Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja
Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja
Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 22 July 2014 Rotary Year 2014 -15 NATIONAL CANCER SOCIETY MALAYSIA ROLES AND OBJECTIVES Royal Patron Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Selangor Darul Ehsan (Dr Saunthari Somasundram) Also with cancer awareness being quite low, especially in non-urban areas, lack of self-examination and neglect of early detection methods, unhealthy lifestyle and so on, cancer is among the main killers in the country. National Cancer Society Malaysia – or NCSM – was founded in 1966 by Dato’ Dr S. K. Dharmalingam, then a member of our club. He was supported by RCKL, and our club helped him secure a site for NCSM’s centre. He stayed to lead NCSM for 40 years. The speaker, who is his daughter, is now heading NCSM as its president and medical director. She studied medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin and obtained an MBA from the University of Bath. NCSM is an organisation depending for its income solely on donations. The speaker showed a lot of slides explaining the “cancer landscape” in Malaysia and worldwide and comparison of both. A National Cancer Registry was set up by NCSM in 1971 and later handed over to Ministry of Health. However, it is not robustly managed and data collection is not at optimum level and thus data available for publication is sketchy. The first mammography screening centre in South East Asia was established by NCSM in 1985. One of NCSM’s objectives is to dispel the myth that cancer is incurable, resulting in often noticed resignation by the afflicted persons and lack of seeking early treatment. Board of Directors President Mohd Nor Halim President-Elect Rtn Hardeep Singh Vice President Rtn Datuk Adenan Mohd Zain NCSM’s main aim is create awareness on cancer and provide care and support to individuals afflicted with cancer. Its five cancer management centres in Kuala Lumpur are equipped with skilled staff and facilities to provide cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and support. Imm. Past President PP Chan Kam Fatt Honorary Secretary PP Keow Hock Sneah Honorary Treasurer PP Francis Chan Club Administration Rtn Horst H Wippern Community Service Projects Rtn Suren Hendry Vocational Service Projects Rtn Dato’ Dr Prakash Rao Youth Service Rtn Dato’ Wei Chuan Beng Membership Development Rtn Gerald Lee Fellowship Rtn Benny Soh Highly qualified local and foreign experts conduct public forums and exhibitions on topics like cancer management, prevention, nutrition, exercise and relaxation and latest treatment methods. Trained counsellors are available to help patients deal with feelings and fears, confusion and related conflicts or problems. Rotary Foundation & International Service Rtn Uwe Ahrens Public Relations Rtn Mohd Ajmal Khan Special Projects / Functions PP Lim Eng Ho Rtn Wan Mohd Rasul Bulletin Editor Rtn Horst H. Wippern In the information material handed out, early warning signs of cancer were highlighted, such as: - Change in bowel or bladder habits over a 2-3 months - Unusual bleeding or discharge from any opening of the body - Any unexplained lump or swelling that does not go away and may or may not be associated with pain [email protected] (Continued on page 4) Issue 03 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 1 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Announcements / Diary | 22 July 2014 SPEAKERS' CLUB DISTRICT ROSTER ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS 23 July 2014 Mr Thomas Brandt China in Those Days 30 July 2014 Meeting cancelled Hari Raya Aidilfitri 06 August 2014 PDG Dr T Arasu Membership Development and Retention 13 August 2014 AG Christie Daniels Membership 20 August 2014 PP Bindi Rajasegaran Membership Growth – How large clubs can help smaller ones 27 August 2014 PDG Jimmy Lim Membership in Rotary – Changing Trends RCKL and KLRCF Fees Are Due Now Please hand your cheques to Hon. Treasurer PP Francis Chan or Hon. Secretary PP Keow Hock Sneah. Rotary Institute 2014 Date: 14 – 16 November 2014 Venue: Sutera Harbour Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Registration: Via District Website or Hon. Sec. Keow Visit to RC Makati Date: 23-26 July 2014) Programme: Installation, Fellowship Coordinator: TBA 80th District Conference Date: 05 – 07 December 2014 Venue: Vivatel Hotel, Jalan Loke Yew, Kuala Lumpur Host Club: RC Titiwangsa Registration: Via District Website or Hon. Sec. Keow Pre-Installation Fellowship with Sister Clubs Date: 18 September 2014 Venue: TBA 87th Year Installation Banquet Date: 19 September 2014 Venue: Shangri-La Hotel Details will be announced RI ANNOUNCEMENTS Rotary International Convention 2015 Date: 06-09 June 2015 Venue: Pavilhao de Exposicoes do Anhembi Sao Paolo, Brazil Cost: US$ 325 / person (early bird) Issue 02 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 2 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly Proceedings | 22 July 2014 ATTENDANCE / DUTY Meeting Date: 16 July 2014 RCKL Rotarians: 37 RCKL Rotarian Make-ups: 5 Convener: PP Frank Lim National Anthem and Loyal Toast: PP Frank Lim Speaker Introduction: Rtn Jefferey Zain Speaker : Dr Saunthari Somasundaram National Cancer Society Malaysia – Role and Objectives Closing Remarks: PP Kulasegaran S. VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS BIRTHDAYS & WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Visiting Rotarians 1 PP Sudharan Nair – RC Melawati Birthdays 26.07. – Rtn Wan Rasul 27.07. – Rtn Theo Paauw 27.07. – Rtn Peter Bilitsch Invited Guests 3 Wedding Anniversaries: -- Frankly speaking... On the matter of attendance - our lunch meetings consistently record attendance in the 30-40 bracket, often well below the minimum number guaranteed by our club to the hotel. This means the shortfall has to be paid from club operational funds and this contributes to a negative balance sheet. I presume there is no disagreement that this cannot go on forever. So every member should try his level best to attend as regularly as possible. If you cannot attend, try to make-up at another club or participate in committee meetings or club projects. Apart from boosting your personal and the club's overall attendance figures, you will become more involved in club activities which is, I presume, why you joined RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja and became a Rotarian in the first place. Rtn Horst H Wippern THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Issue 02 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 3 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 22 July 2014 (Continued from page 1) - Persistent pain or discomfort in the abdomen - Obvious change in size and texture in a skin spot, wart or mole - A sore that does not heal, changes colour, ulcerates or bleeds - Unusual bleeding from the nose, deafness / muffled hearing, ringing sound in the ears - Indigestion of difficulty swallowing - Hoarseness of voice or nagging cough, especially non-smokers; smokers’ cough that becomes intense - Unexplained tiredness and / or weight loss of 10% or more in 3-6 months THE OBJECT OF ROTARY The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: NEW PRESIDENT FOR RAC KUALA LUMPUR (Reporter: Rtn Wan Mohd Rasul) On 19 July 2014, RAC Kuala Lumpur witnessed the installation of its new president Carmen Wilfred and her board. The function, held at the Royal Selangor Club, was attended by members of four other Rotaract Clubs and by RCKL DiRaja Rotarians. In a gesture highly appreciated by our club, our Rotarians were hosted by RACKL. Two major projects will be led by President Carmen. One is the second phase of the Dengue Buster Campaign; the other is the Stepping Stone project. The latter is a new project targeted at orphanage school leavers with under-scored SPM results, to inspire and guide them into a better choice of career path through connecting them to related institutions or companies of their interest. This would be a platform for rank and file career building to possible education sponsorship from their working company. PE Hardeep Sing was the guest of honour, representing President Halim and RCKL DiRaja and made a pledge to continue supporting and assisting RAC KL in their future project undertakings. Rtn Suren Hendry was also in the spotlight by being voted “Best Dressed Male” of the night. FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Issue 02 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 4 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 22 July 2014 OTHER PROCEEDINGS Hon. Secretary PP Keow reminded members that the meeting on 30 July 2014 has been cancelled for Hari Raya Aidilfitri holidays. He also stressed again that those members who have not yet done so, should pay the annual membership fees for RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja (RM 1000) and Kuala Lumpur Rotary Charity Foundation (RM 200). Cheques can be handed over to Hon. Treasurer PP Francis Chan or the Hon. Secretary respectively. With regard to table sales for the 87th Year Installation Banquet on 19 September PP Lim Eng Ho reported that so far 29 tables and 6 “loose seats” have been signed up for. PDG Jimmy Lim brought exchange student Anna Do from Germany and her local host student Eva Haw to our meeting. Anna gave a brief introduction in English and German, informing that she is enjoying her stay in Malaysia and that she loves Malaysian food. She is from District 1940 which has 74 clubs with about 3300 members. She was born in Berlin of Vietnamese parents. DENGUE BUSTER RUN REPORT (Rtn Wei Chuan Beng – Director Youth Service) Thanks for your kind support and participations. This Dengue Buster Run has been a great success. This is the project that injects new energy and vision to the young Rotaractors. Special thanks to Huawei and Mr Mike Wang for being the title sponsor by contributing RM 50,000, while Redtone contributed RM 30,000 as co-title sponsor. In addition, about a 1,000 runners comprising men and women from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds participated in the run for this common cause. Others like PDG Jimmy Lim (RM 3,000), Taiwan DG Amko (RM 3,000), President Mohd Nor Halim (RM 1,000) and many more – Rotarians and friends of Rotary – contributed generously to the total amount raised – RM 130,000. Deputy Minister of Health, Dato’ Seri Helmi Yahya, officiated the event. About 25 Rotarians, some accompanied by family members, including President Halim turn up in full force. Even a toddler took part in the run part with Deputy Minister. We also had Rotaractors who came with 100% attendance to organize the event. He was most helpful by rushing from Penang early in the morning and then flew back after the event. We can count on him to be a good partner, friend and supporter of Rotary. We shall embark on the next phase to conduct a competition for most innovative and effective mosquito trap within the next 3 months. Issue 03 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 5
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