JMandatory Entry (Inc. Big Bass)


JMandatory Entry (Inc. Big Bass)
Feel the Rush! It's great to still have the passion with our heritage as we move past
39 years of building America's finest bass boats!
It continues to be great ride that started in 1971! Over those years we have many
times openly stated our goals in this business. Today we find ourselves refocusing on bass
boat models and diligently working to improve our line in it's dominant position. In 2009
the Euro hull was slightly tweaked. With just a bit of ride enhancement and fuel efficiency
there, and maybe a top end tweak also.
Then we finished the Jaguar this last summer, and we have reintroduced the Eyra
model ... soon be completed.
We hope everyone sees this model at the Owners Invitational. As with the Jaguar, it is
not a boat for most BCB owners. It has been labeled as a bridge hull intended to bridge
into and out of other markets. We hope you get to see it here this year!
Since there was not JD Power award in 2010, we continue to hold that title in 2010
as the recipient of the "Best in Fiberglass Bass Boats 2009." The award was a
representation of many hours of hard work in an effort to keep you all pleased. The award
is nice, though our mission has not changed! We work hard to earn your support, and we
work even harder to keep it. This sets us apart from those corporate affiliates! We are all
Bass Cat, you and us!
The story of the BCB beginning in 1971 we have told many times. No different than in
1971, we intend many more innovations as we move forward. Though we are a function
driven company and nothing at BCB is done without a reason. Our goal is to continue a
legacy of innovations in the bass boat industry for 2010, and, 2011 will be no different.
As we said last year, we are far from done, the Jaguar and the Eyra have proven that.
We never intend to be done. You can experience our dedication on the Owners board and
see the passion that drives us. Our boat owners want to help as much as we do! Their
families are a part of this, as are they, and we have truly been blessed with that dedication
and support. Support shown in those five (5) J.D. Power awards and through their
appreciation for that level of support.
Years ago we were known as a company with niche products in North Arkansas. Today
we are proud to be a recognized force which is one to be reckoned with.
In any industry you either lead, evolve, or die. We intend on leading as
we have for over 39 years and continuing to do so for at least
another 39 years. So that maybe someday our grandchildren
can all be a part of this.
We thank you for the years and the opportunity for
many, many more!
Good Fishin'
Ron & Rick Pierce
Thanks to our
• Adcraft Decal’s
• A.D.I., Inc.
• AmericanAngler
• American
• Ark. Dept. of
• Arkansas
Game & Fish
• Arkie Lures
• Attwood
(A Youth Angler Sponsor)
• B.A.S.S. Inc.
• CCP Industries
• Central
Arkansas Tool
• Chamber of
• Comfort Inn
(Mountain Home, AR)
• Composite One
• Cook’s Tackle
• Custom Mold &
• Dean’s Top &
• Del-City Wire
• Guy King & Sons
• Hale’s Jewelry
• Hamby’s Bow
• Hummingbird
• Ideal RV
• IMMI Outdoor
• Lowrance
• Mercury
• Metalogic
• MotorGuide®
• Mtn Home Steel
• National
Supply Co.
• Outdoor Cap Co.
• Perko
• R & E Paint
• R & R Designs
• Ramada Inn
(Mountain Home, AR)
• Rite Bite Baits
• Strike King
Lure Co.
• Superior
• Tempress
• Unique
Functional Prod.
• Vicious Fishing
... and More
The 2010 Bass Cat Owner’s Invitational
Official Tournament Rules
1. PARTICIPANTS AND ELIGIBILITY: Participation in the annual Bass Cat
Owner's Invitational Tournament will be open to all registered owners of
a Bass Cat Boat and their individual partners. And limited invited guests
at the will of Bass Cat Boats, who may not own a BCB. All participants in
this event which are under the age of eighteen (18) shall be required to
notify the Tournament Officials at least 12 hours prior to take-off time.
Minors shall also be required to provide a release signed by a parent or
legal guardian should they not be participating with them. Family Teams
of Parents and Youths may compete for all except the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Place Prizes when more than two (2) to a boat are competing. Any
exceptions are at the discretion of the tournament officials.
2. SAFETY: Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times by all
tournament participants. Caution and safety on morning take-offs must
be observed. Each participant must wear a securely fastened U.S. Coast
Guard approved chest type life preserver any time the combustible
ALL GASOLINE MOTORS. Safety switches must be worn at all times when
the gasoline engine is in operation. There will be no alcoholic beverages
permitted in the boat during tournament hours. THERE WILL BE NO
3. TYPE OF TACKLE: Only artificial lures may be used. No "live bait" will
be permitted; however, pork or pork-type strips, rinds, etc. may be used.
Only casting, spinning or spin-casting rods and reels may be used. Only
one rod may be used at any one time. Other rigged rods may be in the
boat for substitute purposes; however, only one "rig" is permitted in use
at any one time. All tackle must be used in a conventional casting
manner, no trolling, dragging, or similar manner is allowed.
4. BOAT AND MOTORS: All boats must be in accordance with United
States Coast Guard Regulations at their time of production. There will
be no boats allowed which are over the recommended maximum
horsepower rating. Legally rated boats and motors ONLY.
5. BIG BASS: A $20 portion of the Entry is set aside as “Big Bass”
payback. To be paid daily ... limited to one “big bass” payback per boat,
per two day event. Payback for the Big Bass will be as follows: 10% will
be contributed to a local area project, 40% for Big Bass, 30% for second
biggest, 20% for third biggest.
6. FISHING LOCATIONS: No fishing within 50 yards of another contestants
anchored boat. All fishing must be done from the boat, no departing boat
to land fish. Boats must stay in the water during tournament day. All
contestants must leave the official dock by boat, and return by boat.
Panther Bay and the host marina cove are off limits, as well as, 50 yds. of
Panther Bay Marina. All other State and Federal Regulations apply.
7. LATE PENALTY: At the end of each tournament day and any contestant
not within the markers of the designated dock will be determined late.
Contestants who are not in the official docking area on time shall be
penalized one pound for each one (1) minute they are late. All
contestants must proceed directly to weigh-in upon returning to dock.
Any contestants more than 10 minutes late shall lose all poundage credit
for that date. Boat and motor trouble and other problems will not be an
excuse for tardiness. In no case shall a tardy contestant be allowed to
make up lost time.
8. SCORING: The legal limit shall be five (5) fish per day, per team.
Scoring shall be determined by total poundage. The Tournament winners
will be determined by total poundage accumulated during the day of
OR SMALLMOUTH which are legally caught are permitted. After his fish
have been handed to weigh-in officials NO PERSON EXCEPT OFFICIALS
shall touch said fish. A contestant bringing in more than his limit will be
disqualified for that days catch. The legal length limits will be 15 inches
for all Bass. Any bass brought to the scales under the legal limit shall be
subtracted at the rate of one pound per infraction from the total catch.
Any fish that appears to be mangled, mashed, or mauled, will be
measured separately on a flat board and credited only at the discretion of
the weigh-in officials. All fish will be measured with mouth closed. The
Gator Grip Golden Rule will be the official measuring board. Limit of
Only One Major Prize in Excess of an $5,000 Value Awarded Per Team.
9. PROTEST: Any contestant wishing to protest the score of a fellow
contestant must do so in writing within thirty (30) minutes after the
official closing of the scales.
10. TIES: In case of ties, the most number of fish will determine the
winner, followed by the largest stringer weight. In case of a tie for Big
Bass of the Tournament, tie will be broken by the heaviest stringer.
expected from each participant. Any infraction of these fundamental
sporting principals may be deemed cause for disqualification or refusal
of participation as this is an Invitational event for both participants. Bass
Cat Boats reserves the right to refuse that Invitation to any party for any
of these reasons deemed violated by the Tournament Director.
Possession, or, use of alcohol on the part of any contestant during the
tournament will not be tolerated, and shall be cause for automatic
disqualification from this tournament. The intentional snagging of a fish
shall be reason for disqualification under this paragraph.
12. TOURNAMENT FISHING HOURS: All contestants must be signed-out
and inspected by the tournament officials and shall begin the day from
the official dock. At the day's end, all contestants must be at the official
dock and signed-in with the tournament officials by or before the ending
time for that day.
13. LAKE HEADQUARTERS: Lake headquarters shall be the marina. All
fishermen must start and end each tournament day at this point.
14. ENTRY FEES: Entry Fee is $125.00, which includes Big Bass. Entries
must be received as a team by Bass Cat Boats, P.O. Drawer 1688,
Mountain Home, AR 72654. Each participant will be responsible for
selecting their team partner before each entry is made, and shall
designate the captain of the team with their entry.
15. LIABILITY: A release of liability will be required at the time of
registration. Signature of release of liability issues permission of
submission to a lie detector (polygraph), or Voice Stress analysis test.
This release of liability is also considered as approval of, and
permission for use of any likeness and photos in promotional
opportunities.* (*Unless otherwise notified)
16. Great effort, study and research have gone into the formation of these
rules. The rules of this Tournament will be interpreted and amended
solely by the judges and Tournament Officials and shall be final in all
matters. A non partial tournament committee of three (3) participants
will be appointed to witness rulings and decisions.
17. Each Bass Cat Dealer will be eligible to fish the Tournament as will
approved employees of the dealership. They must use a Bass Cat Boat
just as the contestants are required to do so. Those employees must also
be approved by Bass Cat and validated as employees to be invited.
18. All fish must be submitted to, and will only be received by, the
weigh-in officials in bags supplied or approved by tournament officials.
Outer protective support will be allowed as a supplement. Second only to
participants safety is the care of the fish, for release and research
Registration will begin at the plant Tuesday, May 11th from 8:00am4:00pm. Registration resumes Wednesday, May 12th from 8:00 a.m.
through 9:30 p.m. at the Ramada Inn in Mountain Home. There will be
Late Registration on a Reservation Basis Only! Contact Bass Cat Boats
(870) 481-5135, by May12, 12:00 Noon.
Official Entry Form
Open To Registered Owners
* Note: Remember all boats must have engines which do not
exceed U.S.C.G. horsepower ratings of that model (see Rule #4),
and have proof of registration. All rules will be strictly enforced,
and all decisions of the Tournament Director are final.
Please Type or Print Clearly All Information
Of a Bass Cat Boat, and their Guest.
Boat Owner
( Must be the Registered Boat Owner or Spouse )
Pantera II
and Matching trailer, rigged with a
MERCURY Pro XS 200 OptiMax Outboard
and MotorGuide Trolling Motor.
Skiff Cat
Complete with all of the standard
features, and a matching trailer.
E-Mail Address:
Bass Cat reserves the right to substitute any models
above to one of equal, or greater value.
Social Security #
Boat Model:
Serial #
*** Note: Only One Major Prize in Excess of
$5,000 in value can be Awarded per team.
Tailgate Party!
Brand Motor/H.P.
TBA (to be announced later)
Cell Phone Number:
Boat Drawing
Partner's Name
(At the Thursday Evening Meet and Greet)
Big Bass Payback
Social Security #
Bass Cat Dealer Nearest You?
❏ Mandatory Entry (Inc. Big Bass) $125.00 Per Boat
• 40% Big Bass
• 30% 2nd Biggest Bass
• 20% 3rd Biggest Bass
• 10% Contributed to a Local Area Project
(Payment Must be enclosed with Entry Form to Pre-Register)
Return Entry and Check To:
Bass Cat Invitational
P.O. Drawer 1688
Mountain Home, AR 72654
Registration will begin at the plant Tuesday, May 11th from 8:00am4:00pm. Registration resumes Wednesday, May 12th from 8:00 a.m.
through 9:30 p.m. at the Ramada Inn in Mountain Home. There will be
Late Registration on a Reservation Basis Only! Contact Bass Cat Boats
(870) 481-5135, by May12, 12:00 Noon.
I have Read and Understand the Rules:
(Please Initial Above)
Every year Bass Cat releases little yellow rubber ducks throughout Lake
Norfork. The lucky contestants who brings one to the weigh-in stand
will receive sponsor prizes. One very special duck will be worth a
brand new Mercury Outboard to one lucky contestant.
The 2010 Bass Cat Owner’s Invitational
Area Motels & Resorts
Bayou Resort
(870) 467-5277
Blackburns Resort
(870) 492-5115
Blue Lady Resort
(870) 467-5115
Special Thanks to Chris Brown for Some Terrific Photos!
It's time again for our "Family Reunion" ...
The Bass Cat Invitational on Lake Norfork!
This is the one time each year that all Bass
Cat owners (our family) are invited to
Mountain Home, Arkansas for some good ole
Ozark hospitality. The registration which
begins on Tuesday and Wednesday evening
is a real neat affair. Booths are setup for
anglers to see our sponsors products, plus
we have a nice clothing display. Here you
can visit with industry representatives and
learn about their products, or, shop for a
new jacket or hat.
The two day (Thursday & Friday} Invitational
begins with registration on Tuesday at the
plant. Thursday morning is truly a sight to
behold, as the sun peeks over the
mountains, your heart starts pounding a
little faster as the daylight reveals a bay with
little lights dancing all around on the water.
It is an overwhelming sight to behold as
many as 600-700 Bass Cat's are staged for an
early morning takeoff.
Thursday evening we have the "social" at the
Mountain Home High School Gym after the
first day's competition. Our only goal
through the Invitational is to show our
sincere appreciation to our family of Bass Cat
Boat owners. This gives us an opportunity to
do this first hand. It gives us all time to
Bungalow Resort
(870) 492-5105
We always try to make the Bass Cat
Invitational a family affair. We want to
provide an atmosphere for family
participation with Rubber Duck Hunts and
Kids' Contests, also a "Ladies Coffee" and
"Treasure Hunt" for the wives and other
ladies who aren't fishing the tournament.
Carriage Inn
(870) 425-6001
The afternoon's final day weigh-in will also
pay back "Wild Card" places for those in the
“Optional Entry” way down in the field to
even the smallest stringer. We want folks to
really enjoy this "Family Reunion."
Following the final Friday afternoon
weigh-in contestants get a little time to
relax, and swap a few fish stories before
heading home. Those traveling long
distances are able to leave for home as we
finish on Friday.
We want you to spend the trip home
reflecting on what you have experienced and
look forward to the next year's Bass Cat
Owner’s Invitational. Who knows, maybe you
will be enjoying a NEW Bass Cat Boat.
Now who's smiling?
Gene’s Resort
(870) 499-5381
Hampton Inn
Brass Door Motel
(870) 435-2988
reflect on relationships and friendships that
mean more than we often realize. Plus, we
draw for the “Draw Boat” ... some lucky
owner is going home with a new boat and
trailer. You must be present to win!
Gaston’s White River
(870) 431-5202
Hand Cove Resort
(870) 488-5367
Buzzard Roost Inn
(870) 492-5187
Carlton Resort
(870) 492-5181
Hickory Hills
(870) 467-5255
Holiday Hills Resort
(870) 488-5303
Holiday Inn Express
(870) 425-6200
Howard Creek Resort
(870) 431-5371
Comfort Inn
(870) 424-9000
Cozzens Country Cabins
(870) 467-5451
(870) 492-5113
Cranfield Resort
(870) 492-5350
Keller’s Kove Resort
(870) 488-5360
Creekside Cabins
(870) 492-7030
Lake Norfork Inn
(870) 488-5144
Crystal Cove Resort
(870) 488-5373
Mocking Bird Bay
(800) 831-4151
Day’s Inn
(870) 425-1010
Mtn. Home Motel
(870) 425-2171
Echo Point Resort
(870) 467-5244
Norfork River Resort
Edgewater Resort
and Lodge
(870) 431-5222
North Shore Resort
(870) 431-5564
Executive Inn
(870) 425-2300
Peal’s Resort
(870) 499-5215
Fish n Fiddle Resort
(870) 491-5161
Rainbow Drive
(870) 430-5217
Ramada Inn
(870) 425-9191
Ridgecrest Resort
(870) 431-5376
Rocking Chair Resort
(870) 492-5157
Royal View Resort
(870) 492-5288
Stone Creek Ranch
Super 8
(870) 424-5600
Take It Easy Resort
(870) 467-5284
Teal Point Resort
(870) 492-5145
Three Oaks Resort
(870) 467-5283
Town & Country
(870) 425-9525
Wagon Wheel Resort
(870) 467-5121
Whispering Deer
(870) 488-5187
Whispering Woods
(870) 499-5531
White Buffalo Resort
(870) 424-6892
White Sands Motel
(870) 435-2244
101 Resort North
(870) 467-5500
For Maps & Licenses
(870) 425-6556
Big Red’s
(870) 431-5806
Arkansas Fishing Licenses can be ordered by phone
using a credit card.
Please Call for ordering information: