7 TLB Most of the canyon roads into our area have been destroyed. The power of water on a rampage is stunning. While we are grateful that our home was spared from any significant damage, all of us as residents of the region share in the heartache and loss. I rely on your constant love; I will be glad, because you will rescue me. Psalms 13:5 GNT Most of the downtown streets of Estes Park became a rushing torrent of water. Many businesses suffered significant damage from this hundred-year flood. We know these business owners and as we now walk through town, we are so saddened by the damage and the struggle that faces them. Some have been able to reopen; others will take months to do the needed repairs; still others have been forced to close permanently. And with the National Park currently closed down by the Federal government, the streets of town are deserted by the tourists upon whom the economy depends. And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 ESV New sights and sounds mix with the autumnal bugling of the elk: heavy equipment grinds; teams of volunteers and workmen haul out mounds of soaked wall board and destroyed possessions; fans blow trying to dry out properties; saws and drills and hammers rePage 12 The disasters of your lives are probably very different from these. And yet as a result of our fallen, sinful world, we all experience disasters—deaths of loved ones, debilitating illnesses, unemployment, family crises, drug or alcohol addiction, mental illness—the list goes on and on. Where do God and faith fit into the disasters in our lives? First, we immerse ourselves in God’s Word and grab hold of His promises, such as the ones above. We reach out to others in God’s family for comfort and encouragement. We pray, knowing that God hears and cares. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 ESV Prayer: Dear Savior, you are the one constant In our lives. Though floods rage and disasters strike, you remain the same. We lean on you for comfort and strength, confident of your grace and providence. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and grant us your peace. Amen. To God be the glory! Lois Giordano Good News Translation (GNT). (1992). American Bible Society. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (ESV). (2001). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society. The Living Bible.(TLB) (1971). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publisher. NOTE: If you wish to help the flood victims, please donate to LCMS Disaster Relief or send checks to Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 1724, Estes Park, CO 80517. Thank you! Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Mission of the Month for November: SAUKVILLE FOOD PANTRY The Saukville Food Pantry, located in the basement of St. Peters United Church of Christ in Saukville, was begun three years ago when several congregations and businesses in the area decided to fill a need in the Saukville area for such an outreach to struggling families. Proof of its need to the community is the fact that the shelves of the pantry run low, and the effort to restock them is a constant one. First Immanuel/River of Life, a charter member of the food pantry, has done a very good job of helping restock those shelves. The blue barrels are constantly filling, with their contents being delivered to the pantry on a regular basis. Thank you for your consistent support! With Thanksgiving and Christmas just a short time from now, the need becomes even greater. Imagine celebrating either holiday without being able to gather around the dining table with loved ones, ready to enjoy a festive meal. It is our prayer to prevent this scene from becoming reality for families already struggling to make ends meet. Please help. For the entire month, our mission focus will be on the food pantry. If you would like to dedicate some time working there, please contact Denise Golownia at 375-0503. Otherwise, donations of food and money will be greatly appreciated. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD, for His steadfast love endures forever! Psalms 107:1 MISSION GUATEMALA 2014 INFORMATION MEETING Join Missions and Outreach Director Karl Roeske on Sunday, November 10th between worship services at First Immanuel to learn more about our continued mission work in LaMajada, Guatemala and the upcoming trip that will take place February 1-8, 2014. Is God calling you into mission? Come have your questions answered and perhaps you will find out! The focus of this mission trip will be construction, Gospel outreach and possibly wheelchair outreach. There will be something that everyone could do! Two informational meetings will take place in the school library after the 7:30 and 9 a.m. worship services. 2013 GRAFTON CHRISTMAS PARADE This year, Grafton’s Christmas parade will take place on Saturday, November 30th beginning at 11 a.m. First Immanuel will once again have a float in the parade and we would like many members to walk along, greeting and handing out items to the thousands of parade goers. It’s a fun way to spend an hour, spreading Jesus’ love to many, many people. A sign up will be available in the church narthex. You will also be able to sign up on Within My Reach. Thank you! MILWAUKEE RESCUE MISSION We will be serving meals at the mission on November 5th and 19th and in December on the 3rd and 17th. It is a simple and practical way of sharing the love of Jesus with those who could use our help. Sign up on the missions board located outside the church office or contact Karl Roeske. Many other local volunteer opportunities are available. Please refer to the booklet, Serve One Another, available on the information desk or on the missions/outreach page of our church website. Karl Roeske – Director of Missions/Outreach – [email protected] Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 13 THE PARENTLINK November 2013 FOR PARENTS OF TEENS AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE THE VIEW Our society sets aside time each November to count our blessings and express thankfulness. But God wants his people to embrace gratitude as a lifestyle, continually thanking him for what he’s done for us and what he gives us. Researchers found that the most grateful teenagers had a 15% increase in life satisfaction, as well as a 15% increase in feeling like they had a meaning for life. Some parents might say their teenagers act more entitled than grateful. Entitlement, the opposite of gratitude, leads to feelings of disappointment and frustration. Gratitude, however, could be the key to happy, well-adjusted teenagers, according to new research. Psychology professor Giacomo Bono, Ph.D., found that grateful teenagers were happier, more hopeful, and better behaved at school than their peers. (See “The View” for more details.) “More gratitude may be precisely what our society needs to raise a generation that is ready to make a difference in the world,” he said. For Christians, gratitude doesn’t depend on circumstances. Instead, we can be thankful to God for his never-changing love and the free gift of salvation. God promises to meet all our needs and tells us to give thanks in each and every situation—even the tough ones. Parents can set an example for teenagers by being grateful for what they already have and for seeing the blessings in both joyful and challenging times. They also experienced a 17% boost in happiness and hopefulness, as well as a 15% decrease in feeling symptoms of depression. Additionally, teens who experienced the greatest increase in gratefulness over a four-year period had the greatest reductions in behaviors such as cheating, detention, and drug and alcohol use. —California State University TIPS >>> Try these tips for reinforcing a sense of gratitude in your family. They’ll deepen your Thanksgiving celebrations and also make life more meaningful year-round: • • Fill a gratitude jar. Set a jar, slips of paper, and pens in a prominent place in your home. Have each family member write down things for which they’re thankful. Every week, empty the jar and read the reasons behind one another’s gratitude. Provide a fresh perspective. Have family members each write their names on a piece of paper. Pass around the papers, and have each person write down what they’d be thankful for if they were the person named. Page 14 PONDER THIS • Foster altruism and service. Helping other people indirectly leads to feelings of compassion, gratitude, and selfconfidence. • Put teenagers in charge. Ask kids to come up with an idea or new tradition to help your family be grateful this season—and all year. • Show proof of your thanks. For Thanksgiving dinner, ask everyone to bring to the table three objects for which they’re thankful. They can represent: 1) something new this year, 2) something intangible, and 3) something basic to their lives. Take turns sharing your objects. • Make it a habit. Stick with your gratitude practices, especially during difficulties. Remind kids how tough times help them grow. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter • What are you most thankful for, and why? • What makes you pause to thank God for your blessings? How can you remember to do this more often? • What lessons about gratitude would you most like your teenagers to learn, and why? Gut-Check Gratitude Expert Insights for Parents of Teenagers By Mike Nappa At the end of a recent sermon, my husband prayed, “God, if I were you, I wouldn’t choose me. But you do. You already have. And it changes everything.” Those words shot through me, into my gut. If I’m being honest with God, I’d say that, too. If I were God, I wouldn’t choose me to do any of his work. But God has already made the choice to love me. He has already chosen me to be salt and light. So it’s time to embrace this gift of grace with thankfulness. If you’ve felt condemned when you’re not, try these things: 1. Say aloud “I am loved.” You’re a beautiful part of Jesus’ family, so express deep gratitude for that. 2. Write down “I have a purpose.” Start digging. Unearth the creativity that gets squelched in fear and monotony. Do something random. Wander around in a place you’ve never been. Listen and breathe. Let go in order to really grasp the way your Creator blesses and holds you. 4. Go! You know that one thing you keep dreaming about? Your intentions are to do it, to take care of it, to talk to someone about it. It lights up your face when you talk about it. All that is great, but it will only begin to happen as you take steps toward it. Take the first step, whatever that looks like, thanking God for your talents and opportunities. 3. Look around and take inventory of your life. For each area, ask how it has been affected by God’s love and his calling. Let that be fuel for your next steps, your next thoughts, your next words of thanks. I’m thankful for gut-check prayers—and for the many ways God showers down his love and blessings. He has made us new people for a purpose. RESOURCE One of the six small-group sessions in Surrendering to Jesus, a resource by Doug Fields and Brett Eastman, is titled “Wild Gratitude.” Kids will discover how they can respond to Christ for everything he’s done for them. BIBLE FOCUS Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1, NIV Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 15 Page 16 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Plans for First Immanuel’s Celebration Garden: Celebrate life and events with a dedicated installation Do you have a person or event you would like to celebrate? Pergola Pondless Waterfall Consider donating to the Celebration Garden improvements that are planned at First Immanuel! Continuation of the outdoor sanctuary has been planned and just needs your donations to fulfill our vision of a peaceful place for meditation and memories. The hardscape structures will be ideally built in three phases and will complement the path and boulders already in place on the west side of the sanctuary. Phase I includes a rectangular stone patio with columns, a seat wall, and a pergola similar to the photo above. Phase II includes a pondless waterfall similar to the one pictured above. Phase III is to include a round secluded patio with another seat wall and columns. If you would like to kindly support this endeavor, please contact: Lori Newhouse at [email protected]. If you would like more information about this project, please let her know, she’ll be happy to assist you. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 17 RUTH 1:16 GROUP MEETS AT CONCORDIA Every other Thursday, a group of young women from CUW and several FIL ladies meet in the lounge of CUW’s newest dorm for a book discussion. This semester, we are reading Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado. For each chapter we read a CUW girl pairs up with a FIL/ROL woman to meet face-to-face and prepare. It is through these gettogethers that great relationships and mentorships are forged. These young adults are amazing to know. They are very knowledgeable, committed to their faith, and fun to be with. A great deal of learning takes place on everyone’s part. One FIL lady glowed as she said, “I wish I had been as sharp as they are when I was that age.” As you get to know them, it’s easy to love them all! We will continue selected chapters of this book through early December. We are also having a caramel apple decorating/game night/study buddy gift bag evening early in December. Watch for more information on this. All FIL/ROL women are invited to join us at any time. Contact Bonnie Treloar at 262-375-1786 for more information. Embassy HOMES Builders - Remodeling - Additions Since 1961 BEYER’S HARDWARE Sally E. Ghrist, D.D.S., M.S. Specialist in Adult and Child Orthodontics W65 N640 St. John Avenue Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012 Phone 262-377-2847 Hardware - Paint - Plumbing Garden Supplies - Rentals 1325 Towne Square Road Mequon, WI 262-241-8510 r8/ Washington Ave. (262) 377-1423 2.5 Miles JEWELERS West of Since 1884 Cedarburg on Bridge Road Downtown Cedarbrug 262-377-0480 Seasonal Home Grown Produce! Shipping & Packaging Services Digital Copy Service - B/W & Color Mailbox Services WEEDEN & ASSOCIATES DENNIS C. WEEDEN, JACQUELINE D. WEEDEN Individual, Couples, Family Counseling Using a Christian Based Approach Schmit’s Pavilion-across from The Home Depot Providing Compassionate Christian Care 1369 Port Washington Road, Grafton, WI 53024 for over 40 years tXXXUIFVQTTUPSFMPDBMDPN -PDBMMZPXOFEPQFSBUFE .'4BU STONERIDGE OFFICE CENTER W67 N222 Evergreen Boulevard, North Building, Suite 111 Cedarburg, WI 53012 (262) 375-9225 SHOULDN’T YOUR BUSINESS BE HERE? GRAFTON FAMILY DENTISTRY For information on advertising, Scott Winter, DDS -JWJOH8PSE-Or+BDLTPO8* XXXMXMITDPN please call our church representative Either Cedarburg Location 377-0780 JEFF DUNHAM at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2572 PREPARING CHRISTIAN LEADERS FOR LIFE. '3&&$PGGFFPS$PPLJF XJUIBE “We’ll make you smile” FIL Member ©2013 Open 7am-9:30pm FOR AD INFO CALL Jeff Dunham 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM 377-5202 FIRST IMMANUEL, CEDARBURG, WI B 2C 31-1111 10-17-2013 11:01:32 Recognition Specialists, Inc. $03103"5&"8"3%4t5301)*&4 1-"26&4t$-0$,4(*'58"3& 3*##0/4t.&%"-4 UI"WF(SBGUPO(262) 377-5528 Ye Olde Pharmacy and Wellness Center Complete Auto & Light Truck Repairs Celebrating 10 Years of Business r-éöìûëéøí"úëðñüíëüýúí r$÷öüúéëüñöï.éöéïíõíöü 3íïñûüíúíì-éöìûëéøí"úëðñüíëüû "4-"8-$" Office: 262-375-0050 Fax: 262-375-8779 [email protected] /1PSU8BTIJOHUPO3E )XZ r(SBGUPO8* GRANDSON !"#$"%#%&#'()*%&"*#+,%-./01*. ,01/%23&&4%5)+&16"%#%7"81"'-%-09 W61 N225 Cardinal Ave. Cedarburg, WI 53012 (262) 375-4555 Free Delivery 375-0010 N54 W6135 Mill St., Cedarburg Visit us on the web at TED GROB SALES, INC. 262-377-8220 FULL LANDSCAPING SERVICES Cedarburg, WI 53012 (Please Call For Fall Clean Up & Snow Plowing Quotes) 262-377-3951 Internal Medicine/Surgery/Oncology Cell: 414-687-0799 Shawn Hofstad Owner P.O. Box 504, Cedarburg, WI 53012 BOEHLKE HARDWARE )&"5*/(t$00-*/( “Serving The Community Since 1927” 1863 Highway 33 Saukville THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON OUR SIDE! Call for Fall Clean Up! Mueller MACHINE TOOLS 262-284-9336 Lueders Lawn Seeding & Trucking, Inc. Lawn Service John R. Jankowski, R.Ph., Owner Traditional & Compounding Pharmacy for people & pets Medical Equipment Match or Better Prescription Prices Treetops Landscape Design, Inc. George, Leah & Tanner Heimsch :0/%#%;/""%<./3'(#)%=3&&'%>136"? +#&&%@A@BCDDBAAEF4 Dr. Bruce Hoppe 7378 N.Teutonia, Milwaukee 414-352-1470 10712 W. Freistadt Road 262-242-3050 1MVNCJOHt&MFDUSJDBMt8BUFS4ZTUFNT *OTUBMMBUJPOBOE4FSWJDF MP226443 5ðñúì(íöíúéüñ÷ö+íÿíôíúû Steven Sievers, FIC Financial Associate W67 N222 Evergreen Blvd. Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-546-0600 Cell 414-379-6647 Registered Representatives for securities and investment advisory services offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. 27193 N10-11 Downtown Port Washington /PSUI'SBOLMJO4USFFU Joel Dykstra 262-284-4416 (262) 284-4001 “We’re not just good... we’re Ideal!” Call for discounts associated with this ad FREE ESTIMATES tIPVST SHOULDN’T YOUR BUSINESS BE HERE? 262-377-1906 Now Open! W63 N127 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI. WHERE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL For information on advertising, please call our church representative JEFF DUNHAM at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2572 Hours: Mon & Fri 9-8; Tues - Thurs 9-6; Sat 9-4; Sun 11-4 Call Jeff Dunham at 1-800-950-9952 x2572 or email [email protected] ©2013 FOR AD INFO CALL Jeff Dunham 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM FIRST IMMANUEL, CEDARBURG, WI A 4C 31-1111 10-17-2013 11:01:32 FIRST IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH W67N622 Evergreen Blvd. Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-377-6610 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 46 Cedarburg, WI Non-Profit Org.
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