Untitled - Encore Support


Untitled - Encore Support
Table Of Contents
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................3
Getting Started ...................................................................................................12
Getting Help .......................................................................................................31
Creating a New Project ......................................................................................43
Working with Projects.........................................................................................47
Organizing Your Projects ....................................................................................52
Sharing Projects.................................................................................................56
Modifying Project Properties ..............................................................................59
Adding Design Elements....................................................................................77
The following is information that you should review before you begin creating
original projects with PrintMaster®.
NOTE: Some features may not be available in your edition of
PrintMaster. If you are interested in upgrading your
edition of PrintMaster, click the Get More button on
the Design Workspace to view current upgrade offers.
What’s New in this Version—For exciting new features
Registering PrintMaster
License Agreement and Copyright Information—What you’ll need to know about
using PrintMaster’s artwork
System Requirements—For minimum system requirements
Modifying Design Elements................................................................................97
Arranging and Sizing Design Elements ...........................................................142
New Features, Photos, and Projects
Modifying Project Pages...................................................................................149
• Choose from thousands of new photos in the Art Gallery, Ready-Made projects in
the Project Gallery, and sentiments in the Sentiment Gallery.
• Make your projects even more unique by applying these new photo effects to
art and graphics:
• Scattered Tiles—Divide graphics into rectangular tiles, and scatter and stack
the tiles.
• Mirror—Reflect graphics along the horizontal or vertical axis.
• Ripple—Divide graphics into concentric circles that resemble what you see
when you drop a pebble into water.
Experiment with these new photo effects by opening The Photo Workshop,
clicking the Photo Effects tab, then choosing Warp & Distort in the Effect
Category area.
• You’ve always been able to use inches in PrintMaster to measure your projects
and object placement accurately. Now you can choose inches or centimeters
as the unit of measurement. This affects the appearance of rulers in the
Design Workspace, your project’s print alignment, and the paper size when
you print oversized projects.
• Select shapes for text in your projects by using the new Text within a Shape
feature. Before inserting text, you can type the new text, select from a variety of
shapes, and choose text and shape formatting.
• Do you want to create and print a customizable skin for your iPod music player?
Just create a new ready-made project by clicking Pick Project in the Design
Workspace, choosing Ready-Made Project, then select Customizable Skins
for the project type in the Project Gallery.
Modifying Certain Project Types.......................................................................154
Using Additional Design Tools and Features ...................................................163
Printing or Publishing a Project........................................................................182
Using PrintMaster Resources, Tools, and Features .........................................198
Using the Art Gallery........................................................................................215
Using the Sentiment Gallery ............................................................................237
Using the Address Book...................................................................................238
Using the Event Reminder ...............................................................................241
Using the Custom Paper Wizard ......................................................................243
Modifying System Settings...............................................................................245
Restoring Hints.................................................................................................247
• PrintMaster now has even more animated greetings to help you send the perfect
greeting card. Quickly find these by clicking Pick Project in the Design
Workspace, then choose Animated Greetings.
• For your text, try one of the hundred new fonts that come with PrintMaster.
Some features may not be available in your edition of
PrintMaster. If you are interested in upgrading your
edition of PrintMaster, click the Get More button on
the Design Workspace to view current upgrade offers.
1. If you did not register during installation, the first time you start PrintMaster
you are prompted to register.
2. You can return to the registration at any time—just click the Windows Start
menu, then choose Programs, PrintMaster, and Register Your Software.
3. To get started, select the appropriate age button: 13 or Older or 12 or Younger.
NOTE: If you select 12 or Younger, you will be prompted to have
a parent or guardian complete the registration for you.
The Broderbund Product Registration page opens.
4. If you already have an account at Broderbund.com, enter your e-mail address
and password in the Returning Account Holders section, then click Sign In.
5. If you have not registered, complete the following:
• Click Register in the New Customer Registration section.
• Complete the My Account Register/Sign-in section.
6. Review the Broderbund Web Site Terms and Conditions.Then click I Accept to proceed.
NOTE: If you click I Decline, your registration will be canceled.
7. A screen with optional questions opens. Either answer the questions and click
Submit Changes or just click Submit Changes to bypass the survey.
A Thank You message opens confirming that your product is now registered.
NOTE: If your registration contains an error, the screen displays
a list of errors. Click Back until you return to the form,
then make any needed corrections.
Click Finish.
GRANT OF LICENSE. This License Agreement permits you to use one copy of
RIVERDEEP software (the “Software”), which may include electronic documentation, on a single computer/workstation. The Software is “in use” on a computer
when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM or Cache) or installed
into permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM drive, or other storage
device) of that computer. This License does not constitute a sale and does not
authorize a sale of the Software or anything created thereby. All intellectual
property (including copyright, trademark and patent) in the Software, including
all animations, audio, images, maps, music, photographs, video, and text incorporated into the Software, are owned by RIVERDEEP and its affiliates, suppliers
and licensors, and are protected by United States laws and international treaty
provisions. RIVERDEEP and its affiliates, suppliers and licensors retain all rights
not expressly granted herein. You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted material, except that you may make one copy of the Software solely for
backup or archival purposes. You may transfer your rights under this Agreement
on a permanent basis provided you transfer the license granted by this
Agreement, and the Software and all associated printed materials, and you
retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to all of the terms of this Agreement.
• You may not use the software on or over a network or any other transfer device
(including the Internet) except in a manner using the network and online functions included in the Software, if any. Use of the Software on more than one
computer constitutes copyright infringement and may be punishable by civil
fines, criminal penalties, or both.
• You may not rent or lease the Software, but schools and libraries may lend the
Software to third parties provided the Software is in CD format and each end user is
given a copy of this License Agreement which will govern the use of such Software.
• You may not modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the
Software, except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by
applicable law.
• You may not remove any proprietary notices or labels in the Software.
• You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the Software or
distribute printed copies of any user documentation provided in
electronic format.
• You may not publicly perform or publicly display the Software.
The restrictions contained herein apply equally to hybrid CD-ROMs which may
contain multiple versions of the Software for use on different operating systems.
Regardless of the type of media you receive, you may use only the portion
appropriate for your single-user computer/workstation. In the event you fail to
comply with any of the terms or conditions of this license, your rights to use the
Software will end, you shall stop using the Software, remove the Software from
your computer, and permanently erase all copies of the Software. You may not
export or re-export the Software or any underlying information or technology
except in full compliance with all United States and other applicable laws and regulations.
If you purchased this product direct from Riverdeep via phone, website, or
email (www.broderbund.com), Riverdeep and its affiliates, suppliers and licensors
warrant to the original installer of the Software, for a period of ninety (90) days from
the date of purchase, that the media on which the Software is distributed is
substantially free from defects in materials and workmanship. ANY AND ALL
void if failure of the Software has resulted from accident, abuse, neglect or
misapplication. Any replacement Software will be warranted for the remainder of
the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. Except as
set forth above, the Software is sold “as-is”, without any express or implied
warranties of any kind. If you purchased this product at a retail store, any and
all limited warranties for this product are to be solely provided by Encore
Software, Inc (“Encore”) as set forth in the accompanying product manual.
REMEDIES. If you purchased this product direct from Riverdeep via phone,
website, or email (www.broderbund.com), your exclusive remedy shall be, at
RIVERDEEP’s sole option, (a) the refund of the amount you paid for the
Software or (b) repair or replacement of the Software, provided that the
defective Software is returned to RIVERDEEP (at Riverdeep, Dock Door #9, 120
Hidden Lake Circle, Duncan, SC 29334. Telephone: (319) 378-7319) along with
proof of the date of purchase within ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.
If you purchased this product at a retail store, your exclusive remedy shall be,
at Encore’s sole option, (i) the refund of the amount you paid for the Software;
or (ii) repair or replacement of the Software, provided that the defective
Software is returned to Encore (at Encore Software, Inc., Attn: Customer
Service, 999 N.Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 700, El Segundo, CA 90245) along with
proof of the date of purchase within ninety (90) days from the date of purchase,
as such remedy is set forth in the accompanying product manual.
RIVERDEEP may cancel, change, modify, discontinue, terminate or charge a fee at
any time for any reason for the online services advertised as part of this product.
The links in the Software will allow third-party sites to be accessed. These linked
sites are not under the control of RIVERDEEP, and RIVERDEEP is not
responsible for the contents of any linked site, and any such inclusion of any link
does not imply endorsement by RIVERDEEP of the site.
No change or modification of the License will be valid unless it is in writing and is
signed by RIVERDEEP. The provisions of this Agreement are severable; if any
provision is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision. If the Software was acquired outside the
United States, then local law may apply.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software and user documentation
is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS AND LIMITED RIGHTS. Use, duplication,
or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
Computer Software—Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Riverdeep Inc., A Limited Liability Company, 100 Pine Street, Suite 1900, San
Francisco, California 94111, United States of America.
These are Conditions For Use of the Properties contained in the Software.
If you do not accept these conditions and you are the original installer of
the Software, you may promptly return the Software (including all printed
materials) with proof of purchase to the place it was purchased for a full
refund of the amount paid or store credit (as applicable). Riverdeep hereby
reserves the right to change or modify these Conditions For Use without
notice in its sole discretion or to grant any permissions consistent therewith in
its sole discretion.
All content contained in the Software, including, but not limited to characters, designs,
text, photos, clip art, fonts, graphics, templates, sounds, videos and projects
contained in the Software (the “Properties”) are either owned by or used under license
by Riverdeep and are protected under trademark, copyright, and other applicable
laws. Any and all unauthorized use of the Properties is strictly prohibited. You
may not sell any Property or any item containing or carrying a copy of any
Property. Subject to the restrictions described below, you may make copies of the
Properties for use in home entertainment and projects, for educational purposes,
in multimedia presentations, and other similar uses. For example, subject to the
restrictions described below, you may use the Properties to create posters, stationery,
greeting cards, signs, invitations, calendars, reports, catalogs, brochures and newsletters.
All rights in derivative works created by the use of a Property shall vest exclusively
in Riverdeep or its licensors.
Each authorized use of a Property must be accompanied by the following notice:
“Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited, and its licensors. All rights reserved.”
• Use any images included in this product containing trademarks or logos of any
third-party in any print or electronic media of an editorial, commercial, promotional,
or corporate nature.
• Resell or sublicense or distribute collections of the Properties including, for
example, clip art collections, photo collections or stock collections.
• Sell any item on which any Property is copied or otherwise printed.
• Use any of the Properties as a logo, trademark or similar designation of your business.
• Use any individual’s or entity’s name, likeness, and/or image in any manner
which suggests the endorsement or association of any product or service. For
example, you may use a photo of an animal in an advertisement, but you
may not use the image of a person.
• Use any Property in or to create any immoral, obscene or scandalous works.
• Use any Property in electronic format, including on-line use, and multimedia
applications, unless all of the following conditions are met:
• The Properties are incorporated for viewing purposes only.
• The Properties do not comprise a significant portion of the content of the proposed use.
• A notice is included specifying that the Properties may not be saved or downloaded and are only to be used for viewing purposes.
• The Properties are embedded at no higher than a base resolution of 512x768.
© 1997-2006 Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited, and its licensors. All rights
reserved. Broderbund is a registered trademark of Riverdeep Interactive
Learning Limited.
Portions hereof © LEAD Technologies, Inc. 1991-2000, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Copyright © 1993 Wintertree Software Inc.
Licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts.
DIRECTOR® COPYRIGHT © 1984-2000 Macromedia, Inc. This product contains
Shockwave™ Player and Macromedia Flash™ Player software by Macromedia,
Inc., Copyright © 1995-2000 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Macromedia,
Shockwave, and Flash are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc.
A portion of the images © 1997-98 IA User’s Club, Inc. d/b/a GraphicCorp. All
rights reserved.
Digital image content © 1994-1990 Hemera Technologies Inc. All Rights
© 1998 John McPherson/Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. Close to
Home is a trademark of John McPherson, used under license.
A portion of the images © Christie’s Images Ltd. A portion of the images © The
Bridgeman Art Library/Christie’s Images. A portion of the images © The Luis A.
Ferre Foundation, Ponce, Puerto Rico/Christie’s Images Ltd.
Portions of content © 2001 Corbis Images.
A portion of the images © Management Graphics Limited.
System Requirements & Installation
The PhotosToGo™ Images in this product are copyrighted by Index Stock
Photography Inc.
Some of the Clip art images contained herein were obtained from IMSI’s
MasterClips/MasterPhotos® Collection, 1895 Francisco Blvd. East, San Rafael,
CA 94901-5506 USA.
zlib software copyright © 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Windows and the Windows logo are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. Pentium is either a registered trademark or trademark of Intel
Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Portions of content © 2005 Getty Images.
This product incorporates C-Index/II by Trio Systems.
Portions under liscence from Paramount Cards Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Encore and the Encore logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Encore
Software, Inc. Manufactured and distributed by Encore Software, Inc., under
license from Riverdeep, Inc., a Limited Liability Company, and its licensors.
The following are the minimum system requirements needed to successfully run
• Windows® 98SE/ME/2000 SP4/XP (Home and Professional) SP13
• Pentium® III 500MHz processor or faster
• 128MB RAM / Minimum 1.1GB hard disk space1 (Recommended: 250MB
hard disk space free after installation)
• 4X CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive; 800x600 display, 16-bit color
• CD Burning requires a CD-R/RW or a DVDR/RW drive
• Microsoft® .NET Framework v1.1 (included on CD)
Send via Instant Messaging feature requires Microsoft® Windows Messenger
version 4.6 or higher or MSN Instant Messenger version 4.7 or higher
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5.5 or higher; 33.6 Kbps modem or faster and
Internet service provider account required for Internet access.2; Windows compatible sound card and speakers; Works with most popular printers supported
by Windows.
System Configuration: The amount of hard-disk space required can vary if you
already have one or more required components (such as Microsoft Internet
Explorer) installed on your system. If needed, Internet Explorer requires an
additional 50MB hard-disk space. This may require minor adjustments to the
configuration of your system and/or updates to the hardware component drivers.
User is responsible for all Internet access fees and phone charges. Online special offers advertise as part of this product may be changed or discontinued at
any time for any reason.
Administrator privileges are required to properly install the program on
Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Installing PrintMaster 17
1. Close all applications and dialog boxes then begin at the active Windows desktop.
2. Insert the PrintMaster Install CD-ROM or DVD into the CD/DVD-ROM drive.
The InstallShield Wizard progress dialog box opens.
NOTE: If the installation process doesn’t begin automatically,
click the Windows Start button, choose Run, then in
the Open list box type D:\setup.exe, substituting D with
your CD/DVD-ROM drive letter.
3.When the PrintMaster dialog box opens, click Next and follow the onscreen instructions.
4. In the Setup dialog box, select one of the following install options:
• Typical Installation (default): Choose this option to conserve hard-drive
space (or when hard-drive space is limited) and to install only the necessary
program files. (The CDs or DVD will be required when using the program.)
1. In the Setup box, select Typical, then click Next.
2. Continue with step 5 below.
• Custom Installation (Full Install): Choose this option to install program
components that will allow you to run the program without inserting
the CDs or DVD. (Additional hard-drive space is required to complete a
custom installation of the program.)
1. In the Setup dialog box, select Custom, then click Next.
The Custom Setup dialog box opens.
2. In the Custom Setup dialog box, click on the down arrow and select
“This feature, and all its subfeatures, will be installed on the local
hard drive.”
3. Repeat for each additional item that appears in the window of the
Custom Setup dialog box.
4. After selecting the “This feature, and all its subfeatures, will be
installed on the local hard drive” option for all items listed in the
Custom Setup window, click Next, then click Install.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions to install PrintMaster 17.
6. At the end of the installation process, you will be asked to register.
7. When registration is complete, restart your computer (not required for
Windows 2000/XP).
Once you’ve created a project in PrintMaster, you can share it with family and
friends by printing it or by sending it to others via e-mail.
Projects You Can Create
Every adventure into PrintMaster—from greeting card to Web page—is called a
project. There are two ways to start a project:
• Create a Ready-Made project. A Ready-Made project is a completed project that
you can choose from PrintMaster’s extensive gallery of projects. You simply
customize the project to fit your needs by adding your personal information,
modifying text and graphics, and adding any special effects that you want.
• Create a Brand New project. The New Project dialog box guides you through the
process of creating a certain type of project, setting up the layout of the project
for you. You can then design and modify the project according to your needs.
In addition, PrintMaster’s Party Creator Wizard gives you a head start on
party-related projects. You can create invitations, banners, hats, and more.
PrintMaster also includes a Help Center that contains step-by-step printable
tutorials and multimedia demonstrations on creating specific types of projects
such as calendars, Web pages, and more. See Using the Help Center Tutorials.
For a list and examples of the types of projects you can create in PrintMaster,
see Types of Projects You Can Create.
Galleries Available to You
PrintMaster includes three galleries that provide you with thousands of ReadyMade projects, thousands of original art images, and appropriate sentiments, or
sayings, that you can use in your project.
NOTE: When installing PrintMaster 17 on Windows XP, the user
must be logged in to Windows with Administrator rights.
Use this section of the Help to get you up and running on PrintMaster quickly
and easily.
Welcome to the exciting world of print creativity. PrintMaster makes it easy to
produce beautiful projects such as cards, invitations, calendars, newsletters,
brochures, and much more. You can also use PrintMaster projects to enhance
your business.
Other Resources, Tools, and Features
In addition to the tools and features available to help you create the ideal project,
PrintMaster includes a number of additional tools and resources.
The Address Book
Use the Address Book to print personalized holiday cards for all your relatives,
invitations for friends, labels for customers, or certificates for students. Once you
have created an Address Book, you can draw information from it quickly and
easily and add it to a PrintMaster project. For more information, see Using the
Address Book.
Mail Merge
Whether you’re creating a form letter, mailing labels, envelopes, or greeting
cards, PrintMaster’s Mail Merge feature makes it easy to personalize your project
for each person you plan to send it to. When you print your project, PrintMaster
replaces the Mail Merge placeholders in the text with information from your
Address Book. For more information, see Using Mail Merge Fields.
Event Reminder
The Event Reminder allows you to set reminders in your Address Book, so that
PrintMaster can notify you in advance of any important dates, such as birthdays,
anniversaries, or other events that you won’t want to forget. For more information,
see Using the Event Reminder.
The Project Gallery
The Project Gallery contains thousands of Ready-Made projects that you can
modify or print as is. You can also save your own modified projects and open
them in the Project Gallery.
The Art Gallery
The Art Gallery contains thousands of drawings, art images, photos, borders,
animated graphics, Web art, and much more. You can import your own graphics
and organize your own collection of photos and graphics within the Art Gallery.
You can also create a slide show or screen saver from your graphics within the
Art Gallery.
The Sentiment Gallery
The Sentiment Gallery contains hundreds of sayings, phrases, and messages
that you can add to your projects. Each sentiment has two parts: a phrase for
the front of your project, and a phrase for the inside of your project. After you
select an appropriate sentiment, each phrase automatically appears as text in
your project.
Hot Shots Viewer
With the Hot Shots Viewer, you can create custom screen savers for your computer
or personalized slide shows that you can share with friends and family. You can
also create image strips of your favorite and most frequently used images so
that you can quickly and easily access them from the Design Workspace. For
more information, see Using the Hot Shots Viewer.
You can use BorderPlus to create a unique border around your project or
around a graphic in your project. For more information, see Adding a Border
Using BorderPlus and Modifying a Border Using BorderPlus.
Advanced Drawing
Advanced Drawing is an easy-to-use, full-featured drawing tool that lets you
draw your own designs. You can also use it to modify PrintMaster graphics.
The Photo Workshop
The Photo Workshop allows you to repair and transform photos and graphics
that you add to your projects. You can adjust the color and brightness, fix flaws,
and add a number of special effects. For more information, see Using The
Photo Workshop.
You can begin to use PrintMaster by starting at the PrintMaster Home Page.
Once you begin to use PrintMaster, it is a good idea to review some of the
options and commands available to you.
Starting at the PrintMaster Home Page
NOTE: Click the Skip Home Page checkbox to bypass the
Home Page at the next startup of PrintMaster.
Using PrintMaster Commands
After you have started creating a project, it appears in the Design Workspace,
ready for you to modify or design to fit your needs.
The PrintMaster Home Page is your starting point for working with PrintMaster.
The PrintMaster Home Page opens whenever you start PrintMaster. You can
also return to it from the Design Workspace by clicking the Home Page button
on the Edit toolbar.
The Design Workspace is the place where you create and modify all your projects,
taking advantage of PrintMaster’s many value-added tools and features along
the way. You can also save and print projects, or share them with others via e-mail
or Instant Messenger—all from the Design Workspace.
Accessing the Galleries
From the PrintMaster Home Page, you can start either a Ready-Made or Brand
New project. You can also create party-related projects by clicking Create Party
Set. Click Animated Greeting to select the perfect greeting to send to friends or
family via e-mail. Clicking Get Started takes you to the Help Center where you
can view a Get Started movie—a perfect introduction to your new program. The
Help Center gives you access to more movies and step-by-step tutorials for
creating certain types of projects, such as calendars, cards, and Web pages.
You can go directly to the Art Gallery to view and select graphics by clicking
Search Art and Photos, or you can go to the My Projects tab of the Project
Gallery by clicking Open My Projects—all from the PrintMaster Home Page.
To create or open a project in the Design Workspace, click the Pick
Project button, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut
menu to open the Project Gallery in a separate window.
To select a graphic for your project, click the Search Art & Photos button
to open the Art Gallery in a separate window.
To select a sentiment for your project, click the Add or Edit Text button,
then choose the Add Sentiment option to open the Sentiment Gallery.
Using Menus
Menus appear on the top of a window, either in the Design Workspace or in one
of the galleries.
Menus contain commands. Click a menu to view its options. Then click an option
to select a command. Some menu options contain submenus. Click a submenu
option to select it or execute its command.
Toolbar Buttons
There is a toolbar in each of the galleries and two toolbars in the Design
Workspace, such as the Standard toolbar.
To find out what a toolbar button does, position your
pointer over the button. A tooltip is displayed, which
defines the button’s function.
Shortcut Menus
When you right-click (click the right mouse button) an item in the Design
Workspace or in one of the Galleries, a shortcut menu may open. A shortcut
menu gives you quick access to the most common commands for the item that
you right-click.
Dialog Boxes
A dialog box may open when you click a command (menu option or toolbar button). For example, if you choose Print from the File menu, the Print dialog box
opens. Select options from the dialog box, then click OK. The OK button may be
called Print, Close, Open, or something else, depending on the dialog box.
A toolbar contains buttons. When you click a button, an action is performed.
For example, if you click the Home Page button, the PrintMaster Home
Page opens.
Using the Learn-By-Doing Example
PrintMaster includes a Learn-By-Doing Example that provides step-by-step
instructions for creating a greeting card. To access the Learn-By-Doing
Example, follow these steps.
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click Close to go directly to the Design
2. In the Design Workspace, choose Show Help from the Help menu.
3. Click the Contents tab, then double-click the Getting Help folder to open
4. Double-click Learn-By-Doing Example: Creating a Greeting Card.
The steps for creating that project are displayed on the right side of the
Help window.
5. Follow the instructions, clicking Next to go to the next set of steps.
You can create projects in PrintMaster quickly and easily.
To print the Getting Started Guide, do the following:
Creating Projects in Four Steps
1. Click The Getting Started Guide hyperlink that appears below.
You can create a project in PrintMaster quickly and easily by following these four
main steps.
1. Create the project.
You can open an existing project from thousands of Ready-Made
designs and quickly customize it to fit your needs. Or you can create a
Brand New project from scratch. PrintMaster also includes a Party
Creator Wizard that lets you quickly create party-related projects.
2 Design and modify the project to fit your needs.
You can add design elements to your project such as text, graphics, and
animated art. You can then modify them by adding color, shadowing,
and other special effects. You can easily move, resize, and rotate elements. PrintMaster includes additional tools and features to help you create the ideal project.
3. Save the project.
When finished, you can save your project to the Project Gallery, where
it will be easily accessible.
4. Print the project or send it to others.
You can print business cards, invitations, posters, cards, and more. You
can also share a project with others in many ways, including sending it
via e-mail or Instant Messenger.
2. Within that topic’s window, click the Print button
from the Help toolbar.
3. In the Print Topics dialog box, select the Print the selected topic option.
4. Click OK.
Welcome to the exciting world of print creativity. PrintMaster makes it easy to
produce beautiful projects, such as cards, invitations, calendars, newsletters,
brochures, and much more. You can also use PrintMaster projects to enhance
your business.
Once you’ve created a project in PrintMaster, you can share it with family and
friends by printing it or by sending it to others via e-mail.
Projects You Can Create
Every adventure into PrintMaster—from greeting card to Web page—is called a
project. There are two ways to start a project:
• Create a Ready-Made project. A Ready-Made project is a completed project that
you can choose from PrintMaster’s extensive gallery of projects. You simply
customize the project to fit your needs by adding your personal information,
modifying text and graphics, and adding any special effects that you want.
• Create a Brand New project. The New Project dialog box guides you through the
process of creating a certain type of project, setting up the layout of the project
for you. You can then design and modify the project according to your needs.
In addition, PrintMaster’s Party Creator Wizard gives you a head start on partyrelated projects. You can create invitations, banners, hats, and more. You can
also create fun Animated Greetings that you can personalize then send to
friends and family via e-mail.
PrintMaster also includes a Help Center that contains step-by-step printable
tutorials and multimedia demonstrations on creating specific types of projects
such as a calendars, Web pages, and more. See “Using the Help Center
Tutorials” later in this Getting Started Guide.
Project Types
The Project Gallery
The types of projects you can create include the following:
Business Cards
Kitchen Crafts
Cards, Half-fold
Cards, Quarter-fold
Note Cards
Photo Albums
Photo Frames
Customizable Skins
Photo Novelties
Fax Sheets
Fun for Kids
Web Pages
The Project Gallery contains thousands of Ready-Made projects that you can
modify or print as is. You can also save your own modified projects and open
them in the Project Gallery.
The Art Gallery
The Art Gallery contains thousands of drawings, art images, photos, borders,
animated graphics, Web art, and much more.You can import your own graphics and
organize your own collection of photos and graphics within the Art Gallery. You can
also create a slide show or screen saver from your graphics within the Art Gallery.
The Sentiment Gallery
The Sentiment Gallery contains hundreds of sayings, phrases, and messages
that you can add to your projects. Each sentiment has two parts: a phrase for
the front of your project, and a phrase for the inside of your project. After you
select an appropriate sentiment, each phrase automatically appears as text in
your project.
Homework Helpers
Galleries Available to You
Other Resources, Tools, and Features
PrintMaster includes three galleries that provide you with thousands of ReadyMade projects, thousands of original art images, and appropriate sentiments, or
sayings, that you can use in your project.
In addition to the tools and features available to help you create the ideal
project, PrintMaster includes a number of additional tools and resources.
The Address Book
Using PrintMaster
Use the Address Book to print personalized holiday cards for all your relatives,
invitations for friends, labels for customers, or certificates for students. Once you
have created an Address Book, you can draw information from it quickly and
easily and add it to a PrintMaster project.
Starting at the PrintMaster Home Page
Mail Merge
The PrintMaster Home Page is your starting point for working with
PrintMaster. The PrintMaster Home Page opens whenever you start
PrintMaster. You can also return to it from the Design Workspace
by clicking the Home Page button on the Edit toolbar.
Whether you’re creating a form letter, mailing labels, envelopes, or greeting
cards, PrintMaster’s Mail Merge feature makes it easy to personalize your
project for each person you plan to send it to. When you print your project,
PrintMaster replaces the Mail Merge placeholders in the text with information
from your address book.
Event Reminder
The Event Reminder allows you to set reminders in your address book, so that
PrintMaster can notify you in advance of any important dates such as birthdays,
anniversaries, or other events that you won’t want to forget.
You can use BorderPlus to create a unique border around your project or
around a graphic in your project.
Hot Shots Viewer
With the Hot Shots Viewer, you can create custom screen savers for your
computer or personalized slide shows that you can share with friends and
family. You can also create image strips of your favorite and most frequently
images so that you can quickly and easily access them from the Design
Advanced Drawing
Advanced Drawing is an easy-to-use, full-featured drawing tool that lets you
draw your own designs. You can also use it to modify PrintMaster graphics.
The Photo Workshop
The Photo Workshop allows you to repair and transform photos and graphics
that you add to your projects. You can adjust the color and brightness, fix flaws,
and add a number of artistic effects.
From the PrintMaster Home Page, you can start either a Ready-Made or Brand
New project. You can also create party-related projects by clicking Create Party
Set. Click Animated Greeting to select the perfect greeting to send to friends or
family via e-mail. Clicking Get Started takes you to the Help Center where you
can view a Get Started movie—a perfect introduction to your new program. The
Help Center gives you access to more movies and step-by-step tutorials for creating
certain types of projects such as calendars, cards, and Web pages. You can go
directly to the Art Gallery to view and select graphics by clicking Search Art
and Photos, or you can go to the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery by
clicking Open My Projects—all from the PrintMaster Home Page.
Click the Skip Home Page checkbox to bypass the
Home Page at the next startup of PrintMaster.
Using PrintMaster Commands
After you have started creating a project, it appears in the Design Workspace,
ready for you to modify or design to fit your needs.
The Design Workspace is the place where you create and modify all your projects, taking advantage of PrintMaster’s many value-added tools and features
along the way. You can also save and print projects, or share them with others
via e-mail or Instant Messenger—all from the Design Workspace.
Accessing the Galleries
To create or open a project in the Design Workspace, click the Pick
Project button, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut
menu to open the Project Gallery in a separate window.
To select a graphic for your project, click the Search Art & Photos button
to open the Art Gallery in a separate window.
To select a sentiment for your project, click the Add or Edit Text button,
then choose the Add Sentiment option to open the Sentiment Gallery.
Using Menus
Menus appear on the top of a window, either in the Design Workspace or in one
of the galleries.
Toolbar Buttons
There is a toolbar in each of the galleries and two toolbars in the Design
Workspace, such as the Standard toolbar.
Menus contain commands. Click a menu to view its options. Then click an option
to select a command. Some menu options contain submenus. Click a submenu
option to select it or execute its command.
A toolbar contains buttons. When you click a button, an action is
performed. For example, if you click the Home Page button, the
PrintMaster Home Page opens.
To find out what a toolbar button does, position your
pointer over the button. A tooltip is displayed, which
defines the button’s function.
Shortcut Menus
When you right-click (click the right mouse button) an item in the Design
Workspace or one of the Galleries, a shortcut menu may open. A shortcut menu
gives you quick access to the most common commands for the item that you
lets you quickly create party-related projects.
For detailed instructions, choose Show Help from the Help menu in the
Design Workspace, then click the Contents page. Click the plus symbol (+)
next to the Creating a New Project folder, and select the appropriate option.
Help instructions display in the window.
2, Design and modify the project to fit your needs.
You can add design elements to your project such as text, graphics, and animated
art. You can then modify them by adding color, shadowing, and other special
effects. You can easily move, resize, and rotate elements. PrintMaster
includes additional tools and features to help you create the ideal project.
Dialog Boxes
A dialog box may open when you click a command (menu option or toolbar button). For example, if you choose Print from the File menu, the Print dialog box
opens. Select options from the dialog box, then click OK. The OK button may be
called Print, Close, Open, or something else, depending on the dialog box.
For detailed instructions, choose Show Help from the Help menu in the
Design Workspace, then click the Contents page. Click the plus symbol (+)
next to the Designing and Modifying Projects folder, and select the appropriate option. Help instructions display in the window.
3. Save the project.
When finished, you can save your project to the Project Gallery, where it will
be easily accessible.
For detailed instructions, choose Show Help from the Help menu in the
Design Workspace, then click the Contents page. Click the plus symbol (+)
next to the Working with Projects folder, then select the Saving a Project folder.
Help instructions display in the window.
4. Print the project or send it to others.
You can print business cards, invitations, posters, cards, and more. You can
also send a project to others as an e-mail attachment.
Using the Help Center Tutorials
The Help Center contains printable tutorials and multimedia demonstrations to help
you get the most out of PrintMaster. The tutorials guide you step-by-step
through the process of creating a Ready-Made project, a Brand New project,
and other projects such as cards, calendars, and Web pages. They also help
you learn how to add graphics to a project and much more. To access the Help
Center tutorials, follow these steps.
You can create a project in PrintMaster quickly and easily by following these four
main steps.
1, Create the project.
You can open an existing project from thousands of Ready-Made designs
and quickly customize it to fit your needs. Or you can create a Brand New
project from scratch. PrintMaster also includes a Party Creator Wizard that
1. To access the Help Center tutorials, do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Get Started button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Help Center button
on the Standard toolbar.
The PrintMaster Help Center dialog box opens.
2. Click a topic, represented by a page icon, to see its contents.
2. Click PrintMaster Tutorials.
The PrintMaster Help Center Tutorials dialog box opens.
Searching for a Topic
3. Choose a category from the Choose a Category list box, then
select a topic from the Choose a Topic list box.
• Click Show Text to view an HTML tutorial.
• Click Show Movie to view a multimedia tutorial.
• Click Print Tutorial to print an HTML tutorial.
• Click the Index tab in the Help window, then type a topic for which you need
help in the “Type in the keyword to find” box and press Enter on the keyboard
to find topics related to your keyword.
• Click the Search tab in the Help window, then type a topic for which you need
help in the “Type in the word(s) to search for” box and press the Enter key on
the keyboard to locate all the topics that contain the words you typed.
4. When finished with a tutorial, click Close.
5. Click Close in the Help Center to close it.
Using the Back Button
The Show Movie button appears grayed out if the
HTML tutorial topic has no corresponding movie.
Using the Learn-By-Doing Example
PrintMaster includes a Learn-By-Doing Example that provides step-by-step
instructions for creating a greeting card. To access the Learn-By-Doing
Example, follow these steps.
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click Close to go directly to the
Design Workspace.
2. In the Design Workspace, choose Show Help from the Help menu.
3. Click the Contents tab, then double-click the Getting Help folder to
open it.
4. Double-click Learn-By-Doing Example: Creating a Greeting Card.
The steps for creating that project are displayed on the right side of
the Help window.
5. Follow the instructions, clicking Next to go to the next set of steps.
Using Help
PrintMaster Help provides the step-by-step information you need onscreen while
you work. Here are some tips for using the Help.
Accessing Help
• To access the Help from the Design Workspace, choose Show Help from the
Help menu.
The Help window opens.
Viewing the Contents Page
1. To view the Contents page of the Help, click the Contents tab in the Help window,
then double-click a folder whose contents you want to view. The contents are
Do one of the following:
To return to a previous page or topic, click the Back button.
Using the Help Center Tutorials
The Help Center contains printable tutorials and multimedia demonstrations to help
you get the most out of PrintMaster. The tutorials guide you step-by-step
through the process of creating a Ready-Made project, a Brand New project,
and other projects such as cards, calendars, and Web pages. They also help
you learn how to add graphics to a project and much more. To access the Help
Center tutorials, follow these steps.
1. To access the Help Center tutorials, do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Get Started button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Help Center button on the
Standard toolbar.
The PrintMaster Help Center dialog box opens.
2. Click PrintMaster Tutorials.
The PrintMaster Help Center Tutorials dialog box opens.
3. Choose a category from the Choose a Category list box, then
select a topic from the Choose a Topic list box.
• Click Show Text to view an HTML tutorial.
• Click Show Movie to view a multimedia tutorial.
• Click Print Tutorial to print an HTML tutorial.
4. When finished with a tutorial, click Close.
5. Click Close in the Help Center to close it.
The Show Movie button appears grayed out if the
HTML tutorial topic has no corresponding movie.
Learn-By-Doing Example: Creating a Greeting Card
This Learn-By-Doing Example provides step-by-step instructions for creating a
greeting card in PrintMaster. In this Learn-By-Doing Example, you start with a
Ready-Made project, a card that has already been designed for you, complete
with art and sentiments. You then add your own ideas or turn it into another type
of card. (You can turn a birthday card into a get-well card, for example.)
Click the Next button below to go to the next set of steps in this example.
Selecting a Ready-Made Card
7. Click Select.
When you first start PrintMaster, the PrintMaster Home Page opens. From the
PrintMaster Home Page, you can proceed to a Ready-Made project or a Brand
New project (where you create a project from scratch).
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Personalize Ready-Made
Project button.
NOTE: You can also double-click the thumbnail sketch in the
Preview browser.
The front cover of your card is displayed in the Design Workspace.
Navigating Your Card
NOTE: If you are in the Design Workspace, click the Pick
Project button, then choose Ready-Made Project
from the shortcut menu.
The Project Gallery opens, where you can find the best Ready-Made
card for you. On the left side of the Project Gallery, you can search
for the desired card.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the Ready-Made tab.
3. Select Cards, Half-fold from the Select Type of Project drop-down list.
4. In the Choose Project Category list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to
the Birthday folder to view its contents, then select General.
As you make your selections, thumbnail sketches of the projects appear
in the Preview browser on the right.
5. To refine your selection even more, type the word cake in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go.
All birthday cards for friends that contain the word cake are displayed in
the Preview browser.
6. Scroll down the Preview browser and select the Single Candle card.
The card that you selected has a front page, inside, and back. Currently, the
front page is displayed.
1. To view the inside page, click the right arrow of the Page
in the status bar.
2. Click the right arrow of the Page Turner again to view the back page.
3. Click the left arrow of the Page Turner twice to return to the front page.
Changing the Text
To personalize your card for the person receiving it, you might want to change
the text. All text (except headlines and tables) is contained in text boxes. With
the front of the Single Candle card displayed, do the following:
1. Double-click the text box. Selection handles appear around the text box and
the text insertion point (an I-beam) appears.
2. Click once between the word Birthday and the exclamation point to position
the I-beam.
3. Type a space, then the word Sally.
4. Select all the text by positioning the I-beam in front of the word Happy, then
clicking and dragging the mouse to highlight the text. Release the mouse button.
5. With the text selected, choose the Rasp font from the Font Style drop-down
on the Standard toolbar.
The text looks like this:
NOTE: To move a text box to a different page, select the text
box, then click the Cut button on the Standard toolbar.
Click the appropriate arrow on the Page Turner to
move to a different page, then click the Paste button
on the Standard toolbar.
Adding a New Text Box
6. Move to the inside of the card by clicking the right arrow on the Page Turner once.
7. Double-click the text box.
8. Select the word wishes by clicking and dragging the I-beam over this word.
9. Type the word dreams.
10. The text you type replaces the word wishes.
11. Click the white, blank portion of the card to deselect the text box.
3. Choose Add Text Box from the shortcut menu. A text box is displayed in your project.
Sizing a Text Box
4. Click the text box once to select it, then click and drag it to the location you want.
1. Click the left arrow on the Page Turner to view the front of the card.
2. Select the text box by clicking it once.
Handles appear around the text box.
3. Click and drag the middle-right handle toward the left side of the card about
one-third of the way, then release the mouse button.
The words Happy Birthday Sally! now appear one underneath the other.
1. Click the right arrow on the Page Turner twice to go to the back of the card.
2. Click the Add or Edit Text button
on the Edit toolbar.
5. Type the words Love Mom.
Saving Your Card
It is a good idea to save your card. You might want to use it again or come back
to make some last-minute changes.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Save from the File menu.
2. Type a name in the File name box.
3. Select the Add to Project Gallery checkbox by clicking it.
This saves and stores the card in the Project Gallery, under the My Projects tab.
Printing Your Card
1. Make sure that your printer is on and that the paper tray has a sheet of the
paper you want to use.
2. In the Design Workspace, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar.
1. With the front of the card still displayed, click the text box once to select it.
The pointer turns into a four-way arrow when it is over the text box.
3. In the Print dialog box, make sure you see the name of your printer (for
example, HP DeskJet). If your printer is not listed, click Setup to tell
PrintMaster about your printer. Set the print quality to the highest possible
resolution allowed by your printer.
2. Click and drag the text box so that the words are centered on the project page.
4. Check the Double-sided checkbox in the Print dialog box, then click Print.
Moving a Text Box
The first time you print a double-sided project, the Double-Sided Wizard
opens. If you have not yet set your double-sided print configuration and the
wizard does not appear, choose Printer Setup from the File menu, then
select Double-Sided Wizard.
5. The Double-Sided Print Wizard asks you to print a 2-page test project. After the
two pages are printed, follow the wizard’s directions.
6. Once you answer the questions in the wizard, click Finish. PrintMaster is now
set up for double-sided printing. You can now print your double-sided project.
NOTE: See Double-Sided Printing for more information.
Restoring Hints
The PrintMaster keeps track of the helpful hints you have already seen. You can
restore the helpful hints so they appear as they did when you first started
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the Help tab.
3. In the Helpful Hints area, click Reset All Hints.
4. Click OK.
7. Click Print in the Print dialog box again.Your card is printed.
Congratulations! You have completed the Greeting Card Learn-By-Doing
From time to time, you will see a small message window appear with a tip, trick,
or reminder to help you use PrintMaster.
Visiting the Most Recent Hints
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Show Recent Hints from the Help menu.
2. In the Recent Hints dialog box, select a hint, then click Show Hint.
Showing or Hiding Hints
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the Help tab.
3. In the Helpful Hints area, select or deselect the appropriate checkboxes. The
help tips are as follows:
• Show Helpful Hints—Hints that appear in boxes from time to time with
useful information about creating projects.
• Show Tooltips—Pop-up windows that identify a tool when you position the
pointer over it.
• Show Text Box Hints—Instructional text that appears over a text box.
4. Click OK.
If you are having trouble running PrintMaster, see the following topics before
accessing Technical Support.
Troubleshooting Tips
If PrintMaster does not seem to be running properly, try the following procedure.
1. Run Scandisk and Disk Defragmenter on drive C (and the drive where
PrintMaster is installed, if it has a different drive letter). To run these applications, choose Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, then
Scandisk. Follow the onscreen directions.
2. When Scandisk is completed, choose Start, Programs, Accessories,
System Tools, then Disk Defragmenter.
NOTE: On Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems, double-click My Computer. Right-click the icon
for the hard drive where Windows is installed (usually
drive C). Click Properties, click the Tools tab, then
click Check Now in the Error-checking group box.
3. Restart the computer. When the Windows logo appears, hold down the left
Shift key until Windows fully loads. This helps prevent some memory-resident
programs from loading into Windows.
4. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del just once to open the Close Program dialog box. Highlight
each item except Explorer and Systray, then click End Task to close these
5. Double-click My Computer on the Windows desktop. Right-click the icon for
the hard drive where Windows is installed (usually drive C). Click Properties.
Make sure there is at least 50 MB of free space on your hard drive.
6. Check the video display. Choose Start, Settings, Control Panel, then
Display. Click the Settings tab. Check you are using at least 16-bit high color.
The resolution needs to be at least 800 x 600 pixels.
NOTE: On Windows XP systems, click Start, Control Panel,
Display, then Settings to change the screen resolution.
7. After completing the above, launch PrintMaster to see if the problem is
Maintenance Mode in PrintMaster
The PrintMaster installation has a maintenance mode, which allows you to
Modify, Repair, or Remove your current installation. Choose Modify to change
how program features are installed, for example select this option if you want to
install the art discs onto your hard drive. The Repair option fixes installation errors
such as missing or corrupt files, shortcuts, and registry entries. The Remove
option removes the PrintMaster program without removing your art, projects, or
address book.
NOTE: If you are experiencing a problem with PrintMaster,
choose the Repair option first. If the problem continues, choose Remove to remove PrintMaster, then
select Install to reinstall PrintMaster.
To modify PrintMaster:
1. Insert the PrintMaster Install CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. From the Microsoft Windows Control Panel, choose Add or Remove
3. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select PrintMaster.
4. If you are running Windows XP, click Change, otherwise click Remove.
The PrintMaster Setup Welcome dialog box opens.
5. Click Next to open the Program Maintenance dialog box.
6. Choose Modify, then click Next.
7. Follow the onscreen instructions to modify how PrintMaster features are
installed on your system.
To repair PrintMaster:
1. Insert the PrintMaster Install CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. From the Windows Control Panel, choose Add or Remove Programs.
3. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select PrintMaster.
4. If you are running Windows XP, click Change, otherwise click Remove.
The PrintMaster Setup Welcome dialog box opens.
5. Click Next to open the Program Maintenance dialog box.
6. Choose Repair, then click Next.
7. Follow the onscreen instructions to repair installation errors.
To remove PrintMaster:
1. Insert the PrintMaster Install CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. From the Windows Control Panel, choose Add or Remove Programs.
3. In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select PrintMaster.
4. If you are running Windows XP, click Change, otherwise click Remove.
The PrintMaster Setup Welcome dialog box opens.
5. Click Next to open the Program Maintenance dialog box.
6. Choose Remove, then click Next.
7. A dialog box opens, asking if you want to completely remove the selected
application and all of its components. Click Yes to remove PrintMaster.
NOTE: Removing PrintMaster does not remove your Address
Book, Projects, or Art. These files remain in the
product directory.
To install PrintMaster:
1. Insert the PrintMaster Install CD into the CD-ROM drive. The InstallShield
Wizard progress dialog box opens.
2. Once the Installing PrintMaster dialog box opens, click Next and follow the
onscreen directions.
Install options:
• Typical—Install PrintMaster with the default settings, including the most
commonly used components. You may be prompted to insert a product disc
to access certain features.
NOTE: This is the recommended install option.
• Custom—Customize the installation of PrintMaster by selecting which
features to install on your computer.
NOTE: This option is recommended for advanced users.
Many forms of customer and technical support are available online to help you
with any issues you may have regarding PrintMaster.
Before You Access Technical Support
Before accessing our online technical support, it is a good idea to have the
following information ready.
• The name and version of the program. (In PrintMaster, click Help, then select
About PrintMaster Click the System tab to view the product version.)
• Operating System: Windows® 98, 2000, ME, or XP
• Precise description of the problem and steps needed to reproduce it—including
any error messages with the exact wording and punctuation that appears on screen
• Your computer’s make and model: IBM® Aptiva™, Packard Bell® Legend™, for
• CPU chip and speed: P200, Intel® Pentium® III, 500, for example
• RAM (memory) size: 128 MB or higher
• Video card manufacturer and model number: NVIDIA® RIVA TNT2 Model 64,
GeForce® 2 MX/MX 400, for example
• Sound card manufacturer and model number: S.B. Audio Gamer Turtle Beach
Santa Cruz PCI, for example
• CD-ROM drive manufacturer and model number: HP CD-Writer 16x8x40x max
speed or CD, for example
• For print problems, include the printer manufacturer and model number: HP
DeskJet™ 895cxi, Epson® Stylus™ Color 700, for example
Accessing Customer and Technical Support
If you purchased this product directly from Broderbund® via
www.broderbund.com, phone, or mail order, please refer to the information below.
Customer Service
Customer Service can assist you with product returns and exchanges. Please
visit our Web site at http://support.broderbund.com for more information.
Technical Support
Our online technical support system offers fast, 24-hour service and product
information at http://support.broderbund.com. The site features troubleshooting tools, the latest software updates, support services, and more!
For a list of information you may need to have ready, see Before Accessing
Technical Support.
To access online technical support:
1. Ensure that an Internet connection is available.
2. From the Design Workspace, choose Technical Support from the Online
menu, then select one of the following options from the submenu:
• How To—Access Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
• Troubleshooting—Access technical support to troubleshoot your problem.
• Contacting—Obtain the most current contact information.
• Check for Updates—Obtain the most current software updates.
The appropriate technical support page of the Web site opens. If you purchased
this product at a retail store, please visit Encore’s technical support
knowledgebase at http://support.encoreusa.com, before contacting Encore
Technical Support, please have the following information available:
• Product name
• Type of computer, amount of RAM, video card, and system information
• A description of the problem, including any error messages
• A list of steps that led to the problem
If you are unable to resolve your issue using the knowledgebase articles, you
may contact us through email via our web form support section by clicking on
the link to submit an Online Support Request.
If you contact us using our web form, please remember to include the basic
hardware details and we would also ask that you attach your “dxdiag” file.
To do this please:
1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type dxdiag and click OK
4. The DirectX diagnosis program should now start up. (This may take a
few minutes)
5. Click below on “save all information” and a file by the name of dxdiag.txt will
be created.
You should save this to your desktop. While using our web form, you will be
prompted to attach the file to your request. This will allow us to provide the best
possible support regarding your system.
Unfortunately, we do not provide game play or “how-to” support on the products
we distribute. Our tech support is limited to ensure that your software runs on
your computer as designed. Many of our products have built-in readme files or
help files that accompany them. There is often helpful information and tips in
these files. Beyond that, the Internet is a great resource for information.
Customer Service
If you wish to obtain information regarding refunds and replacements, please
visit http://support.encoreusa.com to view our policies. Please be advised that
we do not provide product functionality or technical support.
*This is a toll call. Customer Service does not provide product functionality or
technical support.
There are two ways to start a new project in PrintMaster: customize a ReadyMade project or start a Brand New project from scratch.
• Ready-Made projects—Select from thousands of projects that PrintMaster
has already created for you—including various cards, newsletters, brochures,
posters, crafts, and much more. After selecting a Ready-Made project, you can
customize it to fit your needs, taking advantage of PrintMaster’s powerful tools,
features, and resources.
• Brand New projects—Select a blank layout for the type of project you want to
create, including cards, newsletters, brochures, and much more. You can then
add graphics and text to your project, taking advantage of PrintMaster’s powerful tools, features, and resources to design the project that you want.
In addition, PrintMaster’s Party Creator Wizard gives you a big head start on
party-related projects. You can create invitations, banners, hats, and more for a
party related to a birthday, get together, or travel occasion. You can also create
fun Animated Greetings that you can send via e-mail to your friends and family.
Once you have created a project, you can save it, print it, or send it to someone
online. You can also modify its design at any time.
Creating a Ready-Made Project
You can start a project by selecting from thousands of PrintMaster Ready-Made
projects, then customize it to fit your needs.
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Personalize Ready-Made
Project button.
NOTE: You can also choose Open Project from the File
menu in the Design Workspace.
The Project Gallery opens.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the All Projects tab.
3. Click Reset to clear all Search boxes.
4. Select a project type from the Select Type of Project drop-down list.
NOTE: You can further narrow your search for projects by
clicking Advanced Search to access the Advanced
Search mode. Then do one or both of the following:
• Select a tone from the Select Tone for Project drop-down list.
• Select a collection from the Select Collection for Project drop-down list.
The projects are displayed in the Preview browser on the right, according
to your selections.
5. In the Choose Project Category list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to
the folder that contains the options you want to view, then select an
option. You can also double-click a subfolder to view its contents.
The projects in that category appear in the Preview browser.
6. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the
Enter Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the
words Birthday Cake.
NOTE: If you are in Advanced Search mode, you can also
select one of the following options:
• All—Search for projects that contain all of the search words you
• Any—Search for projects that contain any of the search words
you typed.
The projects that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview
7. Click the project you want from the Preview browser, then click Select;
or double-click the project in the Preview browser.
The project opens in the Design Workspace, ready for you to customize.
Creating a Brand New Project
You can start a project by selecting a blank layout of one of PrintMaster’s many
project types, then add and modify graphics and text to create the project you want.
1. Do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Create Brand New
Project button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button on the Edit
toolbar, then choose the Brand New option.
NOTE: You can also choose New Project from the File menu
in the Design Workspace.
2. In the New Project dialog box, select the type of project you want to create,
then click next. For a list of project types, see Types of Projects You
Can Create.
3. Select the orientation, size, printing stock, and other options presented
in the dialog boxes, clicking Next after selecting each set of options.
4. When no other Next button appears in the dialog box, click Finish to
place the blank project into the Design Workspace.
A blank page appears in the Design Workspace, ready for you to add design
elements, such as graphics and text.
NOTE: The blank page represents your project’s workspace.
After you have added design elements, use Print
Previewing to view the project.
Creating an Animated Greeting
PrintMaster offers a collection of ready-made Animated Greetings that you can
personalize with your own text, then send to friends and family via e-mail. The
receiver of your animated greeting card will be able to play your customized
message on their computer whether or not they have PrintMaster installed.
3. Type your personal message in the Customize your message area.
4. Click Preview to play the Animated Greeting with your personal
message incorporated. Click Replay if you want to play it again.
5. Click Choose Another Greeting to open the Animated Greetings
Gallery and choose a new greeting.
6. Click Send via E-mail to name your project, then attach it to an
e-mail message to send to family and friends.
7. Click Export As to give your project a file name, then save the
project as an Executable File or a Flash file in your My Documents
folder on your hard drive.
Creating an Oversized Project
You can create an 11 x 17 inch project in PrintMaster even if you only have a
standard 8_ x 11 inch printer.
1. Click the Pick Project button on the Edit toolbar, then choose
Brand New from the shortcut menu.
2. Select Blank Page from the list of projects, then click Next.
3. Choose an orientation, then click Finish.
4. Choose Printer Setup from the File menu, then select Print Setup.
The Print Setup dialog box opens.
5. Select Broderbund PDF Creator from the drop-down list box.
6. Choose Tabloid 11x17 from the Size drop-down list box.
7. Select an Orientation, then click OK. The blank page project on
the Design Workspace changes to represent an 11x17 size.
8. After you have completed the design of your project, click the
Finish Project button on the Edit toolbar.
9. Click the Save as PDF option in the Finish Project dialog box.
The Save as dialog box opens with PDF file type selected.
10. Select the PDF options you want, then click Save.
Creating Party Sets
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Animated Greetings
button. The PrintMaster Animated Greetings Gallery opens.
You can use the Party Creator Wizard to create all types of projects for a party
based on a selected occasion.
2. Scroll through the gallery browser until you find a greeting you like.
Click the greeting, then click Select. The selected Animated Greeting
opens in the Animated Greetings Module.
1. On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Create Party Set button.
The Party Creator Wizard opens.
2. Click Next.
3. In the “Who is the Party for,” the “When is the party,” and the “Where
is the party being held” areas, type the appropriate information into
the boxes.
NOTE: Click inside a box to move the cursor to that box or
press the Tab key to move to the next box, then type
the information.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the party’s occasion from the “What is the Party for”
drop-down list.
6. In the “What projects are needed for the Party” area, select the
appropriate checkboxes.
7. Select a style for your project from the “What Party style is preferred”
list box.
8. To preview your project, select a project type from the Project to
Preview drop-down list. The project appears in the Preview area.
9. Click Finish.
The projects selected are displayed in the Design Workspace, ready for you to
customize. If you want to view all projects at once, see Viewing More than One
Project at a Time.
Types of Projects You Can Create
PrintMaster allows you to create many types of projects. Click a type of project
listed below to see an example.
Business Cards
Kitchen Crafts
Cards, Half-fold
Cards, Quarter-fold
Note Cards
Photo Albums
Photo Frames
Customizable Skins
Photo Novelties
Fax Sheets
Fun for Kids
Web Pages
Homework Helpers
After you create a project, you can save it in order to modify and print it at
another time. You can then easily access, organize, and open your projects in
the Project Gallery. You can also import, export, and send projects to others in
the Project Gallery, allowing you to share projects with family and friends and
move projects from one computer to another.
You can open a project you previously created and saved so that you can modify
or print it. In PrintMaster, you can have more than one project open at a time.
You can open a project from the Project Gallery or from your computer or floppy disk.
If you are not sure how to open your project, see Opening a Project from the
Project Gallery.
Opening a Project from the Project Gallery
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open Project from the File menu.
The Project Gallery opens.
2. Click the My Projects tab.
Previews of your projects are displayed in the Preview browser on
the right.
3. Click Reset to clear all project Search boxes.
3. In the Open Project from Disk dialog box, locate the project file on the
hard disk or floppy disk.
NOTE: This ensures that the Enter Search Words box is now blank.
4. Select a project type from the Select Type of Project drop-down list.
The projects that match your selection are displayed in the Preview
5. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the
category that contains the projects you want to open from the Choose
Project Category list box.
If your project does not appear in the Preview browser, it may exist on
your computer or on a floppy disk. See Opening a Project from a Disk.
6. To further narrow your search, you can also type search words in the
Enter Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the
words, Birthday Cake.
The projects that contain the search words are displayed in the
Preview browser.
NOTE: For search words to exist for your project, you need to
have modified project properties for your project.
7. In the Preview browser, double-click the project you want to open.
You can also click a project once to select it, then click
Select in the Project Gallery.
The project is displayed in the Design Workspace.
Opening a Project from a Disk
To search for a particular type of project, select the
appropriate project file type from the Files of type
drop-down list.
4. Select the project file that you want to open from the list box and click
The project is displayed in the Design Workspace.
Importing a Project
You can import (or bring in) a project that you or someone else has created on
another computer so that you can modify, view, or print it.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Open Project from the File menu.
2. In the Project Gallery with the My Projects tab selected, choose Import from
the File menu.
3. In the Import Projects dialog box, locate the project file on the hard disk or
floppy disk that you want to import into PrintMaster.
4. Select the category in which you want to import the project from the Add to
Project Category drop-down list.
NOTE: You can create a new category for your projects. To do
so, click New. In the Add User Category dialog box,
type a name for the new category and click OK. This
new category is now selected from the Add to Project
Category drop-down list.
5. Click Import.
The project is imported into the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery, adding
to your list of projects.
Exporting a Project
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open Project from the File menu.
The Project Gallery opens.
2. Click the Open button in the Project Gallery toolbar; or choose Open
from Disk from the File menu.
You can export a project you created or modified to the hard disk of your computer
or to a floppy disk so that you can share it with others or copy it to another computer.
You can export the current project from the Design Workspace or another
project from the Project Gallery.
1. Do one of the following:
• To export the current project, in the Design Workspace, choose Export As
from the File menu.
• To export a different project, click the Pick Project button on the Edit
toolbar. In the Project Gallery, search for the project you want to export and
select it from the Preview browser. Then choose Export from the File menu.
2. In the Export dialog box, select the location to which you want to export the
file, then click Save.
NOTE: You can rename the exported project file by typing a
new name into the File name box.
The file is exported to the indicated location. You are then returned to the
Project Gallery or the Design Workspace.
After you create a project in the Design Workspace, you can save it in order to
modify or print it later. You can save the project so that it appears in the Project
Gallery for easy access, or simply save it on your computer disk or a floppy disk.
You can also save a project as a PDF file, which your local professional printer
can open and print accurately without having the PrintMaster program installed.
If you are not sure how to save your project, see Saving a Project to the Project
Saving a Project to the Project Gallery
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Save button on the Standard toolbar, or
choose Save from the File menu to save the currently displayed project.
NOTE: If the Save menu option is grayed out, the project’s
final changes have already been saved or the project
is a Ready-Made project that has not yet been customized. To save this project with a different name,
choose Save As from the File menu and continue with
the following steps.
2. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the project in the File name box.
NOTE: Projects are automatically saved in the Projects folder.
To save the project in another location on your computer disk or onto a floppy disk, select the appropriate
location in this dialog box.
3. In the Project Gallery area, select the Add to Project Gallery checkbox
so that you can later access the project easily from the My Projects tab
in PrintMaster’s Project Gallery.
4. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the project from the
Category drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog
box, and click OK.
5. Click Save.
The project is saved as one of the following Project File Types.
Saving a Project to a Disk
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Save from the File menu.
NOTE: If the Save menu option is grayed out, then the project’s
final changes have already been saved or the project is a
Ready-Made project that has not yet been customized.
2. In the Save As dialog box, find the location to which you want to save
the file.
3. In the Project Gallery area, select the Add to Project Gallery check
box so that you can later access the project easily from the My
Projects tab in PrintMaster’s Project Gallery.
4. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the project from
the Category drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category
dialog box, and click OK.
5. Click Save.
The project is saved as one of the following Project File Types.
Saving a Project in PDF Format
PrintMaster can save projects as PDF files, which your local professional printer
can open and print accurately without having the PrintMaster program installed.
1. With a finished project open in the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Choose Save as PDF from the File menu.
• Click the Finish Project button on the Edit toolbar, then select Save as
PDF in the Finish Project dialog box.
• Click the Professional Printing button on the Standard toolbar, then
click Save as PDF in the Professional Printing dialog box.
• Choose Print from the File menu, then click Setup. In the Print Setup
dialog box, choose Broderbund PDF Creator from the Name list, then
click OK. Click Print in the Print dialog box.
The Save as dialog box opens with PDF file type selected.
2. Select a location to save your project in the “Save in” drop-down list.
3. Type a name for your project in the File Name box
4. Select the resolution of your project from the Resolution drop-down list.
5. Click Save.
The project is saved as a PDF file with your selected options.
To better organize your projects, you can create new categories, organize projects
in these new categories, and rename and delete categories on the My Projects tab.
This option is available only for projects you have
saved to the Project Gallery. See Saving a Project to
the Project Gallery.
Accessing the Project Gallery
The Project Gallery contains a collection of your own projects that you have created
and saved to the Project Gallery. These appear in the My Projects tab in the
Project Gallery.
1. Do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Personalize Ready-Made
Project button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open from the File menu.
The Project Gallery opens.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the All Projects tab to access thousands of available projects.
• Click the My Projects tab to access projects that you have saved to your
own categories.
Creating a New Category
You can create a category for your own projects in the Project Gallery or for
your own graphics in the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To create a category for your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To create a category for your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. Choose New Category from the File menu.
3. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name for the new category and
click OK.
The category is added to the list in alphabetical order.
Copying and Moving Projects into Categories
You can organize the projects you created into categories on the My Projects
tab of the Project Gallery.
NOTE: You need to have created new categories first.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. Search for the project you want to move or copy to another category and
select it from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. To copy the project to another category, press the Ctrl key, then click and
drag the selected project to a different category in the Choose Project
Category list box.
You may also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the
Project Gallery toolbar. See Copying and Pasting
5. To move the project to another category, click and drag the project to the new
category in the Choose Project Category list box.
You may also use the Cut and Paste buttons on the
Project Gallery toolbar. See Cutting and Pasting Projects.
You can also choose Move from the File menu, select
the category to which you want to move your project
from the Move Item to a New Category dialog box,
and click OK.
Renaming a Category
You can rename a category in the Project Gallery or the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To rename a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To rename a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to rename.
3. Choose Rename Category from the Edit menu.
4. Type a new name for the category, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The category is renamed.
Deleting a Category
You can delete a category of your own projects from the Project Gallery or your
own graphics from the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To delete a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To delete a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to delete.
3. Choose Delete Category from the Edit menu.
A warning message opens, asking if you want to delete the selected category.
NOTE: If you have projects or graphics in the category you
are deleting, the Delete Category dialog box opens
with a warning that all projects or graphics within the
category will also be deleted. If you do not want to
continue, click No. Otherwise, you can select the
Delete project (or graphic) files from disk checkbox
to delete the projects or graphics from your hard drive.
4. Click Yes to continue the deletion.
The category is removed from the Choose Category list box.
Renaming a Project
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want to rename from the Choose Project Category
list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select the project you want to rename.
5. Choose Rename Project from the Edit menu.
6. Type a new name for the project, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The project is renamed. You may rename as many projects as you want
following these steps.
After you create and save a project, you can share the project with friends,
family, and business associates. Recipients can view and print the project even
if they do not have PrintMaster installed. You can share the project by saving it
to a disk, burning it to a CD, sending it in e-mail, or sending it using Instant
If you want to share a project with other PrintMaster users, you can e-mail the
project as a file attachment using your e-mail program.
To e-mail the project with a file viewer you must have
a MAPI-enabled e-mail account. Macintosh users will not
be able to open or print the Share Project executable.
1. With a finished project open in the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Click the Finish Project button on the Edit toolbar, select the Share
Project option in the Finish Project dialog box, then click Next.
• Choose Share Project from the File menu, then select Share
Project Viewer.
The Share Project dialog box opens.
2. Type a name for your project in the Enter Project Name box.
3. Click Color and choose a background color from the Color Palette dialog box.
4. Click Preview.
The Broderbund Share Project viewer displays your project.
• You can navigate through your project using the viewer controls.
• Click Best Fit to show the project at the best size for the viewer.
• Click the Broderbund icon to access the Broderbund online store.
• Click Close to close the viewer and return to the Share Project dialog
5. Click E-mail to send the project viewer to a friend.
• The File Information dialog box displays the file size of your project and
the transfer times.
• Click Continue.
• Follow the steps in the Internet Connection Wizard, then click Finish.
Your e-mail application opens with your project viewer attached.
6. Type the recipient’s name, add a personal message, then click Send.
Your Share Project viewer is now sent via e-mail to your selected recipients.
In the Share Project dialog box, you also have the
options to Instant Message your project, Burn to CD, or
Save As, to save the executable to your hard drive.
Sharing a Project using the Share Project Feature
The PrintMaster Share Project feature allows you to send your project to
friends, family, or business associates as a file with a viewer. Your recipient can
view and print the project even if they do not have PrintMaster installed.
Sharing a Project via Instant Messaging
You can use PrintMaster to share any projects created within PrintMaster with
selected friends on your Instant Messenger buddy list. Your recipient can view and
print the project even if they do not have PrintMaster installed.
1. From the Design Workspace, with the finished project open, do one of the following:
in the e-mail program.
NOTE: See your e-mail program’s help file for more information.
• Click the Finish Project button on the Edit toolbar, select the Share Project
option in the Finish Project dialog box, then click Next.
• Choose Share Project from the File menu, then select Share Project
The Share Project dialog box opens.
NOTE: You will be prompted to save your project if you have
not already.
2. Type a name for your project in the Enter Project Name box.
3. Click Color and choose a background color from the Color Palette dialog box.
4. Click Preview to view your project before sending it.
5. Click Instant Message.
6. Select a recipient from your buddy list to whom you want to send your
Broderbund project file, then click Send.
The MSN Messenger Conversation window opens and provides updates on
the progress of the file transfer.
You can use most Instant Messaging services to send
your project. Save the file locally to your computer’s
hard drive. Open your Instant Messaging service.
Start a conversation with a buddy, and then use the
send a file feature to attach your saved project file.
Modifying Project Properties
After you create and save a project, you can modify its properties in the Project
Gallery, such as the description of the project and keywords you can use to
locate the project.
You cannot modify the properties for a Ready-Made project.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want from the
4. Choose Project Category list box. In the Preview browser, select a project.
NOTE: If you cannot see your project in the Preview browser,
you may need to search for your project first.
5. Choose Properties from the View menu.
The Properties dialog box opens.
6. Type a description for the project in the Description box.
7. Type search words to use when searching for the project in the Keywords box.
8. Click OK.
The Preview browser displays the new description under the project.
Deleting a Project
Sharing a Project via E-mail
Send As E-mail Attachment from the File menu.
Your default e-mail program opens with the project attached.
2. Type the name of the recipient in the e-mail browser’s To box, then click Send
You can delete projects only from the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want to delete from the Choose Project Category list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select the project you want to delete.
5. Choose Delete from the Edit menu.
The Confirm Delete dialog box opens.
6. To delete the file on your computer as well as from the Project Gallery, select
the Delete project file from disk checkbox.
The project is deleted.
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Share Project from
the File menu, then select As E-mail Attachment.
• In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab. In the Preview browser,
select the project you want to send by clicking it. (You may first need to
search for the project so that it appears in the Preview browser.) Choose
Closing a Project
From the Design Workspace, choose Close from the File menu.
The project closes.
NOTE: If you have not saved your project, you will be prompted
to do so.
Finishing a Project
3. Click Next. Follow the onscreen instructions or choose options in dialogs displayed depending on your Finish Project choice.
Once you have started a new project in PrintMaster, you can design and modify
it to fit your needs. You do this by adding, modifying, arranging, and sizing
design elements, such as text and graphics, in the project. You can also save
certain design elements you modify or import for future use.
Use the Finish Project dialog to guide you through the many project destination
options available such as printing it, sharing it, having it professionally printed
and delivered, and more.
1. In the Design Workspace, with the finished project design open, click
the Finish Project button on the Edit toolbar. The Finish Project
dialog box opens.
2. Choose an option from the list box. Two or more of the following options
will be available depending on your project design type.
• Save Project As—Choose this option to save the project to a local file.
• Print Project—Choose this option to print the project to a local printer.
• Professionally Print Project—Choose this option to save your project
in a format that can be printed professionally.
• E-mail Project as Attachment—Choose this option to e-mail the
project to family or friends as a PrintMaster project. Recipients of the
e-mail attachment must have PrintMaster or another compatible
Broderbund™ Print Creativity Technologies product to open and view
the project.This option requires an Internet connection and an e-mail account.
• Publish Project Locally—Choose this option to save the project as a
Web page, stored on your hard drive.
• Publish Project to Web—Choose this option to save the project as a
Web page, then publish to your personal Web site. This option
requires an Internet connection and your own personal Web space.
• Share Project—Choose this option to share your project as a selfrunning executable to family and friends. This option requires a disk,
CD burner, or an Internet connection with an e-mail or Instant
Messenger account.
• Save as PDF—Choose this option to save your project as a PDF file
to send to friends, family, colleagues or a commercial printer.
The Design Workspace is the place where you create and modify all your
projects, taking advantage of PrintMaster’s many value-added tools and features
along the way. You can also save and print projects, or share them with others via
the Internet, all from the Design Workspace.
The Design Workspace contains a set of menu options along the top (File, Edit,
View, and more), toolbars along the top and left sides of the screen, and a
status bar along the bottom.
To find out what a toolbar button does, position your pointer over the button. A
tooltip appears, defining the button’s function. For every button on the toolbar,
there is a command in one of the menus that performs the same action(s). The
menus also offer additional commands.
Print Preview button
If a toolbar does not appear in the Design Workspace,
choose Toolbars from the View menu, then select
any toolbar that does not contain a checkbox. You can
also deselect a toolbar in this way to hide it from the
Design Workspace.
Click this button to preview your project before you print it or send it to others.
Cut button
Click this button to remove the selected text or graphic and copy it to the
Windows clipboard. You can then use the Paste command or button to insert
elements from the clipboard into any project.
Copy button
To familiarize yourself with the button commands on the Design Workspace
toolbars, as well as the symbols on the status bar, see one of the following topics:
The Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar appears at the top of the Design Workspace and provides
quick access to some of the most commonly used PrintMaster commands, such
as printing and saving.
Click this button to copy the selected text or graphic to the Windows clipboard.
You can then use the Paste command or button to insert elements from the
clipboard into any project.
Paste button
Click this button to insert the contents of the Windows clipboard into
your project.
Font drop-down list
Save button
Click this button to save the project you are working on. You can save projects to
the Project Gallery, to your computer disk, or to a floppy disk.
Click the down arrow to choose a font from the long list of PrintMaster and
Windows fonts. You first need to select text in order to change the text’s font.
Font Size drop-down list
Print button
Click this button to send your project to the printer.
Click the down arrow
to choose the size of the type, from 6 points to 72
points. You first need to select text in order to change the text’s font size.
Bold button
Professional Printing button
Click this button to save your project as a PDF file. Most local digital copy centers
can open and print PDF files to produce high-quality, full-color results.
Click this button to make the text you type or select darker.
Italic button
Click this button to italicize the text you type or select.
Fill Color button
Underline button
Click this button to underline the text you type or select.
Click this button to display the Color Palette, from which you can choose a color
to fill the selected design element.
Align Left button
Click this button to make each line of text in a selected paragraph line up along
the left side of the text box. You can place the I-beam anywhere in the paragraph to
select it.
Align Center button
Click this button to make the middle of each line of text in a selected paragraph
line up in the middle of the text box. You can place the I-beam anywhere in the
paragraph to select it.
Help Center button
Click this button to open the Help Center and access easy-to-view movies and
tutorials on using PrintMaster.
The Edit Toolbar
The Edit toolbar appears at the left of the Design Workspace and contains tools
for adding or modifying design elements in your project.
Home Page button
Align Right button
Click this button to make each line of text in a selected paragraph line up along
the right side of the text box. You can place the I-beam anywhere in the paragraph
to select it.
Justify button
Click this button to justify the text in a selected paragraph. Justified lines of text
attempt to fill the entire width of the text box. PrintMaster adjusts the space
between words, so that each full line of text spans the width of the text box.
Partial lines of text are not adjusted. You can place the I-beam anywhere in the
paragraph to select it.
Undo button
Click this button to undo the last action you took—including formatting, editing,
resizing, or almost any other action. To undo the last several actions, click this
button more than once.
Redo button
Click this button to reverse the last change you made by clicking the Undo button.
Click this button to open the PrintMaster Home Page. From here you can start
either a Ready-Made or Brand New project. You can also create party-related
projects by clicking Create Party Set. Clicking Get Started takes you to the
Help Center where you can view a Get Started movie, which is a perfect introduction to your new program. The Help Center also gives you access to step-bystep tutorials for creating certain types of projects such as calendars, cards, and
Web pages. You can go directly to the Art Gallery to view and select graphics by
clicking Search Art and Photos. You can also go to the My Projects tab of the
Project Gallery by clicking Open My Projects on the PrintMaster Home Page.
Search Art & Photos button
Click this button to open the Art Gallery, where you can select from tens of thousands
of art images for your project, import and save your own art images or photographs,
and edit any art image or photo.
Pick Project button
Click this button to open the Project Gallery, where you can select from thousands of Ready-Made PrintMaster projects that you can customize to fit your
needs—or print them as is! Or select the Brand New option to open the New
Project dialog box and create your own project from scratch.
project. This will help you to create consistent, professional-looking documents.
When you apply a color set to one or more projects, PrintMaster assigns default
colors to the panel, text, lines, and other attributes of your project.
Add or Edit Text button
Click this button to add a text box to your project that will contain text you type or
import, a headline from PrintMaster’s selection of headlines, or a sentiment you
select from PrintMaster’s Sentiment Gallery. You can also select a text box, then
click this button to stretch the text to fit the text box or to change the text shape
using PrintMaster’s special effects on text. Add a decorative letter, decorative
number, or word balloon to further personalize your design.
Add Sound or Video button
Click this button to access options that let you transform your card and Web
page projects into multimedia creations by adding sound and video. Once your
multimedia project is complete, you can publish it as a Web page on your own
Web site.
Edit Photo button
After selecting a graphic in your project (an art image or photograph), click this
button to access The Photo Workshop to modify the graphic. You can crop; orient;
adjust the color, brightness, and focus of the graphic; and apply a number of
other special photo and area effects.
Show Hot Shots Viewer button
Click this button to create a screen saver or slide show or to create an image
strip of your favorite and most frequently used graphics and photographs, which
you can then drag and drop into your projects.
Create Party Set button
Click this button to launch the PrintMaster’s Party Creator Wizard. This wizard
gives you a big head start on party-related projects, making it easy to create
invitations, banners, hats, and more for a party related to a birthday, get-together, or travel occasion.
Finish Project button
Click this button when your project design is complete to select options to save,
print or share your finished project.
Draw Object button
Get More button
Click this button to select a shape or line that you want to add to your project.
You can also select Advanced Drawing from this button’s shortcut menu to create your own drawing for the current project.
Crop Object button
Click this button to apply cropping effects to a graphic or photo. Cropping allows
you to highlight a portion of the graphic.
Click this button to access PrintMaster’s extended functionality and to view current upgrade offers.
The Status Bar
The status bar appears at the bottom of the Design Workspace and provides
additional statistical information and functionality for your project.
Page Turner
Apply Color Set button
Click this button to select, create, and apply custom color sets for your entire
Click the left and right arrows of this tool to page through your project. If you are
at the last page of the project and click the right arrow button, for some project
types, an Add Pages dialog box opens, which allows you to add pages to your
Navigating the Pages in a Project
For projects that contain pages, navigate to the appropriate page before adding
or modifying its design elements.
Click the Zoom In button
to magnify your view of the current project; click
the Zoom Out button
to shrink your view of the current project. You can
also click the box that contains the viewing percentage to view additional options.
Add Sound
Click the Background Sound button in the status bar to add sound to the project; click the Object Sound button to add sound to a selected design element
so that it plays when the element is clicked.
Absolute Positioning Tool
This tool displays the current position of a selected design element, referenced
from the upper left corner of the page. When you click this tool, a shortcut menu
displays positioning options.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the left arrow of the Page Turner in the lower
left corner of the status bar to page toward the start of your project.
Each time you click the left arrow, the Design Workspace displays the
previous page of your project.
2. Click the right arrow of the Page Turner to page toward the end of
your project.
Each time you click the right arrow, the Design Workspace displays the
next page of your project.
When working on certain types of projects, clicking the
right arrow of the Page Turner when there are no more
pages allows you to add new pages.
For some projects, you can also choose Go to Page
from the View menu, type the page number in the Go
To Page dialog box, and click OK.
Absolute Sizing Tool
This tool displays the overall width of the bounding box of a selected design
element. When you click this tool, a shortcut menu displays positioning options.
Rotation Tool
This tool displays the percentage of rotation for a selected object. When you
click this tool, a shortcut menu displays rotation options.
Navigating a Project in the Design Workspace
In the Design Workspace, certain types of projects have more than one page.
For example, a card can have a front, inside, and back pages; a calendar may
have 12 pages, one for each month in the year. You need to navigate to the
appropriate page in the project before you can add or modify design elements
on that page.
Certain project types also use master pages. A master page can contain
background design elements, effects, or colors that you want to appear on all
project pages. Some projects have both a right and a left master page. You need
to navigate to the appropriate master page before you can add or modify design
elements on that page.
Navigating the Master Pages in a Project
For projects that contain master pages, navigate to the appropriate master page
before modifying it. (A master page can contain background elements, effects,
or colors that you want to have appear on all project pages.)
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Go to Master Page from the View menu.
2. If there is more than one master page, click the left arrow of the Page Turner
in the lower left corner of the status bar to page to the left master page or
click the right arrow of the Page Turner to move to the right master page.
The appropriate master page opens.
3. When you have finished designing the master pages as you would any other
page in your project, choose Return to Page from the View menu.
You can change the view of a project in the Design Workspace so that it
appears larger or smaller on your screen. You can also view more than one
project at a time.
Changing the Project View by Percentage
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Percent View from the
View menu, then select the percentage of magnification at which you want to
view the project on the screen.
The project view changes and a check mark appears next to the option in the
View menu.
2. Click the area on which you want to zoom in. The view zooms in on the area
you clicked.
NOTE: You can then click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button in the
status bar to further control zooming.
Zooming to Selected Design Elements
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the design elements
on which you want to zoom in.
2. Choose Zoom to Selected from the View menu. The view zooms in on the
design elements you selected.
NOTE: You can then click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button in the
status bar to further control zooming.
• Choose Fit Window Width from the View menu to view the full width of the
project in its window.
Viewing More than One Project at a Time
You can work on several projects at once in the Design Workspace, copying and
moving design elements from one to the other. If you have more than one
project open in the Design Workspace, you can use Windows commands to
organize them. Do one of the following:
• Choose Cascade from the Window menu to stack the project windows so that
you see only the project on top and the titles of all the others.
• Choose Tile from the Window menu to arrange all projects horizontally across
the Design Workspace so that you can see all projects at once.
• Choose Fit Window Height from the View menu to view the full height of the
project in its window.
Important Design Tips
Fitting the Project in the Window
In the Design Workspace with a project open, do one of the following:
• Choose Fit in Window from the View menu to view the entire project in
its window.
The project view changes and a check mark appears next to the option in the
View menu.
Zooming In and Out
In the Design Workspace with a project open, do one of the following:
The following is a list of helpful hints and tips to help you design and modify
projects in the Design Workspace.
• Click the Zoom In button
preset percentage.
Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to “undo” the last action you
took. This is especially useful when something unexpected happens or when
you simply change your mind.
to increase the magnification of the project by a
to decrease the magnification of the project
• Click the Zoom Out button
by a preset percentage.
Zooming to a Specific Project Area
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Zoom to Area from the View menu.
The pointer changes to a magnifying glass with a plus (+) symbol.
The Undo Button
Shortcut Menus
Any time you need to modify a design element on the screen (for example: a
line, graphic, or text) position the pointer over the design element, then right-click
the mouse (click the mouse’s right button) to open a shortcut menu. Shortcut
menus contain tools and commands appropriate to modifying the particular
design element you selected.
A sentiment is a text box object that contains a sentiment from PrintMaster’s
Sentiment Gallery.
An graphic is an object that contains an art image or a photograph from
PrintMaster’s Art Gallery or that contains an image you import.
Grayed-Out Menus and Buttons
Sometimes a button in a toolbar or a command on a menu appears gray in color
and does not seem to work. These commands and buttons are not available
because the design element you are working on does not use them, or because
you have not yet selected the appropriate design element.
Design Elements
Art Image
An art image is a graphic object that contains an art image from PrintMaster’s
Art Gallery or that contains an art image you import.
A design element is an object in your project in the Design Workspace that you
can then modify. Design elements include the following:
Text Box
A text box is an object that contains text. The text can already exist, or you can
type it in. Headlines and sentiments are also found inside text boxes. You can
modify the size, look, and shape of the text in a text box.
A headline is a text box object that contains a custom or ready-made headline
from PrintMaster’s Headlines feature.
A photo is a graphic object that contains a photograph from PrintMaster’s Art
Gallery or that contains a photograph you import.
Animated Art Image
An animated art image is a graphic object that appears animated when you
open the Web site or card that contains it.
A table is a grid object you can use in your project to arrange text. You can
modify the columns and rows of the grid, merge cells (where a row and column
intersect), and change the colors to create the table you want.
A drawing is an object that contains a drawing you created using the Advanced
Drawing tool available in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
Shape or Line
A shape or line is an object you create using the Drawing Tools in the Design
Workspace of PrintMaster.
A frame is an object you select to surround a graphic design element such as
an art image or photograph.
A border is an object you can add to your project using the BorderPlus feature
in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
A seal is an object that contains an art image of a seal you can add using the
Custom Graphics feature in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
A timepiece is an object that contains an art image of a timepiece that you can
add using the Custom Graphics feature in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
Decorative Letter
A decorative letter is an object that contains a stylized initial capital letter that
you can add using the Text feature in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
Decorative Number
A decorative number is an object that contains a stylized number that you can
add using the Text feature in the Design Workspace of PrintMaster.
This object originates from within another program. For example, you can add a
Microsoft Word document or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to your project. When
you double-click this design element, the program in which you created it opens
so that you can modify it.
Shortcut Key Combinations
Shortcut key combinations are commands you can execute directly from your
keyboard without your having to click a button or select a menu option. For
example, instead of clicking the Print button on the Standard toolbar to print
your project, you can press Ctrl+P on the keyboard. (This means that you hold
down the Ctrl key, then press the letter P key.) Shortcut keys save you time.
General Editing
Select All
Zoom in
Zoom out
Next window
ICtrl+X or Shift+Del
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins
Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins
Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace
Plus (+) key
Minus (–) key
Moving a Selected Element
Move element 1 pixel left
Move element 1 pixel right
Move element 1 pixel up
Left arrow
Right arrow
Up arrow
Move element 1 pixel down
Down arrow
Apply/remove bold
Apply/remove italic
Apply/remove underline
Move insertion point left
Left arrow
Move insertion point right
Right arrow
Move insertion point up
Up arrow
Move insertion point down
Down arrow
Move insertion point left a word
Ctrl+Left arrow
Move insertion point right a word
Ctrl+Right arrow
Move insertion point to beginning of line
Move insertion point to end of line
Move insertion point to beginning of text
Move insertion point to end of text
Working in the Address Book
Add a new entry
Delete an entry
Go to the first entry
Go to the last entry
Go to the previous entry
Page Up
Go to the next entry
Page Dn
Adding Design Elements
Text Editing
To use these commands, you must have text highlighted, or have placed the I-beam
in a text box.
You can add all kinds of design elements to your project—including text, graphics,
photos, headlines, and more. PrintMaster allows you to import graphics and
photos and add special effects. Choose from thousands of art images in
PrintMaster’s Art Gallery.
All text in PrintMaster is contained in a text box design element. To add text, you
first create the text box in your project, then type the text into it. To save time,
you can also import text into the text box from a file from another program such
as a word processor.
beam moves to that location if there is existing text.
You can format the text to have any font (style of type), size, shape, and color that
you like. You can also add bullets, numbers, and dates to the text.
PrintMaster also allows you to add custom fields to text in order to create placeholders
for information you use repeatedly. For example, you can insert a custom field called
“My Name” and PrintMaster automatically replaces this field with your name.
Text can also contain Mail Merge fields, which are placeholders for items in your
address book such as “First Name” and “Address.” Using Mail Merge fields
saves time by automating the process of creating customized labels, invitations,
and more for a large number of people.
PrintMaster provides creative headlines and a gallery of sentiments, which you
can easily add to your project.
Adding a Text Box
All text in PrintMaster is contained in a text box design element. You first need to
create the text box in your project, then type or import text into it.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Add or Edit Text button on the
Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Add Text Box from the shortcut menu.
A text box opens. When you double-click the text box and place the
I-beam inside, the text box is ready for you to type or import text.
To view the outline border of the text box, ensure that the
Text Box Outline option in the View menu is selected
(contains a check mark). If it is not, choose Text Box
Outline from the View menu.
You can also use the right and left arrow keys on the
keyboard to move the I-beam through existing text.
3. Type text into the text box.
The text is displayed in the text box. You can change the appearance of the
text by resizing and moving the text box to fit your needs. You can also add
elements such as numbers, bullets, and dates to the text.
Adding or Modifying Text within a Shape
You can insert new text directly into a variety of shapes using the Insert Text
within a Shape feature. You can also format the text and shape before you add
them to your project.
1. Choose Text from the Add menu.
2. Choose Text within a Shape from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create Text within a Shape dialog box, type text in the Enter Text Here area.
4. Choose text options—including Font, Size, Alignment, Style, and Color.
5. Scroll to a shape and select it in the Select a Shape area.
NOTE: You can also select the Mirror Left to Right checkbox to flip
the shapes horizontally or select the Flip Top to Bottom
checkbox to flip the shapes vertically.
6. Specify options for the shape by doing any of the following:
• Choose the size by specifying the shape’s Height and Width.
• Specify the thickness of the outline in Outline Width.
• Select the color of the outline in Outline Color.
• Select the color of the interior in Fill Color.
• Drag the slider closer to Transparent for a light-color effect or closer to
Opaque for a solid-color effect.
NOTE: While previewing your shape, click
Adding Text to a Text Box
You add text inside a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click an existing text box.
NOTE: If a text box does not exist, then add a text box first.
7. Click OK.
The shape is displayed in your project. If you choose to resize or move the
shape, the text will wrap automatically.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to type new text. The
to zoom in or click
to zoom out.
Double-click a shape in your project to modify it.
Importing Text
You can import text into a text box from a file from another program such as a
word processor.
Before you can import text, you first need to export the text
from the other program by saving the file in text (.TXT) or
Rich Text (.RTF) format. Almost all word processors offer
these options for saving files (in their Save As dialog box).
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click an existing text box.
NOTE: If a text box does not exist, add a text box first.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to import the text.
The I-beam moves to that location if there is existing text.
You can also use the right and left arrow keys on the
keyboard to move the I-beam through existing text.
3. Choose Import Text from the Edit menu.
4. In the Open dialog box, locate and select the text file you want to import, then
click Open.
The text is imported into the text box at the location you selected. You can format the look of the text by resizing and moving the text box to fit your needs.
You can also add elements such as numbers, bullets, and dates to the text.
Adding a Symbol to Text
You can add symbols to text, such as the following:
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box to which you want to add
a symbol.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place a symbol. The
I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Symbol from the Add menu.
4. In the Insert Symbol dialog box, select a symbol and click OK. The symbol is
inserted into the text.
NOTE: You can remove the symbol as you would any other text, by
selecting it and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.
Adding a Date to Text
You can add today’s date to a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box in which you want to add
a date.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place a date. The I-beam
moves to that location.
3. Choose Date from the Add menu. Today’s date is inserted into the text.
NOTE: You can remove the date as you would any other text, by
selecting it and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.
Adding a Custom Field to Text
You can add custom fields to text.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box in which you want to add
a custom field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the custom field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Custom Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Custom Fields dialog box, select a custom field from the Field Name
list box, then click Insert.
The value for that custom field is inserted into the text. To add a new custom
field, see Creating a Custom Field.
NOTE: You can remove the custom field value in the text box as you
would any other text, by selecting it and pressing the Delete
key on the keyboard.
Adding Mail Merge Fields
You can add Mail Merge fields to text. Mail Merge fields serve as placeholders
and insert information stored in your Address Book.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box to which you want to add
a Mail Merge field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the Mail Merge field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Mail Merge Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, select a field from the Address Book
Fields list box, then click Add.
The field is moved to the Selected Fields list box. These fields will be placed
into the text box and replaced with values from the Address Book when you print.
5. To remove a field from the Selected Fields list box, select it, then click
6. Click Insert.
The Mail Merge fields are inserted into the text.
3. Select a graphic from the Graphics list box. The graphic opens in the Preview area.
4. To change the color of the graphic, click Color and select a color.
NOTE: You can change the color for some graphics, but not all.
5. To change the tint, select a percentage of tint from the Tint drop-down list.
6. Select a special effect for the letter from the Effects list box.
7. Select an appropriate font from the Font drop-down list.
8. Click either the Bold button
or the Italics button
to add or remove
bold formatting or italics.
9. To change the color of the text, click Color and select a color.
NOTE: You can also select the letter in the Preview area and resize,
move, or rotate it.
10. When finished, click OK.
You can format this text like any other text.
In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, you can also click
Receiver Address to automatically insert that group of standard
information into the text box.
Notes: If you inserted more than one field, you will need to
add spaces or punctuation between them.
You can remove a Mail Merge field by selecting it in the text
box and clicking the Delete key on the keyboard.
Important: Before you can print this project with the
appropriate information automatically filled in, you must select
the people in your Address Book for which you want
PrintMaster to draw the information. For more information,
see Selecting Mail Merge Names to Print.
Adding a Decorative Letter
The Decorative Letter feature lets you construct decorative, custom initial capital
letters by combining a square graphic background with a single headline letter.
1. In the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Click the Add or Edit Text button , then choose the Add Decorative
Letter option.
• Choose Text from the Add menu, then select Decorative Letter.
Adding a Decorative Number
The Decorative Number graphic feature lets you combine a number in a headline
style with a square graphic background. You can create a graphic from one to
three numbers. You can also automatically add a suffix, such as “st” or “th” to
create an ordinal number.
1. In the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Click the Add or Edit Text button , then choose the Add Decorative
Number option.
• Choose Text from the Add menu, then select Decorative Number.
2. In the Decorative Number dialog box, type one to three digits in the Enter
Number box.
3. To make the number an ordinal number (using an “st” or “th” suffix), select the
Smart Suffix checkbox.
4. Select a graphic from the Graphics list box. The graphic opens in the Preview area.
5. To change the color of the graphic, click Color and select a color.
NOTE: You can change the color for some graphics, not all.
6. To change the tint, select a percentage of tint from the Tint drop-down list.
7. Select a special effect for the number from the Effects list box.
8. Select an appropriate font from the Font drop-down list.
2. In the Decorative Letter dialog box, type a letter in the Enter Letter box.
9. Click either the Bold button
bold formatting or italics.
or the Italics button
to add or remove
10. To change the color of the text, click Color and select a color.
NOTE: You can also select the number in the Preview area and
6. Click either the Bold
formatting or italics.
or Italics
button to add or remove bold
7. Click one of the Justification buttons
to justify the
headline text within the text box.
8. Click the Face tab and select a color blend for the headline text.
resize, move, or rotate it.
NOTE: You can also click Color to open the Color Palette dialog box,
select a color or texture, then click OK.
11. When finished, click OK.
Headlines are a special kind of text that you can use to create excitement in
your document. Use headlines primarily for strong, attention-getting statements.
Unlike regular text in a text box, you can change the size of a headline by simply
adjusting the size of the headline’s text box. The headline text conforms to the
new size. Using PrintMaster’s Headline feature, you can create a Ready-Made
headline or a custom headline.
Adding a Ready-Made Headline
1. Click the Add or Edit Text button on the Edit toolbar. A shortcut
menu opens.
2. Choose Add Headline from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create a Headline dialog box, click the Ready-Made option.
4. Type the text for your headline in the Enter Headline Text Here box.
5. Select the headline type you want from the Preview browser at the
bottom of the dialog box, then click OK.
The headline is displayed in your project in a text box. You can resize
and move this text box and the headline adjusts automatically.
Adding a Custom Headline
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Add or Edit Text button on the
Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Add Headline from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create a Headline dialog box, click the Custom option.
4. Type the text for your headline in the Enter Headline Text Here box.
5. Select a font style from the Font drop-down list.
9. Click the Shape tab to select one or more of the following options:
• Click Color, and in the Color Palette dialog box, select a color or texture,
then click OK. This fills the background with the selected color or pattern.
• Select the Warp Text checkbox to distort the text to fit inside the
shape; or deselect the Warp Text checkbox to curve the headline
text without distortion.
• Click one of the two Orientation buttons to produce a vertical or
horizontal headline.
• Finally, select one of the headline shapes from the Preview browser.
10. Click the Position tab to select letter positioning from the Preview browser.
11. Click the Outline tab to select letter outlining from the Preview browser.
NOTE: You can also click Color to open the Color Palette dialog box,
select a color, then click OK.
12. Click the Shadow tab to select one or more of the following options:
• Select a shadowing effect for the headline’s text box from the Preview browser.
• Click Color and, in the Color Palette dialog box, select a color for the
shadow, then click OK.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Depth Angle area to set the angle of the shadow.
13. Click the Depth tab to select one or more of the following options:
• Select a depth effect from the Preview browser.
• Click Color to open the Color Palette dialog box, select a color, then
click OK.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Depth Angle area to set the angle for
the depth effect.
14. Click the Proportion tab to select the appropriate proportion from the
Preview browser. This changes the relative size and position of the text
in each line when your headline contains two or more lines.
15. Click OK.
The headline is displayed in your project in a text box. If you resize or
move this text box, the headline adjusts automatically.
Adding a Sentiment
The Sentiment Gallery contains hundreds of sayings, phrases, and messages
that you can add to your project. Each sentiment has two parts: a phrase for the
front of the project and a phrase for the inside of the project. If your project has
only one page, both parts of the sentiment appear on that page. After you select
the appropriate sentiment, each phrase is automatically displayed in a text box
within your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Add or Edit Text button on the
Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Add Sentiment from the shortcut menu. The Sentiment
Gallery opens.
3. Select an option from the Select Sentiment Collection drop-down list.
Two of the many sentiments are displayed in the Preview browser on the right.
4. In the Choose Sentiment Category list box, click the plus (+) symbol next
to the category that contains the sentiments you want, then select an option.
Sentiments in that category are displayed in the Preview browser.
5. Select an option from the Select Tone for Sentiment drop-down list.
6. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the Enter Search
Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the word Birthday.
7. After you type in search words, you can select from one of the following options:
• All—Search for sentiments that contain all of the search words you typed.
• Any—Search for sentiments that contain any one of the search words you typed.
Sentiments that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview browser.
8. To place one of the sentiments in your project, scroll through the Preview
browser until it is displayed. Click it, then click Select; or double-click
the sentiment in the Preview browser.
Sentiments appear in the text boxes in your project. You can modify the
sentiment text as you would any other text.
NOTE: If your project has only one page, both parts of the sentiment
Graphics include both art images and photographs. PrintMaster provides
thousands of art images in its Art Gallery that you can add to your project. You
can also import art images and photographs into your project from other
sources, such as a floppy disk or your scanner. You can save the imported
image in the Art Gallery so that you can use it again and again.
Adding a Graphic from the Art Gallery
Locate the graphic you want from the Art Gallery, then add it to your project.
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace, click the Search Art & Photos button
the Edit toolbar.
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Search Art and Photos button.
The Art Gallery opens.
2. To add a graphic, click the All Art & Photos tab.
NOTE: You can also add a graphic from your own collection by clicking
the My Art & Photos tab. This tab contains graphics you previously scanned in, imported, or saved.
3. Click Reset to clear all Search boxes.
4. Select an option from the Select Featured Art and Photos drop-down list.
Graphics are displayed in the Preview browser on the right, according to your selection.
5. Select a type of graphic from the Select Type of Graphic drop-down list.
NOTE: If you are selecting graphics from the All Art & Photos tab, you
can further narrow your search by clicking the Advanced
Search button
. Then do the following:
are displayed on the same page.
• Select a tone from the Select Tone for Graphic drop-down list.
• Select a collection from the Select Graphic Collection drop-down list.
Graphics are displayed in the Preview browser, according to your selections.
6. In the Choose Category for Graphic list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to
the folder that contains the options you want to view, then select an option.
You can also double-click a subfolder to view its contents.
The graphics in that category are displayed in the Preview browser.
7. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the words
Birthday Cake.
NOTE: If you are in Advanced Search mode, you can also select one
of the following options:
Importing a Graphic
You can import a graphic from another source into the Art Gallery in
PrintMaster, then use it in your project.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab, then choose Import from
the File menu.
3. In the Import Pictures dialog box, locate the graphic file on the hard disk or
floppy disk that you want to import into PrintMaster.
• All—Search for graphics that contain all of the search words you typed.
• Any—Search for graphics that contain any one of the search words you typed.
The graphics that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview
browser on the right.
8. Click the graphic you want from the Preview browser, then click Select; or
double-click the graphic.
The graphic opens in the Design Workspace.
4. Select the category into which you want to import the graphic from the Add to
Art Category drop-down list, and select the Make Local Copy of File checkbox.
Adding a Graphic from a Disk
You can add a graphic to the project that is stored on a floppy disk or on your
1. Do one of the following:
5. Click Import.
The graphic is imported into the Art Gallery.
6. To add this graphic to your project in the Design Workspace, select it in the
Preview browser and click Select.
Scanning in a Graphic or Digital Image
You can scan in graphics and photos for use in your projects. A scanner reads a
graphic as dots and translates (digitizes) those dots into a file that your
computer can display. PrintMaster includes TWAIN software so that you can
easily use a flatbed scanner from within PrintMaster.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Search Art & Photos button on the
Edit toolbar.
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Search Art and Photos button.
2. In the Art Gallery, choose Open from Disk from the File menu.
3. Locate the file for the graphic you want to add to your project.
NOTE: File types supported include bmp, cgm, gif, jpeg, photo CD files,
pcx files, PM objects, Photoshop files, PNG, tiff, and wmf.
4. Click Open.
The graphic opens in the Design Workspace.
NOTE: To save this graphic for future use, select it in the Design
Workspace, choose Export As from the File menu, indicate
file name and type, then click Save. Be sure the Add to Art
Gallery checkbox remains selected and the graphic is stored
in both the Art Gallery and the My Art & Photos tab.
NOTE: You can create a new category for your graphics. To do so,
click New. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name
for the new category and click OK. You can then select this
new category from the Add to Art Category drop-down list.
You can also read in images from a digital camera.
NOTE: If this is the first time you are scanning in a graphic or digital
image, you must first set up your scanner or digital camera
for PrintMaster. See Selecting the Image Source.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, choose Digital Image from the File menu, then select
Acquire Image.
This starts the software that came with your camera or scanner.
3. Acquire the picture according to the directions that came with your scanner or
digital camera. This will be different for each scanner or digital camera.
The scanned image is saved to the My Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
Double-click it to insert it into your project.
Selecting the Image Source
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, choose Digital Image from the File menu, then select
Select Image Source.
3. In the Select Source dialog box, choose the type of scanner or camera that
you want to use.
4. Click OK.
PrintMaster includes audio (sound) and video features that let you transform
your card and Web page projects into multimedia creations. With PrintMaster,
you can add background sounds to each of the pages in a project. You can also
link object sounds to design elements, such as text or graphics, so that the
sound plays when the viewer clicks on the object. You can also insert a personal
video clip.
Adding a Background Sound
You can add a background sound to each page in your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, navigate to the page in your project to which you
want to add a background sound.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Add Sound or Video button
Background Sound.
• Click the Background Sound button
Background Sound.
on the Edit toolbar, then choose
on the status bar, then choose Add
The Select Sound dialog box opens.
3. Select a sound file from your computer, then click OK. A background sound is
attached to the page.
NOTE: You can preview the sounds in your Web project. For more
information, see Previewing Web Pages.
Adding an Object Sound
You can add a sound to an object, such as a graphic or text.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the design element to which you want to attach
an object sound. To select text, double-click the text box, then select the text.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Add Sound or Video button
Object Sound.
• Click the Object Sound button
on the Edit toolbar, then choose
on the status bar, then choose Attach Sound.
The Select Sound dialog box opens.
3. Select a sound file from your computer, then click OK. A sound is added to
the object.
NOTE: You can preview the sounds in your Web project. For more
information, see Previewing Web Pages.
Adding a Video Clip
You can add a video clip to the current page of your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Sound or Video from the Add menu, then
select Add Video. The Select Video dialog box opens.
2. Select a video file from your computer, then click OK.
The first frame of the video appears in the Design Workspace. You can move
and size the video frame as you would any other design element. When the
project is published as a Web page or when a multimedia card project is shared,
the video plays.
Adding a Table
A table is a grid-like design element you can use in your project to arrange text.
You can modify the columns and rows of the grid, merge cells (where a row and
column intersect), and modify the colors to create the table you want.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Table from the Add menu, then select New Table.
The Create Table dialog box opens.
2. Type the number of rows and columns, and select a table format from the
Table Formats list box. A preview of the table formats is displayed in the
sample area.
3. Click OK. The table is displayed as a design element in your project.
4. Click a cell and type into it the text you want.
NOTE: You can modify the text as well as move, resize, or rotate the table.
Adding a Drawing You Create
PrintMaster allows you to create your own drawings to add to your project using
the Advanced Drawing program.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button on the Edit
2. Choose Advanced Drawing from the shortcut menu. The Advanced
Drawing program opens.
3. If you want to modify a graphic that is stored on your computer, choose
Open from the File menu in the Advanced Drawing program, then
select the appropriate graphic file and click Open.
NOTE: Only vector graphics may be modified in Advanced Drawing
(images with .wmf, .emf or .clp file extensions).
The selected graphic appears in the Advanced Drawing program.
4. Use the Advanced Drawing tools and features to modify the drawing.
For help, choose Help Topics from the Help menu.
5. When finished, click Close in the upper right corner of the Advanced
Drawing window. The drawing opens in your project as a design element.
You can draw shapes such as rectangles, circles, and lines in your project.
Adding a Rectangle
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button on the Edit
toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Draw a Rectangle from the shortcut menu.
3. Click the location in your project where you want to draw a rectangle. A
rectangle—which you can move, resize, and otherwise modify—opens
in the project.
Adding a Circle
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button on the Edit toolbar.
A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Draw a Circle from the shortcut menu.
3. Click the location in your project where you want to draw a circle. A circle—
which you can move, resize, and otherwise modify—opens in the project.
Adding a Freehand Drawing
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button on the Edit
toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Draw Freehand from the shortcut menu. The pointer changes
to a crosshair.
3. Click and drag a freehand line across your project at the appropriate
NOTE: Keep holding the mouse button down as you drag until your
drawing is complete.
The line opens in the project as you have drawn it. You can then modify
it, resize it, or modify its width and color.
Adding a Line
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button
toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
on the Edit
2. Choose Draw a Line from the shortcut menu. The Line Format dialog box opens.
3. In the Line Format dialog box, use the arrow buttons to select the thickness of
line in the Line Width box.
4. To change the color of the line, click Color, then select a color.
5. Click OK. A line—which you can move and resize—opens in the project.
Adding a Shape
You can add arrows, crosses, crowns, and a number of other shapes to your
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Draw Object button on the Edit
toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Draw a Shape from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Add a New Shape dialog box, select a shape, then click OK.
You can click More to select from more shapes.
The shape—which you can move, resize, and otherwise modify—opens
in the project.
PrintMaster has thousands of Ready-Made frames and borders you can use in
your projects. Use a frame around photos or art images to help them stand out.
Frames stay with the graphic when you move and resize it.
You can also add a freestanding border that you can place around a graphic, a
text box, or anywhere else in your project. Freestanding borders are separate
from graphics and other design elements in your project, so you can move and
resize them as you like.
Finally, you can use PrintMaster’s BorderPlus tool to place borders in or around
your project. BorderPlus allows you to select graphics for each side and corner
of the border. It also includes tools for manipulating the color, size, and effects
of the border.
Adding a Frame to a Graphic
Frames stay with the graphic even when you move or resize it. Depending on the
type of graphic, you can choose either picture-like frames or simple boxed frames.
1. Select a graphic (art image or photo) in your project, then choose Frame
from the Add menu.
2. In the Apply Frame dialog box, click the Picture Frames tab or click the Box
Frames tab for the type of frame you want.
NOTE: If you change your mind, you can click Remove Frame.
5. Click OK.
The frame opens around the graphic. If you move or resize the graphic, the
frame moves and resizes with the graphic.
Adding a Border to a Project
You can add a freestanding border around a graphic or place it anywhere in your
project. Once added, you can move and resize the border to fit your needs.
1. If you want the border to surround a design element, select the element first.
2. In the Design Workspace, click the Search Art & Photos button
the Edit toolbar.
3. In the Art Gallery, click the All Art & Photos tab.
4. Select the Borders folder from the Choose Category for Graphic drop-down list.
5. Click the border you want from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To change the way graphics appear in the Preview browser,
see Modifying the View of Graphics.
6. Click Select, or double-click the border in the Preview browser to place the
border to your project.
The border opens in the Design Workspace. You can move or resize the
border, independent of any design element in your project.
Adding a Border Using BorderPlus
You can use PrintMaster’s BorderPlus program to create a border in or around
your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Border from the Add menu. The
BorderPlus program opens
2. In BorderPlus, click the Art Gallery button
NOTE: Some graphics don’t allow Picture Frames.
3. If you selected the Picture Frames tab, do the following:
• Select Picture Frames from the Collections drop-down list.
• Select a frame from the Frame Types list box.
4. If you selected the Box Frames tab, do the following:
• Click a Box button.
• Click Color to access the Color Palette, then select a color for the boxed lines.
. The Art Gallery opens.
3. Search for the graphic you want to use in the border, then select it from the
Preview browser on the right. The selected art is displayed on all four sides
and corners of the border.
4. To remove the graphic from a side or border, click a side or corner of the
border in the BorderPlus workspace, then press the Delete key on
the keyboard.
Adding a Timepiece
You can undo an action by clicking the Undo button in the toolbar.
You can add graphics of clocks and other timepieces to announce the time in an
invitation or similar project.
5. To resize the top and bottom or the left and right border, do the following:
• Move the pointer to the inside edge until it changes to an adjuster.
• Click and drag the border vertically or horizontally, as needed, to resize the border.
NOTE: You can further modify the border within BorderPlus. For
more information, see Modifying a Border Using BorderPlus.
6. Click Close in BorderPlus, or choose Done Editing Border from the File menu.
The border is placed in your project. You can resize the border as needed. To
modify the border, double-click it to open BorderPlus.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Custom Graphics from the Add menu. A
shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Timepiece from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create a Timepiece dialog box, use the arrow keys to select the
appropriate hour from the Hour box and minute from the Minute box.
4. Select a timepiece graphic from the list box.
5. Click OK. The timepiece is displayed in your project.
Adding a Seal
You can add official-looking or humorous seals to certificates and awards in a project.
You can modify any design element in your project using PrintMaster’s powerful
tools and features. You can add or change colors, special effects, and text to
personalize your project.
NOTE: If your project has more than one page, you may need to
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Custom Graphics from the Add menu. A
shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Seal from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create a Seal dialog box, type text into the Enter Seal Top Text box.
4. Type text into the Enter Seal Bottom Text box.
5. Select an appropriate text font from the Font drop-down list.
6. Click Color next to the Font drop-down list to select a color from the Color Palette.
7. Click either the Bold button
or the Italics button
to add or remove
bold formatting or italics.
8. Select a style from the Graphics Edge list box.
9. Click Color under the Graphics Edge list box to select a color for the graphic edge.
10. Select a graphic you want to place in the center of the seal from the Center
list box.
11. Click Color under the Center list box to select a color for the center graphic.
12. Click OK. The seal is displayed in your project.
navigate to the page that contains the design element first.
Before you can modify any design elements, you must select it.
Navigating to the Design Element
Some projects have more than one page. If the design element that you want to
modify doesn’t appear on the current page, you must first navigate to the page
that does contain it.
Some projects may also have master pages. A master page can contain background design elements, effects, or colors that you want to appear on all project
pages. Before you can modify a design element on a master page, you must
first navigate to that page.
Selecting Design Elements
Before you can modify or arrange a design element, you must first select it. A
selected design element is displayed with handles around it in your project.
Do one of the following:
• Click a design element to select it.
• To select more than one design element, hold down the Shift key, then click
each desired design element once.
• Position the pointer on a blank portion of the project, then click and drag
completely around the design elements that you want to select.
• If the design element you want to select is layered underneath another design
element so that you cannot click it, press the Tab key on the keyboard until
the design element you want is selected.
Handles are displayed around selected design elements.
You can add, modify, or delete text in a text box. You can change the way text
looks or modify its text box with special effects and colors. The text in headlines
and sentiments can also be formatted and modified.
Modifying the Text Itself
You can add, modify, or delete text in a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Do one of the following:
• To add new text, click inside the text box at the location you want to add
text, then type new text.
NOTE: You can also use the right and left arrow keys on the
keyboard to move the I-beam through existing text.
• To modify text, click and drag over the text that you want to modify to select
it, then type the new text.
• To delete text, click and drag over the text that you want to delete to select
it, then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
You can change the way text appears in your project, modifying its size, style,
and color, for example.
Formatting All Aspects of Text at Once
The Font Format dialog box allows you to format many aspects of text all at
once. You can modify the text’s style, size, color, and special effects.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the text that you want to format.
3. Choose Font from the Format menu.
4. In the Font Format dialog box, click the Font tab, then select a font from the
Font list box.
5. Select a font style from the Font style list box and a font size from the Size
list box.
6. Select (or deselect) the appropriate checkboxes to add (or remove) underlining,
all caps, small caps, or a white border around the text.
7. Click Color, then select a color from the Color Palette.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More,
clicking Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate
options, then clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
8. Click the Effects tab.
9. On the Effects tab, select a pattern to fill in the text from the Fill Pattern drop-down
list. Click its Color button to select a color for the fill pattern from the Color Palette.
10. Select an outline for the letters from the Outline drop-down list. Click its
Color button to select a color for the line from the Color Palette.
NOTE: You can modify the line width more precisely by clicking
More, then selecting a point size in the Line Format dialog
box and clicking OK.
11. Select a shadow effect for the text from the Shadow drop-down list.Color
button to select a color for the shadow from the Color Palette.
12. Click OK.
Formatting Font Style and Size
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the text that contains the font style and size you want to modify.
3. Select an appropriate font from the Font Style drop-down list.
4. Select an appropriate font size from the Font Size drop-down list.
NOTE: You can also format the font style, font size, and other text
attributes all at once in the Font Format dialog box. See
Formatting All Aspects of Text at Once.
Formatting for Bold, Italics, and Underline
Modifying the Character Spacing of Text
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the text that you want to boldface, italicize, or underline.
3. Do one of the following:
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the text whose character spacing you want to modify.
3. Choose Character Spacing from the Format menu.
4. In the Character Spacing dialog box, select the appropriate option from the
Spacing area, then click OK. The selected text appears with the selected
character spacing.
5. Click outside of the text box for the changes to take effect.
• Click the Bold button
• Click the Italics button
to bold selected text.
to italicize selected text.
Modifying the Paragraph Spacing of Text
• Click the Underline button
to underline selected text.
Modifying the Color of Text
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the text that you want to color.
3. Choose Color from the Format menu.
4. In the Color Palette, select a color. The text is displayed in the selected color.
Adding or Modifying a Shadow Effect
For all design elements except borders and lines, you can add, modify, or
remove a shadow effect. When you add a shadow effect to a text box, the text
inside the text box is shadowed.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the appropriate design element.
2. Choose Shadow from the Format menu.
3. In the Apply a Drop Shadow dialog box, click the Preset Shadows tab, then
select an option from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To remove a shadow effect, click Remove Shadow.
4. To create a custom shadow, do the following:
• Click the Customize Shadow tab.
• In the Shadow Settings area, click and drag the Transparency pointer and
then the Edge Softness pointer to give the shadow the desired effect. You
can preview the shadow effect in the Shadow Position area.
• To change the color of the shadow, click Color and select a color from the
Color Palette.
5. Click OK.
The design element is displayed with the new or modified shadow. If you
chose to remove the shadow, it is removed.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select one or more paragraphs whose paragraph spacing you want to modify.
3. Choose Paragraph from the Format menu.
4. In the Paragraph Spacing dialog box, type the appropriate point sizes for
margins in the Indentation area.
5. In the Line Spacing area, select the appropriate option for Lines or Points to
insert the number of lines or point size between lines of text.
6. Select the appropriate option from the Alignment drop-down list.
7. Click OK. The selected text appears with the selected paragraph spacing.
8. Click outside of the text box for the changes to take effect.
Modifying the Tabs in Text
You can set the tab stops in a paragraph.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select one or more paragraphs whose tab spacing you want to modify.
3. Choose Tabs from the Format menu.
4. In the Tabs dialog box, set the tab by typing (in inches) its desired distance
from the left edge of the text box in the Position box.
NOTE: You can also apply a previously set tab setting. To do so, select
the appropriate option from the Tab Stops list box, then skip
to step 10.
5. In the Alignment area, select one of the following options:
• Select the Left option to set the left end of the text to the tab.
• Select the Center option to set the center of the text to the tab.
• Select the Right option to set the right end of the text to the tab.
• Select the Decimal option to set the tab to a specific character. For example,
this can be useful to align numbers by decimal points. Type a character
such as a decimal point.
6. In the Leader area, select one of the following options:
• Select the None option to eliminate leader characters.
• Select the “____” option to fill the empty space to the left of the tab with an
• Select the Custom option and type any character to repeat that character
before the tab.
7. Click Set to add this tab setting to the list of Tab Stops.
8. In the Default Tab Stops box, type a number in inches for the tab stops.
Adding or Modifying Text within a Shape
You can insert new text directly into a variety of shapes using the Insert Text
within a Shape feature. You can also format the text and shape before you add
them to your project.
1. Choose Text from the Add menu.
2. Choose Text within a Shape from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Create Text within a Shape dialog box, type text in the Enter Text Here area.
4. Choose text options—including Font, Size, Alignment, Style, and Color.
5. Scroll to a shape and select it in the Select a Shape area.
NOTE: The default tab stop is 0.5.
9. To remove tabs that you have set, select the appropriate tab stop from the
Tab Stops list box, then do one of the following:
• Click Clear to remove the selected tab stop.
• Click Clear All to remove all of the selected tab stops.
10. Click OK.
The selected text appears with the selected tab spacing.
You can shape existing text by applying shapes to the text itself or by applying
word balloons to the text box. You can shape new text by typing it and choosing
a shape all at the same time. After you shape text using any method, you can
modify the shape and text if necessary.
NOTE: You can also select the Mirror Left to Right checkbox to flip
the shapes horizontally or select the Flip Top to Bottom
checkbox to flip the shapes vertically.
6. Specify options for the shape by doing any of the following:
• Choose the size by specifying the shape’s Height and Width.
• Specify the thickness of the outline in Outline Width.
• Select the color of the outline in Outline Color.
• Select the color of the interior in Fill Color.
• Drag the slider closer to Transparent for a light-color effect or closer to
Opaque for a solid-color effect.
NOTE: While previewing your shape, click
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Click the Add or Edit Text button
on the Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
3. Choose Text Shape from the shortcut menu.
4. In the Text Shape dialog box, select a shape then click OK.
The shape of the text changes to your selection. If you resize the text box, the
text adjusts to maintain the shape.
Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to return the
text to its previous state.
to zoom in or click
to zoom out.
7. Click OK.
The shape is displayed in your project. If you choose to resize or move the
shape, the text will wrap automatically.
Double-click a shape in your project to modify it.
Applying or Modifying a Word Balloon
1. On the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Add or Edit Text button on the Edit toolbar, then choose
Apply Word Balloons from the shortcut menu.
• Choose Text from the Format menu, then select Word Balloons.
The Text Box Shape dialog box opens.
3. Click the Word Balloons tab, then select a word balloon from the area on the left.
4. In the Shape Color area, click Background to display the Color Palette, then
select a color for the background of the word balloon.
5. Click Outline to display the Color Palette, then select a color for the outline of
the word balloon.
6. To flip the word balloon shape horizontally or vertically, select the appropriate
checkbox in the Flip area.
7. Click OK.
The text is displayed with a word balloon, according to your selection.
Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to return the
text to its previous state.
• Choose Text from the Format menu, then select Word Balloons.The
Text Box Shape dialog box opens.
3. Click the Word Balloons tab, then select a word balloon from the area on
the left.
4. In the Shape Color area, click Background to display the Color Palette, then
select a color for the background of the word balloon.
5. Click Outline to display the Color Palette, then select a color for the outline of
the word balloon.
6. To flip the word balloon shape horizontally or vertically, select the appropriate
checkbox in the Flip area.
7. Click OK.
The text is displayed with a word balloon, according to your selection.
Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to return the
text to its previous state.
Modifying the Text Background Color
You can modify the appearance of text by applying colors and special effects to
the entire text box.
Stretching Text to Fit
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Click the Fill Color button
on the Standard toolbar.
3. Select a color from the Color Palette.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More, click2. Click the Add or Edit Text button
on the Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
3. Choose Stretch Text from the shortcut menu.
The text stretches to the size of the text box. If you resize the text box, the
text adjusts.
You can click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar to
return the text to its previous state.
Applying or Modifying a Word Balloon
1. On the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Add or Edit Text button on the Edit toolbar, then choose
Apply Word Balloons from the shortcut menu.
ing Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate options,
then clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
The background of the text box changes to the selected color.
Adding or Modifying a Line around the Text Box
You can add, modify, or remove the line around a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Choose Line from the Format menu.
3. In the Line Format dialog box, do one of the following:
• To add or modify a line, use the arrow buttons to select the thickness of line
in the Line Width drop-down list. To change the color of the line, click Color,
then select a color.
• To remove a line, select None in the Line Width drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
The text box is displayed with a line around it, according to your choices.
Adding or Modifying a Shadow Effect
For all design elements except borders and lines, you can add, modify, or
remove a shadow effect. When you add a shadow effect to a text box, the text
inside the text box is shadowed.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the appropriate design element.
2. Choose Shadow from the Format menu.
3. In the Apply a Drop Shadow dialog box, click the Preset Shadows tab, then
select an option from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To remove a shadow effect, click Remove Shadow.
4. To create a custom shadow, do the following:
• Click the Customize Shadow tab.
• In the Shadow Settings area, click and drag the Transparency pointer and
then the Edge Softness pointer to give the shadow the desired effect. You
can preview the shadow effect in the Shadow Position area.
• To change the color of the shadow, click Color and select a color from the
Color Palette.
5. Click OK.
The design element is displayed with the new or modified shadow. If you
chose to remove the shadow, it is removed.
You can modify elements within text—including bullets, numbers, dropped caps,
and more.
• Drop Three Lines—Enlarge and drop the first letter of each selected
paragraph by three lines.
• Drop Four Lines—Enlarge and drop the first letter of each selected
paragraph by four lines.
• None—Remove drop caps from selected paragraphs.
The text is displayed, according to your choices.
Adding or Modifying Bullets and Numbers
You can add or modify bullets or numbers for selected text.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box in which you want to add
or modify bullets or numbers.
2. Select the paragraphs of text in which you want to add or modify bullets or
3. Choose Bullets & Numbering from the Format menu.
The Bullets and Numbering dialog box opens.
4. To add or modify bullets, click the Bullets tab, then do one of the following:
• Select one of the options, then click OK.
• Click Custom Bullet, select a custom bullet from the Select Bullet dialog
box, then click OK in the Select Bullet dialog box.
NOTE: You can click No Bullets to remove bullets.
The selected paragraphs are displayed with bullets, according to your choices.
5. To add or modify numbers, click the Numbers tab, select one of the options,
then click OK.
NOTE: You can click No Numbering to remove numbering.
Adding or Modifying Drop Caps
You can add drop caps to the start of paragraphs for a special effect.
The selected paragraphs are displayed with numbering, according to your choices.
Adding a Custom Field to Text
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box to which you want to add
or modify drop caps.
2. Select the paragraphs of text to which you want to add or modify drop caps.
3. Choose Drop Caps from the Format menu, then select one of the following options:
• Drop Two Lines—Enlarge and drop the first letter of each selected
paragraph by two lines.
You can add custom fields to text.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box in which you want to add
a custom field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the custom field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Custom Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Custom Fields dialog box, select a custom field from the Field Name
list box, then click Insert.
The value for that custom field is inserted into the text. To add a new custom
field, see Creating a Custom Field.
NOTE: You can remove the custom field value in the text box as you
would any other text, by selecting it and pressing the Delete
key on the keyboard.
NOTE: If design elements are layered so that you can’t click the text
Adding Mail Merge Fields
You can add Mail Merge fields to text. Mail Merge fields serve as placeholders
and insert information stored in your Address Book.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box to which you want to add
a Mail Merge field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the Mail Merge field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Mail Merge Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, select a field from the Address Book
Fields list box, then click Add.
The field is moved to the Selected Fields list box. These fields will be placed into
the text box and replaced with values from the Address Book when you print.
5. To remove a field from the Selected Fields list box, select it, then click Remove.
6. Click Insert.
The Mail Merge fields are inserted into the text.
You can format this text like any other text.
Creating Text Wrap
You can choose to “wrap” text around a graphic design element.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box that is positioned below a
graphic object.
In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, you can also click
Receiver Address to automatically insert that group of standard
information into the text box.
Notes: If you inserted more than one field, you will need to
add spaces or punctuation between them.
You can remove a Mail Merge field by selecting it in the text
box and clicking the Delete key on the keyboard.
Important: Before you can print this project with the
appropriate information automatically filled in, you must select
the people in your Address Book for which you want
PrintMaster to draw the information. For more information,
see Selecting Mail Merge Names to Print.
box to select it, use the Tab key. For more information, see
Selecting Design Elements.
2. Choose Text from the Format menu, then select Text Wrap.
3. Select the appropriate option from the Text Wrap area.
4. Select the appropriate option from the Options area.
A preview of your selection is displayed in the dialog box.
5. Click OK.
The text wraps around the graphic, according to your choices.
Connecting Text to Other Text
When typing long passages into a text box, the text may not fit in the text box.
The extra text isn’t lost; you just can’t see it. Instead of resizing the text box, you
can place the extra text in another empty text box anywhere in your project and
have the text flow from one box to the other. This is particularly useful for
newsletters, in which you want to continue an article from the front page to an
inside page.
1. In the Design Workspace, add an empty text box to your project to accommodate
the overflow from another text box.
2. Select the text box that has an overflow of text that you want to move to the
empty text box.
at the bottom of this text box.
3. Click the Link button
When you move the pointer over the text, it becomes a Text Flow pointer
with an X over it.
This means you cannot place the overflow text in a
text box that already contains text.
4. Move the Text Flow pointer
over the empty text box.
The pointer loses the X.You can now place the overflow text into this empty text box.
5. Click the empty text box.
The overflow text from the first text box flows into the second text box. Notice
that when you select connected text boxes, they are displayed with arrow
showing you how they connect to other text boxes.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 as many times as needed, until all the text appears in your project.
Left Justify—Justify the text to the left side of the text box.
NOTE: You can also resize any of the text boxes to better
accommodate the text.
Right Justify—Justify the text to the right side of the text box.
7. To locate the next or previous text box in a flow, click an arrow button at the
bottom or top of a text box.
The next or previous text box in the flow is selected.
Disconnecting Text from Other Text
You can unlink two text boxes that are connected so that the text that is
displayed in the second text box is removed and returned to the previous
text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box that you want to disconnect from
the previous text box.
The text box displays one or more arrow buttons showing that it is connected
to at least one other text box.
2. Click the left arrow button to select the previous text box in the connection.
3. Click this text box’s Link button.
The pointer changes to a Text Flow pointer
and the text disappears
from the previously connected text box. The connection is now broken.
4. Click anywhere outside of a text box to turn off the Text Flow pointer.
Center—Justify the text in the center of the text box horizontally.
Justified—Align text evenly across a text box.
The text is displayed justified, according to your choices.
You can also choose Horizontal Alignment from the Format
menu, then select Left, Right, Center, or Justified.
Arranging Text Vertically
You can position text on the top, middle, or bottom of a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Choose Vertical Alignment from the Format menu, then select one of the following options:
• Top—Position text at the top of the text box.
• Middle—Position text in the middle of the text box.
• Bottom—Position text at the bottom of the text box.
Arranging Text to Mirror Right or Left
NOTE: If more than two text boxes were connected, text disappears
from all following boxes and returns to the first box. The text
remains available to flow into another connected text box.
The two or more following text boxes are empty, but they remain connected to
each other.
You can add a special effect to text with this command.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Choose Mirror Left to Right from the Layout menu.
The text is displayed mirrored left to right. You can select this option again to
return the text to its original layout.
Arranging Text to Flip Top or Bottom
You can justify text to the right, left, or center of the text box or arrange text vertically
(from the top or bottom) within the text box. You can also apply mirroring effects
to the text.
Justifying Text
You can add a special effect to text with this command.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the text box.
2. Choose Flip Top to Bottom from the Layout menu.
The text is displayed upside down. You can select this option again to return
the text to its original layout.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box.
2. Select the paragraphs of text that you want to justify.
3. Click one of the following buttons on the Standard toolbar:
Modifying a Decorative Letter
You can modify any or all aspects of a decorative letter.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a decorative letter.
2. In the Decorative Letter dialog box, select and modify the letter in the Enter
Letter box.
3. Select a different graphic from the Graphics list box. The graphic is displayed
in the Preview area.
4. To change the color of the graphic, click Color to select a different color.
NOTE: You can change the color for some graphics, but not all.
5. To change the tint, select a percentage of tint from the Tint drop-down list.
6. Select a different special effect for the letter from the Effects list box.
7. Select a different font from the Font drop-down list.
8. Click either the Bold button
bold formatting or italics.
or the Italics button
to add or remove
9. To change the color of the text, click Color and select a different color from
the color palette.
10. When finished, click OK. The modified decorative letter is displayed in the project.
Modifying a Decorative Number
You can modify any or all aspects of a decorative number.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a decorative number.
2. In the Decorative Number dialog box, select and modify the number in the
Enter Number box.
3. To make the number an ordinal number (using an “st” or “th” suffix), select the
Smart Suffix checkbox.
4. Select a different graphic from the Graphics list box. The graphic is displayed
in the Preview area.
5. To change the color of the graphic, click Color and select a different color
from the color palette.
NOTE: You can change the color for some graphics, but not all.
6. To change the tint, select a percentage of tint from the Tint drop-down list.
7. Select a new special effect for the number from the Effects list box.
8. Select a different font from the Font drop-down list.
9. Click either the Bold button
bold formatting or italics.
or the Italics button
to add or remove
10. To change the color of the text, click Color and select a new color.
11. When finished, click OK. The modified number is displayed in the project.
Modifying a Headline
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a headline.
The Create a Headline dialog box opens.
NOTE: If you added the headline from the Headlines collection in the
Art Gallery, then the Headlines collection in the Art Gallery is
displayed. Select another headline from the Preview browser,
then click Select.
2. To modify a Ready-Made headline, select Ready-Made, then do one or both
of the following:
• Select the text in the Enter Text Here box, then type the new text.
• Select a different headline type from the Preview browser at the bottom of
the dialog box.
3. To modify a custom headline, select Custom, then do one or all of the following:
• Select the text in the Enter Text Here box, then type the new text.
• Select a different headline type from the Preview browser at the bottom of
the dialog box.
• Select a different font style from the Font drop-down list.
• Click either the Bold
matting or italics.
or Italics
button to add or remove bold for-
• Click one of the Justification buttons to justify the headline text within the
text box.
• Click the Face tab and select a color blend for the headline text.
• Click the Shape tab to select a background color or texture, warp the text, select
an orientation for the headline, and select a shape from the Preview browser.
• Click the Position tab to select a letter positioning from the Preview browser.
• Click the Outline tab to select letter outlining from the Preview browser.
• Click the Shadow tab to select a shadow effect for the headline’s text box, a
color for the shadow, and the depth angle of the shadow.
• Click the Depth tab to select a depth effect, color, and depth angle.
• Click the Proportion tab to select the appropriate proportion from the
Preview browser. This changes the relative size and position of the text in
each line when your headline contains two or more lines.
4. Click OK.
The headline reflects your changes.
Modifying a Sentiment
You can modify a sentiment that you added from the Sentiment Gallery just as
you would any text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a text box that contains a sentiment.
2. Do one of the following:
• To add new text, click inside the text box at the location you want to add
text, then type the new text.
• To modify text, click and drag over the text that you want to modify to select
it, then type the new text.
• To delete text, click and drag over the text that you want to delete to select
it, then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
You can modify a graphic you have added to your project by changing its color,
adding special effects, and more. You can also crop the graphic to hide portions
of it that you don’t want to display, or replace one graphic with another.
Replacing a Graphic
You can replace a graphic with another one from the Art Gallery.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the graphic that you want to replace.
The Art Gallery opens at the location the graphic is stored.
2. Search for a different graphic in the Art Gallery. Graphics are displayed in the
Preview browser on the right.
3. Select a graphic by clicking it once in the Preview browser, then click Select.
The graphic is replaced in the Design Workspace.
Cropping a Graphic
To crop photos and graphics, you can use the Crop Object tool in the Design
Workspace. Cropping hides portions of the graphic that you don’t want to appear in
your project. You can crop using a shaped crop or by using a freehand crop.
NOTE: You can also crop to orient most graphics using The Photo
1. From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic that you want
to crop. Click the Crop Object button on the Edit toolbar. The Crop dialog
box opens.
2. To crop the graphic using a shape, select a shape from the Crop Shapes and
Tools area. The shape crop is displayed on the graphic as an outline with handles.
3. Click and drag a handle to resize the crop.
4. Click and drag from the center of the cropped shape to move it.
5. To create a freehand crop of the graphic, click Freehand Crop.
The Add Point pointer is displayed in the Preview area.
6. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic you want to crop. Points and lines are displayed on the graphic,
representing the crop area.
7. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer is displayed as
normal and the Move Point button is activated
8. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
9. To delete a point, click Delete Point, then select the point to be deleted.
10. To complete the crop (shaped crop or freehand crop), click Crop It. The crop
is displayed with the background removed.
11. To add the cropped graphic to your project, click OK.
NOTE: Click Undo to remove your last crop action or click Remove
Crop to start over.
The Photo Workshop allows you to repair and transform the photographs and
graphics that you add to your PrintMaster projects. You can crop and orient the
graphic; adjust the color, brightness, and focus; fix “red eye”, minimize the
effects of dust and scratches, and apply photo and area effects.
You can use The Photo Workshop on all photos and all bitmap graphics. If the
graphic is not a bitmap, the Edit Photo button
will be grayed out.
You can open The Photo Workshop from the Design Workspace while working
on a project, or from the Art Gallery to modify a specific graphic.
NOTE: Some of The Photo Workshop features may not be available
in your edition of PrintMaster.
11. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
12. To delete a point, click Delete, then select the point to be deleted.
13. To complete the crop (shaped crop or freehand crop), click Apply Crop. The
crop is displayed with the background removed.
14. To add the cropped graphic to your project, click OK.
Cropping and Orienting in The Photo Workshop
For photos and bitmap graphics, you can use The Photo Workshop to crop and
orient a graphic. Cropping hides a portion of the graphic that you don’t want to
appear. You can select a shaped crop or create a freehand crop.
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic that you
want to crop.
2. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
3. Click the Crop & Orientation tab.
4. To change the orientation of the graphic, click Rotate 90 Degrees until the
graphic appears as you want it.
5. To crop the graphic using a shape, select a shape from the Select a Pre-Set
Shape area.
The shape crop is displayed on the graphic as an outline with handles.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
Adjusting Color in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which you
want to adjust the color. Click the Edit Photo button on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to adjust the
color, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic button
on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Adjust Color tab.
3. Select a color effect for the graphic.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To transform the graphic to black and white, select Make Black & White.
6. To transform the graphic to a negative reverse graphic, click Make a Negative.
7.To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all color adjustments. Note
6. Click and drag a handle to resize the crop.
7. Click and drag from the center of the cropped shape to move it.
8. To create a freehand crop of the graphic, click Freehand Crop. The Add
pointer appears in the Preview area.
9. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic you want to crop. Points and lines are displayed on the graphic,
representing the crop area.
10. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer appears as
normal and the Move button is activated.
that it will also undo all changes made on any of the other
tabs in The Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Modifying Brightness and Focus in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to modify the brightness and focus. Click the Edit
Photo button on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to modify
the brightness and focus, then select it from the Preview browser. Click
the Edit Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Brightness & Focus tab.
3. Click and drag the arrows to adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Blur/Sharpen,
Gamma, and Saturation options. The results are displayed in the Preview area.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
6. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Fixing Flaws in The Photo Workshop
In this portion of The Photo Workshop, you can fix “red eye” on a person or “pet
eye” on a pet, as well as minimize the effects of dust, scratches, and glare.
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
on the
you want to fix the flaws. Click the Edit Photo button
Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to fix flaws, then
select it from the Preview browser. Click Edit Graphic on the Art Gallery
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Fix Flaw tab.
3. Select one of the following options from the Select a Tool drop-down list for
the type of flaw you want to fix:
• Red Eye—Remove “red eye” in people photos.
• Pet Eye—Remove “green eye” in pet photos.
• Dust & Scratches—Remove dots and lines.
• Shiny Face—Remove shiny highlights from your image.
• Repair Tool—Repair an area of the photo by copying another area over it.
4. Select an appropriate button in the Select a Tool Size area for the size of the
fixing tool.
5. If you selected the Repair Tool, do the following:
• Click the area of the photo you want to copy.
• Then click the flaw that you want to repair in your photo in the Preview area.
• To copy a different area of your photo over a flawed area, first click Select a
New Source, then repeat the two steps above.
6. If you selected one of the other tools, click the flaw in the Preview area to fix it.
(You can continue clicking the graphic until you are satisfied with the results.)
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Photo Effects in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply photo effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply a
photo effect, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Photo Effects tab.
3. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect
Category list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic
• Black & White
• Colorization
• Filter
• Warp & Distort
4. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View the
results in the Preview area.
5. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
6. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
7. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Area Effects in The Photo Workshop
With Area Effects, you can creatively add photo effects to a selected area of
your photo (rather than to the entire photo). Start by selecting an area with a
preset shape, or use your mouse to draw a shape around the area to which you
want to add an effect.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic
for which you want to apply area effects. Click the Edit Photo button on
the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to
apply area effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the
Edit Graphic button from the Art Gallery toolbar.The Photo Workshop
dialog box opens.
2. Click the Area Effects tab.
3. Select a shape for the area from the Select a Pre-Set Shape or Draw a Shape
area. The shape is displayed on the graphic in an outline with handles.
4. Click and drag a handle to resize the outline.
5. Click and drag from the center of the outlined shape to move it.
6. To create a freehand area of the graphic to apply effects, click Draw a Shape.
7. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic where you want to apply an effect. Points and lines are displayed on
the graphic, representing the area.
8. To close the freehand crop, click the first point.
The pointer appears as normal and the Move button is activated.
9. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
10. To delete a point, click Delete Point, then select the point to be deleted.
11. Select the Invert Selection checkbox to invert the shape of the area selected.
12. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect
Category list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic
• Black & White
• Colorization
• Filter
13. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View
the results in the Preview area.
14. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
15. Click Apply to apply your selections to the image.
16. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
17. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Artistic Stamps in The Photo Workshop
Use Artistic Stamps to create unique photo frames and added photo appeal.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply an artistic stamp. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply
an artistic stamp, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog
box opens.
2. Click the Artistic Stamps tab.
3. Select an option from the Select a Stamp Category drop-down list.
4. Select an option from the Select a Stamp drop-down list. Your options are
displayed in the Preview area.
NOTE: You can click More Stamps to access additional artistic stamps.
5. Click the appropriate button in the Select a Stamp Size area for the size of
the stamp.
6. Click the photo or image in the Preview area to place the stamp.
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Brush Effects in The Photo Workshop
Use Brush Effects to touch up or enhance your photo with color.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Desk with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to apply brush effects. Click the Edit Photo button on the Edit
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply
brush effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Brush Effects tab.
3. Click to select a brush from the Select a Brush Size area.
4. Select a color by clicking Select a Brush Color and choosing a color from
the Color Palette dialog box.
5. To paint a brush effect on your photo, press the left mouse button and drag
the brush over the area to be painted. Release the mouse button when you
are finished.
6. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
Saving a Modified Graphic
You can save a graphic you modified using The Photo Workshop so that you
can use it again later. You can save it on the computer disk or to the Art Gallery
for easy access.
1. If The Photo Workshop is not displayed with your modified graphic,
select the modified graphic in your project, then click the Edit Photo
button on the Edit toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click Save As.
3. In the Save As dialog box, find the location to which you want to save the
graphic. The location you select is where the graphic will be stored on the
computer disk.
4. In the Art Gallery area, select the Add to Art Gallery checkbox so that you
can later access the project easily from the My Art & Photos tab in the Art
Gallery. This stores the graphic in the Art Gallery for easy access in PrintMaster.
5. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the graphic from the
Choose Category for Graphic drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog box,
and click OK.
6. Click Save. The modified graphic is saved to the Art Gallery in the category
you indicated.
Modifying Background Color and Texture
You can fill any design element with a background color. Some design elements
also allow you to fill the background with a texture or photo. These elements
include shapes and freehand drawings.
When you fill a colored graphic with color, a special effect is created. In the following example, the graphic was filled with a red color.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
NOTE: For borders created in BorderPlus, you need to fill the
background color within the BorderPlus program. See
Modifying a Border Using BorderPlus.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the design element whose color or texture
you want to modify.
2. Click the Color Fill button
on the Standard toolbar. The Color Palette
opens. For some design elements, the Color Palette is displayed expanded,
with an additional Texture tab and Photo tab.
3. On the Color tab, select the color you want.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More,
clicking Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate
options, then clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
4. If the Color Palette appears expanded (with a Texture tab), you can also do
one of the following on the Color tab:
• Select Blend Style, then select a blend from the Select Blend area.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Blend Angle area to set the angle of the
color blend.
5. If the Color Palette appears expanded (it has a Texture tab), select a texture
or tint the color or texture by doing the following:
• Click the Texture tab and select a texture from the options.
• To tint the selected texture, select an option from the Tint drop-down list.
NOTE: To remove the texture, click None.
6. If the Color Palette appears expanded, include a photo as the background
image by doing the following:
• Click the Photo tab.
• To add a photo, click Import, then select the photo’s file. File types supported
include .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, photo CD files, .pcx, Photoshop files, .png, .tiff, and .wmf.
• If a photo already exists, click Edit. See Using The Photo Workshop to modify
photo effects.
• To add or modify a tint to the photo, select a tint from the Tint drop-down list.
7. Click OK in the Color Palette. The design element is displayed with the
effects, according to your choices.
NOTE: If the background color is not displayed, one or more graphics
may be blocking the view of the background.
Adding or Modifying a Shadow Effect
For all design elements except borders and lines, you can add, modify, or
remove a shadow effect. When you add a shadow effect to a text box, the text
inside the text box is shadowed.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the appropriate design element.
2. Choose Shadow from the Format menu.
3. In the Apply a Drop Shadow dialog box, click the Preset Shadows tab, then
select an option from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To remove a shadow effect, click Remove Shadow.
4. To create a custom shadow, do the following:
• Click the Customize Shadow tab.
• In the Shadow Settings area, click and drag the Transparency pointer and
then the Edge Softness pointer to give the shadow the desired effect. You
can preview the shadow effect in the Shadow Position area.
• To change the color of the shadow, click Color and select a color from the
Color Palette.
5. Click OK.
The design element is displayed with the new or modified shadow. If you
chose to remove the shadow, it is removed.
Modifying a Graphic Using Advanced Drawing
You can use the Advanced Drawing program to modify a graphic that is in the
Design Workspace.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the graphic you want to modify, then choose
Edit Drawing from the Edit menu.
NOTE: You can modify only graphics that are a .WMF type. If the
selected graphic is not this type, the menu option is grayed
out and unavailable.
The Advanced Drawing program opens.
2. Modify the graphic using the Advanced Drawing tools and features. For help,
choose Help Topics from the Help menu.
3. When finished, click Close in the upper right corner of the Advanced Drawing
window. The modified graphic is displayed in your project.
You can modify the sound that you have attached to a project page or to a
design element. You can also modify a video clip in your project.
Modifying the Background Sound
You can replace the background sound for a page in your project with another
1. From the Design Workspace, navigate to the page that contains the
background sound you want to modify.
2. Click the Background Sound button
A shortcut menu opens.
in the status bar.
3. Select Replace Background Sound from the shortcut menu. The Select
Sound dialog box opens.
4. Select a different sound file from your computer, then click OK. A different
background sound is attached to the page.
Deleting the Background Sound
You can delete the background sound for a page in your project.
1. From the Design Workspace, navigate to the page that contains the background sound you want to delete.
2. Click the Background Sound button
in the status bar. A shortcut menu
3. Choose Delete Background Sound from the shortcut menu. The background sound for the page is deleted.
Modifying the Object Sound
You can modify the sound attached to a design element or to text.
1. From the Design Workspace, select the design element or select the text in a
text box that contains the object sound you want to modify.
NOTE: You can select text by double-clicking the text box, then
selecting the appropriate text.
2. Click the Object Sound button
Deleting the Object Sound
You can delete a sound that is attached to a design element or to text.
1. From the Design Workspace, select the design element or select the text in a
text box that contains the object sound you want to modify.
NOTE: You can select text by double-clicking the text box, then
selecting the appropriate text.
2. Click the Object Sound button
in the status bar. A shortcut menu opens.
3. Choose Delete Sound from the shortcut menu. The object sound for the
design element is deleted.
Modifying the Video Clip
You can replace a video clip in your project with another.
1. From the Design Workspace, double-click the video clip design element. The
Select Video dialog box opens.
2. Select a video file from your computer, then click OK. A different video clip
replaces the one you originally selected.
Deleting the Video Clip
1. From the Design Workspace, select the video clip design element. Press the
Delete key on the keyboard.
The video clip is deleted.
You can modify a table by creating additional columns and rows or by changing
their size. You can also modify individual or multiple cells (where rows and
columns intersect) by adding text and color.
You need to select cells before you can modify or add text to them.
Modifying the Table Format
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select AutoFormat.
3. In the Auto Format dialog box, select a format from the Table Formats list box.
4. Click OK. The table is displayed in a new format.
in the status bar. A shortcut menu opens.
3. Select Replace Sound from the shortcut menu. The Select Sound dialog box opens.
4. Select a different sound file from your computer, then click OK. A different
sound is attached to the design element.
Modifying the Size of a Column or Row
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Position the pointer on a border of the column or row you want to resize. The
pointer changes to an adjuster.
3. Click and drag the border to adjust the size.
To keep the entire table the same size while resizing only a
single column or row within it, hold down the Shift key while
clicking and dragging the column or row border.
Adding Columns and Rows
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table. Position the pointer along the outside
border of a row or column at the location you want to insert a row or column.
The pointer changes to a black arrow.
3. Click once to select the row or column. The row or column is selected (darkened).
4. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select Delete Column or Delete
Row. The columns or rows are deleted.
Selecting Cells
You need to select cells before you can format them.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Click the first cell you want to select, then drag the pointer across or down to
select additional cells.
NOTE: To select a single cell, click that cell, drag the pointer across
the row or column of the cells around it and then back again
to leave only the one cell selected.
The selected cells appear darkened.
4. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select Insert. The Insert dialog box opens.
5. In the What to Insert area, select the Rows or Columns option, then type the
number of rows or columns to insert in the “Number to insert” box.
6. In the Where to Insert area, select the appropriate option to insert rows or
columns before or after the selected row or column.
7. Click OK.
NOTE: You may need to resize the table so that it will fit where you
originally had it.
Deleting Columns and Rows
You can delete columns and rows in a table.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Position the pointer along the outside border of the row or column you want to
delete. The pointer changes to a black arrow.
3. Do one of the following:
• Click once to select a single column or row.
• Click and drag horizontally or vertically to select multiple columns or rows.
The rows or columns are selected (darkened).
Merging Cells
You can merge two or more cells so that they become a single cell.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Select the cells you want to merge.
3. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select Merge Cells. The selected
cells are displayed as one.
NOTE: If the selected cells contain text, the text appears together in
the merged cells.
Splitting Cells
You can split a cell that you previously merged back into individual cells.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Select the cell you want to split. When selected, the cell appears darkened.
3. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select Split Cells. The selected cell
is split.
Using Fill Down or Fill Right
You can repeat text in every cell across columns or rows by using the Fill command.
The text in the first cell that you selected appears in the other cells.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Select the cells you want to fill. The first cell should contain the text you want
to repeat across the other cells.
3. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select one of the following options
from the submenu:
• Fill Down—Fill cells in the same column.
• Fill Right—Fill cells in the same row.
Modifying Text in a Table
You can modify the text in a cell of a table just as you would text in a text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Click the cell that contains the text you want to modify.
3. Select the appropriate text, then type new text.
You can format text in a cell as you would text in a text box—adding symbols,
dates, bold facing, text justification, and more. First select the text in a cell,
then see Formatting the Text.
Formatting Individual Cells in a Table
You can format the color and width of the lines between cells as well as the
background color of cells.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the table.
2. Select the cells that you want to appear in a different format.
3. Choose Table from the Edit menu, then select Cell Formatting.
4. In the Cell Formatting dialog box, do one or more of the following:
• Click Fill Color to display the Color Palette and select a color for the background of selected cells.
• To color the lines between selected cells, select a line from the preview
area. • Click Line Color to display the Color Palette and select a color.
Repeat this step until all the lines are colored as you want them.
• To change the width of the line between selected cells, select a line from the
preview area, then use the arrow buttons to select a width from the Line
Width box. Repeat this step until you have set the width for all lines you
want to change.
5. Click OK.
Modifying Objects from Another Program
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the object. The program used to create
the object starts, displaying the toolbars and menus for that program directly
in PrintMaster.
2. Use the tools on the toolbar and menu options to modify the object.
3. When finished, click outside of the object to return to PrintMaster.
You can change the color and thickness of a line or of a shape’s outline, as well
as change a shape’s background color and texture. You can also add a shadow
effect to shapes. Shapes and lines can be resized and moved like any other
design element.
Formatting Line Color and Thickness
You can modify the color and thickness of a line or the outline of any shape or
freehand drawing.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the line, shape, or freehand drawing.
2. Click the Draw Object button
on the Edit toolbar, then select Line
Format from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Line Format dialog box, use the arrow buttons to select a width (in
points) from the Line Width box.
4. Click Color, then select a color from the Color Palette.
5. If the dialog box is still open, click OK. The line is displayed formatted according to your choices.
Modifying Background Color and Texture
You can fill any design element with a background color. Some design elements
also allow you to fill the background with a texture or photo. These elements
include shapes and freehand drawings.
When you fill a colored graphic with color, a special effect is created. In the following example, the graphic was filled with a red color.
The cells are formatted according to your choices.
NOTE: For borders created in BorderPlus, you need to fill the
background color within the BorderPlus program. See
Modifying a Border Using BorderPlus.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the design element whose color or texture
you want to modify.
2. Click the Color Fill button
on the Standard toolbar. The Color Palette
opens. For some design elements, the Color Palette is displayed expanded,
with an additional Texture tab and Photo tab.
3. On the Color tab, select the color you want.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More, clicking
Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate options, then
clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
4. If the Color Palette appears expanded (with a Texture tab), you can also do
one of the following on the Color tab:
• Select Blend Style, then select a blend from the Select Blend area.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Blend Angle area to set the angle of the
color blend.
5. If the Color Palette appears expanded (it has a Texture tab), select a texture
or tint the color or texture by doing the following:
• Click the Texture tab and select a texture from the options.
• To tint the selected texture, select an option from the Tint drop-down list.
NOTE: To remove the texture, click None.
6. If the Color Palette appears expanded, include a photo as the background
image by doing the following:
• Click the Photo tab.
• To add a photo, click Import, then select the photo’s file. File types supported
include .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, photo CD files, .pcx, Photoshop files, .png, .tiff, and .wmf.
• If a photo already exists, click Edit. See Using The Photo Workshop to
modify photo effects.
• To add or modify a tint to the photo, select a tint from the Tint drop-down list.
7. Click OK in the Color Palette.
The design element is displayed with the effects, according to your choices.
NOTE: If the background color is not displayed, one or more graphics
may be blocking the view of the background.
Adding or Modifying a Shadow Effect
For all design elements except borders and lines, you can add, modify, or
remove a shadow effect. When you add a shadow effect to a text box, the text
inside the text box is shadowed.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the appropriate design element.
2. Choose Shadow from the Format menu.
3. In the Apply a Drop Shadow dialog box, click the Preset Shadows tab, then
select an option from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To remove a shadow effect, click Remove Shadow.
4. To create a custom shadow, do the following:
• Click the Customize Shadow tab.
• In the Shadow Settings area, click and drag the Transparency pointer and
then the Edge Softness pointer to give the shadow the desired effect. You can
preview the shadow effect in the Shadow Position area.
• To change the color of the shadow, click Color and select a color from the
Color Palette.
5. Click OK.
The design element is displayed with the new or modified shadow. If you
chose to remove the shadow, it is removed.
Cropping a Graphic
To crop photos and graphics, you can use the Crop Object tool in the Design
Workspace. Cropping hides portions of the graphic that you don’t want to
appear in your project. You can crop using a shaped crop or by using a freehand
NOTE: You can also crop to orient most graphics using The Photo
1. From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic
that you want to crop. Click the Crop Object button
The Crop dialog box opens.
on the Edit toolbar.
2. To crop the graphic using a shape, select a shape from the Crop Shapes and
Tools area. The shape crop is displayed on the graphic as an outline with handles.
5. If you selected the Boxed Picture tab, do the following:
• Click a Box option.
• Click Color to display the Color Palette, then select a color for the boxed lines.
NOTE: If you change your mind, you can click Remove Frame.
6. Click OK. The new frame appears around the graphic.
Modifying a Border
3. Click and drag a handle to resize the crop.
4. Click and drag from the center of the cropped shape to move it.
5. To create a freehand crop of the graphic, click Freehand Crop. The Add Point
pointer is displayed in the Preview area.
6. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic you want to crop. Points and lines are displayed on the graphic, representing the crop area.
7. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer is displayed as
normal and the Move Point button is activated
8. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
9. To delete a point, click Delete Point, then select the point to be deleted.
10. To complete the crop (shaped crop or freehand crop), click Crop It. The crop
is displayed with the background removed.
11. To add the cropped graphic to your project, click OK.
NOTE: Click Undo to remove your last crop action or click Remove
Crop to start over.
Modifying a Frame
You can modify the frame that surrounds a graphic (photo or art image) by
changing to a different frame.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the graphic that is surrounded by a frame.
2. Choose Frame from the Add menu.
3. In the Add Frame dialog box, click the Picture Frame tab or click the Boxed
Picture tab for the type of frame you want.
NOTE: Some graphics don’t allow picture frames.
4. If you selected the Picture Frame tab, do the following:
• Select Picture Frames from the Collections drop-down list.
• Select a frame from the Frame Types list box.
You can modify a freestanding border in your project by selecting a different border from the Art Gallery.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the border. The Art Gallery opens and
displays the category of Borders.
2. Click a different border from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To change the view of graphics as they appear in the Preview
browser, see Modifying the View of Graphics.
3. Click Select, or double-click the border in the Preview browser to replace the
border. You can move or resize the border, independent of any design element in
your project.
You can modify a border that you created using BorderPlus. You can change the
border’s size, the appearance of graphics within the border, the border’s background color, and more.
Accessing BorderPlus
If you want to create a border, see Adding a Border Using BorderPlus.
If you want to modify a border, do the following:
• In the Design Workspace, double-click the border that you created using
BorderPlus.The BorderPlus program opens.
Selecting Corners and Edges
Before you can add or modify a graphic in one or all of the corners or edges of
a border in BorderPlus, you need to select the appropriate corners or edges.
In the BorderPlus program, do one of the following:
• To select a single corner or edge, click it.
• To select multiple corners or edges, hold down the Shift key, then click all the
corners and edges you want.
• To select only the corners, choose Select Corners from the Border menu.
• To select only the edges, choose Select Edges from the Border menu.
• To select all, choose Select All from the Border menu. The selected items are
Modifying the Size of Borders
1. To resize the top and bottom borders in the BorderPlus program, move the
pointer to the inside edge until it changes to an adjuster.
2. Click and drag the border horizontally, as needed, to resize the border.
3. To resize the left and right borders, move the pointer to the inside edge until it
changes to an adjuster.
4. Click and drag the border vertically, as needed, to resize the border.
Replacing the Graphic in Corners or Edges
1. In the BorderPlus program, select the corners or edges that contain the
graphic you want to replace.
2. Click the Art Gallery button.
The Art Gallery opens.
3. Select a different graphic from the Art Gallery. For more information, see
Searching for Graphics. The selected edges and corners are displayed with
the new graphic.
Copying a Graphic to Other Corners and Edges
You can copy a graphic that is displayed on one edge or corner to other edges
and corners.
1. In the BorderPlus program, select a single corner or edge that contains a
graphic that you want to copy to another corner or edge. Do this by clicking
the corner or edge once.
2. Click and drag the selected corner or edge to another corner or edge.
3. The graphic is copied to that corner or edge.
NOTE: You can also copy a graphic by doing one of the following:
Select a corner, then choose Copy to Corners from the
Arrange menu to copy the graphic to all corners.
Select an edge, then choose Copy Across from the Arrange
menu to copy the graphic to the edge that is across or
choose Copy to Edges from the Arrange menu to copy the
graphic to all edges.
The graphic is copied to the selected edges or corners.
Deleting a Graphic from Corners or Edges
1. In the BorderPlus program, select the corners or edges that contain the
graphic you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete key from the keyboard. The graphic is deleted from the
selected edges and corners.
Arranging the Graphic within Corners or Edges
You can rotate a graphic within a corner or edge.
1. In the BorderPlus program, select the corners or edges that contain the
graphic you want to arrange.
2. Choose one of the following options from the Arrange menu:
• Flip Horizontal—Flip the graphic horizontally.
• Flip Vertical—Flip the graphic vertically.
• Rotate 90 degrees—Rotate the graphic 90 degrees.
The graphic in selected corners and edges is rotated.
Modifying the Background Color of the Border
1. In the BorderPlus program, choose Background Color from the Border
menu. The Color Palette opens.
2. Select a color and click OK.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More, clicking
Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate options, then
clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
The border’s background color is modified.
Modifying a Seal
You can change the text that is displayed in the seal or select a different seal
graphic. To modify any or all aspects of a seal, do the following:
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a seal graphic.
2. In the Create a Seal dialog box, select and modify the text in the Enter Seal
Top Text box.
3. Select and modify text in the Enter Seal Bottom Text box.
4. Select a different text font from the Font drop-down list.
5. Click Color next to the Font drop-down list to select a different color from the
Color Palette.
6. Click either the Bold button
or the Italics button
to add or remove
bold formatting or italics.
7. Select a different style from the Graphic Edge list box.
8. Click Color under the Graphic Edge list box to select a different color for the
graphic edge.
9. Select a different graphic from the Center list box to place it in the center of
the seal.
10. Click Color under the Center list box to select a different color for the center graphic.
11. Click OK.
The modified seal is displayed in your project.
Modifying a Timepiece
You can cut, copy, and paste design elements from one page to another and
from one project to another by using the Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons on the
Standard toolbar.
When you “cut” a design element, it is removed from the current page in your
project and placed in your computer’s memory, called the Windows clipboard.
You can then “paste” it on a different page or into a different project. When you
“copy” a design element, it remains at its current location and you can “paste” it
into the current project or into another project.
You can also use the Paste Special command to paste an object from another
program, such as text from a Microsoft Word document, and preserve the original file format. Pasting an object with a specified file format is useful to preserve
the formatting of the original program.
Cutting Design Elements
1. In the Design Workspace, select one or more design elements you want to cut.
2. Click the Copy button
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a timepiece graphic.
2. In the Create a Timepiece dialog box, use the arrow keys to modify the hour
in the Hour box and minute in the Minute box.
3. You may also select a different timepiece graphic from the list box.
4. Click OK.
The modified timepiece is displayed in your project.
2. Click the Cut button
Copying Design Elements
1. In the Design Workspace, select one or more design elements you want to copy.
on the Standard toolbar.
You can also press Ctrl+X to on the keyboard to cut.
on the Standard toolbar.
You can also press Ctrl+C to on the keyboard to copy.
The design element is now copied to the Windows clipboard. You can now
paste a copy of it on another page or into another project.
Pasting Design Elements
You can paste design elements onto a page in your project or into another project after you have cut or copied them to the Windows clipboard.
1. In the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Open the project into which you want to paste the design elements.
• Navigate to the page in your project on which you want to paste the design
2. Click the Paste button
on the Standard toolbar.
You can also press Ctrl+V to on the keyboard to paste.
The design elements are moved or copied to the selected location.
Using Paste Special
If you have cut or copied an item from another program, such as Microsoft
PaintBrush or Microsoft Office Word, you can paste this object into your project
and preserve its formatting by using the Paste Special command.
1. In the other program, cut or copy an item—such as text in Microsoft Office
Word, for example.
2. In the Design Workspace in PrintMaster, with a project open, choose Paste
Special from the Edit menu. The Paste Special dialog box opens.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select the Paste option, then select a file format from the As list box to
paste the object into your project with a particular file format.
• Select the Paste Link option to allow objects to appear in your project while
they are still linked to the program used to create them. This allows you to
modify objects even after you add them to a project.
The design element is now copied to the Windows clipboard and is no longer
visible in your project.You can now paste it on another page or into another project.
NOTE: The Paste Link option is available only if the program file for
the object is still open on your computer.
4. Click OK. The object is pasted into your project as a design element, according
to your choices.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the design element whose color or texture
you want to modify.
2. Click the Color Fill button
on the Standard toolbar. The Color Palette
opens. For some design elements, the Color Palette is displayed expanded,
with an additional Texture tab and Photo tab.
3. On the Color tab, select the color you want.
Duplicating a Design Element
You can use the Duplicate command to copy a design element and position the
copies at particular areas in your project.
1. Select a design element you want to duplicate.
2. Choose Duplicate from the Edit menu. The Duplicate Object dialog box opens.
3. Select an option from the Standard Positions list box. Examples are shown in
the preview area on the right.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: The duplicated elements are automatically grouped. To
ungroup them, right-click them and choose Ungroup from the
shortcut menu. You can then reposition the separate elements
to create various effects.
Modifying Background Color and Texture
You can fill any design element with a background color. Some design elements
also allow you to fill the background with a texture or photo. These elements
include shapes and freehand drawings.
When you fill a colored graphic with color, a special effect is created. In the following
example, the graphic was filled with a red color.
NOTE: You can select from even more colors by clicking More, clicking
Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate options, then
clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
4. If the Color Palette appears expanded (with a Texture tab), you can also do
one of the following on the Color tab:
• Select Blend Style, then select a blend from the Select Blend area.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Blend Angle area to set the angle of the
color blend.
5. If the Color Palette appears expanded (it has a Texture tab), select a texture
or tint the color or texture by doing the following:
• Click the Texture tab and select a texture from the options.
• To tint the selected texture, select an option from the Tint drop-down list.
NOTE: To remove the texture, click None.
6. If the Color Palette appears expanded, include a photo as the background
image by doing the following:
• Click the Photo tab.
• To add a photo, click Import, then select the photo’s file. File types supported
include .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, photo CD files, .pcx, Photoshop files, .png, .tiff, and .wmf.
• If a photo already exists, click Edit. See Using The Photo Workshop to modify
photo effects.
• To add or modify a tint to the photo, select a tint from the Tint drop-down list.
7. Click OK in the Color Palette.
The design element is displayed with the effects, according to your choices.
NOTE: If the background color is not displayed, one or more graphics
may be blocking the view of the background.
NOTE: For borders created in BorderPlus, you need to fill the background color within the BorderPlus program. See Modifying a
Border Using BorderPlus.
Adding or Modifying a Shadow Effect
For all design elements except borders and lines, you can add, modify, or remove a
shadow effect. When you add a shadow effect to a text box, the text inside the
text box is shadowed.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the appropriate design element.
2. Choose Shadow from the Format menu.
3. In the Apply a Drop Shadow dialog box, click the Preset Shadows tab, then
select an option from the Preview browser on the right.
NOTE: To remove a shadow effect, click Remove Shadow.
4. To create a custom shadow, do the following:
• Click the Customize Shadow tab.
• In the Shadow Settings area, click and drag the Transparency pointer and
then the Edge Softness pointer to give the shadow the desired effect. You
can preview the shadow effect in the Shadow Position area.
• To change the color of the shadow, click Color and select a color from the
Color Palette.
5. Click OK.
The design element is displayed with the new or modified shadow. If you
chose to remove the shadow, it is removed.
Deleting a Design Element
1. Select the design element you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
You can move, size, rotate, and further arrange design elements in your project.
each desired design element once.
• Position the pointer on a blank portion of the project, then click and drag
completely around the design elements that you want to select.
• If the design element you want to select is layered underneath another design
element so that you cannot click it, press the Tab key on the keyboard until the
design element you want is selected.
Handles are displayed around selected design elements.
Grouping Design Elements
You can group a set of design elements so that you can move, size, and apply
coloring to them as if they were a single design element.
1. In the Design Workspace, select all the design elements that you want to
group. To do this, hold down the Shift key and click each one. Each selected
design element is displayed with handles.
2. Choose Group from the Layout menu.
The design elements are grouped as one, displaying one set of handles
around the entire set. You can now move, size, and apply coloring to all the
design elements at once.
Ungrouping Design Elements
You can ungroup design elements that you have previously grouped so you can
move, size, and modify each design element separately.
1. In the Design Workspace, select the group.
2. Choose Ungroup from the Layout menu. Each design element that was in
the group is now displayed with its own set of handles.
Selecting Design Elements
Before you can modify or arrange a design element, you must first select it. A
selected design element is displayed with handles around it in your project.
Moving Design Elements
Do one of the following:
• Click a design element to select it.
• To select more than one design element, hold down the Shift key, then click
You can move one or more design elements on the project page. When you
move multiple design elements at the same time, they remain in relative position
from each other.
To move design elements to another page or to another project, see Cutting,
Copying, and Pasting Design Elements.
1. In the Design Workspace, select one or more design elements that you want
to move.
To select multiple design elements, hold down the Shift key
and click each one.
Each selected design element is displayed with handles.
2. Click and drag from anywhere inside a selected design element to the position
you want.
3. When finished, release the mouse button. The design element(s) are moved
to the new position on your project page.
Sizing a Design Element
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element that you want to resize.
2. Position the pointer over a handle until it changes to a double-sided arrow.
3. Click and drag the handle away from the center of the design element to
increase size, or toward the center to decrease size.
NOTE: Click and drag a corner handle to increase or decrease both
the height and the width of the design element proportionally.
Click and drag a top or bottom handle to increase or
decrease the height of the design element.
Click and drag a right or left handle to increase or decrease
the width of the design element.
To size a line and keep it either horizontal, vertical, or at a
45-degree angle as you click and drag, hold down the Shift
key while you drag the pointer.
NOTE: To select multiple design elements, hold down the Shift key
and click each one.
2. Choose Position from the Layout menu, then select one of the following
options from the submenu:
• Center on Page—Center selected design elements on the page.
• Center Horizontally—Center selected design elements between the left
and the right sides of the page.
• Center Vertically—Center selected design elements between the top and
the bottom sides of the page.
• More—Open the Position & Size dialog box, then continue with the following steps.
3. If you selected the More submenu option, click the Position tab in the
Position & Size dialog box and select one or more of the following options:
• Select the Left, Center, or Right option in the Horizontal and/or Vertical
areas to place the element at the corresponding position on the project page.
• Select the Space Equally option to center the element vertically or horizontally.
• Select the At option, then type the number of inches between the left edge
of the element and the left side of the page. Enter a negative number (for
example, -3) to space the element from the right side of the page.
• Select the No Change option to return the element to its original position.
• Click the Reset to return the design element to its original position and size.
4. Click OK in the Position & Size dialog box.
Selected design elements are displayed, according to your choices.
Rotating a Design Element
To rotate a design element so that it appears at a different angle, use the rotation handle that appears in the selected design element.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element that you want to rotate.
Handles appear around the design element.
2. Position the pointer on the rotation handle until it changes to a rotation pointer.
4. When finished, release the mouse button. The design element is displayed resized.
Positioning Design Elements
You can position design elements to appear in a particular preset position on
the project page.
1. In the Design Workspace, select one or more design elements that you want
to position.
3. Click and drag the rotation handle until the design element appears at the
angle you like.
Rotating by Specific Degrees
You can rotate a design element by a specific number of degrees.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element that you want to rotate.
Handles appear around the design element.
2. Click the Rotation Indicator
in the status bar. A shortcut menu opens.
If the design element is layered underneath another design element so that you cannot click it, press the Tab key on the
keyboard until the design element you want is selected.
Handles appear around the selected design element.
2. Choose Layer from the Layout menu, then select one of the following options:
• Bring to Front—Bring the selected design element to the top layer.
• Send to Back—Send the selected design element to the bottom layer.
• Forward One Layer—Bring the selected design element up one layer.
• Back One Layer—Send the selected design element back one layer.
The design element now appears in a new layer among the other design elements.
3. Do one of the following:
• Select an option for the degree of rotation you want.
• To select a custom degree of rotation, select More. In the Custom Rotation
dialog box, type the desired number of degrees for the rotation in the
Rotation box, then click OK.
Mirroring to the Left or Right
You can arrange a design element to appear right to left.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element that you want to appear
right to left. Handles appear around the design element.
2. Choose Mirror Left to Right from the Layout menu.
Flipping from the Top or Bottom
You can arrange a design element to appear upside down.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element. Handles appear around
the design element.
2. Choose Flip Top to Bottom from the Layout menu.
Using Rulers and Guides
You can use rulers and guides to help you place design elements in the project.
This is especially useful when trying to align more than one design element.
Rulers can be displayed vertically and horizontally in the project window and
show relative spacing in inches or centimeters. You can choose to “snap” design
elements to the ruler settings by a quarter of an inch or half of a centimeter. The
following illustration is a ruler.
Guides are lines that can be displayed both vertically and horizontally across
the project to help you align design elements on the page. You can move the
guides to the position you want, or you can choose to lock the guides into a
selected position. You can also choose to “snap” design elements to the guidelines.
The following illustration contains guidelines in blue.
Layering Design Elements
Design elements can exist on top of each other in layers, and one element may
be partially or completely hidden behind another one. You can bring a design
element to the top layer, send it to the back layer, or otherwise change its layering.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a design element whose layering you want
to change.
Displaying and Hiding Rulers
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Rulers from the View
menu to display or hide the vertical and horizontal rulers.
NOTE: Rulers are displayed if a check mark appears next to Rulers
in the View menu; otherwise, the rulers are hidden.
To change whether rulers are displayed in inches or centimeters,
choose Options from the Tools menu, select General
Options, then click the Units tab.
Snapping a Design Element to Rulers
When the Snap to Rulers command is selected, design elements will “snap” to a
quarter of an inch or half of a centimeter of the vertical and horizontal rulers,
whether the rulers are displayed or not.
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Snap to Rulers from
the Layout menu to turn this command on or off.
NOTE: Snap to Rulers is on if a check mark appears next to Snap to
Rulers in the Layout menu; otherwise, this command is off.
To change whether rulers are displayed in inches or centimeters,
choose Options from the Tools menu, select General
Options, then click the Units tab.
Adding Guides
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Add Guide from the
Layout menu, then select Vertical to display a vertical guide, or Horizontal to
display a horizontal guide. The guide is displayed in the project.
NOTE: If you do not see the guide, choose Guides from the View menu.
2. To move the guide to the location you want in the project window, do the following:
• Position the pointer on a guide. The pointer changes to an adjuster.
• Click and drag the guide horizontally or vertically, as needed.
The guide is positioned where you want it.
Displaying and Hiding Guides
In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Guides from the View
menu to display or hide the guides that you have added to the project window.
Guides are displayed if a check mark appears next to
Guides in the View menu; otherwise, the guides are hidden.
If there is a check mark and still no guides are displayed,
you must first add a guide.
Locking and Unlocking Guides
Once you have added guides to the project window, you can lock them into
place so that you don’t accidentally move them. You will need to unlock the
guides before you can remove them.
• In the Design Workspace, choose Lock Guides from the Layout menu to lock
or unlock guides.
NOTE: Guides are locked if a check mark appears next to Lock Guides
in the Layout menu; otherwise, the guides are unlocked.
Snapping a Design Element to a Guide
When the Snap to Guides command is selected, design elements will “snap” to
the vertical or horizontal guide when close to the guide.
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Snap to Guides from
the Layout menu to turn this command on or off.
NOTE: Snap to Guides is on if it displays with a check mark in the
Layout menu; otherwise, this command is off.
Removing Guides
1. Position the pointer on a guide. The pointer changes to an adjuster.
2. Click and drag the guide horizontally or vertically, as applicable, off the screen
(all the way to the top or to the right of the screen). The guide is removed.
Using Text Box Outlines
You can display the outline around text boxes on the screen only. This is especially
helpful when you are modifying the text box. You can also hide the outline to
better visualize how text will appear in your project.
• In the Design Workspace, choose Text Box Outline from the View menu.
If text box outlines were previously hidden, they now display. If text box outlines
were previously displayed, they are now hidden. The Text Box Outline option
on the menu is selected (has a check mark) if they are currently displayed in
your project.
You can add or delete pages for some types of projects. You can also fill the
background pages, or panels, with a color, texture, or sound.
Navigating a Project in the Design Workspace
In the Design Workspace, certain types of projects have more than one page.
For example, a card can have a front, inside, and back pages; a calendar may
have 12 pages, one for each month in the year. You need to navigate to the
appropriate page in the project before you can add or modify design elements
on that page.
Certain project types also use master pages. A master page can contain background
design elements, effects, or colors that you want to appear on all project pages.
Some projects have both a right and a left master page. You need to navigate to
the appropriate master page before you can add or modify design elements on
that page.
Adding Pages
You can add pages to some types of projects. You can add either blank pages or
copies of an existing page.
1. In the Design Workspace, navigate to the page after which you want to add a page.
2. Choose Add Pages from the Add menu.
3. In the Add Pages dialog box, type the number of pages you want to add in
the “Number of pages to add” box.
4. In the Where area, select the appropriate option to determine where to place
the added pages.
5. In the Contents area, do one of the following:
• Select the Add Blank Pages option to add blank pages.
• Select the Add Copies of Page option, then type a page number in the box
to add copies of the indicated page to your project.
6. Click OK. The pages are added.
Deleting Pages
3. Double-click the text box.
4. Choose Page Number from the Add menu. A number symbol (#) is displayed
in the text box.
5. Return to the newsletter page by choosing Return to Page from the View
menu. The number symbol is displayed with a page number.
NOTE: If you are designing a double-sided newsletter, repeat these
steps to place a number on the left master page.
Displaying and Hiding Master Page Elements
A master page can contain background elements, effects, or colors that you want
to appear on all project pages. On a particular page in your project, you may
want to hide master page elements, or redisplay them after they have been hidden.
1. Navigate to the appropriate page in your project.
2. To hide the elements on the master pages, choose Hide Master Page Items
from the View menu. A check mark is displayed next to this command on the menu.
3. To reapply the elements on the master pages, choose Hide Master Page
Items from the View menu again to remove the check mark.
Modifying the Background of the Project
You can add or modify both color and texture to the background pages of a project.
1. In the Design Workspace, navigate to the page to which you want to add a
color or texture.
2. Choose Panel Color & Texture from the Add menu. The Color Palette opens.
3. On the Color tab, do one or more of the following:
• Select the color from the options.
NOTE: You can select even more colors by clicking More, clicking
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Delete Pages from the Edit menu.
2. In the Delete Pages dialog box, type the starting page to be deleted in the
Delete Pages From box and the ending page you want to delete in the To
box. The entire range of pages will be deleted, including the page numbers
you typed. To delete one page, type the same number in both boxes.
3. Click OK. The indicated pages are deleted.
Adding Page Numbers
You can add page numbers to the master page of a newsletter project only.
1. In the Design Workspace with a newsletter project open, navigate to the right
master page.
2. Add a text box to the location on the master page that you want to add a number.
Define Custom Colors, selecting appropriate options, then
clicking OK to return to the Color Palette.
• Select Blend Style, then select a blend from the Select Blend area.
• Click and drag the arrow in the Blend Angle area to set the angle of the
color blend.
4. To add or modify a texture, or to tint the selected color or texture, click the
Texture tab and do one or more of the following:
• Select a texture from the options.
• To tint the selected texture, select an option from the Tint drop-down list.
5. Click OK in the Color Palette.
The page is displayed with the effects, according to your choices.
Adding a Background Sound
You can add a background sound to each page in your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, navigate to the page in your project to which you
want to add a background sound.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the Add Sound or Video button
Background Sound.
You can select, create, and apply custom color sets for your entire project. This
will help you create consistent, professional-looking documents. When you apply
a color set to one or more projects, PrintMaster assigns default colors to the
panel, text, lines, and other attributes of the projects.
Creating a Color Set
You can create a color set for a project and apply it to other projects.
on the Edit toolbar, then choose
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Apply Color Set button
on the
Edit toolbar. The Color Set dialog box opens.
• Click the Background Sound button
Add Background Sound.
on the status bar, then choose
The Select Sound dialog box opens.
3. Select a sound file from your computer, then click OK. A background sound is
attached to the page.
NOTE: You can preview the sounds in your Web project. For more
information, see Previewing Web Pages.
Modifying the Background Sound
You can replace the background sound for a page in your project with another sound.
1. From the Design Workspace, navigate to the page that contains the background sound you want to modify.
2. Click the Background Sound button
in the status bar. A shortcut
menu opens.
3. Select Replace Background Sound from the shortcut menu. The Select
Sound dialog box opens.
4. Select a different sound file from your computer, then click OK. A different
background sound is attached to the page.
2. In the Panel Color area, click Color and select a default color for the background of your project.
3. In the Text Font Color area, click Color and select a default color for the text
in your project.
4. In the Line Color area, click Color and select a default color for lines in your project.
5. In the Headline Font Color area, click Color and select a default color for the
headline fonts in your project.
6. In the Shape Fill Color area, click Color and select a default color for shapes
in your project.
7. Click Save Set As. The Save Set As dialog box opens.
8. Type a name for the color set you created, then click OK.
9. Select one of the following options from the Color Set Assignment drop-down list:
• Do not assign to current project—Ensure that no changes are made to
the current project.
• To current project from this point forward—Update the assigned color
set without affecting existing objects.
• To entire project—Update the color set assignment and update existing objects.
10. Click OK. Depending on your selections, the colors of the current project will
be updated.
Applying a Color Set
You can apply one of many preconfigured custom color sets to a project.
1. On the Design Workspace, click the Apply Color Set button
on the
Edit toolbar. The Color Set dialog box opens.
2. Select a color set option from the Saved Sets drop-down list.
3. Select one of the following options from the Color Set Assignment drop-down list:
• Do not assign to current project—Ensure that no changes are made to
the current project
• To current project from this point forward—Update the assigned color
set without affecting existing objects
• To entire project—Update the color set assignment and update existing objects
4. Click OK. Depending on your selections, the selected color set will be applied
to the current project.
Modifying a Color Set
You can modify a custom color set or delete it.
1. On the Design Workspace, click the Apply Color Set button
Converting a Half-Fold Card to a Quarter-Fold
You can convert a half-fold card project to a quarter-fold card.
1. In the Design Workspace, with the half-fold card project open, choose Card
Converter from the Tools menu. The Card Converter dialog box opens.
2. Click Finish. The new quarter-fold card is displayed.
NOTE: The original half-fold card remains open underneath.
on the
Edit toolbar. The Color Set dialog box opens.
2. Select the color set that you want to delete from the Saved Sets drop-down list.
3. Click Delete Sets. A message displays, asking you if you want to delete the
color sets.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: Projects using this color set remain as is.
PrintMaster includes special editing features for modifying cards, calendars, and
Web pages. You can convert a quarter-fold card to a half-fold card and vice
versa. You can also modify particular aspects of a calendar or Web pages.
Converting Cards
With the PrintMaster Card Converter, you can convert a half-fold card project to
a quarter-fold card or change a quarter-fold card to a half-fold card.
Converting a Quarter-Fold Card to a Half-Fold
You can convert a quarter-fold card project to a half-fold card.
1. In the Design Workspace, with the quarter-fold card project open, choose
Card Converter from the Tools menu. The Half-Fold Greeting Card dialog
box opens.
2. Select the type of paper, or card stock, for the half-fold card from the Choose
a Card Stock list box.
3. Click Finish. The new half-fold card is displayed.
You can modify many aspects of a calendar—including the style of the calendar
(its lines, color, weekday spellings, and more), the text style used for the days
and dates, the time period of the calendar, and the way the title appears. You
can also add a graphic to the calendar page or to specific dates.
Modifying the Calendar Style
You can modify the appearance of lines, weekday names, and spellings in your
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then
select Calendar Style. The Calendar Style dialog box opens.
2. In the Weekday Names area, select one of the following options:
• Text Only—Days of the week as text only, without a box around each day
• Boxed Text—Days of the week in a box
• Reversed Text—Days of the week with a dark background
3. In the Weekday Spelling area, select one of the following options:
• Initials—Initials for the days of the week
• Abbreviations—Abbreviations for the days of the week
• Full Names—Full spellings of the days of the week
4. In the Lines area, select one of the following options:
• None—No calendar lines
• Horizontal—Horizontal lines only
• All lines—Both horizontal and vertical lines
5. Select a shadow effect from the Shadow drop-down list.
6. Select the Outline checkbox to outline the entire calendar into a grid.
7. To color the lines of the calendar, click Line Color, select a color from the
Color dialog box, then click OK.
8. Click OK in the Calendar Style dialog box. The calendar is displayed with the
effects, according to your choices.
NOTE: The original quarter-fold card remains open underneath.
NOTE: Click Default to return to the calendar’s default style settings.
3. Click OK.
Modifying Calendar Fonts
You can modify the way the text appears for the days and the dates in the calendar.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then
select Calendar Fonts. A submenu opens.
2. Select one of the following options:
• Date Number—Modify the font style for the date numbers.
• Day—Modify the font style for the days.
The Font Format dialog box opens.
3. On the Font tab, do one or more of the following:
• Select a font from the Font list box.
• Select a font style from the Font Style list box.
• Select a font size from the Size list box.
• Click Color to access the Color Palette, then select a color.
• Select the appropriate checkboxes for Underline, Small Caps, White
Border, and/or All Caps.
4. To create special effects, click the Effects tab and do one or more of the following:
• In the Fill Pattern area, select an option from the drop-down list and click
Color to select a color.
• In the Outline area, select an option from the drop-down list and click Color
to select a color for the outline. You can also click More, select a specific
line format, then click OK in the Line Format dialog box.
• In the Shadow area, select an option from the drop-down list and click Color
to select a color for the shadow.
5. Click OK in the Font Format dialog box.
Modifying the Month and Year
You can modify the calendar’s starting date.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then
select Month and Year.
2. In the Calendar Date dialog box, select one or more of the following options:
• Use the arrow buttons to select the year from the Year box.
• Select the appropriate starting month for the calendar from the Month
drop-down list.
• Select the appropriate starting week for the calendar from the Week
drop-down list.
Modifying the Calendar Title
You can change the text of the calendar’s title. You may want to do this, for
example, if you want the month to be in a different language.
In the Design Workspace, double-click the calendar’s title, then type a new title.
Adding a Graphic to a Date
You can add a graphic to a specific date on the calendar.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a date in the calendar.
2. Choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then select Add a Picture. The
Art Gallery opens.
3. Search for a graphic from the Art Gallery, then select it. The selected graphic
appears on the selected calendar date.
Adding or Modifying Text on a Date
You can add text, such as a birthday reminder, to a specific date on the calendar.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a date in the calendar.
2. Choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then select Date Text. An I-beam
is displayed in the text.
3. To modify the font style, select the text, then choose an appropriate font from
the Font Style drop-down list.
4. To modify the font size, select the text, then choose an appropriate font size
from the Font Size drop-down list.
5. Click outside of the date to view the results.
Coloring the Graphic on a Date
You can add a color effect to a graphic on a specific date in the calendar.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a date in the calendar that contains a graphic.
2. Choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then select Color Date Picture.
The Color Palette opens.
3. Select a color, then click OK.
NOTE: To select from even more choices, click More, click Define
Custom Colors, then select the appropriate options. Click OK to
return to the Color Palette, then click OK in the Color Palette.
NOTE: You can click Now to set the calendar’s starting date to
today’s date.
The graphic in the date on the calendar is displayed with a color effect.
Use of Graphics
Graphic design elements on a Web site can greatly increase the time it takes for
a Web page to download from the Internet. With this in mind, try to keep
graphics small.
Clearing the Graphic or Text from a Date
You can clear the graphic and text from a date on the calendar.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a date in the calendar that contains a graphic
or text.
2. Choose Edit Calendar from the Edit menu, then select Clear Date. The
graphic or text is cleared from the date in the calendar.
PrintMaster makes it easy for you to create and publish Web pages. You can
use Web pages to create online photo albums, resumes, class projects, business or organization Web sites, and more.
Use one of PrintMaster’s Ready-Made Web projects and customize it to fit your
needs, or create a Brand New Web page from scratch.
You can add, modify, and arrange design elements on a Web page as you
would in any other project. You can also turn text into hyperlinks, graphics into
hotspots, and add sound and video to your Web project. When you click a
hyperlink or hotspot, another Web page opens.
Web Page Design Tips
When you design Web pages, there are some special considerations to keep in mind.
If you plan to have more than one page in your Web project, think about how
your audience will move (or navigate) from one Web page to the next (or navigate)
in your Web site. The way you organize information will affect the way you
design your Web site.
It’s usually a good idea to have hyperlinks or hotspots on each page that connect to
the rest of the pages on the site. Hyperlinks and hotspots are places on the Web
page that take viewers to another place on the Web site when they click them.
Try to keep the navigation logical and consistent. PrintMaster’s Art Gallery contains
many graphics especially for Web pages, and you can reuse them to create
navigation in your Web project. You can re-use them on each page to make navigation easy. Some Ready-Made Web projects already have navigation buttons you
can customize to suit your needs.
Formatted Text
Not all text formatting converts to HTML. For instance, PrintMaster text that has
been stretched, rotated, or filled-in with a pattern will be converted into graphics
when you publish your Web project, as will PrintMaster headlines. For more
information, see Controlling Conversion of Text to Graphics.
Other Tips
• Use standard fonts like Arial, Courier, Times, and Wingdings. If you use unusual
fonts or formatting, they may not be displayed properly on other computers.
• Use text sizes between 10 and 30 points.
• Single-space all text.
• For best legibility, keep most of your text left aligned.
• Avoid tabs. They are converted into spaces in HTML.
• Don’t underline text unless it’s a hyperlink.
• If you add color to text, be sure it’s readable against the page background.
Avoid using the same color used for hyperlinks.
• Use a consistent color for all hyperlinks.
• Avoid rotated, shadowed, and stretched text.
Setting and Modifying Web Page Properties
Page properties allow you to set the background color, add a textured background,
or change the color of hyperlinks in your Web pages. You can apply these
changes one page at a time, or apply them to all Web pages in your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, with a Web project open, choose Page Properties
from the Layout menu.
2. In the Web Page Properties dialog box, select a color for the Web page(s) by
selecting a color from the Color drop-down list in the Background Properties area.
3. To add a texture, click Browse to open the Art Gallery, then search for a
graphic to place into your Web page(s) as a background texture.
NOTE: You can click No Texture if you change your mind.
4. In the Text Colors area, select the appropriate options from the drop-down
lists to color hyperlinks.
NOTE: A non-visited hyperlink is one which the user has not clicked.
A visited hyperlink is one which the user has clicked. An
active hyperlink is one over which the pointer is positioned
(about to be clicked).
5. Select the Apply to All Pages checkbox to apply these properties to all Web
pages, not just the open Web page in your project.
6. Click OK. Web Page properties are set or modified.
Setting and Modifying Publishing Properties
When you are ready to publish your Web pages on the Internet, you will need to
save your Web project with a file name that is understood by your Internet
Service Provider (ISP). Some ISPs require that you call your page “index.html,”
while others require you to call it “Home.html.” Before you publish your Web
pages online, you will need to call your ISP to find out what to call your main
Web page. Then set the publishing properties as follows.
1. In the Design Workspace with a Web project open, choose Publish from the
File menu, then select Publishing.
2. In the Web Publishing Properties dialog box, select or type a name for your
home page in the Home Page File name box.
3. Select or type the appropriate file extension in the HTML File extension box.
The default is .HTML.
4. Select the Use Design Checker checkbox to activate the Design Checker.
The Design Checker is automatically displayed when you publish your Web
page and offers tips for reducing the amount of time it will take to view your
Web page.
5. Select the Display Warning checkbox to display a warning message whenever
you try to save a Web page that may overwrite (replace) an existing one.
6. Click OK. You are now ready to publish your Web project.
Adding or Modifying a Hyperlink
You can turn text in your Web project into hyperlinks so that when they are
clicked, another Web page or file opens.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the appropriate text box.
2. Select the text from which you want to create or modify a hyperlink.
3. Choose Add/Edit Hyperlink from the Add menu.
4. In the Create a Link area of the Hyperlink dialog box, select an option for the
type of hyperlink you want to use. You can link text to an Internet page,
another page in your project, a file on your computer, or an e-mail address.
5. In the Link Information area, specify the location of the file or page, or type an
e-mail address, as appropriate.
6. Click OK.
After you publish your Web project—the file, page, or e-mail browser opens
when the hyperlink is clicked.
Removing a Hyperlink
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box that contains the hyperlink.
2. Select the text that contains the hyperlink you want to remove.
3. Choose Add/Edit Hyperlink from the Add menu.
4. In the Hyperlink dialog box, click Remove. The Web page is displayed with
the hyperlink removed.
Adding or Modifying a Hotspot
You can create an invisible “hotspot” anywhere in your Web project, such as
over a graphic. When you click the hotspot, another page or file opens.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Hotspot from the Add menu. The pointer
changes to a crosshair.
2. Click and drag a hotspot over a graphic or any other portion of the Web page.
The Hyperlink dialog box opens.
3. In the Create a Link area, select the option for the type of hyperlink you want
to use. You can link text to an Internet page, another page in your project, a
file on your computer, or an e-mail address.
4. In the Link Information area, specify the location of the file or page, or type an
e-mail address, as appropriate.
5. Click OK.
After you publish your Web project, the file, page, or e-mail browser opens
when the hotspot is clicked.
Removing a Hotspot
1. In the Design Workspace, on the Web page, select the hotspot.
If you cannot see it, press the Tab key until the hotspot is
2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Controlling Conversion of Text to Graphics
PrintMaster gives you control over the conversion of text (and its text box) to a
graphic on a Web page.
Preview Project. Your Web pages are displayed in your web browser.
NOTE: PrintMaster text that has been stretched, rotated, or filled-in
with a pattern will be converted into graphics (this includes
PrintMaster headlines).
NOTE: If either the Design Checker or Warnings is turned on in the
Web Page Property settings, you may see some informational
dialog boxes first. Click OK in these dialog boxes to continue.
1. In the Design Workspace, select a text box.
2. Choose HTML Text Format from the Format menu, then select one of the
following options:
• Automatic—Allow PrintMaster to choose when to convert a text box to a
graphic. This is the default setting.
• Keep as Text—Never convert the selected text box to a graphic.
• Publish as Graphic—Always convert the selected text box to a graphic.
Adding Pages
You can add pages to some types of projects. You can add either blank pages or
copies of an existing page.
1. In the Design Workspace, navigate to the page after which you want to add a page.
2. Choose Add Pages from the Add menu.
3. In the Add Pages dialog box, type the number of pages you want to add in
the “Number of pages to add” box.
4. In the Where area, select the appropriate option to determine where to place
the added pages.
5. In the Contents area, do one of the following:
• Select the Add Blank Pages option to add blank pages.
• Select the Add Copies of Page option, then type a page number in the box
to add copies of the indicated page to your project.
6. Click OK. The pages are added.
Deleting Pages
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Delete Pages from the Edit menu.
2. In the Delete Pages dialog box, type the starting page to be deleted in the
Delete Pages From box and the ending page you want to delete in the To
box. The entire range of pages will be deleted, including the page numbers
you typed. To delete one page, type the same number in both boxes.
3. Click OK. The indicated pages are deleted.
Previewing Web Pages
You can preview your Web pages before you publish them and preview your
multimedia card projects before sharing them. PrintMaster converts your Web
project to HTML format, opens your default web browser, and shows you the
Web pages.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Publish from the File menu, then select
If you are publishing to your personal Web site, make sure you do the following first:
• Set publishing properties for your Web site.
• Set up the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard with appropriate settings from
your Internet Service Provider (ISP). See the appropriate documentation in
Microsoft Windows for this topic.
Once you have done this, follow these steps to publish your Web pages.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Publish from the File menu, then select
one of the following options:
• To Folder—Publish it to a folder.
• To Personal Web Site—Publish it on your Internet Web site.
2. If the same file already exists, a warning message opens, asking if you want
to overwrite (replace) the file with the current one. If so, click Yes.
3. If you selected the To Folder option, the Choose Directory dialog box opens.
Choose a location for the Web pages and click OK. Your Web pages are
published to this location.
4. If you selected the To Personal Web Site option and you have a live Internet
connection, the Web pages are published to your Web site. For this option,
see the appropriate documentation in Microsoft Windows to set up the
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard with appropriate settings.
2. When finished viewing, close the web browser and return to PrintMaster.
Publishing Web Pages
Once you have created and modified Web pages, with all the hyperlinks and
hotspots you want, you are ready to publish the Web pages as HTML files to a
personal folder or to your personal Web site.
PrintMaster includes many tools and features that add value when you are
designing your project.
Checking Spelling
You can use the Spell Checker to check the spelling of all text in a project
except PrintMaster headlines.
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Check Spelling from
the Tools menu. The Check Spelling dialog box opens with the first word that
is not in the dictionary and may be misspelled.
2. To change the word, select the correct word from the Suggestions list, or type
the correct word in the Change To box.
NOTE: You can select one or both checkboxes at the bottom of the
dialog box to ignore words in upper case, or to ignore words
containing numbers.
3. Do one of the following:
• To change that instance of the word, click Change.
• To change the word everywhere it appears in the project, click Change All.
• To ignore the word and not change it, click Ignore.
• To ignore the word everywhere it appears in the project, click Ignore All.
• To add the original word to the dictionary so that the Spell Checker does not
stop on it again, click Add. The word is added to the dictionary for this session of PrintMaster only.
The Spell Checker moves to the next word that is not in the dictionary. When
all misspelled words are found, the Spell Checker automatically closes and
your project is displayed.
NOTE: You can click Close at any time to close the Check Spelling
dialog box.
Finding and Replacing Text
You can automatically search for a word and replace it with another word in your
project. For example, you may do a search for all instances of “Jim” and replace
it with “James.”
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, navigate to the first page of
your project if your project has more than one page.
2. Choose Find/Replace Text from the Edit menu. The Replace dialog box opens.
3. Type one or more words to look for in the Find what box.
4. Type one or more words to replace it with in the Replace with box.
5. You can also select one or both of the following checkboxes:
• Match whole word only—Find text that matches the whole word you
entered. For example, if you typed in “sun,” the Find/Replace tool will not
stop at the word “sunshine” if this checkbox is selected.
• Match case—Find text that matches the case (capitalization) of the words
6. Click Find Next to locate the first instance of the word(s) that need to be replaced.
7. Do one of the following:
• Click Replace to replace the word(s) with the ones you entered in the
“Replace with” box. PrintMaster then automatically locates the next word or
set of words that need to be replaced.
• Click Replace All to replace all instances of the word(s) with the ones you
entered in the “Replace with” box.
• Click Find Next to skip the current instance of word(s) found and go to the next.
8. Repeat step 6 until all instances of the word(s) are replaced. A message box
opens, telling you that the search for words is finished.
9. Click OK in the message box.
10. In the Replace dialog box, click Close.
Use the Address Book to print personalized holiday cards for all your relatives,
invitations for friends, labels for customers, or certificates for students. Once you
have created an Address Book, you can readily add information from it to a
PrintMaster project.
Creating a New Address Book
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Open Address Book. The Address Book opens. If you have not
already created an address book, PrintMaster starts with a blank address
book called “Address.”
2. In the Address Book, choose New from the File menu.
3. In the New Address Book dialog box, type a name for your address book in
the box and click OK.
The new Address Book opens with the name on the title bar.
You can now enter or import address information into this address book.
Adding or Modifying Address Information
1. If the Address Book is not currently displayed, first open an existing address book.
2. To add new contact information, click New Entry, then type or select from the
appropriate boxes.
Although you do not need to enter information into all the
boxes, it is a good idea to include information in the First
Name and Last Name boxes.
3. Repeat step 2 to add other contacts to this address book.
4. To modify contact information, or to delete a contact, first click the letter tab
for the last name of the contact.
5. Locate the appropriate contact by clicking one of the following buttons until
the appropriate contact information is displayed:
Next—Move to the next contact in the address book.
Back—Move to the previous contact in the address book.
NOTE: You can also click First
to move to the first contact in
the address book, or Last
to move to the last contact.
6. Do one of the following:
• To modify contact information, click the appropriate boxes and edit the text.
• To delete a contact from this address book, click Delete Entry.
7. If you clicked Delete Entry, a message box opens. Click Delete Entry to verify
the deletion.
8. When finished, click Close in the Address Book.
Importing Address Information
You can import address information from another program—such as Microsoft
Outlook, for example—into an Address Book. To do this, you must first export
the address information from the other program and save the file with a .txt
extension (for a tab-delimited format) or a .csv extension (for a comma-separated value). Outlook calls these formats tab separated values and comma separated values.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Import Address Book. The Import Names Wizard opens.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Browse, then locate the name of the exported file and click Open. The
location of the file is displayed in the Import Names Wizard.
4. Click Next.
5. Type a name for this Address Book in the box, then click Next. Information is
displayed about the file you are about to import.
6. Click Finish. The Congratulations dialog box opens.
7. Click OK. The information is imported into the address book whose name you
provided. To open that Address Book, see Opening an Existing Address Book.
Opening an Existing Address Book
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Open Address Book.
2. If the address book displayed is not the one you want, choose Open from the
File menu.
3. In the Open Address Book dialog box, select the address book you want from
the list box and click Open.
Adding or Modifying Sender Information
PrintMaster can save you time creating cards and mailers if it knows your name
and address. You can use PrintMaster to add this “sender” information when you
print your project.
1. If the Sender Information dialog box is not currently displayed, choose
Address Book from the Tools menu in the Design Workspace, then select
Sender Information.
2. In the Sender Information dialog box, select the checkboxes next to the information you want to include in your project.
NOTE: If you are creating sender information for the first time, no
checkboxes appear. Fill out all the information in the Sender
Information dialog box for future use, then click OK. To include
sender information in your project, return to step 1 above.
3. Click Select All to select all the information that has been entered in the
dialog box.
4. Click OK to insert selected information into your current project.
Modifying the View of Addresses
You can change the view of the address information in the address book.
1. If the appropriate Address Book is not currently displayed, then open an existing address book.
2. In the Address Book, choose one of the following options from the View menu:
• One at a Time—View one contact at a time.
• Overview—View all contacts simultaneously.
Navigating Contacts in the Address Book
If the Address Book displays information for one contact at a time (the One at a
Time option is selected from the View menu), follow these steps to view other contacts.
In the Address Book, click one of the following buttons:
• Next—View the next contact in your address book.
• Back—View the previous contact in your address book.
• First—View the first contact in your address book.
• Last—View the last contact in your address book.
Sorting Address Information
You can sort the contacts in an Address Book by information other than last name.
1. If the appropriate Address Book is not currently displayed, then open an existing address book.
2. In the Address Book, choose the appropriate option from the Sort menu.
You can add custom fields to text.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box in which you want to add
a custom field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the custom field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Custom Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Custom Fields dialog box, select a custom field from the Field Name
list box, then click Insert. The value for that custom field is inserted into the
text. To add a new custom field, see Creating a Custom Field.
NOTE: You can remove the custom field value in the text box as you
would any other text, by selecting it and pressing the Delete
key on the keyboard.
Custom fields can be added to text as placeholders for information you want to
use over and over again. For example, you can insert a custom field called
“My Company” and PrintMaster will automatically replace this field with your
company name wherever you have placed this field, saving you time typing it out.
Creating a Custom Field
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a text box.
2. Choose Custom Field from the Add menu.
3. In the Custom Fields dialog box, click New.
4. In the Add Field dialog box, type a name for the custom field, then click OK.
The custom field is displayed in the Field Name column of the list box.
5. Type the text you want to appear in the field in the Value column of the list box.
6. When finished, do one of the following:
• Click Close to close the dialog box without inserting the value of the new
custom field.
• Click Insert to insert the value for the new custom field.
Modifying a Custom Field
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Edit Custom Field from the Edit menu.
2. In the Custom Fields dialog box, click a field name once or click a value that
you want to modify in the list box and type its new name or value.
3. To remove a field, select the field name from the list box, then click Remove.
4. When finished, do one of the following:
• Click Close to close the dialog box without inserting the value of the selected
custom field into the text.
• Click Insert to insert the value of the selected custom field into the text.
Adding a Custom Field to Text
Whether you’re creating a form letter, mailing labels, envelopes, or greeting
cards, PrintMaster’s Mail Merge feature makes it easy to personalize your project
for every recipient.
Mail Merge fields are placeholders in text boxes. When you print your project,
PrintMaster replaces the placeholders with information from your Address Book.
The information can be a first name or a complete address. Mail Merge fields
allow you to address your card, envelope, or other project to more than one person
without having to type their names and print your project over and over again.
When you print a project that contains Mail Merge fields, multiple versions of the
project will print, each one with different contact information for each name you
selected from the Address Book.
Adding Mail Merge Fields
You can add Mail Merge fields to text. Mail Merge fields serve as placeholders
and insert information stored in your Address Book.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click the text box to which you want to add
a Mail Merge field.
2. Click inside the text box at the location you want to place the Mail Merge field.
The I-beam moves to that location.
3. Choose Mail Merge Field from the Add menu.
4. In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, select a field from the Address Book
Fields list box, then click Add. The field is moved to the Selected Fields list
box. These fields will be placed into the text box and replaced with values
from the Address Book when you print.
5. To remove a field from the Selected Fields list box, select it, then click Remove.
6. Click Insert. The Mail Merge fields are inserted into the text.
you print this project, multiple versions of the project will print, each one with
different contact information for each name you selected from your Address Book.
NOTE: You can also select the names when you print the project.
See Printing a Project.
You can format this text like any other text.
Using Advanced Drawing
In the Mail Merge Fields dialog box, you can also click
Receiver Address to automatically insert that group of standard information into the text box.
If you inserted more than one field, you will need to add
spaces or punctuation between them.
You can remove a Mail Merge field by selecting it in the text
box and clicking the Delete key on the keyboard.
Important: Before you can print this project with the appropriate information automatically filled in, you must select the
people in your Address Book for which you want PrintMaster
to draw the information. For more information, see Selecting
Mail Merge Names to Print.
The Advanced Drawing program is an easy-to-use, full-featured drawing program in which you can create your own graphic designs or alter graphics from
PrintMaster’s Art Gallery. You can use it to design personal graphics, special text
effects, and more.
The Photo Workshop allows you to repair and transform the photographs and
graphics that you add to your PrintMaster projects. You can crop and orient the
graphic; adjust the color, brightness, and focus; fix “red eye”, minimize the
effects of dust and scratches, and apply photo and area effects.
You can use The Photo Workshop on all photos and all bitmap graphics. If the
graphic is not a bitmap, the Edit Photo button
Selecting Mail Merge Names to Print
Once you have added Mail Merge fields to a text box in a project, you need to select
for which names in the Address Book you want PrintMaster to draw information
before printing the project. For example, if you have created an invitation and
added a “First Name” Mail Merge field to it, you will need to select each person
in your Address Book whose first name you want to appear in a printed copy of
the invitation so that there is one invitation for each person you selected.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Select Mail Merge Names. The Merge Names dialog box opens.
2. If the current address book is not the one you want, choose Open from the
File menu in the Merge Names dialog box. The Open Address Book dialog
box opens.
3. Select a different address book, then click Open.
4. In the Merge Names dialog box, click each name from the list box whose contact information you want to include in the current project.
NOTE: You can click Select All to include everyone in your Address Book.
You can open The Photo Workshop from the Design Workspace while working
on a project, or from the Art Gallery to modify a specific graphic.
NOTE: Some of The Photo Workshop features may not be available
in your edition of PrintMaster.
Cropping and Orienting in The Photo Workshop
For photos and bitmap graphics, you can use The Photo Workshop to crop and
orient a graphic. Cropping hides a portion of the graphic that you don’t want to
appear. You can select a shaped crop or create a freehand crop.
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic that you
want to crop.
2. Click the Edit Photo button
dialog box opens.
on the Edit toolbar. The Photo Workshop
5. Click OK.
Information for the first name you selected is displayed in your project. When
will be grayed out.
3. Click the Crop & Orientation tab.
4. To change the orientation of the graphic, click Rotate 90 Degrees until the
graphic appears as you want it.
5. To crop the graphic using a shape, select a shape from the Select a Pre-Set
Shape area. The shape crop is displayed on the graphic as an outline with handles.
to adjust the color. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to adjust the
color, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic button
on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Adjust Color tab.
3. Select a color effect for the graphic.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To transform the graphic to black and white, select Make Black & White.
6. To transform the graphic to a negative reverse graphic, click Make a Negative.
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
6. Click and drag a handle to resize the crop.
7. Click and drag from the center of the cropped shape to move it.
8. To create a freehand crop of the graphic, click Freehand Crop. The Add
pointer appears in the Preview area.
9. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic you want to crop. Points and lines are displayed on the graphic,
representing the crop area.
10. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer appears as normal
and the Move button is activated.
11. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
12. To delete a point, click Delete, then select the point to be deleted.
13. To complete the crop (shaped crop or freehand crop), click Apply Crop. The
crop is displayed with the background removed.
14. To add the cropped graphic to your project, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
Adjusting Color in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which you want
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all color adjustments. Note
that it will also undo all changes made on any of the other
tabs in The Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Modifying Brightness and Focus in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to modify the brightness and focus. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to modify the
brightness and focus, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Brightness & Focus tab.
3. Click and drag the arrows to adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Blur/Sharpen,
Gamma, and Saturation options. The results are displayed in the Preview area.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
6. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Fixing Flaws in The Photo Workshop
In this portion of The Photo Workshop, you can fix “red eye” on a person or “pet
eye” on a pet, as well as minimize the effects of dust, scratches, and glare.
1.Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to fix the flaws. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to fix flaws, then
select it from the Preview browser. Click Edit Graphic on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Fix Flaw tab.
3. Select one of the following options from the Select a Tool drop-down list for
the type of flaw you want to fix:
• Red Eye—Remove “red eye” in people photos.
• Pet Eye—Remove “green eye” in pet photos.
• Dust & Scratches—Remove dots and lines.
• Shiny Face—Remove shiny highlights from your image.
• Repair Tool—Repair an area of the photo by copying another area over it.
4. Select an appropriate button in the Select a Tool Size area for the size of the
fixing tool.
5. If you selected the Repair Tool, do the following:
• Click the area of the photo you want to copy.
• Then click the flaw that you want to repair in your photo in the Preview area.
• To copy a different area of your photo over a flawed area, first click Select a
New Source, then repeat the two steps above.
6. If you selected one of the other tools, click the flaw in the Preview area to fix
it. (You can continue clicking the graphic until you are satisfied with the
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
Applying Photo Effects in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply photo effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply a
photo effect, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Photo Effects tab.
3. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect
Category list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic
• Black & White
• Colorization
• Filter
• Warp & Distort
4. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View the
results in the Preview area.
5. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
6. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
7. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Area Effects in The Photo Workshop
With Area Effects, you can creatively add photo effects to a selected area of
your photo (rather than to the entire photo). Start by selecting an area with a
preset shape, or use your mouse to draw a shape around the area to which you
want to add an effect.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply area effects. Click the Edit Photo button
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply area
effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic button
from the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Area Effects tab.
3. Select a shape for the area from the Select a Pre-Set Shape or Draw a Shape
The shape is displayed on the graphic in an outline with handles.
4. Click and drag a handle to resize the outline.
5. Click and drag from the center of the outlined shape to move it.
6. To create a freehand area of the graphic to apply effects, click Draw a Shape.
7. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic where you want to apply an effect. Points and lines are displayed on
the graphic, representing the area.
8. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer appears as normal
and the Move button is activated.
9. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and drag
the point to the new position.
10. To delete a point, click Delete Point, then select the point to be deleted.
11. Select the Invert Selection checkbox to invert the shape of the area selected.
12. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect Category
list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic • Black & White
• Colorization • Filter
13. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View the
results in the Preview area.
14. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
15. Click Apply to apply your selections to the image.
16. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
17. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
Applying Artistic Stamps in The Photo Workshop
Use Artistic Stamps to create unique photo frames and added photo appeal.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply an artistic stamp. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply an
artistic stamp, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Artistic Stamps tab.
3. Select an option from the Select a Stamp Category drop-down list.
4. Select an option from the Select a Stamp drop-down list. Your options are
displayed in the Preview area.
NOTE: You can click More Stamps to access additional artistic stamps.
5. Click the appropriate button in the Select a Stamp Size area for the size of
the stamp.
6. Click the photo or image in the Preview area to place the stamp.
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Brush Effects in The Photo Workshop
Use Brush Effects to touch up or enhance your photo with color.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Desk with a project open, select the graphic for which you
want to apply brush effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the
Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply
brush effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog
box opens.
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the graphic from the
Choose Category for Graphic drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog box,
and click OK.
6. Click Save.
The modified graphic is saved to the Art Gallery in the category you indicated.
2. Click the Brush Effects tab.
3. Click to select a brush from the Select a Brush Size area.
4. Select a color by clicking Select a Brush Color and choosing a color from
the Color Palette dialog box.
5. To paint a brush effect on your photo, press the left mouse button and drag
the brush over the area to be painted. Release the mouse button when you
are finished.
To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
The Hot Shots Viewer in PrintMaster allows you to create custom screen savers
for your computer or personalized slide shows that you can share with friends
and family. You can also create image strips of your favorite and most frequently
used pieces of art or photos. Image strips can be easily accessed from the
Design Workspace, allowing you to customize your projects quickly.
Creating a Slide Show
1. On the Design Workspace, click the Show Hot Shots Viewer button.
The Hot Shots Viewer Getting Started dialog box opens.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Saving a Modified Graphic
You can save a graphic you modified using The Photo Workshop so that you
can use it again later. You can save it on the computer disk or to the Art Gallery
for easy access.
1. If The Photo Workshop is not displayed with your modified graphic, select the
modified graphic in your project, then click the Edit Photo button
the Edit toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click Save As.
3. In the Save As dialog box, find the location to which you want to save the
graphic. The location you select is where the graphic will be stored on the
computer disk.
4. In the Art Gallery area, select the Add to Art Gallery checkbox so that you
can later access the project easily from the My Art & Photos tab in the Art
Gallery. This stores the graphic in the Art Gallery for easy access in
5. Do one of the following:
2. Click the Slide Show menu, then choose New from the shortcut menu. The
Create New Slide Show dialog box opens.
3. Enter a name for the slide show, then click OK. The slide show strip is
displayed with the name you have chosen.
4. Click Slide, then choose Import from Disk from the shortcut menu. The
Open dialog box opens.
5. Use the Look In drop-down box to navigate to the location on your hard drive
where your images are stored.
6. Hold down the Control key while clicking the images you want to add to the
slide show, then click Open.
The selected images are displayed in the Hot Shots Viewer.
NOTE: To remove an image from the slide show, click the image to
select it. Click Slide, then choose Remove Slide from the
shortcut menu.
You can rearrange images within the slide show by clicking
and dragging them to the desired location. If the new location
is beyond the five displayed slides, click and drag the image
to the Scroll Bar Arrow to access the part of the slide show
you want, then drop the image into position.
7. Click Slide Show, then choose Finish from the shortcut menu. The Finish
Slide Show dialog box opens.
8. Choose Create a Self-Playing Slide Show, then click Next. The Slide Show
Options dialog box opens.
9. Select options as desired, then click Done. The Export PC Slide Show dialog
box opens.
10. Select the location where you want your slide show saved or use the default
save location, then click Save.
11. When the Export Finished dialog box appears, click OK.
12. Click Play, then choose Play Slide Show from the shortcut menu to view
your newly created slide show.
NOTE: You can attach the slide show executable to any e-mail message
and share it with family and friends.
To access your saved slide shows and image strips, click
Slide Show, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
Select the slide show you want to view from the list box, then
click OK.
The Hot Shots Viewer saves your images as you add them.
Creating a Screen Saver
NOTE: To remove an image from the slide show, click the image to
select it. Click Slide, then choose Remove Slide from the
shortcut menu.
You can rearrange images within the slide show by clicking
and dragging them to the desired location. If the new location
is beyond the five displayed slides, click and drag the image
to the Scroll Bar Arrow to access the part of the slide show
you want, then drop the image into position.
7. Click Slide Show, then choose Finish from the shortcut menu. The Finish
Slide Show dialog box opens.
8. Choose Save as a Screen Saver, then click Next. The Slide Show Options
dialog box opens.
9. Select options as desired, then click Done. The Export Screen Saver dialog
box opens.
10. Select a Save in location, then click Save.
11. When the Export Finished dialog box appears, click OK.
12. Click the Microsoft Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel/Display,
then click the Screen Saver tab. You can add the newly created screen
saver from your saved location.
1. On the Design Workspace, click the Show Hot Shots Viewer button.
The Hot Shots Viewer Getting Started dialog box opens.
2. Click the Slide Show menu, then choose New from the shortcut menu. The
Create New Slide Show dialog box opens.
3. Enter a name for the new screen saver, then click OK. The slide show strip is
displayed with the name you have chosen.
4. Click Slide, then choose Import from Disk from the shortcut menu. The
Open dialog box opens.
5. Use the Look In drop-down box to navigate to the location on your hard drive
where your images are stored.
6. Hold down the Control key while clicking the images you want to add to the
slide show, then click Open. The selected images are displayed in the Hot
Shots Viewer.
NOTE: To access your saved slide shows and image strips, click
Slide Show, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
Select the slide show you want to view from the list box, then
click OK.
The Hot Shots Viewer saves your images as you add them.
Creating an Image Strip
1. On the Design Workspace, click the Show Hot Shots Viewer button.
The Hot Shots Viewer Getting Started dialog box opens.
2. Click the Slide Show menu, then choose New from the shortcut menu. The
Create New Slide Show dialog box opens.
3. Enter a name for the new image strip, then click OK. The slide show strip is
displayed with the name you have chosen.
4. To add images, photographs, or art to your new image strip, do any of the following:
• To add an image from the PrintMaster Art Gallery:
stock required to print your project.
• Click the Search Art & Photos button.
The Art Gallery opens.
• Click the All Art & Photos tab or the My Art & Photos tab, right-click the
image, then choose Add to Hot Shots Viewer from the shortcut menu.
For oversized projects, you can print portions on several pieces of paper to
create the entire oversized project. You can also set up your printer to print
double-sided when needed for certain project types.
NOTE: It is a good idea to print a test page before printing on the
NOTE: The image is added to the viewer, and the Art Gallery
actual stock.
remains open to select more images.
• When you are finished adding images from the Art Gallery, click Close.
The Design Desk is displayed with your images added to the Hot Shots Viewer.
• To import images located on your computer:
• Click Slide, then choose Import from Disk from the shortcut menu.
The Open dialog box opens.
• Use the Look In drop-down box to navigate to the location on your hard
drive where your images are stored.
• Hold down the Control key while clicking the images you want to add to the
slide show, then click Open.
The selected images are displayed in the Hot Shots Viewer.
• To add an image you have created on the Design Workspace:
• Right-click the image, then choose Add to Hot Shots Viewer from the
shortcut menu.
The selected image is displayed in the Hot Shots Viewer.
NOTE: Be sure to group the elements of the art image before
adding it to the viewer.
To access your saved slide shows and image strips, click
Slide Show, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
Select the image strip or slide show you want to view from
the list box, then click OK.
To add an image from the Hot Shots Viewer Image Strip to
an open project, click the image you want to add, then drag
and drop the image onto the project.
Additional features allow you to professionally print your project in PDF or
publish your Web pages to a folder or to your own personal Web site.
Before you print your project, you should check the paper stock, print a test
page, and preview your project.
Enhanced Printing Resolution
With PrintMaster and some basic tips, you can take advantage of higher-resolution
printing to make your special projects even more detailed and vibrant.
The following are tips to take advantage of PrintMaster’s enhanced printing resolution:
1. From the Design Workspace choose Options from the Tools menu, then
select General Options. The Options dialog box opens.
2. On the General tab, choose Optimal Printing Resolution, then click OK.
NOTE: Selecting this option may increase print time.
3. Click the Search Art & Photos button on the Edit toolbar. The Art Gallery
4. From the All Art & Photos tab, choose Master Photo Collection from the
Select Featured Art and Photos drop-down list.
NOTE: This collection of photos has been chosen for their quality of
5. You can also use scanned images or images imported from your digital camera.
You can print all kinds of projects in PrintMaster. Some projects may require
special paper stock such as card stock for greeting cards or business cards.
Check the manual for your printer to ensure that it is able to handle the paper
Previewing a Project
NOTE: Most projects require resolutions no higher than 300 dpi.
Scanning or shooting a photograph at resolutions higher than
150 to 200 dpi produces only a larger file, not more detail.
See the Scanning Tips tutorial in the Help Center.
6. Create a project on the Design Desk using high-resolution photos of your
choice. Save your project.
7. Choose Print from the File menu. Set your printer’s quality setting to Best.
8. Be sure to print your project on photo-quality paper stock that matches your
chosen project type.
9. Click OK in the Print Setup dialog box.
The increased detail and clarity of your finished project is worth the increase in
printing time for special projects. However, when you are working on a project
that doesn’t contain high-resolution images, you may want to change the
General Options Optimal Printing setting back to unchecked (the default) and
your Print dialog box quality setting back to Normal.
Checking the Paper Stock
Many of the projects in PrintMaster request that you use a paper stock. A paper
stock is a specific type of paper such as envelopes, labels, business card stock,
postcard stock, or iron-on transfer stock.
NOTE: You will want to know what types of paper your printer can
handle before purchasing the paper stock. Some printers, for
example, cannot handle specialty papers or card stock.
It is also a good idea to print a test page on regular paper before printing on the
paper stock.
Printing a Test Page
It is a good idea to print a test page on regular paper before printing your project on
paper stock to verify that it lines up properly.
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar, or choose Print from the File menu.
The Print dialog box opens.
Just before you print your project, you can preview how it will appear.
1. Choose Print Preview from the File menu. Your project is displayed in a
preview window.
2. Click Close to return to the Design Workspace or click Print to print the project
as it appears.
NOTE: Before printing your project, you may want to set up your
printer. If you are using special paper stock such as mailing
labels or thick card stock, it is a good idea to print a test page.
Setting Up the Printer
You can select a different printer or change the settings for your printer.
1. Choose Printer Setup from the File menu, then select Print Setup. The Print
Setup dialog box opens.
2. Select a different printer from the Name drop-down list, if applicable. The
Status, Type, Where, and Comment descriptions will update for the newly
selected printer.
3. Click Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.
4. If you want to print your project from back to front rather than from front to
back, select the appropriate option in the Page Order area of the Layout tab.
NOTE: You will be choosing paper stock and orientation within
PrintMaster, so you do not need to select any other items in
this dialog box.
5. Click OK to return to the Print Setup dialog box.
6. Click OK to close the Print Setup dialog box. The printer is set up for printing
your projects.
Setting the Print Alignment
If your project didn’t print exactly right on the paper stock you provided, you can
change the printer alignment by inches or centimeters.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Print dialog box, click Advanced. Then, in the Advanced Settings
dialog box, click Print Alignment.
• From the Design Workspace, choose Printer Setup from the File menu,
then select Alignment. The Printer Alignment dialog box opens.
2. Select the Tall or Wide option, then click Print Test Page. The test page is printed.
2. In the Print dialog box, click Print to print a test page.
3. Using the test page, measure the items requested, then type the appropriate
inches or centimeters into the boxes of the Measurements area. As you do
so, the appropriate location of the changes is highlighted in the Preview area.
4. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Reset to set the inches or centimeters as they
should be set for the label stock you are using.
5. In the Print dialog box, select other options as appropriate.
6. Click OK. The project is printed.
NOTE: To use a different address book, choose Open from the File
menu in the Merge Names dialog box. Choose a different
Address Book from the Open Address Book dialog box, then
click Open.
• Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
5. Type the number of copies of the project to print in the Copies box.
NOTE: If the project contains Mail Merge fields, PrintMaster automatically prints one copy of the project for each contact name
you selected.
Printing a Project
Before you print, it is a good idea to preview your project. If you are using special paper stock such as mailing labels or thick card stock, it is also a good idea
to print a test page.
6. Select other checkboxes and options, as appropriate to the project you are
7. Click Print. The project is printed.
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar; or choose Print from the File menu. The Print dialog
box opens.
NOTE: Options in the Print dialog box vary, depending on the type of
project you are printing.
Printing a Project Professionally
PrintMaster can save projects as PDF files, which your local professional printer
can open and print accurately without having the PrintMaster program installed.
1. With a finished project open in the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Choose Save as PDF from the File menu.
• Click the Finish Project button
2. Select a print quality from the Print Quality drop-down list. The greater the
number of dots per inch (dpi), the better the quality. Your printer may limit the
quality level, according to its top performance ability.
3. If the project has more than one page, the Print Range area is displayed.
Select the All option to select all pages to print or select the Pages option
and type the pages you want to print in the “From” and “To” boxes.
4. If your project contains Mail Merge fields, click Merge Fields to modify the
contacts whose information you want to appear in the Mail Merge fields of
the printed project, then do the following:
• In the Merge Names dialog box, click each name in the list box whose contact
information you want to include in the current project.
on the Edit toolbar, then select Save
as PDF in the Finish Project dialog box.
• Click the Professional Printing button
on the Standard toolbar, then
click Save as PDF in the Professional Printing dialog box.
• Choose Print from the File menu, then click Setup. In the Print Setup
dialog box, choose Broderbund PDF Creator from the Name list, then click
OK. Click Print in the Print dialog box. The Save As dialog box opens with
PDF file type selected.
2. Select a location to save your project in the “Save in” drop-down list.
3. Type a name for your project in the File Name box.
4. Select the resolution of your project from the Resolution drop-down list.
5. Click Save. The project will be saved as a PDF file with your selected options.
Printing Oversized Projects
PrintMaster lets you print oversized projects on multiple pages that you can
assemble into a large final print. Or you can print your project in its original size
if your printer can handle oversized projects.
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar or choose Print from the File menu. The Print dialog
box opens.
NOTE: Options in the Print dialog box vary, depending on the type of
project you are printing.
2. Click Output Size. The Custom Print Size dialog box opens.
3. Do one of the following:
• Type the number of inches or centimeters for width in the Inches Wide box.
• Type the number of inches or centimeters for height in the Inches Tall box.
• Type a percentage of the size relative to the original project (100 percent,
for example) in the Scale box.
When you type changes to one of these boxes, the others adjust to maintain
proportions of the project.
4. Type the number of sheets of paper needed to use to accommodate the width
in the Sheets Wide box, or the height, in the Sheets Tall box. PrintMaster will
adjust the dimensions in the other boxes to maintain the original proportions
of your project.
5. Click Show to update all boxes to the correct proportions, according to your
6. Click OK in the Custom Print Size dialog box to return to the Print dialog box.
7. If you want to print just some of the tiles, or portions of each sheet, click
Which Tiles. The Tiles to Print dialog box opens.
8. In the preview area, click the tiles on each sheet that you want to print.
9. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
10. Select other checkboxes and options, as appropriate to the project you are
11. Click Print. The project will print.
Double-Sided Printing
You can set up your printer to handle the double-sided printing needed on some
of your projects.
1. Choose Printer Setup from the File menu, then choose Double-Sided
Wizard. The Double-Sided Printing Wizard opens.
NOTE: This wizard helps you configure PrintMaster to print
double-sided projects for subsequent printouts.
2. Click Next.
3. Make sure your printer is ready, then click Print Test #1.
4. After the test pages have printed, click Next.
5. Pick up the test pages without changing their order.
6. Hold the pages face up, then click the image that matches the top page.
7. Click Next.
8. Reinsert the pages into the printer face up, with the arrow pointing in the feed direction.
9. Make sure the printer is ready, then click Print Test #2.
10. After the two test pages have printed again, click Next.
11. Pick up the pages without changing their order.
12. Click the picture that shows the printing on the top and the bottom of the two
pages, then click Next. You have successfully configured your printer for
double-sided printing.
13. Click Finish.
Printing a Coloring Book
PrintMaster lets you print certain images from the Art Gallery as outlines. This
allows you to create your own coloring book.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Search Art & Photos button.
2. Click the All Art & Photos tab, then click the plus (+) symbol next to the
appropriate folder in the Choose Category for Graphic list box. You can also
double-click a subfolder to display its contents.
3. To check if an image will print as an outline, do one of the following:
• Right-click the preview graphic with your mouse, select Properties from the
shortcut menu and see if that graphic has a CGM extension in the file name.
• Choose Computer Graphics Metafile (*.cgm) from the Select Type of
Graphic drop-down list to display all CGM files in the Preview browser. CGM
file types can be printed as outlines.
4. Once you have located the image you want, click Select; or double-click the
image to add it to your project.
5. In the Design Workspace, click the Print button
on the Standard
toolbar or choose Print from the File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
6. Select the Coloring Book checkbox.
7. Click Print. The project will print as a coloring book.
Printing a Preview Catalog
4. Click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar, or choose Print from
the File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
You can print a set of graphics in the Art Gallery or a set of projects in the
Project Gallery to have a visual, paper reference.
1. In the Art Gallery or the Project Gallery, choose Print from the File menu. The
Print Art dialog box opens.
2. In the Print Range area, select one of the following options:
• Print Selected Picture/Project—Print only the one picture or project that
you have selected in the Preview browser of the gallery. A gray border surrounds this selection.
• Print Current Page—Print all the pictures/projects that you see at one time
in the Preview browser.
• Print All Pictures/Projects—Print all the pictures/projects in the gallery.
NOTE: You may want to print a test page on regular paper before
using an envelope.
5. If your project contains Mail Merge fields, click Merge Fields to modify the
contacts whose information you want to appear in the Mail Merge fields of the
printed project, then do the following:
• In the Merge Names dialog box, select the names from the list box whose
contact information you want to include in the current project.
NOTE: To use a different address book, choose Open from the File
NOTE: The gallery contains thousands upon thousands of graphics.
Before you use the Print All Pictures option, you may want to
limit the number of items in the browser by choosing a
Collection, Category, or Tone before choosing Print from
the File menu within the gallery.
3. Select a print quality from the Print Quality drop-down list. The greater the
number of dots per inch (dpi), the better the quality. Your printer may limit
the quality level, according to its top performance ability.
4. Select the appropriate option for the number of previews that you want to
appear on each page in the Number Per Page area.
5. Click Print. A preview catalog is printed.
menu in the Merge Names dialog box. Choose a different
Address Book from the Open Address Book dialog box, then
click Open.
6. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
7. Select the DPI (dots per inch) from the Print Quality drop-down list.
The higher resolution (more DPIs) gives you a better image, but takes longer
to print. The lower resolution (fewer DPIs) is best for quick drafts and large
images that will be seen from a distance.
8. Click Envelope Feed.
9. Choose from the Tall/Wide/Left/Center/Right options in the Envelope Feed
dialog box to indicate how you are going to insert the envelope into your printer.
10. Select either the Flap Up or Flap Down option.
NOTE: Be sure to check your printer to see which side it prints.
Printing Envelopes
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, choose Choose Envelope
Stock from the Edit menu. The Choose Envelope Stock dialog box opens.
2. Choose an envelope size from the list box. You can see your selection in the
preview area.
NOTE: PrintMaster automatically resizes the elements of your design
11. Select or deselect the Rotated checkbox to print the envelope rotated or not.
12. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
13. Type the number of copies you want to print in the Copies box.
14. Click Print.
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can
adjust the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
to fit the envelope you selected.
Printing Labels
3. Click OK to return to the Design Workspace.
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, choose the Choose Label
Stock option from the Edit menu. The Choose Label Stock dialog box opens.
2. Choose a label stock from the list box. You can see your selection in the
Preview area.
NOTE: PrintMaster automatically resizes the elements of your design
to fit the labels you choose.
3. Click OK.
4. Click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar, or choose Print from
the File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
NOTE: You may want to print a test page on regular paper before
using label stock.
5. If your project contains Mail Merge fields, then click Merge Fields to modify
the contacts whose information you want to appear in the Mail Merge fields of
the printed project, then do the following:
• In the Merge Names dialog box, select the names from the list box whose
contact information you want to include in the current project.
9. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
10. Click Print.
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can adjust
the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
See also
ðPrinting a Project
ðPrinting a Test Page
ðUsing Mail Merge Fields
Printing Business Cards
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, choose Choose Business
Card Stock from the Edit menu. The Choose Business Card Stock dialog box
2. Choose a business card stock from the list box. You can see your selection in
the preview area.
NOTE: PrintMaster automatically resizes the elements of your design
to fit the card stock you choose.
3. Click OK.
NOTE: To use a different address book, choose Open from the File
menu in the Merge Names dialog box. Choose a different
Address Book from the Open Address Book dialog box, then
click Open.
• Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
6. Select the DPI (dots per inch) from the Print Quality drop-down list.
The higher resolution (more DPIs) gives you a better image, but takes longer
to print. The lower resolution (fewer DPIs) is best for quick drafts and large
images that will be seen from a distance.
7. If you want to print less than a full sheet of labels, type the number in the
Number of Labels box. Otherwise, PrintMaster prints a full sheet.
8. If you want to print on a sheet containing only a partial number of labels, do
the following:
• Click Starting Label.
• Select the label from which you want to start printing in the Preview area.
NOTE: The printer prints from left to right.
4. Click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar, or choose Print from the
File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
NOTE: You may want to print a test page on regular paper before
using business card stock.
5. If your project contains Mail Merge fields, click Merge Fields to modify the
contacts whose information you want to appear in the Mail Merge Fields of
the printed project, then do the following:
• In the Merge Names dialog box, select the names from the list box whose
contact information you want to include in the current project.
NOTE: To use a different address book, choose Open from the File
menu in the Merge Names dialog box. Choose a different
Address Book from the Open Address Book dialog box, then
click Open.
• Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
6. Select the DPI (dots per inch) from the Print Quality drop-down list.
The higher resolution (more DPIs) gives you a better image, but takes longer
to print. The lower resolution (fewer DPIs) is best for quick drafts and large
images that will be seen from a distance.
7. If you want to print less than a full sheet of business cards, type the number in
the Number of Business Cards box. Otherwise, PrintMaster prints a full sheet.
8. If you want to print on a sheet containing only a partial number of business
cards, do the following:
• Click Starting Business Card.
• Click the business card from which you want to start printing in the Preview area.
NOTE: The printer prints from left to right.
• Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
9. Click Print.
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can adjust
the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
Printing Postcards
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, choose the Choose
Postcard Stock option from the Edit menu. The Choose Postcard Stock dialog box opens.
2. Choose a postcard stock from the list box. You can see your selection in the
preview area.
NOTE: PrintMaster automatically resizes the elements of your design
to fit the postcard stock you choose.
3. Click OK.
4. Click the Print Project button
on the Standard toolbar, or choose Print
from the File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
NOTE: You may want to print a test page on regular paper before
using postcard stock.
5. If your project contains Mail Merge fields, then click Merge Fields to modify
the contacts whose information you want to appear in the Mail Merge fields of
the printed project, then do the following:
• In the Merge Names dialog box, select the names from the list box whose
contact information you want to include in the current project.
NOTE: To use a different address book, choose Open from the File
menu in the Merge Names dialog box. Choose a different
Address Book from the Open Address Book dialog box, then
click Open.
• Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
6. Select the DPI (dots per inch) from the Print Quality drop-down list.
The higher resolution (more DPIs) gives you a better image, but takes longer
to print. The lower resolution (fewer DPIs) is best for quick drafts and large
images that will be seen from a distance.
7. Choose the Both Sides, Front Only, or Back Only option in the Print Range area.
8. Type the number of copies you want to print in the Copies box.
9. If you want to print on only half a sheet, do the following:
• Click the Starting Card button.
• Click the postcard from which you want to start printing in the Preview area.
10. Click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
11. Click Print.
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can adjust
the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
Printing Photos
You can print photos that you placed in your project. The project must be an
Easy Prints type of project. To create an Easy Prints type of project, do one of
the following:
• Create a Brand New project, making sure to choose Easy Prints as the project type, then add your photos.
• Create a Ready-Made project, making sure to choose one of the options in the
Photo Frames category, then add your photos.
Follow these steps to print the photos:
1. In the Design Workspace with your Easy Prints project open, choose the
Choose Easy Prints Layout option from the Edit menu.
The Choose Easy Prints Layout dialog box opens.
2. Choose a photo layout from the list box. You will be able to see your selection in
the preview area.
3. Click the Finish button to return to the Design Workspace.
NOTE: The layout panels are not displayed in the Design Workspace.
4. Place a picture or any other design element in this panel.
NOTE: Only one image is displayed in the Design Workspace. This
does not affect the way the project prints.
5. Choose Print Preview from the Edit menu. This is how your project will
appear when printed.
6. Click Print
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can adjust
the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
Printing Iron-On Projects
1. In the Design Workspace with your project open, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar; or choose Print from the File menu. The Print dialog
box opens.
2. Select the DPI (dots per inch) from the Print Quality drop-down list. The
greater the number of DPI, the better the quality. Your printer may limit the
quality level.
3. Make sure the Print Reversed for Iron-on Transfer Paper checkbox is
selected. This will reverse the image so it will look proper when added to a T-shirt.
• Set up the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard with appropriate settings from
your Internet Service Provider (ISP). See the appropriate documentation in
Microsoft Windows for this topic.
Once you have done this, follow these steps to publish your Web pages.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Publish from the File menu, then select
one of the following options:
• To Folder—Publish it to a folder.
• To Personal Web Site—Publish it on your Internet Web site.
2. If the same file already exists, a warning message opens, asking if you want
to overwrite (replace) the file with the current one. If so, click Yes.
3. If you selected the To Folder option, the Choose Directory dialog box opens.
Choose a location for the Web pages and click OK. Your Web pages are published to this location.
4. If you selected the To Personal Web Site option and you have a live Internet
connection, the Web pages are published to your Web site.
For this option, see the appropriate documentation in Microsoft Windows to
set up the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard with appropriate settings.
Printing a Banner
PrintMaster banner projects can be printed as oversized projects or on standard
letter size paper and taped together, or they can be printed on special continuous feed banner paper by following the steps below.
1. In the Design Workspace with your banner project open, click the Print button
on the Standard toolbar or choose Print from the File menu. The Print
NOTE: You may want to print a test page on regular paper before
using iron-on transfer paper.
4. Type the number of copies you want to print in the Copies box.
5. Click Print.
The project is printed. If your project doesn’t print exactly right, you can adjust
the alignment manually. See Setting the Print Alignment.
Publishing Web Pages
Once you have created and modified Web pages, with all the hyperlinks and
hotspots you want, you are ready to publish the Web pages as HTML files to a
personal folder or to your personal Web site.
dialog box opens.
NOTE: Options in the Print dialog box vary, depending upon the type
of project you are printing.
2. Click Setup in the Print dialog box, then click Properties in the Print Setup
dialog box.
3. From the Setup tab, select the continuous banner option, then click OK.
4. Position your continuous feed banner paper in your printer according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. In the Print Setup dialog box, click OK
5. In the Print dialog box, click Print. Your banner project is printed.
If you are publishing to your personal Web site, make sure you do the following first:
• Set publishing properties for your Web site.
Modifying the View of Projects
PrintMaster includes a range of available resources—from graphics in the Art
Gallery to Ready-Made projects you can customize for your own use.
PrintMaster also includes a number of powerful tools and features.
You can change the view of projects in the Preview browser.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click one of the following buttons on the Project Gallery
Using the Project Gallery
The Project Gallery contains thousands of Ready-Made projects that you can
select from the All Projects tab and then customize and print. You can also save
your own projects to the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery.
Small—View small thumbnails of the projects.
Medium—View medium thumbnails of the projects.
Large—View large thumbnails of the projects.
The view of projects in the Preview browser of the Project Gallery updates,
according to your selection.
Searching Features in the Project Gallery
There are thousands of projects in the Project Gallery. To help you quickly locate the
one you want, PrintMaster includes powerful searching features. With the
searching features, you can find the right project in a combination of three ways:
From within the Project Gallery, you can also e-mail projects to others, import
and export projects, and more.
Basic Search—Allows you to make basic selections about the project type
(such as Calendar) and the project’s category (such as Weekly). You can also
use search words to help locate a project. See Search Words below.
Accessing the Project Gallery
1. Do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Personalize Ready-Made
Project button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button
on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open from the File menu. The Project Gallery opens.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the All Projects tab to access thousands of available projects.
• Click the My Projects tab to access projects that you have saved to your
own categories.
Advanced Search—In addition to options in the Basic Search, you can select
the tone of the project (such as Humorous) or the collection in which the project
is located. You can also use search words in this mode, with a couple of additional options. See Search Words below.
NOTE: If Select Type of Project is the only drop-down list you see
above the Choose Project Category list box, you are in Basic
Search mode. If you are on the All Projects tab, you can
further narrow your search by clicking the Advanced Search
to access the Advanced Search mode
and doing the following:
Search Words—Allows you to type search words, such as birthday or wedding
cake, to help locate the project. Search words work along with the selections
you make from drop-down lists in the Basic or Advanced Search modes. The
more information you provide (the more selections you make or type), the narrower your search results will be.
• Select a tone from the Select Tone for Project drop-down list.
• Select a collection from the Select Collection for Project drop-down list.
The projects are displayed in the Preview browser on the right, according to
your selections.
5. In the Choose Project Category list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to the
folder that contains the options you want to view, then select an option. You
can also double-click a subfolder to view its contents.
The projects in that category are displayed in the Preview browser.
6. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the words
Birthday Cake.
NOTE: If you are in Advanced Search mode, you can also select one
of the following options:
NOTE: The All Projects tab of the Project Gallery includes all three
search options. The My Projects tab, which contains your own
projects that you created, includes only the Basic Search
option but also allows you to type search words.
• All—Search for projects that contain all of the search words you typed.
• Any—Search for projects that contain any of the search words you typed.
Projects that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview browser.
NOTE: If you want to open one of the projects, click it once in the
Searching for Projects
You can locate the right project from among thousands of Ready-Made projects
by using the searching features in the Project Gallery. You can also use the
Basic Search feature to locate a specific project among your own projects on
the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click one of the following tabs:
• All Projects—Access thousands of available projects.
• My Projects—Access projects that you have saved to your own categories.
3. Click Reset to clear all boxes from a previous search.
4. Select a project type from the Select Type of Project drop-down list.
Preview browser, then click Select; or double-click it. The
project is displayed in the Design Workspace, ready for you
to customize.
Selecting a Project
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Click the project in the Preview browser of the Project Gallery.
NOTE: To place the selected project in the Design Workspace to
modify it, click Select in the Project Gallery.
You can open a project you previously created and saved so that you can modify or print it. In PrintMaster, you can have more than one project open at a
time. You can open a project from the Project Gallery or from your computer or
floppy disk.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open Project from the File menu. The Project Gallery opens.
2. Click the Open button
Opening a Project from the Project Gallery
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button
on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open Project from the File menu. The Project Gallery opens.
2. Click the My Projects tab. Previews of your projects are displayed in the
Preview browser on the right.
3. Click Reset to clear all project Search boxes.
on the Edit
in the Project Gallery toolbar; or choose Open
from Disk from the File menu.
3. In the Open Project from Disk dialog box, locate the project file on the hard
disk or floppy disk.
To search for a particular type of project, select the
appropriate project file type from the Files of type drop-down list.
4. Select the project file that you want to open from the list box and click Open.
The project is displayed in the Design Workspace.
NOTE: This ensures that the Enter Search Words box is now blank.
4. Select a project type from the Select Type of Project drop-down list. The projects
that match your selection are displayed in the Preview browser.
5. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the projects you want to open from the Choose Project Category list
box. If your project does not appear in the Preview browser, it may exist on
your computer or on a floppy disk. See Opening a Project from a Disk.
6. To further narrow your search, you can also type search words in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the words,
Birthday Cake. The projects that contain the search words are displayed in
the Preview browser.
NOTE: For search words to exist for your project, you need to have
modified project properties for your project.
7. In the Preview browser, double-click the project you want to open.
You can also click a project once to select it, then click
Select in the Project Gallery.
The project is displayed in the Design Workspace.
Opening a Project from a Disk
After you create a project in the Design Workspace, you can save it in order to
modify or print it later. You can save the project so that it appears in the Project
Gallery for easy access, or simply save it on your computer disk or a floppy disk.
You can also save a project as a PDF file, which your local professional printer
can open and print accurately without having the PrintMaster program installed.
Saving a Project to the Project Gallery
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Save button
on the Standard tool-
bar, or choose Save from the File menu to save the currently displayed project.
NOTE: If the Save menu option is grayed out, the project’s final
changes have already been saved or the project is a
Ready-Made project that has not yet been customized.
To save this project with a different name, choose Save As
from the File menu and continue with the following steps.
2. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the project in the File name box.
as PDF in the Finish Project dialog box.
NOTE: Projects are automatically saved in the Projects folder. To save
the project in another location on your computer disk or onto
a floppy disk, select the appropriate location in this dialog box.
3. In the Project Gallery area, select the Add to Project Gallery checkbox so
that you can later access the project easily from the My Projects tab in
PrintMaster’s Project Gallery.
4. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the project from the
Category drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog box,
and click OK.
5. Click Save. The project is saved as one of the following Project File Types.
Saving a Project to a Disk
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Save from the File menu.
NOTE: If the Save menu option is grayed out, then the project’s final
changes have already been saved or the project is a
Ready-Made project that has not yet been customized.
2. In the Save As dialog box, find the location to which you want to save the file.
3. In the Project Gallery area, select the Add to Project Gallery checkbox so
that you can later access the project easily from the My Projects tab in
PrintMaster’s Project Gallery.
4. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the project from the
Category drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog box,
and click OK.
5. Click Save. The project is saved as one of the following Project File Types.
Saving a Project in PDF Format
PrintMaster can save projects as PDF files, which your local professional printer
can open and print accurately without having the PrintMaster program installed.
1. With a finished project open in the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
• Choose Save as PDF from the File menu.
• Click the Finish Project button
on the Edit toolbar, then select Save
• Click the Professional Printing button
on the Standard toolbar, then
click Save as PDF in the Professional Printing dialog box.
• Choose Print from the File menu, then click Setup. In the Print Setup dialog
box, choose Broderbund PDF Creator from the Name list, then click OK.
Click Print in the Print dialog box. The Save as dialog box opens with PDF
file type selected.
2. Select a location to save your project in the “Save in” drop-down list.
3. Type a name for your project in the File Name box
4. Select the resolution of your project from the Resolution drop-down list.
5. Click Save. The project is saved as a PDF file with your selected options.
The Project Gallery contains a collection of your own projects that you have created and saved to the Project Gallery. These appear in the My Projects tab in
the Project Gallery.
To better organize your projects, you can create new categories, organize projects
in these new categories, and rename and delete categories on the My Projects tab.
NOTE: This option is available only for projects you have saved to
the Project Gallery. See Saving a Project to the Project
Accessing the Project Gallery
1. Do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Personalize Ready-Made
Project button.
• In the Design Workspace, click the Pick Project button
on the Edit
toolbar, then choose Ready-Made Project from the shortcut menu; or
choose Open from the File menu.
The Project Gallery opens.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the All Projects tab to access thousands of available projects.
• Click the My Projects tab to access projects that you have saved to your
own categories.
Creating a New Category
You can create a category for your own projects in the Project Gallery or for
your own graphics in the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To create a category for your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To create a category for your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. Choose New Category from the File menu.
3. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name for the new category and
click OK. The category is added to the list in alphabetical order.
Copying and Moving Projects into Categories
You can organize the projects you created into categories on the My Projects
tab of the Project Gallery.
You need to have created new categories first.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. Search for the project you want to move or copy to another category and
select it from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. To copy the project to another category, press the Ctrl key, then click and
drag the selected project to a different category in the Choose Project
Category list box.
You may also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the Project
Gallery toolbar. See Copying and Pasting Projects.
4. To move the project to another category, click and drag the project to the new
category in the Choose Project Category list box.
You may also use the Cut and Paste buttons on the Project
Gallery toolbar. See Cutting and Pasting Projects.
You can also choose Move from the File menu, select the
category to which you want to move your project from the
Move Item to a New Category dialog box, and click OK.
Renaming a Category
You can rename a category in the Project Gallery or the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To rename a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To rename a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to rename.
3. Choose Rename Category from the Edit menu.
4. Type a new name for the category, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The category is renamed.
Deleting a Category
You can delete a category of your own projects from the Project Gallery or your
own graphics from the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To delete a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To delete a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to delete.
3. Choose Delete Category from the Edit menu. A warning message opens,
asking if you want to delete the selected category.
NOTE: If you have projects or graphics in the category you are deleting,
the Delete Category dialog box opens with a warning that all
projects or graphics within the category will also be deleted.
If you do not want to continue, click No. Otherwise, you can
select the Delete project (or graphic) files from disk checkbox to delete the projects or graphics from your hard drive.
4. Click Yes to continue the deletion. The category is removed from the Choose
Category list box.
You can copy and move your own projects into other categories on the My
Projects tab of the Project Gallery in order to better organize them.
You can also use the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands in the Project Gallery to
move or copy a project to and from other areas within the Project Gallery, or to
the Windows Explorer. This is useful for copying a Ready-Made project to the
My Projects tab, where it can be readily available to you without CD-swapping,
for example.
Finally, you can also click and drag any project in the Project Gallery to the
Design Workspace to start the project. Doing so leaves the Project Gallery open
so that you can add additional projects.
Copying and Moving Projects into Categories
You can organize the projects you created into categories on the My Projects
tab of the Project Gallery.
NOTE: You need to have created new categories first.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. Search for the project you want to move or copy to another category and
select it from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. To copy the project to another category, press the Ctrl key, then click and
drag the selected project to a different category in the Choose Project
Category list box.
You may also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the Project
Gallery toolbar. See Copying and Pasting Projects.
3. Click and drag the title bar of the Project Gallery to move it so that the Design
Workspace is displayed in the background.
You can also resize the Project Gallery window by clicking and
dragging any border.
4. Click and drag the selected project from the Project Gallery to the Design
The project is displayed in the Design Workspace and the Project Gallery
remains open. To begin working on this project, close the Project Gallery.
Cutting and Pasting Projects
You can cut a project from one category in the My Projects tab in the Project
Gallery, then paste it to another category. This moves the project to a different
NOTE: You cannot cut projects from the All Projects tab.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Click the My Projects tab.
3. Search for the project you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
4. Select the project from the Preview browser.
5. Click the Cut button
5. To move the project to another category, click and drag the project to the new
category in the Choose Project Category list box.
You may also use the Cut and Paste buttons on the Project
Gallery toolbar. See Cutting and Pasting Projects.
You can also choose Move from the File menu, select the
category to which you want to move your project from the
Move Item to a New Category dialog box, and click OK.
Copying Projects to the Design Workspace
You can copy a project in the Project Gallery to the Design Workspace. This
opens the project in the Design Workspace and leaves the Project Gallery open.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Search for the project you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
on the Project Gallery toolbar.
6. Select the category in which you want to place the selected project from the
Choose Project Category list box by clicking it once.
7. Click the Paste button
on the Project Gallery toolbar. The project is
moved to the selected category.
Copying and Pasting Projects
You can copy a project from a category in the My Projects tab and paste it to
another category on the same tab. You can also copy a project from the All
Projects tab and paste it to a category on the My Projects tab.
This is useful for copying Ready-Made projects to the My Projects tab, where
they are readily available without CD-swapping, or copying projects to more
than one category on the My Projects tab so that they are easier to find.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Search for the project you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the project from the Preview browser.
4. Click the Copy button
on the Project Gallery toolbar.
5. Click the My Projects tab.
6. Select the category in which you want to place the selected project from the
Choose Project Category list box by clicking it once.
7. Click the Paste button
on the Project Gallery toolbar. The project is
copied to the selected category on the My Projects tab.
Copying Projects to Windows Explorer
You can copy a project in the Project Gallery, then paste it into Windows Explorer.
This copies it to another location on your computer disk or onto a floppy disk.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Search for the project you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the project from the Preview browser.
4. Click the Copy button
on the Project Gallery toolbar.
5. Open Windows Explorer.
6. Locate the folder on the appropriate computer drive to which you want to
copy the project.
7. Click the Paste button
on the toolbar in Windows Explorer. The project
is copied to Windows Explorer.
Renaming a Project
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want to rename from the Choose Project Category
list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select the project you want to rename.
5. Choose Rename Project from the Edit menu.
6. Type a new name for the project, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The project is renamed. You may rename as many projects as you want
following these steps.
Modifying Project Properties
After you create and save a project, you can modify its properties in the Project
Gallery, such as the description of the project and keywords you can use to
locate the project.
NOTE: You cannot modify the properties for a Ready-Made project.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want from the Choose Project Category list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select a project.
NOTE: If you cannot see your project in the Preview browser, you
may need to search for your project first.
5. Choose Properties from the View menu. The Properties dialog box opens.
6. Type a description for the project in the Description box.
7. Type search words to use when searching for the project in the Keywords box.
8. Click OK. The Preview browser displays the new description under the project.
Importing a Project
You can import (or bring in) a project that you or someone else has created on
another computer so that you can modify, view, or print it.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Open Project from the File menu.
2. In the Project Gallery with the My Projects tab selected, choose Import from
the File menu.
3. In the Import Projects dialog box, locate the project file on the hard disk or
floppy disk that you want to import into PrintMaster.
4. Select the category in which you want to import the project from the Add to
Project Category drop-down list.
NOTE: You can create a new category for your projects. To do so,
click New. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name
for the new category and click OK. This new category is now
selected from the Add to Project Category drop-down list.
5. Click Import.
The project is imported into the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery,
adding to your list of projects.
Exporting a Project
NOTE: To e-mail the project with a file viewer you must have a
MAPI-enabled e-mail account. Macintosh users will not be
able to open or print the Share Project executable.
1. With a finished project open in the Design Workspace, do one of the following:
You can export a project you created or modified to the hard disk of your computer or to a floppy disk so that you can share it with others or copy it to another
computer. You can export the current project from the Design Workspace or
another project from the Project Gallery.
1. Do one of the following:
• To export the current project, in the Design Workspace, choose Export As
from the File menu.
• To export a different project, click the Pick Project button on the Edit toolbar. In the Project Gallery, search for the project you want to export and
select it from the Preview browser. Then choose Export from the File menu.
2. In the Export dialog box, select the location to which you want to export the
file, then click Save.
NOTE: You can rename the exported project file by typing a new
name into the File name box.
The file is exported to the indicated location. You are then
returned to the Project Gallery or the Design Workspace.
After you create and save a project, you can share the project with friends, family,
and business associates. Recipients can view and print the project even if they
do not have PrintMaster installed. You can share the project by saving it to a
disk, burning it to a CD, sending it in e-mail, or sending it using Instant
If you want to share a project with other PrintMaster users, you can e-mail the
project as a file attachment using your e-mail program.
Sharing a Project using the Share Project Feature
The PrintMaster Share Project feature allows you to send your project to
friends, family, or business associates as a file with a viewer. Your recipient can
view and print the project even if they do not have PrintMaster installed.
• Click the Finish Project button
on the Edit toolbar, select the Share
Project option in the Finish Project dialog box, then click Next.
• Choose Share Project from the File menu, then select Share Project
Viewer. The Share Project dialog box opens.
2. Type a name for your project in the Enter Project Name box.
3. Click Color and choose a background color from the Color Palette dialog box.
4. Click Preview.
The Broderbund Share Project viewer displays your project.
• You can navigate through your project using the viewer controls.
• Click Best Fit to show the project at the best size for the viewer.
• Click the Broderbund icon to access the Broderbund online store.
• Click Close to close the viewer and return to the Share Project dialog box.
5. Click E-mail to send the project viewer to a friend.
• The File Information dialog box displays the file size of your project and the
transfer times.
• Click Continue.
• Follow the steps in the Internet Connection Wizard, then click Finish.
Your e-mail application opens with your project viewer attached.
6. Type the recipient’s name, add a personal message, then click Send. Your
Share Project viewer is now sent via e-mail to your selected recipients.
NOTE: In the Share Project dialog box, you also have the options to
Instant Message your project, Burn to CD, or Save As, to
save the executable to your hard drive.
Sharing a Project via Instant Messaging
You can use PrintMaster to share any projects created within PrintMaster with
selected friends on your Instant Messenger buddy list. Your recipient can view
and print the project even if they do not have PrintMaster installed.
1. From the Design Workspace, with the finished project open, do one of the following:
• Click the Finish Project button
on the Edit toolbar, select the Share
Project option in the Finish Project dialog box, then click Next.
• Choose Share Project from the File menu, then select Share Project Viewer.
The Share Project dialog box opens.
NOTE: You will be prompted to save your project if you have not already.
2. Type a name for your project in the Enter Project Name box.
3. Click Color and choose a background color from the Color Palette dialog box.
4. Click Preview to view your project before sending it.
5. Click Instant Message.
6. Select a recipient from your buddy list to whom you want to send your
Broderbund project file, then click Send. The MSN Messenger Conversation
window opens and provides updates on the progress of the file transfer.
NOTE: You can use most Instant Messaging services to send your
project. Save the file locally to your computer’s hard drive.
Open your Instant Messaging service. Start a conversation
with a buddy, and then use the send a file feature to attach
your saved project file.
Sharing a Project via E-mail
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, choose Share Project from
the File menu, then select As E-mail Attachment.
• In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab. In the Preview browser,
select the project you want to send by clicking it. (You may first need to
search for the project so that it appears in the Preview browser.) Choose
Send As E-mail Attachment from the File menu.
Your default e-mail program opens with the project attached.
2. Type the name of the recipient in the e-mail browser’s To box, then click Send
in the e-mail program.
You can print a picture of the project with its title directly from the Project Gallery.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. Search for the project you want to print until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the project from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. Choose Print from the File menu. The Print Art dialog box opens.
5. Select a print option in the Print Range area.
• Print Selected Picture
• Print Current Page
• Print All Pictures
NOTE: Choose the Print All Pictures option only from the My
Projects tab.
6. Select an option from the Number Per Page area.
7. Click Print. The pictures of your selected projects print.
Deleting a Project
You can delete projects only from the My Projects tab of the Project Gallery.
1. Open the Project Gallery.
2. In the Project Gallery, click the My Projects tab.
3. If you have created categories for your projects, then select the category that
contains the project you want to delete from the Choose Project Category list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select the project you want to delete.
5. Choose Delete from the Edit menu. The Confirm Delete dialog box opens.
6. To delete the file on your computer as well as from the Project Gallery, select
the Delete project file from disk checkbox. The project is deleted.
The Art Gallery contains thousands of graphics (art images and photos) that
you can select from the All Art & Photos tab and then use in your projects. You
can also save modified graphics and your own art images and photos on the My
Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
NOTE: See your e-mail program’s help file for more information.
Printing a Project from the Project Gallery
Modifying the View of Graphics
You can change the view of graphics in the Preview browser.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click one of the following buttons on the Art Gallery toolbar:
Small—View small thumbnails of the graphics.
Medium—View medium thumbnails of the graphics.
Large—View large thumbnails of the graphics.
The view of graphics in the Preview browser of the Art Gallery updates,
according to your selection.
Searching Features in the Art Gallery
From within the Art Gallery, you can also import graphics, export graphics, modify
graphics using The Photo Workshop, and much more.
There are thousands of graphics in the Art Gallery. To help you quickly locate
the one you want, PrintMaster includes powerful searching features. With the
searching features, you can find the right graphic in a combination of three
Basic Search—Allows you to make basic selections about the featured art
(such as MasterArt or New Art and Photos) and the graphic type (such as
Clipped Photos) as well as the graphic’s category. You can also use search
words to help locate a project. See Search Words below).
Accessing the Art Gallery
1. Do one of the following:
• On the PrintMaster Home Page, click the Search Art and Photos button
• In the Design Workspace, click the Search Art & Photos button on
the Edit toolbar.
The Art Gallery opens.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the All Art & Photos tab to access thousands of available graphics.
• Click the My Art & Photos tab to access your own graphics and photos
that you have saved to categories.
Advanced Search—In addition to options in the Basic Search, you can also
select the tone (such as Humorous) or the collection in which the graphic is
stored. You can also use search words in this mode, with a couple of additional
options. See Search Words below.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, select one of the following tabs:
• All Art & Photos—Access thousands of available graphics
• My Art & Photos—Access graphics that you have saved to your own categories.
NOTE: If you have selected the My Art & Photos tab, see steps 3, 6,
and 7.
3. Click Reset to clear all boxes from a previous search.
4. Select an option from the Select Featured Art and Photos drop-down list. Graphics
are displayed in the Preview browser on the right, according to your selection.
5. Select a type of graphic from the Select Type of Graphic drop-down list.
NOTE: If Select Featured Art and Photos and Select Type of Graphic
are the only drop-down lists you see above the Choose
Category for Graphic list box, you are in Basic Search mode.
If you are on the All Art & Photos tab, you can further narrow
Advanced Search
your search by clicking the
button to access the Advanced Search mode, then do the following:
Search Words—Allows you to type search words, such as birthday or wedding
cake, to help locate the graphic. Search words work along with the selections
you make from drop-down lists in the Basic or Advanced Search modes. The
more information you provide (the more selections you make or type), the narrower your search results will be.
NOTE: The All Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery includes all three
searching options. The My Art & Photos tab, which contains
your own graphics and photos, includes only the Choose
Category for Graphic but this allows you to type in search words.
Searching for Graphics
You can locate the right graphic from among thousands by using the searching
features in the Art Gallery. You can also use some of the Basic Search features
to locate a specific graphic among your own graphics on the My Art & Photos
tab of the Art Gallery.
• Select a tone from the Select Tone for Graphic drop-down list.
• Select a collection from the Select Graphic Collection drop-down list.
Graphics are displayed in the Preview browser, according to your selections.
6. In the Choose Category for Graphic list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to
the folder that contains the options you want to view, then select an option.
You can also double-click a subfolder to view its contents. The graphics in that
category are displayed in the Preview browser on the right.
7. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the words
Birthday Cake.
NOTE: If you are in Advanced Search mode, you can also select one
of the following options:
• All—Search for graphics that contain all of the search words you typed.
• Any—Search for graphics that contain any of the search words you typed.
The graphics that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview browser.
NOTE: If you want to place one of the graphics in your project, click
it in the Preview browser, then click Select; or double-click
the graphic in the Preview browser. The graphic is displayed
in the Design Workspace.
Selecting a Graphic
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Click the graphic in the Preview browser of the Art Gallery.
NOTE: To place the selected graphic in your project in the Design
Workspace, click Select in the Art Gallery.
Previewing Animated Art
Animated art images in the Art Gallery have the file type GIF. You can search for
the GIF graphic type in the Art Gallery to find them. After you have searched for
them and selected a particular GIF art image from the Preview browser, you can
preview the animation of this graphic before using it in your project or sending it to
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Select Web Art from the Choose Category for Graphic list box.
3. With a Web graphic selected in the Preview browser, do one of the following:
• Choose Preview Animated Art from the View menu.
• Click the Preview Animation button
on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Animated Preview dialog box opens, with the animated graphic in action.
4. Click Done to return to the Art Gallery.
The Art Gallery contains a collection of your own graphics that you have imported, scanned in, or saved to the Art Gallery. These appear in the My Art &
Photos tab in the Art Gallery.
To better organize your graphics, you can create new categories, organize
graphics in these new categories, and rename and delete categories on the My
Art & Photos tab. You can also reorder the graphics within a category. This is
useful for ordering your photos for a slide show, for example.
Creating a New Category
You can create a category for your own projects in the Project Gallery or for
your own graphics in the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To create a category for your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To create a category for your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. Choose New Category from the File menu.
3. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name for the new category and
click OK. The category is added to the list in alphabetical order.
Copying and Moving Graphics into Categories
You can organize your own graphics and photos into categories on the My Art &
Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
NOTE: You need to have created new categories first.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. Search for and select the graphic you want to move or copy to another category.
4. To copy the graphic to another category, press the Ctrl key, then click and
drag the selected graphic to a different category in the Choose Category for
Graphic list box.
You may also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the Art
Gallery toolbar. See Copying and Pasting Graphics.
5. To move the graphic to another category, click and drag the graphic to the
new category in the Choose Category for Graphic list box.
You may also use the Cut and Paste buttons on the Art
Gallery toolbar. See Cutting and Pasting Graphics. You can
also choose Move Graphic from the File menu, select the
category to which you want to move your graphic from the
Move Item to a New Category dialog box, and click OK.
Reordering Graphics
You can reorder the graphics or photos in a category on the My Art & Photos
tab. This is useful for placing photos in a particular order for a slide show, for example.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. Select the category in which you want to reorder graphics from the Choose
Category for Graphic list box. To do so, click the category once. Graphics in
that category are displayed in the Preview browser on the right.
4. Select a graphic.
5. Click and drag the graphic to another location in the Preview browser. The
graphic in that category is reordered.
Renaming a Category
You can rename a category in the Project Gallery or the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To rename a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To rename a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to rename.
3. Choose Rename Category from the Edit menu.
4. Type a new name for the category, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The category is renamed.
Deleting a Category
You can delete a category of your own projects from the Project Gallery or your
own graphics from the Art Gallery.
1. Do one of the following
• To delete a category of your own projects, open the Project Gallery, then
click the My Projects tab.
• To delete a category of your own graphics, open the Art Gallery, then click
the My Art & Photos tab.
2. In the Choose Category list box, select the category you want to delete.
3. Choose Delete Category from the Edit menu. A warning message opens,
asking if you want to delete the selected category.
NOTE: If you have projects or graphics in the category you are deleting,
the Delete Category dialog box opens with a warning that all
projects or graphics within the category will also be deleted. If
you do not want to continue, click No. Otherwise, you can select
the Delete project (or graphic) files from disk checkbox to
delete the projects or graphics from your hard drive.
4. Click Yes to continue the deletion. The category is removed from the Choose
Category list box.
You can copy and move your own graphics and photos into other categories on
the My Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery in order to better organize them. You
can also reorder your graphics within a category.
The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands in the Art Gallery allow you to move or
copy graphics to and from other areas within the Art Gallery. This is useful for
copying a graphic on the All Art & Photos tab to the My Art & Photos tab, where
it can be readily available without the need for CD-swapping.
Finally, you can also click and drag any graphic in the Art Gallery to an open
project in the Design Workspace to copy it there. Doing so leaves the Art
Gallery open so that you can select other graphics for your project.
Copying and Moving Graphics into Categories
You can organize your own graphics and photos into categories on the My Art &
Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
You need to have created new categories first.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. Search for and select the graphic you want to move or copy to another category.
4. To copy the graphic to another category, press the Ctrl key, then click and
drag the selected graphic to a different category in the Choose Category for
Graphic list box.
You may also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the Art
Gallery toolbar. See Copying and Pasting Graphics.
5. To move the graphic to another category, click and drag the graphic to the
new category in the Choose Category for Graphic list box.
You may also use the Cut and Paste buttons on the Art
Gallery toolbar. See Cutting and Pasting Graphics.You can
also choose Move Graphic from the File menu, select the
category to which you want to move your graphic from the
Move Item to a New Category dialog box, and click OK.
Reordering Graphics
You can reorder the graphics or photos in a category on the My Art & Photos
tab. This is useful for placing photos in a particular order for a slide show, for
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. Select the category in which you want to reorder graphics from the Choose
Category for Graphic list box. To do so, click the category once. Graphics in
that category are displayed in the Preview browser on the right.
4. Select a graphic.
5. Click and drag the graphic to another location in the Preview browser. The
graphic in that category is reordered.
Cutting and Pasting Graphics
You can cut a graphic from a category in the My Art & Photos tab in the Art
Gallery, then paste it into another category. This moves the graphic to a different
You cannot cut graphics from the All Art & Photos tab.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
Be sure to select the My Art & Photos tab.
2. Search for the graphic you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the graphic from the Preview browser.
4. Click the Cut button
on the Art Gallery toolbar.
5. Select the category in which you want to place the selected graphic from the
Choose Category for Graphic list box by clicking it once.
6. Click the Paste button
on the Art Gallery toolbar. The graphic is moved
to the selected category.
Copying and Pasting Graphics
You can copy a graphic from a category in the All Art & Photos tab in the Art
Gallery, then paste it into a category on the My Art & Photos tab. Copying
graphics in this way makes them readily available without the need for CDswapping and makes them easier to find—especially if they are saved in more
than one category on the My Arts & Photos tab.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Search for the graphic you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the graphic from the Preview browser.
4. Click the Copy button
on the Art Gallery toolbar.
5. Click the My Art & Photos tab.
6. Select the category in which you want to place the selected project from the
Choose Category for Graphic list box by clicking it once.
7. Click the Paste button
on the Art Gallery toolbar. The graphic is copied
to the selected category on the My Art & Photos tab.
Copying Graphics to the Design Workspace
You can copy a graphic in the Art Gallery to the Design Workspace. This places
the graphic in the open project in the Design Workspace and leaves the Art
Gallery open so that you can select additional art.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Search for the graphic you want until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Click and drag the title bar of the Art Gallery to move it so that the Design
Workspace displays in the background.
You can also resize the Art Gallery window by clicking and
dragging the side borders.
5. Choose Properties from the View menu. The Properties dialog box opens.
6. Type a description for the project in the Description box.
7. Type search words to use when searching for the graphic in the Keywords box.
8. Click OK. The Preview browser displays the new description under the graphic.
Modifying a Graphic Using The Photo Workshop
4. Click and drag the selected graphic from the Art Gallery to the Design
Workspace. The graphic is displayed in the open project in the Design
Workspace and the Art Gallery remains open.
Using The Photo Workshop
The Photo Workshop allows you to repair and transform the photographs and
graphics that you add to your PrintMaster projects. You can crop and orient the
graphic; adjust the color, brightness, and focus; fix “red eye”, minimize the
effects of dust and scratches, and apply photo and area effects.
Renaming a Graphic
You can use The Photo Workshop on all photos and all bitmap graphics. If the
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. If you have created categories for your graphics, select the category that contains
the graphic you want to rename from the Choose Category for Graphic list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select the graphic you want to rename.
5. Choose Rename Graphic from the Edit menu.
6. Type a new name for the graphic, then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The graphic is renamed.
graphic is not a bitmap, the Edit Photo button
Modifying Graphic Properties
After you import, scan in, or save a modified graphic, you can modify its properties in the Art Gallery. Properties include the description of the graphic and keywords you can use to locate the graphic.
NOTE: You cannot modify the properties for a graphic on the All Art
will be grayed out.
You can open The Photo Workshop from the Design Workspace while working
on a project, or from the Art Gallery to modify a specific graphic.
NOTE: Some of The Photo Workshop features may not be available
in your edition of PrintMaster.
Cropping and Orienting in The Photo Workshop
For photos and bitmap graphics, you can use The Photo Workshop to crop and
orient a graphic. Cropping hides a portion of the graphic that you don’t want to
appear. You can select a shaped crop or create a freehand crop.
1. In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic that you
want to crop.
& Photos tab.
2. Click the Edit Photo button
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab.
3. If you have created categories for your graphics, select the category that contains
the graphic you want from the Choose Category for Graphic list box.
4. In the Preview browser, select a graphic.
on the Edit toolbar. The Photo Workshop
dialog box opens.
3. Click the Crop & Orientation tab.
4. To change the orientation of the graphic, click Rotate 90 Degrees until the
graphic appears as you want it.
5. To crop the graphic using a shape, select a shape from the Select a Pre-Set
Shape area. The shape crop is displayed on the graphic as an outline with handles.
NOTE: If you cannot see your graphic in the Preview browser, you
may need to search for your graphic first.
3. Select a color effect for the graphic.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To transform the graphic to black and white, select Make Black & White.
6. To transform the graphic to a negative reverse graphic, click Make a Negative.
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all color adjustments. Note
6. Click and drag a handle to resize the crop.
7. Click and drag from the center of the cropped shape to move it.
8. To create a freehand crop of the graphic, click Freehand Crop. The Add
pointer appears in the Preview area.
9. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic you want to crop. Points and lines are displayed on the graphic, representing the crop area.
10. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer appears as normal and the Move button is activated.
11. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
12. To delete a point, click Delete, then select the point to be deleted.
13. To complete the crop (shaped crop or freehand crop), click Apply Crop. The
crop is displayed with the background removed
14. To add the cropped graphic to your project, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
Adjusting Color in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to adjust the color. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to adjust the
color, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic button
on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Adjust Color tab.
that it will also undo all changes made on any of the other
tabs in The Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Modifying Brightness and Focus in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to modify the brightness and focus. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to modify the
brightness and focus, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit
Graphic button on the Art Gallery toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Brightness & Focus tab.
3. Click and drag the arrows to adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Blur/Sharpen,
Gamma, and Saturation options. The results are displayed in the Preview area.
4. Select the appropriate option in the Select Effect Intensity area. The results
are displayed in the Preview area.
5. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
6. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Fixing Flaws in The Photo Workshop
In this portion of The Photo Workshop, you can fix “red eye” on a person or “pet
eye” on a pet, as well as minimize the effects of dust, scratches, and glare.
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for which
you want to fix the flaws. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to fix flaws,
then select it from the Preview browser. Click Edit Graphic on the Art
Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Fix Flaw tab.
3. Select one of the following options from the Select a Tool drop-down list for
the type of flaw you want to fix:
• Red Eye—Remove “red eye” in people photos.
• Pet Eye—Remove “green eye” in pet photos.
• Dust & Scratches—Remove dots and lines.
• Shiny Face—Remove shiny highlights from your image.
• Repair Tool—Repair an area of the photo by copying another area over it.
4. Select an appropriate button in the Select a Tool Size area for the size of the
fixing tool.
5. If you selected the Repair Tool, do the following:
• Click the area of the photo you want to copy.
• Then click the flaw that you want to repair in your photo in the Preview area.
• To copy a different area of your photo over a flawed area, first click Select a
New Source, then repeat the two steps above.
6. If you selected one of the other tools, click the flaw in the Preview area to fix
it. (You can continue clicking the graphic until you are satisfied with the results.)
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Photo Effects in The Photo Workshop
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply photo effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• In the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply a
photo effect, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Photo Effects tab.
3. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect
Category list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic
• Black & White
• Colorization
• Filter
• Warp & Distort
4. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View the
results in the Preview area.
5. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
6. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
7. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Area Effects in The Photo Workshop
With Area Effects, you can creatively add photo effects to a selected area of
your photo (rather than to the entire photo). Start by selecting an area with a
preset shape, or use your mouse to draw a shape around the area to which you
want to add an effect.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply area effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply
area effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button from the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Area Effects tab.
3. Select a shape for the area from the Select a Pre-Set Shape or Draw a Shape
area. The shape is displayed on the graphic in an outline with handles.
4. Click and drag a handle to resize the outline.
5. Click and drag from the center of the outlined shape to move it.
6. To create a freehand area of the graphic to apply effects, click Draw a Shape.
7. To add freehand crop points to your graphic, click around the area of the
graphic where you want to apply an effect. Points and lines are displayed on
the graphic, representing the area.
8. To close the freehand crop, click the first point. The pointer appears as normal
and the Move button is activated.
9. To move a point, position the mouse pointer over that point, then click and
drag the point to the new position.
10. To delete a point, click Delete Point, then select the point to be deleted.
11. Select the Invert Selection checkbox to invert the shape of the area selected.
12. Select one or more of the following options from the Select an Effect
Category list box:
• Quick Fix
• Artistic
• Black & White
• Colorization
• Filter
13. Select the special effect you want from the Select an Effect browser. View
the results in the Preview area.
14. Drag the slider to the desired intensity level in the Select Effect Intensity area.
15. Click Apply to apply your selections to the image.
16. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
17. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Artistic Stamps in The Photo Workshop
Use Artistic Stamps to create unique photo frames and added photo appeal.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Workspace with a project open, select the graphic for
which you want to apply an artistic stamp. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit toolbar.
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply an
artistic stamp, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Artistic Stamps tab.
3. Select an option from the Select a Stamp Category drop-down list.
4. Select an option from the Select a Stamp drop-down list. Your options are
displayed in the Preview area.
NOTE: You can click More Stamps to access additional artistic stamps.
5. Click the appropriate button in the Select a Stamp Size area for the size of
the stamp.
6. Click the photo or image in the Preview area to place the stamp.
7. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
8. When finished, click OK.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Applying Brush Effects in The Photo Workshop
Use Brush Effects to touch up or enhance your photo with color.
1. Do one of the following:
• From the Design Desk with a project open, select the graphic for which you
want to apply brush effects. Click the Edit Photo button
on the Edit
• From the Art Gallery, search for the graphic for which you want to apply
brush effects, then select it from the Preview browser. Click the Edit Graphic
button on the Art Gallery toolbar. The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click the Brush Effects tab.
3. Click to select a brush from the Select a Brush Size area.
4. Select a color by clicking Select a Brush Color and choosing a color from
the Color Palette dialog box.
5. To paint a brush effect on your photo, press the left mouse button and drag
the brush over the area to be painted. Release the mouse button when you
are finished.
6. To undo the last change, click Undo Last.
NOTE: You can click Undo All to undo all changes. Note that it will
also undo all changes made on any of the other tabs in The
Photo Workshop.
NOTE: You can create a new category for your graphics. To do so,
click New. In the Add User Category dialog box, type a name
for the new category and click OK. You can then select this
new category from the Add to Art Category drop-down list.
The graphic is displayed, according to your choices.
Saving a Modified Graphic
You can save a graphic you modified using The Photo Workshop so that you
can use it again later. You can save it on the computer disk or to the Art Gallery
for easy access.
1. If The Photo Workshop is not displayed with your modified graphic, select the
modified graphic in your project, then click the Edit Photo button
the Edit toolbar.
The Photo Workshop dialog box opens.
2. Click Save As.
3. In the Save As dialog box, find the location to which you want to save the
graphic. The location you select is where the graphic will be stored on the
computer disk.
4. In the Art Gallery area, select the Add to Art Gallery checkbox so that you
can later access the project easily from the My Art & Photos tab in the Art
Gallery. This stores the graphic in the Art Gallery for easy access in
5. Do one of the following:
• Select the appropriate category in which to place the graphic from the
Choose Category for Graphic drop-down list.
• Click New, type a new category name in the Add User Category dialog box,
and click OK.
6. Click Save.
The modified graphic is saved to the Art Gallery in the category you indicated.
Importing a Graphic
You can import a graphic from another source into the Art Gallery in
PrintMaster, then use it in your project.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, click the My Art & Photos tab, then choose Import from
the File menu.
3. In the Import Pictures dialog box, locate the graphic file on the hard disk or
floppy disk that you want to import into PrintMaster.
4. Select the category into which you want to import the graphic from the Add to
Art Category drop-down list, and select the Make Local Copy of File checkbox.
5. Click Import. The graphic is imported into the Art Gallery.
6. To add this graphic to your project in the Design Workspace, select it in the
Preview browser and click Select.
Exporting a Graphic
You can export a graphic from the Art Gallery to the hard disk of your computer
or to a floppy disk so that you can share it with others or copy it to another computer.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Search for the graphic that you want to export, then select it from the Preview
3. Choose Export from the File menu.
4. In the Export dialog box, select the location to which you want to export the
selected graphic.
5. Select a file type from the Save as type drop-down list.
6. Click Save.
NOTE: You can rename the exported graphic file by typing a new
name into the File name box.
The file is exported to the indicated location.You are then returned to the Art Gallery.
Scanning in a Graphic or Digital Image
You can scan in graphics and photos for use in your projects. A scanner reads a
graphic as dots and translates (digitizes) those dots into a file that your computer can display. PrintMaster includes TWAIN software so that you can easily use
a flatbed scanner from within PrintMaster. You can also read in images from a
digital camera.
NOTE: If this is the first time you are scanning in a graphic or digital
image, you must first set up your scanner or digital camera
for PrintMaster. See Selecting the Image Source.
6. Select an option from the Number Per Page area.
7. Click Print. The pictures of your selected graphic images print.
Deleting a Graphic from the Art Gallery
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, choose Digital Image from the File menu, then select
Acquire Image. This starts the software that came with your camera or scanner.
3. Acquire the picture according to the directions that came with your scanner or
digital camera. This will be different for each scanner or digital camera. The
scanned image is saved to the My Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
Double-click it to insert it into your project.
You can delete graphics only from the My Art & Photos tab of the Art Gallery.
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Search for the graphic you want to delete until it appears in the Preview
3. Select the graphic from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. Press the Delete key on the keyboard. The Confirm Delete dialog box opens.
5. To delete the graphic file on your computer as well as from the Art Gallery,
select the Delete image file from disk checkbox.
Selecting the Image Source
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. In the Art Gallery, choose Digital Image from the File menu, then select
Select Image Source.
3. In the Select Source dialog box, choose the type of scanner or camera that
you want to use.
4. Click OK.
The Sentiment Gallery contains hundreds of sayings, phrases, and messages
that you can add to your project.
Printing a Graphic from the Art Gallery
You can print a picture of the graphic or photo with its title directly from the Art
1. Open the Art Gallery.
2. Search for the graphic you want to print until it appears in the Preview browser.
3. Select the graphic from the Preview browser by clicking it once.
4. Choose Print from the File menu. The Print Art dialog box opens.
5. Select a print option in the Print Range area.
• Print Selected Picture
• Print Current Page
• Print All Pictures
NOTE: Choose the Print All Pictures option only from the My Art &
Photos tab.Some features may not be available in your
edition of PrintMaster. If you are interested in upgrading
your edition of PrintMaster, click the Get More button
on the Design Workspace to view current upgrade offers.
Adding a Sentiment
The Sentiment Gallery contains hundreds of sayings, phrases, and messages
that you can add to your project. Each sentiment has two parts: a phrase for the
front of the project and a phrase for the inside of the project. If your project has
only one page, both parts of the sentiment appear on that page. After you select
the appropriate sentiment, each phrase is automatically displayed in a text box
within your project.
1. In the Design Workspace, click the Add or Edit Text button
on the
Edit toolbar. A shortcut menu opens.
2. Choose Add Sentiment from the shortcut menu. The Sentiment Gallery opens.
3. Select an option from the Select Sentiment Collection drop-down list. Two of
the many sentiments are displayed in the Preview browser on the right.
4. In the Choose Sentiment Category list box, click the plus (+) symbol next to
the category that contains the sentiments you want, then select an option.
Sentiments in that category are displayed in the Preview browser.
5. Select an option from the Select Tone for Sentiment drop-down list.
6. If you want to further narrow your search, type search words in the Enter
Search Words box, then click Go. For example, you can type the word Birthday.
7. After you type in search words, you can select from one of the following options:
• All—Search for sentiments that contain all of the search words you typed.
• Any—Search for sentiments that contain any one of the search words you typed.
Sentiments that contain the search words are displayed in the Preview browser.
8. To place one of the sentiments in your project, scroll through the Preview
browser until it is displayed. Click it, then click Select; or double-click the
sentiment in the Preview browser. Sentiments appear in the text boxes in your
project. You can modify the sentiment text as you would any other text.
NOTE: If your project has only one page, both parts of the sentiment
You can now enter or import address information into this address book.
are displayed on the same page.
Adding or Modifying Address Information
Modifying a Sentiment
You can modify a sentiment that you added from the Sentiment Gallery just as
you would any text box.
1. In the Design Workspace, double-click a text box that contains a sentiment.
2. Do one of the following:
• To add new text, click inside the text box at the location you want to add
text, then type the new text.
• To modify text, click and drag over the text that you want to modify to select
it, then type the new text.
• To delete text, click and drag over the text that you want to delete to select
it, then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
1. If the Address Book is not currently displayed, first open an existing address book.
2. To add new contact information, click New Entry, then type or select from the
appropriate boxes.
NOTE: Tip: Although you do not need to enter information into all the
boxes, it is a good idea to include information in the First
Name and Last Name boxes.
3. Repeat step 2 to add other contacts to this address book.
4. To modify contact information, or to delete a contact, first click the letter tab
for the last name of the contact.
Use the Address Book to print personalized holiday cards for all your relatives,
invitations for friends, labels for customers, or certificates for students. Once you
have created an Address Book, you can readily add information from it to a
PrintMaster project.
5. Locate the appropriate contact by clicking one of the following buttons until
the appropriate contact information is displayed:
Next—Move to the next contact in the address book.
Back—Move to the previous contact in the address book.
Creating a New Address Book
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Open Address Book.
The Address Book opens. If you have not already created an address book,
PrintMaster starts with a blank address book called “Address.”
2. In the Address Book, choose New from the File menu.
3. In the New Address Book dialog box, type a name for your address book in
the box and click OK. The new Address Book opens with the name on the
title bar.
NOTE: You can also click First to move to the first contact in the
address book, or Last to move to the last contact.
6. Do one of the following:
• To modify contact information, click the appropriate boxes and edit the text.
• To delete a contact from this address book, click Delete Entry.
7. If you clicked Delete Entry, a message box opens. Click Delete Entry to verify
the deletion.
8. When finished, click Close in the Address Book.
Importing Address Information
You can import address information from another program—such as Microsoft
Outlook, for example—into an Address Book. To do this, you must first export
the address information from the other program and save the file with a .txt
extension (for a tab-delimited format) or a .csv extension (for a comma-separated
value). Outlook calls these formats tab separated values and comma separated values.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Import Address Book. The Import Names Wizard opens.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Browse, then locate the name of the exported file and click Open. The
location of the file is displayed in the Import Names Wizard.
4. Click Next.
5. Type a name for this Address Book in the box, then click Next. Information is
displayed about the file you are about to import.
6. Click Finish. The Congratulations dialog box opens.
7. Click OK.
The information is imported into the address book whose name you provided.
To open that Address Book, see Opening an Existing Address Book.
Opening an Existing Address Book
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Address Book from the Tools menu, then
select Open Address Book.
2. If the address book displayed is not the one you want, choose Open from the
File menu.
3. In the Open Address Book dialog box, select the address book you want from
the list box and click Open.
Adding or Modifying Sender Information
PrintMaster can save you time creating cards and mailers if it knows your name
and address. You can use PrintMaster to add this “sender” information when you
print your project.
1. If the Sender Information dialog box is not currently displayed, choose
Address Book from the Tools menu in the Design Workspace, then select
Sender Information.
2. In the Sender Information dialog box, select the checkboxes next to the information you want to include in your project.
NOTE: If you are creating sender information for the first time, no
checkboxes appear. Fill out all the information in the Sender
Information dialog box for future use, then click OK. To include
sender information in your project, return to step 1 above.
3. Click Select All to select all the information that has been entered in the
dialog box.
4. Click OK to insert selected information into your current project.
Modifying the View of Addresses
You can change the view of the address information in the address book.
1. If the appropriate Address Book is not currently displayed, then open an
existing address book.
2. In the Address Book, choose one of the following options from the View
• One at a Time—View one contact at a time.
• Overview—View all contacts simultaneously.
Navigating Contacts in the Address Book
If the Address Book displays information for one contact at a time (the One at a
Time option is selected from the View menu), follow these steps to view other contacts.
In the Address Book, click one of the following buttons:
• Next—View the next contact in your address book.
• Back—View the previous contact in your address book.
• First—View the first contact in your address book.
• Last—View the last contact in your address book.
Sorting Address Information
You can sort the contacts in an Address Book by information other than last name.
1. If the appropriate Address Book is not currently displayed, then open an
existing address book.
2. In the Address Book, choose the appropriate option from the Sort menu.
You can add reminders to your Address Book to help you remember special
occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.
Adding an Event Reminder
You can set an event reminder for someone in your Address Book.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Event Reminder from the Tools menu. The
Event Reminder dialog box opens.
2. Click Address Book. The Address Book dialog box opens.
3. If the Address Book displayed is not the one you want, choose Open from the
File menu of the Address Book.
4. In the Open Address Book dialog box, select the address book you want from
the list box and click Open. The appropriate address book opens.
5. Navigate to the appropriate contact in your address book.
6. Scroll down to the Birthday, Anniversary, or User Defined Date box.
7. Click the arrow button beside the date to select the date from the calendar for
this event, if you have not done so already.
8. Select the Remind Me checkbox to set the event reminder for this contact
and event.
9. Click the arrow buttons in the Days Prior box to select the number of days
prior to the event that you want to be reminded.
10. Click Close in the Address Book. The new event reminder appears in the list
box in the Event Reminder dialog box.
11. Click Close in the Event Reminder dialog box. On the day of the event (or
on the day you requested a reminder), a notification message opens on your
Windows desktop.
Modifying an Event Reminder
Address Book dialog box displays the contact for the event reminder.
3. In the Birthday, Anniversary, or User Defined Date box, deselect the Remind
Me checkbox.
4. Click Close in the Address Book. The event reminder is removed from the
Event Reminder dialog box.
5. Click Close in the Event Reminder dialog box.
The Custom Paper Wizard allows you to add new or unsupported paper stock
into PrintMaster for printing labels, envelopes, half-fold greeting cards, cards,
business cards, and postcards. The information requested by the Custom Paper
Wizard will vary, depending on the type of paper stock that you are adding.
You can add a new paper stock while you are creating a project, or when you
are preparing to print the project from the Design Workspace.
NOTE: PrintMaster supports many custom paper stock types, but not all.
Creating a Custom Paper Stock
You can add new or unsupported paper stock to the available list of options in
PrintMaster for some project types by using the Custom Paper Wizard. The
project types supported include labels, envelopes, half-fold greeting cards, note
cards, business cards, and postcards.
NOTE: The options that appear in the Custom Paper Wizard vary,
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Event Reminder from the Tools menu. The
Event Reminder dialog box opens.
2. Select an event reminder from the list of events, then click Change. The
Address Book dialog box displays the contact for the event reminder.
3. In the Birthday, Anniversary, or User Defined Date box, use the arrow buttons
to change the date or number of days prior to the event to remind you.
4. Click Close in the Address Book. The updated event reminder is displayed in
the list box in the Event Reminder dialog box.
5. Click Close in the Event Reminder dialog box.
depending on the project type for which you are creating new
paper stock.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Event Reminder from the Tools menu. The
Event Reminder dialog box opens.
2. Select an event reminder from the list of events, then click Delete. The
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Custom Paper Wizard from the Tools
menu, then select New Custom Paper from the submenu. The Custom
Paper Wizard opens.
2. If the welcome window is displayed, click Next.
3. In the Select Stock Type list box, select the appropriate project type and click Next.
4. In the next screen, select the type of paper stock you want to add from the list
box and any other options available on the screen, if applicable.
5. Click Next.
6. In the next screen, click the Create from Similar Stock button to select a
paper stock on which to base the one you are creating, then click OK.
7. Type the number of characters for the Paper and Margin boxes.
8. Type a name for the stock in the Name of Stock box.
Deleting an Event Reminder
9. Select the appropriate checkboxes for those options.
10. Click Next. Your selections are displayed in a Preview window.
11. Type or select options on the remaining screens, clicking Next after each set
of selections.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Custom Paper Wizard from the Tools
menu, then select Delete Custom Paper from the submenu. The Edit
Custom Paper dialog box opens and lists all the custom paper stock that you
have created.
2. Select the custom paper stock that you want to delete.
NOTE: Explanations for some boxes are displayed at the bottom of
the screen when that box is selected.
12. When the Finish button is displayed, make your final selections and click
Finish. The paper stock you created will now appear on the available list of
paper stock options when you are creating a new project or when you are
about to print a project.
To delete more than one paper stock at a time, press and
hold down the Ctrl key while you click each paper stock.
3. Click Delete Stock.
The paper stocks you selected are deleted and will no longer appear in the
list of paper stock options when you are creating a new project or are about
to print a project.
NOTE: For additional information, see the “Using the Custom Paper
Wizard” tutorial in the Help Center.
Modifying a Custom Paper Stock
You can modify the dimensions of the custom paper stock you added.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Custom Paper Wizard from the Tools
menu, then select Edit Custom Paper from the submenu.
The Edit Custom Paper dialog box opens and lists all the custom paper stock
that you have created.
2. Select the custom paper stock that you want to modify and click OK. The
Custom Paper Wizard opens with the specifications for the selected paper stock.
3. Type or select options on this screen and the remaining screens, clicking
Next after each set of selections
You can modify the default system settings in PrintMaster to create your own
preferred working environment.
Setting the Default Fonts
Whenever you add text to a project, PrintMaster uses a default font. You can
change this default font.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the General tab.
3. Select a font from the Default Font drop-down list to act as the default font.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: Changing the default font will not affect any project that is
Explanations for some boxes are displayed at the bottom of
the screen when that box is selected.
4. When the Finish button is displayed, make your final selections and click Finish.
The paper stock is modified, according to your selections. It will now appear
on the available list of paper stock options when you are creating a new project
or when you are about to print a project.
Deleting a Custom Paper Stock
You can delete a custom paper stock you added to the list of paper stock available for certain project types.
currently open.
Selecting an unusual default font may affect the readability of
text in the preview display.
Setting the Date Format
Whenever you enter a date into text in a project, PrintMaster uses a default
format, which you can change.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the General tab.
3. Select a date format from the Date Format drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
Turning Sound On or Off
Restoring Hints
You can turn on or turn off the sound effects that accompany the mouse clicks
in PrintMaster.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the General tab.
3. In the Sound area, select either the On or Off option.
4. Click OK.
The PrintMaster keeps track of the helpful hints you have already seen. You can
restore the helpful hints so they appear as they did when you first started
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the Help tab.
3. In the Helpful Hints area, click Reset All Hints.
4. Click OK.
Setting the Home Page Option
PrintMaster allows you to turn off the Home Page if you prefer working on your
projects directly in the Design Workspace.
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the General tab.
3. Select the Skip Home Page at Start Up checkbox.
4. Click OK.
Setting the Unit Format
Whenever you use the ruler or another feature that uses measurement units,
such as printer settings, PrintMaster uses a default unit of measurement, which
you can change.
1. Choose Options from the Tools menu, then select General Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Units tab.
3. Choose the English Units or Metric Units as the default unit format.
4. Click OK.
Showing or Hiding Hints
1. In the Design Workspace, choose Options from the Tools menu, then select
General Options.
2. In the General Options dialog box, click the Help tab.
3. In the Helpful Hints area, select or deselect the appropriate checkboxes. The
help tips are as follows:
• Show Helpful Hints—Hints that appear in boxes from time to time with
useful information about creating projects.
• Show Tooltips—Pop-up windows that identify a tool when you position the
pointer over it.
• Show Text Box Hints—Instructional text that appears over a text box.
4. Click OK.