In Remembrance, With Love - LifeShare Of The Carolinas


In Remembrance, With Love - LifeShare Of The Carolinas
In Remembrance,
With Love
A collection of memories
shared by donor families
In Remembrance,
With Love
We dedicate this commemorative booklet to you, our donor families; and to
your loved ones who shared life with others. You shared your memories and
photographs with us so that we may know the person you loved. We express
our sincere gratitude to you for your generosity in your time of grief.
Please accept this gift of thanks to honor you and those you loved; and to
celebrate the new life they gave to others.
Steven Charles Banks
May 13, 2011
Don’t grieve for me, for now I am free.
I’m following the path God laid for me.
My life’s been full, I savored much.
Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
Ah yes, these things I too will miss.
Lift up your heart and share with me.
God wanted me now, God set me free.
Lisa Ann Barboun
July29, 2011
Lisa was an Angel on earth,
And is now an Angel in Heaven.
Lisa took on every challenge that came her way;
Never complained; never looked back;
And encouraged those around her.
Every person or animal befriended by Lisa
Bettered their life for having known her.
Christopher R. Bartok
June 27, 2011
Chris had the most gentle, tender spirit of any person I’ve
ever known. God himself planted a garden full of love
and kindness in my husband’s heart. He was my
husband, best friend, partner and father of our beautiful
children. I believe being a devoted, loving, present father
blessed Chris the most in this life. It was beautiful to
witness a gift from above. We will remember him in the
children's eyes; in the mountains he so loved; the fish in
the stream he treasured; the beasts of the woods he
honored; and we will meet one day again on that
beautiful shore.
John N. Beaty III
September 10, 2011
John was the love of my life. He was a beloved husband,
father, son and brother. He loved life and enjoyed
spending time with his family and hiking in God’s
beautiful creation. We will miss that beautiful smile and
great laugh that could light up a room, but know we will
see him again one day in heaven.
James Allen “Flip” Bowden
December 13, 2011
When tomorrow starts without me
and I’m not there to see,
Please try to understand that an Angel came by
and took me by the hand and said
my place was ready for me in heaven,
and that I’d have to leave behind all those I love.
So when tomorrow starts without me,
don’t think we’re far apart,
for every time you think of me,
I will always be in your hearts.
Lisa Dalton Bradford
October 16, 2011
Lisa was an incredible wife, mother, daughter, sister,
and friend. Lisa’s bright smile revealed her warm and
loving spirit. She was extraordinarily thoughtful and
selfless. Lisa was always more than eager to lend a
hand to anyone in need. She had a wonderful sense
of humor. A room would light up at the sound of
her infectious laugh. Lisa was simply a remarkably
amazing person.
Robert Keith Bradley
March 18, 2011
“You can’t out give God
But it’s fun to try.”
Robert Keith was known for saying this a lot. He
had just been given permission to preach in his
True Vine Church of God.
John Edward Brewer
January 20, 2011
John was a veteran of the Unites States Air Force who was trained as a Flight
Simulator Technician. His last duty was with the B2 Stealth Bomber
Wing. He was also a uniquely talented tinkerer who could fix “anything.” He
had a great smile, a ready wit, and always enjoyed a joke or pun.
John was an RC airplane enthusiast who enjoyed movies, crossword puzzles,
Scrabble, Mille Bourne, history, Jeopardy!, and a wide range of music.
He was and honorable man who treated everyone with respect. John was a
loving and devoted husband; kind, loyal, and caring brother and friend. He will
remain forever in our thoughts and in our hearts.
Ronald W. Burleson
December 3, 2011
Ronald was a beloved son, brother, uncle and was
always a friend to everyone he met. He loved
country music and the Braves baseball team. He
was full of laughter, joy and love. But our loss is
heaven’s gain because God only takes the best.
Kenneth “Randy” Calloway
January 27, 2011
My only child – my son. The light of my life. I
thank God I had you for 31 years.
Floyd “Buck” Carpenter
November 21, 2011
A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps your memory ever dear,
God took you home, it was His will,
But in our hearts, you live still.
Looking back with memories,
Upon the path you trod,
We bless the hours we had with you,
And leave the rest with God
Gary L. Chandler
January 29, 2011
My dad…he taught me how to love with my whole heart…how to
laugh until I cried…and that through hard work, faith and the
intelligence I was blessed with, anything can be achieved…though
living without him is hard…I very seldom get sad while thinking of
him…I spent his last night with him in the hospital, we laughed and
watched basketball…the two things we did better than a father-son
team ever could have dreamed of…the last he said to me was,
:always remember who you are…I love you, Alex.” He was the
man who made me a man…I will never forget you, Dad. I hope
and pray I can be half the father, husband, brother, uncle, friend and
role model you were to so many.
(written by son, Alex)
Willard F. Chapman, Jr.
August 18, 2011
Beloved husband, father, grandfather, great
grandfather. Loved the Lord. Always looked
forward to fishing and camping at the beach. He
is missed more and more everyday.
Jane Marie Coffy
September 10, 2011
Beloved Daughter, sister, friend, teacher, mother. You were
always so selfless in your giving to others. We all miss your
sweet smile, your contagious laugh, your generosity and your
love of life. We all miss you so very much and we will love you
Rest in peace, sweet Jane, knowing that you gave the gift of life
to others.
Arthur Leon Coleman
February 21, 2011
Wonderful husband, father and friend.
We miss him dearly.
Jerry Morton Cooper
May 21, 2010
“Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth”
(from the poem High Flight)
by Johns Gillespie Magee, Jr.
WWII Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot
Robert Curtis
October 31, 2011
In life, if we are lucky, we have the opportunity to experience
true love and friendship. Bob was my husband, the love of my
life and true friend. We shared an amazing journey here on
earth. Bob absorbed all the richness life offers to all of us.
When he passed from this earth he gave the most beautiful gift
imaginable – the opportunity for others to enjoy this
wonderful holiday here on earth. My hope is for the people who
receive the gifts of life through LifeShare; that they have the
chance to enjoy the magnificent journey life affords.
LifeShare, thank you, for your dedication to life. Your respect
for the value of life endures…forever.
With the greatest appreciation,
Jackie Deaver
October 10, 2011
Beloved Granddaughter
Eli Jameson Erdle
February 25, 2011
You came down from heaven on a snowflake and pure joy
came over us as we kissed and cuddled you for the first time.
Your sweet smell and warmth still lingers in our dreams. We
only had you with us for six weeks. God’s purpose for your
life was noble as you gave the gift of life to two children and
touched countless others with your story. You are loved now
and always and you will never be forgotten.
Khamron Mark-Anthony Evans
December 12, 2011
He’s in the presence of Royalty,
but forever in our hearts.
Our son, our brother, our angel.
Vanessa A. Fender
December 5, 2011
A wife, a mother, a Nana too,
This is the legacy we have from you.
You taught us love and how to fight,
You gave us strength, you gave us might.
A stronger person would be hard to find,
And in your heart, you were always kind.
You fought for us all in one way or another,
Not just as a wife not just as a mother.
For all of us you gave your best,
Now the time has come for you to rest.
So go in peace, you've earned your sleep,
Your love in our hearts, we'll eternally keep
Our Mom was a devoted wife, loving mother, the best nana, a true friend and an angel of
God. She loved her family and her Grandbabies more than anything! She was so creative
and loved crafts! She made this world a better place for every one she met and even in
death she was willing to share whatever she could to ease someone's burdens. Her memory
will forever live in our hearts, her smile will never fade, and we will never let anyone forget
her legacy!
We love and miss you so much!
Jackie Dean Gilmore
December 4, 2011
Our father, the best father! He loved taking my brother and me
fishing, golfing,, and to the beach.. Anything involving spending
time with us was our father’s greatest passion. Being a lifelong
Christian, our father brought us up with great values and beliefs.
Everything he did was to the full extent of his ability.
He loved NASCAR, the people he worked with at his insurance
agency along with his family and us.
Logan and Blake Gilmore
Michael Charles Goldstein
April 16, 2011
Knowing him was loving him.
“You went away, how dare you…
They say I’ll be okay…
I’ll never be over you.”
-Miranda Lambert, 2012
“Over You”
Gone too soon, yet Forever here.
Terry L. Graham, Sr.
December 5, 2011
Terry hid a heart of gold beneath a gruff exterior.
He was there for anyone who needed him.
He loved his family and his pets.
Jeremy Allen Hester
September 27, 2011
Sometimes when I’m alone, I cry because I am alone. The
tears that I cry are bitter and warm They flow with life but
take no norm. If I had an ear to confide in I would cry
amongst my treasured friends, but who do you know that stops
that long to help another carry on? The world moves fast and
would rather pass by than to stop and see what makes one cry!!
Sometimes when I’m alone, I cry because I am alone!!
Elizabeth “Liz” Hoffman
September 8, 2011
An intelligent and kind young woman, who had the ups and downs we
all do, filling in the details of who you would be as an adult ….
Enjoying new things – star gazing on the Blue Ridge, bowling with
friends, learning psychology and going to Appalachian football games –
and old pleasures – reading, video games, world traveling, mission trips,
singing, love of animals especially your miniature dachshund, Sprite and
your cat, Mr. Moo.
A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart; a smile for everyone you met and
a willingness to give up your own time for anyone in need.
We miss you every day. We miss your smile and your hugs. We miss
the places you took us to with your bright imagination in your writings
and our talks. We miss having someone to tell everything to. Our
hearts cannot bear that you are not with us, but we know that you are in
a safe place until we see you again.
James Earl Hooper
October 10, 2011
James had a favorite Bible verse, Roams 14:8, “For if we live,
we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord.
Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.”
Throughout his four year battle with cancer, this verse was
his testimony, and he lived this to the end of his life on earth;
and now we know he is living in heaven with his loving Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sal Jackson
July 25, 2011
I thought about what I wanted to write for some time now.
I wanted to write about all the nicknames he gave people or write
all his funny sayings down that made everyone laugh.
I wanted to write about how he would help anyone out in need.
I wanted to talk about the many friends he made. But all I seem
to think about is how much he is missed.
How much I (his wife) and sisters and nieces and nephews truly
miss him.
Sal, you are living in our hearts.
We carry you with us daily.
Billie Edward Johnson
February 14, 2011
Beloved husband, devoted father, faithful
brother, loyal friend
Candy Johnson
November 1, 2011
Kendall D. Jones
September 9, 2011
Our Kennybuck.
Never happier than in his beloved North Carolina mountains.
Often on our minds and always in our hearts.
Mike W. Kersey
October 4, 2011
Coach Mike Kersey made an impact on Lancaster County with his
strong teaching and coaching skills and with his personified tough
love on and off the mat. A 17-year veteran of the Lancaster County
School District and Indian Land high schools, where he had many
state champions, was universally known among students, peers and
the community. He gave of himself to his students and wrestlers,
now Mike is giving the Gift of Life.
Mike was a family man, a devoted husband, a loving dad, a great
son, and an awesome brother. He is loved very much; missed
greatly; and will stay in our hearts forever.
We love you, Mike,
Your Family
Thomas Alton Kitchen
November 29, 2011
He was a beloved husband. He loved
his God and loved to go to church.
He was a Veteran for 22 years.
Duantre Lawrence
August 5, 2011
Would you think of me…leaving this planet called earth
Would you think of me…an angel since birth
Would you think of me…leaving you all so soon
Would you think of me…that I’m still here in the room
Would you think of me…sad that I've gone
Well picture me…Glad I found home
Michael K. Maloney
April 30, 2011
Son, brother, husband, friend.
Though Mike is gone from our midst,
So much of him lives on.
We hear his laughter in the breeze.
We feel the warmth of his smile in the sun.
And we know that his love still looks upon us all.
Dwayne “Alan” McIntire
January 16, 2010
Alan was a true family man. He loved from the
depths of his heart. A friend to all. Served his
country with pride and honor. A wonderful son,
husband, father and friend.
Austin Hoke McRee
May 20, 2011
Austin’s way was to always live life to the fullest.
His wish is for all our friends and family to wake
up every day and live life the way Austin did –
with happiness, love and laughter.
God Bless!
Connie Canipe Miller
March 15, 2011
A smile that lit up the world!
James Edward Morrow, Jr.
October 2, 2011
“A loving husband, father, son, brother and friend.
He was blessed with so may gifts and in his own
way a poet beyond compare. The best story teller
of all time, full of knowledge, wisdom, and a love
for his music, family , and Pepper.
Nora Ward Murray
March 23, 2011
Daughter, Sister ,Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend
Nora had a laugh that filled the entire room. She laughed loudly and often. She
was kind and generous to a fault. Material things meant little to her. Her husband,
daughter, step-daughters and granddaughters were the most important things in her
life. She was strong and independent. She loved God and family above all. In her
death, she gave the gift of life to others. She lives on. If love could have saved her,
she would have lived forever.
She is forever in our hearts. And she is in heaven watching over us all.
Do not stand by my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints upon the snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain and
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am that swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand by my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die
- Elizabeth Frye
Marvin R. Near
May 30, 2011
Beloved husband, father, brother, uncle, friend. He
loved life, cherished his grandsons, and loved to
ride his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He would
always tell me that “He loved me more” and “Love
you forever and two days.”
Jacob Roy Nickerson
October 29, 2911
A beloved son and brother who left us much too soon.
Claude F. Norman
March 31, 2011
Husband and best friend for 50 years, respected father,
brother, Episcopalian, highway engineer referred to as
“Mountain Man.” Played golf the day before he died – lived
every moment till the end. His eyes were truly beautiful and
now my hope is that they will enable another man for the first
time to see a sunrise, sunset and the face of a woman that
truly loves him.
Oli Pall Omarsson
June 21, 2011
The Viking
Adventurous from birth
Warrior Child
Strength of a soldier
Courageous at heart
Protector of animals & family
Loyal friend, brother, son
Your smile made your baby blue eyes light up a room. Your laugh and
sense of humor would be contagious to everyone around. Sturdy in stature,
robust in your presence, classically good looking, passionate for what’s right.
Saddened by lost dreams
Tired of pain
Lost in this world
Destined for greatness
Soldier, warrior, king
Some stories tell of special Vikings that did not have horns on their helmets
but rather wings. I feel this to be true of Oli.
Rocklin “Duder” Pritchard
July 14, 2011
Rocklin was very full of life. He was an amazing little
brother, son, grandchild, and nephew that is missed very
much. He is a great inspiration to many. He was the light
to many lives, the joy of our hearts, and now is the rainbow
in our sky. We all love and miss you very much little
“If tears could build a stairway to heaven, I’d walk right up
and bring you home again.”
Paul Wayne Puckett
November 22, 2011
Our daddy was a wonderful person who loved God and his family. Always
there to help others anyway that he could. He was married for 44 years and
he and our mother were blessed with four kids. He was a wonderful PawPaw
to each of his grandkids and one great grandchild. Daddy was the happiest
when he was surrounded by his family and grandkids grilling out, and
swimming in the backyard pool in the summer. A hardworking man, he
enjoyed working in his yard, fishing , trips to see family in the mountains, and
talking to old and new friends. He loved talking about the good ole days and
had many stories to tell! A kind man who was always upbeat. He used to
always say “To get a smile, you have to give a smile!” Also, daddy loved to
read the Bible and always would say, “We don’t know what the future holds,
but we better know who holds our future!”
His favorite verse was John 14:2 – “In my Father’s House are many mansions: if it
were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” We take comfort in
knowing that our daddy was able to help others with his gift of his organ
donation and that just shows the kind person that he was. Always willing to
help others in need.
Although we miss him more everyday, we are all so thankful and proud of
our daddy! Our lives will never be the same without him, but the memories
will live in our hearts forever! Remember, it’s not good-bye, it’s only see you
later! Save us a spot , Daddy! Watch over us all, our Sweet Angel! Keep us
safe until we meet again…
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the
Family of Paul W. Puckett
Heather Ann Scruggs
August 16, 2011
Beloved wife Heather, daughter, sister and mother.
She was loved by all. You are missed every minute of
each day. You gave your love to me and your legacy
lives on as you gave the Gift of Life to four others.
Stoney Michael Shook
June 2, 2011
I know you found the better life. You filled our lives with so
much joy. So much happiness. It seems so unfair that you
were taken from us so early in life. So many emotions
running through our minds. Sadness, hurt, anger, but most
of all confusion…
But God had a bigger plan. We now realize that you’re not
gone because you live, and always will, in our hearts and the
hearts of everyone who was ever fortunate to know you.
You are in God’s hands now and are gone from us but never
forgotten and live on in others.
Love and miss you.
Donald Keith Snipes
November 17, 2011
Always tried to help people and loved his family.
He was a great person , and daddy and husband, and
He will always be missed!!
Paul D. Sparks
December 17, 2011
Paw Paw, Daddy, Husband
We love you!!
Raymond Edward St. Martin
September 25, 2011
Ray, my beloved husband, best friend and confidant was also a
brother to Phil St. Martin and Clarice Locke, uncle and godfather to
many nieces and nephews both here in Charlotte and New York.
A skilled and talented carpenter, Ray’s passion was creating things
with wood and he spent many years enjoying his trade.
Ray will long be remembered for his special talent but also the gift
of sight to someone through LifeShare Of The Carolinas.
Our family misses him terribly, but we take comfort his pain is
eased and he enjoys a better place.
With all my love, Theresa
The St. Martin and Locke Families
Philip St. Martin, brother and wife, Elizabeth St. Martin
Clarice Lock, sister and husband, Jack Locke
Theresa St. Martin, wife of Raymond E. St. Martin
Kenneth B. Steele
July 6, 2011
Kathleen Jaye “Kat” Stewart
May 17, 2011
Our beloved daughter and sister, Kathleen Jaye (Kat), was a very positive , upbeat,
happy , energetic force of nature. She was beautiful inside and out. She brought such
love, joy, laughter and happiness to our family, her many friends and to everyone that
knew her. She shared a special bond of unconditional love with her sister. She was a
blessing to our family.
Kat was a 19-year-old college student who loved life, the mountains, and the beach.
She had a love for animals, especially her pets, and volunteered at the Humane
Society. She shared a special closeness and love with her cousins, her family, her
friends, God and her church family.
Kathleen’s sparkling brown eyes, mischievous dimples, laugh and contagious smile
could light up any room. She was a delight and joy to be around.
Kathleen will be forever cherished, loved and missed by her family and friends. We
thank you for the blessings of your sweet life and the gift of life you shared with
others. Kathleen will be in our hearts forever. Until we meet again.
We love you more,
Your loving family
Kathy Street
July 14, 2011
“The Lord is blessing my socks off –
Favor ain’t fair”
William Andrew “Drew” Thompson
July 18, 2011
Loving father and brother.
Richard Alan "Ritchie" Watson
January 27, 2011
Ritchie will always be remembered for his fun loving
spirit, kind heart, and devotion to his family and friends.
He made the sun shine a little brighter in all the lives
that he touched. A father, son, husband, brother, and
friend; Ritchie brought joy to us all and will be dearly
missed until we meet again.
Christina Marie Whelan
August 30, 2011
Christina had a great personality and an amazing sense
of humor. Family and her students were the most
important to her. She leaves a legacy behind with her
students. She will be forever loved and missed.
Hyun Ki Yim
October 22, 2011
If roses grow in Heaven, Lord,
then pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Dads arms...
and tell him they're from me.
Tell him that I love and miss him,
and when he turns to smile,
place a kiss upon his cheek
and hold him for awhile.
I miss you Daddy and I love you so much!
LifeShare Of The Carolinas
5000-D Airport Center Parkway
Charlotte, North Carolina 28208
1200 Ridgefield Blvd. Suite 150
P.O. Box 6837
Asheville, NC 28816
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