Seasons of the Heart - Several Sources Shelters


Seasons of the Heart - Several Sources Shelters
“Seasons of the Heart”
Several Sources Shelters 33 rd Anniversary
Dinner and Auction Committee
Muffy and Silverio Basile
Honorary Chairmen
Ellen and Brendan Browne
Joanne and Michael Cerisano
Mary and Kevin Clarke
Mary Ann and Kevin Ferguson
Cynthia and Francis Gailliot
Donna and Steven Gartner
Donald Harkins
Kathy and John Hayes
Katherine Houghton
Donna and Bill Jacoby
Lynne and Dennis Jilot
Cheryl and Joseph Marino
Jennifer and Charles Matar
Tara and Jim McCahill
Anne and Andy O’Keefe
Karen and Dale Smith
Tamara and Joe Spada
Our mothers, their babies, and the homeless women of
“Ladies Rest”, and “Our Gift of Hope” Sonogram Center desperately
need your support. We depend on the Seasons of the Heart Charity
event each year to keep our shelters open through the winter months
ahead. We need you more than ever this year to participate in
our Charity Auction. Even if you cannot attend the dinner, please
support our babies and needy families with your gift today. Kindly
remember our Several Sources Shelters in your Estate planning.
God bless you and your family for your love and compassion.
“I was hungry and you fed Me,
Thirsty and you gave Me a drink,
I was a stranger and you received Me in your homes,
Naked and you clothed Me,
In prison and you visited Me.”
Matthew 25: 35-36
Kathy DiFiore, Founder of the Several Sources Shelters
and the Board of Directors cordially Invite You to Attend
“Seasons of the Heart”
Several Sources Shelters 33 rd Anniversary
Dinner & Charity Auction
at The Grove, Cedar Grove, NJ
Friday, October 17 th , 2014
Committee Members
Norma and Wes Broomfield
Columbian Charitable Group
Cookie and Don Dees
Diane and Bob Hoehn
Sheila and Steve Kenny
Mary Clare Kubicz
Sandy and Ray Lill
Rosanne and Alberto Luzarraga, Jr.
Susan and Robert Mackie
Diane Niceforo
Debbie Pollari
Virginia Scarpelli
Iris Rispoli
Sharon Ross
John Sadvary
Dennis Weber
Adele Wodarski
Come to our Charity Dinner!
“Whatever you did for the least of these…you did for Me.”
Come Celebrate Our
“Seasons of the Heart”
Several Sources Shelters 33 rd Anniversary
Dinner & Charity Auction
Friday, October 17th, 2014
at THE GROVE, Cedar Grove, NJ
Cocktails at 6 PM
Dinner at 7 PM
All Proceeds Help to Operate
Our Four Shelters for
Pregnant Women and Their Babies,
“Ladies Rest” Shelter for the Homeless in Newark,
“Our Gift of Hope” Sonogram Center,
And Support Our Needy Special Families.
Per Provisions contained in February 1990 IRS publication
$50 is deemed non-deductible for a person attending
On-Line donations may be made at:
Dear Several Sources Benefactor,
Matt 25:40
Please join us on Friday, October 17th to celebrate 33 years of baby saving by helping young
mothers to choose life for their preborn babies through our 24 hour hotline, our shelters,
“Our Gift of Hope” Sonogram Center, our chastity workshops and our bible studies.
In these most difficult economic times we are being called to save even more innocent
preborn babies, due to our baby-saving work at “Our Gift of Hope” Sonogram Center
in Englewood, N.J. We desperately need your support so that we will never turn away a
woman who needs to have visible proof of her baby’s existence or who seeks shelter in order
to choose life over abortion for her innocent preborn baby.
Comments from some of our Mothers about Several Sources
Thank you for my son. He is such a blessing. Thank you for keeping me and
holding me in my journey. Several Sources gave us a chance. Tah-teanna and Jeremiah {born 4/12/14}
God and Several Sources have blessed me with a beautiful daughter. She has changed
me in so many ways. She is like my personal angel. Thank you wouldn’t be enough
to tell you how grateful I am.
Eileana and Liliana {born 10/22/13}
Do you hear Our Lord calling you to support His innocent preborn little ones? If so please
continue to help us save babies like little Liliana (pictured here) whose mother would had
chosen abortion over life... if not for the existence of the loving arms of Several Sources.
It’s only with your support that our work for God’s innocent preborn and their mothers
can continue.
We believe God has inspired for 33 years people like you to join our Several Sources Shelters
family. We hope you agree and will decide to become involved in our October 17th fund
raiser, so that our shelter doors can remain open. This is our most important “baby
saving” event of the entire year!
Thank you for your prayers and may Our Dear Lord protect you and your
dear family.
Thanks for blessing me with a family at Several Sources. Because of you my son
and I have a new beginning. Thanks for helping me belieive there is hope.
Jessica {due date 11/12/14}
Several Sources is a very special place for me. Thank you for taking me in when I had no
where to go and saving my son’s life.
Maritza and Zamir {born 1/17/14}
Your Sister in Christ Jesus,
Several Sources shelters many mothers and is a special blessing to us. We are like a
Kathy DiFiore, Founder
Several Sources Shelters
family. I can’t thank you enough.
“Saved” baby Liliana born 10-22-13
Zakiya and Faith {due 9/19/14}