agricul.turai.. research institute
agricul.turai.. research institute
AGRICUL.TURAI.. RESEARCH INSTITUTE PUSA .L 1ST Ull 'filE SPECIMENS Oll' LEPIDOPTEROUS INSECTS IN THE OOLLECTION Of 'rITm BRITISH MUSEUM. BY' FRANCIS WALKER, F.L,S" &0. :P ART XXIX. TIN E I T E S. -JO'L,S! PnINTED 13Y OHDER OF THE 'I'lWSTEES. 1: 10287/36 1~'I I I ~l l l l Il l l l Il l l l l l il l l l l l IARI Fnl N'un BY EDWAHD NEWNAN, \J, lkvilmhire StreH, Jli,holJ~~ute. PREFACE. THE object or tho present Cataloguo is to give 11 c0111pleto list of all Lho genera and species of Crallbites, TOl'tricites and Tilleites known to exist in the difltJl'ent collections. lettel'~ ~t, b, C, The &0., after the species, denote the specimens now cOlihLineu in the British .lYlnseum, followotl by the haliital a11(l the mode in which each of thBm was obtained, ul1l1 the alisence of these lottCTS indicates the species which aro desiderata, and therefore desirable to be procurBu for the collection. ;JOHN ED WARD GllAY. British ]f.lIsCWJl, Mal'ch 7, 1804. CATALOGUE 01' LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOER~ SIXTH SKRIES. Fam. GELECHJDJE. DEPRESSARIA (continued). n"DUS North America. 80. DEPltESSAlllA. LIWONTELLA. Lecontella, elms. Pellnsyl v:lIIiu. 81. DllPRESSARIA CONl'ERTEUA. Mns et frenJ. Albidn-eervina; capt!t 1l1biilum; aile antici1I ccrvino SIIbco)lspel'sai, fllmctis duo bus discalibzts pUliclisQl!e ma?,(Iinalibus nigl'is. Male and jrm(Jio. Whitish fawn-colour. Head and palpi whitish. P~l1pi mol'e tban twice lunger timu the lwe!ldtb or the head i third joint ~hortel' tllUn the second. FQre wings llliuutely and dijfus~dly sjlt)c1dc[1 with fuwn-l:ulour; two black points in the disk, nile at II little lll,yolld one-fOllrth of the length !If the win~, tIle othor lit It little beyond the middle; marginal puillts black. Lengtll of the body 4 liues; lit' the IVluf.(S 12 line•. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redmall's collectioB. B IiC4 OATALOGUE 01' 82. DEPIIESSARIA CLAUSELLA. PerrI/gluM; 7){flpi 1'O/)/I,I'li, "ubl'scenlcs, {/j'liculo :10 li.mbdlllo; •(w/l'nllC£ sa/ valirlm; Il!,c!omtn ci.TlCl'wJIl, fawieulis pal'vis la/prall"'!" .. ,,/,e antic(~ t.·IMlll stl'iyulisl}'lte discalibzts CIUri.;, st";!Ji,~ snbmal'gilllllibl!s lli!J"i,l; postic{l' oi1le1"£'(£. Male. Cinereouli-i'erl'll!\inolls, Slont. Palpi pubescent, stout, twica longol' than tlie breadth of the hearl; ~ecullfl joint with a short dense beneath; thirr! lallceolate, much ShOI't.el' th:ln tlw second. Alltellnru mther stout. Abdomen anrl hinrlwings cilJel'eolls; tbe former eXlIHlllilJg mllc]: beJ'olHl the latter, with sllJall tufts alollg euth Rille. J,egs stOll'; him! Lihil~ bl'll'ldly fi'lng'ed. ,Fl)re Willl\'R l'Iltllcr IHlTI'I.IW, much rounded at, the tips, hOIl!'y ulllllg' Ihe CI'SItI, tlull with some ~light lJOlll'y stl'eaks ill tIl€! (lisl\; Ii few hlacJdsh streaks ill the disk and a row uf suhlllill'g'illal blacldsh streaks. LClIg,th of ti,e bll,ly Ii} lines; of the wings 11 lines. II, h. Geol'gia. From Mr. JIilne's collection. liIns. Africa. 83. DEJ'Rli~S'lRI,\ AOERIlELLA. T,'stac0a, subtus l'inCl'ea; ImtemlllJ bmJiu,lwiw; llbrlmnen C'in[')~!lim: (lire rmtic[c apice !'utulllllllre, villis sect e pUlIctis jllscis; ]lastica: Cillfl'fl1l, Testaccous, stout, cinereous 11ellcllth. Antellll3.l about half the lengtll of the tine wings, A bcloillen and hind wings Cillel'eOl1s. I'ore Whlg~ moderately broad, roulIdcd lit the tips, with abont six lilies of browJl points. Leugtlt of the hody a~ liues i of the wiug'~ 9lillcs. iI. Cape. 11m))) 11. DI'eg6'~ ~DJlectiDn. Hil1dostan. 84. l'icini, Atkinson, Sla. Calclltta. 8f;. zizyphi, Alkin.lOlIj Bta. O'llclllta. DEPHESSAUIA RlOm!. fh:rIlEsSAllIA ZIZ\'PHI. LEPIDOPtERA HE'I'EROCERA. Stl, (iIJ5 DEPllESSUU<I. RICIN ELLA. ricinella, Atkinw1!, Sla. Calcutta. 87. DEPRESSARIA CONT1NC'fELI,.~. l\:'[us et foom. Oil1eI'OD~rnSca, robusla; antenna! lIlad,~ setltlos(/J; t·ibim ,wstirm su~ji",b"i(ll!e; aim aniiell! sat a1ulllstm, gullis (hu~bus disl'ulibtls atris; posliclP. t'inmwe. ' lIfale all d female. Cinerenus-bJ'Owll, stOllt. Palpi smooth, stont, full twice Itlllg'el' Lhall the breadth of the bead; thil'rl joint >etiJOl'ln, as, JOIlg- as the secolll1. Alltenllm setll\ose. Abdomell extcnrljul~ mllch lJeyoud the hind wings. Legs stoot; hiuel tihim slig'htly fl'iuged. llorc willgs I'ather !larrOIV, I'OlllHlcd at the tips, with two deep black dots ill the disk, one befure the midcllr, thu Gthe~ lioj'\\Ild the middle. Hillli willr~s UinCl'CDllS, LOlJgth uf the body 4~·-5lil!es: of t1lC WillgS 11-12 lilles. Il, b, Himlostan. From the EllI.OlllO]og;ical Societ.y's collection. Lewincllll, Nann. Australia. 89. J)EI'ItICSSAlUA MELESELLA, Mclesclla, Nun!!. Australia. 90, DEPllllSBAUIA KOLLAlU. Kollari, Zl. Sydnoy. 91. Dm)l\E~SARU. !;OllllIEJ,U.• Cinflrea, <'t!l'1,iuo ,Ollbt.inatll; abdomcn alas lJo.,tico.s 10l1!/" S1!llI!l'ttn.l; tibitlJ llllsti(.'tp. villidw, ,milpiloRw j llLI8 /lilliea' alliee 1'(J/.llncialtC, lJunetis rli~~(labl1,\', ,<nbmal'ginaliuus at ma1'fjirmliulls FUlm. nig)'is. 1!imlule. Cinel'colls. H rad, thorax and fore wings 8Jighily ting'ctl with fllIVIl-Ctl]our. Antenll(B &lelldcl', much ,hmter thull tIn; fore wings. Abdu(Hell extemlillg much be~olld ,he lJillu wings. n2 566 CATALOGUE OF Hind tilliro stout, clothed with short hairs. Forc wings rounded. at the tips, with a few black points ill tbe disk and ue:l!' the costa, with an incomplete SUblllul'g-inlil ruw of bluck points, and with black llHlrg'iual points; exterior border convex, slig'htly obliqne. ~Jillli wings WillI a }lll\e cil1ereous fringe. Lellgth of the 'lady 3{t hnes ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. b. l\Ioretoil Bay. From ~lr. Diggles' collection. 92. DEPltESS.l.RH nIOmmA'l'ELLA. R:nfescem, sublus cinerea,. l'ibire pOol/ieee validre, .mb.fimbrialit'; alre alltieee api"e 1"ectall,qul~t(e, punetis qninqup. rli"cnlibus 1llmctisqIW minimis mUl'ginaiibus nigl'ic(tnlibus; ]1O.I'ic([! cinerew. Fe11!rde. Reddish, cinCl'eDlIs heneath. Palpi full twice longer than the breadth of the lleurJ; tbil'd joint a little sborter than t.he s8cIlml. Bind tilliw stout, slightly frillged, Fore wings rectangular ltt the tills, with live blackish dis(~al points, twu before the midclle, twu hc)'oml the middle, :tnd olle IleaJ'er the exterior border; mal'g;illul point., blackish, indistinet, very minute; extel'ior bonIer conv~x, slightly olilique; under siele and hind wings cincl'eous. Length of the body 4 liues; of the wings 12 lines, a. Tasmunia. Presented by Dr. Milligan, }'mm. 93. DEPRESSAnIA CONVlCTELLA, lIfus. Oinel'ea, cervirw .l1thtinclrl; alliennlE sein/osee; tibia; postiC(£ subjilllb1'illiff; a/If! an/iell! vix aC~tlll!, punctis d'uobus discillibus Jl1Wc:tisqlte sublTla1YJillnlibus n-/g1'is. :Male. Cillere()lIs. Head, thorax and fOl'e wings with a slight tinge of fawn-culou\·. Pal\li twice jnllger than the lweadtll of the llCad; third joillt sctifol'1ll, Hlittle shorter than the second. Antenme sctulose. Abdomen extunuillg rather beyond the hinr! wings. Hind til'i:e slig'btly fringed. Fure wings lumlly acute; two hlack points ill the disk,olle hefore the middle, the other beyond the middle; It row (If black submarginal points contilluecl ii'01ll the exterior border along' the adjoiuing' part of the intl'riol' horder and along Imlf the length of the 1:08ta. Length of the budy 3t liues; of the wings 9 Ii ncs. ii, b. Sydney. From MI', Diggles' collection. 5(17 !.EPII)Or·TEltA IIETllROCEllA.. 94. DEJ'ltESSAlll!. ABSUMl'l'ELLA. PaWde cinerea, ('ct'villl) .mbtinc{ll; antellllW subselul(l.,,,:, ,~nbpllbes"enies; tioim p(),~l.irlB ./imbl'iniW; alre an/lcw niy"i. cunt!! wbconspe'rsa', CMllt fU,WIl, puneUs Il'ihus discalibu.~ elongatis l'urtctisqlw rnat:qinlllibus n(qris. JIllie. Pale ciIwreol1s, with a slight titl[!:C of fawll.colour. Palpi twice long'et' tllllll the hreadth of tIle hellll; thhu ,illint HetiiCII'III, lllllCh shoneI' thall the secund. AutulIllre V(·I'Y minutely sellilose anrl pubescent. Abtlorn"u exteuding' bC'yo11l1 the hind wings. Leg's slendeq hi lid tihim fringed. Wi]l~s IOIlA', rather llaI'l'O\V. l~ol.'e wings I'Olmded at the tips, very thiuly aud millutely biiICi.j"h ~11Celded; costa hmwn fill' ne,ll'ly tirrce.!(llll'th, uf the ICIlf,(th j tlll't:e elongated puints ill the db!; and mill'ginal points black; extel'illl' honlel' straight, I'cry ohlilluc. Length of the hudy [) lines; of the wings 1 fJ liues. This species diJl'cl'S much from the typic(tl DI'lJ1'cssa1'ice in the shupe of the \Villg~. a. Sydney. Froln lVI:r. Lamhcl't's cullection. Mas. Genus 11. ENICOSTOMA. Enicostollll1, St.-ChimalJtl.che, Hb. 1. ENJCOS'l'OMA !,OIlELLA. lobolla, W. V.-Thllnbcl'giilllll, F.-lilguhrdla, Dp.-IIubilcl]a? Zt. (£-C. Engluild. From Mr. BUllchurd's cullection. d. England. Presented by F. Bund, Esq. e-m. England. GenllS ]2. PSOB.ICOPTERA. PSOl'icoptcra, St. 1. PSORIOOP'l'mt,\ GilllJOSELLA, gibl)oRclla, Zl. England. Fl'om M. Becker's collection. Il-g. Enghllld. (I-C. .B 3 568 C1TALOGllJl OF Genus 13. SY1r1MOOA. Symmocil., lIb. 1. Sl'MMOCA SIGNELLA. sign ella, Rh. 2. Sn!MOCA SWNATELL,\. fliglJatella, H.-S. 3. SYM~IOCA DESIGNATELU.. 4. SVMMOC.\ llODECA.TELLA. llesignntella, H.-S. tloc1ecatel1ll, Stc1. 5. SnwocA. DESIClNELLA. dcsignella, H.-S. 6. SnlMocA PHlEREI.LA. pigel'clla, 11.-8. Genus 14. GELEOHIA. Ol'ophia, Hb.-Nolhl'is, Ilb.-Aeompsia, HIi.l)ilJlll'is, Hb.-Endl'lJsis, llb.-Epeleustiu, JIb.-Allehma, !lb. -AgolJoptel'ix, lfb. - ChiolJotles, IJb. - Tichotl'ipis, JIh.Swammcl'damia, lfb.-Oal'cina, llb.-Brnchmia, llb.-Dcnisitl, Ilb.-Al'gyrestbia, I:lb.-Al'istlltelia, llb. GeleclJia, Zl.~ 1. GEL1WHtA DENI6ELLA.. dcnisclla, W. V.-carDlulitella, H.-8. {L-C. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 2. GELECHL~ SORDlDllI,LA. 3, GELEOHlA CEllVINEI.I.A. so)'didello., Bb. cervinella, Ev. 4. monastricella, F. R. GELEOHIA nrONABTlllCELL.1. LEI'IDOPTElU IIE'J:EnOCERA.. 5. [j69 Gm.EcIIlA FEUnUGELLA. fewugella, W. V. ii, b. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. G. GELECJ1IA KOLL,mELLA. Kollal'clla, Cta.- fiavedinella, 1'. R.-lutcella, DII'- W:t1ckenaerana, Dp. 7. GELECHIA RATEI.LA. ralella, H .•S. 8. Gm.1l0mA RUFESCENS. rufescens, l1w.-tinc(clla, St.-diilphanclla, Zl.-Isabella, Zl ii, b. Eng-lam]. Ii' mIll MI'. Chan t's collection. c, England. Fl'lltll lVIl'. Bouchard's col1ection. (l-i. England. }. EUl'op(i. ICl'Om lI'I. Beclwr's collection. fl. GELECHIA LINEOLELLA. lilleolelhl, Zl. 10. GELIlCHIA [tASH,ELLA. ll. GELECHIA PUDORINA. l'asilella, H.-S. pudol'ina, Wek. L2. GELECHIA lILI.CULOSELI.A. 1.3. tripullctellu, W. V. GELEOUIA 'rmpUNCTELLA. maculosella, n.-s. 14. GELECllIA CINERELLA. cinel'ella, L.-ardeliella, llb. a. England. Presented hy E. Shepherd, Esq. h-i. EngliUld. j, k. Europe, F}'om M, Beckel's collection. 570 CATALOGUE OF Hi. GELECHlA UMDUELLA. 16. G:ELEOHJ_~ LUTAl'EUA. umbrella, I1b. ]utatella, B.-S.-umbrella, Zl. 17. GEl.ECliiA lliORNUELLA. inOfnlltcllll, Pyl. (I-C. EnglalllJ. 18. GELECHIA TIlIANNULIU.LA. tl'ianuulella, H.-S. ID. "ilella, Zl.-ul'gilosclla, GET.ECHIA VILELLA. H.-S. 20. GEl,EOHIA HlJ>I'OP~l1lLLA. hippophmlla, 8chl·.-hasalis, St.-hasiplIllctella? H.-S. a-J. England. From Mr. BOllchard's cilllectiun. ,fl. Ellglaurl. Prescllled hy Eo Shellhel'd, Esq. Ii. Enghmd. 21. GELECHIA MALYELLA. mal vella, [{b. fI, b. Ellgland. 22. GEI.IWHIA LUTOSELLA. lutosella, E.-S. 23. GELIlCTIlA l'OPULllLI.A. populella, L.-tl'emella, W. V.-blaltariclla, Hb.--juuipCl'dla, ,S -ll'emulella, Dp. a-m. England. VI, o. Europe. Fl'nm M. Becker's cllllection. lJ, q. Germany. From M. Hemillgholl'eu's collection. ~.H. GllLllCHIA SCINTILLIlI.LA. scinlilIelllt, F. R.-brunniella? II.-8.--contubemiclla? ",'ld, II-b. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. LEPIDOPTERa HIlTEROCEllA. 571 25. GELIWHlA TENEItET,LA. tenerelln, Zl.--pel'nigl'clla, Dr/I. et-d. Ellglanli. Pl'escnted by F. Bond, Esq. e. Englallu. 26. GELllOIlU SUllSEQUELt.A. sll11sequell~, Hb.-obsclIl'clla, li·.-fuscelia, Ev. 27. G-1,:r,llCHI.l. !\IUSOOE.ELL.t. lIltlscosel1a, Z l. 28. GEL1WHLl. NI(!JU. nigra, l1w.-ru8ticella, St.-c:lutella, Zl. a. Eng·land. II'rom 1\11'. Chaut's collection. b. El1g·l[wd. Frutu NIl'. Buuclltll'Cl's cullection. c--i. England. 2!l. GllM.:CllIA 'l'URPgLLA. tl1l'jlclla, 11'. V.-pinguinella, TI'.-poplllelln, J:lli.-nebulea, Zl. a, b. Eurolle. From M. Becker's collection. 30. GELECHIA )'HAWLAIIELLA. prteclal'elIa, Il.-S. 31. GELECHIA SI'UnOELLIl. spnrcelia, H.-S. :32. GIlLIlCHlA YELocrcr,J.A. vela cella, Dp.-suhsequella, TI'.-nebulea, Sl. a-c. Englund. 33. lenliginosclla, Zl. a. England. 34. GELEOHI.~ LENTIGINOSELloll.. GI.;LEOHlA FLA.VIOOMELT.A.• fiavicomella, Zl. 35. GELIlOnIA OON'nNUELLA. contiuuella, Zl. CATALOGUE OF ii72 30. GELF:CHlA l'EUl'll'l'UELI.A. perpetllcllu, Ii..S. 37. jntel'ulbicella, 11.• 8. GELECHlA INl'IllULDIOELI.A, 38. ignaranlella, H.-S. GEWCllU IGNOR,L'<TELLA. 3 fl. GEI.EOIIU Ol'PLETELLA. oppletella, H.-S. '10. GEL!WHIA I'!JMATELL<I. i'umalcl1a, DiJl. qU[I)sti1lucllll, Zl. 4~. GJ.:l,1i:CHU .ElUOETELT,,\. el'il.:etella, Hb.-1ictldea, IIw.--g·alanella, Tl'.-Iunccolata, [it !i, [,. EUf);land. Fl'Lltli Mr. Clmut's collection. C--UL Eught\I(L 11,0,' GermallY. Frolll H. HelllinghoJfeu's collection. ~13. GF1.FCIlIA n.jfEn~AL1S. ir&l'ualis, Il.-S.-I'i(ll"cen? Ty,ll'. ,H. GEUWUIA MUI.lNIllM. llIulinclJa, Zl. -intCTl'll],tll, flh. fl, b. ElIg'i[llJd. l/l'UIll lilT. St81'C1l5' colkctioll. c-k. Englaud. 45. GELIWIIU IHV[SELLA. divisellu, Dyl. 4t1. GELEOfllA INTERRUI'TInl,A. ilJtcrl'llpteJla, llb.-gt'llitella, lib. ·17. lplutt'.lIifoHllb, 8ul. GELEt'JJU l'LUTELT.IFOItMIS. LEl'IDOl'1'ElU HE TlmOOEllA. 48. M()rit~lella, GEL:ECHLI. MORlT7.ELLA. lIb. 49. GELECHlA ROSKF.LI.a. )'oseella, Zt. GO. GELECHIA PALUS:L'RELI,A. palustrella, DOl. 51. GELllCHU sonOIWULELLA. sorol'culelJa, Ifb. (I-e. England. 52. GELECHIA CUNEATEL!."'. cuneatella, Dyl. It, b. Englaud. From Ml'. Bouellard's c:ollectiorJ. l)cliella, T,'. a, b. Enrope. 'From M. Recker's collection. 54. GEI.Ecna AI.ACgLJ.A. alacella, Dp. a, b. England. 55. GELECHIA IL\NCIDELT',A. tlll1cidella, H .•S. G6. GELECHU LATEr.LA" latella, II.-B. 57. GET.IlCmA 1'Ellmn.LA. terrelh, W. .v.-hltaria, Hw.-ztlphyrel1a, Tr. a-e. Ellg'la.nd. Presented by II. Bond, ES(l. d-:::. Englund. 58. GELEonu DESEH'rELLA. desertclln, D!Jl. ElIglnnrl. Fronl Mr. Bouchard's collection. Il. b-e. Eughlllrl. 573 574 CATAI,OGUE OF U9. GllLECJILl I'IGlTI.ELL'!', figlllclla, Std. 60. GllLECHLI. POLITELLA. politclla, Sta. a. Elll:(land. b. Eurupe. Fl'om 1\1. Becket"s collection. 61. GELEOHIA AOUMINA'l'ELLA. aculllinatella, 8il'colll-cit'siella, 8to.. a. Enghmd. tl2. GELllOHl.\. I'RUNIOSllLT.A. 63. GP,LECHl,\, l)lCO~lPTf,I"LJ!,. pruniosella, Zl. incomptclla, H.-S. 64. GllLECHJA TER:<1ATELLA. tCl'nntella, Std. halonulla, II.. S. (ili, GEl,IlOllIA SENEOTELLA. senectella, Zl. (J7. Gm:'EClIJA CILIATE.LLA. ciliateJIa, ll.-S. plebeilla, Zl. (i9. GELECHIA CONSPER8ELLA. cOllspel'sella, H.-S. 70. GEI,BCHIA aIPERlTELr.A. imperitella, Std. 71. dccrepidelIa, H.-S. GELIWIIIA D1~OREPIDELLA. 575 LEI'IDOI'IBRA HETBROCEI1A. 72. GELECIlIA TECTEL!.". tcctella, H .•S. l1!ulI(lella, {I-d. England. Prcsellteu by F. Bond, Esq. 74. GELECHLI. MURINELL,\.. 1!Ullrinell:t, 11.-8. '75. OlCLBClIIA. NOCTUIlNllLLA. lloCIUl'nclla, Std. 7G. GI~LBCIllA SALINBI.LA. '71. Gm.EomA llOR:ElnLA. salinclla, Zl. hOI'cella, 1)gl. '7S. Gm.JWIlIA I'EDISEQUE.Lf.A. pediHequella, llb,-M oHlctclla, T,·.-puuclifcl'll, n w. ('--.1/. England. It • .Eurupe. From M. Declwl"s collection. 79. GBJ~EOHJ,\. GALHANllr.l.A. galbanella, Zl. 80. GELECHIA ]IASALl'JNJlLT••~. llasaltinclla, Zl.-domestica, val'. (3., .llw. 81. GllLEOIIU DO~mS'l'IOA. 82. G~;LEOIIIA sco'nNELl'A. domestica, IIw. a-leo England. scotinellll, Il,-S. 8:3. GELECllH DEVADEY,LA. dl'yadella, Zl. o [\iG O.AT.!.LOGUE OF 84. GrlI.EGHL\ 1iI10,IGEf.l.A. rhombella, W. V. a-d. England. e,!. Europe. From 1'11:. Beclwl"s collection. 85. GELIWllIA PROXInlllI.LA. proximcllu, JIb. ,1, b. Eng'lallrl. From llIl'. EOllChal'd's collec~ioll. t-1/!. 71. Ellglal1tl. From 1'd. Bedcl"s collection. Europe. SIl. G~:I.EcmA NOT.\.'rEI.T.A. ])otatello, Hb.-pl'oximella, Val'. a-e. England. 87. /3., Zl.-euratella, Zl. GELECHL\_ VIILG.ELLA. I'ulgellu, W. V.-IISI'Cra, 111V. Euc;lanrl. :Fl'Ol\l Mr. Chant's collection. !" e. ElIr~lallt1. Frum lIir. Buuchard's collection. d-h. Englulltl. II. SS. GllLECHIA HU~1EnALrr::. llumeralis, Zl.-Lyellela, Hp. aUlI Wlw. a-c. England. 89. GELEClIIA INUSTELLA. inustcllll, H.-S. 90. GELEOHIh l'SILELLA. psilclla, H.-S. 91. GELECHIA nU:LOTllLLA. helotella, Std. 92. Slrclitziclla, IJ.-S. GELEOHIA. Sl'llIlLITZ1£LT.A. 93. GELF.GHl,t qllin(luejlunctella, H.·S. QUINQUllPUNC'£IlLLA. LEPIllOl'TERI. llETEllOOElH. 94. GELEClIlA El'll'HYMELI.A. epithymelln, Std. 05. GEI.ECHIA AI\'IBMISlELLA. llrtemisiella, Tr. a-i. England. ,j, h. ElII'ope. From I1f. Becker's collection. 96. GEmolIlA ARUNnIN.l.l'ELLA. amudinatella, Sla. 97 .. GELECHIA ODSOJ,E'l'ELLA. obsoletella, F. R. a-.f. Ellgl[llH]. g. Europe. Fl'Oill M. 13cckcr's collection. 118. GELEClUA DISJECTELL.i. disjectella, Std. 99. GIlLECHlA INS'l'All!LELLA. instabilella, Dgl. b. Eng'land_' From Mr. Bnncl1nl'd's collection. c-II. Englaud. Presonted by F. BOlld, ES(L. lt, i,j. England. 100. GRLEeII"', OCIlLLATELL,\. 101. GJo;T.EGHI~ AI'lUFf.WELL!. ocellatella, Sta. atriplicellu, F. R. a-c. Englaud. Fl'om Mr. Chant's collection. d, e. Englllnd. 102. Gm,1wlUA jETIHOrs. rethiops, Ifp. and WIUJ. a; Eni[lalld. Presented hy J. C. Dale, ESlj. b-i. Ellg-laud. . 103. GELllClJIA PERSI'IlWlELLA. pel'sporselia, Wck. c2 678 CA'rALOGliE OF fugitivella, Zl. a-fl. England. lOa. Rn,:e:cHu FlIG.!.CELr.,\. fugucella, Z l. a, b. Europe. From M. Becl;er"s collcclioil. 10(;, GELECHL" A:i.lnmNELI.J.. alhmnellu, Zl. 107. GELEOHH ClITISELI,n. cytisclJa, T1'. 108. G:ELEClHA :;IAC[lLATELLP.I. mllcuintcl1a, Hb. 'I. EUlope. From lH. Bec'kt)l"s collection. lOG. GEI.ECRI,\ BCRII'TllLLJ.. scriptella, Ilb,-hl:IUarim, H!Il.-trcmclla, SI. II-n. Eugl:!ud. no. GEZ,EOl1lA ELATELI,&. elalc\lu, H.-S. Ill. GEUHlHl.1. tercbilltbinella, H.-S. :rEIlEB'NTH!NEl,:L~ 112. GELEGHIJ. D1FYINlfi. diffillis, I:lw.-dissimilella, Dp.-scabidella, Zl. a. Englrwd, Fl'Illll lUI'. Fuxcroft's collection, b. Eng-lalld. FrulU Mr. Chant's collection. (,-f. England. ] ]3. GELIWHIA tONGlUOR],;l,'l. lOllgicorllis, Ct,-bistri~neUa, FJb.~~d)1'e\la, Tr, b. England. Presented hy E, Shepherd, Est!_ c. England. Presented by }o'. Bond, Esq. (I., d·-m. England. U11'IllOPl'llll.'. H"l'EHOCERA. solntella, Zi. a-d. Enrope. From 1\1. Beckel"; collectioll. 116. Gm.EoIHA 'l'm'III<I'l'lDlcLlu\. tephl'iLhlella, Dp. 1 Hi. GELEC'IIJA IInJ,08EUICE1.LA. holosericelhl, H.-S. 117. GELECIlIA DISTIHC'I'El.I.A.. distinclella, Zl. a. Englilnd. (h:r.EOHI~ CELl'; llELLA. 118. celoroll!), SIll. 119. GELEomA LunUBllELI.A. lug'nurella, F.-luctilicclla, 11b. 120. GELIWHrA VlDUEr.r.,~. viducllu, F.-Iuctuella, lIb. [21. GELEOlIlA LueTH'EltE LLA. luntiferella, II.-S. 122. GgLECIIlA QUADREI.T,.~. qlladrella, F.--scojlolelht, Hb.-funestella, Ilb. ii, b. Europe. From III. Beckcr's c"llection. 123. Gm,EoHIA LUNATELLA. luuatella, Z t. 124, GEu;:cmA sestertiellil, SRSTEHTIELT.A. H .. S. 125. KiningerelJa, B.-8. GELIWIlIA KININGERELLA. c3 OATALOGUE OF 580 12(;' GELECIiIA L1:IIC(]~mLANJlLLA. leucomelanel1a, ZI. Tischeriella, Zl. tillllliella, Zt. EW. GELEOIlE OOSl'ELL.\. cnRl~ll:t, It, Ill'. alid rVtw. b. Euglaud. 130. G gLll ClIlA EI,ECTELLA. electella, Z I. 1;}1. GELECHI,\ KUOE,lMANNU;:LLA. KroeSlllannic\1a, H.-S. 132. GELECllI.~ ~iAC\1LEA· maenlea, ]lw.-·hlanrlella, ZI. fl. En:.;lalltl. FnllJl Mr. Boudl1l1'd's collection. b, c. EngI:Jwl. From Mr. Ul:wut's collection. 11-0. England. 1:3:1. GELgCllI.\. TllICOLORELLA. tricolorelln, Ihc.-contiguu,. IIw.-acel'llclla, (/, II. Eni!land. c, d. Eurupe. From 1\1. Beclwr's collection. 134. H.. S. GEI,IWHIA VISCAI!lELI.A • . \'iscariella, St,t. 135. G EU,ClllA FHA-TERNEr,LA. fratcl'llclln, Dgl. Euglallrl. b. England. fl. l"1'IJ1lJ Mr. 1:l6. I·'ischcl'cila, 1'r. BOllchcll'(j'r, cnllectioll. GELEClUA FrsCHEmn,L.\. • • LEPIDOPTERA. HE'l'EIlOCERA. 137. GELEcmA MACULIrEflELL". macu]ifcmlla, Dyl.-pl·oxima, [{w. a. Eng-land. From Mr. Bouchllrd's collection. b-y. Engltmc1. 138. GELEClIlA JUNCTEl,L,\. jUliclella, Dgl. u. England. :From Mr. Bouchard's collection. 139. GELEcHLt VICINELL,t. vicinella, Dgl.--llllll'mOrea, 11.-S. 110. GET,EeIIlA HUEBNEHI. IIllchncri,II1IJ. a. F:1\~.lantl. Fl'On1 Mr. Buuchard's collectioll. b, c. Ellg·lauu. 141. GEI.ll:CHIA M,m~lOI\E:A. marmorea, .llw.-Muuuicllu, Zl. a, b. £ng'l:tnrl. 142. GELEeH!A LI1'TOllELJ.A. Iittol'ella, DOl. 143. GELEOHIA 8E(WAX. Ilw.·-apicistrig·elht, Dp. (t-C. Eilldand. Fl'IJlll Mr. Bouch:tl'd's collection. d, e. Eughnd. RetjUaX, 144. GEI.l~CHl,\ TMIAHlOIELLA. tamarioiella, Zl. H5. GEU:CHll SCALELLA.. scale]]a, Sc.-aJeclla, P.-altcl'Ilella, I:lb.-lJicolo,J:clla, 11-. a, b. England. From MI', BOllchard's collection. ('-g. England, , It-j. Europe. Frum M. Be~ker's collection. 58] 582 H(1, GEU'OflIA !>IIGJUNDl'ELJ,,\, Iligrinotella, Zl.-uigmlhdla, 11,_8. 147. GELEClILI. U;UCATELLA. leucl\wl1n, L,-allwcinguklla, Dp. 'I, Enghl1cl. 1"rttttl ,d.\". Bouchard's collection. b, e, Eng·lallll. Fruin !Ill'. I\illb'~ CfJllcctiUlI. a-Ill. Elli~lal)d. n, o. Eul'Upc. .Frf)m.l\1. Becker's collection. 1'18. GELIWIJIA ALIlICEPS. ulbiceps, ZI"-'lJ<lllil, l:1w.-aleella, St. a. Ellf;land. FWl1l MI'. Chant's collection, b-d. En~II\Il[1. Frulll Mr, I;teyens' colb:tiun. e-o. Eugl:tml. Hfl, GF.LlWIIIA NANBLLA. nanellll, TV. fT.-nalla, Yal'. {3. Hw. Il. Eng-Itt.lId. l'rom Ilir. gouclwnl's colle"tifJn. b-h. Enghmd. i,j, EUl'Ojlc, Fl'Oll1I1L Becker's collectiun. k. Gel'lllllu'y. :lir(JllI .M. lIemiugllllfl,m's culled.ioll. J(jD. G ELECIUA DODECELLA, dodecella, L.·-aunulicumis, St.-favillaticella, Z 1.-Reussiclla, W;:;. Il, b. Elll~lanu. From Mr. Bouch:l)'[l'~ collectioll. c-j. E1Ighwll. 151. GELECHIA .lNGIIINELLA. angninella, H,-S. Iii:}. GELECHIA nm'.AUELl,A. tripllYclla, Zl.-dodecea, flw.-uodecella, Se. a. EngllUld. rl'omMI'. Clmllt's collection. b, c. Eng·laud. I'rum I1Ir. Kit\g's collectioll, d-1!, Eng-laud. 15:3. l'cmisselln, Zl. Gl!:LEUHIA RllMISSELT.A, LEPIDOPTERA HETEllOOEUA. ]54. GELECHIA SEPIOOLEI,LA. 155. GEL],;CHIh VE'l'USTELM. l56. GELECHIA sepicoJella, l-I.-S. vetuslella, H.-S. TuuLImLLA. ThuleelJa, Sl.d. 157. G1;LECHIA SIMIJ,IS. similis, Sla. HiS. GI>},ECIllA AJ.'l'lNIS. atliuis, !1w.-Ulllbl'osella, Zl.-tcgulella, 1l.-S. 'L. Eng'land. From iiiI'. Buuchard's collection. b,-n. England. 159. umbrifcrella, II.-S. GELECIIJA U ~WI:U'lmELL,I. 100. lampl'ostl'Olllll, Zl. GELEOllIA L,IMPU08T1W:lU. 1(i!. GELECHIA CAPTlVEI.I.A. captil'clla, 11.-8. 162. GY,LECHlA AZOSTEltELLA. azostel'ella, 11.-8. 1(\3. GELEClIL\ LIGUI.ELI.A. ligulella, W. V.-cinctella, lIb. Il, b. England. From i\1r. Bonclllud's collection. c-J. EUll'lallU. vcrticella, Se. u. EUl!;lallrl. From Ilir. Bouchard's collection. b, c. EUI'O}lC. l;'rum M . .Becker's collectilJu. W5. ciucticulella, 11.-B. GELEOIlIA OINOTlCULELI,,\. 583 CATA.LOGCE m' Wfi. G ELIWHlA T!ENIOr.EI.I..\. treniolella, Zi. a, b. SeotiHuu. From Mr. Foxerofl'~ (!olkctiou. c-l. England. m, n. Eui·ope. :Fwm 111. Bedwl''t; collectioll. Sircomclla, 814. immacuJelJa, Dgl. HHJ. (h~!.ECllL\ liWlllTRLLA. nilJritclla, Zl. 170. GELIWIlIA (JOltol!II.ELLA. coroniJdln, TI". a-rl. ,Enirland. Prcscliiell hy F. Dond, E'(l' e. Engluud. Fl'oln lIfl·. BUl!chard's collection. 17l. G KL1',OlIL\' IHGU'.rTEl.LA. higuttclla, II.-S. 172. (J"I.ECHIA AT.llIPAI.rELI.A. nll!ipaJpclJa, II.-S.--JcllcojJalpella, fl.-i)'. 1'1'3. GBI.EOI[a ANTH.¥I.LlDELLA. Bu. anthyllidella, a. En~latld. FI'01\\ Mr. Foxt:l'Oft's collection. b-i. Eugland. ,1'7-1. Glu.Ecna ATftELLA. atrclla, }1m. 11. EIJ~laIHI. b, c. llllg-Iam!. Prcscnlell by F. nOlld, E:;q. LilPIDOI'TERA HRl'EROCERA. [ISo 175. Gm,Rclia UNICOLOllELLA. uuicol()l'clla, fl,-S. a. Germany. Frotn i\1. IIemillghuffun's collection. 176. Gm,EclIIA 'fHNERllELLA. tcuehrclla, :flb.- sulJCuprella, St.-lI11icolol'cJla, D/}.- melalclla, Sta. II-j. Eng'lana. 17'7. GET.EOIIIA 'l'ENEIlIIOSEI,LA. tcnehl'osella, Zl. a. Emt]alld. From lHr. Bouclmnl'B collection. b-d. 'Englaud. 178. hifra.ctella, Dr!l. a-d, Eu:.rlalld. GELECIIH D1Fn.l.(J'l'ELI.A. Frolll Mr, Bouchard's collection. e. Euglalld. j. Europe. From lVI. Becker's collection. 17D. GELRCHIA AIt'l'Ili'ICE:LT.A. 180. GELECli!A. SUF~·USET.LA.. artificella, H.-S. suffllsdJa, DfJl. a-c. England. Prcscnte(l by F. Bond, Es'l' 181. dccoJorella, GELECIIIA DIlCOLOllELI.JI.. .n··s. 182. GEl,EeHIA LU'fULEN'l'ELLA. llltlllentella, Zl. carchariclla, Zl. 586 {fA.l'ALOG!JE OF 184. GELRcHa l'ULVEnA'IELI,.~, pulveratella, II.-S. 185. GEl.ECIIH dimidiella, W. V.-costig'uttelJ(i, mMlDTELLA. zt. 186. GELr,:Cl!IA. Zl, b. England, Prcsenteu uJ F. Bond, Eiiq. gCI'l'Ollella, <1, 18i. GELECHIA F01UlOSELLA. formosella, l1b,-flalllllwlla, Tr. fI, h. EUl'Ope. From 111. Becker's collection. 188. GE L),CIILI flavel1a, Dp,-~egctella, 189. FLA VELLA, Zl. Gm.EoHL!. GEREALEJ.l:.A, cerealella, Olv. a, Englaml. N ortll America. 190. GEL1WHlA LUClDELI.A. 111cidelhl, ,"i't.~sta[~·l\iclla, Zl. a-c. Eng-Iann. From lHr. Stevens' collection. a-g. Englaud. 191. GLa,EeHIA DEl'ERSEJ.LA. detel'sella, ZI.-egenella, n.·s. a, b. Germany. From 1\:1:. Hemingnoff'en's collection, HJZ. GnLECHL\ paupella, Zl.-abnornlella, H ..S. PAUI'ELLA. 587 LEPIDOl'TEllA HIlTEROCEIlA. 193, GELllCHIA Zl.-illull'lln, Ct. a. Ellgland. INOPELLA, iDop~J1a, 194, GELllCHlA DEJEO'l'ELLA. dejectella, Std. 195. Gm.llcHIA ,BUDOCELLEA.. sulJOcellea, St,-dissonellu, Zl.-internclla, Zl, a-c. Englund. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. d-i. England. 196. GELllCHIA DlmNUTELLA. diminutella, Zl. 197. GllLllOHIA PRO~IPTELLA. plOmptella, Std. 198. GELBCHLI. GADI'fELLA. 199. GELllCHIA cm~alE:r.LA. Gaditella, Strl. gernmclla, L.- nivea, lIw.-nivella, St.-lligwvittella, Dp,-lepidella, Zl. a-c. England. F,'om Mr. Chant's collection. d, England. Presented by F. SmitlJ, E~q. e-o. Englund. 200. GELEOHIA ULICINELLA. ulicinclla, Std. 201. GEt.ECHIA NlGltICOSTELLA. nigricostella, Dp. a, b. England, Presented by F. Bond, Esq. 202. GELT~CHlA r.UCULELLA. luculellu, llb.-suhl'llSea, flw,-lncluella, St. a, b. Ellgland. Fl'!l1l1 NIT. Chant'~ colltction. c, d. England. Presented by - Longley, Esq. D C.tTA LOG UE OF l',f- England. From Mr. Bouchard':; collection. Ellgland. ", q. EUrOjle. FroIU 1II. Dcelwr's cull,'clioll, (I-~. 203. GELlIum,t N.iEVIFERELI.A. m:l!yifel'ella, Dp.-KllOekella, 11m. a-d. Ellglulld. v. Europe. Ilru m.1,:I, Beeker's collection. 204. GET,ECHlA 1;1'1I'1':L1.A. 205. (J £T.rCHIA Ih;RMAKKELLA • .HclInnmJellu, F.-Schreffel'clla, Du,-Zinc];encl1a, llb, n--I. ElIglanll. n. EUl'ope. From i\f. Becl,er's collectiun. 0, p. Gel'll1l1nJ'. .From 1\1. HeJJliuglwtli.:n-'s clll1ectioll. ill, 20(1. GELEClllA SUl'EIlDELLA, snperl1cl1a, Zl. 207. GELECHU GE RMARELLA. GeJ'lIlrtrclla, Hb.-pictella, Zl. iI. ElIglall(L 208, GEI.EomA mICELI,A. micella, W. V.-:lsterella, Ii'. ll-d. EUl'OjJe. From.l\1. Becker's collection. 20fl. GEI.lICHlA. IlELIACELr.<i. IldiaceJla, H .• S. 210. GEI.ECHlIl. nmZELLA. Ilrizdln, Tl'. 1.1-/, Eng-land. Pre~ellted by F. Bond, Esq. LEPIDOl'nmA lIETEROCE RA. 211. GELECf[IA Ei:rcENEr,L_~. ericcnel1a, Dp.-micella, lib. a, b. En~lalld. Frnm Mr. Chal1t's collection. c, rI. Ellgland. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq. e-k. Englilnd. 212. GELIWIIL~ HU lI~llIUINELLA. suuericinclla, H.-S. 21:3. GEU;CHI.1. SUIlDITCUHTEU.A. slIudecmtelia, Sta. 2H. de~l1rtellil, {I. Elll'opc. GET.IWlIL\. DECUUTELLA. l:lb.-tul'hatella, 1'1'. From l\L Reel,er's collectioJl. ince!·tella, H.-S. 216. (hn.Ecllu lllLUl[\]IELM. brahmiella, lIdn. N orlh America. 21'7. agrimoniella, elms. Ullited States. 218. GELl·:eHIA A{HlIIIIO!HELLA. GELEGlIIA? n,,\I'OCOSTELL.i. flavocostclla, elms. Maino. l'oseo~llfrusella, ':lJ iI. Gli:Llo:ClIB ? elllls. lWSEOSlIJ'I'USE LLo\. United States. 2:10. rhoifl'uctella, OlIllS. U niteci St,. tcs. GET.El'flU J!lWln<UGl'EL(,,\. D2 590 CATALOG UE OF 221. GELECIlIA? RUDWELL.!.. 222. GEI,ECllJA f'LEXlJRELLJ.. fllbidella, elms. U oiled Stutes. flexmella, elms. United Stales. 223. Gl~LECH1A l\IIME LX.A. mimella, Clms. Uoiled States. 224. GIlLEClJlA DETEIlSELLA. tletCl'sella, Clms. U Ilited States. 225, GELECEU ATEnnmmu.A.. AII'U,. p~lpi cllpilis Mas. latiturline nnn Iml!Jim·es,. abdomen nig1'o-cinereu11l, aias pO.l'ticas longisshne Sllperan.l',. libi(c sa.t ~,(didm,. alre antiell! l'cmngustre, (Lpice j'otuncia/le; po;,til!w. niYl'(}·dnel'ere, fimbl·ia lOllgis"illla. JIlIle. Deep hlack. Abdomen, hind wings and undcl' sine cillercolls-black. Palpi smootb, 5tl'aigllt, uhliquely ascending, not Junger thall the hreadth of tbe lleari i tllil'd join I Jan(!rolate, shorter than the second. A\)tiumcn extending for three-fuurths uf its 1ength heyond the bind wiu)!s. Lep;s ,mooth i hilll.l tibire rather stout. '''ings very n'II'l'UIV. fOl'e willgs J'ollutied at the tips i costa slightly convex; fXlericH bonier extremely oblique. Hind wings with u very long fringe. Length of the botly 3 lines; of the WillgS S lines. Allied til G. celitiops. n. St. Mal'liu's Fulls, AIlJallY River, Hudson's Bay. Presellted by Dr • .I:.Iafllstull. 226, G1]LEClUll A.D,\FTI~MA, Obscure eine}'ea; l'"lpi c")litis latitllCline lOll,giore.l; abdo_ iIIen ,tillS pos/ica" IOll!JissiUle sltpeYlttls; «llll pel'allgll,~t(C, (leU/ill, fimb,·ia longi",ima; alllicllI cinerew, pillgis obscurioriblls, Jllmetis ilomwllis -nigris. ]"mm. LEl'lIJOPTEfl.\ IlE'I'J:llOCEILI., Female. Dal'k CiUCll'COllS, slen<im', Pnlpi SllHhlLh, "lender, loup;er than the hreadth ,,1' lhe heat!; lllin1.ioilll, setd'III'111, .thUOSL liS IOIlg' <,s tl,e S;)[;IllJd. Antellum IIl11eh .<iWl'let' 11!i~lJ the {IIrr. Will:!;S. Ahdolllcn (!xlendillp; for uoarly itG whole ]CIIC\I!l hCYlllil1 the IIi1Hl WjllgS~ Vying',:) iWllLe, \'cry ))iU'J'IIW, wilh it Vf:l'y lung fringe. J1\tl't~ willg's cinerculIs, wilh ~ollle darl;I,,;I' hlllwl,c,:, with flllll' ur lil'c 1,1,,\,,1; JlOlllts, two of whioh are (! Llmglh uf the hotly;\ liue:,; of llw willgs tl lill~~. It. :St. Martiu's Falls, .\IlJiIllY lUlU, H 111.J,i()11'~ B"y. Preselltell hy Dr. Baruotoll. "2'27 .. l\la~1. G"ELECH[A ~'THI(J'fEl.l,A. Cin{.'riJo-.f'lt,~{~tr.; flu/('nH{," ~tf)n,(!i.l'.'dlJlle; ala! nnlic{[! i'tllj'" anyl!~'t(f', UC'nhl!, 'UiyJ'il;lUtl~f! ni!lJldu,I;({'~' p{/,~llt'if: amoH-t.\i,H,{'iL'e. lila/e. CillereOIlS-hrtl'.VlI, Skilliel', ~;il\'[~ry uiul)('QoIIS hUIIl>'llh. IJ'llpi ~llInl)th, I1I:arly twice lUlIg'lJr th:tu thn Ill'eadlh of the It'''lll ; thil'll .iniUl lilueeolate, Ilearly as IOilg' :" the ,COUll!!. Antl'llll'!) ,lcllLler, very lUIJI(, lIut shorter lhall t,lw ['ore wing's. Ahdonwil 1011;,(. Leg"s lUIlI~'~ ~~mooLh, .,leu(lel'. 'Vill;J,'r.. IOllg'~ very narrow; Ihllg'(~ ve}'Y Innp;. Fore Wil'g','l ,lCtll',:, llilfusl·dly blackish 1l1Ottled; uxtcl'ior hOl'ller extrOlnely uhliquo. HiuI! willg's wilh :lU ,BllCOtlS till~'e. J,uugth "t' the hody·1 lilies; uf tbe lVillt~' lO lilles. a. St. ]\ilal'lill's Falls, Allliluy Hiver, Hudsun's Bay. Prescnte,l hy Dr. Bal'llstou. 228. GEI.JI,OHlA Ll'fU llET.M. Cl/.(d.1lb'I!()~r!(SCil; clt/mt anliee rt.!·!JI'ntenli!; /lIre (lII/i"If. iatiIlSl.'ltill!, Ilpicl! ,.o/mulalre, /lilt/i" til/abus d'i,wdibIlS elll/.lW,Ui,~ Frum. 111'l/l!nleis, eoo';!ct cnpte(t, jilllv,-iu, UiOf{i; IJlJstit.'l(: (enea'. Fcmak ChalyhecnIs-hl'Owll, "I,Ullt, sll1ooth. Head ill fWllf, and lIurler side silvery white. Pillpi SHltIlI\.h, slender, muoh lUllg~I' lhan the hreadth of the Jlcatl; third joint lallCtolale, much Shlll't.l,r th"n tho seconl\. Antcnum IIllle!l shorter lImn ti,e furc wings. Fore wiug's rather broad, l'ulIudclI at tlw tips; :t transverse oill'';I'Y white mark ill the middlo of the disk c;ompnscil of tWLl small eOllliCctcd dots; cllstlllll'i[~ht cupreO!ls; fl'iuge I'lli'll while, exuept at tIle !Jase; eXLerior l)I)l'dcr convex, ~Ii~(hl.l.v ()ulilllie. Hind wings mut"JlIs. LCligth of' tllo bucly 2} lines; of the wings (; lincs. a. Nova Scotia. FrulIl Licut. Uedlllun's collectiun. D3 1\92 C.,\.TALOGUE OF 229, GELECHIA St:IlTllACTgLLA. Frem, .lEnP,D_jltS('a; palpi a!'lieul" 20 subtlts pubescente; autenniI! gl'ltcillimw; (L/IE (Lntic,e slIbal'l!tce, sal (LlIguslce, cinel'ea tri/ascial(lJ,./asciis Ia et 2a pasliee cOIme,vis; pastict1J cincrea;. , Femule. .iEnclIus.browll, ~ilvel''f cinereous benellth, Pltlpi mnch IODgel' than the brcndth of the 'bead; second juint pllbe~celJt beneath; third lallccolilte, a little shorter than the second. Antenna) very slender, much sbo1'ter tban the fore Will~S, Legs smooth. Foro wings rathel' narrow, slig-lltly acute, wilL three il'l'cgulal' cinelUOIiS bands; first (Iud second' bauds cOllnected on the illterior Hind wiugs cinereous. bonIer; exterior hOl'rler vel'y ohliqne. Length of the body 2-!,-liucs; of the wings 6 lilies. II. Nova Scotia. FI'OIIl J.ieut. Redman's collection. 230, Gm,ECIIJA ATl'RITELLA. Pallide einerAlt: ct/put album; palpi capitis lalilwiillc dup!'" IOTtgim'es, nigra b~f"sciali; (Llw anli"iI! sllbochriwete, ]IU II elis Idolts disca/ibus p"rwti"qlta marginaliulls lIigris; po,llic(e cinel'crc. FrelTI. Femrde. Pale cinereollS. Helld and palpi white, smol)th. P'llpi allliut twico lUllj.\'er than the breadth of the bead i second joint rutbel'lJl'oad j Ihil'll lallcculate, much shorter tba.n the second, with tlVO bl'ick llllUtls, of which the sec:olld is apical, AlIlennre Illuch shol'ter tllllu the fure wings. Ahclomen extending very far beyond the hind WillgS. Fore wings narrow, rounded at tbe tips, ting'ed with pale ocliraceoll'; tlm,c IJlack discal points, one lWilr the interior hOl'der towards the hase, the second in the middle, the third nterior; ('xtcl'i(l1' border '11111 the adjoinillg part of the costa and of the imerior horder with hInd; puints, Hind wings cil1el'eolls i frill:.le very long. Length uf the body q liue; of the wings 4~ lines. Il, b. NUl'th Amorica. From Mr. Carter's collection. LEPIDOP'l'EllA IlEl'EllOCE nA. 593 231. GELEOmA Al'l'RllJU:rELLA. Plumbem.; ]Jalpi capitis ilttitudine pa.dlo /rmgiores, nigro bifasciati; abdomert ni!,ricans, fasciculI) apicali lJallido; tiblrE postic(l) late filllbriatlE,. ala! anticaJ nig1'<l con,'peJ'stl!, lituris tribus custalibm, ptlnctis dtlobus poslicis pllrlctisque mar!Jilialilms ni!J1'is. lIIale. Pale lead-colour. Pal pi smooth, a little longer th:ln the breadth uf the head; third jOint lanceolate, with two slender bluck bands, siJorter than the second. Antellme rather stout, milch shorter thall tbe fore wings. Abdomen blackish, with a pale cilloIeous apical tult Hind tibirn hl'oadly fl'inged. Fore wings mlrrow, slightly lIcute, minutely speekled with black; three black marks Oil tlHi cost!l; first 1l1llrk basal; second much smaller than the lirst :uld thall the tuird, which is elongate j five black points 011 the exterior Lorder and on the adjoining ]Jart of the costo. j two black points near the interior \lorder, one [1 litlle beyond the second tliscullll!tl'k, the other a little beyond the third mark; exteri()]' horder extremely oblique, Hind wings a little naJ'l'OWel' thun the fore wings; fringe very IOllg. Length uf the body 2 lines; of the wiugs I) lines. a, b, NOI'th America. From Mr. Carter's collection. Mas. 232. GELECHIA CONCLUSELM. Mas. ObscU1'e cine1'ta,. pu.lpi Cllpiti~ lalitudine multo longiul'es, «fwulo subapicali ni.rII'{J,· libite p(}sticte s!I~/i7llbriat{e; ala: antil.'((! nigra subconspel's(l!, linea e:r:tel'iore t1'1LnSllm'Sa biallgu{"tIl rlallide cinere(l, p"nctis elongatis discaUbus et $Ilbmargirwlibus liluI'isqllc lriblls cosl"LU!!ls nig1'is. ,Male. Dark cinereOlls. Palpi smoutb, slender, much longer than the hreadth of the head; third joint setifol'In, paler and shurter than the second, with a black ringlet near its tip. Antenllll! slen. del', much shurtcr than the fure wings. Himl tibire slightly fringed. FOl'e wings rather }];ll'l'QW, slightly rounded at the tips, very minutely spellied with black; a pale cinercou8 tl'allsverse liue at twothirds of tIle lellgth, forming two angles; three black costal mnrkB, tirst and Bocolld small, elongRtc; tbird mIlCh largel', extending to the disk; a suhruarginalline of elongated black points, and a few small eitlllg<lteLi: black points ill the disk; exterior bordcr slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings with a long [rioge. Lellgtll of tbe body 2 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. North America. From Mr. C.utCl"S collection. 594 CA.n.tor-OE OF 233. GELEClfIA mONA]'RATF.t.LA. Nigl'o,cllpl"ea; llll/pi cflJlil.i,1 /atitndillc nnn lnll.qiores; a/a: anlit'al macntlis dnab"8 discaliulls .1lavo-cinereis, If! elmlflatrt obliqua lmtice attelluata; lJ(lstic(e llel'tmguslm, ji'lllUril! longissima. Male, Blackish Cllp,'eolls. Palpi tlot lonjl.'el' thull the breadth of the hc,ld; tilird joint !imccuJaw, about as long as the seclllId. AutclIllre mllch than the IjJr~ winl\'s. Lep.s smooth, slender. :Fore wings IlIl1'rtlW, slightly ae!!te, with (\VfJ palc yellowish cinereous 6JIOt5011 llw disk; tirst spot ohlilPlC, e1l111:~aled, attenuated in front; second shorter a 11<1 less ohlique; ('xlcl'inl' bordel' extl'emely ollliqllc. Hillr] wings ver)' llHrI'OW; fl'ill[;e very long. Length l)f the hody 2} lines; of the wings 6 lilies. n. St. Martin's Ffllls, Albany Hiver, HUllsou's Bay. Presentel1 by Dr. Barllsto[J, b. N ol'lh America. Fl'oilJ 11 r. Carter's collection. Mas. 234. FreID. CinC!'ea, .lid GEMlClHA CASSELLA. !'oblls/a, nigrD COiZSpCJWI!; pall)i cllp'ilis lalilno dhw /£'1'" dl£plli /(}n,qiOl'C,\, Ilrticulo 20 /ltliusclllo; I)(!(le,~ 1IiU1'O flt~ciati; alee (tnlit'01 aJll'd eli,Iclon albw, fa"aiis qU1UlU)l' niu>·ica.ntibus atm sign<!li" va/de indelf')'minfltis, Ia 2uque ]lostire abVl'eviatis, mUl'uine e,~l"rioJ'e pCl'obiiqlto. Female. Cinel'eouR, mIller stout, whitish bcncHth. Head, thol'ax and fure wiIlgs speckled Wilh hlack Pillpi neurly twice longer thlm the breadth uf the head; secolld jllint !'lIther 111'oud ; third lllllceo!ate, shurter luan the secoud. AnteuufO IUllell shorter than the fore willgs, Legs SLOut; tihit~ lIud tar,j with blaek ball cis. Fore wings mostly while, l'utht,l' 1I:ll'l'OW, slightly ruundel1 at the tips, with four vel'Y il'l'cgulal' hlac~i~h llalllls, whose disks are deep black i nrst lind secund bands ,tllbrcriatcd hiIHIII'1U'd; third bl'oader an(1 more complete than the Ih~l anc] the second, eOllllCclcd by a streak with the fonrth, Wllich eXlBnt]s til the lip: extOl'iol' hortler extremely nhliqlle. Hind wings wilh a very Jung fring·c. Length of the body 3 liues; of the wings S lines. II, b. Norlh Amel'ica. From ,M1" Carter's collection. LEPIDOPl'EnA lIE1'EIlOOImA.. 235. GE mom,t 695 ADSCONDITELLA.. Fcem. Gnpreo-nigra; caput cinereum; palpi. cupUis latillldine dllpfolloll!liore~; tibire po,vlicill vix .fiIllDI'iat((J; aim litl!l·i.~ qUlttuor discaliblls indistillcti", liturlt costa Ii, anticOl lilllra basali j punctisque mUI'ginalibus cinereis; poslica; obscure cinerem. Pemale. Cupreous-blaok, cinereous beneath. Head cinereous, smooth. Palpi smooth, full twice longer thail the bl'eadth of lhe head; third joint setifol'm, very little shorter than the second. Antellnm mnch shortel' than the fore wings. Hind tibirn hardly fring-ed. Fore willgs narrow, rounded at the tips, with fOlll' indistinct ciuereons marks in the di~k; two near the base and two ill the middle; two DlOW distinct extmiol' cinereOllS marks, one on the cusla, the OLher 011 the interior borrlel'; a few cincreOllS Iloillts aluHA' the exte. rial' border and on the adjoining part of the costa j e~tel'iol' horder extremely ohlique; fringe vel'y long, as is also til,1t of the dllrk cinereous hind wings. Leng'lh of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6lines. . a. NOl'lh America. From M. Carler's collection. 230, GELEOHIA BELLELA. Mas. Lateritia; polpi albidi, nigricante fa,lciati, ~apitis duplo lllll,lliores; abdomen nigricans, segmwt·is albido marginatis; pedes aiM, nigro fasciati; alw anticaJ lntta costali cuprea. fu,wa, maculis tribus COltalibus unaque submarginali al:qcnteo-cinereis; posticil! nigro-cill~relll, peranguslOl, jimbl·irJ. lonyissillla. Male. Bl'ick-reu, mostly whitish bencatll. Palpi whitish, full twice longer than the breadth of the head, with somo bluddsh bands j third juint setifol'lll, as long as tIle second. An tennm much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen blackish j hind hOl'ders of the segments whitish. Legs white, smooth, wiLh black bunds. Fore wings Hunow, rounded at tIle lips, with a dark broad oupreousbrowl! costul stripe, which contains three elongate SilV81'Y cillereou~ spots; lirst ana second spots extending otltwaf(l to lhe disk ; ~econd l'etl'llcted in the disk; tbid oblique in the cOlltrury directi()lI; an elollgnted submlll'gillul silvery cinereOl1B spot. ,Hind wings blackish cinereolls, very nanow; fringe vel'y long. Length of the body 2t lines; of the wings 6 Jines. a, b. North America. From Mr, Carter's collectioll. 596 CAUl.DGUE OF 237, Frem. GEr.ECIlLl VAGEI.I,,\. palpi t'llpili.; latil1t,zine d/lplo longiOl'es, (Lt", antic!" ll!lI,qm, fU,~CtIJ, l'illCI'(!O subconspcl'sll!, basi stl'iflU/(t lellni cos/rli! jimbl'ialjuu t'incl'eis, p!!l!clis mal'!}illC!libns 1!i!lricC!/ltibl(S ; posl.ictIJ cinel'l!l(!. Female. Bl'owuisit eincreolls, cinereolls beneath. Pillpi rather stont, abuut twice lODger tlHtll the breadth of the head; secl)n(l joint pilose beneath; third himciliale, nearly as long as the second. Alltcnlllll vcry IUuch shortcr lhan the fore wiugs, Logs RllJOOlh • .Fore lVillgs long, narrow, browll, shilling, slig'htly and indistinctly speckled witl! ciucreolls; lnsc, a slender COSl;t\ sll'eaklet Itt twothirds of the len~'th, and fringe cillcrcous; IL row of' hlacki~h marginal points; exteriur bonier extrelllcly obliqlle. Hillll wings uillcreous, Length of the bolly 3~ lilies; of the wings 10 lines. a. Nova Scoti.a. Frolll Lieut. Redu\an's collection. FIISCO.ciIWI'CU; al'licu[o 20 ,<lIbl1t.~ pil(,so; 238. GELEcna PHUPALPIS. rob!t,~lll; 711llpi ieslllcci, fa/litis latiturlim! dllplo lorzgi&l'es, m'iieullJ 20 ll1t~; a/a! !lnlic(/) laiiu8cltite, "pice I'otunclal,e; pastiete ob"cul'e cincl'cm, IlIa/e. Black, rather stollt, dark I:Bncolis-cinm;OIlS henealh. Palpi 8111uoth, lest,lCcIHIS, full twice long'n thal] the hmlldth of the hoat!; second juint broad; third selifeJl'lIl, ll]uch shorter than the second, AnteuIHe Ulllch sborter tllilu tlie {')I'll wings, AbdlllTlon blackish, Legs smooth, cincl'cIIl\s, FOI'e WillA'S mt.hcl' broad, l"CJlII](lccl at the tips i cXlcriur 11(II'c](,1' sli~(btly COIIVGl( and ollliqlle. Hillel lVing'~ dark ducreolls. Ll'lIgth of the budy 3 lines i of the wings 7 lines. Ct, b. North America, From III!'. Curter's collectioll. Mas, Nigl'll, sat West Indies. 23fl. G£LEUlIlA DO:>AnuA., CuprerJ:fnsea; pedes I'olillsti, ('J(pl'eo faseiati, ii/Iii" postici,l .1/.'11/.lo.,j$; alre a.ntie(e rlllf/lwlce, 'l'i:e !u'ltl!v, albl) binult'ul!ltai, maeul'l lu e'JRlrtii, 2rt aplLd Iltul'!)ilw)'1 init'l'iul"clil. Cuprcolls-1HOWIl, silvul'J ciuercolis belleatlJ. Legs stout i tihia} and tarsi with CUPl'cuu:;-hl'llwll bauds; hiud tihire S"tujose. Fom willgs uarruw, hardly acute, with two whiLe spotS j liM sjJot on the LEI'IDOl'TEn~ HETEHoeERA. 597 costa, at tll!'ee-fomths of the length; second on tIle interior bOJ'tlel', beyond the middle, largel' than the first j exterior borcier verv oblique. HilJ(l wiu!(s a.'litlle puler; fringe rather lung. Length of the body :2 liues j of the witll(s [) lines. a, J amaiea. From !vb. Gosse's collection. 240. (her.BeHIA ROnUSTEI.LA. From. Alba, vlllida; palpi al·ticulo 2a latillsculo, 30 fasciis d'lainls ~Ii!ll'i,~; ,lrdes ,.,.bllsti; tibiis plwtiri,~ fim briati.1 tll'fSi,lque nig1'O j(l.~dflaS; ahv antic!l) apice l'utllneiat(c, plagi! quatuor c'U]ll'eis COIWI!xis; ))()slicrl] Cilll!!'e(e. Perna Ie. ',{hite, stout, ~ilvery cinel'eOllS beneath. Palpi twice longer than the breadth of the hear! j secoml joint rathel' hrol:ul; thin] l;mceolate, mnoh shorter than the second, black at the lmse, and with u black band beyond tIle middle. Legs stout; tarsi and bind tibim witll hbck hands, the latter fdng'ud. Fore wings mode· l'ately bran!], rOlllldell at the tips, with foUl' ellpl'COllS patches which extend to the costa; iiI'S! patch basal, connecter! on the costa Ivilh tlw second; second connected in the disk with the third; third conneote(1 in like manner with the foul'th, which is mal'gilJal, ant! extends over Jlal't of the fringe j exterior borclcl' very oblique. Hind wings cillereous. I.mlgth of the hody 2 lines; of tIle wings 5 lines. a. St. Domillgo. From l\h-. Tweedie's collection. South America. :Most of the following llfty species of GclecMa. belong to one group, which se~ms to ho peculiar to South America. '241. GEl.EOHIA SOLIDELLA. Mas. O!!p"eo-fu,wu, sat robusta,. palporll1lt articulus 2u8,nigro lineal us ; abdmll~n laneeolatmn, strifjis lateralibus ohliquis affJenlds,. pcdlw nigl'ieantes, iarS07'Il1n aI'lieu/is apice ar,qenteis,alee anlicm sl'riga subcostflli rlitfusa 7)la!laqup. submarginali tl'ansverm argenleO'einC)'ci,j, ,'patio l1wrginafi paUidiore lineam denticulatum album !JlIttaln subapicali'm atram punclaql!e eloll[jllta atfa alba nOlltt!! includente ; ]lost jetE obscure fitSCOi. 1J.fale. Cupreous-ferl'uginolls, rather stout, silvery cinereolls beneath. Pulpi mOl'e than twice longel' than the breadth of the 598 OATALOGUE 01' h~ad; second joint ratller broad, witb numerous transverse hlack lines; tbird selifol'fD, as long as the secund. Antennre slender, milch shorter tllan the £\lre wings. Abdomen lanceolate, cOlllpressed towards Ibe tip, with oblique silvery while streaks along each side. Legs stuut, blackish; tips of the tursal joints silvery white. Flll'e wings acute, moderately broad, with a diffuse silvery cinereou8 subcostal streak, and with a transverse submlll'ginal jJUtch of the same hlle; this patch is bordered on the outer side hy a, denticlllated white line, beyond which the win A' is rather paler, ami contains a. deep black subapical dot ane! some deep hlack elongate white-mill'ked Sllbmal'ginul points; margitwlline d:lI'k fel'l'lIgilHJIls j extel'ior bOl'der convex, sliglltly ohliqlle. Hind wings dark brown. Length of the body 4 lines; of t11e wings 10 lines. a-c. Ega. From Mr. Bales' collection. 242. GELECHIA. TRANSJECTELU.. Mas et frnm. Ni,9rira1l.s; palpal'um articulus 2118 nigl'o lineatus; abdomen strigis latel'alibus obliquis albis; pedes ar,qentei, larsorum arlit'uiis nigricantiilU,j apice argenteis; alarunticm/inea trallsversa fa:teriore denlieldata strigulis nonnullis atomi,'que cine rein, 71t11wtis submarginalibus atl'is albo nOlatis, linea marginaLi ferrllgillea; pon/jete obscure fusere. Male and female. Blackish, stout. Head in.front and tinder side silvery. Palpi more than twice longer thun the breadth of the head; second joint with numel'OUS transvel'se black lines; third sctiform, as lOllg ·as the second. Antennro mnch shorter than the fore wing·s. Abdomen tapering, cupreons and slightly compressed tOWlll'ds the tip, with oblique white streaks along Cllj)h side. Legs stOllt, sill'cry j larsi hhlCkish above, except the tips of the joiJlts. Fore wings acute, moderately broad, with minute cine_ leous speckles and II few slight cinereous stl'eaklet~; n transverse denticulated cincl'eo\ls liue at four-fifths of the lengtll i subm,\1'ginlll poililS deep bliwk, marked with white; a fenuginolls llllll'giliallinc j costa ohlique towards the tip; extel'ior bUI'del' slightly convex and oblique. Hind wings dark bl'own j fringe dark cinel'eous, intel'lilled near tIle base. Length of the body 4 lilies; of the wings I!J lines. a-cl. Ega. From MI', Bate~' collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOERA. 243. GIl LECnU Frem. 599 SUDAPIOAI.IS. Obscm'e CtlJll'en-flISca, subtus alba; pedes albo fasdati ; alw antiew splliio marginali cupreo paliidi01'e linnas duas e punctis elongatis alb is sll'igasqlle Il'es atras inc/udente. Female. Dark cnpreous-brown, white hene:tth. Head white in front. Antennre mther lon:x, sllortcl' than the fore wings. Tibire and tarsi\vith white bands. Fore wings with a light cupreous marginal space, in which there are two ll'anSverse line~ of ehillgated white points; these lines are appr(lximate hi lldwal'd , tho points of the second are much I:lrgel' thltn those of tlle first, anll arc nccomranied by tIlI'ce deep bJack stl'ealis. Length of the body 3f lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 214. GllLECBJA.. TIlAJEc·rELLA. Frem. FCf!'1.lginea, subtus arganieo-cinerea; tUj'si postici artic1tlis apice atbis,' aim anticw angusilJJ, apiee l'ol~lI!dlltilJ, spatia costal'; intel'iore nigl'iCltnte, linea denticulata Jlexa Jlunctisque n'igris submarginalibus; posticaJ obscu ..ejU8CIIJ. Female. Fenuginous. Hearl in front lind nuder side !ilvel'y cinercous. Palpi nearly thrice longer than the breadth of t11e he~d j second joint rather hl'oad, with numerous transverse hlael. lines; third setifimn, very slender, mneh shorter than the second. AntclIllle YCl'y slender, "horler than the fore wings. Abdomen slightly compressed towards the tip. Legs rather stout; hind tarsi with white tips to the jOilltS. :Fol'e wings narrow, rounded at the lips, suffllsed with black 011 half tile hl'earlth from the costa and 011 lllore than half tbe length fl'Ont the hase; a dellticulated hent whito linG, contiguous to a row of sllbUlHrgillal black points; exteriOl' hortler convex, not oblique. Hind wings dal'k brown. Leugth of the budy 3t lines j of' the wings 9 lines. a. Ega. Fl'Ulll }ilr. Bates' collection. 600 CAT.ALOGUE OF 245. GELECIIlA SUl'ERFUSELLA. Mas. Fel·ruginea. subtu" orgelltea; palpofllllt artir1.1i1ls 2us nigro {incatlls; a6dnnwn dol'W sll'igi.,rpw ia(mtiihus obliquis nigri~; tibia: /al'"i'lllc £l1ll1"a nigm, a1'f}ellll'O jlsciala: altl' aUlicce l,jlllL co.,/ali lflta IIblJ7'Pvillla ni,9I'I!, 'fI'nlc/is duobus discalibus elrli1galis aibi.', spatia tIW1"fli7la1i g/aucl'ScenIR stl'iga,v 110')1. IlIdlns a./bus llUtlc!llque dun nigra includente ; PI}SU,'ce c·tpreo- fUGere. F"wn·coloul', Head in fruut and jlalJli silvery, Palpi ]/.[11 Ie, l110re llJau twice longm' (1m) tbe 11rcadth of the head; set!lIlIr] joint with 1ll1ll1€l'(lUS t1'<lIIsve\',e hlack lines; Ilril'll set.ifol'lll, IOllgcl' thun tlll! St'c01HI. A1HIom€1l blacki"h ahuve; l1Udel' side witll hlack oblique stl'p~ks OIl euch side. 'J'ibim und tal'si blnck abo\·e. the fOl'mel' with ,iht,ry bands, Ibe latter witll sil"€l'·tip~,ed joilJtS. .Fore ",·inlts T"un,Ie<i at the tips, with a hlack stl'ipe, wllich occupies half the lll'cutith from the costa amI more than half the It!n~lh from the base, :tJId iR cOl1tigu"us til two elonglltcu white poiuts in the disk; a em'l'ed suhmnl'!(illld white lille composed of an Ilblillue streak, whie]J joills l]1€ costa, HlId (If a few sllo\'t longitudinal fitreaks, l1ceompanied by two black points and l'ya glaucous tin~c; 111argiual liue jlTuwn; fxtcriuI' hordel' COilvex, slightly ubli(lue, Hind willgs dark cU}1l'eol1s. brown, Length of tbe body 3 lines j ()f the wings 8 lilles, rl, b. Ega, From .Hr. Bales' collection. 246, GlnrcHu ACCINCTELU.• Fwm, Obscure ClIPI'Po1u,lca,. subt;,s argmIPC!; palplJrnm articulus 211S "ifl"(/ lineatus,' nbtlollien ,~llbtu,~ ,firi,l}is lalrraUbus oblilJuis nigl'i,l,' pedes ,wpm nigri, a':qenteo jasciati; attl! anlic!l1 ci,wreo cOII,ll'er"(l!, .tim'ia bilslili fernl!lillell, linea bidentit'l11atll "Ibn striyiH.Jlw lri.bu,~ atris ,mbm.aTgirwiibus, linea marginaii albiela, Felll((le. Dal'k c\lprcolls-hrown. Head in front and under ~irle silHry. Pillpi mOle thrill twice longer than th~ breadth of the ]JPlHI; secollrl joint with numeruus transverse black lines j third ~flirUl'lll. II little JOII!!Ci' dian the second, Alllennlll .• lender. shl/lter than the 1'(I1'e willp;s. Ahdomen with black (Jhliquc streaks 011 .cadt si,ie helll'uth. 'filoire and tll1'~i lJlack ahuve. the (ormer with Silvery hllnds, the latter wilh silvcr-tipped joiuts. Fure wings ]ulrd]y acute, 601 LE PIDOP1'EltA. HE:TE IIOGERA. thinly alHI minutely cincl'etllls-speckled; a rert't1ginolls 1):tIl<1 near the base; a white transverse bidcntlculate line at five-sixths of the length, with three decI) black streab: hetween it alHl the whiti,1I marginal line; exterior hOl'llel' Ult)uemlely oblique, Length of the body 4 lines; of' the wings 10 lines, a, b, Ega, From lVIr _Bates' collection. 247, GELlWHIA. ADRUPTELLA. Mas. Oinereo-fusca, subtltS al'gentl:(L; palJl()l'um a"tieul,1S 211s supra nigl'o ii/tealt!s; abdomen slIbtus ,~t/'igi,~ obliq IIi, ni.lJri.< ; pedes supra ni,qri, argenteo /asci(!ti; al(£ IlIIlictl! pUllc/a b(wzli, macul(! discali, stl'igis t,'ibus stl'ig«que letta costa Ii apicnli; posliete cup,'eo1usc{f!, _Male. Cinereolls-brown. Heat! in fl'llnt and nnder side silvery_ PuJpi a little longer than the hl'e'Hitil of tlw head: second joint with numerous tt'<lnsvel'se black lines; .thil·(l jllint setiform, l~ little longel' than the second, AiJdotnell with ohlique black stteilks 011 eacll side beneath. Tihim llud tal'si black allUre, the former with silvery hands, tlle la.tlel' with silver-tipped joints, 1··ore Willg~ hardly acute, with II hlack hasal point llTld a black SPI)t ill the disk llelll' the base; a white line exteuding' obliquely outward fl'om two-thirds of the length oftlte costa, and fOI'TnillA' 1I vel'y llclite anlIle. contiguous 00 tile inuer 8ide with two longitudinal black stl'cuks; space between this line and the exteriui' border Wilh a slaty tinge, and containing some miuute white stl'eaks and Ol]e miuute black BLreak, which s~elUs to he a COlllillu<\tioll of the hiudcl' Cild 1)( tbe black streaks befure mentioned; a broau hlack streak uiuug the upioal part of the c()sta; marginal lillC doelwlIs; e:<Lcl'iol' h"l'rim' slightly oblique. Hind wings cupl'eous-brown, Length of tlle botly 3 lilles; of the wings 7 lines, a. Ega, From Mr, Bates' collecti~ll. 248. GEI.fWIlIA. IHNO·UTELL.!.. ul'gentea.. pall}o~Uln articulus 211,~ nigra {incatus.. peae.~ sltpra cuJl,.en~fu,ci, m:qe/llp.o jilsciati; alrP anticll! punatis duobus bll.wl-ions, macula IiisclLli, sl'l'i!JiL exlel'inre inten-upta stri!lnquc lilt" custllii upic(1ii lIi_q"is, li/lea eJltcl'iore transversa angu{ata stl'igisque 8ubmarginatibus albis; po,!ticll' latius~'uire, Female. Cupl'eous-brown, stODt, Hearl in I,'ont /lnd ul1eler side silvery, PlIlpi twice Longer than lhe bl'C!lllth of the heud ; second joint From, CUllreo;fusca, subtus E2 602 CA.TAI.OGUE Oll' with numel'OUS transverse Tllack lines; thirel a little longer than tIle second. AntellllfC mnch sborter than the fore win~s. 'fibim and hll'si cuprcuus-hl'Own above; tips of the tibire and Ilf the joints of the tarsi silvery; tibire with IL silvery hand. Fore wings 1l1Oderately b\'oi\d, hardly acute, with two black points at the base lind with It black SP{)t in tIle disk neal' the ba~e; a white tl'UllSVerse line at live· sixths of the length, traversed by >Ill interrupted black streak, lind forming an acute exterillr angle, which emits a stl'eak towards the bonIer; a few slight white longitudinal submarginal streaks and II broad blaek streak along tbe tip of the costa; eXlerior hOl'der slightly convex, moderately oblique. Hind wings ruther broad. Length of the body 3~ lines; of the wings 9 lines. (t. Ega. From Mr. Bates' colleclion. 249. GELECRIA REPANDELLA. Premo Ob,u;mTe cuproojuSf:a, sl.Ibtus argentca; palporum aI'ticulus 2118 nigro lillB<!l!lS; pedes supra cupreo-fusci, argenteo jasciati ; alee IInlj('re illtiu,lcuiaJ, stri,9is dllau1IS diffv.sis canis, guttis basalibus nigris, linea h'a'llSI'ersa interrupta subarcuata alb'ida ,ltrigisljuB tribu8 nigl'is submlLrginalibus. Pe/luth. Dark cupreous-brown, rather slender. Head in front uXl!i ullder side silvery. Palpi more tball twice longer tban tbe breadth of the head; second joint with numerous transverse black lines; third as lung as the seconc\. Antennre slende)', much shorter tban {he fore wings. Tillim and tarsi cupreous-bl'own above; lips of the ti!Jire Iwd of the joints of the tursi silvery. Wings rather broad. Fore wings llal'dJy aCIlLe, with two Lliffuse irregular hoary streaks; some elongated bJack dots tOWll1'ds the base; a slightly clltved an(l intel'l'upted transverse whitish line at five-sixths. of the lengtll, with t1mc black streaks between it and the mal'ginal1ine r exterior horder slit.:'htly convex, moderately.ublique. Length of the body 2k liues; of the wings 7 lines. a. Egll.. From Mr. Bates' collection. 250. GELJwnu SEDUOTELLA. Frem. Gel'vina, &nbtlls a1'gentea; palporum articlllus 211S 'fIj'gro lille£ttns; abdomen subtu,\ strigis latel'alibus obliquis nigris ; peril'S supra niflti, argenieo fasciati; alte antiete punetis basaliblls elongali.! strlgisque nonnnllis disculibus nigl'is, linea e.'r:terinre tl'Unsvet,'u a'l'cuata runet'lliad strigisque sub_ mal'ginalibus illbis, s/'j'igis tl'ibus submarginalibus atris, linea marginali paUide cervi»a; postica cupreo-fusca. LErlDOPTERA aETEnOCERA:~ tl03 Female, Fawn-colour, nearly allied to G. snbw'iplelll!. Hear! in f'ronL lind uuder side sil·/cry. Palpi 1ll0l'e thall twice 1011((01' IhaD the hl'elUlth of' the head i second joint with IIllmCl'OllS tnwsVcl'su black lines i tlIil'd setifol'm, a lillie 10llA'er than the SeU1Jl'll.l. Ah,[". mell with ohlique black strellks Oil each side beneath. Tihim all,l tarsi black, the formel' with silvery bands, the latter with ;;iheT-tippc,l joints, Fore wings with a f'ew elOllgated hlack points nllal' the hilse, HIld with a felf ilJack streaks of VllriollS siz1: ill Ihe disk; a curvd white exterior line whi(:li is cUinposeri or points, except tl)wartl~ the costa, whel'e it is cutil'e and rctmclcd; fI 'few exteriol' white SlI'eai,s, which are accomp311ied hy three deep hla"k "tre,d(~ i llltll'ginal line ]lale f,lWII-colollr; fl'illge dark browll fit the base j extnl'iol' border l'ather oblique, lIind wing's cupl'eous-bl'owu, Length of the body 3~ lines; of the wing's 8 lines, a-c, Ega. From Mr. Rates' cullection, 251. GEI,EGHIA. sunSCllll'l'In,LA, Frem. Ciltel'eo~fusca, ,mutus al'gelllfa,. prtlp/Jrum m'licli/lIS 2n~ niql'o linell{us; abdllii/.e/l ,~ubt"s sll'igis 'a.lel'alib/l.l' oblilJlti,~ nig1'is j pedes supl'a n'iy)'i, (t1',gellleo fau:iati j alre imlic,/J rille~eo can.'lJel'sm, pllnl:ti,~ brl,IQlib'u~ uiyl'is, ,mulJlMyilluli «lbida arcuata tl'an.n~el's., '~llrltiQ m.ul'flinali pallidc cerIJinil strigulas tl'PS atrus incluriente, linea murgilluli cinerea.; po'licre l1upreo-fuscce, Female, Greenish brown, Head in front and under side sill'ery, Palpi more than twice longer than the hreadtiJ of the be;ld j second joint with many tl'Ulisvel'se blitek Jines; third setiflmn, II little lllng-er thlll! the secoud, AIltellulfl ~lellder, slWl'tel' th;In tbe f(H'e 'Wings, Abdomen with oblique hlack ~treaks 011 each side beneath, TibiID and tarsi black, thh furmer with silvery bands, the lutlel' with silvery tips to the joints. Fllre wiugs j'atbcl' nanow, hardly acut~, speckled with cinereolls i SOllie black poiuts near the hase; a curved whitish line at {he-sixths uf the lcugth i splice from thence to Ll.te 'exterior burder pale fawn-colour with a whitish tiuge, and COIItaining three miUULe deep bluck streaks; Ill<lrgillal line ciut!reU{l5j fringe S}lOl't, black at tIle lJUse; eXlerior b'lI'der slightly oblique, H inrl lVihgs cupreoUS-hl'OWll, Length of the 3t lines; uf the wings 8 liues. a-e, Ega" Fl'Dm MI', Bates' collection. E3 604 GA.TALOGUE OF' 252. GELEOHIA. SllSPECTELLA. Frem. Obsc'.ll·c cupI'eo1usca, sub Ius argcnlea,. palporwn articulus lligl'O l-ineatus; pede,~ supra nigri, argenteo fasciati, lil'l'sis posticis argenteis nigl'o hifascittlis; alll! anticl2 virirli nitenles, pWl£'lis basalibu,1 ni.lJl'is, stri,qa cl),ltali e,tlcJ'iore obliqua striflUlisque submm',fIinuliblls albis, strigis subJIZarginalibus atris, linea mal'[}i1!~li ciuerea. Female. Dark cupreolls-browll, Hc~d in front and under side silvery. Palpi more thau twice lunget' than the breadth of the head j second joint with numerOI1S indistinct transvel'se black lines; tllil'rl selifol'lD, longer tlHl1I the second. TibiID [lncl anterior tarsi hlack ahove, the former with two silvery llands, the latter with silver-tipped joints j hind tarsi with two blaCK hands. Fote wings hardlY!lcllte, tingen with metallic gr~en; a few black poillts ill the dh,k ncar the ba~e; the exterior white line obsolete, with the exceptio!) of a white streak, which extends ohliquely frolJl the castll j II. few Slllllll white alJ(1 deep hlllek IUllgitlldinnl strcllks neurer the exterior border, which is Ctlllvex ancl slightly ohlique; marginlll line cinel'eOllS. Length (If the bolly 2! lines; of the wings 6 lilies. lI. Ega. From lVIr. B;ltes' cullection, 211.$ 253, GELEClIIA VlmS~TELL~. Mas. Cel'vina, .mbtlls argC/lIeII; paipoJ'lt1ll articulus 2us latiusenllls, n'i,ql'o lilleat1ts; ppde,9 S!tl''I'll n'i_g1'i, m'gell/eo fasciati; alee anticm ni,qro stl'igatce, lineo, wbmarginaLi transversa lala alba e lineolis duct/IUS l'igl'i,~ interrapta; postic(8 obscure cinel'e(jJ, Male. Fawn-coloill'. Heacl in fl'Ont aml under side silvery, P!llpi more than twice longer than the breudth of the head ;, second joint rather broad, with uumerOUS t,'ausvel'se blacl{ lines; third joint Ii litlle 1011 gel' than tbe secoud. Antenure much shorter than the fore willgs. TibiID I1mj tarsi black above, with the \lsual silvery rings. Fore win~s ra.ther narrow, hardly aClIte, with several variolls black streaks, of which oue 011 the exterior purt of the costa is larger thun the othe,'s; a brllad abhreviatecl transverse submarginal while line, intersected by two short slenclel' longitudinal bhwk lines j hinge hhlCk at the 1lase, except bind ward, where' it is cin81'eOllS. Hilld wiul(s dark hrown; Mnge cinereolls, pule brolVn to\V,U'(ls the hase. Length of the body 2k lines; of the wings 6 lines. a, Ega. FrOID JIIlr. Bates' collection. 605 LEP[DOPTERA. HETEROCElU.. 254. GELECUJA SCITELLA. Frem. Cuprea, subtus argentea; palporu1/! articulus 21~S ni,qro lineatlls; pedes supra cllprei, U)'genteo jasciati, tibiis posticis su~fimbrialis; alta antirte jascill exlerivre lata ochracea stl'igam nigmm ungulatam includente, linea adhuc exteriore t,'amVC1'sa albida subdenticulata, strigis submarginalibus nigris albisque. Female. Dark cupreous. Head in front and under side silvery white. Palpi mOl'e tlmn twice longel' than the brel~dLh of tllC llead; second joint with numerous Lmnsvet'se black lines; third full as long as the second. Antellllle slender, much sburtct' titan the fore wings. Tibial and tarsi dark cupreous above; Libim with a silvel'y band and silvery tips; j{)ints of tbe tUl'si with silvel'Y tips; hind tibilll slightly fringed. Fore wings narrow, slightly acnte, with a broad exterior oehruceous baud, which is much rounded on its outer side and contains an acutely angular hlack streak i a whitish transverse slightly dentieulatecl line Ilear the outer side of the ham\; a few hlack aud wbite longitudinal streaks between the line and the exterior Il0t'der, which is very oblique. Hind wings with the eo~ta white alung half the length frum the base. Length of the body :3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a-d. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 255. GI!:LEeHIA SECTELL". Cinereo.nigra, sat robuHla, subtus argentaa j abdomen sub· tus stri,qis lateralihtls obliquis nigris; pedes supra n'igri, ar!lenteo ja,wiali; alO! anticte latiuscultE, puneto b[lsali, macula disc ali stl'i,qaque coslali lala apiCltli nigl'is, Jlunclis nonnullis tnediis, linea tmnsvel'sa all,qulata strigislJue 8ubmarginalibus aZbill·is, jascia exteriore jel'rugirwa st1'i[Julas duas nigrM includente. POBlic(/) obscure cup rete. Frem. Female. Cinereous-blnck, rather stout. Head in front and under side silvel'y white. Antennm slender, milch shorter than the fure wings. Ahdomen with ohlique black streaks along each side beueath. Tibiro and tarsi hlack H.bove j tibim with a silvery band and silvery tips; juints of the tarsi wilJ.! silvery tips. Wings rather hroad. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a black point at the base, and a black spot in the disk near the b(ISe, and a few inegular more extel'ior whitish poillts, beyond which there is a ferruginous band; this band is dilated in front and contains two black streaks, 606 CATALOGUE OF which intet'5ect an exterior whitish acutely reb'acted tl'nnsvel'se line; a broad black streak along the liV of the costlllllll\a felv slOall 5UOmUl'ginal wllitish streaKS j exteriol' honler neal'ly straight, hardly oblique. Him\ wing. dark cllpreous; fl'ilJge dark cillereous. Leugth of tl!6 body 3 lines j of the wings S lines. a. Ega. From MI'. Bates' collecti()n. 256. GELJi:GHrA TARDELLA. Nifll'lJ-f",lca, oIdt rabu,lta, .~uhtIM ar[lentea; palPO'I'II1ft llTtieulll,~ 21ls apice ni.r.lJ'imrlS; P"ril'S ni!I"O .filSl!illti; alee Illlticlfl cirll'IW) cO)!.lperSrlJ, mal:uli,~ disca/ibus nigl'is nOl1nunq!flu/I obsoletis, sll'i,r;is ,mblllarvinalib·us iI.tbis a/risque; postir:llJ obscure cttpl'eo-fusc((J. },1ilie and female. Blackish brown, ra.ther stout, Head in front aml unlle\: side sill'cry while. Ptt\Jli full twice lonp;er than the breiHlth of the lJead j second joillt hlackish towards the tip; third lonp;el' than Ille ~ec()nd. AulenUal slender, mud) ~b(Jl'lel' than the fore winKS. TJlJiro and tarsi with hlack bmHls. 1"111'6 whig's nanoll', rouolled at Ihe lips, il'rep:ulllrly cillel'eOI1S-sp"ckh~ll, with tWll or three black lIccasionally obsolele spots in the disk; it few wllile ami deep hlllCk sU\J1nar[,!:illtll streaks; extel'illl' lllmier htll'uly conlex, rather ublique. Hillu will~s dark cl1prCO\lS-llI'OIVn j fringe dark einel'cous. Length of the body 2~ lines; uf the wings 6 Jiues. a, b. Ega. From I1Ir. Bates' collection. Mas et from, 257. GELECUIA. COGNHELLA. Obscure cUl'l'ea, sat l'obllsta, wbtu8 lIl'gelltea; pedes noi~ fasciali ; alw nntieee taCiltscu{aJ. s!l.bcilleraUenles, [Juttlt discali e:cteriore nigricrlllte, linea adhuc exteriore cinerea trumversa mbdenliculata. Fetnlde. Dark cupreous, rather stout. Hend ill front nnd under side Silvery, Pu.Jpi more Ullin twice longer lhall the breadth of the head j third joint seti{(ll'm, a little 101lg-er t}l(ln the second. AnlenllID very slender, a liltle shurter than the fore wings. Legs without bttnds. Wings mtllct· hroad. Fore wings l1tmllv acute, wilh II slight cinereolls ting-e.; a blackish dot in the diRk"beyund the middle, and U1I10re exterior trunsvel'~e cinereOllS slightly dentioulated linc; extel'ior horder nlmost stmight, slightly obliqLle. Length. of the body 2 lines; of the wings 6 lines. (I; Ega. From Mr. Bates' colleotion. Foom. LEPIDOP1'ElU. HETEllOG£RA. 607 2&8. GELECIIIA SVDLATELLA. Mas. Ob.vcure cupl'ea, sat robusta, subtus argenteu,. p~lpDl'Unt articulus 2us apice alt.lJue ni_q>'icflnte.v; pedes Sltpra nigri, argenteIJ fascia.ti,. al,e anticlV 'lJiriili tinetre, guttis octo ni/p·i., punctis quatuor elO1lgatis sUbmltrgl:nuiibus J!ulIctoque coslali albis. Male. Dark CUP1'COllS, rather stout. Head in frollt amI undm' side silvery while. Pal pi mther stout, more than twice long(~r than the bl'e:Ltith of the head; second joint blackish tuwlIrds the tip; lbird blackish, excellt at the base. Legs stoUl; tihite and tarsi black above, with silvery bLiuds. Fore wings IHU'IU\V, rouuded at the tips, tinged with dull g\'een, adorned with eight black dots, of whiuh four are in the disk, one neal' the buse, olle neal' the iuterior ang'le, and two near the f<I!'c part of the extel'ior hordot" these two accompanied by foUl' elongated while points; tt while costal poillt at three-iourths of the length j exterior burlier convex, slightly oblique. Leugth of the body 2 lines j 0(" the wings 5 liues. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 259. Mas. GELEOHIA. MONOCHRo~mLI"L Oinel'!!o-ju8ca, gat J'obusta, subtus t1!11filJ-einerea; alm an- ticce subconspel'sce, lituris tl'ious subcostldibus indislinctis pUl!etisque marginal'ibus minimis nigl'ieantiilUS, spatio ma,,ginali pallicliore; posticrlJ cupreo sut/'usre. :Male. Cinertlous-brown, ruther stout, more cinereouS and linge(lwith mneous beneath. Palpi more than twice longel' tha.n the breadth of the llcad j tllil'd joint setiform, longer than the second. Alltcnllle Vel'Y slender, shurler than the fore ",iugs. Abdomen extendin!( for half its length beyond the hind wings. Legs stoul. Fore wings moderately broad, rounded at the tips, with very indistiuct darker slJecklcs j thl'ee indistinct blackish marks in a line ne,l!" Lhe costa j space towards the exteriul' burder rather Jli-lIer; marginal points blackish, very minnte; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings with a cllprcous tinge, a little durker tbun the fOt'e wings. Length of' the hotly 4 line~; of Lhe wings 10 lilies. 4. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 608 CATALOGUE OF 21)0. Mils. GELECHIA. PER~!VNDELLA. Sr!ti"lat'I!I!; pedes .IIIPI'(I. nif/ri, aI'uellleo fa,eiati; alII! an· til)'" macula pos/im oblitflla dOIlI/llla fJuuafJlle di"cali ext,,· ri01'8 ctll}l'eo~(!l"ei" cinl'l'PI> IIw'l'.'Iintllis, i'"'cia ad/me exterior? inlu., c'ill(')'{!f) lIlal'!Jilltltll, mUl'!line extel'iol'e pall ide cel'vina pl.mrtis n i[ll'is. lIlaf", Slaty cine)'eolls. He(\d in fl'Ont anrl untler side paler cincl'eulls. AlltcllTl3l very lIJillllteiy sel'J'ated, a liltle ,1](InCI' thall the fure wing~. F1I1'e tibim with a black hand; fore tarsi black above, with silvmy-tippet] joints; posterior lihim anil till'si blackish ahove i th~ hand of the t(lnller and the lips of the juiuls of Ihe latter sih·ery. Fnre wings ralh~r narrUIl', ruulllled at the lips, with three cnprco\ls-!Jr()wu marks; first and st~cllnd mlll'h cinereous· but'dererl i til'St J'urlllillg an dongated ohliqlle spot, which resls on the interior horder hefLlre tbe middle; thir.l forming' a dot in the eXlcl'ioJ' disk; tllird formi!l!,{ a lllure exterior hand, hllrd~rerl with cinercuus un the inner side; exterior hortler convex, pale j"lwncoioll1', Wilh black points. Lenglh of the body a lillCti; of th(l wings 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bales' collectiun. 261. GELEC'IlIA 1'AOTELLA. Mus ct frem. Ni!II'icllllte-cinel'ea; S1!btu8 arrlellte~-cinerea; pe. des SZlpra lIiyri<'Ullil"q, pallidofl(scillti ; aile ,u,l.ictli _qutta di~ crlii fa,.disqZle dunbll,' Ol'pl·eo-ni_qd.. ot'hmreo mll)'uinati", fascia la aulire IJb/mviata,pultctis lllar!}illalibus ni.qris; pastiC(8 obscure fUSCl£. ~[ale and female. Blackbh cinerenns, silvcl'.v cillel'eons 'beneath. Palpi full twice l'mg'er than the IIl'PUt]th of the hearl j second joint ralher hrOlld; third very slendcl', us IOIlg' as the second. Anlelllllil sllOl'ter tlum the frll'e wiugs. 'fihi>e all(l tarsi hlackish abuve, the J'1I1'1nCl' with a pale baml alld pale lips, the lattsr with pale.til)S to the jOillIS. Fure wings rHlhcl' !lHI'I'OIV, ~liA'llLly wlInde(l at the tips, with twu bl'lIa(1 t!lIjll'cous-black nuhri\cellus-borrlel'cd bands j fiJ'~t band l'Ollllded in fro II I, !lot cxtcll(liug' to the cusla; a cupreolls·lJ1ack Odll'aCeulIs'])ol'dered discal dlll, coutig'llL1US to tbe secllnd buud, which extellds to the eXlerior horder; murlrillul poinls black; extel'itll' hOl'der convex, very ohlique hilltlward. I~iua wings dark llJ'ow!l. Lellgth of the botly 2 line, i uf the lYing'. 5 Iiues. a, b. Ega. From )'11'. Bales' collection. LEPIDOPTERA. HETEROCERA. 262. 609 GELEOHIA SUMPTEJ.I,A. Cynne,,qra, nib Ius ar,qentea; alltell?ICl! apices ~'ersus m:qentetB; pedes supra 11i.']l'icutltPs, (H'genlell fa"dati; alee arltic(E fa,cia I,Ltrl grillI/que dhcllli oi>sc!!l'c fel'l'ugineis cinereo mlt1'gina,{is, fascia 1·;t'lel'io)"c j1llus dllel'co margillat(l, linea m(tl'ginali e p'Uncli~ comle:]; is nig1'is; postic(e obscure cUIJ}'eo- Mas. f U8C (£. lila/e. Bluish black, slender. Head in front ane! under side silvery. Pill pi llHll'C llmu twic:e longer than tlie Imachh of the head; third j(1iut hr()ad; third setifill'lll, shortt'r lhall tbe second. Antenna: slender, silvery townrrl8 tllC tips, ~1J(lI'ter tllllll the fore wings. Tihile and tarsi hlal'kisb ahove; tips of the tibim lind of the 'joints of tbe tarsi silvery. Fore Willi{S ruther ll:tI'I'OW, slightly I'omided at the tips, with two broml dark ferrug-illoliS 111Wd8;\ fh-,t hand 1Jefin'e the llJidllle broa(lcst hinclward, hOl'clel'crl with cillei'colls on each side; a dark felTuginolis cincreolis-hol'cl('l'ecl disral dot, contiguolls to the secund banel, w hieh is bordered with Ciltel'ellUS Oil the inllcr side; marg-illalline black, composecl of connected points; exterior b(lnler slightly convex, moderately obliquo. Hind win~s dark cupreous-brolVlI, Lcugtb of tbe body 2t lines; of the wings Glines. a, h. Ega. From Mr, Bates' collection. 26:3. Mas. GELECHIA. DISPUOITEI.LA., subtus a''fJellte.a ; pedes unicol07'es ; aZ(l! anlieal /rltiuscu/a;, SUbpUl'pUm,1centes; poslicre cttpl'ete, jimbria cinerea. lIfal~. lEnenus-cinereous, stOtlt. Head in front ami nnder side silvery. Pal!,i twice IOl1ger tlHlll the breadth of the bead; third joint setiform, a little lUIlger than tbe second. AUlellnlC slen· del', shOitCl' than the iilre wings. Legs wbolly silvery. Wings l'Ilt1101' hroud, Fore wings with a slight pl11'plish tingG; exterior border almost straight, moderately oblique. Hind wings Cl1PI'€OIlS; fringe Cinel'eliliS. Length of\he blldy 4 lines; of the wblgs 10 !ines. a. Ega, Fl'Om MI'. Bates' collection. 610 C!TAtOGUE OF 264. GELECHIA SUDVEOTELLA. From. Obseurc CUpl'ell, sub/us m'gentea; palporum articulus 2us apice nigl·ican.l; 7Jedes silpra nigrictlntes, argenteo fa.ldati; ala; Qntic(lJ sat angust(,8, apice I'Oill1ldat(IJ, c1w/yb(l!() quadrifasciataJ. Female. Darl. ctlpreous. Bend in frout and undm' side silvery. P~llpi twice longer than tIle breadth of the bead; second joint blnukish at the tip; tllird selifu['m, much slJOrtet· tban tile second. Antenna) sh(ll·ter tban the fore win~s. Tibire aud tarsi blackish j tips of the j(Jrmer and of the joints of the latter silvery. Fore wings lat~er narrow, roullded at tbe tips, with foul' chalybeotls bands; first bani:} very neal' the IHlse; fourth ~el'Y near tbe exterior border, which is convex and hardly oblique. Length uf the body 2 lines; of the win~s :\ lilies. a. Ega. Fl'om Mr. Bates' collection. 265. GELEC'HIA. Elt:TEIUORELLA.. Mas. Viridis, subtus argentea; pedes 8upra nigri, m:qenteo ja.!ciati; oire anlicre triente apil:uli au!'ato rufa strigllm vi1'idem includente, stl'igis duavus interioribus auratis. Male. Metallic Itreell, nearly allied to G. 81.1if"Clella. Head ill front and under side silvery. Abdomen above and hind wings cupreous. Tibire 3)ld tarsi black above, except the tips of the former and tbe three liist joints of the latter. Fore wings nal'IOW, hardly aClIte; apical (hiI'd pari hright gilded red, this hue containing a green strcak, and communicating with two gilded streaks, which are con tained ill tIle green part; ex torior border very obliq ue. Length of the budy 2~ Jines; uf Lhe Wi\lgS 6 lines. u. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 266. GELEelliA 8UFFEOTELtA. Mas. Obscure cuprea, subws argentea; pedes supra nigri, argenteo jasciati; ala! anticre basi c/w(ybem, maculis rluabus rnagnis chalybaQ mal'gillati:l, Ia coslali, 211 apicali, litura discali intenlLedia cfutiybreQ; poslicre cupl'ere. ftfale. Dark CUpl'eOU6, slender. Head ill frollt and nnder side silvery. PaJpi more thitn twice longer than the breadth of the llfmd ; third joint longer than the second. .Autennm muell shurter than the 611 LEPIDOPl'ER.'>. HETE\lOOERA, {()j'e wings. Tibiro and ttll'si black abuve; tillS of tbe tihiro uncI of the joints of tbe tal'si silvery; tihiill with a ~ilvery banrl. Fore wings narrow, chalybeouo at the base, rounded at tlie'tips, willi two lill'~e dark cuprenlls cbalybeolls.bol'del'ed spots; first spot co:;tal, it little before the middle j second apical; a chalyheollS mark in the disk between the two spots; fringe chalyheolls, black at the hase; exteriol' horder very oblique himhvill'd. Hilld wing-s Cll preons. Val'. (3.Head chalybelllls-blue. Length of tbe bocly 2! lines j of Lhe wings 6 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collection, 267. GELF.CHJA. TEN'!''\'TELU. Frem. Ollpl'm, .w-btus al'_qentea; antann(l' fascia lata al'!Je:;lea,; pedes antici tiMi!' oclmLCeis .nd~fimbriatis, tal's'is Lasi ot"/wnccis; JlEdes pn"t(Jl'iol'es S1l1'1'a n-i.lJl'i('anle.~. «'rY'l'llteo /Ilsuir<ti ; al(l! anticte .trlseia media lata (/ell1'aeea, strigis ,Sf,U lall$ c/Ifllybrei.~. lineoli" dllnbus dwlybwis dllabusqlte albis oLliquis cusllt/ibus. Female. Cupreolls, Head in front amI under side silvul'Y, Pulpi gilded, more tllHu twice longp.r thun th~ breadth of (he head; seculld joint squamous; tlliJ'!ll'atiler ~tout, silvery at the tip,as long as the second. Anteuua:' a little shorter than the fore wilJg'~, with iL brolld silvery baud beyollll the middle. Fure tarsi towards the base alld fore tihi:Jil ochraceolls. the latter slij.(htly dilated aut! fring-cd; }105lel'ior tibirn and tarsi blackish above, tIle latter wiLh silver-lippCll joints. Fore WillgS nanow, ha1'[l1y acute, with 0. broild uchmccous middle band; six hroad clmlyhc{)llS ~tre,th, foUl' of wllich lUG between the billJd and the hase of Lhe wing; the lifth intersects 111(1 exterior part of the bunel and extends La the interior angle j the sixth is iu the snhmarginal disk; two slender chalybeons lines extend obliqllely from the costa and interseot the outer pal'l nr tile b,llld, and are accompanied by two shorter white lines; exterior border convex, very oblique hiudward. Length of the body 2} lines j of the winG'S () lincs. a. Egil. From Mr. Bates' collection. 268. GEiLIlCIIIA SUDJECTEr,T,A.. Mas. Cupj'ea, sublllS lI1'[Jlmlea; caput cyalleum; prrles ''''PI'a: l1.i!Jl'i, c/j'!len t~o fa,!cillli.. aIm anticre fuscia lain az""alo rufa stl'i!Jaln emittl!l!tC. intus pltrpureo mal'ginata strigll111 obliqull1n J)', 612 CAT1t.I,OGl.IB OF pUrp1l1'eam nifJ)'o marginalam incluill'nle, punetis basalibus 7Jl1TPW·, spatia wal:qi,lali ni!lrO stl'igas Ires pm'Pureas in· dudente; postic(1l.basi ldbm. M(t/e. CUjlI'COt1S, slendcI'. Head i front and \moer side of the body silvery. Palpi more thall twice llln~er than tho breadth of the head; third joint longer than the second. An· telmro shorter than the fore wings. Lel\'s )'at.her stout, l,lack above; tips of the femora, of the tibi::e, of tlJl' joints of Ihe tarsi lIQd spurs silrcry; lihi(e with a ~ilvery band. FOle IVill!!,s 11111'1'0,,", rounded at the lips, with II broad gild~d I'ed hUIld, which emits a stl'tmk III the exterior hordel', and is bounded on the inner side hy au ohlique pUl'ple line; slime Jlurple points towmdH the hase, find an oblique IJUI'ple hlacl;·hol'dcl'cd streak in the bilnd; spocc heyond the hane} bhlCk, willi three purple streaks; cxteriot' hOl'del' very oblique. Hind wings white towards the hase, cxc~pt'ilJ £I'ont. Length of the body 2 liues; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. Ega. From ]\Ill'. Bates' collection. 269. Gl~LECHlA Mas. PEUAT:ELLA.. argmleu; CC!put vil'ide; abdomen nigl'o jascia.t'ulU, apic(J curn'eum; ppdell ,~upl'C! ni!ll'i('(JIlle", argenleo fasciati j alre anticiI) basi 1>itidtJs, fascii~' duabus obliquis ameo.cinel'cis. ObSCU1'C cuprea, SllbliiS IIIale. Dal'k cupreous, s]em!el·. Head, fore pm't of the th01'ax and haHe of (bel costa of the fore wings hrig-Ill rnetallic·g-rctm. Heatl ill frollt and IIn(l~r side silvery. Palpi \'ery slender, more thall twice lungel' than the breadth uf the !lead; tlJird joint longer than the second. Antenu,e very slender, shinIer t111111 the fore wing~. Abclumen with II black ImulI on the forB llurder of each segment; apicill tuft CIlPl'C9US. Tlbi:u and tarsi blucldsh IIbol'e; anterior tibire with two sill'el'Y bUilds; joints of the anterior tarsi with silvery tips; l)i11[1 tibia: silvery lit r,he base anclllt the t.ips. Wings narrow; frillge eillereOllS. Fore wings l'oulHled at the tips, with ·tWI) oblique reneous·cinerclJus bands, one neHI' the base, the (Ithel' in the middle; exterior bordel' very oblique. J;cnglh of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bales' collection. 613 LEPIDOPTERA HETlUtOCER!. 270. GELEcnu STELLIFERJlLLA, Mas. Ob8CIll'e cuprea, sublus m'gentclt j caput viridc; antenn(1) apice ((?'llellll'llJ; prrle,~ s!tp!'a nigl'iclWles, ar.'lenter> Jasciati; alec alllic(IJ basi vi1'irles, punclis qua/uol' al'oen/eis; pl),ltic(l) subpurpumscelltes. IIlale. Dtll'k cupreous, slender, silvery beneath. Head; fure part of the illllJ'/ix, disk (If' the abdomen Ilnd base of the fme wings hrig'ht metallic-green. Pallli morc than twice longer than tbe breadth of the llead; tllil'd juint a little shotter than the second. Autennre rather stout, silvel'Y towal'ds the tips, a little shorter than the fore wings. TibiID and tarsi black above; tibire with a siivt!J'Y band and silvery tips. Wings very nanDW. Fore wings rouucie(l at the tipR, wilh £0111' silvery jloints; two points near the costa, one between them nearer the i1ltel'ior hgrder, and one neur the interior Itng-Ie ; exterior hortler extremely oblique, Hind wings d;.ll'kel' than the fore wing-s, with a JlUl'plish tinge. Length of the budy 3 lines j of the WiligS 8 lilles. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' ()ollcctioll. 271. GELECHU SPECIOSELL.!.. Mas. a1,(lentca,' caput et abdomen disco ,viridia: anlemul! apice m'gentuB; pedes ,ntpm cupl'ei, al'genteo ju,wia/i; alte anticm punclis quinque albis, ]flaZe. Dill']; C1tpreQllS, slender. Head, lore border of tIle thorax and disk uf the abdomen hriglit llIetullic"green. Helld in front aud under sille silvery, P~llpi slender, ahont lhrice lunger t11a11 the breadth of' the head; third joint setiform, lOlJger thun lIlt! second. Anteullm sill'ery towards the tips, a litlle 8110rter t11an the fol'~ wings, Ahdomen with a rather long apical tuft. Tips lit' tllD tibire Ilnd of the joillls of the tUI'si silvery. Wings narrow, hardly aClIte, with II. white pilint on the fringe at the tip. Fore wings with five white points; iirst point near tbe intel'jor border at one'!'Olli,th of the length; sC,cund n('fir the costa hefore the miudle; third in the disk beyond the middle; fOUl'lh Ilellr the interior anp;le; fiflh near the costa, beyond three-fomtlis of the length: exterior bOl'der very oblique. Length of the body 3! lines; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collection. ObSC111'e CllPI'NI, Sltbtus F2 614 CA.T.l.LOGUE OF 272. GELECHU SELEOTllLLA. Mas. Obscure cuprea, wblus al'.qentea; antenna! vix Sel'TatllJ; pede" supra cuprei, argcllie(J /rrsciali i al(lJ anlicte e pU71rtis micantibus bij'asciailli, punatis dllobus ea;terioribus virirlibll,~ l)lll'pureis. Male. Dark cupreous, stemler. H end in front and under side ~il,.ery. Pldpi twice longer than the hreadth of the head; second j!.il1l Rli:;htly frillgecl on bot]] sides; third l)lllck, slenclcl', setifllrm. (1 little 1(Jni\'cl' than the second. Antenna! slender, hurdly sel'l'ated. mild, shortrr tlmn the fore wings. Tibire aJl(1 tursi cuprelllls ahove; tips of the tibiro and of the joints of tlle tlll'si silvery. "Foro wings llUITIlW, sligll1ly I'olluded at the tips, with two bands cOIllJlosed of gJitlel'illr; grelm points; two glittering purple points; one Ileal' the f,ud of the costa; the olllel' nearer the exterior hordel', lar~er than tIl{) Jil'st; costu slightly dilated at a lillIe beyond the middle; exterior \)(ll'!ler vcry oblique. Length of the body 2llines; of the wings I) lines. IL. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collectiou, 273, GET.'ECHIA SMARWDUL'ELI.A. Mas. V~·ridi.~, s!tblus al'gmtea; Ilbclomen nigl'o fasciatum, (Ipice ClIpreum,. p,'des supra nigl'i, argen/eo ftlSciati " alOi obscure cilpme; anticlll all1'eo.l,il'idi aut cuprco rlilentes, basi 'Viridcs, fltseii,~ dUG, bus obliq uis pU7'pureo-cinerei~. ]flare, Bright metallic-green, smooth, squam(ll1s, Head in fmnt Hlld under side silver,f. Pulpi abuut twice langer than the hreadtll of the head i third joint setiform, longer than tbe second. Alltentltll shulter than the fure wings. Abdomen with a hlack band on the fore hlll'dcr of ellc}l segment; apical tuft cupreolls, quadrate. Legs stout; tihiro nnrl tarsi black above, the former with sihel')' lmllds, the l~\\\er with sil\,el'-lipped juints. Wings dark CllpreO\lS, n<ltl'llW, slightly acute; fringe huary. Fore wings }n'ig-ht metallicgl'eon 11)l1'111'11s thto bllse, with two nbliqne purplish cinel'cllus hands, of wldell the ontet' one is much broader than the inner olle; most of the snrf<lce ill slime agpecis with golden green or C\I}ll'eOUS l'eJlec~ tiullS; exterior border very olllique. J.cngth of the body a lines; of tlle wings 8 lines. a. Suntal'eJll. FrOID Ml·. Bates' collection. 615 LEPIDOPl'EllA HETEROCER.t. 2')'4. GELEORlA SEaU~OELLA. Mas. Obscure C1l1'l'eu-ju,!C,1, suhlt!8 111'!}etltelL; ('''}lut e.! ab,zolllini~ dorm", viridilt; lIedes wIII'It cllpl'p.n:fitsci, al',l/enteo fascial'i; aiw <tntiew ousi vi-riJe,v, jMciis duaous ablilJltis cillerea«",tis, ,lUllle. Dllrk clIprcous-l'fuwn. Head, fore horder of the thorax, ahdomen llhl)ve and lore wing's at the base hright mClulliu-gl'eell. Head ill (i'out aut! ulldel' side silvcry white, Alltellll~ sll'nder, shorter tll/Ill tlHl iore wings. 'l'ihiw and t/U'si dark cllpreous·bl'own above; tibiw with it silvery blind anll silvery tips; joillts of the tarsi with silvery tips. Wiuu;s lUUllel'iltely bl'Oitd i I'ring'C ciucl'cous. 1"ol'e wiuJ.(s lumBy ,lcute, wilh two irregular oblique cinercollsrencous balJd~, one Ileal' the base, tbe other in the middle; e:x:lel'ior horder almost straight, very oblique. Length of the body. 3 lincs; of the wing;s 7 lines, a. Ega. Fl'UID Mr. Bates' coIlection. 275. GEI.EcrnA SUSCEPTELLA, FIDIU. Cinereo-l!i.lfl'a, ('up reo et P'Jl'/l1u'ascente SI~tTUS(l, 81lbtus !H'gentm-ci?lerm'; pede" stJjlt'a nigru-cllpl'ei, argenlw j",lcillti; al{e anl'i('lP. ialiuscnlw, pUllelo di,~C<tli nigl'it'unce, linca eXlm'i'II'e t'l'ansverm su,banfJu{usa cinerea; posticle obseu!'€) cupteujltsctJJ, Female, Cillel'eous-blllCk, rathel' Slollt, with ~light CU'PI'E'OUS and purpli.b l'eflectlOlIs. Head ill front and under side silvery cillcl'cUUS, Pall)i lilore than twice longer tllilll the brl'Ht!lh Df the bead; third joilJL lunger tlwlI tbe ~eeol)d. AiJt~nlllll slender, much shorter tban the fOl'tl, wilJgs, Tihia" and tilrsi blilckish cUpt'eOllS; tillS of the tillite aud of lile joillts of the t"rHi ~ilvery. FOl'e wings ralher broild, slightly l'OlIllded at the tips, with a hlackish poillt ill the disk beyond tIl{,) middle, and with II more exteriol' trallsverse slightly zigzag' ciuereous liue; marginal points hhwkish, indistinct; e)(terior border hal'(\ly convex, moderately ohlique. Hind wiugti dark CUPl'cous-brown; fl'illge blackish cinBrcous. Lcugth of the bod.\, 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines, a. Ega. From Mr. nate~' collection. :uS 616 ,OaTALOGUE OF 276, GELECIlIA oor,LOOATELLA, From. Cupreo-nigra, virirli .nttJi18a, snblus argclIlea; pedes sltlwl.! nigri, urgenteo fasciati; alre anliclB (lIbido COnSpCl'SIl1, punctis basal-ibus n'igl'is, linea exleriol'e trans!:ersu e punctis albis, stl'igulis suulIIUl'!JinaUbus albis nigrislJue. Pemale. Cllpl'eous-black, slender, with a green tinge. Head in front lind under side silvery white. Palpi very slender; llIore 11mn twice longer than the breadth of tho head; third joint longer thlln tIle sl!cond. Ant8lwoo slendel', shorler t]Jan the tore wings. Tjhi~D tlUtI tnrsi black ahove; h~lIHl lind tills of the tihiro und ti~s of tlw joi!lIs uf the t;m,i sill·ery. 'Wings narrow. E01'e willgs rounded at the tips, slightly Hnd irregulurly whitish-speckled; II few black p"ints lwar the base; ;t t,"lIlSl'Cl'se linc near the e)(te1'ior bonIer indicated hy a few while puims; a few mOle ~xterior longitudinal white strellks, accolllpanied by a few hlack streaks; exterio\' horde\' very ohliljllc. H iud wings l1"t tinge\! with gl'een. Length uf the hody 2t lilies; of the wings Glines. u. Ega. .From Mr. Bates' collection. 277. GELEOHLI. SlWRETELI,,~. Obscure cUJlrelJ~rlls('(£, sal robusta, wbtu,~ (Il'!lentea; pedas mpm cliprei, (!)',qelltell .filsdati ; alte ant jete /aliu..'CIIlre,j'asciis (/u(tiJlIS latis comwxis cltulybais l!ureo-!!iridi Ilite/ltibus, linea trll1ls\:el'sa ~ullllla1'ginali u.bbreviala albirla; pos/icm obscure cUJ!rew. }'tJllwla. Dark clIpreous-brown, ratllel' stout. Head in front and ullder Ride Eil very. Plllpi lllore than twice longer than the hreadth uf tIle head; third jOint lunger than tbe secoud. Ameunte slend~r, o\wrter than the fore wings. Tibiro and tarsi dark cUjlrcous above; tillim with a oilvery hand and silvery tips; joints of the tarsi with ~il\'try lips. Wings I'ather hrm\ll. Fore wiugs slightly acute, will! two lll'u(\d irregtllm' chalybcnus buuds, which httve golden green l'ctlc~lions and are cOlJnected 011 the interior horcier; un ublInn'intet! tl'l\llsverse submul'giuul whitish line; exterior border straight, slightly ublique. Hind wings dark cuprelllls; fl'iuge llluckish cinereUllS. Length of the budy a lines; of the wings 8 lines. II, b. Ega. :Frolll MI'. Bales' collection. Fwm. LEPIDOI'TERA. IIETEROOERA. 617 278. GELECHU QUA.DRll1ASCIA.. lIIas. Obscure ,qlauco-cwprcll, robusta, subtlls argentea; perles slIpm nigricllntes, ar,qenteo fasciati; alre antiew lati!tscu/QI, fasciis quatuar obliquis non glaucescentib!Ls. Irfale. Dark cupl'eous, stont, with I). glaucous tinge, Head iu front and Imdcr side silvery. Palpi more than twice longer thau the breadth of the he!Hi'j third joint sctiform, muoh longer lIHln the ~econd. AntellulB vcry slender, sllOrtel' than tbe fOl'e \vings, Tibial and tarsi lJhlcJ,ish above; tips of the tibhu and of the jOints of the tarsi silvery. 'Vinp;s ntthcl' broad; fringe cillcreons. FOTe wings u(!lIte, with f(J1l1' oblique bands of the ground hue j thirel hilIld broader than the first and lImn the second; fourth slender, IUllfgina1j extcl'iol' borclm' stl'lligbt, moderately obliq ne, Length of the body 3t lines; of HIC 1Viugs 9 lilies. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 279. GEl.EOHIA OANOFUSELLA. Mas, Nigra, chalybam-cinel'f-Q suifilSa, ,Iat 1'ohusta, subtlls a)'" yentc"'cinerelL; tal'sorl!1II articuli apiw «.r,gentl!i; IIlre anti('re fascia s1l6mar,qinali nigl'a lineam angulosam cfUliyut1!!!m it,cludente ; )Jasticre obscure cuprct1!. Male. BllIck, mthel' stollt, tinged with ohalyheous-cinercous, Head in li'OIIt and under side silvery cinereous. Palpi very slender, Dlore than twice longer than the brefluth of the head j th ird join t setiforlll, longer than the second. Antennm very slender, much shorter than the fore wiugs. Tips of Lhe juints of the tarsi silvery. Wings broad, Fore WillgS acute; suhmarginal bund not chalybcntls, hut illcluding a zigzag cbalyheous !iue; exterior border ulmost stl'l).ight, slightly oblique. Hinel wings dark cUIJrcous. Length of the body 3 lines; of tIle wiugs 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr, Bates' collection. 280. Gllr.EcnIA SU~ERELLA. C'i)lel'eo-ni,ql'C!, rub!tsta, subtus al'gentea; pedes supra nigl'i, argenleo jCLsciuti; aim ant jere iutiuscul(c, fa~dis quoinque ('iI]!l'co-rdgrisj lIt 2a 3ague intel't'uptis, 4a obliqua, 5a tCllui mUI'!Jiliali j pastieQi ('upreo-ni!lI't1!. Frolll. 618 CATALOGUE OF Pemale. Cinereolls· hI;wk, stout. Heae! in front and tmder side silvery white. Palpi more thall twice lollger than the breadth of tIle \lead; thil'lI joint much longer than the second. Al1tcLlDfll s1enlier, much shill tel' tbaLl the fore wings. Tibioo anti tit)"si blaek ahove; tips of tbe tibial and of the jllints of tlw t;U'si silvery. Wings rather hroad. Fore 1I'illg~ sligl!(ly round"d ILL the tips, with five CUPl'cous-hlack ll>lllds; first, secoll(l tllld third bands incomplete; f"Ulth Immdur, complete, oblique; fifth slender, mUl'gilml; fdnge cill~re(lus, Hinll wings cupl'eoLLs-black. J"~Ilgth of the body 3 liues ; of the wings n lines. (!. Ego.. Fl'om :lvIr. Dates' collectioll. 281. GEl,EeHIA OSl'ENSEI,LA. Mas. Anthrari1ill, sat O'Obusta, subtlts ni!I1'o-rincrell ; pall'i Hl'W- mow; t(L1'SQI'um UI·tiruU apil!e QI',gentei; aim ulltiCIE p{Q!la di,H'ali rhnmbaidoli f(1.~ci(lque submar,qinali cupl'eo all'is, ]Iwwtis duobns illlermedil.~ lIigris cincr~o Ilwt'.qinatis, punctis t/lrLI'9i nalib us ni,lJris j P/),~ticaJ ObSL'W'C cuprew. IPI([le. ellul-black, rather stOllt, blackish cinereou8 beneath. Palpi !)lore lImn tll'i~e longer than the brclldth of' the heill! ; second joint alld hilS"] pitl'L ot' the thit'd jOint thickly covered with short squamous lJllirs; third juint s8tifu!'lIl, shorte!, than the ~ecolHl. Antennre slender, a little short(,r than the rlll'e wings. J'oiuts of the tarsi with silvery tips. Wiugs moderal~ly hruad. Fore win~s llard]y acute, with a deep cupreoLls-hluck rlwlllbuidal l);lwh ill the disk and with a sllhmHr~inlll buml of the same hue; twu intermediate bl!u:k cinel'eolis-bonicl'ed points and (t few minute black nHU~ giual poiuts; exteri(Jr harder almost stndgLI, moder~lely ollJiqnc. Hind wings llal'k cupreous. Length of the body 3 lilies; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 282, GELECHU :Mas. CerlJina, sat l'oiJnlt(l, l'RI['I,.\GELI.A. mht~,~ (lI'f}ellteu-cirWl'en.; pnlpo¥uJn ar- tint/II.I 2a.l laills, apice Iliprican" et ,wbpilnsw; 31<5 lIi,qro ""cialus; nntW11.dl slibser'I'atw; l/Cde,' sHllra 71i!!J'irllntes; "he a_ntkm latimcltice, nigr(/ Cmt6'pel'MIl, dwlybceo &lIffUSW, ]lIlli/is tribu,\ f"~d8; posticce c!!}Jrcre, ]}1a.le. Fawll-culam, mlhet', stout, Head in front and under side 'silvery ciuereous. Palpi Jl1ure than twice longer than the L£PlDOl'TEll,~ lIETEROCEUA. 819 brea.dt]1 of the head; second joint broad, blackish and slilrhlly pi. Jose abllve towards the tip; third setiful'm, TIllllet' stout, shorter than the secund, with a black bamlneal' its tip, Alltonnoo vel'y minutely serrated, shOltoI' than the fore wings, Tibiro and tarsi blackish ahovtJ, Fore win~s ratber broad, slightly l'ounded at the tips, thickly hhwkish-speclded, mostly tinged with chalybeous j tbroe brolVll patches; first and second irregulurly triangulur; first resting on the interiOl' border befure the middle; second resting on the co,la beyond the middle; third furming it submlnginal hand; fl'illge interlined with dark brown neal' the bilse; exterior hortler stmil(ht, very . ~lil!btly obJique. Hind wings CLtpl'eOlls. Lengtb of'the body a lines; of the wings 8 lines, a. Ega: From Mr. Bates' collection. 283, GELECHlA nESIGNATr,Lr,A, Fcem, Obscure schistltcea; palpi ni,qro piioHm, capitiR (atitlldine jVl'e tl'iplo longi01'cs; tMsi Ql'iee albidi; ailE antic(/! a7lice SUbl·OtU·1I daiClJ, lIwc!tli,~ duabwi 7I!Clwirni,< !]uttaq!le dis~ILti nigl'is aibido mlt1'fjillatis, plmetis marginaiihus ni(fl'is. Ptmale, Dark slaty Cinel'BOllS, raCLer stout, a little ]luler beneath, Palpi much curved, IIc[lrly thrice lllngel' than the breadth of the head; secolJd joint thickly clothed with shurt black hairs; third juhn as IUllg us the second. Antenum sleudel" Abdomell extellding a little beyoucl the hiud wings, pale cinereous beneath. Legs smuoth, ~tout; lal'si wllh whitish tips, Wiugs moderately broad, slightly ruunded at the tips, Fore wings with tW(I v~ry lal'ge black sputs; Jir,t Bpot i1'l'egullll'ly conical, extending from the interior hOI'dcl' llearly to thf) costa, whitish.bordered un twu sides; secllDti spot diffuse towiuds the e:<tcriOl' border, bordered 011 the iUlIer side hy n whitish slightly curved line; !1. hlack (lisenl whitish. bOI'\lered dill betweeu the two spots; mal'giuul points bluok; CllstlJ. very slightly convex tOWlll'ds lhe base j ex.terior lI11rliel' very slightly oblique_ Length of' the lJOdy 7 Jines; of the wings 8 !iues. a, b. Ega. I"rom iHr. Bates' collection, 284, GELJWm~ CLNCTEI,r,J\., Mas, Rujescellle.cel'vina, subtlls cLJ'gentC(t; pedes Slt)1l'a ni!ITi aut dnel'ei, aI',qenteo j'asL'iati; ala! anticClJ 7)unt'tis d,wbl<s discali_ bus pUllctisque mal'flinalibus ni,i{7'is, puncto pIJsUe/) nigl'o albonotalo, linea extl:"iOl'e tmllSvl:rsa nlbida denticulltla, pUlIclis mal'yinalibus nigris; PQ~ticat obscure cincrere. ~20 O.iT.!.LonUE 0 .. .lIfale. Rerldish fawn-colour. Head ill front and nnder siele silvery. Palpi more than twice IrHlg('1' tban the lHc:l.!th of lhe hea.d; secilud joint Rqnamoll'; third setii"ol'lll, rather shorter th:\11 the sr!cond, Alltel1n~ si!'II"ler th:w the fure wings. AIliIOlnell and Jc;\'s dark cinerellus ahu\'c; tips o1'the (ibile illHluf the j"ints uf the tllrsi silvet'Y. AnterioJ' tihim :ulIl t;lI'.~i bl;,ek nhQve; fllre tihim with <I Sih-Ny ]loint; middle tilli", with Ii ~ill'ery hand. FllI'e wings moderately hl'Olul, l'lJUlldcd at the lips, with twn hlack points l}i:lced inngitllllinally in the dis].; it white hl:lck.markerJ poiut hehillli the Ijr,t p',illt; all extedur trans"cl'se denticulated. whitish line; lllltl'gillfll lloillts black; exlCrirH' honle\' Cllnvex, hardly (lbli1fltC. Hinu winA's dark cillcreuus. LB1IgLh of the hody 3~ lilies; uf the wings 9 lilies. a. Ega, From Mr. Bates' collection. 285. GELECHIA POMACEELU. Fll:m. Poma<'M, ,<l,btu.1 ltr.1mtelL; a/(fJ antir!m lifltl'is qUa.t"Uor enstalihm ni!lri.l, la bnsltii, 3a 'laque tdgon·is, li/lPa exteriore ll'aruvl'rs« jlexa albll, pluutis mal'ginali/J1.tG ni[!l'is; Pllstic<E obscure C!llll'l'll), Female. Apple-green. Head ill frout and under side silvery white, Pall'i lllOl'e titan twice [Ul1il:er tlian tliA breadth .Ifthe he:lll; secOll(t joint broad, with a short fl'inge on each sicle; third sctil'orm, longer thltn tbe AntellllW slelJder, slwl'ter Ilwll the fore willg~. .'l'ihiw anr! 1'll'Si hlack above; tips IIf the tibim and 01' the jllitlt~ of' the tar,j silrel'S white. FUI'e willg~ 1I,1I'rOW, hllrdly (lcnte, Witll foul' black CURl'll marks; liest lIiark hasal; third and fllunh triangular, larger thall tll1llil',;t aud than the seeOlHI; a white bent tr'lI1sver~e line eXLellllillg t"'lIm the fourth mark til the iutoriol' ullgle i m,lI"ginal points hInck, millllte; exterior horder ruthel' ohli'lUe hind. W'll'rl, Hillil wiug;s dark CUpr€Olls. Length of the budy 2t line& j of the wings 6 liues. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 286. Mas. p"mela (ih;U:CHIA. 1> MI8H1.:'I\lU,I,A, sub(1t,; (ll'genteo-eirlCl'PIt; J1a1l1i basi lIi,qm; olllorll!re subserralw; 1ifdes slIpm ni[J!"i~alLtn., m'glmlen faseitLti, ti4iis poslids .fimbrirlliR; Itlm (tnli(!(e villa 7}(J"liea la,tissi7l1a obscure clI}lrea stl'i,qam ob{iqu(lm em.itlente, spatill SIiOmlli'!Jirmli ni!/ricallIe j(1,wiam. allleam strigulusqwl ll'igras includente; poslivaJ obwl·re clt.prert. ocjll'ltcea, Tli/nut(L, ni(;ri, al·tic/tio 30 pflllirle Or./LI'Il<'fIJ LEPInOPl'ERA llE'l'EllOCEllA.. 621 Male. Pale ochl'aceol1s, stout, silvery cinerf'ous benentll. PaJpi black, nearlv twice lou gel' than the hreadt.h of the head i seclllld joint rathel" hwall; third setiflJnn, pale ochraccoLls, black at the ba~e, mllch shorter tlUlll tht second. Autf'IJII<lJ stuut, very lllillutely sorrated. Lt'gs stout, IlHlsi,ly blackish ahove; tipH of the tihim ilDd of the joints oj' the tarsi silvery; hil,d (ihiw with It short tLick fringe. Wings moderatuly hroad. Fore wiugs btlrdly acute, with a dark cupreous stripe 011 the intel'iIJr border, oGcnpyin!; more t])"n IHllt'the breadth, extending fl'fllll Ileal' the hase to three-iuurths of the length,. and emitLing a shurt <rhlique streak t(,waJ'(ls ti,e COSHI; wbm>ll'f(inaJ' spuce diffusedl), bhll-kish, with au il'l'q.:ulal' lIHleous hand, hC.lDUd which there !Ire II few very millote hlack IOllgitudillal streak>; exterior border slill.htly COli vex, moderately oblique, Himj Whl!l;R dark QUPI'ClIHS; frilJge IElleoIlS-ciueI'CUlls. LBllgth of the body 31' lines i of the wings 9 lines. a-d. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection, 287, GllLIlCHlA IlUSTICI~LL,\. Ctlprea, subtl1s argenlca; anlennm glabraJ, graciles; perles supra wprei, al'ganlna ./asGiali; alee l!ltliew fascia lilia, liuea Mas, tl'an.I'1Ifrs,t inlC1'iore sIt/lUng'll/OS!! Iilltl·iol''1zte e.TJterill1'ibu~ ~oslali bus cilltreis, fascia submlL1'!Iinali PUI'jJUl'et!. lIfule. CU]lreOnS, shmdel'. Head in f'rOl;t and undel' side silvery. PallJi more thllll twice lon~el' than the brendtb (If tho bead i secund joint rather bl'Oilll; Ihirli ~lendel', setifOI'lD, as lung- as the secolld. Antllllllre sltJ/loth, slender, milch shOl'ter than the fore wings. Tibim and tarsi cllpl'euus abuve, with silrery balld~. llore wings nurrow, aClIte, with a broad irregular spetklcd cinereolls band; a slightly zill'zup: transverse line hetweeu the blliid ull(ilhe base of the wiug, lIml a few minute cillereollS marh llel1\' the clJsta anc! contiguous to a met,dlic-purple suhIlH\I'!.{in:tl hllnd; exterior border very uhliquo. Hind wings with the CURt,1 whitish along most of the length. Lellgth of the body I i line; uf the will~s 4 lines•. a.• Ega. Frum ')Ir. Bales' collection. 288. GllLEOIfU Frem. Cer.l,ina, SEJUNC'fELI..)., a''9en1eu; abdomen ni!J"icans; pedes pallieli, C(mr.'olO1'es,. alev (I1Iti('te lalius['ulre, /(1sdu lata abbreviatll slrig1tlll pmillenle ma['ulaque subma')'giliali cervinis > [lQslicaJ nigdcantes. ,lllblllN CHALOGUE OF Female. Fawn-colonr. H~lld in front and under side silvery. 1'Illpi I'alller stollt, much longer thai] the hreadth of tlle head; third joint selir"rm, sholtel' than the s~cond. AntellJHC much slJUl'tel' than the fUl'e win~s. Ahdomcll and hind wings blackifh. Legs wholly pale. Fore win~s rather hIoad, somewhat rounded at the tips, with (\ iJroad (\ark('l' f'awn-cuIOltred ll<lud, which is ahbl'eviated towards tlte cu,ta al](l emits an oblique streak outward; this streak ap_ prunehes the hilld end of un elulIg-ated slIlnnargiual spot of the Same hue. Lcugth of the body 2 liues; of tbe wings 6 lines. a. Ega. Frolll :Mr. Bates' collectiou. 289. GELEOI-lIk l'HOPRlELLk. Mas. Cpl'vina, suhtus m'genteo-cinel'ea; palpi cp.l·villO trifasdati; antl'llll(e SUbSBl'rll/a?; alre 1l1llicaJ jasriis dllubus obliquis ILrgmIds, lima rrpud marginem illte"iol'OIlt stri{,aqm lata subllpicali or."'/'acei.~, hae lineD lam nigl'(lln inciudente, spatio Inclrginali Ql"[ff'r!leo; ]lustic(JJ (1!llea:. lila Ie. FawlJ-eolour, slender. Hend in front and under side silvery cine1'eollO. Palpi tlhllut thrice 10llger thau the breadth of the hC!\(\; secolld joiut with lWO pale fawn-coloured hands j tbinl setii'orlll, pale i'awu-cololll'Pcl, except lit the base, a little longer Lhall the SI)I.'OTJCJ. AlltelllJaJ 8Jenc1~r, vel'] minutely serrated, as l[lllg ns the fore wings. Wings narrow. Fore wing~ l'Outlde(\ at the tips, with two lJhliqllt~ silvery bauds, olle 11c~r the lmse, the olher in the middle j 1111 inc::t'ulal' ocliraceotJs line along tIle iuteriol' bOl'dcl', an(l an ocllt'uc~(IUS sho1'\ broad sulmpical streak, which contains a little black Iiue; marginal space nlOslly silvery. Hind wings mll~('tls. Length uf the body 2i\- lines; of the wings (J lilies. a. Ega. IrOIIl .Mr. Bate.' collectiou, 2110. GELECHlA SUPERATELL.A. Fen'ugillPu, SllutUS a?'geulPa.; palpi j1tSC() tI'ifasciali; an'tennal srtu/llSle; prdes "obusti, libiis postids jim/"'illlis, t(l1'8is 110sticis juseo fa~cialis; "l(l! (tnt jell! jltsciis d1lail!t.\' til/eugue antica. dup/iellta ob/iqnis argmll'i.,·, .llri.'lis ()chraceis ii/uri,'que Mgen_ teis et ni!1ris s(tbmal'gillalibus ; }Josticce amt·o-cillercaJ. Ferruginous. Head in frout and under side silvery. Pal pi nearly thrice )oll!(cr thau the breadth uf the head; secoud juint with two !mJ\vn hands; third brown, setifOl'rn, silvel'Y at the base, nearly as ]Ullg as the second. Antenllm min\ltely sctulose. Legs stOllt; hind tibirn thickly fringed i hiud tarsi with brown bands. 623 LEPrDOPl'EIlA. HEl'EROOERA. Fore win~s slig'htly acute, moderately broa.d, with two irregular oblique silvery bnllds; first bnnd ne:H the baRe; second in the middle; a double sill·c1'Y line extending' from the casta to one-third of the 1ll'eadth, more ohlique th(tll the second band; some ochm,ceous st1'eal(s between the second baml and the cxtel'ior border, accompauied lly bhwk and sill·cry marks; exterior borrler very oblique. Hind wiIJ,«s a!ncolls·cinereolls. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. Il. Ega. l'rom Mr, Bates' collection. 291. GELECl!IA SUFl"USELLA. Freru. ClqwefJ_nigra, subllts ar,genlea; 1Jedes supra ClllJrea-nigri, ar[fclltr!Q ,firseiali; aim rlllliew frtsciis duahus al~is iatis connCJ,is, 21t mal',IJiltem versus dfiJ'usa, plmctis submargiualibus alb is eIOIU}nlis. FCJnaie. Cupreous-l1lack, Head in front and uurler side silvery white, Palpi lllorc than twice longer than the breadtll of tIle head; ~econd joint with lllllllm'OllS tr[tllSI'erse black lines; thh'd llinger than the second. AUlCllllW very slender, shorter than the fore wings, Tibire and tarsi cupreous.hlack allOve; tih1[O with a siivery b~\ncl !lod silvery tips; joints of the tarsi with silvery tips. Fore wiug's lI~rl'OW, rounded at the tips, WIth two hl'oad white irregular bands; lirat baud extending to tbe hase, connected in the disk with the secolld, Whieh is diffused towards the exteriOl' border; a row i)f white ~lungated submarginal poinls; exterior border convex and obliqlle. Length of the body 2 lin~s j of the wings () lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 202, GELECHlA sunL"CSTnICELLA, lIas. Pllilirle or/lI', sa I rabusta, subllts argenlen; palporp,m M'ti,'lI/l1s ,211.9 lute fimbriatus,. pedes '''P''a cllpl'ei, argente& fase'irlli, ti biis ]lrlstids pallidis jimbl'iat'is; alre antic(B nigra CI))l'J1(!)'<W, '"itta l·()~tali cup rea e linei,\ Ilullbus pallidis inte')". fllpla, li/llm basali slri[Jisque dualms po"ticis obliquis cupl'eia, fa,leia sublllr!1Tlinilli chalybma; pos/iCi2 (1!1!ca;. Mille. Pale ochmceoL1s, l'atlJCr slont. Head and under side silvery whit~. PIIlpi U1JIIllt twice lon~el' thlln the breadth of the hellel; ~ccourl joint broa.dly fl'illged 011 bOlb sirles; third slenrier, setifol'lll, as long liS the second. AutenllW smooth, slender, lllUCh G 1124 CATALOGUE OF shOl'ter than the fore wings. Tibim and tarsi CUPI'Cons ahove; tips oj' the til.irn aud of the joints of Lhe tarsi silvery; hind Lillire pale, fringed, Fore WiDI(S moderately broud, much rounded at the tips, minutely black-speckled, witb a cnpreous costal stripe, which is interrupted by two oblique }lale lines, aud does not extend to the tip; II CUP1'COIIS mm'k at tIle base of llw interior border; two irregular olllique CUpl'eOllS streaks extending outward (0 the disk fro III onethin! of the length of the interior border; a submarginal chalYheous band; a reddish tinge along the exterior pmt of the costa and along- the fore pari of the exterior harder, which bas a "black liue and is nut ulilique. Hind whIgs reueous. LeugLh of the body ;} lilles; uf the wings 7 liues. a. Ega. FI'OIU 1\11-. Bates' collection. 293. GELEcrn~ LrnERA'rELL~. /Enea-cinn'ea, crassa; palpi ?'obusli, rdgrieant.e varii; anlen7ltE baNi illc},llssa/tl; tibitE pilasle; (lId! antica jusro conspers<1!, jascia puncta dua nigricantia inciudenle punc~ tisquc lIlarginalibus jus cis, pune/is dl!obus disculibus emte?'ioril!1!~ nig)'icant.iilu8. Female. Cinereous, very stout, tinger! with reneous. Palpi stout, partly 11lackish, much lon{l,'cr than the brear!th of the head; tbird joint lallceolate, shorter thall the second. Autennre smooth, shorter than the fore wings i first joint iucrassaled. JJcgs stout; tihiro with tlll'ee short hairs. Fore wings narrow, hardly acute, speckled with browll; a brown band before the Imiddle, concave on the ontel' side, diffuse on the inuer side, containing two blackish l,oints; two blackish poiuts in the extel'iot' disk i mal'ginal points dark brown, D(lt concise; extCl'ior 110rder extr~me1'y oblique. Length of the budy a lines; of the wings 8 liues. a. Ega. Fl'OID Mr, Bates' collectiun. F(l)m. 294. GELECRIA. SEl'A.IlATELU. Mas. Aurato-fiam, sublu! argentea; pedes pullidi, unicolores; alee anliCIe ia/iU8cui,e, lineis duaLus aUj'alis trIL1l8Vel'sis subrectis pU1!ctnlarihus, Ia ahhrevia(a, 2a s1,Ihobliqua, pUlIctis duobus poslici~' a!~ratis,. postiam albid(C. ]J[ale. Gilded yellow, slender. Head in frvnt and under side silvery. PaJpi much longer tlJaJl the bl'ellclth of tlJe llCad; third joint setiform, shlll'lcr than the second. Antennre very slender, much shorter thun the fore WillgS. Legs slender, wholly palco 625 LEPWOl'TERA HETEROCERA. Fore wings \'ather broad, slightly acute, with two transverse nearly straight gilded lines, which are composl)(l of contiguous points; first line beyond the middle, ahbl'e\,iated at each end; secoud sliglltly oblique, extending from the costa to the interiOi' angle; two small gilded points neal' the interior bOl'der between the two lines; exterior border slightly convex and oblique, Hind wings nanuw, whitish, shining. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings I) liues. ~. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collectiun. 295. GELIlCHIA FALC.l:tIlLLA. Fu:m. Chal,1/bceo-"igl'a, subtus (Ll'genlea; pcdus supra ni.ql'icantr.s, argenteo jasciali; allJJ Illiticce lon9ce, anguslre,ialcalm, punctis duouus costalihus a'l'genteis. Female. Chalybeous-black, slender. Head in fl'Ont and uuuer side silvery. Palpi o.bout twice longel' t1l<111 the breadth of the head; third joint a little longer than tbe second, Antenure Il\\lch shorter tlull1 the fore wings. Legs very slender; tibire unci tal'si blackish; tips of the fonner and of the joints of the latter silvery. 'Vings long, narrow. Fore wings falcate, acute, with two silvery costal points, one at three-Jlfths of the length, the othel' at [001'fifths. Hind wings Ihtrk cuprcous. Length of the bally 3 lines; of the wings 8 lilles. a, Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 296. GELllOHIA llXTREMlCr,LA.. Frem. Obscure cupl'eo.jusca, sl.Ibtus al'.qenlea; lJedes supra Cl!prei, al'!lenleo jl!sciati j alce anticrli jalcalre, stl'i,lja obligw! subapicali argentea, puncta apieali fimbriaque alMs. Female. Dark cupreous-hrowll. He'ld in front and under side silvery white. Palpi twice longer than the breadth of the belu] ; secondjoillt slightly fringed, black at the tip; third very slender, as lung as tbe second. A ntenore slender, milch shOI'Ier than the fore wings. Tibire and tUl'si dark cupl'eolls above; tips of the Libia: and of tbe joints of the tarsi silvery. Fore wings thlellte, moderately broad, with II sleuder silvery streak, which extellds fl'om tll\'ee.follrths of the length of the custa to lhe fOI'e eud of the exterior border; a. wbite POitit at tbe tip of the costa j frillge wbite; extel'ior bllrder slightly cOllvex and oblique. Hind wings very narrow; fringe long. Length of the body.2 lines; of the wings 0 lines. ll. Ega. ,From Mr. Bates' collection. G2 626 CATALOGUE Of 297, GELECHfA SUOCINCTELLA, From, Obscure Ml7Jreo}u,jca, subtus Itrgentea; palllllrum al,ticulus 3"s basi niger; 7'edes S1l7"'a, lIi9ricante,~, al'genlen fasciati; alaolalt.e,jimbria alba; anlic(£ pllrpuraSClmtesltffllBall margine exteriorc albo. Female. Dark cUjlreous;browD. Hencl in frout and DudeI' siclc silvery. Palpi twice longer tblLll the breadth of the head; third joint sctiforOl, black at the base, a liltle sholtCl' thllll the second. Tillire und tRl'si blackish ahovc; tips of the former and of the joints (If the latter silvery. Winp:s broad. Fore wings rounded <It Ihe tips, purplish tinp:ed; exterior border aud fringe white l exlcl'jOl' },order not obli(lllC. Hind wings more cuprenlls; fringe mustly white tuwarrls the tips; costa wllilish, except towal'ds the tip. Length of the body 2t lines; of the wiJlgs 6 lines. a. Ega. From Mr, Bates' collection. 298, GELBCHU SOLELJ.A • .!lIas. Pallidc or:hracea, subtus argcnteo-achracea; antC71lll1l pllhe. scenics; alee anticlE latitlsclltllJ, st1'iuis obscnl'ioribus, striga basali niu,icanle; posticflJ obscure cinel'l!([!. lIIde. Pflle ochraceous, mtller stout. Head in front and nnder sille with a silvery linge, Palpi mllch longer Ilmu the breadth of tllC llead; third juint setiform, shorter than tllC second. Antennw nlilJutcly puLescenl. l.egs Slllooth, ralhOl' stout; spurs very long. "Fote wings n\thcr broad, rlllllJdea at the tips, lon!;itu(linally and irregularly stl'caked with darker ochraceous; a slight blackish streak extellding from the base alung' Due-fourth of the length of the disk; exterior borde)' sli~hlly convex, hardly oblique. Rind wings dark cinereouR. Length (If the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a, Ega. From Mr. BateS' collection. 299. GELECHlA SElIfOl'ELLA. Mas. Pallille ochtacea, subtus a,rgenteo·oclwacea; pedes pallidi, conc(I/ores; (Ita! antic(JJ latiusClllce, costa basi, pun<:ta ('ostali spatioq1(e mm'9illllli ]l1l171'U1'eo.(lmeis; ]losljete alnen-cinerea. Relnale. Pale gilded yelluw. Head in front and under side silvery, Pal pi J'1Llher slont, neurly twice longei than the breadth of tIle head; thhd juint setifol'llJ, shorter than the second. AU(e[UlIil 627 LEPIDOPTERA IIETEROCEllA. milch sholter thnn the fore wings. Legs slender, wholly pale. Fore wings rather lnoall, hardly acute; costa at the base and ruther less than one-fourth of the surface from tho exterior bonIer lJlll'plish mueous; a point on the cost{\. of the same hue at two-thirdti of the length; exterior bortler hi! rdly Ollliq ue. H inc] wi ngs ameOllsciuereous. Length of tl]() bOlly 2 lines; of the wing's 5 lines. a. Ega. From l\h. Bates' collection. 300. GST.JW!HA INTENTEI.Lk. Frem. A'!watn-ochracea, subtus al'_qentea; pulpnrwn Iwticldu8 2us apice fimbriatus; abdomen nigricans; peries rll~qc/ltei, ni.7I'icante fasciati; aIm o,lltic<!) ,ftlsaiis qlut!lIor p!tl'plirascentibll.l, 10, 3aque intel'rulJlin, 2" Q,nlice fUTcI!la, 31t 41tIJue c07mc:uis, punatis margin1tlibllS nigris. Female. Gilded ochl'aceous, Head in rnmt and under side silvery. Pal pi thrice longe\' th,lll the b"cndth orthe hend; second juint fl'illf;cd abuve towurds the tip; third setirorll1, nearly as long as the first. Antelllloo Rlender, much shorter than the fore wings, Abdomen and hind wings hlackish. Legs sihel'Y; tibial with two blacki~h bands; joints of the tarsi blackish towards tIle base. Fllre wings mode" rately bl'oacl, slightly acute, with fOllr irregular purplish h(lll{ls; first and tlJil'd hands interl'llpted j first busal; second fOl'ked ill frollt j fourth cOllnected Oll the illterim' border with the third; a row of black points along the apical part of the costa and IIlong the exterior lJurder, whi(!h is slightly CCIDl'ex amI oblique. Length of the body 3 liues; (If the wings 7 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection, Madeira Isles, 301. GELJ;:OfIlA l!ULCHRA, pulchra, Wlt». Dezel'tll Gmnde. 302. GELECIIU_ NIGROMAOULA.TA. nigromaClllata, Witn. Macieil'a and Southetn Dezerta. 63 OATALOOUE OF 303. GllLECHIA POllTOSANCTAliA. I'ortosanctanll, Sin. Porto SUlltO. 30·1. GEI,EelIIA SUBMISSELLA. sllhmissella, Sin. Purtu Santo. 305. GELECHU. OOELLATELLd. oecllatcl1n, Sin. Portu Santo. :JOG. (·h:mcHl/\ FASCUTA. fasciata, Slo,. DezuJ'lu Umnde. 307. elachistella, Sill. Northern Dezel'ta. GELECHIA ELAcmsrELI.~. South Africa. 308. GEI,r,OIHA l'e~cjsseIlD, RESCISSgLL.~. Zl. Natal. 309. G}:LECHIA. ZETl'lmSTEDTIELI.A. Zetterstedtiella, Zl. Natal. 310. GELllC'HIA EXTEnllEI.l.A. Nothris externella, ZI. SouLh Africa. :111. Nothl'is septellu, Zl. Suuth Africa. GEmcRIA SEP'.rJlLLA. 312. GELECIIIA. TRIDELL!. Brachmin tl'igella, Zl. South Africa. LEPIDOPTERA. RlJ:TEROOEl\A. 313. 629 GELEOH!A SUIlSEOIVELLA.. Brachmia sllbsecivelln, Zl. South Africa. 314. GIlLEOR!A ADJUNO'fIlLLA. Mas. Ni.'1ro-cinerea, sub tUB al'gcltleo-ci,lel'ca; anicn1ull vial ser_ ra(,e; atre anticw ,dgro punctatce; i!inereo conspersl1I, spatio marginali cinerco; posticte pa/lide cinereal. Male. Blackish cinereolls. Head in front and under side silvery ciuereons. Palpi very JlJllch longer than the hl'clulth of the head; second joint squamous, rather lmmd; Ihirll sctifol'Il1, nearly as long as the second. AntennID hardly serrated, much shOl'ter than the fore wings, Abdomen silvery cincreous. Legs rather stout. Wings narrow; fringe very long. Fure wing'S slightly l'Ouu(led at the tips, with a few blank points and with SOlne cinereous speckles, wholly cinereulls along the extel'iOI' horder; exterior border very oblique.. Hind wings pale cinereons, shining; fl'inge with an reneous tinge. I,ength of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 tiues. a, b. Calle. From M. Drege's collection. South Asia. 315. GELECtllA.P HIBISOI. bibisci, Atkinson, Sta. Calcutta. 316 . .GELECHIA? PU.lJESOIlNl'ELLA., pubescentella, Sta. Calcutta. 317. GELEOHU SIMl'LICIEJ,U. simplieiella, Sta. Calcutta. 318. GELECHIA. lIlARQINIPUNO'l'ELLA.. margiuipullctelJu, 8ta. Calcutta. 630 CATA1.0G UE OF 319. GE1.1WHlA TnANSACl'ELLA.. Fc:em. Cel'1Jillu; aim anticce 7on.qre, sat angmltli, fuseD conspersal, 9Ullis duahus discalibus Jmcis. Female. Fawn-colour. Palpi rfllwh longe!' than the brerIdlh of the hearl; third joint setifol'ln, as lung as the secoud. Antenn<e slender, vel'y much shorter dum the fore wings. Fore wings long, ralher narrow, speckled with hrOlvn j two brown dots in the disk, one at one·thhd of tile lengtll, the other at two"thirds uf the longth; exterior bOl'der extremely ohlici ue. Length of the body {)? lines; of tbe wings 14 lines. a. South Hindostan. Presented by M. J. Walhuuse, Esg: 320. GELECFlIA llETll.!.CTEI.I.A. ll:Ias. Cinerea, fuscD conspersa,. lJalpi fuseo ftl.lciati; antennre viI);; sermt.:e; allP antit.'al guttis tluabus rliscalibus nigricuntibu8; posticll! ]1allide cineJ'e,c. ]}[ale. Cinereolls, very thickly speckled wilh brown. Pnlpi cinereous, with bruwn hands, about twice 101ll(cr than the breadth of the head: thil'd jllint Retiform, shorter tban the ReVllIl(1. Autennw bardly serrated, vcry much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen and bind wings pale ciUel'eOliS. Fore wings moderately broad, slightly rounded at the tips, with two !OLllld blackish dots, one before tbe middle, one beyond the middle; extel'iol' bordel' extremely oblique. Length (If the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. Ii. Ohina. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq. 321. GELEOHIA SEPOSITELU,. Mas. Cinerea; caput pallide flavuYII; palpi nigro vUl'ii; anten'lllll subsel'ral<ll; pede& supra ameo-fusci, pallielo fasciati, t-ibiis posticis fimbriatis; ala: antira nigra cQnspers(/J, gutlis quatuor discalibus pun.ctis'luc marginalibus nigris; postIcte palLide (meo-cinel'cre. Cinel'eous. Head and fore part of tlie tliol'QX pale yellow. PaJpi pale yellow, partly black, much longel' than the breadth of the head i seCOllu jOint squamous; third setiform, as long as the seeo,nd. Antenn<e minutely serrated, llIllch shorter thun the fore wings. Hind tibial fringed; anterior libiro and tar:;.i Ilineous-brown above; tibiro with a pale band anel with pale tips; Male. LEPIDOl'l'ER.1 RllXEROOERA. 631 joints of the tarsi with pale tips. Win!\'s long, l'ather narrow; friuge long, Fore wings acule, black-speckled, with fOlll' dots; first dot ileal' the hase; secoud !lud third in the disk befure the middle; third nearer the COSlil than the second, and further from the lHt8e; fourth in tlle exterior disk; l\ rOI\' of black ll11itlts ex. tending along the apical purt of the CI},ta and along the fore Jlllrl of the exterior border, which is extremely oblique. Hind wings pale reneOlls-eittel'eons. Length of the body 4 lines; of the WillgS 12Ii1165. (I-C. CeylOIl. From M. Nictllcr's collection. :122. GIll,EOUI!. 1IllGATIIT.LA. Mas. Oinerea; palpijlexi, capitis latitudinc plus tlu)llo IOIl,qilJres; pedes poSlici lonfJi, 1·obu.I'ti, tibiis subjimiwittti.l'; alce /mlie·(/;! a/lice roWndalrE, climidio cxteriol'e ~u.l'ct!J'iol·e, fjllttis daab!!.\' disCldibus plagi,lque du,~bu,s litul'i,lqut? qualnor mfu!/inttlious ni,(jj'is, linea e.vlej';"re nigl'ltjlexu ciuereo pallido mUfgiuatiL; po"licw paUide cinl:reee. lI:l,t/e. Ci11t'reous, Palpi bent, more than twice longer than tho breadth of the head; second joint black Ull the outQl' ~ide, ex. ,cept at the tip; third lanceollLte, as long as the scennd and much more slender. AlIlclIll[c long, stout. Abdomen extcllding l'tlther beyond the hind wings. Hind legs long, stout; their tibial sliglltly fringed. Fote wing's rOlllJde(l at the tips; exterior half durk cinereOllS; a hlack patch at the base; a large]' hlack patch bdore the middle, ullbrcviuted and indented towul'lls the iutel'ior burde)'; two exterior blavk discal dots placed trallsversely, ~1lI1 a mOl'e ex tori or deeply bellt black line, which is bordered with pille Glucl'e()us ou the uute], side; fOlll' Hlllall elonf,(utecl black marks Oll the exteriOI' border; uudel' side blackish uinel'eOlls. Hind wings pale ciuereulls. Length of dJe bady 3 Hues; or tIlo wiugs !Jlines. «, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 323. GELEGHIA DBPUCTEI.LA. Freill. Fusca; palpi capitis I"titudine dltpl/) longiores ; pectus et abdomen cinerea; alee ar!ticte apice "Qtu.UdlLiIB; po,lliclll cillel'ele. Female. BI·own. PaJpi, anteullID, pectlls, nhdomen, leg's and hind wings cinereous. Palpi sligbtly curved, full twice lunger than. the breauth of the head; thirdjoiUL it Iir,lle longer thall th!) seconrl. Antenna: ShOJ'tcl' than the fore willgs. Abdomen eXLCuding l'athe): 632 OATALOGDR OF beyond the hind wings. Fure wings withont markings, founded at the tips; exterior border almost straigbt, slightly oblique. Length of the body 2-!- lines j of the wings 7 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 324. GELECHIA AFFIXELLA. FreIll. Cervina,. pade8lollgi; aim llutir(l1 acutiE, margine exteriore recto vi:!; obliquo,. posti(,{E vim pal/idiom. Female. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Pnlpi full twice longer than the breadth of the head; tbird joint very sleurier, a$ long as the second. Antenulll slender, much shortcr tban the fore wings. Legs smootb, long, slCll(ier; spurs very long. Willg~ long, moderately broan. Fore wings acute; exterior bonier straight, hardly ohlique. Bind willp;s hardly paler than the fore wings. Length of the budy 5 lines; of tue wings 12 lines, a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 325. GELECHIA STRENURI,LA, From, Cervina, robusta; pedes breuinsculi; aire untiea; subaclltc1J, costa apicali mUl'gineque emteriore nigm Jlunctatis; posticre cilleme. Female. Fawn-colour, robust, cinel'eons beneath. Palpi full twice IOllger than the brearith of the head; second juint rather broad; third setifol'm, a little shurtcj' than the set:ond. AlltClllllll ~lender. much siloner than the fore wings. I,egs smooth, rather short and slendet·. Wings moderulely bl"Oud; f)'iuge rather hmg. Fore willga slightly acute, with fuur bluck puints at the disk, two before th~ middle, the uther tlVO heyond the middle, the third and fourth hehind the fit'st and 8econci; some black points along the apical partof the costa nnd ulullg the exterior border, whicb is straight lind muderatoly ohlique. Hind wings cinereoll8. Lellgth of the body 2t lines; of tbe wings 7 lines. u. Ceylon, Presente(l by Dr. Templeton. PlIrtcli.1 quatullr rliscalibus nigris, 326. GELllCHlA OORNUT]:LLA. Mas, Cinel'eo-cel'vinu; anten1la! gl(Lb"aJ, sat robust~ j pedes longiu~c'Llli; aim anlira! lOllgm, anuustre, margine emleriOl'e pCfobliquo; POb'lica albido-cincme. MIt/e. <?incl'euus fawu-colour, slender, paler heneath. Pulpi more tban tWICe longer than the breadth of the head; thil'd joint LEPIDOPIElU IIEIEROCE [tA. 633 slender, as long' as the second. Antcnnre smooth, rn.tllcr thick, shorter than the fore wings. Legs mther lonl{. Wings long, 111ll'rOW, shining. Fore wings rounded at the lips; exterior bonier extl'emcly ohlique. Bind wing'S whilish cillet·eous. Length of the budy 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented hy Dr. Templeton. 327. GELEOHIA. TETRASPILELLA. Pallicli.~sime cervina,. palpol'urn ul·ticulu$ 2'J,\ apice ,\ub· jascit'!tialus; pedes bl'e1Jiu8Cuii, sat robusti; al(lJ antica punctis duobus disealibus niYI'icanlibus. Mas. MIlle. Very pale f,tWll-coloul'. Pillpi more than twice longer than the breudth of' the head; second joint very long, slightly tufted above at the tip; third joiut slender, setiform, not more than half the length of tIle seeom!. AntenDUl smuoth, much shorter than the fore wings. Legs smuoth, rather short aud stout. Wings moderately broac!' Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, witll tlVO blackish points in the disk j first point before the middle, a little nearer the costa than the second, IV hich is beyond the middle. Hind wings a little paler thall the fure wings. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 328. GELEOlJlA AGNA'l'ELLA. Frem. Cinereo:fusea; ala: anlic(lJ vi:u acuter, lineis obscurioribus oblif(uis pamllelis, spada marginali cQnsperso non linealo; postic(i3 Ci1l0l·~lE. Female. Cinereons-bl'own, cinereous beneath. Palpi twice longer than the breadth of the head; third slender, a little shorter ~han the second. Anteunre slender, m nch shorte\· tllan tile fore wiDg~. Legs smuotb, slender. Wings moderately broad, Fore wings hardly llcute, with mUIlY oblique pal'allel darker lines; mnrginal space speckled, without lines; exterior border convex, slightly oblique. Hind wings cinerCOllS. Length of the body 3t lines; of I the wings 10 liues. a, h. Ceylol1. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 634 CATALOCfUE OF 329. GET~'ECHLI. AMlCELJ.A.. Mus. Cinrren-rervina; perles bl'evillSculi, 8tH .qra~iles, tm'si$ amea jasC'i.IlIi.<; aim antira; macula marina postim stri,qaqlte exler-jure dis!!.tli transversa nigris cinerea nLul:qinutis, jllscia crvteriore nigricllI1teiuius dijfusa (?X1118 subundulllia cinereo lIlafginata. Jfa/i,. Cinel'eous fuwn-clI]lJul', slender. PilIp! m01'e than twice lon"cr thun the breadth of the heM.!; thiril join! very slcurlcl', longer tha~ tbe seClJlld. LeJ,ls smooth, f«lher sh(lrt and slender; tarsi with wlleons bauus. Wiugs na1'l'ow. Fure wings acnte, with a large hlack cinel'COllS-hol'ueJ'cd spot on the interior border hofore tbe middle, and a sllUl't tl'llIlSVerse streak of tbe same hUI) in the disk at tWIl_thinJs of the length; a blackish exterior banel, which extends dilfuscdly t() the streak 011 the inlier side, Ilnd is burdere(l by a slightly undulatinlf cinel'COllS line on the outer side; exterior horder very oblique. X,ellgth Df the hody 2t Iiues j of the wings 71illes. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dt·. Templetoll. 330. GELIlCHfA AT.fENELLA. Mas. Pallid" cinerel1-cervina ; anten)!/!) j'obllslm ; pedes longiuscnli, sat 1Jfflidi; ala: anlicl1' liunelis Juab'lts disl'ILlibus nig?'ican.tibu8, costa margineIJ1l8 exlel'iore jll8CO conspcl'sis,. posticlX cinerete. Male. Pule cine1'6ons fawn-colour. Pal pi longer than twice the breadth of tllfJ bend; thirc1 joint setifol'ID, l'ather Slont, much shorter than the second. Anteullw stout, much sbOlter than the fore WiUI{H. LCI!:~ SUwotil, ratller long and stout. Wings moderately broad; fringe long. Fore wings slightly acute, speol!led with brown alllllA' the costa. nntl ltlong the exterior b01'(ler ; two hlnckisll points in thc disk, one before tile middle, the other beyond the middle; exterior horder very oblique. Hiud wings cinel'eous. Length of the body 2 lines; oj' the WillgS 5t lines. a, o. Ceylon. Pl'esented by Dr. Templeton. 3;31. GEL1';CHIA IMUE!lITELr~A. JEneo.cel'v!?llt, subtu.1 n!',irenle?-U~nel'ea I ~1(lJ antied! punr.tis quinque costatzbus elollyatt,y O{Jhqulli albldu, 3a 411 Daque apprQroiIllatis; postiece pallid·iores. 635 LEPIDOPTERA. HETEROOEn.!. iEnoClus fawll-colour. Head in front and under side silvery cincreolls. Pl1lpi of the usual strllcture, more tllllIl twice longer than the hreadth of the head; third joint almost us IOllg as the second. Legs smooth, slender. ·Wings rather narrow. ForB wings slightly aCUle, with five whitish ublique elongated costal puints; fil'st point before the middle; second beyond the middle; third, fUUI'lh Ilnd lifll! approximate, neal' the tip i exterior horuer slightly convex, !'Utber oblique. Hilld wings paler. Length of the bouy 2 lines; of tbe wings 5 lines. a. Ceylon. Presellted by Dr. Templeton. 332. Gl£LEOIIlA AlIOTELLA. Mas. Pal/ide cinereo-ccl'vina; antemUl) validtlJ; pedes breviuuuli, fimbria IOllfJis- .~al gl'aciles; al(l angusltlJ, at/OlUIata, acuto!, si»~a; postie(e cinerel11. Male. Pale cinel'cous fawn-colour, slender. Palpi smooth, nearly twice IOllger thall the bl'eadth of the hCild; tllird joillt setiform, shul'tcl' than the second. ArncnDru stout. Legs slIIooth, ruther short and slender. Wings long, narrow; fring'c vel'Y long. Fore wings acnte, tapering frolll the interiol' angle tu the tips; exterior horder extremely oblique. Himl wings ciuereous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the WillgS 5 lin~s. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 333. GELEOHI.A PATULELLA. Mas. Cana, crassa ; palpi robusti, al'ticl~lo 20 subtus fimbriata, 30 fasciis trihus nigricalltibll.s; pede! brQV8S, 1!aUd'i; aile anli~(lJ fusces('cnte subcollspersa!, stl'igis nonnullis cinereis, pune·to basali, st/'iga discali pUllctisque duo bus apud CinfJulum illieriorem nigl'icant'ibus, Male. Hoary, very stout. Palpi stout, much longer tllan thEl breadth of the head; seconr! joint fringed bClleaLh; third sctifnrrn, with three blackish hanris, as Inuit as the seclmd. ADlennru sillooth, rathel' stout, much shorter lhan the fOl'e wings, J.egH sllllJoth, short, stput. Wings rather narrow, slightly acute. Fore will!(s minutely and indi~tillctly brownish-"peckled, with a few ~light hl'egular cinereous stl'eaks, with a blackish point near the bilse, with II blackish streak 111 the disk, and with two bLlCkish points llCal' the interior angle; ,extcl'ior bonIer extremely oblique. Length of the budy 3 lines; of tlie wings 7 lines. a. Oeylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. H 636 CATAI.OGUE OJ:' 334. GELECHlA AP'l'ATELLA. Mas. CerVi!lll, subtus argenteo-cinerea; ]lalpi lati, articulo 20 squumosa, So lanceolato; an tennro ,Iai 'I'obustce; pedes 'Vulidi, tibiis tarSi,!ql1e nigl'icante ja,wl:atis, tibiis posticis subfimbriatis,. lila! p".!lic(IJ eiml'l!(j). ~lIfale. },'UlVn-colonr, silvery cinereous benellth. PaJpi l)l'oad, mnell longe)' thull the breadth of the head; second joint squamous benelltb; Illinllallcco]llte; a little more than half tlie length of the second. AnlellllU! smooth, !'Ulhel' ~tollt, much ~bol'tel' thull the fore willgs. Legs mther stout; hilld tibirn slightly fringed; tibim alld tal'si witll blackisll bllJHls. Wings mlher UllI'row; Mnge moderately long. Fore wings slightly rounded at tbe tip8; exterior border extremely oblique. Hillt! Witl!!:S cinereOllS. Length of the body a-at lines j of the wings 8-9 lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 335. GllLECHJA EUOERELLA. C~tp"eo-cel'vina, slIbtllS IlI'fjentpIJ-cinerea; anlennll! lOTlfJll!, l'obU~IIl!, seto.\IIJ; pedes lO1!!liusculi, sat !I"adZes; alili alIttCII! Mas. lon.o(e, anUIl,ltce, (wulm, striga costali exteriure cinel'ea; postictll o~scul'e t'inel'ere. Male. Cupreuus fawn-colour, silvery cinereous beneatll. Palpi smooth, more than twicr. longer thall the hreadth of the bead i thhd joint very slen!iel', as long as the second. Aulennlll long, Siout, seto,!', shorter than the fOl'e wings. Legs smooth, l'ather long and $Iender. Wings long, Darrow j n'inj:(e moderately. long. Foru wings acute, witll a Cillel'ellllS costltl streak at a HLtle before three~ foul'Ihs of the lenj('th; exterior bottler extremely oblique. Hind wings dmk eillereous. Length of the body 3 lines; or the wings 10 Iiues. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 336. GELECHtA ALUATELT.A. AZbido.; pedes graciles, b!'~vi1lSc!!li j. ailE a'lltictI! sat angustw, sltb~ acuillJ, .ce,·vino con,l}wrsce. Whiti~h, shining, slender. Falpi smooth, slender, more thall twice lOllger thun tlle brelldtb of the Jlead; third joint. setifol'm" . hardly half the length of the seGond. Anteunro smooth, slende~~ LEPID'Ol'TERA IlETEROCEltA. vcry much shorter than the fore wings. Legs smooth, slentlel', ruther short. Wings rather narrow. Fot'e wings slightly acute, speckled with fawn·colour; extel'iot' bOl'der extremely oblique. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings (llincs, a. Ceyloll. Pl'esented by Dt·. Templeton. 337. GEI.EOIllA .A.NGIJSTELLA. From. Albida ,; caput wbtns juscesccn,l; palpi ('apitis la,tiwrline paullv longiol'eG, tlt,ticulo 30 laneeolata j al(lJ antiIJte allguslre, aeu/re, all eo slrigallC. Female. \Vhitish, smooth, shinill!\". Head brownish beneath. Palpi smooth, slenrler, a little longer than the breadth of the head j third joint !unceolatc, shurter than the secolld, Alltennre slender, much shurter tlHln the fore willgs. Abdumen att€\1llated. Fora wings mil'rOIV, acute, with some wneous streaks, two (If which ar6 larger than the OLhers; of these olle· extends ubliquely outward fwm lhe exterior oosta, ;lllcilhe otLer is along tbe apical pl1l't of tlie costa i eXlerior border extremely oblique. Longth uf the botly 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines, Cl. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 338. Mas. GELEcnrA IMPACTEl.LA.. Obsclwe cllprea, sllhws atbida,. abdomen Zutoum, basi apiceque CllpreU11l; alre anticai an,gu.<tai, acutlll, liluris duab1J$ posticis, una discali unaque castelli e.vleJ'illJ'e (dbirli,~. 111ale. Dark CU!>I'eous, slendel', whitish beneath. Pulpi slender, much longer. than the h)'eadtll of lhe heall; thit'c! joint seLiful'ln, a. little shorter than the second; Antenna) smooth, \'aliler stout. Abdomen Ilileons, dal'k onpreolls towards Lhe base Hnrl towm!s the tip. Wings narrow, aente; fringe IOll!\" •. Fo)'c wings with a IVhiti~h streak along the base of the inlerior but'der, and witlt three whitish clong-atetl. spots; first tipot in the disk beforc the middle; second un the interiul' borrier beyond the mieldlc j third costal, nearer the tip; exterior border vcry obliqae. Length of the botly 3~ lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, b: North HindostaJl. From Mr, James' colleotion. This species to hiive sume affinity to the Al.qeriidlfJ. 638 CAl'ALOGUE OF Borneo, 339, GELEOHIA. CONTE)<TELt.A, Sch'ista~ea i palpi capitis latiwdinc dllplo lnnfJinres, articulo 20 ,~lIbfimbri~to; anlennaJ alis antieis multo brevinres; pedes sat 'Validi, tihiis posticis pubescentibu.9: alOJ anticOJ latiugclIlri, neutre, 711l1lclis d~wblls discalibm linellqlle e:rJt~riore I'eeta "tjlCrl'(t ni,r;l'iclInlib'IJ,., .9Iriga cos/ali suhapicali cervina, pn1lctis mal'gillaiibus lIigris i posticce fusco-cinerea, Mas, 1I111ie, Slaty cinereol1S, Palpi smooth, slender, eUl'ved, ascend· ing, twice lunger than the bl'eadth of the heiid ; secollli joillt slightly fringed ahu\'e; tbird as loug as the second. Antennre slender, lllllch shol'ter than the lore wings. Abdomen extending beyond the hind wiugs. L~gs I'atlwf stuut; hill(1 tiIJire pubescent, Wing,~ rather broad. Fore wings nellte, with two blackish discal points, one behind the other; a blackisb straight exterior lille, which is reBexed on the costa; a fawn.coloured streak aIling the apical part of the costH; marginal points black; fringe brownish cinereous; exterior bOI'(I~1' straight, moderately uhlique. Hind wingsurownish ciuel'eons. Length of the body 3 lines i of tbe wings 8 lilles. Sal'alVnk, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 340. GELEOHIA GA.MMA.NELLiI.. Ob,qcul'e CUpl'M, subtus subIiTgellleo-cinerea; pedpi capitis lalitudine dup[o lDngiorPS; aid! 'lIlli('le apire ?'a/nnelUlal, macula exte?'io'1'e fia'L'tt coslali trigona striyulam emitll)nte; Dark ClIpreOU9, Body beneatb, palri and leA'S pale cinere0118, sliglltly silvery, l'alpi smooth, Clll'I'eU, twice lunger than tbe bl'eudth of the head; third jujU! setifurlll, shultel' than the seaond. Wings mQd~ralely \)road, slightly cinel'cotls beneath. Fore wings rounded at the tips; a yelluw costal triaugulal' spot at three-rullrths of the length, clnitlinA' a slight streak to the disk; exterior border convf,lx, very t)bliqlle, Length of the body 2 r lines; of the, wings 6t l\lles. Sarawuk, Borneo, In 1111'. SUUlJdel'S' collection. LEPIDOI'TJ;;R.l. flETEltOCERA, 639 341. GELECHlA MEltr.:UlllEI,L,\, Frem, COI'pUS SI1[Jtll,! aI'genleam j lIn/pi aI',qentei, al'mnti, 9,'acillimi, capitis ialilurlillc plus dllplo i()l)!liore,~; IIntellllllJ g)'lwiilim{.(!, alis alltid! lJnuU" b)"('viores; ala Imtiea lJcra1!. CIlP"C(/,; gllSlce, al'gcTtil'lI pl!1!CtatIP.,jimfll'ia /lIllgi,qdma. Female. Cupreous, slender, Bocly silvery hemal11. P1l1pi silvery, smooth, oUl'ved, very ,1ennel" mUl'C thall twice longer than Ihe bl'eadth of the head; thiI'd juint shorter than the seconli, Autcnnw very slender, It litlle shiliter thall the fUN wiul.(s. Legs with silvery bands. iViogs very IHlrrow; fring'c extremely long. FIJre wings wilh about twelve silvery points. HilHl wings lanceo1ate; fringe foul' tillle~ lungel' thull the breadth of the wing. Lengtb or the budy Jj- lille; of the wing'S 4 lines. SIIl'llwak, BOl'l1eo. In Mr. Salludol's' collection. 342. GELIlCHIA Allrnm,L.I.. Ii'rem. Pllllide /t!.ftaceu; l'fllpi arcullti, ?ligl'iclmle .fascia Ii, capitis latitudine dU1Jili lO"Hi(}re~; antennce slibsetuios(f; "Ice (tIIljete pel'anguslm, apiae SUQ,'otunriutCl!,jascii., duullll8 indetP.l'lllinllti.v pallide sdtistaccis, /Iunt'ti,! 1l(Jlln1!llis 7ligl'is; po.l/h'le cineme. Female. Pale testaceous, slendm', smooth, slJining, slightly silvery, palpi smouth, slenuel', cu),ved, wilh hhlCkish band" f'tlll twice longer than the breadth ufthe head; third joiut a little longer tball tIle second. Antennm minl1leiy setulose, II liLLie shortol' thau the fore wings. Wings very na\Tuw; fringe lung. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, with two il'reg'ular pale slate·coloured bands, which llre accompanied by a few black puillls i fringe an!1 hind wings cinereuus. Length of the bouy 2 lines; of the wing~ 4t Jines. Sal'awuk, Borneo. hlMr, Saunders' collection. 343, GELECHIA SUJ1SEIWITELL,~. Pallid~ fiavescen.! ; 11a/pi capitis latitllrlillc duplo lllngiores ; brevio!'es,. aim dntiClli punctili duobu~ discalibllli lIi[lric«1ltihu~ i postiC(/) cinerec:e. Mas; alltenna: alis .(lilticis HS 640 CATALOGUE OF Male. Pale yellowish. PaJpi smooth, slender, c1I1'ved, ascending. full twice IOlJi!cl' than the breadth of the head; third joint shorter than the second. Antennre smollth, slcncler, rathel' shorter t]Jan t]lo fore wings. Abdomen extending beyond the bind wings. Fore wings moderately Ill'ond, with two blackish discal points, ulle before the michlle, the olhel' heyond the middle j costa Ilnd exterior hortler straight, the Jatter rathel' oblique. Hill(l-wings cinel'cous. Length of tbe bc,dy 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines. Saruwak, Burneo. III Mr. Saunders' collection. 344. GELEOIllA. FILOSELJ.A. ]\IaA. Pusca, pilosa . .m! robusta ; 1m/pi capiti,~ latitwline phs dupiQ longiore$, Uj'liculo In dense .fimbdaio, 20 apice slIbjasciculaIn; Itnienua! !ll'UcWirrulJ, alis anlici,l via; brevim'es; pedes 1)ldicli; ata! anllere cinBl'eo Cml.lpel'Sle, pnrpll1'eo $ubtinctw, apice slIhrotnnda!fl), 'l"i,gis ea;lel'im'ih"s ni_ql·i., strigi,v obliquis mar. gillalibus albidis; posticte cnpl'cn.ju.l(,aJ. Male. Brown, pilose, rathel' stollt, IJinereolls beneath. Pal pi nscentlitlg, slig-htly cUI'ved, mul'e tllan twice longer than the hreadth of tIle llead; lirst joint densely fringe'] j ~e(Jond slightly tuflecl at the tip; third setirOl'tn, shorter thull the seco1)c!. Antell1lre very slender, nearly 8S lung as the f'ure wiugs. AbdOinen cinel'cvus, extending much beyond the hind wing~; apical tuft Ion 1(, slightly compres'ecl. LCl{s SliJut, smooth. Wings nurrolV. Fore wings slightly ruunded nt the tips, speckled with cinel'eollR, sli~htly tiuged with pUl'ple; eXlerior pllrt with some black longitudinal stl'eaks,and with whitish uilliquc outwilrdly cOJHergiug sU'eaks along the costa. aorl along the interior borcl~r; exterior horder extremely Oblique. H iud winl(8 cupreous_IJI'OI' n. Lenl(th ofthe body 4 lines j of the wing~ 8 lines. Sarawuk, Borneo. In Mr. SaundeI'S'collection. 345. GELECHlA. SUBLEOTELLA. lYIaA. Sl1bl)rhruc~a; palpi ('api!i~ tclli!udine plusdllplo lon,giores, urticulo 20 densissimc jilnhl'iu.lo; alllennU! atis anliois paullo hreviol'€S; a/a; aillica; aClclO!, sat angustce, ni.gro P!lnctutQl, jasdis cluabu. indeterminatis nigricQ'n!ibus; ]JIIsticliJ oinero(1J. LEPIDOPTERA IIETEROCERA.. 641 Mala. Dull ochraceoliS. Abdomen and undor side cinereous. Palpi more thall twice longer than the bl'clldth of the head i second jOiilt very deusely tufted; third extremely slender, longer than the second. Allt~llllal sleo1ler, a little shorter thall the fore wings. Abdomen IUlIg; apical tuft small. Wings rather narrow. Fore wings acnte, with sevel'al black points, which Ill'e mo~tly on tIle costa i two irref,(ular hlackish bands, one nelll' the base, the other exterior; exterior bonier very 'obliqlle. Hind wings cillereons. J.engtb of tbe hody 2t lines; of tbe WiligS 5 lines. Sal'awak, Borneo. III Mr. Sliundcrs' collectioll. 346. GELECHIA. TRA.NSVERsmLLA. Cinerea, rob1Lsta; palJ1llr1tm artic,dll,~ 2us subtnG dfnse fim1n'iatl)s; prates bl'evimculi, snt ?'()busti; alce IllltiCIlJ fineis tl'ansl'el'sis ,quuulitribus fllsci,<, Female. Cinereolls, stOllt. P<llpi mnch longer than tbe hreadth .of the head i secund joinl thickly fringed beneath; third setir.'l'm, as lonl< as the second, Legs smootb. !'IIllier short llnd stuut. Wings moderately broad. FOl'e wings hardly nellie, with numerous brown .dots, which f"rm tl"illlS\'8rSe lines, and al'8 here IInc! there Inlllsversely cnnnected i extel'iOl' hOl'ricl convex, very oblique. Length of the body 4t lilies; of t1\e wir'gs 12 Iiues, Sarllwuk, Burtleo. In Mr. Saundero' collection. Frem. 347. GllLllCIIIA? INVARIELLA. Cinereo'amea i pa/pi capitis iatitudine mltlto longiores; antenn(J) alis anticis via:: breviores; tibill! postiell! jimbriatlf ; aile antiete laliusclIice, vim acutrl!, tilura. costali exlerim'e parva obiiqua Illbirla;firnbl'ia basi cinel'eo lineala, margine c(1Jleriore [tnticQ sube:ccavato. Male. Cinlmous-rene()us. Palpi smooth, much .longer tban the breadth of the helld; tllil'd joint setifol'm, leAS ourved and not shorter Ibnn the second. Antennre slender, nearly as lang as the fure wings. Abdoillen with a large apical tuft. Hind tibial fringed. Wiuga l'ather broad. Fore wings Ilttrtlly acute, with II minute oblique, whitish mlu'k on the costa at three-fourths of the length; II pale einereuns line on tbe base of the fringe; costa nearly straight; ext~rior border nat oblique, slightly excavated in front. Length of the body 3 liues i of the wings 8 lines. Surawok, Borneo. III Mr. Saunders' collectioD. Mas. 642 CATALOGUE Oll' 348. GELEOHIA? BIFERRINELLA. Fmm. Cha/!Ib(ea; flalpi gmrillimi, articulo 20 .fla1le,~eente; anInWi£ a/is anlici~ non breviores; libiO' apice 7li!li'icant~s; jUT$i ni,ql'icantejusciatm; alre antiete npice Totu1Hl"tt7l, linea in ledore trllnSVel',l'(t ja,'cioqlle l"la sti·igum. chrl/!lba)allI i.ncludmte j'et',"u!fineis, {ineis illt~J'mediis nigl'is, 1Ila1'!fine exteriare '!lire ellJCttvalO,. posticDJ amra. Female, Cbalyheolls. Palpi smootn, very slender, mnre than twice JUllg'fl' tlWll the 1)J'fanth of llw head; seuond joiJJt yellowish; third setiflll'IIl, as long liS the secuuci., Alitenllal slender, as long as the fOl'e win!{~. Ahdomen with a small ciliereOl1S apical {ufl. Le~s ~n)(lolh, slender, )'cllowish; tips of' the tibial blackish; tarsi WiLh' blackish bands. Will~s llwdenllely bl'Oad. Fore wings l'Onncled tit the ti,ps, lYith a ferrugilluU' trau,verse iuterior line and u broad ferl'Ugiuous lJallil, wllich is lltll'l'llWel' hill(]warci HUrl exteuds llearly to the border, aud iu<:lurles a IOllgitudiual subcostal ciH'llybeous streak; these two huc$ 'Ire divided from each (lihel' hy hiM!, lilies; fringe pale fel'l'lll(illllllS towlIl'ds the base; eXI€l'iur border vel'y ,lightly oblique, hunlly cxeavated. Hind wing's reneolls. Length orthe body 3 lines j of the wings 8 lines. Satawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. ~140. GELECH:IA. OALOAllATELI.A. Mas. Oupi'ea, !fracili.!, Sltbtus al'gcnlea; antenllill vim cl'enu{utlll ; pedr',. langi, .,.obusli, calcal'ibus basi setoso fasdcltlatis; alw antic(1l all,q~lstw, lineis dlliLbus tl'ansuel'sis al'gcnteis, 2(£ angulata et intel"l'llpta. Cl\lll'eoll~, slendel', silvery helleuth. Antelll1al sIondol', -indistinctly crellulated, much shOitel' th(tn tbe fore willgs, Legs smootll, Ibng, 'stolll; spurs very long' !lIId stUlIt, accomponied by some bristl~s. Wings narrow, sliglltly l'onnded at the tips. Fure wint:s with lWO tl',U1SI'erse silvery Iiues; lirst line entire, at ouc-third of the length of the wing; ~e~ond at two·thirds of the length, bent inward, intel'l'!Ipled in the middle j exterior burilerexlrclllely obJi1luo. Length of the body zt lilies; of the wings ti lines. lrfale. SUl'uWllk, Bomeo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. LEPIDOPTERA. HETEItOOERA. 643 Australia. 350. GELEOHIA. srCcELLA. Cana; p/llpi fuscescente fasciati, capitis latitudine jel'e dl(plo longiOI'CS; aldJ anliclIJ fuse!) conspel'SlIJ, 80,t rJlIgushe, subacutro, guttis qUlltllor discalibus pU1Iciisque marginalibus lIigris " IJostiCdJ jUSCQ·CiJ!61·eCfJ. . Bo».l'Y. Palpi SUIQolh, slightly curved, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; second joint with It brownish band on the outer side; thirl! setifonD, shulter than the second. Antennre slender, much 5horlel' thun the fore wings. Thorax ano fore winiJ;s speckled with lll'own. I·'ore wings ruther mmoIV, sliA'htly nCllte, with fuur hlack discal dot., and with hlack points aloll)! the exterior border and along th,] !Il,icul ]liut of tile costa; exterior border ex· tremely ohlique. Hind wings browlIi,h cinel'eolls; fringe long, ciucrcuus. Length uf lhe body 4 lines; of the willg~ 10 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambel'I'S collection. 351. GELECHU A.RRECTEI.U. Mas. Nig1'(J,,' capILI, palpi et thoracis trgula alba.; antellnllJ teslaceCfJ, brlsi nigne j pedes albo fa.lciali, tibiis posticis pilosis; alee anlicCfJ albo quinque macuialllJ; pMticl1l roacce. Male. Black. Head, palpi aud tegulre of the tllUI'I,X white. P».lpi smooth, sleudel', twice luuger than the breadtb of the bead; third joiln setiflll'm, as lung as lhe second. Antellul!l te,1;llceous, sm()l)th, slendel', black at the hase, much shorter tban the fO\'0 wings. Abdomell test,reCOllS. Legs stout; f"t'e tibire above and fOl'e tarsi whitish j posterior tibiro with U IVhite hand; him\ tibire pilose; pusterior tursi silvery, with Ii black hand. Wings narrllW, slightly roundecl at the tips; fringe very long. Fore wings lVith live while spots j fil'St, second aud third spots on the cost».; fo,rtth and tit't.h on the interilll' horder, opposite the til'St and the sec~lltl; eXlerior: horder eXII'emely oblirlue. Hiud wings lBllelma. Lcugth ufthe body 3 lines; of the lVi ngs 10 lines. This species is somewhat allied to (Bcophora. a. Moretun Bay. From }lr. Diggles' colle~tioll. 644 OATALOGUE OF 3.12, GELECHIA. DIGEItELLA. Frem. Alba; 1Jal,li Ilpice ni.'1l'ic41ltes, caJ!iti,~ laliil!d'ine lOll,qiores; abdomen cincl'l:Ilm; ai(f 1Iutica! all!lust(E, obsl'urc l'IqJl'eUJ, apice l'olwlllatUJ,fasciis il'iblts albis, 2a 30'lue inteHllptis. Female, 'Vhitc. Pal pi smooth, (slender, ClIrved, blackish towurds the tips, longer than the hreadth of the hClld; third joint selifllrm, as long as the seeontl. AutennaJ very milch shorter tban the fore wings, Abdomen cinereolls, extending much beyond tlHl hind wiuf.\s. Wings narrow, dark CUrl'eOllS; friog-e lorry long. Fom wings rounded at the tips, with three white bands; first hand continued along- the interior border to the base of tIle willl.r j second hl'Oarlly intPlTlIpte,] in tbe middle; third iJllelTlIpted in tbe middle, dilated tuwards the C(]sta; exterillr horder extremely oblil[lIe. Hind wings mther paler, Length of the body 2~ liues; of the wings 7 Iiues. a. Sydney. From :Mr. Lumllcrt's collection. 353. GELECIIlA ALTEIlNJ.TELLA. From. Obsc!I?'e ('uprea, subtus m:qelltea; pedes robusti, ,wp"a clI]1l'ei, arornll'l) jll.Willti; al<B antiC'{£ slri.qfl lain obliqua 'lItuculaqlle e,r.terim-e clJ.ltalibus Ul'gmteis; postic(f tenere. Female. Dark cllpreous. Head in front and ullder side .ilvel'Y' Plllpi smootll, silvery, ll)ore thau twice )llIlger tbtlU the hl'eadth of the head; third joiut blllcki_h, except at tlle tip, shorter tlmn the second. Anleullm slouder, mlleh shorter thun the flll'c:willgs. Legs st(lut, smouth; llhiro and tarsi cupmllllS ahove; tibial witb silvery tips; tUlsi with ~ilvcry bUilds. Willgs rather narrolV, sli~htly roull(led lit the tip~; I'rillg"c very lOll:!. Fore wiugs with II broad silvery Ntreal( exteudill!.\' obliqncly olltward ii'olll oue·foUl'th of the lCllf.(th (If the costa to the disk; Ii silvery spot IIll tbe c(l~ta at three· fuurths (If tIle lellgth; exteriol' h(lrtle!' eXl!'omely ublique. Himl wing's mueOliS. Lellgth of the body 3~ Jines; uf tht3 willgs 9 lines. a. iVlul'etoll Bay. From Ul'. Dig-gles colleCliuD. LIlPlIlOP'fIlIl.! Hll'fllROt'ERa, _ 354, 645 Glll.EOHl,\. BUPPLE1'EI.LA, From. Ni,q7'il'Un,', sublUs alba; pa/pm'wli al'liCldus 211s basi ni,qel'; t/wmcls latera alba; pedes SUJl1'a nigric(lntes, albo fasci!lti; alce aTl Ii!'(/) gullis quatuor discalib'ls sq!4amisque nigris,fttsci" basllii, litnd,! (hwbus coslalibus sll'igaf}lle postica inlen'lIpla albidis; paslic{(J (enea. Pemale. Blackish. Helld in front and under side white. Palpi white, longer than the hreildth of the head; seeolJ(l joint black towards the base; third setif"rm, shOl'ter than lhe second. Antenore ijlendel', much sbortel' than the fure wings. Tborax while on Ea~h side. TUlip:, and wrsi blacki,h ahove; tips of tIle tihiro and of the joints (If thc tarsi while. Wings muderately broad; fringe 101lg. Fore willgs slightly rounded at the tips, witb four black dols in tlle disk and with numerous black scales; a while hand neal' the base, (Wated tuwards the iJltel'illr llorder, whence it is cUlltinued to the base; two while, marks Ull the costa; a while streak Ile:lr the illte~ yiol' horder, iIllenuJlted 11Y one of llle black dolS; csteriOl' border slightly C(IIlVeX, modcrntelyoblique. Hilld whIgs mneous, whitish alung the costa flll' mOl'e than half the lcugth from the base. Lellgth of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Tasmania. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 355. GELECIUA SUBNEXELLA. Mas. Nigra, subtl/.! a.lba; abdome:n cinet·eum, apirelll v~r$Us nigl'um, fascic'ulo apicali albo; pedes sttpra ni,fjri, argenteo faNcia,ti; aI,e allticre dnel'BO c()nsT'etS(/), gRt!a di$cali yotu/ldala exteriul'e ([l'gentea; poslic{(J pallide einerea, , Male. Black. Hea!l in front anel undel'Sicio cinereouB. Pulpi muell longer than the breadth of the head; tlJircj joint setiform, Antellnm stollt, SlIllloth, mUGh sporter than thc fure wings. Abdomen cinereolls, bJ.lckish toward!? the tip; apical lu{'twhilC, TilJire and tarsi hlack above; tips of the tibiID and of' the juinls of (he (arsi silvery white; tibire with a silvery white hand. :FON wings rathel' lUll'l'OW, rounded at the tip" with sume cinereous speckles, which are most appnreul towards tbe interior hordeI'; a rllun!1 silvery white dot in.lhe di~k at two-lhil'ds of the length; extel'iol' horder extremely oblique. Hind wings pale cinel'eons. Length of' the body 3~ lines; of the wings 8 liues. a. Anstralia. Fl'om Mr. Damel's colleotion •. hardly shol'tel' than the second. 646 OATALOUllE 01' . 356, GELEClliA MAIlMORATELLA. Mas, Alba; palp'i capitis l,aiwdine jere duplo longinres, aI,ticuio :30 'IIigro; Ihorax ni,ql'o l'onspetsus r libitli II?ltm'iores nigra jasriatle; posticaJ valida, ptlbesCI'7ttes; aim anticaJ apiee 'fOiltndnfl1!, fasL'ii. tfibus indete'fminatis e utomis niOris; postict!! jusco-cinerflf, M,de, White, Pa1pi smooth, slender, curved, nearly twice longer than the l11'eadtll of I.he hem/; third joint hlue];, selitbrm. as long liS tIle second, Alltellnro ~moolh, mllclJ shOl'tel,than the lore win~~. Thol'IlX spedded wilh black. Abdomen e~tendillg a little beyund the llind ",iugs. Alltcl'im le~s with black bands j hind tihim stout, pubescent. Fum \\ings I'oullded at the lips, spe(;kled with lllat:k; speckles pardy confiuent, and thereby fMming an ilT€gular band at the base, another in the middle, and U nUl'rower and more hregu/ar mal'gillul huud; exterior harrier slightly convex, very Qh1itlue; uUller side brown, with a while black-streaked fringe. Hilld wings brownish cinel'eousj fringe pale cjnel'eotls, interlinecl ",itb hl'owuisll near the base. Lellgth of the body 3 lines ; of the willgs 8 lines. a. S~dlley. Frum l\fr. Lambcl'('S collection. 357. GEL!CHlA SODALISELL;\.. Cinfrea; palpDrum articulus 2us .lquaI1lDSm, 311s niOTO fasciat1M; tibia pustieee sll~fimbriut{ll" ala Ilnticte latiuscuite, f~rr"ginell!, lIigro squamoste, basi striouque discali intel'illre t"anS'versa und~data albidis, litura discali exteriure remfol'mi nigra aibido 1J1argillllta, pllncti,' adhllc e:r:terioribu$ albia, ]lunctis sllbmal'!Jillnlibus lligl'is. Female. CiJl€I'€olls. Pulp! stOllt, full twice longer tlum the bl'eadth uf the 11cad; seoond jOint squamous, hluck-sp~ukled towards the lip; third laneeu/ate, with 1\ broad black b,'n'( nCllr the tip, much 81lOrtel' than Ihe second. Antennre much shorter thlln the fure wings. Legs ~tout; hind tibire slightly fringed. 'Wings I'lither h)'Dnel, FMC wings ferruginous, rounded at tho tips, thickly covered wiLh black scales, which al'e most prevalent towards the huse; the latter is whitisll, and tllCl'C is a whitish traos. verse undulatiug ~ttcH.k in tile disk befure the Iniddle, anfl an exterior disc:!1 bliu:k rellifurrn whitisb-bordered mark, from whence a black all'cak pl'oceeds IOWllrds the exterior 1100'der, where H ICflllinates in a row of wbite poiot$, beyond which tbel'e is a submarginal Frem. 647 LEPIDOPTERA IiETEROOEIU. rolV of black points; extel'iol' horder slightly convex, h31'{lly ohli~ue, Hind wings tingecl with yellOlv towards the hase. Lengtb of the body 3 lines i of the wings 7 lines. a. Morelon Bay. From Mr. Diggles' colleotion. 358. GELECHIA ADVECTELLA. Frelll. Obscure cinerea; caput l'allidUln; pillpi capiti,~ lntitudine vix long lares ; anlenlllE ali,~ antit!is lIIulta bl·eviul'e.l; ailE Qntielll ILllfJUSIIC, apice rotnndatlll, pu.nclis .IlUlti,~ stri,qllli"lJue nigl'i,~, mal'!Jine extel'iOl'u pel'Obliquo; postit::1l! apices vel'SUS amea. Female. Dark cinereous. Head and palpi pale cinercclUs. Palpi smoot11, slender, cuned, nearly vertical, hardly IOllp;er than the hreadth of the head j thinl joiut setifurm, hardly SIl(J)'tel' lhnll tlle second. Alltenme much shorter than the fore wing's. Fore wings nal'l'OW, l'Onlldecl at the tips, with several hlack points and dots und with It fow hlack streaklets j exterior bUI'(lel' extreillely oblique, Himl wings tinged with leneOllS towards the tips; fringe very long. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings () lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr, Diggles' oollection. 359, GELllCllIA OONSTRlCTELLA. Mas. Cupreo-nigm, sublus argentea ; alltc'lma! ~ix sl!rraim; tliol'(]'x strzgi,l dteabus o6liquis argenteis; pedes 8ltprtl cupreo-ni,qri, a7'(}enteo fo,sciati; ailE nntiea! fllscii,~ tribus ar/Jenleis, 1a vix oblilJlla, Sa obliqua postice dilalata; postit'(£ einerev-ame<1J. iValr. Cupreolls-hlack. Head ill front alld under side silvery white, Palpi more than twice longer than the .brcildth of the head i tbirc.l joint setifOl'ln, as long as the secund, Autelll1aJ Rlemler, very miOlltely sel'rated, shorter thun the fore wings, Thorax with u. silvery white oblique stripe on each side. Tibire Ilnd tarsi CllpreOllS. black ahove; tips of the lihiaJ anel of the joints of tbe tal'si Hilvery. Fure win)!;s narrow, rounded lit the tips, with thl'ee Silvery white banrls; first hand hardly oblique; second quite Ilprig'ht; third oblique, contracter! in the midille, dilated towards the costa j exteriur border extremely ublique. Hind wil1!{s oillereoUS-rene(lus; fringe very long. Length of the body 2t lines; uf t.he wiugs 6 Iiues. rt. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's coUection. I 648 OATALOGUE 01' 360. GgLECHIA LAon:UA. Ni,qro.cillel'ea, m~u,'l,t; ]lalpm'um ((l·liculil.~ 2us sub. pubes('ens; ala> 1111ti0(11 stl'iyis dutlbus niy'ris 1luduiatis transt'I!I's,is nonnunqutllll intm'uplis; posli('w luteao, nigri~ante mal'ginatre. Female. Bladdsh cinereoll~, stout, cineTeons heneat11. Palpi mnch longel' than tbe breadth of tl](; hea!1; second joint minutely ],ubesCenl; third very slender, a littlt: ~h"l'tcl' thall the second. AutellTim mllch shorter' than the fore wings. Legs st~lIt, smooth. Wings moderately IJJ'<Jatl, slig htl,v rounded al the ti ps. Forc wings with two tmllSVCI'SC uudulating black strcalls, wllich extend tu the exterior honter, bllt not to tho costa, and have It hlnck poillt between tholll; Lhese streal{s are sometimes interrupted, 50 that tIle first (anTIs a blacR clot ill t}le (lisle and a black spot hind ward, alJd till) second is CUlllilJed 10 two black riots; exterior hOI'der very ohliq lie. Hilld wings luteolls, with a blackish border. Length of the budy 5i lines; of the wings 14 lines. (1. Moreton Bay. Frum .Mr. Diftgle,' cnl1ectioll. b. Tasmanhl. Presented by iH. Allpurt, Esq. FreIn. 301. GEI.JWHIA MOESTELL,I. Sclti.stacea; 7}(t/pi s1!barCllali, nblilJue ascendentes, capitis [atiltu/hle lOIl9iore,s; libice posliclEjilnhriataJ; aim I!nliclE basi jlL,\'C'~, "pice rotuJldaflE, st"igrl fuse£! p",'lice ,mYlIlata et albido nW"{/inala, sll'i!!a oLliqttfl po"licl! lineolisq!w duabu.s TJltnclul<tribu,~ ]lullcli'qllc lilar!finalilm,1 jllscis. ~JlJ{Jle. Slate-colunl', smootli, shining. Pal pi smooth, ohliquely lIscr.lIdiIl~, slightly curved, lunp;er than Ihe breadth "f the head j third j(liut setiJi)],nl, nparly [\s long' as the second. AlltcllIHe sleIHlor, much shul't~r thun the fore wing~. I.e A'S smooth j hind tilJire fringed. Wings moderately bm'l(l. Fmc wiLlgs rounded at the tips, !It'own at the base; II h]'(Jwn streuk extendiug along' the costa, obtusely angular and whitish-bol'llcl'ed on its hind sille; the whitish border contiguolls to II brown uhlique streak, which extends inward frolll the custa to thc disk; two tl'llllsvel'se (iiscai lines, eatJh formed by tIle bl'tlWIl }l\iints; a I'UW of brown p()ints ulong the exterior bOl'der, which is nEarly straighL and very oblique. Lellgtu of Lbe body 3 lines; uf'the willgs 10 lines. tI. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. ]\ias. 640 LEPIDOPTERA llETEJlOOERA. 362. GELEOHl.A .AVEI\SELLA. Fwm. Cinel'ea; palJlorw1t articulus 3us 2() non brcvior; alai antic(e lIl1gltstm, sltbacllt(f, nigro conspcl'.I,e el Female. Cinel'cous. Palpi smooth, rather stOllt j third joint 5etiform, as long as the second. Antcnn:c slender, milch shorter than the fore wing's. J"e[ts smooth. Wings lJarl'OIV, slightly aCllte. Fore wing'S minut.ely speckled lVith blac.k, \'aried with several black streaks; exterior hordel' extremely ohJique. Lengtb of the body 3~ lines; of tIle wings 9 lines. II • .Moreton Bay. From 1\1r. Digg'les' collection. 363, GELTlCHIA AllSUMP1'ELLA. Mas. Pallide cincl'eo-cel'vina; palpi cILpiti" lalitur7ine pIn" duplo lon!Ji(JI'(!s; aim alllic(J! fuscescentt COIlSpeI'8IB, ma-rginc e;ctcl'ioI'C sububliq!'o; postic(J! cillcl'om. Male, Pale· cinereous fawlI.oolollr, slender, Palpi smooth, more than twice lunger tlum the hreadth of tbe head; tlJinl joint very slender, us long :l.S the second. AutclIu[l) SlDDlIth. J.Jegs slender. Wings lIloderately broad, hardly 11Ollte. FOI'c wings minutely speckled wilh pILle hrown j exterior horder slightly COil vex and ohlique, Hinel wing's oiUel'eOl)5. Length of the body 2t lines j of the wings 7 lines. a. 1\[ol'eton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 364, GELEOHIA nU1JIOUNOELLA. Fwnl. Rosea, subllls argenteo-rinerelt; 1Jodes robusti, ni.qricaltte jllsciati; a/a sat anguslm,jimbl'ia longi,mma; allticw fa.,eUs quilllJllC daviis n'igris, oa valde an.'lulata; pu~iica nigl'icanlcs. Femllle. Rosy red, silvery Cillel'C01l5 benenth, Palpi smooth, slender, twice longer thtlll the hreadth of the head j third joint setlform, as long as the second. Anlellllm slendeJ'. Legs stOllt j ti1Jire anci tal'si with hlackish bunds. Wings ftllhel' lIU1']'O\V, hardly acute; fringe very long, :Fore wings with live il'l'e:.rnlal' black balld~ j fiflh blilld composed of two oblique black streaks, whicb are connecter! in the disk and extend to the exterior bordel'; the latter is extremely oblique. Hind wings blackish, Length of the botly 3 lines j of tbe .wiugs 8 Jines. (I. 1\1oreton Bay. FrollJ MI', Digglcs' collection. 12 650 OATA..LOOUlil. OF 365. GELECHIA XV LOPTIlRELL.I.. Mas. Cana, sat l'Ob~lsla; capitis discus cupreo~fuscll$; iibiQl p(l,llit'{8 nirlrirallte j~"cial<E; ala: angu"tllJ, fimbria Illngissima ; antiere nigra cOnSpel'SlE, villa eli,Ieati lata infOl'llti strigas duas lalisdmas ad costam emiitcllle; pas/ieee ameo-cinerea:. 1I1ale. ROlIl'Y, rather stout. Disk of the head cupreolls-brown. Plllpi smooth. Antennre smooth, mnch shorler than the ror~ wings. L()~B mlher 5Wlltj hiud tibia; Ivith blll.cki.,h hands above. Vviu!(s narrow, ruther acute; frinp:e very lOll!!. FOl'e wings speckled with l)luck; a hroad irreguhLl' lJlackish st"ipe extending alon!! the whole ]en)!th uf the disk and emitting' twu very broad streaks to the costa; exterior horder very oblique. Riml wings IfneOllS-cillel'eOUS. Length of the body 3! lines; of the willgs 9 lines. u. Mureton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 366. GELIWllIA. StJl'PRESSELLA. MilS. Alba, 'I'061Is/a; antentlaJ seto,i(/J; abrlomen pallirlis,lime oc/tmceum.; tibia! poslicre subfimbriata;; aiaJ anticill angus liE, aculm, pUllctis qu<!tuor patlide ochraaeis. lIfale. White, slout. Palpi smooth, slenrlel', much longer than the hreadth of the head; third juint nearly as long as the seoond. AnteJlulll seLose, much ~hoTter than the fOI'e whIgs. Abdomen and JellS slil:htly tin!(ed with pale oohl',1Oeou8. Hind tibia: slilthtly fringed. Wings narrow, 110ule. Fore win[.ts with two pale oclll'acenus points in the fore disk, one befol'e the midclle, the other beyond the middle j two other less distinct points in the hinder disk i co~ta towards the tip ancl exterior bonier pale ocbrllceous, tbe latter extremely oblique; ullder side dark cillereolls. Hind wings pale ciucrcous. Lenglh of the body 3 lilies; of the wings 8 lines. a. M\)l'eton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 367. GELECHIA. ADDVOTELLA. Mas. Pullidi,sime stl'wnin{!a; pulpi capitis lutitudinc paulin longiores; antenna! s'llbe>'Cilulatre; tibia! POStiCIll latissime jimbrial{E; ala; anl·iere apice 'I'otundalaJ; postiClIJ ,tlbidce. Male. Very pale straw-colol1l'. Plllpi smooth, slender, curved" a little longer thun the breadth of the helld j thil'd joint seLifoL'lllj 651 LEPIDOPTERA. HETEnoeEn.!.. shol'tel' thun the second. Ante.llllaJ minlltely crelllllatec]. Ahdomen cxtelluinl~ much beyond the hillel wings. Legs RtOllt j hind tihiro with a vel'y lon~ frin:~c, Wm~s llltlllerately hl'Uad j fringe long. Fore willgs I'Olllldecl t\G tlw lips; co~t'L stl"light; exterior hOI'der slil\"htly con,'ex, very oblirJlle, Hilld willgs whitish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 5,~ tilles. a. 1\1uretoll Bay, .From Mr. Dig'gles' cullection. 36S. GELilOHIA CONSUETELI,,1.. ni!RII,~; T,all'rl'l'l!m articulus 2us SlItJl'{! jimbrilllus; IIl1iell1!(R ,wbpllbe,lCllntes; peeles Sftl rob'ltsl'i; a/tf andere lalff!, SlIbaCltlre ; pmtil'ce 7J~lIide dnm'eil'. :A1aie. Pule uclmtceolls, shining, cillereo\ls heneath. Palpi twice IlllJg'cr than the hl'rtultb (If tbe head; second jllillt f't-illgt!,l above; thi,rd joint vel'y slender, ~hl)rtel' tllllll the second. Antellllru illilistillctl.v pllh,,~ct'nt. Legs SIlHlotb, rntller stout. Will!!s lll'uud; fringe rather long. lime wings slightly aClIte; exterior b(]l'(lel' very ohlique. Hilltl wilig's pale cillcl'eous. Length uf tbe butly :3 lines j of tbe wings 8 lilies. II. Sydney. From MI'. Diggles' collection. Mas. Parlide nchl'lll'err., New Zealand. 369. GEI.ECHIA OONSPICUELLA. Mas. Nigl'icans; subtus cinerea; palpi ni.qJ'icnnt~,~, robusti j tllo!"aX alb!!s, aILtice niger; ni!]ricante jasci'lti,. ald! 'cmti,'ce laliusclllco, vitia !,! spI!li(ll/uc lato ex teriOl'e fu,lcu"einn'eis, fascia basali Idba, 'pnstil'c eli/alala, mactl/is dllabus lli,!c.aliblls alMs, linell cJ'teri(Jl'e tmlUvarm albida ltntice dilatatlt illWs llig1'o malyillata; po,ltictlJ umeo-cinerece. Male, Blackish, cill~reOl1S beneath, allied to (Ecopltartt. Palpi hlackish, stollt, mllch IOllgBI' thull tile hreadtll nf tbe IlCud; tbird jOint lHllceolate, a Httle shorter than the second. Antcnnre ~lUooth, much shorter than tIle fore wings. Thorax white, except in front. Ahdomen ci)lC::l'eo\ls. 'flLrsi widl blackish hawls. Wings rather bruud, rOllnuel1 at the tips j fringe long, Fore willgs lJrLIWII" ish cinereous along the interior h(lr[lel' (except towUI'c!S the bHse) and 011 full unc-third of the \ellii,'lh from the ext<:!I'ior [)OI'der; a wllite band which is dilllted on the interior borde!' tll Lhe base of tbe wing, and has two black spots OIl the OtlLel' side; a whitish lransver~e line 13 662 CAULOGut of at tJme-funrtbs of tlle lellgtb, muoll dilated in front, bordel'Cd with blaok 011 the innel' side; exle1'iur border s1i[:lhtly Conl'ex, very ohlique. Hinel wings reneolls-cinereous. I,ength of the body 3-3t lines; of the wings 9-10 lines. a, It. Auckluna,::.vew Zealand. Frol11 Mr, Oxley'S eoUeation. 370, GELECHIA INN01ELLA. :MIlS ct frem. Oille,.ra; pIt/pi ctlpitis latiturrille multn lrmgiol'B,9; untennre maris sub,!etuioscE; tibillll'lJstic((J su~filllb,,'i{!tw ; al,e alltit:le ucutw, f«sco conspers(lI, gutta fusca guttaque albidu, discalibus, j);Jale alld female. Cinel'eous. Palpi smooth, slendeJ', curved, lJ1uch long~r tlHln the breadtb ot' the head; thil'll juint setifilfm, shol'tel' than the second. Autennw ur the male very minutely sct.nluoe. Hind tihil~ sli!(htly fringed, Wings moderately hl'oad. Fore willg~ aCllte, thickly spel'kled with hrown ; a brown dot in the disk I)eyulld the middle in front of a whitish dot; costa straight; exterior bordcl' rather ublique. Length uf the body 2~-a lines; of the wings 8 lines. II-g, New Zealand. Pl'esented by Col. Bolton. 371. GELECHIA rNTAC'fllLLA, Mas, PlIllirle flallesrenlc-ciJlel'pa; caput alb,ult; palpi articulo 2a pUbeSCeHle, 3,) lnnceolatll; antemus ,wDcrenuliL{(B; pedes valirli; al(lJ antic(lJ latiuseu/(lJ, vi.: lIcuire, margine exterio)'e l'el'Qbliqllo. J1fale, Pule yellowish cinel'eous. Head white above. Palpi slightly curved and ascellding j second joint pubescent; tbird lanceolllte, flS lunl( liS the secllnd. AntellUlll very minlltely crenulated. Abdolilell exteudillg' somewhm heyond the hiud wings. Legs stout, SlIIootl1. WillgS rather hroad, Fore wings hardly ncute i costlL st1'lligbt, slightly CIHlHl( tllwards the hase; cltteriol' burdel' very oblique. L~llglh of the body :~ lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. New ZealuCld; Presented hy CuI. Boltou. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOEIU•• 372, 653 GELEOHIA lIJONOSPILEr.LA, Mas, Cinel'eo-fusca; palpi capitis latitudine 1I1llito longiOl'es ; antenrue sltbsetuloSlB : pedes sat validi; al<i1 anlicte /atimculw, «mfo-Iusow, acuta:, puncta postiCD albido, costa subconvcxa ; p~stica: a:lleo-oincrea:, Male. Cillereolls-brown. Palpi smooth, slightly cUfved, much longer than the hreadlh of the head; third joint selifurm, mnch shol'tel' lban the second. Anlennm minutely selulose, Ahdomen cinereolls, el(tenrliug much beyond the hiud willgs. Legs ~mooth, rather stOllt. WingR l'lllher hroad. Fore wiugs !ClleoIIS-bl'OlVn, aCllte, with a whilish puint neal' the interior hordel' heyond the middle; costa very slightly com'ex; e.x:t~rior horder straight, rather ohlique. Hind wings li)lIcous-ciuel'eous. Length of tue. body 3 lines; of the wiugs 8 lilies. (L. New Zealand. Presenteu by CuI. Bolton. 373. GELECHIA ADAPERTELLA. Mas. FllLvo-alba,; l)lL/pi vix arc,wti, Cllpitis latituclinejere duplo longiol'es, articulu 20 basi nigro, 30 fascia n'ig,·a,. anterma! basi nigra:; thorax nig1'O qltaciripllnctal'4S; pedes subpilosi, tarsi,! nigru fusciatis; aZ(/! antical llpice Tot!tnrlata:, 8t1'iguli8 angl!iatis pUllcti~que discalibus et ma7',9inalibus nigris; postic(8 albido-cinel'e{e. :l11a/". Yellowish white, mostly cinereolls-brown beneath. PlIlpi vertical, ,"cry slightly curved, uearly twice longer than the breadth oj' the head; 8E:cund joint black towards the buse; third seliform, wilh il. black IJand beyond the middle, much shorter than the second. Alltcnllre smooth, black towards the base, lUuch shurter than the furo wings. Thorax: with fOllr black points. Abdomen extending somewhat beyond the hiud wings. Legs slightly. pilose; tarsi with black lHlTlds. Fore wings moderately broad, ruuuded at the tips, with 11 few obHquely ascending tufts, with Ii few ungulur black Slreaks and black pOints, and with block marginal points; exterior horder \'el'y slightly oblique. Hind wings whitish cinereons. Length of the body 3t lines; of the Wings 9 lines. a. New Zealand, PI'esented by 00], Boholl. 664 CAl"II,OGlJE OJ! 374. GEI.ECIIIA ADREPTELV.. Cinet'ea; caput albido-cinereum; abdomen. alas pMtiras lange snpernn.!; pedes graciles; a/OJ anticUJ !Ll)ice I'otulldata:, atomis pltndiR .strigulaque di,!cali nigris, mal'gine extol'iora recto sat ohliqua. Female. CinereOlIS. Head whitish cinereolls. Abdomen ex.tending Illllch heyoml the hinel wings. Lf'g's smooth, slender. Fnre wings moderately broad, rounded at the lips, with several black speckles alld points, 1\l1d Wilh a short hlaek discal streak; exterior h()\'dsl' straight, rather oblique. IJength of th~ body 3 lines; of the willgs 8 lines. 11. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bohon. Frem. 375. From. GELECHlA snULITELLA. Su~cervillo-dnel'ea; pnlp0I'I,l1n al'lil'ulu,12u8 npic~ .lubfimbl'intlls; peties ,HI/l>'a pallicie cervini, albn fiLSCi'lli ; aim unliem pancta rli8cali inleriore atomisque e,utvrioribu8 nigl'is. [<'elnale. Cill()reolls. Hearl, thol':tx Ulid fore wings ling-ed Ivilh pale t'lIvlJ-cl1luur. P1llpi Dearly twice IOIlg-~!' thalJ the brciHlth of the bead j sec<Jlnl joint "lig-htly ti'jllged at the tip; third sctifol'lll, a little shoneI' than the ~ecollrl, Antellme slellder, much slwnel' than the fore wings. Tihirn lIml tarsi pale fllWU·colo1l1'; tips of tbe tibire lIud of the joints of the tarsi white. Fure wing's rather IHU'I'OIV, ltardly Rente, with [I hlack point in tbe disk before the middle 1111(1 a few hlack spcllldes towurds the exterior border, which is very oblique, Lellgth of the body 2 lillesj of the wings 6 lilies. It, New Zealalld. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. 376, GELECHIA DEA.MA'fELLA. Mas. Cine1'ea,' pillpi sat validi, aI·tieuZa 30 lancel/Lalo; antenru{) selulo,ce; aim {lliticm arl[l~!stre, ju.,eOJ, ni,qro pla.qialllJ, mltcula costali, macll/It erutcriore obliqulL lirwaque ad/we erulel'im'c t1'a1i$1lerSIL jle;c{I alMs. Male. Cinerelllis. Palpi smootJI, mther slout, much longer than the breadth of the head; thinl joint lanceolate, shorter than the second. AntcDulll stout, ulinutely setose, shorter than the Core wings. Wings narl'ow, IICUle; fringe very IOllg. fore wings LEP1DOPTEIlA HETEROCEIU•• mostly hrown, Illotched with blaok, with Ii 655 white spot on the casta neUl' the base, and with a larger aod mOl'e conspicuolls elliptical white spot, whioh extends obliquely from the costa 10 the disk; a while transverse hent liue neal' the tip; exlerior border extremely oblique. Lellglh of the body 2-~ lines; of the win~s 7 lilies. G. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley'S collection. 377. GELECHIA. FLAV!IlELLA. Piava; palpi capitis iatitudine multo 'lml,qiore,~; abdomen rlmeum; aim Ilnlicm all,ifl!.Iiro, apice rotunda/IE, stl'i[/a. postiea Mas. lata jim,bda.lJua wneis, lineola transvel',llr. nigra; pl}sticlV lImem. Male. Yellow. P,lIpi smooth, CIII'Vc(], mnch longel' than the breadth of the heat!; third joillt setifol'm, shorter lImn the secund. Anleume smooth, slender, lIluch RhQrter than the fore willgs. Ahdllmen, fure wings beneath an(l hind wings l1lneous. FOIl) wiugs n:tl'l'OW, rOllncie(] at the t.ips, wiLh a brond Illlle()lI~ streak Idung the bind part towards the tip; u sllol't blaok line across the iunel' cud the streak; fl'ill!!e l1lneIlUS; exterior horde I' extremely oblique. Length of the bouy 2-2} lines; of the wings 5-0 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. or a78. GELIlOHIA. COLLl'rEILA.. Pallide subcerlJino.cinf.rea; antenna; subsl,tulos(/i, vix monilifimnes; pedes ,~at l'obusti i {l/(li artlicee /aliUSClll«1, Cfrvino Mas. conspersce, iiiuris fmcis, earum duabu., exterioriblls magis determinatis,jillybria. fuscu sp-urcata. lllate. P,lle cinerel~us. Head, thorax and fore wings slightly tinged with fawn.colour. Palpi SIllUOt]I, much longer than the bj'eadth of the hlllle]; third joint sctifi'l'm, much shorter thun the secoml. AntenD:Jl extremely minutely sellliuse ancl monilifurm, mnch shorter than the fOl'e wings. Legs ruther Btont, Wings father hl'oad; fringe mlldel'ately lung. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tirs, speckled wilh filwn·colouf, with SoUle hl·OW.ll lUlll'ks; a few of these before the middle; a larger oue ill the extedol' disk and a still 1ul'l(cl' olle on the co,.ta near lhe tip; friuge piu'tly tinged with browll; exteril)r bonier very oblique. Lellt;tb of the body'3 lines; of the wings 8 lilles. tl. New Zealand. Pl'eseUled by Col. Bolton. 656 OATALOGUE OF 37!l. GELECHlA CONVUI.SELLA. Cana, nigra conspersa; piliporwn articrdw 3us nigro fasdatu8 ; alal ant-iclB La tiusculrE, {ast'iis quatltflr v(fgis obscure cinereis, punrlis qua/uD/, di.'cali61t,~ e/onfj1tis pUllctis mal'ginalibus nigris; posti"t£ ,wbt£!lAl·e<l'. Hoary, minutely speckleri with black. Palpi nellrly twice longer than the bl'cadth uf the heud; tllil'(1 joint setiful'lIl, with a black middle ban.l, a little shurter tlmn the second. Antennru slender, much shorter thun the rore wi!lg~. \Villgs rather IOllg uilil brotHI, rounded lit the lips . .Fore wiugs with foul' very irregulal' dark cinereOllS bauds, with four elongated black points ill the disk, and with n ruw of hlack poinls along the exterior purt of the costa and along tbe exteri,n' hordel'; extel'ior border very ohlique. Hilld WiJlp.;S cillcreous, with a slight feueous tinge. Lellgth of Lbe body 31-4 lincs; of the willUs 9-10 liues. (I, b. AUCKland, X ew Zealand, Fl'Om lVIr. Oxley's collection. 380. GELECIII!. CONTEXTBLLA. Mas. CillP,rea; p"/po1'ml! articulus 2us basi niger; aim lwticrll" aJnf,O val'ite, ni!11'11 "lJlIamosaJ; ahe antiellJ l'itul'is duablJs P()S~~ til' is, [llll/a discali lineisque duabus tram-versis !mdulatis sub- tnarginalibus Iliyris. Male. Cillereolls, ~hi!ling amI with an ~ne01IS tinge l)eneatb. Pal pi Illuch Illuger tlran the hrelldLh of the heml; secoud joint black towards the baRe; third lanceolate, much shorter tlWH the second. Antennm smoolh, slolldel', much shulter tlinn tbe !()J'e wings. 'Willgs nlOderately IJroad, l'OulJded at the tips j fringe modemlely long. Fore wings fJltl'ti)' tinged with reneO\l~, irregularly ~p~clded with hlack seales, which also limn an oblique lIlark hindward hefore the lIliddle, a dot ill the midlUe of the disl" a smaller llIark UII the interior bnrder, and two tJ'HUSVer,e lIIHlulating ~lIhlllal'giliailines, which aloe dilated towiU'ds the cORta; exterior border very oblique. Hinll willgs shilling, with a ~light reneollS tinge. J4ength of lhe body 3 lines; of the wings S Ii nes. ii, b. Aucklatrd, Nelv Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's collel:tion, LEPIDOPTERA HEl'EllOCERA. 657 381. GELECHIA CONTRlTEIS,A. Fo::m. Cinel'ea; prt/pi nigl'o subconsTlel'si, artic1tlo 30 lanceolato ; aIm antiere nigl'O conspe1'S{[), Jasdtt media lata tllbida po,tiee dUatata nigra ex parte mrll'ginata, linr'a extel'iore nigra obliqlll! antiee angulrtta et abbreviata; postieee ameo nitenles. Female. Cinereoas. Pnlpi macll ]oD!:'er than the breadth of the hend, slightly slJeckled with black j third juint Jancetllate, much shorter lhan the second. Antemlffi sl~lldel', 1U1Ieh shonel' than Ihe fore wings. Legs slellrier. Wings moderately lll'oad, hurdly acute. Fore Willg'S minutely speckled with black, with It broad whitish middle hand, which is dilated hilldwilrd und is incompletely bordered' with hlack; all exterior black ubliquc line, HClltely angular ill front, where it is abbrevialcd j exturior horder slightly convex, very ohlique. Rind wings shining, Slightly thlf~ed with \Elleous; fringe long. I,ength of the body 3 lines j uf the wings 8 lines. It. Auckland, NelV Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's cullection. 382. GELEOHIA SUROITELI,A. l\Ias. Cinerea j anl.enna> selulostB; abd01nP.n longu'fll; tibi(/) posticm jimbriataJ; aim antic{[) an_quslce, ni,qrieante ;'onspers(/), sll'i9is tl'ibllS obliquis rliscalibus litul'aqlle upicali ob.lcure J1tscis. Mule. Oil1el'eol]8. Palpi vel'y milch longer than the breadth oftbe head; tbird joint selilurm, shorter tban the second. Anteunrn setulose, much sholter tlllln the fure willgs. Abdomen IOllg j apical tuft small, HilJ{l tihi31 fringed. Wings nurrow, sliglHly aoule; fringe long. Fore willgs with blackish speckles aud with tlll'ce ShOl'! ohliqlle dark hrown stl'eaks in the disk; a dark hl'nwn apical mark i ex:teriOl' border extremely oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the willf~s 8 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Oapt. J. C. Ross. 383. GELECHIA BU:'AcmLLA. From. CapI'ea, .Iubtus al'gentea; anten'l!t1! .faRcia wbaJlicali ~rgen tea; pede.,· .Iupra cU}l1"ei, al'gr.nleo }tsciati; alte alltica! litllri8 quatnor a1'gonleis cyaneo purpurea aut uureo micantibus, , jimbria alba. Female, Cuprellus, shining. Head ill front and under side sil very white. Palpi slender, more. than twice 1011 gel' the 658 OATAI,OGU,E 011 breadth of the head; third joint BetifOl'm, full as long as the secolHl. Antenom slendet·, with (\ broad while band tllwaros the tips, shortcl' tlllm the f')l'e wiull's. Legs slender; tihim and tal'si CUpl'COUS; tips of the tihire aud of tbe join ts of tbe tarsi silvery while. Foro wings rather ll<\\'rnw, slightly ncute, with some silvel'Y I1l11l'Idngs, which have hlue 01' purple or gilded l'ellertiolls; first mlll'lI forming an oblique streak on tlle costa befol'C the middle; lecond smull~l', 00 the exterior cn~1I1; third and fourth extending from the intel'ior b(lJ'Ijer 10 the di~k; fourll] extending llearly ,tl) the seconrl; fl'illge mostly white; exterior borner slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. ,This species has much resemblance to the ArgYl'estl!iw. a-f. New Zealalld. Pl'esented Ily 001. Boltoll. 384. GELECHI.! l'EHONEANELLA. Mas ot fmm. Viridi-alba, sltbtus a1'gRntea; palprlrllm articultls 211,~ basi niger, 3us nigra ja,lciculatlls,. talwi nilJricante fllsciati; at{/! (InHerE ialw, {l,lpe1'<I!, LUuri,~ all[Julatis discalibu$ plLTIctisgue snbmal,!)inatibus et rlwrginlllibus nifJris. Mede and female. Greenish white, silveI'Y white beneath. Palpi twwe longer tlwD the breadth of the Ilellrl; secolld joint !JIRak Ilt the base; third setiforlll, with a small black tuft in the middle, 1t little shorter than the second. AnWllure smooth, verv il1uch shorter tllllD tlle fure wiop;s. Tursi with blackish b~nlo~ .• Wiu~s hroad, h~rdly acut~, with tt few ohliquely elevated tl(ft5, and with smile more or Ie,s cum pleta aud acutely all gular bJack marks Oil lite costa anci in tlle (lisk; two rows of bJack poillts, olle subrnal'gimtl and ineomplele, tile otlle)' Ulul'ginaJ aud complete; exterior horrler slightly COli vex, moderately oblique; lIndel' side blackish cinercous. Hilld wings whiti~h cillereolls, tinged with hlackish 011 the l'l(tel'ior part, ami wilh bluckish marginal llUints in the female. Length of the body 4-4~ lines i of the wings 1O-121ine8. a. New Zealllnd. Presented hy Col. Bolton. h. Auckland, New Zealand. I<'rom Mr. OKle_y's collection. Sandwich Islands. 385, GllLECHIA INOEItTUI.l!: LLA. Frem. Pcrllide cinereo-ccl'vina, subtus al',gclItea; palpi n(qro quadri. fasciati; a[1f] anliell! guttis quinquo nillris alho mal'ginatis; posticll! pal/ide cinerea. . LEPIDOPTERA IHlTEROOERA.. (i5() Female. Pale CinCl"eOllS fawn-colour, ~ikel'v white beneath. Palpi smooth, slender, morc than twice longer th~n the hl'eadtiJ of the heau; seconcl joint with two hlack bands; third sctifol'TIl, with two lllack hauds, a little longel' than the ~ec(}lld. Tibim and tiusi p~lc fllwn-colour, with silvery bands. Wings narrow, ncute. Fore willgs with five black white-bordered do(s; fir.~t, second alHI third dots discal; first nellr the hase j secont! in the mitlille; thinl at threefOUl'lhs of the length: fourll_! lind fifth ,uhtna rginal; fifth hehillil the fOUl·th; exterior bonIer extremely ohlique. Hind wings pfl.le cinereous. Length uf the hudy 2'1 lines; of the willg~ 6 lines. a-c. Sandwich Islands. Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty. Country unknown. 366. GELECliH SPOLUTELLA. From. FII.ICo·cillorea; ala; antic(/) apice mbu,ctaI19111al£(!, plln('to basali, pllnctis rluobus dixeQ,libus pune/rlque po.,tieo nit/ris. Female. Bmwnish cillercous. Palpi smooth, It little mOre than twice long'el' than tbe hreaflth of the head; ~ecollil jllint mlher broad; third setii"I'IlI, shorter thau the ,ccond. Ahdumen extclJ(ling rather lJeyoud the hillel wil1~s. II inc! tihim Stl1lle, not fl'ing-cd. Fore wings rather llal'l'OIV, lIeal'ly I'CClulIgulal' at the lips; a hlack point near the base j three black llOints in tIle dish, ol1e of thclll neal' the interior hlll'clel' and betweclI the [Jther two, wbich al'e ill it line; exterior border strailllit, sliA'htl,v oblique. I-lilHhviliA'S a little palel' nn(\ 1ll00'C cinel'cous than the fOI'e wings, Length ul the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a.--? Genus 15. PARASIA. Parasia, Dp.-Acedes, fib. 1. PARASH LAPl'ELLA. Jappella, L.-silucea, Hw.- restivella, Zl. England. From Mt·, Bonchard's collection. b-m. Eng·land. II. 2. paucipuuctella, Zl. tarridella, _7I.fn. PAI1.I.SrA I'A UCIl'UNCTJ::LLJ.. 660 CA.TALOGUE OF 4. PAllASlA. METZNERlELM. lVretzDeriella, Sta.-pRllcipunctella, Dgl.-silacea, Val'. (3, Hw. a-e. England. Frum 1\ir, Bouclmrcl's collection. 5. PARASIA CARLINELLA. r:arlinella, Sta,-restiveJIa, H ..S. a-f. England, 6, PAR.o\SIA APltILELI.A. aprilclla, H.·S. 7. PARASIA SEIMIINELL.I. sclagillclla, 1IIn. 8. PARASIA NElJROPTERELLA. neUl'opterella, Zl. North America. 9. PAlIAS!A? sunSIMELLA. 5ubsirnel1a, Oll1ls. Uuitcd States. Genus 16. CHELARIA. Cholaria, Hw. 1. CUELAI\IA HUEDNERELLA. Huebnerella, Dn.-conscl'iptella, IIb.-l'homboidella, Ct. a. Eu!(Jand. From Mr. Bouchard's collection, b-J. England. Genus 17. CLEODORA. Cleodora, Ct. 1. CLEonoRA CYTISELLA. cytisella, Ct.-fuscipennis, Hp. and Wlw.-Wulkcl'iella, Dgl.c(!Jllulentellll. H .• S. a, b. Englund. From Mr. Chant's c{)lleclioll. c, d. Englund. From Mr. BoucIlal'd's collection. e-ll. Englund. 661 LEPIDOPTERA HETEItOCERA. 2. CLEOnOR! ICEl!ERBTEINIEJ,LA. Kefersteiuiella, Zl . . 3. CLEOOORA STRIATELLA. striatella, W. V. a, b. Europe. From M. BeckeJ:'s collection. 4. CLEOIJOIlA LINEATELLA. lineatella, Zl. 5. CLEODOR! ~!ER.IDIONELJ.A. meridionella, H.-S. Genus 18. MEGACRASPEDUS. Megacraspedus, Zl. 1. MEGACIlASPEDUS DOLOSELLUS. doloselllls, Zl. 2. MEGACRASI'EDUS SUBDOLEJ.LUS. 5ubdolel1u6, Std. 3. ~IEGACnABPEDuS LAGOPELLUS. lagopellus, H.-S. 4. MEGACR~SPEDUS sEhIlATELLUS. sepluatellus, F. R. 5. MEGAORASPEDUS BmorELLUS. binotellus, F. R. 6. MEGACR!SPEDUS IMI'ARELLUS. imparellus, F. R. 7. MEGACRASPEDUS LANOEOLELT,UB. lane'eolell us, Zl. Genus 19. EPIDOLA. Epidola, Std. 1. EPIDOL! Sl'lG~!A • . stigma, Std. It2 CATALOGUE OJ! Genus 20. IIOLOSCOLIA. Holoscolia, Zl. 1. HOLOSCOLIA l'ORllIOELLA. forficellu, lIb. Genus 21. ANAR8IA. Amusia, Zl. . 1. ANARSI.!. KOf.'[UElLA. Kuchielltl, fl.-S. 2. ANARSIA Si'AR1'lELLA. spartiel1a, Sohr.-Rollcrlsollclla, Ct. a, h. J~llA'land ... FWlll Mr. BUllClllll"d's cullectioll. c-f. England. g, h. Europe. From M. Beckel"s col1eclion. 3. ANAltSIA GENlS'I£, gcmistw, Stll. 4. ANlI.nSIA L1NEA'IELLAI.. 6. ANARSlc~? 1'IlUNIELLa. lillcatella, Zl. North America, pnmi()IJa, Gillis:· United SLllles. lIindostan. 6. cnnrlida, ANAllSIA CANDIDA. Slit. Culcuttu. Genus 22. YPSOLOPHUS . . YpsolnphuB, IIIV.-Oxyl,clia, IJb.-lVI esophleps, .flb.-EupJeuris, Ilb,-N uthris, Hb.-Anade1.iu, fIb. 1. YVSOI,I)(>HUS U13'IULELLUS. llstuieJlus, F.-ustulutus, F.-culJUcineJla, Db. LEPIDOPTERA IIETEROCERA.. 2. fusciellus, a-f. YpsoLorRus FASCIELLUS. Hb. England. g-j. Europe. From lI-1. Becker's collection. 3. denectivellus, YrsoLoPHUS DEFLECTIVELLUS. H.-S.-limoselll\s? Frey. 4. YrsoLoPHUS DUIl.l)lIAMELLUS. Durdhamellus, Bta.-quadl'illellus, Fl.-S. a-d. Engla.nd. llrom Mr. Bouchard's collection. 5. YPSOLOPHUS SII,ACELLUS. silacellus, fib. 6. YPSOLDPHUS constcELLUS. corsicellus, H.-S, pudicellus, 7. YrsoLoPRUS PUDlCELLUS. 8. YpsoLorHus XRINOXllLLUS. Mn. trinotellus, H.-S. 9. YPSOLOPHUS ~IAROINELLUS. marginellus, F.-stria.tella, Hb.-clal'ellu, T,', a-d. England. From Mr. Stevens' collection. e-l. England. m, n. Europe. From M. Becker's oollection. 10. YpsoLorHus LEhlNISCELLUS. lemniscellus, Zl. a, b. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. II. . Cisti,Stcl. YrsoLoPHUS CISTI• 664 CATALOGUE OF 12. ¥PSOLOPHUS ASINELLUS. asinolllls, Bu. 13. YI'SOLOl'fIUS lilllhipullctellus, Sid. 14. LGlIIJIPUNCl'ELLUS. ¥1'SOI.OPllUS YERBASCIlU.U6. TCI'ha,crllU8, TV. V. a--{.'. EIIJ'upc. Fram lYI. Becker's collection. 15. YI'SOLOPHUS nUBULOELLUS. bubulcell us, Sid: 16. YI'SOLOI'HUS BAIl.BELLUS. lJ:1rhe\1us, W. V. a. GerlDuny. From M. HemillgllOfI'ell's collection. 17. ¥PSOLOPHUS DECLABATELLUS. declal'atellus, Std. lB. YPSQr:,OPHUS JUNIPERELWS. junipcl'ellus, L. a-fl. Scotland. From Mr. Bouchal'd's collection. e,f, EUl'Ope. From ~1. Becker's collection. Hl. YPSOLOI'HU~ S.tBINF.T,LUS. sabinelllls, Zl. 20. YPSOLOPHUS SEN'l'IOETELI,US. scnlicetdlu5, Std. Genus 23. SOPHRONIA. Suplll'oltia, Hb.-Pleurota, Hb.-Glyphiptcl·ix, Hb, 1. renigcl'el1u, Zl. SOPHRONIA RENIGERE;LI,A. l.El'IDdrTEIlA HETlmOCIlRA. 2. 665 S()PIIRONIA PARENTIIIlSEI.LA. parentbesella, ..z;.-genistella, W. V.-selllicostella, llb. (I. England. From Mr. Chant's collection. b-d. England. From 1\1:r. Bouchard's collection. e-_q. Ell:.:land. ,. II, i. Europe. From M. Becker s collectIOn. 3. SOPHRONIA HVMl!:RELLA, humerellu, W. V. (I, b. Europe. From 1IL Becker's collection, 4. SOPllRONIA EXVS'fELLA. 6. SOPHRUNIA omLON~LLA. exustella, Z I. chilonella, TI'. 6. SOPllElONIA OONSANGVINELL,l. COllsRnguinclla, H .•S. 7. SOPHRONIA SIOA.RJELLA. sicRriella, Zl. 8. SOI'HRONIA. ILI.USTRELLA. ilI11strella, H b. South America. 9. SOPHlWNJA EXOISORELLA. Mas. Pallide Dc/ll'acea, Sltbt~ls at'genleo-cinel'ea; palporum artiCltius 2/1$ jasciculo lOllgis,limQ jasdcldalo; anlennlll suberenulnta:; nudomen nigricllIls; pedes p08tici SUpl'l£ ju,lcesaentes, tanU1'um ul'lil'.ulis apire a''flellteis; aim tr1ltic{c vitIa postica in/us undulala slri[/oqllc cos/ali apir.ali juscis, linea marginali ul'[Jenlea, pUllctis lW11'f}inalibus nigris; pustic(/! nigl'icantes. Male. Pale ochraccolls, slender, silvery cinereOllS beneath. Palpi tbrice longer than the hreadth of the head; second joint with a long lanceolate com,Prcs6eu tuft of hah-s; third extremely slender, 666 CATUOGUE OF longer than the second. Antennro slender, very minutely monulated, a little shorter than the fore will~s. Abdomen above and :biDe] wings blackish. Legs long, slender; hind tibire and tarsi brownish above; tips of the joints of the tarsi silvery. Fore wiu"s narrow, tounde(l at the tips, with a brolVll stripe, which extends along tIle interior border alld is undulating on its inner side; It brown streak alon g the apical part of the costa i extel'ior border very Dbli([ue, with black points and a silvery line. Bind wings blackish, rather broad. Lenglll of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines, a, b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 24. PTEROLONCHE. Pterolonche, Zl. 1. P'fllROLONClIE ALBESCENS. albescens, Zl. 2. PTEIlOLONOIlE PULVEI\ULENTA. pulverulenta, Zl. 3. PXE!1.0LONGHE INSPERSA. inspersa, Std. Andalusia. Madeira Isles. 4. PTE ROLONOIIE ? MADERENBIS. Maderensis, Bta. Purto Santo Ilnd Northern Dezel'ta. Genus 25. PROTASIS. Protasis, B.-S. 1. PnoTAsIs I'UNCTELLA. pUncteJla, Ctfl.-monosticleJla, H.-S. Genus 26. TOPEUTIS, Topeutis, JIb. 1. TOI'EU'rIS BARBELLA. bal'belJa, F.-IahioselIa, TI'.-crillitel1a, fl.-S. a. GeJ'many. Fl'om M. HemiughoJfen'B collection. LE1'lDGPTERl HErERoeERA. 2. TOl'EUTIS OUIELL.I.. criella, Tl·.-crinclla, 1i·. 3. To 1'1> Ul:rs LAIllOSELLA. lubiosclla, Ho. 4. TOPEUTIS Sl'ARELLI.. spal'ella, Ld. Genus 27. PLEUlWTA. Pleurota, Hb.-Eupleuris, Hb. 1. PLEURO'!'A IlOSTllELLA. rostrella, Hb. 2. PLEUIW'B. LA.RGELI,A.. 3. PLEUlto'l'A PLANllLLA. lal'g'elltl, Ltl. plan ella, Std. 4.' PLBUROTA PYROPELLA. PYl'opella, W. V. 4, b. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 5. PLEUUOT.!.. S.~LVlELLA. salviella, H.-S., 6, PLEUllOTA llREVISPlliELLA. bl'cvispinella, Zl. , 7. PLEunoTA METIUCELL!. 8. PLEUIWTA l'UNGIl'lELLA. metdcella, Z t. pungitiella, H.-S. 0: PLEunoTA mCOSTELLA.. bicustella, L.-margillella, F.-mal'ginatus, F. 1;67 668 CATALOGUE OF b. England. From l\Tr. Chant's collection. c. England. From nIl'. Foxcroft's collectiun. d, e. England. f-k. Enl!;land. Presented by E. Shephel'd, Esq. 1-0. EUl'()pe. From M. Becker's collection. p, q. Italy. FI'OIll Dr. Leach's collection. 4, 10. PLEUIlOTA ERICELLA. ericella, Dp.-teligerella, Std. 11. PLEUROl'a IllITA1RIX. imitatrix, Ii.-S. 12. PLEUR01'A EXIMIA. exilllia, Ld. 13. PLEIlROTA ARISTELLA. aristellu, L.-hitl'abieella, Zk. {to Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 14. PI.EUROTA SCHLAEGEltIEUA. SchJaegerielJll, Zl. 15. PLEUROTA OYRMIELLA. cyrmieJb, lIfn. 16. PLEUROTA I10:NORELLA. hOllorelb, Hh. 17. PLEunoTA HEYDENRElOlIIELI.A. Heydenteichiellll, H.-S.-honorelJa, Val'.? is. PI.EUROTA SOnnIELLA. sobriclla, Std. 19. PtEUlwTA IUDENIELLA. Kadeniella, H.-S.-uigriclllls, Zl. cximia, L;~erer. Cara.maniu. 20. PLEUROTA EXIll!lA. LEPTDOPTERA. BETEROOERA. 6li9 Genus 28. CARPOSINA. Carposina, H.-S. 1. CARPOSINA SCIRHHOSELLA. scirrhosella, H.-S. 2. CAl~FosrNA DERllERIDELLI\. bcrberidella, H.-S. Genus 29. ANCHINIA. Anchinia, Hb. 1. ANCHINIA DAFB NELLA. daphnella, 'W. V. 2. ANCBINIA GRISESCENS. grisescons, .Frey,-iusolatella, H.-S. 3. ANCEIINTA VElmUCELLA. verrucello, W. V.-hepaticclla, Hb.-cu€ol'clla, lIb. 4. ANCHINIA LAUREor.ELLA. Jaul'colella, H ..S. 5, ANCHINIA PERMIX'l'ELLA. permi:xtella, H.-S, Genus 30. APLOTA. Aplota, St. 1. APLOTA. palpeUa, lIw.-balucella, 1I.-S. a, b. England. PALPELLA. Genus 31. HAHPELLA. Harpella, Schr.-Orophia, Hb,-Alabonia, Hb. 1. HARPEL!.A J!'ORFICELLA. forficella, Sc.-proboscidella, Slz.-majorella, W. V.-flavella, F. a, h. Europe. FIom M. Becker's collection, OAT.!LOGUE OF (}70 2. HARrELL!. GEOFFRELLA. Geofrrella, L.-Geoffroyi, [Jw.-gruuel·iella, II.-S. a-i. Englanel. m-p. E'urop(" From M. Becl;cr's c()\l~clioll. 3. HAnPELI.A STJIl!'fOXlELLA. Stnintoniella, Zl.-GeoJfroyelhl, JJb. 4. H.l.I\PELL~ KINllERMANNI. Killdermunni, H.-S. 5. HAlIl'ELLA DRACTEEI,LA. hmcteclla, L. Genl1~ :32. HYPERCALLIA. Hypcrcallia, St.-Carcina, lIb. 1. H 1'l'l!:I1G.\.I.I.IA CITRlNALlS. citrinalis, Sr.- Christiel'llUllH, L.- Christiernella, Ilb.-Chl'istiernini,ZI. a-g. England. h, i. Europe. From III. Becker's collection. Australia. 2. HlPEIIU,\I.LIA lGNlFElrEr,LA.. Mas et frem. Bufa, subtus ul'.qentllO-oinerea .. palpi ')'fifo qllu(lri. jasciati; antenn(J! maris Sltb~elulos(J!; tibi(e Fos/ieee subfim.brillttV j a/Ill ant it'll! acutee, squamosa asperm, 'Jla'va sub,'etictd"lw, fasciis triblls angu.stis m'yris nitentib1l8; pilsticro cilleJ'e,e. lrfo[e Qlldjemale. Bright reel. Head in front and under side silvCl'y cil1ereOU5. Palpi nearly twice longer th .. n tIle 1)rclIdth of the hea(l; Eecoud and thinl joints willl two red bands on each; third juillt lunceolate, shortel' than the second. Al1tennlll of tbe male minutely setulose. Hind tihim slighdS frillged. Fore wings il71 LEPIDOPTERA llETEROCERA. acute, with a few ohliquely elevated scales, and irregularly reticu" lated witll numerous gilded yellow Jines; threo narl'OlV black shining blinds; f1r3~ and second extending Ilhli1lucly outward from the Cl)Stll; third submal'ginal, nearly parallel to the border, which is stmight and moderately oblique. Hiud wings ciuel'eous. Length of Lbe body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Australia. From MI'. Digglos' collection. b-f. l\IoMon Bay. From 1111'. Diggles' collectioll. Genus :33. DASYCERA. Dasycera, Hw.-Esperia, llb.-Alabonia, Hh. 1. DASYOEM SUI.PIIUREI.LA. sulphureUa, P.-anllulatella, VZrs.-curnutella, F.-orbonella, Rb. a-i. England. 2. nl.SYOE RA. OLIVIELU. Oliviella, F.-Olivieri, llw.-remulclla, fib. a-III. Englulld. n, o. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. 3. D}'SYCEltA. UIlTA.·rRIX. iUlitatrix, Zl. Glmus 34-. (ECOPHORA. fficophora, ZI.- Denisia, Jih.- Borkbauscnifl, flb.- Sclliife1'lllul. Ie ria, l:lb.-Carcina, Hb.-AcllInpsia, Hb.-Gulanthitl, Hb. Europe. L (ECOPRORA SULPHURllLLA.. sulphurelln, Hb.-tigl'ella, fib. a. Europe. Frum 1\1, Beekel"s collection. b, c. Germany. .From M. Hemillgho!fen's collection. 2. ffiCOl'llORA NU8ILOSELLA., Dubilosella, H.-S. 3. (EOOl'HORA ,WllSTERMA.NNELLA.. Westermann ella, Zt. L 672 CATALOGUE OF 4. (ECO.PFIORA SLlIlLEI.LA. similella, Hb. a. England. b, c. GeIlJ1U1lY. From M. Heminghoffen's collection. 6. ffiCOPllOllA rllOltica, Frey.-eugadinella, H.-S. RHOlTICA. fl. CECOPlIOIlA TRI.PUNCl'A. tripullcta, [1.10.- tripllnctella, St.- tl'imnculella, Dp.- trisiglldla, Zl. a, b. England. Fl'Olll Mr. Bouchard's collection. c. England. 7. ffiCOPllORA 1I!1NU~'ELLA. minutelln, L.-oppositclla, F. a. EJlp:land. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. b-m. Englund. 8. illOOPROIlA AMASIELLA. amasiella, H.-B. 9. ffiCOPHOllA S'rROEMIlLLA. stroemella, F. 10. <EOOPHORa luctuosella, Dp.-funestella, Dp. LUOTUOSELI.A. 11. ffiCOPHOnA. FUl.nGllTTEtLA. fulviguttella, ZI.-f1avimaculella, Sla.-minutellu, If1U. a-d. Englund. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. 12 .. <ECOPHoRA ANGUSTET.L,I.• angllstella, llb.-angusta, J{1U.-IIlCllstella, Hh.- far. [JUJ. a. England. From MI'. BOllcllard's collection. b, c. England. Presented by S. Stevens, Esq. d-p. Eoglalld. ~lbiD1acl1lea, LEPIOOPTl~ltA. 13. 673 IIETEROOERA. (EcoPIlORA ALBlLAnms. albilabris, Zl. 14. CECOPHOll.A BORKHAUSEN'U. BOl'khausenii, Zl. 15. (EOOl'HOl\A. CI:1"NAiIIOMEA. 16. (ECOl'IIORA WOODIELLA. cinnamomea, Zl. W oodielllL, Ct. 17. mOOPHORA GRAN01S; grandis, Desvignes. a. England. Presented by F. Bond, Esq. 18. CEaoPHoRA SOHlEFFE!\E LLA. Schmll'erella, L. a, Germany. From M. Heminghoffen's collection. 19. (EcOL'110ItA PROCERELLA. 20. CECOl'llORA procerella, W. V. FomrosEJ.LA. formosella, W. V. a, h. Enrope. From lVI. Becker's collection. 21. CEOOPHORA LUNARIS. lunaris, I:lw.-l\letznerella, Tr.-Bogl'illldeUa, Dp.-Metzlleriella? B.-S. a, b. England. Presented by E. Shepherd, Esq, c. England. Frum Mr. Bouchard's collection. d-o. Englund. 22. CECOPIIORA '('AMBDELLA. lamb della, Dn.-lambda, SIV. a, h. England. c-j: EDglllnd. L2 674 OATALOllUE OF 23. CECOPROllA lHEIWEDELLA. mcrcedella, Std. 24. <EcoPIlClRA SUBAQUILEA. subaquiJea, Sta.-Britallicella, H •. S. a, h. England. Fl'(>U1 lUr. Bouchard's collection. 25. (ECOI'HOR.\ llE'IRlMENTELLA. tlettimentelln., Std. 26. CECOPllOllA PAN'l:EREI.LA. Panzerella, St. a-h. England. 21. (ECOPHORA TlNCTELU. tinclelln., Tr.-Iuturella, St.-ul'ietella, Bta. a. Englund. 28. (EcoPHonA UNITE1U. unitella, H&.-fuscoaurella, lIw.-arietella, ZI. tI, h. Englund. Frum Thlr. Bouchard's collection. t-'l1l. Euglaud. (EcOPJIOIlA :rE~il'ERATELLA. 29. lemperatella, Ld. 30. (EcOJ'IIG>RA nLIE LLA. filiella, Sid. 31. (EOOl'HOEA 1'LAVlFIlONTELLA. f1avjfrontelln, W. V. a-f. England. Presented by P. E. Wormald, Esq. fl. En)!lantl. Frum Mr. Foxcrofts' collection. h-k. England. 32. (ECOPlIORA LAVA!ifDUI.Jl. lavandule, ]}fn. sa. <EOOFHQRA FUSCESCENS. fUBcescens, 1I1v.-luridicomella, B.-S. a. Scotland. From Mr. F OXCrl)flS' colleutioD. ~-p.. England. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROC.ERA.. 34. (]J:cOPHORA CINERARlELLA. cinerariella, Mn. 35. ffiCOPHOUA. QUADRli'ARIELLA.. quadrifariella, Jln, 36. (ECOPHOllA. PSEUDOSI'RET.ELLA.. PSBlldospretella, Sta, a-c, England, FrOlD Mr, Bouchard's collection, d-l. Engluud. 37. (EcoPHoRA DBVOTELLA, devotella,ll(ln. 3S. CECOPHOIlA STA'!'ARIELLA. statariella, lIdn. Borneo, Frem. 30, (ECOPlIORA.? lllTINC1'.EI,LA.. Perruginea; antem!(ll gracillimre, alis allticis paul/I) lm- viore.!; aim a1.• ticre acutre, c"alybreo sub8trigat~, fascia I/!Clt. ginali chalybl1ia, Female, Ferruginous. AntennlB very slender, a litlIe shOfter than the fore wing's. Fore wiugs acute, moderately broad, tiuged with chulybeuus, the latter hue most prevalent along the COSIa, und forming a band on the exterior border, which is stl'ailfllt and mode~ rately oblique. IJellgth of tbe body 3 lines; (If the wings 10 lilies. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saundel'S' collection. Australia.. 40. <ECOl'HORA. BIMACULANA. bimaculana, Dvn.-bimaculella, Nwm. It, b, Moreton Bay. From Mr. Damel's collection. c-g. Moreton Bay. FJ'(lln Mr. Digg'les' collection. h. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collectiun. i, Australia. CATALOGUE OF 41. (EcoPHOR.l. ARABELLA. Arabella, Nwm. a, h. Allstralia. Presented hy R. Bakewell, Esq. c, d. Austl'~lia. :Frum Mr. Damel'5 collection. e. Australia. Presented hy T. R. Oxley, Esq. ElJenella, NuoI'Tt. a. Australia. Presented hy T. R. Oxley, Esq. 43. illCOPH OllA. ISAuELLA. Isabella, Nwm. a. Austl'alia. Presented by T. R. Oxley, Esq. 44. <EC(WRORA ~l.!.moNELL". 1\larioDella, Nwm.. 'a. Australia. Presented by T. R. Oxley, Esq. 15. <EcoPRoRA PAUUJilELLA. Palliinelln, NWIII. a. Australia. Pl'esenteo by T. R. Oxley, Esq. 46. Agne~ella, <EoOPHORA AGNESEl.LA. Nrctn. Australia. . 47. (ECOI'HORA ZITELLA. Zitella, N101II. Austri!.lia. 48. Semelella, MOIII. Australia. <ECQl.'HQlU. SEM.ELELL.l.. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA.. Hecatella, Australia. 49. (EcoPHORA HECATELLA.. 50. CECOPHORA LI£TIORELLA. 677 Nwm~ Frem. Leete flavrt.; palp0l'um ,articulus :lus'icf!n,~; l'tQra~ antire pllrpureu$; tibia! p(Jslica! sllbil!cras~at(c: (tire anticllJ !aseiis dnallUs La tis cfwl.lfoam-pul'Tl1Ireis, fimbl'ia. pOltic(L cuprea; po;ticllJ cupl'ellJ,jlavo jimi>riatre. Female. Bright yellow. Plllpi slender, twice longer than the breadth of the head; third joint hltlcki~h, mnch short(;;' than the second. Thurax purple in front. Alldlllllen extr:ndinj!: much heyuud the hind willgS. Hillel tibim slightly incrllssatccl. Willgs broad, with a broau fringe. Fure wings rounderl at the tips, with two hroad purple chalyheous-shinillg' bands; first blllld ycry Ileal' the b,Lse; second very near the exterior burder, cI111tracted on its inner side neDl' the casta and near the interior burder; fringe Clip reo us tuwnrds the interior uugle; exterior borner slightly ohliqllc. Hind wings cupreous, with It yellow fl'i)lge. Length of the body 4!-lincs; of the wings 10 Jines. a. Moreton Bay. Fl'Om ~b. Diggles' collection. 61. ffiOOPHORA OIVrSELLA. Mas et foom. Alba; Fulpi basi nigri; aniCllnlll subpubescente.l; thorax maculis d!(abus cupreo·fuscis; ahdomen auratajlavum; aIm antiell apice rectangulallll, marula hasali, .fasciis dllabus latis fimbl'iaque cupreo1uscis; postica! aumto-flaval. Male and female. White. Palpi black towards the base, twice longer than the breadth of the head; third joint setif(Jrm, us long as the second. Anteonre minutely pubescent. Thorax: with II dark ellpreous-bl'Own spot' on each side in frout .. Abdomen ,lod hind witlgS pale gilded yellow. Fore wings rather bl'Oad, l'ectallgnla~ at the tips; II spot 011 the base of the costa, two bruad bunos and the fringe !lurk cupreous.brown j exterior bordel' very slightly oblique. I,ellgth of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 Iiues. a, b. Australia. FrOID Ml'. Darnel's collection. ,c. Australia. From MI'. Diggles' collection. 67& CAT!I.OQUE OF 52. (EcoPHORA CONOISELLA. 1)tlas. L,,!le jluva; palporum a1'licrtlus 2us fusc1JS; Qlltli1l1lCl1 subplIbescclltes; tibial pOB/jell! fimbria/iii; aite anticre basi fasciaquelala rujcsceille-purprtreis. Mare. Bright yellow, paJer 1)el)eath. Palpi much longer than: tbe breadth of the head; seC(lnd joint hrown ; third setiforoo, much shorter thun tIl<" secllll(l.. Antennre indistinctly pubescent. Abdomen and hind wings renenus, the former extending ruther beyond tbe latter. Hind tihim fringed. Wings elongate, moderately broacl, Hlightly rOllnded lit tlle tills. Fore wings reddish purple at tbe hase, aud with a broad reddish purple hand, which joins the exterior Iml'der lind is retracted in frollt nearly to the tip of the costa; exterior bonIer straig-hl, rather oblique. Hind wings with 11 "er{ long fringe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 illes. a. Australia. From Mr. Damel's collection. 53. CECOPfIORA TERMINELLA. Mas. Aurato-j1a~V!; abdomen «meo-fuscum; pedes breves, "ohm/i, IiMi. post iris (imbriuMs ; at(/) alltiea! hreviuscui«, latiuscult1l, fasc'ia lata pu"puruL; postictll ceneoJusclJJ. JJfale. Gilded yelluw. U uder side, abdomen ahove and hind wings nmeous-hrowlI' J"egs short, stuut; hind tibire fringed. Wings rather shan lind bruad, rounded at the tips. Fore wings with a. broad purple lJllnd IIlong the exterior border; exterior border nearly s!r~ight, slightly oblique. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 hues. !I. Australia. Fl'Olli Mr. Diggles' collection. 54. ffiOOPHORA. 1JSTELI.A. Freoo. Alba; pa/pi basi nigri; lhorarc niOro fascialus: abclomen pal/ide oc/traceum; aIle anticlJJ basi fasciaqlle nigl'is, fascia crcleriore injormi jerruginea antice niU1'o venia, spalia marginali glauco j pastiea pat/ide oehl·acele. Female. White. Palpi smooth, much longer than the bread~h of the bead; second joint stout, black at the base; third lanccola~(!, ,worter thtlo the secund. Autenmll whitish, bxown towards the base; 679 LEI'IDOPIE1U, HETEnOCEH!.. first joint whitisb, biack at the tip. Thorax with a broad black hand. Abdomen aud bind wings pale ()chraceolls, the former extelldin~ a little beyond the latter. Legs p:de ochraceolls; hill(1 tillifIJ frillged. Fure WiD lis rOlloded at the tip~, black at the base, with a blackish band, which is excaval€ll on the outer side in fwnt; au i!'regnlar exterior ferruginous hand, which is mostly black towards the cnsta, and has a glaucons putch betlVeen it and the exterior bOl'uel', which is slightly convex: and oblique. Lengtb of tbe body 3 lines; of the . ~pOfu_ a. Sydney. From Mr. Lamlleri's (ooilection. b. Sydney. From Mr, Diggles' collecti(ln. 55. illCOPIlOllA ASPECTALELLA. Mas. Alba; antenna? subpub~scente,!; thorax fascia lala purpllrascCllt~; abdmnen/lwocscens; al(/) ulltiere talm, ju"eiis tribu8 pm'purasc8ntibllS, In basali antice dilulata, 2a apurl cosimn trllllCata, 3a latiore lJl1ncta dua marginalia albirla lillcumquc tlr!gulo"nm albidalll includente, linca. obli'fltrL fIl8(.'a an[Julusa inter fascias 2am et 3mn; pos/iere pallide jlaWli. Male. Pale yellolV. Reaa and thorax white, the latter with bl'oad pmplish band, Antcnure indistinctly PUllcsccnt, Abdomen not extellain~ heyund the hind wings. Legs slender j hind tihi::e not fringed. Wiugs bl'()lId, rounded at the tifls. .Fure willgs with three pUI'plish hl'OWll il'regulal' bunds; first b<UHl .basal, cuntracted bind ward ; second with two concave cnrves 011 its iUDer side, obliquely tl'nncuted towards the costa, connected lVith the third by an oblique zigzag dark brown line; third much broader than the 5CClll11i, extending' t.o the exterior bOI'der, containing two whiti,b marginnl points and a whitish zigzllg' line, which extelld~ from nefl.l' the tip of the ~(lstil. to tbe hind end of the extel'illr hortler, wllere it is dilated and white; exterior border COln"eX, r,tther oillirJlle, Hin<l Wiug's pale yellow, with cincreolls tips, Length of the budy 3! lines; of the wings 10 lines, a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. DiggJes' oollection. II 56. (EcoPHoBA llLEOTELLA. Mas. At'genlea, subtus aU1'ata: palpi ai,ticuio 20 basi .fU$~O; ,o,b. domen aura/um,. alee anticm fasciis tl'ibzts oblit.l~i$ au,'ald.' 680 CATALOGUE OF cervinis andre conllexis, I II ba,~ali, 2a postice producta, 3a; recU'fL'a et /ufcat(1 i postiCfR ohsclII'e cillel·el1l. Male. Silvery white, gilded yellow beneath. Palpi nea1'ly twice longer lImn the brt>adth of the heall ; second joint slightly fringed, hrown towards the ha~e; third setiform, a little silortel'tball the second. Anleunre stout, smontb. Abd(lmen gilded, extending much bel'OIld the hind wings. Leg'S sm()oth, l'ather stout. Fore willgs rather hroad, rounded at the tips, with three ()hlique gilded fawn-c"lollred hnnds, which 3re conllected in frollt by a mipe; the latter is fiuhcO$tal towa.rds the base, cowll exteriorly; first hand baSlll; speon(l COlltiuued ~lolIg- the iuterior border to the interior aog-Ic; third milch rccUl'verl, forked tOIVDl'rlA tile exterior horder, which is very oh!irlue; under side and hind win~s dnrk cinel'eolls ; fringe pule, gilded. Length of tbe h(ldy 5 Hiles; of the wings 10 lines. . II. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 57. <ECOPHORA RETR.A.OTELLA. Mas. Alba; pu/pi capitis latitudine nwlto langim'es, a"ticldo 20 puhe,l('nnle basi fusco .. abdomen ci1lereum; tibia! 110stira fimbriatw; ala! ((lItic«I vix lIeuta, villa cnsfali /a,~eii8que duabu$ indelmllillillis ce.I'vini,~, playa e;t:terim'e cen,ina maculmn apicolem a/bam includente, Uneola marginali nigl'a j postieee p((llidc cineme. j}Jale. White, hllfdly stnut, Palpi sligbtly curved, very much longel' thall the breadth of the bead; secondjoint pubescent, brown. towRrds the hllsc; third lanceolate, much shartet' tha.n tbe second. AnteullOO .lender, very much shortel' than the for~ wings. Abdomen cinereolls, e~telldill" a little lJeY(lud the hind wings. Hind tibire fringed. Wings muderately broad, hardly acute. Fure wings with a fawn-culoured costal stl ipe, which is subcostal towl\rds the hase; two irregulal' illcomplete ohliqile fUIVu-uulolll'ed ban-d~; all exteriur fawn-coloured patch, which il1c1mlcs II white apical spot; a black line along the llind pa1'l uf the exteril1l' bOl'der; COS!;! stntight; cx. terior hOl'del' moderately ublique. Hind wings pule cinereou~. Length of the budy4 Iiues; of Lhe wings lq lines. Very closely allied to (]J. clectella. !I. Sydney. From Mr. Lambet't's colleotion. LEPIDOPTER,A. HEl'EnO(,ERA. 58. (l81 <EoOPIIOn,l RESUlIPTEr,LA. Cupreo-cp.rvina,. caput et'1ls alba; palpi alba, SlIb(lrCltnti, capitis latitlUline mullo lon.qiores, articulo 20 exius jusC'O, 30 longo; iibiw 11(lSlicaJ jirllhria/ce; alte (lntic'IE apiee l'o/und. at([l, pia[la magna et fascia e;rtel'im'e intetrupta ]lostice pur. purascente aibis, spatio Inm'ginali ex Jlal'ie pllrpura~'cenle aibido; postic'([Ijimbrra cinerea. CUJlreous fawn-colour, Head und pf~ctus white. Palpi white, smooth, "crtical, sli!\htly clll'l'ed, much lunger than tIle breadth of the head; second joint llJOslly bl'own on the olHel' side; third &etiforlll, neal'ly us long as the second. AntclIlIUJ ralher shol'ter thun the fore wings. Hilld tibire fi"illgerl. Fore \Vin~s rounded al the tips, with II lal'ge white patch, which rests on the inlel"iol' border anel extends nearlv to tbe custa !Iud to the basc; Hll exterior white hand, intenupted in tile llli<iclle, pnrple-tinged hindwilrd; marginal ~pllce parlly lind irregularly whitish !lnd with ,L purple tinge. Hind wings with the fringe cinel'cous, except towards the basco Length of the body 4? lines; of tbe wiugs 9 lines. 0,. Australia. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 59. (ECOPHORA COlllPAllELLA. Alba; palpi aI'liculo 20 basi jllSco,. thorax flls~a bifasciatus; pedes anterioresjuscescentes ; posticwjlavescenle.• ; alll! anliL'(£ fasciis tribtls indetel'minatis jll"t'is, la basali angusta, 2a postice lalissima gullam albam indudente strigum postican! emit!ente, 3a strigas quinque emitteR-Ie; postictli cinerea:. Frem. Female. White. Palpi fnll twice longer than tbe b!'cadth of the head; secolld joint brown at the hase on tIle oULer Ride; third setifonn, sllorter- than the second. Alltennm slender. Thorax with two brown hands, onc ill rront, the othel' hinelwal'd. All teriot legs mostly browDi~h; hind legs yellowish, their tibiro fringed. Fore wiugs ratber narrow, rOlluded at the tillS, with three irref(ular ]lrown hands; first hunt! nlll"l'OW, vel'Y near the base; second very broad bindward, cOlltaillillg all il'regular white dot, and emitting a stl'erik ill the disk tOIl'Hrds the first band; third connected in the hilldwul'd disk with the second, emittinl/: five streaks to tbe exterior border, which is slightly COnvex and ratber oblique; nnder side blackish Cinel'eDIl8. 682 CATALOGUE OF Hind wings cinereous, Lengtb of the body 4 lines; of tIle wings 10 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 60. (EcDPBOnA. ALTERNELLA.. Frem. Alba; polpi busi nigri; tllora:v nigra jascintlls; a(){lo11l1m jlnvf!s,'m .. , disco suhtu& lligricaniR; pedes ullieriores nigricunle.l j post'iew jlavesrentes; al", unticll! mael/in ba.\'{di".fascia obliqua s1,atioque apicali nigricantibus,fllsda striYll1/t emitler,le, ,Ipntiv allitali 7narulas il'es gutlusque 7lZurgillllles albas irlcf.ud~lIle j poslira Sltbaml'()·cinereaJ. Femole. White. Palpi abllut twice longer than the breadth of tIle hend; .cLOnd jl)hn black fot, half' the length from the base; thiTd ~etifo]'U1, rather sLolter thnll the seclIllll. Tllorax with n broud hlackbh band, Pectus !lud abdumen yellowish, the latter extending much hCY"IHI tIle hind wings; di~'k. hlackish beneath. Antel'ior h'gs mostly hlucki,h; lliiul legs yellolVi~h, their tibire sligbtly fringed. Wings elollj.(lte, rather narl'ow. Fore whigs rouuded at tl,e lip~; a ~r,ot ut the base of the custu, an oLlique baud and the spllce towards the tips blackish; the bund iuclining hindwanl I<,wurds the Lase enJiuing a streak OlltWUI'd to tbe interior border; the blackish "puce including' two wllite costul spots, a larger disoul white spot ILlid a marginal WIW of irregular wllite dots; fringe white: exterior bun\er extremely oblique; under side blackish, excepting tbe whitish hurder of t\le fringe. Hind wiu{{~ dark cioereolls, with a slight reuculls ti'lge. Length of the hody 4t lines; of tbe wings 12 lines. II, Sydney. From lVIr. Lambert's collection. 61. (EcoPHORA CONFUSEL:tA. Mas. Nigra:; caput Gnlice albu,m; palpi albidi, l!igricante fa,n-iati; antenna! ,mbsetulo'aJ; thorarc alba binnilltus; pedes s'Ubau1'Uti nigra fasl'1ati; alre antiete latiusl"/t!ce, apice mhrotundalle, jasciis dllabus nigriL'alltib'Us, I a {,asah ob/iqu.a den(t,ta, 2a ]los/ice su.billlL~·I'upta an/ire jis,la luiissillla, playa eQi'tl1li gutti.,qlle dl,ahu,~ di'culibu8 inlermediis nij;riCILntilms, 8~ri!lis ~ublllar9inalib!ls nigricunlib!ls; pas/iem pal/ide au,.atoC'lnerelll, , Male. Black. Head white in fl'Ollt, PaJpi whitish, full twice longer than the breadth of the beae!; secoud joint blackish Oil thll 683 LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOEn!.. outer side towards tlIC base, and with a blackish band near the tip; tbird blackish, except towards the hase, 11 little RhOl'ler thall the secoud. AntcullUl verv miuutelv selulose. ThoJ'ax while Oil each side hin(!waJ'(1, AhdUl;JeU ,wd -hind wings llalc gilded cinereous, the fmmcr extclllling 11 little beyond the latter_ Legs slightly gilded; tarsi and anteriol' tibhu willI black bauos; bind tibim frin~ed. Fore wings l'lIthcr hl'oad, ~light1y !"Ounded at the lips, with a few minUle blackish speckles, and with two irreguitu' blackish bauds; lirst band phliqtlc, very ncar the hase of the costa, dentate on hoth sides; secllnd slig-htly iuterl'llptell hinrhval'il, very broad ill fWllt, where. il is Rlii! divided j lwo hlllddsh di,caJ dots allll a blttekish costal patch hetween the bands; a ruw of short submarginal blackish streaks, which are occasiunally COllllectcd with the second bund; exterior border COlIVex, model'atc1y oblique. Length or the body 4-5 lines; of the willg-S J2-l4 liues. a.-d. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. e. Moreton Bay, Frum .Mr. Diggles' cullection. f. Australia. From Mr. Damcl'~ collection. O. ---? From the Elltomolog-ical Society'S collection, 62. . (EGopnolt_~ l'illTITELLA. Frem. Pallide (mmlo-:/lllvrt; tlwmx a/b!ts,fascia Mlliea liturisque duablls latemlibu" fllscis; tibim po_,ticllJ fimbl'ialre; aleE anticili stri_qu antiea lata an[Juiata, fascia exteriore furcata fasciaq!te iriformi adhuc emlerior8 ameis. obliqu~ Female_ Pale gilded yellow. Palpi much longer than the 11l'Cadth of the head; third joint setirurm, shorter and muol] more slender than the seetlud. Thorax white, with an reueolls band ill front, and with an umeous Illurk on each of the tegulrn. Abdumell eXlending much beyoJl(l the hind wings. Hind tibire fringed. Wings elongate, moderaloly liroRd, slig'htly )'olluded at tbe tip~. Fore wiugs with :Imcous marks; u hl'oud atl'eak extending along more than hall' the lellgLh of the costa from the base, obtusely angular on its olltet· sine, al(etillatl~d towards its tip; all exterior ohliqne 'band forked hinclwal'(l, itl inner fork ungulal' by the interior borde!', alullg which it is continned; a more exterior very irregular band, purtly exwllrJing to the eXIGI'iur bonier, diffusedly connected with the lit-st band; three points on the hinel side uf the stripe; a. point on the inner side of the JiJ'st buud, and Iln il'l'egular mark-un M 684 CATALOGUE OF the base of the inlCl'iOl' hOl'der i exterior border rather ohlique. J;engtl1 of Lho hOlly 5 lines; uf tlre wings 14 liues. a. Austro.liu. From Mr. Dllmel's collection. 63. (ECQFHOnA TRlFEllIlLLA. Mas. Alba; lJulpi capitis la!'itlldine ft)'e duplo lon.9iores, (ll'tictdo 20 Du,li ni(J!'/); "liB antiete la/a., lI(qrce, api('e subrotundatre, ja.ldi" trib«s It/ilil, la lala, 2a fiexa, ~a tenui aborMuta, jimb)·ja albll; posli('te duerere. Male, White, l\llpi clIrved, nsoendillg, nearly twice longer than the hre,ulth uf the heau; second joint Rlout, pubescent, black towards the IJa,e; tilirrl selifortn, shoneI' than tIle secolld. Abdomen Imrdly extellllilJg- heyonrl the hind win!{s. WhIgs broad. Fore willits hInck, sliglltly J'llIlT!ded at the tips, with three white bands; firstlJRllIj broad, nellr the llUse; second narrow, much bent outward Ileal' tIle ellsta; tllil'd irregular, very slight, abbreviated at each end; fringe white except hy the interior angle; exterior bordel' sli!{htly come", hardly ohliqull. H iurl wings cinereuus. Length of thE) l)(ldy 21 lilies j of the wing's 6 lines. u. Syduey. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 64, CECO}'HORA SEMIRUP·fELLA. Frem. Cinel'ea; vertex e/ thorax antiClis subTlifescentes; abdomen jerrllginewn, ,Ieglnentis cinereo Intlrginatis; tibia postiea sub_ pilosl8; a{18 unticce subaculle, luteritifll,jusco cQrtSpers(]l, spatio marginctli luusccnte ; poslie(e lute~centes. Female. Cincl'eotls, Vertex of the head and fore Ilorder ofthl1 thorax slightly tinged with recl. Antenme much shorter than the fore willgs. Abdomen ferruginous IIhuve, extending much beyond the him! wings; sir~es and hilld borders of tile segments pale cinereo us. Himl tihite slightly pilose. Wings moderately broad; . fringe cinereolls, brown towards the base, Fore wings slightly acute, ofa hue hetween rose-oolom and hriuk~red, minntely speckled with brown; exterior anti rmtl'ginlll pal'llUostly pale !tHeolls, with the exceptiun of a lillo along the exterior bOl'der; costa aDeI exterior bonier slightly convex, the ]lItter very oblique. Hind wings pule hHeous. Length uf the body 4 lines; of' tIle wings 10 lines. a-d. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOEn.!.. 685 65. ffiOOI'HORA. TENTATELLA. Mas. Aurato-flava; palpi al'liclt/" 20 fuseD; antenna: setttlos(/); thorax purplWeO-Cltl'reus; pedes ullteri01'C$ jusci; tibia? posti!JaJ late fimbria/m; ala! anlicm jasciis duabll.! pllrJlureocupreis connexis, la antice ahbl'cviatu 'intus niDl'o marginala; posticm a!nco-jUSC(lJ. Male. Gilded yellow. Palpi smooth, longer than the breaclth of tIle head; second joint hl'own; thhd setifol'm, much shorler lhan the second, AntenDw minutely setulose. Thurax purplish Clllll'eous. except in fmnt. Anterior leg-s !nostly brolVu; hinel tibiill broadly fringed. Fom wings slightly rounded at the tips, with two pnl'flli~h cupreous bauds j first hand abbreviater! ill frunt, hUJ'riered with black Oil the inner sirle, connected on the interior hordet' witll the second, which is marginal; exteriOl' bonIer straight, slightly ohlique; Ullller side aud hine] wings reneolls-brown; fringe pale cinereous. Length of tbe body 4 lines; of the wiugs 10 liues. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 66. (ECOPHOUA. DIVISELLA.. Mas. Purpuruscells; caput alll'atll-jlavum; (1.nlenncc sub,lclu.los(1J; tibia! posticre subpilo$(jJ; ala! antica! aUl'alo~flal'(/!' btl"i, &trigula costali jasciaque latr! marginali purpltl'a.centibu,l; Jiostiere. lEn ell!, Male. Purplish. Hearl, palpi and fore border of the thorax gilded yellow, Palpi slender, Illuch longer than the breadth of the head; tbird joint setifllrm, shorter tban the seoond. AlIlennat minutely setulose. Hind tihim slightly pilose, Wings elongate, monerlltely bruan, rounded at the tips. }'t,re wings gilded yellow, purplisb at the hase, with ,t very slllall plll'plish streak on the costa. before the middle, and with a Ill'Oltd purplish marginal buud, wuicll is' slightly illdellted on its iuner side and is partly abbreviated in f1"Out by It short yellow costal line i exterior horder I'ather ohlique. Hind wings ameous, Length of the hody 3 lines j of tbe wings 10 lines. a, Australia. From Mr. Di1mel's collection. 686 (JATALOUUE OF 67. <EoorlloR~ Frem. Purpur((scens; mnUI'Tli:LI.A. cap!l~.flllt'rsl'ellS; ltite ,~at an.Qus/m,.fimbria long'issiJllil; anlit'lc Illlrllln:/I'll,'dJ,1,-iUa costali jllsciaq!!O lata mal'gillilli £lnl·ice coarclllill }lIIl'}ll!rasrel!!ibus j postiere a]llere. Female. PurplisJI. Head yellowish. AutennlB sl~ndel', shorter than the l"re wings. AI)(Jumcn exlelltliug beyolHl the hintl wings. I,ags smoolh. \Vil'IiS el()ugilw, l'atlwl' narrow, rOllnded at the tips; frillge rel'Y long. FtIf~ wings giltld yclluw, with [L purplish co~tul stripo, whie)l is altcllllatcd lUi it approucheli the bruad purplish I)]'LI'ginltl1)3Ild; the latter is muuh contl'at:H,d LUWlLi'(]S the co~ta; exterior horrler veJyoblique. Hilld willgs bright mneulJs. LenlJtb of tho body 3} lines; of the win~~ 10 lines. a. Tilsmania. E'wm the EntoUlological Society's collection. 68, Mas. (ECOVllORA. CUNJUNCTllLLA.. Palliilis,lime cerltin(l; palpi capitis latitudino dupl&. [ullgiorps; antmnw seiuitl,ilO; s!tbsel'rat(~, juseo llllnulataJ; tibke ]iIJslicmjimln'iatm; (lIce Imtit'a1 amp/ce, vi;r; aeu/a, S1lbl14S jusceocmles .. rlO.I'ticecjlaue,\'ci'lIles. Male, Very pale f~Wll.oolour. Pulpi smootl], c\lrl'eu, rising high above the ~'ertex, twiec l(lng-er t!tal) tIle !ire,/(Ith ufthe head; lhil'rljoillt setif(]l'm, much slllll'tcl' than the se~'JIld. Ahtellllm setuillse, minutely serrated, much SLOlt~I' thall tbe row willg'S J each joint with II b]'own j'ing at the )Jase. Ahdomen extendillg very little beyond the hind wings. Hind tibire fl'ing-rd. Wini:(' eJuugated, ample. FU]'I) wings IJal'rlly acute, hl'uwllish helleath; c",tu awl exterior horder lwrdly convex, the latter lIlorlHHtcly uhliljU0. Hind wings yellowish. Length of the llody 1 liues; uf the wilJgs 12 lines. II. Sytlney. .From i\1r. LlIUlhert's clIllection. h. S),dney. Fl'om Mr. Dig-gles' clIlleotioll. c. Moreton Bay. :Fl'OJIl Mr. Diggles' cullection. 69. CEOOl'fIOll.!. LATIFISSE1,LLI.. Mas. Pallide ,ftV.VII; paiporum articulus :.lllS jllscus j anlenntB pubemntes; thorax fuseD jrmialuB; tibiw postiere late jimbriatre; a,lle ((utiCa! longee, villil costali jllSCtJ. oblique inte!'rupia; pO~licre cinerea,fimbria pallide jlava. 687 LEPlDOPTERo\. HETEROCERA. 1J['hle. Pale yellolV. Pill pi \'ery ~lenr1er, more thun twice longer than tIle hreadth of the bead; ,tCllllcl joint brown cxtcl'io1'ly, except at the tip; third much ~hlll'ter than the secund. Autennre pubescent. Thorax with IL In'owll b'\IIr1. Abdomen eKtendinl\' much heyond the hind winl(,s; Rilicallllft rather lon~. Lep;Hsleuuer; hind tibire lll'oadly fringed. Winp;s elongate, lllollenltely broad, slightly rlJunded al IllC tips j a bwwll coslal stripe, which is wir!l·ly and ohliquely interrupted !LI tlll'ee-j<IlIl'lhs of the length j exteriur border hal"lly CO\l\'ex, vel'y ohlique, Hilld wings ciuerClIllSj Cringe pale yelluw, broad. Length uf tbe uudy 5 liue,l; of tbe wings 14 lilies. Very nearty allied t\) (E. conjUlwtclia. a. Sydney. From .\h. Diggles' collection. 'i'0. (ECOl'HOllA. IlECLIVISEJ_LA. Mas. P{~llide IIl1.l'flto-jillva; caput ocitrlW!IItn; Jlrdpi cantas; atl/cltllt'l! $1Ibpnb,·scen.fes j tibi'E 7)()slivl(! antice nigri- l,i/l),wE,' a/a: ali/ivai sll'iga 81Lba]lieali oUliqM jlMea; po!liccB l)qlli(le (,c/trncea • .lila/e. Prtle J(ilded yel low. II ead (lchraceous. Plllpi slender, twice tougel' than the breadlh of the bead, bl"o~ish in f!'out; third joint shul'lel' than the ,eoond. AUlelll1<C vel'Y millutely pubescent. "Abdomen extending L'ather beyond the hind whIgs. Hind tillire 'pilose, Wiogs elong,lle, lllodenLlely bl'Oarl, Slightly rounded at the tips; fringe lon~. 1<01'e Wings with II hrowll oblique streak, which is atteollllted fwm the lip of the CO,ltl! to the disk oppo,ite the interiOl' angle; exteriol' bonIer vCI'Y ohlique. Hind wings pale oc\naceous. Length of the body 4 lines j of the wings 12 li\)es. a. Sydlley, Fl'Otn ",11'. Diggles' cullection. 71. (EooPHO\l.A, MOLLlCUJ,l~LLt.. Mas. Pallide (1I!I'ato:fia'1!(I j lla/pi antiee fusr.i; anienll(8 vi:!) crenuiatw; (lbdolllp'n ~IL'J)'a fuswrn, ,'egmenli,1 jlal,e,eenle Illar[Jinatis " aim an/iellJ lunUlE, viui.~ ,,.ioua ameiol', 1a 2aque abhre~ viatis, I a mbcostali interiol'e, 2a exteriore j posticaJ lalte jlavaJ, apice amere. Male. Pale gilded yellow. Palpi slender, twice longel' than the bWll\th of tbe' head, bl'OWl] in I'runl;' lhlf1\ jll111.t shorLer lllan the seconu. Antelluoo very minutely cl'enulaleu. Abdulilen extending much beyond the hind wings, bruwn above; hind bordel'S M3 688 CATALOGUE OF of the segments nna apicllituft paJe yellow. Hilld tibiro fringed. Wings long, moderately nrllau, ~ligl,tly founde(} at the tips, with three rencous stripes; fin;! stripe subt'llstal, tlltet1llillg tlloug fun half the length froUl the hase.: s~J;olld cllllllllcncillg' "elore the middle of the length and extendiu!.( to the lip of the costu; third on the interior horder; i'l'inf,(e tCllran'i exterior bunler extremely ohlique. Hind wings gilded y,'llow, IDneOllS towards the tips. Length of the body 5 lines i of the winl('s H Iiues. a, Sydney. Frmn 1111'. Diggles' collection. 72, CECOPH01t.~ C,\.11£1.1.". Pallidis,Iillle cinr'rPIHPl'vinll; libi(2 pllslicle ,~ul(fim6ril!t(e; altP. eiongala, .fimbria (oll!la; anti('(e cosla vix conVl.'xl'; 1"1sl'ictP. Very pale cin!'reOllS f;lWn-CIII('111'. Paipi slen(ier, nJOre thnn twicc longel' tlmll tlJ() vl'e<l(ith of the haad; third joillt shorter than the secoJld. Himl tilliltl Hli~htly frillg-Cll. Wings eillllgatecl, moilel'lItel,v hl'oail, sHghtl,v I'OlIuIlecl at the Lips; frinp;e IOIlf.!:. 11ol'e wilJ!(s 11a1"lIy Cllllvex along tbe otlsla; ('xlerior bl.J1'(ler slitdllly cunvex, very Ol,liqlW. Hill!! wings Will] 1m !EnCflllS tillge. Lel]gth of the body 5 liues; of the wings 15 liues. II. ~IuJ'etOIf Bay. From Mr, Digglcs' collection. 7:~. CEI"OrHOI1A PTlonUOTIlLI,.L Alba, sat gradlis; pillpi artic!!l" 3n ,~ubl!!5 fusce,!cente; anlellnOJ 91abrrr, ,qracileso' abdomen cinere"nI, bd.~i fusce.'rem, al'ice jlat'I~,lCeTlS, la.leribll,' su{;f(I"l'iwiatiso' pedes a1l1,:riol'es j'u,Ieo su/i'lri,l}; tibi(c pOl'liell' ,fial"','l'eflies, latc jimbriizlce; lil!lJ anti<'(C lfln//!lJ, <IIlguslee, viol! aelll!lJ, villa costali (:cr~i)1,a; postic(C ,fiavo-cillere{l;, lIiale and fimwle. White, rather slenoer. Palpi smooth, slender, mure thall twice lOll!{Cl' than the bread tIl of the llelld; s~cnnd joint 1I10,tly lJrolVllhh hellcath; third ,eLiform, nJllCh 811OI't81' thii'll the sec(JtI<1. AntellllH: of tilt! male setulllse. Thlll'ax with It brownish Spilt un each (If tIle te~lllrc, Allllumen cinel'f'()IlS, sli[htly tufted alOlll!' cl\ch side, hrowuis!f towards llie oase, extendillg I'er.v much beyoud thp, hilld wings; llpi(!111 Lllfl yellowisll, rnthel' long and slender. Legs slender; 11IJlrl'ior legs slig'htly stl'eNkeu with br(lWlJ ; hind tibire yellowish, bl'oadly fringed, Wiugs long, naHOW, hardly :M:as. LEPIIJOP1'EIIA R;ETEROCEllA. 680 acnte; costa wilh a fawn-coloured c(lstal stripe; unde\' side and hinel wings yellowish uinercolls. Length uf the uody 5-6 lines; of the Willl!;S 15-16 lines. a-~_ A{relaide. Presented by the Eutomololrical Cluh. d. Tasmania. From the Ellt~JIl]()llJgical Society's collection. 74. l\fas. ffiCDl'IlOltA ~HTUTJNELLA. Allrat/)~fiava; antenna: ,letu/oStl!.. abdomen juWUIlt, Kegrnenlis {!Urea marginati,,. libia! poslicm lJilos(O; {Li,e Illlticw ,moaculm, I·O.~eo e.-c parle sliff/wE, cosla 'viw eonWJ'a, ma.rgine eXlel'iol'e pm'obliqltO, Male, Gilded yellow. Palpi smooth, much lon((er lImn the hreuuth of the heall; third joint setiform, as l"llg itS the second. Anteullm setlllm;c. Thlll'itX, (unl fore wings IHlI·tly ,UffU,{!ll with rusy red. Abdumen hrIJwll, har,IJ.I' extcllliing bey"nd the hind wiug-s; ba,e, lip all{1 hiu{1 horders (If the segments gihlcd yellow. Legs stOIH; bind tibiro pilose. Wil]gs elongate. Fore wings slil-(Ltly acute; cost(t and e~teril)l' blmiel' very slightly COil vex, the luttel' very oblique. LCllgtb of the hody [> lines; uftbe ,,;ngs 13 jil1es. u. Ml)rettm Bay. From Mr. DiA'g!es' collectiun. b. Sydney. From !Hr. L'lIubel'l'S collection. 75. ffiCOPHORA AD.\!,l'ATELLA. From. Flava; thorax fuseD ja,lciILtm; tibim poslicll! late fimbriatm; aim anlicl{) apice rotunrialaJ, vittis rlilubus ar.gellleis, Ia erMlali, 2a rii.,eldi a~bl'cviula, vit/u,intel'lne{li{1 stri,ljaqllf JUI'. cllta och1'ar,'eis i posticili llinelli. Fcmale, Yelluw, pale beueath. Antennre lIluch short!;!!' than the fore wings. ThOl'uX wilh a hrown band ill front. Hind tibifQ with a broad fringe. Fure wings rather uarrow, l'Ulllllied at the tips, with two sil\'cry stripes; fir~t stripe cost"l; second, abbrevI" ated, bOI'dercd with brown ill frollt; (In intermediate uchraceous stripe, which is brown towards the base and is dilll.ted towards th~ tip of the wing; a fOlked ocbrllCcous strea k extending frum the exterior part of the secouel silvery sll'eOlk to the cnd of the interiQr border j exterior hurder slightly convex, very ohlillllc; nnuer side and hil1d wings renepllS, ex:cepting the fringe. Length of the bQuy [, lines; of tlle wings 14 lincs. a. Sydney. From Mr. Ll).mbel't'~ collection. 690 CATALOGUE OP 76. <ECOFHoRA PARAIIOT"ELLA. capitis di,~CI!8 cer'vil11/,~; 110'/",; eel'mno vittati; thorax ochl'ae.eo fasciatus,' ah([omen ob<cllre eineI'e!lm, ,le.9I11~Jltis ar,lf~ntno l/ilm;!1Ullis; pedes ()chl'a('eo sll'igati, tibii~ pn.tieis jimb"iatis,' aim antit're ariee fulltndataJ, v,ttis dttahus conll~xis o('hmceis; l](1sticre (fIIW1-cillem:E. Female, Sill'cry while, smooth, rather stout. Di,k of the hea(l uhu\'e fawII-coluur. Palpi SUl1wth, nearly twice longer than the hteildth of the hearl ; secoll(l j"iot mostly fll wll-cIIlonr ill front; tbird setili\l'ln, fawn-colour, H little ~ho1"ter than the second. Thor:tx with a vcry hroad uchl':lceom h'lIld. Abdomen dm'k cinel'eolls abuve; hind borders of the s€gmellt"~ silvery. Legs streakerl with IIchmceolls; jlosterior tibire rather hroad; hind tibire fringed, }'IIN wings rlllHltleu at the tips, with two uclmwellllS stripes, whieh 1l!'lllluill')d lit the hase lInrl at tlte tips; undel' side blllckish cinereous, excepting the cUSfa IIlId the j\'ill~e j exterior hunier sli~htly cnll\'ex, very ohliquc. Hillll will~s cincreuLls, tinl-(ed with wueous; fliuge paler. L~ngth of the botly 6 lines; of the wing'B 16 lines, 4, TasHHwia. Presented by;,vI. Allpol'l, Esq. Frem. Arf,ellleo·al~a; 77, CEIJOPHOIl.\ SUBPA I!.!.LL~LA. Fcem. A.-genten-lillia; an/enn(/) gracillimce; thorax allreo bivitlaills; alrE Ililticill lmlg(c, vitti. seplem amatis, lr< costali, 2a 30. 4il1J1Ge con "exi,l, 4a: Slt~rU1'mta, iia subrnmosa, 6a b)'evi6sima; PtfS!iCO! pallide cinerere, cxtU8 ,mbaurataJ. Female. Rilvery white. P111pi SlllOtlth, nelll'!Y twice lonJt'et than the hreadth of the head; thil'n joint setifurm, shorter than the second. Antcnllre very ~lender. Thorax. with a gilded stripe alung each side. Legs sho!'t, stOllt, smontll. Wiugs clongate. ,F(lre wings rounded at the lips, with seven gilded ~tripes; first stripe IltI~tll.l i second uuiLed to the fourth near the hilse; third united to tbe fourth at somewlmt be,Yond billf the lellgth; fuurth sJightl,Y forked neRl' its tip; ti(lh slightly hranched Ileal' its tip; sixth very sho!'t; sev8uth UII the inl;f'riuI' btlrd"r i eXLeriol' border .lig-litly convex, father ohlique. Hinel wings pale cinereotl8, sliglltly gihled eXlel'iorly; friuge whitish. Length of the !Judy 4-5 lines; of the wings 12-14 lines. a, b. Moreton Bay. From :\Ir. PiggIes collection. LEPIDOFTERA HETEROOER~. 78. 691 (ECOPHOIlA PROPRlELLA. A,'ganteo-ctlba; corpus pal/ide (If'l'''aceltnl; pll.lpi fuseo viUriti; antl!ll1!l!! gl<thrm; tlwra,l' cervillo fasciatH~; rti)(lomen. jltRciis sall11',lle <lclU'ltccis; tibi,e 1,o,lticlP. jimbrialrc; aZrJi anliete apir:e .Iubrol-undatlc, cervino bivilltlt~ ; pu,~tie(f. einere.:e, jimb1'ia pallide ochracf:Il. Mas. ll-fale. Silvery white. Bou.V pale oclJl'aCClJ,lls. Palp; slender. about twice lon!-(er than the breadt.h of Lhe head; ~eclln(l jnint hrown beneath; third llfOWlI, seti:fiH'CI1, Illmost ali l"n~ as tlw scc(mcl. Alltennre brown, RInuolh. Thorax with it l.oro:trl fuwn-cillourell hand. Abdomen extclHlillP; a little beyond tIle hinrl lVinp;s; hili'[ burriel's of the segmellts d{!ep ocbt'aceons, Himl tihire flill~·cd. FI)l'e wings slightly rounded at tbe tips, with two filwlJ-co]o[Jred stripes, olle subcostal, the other nBll1' the interior Iwr<lc),j exleriol' bunlerslightly convex, rather oblique; uuder side dark ciucreoll!', Hind willgs ciuet'cous; frin!l:e llale ocbmceulls. Length of tbe body 5 Iiues; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sydney. FI'om Mr. Diggles' collection. 79. CEOOPHORA BUUNElCELLi. Fwm. Ar,genteo-aibtl; abrlmum pallide cervhwm; «I.e anticl!! amea-ceninll', slri,gis p,(Uiriiorioll,;, sll'i,l!a 8UUcIlstali lanceo/ala, vitia, merlia sll'iguque poslil'<t intme(·ta, (!i'!lelltei~; posticaJ cinereo-temm, fimM'ia aibilla. Female. 8ih-ery white. Abrlolllell pale fawn-colulll' ahove. Wings moderately lH'oail, slightly 1'IJIIlHiwl at the tip,; .Fonl Will~S allleuus luwu-c(lloul', with paler streaks bet\lcon t1w I'eins; It silvery hUlceolale sullcostal slreak cxtelldiug al(11)( half the l.mgth frOlu tbe hase; Il silvery middle RtL"il'e, which is vcry o1Jlhluely illlt:I'Sected at une.tLird of the Jeuf(lh !lwl extends to the tip or the wiug'; a silvery streak very neal' the interior border, aud exten(liug' aloug half the length fWIll ncar the base of thp. latter. Hiud wiugs,.ciltcrcousreneaus; fringe whitish. Leul{th of the body 5 li11es j of lhe wings 14 lines. a. AUSCl'il!ill. FJ'OUl. Mr. Milne's collection. b. Syduey. Frolll Mr. Lambert's collection. 692 CATALOgUE OF 80. (EcoPHOIlA. NEXELL!. Fo;m. Argen/eo-alba; alaJ a'/llical Dcllrareo-m'vinlB, stri,rfis qualuor subrostalibus villislfue duabus fimbl'iaque postica. argenleis; posticw paUidissime cervi lite. . Female. Sil~ery wllite. P,,1]li nearly twice longer than the breadth of tbe henri; third jtliut setiform, stmight, us IOllg as the Recond. 'Wings IUm\cr"lely l)\',)ad. Fllye wings ochrltcel)lls fawncolour, rounded at tbe. tip., with two sih'el'Y nearly pamll('1 stripes; four silvery streaks between the first stripe and the costa; first &treak parallel and very near to the co~ta; se~llItd slightly oblique, more tban twice IOllger than the thirllulHl the fourth, which are nellr the tip; fl'illg'e silvery towlLrds the iuterior angle; eXlcl'iul' hllrrier very ubliqne. Hind wings vcry pale fIIWU-culu1l1'. Lellgth uf the body 5 lines; (If the wings 14. lines. a. - - - P :Fl'OfU .Mr. Milne's collection. 81. <EcoPHOn! rllTEIU.INEA.TELLA. Mas. OcllrMefl-Oervina, suatlls aTfJentea; caput pallide oeMaeewn " palpi ni,qriCatlles; antenll(]) selu/()sre; tlwrads legulill illtllS ar,qcntpo mar!linatm i libilc pogtiew. late jimbl'ial(]); atlli anticllJ IJiuis duabus arge1!teis, 2a arim1! non alt'ingente FOBlice exca1lata, striga exterio)'e tralls·vm'sa a~:qfl!tea. pwwla eerV'ina. includente; pos/iew. pailidc cinereo-cenince. }IIale. O~hrace(llls fllWII-Cololil', sihery heneatb. Head and fore horder of tile thl)r'IX pale IJc\l1'UCClJus. P~l[li hhtckish, except towards the base; third joint seLifol'lll, liS lon~ as the second. Antenure setulosp .. Tcglllm ,,1' lho thorax burdered with sih'el'Y on tl).e, hlner side. Hind tihimbroadly fringed. Wings moderately hl'oad j Slightly 1ll11nded at the tips. Fore wings tillgerl wiLh rulleous i a; subcostal silvery ~tl'ipe, which is neiner the costa towards tbe huse tllan along the exterior pllrt, but juins tIle costa aL the tip; a hinder silvery stripe, which dlLe~ lIut extend to the tip, uud is obliquely excavated un its himler side j a silverv curved streak, which extends along the binder ]lint of the extcriorolllll'IJel', aUI! is paraliel to the e~terilJr hinder "ide of the SHiIte, 1\nd c{)lltains SOllie points of the ground hue; frillg'e aud hiud W1tIf.(S pale ciuel'eolls f,lIvn-colour, with au roneous tinge. Length of the body I) lines; uf the wings 14 Jines. a. Sydney. FlOW Mr. Diggles' collection. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROClERA. 693 82, (EooPHORA AUR1NAl'J'LLA. Mas. A!ll'alo-lulea ; Jacies ni,gl'icnns; ]la/pi em patle ni,qrirantes; antell'll(/) pubescente,,; tibia l'o~licw latejiml))'iata!; al(J) al1til'(I; latiusculil!, SUIJal.'ulw, [/utll! lliseuli rilicreo.j!lsca; postica? obscure fusc'(f), "ubws apiee" venlls Ilitero, Mde. Gilded luteolls, mo~tlv blackish beneatl1. Face blackish. 'Palpi sm()oth, curved, partly hlackish, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; thh'd joint much slwrter than the second. Alltennm lDinutely pubescent, Ahdllmen extendin[\' beyond the hind wings; a]licaltuft small. Hind tibim broadly fringed. Wings rather broatl. Fore willg's slightly acute, with a trall~verse l;inereollS brown discal dot j extel'iol' border, fringe allli apical part of the costa cinereous-hrown; extel'iol' border slightly couvex, rather oblique; disk beneath dark brown. Hind \VilJg,~ dark urown, Illjel.lus beneath towarcls the tips. Length of the bouy 4t lines; of the wings la lines. IL, b, Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. c, Moreton Bay. 83. (EcoPHoRA XA.NTHlELLA. 1<1as. Oelwacea; abdomen ni,qro-cinereum; a/w antiell! sl'l'igula t'l'anSVel'SIl dist'aii exteriare jusca,fimbria nigricanle; pustiell) nigl'o·dnercll!. . ]fla/e. Ochl'lIceous. Palpi neurly twice longer tban the breadth of the head j third joint seliform, shorter UlaU the second. Antenllill smooth, shorter than the fore wiJJg~. AlJdomen, bind wings and under side blackish cinereous. Fore wings slightly ~cllte, with a ahort transverse brown streak in the disk heyond the middle j fringe blackish, except towards the lips of the wings; exterior border couvex, rather oblique llillllward. Length of the body 3 lines ; of tbe wings 10 lines. a. AU$traJia, From Mr. Darnel's collection. 84. (ECOl'HORA SUBl'UNC1'ELLA. Mas. . Aurata.jlavu; antenna! subsetulosro; tibial pasticee late fimbriat(/); alll! anticee iatiuGcul12, punctis qualuor disco.libus st'l'igaljue poslica exteriore undulata fuscis; postiCtlJ (I!llell!.' CATnOGUE OF 694 lI!~le. Gilded yellow, paler beneath, Palri twice IOllger than the breadth oj' the heml; secnnd joillt ratht.r broad; third ~etiformj lllUcll shlll'ter and more slender t111111 the second. AlltenlHe very minutelv srtlllnse, Hind ti1li[£ broadly fl'im:ed. W'ings l'ather hrolHl, slip:lltly rounded at tIle tip~. FOl'e winj.(s with foul' brown poillis in the disk; third and fourth hel1ind the first nnd the second; second anr\ fOlllth mudl more approximate than the first and the tl1inl; (l. "light uncltllating \n'own line proceeding frolll the fourth point to the interior angle; exterior border sli:dltly cunvex, ralher ohli1lue. Hilld wings mucous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wing~ 10 lilies. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. 85, ffiCOPHORA ACCEPTEJ.LA • .Frem, A1gcnlen-allJa, sllbtus rinereo-lrnea; palpi capitislatilU. dine p(lltll~ inllgim'p,,,, articulo 21, apice subllls fimbria to; tibia! 1)(lsli1:(£ SltI~fi1Jlbl'iatfB; ala; anticw Ul'ul<1l, strigis tribus punctislJtlf. sllbmarginalibus aumto-ochraceis; posljcte «nea. cillCI'e(c. Female. Silvery white, cinereolls-reneous llcneatb. Palpi curvml, It little lunger th,m the breadth of the llead; second joint with II ,bort and very thick fringe at the tip beneath; third lanceolate, shorter than the second. AllteIlDre mueh sburter tban the fore wiTlg's. Hinr! tibim slig'htly fringed. Wings lIJlldeJ'ately broad_ Fore Willgs aCllte, wilh tIme gillled ochrHceOllS stl'eaks; first streak extilTIdinj! frum the Illiddle "f tbe costa nearly to the hase of the intel'ior h(l1'del'; secund extendillg from the custll to the disk, where it is reflexel\ towimls tlw interim angle; tllinl S\IOl't, extending obliquely from the fli;k to the end of Lhe interior border; a row of ~ubmill'gillal g\\Jbl oc\'YhCeOIlS poil,ts; exterior hOlder very oblique. B iod wings !ene(]\ls-cillere(Ju~; fringe very long. Length of the body 31i1le8; of the wings 9 lines. a. Moreton llay. Fl'Oln Mr, Diggles' collection. 86. {EooPHoRA "NGUSl'ELT,A. Pallhli.~sime cel'vina ,; antmncc pubescentes; tibite paslicl)! jimbria/(e; aill! antiew fuseD ~on,lpers(/), purtclis Il'ibus discaliLus )!unctisque minimis marginalibus nig1'icantibu&. !las. 695 LEPIDOPTE RA. HETE ROCE [\.1.. Male. Very pale fawn"colonr. Uuner side, abuomen and Ilind wings pale cillcreOllS. PUlpi very much lunger than the breadth of the head; secOlld joint slightly curvell ; third straight, setil'urm, much shorter than the second. Autellnre pubescc'nt. Abdotnen extending beyond the hind wings. Legs slerHlcl'; hind tihim fringed. Wings elongate, rlLthel' nal'fOW, f')uncle,d at the tips, Fme Willj!5 brown"speckled, with three bJackbh points; lirsl ]loil11 l)efol'e one-third of the length; second a lillIe before the middle; third beyond the middle; a row of vtn'y miunte blackish marginal points; exteriur border extremely oblique. Length of the body 4 liues j of the WillgS 12 lines. a. Moreton Bay. Fl'Onl Mr. Dig'gles' collectiou. 87. ffiOOl'HORA SUBDUCTELLA. From. Argl'nteo-alba,. caput et tRom.?) tl'llea " alm fl'J2lic{l' villa sirigas dl!1lS anticas obliqllus emittellte viUaque postica ['i"ngu/ata ameis; posticl1! pllilide cinerell1. Female. Silvery white. Head and thorax aJtJeous, Legs squamous, Wingo moderately hroad. Fo1'e wings hardly acule, with an irregular middle reneolls stripe, which emits two brunches towards the cosla; Jirst branch indiuml inwllrd; second inc:jincd ontward; a hinder ameous stripe, which rests on the base of the intel'ior border and farms two angles; nrst lillgle connected with the anterior stripe; second tonching the interior burtler Ileal' the illlel'ior angle uf the lViug; exterior border very ubliqlle. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length uf the body 4 linea; of the wings 12 lines. a.. Swan River. Presented by Sir. J. Ril:hardsun. 88. CEOOl'HOBA CONNF;XELLA.. Frem, Argenteo-alba,. pafpol'!llll aI,ticulus 2us achraceus; abdo· men fiavo-~inereum; a{([i anticle strign o.ntica obliqua, ~,tl'i[Ja e,'Vteriore obliqua anglllala, macula apud angu/ul1t intcl'ioTern lineaque tClll&i wbmal'gill(lii <!.!tmto.o('lImceis; postic{(J flavo. ci ne1·ece. I Female. Silvery white, Pulpi much longer than the breadth of the head; secoudjoillt nehraceous, e~cept at the tip; third joint setifol'm j a little BhUl'tel' than the secund, AntennIC slender. Ab· domen aud hind wings yellowish cinel'eolls. Legs smooth, slender. Wings narrow, slightly acute j fringe very long. Fote wings with N 600 OA.TAr.OGUE OF gilded ocbracf.ous marks; a streak extendillg- from tb e hase of the coHta to tbe huse of the interior border; an oblique streak extending from the middle (If tIle COSllI towards the1H\6c uf the intenQI' bord~r j II more uhliqlle so-euk e:l.lendinp; fl'lIIB the tip of the wing to tbe di~k, Vihere it t(}rms an aetne angle, amI is retracted to tbe hind pllrt of the extel'iur 1M'lIer; a spot neal' the interior lIugle and au irregullll' SIE'udcl' sUlllnarl(inal line; exterior burder extremely oblique. Length of tIle body :3 lines j of the wings 10 liues. n. Moreton B<lY. From Mr, Diggles' collection. 8f.l. (ECOJ.'IlOR,~ SEMIFUSELLA. anU!lIIllE J)ub~,lC(mtes; abdumen auratoJlavutll j alll! (lUIi,'W liltre, plagll maxi",o, obliqua cinerea pltTlcta dua 1'lIje"alllin i"rludenle, iilleum t'TUlIsversam usque arl angulum interim'em enl'ittente; poslica anrato-jlllvtll. Male. Rosy red. Palpi ~lelldel', mlll:h longer thun the breadth of the head; third joillt selifurm, II little sholler IbliU the second. AlItrnlire puhe5cent_ Abdomen and billa wiugs gilded yellliw. Wings brund. Fore wilJgs {lCllte, witll a large cinereolls patch, which occupies tlle hasal third I'lIl't ufthe iutel'iol' border, and thence extends ()l>liquely to two-thirds of the length of the cOBta, and tllcre emils II trallsl'erse line to the inlerior angle; two leddisb poillis in the patch, ()Ile before the middle of tlle \I-ing, the alhe)' beyond thll middle; cost!! roull!led towards the base; eXlerior border slrui/!bt, slightly olIlique. Lbnglh of the body 4 lines; of the wiugs 11 Jioes. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' CQlIeclion. lIfas, RO'tO-rl~f<l; 90, (EcoPHORA nR.~C:£EATELI,A, Mas. Al'/Ienteo-alba; caput ptillide lvtfllm; antennw subpvbescelltes,' ribitII posticlE fimbriultB ; aim (11l1ictB p"Tpllrascenfes, latiwcull1;', slrigis DCjO argentcis; poslicQ! aneo-cinereCf. Jfa{e. Silvery Il'uite. Head: llllle luteous. Plilpi twice longer Ihnn the fmmdtb of tIle head; third juint setifunn, a little sborter than the second. Antellnw 1l1inutely pubescenl. Hind tibire Mnp:ed. Win!l"s ruther broad, sliglltly ro~nded at the .tips. Fute whigs purplish, with eight silvery 6trcaks j first, sec()Ild aud third Btte~h extendi,ng alollg the CQsta j first atten uated towards the ·bitse; &eCUn6 nearly elli~tical i third attl'nllated towards the tip; fuurth and 1l.,f[h tl'iangtllar, behind the first and the second; foutth 697 extending to the inlel'ior border; fifth deeply excavato{l in front; sixth lauceolate, on the interior border, between the founh and the fifth; seventh parallel to the cl!:teriol' horder; ei:::hth marginal, not extelJding to the tip of the wing; exLerior bOI',r1er straight, mtlter oblique. Hind wings mlJeous.dnel'eolis. Length of tbe body 4 lines; of Lhe wings 12 lines, a. Sydney. From i'vh. Lamhert's collE,ction. b. Sydney, From Mr, Digg;les' collection. c. Australia. FrolU 1\11'. Darnel's cullection. 91. CECOPHORA. GLOR10SET.U. Obscure pUI'PUI'ea .. caput aurato:flavum; po/pi cupids ial.ilutiill8 tripla longio/'es; 0,1,,) allticte liluris navern eZallgalis aumlo_ jlavi •. D~l'k purple. Head !lnd fore horder of the Lhorll)!; gilded yellow, Palpi black, tllI'ice longel' thau the breadth or the head; second joint gilded yellow aL the huse ; thinl a lilLIe sholter than Ihe secund. Fore wil1~s llloderRtely iJwad, blighlly aCllte, with nine elull!{ated gilded yellow marks; first extelldilll( ulollg the base of the costa; second along the buse of the interior border; first, third and funrtlt forming au oblique [Jand j unother ublique [JUlid IOl'm~d by Ihe fifth, sixtu aUlI seventh, and a third buud by the eighth and niulh Illid'ks; exteriOl' border sligLtly CUIIl'ex. rather oblique. LeugllJ of the body 4t lines; of tue wings 12 lines. a. Tasmania. From the Entumulogical Suciety's collection. 92, CECOrllORA. .iE~lUI,ELLA. Mas. AI:qcllleo-alba; anll'nnl1l subsel'Ulostil: tfwrarr: orkl'aceo jasri«[u.!; libiw 110stjele jilllbrialce; aim (tlltje{e jas{'ii~ l'ribuG ochraceis nigl'icanle submal'ginatis, 21t 'Jallue connex/,i, titUl'(I, apiaati ocltracea. Male. Silret'y white. Palpi nearly twice longer tban the breadLh of the head; lbird joint KflLi f'o 1'111 , nearly as lung as the s~colld. Auteullre IninuLely setulose. TllOrax WILIt a broad ochl'a· ceOU$ band in front. Ahdomen IIll(1. bind wing's mIl6olls'ciner;lons, the fqrm~r extending much heyolld ltw llltler. H illIl tibilll friugt:d. Willgs eloll~IILe, moderately broad, slightly rouuded at the .tips. ~,or-e wings with threem'hruceuus, halllls; first llilnd bll~al, ~llfusudly blackish burdel'sd ou its oUler SIde; secouu aud third ll'l'~gular) N2 69B CATALOGUE OF partly aui) sliglltly blackish-hordered, cOlll~ected together by II transverse bind streak; tips ochraceous; extenll!' lJOrdcr muderately oblique, Length of the botly 3t lines; of the wing's 9 lines. a, Sydney. From Mr. Lumbert's collection. New Zealand, 93. CEOOPHOHA AP~;lWF.tL.i. Fccm. Aurato-.fia!)U; flhdomell Cillel"W1II; tibi{/! poslic{/! suoin-. crassaldJ; alll! allticCll SUb(lcut(C, margine extcl'iore pe1'obljqu(J, margine interio)'e extlls SUbCOIlCCtVIl; pastiea'rinel'ew. Fenzq/e. GollIen yellow, sometimes very pale whitish heneath. Palpi ~Iellder, twice IUllger than the hreadth of the hear!; third jOillt shorter than tbe second. Ahdomen cinereous, extending a little heyonlI the hind wings. Hilld tihim slightly incl'assaled. Wings elougate, moderately hroad, slightly acute; fringe long. Fure wings wilb .the exteriur burder vcry oblique; interior border sJiglltly concavc exteriorly. Hind wings einereuus. Length of the body 4 lines; of tho wings 12 liues. a-d. Aucklaml, New Zealund. Fl"Om Mr. Oxley's collection. 94. CECOPHORA. ARMIGERELLA. Mas. Aurato-jlavrL; palpi capitis /"tituriinp. fere dllplo 10nOIOI'es ; abdumen niYl'o-cinerfum; tibifll poslicr.ejil1!briatrl!; a/fII anticfII 'IIix (lalita, pUlwtlllis discalibus cDstrI!'lue basi nigricantiOU$ ; posticm n;gricanles. ' . Male. Gilded yellow. Palpi nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; second joint much cUI'ved; third shorler. than '~he second. Abdomen, hind wings and uncleI' side blackish cinereous. Abdomen extending a little beyond (lie hind wings. Hind tibial fringed. Fore will~s moderately broad, hardly aoute, with !DailY minute blacki~h puints; costa blackish towards (he buse, Hind wiugs blackish. Length of the hody 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Closely aIlierl to the preceding species. 1I. New Zealand. Presenttd by Col. Bolton. 95, CEOOPHOUA. ADEMPTELLtI.. Mas, Purpm'eo:fusca; anlmll(ll Rubpubescentes; a/,e anticre costrt ,;jttaqu e apuci mal'ginem interim'em fl(1vescentibus; pvstic(Q (£!lew. 699 LErrooPTERA. UETERODtltA. • .Male. PUI'pJish ]H'IlWlI. P.dpi sJplJller, nearly twice longer than the breadth IIf the head; [bird juillt setifuflll, shoner tll1m the ~econd. Antcllll(c VI'ly miuutely pLlh~s('ent. Ali<!llmen Hmc1l1l5, extending a liLtle be)'ollli tile hind wings. Wing~ elllngate, model'ately hroad, r"lUuted at the tips; frilJ~e IlIn~'. FOI'e wil!~s with tile costa yellowish, except t(lIv,U'd.; []Ie hUM, Hnd tow,lrds the tip; a yellow stripe alung the interim' border, att~lllliltcd exteriurly, not extending lf} th~ iuteriur llLl:.(le; exwlur b,H.ler very oblique. Hiut! wings renCO!ls. L~llgth l,f the hudy 4 Iiues; (}f the willg~ 12 lines. a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Col.llulton. 9('). CECOl.'IfO~A Mns. ALba; pit/pi nigro PICAUEr.r.A. b{fll,~ciali; tIM'(lJ) glltlis dlCabus antiris, jascirl macllillif IW I'O"lictL ni!lris; }Ierles lIigri, alba fasei~li; alee all ti<-aJ tiillri" e;ufcri()I'i b"" f'a,eiisq lIr, quat",,!, deviig nl!1l'i.I, jll.,eia II~ basali rx(·'twtll, './"t ;j,u/ue m/d" an!luiosis, 4a anlice furcala po"lice alle/lwlta et abbreviata; posti"«l apices versus alIi O1ll,nirw ob,w:Ut'e l'ill~retl!. Male. PUl'e white. Head hlack in front. Pilipi much longer than the hl'eadLh of the bead; secollt! juint hlack towards the hase; third setitul'lIl, with a black buud, as long as the second. Antelllll1l black, smooth. Thora:!;: with a hlack mlU'k Oil each ,side in front, with a black hand, and wilh a bj,lUk hindw;lf(l spo\. . Abdomen ei1l61'eOUS, extending a little beyoml the hiI'd willg's. Legs bl;!ck, stout, with some white bauds; f()l'e le)!s mu,tly white iJi!llcath, their tlbire slightly pilose. Wings elotlgate, ruther bruad. Fore win~s slightly rOllllded at lhe tips, wilh four very irregulal' blnck bands and with some SlIIrlll extel'illr black marks; first band basal, deeply excavated; second alld third deeply aud very iI'regularly zigzag, the tbil'(1 with au elongated black ~pot behind it; fOllrtb attemutted hilldwllI'd, not e1(leudillg to the interilll' border, fUl'ked in front, the iUller fork interrupted j exterior marks IIlong the costa hetween the third uud fuurth bnnd~, and along the exterior horder, which is slightly cunvex ;lUd ohliql\e; under side bluckish. Hind wings clark cinereouil tIJw1mls the tips, allli wilh lIn obJi!lllO elongated l>pOl of tbe same hue ill tbe disk. Var. /3.-H.illd wings wholly dark cincreous. Length of the hudy 6 lines; of the wings 14 liues. (I. New Zealand. From Ml'. Ohurtoll's colleClilJlI. • b. Auckland, New Zealand. From NIr. Oxley's collection. N.S 700 OA.TAL()()~E OF <EcoPHORA. HA~[ATELT,A. 97. l'Ias. P(tllide jlava; palpi ,r;racillillli, capitis latiludine ll'iplo longiol'es; an/multI! .lJmciies; pedes .lJmdies, IOllgiu.~euli, tibiis pos/ieis SIJU(!IIW.~is; ala 1l11tiCai subfu/Cillai, o('hraeell fu,~coque comp81's«!,fasciis dllubu.l f)('hmceis, 2a infol'mi e strigis dllabl/o! ~bliqu'is lillmlaque imllSDCI'Sa ju,ICIl, linea stl'igi~que quinque 7lla1'!1inalibus oc/tl'aceis; ]l"sljere albidce. :Mllle, Pale yellow. Palpi very slender, about thrice long~r than the breadth of the he.uJ; third joint nearly as long liS the second. AntellllID slender, hardly monilifor\]]. Abdomen yellowish cinereous, extending much beyond tIle hind wings. Legs slender, rather long; hillel tibiru S~llaI1JUus. Winp;s clong-llte, mtller broad, Fore wings suhf"lcatc, with I',\rious (lchraceolls and brown speckles alld witll twu {)chnlCeotls hlllldR j til'st hllnd Slightly cu\'ved inward, bfll'ucl'ed with bruwJl un the outward side j seound cOllsistiug' of two stl'eaks, which cllul'erge outwllrd in the disk, and are clJlloected on tIle inlier side by a sI,o!'! trallsverse brown line; five mill'gina! streaks nnd llIal'g-inalliue ()chn.lceous; exlcl'iurllo1'rler mther 'Ihlique, Hind willA'S whitish, slIbfalcate. Length of the btld.y 41 lines ; of the wings 11 lines, a, b; Auckland, New Zealund. From MI'. Oxley's collection. Genus 35. ALLOCLITA. Anoelita, Std. 1. ALLOCLITA RECISELLA. recisella, Std. Genus 36. CEGOCONIA. CEgoconia, Sta. 1. CEGOCONIA. QUA llRII'UNOTA. qlludripullcta, HiO.-bifabciella, SI.-KiJldermanniella, Zl. a--h. Englallcl. GellllS :37. ENDROSIS. EndMis, Hb. 1. lacte~lla, ENDROSIS LACTEELI,A. W. V,-betnlinella, Hb,-fenestrella, Sta. England. l, m. Europe. From M. Becker's collection. a-k, LEPIDOPTERA RETEROCERA. GennS 3S. ATEMELIA. Atemclia, H.-S. 1. A.l·EMELIA. OLEELLA.. Oleclla, Byr.-adspersellll, H.-S. 2. ATI,:MEI.IA TOll.QUATELLA. tOl'quatella, Zl.-fuscifrolltella, Sta.-var. cOlllpl'cssella, H,-S. Genus 39. Sl'AINTONIA. Staintonill, Std. 1. STilNTONU MIlDINELL,\.. medillella, Std. Genus 40. nUTALIS. Butulis, Ti.-YponomclIta, Gd.-Scythris, Reutli-Galalltllia, llb. -Oxyhelia, llb.-OclHomulepis, Hb.-HcYllll'opis, II b.- Hypatima, llb.-Chiollodes, flb.-Porrectul'ia, Hw. -Gl'HciJIaria, HIII.-AstYlIges, St.-Glyphiptoryx, St.-Puncalill, Ct.-Lita, Dp.--:Exolmis, Dp.- Chrysesthia, H.-S. Europe and the neighbouring regions. 1 BUTAUS OBSCURELT,A. ohscure!la, Sc.-Esperella, Hb.-exteuseUa, Hh. u, b. Europe. }'l'om M. Becker's collection. 2. Bu'fA.T.IS PRODUCTELLA. ' prod uctella, Z l. 3. BU1'ALIS GRANDIPENNIS. grandipennis, 1Il(I,-herbosella (Gl~.), H.-S. u,.' Englaud. Frum MI', Bouchard's collectiun. h-k. Bnghwd. 4. BUTALIS AMPHON¥OELLA. amphonyccllu, Hh.-viridatella, fl.-S, 702 CA.TAtOG oE 5. J seliniella, Zl. It, b. Europe. O~ BUTALIS SELlNIELLA.. Fl'om M. Becker's collection. 6. BUT.A.LIS FALLA CELLA.. fallucella, SchWgel'.-anuatelJu, H.-S. 7. BUTA.LIS lERAE!ELLA.. rerariella (Zt.), H.-S. 8. BCTALJS TABIDELI.A, tahideJla (ZL.), H.-S. 9. BUTALIS flavivclltl'eJla (F. R.), fl.-S. 10. FLA.VIVENTRELLA. BUTAJ.[S APIOALIS. apillalis, Zl. 11. BUTALII3 CUPREELLA. cupreella, Std. 12. BUTAL!!> FUSCO.'llNEJ.. Hlv. a-d. England .. F.rom Mr. Bouchard's ·collectioll. fUSCOWllfll., 13. B UT.A.LIS SOllNEIDEBI. Sohneideti, Z t. 14. BU1·_U.IS SENESCENS. senesceos, Sta.-seliniella, Sla. a. England. From MI" Bouchard's collection. b-e. EUlIlalld. 15. BUTAI.TS DI5PAREti.A. disparella, Ty!!r. 16. BUTALIS VAGABUNDEI.1A. vagubundella (ZI.), 1I.-S. Lll:PIPOPTllRA RllTllROGERA. 17. BUTA-LIS POTENTILL!E. poteuliIlro, Zl. 18. BUTALIS DISSITELLA. 19. BU'rAl~IS I'I.SCUELL.I.. dlssitel1a, Zl. pasclIelJa, Zl.-gravatella, lliann. 20. BUTALIS GRAV.l.TllLLA. gravatella, Zl. 21. BUTALlS TUlJ.GUBTINELLA. turgustinella, Zl. 22. BU1'HIS TmnUTELLA. 23. BUULlS HIDllItNEI,LA. 24. BUTALIS TERRENELLA.. triblltella, Zl. bibernella, Std. terrenella, Z l. 25. BUTALIs DENIGRI.TELLA. denigratella (Schlager), H.-S. 26. BV'fALIS PAULLELL.A.. paullella (P. R.), Il.-S. 27. BUTALIS IlUMILLIMELLA. humil1imella, Std. 28. BUTALIS PALUSTRIS. pillnstris, Zl. 29. BunL1s purvella (F. R,), B.-S. 1'..l.IIVllLLA.. 703 704. OATALOGUE OJ!' 30. Bu'rALls LAMINEL,LA. laminella, H •• S.-laminella P Hb. 31. BUTALIS FUSOOOUPREA. fu~cocllprea, flw.-crassinscula, H.-S.-parvella? H.-S. a-e. England. Fralll Nlr. Chant's collection. f. Engluud. 32. BUTaLIS INOONURUELLA. incollgrnella, Sta. 33. BUTALIS INOLUSELLA. inclusella, Ld. 34, BUTAL18 CUSPIDELLA. cuspidella, W. V.....:.bifiLriella, Hb. 35. BUTillS KNOCHELU. Kuocbellll, P. 36. BUTALTS PUNOTlVITTELLA. plillctivittellu, Cost'l-Knochella, Tr. 37. Bunus ~Ia ve1la, OLAVELLA. Zl. 38. BU'CALIS FLABELLA. flabella, Mn. 39. liUT.HIS SCIPIONELLA • .Scipionella, Std. 40. BUT AI.1S XAN'l'HOPYG II LLA. xanthopygellu, Std. 41. BUTAl.IS RESl'IGERELLA. restigerella, Metzn •• 42. BUTALIS Hornigii, Zl. HOllNIGIl. LEPIDOPT£RA HETEIlOORIlJ.. 43. '105 BUTAI.IS BIFORELL!, bifol'ella, Std. 44. BU1'ALlS SCOPOLELLA. scopolelln, Ilb.-tl'igutlella, Dp. 45. BUT,ILlS CHENOPODlEI.LJ.. Chenopodiel1a, Bb.- variclla, W. V.-tristella, Tr.- cylindrea r Ilw.-cylindrella, St.-limbella, Zt. a-g. England. !L-llt. Europe. Fl'om M. Becker's collection. 46. BVT!r.IS NORI(lELL!. lloricclln, F. R. a. Germauy. From 11'1. Heminghoffell's collection. 47. EUTALIS DISSUIILELLA. dissimilelln (Heyden), H.·S. 48. BUl'ALH! BlIUERllEL!.A.• 49. B"GTALIS Il"SPERSELLa. bhnerdella, Std. inspersel1a, lIb. 60. BUTAL!S INSULELLA. insulclla, Std. 51. l'ariellu, St.-iIlspersclln, BurALls VAHIEtLA. Sta. 52. BU'rALIB SICCELLA. 63. BUl'ALIS PUL!OELLA.. 64. BUTALIS CICADELLA. siccellu, Z i. pulicelJa, Std. cicadella, Zl. 706 OATA.LOGUE OF 55. BUTALIS ACAN:rnELLA.; aCfitlthellll, Gdl.-gallicella, Zl. 56. BUTALTS lJESlDELL!. desidella, Ld.-inertella, Zl. 57. BU'tALIS DOllYCNIELLA, Dorycniclla, JYIlre. 5B. BUTALlS JlASILAll.IS. bilsilaris, Zl. North America. 59. BUT~L1S EHOnAGENSIS. 60. BUTALIS IMPOSITELT.tI.. eboracellsis, Zl. New York. impositellu, Zl. New York. 61. BUTA.LIS MATurELLA. IDlltutella, elms. U oiled States. 62. BUTALIS FUSCIOOIIIELLA. fuscicomella, Dims. Uoiled Sta les. 63. BUrALIS FLAVU'l\ONTELLA, fiavifrontella, Dims. Uuited States. Genus 41. HYPATIMA • . Hypll.lima, Hh.-Lita, Tr.-fficophora, Zl. olim.-Butalis, Zl. 1. HVPATUIA BINOTELLA. biootellll, Th.-lHouffelella, lib. 707 LEPlDOPTERA. HETEROCERA. '2. HYPATIMA INU1<CTELLA. inunctella, Zl. Genus 42. BLASTOBLASTIS. Blastoblastis, Zl. 1. BLASTOBLASTIS ltOSCIDELLA. 2. BLASTOBLASTIS PHYCIDEI,LA. roscidella, Zl. pbycidella, Zl. Genus 43. PANCALIA. Pancalia, Ct. 1. PANOAl.IA LATUEILLELLA. I.atreillellu, Ct. a. England. Fl'lllll Mr. King's collection. h, c. Engll1nd. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. 2. P,~NO.HIA LEUIVEN IIOEKELLA. Leuwenhoekella, L.-Schmidtella, Tr. a-m. England. From Mr. King's collection. n, o. Eugland. 3. PA...'WALIA NODOSELLA. nodosella, H .• S. Genus 44. ERETMOCERA. Eretmocera, Zl. 1. E IlETMOCJlItA PllINCEPS. E. <Eclematopo(la princeps, Zl. Natal. 2. E[l.TiTMOOERA FOSOIPENNIS. fuscipeunis, Zl. South Africa. o 701t OATALOGUE all' 3. ERETMOCEII,\ LiETlSSIMA. lretissima, Zl. South Africa. 4. ERMT:IloCER.I. LUNIFERA. lunifenl, Zl. 811l11h Africa. scatospila, Zl. Soulb Africa. Geuuo 45. SETOi\lORPHA. Setomorpha, Zl. 1. SETOJlORPHA. RUTELT.A. l'lItella, Zl. Sl)llth Afl;ca. Genus 46. COi\IPSOCTEN A. Compsoctena, Zl. 1. COMPSOCTENA PRIMELLA. primel!a, ZI. South Afdca. Genus 47. CRYPTOPHASA. CrypLnphasa, Lewin. 1. CRYFTOPIlA!;A ALBACOSl'A. albllcosta, Lewin. a. Austl'alia. Presented hy E. Doubleday, Esq. h. MOI'ctIlD Bay. Frum Mr. Diggles' collection. 2. CnvPToPflASA IRUORAl'A. irr<mtn, Lewin, a. AnsLl'ulia. From Mr. Dalllo!'s collection. h, c. Austl'alia. Preseuted by E. Dunblc(by, Esq. d-h. Ausu'alia. 70fl LEPIDOPTERA RE,!'EROCE [t,\, i, AlIstl'alia, From Mr. Hunter's collection. j. Tasmania, From 1h'. A. J. Smith's cu\lectiol1, k. ---~ :3. CRYP'rOPHASol. RUUESOENS. J'uhescens, Lewin. a, b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 4. Cm·PTOPHol.SA. PGLm:~m,EIE. Pultenrow, Tlmb.-Pultelloo, LPwin. From Mr..L:nnhcl't's cnlle!!lioll, c. Australia. Presented by E. Douhleday, Esc[. d. Moretoll Bay. FrOlll Mr. Diggles' collection. e, Austra1ill. a, b. Sydney, 5.· CRYPTOPHol.S;'? STItlGATA. strigata, Lewin. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' collection. b. Sydlley. From Mr. Lalllbel't'~ colieclioll. c, d. Austmlia. Pl'~sented lly E. DOllble<1ay, Esq. e. Australia. From .iUr. Dumel's cullection. Genus 48. CRYPTOLECHIA. Cl'yptolechia, Zl .. 1. CRYPTOLE01!lA. SAREPTE NllIS. sal'eptensis, Mschlr. Sal·epta. North America. 2. CU,{Pl'OLECHLI. I,EUCI!.LANA. leucilJunll., Bel·t. lI:lus. ]ifSS., Geol'g·ia. 3. Cll.VPTOr.ECHI,~ SQULAGEm. zt. ~cblageri, Zl. New York. 02 710 CATALOGUE OF 4, CI\YPTOtECHIA llUMILIS. humilis, Zl. Suuth Cal'Olina. Ii. CRYPTo.LIlCHU ALGIDELLA. Mas. Argentea.albll, gflfcilis; antenna: SP.tll/OS(£; prdes brevillscldi'; ala antira apicarollinrifLl(l!,fauiis nunnullis ahbrP.vial'is fusrescente-cinereis ex pal'l~ COll1lexis, punctis mUI'gill(tiilms nigris; pas/iea: cincretC. Male. Silvery wllite, rather slender. Palpi smooth, slender, longel' than the breadth of the hcad j third joint seti~orm, shortel' than the secoDei. Antenna: setulnss. AbdolUen extending beyoll(1 the hilld wings j upical IIppenclages large. Legs mther s)lDxt. 'Wings moderately broad. Fure winp;s l'olmded at the tips, with several abbl'eviatcrl inegllla.l' pale bl'ownisll cinereouti bauds, some of which are cOllilllent; marginal poiuts black; exteriol' bOl'der nearly stroight, slightly ohlique. Hilld wings cinel'cous. Length ofthe body <It lines; of the wings 13 lincs. II,. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. Mexico. 6. CaYPToU:CHIA ]'ROln'ALlS. frontalis, Zl. Mexico. West Indies. 7, CRYPTOLECRIA STRIGOSELLA.. Mas. Can a, Tobus!a; caput nigro hifasciatum, facie alha; palpi ni,gro tl'ijllSCirlli; tibia ]lO.lticle subfimbriata; al Ql anlicre apice rotundalre, sh'igu[is plzwimis longiluilinaliblls fllscis. ],[ale. Hoary, stout. Head with two bluck hands on Ihe vertex; face wllite. Palpi smooth, cUl'ved, with three hlack hanlls, II little longer tllan' tbe breadth of tbe head; third juint nearly as long as the seconil, Anlelllllll much shorter than the fore wings. Hind tillia: slightly Mngec!. FOl'e wings rounded at the tips, with numel'OUS short fusifol'm longitudinal brown stl'ehks; CUSt11 llllrdly COO vex ; exteriur border I'Utbel' oblique, H ill!! wings very iridescent. Length of the body I) lines; of tbe wings 12 liues. tI. St. Domingo. Fl'Om Mr. Tweedie'~ collection. 711 LEPIDOl'leItA IlE'l'EROCEltA. South America. byssina, MIlS. S. CRYI''l'OLECHIA nerl. Zl. BYSSINA. P\\ra. 9. CRVPT()L1WHtA GE~lIN!.. gemina, Zl. Colombia. :z.·u nVIlJ.t. 10. CltYl'TOLEOHIA II. CRYPTOLECIIU MENDO\X. fUI'vida, Zl. Brazil. mcndax, Zl. Brazil. 12. CUV.P"tOLECHIA SPUROA. spUl'ca, Zl. Colombia. 13. CnYPTOLEOIILI. DIRBM.PTA. 14. CRYPTOLEOIIIA ACHATIN.t. dirempta, Zl. Brazil. achatina, Zl. Cvlomhia. 15. Cnyp'roLEolIlA HAVA. flava. Zl. Btazil. 16. tripustulata, Zl. 01\Y.PTOtECULl. TllIPUSTULATJI.. Vene~uela. 17. immunda, Zl. South America. OftYFTOLECl!U. I~{MUNDA. o3 CATALOGUE OF 712 18. C IIYl!TOLECHIA IGNOIHLIS. ignflbilis, Zl. Brazil. 19. CRYPTOLECIIIA preTA. picta, ZI. Brazil. 20. CnYP1'OLECUIA. TENERA. tenera, Zt. Brazil. Cololllbia. 21. CnYl'TOLECHIA BAHIENSIS. bnbiensis, Ply. a. Ptll'U. From Mr. Bates' collection. h. Salltarem. Frum J'dr. Bat~s' collectiun. 22. CnVI''roLEOlIJA. RENSELARIANA. Renselal'iana, emmer. a.-c. Ega. Fl'um Mr. Bales' collection. 23. C £lYPTOLECl!.IA loxogramnlos, Zl. LOXOGR'\'~HIOS. Brazil. 24. CIlYPTOLEOHIA DISJECTA. di>jecta, Zl. Bl'aZon. Val'. r Foom. Albida; abdomen jusco-cinereum; alt1! antica: fuseD strigata!, albo-vcrwsaJ, apice. sl,tbrulunclataJ; pastil!(/) jWJco-L'illf.l'ea!. Female. Whitish. Ahdomen hruwnish cinereolls, extending a liltle heyoDll tlla )Jiud wings. Wings broad. "'OIC wings slightly l'oulllieu lit the tips, with ~ix or seven bl'Own stl'ellks in front; two Innge)' and hinder brown stl'~aks extBuding fwlU the base of the wing, narrowly divideu from a ltu'ge bruwu 81)ot; a second lal'ga LEPIDOPTEHA HETEROCERII.. 713 brown ~pot beyond the first one and resting' on the interior augle; a rolV of sulmllll'ginltl brOIVIl streaks; e~tel'ior horder nearly straight, not oblique. II ind wings brownish Cillel'COllS; fringe cinereous. Length of the body 4-5 Jines; of the wings 13-15 lines. a. Villa N ova. From Mr. Blltes' collection. h. Pura. }<'rom Mr. Bates' collection. 25. CRYPTOLECHtA UTU RA. litl1ra, Zl. America. 26. CRYPTOLEOHIA ALBlClLLA. alhicilla, Zl. Venezuela. 27. CRVl'TOLECIlU DICOLOII. bicolul', Zl. America. 28. CRYPTOLECllIA DECORA. decll)'a, Zl. Bmzil. 29. ClIYPOLEOllIA INDECOHA. indecora, Zl. Brazil. 30. ClWl'IOLECHIA ALBELLA. 31. CnYl'l'OLEOHIA. GRAN DIS. albella, Zl. Surillam. grand is, PlY' Bi'azil. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 32. exurata, Zl. Brazil. CRYP1'OLECHIA EXARATA. 714 {)ATAt.CIOUE OF a, b. Ega. Frotn MI'. Bates' collection. c. VlIIa No\'a. From Mr. Bates' collection. d. Sanlm'CIll. From.M r. Bates' c(lliection, e,J. West Cllast of Anmica. Presenteu by Capt. Kellett and Lieut. Wuod. 33. CRYl'TOLIWHIA SESQUI1·ERTIA. sesquilertia, Z I. Brazil. 34. C IlYPTOLECHIA grandoova,1I1u5. Be)'l, (MSS.) ZI. Brazil. 35. ORAND£VA. CRYPTOLEOHIA. TRISTIllGATA. tristrigata, Zl. a. (VI~r.?) Brazil. Fruin Mr. l\lol'llay's collection. 36. CRYPTOLECHlA TECTELL.!.. Mas et fmm. Pallidissime cervina; palpm'nll! aI·ticllht.~ 211,~ emtus nigl'icum; "lee antiL'd! 1I1lI1C/O discali ni!lrit'unte, linea exteriore undldatll dr.ntit'i~L"ta ditJi',la pallide fmen, linea submllrgin(di jle:ca e lunulis obSL'Ul'ioribllS ; PO,IiiC(l; pllnctis fllCl1yinatiblls fllSds vi:!) consJlicui,~. JYras.-AIIll anticar legllill tostali magna rejl"xa, Frem.-A/w posticd! pal/ide mneOll!SClS, :Male and Jema/e. Very pale fawn-coloUl'. Pal pi stout, smooth, neDl'ly twice ]ewger tbun the breadth "f the head; second joil]t bhwkbh on the onter side, except IOIVlIrus the tip j third lanceulate, shorter thao the second. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs stuut. Wings broad. Fore wiugs rectangular at the tips, with a blackish point in the disk, with a pule bl'own difl'use denticiliuted undulating transverse line beyond the point, and with a darker brown bent submarginal transverse line composed of lunules j mal'gi1l8,l points blackish; exterior bOl'der no:t oblique, eliCe)!t tOlrurds the interior 1I1igie. Hind wing'S with inclistinct brown nJUI'ginal points. Male.-Alltcnllill pubescent. Hind tibire Iringed. Fure wings with a lurge costal lappec closely applied to the wing, and extendiug aillug' half the lellgLh from the base and nearly to the hasal part of the interiOl' border. Female.-Hind wings pille mncous-brown. Lellg th of tile body 8-St lines; of tbt: wings 18 lines. 4. Egll. From Mr. Bates' collection. h. Villa Nova. FI'om lvil'. Bales' collection. LEPIDO JlTERA HETEROCEIIA-. 715 37, CRVPTOLlWHIA LEUCANIELL1. Mas, Albidn, «-rwo 1.'iro Sl(tfusa; palpm'wn articldus 2us erlILS niger; IIntfllnG! pubescel!te,~; tibiw pnsticl1l S!t~filllbri"I(/); «I.e anlicm latm, acute I'ectangltla t(J!, p'tlletis triul<S discalibus fuscis, punetis Illatgina{ib,ls lIigris, Male. Whitish, with a very slight rencaus tinge. P'llpi smooth, twice longer than the hrelldtl, (If the head j secllJld joint black on the onte!' side, except at the tip j Illir,! selifol'lIl, shorter than the seeollr!. Antenme puhescent. Hind tihire sli!.!htly fringed. Win!1;s broad. Fore willgs acutely rectrwgu],l\' at the tips, with two brown poillts in the di('k, olle hefore the middle, tlJO other he.vond the middle; a third hl'Own puint between the first and the second, but nearer the interior horder j marginal points hlackish j costa slil!:htly convex tow(lI'ds the hase; exterior hordel' straight anrinot oblique, except towards the interiQ,I' burder. Length uf the body 6 lines j of the wings 16 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson'~ culleclion. 38, CRYI'TOLEOUIA NONAGRIELLA. Frem. Pall ide ccrvina; tibiw poslir'w fimbriat{/); all1l. antica! latiusculee, allice rotundatee, punctis t1'ib'IS (l-iscalibus nigris, linea wbllwrginl1li valde ctrclI.ata e lltinrtis elongatis nigris, pl.Inetis margillaliblls nigris; postic{/) jUices centes. Female. Pale fawn-colour, smooth, stout, Legs short, stout; hind tibire fL'illp;ed. 'Wings ratller broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips; three black points in the disk, one befure the middle, thl' second beyolld the middle j the third clougate, a little beyond the lirsL, and much uearer tile interior hOI'der; a deeply ontward curved submarginal line compose(l of elongated hlack points; mar~inal points black; costa slightly uonvrx alnng half the length fr()m the base j exteriOl' border conl'ex, hardly ohlique. Hind wings lll'uwuish. Length of the budy 6 lines; of tIle wi1lgs 16 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collectioD. 39. CIlYPTULEOlJIA QU,A.DRATELLA. Mas. Ochraceo·cel'l>ina,. palpOl'l1m arli Oil/lIS 2U., 8!JJtU.f jlllCIiS ; antennee. setuloSIE; pedes robu.,ti, tibiis tarsi.lque po"ticis/imbriat'is; ailE ulLtiem apice l'cctrl1l,lJu/lli(l!, punctis duo bus nifl'is, maculis dttabus juscescentibus diffl.lsis indistinctis, linea b14b. mUl'flinuli t1i,9ricallte sl.Ibdenticl.Ilata; postiCal jusco.cinereal• .. 716 CAT1LOGUE OF /Jfllle. OctuflceOlls fawn-colour, stont, smooth. Palpi "'ary milch llJlIgcl' th'lll the hreadth of the head; ~ec(ltl(l juint hrOWll 011 the IJlltsill", except 'It the tip; third jllint setili1l'm, as IOllp: as the second. Autenn Ie minutely ~etlll(l5e. Ahdolllen hardly e~tendirig hf!yllUtl the Liud Willg-S, Le;.;s stOllt, rather £hlJl't; hint! tihile lI)ld hind till'si friuged. 'Vin~' hl'uad, Fore wings ,wlltel.v r"ct~n!(lllar at the tips, with (WIl hlack point; in the disk; one lId'ore the middlu, 111')1'C hin,hl'1lrd than tho SI)cOllrl, which is beyond the middle; two hruwllish diffu;e anrl very illllh(.illd SP'its, oHe heyond tile first pOlul, the Olbet' lwyonrl t.he second l'oiut; l\ h];wkish tiUhIlHlI'[{inal tntllsvel'se V"l'y sleuder minutely elClllictllaterl line; (l:Kte1'io)' bonIer IlllrI friilp:e <lurk cinerellUs, the former hardly ohliqIH'; custa sligutly Co!IY('~ near the bll~e. Hind wings hl'llwui~h cin~reolls, Length uf the body 8 lines; of the WillgS 113 lille~. a. Ta.payos. From Mr. Bates' collection. '!D, CnVPl'OLEOHIA HUMERELLA.. Mas. abdomen allrntodisCILli ,~lrifJllque coslali n.iH"is, iwc albo !talala bis intel'rupla, costa subr,:}le,clI" po.\,tieoo aUl'rllo fla·vescenles. Mrt/e. Uerldish fJwn-colO\lr, stnut, Slllooth. 1)alpi SInolJlll, much lOilger than the llrta,hh of the head; third joint lum:eolate, allllm bait' the ICIIg'th of the second. AntellflaJ minulely pubescellt. Ahdomen, lep:s alld hind wings gilder] yellowisll. Hill,l tibia! slightly fl-illge(L Wing's raliler broud. Fore wings sumewhat l'ounr]orlllt the tips; 11 black P(lillt in the i]i~]; (It it little hefore olle-third (If the lelllrtlt; Ii hlack white-marked, lwice-intclTuJltecl costal streak ill front or the puint; cllsla slightly refit'xed, I'cry prominent low:lrris the hU8e; exteriOl' border convex, not ohlillue. Length of the body 6 lllles; of the wings 15 Iin~s. a. Ega. frum ~Ir, Bules' cullection. RllfescPrllr"cfrvina .. rwtenlt(/) l)!tbescenlf.s; jlnlllllll" tibiw posticf1) Stl/dimbrial(£, Jluncto 41. C lIYPTOLECHlA. FE 1l1l0CA NEl;LA. lIas, Canrt, j'"buGI<t; ante/moo subl'; al([J antici1! latiuscU/(J1, llpkf. ,mbmtzClldatce, feuci'i" d1!<!bu,~ irttis (:m''1Jini,l, anlmio intel'tlledil! cirlGreO, fascia 2a fuseD maryhlata, punctis mar. ginalihuG jusck Male. Hoary, smcl()th, sl.o\lt. Alltennre very minutely pubescent, Fore wings ralh~r broad, slightly rounded at the tips, witb LEPIDOPTEl!.,\ JIE:TllltocERA. 711 two broad fawn-colollred hunrls ; first blind extcllrlillg hilldwanl to the second, from which it retreats tuwards the costa, and frum which it is divided ill the middle purt hy a large cinel'eolls ringlet; secoud band cxtelldin~ neurly to the exteriur honle!', elcept towlll'ds tlltJ costa, oOI'del'cd hy two hl'uWIl lincs, the iune!' line illlel'!'uptell by the I'inglet; InIU'ginul pniutR hrown ; ~xterilll' hnrdcl' convex, lloL uhli(lue. Length of the body 5 lines; or thc willgs 15 Jines. a, Villa Nova. Fl'Otn Mr. Bates' collectiuu. 42. Cllyp'xor.I,:cEUA Mas. r.EOVRVELLA, CincreD-CCl'villll; 111I/pi squamo"i; anlpml(~ .mbp UbeSCf!IIIeS ; tibia) PIIBtiCa) ~q!tf!1nn,<c; aim lLnticrl! apire l'olullIlata:, jlf1.1ll:to di.l·cali, mncn/a pastira pllnclis'iue nounuUis wbmar'9inalill'l~$ ni[ll'i,'; po,llicr:e T'lllt'idi,QI'CS. Mrlle. CinCl'ciH1S filwn-colour, slout. l)alpi sll"a1llous, very much IOIlg;er than the breadth (If the head; third joint setif~rm, a little s!tortel' than the secoud. Antenllm very mililltoly puhescellt, A1HllllllCil extending somewhat heyund the hilld wings. Legs Stout; hind tihia; siluamons. Wings moderately Ilroad. Fore wiu:,(s rounded at the tips, with a slllall blackiRh Rp"t at the elld flf the interior burder; II denticl1lated subltlar~i1Jal lille illdicHt~d hy a few blackish points; 11 blllckish trulJ8Vel',e point ill the disk at twv-tllirds of the leui!th frum the base; exterior bOl'der convex, lJot ublique. Hint! wings rather paler, with It slight mneous tinge. Length uf the hody 6 lines; of the wings 14 Hoes. a,. Ega. FroU! III r. Bates' collecti(ln. 43. CBVPTOLECB!.! SUPPRESSELU. From. Pullidi.lsime cervina; I'ibidJ posticaJ non fimbl'illllll; aldJ anti(,(B llpice subrotundatte, custro dimidio basrdi convcxo; 7JO~ti('(1: jusCte. Female. Very pIlle fawn-cololJr, stnut. Palpi smooth, nearly twice longer thall" the breadth uf the head j thil'd juiut sClilotlll, nearly us long as the second. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wiug's. Legs swut; hinn tibire IlOI fi'illlfcrJ. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings slightly l'Ounded at the tips; costa C(>llvex along half tbe leugth tram the base; exterior border hardly convex, slightly oblique. Bind wings bl'own. L~llgth of body 6 Jines; of the WiJlgS 16 lines. fl. Ega. From 1111'. Bates' collection. 718 OATA.LOGUE OF 44, Cll.YPTor.ECHLt Mas ct fm[)]. Cil1eren·~e.Tvinll, COMPLETELLA. sericBIl; caputvilloSllnl; palpOj'um tIl'/ku/m 'Jus ,mhe,~cens ; antenna mal'is setuloul!; pedes squamllsi, libiis pn"ticisJimhriati,,; ali(; ontlL'a! latfE, apice rotundaile, lincis spptem obliqllis Ob,fcw'ioribus, 3·.40, Daque postice II [,brevial is, sldgis 01'10 ere/erioribus obsclLrioribus, linea mbmarlJilloli dum'ea costnm vel'SUS 1,ulde I'elrada, linea marginali l'inerea exlus cervino lIltlrginalrt; PllslicfE cinerecc, 'Male and felllO.lP. Cillereous fawn-colour, stout, silky. Body ben~ath anrl leg', whitish. Head thickly clothed with short, erect hairs. Palpi ul',I1'ly twicc longer than the In'cadth of the hend; second juint ]llllwscellt; third seliform, nearly ns lonp.' as tIle second. AntellM' of the Illule minutely setul(Jse. Abdomen exteudinJ!; oomewbat heyund the Idnrl wings. I,egs stout, squamous; bind tibile willI a short Cl'iuge. 'Vin~s bl'Oucl. Fore wings somewhat rounded at the tips, with seven ohliquc darkel' fawn-coloured lines j first and second lines mOle IUIlg-itudinal than the others, neal' the interior border, on which thry lemlillutc; lllil'(\, fO\\l'th Illlriliflh short; sixth and scV(mlh extending' nearly to the interior angle; eigbt dUl'k flllVll-cnlourerl liJIIg'ituditlal streaks hetweeu the seventh lin~ and the subma]'l!in,d lille, which is cinCl'eOllS amI iR denticulated on its inner si(1e, and is retracted towards the costa liS fill' as the sBventh line; margillal line ciucl'cOUS, bordered with dark fllwn-colour on its outer side; ext('rior l)(lrd~1' straijXht, Jlut ohlique. Hind wings cinercolls, Ll'lIgth of the hody 7lioes; of the wings 16 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collection. 45. CnYl'TOLllCHIA VENOSELr.A. Frem. AllJa, sal robusta; '{Ialplll'lIm QI·ticulu,~ 21l,~ erolt!s tii,lJricans; al,c Olltir'(C lalre, apice l'olunciatm, 11mis, linea transver,m undulata, sl1'ifju PUllclo,/IIC ni,qricflTll'iuus, p1UICtis rnal'gin'alibus tli!})'i.~; posfiL'(t (l!lIeo-cinerece, ba"i albm. Fmudp., \Vhite, rather stout. Falpi smooth, slender, nearly twice IOUlIel' thall the hreallth of th~ Ilead ; secoud joint hhlCkiB11 on tbe outel' side, except Inwtll'(ls tbe tip; third Retiform, liS long ~s the secllnd, Ahdomen hardly exlellding heyolld the hind win~8, Legs stont. Wings lll'oad, Fore wings rOIlTlde(l at the tips; veins blackish, except tow:mls the exteril)f hordeI'; a deeply undulating transverse bl.1ckish line limiting' tIle blackish bue of the. veins i a short blackish streak in the disk before the middle, more biudwal'd '719 LEP1DOPl'llRA J1ETllROCE"RA. thaD a small blackish dot which is beyond the middle; marginal points black i, exterior bOl'de!' convex, very sliglltly oblique. Hilld wings reneous-cinel'eous, except towarus the base. Length of tbe body 6 lines; of tbe wiugs 16 lines. a. Ega. From MI', Bates' collection. 46. CllyP'l'OLECHU C:HAI,YBlEELLA.. subtll~ ar,genten-alba; pedes $IIp1'a fusei, albido j'asciati; alll! antiell! llltlll, apice mb1'otundata?, slriga discali lincaque 1n<l1'g'inaii a.ntice eliZalala ferrugineis; posticOJ cuprr.ce,jimbl'ia cinerea. Female. CUPl'eous-brown, stout. Head, body bene(l(h, pulpi and legs silvery white. Palpi squamous, longer than the breadth of Lhe hearl; thhd joint lanccula tc, shol'ter than the second. Ahdomen clCtending a little beyond the hilld wings, Legs stout; tibial and tarsi bl'own ahove, with whitish hands. Wings hroad, FOl'e wings slighlly rOlluUCllllt the tips, tinged with chalyheolls; a transvel'se ferruginous streak in tbe disk at two-thirds of the lOllg·tll; a fenugin flUS mlltgillal linc, dilated towal'cls the costa; a short hlack more 01' less .distinct luugitutlillal streak in the disk befln'e the middle; clCteriol' bOl'(b' conveX, not ohliljlle. Hind wings Cllpl'OOnS; fring'e dark cinereous. Length of'the hody 5 lines; uf the wings 15 lines. 4. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collectioll_ Frem. Oupreo-ju,qca, 47. CnYPToLECHIA DASmUDItE:LI,A.. Mas." Fusca, subtus argenteo-alba,. palpi slJuamosi, articulo 20 extlls n'igricante, 30 basi apicrque nigro; ulltenr"e pubeseell/es; thorax rrif01urrugineus; abdomen alas posticas dimidio supel'(lns,. pedes supm fusci albo fascia,li; aim anticllllltl'iuscu/w, apice subrottmdatre, ba,lij'erfl),9inem. atomisi linds duabu~ transvmis puncti,I'que marginaUbu8 albidis. Mille, Brown. Head silvery wllite in f~()nt, beneath and on each side, PaJpi, pectus, abrlomell beneath and legs si!\·ery while. Plllpi 'qullmous, llluch longel' thun the breadth of the head; second juiut blackish 011 the au leI' side, ex~ept towards the tip; third Janceollite, black at the base lInd ttlwal'ds the tip, much shurter than the seoond, Ant~n [Ill) puhescent. Thorax reddish ferruginous. Abdomen extending for hull' its lengtb heyond tbe hiuel wiugs; IIpioul appcmu<Lges lurge. Legs $tout; tibire and tursi brawn ahllvc, with white bands. Wings l'athe!' broad; fl'inge oinereous. FOl'e Wings slightly rounded at the tips, reddish ferruginous for one-third p OATALOGUE OF 720 of tIle len~tb from the base, this hue bounded IJY an an~ular tr~~s verse whitish line' a slightly curved tl'3llSVCl'Se submargmal wblhsh lin'e j space bClwr~n the two liues irl'egllla!'ly whitish-speokled; margilllll points whitish, diffuse; e~terior hlm]er ,llard!y ~onvex, DOt oblique. Length of the body 7 llIles; of the wmgs 14 hnes. n. Ega. From Mr. Bate,' collcDtion. 48. CRYPTOLEOHlA IMPRE:BSEI.LA. Frem. em'vina, sat robusla; caput et Ihnl'u."C nll,ficus cana; abdomen fllScum; aIm antie(c lal'll, apice mlunliatCll, vitta costali emla nigra COIISpel'Sa Pol st1'i!JUla, pillgis tl'ibus clisialibus I'inea. qltC 7'l1sleriore inte''I'1I1J1a nigris, linea submat'ginuli angulosa pu,nt'lisljtle margillalibus n'i9ri~. Female, FawlI-l'u]OUl', ruther stout. Helle] and fore part of the tllornx hoar", .Palpi smuoth, slender, very much longer tban the brcHdth (If the head; third joint ~elitIJl'ln, sborleJ' than the second. Abdomen bruwn, €:o;tencling very lillIe heyoll(1 the him] wings. Legs stolll. Wiug's broad, Fore willgs l'Ou1I!1ed at. tIle tips, with a huary coslal stripe, which is speclile<l and streaked with black j Ihree black costal patches, the third partly enntailled in the stripe which does 1I0t extend to tI,e lip; u black abbreviated and intel'ruptctllungitU<lilllll lirw in the disk, ami a brown transverse zigzag submarginal line; Illllrginal points brown; exteriur bunler convex, not oblique. Hind wiugs brown. LeJlgth of the budy 6 lines j of the wi llgs 14 lines. a, Para. From Mr. Johnson's collection. 49. CllVP1'OLEORIA LATIVI'fTELLA. 1l rem. Fu~ca, subtus lIIy/eIIlca-crlba; abdomen jllsco-cine1'ellm; l'etie,9 JuseD jascillti; (IfIV (Plti Cfe In, su bnebulosa:, apice 81lbrotwl(/atce, villa illia ('ostali ltlba basin .ve1'.I1lS abb,'cviata, plmelis 'f/1(I,1'!lillalibliS nigris; postic(l1 ameo-:fuscescentes. , Fema!e. Brown: Head in fl'Unt, body beneath, palpi and legs SIlvery wlilte. P"IPI smooth, ,lendeJ', very muoh longer than the breadth of the henri; third juiut setifonn, shorter tban the seoond. Abd(lmen brownish cillerelllls, e1!tending" very little beyond the hind wiugs. AI~\e'·ior tihial 1111(\ t!\r~i whh bl'llvm bands; hind tibiw s()m~wllllt IIlcrllssated, Willgs ratller bl'oad. Fure wings sliglltly rOlludl.'Ci at the lips, indistinctly lllottled with It hruad white costal st:'ipe, "lziab extc,nds fl'om UIle-third of'tlle length to Ihe tip and ahglltly decTL'ascs llJ breadth outwunlly; a row of white jJoints along LEPIDOP'rERA. HETElWOERA. 721 the exterior hordeI'; costa sliglltly cunvex fol' half the length from the; exteriOl' border almust straight, lnod"1'1Iwly ohlique, Hiud wings brIHvllish, with un wueuus tiuge, L~llg'lh ur t.he LUlly Glilles j of the wings Hi lines. a. Venezuela. Frol11 Mr. Dysoll's collection. b. llrazil. Pmsented by H. Low, Es([. 60. CRYl'TOLEGUIA ItEDUG'l'ELL,\. Mas. Alba, sat rl)bn,~tao' palpi sljwPl1.osi ; (Wiennle Sltbpulmcentes ; abdomen alliS postiws dimidil) .Illpemnso' tibia: posticm.tilJ£ul'iallE; alrl! aniiClIJ ariel? "olund'lire, lIUlculi,' duabus pr>slici,~ strigis!]UB tluahlls IIMiqllis jllscis, pnnctis '111l1'!liualibus niv,.is. ]Jfut(l: 'White, rather stout. Pilipi slluarnolls, lunger tllltn tbe breadth of the heild; thil'd juint SI,(i(Ill'lIi. as lung as the ~ecolliL Alltennre very millutely PUhlNHlIlt; first juint lullJ.!;, stl)ul. Ahdotnen extending fur halt' its length LeYllllil the binI] lVillg,~. Legs rather long and stout; hinll tillite fringed. Wings lllodcl'Htely broad. Fore wings Illueh l'ullTllled ilt the tips; two large hrown spots on the interiur bordel', one ill the mitlclle, the other (lhout the illtel'iol' lIugle; lin oh1itl'IO irre;(ulal' hl'tlwn sLl't'alc extending' fl'O!U the exterior disk to the second spot; a more olltwllt'll streak COlllposed of bl'own points ext€ll(ling LO the further eud of tbe second spot; marg-inal points hlack; exterior border very convex, 1I0t ohUq_ue. Lengtlt ... f the blld J 7 lilies; of the WitlgS L4 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. B,ltes' collectiun. 51. CnYPTOL1WHlA I',\.Ul'EnA1'I~LLA. Mas. Albida; IJalpOl'um a,l'licnlus :Jus extlls ni,llricans,. allicnnrJ? pl!bescentes; pedes b'l'cves, mbl.lSti; alII! anlia,e iatil,tscui<e, apice fDtundlll(C, lmn(~lis d,wims dh'r{liiblt" litteaque mbmarginali arcUltilL pUllctltilLl'i jnsci,I'o' po"ticrl! a_lbaJ. Male. Whitish, stout. PalJli smooth, ne:ll'ly twice longer than the breadth of the head; seclIlHI jLlillt hlackish Oil the olltside, except towurds the tip; third sclifllflll, liS IHug' Its. the Belloml, Antellll8l pubesceJJt. AhdOlu~n extendiuf,i: heyond the hind wings; appendages rathel' lal'ge. .Legs stu lit, short. Whigs !'ather broad. Fore wings rounded at the tips, wilh Lwo bl'Uw[l poiuts ill tbe disk, one before the middle, the other heyond the middle; a curved submarginalliue of brown points j exterior border couvex, Ilot oblilluo. p2 722 OATAI.OuUE OF Bind wings white. Length of the body 5! lines; of tbe wings 12 lines. a. Ega. From :WIr. Bales' collection. 52. Frem. CRYPTOLECHIA DEPllESSAllmI.LA. argentca; aim ilnii"m elongal(f!, apice l'oi1!lulatle, guUis tribus ]luna/oque ciisCl!iill1ts ni,qris, litul'is 8ubcDsta/ibus lineaque t1"ll1!svcrrsa 'II(llde fle:l'tt cel"vinis n(l/ro alo1llariis, lineis suZrnarginuli at maTgi1!ati nigris PUIlCt11laribm; pas/jelll pallidiores. Female. 'feslaceolls-cinereuus. Bead, body beneath and legs silvery. Legs stout. Wings elongate, D1odel'lltely bruarl. Fore wings rOUllllell at the tips, with three black dots in Ihe disk; first dot very Ile~r tbe base; second beiill'e the middle j a black point very little beyulI(l the second dOl, but nHlCh neufer the interior border; s(lllIe fl\Wn-co!O\U'ed U\a~k~ and Made sjleckles ne~t the cosla, lind a semielliptil!alll'lIil>verse line oftlie slime hue beyond the third dot; SUhlll:U'g-inai <lll1l ma rginullille compo,ed of bhwk points~ extentliug' along tile tt'rtninal part of the clIsta, which hi hardly convelt; ~xtcl'iur iJUl'tiCI' slightly com' ex, rather oblique. Rind wings paler, Length of the l.llldy 5 r IiJle~ j of the wings l3 lines. II. Ega. Fl'I)Jll MI'. Blltes' coliectiolJ. TeslaceD.cinerea, w&tus 53. CnYI'TOLIWHlA STIIAMINEI.LA. Mag. PaLUcle ,qiraminfll; anlenllll1 selulos",. abdomen ala,~ posiicas lange 8upl'rans; tibim pO,llle{e 'vi,l' filllbritllte; (d(c anticee latiusculw, vi:v llI'U/IlI, IIwll'li. qllaillor lIi,qri.s, In bll"ali, linea submarginali (tl'cuilla e PU1ICtis niYl'ie,. puotie(C albidaJ • .Male, Pule stl'aw-colollr. Pulpi smooth, twice lon~er' Ihan the hreadth of the bellI!; tlJinl juiut ~etif(Jl'III, shOl'ter than the second. AUteUlllll minutely setulosc. Abdumen e)(teuclin;l Dlucb beyond the hind wings; !lpical tuft smull. Legs mtller stout; hind tibiro hardly fring-ed. W iugs rathel' broad. Fore wing's hardly acute, with fOlll' black points; first point close to tbe base; second ~t one-foUl'th of tile length; thil'd a little beyond the second and mllte hilldward; fuurth beyond the middle; an illcomplete outwRrdcurved lOW of sllblllttl'gillal black poillts; exteri(lr borlier ruther obil.lluc, Hind wings wltilish. Length of tbe body 4i·}ines i of the wings 10 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 723 LIJ:P[[)OPIERA. HEl'EROCEltA. 54. C IIYPTOLEOUIA ToU'!'mCli1LI.A. Frem, Albido-jl,wescen,,; p,JiPOI'l!11! al,til'ul/!, 2us e,l:ll1S fn,lens; tibire poslicaJ ,I'!t{~filnbr-iatm; al,~ anliml latif, llCltte redltll[Julalm, ma('ulis qunlullr costlllibus alris. liw!1t submlLrg'inilli slIblo'('uatl! e lJlUlCtis ni!/ri .. , fimhria ni[/I'o_cuprea i postiem aineo subtinclte,jimbria anliee l'uprca, Female. Whiti~h yelluw. Palpi smooth, twice longer tha.n the breHdth of the bead; second joint browlJ IIIl the olltm' side exoept at the tip; thil'd snLifvrlll, as lOll A' as Lhe secund. Abdomen not cxteuding he~\)\ld the hiw[ win\.ts, Lc:!.~ short, stollt; him! tilJirn slig-htly fringed. Wings hl'o~d, Fore wings acutely reetl.lngular at the tips, with l(,ur dpep black cost;l! marks; Jirst lIlark basal; tbird lal'ger than tho fourth, aud much ll.ll'i!;el' thali thf' first aud than the SQculJ(l; a Sllhmarginal slightly outward-curved liuc uf black points, ending in t~e fuurth cosLal luarlt; fl'iuge blackish cuproolls; exteriol' bOl'der sll'aig'ht, hardly ohlillue. Hilld wings with a slight wucous tinge; fringe cllpl'eolls along the i(lfe purt of the exterior horder, Length of the [)(Idy 4~,-6 lines; uf the wings 11-15 lines. a, h. Pam. From Ur. Bates' cullection. C. Ega. From Mr, Bates' ciJllectiun. d. Brazil. From MI'. Al'geut's cullecLion, 55. CRYI'TOLECHIA. TEl'RA.GONELLA.. Mas. Pallidi~si1!lP. cat'ina; anlellnm .mbpnbe,icentes ; tibiw posticrc non jimbriatm i aIm anlicrc latill,lcl!iil!, apice l"ectan[J"latrc, ,lJuuis dUiLbus costa/ibus elongatis jU8cis• •Male. Very pale fawn-colour, stout, Palpi smooth, nearly twice longer than the lm:adth uf' tbe head; third joint setiCOl'm, nearly liS long' as the seeoud. Antennw very minutely pubescent. Abdomen extuli(!ing ruther beyond the hind wings i apical tllrt rather slender, Legs stout; hind tibire not fringed. Wings rather b\'oad. Fore wings reet<lllgular at the tips, with two elongated broWD costul dots i first dot beyond thc middle; second neae Lhe tip; exterior horder ahnust straight, not ohlique. Hind wings a little paler. Length of the hody 5 lines; of the wingti 12 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. pS 724 OATALOGUE 011 56. CRYPTOLECHIA? SUUNOTATELLA. 111 as. Su1rflavelccnle -albidIL; palpi capitis lalitudillf multo longiores, articulo 20 extm fuseD; antenna! pltbe.~cenles; alII! andere apice rolulldMai, punctis I]ltatuor rlisclliibus duob'usquo cIJstaliblis n(qricantibll$. I1lale. Whitish. Head, thorax and fore wings with a very slight huff tiuge. Palpi smouth, I'ising II little big'her thlln tllc vertex, very much longcl' thnn the breadth !If tbe head; second joint brown on the out!'r side, except towaros the tip; third lallccolnte, nearly as luug us the secund. Antcllnre minutely pubescent, milch shOTtel' than the fUI'c wings. Ahdllmen extemJing much heyond the hiu!l wings. J~egs smooth. Fore willgq rOIlDlled at the tips; three blackish points in a line along' the disk; an elougated hlnckish <lot between tIle first and second points, bllt nearer the hlterior horder; two blacki8l! c{)Rt~1 points, the first nearly opposite the clot; costa and exterior honlel' V{l)'y slightly convex, the latter hardly oblique. Length of the bocly 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ega. FrOID HI', BMes' collection. 57. CRYP'rOLECHIA LEUCOPH/EIlI,LA. Premo Al'[}elztw-alba, s~t rnbmt<l; abdomen nigrllm, alas pn.ltica,~ vi.'V supm'am; lJvdes bl'pviu8cuii, tibiis posticis fimbria/is ,. aim poslira: (E/lco·nigrre, fimbJ'ia cinerea. Female. Silvery white, mther stout. Palpi ~mooth, slender, longer than the breadth of the hearl; third joint selifllrm, lUuch Bholte~' than the secund. Antennoo black. Ahdomen bllick, bardly ~:X:lending heyond thddnd wiu!!R, Legs shon; hind tibire fringed. Willj!s hl'oad. .Fme wings slightly acuLe; exteriol' bordel' ~tr!light, slightly oblique; under side and hind wings mueous-black; fringe (If t~le latter cinereous. Length 0[' the body 4* lines; of the wings -10 hnes. ' ,a. SantM'em. }'rom Mr. Bates' collection. 58. Cavp:roLECHlA. A.RA.TELLA, 211s subfirnbriatus, 3us ba~i nigricll1!s; anteml(ll su.h}iuvescentei'; thorax juscp.wens; alt1l anti{!_111 JlDstice jusccscentes, strigis pla,q~qlte poslica nigricanllb«8. Mus. Albida; pa{pDrurn artil'ulus LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOERA.. Male. Wooo-colour. Head, palpi, ahdomen, legs and hind wings whitish. P,llpi twice longer than the brcurith of the head; third joint with a shllrt fl'ill~e beneath; third setit'Cll'In, blackish at lhe base, nearly as long as the second. Antennal minutely pubescent. Thorax t)l'(Jlvrdsh. Legs shllrt, stout. Witl/.ts moderately broud. Fore wings rounded at the tips, whitish ill front, hl'ownish hindward, with some i1'l'eguhtr blackish ~trel\ks a,nd with a blackish patch on the middle of the intedo!' burder; cost<l very cOllvex towards the base; exlerior border extremely oblique hindwiud. Length uf the body 3 lines; of the wings to Jines. II. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collettion. 59. CnvPToLECHIA l!USISTItlGELLA. Pallid'i.l.lima cerllina, .Iat rohli.lta,; antelinlB puiJesceYlfes; tibi.:e po.ltic!1! brevi.lsime /imiJl'i'ltre; alre anlic(B tatm, (tpice reriangufatte,jllscia ()6{iqua obscure cel'vil!ll, pUlIeto di.lcali crotm'iorc nig1'icanlc, punctis IIUll'[Jillulibu.' obscul'e cervinis; postied! jlavo-cinel·ete. Mole. Vel'Y palc fawn-colour, rathe), stout. Palpi smooth, nearly twice longer than the hj'{~arllh of the head; third juint setj. form, alitlle shorter llmu the SCClITJd. AlIteuual minutely pubescent. Abdumeu extruding a little beyond the'himl wings; \lpi~al tuft rather narrow. Le!{~ slout ; hilld libim with u very shurt frillge. Wings bWRIl. Fore wings ),ectangular at the tips, with a diffuse ohlique dark fawn-coloured banel, which extends from before the middle of the costa to the base of the interior bOl'der; II blackish poiut in the disk ttt two-thirds of the IBug-tll; marginal points dark fawn-coluur, I'ery minute; exterior hordel' neal'ly straight, hardly ublique. Hind wing's yellowisl1 cinereous. Leugth, of the body 5-6 lines; of the wings 12-14 Jines. ct, b. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collection. 60. CllYPTOLEOrtU ARMIfllRELLA. ,F~m. Pall ide eel'vitla; palpi capitis latitudine fere duplo lOllgiores j ul~ antictB apice re~tanYld(~t({J, dimidio exteriorf pallide lestaceo-cinel'co, linei.! duabus trwISVI1fsis dentit:~latis, sirigis dllabus postieis, punctis duobus discalibu$ punctisqu8 ~longatis costalibus punctisque marginalibus nigris: postig(() !linea. 726 CATALOGUE OF Famale. Pale fawn-oolou!', closely allied to C. aCldilelk Palpi much curved, nearly twice lOIl!!;Cr tlHUl the breadth Qf the head; third jQint~edfol'lIl, ~hurter th;ln the secund. Ant~nllre milch shorter than the fore wings. Ahdometl extending [l little beyond the hind wiugs. Wings mur)el'llLely broad. Fore wings rectangalal' at the tips; nearly IIUlf tbe len!);tll fwm the extel'ior horder pule testuceousoiliercous with two Lransverse denticulated d:lIhl' lines; some elongalerl black custal points; a black streak by lbe interior angl(! aud flllnther netH the base (If the interior border j two hlack di,cal points, one ill the Illi tldle, the other extrriol'; mnrl(imtl points black j exterior bOI'del' oblique hindwlll'd. Hind wings aaJ(JDUS. Length of the l)lldy {) lines j of the wings 12 lines. a. Ega. Fl'om Mr. Bates' collection. 61. CUVP'rOJ.EOllU ADVSTELLA. Mas. PtJllidis.~ime cinereo-cl'j'viTla; antennm pltOeSCenles " ait:e an(iCI(! fa.HJia lata niyricaille indelermina.lo. stl'igulas includenle posti"e dila.tata. Male. Vcry pale cinereolls f,\wn-colour. Palp! smooth, mnch longer thall the breadth of the head j third jllint setiliJl'lu, shorter than tile ~ccolld. 411teullUl stont, pubescent. Wings l'atlJCl' broad. :1<'o1'e willgs rouuded at the tips, with a broad blauki'h hand, "hieh (l<Intains sevcrallongitlldinal streaks of the gruund hue, and is much dilated towards the illterior horder, nnd has an irregular outline; iL few blackish submarginal poiuts forllling II line which is retracted to the balHl neal' the costa; costa slightl.v convex; exterior horder C01I\'e~, very Oblique hilldwul'd. Length uf the body 3! lines; of t])1l wings to liues. II. Venezuela. .From Mr. 62; DYSOll'S collection. CRYl''rot.Ec!ltA ADJUNC'rELLA. Mas. PallidB einereo·eervilla, viro ,·obu.lta,. caput anlice albu.m; pulporum articulus 3us ba$i ap·i"eque n'i,,/ar; antennce pubcscentes j alw anliC(E apice suhrotundalll1, pla,qa basali cervina nigra strigata, pUllcta eroleriore nig,·o, spatio adhuc eXicfiore cervi no lineam transvers(un 8trigasque albas includellte, punctis mariJinalib·1tS ni[ITi8 albido marginalia; posticlIJ albid(}), apices . 1Jilrsus subce'l'viruli. LEPIDOPTElIA HETEROOERA. 727 Male. Pale cinereolls straw·colour, hardly stout. Head white and shining in front. Pilipi smooth, very mnch longer than the breadth of the heatl; third joint setifol'tn, black lit tIle base and >It the tip, shorler (han the second. AlltelluW jiubescent. Abdomen extending much beyond the hin![ wings. Wings moderately bro~d. FOI'Il wings slightly 1'0uI)(le(1 at the tips, with a fawn-coloured basal palch, which is accompanied by black Htrcuk~; a black puint in the (li~k beyond the mid,(lc; exteriOl' sfHlCe JillVll-coloured, whitish·streaked, tral'el'sed by·all outward,cufved whitish line; margin,1l poin ts black, whitish.bordered; exterior honler slightly CIIIlVClI, bal'llly obli(jue. H illd wings wbitish; exterior part lillg'ed with palt! flll'lu-coluur. Lellgth of the body 4t lines j of the WillgS 10 lines, a. Ega. From Mr, Butes' collection. 63. CUYPXOLEOHIA. ADD1TEI,LA. Frem. Palli(la cC'I'vinu; cap!lt antiCI' albirlltm; pit/pi CILpitis latitlldine !lupin {'myiol'e,v; aile nllliue (tpii'e .. uiJl'oiunrlulm, strigulis pllncti,'que discaliblLs ,j,j(iistinclis rnmatisque marginalibus cervillis,sll'i!lndiscil/i sil'iguquc e.ut"l'iorcjuscis; postic(lJ amen juscaJ. , F(,male, Pale fawn·coluur, Hend in front, palpi, body jJeueath and legs whitish. Pulpi smooth, much cllrved, ahtJl1t twice louger thl\n the bl'(,udth of the bead; third juiut sctiJ;uJ'lIl, much shurter than the second. AlltenlllO slendel', much shorter than the fore wings. Abdomell extBlldiug sOlllewhat beyund th~ hill(i wings. Le~s smooth. Fore WillgR moderalely bWilll, ~Ijghtly l'ouuded 11.& the tips, with indistinct fa.wll-culoul'c<1 strcllklets and puints, some of the lattel' fOl'millg a transverse curved eKteriul' line; a brown dis cal streak near the base allli a hrow!) exterior discalstreuk i marginal points fawll·colOUl'ed j exterior bordel' ~lightly Cllllvex, Dot obJi(llte. Hilld wilJgs wneou8·bl'uwn. Leugth of the budy 3t lines; of the wings fJ lines. a. Ega. From MI'. Bates' coliC(ltion. 64. Mas et frem. CRYPTO[,ECHIA AlISCONDlTELT,A. Pall ide ceJ'vina; alte an/iete laliuNcttla, aJlice roo tundulm, stl'iga busali pU1!ct'i.sque t/lj.obus eillierioriull$ nigris, tinea submargirtali cinerea arcuala, pUIl~lis mqrginalibll$ fuada. MlIs.-Antf!l!lla1 setu/ouG; abdomBI~ (Ilbidum; tibiCli pu,liea $ubfimbtiatm j a/Cli pos/iere albida:, C:lJtUB suvcetvill(lJ, ',FWIIl.-Abdomen 81 ulee ]!ostieccjusca. . '728 C.tTALOGUE OF MuZe dnd femnlR. Pale f"wn-co!ollr. P:l!ri s1\1llolh, slender, twice IOIl~er than the breadth of the he;,,!; thirr! j()int setifill'm, as lonl(' as tile second. Abdomen extending much heyond the hind wings. W'illgs I'atller hroad. Fore willg~ rOllllcled tlJC ti P', puler along tllc ha'al part of' the costn, with it black streak ill the disk Ilellr the base, with lwo hillek I'OilllR in the exterior \Hut of thQ di~k, nnd. with a cinereous curved suhtmr"illill line, which is retracted towards the ctlsta; a l'IlW of dark ht'oWII pllints alull!!" the exterilll' horeler allli along the a(ljllinillg part of the costa; ens!a slightly convex towllrds the baaG; ex.terior horde I' hardly COllvex, not obliq ue. illrllr.-Antennm sctulose. Ahdomen whiti'h. Rind tihi:u ~lir;htl.\' fringed. Hind wil1gs whitish, tinged with fawn-cll!lmf extm'iorly. Fp'Ilw.le.Abdomen and hind wings hruwn. LeuOlth of the botly 4 lines; of tIle wings 11 lines. a, b. Ega. From III r. Bate~' collection. "t 65. CRYPl'OL~;CHI.ol. Il'jCENSATELT,.oI.. From. L(l]ie rosea, snb/,ul ar.'lelltcn; lilt/pi {on,qis,limi; tibirll pos- ,I"" tiCIE filillwillllll; ni'E ((Il.licm elonynt[e, ["tw, n1Ii[~e SttbrectnnguieLlle, margine c;uierinre 1'P.I:tO t:i,~ oblilJt<o. Femetin. Brilliant rosy. Head in frollt, hotly heneath, palpi and legs silvery. Pilipi ,mouth, milch more thill] twice longej' thau the breadth oj' tbo liead; third joint ~etifol'nJ, shorter Ihan the second. Ahr\omelll extending ralher beyond the hind wings. Hind tibire fringcd. \Viugs elongate, rathet' bro,ul; fl'iuge clnet'eous. Fore lVing~ nearly rectangulat· at lhe tips; exterior hor.ler Htraiqbt, bardlyoblique. Lellgth of the body (j Iiues; of'the wings 14 lines. AlIied to C. fcrvida. 0;--6. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. (l6. CRYPTOLECHI.oI. J,UCIDIORELIA. FOlm. Alba, .Illt .qracili,j; tibidl posl·jete squnmos(e, sl!bililalala!; aim untica! Zaire, cervinm, aJlice subreetanfJ!tiataJ, co,;iCl rIllll:qineque illteri01'e aibis, .fClsl'iis duab-us ttiyricCllltibus eXl',wutis mhobliqui,v, pttnclis margillulibu8 l1ig1i8. . Fernella. White, rather slender. Palpi smooth, slender, twice longer than the hreudth of Ihe head; thil'(l setiform, shorter than tbe seooud. Hind tihilE squamous, slightly dilttterl. Wings broad. Fore wings fawu~colour, nearly rectaugular at the tips, irregularly . LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 'i2~ white along the costa and along the intel'jor border; two much excavated blackish slightly oblic[ue hao(is; oue at one-third of the length; the otuer at two-thirds of the length of the wing; mal'g-inal points black; exterior border almost straight, hardly oblique. Length of the body 5 liues; of the wings 12 lines. a. Para. From Mr, Johnson's collection. 67. CRYP10LECHIA NIl'IDOUELLA. Mas. Al'genlro-alba; (llItenn(l) 'Vim pttbescentcs; liMa posticll! "ob!,st{i, nOli jimbliatlB; alce anticlI) ~pice rotundattE, costa &llbconvexa; ]l0sliclII semih!lalinllJ. Male. Silvery white, stout. Palpi smooth, slcuder, much long'er than thc breadth of tbe head; third joint setil'Ul'rn, !l little shorter than the second. Antenuill hardly puhescent. Abdomen extending' be)'llllll the hind wings. Hill!l tibiru stout, not friuged. 'Wings moderately broad, very thinly clothed. Fo\'e wings rOllnded at. the tijls; costll slightly convex aud ]'eflexetl; exterior hunier convex, !lUI ooliqlle, H incl wiuj.\s semih~aline. Lellgth IJf the body 5 lines j of the wings 11 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 68. CRYP'!'OLllOIUA PUBTULA.TELL,\. From. AI'genleo-alba; tibiw posticflI jimbrialfll; al{8 antirl8 lonr/C1!, .qat an[Jltsice, apice rotunda/re, !)llltis decem cinel'eis clon!l/!tis, Splll'iO exlariore non gullato; pasticw tlmeo subtinetaJ. Female. Sih-ery white, Palpi smooth, slender, full twice longer than the breadth "f tIle head; third jllint setil'ol'W, a little shortel' than tIle sccunu. Abdumen extending !'ather beyond the hind Wings. Legs IlHl'dly st(lut; llind tibi!e fringed. WhIgs long, Ta1hel' narrow. fore wings ruunded at the tips, with ten cinel'€ous alollgated dots, whieh!lIe hetween the base and two-tIJirds of tile lellgth ; exterior llOl'der convex, not oblique. Hiud wings with a slighl reneous tinge. Length of the hody 3t Iiues; of the willgs 10 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Butes' collection. 730 CATALOGUE OF 69. Mils. CItYl'TOLECHT.A. OONSOCIELLA. Flave.~cente·alba; coput af,lfenteo-album; antemulJ subpu. bescenles; ala an tied! 1,ix aell/fE, .'Juttis duablls di.lcalibus, linel! submargillali pll1lt'llllal'i valde jlexa punctisque margi'l1alibus nigris; postica albUre, suMyalinre. lIfale. Yellowish wbite. Head silvery wl,ite. Palpi smootb, slender, nearly twice longer tblln the hreadth of' the head j third joiJn setifOl'm, 110.n·1y us loug as the second. Antennre very minutely puheRceot. Abdomen extending rathel' beyond the hilld wings; ~pical tuft minute. Wings TDoderately broad. .Fore winf,l's hardly (Wille, with lwo black d[)ts in ti,e disk; first dot before one-third of the leJll(th; second larg'er, at two-thirds of the length; a semie1J~ptical line of black pllinls, cUI'vet! ruuud the outer sille of the $econd dot; n more distillct cUl'vell 811blllal'~inul liue of black points; marginal points also hlaclt; exterilJr bOl'der slightly convelj: and oblique. Hill[l wings whitish, sligbtly hyaline. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lilies. a. Ega. From MI'. Bates' collectioll. 70. Mas. i' CRYPTOLECHIA. D REVISE[,LA. Pallidissime ocltl'acea, subtll.1 m:qen leo-alba; caput antiee alburn; antwnce setllloslJ); libim paslica su/!fimbriat((J; ailE anlicm bremlts('u/re, apice rotullclatm, pllnclo bas aU, gutla discali lineaque ,rnbmar_qinali pll?lctulal'i ni_qris, macutu costali fusca I p()stiCll! pallidiores, suMyalifliIJ. Male. Very pale ochmceous. Head in front, body beneath and legs silvery while. Palpi smooth, twice lunger than the breadth of the head; third joilll setifonn, shorter than tIle second. Alltenll:Il sl)lu1use. Legs sWill; hind tibire slightly fringed. Wings !'lither s4(1)'t, lIlod~)'atcly broad. Fore win)!s rounded lit the lips, with a black point on tho huse of the costa; a brown spot 011 the costa before the middle, contigllolls to a blael( dot in the disk; an DtllwurdC1l)'ved incomplete submarginal lino of blackish jloillts; el't€l'jor horder com'ex, not ohlique. Hind wings paler, slightly hyaline. Length of the body 3t lines; of the wing, 8 lines. It. Ega. From Mr. Blltes' collection. 73J LEPIDOPTERA BE1'EUOCER!. 71. CRYPTULEOHTA RECII'ROCELLA, Mas. Alba; caput supra et IIwmx nigrieantia; paiporum articulus ZitS extuR n-i,qricflllte slri,qatus; anlenn(J! pube,~cenles; abdomen ameo-rinel'8um, alas posticas dimidio superans,jasci(!ullJ apicali albo; a.lm antica iat(J!, apire rotundatai, basi nigrir.anle,~, lineis duabus transversis subobsoletis plagaque postica cinel,tis, puncta discali 'fligl'O; posticr£ ameo-cinerere. Male. White, shining, Y"rtex of the head blackish,. Palpi smooth, much longer than tbe bl'eadth uf the head i second jOint with a blackish streak OIl the OUlel' side' towlll'(ls the base j third setiform, black at tbe tip, shol'ter than the second. Alltellll(l) minutely pubescent. Thorax blackish. Ahdomen Illneous-chlel'eOUS, extending for balf its lellAth heyond the hind willgs ; apicnl tuft white, l'atbel' long. Legs stout; hind tibire 110t fringed. Wings broad. Fore wings rounded u, tbe tips, neal'iy one-f'olll'tb of the sm'face from the base blackish, tbis bile mOl'c extended alollg tbe iuterior horder than Illong the costa; some indications of tWD transverse cinereous Jiues; a black jloint ill the extel'iol' disk, nelll'ly cOlltiguOIlS to a cioel'eotls patch wbich I'ests 00 the intel~il]l' angle; exteriol' bOl'der convex, nOI Ilblique. Hilld wings oonelJlls-cinereOllS. Length of the bCldy 7 lines; of tbe win gs 14 lines. This nlJd the foJlowiug species seem to be nearly allied to C. mendax. a. Santlll'em. From Mr. Bates' clllIection. 72, CRYT'TOLECRIA CONFIXELLA. Mas. Fllsca, sa! 1·obllsla,. capul pililsum i palpi squamosi,. anlen1lr£ pllDeseenles; abdomen cillcrcum ; aifE anlic{/) tatre, apice ,lub'rotundatrR, spatio basati JUS(,6 ,quttas Il'e,~ nigras includente, nebulis exterioribu,l cinereis, 5t'riga transversa punctulari nifl'l'u, macula jirnbl'illque c1nel'cis; posticr£ fuseocinerer£, basi albidlE. Male. Bl'own, rather stOllt. Head clothed witb slwl't erect hairs. PaJpi ~qllamouB, ~tollt, 1(lII~el' than the bl'e~dth (If the head; third joint lunceoJutr, shol'ter thull the second. Antennre pubescent·, Abdomen cinereotls, extending mtller heyond the himl wings; apical appendages thickly pilose. Legs stout; hind legs whitisll. Wings broad. Fore wings slightly ruunded ILt the tips; nearly oue-third Q 732 CATAr,OGUE OF of tbe snrfnce from 111e l)n~p. ohliqllCly hrown awl containing tln'ee black basal dots; exterior wrt'R,ce partly lind sliglltly clouded with c.inel'cous; Ii hlack II'ftTISverse sll'Calr heyonci the 1llidrlle, composed oj' one ~pOl and of three Iliudel' }Juints; a cincreous spot Ileal' the llinder side of tIle h1uek spot Ilnd a little more exterior; fring-e cineTeons; exteril.!' hurtle!' strai~IJt, lla!'dly oblique. Hilld wings ll!'owllish cineJ'elJll~, whitish lowa)'(is tbe base. Length of the body 5} lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 73. CItyp'rOLEcHu INDICATIlLLA. Frem. Sllbnrltrareo-alba; t/tfYl'am/usau,', ontire albus; ala anticre iatiusl'1I1rc. olJice rotullda/a, 7ddga bawli mllcu/aquc extel·jore l)IJ,<lici" ,tilscis, hae nigra margilwla fxl.U,1 diUusa, punctis tI1a''fIilu£libu8 nigris; 11O"ticaJ cinel'co.jus('{l!, Oclll'llceous-white, slollt. Tlllll'X bl'owlI, white in front. Legs rather stont. WiJlg~ l'ather brllll~, Fore wings ruunderl at ihe tips, with all e\ongate(l hrown 1'atch, wbich rests (1). the ha~nl purt of the interior hordel' lind (lccupies more than )llllf tIle bread tIl and less than lllllf (be length of' the wiug; a lm'u:e Im.lwil spot 011 the upienl pm! (If the illterior border, which is diffuse Olll\1'ar(llyand is hounded l,y two oblique black lines, or which tIle inlier one is prolonged (owlnels the palch; lflarginal points hlack; exterim horder I'cry COIlI'eX, not obliq\le; tl1ldel' side with a lOllg )lenicillate tuft of hairs at the hase. Hind wings cineJ'cous·browD. Length of the body 4 lines; of the Willfls 10 lines. a, b. Ega. From Mr. Btttes' collection. Female. 74. CnYPl'Ou:OfHA EXTEIlN1ULA. Mas, 0'1'l)i1l4, "obusla, subl'lls a1'f1pnlell,. aniPI1'11ll' pubesceniM; ait£ all tiM upicli I'oltmdatce, Jllu,/f4 IJOstil'fl bas"li elongatajllsca, pune/a, PXIPl'i""e di,l'Cali 1I'an~I'er!'O nif}riranle; posljere jim{f), fimbria pllllide cI!rvina. Mal!!. Fllwn-colllur, stOltt. Head in front, hody heneath, pa!pi and ICj!s ~ih'ery white. Pill pi 5111<10111, "CI'Y 1l11ICh IOllger thall the brendth of Ihe head; third joint s€iifonn, 1\ liltle shol'l~l' thall the secund. Alltcnllffi llli.llltely puhes('enl. Ahdomen hurdly extending heY'llId tIle hilHl WillA'S. Hint! tibiro not frin!l:ed, Wings mo(lerately broad. Fore whigs l'oundeu at the tips, with an elungated LF.I'IDOl'TE~A HE'rE ROCE 1t4..• 733 broWll patch, wllich elltends UIOIII,[ neal'ly half die lellgth of the illteriol' border fl'OIll the hase, and occupies three-folll'lhs of the bl'e>\dth of the win~ j au elollgate(l tntllsve\'se hlackish point in the disk beyond tbe middle; costa slightly convex for half the le\lgth from tilt) base; exterior b(lrdel' very COllvex" nol obliqlle, Hinll wiul,[s brown; rringe pale fawn·colour. Length of the botly 3~ lines; of tbe willlo(s 9 lines. a, Ega. From Mr. illites' collection. 75, CRYPTOLECHIA ACON'flELL,\. Frem. (JlIpl'ea, rrJbl!,~I(l, caplll (trgellteli'album; a[(lI antir:tl' apice sllbrectan!Juiaice, plaga elongala poslica, punclis ll'ibus, macttltt magna e,1)lel'ioI'C punctisqzw 1n1!l'giltaiibw; cltpl'eis; posticaJ fimbria c:iIlCl'ea. Felllld~. CUpl'eOHS, stoUt. Head, body helleath, palpi and legs silvery white. P"lpi smooth, uearly twice louger than the breadth of the head; thinl joint seli!'orm, shorter thllll the secon{\' Antenu<1l rather stuut. Abdomen extending a little lleyulHl lhe hilld wiugs. Legs stOllt. \Villgs llHlIlel'ltwly broad. Fill'C wings silvery white, IJCllrly reat/lug-lIla!' at tbc tips; au elongilte cupreolls patch exteodin~ fruln tbe hase aloug half the lenglh of the intel'jar bordel', oC<:UJlyillg' most of the hr~adth, C!lllucoted hy three cupreolls points \Vith It lllrge sbort-elliptical C\lpreOll~ spot, whioh extends nearly to the extel'iur bonIer; IIlHrginal )Joints cupl'euus; fringe cupreollS billuwiLfd; exterior border convex, very ohlique. Hind wings with a cillereOllS frillge. Length of the uudy 3 lines; of the wing's 9 lines. a, Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Mas. 76. C RYP'!·OLECHI;l. TIl.IPUSTULELLA. Alba; Iwtennle pltbes(;entes; abdoman /wwesr.ens; pedes antl!1i()l'~s WPl'1l ni!/rieanles; atd! antic(c ((plea SUbl'otwlda!le, plagis tribus nigl'ic(Wlilms, 11~ 2lM/lur coslalibus, .3a postira, spatia marginali jilS,'es1'/!nte lincrM dlUiS tl'a!lIlVerSIl$ aibida$ incltldente; posliclE !lIseescellles. Male. White. Palpi smooth, much longer thull the bJ'eadth of the,head; third joint setirorm, much shorter lhan the second. Autennlll ruillulely puh~sce!lt. AbdlJlIlell brownish, extending for half its length beyolld the hind wings. Anterior l!biw and a.lltCriQf 734 CATALOG UE OF tarsi blacl;ish alJove. Wings moderately broad. 'Fore wings slightly rounded at the lips, pale hrownish towards the exteriur barrier', with the exception (If the minutely denticullited whitish suhmarginal and mal'giual liues; three elongated hlackish patches; firot lind second on the costa; third 011 the interior bOI'der, between the lirst 81111 the secoud j cxtel'ior border almost straight, nllt oblique. H iull wings brownisb, Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a-e. Ega. Frolll Mr. Bates' collection. 77. CR1"PTOLEOHLl.. REOEPl'EI.LA. Pallide cer11ina; caput albidwn i antennte pubescen!es; tibitll posticll! fimbriatlI;; ala! Uillica! laliusclIite, (tpice j'Otunduta!, punetis malgillaiibus nigris; postictejlavo-cinel·ea:. Male. Pale fawn-colour, stOHt. Head whitish, shining. Pal pi smooth, slendel', very milch longer than the breadth uf the head; thit'd joint s8lilimn, as Inug as the second. Antenmtl minutely pubescent, Abd IJ III ell extending rather lleyond the hilld WiIlIfH. Legs stout j binel tihire fl'illgerl. Wings rather broad. 1'01'8 wings rounded at the tips; mln'ginal points hlack, minute; exterior border clmvex, Dot oblique. Hind wings yellowish ciuereulls. Length of the body 4 lines j of the wings 10 lines. lL. Ega. From r.'l:r, Bates' collection. Mas. 78. CRYPTOLEOHIA MEGASPILEI.LA, Sltbtus al'gmileo-alv(I. j antenna: pubes centes ; tibitll posticl8 1I0n fimb"iattE i 1I1(f! anticte iatiu,lculllJ, api('e $l!breCl_ ongulalte, pi1llla postica ?Junctllque diseal! e,'l!lel'iore fusaiN, spa/ill ad/lUc eXleriOl'e subj1'.I'ce.cenl.e; postit'a! cinr.n{)~rUsca. Male. Fawn-coloul', 1'IlLhel' stont. Head, body heneath, palpi aml legs silvery while, Palpi swumll, marly twice longer than the breadth of the head j third Joillt setilll1'1D, shorter than the second. Antellme puheSl'ent. Al)(lomen hardly extending beyond the hind wings. Hind tibiro not frillged, \Villgs I'llther hroad, Fore wiu!(s nearly l'eetangllJlIl' at the tips, with a large hl'uwn patch, which OCCIIpies half the length of the illterilll' bonIer alJd extends uearly to the base of the costa; a broWll poillt in tbe disk beyond tbe midille; space between this point ami the exterio!' horde!' sligbtly shaded with brown j co~ta slightly COil vex along half the length from the Mas. C~rvina, LEI'IDOPTBItA HETIlROCER.~. 735 base; exterior bortiel' sli!(htly convex, not IJllliqnc. Hind wiugs cinereuus-bl'uwll; fringe p"l~l'. Length of the body 3~ lines; of Lhtl wings f) lines. a. Ega. .From :'\h. Bates' collection. 79. CUV!'TOLEC!!I/t UU ~lIU\WERELLA. :Mas. Cinereo:f{,s(,CI, subtus M·.llwlelJ-alb" ; antenlla! seltt/usa; ; alee (lntiea! elO(/gll./11J, IlJlil:e ftllunrilllre, villil eo"lali lalll }'lIilirlissilllc scldstllC(.'O, lilwu l)Osleriore, ]June/is li1wbus di.clllib!<s pttllCtislJIW j'lilfginitliblLs Ili!ll·is. ]lIllie. Oillel·efllls-b!'U\\,II. fhad, body benvath, palpi IllltlleA:s silvel'Y wlllte. Pillpi SUHIf>lII, siCllder, much 1'"lg'CI' thall the breiLdth of Lhe head j thir!ljoilit setiful'm, ~hol'ter thall tlw se"olld. Alllellll(ll milllltcly seLulusc. AiHI"IllCll l'xtendillg llllH!h heyond the hind. wings. Legs stout. Wings elung'lte, lll"del'lLtely hroad. Fore willgs l'Ullllficu aL the tip" with II vcry pale slal€-colullI'ed 'tripe, which cXlellds UlOlll-': the costa fl'Olil the base to beyoud hillf Lhe leugtll, UilU is bOllllllClI Otl the hin!l side h,Y II hlack line, which Lerminate:; in thl'ee elillil~ilt~!l black dut;; two black poiuts in the disk, olle hehiud the middle of the line, llill utilel' bchinu the tip or tho latter; a row of blllCk poiuts alnug the extel'ior bOl'lior lind alung the adjuiniug pan ur the costa; exterior j,ol'olul' convex, nut obli1lue. Length of' Lhe body 5 lilies; uf the wiugs 12 iines. a. Ega. From Mr. Biltes' coll(Jctiuu. 80. CnYPTOLEClIlA INOISOREf.LA. Mas. Argellteo-alba; antenna; pubescellles; abdomen fU$('o-cineI'eum; pede.' IOIlf/iu,ICl!ii. Sl!lgI'llCilR,I, tibiis poslicis non fim- brifllis; ala! (!ntjeCl1 sat angl!oi((l, itllicp- l'IIlUlidatlc, pUlleto bllsali- strigisqua liuabus o~li(llds nigricantibus, villi! postica illter-, rupllt fusell, pm!ctis 1I1l11'ginalibus nigris; paslic(/! cirwreufUSCIIi. }Wale. Silvery white. Pulpi smooth, nearly lwice lougel' than the bl'~udth oj' the head; thiL'd jui'lt s~ti£'l'm, a little shol'ter tbUll the second. AULCUlla> pubescent. AbJulllell bwwnish ciUel'eOLlS, extending much beyuud the hind wiugs; appenlluges large. Legs ruther l()n~ and slender i hillel tibire not Jriu;,led, Wings TlILher nunow. Fore wiJlgB rOLllltltJd at the tips, with I!. bJackish poiJlt un Q 3 736 o (}.A.TALOGUl~ OJ!' tIle base of the costa, and with two hhlcldsh streaks extending nbliquely ulltwOl'd from the costa; til'st 5Lreuk COllllecte~ with tl:c ill~er ent! of It hrown siJ(lrt interl'upter! ~tripe, which occupIes the Inte~'lOr bunler; second cOllnected with the outer end of the ,Ulne Btnpe, which has It blackish puint iii frunt of its interrupted part j marginal puints bluck, minnte; costa slig-Ilily convex [I'llIll the base to nea~ly two-thirds of the length, where il is sligohtly indented; exterIor border convex, not ohlique. Hilld wings cinel'~ous-broWll. Length of lhe hody 6 lilies i of the wings 10 liues. n, Ega. From ~1r. Bates' cullection, 8L. CI\VPTOLECHlA STlIENUELLA.. 1\-1a5. Paltirle f",l!raceo-cel'virlu, rob usia ; antenna! 'fobnslre , pubescentl',I; abdullien alas posticas InllfJe 8upel'aIlS, faol~'ic!ll{) a}limli 8I'i8.<0; tibia! l}1)stic(f1 ,jimbroiflt(lJ; al(/) allfiCtE IIllire recianr/ulailli, lilzea ()bliqw.l dijfu,sa p1llwtisque d'lrJblLS pxte"ioribw' jllscis, linea Sltblll(l?'yillali (!I'cuula e punclis ditfusis fuse is ; postil'lV cinerece. i}fuie. Pale IIcht'aCeOll, fawlI-c,n!Ol1l', stout. Palpi smollth, muoh l(llll-(el' than the l)l'(~udth of the head; third joint Retiform, nelll'ly us long as the second. AutelllllC stout, miuutely plIuescent, Ahdolllen extending much herOIHI the hiud wio).:s; apieallufl thick, Hlncl tillite fringed. Wings modBl'ately hrolld, Fllre willgS reclanguhU' at the tips, with It diffuse straight bruwn line, which extends Ihlln one-third of the length III' the cosla to ouc-fifth ()f' the leugth 01' the interiol' border; a lirown dot in the disk heyond tbe middle, and a m(lre hilldwilnl brown puint at the UJid(lle of the length; all extedVl' cllrved line of diffuse bruwn pllinls; costa hardly convex; exteriol' hUl'ller oblique hindw!ll'd, Hind wings ciuereuus. Length of the body 4t liues; IIf the wings 10 lines. 11. Ega. From MI', Blltes' collection. 82, CEVPTOLIWRIA CON Gl\IlSBELLA. Pallide cBrvina; tilii(lJ postiC(lJ nonflm6daolte,. ailE a7lliclI) laliu!'cul(/), apice ,'olwlliat(l!, iil/eis f"ibu8 fi.exis l,'ansvel'si,v, la.2aque fmce~centiblls illr/isti'ldis, 31! e pur/clis ni[.l,oi',7)'Urtcti~ 'TIlarginalibus niyris; poslic,efuscm. Female, Pale fawn-culollr, stout. Palpi SlIlooth, rlllich IOlJllel' \hau the bleadth of the heau; third joint selilul'ln, I'llther shorter than the ~~cund. Abdomon eXlending a little beyund the hiM FlIlm. LEPIDOPTERA RETEROOERA. wings. Hind tibial not fl'inged. Wings rather lll'llad. Fore wings rounded at the lips, with three outwal'd-hent tranSl'erse lines, whicb are rctl'llcted towards tIle' c(lsta i first and second liues hl'UWllish, indistinct; third ('olllposcd of bllwk points; marginal poiuts bhck; exterior hOl'dm' convex, Ilut ob1i(!lle, Hind wings browlI, Lengtb of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a~ Ega. From MI'. Bates' collection. 83, CRYl'TOLECHIA OOSTATELLA. Mas et fecm. Al'f}enteo-alba; thora3J fUSClls, an-lice albus; abdo?nen jllscesccns, sC,<fmenlis (Llbido tIlal'ginalis; ala altlic(C sat ang~lstiJ!, apice j'{)tltrLdatre, Vitlll posli(,'a fwea e,ctuB latiol'e, st'l'igis antel'ioribus f"sris, plt1wtis lIlar[/'inalibu,~ nit/Tis. !vI as.A'itennre sctulos(JJ; al{/J posticre cinerece. P •.em,-Alle past ieee jlISr{e. ltfale (L1lt/female, Silvery wllite. Pulpi'smouth, slender, nearly twice lUll;!el' Lhall the bre,ldth of the head; third jPim setiJiltlfl, b]tlok at the lloiSC, &hul'tel' thall the seculld. Thorax browll, except in i'l'OllL. AhtltJlllllll hrownish ahove; hill,l lmrdel's of t.he seg'lIIenls whithh. Lep;s sleud~r i hind tihia; 1I0t fl'illg"d. Wings rathel' nal'l'UW, FOl'e willA's rOlluded at the lips, with a hrllwU: stl'ipe, which rests 011 the interior border und becomes slightly and abruptly broader at Il. little before hillf the lellgtb of the wing, and exteuds v~ry nearly to the extel'iur hurd<!l'; 11 few slender bl'I)Wll streaks furming lin illtel'1'uptel1line between the stripe and the custa j lIlal'j!'inal points black, minute; exterior hOI'del' convex, l)l)t ublique. ~iJ-[llle.-AlltellllllJ setulose. Abdomen extending for half its leugtb heyond the hind winl-\s. Hind wiol-rs Cillel'COlls. Ji'ernale.-Hind wings hrowu. L~ngtb of the body 4-4! liues; of the wings 9-10 liues. a, b. Ega. Fl'om Mr. Bates' collection. , 84. CRYPTOLECHI..I. IN'l'CRBA.TELLA.. Mus, Oeltrl!C'eo-cenlilla " llltipi squamo.i; antenn((l setu/oscc; ab- ' domm lUBcum; ailE antic{/J lineis t~iiJus t1'llllsverais fle.ds ni!]ricI1.Jllibu& valde indistinctis, punc/is 'lnurginalihus nigris 1~lillimis; pllsticaJ fusca. Male. Oohraceous fuwnccolour, stout, Palpi squamous, very milch IUlIge!' tuall tue' breadth of the head j third joint selifo1'ln, 7;38 OATALOUUE OJ!' neath' Ils1nnlr RS the scuond, Alltennre minutely sctulose. Abdomen brown, white t\euellth, cxlelHling rather ueyolld the hind winf,(s. Legs stout. Wi\l~s morlera1ely Ill'(.ud. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with three tl'<Insverse hlaoklsh outward·cnrved, very slender and indistinct Jiues; llI'trgin,,1 puints hlllCk, very minute; eXlerior border convex, llot obliqne, Hind Wit1il:s brown j fringe dtll! (lchraceuns, Length of the budy 3~'litJes; of the wings 10 lines. a. Ega, Fl'Olli Mr. Biltes' collectiun. 85. CJlYPTOLECHlA MUNDELLA. Frem. Fuseescenle-ccl'viwl, sub titS ar,lJ~ntea: ailE anticro latiu8_ ('Itlm, IIp'ice 1'vlltnria{(e, sll'i!lis dlllLUUS jlexis lilleallll£' ,mh?lutl'yillali transl'eI'.m nigl'icanliblls, pUllClis Tlutl'!linuliou.! 7ligris; }loslicre a)neo~fw('(e, Female, B.·ownish fillVll-Colul!reu, stOllt. H cad iii front, body bene~[h, palpi ,ul,lleJ.:s.silve\·y white, Palpi smJ)oth, slunder, twiue ItJlwer tlmll the hteu.lth of the head; third joint setif'ol'lll, Shul'l".' tha~ the second, Ahdomell cx[cmilinll' l'atiJeI' lH'yond the hind wings. Legs stout; hind [ibim IIOt frillgccl, Willl-\S rather In·oad. Fill';' wings' rounded at the tlpS, with a hlackish streak, which extends fl'lIm the middre (If the hase to' nt'ady litle-third of the lenp:lh, Hurl is thew h~llt to tbe illteriol' bordl'l'; f1lltJther hluckish streak proceeds frolll Ilcar the flexure of the first (lne to beyond the middle 01 the \';ill~, wl!el'e it is llCllt llbruptly to the interim' border; a slig'ht trall~vel'se blackbh submarginill line, which approaches very neal' the exterior hordel' hilluwatd, bllt retl'eats frolll it in fwut ; marginal jloints blac), j costa very slightly convex for half the length fJ'(lIll the basil; eXlerio\' bonier convex, not obliqlle. Hiud wings reneousbrown, Length (If the bouy 4t lines; of the wings 11 lines, a. Ega. From Mr, Bates' collection, 86. CUYPToLEaflIA. aONTU11.13ATELL!. Fillm. Fusca, mblus albida; capu.t al!tice albidum,. alm antic(e apice mbrOl'ltlldalte, liwl'is variis cine"Bis, tdeate basal,! cinerea fuseo notala, lillcis submarginali et 'JJlal'[JinaLi C'inereis delltiuululis. Female. Brawll, rather stout, Head in frol1t, body beneath jl'llpi and leg's whitish, Palpi smuoth, neurly twirJe lonl!cl' than Ih~ breauth of the heall; tbird joint setiti'fll1, shorter than lbe second, AbdoDlen e)l;tending beyonu the hiuu Wings. Legs stout. Wings muderately hl'oau. Fore Willgs Slightly rounded at the tips, with LEPIDOPTERa IIETEROOERA. various small cinerCOllS marks; full one-third of the leng-th ~rom the hase cinerBous, with some brown marks; submlll'g'inal and mal'ginal lines cillercolIs, denticulHted; f!'inge cinereuus; costa convex along half lobe length fl'om the has~; exterior border slightly convex, not oblique. Length of the hody 5 lines; of the wing's 12 lille~. a. Ega. From :Mr. Bates' collection. 87. CnYPTOLECHU lLLUClDlnLLA. Foom. Fusca, S'Ubtll,~ albidtt; capll!. anti,'e albidllm; alle antiell' apice mbl'Otltndatre, stri[llllis nonnulUs disculihus plllgaqllc costali cinel'eis; poslicl(! subub,lcuriol'es. Female. Brown.' Head in front, botly beneath, palpi and leg~ whitish. Pal pi smooth, slendm', nearly twice longer thaD the breadth of the head; third joint setil'orm, neurlyas long as the secund. Abd()IlH!n exteucling talher beyoud the him\ wiu\;~. Legs shol'l, stUllt. Wing's model'lltely broad, Fore'wings slightly l'Olluded at the tips, with a felV slight cillcrcoUS streaks in the disk, awl wiLh a cinercilus }latch on the costa before the middle; cosla slightly convex Jor half the length from the huse; exterior border ldmost stmight, not obliqllC. Hind wings a little darkel' than the fore wings. Length of the body 31liues; of the wings 9 liues. a. Ega. FI'otl) 1\111'. Bates' collection. 88. CRYPTOLEOHlA GRAPHOPTERELLA. Pallide dnerea-cervini!, sublUS alha; capltt aMice albwn; tibire poslicllJ mal'is subfimln'iatlB; aim anlicce apice .Iuhrr)tundalre, stl'igi, tribus obli'luis ni!/ricantiblls, ll~ 2aqlle angulosis, Jlundis ma'I'giliulibliS ni!}Tis; POSlic(8 fuscre, Mule anr!feiliale. Pale cinereou8 f"wn-coluur. Heall in fl'ont, body beneath, palpi and legs white, shiniug. Palpi smuuth, nearly twice longer tban th., breadth ot'the hearl ; third juillt setiforlll, a little sllOl'ter than the second. AlltenIJre of the male minutely pubescent. Ahtll)ll1en extendillg rather !Jeyond tlw hind wiugs. Hind Lihire 01' the 1ll.le with a very shol't frillg·e. Wlllgs llll,lderately broad. Fore w'ings slightly rounded at the tips, WiLh three blackish oblique stl'eaks; fil'st ll(ld second streaks zigzag; first oxtending ftO\11 the middle of the hase, more oblique thun the sC(I(Hld und than the third; a ruw of black puints along' the exterior hOlder ami aloug the adjaceut pUlt of the custa j exteriur bOIllel' couvex, not oblique. Mas et fWIn. 740 CATALOGUE OF Hind wings hrown; fringe p~lel'. Length of the body 4 lines; of the willgs 10 lines. a, b. Ega. From .I\ilr. Batos cullection. 80. CRY!'TOLllOflI.4 UMBmF~;RELLA. Cana, sut [Jraciiis; llal,'lll'wn artirultlS 2us extus nigra rlOtatllN, 3l1s basi upi,'eque nil/e)'; abrlomen alas p()stir.a,~ longe slIperan,; ntre antic(t all[/u"I(£, al'i('e rnlunilat(l!, poslice lasclIeinerl'll?, lillea inle1'nll'ta abbl'evinla jll,lea, strigi,1 tribus obliquis jilS(:is, 3« flngu/(Ila, Il1tn('tis subma'l"ginaliblls nigris: rlOsli!!re Juseo·cinel'e{e. jl[(dd. Hoary, rathel' slendel'. Hea(I white in fwnt. Pal}li smooth, nearly twice long-er thlltl the bread tIl of' the head; secoud jHillt with a lli1uk Illark QI) thu outer side; third s8tit'0l'fi}, black at th~ base 'Iud tow<lr[\s the tip, shorter than the second. Alltenme \'6I'y miuutely setul(he, Abdomen extending' much beyund the hind wings; apical wi't small, FOl'e wings 1I111'l'(}W, r(luuileu at the Mas. tillR, clouded with lll'ownish cinel'eous ulullg the interior hlll'der; II. dislocated ablJl'evialed bruWIl line alullg' tbe middle of the disk; th,'ee uhlique brown streaks eXlelitling from the (Josta to the disk; first. (m(l SBCOUU joining the line j thinl fonning an Rllp;le heY'lnd the line anti retracted tll thc interior lHmlel'; II l'OW uf black points very Ilear the exterior horrier, which i~ vCI'Y convex; interior bonier sli~ht1y contl'actllil t()wanis the interior anl{le, Hind willgs hrolVnish cinere()us, moderately broad, Lellgth of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 liues, a. Ega. }!'I'OIU Mr, Bates' collection. 90, CIlYVTOLECIl.IA A.DDUCTEI,L~. Frein. Cin,'rea, sat fllbusta; caput antice a1:qenteum j palpi capitis ialiluiline duplo lonpi()fes; "he antic,e apwl CD.I'tltln albidrl!, IIl'ice 7'lItundlzla:, linei. tribus obliquis subungulusis lineaque submarginali pltnctlllati fuscis, Female. ilruwnish cillel'eOllS, !'Rther 8(OLlt, Hend in fl'ont, palpi. body heneath lind legs silvery whitish. PLllpi smooth, curved,. ful! twice IOllger tban the breadth uf the head; thiL'djoJillt ~etif!)rm, II little shorter than the second. Ahd()meu extentling sutnewhl\t beyond the hind wings, Legs stout, Sl]lOllth, Wings lllone1'utely bt'oad. Fore lVillgs rounded lit the tips, irregularly whiti~h alollg LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOElIA. '741 the costa; three IlfowD ohlique slightly zigzag lines and a suhmar. ginal line of brown points; ext~l'ior horne.' COIl vex, not oblique. Length of the body 3t lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Ega. l'rom Mr. Bates' collection. 91. CRYPTOI.ECHIA SllMISIGNELLA.. Mas. Albiela, sat "obU8Ia; 'fIulpi squ,amo,li; (ml.ennte p!tbeupn!es; abdomen juscescens .. cibim postjclI! nOll fimbriata: ; aim anlic{Il sat a?JglI"illJ, apice ,'otlli1dl!{IE, gllUis duabus discalibus fusces" centlbu$; po,~liclll juscescentes. 1I[(ilr.. 'Whitish, mLber stout. Pnlpi sqna.tnous, twice longer than tbe breadth of the bead; tbinl joint setiform, as long as the second. AotemHfJ pubescent. Abdllmen hruwnish, extending much heyond the hind wings. Hind tihire D!1( fringed, Wings rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with two brownish dots in the disk, one before the middle, the other at two-thirds uftbe lell!(tb; costa slightly convex, along ll<df the length ii'om the ba~e; exterior border slightly convex, llut ohliqlle. Hind wiugs brownish. Length of the hotly 3 liues; of the willgs 7 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bate.' collection. 92. CRYI'TOLECnTLI. CONsocm LLA.. Mas. SOI'dide albida, 81thlilS argmlco-alba,' llU lpi "9ullmosi, articulo 20 extlls ni,qricante; antennll! puoe"t'entes; Ilbdomenfusco" cineo'eum; tibilll p",I,tic(e ?Jun fimbriata:; ala: antictll sat angustlll, a/liee foWl/daCre, lineis duabus tran,wel'sis fuscis dcnticulatis, I a disco retracta, "triga costuli obliqlla ptagaque postil'll /usei,,; posti,(,(lJ jllsco"cinered!. JJfale, Diu!(y whitish. HelHI in fro))t, bodyhclleath, palpiulld legs ~ilvery white. Palpi squumollS, twice lOll~er than the lll"eadth of ·tbe head; ~ccolJd j(liJ1t hluckish 011 the ollter side, except at the till; thir'l joiut setif(lrm, blackish lit the base Imd Ht tbe tip, a Iitt.le aboxter tban the ~ecolld. Antenllre pubesccnt. Ah,lomen bl'ownish cinereolls. LQgs ruther slender; bind tihire not frill~·ed. Wings rather nMI'IlW. FOl'e lVings l'llllllded at the tip$, witb two denticu" lated transverse browll lines; first lille not extenlling to the costa, but retracted to the ha~e of the wing; secol)d line slihrllt'ly bent e'lllward; an ,""hlique hrown cust.1 stl'eilk heyoud the ~econd line, and a brownish patch behind the streak; a J'(1W of hlack points along 742 CATALOGUE OF the exlc\'ior horcl~r and along the adjoining part of the costa; costs. cr>uvex, except towanls tIle tip; extel10r border convex, not oblique. Hind will;!s ht'uwnish ciucl'cous. Length of .the body 3 liI1CS; Qf the wings 7 lines. a. Ega. :Fruffi .Mr. Bates' collection. 93. CRYPTOLEOHfA IMPACTELLA. 01:nerea, subt'Us ar.qenlea i pnlpi nigricanle fasciati; antemlCe pubpscl'1l1eS; tibi(!! postil'{/) non fimbriatt'e; alt(! antiete lrmgrI!, sat U1I911We, l,itta disc'ali ilHeTl'upta stl'iyisqtle ll'ibus (·o.'lalibus ob/iqllis nigricanlibvs, sll'igis nonnuiliiJ diifusis fllscescenlihu8, punelis marginalibus nigTis; postiete fuseescentes. 'Male. Cinet'eous. Head i.n front, body beneath, pal pi. and legs sih-ery white. Palpi smooth, very much longer than the breadth of tIle head; third joint setitonu, 111ackish at the base, and with a bladish band heyond the Dliddle, much shol'ter than. the second. Anrenme millulely pnhescent. Ahdomen elitending much beyond thl; bind wing·s. Legs stout; bind tibire not fringed. Wiuf.(s long, rather narrow, FIlTe WillgS wlth II few blackish streaks, which ·form an irl'egulnr liue t'Xlt;IHling frum the base to nearly three-fourths of the length; three ohlique h];ICkish costal ~treHks, of which the 1iJ'~t lIm\ I\,e ~ec{lnd are milch 1lI000e slender t\lan the thin!; several diffme illdhtinct pale hrlm nish lUlll';ilUdinul ~treilks; mUl'ginal points black; ex.ll'l'iul' !louie!' convex, not oh]iql1e. Billd wings brownish. I,englb of the hody 3 lines j of the wings 7 lines. Mas. u. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 94. C:RYPTOLICCHIA. OVA.TELLA.. Pallidi~,lime och7'a~'fa, sat gl'arilis; ('aput ar,qenleo-aloul1! ; pal,lOl1lrn arli<,ulus 3u~ ni,gricalile fasciatu.l; antmlllll) puoescentes; a~dolllen "las pos6cas dimidio mperans; tibili! pustic(£' 'lion jilllhiata;; aim (mti.c(l! apice rotunriat,c, strig(J. liJlei8que dl/abas m:/f!I'ioriuus (Jbliquis inle7l'uptis ferrugineis; posticte Mas. ciYlereo11l1;{,a!· 1I1ate. Vel',V pule ochraceolls, rather slender. Head, body beneath, p,\lpi and legs silvery white Pulpi :smooth, slender, mOre than twice longer tlllln lhe hreadth of the head; third j(Jint setifarm, as long as the second, with a blackish buud Dellr the tip. AlltelllHlI. 743 LEPIDOPTERA HETETIOOERA. pubescent. Abdomen extending for lwlf its Jengtll beyond the hind Willl!:S, Lc'gs stout; hin(l tibim not fringecl, Wiugs lliodemtely broad. Fore wings I'olluded at the tips, with n sho!'t longitudinal ferl'uginolls streak ill the disk before tbe middle, and with an ohlique il'tegular interrupted ferruginolls line, which extends to the costa beyond the middle; a subllla1'l~'inal lhle like the pl'eceding one but less distinct;. costa VB1'Y slightly convex; exterior horder convex, not oblique. Hind wings <;illereous-brown. Length of the body a Jines; of the wings 7 lines. a. EgEi. FrUin Mr. Bates' collection. 95. CllYPTOLECHIA SOI'1'JOllEL'LA., Mas. Pu.lCa, sal mbusta, 8ubtus a1"genteo-nlha; palporum articulus 2us ext1!S Juscus, 3us aphoe ni,qdcans; antenna:. subpu. bescentes; nbrltlmtl1 alns posticas long" sU)lerans ; tibial pDsticre Slt~filnbrialct; alw rlntictlJ ICll.ills('lIltlJ, lip ice j'olurtdaltlJ,lineis clurlints obliquis obscure juscis I,ix dentieulalis, la an/ice u/>vrRviata,2a inttrs cinereo marginala, linea marginali alba, Inmcti,1 marginalibu$ nigris. 1t/tie. Brown, rather stout. Head, horly beneath, palpi and legs silvery white. Palpi twiae longer than the breadth of' the head; second j\}int brown on the outer side; lhird selifol'm, blackish at the tip, shorter Ihan the second. Antenme vel'y minutely pubescent. Abdomen extending much beyond the billd wings; apical tuft pale cinereou5. Legs slout; hind tibhe with a very short fringe. Wings ruther bruad. Fore wings l'Ounued at the tips, wiLh two dark Lrown ohlique hardly denticulated lines; first line before the middle, muoh abbreviated tllwarcls the costa; seclIlld entire, bOl'dewl with cinel'eous on the inner side; marginal line white, accompanied by hlack points; fringe and costa pale ciuercolls; exterior border COnl'ex, not oblique, Lengt\) of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 96. CnYPTOLECHIA MUItlNELLA,. Frem. Mllrina, subttls argenteo-alba; aim anticC/? ~pice rotundal!!!, striga aflicali obliqua puncta cinerea inclurlente, punetis mar-·. gindlibus nigl'is. Female. Mons.e·c~lour. Head in front, body beneath, palpi and legs silvel'Y white. Palpi smooth, slender, twice longer than :R 744 CATALOGUE OF the hl'eadtb of dIe bead; (IIiI'd joint setifol'lll, sllOrter than the second. Alldomen extending a liltle beyond the hilld wiIlgS. Wings moderately bl'oud; fringe cinereous, Fore wings rouuded at the lips; a whitil,h oblique apical splice extending from four-fifths of the length of tbe costa neady to the hind elld (If the exterior horder, and containing snme ci!;ereolls points; marginal ~oillts hluck j exterior border conl'ex, not ublique. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. (I. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 97. CRYPTOLECHIA FILIFERELLA. Mas. PllSca, sU.t !J1'acilis, .wbtus argenfea; aniennl1! p1tbe.wcntcs; altE antil'cIl leltjust'vlm, apice I1Ibrotundatce, linea exleriore t!'unst'el'sa alb" sltbobligua vire dmtie'u/ata, striyu .mbapicali transt,ersafimbriaque alltice alViso IJ;Iale. Brown, mtller slender. Head in front, body hencntlt, palpi Mid legs silvery white. Pill pi ~mlloth, twice IOIl~l'r [han the breadtl! of the head; third joint sctifi'I'IIl, a little shOl'lel'tlllln the second. Antennre pulJeSccllt. Ahdomen extendhlg llluch beyond the hind Will g.; appendages 1'IIther large. Legs stollt, sllIooth j hind tihilll not rl'in~cd. Wings mther broad. Foro WiIl~S slightly rounded at the tips, with II while slightly ohlique hardly dellticlIl~ted transverse line beyond the middle; a slight subapical transverse white streak; fringe white ill frout; costa very sli!{htly connx; exterior border COil vex, not oblil[Ue. Length of the body 3! lines; I)f the wings 8 lines. Tbis and the two following species in structure npproaoh some of the South American Gelec/li(jJ. 4. Ega. From Mr. BllteR' collection. 98. CRYl'TOLECHl~ DASIFERELLA. Mas. Fusco-cinp.fea,. lJalpi capilis latitudille multo longiores; anlenlllll pt,bescente.1 j al(JJ ant'iNe. sat angus!<Il, strigCl hasali obligzta lJUnctoque discali j1t.'cis. Iflale. Brownish CfnCl'eoUs, Palpi smooth, rising a little. bigber tbun tlle vertex, much lou!'er thall tbe bl'eafllh of the bead; third joint luuceolate, ~bol'ter than the aeound. Antennre minutely pubescent, rather shorter than the lill'e wing'S. Abdomen extending much bCJund the hind wings. Legs smooth; spnrs very long. LEPIDOPTERA. HET:EUOCEltA. ·745 Fore wings rathel' nal'rrow, with a brown oblique basal streak, alld with a brown discal point at two-thirds of the length j cosla and exterior border slis'htly convex, the lalter nUL oblique, Length of the body 3!- lines; of the wings 7 Jines. ", b. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 99. CRYPTOLEOHIA. RUUIGINOSELLA. Fen"u,gineo-rufa, Sltbtus ,al'[jenteo-alba,' "alporum arti~ulus apicew WI'SUS sllufimbrialu,l, ,aus gl'aaillimu,~; abdomen alas postiaas [OIl,fl8 sltJlel'ans, apicem VeI'SUS stthco1l!preswl1l; tibi(fJ Jlo,~liClefilllbj'ittlCl!; ailE antiell! )mnclis duobus discalibus pllllclisque marginalibus fu,~cis; postictl! nigrica1ttes, Mas, 2118 JJfcde, Ferruginous-rcd, slender. Budy silvery white beneatb. Palpi twice long-er than the breadth of the head; secund joint l'a.!her broad, slightly fringe(l ahove tuwards the tip; Lllird setifiJrIIl, vel'Y slender, as long as the secoull. Antenn::ll slelJ(ler, minutely crenuJated, shol'ter than the fore wings. Abdumell exteu(ling much b~yond the bind wings, slightly cl,lmpressed towal'lls the tip. Hind tibiro fringe(l. Wings rathel' n!ll'l'OIV, FOl'e wing's slightly rounded at the tips, with two brolVll points in the disk, one befure the middle, the other beyom\ the midlHe; exterior burder and apimll part of the costa with brown points; costf! vel'y slightly cOnl'ex for half the length from the base j exteriur hordo!' slif!,htly convex and ublique; undersi,de and hind wings blackish, the latter with a cinereullsfringe. Length uf the body 3 lilies; (If the wiugs 8 lines • .'" Ega. From 1\1r. Bates' collection. South Africa, 100. ORYl'l'OLECHrA Sl'RA.M!}fELLA., straminella, Zl. Natt\l. 101. costella, Z t. Oatrruria. CRYPl'OLECIIIA. COSTELLA, 746 CAnI.Oa UE 01 102. CllYPTOLllOHIA ll!RIASELLA. Frem. Lrele .llava, sat gracilis; tibire po.llica! subfimbrillttli,. a/{B aliliure la/re, apice suhrectltn,rlulatre, puncta ]lost media fuseo ; pMtierE albidIB,jilllbi'ia pallide fiava. Fema.le. Bright yellow, rather slender, pilleI' heneath. Palpi amouth, slender, more thun twice lOlllEer tllan lh~ )n'eallth of tbe heau ; tbird joint setiform, as long us the second. Antennre slender. Abdomen extending rather beyond the hiud wings. Legs Slout; hind tibire slightly friuged, Wings broad. Fore wingsuearly rectUllg-ular lit the tips, with Ii bruwll point in the Llisk he!'oml the mi(ldle; costa hardly clI1'l'ed; exterior bordar oblique hilldward. Hind wings whitish; fl'inge pale yellow. Length of the body 4 liues; of the wings 12 lilles. u. Port Natal. From M. Gucinzius' collection. 103. CRYPTOLllCHIA SPILOTllLLA. s~tlliosce; abclominis se!!. menta C'illel'co mal"gillutll; alce latre, linea mllTginali jllwescente; ~nticlll apice subrotllndatre, plagis d1,lubus llwis; posticw Mils. Fusca; palpi squamosi i antenna fl(8CO-c~nertlll. B1'OWO. Second joint of lbe palpi squumous. Antennlll setulose. Abdomen extending rHther heY<lIJd tue hind wings; hind llOrders of,the seg-ments cillet'cous; apical tuft ljuadJ'ale. Legs squamous, r~thel' long :lnd stout. 'Vitlgs hroad, with a yellowish murgillillline, Fore wing's sliglilly rouuded al tlle tips, wilh two deep black p~t()hes in the disk; first patch neal' the base, lUrger \ll!w the second, which is transverse and beyond the middle of the wing; exterior border straight, )ludly oblique, Him\ wings brownish cinereons. Length of the body 4t lines; of the wingo.12 lines, a. Ceylon. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Male. Australasia. 104. CRVl'TOLECHIA.? ATRATELLA. Mas. Testaeea.alba; antennt.e graciles, setlilostB,' Iho1'(ji'C plaf//:/; fJuadratll nigl'il'ante; aIm (ll1tit'(j1 elollgatlf!, subacutre, p{alla magna fJuadrata nigl'zcante, fa.!ciis d1labus e,~terioribus c~r Vinit, 2a rnal'9inali,. post~Clll paitidc/IlSCcSClmtes. 747 LEPIDOPTERA. HETllROOERA. :Mltte. Tc~tltceons-white. Pl'UhU5Cis Slullt. Antenl1!C slonde!', setlllus~. Thorax with It lill'ge quadmte blackisll pOitch un the disk. L~gs ~\Ilooth. Win~s elungate. FOl',e wings slig-htly Rcute, with a. very l<l.l'ge blackish qUlldl'ate patch, which extelld~ to the middlc of the illtel'ior horder, but 1I0t tu the custa; twu pale falVn-culoured extel'iol' ba.nd;;, the liI'st bruililel' than Ihe second, Ivhich is margilllll; exteriur hurder very slightly CUllvex, Illuderatel.v ohlillue. Hind wings pule bl'uIVni,h, whitish tOIVItl'ds tbe CUstll, Lenglh of the body ,5 lines ; IIr the ~ings [4 lines. Java. In i\fl" Saun..Jers' colleotion. to5. CU¥PTO[,ECHIA SIMUI.A'rEI.r,A" From. Alba; palpi capitis latitwline ltlil,lliores; abdomen sl~b· (l!Jleltm; u.lf£ llllli('(B ui.q~icllnte conspm',~le, Irpiee l'otundataJ, gUlli,! sex disclIlib«s punctisque m(o'ginaiilJus nigds. Pernalp. Whi te, cinereuus liencutll. PaJpi smooth, slender, slightly curved, ohliquely ilti(\endill~, luuA'er thnll the bl'Cadth of the head; thinl joint sClif'Il'Ill, shorter thau the second. Abdomen sli!(htly w!leou,~, (,xteudillg Illllch heVU!1I\ tile hind wings i tip altelluated. Fore willg'~ l'Oltlldl'd at the Lips, il're~ulurly alld very mi· llutely blatk:ish speckled'; six lilaek ui.caJ dots; twu of them neal' tbe hase; three liJrmiug a short oblique line, ant! une exterior; exterior hOl'der anti apical part I)f' the costa with blaCk puints i COSl'" and eXleriuf border nearly ~Lraight, the ]altet very oblique. Lengtll of the body /) lines; 0(' the wiugs l~ lines. SUl'awak, Burneo. In ~1r. Saunders' collection. 106., CUVP'l'OLECHIA. NIVEOSELLA. Mas. Albida, 'l'{lhtlStlL; }ialpi capitis latitudine longiores; alw subtlts ni[ll'icante-cilwrece; antit'aJ vix aculllJ, cillerco .mbstrigataJ, nigl'Q sub~on,ll'P.l'S(l!, PlLrwtis nOl!nullis intel'iOl'ibuG puntJtisque mal'gillal'ibus niyri,l, :Male. Whitish, stout, Palpi smooth, slightly curved and ascenuillg, longer than the hreadth of the hea!l; third joint lauoeo. late, much shulter than the sCClIlll1. Alltennill Slout, liLLIe more thall }taU' the length of tlie forc willgs. Abdomen extendiug fur full half it~ length heyond the hind wings; apiCltJ tuft ralher long. Legs Bln()oth. Wings !larrow, hlackbh Cillel'eOlIS beneath. Fore WillgS hardly acute, slightly tlnd dill'usedly cinereous-streaked, very tbiuly R3 748 G.A.TALOUUE OF and minutely black-speckled, with some black points, Wllich are mostly in front neul' the base; marginal points black; exterior horder very oblique. Length of the bod y 4 lines; of the wings 10 liDes. Sarawllk, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 107. C RYP1'OLEOIIIA SVFFUSELLA. Slraminea; caput fusciculalum; pilipi capitis latitutlille multo l(Jn9i()re.~, articulo 20 e;ctn,1 jU8cescmte; antel1l1(U ni,qrl1J, selll[osaJ. pubescenle,,; ppdes ni,qricanle varii, tibiis poslwi()1'ibU.1 tarsisqlle postHs jimlJl'iatis; . [Llre anticlC a71ice slIb,'otUlitlaldi, costa margine exte1'iorB plagaque di$cali di tlusa cervinis. Male. Straw-oolum. Head tufted with erect bail's. Palpi much longer than the hreadth of the head; second joiul clIl'ved, brownish. on the (luter side, except tno;v;\tds the tip i third hwceulate, erect, shorter than the second. Antenna: black, setulose, pubescent; Fore legs,luiddle tarsi and lips of hind tarsi hlackish ; posterior tibiill and hind tarsi fringed. Fore win!!s slightly rounded at lhe tips; Costa and el!:terior border mostly fawn-colollf j a diffuse fawncolotlred discaJ patch; elCtel'iol' hordel' slightly c~III'ex aud oblill ue. Length of the body 4t lines; of the wiugs 10 Jines. Sarawak, Bomeo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 1I11ls. Australia. lOS. CRYL'l'OLECliiA UNOINELLA. unci nella, Zl. AUSlflllia.. 109. CR'l:PTOLECHli\ GlUSEOLA. grisl)llla, Zl. llD. CnYPTOLllClIIA GARNEA. carDen, Zl. a, b, Australia. Fl'Om Mr. D~mel's collection. c-f. Sydney. From Mt'. Lamllerl'$ collection. ,rl. Sydney. From Mr. DiggJes' collection. It, Moreton Bay. From Ml'. Dil(gles' l'ullection. i,J Tasmania. From Mr. A. ;1. Smith's collection. k; Tasmania, Presented by J.\II. Allport, Esq. LEPIDOPTERA HE:'l'EROCERA. 111. 149 CRYPTOLECHIA REPA.NOULA. repandula, Zl. Adelaide. 112. CRVP'fOLECHI.!. PUDICA. pudicn, Zl. Australia. 113, CRYPTOLE01UA l'LAVOLINE.-I.TA. Frem. Argenleo-alba; pedes 7'obusli, libiis posticis subjimbl' alm £lnticee amp/a:, apice rec/ungulatee, lindH tluauus IOI![}it'll,dillUlibllS j!uuis. Female. Silvery white, stout, PuJpi smooth, slrnder, 1'()I'Y much longer than the breadth of the head; thirt! joint setifol'm, as long llS the second .. AlitelllHB slender. Abdomen exte1lliiu!-( I'ather heyond the hind willg-s. Legs stOll t ; hind tibire slightly fl'ingecl. \Vings Illng, broad. Fore wings acutely reot,u!:l;!llal' lit the lips, with a yellow line which extends from the middle of the base to the interior horde!' near the en(l of the latter; another yellow line along' the Uliddle of tlte wing, obsolete towards the huse, extending to the exterial' borde!', which is straight all(1 slightlyoulique. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 24 lilies. a. Sydney. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 114. CRYPTOLECHIA. IlIPUNCTELLA. Nivea; pa.lpi articulo 20 nigl'o: (mientla? sILbp"bescenleR; ailE anl.i(,lc punclis duoblls discalibus nigl'icantibus, costa basi nigl'a; poslictE pallide cinerc(c. Male. Pure white. Pulpi smooth, nearly tlVice louger than the breadth of the head; second joint mostly black; third setiforill, shorter tb!ln the secoml. Antellnre vel'y minutely pul!esoent. Fore wings slighlly l'olllllied at the tips; two blackish points in tbe disk at two-thirds of the length, one behind the other; costa black towu~ds the base; exterior border straight, moderately oblique; under side blackish. Hind wings pale Cille!'e(lUs. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 linos. a, Australia. Presented by Major-Gen. Hardwieke. }.fus. 75@ CATA.LOGUE OF 115. C RYPTOLEDRlA LUTEOT AOTELLA.. Mus. Nil,pa; caput untice orltrrzeeun!,o lJalpi apice oc1lracei,. pedes ochrocei, tibiis postids fimbria tis ; aim anticte latiuscu/c£, costa ocltracea. ]}[ale. Pure white, smooth, shining. Head in front, pal pi, except the third joint, legs aud costa of the fore wing's neill·noeolls. Palpi smlloth, slcUIler, mnch longer than the hreadth of the heau ; third juint setifm'm, shortel' than the second. Alllcllure smooth, slender. Hiuel tibial fdng·ed. Wiul-(s 1'<1 ther hl'ol1[[. Fore wiugs slightly 1'01Inried at the lips; fringe tipped with (Jcbrllceons; exterior horder nearly straight, slightly ublique. Lellgth uf the body 4t-5 lines; of' the WillAS 13-14 lines. a-e. Sydnry. From Mr. LambeXL's collection. 116. CRYP'.roL~:oHrA ARGENTELLA. Frem. Argelltea-aiba; caput npurl oClIlos aclu'ucenm ; pnlpi pedes. que anlPl'iol'es 'Iliyricante.~; abdrJllletl fa~ciis uumtis; tibilll poslicee jilnol'ial,c; aire pa~ticlll nigl'o-cineI'ClIl, fimhria jlavoalba. Feln(lte. Silvery white, shining'. Head ochraceons about the eyes. PaJpi smooth, mostly hluckihh, Ill11Ch langel' thrm the breadth of the hear!; tllir<\ joiut setifonll, 1\ little shorter than the second. Abdomen with gillled bautls, hardly extelldillg beyoud the hind wings. Anteriur legs mostly blackish; hillli tibite fringeU. Fore wings slightly !(cutp.; exlel'iol' border straip;ht, model'1llely oblique; uurler side IInrl hind wings bla~kish cillel'eous, the lilttel' with a yelluwish white fringe. Length of the bouy 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. 4. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 117. Mas. CRVl'l'OLECIlIA. PLII.(JIDELLa. Flavescenle- alba; palpi nigricttlltes; antenna! glabrte; tibial plMiicte suhji1l!bl'irzt(lJ; allll allliete apice suhl'ulunclat(f:l, cosia filllbriaque pallide oc/,,'aceis; poslic(lJ obSCLtre cinel'eal, Vur. (l-A"!WIIM-alba; ala! aniica: cosia jimbl'iaque sub. ocltraceis; pustice pallide cinel'e(lJ. LEPtOOPTERA HETEROCERL 751 Male. Yellowish white, smooth, stout. Pal pi smooth, nearly twice lunger than the hreadth of the head; secollil joint mustly hlllCkish; third setiform, as long as the second. Alltenuill stout, smooth. Thorax pale ochl'accous. Abdomen extenflillg a little beyond the hind wing's; apical tuft rather large. Hind tihiro stuut, slightly fringed. Fme wings slightly rounded at the tips; costa and fringe pale ochraoeotls; under side blackish cinereous; exterior bordel' straight, muderately oblique. Hind wings dark cinereous ; fringe pale ochmceouB. Var. ~.-Head, thorax and fll1'e wings silvery wllite; thorax, costa and fringe slightly tin gel] with oclmtceons. Hind wings pale Cinel'BOus. Length of the body i lines; of the wings 12 Iincs. a. Sydney. From MI', Diggles' collection. b, c. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's colleclion. d. Aus·tralia. From n:[r. Dltmel's collection. e. Moretun Bay. Fl'OlU ;\:Ir. Diggles' collection. 118. CRYI'TOLECHIA. COGNA'fELLA.. Mas. Argcnteo-alba; oculi Dela'aceo ma1'ginrlli; palpi ochmcei, articulo 3.() albo; abdomen vix flavesrens; pedes oc};rueei; ala: anti va< fimbria apice costrlque ochl'rLceis. . Male. Closely allied to C. placidella. Silvery white. Head above about the eyes, pl\lpi, Ilntennre, legs and costa of the fure wings ochruceous. Third joint of the palpi while, tihorter titan the second. Ahdomen very slightly tinged with yelluw, cinereun~ beneath. Fure wings dark cinereUllS beneath, except the fi'in;(e, which is slightly tipped with ochraceons. Binel willgs cinerenlls beneath alung the costa Hnd at the tips. Length of the botly 5 lioes j of the wings 13 Hnes. a. Sydney. ,From Mr. Diggles' collection. 119. . O&HroLEcmA NIVELLA. Nivea; palpi capitis latitudine duplo longiol'QS; tibice posliCI8 nOll jilnbl"iatce; alce anticaJ tanyce, sat anglls[rR, margine exteriore pel'obliquo. PU)'e white. Palpi smooth, slender, twice lon)(er than the breadth of the head; third joillt setiform, as lung liS tbe seconr!, Hind tibire not fl'inged. Wings elongate, rather nlll'row. Fore 762 OATALOGUE OF wjngs slightly rounded at the tips; eltlerior border sligh tly convex, very oblique. Lengtu uf the hully 4 lines j of thtl wings J~ lines. a. North Australia. Presented by J. R. Elsey, Esq. 120. CUYPTOLECHIA CYGNELLA. Mas. Alba; 'Fa/pi capitis ia.titudille IJi.ulto longiol'es, articulo 20 ext·us fla.vescellte; antellllte subsetulosce I ala antit<1i apice 1'0. tWHiata, 8ubtus pallide juseescelltes. Male. White. Palpi smooth, curved, ascending lligh flbovc the vertex, much longer than the breacitu of the head; second joiut yellOWish ou the 011 tel' side; thil'd setiform, shurter than the s('conn. Autermtf extremely miIlulely setnlose, Ahdomen exlcudinl!: heyoIJd the IJilld wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips. pale brownish beneath i costa and exteriol' lwJ'der hllrdly convex, the latler rather oblique. Length of the budy 4 Iioes j of the wings J.O lines. a. Swan River. Pl'csellLed by Sir J. 121. F<;em. Ricbal'dso~. CaYPTOLECflIA IlEVERSELLA. Ni1Jea.; palpi eapitis latit.uline dllJllo lOllgio1'es; aim anticaJ subaculaJ, sub/us rligricantes; llOstic<e cinel'c<e. Female. Pure white. Palpi sUluoch, curved, I'isil)g hig-her than the vertex, about twice lunger thall the lll'eadth of the helld; third jOiIlt setiiol'Ol, ahout half the length of lhr. second. Alllenllru about half the lengtb of'the fure wiug's. Abdumen extending vel'y little beyllnd the hind willgs. Legs smooth. Wings lIludel'ate1y broad. Fore wiogs slightly acule; exteriol" border very (Ibliqut'; undel' side blackish, except the flinge. fHud wings cinel'eOllS, . except the hinge. Length of the body 2t lines; of the wiugs 8 lines. a. Sydney. Frow Mr. Lllwbert's oollection. 122. C1\YPTOLECHIA ABROSllLLA. Alba; polpi ascendlmte,I,.subarcltati, capitis {,,[itill/ina vafde lOllgi. m'es, IJ.l(lJ antiCal IOlll1aJ, sat al1yus/tJi, m:v aeuta, 14biu$ j'u8ces" cOllte$. LEPIDOFTE R..l llllTEROCEBA. 153 White. Palpi slightly cnrved, nearly \'el'lical; ,'ery much longer than the brellllth (If the bead; third juiu! sCliform, much shorter than the secllnd, Antennre smooth. about half the length of the fore win gR. LegR smooth. FIIJ'€ wings lllng, ruther narl'OW, llardly acute, brownish hen€lIth ; fl'inge long. Lenglh of the hudy 4? lilIes; of tbe wings 10 lines. a. Sydney. Fl'Om Mr. Lambert's collection. 123. CnYPTOLECHlA PRiVATllLLA. Mas. Gervina; palpi afticulo 20 j'U,I(,O; antenn(/) pubescenl/ls; abdomen cinel'eul]!; al(/) antiew latm, Ilpiee reclan,quiall1!, ni,g}'a consl)ersw.l)unctis tl'ibus discalibus punclisque submarginaiiblls nigris, ('osta via; COllvaa;a; poslic(e cinena. ]liale. Fawn-colour, shining. Palpi smooth, slender, more than twice longer than the breadth of the Ileac! ; second joint brown, except towards the tip; third seliform, shorter than the second. Auteullal puheseellt. Abdomen and hiIllI wing's cil)CreOllS, the former h~IJ'dly extending beyond the latter. Legs smooLlt. Wings broad. Fore willg-s very minutely speckled with black, rectangular at the tips; two minute black points before the middle, one hehind the (Ither; a lat'get black discal [loint beyond the middle; a CllrVe!j rllw of minute s1Jbmarginal hlack jloillts; costa am] extel'ior border very slightly cunvex, the latter slightly oblique. Length of the hody 6 lines; of the wings 15 lines, a, Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 124. CRYl'Tor.EcHlA. '.fRIPIl"ENA1'llLLA.. Gel'vina; palpornm arliwltts 2m .fnsCUG: abdomelt rufojuscllm, segmentis flavescente mal'gilwtis; alll! ant jell! apice l'eclall(Julatw, postice purpw'ascenle-rllftll, puncto discali nigro, costl! lrell! 'I'ufa; postiL're If,uratv.j!avaJ, cupreD margirwtro. Male andfemllie. Fawn-colonr. Borly mostly yellow benealil. Pa\pi smootll, longer than tbe hreadth of the llead, partly brown; third joiut setifoTm, 1lJucb shorter than the secund. Antenme ohhe male pubescent. Abdomen re9disll hrown; hind borders oithe segluents yellowish. IJegs gilded yellow; anterior le![s partly brownish and I'O~y; hind tihire fringed. Wings hl'oad ... Fore wings reotangullll' lit the tips, inure or less purplish red hind ward, with a Mas et fcem. 704 CATALOGUE OF lllael. point in the diHK ml1eh beyond the iniddlc; costa briglit rcd, convex <llong two-thirds. of the lenp;th f~'OUl the base; fringe llUl'plish J'e(l; ex teIio)' 1)01'1101' convex, slightly oblique j under side mostly 0\1Pl't'OU8, Hind wing-R gilded yellow, wilh a curl'eolls bU1'der, which is hl'Oilde"t nbutlt the interior all!(le alld at the tips. Length of the lJOdy 6-tit lines; of the wings 17-18 lines. (I, b. A\lstndia. From Mr. Dame\'s collection. 125. Cl\YPTOLECnlA lNOARNATELLA. Frem. Rosen.eel'vina, Sllbl'Ul alba; abdomen einereul1l; tibi(lJ ll1ls1iclIl jimbr'illtre; a/a:; ulltic(lJ Zaire, a]Jico rectallgulail1!, line{~ inierio?'e transversa .fierca liiufoque basali ?'Qseis, cO,Iia laile ro.ea; ]Jostira; cineret1l. Female. Ros"\' f\nvn-coloIlT. Under sille and'legs w1lite. Palpi smooth, "ery slender, IlcHl'ly twice ](IUl{l'l' than the. hreadth nf dIe head; third jOiut setilill'm, as long as tlw second. AntcnllllJ !,lender. Abdomen [Ind hind whIgs ciUCl'eOlls. HilHl tibial fring~d. Winp;s Iltll(lIl. FUI'c wings reetuugu1ar at the lips j II rosy trnllsver~e (,ut\v~l\'(\·bent ]iIIC llefore the middle <md a rosy murk on the hose of the interior border; costa bright )'(lsy; extel'iol' ])(l)'(let' very oblique llindwurd. Length of the body I) lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sydn~y. From JiIr. Lambel't's collectio1l. b. Sydney. From Mr. Digg:les' collectiun. 126. . ~ras. CRYPTOLECHIA ABSUMPTEJ.t.A. • A lbido-Ieslm'ea" sat g?<a£'ilis ; anlenll(l) graciles, .!ttbsetuloul! ; tiiJiw 'P""li('w jiltlbriat(B; (dee anti"ce /ongllJ, sut augusta, apice nlb?'olll!l{/~t(l!, 'I1Ial'gine FxW'iom pel'Obliquo. ]lIlile, Whitish te5taceOtls, JUdlel' ~leuder. Palpi smooth, slendel', twice ll1np;el' than the breadth of tIle llead j third joint sedform, much shorler than tho second. .Ant€1l1l1E slender, very mi. 111ltely 5etlllo~e. LeJ.!s slender; hind tibim fringed. Wings long, rather 11aJ'I'OW, Hlightly rounded at the lips i fringe long. Fore winf.(s with a "ery oblique exterior border. Length of the body I) lines; of the wings 15 lines. a,·Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. LEPIDOl'TERA IlETEROOERA.. ]27. CnYPTOLECHTA. J.ATIORELLA. Mas. Pallidissime cel'1)ina, Bat 9"acilis; antenna? setu/osa?; tibitl) postil'lB pilosa:; aim anlicm lala, nifJl'O 8ubcon,lpersllI, pllnc/is duoblls nifJ"is, l'i1wa submafginali valde IIfcuatll. e P!lllctis ni!Jris; postictE albido-cinerem. Male. Very paJe fawn-colou!', ratber slender. Antennm setulose. Legs slender; Mnd tihilll clotlled with sbol,t hllh'S, Wings broad; fl'iuge rather long. Fore wings nearly rectangular at the tips, ~'ery rninurely black-speckled; two black points in the disk, one before the middle, the other beyond the Iniddle; a trunsverse submarginal curved lille of black points; cOllta hUI'dly COllvex; exterior bon1er convex, moderately ohlique. Himl whIgs whitish cinel'eous. Length of the llOdy 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Sydney. 'From Mr. Lambert's collection. 128. CnVl'TOLEOFIIA 50[mIDELL~. Frem. Pallidc cinereo:fuscl.l; palporum articulus 2us squa71wslls, valde arcuatus; abdomen a/tenuit tum, lateribu,~ fasciculatis ; alee anticIB nit/fo c01lSpcrsce. nig"icante ex parte nebjdosa, gutti,l sex lineaque ditfuSil. submar!Jinali brevi areuata nigl"is; PQslicm cinel·elll. Female. Pale cinereous-hrown, puler beneatll. Palpi very milch longer than the breadth of the bead, extending over the hind border of the latter; second joint squamous, much curved; third setiform, stl'aight, much shorter than the second. ,Antennre slender. Abdomen attenunted, eXlelJdinf.!' fal' heyond the hind wings, with BIll all tufts along each side i oviduct exserted. Legs slender; squalUous, rather long. Wings long, moderately broad, slightly l'oullded at the tips. Fore wings minutely blaek-speckled, parlly blackish. shaded ill the disk; three hlack disoal dots, behind which thel'6 are three less distinct dots; first dol hefore one-fourth of the leugth of. the wing; second dot hefore the middle; third beyond the middle, pl'olong~d IJindward; a dill'use short cUl'ved transverse black sub. mllrginalline; exterior bOI'der slightly convex, very oblique. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 16 lilies. a. MOI'eton Bay, From Mr. Diggles' collection. s 756 OAT..u.OGUll OF 12[). CRY:PTOL]~CRlA 1I1/J.GNIFEUilLI"L ~'!llm. Albida; alLlenutr, 8111'}I!lbe,;c<"lles ; IIwt'(tx oh"cllre cincretls; {(fer- anti CLt (Jf('II/r((nsciulci'.fus1'iis lfl 4"9 lie 1'1(/i:"cen tibllS "lIUl'O C07I"PNSis, :lit 3aque obscur~ duel'tis rllhl'u campl!l'8is; J1o,<lic(C chwl'i'i1J. Penw/e, 'Vhitisll. PaIr; sklJdel', sqnamoug, twice lOllll'el' th~1l the bre:ldtb of tilt) htlUI; thir.! joint setjful111, 5lwJ'ler tllim the sec()u(l. AnlellllUl vel'y minnlely pllllescfllL. TlHlI'1'X rl'IIK ~iIlere()1iS, except ill frollt. Hillu tillial Illlt hinged. \ViDl~s lJroail. fure wings slightly rounded at the tips, wilh flillt' irre!!ular bauds j first and foul'th ban<l~, and II ~Jl(lt hetween the setoIld nnd thir(l ll[lllds, reddish, with 'Ny (\ark Ter! speckles; secourl allll third h<1lllls dUl'k, cillereuu5, with s(lrne dark 1'e(l speckles; space bNWet'lI Ihe fourth l)a11(1 and 11,e ex leriol' border mO.ltly tillged with pale red j exterior bUI'del' slig-hlly convex and obliqnc. Hinrlwings ciut'J'eolls, Cllpl'e()US ulou}! the exterior horde)'. Length of t1le budy 5 Jines; of' the WillP;S 1G lilles. a. Australia, From 1111'. Darnel's collection. 130, From. Cana, CIIYI>'l'OLECHIA VNDUL.l.TELLA. ,.ubu.~i(l, sqwwwsa; llnlpi el,tus ju"ci; ollienn((!, lIigm'; pede" breves, valitli, tibiig 7wstieis fimbria li,I'; a Ill: Itraic(c dUa ialissillLa JUIC{( ll1ztice ditl'UR(/, poslice cOl'lcisa 1Uztiu/at<t IraIHl'er"am lIIuiltllltmlt Call1llll il1cludellte, pundis mal'9inulibu8 ni!Jl'i.l; pnstic(1) {lmeo-cineme. Female. Hoary, stout, smooth, sqUlunuus, Palpi slender, twice luuger than the blCltllth of the head, Illostly hrllwu on the ouler side; lhil'(l jllillt Relifllllu, nearly us long n~ tb'c second. AlllClilire hhlCk. Legs ~11(1l'1, sluut j llind libia' fringed, Wiugs ratller ImJUd. Fore wiup;,; l'ollllllcrl al llle tips, with !l vel'y hrood hrown stripe, which is dilruse towill'lls the costa lind towards the exteriot b('rdel', hm is cUllcise and U1HhllRtillg" towo.rds the interior bo\'(ler, which it atmoot readws llelll' the illlel'iul' lingle; II hoary deeply undulating lrnmTcrse liue lIear the end of tIle Mripe; nlllJ'ginal POilllS hlacK; first point mo.!' the. end of the costtl, secolJd llpiClil ; six along the iIJIel'iI'l' uOl'lier, which is stl'lIiglit nllc! slil(htly oblique. Hilld IVings ciuereolls, with llll mucous tinA!'!, Lenulh of the budy 6 lines; of the wings 14liues. " a. MoretOlI Buy. From Mr. Digglcs' collection. LEPIDOl'TEIlA IIE'l'EROOERA. 767 131. CRl:I''rOLRCHLI. 'rRII'UNCTELL.I. palpi capitis latitudine plu" elupio longiores, (miculo 20 apice ni.lfr'irante; abdomen cincrewn; aim anliC(IJ elollfjttliC, T"Ulcli., tribus di,'L'lIlihns nifjl'is, costa basi convexll, mal'gil!e exleriofc pernbliquo ; lluslicm INtw-cinerclE. Female. Brown, c1llel'COns beneath, Pulpi slllooth, slender, rome than twice jung'er than the ill'elHlth of the Iw,l(l; second joint blackish at the tip; third setil'urtn\ Ii Ltle m()l'e than half the lel1!!th or the second. Abdumen and hind wiIlgs cinereolls, tingell with rencolls. Legs smooth, short. Wings elt)ng'ato, lIIoderately broad. Foro wings l'ouTI(le(1 ilt the tips, wilh three hlack ('uints in the disl. ; first poiut hefore tile middle; second behind the first; third heyond the micldle i,costa convex tuwilrtls the !lilse; exterior borde!' slightly COil vex, very oblique. Length of the hudy 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a., Tusillapia. Ierom the Eutomological Society's collection. Frem. Flt~ca; 132. CRYP'l'OLlwur,t MUltINllLLA, From. lIIw'i1!tZ: pnlpi (,lIpilis latilitrline non lrmginres; ttbdnmen. cinerpl!1n, ItllLS pIJSticas perpaullo sllJlP-mnso' tibirl1 postic(IJ jimbriat.(c; aim a1&licdl margine extel'iore pel'ObUqllo; PO,llic(l! dnel'ea!. Female. MO\lse-colotlr. U tiller side, ahdmnen a.nd hind wings ciuet'eOlls. l'ltlpi smooth, Ilot longer tlum the bt'eadth of the heau i third joint sClilunn, ShUI'll!!' 111<111 t.he secllnd, Ahdomen extending' very little heyond the heat\. Hintl tihire fl'ing'cd. Wings elongate, slightly rounder! at the tips. Fore wings without markings; exterior border slightly COllvex, very oblique. Length of the body 5 lilles j of the wings 15 lines. a. Austrulia. Pres'Buled by the Entomological Club. 133. CItYP'fOLECHIA fERltollunELLA. Ckalyb(Ea; (lbdomen Oupl'fo-r~flml; libim lJO,~li('(8 fimbriatao' aid> anlic(l! sat anguslrR, "pice subrlliurullll(l!, fascia cana di/fusa subobUqWl, linea exteJ'iorc tral!SIJersa c'inerea undlliata 'sub denlieulata. 7itlS OATALOGUE OJ!' Chalybeous, Abdomen and bind wings coppery red, Legs stout, sbort; hind tibire fringed, Fore wings rather narl'OW, slightly r{)\lll(led at the tips, witb II difi'use huary slightly oblique band at one-follrth of the length; II traltsverse undulating sliglllly dellLicu~ lated cinereous line at live_sixtbs uf tIle length; extel'iol' border slightly convex and oblique. Length of the body 5 Jines i of the wings 14 lines, a. Australia. From Mr, Diggles' collection. 134, CRYl'TOLEOllIA CONFEnTELLA. Mas et frem. Cinerea, nigro conspersa; antmntr- !naris setulosQI; abdomen (£neum; tibia! poslic(8 subjimbriatll',' ilia! anticaJ latm, puncti,~ discalibus, linen subnutr,IJillaii pll1!cwlari al'cuata punctisque marfJinaliblls nigris, striga Qb/iqua co.!tali plagaque exteriore fwcis nigl'o nota tis. Male (lndfemale, Cinereous, black-speckled, paler clneteous. Palpi smooth, lunger Illan the breadth ofthe head; third joint setiform, much shorter than the seoond. Antennre of the male setnlose, slender. Abdomen and hind wi(ll(s mneous, the fOI'mer 110' extending beyond the latter. Legs shol't, rather stout; hillel tihire broadly fringed in the male, slightly fringed in the female. ' Wings broad. Fore wings somewhat fOllnded at the tips, with slime black points in the disk, ami with it regular otllw8nl-CIlI'Ved snbmarg-inul liDe of black points; a broad oblique stl'eak extf:llrling olltward fl'Olll the costa to the disk, lIlId a patch ill the exterior disk, huth br"wIl, blllok~ marked; ,JIl1I1'ginal puints black; extel'ior border sligh~l)' convex, hardly ohlique. Length of lbe body 5-6 lines; of the wings 14-16 lilies, a. Sydney, From Mr. Dig-gles' collection. b. 1I1uretuu BIlY. From Mr. DiggJes' collection, 135, CnYFtoLEOHlA AFFLIOTELI,A. Mas. Alha,' palpi al·ticulo 20 nigra; antennaJ glabrll!,' tibice p",tic!£jimbria!(JJ; al({J anlicce nigra CQnspelW(£. pUtwtis quatuor discalibus fascii~que duabus indete?'lllinlltis uigl'iclmtibu8; posticm dnerem. FooJIl,-Cinerea; abdomen attenuatum, oviductu eXBer/o. 759 LEPIDOPTERA. HIlTEROCERA.. ftfale. "Thite. Pall)i smooth, much longCl' than the bread tIl of the hefld; seconll joint black abol'e towarJs the base; third setiforlll, milch shorter tball the secllud. AUWllllal smooth. AhtlOIlWIl exwlldillg :l little beyllnll the hind Willg'S. 1-1 ind tihite fringed. Fore wings wuuder! at the tips, with bluek speckles, which are mllstly cuuiluclIt, except towards the busl); fUlIl' blackish dis(:al ,points, twO befure the mitirUe, the othel' two beyonll the middle; two incolliplete diffusl! blackish bauds; extel'ior border sliJ.(htly COIIvex, very ublique. Hind wil)A'~ eillcl'eolis. FelJl(t!e.-Oincl'eous. Thil'd juint or the palpi ulmust as lonl{ as the seIJtlud. Abdomen u.ttelluuted; c,viduct exscrted. LellgLh of the body 5-0 lilJes; of tbe wings 14 lines. a. AUSlralia. From !Hr. Damcl's collection. b. l\'[ol'eton Bay., Frolll :'Ill'. Diggles' 136. ~olleeLion. CnYl'TOLI~CHIA 1 NCgP'f},r.r.A. Mus. PUl/idA ciIlCI'CO-CII1'VinCl; 1N/pi IJl'IlciUimi .. antanum 1lllbeswile,,; a/,cilmrCI! ./lavll-cillel'cul/t; Ubi(/] ]l1I"ti('(£ .fiI1l6I'iatce; aim Imtiea: (tpice l'ectcwyttlut(f, littei" dWlbus tl'ansversis foxis C pttndis rlJseis, lIl(tcnli,~ dlLllbus cfI,t/llibu" pUIlCtiS!J!!e t7'i6us m(uginalibus 11111'PUI'80-cincl'cis, co"ta jilllbl'iaque i'o.,eis; [los- ticre jl,,-vu-cinercre. !rlale. Pale cinereOliS fawn-culour. Palpi smooth, very slender, milch 1011 gel' than the breadth of the l,eud; third joint setifol'lll, neady as long as tbe secolHl. A ntellTlll) miuutely pubes. oeml. Abdollleu allli. hind wings }'eIJolVish CilleI'6011S, the fUl'lner extending vel'y little IleyolHI the laller. Hind Ii bim fringed. Wings elougate, l'Ulber broad. FtJI'e wings rectaIl~ular aL the tips; two tmnsvel'se outwal'cl-bent lines of rosy points, ending ill two purplish cincl'cous custal ~pots, Clue befllre the middle, Lhe other beytlnd the middle; three purplish cilleruous points alung the fOl'tl part of tbe eXLcl'ior horuel'; co~ta allil ft'ing'c ['(loy, the former very slighLly convex tOlVaI'ds the base; eXlcl'ior horder straight, oblique tuwurds the i.D terior angle. Length of tlw body 4!t lines; of the wings ~5 !illes. a. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' oollection. s3 760 O.A.TALOGDE OF 137. CUYPTOLECHB. CECOPIIORELLA. Mas.£'IJLl; antennai; tllMUX et abclamp", QOSCUl'e fusca; pedes breves, j'Qba,li, tibiis posticis jilllbria.lis; alm artticQI margille exteriore mm'ginisque interioris dimidio exteriorc roseis, strigi. duabu.1 di.'ealihus ohscUI'ioribus postice approximatis; 7WSlicll! jimb"ia ubscure cinerea. Male. Gilded yellow. PilI pi smooth, very slender, twice longer than tbe hrearlth of the Ilead; third joint setiform, almost twice longer than the second, Antennoo pubescent, Thorax, except the tcgulre, and abdomell d~lk bl'own. Le~'s shul't, .tout; binel tibim fringed. Wings elongate. Fore wings JIIIl'dly RUtlte, with a hroad rosy bund, which extends ul<lIIg the extcriol' border and from thence along half the length of the interior border, but £loe~ not reach tbe co~t!l; two darker rosy streaklets converging lliuclwanls in the exterior disk, the (Juter one contiguolls to tbe b~nd; exterior border sJiglnly convex IIocl ohlique. Hind. whIgS bri~htl!l' than tbe fore wings; fringe dark cium'eulls. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Australia. Presented by the Elllomological Club. 138. CRyp'ror.EoHu pUDonmllLLA. From. Pl,lrpureo-rv!a; abdnmen. aurcItl)~flavwn; tibia! pOBticee ., fimbriatre; al(l) Clntic<ll plaga apucl angulwn illteriorelll It.ete ruJa; p(JslicaJ a1tl'ato-jlavre, Female. . Purplish red. PRlpi smouth, slender, vr:ry much longer thall the .breadlh of the head; thhd joint setifOl'Ill, s\lOltet thun the 8ecolld. Abdomen aJl(1 hilld wings gilded yellow, the formel' extending rather beyollu. the lalter. Legs mther slender, g'iltled yellow; hind tihire with a shMI fringe. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings hardly acute, with a (l1l!llybeous tinge; a tl'allSverSO hrighter red patch 1'C~tillg un the interior angle j fl'ingll gilded yellow; exterior border straight, slightly ublique. Leng·th of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lilies. 4, b. ~I[oreton Bay. From Mr, Diggles' collection. LEPIDOPTERA HErEROOER!. 139. 761 O!WPTOLECHI! MARGINELU: Mas. Palliar: ocltraaea, suMus rosea; anlenna pubeuel!tes; abdomen pallide .flavo-cinereunl,' libim postiell! .fimbriat(2; ut(IJ anti em sUbacltllll, linea marginali tosca, jiJnbria ,vchislacea; post jell! pallide /lavo-cinerete. Frem.-Palpi nil/ricantes,' aim anlicre l'08CIR. Male. Pille ochruceous, mostly rosy beneath. Palpi smooth, neal'ly twice longer than the breauth of the bead; third j(jint setifornI, shorter thau the second. Antenll[B IJuhescent. Ahdomen lind hind wings Jlille yellowish cinCl'enus, the Ji.rrnel' eX:lending a little beyond tbe lattet·. Hind tihioo fringed. Fore wings slightly acute; marginal Iiue rosy; frinp;e dark slaty cin(lr6{J\{S; exterior border slightly COllvex, moderately obliclue. Fel}w[B.-Palpi mustly blackish. Autennm smooth. Thorax: and f'ol'e wings l'Usy. L~ngtl.l of the body 4-5 lines; of the wings 12--14 lines. a, U. Sydney. Frolll MI'. Diggles' Cl)llection. c. Sydlley. From Mr. Lambert's collection. d, e. Moreton Bay. Fl'OtD .NIl'. Diggles' collection. 140. CRYl'TOLIlOHU Q.UA.ORIPUBTULELLA. Roseo·cinerea; raput album; palpi capitis /atitudine mullo lonniores, a.rtieulo 20 taliu8cu[O; tlwra;v nigricante binwculat'Us; ala: anticm vix acutaJ, mawla basali maculaque cos/ali nigrican lib us ; postic(/) cinerea. Rosy cinel'etJus, dinl-(Y cillerell1l8 beneath. Head white above. Palpi white, smooth, cUfved, much lOIIKer than the breadth of the bend; ,sccund.illillt rather broad; third 8Btifol'm, nearly liS long as .the second. AlltellilOO much SllOJ'tel'tllun the fore wings. Thofll;;t with a blackish spot on ellch side. Legs smooth. Fore wings ]laruly acute, wilh a blackish basal spot, which is connected with the spot on the thorax j II llll·iter blackish costal spot hefore the middle j exterior bUI'del' slightly convex: and oblique. Hind wings cillereous. Leugth of the hvdy 4? lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, Sydney. 'From Mr. Lumbert's collection. 762' , OATALOGUE or 141. CRYI'TOLECHIA- A-llSTERSELLA • . :Mas. Alba; 1,e/'lex jUS('D m,!culr!l1ts; pall'i articulo 2Q sl!~fimr bJ'iato basi jllSCr9; (l/!telllllE ,mbsetulll.<(i!; ll[ldol/wl! flal;escens ; tarsi nig)'1) fa,ldat!; tibire all/iere nly)'/) plmelatlC; pedes ]10Stiei jlat'esce/tles, tihii.~ lim/n'illtis; alee anti,'w Il"vicio-alluJ!, apice rolwuiatce, {asciis tlu"hus inildel'minatis Jlflilidissilfw cl"'vini,~, Nt)'i!li,~ tribus posticis II'ulisL'e>'si.( indetcl'IItinatis alMs nigriclmte ,(ltbllwrllinatis, jl'8('i(1. rnal'gilluli Ob81.'1!1'11 L'incl'ea lilll!OllLm alb(w! niYI"icallte mal'ginalam include?!!., e",ta !lib-' bo,m j ]lIIsticclJ «mere, lIlllte, Silyery white, Body yellowish beneuth. Pal]Ji ellJ'Yed, obliquely ascclIlling, much longer than the breadth of the h~(td ; second joint brolVu, c)!:cept at the tip. with a sburt fringe on thl! untie!, si(le; thinl f<edfo\'lll, sh(ll'ter dHm the seclIud, AnlelllllI~ $etuluse, little more thall half the longth of the fure willg~. Hilld tibim friIlged. F"re wings IUllceulutc,ochl'I,ceuus at the base; all oclHllceOLls band, Wllich extends. fl'Oln ucyom! the middle of the costl! to the interior burder lItur the hast; an Mutely IIllgular OChra.1 ce()us hand, which extends uuli\[lIeiy fl'om the tip to tlw disk, and thcllce to the hilJ(l ellll of the extcriOI' horcler, !lnd is thcJ'e para1Jd to an oc1mLCcoll~ streali, wlileh extends from the cli~k to the interior lingle i ex.tllriol' hurtlel' witl! ocl!rliceous point8, H illl! wings slightly chleren\lS; fringe yelltlwish, very long tOWltI'ds the interior uugle. Length of the body 4? lines; of tbe wings 10 lines. /1" Moreton Bay. l'mlO Ur, Diggles' collection. b, Sydney, FrOID Mr, J"allJberts' collection, J 142. CllYPl'OLEOHIA ABALIENELLA. Mas. Pallicle oc/traeea, rnbusla i antenna! pubescentes; tlbiClJ. po,~ti(.'r£ ,~Il bfimbdlltm; ala: antic<2 latiusl!Ulr~, brevillseulm, via: awtte, plu!J1L postica atomisqlle sublllul'ginalibus fll.I'cis j pastica! jU,lcescelite-ci'lere(l) • • Male. Pale ochl'lIcenuG, stOlIt. PalJli s\Jlllutb, slender, very muon longer than the hreadth of the head; third jojnt setifufm, neady as long !IS the second. Antclinm pubescenl. Abdomen extending rather beyond lbe hind wings. Legs stout j hiud tibim slightly frill!!;ed, Wings rttther ~hort and bl'o;J.d. Fore wings slighily acute; cosla hul'(Uy couvex; e:ttel'ior border slightly cOllvex, l.EPIDOPTERA HETEROOERA. 763 very oblique; It large brown patch occupying nearly the whole of the interior border, cOnl'ex in front; some brl}WIl speckles towards the exterior border. Hind wings brownish ciuel'cous; fringe pule. Leugth of the body 3t Iiues; of the wings 9 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr, Diggles' collection. 143. CnnTor,EoRlA TR.l.NSVERSIlLLA.. Albida; caput /d,'sitturn; palporurn articulus 2u~ ext~ nigel'; antenna ,Ielu/oull; abdomen cinereum; tihim poslicm fimbriatm; alee anfirm sat arlgustm, apice subrotundull2, ni9"icunte CIJl1spr.rMC, fascia bUNali, piaga costali l'rigona, linea subrnarginali punetuluri .punctisque marginalibus ni,qricanlibus, pltnctis qua/uor discalibu,l nigris; postical limeD-cinereal, Male. Whitish, Head above thickly clotherl with shul't erect hairs, Palp! smooth, slender, twice longer tban the bl'elHlLh of the head; second joint black un the outer side, excl'jlt at the tip; tbird setifol'm, shortel' than the second. Antennre setulose. Ahdomell cinereous, extending l'ather beyond the hind wings. Hind tibite fringed. Wings mther narrow, Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, miDutely and irregululy blackish-spuckled; a blackish band Deal the base i a blackish elongated triangular pitlch on the (losta. at a little befure the middle; fuur black lloiuts in the disk; one contiguous to the patch, between the secund and the thh'd, which are more hindwul'(\ ; fourth and fifth bebind the seculld am\ tbe third; submarginal line composed of elongated blackish points, slightly curved outward, ungullll' neal' the oust a ; murgillal llOints blaokish; exterior bOl'der hardly convex, very oblique. Hind wings reneous-oilleroolls; fringe long, Length of tbe body st lines; of the wings 10 lines. (I, b. Sydney. From Mr. DiggJes' oollection. Mas. 144, CR'iPTOLEOlliA. 1'IEDATELLA. Oalla; palpi ,qraciles . antenllal pUQcscentps; alaJ antied! elongatm, sat lIng!Lstro, .)ix aCllttll, !usco CMlSp01'sr.e et plagiallE, fa,wiu basali, playa costali trigona, lituris tl'ibllS postici,!, fascia eXlcriore purwtisque rnarginalibus ni,q1'icant-ibus. Male. HOIl,I'y, closely allied to O. transvBrsella. Pulpi smooth, slender, twice longer thall the breadth of the h~ad ; third, joint setiiorm, milch sholter than the second. A.ntenu[6 WinUl\lly pube&conl. ' Mas. 764 Ahdomen extenlling heyond the hina wings; ftpical tuft rather long. 'Wings ~long"ate, ratl!m l)'\I"l·lllV. FllI'e wings hilrilly acute, speckle(! and partly uIntched wiLh bl'(Jwn; u hlaekish banil very Ilcar the haRe, nut eXle\ltliu!!; to the tlilerio[; a hhckish trianglllar pat~h (Ill the middle of the ClIsta; three smllH hlaekish lfl>U'ks in the tlisk behi utl the pateh, alii] 1111 ineg'lIlal' blackish exteriur blind; marginal points blackish; exterior bOl'dor slig'htly couvex, very oblique. LClIgLh of the btJuy at lilles; of the wings 10 liues. a. Australia. From Mr. Damel's collection. 145. CnvPToLEOHlA AMISSELLA. Cana; abdomen cinereulIl, oviri1wtu e.l'serto; tibice postiC(E iale .filllliJ'iul(l] i nice anticce wt nngl!Slre, Illnel)~r!l~rO cortsperstC, 1/1I1Iis !flllltltor di.<calibus d(JlIga.ti. ~ sll'i!laql.!e e.vtm'iol'e tmns"erst! nigl"it'lllltibu.I', striYlI oblilJltll lJlagisque dua.bus ame/)fuscis; ]IIlSliclB (l)nl.'o-t'illerct1!. Female. H oilry, shining. AutennlE slender. Abdomen cine-' reous, eXlelldill.g rather heyond the hilld wings; oviduot o~sel'led, long. II inti tiuilE broadly fringed. 'Wings rathel' narrow; fringe long. Fore wings minutely and irregularly speckicilwith Ullll)I)UShrown; fuUl' el()Ilgateu blackish dot, in the disk; third alld fourth dots behiull the tii-st anti the ,econd; thirel a little beyond the first" and fourth a little beYllnd the second; Ii short tl'nllsverse hlackish, diseal streak neal' the '"uter side of the foul'th dot; <1n :llneOUS-brOIVIl streak extcudini{ ohliquely olltward frolll the ,ecollil dot to the exterior border, aud two lCneolls-iJl'OIVIl pawlws, one on Lhe interior bonlel', COl1l1Cctel\ with the ~ll'eal., the other apical j exterior bonier, extremely oblique. Hind willgs reneou:l-ciucrcous. Length of.the body {) lilles j uf the wing:s 12liucs. a. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Es~, FmID. 146. CRYPTOLROfIIA INDEOORELLA. Cinerea; antennce $ubpubfscentes; aim anlica' latiusc'ulce, lIriee subl'Otl.mdalte, atornis Pll'lctis h,<eiis!fue trih~8 iatis ablmviatis fmc·ii, fo.seiis 1 a 2(llJlle intel'raptis, 3a ap'ieali macularn cinermlll marginalem inclltdente. Cinereuus. Hind tihioo slightly fring-ed. A1)t611lHll Male. inqistinCLly pubescellt, Wiugs l'ather bl·Q;lIl. Fore wings slightly· tQunlled lit the tips, with II few bl'UWll speckles m(1 elongated points, " M as. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 765 and with tlll"ee broad obliqne incv:ular brolVn bands, wIdell are abhreviated 11 ilJ!lwlml , and are accumptillird by four hlack dOl,; first und second han cis interrupted i third apical, illeluclillg a slllll11 cillcreuus IDlll'g-inal space; marginal llnp hrowll; hinge h)'tlWlJish, except at the tip of the wing'; costR ~traight, VUI')' slightly ublique. Length of' the body 3} lims i uf' tile wings 9 liues. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. 147, CItVP'fOLECHIA. TUllBATELLA.. PaUirle rium:ea; caP!l! hil'wtum; pai)/()l'wn al'tirlilus 2us U]IUl1l10.lllS, lI'igl'll billlueldatus; t/u))'{w: lligl"rl billoiaiu;'; tibi/l' puslic(/) {(lip. jimlll'inta:; alre (mtil'tlJ 1!iql'll ()OnSpel'h'(/!, upiec rollllldaill', (asciis 11'ibilS nipl'is obliqui,lfllsdisque d1tabus sltbtlla"!Jinuliblis den I i(,1l lalis ni!Jds, !JUlia maculaque ni,9l'is, hac alba gultalll; ]iostie(e anC{J-('illeJwe. 1l1(tie. Pale cinel'cous, slender, I:I eael tlJickly clotbed with very short erect hailS, P<llpi slender, mol'c than twice longer than the' hreadtll of the Ilend ; second juint squamous, with two hlack spots on the outer side; tllird setiforUl, lllllch shortc1' than .the second. Aut.ennre minutely pubescent, Thol'lIX with H blllck mark on each side in front. Abdomen extending hryolld the hind wings., Legs reneous-cinercou&; hind tihire hroadly fringed; joints of the hind lal'~i with whitish tips. Wings modemtely 1l1'11ad. Fore wings bIRck-spedled, ruunded at the tips, with three lI1lrl'OW hlack oblique irregular bands j firsl hand very near the bllse; tbird interrupled by II black clot, heyond which there is ~ black spot, the latter Ilcarly including a white dot; two nUl'row hlack denticulated sublllllrliinul bunds, the fiJ'st fOl'ming an inward lingle Ileur the costa; exteriul' b()rdel' slig'hlly convex, muderately ublique, Hilld lVings a'neouO" cinereons; friuge VC'l'y long towards tl,e interior bonIer. Length of the body 5Hues; of the wings 14 lines. a. Tasmania, Presented by M. Allport, Esq. Mas. 14B. CRYPTOLilOHIA SCOl'A.RlET,LA.., Cona, gl'(!cilis, nigra conspcl'sa; ant8lln,z> .Ielu/osa!; abdomen pallide ei'ler'cu'II!; libil,/) po,ltial,/) lale fimbriat(n; all,/) anlicte longl,/)~ IlTl[l'!lstrc, apice subrotunc/al(/!, sLri!}ulis sep/em nigns, linea submCII'fJinali d.U]ilicaeu e p1tnccis elongatis nigl'~8; pastiere subreneo-cinel'ere. 765 CATALOGUE OF Male. Hoary, slender, minutely black-speckled. Pal pi SITIOoth, ~Jendcr, twice longer than the hreadth of the bead j tlli!'ci joint setiform, 118 long 8S the second. Antennm minutely setulose. Abdomen pale cinel'eous, extem1ing rather beyond the hiud wings. Legs slender; Mud tihiro broaclly fringed. Wings long, nm·row. Fore winJ,(s slightly rounded at the ti]18; seven short bla(:k Atl'enks, of which fOllr ure near the base, and three bCJond the. middle ano approximate to euell other; a double submarg-inalline of eloDf(ated black points; exterior border straight, very oblique. Hind wings cillereou~, with a slight reneous tinge. Length of the body 5 lines j Df the wings 14 lines. a. Austl'llliu. :From Mr. Darnel's collection. 149. CRVP1'OLECHI,\ GELIDELLA. Alba; verle:n et tllOl'acis margo anticus subceJ'vina; palpi articulo 30 apice juscesce1lte; thorax cervino bija,I('iatlls; ab. c/omen mw~tQ-jla1!um " alw anticce litUl'is basalibus, jascia iati,lsima fasciaqtte Sllbrlpicali ci'llereis cel'vino variis, fascia 1a. lineam albam angulolam includellte fuseo e:lJtus ma'fginata; poslict:e au,'ato-j!avw. Male. While. Vertex and fore border oftbe thorax tinged with fawn-colour. Palpi smooth, slender; twice langel' lhan the breadth of the head; third joint setifol'm, browllish at the tip, a littlo shorter tban the s61:ono. Antennre smooth, slender. Tborax with two fawu-culuured bands. Abdomen and hind wings pule gilded , yellow, the fonner extending somewhat heyond the latter. Legs slander; hind tihiro not Mnge'd. FOI'e wings rathel' nUlTow, r()unded at the tips j markings cinereous, purtly tinged with fawtJ-coloLlr; some dots nnd streaks II ear the base j U vel'y bl'ou!l band, which +:1' ~ODcave 011 the inner side, undulating and botdel'ed with bmw]) on the outer side, intersected by a zigzag white line, und cnntains a few 1,jack speckles j a smull subapical band; costa ond eXleJ'iOI' border' slightly C(lnVex, the latter extremely obliqu~. Length of the bouy' 4 liues j of the will~s 10 lines. a. M(Jreton Buy. From Mr, Diggles' collection. Mas. 150. CRvPToLeoHIA AOUl'EtLA. FOlm~ ,~allid!ssime eervina, 8ubt1AS albida; palpi sqnamosi, Bat 'l!ll.l~d~, arllCulQ 30 lanceolato; pedes, sa.t· 'IIalidi, 767 LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOEItA.. lib'lis pos/ieis subpilosis; alllJ antiCa! nigl'icanle subcon,~per$a!, pU1lCtis duobus di,~culibltS slri,qaque e:vtel'iore obliqwl nigricalltibus; postie([! pallide jlal'(}!, Female. Vel'Y pale fawn-colour, whitish beneath. Palpi squamous, mther stout, much longer Lhllu tbe hreadth of the head i third joiuL lallceolate, much shurte!' (hUll the second. AntclllulJ I'ather stoUL. Abdomen pale yellow, e:.:tending u little beyond tho hind wings, Legs rather short aud stout; hind tibire slightly pilose. F('re wingR moderately bl'uad, slightly ami minutely blackishspeckled, with t~o hladrish POiU1S in the dibk, one hefore the middle, the other beyond the middle j all ublique blackish streak beyund the oLlter ,;ide of the second point and nearer the cosLa; exterior' border straight, I'ather oblique. Himl wings pale yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings to lilies; a. Sydney. From ,]\,fl'. Lambert's collection. 151. CnvP·!'OLECHU.? I'NCLUSELLA. Mas. Pallide flatY!.; palpi I'osei; anlenn(l! dense seiostB ; abdomen cervinmn, Negmentis «Ihida III a!'gilla tis ; ala antiw {atre, ,'osell marginatte, apire I'ectaltyulalce; ptlsti'CcIl jlaveseente-albfE, aJ1ic~ rOSfUl. :Male. Pale yellow, rather stout, Pnlpi smooth, slender, rosy, 1ullgel' thlln the breadth of the head; third joint sctif(ll'm, snorter t)lan the second. Ante!l11re thickly setose; the branches gradually decreasiu~' ill length tow!ll'ds the tip~. Abdomen fawn-colour, hardly extendiug heyuud the llind wings; hind bord.~rs of the segments whitish; apical tuft pale yellow. Legs 6toOt, rather shoL't; bind tibire fringed. Wings broad, Fore wings rectmlgular at the tip" bordered with rosy red; tuis hue brightest along the costa; Elxterior horder hardly oblique ill front, I'ather oblique bindw3l'd. Hind wings yelluwish white, with rosy tips. Length of the body 6lines; of tIle wings 17lincs. 0.." Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. 1fi2, CnvPTOLECRI.A.? OJ RCJULATELLA. Cinen!U, sat fJTacilis; ulllJ antictll lalfE, flavescentes, tineis p!urimis tl'ansversis il!tO'l'rllplis lineaque rnargiliali rujis, ~'osta FOlIn. ,'osea; postict1! jluvesr,ente-alba. T 768 OATALOUUE OF Female. Cinereous, ratllCf slender, wlJite heneath •. PaJpi smooth, more t1,an twice lunger lImn the breadth ol'the hea(l. Antennre rather slender. Ahdolllcn yellowish white. Wings ]lfoad. Fore wings yellowish, mue11 ruunded at the tipR, with lIumerous red transverse mure or less intel'l'llpted lines; lIH1fginal Iiue ]'~d, Rlendel'; costlll'''SY, slightly COll"eX ; extel'ior hUl'der COllVl'X, slightly oblique. Hind wings whitish yellow. Lellgth of the body 5 lines; of the willgs 121ines. n. Mureton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' colle~tion. New Zealand. 153. C ItYl>'fOLllCHlA COARO'f.l.T£LL,\. 1\1as. Rufemnle-cen>ina; pllipi capitis lalilwlille dup/n ZongiOI'tS; 1I1i/ennre gl'aciles, SUb~f!t!llo8t£; tibi(B 710Slic(f sttbjimbri-. aile; alte anlicl1! pll1wti.~ dllobus nigris fere cOlltiguis, mal'.'line f'Xlrdm'B SUbCUn1!fXO subobliquo; posticee jlavo"cinere(fl, sub~1Lratl1l• .1Ilale. Heddi8h fawn-colour, paler heneath. Palpi 8moo~b, slclldel', twice longer thun the bl'ead th of the head; tbird johit seUform, ~hurtel' timu the seolJnd. Alltennre slender, VCI'Y lllilllltt']Y setulflse. Hind tibiUl slightly fringed. Wings modcJ'iltely bl'llad, sl1l{htly l'tttlllded at the lip~. F(ll'e wings with two black points in th~ dib'kheyunrlthe middle; second puillt very ue<\l' the second, lint a little hindwurd and more exterior; exterior border sliglltly ClIllvex lind oblique. Hind wings yellowish cincreolls, slightly gilded. Length of the body 6 lines; of tlle wings 10 lilles. a, b. Adcklalld, New Zealaud. FI'LlID .Mr. Osley's colleclion. 154. Cl\YP'l'OLIlCHIA. COLLIOA'fELLA.. Cana, sat mbusta i anlpll'l1ll? cri'l1igem:; tibia p(JBli~tE ?'obu.lICC, fimb·riatre; alee arlti(,(f lalil/seu/re, slIbacllt(e, fUse!) conspel'w:, lineu exte,.iol'e gltttll/~ri cos/am versus valdt flexa li1letlque su/rlllal'gillali (lI'wata nig1'i('alltihus_ lila If'. Hoary, ruther stout. Palpi smooth, nearly twice longer tllnn tile bwtdth of the head; third joint setiJorm, as long as the second. Alltcllme thickly clotbed with lOllg slender hairs. Abdomen el(tending ralhel' beyond the hind wings. Hillel tibioo stout, frillged. FlJre wings I'illher broad, rninutel)' brown-speckled, slightly ucute, with an esteriot JiJ;le COllllJOsed of irregular blackish duts, and Mas. 769 LEPlDOPlEllA lIlllEROOEU-". very deeply retracted tOlVards the coata; two 111ac1tish points in the disk n~arer the base, lllld a submarginal curved line of blacldsh point'; exterior horder slightly convex, very oblique; under sille With 11 hl'Owllish tillge. Lvngth of the body {) lines; uf the wings 15 lines. u. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton. 155. CUYrTOLECfIlA LlCHENELLA. Flave,qcento-albrl, [Jl"Ilcilis; palportlrn aI'ticlilas 31ls niOl"1J fascicldat!!s; antellll(lJ via; pubescenles; abdolllfm cinerc!Ll/!; pedes nigl"iCf1.llle ffLSciati; ala! anticlIl elongatfl!, sat angu,ltI8, subacutaJ, ggllis 58,11 co,~t,tlibu,q nigl'is, ,~tl'i.lJis sex disclllibus gUUiSqUB (jllatuor mal'ginalib!!s ferrllgineis; pasticCI) lImeocinel'ew. ltlale. YellowiRh white, slendel'. Pulpi twice longer tban the breudth of the head; third joint seLifol'lll, with a small black tuft befme its middle, a little shorter thun Ihe second. Autcnnm hanlly pubescent. Abdumen ciuereolls, extending mnch beyond the hind wing8. Tibite alld t,lrsi wilh blackish 1.l1.nds. Wings elunt:ate, flltbel' nUl'l'OW. Fore wings slightly acute, with six blaok cLJstalllvts and with six ferru:.linuus $tl'ellk~ in the disk; uf these the lungcst is oear the base ant! is slig'htly bent; twu 'L1"e contiguous to the third and fourth costal dots, and olle is tmTlsvel'se and more exterior than the others j four fel'\'ugiuous dots aloll~ the extel'ior burder, whicb is slightly conveX and muderately oblique. Hind wilJg~ a'ueOI1Scincreulls. Length of the body (; lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair. Mas. Country unknowu. 156. CItYPTOLEClllA SPUllCAlELLA. Mas. Cinerea; antenntC pubescenles; abdumen wneo-fu~cescen$; tibia posticee llOn ,fimbrial(e ; al<l1 anti ere api!'e ml1mdat<l1, 'l!iUu poslica lalissima retleo-fuBe[t,. posticre amoojuscm. . Male. Cillereuus. PIllJli smonth, slcniler, much longer than the breadth of the head; third joint seLiful"ln, shurter than the second. Antenna; minutely pubcsuent. Abdomen above, except at the till, und hind wings brownish, with au WU(JOtlS tinge. Legs 1'2 '170 CAl'ALOG1JE OF short, stout, smooth; lliml lihit"e not fring-ed, Fore winiJs I'ounrled ai, the tips; ahollt half the hreadth from the illterilll' harrlel' to tIVO_ thirds of the leD<l'th amellu~-hrown; costa slightly cOIll'ex: along half the leug;lh f,'om the hase; exterior border COllvex, hardly ohli(jlle, Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. ~.--r 157. CRVPTOI.ECHIA META.PHE>IlI.LA.. Mas. Alba: palpi gracil~s; abdumen alas pos/jeas non Guperans ; tibiCII posticl1I fimbria/III; ala! antiCa! ex llftrte rinereo nebulo.!a!, plngil pastica iineafJlIB slIbmar[}iTlali IranSVBl'sa diffusa denticufata ci'IWreis, pmwl'is marginalibus nigris. Male. White. Palpi smooth, slender, much longer than th(; breadth uftbe head; third joint setiform, shorter than the second. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings, Hind tibi,e fl'ing-cd. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings ;omewbat rounded at the tips, paTtly clouded with durk cinereous, this hue most premlent along the basal part of the intel'iur border, where it forOls an oblong patch; a transverse diffuse cinereous line at five-sixths of the length; marll:inal points black; 6Ktel';0l' bonIer slightly cunvex and ohlique. Length of the hody 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a,b. - - ? 158. CllVPTOLECHIA GllUHtPBORllLLA. Mas, Pallide cermna; palporum articulus 2ILS extus niger, 311s apies uige'1'; a/til anticl1I '/)Iucu/is iribus guttaque extcriore discali nigris; pOlticflijusco-ci'TlIl1W!i. Male, Pale fawn-colour. Palpi smooth, twice longer than Ibe breadth of the heHd; second joint black on tbe outside, except towards the tip; thircl setiform, black ut the tip, us 100lg as the second, Alltennre setulose. Legs stout, smooth. Wings tnl,rlerately broad. Fore wings much rounded at their tips, the curve commencing before the end of the cosla; three black spots before the ~iddl,e, an~l a black dot in the disk ~eyond the middle; first spot In a lme WIth the dot; second mure 11111dwuJ'(] than the lirst, ,md a. liltle more exterior; third elong'ate, behilld the second; exterior border vcry oblique bind ward, Hind wing-~ brownish cincrcous. Length of the body 7lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. - ? Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 771 LEPIDOPTERA. HETEllOCERA. 159. CnvPToLEOIHA POnl'llyltlxE!..LA, Alba; prdpOt'lLm atlit'ullt,~ 2u,~ lIigl'icI1IM, squama.llls; alllennCl! pubescentes; tibit£ p(),llerioreg .firnb,·iaICl!; "bdomen tJurato-fiavuII!; atre cUltieee villa, pUl'pU'l'ea arltice emillerllc apud marginern cxte1'in'l'em dill1tl1la; postira! uuratll-jla'I7t£. Male. White. UndeJ' Ride, uhdlllnen Ilod legs gilded yellolV. Palpi mlloh loug-er ,thall lhe hreadth {Jf the head j secoud joilJt SqUil.1UUUE, blackish, except ;it the tip; third sctif'OI'Ill, a little shO{'ICI' tuan the seclIlld. Antel/llre minutely puln:soellt. Abdomen tixtelldlug heyond lIn! hind wings. PustE.'l'ior tibite fringed. Fore wings rather narl'tlw, rounded at the tips, with a purple stripe, which occupies, the costa at the base,l'ot'IllS all allgle t<lwllrds the costa before the middle, and is dilated along Ihe exterior border to the tip of the wing alld to the interior angle; exterior horeler slightly COUV('X, very ouliclue. Length nf the body 7 lilies j of the wings 14 lines. a. - - - p MRS. ](iD. CRYl'l'OLECHlA COI'I:l:nAlUELT,A. Alba; palpi capitis latitruline lVl/giores, articulo 20 b~.;i nigl'O; antenna! 1,ix pubesce(ltes; pedes 1li.!fl'icantes. tibiis l'(}slicis cinel'eis sukfimbl'iati.I" altl! I1ntira laliu,leul{e, apicc rotundatre, jllsr.o consJ1er'sa!, !futtis dtlrLbus basaUbus, gutta discali, playa costali lineaque extel'jors arcuata nigris ; poslicl~ cinerelll. 1Ilale. White, Palpi curved, smooth, lon~el' than the breadth of the head; secondjoint black [owarus the base; third lallceolate, shol'tcI' than the secunu. Antennre hardly pubescent. Abdomen cinercon5, extcndillg' beyond the hind wings. Legs hlackish ; hilltl tibire aud llind tarsi cincl'cous, the fonner s1iglltly fl'inged. 'Wings l'ather broad, dark cincrcuus beneath. Fore wings minutely brolVnspeckled, rOllnde(l at the tips; two black h~sal dOls, (jne Ull the the costa, the other on the intel·ior bOI'del' ; u black discal clot at olle. third of the lenglh, a black costal patch beyoll\l the middle, and ,UI exterior outward-curved black line; exterior bordc~ straight, very slightly oblique. Hind Willg8 cimueuus j fringe paler. Length of the hody 4 lines; of the wiugs 10 lines, a. --'-r Mas. T3 CATHOIl UE OF 161. CRYl'TOLEClIIA. ALBULELLA. Mas. Alba,' palpi pedelque pallide cervini " antennrR lIubeseentes: altt anti em sat angusla!, apicc l'otuntlata!, subtus pallitle cer~illaJ; I,osticte a!lIeo subtinclte, jJfale. White. Pulpi, antenlJlll and legs pale fawn-colour. Palpi smooth, slender, much IOllger than the breadth of tbe bead i third joint setiliJrm, shorler tban the second. Antennre pubescent. Fore wings rather llal'l'OW, rounded at the tips; exterior border convex; under side mostly pale 1awn..rcolour. Hind wings with II slight mncous tinge. Length of the body 4; lines; of the wings 10 Iiues. a.-r 162. CaVPTOI.ECEIlA INSCITELLA. Arge~teo-alha, roomta; pedes squa,mosi, tibiis poslicis suofim6rialis; ala subtus l!inerem; anticaJ apicp. rotundallV, mawla magna postmedia atomisque nonnulli$ exteriorib1tt cupreonigl"is. Silvery wllite, stout. Fnlpi smooth, rntber slender. Legs sqlllunous; hind tibial slightly fringed. Wings model'ately broad, cinereons beneath; fringe long. Fore wings rounded at the tips, with a large cupreous black ~pot on the costa beyond the middle, and some Cllpl'eous-black I:'peckles near the exterior border, which is straight and moderately obliq ne. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a.-? Genus 49. LOXOTOMA. ,Loxotoma, Zl. 1. LOXOTOMA ELEGANS. ' elegans, Zl, Colomhia. Ol'inoca. Genus 50. AUXOCROSSA. Auxocrossa, Zl. 1. Hopfi'eli, Zt. Para. AU:lI:OOROSBA HOPFF~Rl. LEPIDOl'TERA HETEROOERA.. 773 Genus 51. ANTlEOTRICHA. Antrentrichn, Zl. 1. ANTJEOTRIOBA WA.LCHlANA. Walchiana, Cmmdr-griseana f F.-griseaullm, Zl. oUm. Brazil. 2., ANl',BOTRICHA FASCICOLARIS. fascicularis; Zl. Brazil. 3. ANT£OTRIOHA INQUINULA. inq!lirmla, lItfus. Be1'l. (:MSS.),21. Para. 4. ANl'lEOTRICHA DINunILA. biuubila, Mus. Berl. (11188.), Zi. Brazil. 5. ANTJEOTllIOffA BASALIS. basalis, Z l. Brazil. 6. ANTlEOTnICHA UMBRATELLA.. Mas. Fusca, j'obusLIl,. antenna! pubescentes ; abdomen alas postleas {(mye suIJor(/ng; a{m anticce cinereo111SCte, apire Totund'ltre, plaga al11e media .qultaque l)ost media nigricalttibu8, spatio inlermedio cinm'co litll1'a& tres nigricantes illciudellte, lUllulis mWI-ginaliblls dnereis. Male. Brown, stout, cinereolls beneath. Palpi smooth, stout, much longel'than the breadth of the head; third joint lanceolate, shorter thau the secQut]. Alltennre pubescent, Abdomen long, extending mnch beyolld the hind wiugs; apical appendages rather large. Legs stout. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings cine- ' reous-brown, l'ouuded at the tips; II blackish patch in the disk near, the base, Ilud a blackish dot beyond the middle; a cinereous splice containing three small blackish marks, extending from the costa to the disk between the dot lIud tb,e patch; marginalluuules oine~eou5, 774 OATALOIlUE 011 nlinute' exteriot border convex, not oblique. Hind wings with a cjucr~ous fringe. Length of the body Ii lines; of the wings 10. lines. , , a. Ega. FI'OID Mr. Bates' collectioll. Genus 52. ll-fESOPl'YCHA, iHesoptycha, ZI. 1. l'vfESOl'TYCIU nictitans,lI{u8. Bel'l. (MSS.), Zl. Para. GellUS NIOTITA.'l5. 53. PALPARIA. Pal pariIL, Wing. ]. PAT-PARU LAMBERT!,;LLA • .Lambertella, Wing. a. Sydney. From Mr. Lamhert's collection. h, c. Syduey. Presellted by E. Douhleday, Esq. d. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' collectiOll. 2. PALpAnIA AURA-TA. Mas. A1tratn:flavll, roseo ~ublincta; ClnlennQJ subsetulosQJ; tibilE posti CCl! IntI! fimbriata:; aim antiC0111alde jaleatte, linea rlisl'ali "'ifa 'triya.,. posticatn emittente,. postieaJ apice rOGer) tinetro. M~le. Bright g'ildeu ocbraceolls. Thorax fawll.coloul', with 'a purplish tinge. Antedol'legs beneath dark pUl'plish ciUere0115; costa, fl'inge and subcostal vein dark purplish fawD.colollf, the vein emitting a Ilindward streak of the . same hue; uudel' sille rosy. Leug~h of- the body 6 lines i of the wings 16 lines. A~J·ato.ophracea, subtus rosea; thorartJ purpureo.cervinus; pertes anleJ'iol'BS subtu& PU1'PlL,·e()·cinerei; (tire anlic(lJ costa fim· bria venugue Bt!bcostuli obscure purpureo.cervinis. Female. Gilded. yellow. Head, thorax und fore wings tinged with PaJp\ very much Jonger tban the breadth of the head; second juint with a porl'ect dense ll1nceolate tuft; third joint setiform, a little shorter than the second. Alltennw very minutely setulose. Frem. LEP1DOl'TERA. IlETEROCE1U" 775 Abdomen extending ve~'y little beyond the lJind wings, Legs rosy; hinrl tihirc hroadly ftinge(l, with gilded yellow hairs. Foro wings acute, very falcate, with a bril~ht red ctiscalline, wbicb emits a short less distinct streak directly hind ward ; a crease ill the hinller di~k extending to the end of the intelior btJrder; exterior bonier extremely oblique. Hind wings with a rosy tinge towarJs the tips. Length of the body 7 Iincs; of the win~s 18 lines. II, b. Australia. l?rum Mr. Damel's collection. c. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' cullection. d. Australia. From Mr. Hunter's collection. 3. PALPA.RI! RECTIORELLA. Mas. Pallide flava; animnee sub"elv,lasfe; abdomen ulbidum, sC9rnentis 20 :3oqlle roseo tin~tis; alee anliclil vix fit/calm, COS til mbconvexa, ma"yina exleriol'e slIb,.eato peJ'obliquo; posticlil rosco-al6idm. Mala. Pale yellow. Palpi very much longer than tbe breadth of the bead; second joint with n very long porrect fringe; third setifol'm, as long as tbe second. AntenDIB very minutely setulose. Abdomen whitish, with It rosy tinge on tho second and third segments. Fore wings acute, hal'dly falcate; costa slightly convex; exterior bortler almost straight, very ublique, Hinu wings whitish, with IL rosy tinge, which does not extoml tu tbe base nor to the fringe. I ..ength of the body 6 lines; of the wings 17 Jines. tl. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection. b. Sydney, From Mr. Lambert's collection. 4. P.A.LPARIA. AURIGENA.. Rosea; antennm 'dense setosee; abdomen roseD-albidum; tibi{8 pusticm r()bwtl:!J; aim anlic{8 uwtf.ll, }lava substrigata:, costa vix canvexa; poslicf.Il }lava-alom, roseo mUl'9inatc£. Frem.-Alm aniicm rosem, minus acutre; antennlll 9lahrtt. g1'aciles. Var. {:J.-Oaput, t!torax et alee antica! iaJlissime or/wacea. Mule. Rosy. Palpi much longe1' than the breadth of the hea.d ; seconn joint furnished with ,t long lallceolatc purrect tuft; third liuear, slenJer, mneh S101'tel' than the second. Antennre thickl, setose. Abclomen rosy whitish, extending a little beyond the hind wings. Legs smootli i hinel tihi!ll slightly incrll.ssated. Fore wings acute, indistinctly streaked with yellow; costa. aud exterior bordet Mas. 776 OATALOGUE OF very slilrhtly convex, tIle lattel' very ohlique, Hind wings yellowish white, tinged with rosy towards the tips and along the (lxteriOl' border. Female,-Fo\'e wiotzs whully rosy, less acute than those of the male, Hind wings 1I0t tinged with rosy, except the fringe towards the tips, Antennre smooth, slendel'. Vu.r, j3,:-Head, thorax Rnd fore wings vcry bl'ight ochraMOus. Undel' side of the fore wings with a rosy disk, Length of tbe body 4-5 lines; of the wings 13....,.15 lines, II, Sydney, From Mr. Lumbert's collection. b, Australia. From Mr, Damers collection. c, Tasmallia, ,Presented by R. Bntler, Esq, 6. PALPAlUA OONFECTELLA, Mas, OcllTacea; antenna! lon,gissime seto!(/!, apices 1!CrSII$ nurZtlJ; abdomen subjlaucscente-albidum; alii' (!ntic(11 vix 'leutce, rnsen tX parte subtilicliE, linea ,!uumarginali msea f1e,lJa, . subtllS 1'osece fla~'O rnarginala;; poslicro subjlat'escente-albida; apices VBI'SIIS Bubrosete. Male. Ochraceous, Palpi in structure like thost) of P. I'€cliorella. AntelllllE, except towallls the tips, with long thick-set satre. Abdumen and hind wings whitish, slightly tillged witil yelluw. FUl'e wings hardly lleute, partly anll slightly rosy-tinged; a submaT!linal transverse TOSy li~le, which is bent towards the interior blll'del' and more acutely hent towards the costa; costa amI exterior burder very slightly convex, the latter rather oblique; uuder side bright rosy, bordered with giltled yellow. Hind wiugs with II rosy tinge tllwllrds the tips; under side gilded yellow, Leugth of the budy 6 lines; of tbe.wiD!);s 16 lines. ~. Sydney, Fl'olD Mr, Diggles' collectiuD, Genus 54. Tortricopsis, NIVn1. TORTRICOPSIS 1. TORTRroOl'SlS ROSABELLA.. Rasabella, NlVnl. a, b, Australia, From Mr. Diggles' collection. c. AuSltalia. FrOID MI'. Darnel's collection. LEPIDOPTEl\/\ HE'TEROCERA. 2 .. TORTRICOl'SIB 777 SEMIJUNCTELI.A. 1\1"as et fmm. RuJtsuenta-ochracea; abdomen um·ato-.flllvum; ala; llntictli lit1Lri.~ sex cm·talibus nif}"icantibus, 2a 3a obliquis eiongalis. Mas.-Anlenn16 set'Uiostli; abdomen apice rufum i aid! anticaJ cllufybilfo-cinerew; posliclE fimbria chalybeocinel'e(L. Male and Jemale. Reddish ochl'aceous, paler beneath. Second joint of the palpi with a securifurm friuge. Ahdomen and hind wings gilded yellow. Fore wings with six small blackish costal marks; first mark basal j secund uu(l third extending ohliqlleJ}' outw!lI'd to the disk j fmllth, fifth ilnd sixth vcry small j \llluer side hriglltcr red. ll1ale.-Autcunre setulose. Thorax alld fore wings with a clmlybeolls-. cillcl'eous tinge. Undel" side and apical tuft of tbe abdomen very bright red. Hinc! wings wilh <L chalyheous-cincreons fringe. Length of tho body 5tJines j of the wings 14 Iincs. This species may be distinguhhed frum T. Rosabella by Ihe costalmal'ks of the fore wings. a-c. Syuney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. Genus 65. BOYDU. Boydia, Nwm. 1. BOYDU CRINIFERELLA. criniferella, Nwm. Australia. Genus 56. ANORTHOSIA. Anorthosia, elms. 1. AN ORTH05IA I'UNCTIPENNELLA. pUDctipelloclla, elms. United States. Geous fJ7. Strobisia, elm,. STROBIS[A~ 178 CATALOllUE Oil' ]. STJlOBISIA IRlDIPENNELI-A. iridipennella, Clins. Uuited Stales. 2. STROBISU EMDLEMELLA. cmblcmel1a, Clms. United Stules. Genus 58. EVAGORA. Evagor8, Glma. 1. EnGollA APICITmpUNOTELl,A. apicitripunctella, Clms, Genus 51) •. TRIC HOT APHE. Trichotaphe, Clms. 1. TltICHOTAPHE SETOEELLA. setosella, elms. United States. 2. TlIlClLOTAPlIE JUNCIDELU. jUDchlella, elms, United Stutes. Genus 60. CALLIMA. Callima, Glms, ]. CALLIMII ARGENl'ICINOTEtLA. IIrgenticinClella, elms. United States. Genus 6]. TRYPANISMA. TrypanisOla, elms. 1. prudens, elms. United States. TaYF.tNlsMA PllUDEN6. LEPIDOPTERA IIETEROCERA. 779 Genus 62. MACHIMIA. Machimia, Clms. 1. MACllIMIA TENTORIFERELLLA. tentorifel'ella, Clms. United Stales. Genus 63. PSILOCORSIS. Psilocorsis, Chns. 1. PSILocoRsrs QUllRCWJ.:LLA. qllel'cicella, Clms. Uuited States. 2. PSILOCORSIS REFLEXELLA. reflexellu, Glms. U llited Stutes. Genus 64. MENESTA. Menesta, Clms. 1. MENEsrA TORTRrCIFORlIIELLA. tortriciformella, Clms. U uited States. Genus 65, CIMITRA, Frem. Corpns sat validum. Proboscis nulla. Palpi oblique nscendentes, capitis JaLitudine bl'eviol'es j articulus 2us pilosus, sub. arcuatus; 3l1s sublilleal'is; 2i dimidio non jungior. Antennre sat rohusHc. Abdomen alns pOHticas plus dimidio superansj oviductllS exserlus. Tibite poslicro fimll1'ialre. Alre anticre spiHsre, sat angl)stm, apice Totundat::e, margine exteriote perobliquo vix convexo. Allied to the Tilleidm. Felllale.-Boc]y lDoderately stout. Pro. boscis obsolele. Palpi obliquely ascending, shorter than the breadth of' the head; second juint pilose, 81ightly curved; tbit'cl nearly linear,· abo\lt half the length of the sec(lnd. AntelllHll smooth, ralher slout. Abdomen extending for mOI'e tban half its length beyond the him] wiugs; ovhluct exserted. Legs smooth, modera.tely long and slOl)t i u OATALOGUE OF 780 MUll tibial tllinlv frinard with very long hairs; spnrs long. W~ngs dense, rallwr mirrow; fringe long. Forc wings ]'ouIJ(led lit the.tlps; cosla and exterior burder hardly CUll vex, tlle lutter ,'cry ohh1llle; veins much like those or J)ppre,~snria in structure. 1. CIMITRA BllCLUSELLA. Cine-rea; aim anlic(i) squamis fllScis, nigrisq!le aspe~(!J, fasciis duab"s fuscis ialis obliqui; e;cca'vatl,l, punclu marg!nalibus nigris. Fe'(tl(lle. Cine;'eous, Yore wi11!.!s rough, with many hrown and blnck scales, and with two bf(lljd ohlique (';xcavated bruwn bands; 11 row of hJal'k marginal points. Hh,d winj!~, abdomen alld 11I.](lel· side a little paler. Length ~f tbe borly 4~- lilies; of the wmgs 11 liue •• (I, Ceylon. PI'eseIlted by Dr. Templeton. Frem, Genus 66. TINISSA. Corpus sat robllstum. Oaput pilis ercctis vestituID. I'ro]JlIscis I)r~\'isslilla. Pal pi ereeti, capitis Jatitudine longilll'c., articulo 20 tiellsissimc pilllso,30 lanceolato puhescente. Antenlllll hawes,5cwlllsm. Abdomen alas posticas dimidio supemns. Pedes fuhllsti; tibi[l~ JI(lslic:E fasciculatil;l. Aim unlicre subacutre, mUI'gine eXleriore recto sat obliquo. Alliell to the Tineidai. Male.-Body rather stout. Pillpi vel'Y sliglltlv curv~d, a little lonjXer than tnt bl'eadlh (]f the head; secoud juiut .iensely clothed hel)elllh with long hairs; third jOint lanceolatc; a little ~h(lrter than tile ~ec,,"d. Antenll!ll stout, thickly setulose, lIIuch shorter lllan the fore wings. Legs slo\lt; hind tihire, most densely tnned. Will!!S mtller narrow, slightly Ilcute; e)!.t~rior burtler straight, ratucl' oblique. 11[08. 1. TINISSA TOl\V£LLA. Mas. Cinl'l'fa; palpi articulo 21) .l1Ipra n;gricanie, 30 fasciis dllubu$ f!~lcis; tarsi ni.9ricanle fasciaii; alai anlit'ai ameojilsct1!, pUllclis plurimis IllMdis; pO$licai aine<ll. , .Male. Cinereous. Secund joint of tI,e pulpi bJackish above; harrs blackisll t()ward~ the base; third wilh two hl'OWll bands. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. Tursi with 781 LEPIDOPTERA. HETEI100F.RA. blackish hands. Fore wings mneolls-hrolVn, with many wllitish points, which are lu)'g-est and !Df)st concise along the costa and alolJll' the iuterior horder; fringe mlleom. Hind wing'S telleous; fduge long towards the.interior angle. Lellgth of the body 51iues j of the wings _12 lines. a.--? Genus 67. IPPA. lIi"as, Corpus sat gracile. Caput rilis sqllamosis d!!lIsissime vestitum. Pal pi ascendentes, robusti, slIharcuati, sqlHlllloso-pilosi, capitis latitul!ine paullo IOllgiores; articulus aus lallueolalt\s 20 paullo breviOI'. Allteullm glahne, I'Ohllst:n. Ahdomell alas postiCllS plus dimiclio slIperans, Pedes robusti. Aim antieaJ lungw, Illlguslie, vix actltm, margine eXlel'iore sllbc<lnvexo perololi<tuo. Allieu to the Tineicl,e. lJfalc,-Bodv !"ather slender. Head very thickly clothed wilh silort ~qllamous liairs. Palpi asccnrliug, stout, very slightly cUI'ved, it lit.tle longer than the breillhh of the head, thickly covered ill front with short smooth ~llUlllDOUS hairs j thil'll joiJll IUllcculate, it little shmler tban the second. Anlcnnre slllooth, stout, ue:ll'ly as luug as the flll'C wings. Abdomen extending 'for more lhall half its lelll-(lil beyolld the hind wiugs. Legs SLOlll, smou h; ~I)III'S IOllg. 'Wings lOll!!,", llill'WW, hardly aClIte; fringe lung. Fore wiugs with a slightly convex and extr~mely oblique exterior bUl'der. 1. Ipp.A. VACl\,ELLA. Mas. Subameo-cinCl'ea; alee unticll! ni.9rtl cnnspersaJ. punctis mal', ginalilms ni!l"is, jlwwtis qualuOl" costalibu8 majtJl'ibu8 gUltisque duabus discalibu., lIigris. Male.' Cinerenu~, with It slil{ht renenllS ting-e. Fore wings minutely hla(lk spe<'kled. Wilh black poillts along the apicaJ part of the costa and aluug the e"lCl'ior border j four 1"1'l/:er black Jloints on. the custa, two neal' the hase HIllI twu heyund the middle j two hlack dots in the disk, one neal' the base, the other beyond the middle. Hind wings a little paler than the tcm) willgs. Lellgtb of the boily 3~ lines; of the wings 9 lines, u. NOlth Hindostall. Presented by Capt. Stl'uchey. u2 OATALOGUE OF 782 Genus 613. GERONTHA. Pam. Corpus sat gracile. Caput latum, lllllice pilosllm. Oculi extantes. I)robuscis hl'Cvissima. Palpi angula!i, capitis latitmline 11011 hreviores; articulus :lus hirsutus; ;}us sqllamoslls,luu_ ceuluLlIs, suhel'ectus, 2i dimidio Hon lungil)l'. AnlellllilJ lreves, sat I'ullllstre. Ah(lomcn alns jJosticas longisoime RUI)enl ns. Pedes longi, 5llt validi; tibim illLel'medilC pilos[\); tihi:r pO,lic,e suhpilusre. Ahc anticre lunglU, [lDgllstre, apicc l'UlUIH.lallc, margine eXlel'iol'e comexo lwrubliquo. Allied to the Tineirl<z. Femll1e.--Body rather slendm'. Head brotH], pl'ominent 111]11 piluse in frulll, Eyes very pruminent. Proboscis very short, Pal pi liS lung as the breadth 01' the hend ; second jCJillt thickly hirsute; third SljlUtlllOUS j Illlleeolate, nearly erect, about half the length of the secund, with which it forms an angle, AutellTlill smooth, ruther slont, somewhat shOl'ter than the fure wings. Abdumen extelluing very fat' beyullll the IJind WillP;S, Legs long, rallier stont; mid!llf1 libire piluse j hitHi tihi::r ~lightly pilose, with four 1001g sJlUl'~. \VillgS long' allll Harrow. Fore winris TOulllled at the tips; exleriln' border convex, \-ery ohli(lue; Iliscal ul'eolet IOIlg' ; three inferior veins; the second i'orke(l. 1. GERONTHA CAP1'IOS]';J,LA. Frem. FIISCf,ql'ente ."iuPI'ell; pa/poyum ill'tit'llillS 2us /119m po,ltica! lIifJro pilos,e; alee lIlI/ierf /'/"'t'O "(Ill. Sper_Ii.lJ, litura di~'cali p(lI1:n Ilifjl'ic(lnle, PUfl('li,~ /J/(II'fjinaUblls pi/asu.l: .ibi<z '/Ii91'i~. Felflale. Brownish cillcreolls. ~econd joint of tIle pnlpi beset witl! Slout Mac]; Il<lirs, Hind tibim clilthed with black hair,;. Fo]'e wings speckled wilh hrOlHI; a 'lIIall blill:kish mud; at the cllrl of the di,cal «rel/lut; mal'p;inal points blllck. Leu" til of the body 7 linus; or the win~~ 14 Iiues_, '" a, Ceylon. Prc.cnted by D,'. Templeton. Genus GO. TliVlynA. .freTn. Corpus sat I:obl!stum,. , PI'u?oscis mediocl'is, Palpi erc.ell, pul lt1scclltes, suhplloSI, cailltls latltudinc Ilu]!l!) lonu:iores; articulus :lus Illnceolatus,:2u bl'ijviul'. Palpi tnllxilJ<Il'es latissime et LEPIDOPTI::nA UIlTEIWCEIU.. densissime squamoso pilo,i, capitis lalitu!lille hreviores. Antenna') glabl'lP., atis anlieis pau110 hreriul'CS. ,tbdulIICll alas pllsticas SlI_ pemlls. Pedes /tlti, Iw<,<'s, tarsis p,,,ticis lihii!>qlle ,iellslJ limliri.uis. AlUJ antimc don;;atl?, upice rolulldilllB, lllurgiIlB cxtcl'iol'e subcun,""xu. Allied to the TilleicllB. Fellltlle.- Budy rather Sillut. Prohoscis ll10derately l'lng, Palpi I'erlieul, puhUq,enl, thilily clothed with IOll~ hairs, twiee lnllp;el' lhall the hrelliith (If Ihe h~ad; tliird joint lallceolate, shorter than the sectllld. ~1axillilry pal"i vel'y IJl'uaflly find thickly clothed with RquamolIs llllirs, shorlC!' [hull the hreadth (If the head. AlIteUl1lB ~LUI)"th, a little shorl"r than the forI) willj.(~. AhdlllllCll extendillg !leyoll!l the hind winf{" Legs hroad, smooth; tihim aud hind tar6i den,ely fringed; spurs long. \Viug's eloug-ate, Illudcmt.eiy broad, Fore willg's IOlllldc!lllt tbe tips; exterior honlat' sli:.tht1y cOlll'ex, moderately ohlique; veills lllucil like tho~e of Dejll'eSSIL1'ill. 1. ErnUl. 1l1«J T[~IVItA l'flYUISBL],A, Cille,.el'~fllll!e.~cens; CIlput Cltptelllll; aniP1!)IIE testa.cp.{e; Zit :Jaql1~ latissi- (wlicll!'iis trihus Cltp,.Pis, la ba.mli, mis c01!,~, clIJll'eis. :3u .wiill!al'f}illllli, lilWL mal'[linali jimbl'iaglk' Female, Cinet'eOllS-yctlowi~h. He,ld ami palpi cilpreolis. AntellIlllJ lestaceous, Titiim mostly CllpreOllS, :til d fringed with cupreous hairs, Hin!l tarsi Cllpl'eOllS, ant! with CUpl'COUS hairs t(lw<ll'lls the lips. FOI'c Will~S wilh three cupl'eous bamis; lirst hasal j secouri and thirrl very broad; seeoud contracted towards the cllBta, irregularl,v cllnnected hilllllVard with the thinl, which is Slli)marginal; marginal line d"rk clll'reolls; fringe cupreous, cinereollS ttt the bilse. Length of the hotly [j lines; uf the wings 12 lincs. n, Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genns 70. OSCELLA. Alas. Corpus sat I'Ohllstlllll, PI'OhllRCis nulla. PaJpi suharcUati, 6ub(I~CelHlentes, suhtus dense pilosi, capitis latilndiue longi. ores; articulus Sus lallCClIllItlls, 20 valde breviul'. Autennm breves, graciles, p:labl're ; !U'tiCtl]US Lus dense piloslIs. Ahdomen alas posticas lunge superans; fasciculus al'icalis latus, TiuillJ pusticlI! late limbrlatre. Aim allticre elullgatre, apice i'Otulldlltre, costa canl'exlI, margine exteriore llcrobliquo,.lIlargiue illlel'iol'e extl,ls sllhexCilvutO. u3 C,HALOGUC OF 784 Alliell to t11e TilWitirc. Jflllp.- Borly rather stout. Pl'Oboscis obsulete. P,llpi I'ery ~Iightly curved ami ascelltling, long-cI' than tIle breadth llf thi'! beau, thickly pilose hene;ltb to tIle tip of the lb\rd juiut, which is hlnceulilte allll much shul'iel' than tIle secoUtL Au'teJluie Sliloolh. slender, nllt 1llOl'C thall h,df the length of tbe fore wings; fir;t jOillt thickly l,ilo,C. Abdomen exteudill~ much heyond the ilind WillA'S; apic;d tlll't broad. Leg6 llluderlllely lun~; fllre Ie!);, short; pDs\eriOl' tihillJ hro,l(lly !Hn~ell. Win;l;s elongate, moder,nely broad; fl'ill!:c 11)11;,(. Fore wings 1'llll1Hlell ut the tips; costa Cillivex; c:xlcl'illl' 11111',lel' eXll'cmely oblitlue; Olltwurd hulf uf' the intel'iol' hllnler slightly c)o;cu\'atcll. ' I. MilS. O~C ELk\ 11;~r.O)jI\'ELL.I. JUm; ubi/Ollie/! JI"llide (~1>e11111; aim anlic(p ni!ll'lJ snOCOllspm,e, liturl' li'wt'is ll'alts~el'si~ 1!i!ll'i~; postiC(V IlJllete,jlll,bl'ilL alb'l. Male. While. AIIIlomcll an,] hind wings p:Jle :1:llleOUS, tbe latter darhr hCII"ilih. F()re lVi()~~s thinly Hntl very minlltely hlauk .pt.:ckled ; a few IUI';{t'l' t1'lIIlSl"CI'SC hl"ck m:ll'ks; LIndeI' sille mncolls, e:sc,'pt the rrillg'e. H illl] win!(~ with it while friuge. Lcugth oj' the bt)lly fl-I'i lines; or tlw wings ](;-20 lilies. It, O. Venezuela. Ihum :iIJr. Dyson's collection. c.--!) (hmus 71. PH LONGIA. }ium. Ctlrpus 1'OlIllS,llIl1. Cilput pilosnm. ]lrohosci&l nulla. PilI pi rCl'ti, ascenclenlcs, t::tpitis latiuuliue lion longilll'cs; arLiculllS ~us pilllSlI, ; :Jus lilDceolalus, pilhescens, basi pilOSllS, 2i dil-llidio nUll IllJlg:iur. AlltcullU! hruvill'cuhe, saL gl':tciles. Abdolllen'-nIIlS llOstic\\~ plus dilllidlO ~uperaIl5. Pedes robusii, hreviusculi. Aim antic", !OllgW, latiuscuhu, apice I'OLUlldlltlC, margiue cxteriore subcOllvexo. Felllale. Body stOIlt. Head pilose. Prohoscis obsolete. Plllpi straight, IIscelJdill~, llot JOIl!(el' than the bl'eadlh Ill' the head; second jOillt pilose; third lauceolatc, pubescent, pilose at the base, about half the length ufthe "econd. Antennre 1'aLher shlll't aorl slender. AhdOliJell el>tcnding mLhel' more 111i11l llUlf its 1enl?th beyond the hind wings. Le~s stout, ruther shol't, squamous-piluse t(l the lips uflhe tal'.i ; spurs long. Willgs 100;':-, rather hl'(l[lll. FOl'e wings rOllnded at tbo Lips; exteriur horder slightly convex, moderately oblique. LEPlDOl'T8R.\. HETEROCERA.. 1. 785 PHLO;\GIA FEr.UAUEI>Cr.r,.\. Fcem. erma; ,,[re 1lI111rm rtllllJ!i,,' ,1'!I'I'nqinds el ni.lll'icnntibu,8 "issillZC '!On8J1efS'~; postil'le {(JllerlJ,jilldJl'ia l'iller/',l, den- FiJlwde. Hoary, Fore win;.;s very thickly covered with minute ferruJ.(illuu5 ilIHi hlllCkish speckles. Hilld Will;.(S teneOIl~; fringe cillereulls. J"cuglh uf the hOlly 7 lines ; of the Willl:j., lti lilies, a. ---? Genus 7:2. SAFllA. F":II!. Corpus s<tt l'obusLUm. CaJlII~ Imve. P"OllOscis nulla. Palpi c.lpitis l.ttinulillt! lonJ,(iul'c:;; aniuuius 2us snhfimlll'iatus j ;3us lallcelllllt(l', obli4uC llsceurl~u~, 20 nun breviol'. AlIleunID :dis ,lIlticis multo bl'uviorcs. AhlllJlI](!1I allClllIlttUIl1, alas posticas lunge stlJlenlns. l'el]es l(lugiusclIli; tihiw postic:u Jilllbrial:l'. Ahe antiere lungre, $\t :llIg11stm, apice rutllllllatlu, lIl:lrgine cxtedore suLconvexu perobliquo. Allied to the Til/eid,e. Felllllle.-Bolly rather stuut. Head smooth. i'1'ol)(lsci,; uh,oiele. P,,jpi lon~cl' thall the brearlth of the head; second joint with (L short frillg'C heneath; thinl lallceolate, ouliquely a~celllliug-, as IOIlp; ,IS the seculld. Antellmu much shorter than the lore wings. Abdoillen illtelluated, extending' lllllCh heyond the hinrl wings. Lep;s rather IOllg'; hind tiIJi,(J fringed. Wings lung, )'11 111 [' I' 1I11l'l'OIV. Foro lVillg~ )'ollllliell it t the tips: exterior bonier :;lightly convex, extl'cme]y olJlic[lle. Hind wings with along fringe. 1. SArRA llOGO:t:A'l'ELL.\. Fcem. Cinerm-ce/'uina; alee IlIIliew m,!('lllis gutti,lque varUs lligrimlttibu.<, eosin /nnl'!Jillcq!!e 8xtel'iurB nigricanl€ sp.1·iatim [lllllali3. Fel/w/i,. Cinereous fawn-colonr, more cillereolls beneath. Fqre will).\s with hlackish Rpots und duts of various size in the disk; costa unci exteriol' hm'tlcl' with l'eglllat' blackish dots at equal distaDces. Length of the hOlly 0-7Iille6; of [he wings 12-18 liues, a-d. Bug·ota. FrOIO Mr. Stevens' collection. 786 OATALOGUE OF Genus 73. CASAPE. Jl!os. Corpus sat rohustum. Cilput pilis erectis vestitum. Pl'obm,cis nulla. Pillpi capitis latitutline panllo longio1'es; al'licuJus 2115 £ubthuhl'iatns j 3us fusifol'lDi~, :20 I'alde brel'jur. AntelJllill IIlabl'ill. AhdmuPII alas pu,ticas IOlli!:e SlIlJ(!I'IlIlS, Pedes vu'!idi ; tibial Jlosti"~e snufimbrilltlI!. Alre lin lieU) latw, apice l'otundatre, mal'i:\ine exteriore cUlIve:m sat obli(luO. Alliell to tho Tilleitll1!. illide.-Borly rnodcmtely stout. Head with shun erect h<1il's. l'rohll'cis ohsolete. Palpi II little longer tllllll the urClulth of the head; second joint with a shrJlt thiek fringe hOllcatJI; third fusiform, mlloh ~ll1ll'ter than the second. AlltellllilJ smuuth. AJ,,!olllen e~t(m(lill:~ beY(]IHi the hilld wiug;;. Legs stont; lliJl(! tiilite slil{illly fringed. Wiugs brolld; li'inge llIodcl'iltely long. rare willgs rounded ,Lt the tips; exteriur bonier convex, rather obliqllC. I. CAs,u'e l'AUCULEl.LA. lIas. Teslacfo-albii[a; ala: anticm atOlnis nml1lullis indistinclis fUSl',',,~ellti ')!l,y, lituris tl'ibus 1lI.flcuialjlle I'xle,.iore cos/(tliulIS, 11l1ndi,y dllilbus discalibus purwi,,(]ue margillali nigriCllnliblls; 1IlJslir,'Ic uinerl!<p.. Male. Tesulceous-whitish. Forc will!(f> wilh some ill distinct hrowllish ~pcckles ; fOlll' lililckish costal mUI'ks; !ir,t mal'k extending to tIle dhk, n,llell largel' lllllll the other three; a ]'lackish point in the disk ratlJcr IIcal'er the base than the lirst mark; 11 secuud blackish point in th~ rli~k he tween the second mark and R hlaokish spot lin the interior hordeI'; it blackish riot on the exterior bordet'; nnder side bruwnish. Hind wiugs cincreolls. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wingo 9 line •• tI. Veuc:wcla. Frum 1fr. Dyson's c()llectioD. Genus 74. tZATHA. , F(£m. Curpus Slit I'Ohllstum. Prolioscis hl'evis. Pa1pi areuati, capitis lalilmliue duplo lung-iures ; articulus 2us squamoso.hil'sutus ; 3us setilc))'mis,20 !lill\lIn brevio)'. Antelllll'e f.(1·llciles. Abdomen altls PU&ticlislullge sl~peralls. POlles longillsculi, sat robllsti; tibim posticru 8I1hpilo~u'. Alre antielC IOllg[p., asperm, npice suhroluudatre, costa exterior!! subinci~u, margine exteriol'e subollliquo vix CUllvexo. I,EPrDOl?'J.'ElL!. lWTr::nOCEItA. 787 Allied to Dep)'c8S(I1'ia. Felllaic,-Bn!iy mtllet' slont, Proboscis short. Pilip; curved, asccll,lillg' high above the Vel'lex, t\Vi~e as IUTlA' 118 the hreadth !If the heac]; ,ecuu,1 jllillt ~(llll\ln'llIS-hil"lltP.; thir,l setiforlll, a liltle sliorter titan the ;;~CUll'l. :\ulellU:rJ Sl1lolltit,slender. Abllomcn extellliing llluch heyond tbe hill.l will~s. Legs I'ather lOll[\' lIllll stout; hint! tihhe sli;\'htly pillJs,~; spurs loll~. Wirl~s long, TJIouemtely broad. Fum lVini!~ slightly rllulilleol at lhe tips, with a few tuftR of ohliquely ell!Valed seales; cIlsta sli~htly nntcltell beyond the middle; exterior border hardly convcx, slightly Oblique. 1. IZATIU .l.'l'l'AC'I'BLL.L ])'Ius. G'mw, ni.'lri~aJlte "01l<flr.l'ML; pn/flrmo/l (o,ticHlll~ ::lll.~ niyl'iconic lr!fil'it'illl'H; It/,e alllie,e ~/ltllis di.~CIllibll~ I,arl)i~ Il'/(J!,~ vel'si" /IlOl'!8, nilia lenni /l'IIl'la Iliyra, "/!IIN!,v nigl'il'llnlibl1s r:ioll!lalis; Ilu"licte palliile ('inema. allliele jiLSI'O Ilrbu/IJs<E. "i.~I'alibll$ Vlll'.-A/rc ]I,[alc, r-r IIlIr,)', minutely hl:wki~h-speckled, cinel'eons and shinillf!; h~nealh, Third jllint of the p,t]pi with thl'ee l,lilCkish hands. Fore wings \vitli a black slightly tlishwatetl lino, which i" darkest alld lllllst concise tuwanls the base, :wd dues IlOIt ex lend tl) the tip of lhe wing: 1I1l1rginal I'oint~ hlackish, clongat':II, extelldill~ also (llolI~' tile exterior part of the co,ta; some small tl'iln~V(lI'se il'l'cglllar bl'lIwn duts ill the disl;. HiIH1IVings pale Cillel'eOllS, !;]'illill~. Vnl'. -Fore wings clouded with brown, Lell~th or the budy 6-81inesi of tlle wing. 16-'20 lines. a-m, New Zealand. Pre,ent8t1 hr Col. Bollon. 0, p. Kew Zealand. Presented hy'lk Sillclah'. Genus 75. CHEZALA, F((!lll. C01'11I1S Silt l'u\J,l!iLulIl, Pall'i vi:;: :n'clUlti, capitis latL· tlluine pins dllplulollgiure.; 'll'liCtllIlS 211~ pllhusecns; ;~II' setiformts, 211 bred"I'. Tibh~ posticm late IhuiJriatw. ,~he illltic:.e amp I!!), sUbaCllliE, Allied [II Depl'essal ia. Plnlla/p.-Doely llJUllcntlely stOllt, Palpi hllrdly clll'ved, milch I"II gel' titan twice tlie hreadLIt Ill' lhL' head i 5eCOlIII juillL l,uheseent; third selif'ol'1l1, ~1!Urtet' Lhan the se~ond. Hind tiui;e ul'Olldly frillged. Wiut;ti alllple. .Fore lVillg~ ~ligl!tIy .. acute. 788 CATALOGUE OP 1. CHEZAL,1. ~LJ,,\TELLA. Frem. Pal! ide CPl'villlt ; pal"aml!! arti"l,zll,~ 211,v ni,qrn rnnspers!!$; alce alLticte lIi!lJ"o eo""pel',~(e, prul('I,is (/I(IlDus discaliolls Jluactisqllr. ,mblllq"!lillll{ihlls ni!Jl'i,l; pm/ietE cinel'erc. Female. Pale f"wn.cololll". S(;confl joint of the pa1pi 11lackspeckled. Fore wings lIlilllltc>ly sp,'cklc!l with Llack; two hluck points in tlle disk, one llerore the middle, the other beyond the middle; a row (If millllle iU·(lciillcd submarginttl hlack points. Hind wiugs cinewolls. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 17 lines. ft. AU5tralia. From Mr. Damel's collection. Genus 76. TONICA. Fmlll. Corpus I'Ohl\5lmn. Capllt pilo'lllll. Prohoscis brevis. Palpi gl'aciles, <lngul:iti, arcnati, capitis 111titlldinc triplu long-iores; articulu,2us p(ll'l'ectlls, filnbriatlls; aU!! selil'or\llis, Gl'ectus,20 non breviur. Autelluw g-racillls, hreviuscuJre. Alldolllell alas posticus paullo sUjleJ'[llls. Pedes hrevills(luli, sat validi; tibite ]lostic[J' timbriat[J'. Alre anticre Jatillsl.'lIhc, ~qU!lUlOs"'aspel're, vix Hcn!W, costa; dimiflio intel'iore 8ubc(ll1vex(l, margine cxtel'iore subcolll'exo subobliquo. Allied hI Depressaria. Pemale.-B'ldy Slout. Head pilose. Pmhoocis short. Palpi slender, compressed, curved, about thrice lOllger than the bre,ldlll of Ihe head; seeoml joint poneet, densely fringe!l; thinl setil\lrlll, asc{·r.ding, wilh [l very thv short hairs, as lO1Jg ns the S(,COIHI, Wilh which it lill'lns it nearly right lIugle. Antennm snwOIh, slender, liLLIe more than 11:11f the lellgth flf the fore willgs. Abtlonwn <,xtclH!ing It litlle beYOIHl the himl WIllg8. Legs ~m\.lIHh, T,Hber shllft \llltl ~tO\ll; himl tibim frillg~d; SplitS long. \Vings rathel' hrullcl, Jik~ those of l'orlri~:. Fore wing's hardly acute, with II tew elevated scales; co~l(l slightly convex alollg half the lenllth j exteriur bul'(]el' slightly convex and ohlique. 1. TONICA TlmASELLA. F(1Im. Teslaceo'cinerea; abdomen, ai,e I!lltit'll! s!!btlls a/(lIque postinl' tt'ml)·"i71PJ'ea; ulrlJ un/ica! j"sCQ Slf,bcOIIXpel'S(E, $Il'igis duahus jltst'is. I II cIHlali, ~a di~'cfdi,fi!scicl(lis lIortl!llllis ;'q«4- 1'I1O$;S, /illlhrifl allieo-cinerea. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 789 Female. Tcstaceous-cincreous. Ahdomen, fore wings beneath and lJind win~s reneouf;-cincreuus. Fore WiIlj.(S Lhinly alld VOlT miUUll!ly spel.'kl~d with brown; two mimlte hruwll'eilks ueal'tbe base, one costal, the other discal; tl few miuute tufts (If oblique scalf's; fl'iIlj.(C wlleuus-cinereuus. J,engLh of the budy 3 lines; of tbe wings !oj lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collectiou. Genus 77. OPISINA. Fmtll. Corpus sat TobustllUi. Pruboscis nulln. Pulpi recurvi, capitis latitudine fere durlo long-iores ; arLiculus 2us dense birsutus; 3us g)'acillillllls, 20 non 1J1'e\ior. Allten nm !(l'iwiles. Abdornen alas pOBLicas dimilliu SIIPCl'llIlS. Pedes roilnsti, hl'c\'iuswli; tihire posticro fimlll'illtUl, AIm t1lltic:J.l elOllllat;:e, sat (lllgu~tm, apice rotunda 1m, margine exteriol'c COIlVCXU pcrolJlillllll. Female. Body trlLitcr stout. Prohoscis ullsolete. Palpi reclmed over the vertex"I1carly twice longer thall tbe breadth of the head; second joiut densely hir~ute; third setifoTIll, I'ery slender, as longes the second. Antennm smootl), slelldcl', a litLle more than half the length lIf the fum wings. Abdomen extending for half its lellgth beyond the hind wings. Legs stout, ]'ather short; posterior tibire fringed. \Vings elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; exterior border convex, extrelliely obli1lue. l. OPISINA AREND BELLA. F())m. Subameo-cinerea; a{1Ii anticO! nigro subconspersa!, apice rotuncirlilli. Female. Sandy cinereolls, willi II slight mucous tinge. Fore wings wiLli a few minute black speckles. Length of tbe body 5 lilles; of tIle wings 14 lines. a, - - - ? Genus 78. ZARATHA. Mas. COI'PUS gracile. Proboscis nulla; Palpi !(,Jllbri, gracil_ re~urvi, capitis lati\\\[lille pIllS duplo longiores; mticulus 3ns limi, 20 longior. Alltellnfe suhsetulosm, alis unticis vallie lDngiores. Abdomen clongatulll. Pcd~s IOllgi, graciles. Alre longre, acutre ' perangustre, filll bl'ia longissiroa. 790 Allied to Grlrclda. ..iIlrde,-Body slender, PI'OllOscis ohsolete. I)nlJlI mH)I,th, vel]' ~lclJ(lel', recun'ed oi'or tbe reftex, 1Il00'e tlmo twice It)llg:el'tllllil tlw lllca!)tb of the IH~ad; third joint setifol'llJ, l'uther luuger lhlm the. second, AutelllH8 rery lllilllilely ~etulose, very much 101lglll' thull the fure whigs, A\Ir!omen ]em", extending for ulmusL ito 1I'11(11e Il'llgth iJeyuud the hillel wings. Le;.:s lung, slender, with 1011;'; alHI slcudel' ~Plll'~. Whl;';~ lUll!!, HCllte, "ery nanolY; fringe vcry lim?;; iIllC\i\Jl' and exteriur bordels forming a con. tinuous stmighlline. I. Z~IlA'I'H A PTE RODACl'YLTI LI,A. l\IRS. Cllpl'ca; unielliltC ((pit'I's '!:e)'SUS mY/Ntlcee; abdomil1is seg' U!lIl1a IIr!J1 Illeo fascial!!; ]ludl's rU'!JCIIII'O cincti; ailE lloslicre ni!Jl'icullies. :Mllie. Cuprcous. Alllenllrn silvery white towards the tips. Ahuomen, lihill) alld tarsi with sHrery bauds. Hind lVillg'S blackish. l,eug'lh or the hody Ii Iiues j or the wiu;;s 10 lines. Ilo, b. Ega. From Mr. Blltes' collection. Genus 79. TIR1ZA. Corpus ~Ilt l'OlJ\1Slum. Pl'Olioscis conspicu3. PaJpi llscend~llle~, lroves, ;:!l'ilciles, cOlll]ll'essi, cajliti~ latillidillc plus duplo JOllgiol'es; Itl'ticuhlb :211~ suhn'ulliltlls; aus "ix arcullllls, 20 valde long-ior. AlltenllW 1'01mHUI, nlis 311tici, 11011 brevi ores, A1Jdomell alas puslica. ]oll)!e SlIl'€l'lIllS. Pedes JOllgi, I'Obusti : lihilE posticre sllllfimhriatll!. AhlJ llJllic~ elollgalm, lIliUH!;, Silt llllgnslm. Fwm. PI'lllllle. B(!(\~' l'lltller ~tu\lt. Pl'liboscis di"tinct, Pfllpi smooth, :;ielldcl', compressed, ,Iscelldiug', lIIore tJllIn twice longer lhan tlle breadlh (ii' the l'l',,(1 ; becunrl joiut slightly curved; third setii'orm, hardly CUl'1'ed, JIlllch luugel' t]J<lU the secoud. AmeuulIl smooth, stuut, liS i!lIlg a, the Jore \VilJg~, Abdomen extending much beyond tile hiud IIln;:&. 1.,c~s smooth, lung, stout; him} tibire with a very short fringe; sput's rery !Ollg, 'Viugs elongnte, mthel' nurrow. J'ol'e wings ,lclIte; coW, ,lIld extel'ior lwrdel' stnd"'bt, the latter ml)derately (}lJliql1ll. to LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 791 1. TIRIZA LEIiCOTELLA. Frem. Cuprea; caput ct tllOrax cyanea; palpi nigri; unlenne~ nigrai apire argwtellJ; IJcdes allteriores alhi,. pedes pI/stili jemol'ibus tibiisque apice ar,qenteis, (arsis arumteis hasi nigris; alai anticlE fa.~ciis tribus c1Iane;s, puncta coslett'i subapicali fimbriaque albis; posliccJJ vitta alba semillyalina lata abbremala infonni. Female. Dark cl1preou~. Heall and tllorax dark metallichlue. Palpi and antenna: hlaek, the latter silvery white towards the til'S, Femora. and tilJiru of the hind legs wilh silvery white lips; hind tarsi silvery white, black towards the llase; amerior leg's mostly white. l'ore wings with three irregular dink hands; a silvery white poiut near tbe tip of the costa; fringe silvery white, except towards the i1,teriur burder. Hind wings with a broad ahbreviated irregulnr semihyuline while stripe. Length of the body 41 lines; of the wings 11 lines. Saraw[\k, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 80. TOGIA. lJ£as. Corpns gracile. Proboscis brevis. PaJpi graciles, heres, ascendentes, subllrcllRli, capitis latitudine plus dnplo longiol'es; articulus 3us setif<'l'm is, 20 puullo hreviOl·. Palpi maxilla res longi, late fimbl'iati. Antenna: valitlre, squamosm, alis anticis multo IOllgiores. Pedes I reves, tihiis inlcrOlediis fimbriatis, tibiis posLicis subiimbriatis. Allllllnticl.!! sat angustre, apice rotundatre. Male. Body slender. Prohoscis short. Palpi slender, smoolh, ascending, slightly curved, more than twice longer than the breadth of the helld; tllil'd joint setifurm, a little shorter Ihan the second. MaxillRry palpi long-, broadly fringed. Ant€nnre stOllt, squamous, smooth, much louger LIlan the fore wings. Legs smooth; middle tibire fringed; spurs long; hind larsi with a short sq1lamous fringe. Wing'S ra.ther nanow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa straight; exteriur bonier convex, slightly oblique. '192 OATALOm)B OF 1. TOOIA NEMOPHORELtA. Mas. CUl'Te/.!; an/erl1la! fascia luta slIbapieali alba; tarsi postiei apil'c iaTSil}lle a111ici. argelltetJ-aU,i; ala anticaJ chalybem, faMia interiore cuprea Jw.ciaqllc e.xteriore lutea cllpreo marginata,. ll-fale. Cupreous. Autennm "ith II broad white band near the tips. SPHrS (If the tibire ami itll'e ta),si silvery wilile; hind tarsi witb silvery white tips. Jlore \rings clIulybeous, with a OUpl'OOUS band before. the middle, aud with a iutenns slightly oblique cupreousbordered band beyond the middle. Lellgtb of the body 3 r lines; of the wings 8 lines. Sara.wak, Borneo. In Mr. SaulHl!'rs' collectilln. Genus 81. ONEBALA. lIfas. Corpus sot gracile. Capllt sUbquadrntum. Proboscis longiusculu. Palpi longissimi, reflexi, caput superantes; articulus 2us arCllfltllS; 3ilS srtifol'mis, SUbUI'CllutIlS, 20 longiol'. Allteonre gJaciles. Ahdomen alas pilsticas sup~l'ans, Pedes graciles; tibire' pllslicre longa', l'olJllstre, I'll hescentes, calcaribus IOD!{issimiS. AIm anticl!! lon!{re, aClluf, sat [iO!(IlSIUl, C[l~t:e dimidio antieo subconvexo, mi\l'gine exteriul'e subexc~l,Va\o; pustical margine extel'iore apicem versus suhexcnvlItfJ. Allied to Gelerhia. lIiale.-Body smooth, rather slender. Head sllbquaclmte abo\'c. Proboscis !'Uthel' long. Palpi smooth, very IOllg, refi(:xed lJigh above the head i second joint curved, much cOlOpres,ed ; third setiform, slightly curved, Jonger than the second. AlltenUa) smoolh, sle1Hlel', as l()ng as tIle f01'e wings. Abdomen extending rather beyourl the hinel wiugs; apical tuft small. Legs' smooth, slender j bind tibilllJOllg. stOlll, pubesccnt; spurs very long. Wings long, acute, l'athel' narrow; costa very slightly convex for llalf the length fl'om the Imse; exteriOl' ilorder slightly oblique, indistinctlyexcilvalcd. Hind wings with tIle extel'ior border sliglltly excavated WWllrds the, tip; flinga. very long towards the. interior ang~e. 1. ONEBALA BLANl}lELLA. Mas. SlIbcineTfo-cermna,. abdomen auratum ,. aId! linea mttrgimdi . fusca, fimbria cinerea fllscescente interlineata; alill untical tiridi. slIb'llitmtes, macula magna oblo'llga di!cali maculaque maxima exleriore tri9Qna Juscis cinerBo marsi1latis; posticlIl rubaUTlllte. 7H3 LEPll)OPTEIIA HEl'EROGERA.. lfTale, Fawn-colour, with It sligllt oinercQus tinge. Abdomen gilded., 'Wings with It marginal brown line i fringe ciucl'cOUS, interJined with brownish. }'orc wings with slight rnet.(llic·gl'eeu reflections; a large oblong dark brown cillere()us-bol'rl~red spot ill the disk before the 1niddle; It very large exterior triangular dark brown cinereous-bonlered spot, which has its hase Oll the Qosta un{l extends to tbe interior bonier. Hind wings sligbtly gilded. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 82. TISIS. lIias. Corpus gracile. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi haves, glaciles, aRcendcntes, subarcuati, capitis latitudine plus duplo longiores; articulus 3ns setiformi~, 20 non bl'evifJr. AnLeunre graciles, alis antic is paullo IQllgiores; articulus Ius IOD[!;t1s, clavalus ; 2us subfusifol'mis, dilatatus, subtus exc,watus. Pedes postici lOllgi, graciles; calcaria longissima. Aim aLltiore longre, angustre, apice rotunda tm. Allied to GBlecMa. .ilfale.-Body slender. Proboscis distinct. Palpi smooth, slender, ascending, slightly curved, more than twice looger than the breadth uf the head; tbil'd join L setiform, ij.S long as the second. Antennm smooth, slelldet', a little longer than the fore wings; first joint long-, clavate; second ~uhfusiforlD, dilated, el(cava.ted beoeatb. Legs smooth, slendel'; bind legs long j spurs very long. Wings long, llarrol'V; fringe lung. Fore wings rOllllded at the tips; custa straight; exlf)riur border convex, very oblique hindwul·d. 1. TISIS BICOLORELLA. Mas. FU$co-cinerM; caput nigricans; antennCll articulo 20 nigrical'te; aIm anticClI cyaneo-virides, dimidio apicali aura/o; pasijem mneo-cel'vinllJ. Male. Brownish cinereous, Head blackish above. Palpi, antcnllre and legs silvery CillCl'eOlls. Secoud joint of the antennm blaokish above. Winj!s brownish cinereous beneath. l~ore wiugs bluish green for more than half the length froll) the hase, gilded from thence to the tips; Hind Will/-(S mueous fawn-coluur. LeugLh of the body 3 ? lines; of the wings 9 lines. SaTIl.IVak, Borneo. III Mr. Saunders' Cllllection. x2 794 CATALOGUE OF Genus 83. GAPHARA. Corpus sat \·aliduIO. Frons lata. Prolloscis nulla. Palpi robusti, erecti, verticem 1100 superantes; articulus 2us subarcnalUs; 3u~ lanceolatus, 20 paulla breviar. AntennaJ robustm, glabfw. Ahdomen alas posticas longe superans; f.ISCiclllus apicnlis Plll'VUS. Pedes postici IUllgi, robusti, calcarihus longissilllis. Alre auticm sat angustw, apiee rotuudatw, margine extedore perobliquo vix convexo. Allie!l to Gelechia.. .lIlale.-Body moderately stout. Front broad. Proboscis ubsolete. Pulpi stollt, erect, not pilose, rising as high as the vertex; second joint slightly curved; third lanceolate, a ,little shorter amI much more slender than the seuond. Antenure robust, smooth. Abdomen extending much beyond tbe bind wings; apical tuft small. Legs smooth; bind legs lung and stout; spurs very long. 'Wings stout, ratber narrow. Furo wings rOUllded at the tips; costa and exterior bOI'der hardly convex, the latter very oblique; veins much like those of Depress~ria in structure. Jj{(js. 1. GAPHAR.A. nEOITA.l"ELLA. l\Ias.; caput antire pallide cinereltm; al(/! linelt marginali cinerea; unticre fasciis tribllS macularibus maculaque costa Ii nigricantibus. Male. Cinereous-hrown, hardly paler beneath. Head in front and palpi pale cinereous. Wings with a cinel'eous marginal line. Fure wings with three indistinct blackish bands, each composed of tIme spots; second bund more distinct than the others lowards the costa; a olacldsh costal spot between the Ihst band and the base. Langtll of the body 2! lines i of tbe wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. From M. Nictller's collection. Genns 84. FICULEA. Corpns gracile. Proboscis hrevissima. Pal pi lroves, ascendentes, subarcllati, capitis lutitLldine plus duplo longiores; artiollius 2u~ valde compresEUS; Sus setiformis, 20' non brevior. lIas. Antennre subserratro, subpubescente!i~ 'AbdolDen alas poslicus lODge snperans. Pedes lreves, .graciles j tibiro posticre Jongre, fimbriatre, sat validte. Alw anticre ungustw, IIpioe l'QIUndatlll, lDIII'gine exteriore perQbliqu~. . 79.5 LEl'IDOl'TERIo. IlETEROCER.l. Allied to Gelechia. illale.-Body slender. Proboscis very Palpi snlOuth, asceudiug, slig-hlly curvell, more than twice longer than the breadth 01' lhe head; sec()ud joiut mIlCh compressed; tilil'l] setiful'Jl1, as long as the second. Alltennre very minutely ser~ rated and pubescent. Abdomen extending much beyond the bind wings; apical tnft rather sln<dl. Lcg-s smooth, tilendet· ; hind tihim lung, fringed, rather stfJllt; spurs loug. Wiugs llarrow; fringe long. Fore wings rounded at the tips; cost,l stmight; exterior border slightly c()uve.ll, extremely uLJique; VCiIlS much like tbose of Gclecllia. short. 1. FrcoLE.'I. ULAN DULELL.!. Mas. Luten, subtus cinerea, ea/lile alMdo, aur[umitl8, tibiis anterioribus lanil'que fuSl'i,f, tibiis lar.,i~q lie Ilo!ti~i:;fttsco fasr:iatis; alce anlic(l)jascii,I' duabus a''!Jenleo st<bfasciatis. Male. Luteolls. Body cincreuus beneath. Head and palpi whitish. Ahuull1en hrown ahove \llld at the till. Le~s cinereous ; anterior tihim and !<Lrsi hrown; hind libilll amI tlmi willi brown bunds. :Fum winfls with twu dark cuprclJUS-bl'OWll slightly silvery burdered bands i first hallil very much dilated hintlwurd; second marginlll, dent<lte 011 its iIlncr side, nearly connected with the secund on the interior border. Length of the body ::lilt lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented uy Dr. Templetoll. Genus 85. FRISILIA.. Corpus sat gracile. Caput fascicnlis duobus porrectis. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi arcllati, ascenoentes, lunj.\issimi; arti. culus 2us fimbriatus; ;lus setifofillis, 20 ViK brevior. Antenn18 validal, squamusu SCI'ratal, alis anticis panllo ilJngiQres. Abdomen alas poslicas Sllpel'llllS; fusci(lulus apicalis parvus. Pedes gmcilas. Aim allticre latiLlsculre, acutre, margille ex:teriore suuobliljuO vix excuvalo. Male. Body ralher slender. Head with two porrect tIlfts. Proboscis of moderate length. Palpi clIrved, ascending, abuut four times longer thall the brea(lth uf the bead; second jllint b\'oadly fringed; third setifurm, hardly shol'ter than the secollrt. AntenllOO stout, squamous-serrated, oj !lcb Jonger thllll the fore wings. Abdomen extending beyond the hind Wings. Legs slender, .Fote wings acute, rather broad; e:xteriur border slightly Oblique, hal'dly ooneave. Mas, x3 796 (lATALOGUE GF I, FIll SILU NESCtl.:mLLA. Mas. TeslaeM; abdnmen ci7lereum; aZ<I1 linea lenui marginali fusea; anlitlll!) conSpel'S(C, punctis duobus discalibu.s 'Ili[lris. ilIale. Teslaccolls. Al11lomen, legs and under side cinereous. Wings with a slight hrown line ulung the exterior botller. Fore wing's minutely speckled with brown; two lllack discal points, one hef'II'e the middle, the other be)'uud the middle. Length of the body 2lincs; of the wings 6 Iin~s. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 86: TONOSA. lila.!. Corpus gracile. Proboscis melJiocris. Palpi lreves, ~aritis latitudine fere duplo longiores j articulus 2us arcualus, latins- cIIlu.; 3us selifi)rmis, vix !lrcUIHus, 20 multo brevia!'. Antenna: laUE, compresslJ); articulus Ius 101l~1I~, subclavnltls; 2us subfusii'oflllis, dilatatllS, intllS eXCilVlltuS. Pedes breviusculi; tibire inlermcdioo sullfimhriatUl. Alre alltiCaJ perullgustre, apice rutulldatle, margine exteriore peroblillUo. Allied to Gelec/tia. Male.-Bo!ly slender. Proboscis moderately long. Pulpi smootb, nearly twice longer than the breadth of tIle head j second joillt cllrved, I'ather broad; third setiform, hardly curved, milch ~holter than the second. Antcnme compressc!J, broad, with minnte spinose scales airmg each side; first juiut long, sl\bcla.vale; sellond dilated, SII bfusiform, excavated on the inner side. I.egs smooth, ralher short; middle tihire sligbtly fI'inged; spurs iOllg. Wings very narrow; fringe very broad towards the interior anglo of tbe hind wings. Fore wings rounded at the tips; oostt< straight i exterior border extremely oblique. . l. TONo~A SECLUSELLA. Mas. Ferrtlgineo:iusca; c"put antice,1lectUs et peaes argenteocillerea; alai postied! slrig" costali lutea penicillu.ta. LEPIDOPTERA lIE'rEROCEll.A. 707 ]llale. Ferruginous-brown, without mltrkings. Head in front, pectus and tegs silvery cillereOllS. Hind wings with a tuteLlus pcnidilute stl'eilk alollg the costa. Length of the body :3 r liues; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. Iu Mr. Sauuders' collection. Genus 87. DECUARJA. lIIas. Oorpus sat rolmstulU. Proboscis rne(lioeris. Pal pi lreves, graciJes, longissimi, caput longe superantes; articulus 3us setiformis, 20 nou hrevior. AUlellllfe alis 1tnticis non lungiores; articuli longi, cyathiflll'mes. Alldomen alas po,ticas longe supcrans. POlles 110\'6S; postici longissimi, calcariblls libiarum lnngissimis. Aim uuticlC longre, angustre, aplcc rotundatro, margine exteriore subconvexo pel'llbli(l'lO. Allied to Geleclda. ]lIale.-Body rather stout. Proboscis moderately long. Pulpi smoolh, sleuder, very long, much comllressed, rising high ubove the head; third joint setifurm, as lung as the second. Auls!mm lunger than the forc wings; joinlS elongate, cyathifol'ln. Abdomen extending much beyund the hind wings. Legs smooth; hiud legs especially Jonl!; spurs very lung. Wings long. FOl'e wings narrow, ruunded a.t the lips; costa stmight; exterior border slightly couvex, very oblique; veins witl! the usual structure. 1. DECUARIA MENDIC,t,;LLA. Mas. Purpllreo-fu.~ca, subtus alhida; abdominis segmenta albirlo marginata; pedes cinerei, jemaribus anticis tibiisque ]lur]Juren-fusen marginali$; alee anlicte st1"igis auratis; postieee a1tralo-cinercce. Male. Pllfplish brown. Palpi and pectus whitish. Abdomen whitish along the hind borders of the segments and l)eneath. Legs ciocreons; tibim (Iud fore femora with Jllll'plish brown bands. Fore wings with several gilded longitudinal streaks. Hilld wings gilded cinereous. Length of the budy 3& lines; of the wings 9 lines. . a. Oeylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. 798 OATALOGUE 011 Genus 8S. TINGENTERA. 111 as. Corpus gracile. PrDboscis hrevis. Paipi capitis intitudille duplo longiores. Alltennre submoniliformes, glabne, alis alltlcis iongiOl'es; articuli cyathiformes. Pedes IlP.ves, sat validi, metatarsis tihHsqlle 5ullfimbriatis, calcaribus longissimis. Aim nllticm elongatre, Silt angtlstre, apice subromndatro, margine exterioro COllvexu perobliquo. Male. Body slender. Pruboscis short. PaJpi smooth,slender, curvod, tlsccll(ling, lllore tJlHn twice longer than the brca(llh of the neac); tllird joint setil'oflJ:l, less curved awl a little shorter thn the second. AlltonullJ stout, smooth, submoniliform, tapering from the base tu the tips, longer th:l.Il the fore wings; joints cyatbifoxm. Lega smooth, rather stuut; tibilll and bind metatarsi slightly fringed; S[~Ul'S very IOllg. Wiugs elongate, rather narrow. Fore wings slightly round.ed at the tips; costa straight; exterior border convex, velY oblique. 1. TmOENTEUA. MELIOIWLLA. Clwlybt'en; palpi pedeslJuc aurato-jl.iwi / antenna) fascia s'I.!Lapicali a[/,a; ai(B (tntie(/! 'Vittafasciisqu6 duabus ocll1·ucei$. Male. Chalybeous. Palpi and legs gilded yellow. Antennl!) with a broad white band near the lips. Fore WillgS with an oohraceons c.oslal ~ll'ire and with two ocbra.ceous ban US, the stripe decreasing in breadth f!'OlD the base to the tip. Length of the body 3t? lines; of the wings 9 lines. Sarawak, BurneD. In Mr. Saunders' collectiou. Mas. Genns 89. TIPHA. Mas. Corpus lreve, squamosum, sat robustum. Prohoscis ml'ldiocris. Palpi heves, gr!1ciles, ascendcntcs, cavilis latitudine duplo longiores; articulus 2us vallie arcuatus; 3us lanceolatus, subareuatus, 2i dimidio non longior. Anteno31 gl,lbrre, alis anticis panUo longlores, basin versus subincrassatre. Pedes lawes, sat robusti; tibiw squamosa fimbl'ialm; calcaria iongissima; femora posLica pilosa. Ahe a.nlicte elvngatw, apice totun<latw, ()ostre dimidio . hasali subconvel(o. :Male. Body smooth, sqnamous, rather robust. Proboscis moderil.tely long. Palpi smooth, slender, ascending, about twice LEPlDOI'TERA HETEROCEIU. 79~ longer than the breadth of tbe heall ; second jlliut much curved; thinl lanueolale, slightlv curved, half the length of lhe second. Antelllla1 smolJlh, a little longer thun the fore wings, slightly and gradually incrassaled at one-Ilmrth of the length, Legs smooth, ralher stout; tibial wilh a short ~quamol1s fringe; spurs very long; hind femora thinly cluthcd with long bltil'S. \Viugs cilmgate, mo(ieralely broad. Fore wings rounded at tbe tips; costa very slighlly con\'ex for half the length from the base; exterior border convex, moderately oblique. 1. TrPHA CHALYB.EELLA. Ma.s. Cztprea; pn/pi et pedes atll'lttollctt1i; antennre argentcocinel'ea:, basi nigl'a;; tibi(/! cllalybreo-jimbl'ini(c; al,n Ilnticre ochracere, 1IZar,qilie exteriore.vitli.que !ribus conne;uis elutlybais; postieee cupreo1uscIlJ, Male. Cupl'eo\ls. Palpi and legs gilded yellow. Antennru silvery cinereolls, bl:wk towards the base, Hind tibire fringetlwitlI chalybeuus hairs, Fure wings ochraceous, with three chalybeous stripes, which extend from the base to beyund the middle, aDd are connected at their lips; marginal band and fringe chalybeolls. Hind wings cllprcous-bro\Vn. Length of the body 5 linet; j of the wings 12 lines. «. Sarawak, Borneo. From Mr. \VII.1luce's collection. Genus 90. TARUDA. Corpus sat robustum. Palpi valde arcuuti, capitis latitudine trillio longiores; articulus 2llS pubescclIs; 3us 20 non brevior, Alltenme graciles, alis nnticis valde longiorcs. Abdomen alas posticas louge superans. Pedes robllsti. Alw anlicill sat angustID, apice l'otunuat:f, costa interiore Subcollvella, margine exteriore postieo perobliqllo, Allied to the South-American Gelecltice. Female.- Body mOdel'lltely stout. Palpi mucll elll'ved, rising high ll.hove the vel'tex, abollt tbrice 1011 get' than the breadth of the head j second joint pubescent; third selil'lIrm, as long as the secoutl. AnwllutIl sl~lJder, much longer than the fore wings. Abdomen extenrling mllch' beyond the hind wings, Legs smooth, slout. FOl'e wings rather narrow, lnuch l'Oun(led at the lips; costa very slightly cOIII'ex along the interior half; ext~riur border very oblique hilldward. Frem. CA:rALOGIlE OF 1. TAn UDA CUNEATELLA. Obscure fusea: pilipi nigro fa,dati, capitis latillldin.e triplo IOligiOl'es, arlicltlo 20 pubescente; altC sat lIn9usta:, apice rotundnttll, lineola mUI'!]inali flavescente; anticle cinereo con· spm(l1, clv,Li!lb@ sublincl<ll, lineola'lstali jlu1/(Jscellle, linea Gubmal'fJinati (l,Il,9ulosa. Female. Dark brown, cinereolls beneath. Pall)i with black bands, rising high above the vertex. Wings with 11 yellowish lille and a ferruginous fringe along the fore part of the exterior border. Fore wings minutely sp~ckled with einerenus, slightly tillged with ohulybellus; a yelluwish subcostal line, abbreviate(l towards the tip j a very zigzag trallsvel'se submarginal line. Length of the IJody 3~ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a-d. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. From, 2. T ARUDA APICELLA. From. Fusco.cillerea; ]lalpi capitis latitudine quadruplo longiores; alitelUU2 alis an/icis lorluiores; allil anticaJ anglMltlll, fuseo strigatlll, strigrl tramversa subapieali jlavescente puncta tria nigra includente. Female. Brown ish cinereouB, moderately stout, more ciuereous beneath. Palpi very long null slencler, rising veri high above the vertex, about foul' limes lunger th<ln the breadth 0 the head; third juint as long as the second. Antenna'! slender, rather lODger than the fore wings, Abdome11 extending much beyond the hind wings. Legs slender, smooth, Wings narrow. Fore wings streaked with brown; II yellowish trallS\'~I'se apical streak containing three black points; costa very slig'htly convex fllr two-thirds of' the length from the base. Length of'the body 2t lines; of the wings 7 linos. 4. Ega. Fl'om Mr. Bates' coUection. Genus 91. USSARA. Corpus sat robustum, Probuscis bre1is. Palpi gl'a~ ciles, capitis lutiwdine multo longiores; llrticulus 3us lanceolatus. 20 vulde longiof. Antenna! graciles, suhc\'enulatre. Abdomen alas pO$tieas patillo superans. Pedes rohlJsti, breviusculi; calcaria ol:ll8Ba, longill8illll.l. AIm lInticw WOllglltlll, aculm. Fa:m. LEPIDOPTERA. HflTEROCERA. SO! Allied to Gelc~hia. Femllle.-Body moderately stout. Proboscis short. Pal pi slender, smooth, much longer thun the breadth of the head; third jllint lanceolate, much curved upward, muoh hmger than the nrst anci the second. Antenme ~Iender, very minutely crenulated. Abdomen extending a little beyund tIle hind wings. Legs sto\ll, tather short; lJilld tibire with four very long and stant spurs. Wings elollg-ate, moderately broad. Fore wings acnte; costa and exterior border strnight, the latter moderately oblique. 1. USSARA nECORATELLA. Nigro~fmclL, 8ubw.! ni'gro-cuprra; caput pallide jlal'um, jUBcO tminoiatwn; palpi basi pal/ide jlam; tlwrax jlavo biviUaflls; alm antieer lincis lrall.lversi~ micantihus plIl'pureis ct viridiblls, strigis dllab'U,~ basalibus emtus eonllpmis lituri.!qlll! duabus costalibus franst'L"sis jiavis; postictC nigro-cllpret:E. FOlID. Female. Blackish brown, blackish cupreous beneath. Head pale yellow, with a brownish vertical lIm'k. Palpi pale yellow towards the base. Thorax with two rale yellow stripes. Legs with pale yellow bands j fore legs witl] Inteous bun os. Foro wings with some metallic glittering transverse pUl'ple and green liues, two yellow basal streaks, united aud abruptly terminated exteriorly; .four transverse costal yellow marks, one on the exterior border and one on tbe interior border. Hind wings blackish cupreous. Length of the body 2t lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Ega. From lIfr. Bates' collection. Genus 92. THEMA. Frem. Corpus graeile. Caput subelongatum. Palp.i corporis· dimidio nOll brel'iores; art.iculus 2ns porrectus, fimhriatus; 3us ascendens, gracillimus, 2i dimidiu vix breviCl),. Ante1JDre gracillimoo. Abdomen al08 posticas longe superans. Pedes sat gl'aeiles; tibial :pllsticDl subfimbriatre. AIIll al)ticro latiuscul81, subacntm. Allien. to Pleurota. Female.-Body slender. Head smooth, slightly elongated. Palpi full half tbe length of the body; second joint ponect, thiekly fringed on both sides, the hairs longest above; third' erect, setifonlli very slender, nenrly half tbe" length . of, tbe sHoonel. Antenna. very slendCl', much shorter than the fcmr"wiugs. Abdomen extending llluoh beyond the hind wings. Legs· fntber 802 CATA.LOGUE OF slender; lJind tihile slightly fringed. Wings ratller 'hrond j fringe ]0111\". l"ore wings slightly acute j exterior bor<fer sllaight, moderately oblique. 1. THmIA. DREVIVITELLA. From. Niffra-purpurea; corpus sub Ius luteurn; caput lutcum, veI,ticis disclLS nigro-l'urpu.fcus; {'wrads teglilce inlece; alIB anliete vitiis duabus inleTl'uptis conne;l;is luteis; pos/iell! Cllprell!. Female. R1acki~h purple. :Body luteous heneath. Head luteo\ls j disk of the vel'tex hlackish vurple. SeeOlH[ joint of tbe paJpi with blackish hail'S benentll. TegulaJ of lhe thol'llx luteous. Fore wings wilh two irregl1lar intcnupted luteollS stripe8. whicll are connected in the middle of 111e disk j fringe luteol18. Hiud wings cupreous. Length of tIle body 2 lilIes j of the wings 6 lines. 11. Australia. From Mr. Demel's collection. Genus 93. RHOBONDA. Frem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput lreve. Palpi dellexi. corporis latitu<line ~ix hrevio]'cs; ,articulus 2us rectus, late fimhriatus; 3U5 !l:racilis, .2i dimidio nOli 11l11gior. Antennro gl'acillimre, alis anticis l'ix breviOfes. Abdomen alas posticlls lungissime supcrans. Pedes Bllt gl'llciles j tibiro paslicro subfimbriatro. AIm anticre an. gustro, ajlic(l rotundatre, margine exteriors COll\'eXO pel'obJiquo. Allied to Sophronia. Felnal~.-Body ratber slender, Head slllooth. Palpi diverging, nearly half the lenglll of the body j second joint straight, (Jeeply and thickly fringed on both sides j third sJcncler, selifurm, not more than half the length of tbe second. Antenn&! very slender, nearly as long as tbe fore wings. Abdomen extending forthree-foul,tl1s (If the length beyond the hind wings. , Legs ril.ther slender; bind tiIJim with a vcry short fringe j spurs very long. Wings Illlrrow. Fore wings rounded at the tips; ex:terior b~rder oonvex, very oblique. Hiud wings with a long fringe. 1. Frem. RHOBONnA. l'UNCTA'IELLA. Ferruginea; f!Cl.put anlice argenteo-cinereul1l; abdomen ameum; al(/! antiete lituris plurimis trunversis obscure jUtcis, Butta disc.ali pUlictisquc ma?-gillalibus nigris. 803 LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCEI!A. Female. Ferruj:iuous. Head in front and unrler side silvery cinerellus. Abdomen Itlal himl wings [Cueous. Legs silvery ciuerenus; joints of the tal'.li hlackish, with silvery lip~. Fore wings witb llllmerllUS mill ute lransl'er.<e ,lark hrown marks; n black doL in the disk before the middle; llHlI'ginal puillts black. LeJlgth uf the hO(ly 4 linf.s; of the willgs 9 lines. a. Ega. From lUr. Baleo' collection. Genus 94. VAZUGADA. From. Corpus gracile. Caput iro"E',F.uheiongutum. Prollo,cis ,>nlh]a. Pillpi dellexi, IOllgi; al'licnlus 211S fimbria seclIl'if()l'llJi; 3us gracilis, suiJarcoatus, 20 11011 hrevio!'. AnteDn({) graciles. Ahdolllcn lineare, longissilllilm. Pedes sat rohusti. AIm Il.nticro angustre, snhaclliUl, UlHrgine exteriore convcxu pcrobliquo. Allied to S~phl'ollia. Pernale.-Bolly slender. Head ~mo(!tll, slightly elongate. Probllscis ~tllllt, Pulpi dil'ergillA'. as long as the head liTH) thorax; seeond joint with a Ihi"k seclIriflll'm fringe; third slender, selifol'lJI, slighlly curved, Il.S IOIlA' as the second. Autennm slemler. Ahllumcn linear. full thrice longer tlJan the thorax, extending for tbree-futlrths of ib length beyond lhe llind willg-s. Legs r<llher stout. Wings narrow; frill!!e shllTl. Fore wiugs slightly acute; exterior burder convex, vei'y obliqlle. 1. V U:tlGAIlA STRIG IPLENE!.U. Frem. CeTl~na,. caput "'"[Jellte(J-cinerellrl!,. abdomen ameum; all1! anlictf! liufolis p/urimis 'Iligds fusl'O mllryillalis, pUllctis margillalilJUs nigris rllll1galis; ]last jell! cerleilJ. Female. 1',llVn-co](Jur. Head and under 8ille silvery cinereous. Ahdomen, legs and hind wings !~neolls. JvilllR of the lItl'si with silvery tips, Fore wings with several longitudinal black brownbordered lines of v!\\'i(lll~ lenl>!th ; 1I\l\I'ginai poillts black, lrnnsvel'sely elongated. Length of the body 4 lille~; of the I'tillg'~ 9 lines. a. Ega. Froul )OIr. Bates' collection. Genus 95. GlESA. Corpus rohlls(ulIl. Probosds cilnspiclill. Palpi angulatl, vcrlicem longe snperlllllteS; ll.!ticuills 2us ruhustlls, limhrinl1l5, Mas, porrecLus, fasCiculo apicaJi lll.uceuluto; 3us selaceus, l!l'cuatus, 20 y OA.TALOGUE OF 8.04 pm:lI? longior. Antenll~ glabr~, "racil1im~, ~ix nodos!!!, alis :lJJtlC1S bl'erinres. Ahdomen :ilas l'o,ticas pillS climidio Hlpernns; fllsclC\\1us upicalis lol1g\\s, SU\lI!OUlplCf.SU!\. Petl~s lreves; calcal'ilL lungissima. AIm Hnticm vix acutlF, margine extcriure vix COll\·ex:o. Alliell 10 SOJlh1·ollia. Mllle.- Body stout. Prohoscis distinct. PaJpi very lung j second jllint sLout, fring-ed, pone"t, Illuger than the breadth of Ihe lw,,!], with 1I hlliceolille apicalluft, which pnDecls mllch heyond the iusertitln of the third joint; Ihird joint ~elliceolls, cl1nell, II little IOlll(cr than the second, ascentiiJlg ltigh above tile "enl'};. AUlenllre Slllouth, rery ,lender, vcry minlliely 1l0"fl~e, shol'ter \lu\11 the lore Wi11g8, AllU(lmell e1l..telldil'll; I,ll' mure thalt h\ll1' ltl> lellf.(th beyond the hind wings; apical tuft clong-ute, slig'hlly COtnJlrcs;ed, Legs slIlootb, ulOIlerately IUlig alJd stutlt; "PUI'S ver)' lung. \ViJlgs stout, IIwriel'lltely brond. Fore wings hardly acute; costa stndght; exteriur bonIer hardly conl'eX, moderutely oblique; I'cins much like those of DI'pressatia in strllcture. 1. GJESA DEQUSELLA. Mas. Cineren.ju.,ca; a!lI1 fill/b1'ia cinc1'ea; anticll! purpu?'ascente "u/;ti1ll,ttl, fuseo con8pers<e; posti('w sublmere. ]Jfuic, UiIJereou~·hrowl1. Fringe of the wings cinerC(ll1S, except ilt the basco FfJl·e wings witb II vel'y slight ]JllI'plisb liJlge, speckled willl dark \)fIlWn, Hint! wiugs wilh a slight !:Clleous tinge. I.Cllgth of the \Jody 3! lilles; uf the wings I) lines. !I. CeJlun. From M. Nietllcl's collection. Genus 96. TIP ASA. rulJlJstum, Pl'Ohoscis mediocris. Palpi longi; articllhls 2115 ponE'ctus, dense fimhl'iutus; 3us el'ectlls, glHher, 20 vix brc,·ior. AlIlC!IlHll I'Obustre, glahrru, alio allticis nOll breviol'cs; Hrticllli suhcyalhifol'llles. AhdlJllJell alas pustieus lange SUPCrJllIS j f,,~cicllll1s apiculis millimus. Pedes validi, Iroves ; tibi:!) puSlicill sublimlll'ialre, calcaribns lungissimis, Alre anticro acutre, Slit IlngllsHe, cu~ta margilleque extCl'iOI'C Slilil'eClis. Allied tl) fltll'pella. .lIrale,-Budy hardly slollt. PJ'lIboscis mode.rately luug. l'tdlli IOIlp;; secund joint \lOrrecI, dellsely fTinged, much ]nnger than the breadth of tbe head j thil'd venical, smoutb, 5~tifurm, sligbtly cuneu, II early as lung as the seuund. Autennae JI![as, COI'PUS Til!. LllPIDOPTERA. 805 HE'fEROCI'H.~. stout, as long as the fore wings i jlJillt~ sul!cyathiform, with aCllte fure angles. Abdomen extelldillg much Ileyolld the hind Will!.:!i ; apical tuft very snlilll. Legs stuut, slIlonth i hind lihi:e slig-htly fringed i spurs very lung. \Vings rather uanuw; fringe long. Fore wings acnte; Cl]st'l anu exterior horder nearly straight, the latter modemtely oblique. 1. TrPAsA RI.8ALIELLA. Mas. Dervin a ; raput et thomx ni!lro-ella,/yb{ta; abdomen cillereum; alee alltic(l/ 'ILlgro CfJIISpers(/J, basi nigrQ-c/tal!lbece; PO&ticIlJ cinurere. ]lIate. Fawu-colour. Head, thorax allQ base of the fure wings blackish chalyheulls. Abdomen, hind wiugs anll uuder sid,~ cillereous. Fore wings minutely speckletl with black. LcugLh of the bolly 4 lines; uf the wings 10 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dl'. Templeton. Genus 97. TOC}'lIA. )flas. Corpus gl'llcile. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi capitiS latitudille triplu lungiures; articulus 2us porrecllls, compresslIs, dellse fimbriutus; 3118 setiformis, ereetus. Antenlla! ~labrlE. gru~ ciles, alis anlicis perpaullu hreviores. Abdomen [lIas pustiCHS dimidio supemlls i fa;ekulu~ apiC<llis Illinilllus. Pedes l:eves, I:\ntdIes, IUllgiusculi, calcarihus IlllIgissimis. Alal anticre Jongre, angllSl31, aculre, margine exteriore l'CClil perohliquo. Allied to Y7lsr)lop'w,~, Male.-Dody slender. P,'oboscis moderately long. Palpi Hbout thrice longer thaI) the bread tit of the head; secoud j(Jint porrect, cum pre,sed, deltsfly fringed above Illlt! beneath; third seLiform, erect, less than half the length of the second. Auleullre smouth, slender, "cry litlle shorter than the fore wings. Abdomen extending for full half its length \,eYOllU tbe bind wings; apical tuft very small. Lcgs smooth, slenrler, r,llher long i spurs very long. Wiugs long, 1H1)'l'UIV. ]<'ol'e wings acute; cUllta and eXLerior bonIer straight, the ldtter very oblique, y2 806 OATALOGUE 01" I. 'fOCMIA VEnSlCOLonr~LLA. Mas. Nigro-cuJtl'ea; corplls subtus albidwn; tm'si albo annulati; a/a! (1IlIiCfl) ]'urpul'asl·enle-cup,.el~, villa nig'''icuYltp. aut cupreo- viridi, fimbrilt cinerea. Male. Blackish oUl'reolls. Body whitis]l nnd sllining beneath. Tursi with white bauds. Fore lVing-s purplioh cupreous, with a blackish stripe, uJlpeal'illg' in SOIll~ aspects vh'icl green with a clI)Jreolls stripe. Hind wiugs cUJll'eulIs; fringe aud most of the \lUder side cinol'eous. Lenglfi ufthe body D lines; of the wings lllioes. a. Ega. Fl'Om ~:rr, Blites' collection. Genus 98. TIRALLIS. Frem. Corpus hcve, sqllatnosum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi haves, graciles, ascenc]elll,·s, valde arcuali, capitis llililudille duplo InJll(iol'es; Itrlicnlus ans set.ifol'llli~, 20 llOll bl'cvior. Alllcnn::e alis Iluticis J1au11o longiol'es. Pedes lawes, femol'i1JUs autieis tibiisque $uhtilllurialis. Alre anlil!Ul lIpice I'utundlltrn, COS til sub\'ectIL, margine extcriore CUllVCXO sat obliquo. Allied to illt'ol'hora. Fe1l!ale.-Bo~y smooth, squamous, modelately stout. Prohuscis disli11Ct. Palpi smooth, slender, ascending, much curved, full twice longer than the hreudth of the head; third joint setiforlll, almo~t as long as the secund. AnteDnID smuoth, slenllel', a little longer than the fore wings. Legs smooth; libire aud fore felllorll slightly fringed; spurs IOlllt. Wings llloderalely broad. I,'ore wings rounded althe lips i costu almo:;t slraight; exteriur hurder convex, l'athe)' oblique. Type, T. latifuscielta. 1. TmALT.1S LATll'ASOIELLA. :Frem. ,C1Iprea; anlennm et pedes argl!l1teo.cinel'fa; aIm anticlIl fascia lata sub"picali aUl'a1o-fialla oostanl versus dilalata. Female. ()upre()us. Body benenth, antenure and legs silvery cinercolls. Fore wings with a broud lIi1ded yellow subapical blllld, wldcb is mucb widened towards the cost~, wll€l'e it occupies T,early half tIle length of the wing. Hind wings cupreous. Length of the body 3linesj of tbe,wings 9 lines. Sarawa'k, Borneo. In Mr. Snunders' collection. 807 LEPIDOPTERA Rll'.l:lmOOERA. 2. TlRALLlS? JNNI)TATELLA. From. A,lrala-cinerea, CrflJinn wiJlillcla; alltrnTlaJ ali.~ aMicis pctllll,) breviort~s; lihi'E po,titre .fimbl'iat(B; (lliE !lnti('(l; «1)ice vi:c I'otunr/Il/I(!; posliL·,e "bsl.'!tI·iores, via; Il!lUliIltE. Female. Gilded cillereoLl~, s1ip;htly tinged with fawn-colour. Alltennm It liltle ~horter than the flJre wings. Fore felDllnL and anterior tillite smuoth; hi,)u tibial fringed. FIlt'C wings hardly l'Uumleuut the tip. j eXlerio\' hOl'llcl' almust stl\li~ht, !-\Ji~htly ohliquc. Hilltl wings rather rillrkcr lhan the f'.Il'e wing~, 'el'Y slightly hyaline. Length of the body 4 ? lines; uf the wings 10 liues. Sal'llwak, Bomeu. In Mr. Sllnuders' collection. Genus !l9. TIGAVA. lI[a,l. Corpus roblhllllU. Oculi extantes. Palpi lawes, arcuati, v<:micelll lunge sllperallte;; "l'ticulus 3ns setifol'lllis, 20 vi;.: bl'e,iol'. Aulennm glahl'm, graciles, alis unticis \'alde hl'el'iorcs. Abdomen alas aUlicUH lunge SUpel'iUlS. fasciculo lIpicali parru, valvulis duahus latera1ihus ellmgHlis. Pedes \Ilng-iusculi, !iat \'alidi; lihim })Ilhticll'l late limbliatlf. Aim Iluticre lungm, hUlceolalW, apice subl'otulJd>llm, costo. vix CUlIveX<I. Male. Body sttJut. Eyes prominent. Prohoscis moderately long. Palpi smouth, ascending high above tIle vertex, twice us lung as the hreadth of the head; third joint selifonn, almost as lon~ as the second. Anlcll1lre SlUtlOlh, slelt(l~r, much shortel' than the fore wings. Ahdomen slightly tuftetl alllug each side, extending far heyond the Lillli wings, with two I~teml valves whicu extend beyond the sUlall superior ilpical tuft. Legs slllooth, fnthel' IUIIA' and stullt; hind tihim hroadly fHnp;ed ; spurs lung. Wings long. Fme wings lanceolate, ~lightly rouude!l at the tips; cOota hardly CUll vex j eXle~ior border l'ery oblique. 1. 'IHlA.VA, SCITlilSIMELLA. Cana •.fuscrJ con.lpersa.; TJIllporwn articlllus 2118 fu.~co vit_ tatus; abdomen iutrsl'cns, l((lSi canum ; tibiw a ntel'inresfug('(c ; alre antil'lE sll'i!lis (litis jll,Yr.o marginnti'i; 11l1·'li(·tE pallicle ceaeo-!mew, jim bria albida fuscescente interLineala. ]lIas. :::3 808 CATAf,OGUE OF Male. Houry, hrown-speckled, whitisli cinereon8 beneath. Palpi stun!; second joint striped wilh brown on the outer side. Ahdomen p~le lUleolls, except the lin;t and secoud segments. Anteriur lihire brown. Fore wings with severallougitndinal {Ieep hlack brown-hordered Sll'ei\];s. Hind wings pule reneolls-hruwn, paler at the babe and along the interior bOl'!lel'; fringe whitish, illlerlined witlI pale browu Ileal' the base. Leu~th of' the body 1 lines ; of the wings 18 Jines. a, b. Moretun Bay. From 1\11'. Diggles' collection. GellUS 100. TOPAZA. Mas. Corpas Imve, sat gTacile. Proboscis Ilulla. Palpi lrovcs, suharcuati, ohlique a~cell(lelltes. Antennru lJllhescentes, subct'ennlatlc, alis anticis plus dimidio hl'eviores. Abdomen alas poslicas ~lIlullo Sllpel'anS; i'lsciculllS apicalis miniullls. Pedvs lawes, g-raciles; culc!ll'illlollga, AIm ftllticre hreves, latle, upice l'eclfLngululUl, COSItI Sllhl'€cta, IIJal'gille exterilH'e 8ubcl1llve:w S\\bohliquo. Allied to a'cop/lOra. llfale.-Borjy smooth, rather sleuller. obsulete. Palpi smootl1, slightly curved, obliquely asceudinA'. AntenliID pllhescellt, minutely crenulaled, leos lhan ha:f the Jellgth of the fllre willg~. Ahdomen exten,ling a little beyullll the hillt! WiIlg~; apical tuft very smal!. Legs smouth, slentler; spurs long. WiIlP;S slwrt, broad. Fore WillJ,tS rectangular at the lips; C(Jglll almost straight; exterior lJOl'der slightly Cllnl'ex tlnd ohlique; discal fold very distinct; fuurth iufel'jor vein lIear the thild. l~l'(Jlluscis 1. TOPAZA ALIENllLLA. Mus. Cup,'eojusca; alre an/iete stl'iga obliqua oasali, fascia media maculari, macula a/daali pILnctis1ue connexis margin. alib~s lateis; pasliu!? apl.Ul costam pal/ide cirm'ere. Male. Durk clllll'eou~-bl'owll. Body cinereOllS heneuth. Fore wings witli luteous lllllrks; a short ohliqlle basul stl'euk; a middle lJand, which is composed (If tlnce irreglllarly Il'iangulul' spots; an apiclll Iriangulur SplIt 111)[\ some connected mRrginal pnillts; nntlet &111e with 1\ pale yellol\'Ml apicnl spot. Hi.nd wing'! pale cillereous aiutlll' lb" c(l~la. r,€ul!,th Ilf the hody 3 lines; 0(' the wings 7 lines. Sal'awlI.k, BOlneo. III Mr. Saunders' collectiun. LEPIDOPTERA f1ETE ROCE RA. 809 Genus 101. TO:\iARA. Mas. Carpus rohustllm. Frons suhporrecta. Prolloscis nulla. Palpi gracilcs, subarclIati, sUbascelldcnte" capitis Iatiturline longl. Qres; articulus 2us suhtus late ihubriatus; 3us setifonuis, 20 valde lll'cvior. Antelln:e breviu~culm; articuli c.vathHormes. Pedes lrevcs; tibhe posticro I'Obllstll, pilostB, femol'ibus rostieis dup!.! IOllgilll'eS. AIm ulllicm IOllgm. latillsclllm, upice l'otulldala:, lDttl'gine exteriure Cll1WeXli pustice perohliquo. Allied to mCllplwra. ]lEtt/c.-Boely I'OllUSt. FI'unt pl'OlIJinent. Pro\Joscis UIIBOlcw. Palri slender, bli~hlly curvell and ascending, longer than the hrt:'adlh of the hl;ad ; secollli joint broadly fl'illged beneath; third slllooth, selifonll, much sbotter than the seconll, Antenna: hardly mlll'C than half the length of the fore winA's; joints cvathifol'lIJ. Leg-s smooth; hilJl! lihite stllut, pilose, about twice h'lD!!er than the hind femora. Wiug's long, rathol' hroad. F'ute wiu~s rounrler! at the tips; costa straight; exteriur burder cOIII'ex, very oblique hilHlward. 1. TOMAR,\. TlGRINEl.LA. :M as. Lutea i tarsi nigri; uu.e nigr,) "m(I.Ice .. anlicm strigis qualaor tra/l!'t'l?rJis nigris,. posticte litura t/i.·cali nigra. ]flate. Luteous, shining. Tarsi tnostly black. Wings with black lines alung Lbe veins. Fore wings with four black Etreaks formed by the ClJllllectioll of the liues. Hind wings with a hlack discalmilrk hefore the middle. Lengtl! of the blldy 6? lines; of the wings 18 lines. Sllrawuk, Bo.'neo. In Ur. Saunders' collection. Genus 102. TINGENA. Pa!m. Corpus heve, sat roh'l1slum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi gracilea, oblique ascclIdcntes, capitis latitudillil duplo longiores. Antennre !tracilea, breves. Pelles lreves; tihire pusticre fimbriatm. Aim antlcm latillsclllill, apice lotulldalre, margilJe eXleriore recto, margine iuteriore basi sllbconvexo Clxtus subcoucavo. 810 CA.T.A.I.OGUE OJ! Al1ied to m~nplwra. Female.-Body smooth, rather stout. Proboscis short. Pal]1i SlI1ooth, slender, obliquely ascending, twice longer t1111U tbe bre:lIlth of the head; second joint slightly curved; third smight, setil'orm, a little shurter than the secund. Antenna:! slcudcl', hnrdly more thnn lJillt' the length or tbe r"re Wings. Abdumell extending a little heyond (lIe hind wings. Legs smooth, not lung; hiud tihire fringed j spms long. 'Vings IOllg, mther hl'oad. Fore wil1gs l'uUllded at the tips; costa and exterior border straight, the latlt'!I' ll10denttely ohlique; interior border slightly convex towards the busc, slightly concave exteriorly. 1. TINGENA. mFAClELLA. Frem. A !lratf)-flam; <tbdomen f USCUr!I; ala: anliclIl $UbtU8 cinereafIlWE:; FoSlicGe cinel"ew. F~male. Gilded yellow. Abdomen brown above. Fore wings cinereous-],folVn ]Jeneath, excepting- the hinge. Hind wings cinereOllS, shining. Lengtb uf the body 3! lines; of the wings 10 lines. 4. New Zealand. Presented by 001. Bolton. Genns 103. TITULCIA. Prem. Corpus ruhustnm, Jrove, squulnusum. Oellii extantes. ProllOscis lHev1s. Plllpi luti, Jlllbescellte~, ascendelltcs, sulnl[(lURti, Anteuuw J,!l'acillimw, IIUlI longm. Ahc.lomell alas pusticas perp.uullo 8Upel'llns. Pedes lreves, hl'eviusculi, sut validi. Alm aucicre latre, acutm, co~tu margineque exteriure su]Jcollvexis. capitis lalitudine lUulto lungiores; articulus 3us 20 brevior. Allied to a:cll[llwra. Perna/e.-Body stout, smooth, squamous. Eyes prominent. P)()h(Jsci~ short. Palpi broad, pubescent, ascending, vel'y slightly curv~d, much lungel' thall tbe breadth (J! the llead j tlJiri} juiut shorter and nanower than the second, acutely conical at the tip. Anlcl1ulU smooth, very slender, litlle mure thl\uhlllf the lengtb of the fore wings. Abdomen extellding very litlle heY(lnd the hind wings. Legs smooth, l'ather shurt and stollt; ~pUl'S long. Wings bruad, not lung. Fure wings acute; 'costa aud exterior border slightly convex, tIle IHtlel' rathel' oblhlue; third inferior vein as far from tbe secuud as from the fourth. 811 LEPIDOPTERA. rrETEROCERA. 1. Mas. TlTULCLI. EXIMIA. Argent.a, miCII)!s; caput ochracemll; palpi ni[lricallll1 bifClst'iati; aEw allrh'l{j fa,cii,! cribui cllttllexis "ufw'e>lte-ochraceis lIigric(tnle m<Ll'gilweis, pUlIelis iriOlis posticis nigris. Male. Brilliant silvery white. Head alld palpi mostly ochrllceous. Pal Vi with two bhlCkish hands. I'orc winp:s with three bright ochruceolls pilnly reddish.tiugerl aud blackish-horderccl bauds j first haud much widenetl (IlWlll'ds the costa, where it (~xtellrls to tbe hase and is counscted wilh the secund baud; secolld ballli milch dilated towarus the Cosla an.! also hilldward, joiuing tbe third bauli ou the costa anll uuilerI to it in the diBk'd, where there are three hlack pOiULS. Length of the body 31 lines; of the wings 9 lines. Safawak, BurneD. In Mr. Saunders' collection. 2. Fwm. TITULCld. CONFIOTEI.LA. AI'.Ilcntea, mican,'; caput ochraconJn; t'wra~ <Intire Dch- rureo hiuittatu.; aim (luliea' vitia costaU fusciaque ochmceis clentatis nigro subtnul.uinatis, striga ubliqlla subupicali ocl,. ,·ucea. Female. Brilliant silvery. Head and palpi ochmceoLls. Pailli pubesceut; third joint linear, aClIte, ,hortel' thall the second. Thotax with an uchraceolls stripe 011 each side in frunt. Fure willus with an il'l'egulnr cuslal llcbmeeous stl'ipe, which is dentate and slightly black.bordered aloog tlw hind side; Illl Oolll'1lCeUIIS ban.] at oue-third or the length, sli~htly dell tate and black-bordered on the outer side; un oblique o('hraceOllS weak exteu(liug fl'om lIear the tip of the costa to the oehmce()u~ marp;illal h,\lJli ami enclosing II transversely ohiong sil "ery sJlot j these Ol)hraceotls marks are horde red with raised silvery scules. Length of the body 3 lilies; of the wings 10 liues. This species mlLy be distinguished from T. eximiella hy the streak of the fure wings. Sara\\'a~, Borneo. In .Mr. Saunders' collection. 812 C,nALO(lVE OF Genus 104. TITUACIA.. Corpus craSSlllU. Prohoscis nlllla. Palpi aseendentes, al'cuali, squalllosi, capitis latitllciine t'el'e dupl') longiores; articulus 2us apice subfascicllilltus; 3l1s setifol'lnis, 211 IOllgior. Antellnre hrevillscnl!e, ~at p;rac11es. Abdomen alas postious dilllidio snperans; fasciculus 'lpicalis snhquUUl'lllUS. Pedes rohusti, puhescentes; clllcaria. h:H1gissimll. Alte unticre sat allguslre, apice I'otllndtltre, costa meuia. excavata, mal'gine exteriore COllvexu. Allied to CEcIJplwl'a. lIlale. Boily very stout. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi cllrnd, ascending, sqnamous, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; second joint sUp;htly tufted at the tip; third seli{ul'm, mudl Illnger than tbe second. AliteulIlIl rather slcII[lcl', lUuch !;hurter than the fore wings. Ahdomen exteuding for Jllllf its length beyond tI,e hhld willgs; apical tuft suhquudratc. Legs stOlll; temul'a and tihite pubescent; hind tihiw with very long spnrs. Wings ratber narruw. Fore wings rounded at the tips; co,ta excllv,tted 01' contracted in the miLidle j exterior burder COil rex, moderately oblhlue. ~fas. 1. TIl'UA.OIA DJlVIELLA. I1Ias. Oinereo-al bida; tarsi ni_qricantes, albo annulati; a.lre a71tica: nigra tridecellt pumtui<e, ,triga c()8u<ii cervinu, strii/is subtu.s dllabus cervinis 1ma costali altera postica. lJia/e. Cil1el'eou~-wbitish, darker beneath. Tursi hlur-kish; tips of the joints wiJite. Fore wiugs with thirteen black points; three near the base; fOil r placeu qUILdrately in the interiul' disk; three fOl'miIlg a more distinct clnsler in the exterior disk j three 00 the exterior border; of these Illst the IDiddle olle is much Jarger thall tbe others; a !',uvn-culullred ~trellk along the miti(lle part 01 the co,ta; 1\1)(1~1" side cinereollB, wiLh two fawn-coluured slripes, one coslal, tile olhel' alollg the interior border. Lengtll of the body 4 lines; of the wing's 10 lincs. Sal'llwak, Bomeo. III lUI'. Saundel's' cullection. Genus 105. TrSOBARICA. Jllas. Corpus sat rol!ustuJIJ. Pill pi gillbri, arcuati, ca.pitis latitudiue dupln longiorcs; articulus 3us lanceolatus, 20 brevior. LEPIDOPTERA HETEfiOCERA. 813 Ahdomen alas poslicas paullo snperans. AIm Alllicre $at angustm, apice rolllllC[aLre, margine eXleriore pe\'ubliquo; llO~lin'c limbl'i!1 l(lngissimu. lI[a/e. Body rallier stout. Palpi smooolb, curved, twice IOIlg'er than the l,readth of the head; third joint lunceolatc, ,horter tban the second. Abdomen extending l\ little heyolld the himl win!!s. Fore wings rather nllI'TOW, 1'0UnliNt at the tips; eXlel'ior border extremely oblique. Hind wings with a very long fringe. 1. Mas. TISOIlARIC.I. JUCUNDELl,A, Auralollava; palJli nigra f"9~illli; pnfpureIF, J~lsciis 211ut1l0f 'illdelmninlllis allP antiere pallide filllul'iaque aUTulO- fiat';.'). Male. Gilde(1 yellow, piller heneath ; thin1 joint white, wilh a broad iJla(~k band, Fore wings pule purple, with fUlIl' irregular gilded yellow llltnds; thinl baud interrupted, InUre irregulur than the (llhers; fringe gilllCl! yellow. I,cugth of the b(,dy =l~ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Sydney. l"rom Mr. Lambert's collection, Genus 106. TITANA. Corpus pilosum, sat robustum, Proboscis conspiclla. Pnlpi Jroves, gl'acilcs, arctlllti, a;cclldcutes, cl1]litis latitudillc triplu \Nlgi')fes; al'ticulus 3us sctiformis,20 non bl'e\-j"r. AutcnlHlJ gl:thrro, graciles, alis RlIlicis 11011 hreviures. Pedes l1nleriores hl!I'es, graciles; breviuscllli; postici longi, tibiis dense VilllSis, calcarilius 1oll!(is. Alre anticre acutre, margine exteriore recto; postic[C l~te fimbriatre. Alliell to CEevpltlll'll. BLIdy pilose, rather stout. Proh[)~cis distillct. Pulpi smuoth, slender, cuned, compressed, ascending, about thrice longer than the breadth of the Ilead; third joint selilul'ln, as IanI' as the secoIllI. Anteunre smooth, slender, as long liS the fore wings. Auterillr legs smooth, slender, mther HIIL)lt. Hind legs long; tihire densely piluse j spurs lung. Wiugs Ion", moderulely bruad. Fore willl!s acute; costa llull exterior border sll'llight, the latter moderalely oblique. Hind Willg:> hroadly fringed. CATALOGUE: OF BI4 1. TITANA. ADllLELI,.l.. plll'purascens; pa/pi aTgenlei; anlelln{l! argmteo·alo{l!, ni[/ro amlllill/(e; ped,·s arger/lei, libii,. poslicis nigris; ala! mld,'m jimbria arN/mlea; pnslic(p ptu'purm-cupl·ellJ. DlIrk Purlll\sh, Palpi nlllstly silvery. Antennrn silvery white, witl] HI)' uumtl'OUS hl<lck lings. I,egs mostly hilVl'l'y j hiud tihirn hinck, c111tlltrl ,\itll hla~k l]IIirs. Fore wings witl] l\ sih'ery white fringr, Himl wings pllTplish cupreous. Lel1glh of the body 4~? lill(,S; of the willits 11 lines. Sal'Hwak, ROl'lleo. In l'rh. Saunders' collection. Ob.~cme Genus 107. THUBANA. PWlIl. Corpus sat ruhustlllll. ClIjlut 'irel'c. Prohoscis conSI,iclll\, Palpi 111"Ill'i, Ilrcuati, !!l'lI~ilcs, cnpitis latitllllille quadl'llplo 1001gillres; articIllu5 3us !,("racillimlls, 20 non hl'eviol'. Alltennre jr1':.dles, nIh (ll\licis multo lung-iures. Abdomen alas p08ticas fiimirlin supcmns. Perl~s IllllgiHsculi, sat validi; tibire posticID pilos[C. AIm nnticre lalitmmhe, ll]1ice reetangulat~,.m"l'gine eXlerillle recto po,lice llexo perohliquo. Allied to mropnnm. Femnle.-Bocly ratller stout. Head smooth, Pl'ohoscis diHirwt, Plilpi CUI'I'cll, smooth, slender, fOUl' tilll!'s IOIl!!CrtllilD the breadth ofll,e head j third joillt setilcJrm, I'ery slender, as lllug as the second. Ant~lllHe sleucler, much longer than the fme wiu~s. All(lorncll extendiul{ (01' half its length heyom! the hinel wings. Lep;s I'Utll€l' loug aud stullt; hind tihire pilose; spurs vcry lunl{. Willg~ I'alher hroad. FurB wings l'ectllll~'lIlttr at the tips; elltl'riol' hot'del' straight, helll near the interior angle, wllcle it is very ohlique. 1. TmwAN.I DISIGNATELL.I.. Cupl'ea; tYllput atg&nleo.t"inercltl!l" (lntenna! argcnleo. (II/liP, basi (:'UPI'CfB; alts Ilu/ie{E macula coslali magna alba subtrigm,!!. Female. Cllrl'eolJ~. Head, under side and legs silvery cinereons. AlllenllU: silvery while; lim joint uupreous. Fore wings with II lurge irregulllrly tl'htllgular white Spilt (In the middle of the costa. Leugth of tlw body ·tliues; of lhe wing's 10 liues. a. Sarawuk, Borneo. FlOm Mr, Wallace's collection. Firm. Slii LEPIDOPTEllA llll'fEllOOERA. Genus 108. GARGELA. !lIas. Corpus sat g'l'acile. Proboscis mcdiocl'is. Pulpi gl"il~ cilcs, obJique ascen<]eutes, capitis latituuine non longiores; articulus 3us lunccolatuR, 20 valde brevioj'. Alltennrn vix pubesceutes. Pedes hreves, graciles. Alre ullticre subrectangulatre, margine extedore subrecto \'ix obliquo. Allied to aIcoplwm. ]:lale.-Borly smooth, mther slender. Prohoscis distinQt. Palpi smooth, slemier, ohliquely ascending, Dot longer than the hreo(llh of the head; third joiut lllnceolatc, much shUl"ler than the second. Antcullill hardly pubescent. Legs smooth, short, slender; spurs long, \Villgs modemtely broad. FOl'e wings nearly rectangular at the tips; exterior bOl'del' nearly straight, ltardly oblique. 1. GARGELA SUBPURELLA. Mas. Nivea; alCE antiL'a? lineis duabus transversis arcualis lJaliide fuscescentibus, ,ltri,9is ex terioribus ,mratis, 1Juncto upUC clngU" lum interim'em niill'O; linea mUl'girtali brevi nigra, IIlala. Pure white, shining. Fore wings with two outward~ curved pale broWliish transverse liues; lirst line beyond the middle, more curved than tlw second; a row of' gilded streuks between the second line and the exterior hordeI'; a black point Ileal' tue interior angle; a dark bruwn line on tbe fIJi'e part of tbe e;:.:tel'ior border. Length of the body Z lines; of the wings 6 liues. u. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 109. BAUANTOLA. :Mas. Corpus gmcilc. Caput breve. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi gl~bri, gracillimi, thorace 111111 breviores ; articulus aus 20 nOll breviur. AuteIllllll glabra:, gracillimoo, alis !tnticis Illulto longiores. Pedes longi, gracile,; tihire pusticill subpilosl.13. Aim allticl.13 elongatlE,luliu,culre, acutre, falcatm, margine exteriol'e subohliquo vix convexll. Allied to (Ecoplwr(l.. Male.-Body slender. Head short. Proho5ci~ moderately long. PaJpi smolltll, vel'y slelldel', as long as the thomx; lhinl joi1lt setiform, full as long as the second. Antennre swooth, very slender, much lunger than the fore wings. Z 816 CATALOGUE OF Alldomen eltending for half its length beyond tllc hind wings. Legs long, slender; hind tibim clothed with short hairs. Wings elongate, father hruno. Fore wings acule, falcate; exteliol' border hardly COD\'ex, slightly obliljJlc. The very slender second joint of the palpi and the length and slenderness of the legs are the chief distinctive characters of this genus. 1. BARANl'oL.i l.'ULCHEURIMA. Ltrte orhrare~-l'1!fa; caput antice, pectus et abdomen alba; tlwrax argel!leO fasciatus; alcc antictX slriga ens/ali jlava, striyis quaiuol' sttbcustalibus al'!Jente,:s ; posticlC albIC. MilS. ],[ale. Bright ochraceous-red. Head in fl'ont, pulpi, Rntennre, IJectu5, abrlomen, legs and hilld wings white. Thol'll]( with a silvery bund. :Fore wings with n yellow streak alaDI( the middle part of the costa; three silvery suhcostal streDks; fir~t j()illin~ the bUild of tIle tlwra:x j second much shorter thun lhe first, extending nearly to tIle yellow streak i tbird beyond the streaK, lOIlg-er than the second; . a slightly oblique transverse silvery streak pruceeding from a notch of the costal streak nearly to the interiur bOl'der. Length of the body 4! lines; of the wings 11 lines. tI. Moreton Bay. From lIIr. DiggJes' collection. Genus 110. TAMARRHA. }'las et from. Corpus vi:x I'ohllstum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi ghbri, capitis latiludine long'iores; arLicnlus 3us 20 hl·evior. AntcIlIlre maria robllstre, setulosre. Abdomen alas posticas sat supel·ans. Pedes sat graciles. Ahe ollticre elougatre, apioe rotundatre, margine exteriore sllbconvexo subobliquo. Allied to fEeopllDra. Iffale and jemale.-Body Imrdly stout. J?ruboscis distinct. Palpi smooth, longer than tIle breadth of the bead; third joint seliform, shorlel' than the secont1. Antennre of the male stout, setulose. Abdomen extending ratller heyond the hind wings. Legs mther slender. Wings elongate, moderately broad. I·'ore WillgS rouuded at the tips; exterior border slightly convex and oblique. 817 LEPIDOPTERA BETEROCERA, 1. TA.MARlIlLI. GELIDELL.I.. Frem .. Nigro-purpurea; caput subtus albidum; oculi Itlbo eincti; choTa:!) alilo qllarll'inotutlls; abdomen aneu!»; alrI! anticre plagis tribus albis, plaga marginali oenrarea; pasticm amece, fimbria albida. Female. RIackish purple. Body whitish beneath. Head white about the eyes. Thorax: with white tegulro and with a white mark on each side hindwal'd. AlJdomen and hind wings <eneous. Fore wings with a dull ochraceolls patch on the exterior border; three white patches; first extending along the middle of the costa; second along the hase of the iu terior border i third along the apical part of tllO interior bonIer, joining the ochraceous patch. Hind wings with a whitish fringe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 2. TAlIIARRHA NIVOSELLA. Mas et frem. Nigro-amea; caput antice album; abdomen ameum; aim antic(J! albidce, basi jasciaque latissima (J!neis; posticce ameo-cineretIJ. Male and female. Blackish reneolls. Head white above in front. Abnomen mueous. Fore wiugs whitish, mneous at the base. and with a very llroad reneOllS band, which is beyond the middle. Hind wings reneous-cinereous. Length of the body 3}--4 liues; of the wings 11-12 linGS. a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. c. Domingo. Fl'Om Mr. Tweedie's colllecqon. Genus 111. TIRASIA. Mas. Corpus l'obustum. Caput slIbelongatum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi longissimi, suharcliati ; articulus 2us robustus, pilosus; Sus gracillimns, 20 !l01) hrevior. Antennlll glabrro, articulus Ius longus, robustus. Abdomen alas posticas pauUo superans. Pedes vl\lidi; tibire posticre fimbl'iatm. Alm anticte apice rectangulatm, costa vix convexa. z2 818 CATAl.OGUE OF Allieu to CEer,]l/lOra. lIfale,-Bo(ly stout, SIDGoth. Vertex elongate. Pruboscis short. P!l.lpi slighLly curved, very long, aSl1ending high above the head; second joint sluut, pilose; third setifurm, very slender, fllll as long as the ~ecolld. Autenme smooth; ilrst joint long, stout. Ahdomcn ex Lending a little beyond the hind wiugs. Legs smooth, stollt; hilJd tibiro IrillA'cd, with (')111' very jung spurs. Wiugs model'lltcly long alld hro:I(I; friuge very ]Ol'g. Fore wings rectangular at the tips; custa hardly convex. 1. Mas. TlRAll1lo. PUNCTlOENEIlALIS. ChalyblEu-jusca.; abdomen cerlliuwu; aim aHticllJ fasdis duabus obscure Cllpl'co:fuscis te.l'tacco 7Ilal:qinatis, I a (lnlire ahbl'eviata 'Jiostice dUatata, 2a mal'!lirwli, putletis duoblls fllwis intcrmediis testacw margi'llalis, costa testacea fuseD uni'IlDlata, :l1Iale. Chalyheous-browil. Ahc)omen fawn-colour. Legs ~mooth; hind tihiw fringed, ,vitI! fOllr long spurs, WillgS with a filwu-enlolll'ed hand; fringe fawn-colour. Fore wings witll two dark cupreol1~.hrown teslaceous-hordel'ed bands; first ham\ abbreviated in front, dilated llindward, broader than the second, which j~ marginal; two !lurk brown testaceolls-bor!lered points on the Ollter side of tllC first lHlucl; costa mostly testaceous, with a darl, hrOWll murk ill front uf the first band, Leng'lh of Lim body 4 lilies; of the wings 10 lint's. SUl'awak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 112. RHITlA. Corpus sat gracile. Palpi glabri, sulll'ecti, ohlicll1e ascendentes, capitis latiLudine non longiores; articulu. 2us l~sciculo tenui npicldi; :Jus lllliceolatus, 20 hreviur. Antr.nllre graciles, aUs anticis hl'el'iol'es. Abdomun IItlenuatl11ll, alas posticas longe 8upemns; fltsciclllu~ apicaliR millimns. Tibial posticre late fimbl'iatm. AIm Ilulical upice rotuTlilatro, margine exteriorc perobliquo. AlIioll to (Ecllpho)'a. JlJaJe,-Body ratlwl' slender. Palpi smooLh, Ileady straight, ohliquely aseendin/!. not longer tball the breaJth of the bead i second jOint with It slight apical tuft; third l"llceuJaLC, shu1'ler thnn the second, AntenllaJ slender, s)1Ol'ler than the fore willgs. Ahdomen tapering, exten1lillg much beyond the Mnd wings; IIpical tuft very smtlll. Hind tihire bmadly fl'illged. Fore wings rounded at tbe tips; extedor border very oulique. 819 LEPIDOPTERA HETllROClmA. 1. RrrrTrA CONGESTELLA. Mas. Subamea-cinerea; aile antic(!l pltrpUl'ascelltes, fascia. basali lata strigaque e.vtel'iore cos/ali auratojlavis; postictli Ct'Pl'Ct.e. Male. Cinel'eol1s, with an renenus tinge. Fore wings purplish; a broad gilded yellow band Ileal' the base, not extending to the costa, and a broad longitudinal gilded yellow COSlltl stl'oak at a little beyond the middle; this streak is conneCleu. with a Da!'B semihyaHnc dis cal spot; ulldel' side and hind wings cupreous. Length of the body 3t lines; of the wings 8 lines. Sarawak, Burneo. In iHI'. Saunders' collection. Genus 113. BAREA. Corp\1\'. l'OhuslUffi. Palpi VL\lidi, vlllde aTcuati, caput Sllperantes; articulus 2us antice squamosa fimbriatus; 3us seti~ formis, 20 brevi or. Antennre pubescellles, alis anticis multo brevi_ ores. Pedes valitiL AIm tmticre elling-atre, latiuscllllll, Ilpioe 5ubrotlllldatre, margine exteriore subconvexo subobliquo. Mas. Allied to (Ecophora. Male,-Body stout. Palpi stout, much curved, ascending abo\'c the vertex; second joint thickly fringed in front, with very short squamous hairs; third setifol'm, shortcl' tball the second. Anteullre minutely pubescent, much shorter tban the fore wings. Legs stout. Wings elongate, rathel' broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips j extel'ior border slightly CODvex and oblique. 1. BAREA. CONSlUNATELLA. Mas. Fen'u,qinea; thomr:c andice nigrD binotatu$; ahdomen cine'I'eum; pedes antici ni!ll'icante!, tnl'soru.m Mticulis apice cinerei,!; al{/J antic(1J ni91'o fuscoque conspers(1J, plagis 'l!igri. cantib'U8, fineis ,mbmarginali et mar,qillali e punetis nigris; postict.e amea-juscaI,jimbria pallide ferruginea. !tIale. Ferruginous, piller beneath, Thorax black on each side ill front, Abdumen and legs cinercQus. Fore legs blackish; tips of (he joi.nts of tbe tarsi cinereous. Fore wiDgs speckled with black aud brown; n few blackish patches, of which the lUl'l(est is in the disk beyond the middle and el\tends to the Cllsta; two h'ansverse z3 820 oxrALOGOE OF slijthtly curved rolVs of black points, one suhmarginal, the oIlier mllTginal. Himl WilllZS reneolls-brown ; fl'iuge pale fel'l'Uginou5. Length of the body Ii lines; of tbe willll,S 14 lilles. a. Muretnn Day. From :'111'. Diggl~s' colleclion. Genus 114. THISIZElJA. llr,!~. Cnrpm; sat gracile. Caput ot lhol'ax antice pUis rig-idis illstl'lIcta. Palpi arcuali, ascelldelltes, capitis latiLudine IUll:,(iores; articlJill, 2us latlls, slJllamosus; ;Jus lallceolatus, 20 mldc bl'evior. AntelllHu mldr dilatatffJ, alis aulici~ paulIn jungiores. A 1m anlicre apiee I'otuudat,(', lIH1I'gillc clIteriore SlIbconrex:u sat obliqlw. Allied to mcopltm·a. lIlafe.-Body rather slender. Head aud fore part of the thorax with 51'"I't ('reet hair~. l'alpi ClIl·."d, n,eelH!illg, lun~er 111,111 the breadth of the lJea.II; second jllillt broad, squalllous; lilird lilllCt'ol"le, 111 ueh ,hlJl'tcr Lhan the St.·COII']. AutCIII,[B much dilatod, a litlle 11)ng-0r than the fure wings. Foro wing's llwlicl'ately brolld, SOmeWhl\t rounded ilt the tips j fl'illge IOllg; extCl'iul' border olighlly C011l'ClI, I'llLhl'r ulilique. 1. 'fmslzlMA CER.!.TEI.LA. Mas. Albida; that'ax cupreo-lIiger, ant ire albiclus; alee an lira? vilta lata costali lJolitice tll!fJulata punctisque mal'ginalib'lls cltpreo-ni,gf'is. ' Nale. Whitish. Thorax clIl'renus.hlaek, except in li·ont. Fore winl~s with a broad irregular cllprpolIs.ulack coslal ~Iripe, which extends to the interior border al the hase, and is clITved outward 1Ie«'l'e the mid(lle, ,uud forms It morc exterior promincnt ohtllse Rlig-Ie; 11111 I'll in [1.1 points clipreous-black. I,ength of the body 3t? Jines; of the wings 8 lines. C1. llilldl)stan. Fl'om Archdeacon Clerk's collection. Genns Wi. PATOUISSA. ]}Ia,~ et item. Curpus gracile. :Fl'Ons perangnsta. Proboscis consl'icl\a. l'alpi gmciles, capitis latitudinc triplo luugiol'es; arli. eulus 2115 squamoso fimlniatus; :llls seliflll'lJli8, 20 11011 brel·jor. AnteUll!£ rol.lU~ta>, alis nnticis puullo longior€s. ,Abdilmen alas LEl'1DOPTER~ 821 HETEROCEllA. postiCRS supel'uns. Pedes gr8oiles. A1re nnticill elongntre,suhacutre, margine exteriore recto. JlIlls.-Ante\lure dimidio basHIi squamoso llilusill. Tibire postiere late fimhriutre, Allied to (Ecop/wra. Afale andfemale.-Body slender. Front vel'Y nun ow. Pl'uilUscis distinct. Pulpi slender, about thl'i!!e lon~er than the brenrlth of the head; secoud joint fdug-ed in front with short squamous hltir,; third setiforrn, liS long as the second. Antellnre stout, smooth, u little longer thau the fore wings, fringed above ill the male for must of the length be\ul'e the middle with very sho),t squamous hail'S. Ahdomen cxtendiug heyond the hind willgs. Legs slender; hilHI tibire of the male 1l1'(mdly fringed; SpUI'S \'el'Y lung. \Vin,(s e1onl.(lItc, lIloderatrly broad. ForB wiugs slightly acute; exteriOl' burder stmight, moderately oblique. 1. PATOUISSA DUlSONELLA. l\L!s et frolll. Pal/ide cinPl'eo-,!tl'umil!ea j alw anticw jel'r'l1,qineo conSper,ltE, )Jltnctis duoblls dism{iblls 111!1H'tisqlle lll'll'fJinatibt£,~ nifJ"'s, strigll fusca pltllct(Jquu 20 disc(tii connexis; postiC(.l! obscure eincrcm. Nale alld fi!1llClle. Pale Uinel'BOIlS straw-colour, Fore wings fCl'I'llgiuolls-speckleri, with twu black points in the dbk; one hefure the middle, the ulllet, beyond Lhe middle, contiuued to the illteriof border hy meaUS of a lll'own sLl'eak; a rolY of hlncle points along the apical pUl't of the CO,bl aIHi UIOllg the exterior horder. Hinclwing's dllrk cinel'6ous; fringe IJuler. Length of the body 2?i lines; of the wings 7 lincs. Surawuk, Borneo. In Mr. SauutlGl'S' colleotion. Genus 116. TIVA. From. COl'PUS IUlVe, squamosum, sat robustum, Prolloscis mediocl'is, Plllpl1:rlves, gracile., IlScellaentes, capitislatillldine plus \luplo long-iores ; urticulus 2us vallie arcuatus; 3118 setifonnis, suh,lll'cuutus, 20 llluitu longior. AlIlennre gl'aciles, ulis ullticis panllo lOllgioJ'cs; articulus Ius longus, validus, Ahdomen ulas pusticus longe superans. Pedes lon~iusculi; calcaria longissima. Aim uUliclIl longal latiusculru, apice l'ectuugulatrn, margine extcl'iore antieo vix excavuto. Allied to (Ecollho1'a. Female.- Body smooth, squamous, rather stuut, Pruboscis moderately long. Palpi smooth, slender, ascending, l 822 GATALOtlUE OF more than tlVice longer than the breadth of the head; second joint much curved; third setifol'tll, slightly curved, much longer than the second. Alltennre SmOtlt1l, slender, a little lonv,er than the fore wiugs; jjrs~ joint long, SIUilt. Abdomen extending much be~ond the hilld wings. Legs smooth, rather long; SpUIS very long. WlDgs long, rather broad. Fore wings rectangular at the tips j costa straight; exterior border very slightly obli'l ue, hardly excavated in front. 1. T1VA DlNOl'ELLA.. Cllpreo-purpurea; caput Ilrgenteo-cinereum; antenna: articulo 10 «(pice lligl'iC«(Ilte; tibial anteriores apice lligrCll; a/(JJ allticw macula ant jell transversa strigisque qUlt/Wlr obliquis subapicalib.ts pll lli de flawis. Fe1ilal~. Cupreous"purple. Head in front, palpi, anlennro and legs silvery cinereous. First joint of the ulltmmre blackish at the lip. Allterior tihitE with black tips. Fore wings with a pale yellow transverse spot decreasing in breadth from tbe middle of the costa In the disk; j'lJur minute pale yellow oblique streaks nelLl' the tip of the costa. Length of the body 3~ lines; of the wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saundet's' collection. Fwm. Genus 117. MARISBA. lIfas. Corpus sat'robustum. Proboscis bl·evis. Palpi recllTvi, capitis ialitudine multo iongiores; articulus 211S subfimbritltl1S ; 3us 20 paullu brevior. AntellDIB sllbserl'atl!),subpl1hesceutes. Abdumen !ineate, alas posticas longe supemns, laterihus subfasciculatis. Pedes postici sat vHlicli, femoribus bl'cviusculis, tibiis fimhl'jatis, tarsis sqllamosis. Aim anticl!) falcatre, margine extel'iore subconveJto perIlbliquo. Allied to CEcophora.. Male.-Body mther stout. Proboscis short. Pulpi recurvod over the vel'lex, much longer tban the breadth of the head; second joint with a shurt tbick fringe in frout; third ~etifor!U, a little shorter than the second. Antennre minutely sefrntel! and pU\lescent, more than half the length of the fore wings. Abdomen linear, ex(enning much beyond die hind wings, with small IUftS along each side anl! with two apical lateral valves. Legs rather 8tUUt j .iJilld femora short; hind tibial fringed; hind tarsi squamuus. Wings IOlJg, moderately broad. Fure wings falcate; exteL'ior bordel' slightly couvex, vet·y oblique. LEPlDOl'TEllA RETEnocEnA. 1. 823 MARISDA BASIVITTA. lIas. Pallide cinereo-cervina; pal]lorum al,tirulus 211srligricante fimbriatus,' ala! antica! atmnis ]lands 11iuaque divi,!a abbrcviall! .fu.sco maryillata nigris, stl'iflula tmn,l'ers(!, Lli.cali mnrgineque exteriore nigricantibus. Male. Pale cinereous fa wn-coloUl'. Second joint of the palpi fringed WillI l)lackish hairs. FOl'e legs mostly hlackish. Fore wing-s with It few blllck speckles, and with a. bl~ck dislut.:tlted brown-bordered stripe, wuillh extends along half the length from the base; an exterio), sllOrt olJliquo blackish stl'eak ill tbo disl,; ex.tedD!' border and fringe hlackisll; 1\ hoary tinge along the costa. Hillrl wings 11, little puler than tllB fore wings. Length of the body 8 lines j of the wings 20 lines. a. Australia. From Mr. Dalllcl's collection. Genus 118. LABDIA. Mas etja!m,. Corpus sat gracile, Frons valde ohli~ua. PI'Obasels sat longa. Palpi glnhri, gracilliml; capitis latltuuillc tl'iplo long-iores ; articulus 3us 20 110n hreviol', Anteun[i) gracillimm, 10nginsculre, Abdomen alas pusticns louge slrperans, Pcdes grltciles. Alre latissirne fimbriataJ; IInticre aoutre, sat UllgustlE; pUSliCi!) pel'augustre. Allied to CEcoplwrlL. ]}fale and jemale,-Body rathel' ~lender. Head smooth; fl'01It very ohlique. Proboscis mOLierately lung. Palpi slllooth, very sloudel', fL11l thrice IOllger thlm the hl'eudth the heao ; third joint ['ull as long as the second, Autel]nre very slender, rather long, shol'ter than the ft)j'e willgs. Abdomen extending much beyond the fl'inge uf the hiu(lwillg,~. Leg'S smouth, slenner, Wing. with an cxtl'emely long fl'inge. Fore wings acute, rather narrolV; el(t~l'io\' border extremely oblirlue. Hind wingH very narrolV. or I. LADIJIA [)ELICI08ELL~. SatUl'ate ochracfa; r~put antice ,flalJe.l~ens,' a.bdomen hLfeuln, al'i"elll vp.rSILS ni[}"IWl; ,,1m untiCIll stri,qulis aI'(/elllllis, dimiriio e.v/8riol'p. /,cle .fllll'f} striglda.i duos trans'VI:I'SUS lli,qTllS [llttlamque a1Lrat"m III iculllem inclurimle, mal'gine exteriore o1.lpreo gullu,' duasjltLVilS inuluclente; PlJstiCI!! cuptcm, jitnbda aUl'ato-jiava. Mas ct freill. OATALOGUE OF 824 Male and/enlale. Dark ocbraceous. Head in front and under side pale yellow. Abclomen Inteons, black towards the tip. Fore wings bright pale yellow beyond the middle j three very slender silvery streaks in the ochraceolls part, which hardly extends to the illterior border; two small transverse exlerio\' black streaks. ODe costal, the otber contiguous to a brilliant gilded dot in the disk; clitel'ior part of the costa und tips da,'k cupreous, with two yellow dOLS, of which one is costal and is t runsvel'sely interlined and the otber is apical, Hind wings dark cupreous i fringe gilded yellow. Length of the body 3f lines; of tbe wings 10 lines, a, b. Austrulin. :from 1\1r. Darnel's collection. Genns 119. BIDA. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis conspicua. Palpi squamosi, suharcuati, capitis latitudine plus duplo longiOi'es; articulus 3us 20 vix brevio)·. Pedes longiusclIli, sat graciles. Aloo antiCal longle, lanccolatre, acutre, margine extcl'iore recto perobliquu. Allied to CEcopllora. Body mtber stout. Probosois distinct. Plllpi squamous, very slightly curved, more than twice IO\lger than the breadth of the heud; third joint seLiCorm, nearly as long as the second. Legs smooth. rather long and slender. Wings long, lanceolate; fl'jnge moderately lung. Fore wings acute; exterior bordsr straigbt, very oblique; second infedor vein neur the first and the third; fourth remote from the third. 1. DIDA ClIA'MBELLA. Albida; alill allti~a: 1litti~ h'i/X!! cervinis, 1a 8ubcostali, 211, attingente, venis nigricantiblls. api~em Whitish. Fore wings with three fawn-coloured stripes: first stripe subcostal: second extending to the lip of the wing; third near the illtel'inl' border, extending to the interior angle i veins bluckish. ' Length of the bod~ 6 ~ lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. SOllth Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq. l.EPIDOPTEBA. HETEROCERA. 825 Genus 120. THUDACA. Mas et frem. Corpus sat gracile. Caput fa~aiculo porrecto eonieD. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi recti, glabri, grac\1es, oblique ascendentes, capitis latitudine vi" duplo 1001giores; articulus 3us setiformis, 2i dilDidio !lon lungior. Anteunlll graciJes, slIhcrenulatre. Abdomen alas posticns paullo Sliperll.l1s. Pedes silL valid!B; libilll posticaa subfim'briatm. Alre antiele latiu6oulro, acutre, margine exteliore recto. Allied to (Ecop/wfa. and jemale.-Body lather slender. Head with a porreet conical tuft. Proboscis moderately lung. Palpi straight, smootb, slender, obliquely ascending, nearly twice longer than the breadth of the head; tllird joint setiform, about half the length of the second. Antennre slender, minutely crenulated, milch shorter than lhe fore wings. Abdomen extending lI. little beyond tlle hind wings. Legs smooth, mthel' stout; bind tibial slightly fringed. Wings rather broad; fringe rather short. Fore wings acute; exterior border straight, moderately oblique. 1. THUDA.OA OBLIQUELLA. Mas et frem. L(l)te oclwacea " pee Ins .t abdomen alhidll!, vittis duabus ockraceis, 1a .$'Ubcoslali, 2a paslica, j<uciis duabus obliquis linea que marginali OClll'(lceis nigro sti'bmargiIl0Iis; posticll! ameo-cinerew, fimbria flavescente. Male and female. Bright ocbraceous. Pectus, abdomen and legs whitish. Fore wings silvery white, with two bright ochraceous stripes, one subcostal, the other near the interior border; two bright ocbraceou8 slightly black-bol'dered hands, which are more oblique than the txterior border j a bright ochrnceous mal'ginal line, which is black·bordered ou the inner side. Hind wings reneous-cinereous ; fduge pale yellowish. Length of the body 3!-4! lines; oCthe . wings 9--12 lines. a-c. Australia. From l'tfr. Darnel's collection. d. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection. e. Sydney> From Mr. Lambert's collection. f. Sydney. From Mr. Diggles' collection. 826 C.l.TALOGUE OF Genus 121. UZUCHA. Corpus cr3.SSUlll. Proboscis nulla. Palpi gracilcs, puh€l>ccnt('s, ()hHqlH! (lsccntlentes, capitis latitudine multo hrcvillres j fil·ticulu, :lus setilol'mis, 2u valde brevio!'. Al\t(;nn~ graciles, glalwlll. AhdOlnen allis posti0as paullo slipemns. Pedes lroves, 1'ObU8[i. AIm auticre aml'lre, apiee rectlluglliallf), costa basi gibbo,a, margine exteriute recto vix oh!i(IUO. }}[as. Allied to Cryptotltelia. Male.-Body vcry slout. Proboscis obs(Jlete. 1'"ll'i slender, pubescent, oLliquely ascending, much shOlter than the breadth of the head; third joint setifol'ln, luuch shurter than the second. Anteuure ~mollth, slender, much shorter tlHlu the fore wings. Alldomen extending' a little peyouu the hind wings j tip with two eJongate latewJ vnlvc8. Legs smooth, Slout; spurs long'. WilJgs long and hl'(Jad. Fore wings rectungular at the tips j hasal part of the costa extremely prominent, extending Illuch in /i'ont ()fth~ Jwud j exterior part of the costa almost straight; esterior IlOrdcr straight and hardly oblique, except towards the interior angle j I~ longitudinal furrow behind the fourth inferior vein, which is very remote frolll the third. Hilld wings with a long peni· uillote tuft of hairs at the base. 1. Uz nolLl. BUillERALlS. Mas. SOl'dide rt(fescem, Sllbtw ot'/lI'aeea ; abdomen fasciis lJua!!lo~ IIpiceqlie ochraceis; tibia; pasiicw nigl'ic<llllcs; ai(() alllieee wIeld(/, basali fllm/,; Jlostiere Iligricalltes, sp[ttio exteliore }lava. Male. Dull reddish, ochrRceous belJ8uth. Teguhe of the linged with slate.colour. Abdomen with four uDlauceous b~llds; tip ochl'uceous. Himl tibial blackish. Fore willl<s wilh a dark brown SI)ot Oil the base of the cosla. Hind willgs blackish; this hue diffuse or clillsistmg uf speckles towards the el!:te. riur part, which is yellow. I.cuglh of the botlv 10 lines; of the wings 24 liues. • tllOHlX ~Dt1I'OI'C wing~ a, b. ,!;lOMllll Buy. FrDm Mr. Diggle$' collection. 827 LEl'IDOI'T,ERA RETEROOEIIA. Genus 122. MAROGA. Mas et j(Em. Curpus orassum. Prohoscis brevis. Palpi sub. arcuati, oblique asceudentes, oapitis latiturline non longiores i abdo. men alas postica5 paullo superans. Pedes robusti; tibire po;teri(lres fimbriatm. AIm antiere ampIre, apiee subrotundatro, costa hasl sub. convex a, margine exteriol'e subobliquo. Male and female. Body very thick. Proboscis short. Palpi smoc)th, slightly curved, obliquely ascending, not langer than tbe brc\l(!th of the head; third joint i:llJceohlte, half the length of the second. Antennre smooth, much shorter thun tIle fore whIgs. Ab. dGmen extending a little beyolld the hind wings. Legs stout, ratller short; posterior tibiID fringed; spurs stout, modemtely long. Wings long, broad, smooth. Fore whIgs slightly rounded at the tips; cosla. slightly convex tawal'ds the base; exterior border slightly COllVelt and oblique; veins much like those of Ol'yptopllu,sa.. , 1. MAl1.0GA GIGAN'I'ELLA, Mas et from. A.lba; ca.put antice nigrum; tllOrax plm ,nillulue cinereus; abdomen nigrum, hasi suboc/!Taceum, apice oc/.raeeum; aZ(J! antic<1J nonnunquam cinerftE, ]Juneta discali e;,;teriare nigra; postiCtE nigricarl.tes,fimbria a.lba. . Male andfwale. White, shining. Head in front, palpi and antenore black. Thorax: more or less cinereolls. Abdomen black, dull ocbruceous tuwards the base, bright ocbraceous at the tip. Legs black, except the COXal; posterior tibial fringed with Dehra· ccuns hairs. ]."ore wings in SOllle instances more 01' less clark cinereons ; a black pllint ill the disk beyond the middle. Hind willg~ blackish; fringe white. Length of the body 1U-12 lines; of the wings 20-32 lines. a-c. Tasmania. From the Entomological Society'S collection. d. Smuh australia. Pre5~nted by R. Bakewell, Esq, e-l. Australia. Presented by Major-Gell. Hat·dwicke. m. Tasmania. Froll) Mr. A. J, Smith's collection. 11,. A.ustralia. From Mr. Dalllel's collection. 01 p. Tasmania. Presented by M. Allport, Esq•. 2.4. 828 CATALOGUE OJ!' Genus 123. UIPSA. Pmm. Corpns Tohustum. Probuscis mediocris. Palpi arcuati, ascenrientes, capitis latitudine fel'e tl'iplo longiores; articulus 2us latiusculus ; 3us setiforruis, 20 paullo brevior. Antennre wbustre, alis antici~ lion brevioJ'es; articuli suhcyathiformes. Pedes robusti; tibhe anticre breves; pedes poslici fimbria 10llgissima, tursis subfimbriatis. Alro anticlB latiusculre, apice rotuudatro, margine exteriore tecto subobliquo. Female. Body stout. Proboscis moderately long. Pal pi amood), curved, ascending high above the vertex, nearly thrice longer than the lweadtb of the helldj secolHl joint broad, squamous; third joint setifurm. a little shorler than the second. AnteonlB stont, as long as the fore wings; joints subcyathiform; first joint long, stout. Abdomen extending beyolltl the bind wings. Legs stoul; fore tibi(ij short, l,i.lose beneath; hind femora towar(ls the tips and hind tibiro, el(cept towards the tips, with a long fringe of !Jail's above j spurs long; hind tarsi with a slID!'t fringe abo\'e. Wings rather broad. Forc wings rounded at the tips; exterior hOl'der straight, vel'Y slightly obliq nc. 1. UIPS.!. PJllliONELL.l.. From. PltI'pureo-fusca, subtus 1~ltesce71s; cuput, thorax antice et abdomen lutescenlia; aim anticl8 plaga subapicaU lineaque marginali lutcscentibus. Female. Purplish brown, pale luteous beneath. Head, thorax in front and abdomen pale luteous. Posterior tibire and hind tarsi with pale luteous hands. Fore wings with a pale Illteous costal patch near the tip; a pale luteous liue along tbe ex.terior bOlder. Length of the hody 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton. Genus 124. P .:EPIA. 1I1as. Corpll~ sat l'ohustum. Palpi lUlves, valde arcuati, capitis hltit~)(line plus duplo IOllgiores; articulus 3us setifonnis,20 paulla brevlIlr. Antennre sat robnstre, alis anticis hl'eviures. Ahdomen alas pOBtioas longe SlIpel'allS. Pedes heves, robusti. AIm antic'w apice rulundatre, lllargine exlel'iol'e cOIlvexo poslica subobliquo. 829 LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. Allied to the South-American CryptolccltilE, jlale.-Body rather stout. Palpi smooth, much curved, more than twice longer than the breadth of the hend; third joint setiform, a little shorter than the second, Antenme rather stout, somewhat sh'ltrtel' than the fore wings. Abdomen extending much beyond the hind wings. ugs smootb, slout. Wings model'ute!y broad. Fore wings rounded at tho tips; costa almost straight; exterior border convex, slightly QbUque hindward. 1. P.iEPIA OARPOCAPSELLA.. Mas. Cupreo-fusca; palpi aI'liculo 20 intlJS cillerell; abdomen cinereum; pedes vinel'eo pallido val'ii; alaJ antic(£) e lillealis plUlimis albidis t1'ifasciataJ, macula costali alba, fimhria cuprea purpl£reo-cyaneo intetlineat<t; postic(I! einel'ece, Male. Cupreous-brown. Body beneath amI abdomen cineraous. Second joint of the palpi pale einereous on the inner side. Tarsi, except the basal joint, spurs a nel tips ot' Libire pale cinereous. Fore wings witl:! three broad bands, each formed by numerous transverse short slender whitish lines; an elongated white spot near the tip of the costa. i fringe bright cupl'eous, interlined with purplish blue. Hind wings cinereous j fringe cupreous towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines i of the wings 8 lines. 4. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. 2. P.lEpu. OONTORTELLA. Oervina; caput argellteo-cinercum; palporum al'tieulus 2us nigro 8lrigatus,3m hasi niger; alf1i anticreiineis t1'ibu$ nigricantibus ualde arauatis. Fa.IVn-colour. Hoad a.nd under side silvery cinerea us. Palpi twice looger than the brea.dth of the head; second joint st~~aked .with black above for more than balf the length from the base j third black at the baae, shorter than tbe second. Antenn~ slender, ratber long, but muoh shortel' than the fore wings. Legs stout. Fore wings rather broad, much rounded at the tips, paler along thO' costa, with three hlacldsh much outward-curved liues, which do not extend to the costa; third line submarginal. Length of the .body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a, Ega. FrOID Mr. Bates' collection 2A.2 830 CATALOGUE OF 3. P.lJlPJA XANTHOPH..£llLLA. FreIn. Ochracea, 8ulitus argentea; caput argenteum; ala antict1l plaga magna nigricante; postiCi1l lIigricantes. Fern a/Po. Ochrl\~t'ous. Head, hmly Ilcnruth, palpi ~ml legs silvery. Plllpi smooth, slendel', mure than twice longer (h~n the breadlh of the head i third joint shorter than the second. Fore wings murb fonnlieu at the tips, with a. lllrge bl~ckish patch extenuing from the ollter part of the interior border nearly to the costa. Hind wings blackish. Length of tbe body 2! lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ega. Fl"Om Mr. Bates' collection. 4. P.ENA VETUSl'ELLA. Mas. lEneo-fl.lsca; caput antice argonteo-album; antennlX1 gracillilntrl, SlIbcre1wlatlX1; ulll! antiClX1llenis apicibusque cinereis, lineis tribu$ jlavescentihus subcostaliblls subabliquis, linea posterioTQ Tufa; pasticw ameo-cinel'ew. Male. lEneous-brown, cinereoLls beneath. Head in front, body beneath, palpi and legs silvery longer limn the breadth of the bead i above at tbe tip; third shorter thall slender, minutely crenulated, a little Legs long, slender. while. Palpi nearly tlll'ice second joint slightly fringed tbe secllnd. AlltcnDm very "h01·ter than the fore wings. Fore wings cillcleons towards the tips; veins cinel'eous; three yellowish subcostal slightly oblique lines; an irregl1lar re(l line along tbe bind part of the disk. Hind wings reneolls-cinereous. Length of the bmly 3t lines; of the wings 8lilles. . a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' collection. Genus 125. TISDRA. Mas. Corpus robustum. Proboscis oulla. Palpi graoiles, ar(uuti, capitis latitudine fel'e duplo longiores; articulus 3UH seti{mIllis, 20 non brevior. Antennoo glabrre, alis anticis multo breviores. Abdomen alas pOBlicas sat superans. Pedes heves, breviusculi; oalcaria longa. AIm Ilnticre latiusculro, apice .rulunriatre, costa subeXOllvata basi n\bconvexa, margine int~riore basi subconvexo. LEPIDOPTERA HETEROOERA. 831 Allied to Cryptolechia. Male,-Body stout, Proboscis obsoPalpi smooth, slender, cUI'ved, nearly twice longer dIan the breadth of the head; third jOint seliform, as long as the second. Antennte smooth, much shorter than the fure wings. Abdomell extending rather beyond the bind wings. Legs smooth, rather short; spurs long. Wings rather brond. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa slightly cunvex towllrds the base, slightly excavuted in the middle; exterior border slightly COllvex, rather ublique ; interior border slightly convex towards the base. The struoture of tbe fore wings distinguishes this. genus from Depressaria und froll1 Gelecltia, lete. 1. TISDRA OBTUSELLA, l'1Ias. Nigro-euprca, SUbt?lS al'gelltea,' abdomen, alre antical 8ubtu. alreq ue po.9tiea cuprea. Male. Blackish Cllpreous, Budy heneatb, palpi and Jegs silvery, AbllOluell, fUI"f;) wings beneath a.lld hiud wings cupreous. LenJ.:th of the body 2 lines; of the wing' 5 lines. Sal"awak, Borneo, In Mr. Saunders' collectiun. Genus 126. NOSYMNA. Corpus crassum. Palpi porrecti, caput vilt supernntes; articulus 3us lanc~olat\ls, 2i dimidio paullo longio!", Antenure glabrle.· Abdomen alas pusticus vix sUfJerans. Aim anticlIl apice lutulldatre, costa subcGnvexa, margine exteriore subobliquo, Male. Body tbick. Palpi porreat, hardly extending beyond the bead; tbird lanceolate, a litlle more than half tbe length .01' the second, Antennre smooth. Abdomen ha.rdly extending beyond tbe hind wings; apical tuft short. Fore wings rounded at the tips; costa and eJ<;terior border slightly convex, tbe latter slightly obli<lue. Mas, I. NOSVMNA. IlEI'LE'fELLA. • Alba, CI'assa; palpi S~lpra nigricat!tes;. abdomen fasciCll.1Q apicnli ju.lco; aim anticre plaga clisculi diff"usa jus~escel1te, pnnctis p/'Ul'imi$ ni9ri~; postiere d'imidio Exlenore fuscescente. .Mas, 832 OATaLOGUE OF Male. Wbite. Second joint of tbe palpi blackish IIbove; \hlnl h!ackish, Apical tuft of the abdomen browll, Fore wing's with a diffuse pale brownish disca! pulch, allrl with numerouS black puints of various size. Hintt wiugs with the exterior hulf pale browni~h. I,Bngtb of the body 8 lines; of the wings 28 lines, Sarawak, Bomeo, In Mr, Saunders' collectiun. Genus 127. BINSITTA. lIfas, Corpus robustum, Proboscis bredssima. Palpi capitis latitudille triplo longiore"s ; articulus Qus <lense squamoso ilmlll'iatus ; 31lS selifurtnis, fasciculatus, 20 vahle brel'ior, Antennal graciles, bl'el'iu,,,ul:1), Abdomen alas poslicas superalls. Ped~s sat robusti; tibi;e POS\iUlll pilo'iC, Aim 1l1lticUl latiusculru, fasciculuso aspel':E, apice rectangulnt(f], costa llilsi suhcmlVe!:lt extus subcuntnlCla, mar. gille cxtel'iol'e suhrecto vix. uhliqull. Alliecl to Cha!ta,ltl'icha, Male,-Body stout. Prohoscis very short, Pulpi thrice longer tban tIle breadth of tbe head; second joint thickly fringed with squamO\1S hairs ou buth sides; hairs long-est in fr(lnt; third setiform, much shortel' than tbe second, with a tuft of hairs on the lllirldle of the front side. Auteulllll slender, Jess thau half the lellgth of the fore wings. Abuumen extending beyond the llind wiubs. Legs rathel' stuut ; hiud tibioe pilose; spurs long, fore winl,{s rathel' broad, rectllllgular at the lips, with some erect tufts of squamons hail's; costa slightly convex lowlll'ds the hase, slightly cOlllt'aCted beyond the middle; exterior border nearly straight, hardly oblique. 1. BINS1T1'A. NIVllfERA.NA. Mas, Alba; thorwu fasciis dUllbus inte!'fuplis fervinis,' palpOl'unl articulus 3us ba,i nigel', fascicldo cel'vino; </Im anlica! fasciculi,! tribuB co,ltalibns squamosis chalybceis c~l'vino ex parte 1Il0l'qinatis, disco fascieulis Ilvnnullis erectis aspel'o; ]Ins lira fiav".cent-.. ;,.. Male. Third joint of tue palpi black towards the Thoru.ll with two iIlCOIl1~l~lC J'awIHulourcd ballds. Fore wings with three cha1.Yueous-blue White, '~se, with a fuwll-colourell tuft of hairs. LEPIDOl"IERA HE'l'EROCEIIA. tufts of. scales, which are partly bordered with f&wu-coluur; the lirSL at the hase of the costa, the secoll d at the tip, composecl of marginal points; the third extending from the midrlle of the costa tu the disk; a few white erect tufts in the disk; uuder aide and bind wings yellowish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings l2 lines, a. North Hindostan. From Mr. James' collection. Genus 128. EXODOMORPHA. Mas et Jam. Corpus robustum. Proboscis brevis. Palpi lreves, arcuati, ascendentes, capitis latitudi'lle longiores. Antenlllll subincrussatre, apices VGrsus suhfimbriatre. Abdomen alas posticas lon~issime superans. Pedes lreves, validi; tibire posLicre calcaribus ]ongis approximatis. Alre untical perangustre, Rpice l'otuuda!!e; posticre lougissilDe fimbriutre. Male IIlU! female. Body stout. Pl'Oboscis short. Pal pi smooth, Clll'V erl , risiull" a little higher thun the vertex, longer than the hreadth of the heat! j thil'll joint setifol'll, shorter thall tbe second. Alltcnnre sborter than the fore willgs, slightly inorassnted, except towards the tips, slightly fringed at the end of the illcras· sated p:ut. Ahdollleu extendiug 1'01' three-ruur~hs of' its length beyond the hilld wings. Legs stout, smooth j hilld tibiw with four lon)!; approxi\l)lI\e aplll5. \Villgsve\'y nan-ow. Forewingnoullded at the tips; costa straight; exteriur bOl'del' ej(tl'emely ob1i(lue. Hind wiugs with a very long Mnge. L EXQDQMORPHA DIVISEL~ Mas ct fmm. Ob$C'I.Il'e purpureo·cuprca; caput subtus peelol-isque [Mera aUTC!to-jlava,. abdomelt cocciltBwn, basi vtintrcque aurato·jlavis, maculis trihus purpureo-cupl'eis, jasciis duabus vcntrulibus purpureis,. alte anticO) gUllis II-ibusfoais,. postiere aUI'atre, costa {imbriaque TUjiS. . Male and female. Dark pUl'plish cupl'eous. Helld henellth and pectus on euch side pale gilded yellow. Abdomen scarlet, with a purplish cupreous spot near the buse, whish is gllded yellow; r purplish eu pl'~oUS spot on each side at the tip; uoder side gi.l,dft . yellow, wi th two pllrplish ba.nds; first balJd near the base, wi~ interrupted; second subapical, entire. Fore wings with three pale 834 CATALOGUE OF yellow dots; fil'8t dot disaal, near tbe base i second costal, opposite the third, which is near the end of the intcrior uarder. Hind wings gilded i COSla Rnd ftinge red, the lalter blackisll cupreous towards the tip of the wing. Length of the body 2~ lines; of the wings {I/t lines. h. Port Natal. From M. GnciTJzius' colleotion. c-c. Sierru. Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection. (I, 2. EXOl)OilfORl'HA. tNCLUSELLA.. Mas el fcem. PUl'Pureo-eup"ea; capllt subtus pectorisque latera aU!'alo-jlava; abdomen altrato-rufum, basi apiec 1!entrequf. auraljoY, macula basali jasciaquB subapicali purpureo-cuprcis ; aiel) pos/ieee auratm, costa fimbl'iaque rufts. Male and female. Dark purplish cupreous. Head beneath and sides (If the thul'ax pale gilded yellow. Abdomen gilded red, with a pmplish cnpl'eous Sllot nCllr the base, which is gilded; a JlUrpHsh cupl'eous subapicul band; tip anti under side gilded, Hind winl!S gilded; costa and .IHllge red, the latter blackish cuprcDus towards the tip. Length of the body 2~ lines; of the willgS 5~ lines. (I., E. Divisella, vat. ? Port Natlll. From M. Gueinzius' collection. b, South Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection. 3. EXOOOMO'RP.fIA DEROGA.TELLA.. Mas. (Juprea; caput silVIUs peatn'l'isque lalera aurato-flava: ab. domen auralo-jlalJUm, apice nigfum; aiel) posticel) auratre. Mille. Cupreous. Head beneath and sides of the peclus gilded yellow. Abdomen gilded yellow; Lip pHtly bhlCk. Hind winj;\s gilded; tip and eXledol' part of the fl'inge gilded. Length of the body 2t lines; of the wings iit lines. II. Port Natal. From M. Gueillzius' collection. LEPIDOPTERA RETEROOERA. Bab Genus 129. URBARA. Mas. Corpus sat validum. Proboscis coospioua. Caput cris. tatum. Oculi magDi. Pulpi robusti, erecti, pilosi, capitis latitudine vix duplo loogiores i articulus 3us 2i dimidio non longior. An. tennm gruciles, suhsetulosro. Pedes Jobusti. squamosi. Aim anti(~m Bat angustm, apice rotundatlll, margine e:xteriore postico perobliquo. Male. Body rather stout. Head above with a thick erect tuft of hail'S. Eyes large, prominent. Proboscis distinct. Palpi thick, erect, thickly olothed with loog erect hail'S, neurly twice longer th,lU the breadth of the head; first joint long', but much shorter than the second i third about half the length of the second. Antennm slender, minutely setulose, much shorter than the fore wings. Legs stout, squamous; spurs long. Wings rather nauow, rounded at the tips; exterior border very oblique bindwllrd. This genus seems to have nearly as much affinity to the Iierminida as to the Gelecltidte, 1. G.\LEA.TA. Mas. FUfica; caput nigfo.juSCUT/!; aile anticll! punctis quatuar discalibm punctisque marginalibu8 nigriB. Male. Brown. Head above and paJpi blackish browD. Legs cinereous. Fore wings with foul' black points in· tbe disk j two of these in a direct line between the other two and the intedar border; a row of black points along the cxteriOl' border. Length of the body 4 Jines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Ega. FrOID Mr. Bates' collection. PJUNTED DY :mDWAR~ NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE. STREET, llIS:ErQl'BGATE.