CASC - How to enter Meets
CASC - How to enter Meets
CASC - How to enter Meets January 2014 This sheet covers entry procedures for: ACT area meets (including Queanbeyan) Swimming NSW meets Swimming Australia meets Other meets If this is your first meet click here for more information about what happens at meets. meet. Check your entries carefully and advise the Paul Naco of any errors. 4. After you have checked the meet entry report pay for your entries. Payment is due the day before the meet. The entry fee is on the meet flyer. You can pay by: Read the flyer carefully and check the National Results Database to see if you can enter your chosen events. Note any: o CASC bank account details are: Canberra Amateur Swimming Club BSB: 062 900 (Commonwealth) Account No: 0080 5364 break times (to enter and event a swimmer's best time must be slower than the time advertised on the flyer) o complete the reference field with your family name followed by the meet code published on the CASC website. If you run out of room leave off the last letters of the meet code. qualifying times (to enter an event a swimmer's best time must equal to to faster than the time advertised on the flyer) If you believe that some of your results are missing please contact the club that organised the meet and ask them to upload the results. Do not email the CASC Race Secretary unless the meet was run by CASC. direct debit, either at a bank branch or via internet banking (preferred method) cheque payable to CASC (not host club) o post to PO Box 627, CIVIC SQUARE, ACT 2608. Please note: ACT area meets (including Queanbeyan) Flyers for ACT meets are published on the right hand side of the CASC website. All meets in the ACT will have either a break time or a qualifying time. It is your responsibility to check that you meet these times. To enter a meet there are four steps: 1. use the National Results Database to check that you are eligible to swim in the meet 2. email entry details to Paul Naco, CASC Race Secretary by the CASC closing date advertised on the CASC website (usually four to seven days before the closing date on the flyer). DO NOT email your entry to the hosting club as it will not be accepted. o one meet only per email please, which must include swimmer's name and date of birth event number/s and description for the events to be entered, eg, # 12 - girls 13 years 50 free. We are unable to provide refunds for entries which are rejected because they do not meet break / qualifying times. Entry fees are sent to the organising Club with the meet entries and are not refunded, to CASC. If you enter a meet you must pay the meet entry fees even if you do not swim as CASC is obliged to pay the hosting club once the entry is submitted. If you have outstanding fees payable from earlier meets your entry will not be submitted until the outstanding fees are paid. CASC is required to provide timekeepers at all meets. All CASC swimmers need to ensure that a parent or other person is available to help with timekeeping at meets. More information. Please refer to page 2 for information about entering meets outside Swimming ACT area. Questions If you have any questions please contact [email protected]. 3. The meet entry report will be published on the CASC website a few days before the CASC - How to enter Meets CASC - How to enter Meets January 2014 Swimming NSW meets (including Country and State Championships) Swimming Australia Championships ALL NSW State and Country Championship meet entries and payments are now done online - not through the CASC race secretary. ALL Swimming Australia Championship meet entries and payments are done on line using the Events Online system (as for Swimming NSW meets) - not through the CASC race secretary. Check the Swimming NSW calendar for the closing dates for these meets and links to the online entries portal. Note: Check the Swimming Australia calendar for the closing dates for these meets and links to the online entries portal. Swimming NSW have launched a Swimmer & Parents How to Enter Online Guide. This Guide is a simplified, step by step process to guide you through the Events Online system when entering online for Swimming NSW Championships. Please refer to it first if you have difficulties using the online system. If you still experience difficulties please contact [email protected]. Multi Classification event entries may be submitted via Online system. All Multi Classification entries must be accompanied by an email to Swimming NSW [email protected] with notification of the athletes’ current classification information. The exception is if you need to use a short course time to enter a long course championship. In you need to do this make sure you email your entry to the the CASC Race Secretary at least one week before the closing date for online entries. Only enter this way if you do not have a long course qualifying time. Your entry time will be the qualifying time for the meet. You must deposit the entry fee into the CASC bank account as soon you email your entry to the CASC Race Secretary (see previous page for payment information. Important Note: Entry lists will be published on the Swimming NSW website following the closing date. It is the competitor’s responsibility to email [email protected] within 24 hours of the entry lists being posted to request corrections. Note you cannot use a short course time to enter a long course Australian championship. Other meets outside the Swimming ACT Area If you are planning on entering other meets outside the ACT Area please read the flyer for the meet carefully. If the hosting club is accepting entries online using the Events Online system use that method. Note: send the CASC Race Secretary a courtesy email so that he is aware of your entries. This ensures that your results will be available to use as qualifying times in ACT meets. If the hosting club is not accepting online entries you must send your entries to the CASC Race Secretary. Do not send your entries direct to the hosting club as they will not be accepted. The procedure is the same as for entering ACT meets (see previous page) but note: your entry must be with the CASC Race Secretary at least 1 week before the closing date on the flyer. This is to allow the Race Secretary and Treasurer enough time to get the entries in and the cheque posted off to the hosting club. payment should be made into the CASC bank account in the usual way. For meets outside the ACT / NSW you must complete an interstate clearance form and email or post it to Swimming NSW before the closing date for the meet. Please also send a copy to the CASC Race Secretary. Questions If you have any questions please contact [email protected]. CASC - How to enter Meets