לולא-בא-זומת-ןויס JUNE–JULY–AUGUST Summer


לולא-בא-זומת-ןויס JUNE–JULY–AUGUST Summer
From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove
Welcoming Our New Director of Congregational Education: Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Coordinating Congregational Education
his past year our lay leadership
engaged in a full review of our
education at Park Avenue Synagogue.
While the study began with an
eye to our Congregational School, it quickly
expanded its scope to include all of our efforts
from the Toddler Program to Adult Learning and
everything in between. Working with outside
consultants, we surveyed congregants and
conducted focus groups, seeking to understand
our strengths and weaknesses and to begin
the process of charting a vision for the future.
We spoke to other congregations, learning “best practices,”
and keeping careful notes as to what we can apply to our own
community. I want to thank all the members of the Education
Committee, under the leadership of Susan Silverman – Yasher
Koah on a job well done!
As you can imagine, we discovered a lot – both successes and
challenges. It was not surprising to learn that all of our educators
– clergy and department heads alike – work hard day in and day
out. We discovered an “underserved” demographic – our families
with young children. All of our tot services, young family dinners
and weekday programming (beyond what Carol Hendin does
with our ECC) deserve their own full-time educator; we are now
actively looking to fill this new position.
We also discovered that while each area of congregational
life must be understood on its own terms, there is an immediate
need to coordinate our efforts as a congregation. Whether it is a
single program that draws on multiple demographics, like Purim,
High Holy Days, or Hanukkah, or the need to coordinate two
schools, like transitioning CS students into the High School, we
need someone who can harness all the good we have in place and
take the reins for the process of what must change. Such a person
would have to be totally at home in congregational life and larger
trends in North American Jewish life. Such a
person would have to be at ease working with
our lay leadership and our staff. Such a person
would have to be able to present a vision for our
community that we can not yet imagine. Such
a person would have to be a trusted confidant
to me as Park Avenue Synagogue takes its next
steps forward.
We have found such a person in Rabbi
Neil Zuckerman. Neil is, first and foremost, a
mensch. He is kind, sophisticated and filled
with a passion for Jews and Judaism. You can
read of his many accomplishments and credentials on page 4.
Having known Neil since our days in rabbinical school and
working at Camp Ramah together, I can share that he is one of
the most capable, charismatic and creative Jewish educators
that I have ever encountered. He has a track record of success in
every community touched by his presence, and I know that his
arrival bodes well for us. I am thrilled at the thought of Rabbi
Zuckerman working closely with our staff and lay leadership.
As Director of Congregational Education, Neil will oversee the
efforts of all of our educators, both mentoring them towards
individual success and finding points of synergy between them.
I am personally excited at the prospect of working closely with
such a fine human being towards realizing our synagogue’s
While Rabbi Zuckerman doesn’t arrive until July 1, we
are already actively planning the year ahead. There are shortterm and long-term changes that Rabbi Zuckerman and our lay
leadership will direct. I look forward to communicating our path
forward in the months ahead.
Please join me in welcoming Rabbi Neil Zuckerman and his
family. Brukhim ha-ba’im!
Table of Contents
Volume 62 | N°. 10 | June–July–August 2010 | Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove...................... 2
From Rabbi Steven I. Rein........................... 3
From Paul Corwin........................................ 4
Profile of Rabbi Neil Zuckerman................ 4
Schedule of Religious Services.................... 5
Synagogue Family....................................... 6
June Classes & Events.................................. 8
Shabbat Events............................................. 9
June & July Programs............................... 10
Summer Wednesday Nights at PAS.......... 12
Contributions.............................................. 14
UJA@PAS..................................................... 16
June, July & August Calendars................. 17
A Look Ahead.................................. back cover
Photograph by Karen Smul.
While we know you’ll want to read every word in this bulletin, please remember to recycle when done!
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
From Rabbi Steven I. Rein
Summer Is Here…Take Your Judaism With You
Nourish your Jewish soul throughout the summer.
he sun is shining, the mercury is rising,
and we are leaving. Many of us will
spend at least part of the summer
away from our homes and away from
our synagogue. Whether traveling abroad, going
to summer camp, relaxing in the Hamptons, or
simply leaving town, we will be packing our bags:
✓ Sunscreen c✓ Polos c✓ Sandals
c Judaism…huh?
How can we pack our Judaism? How can we
connect to our tradition while enjoying the oasis
of our summer residence?
For starters, every vacation needs a good book. This year,
make it a Jewish book, whether fiction or nonfiction, a new
release or a classic. Stop by the PAS library to borrow a book or
ask our librarian, Marga Hirsch, for a recommendation.
If you will be away during Shabbat, create for yourself your
own sanctuary in time. Bring a set of travel candlesticks, say
kiddush and motzi, and create a day that is noticeably different
from the rest of the week.
If you are going to the beach this summer, recite the brakhah
for seeing the ocean: Barukh atah adonai eloheinu melekh haolam, sheh-assah etha-yam ha-gadol – Praised are You, Lord our
God, King of the universe who has made the great sea.
Whenever you are traveling a great distance, you can recite
tefilat ha-derekh – the Traveler’s Prayer. This prayer asks God to
“lead us to our desired destination in health and joy and peace,
and to bring us home in peace.” Find the full text in a siddur
(page 713 in Sim Shalom), or google tefilat ha-derekh to find a
short version.
Perhaps you will be traveling somewhere
that has a rich Jewish history? Seek out the local
Jewish community and learn about it. Regardless
of where you are going, there is room in your
bag to take Judaism with you.
Do not be mistaken, however, and think
that your synagogue is closing up shop for the
summer. If you will be in the city this summer,
you can take advantage of all the programs
happening here. Mark Wednesday nights on
your calendar as PAS night; we will be here to
socialize, learn and have fun. Tuesday nights will be times for
Torah study. The synagogue will be the destination for programs
including Torah on Tap, book discussions, films, music, and
weekly classes. Friday afternoons will be a special time for young
children to celebrate Shabbat with the clergy and enjoy ice cream
on the roof. The synagogue will continue to nourish your Jewish
soul throughout the summer months.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote in The Sabbath that
“Judaism is a religion of time aiming at the sanctification of
time…Jewish ritual may be characterized as the art of significant
forms in time, as architecture in time” (p. 8). We aim to transform
every human action into a means of communicating with God.
The essence of Judaism is transforming ordinary moments into
sacred time. This summer, whether you are in New York or
away from your PAS family, how will you sanctify your time?
Congregational Family Trip To Israel
December 21–31, 2010
PAS families with children. Bring the grandparents, too!
Introduce your children to Israel and in an age-appropriate, hands-on, eye-opening way. Build new friendships and
create community with PAS families. Reinforce our commitment to Israel and our Jewish heritage. Have an enjoyable
winter holiday.
• Celebrate your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem.
• Explore the Galilee and the Golan Heights.
• Ascend Masada via cable car and explore its ancient ruins.
• Visit the Western Wall, its ancient tunnels, and historical highlights of Jerusalem.
• Take part in an archeological dig.
• Experience Tel Aviv.
Fly to Israel on El Al Airlines leaving JFK late Tuesday night, December 21, and leaving Israel in the early morning hours of
Friday, December 31. Upon arrival, travel north for two nights in the Galilee. Then spend six nights in Jerusalem at the 5-star
Inbal Hotel. Space is limited. Sign up now! (Full refunds are available for cancellations before September.)
For more information, and to sign up, contact Rabbi Julia Andelman in the Department of Lifelong Learning at [email protected],
212-369-2600, x142.
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
Paul Corwin, Vice-President of Programming
Reflections with the Rabbi
“Take part in shaping our PAS community.”
ll year long, our synagogue offers
myriad opportunities for members of
all ages: adult classes, social gettogethers, holiday celebrations, social
action projects, Israel trips, lifecycle celebrations,
High School classes, museum visits, lectures, and
more. The PAS calendar is crowded with cycles
of Shabbat and holiday observances, punctuated
by special, one-time events. It can seem an
overwhelming challenge to balance professional
obligations, synagogue events and family
Summer is an opportunity to change our pace, to slow down
and reflect. This summer, I invite you to consider what we have
accomplished as a community and to think about our communal
priorities. Rabbi Cosgrove will host two evenings of “Reflections
with the Rabbi,” where we will focus on what our community
is doing and what kind of community we want to be. At each
session, Rabbi Cosgrove will introduce the evening’s topic with
one of his sermons (all online at www.pasyn.org). Together
we will examine the issue and look at the Rabbi’s proposed
suggestions, engaging in dialogue with him, and sharing ideas
with fellow congregants.
There are many possible outcomes for these evenings. We
want everyone who is a part of our synagogue
community to help to define the kind of
community we want to be, and to share ideas on
how we can become that community. We want to
look at our accomplishments and ask how we can
be even better. There is much to discuss about
our synagogue’s priorities and about how we
deal with issues that confront the Jewish world.
Among all the topics that we might consider, we
have chosen to begin with our relationship to
Israel and our commitment to providing multiple
paths for spiritual engagement. Can we engage
more effectively with Israel and Israelis? Beyond sanctuary
services, the Havurah, daily minyanim, musical Kabbalat Shabbat
services and Iyyun Tefillah, are there ways to create additional
points of entry for spiritual seekers while maintaining a cohesive
worship community?
Turn to page 10 of this Bulletin & Summer Program Calendar
to see the full variety of programs happening at PAS this summer.
I hope you will come to the synagogue frequently to sing, study,
worship, view movies, and grow friendships with other PAS
members. And do join Rabbi Cosgrove for Reflections with the
Rabbi on Tuesday, June 8 and Tuesday, July 27. Take part in
shaping our PAS community.
‫ברוך הבא‬
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education
abbi Neil Zuckerman is committed
to Jewish education for people of
all ages, all interests, and all levels
of Jewish knowledge. As Rabbi of
Temple Israel Center in White Plains, where he
served from 1999-2009, he developed programs
for Youth and Families, taught in the Religious
School, the Community Hebrew High School,
and the congregation’s Adult Education program.
He was instrumental in bringing the Florence
Melton Adult Mini-School to Westchester County
and served on the Melton faculty, teaching the first-year Purposes
course and the second-year Dramas course. At Congregation Har
Shalom in Potomac, Maryland, where Neil has served as Senior
Rabbi for the past year, he continued his active involvement in all
facets of education in the synagogue. In addition, Neil has served
as president of the Westchester County Board of Rabbis and has
chaired the Israel Committee of the Rabbinical Assembly.
A lifelong learner himself, Neil is currently a rabbinic fellow
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem in
the Center for Rabbinic Enrichment (CRE), an
exceptional opportunity to learn with colleagues
and build relationships across the religious
movements. CRE is a three-year program of
study for rabbis of all denominations from North
America, involving weekly classes via videoconference and bi-annual study seminars in Israel.
In July, Neil will travel to Jerusalem for ten days
for his final CRE summer seminar and “graduation” from this prestigious program.
Neil was raised in Harrisburg, PA, and began his Jewish education at the Conservative synagogue there, Beth El. He earned
his B.A. from the University of Maryland in English. He attended
the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS), where he
earned a Masters degree in Jewish Studies and was ordained a
rabbi in 1999.
Neil looks forward to introducing his wonderful family to the
to the PAS community.
Friday, June 4 22 Sivan
Friday, July 2 20 Tammuz
Saturday, June 5 23 Sivan
Saturday, July 3 21 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:05 pm
6:15 pm |Kabbalat Shabbat service
Parashat Sh’lah L’kha
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Charest,
son of Wendy & Steven Charest
Bar Mitzvah of Robert Werner,
son of Craig Werner and Jodi
Ann Green
11:15 am |Tot Shabbat
Candle lighting, 8:13 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Candle lighting, 8:09 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service with
Children’s Birthday Blessings*
for June, July & August and
Pre-Israel Trip Blessing
*For information, contact the Rabbis’
office at 212-369-2600, x120.
Rosh Hodesh
Parashat Korah
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of Brett Silverstein,
son of Kim and Paul Silverstein
Bar Mitzvah of Henry Smul,
son of Karen & Spencer Smul
Friday, June 18 6 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:12 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, June 19 7 Tammuz
Parashat Hukkat
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, June 25 13 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:13 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, June 26 14 Tammuz
Parashat Balak
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Tuesday, June 29 17 Tammuz
Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
5:45 pm |Minha service w/Torah
Saturday, August 7 27 Av
Parashat R’eih
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, July 9 27 Tammuz
Tuesday, August 10 30 Av
Candle lighting, 8:11 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Parashat Mattot-Mas’ei
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, July 16 5 Av
Candle lighting, 8:08 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, July 17 6 Av
Parashat D’varim
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Monday, July 19 8 Av
Erev Tisha B’Av
7:45 pm |Minha service
8:00 pm |Evening service and reading
of Megillat Eikhah, the Book
of Lamentations
8:23 pm |Fast begins
Tuesday, July 20 9 Av
Tisha B’Av
7:15 am |Morning service with Torah
5:45 pm |Minha service and Torah
reading (No Ma’ariv)
9:00 pm |Fast ends
Rosh Hodesh
7:00 am |Morning service with Hallel
and Torah Reading
Friday, August 13 3 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:40 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, August 14 4 Elul
Parashat Shof’tim
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, August 20 10 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:30 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, August 21 11 Elul
Parashat Ki Tetzei
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, August 27 17 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:19 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, August 28 18 Elul
Parashat Ki Tavo
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, July 23 12 Av
Candle lighting, 8:03 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, July 24 13 Av
Parashat Va-ethannan
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Friday, July 30 19 Av
Candle lighting, 7:56 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Saturday, July 31 20 Av
Parashat Eikev
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Candle lighting, 7:49 pm
6:15 pm |Friday Evening Service
Religious Services
Saturday, June 12 30 Sivan
Friday, August 6 26 Av
Parashat Pinhas
9:15 am |Sanctuary Shabbat Service
Saturday, July 10 28 Tammuz
Friday, June 11 29 Sivan
Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove and Rabbi Steven
I. Rein will preach and conduct the services
together with Cantor Nancy Abramson and
Cantor Elana Rozenfeld, with Neil Robinson
at the organ. Daily minyanim Monday–Friday
at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at
9:00 am. Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday–Thursday
at 5:45 pm. Minha on Friday at 6:00 pm.
Shabbat minha 20 minutes after the end of
morning services. Any changes are noted
when they occur. Information is subject to
change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the
Synagogue office.
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
‫בני מצוה‬
B’nei Mitzvah
Sam Charest | June 5
am began his relationship with
Park Avenue Synagogue when be began
attending the Congregational School in 2nd
Sam is currently a 7th grade student at The Community School where he enjoys all of his studies and
friends. A true boy of summer, he looks forward to
his summers at Crane Lake Camp and time spent on
the beach.
Sam is a very hard worker who puts his heart into everything that he does. He enjoys playing soccer in the West Side
Robert Werner | June 5
Synagogue Family
s a survivor of childhood acute
lymphocytic leukemia, Robert
appreciates everything life has to offer
– family, school, camp, and music.
He plays trumpet and drums and likes to sing.
In addition to studying his Bar Mitzvah portion,
Robert sometimes sang Yiddish songs with Cantor
Rozenfeld at the end of his tutoring sessions.
Robert is a kind-hearted person who cares about others
and loves animals. For his mitzvah project, he participated
in Penny Harvest, a program that introduces young people to
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Horace Mann’s middle school at the 2010 New
York State National Geographic geography competition, where he placed among the top 20 finalists.
Since kindergarten he has studied chess and has
competed successfully in local, state and national
tournaments. Brett is an accomplished skier and
enjoys tennis and baseball.
Brett began his Jewish life with his bris at PAS.
Now Brett will become a Bar Mitzvah at PAS just like his father did. Brett and his family thank the clergy and his teachers
for their guidance during his preparation for his Bar Mitzvah.
Henry Smul | June 12
enry began his Jewish education at
the PAS Early Childhood Center. As a
7th-grade student at the Dalton School,
he competes on the Middle School
football, basketball and baseball teams. On some
winter weekends, Henry gives up team sports to
visit his grandparents in Vermont, where he enjoys
snowboarding in the terrain parks. In summer, he
heads to his other grandparents’ home to relax with extended
family and to spend time with friends on the beach. When he
is not relaxing or playing sports, Henry is studying Latin and
the power of philanthropy by taking them through
a process of collecting donations, studying community problems, learning about organizations that
alleviate those problems and then awarding grants
to organizations they select.
Robert attends Robert F. Wagner Middle School,
where he plays trumpet in the school, band; he also
plays trumpet in the Manhattan Borough-Wide
Band. Robert attended Camp Simcha from age 4 to 8; now he
spends every summer at Tranquillity Camp.
Robert is a gentle older brother to Jeremy and Andrew.
Brett Silverstein | June 12
rett attended PASECC and has
continued his religious studies in the
Congregational School. Brett is a
wonderful son and gives great joy to his
parents. He is a devoted, loving and compassionate
brother to Mitchell. Brett is blessed with three sets of
grandparents and cherishes the time he spends with
them. He is a loyal friend and honorable young man.
Brett is a 7th grader at Horace Mann where he excels in all
courses. His favorite subjects are History and Science; outside
of class, he is passionate about geography. Brett represented
Soccer League and swimming at the Asphalt Green
Aquatic Center. And like most 13-year-old boys, he
loves video games!
Sam truly appreciates his family and friends and
has an extremely upbeat outlook on life. He always
seems to approach life with humor, optimism and
Sam would like to give his heartfelt thanks to
the clergy and his teachers, especially Cantor Rozenfeld and
Aviva Kirchman, for all their support and encouragement in
preparing for his Bar Mitzvah.
History, his favorite subjects in school.
Henry is a devoted Mets fan despite the stress
associated with that passion. Because he loves
baseball, he has decided to direct all his bar mitzvah
gifts to Harlem RBI, an organization that provides
baseball and softball programs and academic enrichment opportunities to underprivileged children
living in East Harlem.
Henry follows his sisters Abbe and Emily to the bimah and
thanks the clergy for their guidance and enthusiasm in helping
him prepare to become a Bar Mitzvah.
‫ברוכים הבאים‬
Park Avenue Synagogue warmly welcomes these new members to our congregational family:
Stephanie & Brian Abrahams
Jessica & Scott Chestman
Robin & Andrew Halpern
Joyce & John Varvatos
‫המקום ינחם אתכם‬
The PAS community mourns the loss of members and extends condolences to members on their losses:
John & Susan Hess on the loss of his mother, Norma Hess.
Family and friends of Hannah Mallin.
Lynn & Martin Halbfinger on the loss of her aunt, Gertrude Mills.
Family and friends of Janet Moss.
Steven Newman on the loss of his father, Louis Newman.
Jason Oppenheimer on the loss of his grandfather, Howard Oppenheimer.
Synagogue Family
‫מזל טוב‬
Mazal Tov
Alp and Yael Benadrete on the birth of their daughter Deborah, and to big sister Talya.
Gershon Kekst on receiving an honorary doctorate from JTS.
Marian Levitt on the engagement of her son Scott Levitt to Anna Jasiewicz, and to Scott and Anna.
Rabbi David and Susan Lincoln on the birth of a granddaughter, Clementine Scarlett (Zipporah),
and to the baby’s parents, Barbara and Simon Lincoln.
Harris M. Nagler, M.D. on being named President of Beth Israel Medical Center.
Martin Payson, on being inducted as a Member of the Society of Fellows of JTS, and to his
daughter Michele R. Rosenfield on receiving her Masters of Jewish Education from the Davidson
School of Education at JTS.
Hazzan Azi & Noa Schwartz on the birth of their son Daniel, and to big brother Yonatan.
Celebrating a simha?
A birthday, anniversary,
engagement, wedding,
new grandchild,
or anything else for which you are grateful?
Sponsor a breakfast kiddush
any weekday after the morning minyan.
For more information, contact Lynn Schneider at
212-369-2600, x105 or [email protected].
Know someone ill, elderly or homebound?
The PAS Bikur Cholim Caring Committee—in loving memory of
Dr. Albert and Phyllis L. Cornell—reaches out to those in need
through telephone calls, visits, and holiday packages.
The Caring Committee’s trained volunteers are committed to
providing confidential hands-on support and companionship
to the members of our congregation.
To arrange for this mitzvah, please call Rabbi Cosgrove’s office
at 212-369-2600, x120.
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
June Classes & Events
Weekly Classes
An integrated list of opportunities for adult learning and programs at PAS. Classes and events with no
sponsor listed are offered by the Department of Lifelong Learning. For complete information about
classes and events, including registration information, please refer to the the PAS website, www.pasyn.org.
7:30 pm |June 7, 14, 21, 28 | Shulhan Ivrit | C. Elana Rozenfeld
Keep up your conversational Hebrew over the summer!
For intermediate and advanced level speakers.
8:00 am |June 1, 8, 15 | Essential Essays | R. Cosgrove
11:30 am |June 1, 22, 29 | Contemporary Jewish Thought | R. Rein
6:45 pm |June 2, 9, 16 | Melton Adult Mini-School
9:15 am |June 3, 10, 17 | Melton Adult Mini-School
12:00 pm |Lunch & Learn | PAS Senior Staff
8:00 am |Talmud Torah | R. Rein
8:45 am |Parashat Hashavua
Caffeine for the Soul:
Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Cosgrove
Monthly & Bimonthly
Friday, June 4 | 9:15–10:00 am | &
Join Rabbi Cosgrove for text study and discussion over coffee. Whether you’re coming from
ECC drop-off, going from the gym to work, or making this your first stop of the day, come for
a substantive and engaging learning experience with other members of the PAS community.
& RSVP to [email protected].
Reflections with the Rabbi – NEW!
Women’s Torah Study Group
During these evenings of interactive discussion, Rabbi
Cosgrove wants to hear your thoughts about themes he
has developed in his sermons throughout the year. This
time: Creating a Congregational Vision of Engagement
with Israel. Learn more about the ideas that are central
to the Rabbi’s vision for Park Avenue Synagogue and
help shape our community’s future. See also page 10.
Join women in the PAS community for an intimate
experience of Jewish text. Studying female characters
from the Bible, Talmud, or Midrash informs our
exploration of our own role in the Jewish community.
Newcomers welcome! No charge. To be added to the
group email list or for more information, contact Rabbi
Julia Andelman at [email protected] or
212-369-2600, x142.
Tuesday, June 8 | 7:00 pm | Rabbi Cosgrove
Sponsored by WEG
Thursday, June 10 | 7:30 pm | in honor of Rosh Hodesh Tammuz
For location and readings, contact Joann Rosoff at
[email protected].
Sponsored by Sisterhood
Daytime Book Discussion Group
Monday, June 14 | 11:00 am | Facilitator: Renée Waldinger
Join us for a stimulating discussion of Twilight of the
Superheroes by Deborah Eisenberg. This collection of
21st-century tales about our contemporaries is the latest
collection of short stories from a gifted Jewish writer
who received the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship.
Sponsored by Sisterhood
Sholom Aleichem Yiddish Club
Tuesday June 15 | 1:00 pm
Join our heimish group for Yiddish conversation and
culture, coffee and cake.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Tuesday, June 15 | 7:30 pm | Rabbi Julia Andelman | &
& To RSVP email [email protected] or
call 212-369-2600, x140.
Sponsored by Sisterhood
A Yiddish World
Tuesday, June 22 | 1:00 pm
All are welcome to view a heartwarming film about Jewish life
in Eastern Europe before the
Holocaust. This acclaimed documentary – in English –
paints a loving portrait of the Yiddish-speaking world.
A light lunch will be provided.
Arms & Committees One-Time Events
Sponsored by WEG
Visit to The Jewish Museum
Modern Art, Sacred Space: Motherwell, Ferber and Gottlieb
Thursday, June 3 | 6:15 pm | $ &
Join TJM docent and WEG Vice-President Marilyn Friedman for a tour of this
“small but transcendent exhibition.” (New York Times) In 1951, architect Percival
Goodman commissioned three avant-garde artists to decorate his Congregation
B’nai Israel synagogue in Millburn, NJ. Robert Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, and
Herbert Ferber—each of whom went on to become a major figure in the Abstract
Expressionist movement—created, respectively, a large-scale lobby mural, a
velvet Torah curtain, and a monumental exterior sculptural relief. In addition to
these works, the exhibition includes studies and photographs. Meet in the museum
lobby. Because space is limited, this tour is for WEG members only. Cost: $18/person. After the tour, we will
return to PAS for a light supper and a talk by Pat Davidson about Gottlieb’s stained glass windows.
$ & For more information and to RSVP
contact Marilyn Friedman at [email protected] or 212-472-0642.
Sponsored by Men’s Club
Rooftop Dinner
Thursday, June 17 | 7:00 pm | $ &
Enjoy another get-together with Men’s Club before we’re all on summer schedules. Savor a delicious supper with
delightful company on our airy roof. $30/person.
& RSVP to [email protected].
Israel on the College Campus: Battlefield or Field of Dreams:
An Evening with Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller, UCLA Hillel
Executive Director
Friday, June 4 | 7:15 pm, following Friday Evening Services | $ &
Are American universities seething with anti-Semitism? Are they hotbeds of anti-Israel
activism? Rabbi Seidler-Feller will examine these questions from the perspective of a
campus professional, presenting a nuanced portrait that is both troubling and hopeful.
This evening is an opportunity for our college student members to learn how to deal with these issues when they
return to school, as well as a chance for our new grads and rising seniors (11th & 12th graders) to learn what they
may encounter on campus.
Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller is in his 34th year as director of UCLA Hillel. He loves the constant challenges
presented by students who consistently and persistently ask the most interesting questions. For more information
about the program, please contact Jason Oppenheimer at [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x141.
$ & RSVP by Tuesday, June 1. $35/members, $45 non-members. Email [email protected] with full names of all
attendees, ages of any children and authorization to bill your account. Non-members must pay in advance. Babysitting
available on request. Cancellations with refund (or credit toward another dinner) until noon on Thursday, June 3. For
questions about dinner, call 212-369-2600, x140.
Sponsored by Singles Committee
Rooftop Oneg Shabbat
Friday, June 18 | After Friday evening services
“...call the Shabbat a delight (oneg), the holy day of the honorable God...” [Isaiah 58:13].
Join us on the synagogue roof to celebrate the pleasure of a summer Shabbat by enjoying
musical entertainment and light refreshments with friends new and old.
June–August 2010
Shabbat Events
Shabbat Dinner Special for
College Students, High School Upperclassmen, and their Families
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
July – August
Every Monday except July 5 and 19
July 6
7:30 pm | Cantor Elana Rozenfeld
7:00 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein | &
Shulhan Ivrit
Torah Study
Torah on Tap
Keep up your conversational Hebrew over the summer!
For intermediate and advanced level speakers.
Meet on the PAS roof to talk Torah over beer and fine spirits.
July 12
July 13
7:00 pm | &
7:30 pm | Rabbi Julia Andelman | &
Moonbeams | Translating Text into Textile
For Rosh Hodesh Av (and Elul, see page 13), Moonbeams will
participate in workshops with fiber artist Heather G. Stoltz
(see page 13). All women in the congregation, of all ages, are
welcome to discover a new way of looking at texts as well as
how to express thoughts in fabric. Using text, speech or prayer
as inspiration, each participant will design and create fiber art,
finding the power of turning words into a physical creation.
No experience in sewing or quilting is necessary. Attend either
session or both. Advance registration is required; no charge.
& RSVP to [email protected].
Women’s Torah Study
Join women in the PAS community for an intimate experience of
Jewish text. Studying female characters from the Bible, Talmud,
or Midrash informs our exploration of our own role in the Jewish
community. Newcomers welcome!
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140.
July 20
Tisha B’Av | No Torah Study
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140 by
Tuesday, July 6.
July 27
July 19
This time: Creating Multiple Entries to Spiritual Engagement.
(See pages 4 & 8.)
Tisha B’Av Evening Study Session
8:00 pm, between Evening Service and Reading of Eikhah
Rabbi Neil Zuckerman
Tisha B’Av in the 21st Century: Given the State of Israel, Must
We Still Fast?
Reflections with the Rabbi
7:00 pm | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
August 3
Torah on Tap
7:00 pm | Rabbi Steven Rein | &
& RSVP to [email protected].
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
August 10
Simply Singing
7:30 pm | Cantor Elana Rozenfeld | &
The Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism, taught that sometimes
holy words of Torah hover in this world, stuck, and that nigunim
– wordless melodies – can liberate the words and send them flying back to their Source. With little talking and much singing we
will strive to heed the cry of Jeremiah to “pour out your hearts
like water before God,” and to free and elevate the holy words of
Torah hovering in the air. Join Cantor Elana Rozenfeld at a member’s home for an evening of singing, with and without words.
Refreshments will be served – all ages are welcome! Ability to
carry a tune or read music not required.
& For location information, RSVP to [email protected] or 212369-2600, x 140.
August 17
Women’s Torah Study
Museum Visits
July 15
Modern Art, Sacred Space: Motherwell,
Ferber and Gottlieb
The Jewish Museum | 6:30 pm | &
In 1951, architect Percival Goodman commissioned three avantgarde artists – Robert Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, and Herbert
Ferber – to decorate his 1951 Congregation B’nai Israel synagogue in Millburn, NJ. Each of the three went on to become a
major figure in the Abstract Expressionist movement. They created, respectively, a large-scale lobby mural, a velvet Torah curtain,
and a monumental exterior sculptural relief. These major works
are on display, together with studies and photographs. Meet in the
museum lobby at 6:20 pm. Space is limited. No charge.
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140.
7:30 pm | Rabbi Julia Andelman
July 29
Curious George Saves the Day:
The Art of Margret and H.A. Rey
Daytime Events
The Jewish Museum | 6:30 pm | &
July 7
Visit to Sunrise Day Camp
8:30 am, Depart from in front of PAS | Return by 2:00 pm | &
Take a trip with UJA@PAS to visit the only summer camp in the
nation for children with cancer. Travel with us from PAS, or meet
us at the campsite to spend the morning and have lunch with
these special campers and counselors. Sunrise Day Camp meets
the emotional, social, recreational and physical needs of children
with cancer and related illnesses while allowing them the comfort
and safety of their own homes at night. With the support of UJAFederation, Sunrise Day Camp is free for all these children. Sunrise Day Camp operates on the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds,
a 300-acre wooded site that borders Nassau and Suffolk counties
on Long Island.
The irrepressible Curious George is always in trouble! In a great
turn of fate, he helped his creators get out of life-threatening
danger. On view are nearly 80 original drawings for Margret and
H. A. Rey’s children’s books and documentation related to their
escape from Nazi-occupied Europe. Appropriate for adults and
children, the exhibition includes a reading room inspired by the
beloved monkey’s escapades. (A family guide may be downloaded from www.thejewishmuseum.org.) Meet in the museum lobby
at 6:20 pm. Space is limited. No charge.
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140.
& RSVP to Dawn Spiera at [email protected].
July 21, July 28, August 4
Midtown Lunch & Learn
12:30 pm | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove | &
Prepare for the coming High Holy Day season. We will study
the prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur using the newly
published Rabbinical Assembly mahzor. Attend one session, two,
or all three. No charge. Advance registration required; location
information will be sent to registered participants.
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140.
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
Summer Wednesday Nights @ PAS
June 30
Summer Soiree on the Roof
7:00 pm
An eclectic concert featuring Cantors Nancy Abramson and Elana
Rozenfeld, joined by special guests from our PAS community.
Refreshments will be served. Feel free to bring guests – all ages
are welcome! No charge.
July 7
Post-July Fourth BBQ & Movie on the Roof | &
BBQ Dinner: 7:30 pm
Movie: 8:30 pm
July 21
Gallery Opening
Text and Texture: Midrash through Making
Ceramic Art by Jo Kamm & Fiber Art by Heather G. Stoltz
Wine and crudités: 7:00 pm
Artists’ presentations: 7:45 pm
See facing page for artists’ bios and photos of their work.
July 28 · Mind & Body
Krav Maga (Israeli hand-to-hand combat)
7:30 pm
& RSVP by July 2 to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140.
Learn the basics of this eclectic Israeli self-defense system,
developed on the streets and now taught to elite troops all over
the world. Wear comfortable clothing.
July 14
The Prophet’s Wife book discussion
Cost for BBQ: $10/person, $36/family.
Philharmonic in the Park
Concert begins at 8:00 pm
Bring a picnic and join PAS friends to hear the New York Philharmonic play Beethoven in Central Park. We will sit together on the
East Side of the Great Lawn. Look for the blue balloons any time
after 6:30 pm.
8:00 pm
Pat Davidson will facilitate a discussion of the unfinished novel
by Rabbi Milton Steinberg, z”l, which was published last March,
at the time of the rabbi’s 60th yahrzeit. Copies of the book are for
sale in the Rothschild Library as long as they last.
9:00 pm | Before you go home, enjoy wine and light
refreshments on the roof.
Ice Cream on the Roof
Summer Reunions for Judah Nadich High
School Grads
Join Clergy and camp families for pre-Shabbat songs and stories
on the Lower Level. Then come up to the roof for ice cream as a
headstart on oneg Shabbat, the pleasure of Shabbat.
Dinner & a Movie
Summer Shabbat Specials
June 25, and every Friday July 9 – August 13 | 1:00 pm
Sponsored by the Rothschild Library
Kids’ Shabbat Book Basket
Every Shabbat from June 19 – August 28, look for the book
basket (near the ushers) with Jewish books for children of all ages
to look at while sitting quietly in their seats in the synagogue. Let
your children enjoy the books during services and return them so
that others may read them next week.
Tot Shabbat | for kids 0–5
June 26, July 10, July 24, August 7, August 21 | 10:30 am
Note: time change from previous Tot Shabbat services.
Shabbat Pray & Play | for kids entering Grade 1 and up
June 26, July 10, July 24, August 7, August 21 | 10:30 am
Share the excitement of Shabbat in the summer. We’ll start with
variations on Shabbat morning prayers, using music, games, and
theater. After tefillah, we’ll play Shabbat-friendly games on the
roof or even in the Park.
For more information, contact Ron Koas at [email protected] or 212-3692600, x132, or Jason Oppenheimer at [email protected] or x141.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Home for the summer? Get together with old friends from PAS,
and create an awesome, new community just for you.
Thursday, July 15 | 7:00 pm | &
Meet at PAS for dinner; it’s on us. Afterwards, we’ll catch an
evening flick at one of the many nearby theaters. Cost: the price
of the movie ticket.
& RSVP and make your movie suggestions to Jason Oppenheimer at [email protected].
Comedy Club
Thursday August 5 | 8:30 pm | &
Meet at Dangerfield’s Comedy Club (1st Ave
between 61st & 62nd). Cost: $15/person.
& RSVP by July 29 to Jason Oppenheimer at
[email protected].
August 4
August 11 · Rosh Hodesh Elul
8:00 pm
7:00 pm | &
Campfire on the Roof
Moonbeams | Translating Text into Textile
Are you a kid at heart? Have a kid at home who’d rather be at
camp? Enjoy a taste of summer camp in the City! Snack on
s’mores, sing American and Israeli folk songs with Cantor Nancy
and Cantor Elana, and shiver to ghost stories told by Jason
Oppenheimer. All ages welcome!
August 18
End-of-Summer BBQ and Karaoke
7:00 pm | &
Join us on the roof again as the summer begins to wind down.
Cost: $10/person, $36/family.
& RSVP by August 16 to [email protected] or 212-369-2600,
Moonbeams will participate in a workshop with fiber artist
Heather G. Stoltz (see below). All women in the congregation, of
all ages, are welcome to discover a new way of looking at texts
as well as how to express thoughts in fabric. Using text, speech
or prayer as inspiration, each participant will design and create
fiber art, finding the power of turning words into a physical creation. No experience in sewing or quilting is necessary. Advance
registration is required; no charge.
& RSVP to [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x140 by
Wednesday, August 4.
Teshuvah, Returning
8:00 pm | Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
The month of Elul is traditionally the time to begin preparing
spiritually for the High Holy Days. Begin your journey of reflection and repentance by learning what it means to do teshuvah.
9:00 pm | Before going home, relax with friends and a glass of
wine on the roof.
9:00 pm | Before you go home, enjoy wine and light
refreshments on the roof.
and Texture: Midrash through Making
Jo Kamm, Ceramic Artist | Jo Kamm’s fascination with the
world takes the form of elegantly structured experiments in
material behavior. He employs familiar shapes and textures as a
way of asking questions about the interpretive urge – the human
desire to find and make meaning. He also produces utilitarian
ceramics, making domestic objects with a similarly ambiguous
and evocative language of form.
Jo’s appreciation of ambiguity may be traced in part to his
studies at Jewish day school, where every question had multiple
answers. While few of his functional pieces were designed as
ritual art, many of his goblets and drinking vessels are used by
their owners as kiddush cups.
Jo has broadened his understanding of ceramic art and process
through residencies at international centers for ceramic art. He
has shown work internationally, including at the Clay Studio in
Philadelphia, the Duna Gallery in Budapest, Hungary, and The
International Ceramic Museum in Middlefart, Denmark. Jo earned
a BFA in Ceramic Art at Kansas City Art Institute in 2007 and
completed an MFA in Ceramic Art at Alfred University in May
of this year. In fall, Jo will be returning to Europe for a residency
during European Ceramic Context 2010, at the Danish Design
School on the island of Bornholm.
Heather G. Stoltz, Fiber Artist | Heather G. Stoltz discovered
her love of fiber art when pursuing a Master’s Degree in Jewish
Women’s Studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New
York. Since then, she has been translating texts of the Jewish
tradition into textile art, bringing her own interpretation to the
ancient words. Heather also has a BS in Mechanical Engineering
and a BA in Jewish Studies from Lafayette College in Easton, PA.
Heather is an Arts Fellow at the Drisha Institute. She was a
Poretsky Artist-in-Residence at the National Havurah Committee
2008 Summer Institute in Rindge, New Hampshire. Her work
has been exhibited at many venues including JOFA’s 10th
Anniversary International Conference and the International Quilt
Festival in Houston , Texas. Her work has also been featured in
Creative Quilting: The Journal Quilt Project, Zeek Magazine,
and Practical Matters.
PAS Gallery | Text
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
PAS In Israel
Editor’s note: In 2004, in connection with our “Israel This Year” programming theme, PAS raised funds for the bima in a new
Masorti synagogue in Tel Aviv. The schools and the Arms held a series of small fundraisers for our Israel Fund. Mitzvah Day
funds that year went to the Israel Fund. A big “Israeli Art Fair” in December was the major event that raised most of the funds
for this donation.
On our 2004 Synagogue Trip, we visited the shell of the 19th-century building in Neve Tzedek that was to be renovated as the
synagogue and cultural center, and we presented to Rabbi Arbib and to the heads of the Masorti Movement not only a check but
also a lovely parochet that had been designed and hand-sewn by our members.
It is good to hear that the plans of so long ago have been realized, our money has been put to good use and our donation has
been recognized appropriately. A visit to the Neve Zedek Center is already in the plans for the December 2010 Israel Trip!
Cantor Abramson’s Discretionary Fund
Michael & Beth Fruchtman, in honor of Cantor Abramson, for her help and assistance with
Emma’s Bat Mitzvah.
Michele & Thomas Graham Kahn, in honor of Cantor Nancy Abramson.
Bikur Cholim
Leah & Barrie Modlin, in memory of Ben Thylan.
Tal & Ariel Recanati, in memory of Gladice Merbaum.
Jane Revasch, in memory of her beloved father Arnold Neustadter.
Frances Stewart, in memory of her beloved parents Ilse & Fred Hahn on their birthdays.
Rabbi Cosgrove’s Discretionary Fund
Michael & Beth Fruchtman, in honor of Rabbi Cosgrove for his help and assistance with
Emma’s Bat Mitzvah.
Doris & Henry Murad, in honor of their great-grandson Jonathan William Mendelson and in
appreciation to Rabbi Cosgrove for his blessings at the Bris.
Rose & Jack Less, with many thanks, gratitude and love to each of our wonderful clergy and
to each of our kind and caring members who worked and planned to give us such a beautiful
“Simcha” party for our 70th anniversary.
James P. Robbins.
Sarah I. Gelman Memorial Fund
Lynn Gelman Bell.
Evelyn Gelman, in honor of her birthday.
Evelyn Gelman, in memory of her beloved husband Milton Gelman.
Evelyn Gelman, in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Sarah Gelman.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
High School Food Pantry
Cantor Nancy Abramson, in memory of Howard Oppenheimer, grandfather of Jason
Sarah Barish, in honor of Lynn & Marty Halbfinger.
Susan Erlich.
Stanley & Jane Kreinik, in memory of Pat Davidson’s beloved brother, Paul Baris.
Stanley & Jane Kreinik, in honor of Dr. Harris Nagler’s appointment as president of Beth
Israel Hospital.
Michali Levit, Phyllis Spiro & Ron Koas, in memory of Jason Oppenheimer’s grandfather
Howard Oppenheimer.
Cindy, Scott, Becca & Jennie Matte, in honor of Mark First’s birthday.
Michael Oberman, in memory of his beloved father Hyman Oberman.
Judy, Jeff, Hannah, Sarah & Jonathan Poss, in memory of Howard Oppenheimer, grandfather
of Jason Oppenheimer.
Frederick Ruvkun, in memory of Dora Ruvkun on her Yahrzeit.
Joan & Sylvan Schefler, in honor of Sylvan’s birthday.
Heidi, Rob, Michael & Max Silverstone, in honor of Alex Poliakov becoming a Bar Mitzvah.
The Smallberg Family, in memory of Howard Oppenheimer, grandfather of Jason
Suzanne Stadler, in memory of her beloved father David Heller.
Jodi & Charles Yellen, in memory of Howard Oppenheimer, grandfather of Jason
Anne & Fred Zwitofsky.
Liturgical Music Fund
Roberta & Eugene Zinbarg, in honor of Cantor Lefkowitz.
Roberta & Eugene Zinbarg, in honor of Cantor Abramson’s recognition by Masorti Olami.
Albert & Rachel Murad Memorial Scholarship Fund
Doris & Henry Murad, in memory of Stanley Kassimer.
Dr. Howard Murad, in memory of John Coons, father of Julie Coons.
Prayer Book Fund
Harris Amster, in memory of Anna Amster.
Bob, Will, Lindsay, Ted & Ellie Bressman, in honor of of Amy A.B. Bressman’s birthday.
Will, Lindsay, Ted & Ellie Bressman, in honor of our mother Amy A.B. Bressman, who taught
us the importance and joy of coming to Synagogue.
Harriet Feiwel, in loving memory of her father Alfred Rich.
Harriet & Herb Feiwel, in memory of Ruth Greenfield.
Richard S. Green & Elaine S. Gilde, in memory of Ben Thylan, father of Jayne Thylan.
Elizabeth & Andrew Sagat, in honor of the birth of their daughter Sari Madeleine.
Rabbi Rein’s Discretionary Fund
Michael & Beth Fruchtman, in honor of Rabbi Rein, for his help and assistance with Emma’s
Bat Mitzvah.
Tikkun Olam Committee for Community Outreach
Linda & Harold Friedman, in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Elizabeth Mia
Friedman, daughter of Stacy & Jeffrey Friedman.
Welfare Fund
Carol Judelson, in honor of Irene Eisenberg’s milestone birthday.
Rachel Philipp.
Andrea Lustig, Shereen Rutman & Susan Silverman,
in honor and appreciation of Jean & Menachem Rosensaft,
in honor and appreciation of Rochelle Ludwig,
in honor and appreciation of Susan Edelstein,
in honor and appreciation of Lynn Zises,
in honor and appreciation of Natalie Barth,
in honor and appreciation of Annette Sherman,
in honor and appreciation of Jen & Andrew Hoine,
in honor and appreciation of Ilene & Art Penn,
in honor and appreciation of Rachel First,
in honor and appreciation of Stacy Katz,
in honor and appreciation of Marcia Colvin,
in honor and appreciation of Stephanie & Kevin Leichter.
Synagogue Offerings
Dr. John Abroon, in memory of his beloved father Hashem Abroon.
Melody Alstodt, in memory of her beloved mother Beulah Priceman.
David Balgley, in memory of his beloved father Morris Balgley.
Mark & Arlene Bernstein, in honor of their anniversary.
Vivian Bernstein, in memory of her beloved grandmother Marie Holub.
Vivian Bernstein, in memory of her beloved mother Eva Glaser.
Lori Bland, in memory of her beloved father Robert Sharfstein.
Sonia Breindel, in memory of her beloved mother Dina Weissenberg.
Bernard Breslin, in memory of his beloved mother Henriette Breslin.
Nancy Bronstein, in memory of her beloved father Herbert Katz.
Katherine Chavkin, in memory of her beloved father Alex Showe.
Carol H. Cohen, in memory of her beloved father Reuben Herman.
David Cook, in memory of his beloved father Edward Cook.
David & Kathy Cook.
Ronald Daitz, in memory of his beloved aunt Janet Birnbaum.
Dorothy Denbrug, in memory of Michelle Urman on her Yahrzeit.
Florence K. Edelstein, in appreciation of her birthday celebration.
Florence K. Edelstein, in honor of her 93rd birthday.
Florence K. Edelstein, in memory of her beloved mother-in-law Dora Edelstein.
Howard Edelstein, in memory of his beloved father Bernard Edelstein.
Howard Edelstein, in memory of his beloved mother Sara Edelstein.
Susan Erlich, in memory of her beloved father Jacob Erlich.
Bernard Feinberg, in memory of his beloved father Fred Feinberg.
Phyllis Feinberg, in honor of her birthday.
Phyllis Feinberg, in memory of her beloved mother Frances Salovsky.
Elizabeth Feiner, in memory of her beloved husband Irwin Feiner.
Martin Fischer, in memory of his beloved father Paul Fischer.
Myra Freed, in memory of her beloved mother Gladys Freed.
Bernard Friedman, in memory of his beloved mother Clara Friedman.
Bernard Friedman, in memory of his beloved father Irving Friedman.
David Friedman, in memory of his beloved father Howard Friedman.
Erica Friedman, in honor of her birthday.
Michael & Beth Fruchtman, in honor of Cantor Rozenfeld, for her help and assistance with
Emma’s Bat Mitzvah.
Gail Furman, in memory of her beloved father Alvin Gorin.
Sarah Gelber, in memory of her beloved mother Ruth Azaryad.
Harold Geringer, in memory of his beloved mother-in-law Sally Nissen.
Harold Geringer, in memory of his beloved mother Betty Geringer.
Dorothy Goldman, in memory of her beloved husband S. Howard Goldman.
James Goldman, in memory of his beloved nephew Howard Ira Joselow.
Efraim Grinberg, in memory of his beloved wife Jane Grinberg.
Susan Heller, in memory of her beloved mother Bella Windt.
Dr. George Hines, in memory of his beloved father Frank Hines.
Alan Hirschfeld, in honor of his birthday.
Alan Hirschfeld, in memory of his beloved father Leo Hirschfeld.
Della Honig, in memory of her beloved father Max Reinkraut.
Carol Hyman, in memory of her beloved husband Basil Hyman.
Gary Israel, in memory of his beloved mother Harriet Israel.
Gary Israel, in memory of his beloved father Moe Israel.
Dr. Neal & Barbara Kaplan, in honor of their anniversary.
Lois Karnovsky, in memory of her beloved father David Schulman.
Gershon Kekst, in memory of his beloved father Jacob Joseph Kekst.
Susan Wiener Krevat, in memory of her beloved grandmother Dorothy Kipness.
Harry Krieger, in honor of Ed & Nadine Cohen for their Pesach hospitality.
Dr. Rona Kurtz, in memory of her beloved father George Krulik.
Cantor David & Joan Lefkowitz, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Slavin.
Laila Levitas, in memory of her beloved husband Robert Levitas.
Marjorie Magner, in memory of her beloved mother Ethel Magner.
Lili Mahlab, in memory of her beloved mother Farah Mahlab.
Lewis Miller, in memory of his beloved mother Esther Miller.
Sheila Miller, in memory of her beloved father Abraham Maurice Baker.
David Mitchell, in memory of his beloved father Albert Mitchell.
Dr. Richard Muchnick, in memory of his beloved mother Rachel Muchnick.
Dr. Carol Mutterperl, in memory of her beloved mother Gertrude Frieser.
Charles Mutterperl, in memory of his beloved mother Celia Mutterperl.
Sue Nager, in memory of her husband Jordan Nager.
Melanie Nasberg, in memory of her beloved mother Ethel Grabowsky.
Morris Orden, in memory of his beloved aunt Anne Ordansky.
Morris Orden, in memory of his beloved father Joseph Orden.
Morris Orden, in memory of his beloved grandmother Dinah King.
Rachel & John Philipp.
Marni & Adam Pinkow, in honor of the Baby Naming of their daughter Lila Karson Pinkow.
Ruth Pordy, in memory of her beloved father Samuel Gansberg.
Inge Pretsfelder, in memory of her beloved husband Ernest L. Pretsfelder.
Dr. Sheila Erlich-Pruzansky, in memory of her beloved father Jakob Erlich.
Emily Roberts, in memory of her beloved father Dr. Gerald Roberts.
Estelle Roth, in memory of her beloved father Morris Krasna.
Sherry Rutman, in memory of her beloved father Sam Berg.
Phillip Satow, in memory of his beloved father Joseph Satow.
Andrea Schnipper, in memory of her beloved father Irwin Feiner.
Andrew Schnipper, in memory of his beloved father Dr. Leonard Schnipper.
Dr. Michael Seiden, in memory of his beloved father Martin Seiden.
Florence Seligman, in memory of her beloved sister-in-law Betty Seligman.
Lisa Siegal, in memory of her beloved father Abraham Siegal.
Stanley Siegelbaum, in memory of his beloved father Samuel Siegelbaum.
Sydney Silberman, in memory of his beloved wife Rosalind Grossman Silberman.
Joel Silver, in memory of his beloved father Nathan Silver.
Nathan R. Silverstein, in honor of his Aliyah.
Sheldon Siskin, in honor of his birthday.
Dr. Allen & Rita Spiegel, in honor of their anniversary.
Vivian Storper, in memory of her beloved mother Florence Schwartz.
Clara Diament-Sujo, in memory of her beloved daughter Jeannine Perla Sujo.
Michael Taubin, in memory of his beloved mother Fanny Taubin.
Helene Spielman Torker, in memory of her beloved husband Marvin Spielman.
Ray & Nancy Treiger, in honor of their birthdays.
Peter Weisman, in memory of his beloved mother Sheilah Weisman.
Marlene Zausner, in memory of her beloved mother and father, Bertha & Jack Klausner.
Dr. Jonathan Zeichner, in honor of his birthday.
Dr. Joel Zinberg, in memory of his beloved father Arthur Zinberg.
June–August 2010
Sivan–Tammuz–Av–Elul 5770
Social Work Support for PAS Families and
their Caregivers
Are you or a family member looking for companionship,
shopping assistance, an escort to a medical appointment,
volunteer opportunities or caregiver support? We are
partnering with DOROT as beneficiaries of a UJA-Federation
Partners in Caring grant, to provide on-site, licensed social
work assistance to senior members of our community and their
families. Katie Weinberger, LMSW, holds office hours at PAS
on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Employment and career counseling, financial
consultation, debt counseling, budget assistance,
legal services and personal counseling
These services are available to individuals in the Jewish
community (confidentially and at no charge) through UJAFederation’s Connect-to-Care initiative. This special program
was launched in response to the recent economic downturn.
To reach a Connect-to-Care counselor, please call (212) 399-2685, x206.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact Katie at 212-
e Rothschild
r ar y
The Edmon
769-2850 or [email protected], or Rabbi Rein at srein@
pasyn.org or at 212-369-2600, x124.
Avenue Sy
Help this Summer in the Synagogue Library
The Rothschild Library is looking for summer volunteers! Your help is welcome whether you’re available
just once or every week. Students, get a headstart on next year’s community service hours!
Projects include:
• Shelf reading – checking that books are in their proper places on the shelf.
• Updating journal records in the online catalog.
• Covering hardcover books with plastic library covers.
Contact Librarian Marga Hirsch at [email protected] or 212-269-2600, x127.
Early Childhood Center Applications for 2011–2012
PAS member families who would like to apply to the Park Avenue Synagogue Early Childhood Center for the 2011-2012
school year are asked to call the school (212-369-2600, x151) and request an application form starting May 3, 2010.
All children who were born before April 1, 2009 are eligible for school in September 2011. The Park Avenue
Synagogue Early Childhood Center adheres strictly to its cut-off dates. Families who have been active longtime members
of the synagogue are given special consideration. However, because of limitations on class size and the need to balance
groups in a variety of ways, membership does not guarantee acceptance.
There is an application fee of $40 per child. The application process includes a visit and tour of the school by one or
both parents and a separate visit with the child.
For the school year beginning in September 2010 there were approximately 55 openings. It will be very helpful to
have some idea prior to September how many eligible member families are interested in a place for the 2011-2012 school
term. This will enable us to determine how many applications from new members or non-members we will be able to
accept. Thank you so much for your interest in the school and for your cooperation.
Sign up for the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School
PAS launched a new site of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School last fall, and almost 90 students have
completed the first year of the two-year program. A new Year 1 class will begin in October. Sign up to be
part of this exciting program. FMAMS is an opportunity to engage in serious, ongoing Jewish study. The
curriculum builds Jewish literacy through study of primary texts from the Bible to contemporary theologians.
Appropriate for students of all levels and all types of Jewish background, the course meets for 30 sessions
each year; each session is comprised of two 1-hour classes with a 15-minute break.
For more information and to sign up, visit www.pasyn.org or contact Rabbi Julia Andelman at [email protected], 212-369-2600, x142.
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
27 Sivan
17 Tammuz
Fast of 17th Tammuz
18 Tammuz
11 Tammuz
JUNE 2010
Sivan–Tammuz 5770
5 Tammuz
12 Tammuz
30 Sivan
Parashat Korah
Rosh Hodesh
6 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:12 pm
7 Tammuz
Parashat Hukkat
13 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:13 pm
14 Tammuz
Parashat Balak
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof
10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening
10:30 am Pray & Play
8:00 am Talmud Torah
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
7:30 pm Singles Rooftop Oneg 9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
9:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli –
Last session
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
with Children’s
Birthday Blessings
29 Sivan
Candle lighting, 8:09 pm
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
9:15 am Melton classes –
Last session
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
7:00 pm Men’s Club Rooftop
9:15 am Melton classes
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
7:30 pm Moonbeams
28 Sivan
23 Sivan
Parashat Sh’lah L’kha
22 Sivan
Candle lighting, 8:05 pm
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
9:30 am HaMishpachah Sheli
6:15 pm Musical Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
7:30 pm Congregational
Shabbat Dinner
21 Sivan
9:15 am Melton classes
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
6:15 pm WEG Museum Visit
Information is subject to change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the office.
Young Families Israel Trip
11:30 am Contemporary Jewish 7:00 pm Summer Soiree
PAS Calendar of Events
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
16 Tammuz
1:00 pm Sisterhood film
11:30 am Contemporary Jewish
10 Tammuz
9 Tammuz
4 Tammuz
11:00 am Daytime Book
Discussion Group
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
3 Tammuz
8:00 am Essential Essays –
Last session
6:45 pm Melton classes –
1:00 pm Yiddish Club
Last session
7:30 pm Women’s Torah Study
2 Tammuz
26 Sivan
15 Tammuz
20 Sivan
6:45 pm Melton classes
Camp Keshet begins
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
8 Tammuz
Father’s Day
8:00 am Essential Essays
7:00 pm Reflections with the
25 Sivan
19 Sivan
8:00 am Essential Essays
11:30 am Contemporary Jewish
6:45 pm Melton classes
9:30 am JAMS – Last session
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
Young Families Israel Trip
1 Tammuz
Rosh Hodesh
24 Sivan
Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday – Thursday at 5:45 pm.
Friday at 6:00 pm. Minha on Shabbat (Saturday) begins
20 minutes after end of morning service.
Daily Shaharit Minyanim Monday – Friday at 7:15 am;
Sunday & Legal Holidays at 9:00 am.
any changes are noted when they occur.
14 Av
7 Av
they occur.
any changes are noted when
day – Friday at 7:15 am;
Daily Shaharit Minyanim Mon at 9:00 am.
Sunday & Legal Holidays
23 Tammuz
Independence Day
25 Tammuz
19 Tammuz
26 Tammuz
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
24 Tammuz
3 Av
4 Av
20 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:13 pm
27 Tammuz
Candle lighting, 8:11 pm
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service
5 Av
Candle lighting, 8:08 pm
21 Tammuz
Parashat Pinhas
28 Tammuz
Parashat Mattot-Mas’ei
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
6 Av
Parashat D’varim
Shabbat Hazon
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof 10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 10:30 am Pray & Play
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
6:30 pm Visit to The Jewish
8:00 am Talmud Torah
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
7:00 pm Teen/Collegian dinner 1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof 9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service
and movie
11 Av
13 Av
Parashat Va-ethannan
Shabbat Nahamu
12 Av
Candle lighting, 8:03 pm
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof 10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 10:30 am Pray & Play
10 Av
11:30 am Contemporary Jewish 8:30 am UJA@PAS Visit to
Sunrise Day Camp
7:30 pm BBQ & movie on roof 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
7:00 pm Torah on Tap
2 Av
9 Av
Tisha B’Av
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
1 Av
Rosh Hodesh
11:30 am Contemporary Jewish
Thought–Last session 8:00 pm Philharmonic in the
7:30 pm Women’s Torah Study
8 Av
Erev Tisha B’Av
12:30 pm Midtown Lunch &
7:00 pm Gallery opening
19 Av
Candle lighting, 7:56 pm
20 Av
Parashat Eikev
Information is subject to change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the office.
18 Av
17 Av
16 Av
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
8:00 am Talmud Torah
1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof 9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service
15 Av
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
6:30 pm Visit to The Jewish
8:00 pm Evening Service,
Study Session &
7:00 am Morning minyan
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
7:30 pm Moonbeams
PAS offices closed
at 5:45 pm.
Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday – Thursday
(Saturday) begins
Friday at 6:00 pm. Minha on Shabbating service.
20 minutes after end of morn
29 Tammuz
22 Tammuz
Independence Day
12:30 pm Midtown Lunch &
7:30 pm Krav Maga
8:00 pm The Prophet’s Wife
book discussion
Tammuz–Av 5770
7:00 pm Reflections with the
JULY 2010
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
PAS Calendar of Events
19 Elul
12 Elul
5 Elul
28 Av
21 Av
22 Av
5 Av
20 Elul
15 Elul
16 Elul
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
9 Elul
26 Av
Candlelighting, 7:49 pm
27 Av
Parashat R’eih
3 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:40 pm
4 Elul
Parashat Shof’tim
10 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:30 pm
11 Elul
Parashat Ki Tetzei
17 Elul
Candle lighting, 7:19 pm
18 Elul
Parashat Ki Tavo
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 10:30 am Pray & Play
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
8:00 am Talmud Torah
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
Camp Keshet Last Day
1:00 pm Ice Cream on the Roof 10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service 10:30 am Pray & Play
Av–Elul 5770
8:45 am Parashat HaShavua
9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat
8:00 am Talmud Torah
6:15 pm Friday Evening Service
Information is subject to change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the office.
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
21 Elul
PAS Calendar of Events
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
14 Elul
13 Elul
8 Elul
12:30 pm Midtown Lunch &
7:30 pm Women’s Torah Study 7:00 pm BBQ & Karaoke
7 Elul
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
6 Elul
2 Elul
1 Elul
Rosh Hodesh
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
30 Av
7:30 pm Simply Singing
24 Av
12:00 pm Lunch & Learn
12:30 pm Midtown Lunch &
8:30 pm Teen/Collegian
Comedy Club
8:00 pm Campfire on the Roof
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
29 Av
23 Av
7:00 pm Torah on Tap
7:00 am Morning minyan
7:00 pm Moonbeams
8:00 pm Teshuvah class
7:30 pm Shulhan Ivrit
Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin | June–August 2010 | Sivan–Elul 5770
New York, NY
Permit No. 8526
50 East 87th Street, New York, NY 10128
Elliot J. Cosgrove, Ph.D., Rabbi
Steven I. Rein, Assistant Rabbi
David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Emeritus
Nancy Abramson, Cantor
Elana Rozenfeld, Interim Cantor
Azi Schwartz, Interim Cantor
David Lefkowitz, Cantor Emeritus
Steven M. Friedman, Chairman of the Board
Brian G. Lustbader, President
Beryl P. Chernov, Executive Director
Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education
Julia Andelman, Director of Adult Education and Community Programs
Ron Koas, Education Director
Carol Hendin, Director, Early Childhood Center
Jason Oppenheimer, Director of Youth Activities and Rabbi Judah Nadich High School
Marga Hirsch, Director, Edmond de Rothschild Library and PAS Bulletin Editor
John Davis, Facilities Director
Lawrence Conley, Director of Communications
Synagogue Office: 212-369-2600 | www.pasyn.org
A Look Ahead
Monday, September 6 |Labor Day
Wednesday, September 8 |Erev Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, September 9 |Rosh Hashanah, First Day
Friday, September 10 |Rosh Hashanah, Second Day
Saturday, September 11 |Shabbat Shuvah
Generously endowed by Menachem Z. Rosensaft & Jean Bloch Rosensaft in loving memory of Josef & Hadassah Rosensaft
Sunday, September 12 |Tzom Gedaliah
Monday, September 13 |Congregational School begins
Friday, September 17 |Kol Nidrei
Saturday, September 18 |Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 22 |Erev Sukkot
Thursday, September 23 |Sukkot, First Day
Friday, September 24 |Sukkot, Second Day
Saturday, September 25 |Shabbat, Hol ha-moed Sukkot
Wednesday, September 29 |Hoshanah Rabbah
Thursday, September 30 |Sh’mini Atzeret (Yizkor), Erev Simhat Torah
Friday, October 1 |Simhat Torah
Saturday, October 2 |Shabbat, Parashat B’reishit
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