looking for a puppy? - New Zealand Kennel Club
looking for a puppy? - New Zealand Kennel Club
LITTERS Notice: Publication of these Notices is on the basis that a Litter Notification has been received by the New Zealand Kennel Club at the closing date of this column, usually the 1st of the month preceding publication. Publication in this magazine is no guarantee that the dog can or will be registered with the New Zealand Kennel club. Registration is a separate procedure and will not necessarily be completed at the date of sale of a puppy. Purchasers of dogs should obtain a written undertaking from breeders that the puppy being purchased is or will be registered with the New Zealand Kennel club and will be transferred by the breeder into the name of the purchaser within fourteen days of the date of purchase. Australian Silky Terrier Cullen Shes A Lady - Jessam Jazzie Dude. W.2/5/10. 3D 1B. Breeder: Diana Lammers, 131 Forsythe Rd, RD 2, Hikurangi 0182. Ph: 09- 433 8284, 027 433 8287 Dachshund (Smooth Haired) Bedlington Terrier Pilgrimpawz Shadow - CH Windycorner All Black. W.6/6/2010. 2D 3B. Breeder: Alison L Tippet, 12 Copenhagan Place, Hoon Hay, Christchurch 8025. Ph: 03-960 1222. Email: [email protected] Border Collie NZ CH Ashanti Santorini - NZ Grand CH Arawhiti Mr Fahrenheit. W.28/5/10 5D 4B. Breeder: Lyn Sumner, 1020 Lower Styx Road, Brooklands, Christchurch 8083. Ph: 03-329 2025 Email: [email protected] Bakabaks Sun Flower - Caeruleys Lord Byron. W.30/5/2010. 1D 6B. Breeder: Marilyn Roff, 212 Manawaru Road, RD 1, Te Aroha 3391. Ph: 07-889 1240, 021 503 490. Email: malroff@ hotmail.com Cantosa Magic Moonshine - Wayfarer Cameron Kilt. W.9/6/10. 5D 2B. Breeder: C A Sanderson, 129 Corbett Rd, RD 1, Waihi. Ph: 07-863 6378, [email protected] Glenstar Highland Fling - Glenrock Montesumo. W.20/6/10. 2D 4B. Breeder: Amy Kennett, Taranaki. Ph: 06-765 4034, Email: [email protected] Border Terrier McAllister Arran - Mr Zin-Zan of Bushreld. W.13/5/2010. 4D 4B. Breeder: Kate Bird, 106 Chertsey-Kyle Rd, RD 2, Ashburton. Ph: 03 302 2893, Email: [email protected] Borzoi CH Mayvale’s Outlaw Gal - AM CH Majenkir Regal By Design (USA). W.13/6/10. 4D 7B. Breeder: Wendy Finlayson, 28 Hall Rd, Te Kauwhata, RD 2, North Waikato 3782. Ph: 07-826 3458. Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Bulldog Bullestate Sleeping Beauty -Bullestate Marksman. W. 8/6/2010. 4B. Breeder: Hugh Kelly, 281 Kohekohe Rd, RD 3, Waiuku, Auckland 2683. Ph; 09-235 7854 Email: BamBam76@ windowslive.com English Springer Spaniel French Bulldog Gefion The Pirate Pilgrim - CH Southbull Tommy Stargazer. W.30/5/10. 1D 5B. Breeder: Alison Tippet, 12 Copenhagen Place, Hoon Hay, Christchurch 8025. Ph: 03-960 1222, Email: [email protected] German Shepherd Dog Hex Von Heisenberg - Sanzon of Kanchan. W.16/6/10. 5D 3B. Breeder: Mr Stephen A Foulds, 158 Strange Rd, RD 2, Te Aroha. Ph: 07-884 7644. Email: leonna.stephen@ xtra.co.nz German Shorthaired Pointer Falkenhof Rebel’s Glory - Sutherlands Shotover. W.26/6/10. 7D 4B. Breeder: Jim Broadbent/G Sutherland, 41 Te Ra Road, Takou Bay, RD 2, KeriKeri. Ph: 021 928 594 German Spitz Mittel Ohawe Lucy of Diamonds - Niesky Richard Brave Heart. W.25/6/10. 7D 1B. Breeder: Darsha Blair, 96 Bayly Rd, New Plymouth. Ph: 06-751 2267, Email: [email protected] LOOKING FOR A PUPPY? www.nzkc.org.nz Griffon Bruxellois Nth CH Debmar The Joker At Stomjac (UK) Rangatira Rita. W.25/6/10. 1D 3B. Breeder: June Manga, 297 Ngapouri Rd, RD 3, Waiotapu, Rotorua. Ph: 07 333 1744, Email: [email protected] Labrador Retriever Caulfield Kahlua Spriz -Bon Ami Chocolate Kiss. W.12/6/10. 6D 2B. Breeder: Tony & Gaye Fell, 709 Aranui Road, RD 5, Palmerston North. Ph: 06-329 0054 Penny of Legna - Belvador Court Jester. W.3/7/10. 2D 2B. Breeder: Mrs D Roberts, 576 Woodcocks Road, RD 1, Warkworth. Ph: 09-422 2667. Email: [email protected] Poodle (Miniature) CH Twelveoaks Redlight Special - CH Lysandra Colour Me Brown. W.13/7/10. 2D 2B. Breeder: Barbara Hunter, 130 Te Waka Road, RD 1, Hautere, Otaki. Ph: 06-364 2334. Email: [email protected] Poodle (Toy) Silver Diamante At Lysandra - Moravia Serendipity (Imp-Aust). W.10/7/2010. 1D 2B. Breeder: Barbara Hunter, 130 Te Waka Road, RD 1, Hautere, Otaki 5581. Email: [email protected] Staffordshire Bull Terrier Oakstaff Jackpot - Oakstaff Helter Skelter. W.3/7/10. 3D 4B. Breeder: Rosemary Wood, 36 France Rd, Hastings. Ph: 06-878 0181 Executive Council deadlines We prefer to receive papers by email, as PDFs or Word.Docs. Meetings of Executive Council, and deadlines for all reports and correspondence, are as follows. Meeting 2010 Close 25/26 Sep 10 27/28 Nov 10 Meeting 2011 4pm Fri 3 Sep 10 4pm Fri 5 Nov 10 Close 19/20 Feb 11 16/17 Apr 11 4pm Fri 4 Feb 11 4pm Fri 1st Apr 11 Papers may possibly be accepted after deadline depending on the circumstances. Did You Know... Frozen Semen. If you have a litter using frozen semen. The sire MUST BE registered on the NZKC registry. You cannot do an online litter notification using frozen semen. If unsure please call the NZKC office 04-237 4489. NEW ZEALAND KENNEL CLUB PUPPY INFORMATION SERVICE NZ Dog World August 2010 43 2010/2011 SHOW DATES A Club’s show date is not listed until a licence has been granted by the New Zealand Kennel Club. If a show date for a Club does not appear or is incorrect the Secretary of the Club should contact the New Zealand Kennel Club urgently. Associated Show Clubs must make specific application for a licence for every Championship show date on the form available from New Zealand Kennel Club offices or website. These can be applied for up to two years in advance. Try www.nzkc.org.nz/calendar.html for your personal online show calendar. 2010 SEPTEMBER 01-NZKC Agility Committee (MEETING) 04/05-Dog Training Committee Meeting ( (2)) 04-Dominion Bullmastiff Club (CH) 04/05-Forrester Park Management Committee (CH (X2)/ CH (BENEFIT) (2)) 04-Otago Toy Dog Club (CH) 04/05-Rotorua Kennel Association (CH (2)) 04/05-Taieri Canine Training Club (CAE (2)) 04/05-Tararua Allbreeds Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 04/05-Waikato Agility Group (CAE (2)) 05-Norwest Dog Training Club (COT) 11/12-Christchurch Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 11/12-Hawkes Bay Canine Obedience Club (COT (2)) 11/12-Huntly & District Kennel Association (CH (2)) 11-Mangawhai Dog Training Club (ART) 11/12-North Taranaki Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 11/12-Southland German Shepherd Dog Club (CH/ (2)) 11/12-The Plains Kennel Association (CH (2)) 11/12-Waikato Gundog Club (CH (2)) 11/12-Waimakariri Dog Obedience Club (CAE (2)) 11/12-Whangarei Dog Training Assn (ART/ORT (2)) 12-Dominion Welsh Corgi League (RT) 18/19-Horowhenua Obedience Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 18-Mid Canterbury Canine Obedience Club (AGRT) 18-Napier Dog Training Club (RT) 18-Nelson District Kennel Association (O (3)) 18/19-Selwyn Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 18-Tiki Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (CH) 18/19-Waikato German Shepherd Dog Club (CH (2)) 18-Waimakariri Dog Obedience Club (COT) 18/19-Wellington Management Board (CH X2 (2)) 4 & 5 September 2010 Huntly & District Kennel Assn 2 x CH Shows 11 &12 September 2010 Huntly & District Kennel Assn 2 x All breeds Champ Shows The Point Ngaruawahia Coat Colour Testing and Eftpos now available!! For Further information please contact Alana Sardelich 09 434 4345 or 021 1895515 www.gtlaboratories.com/pets 44 NZ Dog World August 2010 19-All Breeds Dog Training Club (COT) 19-Canterbury Kennel Association (O (2)) 19-Hawkes Bay Dog Training Club (RT) 19-Manukau Dog Training Club (RT) 19-North Shore Dog Training Club (COT) 19-The Poodle Club (CH) 19-Upper Hutt Dog Training School (CH JMPRS (DOUBLE)) 25-Canterbury Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CH) 25-Central Territories Siberian Husky Club 25-Dominion Collie Club (CH) 25/26-Executive Council Meeting 25/26-Manawatu Kennel Association (CH (2)) 25-Nelson Dog Training Club (RT) 25/26-Otago Canine Training Club (CAE COT (2)) 25-Selwyn Dog Training Club (RT) 25/26-South Rangitikei Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 25/26-Tauranga Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 26-Blenheim Canine Training Club (RT) 26-Waimate Kennel Society (O (X2)) 29-The Papillon Club (CH) 30-Central Golden Retriever Club (CH) 30/01-Griffon Bruxellois Club (CH (2)) 30-The Mastiff Club (CH) OCTOBER 01-North Island St Bernard Assn (CH) 01-The Auckland Beagle Club (CH) 01-The Fox Terrier Club (CH (2)) 01-The Gundog Society (CH) 01-Wellington Bulldog Club (CH) 02-Auckland Canine Agility Club (RT) 02-Continental Gundog Club (CH) 02-Manawatu Toy Dog Club (CH) 02-The Dachshund Club (CH) 02-Wellington Hound Association (CH) 03-Waikato & District Spaniel Club (CH) 09/10-Bay Of Plenty Gundog Show Society (CH (2)) 09-Hibiscus Coast Dog Training Club (COT) 09/10-Mid Canterbury Canine Obedience Club (CAE COT (2)) 09/10-Tauranga Kennel Association (CH (2)) 09-The Borzoi Club (CH (X2)) 09-The Irish Wolfhound Club (CH) 09-The Leonberger Club (O) 09/10-Waikato Working Dog Association (CH (2)) 10-Upper Hutt Dog Training School (RT) 16/17-Bay Of Islands Canine Association (CH (2)) 16-Canterbury Canine Agility Training Soc (RT) 16/17-Central Hawkes Bay Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 16/17-Counties Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 16/17-Manukau Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 16/17-Ruahine Kennel Association (CH (2)) 16/17-South Canterbury Kennel Society (CH (2)) 17-Dominion Welsh Corgi League (CH) 17-Kapiti Dog Training Club (Inc) (COT) 22/23/24-National Dog Training Assembly (CAE COT (3)) 23-Auckland Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Assn (CH) 23/24-Auckland Provincial German Shepherd Dog (O (2)) 23-Boston Terrier Club (CH) 23-Dominion Dobermann Club (CH) 23/24-Northern Alaskan Malamute Club (CH/O (2)) 23-Northern Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club (CH (2)) 23/24-South Island Collie Club (CH (2)) 23-South Island Dobermann Club (CH) 23-The Hound Club Of Auckland (CH) 23-The Labrador Club (CH) 23-The Terrier Club (CH) 23/24-Waimakariri kennel Association (CH (2)) 24-Auckland Toy Dog Club (CH) 24/25-Ladies Kennel Association (CH (2)) 25-South Island Poodle Club (CH) 25-South Island Welsh Corgi League (CH) 30-Auckland Exhibition Centre (PRO PLN PREM DOG & PUPPY OTY) 30/31-Canterbury Canine Obedience Club (CAE COT (2)) 30/31-West Coast Kennel Association (CH (2)) NOVEMBER 06/07-Canterbury Canine Agility Training Soc (CAE (2)) 06-Irish Setter Club (CH) 06/07-Southland Kennel Association (CH (2)) 06/07-Taupo Kennel Association (CH (2)) 06/07-The Great Dane Club (CH (2)) 06-The Rottweiler Club (CH) 06/07-Upper Hutt Dog Training School (COT (2)) 06-Waikato & District Collie Club (CH) 06/07-Whangarei Dog Training Assn (CAE COT (2)) 07-North Taranaki Dog Training Club (RT) 07-Otago/Southland Gundog Society (CH) 07-Southland Dog Training Club (AGRT) 11-The Weimaraner Club (CH) 12-Canterbury Dachshund Club (CH) 12/13-Canterbury Kennel Association (CH (2)) 12-Southern Irish Setter Club (CH) 12/13-The Pointer Club (CH (2)) 12/13-The St Bernard Club (CH/O (2)) 13-Akarana Dog Training Club (CAE) 13-Dog Agility Wellington Group (CAE) 13/14-Poverty Bay Kennel Association (CH (2)) 13/14-South Canterbury Dog Training Club (CAE COT (2)) 13-South Island Papillon Club (O) 13/14-South Island Siberian Husky Club (CH (2)) 13-Southern Bulldog Club (CH) 13-Southern Cross Staffordshire Bull Terrie (O) 13/14-Tauranga Dog Obedience Club (COT (2)) 13-The Weimaraner Club (CH) 14-Auckland Canine Agility Club (CAE) 14-Canterbury Combined Terrier Club (CH) 14-Canterbury Toy Dog Society (CH) 14-Canterbury Working Dog Association (CH) 14-South Island Non-Sporting & Utility Dog (CH) 14-South Island Shetland Sheepdog Club (CH) 14-Southern Gundog Society (CH) 20/21-Hawera Dog Training Association (COT (2)) 20/21-Hawkes Bay Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 20-North Island Bull Terrier Club (CH (2)) 20-Norwest Dog Training Club (CAE) 20/21-Southland Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 20/21-Waimate Kennel Society (CH (2)) 20/21-Wairarapa Kennel Association (CH (2)) 20-Waitemata Gundog Club (CH) 21-North Shore Dog Training Club (RT) 21-South Canterbury Dog Training Club (COT) 24-Dog Training Committee Meeting (TELECONFERENCE) 27-Auckland Working Dog Association (CH) 27-Dog Agility Wellington Group (RT) 27/28-Eastern Bay Of Plenty Dog Obedience Club (RT (2)) 27-Executive Council Meeting 27/28-Franklin Kennel Association (CH (2)) 27/28-Hamilton Dog Obedience Club (COT (2)) 27-Selwyn Dog Training Club (RT) 28-Executive Council Meeting 28-Wairarapa Dog Obedience Club (RT) IMPORTANT Magazine Copy Dates Please note: All copy for the magazine is due in by the 1st of the month preceeding publication, unless previously booked. e.g. copy for the August magazine is due in on the 1st July. Schedules for all Ch Shows, Ch Obedience Tests & Agility Events contained in this box are to be forwarded to NZKC by 1 September 2010 for Publication in the October 2010 issue of the Magazine. Specialist Breed Clubs, Obedience Clubs & Agility Clubs wanting their schedules published in a later issue should advise NZKC by due date. DECEMBER 04-Auckland Provincial German Shepherd Dog (RT) 04/05-Feilding Dog Training Club (CAE (2)) 04-Nelson Dog Training Club (CAE(2) COT) 04-Otago/Southland Hound Club (CH) 04/05-South Taranaki Kennel Centre (CH (2)) 04/05-Southern Ladies Kennel Association (CH (2)) 04/05-Taranaki Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Soci (CH (2)) 04-Taranaki Toy Dog Club (CH) 05-Blenheim Canine Training Club (CAE COT) 05-Hibiscus Coast Dog Training Club (RT) 05-Otago Canine Training Club (RT) 05-Taranaki Gundog Club (CH) 11-Cambridge Dog Obedience Club (RT) 11/12-Canterbury Junior Kennel Society (CH (2)) 11-East Coast Gundog Show Society (CH) 11/12-East Coast Ladies Kennel Association (CH (2)) 11-Hawkes Bay Non-Sporting & Utility Dog So (CH) 11-Heretaunga Plains Toy Dog Society (CH) 11-Kapiti Dog Training Club (Inc) (RT) 11/12-Taieri Canine Training Club (CAE COT (2)) 12-East Coast Hound Association (CH) 12-Waikato Agility Group (RT) 19-Canterbury Kennel Association (XMAS RP (2)) 2011 JANUARY 01-Canterbury Kennel Association (NEW YEAR RP (2)) 07/08/09-New Plymouth Kennel Centre (CH (3)) 09-Canterbury Toy Dog Society (O) 21-Central Districts Dobermann Club (CH) 22/23-Banks Peninsula A & P Society (CH (2)) 22/23-Kapi-Mana Kennel Society (CH (2)) 24-The Basset Hound Club 29/30-Nelson District Kennel Association (CH (2)) 29/30-Northland Canine Association (CH (2)) 29/30/31-Rotorua Dog Obedience Club (COT (3)) 29-Tasman Districts Gundog Society. (CH) FEBRUARY 05-Auckland Spaniel Club (CH) 05/06-Cambridge Dog Obedience Club (COT (2)) 05/06-Canterbury Kennel Association (O (2)/O) 05/06-Hibiscus Coast Kennel Association (CH (2)) 12/13-Central Terrier Club (CH (2)) 12-Dominion Collie Club (CH) 12/13-Gore & District Kennel Association (CH (2)) 12-Horowhenua And Kapiti Toy Dog Club (CH) 12/13-Horowhenua Kennel Association (CH (2)) 12/13-North Shore Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 12/13-South Canterbury Dog Training Club (CAE (2) COT (2)) 12/13-Waikato German Shepherd Dog Club (CH (2)) 12-Wainuiomata Dog Training Club (RT) 19/20-Central North Island Utility & Non Sport (CH (2)) 19/20-Executive Council Meeting 19-Otago Toy Dog Club (CH) 19/20-Tokoroa Canine Association (CH (2)) 19/20-Waikouaiti Kennel Association (CH (2)) 20-Otago/Southland Gundog Society (CH) 20-Waikato Working Dog Association (CH) 26/27-Ashburton Kennel Association (CH (2)) 26/27-North Shore Kennel Association (CH (2)) 26/27-Otago German Shepherd Dog Club (CH (2)) MARCH 05/06-Canterbury Ladies’ Kennel Association (CH (2)) 05/06-Central Hawkes Bay Kennel Society (CH (2)) 05-East Coast Gundog Show Society (CH) 05-Hawkes Bay Non-Sporting & Utility Dog So (CH) 05/06-Hawkes Bay Terrier Club (CH (2)) 06-East Coast Hound Association (CH) 06-Heretaunga Plains Toy Dog Society (CH) 12/13-Central Rottweiler Club (CH (2)) 12/13-North Otago Kenne Association (CH (2)) 13-Hamilton Kennel Association (CH) 19/20-Buller Kennel Association (CH (2)) 19/20-Wanganui Kennel Society (CH (2)) 26-Central Boxer Club (CH) 26/27-New Plymouth Kennel Centre (CH (2)) 26/27-Selwyn District Kennel Society (CH (2)) 26-Taranaki Toy Dog Club (CH) APRIL 02/03-Geraldine County Kennel Association (CH (2)) 02-Taranaki Gundog Club (CH) 02/03-Taupo Canine Obedience Club (COT (2)) 02-Wairoa Kennel Association (CH) 03-Napier Kennel Centre (CH) 09/10-Cambridge Kennel Association (CH (2)) 16-Executive Council Meeting 16-Kumeu Kennel Association (CH) 17-Executive Council Meeting 17-The Auckland Beagle Club (CH (X2)) 17-The Central Welsh Corgi League (CH) 22-Wellington District German Shepherd Dog (CH) 24-Canterbury Toy Dog Society (CH) 24-South Island Dobermann Club (CH) MAY 05-East Coast Hound Association (CH) 07/08-Wainuiomata Dog Training Club (COT (2)) 14/15-Hawkes Bay Kennel Association (CH (2)) 21-Auckland Bulldog Club (CH) 28-South Island Boxer Club (CH) JUNE 04/05-Auckland Provincial German Shepherd Dog (CH (2)) 04/05-The Non-Sporting & Utility Dog Society (CH (2)) 18-Canterbury Toy Dog Society (O) 19-Tiki Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (CH) JULY 10-All Breeds Dog Training Club (COT) 17-Wellington Toy Dog Club (CH) 23/24-Hamilton Kennel Association (CH (2)) AUGUST 06-Upper Hutt Kennel Association (CH) 07-Pencarrow Kennel Association (CH) 20-Southern Cross Staffordshire Bull Terrie (CH) 20/21-Wellington Ladies Kennel Association (CH (2)) 27-Wainuiomata Dog Training Club (RT) SEPTEMBER 03-Mangawhai Dog Training Club (ART) 03-Otago Toy Dog Club (CH) 11-Mangawhai Dog Training Club (RT) 17-Tiki Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (CH) 17/18-Waikato German Shepherd Dog Club (CH (2)) 24/25-Canterbury Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CH (2)) Recent Exports Exported between 14 June 2010 to 16 July 2010 Border Collie, Australia (2) Border Collie, Austria Border Collie, Hong Kong Border Terrier, Australia Boxer, Australia (3) Boxer, USA (2) Bulldog, Australia (4) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Australia Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), Australia Cocker Spaniel, Australia Dachshund, (Min. Long Haired), South Africa English Springer Spaniel, Australia Fox Terrier (Smooth), Australia (2) French Bulldog, Australia Golden Retriever, Australia Golden Retriever, Tahiti Griffon Bruxellois, Australia Havanese, Australia (2) Labrador Retriever, Australia (3) Labrador Retriever, USA (2) Leonberger, Australia Parson Russell Terrier, South Africa Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Australia Pointer, Australia (2) Pointer, USA (2) Pomeranian, Australia (2) Poodle (Miniature), Australia (2) Poodle (Toy), Australia (2) Rottweiler, Australia (3) Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Australia (3) Weimaraner, Australia West Highland White Terrier, Australia Whippet, USA Yorkshire Terrier, New Caledonia New Zealand Kennel Club Exhibition Centre - Porirua Car Parking There has been an overwhelming response to the purchase of pre-paid car parking. There is a limited number of parks still available, for information on purchasing a car park please contact Michael on 021 532 621 during office hours or email Michael on [email protected] Please respect that all numbered car parks have been purchased by members, if you have not purchased a carpark, please park only in the un-numbered areas. Thank you NZ Dog World August 2010 45 SAME DAY SERVICE The Registry Office offers a sameday service for members. Our normal registry services are not subject to long delays but there may be occasions when for some reason you want to jump the queue and have a registration transaction done in a hurry. We have always sought to assist members faced with a crisis requiring instant action. Now we offer this to all. All you have to do is: • Post or deliver the documents completed in all normal respects. • Pay all Normal fees • Pay an additional $50.00 per dealing • Write across the outside of the envelope: “Same Day Service” • Supply a daytime contact telephone number. We Guarantee to: • Process the transaction and dispatch documentation on day of receipt • Telephone or FAX through any requisitions or questions requiring clarification. • If requested, telephone or FAX through any names or numbers and confirmation of the completion of the transaction (within New Zealand only - overseas at members additional expense.) 46 NZ Dog World August 2010 RECENT SHOW RESULTS Allbreeds Championship Shows Hauraki Canine Association 03 July 2010 Judge(s): Mrs V Knopke (Qld) Terriers & Utility, Mr W Douglas (Vic) Hounds & Non Sporting, Mr B Marquette (NSW) Toys, Mr J E Kerley (SA) Gundogs & Working , Ms R Ralphs BIS Best & Best Open in Show: CH Beesholme Tyger Tyger (C Henderson), Whippet Reserve Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: Shoclassic Monty Python (D S Jones & S A Booth), Old English Sheepdog Best Intermediate in Show: GR.CH Chesterhope State Of T Art (D O\’Neill), Pointer Best Junior in Show: NZ CH Towilla Rediam Impressive (IMP-AUST) (Hadrian E Haine & Melany J Mohring), American Staffordshire Terrie r Best Puppy in Show: Sarasota Ya Got It In One (L Henderson), Labrador Retriever Hauraki Canine Association 04 July 2010 Judge(s): Mrs V Knopke (Qld) Hounds & Non Sporting, Mr W Douglas (Vic) Toys, Mr B Marquette (NSW) Terriers, Working & BIS, Mr J E Kerley (SA) Utility, Ms R Ralphs Gundogs Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: Rojeme Pop Gun (Shirley New), Staffordshire Bull Terrier Reserve Best & Best Intermediate in Show: NZ CH Hartwyn Your Highness At Snodragon (IMP-AUST) (R W Ellis & C Ellis), Old English Sheepdog Best Open in Show: NZ GR CH & AUST GRD CH Leesway Scene Stealer (IMP-AUST) (Mark Harvey & Lee-Ann Lynch), Australian Shepherd Best Junior in Show : Jetsun Love Actually (Gordon W Wilson & Margaret H Wilson), Labrador Retriever Best Puppy in Show: Zaminka Diamonds Forever (Gary P Carleton & Lyn J Carleton), Samoyed Best Baby Puppy in Show: Denem Oso A Brief Notion At Sanlian (Jillian K Plant & C K Bradley), Boxer Group/Multi & Specialised Championship Shows Great Northern Siberian Husky Club 13 June 2010 Judge(s): Rafael Garcia Siberian Husky Best & Best Open in Show: GR.CH Melandar Mack Kenzie (S E Prebble) Reserve Best in Show: NZ CH Canyonlands Ruby Tuesday (IMP-AUST) (Tamzin Pitt & Sarah L Halliday) Best New Zealand Bred in Show: Alyeshka Freedom Fighter (Sarah L Halliday & Tamzin Pitt & Jonathan D Cranswick) Best Intermediate in Show: Highspirit Adora Belle (IMP-SINGAPORE) (Adam Strijland & Kylie Williams) Best Junior in Show: CH Alyeshka The Dark Knight (Sarah L Halliday & Tamzin Pitt) Best Puppy in Show: Alyeshka Little Miss Perfect (Sarah L Halliday & Tamzin Pitt) Best Baby Puppy in Show: Snowolf Wedding Crasher (Giselle Fletcher) Best Open in Show: CH Trogun Coopers Creek (Aust Shepherd) Trudy Gallavin Best Junior in Show: Dalzeal Sonic Flash (Dalmatian) Rebecca Greig Best Puppy in Show: Sambonnie With A Touch of Jazz (Rottweiler) Peter Harris Southern Newfoundland Society Canterbury Kennel Association 20 June 2010 Judge(s): Anita Alatalo Newfoundland Best & Best Openin Show: NZ CH Bouvet Boomer Bear (IMP-AUST) (L Moore & P Moore) Reserve Best & Best Intermediate in Show: Gentlebear Ebb Tide (Anne Rogers) Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Lansmarc Dream Come True (L Moore & P Moore) Best Junior in Show: Gentle-bear Alexander (Anne Rogers) Best Baby Puppy in Show: Newfhaven B And N’s Tiffey (E M Dabner) Otago Southland Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club 05 June 2010 Judge(s): Sandra Ireland Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Nidra Fortune Chest With Prestonville (Susan M Pinnow) Reserve Best in Show: Harwarden Keepsake At Nidra (J M King & D Tyssen) Best Open in Show: CH Prestonville Secret Liaison With Prinzton (Robyn E Turner & D J Tyssen) Best Intermediate in Show: CH Harwarden He Did Indeed (V M Foley & T’Keyah Foley) Best Junior in Show: Rainforest Parisian Lass (Laraine Houtos) Best Puppy in Show: Gramarye Whos-as-classy-asme (J P Collie) Best Baby Puppy in Show: Lorcavna Kahlua ‘n Cream (B M Pickford) Otago Southland Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club 06 June 2010 Judge(s): David Moger Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Best in Show: CH Shadola Leading Lady (Pam J Decke) Reserve Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Nidra Fortune Chest With Prestonville (Susan M Pinnow) Best Open in Show: CH Shadola Leading Lady (Pam J Decke) Best Intermediate in Show: CH Harwarden He Did Indeed (V M Foley & T’Keyah Foley) Best Junior in Show: Prestonville Secret Agent With Milford (S M Ford)l Best Puppy in Show: Gramarye Whos-as-classy-asme (J P Collie) Best Baby Puppy in Show: Lorcavna Kahlua ‘n Cream (B M Pickford) Open Shows Canterbury Kennel Association 6 June 2010 Judge(s): Samantha Cowie (Wgtn) Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Pinerock Painted Perfect (Pointer) Tony & Gelda Jarvis Reserve & Best Intermediate in Show: CH Velvetlodge Magical Mojo (Giant Schnauzer) Leanne McTear 6 June 2010 Judge(s): Gordon Armstrong (Akld) Best & Best Open in Show: CH Trogun Coopers Creek (Aust Shepherd) Trudy Gallavin Reserve Best in Show: CH Olivia of Pentaki (Dachshund Min Smooth) Martin Hewitt Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Pinerock Painted Perfect (Pointer) Tony & Gelda Jarvis Best Intermediate in Show: CH Velvetlodge Magical Mojo (Giant Schnauzer) Leanne Best Junior in Show: Dalzeal Sonic Flash (Dalmatian) Rebecca Greig Best Puppy in Show: Norwester Golden Bay Babe (Norwich Terrier) Jill Watson Great Northern Siberian Husky Club 13 June 2010 Judge(s): Allan Stretton Siberian Husky Best & Best Junior in Show: CH Alyeshka The Dark Knight (Sarah L Halliday & Tamzin Pitt) Reserve Best in Show: CH Snowolf Spiced Gold (Giselle Fletcher) Best Open in Show: NZ CH Starscape Enchanted (IMP-AUST) (Gayleen Speeden) Best New Zealand Bred in Show: Snowolf Forty Two Below At Charizelle (Roxy Scheepers & Giselle Fletcher) Best Intermediate in Show: Highspirit Adora Belle (IMP-SINGAPORE) (Adam Strijland & Kylie Williams) Best Puppy in Show: Alyeshka Little Miss Perfect (Sarah L Halliday & Tamzin Pitt), Siberian Husky Best Baby Puppy in Show: Cheenuk Call Of The Wind (Shirley L Reid), Siberian Husky The Hound Club Of Auckland 12 June 2010 Judge(s): D Harris Hounds Best & Best Junior in Show: Calivale Rite Back At Ya With Shenkhan (IMP-AUST) (Merle Powley), Whippet Reserve Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Bayparque Penateka (E Watson), Basset Hound Best Open in Show: NZ CH Skyeway Want Ya Back At Shenace (IMP-AUST) (L P Watson), Whippet Best Intermediate in Show: NZ CH Beauchasseur Oooh Rene (IMP-AUST) (Jill M Brooker), Basset Hound Best Puppy in Show: Hundale Cernunnos Charisma (Chris Holloway), Borzoi Best Baby Puppy in Show: Kenalis Runaround Sue (A Jackson & K T Jackson), Beagle The Hound Club Of Auckland 12 June 2010 Judge(s): Miss M Oliver Hounds Best & Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Dacville Black N’ Tempting (S M Brown), Dachshund (min. Long Haired) Reserve Best & Best Junior in Show: CH Bayparque Potawatomi (Jill M Brooker), Basset Hound Best Open in Show: NZ CH Skyeway Want Ya Back At Shenace (IMP-AUST) (L P Watson), Whippet Best Intermediate in Show: Polly Peachum Of Maney (H J Love), Dachshund (min. Long Haired) NZ Dog World August 2010 47 Best Puppy in Show: Hundale Cernunnos Charisma (Chris Holloway), Borzoi Best Baby Puppy in Show: Kenalis Travelin’ Man (A Jackson & K T Jackson), Beagle Auckland & Regions German Shorthaired Pointer Club 27 June 2010 Judge(s): Lou Sumner German Shorthaired Pointer Best in & Best Open in Show: Madnco Just A Breeze (Jan & Peter Stanich), German Shorthaired Pointer Reserve Best in Show: Arosa Miss Molly (Andrew Hunt), German Shorthaired Pointer Best New Zealand Bred in Show: CH Arosa Just Wicked (Michelle Reichmuth), German Shorthaired Pointer Best Intermediate in Show: CH Zeltors Indika (C Rotzel), German Shorthaired Pointer Best Junior in Show: Arosa Next Best (Michelle Reichmuth), German Shorthaired Pointer Best Puppy in Show: Arosa Quick-pick (Nicola J Swan), German Shorthaired Pointer Best Baby Puppy in Show: Wairuru Tusi Hotto Trot (Robert Gaastra), German Shorthaired Pointer Championship Obedience Tests Avalon Dog Training Club 19 June 2010 Class: Special Beginners Judge: Katrina Roebuck 1st: Ridley (Julie King), Cavalier K.C. Spaniel, 72.5 pts; 2nd: Leveisha Southern Lady (Jenny Diskinson), Border Collie, 72.0 pts; 3rd: Warrior Princess of Kaeanda (Robert Hansen), Border Collie, 71.5 pts Class: Novice Judge: Mike Hoy 1st: Moncrieff Sauvignon Blanc (Liz Jupp), Border Collie, 98.5 pts; 2nd: Manyara Little Gem (N McDowell), Border Collie, 97.5 pts; 3rd: Focus on Cadence’s Pulse (Tracy Anderson), W. Sheepdog, 97.5 pts Class: Test A Judge: Pam Martin 1st: Krystalmoon Liv Long n’ Prospa CDXB (Sue Richardson), Border Collie, 141.0 pts; 2nd: Renaissance of Heidasa (Karen Groombridge), Spaniel, 140.5 pts; 3rd: Speyside Luva Rainy Knight CDX (Meredith Pitcher), Golden Retriever, 140.5 pts Class: Test B Judge: Steve O\’Brien 1st: Benlea Montego Bay CDXB (Wendy McKay), Golden Retriever, 218.5 pts; 2nd: Future Harvest of Sarelle CDXS.UDX.CGCF (Rosemary Cleator), German Shepherd, 215.0 pts; 3rd: CH Annaglyn Rapid River CDXS (Robyn Annand), Flat-coated Retriever, 214.0 pts Class: Test C Judge: Kate Winters 1st: OB.GR.CH Krystalmoon Riley\’s A Misson CDX. UDX.WDX (Ken Windley), Border Collie, 293.5 pts; 2nd: OB.GR.CH Krystalmoon Orion Smuggler CDX. UDX.WDX.TDX (Sue Richardson), Border Collie, 293.5 pts; 3rd: Krystalmoon Beam Me Up Scotty CDXS (Ken Windley), Border Collie, 292.5 pts Avalon Dog Training Club 20 June 2010 Class: Special Beginners Judge: Pam Martin 1st: Leveisha Southern Lady (Jenny Dickinson), Border Collie, 73.0 pts; 2nd: Ridley (Julie King), Cavalier K.C. Spaniel, 72.0 pts; 3rd: Keeva Queen of Hearts (Veronica Kletzkin), Border CollieXBeardie, 72.0 pts Class: Novice Judge: Meredith Pitcher 1st: Goldbrook Roque n\’ Josh (Karen Hourigan), Golden Retriever, 99.0 pts; 2nd: Cashiels Emerald Lady (Cathy McAlister), Border Collie, 97.5 pts; 3rd: Focus on Cadence\’s Pulse (Tracy Anderson), W. Sheepdog, 97.5 pts Class: Test A Judge: Rose Arthur 1st: Charmwood Midnight Green (Philippa Little), 48 NZ Dog World August 2010 Golden Retriever, 142.5 pts; 2nd: Sam CDX (Karen Groombridge), Spaniel, 142.0 pts;3rd: Krystalmoon Liv Long n\’ Prospa CDXB (Sue Richardson), Border Collie, 142.0 pts Class: Test B Judge: Mike Hoy 1st: Shayiska Flashman (Jennifer Mark), English Springer X, 222.0 pts; 2nd: Wist Away Triple-X CDXS (R Wildbore), German Shepherd, 221.0 pts; 3rd: To B Frank (Tanya Emms), Border Collie, 219.5 pts Class: Test C Judge: June Rippon 1st: OB.GR.CH. Cosalta Vis a Vis AD CDXG (Lorraine Lennox), Std. Poodle, 296.5 pts; 2nd: OB.CH. Shayiska Keri I Am CDX (Robin Fraser), English SpringerX, 291.5 pts; 3rd: OB.CH. Kaenda Orb of Wisdom (Sue Richardson), Border Collie, 291.0 pts Championship Agility Events Dog Agility Wellington Group 29 May 2010 Class: Senior 1 Judge: Libby Ellery Course Length: 195 Std Course Time: 66 1st: AG GR CH Silverstream C\’s the Day JD (Peter de Wit), Heading Dog, 42.066; 2nd: AG GR CH Trigadell Red About Tana JD CGC (Karen de Wit (Handler Peter de Wit)), Border Collie, 42.737; 3rd: AG CH Shade of Waireka ADXB (Jenny Benson), Heading Dog, 42.903Class: Intermediate 1 Judge: Danny Gotlieb Course Length: 142 Std Course Time: 48 1st: Fly Buys ADX (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog/ Border Collie, 30.095; 2nd: Ironpaw Prairie Song CDXS AD JD (Rae Mayhead), Border Collie, 30.421; 3rd: Lili Marlene AD (Cath Dillon Handled by Lloyd Pallesen), Heading Dog, 30.989 Class: Novice 1 Judge: Libby Ellery Course Length: 132 Std Course Time: 60 1st: Miss Tassie from Drumm Inn (Sharleen Drummond), Border Collie/Heading Dog, 31.129; 2nd: Little Flik (Jenny Benson), Mini Foxy/Jack Russell, 32.296; 3rd: CH Jaffa Knight of Miyana (Liz Homes), Australian Kelpie, 32.383 Class: Jumpers C1 Judge: Lyn Sayers Course Length: 123 Std Course Time: 42 1st: Moncrieff Midnite Kite (Jo Bolten), Border Collie, 18.871; 2nd: Designadogz Wotz Ur Point AD (Jazman Ellery), Heading Dog, 20.438; 3rd: Our Sasha Rocks (Janine Cowie), Rottweiler/Collie, 20.615 Class: Starters 1 Judge: Rod Pearce Course Length: 126 Std Course Time: 48 1st: Vs Easy Breezin (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog, 24.718; 2nd: A B Zee (Shanice Clements), Border Collie, 29.313; 3rd: Merlin Master of Magic (Elaine Hervé), Crossbreed, 29.913 Class: Jumpers A 1 Judge: Lyn Sayers Course Length: 155 Std Course Time: 39 1st: Quickmagic C’s the Day (Peter de Wit), Heading Dog, 10/38.867; Class: Jumoers B 1 Judge: Lyn Sayers Course Length: 132 Std Course Time: 38 1st: Lili Marlene AD (Cath Dillon Handled by Lloyd Pallesen), Heading Dog, 27.928; 2nd: AG CH Cassie ADXG (Nevenka Paterson), Border Collie, 28.251; 3rd: Ashika Samson Junior ADX JD (Jane Webley Handled by Colleen O\’Connor), Dobermann, 29.421 Dog Agility Wellington Group 30 May 2010 Class: Novice 2 Judge: Lyn Sayers Course Length: 150 Std Course Time: 50 1st: Fleet of Foot of Miyana (Murray Cain), Australian Kelpie, 35.355; 2nd: Miss Tassie from Drumm Inn (Sharleen Drummond), Border Collie/Heading Dog, 35.961; 3rd: Designadogz Oi U (Kaylah Hill), Border Collie/Working Dog, 36.244 Class: Senior 2 Judge: Rod Pearce Course Length: 176 Std Course Time: 58 1st: Ironpaw Prairie Song CDXS AD JD (Rae Mayhead), Border Collie, 42.991; 2nd: AG CH Shade of Waireka ADXB (Jenny Benson), Heading Dog, 43.447; 3rd: Josh (Shane & Wendy McGhie), Schnauzer (Miniature), 45.533 Class: Intermediate 2 Judge: Lyn Sayers Course Length: 152 Std Course Time: 48 1st: Carlanrig Red Seeka O Jazz ADX JDX (Rebecca Sidwell), Border Collie, 27.489; 2nd: Quickmagic C\’s the Day (Peter de Wit), Heading Dog, 28.444; 3rd: Fly Buys ADX (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog/Border Collie, 29.690 Class: Jumpers B 2 Judge: Libby Ellery Course Length: 131 Std Course Time: 40 1st: Fly Buys ADX (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog/ Border Collie, 20.398; 2nd: AG CH Shade of Waireka ADXB (AG CH Shade of Waireka ADXB), Heading Dog, 21.446; 3rd: AG GR CH Silverstream C\’s the Day JD (Peter de Wit), Heading Dog, 21.706 Class: Jumpers A 2 Judge: Libby Ellery Course Length: 145 Std Course Time: 38 1st: AG CH Mya My Friesian ADXB JDX (Rebecca Sidwell), Border Collie/Huntaway, 24.743; 2nd: Carlanrig Red Seeka O Jazz ADX JDX (Rebecca Sidwell), Border Collie, 5/23.747; 3rd: Quickmagic C\’s the Day (Peter deWit), Heading Dog, 10/27.226 Class: Starters 2 Judge: Danny Gotlieb Course Length: 116 Std Course Time: 48 1st: A B Zee (Shanice Clements), Border Collie, 28.612; 2nd: Milly Molly Mandy (Caragh Briggs), Labradoodle, 29.793; 3rd: D\’Cyfa the Quiz (Kathryn Bayne), Labrador/Greyhound, 34.904 Class: Jumpers C 2 Judge: Libby Ellery Course Length: 121 Std Course Time: 43 1st: Tjukurpa Kool Dice CGC (Penny Nalder), Australian Koolie, 20.718; 2nd: Miss Tassie from Drumm Inn (Sharleen Drummond), Border Collie/Heading Dog, 20.954; 3rd: Windaego Fya N the Sky (Paul Taylor), Border Collie, 22.598 Gisborne Dog Training Club 05 June 2010 Class: Starters 1 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 132 Std Course Time: 52 1st: Weyahead Blazing Inferno (Marilyn Lambert), Border Collie, 27.995; 2nd: Gracie Girl of Circlegee (Roy Davis), Border Collie, 28.928; 3rd: Keisha (Carolyn Bassett), Boxer, 29.966 Class: Novice 1 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 170 Std Course Time: 68 1st: Ohutu Code N Lightning JD (Chelsea Marriner), Border Collie, 31.680; 2nd: Tullimoredew (Shelley Clark), Schnauzer, 39.204; 3rd: Miz Chase AD (Jocelyn Jensen), Border Collie/Heading Dog, 39.895 Class: Jumpers C Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 115 Std Course Time: 38 1st: Xtra High Voltage (Kathryn Martin), Working Dog, 23.785; 2nd: Waitea Tyde of Heidesa (Maggie Marriner), Border Collie, 24.492; 3rd: Moncrieff Midnite Kite (Jo Bolten), Border Collie, 24.617 Class: Starters 2 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 141 Std Course Time: 52 1st: Vs Easy Breezin (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog, 28.177; 2nd: Bellshill Kwila-Kate (Joanne Allan Handler Una Forrester), Belgian Shep (Groenendael), 31.513; 3rd: Weyahead Blazing Inferno (Marilyn Lambert), Border Collie, 33.306 Class: Intermediate 1 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 160 Std Course Time: 52 1st: AG CH Sheez Flash of Glen Tilt (Chelsea Marriner), Heading Dog, 35.369; 2nd: AG CH Cheeky Hobson ADX JD (Deb Jackson), NZ Heading Dog, 36.969; 3rd: Rainstar Shark Attack ADX (Fiona Ferrar), Border Collie, 37.073 Class: Jumpers A Judge: Cam List Course Length: 163 Std Course Time: 46 1st: OB CH & AG G CH Jalain Golden Flare ADXG JDX (Elaine Rohde), Border Collie, 29.705; 2nd: Aquila Mid-Knight Passion (Elaine Rohde), Heading Dog, 31.003; 3rd: AgCh Breenagh Chaos (Charlotte Rundgren), Border Collie, 31.596 Class: Jumpers B Judge: Cam List Course Length: 129 Std Course Time: 46 1st: Earendil\’s Star of Mordor ADX (Dyson Beasley Handler Amanda McKennie), Border Collie, 24.299; 2nd: Blake ADXG JD (Julie McConkey), NZ Farm Dog, 25.476; 3rd: Fly Buys ADX (Catherine Harty), Heading Dog/Border Collie, 25.778 Class: Senior 1 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 187 Std Course Time: 58 1st: Jumpin’ the Gun at Coal Creek JD (Charlotte Rundgren), Border Collie, 39.298; 2nd: Earendil\’s Star of Mordor ADX (Dyson Beasley Handler Amanda McKennie), Border Collie, 39.458; 3rd: Xtra High Voltage (Kathryn Martin), Working Dog, 39.902 Class: Intermediate 2 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 148 Std Course Time: 49 1st: Aquila Mid-Knight Passion (Elaine Rohde), Heading Dog, 28.546; 2nd: Tis Something About Millie (Graeme Jefferries), Border Collie, 28.823; 3rd: Jumpin\’ the Gun at Coal Creek JD (Charlotte Rundgren), Border Collie, 29.514 Gisborne Dog Training Club 06 June 2010 Class: Novice 2 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 131 Std Course Time: 46 1st: Toby the Golden Rocket (Gemma Pouls), Papillon, 34.130; 2nd: Heidesa Dream of Chocolate (Iris Walker), Border Collie, 35.059; 3rd: Smart Cookie (Sue Andresen), Heading Dog, 36.195 Class: Intermediate 3 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 163 Std Course Time: 55 1st: Earendil’s Star of Mordor ADX (Dyson Beasley Handler Amanda McKennie), Border Collie, 31.596; 2nd: AG GR CH Neva-Dee Question CDX (Chelsea Marriner), Working Border Collie, 32.871; 3rd: AG GR CH Taste of India JDX (Dianne Reid), Border Collie, 32.983 Class: Senior 3 Judge: Martin Bush Course Length: 177 Std Course Time: 54 1st: AG CH Cheeky Hobson ADX JD (Deb Jackson), NZ Heading Dog, 40.722; 2nd: Sheeba ADXG (Campbell List), Kelpie X, 42.800; 3rd: Taz Maniac ADX (Kim Loye), Heading Dog/Kelpie, 43.999 Class: Senior 2 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 207 Std Course Time: 65 1st: AG GR CH Neva-Dee Question CDX (Chelsea Marriner), Working Border Collie, 42.049; 2nd: Xtra High Voltage (Kathryn Martin), Working Dog, 44.589; 3rd: Taz Maniac ADX (Kim Loye), Heading Dog/Kelpie, 44.589 Class: Novice 3 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 128 Std Course Time: 50 1st: Tjukurpa Kool Dice CGC (Penny Nalder), Australian Koolie, 34.533; 2nd: Blacky (Dawn Williams), Crossbreed, 34.603; 3rd: OB CH Karuz Just the Tempo CDX (Clive Bushell), , Class: Starters 3 Judge: Cam List Course Length: 140 Std Course Time: 50 1st: OB CH Good Heaven’s of Lapineek CDX (Fiona Goodall), Border Collie, 28.390; 2nd: Heidesa Dream of Chocolate (Iris Walker), Border Collie, 29.498; 3rd: Max (Kate Last), Cocker Spaniel, 29.857 Blenheim Canine Training Club 06 June 2010 Class: Starters 1 Judge: Ron Frater Course Length: 125 Std Course Time: 50 1st: Samantha (A Cook), Cocker Spaniel, 0/32.531; 2nd: Doogle (D Mote), Spoodle, 0/35.498; 3rd: Levi (M & V Trimble (Handler E Trimble)), Border Collie, 0/36.011 Class: Jumpers C Judge: Irene Lock Course Length: 118 Std Course Time: 43 1st: Kobe (L Humphries), Whippet X, 0/21.722; 2nd: Tahara Phoenix CDX ADX (M McBeth), Border Collie, 0/23.116; 3rd: Pinehills Blitzm (R Lock), BC/Heading/ Sib. Husky, 0/23.439 Class: Seniors 1 Judge: Danny GotliebCourse Length: 179 Std Course Time: 54 1st: Ag Ch Coal Creek Secret Code Puzzle ADXG (P Beswick), Border Collie, 0/44.844; 2nd: Tiffany of Springlands (T Norton (Handler J Norton)), Toy Poodle, 0/48.325; 3rd: Tahara Phoenix CDX ADX (M McBeth), Border Collie, 0/51.607 Class: Jumpers B Judge: Ron Frater Course Length: 107 Std Course Time: 32 1st: Ag Ch Jetdotcom ADX (L Duff (Handler P Johnson)), NZ Heading Dog, 0/23.858; 2nd: Valleebrook Flash at Me ADX (M Trimble), Border Collie, 0/25.281; 3rd: Cordane Wyoming Bella (A Teeling (Handler N Neame)), Beagle, 0/25.335 Class: Jumpers A Judge: Ron Frater Course Length: 185 Std Course Time: 49 1st: Tricot ADXS JDX (N Neame), Heading Dog X, 0/36.832; 2nd: Ag Ch Mya My Friesian ADX JDX (R Sidwell), BC/Huntaway, 10/40.850; 3rd: (), , Class: Novice 1 Judge: Irene Lock Course Length: 124 Std Course Time: 50 1st: Charley (K Sutton), Crossbreed, 0/30.617; 2nd: Cruzin Cupid (K Lock (Handler C Lock)), Border Collie, 0/30.969; 3rd: Eddie ADXG CDX (Elaine Herve), FC Retriever/Sp Spaniel, 0/32.157 Class: Intermediate 1 Judge: Ron Frater Course Length: 176 Std Course Time: 70 1st: Ag Ch Mya My Friesian ADX JDX (R Sidwell), BC/Huntaway, 0/40.828; 2nd: Tricot ADXS JDX (N Neame), Heading Dog X, 0/42.036; 3rd: Ag Ch Jetdotcom ADX (L Duff(Handler P Johnson)), NZ Heading Dog, 0/43.102 North Taranaki Dog Training Club 13 June 2010 Class: Starters 2 Judge: Beth Oliver Course Length: 123 Std Course Time: 52 1st: Cincinnati (Wendy Taylor ), Heading Dog/Border Collie X, 30.507; 2nd: Jasper (Rachel Phillips ), Dalmatian, 33.103; 3rd: Creamy Rose (Patricia Martin), Border Collie, 33.159 Class: Intermediate 2 Judge: Carl Ranford Course Length: 151 Std Course Time: 55 1st: Ag Ch Shade of Waireka (Jenny Benson ), Stationbred Heading Dog, 36.422; 2nd: Ag Ch Relko Let It Rain ADX JDX (Keri Neilson), Border Collie, 36.633; 3rd: Ob Ch Magical Macy of Croftdale ADXB CDX TCQ JD (J L Muir), Border Collie, 39.792 Class: Novice 2 Judge: Wendy Taylor Course Length: 123 Std Course Time: 54 1st: Mulga Bill UDX CDX AD FD (Laurel Austin), Cross Breed, 32.933; 2nd: Inchcolm Abby Lane (Lex Clare ), Poodle (Miniature), 33.480; 3rd: Smart Cookie (Sue Andersen), Heading Dog, 33.788 Class: Senior 2 Judge: Beth Oliver Course Length: 188 Std Course Time: 63 1st: Hairy MacLary’s Gypsy ADXG (Robyn Fargher ), Border Collie X Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, 61.371; 2nd: Ag Ch Relko Let It Rain ADX JDX (Keri Neilson ), Border Collie, 5f/52.219; 3rd: Ironpaw Rapid Response (Mike Butler), Border Collie, 5f/60.052 agility Trials AD Class Zone 3 29 May 2010 Locality: Porirua Judge(s): Danny Gotlieb Schondara Go Jayme Go AD (Lyn Sayers), Schnauzer (Miniature), 30.96 Ironpaw Prairie Song CDXS AD JD (Rae Mayhead), Border Collie, 32.72 Sir Niko Queen\’s Champion JD (Sandra Mohekey), Heading Dog/Border Collie, 33.64 Hairy MacLary’s Leo (Robyn Fargher), Lhasa/Tib Terr/Cavalier, 39.08 Makybediva (Isa Christiansen), Beardie X, 42.31 Nayagunyay Onyx-Pearl de Kinbra CGCF (Jo Searle), Boxer, 45.6 Glynteg Riley Ready T Run AD (Emma Charm a n ) , We l s h S p r i n g e r S p a n i e l , 4 8 . 4 5 Schondara Ernie Touch Down (Shane & Wendy McGhie), Schnauzer (Miniature), 55.51 ADX Advanced Zone 1 13 June 2010 Locality: North Shore, Greenhithe Judge(s): Alan Shrimpton Karmera Shynee-Asta ADX (Tarah Hunt), Border Collie, 40.09 Sky Dancer of Corindell (Marie Wales), Kelpie, 43.16 Eukanuba Canine Good Citizen Foundation Pat Woolleston & Mary, Jan Wallace & Briea, Peter Wallace & Jethro, Manako Sugiyama & Cinnamon, Donelle Whiu & Leo, Claire Wilson & Maizy Bronze Kathleen Graham & Dash, Eileen Wright & Mac, Celina Lovejoy & JJ Gold Jacky Carbin & Sassy Championship Certificates The award of the following Championship Certificates have been approved by the New Zealand Kennel Club Alaskan Malamute Koolrunnings Eye Of The Storm, 05204-2009, C Loft & D Fraser & L Johnson & A Cunningham & B Smith Nachaber ‘S Barely Black, 05991-2006, D Roberts Basset Hound Hunterspark Miss Fenella, 04345-2007, W & M Hewitt Bulldog Embolden Montblanc (IMP-AUST), 2100273081, L Brinsden & K Neale Cairn Terrier AUST.CH Balbridie Barley Bree (IMP-AUST), 3100197529, D Whyte Chihuahua (Long Coat) Pedros Willowbe, 05732-2004, P O’Grady & P Rhodes Chow Chow Evsars Dream Maker, 06942-2009, C Evans & G Jackson Whitebriar Babealicious, 05163-2009, M Murphy & R Dixon Cocker Spaniel Avila Trend Setter, 07565-2007, A Taylor & R Valli Dachshund (Min. Wire Haired) Elphyn Beau Vinni (IMP-AUST), 4100174233, Y Everett English Toy Terrier (Blk & Tan) Warrengate Little Ripper, 07017-2008, N Hammond Bright-Kasan Of Yoda, 04577-2009, N Hammond Griffon Bruxellois Nouveau Dorie Pear, 07294-2008, A Clicquot Italian Greyhound Piccino Wonder Woman (IMP-AUST), 2100290842, M & S Reeve & E Doyle Piccino X Factor (IMP-AUST), 2100290249, M & S Reeve & E Doyle Jack Russell Terrier Warwick Watch Me Fly, 03365-2009, L Taylor Japanese Spitz Jonja Shes A Jezebel, 05812-2008, J Faulkner Labrador Retriever Jetsun Love Actually, 01629-2009, G & M Wilson Lakeland Terrier Kauricottage Ytk Revision, 02767-2007, L Van Rees NZ Dog World August 2010 49 Lhasa Apso Agility Certificates Obedience Champion Pekingese The award of the following Championship Certificates have been approved by the New Zealand Kennel Club Sugarloaf Kiwi Magic CDX GOLD, 02507-2001, Border Collie, C Moffit Poodle (Miniature) AD Asahyl Irresistible (IMP-AUST), 4100143202, G & C Nash Lowchen Rothkeal Porsche, 05350-2009, E Doyle Parkavon Passion And Dance, 05296-2009, K Brown & A Ancell Inchcolm Man Of The Match, 01856-2009, B Crocker Poodle (Toy) Twice The Spice Of Metesse, 07603-2007, K Thomas Pug Highlandowns Connor, 08261-2008, M & M Sayles Schnauzer (Giant) Ingebars Hot As Hell Of Parkavon (IMP-USA), WS29222501, K Brown & R Gray Scottish Terrier Blackbriar Minnie Me, 04881-2009, J Richards Staffordshire Bull Terrier Alerick Eclipse, 03525-2007, S Payne Tibetan Spaniel Thyme In Formal Attire, 01272-2009, F Montgomerie & J Patchett Tibetan Terrier Caerlaverock Yang Khu, 08131-2008, H & B Fletcher Yorkshire Terrier Bluhaze This Is It, 06441-2009, C Hayes Obedience Certificates The award of the following Championship Certificates have been approved by the New Zealand Kennel Club CD Silver Jalain Magical Conquest CDX BRONZE, 02946-2007, Border Collie, J Duncan CDX Bronze Karuz On Jack Daniels, OB/4821, Siberian Husky X Border Collie, T Anderson Kazma Dreams Come True CD BRONZE, OB/5191, Border Collie, C Van der Hoeven CDX Gold OB.CH Agrade Dilemma ADX.CDX SILVER, OB/3868, Siberian Husky/Collie Border, J Kirk OB.CH Miljen Devils End (IMP-AUST) CDX SILVER, 2100132179, Shetland Sheepdog, J Kirk WD Hendurrie Time And Pace UDX, 01643-2005, Border Collie, L Burns WDX Hendurrie Time And Pace UDX, 01643-2005, Border Collie, L Burns Gold Certificate of Merit CH Lusanne Blue Thunder, 03129-2003, St Bernard, M Simons & G Neal Bronze Certificate of Merit NZ.& AUST.CH. Winaway Political Genius (IMPAUST), 3100193983, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, L Costello NZ CH Carolus Catrice For Darilance (IMP-UK), AG02391402, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, J Eatock NZ CH Jenuin Quasar (IMP-AUST), 3100213461, Poodle (Miniature), C & T Healy CH Tessenday Mr Huggie, 04122-2008, Mastiff, K Reynolds & B Cheese CH Gefion The Artfull Dodger, 04567-2008, French Bulldog, M & A Chrisstoffels & C Taylor 50 NZ Dog World August 2010 Bella, OB/5816, Crossbreed, J Primrose Earendil’s Star Of Mordor, 01864-2007, Border Collie, D Beasley Kirkinriola Of Broxa, 04543-2004, Border Collie, J Gailey Lanaken Effervescence (IMP-AUST), 2100213774, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), J Allan Snazzy Jazzy, OB/6218, Border Collie / Heading Dog, K Beresford Sir Niko Queen’s Champion JD, OB/6183, Heading Dog / Border Collie Cross, S P Mohekey CH Valkrista Solano, 09654-2006, Swedish Vallhund, J Gibson Just Zip Thru It, OB/6114, Nz Heading Dog, A McKennie Vales Boxer NZ CH Denem Courage Under Fire 'COURAGE' 14/08/2000 - 12/05/2009 We wish we could have told you, in words you'd understand, We wanted you to stay with us. This wasn't what we'd planned. We wish somehow to tell you, How empty we now feel. A part of us went with you, A part that time can't heal. We wish we had you back again, to fill this empty space. But one day we'll be together in a far, far better place. Farewell to our Gentle Man Terry & Helen , Colin & Paul ADX Astra Sky AD., 18007-2005, Border Collie, J Gailey Lanaken Effervescence (IMP-AUST), 2100213774, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael), J Allan Claire Round Of Ohutu AD., OB/6107, Border Collie, Schondara Go Jayme Go AD.JD, 02567-2007, Schnauzer (Miniature), L Sayers Earendil’s Star Of Mordor, 01864-2007, Border Collie, D Beasley Glynteg I’m On Fire AD.JD, 07436-2000, Welsh Springer Spaniel, L & R Lygo Just Zip Thru It, OB/6114, Nz Heading Dog, A McKennie ADX Advanced Bronze Online Member Services Lace ADX.JD, OB/5747, Border Collie, A Flannagan ADX Advanced Silver AG CH Majacl Midnite Dreamer ADX Advanced Bronze, 03891-2002, Border Collie, K Beresford ADX Advanced Gold Crea Of Leabrook ADX Advanced Silver, 00060-2003, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, T Watson Jumpers Dog Found Nemo At Ohutu, OB/6137, Border Collie/Shetlandsheepdog, S Rostron Just Zip Thru It, OB/6114, Nz Heading Dog, A McKennie Dajarra Firefly In-Silke At Morada, 00911-2005, Border Collie, A Proctor Jumpers Dog Excellence AG CH Blake ADXG.JD, OB/5242, Nz Farm Dog, J McConkey Tess ADX ADVANCED GOLD.JD, OB/4763, Shetland Sheepdog, L Baker Earendil’s Star Of Mordor, 01864-2007, Border Collie, D Beasley Agility Champion Earendil’s Star Of Mordor, 01864-2007, Border Collie, D Beasley Grand Champion CH Shadday Destined To Be A Hit, 07580-2005, Dobermann, H Street, I & S Maguigan & M & L Slade Obedience Grand Champion OB.CH Benlea Jack Of All Trades CDX., 06235-2004, Golden Retriever, N Wilson Test C Qualified CH Annaglyn Black Brooke CDX SILVER, 08064-2005, Flat-Coated Retriever, R Annand Pedigree Lookup Online users can now search pedigrees based on a date range of whelping. For example, you could look at all Labrador Retrievers whelped between 1 August and 31 December 2006. To search, sign in to www.nzkc.org.nz, go to Member Services / Pedigree Lookup No password for www.nzkc.org.nz? To have a password emailed to you, go to www.nzkc.org.nz and click on ‘How to Login’ below the PRO PLAN logo. If we do not have your email, email nzkc@ nzkc.org.nz or ring us on 04 237 4489. Online users can also: • buy personalised entry forms • access all NZKC Registry and other official forms use Kennel Name lookup enter Show Schedules and show results access judges forms and information • • • Club Notices Lagotto Romagnolo Club Meeting The Inaugural Annual General Meeting for the New Zealand Lagotto Romagnolo Club is to be held at 2 pm, on Saturday 11th September 2010 at 223 Jeffs Drain Road, RD 2, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. Airport pickup and accommodation can be arranged. To register your interest in the New Zealand Lagotto Romagnolo Club contact: The Acting Secretary, Raewyn Harris on email russell_ [email protected] ••• Horowhenua Obedience Dog Training 50th Anniversary COT Schedule two judges are incorrect, they are the wrong way around. Correct info below. Liz Wilkinson Barry Monaghan Sat Test B, Sun Novice Sat Novice, Sun Test C ••• The Otago Toy Dog Club show Is on Saturday 4th September 2010 NOT Sunday 4th September as written in the dog world. ••• Hamilton Kennel Association Inc Permanent Change of Show Date Hamilton Kennel Association wish to change their show dates permanently to the 2nd weekend in March, this would be 12/13 March 2011 and same weekend yearly thereafter. Any objections must be made in writing to pat@ nzkc.org.nz by the 25 August 2010 ••• Change Of Show Date Selwyn District Kennel Association Selwyn District Kennel Association wish to change their permanent show dates to 27 and 28 August 2011 and equivalent weekend in future years. Any objections should be in writing by 10 September 2010 to Richelle at [email protected] TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ADVERTISING The Publisher accepts advertisements (which) include notices) for publication in NZ Dog World in reliance on the following terms and conditions. 1. The Advertiser warrants and undertakes to the Publisher that there is no material, statement representation or information contained the advertisement that: (a) is or is likely to be misleading or deceptive or otherwise infringe the Fair Trading Act 1986 or any Act passed in substitution therefore; or (b) is in full or part defamatory, in breach of copyright, trademark or other intellectual or industrial property right; or (c) is otherwise in breach of any provision of any statute, regulation, rule or law. 2. In consideration of the Publisher accepting an advertisement for publication the Advertiser hereby agrees to indemnify the Publisher against all and any losses, costs, demands, claims, damages, expenses, proceedings and legal costs arising directly or indirectly out of: (a) a breach of the terms of clause 1 above; (b) the Publisher having to correct, alter, amend, or otherwise change any advertisement to conform to style or for any other good or sufficient reason where such correction, alteration, amendment or change has been carried out with reasonable care and skill; or (c) any delay in publication or cancellation of the advertisement arising out of any act or omission of the Advertiser or any act or omission of the Publisher in exercising its right to correct, alter, amend or change an advertisement. 3. The Publisher may refuse to publish or may reject or withdraw an advertisement from publication without any reason being given to the Advertiser. 4. The Advertiser hereby undertakes to advise the Publisher immediately of any error appearing in any advertisement placed by that Advertiser. The publisher will then give consideration to an adjustment in respect of the first incorrect insertion of the advertisement. 5. In the event of a delay or failure to advise the Publisher, without limiting the remedies of the Advertiser, may publish the advertisement on the first subsequent reasonable date available unless the advertisement features a date or event that is affected by the delay or failure. 6. To cancel an advertisement the Advertiser must notify the Publisher and obtain cancellation approval. ••• 7. The charge for an advertisement shall be in accordance with the rate card current at the date of publication, unless agreed otherwise in writing. Hawkes Bay Kennel Assc Applying for a change of Champ Show Dates 8. If payment of the account for publishing the advertisement is not made by the due date the Advertiser may be liable for all costs of recovery and collection fees. The Hawkes Bay Kennel Association would like to apply for a change of Champ Show dates from the 14th & 15th May 2011 to 29 & 30 October 2011. This is a permanent change of date Any objections must be in writing by 10 September 2010 to Richelle at [email protected] ••• NZKC Advertising Rates For all advertising information please contact The New Zealand Kennel Club, Sue Conner, 0-4-910 1529 for prices, specifications and deadlines. 9. Cancellations will not be accepted after the nominated booking deadline. 10. Advertisements submitted for publication may also be reproduced in other manner without regard to form or location. Kennel Names Registration Regulations now require all new Kennel names granted to be listed in NZ Dog World. Members have the right to object to any name granted up till the end of the month of publication. If an objection is found to be justified the new name will be cancelled and an alternative issued. Once the time for objections has expired and no objections are received the name is automatically confirmed. Any objection must be in writing stating the reasons and received by the Director/ Secretary on or before the last day of the month. Anmabe, Becassmic, Blacklord, Canzaus, Carpediem, Drumtreve, Frostyice, Geddes, Harleyford, Marcasite, Opui, Prickle, Safiya, Sandown, Seraphim, Silbertraum, Snowdon, Staffsabbath, Steinerdobe, Sunnyhills, Trimbull, Yamazaru NZ Dog World August 2010 51 CHAMPIONSHIP & OPEN SHOWS Entries Close: On the day Entries Close: 27 August 2010 Tauranga Kennel Association The Poodle Club Championship Show NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Auckland Ribbon Parade Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga Sunday 22 August 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: TBA 10:00am 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Sunday 19 September 2010 Judging order: Standards, Miniatures, Toys Judging commences: 3.30pm Breed Classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a11a (Bitches) Neutered Dogs and Spayed Bitches acceptable in Breed Classes. Entry forms to be notated (D) after NZKC registered number Judges Andrew Eatock (Huntly) Ian Geddes-Cook (Tauranga) Entries to: Entries taken from 9:00am on the day. Enquiries to Bronwyn Patchett (07) 548 2416 [email protected] Breed $3.00, Stakes $1.00, Handlers Free Tauranga Kennel Assn Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Judge 1, 2 & 3 4, 5, 6, 7 & BOP Stakes Classes Best Mini Handler, Best Child Handler, Best Junior Handler, Best Adult Handler, Best Champion, Best Veteran, Best Topline, Best Movement, Best Front, Best Rear, Catering available Gwen Johnston (Manukau) Entries to: Graham Cullen, Show Secretary, PO Box 532, Hamilton 3240 Entry Fees: $12.50 first entry & $11.00 per subsequent entry, Stakes Classes $7.00 entry per class Cheques payable: The Poodle Club (Inc) Stakes Class Veteran, Head, Gait, Cash and Sash Catalogues: Complimentary Entries Close: 5 September 2010 Entries Close: Postmarked 10 September 2010 Central Territories Siberian Husky Club Central Golden Retriever Club Manawatu Canine Centre, Cambridge Avenue, ASHHURST The Stadium, Feilding Civic Centre, Feilding Saturday 25 September 2010 Thursday 30 September 2010 Open Show In conjunction with Manawatu Kennel Association Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Dogs, Bitches, Specials, Stakes TBA 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Championship Show Judging order: Breed classes: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judge Bridget Smeeton (Feilding) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Heather Wald, 73 York Street, ASHHURST $6.00 per dog $3.00 per stakes class Central Territories Siberian Husky Club Inc Stakes Classes Best Veteran (Dogs over 7yrs), Best Mover, Best Sled Dog (must be over 12mths), Best Visitor (over 50km from venue) Best Bred by, Owned and exhibited Speyed and neutered dogs can be exhibited in all classes. Sponsorship obtained by Eagle Pack and certificates for winners of all classes. Catalogues: available for $2.00 Dogs, Bitches, Bests in Show Judging commences: 8.00am reporting for 8.30am Judging Mrs Margaret Hean (Christchurch) Entries to: Secretary, CGRC Inc, 57 Logie Street, Stokes Valley 5019, LOWER HUTT Entry Fees: $12.00 1st and 2nd entries PER SHOW; $10.00 3rd entry onwards PER SHOW. Cheques payable: Central Golden Retriever Club Inc Outright win available to all exhibitors. Catalogues: $3.00 Tea/coffee only during morning NZ Dog World August 2010 55 Entries Close: 30 August 2010 Entries Close: 6 September 2010 North Island St Bernard Assn Wellington Bulldog Club 25th Anniversary Championship Show Championship Show Manfeild Park, Feilding Friday 1 October 2010 Manifeild Park, Feilding In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Friday 1 October 2010 In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Dogs, Bitches, Stakes approx. 5pm 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judging order: Judging commences: 4:30pm Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judge Raf Broomhall (Tasmania) Mrs Frances Stephens (USA) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: S Fox, 31B Marydale Drive, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041 $10.00 first dog, $8.00 subsequent dog, $3.50 stakes North Island St Bernard Assoc. Inc. Stakes Classes 12. Junior Showmanship (over 12 years, name on entry form), 12. CH Dog, 14. CH Bitch, 15. Dog Head, 16. Bitch Head, 17. Gait, 18. Markings, 19. Rough Coat, 20. Smooth Coat, 21. Progeny Dam/Sire, 22. Brace, 23. Desexed, 24. Adult Handler (name on entry form) Trophies for Financial Members of our club only Catalogues: Free with entry British Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Best in Show, Stakes Entries to: Mrs Sally Duxfield, P.O. Box 1032, Levin, 06 3689 347. [email protected] Entry Fees: $12.00 first dog, $10.00 susequent dogs, Stakes $5.00 Cheques payable: Wellington Bulldog Club (inc) Stakes Classes 12. Best Head Dog, 13. Best Head Bitch, 14. Best Body, 15. Best Mover, 16. Best Front, 17. Best Handler WBC Trophies to financial members only Catalogues $5.00 Entries Close: 30 August 2010 Entries Close: 10 September 2010 The Gundog Society Griffon Bruxellois Club Championship Show 14th Championship Show Manfeild Park, Feilding Manfeild Park, Feilding Friday 1 October 2010 Friday 1 October 2010 In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Judging order: To be advised Judging commences: To be advised Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judging order: Breed classes: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judge Mrs Diane Tyssen (Prestonville) (Invercargill) Maxine Carter (South Australia) Entries to: T Warmerdam, 1 Leonards Rd, RD1, Upper Hutt Entry Fees: $12.00 Cheques payable: The Gundog Society Prizes for Open Competition Catalogues: $3.50 56 NZ Dog World August 2010 Dogs, Bitches, In Show, Stakes Judging commences: To be advised Entries to: Sandie Feaver, 10 Watts Grove, Taupiri 3721 Entry Fees: Breed $12.00, Stakes $5.00 Cheques payable: Griffon Bruxellois Club Inc Stakes Classes 12. Neutered Dog, 13. Speyed Bitch, 14. Best Rough Head, 15. Best Smooth Head, 16. Best Red, 17. Best Black, 18. Best Black/Tan, 19. Progeny Trophies awarded to financial members only Free catalogue to each exhibitor, otherwise $3.00 each Entries Close: 3 September 2010 Entries Close: 17 September 2010 The Fox Terrier Club Asian Breeds Club Manfeild Park, Feilding Manfeild Park, Feilding Friday 1 October 2010 Friday 1 October 2010 In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Championship Show Championship Shows (2) Judging order: Judging order: TBA TBA Judging commences: 8.30 a.m. Judging commences: 12.30 Breed classes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 (Dogs) Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 7 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) 1a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judges Mrs Patricia Broom (UK) Show 1 Mrs Cherry Davies (UK) Show 2 Mr George Ness (Australia) Entries to: Mrs Pat Plimmer, 189 Revells Rd, R D 1, Kaiapoi 7691 Secretary, CM Potts, 237 Smith Rd, RD2, Waiuku 2682 Entry Fees: $12.00, members $10.00 Entry Fees: $10.00 Cheques payable: Asian Breeds Club Cheques payable: Fox Terrier Club Entries to: Catalogues: $3.50 Cash and Sash Trophies for financial members of our club only. Entries accepted for neuters and spays in all classes. Catalogues: $5.00 Entries Close: 30 August 2010 Entries Close: 6 September 2010 Wellington Hound Association The Auckland Beagle Club Manfeild Park, Feilding Manfeild Park, Feilding, Feilding Saturday 2 October 2010 Saturday 2 October 2010 In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show In conjunction with Eukanuba National Show Championship Show Judging order: Dachshunds,Beagles, alphabetical from then on. Judging commences: 8.30am Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Championship Show Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Judge Mrs V Tapp (South Aust) Judge Mrs B Balaam (Qld) Entries to: Mrs S Wilkinson, 222 Park Road, Belmont, Lower Hutt 5010 Entry Fees: $12.00 Cheques payable: Wellington Hound Assn Inc Prizes for open competition Catalogues: Free - please order with entry Catering available Dogs followed by Bitches Not before 1.30pm 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 11a (Bitches) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Mrs Kathleen Hardwick, Po Box 65, Te Kauwhata 3741, PH 07 826 4554; Email: [email protected] $10.00 Per Breed Class $5.00 Per Stake Class The Auckland Beagle Club Stakes Classes Best Mover Under 12 Months, Best Mover Over 12 Months, Best Head Dog, Best Head Bitch Cash n Sash This show will commence at the completion of The Dachshund Club show, not before 1.30pm Catalogues: $3.00 please order with entry Catering available NZ Dog World August 2010 57 Entries Close: 2 September 2010 Entries Close: 11 September 2010 Wellington Working Dog Club Continental Gundog Club Championship Show Championship Show Manfeild Park, Feilding Manfeild Park, Feilding Saturday 2 October 2010 Saturday 2 October 2010 In conjunction with 2010 National Dog Show Judging order: In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Judging order: TBC Judging commences: TBC Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge Rafael Broomhall (Tasmania) Entries to: Show Secretary, Wellington Working Dog Club 60 Miro Street, Trentham, Upper Hutt 5018 Entry Fees: $12.00 Cheques payable: Wellington Working Dog Club Catalogues: $3.00 Order TBA. Eligible to enter: Bracco Italiano, Brittany, Cesky Fousek, GSP, GWP, Italian Spinone, Lagotto, Large Munsterlander, Spanish Water Dog, Vizsla, Wirehaired Vizsla, Weimaraner Judging commences: TBA (AM show) Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Debra Howell (NSW) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: All Breeds/BIS/Stakes M Reichmuth, 335 Hot Springs Road RD 2, Katikati 3178 $12.00 Members $14.00 Non-Members Stakes $3.00 The Continental Gundog Club Stakes Classes Dog Head, Bitch Head, Puppy Head, Mover under 12 months, Mover over 12 months, Coat'n'condition, Topline Spays and neuters accepted into breed classes. Catalogues: Full $4.00 Entries Close: 10 September 2010 Entries Close: 6 September 2010 The Dachshund Club Manawatu Toy Dog Club CELEBRATING 60 YEARS 1950-2010 Championship Show Championship Show Feilding Civic Centre, Aorangi Street, Feilding Manfeild Park, Feilding Saturday 2 October 2010 Saturday 2 October 2010 In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Judging order: TBA In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Judging order: To Be Advised Judging commences: 12.30 pm approx Judging commences: 9.00am Breed classes: 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judge Mrs Val Tapp(Stardayne Kennels) South Australia Anne Dobie Wellington Entries to: Carolyn Jane, 4 Theban Place, North Shore Entries to: Show Secretary, Merle Sayles Auckland 0629 39 Clapham Street, Shannon 4821 Entry Fees: $12.00 Breed & $5.00 Stakes Entry Fees: $10.00 per dog Cheques payable: The Dachshund Club Inc Cheques payable: Manawatu Toy Dog Club Stakes Classes Veteran Stakes Trophies will be award to Financial Club members only Jubiliee Catalogue: $5.00 pre ordered Catering available 58 NZ Dog World August 2010 Catalogue: $3 - order with entry please Catering available Entries Close: 11 September 2010 Entries Close: 17 September 2010 Waikato & District Spaniel Club Waikato Working Dog Association Manfeild Park, Feilding Sunday 3 October 2010 Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga In conjunction with Eukanuba National Dog Show Saturday 9 October 2010 Championship Show Judging order: Championship Show In conjunction with Tauranga Kennel Association TBA Judging commences: Ring available after 12.30 Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Judge Mrs D Howel - Breogan Weimaraners (NSW) Entries to: Amanda Calman, 74A Wakefield Street Wanganui Entry Fees: $11.00 Cheques payable: Waikato & District Spaniel Club TBA TBA 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Mrs C Collins (South Australia) All Working Breeds Entries to: Mrs K Debenham, 4c Old Kaimai Road, R.D.1 Entry Fees: Cheques payable: $10.00 per entry W.WD.A. Tauranga 3171 Prizes and Sash Catalogues: $3.00 Catering via National dog show Stakes Classes Trophies For Members Only, Prizes For Open Competition Email Confirmation For Receipt If Requested. Enquires To debenhams @kinect. co.nz Catalogues: $2.00 Payeable With Entries Catering as Per Tauranga KA Entries Close: 18 September 2010 Entries Close: 18 September 2010 The Borzoi Club The Leonberger Club CELEBRATING 30 YEARS 1980-2010 Open Show 2 Championship Shows Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga Saturday 9 October 2010 Saturday 9 October 2010 In conjunction with Tauranga Kennel Association Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Breed, Stakes TBA 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judges Ms Karen Dumke (Nonsuch Borzoi) USA Ms Kalen Dumke (Nonsuch Borzoi) USA Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: In conjunction with Tauranga Kennel Association Judging order: Dogs, Bitches, General Specials, Stakes Judging commences: Not before 10.00am Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge 1st CH (Trophy) Show 2nd CH Show Mrs M A Joslin, 414 Paparata Rd, R D 1 Bombay, Sth Auckland 2675 Breed $12.00 Stakes $5.00 The Borzoi Club Inc Stakes Classes Critques will be given Best Dog Head, Best Bitch Head, Best Movement, Best Brace Perpetual Trophies for award only to financial members of The Borzoi Club Inc Spey/Neutered entries accepted for all Breed and Stake Classes Catalogues:$3 includes both shows Please order with entry S Meredith (NZ) Entries to: Ellie Davies, 289 Wright Road, RD 2, Katikati Entry Fees: $12.00 per dog, $5.00 per Stake Cheques payable: The Leonberger Club Stakes Classes Best aspiring Leonberger - must have Club connection, Best Head, Longest Ears, Best Tail Catalogues: $5.00 with entry please NZ Dog World August 2010 59 Entries Close: 9 September 2010 Tauranga Kennel Association Championship Show Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 October 2010 Judging order: Puppy stakes to be judged prior to commencement of breed judging on Saturday. JDH Heat judging prior to commencement of breed judging on Sunday. Breed order TBA Judging commences: 8:30 am Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge(s) Saturday Mrs Cheryl Currie-Thompson (South Aust) 1 & 2 Mr Ern Boxhall (Victoria) 3 & BIS Mr Paul Stevenson (Tasmania) 4&5 Mr Brett Thompson (South Aust) Puppy Stakes, 6 Mrs Susette Monk (Western Aust) 7 Ms Caron Ellis (Tasmania) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Sunday 3 5&2 7 6 & BIS 4&1 Tauranga Kennel Assn, B. Patchett, 704 Esdaile Rd, RD 6, Tauranga 3176. Ph (07) 548 2416 (Between 8:00am 8:00pm) email:[email protected] $10.00 Members of TKA, $12.00 Non Members, $8.00 Stakes Tauranga Kennel Assn Stakes Classes Saturday: Puppy Stakes (3-12mths) stakes judges at 8:30am. Saturday: NZYKC breed handler heats in lunchtime (Entries on the day) Sunday JDH Heat at 8:30am prior to the commencement of Breed judging. Entries taken on Saturday. Camping Available on the grounds. $5.00 with entries please. (hot showers available). Tauranga Kennel Assn reserves the right to reallocate breeds if necessary or appoint a reserve judge. Great trophy table Catalogues: Group $3.00 Full $7.00 to be ordered and paid with entry. Catering available all weekend 60 NZ Dog World August 2010 Entries Close: 9 September 2010 Any entries post marked or Entries Close: 15 September 2010 received after this date will not be accepted Bay Of Plenty Gundog Show Society The Irish Wolfhound Club Championship Show Championship Show Waipuna Park, Kaitemako Rd, Welcome Bay, Tauranga Canterbury Kennel Centre, McLeans Island, Christchurch Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 October 2010 In conjunction with Tauranga Kennel Association Saturday 9 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Dogs, Bitches, Stakes 10.00 am 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 (Dogs); 1a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 11a (Bitches) To be advised To be advised 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Judges Mrs Jane Usmar (Te Awamutu) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Caron Ellis (Tasmania) Paul Stevenson (Tasmania) Mrs L Dunscombe, Irvines Road, Dunsandel RD 2, Leeston, Canterbury $15.00 for 1st entry, $12.00 thereafter, $10.00 for 1st Four Stakes then $3.00 for each additional Stake per dog Irish Wolfhound Club Entries to: Entry Fees: Stakes Classes Veteran, Dog Head, Bitch Head, Coat, Front, Neuter/Spay, Import, Progeny (Dam OR Sire must be entered only. On the day of the Show 1 Parent and 3 off spring must be present to be eligible to enter the ring in this class) Brace, Movement, Hindquarters, Bred and Owned (2 or more exhibts bred and currently owned by exhibitor) Trophies will only be awarded to current Financial Members Written Critique; Catalogues: $6.00 Lunch Provided At $5.00 Per Head - This MUST Be Paid along with entries. Cheques payable: Saturday Sunday Hans Andresen, Box 4254, Mt Maunganui Sth 3149 $12.00 non members$10.00 members 50c discount with self addressed envelope Bay of Plenty Gundog Show Society Persons holding BOPGSS trophies please return to Lorraine Andresen Box 4254 Mt Maunganui Sth prior to show Catalogues: Group $4.00 Catering on grounds Entries Close: 22 September 2010 NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED Ruahine Kennel Association Back to Back Championship Shows Manawatu Canine Center Ashurst Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: TBA 0830 Both Days 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs); Mrs V Gervais BC Canada Mrs G Cook Victoria Aust Mr J Thompson Victoria Australia Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judges Saturday Sunday 5 & 3 6, 7 & BIS 7, 6 & BIS 1, 2 & 4 4, 1 & 2 3&5 Show Secretary, Heather Taylor, 5 Forward Street, Dannevirke 4977, Ph 06 3741501, email [email protected] $13.00 Ruahine Kennel Assn Stakes Classes Saturday Trophies & Sash Sunday Cash & Sash One entry form for both days if no Breed Class change. RKA reserve the right to appoint another Judge or reallocate Breeds if necessary. Camping $7.50 to be payed with entries. No powered sites. NZYKC Breed Handling Heats to be held on Saturday in the Lunch break entries taken between 9.30 & 11.00am. Catalogues: Full $6.00 Group $3.00 to be ordered and payed for with entry. Full catering both days NZ Dog World August 2010 61 Entries Close: 13 September 2010 Bay Of Islands Canine Association Double Championship Shows Bay of Islands Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: TBA TBA 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs); 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judges Ms Val Spence Queensland, (Australia) Mr Keith Cronchey Victoria, (Australia) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday 2, 3, 7 & BIS 1, 4, 5 & 6 Sunday 1, 4, 5 & 6 2, 3, 7 & BIS Mrs H Nilsen, 48 Doonside Road, RD 1, Kerikeri 0294 $12.00 per entry per day Bay of Islands Canine Association Cash & Sash No late entries accepted Please include email address on entry Camping on grounds $5.00 per night to be be paid with entries The Club reserves the right to appoint a reserve judge & to re-allocate breeds if necessary Catalogues: Group $3.50, Full $7.00 covering both days to be paid with entries Catering on grounds Entries Close: Earlybird 13 September 2010 Absolute Final Mail 27 September, ONLINE 1 October South Canterbury Kennel Society Championship Show Pleasant Point Domain, State Hwy 8, Pleasant Point, South Canterbury Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: TBA 9:00am both days 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs); 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judges Mr. Bruce Marquette (NSW) Mrs. Kay Eldred (NSW) Mrs. Louise Thomas - Van Der Weide (NSW) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: 1, 6 & BIS 2, 3 & 4 5, 7 & Puppy Stakes 2, 3 & 5 6, 7 & BIS 1, 4 & NZ Bred Stakes ONLINE - www.easyentry.co.nz MAIL - Show Secretary, Jamie Crilly, PO Box 4035, Highfield, Timaru 7942; Phone 03 746 4133; Fax 03 746 4145; Email: [email protected]. Include your email address on the entry form for prompt reply. Earlybird $11.50 per entry per show (Entries postmarked or entered online on or before 13th September). Entries postmarked from the 14th September, $13.50 per entry per show. All Stakes $8.00 per entry. Visit www.easyentry.co.nz to find out ways to save on your entry fees. Entries received after 1st October can not be accepted. South Canterbury Kennel Society Inc. Stakes Classes SATURDAY - All Breed Puppy Stakes 3mths to 12mths; SUNDAY - NZ Bred Stakes Both days: Cash & Sash Camping Facilities available: Power points only. Booking enquires Viv McCambridge Ph (03) 6148357, Email [email protected] Please note that rings will not be held up for clashes, including Best of Group. Ensure you have handlers available if clashes may arise. Catalogues: Full $6.00 or Download a fully marked catalogue after the Sunday show for $2.00 Full catering available 62 NZ Dog World August 2010 Entries Close: 30 September 2010 Entries Close: 3 October 2010 Dominion Welsh Corgi League Auckland Bulldog Club NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Auckland NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Auckland 17 October 2010 Saturday 23 October 2010 Championship Show Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Cardigans followed by Pembrokes TBA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Robyn Robertson (Australia) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Miss Helen Booth, 1/59 Cook Street, Howick, Manukau 2014 Breed $10.00 per dog, Stakes $5.00 per class Dominion Welsh Corgi League. Direct credit facilties available Stakes Classes Head Dog, Head Bitch, Mover, Red, Tri, Sable, Blue Merle, Brindle, Junior Showmanship Prize money Cash & Sash Trophies for award to financial memebrs of our Club only Catalogue: $5.00 each Catering at conclusion of the show. Please join us for a combined lunch and chat with the Judge Championship Show In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: Judging commences: Breed Classes: French Bulldogs followed by Bulldogs, General Special & Stakes Classes TBA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4 a5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judges Seamus Oates - Oatfield Bulldogs (Ireland) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Errol Tooth, 61a Pratts Road, RD 3, Drury 2579 Phone: 09 294 8216 (Evenings) email: [email protected] Breed Classes $12.00, Stakes Classes $5.00 Auckland Bulldog Club Stakes Classes 12. Dog Head, 13. Bitch Head, 14. Best Brisket, 15. Best Roach, 16. Best Tail, 17. Best Import, 18. Best Progeny, 19. Best Brace, 20. Child Handler Catalogues: $10.00 Entries Close: 23 September 2010 (no late entries) Entries Close: 23 September 2010 (no late entries) Northern Alaskan Malamute Club Northern Alaskan Malamute Club NZKC Grounds, Ardmore, Auckland NZKC Grounds, Ardmore, Auckland Sunday 24 October 2010 Championship Show Saturday 23 October 2010 In conjunction with Auckland Non Sporting & Utility Dog Assn Judging order: Parade of Veterans, Parade of Rescue Stars, Dogs, Bitches, Specials, Stakes Judging commences: 2pm. (reporting time 1.30) Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Open Show In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: Parade of Working Dogs, Parade of Pets, Dogs, Bitches, Specials, Stakes Judging commences: 9.30 am (reporting time 9.20) Breed classes: 1 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 4a 5a 6a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Ian Luke - Thomla Kennels (Australia) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Show Secretary, NAMC, 35 Aberdeen Cres, Wattle Cove, Manurewa, Auckland 2103 $15.00 first entry, $12.00 thereafter; Stakes 3 for $5.00 Northern Alaskan Malamute Club Stakes Classes neutered, spayed, best mover over 12 months, best mover under 12 months, bitch head, dog head, best tail, best coat, best brace, best breeder, Junior handler Trophies for financial members of the club only Parade of Veterans and Parade of Rescue stars - free entry. Please provide resume for either parade with entry Contact club for online show information pack. There will be a breed lecture and prize-giving during the evening. Please indicate on entry if you wish to attend. Written critiques will be for place winners. Catalogues: $5.00 (Combines both championship and open shows) Judge Ian Geddes-Cook (Tauranga) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Show Secretary, NAMC, 35 Aberdeen Cres Wattle Cove, Manurewa, Auckland 2103 Classes $8.00, Stakes 3 for $5.00 Northern Alaskan Malamute Club Stakes Classes mover (all ages), head, tail, coat, visitor, local, champion, bred and owned by, groomed, racing condition, personality, Child Handler, Malamutes Best Friend Trophies to financial members of the club only. Prizes awarded during the show. Parade of working dogs (in harness) and Parade of pets (any non-titled show or working dog) occur at the start of the show - free entry. Please provide resume for either parade with entry Contact the club for on-line show information pack. Catalogues: $5.00 (Combines both championship and open shows). NZ Dog World August 2010 63 64 NZ Dog World August 2010 Entries Close: 23 September 2010 Entries Close: 24 September 2010 Auckland Toy Dog Club Championship Show NZKC Exhibition Centre Auckland Sunday 24 October 2010 In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: To be advised Judging commences: To be advised but after Toys at Ladies Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judge Yvonne Metzger (Tasmania) Entries to: Show Secretary, POBox 18136, Auckland 1072 Entry Fees: $13.00 non members $10.00 members $ 8.00 stakes Cheques payable: Auckland Toy Dog Club Inc Stakes Classes Veteran Stakes Trophies awarded to financial members of the club only Catalogues: $4.00 to be paid with entry. Catering to be advised Auckland Pug Dog Club 50th Jubilee Championship Show NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Auckland Saturdy 23 October 2010 In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: To be advised To be advised 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Moa Persson (Sweden) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Show Secretary, P O Box 18136, Auckland 1072 $10.00 breed $4.00 stakes Auckland Pug Dog Club Inc. Stakes Classes Neutered Dog, Speyed Bitch. Best Black, Dog Head, Bitch Head, Gait,Tail Set and Twist, Champion,Vintage, Brace, Front, Import. Trophies awarded to financial members of our club. Catalogues: $4.00 to be paid with entry. Advertising available in Catalogue Contact Club Secretary for details 07 5795230. Catering to be advised Entries Close: 24 September 2010 Absolute latest 30 September 2010 Entries Close: 10 October 2010 The Labrador Club Northern Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Championship Show NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Auckland Saturday 23 October 2010 In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: Dogs, Bitches, Best in Shows, Stakes Neutered dogs and speyed bitches are eligible to enter Breed classes - please ensure you enter a ”D” on your entry form Judging commences: 8.30am sharp - Morning Show Breed classes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judge Championship Show NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, Indoor Venue, Auckland Saturday 23 October 2010 In conjunction with Ladies Kennel Association Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Moa Persson, Rossmix Kennels (Sweden) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: The Secretary, The Labrador Club Inc, 195 Lewis Road, Karaka RD1, Papakura, Auckland 2580, Inquiries: Telephone : 09 2927535; Email: jan@ tukkathyme.co.nz $15.00 Breed and $6.00 Stakes The Labrador Club Inc Stakes Classes Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Field Trial Prrizes, sashes and trophies will be awarded in the ring Committee reserves the right to appoint a Reserve Judge Written critique will be published in the Club Bulletin There will be an informal relaxed dinner Saturday evening at Old Flame Memory Lane, Conifer Grove Adults: $40pp, Children 6-12yrs $20pp Infants up to 5yrs $10pp please send dinner bookings with entries Catalogues: $5.00 each Advertising space available - please contact the Secretary for prices; Catering will be available Dogs/Bitches/In Show To be Advised 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 8a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judges Andy Dodsworth (United Kingdom) Mrs Griet Coetzer (South Africa) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Am Show Pm Show Show Secretary, PO Box 476, Silverdale, Auckland 0944 $12.00 per entry NSBTC Stakes Classes Cash & Sash – Show 1 Trophy Show Cash, Sash – Show Trophies for financial members of the Club only. Entries for Neutered Dogs & Spayed Bitches will be accepted in the breed classes for these shows (show regulation 7-5). They must be registered withthe NZKC as desexed.Critiques will be given Catalogues:$4.00 Catering To be advised NZ Dog World August 2010 65 Entries Close: Early Bird 24 September Absolute Final 3 October 2010 Waimakariri Kennel Association Championship Show Mandeviile Sports Grounds, Mandeville Road, Off Tram Road, North Canterbury Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 October 2010 Judging order: TBA Please Note Below Is not The Order Of Judging, It Is Only The Allocation Of Groups To Each Judge Judging commences: TBA Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judges Saturday Sunday Marie Merchant (South Australia) 1 & 7 5, 6 & Best In Show Margaret Webber (Queensland) 4, 5 & Best In Show 1&7 Dave Hill (Auckland) 2 & Puppy Stakes John Sullivan (Melbourne) 6 2&3 Chris Woodrow (Queensland) 3 4 Entries to: Show Secretary, Barrie Keetley. P O Box 5551 Papanui 8542. Christchurch Entry Fees: Early Bird $12.00 After 24 September $14.00 Cheques payable: Waimakariri Kennel Association Stakes Classes Stars Of The Future Puppy Stakes 3months To 12 Months. 10 Placings Entry Fee As Per Breed Classes For Open Competition Camping $10 Per Night Payable With Entries. This Is To Go Towards Ammenities Block Catalogues: $6.00 Ordered $7.00 On Day Catering available On The Grounds By Cavalier Club 66 NZ Dog World August 2010 Entries Close: 23 September 2010 Entries Close: 23 September 2010 South Island Dobermann Club South Island Collie Club Mandeville Sport Ground, North Canterbury Manderville Sports Grounds, Manderville North Canterbury Saturday 23 October 2010 Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 October 2010 In conjunction with Waimakariri Kennel Association In conjunction with Waimakariri Kennel Association Championship Show Judging order: Championship Show x 2 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Dogs, Bitches, BIS Judging commences: TBA Breed classes: 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Border,Bearded,Smooth,Rough Collies TBA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a (Bitches) Judges Mr J Sullivan (Australia) Mr C Woodrow (Austtralia) Judge Mr Chris Griffith (South Africa) Entries to: Secretary, SIDC, 127 Rangiora Woodend Road, Woodend 7610, CHRISTCHURCH Entry Fees: $12.00 Cheques payable: SIDC Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday Sunday Jackie Newton-Williams, 215 Tuahiwi Road, RD 1, KAIAPOI Breed $10.00 Stakes $3.50 South Island Collie Club Stakes Classes BOTH DAYS Head, Mover, Border Colour, Bearded Colour, Rough & Smooth Colour Perpetual Trophies for Financial Members only Spay and Neutered Collies may be entered in both Breed and Stakes Classes Catalogues: One Catalouge covers both days $5.00 Catering avaliable on grounds Prizes will be awarded at this show Verbal critiques will be given by the judge Catalogues: $3.00 Catering available at venue Entries Close: Earlybird 27 September 2010 Final 4 October 2010 West Coast Kennel Association Championship show Omoto Race Course. State Highway 7, Omoto Road, Greymouth. (This is approx 5min east of our previous venue) Saturday 30 & Sunday 31 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: T.B.A. 8.30 1 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judges Doreen Duffin (Victoria) Carol Keong (Queensland) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday 3, 5, 6 & BIS 1, 2, 4 & 7 Sunday 1, 2, 4 & 7 3, 5, 6 & BIS Sylvia Schmidt, 157 Cones Road, RD2, Rangiora 7472, Ph between 7-10pm Email [email protected] Earlybird $10.00 final $12.00 West Coast Kennel Club Stakes Classes Camping $5.00 per night payable with entry The committee reserve the right to reallocate breeds and appoint a reserve judge if necessary Catalogues: Full $6.00 Catering available all day NZ Dog World August 2010 67 Entries Close: 22 September 2010 South Island German Shepherd League 8th NZ German Shepherd National. Championship Breed, Open Obedience and Agility Christchurch Park, 250 Westminster Street, St Albans, Christchurch Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 November 2010 Saturday: Dogs, All Obedience; Sunday: Bitches, All agility TBA 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 (Dogs) 1a 2a 3a 5a 6a 8a 11a (Bitches) Judging order: Judging commences: Breed classes: Judges Richard Brauch S.V. (Germany) Bernadette Thompson (New Zealand) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday Breed Obedience Sunday Breed Agility Liz Wilkinson, PO Box 20180, Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543 Breed $30.00, Obedience $15.00, Agility $10.00 German Shepherd National 2010 National Registration form on SIGSL website - www.sigsl.org.nz; e-mail: [email protected]; Ph: 03 323 8943/0274278644 Child and Junior Handlers (Saturday) - see SIGSL website for entry form Veterans Parade (Sunday)$5.00 - Entry form required. Electronic photo & brief resume Verbal critiques in the ring Catalogues: With entry Catering available both days CHAMPIONSHIP OBEDIENCE TESTS Entries Close: 1 September 2010 Entries Close: 10 September 2010 All Breeds Dog Training Club South Rangitikei Dog Training Club NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore, (Indoors) Bulls Domain, Bulls Saturday 18 September 2010 Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 September 2010 Championship Obedience Tests Judging order: Novice 1, Novice 2, Test A, Test B, Test C simutaneously start time 9.00 am. Special Beginners, Elementary & Child Handler as rings become available from 1.00 pm. Judging commences: 9.00 am, SB, Elementary, Child Handler from 1.00 pm Judges Judith Martin (Waiuku) Margaret Dick (Highland Park) Win Henwood (Waiuku) Robyn Howard (Manurewa) June Rippon (Palmerston North) Stephen Hull (Papakura) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Special Beginners Novice 1 Novice 2 Test A Test B Test C Ann Florian, 20 Megan Ave, Pakuranga, Auckland 2010 $12.00 All Breeds Dog Training Club Prizes, Sponsors Products & Ribbons to 5th Place Child Handler Prizes, Ribbons to 10th Place Elementary $5.00 & Child Handler $3.00 Entry on Day Catalogues: $2.00 with entry Catering all Day 68 NZ Dog World August 2010 Championship Obedience Tests Judging order: Judging commences: All test simultaneously Saturday 9.30am, Sunday 9.00am Judges Satuday Tanya Emms Special Beginners Steve O’Brien Novice Pam Martin Test A B Stote-Blandy Test B John Muir Test C Libby Ellery Reserve Entries to: Entry fees: Cheques payable: Sunday B Stote-Blandy John Muir Tanya Emms Steve O’Brien Pam Martin Kate Winters Sue Klok, 9 Wellington Road, Sanson $10.00 South Rangitikei Dog Training Club Ribbons and Prizes to 5th place Goodwin Shield: Teams Saturday only Catalogues: $2.00 with entry Catering available Entries Close: 19 September 2010 Wanganui Dog Obedience Club Championship Obedience Tests Otamatea Reserve, Great North Road, Wanganui Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: All tests to be run simultaneously Saturday CD trials begin with Bronze at 9.30am Sat 9.30am Sunday 9.00am Judges Katrina Roebuck (Levin) Michael Hoy (Otaki) Sue Cooper (Palmerston North) Steve O’Brien (Wellington) Rosemary Cleator (Levin) Pam Martin (Okato) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday Special Beginners Novice Test A Test B Test C CD S, B, G Sunday Novice Test B Special Beginners Test C Test A Show Secretary, Wanganui Dog Training Club, P O Box 4223, Wanganui $11.00 Wanganui Dog Training Club Trophies for first place in SB, N, A, B and C Sashes to 5th place (7th in Novice) Sunday Elementary 1 & 2 begin at 9.30am. $4 entry on the day Sunday Official NZARO Rally Trial; Novice and Advanced $5 entry on the day Catalogues: $2 with entry; Catering available both days Entries Close: 17 September 2010 Manukau Dog Training Club Championship Obedience Test NZKC Exhibition Centre, Ardmore Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: All tests simultaneously at 9.00am, except Test C (8.30am both days) and Elementary (Sunday only not before 1.00pm) 9.00am (Test C 8.30am) Judges Sue Howe (Waiuku) Special Beginners Keith Florian (Pakuranga) Novice 1 Paula Holmes (Pirongia) Novice 2 Graham MacInnes (Pirongia) Test B Wayne Loader (North Shore) Test A John Muir (Tamahere) Test C Deanne Currie (Taupiri) Clive Bushell (Papakura) Bill Lewis (Karaka) Reserve Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Novice 2 Test A Test C Test B Novice 1 Special Beginners Reserve Sally Main, 133 Valley Road, Pukekohe, 2120 $12.00 Manukau Dog Training Club Ribbons and prizes 1st - 5th. Catalogues:$3.00, Running order available free with legible email address Catering available all day NZ Dog World August 2010 69 CHAMPIONSHIP AGILITY EVENTS SECRETARIES PLEASE NOTE SCHEDULE LAYOUTS The use of advertising logos must be clearly marked on schedules and be pre-paid. Your club claims the extra amount from your sponsor directly. Please note starting with the September issue of the NZ Dog World schedules must follow our template when being placed in the magazine. There is an option to have your schedule coloured with a spot colour (single) or full colour (more than one), if your club wishes to use their club colours. SCHEDULE PUBLICATION DATES For those clubs that do their schedules online through their clubs login then this will not be a problem. Any clubs that send through their schedules in a pre-prepared format, eg word/publish or as a PDF will need to ensure that the layout adheres to the template as used through the magazines schedule section. This will give us a uniform approach in line with the NZ Dog Worlds current design standards. Richard Brown Director Secretary Closing date at NZKC Schedules in this Gazette Shows in the month of 1 December 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 August 1 September 1 October 1 November FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DEC/JAN April May June July August September October November December January Feb/Mar Eleven Issues Annually Entries Close: Friday10 September 2010 Mid Canterbury Canine Obedience Club Championship Obedience Tests (2), CD Bronze Trial, Championship Agility Events (2), Championship Jumpers (3), Rally'O Ashburton A & P Showgrounds, Seafield Road, Ashburton Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: AGILITY: Ring 1: SAT: ST 1, Nov 1, Int 2, St 2. Ring 2: Int 1, Sen 1, Nov 2, Sen 2. SUN: Ring 1: Jumpers C1, B2, C3. Ring 2: B1, A1, C2, A2, B3, A3. OBEDIENCE: SAT: CD followed by Sp Beg, Nov, Test B, Test C, Test A. SUN: Nov, Test A, Test C, Sp Beg followed by Test B. RALLY-O: SAT: Nov A & Adv A followed by Nov B & Adv B. Agility 8.30am course walked at 8.15. Obedience 9.00am. Rally-O 2pm. Nic Furby (Blenheim) Sallie Ramon (Dunedin) Arend Van den Bos (Christchurch) Ann Davis (Auckland) Liz Wilkinson (Christchurch) Jean McClymont (Invercargill) Jo Miller (Invercargill) Anne Benson (Christchurch) Cynthia Muir (Akaroa) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Judges Saturday St 1, Nov, 1, Int 2, St 2 Int 1, Sen 1, Nov 2, Sen 2 CD, Sp Beg Test C Test A Test B, Rally-O Adv A Nov, Rally-O Adv B Rally-O Nov A Rally-O Nov B Sunday Jump C1, B2, C3 Jump B1, A1, C2, A2, B3, A3 Test C Nov Test B Test A Sp Beg Agility: Caroline Sinclair, 93 Alford Forest Road, Ashburton 7700. [email protected], Obedience & Rally-O: Sharon Dron, 808 Beach Road East, RD 7, Ashburton 7777. [email protected] Agility $5.00, Obedience $9.00, Rally-O $7.00 Mid Canterbury Canine Obedience Club Trophies, sashes and cash. Rally-O sponsered by Tevra; Agility catalogue available online. Numbers to be collected on the day. Absolutely no late entries accepted. Club meal on Sat night, numbers taken on day; Heat for NZYKC Agility Handler of the Year Will be held on Saturday afternoon: Under 12 years; 12 years and over - Novice; 12 years and over -Advanced Entry $5.00 Entries to Caroline SinclairCatalogues: Obedience $2.00, Agility $2.00; Full catering available both days 70 NZ Dog World August 2010 Entries Close: 7 September 2010 Entries Close: Thursday 23 September 2010 Auckland Canine Agility Club Central Hawkes Bay Dog Training Club Championship Agility Event X 2 Championship Jumpers X 2 ADX Advanced Championship Agility Event Russell Park, Waipukurau Kidd Ellett Park, Kidd Road, Te Hihi Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 October 2010 Judging order: Judging order: Saturday: Ring 1: Sts1, Nov1, Jps B1, Jps A1, Ring 2: Int1, Sen1, JpsC1; Sunday: Ring 1:Int2, Sen2, ADX, JpsC2, Ring 2: Sts2, Nov2, JpsB2, JpsA2 Judging commences: 9.00 am both days Martin Bush (Ohope) John Muir (Hamilton) Tarah Hunt (Cambridge) Dyson Beasley (Rotorua) Brett Palmer (Auckland) Entries to: Judge(s) Saturday Sen1,JpsB1, JpsA1 Nov1 Sts1, JpsC1 Int1 Reserve Judging commences: 8.30 am (courses walked at 8.15 am) both days. Sunday Int2, ADX Sen2, JpsB2, JpsA2 Nov 2 Jps C2, Sts 2 Reserve Graeme Lawson (Rangiora) Libby Ellery (Feilding) Roy Thorndycraft (Dunedin) Campbell List (Hastings) Kirstin Graves, 87 A Premier Avenue, Point Chevalier, Auckland, 1022 $5.00 per class Auckland Canine Agility Club Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday Ring 1: Inter 1, Sen 1, Inter 2, Jumpers A, Jumpers B. Ring 2 Sts 1, Nov 1, Sts 2, Jumpers C; Sunday Ring 1: Sen 2, Inter 3, Sen 3. Ring 2: Nov 2, Sts 3, Nov 3. Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Ribbons to at least 10% of entries. Prizes awarded amongst heights depending on entries The Eric Whitford memorial trophy will be awarded to the top dog, over both days We expect Starters, Novice, Intermediate and Jumpers C to be split classes. Catalogues $3 with entry or free from www.dogagility.org.nz one week prior to show Catering available both days Judges Saturday Sunday Inter 1, Sts 2 Snr 3, Nov 2 Snr 1, Jumpers A & B Sts 3 Inter 2, Sts 1 Snr 2, Nov 3 Nov 1, Jumpers C Inter 3 Shirley Parker, 11B Alamein Crescent, Onekawa, Napier, 4110, [email protected] $5.00 CHB Dog Training Club Prizes to at least 5% of the entries Ribbons to at least 10% of the entries Top Dog Trophy Catalogues on line or $3.50 to be paid with entry Catering available both days Entries Close: Monday 27 September, 2010 Counties Dog Training Club 2 x Championship Agility Event & 2 x Jumpers Championship Counties Dog Training Club, Kidd Ellett Park, Kidd Road, Te Hihi Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 October 2010 Judging order: Judging commences: Three rings, only two at any one time. Saturday: Ring 1 C Jumpers 1, Ring 2 Senior 1 followed by B Jumpers 1(A1), Novice 1, Intermediate 1, Starters 1 Tunnellers to follow after prizegiving. Sunday: Ring 1 Starters 2 Ring 2 Intermediate 2 followed by C Jumpers 2, B Jumpers 2 (A2), Senior 2, Novice 2 8.30 am Both days Judges Lyn Sayers (Taupo) Nick Chester (Hamilton) Amanda Benson (Tokoroa) Kirstin Graves (Pt Chevalier) Kathryn Spicer (Tuakau) Allan Rohde (Pukekohe) Entries to: Entry Fees: Cheques payable: Saturday Senior 1, Novice 1 C Jumpers 1 Starters 1, B Jumpers 1 Intermediate 1 A Jumpers 1, Reserve Tunnellers Sunday C Jumpers 2 Senior 2, Starters 2 Intermediate 2 Novice 2, B Jumpers 2 A Jumpers 2, Reserve Marilyn Lambert, 555 Ponga Road, RD4, Papakura 2584 $5.00 per class for all Standard ,Jumpers, & Tunnellers Counties Dog Training Club Due to possible height splits ribbons will be at least 10% of entries. If A Jumpers entries lower than 5, ribbon to 1st place only. Generous Cash Prizes. Tunnellers: pre-entry preferred but can enter on the day. Please contact Marie Wales regarding camping [email protected] Catalogues: Printed catalogues on request $3 or free online @ dogagility site The Famous Breakie's Cafe open all weekend. Breakfast available Sunday morning only. NZ Dog World August 2010 71