139000 Larry Zell 1664 06/16/16 LXIS958732 BOBBY RAHAL
139000 Larry Zell 1664 06/16/16 LXIS958732 BOBBY RAHAL
139000 Larry Zell BOBBY RAHAL LEXUS 1664 117.00 6715 CARLISLE PIKE 06/16/16 15722 GOLD/TAN 11/BMW/Z4/2DR ROADSTER SDRIVE30I LXIS958732 LX21213A 15721 W B A L M 5 C 5 7 B E 3 7 7 9 6 6 MECHANICSBURG, PA 17050 06/13/16 717-691-5600 [ STATE INSP ] MO: 15725 6/17 LABOR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------J# 1 01LEZZ161PTCHK HIGHLINE CHECK HOURS: 2.00 TECH(S):1828 CUSTOMER STATES PERFORM 161 POINT CHECK HIGHLINE OTHERS. PERFORMED 161 POINT CHECK HIGHLINE OTHERS. J# 2 45LEZZSUPERDEL SUPER DELUXE CAR HOURS: TECH(S):1707 SUPER DELUXE WASH AND WAX EXTERIOR. PRESSURE WASH UNDER HOOD. VACUUM INTERIOR. CLEAN WINDOWS. MACHINE POLISH PAINTED SURFACES. TOUCH-UP STONE CHIPS. CLEAN AND DRESS WHEELS AND TIRES. SHAMPOO CARPETS. CLEAN AND DRESS LEATHER AND VINYL. 234.00 168.00 J# 3+06LEZZEMISSTEST EMISSION TEST HOURS: 0.30 TECH(S):1828 PERFORM PA.EMISSION INSPECTION. PERFORM EMISSION TEST PER STATE REGULATIONS TECHNICIAN PERFORMED EMISSION TEST, VEHICLE PASSED EMISSION REGULATIONS. 38.48 J# 4+06LEZZ STATE INSPECTION HOURS: 0.40 TECH(S):1828 CUSTOMER REQUEST TO PERFORM PA STATE SAFETY INSPECTION COMPLETED STATE INSPECTION - PASSED 16.00 J# 5+07LEZZLOF *LUBE OIL FILTER HOURS: 0.80 TECH(S):1828 CHANGE OIL AND FILTER, CHECK ALL FLUID LEVELS. CHANGE OIL REPLACE FILTER, CHECKED ALL FLUID LEVELS. CHECK ALL TIRE PRESSURES, LUBE DOOR HINGES. 93.60 J# 6+27LEZ WIPERS REPLACE WIPERS HOURS: TECH(S):1828 0.00 J# 7+07LEZZAIRFILTER ENGINE AIR FILTER HOURS: 0.50 TECH(S):1828 REPLACE ENGINE AIR FILTER FOR MAINTENANCE. 58.50 REPLACED ENGINE AIR FILTER FOR MAINTENANCE. J# 8+07LEZZCABINFILT *CABIN FILTER HOURS: 0.50 TECH(S):1828 DURING SERVICE FOUND CABIN FILTER DIRTY REPLACED CABIN FILTER 58.50 J# 9+09LEZZTIRERE4 TIRE REPLACE FOUR HOURS: TECH(S):1828 CUSTOMER REQUEST TO REPLACE 4 TIRES MOUNT AND BALANCED 4 TIRES PER CUSTOMERS REQUEST. 107.70 J#10+31LEZZREPWINDSH REPAIR WINDSHIELD HOURS: TECH(S):1828 DURING SERVICE INSPECTION, FOUND WINDSHIELD CHIPPED. REPAIR WINDSHIELD CHIP TO CORRECT, OK 0.00 J#11+29LEZ BODY TOUCH UP PAINT HOURS: TECH(S):1828 0.00 J#12+29LEZZ BODY WINDOW TINT REMOVE TINT HOURS: 2.00 TECH(S):1707 56.00 TOTAL - LABOR PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION--------------------UNIT PRICEJOB # 5 1 11-42-7-566-327 OIL FILTER 15.10 JOB # 5 7 83-21-2-365-946 BMW OIL 8.60 JOB # 6 1 61-61-2-515-749 WIPER 40.96 PAGE 1 OF 2 [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE] 830.78 15.10 60.20 40.96 01:50pm 139000 Larry Zell BOBBY RAHAL LEXUS 1664 117.00 6715 CARLISLE PIKE 06/16/16 15722 GOLD/TAN 11/BMW/Z4/2DR ROADSTER SDRIVE30I LXIS958732 LX21213A 15721 W B A L M 5 C 5 7 B E 3 7 7 9 6 6 MECHANICSBURG, PA 17050 06/13/16 717-691-5600 MO: 15725 PARTS------QTY---FP-NUMBER---------------DESCRIPTION--------------------UNIT PRICEJOB # 7 1 13-71-7-582-908 AIR FILTER 36.42 JOB # 8 1 64-31-9-195-194 CABIN FILTER 50.49 JOB # 9 4 2254517DRIVEGUARD SKU#001373 182.50 TOTAL - PARTS 36.42 50.49 730.00 933.17 G.O.G. & SUPPLIES-----------------------------------------------------------------JOB # 2 1.0 SUPER DELUXE MATERIALS @ 59.000 /UNIT JOB # 3 1.0 PARSONS TRANSACTION FEE @ 1.470 /UNIT JOB # 4 1.0 STATE INSP STICKER @ 6.000 /UNIT JOB # 9 4.0 TIRE DISPOSAL @ 1.500 /UNIT JOB # 9 4.0 WHEEL WEIGHT #1000 @ 1.000 /UNIT TOTAL - GOG 59.00 1.47 6.00 6.00 4.00 76.47 MISC------CODE--------DESCRIPTION-------------------------------CONTROL NO--------JOB # 9 TT PA TIRE TAX TOTAL - MISC 4.00 4.00 COMMENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------PA. INSPECTION DUE: 6/17 COOLANT GOOD TO -34 DEGREES FRONT TIRE TREAD DEPTH: 10/32 REAR TIRE TREAD DEPTH: 10/32 TIRE PRESSURES SET TO FACTORY SPECS. FRONT BRAKE DEPTH: 12/32 REAR BRAKE DEPTH: 10/32 PA STATE INSPECTION STICKER #: 166160278 PA EMISSIONS STICKER #64803048 TOTALS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTROL# LX21213A ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT.. TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL LABOR.... PARTS.... SUBLET... G.O.G.... MISC.CHG. MISC.DISC TAX...... TOTAL INVOICE $ 830.78 933.17 0.00 76.47 4.00 0.00 0.00 -------1844.42 -------------------------------APPROVED BY SIGNATURE PAGE 2 OF 2 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) [ END OF INVOICE ] 01:50pm LEXUS CERTIFIED MECHANICAL CERTIFICATION INSPECTION Dealer Name Mileage (present) Dealer Code Model ❑ Complete CARFAX® history report Year VIN R.O. # Date ❑ Meets Lexus Standards Stock Number Technician Number ❑ Does not meet standards ________________________________________________________________________________ Technician Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ Pre-Owned Manager Signature ________________________________________________________________________________ Service Manager Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ Customer Signature Vehicle Exterior Lexus Standard Exterior Appearance Inspection r1BOFMBMJHONFOUGJU r)FBEMBNQUBJMMBNQMFOTDPOEJUJPO r8JOETIJFMEHMBTTDPOEJUJPO r1BJOUDIJQTBOETDSBUDIFT r#PEZEBNBHFEFOUTEJOHT r5SJNBOENPMEJOHT Needs Needs Repair Replacement ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments Est. Repair ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ Indicate Imperfection Location on the Example Below Vehicle Identification r*OQMBDFBOENBUDIJOH r*OTQFDUDFSUJGJDBUJPOMBCFMGFEFSBMSFRVJSFNFOU r$IFDL7*/MBCFMUPQBQFSXPSL r$VTUPNFS)FBMUI$IFDL%JBHOPTUJD3FQPSU r$IFDLGPSOPODPNQMFUFE44$TBOESFDBMMT 5PDPOGJSN44$DIFDLBUUBDIBDPQZPG5FDITUSFBN Exterior Lights Function Properly and Illuminate as Designed r)FBEMJHIUTIJMPXJODMVEJOHBJN r1BSLJOHMJHIUTGPHMJHIUT r-JDFOTFQMBUFMJHIUT r4JEFNBSLFSMJHIUT r5BJMMJHIUTCBDLVQMJHIUT r5VSOTJHOBMBOEDPSOFSJOHMJHIUT r#SBLFBOEIJHINPVOUTUPQMJHIUT r&NFSHFODZGMBTIFST Keys r7FIJDMFIBTNBTUFSLFZXJUISFNPUF FOUSZJGBQQMJDBCMF BOEWBMFULFZGMBULFZ r1SPHSBNNFEUPJNNPCJMJ[FS † *GFRVJQQFE continued 8)*5&m$6450.&3 -10 :&--08m%&"-&3 1"(&0' MECHANICAL CERTIFICATION INSPECTION Vehicle Exterior (continued) Door Lock System 1"(& Lexus Standard r%PPSPQFOTDMPTFTTNPPUIMZVTJOH JOUFSJPSBOEFYUFSJPSEPPSIBOEMFT r%PPSTDBOOPUCFPQFOFEXIFOMPDL CVUUPOJTJOMPDLQPTJUJPO rUVSOVOMPDLGFBUVSFGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r3FNPUFFOUSZTZTUFNPQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZ r5IFGUEFUFSSFOUTZTUFNGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r$IJMETBGFUZMPDLT r8JSFMFTTEPPSMPDLPQFSBUJPO Comments Est. Repair ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ Lexus Standard Vehicle Interior Needs Needs Repair Replacement Needs Needs Repair Replacement ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments Est. Repair __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r4FBUCBDLBOHMFBEKVTUNFOU ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Power Windows/Locks r'VODUJPOQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ Trunk/Fuel Lid Release r'VODUJPOTQSPQFSMZJOUFSJPS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Interior Appearance Inspection r4FBUTGSPOUSFBS r4UFFSJOHXIFFMBJSCBHT r"SNSFTUTEPPSIBOEMFT r-PXFSEPPSBOETJMMQMBUFT r$PNCJOBUJPONFUFSEBTIQBE r(FBSTIJGUTFMFDUJPOIBOEMF r3BEJP"$DPOUSPMNBSLJOHT r)FBEMJOFSTTVOWJTPST r$BSQFUGMPPSNBUT VERIFY: correct driver’s floor mat installed and in correct position, retaining hooks are functioning and mat is secured to hooks; confirm no other mat is combined with proper floor mats manufactured for that specific vehicle HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDLUIF)ZCSJE7FIJDMF *NNPCJMJ[FS4ZTUFN%PFTUIFWFIJDMFTUBSUBOZ DPEFTGSPNUIFNVMUJJOGPSNBUJPOEJTQMBZ HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDL434 4VQQMFNFOUBM3FTUSBJOU4ZTUFN BJSCBHGPSDPEFT r&YUFOESFUSBDUTNPPUIMZ Seat Belts r'SFFPGUXJTUTDVUTPSTJHOTPGXFBS r#VDLMFTMPDLTFDVSFMZ Seat Operation r-VNCBSTVQQPSUPQFSBUJPO r.FNPSZDPOUSPMPQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZ r)FBESFTUGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r)FBUFSTGVODUJPOQSPQFSMZ r4FBUDVTIJPOBOHMFBOEIFJHIUBEKVTUNFOU HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY Glove Compartment r$ IFDLUIFUISFFTUFQPQFSBUJPOPGUIFGVFMEPPS BOETFRVFODFTIPXOPO.VMUJ'VODUJPOEJTQMBZ UISFFTUFQTQMFBTFXBJUOPXPQFOJOHSFGVFMSFBEZ BOEDMPTFGVFMMJE r-BNQGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r$POUBJOTQPSUGPMJPPXOFSTNBOVBMTVQQMFNFOU Steering Wheel r5JMUUFMFTDPQJDGVODUJPOBCJMJUZ r )PSOGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r 4UFFSJOHXIFFMDPOUSPMT r 4UFFSJOHXIFFMMPDLT r 8BSOJOHDIJNFLFZJOmEPPSPQFO Windshield Wiper r'VODUJPOTJOIJMPXJOUFSNJUUFOU r8JQFSCMBEFTDMFBOQSPQFSMZ r3BJOTFOTJOHXJQFST *OEJDBUFTPQUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ continued 8)*5&m$6450.&3 -10 __________________________________ :&--08m%&"-&3 1"(&0' MECHANICAL CERTIFICATION INSPECTION Vehicle Interior (continued) Dashboard Lights Illuminate as Designed 1"(& Lexus Standard r5VSOTJHOBMMFGUSJHIU r)JHICFBNJOEJDBUPS r&NFSHFODZGMBTIFST r*OTUSVNFOUQBOFMDPOUSPMLOPC r8BSOJOHMJHIUTPJMQSFTTVSFCSBLFGVFM DIBSHFTFBUCFMUPQFOEPPSFOHJOFDIFDL SFBSMJHIUGBJMVSF"#4434 r$IFDLPQFSBUJPOPGHBVHFT HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r$IFDLUIFPQFSBUJPOPGUIF.VMUJ*OGPSNBUJPO%JTQMBZ "MM4DSFFOGVODUJPOT&OFSHZ.POJUPS$POTVNQUJPOFUD Needs Needs Repair Replacement ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comments Est. Repair __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ C-Best r3FTFUUPEFGBVMUTFUUJOHT ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ SRS r*OUBDUBOEGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ Rear Defogger r'VODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ Air Conditioner/Heater r$MJNBUFDPOUSPMTZTUFNGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ GPSCPUIIFBUJOHBOEDPPMJOH ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ Interior Lights r%PNFNBQWBOJUZNJSSPSDPVSUFTZMBNQTGPPU GVODUJPOQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ Audio/Navigation System r1PXFSWPMVNFTXJUDIGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ __________________________________ ___________ r$%DBSUSJEHFJGBQQMJDBCMF ❑ ❑ ❑ __________________________________ ___________ Moonroof* r5JMUTMJEFPQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ Convertible Top* r$PSSFDUPQFSBUJPO ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ Clock/Cigarette Lighter/ Ashtray/Cupholders r'VODUJPOQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ Outside/Inside Rearview Mirrors r1PXFSDPOUSPMTGVODUJPOQSPQFSMZ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ r"OUFOOBPQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZJOPOPGGNPEF r1SFTFUTUBUJPOJOEJDBUPS r$BTTFUUF$%GVODUJPOTDBOTFFLSFXJOE GBTUGPSXBSE PQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZ r/BWJHBUJPOTZTUFNPQFSBUFTQSPQFSMZ r4QFBLFSTTPVOEDMFBS r4FUDPSSFDUUJNFPODMPDL r0VUTJEFNJSSPSIFBUFSGVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r3FBSWJFXNJSSPSEJNNFSGVODUJPOT Luggage Compartment Luggage Compartment r4QBSFUJSFTJ[FTJEFXBMMDPOEJUJPOUSFBEEFQUI BOEBJSQSFTTVSF r4QBSFUJSFBOEBUUBDIJOHIBSEXBSFDPWFS KBDLKBDLUPPMTBOEXIFFMMPDLJGBQQMJDBCMF BSFQSFTFOUQSPQFSMZJOTUBMMFEBOETFDVSF r-VHHBHFUSJNBOENBUBSFQSPQFSMZJOTUBMMFE r.BOVBMGVFMMJESFMFBTFPQFSBUFT r'JSTUBJELJUJTDPNQMFUF r5PPMLJUJTQSFTFOUBOEDPNQMFUF r5SVOLMJEPQFSBUJPO r-VHHBHFDPNQBSUNFOUMJHIU *OEJDBUFTPQUJPOBMFRVJQNFOU continued 8)*5&m$6450.&3 -10 :&--08m%&"-&3 1"(&0' MECHANICAL CERTIFICATION INSPECTION 1"(& Lexus Standard Under the Hood Engine Hood Release r*OUFSJPSBOETFDPOEBSZSFMFBTFPQFSBUFQSPQFSMZ The Following Fluid Levels Meet Lexus Standard r&OHJOFPJMSFQMBDFEBOEQSPQFSMFWFM r"VUPNBUJDUSBOTNJTTJPOGMVJEMFWFM r#SBLFGMVJEMFWFM r$MVUDIGMVJEMFWFM † r1PXFSTUFFSJOHGMVJEMFWFM r&OHJOFDPPMBOUGMVJEMFWFM r8BTIFSGMVJEMFWFM HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r$IFDLUIFJOWFSUFSDPPMBOUMFWFM r&YDFTTJWFGVFMQVNQOPJTF Engine Mechanical r$PPMJOHTZTUFNSBEJBUPSPWFSGMPXUBOL IPTFTDPPMBOUMFWFM r1SFTTVSFUFTUDPPMJOHTZTUFNSBEJBUPSDBQ r8BUFSQVNQOPJTFMFBLT r"JSGJMUFSSFQMBDFBTOFDFTTBSZ r"VEJCMFWBMWFDMFBSBODFDIFDL r*OTQFDUPJMGPSDPOUBNJOBOUT r&NJTTJPODPOUSPMUFTUJGTUBUFSFRVJSFNFOU r&OHJOFOPJTFLOPDLTSBUUMFT r5SBOTNJTTJPOOPJTFXIJOFTDMVOLT r#FMUTXFBSPSEBNBHF r$IFDLFOHJOFEJBHOPTUJDT HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r 6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDLFOHJOFBOE&$5 &MFDUSPOJDBMMZ$POUSPMMFE5SBOTNJTTJPO GPSDPEFT HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDLUIF)7&$6 )ZCSJE7FIJDMF&MFDUSPOJD$POUSPM6OJU GPSDPEFT HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r$MFBOPSSFQMBDF"JS3FGJOFS'JMUFS"$ r/PEBNBHFPSMFBLBHFBOEQSPQFS HSPVQTJ[FBNQSBUJOH Battery r5FTUTUPTUBOEBSET HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r$IFDLDIBSHFPG7PMU"VYJMJBSZ#BUUFSZBOE JOTVSFBUGVMMDIBSHFVTJOH4NBSU#BUUFSZ$IBSHFS r'VODUJPOQSPQFSMZ Engine Fans Needs Needs Repair Replacement Comments Est. Repair ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Under the Vehicle Tires (Minimum tread depth 5/32") '- _____________ '3 _____________ 3-_____________ 33 ____________ r 4JEFXBMMDPOEJUJPO r&WFOXFBSQBUUFSO r1SPQFSTJ[FUZQFBOENBUDI r5JSFQSFTTVSF Wheels r$POEJUJPOTJ[FGJU r$IFDLXIFFMMVHOVUUPSRVF Brake Inspection (Minimum of 6mm of pad material required) '-_____________ NN '3_____________ NN 3-_____________ NN 33_____________ NN r3PUPSTTIPXOPTJHOPGFYDFTTJWF XFBSXBSQBHFPSIFBUEBNBHF r$BMJQFSTMJOFTBOEIPTFTTIPXOP TJHOPGFYDFTTJWFXFBSPSMFBLBHF r1BSLJOHCSBLFBTTFNCMJFTDBCMFTBOE BUUBDIJOHIBSEXBSFTIPXOPTJHOPG FYDFTTJWFXFBSPSEBNBHF † *GFRVJQQFE ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ___________________________________ ___________ continued 8)*5&m$6450.&3 -10 ___________________________________ :&--08m%&"-&3 1"(&0' MECHANICAL CERTIFICATION INSPECTION Lexus Standard Under the Vehicle (continued) r'SBNFSBJMTBOEGMPPSQBO Chassis Inspection (No sign of damage or excessive wear) r4VCGSBNF r&OHJOFNPVOUTBOEPJMQBOGPSMFBLT r#SBLFMJOFTBOEDPVQMJOHT r5SBOTNJTTJPODBTFQBOGPSMFBLT r%SJWFTIBGUCPPUTBOE$7KPJOUT r'VFMMJOFTGVFMUBOLIPTFTBOEQSPUFDUPST r4UFFSJOHSBDLMJOLBHFCVTIJOHT DPOUSPMBSNTBOEEVTUCPPUT r%JGGFSFOUJBMBTTFNCMZESJWFTIBGUBOE SFMBUFEDPNQPOFOUT r&YIBVTUTZTUFNJODMVEJOHMFBLBHF r3FBSNBSJOFUJFEPXOQMVHTBSFJOQMBDF r5SBOTNJTTJPONPVOUT r5JFSPETCBMMKPJOUTJEMFSBSN r$BUBMZUJDDPOWFSUFS r4USVUTTIPDLTGPSPQFSBUJPOMFBLT r.BOVBMUSBOTNJTTJPOGMVJEMFWFM Under Vehicle Fluid Levels 1"(& r%JGGFSFOUJBMMVCSJDBOUMFWFMmDIFDLGPSDPOUBNJOBOUT Needs Needs Repair Replacement Comments Est. Repair ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ___________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ ___________________________________ __________ Road Test7FIJDMF0QFSBUJPO Date _____________ Miles______________ Technician’s Initials ______________ r4UBSUVQ Engine r*EMFTOPSNBMMZ r 8IJMFESJWJOHFOHJOFQFSGPSNTOPSNBMMZ r 4UBSUFSTZTUFNPQFSBUFTOPSNBMMZ r 4IJGUMPDL r $MVUDIQFEBMGSFFQMBZBOESFMFBTFIFJHIU r#SBLFBOEQBSLJOHCSBLFGVODUJPOOPSNBMMZ Brakes r#SBLFBOEDMVUDIQFEBMIFJHIU GSFFQMBZBOEUSBWFMNFFUTQFDT HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDL"#4 "OUJ-PDL#SBLF4ZTUFN GPSDPEFT Indicator Lights r/PXBSOJOHMJHIUTJMMVNJOBUFEVSJOHSPBEUFTU Transmission r5.TIJGUTQSPQFSMZCPUIQPXFSOPSNBMNPEF r53"$74$BOE&$5DPOUSPMGVODUJPOTBOE JOEJDBUPSMJHIUTGVODUJPOQSPQFSMZ Steering/Suspension r4UFFSJOHPQFSBUJPOJTOPSNBM r0GGDFOUFSTQFDJGJDBUJPOTNFFUTUBOEBSET r)BOEMJOHTUSBJHIUMJOFPQFSBUJPOT Cruise Control HYBRID CHECKPOINT ONLY r'VODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ r6TJOHUIF4DBO5PPM$IFDL$SVJTF$POUSPM4ZTUFN GPSDPEFT Noise or Vibration r/POFQSFTFOU ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ Squeaks or Rattles r/POFQSFTFOU ❑ ❑ ❑ ___________________________________ __________ 8)*5&m$6450.&3 -10 :&--08m%&"-&3 1"(&0' Bobby Rahal Select Pre-Owned 3 Month or 3,000 Mile Limited Warranty Date: Stock #: Year, Make, Model: Owner/Co-Owner: Miles: VIN #: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: ( ) Engine (all internally lubricated components and…) Balance shaft; camshaft; crankshaft; crankshaft pulley; cylinder heads; engine block; engine mounts; engine oil reservoir; engine oil reservoir pump; equipment drive shaft; exhaust manifolds; flexplate; flywheel; idler pulley; intake manifold; oil pan; oil pressure switch; oil pump; oil sending unit; pistons; supercharger; supercharger intercooler; tensioners; timing belt; timing chain; timing cover; timing gears; turbo intercooler; turbo wastegate; turbocharger; valve covers; water pump; rotary engine components including: apex seal; bearings; eccentric shaft; rotor. Manual Transmission (all internally lubricated components and…) Clutch master cylinder; clutch release cylinder; gears and shafts; hoses, lines and tubes; shift linkage and cables; transfer/ transmission case; transmission mounts. Automatic Transmission (all internally lubricated components and…) Hoses, lines and tubes; shift linkage and cables; solenoids; torque converter; transfer/transmission case; transmission mounts; vacuum modulator. Axle Assembly (all internally lubricated components and…) 4x4 actuators; axles and bearings; center support bearings; constant velocity joints and boots; drive axle housing; drive shaft; hubs; locking hubs; thrust washers; universal joints; viscous coupling. Deductible: A $100 deductible applies to each service visit (Initial): Owner: Co-Owner: By signing here owner has read and understands terms and conditions for the coverage and agrees to these conditions with no exceptions. Coverage Under This Agreement Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, if a covered component mechanically fails, Bobby Rahal Automotive Group or other Bobby Rahal Auto Group authorized repair facility will repair or replace the failed component(s). Coverage under this agreement may not be determined by any verbal representations. The coverage provided by this agreement shall be secondary to any other valid repair agreement, manufacturer's warranty, limited warranty or insurance policy covering the vehicle. Coverage expires upon reaching the time or mileage of the coverage period. A $100 deductible applies to each eligible repair visit. Exclusions and Restrictions This agreement covers repairs to covered components, which have mechanically failed. This agreement does not cover any breakdown, mechanical failure or expenses which are due to, result from, or are caused by any of the following: • • • • • • • • • • • Failures caused by modifications or parts not authorized or supplied by the manufacturer or Bobby Rahal Automotive Group. Failure caused by a non-covered component. Any component which has not failed, but which a repair facility recommends or requires to be repaired, replaced or adjusted. Abuse or damage by collision, upset or falling objects, larceny or attempted larceny, theft or attempted theft, fire, explosion, or negligence. Lack of normal maintenance (for example: adjustments, alignment, tune-up, oil and filter change, etc.) and any conditions caused by lack of improper maintenance (for example: engine failure due to sludge or overheating). Not maintaining proper levels of coolants, oils and/or other lubricants or proper cooling/water ratio as specified by the manufacturer in your owner's manual, supplement and/or guide and any conditions caused by not maintaining proper levels of coolants, oils and/or lubricants (for example: engine failure due to sludge or overheating). Contamination of fuels, fluids, coolants, oils or lubricants, including sludge, as well as rust, corrosion or other damage, and any conditions caused by contamination of fuels, fluids, coolants, oils and/or lubricants. Any alteration to your vehicle or any component thereof that does not meet the manufacturer's specifications. Any use of your vehicle not recommended by the manufacturer in your owner's manual, supplement and/or guide. Acts of God, war, riot, insurrection, natural disasters including but not limited to: freezing, extreme heat, windstorms, rainstorms, nuclear contamination, lightning, dust storms, hailstorms, snow storms, ice storms, earthquakes or floods. Normal wear, including but not limited to, excessive oil consumption, loss of compression, or a gradual reduction in operating performance due to burned or leaking valve or worn piston rings. Nor does coverage under this agreement apply if your vehicle: • • • Has been used for plowing snow, competitive driving, racing, or towing a trailer whose weight exceeds the manufacturer's recommendations for your vehicle. Has been used for hire to public, or to transport people for hire. Has been used for municipal or professional emergency or police services. This agreement does not cover the cost of normal maintenance recommended in your owner's manual, supplement and/or guide. If any material information provided cannot be verified as accurate or is found to be deceptive, no coverage will apply under this agreement. In order for this coverage to apply you must do all of the following: • In the event of a mechanical failure, you must take immediate action to protect the vehicle from further damage. • You must have your vehicle serviced as recommended by the manufacturer as provided in the manufacturer's owner's manual, supplement and/or guide. Claims Procedure In the event of a mechanical breakdown, the following procedures must be followed: • Unless prior authorization is given, repairs or replacement of covered parts must be performed by a Bobby Rahal Auto Group dealership. • If a breakdown occurs within the warranty period and customer is outside of a reasonable distance from a Bobby Rahal Auto Group dealership, customer must contact the Bobby Rahal dealership that the vehicle was purchased from immediately for the name and location of the nearest authorized repair facility. A prior authorization number will be assigned. This number is necessary to obtain reimbursement of payment of authorized repairs performed to the vehicle. Failure to obtain an authorization number may result in claim rejection. • Noncompliance with the above requirements will invalidate your ability to submit a claim for repairs or reimbursement under this warranty. • Bobby Rahal Automotive Group reserves the right to inspect any vehicle prior to authorization. • It shall be your sole responsibility for repairs to be made to customer's satisfaction, in accordance with the provisions of this warranty. Towing Coverage Bobby Rahal Automotive Group will cover towing within a 50 mile radius of a Bobby Rahal Auto Group authorized repair facility if towing is required due to failure of a covered component. Exceptions need prior authorization for reimbursement. Refer to claims procedure regarding authorization. Loaner Vehicles If your vehicle requires towing due to failure of a covered component or requires three or more hours of mechanical repair, a loaner vehicle will be provided for the duration of the repair. See dealership for loaner vehicle policies, restrictions and exclusions. CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2011 BMW Z4 SDRIVE30I: ... 1 of 4 https://www.carfaxonline.com/cfm/Display_Dealer_Report.cfm?partner... This CARFAX Vehicle History Report provided free of charge by: Bobby Rahal Lexus 6715 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 1-888-208-8681 Vehicle Information: 2011 BMW Z4 SDRIVE30I VIN: WBALM5C57BE377966 CONVERTIBLE 3.0L L6 FI DOHC 24V REAR WHEEL DRIVE No accident / damage reported to CARFAX CARFAX Report Provided By: Regular oil changes Bobby Rahal Lexus 6715 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 1-888-208-8681 www.bobbyrahallexus.com Personal vehicle 2 Previous owners Last owned in Pennsylvania 15,721 Last reported odometer reading This CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX and available as of 6/17/16 at 9:27:23 AM (EDT). Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car. Ownership History Owner 1 Owner 2 The number of owners is estimated Year purchased 2010 2013 Personal Personal Estimated length of ownership 3 yrs. 1 mo. 2 yrs. 8 mo. Owned in the following states/provinces Type of owner Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Estimated miles driven per year 4,198/yr 621/yr Last reported odometer reading 13,045 15,721 Title History Owner 1 Owner 2 Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt | Fire | Flood | Hail | Lemon Guaranteed No Problem Guaranteed No Problem Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits Guaranteed No Problem Guaranteed No Problem CARFAX guarantees the information in this section GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.Register | View Terms | View Certificate Additional History Owner 1 Owner 2 No Issues Reported No Issues Reported No Issues Reported No Issues Reported No Issues Reported No Issues Reported Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX Total Loss No total loss reported to CARFAX. Structural Damage No structural damage reported to CARFAX. Airbag Deployment No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX. 6/17/2016 9:27 AM CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2011 BMW Z4 SDRIVE30I: ... 2 of 4 https://www.carfaxonline.com/cfm/Display_Dealer_Report.cfm?partner... Odometer Check No indication of an odometer rollback. Accident / Damage No accidents or damage reported to CARFAX. Manufacturer Recall No open recalls reported to CARFAX. Check with an authorized BMW dealer for any open No Issues Indicated No Issues Indicated No Issues Reported No Issues Reported No Recalls Reported No Recalls Reported recalls. Basic Warranty Warranty Expired Original warranty estimated to have expired. Warranty Expired Tell us what you know about this vehicle Glossary Detailed History Owner 1 Purchased: Type: Where: Est. miles/year: Est. length owned: Low mileage! This owner drove less than the industry average of 15,000 miles per year. Date: 2010 Personal Pennsylvania 4,198/yr 7/12/10 8/12/13 (3 yrs. 1 mo.) Mileage: Source: Comments: Dealer Inventory Vehicle offered for sale Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Maintenance inspection completed Emissions inspection performed Emissions or safety inspection performed Inspection Station Exempt from emissions inspection Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Floor mats installed 07/02/2010 Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Vehicle sold 07/12/2010 Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Window tint installed Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Dept. Vehicle purchase reported Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Dept. Jim Thorpe, PA Title #68513764MC01 Title issued or updated First owner reported Titled or registered as personal vehicle Loan or lien reported Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Vehicle serviced 04/11/2011 Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Maintenance inspection completed Emissions or safety inspection performed 10/02/2011 Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Dept. Jim Thorpe, PA Title #68513764MC01 Registration issued or renewed Daniels BMW MINI Allentown, PA 610-820-2950 danielsbmw.com Maintenance inspection completed Recommended maintenance performed Alignment checked Brake fluid flushed/changed Cabin air filter replaced/cleaned Four tires balanced Four wheel alignment performed Oil and filter changed Washed/detailed Emissions or safety inspection performed Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Dept. Jim Thorpe, PA Title #68513764MC01 Registration issued or renewed Kovatch Ford Nesquehoning, PA 570-669-5111 kovatchauto.com Four wheel alignment performed 04/19/2010 04/20/2010 4 04/20/2010 07/02/2010 07/12/2010 7 17 07/13/2010 07/21/2010 04/30/2012 389 9,465 07/03/2012 08/06/2013 12,880 6/17/2016 9:27 AM CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2011 BMW Z4 SDRIVE30I: ... 3 of 4 08/12/2013 12,982 Bennett Jaguar Allentown, PA 610-841-5700 bennettcars.com Vehicle offered for sale 08/13/2013 13,033 Bennett Land Rover Jaguar Allentown, PA 610-841-5700 bennettcars.com Front wiper blades/refills replaced Wiper(s) replaced Emissions inspection performed Emissions or safety inspection performed Inspection Station Passed emissions inspection 13,045 Bennett Land Rover Jaguar Allentown, PA 610-841-5700 bennettcars.com Vehicle sold 08/14/2013 09/20/2013 Owner 2 Purchased: Type: Where: Est. miles/year: Est. length owned: Date: 2013 Personal Pennsylvania 621/yr 9/20/13 6/12/16 (2 yrs. 8 mo.) Low mileage! This owner drove less than the industry average of 15,000 miles per year. https://www.carfaxonline.com/cfm/Display_Dealer_Report.cfm?partner... Source: Comments: 09/20/2013 Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Dept. Vehicle purchase reported 10/03/2013 Pennsylvania Title issued or updated Motor Vehicle Dept. New owner reported Harrisburg, PA Title #6851376402 SE 11/18/2013 Mileage: 14,126 Sun Motor Cars BMW Mechanicsburg, PA 717-697-2300 sunmotorcarsbmw.com Recommended maintenance performed Battery cable(s) replaced Positive battery cable replaced Washed/detailed Wiper(s) replaced 01/27/2014 Pennsylvania Registration issued or renewed Motor Vehicle Dept. Harrisburg, PA Title #6851376402 SE 09/12/2014 Sun Motor Cars BMW Mechanicsburg, PA 717-697-2300 sunmotorcarsbmw.com Maintenance inspection completed Brake fluid flushed/changed Cabin air filter replaced/cleaned Oil and filter changed Tires rotated Washed/detailed Emissions or safety inspection performed Inspection Station Exempt from emissions inspection 09/12/2014 15,105 10/02/2014 Pennsylvania Registration issued or renewed Motor Vehicle Dept. Harrisburg, PA Title #6851376402 SE 09/16/2015 Sun Motor Cars BMW Maintenance inspection completed Washed/detailed Mechanicsburg, PA Emissions or safety inspection performed 717-697-2300 sunmotorcarsbmw.com 09/16/2015 15,227 Inspection Station Exempt from emissions inspection 06/12/2016 15,721 Dealer Inventory Vehicle offered for sale This vehicle uses an indicator light to alert users when it's time to change the oil. Oil changes have been reported to CARFAX at least every 15,000 miles, which is in line with manufacturer guidelines. Track your service history for free at myCARFAX.com. Tell us what you know about this vehicle Have Questions? Consumers, please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com. Dealers or Subscribers, please visit our Help Center at www.carfaxonline.com. Glossary View Full Glossary CARFAX Well Maintained - Regular Oil Changes CARFAX identifies a "Well Maintained - Regular Oil Change" vehicle as having a regular oil change history when all its recommended oil changes, based on the vehicle's maintenance schedule, have been reported to CARFAX. CARFAX uses the manufacturer's schedule and assumes normal driving conditions. When an oil change schedule is not available, CARFAX may analyze reported service events to determine what is typical for the same make and model vehicle. Dealers and service shops may publish different recommended service schedules. First Owner When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. New Owner Reported 6/17/2016 9:27 AM CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2011 BMW Z4 SDRIVE30I: ... 4 of 4 https://www.carfaxonline.com/cfm/Display_Dealer_Report.cfm?partner... When a vehicle is sold to a new owner, the Title must be transferred to the new owner(s) at a Department of Motor Vehicles. Ownership History CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1991 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history. Title Issued A state issues a title to provide a vehicle owner with proof of ownership. Each title has a unique number. Each title or registration record on a CARFAX report does not necessarily indicate a change in ownership. In Canada, a registration and bill of sale are used as proof of ownership. Follow Us: facebook.com/CARFAX @CarfaxReports CARFAX on Google+ CARFAX DEPENDS ON ITS SOURCES FOR THE ACCURACY AND RELIABILITY OF ITS INFORMATION. THEREFORE, NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED BY CARFAX OR ITS AGENTS FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THIS REPORT. CARFAX FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CARFAX® © 2016 CARFAX, Inc., a unit of IHS Inc. All rights reserved. Covered by United States Patent Nos. 7,113,853; 7,778,841; 7,596,512, 8,600,823; 8,595,079; 8,606,648; 7,505,838. 6/17/16 9:27:23 AM (EDT) I have reviewed and received a copy of the CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2011 BMW Z4 vehicle (VIN: WBALM5C57BE377966), which is based on information supplied to CARFAX and available as of 6/17/16 at 9:27 AM (EDT). Customer Signature Date Dealer Signature Date 6/17/2016 9:27 AM
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