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River Rock Gator
February/March 2011
Volume 6 Issue 3
A newsletter for the students, families and friends of River Rock
Rulon Gardner Visits River Rock
Rulon Gardner, Olympic Gold Medalist in Greco-Roman Wrestling and
contestant on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, recently visited the Red Lion and
Shiremanstown Campuses. Students and staff were treated to a very inspirational
and interesting message in which Rulon shared details of his life story and the
challenges he has overcome.
As a child, Rulon grew up the youngest of nine children in Wyoming working
hard and gaining strength by the physical labor he performed on the family dairy
farm. He also struggled with a learning disability. Rulon was often bullied and told
by authorities that he didn’t have the discipline or desire to accomplish something
great. Encouraged to take the easy road, he felt strongly that he was meant to do the
right and more difficult thing instead of pursuing the easy path in life.
After high school, Rulon attended a junior college. He wanted to pursue a
degree in physical education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Despite the
facts that many people discouraged him from this goal and only 16 of his 64 junior
college credits transferred, Rulon earned his bachelors degree in six years. “Of
everything, I am most proud of my college education,” he said.
Rulon failed to make the Olympic team in 1996 but decided not to give up and
worked even harder to become stronger and more disciplined. A month prior to the
games, he was pinned by the #2 ranked Russian wrestler. “Instead of quitting, I got
rid of my pride and cockiness and became even more focused,” Rulon shared.
At the 2000 Summer Games, Rulon did what most thought was impossible by
beating #1 ranked Russian Aleksandr Karelin who was previously undefeated in 13
years of international competition. Rulon’s victory over Karelin, known as “The
Miracle on the Mat,” is thought by many to be the biggest upset in wrestling
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After being encouraged to retire as the best in the world, Rulon resisted,
kept working hard and went on to win the World Championships in 2001. This
victory made him the only American ever to win both a World and Olympic
title in Greco-Roman Wrestling.
The next winter, Rulon had a near fatal experience that gave him an even
greater challenge. While snowmobiling in the mountains of Wyoming, he
became stranded for eighteen hours. Not dressed for nightfall, he endured
temperatures that reached 25 degrees below zero. His core temperature was 80
degrees upon his rescue and his feet were frozen solid. After cutting off his
boots, doctors felt their only choice was to amputate his severely frostbitten
feet. Fortunately he beat the odds and after four surgeries he only lost one toe.
To this day, he still has no feeling in his feet, which makes balancing a
By the summer, Rulon was walking again and eight months later he made
the 2004 Olympic Team. He came away from Athens with the Olympic
Bronze Medal and left his shoes on the mat as a symbol of his retirement from
competitive wrestling.
Over the next several years, Rulon built a health club and became a
motivational speaker. By 2007, he had financial problems, was not working
out and was eating in an unhealthy manner. His sister, a cardiologist, warned
him that he needed to loose weight or he would be dead in ten years. At his
heaviest, 474 pounds, he began his journey on The Biggest Loser. He has lost
185 pounds, regained his life back and is living happily running his health club
in Utah with his wife.
Rulon has had numerous other struggles over the years but also many
victories. For him, it all comes down to choices. He challenged the River Rock
students to give life everything they have by maximizing their potential and
doing their best everyday. “Success is not always about winning. It is giving
100% everyday,” Rulon shared.
River Rock was honored to welcome Rulon to our campuses. He gave
generously of his time signing autographed pictures of his Olympic match,
taking pictures and sharing many heartfelt words of encouragement with the
Rulon Gardner shared his Seven Steps to Success with River Rock
1. Go back to the basics. It is not always about winning but instead
about doing your best and reaching your potential. Through hard work and
persistence, you will be better.
2. Turn a negative situation into a positive one. Make changes and
do what you have to do to overcome obstacles put in front of you.
3. Enlist other people. Surround yourself with others who will raise
you up and help you achieve your dreams.
4. Go and work hard everyday. Ask yourself three questions
everyday. “Did I do my absolute best today?” “Did I do everything to
reach my potential?” “What else can I do to be my best?”
5. Take care of business. Focus your energy on finishing what you
start everyday. Life is what you make of it.
6. Aim high when you are feeling low. Take advantage of second
chances. It is amazing how many people want to help you achieve if you
7. Don’t rest on your laurels. Have things in your life to remind you
of where you have been and how far you have come. But, don’t be so
satisfied with your accomplishments that you make no effort to improve.
River Rock Gator
Climbing Mountains
Newville Campus student
Ashley Bible does not let life’s
challenges hold her back. Ten years
ago, she was diagnosed with
muscular dystrophy and also has
scoliosis, a curvature of the spine.
But instead of being discouraged,
Ashley is pursuing her childhood
dream of becoming a model and
Ashley cannot run or wear high
heels and climbing stairs is very
difficult, but she is determined not to
allow her obstacles keep her from
achieving her goals. Ashley said, “I
want to show other people with
disabilities that they can accomplish
their dreams. I found a quote once
that stated, ‘There are two things you
can do when you come to a
mountain—climb it or go around it.
If you go around, you’ll miss the
view from the top.’ That quote
encourages me to get to the top.”
Last June, Ashley graduated
from Barbizon Modeling and Acting
Center in Lemoyne where she was
named ‘most improved student overall’ and ‘student most improved in
confidence.’ She has exciting
summer plans as a representative of
Barbizon where she will learn in
workshops and compete for awards
and scholarships. Ashley also
volunteers at a local nursing home
and is the vice president of the
school student council.
Newville Counselor Donna
Gano appreciates Ashley’s
determination and work ethic. She
said, “Ashley is a student who
always gives her best effort in the
classroom. She
has great ideas
service projects
and is an asset
to River Rock.”
River Rock Gator
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Breakfast Cook Off Four campus locations recently held a Breakfast Cook Off contest in
Spring Grove. Teams from Day Treatment, Hellam, Red Lion and Spring
Grove were provided with the same ingredients to make their creation in 40
minutes. Halfway through the competition, a surprise ingredient was
introduced that had to be incorporated in to their breakfast dish.
Things really heated up when too many cooks in the kitchen resulted in a
loss of power. As everyone scrambled to move locations and come up with a
new plan, the students did a great job assisting members of their own team as
well as the students they were competing against. Hellam Campus student
Rachel Blakeslee commented, “Usually everyone is so competitive but instead
we all helped each other out.”
The teams included Coty Bridges, Covell Lamay and Tanner Rohrbaugh
from Day Treatment; Arieonna Atterberry, Rachel Blakeslee, Seth McKee and
Gary Snavely from the Hellam Campus; Brandon Ashley, Kyle Dettinger and
Bethany Gladfelter from the Red Lion Campus; and Brenden Bolinsky, Ashley
Eisenhart, Kahlil Johnson and Dakota Wagner from the Spring Grove Campus.
Matt Kale, owner of Mary Jane’s Restaurant in York, was kind enough to
be a guest judge of the contest. School Nurse Sue Myers and Spring Grove
Youth Service Specialist Terry Hoff also judged the event. Taste, display and
presentation were the criteria for the contest. The Day Treatment team came in
first place and the Hellam Campus team took second. All participants received
a ribbon.
The Breakfast Cook Off was an excellent opportunity for students to be
creative and develop their team working skills in a fun, friendly competition.
Students Visit
A group of Hellam Campus
students recently enjoyed a
meaningful trip to the Lebanon VA
Medical Center. Each Hellam
student made thirty cards for the
wounded servicemen and six
students proudly delivered the cards.
The conversation between the
students and veterans was very
heartwarming and meaningful.
Students had the opportunity to
thank the servicemen for all they did
for our country. The veterans shared
their knowledge and stories and were
very grateful for the chance to spend
time with the students.
When asked what he enjoyed
about the visit, student Gary Snavely
said, “I liked meeting the old guys.
They were cool and funny.”
Behavior Manager Karl
Munscher brought the students to
visit the veterans and felt it was an
extremely positive experience for
everyone. He hopes to bring more
students to the VA Medical Center in
the near future.
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River Rock Gator
River Rock Students of the Month
Get Fit for Life
The Students of the Month for February and March have been announced.
Students are selected based on their behavior, grades, attendance and positive
attitude. Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Making good choices, getting
physically fit and being active can
enhance performance in life and in
the classroom. Rick and Rocky
Bonomo, two of the best physical
fitness clinicians in the country,
shared that message in a humorous
and interactive way. Rick is a three
time NCAA wrestling champion and
Rocky is a two time all American
and former head wrestling coach at
Lock Haven University.
Students were encouraged to live
a more productive, healthier life
through a variety of physical
activities. After demonstrating
unique physical challenges, the
Bonomo’s welcomed volunteers who
came forward to attempt fitness and
strength challenges.
The Bonomo brothers traveled to
the Red Lion, Shiremanstown and
Spring Grove locations where
students from other campuses also
came for the opportunity to enjoy the
entertaining assembly.
By captivating the students with
humor and fun, the Bonomo’s could
share inspiring messages. Rick said,
“Be a participant in life, not a
spectator. Win with humility, lose
with dignity and always be strong
enough to do the right thing.”
Carlisle Campus
Mike Detwiler &
Adam Hoffman
Day Treatment
Dylan Stewart &
Angel Pagan
Carlisle Campus
Richard Moat &
Mary Staggs
Day Treatment Campus
Cody Roedts &
Douglas Scott
Hellam Campus
Hellam Campus
John Hammond &
Rachel Blakeslee
Cora Smith &
Ryan Graffious
Newville Campus
Isaak Craig &
Brittany Strait
Red Lion Campus
Douglas Rhoads
& Shaquill Fry
(not pictured)
Newville Campus
Brianna Bittinger &
Brandon Erickson
Red Lion Campus
Richard Cameriero &
Jayshawna Roy (not
Adaam Ben Ezra &
Julie Gordon
Shawn Strahosky &
Kattie DeHart
Spring Grove Campus
Spring Grove
Kaylee Taylor &
Kyle Hall
West Perry Campus
Tyler Mumper
Karli Forbes &
Isaiah Stancil
West Perry Campus
Derek Keefer
River Rock Gator
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River Rock Perfect Attendance
The students listed below had perfect attendance for
February and March. They were rewarded with a River
Rock snack gift card.
Students who had perfect monthly attendance and
spent no time in the resource room were entered into a
Carlisle Campus
Arnold, Clinton; Correa, Luis;
McAdoo, Kerra; Shindel, Kyle*;
Swingle, Austin; Vega, Samantha
Andrews, Alexander*; Arnold, Clinton; Correa, Luis; Detwiler, Michael;
Diffenbaugh, Julia; McKenzie,
Brian; Stackfield, DeVante
Day Treatment
Bollinger, Shawne; Crespo, Kayla*;
Erb, James; Pagan, Angel; Reyes,
Bollinger, Shawne; Briggs, Kevin*;
Crespo, Kayla; Dearing, Kiamboo;
Erb, James; Reyes, Katelynn
Hellam Campus
Bahn, Matthew; Blakeslee, Rachel;
Graffious, Ryan; Grove, Faith;
Hammond, John*; Lenhert, Zachary;
Leonard, Jonathan; Wright, Jacob
Bahn, Matthew; Gibbs, Timothy;
Greiner, Dustin; Hammond, John;
Lussier, Richard; Martin IV, Leonard; McKee, Seth; Miller, Brandon;
Moore, Joseph*; Moyer, Kyle;
Smith, Kyle; Snavely II, Gary
contest. One student from each campus was selected at
random. February’s winners received a pizza party and
March winners received Dick’s Sporting Goods gift cards.
Contest winners have a * next to their name.
Congratulations to all the students!
Bittinger, Brianna; Erickson, Brandon; Johnson, Chance; Jones, Dayquan*; Parks, Morgan; Shank,
Joshua; Strait, Brittany; Zimmerman,
Garman, Jonathan*; Gentzler, Brittany; Hall, Kyle; Hershey, Kyle;
Jiles, NeiQuann; Leppo, Joshua;
Martin, Malia; Mennapace, Donald;
Miller, Aaron; Mundy III, Harry;
Myers, Tristan; West Jr., Richard
Red Lion Campus
West Perry Campus
Ashley, Brandon; Costen, Lashanta;
Gladfelter, Bethany; Matthew, Zachary; Raivel, Joshua; Rhoads, Douglas; Vega, Angel; Windon-Druck,
Bush, Brittany*; Gladfelter, Bethany;
Grizzelle, Kristoff; Hylind, Daniel;
Palmer, Gabriel; Ryan, Lauren;
Vega, Angel; Windon-Druck, Jacob
Evans, Mason Donald; Lantz, Cody;
Riley, James*
Shiremanstown Campus
Allard, Ryan; Bowers, Cody; Ely,
Adam; Gonzalez, Marcus; Lepley,
Tiffanie; Miller, Jacquilynn; Oneufer, Nicholas; Rexrode, Logan;
Speraw, Zak; Sterner, Joseph
Allard, Ryan; Bahn, Kody; Cekovic,
Ethan; Diller, Jr., Brian*; Heffren,
Corey; Hughes, Ieisha; Kelley,
Robert; Miller, Jacquilynn; Mutzabaugh, Katlan; Shaffer, Pricilla;
Sterner, Joseph; Thomas, Dan
Spring Grove Campus
Newville Campus
Bechtel, Paige*; Beck, Damion;
Collins, Shoneci; Garman, Jonathan;
Gentzler, Brittany; Johnson, Coby;
Leppo, Joshua; Myers, Tristan;
Queene, Alex; Sentz, Dustin
Burkepile, Angel; Dodson, Joshua;
Franklin, Kyle; Jones, Dayquan;
Lepperd, Jonathan*; Parks, Morgan;
Ross, David; Shank, Joshua; Strait,
Brittany; Wiser, Kraig
Cassel, Malena*; Evans, Mason
Donald; Fisher, Sterling; Gordon,
Trey; Groce, Zachery; Kenny, Joseph; Lantz, Cody; McKeehan, Michael; Mills, Dakota; Mutzabaugh,
Tristan Cage
Bechtel, Paige; Bolinsky, Brenden;
Carlisle Campus students recently took
a trip to the National Air and Space
Museum. They viewed a variety of
historical artifacts and aircraft
including the Enola Gay, a Boeing B29 Superfortress bomber from World
War II and the USS Enterprise Space
Shuttle. The highlight of the day was
the opportunity to experience the thrill
of a flight simulator.
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River Rock Gator
Community Service
Day Treatment students helped
elementary school students with their
reading and literacy skills through the
Head Start Program
West Perry Campus staff spent part of an
in-service day at the Perry County Food
Bank where they filled 180 boxes that
were distributed to families in need the
following day
Students from the Spring Grove Campus
spent time playing games and visiting
with residents of the Windy Hill
Senior Center
Men are rich only as they give.
He who gives great service
gets great rewards.
Elbert Hubbard
Student Speaks to School Board
At an earlier point in her life, River Rock Academy student Tasha WicksForman considered dropping out of her former school. She had no plans for her
future and suffered from depression.
Currently a junior at the Shiremanstown Campus, Tasha recently told her
story to members of the school board in the South Middleton School District
and explained to them how she has benefited from being in an alternative
education setting. She thanked South Middleton’s Director of Special
Education, Ms. Barbara Alitto, as well as the board for investing in her and her
Carron Mabin, Shiremanstown’s Clinical Leader, felt it was a gift to be at
the meeting and was proud to see Tasha shine. She said, “Tasha told the board
that River Rock Academy was the perfect setting for her to thrive and grow
and that she had personal relationships with every single staff member. She
explained her plans to graduate next year and attend college.”
Following the meeting, Ms. Allito heard many positive comments from the
board members. Confirming the importance of alternatives and realizing that
this type of educational setting is for more than disruptive students was part of
the post-meeting discussions.
In a letter, Ms. Allito complimented Tasha and the River Rock staff by
saying, “Tasha did an amazing job and really impressed the board of school
directors with her presentation. Her
success is directly related to all of you and
the time and energy you invest in each
In addition to her growth and success,
Tasha recently had a poem published in
Creative Communications, A Celebration
of Poets for the second year in a row.
Congratulations Tasha!
Serving Love
Valentine’s Day was more than
chocolate and flowers this year for a
group of Carlisle Campus staff and
students. Instead, they showed love
for members of the community by
serving a hot meal to those in need.
Giving of their time on a
Saturday in February, students Stacey
Conway, Luis Correa, Jeremiah
Fanzo and Devante Stackfield joined
staff members Andre Anderson,
Steve Cutia, Nate Holmes and
Jennifer Long at The Salvation Army
of Carlisle soup kitchen.
In addition to serving and
cleaning up, the group enjoyed
conversation with those who attended
and made Valentine’s Day cards for
all of the families. River Rock
commends this group for giving of
their free time and making a
River Rock Gator
Field Trip Fun
Spring Grove Campus students toured
the Martin’s Potato Chip Factory where
they learned how their products are
made from start to finish
In addition to visiting the Holocaust
Museum in Washington D.C., Carlisle
Campus students viewed the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial Wall
Shiremanstown Campus students
enjoyed touring the Indian Echo
Caverns where they learned about the
geology and history of the beautiful
The River Rock Gator is written,
compiled, edited and designed by
Wendy Capoferri and Barbara
Rodgers in the interest of RRA
students, parents and Adams,
Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin,
Perry and York County
School Districts.
RRA Administrators
Steve Capoferri – CEO
Patti Shatto-Young – CBO
Bob Howard – COO
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Better Days Animal League
Last year when the owner of Better Days Animal League had a daughter
who attended River Rock Academy’s Newville Campus, a desire to help was
stirred up in the students.
With facilities in Chambersburg and Shippensburg, Better Days is a nonprofit animal rescue organization dedicated to the principle that all life must be
treated with value, dignity and respect. Established in 2007, they have helped
rescue, care for and find homes for countless animals in need.
The team in Newville decided that volunteering at the shelter once a week
was a genuine opportunity for students to gain awareness of how Better Days
operates as well as the vulnerability of animals and their dependence on us for
food, shelter and love. Not only do they show affection to the animals, they are
responsible for cleaning out cages, feeding and other duties as needed.
Since finding volunteers during the daytime hours is always a challenge for
the Animal League, this has been a great opportunity for everyone and a way to
give back to the community that the students truly love. Student Caitlyn Stolentburg shares, “The dogs get so excited and are sitting up wagging their tails
when we get there. I like walking them because they have a whole bunch of
As a result of the positive relationship that has grown, students from the
West Perry Campus are now also volunteering at the Animal League, which
they are enjoying as well.
Kennel Manager Cindy Tenney has seen benefits for the shelter as well as
the students. She said, “Having the kids gives the vast majority of our animals
more chances to positively interact with people. What’s really great is seeing
how they have taken ownership of their duties and pride in their work and in
River Rock Academy
268 West Beaver Street
Suite 109B
Hellam, PA 17406
Three basic behavioral norms that are the foundation of River Rock Academy are:
• No student has the right to hurt, intimidate, or ridicule another student.
• Education and the classroom are sacred.
• Our school is sacred and we will always protect its property and belongings.
February/March 2011
Campus Happenings
Bike Club has become so
popular at the Carlisle
Campus that staff has
donated extra bicycles
In celebration of St.
Patrick’s Day, Red Lion
Campus students made
Irish potatoes
Day Treatment students
took loads of newspapers
for recycling
Students from the Shiremanstown
Campus took part in a team
building activity
Students from the Hellam
Campus enjoyed a factory tour
to learn how sweets are made at
the Wolfgang Candy Company
Spring Grove students
received an educational
tour of the Gettysburg
National Military Museum
Newville Campus students
learned about the history of the
National Fire Academy in
Emmitsburg, MD and viewed the
eternal flamed dedicated to
firefighters whose lives were lost
West Perry Campus students
visited Giant Foods where
they learned about budgeting
for meals