Volume 7 - Rotary Club Bandar Sunway
Volume 7 - Rotary Club Bandar Sunway
Volume 7 (rev 1) August 12, 2015 THE ROTARY CLUB OF BANDAR SUNWAY WAS CHARTERED ON THE 22ND OF APRIL 1993 President 2015-2016 www.rotarysunway.org Rtn Arjan Pursumal 012-2340561 [email protected] The Board of Directors Vice President Rtn. Lydia Francis 012-2154587 [email protected] International Services Director PP Suresh Kumar Rajadurai 012-210 4068 [email protected] President-Elect Rtn. John Beardsley 012-6446153 [email protected] Public Image - Director PP Dr. Arasu 019-3926475 [email protected] Immediate Past President Rtn Xavier Francis 016-2939058 [email protected] Vocational Services Director PP Ram Nair 012-2882950 [email protected] Secretary Rtn. Asvika Maheswary 012-681 1433 [email protected] Bulletin Editor PP Movin 016- 2447740 [email protected] Treasurer Rtn Krishnan Nachiappen 012-3059343 [email protected] Honorary Members Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam Membership Develop. Director Rtn.Dr.Sharon Gopalan 012-250 0681 [email protected] TRF Major Donors PP Dato' Ram Nair PP Dieter Esser Paul Harris Society PP Magandran Muthiah The Rotary Foundation - Director PP Movin 016- 2447740 [email protected] PP Movin Miranda Club Administration Director Rtn Sir Kennedy Amadi 019-222 8042 [email protected] PP Raveendranath PP K.K. Chue PP M. K. Menon PP Suresh Kumar Rajadurai PP Movin Miranda Service Projects Director Rtn Dinesh Francis 019-223 3976 [email protected] Youth Services Director PP Mani Raja Chandran 019-2115977 [email protected] Sergeant-At-Arms Rtn Angelo Nicholas John Baptist 012-286 9809 [email protected] Multiple PHF's Pres. Arjan DGND Manohur Paul Harris Fellows Mr. Poh See Lim Ms. Lalitha Sambamoorthy Rtn Mikel William PP Tarlochan Singh PP Letha Krishnan Mr. Daniel Berkemeier Mr. Denis Gruhier Mr. Hew Deng Wai Rtn Nigel Jones PP Mani Raja Chandran PP N. M. Thangaraj PP Eric Wong PP Divakaran PP Susan Mackle Rtn Arjan Rtn Jose Raveendran Rtn Kennedy Amadi Sister Clubs Australia : The Rotary Club of Kippa Ring India : The Rotary Club of Bangalore West The Rotary Club of Ottapalam The Rotary Club of Calcutta Metropolitan South Korea : The Rotary Club of Central Kyung-Ju USA : The Rotary Club of Lacey Sri Lanka : The Rotary Club of Capital City Inner Wheel Clubs The Inner Wheel Club of Selangor Friendship Exchange Clubs Thailand : The Rotary Club of Nakhon Si Thammarat Turkey : Eskisehir Yazilikaya Rotary Club Rotaract Clubs The Rotaract Club of Bandar Sunway (chartered 2nd June 1998) Jamil Rais fellows The Rotaract Club of Taylor's College PP Ram Nair PP Raveendranath PP Manohur PP Dieter Esser (chartered 15th July 2013) The Rotaract Club of Sunway University (chartered 23 February 2015) Paul Harris Fellows Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Dr. Susan Cheah Tan Sri Ravindra Menon Datuk K L Tan Datuk Ngeow IPP Francis Xavier PP Arasu Late PP Sinnu Marapan Datin Shamini Nair Interact Clubs SMK Subang Utama Maz International School SMK Seafield SMK Sunway SMK SS 17 Sunway International School Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org My dear friends in Rotary A weekend of being a gi to the world “In Rotary, what is our product ? It is not wooden ducks or plas c bricks. It is educa on, water, health and peace. It is hope, and it is life itself. For this work, only our best is good enough. I ask you all to remember this – and to do your very best to Be a Gi to the World” – these were the words of wisdom shared by KR Ravindran President, Rotary Interna onal. Since the day I was taken into membership in RCBS on 6th January 2012, I have seen waves of changes over the me including turbulances. I am very sure the situa on may have been similar since the day of our Club’s incep on. It’s been more than 22 years now and we cannot help but acknowledge the strength of our Club, the quality, the standards of its service and its products which have created new milestones for the be erment of our club. We must recognise that the sucess story of our club began with the commitments, sacrifices and high standard of ethical prac ces of all our past presidents (with no excep on) and the members, then and now. From my personal experience while seeking the guidance of our Past Presidents and our members, it is clear that our Club insist on quality, high standards, efficiency and crea ve ideas in everything we stand for, a frequent reminder I am grateful for. This is apparent from the recent successful projects such as the Kajang Prison Project The sucess of the most recent projects, namely the Interctors Learning Training Seminar (“ILTS”) and the The Sarawak IQuiz Challenge, both held simultaneously on 8th August 2015 at SMK SS 17 and Kucing, Sarawak respec vely is clearly reflected in th pictures and comments posted in this weekly newsle er. I can only atrribute these successes to the perseverances and insistance of high quality and standards of delivery without any compromises. I must express my hear elt gra tude to all members of this beloved club of ours who con nued to assist and raise the bars standards and quality in the delivery of our products. I must make special men on of OC PP Maniraja, PP Thangaraj, IPP Xavier, Rtn Dr. Nagiah, AG PP Diva, Rtn Dinesh, Rtn Naga, Rtn Angelo and Rtn Carlos, all of whom were ready and available in the morning of 8th Auguist at SMK SS17 to assists at the ILTS. Needless to say PP Thangaraj, in his usual style and candour made an impac ul mo va onal presenta on which benefited the Teacher Advisors, Interactors and Rotarians present. In addi on, Rtn Dr. Nagiah introduced a unique “Career Test” which sent the Interactors home with some good food for thought. I wish to thank VP Lydia for stepping in for me at the Sarawak IQuiz Challenge. I salute the members who made the journey to Kuching out of sheer dedica on and commitment to play a role in the future of these Interactors. Whilst we may some mes fall short of the expecta ons we place upon ourselves, we should not be disheartened. As I see it, our Club has been successful in doing our very best thus far. I am also very confident together, we will con nue to do so in our forth coming events and projects without compromises. HOWEVER, one ques on that really troubles me every night and morning is “Can we do be er? To be a gi to the world”. Yours in Rotary President Arjan Sawlani The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 RC BANDAR SUNWAY – NOTES ON THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AT SUNWAY LAGOON RESORT HOTEL, 5th Aug 2015 at 7.45 pm MEMBERS PRESENT APOLOGIES SPEAKER President Arjan, Hon Sec Asvika, VP Lydia, Tres. Krishnan, CP Richard, IPP Xavier, PP’s Ravee, Movin, Diva, Arasu, MK Menon, Dieter, Thangaraj, Rtn’s John, Raj, Sharon, Keneddy, Angelo, Dato Ram, Rajan, Nagarajan Puveendran, Carlos and Sharon, DGND Mano, Mag, Susan, , Dr Nagiah, Michael Amos, Viro Dr Mohammed Yunus Yasin – Sciene for Young Children WELCOME & TOASTS President Arjan commenced meeting with a warm welcome to guests and Rotarians. The Sergeant-at-arms Rtn Angelo welcomed our guests and our fellow Rotarians. Thereafter we proceeded with the loyal toasts to the King of Malaysia and our Royal Patron Sultan of Selangor followed. ANNOUNCEMENTS President’s and Director’s Announcements: 1. I-QUIZ Kuching will be held on 7th Aug 2015. Members confirmed attending are PP Movin, President Arjan, PP Dato Ram, PP Eric and Rotarian Mickael Amos. 2. President thank the OC and his very able team and our Emcees Rtn Dr. Viro and Rtn Dr. Raj for the great job. 3. ILTS is scheduled on 8th August 2015. Venue : SMK SS17. Time : 9am – 2.00pm. 70 interactors and 6 rotarians involves. 4. SMKBS Interact club is having their 11th Installation on 11th August 2015. BIRTHDAY / WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS This was announced by President Arjan for the week. RI INFO : PP Ravee FINING SESSION : Tress Krishnan. Collected fines RM 531. President adjourned the meeting at 9.45pm pm. Notes taken by Asvika, Hon.Secretary The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org RC Bandar Sunway conducts ILTS for Interact Clubs In conjunction with the New Generation Month (Rotary International calendar 2015), RC Bandar Sunway organised an Interact Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) for the six interact clubs under RCBS' sponsorship. The event was hosted by SMK SS17 at their premises and was attended by Interact members from SMK Subang Utama, SMK Bandar Sunway and SMK Seafield. Interactors from Sunway International School and Maz International School did not attend as they were way on semester break. OC PP Mani Raja started the morning’s proceedings with his opening address after which President Arjan addressed the students. He spoke passionately about the duties and responsibilities of Rotarians and Interactors alike and strongly encouraged the students to be ‘A Gift to The World’. PP Thangaraj was the next to take the floor and upped the pace with a thought provoking and interactive session on the topic of ‘Effective Leadership’. Both Rotarians and students enjoyed an engaging and stimulating discourse that touched on many areas related to leadership. PP Thangaraj was equally entertaining with his sharp wit and humour and was clearly in his element. Needless to say, he well exceeded the time slot given to him. The second part of the training involved breakout sessions in small groups to help educate and prepare the student interactors carry out their duties in the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Club Services Director, Community Services Director and IU Director. One or two Rotarians were assigned to each group to moderate the discussions which covered a comprehensive list of topics such as follows: The objectives of Interact and Rotary Clubs How to operate an Interact Club How the Rotary organisation supports Interact Clubs Rotary resources for Interact Clubs Documents, forms and guidelines such as Interact Club constitution and Club by-laws and etc Presentation skills and guidelines for special events such as during the DG’s visit and Club installation After the breakout discussions, the students regrouped for the final session on ‘Career Path Selection’ which was presented by Dr. Nagiah who drew upon his many years as a senior educator to deliver a clinical study of the subject. He also provided worksheets and guided the audience through an exercise designed to help individuals make more informed decisions when discerning their choice of career. RCBS also did not miss out on the opportunity to promote the iQuiz and DG’s visit before OC PP Mani Raja wrapped up the event with a feedback session from the participants. Overall, the event appeared to be fruitful judging from the positive responses provided by the students. The training seminar ended on a bright note with a group photo session under the mid-day sun. The event was attended by forty eight student interactors, two teacher advisors (SMK Subang Utama and SMK SS17) and 11 Rotarians from RCBS. SMK SS17 proved to be generous hosts by ensuring that the Rotarians and students enjoyed a sweet breakfast at the start of the morning and a hearty lunch at the end. The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org Feedback from Interactors Interact Leadership Training Course on 8 August 2015 @ SMK SS17 IC Pres. Parvinh. Seafield: Hey there! My name is Parvinh Ramany and I'm the President of the Interact Club of SMK Seafield and I'm here to share my remark of today's ILTS. To start off, I'm very happy to say that I was part of this year's ILTS and that I finally feel more involved and closer with the interact and rotary family. I got the chance to meet other interactors from other schools YAY! As for the session that we had today, it was simply amazing. Simple, meaningful and enjoyable. Your story and experience that you shared to us was mighty handy. I hope after this I'll a good help to my Vice President and a great leader. To wrap things up, I had a blast at today's ILTS and I look forward to gather with the rest again. I will do my best to be a Gift to this world. **************** IC VP Wang Jin. Seafield: Good evening! My name is Wang Jin Wen and I'm the Vice President of the Interact Club of SMK Seafield. I felt that the ILTS today was very informative and really made me aware of the responsibilities I have as the Vice President of the club. To be honest, I feel much more confident now to support my President and lead the club now that I know that the Rotary Club is behind us backing us up all the time. I feel much more comfortable with my post and the obligations and responsibilities that came along with it. Thank you for your time and all the Rotarians that came today! I really enjoyed myself despite the heat! ********************* Danielle Marissa Yew, SMKSU, IU Director: At first when I was assigned the role of IU Director for my school's Interact club, I was quite hesitant about accepting it as I only knew a bit about what IU Day was and I was nervous about the responsibility that came with being the IU director. After the whole Leadership session, I can honestly say I am ready to take responsibility and become a good IU director to the club. And as for the break out session, I now know so much more about what International Understanding is, and thanks to the tips and guidelines provided by Rotarian Diva, I now know what I have to do in order to make our school's IU Day a successful one. Thank you for the the whole training session. It was very helpful! ******************** Dear President Arjan and Rtn. Mani, The ILTS definitely made my path as a Vice President clearer. I was hesitant at first when I was elected as I was not fully sure about my duties. After the seminar, I am now more confident about this post and I am glad that I accepted it. I now know the true meaning of leadership. The breakup session helped me clarify what I need to do. Besides that, I had close to no idea what my career choice would be when I grew up. The career session at the end pointed out which path would be most suitable for me. I may not know for sure, but I definitely have a slight idea of the career path I should be taking. Overall a productive seminar. Truly appreciate the fact that the Rotarians made time to conduct this seminar for the Interactors. Thank you. Regards, Int. Trisha Jacob Vice President 2015/16 Interact Club of SMK Subang Utama Hashviny D/O Chandra Segaran, President of Interact Club SMK Bandar Sunway: First of all,would like to thank you for gifting me and my fellow Board of Directors a wonderful seminar yesterday. We hope in future,that there will be more seminars like this to keep motivating and guide us to lead wonderful leadership among us. Thankyou. I also have attached our report here. .......CONTD/- The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org Feedback from Interactors Interact Leadership Training Course on 8 August 2015 @ SMK SS17 REPORT OF INTERACT LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINAR 2015 (AN ENLIGHTENING KNOWLEDGABLE DAY) Interact Leadership Seminar 2015 was one of the best seminar that we have participated in our lifetime. Through ILTS 2015, we have learnt and gained lots of new knowledge about Interact Club. This wonderful seminar has taught us on how to collect datas and transform them into informations, knowledge and produce it as a wisdom. Besides, we have learnt on management. We should plan, organize, lead and control when managing a program or activity. These lead us to achieve certain objectives like smart goals in life. Objectives must also have time frames. Planning can only be done by setting up objectives through courses of action. As successful leaders, we must group up our work activities and allocate the resources in an organized manner. We can also influence others by reward power, positional power, authority power, knowledge power, charismatic power and conversion power. Then, we also get to know that among three controls such as feedforward control, concurrent control and feedback control, the most expensive control is the feedback control. In this seminar, we were also highlightened with the basic concept of “Leadership”. The basic concept of “Leadership” are influence, power and followed by leadership itself. In conclusion, may all the credits goes to our respected Organizer of ILTS 2015 for gifting us a wonderful Interact Leadership Training Seminar and to all the successful leaders, be creative, focused and have a shark in life. This report is prepared by The Board of Directors of Interact Club SMK Bandar Sunway 2015/2016. Government of Canada Partners with Rotary Foundation Canada to Eradicate Polio Worldwide and Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced the renewal of the partnership between Government of Canada and Rotary Foundation Canada by providing a total of up to $18 million to help save the lives of vulnerable children and reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries. During the next four years, the Government of Canada will contribute two dollars for every dollar raised by Rotary Foundation Canada in support of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Endgame Strategy, to a maximum contribution of $12 million. The funds will be provided to UNICEF to support the goal of eradicating polio worldwide by 2018. The renewal of the partnership reinforces Canada’s ongoing leadership on polio. It builds on the Pennies & More for Polio initiative, through which Rotary Foundation Canada raised $2.2 million between 2012 and 2013, which was matched by the Government of Canada. The Government of Canada will also contribute up to $6 million to support Rotary Foundation Canada’s efforts to help advance maternal, newborn and child health, secure the future of children and youth, and increase sustainable economic growth in under-served communities in developing countries. Today, the world stands on the verge of being able to end the preventable deaths of women and children within a generation. Canada remains steadfast in its commitment to work with Canadian and international partners to achieve this goal. The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org RC Kuching Central President thanks RCBS supporting for IQuiz The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org Our Speaker last week Our speaker last week was Dr Mohd Yunus - the Cambridge trained doctrate in Engineering who initiated the efforts to transform Maths and Science in Tamil schools in Malaysia. The schools have now won awards in New York, UK, Seoul and Beijing for their science projects. The best performing school in UPSR last year was a participating Tamil School in Johor. President Arjan gifted his Rotary Pin with the the theme "Be a Gift to the World" to Dr Yunus after the presentation. Dr. Mohd Yunus also organises the National Science Fair for Young Children as part of ASTI or the Association of Science, Technology & Innovation (www.asti.org.my), a NGO dedicated to the teaching of science in Tamil schools. Our Speaker this week Our speaker this week, Mr. Vijay Chelliah has been in the automation industry for the past 15 years. He has been involved in various projects deployments around market sectors such as water, tunnel, building automation, power and the transportation both locally and abroad. Having graduated from the US with a Bachelor of Science in the field of Electrical Engineering, he has pursued his courier as a engineer working in the power industry, but ends up pursuing a field which not known to many this country. He has moved up the corporate ladder and is not contributing the earned experiences in the sales force by heading the tendering division for the digital infrastructure sector. Having the opportunity to work on Malaysia first fully automated Tunnel at Penchala located at Mont Kiara provided the ground work to tackle even bigger challenges. This future challenge was the SMART Tunnel. With extreme working conditions and tight deadlines, it was a strong passion were the driving factors to complete the project ahead of schedule. The work pressure was high as night and day was the same as time was the most critical factor in completing the project. He was recently inducted into Rotary and he is here now to share his experiences and tell you some interesting information about SMART that you may or may not have heard from the various media The SMART Tunnel is a Malaysian mega structure project and the worlds first unique dual water and traffic operated tunnel. The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Visit us at www.rotarysunway.org DUTY ROSTER Dates to note Date Fellowship R.I Info 12 Aug Thangaraj Angelo Pushpa 19 Aug Dinesh Ram Eric 26 Aug Nagiah Kanishen Diva 2 Sept Xavier Angelo Dhinesh Fine Master BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Date Details August 16 (Sunday) - ILTS TRF seminar Today’s Programme Talk on SMART tunnel Vocational Visit To SMART tunnel . Date to be firmed TRF Seminar—16th August 21 Aug PP Letha & Madhavan celebrate their wedding anniversary 25 Aug PP Susan & John celebrate their wedding anniversary 28 Aug Rtn Arjan Pursumal celebrates his birthday Please mark this event on your diary. The registration form is available with your TRF Director (PP Movin). More details will follow soon. As advised by PDG Rajindar Singh the Seminar will serve as a Grant Management Seminar for clubs that missed out. 29 Aug Shakila (spouse of PP Divakaran) celebrates her birthday It’s a day after our Penang IQuiz, so it may be a challenge for some of you to attend. 29 Aug Sanjiv (son of PP Dato Ram) celebrates his birthday The Closing Date for District Grants will be extended to 25 August 2015. 31 Aug Alexander (son of PP Dr Dieter) celebrates his birthday Topics to be covered include: 31 Aug Dharnyy (daughter of Rtn Mahes) celebrates Smile-a-while In the hardware store, a clerk asked, “Can I help you find anything?” “How about my misspent youth,” joked my husband. The clerk shot back, “We keep that in the back, between world peace and winning lottery tickets.” The Rotary Foundation – Overview, Updates and Goals Supporting The Rotary Foundation and recognitions Stewardship Vocational Training Team Update on PolioPlus District Grants & Global Grants Giving Is Better Than Receiving “What’s a hipster?” asked my four-year-old cousin. IF YOUR CLUB INTENDS TO APPLY FOR THE DISTRICT OR GLOBAL GRANT, IT IS MANDATORY THAT AT LEAST ONE MEMBER HAS ATTENDED A GRANT SEMINAR. “Someone who will wear something just to look different,” I said. “They’ll often buy clothes in thrift shops and wear thick glasses.” Organising Chairman PP Mah Soon Chai Assistant Governor 2015/16 “Is Grandma a hipster?” he asked. The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7/ 2015-16 August 12, 2015 Attendance Report - The RotaryMeetings Club of Bandar Sunway - August Make-up Total 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Pres Arjan PE John VP Lydia IPP Xavier Rtn. Angelo PP Arasu Rtn Carlos PP Chue PP Dieter Rtn Dinesh Francis PP Diva PP Eric Wong PP Gopal Rtn Jose Raveendran Rtn Jude Rtn Kaman Rtn Kanishen Rtn Kennedy Rtn Krishnan PP Letha Rtn Asvika PP Mag PP Mani Raja PP Manohur Rtn Michael Amos Rtn. Mickel PP Mick Menon PP Movin Rtn Nagarajan Rtn Nagiah Rtn Nigel Rtn Puspha Rtn Puveen Rtn Rajan Rtn Dr Raj PP Ram PP Ravee CP Richard Rtn Sharon PP Suresh PP Susan PP Tarlochan PP Thangaraj Rtn Viro Meetings Attended YTD YTD 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 6 1 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 5 3 6 6 4 6 2 6 6 5 0 4 6 6 6 6 5 3 4 5 6 6 4 6 2 3 0 5 3 this month 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Attended this this % attendance this month month month YTD 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 0 0 16.67% 1 0 1 83.33% 1 0 1 83.33% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 0 0 66.67% on leave of absence 0 0 0 16.67% 0 0 0 83.33% 0 0 0 50.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 66.67% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 0 0 33.33% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 1 1 100.00% 0 0 0 83.33% 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 66.67% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 1 1 100.00% 0 1 1 100.00% 0 0 0 83.33% 1 0 1 50.00% 1 0 1 66.67% 1 0 1 83.33% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 100.00% 1 0 1 66.67% 1 0 1 100.00% 0 1 1 33.33% 0 0 0 50.00% 0 0 0 0.00% 1 0 1 83.33% 0 0 0 50.00% % attendance this month 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 26 30 71% Club attendance last week Club attendance last week including make-up's Percentage club attendance for month including make-up's - What we give through Rotary becomes a gift to us. And we all have a choice: whether to keep our gifts to ourselves or give them to others, and Be a Gift to the World. We have only one chance at our lives. And we will have only one chance at this new Rotary year. This is our time. Let us grasp it. Let us Be a Gift to the World. Rotary International President K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran The Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway Vol 7 August 12, 2015
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