September, 2013 - Fremont Art Association
September, 2013 - Fremont Art Association
FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION the V0L 33 NO 9 LOCAL Color SEPTEMBER GUEST ARTIST CRITIQUE -- JAN SCHAFIR Wednesday, September 4 - 7-9 p.m. Jan Says: Life is a learning process including the things we do daily. Hopefully we improve each time we do something including our exercises in creativity. This includes music and art. Luckily from the first lessons I had with my teacher/mentor, Jade Fon, I was encouraged to put my paintings on display for critiques. At first I was hesitant and embarrassed showing my attempts along with more advanced artists. I decided that by displaying my work was the only way I was going to be able to learn. I thought each new painting was a masterpiece, and indeed it was, for the level of learning I was at, at that particular time. My teacher told us that you may do one out of ten paintings at first that you really like, then the ratio increases with practice. By watching the work of other students, and listening to the critiques, soon I was able to apply the principles of design, color and technique to my own paintings. Fortunately with modern technology there are many websites where an artist can view and even enter their own paintings for critique. I have been invited to give critiques in a soon to be published on -line magazine, and will tell you more about that at the meeting. Wednesday evening September 4, I have been invited, and will facilitate a critique of works artists are finished or working on from 7-9 p.m. Please bring in as many paintings, photography, clay-work, etc. as you like for this fun, informative meeting. They do not have to be framed, but watercolors always “present “ better if matted. If you have any questions in advance, please call me on my cell phone, 510-409-2836 Looking forward to seeing you. Jan Schafir. SEPTEMBER 2013 ART ASSOCIATION SPONSORS NILES ROTARY FREMONT CULTURAL ART COUNCIL Business Sponsors Bronco Billy’s Pizza Palace 37661 Niles Blvd. Dine in – Take out-‐ Delivery Phone: 510-‐792-‐1070 Millennium Framing & Art Gallery 7321 Thornton Ave., Newark, CA 510-‐378-‐4120 Hinman’s Evergreen Garage 3519 San Felipe Rd., San Jose, CA email: [email protected] 408-‐274-‐0809 Rudy Ramos, Guitarist Lessons – Special Occasions 510-‐755-‐8821 Felardo Construction 1684 Decoto Rd., #303 Union City, CA ConstrucUon – Repairs 510-‐750-‐2726 [email protected] Jim Block, DDS Mowry Ave., Fremont Suite 115 Joe’s Corner – Italian Deli In Historic Niles 37713 Niles Blvd., Fremont, CA 510-‐896-‐8025 Missions Mane Attraction Hair Design Mission Blvd., Fremont Janice Driscol, EA 37782 Second St., Fremont, CA 610.818-‐0462 Padgett- The Small Business Pros 4075 Papazian Way Sute 106 Fremont, CA 94538 510.440-‐1040 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 News From the Gallery Message from Acting President Irene Marshall Dear Members of the FAA The word “ideas” has many meanings; it can be a thought, an opinion, or a view. One thing I do know is that when a diverse group of people come together and exchange ideas, marvelous things can happen. The Fremont Art AssociaCons’ membership is made up of a diverse group of very talented people with many wonderful ideas: ideas that would bring a more diverse style or art to the Gallery, ideas for more classes and workshops, ideas that would involve the community. Our ideas can take us to where we want to be. To be the Art AssociaCon to end all Art AssociaCons, to be the Gallery everyone want to visit, to be the Gallery where everyone wants to hang their art. Let’s make it the place to be in Niles! We have the potenCal, we have the place, we have the talent and we have a great start. Now we need acCvism on everyone’s part! It can be as simple as your idea or a few hours of your Cme, and the benefit would come back two-‐ fold when we accomplish what we set out to do. Remember, we have the Fine Art Show coming up. It would be a great place for everyone to start. Enter your art! Volunteer to help! If you have an idea contact Mary Bobik or Therese Ely! SEPTEMBER 2013 As of July 1st, three members stepped up to be the Gallery Directors for the rest of this calendar year: Donna Arrillaga, Mary Bobik, and Barbara Cronin. We have met several Cmes and have as our goal to keep the gallery running smoothly and to make things look inviCng to potenCal customers. You may see that we have made a few changes in where things are in the gallery (especially behind the desk) or how things are done. We hope that these changes are not causing confusion or if so, at least a very liZle confusion unCl everyone learns where things are. As we have talked, the three of us realized that we don’t need to direct members very much in this organizaCon. We are fortunate because so many of you are quite willing to help out and be part of what is going on when you are asked, and o]en without being asked. You just step up when something needs to be done. For that, we are very grateful. We appreciate your help and your suggesCons. If you have quesCons, please feel free to contact any of us. Gallery Directors: Donna Arrillaga Mary Bobik Barbara Cronin BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BUSINESS NAME ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ TYPE OF BUSINESS _________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________ WEBSITE _____________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON __________________________________________________ Business Membership is $200 per year, from the month you join. Business name and/or logo will be included in the Fremont Art Association’s monthly newsletter, “Local Color” under Support Our Business Members. Business name and/or logo and a link to your website will be featured on our website: Please include your business card or logo. Fremont Art Association Members thank you. Contact person at Fremont Art Association: Jaci Daskarolis 510-‐657-‐7592 PAGE 2 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 FINE ART SHOW IS COMING! By now all of you should be spending the long summer hours creaCng your best works for our 48th Annual Juried Fine Art Show! This year there are a few changes with the goal of presenCng a balanced exhibit. Carolyn Lord will jury the fine art division and Ian Bornarth will jury the photography division. Also note that you may enter as many pieces as you like in any division or category, but that only a maximum of 3 pieces will be accepted in any category. Please have your registraCon forms in by September 13, 2013. Much goes on behind-‐the-‐scenes to get a large show ready, and receiving of art is so much more efficient with fewer last minute changes. Please look at your calendar now. We can use help in staffing the receiving desk on September 23 and installing the show on Sept. 25 (some step-‐ladder work). Let your arCst friends know that this show is open to FAA members and non-‐members alike! It's always exciCng to bring in fresh work to our gallery. Thank you for your support! Mary and Therese A Few Words On Framing Your Art Our 48th Annual Fine Art Show is coming soon! Your art will be received at our gallery on September 23, 2013, from 1:00 pm to 8:00 p.m. We ask that you bring pre-‐registered, framed (2-‐D work), cleaned, and labeled pieces to be juried. This is a quick review so that your work will show at its best for both compeCCon and sales. Any artwork on a paper support needs protecCon from the environment. These pieces include watercolor and gouache, charcoal, pastels, graphics, and photography. A piece of glazing(glass or plexiglass) protects the surface of the artwork. UV-‐clear glass is the best choice, but pricey. Clear glass is fine; plexiglass is a good choice where weight is a concern. Non-‐glare glass is not desirable as it blurs and distorts viewing the artwork. Many ar+sts choose to put a mat around their work to enhance the piece and provide space between the art and glazing. Be sure the ma?ng material used is archival. That means choosing products free of acids and bleaches that can off-‐gas over Cme; discolor; and damage artwork. Majng a pastel requires addiConal aZenCon as parCcles of pastel dust can soil a mat. Mats for a pastel are cut with a reverse bevel. Extra spacing between the art and mat allows pastel dust to drop into a channel unseen from the front. Any work on paper will likely need a solid back support. Choose archival materials here, too, as it will come into contact with the piece. Finally, a dust cover keeps the materials clean and protected from insects. This cover piece can just be cra] paper glued to the frame with a conCnuous glue bead, and trimmed neatly. (conCnued on Page 4) PAGE 3 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Continued from page 3 Oil pain(ngs and acrylics on paper or museum board may need addi(onal back support. Although the art surface is protected by the cured oil or acrylic, the back side s(ll needs a dust cover. (Ar(sts using oil paints on paper-‐type supports should be sealing the surface with gesso before beginning to paint). Stretched canvas works need to breathe, so a backing in contact with the canvas is not used. However, many galleries require a dust cover to keep the art clean and present well to clients. If a stretched canvas is not framed, the wrapped sides must be painted. Con(nue the pain(ng right around the top, sides, and boEom rather than pain(ng black strips. It is also important to properly wire artwork for hanging. No sawtooth hangers, please! Here in Fremont our gallery is nestled between two earthquake faults. Sawtooth hangers allow work to fall from the wall with very liEle effort. Protruding screw-‐eyes are also unacceptable as they can damage walls and other artwork. Use flat D-‐rings or similar that hugs the frame. These should be mounted 1/3 of the frame height down from the top of the frame. Wire needs to be strong enough to support heavy pieces. Please tape the ends of the wire to protect those handling the art and hanging the show. The high point of the wire (where it hangs from the wall hook) should be 3” from the top of the frame. Lastly, be sure to clearly label your pain(ng with (tle, medium, ar(st name, price, etc. Many shows issue very specific requirements as to where to place a label and what informa(on they want. If an ar(st does not comply, it can even be grounds for work being rejected. A big thank you to our neighbor, John Agg of ZYT Gallery, for his framing advice. His custom framing gallery is at 37679 Niles Blvd. If framing seems to be too much a`er the process of crea(ng your masterpiece, he will be glad to work with you, selec(ng the products that best compliment your art. Therese Ely ARTISTIC NOTE: If you are interested in showing your work in a 2014 quarterly showcase, the FAA boards will be reviewing and selec(ng ar(sts at the September board mee(ng. Having your work selected and highlighted in our gallery is a privilege open to our members. If you are interested, please bring the following: Ar(st Bio 3 OR 4 pieces representa(ve of your proposed showcase The September 3, 2013 board mee(ng will be at the gallery at 7:00 pm. If you have ques-ons, please call me at 510 796-‐8405. Thank you, Therese Ely PAGE 4 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION FAA Highlights P l e a s a n t o n held a street fair the first Wednesday of the month during the s u m m e r . E m e l i e R o g e r s p r e s e n t e d some of her latest efforts at that fair in Pleasanton. Niles Canyon Ar;sans also held a display outside of Studio Seven Gallery on Main Street, Wed., August 7th. It was an evening filled with great art, food, music in a congenial atmosphere. Hope you can stop by and enjoy the evening. AHached is a picture of a previous Wednesday. VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 be provided for the ar(st’s when they return for the recep(on and exhibit. If you have restric(ons or can’t wait you should make sure to have a bag lunch and drinking water for the day. Hats and umbrellas are encouraged. All par(cipants must be at least 18 years old. Pre-‐registra(on is encouraged, with a mail-‐in registra(on deadline of September 12, 2013 in order to be included on the event poster. Registra(on applica(ons and rules can be picked up at the FAA Gallery, at 37697 Niles Blvd., Fremont, CA. or from their website www.FremontArtAssocia( We hope ar(sts from all over The Bay Area will join us for our 6th annual Plein Air Paint Out sponsored jointly by the Fremont Art Associa(on, Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, Olive Hyde Art Guild, Fremont Cultural Arts Council and Mission Coffee Roas(ng Company. Mark your calendar and plan to par(cipate in this fun event. For more informa(on call Robyn at (510) 656-‐4939 Sixth Annual Plein Art Paint Out In its efforts to promote art in the community, the Fremont Art Associa(on will hold a one day Plein Air Paint Out at the Dominican Sisters 26 acre estate behind Mission San Jose at 43326 Mission Blvd., in Fremont, CA. on Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Ar(sts will paint un(l 2:00 PM, followed by an exhibit and recep(on in the courtyard from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. The public is welcome. The event is being cosponsored by The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, Olive Hyde Art Guild, the Fremont Cultural Arts Council, and Mission Coffee Roas(ng Company, who will provide coffee and mini-‐pastries for the ar(sts at registra(on (me. It will be open to both FAA members and non-‐members, with members paying a $15.00 entry fee and non-members paying $25.00. For non-‐members this will also include full membership in the Fremont Art Associa(on through the end of the year. All 2-‐ dimensional mediums will be accepted, to include oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels and mixed media. Ar(sts should bring all their supplies needed to paint, including an easel and chair if needed. A late lunch will PAGE 5 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION OFFICERS & CHAIRS 2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD President - Irene Marshall President - VACANT Secretary- Mary Bobik Treasurer – Lucinda Bender Gallery Director – Mary Bobik, Donna Arrillaga, & Barbara Cronin Program Chair - Therese Ely Showcase Chair - Therese Ely Publicity Chair -Marian Stevens Property& Equipment - Gene Arrillaga Fremont Cultural Arts Council Liaison - Mary Bobik Membership Chair - Carol Ramos Local Color Editor - Florence Stronck Workshop/Classes Chair - VACANT Ways & Means - Jaci Daskarolis CHAIRS Art Review Board/liaison - Jacline Deridder Artist of the Month Chair - Carol Ramos Calendar Chair - Sheryl Klingenfuss Digital Photo Club - Cooksey Talbott FAAPA/EBOP Chair- Robyn Leimer Fine Art Show Chair - Mary Bobik & Therese Ely Gallery Quarterly Receiving Chair - Irene Marshall Historian - Grace Rankin Holiday Boutique - VACANT Hospitality/Reception - Donna Arrillaga Life Drawing Chair - Robyn Leimer Main Street Association Liaison- Barbara Cronin Open Studios Chair - VACANT Plein Air Paint out Chair -Robyn Leimer Regan’s Garden Show Chair - Simone Archer Sunshine - Ann-Marie Haley Tuesday Painters - Donna Arrillaga Webmaster - Rodger Spedowfski VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 Classes & Workshops JAN SCHAFIR'S WATERCOLOR CLASSES: Fall, 2013 Jan would like to welcome you to her classes in watercolor painting and drawing. They will be held at her studio/Coop at 38215 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA. 510- 791-9290. Home, 510-797-2836. Cell 510 409-2836 Email: [email protected]. FOLLOWING ARE A LIST OF MY CLASSES continuing from SEPTEMBER 2013 MONDAYS: ( 10- 1:30 ) Sept. 9, Sept 23, 21, Nov. 4 Nov. 18. Dec 2, Dec. 16. SATURDAYS: ( 9-12. ) Sept. 7, Nov. 2, Nov. 16, Dec. 7. Oct. 7, Oct Sept 21, Oct 5. Oct 19, FEE: $85 . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE FOR SIX LESSONS. Classes are bi-weekly and continuous, but students may mix Saturday and Monday classes for convenience. Attendance does not have to be consecutive, but please try to use the six classes within six months. New students may begin at any time. Classes are also available including supplies for an additional There will be no cash refunds. Jan Schafir Watercolor, Mondays, every other week in Fall, 2013 charge. Dmitry Grudsky - Oil, watercolor, acrylic, drawing 791-9290 Call Therese Ely - Children, Watercolor and printmaking Call 791-9290 Ann-Marie Haley Call:510-489-7396 or Studio 491-9290. Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs. Drawing & watercolor. Wed & Fri 3:45 p.m. Central Fremont area. Joann Stager call: 510-461-8249 or 792-8431: Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs. Drawing & watercolor. Sunday: 9 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Irvington area. Also, Newark area call for t i m e s . Jan Small - Monday Afternoons 3:30-4:30 for Adults and evenings 7 - 8; Tues Afternoons, 3:30-4:30 for Children; Classes are $15 each payable by the month. Classes are held in Jan Small’s studio at 40167 Blanchard St., Fremont Phone: 510-656-1844 or email: [email protected] Gallery Workshops: Life Drawing Sessions every second Thursday evening $15$20 per person, depending on number of participants. ******** To c o n t a c t L o c a l C o l o r E d i t o r : s e n d e m a i l t o [email protected]. Please submit your information/ pictures, etc. by the 10th of the month preceding that month’s issue. Note: There will be no August issue; please send material for September. PAGE 6 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 FAA Regional Notes WAGS AND WHISKERS August 2 - August 31, 2013 Thursday-Sunday, noon - 5 p.m. Opening reception Friday, August 2 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SEPTEMBER 2013 MAGNUM OPUS XXIV Sacramento Fine Arts Center August 13-‐31, 2013 Saturday RecepEon & Awards August 31th 12 – 3PM Drawings and paintings of animals date back to the Stone Age when man decorated caves with the images of the animals they hunted for food. The ancient Egyptians illustrated their gods with the heads of animals. Nine contemporary 21st century Bay Area artists will exhibit their work featuring animals in “Wags and Whiskers” opening at Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Blvd., Fremont, with a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, August 2, 2013. “Wags and Whiskers” will be shown at the Gallery until August 31, 2013. 2013 Best of Show “Cutting Board” Leslie DuPratt SFAC: 5330-B Gibbons Drive, Carmichael CA 961-971-3713 *Gallery Hours: Tues. 11-7, Wed-Sat. 11-3 Each artist exhibiting at Olive Hyde in “Wags and Whiskers” portrays animals in their own unique style and using a variety of mediums. Be sure to visit Olive Hyde Art Gallery and experience the joy and love of animals the artists all communicate through their art. Photographs shown below: 1. welded steel sculpture by Antonio Ruperto 2. "Maxine" by Kimberley Russell 3. "Rose Distracted" by Karen Frey 4. 4. Golden Retriever collage by Nancy Overton 5. "Yawn At Watch" painting by Antonio Ruperto ***************** Stockton Art League Fall 2013 Pastel workshops taught by Award-winning artist/instructor Tina Moore will commence on Sunday August 25th, from 10 to 4 at the Elsie May Goodwin Gallery in Stockton; two other on-day workshops will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22 and Sunday, Oct 20 . Participants may pay by the day ($40 per day), and all skill levels are welcome--beginners, intermediate, advanced. 2 1 3 4 5 Tina is a signature member of the Pastel Society of America, the Pastel Society of the West Coast, and Women Artists of the West. She has received many awards locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, including many Best of Show awards. Her artwork has been featured in several issues of the Pastel Journal, where she has also been a national finalist. For workshop details, including costs, supplies, topics, a d d r e s s , e t c . , p l e a s e c o n t a c t T i n a a t mooregrafi[email protected] or 209-‐931-‐2529 You can view some of her work on her website: hJp:// PAGE 7 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 Press Releases - SUBMITTED BY MARIAN STEVENS FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION For Immediate Release Event Dates: September 25 – October 20, 2013 _______________________________ Call for Entries Fremont Art Association 48th Annual Fine Art Show Sept. 25 to Oct. 20, 2013 Jurors: Carolyn Lord, fine art Ian Bornarth, photography Prizes will be awarded in oil and acrylic, water media, graphics, photography, and 3dimensional work Entry deadline: Sept.13, 2013 To r e v i e w p r o s p e c t u s a n d s h o w requirements, go to click on downloads/Fine Art Show or call 510 792-0905 Artwork to be hand-delivered to the Fremont Art Association Gallery Fremont Art Association Guest Artist Demonstration – Carol Tarzier Yes, we are having a demonstration in August! As you know, we had a members barbecue in lieu of a July demonstration. We have the opportunity to host outstanding artist Carol Tarzier between her European painting travels and her return to academia! Carol will paint for us on Wednesday August 7th , 7:00 pm, at the FAA Gallery. Carol is known for her figurative works in bronze. Her oil paintings encompass portraits and figures, landscapes and still-lifes. She has an impressive collection of awards most recently for her plein air work and bronze pieces. Currently Carol has paintings selected for the California Art Club Gold Medal Exhibit and the Oil Painters of America Salon Show in Petoskey, Michigan. Carol teaches at the Academy of Art San Francisco, and Studio One Art Center in Oakland. Please join us for a wonderful evening watching a talented artist at work! Carol is planning to paint a still-life, discussing capturing metallic surfaces in oils. PAGE 8 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 EXHIBITS Fremont Art Association Plein Air a.k.a. East Bay Outdoor Painters (FAAPA/EBOP) will exhibit their landscape paintings of local scenery of the Bay Area at Mission Coffee Roasting Co., opening on Aug 1 through Aug. 31, 2013; with the reception on Sunday, August 11, 2013 from 3 to 5 pm. En plein air is a French expression which means “in the open air”, and is used to describe paintings that have been created chiefly outdoors, rather than in the studio. Painting in plein air is one of the most difficult and challenging ways of painting. Plein air artists attempt to capture an impression of what the eye sees, rather than what the viewer knows or feels about the scene. Starting with a blank canvas, they need to make immediate decisions about design, composition, color and values. They study how light appears on subjects in different weather and at different times of the day; capturing the essence from temperature of color and atmospheric changes to finding the truth in nature that is rapidly changing. They prefer to work outdoors in natural light, in pursuit of spontaneity, sunlight and color rather than in their studio with sketches or photographs. For plein air painters, being in the moment; able to absorb it all from sight to sound, the moving light, clouds, and water add to the challenge. The landscape paintings that comprise our exhibit are for the most part created directly on location and are all local scenes. Most of these paintings are studies from our group’s weekly informal plein air excursions. Although our schedule is maintained on the Fremont Art Association Plein Air link (FAAPA), we are also known as East Bay Outdoor Painters (EBOP) and we are looking for more people to come out and paint, sketch with us. The location changes every two weeks; all mediums are welcome. There is nothing you need to do to join in except show up and paint, sketch or whatever. Join us on Wednesday mornings from 9 am to 1:00 pm. For more info call Robyn at (510) 656-4939 or check the link below. http:// Landscape Painting Exhibit At Mission Coffee Roasting Co. 151 Washington Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539 Aug.1 thru Aug. 31, 2013 Reception Dear Fellow Artists, Please consider ARTWALK LIVERMORE 2013! You will be provided with exposure to thousands of art lovers in downtown Livermore. ArtWalk is a one-day annual event that takes place on Saturday, October 12 from 11 - 5 p.m. Exhibits will be grouped to clusters at the Livermore Valley Plaza, downtown parks and specified locations providing a good distribution of attendees and attractions. You select your booth or table site in advance from a map (trade-show style). Sites can be occupied by a sole artist or shared by a group. Spaces are allotted on a first come, first served basis, so please turn your applications with payment as soon as possible in order to get the location you want. An early bird discount will be given on registrations that are postmarked or delivered to the Bothwell Arts Center mailbox by July 31. Please note: Final Application deadline is August 31, 2013 provided spaces are still available at that time Please see for application and details. Linda Ryan, Bothwell Arts Center Manager New art classes and fun happenings are online at PAGE 9 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 33 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE 10