Spotlight Winter 2010 - The Arc of San Diego


Spotlight Winter 2010 - The Arc of San Diego
A Quarterly Publication of The Arc of San Diego
Winter 2010
A Bright and Healthy Start
The Arc of San Diego launched Bright Start to meet the growing needs of young children whose access
to Early Start intervention services was eliminated by state budget cuts.
Early intervention is a system of services providing education and support to young children who have
or are at risk for delay in their development and their families. The earlier children receive assistance, the
sooner they will achieve more age-appropriate skills.
Bright Start focuses on children from birth to
age five who are at risk for developmental,
behavioral, or communication challenges.
The first five years of a child's life are the
most important time of learning - language
blossoms, social interaction skills develop, and
basic motor abilities advance.
Our staff recognizes parents as the first and
most important teacher of their child and
works closely with them to create a specialized
program that focuses on each developmental
area by evaluating the strengths and needs
of the child. Through fun and playful
learning activities, we address challenging
behaviors and establish basic communication,
movement, play, imitation, self-care, problem
solving, and social interaction. Parents and
child learn how to play and grow together.
Bright Start offers a choice of individual or group instruction from birth to five years old. Children can
receive services at one of our centers or in their home, preschool or daycare. Families can also participate
in Saturday Play Pals, an integrated community play group, and field trips.
Through play, children explore,
discover, learn, and grow. Bright
Start uses the following playbased activities to give your
child the best possible start!
Blocks and Manipulative Play
Art/Sensory Experiences
Music and Movement
Imaginative/Dramatic Play
Water and Sand play
Books and Stories
For information on Bright Start, contact Becky Thaller, Director of the Parent/Infant Program,
at (619) 427-7524 or via email at [email protected].
“My son has gained social skills and can now play with other
children. His vocabulary has increased, and he now speaks in
sentences. He has even learned to drink from an open cup,
is able to listen to a story, and can follow directions.”
– Cristella Catalano
The Arc of San Diego
empowers persons with
disabilities, and their families,
by working in partnership
to create opportunities to
achieve their individual goals
within the community.
Visit us at
without any of the vital government funding,
increasing our need for private donations at this
Dear Friends,
To those who made a donation, renewed your
membership or became a new member, I would
like to take this opportunity to thank you and
welcome you to our family at The Arc of San
Diego. You will be pleased to know that results of
our outcome measurement revealed high levels
of satisfaction with our programs from both
consumers and funding sources!
It’s already that time of year
again when we celebrate
the holidays with friends and
family, and begin preparations for the coming
year. We hope you enjoy this wonderful season
and ask that you keep The Arc of San Diego in
mind as you consider your charitable giving.
As you may be aware, the California State
Budget was not finalized until October 8, 2010
– nearly four months overdue. Consequently, we
have been operating at full-capacity for months
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
The Arc of San Diego
Dwight Stratton, Board Chair
Jerry Wechsler, 1st Vice Chair
Tom Harmon, 2nd Vice Chair
Gerald Hansen, Secretary/Treasurer
Doug Hoehn, Past Board Chair
Dave Schneider
GETTinG To KnoW….
Dwight Stratton
Board of
The Arc of San Diego, Board Chair
The Arc of San Diego welcomes Dwight Stratton to the position of Board Chair.
This is his third term serving, as he previously held the position in 1997 and 2001.
Dwight’s involvement with The Arc of San Diego began in 1988 when he and his
family moved to San Diego from Northern California. Although his daughter Gigi
has cerebral palsy, Dwight only heard of The Arc while getting a mortgage for his
San Diego home. His broker was a member of The Arc’s Board!
Dwight and his wife Kathy credit The Arc’s Independent Living Services program
with Gigi’s success. Now 40, she is married and lives in Springfield, Ohio with her
husband and 19-year old daughter. According to Dwight, “The Arc served her very well.”
“I feel a great reward working with people at The Arc, and its mission is one I fully ascribe to. I believe
in the organization’s services. I see people who have benefited…my daughter certainly has! She’s able
to live independently with her husband, raise their daughter, cope with some of the problems of life,
and manage the home and budget,” said Stratton.
The Strattons have a long history of Board service with The Arc dating to the late 1980s. Dwight joined
The North County Advisory Board a few years after his wife and later followed with his transition to
The Arc’s Board of Directors. Dwight is also Board President for The Arc of California.
Dwight and his wife live in Escondido. They have four grown children, one son and three daughters.
His major goal as Board Chair is to implement the organization’s recently approved strategic plan.
North County Training Center, On The Move
We are excited to inform you that plans are
moving forward for the relocation of North
County Training Center. We have been eagerly
awaiting a facility that would best suit our needs
and are happy to announce the program will
be relocating to The Arc’s Rex Industries in San
Marcos. This move was prompted by flood-related
damage to one of the buildings and is expected to
be complete in early 2011.
Harland De Boer, Ph.D.
Nancy Eakin
Kylie Fletcher, Esq.
Bob Guthrie
Anne Harrison
Maria Riveroll
Marlene Whiteside
Chapter Representatives
Jewell Hooper, City Chapter
Mary Bartholomew, East County Chapter
Vicki Smith, North County Chapter
Diane Hanson, North Shores Chapter
Yrma Nixon, South Bay Chapter
Arc San Diego Foundation
James O. Reynolds, Chairperson
Ronald Blair, Vice Chairperson
Mike Lichtenberger, CPA
Secretary / Treasurer
Edward C. Walton, Esq.
Past Chairperson
Glenn Chapin
Norma Hidalgo-Del Rio, RPh
Andrew J. Kessler, Esq.
Jon Kurtin
Paul La Bounty, CEBS
Dwight Stratton
In addition to the vocational training programs
currently operating at Rex Industries, the San
Marcos site will now house North County Training
Center’s Administrative Offices, Day, Seniors, and
several Community Based Programs. We will continue to provide services in the Vista/Oceanside area
for consumers in our Community Based Program who live in that area.
Robert L. Beckett
Clair Burgener (deceased)
Jerry Coleman
Darla Davis
Honorable John S. Einhorn
Willis J. Fletcher (deceased)
Arthur Neumann, CPA
George Saadeh
Sidney Schuman
Our Donors
Setting The Pace
Your support provides opportunities for
people with disabilities to fulfill personal
goals, reach their maximum potential, and
live as independently as possible. Thank
you for your belief in The Arc of San Diego.
Gifts listed are from August 15 through
October 31, 2010. While every effort has
been made to accurately acknowledge all
gifts, please accept our sincere apologies if
we omitted your donation – your support
and generosity is sincerely appreciated.
Knights of Columbus,
$762.61 to North County Training Center
Lake San Marcos Kiwanis Club
Foundation, $1,000 to North County
Training Center
San Diego Workforce Partnership,
$125,000 to Arc’s Community
Employment Services
Star LARCs, $13,500 to Starlight Center
Boys & Girls Foundation, $10,000 to
Bulova Gale Foundation, $6,000 to
The Arc of San Diego
CVS/Caremark Foundation, $2,000 to
the Parent/Infant Program
Star LARCs, $1,000 to the
Parent/Infant Program
The Arc of San Diego thanks Herbert
and Marcella Beckett for providing vital
funds to establish a model Computer
Resource Lab at The Arc of San Diego
Sulpizio Family Center. In honor of
their gift, the Computer Lab is named
The Herbert L. and Marcella D. Beckett
Computer Resource Lab. The Becketts
son, Robert, served on the board of The
Arc of San Diego in the 1980s.
The Computer Resource Lab contains
10 workstations and is wheelchair
accessible. These stations are outfitted
with a variety of equipment and
software to accommodate users with
a range of disabilities. For those with
limited dexterity, there are special
clicking devices, keyboards with large
keys, intelliswitch, and voice input
Shortly after Thomas Beckett’s birth in 1977,
software. Consumers who may have
his grandparents opened the Herbert L. and
difficulty with the use of a standard
Marcella D. Beckett Fund at The San Diego
mouse can use a track ball with
Foundation to benefit programs for people
programmable buttons, joystick, or pen
with disabilities. Thomas graduated from high
mouse. Additionally, the Lab has two
school, attended community college for a year,
touchscreen computers and monitors
and held a full-time job for four years.
average19-22 inches. Consumers work
at their own pace learning skills such as typing, reading, math/money, searching
the internet, looking for employment, resume building, and posting employment
profiles on social networking sites.
“I am so happy that 30 years after my parents created the Beckett Fund, The Arc
of San Diego received a grant,” said Robert Beckett. “Technology can productively
open up worlds for all of us, particularly for people with communication, physical,
and/or cognitive impairments.”
Tribute Gifts
In honor of
Camille Cowlishaw
Anne Harrison
Frank DeJesus
Victor & Elizabeth Frantangelo
L-R: On behalf of the Star LARCs, Past President Susan Mumethaller presented a check
of $1,000 to Becky Thaller, Director Parent/Infant Program, and $13,500 to Terri Thorn,
Area Director, Starlight Center.
John Vaughn
Jill Schultz
Olivia Gross
Jeanne Highhouse
In memory of
Dana Hornik
Michael & Marie Hornik
Betty Sands
Martha Brault
Tye Simons
Martha Brault
Dan Dudas
Stacey D. Lomedico
Estee Stamman
East County LARCs
Volunteers Touch Lives
During the weekend of October 8th and 9th, more than 100
individuals took time out of their busy schedules to work on four
volunteer service projects for The Arc as part of Serve-a-thon, an
event sponsored by Volunteer San Diego.
Accompanied by Volunteer San Diego Site Captains, volunteers
and Arc staff arrived at four locations by 8 a.m. and completed the
following projects:
Building raised garden beds and plant containers for Arc
Transplants on the Grow Day at North County Training Center, so Volun
teers from
a local hig
consumers can learn gardening skills such as planting, watering, turtle prese
h school h
elped build
rve at Cort
e Maria H
weeding, and harvesting vegetables and flowers.
Assembling and painting planter boxes for A is for Asparagus, B
is for Beets… at North Shores Vocational Center, so consumers
can learn the importance of gardening, nutrition, and
Constructing framed and raised wooden garden beds and
preparing the ground for Beautiful, Bountiful Gardens at Starlight
Creating a Turtle Park Preserve, beautifying the garden,
developing a serenity station, and painting a basketball court at
the Corte Maria Home, Arc’s Preservation of Education.
We salute all of the Serve-a-thon
volunteers for lending a hand,
including the employees of Teradata
and Mitchell International. It was a
successful weekend that combined
both community building and fun.
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Corte Ma
Serve-a-thon is the city's largest
community service event that
brings together thousands of
individuals for two days of
volunteer service. The Arc
was one of 25 nonprofit
organizations participating in
the 20th annual Serve-a-thon.
Preparing to install raised
garden beds at North Shores
Vocational Center.
up and re
at North
County Tr
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planter bo
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led at Star
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Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Commitment to Quality
A Resounding Success!
The San Diego
Partnership awarded
The Arc of San
Diego a $125,000
grant for the
second consecutive
year. “We are very
pleased to continue
partnering with
The Arc of San
Diego,” said San
Diego Workforce
President & CEO,
Mark Cafferty.
“Now, more than
ever, we see The
Arc as a leader in
helping individuals
with disabilities
obtain meaningful
employment and
stability in a very
challenging job
Congresswoman Susan Davis toured the Marine Corps
Recruit Depot (MCRD) on Monday, October 18th to observe
The Arc of San Diego’s Food Services Program.
“The collaboration between the Marines at MCRD and the
staff at The Arc of San Diego to provide on-site job training
for people with disabilities is so impressive,” said Davis, “It
was inspiring to see this fast-paced valuable program in
action during peak lunch hour at one of our nation’s largest
Marine Corps mess halls.“
Accompanied by President & CEO, David Schneider
and Captain Lenroy Cummings of MCRD, the visit was
in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness
Month. Congress designated October as National Disability
Employment Awareness Month in recognition of the
millions of Americans in our workforce with disabilities.
Congresswoman Davis is known as a strong supporter of
employing and advancing the quality of life for Americans
with disabilities.
Employed as a result of the first grant from San
Diego Workforce Partnership, Arthur Contreras
says his life is more productive. “The Arc is
helping me with coping skills, my memory has
been improving, and I am re-learning job skills.”
This grant will provide employment and on-the-job training for
40 adults with disabilities at its MCRD Food Services Program
where employees provided through The Arc are responsible
for serving recruits up to 18,000 meals a day and maintain the
facility to meet military sanitation requirements.
New employees arrive at work as early as 4:15 a.m. to start one
of three shifts serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Recruit meal
periods are short, so demand on employees to keep the mess hall
ready for platoons arriving for meals is high - workers must be
able to do repetitive work in a fast-paced environment.
Duties include preparing food and cleaning work areas. In
addition to technical food service skills, The Arc teaches soft skills
not easily learned but essential to success, such as interaction
with co-workers, accountability, and work ethic.
With the first grant last year, The Arc exceeded its goal of
training and hiring 50 individuals with disabilities. The Arc has
been operating the MCRD Food Services contract since 2002
in partnership with Sodexo USA, the leading provider of food
and facilities management services. Currently, 275 people with
disabilities work at MCRD.
During a tour of The Arc's MCRD Food Services program,
Congresswoman Susan Davis expressed satisfaction with the
relationship between MCRD and The Arc. “Having a job is
important to all of us and I am happy to see the difference jobs
provided through the partnership of The Arc of San Diego and
MCRD make in the lives of those they employ.”
Giving Back: Our C
Acomponent of our Community Based Program.
t The Arc of San Diego, volunteering is a major
It provides consumers with opportunities to be active
and engaged in their communities and give back in a
meaningful manner.
Accompanied by staff, consumers spend a portion of
their day volunteering time, energy, and passion at other
nonprofit organizations throughout the county. They
are at the Ronald McDonald House, helping clean and
fold laundry, or at the Carlsbad Animal Shelter, cleaning
doggy dishes, loading treats in dispensers, and laundering
sleeping blankets.
Besides satisfaction from making a difference, consumers
build skills and confidence as they talk and work with a
diverse range of people. They learn to work as a team,
have fun, and gain a sense of fulfillment.
Denyse Lo
ng assists
with cloth
at Salvatio
ing racks
n Army.
food prepar
assist with
i, and
Miguel, Mek
the Ronald
for fa
Melina Maest
re helps fold to
wels for use at
the Ronald M
cDonald Hous
Consumers In Action!
Volunteer Service Locations
Below is a list of the many sites where our
consumers volunteer. If your nonprofit needs
volunteers, please contact John Hannon, Director
of Operations & Compliance at (619) 685-1175
or via email, [email protected].
East County Training Center
■ Litter pick-up at local parks
(Kennedy and Wells Parks)
■ San Diego County Library, El Cajon Branch
North Shores Vocational Center
■ Cross Point Church
■ Ronald McDonald House
Volunteers from
North Shores
Vocational Center
and Sulpizio Family
Center help out
at the Ronald
McDonald House.
North County Training Center
■ Carlsbad Animal Shelter
■ K-9 Companions
■ Michaelle House
■ New Venture Church
Starlight Center
■ Chula Vista Library
■ Desert Thrift Store
■ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Recycle Group
■ St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Sulpizio Family Center
■ Adopt a Beach
■ Hannah’s House
■ Meals on Wheels
■ Ronald McDonald House
■ Salvation Army Thrift Store
■ San Diego Humane Society
■ San Diego Oceans Foundation Sea Bass Project
■ St. Paul’s Senior Homes & Services
■ St. Vincent de Paul Village Thrift Store
Honor Roll
It is our privilege to recognize all of our donors for their generosity and support. Thank you for supporting The Arc
of San Diego with your membership! The long list of names here represents those who support our vision. We are
encouraged by your generosity and THANK YOU!
Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate listing of individuals and organizations who made a
contribution during the past year. We value your support and, if there is an error or omission, we sincerely apologize.
To correct our records, please call Rhonda Handy at (619) 685-1175, ext. 295.
Circle of Light
Tim & Lisa Sloan
Richard & Gaby Sulpizio
Cruz Swedelius
James Tiensvold
Katrina L. Thompson
Union Bank of California
United Way of San Diego County
US Bank
Wawanesa Insurance
Ed & Noreen Walton
Jeffrey C. Wiemann
Daniel X. Wray
($1,000+ Above)
Alliant Specialty
Insurance Services
Karin S. Barnes
Alfred & Elaine Barrack
Ronald R. Blair
Biofilm, Inc.
Bulova Gale Foundation
Glenn Chapin
Citigroup Foundation
Clelland & Company, Inc.
Robert & Becky Clelland
Community Service Association –
San Diego City Schools
C. E. Skip & Jamie Covell
Jim Davis, National Certified, Inc.
Dr. Harland & Virginia De Boer
Mike & Nancy DeFay
Anthony DeSalis, Esq. &
Gaynell Laptosky, Ph.D.*
Charles & Sue Edwards
Ellis Family Foundation
FCE Benefits Administrators, Inc.
Kim & Marilyn Fletcher
Mindy G. Fletcher*
Patrick J. Flynn
Susan J. Fuller
Ashok & Joohi Garg
Geeta Garg
General Atomics
Mike & Connie Genuardi
Anthony A. Ghio
Roberta D. Gibson
Bob & Anne Harrison
Norma Hildalgo Del-Rio, RPh
Michael & Marie Hornik
Avis M. Huntley
Charles & Maureen King
Knights of Columbus, #10802
Jon & Linda Kurtin
Las Primeras
Paul & Judith LaBounty
Mike & Liz Lichtenberger
Lisa A. Mason
James & Pamela Murphy
Anthony Navarra, Sr.
V.R. Partida, MSW
Qualcomm, Inc.
James & Denise Reynolds
David & Janet Schneider*
Sharp Health Plan
Circle of Love
J.E. & Miwako Allen
John W. Bartkowski
Michael Baty
Ronald & Janna Belville
Jim & Nancy Bosley
Robert Bowen
Jewell M. Dick
Mark & Alice Evans
Thomas Holman
Col. Edwin & Mrs. Horneij
David & Nancy James
Denise Kellogg
Dr. Leeland M. & Helen Lovaas
Jeff & Pamela A. McAnally
Jennifer Navarra*
Mary Rasmussen
Mary Ruth Russell
Fred C. Schneeberger
Ray G. Simmons
Keith & Sara Slade
David J. Tadeo, EA, GEPC
Andy & Terri Thorn*
Emma Y. Zink
Linda A. Bradbury
Clarence & Kathleen Branch
John & Joan Briscoe
Hal & Linda Brown
Gary Bryant
Julia Bunting
Linda Burks
Lee & Michiko Cagle
Rhonda Christensen
Warren & Odessa Clewis
Joann L. Coats*
Carol S. Costa
Camille Cowlishaw
Matthew & Maria Danilowicz
Lupita R. DeChavez
Philip & Patricia Denniston
Dr. Ron & Susan DeMars
Stoney & Gloria De Ment
John, Rose & Billy Demos
Eric & Martha Dorado
Down Syndrome Association
of San Diego
Margaret Dunn*
Beverly Durckel
Kathleen Felland
Shirley Fletcher
Andre Garcia
Herbiberto Garcia
Charles & Lois Geeter
Michael & Brenda Goldbaum
Juan & Eden Guarin*
Delores Gordon
Goodrich/ROHR Employees’ Will
Share Club
Charles D. Grimm
Christine Hall
Russ Hall
Dave Happy
Circle of Hope
Dr. Judy Adams
Rhoenna Armster
Connie J. Baer
Audrey Kay B. Barasi*
Joan Barron
Sr. Mary Bartosh
Angela Bear, Doncaster Fashions
Downie & Karen Beckett
Mike & Peggy Bennett
DeAnn L. Bird*
Brett L. Bowers
Bill & Jackie Boyd*
Thank You from All of Us at The Arc of San Diego
Rhonda Renee Handy*
John Hannon*
Gerald, Ingrid & Mark Hansen
Dr. Fredrick, Diane &
Marie Hanson
Richard & Mitzi Hatano
Carol Haupt
Jewell D. Hooper
Earl & Margaret Hunter
Thomas E. Jackiewicz &
Patricia J. Schade
Nita Jauregui
Dr. H. Glenn Kellogg
Brian Kendricks
Patricia L. Keshka
James B. King
Benjamin A. Lander*
Ema Letuli
Anita N. Libo-On*
Alfredo M. Lim
Peter & Jeanette Lobner
Thomas A. Lockwood
Beverly & Ginger Lucero
M. Kevin O'Neill
Construction Company, Inc.
Minerva Macias*
Eleanor J. Mahler
Sanaz S. Majd
Ofrecina Maneiro
Mitch & Virginia Marshall
Dora A. Mattox
Henry E. McAdams
Melanie McCoy*
Harry & Ramona McDermot
John J. McKee*
Julie A. Mele, Esq.
Judi Mezzullo
David A. Mittlholtz
Rosita N. Moreno*
Wayne & Patricia Morgan
Joanne C. Mull*
Mike & Yrma Nixon
Todd Ochenduszko
Adrianna D. Orozco*
Milagros M. Ostrander
Vicente O. Otamendi & Margarita
William & Barbara Parkhurst
Stacy L. Patterson*
Dr. Raymond Peterson
Reynaldo Pisano
Carmen Pollorena
Christopher A. Ponsford*
Marianne S. Rauch
Cynthia Rascon
Michelle Redondo
Dr. Ed Riley
Maria Riveroll
James R. Robison*
Charles E. Rogers*
Leonard & Mary Rogers
Glenn A. Rossman
John I. Saboura
Ralph Samuel
Marc & Judith Shuckit
Jill Schultz
Bud & Becki Schwab
Jim & Kathleen Shadell
Sean Smith*
Gary L. Snodgrass
Leonard & Nancy Sonnenberg
Rev. John K. Sorensen
Karen Spitzer
William & Constance Sprunk
Foster & Pamela Stahl
Alix Szold
Dr. Phillip Szold
Neal & Kathie Thompson
Lucille Toulouse
Darlene Trent
Evangeline T. Trevias
Helen G. Tubbs
John & Melinda Vaughn
Enrique Hernandez &
Yolanda Veytia*
Mike Wasyliw*
Walter & Beverly Webster
Knox & June Williams
Pat Winchester*
Martin & Olivia Winkler
Womens’ Community Club
Bob Woodford*
Hoy Yi
John & Linda Zygowicz
Clarice Armstrong
Christian Asinas
Inge C. Axness
Renato & Amadora Balangue
Bary & Yoshiko Bauer
Robert Bartholomew
Tony & Mary Bechtold
Jane P. Beer
Arnold & Harriet Benavidez
David Bennett
Susan Bennett
June K. Berg
Louis Bernath
John & Enzanetta Bibbo
Martha Bobadilla*
Rebecca A. Boomer-Schlegel
Peter & Verena Bosnak
Robert G. Bouchard
Irene Boultinghouse
Bill Bowen
Joan Bowes
Sandy Boyd, Ed.D.
Katherine A. Bozarth
Ricky & Yolanda Buan
Mike & Kathy Brault
James & Frances Braun
Sherri Briggs
George Bunting
Lillian Burt
Carol & Rene Byers
Martha E. Camacho*
Martha Campos*
Patricia A. Cannon
Simon N. Cantu
Robert & Regina Carley*
Robert Carne
Marie Cass
Maria G. Castillo
Rudy & Maria Castillo
Irene Chapman
Verna Chapman
Tamara Ching
Anna M. Chertkow
Charles & Delores Coco
Irma Cody
Stephen & Patricia Cody
Llorie Coffing*
Rich & Jackie Coppa*
William & Charlene Cooper
Guadalupe Corona*
Wanda S. Costello*
Meracle J. Cothron*
Kathy & Jason Covell
Barbara Crafford
Linda Crosby
William D. Cronyn
Paul & Shirley Culler*
Bob & Cathy Davis
Danielle R. Dawson*
Joseph &Vivian Del Nero
Circle of Friendship
Edname E. Abad, Jr.*
Rosa Acuna*
Panchadcharam &
Saroginidevi Ahileswaran
Betty L. Ahnger
Marijo Ahnger
Sally Ahnger
Joe & Marina O. Anton*
Elsie Antonicelli
Al & Jan Aragon
Catherine L. Armitage
Brenda A. Del Rio*
Devon DeMars*
Margaret E. Dennis
Vivian Doering
Sandie A. Donnelly*
Lynne E. Dorlon*
Frances & Anne Dowling
Catherine Dulaney
Rebecca S. Duyo*
Nancy Eakin
Don & Kathy Ellison
Emanuel Endrizzi
Michael Epps
Shelby Ezratty
Stacy Everson, RN
Carole J. Fanning
Irma Fossati
Gary & Judith Fatland
Danilo Faustino*
Antonio Fernandez*
George & Dorothy Fetter
Luisa & Carmen Figueroa
Martha Ann Flannery
William & Catherine Ford
Irma Fossati
Michele Berdan Fraley
Dr. Herbert F. Gabriel
Delores Gangitano &
Alfreda Martinez
America D. Garcia*
Michael & Eileen Gardner
Roberta D. Gibson
Margarita Gonzalez*
Christina Gonzalez Petrone*
Dr. Ian E. Gordon
Warren & Catherine Gross
Charles M. Gilbert
Bob Guthrie
Carol Payne Harman
Karolyn Kemper Hart
Stephanie Hastings
Janice Hayes
Mary K. Hempsey
Claudia M. Herbert*
Sylvia L. Heitzmann
Thank You from All of Us at The Arc of San Diego
Charles & Barbara Herrell
Mary A. Hobson
Keith S. Hoefert
Deirdre Hoehn
Stephen R. Hojsan*
Maryam Hosseinian
Shannon Housley*
Mary Ellen Hovey
Maggie L. Hune
Osborn Hurston
Hally Hutchinson
Jon, Linda & Todd Ingersoll
Beverly James
Jean Janke & John Beckwith
Romano & Minerva Jimenez*
David & Carol Johnson
Cora L. Jones*
Diane Jones
Gerry Jones
Ted Kagan
Paul & Theresa Kaluzny*
Marlys Kannegiesser
Karas Vocational Services
Heidi L. Kieft
Diane Kling
Denis & Tania Kompier
Nick & Sally Koutsoutis
John & Mary Kracha
Herbert Kratze
Howard K. Kuwada
Lois Kuykendall
Carlue Kyle
Miao Lam*
Robert & Marilyn Larsen
Kurt L. Lembach
Nancy Lightfoot*
Victoria B. Limjoco*
Anne Linn
Carl & Claudia Lowenstein
Diana S. Lupo
John & Lucia Madden*
Cindy Marquette
Helen Masso
Elizabeth V. Mayoral*
Candace McCarty
Joe McNertney*
Berkis Y. Mercedes Ramos*
Billy L. Merrill
Col. Robert &
Diane Modrzejewski
Cristina Molina*
Jennie Monroe*
Bob & Joan Montgomery
Barbara Moore*
David Moran
Jim Moran
Marisela Moreira*
Matt Mouer*
Catherine J. Muller
Byron Myers*
Susan A. Naanes
Daniel Neighbors
Dale A. Nelson
Dixie Lee Neri
Barbara Neuner-Wagner
Shannon Noreiga
Leticia C. Olmos*
Paula Orbaugh
Laura Orcutt*
Alma Ortuno-Esparza*
Milagros M. Ostrander
Shigeru & June Oto
Millie Oveross*
Joe & Becky Pangelinan
Anthony & Helen Paradowski
William & Elizabeth Parkhurst
Paula Payton
Robert & Julie Perkins
Errol Person
Joni Phillips
Lisa M. Pomeroy
Mary Louise Ponders
Florence Quinn
Wanda Rabago
Jessica A. Rahn Campos*
Rhonda S. Ramsey*
Capt. Gerald R. Rian
Penny S. Robinson*
Victoria C. Rodriquez
Joan M. Roesch
Warner & Mary Rogers
Mary Ann Romano
Jessica Rosenbach
Robert & Dartha Rothstein
Betty Ryberg
Kelly Sadowski
Irma E. Sanchez*
A. L. & Angela Sarantinos
Brad M. Savall
Kathe Schlassa
Brandon & Kathleen Shea
Vicki Smith
William M. Smith
Cheryl Smreck
Maria T. Sosa*
Lidia Soto*
Edna V. Staehnke
State Farm Insurance Companies
– Mark Upchurch
Cathleen A. Stevens
Sidney & Judith Stutz
Mary T. Sudikatus
Howard & Vonda Tarr
William & Dorothy Taylor
Michael & Linda Teays
Hue T. Thai*
Alice Thomas
Reba S. Traber
Benjamin Tubbs, Jr.
Courtney Unger
Jena Valdez
Callie Lynn Vaughn
Thuy T. Vo*
Diem T. Vu*
Kim-Chi Vu*
Janice Wagner
Elizabeth H. Walk*
Teresa L. Walker
Kathy Walsh
Jerry & Kathy Wechsler
Terry Wegand*
Cynthia White-Parks
Brett Weiss
Signa Wilcox
Carolyn Williams*
Eva L. Williams*
Mark J. Wittenberg
Howard & Karen Wolfinger
Karl O. Wolske
Lou Woods*
Alganesh A. Yehdego*
Lois Zepherin
Elena F. Zimmerman
Circle of Stars
Juanita Aguilar*
Sharif Ahmed*
Romelia Alba*
Albina G. Aparicio Rodriguez*
Maria D. Arellano*
Julia Avila*
Dalia C. Ayala*
Francisca Barraza*
Hipolito & Melchora Bautista*
William P. Black*
Erica Cabrera*
Merry Christal L. Caguioa*
Cindy A. Carrillo*
Laura O. Castaneda*
Martha Castaneda Toledo*
Martha Chavarin*
Maurice Clark*
Ida Cloud*
Hortencia Contreras*
Elizabeth Cortez*
Spencer & Diane Cox*
Elizabeth Cruz*
Hung T. Dao*
Donna Decker*
Linda Delatoba*
Irma Dominguez*
Joseph P. Elliott*
Josie Esperanza*
Beatriz Estudillo De Herrera*
Kamisha Evans*
Gemma A. Fernandez*
Marvin G. Fernandez*
Lisa D. Fuentes*
Jose de Jesus Galindo*
Angelica Garcia Alvarado*
Ernesto Gaxiola*
Ethiopia A. Gebrezgiabher*
Frances Gonzales*
Rita Gonzalez*
Rebecca Gutierrez*
Nilda Hansen*
Ronald Harrell*
Cassandra L. Hasten*
Aster Hazot*
Graciela Hernandez*
John Hollingsworth*
Elma B. Huerta*
Beatrice Hughes*
Marisela Ibarra-Garcia*
Christina Jacquez*
Maria Jimenez*
Ronald Johnson*
Blanca L. Kelly*
Robert Lawson*
Robert D. Lewis*
Elvira Llamas*
Jesse I. Lopez*
Bill Lovell*
Silvia R. Luna*
Jose G. Madrigal Sandoval*
Florita T. Manalo*
Lorrie Marsh*
Maria Del Consuelo Martinez*
Maria E. Martinez*
Patricia Martinez-Carillo*
Thank You from All of Us at The Arc of San Diego
George E. McKesson
Tony & Cary Meyer*
Christine Miller*
Carina Miramontes*
Leon & Hildy Mitchell*
Bertha A. Moreno*
Martha Murana*
Guadalupe Noriega De Ibarra*
Patricia Ochoa-Avila*
Guadalupe Ortiz*
Vanessa O. Perez*
Sonja K. Porter*
Maria G. Ramirez*
Ivan Raygoza*
Carmen F. Revelez*
Josefina Rios Sanchez*
Elvira Rivera*
Raquel Rivera-De Munoz*
Esperanza Rocha*
Lionila Rocha*
Ruth Rodriguez-Estrada*
Gabriel & Martha Romero*
Myra Sanchez*
Susana Sanchez*
Ana M. Santos*
Deborah J. Saunders*
Carol J. Smith*
Shannon Stakes*
George G. Stoneman*
Phuc V. Tang & Dinh Quyen*
Andrew Tessitore*
Michael & Becky Thaller*
Maria T. Torres Delgado*
Kenia G. Torres Mendoza
Latanya M. Trammell
Thanh T. Tran
Ignacio & Gloria Trujillo
Oscar Tyler
Judy Urban
Leticia M. Vanegas
Eric Velarde
Rosa Maria Vivar
Maria M. Vivas
Ronald White
Felicia L. Whitman
Michelle D. Wilburn
Robert L. Williams
Habiba Yassin
Eric P. Yeagley
Lisa D. Younger
Juana M. Zambrano
Gloria & Ramon Zamora
Irma R. Zamudio
Julie Zimmerman
Circle of Past Presidents
(Lifetime Members)
Mary K. Bartholomew
Ronald R. Blair
Martha Brault
Bob & Jean Daily
Donna Dingwall
Honorable John S. Einhorn
Marianne B. Emory
Peter & Mary Ellen Ferrantelli
Lois Franklin
Susan J. Fuller
Manuel & Desiree Gomez
Russell Graff
Tom & Merle Ann Harmon
Steve Hertel & Denise Nordell
Doug Hoehn
Buck & Kimberly Hubbard
Cinda L. Jones
Dr. Stuart Karasik
E. Aaron Lazaroff
Dr. Thelma Manjos
Dorothy Miller
Betty Mitchell
Michelle & Tony Nelson
Arthur & Marilyn Neumann
Dean & Charlene Nordell
Ginger Owens
Major Arthur Smith
John & Linda Stende
Diane Stice
Dwight & Kathy Stratton
Penne Thacher
Craig & Patricia Wagner
Sam & Joan Wagstaff
Marlene Whiteside
Remembering The Arc
at Year-end
In this season of gratitude and giving, we hope you will consider
making a charitable gift to The Arc of San Diego. Your gift will
make an important difference in what we are able to accomplish.
The following are some year-end gift ideas:
Gift of Cash
Making a gift of cash by check or credit card is a convenient way
to give to The Arc. If you itemize, gifts of cash are deductible up
to 50% of adjusted gross income.
Gift of Securities
When you donate stock, bonds, or mutual funds that have
appreciated, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase
in value and claim a charitable deduction up to 30% of adjusted
gross income.
Gift of Real Estate
Giving a gift of real estate such as a personal home, vacation
home, acreage, or farm can be a highly effective philanthropic
and financial strategy. Depending on the type of gift, you may
enjoy tax savings, lifetime payments and freedom from carrying
costs, once the real estate is sold.
Gift Through Your Will or Living Trust
After providing for your loved ones, we hope you will leave
a specific amount, percentage of estate, certain property, or
“what’s left” of your estate to The Arc. Gifts included in wills and
living trusts are flexible and easy to arrange.
*denotes The Arc of San Diego staff.
More Information
As you consider a year-end gift, Jennifer Navarra, Vice President,
Marketing & Development would be happy to assist you and may
be reached at (619) 685-1175, ext. 291 or via email at jnavarra@ As always, we encourage you to seek advice from
your tax advisor.
Giving the Gift of Membership with The Arc of San Diego
is a great way to celebrate any occasion and helps expand
awareness and build support for people with disabilities. In
appreciation of your support, your tribute will be highlighted in
our quarterly newsletter. We will notify the gift recipient that you
have provided a Gift of Membership, and a membership packet
introducing your gift recipient to all the benefits of membership
will be sent to them.
Save The DaT
April 9, 2011
The Arc of San Diego
Providing services for people with disabilities and their families since 1951
3030 Market Street, San Diego, CA 92102-3230
Tel (619) 685-1175 • Fax (619) 234-3759
Non-Profit Org.
San Diego,CA
Permit No.115
The Jewels of San Diego
sheraton Harbor island
fashion show Luncheon
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
opportunities available.
Contact Jennifer Navarra
VP, Marketing & Development
(619) 685-1175, ext. 291
[email protected]
January 1, 2011
Leisure Express Local
New Year’s Dance
Sulpizio Family Center
3030 Market Street
4-7 p.m. $10
Contact: Enshurah Baca
(619) 685-1175, ext. 254
April 9
The Jewels of San Diego
Fashion Show Luncheon
Sheraton Harbor Island, 10 a.m.
Contact: Jennifer Navarra
(619) 685-1175, ext. 291
April 28
East County Larc’s
Fashion Show
Elks Lodge
1400 E. Washington Ave, El Cajon
Contact: Mary Bartholomew
or Mike Wasyliw
(619) 444-9417
dEc. 31, 2010
✔ Mailed check to
The Arc of San Diego
The address for mailing, shipping,
or hand-delivery of your check:
The arc of san diego
3030 Market street
san diego, ca 92102
This newsletter is produced and distributed by The Arc of San Diego. Board Chair Dwight Stratton, President & CEO David W. Schneider
If you would prefer receiving The Spotlight via email, please email us at [email protected].
The Spotlight is published four times a year. You can find the online version of the newsletter at
Timing Your
Year-End Gift
To qualify for a deduction
in 2010, your gift must
be delivered, transacted,
or postmarked by Friday
December 31st. Here are some
helpful hints:
US Postal Service
The date of the gift is the
postmark on the envelope, not
the date on the check.
Other Delivery
For items sent via FedEx or UPS
or other third party, the date
of the gift is the date the nonprofit signs for the package,
not the date it was sent.
Credit Card
The date your account is
debited is considered the date
of the donation, not the date
you mailed in your donation.
Stock Transfer
The date of a gift of stock is
the date when the asset is
deposited in the non-profit
brokerage account, not the
date the donor instructs the
broker to make the gift.
Questions about your gift?
Call Jennifer Navarra, Vice
President, Marketing &
Development (619) 6851175, ext. 291 or via e-mail at
[email protected]
Wish List
At The Arc, we are grateful for
every donation, including new
and gently used in-kind gifts. Our
programs are currently seeking
quality, reusable goods. If you have
any of the following items in good
condition, please call Dani Dawson,
Development Manager, at
(619) 685-1175, ext. 292, or e-mail
[email protected]. All in-kind
donations are tax deductible.
Arc Enterprises
■ Fork Lift
■ Washer and dryer
■ Netbook with portable barcode
East County Training Center
■ Two TVs with DVD players
■ Portable karaoke machine
■ Arts & Crafts materials
Group Homes
■ Twin sheets and comforters
■ Pots and pans
■ JC Penney gift cards for consumers
North County Training Center
■ TV, 42'' flat screen
■ Water colors, acrylics, oils
■ Puzzles (50-pieces)
Parent/Infant Program
■ Puzzles and toys
(children, birth-3 years)
■ Childrens' books
■ Diapers
Personal and Leisure Services
■ Pillow cases, white/light color
■ Two EZ UP canopies
■ TV, 32'' flat screen
Respite Services
■ Nintendo Wii
■ Wii games
■ Arts & crafts materials
(art/table easels, paper, paints,
scrapbook supplies)
Starlight Center
■ Badminton set with net
■ Gardening gloves
■ Guitar
Sulpizio Family Center
■ Digital camera with video capability
■ Keyboard
■ Cookware and bakeware
Help support The Arc of San Diego
with your in-kind donations! We
appreciate your generosity.
North Shores Vocational Center
■ Courtyard tables with umbrellas
■ Nintendo Wii games
■ Exercise equipment
On Behalf of the Consumers and Staff at The Arc of San Diego – Have a Very Happy and Safe Holiday Season!