This Issue: This Issue - First Immanuel Lutheran Church
This Issue: This Issue - First Immanuel Lutheran Church
May 2014 Issue 05-14 Inside This Issue: Inside Board of Lay Leaders .................. 2 Calendar ...................................... 3 Financial Peace University ......... 4 Book Review ............................... Spring Concert ............................52 LWML Church......................................... Directory ........................63 Glory Praise Times .............. 74 Youthand Group News………………… Stephen Ministry ........................ 8 Calendar………………………………..5 River of Life Updates……….……..9 Stephen Ministry……………………6 In the Word ............................... 107 River of Life Mission .................. Missions and Outreach ............. LIGHT/Ruth 1:16 Updates ........118 Lutheran Schools Week ........... 12 Lutherans for Life…..……….……..9 School Registration .................. 13 Book Review ............................. 10 Share A Meal Missions and............................. Outreach .............14 11 Parent Link ................................12 In the Word ...............................13 Guardian Angel Update ............14 New Member Class....................16 Spring Retreat ........................... 17 2 Tents ...................................... 18 This Issue: Mission: Mission: In response to God, who first reached down to us—the mission First In response to God, whooffirst Immanuel Lutheran Church is to of reached down to us—the mission reach up to God, reach into each First Immanuel Lutheran Church is other andup reach out to others. to reach to God, reach into each other and reach out to others. New Beginnings For the Seban family right now everything is new; new house, new church, new classmates, new co-workers, new schedule, new routines, new weather, new names (and lots of them!)… all things are new. It is a season of change as we transition from life in St. Louis to a new way of life here in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Change is stretching and exciting with so many new opportunities to recognize God’s mercy and faithfulness. During the season of Spring, we marvel at God’s faithfulness through the natural beauty of His new creations. The crocuses and daffodils are popping up, the grass is getting green, the trees are flowering and budding. As we look around, God’s creation is a fantastic tapestry of color and life, all things appear new and fresh again! I am reminded of the Words of the apostle Paul in II Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” You are a new creation. The beauty of creation is that you are not the one doing the creating. While you may have planted the crocus or the daffodil, you did not create it… God did. You certainly don’t make it grow… God does. In a more remarkable way, God has made you a new creation. Christ has done the work, through His suffering and death, and His glorious resurrection you are made new. The old sinful nature has passed away, and by God’s grace the new has come. You are a new creation marked with the cross of Christ at your baptism. You are a new creation that reflects God’s love to our neighbors. You are a new creation receiving the free gift of forgiveness. As you enjoy the warmer temperatures and the beauty of God’s creation reflect on God’s Word, “If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation…” You are God’s marvelous creation, and through Jesus, you have been made new. Pastor Seban Page 2 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter First Immanuel will be having its Church Directory Photos taken this summer with Lifetouch and we want you in it! If you sign up now ONLINE, you will receive a $10 off coupon sent to your email 1-2 days prior to your photo date. ALSO, if you bring one or more non-perishable items for "Feed the Need", you can receive an additional $5 off! Both coupons may be used together! The donations will be donated locally to the Saukville Food Pantry. If you do not wish to purchase a photo package, no problem! Each family who participates in having their photo taken will receive a FREE 8x10 print and one copy of the church directory! Don't miss this opportunity to be in our "Family" album! Here is the link to sign up online: WHEN? June 3-7, June 10-14, June 17-21, & July 8-12 from 2:00-9:00 pm on Tuesdays-Fridays and 10:00 am-5:00 pm on Saturdays WHERE? First Immanuel Middle School Wing -- rooms P6 and P10 (there will be signs hung up in the hallways to help you get there if needed) Sign up NOW to ensure you have a date/time that works best for you and your family! NOTE: If you cannot sign up online, please call the church office (262-377-6610) and we can help you! In the month of May, help and more information will be located in the narthex between church services to assist with signing up as well. If you would like to help with this process, please call the church office and ask for Danielle Halpin—thanks so much! Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 3 Sunday Morning Bible Study 9am in the Youth Room 5/4: Generation Change “Do More With Your Money” – Do the Details 5/11: Generation Change “Do More With Your Money” – Do the Math 5/18: Generation Change “Do More With Your Money” – Do your Part 5/25: NOT MEETING – MEMORIAL WEEKEND Sunday Night Fellowship 6:30pm in the Youth Room (unless stated otherwise) 5/4: Life Keys – Discover your spiritual gifts and how they can be used for God’s will! 5/11: NOT MEETING – MOTHER’S DAY 5/18: Beach Bonfire at CUW – S’mores ingredients will be provided! 5/25: NOT MEETING – MEMORIAL WEEKEND Events Life Tree Café: On May 15th at 6:30pm at Sweet Heart Cakes in Port Washington, Life Tree Café will be discussing heaven and the new movie Heaven is for Real. Life Tree Café is a conversation café that offers a comfortable place to explore life and faith. All are welcome! Like us on Facebook: First Immanuel Senior High Youth Group Join our Facebook Group: FIL H.S. Youth Group Follow us on Twitter: @FILyouth Website: MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH NEWS Friday, May 16th there will be an end of year party for all 7th & 8th graders after school that will not interfere with the Confirmation practice Friday youth group after school is now open for 5th graders as well from now until the end of the school year! Page 4 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter May 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Communion Schedule First Immanuel: On 1st and 3rd Sunday, Communion is at 7:30am and 10:35am; on 2nd and 4th Sunday, Communion is at 5:00pm and 9:00am River of Life: Communion is at 9:00 every Sunday, and at 10:30 on 1st & 3rd Sunday 1 2 3 6:30pm Lifetree Café 7:00pm LIGHT/Ruth 1:16 at CUW 6:00am Breakfast & Bible Study 7:30am Men's Bible Study 11:00am Celebrate Marriage 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 9 10 7:30pm Senior Choir 4 5 7 8 7:30am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (ROL) 10:30am Café Worship (ROL) 10:35am Contemporary Worship Service (FIL) 12:00pm Confirmation Photos/Thrivent Reception 3:00pm Spring Concert 10:00am & 11:30am 7:00pm Ladies Aid Stephen Ministry 3:00pm Serve a Meal— 6:30pm Milwaukee New Member Rescue Mission Class (FIL) 9:00am Adult Bible Study 5:30pm Confirmation 6:30pm Lifetree Café 7:30pm Senior Choir 11 12 14 15 16 17 7:30am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (ROL) 10:30am Café Worship (ROL) 10:35am Contemporary Worship Service (FIL) NEWSLETTER 9:00am DEADLINE Mom to Mom 9:00am Adult Bible Study 5:30pm Confirmation 6:30pm Lifetree Café 7:30pm Senior Choir 4:30pm 7:30am Men's Bible Study 8:00am Market Day Pick up 6:30pm New Member Class (FIL) 6 13 7:00pm LWML 7:30pm Men’s Club Men’s Club Arbor Day 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service Confirmation Celebration/ Mini Lock in 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 7:00pm Adult Bible Fellowship (ROL) 18 19 20 21 22 7:30am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Traditional Worship Service (ROL) 10:30am Café Worship (ROL) 10:35am Contemporary Worship Service (FIL) 1:00pm 8th Grade Confirmation Service (FIL) 6:30pm 3:00pm Serve a Meal— MRM 9:00am Adult Bible Study 5:30pm Confirmation 6:30pm Lifetree Café 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9:00am Mom to Mom 9:00am Adult Bible Study 5:30pm Confirmation 6:30pm Ascension Service at CUW on the Bluff Last day of School 7:00pm 8th Grade Graduation Service 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 7:30am Traditional Worship Service (FIL) 9:00am Trad. Worship (FIL) 9:00am Trad. Worship (ROL) 10:30am Café Worship (ROL) 10:35am Contemporary Worship Service (FIL) New Member Class (FIL) 6:15pm 7:00pm Stephen Ministry Glory & Praise – LaSata 23 24 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service 7:00pm Board of Lay Leaders Meeting OFFICE CLOSED 6:30pm FOR Glory & Praise – MEMORIAL Hamburg Home 7:00pm DAY 6:30pm Lifetree Café Adult Bible Fellowship (ROL) Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 5 Stephen Ministry MAKING A DIFFERENCE You may not make a hole like a meteor does when it strikes the earth. You may not give a speech that people will be quoting for years to come. You may not perform some great feat that makes the TV evening news. But you can make an impact by answering God's call to serve. Our Stephen Ministers have a positive impact on people's lives at times when they really need someone to care. A new training class will begin soon. Please take this opportunity to pray to the Lord and seek His guidance; this may be just the ministry He has prepared for you. You are encouraged to call Pastor Reichmann (377-6610) for more information. Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) Please join us on May 13th at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We will be installing the newly elected officers for 2014-2015. There will be a presentation by Eyewitness for Life. All women of First Immanuel and guests are invited. Refreshments will be served. Also, the South Wisconsin District LWML convention is June 20-21 at the Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc. The theme is "In Step with the Spirit". Rev. Ken Klaus is the keynote speaker on Saturday. See the website for more information. Ladies Aid Our next meeting of Ladies Aid will be May 6th at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The devotion will be on " Holy Ghost with Light Divine". After our luncheon we will be working on craft projects so everyone is asked to bring a sewing needle, light colored thread and a scissors. All ladies of the congregation are invited to join us in devotion, food, fellowship and friendship. Men’s Club On Saturday, May 10th, Men's Club will perform their annual "Arbor Day" on the church and school grounds. This includes raking, seeding, weeding, spreading mulch, trimming trees, and other miscellaneous maintenance. Please respond to John Hinck at 375-8692 if you plan to help on either day. That helps with plans for both work and refreshments. Thank you! Confirmation Reception Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will host a reception for our 2014 confirmands on Sunday, May 4th after the pictures are taken in the FIL Fellowship Hall. At this time, each confirmand will be given a cross in remembrance of their confirmation. There will be cake, coffee & punch at this time. MORE THRIVENT NEWS: Thrivent is hosting a FREE document shredding event on May 3rd along with Stone Creek Associates and Thrivent Financial are hosting a Open House and document shredding event . We will be using Strong Box Destruction for this with No Charge for shredding. This will take place May 3rd from 9:00-11:00 am located at W67 N222 Evergreen Blvd. The document shredding truck will be located at the south building lower level parking area. Light refreshments will be served. Page 6 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Dear FIL/ROL Friends.... Healthy patterns are developing at River of Life these days. People are energized to reach out as we continue offering conversations with Spiritual connections through Lifetree Café . Worshipers are reaching in to one another as they fellowship with one another before and after worship. And together we reach up to God as we utilize the gifts of God's people through the spoken word, music, song, and even a little drama. Another health pattern is that of renewing our Ministry Plan. This newsletter article's purpose is to communicate our 2014-2015 Ministry Plan. How is God calling you to fulfill His plans in the upcoming year? In His Service, Pastor Monte We will explore ways to maximize our current space. Our monthly (or bimonthly) pastor-led Adult Bible Fellowship will continue. Other Bible class offerings will continue as well. We will look to build healthy community around all we do (ie Lifetree, Bible Study, Choir, Worship, Community Garden, etc). We will continue nurturing an environment that encourages people to learn one another’s names and to share their stories of faith. Our prayer is that these efforts would bear fruit and that those who connect with our ministry will find ROL a place of supportive Christian Community. Ministry Plan River of Life Lutheran Church in Saukville, WI is a Missional Community of First Immanuel Lutheran Church in Cedarburg, WI. Under this umbrella the mission of River of Life Lutheran Church in Saukville is to reach out to others, reach in to each other, and reach up to God. It is our desire to be a Christian community that is more “incarnational” than “attractional”. In other words, we are more concerned about equipping believers to be disciples and missionaries where they find themselves day to day than we are concerned about creating facilities and programs that attract people to our doors. Our worship services will continue to be Christ centered- proclaiming both Law and Gospel in accordance with our rich Lutheran heritage. Our service formats (traditional/ café contemporary) will continue for the foreseeable future. Efforts will be made to enhance our worship experience with additional choir opportunities and by adding accompaniment to our piano-led service. We will explore the possibilities of commissioning new banners to enrich our worship space. Efforts will also be made to put ROL sermons on line through livestreaming. We will seek to make our message more engaging and more conversational. We will seek to proclaim the Word in a more expository manner as appropriate. We envision ROL continuing its involvement with such things as the Saukville Food Pantry and with the effort to provide monthly hot meals to those in need. ROL will also continue working across denominational lines to take steps towards developing a local Love Inc affiliate. It is also our intent that ROL continue sponsoring a weekly Lifetree Café (this began in Sept of 2013). We will look to further engage those outside our community in spiritual conversation, leading to the sharing of Christ. A new initiative for our next season of ministry will be the establishment of a community garden in the ample green space with which we have been blessed. ROL will also continue offering its facility to the community– ie Community Rummage Sale, Traveling Treats, future Basketball Court. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 7 Page 8 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Mother’s Day Weekend, May 10-11, 2014, LUTHERANS FOR LIFE will be accepting donations to help meet future goals of reaching Lutherans of all ages to be Gospelmotivated voices for LIFE. LFL publications, presentations, and sponsored programs have long been sources for equipping Lutherans and others to apply the hope-filled and life-assuring message of the Gospel to life issues. We would like to thank those who contribute to LFL on Mother’s Day weekend with a thank you ROSE. Present your rose to your mom or special lady in your life to honor her for her commitment to LIFE. For additional information about LFL, please pick up a “LifeDate” in the Narthex wall rack. LifeDate is the LFL quarterly journal, filled with articles connecting the gospel message to all LIFE issues in every publication. Additional information can be found at http:// or call 888.364.LIFE. Your local Ozaukee County Chapter of National Lutherans for Life serves Lutheran churches throughout Ozaukee County, as well as some in Washington and Sheboygan Counties. Please join us for our next meeting Tuesday, May 20, 7:00 PM at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Belgium, WI 53004. Everyone is welcome! This month with a $40 purchase, you will receive a FREE Micro Fiber Drying Mat! All online orders totaling $90 will receive the Micro Fiber Drying Mat and a FREE 4-Pack of Cheesecake Pops! One of my favorites! And don't forget Market Day's convenient, pre-portioned cookie dough! ! A delicious way to support our school! If you have been a "Freequent Buyer" this is the month to place a $40 order and receive the FREE STORAGE BASKET that you have been working towards! Please place your paper order in the office by Tuesday, May 13th or online at by 11:00 pm Wednesday, May 14. Pick up is on Saturday, May 17th in the Family Life Center between 8:00-9:00 am. Market Day stands behind every purchase, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee on everything you buy. Call Jenny Jurss with questions at 375-0519. Spring Retreat for 55 & Up May 14th at the Cedar Valley Retreat Center, W5349 County Rd. D, just nine miles west of West Bend. Join us at as we hear and discuss how “Time and Eternity Meet” with Dr. John Saleska and Karen Lippert, our main presenters. Breakfast and lunch will be included in the $60 registration. Registration brochures are available by calling Peg at the District Office (414-464-8101) or go to Registration deadline is May 5th. See the promotion for information on page 17. Thank you! REACHGroup NEWS! The next quarterly meeting for REACHGroup leaders is going to be on Sunday, June 1st from 11:45 am—1:15 pm in the First Immanuel Fellowship Hall. If you are the leader of a REACHGroup, or interested in leading a group, please plan on attending! We will be displaying some new study materials for groups, talking about service opportunities, and going over how to use Within My Reach. Please contact Vicki Manzeck or [email protected] to RSVP or if you have questions. Looking forward to seeing you there! Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 9 The Last Lincolns Book Review Author: Charles Lachman Reviewed by Audrey A. Stockey The Last Lincolns is a historical narrative covering the personal lives of the Lincoln family to the time of the book’s writing. Additionally, it describes historical and economic events surrounding the Lincolns as it clearly paints a picture of a declining family falling into ruins. It also ends with a mystery involving the possibility of another “last” Lincoln. Throughout the book Abraham Lincoln is a looming shadow as the family declines, something not to be expected from the 16th president’s family. What makes this book different from other Lincoln books are the details covering the family and rounding out the total picture of who they were. It shows the degradation of their values and their lack of respect for family and history. While the book presents some of Lincoln’s accomplishments and describes his personal family life, the emphasis is on Mary Todd Lincoln and her relationship with their children, especially after Lincoln’s death. With the deaths of both Edward and Willie, the Lincolns focused their attention on Tad who became a “spoiled brat” while in the White House. On example is when he broke a mirror in the hallway, he responded that it would be paid for by citizens. When he was told it could also bring him seven years bad luck, he ran to the kitchen, took salt, and threw it over his shoulder. After Willie’s death in 1862, Tad’s behavior changed and he became respectful of those around him and developed people sensitivity. After Lincoln’s death, Mary took Tad into exile in Europe with her. During this time, Tad obtained an education. After Tad’s death, Mary became more unstable, controlling, and overbearing, and spent money lavishly. She also had a distain for Robert’s wife and created problems in their marriage. When it appeared she was completely out of control, Robert manipulated the legal system Page 10 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter and had her committed to a mental institution. In return, Mary manipulated friends of A. Lincoln and was released. Robert’s life was illustrious. He developed a thriving law practice, served as Secretary of War, was Ambassador to England, and when he decided he had enough of his law practice, he joined Pullman in his train business. His goal was to make money. He was also a very private person and both he and his wife remained out of the public’s limelight. He had a lack of respect for both history and family that culminated with Robert’s throwing papers in the fireplace from his father’s presidency. Robert’s only son died young and one of his two daughters made a good marriage with Charles Ishman, one that the Lincolns approved. Jessie, the younger daughter ran away with Warren Beckwith and had two children with him. She eventually had three marriages while living off the Lincoln estate. The two Beckwith children, Mary and Robert, proved to be disastrous to the Lincoln family history. Neither ever worked. Mary never married, dressed as a male, and turned the Lincoln estate into an animal sanctuary, making it unfit for human habitation. She also denied any knowledge of what Abraham had done for the country. Robert, like his grandfather, destroyed legal papers by dumping them in the river to form a reef barrier. He, like his mother, had three marriages. His life consisted of wild parties, lavish spending, and sexual liaisons. However, his second wife had a child, while having a relationship with the chauffer, but claimed it was Robert’s. Because neither she nor the child, Timothy, would submit to a blood test, the question remains whether or not he is a descendent of Lincoln. This 483-page book contains an Acknowledgements section, notes, a Bibliography, and an Index. It is a well-written book involving various historical periods and descriptions of the family members living during those events. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 11 Page 12 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter IN THE WORD… REFLECTIONS ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY FROM LOIS GIORDANO I CAN’T DO THIS! I have been sick for two weeks. There is a mountain of laundry that must get done. I CAN’T DO THIS! and I’m tired of being weak and tired. Will I ever be healthy again? I CAN’T DO THIS. I’m weak Deadlines are looming. There is so much to be done and not nearly enough time left. I don’t want to do anything but curl up and take a nap. And then there is this newsletter article which is due in a few days. I CAN’T DO THIS! This is truly where I was as I sat down to draft this article. Can you relate to my sense of being overwhelmed by life and tasks and deadlines? Most of us have probably found ourselves in this kind of funk at one time or another. As I sat there and contemplated whether I could write still another In the Word article or whether it was time to give it up or at least take a month off...that quiet voice of faith inside of me whispered, “Trust Me. Lean on Me.” I kept hearing relevant Bible passages in my mind. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 ESV “OK, Lord, I get the message. I’m trying to do this by myself without Your help. Being sick is discouraging. It’s been going on a long time.” “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-4 ESV “I hear that, and I know this sickness will pass eventually. I just feel so weak and tired.” “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for, as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26 ESV “So the Spirit has already been praying on my behalf, even while I was having my pity party?” “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV My dear child, you are correct when you say that you can’t do this. BUT I CAN. Trust Me to bring blessings out of your weakness and illness. Lay the deadlines and tasks before ME. Let go of the temptation to be ruled by your lists and your burdens; I will help you to discern the priorities and get things done. “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 ESV Prayer: “Lord, forgive me for depending on myself instead of on You. I give You my weakness; fill me with Your grace and strength. I give You the mountain of laundry and all the other deadlines that are hanging over me; put everything back into your balance and your perspective for “apart from You I can do nothing.” Thank You for caring enough about me to remind me to trust You. Thank You for this conversation provided by the Bible passages You brought to my mind. Thank You for filling my days and my life with hope and confidence in You. In Your holy name. Amen.” To God be the glory! Lois Giordano P.S. After God nudged back into trusting Him, all the tasks were finished easily and the deadlines were met, one step and one day at a time. Faith and trust work every time! “...that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 ESV The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society. Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 13 The financial need for these 26 children being assessed by a third party is currently estimated at over $50,400. As the financial information presented by families continues to be processed, we will continue to inform you of opportunities to support families who need your help. First Immanuel Lutheran School gratefully acknowledges the leadership and support of the following Guardian Angels during the first quarter of the 2014 funding drive. Thank you! Guardian Angel of Hope MATCHING CHALLENGE UPDATE FIL Endowment in Memory of Anita Fritz In early March, the FIL Endowment challenged our congregation to a match. For every gift given to the Guardian Angel Program in the months of March and April, the Tuition Assistance Endowment would match it at 100% up to a total of $13,000. Guardian Angel of Wisdom Mark & Beth Acterberg Guardian Angel of Joy Arnold Dobberfuhl Wil Ebel The generosity of our members and friends is remarkable! In just six weeks, gifts of $13,130 have been given to support students at First Immanuel Lutheran School. Well done, faithful supporters of the Guardian Angel program! Steve & Joan Everts John & Barb Meyer Scott & Beetle Rank Guardian Angel of Peace Thank you so much for the sacrifices you make to keep a Lutheran education affordable for every family in our community. Your generous response to their need and to the matching challenge is inspiring! Though we celebrate your generous response to the challenge, we are reminded that our task of making sure that every child has access to our great school is not yet accomplished. Your gifts along with the matching contribution from the FIL Tuition Assistance Endowment make up over half of the amount needed for the first 19 families to apply for help for the 2014-15 school year. Page 14 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Greg & Sandy Butler Russell & Yvonne Klotz Bob & Diane Kitzerow Don & Annetta Teske Kent & Martie White Guardian Angel of Kindness Anonymous (2) Rich & Joanne Behling Bill & Joan Cochran Dan & Danielle Halpin Todd & Lana Heinzel Robert & Cynthia Johnson Mark & Lori Newhouse In gratitude to God for an unexpected blessing, an anonymous gift has been received. Craig & Kris Schaubs In gratitude to God for the FIL Staff and Warren & Betty Twietmeyer Faculty, a gift has been received from Dawn Walker. Jeff & Dawn Walker Dennis & Jacque Weeden Guardian Angel of Mercy In loving memory of Elayne Chovanec, a gift has been received from Robert & Cynthia Johnson. Anonymous (2) Gail Bruss Jed & Sharon Frank Judy Frank Steve & Anne Gresch John & Becky Helmlinger Frank James Scott Lueder Patricia Sievers Kurt & Dawn Zirtzlaff Angel’s Wings Society Norbert & Joanne Barelmann Nancy Beck Mark & Jill Becker Marshall & Audrey Filter Dolores Johnson In loving memory of Ione Johnson, a gift has been received from Robert & Cynthia Johnson. In living tribute to Delores Lueders, a gift has been received from Dolores Johnson. In loving memory of Helen Schaubs, gifts have been received from Mark & Beth Acterberg, John & Barb Meyer, Mark & Jill Becker, Nancy Beck, Scott & Nicole Valdez Family and Craig & Kris Schaubs. In gratitude to God for their grandchildren, a gift has been received from Warren & Betty Twietmeyer. In loving memory of Elda Dobberfuhl, a gift has been received from Arnold Dobberfuhl. Scott & Nicole Valdez Gifts with Designations January 1 – March 31, 2014 In loving memory of Robert Frank, gifts have been received from Norbert & Joanne Barelmann and Judith Frank. In loving memory of Virginia Frank, a gift has been received from FIL Ladies Aid and Judith Frank. In living tribute to Ruth Klenner, a gift has been received from John & Becky Helmlinger. Donations to the Guardian Angel Program are tax deductible and are eligible for matching gifts programs by many employers and foundations. Donor names are listed in program materials unless the contributors express a desire to remain anonymous Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 15 New Member Classes are being held NOW! The four week long class started Monday, April 28th, however, you can still make the last three on the following Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm at First Immanuel in the Library. You can still join us on Mondays, May 5th, 12th, and 19th and still become members! Also, if you will be having your child baptized in our church soon, please attend the May 12th class as it is mandatory before baptism. New member Sunday will be held at 9:00 am on June 1st at River of Life and 9:00 am at First Immanuel. Call the church office for more information at 262-377-6610. We would love to have you join us here as a part of our church family! Look at the cost of that! How many times have you said that to yourself or to others? There are probably even a few of us around that remember when a nickel candy bar only cost 5 cents. Yes, costs on most things go up and up and up. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we can easily find that the Consumer Price Index has gone up about 37% from 2000 through 2013. It is exciting to look at First Immanuel’s weekly giving and see that it is up over 41% during that time, so keeping ahead of inflation. I actually was a bit surprised to see that inflation over the last 13 years was only about 37% so decided to look at a few more things that are common in my life; and probably yours. An evening movie ticket A gallon of gasoline Average new car A box of breakfast cereal McDonald’s Big Mac Local cup of coffee Can of tomato soup Oreo cookies Sirloin steak +110% +285% + 73% +90% +110% +200% +100% + 84% +196% What is more important in our lives; a movie ticket or Jesus? In our house, my wife knows I love the sweetness of Oreos and hides them from me. And then forgets herself where she put them until the cleaning lady lets us know she happened to find them and ate them all so now we need more! I am not opposed to buying more Oreos, but might we be better off spending some more money on spreading the sweet love of Jesus? Just try to imagine how many more people we could tell about Jesus every day if the congregation’s giving had gone up as much as a package of Oreos. Or if we really wanted to get to the meat of it, what if giving had gone up as much as a sirloin steak in the last 13 years? One of the great things about coming to church is that you don’t have to pay to do it. God has paid the price by sending His Son to die for our sins. Think what a blessing it would be to so many if we each would be willing to give back an additional portion of what God has given you so that First Immanuel Lutheran Ministries could do even more of what God expects of us. Richard T. Erickson --- Executive Director Page 16 Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Reaching You - First Immanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter Page 17 Too Tense?? Then join our 2 Tents — A women’s camping ministry group! Summer is right around the corner! It’s time to start planning the FIL 2nd Annual TWO TENTS Women's Camping Ministry outing. Relax in the company of other Christian women and enjoy good food, fellowship, daily devotion, swimming, hiking, biking and campfires in the great outdoors. If this is something that interests you, contact Nancy at [email protected] or Robin at [email protected] and we will save you a spot! (No camping experience? No problem!) 2 Nights/3 Days ~ Long Lake State Park ~ July 20,21,22 Contact Nancy or Robin, at [email protected] or [email protected] RSVP Today! Embassy HOMES Builders - Remodeling - Additions Since 1961 BEYER’S HARDWARE Hardware - Paint - Plumbing Garden Supplies - Rentals 1325 Towne Square Road Mequon, WI 262-241-8510 r8/ Washington Ave. Sally E. Ghrist, D.D.S., M.S. Specialist in Adult and Child Orthodontics W65 N640 St. John Avenue Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012 Phone 262-377-2847 (262) 377-1423 2.5 Miles JEWELERS West of Since 1884 Cedarburg on Bridge Road Downtown Cedarbrug 262-377-0480 Seasonal Home Grown Produce! -JWJOH8PSE-Or+BDLTPO8* 262-677-9353 XXXMXMITDPN WEEDEN & ASSOCIATES Shipping & Packaging Services Digital Copy Service - B/W & Color Mailbox Services DENNIS C. WEEDEN, JACQUELINE D. WEEDEN Schmit’s Pavilion-across from The Home Depot 1369 Port Washington Road, Grafton, WI 53024 tXXXUIFVQTTUPSFMPDBMDPN Providing Compassionate Christian Care for over 40 years Individual, Couples, Family Counseling Using a Christian Based Approach STONERIDGE OFFICE CENTER -PDBMMZPXOFEPQFSBUFE .'4BU W67 N222 Evergreen Boulevard, North Building, Suite 111 Cedarburg, WI 53012 (262) 375-9225 PREPARING CHRISTIAN LEADERS FOR LIFE. GRAFTON FAMILY DENTISTRY Scott Winter, DDS WHERE WINNERS EAT! 377-0780 2 Locations in Cedarburg “We’ll make you smile” Open for Breakfast FIL Member 377-2955 We Cater! FOR AD INFO CALL Tom Schmanski 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM FIRST IMMANUEL, CEDARBURG, WI B 2C 31-1111 04-04-2014 14:52:20 Recognition Specialists, Inc. MemoryMinders Memory Wellness Programs & Services Jill Hoven RN, BSN $03103"5&"8"3%4t5301)*&4 George, Leah & Tanner Heimsch W61 N225 Cardinal Ave. FULL LANDSCAPING SERVICES Ye Olde Pharmacy and Wellness Center BOEHLKE HARDWARE Convienently located off Hwy 43, Mequon Exit 85 Galleria Office Building FIRST TIME CLIENTS RECEIVE $25 OFF GRANDSON Free Delivery Traditional & Compounding Pharmacy for people & pets Medical Equipment Match or Better Prescription Prices 375-0010 N54 W6135 Mill St., Cedarburg Visit us on the web at !"#$"%#%&#'()*%&"*#+,%-./01*. ,01/%23&&4%5)+&16"%#%7"81"'-%-09 Lawn Service +PIO3+BOLPXTLJ31I, Owner Margie Jankowski, LMT (414) 881-7234 THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON OUR SIDE! Brain Wellness Education Cedarburg, WI 53012 Memory Strategies (262) 375-4555 'VO#SBJO(BNFTt1SFTFOUBUJPOT 3*##0/4t.&%"-4 (SPVQ'BDJMJUBUJPOt*OEJWJEVBMTFTTJPOT UI"WF(SBGUPO(262) 377-5528 Complete Auto & Light Truck Repairs (262) 707-9387 Celebrating 10 Years of Business 1-"26&4t$-0$,4(*'58"3& Therapeutic Massage Lueders Lawn Seeding & Trucking, Inc. 10712 W. Freistadt Road Cell: 414-687-0799 Shawn Hofstad P.O. Box 504, Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-377-3951 “Serving The Community Since 1927” Call for Fall Clean Up! Owner Cedarburg, WI 53012 (Please call for fertilization and lawn cutting quotes) 262-242-3050 :0/%#%;/""%<./3'(#)%=3&&'%>136"? +#&&%@A@BCDDBAAEF4 1MVNCJOHt&MFDUSJDBMt8BUFS4ZTUFNT *OTUBMMBUJPOBOE4FSWJDF MP226443 Mueller TED GROB SALES, INC. )&"5*/(t$00-*/( MACHINE TOOLS 262-284-9336 262-377-8220 1863 Highway 33 Saukville Internal Medicine/Surgery/Oncology Dr. Bruce Hoppe 7378 N.Teutonia, Milwaukee 414-352-1470 Third Generation Jewelers Full Service Grooming & Spa :ST&YQFSJFODFt1JDLVQ%FMJWFSZ .'8FEFWFOJOHT4BUCZBQQ 262-375-5110 Mention this ad for a Free teeth brushing with full grooming service Downtown Port Washington 216 North Franklin Street Joel Dykstra 262-284-4416 (262) 284-4001 Steven Sievers, FIC Financial Associate “We’re not just good... we’re Ideal!” W67 N222 Evergreen Blvd. Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-546-0600 Cell 414-379-6647 Call for discounts associated with this ad FREE ESTIMATES tIPVST Registered Representatives for securities and investment advisory services offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. 27193 N10-11 262-377-1906 WHERE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Now Open! W63 N127 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI. Hours: Mon & Fri 9-8; Tues - Thurs 9-6; Sat 9-4; Sun 11-4 SAUKVILLE VETERINARY CLINIC Contact Tom Schmanski to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2537 303 W. Dekora St. Saukville, WI 53080 262-284-7000 We See Dogs, Cats & All Exotic Animals. FOR AD INFO CALL Tom Schmanski 1-800-950-9952 Call Tom Schmanski at 1-800-950-9952 x2537 or email [email protected] r WWW.4LPi.COM FIRST IMMANUEL, CEDARBURG, WI A 4C 31-1111 04-04-2014 14:52:20 FIRST IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH W67N622 Evergreen Blvd. Cedarburg, WI 53012 262-377-6610 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 46 Cedarburg, WI Non-Profit Org.
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