Infopackage Aalen University


Infopackage Aalen University
Studying at
Aalen University
International Relations Office - Email: [email protected]
ECTS Information Package
The Concept
ECTS Credits & Grading Scale
ECTS Students & Credit Transfer
The Institution (HTW Aalen - University)
Academic Schools / Courses of Study / Syllabuses
Student Services & Associations
VII. The City of Aalen
VIII. Admission Requirements for Exchange Students
Admission Deadlines
Best Arrival Time
XII. Health Insurance
XIII. Cost of Living
XIV. Contact Address
I. The Concept
ECTS is developed by the Commission of the European Union in order to provide common
procedures, thus guaranteeing the academic recognition of studies abroad.
ECTS provides a way of first measuring and comparing course contents and grades and then
transferring them from one institution to another.
ECTS is a system based on the principle of mutual trust and confidence between the participating
institutions of higher learning.
Three main rules have been established to reinforce this principle:
(1) information on available courses
(2) bilateral agreements between the home and host institutions
(3) the use of credit points to indicate students' workloads
Participating institutions implement these rules through the use of information packages
(available at the IRO and your department), which provide general information on the host
institution, as well as detailed descriptions of available programmes, courses and credit allocation.
Learning Agreements between the student and the home and host institutions contain the
student's personal information and a description of the intended study abroad programme.
Finally, the Transcript of Records shows the student's academic achievements prior to and after
the study abroad period.
ECTS Credits & Grading Scale
ECTS is a credit system based on student workload. The credits represent a value allocated to
course units which indicate the amount necessary to complete them. They reflect the quantity of
work that each course requires in relation to the total amount of work required to complete a full
year of academic study at that institution (work may be in the form of lectures, practical activities,
seminars, self-directed studies - in the library or at home - and examinations or other forms of
assessment). Thus ECTS credits represent a relative value.
According to ETCS, 60 credits represent the workload of a full year of study; normally a student
earns 30 credits for a semester and 20 credits for a term. It is up to the participating institutions to
subdivide the credits for the various courses. ECTS credits should be allocated to all available
courses, whether they are required or elective.
Practical placements and optional courses which form an integral part of the course of study also
receive academic credit. Non-credit courses, however, may also be mentioned in the transcript of
records. Credits will only be awarded for completed courses in which all required examinations have
been successfully taken.
Examination and assessment results are expressed in a variety of different grading systems in
Europe. In order to enable institutions to interpret grades awarded to ECTS students, a
corresponding grading scale has been developed. An ECTS grade provides information on the
student's achievements in addition to the institutional grade, but it does not replace the local
The ECTS grading scale is based on the combined use of appropriate keywords and numerical
definitions intended to assist the transparency of the keywords.
(local grade)
% of students
who normally
earn this grade
(1,0 - 1,5)
outstanding performance with only minor
(1,6 - 2,0)
above average but with some errors
(2,1 - 3,0)
generally sound work with a number of
notable errors
(3,1 - 3,5)
fair but with significant shortcomings
(3,6 - 4,0)
performance meets the minimum criteria
(4,1 - 5,0)
some more work required before the
credit can be awarded
(4,6 - 5,0)
considerable further work is required
The number of grades of the ECTS grading scale is a compromise. Fewer grades would transfer too
little information; more grades would imply a level of accuracy that does not exist.
III. ECTS Students & Credit Transfers
Students participating in ECTS will receive full credit for all academic work successfully completed
at any of the ECTS partner institutions. They will be able to transfer these academic credits from
one participating institution to another as long as a learning agreement has been signed between
the student and the institutions involved which describes the content of the study programme to be
followed abroad.
After the student has successfully completed the agreed upon study programme and returned to
the home institution, credit transfer can then place. The student is thus able to continue the course
of study at the home institution without any loss of time or credit.
For this purpose, the transcript of records details every course taken by the student and includes
the number of ECTS credits completed as well as the grade awarded (on the local grading scale).
When available an ECTS grade is also included.
The transcript of records, the information package and the learning agreement are used by the
institutional and departmental coordinators appointed by each institution to deal with the
administrative and academic aspects of ECTS.
IV. The Institution
A variety of opportunities is available for you to choose from. Founded in 1963 as a state
engineering school and transformed into a university of applied sciences in 1971, Aalen University
currently hosts 4000 students studying in the university’s five academic schools, which are
Chemistry, Electronics & Computing Science, Management & Business Studies, Mechanical
Engineering and Optics & Mechatronics.
Students are taught by about 120 professors. In addition to the academic staff, there are another
160 personnel plus a considerable number of student services volunteers, all providing services to
allow for an ideal study environment. A further 100 part-time employees coming from private
companies (managers, engineers etc.) lecture on special subjects, supplying a perfect link between
theory and practice.
Aalen University is member of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD - Deutscher
Akademischer Austauschdienst) and the German Association of Universities (HRK –
* Academic Authorities
University Management: consisting of Rector, 2 Vice-Rectors and Chancellor (“Rektorat”)
Academic Board: consisting of Rectorship, Deans, elected Professors, staff & students (“Senat”)
Advisory Board: consisting of external and internal personalities (“Hochschulrat”)
University Council: consisting of external personalities mainly from industry (“Kuratorium”)
* Academic Calendar
Winter Semester:
Summer Semester:
01.09. – 28.02.
01.03. – 31.08.
Lecturing Periods:
Beginning of October – End of January
Mid-March – End of June
Examination Periods:
1st 2 Weeks of February and
1st 2 Weeks of July
* The Student Population
10% of the overall student population at Aalen University consists of international students coming
from more than 50 different countries. But, regardless of where you come from, you should expect
no less than our warmest welcome. Aalen University is a modern university where academic
excellence in both teaching and research is a standard not to be compromised. This fact is
confirmed by the numerous technology transfer centres of the institution, the library, which is very
well stocked in the engineering sciences, for instance, and the scientific facilities which are
modernly equipped at the very edge of technology.
* Institutional ECTS - Coordinator
Mr. Pascal Cromm
Director International Relations
HTW Aalen - University
Beethovenstr. 1
D-73430 Aalen
eMail: [email protected]
V. Academic Schools / Courses of Study / Syllabuses
Being fully aware of the importance of your decision about where to study, the university
management invites you to navigate through the university’s website ( or We can ensure you that we will do our best to make your studies
as productive, rewarding and enjoyable as possible.
As mentioned before, the university’s five academic schools are Chemistry, Electronics &
Computing Science, Management & Business Studies, Mechanical Engineering and Optics &
Within each School there are several departments (exception Chemistry where School =
Department). Each department (“Studiengang”) is offering at least one course of study (called
“Studienfach” or “Studienschwerpunkt”).
You will find department wise under then “studium” all the details related to a
course of study. Click onto the heading of a department and then either on “Vorlesungen” to know
which lecture is given on what day and time or on “ECTS” to get information about lecture
contents. Within each department you will also find information to the syllabus of a course of
study (generally under “downloads”, files including “SPO” (= Studien- und Prüfungsordnung =
Study and Examination Regulations) in their heading). Onto the ECTS-page you should then
also generate your learning agreement.
The following graph gives you an overview how our institution is structured on the undergraduate
level. Further courses are offered for graduate students, currently MSc in Vision Science &
Business, MSc in Photonics and MSc in Polymer Technology (Starting the academic year
2005/2006, all departments will have Master courses in their portfolio). Requests concerning
admission to those courses should be addressed to [email protected].
Polymeric & Analytical
Electronics &
Computing Science
Optics &
Computing Science
Industrial Electronics /
Technical Informatics
Optometry & Acoustics
Further Concentrations
Molecular Biotechnology
Software / Media /
Media Science &
Communicat. Technology
Technical Editing
Production Engineering
Technical Teacher
Mechanical Engineering
Plastics Engineering
Surface Technology &
Materials Science
International Technical
Sales Management
Industrial Management
Management &
Business Studies
International Business
Business Studies SME
Depending on the studies undertaken, the Aalen University is currently awarding (as of February
2006) the following qualifications:
“Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)” (4 years degree),
“Diplom-Informatiker (FH)” (4 years degree),
“Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)” (4 years degree),
„Bachelor“ (3,5 years degree),
„Master“ (1,5 years degree).
New students enrolling at HTW Aalen – University from the academic year 2005/2006 on can study
only for Bachelor and Master Degrees.
The following graph gives you an overview of the structure of our degrees offered (right column,
typical for universities of applied sciences focussing more on applied research) in comparison to
traditional universities (left column, typical for traditional universities focussing more on
fundamental research).
Doctoral Studies
(of Arts, of Sciences, of Engineering)
(of Arts, of Sciences, of Engineering)
12/13 Years of School Education
Bachelor Degrees take 7 Semesters for graduation.
In their 5th semester, students must spend one semester in industry on a placement.
To graduate for a Bachelor degree requires the writing of a bachelor thesis / dissertation.
Master Degrees take 3 Semesters for graduation.
VI. Student Services & Associations
Although the names are practically the same, the student groups AStA (General Students'
Committee) and UStA (Independent Students' Committee) have entirely different functions.
Members of AStA represent student interests wherever necessary, from the University Board to the
Senate and the councils of the individual schools. Other areas for student representation are the
university's central facilities, the residence halls, etc.
USTA, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the university administratively or financially. It is
the association of students who organise activities and offer services to enhance student life.
Students in UStA have worked hard to provide the following services to you:
A skiing trip in February!
Regular physical activities (football, dancing, badminton, aerobics, swimming, etc.)
in cooperation with sports clubs in Aalen.
Trips to musicals in Stuttgart and a cultural trip to Berlin.
Authorised seller of the International Student Identification Card (ISIC) for all sorts
of student discounts in Germany and abroad. Just stop by with a photo, your
passport/personal ID number, € 10,- and your letter of acceptance (if your are not
an Aalen University student).
A collection of old exams and lecture notes which can be checked out.
The UStA Shop, where you can order books and buy all sorts of school supplies.
(Open 12:50 - 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 040).
The info-manual for new students.
An online information centre where you can place advertisements, look for rides, etc.
Help with questions about grants/loans (BAföG).
If you would like more information or interested in becoming involved, just send an email to
[email protected] or [email protected] or stop by the A/UStA office (Room 135) between 8:30
and 11:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays.
So you've had a gruelling morning of lectures and need to take a moment to unwind and enjoy
your lunchtime with some classmates and friends. The refectory (Mensa), located across the street
from the main building, is there for you Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to
fulfil your gastronomic needs. You may choose between the 2 meals of the day (Tagesmenü) or the
vegetarian salad buffet, for which you pay by weight. Meal tickets are sold every Tuesday and
Thursday at the entrance of the refectory.
Snacks, sandwiches and beverages are available at the Cafeteria in the main building, which is
open between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. when lectures are in session. The Cafeteria also sells meal
tickets, an important fact to keep in mind if you happen to be out of tickets on a Monday,
Wednesday or Friday.
So that you get along well with the collection of approximately 55,000 items and have no problems
finding specialised literature and information, the library is pleased to introduce you to its range of
Checking out material is possible for everyone. Just bring your student or personal ID with you.
You can take materials from the shelves yourself and bring them to the circulation desk to be
checked out. Materials may be checked out for 28 days and can be renewed up to 5 times, each for
a period of an additional 28 days, as long as no one has placed a hold on the item.
Renewals may be done in person at the library or by telephone at the following numbers:
07361/576-2105/2151 or 2353.
If you have questions, are looking for books or other information or simply don't feel that you are
managing very well on your own, just ask the staff at the circulation desk We would be more than
happy to share our expertise with you.
Is something missing from our collection or is everything in a certain subject check out? Please feel
free to make suggestions to us about potential acquisitions. We will make an effort to fulfil your
We can order books and journal articles for you from other libraries if they are not on the Aalen
University campus. At the circulation desk, we can tell you more about which materials may be
ordered and how much the service costs. Through the Internet, you can access numerous
databases with references to specialised literature on a variety of subjects. Via the regional library
service centre you may access a number of databases.
A great deal of information can be found not only in books but also on CD-ROM. We have
dictionaries, application-writing programs and more in our collection. Just stop by and take a look
for yourself!
Student life
Looking for something to do after a long day of lectures or lab work? Aalen University students
have a wide variety of activities available to them.
One of the most cherished pastimes of Aalen students are the Thursday night parties in the main
building or the mensa building, complete with a bar and (often) live music. The semester is kicked
off by a "Newie-Party" organised by the student association USTA and followed at regular intervals
by parties planned by the individual schools and departments.
USTA also organise a number of other programs of student interest, from sports to trips to musicals
and cities rich in culture.
In addition, one of the most beloved activities is the weekly movie held Tuesday nights in the Aula
at a very reasonable price. However, if you're willing to shell out a little bit more money to see a
current film, Aalen does have a cinema complex known as the "Kinopark."
The city provides a number of recreation facilities, from a sports centre to tennis courts, riding
halls, an ice skating rink and even ski lifts. Aalen also has its own theatre and a municipal hall used
for various performances and presentations. For more information on "night" entertainment
opportunities, please consult the section nightlife.
Aalen is the home to a great many interest clubs, whether your passion is sports, music, dancing,
gardening, film, or animals. Just ask for more information at the Tourist Office (Marktplatz 30 in the
city centre).
Also, if you happen to have a specific hobby, it wouldn't hurt to ask around campus - it's very likely
that there are others at Aalen University with the same interests.
Aalen and the surrounding areas offer a wide and varied nightlife, whether you prefer a noisy or
quiet atmosphere, a classy setting, an evening of dancing, wine bars or maybe nothing more than a
beer in a pub with some friends.
Live music festivals with varying types of music are featured in the bars and pubs. A particular
highlight is the yearly Jazz festival which brings the "crème de la crème" of world-famous Jazz
musicians to Aalen.
Modern and classic music concerts are regularly held in the city of Aalen or in the nearby cities (not
more than 30 minutes from Aalen). Amateurs of theatre will also be more than satisfied with the
Aalen Theatre.
Hungry? Lots of culinary specialties will be found at the numerous restaurants in and nearby Aalen.
Check out the regional monthly event guide Xaver which contains all the information and addresses
you will need.
VII. The City of Aalen
The city
The strategic importance of the geographical location of the City of Aalen was recognised very early
around about 150 A.D. by the Romans and particularly by the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius. He
established here the largest cavalry fort north of the Alps.
A city with a long history, Aalen has attracted the interest of many rulers throughout the centuries.
Economically, the city started its industrialisation with the inauguration of the railway line in 1861
and created the earliest ironworks industry in southern Germany.
At present, Aalen is a city to satisfy every taste.
A variety of large, medium and small enterprises support its economy, and it is not surprising that
Aalen, just as Baden-Württemberg, has a very low unemployment rate.
At the same time, the countryside around Aalen remains untouched and its beauty attracts visitors
from all over the world throughout the year. With just under 70,000 inhabitants, Aalen is able to
offer an array of opportunities in terms of entertainment and shopping without the hustle and
bustle of a big city.
To get a better feel for the city, just go the Aalen website and take a virtual tour of the city. As a
city which dates back to Roman times, Aalen possesses a rich history and a variety of landmarks of
interest to visitors and residents alike.
At the city's website you can take a virtual tour in English of the city centre's most famous sights.
Read about the "Spy of Aalen," view pictures of half-timbered houses, the protestant city church,
the market fountain, the old town hall and town square.
After having explored downtown Aalen and peeked into its many and varied interesting shops,
move outward and visit the Limes Museum with its collection of Roman artefacts, take a stroll
through the peaceful "Schillerhöhe" park and learn about the history of mining in the region by
touring the "Tiefer Stollen" mine in Aalen-Wasseralfingen.
If all this sightseeing has made you weary, you next stop should be "Limesthermen," or thermal
baths (are you intrigued by the idea of swimming in an outdoor heated pool while it's snowing?).
From the baths, you also have access to trails which lead you through the area's splendid natural
landscape. Don't forget to take the trail to the "Aalbäumle," a look-out tower with an excellent
Beyond Aalen
Aalen lies a comfortable distance from many of Germany's most famous sights.
You can easily take day trips to Stuttgart, Munich, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Ulm, Augsburg and
VIII. Admission Requirements for Exchange Students
Please follow the herewith described procedure and consider also the application
documents included at the end of this information package.
1. Choose the department in which you wish to follow lectures or carry out a final project via
the aforementioned websites.
2. You must submit a learning agreement with your application. In case you intend to carry out
your final project, the subject must be agreed upon at the time of your application.
3. The learning agreement you hand in together with your application must carry your
signature and the signature of the competent authorities of your home institution.
4. As an overseas student (Non-EU) you need to make arrangements for your visa and will
need a respective invitation from us, that will be send to you once we have received your
complete application.
5. The application documents consist of
Erasmus Application Form
Antrag auf eingeschränkte Zulassung
Application Form for Accommodation
Application Form for an eMail-Account
Learning Agreement
Full transcript of records in English from your home institution
Final project request form in case you wish to carry out your degree thesis in Aalen
Description of your course of study
6. In case you request on your application form for accommodation a room in a student
residence hall, you have to pay by bank transfer a reservation amount consisting of a
deposit, a processing fee & the rent for the 1 st month. Your reservation will be valid only
after confirmation from us, that your payment has well arrived. You will obtain the
information where to transfer the money as soon as we obtain your application documents.
7. Once you will be in Aalen, you will have
to pay the contribution to the student association
(“Studentenwerk”; currently € 37,-),
to open a German bank account,
to go to the AOK – State Health Insurance for getting a confirmation that your
international health insurance (E111 or other) is valid in Germany,
to go to the International Relations Office (IRO) to get your admission form and to
give mandate for the payment of the rest of your rent for the total duration for your
stay via monthly direct debit,
to go to the Registrar’s Office and to hand in
i. copy of your admission form,
ii. CV,
iii. 2 photographs,
iv. the proof of validity of your health insurance,
v. the proof of payment of the student association contribution
8. Before leaving Aalen, you will let a clearing form be signed by the concerned departments
and bring it back to the IRO. You will also hand in a completed questionnaire concerning the
evaluation of your stay in Aalen.
IX. Application Deadlines
For purposes of securing their accommodation in student residence halls, exchange students have
to send their application up to the following deadlines: for the winter semester on June 1, for the
summer semester on December 1.
X. Best Arrival Time
This point is very important, which is why we wish to emphasise on it.
We recommend that international students arrive in Aalen right for the official beginning of a
semester (beginning of September for the winter semester and beginning of March for the summer
semester). This will allow to get all the formalities done and to settle in a bit before the great rush
of the semester starts.
Furthermore, we expect international students to take the German intensive course three weeks
before the lectures starts. Eventually students can then also participate in the orientation weeks.
On the first day of the lecturing period the AStA / UStA (Students Representatives) organise a
guided tour through Aalen University for the first year students. They also organise a welcome
party for new students. All international students are most welcome to take part in those activities.
The school is open all year through, which means that students who wish to do projects are
welcome at any time.
But when arriving in Aalen, please make sure that you arrive during office times (up to 5.00 p.m.).
Otherwise, you will have serious difficulties in getting the keys of your student residence hall
XI. Accommodation
Depending on your personal tastes, you have the choice of living either in one of the student
residence halls or in off-campus private accommodation.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages based on price, size, location, ease of arrangement,
opportunities to meet other students etc., so you should consider carefully which option is best for
Should circumstances not work out for checking into your room upon your arrival (e.g. being late or
arriving during weekend), Aalen also offers temporary accommodations where you can stay until
obtaining the key to your room.
Aalen has multiple hotels within your price range, as well as a youth hostel for those who would
rather stay the night there.
Stadionweg 1
D-73430 Aalen
Tel.: ++ 49 73 61/4 10 20
A single bed costs between € 40 and € 45. This hotel is located near the both the youth hostel and
Aalen University. It is also the closest, yet most reasonably priced hotel nearest to the University.
Aalener Ratshotel
Friedrichsstraße 7
73430 Aalen
Tel.: ++ 49 7361 95840
A single bed will run between € 50 and € 62. This hotel is located near the centre of the city and in
walking distance to the restaurants and other attractions in the main part of the city.
“Schubart“ Jugendherberge
Stadionweg 8
D-73430 Aalen
Tel.: 49 73 61/4 92 03
This youth hostel is located 5 minutes from Aalen University. Cost starts at € 13.30 and a
reservation is strongly encouraged. You can reach it on the internet at
Student Halls of Residence
In order to book a room in the halls of residence we need the filled in application form for
accommodation (“Antrag auf Aufnahme im Studentenwohnheim”) well before your arrival in
Aalen. Please read the following description of student dormitories and make your choice using the
enclosed form. Remember to send this form to us in advance, so that we can reserve a room for
Four residence halls are available for student housing but only two of them are easily accessible to
exchange students (the other two are subject to long waiting lists):
1. Carl-Schneider-Studentenwohnheim
This Wohnheim is right next to Aalen University. The rent is € 186 per month. Rooms are small but
comfortable and students share showers and bathrooms on the floor.
There is also a kitchen and a living room on each floor. Some international students live in this
Wohnheim. Each student receives a place in the refrigerator on their floor, and cabinet space. The
single rooms in Carl Schneider come with a bed, work table, two chairs, and a sink. Bed linen is
available in limited quantities from the building supervisor. Towels are not included. Aside from
that, you are free to decorate your room according to your wishes. Each floor shares a common
room and a kitchen, in which you will have a shelf in the refrigerator, your own cupboard and
drawer for storing food.
There is also available cooking and eating utensils for one to prepare and eat one’s food. In total,
12 students, each with a single room, share a floor in Carl Schneider Wohnheim. Carl Schneider,
nicknamed “The Tower”, has limited room for international students. Those who wish to move into
Carl Schneider should also select a second choice of a dormitory should they not be accepted to live
in Carl Schneider.
2. Anton-Huber-Straße 5, 7, 9, 11
This new series of Wohnheim has just being built and is running since fall of 2004. This Wohnheim
will offer Wohngemeinschaft (WG) style housing, in which students share a floor, a kitchen,
showers, and bathrooms. New students will also be able to get rooms in this building. This new
Wohnheim is located near the university, close to the youth hostel. It is right next to the football
stadium across from the main university building. There are multiple possibilities of rooms in these
student accommodations. These range from students sharing a 6 room apartment, a 4 room
apartment, or a 2 person apartment. The 2, 4, and 6 room apartments are set up in the traditional,
German WG style. Rents are between € 240,- and € 290,- monthly.
The renting contracts for the halls of residence are always for a whole semester (1st. of
March to August 31, or 1st. of September to February 28) which means that you have to
rent and pay a room for 6 month, no matter how long you stay, or to choose private
Two months before the end of the renting period (always 6 months) you will receive a form with
which you can extend your lease on your room in the Wohnheim by a further semester
Private Accommodation
There is plenty of private accommodation available in Aalen. The monthly rent ranges between €
150 for a room without shower and € 300 for a more luxurious room. At the "Studentensekretariat"
you can consult a file with offers upon your arrival and then choose for yourself.
If you want us to book a room for you before your arrival, you should write us well before your
arrival, and describe what type of room you expect (minimum and maximum rent, distance to the
HTW, if you have a car or not, if you prefer cheap and simple or if you expect a certain standard, if
you prefer to share with other students etc.). We would also like to draw your attention to the fact,
that it is not easy to find private accommodation for only two or three months.
We can help you find an apartment and with linguistic difficulties. Renting an apartment involves
signing a lease, making arrangements to pay the rent, and paying a deposit. There are a variety of
students offering accommodations on our website as well as advertising here at the university.
There are also other aspects to consider such as whether the rent includes utilities, whether the
apartment comes with furniture and other important points.
XII. Health Insurance
Adequate health insurance is obligatory for admission. And in general there is an obligation to have
health insurance in Germany. All students are subject to the obligation to have health insurance
including during a "stipulated" practical period at an enterprise. Students can insure themselves at
a favourable rate during the period they are subject to an obligatory student health insurance.
All students are entitled to compulsory statutory health insurance coverage until completion of their
14th full semester, but only up to a maximum age of 30. If you meet these timing conditions, this
has the positive consequence that the statutory health insurance funds must insure you at student
Apart from a minor personal contribution (excess) which you must pay, this health insurance
covers medical fees for visiting a doctor, hospital expenses, and any prescribed medication. The
student rates for statutory health insurance currently amount to about € 300.- per semester (six
months). This sum already includes the premium for nursing care insurance (Pflegeversicherung)
which has been introduced in Germany. You must pay your premiums to the health insurance fund
before registering at your higher education institution.
If you are older than 30 years of age on the date of arrival in Germany, you are strongly advised to
insure yourself with a private health insurance company, since medical fees and hospital expenses
are very high in Germany if you were intending to pay them by yourself. For example, just one day
in hospital will cost an average of around € 200.-.
Health Test
If you require an entry visa, the local German embassy or consulate will advise you of whether or
not you must take a medical test in your home country, i.e. present a health certificate. Germany's
legislation on foreigners does not prescribe a medical test by a German physician. If you wish to
extend your residence permit in Germany, then you will find that the individual federal regional
states differ in their regulations regarding health tests. The state aliens' registration authority at
your place of study will be able to provide information on this aspect.
When coming from a non-EU-country, international students should be aware of the fact that the
local immigration office may ask you to take a medical test even once being in Germany. You
should count on this costing about € 50,-.
When you enrol at Aalen University: With the proove of your health insurance you go to the local
social insurance (AOK) where you will be given a "Versicherungsbescheinigung" (a document which
states that you are covered and that you don't need a German insurance). This is the document
you need when enrolling at Aalen university. When coming from a non-EU-country, international
students should be aware of the fact that the local immigration office may ask you to take a
medical test even once being in Germany. You should count with costs of about Euro 50,-.
Quite a number of insurance companies offer for a study abroad in Germany special rates for
students. The International Relations Office may support you to find an appropriate insurance
XIII Cost of Living
Living and studying in Germany is often more expensive than students expect. Be sure that your
finances are in order before departing to Germany and make sure that you have sufficient funds to
cover your living expenses. You should count with around € 600,- monthly for accommodation,
food, insurance (if coming from a country that has no agreement with Germany validating your
national health insurance), and some standard leisure activities like cinema, swimming, pubs and
the like. Of course, the needed monthly amount will also depend on your personal life style.
XIV Contact Address
HTW Aalen - University
International Relations Office
Beethovenstraße 1,
D-73430 Aalen
Tel. ++49 7361 576 2213
Fax ++49 7361 576 2136
Email: [email protected]
Thank you very much for your attention. We wish you a pleasant journey to Aalen and a successful
stay. Your International Relations Office.
Aalen University
Fon: + 49 7361 576 – 2213 - Fax: + 49 7361 576 – 2136
International Relations Office - Email: [email protected]