St. Vincent de Paul Church
St. Vincent de Paul Church
St. Vincent de Paul Church Photo: Courtesy of Jeffrey Gibson Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rectory Rev. Dennis M. McNeil, Pastor Rev. Joseph H. Kraker, Pastor Emeritus Mrs. Betsy Tavolier, Office Manager Ms. Marimargaret Roberts, Office Staff Mrs. Ellen Dies, Youth Minister Ms. Nancy Daley, Music Director Mr. Herman Allshouse, Maintenance Director Phone: .............................. 330-535-3135 Fax: .................................. 234-571-2919 Web Site: Office Hours: Monday- Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM School Mrs. Maria Meeker, Principal Mrs. Laurie Belair, Secretary Phone: .............................. 330-762-5912 Address: 17 S. Maple St., Akron, OH 44303 PSR Mrs. Ellen Dies, Principal, 330-864-5484 Bulletin Deadline: 12:00 Noon Monday in Writing September 13, 2015 Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM • Sunday: 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Weekdays: 6:30 AM Holy Days: 6:30, 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM Confessions: Saturday: 11:00 to 12:00 Noon and Thursday before First Friday; 3:30-4:30 PM Parish Registration: New Parishioners are most welcome and should register at the rectory as soon as possible. If moving out of the parish, please notify the rectory. Baptisms: It is necessary that parents attend a Baptism Preparation Program before the Baptism of their first child. Baptism Preparation classes can be completed at either St. Hilary (Beth Rado, 330-867-1055) or at St. Sebastian (Cathy Sivec 330-836-2233 ext. 134 or [email protected]). Call either parish for times and registration details. Proof of attendance should be presented to St. Vincent Church prior to the baptism. Marriages: Couples intending to marry should call at the rectory at least SIX MONTHS prior to the marriage. It is required to have copies of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation records, if these Sacraments are not received at St. Vincent. Wedding times on Saturday are at 2:00 PM. Parish School of Religion (PSR) Pre-School - 8th: Classes are September through May. Classes are held in St. Vincent Grade School on Sundays from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (Convert Classes): Classes begin in September: For information, call 330-535-3135. Hospital/Sick/Shut-in Visitation : Please notify the Rectory when a parishioner is hospitalized, shut-in or ill. Funerals: Please notify a Priest as soon as possible regarding arrangements, either personally or through the funeral director. 164 West Market Street ● Akron, OH 44303-2373 St. Vincent de Paul Church Page Two Masses SATURDAY, September 12 * The Most Holy Name of Mary 5:00 PM Ronald Martin Sr.– Anniversary SUNDAY, September 13 * Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 The members of the St. Vincent—St. Mary Class of 1985 11:00 Mike Mesek MONDAY, September 14 * The Exaltation of the Holy Cross * Jewish: Rosh Hashana, 1st Day 6:30 Fr. Gordon Yahner TUESDAY, September 15 * Our Lady of Sorrows * Jewish: Rosh Hashana, 2nd Day 6:30 The living and deceased members of the St. Vincent Altar Society WEDNESDAY, September 16 * Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian 6:30 Thomas Hinson– Birthday THURSDAY, September 17 * St. Robert Bellarmine 6:30 All Souls FRIDAY, September 18 6:30 Phil & Pat Phillips 8:15 Barbara Leonard SATURDAY, September 19 * St. Januarius 5:00 Olive Cairns SUNDAY, September 20 * Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 For Our Parish 11:00 Marie Stephenson Daily PLEASE NOTE: Due to early holiday bulletin deadlines, the collection for Sunday, September 6, 2015 will be published in the Sunday, September 20, 2015 bulletin. Thank you! Sunday, September 13, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Tuesday: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30-37 Monday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 13, 2015 The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not dis graced. — Isaiah 50:7 SERVANT Sometimes the hour and the person meet. Sometimes, when a task or mission is set upon our shoulders, we know we must meet our responsibilities and we are ready. These are heady and invigorating times. The first reading and the Gospel proclamation today are intimate glimpses of a commencement, an inauguration of a challenging future. In both readings, a sense of gravity prevails. The first reading is from the mysterious Servant Songs from the book of Isaiah. The person is steadfast and brave. His courage and bravery are not located in his stout heart, but in God. We are reminded, “The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear” (Isaiah 50:4), so the servant understands the mission. And twice, “The Lord GOD is my help” (50:7, 9), so that the servant can endure the coming struggle. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WELCOME The St. Vincent Class of 1949 as they celebrate their 66 year class reunion, the St. Vincent Class of 1960 as they celebrate their 55 year class reunion, and the St. Vincent– St. Mary Class of 1975, as they celebrate their 40 year class reunion at the 5:00 Mass this Saturday. We also welcome the St. Vincent– St. Mary Class of 1985 as they celebrate their 30 year class reunion at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday! God bless each of you and your families! LOST AND FOUND If you have misplaced an item and feel you may have left it in the church, please check the back, center vestibule. There are quite a few items in our Lost and Found. St. Vincent de Paul Church Page Three CATHECETICAL SUNDAY "Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person." This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 20, 2015, and will focus on the theme "Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person." Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. September 13, 2015 Faith and help one another become more dynamic Catholics. Check the bulletin and remember to attend on the first and third Mondays at 7:00 PM, beginning in October. Bring a bible and bring a friend! Don Wilson Phone: (330) 535-4583 [email protected] Address: 940 Ironwood Rd Akron, OH 44306. DIVORCED SEPARATED AND WIDOWED CATHOLICS OF AKRON The Divorced, Separated and Widowed Catholics of Akron is sponsoring a talk by Father Kraker - “51 Years a Priest, a Perspective.” A retired pastor from St. Vincent’s Catholic Church, Father Kraker will reflect on the events he has experienced and the lessons he has learned. It will be held on Monday, September 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Immaculate Heart PSR REGISTRATION-THIS WEEKEND!! of Mary, Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Did you know P.S.R. serves Pre-K – 8th grade? If your Cuyahoga Falls. This event is open at no cost to single child is not attending a Catholic school, please take people of all faiths. Refreshments at 7:15 p.m. For advantage of this wonderful program. P.S.R. Registration information call Sue 330-554-5626. will be THIS Sunday, September 13th in the P.S.R. Office after the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. Please plan on registering. DISCIPLES FOR THE DYING If this presents a problem, please contact Ellen Dies at 330- The schedule is as follows: St. Vincent, October 2 at 6:30 864-5484 or 330-535-3135 X 101. Classes begin Sunday, a.m. and St. Sebastian, November 6 at 5:00 p.m. All are September 20th from 9:45-10:45 a.m. welcome. BOOK CLUB FOR WOMEN Love to read? Join us and combine a passion for reading and learning more about our Catholic Faith. Book topics will be based on our Catholic Faith. Bring a favorite side dish and join us the second Saturday of each month after the 5 PM Mass in the Scullen Room. Contact Holly Klein at [email protected] for more information. OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Please join us September 26, 2015 at dusk for Outdoor Family Movie Night sponsored by our SVDP Parish School Community Council. The event will take place on our school playground! Bring your chairs, blankets and cozies. Popcorn and punch will be provided!! We hope to see you there! ALTAR SOCIETY Mark your calendars for Monday September 21st. Our first SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR meeting of the fall will be at 7 PM in the Scullen Sun Sept. 20th from 9:30-12:30—Please visit us after/ Room. Please plan on joining us! before Mass. Please join us for our “GRAND” Event— grandparents, relatives, aunts & uncles, neighbors, and ST. VINCENT DE PAUL AUXILIARY dedicated care givers. Reading is vital to every child’s Our supplies of SOUP, Canned MEAT (chicken, tuna, success. Because of this, we’ve scheduled a special time spam), FRUIT and JELLY are pretty low. How about for loved ones to celebrate reading with our helping with these items for September and October? As children. Please park in the school/church parking lot and always, we appreciate every item brought in! enter through the Family Center (gym) doors. We will have donuts, coffee, OJ, and LOTS of books!!! We will also Gratefully, have the teachers’ book wish baskets and book raffles!! The Ladies of St. Vincent de Paul Auxiliary NEW PRAYER GROUP AT ST. VINCENT Read the bible and pray the scripture. The Sunday readings will be the focus of a new prayer group at St. Vincent's. The scriptural Rosary and intercessory prayer will also be featured. We will discuss the challenges to our NEW PARISH WEBSITE Take a look at our new website at We have updated graphics, a new calendar, and more user-friendly navigation! Please be patient as we continue to update pages, information and images! The 8th Grade Class is selling mums to raise money for their trip to Washington D.C. in the spring! 8” Mums are $6 each/4 or more at $5 each 10” Hanging Basket Mums are $10 each ~Orders will be taken through Tuesday, September 15, 2015. ~Pick-up your order on Friday, September 18 from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Please return the order form below with payment in an envelope marked “Mum Sale” to the rectory or school office, or simply drop it in the collection basket! Reserve your mums TODAY! Make checks payable to: St. Vincent de Paul Parish School Questions? Contact Karen Manna: 330-608-4159 Name:_______________________________________Phone:_______________________ Please indicate the number of each color that you would like to order: 8” Mums ($6 ea., 4 or more for $5 each) 10” Hanging Basket ($10 each) _____Yellow ______ Purple ________ Bronze ________ Yellow _____Bronze ______ Creamy White ________ Red ________Purple ______ Red ______ Pink ________ White ______ Coral Amount Enclosed:______________________________________________________ THANK YOU! St. Vincent de Paul Church Page Six YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS-SEPTEMBER Junior & Senior High 19th Let’s start the year by getting all the middle school and high school students together for a celebration! Details: Let’s start with Mass at 5:00. Do I have any volunteers to do a reading? Serve? Greet people as they come in??? Come on over to the garden by the rectory. We will cook hot dogs, have snacks and of course s’mores. We can make plans for the rest of the year. I guarantee you will leave wanting s’more…Please let me know if you can come by September 16th so I do not run out of food. Volunteer opportunities: September 23rd – Making cards for shut-ins * The Youth Group has traditionally made cards and little surprises for our nursing home friends at The Merriman and Hickory Ridge. Join the fun. We will meet in the Scullen Room from 3:00 – 4:30. I’ll bring the snacks! The Stewardship Fair is coming the weekend of October 10th and 11th. Here is how you can become involved: * Help bake cookies on Saturday, October 10th at noon to 2:00. I will bring the supplies; you bring the creativity. * Help with games in the gym or Corrigan Hall. Either Saturday, October 10th or Sunday, October 11th at the 5:00 Mass, 8:30 Mass or 11:00 Mass. * Help with the booth at the Fair. Either Saturday, October 10th or Sunday, October 11th at the 5:00 Mass, 8:30 Mass or 11:00 Mass. Senior High 26th – 27th – S.E.A.R.C.H. weekend opportunity. You have heard about it… now is your chance to experience it! You can find the information you will need to register at Please consider this! Open to 9th – 12th graders only. Please let me know if you can help by October 8th if you can help. Ellen Dies St. Vincent Youth Ministry Director (330)535-3135 Ext. 101 [email protected] DOMINICAN SISTERS OF PEACE, AKRON 2 Position Openings – Wellness Center- STNA AND LPN needed for a PRN position at an Assisted Living Level of Care. Willing to work flexible schedule including nights. Contact Roseann Sokol, RN at 330-836-4908. VISITATION OF MARY SEPTEMBER SENSATION You are invited to attend Visitation of Mary (formerly Annunciation) Parish’s 7th Annual “September Sensation” – reverse raffle, dinner, & silent auction – on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at St. George Fellowship Center, 3204 Ridgewood Road in Fairlawn. Beginning at September 13, 2015 6:07p.m. with complimentary hors’d oeuvres, you will enjoy an elegant evening of dining and “bonne chance” including sideboards, 50/50 Split the Pot, “Nunzi” bingo and grab bags. A delicious buffet dinner by Joe Catalano and an open bar will be enjoyed by all. Grand prize is $2,000! Prices are: $70 for 1 ticket & 1 dinner, $100 for 1 ticket & 2 dinners, $130 for 2 tickets & 2 dinners. Hurry! Tickets are beginning to sell! For tickets or info, call 330.592.4155 or 330.535.4141, Ext 12. ST. SEBASTIAN BIBLE STUDY GROUP Summer break is almost over and we’re gearing up for another intellectually stimulating year of Bible Study! Please join the St. Sebastian Bible Study Group anytime during the next year and attend one or more of our Bible Study sessions. Meetings take place in Room 2 at Byrider Hall (across the street from St. Sebastian School). Byrider Hall is located at 420 S. Hawkins Avenue, Akron, 44320. All meetings take place on Monday evening. Not sure if you want to purchase the study guide right away? No problem! Just show up at one of our study sessions in order to find out what we’re all about. We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please contact Jisel Emerson at [email protected] and 330-745-4462 or Mike Palko at [email protected] and 330-328-3448. Session 1: September 14 through November 30, 2015 The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn “In The Lamb’s Supper, Scott Hahn connects the Catholic Mass with the early Christians’ understanding of the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, explaining that the mystical visions of heaven found in Revelation can shed light on the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist.” (Summary quoted from website.) You may purchase the study guide at A NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2015 A Benefit for The Museum of Divine Statues, Hosted by Todd Meany from Fox 8. Honorary Chairperson: Most Reverend Roger W. Gries, OSB. The Museum of Divine Statues in Lakewood is holding its second fundraiser on Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 6:00 – 10:00 pm at the museum located in the former St. Hedwig church in Lakewood, OH. Tickets are $75.00 per person and include desserts, appetizers, wine, beer, and soft drinks. The regular installations of artwork will be on display and in addition, the museum will feature new exhibitions of WW1 Catholic Trench Art and Ex Voto art made by the faithful for shrines. There will also be a silent auction, raffles, and more. Complimentary valet parking. Charge tickets by phone at 216-228-9950 or order online at For more information contact Monica Thomas at (216) 952-2123. St. Vincent de Paul Church Page Seven OZANAM CENTER NEEDS YOUR HELP Jesus said “I will be with you for only a short time but the poor will always be with you.” We at the Ozanam Center realized that 9 years ago when we started the Center to help those who are in need with food, clothing and furniture. Now at the beginning of our ninth year, we also realize that we need your help. If you would like to help on a Saturday, we would love to have you. Just come at 9:30 a.m. to 93 Kent Street in Akron and we will put you to work. Not available on Saturday? We could use some help sorting clothes and filling the clothing room, re-arranging and organizing the furniture bank, some office stuff and of course cleaning the facility during the week. Also, if you have a truck and would like to pick up our orders at the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank, we would love to have you. You don’t have to be a St. Vincent de Paul member to help. Please pray about this and let us know if you can help. Please call Jim or Cathie Perusek at 330-467-5762 if you would like to help. CHRISTIAN MEN’S RETREAT Heart to Heart Communications and several local organizations are co-sponsoring a Christian men's retreat, Running the Race as a Team: Where are WE Heading?, Saturday, October 31, 9:15 AM-3 PM at the Coventry Oaks Pavilion. Journey together with other men to develop a broader understanding of self, others, and God. Fr. Norm Douglas and Larry Vuillemin will be presenters at this retreat which costs just $25. For more details and to register visit . Registration deadline: October 23. Questions: 330-434-3278 ext. 0 or [email protected] . #GIRLSMATTER Moms and daughters...we are inviting YOU to come together for a FREE concert on Friday, September 18 at 7 p.m. at the IX Center featuring national artists, Jamie Grace and Lacey Sturm. Their music and message will help stir up a conversation about things that matter most, and how we can support one another in making loving, holy and purse choices. It promises to be a GREAT night out for moms and their middle/junior/high school daughters. SPREAD THE WORD! Bring your neighbors and friends. To reserve your tickets (no charge) and/or for more details go to: This evening is brought to you by The FEST. This is an evening not to be missed. BELL ITALIA TRIP Our Lady of the Elms, a Dominican Catholic school for girls in Akron, is extending an invitation to anyone interested in traveling with our community to the fabulous and intriguing land of the Romans, Bell' Italia. This trip is offered through Encore, a division of ACIS, at an September 13, 2015 exceptional price of $4,499 per person. The 12-day excursion is scheduled for June 10 -21, 2016. Bus transportation to and from the Cleveland airport is included in the cost of the trip. Registration for the trip closes October 31. For a complete itinerary or more information about this wonderful Italian adventure, contact Maureen Reymann at [email protected] or call 330.990.7960. JESUIT RETREAT HOUSE 22, 29 September & October 6. Video Series: A Retreat with The Gospel of Matthew. This is a video series by Fr. Felix Just, S.J., the Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, California. The meetings will cover topics such as: Coming to Know Jesus Christ; Jesus, The Beloved Son of God; Jesus, The Great Teacher of God’s Law; and The Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven. Each video will combine an examination of Matthew’s Gospel with three methods of biblical prayer: reflective meditation, imaginative contemplation and centering prayer. All are welcome, no special background needed. Coffee and pastry included. Presented by Fr. Matt Roche, S.J. 9:30 am – 11:00 am. Cost is $10 each session or all 3 sessions for $25. 28 September, 2015. Life Changer: Transforming the Heart of a Lawyer. Presented by Larry Vuillemin. Larry will be sharing how a near death experience led him on a spiritual journey that transformed his life as an attorney. Lawrence W. Vuillemin, J.D., attended Notre Dame University on a football scholarship, graduating in 1970. At the University of Akron School of Law, he graduated in 1973 as Valedictorian. A former Senior Trial Attorney with the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office and Akron City Councilman, Larry is currently a partner in a law firm. He is the co-founder of Heart to Heart Communications, Inc. which serves as a community catalyst for personal and spiritual development as a foundation for enriching workplaces. Light refreshments served. 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Cost is $20. To register for any of our retreats, contact Jesuit Retreat House 440-884-9300 or visit ROSARY FOR LIFE You are invited to join in a Rosary for Life ! Please pray the Holy Rosary with us in honor of the 98th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima's Miracle of the Sun. Our rosary and prayers will begin at 12:00 noon on Saturday October 10, 2014 in front of St Vincent... on the 'porch-area' . Many other faithful Catholics will also 'Rally' in cities across the country pray the Rosary, -our greatest 'extra -liturgical' prayer for strengthening and sharing our faith! Our special intentions :-Mary's blessings and protection for our nation -Repentance and forgiveness for sins against Life.
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St. Vincent de Paul Church
registration details. Proof of attendance should be presented to St. Vincent Church prior to the baptism. Marriages: Couples intending to mar r y should call at the r ector y at least SIX MONTHS pr...
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