Here - Lamplighter


Here - Lamplighter • 1.888.246.7735
2015 New Releases
Dear friends,
Lamplighter books are a valuable
investment. Our mission is to build
Christlike character . . . one story at a
time. Lamplighter stories give hope in
an uncertain world, as readers become
fully convinced that God will do as
He promised. And never in the history
of Lamplighter have we seen God’s
promises so dramatically brought to life
as we have in our 5 newest releases: A
’Strordinary Little Maid, The Locked
Cupboard, The Alabaster Box, Trusty
Faces His Fear, and our upcoming
audio drama, Frozen Fire. These are
among Lamplighter’s finest ever! May
God bless you as you join us in building
Christlike character.
Mark and Deb Hamby
Luke 1:17; Romans 4:20–21; 2 Peter 1:3-10
Illustrated Collection
Order any 3 of these 4 new releases by November 25
and receive FREE SHIPPING on your entire order!
Lamplighter Theatre
Frozen Fire . . . p. 6
Trusty Faces His Fear . . . p. 10
2016 Book of the Year 2016 Book of the Year
for ages 6-14
for ages 12 & up
A ’Strordinary Little Maid . . . p. 19
The Locked Cupboard . . . p. 36
Using this catalog
To help you navigate the catalog and select the books best suited for your family, we have divided our rare books into five
collections: Fireside, Renaissance, Classic, Epic, and Scholar’s. Each category has a different focus, to be found on the title page
of each collection. Can’t decide which titles to choose? Our ‘Best For’ collections (p. 42) can help. They feature favorite stories for
each age group, and are a great way to be introduced to Lamplighter. The Character Themes chart (p. 41) lists prevailing character
themes and books that best address them. You can also use our website’s robust search engine to find books related to specific
character traits. Finally, don’t miss the rest of our 2015 releases, listed on page 46.
Lamplighter Ministries International is a 501 C-3 nonprofit organization. All financial gifts are used solely toward our mission of making ready a people
prepared for the Lord by building Christlike character, one story at a time. Financial statements and accountability standards are available upon request. • 1.888.246.7735
The Legacy Collection
brings all of our books and audio dramas together into one package. This includes 17 Lamplighter
Theatre dramas, the Illustrated Collection, the Fireside Collection, the Renaissance Collection, the Epic
Collection, the Classic Collection, and the Scholar’s Collection as well as the backlisted titles. If I were
a young parent or a grandparent, the Lamplighter Legacy Collection would be an essential part of my
investment portfolio for my children’s future. The Legacy Collection will give you an eternal return on
your investment as you strategically plan to build their future. . . one story at a time!
The Legacy Collection is an important investment in your
children’s lives—perhaps the most important investment
you’ll ever make.
Buy the entire 2016
Buy the entire 2016
LEGACY Collection I
LEGACY Collection II
Save $746
Save $655
~ Complete Library Including Theatre ~ Reg. $3,730 Now $2,984
177 titles. discounts cannot be combined
~ Complete Library Excluding Theatre ~ Reg. $3,275 Now $2,620
160 titles. discounts cannot be combined
The Legacy Collection does not include You Are There audio dramas or new releases (Frozen Fire Audio Drama, The Alabaster Box, The Locked Cupboard,
A ’Strordinary Little Maid, Trusty Faces His Fear, Through the Linn, Ned Franks, Little Faith, Phil Tyler, The Captain’s Sword, and Pride and His Prisoners).
3 • 1.888.246.7735
Lamplighter Theatre
Welcome to
Lamplighter Theatre was created to bring Lamplighter’s redemptive stories to the world through dramatized audio. In less
than four years, Lamplighter Theatre is now heard in 29 countries! Presently we have an opportunity to become a daily
radio broadcast. By doing so, we will reach millions more with God’s redemptive hope. But we need your help. We believe
God is leading us to press on to this next level of influence, but it will take a step of faith.
Last year we announced that we needed to produce eight more dramas to become a daily broadcast and introduced our
Donate for 8 campaign. Because of the generous support of God’s people, we now have only five more dramas to produce!
Two are already in the production stage: Frozen Fire and The Haunted Room. We’re almost there!
If 400 partners contribute $100 a month for 8 months, or give a one-time gift of $800, Lamplighter Theatre can be heard
every day! To join Donate for 8, please go to and click the “Donate for 8” button. By doing so you
will help Lamplighter Theatre present biblical truths in a creative and compelling way—every day. You will also ensure that
your family will be blessed by new Lamplighter Theatre dramas for years to come!
Buy the 2016
Lamplighter Theatre collection*
Save $91
Reg. $455 Now $364
Includes 17 titles. discounts cannot be combined
New November 2015!
*Frozen Fire not included in the 2016 Lamplighter Theatre Collection.
Coming soon! • 1.888.246.7735
The Basket of Flowers 2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
In this dramatic story, James teaches his fifteen-year-old daughter Mary all the principles
of godliness through his flowers. But after facing false accusations, Mary is tested to see
whether her father’s staunch faith can be hers. Mary will never forget her father’s words:
“It is better to die for the truth than to live for a lie,” and “The worst pillow to sleep on is
the pillow of a guilty conscience.” Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
The Boy of Mount Rhigi
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Clapham has an unusual father—a father who forces him to steal. He also has an
uncommon friend named Harry, whose friendship meets the ultimate test when Clapham
is forced to steal from Harry’s family. Now Clapham must confront his father—and his
own sin—and come face to face with an amazing past he never knew existed. This
is a story of heartbreaking betrayal, loyalty, and God’s ultimate redemption. (mature
content) Best for ages 12-99.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Buried in the Snow
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Far north of the Alps, in the Jura Mountains, a boy and his grandfather are trapped in
their chalet. A fierce snowstorm has cut off all paths of rescue. Young Jacques and his
grandfather battle a fire, narrowly escape an avalanche, and encounter a terrifying pack
of hungry wolves. Based on a true story, Buried in the Snow will rivet you, amaze you,
and inspire you as Jacques and his grandfather face the ultimate test of all—a test of
their faith. And then the unthinkable happens. When death, doubt, and danger surround
them, will their faith survive? Or will it be buried in the snow? Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
The Candle in the Window
2-Disc Audio Drama $20.00
Discover a very special Christmas story that opens the door for those seeking shelter
from the pain of their past. Inspire your entire family with a beautiful portrayal of
how a simple candle in the window can bring hope for the future and an encounter
with the Light of the world. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 1 1/2 hrs.
The Captive
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Kidnapped by Algerian pirates, Anselmo finds himself on a merciless slave ship
heading to the auction block in a foreign country. Having escaped the cruelty of
his first master and the death grip of the desert, Anselmo is taken captive by
a new master, where he finds mercy as well as condemnation. Best for ages
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Charlie’s Choice 2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
Hold on to your seat! You are about to take a journey with Charlie, a boy of
adventure and risk. He dreams of living in luxury and ease, and is determined to
make his dreams come true! Share in Charlie’s thrilling adventures as he faces
obstacles that threaten his very life. As a prisoner on a slave ship, he attempts a
daring escape and an unforgettable . . . well, you’ll just have to hear it to find out!
Best for ages 6-11.
Approximate Time: 2 1/2 hrs.
5 • 1.888.246.7735
Frozen Fire
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
The events that lead up to Betty’s pivotal decision demonstrate the true meaning
of humility, servanthood, and love. Inspired by a true story, Betty must come faceto-face with a dreaded foe. Facing myriad trials, including abandonment and the
death-grip of a terrifying blizzard, her love for her devoted servant trumps all. You
will fall in love with Betty, whose loyalty is demonstrated through tremendous
courage and sacrifice. Frozen Fire will keep you on the edge of your seat! Great
for the entire family.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
You will be transported back in time to the world of the traveling theatre. You will
meet Nora, who, enticed by the lure of fame and blinded by the romance of the
theatre, soon grasps the reality of what life is like behind the scenes. All appears
lost—until she meets the Good Shepherd, who goes to extremes to seek and to find
those who are lost. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 3 1/2 hrs.
The Hedge of Thorns
2-Disc Audio Drama $20.00
The Robbers’ Cave John is determined to discover the secret that has been kept from him for so
long. He must find out what is on the other side of the hedge! Desperate to break
through, John devises a scheme, but it places his little sister in perilous danger.
Children will never forget that when you cross the boundaries God places in your
life, you can harm those you love the most. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 1 1/2 hrs.
Ambushed! It all happened so quickly! Horace is held hostage in a dark cavern,
and wonders if he’ll ever regain his freedom. Taunted and threatened by the
Banditti, Horace comes face to face with his life, spoiled by privilege and wealth.
And though time may be running out for his rescue, the light of hope is within
reach, through an unusual messenger with an unsual message. Best for ages 12-99.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Jessica’s Journey
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
Over a century ago, an age of darkness loomed over Victorian England in which
children were used and abused. Hesba Stretton exposed this dark period through
this story, brought to life as a world-class audio drama. A web of characters
become entangled with the knowledge of their past sins, including a minister, a
miser, and an unfit mother. Each experiences miraculous redemption through a
connection with little Jessica–and her answers to prayer. Best for ages 6-11.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Lamplighter Savings!
Buy 6 - Receive 1 additional book Free!
A Peep Behind the Scenes
3-Disc Audio Drama $35.00
up to $40 savings!
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
Though unworthy of his calling, Sir Constant sets forth on the perilous road that
all who desire to serve the King must take—the Splendid Way. His heart, courage,
valor, and faith will be tested. His strength and endurance will be challenged. And
his allegiance to the one true King will be proven. A richly dramatized allegory
wrought with biblical truth. (mature content) Best for ages 12-99.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Buy any 6, 12, or 20 titles in the Lamplighter Collection. discounts cannot be combined.
Buy 12 - Receive 1 additional book and
1 dramatic audio CD/download Free!
up to $75 savings!
Buy 20 - 1 additional book and
2 dramatic audio CDs/downloads Free!
up to $110 savings! • 1.888.246.7735
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Inside the castle walls a battle rages in the heart of a widowed king. His son, the young Prince
Hubert, has proven himself to be an unworthy heir to the throne. But a bold intervention by
the king’s most trusted knight could prove to be the cure. In the remote lands of this vast
kingdom, far from the walls of the palace, Hugh will learn that the requirement of kingship
is servanthood.Best for ages 6-11.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Teddy’s Button
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
“There were guns firing, shells flying, and swords flashing!” recounts Teddy of his father’s
heroic deed. But rivalry between a soldier’s son and a sailor’s daughter drives Teddy to his
breaking point till he learns of a new battle, a new enemy, and a new Captain, whose orders
are to fight all battles with the banner of love! Lamplighter Theatre is delighted to bring you
one of our most treasured stories of all time. Best for ages 6-11.
Approximate Time: 2 hrs.
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
What does a missing child have to do with a rejected woman, a vengeful father, an austere
ruler, and a crippled youth? Find out in this riveting tale of revenge and redemption. It will
keep you in suspense, from the mysterious disappearance of the high priest’s son all the
way to the breathtaking culmination on that sacred hill, Golgotha.
Through the collaboration of theologians and artists, Titus is a creative work where
imagination and authenticity magnify biblical truth on the backdrop of historical fiction–a
world-class drama of the most powerful event in history. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 2 1/4 hrs.
The Unexpected Return
2-Disc Audio Drama $20.00
A family is torn apart as revolution rages through the streets of France. Lady
Isabelle and her son Charles flee for their lives, pursued by the same French
rebels who wrongfully imprisoned her husband Jacques. Forced from her home,
Isabelle leaves all that she knows and loves in order to save her son. Meanwhile,
in the bowels of a filthy prison, Jacques remains faithful to God in the face of
certain death. Will Jacques and his family be delivered from the hands of evil?
Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 1 1/2 hrs.
The Wanderer
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
The White Gypsy
2-Disc Audio Drama $30.00
Travel with us to the desert sands of Africa, where we find David Aspinall, a
young man who left his family and farm in search of adventure, and finds himself
in the wastelands of greed. You’ll find yourself asking some important questions
as the story unfolds. What’s the difference between discerning God’s call and
pursuing your own dream? Discover your own rich treasure in this unforgettable
story based on Psalm 32. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 2 1/2 hrs.
Willy is lost. New sights and new places sometimes seem strangely familiar, but
he doesn’t know why. Unexplainable flashbacks taunt him. Stolen by gypsies
at a tender age, Willy now longs to discover who he is and where he belongs.
Fragmented memories that haunt him in the present will lead to secrets of his past.
If only he can remain strong and courageous through the passage! A dramatic tale
of loss, sacrifice, hope and redemption awaits you. Best for ages 9-14.
Approximate Time: 2 1/4 hrs.
7 • 1.888.246.7735
Introducing You Are There
Grace Jordan was the creator and executive producer of the original dramatic series, You Are There (Perfect Sound Production).
Her love for God and her children, along with her knowledge of Scripture, propelled her forward to create an unforgettable and
life-changing family experience. Now, decades later, Lamplighter Theatre brings this classic audio drama back to life for families
around the world. Parents now have the best of both worlds: Lamplighter Theatre for those who love intense drama and You Are
There for your younger and more sensitive audience. Once you hear them you will understand why these dramas are titled You
Are There! Best for ages 1-8.
Bible Stories for Little Ears: NT
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
You Are There: Christmas
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Bible Stories for Little Ears: OT
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
“My children listened to these dramas over thirty years ago, and they became a tradition
that we looked forward to every Christmas. We are now looking forward to the
continuation of this tradition with our grandchildren! I’m confident that these stories will
continue to reach the heart of young children for generations to come!”
Approximate Time: 80 minutes
New Testament events come alive in this wonderful collection, with peaceful music,
convincing sound effects, and professional acting. From infancy to six years old, children
will be soothed as calming voices tell the story of when Jesus walked the earth. These
stories lay a solid foundation for a child’s faith in God. They’ll experience the true
accounts of the Bible as if they were there!
Approximate Time: 80 minutes
Old Testament Bible stories come alive in this wonderful collection, with peaceful
music, convincing sound effects, and professional acting. From infancy to six years
old, children will be captivated as soothing voices narrate the great stories from the
Word of God. These stories lay a solid foundation for a child’s faith in God and provide
a framework for trusting Him. They’ll experience the true accounts of the Bible as
if they were there!
Approximate Time: 80 minutes
Hear the angel Gabriel as he announces the coming of Emmanuel! Embark on a journey
to Bethlehem, witness the birth of Jesus, then dare to escape into Egypt! The life of Jesus
comes alive through this powerful dramatization, as if you are there!
You Are There: Creation
1-Disc Audio Drama $15.00
Professionally dramatized with the skillful use of sound effects to “recreate” each scene,
Creation will stagger your imagination, as you hear the universe taking form, man being
created in the image of God, and earth becoming reality. Experience the Garden of
Eden when man walked and talked with God. Hear the serpent tempt Eve to eat of the
forbidden fruit; agonize with Adam and Eve as they discover life outside of the Garden;
and witness the dispute between Cain and Abel.
Approximate Time: 44 minutes
. • 1.888.246.7735
You Are There: Joseph
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Buy all 10 dramas in the
You Are There Collection
Save $81
Reg. $230 Now $149
10 titles. discounts cannot be combined
You Are There: Easter
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection are the focus of this vivid reenactment. Children
will be moved by Judas’ sinister betrayal and then filled with admiration as Jesus washes
His disciples’ feet. His agony in the garden brings compassion, and His willingness
to lay down His life in obedience to His Father brings redemption. At the cross you’ll
experience the greatest sacrificial act in human history. And what appears to be the end
is really just the beginning, as the glorious resurrection confirms that Jesus is alive! His
promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us gives us eternal hope.
Approximate Time: 70 minutes
You Are There: Jesus: His Miracles
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Jesus: His Miracles will transport you back in time to hear Luke, the physician, give his
account of the life and miracles of Jesus. Hear Jesus call Peter to walk on water, watch
Jesus feed a crowd of 5000, heal a blind man, raise a girl from the dead, and demonstrate
His power over physical and spiritual impossibilities.
Approximate Time: 80 minutes
Close your eyes and listen . . . you have gone back in time to the life of
the man named Joseph. Overhear Joseph’s brothers plotting to kill him, listen
to Joseph’s cry as his brothers leave him in the well, share in Jacob’s grief at losing
his son. Thrill at God’s intervention in caring for Joseph and bringing him from
dungeon to palace. Joseph: the man God used to change the course of history for
the nations of Israel and Egypt.
Approximate Time: 1.37 hr
You Are There: Moses in Egypt
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
The story of Moses comes alive with the sounds of Egyptian culture in the marketplace, by
the river, and in Pharaoh’s court. Children will learn about great sacrifice, unquenchable
faith, and fearless love. Journey with Moses through his childhood. Hear how God
prepares him for a unique calling as he steps on sacred ground, beholding a bush burning,
but not burned up! This compelling story continues in Moses in the Wilderness.
Approximate Time: 85 minutes
You Are There: Moses in the Wilderness
2-Disc Audio Drama $25.00
Experience the dramatic journey of the Exodus as the Jewish nation confronts the
formidable obstacles of Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. With childlike faith they press
forward and encounter the Almighty God, who provides them with a set of Laws by which
to live. For obedience they reap rewards, but they suffer consequences for regarding God’s
laws lightly. Moses in the Wilderness is a breathtaking family experience!
Approximate Time: 85 minutes
You Are There: Noah
1-Disc Audio Drama $15.00
Envision Noah building the ark, enduring the jeers of the unbelieving crowds and then
filling it at God’s direction. Sense Noah’s joy as the ark goes to rest on dry ground and he
gives thanks for God’s provision for him and his family. Finally, watch Nimrod build a
tower that God stopped before it was finished.
Approximate Time: 60 minutes
9 • 1.888.246.7735
Welcome to our
Illustrated Collection
We are delighted to present to you this creative collection with beautiful illustrations for your young visual learners.
Reinforce character building and stimulate imagination with our Illustrated Collection.
Trusty Faces His Fear
Written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
Trusty is ready and willing to help his Papá move a huge boulder that’s blocking
the way. “I’m strong and courageous!” he declares, all puffed up. But as darkness
looms, he realizes he’s not as brave as he thought. Though trembling with fright,
Trusty learns that he doesn’t have to face his fears alone.
Trusty Tries to Fly $22
Written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
Trusty watches as Pixie swirls and twirls around in the air. He is sure that if he tries
hard enough, he can fly too! And when he sees Bubbles whizzing by with a big gust
of wind, Trusty is convinced that he can sail too! But he can’t. He’s just not made
the same way. He feels stuck. But then, on a cold winter night, Trusty understands
why God made him just the way he is.
10 • 1.888.246.7735
Trusty and Ingrid Fibster
Written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
Trusty faces his greatest challenge in this real life experience when dealing with friends and
the importance of telling the truth.
Trusty Meets Bully Blare
Written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
It’s an exciting day—Trusty is moving! He’ll attend a new school and meet new friends!
But when big Bully Blare teases his new friend Missy, Trusty must make a decision. He
soon learns what it means to be a true friend.
Trusty Gets Off Track
Written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
Trusty is back! But instead of listening to the warning of Papá Engineer, Trusty chooses the
path that looks easy and fun. Little does he know that what lies ahead is a breakdown and
a crash. Why didn’t he listen? Will he ever get back on track?
Trusty: Tried and True
Written by Mark Hamby, Really written by Debbie Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
This adorable adventure is bursting with colorful imagery to heighten a child’s imagination
and stir creativity. Learn about selfishness, pride, and vanity through the characters of
Brawny, Smarty, and Beauty, and be inspired by our hero Trusty, who courageously tries to
help. This will surely become a family favorite to be read over and over again!
Buy the trusty collection
Save $20
Reg. $132 Now $112
6 titles. discounts cannot be combined.
11 • 1.888.246.7735
The Beggar’s Blessing
Mark Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer & Deborah Hamby
Young children will be inspired by this true story of a very special little girl who sacrificed her
hard-earned savings for a starving beggar. Endearing, full-color illustrations capture her tugging
emotions as she decides to do what is right. Enjoy this tender, captivating story of England’s
youngest queen!
The Hedge of Thorns, Illustrated Rewritten by Mary Hamilton $18.00
Illustrated by Jennifer & Deborah Hamby
In this unforgettable tale a child learns that boundaries are God’s protection. Based on a true
story, a young boy learns that the choices we make can harm those we love the most. Because he
desperately wants to know what is on the other side of a hedge of thorns, he puts his little sister
in great danger. From his experience, we learn that God places boundaries in our lives because
He loves us.
Teddy’s Button, Illustrated Rewritten by Mark Hamby $24.00
Illustrated by Jennifer L. Hamby
Join Teddy in his mischievous adventures as he discovers that you don’t win the battle with guns
and hate, you win the battle with love, and your greatest enemy is yourself. You will never forget
what happens when Teddy enlists in the Lord’s army!
The Three Weavers, Illustrated Rewritten by Mark Hamby
Illustrated by Jennifer Brandon
A delightful allegory for fathers to read with their daughters—not just once, but over and over again.
This illustrated rendition reveals how each weaver prepares his daughter to weave a mantle perfectly
suited for the prince. But each father uses a different approach, and the consequences are very
revealing! Enjoy many thought-provoking conversations, creating memories for years to come.
12 • 1.888.246.7735
Buy all 14 Books in the 2016
Illustrated Collection
The True Princess
Angela Hunt
Children love to hear princess stories! The True Princess is a classic which
teaches children that what makes a true princess in Jesus’ eyes is to be a
servant. This delightful story is truly a treasure to be passed on to the next
God’s Wisdom for Little Boys $17.00
God’s Wisdom for Little Girls
Sanji’s Seed
Save $59
Reg. $288 Now $229
14 titles. discounts cannot be combined
Elizabeth George
Share with the little boy in your life the gift of God’s wisdom from Proverbs, and celebrate with
him the character traits of a godly man. As you read together fun rhymes that illustrate wisdom and
strength, he will discover how special he is as a child of God.
Elizabeth George
Share with the little girl in your life the virtues and character qualities of being God’s child in this
delightful rhyming adaptation of Proverbs 31. Let her know how special she is to you and the Lord
as you read together the truths of His Word.
B.J. Reinhard
Young children will enjoy the adventure and suspense as they travel with Sanji and face two of the
most difficult issues of early childhood—embarrassment and dishonesty. This is one story that will
leave an imprint upon your child’s heart!
13 • 1.888.246.7735
Welcome to our
Fireside Collection
Adventure Comes Alive!
This selection of 33 books includes stories that we have selected to be the best for family reading,
devotions, and bedtime stories. Each book will be enjoyed by all ages and genders as they prompt
family discussions on many thought-provoking and relevant moral issues. Our easy-to-browse
alphabetical listing and descriptions will enable you to find the most relevant themes for your family.
See pages 15-19 for the entire Fireside Collection.
Buy the 2016
Fireside Collection
Save $113
Reg. $612 Now $499
33 titles. discounts cannot be combined • 1.888.246.7735
Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry
Charlotte O’Brien, 1877
128 pages, $18.00
Challenge at Runaway Brook
Elizabeth Phelps, 1852
128 pages, $18.00
This story is filled with gems of truth, the value of which cannot be measured.
Young Basil takes these treasures to heart and determines to live by them.
He learns to pray, not that God would make him rich, but enable him to act
honestly and industriously. His life experiences confirm what he has been told,
that perseverance and industry are the two great essentials to success. Most
importantly, Basil understands that outward success can never bring inward
peace and happiness apart from the love and acceptance of Christ. You will
find this story to be uplifting and personally challenging—the type of story that
everyone should read! Best for ages 6-11.
Kitty Brown’s city cousins come to spend the summer with her in the country.
Fun-filled days of berry picking and exploration bring delight as they discover
God’s loving care in all of creation. But Charley’s selfishness gets in the way, and
their eagerly anticipated fishing trip is ruined! What will it take for him to finally
realize that it is always best to obey? Challenge at Runaway Brook—a delightful story to enjoy while learning life-long lessons together. Best for ages 6-11.
The Bird’s Nest •
A heartwarming story about a young boy who is on a quest to find out
how his dear old friend Treffy can get to “home, sweet home.” One of the
most famous children’s novels of the Victorian era, Christie’s Old Organ
continues to gently draw tender hearts to the saving knowledge of Jesus.
Filled with emotion, this heartwarming story tells of the unique friendship
between a poor, homeless boy and a sick old organ grinder. It is in the melodious
tunes of that old organ that Christie discovers how his dear friend Treffy can
find his “home, sweet home.” Best for ages 6-11. Christoph von Schmid, 1768-1854
128 pages, $18.00
Strength of character lies in the determination to hold on to truth regardless of
circumstances or consequences. The hero in this story proves that every seemingly insignificant deed is noticed by God. Even though his life is threatened
by the prince and his guards, this young man’s word is a treasure that will not
be sacrificed; it will be rewarded in a most unusual turn of events. Best for
ages 6-11.
The Captain’s Sword
Amy Le Feuvre, 1915
176 pages, $19.00
The Captain’s Sword is a delightful story about a brother and sister and the
lessons they learn as they wait expectantly for the return of their dear daddy,
the Captain. Amidst never-ending escapades, important lessons of obedience
and faith help Tim and Mops to overcome stubbornness, pride, and fear. While
Tim admires his dad’s shiny sword hanging on the wall, he soon learns that it’s
the Captain’s other Sword that cuts on the inside to bring about real change!
The Captain’s Sword is sure to be one of your favorite Lamplighter stories for
children—another treasure by Amy Le Feuvre, author of the much-loved Teddy’s
Button! Best for ages 6-11.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Christie’s Old Organ •
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1874
176 pages, $19.00, eBook $14.00
See page 22 for the sequel, Christie, the King’s Servant.
Clean Your Boots, Sir? •
128 pages, $18.00
How often does God use tragic and painful circumstances to mold, test, and
direct believers to become effective tools for His work? Robert Rightheart has
to face testing at every turn of his life, but the testimony of his life reveals how
enduring trials yield maturity. As a young bootblack, is he willing to surrender
what he wants for what he knows is right? As a young man, is he prepared to
stand resolute with a heart of grace in defense of his character? Best for ages 6-11.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
15 • 1.888.246.7735
Fire in the Sky (formerly The Stolen Child)
Christoph von Schmid, 1840
96 pages, $15.00
Little Henry is taken hostage by a band of robbers and lives for years in a deep,
dark cave. When he stumbles upon a crevice in the wall, he escapes to the land
above and experiences with wonder the brilliance of the sun and the magnificence
of the vast blue sky. Through the friendship of a shepherd, he learns about the
miracle of a tiny seed and the expression of love it represents. This creative work
will give you a fresh appreciation for the natural wonders of creation that we so
often take for granted. Best for ages 6-11.
Fireside Readings Vol. I •
Various Authors, 1896
160 pages, $19.00
Lamplighter’s collection of fireside readings gently instills virtuous qualities such
as honesty, integrity, loyalty, courage and perseverance into the very fabric of our
lives. Through unforgettable events, common, everyday boys and girls become
heroes as they overcome temptation and courageously fight the adversary. Our
children will long to be more like them. Stories include “Robert’s Trust,” “Jack’s
Hymn,” and “Eric’s Good News”. Best for ages 6-11.
Fireside Readings Vol. II •
Various Authors, 1893
Leather Bound!
142 pages, $18.00
In our day of situation ethics and relativism, it is refreshing to read the story of
“Annie, the Flower Girl” who decides to do the right thing, simply because it is
right to do right! Throughout this volume, the consequences of covetousness,
jealousy and disobedience ring loud and clear, while the rewards of honesty,
obedience and contentment bring forth a sense of inner satisfaction and wellbeing. Other stories include “Brookside Neighbors,” “The Lost and Found,” and
“The Stowaway.” Best for ages 6-11.
Fireside Readings Vol. III •
Various Authors, 1879
Here you will find another collection of great read-aloud stories for your entire
family. Diligence, hard work, and trusting God are just a few of the themes
you’ll talk about after engaging in Fireside Readings Vol. III. You’ll see how
crucial it is to trust God through times of turmoil, for in His perfect timing
God’s purpose will be made clear at last. Best for ages 6-11.
The Giant Killer •
A.L.O.E., 1856
192 pages, $20.00, eBook $15.00
The battle continues to rage, day by day and moment by moment. But must we
meet the enemy blindfolded? In order to subdue, we must see the real foe; in order
to conquer, we must face the true enemy. Through this allegorical tale, we will be
better equipped to recognize, then to effectively slay, the many Giants who confront
us. We will break through the web of Sloth, struggle out of the pit of Selfishness,
choke up the fount of Anger, flee the secret lurking-place of Untruth, and triumph
over our most malicious enemy—Pride. The Giant Killer is the tool to reach for if
you or your loved ones need encouragement or confidence to enter into the battlefield
once again. If you feel that you have nothing firm upon which to lay hold, this
book will help you to grasp the strong cord of Love as your means of safety and
deliverance. Best for ages 9-14.
See page 21 for the sequel, The Battle.
Buy Volumes I, II, & III
The Fireside Collection
Save $10
Reg. $56 Now $46
discounts cannot be combined
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
176 pages, $19.00
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
Helen’s Temper •
Mrs. George Gladstone, 1872
128 pages, $18.00, eBook $14.00
Jessica’s First Prayer •
Hesba Stretton, 1867
96 pages, $15.00, eBook $10.00
Helen and Betty could not be more different in their perspectives of the destitute
people that live around them. Helen, the older sister, is rewarded for her classroom
achievements, while Betty chooses to live the example of the Good Samaritan.
Helen lives for herself and is constantly worried about the opinions of others;
Betty searches ceaselessly for ways to be a blessing to others. When faced with
the realities of living the life of the Good Samaritan, Helen reveals the treachery
of her own heart as she ignores the needs of a dirty street urchin. This story will
reach your heart, especially when you see how Helen responds to mercy and
forgiveness she does not deserve. Best for ages 6-11.
Little Jessica, shivering and hungry, warms her feet at the coffee-peddler’s
stall. It is there that she receives stale bread and coffee from the greedy and
selfish peddler. The day comes when Jessica says her very first prayer. Her
childlike faith is a breath of fresh air. This tender story was a favorite for young
people, and needs to find its way back to every child’s bookcase today! Best
for ages 6-11.
The Inheritance •
Jill is relentless in her desire to see others give their tithe to God. She and her
siblings love to act out the stories that they have read about. After hearing the story
of Jacob at Bethel, Jill determines to do more than play the story of Jacob. She
begins a crusade to reach the Golden City by setting up her own altar and giving
her tithe to God. On the way to the Golden City, she learns the valuable lesson
that God seeks much more than the treasure of the traveler. Best for ages 6-11.
Christoph von Schmid, 1848
192 pages, $20.00
A faithful grandson seeks to find help for his blind grandfather. When the old man
finally opens his eyes, he sees a painting on the wall before him and realizes that
this is the very house where he buried a wealthy man’s inheritance fifty years ago.
To their surprise, much more is found than earthly treasure! Best for ages 9-14.
Mrs. C.E. Bowen, 1869
128 pages, $18.00
No obstacle can daunt Jack’s resolve. He has made up his mind to become a
useful, honest man and, most of all, to conquer difficulties! His greatest resolve
is to learn to read, and he has surmounted obstacles of great magnitude to fulfill
his dream. In a secret mountain cave he carries out the craft he learned from the
outcast gypsies. Each success emboldens Jack to press on toward higher goals
as he plucks up all the courage he can muster to meet life’s next challenge!
Best for ages 6-11.
Lamplighter Savings!
up to $40 savings!
Amy Le Feuvre, 1903
224 pages, $21.00, eBook $17.00
Joseph’s Shield
Pansy, 1888 Jack the Conqueror
Buy 6 - Receive 1 additional book Free!
Jill’s Red Bag •
176 pages, $18.00
Joseph’s Shield is among our top five stories that will have the greatest
eternal influence upon the hearts, minds, and souls of children. It will not take
long before you fall in love with Joseph, especially his humorous approach
to avoiding the Bible’s influence upon his life—an influence that is quite
unavoidable. Parents will be greatly satisfied knowing that they possess a
tool that can so handily help teach children how to apply the Word of God
in ordinary, everyday circumstances. You are about to experience a story that
takes children to the next level in their journey with the Lord, their fight against
sin, and their cultivation of character. Best for ages 6-11.
Buy any 6, 12, or 20 titles in the Lamplighter Collection. discounts cannot be combined.
Buy 12 - Receive 1 additional book and
1 dramatic audio CD/download Free!
up to $75 savings!
Buy 20 - 1 additional book and
2 dramatic audio CDs/downloads Free!
up to $110 savings!
17 • 1.888.246.7735
Little Faith
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1880
160 pages, $19.00
“O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” These gentle words mark the
beginning of a new life with new hope for little Faith. Feeling herself a burden,
she has just left her home in order to help her dear father. But no one wants a
servant girl, and Faith feels all alone. Where will she sleep? How will she buy
food? Through God’s provision, Faith learns of the tender love of her heavenly
Father. During times of struggle and sorrow, she waits for Him to answer her
prayers. And in ways she would never have imagined, He does! Best for ages 6-11.
Little King Davie •
Nellie Hellis, 1892
128 pages, $18.00
This poignant story is a gentle reminder of God’s miraculous love for us. It
will inspire every reader to reconsider the special privilege we have as kings,
for as Davie learned, every king’s life is to be spent in service for others. Best
for ages 6-11.
The Little Preacher
Elizabeth Prentiss, 1867
200 pages, $20.00
His father wants him to follow in his footsteps, but Herman isn’t like his father.
All attempts to please his father end in criticism and angry rebuke. Herman
loves being outdoors, where chestnuts and pinecones are a colorful backdrop for
his stories. Through these stories, this little preacher softens the most hardened
hearts. If you believe that nothing is impossible with God, then this story is for
you! Best for ages 12-99.
Little Sir Galahad •
Lillian Holmes, 1904
88 pages, $14.00, eBook $9.00
When the townspeople of Alverton look upon the little boy, they have adequate
reason to call him “Poor David.” But he is perhaps wealthier than all who look
upon him. His wealth is in the golden light of his smile and the richness of his
mind. Though he longs to be physically strong, his friend Arthur teaches him
that strength is not only in muscles and bones but also in strength of heart. Just
like Sir Galahad of long ago, David’s strength is as the strength of ten because
his heart is pure. Best for ages 6-11.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Little Threads •
Elizabeth Prentiss, 1863
160 pages, $19.00, eBook $15.00
It was Mrs. Prentiss’ intent that this little gem would be a tool through which
children would learn to obey. Read about the contrasting lives of Tangle Thread
and Golden Thread; one is the cause of much grief for her godly mother, and
the other the only bright spot in her poor mother’s world. Best for ages 6-11.
The Little Woodsman and His Dog Caesar •
Mary Sherwood, 1818
96 pages, $15.00
William is left in the desolate forest, surrounded by the eerie howling of the
wind and the wolves. His predicament is like that of Joseph, abandoned by his
wicked brothers. But God’s ways are not our ways; His thoughts and plans are
much higher! See how William’s faith is fortified by the matchless provision of
a loving, all-forgiving Father! Best for ages 6-11.
Me and Nobbles •
Amy Le Feuvre, 1908
224 pages, $22.00
Amy Le Feuvre’s skillful pen creates a most endearing character in Robert Allonby, known as Master Bobby to those in the stuffy old house. With an eager
eye fixed on the high road, he waits expectantly for his absent father to return
to take him away on adventures around the world. At such a tender age, Bobby
learns about the white-robed people who enter through the gates into the eternal
city. While his cherished walking stick gets him into much mischief, Bobby
thinks often of getting his own robes clean so that he can enter the gates. Best
for ages 6-11.
The Old Worcester Jug •
Eglanton Thorne, 1882 176 pages, $19.00
An innocent child and her mother must find refuge on this cold winter night, but
will her grandfather be there with open arms? The stronghold of pride and the
power of greed take center stage as the tension rises and the mystery unfolds.
It’s all about secret motivation—why we do the things that we do. Enjoy this
wonderful story, and share it with someone you love. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
Probable Sons •
Amy Le Feuvre, 1895
128 pages, $18.00
Unable to say the word “Prodigal,” Milly finds herself confronting her rigid, selfabsorbed uncle as a true “Probable Son.” This English country gentleman has
no time or patience for children, but little Milly melts the heart of everyone she
meets, including that of her uncle. She loves to play the stories from the Bible
but she loves the story of the Prodigal Son most of all. By the end of this story,
you will have fallen in love with Milly and will rejoice with her as three different
“Probables” return home. Best for ages 6-11.
A Puzzling Pair •
Amy Le Feuvre, 1898
192 pages, $20.00
Guy and Berry, inseparable twins, are bursting with creativity and spunk. They
are on a mission—to fill Guy’s very big picture of the second coming of Jesus
with all the people who are ready to meet Him! But his picture must be true, and
time is running out! Best for ages 6-11.
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince
Sidney Baldwin, 1931
224 pages, $22.00; eBook $17.00
Teddy’s Button •
Amy Le Feuvre, 1896
160 pages, $19.00, eBook $14.00
Who is your most foul and cruel enemy? After reading Teddy’s Button, you
may have a new answer to that question. Flamboyant Teddy Platt cannot keep
silent about the glorious history of his sacred button. Soon this passion brings
him into contention with a new little girl in the village. God uses this enmity to
bring Teddy to his knees, ready to sign up in the Lord’s Army and prepared for
service in the war against his worst enemy—himself! Are you a faithful servant
of the King flying the banner of Love over your life? Teddy has some lessons to
teach us all. Best for ages 6-11.
What Happened to Tad •
Mary E. Ropes, 1913
Tad is determined to run off secretly with the child. His mind is set, and the
dangers ahead are no deterrent to his obstinate will and unchecked pride. Tad’s
troubles mount as cruel Foxy, the drunken old sea master, relentlessly pursues
him. What will it take for Tad to learn that getting his own way does not always
mean happiness or prosperity? You’ll find out when you see what happened to
Tad! Best for ages 9-14.
Young Prince Hubert is incorrigible, unmanageable, and tiresomely demanding.
What is the good king to do? How will his selfish prince ever learn to rule the
kingdom well? His most trusted friend, Sir Malcolm, has a plan. Prince Hubert
is swept away to a land where he is simply known as a peasant boy. His silks are
replaced with rough work clothes, his castle dwelling with a humble cottage. It
is here that Hugh learns valuable life lessons from the widow of the forest. Best
for ages 6-11.
The White Dove •
A ’Strordinary Little Maid
Winter’s Folly • (Spanish Leather Edition)
Amy Le Feuvre, 1889
192 pages, $20.00
A ’Strordinary Little Maid presents the gospel in colorful, bold, and often
humorous ways. You’ll laugh one minute, then the next minute you’ll find
yourself engaged in thoughtful attention to spiritual truths so basic yet so foreign
to our culture today. Peggy’s ability to share Jesus with those of all walks of life is
so inspiring that you will fall in love with this delightful little maid! This literary
gem is for children of all ages—and especially for adults who could use a good
laugh as medicine to their souls. Best for ages 6-11.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
192 pages, $20.00
Christoph von Schmid, 1841
80 pages, $14.00
Filled with the intrigue of knights and nobles, thieves and robbers, this is a story
of friendship and sacrifice. To prove her friendship, a little girl agrees to give
up her precious white dove and as a result, lives are miraculously saved. Best
for ages 6-11.
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1889
192 pages, $22.00
This is the tender story of lonely Old Man Winter, who demonstrates the epitome
of selfless love. But all is not lost as young Myrtle, through her childlike
innocence, rekindles his desire to live. This true-to-life story reminds us once
again that when life seems to hold more than we can bear, we can rest assured
that we have a loving God who is orchestrating events for our good. Best
for ages 9-14.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
19 • 1.888.246.7735
Welcome to our
Renaissance Collection
aspiration Comes Alive!
Our Renaissance Collection features riveting plots and relevant themes that will move readers from
thought to action! Each story has been selected for its powerful character influence, spiritual insights,
and inspiring content that encourages a strong work ethic, creativity, perseverance, honesty, humility,
and hope. While this selection of books is geared for children ages 9-14, it will be enjoyed by all ages
and genders. See pages 21-27 for the entire Renaissance Collection.
Buy the 2016
Renaissance Collection
Save $154
Reg. $753 Now $599
40 titles. discounts cannot be combined • 1.888.246.7735
Amy and Her Brothers •
Sarah S. Baker, 1860
160 pages, $19.00
In the midst of trouble and heartache among siblings, the love of Christ can
change lives forever. A family of orphaned children is guided by the steadfast
endurance of the oldest sister and the cheerful hard work of the youngest brother.
As the life of one of the children is steeped in selfishness and greed, forgiveness
restores the prodigal to a place of honor and trust. When those in need cling to
the God who provides, His praise is ever on their lips. Best for ages 9-14.
The Basket of Flowers •
Christoph von Schmid, 1823
224 pages, $22.00, eBook $17.00
Unwarranted accusations and unjust judgments are excellent tools in the hand
of God to reveal the true character that lies beneath any façade. How will Mary
and her father James react when thrown into grievous sorrow and torment
at the hands of a sinister fiend? Witness firsthand the beauty of a steadfast
commitment to God and a humble love between a father and his daughter. Did
you ever think about how much of God’s nature could be revealed in the delicate
petals of a flower? The Basket of Flowers has beautiful gifts awaiting you. Best
for ages 9-14.
The Battle •
A.L.O.E., 1857
192 pages, $20.00
Through circumstances beyond their control, the Roby family finds themselves
separated, left to fend for themselves through unforeseen trials. Will they
skillfully wield the sword as they have been taught? Jostled in the rough
thoroughfare of the world, Aleck is forced to obey promptly, act decidedly, and
expose himself fearlessly and freely. What he needs most is a quick hand, a
ready eye, and a gallant heart! Just as the thunderous waves threaten to swallow
him up, he sees a life-boat in the midst of the storm! The Battle unveils the
relentless obstacles that we face each day, both from within and without, and
challenges us in the midst of the battle to think of the victory—and consider the
crown! Best for ages 9-14.
The Boy of Mount Rhigi •
C.M. Sedgwick, 1848
192 pages, $20.00, eBook $14.00
Besides fishing in the beautiful wooded hills of Mount Rhigi, Massachusetts,
Harry Davis and Clapham Dunn have little in common as far as their upbringing. Harry can hardly relate to the brutal existence that Clapham endures every
day, which has molded his character and produced tormenting frustration and
fear in his heart. Emotionally and spiritually bankrupt, Clapham, like a magnet,
is drawn to the love and acceptance of the Davises. But one sad day he is seized
and threatened to do that which is unthinkable. Long, miserable, dark days follow.
But though sorrow endures for the night, the healing balm of truth brings joy in
the morning. Best for ages 9-14.
Buried in the Snow •
Franz Hoffmann, 1879
128 pages, $18.00, eBook $13.00
A boy and his grandfather come face to face with their own mortality within a
tomb of snow. Reliance upon God is their only option as escape is impossible.
But the story does not hinge upon the question of their rescue; what captivates
is the response that each has to the circumstances that God has placed them in.
When death is a constant companion, how does one view life? The ebb and flow
of emotions are captivating as the boy and his grandfather fight off predators and
the terror produced by the uncertainties of their snowy grave. I know of no other
book that so delicately prepares children to face the death of a loved one than
Buried in the Snow. Best for ages 9-14.
Buy both
The Battle & The Giant Killer
Save $6
Reg. $40 Now $34
discounts cannot be combined
See page 16 for the prequel, The Giant Killer.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
21 • 1.888.246.7735
The Candle in the Window
Margaret Hill McCarter, 1925
88 pages, $14.00
Tully wants more than anything to make his teacher smile. But no one knows
that Miss Ravenstow is trying to escape the pain from her past. No one, that is,
except Tod the mailman, who holds in his hands something far more valuable than
a special delivery. Discover a very special Christmas story that opens the door
for those seeking shelter from the pain of their past. Inspire your entire family
with a beautiful portrayal of how a simple candle in the window can bring hope
for the future and an encounter with the Light of the world. Best for ages 6-11.
The Captive •
Christoph von Schmid, 1768-1854
M.L. Nesbitt, 1876
192 pages, $20.00
Charlie dreams of a life of luxury and ease—and is determined to find it. He
will not be doomed to a life of toil and poverty. But will his quest for a better
life doom him to far greater evils—to the danger of growing up proud and hard,
setting his heart on worldly honors and riches, and despising honest work and
true manhood? Charlie faces dangers that not only threaten his life, they challenge his view of life. They test his fortitude and his faith. And they may test
yours. Charlie’s Choice is sure to become a family favorite for years to come.
Best for ages 9-14.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1898
172 pages, $19.00
Big Jack finds more at the seashore than a beautiful scene to paint. There is hope
for his soul when God brings dear people across his path who were long forgotten.
The old barrel organ from Christie’s Old Organ returns in this sequel to draw
people together. Jack must choose whether or not he will “cross the line” at the
bidding of Christie, the earnest preacher in the little seaside fishing village. The
honest, humble people of Runswick Bay will leave an indelible mark on Jack
Villiers that will change his life forever. Best for ages 6-11.
See page 15 for the prequel, Christie’s Old Organ.
96 pages, $15.00
Kidnapped by Algerian pirates, young Anselmo finds himself on the auction
block in a foreign country. When offered an easy escape from life’s difficult
circumstances, some will eagerly jump at the opportunity and flee the trials that
God has laid in their path. Anselmo is made of sterner stuff and brings glory
to God with his unyielding faith in God and his Savior, Jesus Christ. Watch
as God unfolds a bounty of blessing simply because one young man has the
courage to see the goodness of his Creator in every circumstance, both good
and ill. Best for ages 12-99.
Charlie’s Choice •
Christie, the King’s Servant •
Comfortable Troubles
Elizabeth Prentiss, 1854
288 pages, $24.00
Meet Lucy and her family, who are so close that it would break their hearts
to be separated. But if Lucy is to regain her health, she must leave those who
desperately need her, and encounter new trials. On more than one occasion
you will want to rescue poor Lucy and give Miss Prigott a piece of your mind!
While many would buckle under daily oppression, Lucy becomes stronger.
She is reminded of her mother’s teaching, “Almost anyone can run away from
temptation. It is far nobler, and requires a higher degree of strength, to meet and
conquer it.” As you face life’s unexpected twists and turns, this is a story that
will refresh your soul. Best for ages 9-14.
The Courage of Nikolai •
Mary E. Ropes, 1884
160 pages, $19.00
Life in Russia is tense—and dangerous—during the years before the Revolution.
It is a rare thing indeed to find someone as trustworthy and courageous as young
Collia in this world of undercover societies and secret police. Collia bravely
wrestles with the ghastly fear that chills his heart, and at last there comes to
him, in answer to his prayer for help, a deepening calm as he gives himself up
into wiser hands than those of any human protector. These sensational events
are based on truth. Enjoy this exciting glimpse of life in pre-Revolutionary
Russia. Best for ages 9-14.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
The Crew of the Dolphin •
Hesba Stretton, 1876
192 pages, $20.00
The crew of the Dolphin faces great peril, being swept away in crashing waves
and crushing winds. But this is not the fiercest storm they face. The insurmountable surges of greed and deceit are far worse, bringing exposure, disgrace, and
ruin. Yet we need not drift or be lost at sea, for God holds the sea in His great
strong hand! Best for ages 9-14.
The Golden Thread •
Norman MacLeod, 1867
96 pages, $15.00
There was once a kingdom near the treacherous Hemlock Forest where an evil
king and his followers dwelt. Only those who held on to the Golden Thread could
wander past the boundaries of the kingdom and return safely. It is a fearful thing to
lose one’s way, and Prince Phillip must learn the lessons of the Golden Thread if he
is ever to return. Best for ages 9-14.
The Grinder’s Apprentice (The Fatherland Series)
Franz Hoffmann, 1874
160 pages, $19.00
Fleeing for his life and seeking refuge in the foreign country of East India, the
destitute father’s only hope is that he might see his precious wife and child
once again. A revolt of the savage Mahrattas has brought on war, giving him the
opportunity to defend his General with courage and valor. But of the calamities
that have occurred back home, he knows nothing. An unexpected turn of events
requires great faith and fortitude as Alli ventures into the unknown to find help.
Find out what Alli discovers on his precarious journey, as the sovereign God
guides his every step! Best for ages 12-99.
Lamplighter Savings!
Buy 6 - Receive 1 additional book Free!
up to $40 savings!
The Hedge of Thorns •
John Carrol, 1611
96 pages, $15.00
This true story from the 1600s is as fresh and relevant today as it was on the day it
was written by the frail hand of the man who experienced life’s thorny hedges. Young
John can think only of his own pleasure and is willing to do anything to get what he
wants. He fails to see that the hedges placed in his life are to guide and protect him. A
tragic fate awaits those who try to push through those spiritual hedges of protection,
but a blessing is sure for those who keep within their boundaries. Best for ages 9-14.
The House of Love •
Elizabeth Cheney, 1914
320 pages, $24.00, eBook $20.00
Aurelia Wilde is cruelly selfish and downright miserable—a victim of her
mother’s desperate attempts to place her delicate “prized possession” on an
unreachable pedestal. But her glory is only surface deep. Aurelia’s complaining
spirit is a stark contrast to that of her servant-girl Doris, who knows that in spite
of life’s troubles, she will one day “dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Her
many talents and cheerful disposition cause her to be loved and appreciated by
the notable residents of Waverly Manor. How jealousy swells within the heart
of Aurelia’s vengeful mother! She’ll get even yet... Best for ages 9-14.
The Little Lamb •
Christoph von Schmid, 1848
144 pages, $19.00, eBook $13.00
While gathering strawberries, ten-year-old Christina finds a shivering lamb
that has strayed from its home, and she delights in the thought of caring for it.
When confronted with the decision to return it to its rightful owner, her honesty
and obedience result in unimagined blessings. Christina learns that even the
smallest acts of kindness will bring tremendous joy to herself and to others.
Best for ages 9-14.
Buy any 6, 12, or 20 titles in the Lamplighter Collection. discounts cannot be combined.
Buy 12 - Receive 1 additional book and
1 dramatic audio CD/download Free!
up to $75 savings!
Buy 20 - 1 additional book and
2 dramatic audio CDs/downloads Free!
up to $110 savings!
23 • 1.888.246.7735
The Mansion •
Henry van Dyke, 1911
80 pages, $14.00
This little book is a powerhouse, sending a quickening jolt to the very depths
of our respectable-looking façade. The Mansion takes a piercing look at John
Weightman, one of the most “successful” men in New York. His son desperately
wants to find his way and be free to make his own mistakes rather than being
played like a piece in a game of chess. The Mansion . . . it will make you think.
Best for ages 9-14.
My Golden Ship •
Mary E. Ropes, 1882
128 pages, $18.00
We all know what it’s like to harbor that gnawing feeling that rears its ugly
head as envy. Christians are not exempt, as we see in the case of Charlie. “But
don’t it seem hard that some folks should have everything, and other folks
nothin’?” Charlie soon realizes that envy easily escalates to bitterness and
resentment, and that his idea of “having everything” is far from the truth. Best
for ages 9-14.
The Orphan Queen
Ottile von Wildermuth, 1865
104 pages, $16.00
Who is this child? And who are her parents? Her demeanor suggests a royal
heritage, but perhaps she is simply exercising pride and control of others. Meet
Maggie, a most unusual child who mysteriously wins the hearts of those who
disdain her. The secret is her relationship with a powerful God who watches over
the fatherless. Filled with spiritual truths, this story will keep you enamored as
you vicariously experience Maggie’s suffering and her surprising reward in the
end. Best for ages 9-14.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
The Passage
A.L.O.E., 1859
224 pages, $22.00
A mysterious, suspense-filled adventure, The Passage describes the journey
we must take as we grope through the darkness, searching for a way out of our
desperate circumstances. Arthur, Emma, and Asahel represent a cross-section of
people who have either chosen to veer off the chosen path or are on the brink of
discovery! Best for ages 9-14.
A Peep Behind the Scenes •
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1877
264 pages, $23.00
Behind many smiling faces there hides a hurting heart, and for what may appear to be glamorous, there is usually a high price to pay. Mrs. Walton gives us
a glimpse into the life of a disillusioned young actress. In her fabricated world
of glamor and glitz, Rosalie finds solace in the words of a gentle old man who
gives her a picture of a Shepherd who loves and cares for her. Her travels take
on new meaning as she shares with the “down-and-outers” about this wonderful
Shepherd who loves them too. This profound century-old story is still relevant
in today’s entertainment-enmeshed culture. A Peep Behind the Scenes outsold
The Scarlet Letter by over two million copies in the 1800s. Best for ages 9-14
Phil Tyler’s Stand
Fredrick E. Burnham, 1925
144 pages, $19.00
Pressure is on in South Madison when Phil Tyler moves into town! The new
merchant is a bold, unashamed Christian and a far cry from being a people
pleaser. Phil’s aim is to bring righteousness to a community riddled with lawlessness and disorder. While his straightforward approach is a threat and nuisance to some, others appreciate how Phil’s courage and faith bring about much
needed change, not only in the town of South Madison, but in the lives of several
individuals as well. Phil Tyler’s Stand will be sure to raise questions about the
role of Christians in their community and among their peers. Best for ages 9-14.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
The Pilgrim’s Call
A.L.O.E., 1858
256 pages, $25.00
Rosa of Linden Castle •
Christoph von Schmid, 1845
168 pages, $22.00
This thought-provoking work by A.L.O.E. was created to help the young tread
the path of Bunyan’s pilgrim, and to point out the guiding light which marks the
straight and narrow way. In this fascinating story a poor peasant boy discovers
a secret about his past that propels him forward and changes his life forever.
On his journey he learns that the way of truth is not always smooth. He is
overcome with disappointment at the hypocrisy of a trusted friend. So with
armor fully clad, Mark treads along, fighting the enemy at every turn as he
presses onward toward the prize! Best for ages 9-14.
When all the trappings of Rosa’s life come crashing down around her, the
virtues that had been taught to her by her godly parents provide her with
direction and guidance even when they are no longer there to walk beside
her through the darkened forests. Her love for her father is so complete and
selfless that lives are changed and hearts are turned toward good after learning
of her incredible act of self-sacrifice. Though she is deserving of so much
recognition, she very wisely sends the praise and honor to her heavenly Father
whom she loves best of all. Best for ages 12-99.
Rising to the Top •
Saved by Love •
Mary E. Ropes, 1887
96 pages, $15.00
“There’s two things as always come to the top; one’s merit–t’other’s scum. Which
of them is to rise first, I can’t tell, but neither will lie at the bottom long.” You’ll
want to stand up for the honor of poor victimized Bob, but in the end you’ll
see that in the midst of darkness the light shines brightest! Best for ages 9-14.
The Robbers’ Cave •
A.L.O.E, 1862
176 pages, $19.00
It all happened so quickly! Horace’s ankles are locked in chains, preventing him
from rescuing his terrified mother as she is dragged away by their captors. She
has only seven days to return with the answer that could save her son! During
her absence, Horace is held hostage in their dark cavern and wonders if he’ll
ever escape. Through a risky venture he learns that God’s light can penetrate
even the darkest evil. The Robbers’ Cave is a breathtaking family experience.
Best for ages 9-14.
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Emma Leslie, 1892
112 pages, $17.00
Streetwise, ragged, and poor, Elfie was convinced that she was so naughty and so
bad that no one could ever love her. Susie could not comprehend Elfie’s ongoing
struggle to be honest, but she was determined to tell her that no matter how
“great” our sin is, God’s love and forgiveness are even greater. Best for ages 9-14.
Schmid’s Tales •
Christoph von Schmid, 1768-1854
168 pages, $19.00
Christoph von Schmid has been a favorite author for many of our collectors. This
edition, a compilation of von Schmid’s short stories, including “The Unexpected
Guest,” “The Unexpected Return,” and “The Silent Girl,” beautifully illustrates
God’s loving provision and perfect plan. In our darkest hour, we can rest assured
that God is an ever-present help in time of need. Best for ages 12-99.
Buy any 6, 12, or 20 titles in the Lamplighter Collection. discounts cannot be combined.
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Shipwrecked, But Not Lost •
Hon. Mrs. Dundas, 1872
176 pages $19.00
Experience the utter fear of abandonment, the tension of frigid desolation,
and the resolute determination to survive in Shipwrecked, But Not Lost. This
breathtaking episode will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the
spectacular events of a life-threatening voyage. The crashing of icebergs and
the raging tempest will strike terror in the bravest heart. You’ll be mesmerized,
captivated, and awestruck as you give attention to the unexpected voyage of
our three forsaken companions on their perilous journey. Best for ages 9-14.
The Three Weavers •
Annie Fellows Johnston, 1897
64 pages, $13.00
This is a special allegory for fathers to read to their daughters. As the story
goes, once upon a time there were three weavers, and to each was born a
daughter. The ‘watcher of weavers’ prophesied, “A royal prince shall seek
to wed thy child,” but she must weave a mantle for the prince that will be
fair to look upon with rich cloth of gold, and it must fit him as perfectly as
the falcon’s feathers fit the falcon.” Each father is responsible to teach his
daughter how to prepare for her prince. When should he begin? The father’s
approach, coupled with his daughter’s cooperation, will decide the fate of
her future. Best for ages 9-14.
Throw Me Overboard •
Author unknown, 1873
96 pages, $15.00
Now here is a story with a twist. When faced with false accusations and public
humiliation, our hero shows us how to do what is right, even when taking the
easy way out could have cleared his name. As he travels the tempestuous
seas of dishonesty, greed, and distrust, you will find yourself so engaged with
the story that you will literally want to deliver this lad from his distressing
quandary. And if this isn’t enough to capture your attention, you will meet our
heroine Florinda, who is faced with a most difficult decision as she deals with
pride, vanity and peer pressure. Best for ages 9-14.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Through the Linn
Agnes Giberne, 1881
184 pages, $21.00
In this metaphor of the linn, our lives are likened to that of a river, which
flows softly onward as it reflects the blue sky above. It gives no thought to the
inevitable changes ahead, and without warning its meandering path becomes
violently steep. Suddenly the once-peaceful river is bound to a narrow gorge,
forced to rush between sharp, jutting rocks in a swirl of passion! The waters
finally settle into a black pool, waiting for the sunlight to shine once again over
the calming river. This compelling story follows the changing life of young
Lettice as she makes her way through the linn. Love ultimately triumphs,
bringing hope and brightness back to her youthful days. Best for ages 9-14.
Tomorrow •
Maria Edgeworth, 1823
144 pages, $19.00
“I was ever searching for some shortcut to the temple of Fame, instead of
following the beaten road.” Candid and provocative, this powerful story inches
a little too close to home. Revealing and relevant, it sounds the alarm to all
of us prone to the habit of procrastination—before it’s too late! Best for ages
Trapped Beneath the Surface
Catharine Shaw, 1892
224 pages, $21.00, eBook $14.00
The disastrous day at the icy lake is just the beginning of their troubles!
Jack, Eleanor, and Sylvia each find themselves trapped beneath the surface
of difficult circumstances and decisions. Eleanor, who longs to be friends
with her sister, finds that they are growing more and more distant. But then a
calamitous event stops Sylvia dead in her tracks! The bitter jealousy that has
had such a hold on her gives way to humility, forgiveness, and loving sacrifice.
Best for ages 9-14.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
Under the Earth (The Fatherland Series)
Franz Hoffmann, 1863
144 pages, $19.00
Under the Earth is a suspenseful story filled with dastardly plots of vengefulness.
The intensity mounts as miners are trapped by flood waters that have been
purposely diverted. But unbeknownst to Erhard Grimbold, his own son may
be the recipient of his revenge! Just when you think the story is about to give
some relief, another surprise twist keeps you on the edge of your seat! Woven
throughout are threads of redemption, forgiveness, steadfastness, and selfless
courage. Best for ages 9-14.
Untamed Thistles •
Anonymous, 1861
128 pages, $18.00
Sad to say, James’s wild spirit dictates his actions. His passion is commanding,
his influence powerful. One day, in a senseless fight, tragedy strikes, and
everything changes. Like the untamed thistle that takes root and spreads its
prickly thorns, so it is with our lives. This analogy will demand your attention
and leave an impression you’ll never forget. Best for ages 9-14.
Wälty and the Great Geyer (The Fatherland Series)
Franz Hoffmann, 1855 160 pages, $19.00, eBook $14.00
Brave son of the mountain, the bold, experienced cragsman hesitates not in the
face of danger; he possesses a determination that no difficulty can daunt. But the
fierce bearded vulture is not the only challenge that Wälty must face. Deception,
betrayal, and imprisonment are obstacles to be contended with, and he knows
that the most courageous heart and steadfast resolve will avail nothing without
the assistance of God. Despair gives way to hope, animating him with zeal and
a forgiving spirit, with which comes great reward. Best for ages 9-14
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.The Wanderer
A.L.O.E., 1867
in Africa
128 pages, $18.00
Lions! Hoodlums! Angry wagon masters! David’s quest takes him from his
family’s secure English country farm down to the hustle and bustle of London,
where his willful desires lead directly to trouble, heading him off on a selfimposed exile to the wilds of Africa. Young or old, any one of us who has ever
been torn between what we think we want to do versus what we know we ought
to do is likely to recognize the redemptive nature of God’s love that David finds
when he finally realizes he has chosen poorly, and turns to Him, unconditionally,
in confession and prayer. Although he still has a few “minor” obstacles to
confront which would most likely do many of us in, such as hunger, thirst, a
ravenous lion, and a huge moral dilemma, David realizes that he is no longer
walking alone. Best for ages 9-14.
The White Knights
W.E. Cule, 1919
200 pages, $20.00
Horace, Percy, and Cyril are ordinary boys who love the stories of King Arthur
and the Knights of the Round Table. Their discerning pastor starts a club for
boys—The Order of the White Knights—challenging them to be chivalrous
in their own neighborhoods and even in their own families. What a profound
change takes place in that community because of the personal sacrifice of these
ordinary, yet extraordinary boys! This story will increase our sensitivity to the
needs of others, as we realize that most of the people we meet each day are weary
travelers simply needing a kind word or a helping hand. Best for ages 9-14.
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Epic Collection
History Comes Alive!
Spanning from ancient history through the Reformation, these captivating works are rich in
biblical and historical insights. This dramatic collection will take you back in time to experience
profound moments in world history. From Egypt’s luxurious empire to the unspeakable atrocities
of the Spanish Inquisition, you’ll never look at history in the same way again. Unforgettable true
accounts are threaded with legendary traditions, making history come alive in our Lamplighter
Epic Collection.
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Bohemian Bravery
Leather Tone!
Matilda Horsburgh, 1875 192 pages, $20.00
In his heart Paul Crawer hears the words, “Whom shall I send, and who will go
for me?” His wholehearted response, “Here I am; send me,” marks the beginning
of the young physician’s quest to bring physical and spiritual healing to the
foreign land of Scotland. Following the steps of Huss and Jerome, Paul counts
the cost, knowing full well the punishment for “heresy.” But his mission is clear:
to heal the sick and bring the light of the gospel to the never-dying soul! The
influence of Paul Crawer is spread throughout the land, and many fading eyes
are raised in loving gratitude to his, as he whispers the story of redeeming love.
The inevitable day comes when he meets his Savior face to face, and receives
the ultimate crown of glory. Best for ages 12-99.
Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honour •
Archer Wallace, 1925 160 pages, $19.00, eBook $14.00
History records a pantheon of heroes who have achieved great things. The Boys
of Grit series gives us a glimpse at the trials and circumstances that worked to
shape these men while they were still young and unknown. These great men
began as ordinary boys with no more opportunity than any other boy to achieve
greatness. The difference is the passion and drive that they applied to the things
that captured their imagination. In this volume there are fourteen true accounts
of great men, including Booker T. Washington, Andrew Carnegie, and John Muir.
Best for ages 9-14.
Boys of Grit Who Changed the World •
Archer Wallace, 1930
160 pages, $19.00
Did you know that a simple blacksmith mastered twenty foreign languages primarily
because he valued every spare moment of his time? Discover the accomplishments
of a highly motivated young man whose entrepreneurial spirit started a revolution in
manufacturing and labor that has shaped modern-day industry. While some people
simply give up when faced with seemingly overwhelming obstacles, these young men
did not let difficulties stand in their way. Boys of Grit Who Changed the World presents
powerful examples of hope, perseverance, determination, and resolve through such
influential men as Walter Scott, Robert Fulton, and Samuel Morse. Best for ages 9-14.
Boys of Grit Who Never Gave up •
Elsie E. Egermeier, 1931
224 pages, $22.00, eBook $17.00
You can measure the strength of a man by examining what it takes to stop him. Thomas
Edison always viewed failure as being one step closer to success. The eighteen men
whose lives are put on display in Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up did not let failures
stop their pursuit of success and excellence. Learn about the determination needed to
invent the phonograph or the persistence required to bring the modern telephone and
the automotive assembly line into existence. The Wright Brothers, D. L. Moody, and
Louis Pasteur are just a few of the names that will inspire young people to attempt
great things and to see failure as a stepping stone to success. Best for ages 9-14.
Boys of Grit Set
...Men of Honour, ...Changed the World,
...Never Gave up, & The BoyWho Never Lost a Chance
Save $11
Reg. $80 Now $69
4 books. discounts cannot be combined
29 • 1.888.246.7735
The Cross Triumphant • Florence M. Kingsley, 1898 384 pages, $25.00
Emma Leslie, 1872
244 pages, $22.00, eBook $18.00
Award-winning author of Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, Florence Kingsley
has written another gripping drama that begins seventeen years after the
crucifixion. Rich in biblical history, Mrs. Kingsley portrays the chilling events
that climax at the devastating destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. In the
midst of this deep tribulation, hope is birthed during one of the most tragic
events in history. If you enjoyed Titus, you will not want to miss this classic!
Best for ages 12-99.
Once again, a writer of old has portrayed a vivid account of a godly father
who imparts the gospel to his son. This marvelous work reflects the era of
the Reformation and those who gave their lives, suffering for the gospel that
only Christ could forgive sins, a message contrary to the “church” at this time.
Beyond this, another message is woven into this story—that of the Savior’s call
on a life, even that of a child. Best for ages 12-99.
Daring Deeds •
Frozen Fire (The Fatherland Series)
Archer Wallace, 1934
128 pages, $18.00, eBook $13.00
Compelling, true accounts of the dangerous expeditions of courageous men who
dare to risk their lives for the sake of murderers, thieves, and even cannibals.
Their unrelenting passion moves them onward as they share the message of
hope with ruthless peoples who have never been reached and desperately need
to hear about God’s love and redemption. Indeed, these men are true heroes to
emulate. Best for ages 9-14.
Dashed to Pieces
A.L.O.E., 1871
96 pages, $15.00
Word has spread that Paul’s teachings have persuaded some of the elite Roman
Guard to believe in the one true God, Jesus Christ. If they walk in the light of
truth, their wealth and property will be forfeited; more importantly, believers
who reveal their faith risk not only their own lives, but place their spouses
and children in harm’s way. Will a Roman soldier forsake all and take up his
cross and follow Jesus? Be prepared to be on the edge of your seat as slaves
and generals find themselves on equal footing, hiking treacherous mountain
paths in the midst of a catastrophic flood. Salvation may be found in a most
unexpected way! Best for ages 12-99.
Faithful, But Not Famous •
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Karl Gustav Nieritz, 1834
158 pages, $19.00
You will fall in love with Betty, whose loyalty and love are demonstrated
through tremendous courage and sacrifice. Based on a true story, Betty must
come face-to-face with the dreaded disease—small pox. Will she save herself?
Betty faces myriad trials, including the death-grip of a terrifying blizzard, but
the heart-warming love for her devoted servant trumps all. Frozen Fire will keep
you on the edge of your seat and will cause you to contemplate the purpose and
meaning of life. If you enjoyed the action-packed adventure of Teddy’s Button,
you’ll be enthralled by the energy and drama of this provocative read for the
entire family. Best for ages 9-14.
Glaucia, the Greek Slave •
Emma Leslie, 1874
256 pages, $25.00
Glaucia, the Greek Slave masterfully depicts the intricacies of a momentous time
in human history. Ancient Rome and Greece are the backdrop for this dramatic
account of the early Christians, whose belief in the one true God stands in stark
contrast to the polytheistic world in which they live. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
Hebrew Heroes
A.L.O.E., 1869 288 pages, $26.00
In this thrilling account of Judas Maccabeus and the battle of Emmaus, A.L.O.E.
paints a grand picture of the exploits of one of Judah’s noblest heroes during
times of great peril. Under the tyranny of Antiochus Epiphanes and the Syrian
empire, an honorable widow and her devoted young granddaughter Zarah exhibit
unwavering faith. This remarkable story of love and courage will reinforce the
conviction of any believer! Best for ages 12-99.
The Herdsman of Dambach (The Fatherland Series)
Philipp Körber, 1863
144 pages, $19.00
Twelve-year-old Kurt is on an important mission that requires great fortitude
and courage. It is a dangerous, life-threatening assignment, and the safety of
many depends on him. But with the fire of a determined will, he prevails. In this
dramatic account of the bravery of believers during the ravaging Thirty Years’
War, the power of God’s Word rings true: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,”
saith the Lord. Best for ages 9-14.
Joel: A Boy of Galilee •
Annie Fellows Johnston, 1895
264 pages, $23.00
See the miraculous events of Jesus the Nazarene through the eyes of an ordinary
boy who lives among the ordinary fishermen of the day. Having been crippled
by a bully, Joel wonders if he’ll ever walk again. The greater question is, “Can
the Healer of Nazareth heal his bitter heart?” We can say with confidence that
this book will draw you closer to the Savior. As Joel puts together the pieces, he
realizes that the child, heralded by angels, proclaimed by a star, and worshipped
by Magi, is the man who changed the water into wine—his friend of Nazareth
and the babe of Bethlehem are the same! The thought that the chosen One could
be a friend of his is too wonderful for him. Best for ages 9-14.
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Light in the Darkness (The Fatherland Series)
Author Unknown, 1883
192 pages, $20.00
Light in the Darkness is the inspiring story of a young French woman during
the Franco-German war. During wartime’s difficult trials, Léonie finds hope
and friendship in a most unexpected person—a German colonel! And when life
seems dark and the world hostile, Léonie finds solace in God’s very tangible love,
through the care of her new Christian friend. Best for ages 12-99.
The Lost Ruby
Christoph von Schmid, 1841
128 pages, $17.00
This is the story of young Lieutenant Wildberg and the heavy price he pays
for succumbing to the subtle temptation of worldly logic. Though at first his
“indiscretion” seems to accomplish a great and noble good, it eventually brings
grief and harm to those he loves. He learns that “even the most trivial lie is an
evil seed.” (The second story in this volume, “The Lost Child,” is as powerful
as “The Lost Ruby.”) Best for ages 9-14.
Mary Jones and Her Bible •
Mary E. Ropes, 1882
168 pages, $19.00, eBook $14.00
In the rugged and meager land of Wales, Mary longs to learn more about the
Word of God. This true story takes place in a town where food and clothing are
difficult enough to obtain, but young Mary longs for nothing more extravagant
than her own Bible. She determines to labor for six years selling eggs, with the
singular focus of obtaining the desire of her heart. As a young woman, she sets
out to walk the 25 miles to purchase her Bible—barefoot! The earnest dedication
of this child and the testimony of her heart were substantially responsible for the
founding of The British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804. Best for ages 6-11.
Buy any 6, 12, or 20 titles in the Lamplighter Collection. discounts cannot be combined.
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Mothers of Famous Men •
Archer Wallace, 1931 160 pages, $20.00
Mothers of Famous Men gives us a glimpse into the lives of remarkable women
whose immeasurable love and outstanding influence helped shape their sons into
men of honor and character. Best for ages 12-99.
The Pillar of Fire •
Rev. J.H. Ingraham, 1859 256 pages, $25.00
Enjoy this eloquently written, illustrative account of the Prince of Tyre during
his visit to Egypt more than 3,500 years ago. The author brings full color and
inspiration to every page in this suspense-filled drama. Best for ages 12-99.
Prisoners of the Sea •
Florence M. Kingsley, 1897 416 pages, $29.00
Amidst the tumult of life at sea, myriad adventures of piracy, capture, and
escape stand in contrast to the heroic, steady determination of Huguenot heritage.
The final chapter adds to the intensity as it meets us head-on with a bolt from the
blue, making an unexpected, legendary disclosure! Written by our best-selling
author of Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, with the intensity of Southworth’s The
Hidden Hand, this story will captivate you from beginning to end. Best for ages
Resolute: In the Face of Persecution •
Robert Pollock, 1824 192 pages, $20.00
In 17th-century Scotland, times of trouble, torment, and tyranny threatened the
lives of a community of believers determined to follow their beloved minister
for the cause of liberty. How cold were the usurpers of such cruel authority! Yet
the believers kept their hearts warm in the coldest season of adversity, clinging
to truth and God’s unwavering grace, and refusing to submit to unholy chains
of corruption. They never looked back; their eyes looked forward to their
Redeemer—their salvation—and their eternal victory. May we follow their
example, and with faith and fortitude walk in their steps. Best for ages 12-99.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
The Spanish Brothers •
Deborah Alcock, 1898 416 pages, $29.00
This true account of the Spanish Inquisition will leave you speechless. The
conviction and courage demonstrated by 16th century believers puts our
present-day calamities in perspective, sharply, yet gently, reminding us of
the truth of the Word and the power of our Savior’s love. All else pales in
comparison. Best for ages 12-99.
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross •
Florence M. Kingsley, 1894
304 pages, $24.00, eBook $17.00
In 1894 the publisher of this book rewarded Florence Kingsley with $1,000
for writing a story that would set a child’s heart on fire for Jesus Christ. In six
weeks the demand was so great, they printed 200,000 additional copies! The
award-winning entry, Titus: A Comrade of the Cross, is provocative, full of
suspense and drama. The story of Titus and his crippled brother climaxes at
the foot of the cross, where the real hero is proclaimed. The most compelling
moment is saved until the very end. It will take your breath away. Best for ages
True Stories of Great
Americans for Young
Americans •
256 pages, $25.00
We can read the facts about our forefathers in
any history text, but this book gives insight into
the personalities and families that helped shape
the men and women who built our great nation.
It’s an excellent addition for anyone who would
like to hear the stories of our great heroes from a
more personal slant. Best for ages 9-14.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
The Wrestler of Philippi •
Fannie E. Newberry, 1896
320 pages, $26.00
Here is a story of Rome’s staggering contrasts—extreme poverty amidst the
wildest extravagance; treacherous dungeon life in darkness; chains amidst
the splendors and amusements of luxurious court life. The story’s dramatic
unfolding will grip your heart as you experience the true test of loyalty and the
triumph of faith! Best for ages 12-99.
Zuma and the Secret of Peru •
Various Authors, 1872
144 pages, $19.00
From the depths of injustice and tyranny rises a heroine, Zuma, whose dauntless
courage knows no bounds. Loyalty and self-sacrifice are no strangers to those
who are held by a vow never to betray the secret. Zuma’s choice is made; her
willingness to risk her own life is inspired by the One who demonstrated that
“greater love hath no man than this...” Three additional short stories complete
this volume. In “Gratitude and Probity” a place of honor is reserved for the
poor and needy, and in “Michal and Jacqueline” generosity is shown toward
the simple-minded. Finally, we are reminded of the consequences of sin and
the hope of forgiveness in “The Young Fisherman of Heligoland.”
The Shepherd of Bethlehem •(Heroes of Faith Series)
A.L.O.E., 1862
What do two spoiled brothers, an illiterate servant girl, a salty old sailor and the
town mischief maker have in common? You’ll find out in this exciting book by
A.L.O.E., the first volume of the Heroes of Faith Series. There is no question
that The Shepherd of Bethlehem will bring the Scriptures to life like no other
book, as a fresh look at David’s life reaches deep into your heart, drawing you
ever closer to your very own Shepherd–your very own King! Best for ages
Exiles in Babylon • (Heroes of Faith Series)
A.L.O.E., 1864 Heroes of Faith SERIES
Save $15
Reg. $110 Now $95
Includes 4 titles. discounts cannot be combined
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
336 pages, $28.00
Exiles in Babylon, the second volume in this dramatic series by A.L.O.E., is a
gripping story about the loyal and faithful life of Daniel. In this story-withina-story, the characters we have come to love are challenged as never before
as they consider the tremendous courage and exemplary faith of Daniel and
realize that they too are capable of standing firm in their convictions. Best for
ages 12-99.
Rescued from Egypt • (Heroes of Faith Series)
A.L.O.E., 1866
Buy the 2016
360 pages, $28.00
400 pages, $28.00
In this third volume of the Heroes of Faith Series, the life and deliverance of
Moses as a type and shadow of the coming Redeemer is flawlessly incorporated
into the story of Arthur, who wrestles with the inner conflict of either living for
himself and the approval of others or for Christ in spite of the rejection and
ridicule he’ll most likely endure. Best for ages 12-99.
Triumph over Midian • (Heroes of Faith Series)
A.L.O.E., 1867
288 pages, $26.00
In Triumph over Midian our familiar characters experience firsthand that the
Midianites of the heart—Disappointment, Discontent, Dissension, and Distrust,
the most dangerous enemy of all–wreak havoc in our lives. The Midianites
within must be conquered, and with God’s help they shall! Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
33 • 1.888.246.7735
Welcome to our
Drama Comes Alive!
This selection of 21 titles includes our most inspiring and life-changing literature, with
more extensive character development, plots, and themes. You’ll be stirred to forge new
paths, fulfill your dreams, and shine as light in the midst of darkness. This powerful
collection, including stories crafted by some of the world’s most creative authors,
features characters whose lives are shaped through fiery trials and tested on the anvil of
life. Though written for teenage and adult readers, the whole family can enjoy them as
Buy the 2016
Classic Collection
Save $146
Reg. $645 Now $499
Includes 24 titles. discounts cannot be combined.
Please note that some stories may include racial slurs indicative of the period/culture. • 1.888.246.7735
The Alabaster Box Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, 1917
304 pages, $25.00
Brookville is a town without hope; it is financially and spiritually dead. But one
day a mysterious stranger arrives, and life begins to change. Miss Lydia Orr
begins to pour out her wealth and love on this undeserving town. But her lavish
generosity is met with suspicion to the point that greed, anger, and jealousy block
out the undeniable glimmer of light that had been absent for 18 long years. “Who
is Miss Lydia Orr, and why has she come to Brookville?” is the question that
haunts the town, but is it possible that it is the townsfolk who have something to
hide? Florence Morse Kingsley, author of award-winning Titus: Comrade of the
Cross, pairs with Mary E. Wilkins Freeman to bring us this tale of unexpected
restitution, responsibility, redemption and restoration. Best for ages 12-99.
Cobwebs and Cables •
Hesba Stretton, 1881
384 pages, $30.00
Here is a book that you just can’t put down! It is a story of a man’s decision
to get caught up in sin out of desperation to serve the one he loves. But it
soon becomes clear that one lie from a “truthful” man is more hurtful than
all the lies of a liar. Those who yield to its power engage in an intricate path
of falsehood—an entangling maze—that ever deepens as one lie builds upon
another. As you wrestle with the characters in this engaging drama, rest assured
that your confidence will grow, not in man, but in our loving, forgiving God.
Best for ages 12-99.
224 pages, $24.00
From the moment he reaches the rough mining town of Gold City, looking
frightened as a light-struck deer, Jeb knows that his life will never be the same.
And he’s right. He learns what it is to be in the world and yet not of it; in its
turmoil and din, its jealousy and greed, Jeb strives to live out his faith with
integrity. But the years bring unexpected temptations, which Jeb is unprepared
to face. Will he give in to the pressure? The vicious wrath of Dan Dean rears
its ugly head time and time again, until Jeb finds himself being accused of
incomprehensible wrongdoing. He suffers deeply in his own version of
Gethsemane and Calvary until, at last, the depths of tribulation give way to
heights of glory. Best for ages 12-99.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Kathleen Macleod, 1933
192 pages, $22.00
The allure of secret sin and the enticement of peer pressure had a strong
hold on teens a century ago. Young Gavin knew it was time to venture out beyond
his secure environment called home. His longing for independence has become a
tainted mixture of stubbornness and pride, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize that following the crowd can be risky business. The change that takes place
in Gavin’s life irritates his friends to the extent that, through vicious threats and
heckling taunts, they place him in a predicament that could cost him his life! Best
for ages 12-99.
The Haunted Room
Leather Tone!
A.L.O.E., 1876
280 pages, $26.00
Life will never be the same for the three Trevor siblings. They must leave their
comfortable, friendly Summer Villa and take up residence at Myst Court! The
newly inherited home is certainly grand, but it is also gloomy, neglected, and
worst of all rumoured to be haunted. Before they leave Summer Villa their
uncle warns them that it will not be against the haunted chambers of the house
that they must be wary, but rather, that which is hidden deep within the haunted
chambers of their own hearts. Best for ages 12-99.
The Hidden Hand •
E.D.E.N. Southworth, 1859
Falsely Accused in the High Sierras
Frederick Vining Fisher, 1900
Hand on the Bridle •
Leather Tone!
480 pages, $34.00, eBook $9.00
The rugged hills of western Virginia hid many secrets in the days of the Old
South. Gruff, elderly gentlemen like Old Hurricane ruled their plantations
like kings, and thieves preyed on unwary travelers. Secrets abound in this
masterpiece by E.D.E.N Southworth. You will be delighted and thrilled as
God’s own hidden hand moves the lives of rascals and heroes alike to work His
plan for good. Young Capitola begins life under a dark and mysterious cloud,
but her fiery enthusiasm for life and adventure turns Old Hurricane and his
entire plantation upside-down. Scalawags and saints beware; Capitola will
capture your heart and run away with it. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
35 • 1.888.246.7735
Ishmael • Leather Tone!
The Lamplighter •
You will never read a story that is more inspirational and challenging than
Ishmael. The heights of success achieved by this young man reveal little of
the utter poverty into which he was born. His commitment to integrity and his
singular focus on preserving his mother’s name give his life focus and purpose.
His perseverance and determination to educate himself in law give him the opportunity to influence the highest levels of government. E.D.E.N. Southworth
captures the rich panorama of sights and sounds in rural Maryland in the decades prior to the Civil War. When you reach the end, don’t despair; the drama
continues in the sequel, Self-Raised! Best for ages 12-99.
An immediate best seller in 1854, and now Lamplighter Publishing’s signature
book, The Lamplighter was second in sales only to Uncle Tom’s Cabin.Mistreated
and abandoned as a child, Gerty’s angry and violent disposition gradually becomes virtuous as she learns the lessons lived by the meek and gentle lamplighter.
But there is much more to this story than meets the eye! As the plot thickens
you will be tempted to read ahead—but don’t do it! The surprise will be worth
the wait. Best for ages 12-99.
E.D.E.N. Southworth, 1876
528 pages, $38.00
Charles Spurgeon, 1869
224 pages, $22.00
Picture catching a trout on a sunny day, with pole bowed and line stretched
as it breaks through the water. Diving into John Ploughman’s Talk is such an
experience, and just knowing that Charles Spurgeon wrote this gem, which is
far different than any of his theological writings, makes it even more special.
Though not written for the young, this is an excellent choice for family
devotions. It is covered in a soft Italian leather, like an old leather glove waiting
to be picked up and used over and over again. With each use, it will become
more familiar, more pliable, and more cherished. Best for ages 12-99.
The King’s Gold
Elizabeth Cheney, 1900
288 pages, $26.00
Edyth’s father is bringing her up for the world, to shine in society with a dazzling
career of wealth and power. But when she proposes that she wants to lead the
life of a Christian, his anger blazes forth! She faces profound trials with dismay
and terror. Will she have the strength and faith to endure? Through an astounding
turn of events, Edyth catches a glimmer of hope, for she knows her calling.
With confidence she pursues, and nothing can stop her! Best for ages 12-99.
The Locked Cupboard
Amy Le Feuvre, 1899
See next page for the sequel, Self-Raised.
John Ploughman’s Talk •
Maria S. Cummins, 1854
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
256 pages, $25.00
224 pages, $25.00
Four lovely sisters are about to receive an extravagant inheritance. But
treachery is at hand! Someone is secretly carrying out a plan to confiscate the
inheritance for himself. The orphaned sisters have one thing in their favor—a
Nannie who gives them a treasure far greater than silver and gold. With this
important gift comes a promise that will unlock their future in a magnificent
way! The greatest bonus is that readers of this story will discover the key to
unlock the doors of their future as well. Psalm 37 will bring new light to God’s
truths and promises. The Locked Cupboard is sure to be a favorite amongst
your Lamplighter collection. Best for ages 12-99.
The Lost Clue •
Leather Tone!
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1907
288 pages, $26.00, eBook $9.00
In this intriguing mystery, Captain Fortesque finds himself torn between two
loyalties. He enjoys acceptance in high society, but keeps his true upbringing a
secret. Then the day comes that changes the course of his life. It all starts with
a mysterious note to be read only after his father’s death. How can he endure
the challenges he will now face? Through unexpected circumstances Captain
Fortesque finds his world strangely intertwined with Marjorie’s, as together they
uncover the mystery of the lost clue. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
A Lost Pearle
Mrs. Georgie Sheldon, 1883
448 pages, $30.00
If you’re looking for a good mystery with plenty of action, strong characterization,
and a complex plot, this book is for you. Pearle, the beautiful bride, paves the way
in a captivating first chapter, with horror in her eyes, as she walks down the aisle.
Then her sudden disappearance wreaks havoc, and she is relentlessly pursued.
Trials and tragedy often reveal one’s true nature, and Pearle comes out shining
as she demonstrates great courage and inner strength. She soon realizes that, out
of trials that seem to crush us to the earth, we can rise through God’s love and
help into a purer and better life than we have ever known. Best for ages 12-99.
Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor
A.L.O.E., 1865
304 pages, $26.00
Ned Franks is a sailor, but he wears the armor of a soldier. Bound by truth
and shielded by faith, Ned’s reputation among the people back home wins him
the admiration of friends and the respect of rivals. He faces the storms of life
with dignity, for disgrace to the seaman is worse than death. When accused
of wrongdoing, he confronts his accuser with fiery eyes, “The God of Truth
will make my truth clear one day!” Be challenged to wear the breastplate of
righteousness and carry the sword of the Spirit as you engage in the adventures
of Ned Franks: The One-Armed Sailor! Best for ages 12-99.
Pride and His Prisoners
A.L.O.E., 1869
264 pages, $25.00
Using the metaphorical imagery of a near catastrophe in an unfettered hot-air
balloon, A.L.O.E. (A Lady of England) unapologetically illustrates our natural
inclination to yield to the temptations of our enemy, Pride. As in real life, not a
single character passes the litmus test as a series of wrong and sometimes devastating choices culminate in a chilling and terrifying episode. But all is not lost,
as the prisoners of Pride are loosed from bondage and relationships are restored.
Written during the Victorian era, its codes of etiquette and societal roles are
evident, but the truth remains that whether male or female, rich or poor, we can
all benefit from a good dose of humility! Best for ages 12-99.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Self-Raised •
Leather Tone!
E.D.E.N. Southworth, 1876
384 pages, $30.00
Southworth continues the story of Ishmael Worth in Self-Raised. From the
sultry heat of Cuba to the gloomy crags of northern Scotland, Ishmael stands
resolute in his commitment to those he loves. Whether he is wrestling with the
icy hand of death or carefully mending broken hearts, Ishmael is ever thinking
of the welfare of those around him. You can always count on Ishmael to be the
rock that others need to help them through the most difficult trials. When you
finally close the book, you will be disappointed that there are no more pages to
read on the life of this beloved young man. Best for ages 12-99.
See previous page for the prequel, Ishmael.
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way •
W.E. Cule, 1899
192 pages, $25.00, eBook $9.00
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way is a captivating allegory—a rich literary masterpiece that will encourage any weary traveler. This beautifully bound work
depicts life as a journey, reaching toward a beacon of hope in the City of the
Great King. Beckoned by the King to travel the Splendid Way, the young knight
must keep his armor on at all costs. All along the way he is tempted to take his
armor off. Many try to convince him that the battle is not worth the fight. But
only those who keep their armor on can see the real battle that rages, and only
those with pure hearts will see the King. Best for ages 12-99.
Stepping Heavenward •
Elizabeth Prentiss, 1869
384 pages, $25.00
Stepping Heavenward is an intimate journal of a young woman who struggles
with ordinary daily life just as we do. Her life is a constant endeavor to “step
heavenward” as she deals with disappointment, heartache, and tragedy. You’ll
find it hard to believe that this journal has not been written with your own pen!
This treasure of womanly wisdom is crucial for any woman with a heart’s desire
to know God. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
37 • 1.888.246.7735
Sweet Revenge •
E.A. Bland, 1891
Leather Tone!
192 pages, $22.00
Mrs. O.F. Walton, 1872
208 pages, $21.00
The words of his grandfather kept ringing in Ned’s ears: “A Roden never
forgives and never forgets. Some day you’ll have your revenge of Philip
Fielding, and revenge is sweet, revenge is very sweet.” Old William Roden
thought it was high time Fielding reaped what he had sown, but little did he
know what a devastating effect his vengeance would have! Time proves that
neither vengeance nor greed can withstand the power of forgiveness, and truth
reveals that there is One who has both the will and the power to forgive. Best
for ages 12-99.
Life can be hard. Really hard. But even though life may seem grandiose in
the outside world, it’s really all the same—life changes, and people change.
Since that terrible day which is now etched into her memory, Mrs. Grey knows
she has a work to do, for she is changed, forever. And she is ready for her
assignment no matter what it might be. Best for ages 12-99.
That Printer of Udell’s •
It is often when tragedy strikes that we discover our true identity. This story will
captivate you from the onset, as a tragic event sets the stage for redemption in
ways you least expect. You will find a mother with a broken heart and shattered
dreams, who clenches so tightly to what she has left that she suffocates herself
and her youngest son. Gilbert, wrought with jealousy and fear, is overcome
by Willie’s courage, sensitivity, and self-sacrifice. A great mystery surrounds
Willie’s life, and each unnerving clue brings him closer to discovering just who
he really is. Best for ages 12-99.
Harold Bell Wright, 1902
Leather Tone!
352 pages, $28.00, eBook $9.00
Has someone crossed your path recently who might have needed your help?
Were you paying attention closely enough to have noticed? This wonderful
book from Harold Bell Wright is just as relevant in this century as it was to those
to whom he was writing over 100 years ago. According to President Ronald
Reagan, “That Printer of Udell’s had an impact I shall always remember… The
term ‘role model’ was not a familiar term in that time and place. But I realize
I found a role model in that traveling printer whom Harold Bell Wright had
brought to life. He set me on a course I’ve tried to follow even unto this day. I
shall always be grateful.” Best for ages 12-99.
True to the Last •
Evelyn Everett-Green, 1885
Leather Tone!
272 pages, $25.00, eBook $9.00
It takes unwavering courage to withstand the power of peer pressure, especially
when it requires standing alone. Geoffrey’s demonstration of true friendship and
faith knows no bounds. The ridicule and taunting he endures does not prevent
him from risking his life for the safety of his “friends.” But when he must face
the ultimate challenge, will Geoffrey have the strength to remain true to the
last? Best for ages 12-99.
When You Least Expect It
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
The White Gypsy •
Annette Lyster, 1881 The Wide, Wide World •
Susan Warner, 1850 Leather Tone!
272 pages, $25.00
592 pages, $40.00
Through endless trials Ellen realizes that suffering has strengthened her faith,
bringing her closer to God and making her better able to cope with life’s
problems. The contrasts in her life, especially in the people who surround her
each day, create an inner conflict which drives Ellen to wrestle with herself,
with others, and with God. This classic novel clearly depicts the Victorian era
in the United States, and was considered to be as popular as Uncle Tom’s Cabin
and The Lamplighter. Best for ages 12-99.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
We are pleased to offer this new addition of contemplative and spiritually challenging books to our collection. Lamplighter’s
Scholar’s Collection offers books that are rare and powerful. You will discover biblical insights, inspiration, and motivation to a life of
excellence. So pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and open a book that will help silence the many voices of the day and draw you to the
very throne of grace where you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). Pocket size 3.75 x 5.75”.
Ancient Paths: Negotiating Life Wisely
J.C. Ryle, 1853
Leather Tone!
128 pages, $15.00
This book highlights common and practical themes of daily life and takes you
beneath the surface to help you discover their essential virtues. Ryle holds nothing
back with his exhortations. When reading Ryle I found myself as a man in a mirror
that led me to reflect and repent throughout my reading. May this rare copy of wise
thoughts for young men and women challenge you to take captive every thought
unto the obedience of Christ. Best for ages 12-99.
Dialogues of Fénelon
Fénelon, 1651-1715
Leather Tone!
160 pages, $15.00
This wonderful devotional will bless you with simple reminders of God’s grand
eternal truths. His gentle counsel will help you to face the stresses of the day with
a sense of joy and purpose. A simple reminder to “be content to lead a simple life
where God has placed you” may be just what you need to rise above the challenges
that God has for you today. Best for ages 12-99.
The Hidden Years of Nazareth
G. Campbell Morgan, 1898
Leather Tone!
68 pages, $15.00
Silence speaks volumes! G. Campbell Morgan takes what most would consider
a moot point and brings to life one of the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ.
Where was Jesus between the ages of twelve and thirty? Morgan’s keen eye and
discerning mind reveal not only Christ’s activities, but our responsibilities for
daily life. Discover the secret of the “silent” eighteen years. Best for ages 12-99.
A Message to Garcia Elbert Hubbard, 1899
Leather Tone
108 pages, $15.00
This famous letter advances a very important biblical principle: Initiative. “What is
Initiative? I’ll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told....” Once you
read A Message to Garcia you will understand why Elbert Hubbard’s influence
remains to this day.
Also includes The Roycroft School of Life for Boys. Best for ages 12-99.
Buy the 2016
Scholar’s Collection
Save $11
Reg. $60 Now $49
Includes 4 titles. discounts cannot be combined
39 • 1.888.246.7735
This year we had too many titles to feature them all in the catalog, and some that will soon be going out of stock. Here is a list of the rest of
our books. To read detailed descriptions, customer reviews, and more, visit our website at
The Boy Who Never Lost a Chance • $20.00
It’s All Real True
The Brave Heart Karl Jansen’s Find •
If you want to inspire your children with an entrepreneurial spirit,
balanced with service for God, this is a must-read. Best for ages 9-14.
Leo Bertram will protect his mother’s honor, as well as her few
possessions, at all costs–but little does he know how risky this venture
will be! Best for ages 9-14.
The Broken Hyacinth
, $18.00
When faced with the greatest challenge of her life, Ellen finally
understands the true meaning of friendship. Best for ages 9-14.
Caleb in the Country
To Caleb, everything is an adventure! With each new experience
come lessons in honesty, obedience, kindness, forgiveness, humility,
perseverance, and good manners. Best for ages 6-11.
The Children of Cloverly •
Hardened hearts of the English countryside melt as they come into
contact with a precious little girl whose sole desire is to honor God with
every act of her life. Best for ages 6-11.
Dr. Willy and the Fretful Squire
The Gold-Seeker’s Chasm $18.00
What better person than Dr. Willie to cure Johnny’s exasperating
propensity to fret and complain? Best for ages 9-14.
Three young men leave the security of their German homeland for
the gold mines of California. But all too soon they realize that man’s
detestable greed brings with it scattered dust and shattered dreams.
Best for ages 9-14.
The Highland Chairman •
This riveting story presents Molly, a young hunchback girl who finds
fulfillment in the love of the Shepherd. Best for ages 9-14.
Karl Jansen’s Find, filled with mystery, suspense, and uncertainty, comes
face to face with the power of revenge. Will Karl return evil for evil? Best
for ages 9-14.
Money in the Chimney $19.00
In this story we see the world through the eyes of Gracie, the laughingstock
of all the children in Jubilee Terrace. She has not a single friend to talk to
until one day a stranger brings a glimmer of light into her darkened world.
Best for ages 6-11.
My Mates and I •
This penetrating story covers the temptations that teenage guys are too
often familiar with. But it is also a story of redemption that gives us a
glimpse of God’s loving hand that is stretched out still. Best for ages 9-14.
Never Too Late
In this poignant story, Ella Rosa tenderly conveys a life-giving message
for those who are seeking - that it is never too late to find God. Best for
ages 9-14.
The Parable of the Two Millstones
The Parable of the Two Millstones illustrates just how powerful the gift of
forgiveness can be. Best for ages 9-14.
Saved at Sea•
On the lonely island the lighthouse stands. But even as they keep watch,
old Sandy Fergusson and his grandson Alick can’t prevent the raging
storms that lurk ahead. Best for ages 9-14.
The Highland Chairman is a provocative story relative to today’s
busy culture, where values are turned upside-down and priorities are
misaligned. Best for ages 9-14.
Seven Days Left •
What would you do if you knew you had only seven days left to live?
Best for ages 12-99.
Hungering and Thirsting
Stick to the Raft •
It all started with a scrap of paper fluttering in the wind along the roadside.
Kitty could read, but this verse made no sense to her. What could the
words “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst” mean for half-starved
Kitty? Best for ages 9-14.
When Hans becomes the target among jealous peers, he learns that it is not
always easy to “stick to the Raft.” Will he stick to his plans for vengeance,
or will he “Stick to the Raft?” Best for ages 9-14.
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
The Story of Charles Ogilvie
Stranger at Home •
Struck by Lightning
Tom Gillies•
Tom Watkins’ Mistake •
The Vanished Note •
Willy’s Trunk •
Worth More Than Gold •
Peer pressure has a strange way of making one ashamed of the gospel of
Christ! A startling discovery proves that the way of transgressors is hard,
and as a secret crime comes to light, Charles determines never again to scoff
at the truth. Best for ages 12-99.
The Stranger at Home, along with its accompanying stories, aptly challenges
us to reconsider our God-given roles as parents and children. Best for ages
Her mother depends on her. Her siblings need her watchful care. But Katie
is easily distracted and often wanders from her responsibilities. What will
it take for Katie to realize that her selfish choices hurt those she loves the
most? Best for ages 9-14.
The townspeople complain that the island is too small to hold troublesome
Tom Gillies. Tom is sent away to work, where he discovers the One who
can free him to live a productive life among the people of Norton Island.
Best for ages 6-11.
Tom Watkins’ Mistake realistically illustrates common temptations
encountered by young people in the workplace today. Best for ages 9-14.
In The Vanished Note we are reminded that seemingly insignificant
decisions can have a profound effect on others. So be encouraged; this
wonderful collection of short stories is sure to challenge you to finish the
course well. Best for ages 9-14.
Everyone thought the inheritance left by wealthy Mrs. Lambton would be
worth millions, but when the old trunk is opened, Willy can’t believe what
he sees! Best for ages 6-11.
Worth More Than Gold directs our attention to many a gift of God seldom
noticed. After reading this inspiring tale, you will never look at a tree, a
flower, a butterfly, a blade of grass, or even a common egg in the same way.
Best for ages 6-11.
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set. • 1.888.246.7735
Laziness & Perseverance:
Amy and Her Brothers
The Basket of Flowers
Boys of Grit Who Changed the World
Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honour
Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up
The Children of Cloverley
Clean Your Boots, Sir?
Fireside Readings Vol. 1
The Giant Killer
The Little Lamb
Little Sir Galahad
Mary Jones and Her Bible
Rosa of Linden Castle
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Stick to the Raft
Willy’s Trunk
21- $19.00
21- $22.00
p. 29- $19.00
p. 29- $19.00
p. 29- $22.00
p. 40- $22.00
p. 16- $18.00
p. 16- $19.00
p. 16- $20.00
p. 23- $19.00
p. 18- $14.00
p. 31- $19.00
p. 25- $22.00
p. 25- $19.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 26- $19.00
p. 40- $19.00
Choices & Consequences:
Charlie’s Choice
p. 22- $20.00
p. 22- $20.00
The Crew of the Dolphin
The Golden Thread
Hand on the Bridle
The Hedge of Thorns
The Highland Chairman
The Passage
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Sir Malcolm & the Missing Prince
Struck by Lightning
The Three Weavers
Tom Gillies
Tom Watkins’ Mistake
The Wanderer in Africa
What Happened to Tad
22- $15.00
35- $22.00
p. 23- $15.00
p. 40- $15.00
p. 24- $22.00
p. 25- $19.00
p. 19- $22.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 25- $13.00
p. 40- $19.00
p. 40- $18.00
p. 26- $19.00
p. 27- $18.00
p. 19- $20.00
Buried in the Snow
The Captive
The Courage of Nikolai
Daring Deeds
The Haunted Room
Resolute: In the Face of Persecution
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
Wälty and the Great Geyer The Wrestler of Philippi
Zuma and the Secret of Peru
21- $18.00
21- $15.00
p. 22- $19.00
p. 30- $18.00
p. 35- $26.00
p. 36- $38.00
p. 32- $20.00
p. 37- $25.00
p. 32- $24.00
p. 27- $19.00
p. 33- $26.00
p. 33- $19.00
Obedience & Boundaries:
The Hedge of Thorns
Little Threads
Ned Franks
Probable Sons
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
The Stranger at Home
The Wanderer in Africa
23- $15.00
p. 18- $19.00
p. 37- $26.00
p. 19- $18.00
p. 25- $19.00
p. 40- $19.00
p. 27- $18.00
Peer Pressure:
Hand on the Bridle
Helen’s Temper
The Highland Chairman
Karl Jansen’s Find
My Mates and I
Phil Tyler
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Sir Malcolm & The Missing Prince
Stick to the Raft
Teddy’s Button
Tom Gillies
True to the Last
The White Gypsy
The White Knights
35- $22.00
17- $18.00
p. 40- $15.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 40- $20.00
p. 24- $19.00
p. 25- $19.00
p. 19- $22.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 19- $19.00
p. 40- $19.00
p. 38- $25.00
p. 38- $25.00
p. 27- $20.00
Comprehension quizzes available for titles marked with a
Pride & Willfulness:
The Battle
p. 15- $20.00
35- $30.00
16- $20.00
p. 35- $34.00
p. 23- $14.00
p. 40- $19.00
p. 19- $20.00
p. 37- $25.00
Cobwebs and Cables
The Giant Killer
The Hidden Hand
The Mansion
The Stranger at Home
What Happened to Tad
Pride and His Prisoners
Buried in the Snow
The Children of Cloverley
Christie’s Old Organ Fireside Readings (Vol. 1 & 2)
Glaucia, the Greek Slave
Helen’s Temper
Jessica’s First Prayer Joel: A Boy of Galilee Me and Nobbles
My Mates and I
The Passage
A Peep Behind the Scenes
The Pilgrim’s Call
A ’Strordinary Little Maid
Teddy’s Button
Tom Watkins’ Mistake p.
21- $18.00
40- $22.00
p. 15- $19.00
p. 16- $19.00, $18.00
p. 30- $25.00
p. 17- $18.00
p. 17- $15.00
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p. 18- $22.00
p. 40- $20.00
p. 24- $22.00
p. 24- $23.00
p. 24- $25.00
p. 20- $19.00
p. 19- $19.00
p. 40- $18.00
The Giant Killer
Helen’s Temper
Karl Jansen’s Find
The Lamplighter
Throw Me Overboard
Trapped Beneath the Surface
What Happened to Tad
The Wide, Wide World
Willy’s Trunk
16- $20.00
17- $18.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 36- $25.00
p. 26- $15.00
p. 26- $21.00
p. 19- $20.00
p. 38- $40.00
p. 40- $19.00
Selflessness & Selfishness:
The Battle
p. 15- $20.00
The Children of Cloverley
Comfortable Troubles
Frozen Fire
Joseph’s Shield
The Lost Clue
Rosa of Linden Castle
Saved by Love
Triumph over Midian The White Dove
The White Knights
Zuma and the Secret of Peru
40- $22.00
22- $24.00
p. 30- $19.00
p. 17- $18.00
p. 36- $26.00
p. 25- $22.00
p. 25- $17.00
p. 33- $26.00
p. 19- $14.00
p. 27- $20.00
p. 33- $19.00
Amy and Her Brothers
The Battle
The Giant Killer
Helen’s Temper
Little Threads
The Little Woodsman
Struck by Lightning
Teddy’s Button p.
Sibling Rivalry:
21- $19.00
15- $20.00
p. 16- $20.00
p. 17- $18.00
p. 18- $19.00
p. 18- $15.00
p. 40- $17.00
p. 19- $19.00
Virtue & Purity:
The Basket of Flowers
p. 21- $22.00
The House of Love
p. 23- $24.00
Ishmael p. 36- $38.00
The Lamplighter
p. 36- $25.00
The Lost Clue
p. 36- $26.00
The Orphan Queen
p. 24- $16.00
Self-Raised p. 37- $30.00
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
p. 37- $25.00
That Printer of Udell’s
p. 38- $28.00
The Three Weavers
p. 25- $13.00
• . Each quiz is available as a digital download for $3.00, or see page 45 for a complete set.
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‘Best For’ Collection
selected for you!
The ‘Best For’ Collections are designed for those individuals who have seen this fascinating collection of
books and wondered which books would be best for their children. We have selected an array of stories
for each age group to give you just a taste of what Lamplighter books are all about.
For ages 6-11, you will find stories about boys and girls who are inquisitive, challenging, sensitive, temperamental,
forgiving and unpredictable. Just like children today, a gamut of personalities and escapades are bursting in one big package!
Enjoy reading these stories as a family and build happy memories together.
For ages 9-14, the stories are full of adventure and suspense. The characters—witty, determined, impulsive, and even
reckless—are also given to compassion, courage, and unconditional love. This collection is sure to have you coming back for
more. This introduction to Lamplighter stories is ideal for exciting family reading or personal enjoyment.
For ages 12-99, you’ll be immersed in some of the richest and most profoundly captivating literature you’ve ever
read! Intense inner conflict and turmoil lay the foundation for great tension, expectation, and ultimately, hope. We are confident
that this collection of novels will be the inspiration for greatness and the impetus for change.
42 • 1.888.246.7735
Best for Ages 9-14
Best for ages 6-11
Basil; Or, Honesty and Industry
The Bird’s Nest
Christie’s Old Organ The Giant Killer
Helen’s Temper
Jack the Conqueror
Jessica’s First Prayer
Jill’s Red Bag
Joseph’s Shield
Little Sir Galahad
Little Threads
Probable Sons
Teddy’s Button
The White Dove
Basket of Flowers
The Golden Thread
The Hedge of Thorns
The Little Lamb
My Golden Ship
Hand on the Bridle
The Orphan Queen
A Peep Behind the Scenes
Rising to the Top
The Robbers’ Cave
Rosa of Linden Castle
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost
Trapped Beneath the Surface
The White Knights
Best for Ages 12-99
The Captive
Comfortable Troubles
The Crew of the Dolphin
Falsely Accused
The Hidden Hand
The Lamplighter
The Lost Clue
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Through the Linn
The White Gypsy
Best for ages 6-11
Best for ages 9-14
Best for ages 12-99
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God as Father approaches His children with a greater degree of
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Friendly Dragons, Moral Nightmares
The Battle for your Child’s Imagination
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Mark Buchanan
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life abundant. This is truly a liberating book!
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he promised (Romans 4:20), Mark loves to make the Bible come alive
as real life practical insights are woven together to give the listener a
vicarious experience of God’s redemptive power. Set includes 3 volumes,
18 seminars total.
PDF download $199.00
Purchase all the Lamplighter Quizzes for $199, almost $150 dollars in savings
from buying each individually! A Lamplighter quiz evaluates a child’s reading
comprehension and discernment of character development. In each quiz, ten multiplechoice questions prompt students to recall factual information from the stories and
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Lamplighter Collection. Includes 115 quizzes.
Volume I:
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Life-Transforming Literature
The Angry Parent, Child, and Teen
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Let God’s Creatures Be the Teachers
Image is Everything
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Laziness: There’s a Lion Outside
The Eighth Blessing
The Education of a Child
Lord Help Me!
Uniquely Used of God
The Triumphant Teen
Volume III:
Relief or Cure?
Removing the Mountains of Offense
Set Your House in Order
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Four Styles of Parenting
Character to the Core
Also Available:
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N ew I n 2015
The Alabaster Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 35
The Captain’s Sword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 15
Little Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 18
The Locked Cupboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 36
Ned Franks; the One-Armed Sailor. . . p. 37
Phil Tyler’s Stand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 24
Pride and His Prisoners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 37
A ’Strordinary Little Maid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19
Linn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 26
Trusty Faces His Fear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10
Buy the
New Release Collection
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10 titles. discounts cannot be combined
L a m pl ight er T heat re
Basket of Flowers, The.....................................................................5
Boy of Mount Rhigi, The..................................................................5
Buried in the Snow............................................................................5
Candle in the Window, The...............................................................5
Captive, The......................................................................................5
Charlie’s Choice................................................................................5
Frozen Fire........................................................................................6
Hedge of Thorns, The.......................................................................6
Jessica’s Journey...............................................................................6
Peep Behind the Scenes, A................................................................6
Robbers’ Cave, The ..........................................................................6
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way........................................................6
Sir Malcolm & the Missing Prince...................................................7
Teddy’s Button..................................................................................7
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross..........................................................7
Unexpected Return, The...................................................................7
Wanderer, The...................................................................................7
White Gypsy, The.............................................................................7
Y o u A re T here
Bible Stories for Little Ears NT........................................................8
Bible Stories for Little Ears OT........................................................8
Jesus’ Miracles..................................................................................9
Moses I..............................................................................................9
Moses II............................................................................................9
Noah .................................................................................................9
Alabaster Box..................................................................................35
Amy and Her Brothers....................................................................21
Ancient Paths..................................................................................39
Basket of Flowers, The...................................................................21
Battle, The.......................................................................................15
Beggar’s Blessing, The...................................................................12
Bird’s Nest, The..............................................................................15
Bohemian Bravery..........................................................................29
Boy of Mount Rhigi, The................................................................21
Boy Who Never Lost a Chance, The..............................................40
Boys of Grit Who Became Men of Honour....................................29
Boys of Grit Who Changed the World............................................29
Boys of Grit Who Never Gave Up..................................................29
Brave Heart, The.............................................................................40
Broken Hyacinth, The.....................................................................40
Buried in the Snow..........................................................................21
Caleb in the Country.......................................................................40
Candle in the Window, The.............................................................21
Captain’s Sword, The......................................................................15
Captive, The....................................................................................21
Challenge at Runaway Brook.........................................................15
Charlie’s Choice..............................................................................22
Children of Cloverley, The..............................................................40
Christie, the King’s Servant............................................................22
Christie’s Old Organ .....................................................................15
Clean Your Boots, Sir?....................................................................16
Cobwebs and Cables.......................................................................35
Comfortable Troubles.....................................................................22
Courage of Nikolai, The.................................................................22
Crew of the Dolphin, The...............................................................22
Cross Triumphant, The....................................................................30
Daring Deeds..................................................................................30
Dashed to Pieces.............................................................................30
Dialogues of Fénelon, The..............................................................39
Dr. Willie and the Fretful Squire.....................................................40
Duties of Parents, The.....................................................................44
Education of a Child, The...............................................................44
Exiles in Babylon............................................................................33
Faithful, But Not Famous...............................................................30
Falsely Accused in the High Sierras...............................................35
Families Where Grace is in Place...................................................44
Fire in the Sky.................................................................................16
Fireside Readings Vol. I..................................................................16 • 1.888.246.7735
Fireside Readings Vol. II.................................................................16
Fireside Readings Vol. III...............................................................16
Friendly Dragons, Moral Nightmares.............................................44
Frozen Fire......................................................................................30
Giant Killer, The.............................................................................16
Glaucia, the Greek Slave.................................................................30
God’s Wisdom For Little Boys.......................................................13
God’s Wisdom for Little Girls........................................................13
Gold-Seeker’s Chasm, The.............................................................40
Golden Thread, The........................................................................22
Grinder’s Apprentice, The...............................................................23
Hand on the Bridle..........................................................................35
Haunted Room, The........................................................................35
Hebrew Heroes ...............................................................................31
Hedge of Thorns, The.....................................................................23
Hedge of Thorns, Illustrated, The...................................................12
Helen’s Temper...............................................................................17
Herdsman of Dambach, The...........................................................31
Hidden Hand, The...........................................................................35
Hidden Years of Nazareth, The.......................................................39
Highland Chairman, The.................................................................40
House of Love, The .......................................................................23
Hungering and Thirsting.................................................................40
Inheritance, The..............................................................................17
It’s All Real True.............................................................................40
Jack the Conqueror.........................................................................17
Jessica’s First Prayer.......................................................................17
Jill’s Red Bag..................................................................................17
Joel: A Boy of Galilee.....................................................................31
John Ploughman’s Talk...................................................................36
Joseph’s Shield................................................................................17
Karl Jansen’s Find...........................................................................40
Kings Gold, The..............................................................................36
Lamplighter, The.............................................................................36
Let Go.............................................................................................44
Light in the Darkness......................................................................31
Little Faith.......................................................................................18
Little King Davie............................................................................18
Little Lamb, The.............................................................................23
Little Preacher, The........................................................................18
Little Sir Galahad............................................................................18
Little Threads..................................................................................18
Little Woodsman, The.....................................................................18
Locked Cupboard, The....................................................................36
Lost Clue, The.................................................................................36
Lost Pearle, A..................................................................................37
Lost Ruby, The................................................................................31
Mansion, The..................................................................................23
Mary Jones and Her Bible...............................................................23
Me and Nobbles..............................................................................18
Meaning of Marriage, The..............................................................44
Message to Garcia, A......................................................................39
Money in the Chimney....................................................................40
Mothers of Famous Men.................................................................32
My Golden Ship..............................................................................23
My Mates and I...............................................................................40
Ned Franks......................................................................................37
Never Too Late................................................................................40
Old Worcester Jug...........................................................................18
Orphan Queen, The........................................................................24
Parable of the Two Millstones, The................................................40
Passage, The ...................................................................................24
Peep Behind the Scenes, A..............................................................24
Phil Tyler’s Stand............................................................................24
Pilgrim’s Call, The..........................................................................24
Pillar of Fire, The............................................................................32
Pride and His Prisoners...................................................................37
Prisoners of the Sea.........................................................................32
Probable Sons.................................................................................19
Puzzling Pair, A...............................................................................19
Raising a Modern-Day Knight........................................................44
Rescued from Egypt........................................................................33
Resolute: In the Face of Persecution...............................................32
Rest of God, The.............................................................................44
Rising to the Top.............................................................................24
Robbers’ Cave, The.........................................................................25
Rosa of Linden Castle.....................................................................25
Sanji’s Seed.....................................................................................13
Saved at Sea....................................................................................40
Saved by Love.................................................................................25
Schmid’s Tales: The Unexpected Guest..........................................25
Seven Days Left..............................................................................40
Shepherd of Bethlehem, The...........................................................33
Shipwrecked, But Not Lost.............................................................25
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way .....................................................37
Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince...............................................19
Spanish Brothers, The.....................................................................32
Stepping Heavenward ....................................................................37
Stick to the Raft .............................................................................40
Story of Charles Ogilvie, The.........................................................40
Stranger at Home, The....................................................................40
‘Strordinary Little Maid, A.............................................................19
Struck by Lightning........................................................................40
Sweet Revenge................................................................................38
Tales of the Kingdom......................................................................45
Tales of the Resistance....................................................................45
Tales of the Restoration..................................................................45
Teddy’s Button................................................................................19
Teddy’s Button, Illustrated..............................................................12
That Printer of Udell’s....................................................................38
Three Weavers, The........................................................................25
Three Weavers, Illustrated, The......................................................12
Through the Linn............................................................................26
Throw Me Overboard.....................................................................26
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross........................................................32
Tom Gillies......................................................................................40
Tom Watkins’ Mistake....................................................................40
Trapped Beneath the Surface..........................................................26
Triumph over Midian......................................................................33
True Princess, The...........................................................................13
True Stories of Great Americans for Young Americans..................32
True to the Last...............................................................................38
Trusty Faces His Fear.....................................................................10
Trusty Gets Off Track.....................................................................11
Trusty and Ingrid Fibster.................................................................11
Trusty Meets Bully Blare................................................................11
Trusty, Tried & True........................................................................11
Trusty Tries to Fly...........................................................................10
Under the Earth...............................................................................26
Untamed Thistles............................................................................26
Vanished Note, The .......................................................................40
Wälty and the Great Geyer.............................................................27
Wanderer in Africa, The .................................................................27
What Happened to Tad....................................................................19
When You Least Expect It..............................................................38
White Dove, The ............................................................................19
White Gypsy, The...........................................................................38
White Knights, The .......................................................................27
Wide, Wide World, The ..................................................................38
Willy’s Trunk..................................................................................40
Winter’s Folly.................................................................................40
Worth More Than Gold...................................................................40
Wrestler of Philippi, The.................................................................33
Zuma and the Secret of Peru...........................................................33
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