HerdABoutIt Wtr 12.pub - Carolina Australian Shepherd Club
HerdABoutIt Wtr 12.pub - Carolina Australian Shepherd Club
An Affiliate of The Australian Shepherd Club of America Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 President Mary Isenhour-Long President (336) 266-2914 Mary Isenhour-Long [email protected] (336) 266-2914 (cell) IsenVice-President [email protected] Bobbie Myrick (704) 633-1596 Vice-president [email protected] Beverly Eichel (704) 289-2062 Secretary [email protected] Sandi Payne Greene (919) 929-4116 Secretary [email protected] Tina Whisnant (704) 538-1397 Treasurer [email protected] Don Little (843) 873-7328 Treasurer [email protected] Don Little (843) 873-7328 Board Members [email protected] Jan Clark (919) 434-3839 Board Members [email protected] Bobbie Myrick Lynda Shackelford (704) 633-1596 (336) 697-9549 [email protected] [email protected] Lynda Shackelford Sandy Little (336) 697-9549 (843) 873-7328 [email protected] [email protected] Sandy Little Affiliate Representative (843) 873-7328 Susan Moorehead [email protected] (336) 578-1076 [email protected] Letter from the CASC President… Happy New Year! I hope the year 2012 brings everyone, health, wealth, and happiness! I saw a post on the computer today… make a promise to do one act of kindness, or make something, for 5 different people… you have the entire year to complete this task. Think about things you can do to make someone else happy, or have a better moment. I hope everyone is rested up and ready to start enjoying our dogs and seeing our CASC friends for more fun activities and shows. Our tracking test is being held this year on March 11; we will be plotting tracks on the 10th. This is a fun sport to watch - it is amazing how the dogs follow scent! When the dog & handler find the end article, it is a thrill for all! Join us! We always serve lunch on Sunday, after the tests… it is always exciting, with the participants reliving their outcome, to a wonderful camaraderie among dog lovers. Why don’t we plan to bring a “covered dish” lunch, enough for all, and afterwards, have our Spring CASC meeting? We will already have several members attending, and hopefully some of the others can join us to support out test, and have a wonderful lunch… as always! As always, we need to be looking at dates… we have people asking when we will be holding our Rally & Obedience trials, as well as Conformation events. There are a lot of people that like to show with us… that says a lot for our club and it’s members! Even with the hardships that life imposes on us, you have found ways in which to help, even if it is only for a “little bit” or a “small detail”. It is all the “little bits” and “small details” put together, that makes things happen. Thank you, for putting the effort into making our club a success. Here’s to an even better year in 2012! See you soon! Mary Page 2 Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 Secretary’s Notes: August 27, 2011 Cutting Board Restaurant, Burlington CASC Meeting called to order at 1:15PM Members in attendance were: Mary Isenhour-Long, Lynda Shackelford, Bobbie Myrick, Susan Moorehead, Mitch Moorehead, Sandi Payne Greene. Old Business CASC October 2011 Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Agility Shows – * Jan Clark has agreed to be the show secretary. * Susan Moorehead will reserve the rooms for the judges (Quality Inn) * Pam Manton has volunteered to take pre-entries and will order the awards. * Day of show entries volunteers include Susan, Lynda, Mary, Bobbie. * Friday early set up volunteers include Sandi (and Don even though he wasn’t present) – no chalking/no plastic. * Bobbie will order ribbons based on discussion of options in the catalog. She brought a sample of a mug with the CASC logo to be a possible judge’s gift. * Sandi and Karen will work together to organize the food. Sandi will contact Karen. The club will pay for drinks and members will be asked to contribute dishes. (Susan will bring lasagna Saturday, Lynda will bring her 3-bowl crock pot for soups) * Susan will try to get volunteers to help with the show (boy scouts, etc.) * Proceeds from the raffle are to benefit ASGHI. Raffle items are needed. The tent raffle will be a separate event. The club will be reimbursed for cost of pop-up tent after reimbursing Pam and proceeds will benefit CASC educational programs. Tracking Workshop November 12, 2011 with Jack Sappenfield – Cane Creek Campground, Snow Camp Lunch will be served at 12 noon Enclosed trailer The contract with Bobbie was approved. THE VOTE IS IN…. Congratulations! Your Slate of Officers for 2012 Continues to be the Same Wonderful Group that Served in 2011. Thanks for your contribution to making this a Great Club! Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 Page 3 Committee Reports Treasurer Report none given CASC website from Pam: 8/25 the site had 5 hits, in the last 7 days – 30 hits, in the last year since it’s been put up – 3000 hits. New Business ASCA Tracking Test March 10, 11, 2011 at Cane Creek Campground, Snow Camp ASCA Agility Trial April 27, 28, 29, 2012 Myrtle Beach, SC The location is rented. Sanctioning and judges are pending. CASC herding Kelly has offered his place for herding fun days, meetings or trials. Susan suggested that CASC could possibly offer a trial in the fall of 2012. CASC incorporation Don will incorporate us in S.C. This is required due to Wells Fargo banking regulations. Next Club Meeting The next CASC meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 19, 2011 in Concord, time TBA. This meeting will include the election of officers. Meeting adjourned at 2:30PM. Respectfully submitted, Sandi Payne Greene November 19, 2011 Greater Monroe Kennel Club, Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, Concord, NC CASC Meeting called to order at 4:00PM Members in attendance were: Mary Isenhour-Long, Jan Clark, Beverly Eichel, Sandi Payne Greene, Jennifer MacNabb (guest). Old Business Halloween Show – Had some majors, good volunteer help, good entries, good food. Thanks everyone! Show went well – great feedback. No accounting yet – possibly lost $1000 overall. Treasurers report – (none) $5500.00 +/- in account before October show. Rented trailer now being used for club equipment. P4E building/agility reserved for October 2012 show. Tracking workshop with Jack Sappenfield (co-hosted with Tarheel Weim Club) went really well. Working spots filled with 2 on wait list and 2-3 auditors. Our half of net income was a little over $500. Discussion to continue the tracking workshops. Tracking Test scheduled for March 11, 2012. Taking volunteers for tracklayers. We need to hire judges. Agility Trial scheduled April 27, 28, 29, 2012 in South Carolina. Judge hired – Chuck Klein. This will be the first ASCA agility trial in S.C. Herding Trial at Findley Vue – we need to choose a date either September or November 2012. Page 4 Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 New Business We need to have another Rally trial and set a date for a summer conformation show. It was suggested to have the Rally trial at Bobbie’s and the summer conformation show at DTA. Discussion was held about doing both at the same time. Potential new event venue in Southern Pines/Pinehurst area – Jane Hammett-Bright of Shadow Hill Kennel, Jackson Springs, NC. This facility is available to us at minimal cost. 64 acres with indoor facility (no a/c at present). We will have to have a serious commitment from club members to put on a show in Southern Pines area. It was suggested that we could co-host an event with First in Flight ASC. After getting feedback from club members Mary could touch base with Kristie. Election of Officers for 2012 – proposed: President: Mary Isenhour-Long Vice-President: Bobbie Myrick Treasurer: Don Little Secretary: Sandi Payne Greene BOD: Jan Clark Sandy Little Lynda Shackelford Sandy Little Susan Moorehead, Affiliate Club will email recommended slate of officers to members. Motion made to approve slate by Jan/motion approved by Beverly. Meeting adjourned 5:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Let’s Make it a Goal! One New Member If every member would invite at least one new person to join our club this year, we can double our efforts! We have some great events in the planning - Rally & Obedience shows, Conformation shows, Agility in NC & SC, a Tracking test, and a Herding trial! We have a lot to offer and can always appreciate new help! Make it your goal! One New Member! Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 Page 5 Calendar of Events CASC Tracking Test Sunday, March 11, 2012 Cane Creek Campground, Snow Camp, NC Track laying will begin on Sat. March 10; the actual test will be on Sunday, March 11 at 9 am. Join us for a great tracking demonstration! CASC Spring Meeting Sunday, March 11, 2012 Cane Creek Campground, Snow Camp, NC Make plans to attend! Covered dish lunch, for members and tracking participants, with CASC meeting afterwards. Members should plan to be there around 11:00 am. ASCA Agility Trials Mebane, NC April 28 & 29, 2012 This agility trial will be held in Mebane at the Paws4Ever Training Facility. Be a part of it! CASC members get “special” ring-side seating! Mark your calendars and join us for a fun weekend! Page 6 Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 CASC Halloween Show... A Weekend of Fun! October 28, 29 & 30, 2011 Paws4Ever, Mebane, NC Three big days were spent doing agility, Obedience, Rally and Conformation at the Paws4Ever training facility for our annual Halloween Show. We had great judges, some wonderful exhibitors, and the most dedicated CASC members to thanks for a successful event! Herd-A-Bout-It Winter 2012 Beginning Tracking Workshop With Jack Sappenfield Co-Hosted with The Tarheel Weimaraner Club November 12 & 13, 2011, Snow Camp, NC Our 2nd Great Tracking Workshop In 2011! Due to having so many people that were unable to get into the limited participation, tracking workshop we held in April, we offered another one in November, with equal success! Instructor, Jack Sappenfield, lead the way for participants to enjoy the experience of teaching scent work to their dogs. The weather was perfect, the location was great, and the response was excellent! A perfect prelude to our March test! Page 7 It’s Membership Renewal time... CASC Spring Meeting Sunday, March 11, 2012 After Covered Dish lunch at our Tracking Test Cane Creek Campground - Exit 143, Burlington, NC 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Directions to the site from I-85/40 West: Take Exit 145 Burlington - Liberty Exit (Hwy 49). Take Hwy. 49 south. Continue 9 miles on Hwy. 49 South. Turn left on Beale Road. Go 1 mile to stop sign. Go straight across at stop sign. Turn left on Longest Acre Road. Go .2 miles and turn right into the campground. We will meet at the Log Cabin near the Stage Area. Drive into the park, past the homes, and into the camping area. 1256 Longest Acres Rd., Snow Camp, NC 27349 PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US! • Agility Trial Update • Schedule Next Meeting • Future Events & Workshops 5788 Mountain Trail Snow Camp, NC 27349