54 - Objection about Rent Rise, Whitmore Reans Community Centre
54 - Objection about Rent Rise, Whitmore Reans Community Centre
Agenda Item: Wolverhampton City Council OPEN DECISION NOTICE Portfolio(s) COUNCILLOR S SIMKINS / LEISURE & CULTURE Originating Service Group(s) ADULTS & COMMUNITY Contact Officer(s)/ R WELCH EXT 2162 Telephone Number(s) Title 7 PETITION OPPOSING THE INCREASE IN HIRE CHARGES AT DUNSTALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Recommendation Committee is requested to support the proposed price increases at Dunstall Community Centre for the following reasons: 1. The current pricing policy is inconsistent with prices charged at other community centres within the city. 2. The proposed charges are a compromise, which has been reached by holding a series of consultation meetings with Whitmore Reans Community Association committee members. 3. An increase in charges is requested to offset some of the running costs for the site, enabling the building and the community association to become more self sustainable in the long term. 1. Purpose of Report 1.1 To respond to the petition opposing an increase in hire charges at Dunstall Community Centre. 2. Background 2.1 As part of the citywide community centre review, a consultation exercise was carried out at Dunstall Community Centre on 9 December 2009 with the purpose of gauging local opinion of users and non-users on current provision within their neighbourhood, whilst exploring future options for the site. 2.2 A number of issues were fed back to officers at the consultation session, including concern over the existing booking process, access issues and a lack of transparency on the part of the resident community association (see Appendix 1). Consequently, Cabinet on 24 February 2010 endorsed the recommendation for the Council to take responsibility for bookings and associated income in the short term, whilst working with the community association in the medium to long term to review its infrastructure and future role at the site. 2.3 In April 2010, officers began work with the community association to arrange the handover of the site from the association to the Council. Supplementary work was undertaken to develop an action plan to enable the community association to further develop its infrastructure and regain booking responsibilities for the site. 2.4 During this period, a review was undertaken of the centre’s pricing policy by Council officers and it was identified that prices charged at Dunstall Community Centre were significantly lower than those charged at other community centres in the city. Similarly, it was also identified that some user groups were not paying anything in return for the hire of the room, which is a concern in insurance terms. In addition, the Asset Information Pack has identified that Dunstall Community Centre is one of the more expensive sites in terms of running costs and this may be partly attributable to the size of the building. Consequently, it was proposed that a revised pricing policy would be implemented to fall in line with other Council controlled community centres. 2.5 The revised pricing proposal was discussed with executive committee members before being presented to the wider community association committee on 25 September 2010. Executive members reported that this proposal had been rejected by the community association on the grounds that the percentage rise would be too great for some groups to afford. Consequently, officers submitted a further revised pricing structure in October 2010 that reflected a mid point charge between the existing pricing policy and that of the hire charge adopted by other Council controlled community centres. It was proposed that this new arrangement be implemented by January 2011. However, this was once again rejected and a petition was received in December 2010. 3. Petition Details 3.1 A public petition of 220 names opposing the increase in hire charges at Dunstall Community Centre was received by Adults & Community on 8 December 2010. 3.2 Officers and a Ward Member had been in discussions with the lead petitioner several months prior to receipt of the petition, where the rationale for an increase in hire charges was explained and negotiations have been ongoing. 4. Financial Implications 4.1 Appendix 2 details the current pricing structure, a mid point pricing charge for 2011 and a full cost pricing policy for 2012 (which is consistent with prices charges elsewhere in the city). 4.2 It is estimated that the full year effect of not increasing hire charges would total between £1,500 and £2,000 in 2011 and between £2,500 and £3,000 in 2012. [CS/05012011/M] 5. Legal Implications 5.1 There are no direct legal implications associated with this report. [JH/05012011/N] 6. Equal Opportunities Implications 6.1 The centre is used by a wide variety of local people and user groups. The revised pricing policy gives the flexibility to charge reasonable rates to each category of users, whilst giving the opportunity to achieve part cost recovery for the centre in the longer term. 7. Environmental Implications 7.1 There are no environmental implications associated with this report. APPENDIX 1: FEEDBACK FROM CONSULTATION SESSION ON 9 DECEMBER 2009 Option 3 - Wolverhampton City Council to take full management control regarding the future operation of the site • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Concern about how the committee is managing the centre No thanks I want this centre to run by the existing way Community centre using fantastic by local community people man and woman, they need computer facility Problems getting bookings Want Wolverhampton Council to take control Main reason for choosing this option is to ensure fair booking procedure is followed by the Council. The current CA are biased. Booking the hall can take too long and the CA are not helpful I would like it to be under Council Confusion about how to book Inexperienced officers resulting in mis-management Yes, council take back control, last few years have been a mess (have spoken to Eileen regarding this in the past) Moneys spent on trips and parties Mr D*** is good, Mr P*** nobody wants him, he swears! New management structure with women on it Want Wolverhampton City Council to manage Option 3 – Council will take off will be good, Council will run in good ways Somebody better to run the centre I feel that the Council should run it because they would be more professional Council should take responsibility Wolverhampton City Council should take full responsibilities for all the future development of this site. Everybody would be happy for the Council to take over I am not in favour of that the centre should be run or control by the Wolverhampton City Council by the full management I feel this will serve to disempower community and will lead to reduction of involvement/ownership CA should pay some money out of their fund for the council. We should think about electric and gas savings. We should reduce the money which is spent on CA members. If the centre is busy there will be less vandalism. Will be fairer! YES better make up of the committee Would prefer option 3 clear management and more transparencies of policies and procedures New committee needs more encouragement, centre useful community resource. APPENDIX 2: DUNSTALL HILL COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED PRICING POLICY CURRENT Community Private 2011 Commercial Community 2012 Private Commercial Community Private Commercial Hall £2.50 per session £20.00 per hour £40.00 per hour £6.25 per session £25.00 per hour £50.00 per hour £10.00 per session £30.00 per hour £60.00 per hour Back Hall £1.50 per session £10.00 per hour £20.00 per hour £3.75 per session £12.50 per hour £25.00 per hour £6.00 per session £15.00 per hour £30.00 per hour Meeting Room £0.50 per session £3.00 per hour £7.00 per hour £1.75 per session £5.00 per hour £8.50 per hour £3.00 per session £7.00 per hour £10.00 per hour £1.00 ps per partition £3.00 ph per partition £7.00 ph per partition £2.00 ps per partition £5.25 ph per partition £11.00 ph per partition £3.00 ps per partition £7.50 ph per partition £15.00 ph per partition Back Hall (x 2 partitions) Kitchen Free only with halls Funerals £20.00 per hour Weekend Letting Fees Community Groups £7.00 Children’s Parties £15.00 Adult’s Parties £30.00 (To be applied to religious groups other than for community activities) Commercial £40.00 (Party bookings - £150.00 deposit)