NEWSLETTER - Cleveland High School Alumni Association
NEWSLETTER - Cleveland High School Alumni Association
TheNEWSLETTER Alumni CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION may 2012 Volume 18, Issue 1 COACH LANDON “Old teachers never lose their class” We received the following letter from the daughter of teacher/coach Ed Landon. Mr Landon served at Cleveland High School from 1948 to 1973. He taught history classes as well as coaching football, baseball and basketball. He was the head football coach from 1954 to 1957. [Editor’s note: As a player I would like to point out that Coach Landon made football a lot of fun.] To CHS Alumni For those who would enjoy seeing how well my 97 year old dad is looking these days, here’s a photo of him with his little sidekick, Lexi. Dad was born shortly after the start of WW I and he can still reminisce in detail about how the Great Depression affected his family and college years; and his experiences from four different decades at Cleveland. My sister Marlys and her husband Russ are taking very good care of him at their home in Madras, OR. Many thanks to all who have responded to my request for greetings and comments to him from his former means so much! Sincerely, Barbara Landon Doern [email protected] Barbara told a story about her dad: Some student had brought some fake vomit to school and put it on his desk. He walked into the room, looked at it, picked it up and put it in his pocket. The kid who brought it protested, but he said, “It’s MINE.” He brought it home, and when no one was watching, he placed it on our brand new carpet in front of the fireplace. A little later my mom walked into the living room and saw it, and as I remember, she sort of screamed. Not a “woman in danger of being murdered” scream but a guttural “WHO DID THIS???” scream. My dad came running and played along with her in her outrage. All of us (4) kids came running and we stood there with our eyes bugging out, denying having anything to do with it. At that point the cat decided to hide under the bed. My mom went into the kitchen and returned with nearly a whole role of paper towels in her hands. She knelt down and scooped up the mess, which of course came up in one piece. At that point my dad knew the jig was up and cracked his “silly face” — a wry smile that tipped everybody off as to the true nature of the event. I can still remember how hard my mom laughed when she realized she’d been had. She too had a very good sense of humor! A NEW LOOK FOR THE CHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION John Barton ‘54 has stepped down and Dottie Chin ‘74 is the new president of the Alumni Association. Things have never looked so GREAT !!! Instead of having vacancies on the board of directors, we now have a surplus of people that want to be involved. If this trend continues then we will likely recommend an increase in the number of directors at the next annual meeting. Activities associated with our Association include the following: • We will have a ceremony at the CHS Memorial Forest on the Friday of this coming Memorial Day weekend — May 25th — to honor our fallen heroes (see page 4). New restrooms have been added to the facility. • Our scholarship budget was raised to $10,000 last year and this year to $15,000. • Our annual golf tournament is planned for this August 4th at Jefferson Park Golf Course. • We are giving financial support to CHS sports teams with emphasis on helping the teams that are willing See A NEW LOOK (PAGE 3) PAGE 1 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 94004 Seattle, WA 98124-9404 Email: [email protected] OFFICERS: BOARD MEMBERS: Jay Turner ‘75 Phone: 206-499-5730 Email: [email protected] Jim Morishima ‘57 Phone: 206-524-9242 Email: [email protected] Helen (Woo) Nicdao ‘79 Phone: 206-772-1686 Email: [email protected] President: Dottie Chin ‘74 Phone: 206-940-2686 Email: [email protected] Vivian (Sakagami) Yorita ‘74 Phone: 425-271-9324 Email: [email protected] Vice President: Ben Wakefield ‘62 Phone: 206-275-3687 Email: [email protected] Secretary-Membership: JoAnn Victor Smith ‘56 Phone: 425-487-3952 Email: [email protected] Secretary-Recording: Karen (Lew) Scott ‘77 Phone: 206-595-8715 Email: [email protected] Phil Petty ‘75 Phone: 206-760-2903 Email: [email protected] Dan Hagan ‘73 Phone: 206-679-3486 Email: [email protected] John R. Barton ‘54 Phone: 425-432-9592 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Allen Storaasli ‘62 Phone: 253-946-0554 Email: [email protected] PUBLICATION TEAM HELP US STAY GREEN !!! For those of you who are digitally inclined, please email us if you prefer getting your newsletter via email and/or preferably by downloading it from our website. Our email address is: [email protected] PAGE 2 John Barton ‘54 JoAnn Victor Smith ‘56 Dottie Chin ‘74 Alison Sing ‘64 Pat Rosenkranz ‘49 Kathleen Gemmill Stremick ‘59 Mary Lou Barton ‘54 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) Cleveland football coach receives state sportsmanship award Dec. 9, 2011 | Audience: Families, Community, Staff Ronn Jackson, football coach at Cleveland High School, has received the 2011 Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association Sportsmanship Award. This award is given annually to the high school football coach in Washington state that exemplifies true sportsmanship throughout the season - regardless of the team’s win/loss record. The Inscription on the plaque says: “Victory is in the Quality of Competition, not in the final score,” a quote from Mike Marshall, a former major league baseball pitcher. Football officials across Washington cast their vote for the award. It was Jackson’s ability to ensure that his players demonstrate sportsmanship during every game, no matter what odds, that inspired the Pacific Northwest Football Officials to recognize the entire team. The award was a surprise to Jackson who was attending the event to support Clarence Coler, who received the top high school athlete sportsmanship award. Photo: Ronn Jackson with his 2011 Sportsmanship Award FEEDBACK AND COMMENT A NEW LOOK (continued from page 1) to help themselves. • We had our first essay contest last fall with cash awards for the top three contestants. • Member donations have been conservatively invested and are showing an increase of approximately six percent for the first four months of this year. • We have recommended updating the bylaws of the Association and will vote on them at the next annual meeting. • A new fundraiser is planned for October 20 — A FUN NIGHT OF POKER FOR CHS ALUMNI !!! In general the board of directors is made up of younger people than what we’ve had in recent years. These are your former classmates who have committed to giving back to the high school that helped mold them into the people that they are today. Anyone that attended CHS as a student is eligible to serve — all one has to do is apply. FUNDRAISER: We hope to get it right this time. The people that successfully participated in the CHS Memorial Forest Fund Raiser are: By John Barton ‘54 METRO AA LEAGUE FOOTBALL 1979: The July 2007 publication of the newsletter listed the coach and members of the team but not without error. Here is the corrected listing: Coach: Ben Wright. Players included: Eugene Bruce, Todd Corpuz, Dale Corpuz, David Cooper, Glenn Evans, Gary Fetui, Tim Fields, Ronald Flowers, Jim Foley, Dean Herrington, Wade Jackson, Curtis Jordan, Hilton Keller, Kurt Kaufman, Scott Koizomi, John Lam, Joe Logan, Steve Mikami, Tim Miyamoto, Leo Pulido, Eddie Roleford, Scott Sakagami, Brad Santos, James Sarver, Edward Simmons, David Suguro, Steve Suyama, Vince Vigil, Richard Wayman, Reggie Wilson, San Yamada, James Young and Mike Zuppe. JOIN US FOR THIS YEAR’S GOLF TOURNAMENT AUGUST 4TH 2012 PAGE 3 Jeannine Emery Kendall Tucker Wendy Noritake Gerald Eugene Osgood Benita M Staadecker Charles H Larson Charlotte T Larson Linda J Devange Maryanne Y Kee James Kenji Morishima Jean Kinue Morishima CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) Return to: The CHS MEMORIAL FOREST Alumni Aspires to Honor Our War Heroes The April 1944 edition of the Cleveland Journal carried a lead story reporting that Mr. Imus and Mr. Selby (vice principal and principal, respectively) were looking for a tract of land to be used as a reforestation project and a memorial for men who lost their lives in WW II. At that time they were looking at two tracts, one on Vashon Island and one east of Seattle. The eastside location, consisting of 132 acres, was purchased with money raised by the student body. This site continues to be used for a memorial to former Cleveland students lost during WW II, Korea, and Vietnam. The names of these fallen heroes are on plaques cast by CHS metal shop students and attached to Memorial Rock located in the forest. Beginning in 1998, as a Memorial Day event, alumni and students have gathered for a program and “Trek to the Rock” to honor these War Heroes. [CHS is the only high school in the universe known to have a Memorial Forest.] Every gathering at the forest has been different. On one Memorial Day, three Blue Angels flew overhead just as our program was about to begin. That was an unexpected and glorious beginning of the day. On another occasion the Rolhletter family donated a flagpole that stands on the grounds today. We have had guest speakers recalling the wars and the effects these wars have had on individuals and families. Drama, music and language arts students have presented programs reflecting compassion and respect for all who have served our country. Our ceremony generally includes a rifle squad, the playing of taps, and students involved in folding of the flag and its symbolic presentation to a surviving relative. It is normally held on the Friday at the start of the Memorial Day weekend. Our last speaker (2010) spoke of her uncle from a Japanese Internment camp joining the military and then losing his life while serving with the 442nd Infantry Regiment during their rescue of the Lost Battalion in France (October 1942). That day at the Memorial Forest was filled with hardship due to weather and miscommunications but it was rewarding to those who stayed for the program. Last year, due to construction of new restrooms, our Memorial ceremony was held at Tahoma National Cemetery. This year we will return to the Forest. We are pleased to announce that CHS Students will be in attendance with us. The Trek has not always been easy. Rain has often accompanied us, the trail to the Rock is often a little muddy, but these problems are minor inconveniences when we consider the fighting conditions experienced by our honored dead. The Memorial Forest is an important part of our CHS heritage and we hope to see a large gathering of alumni, students and friends at this Memorial Day ceremony. Please plan to join us Friday, May 25th at the Cleveland High School Memorial Forest. Our program will start at 11:00 AM. By Pat Rosenkranz ‘49 MAPs TO CHS MEMORIAL FOREST * Exit I-90 as shown on map below. * Follow SE Issaquah-Fall City Road to ---the Forest as shown on map at right. PAGE 4 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) 11th Annual CHS Alumni Association GOLF TOURNAMENT !!! Saturday, August 4, 2012 Jefferson Park Golf Course 7:30 AM Shotgun Start All golfers are welcome (alumni & non-alumni) Proceeds will provide college scholarships for future CHS graduates. 4 PERSON TEAMS, SCRAMBLE FORMAT, SHOTGUN START $125 per person cost includes: • GREEN FEES • PUTTING CONTEST • GOLF CART • COFFEE & DONUTS • 3 MULLIGANS • SNACKS • LICORICE ROPE • BBQ LUNCH • PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS • PRIZES FOR THE LOSERS • A CHANCE TO WIN A MERCEDES BENZ C300 WIN A MERCEDES BENZ C300: First player to make a hole-in-one on the 10th hole will win OWNERSHIP of a brand new 2012 MERCEDES BENZ C300 valued at $40,775 !!! (Manufacturer’s suggested retail price) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Entries due JULY 2ND at $125pp. $150pp after July 2nd. Non golfers $25 for lunch. Name_______________________________ Name_______________________________ Name_______________________________ Name_______________________________ Non Golfer___________________________ Non Golfer___________________________ Make checks payable to CHSAA and send to: Helen Nicdao 6736 S. 112th Place, Amount Enclosed: $________________Seattle, WA 98178 We are seeking CORPORATE SPONSORS & DONATIONS to help us finance this tournament. Can you help ??? Contact Helen Nicdao at [email protected] or check the CHS website. CHSAA Golf Committee Members: Helen Woo Nicdao ‘79, Jay Turner ‘75 and Dottie Chin ‘74 JOIN US FOR THE TREK to the CHS MEMORIAL FOREST Date: Friday, May 25th Time: 11:00 AM gate opens 11:45 AM ceremony begins Location: See map opposite page PAGE 5 GPS address is: 28322 SE Issaquah–Fall City Road CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) REVISED BYLAW CHANGES - FOR YOUR REVIEW The Board of Directors have proposed changes to the bylaws of our Alumni Association. The areas of proposed changes are highlighted below in bold italics. Association members will be asked to vote on these changes at our next annual meeting — January 2013. Questions can be addressed to me by phone or email. John Barton, phone 425-432-9592, email: [email protected] ================================================================== CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BYLAWS This document establishes the Bylaws of the Cleveland High School Alumni Association, herein after referred to as the Association or the corporation. PURPOSE: This non-profit corporation is organized and operated under RCW 24.03, the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act. The exclusive purpose of this Association is to promote and advance the following Mission: Mission Statement: A non-profit corporation of Washington State and the United States under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), this Association was founded for the exclusive purposes of: (1) preserving the Cleveland High School Memorial Forest in perpetuity to honor former Cleveland students who gave their lives in service to the United States of America, (2) supporting educational studies in forestry, ecology, botany and environmental studies of the forest, and (3) supporting and assisting the students and staff of Seattle’s Cleveland High School in their educational and athletic activities. Any individual who attended Seattle’s Grover Cleveland Junior or Senior High School is a member of the Cleveland High School Alumni Association. NOTE: The Cleveland High School Memorial Forest is commonly located on the SE Issaquah-Fall City Road, near 280th Avenue SE, in King County, Washington. Not withstanding any other provision of these Articles of Incorporation, this non profit corporation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by: (a) A charitable corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provisions of any following United States Internal Revenue Law), or (b) A charitable organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law). No part of the income of this nonprofit corporation shall be distributable to its members, directors, or officers except as reimbursement for corporation activities in reasonable amounts as approved by the Board for services rendered. In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of this corporation, its assets remaining after payment of, or provisions for payment of, all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with preference to an organization associated with Cleveland High School of Seattle, Washington. The Association shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan. ARTICLE I - NAME The Cleveland High School Alumni Association is the name of this corporation. ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 – Any individual who attended Seattle’s Grover Cleveland Junior or Senior High School is a member of the Cleveland High School Alumni Association. Every Association Member is entitled to vote based on requirements set forth by the Board. Section 2 – Families of alumni and persons who support the objectives of this Association may become nonvoting Honorary Members. Section 3 – To protect the privacy of the membership the Board shall not distribute the membership list to other people or organizations. Exceptions will be made to share partial membership lists to promote alumni and/or school-related activities such as class reunions. See BY LAWS (PAGE AA) PAGE 6 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) BY LAWS (continued from page AA) ARTICLE III - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1 – The Board of Directors shall consist of twelve (12) members representing, as an objective, a wide variety of graduation classes. The term of each Board Member shall be two years with half of the Board Member terms expiring on even years and the other half expiring on odd years. Section 2 – The Board shall be responsible to direct the Association’s policies and operations in all matters relating to its Mission and to keep its members informed. Section 3 – Board Members shall serve without compensation. However, the Board may finance legitimate expenses for Board Members participating in official (Board approved) activities of the Association, including meals and travel expenses. Section 4 – In the event of resignation from the Board (by written resignation, illness, death, etc.) by any Board Member, a new member shall be appointed in accordance with the objectives provided in Article III, Section 1. A. A resignation is in effect when a Board Member has two consecutive unexcused absences from Board Meetings. Section 5 – The Board has the responsibility to establish committees and to appoint committee members as deemed necessary for the orderly functioning of the Association. A. The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the directors in office, may designate and appoint an Executive Committee. Said committee shall consist of two (2) or more directors and shall have and exercise such authority as authorized by the Board. B. An Executive Committee shall not have the authority to: 1.Alter or repeal the By-Laws; 2. Elect, appoint or remove any Board Member or any committee member; 3.Amend the Articles of Incorporation; 4.Adopt a plan for merger or consolidation with another corporation; 5.Authorize the voluntary dissolution of the Association; 6.Adopt and implement a plan for distribution of the Association’s assets; or 7.Amend or repeal any resolution passed by the Board of Directors. Section 6 – The objective is to have the Board meet quarterly. The time and place shall be selected by the President of the Board. Section 7 – The Board shall encourage Association Members to attend Board Meetings. Section 8 – In the event of urgent business the President of the Board may call a meeting at any reasonable time with a minimum of three-days notice. A. A Board Meeting may be conducted by electronic means with little or no notice to discuss and vote on a time-critical issue. A majority of the Board, whether they are involved or not, must approve any issue brought to a vote in this type of meeting. The minutes of a meeting such as this shall be documented as any other Board Meeting. Section 9 – At the discretion of Board Members present, absent Board Members may participate in regular Board meetings through electronic means. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS The Board of Directors shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretaries and Treasurer on an annual basis. ARTICLE V - DUTIES Section 1 – It is the responsibility of the President to represent the Association at public and private meetings. The President shall preside at Board and Association Meetings. Section 2 – The Vice President shall preside at Board and Association Meetings in the absence of the President. Section 3 – The Secretarial responsibilities shall be shared between two positions as follows: A. Recording Secretary: This person shall be responsible for recording the minutes of meeting minutes of the Association. He/she shall also be responsible for all official corSee BY LAWS (PAGE BB) PAGE 7 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) BY LAWS (continued from page BB) respondence and communications of the Association and the maintenance of said files with the exception of those falling under the responsibility of the Treasurer. It is the responsibility of each Board Member to make certain that the Recording Secretary receive copies of correspondence that they generate. B. Membership/Coordinator Secretary: This person shall be responsible for the maintaining a Membership Roster (a database with contact information) and providing timely mailing lists. At his/her discretion portions of the Membership Roster can be shared with class representatives that are organizing reunions and other social events. Section 4 – The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies received by the Association and for recording and reporting of all financial matters in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all banking and investment accounts of the Association and for filing all Federal, State and Municipal financial reports. Section 5 – Secondary duties of the Association may be divided between all of the Board Members as determined by the Board. Section 6 – Committees may be appointed by the Board for specific purposes. The status of each Committee shall be subject to modification or dissolution as determined by the Board at any time. Board Members or Association Members may serve as the Committee Chairperson. ARTICLE VI - MEETINGS Annual Meeting: The Board shall be responsible for having at least one business meeting of the Association every year. The Board shall be responsible for selecting the date, time and site of said meeting, with a preference for it to be held at Cleveland High School. US mail or electronic means will be used to notify Association Members using the Membership Roster described in Article V, Section 3B. ARTICLE VII - ELECTIONS Section 1 – It is recommended that the Board appoint a Nominating Committee not less than 30 days prior to an Election/Association Meeting. The Nominating Committee should be responsible for finding willing and capable nominees. The slate of nominees shall be presented to the Association Members for election at the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor shall also be accepted. Section 2 – The method of voting at Board Meetings shall be by ballot, a show of hands, and/or electronic medium. For meetings of the Association Members, the method of voting shall be by ballot or a show of hands of those Members in attendance. ARTICLE VIII - QUORUM At any regular Association Meeting no less than twenty five (25) members present shall constitute a quorum. At Board meetings more than half of the existing Board Members must be present to constitute a quorum, and a count will be taken. In the absence of a quorum, an advisory vote may be registered for presentation at the next Board Meeting, or to the general Membership at an Association Meeting. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS The Board may amend these Bylaws but they shall be presented at the next Association Meeting for ratification. ARTICLE X - MEMBERSHIP DUES The membership dues for this Association will be voluntary. However, Association Members should be encouraged to contribute, as a minimum, a nominal amount to cover reasonable operating expenses for items such as newsletters or other communication medium. JOIN US FOR THE TREK to the CHS MEMORIAL FOREST See page 4 PAGE 8 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) PAGE 9 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) Support for our Service Men & Women in Uniform Comes in Many Forms By Alison W. Sing ‘64 While working on our 2014 50th Class Reunion for the Class of 1964, I happened to exchange emails with a former classmate whose story not only touched my heart but deserves mention in our alumni association newsletter. For the men and women who don the uniform in the service of our country, support for them comes in many forms; one such story is a former Marine, Ric L. Ryan dubbed the “Walking Man of Murphy” — a town nestled in northern California. In 1964 on his March 8 birthday, he enlisted in the Marine Corp. After graduating in June he went to Marine boot camp in August and served 13 months in Vietnam. Ric entered civilian life retiring as an ironworker and correctional officer. Ric Ryan - c/o ‘64 What makes this story interesting is his dedication in serving and supporting the men and women in uniform. In 2008, while walking around the county, he saw a CNN story about “Operation Mend,” where a group of UCLA doctors were giving their time and surgical skills to fix our injured troops. Where our government promised to make our troops well, these doctors were dedicated to making our injured servicemen and women look as normal as possible. Upon hearing this story, Ric began walking in earnest. He started counting the waves as he walked throughout the county and put 25 cents in a special bank account for our troops for each wave he counted. Local residents would stop him along the way to donate anywhere from $1 to $100 dollars. A local firm donated a $1,000. After logging in 3,345 miles around his county, Ric and his wife, Joanne visited Operation Mend at UCLA to donate the funds he had raised. One of the doctors was so moved by his effort that he donated an additional $1,000 bringing his total to $6,500. A long standing desire for Ric was to visit the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. His wish was honored when a school invited Ric to accompany their 7th and 8th grade class to Washington D.C. “It was a blast” said Ric. Page 10 cleveland high school alumni association ( chsaa ) Class of 1952 – 60th Reunion UPCOMING EVENTS A great time will be had by all at Foster Golf Links 13500 Interurban Ave. S., Tukwila Date: September 14th (Friday) from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM Billy Baroo’s Bar and Grill will provide a delicious lunch and beverages – no host bar Cost is $35.00. Bring memorabilia and/or pictures. The classes of ’52 and ’53 are especially invited but everyone is welcome. Mail your check to Don White – 7545 Sunnyside N., Seattle, WA 98103 Or Contact Barbara (Bianchi) Bull at 206-246-0204 [email protected] Class of 1954 JUNE LUNCHEON Date: To be determined. Location: Seattle area. Get on the Contact List: Call or email the Bartons at 425-432-9592 or [email protected] Class of 1957 – Sept. 15, 2012 Where: Emerald Downs Race Track When: 1 PM to end of last race What: Buffet luncheon at 3 PM, plus horse racing Guest speaker – Expert Handicapper between 1:30 and 2:00 PM Cost: $39 includes admission to Emerald Downs, parking, reserved seating, no host bar. See flyer on CHSAA website: Make checks payable to: Cleveland Class of 57. Send to Karen Flamoe, 507 N. 3rd St., #201, Tacoma, WA 98403 Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion Sept 14, 2012 day - Golf (location to-be-determined) Sept 14, 2012 evening - No-host no-cost get-to-gather (location to-be-determined) Sept 15, 2012 evening - Buffet Dinner - Sorrento Hotel Seattle Email address: [email protected] Web site: Class of 1967 Reunion Friday Night Tavern-No Host Meeting Date: Friday July 13, 2012 Place: Bogart’s (Private upstairs room) 3924 Airport Way S., Seattle, WA 98108 (206) 622-1119 Time: 5:30 PM – Midnight Cost: Pay as you go ($5 minimum cost) Saturday Event Meeting Room/Patio – Dinner/Dance Date: Saturday July 14, 2012 Place: Double Tree Suites, 16500 Southcenter Pkwy., Seattle Time: 6 PM – Midnight Cost: $50 per person before June 1st, $60 per person June 1st to July 7th. Mail checks to Charlene Grinolds, 25111 120th Pl SE., Kent, WA 98030 Note: With the check, please specify your preferred name on name tag. Sunday Potluck or Restaurant Buffet Date: Sunday July 15th Place to be determined Cost: Bring food if potluck or pay individual buffet Hotel Reservations If you want to reserve one of the 25 hotel rooms reserved for our reunion, email [email protected] or contact Charlene of Cathy for details. Charlene(Tsuji) Grindolds (253-630-2279), Cathy (Dahl) Bossett (206-322-1947) 3RD ANNUAL - CLASSES OF THE 70s GET TOGETHER Date: Saturday, September 15, 2012 Time: 7:30- midnight Where: Bogarts Airport Way 3924 Airport Way S., Seattle, WA 98108 (206) 622-1119 No host bar We’ll supply appetizers, fun and games Cost: We’re asking for a minimum $5 donation for CHS PTSA-Alumni Association Contact Information: Richard Tada - [email protected] Jimmy Emmi - [email protected] 206-762-1036 Dottie Chin - [email protected] 206-940-2886 Page 11 cleveland high school alumni association ( chsaa ) FALLEN EAGLES 1932 Ruth E. Kapp * Margaret A. (Wedell) Thoresen * 1937 Connie (Varriano) Edwins * Marjorie J. (Nicholson) Jarvie * 1939 Pat John Byrum * 1940 Larry I.Anderson * Ray J. Rosatto 1941 Lloyd C. Hillard * William H. Thomas 1942 Howard E. King Ruth E. (McNamara) Shaw 1943 Susan (Stefano) Byrd * 1944 Arlene Mae (Wilks) Ochsner 1946 Bobby Lee Bowman 1947 Eugene Layton Fulkerson Jr. John L. Mitts 1953 Bryne P. Kelly * Sylvia (Wilson) Onustack 1954 Bruce F. Langenegger 1955 Frances E. (Brunie) Mc Daniel * 1956 James C. Bostwick Marilyn J. (Bill) Little 1957 Vince Chiodo Ronald L. Field * 1959Alfonzo Desimone * Frank Anthony Placanica * 1960 Phillip A. Roberts 1962 Richard K. Swayne 1963 George P. Andersen 1964 Richard E. Bottini * Staff Shuzo Chris Kato Robert R. Romstead * Note: An asterisk denotes classmates who passed prior to 2012. Page 12 IN MEMORIAM Dennis and Patricia (Neumeyer) Primoli class of 1959 made a donation in the memory of Dennis’ mother Margaret L. (Della Vecchia) Primoli class of 1934 who passed away in September of 2010. The funds were directed to the CHS Memorial Forest Fund. Sharon Green ’75 made a contribution in memory of Howard Myers ’41. Frances H. (Cozy) John ’34 passed away in January 2011. She was a faithful Eagle 100 contributor. Her daughter Mary Carnes contributed to the CHSAA Scholarship fund and the Memorial Forest in her memory. William (Bill) Thomas ’41 who passed away in January 2012 graciously requested that remembrances be sent to the Cleveland High School Alumni Association. The following honored his wishes and made contributions in his memory: ^ Beverly & Orly Alia of Bellevue. ^ His daughter Diane Runo contributed to the CHS Memorial Forest. ^ Kathleen (Gemmill) Stremick ’59 contributed to CHS Memorial Forest. ^ Ed Boprey ’45 sent a very nice note recounting his friendship with Bill Thomas during high school and in the subsequent years. Due to space limitations, the contents of his note will be published on our website under the “Tidbits from Members” sidebar. cleveland high school alumni association ( chsaa ) TREASURER’S REPORT Treasurer’s Report 11 April 2012 Please recall that the December 2011 Newsletter included a graph of the last three years of spending. We welcome feedback on our spending history and future plans. We try to allocate spending consistent with the coupons we receive. In 2011 we had alumni participation in the CHS Memorial Forest Fundraiser (air passenger research study), and the December 2011 Newsletter mentioned our frustration in collecting the proceeds (they inadvertently went to the High School) In February 2012 we finally received a check for the expected amount. Thanks again to the participants. The graph (upper right) shows the growth of our assets in the last three years. I have prepared the 2011 yearly report. It was presented at the April 24, 2012 board meeting. It is available from me upon request. Allen Storaasli ‘62 Treasurer I am wild about the CHS Alumni Association President Cleveland Page 13 cleveland high school alumni association ( chsaa ) 2012 EAGLE 100 CONTRIBUTIONS GOLDEN EAGLE ($500-$999) 1951 William C. Lantz 1980 Steven T. Mikami SILVER EAGLE ($200-$499) 1943 Margery (Maurer) Swartz 1944 Stanley G. Ridings 1945 Lois (Allan) Olson 1949 Debra (Lenci) Pietromonaco 1954 John & Mary Lou (Zarkades) Barton 1956 Jack P. Van Leuven JoAnn (Victor) Smith 1957 Ralph Yocum 1958 Clarence (Chuck) Seeliger Richard L. Nolan Susan (Araki) Yamamura 1959 Sam & Sharon (Robinson) Ronnie 1963 Thomas J. Higgins T. Lewis Anderson 1967 Maryanne Reichle BRONZE EAGLE ($100-$199) 1934 Frances (Cozy) John * 1938 Kazuko (Umino) Bill 1942 Gordon J. Glockner 1944 Gloria (Suter) Stone Phyllis (Donald) Vallade Page 14 1945 1946 1951 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Ed Boprey Dorothy J.Swanson Meralyn (Hartmann) Baughman Joanne (Knowles) Blankenship Shirley (Madsen) Yellam Bob W. Tessandore Forrest (Bill) Bullington Jim & Marge (Primoli) Lambo Shirley Ann (Currie) Turner John O. Mc Arthur Evelyn L. (Fish) Griffin Kay (Elmore) Henry Fred W. Smith Richard G. Vandemore Ronald & Virginia (Crisp) Fairbairn Patricia M. (Kinnaman) Bartman Judy (Mc Donnell) Keithley Dorothy (Bosnich) Clausen Kathleen (Gemmill) Stremick Rima Shaffer John K. Keppler Allen Storaasli Randy T. Hikida Edna N. (Harrison) Whalon Dorothy A. Johnson 1962 1963 1965 1966 * Now deceased cleveland high school alumni association ( chsaa ) CHS Alumni Association Donation Form We suggest that your donation include $15 to help defray our mailing expenses and publication costs. Please make your check payable to: CHSAA or Cleveland High School Alumni Association. Donations should be mailed to: PO Box 94004, Seattle, WA 98124-9404. I would like to support the work of the Alumni Association with a donation as indicated below: Mailing expenses – ($15 suggested) $__________ Alumni Association General Fund (unrestricted) $__________ CHS Athletic Fund $__________ Memorial Forest Fund $__________ Annual Scholarship Fund $__________ Scholarship Endowment Fund* (Restricted) $__________ Alumni Donations totaling: $100 - $199 $200 - $499 $500 - $999 $1,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 plus My Total Donation is $__________ Eagle 100 Club Designation: Bronze Eagle Silver Eagle Golden Eagle Platinum Eagle Diamond Eagle Special Honors Note: You may choose to make multiple donations over the course of a calendar year. Your name will be added to the Eagle 100 Club list if your cumulative total equals or exceeds $100. Contributor Information: Member #1 _________________________________________________________ Class ______ Enter First (Maiden) and Last Name Member #2 _________________________________________________________ Class ______ Enter First (Maiden) and Last Name Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _______ Zip Code _____________ Telephone Number _________________________________ _____ Check here if you made a change in contact information. My E-mail address is: ___________________________________________________ Contact Information: Alumni Website: Check out the latest activities: Alumni Passages: Please send death notices and/or obituaries to our Post Office Box: Attention - Membership Coordinator [or phone 425-487-3952 or email: [email protected]] Reunion Planning: Email [email protected] or phone: 425-487-3952 Board Members: Call them directly by phone or email — See page 2 information Cleveland High School Alumni Association, PO Box 94004, Seattle, WA 98124-9404 PAGE 15 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA ) Cleveland High School Alumni Association P.O. Box 94004 Seattle, WA 98124-9404 Email: [email protected] Change of address Service Requested CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mission Statement: A non-profit organization of Washington State and the United States 501(c)(3), this Association was founded for the exclusive purposes of: (1) preserving the Cleveland High School Memorial Forest in perpetuity to honor former Cleveland students who gave their lives in service to the United States of America, (2) supporting educational studies in forestry, ecology, botany and environmental studies of the forest, and (3) supporting and assisting the students and staff of Seattle’s Cleveland High School in their educational activities. Any individual who attended Grover Cleveland Junior or Senior High School is a member of the Cleveland High School Alumni Association. Please help us keep the database current by sending a post office change of address form or by contacting the membership secretary when you move. To protect your privacy membership list is not distributed to anyone except for activities associated with the Alumni Association. Volunteer Opportunities: I would like to help build a strong alumni association, I am interested in the following: ____ I can serve on the Board. ____ I can serve on a committee: Alumni Relations, Scholarships, Golf Scramble, Finance & Budget, Memorial Forest, Audit, Bylaws Review, and/or Nominations/Election. ____ I would like to help out with an event, activity, or a specific project. ____ I would like to help in some other way. Check out our Alumni website for the latest information on what is happening with the Alumni Association or our alma mater. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Alumni Passages: Please send death notices and/or obituaries to our Post Office Box: Attention - Membership Coordinator [or phone 425-487-3952 or email: [email protected]] PAGE 16 CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ( CHSAA )