b soccer eleven moody scoring on pass blue beats n. hi. state fresh
b soccer eleven moody scoring on pass blue beats n. hi. state fresh
IX No. 12 PHILLIPSACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1934 B SOCCER ELEVEN UTS TABOR BY 5-1 ~FRFOURTH MOODY SCORING ON PASS Ten Cents BLUE BEATS N.HI. STATE FRESH VICTORY BY 20-0 INPRE-EXETER CLASH 0 Nad~iwness Of Opponents'Field ~~', AndoverScoring Calendar o~~~~ Eventa ~IN IOARD AND HAZELTINE-STAR Wecdnesday, Oct. 31 1:30 Club %,1114oll Thompson. Rele And Hammond Share 1~ In Tallying AM~orccasted, the I'lue soccer6:0 team~,Cipt its string of victories -in- football gamnes: R~~~~~~~~omnans vs. Gards, Greceks vjs. Saxrons. 3:00 Polo gante with: lledford on field off _Highland Chakrabandhu stooclCb - P. A£OUTPLAYS CB EXCITING CONTEST New Hampshire Bid To Score In Last Period Withstood By Andover Line TWO GAMES WON, TWO LOST Burdick Plunges, Viens Rushes Line, '~~ tact by doning Tabor Academy oii the-litter's ,\IIfield. 5-1, Saturday. thelater'*s fisiecly,5I sturdy.Xn doverw1ase distncy a suprerisor, e.i wouldhave run up a larger scort 1 6ng in M orse 26. 6~~~~~~:45 Full Orchcstra rehearsal. Pridav. Nov. 2ir 6:45 Full Choir rehearsal in Choir Roo~~~~~~~~~~~~n ~fr 4 AdCac eevsPs For Three Scores rodo n hua( erracodofoetuan the Atidover varsity football team bu'6 he facts that the field wa vvCoreoon swalzl.'id the leriods shorter than the New% H-amp~shire State usuaL.-The scoring was evenly dlis- Thle play is for the Iloint after thle B'lue's first touchdow~n V'ielis of20-0ine whlatuprovda tobe fsore tributed among five forwards, while tossed a beautiful short lPass to N\1oody who was standing in the en( themost phart a ronesied ontest.r Rloward and H azeltine were out- 7one. BS ataoesddcnet ;nIn onte eene Lurdick scoredandfor that the iPlue oji a line plulnge, X'iensi-toThown.Ble boeoaters stared rpingh Moody combination gave the extra Aownli feld thefte oorard laing Hardy Kicks Over Only Score, point inl the first quarter; in the ,- thI owrsmkn C After Helping Bird Advance Se.~ 114 quarter Vielis rushled across; ra .o shots whihwere nsuc-s? Ball Thirty Yards thle enemny goal, and his dropkick :esu.The acintelsi e ofor conversion was stopped by tile the other end( of thle field, and Relay Team Runs Quarter-Mile Romans And Greeks To Play (In the last field beyond the Gaul crosbbar: and ill the third period a 3 ow~in.catmc through with a good In Record Time Friday Gauls And Saxons cickc when a Tabor forward was inAt Track Meet At 1:30 football headquarters. in territory forward Pass fromni\ lns to Chladone put on in Cross. Thompson ~~~~~~~~~~to Which few besides the cross nley ~,cfred. and Viens this time was everal nice shots which tile goalie With Al H-omne leadling. thle fieldl CONTESTS PRECEDE co~untry men have penetrated, a race successful with his kick, ;topped. MNendel got a corner with tile excellent time of sixteenl DECIDING BATT~LES o~f warriors known as the Bush Ili the fourth quarter -New vhich missed fire, andl T-1azeltihle'si minutes and fifty-one secondis, A-\I eci-tie has been developed. A war Hampshire played aggressive ball tard shot was just cleared as thle dlover won tile cross~-country meet Tile next to last p~air of g,limes ill Party came forth from these fast- aind iniade a bid to score, but the 1P. )eriod endled wvith no scoring, with the New I lanmpshire State thle club football series will lie nesses to cl h rosSho .by edte o ordw~ Hamwond the game ente're for reshmen ~n Satrday with t~lePlayed today at one-thlirty onl the junior eleven 3-0 on Wednesday between the I'lue 4-yard lini& and ;wiha't, allo a foul was caldo cr f 22-23. New I laillllf$irhelds b%. the cage. The teanms are afternoon on the field by the cage. the goal. On the fourth down the to start the s cduarter. boalstsr on othletcs-ouryto t'abor line utp Gauls againi~t Romnais. The battle was hard and long, pigskin hall been advanced to .\nITaorbi sar thentoosecnfeds penalter oants ineotheEast. cosand Greeks against Saxons. but in the second quarter the de- (lover's 1-yard line. Honors go to Zobi fld'speralt) the too Roen tea,,,ill he Est.The Gauls since their gamne onl fenders of old P. A. reached their Viens~. wfio featured in all the hot and ptit it in the goal for the Running over thle three-aind-a- Friday Ilave ileen strce;sirig the open enemies' twenty-yard line, and this scoring, made good ground. anll(Continued on Page 3) half mile course through thle SancMfes.Nr. Benedict. in spite of, was close enough for fullback- he his passesexptoal well: Oil~~~~~~~~tay tileother ular thied t carillshis recent illnless, di'-e-ted practice Hardy, who hooted a place kirk C~haney, who put in his best peroi tleotes eatoi te logpar o atla andistamnetl a isee teraacet'sfaltisvaear teappaf hepot r l had increased it to100 yards r'It'asighs netybtwe h op fteot.frunnigancetu frc thi boh i HihadRoad, and finished at tile onl to lbetter cfforts~.nn h olns oc ofs e hwdtem passe,:Ca~~rn Ilghlail~~~~~l on the otiler ha~-noI. have ilot nitch to selves well -trained, especially in th-! IlIS ni n reivin~g lsev. tile former for Lv w~~~~~~~~~~rc ith the consideralble niargunoiteotrh.irsa D p of 300Wason yards. came in nextgain and everything to lose. It will 'deceptive lateral pass, Hardy to Ilis fine work in the backfield for ~, vfr* Ieonard, Soker, Winate, wit 300 leadsof 150so e i next~l ';carcelv, le anl .niexipected victorv if Bird. which gained rod after rod the first tinle, ail( thle latter for hli, ,,4r Lenard StkerWinatewit a lad f 15 yads oer ilethey' con~quer the Giauls again, btfor the bushnmen. hard play- and good fighting Relgeluth And Brown (Continued on Page 4) if tllev cailiot conil out onl top, it The Brooks men wvere no mean varsity' gridiron olebuit: anl(l inin Ili.; thle 'Taken In may very likely niean that they lose opponents. They penetrated iilto lineC to MNoody, Sieirs, and \\iolso dIThe Clay Pipe literary ctlu) niet H ENTERTAINS tlleir chance for football numerals, bush territory far and often. They for their steady' charging, arid out-1 "n 28th. Sunday',There October l~~~~r EcleshdIi;ta practicilig, received each of the three- kick-off.; standlilig. football onl defensivt. undreabou Otobert 28th.otarlThere WOLDWREERNfll___it o Nonday. \l for the and Ilandled the hall creditably', b)11 Play'. W\ith the Cubls H-anson. about andtwenty four present ~~team appears to rieedI little in the one weak punt from deep in their- Giarla, anld X'erville starred. Toew ~enbers ~'eretakeiiiiltOtilt'Men Enjoyed N. H. Fresh Game; wa of (Irill o(l P~lays. ow ertr a hi non. wards the end of thle gaime Giarlai. -- Iub.' were They ShrilledeBySanctuary(Continued on Page 4) The men who fought so well for Ilunilber 52, led a march They' Stoker, were Brown, ~~And Log Cabin_________ Andover were right end Snell. rigilt against the Bilte forward which almost ____________________defeated BUHLEGEfET itandin, onthedefense. ANDOVRCARRIES OFF CLUB FOTALCRISIS OVEeFOTAL CROSS -COUNTRY MEET WNILL COMMENCE TD Y TODA !hisl EGEBAStems BROOKS'B PLACEMENT B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B - - 1R. PET~ERKIN- SPEAKS CLUBCLAY PIPE TOC kN,'eigeluth. and Wingate. Mlr. . WORLD WAR VETERANS ~~'as Toc also IIlilade has quite an 11011a full schedule Tc1 s itafllshdlCRS-ON this vcear. ~inol altihough tenl nlew, CROSS-COUNTRYYFAL FALLS IHlf BEFREEwhC~ ONC ttackle Ream, righttguarddS..I-TN'de. prrovedlfaata, center Grout, left guiardI Baxter. Andover gained eight first olowns, rary mellber. akeStvn.lf n .B-~ ichl camte nmostly in the first lial f Plans had been previously mlade men'1 have reported, the organiii.acoil, quarterlback andl captaill T, while thle Catainlount Cubs ra irx hive Air f'trki tk on tiol uinges aliiy othlers whlol arei it,. Bird, half Rogge righ li first downs, five of thleil c, n Anti~~~~~~~~~~~terested to see I 'resideiit IDavidI Ailing, First Blue Man, Comes Pea, left nlfulac adl' uring their touchdlowil tries iii thle osp.- Coiirad, niotedl iiotern \xVillianls or \I1r. Baldwinl about it. In Eighth; Upton Of last periodi. Thle B1lue completed -- uthoril Air. Peterkin was hot Ldast Saturday' afternooii iine Concord The WinnerRO A C T PUTB L fiv'e passes for a totad gafin Of riesentwhen tile uleetillg wvas sull- hiellber, (if Tic' 11 entertailleo a eight-n adadtl 'elie osed. 1-to begin: tilerefore, Mlr. group of World War veterans froml I-Topelessly ouitrun by a superior DISP A ED I OOm I conipleted on1y Otle pass which laclkner began a dsuso i the th tate IHospital a Bedford i team,11 thle Andoover cross-country' netted them six' %arols. P. A. interiii& ,b ect. \vIien Mr eeknthe New H amupsh ire footbaill gailie. secoild teaml was defeatedl by Con'- Piece Of Tile-From Jerusalem Shown ccptedr two passe's and N. II. State rr tfAlvit w~as coiltinueti inl a solie- 'ilere were twenty-two nilei, sev- cord Hi gh Schlool by the score of In Mr. Banton's Classroom; one. Andhover threw two inconieral of theni co-llege graduatest. 15 to 52 onl W\edilesday. Upton of Has Queer Historypet fowrs hieil rsl ivipg4 brief sec fCna~ They were mntel who hail bleen shlell- Concord w~as tile first man ill, hav'compiled a total of tnice illConilfe.i2Q.-t'f Polish extraction. thik shocked (durinig tle war, but who illg mun tile two arid] a half niile In contrast with tue modern suir- pleted p)asses. The IBlue rec-ovred uthoi-Adidl hot learn tile Eniglish aire now%to all outwvard appearanices course ill tile timl(' of 13 Ilinittes rounidings, of Mr. Benlton's room ill four fumbles, onie ,riguage nicrnial 58812sc 1-2 sec. Seven Concord and10tIlebeing Cubs New re~nugin which he w~rote so w~ell. Perfectlyee other te ocr No. I Samuel Phillips Hl.there i~ H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I-ampsllire's: WIl the age of twenty. Sonic of. After the garli. whiich tl theimenIli passed the talle ibefore the first trieved two iunliblbes. bothl beingie works of Conrad wier tin followed witl iluchl eiithnsiasin andi Andoverite, A'lling. finished, in one corner of thle rooll a Pedestal Andover's. ,~d-' (Iliscussion took place. the proper Andover spirit, the The course was the same as the which Ilolds upon it two objccts, first lPeriod was featured] bv whole group adjourned to the Log ofle used itt tile secodlfd team fleet made in' Ronman hands. Thley ' are an The ilitiediate forward chargc6 byN lenthe~mniteetiegvtheoEntertain Cabiii The men were all very' ap- of tile week before. Beginniiig ait a sort of aclnlbllsotfo .iteBe.ltkckdof for Al-\ tent C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lilillittee ~ ~ served ~hotcocoa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ facaiio al ho ro te le.ttl ice ofor 1 id dougiihluts to those wi'lo had nlo preciative of thle beauity of tile the rear of George 'Washingtonl catapult andi a iiece of tile mad-' (lov'er -audI a1 punt was soon meressm~ eaglnt.cabin andh its surroln~dilngs. 0( ne of Hall, it extended] tilrough the Sanc- froni mudi. turlleo. Burdick. Vien., andI (ha,. `z ~~~~~~them was sdo ilteresteol in thle sanc- tuary to Highland Road. througil Of tilese two tile ball is; tile mlore n~ey carriedl tile ball in slccessnycV tuary that lie took a Toc IT lliclii (Continued on Page 4) conspictiunu% allo tile liore inlterest- liue plays. miakinlg tlhree first down.. 1,.eofiardwa lonae tII,- ___________ rhtiffrll'a.lebgnI - two" DeadlinbeeilI Chanfomtleged Deadl`~-To ineth 'IfNoembd tef Ninth ~~Too~~Novemb~~r ert______________________________ing. ohiariaunisipe. Tl rest of tile group gatilered a while Architectural Pictures about tile lbig fire, talking andlPae n r alr listening to olle of tileir ilhtibern ______________________.catapult Tllis ball was laullcled by~-I anI a total advani~ce of 43 vardb. t, or a modification of onIe Place the ball onl N. II1. State',.2: called a Ballista chimingr the (lays (11 yard rlark. A\ pass; frorn Vicn:z to the' Galleic wvars, of which the stur- (hIaneyv set tile ball on tile 2 -var. denti Ilere learn so uluch tllrongil iue fronti Ivllere 1 nrdick car~ric Caesar, It was dliscoveredl in' cx(- over onl a play' off tihe righlt :ido n sblivdt ielne i rc pa h o". caa'silGu lili lee istiebie O tr.ick ;dy'to Alod' hiave been tisel In' Caesar aiid one wssoe i of Ili-, armnies wvlile he wvas tlt) (Continued on Page 31 there. Sonlehow-it found its wayv______________ The Editor of The Mirror allcmounces a change ill the closiiug date of tileshort story contest plytl iau. Atr amn xllibuitioils ill coiliectioll w~itil 3nd also in tue dlcadline for all tipl a hit, several other iieni andcttrlolai confributions tQ the magazine boys went walking. atlo all returned tile Introoluctory C'ourse ill Art Whither y'oti are writing for the at 5 :30 for a deleiciouis suJpper. ar en ntle na top floor Afe the informal Ien]eey roorm of the Addisonl Gallery', :Oontt or are expesiil or roe iaeey hs xiiin, cagn infif*i oi te omo body gathered about tile piano antIh iterar arteei n aefr the fire anld sang songs. The parts' weekly. shlow~lrlterial unidr Ieet h cdily n sto n v'QUo6 keep)i mind, the nit f did not break upl uiltil just before isisinintecaebttae r.Bioi'pseso. N ~her. All copy mulist be iii tile movies. Tihe veterans wvere ilso of general interest. At Th teobc.teti. in ofninth a vrou vpsofac. fon The~~~~~~~~~~~~~~esn othJerusaljecm anlC tie wa (late at 8:00 P.IT extremely aplpreciative andl several Ireel 'titstpso rllfud Jmsin n tecture aire illustrated, anti the queerer history' attachled to it. a T'hie ii LI tiletling other hand, are tmost busliless inaiiyou rather able time trlyisoryasstthe they had ever Iladi. eiljoRomEv'erv various peaiodlftilate ieitlfrm healy so'istolhtwieaRmni artistic sottl, The or beMirroc too.-en l ll~ istorical styles dowov' to nloderll tile dust w~as vl',g artistic softeualgod imewitMthesato\nuricall architecture wmill bedtikaonarmiv was thereiepae ihrhopening for you too, faction of having brought int o tile clided. Ini soniii cases explaniacause the dust was bothieriing t-i emiickev wi~ll bglad ton~ _Ivsfagruoferb 'r '- t ory lae Icoulpny tie iao becau--- ti'Ieded sometils, O W Tc-n o I, ''ces frti i-~~c Fee otalgni~~ i r go oil sale at1 thle Offtlie 0f tile gvnina.s-iutnl at nlirne ocoi. io(ay, Ntivember \lthovii t t tilt ,anie Sfinitlii tl teiteea 501r - WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31,.1934 THE PHULWIPI PAGE TWO THE: PHLIPA TISEASIER TO.S A CH A C LD wsaes f coI Member (if Sot i~l cm %w England Federai & I 'tirroa Amit1111 Mermber of Co imbia 'S-hoa', f l'rp' Trory School Newspapers. i sticazon Memer f D l~1 rnee ~nA melodies popular on the U~~~~~~~~~~~~Crtaitn l-have become so popular as I~~ciiiptt obn0XiOUS.A ito render ".themselves _____ E4,or..JI Clue! N.EWELL: BROWN. Tewordls .It Might 1-lave Be3en' for instance, forceBeP ~~~one to Wotider 'whether or not it: JAMESS. cOPI.EY mcmncing Editor Cicuradaon Manq*er WILLIAM 1). IIART~. JR. BELTON A. BURROWS 4iistant Businesst Manager ~~~~~EDWIN 1'. MASBACK,- JR. might have been" motonshine, while tile accents. of `Love in Bloom,"' the~compassion, of the heart -Ind' inject hlomiicidal thoughts into the ininid of -the liearer. This esp~ecially~ true: wfien these songs ~ - LVS MUiESs WOOLEN -HOSE awy r, by at. self-styled crooiner. whose voice bounces gratingly' 'off hisSEORN All thi% reminds its that dniS. RWl Dictionary tlefinition W~ebster's thle ofaUef oni."~IU lo i~~~~~~~~ronn npi. '(tnia facit. 63PEN EVEN4INGS - . rChn s prdFo Wet I'do WOOLEN JACK(ETS LEATHER JACKETS SHEEPSKIN COATS "wither LEONARD F. PAINE Exchanfl Editor, C. C. CORY Eito. JB. SPITZER AL~ma CAU.SEY . Photopgrph Edior&. JC. ASSOCIATE: EDITORSaemnldaSte" it.L Finch. '36 R. At. Weissmuan. '3'6 '35 iuhnn. R. T. Shea, '36 E. A.Ballard. 2i: '36''J A. 1..Reed. '35. BUSINESS 'BOARD R. D. Coursen. '36 C-. Mk.Wole.r. 5 J. \I. Bird, '35 R..T. Thompson, '36 A. Wckw~ire. Jr.. '35 W. PI.Carey.M'5W. C. Wit K. H., Capers, '36: . B. Adams. '35 '35 Witschie. C.. Jr.. T. S. Curti-,. Jr.. a PUNT M ootdiligt.' Hz~~sineasAfana~rr 4.4sijstau *t~anarcing Fditor. TO CA C THAN:LL MI!ESB - SWEATERS - VESTS C irn WSIH T . FIL a PHONE 78ec 'e ThrE PErrLLII'AI&' does- not necemsarily ense statements expressedIindmui ocrooning,: it is, ap-, rteato.Speaking: cationL Communications. must be siie rmtedvreruos' prn h colya aurasrn ptlshdWdedy n boardis PR1LL1 Tht every. Saturday. soun~l5 arisin boar. . . . by T~t Pnn~urn~N" inultitude. as'semhled the. fr~om . term. the $1.25 year. the Sub'cription. Terms:. $3.50 gathered in Greor-t- NNVoshington ozofieaAdoe.asudrte Entered-,as, ocndnsmatrate act of 'March 3.1879. distributd to subscribrs at the Comons and is for sale at1.all'..that the vci-ic andoriginality ThE isPH'IUJI'IA the stttdent body is far from o~~~~~~~~~f Inn. the Phillips Aimeirber ofthe Andover ffrActh To all appearances -sonic variety' rpcr)tual Motion machine rulins ball team admits to'stigupsnld of the' p~iano -in the' roott above, thesrt of. a record -lastya by "IY' Senior dining hall. 'Reliablc. awh-. big uip 65 yardis' of, penalties ini.Ort~Ga orities report that one afternoon the game. :..~c cries of.-the totmented piano"'re statit Oiitesinftball sounded without 'pause front I' p. i.. Chivalry Innate theAlso, ~~~~~~~~~~extinct. application. on razes * Advertis~~~~~~in~~ Peniis%..5d and Cohmbia thle is that A\nd .The eevening. th 6 inl until rcis, student Andover evlery, in Atdiwer.'Mass.' Stret. ark Co.. 'Couls Office f publication.Smith vealed-lby the rapturous cries. Of 'Noise League should do somethimg vania teams comibined have'. gain.Cessl Nev aLure.o.a mle hog acclaim ~~~tha'greet aI, 'stimutlating about it.. October 31, ~~~~~~~~~~ Andover. ''Mie_ line. That' is' it is. int IsYale young lady' iiho glides across the Mass.. mitun Sa, '~rcnwith nt oralbtYale men. ' ~ ~ cran'wtygnteawrt~ ~ motion ~ no v isible screen **or ityetliai'i'tfrllbt ceti of movement, undulating s'4iligt a Andover whetier hewas going to, tr' ~~~~~~asked the hips. In B13I.ffalo at thle Delaar howy to baiance recen letr eodf theti . ra ps we ugtrie on' 'Nimhin- c'oil' have been more ganvig to the coaches or or.. ofr osot' at' wias set. Jolun A\few (lay S ago a certaini gentle- satirical:' Ih5.t; c~ !nchool) than to :see- the fine, exhibition of, (determiinationl ea anna.twenty-thrcee I henobdttoalc." aprep of. guI-, 5SaturayagainstNXvHap-"an did encounterappearance. ut-ob the football team Ins ti Wrr". : amtran'hodrf'hecuitC * 'Said lible 'and-ju!venile I i..reodwtha:6,sotwoI 'acrii,, -hire. Th~ tt'an hladIecently lost tiwi. of' its" best. and most valuable oirlutOO Both round. oe ui.hdjrt-in-oein., etea Th rep1 two feet ab~ove his door~ack~- `harretz-;.and Kellogg. 'The gantewe eoe ih.rw o '"irn attempted to hit.the family fr to~~~~~ere ~~~ably 1u re" ears.nin'an.fndttlect right-angled and haircut mat tat everyon to hao bit ;6t' i~th& lat e mntshei'eemed ke 'green thle on'' landing, i.. etibudg struggling w~retch 'poor the Seeing ~.i o~er hadvictoryfirnilv clinched.'. What' co uld have: been more ~tre. bucnfrma what could have better broken the morale beneath. his burden thce kid spec~z~h iithe'taad e'"o~. a'***vw hanthi ijifotuns'?And ye unertator informed' hi ii that lie need lavr~ seies01 ot he rcen hareoceine ptsedl)' wo etst" tseblgaoeyca) ti"thnBow Frshantem.nti eer ?heplayt-, th"In ofzthiprepis 'inured a word ot thanks. an~l hasfrumedrted thabt ofwarng thI ""as repote ini a'criticlcnditlew ~- ~' sdAnddayerof.IIhas osses othred li as the underdog. l~~~~~~~~~~~ie. contest entered .th~~~~~ Thc :c~~~~m * librart.r' pinced.'Iblithelytintsthe' b places.rI several 'in 'shifed h~n uffered.the had had lineup it ~~hici& 5 o ae al .h Prlep Parett' Prehout' Ootne fPetars Irt stringa end'for tho easons. Tcahelittl lad s'ile brigahtlyearel crc'w n:u tnel'! iC~ahners. whths 'be itca oniig,ew. di'a crnte o ai utsor h Ias- thres tag, elgrentagentleaie b thir trig 20a~ beer .hIttdt h akil.Oeortoohr l t:aori ~~~~icabePiteabodyhigude i dWJe . oaie md hove .11 Dl )heifliflt Potritorrect poingihegJ o ~ n theTEWAT, l~rriil~ ~ l~ tig "t wihalla i~ggtispnt t'~t he iue a"-' ndarnethi hrads.oi hi' settr thatmprep i Pr bts h Tht ,van,,er eachrplayer fought'~ eery' minute hie Duaeonthe fiseldi for"Whre, rp htdd.tityfr-ro.Cnetr attyPcPet has wi agtinot Aoutebati thereof iiehave team brseicral ears caugt v~ ll \[1~n 'Streetyoutile pat"roome a Andover~ ~~hrch w:'v'n .nr~t 4~en ***,I.I h hrotteyer hyeiOe n comlplcete cI o-' o ef~i loditibredarnvaer te.licuplld .,el hifuntiedins -a Eee;Th'ta.hut -;ffre. h'c ''o course" the I'teecetaant iatr-fis ndtemtona Prm sliaie. C' (I'ledsper( seuastrofs to 'for durnd ~i een"ad emokan.w ' fiors hs utt ile.belligereigent gmentleman lac ati ou6herihtch htasrbeng thinneiri of 'nae gamee Thl isethe btypfeld S~ pkn mnier Pao the.wtter ene 'of 'vC eI peeigh hit wee rrilv instI phutiem grea ertil n fhmr'eas 'aii vi .L. \doier eamsn peoteos'peaatosayhvf'amalsan'hslent iein' fte ielansonr OT.''' ie,' iniga fin dt ietyi M.SEWAr an closiet asdfiue" wJt. sclier. heraneaboutsThen he feldin milon foght ver liave lit-11wten.eac. class thep fortt rCTr' Hall', Phillips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Prpgrwht-o * * Soon 'himself. "to 'oftlv chortling tim C .wllnen St One 'casa n eteral mysery wh a hustled forth. his'e. t~~le ilcitni inwasht-is ttgu.Giig.porsudnsveeecnraled ihamesasv oltf'i yeaeatnonirsliig Andorrvereshvelee W.. C.wC C aimp. thichntae wvnng with onieiail . torasml .liesur potga' taken.evr oav ~laicelik ( m trs thespcta'. aewiua twl n lucw ftrom. tbet'okl tkdmkstepo t'P Sthee olairun ~caglacet much. lie 1 stressed toocannot r'~~entlv. h feyiue I'p Sweven: asplgers''n f73ilim No.a t tgee inais camph intndocotilie ittetheire'educato- i~hefmlan 'Marlv or the mentExthe s MrstClrelodtuptcheouear. rse, ta le tld ti rnt of littl knul OWt ewe anot e i~tgti 'a~ardtondatriruhl i(lueinc es.t 'iq'ottorlter of :h-var kepintochW ihan'wa culupralr t gramsitingtetmienaninpthe cloakroo ctep.I(- harni ietagoddl wished tlove hyaei odcniin do jinriibostesleprvdn ol? eving'afft cn seca I inSwee'hy eog ~~is the grtyefuly.precive-ad uatgte whibr aryaend ati th eid.Telm od'lk Thihg oh ~~r~v trheA~ Snay ire thri's wfle umtg.'an eretngfrmeegig. And aflj tekadCin rc.As perormnf itha ivaicious maier.s * ertiny gea Inens',:il* 111'11N~f~nie 'car-id olr n oieeth listessin Neverhe051 oI. Gtiserg, J. ar~tr:h .***'yar <' . .~~~~~~~~~~~31 ' ' - Sp~~irit . __________ .. . ' "'''wiha 'first . ' ' ' 'til''''rn .ry ''p* ' ' IS HVW T LO . C.C.C.Library The ' ' H J~VROE t 'bndte 'W*h~''inrsa specall tattntio hao Soere st'Y r radytio reail baelly alspondviticgastettprtlat awofienyn as ~~the COf the hirall hng ahe prepseofis upon anpanels% Harwood. Hugh by~to aiitice-, Thaean li he' '~~~u'ihereabus. .l'lawkes. J. E. ~~ C. L~ ~~ -thougclt"sgro for "Fo moston exerciecii '-fctniymt' choN.tnintg si C.aCC. r; \\'. ':Thd T .e H T PR ntcioi aes~ela b nsi R. Hobbs. II.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bird, T WC_________ Edited by A. B. Adams 3rd of, his arm, but nevertheless 'l'lobbs. XV. H., des Snend) at ieil1 m the resutant%i'revrberationsrthohiBostwick. V., Jr. l'Tii~~~rlbutt, l* .R Jr. h.. xeternoucmnto~ayw~ teosagopictureswhy nr~ably'resemnhnles nohing 's" tiituys\ G XX'. ~ o~twir4 Htxrbutt. _________________________ ' 'rprc ' '' ' __________________inrear,__n________to ' . .. ' ' ' o hi finmen~tor aiia''aInt . nig fo te~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at thlgiem jo 'pla andwitteach'siv l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hones Ir *Hyde. S.', Jr. I I Burns. n,1,Irtnce-of~thi buines:-r&Jamiesa. ira The (h~~~pirl L. L., Jr.Kellogg,. C. 11. Lurk I;.. ot-cnfl. . caft satra,' C olt Coe V. B.e ' I". N.R. \'. (lurk Lykes, J N., Marsh. J. 2d as..P .. . n, ours R. U. N. C. cross 'g ' Cross Ii., ) , ) . .se' A. * * G E TN * * * Ift tlok)i5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sth Thaes tones ruion rcor inthn piarli enirchhil scrimmage in a Yahe.~~~~~In. to I roin 7734vCommoims. was much surprised' :~s n190Wli inotngm:in.18; thae a glittrngs n objgethrte cttoio . ' oo rmnduso cmn agteratconrdg R.tiu tVhacrtiedto'erh inensereao M~~~~I a~~~~~~~til bra.sssouing, tag.hsEvientyiorseme 3ron'itfwillettye first tim Murphy. L. S. Jr. y'smoe hyhaemtSnteirdro'sie.seeton A.ise wh' Murhey S.ve itchan. i iil Cmeinad "waorek.acdter . ' . ' . 'atlei ak tes Osurin completectdisplay , . _ -. oanl H Fehe h onrarttikiTh le y thdeir. firet domeleat of thdeatnoninCAnigrDo. uleetir thiasse.lChitmm~Core esr (htverdtbynWorctrvls Saoto rda.- remars 'ii the 'Ia.,f'eeCh r Chitas' eti eoe v ahnki'the watr who (~~~fi A. A. Reed', P. L., Jr. 'rlaiNs tthylllie uitig utiit'!~m~6O ~ S M I. .. Jr I ~c( Red ocllgswreboe tiente teelth oilr mae toa J.,ertiesfptlman)wch du~tonalbrn o tohkese-orer Z ran lhra)ad oei 3)l.-te the eCothner on I t',chcr GrA~allarnt suietable: ttinceieCe. som~~~~'e Lykes~~~~ F. E'.. Jr. ~~~~~hr. __tisan__trn__aS 'mseyJb . , ae o al noe oktU ; tnk g PAGE THREE THE P1nLUPIAN a JI vramedwymf Mrm M~rpavFDILOM4C1M= PAmt . but~rrldm " also Cordially invite men of Andover to inspect our imported line of British wooleus of hand woven~shetlands, flannels, and fancy worsteds. WeW.areROSS LESTER by Represented Street. Salem 26 CUPBOARD, specialists in evening clothes. Showing every WEDNEDAY, at MRS. BURM'' A GREAT DEAL IN SIZE Fresh By-A Score -oIn Pre-Exeter Clash age n~inu~iT~ MOTION OF~ A REAVENLI BODY 15 TO ET T P01INA TW POH ETC.,ETC. 5TAR AD NEBULA ARECO ICANDESC.ENT BODIS-THEDFEEN EIA ARE GENERALL,~ ~STARS '7, New Hampshire State remainder of the period s ing duel. id of runs andl passes in ey~is s~dperiod: Andover once and scored. making the Int~ tnViens's drop kick. hafof this period sawv uns esfuli attempt to score onl aralttack. Dempsey, Henry. fadand Walker werc substi4dng this time. L'h~iiir priod was mainlya '~tig~ue inthe middle portion0A~UT 134.J.fyndsTb I he )r4.~iiron.Hite th Yos obtained their in- raY'Ifrstcdown through the efforts T 1 M EA BR !rcepted a pass and made a fine yard dash down the side lines to tdChaney and scoredi. Viens 1-,.,,Sed E WA V~7 LLRY I G H Lze7 C.LASS EL IYOUR PIPEunkindlybimeyourtcongue~changetoPrince "P.A." is blended by a spedal process which removes all tram of "bite." Try' a tin yourself. You will like the mild, ~~~~~~~Albemt from where Viens line, 2O-y~~~rd W £VE JMl KNFTIl THAT 5TAR. OF THE 5MOKlN~r TOBACCOS- AND EVERYBODY ma as Cmltt 9.I .Aod kicked off 1 in -- mellow flavor of the top-quality tobaccos. You will like its delightfil fr-agrance. Briefly, you will like Prince Albert. Andover cesfull converted. New',',ampshire 0. The rej~;nder of this quarter was -spent -nutual, punting.~ Burnam went for 'WIlson. whlo w~as hurt, and c Capt~n Sears's guardl position. of te rst f~rthe 'he fourth period saw the NATIONAL game.-THE JOY SMOKE! 1- resh..___________________ A\ team -playing at its best. Sport Shots rif. Bluroughqi Poloist. Vanquished ball which hit the top of the goal Swihart, rif was hut made. was attempt ,~ing 1 School Avon By 7-1 Smt li. , RiCl,akbnIif end Iof the Near over. d1i.stood' by a superb dlefense of and bounced lt, mit lt OntheI'obi. .-Blueline. one foot frnm Page 2i the period Tabor made its first af l~l endel. lolfhotrI(C.itinued otle "~leln.~i h 1.L i:~R: .Avi) TlunIR-: lue ullbcksI Wolf. new backfield and . 4 ~~~.kwell Suffering, itsfrsdeatoth Referee: LItmbie f:,were given anl oplportunity to on'atck, but the 1lu flbks aedrco amr i Mi Anoe %vn ow to a sesn p~eri4Jd, minute fifteen Four Time: whistlc, the before Just it up. broke v what-they had. Matlc'Iic I atterl Yiasel asibe-to the A'von hands of~'ssrn the Andover unleashed ~a beautiful pass FryStBohesIShol7-1 (lefeat at .y ppsto h Anasrs-eselShol SinE LiNES tl anl Eastern Intereto nig ~ np ThePie owoitoaassr S' Pgooanl. We ecent weather for once favored ing gamle, but the hial f ended before fotal fr er-confident. coiii11Jct9e lewsov h )ad .CniudfomPg 1 scoring. further any .tturday. i1 qjtiaret, however. lplavedl withRoseetjeA Startinvr the second half, Hlanm idit;,eW Hampshire brought down a ouit thle services of WV.Poor w~ho lZrn nh a.be wrigo osvet any visiting mond andl Chakrabandtiu closC(1 i in:terfloigta speelier attack, and- Columbia has ole ny ton miss Roo evl\.- E'a.i ntegao farlo till esn haso been ..eekzing greater perfection in the lnifrmiar'-. Sarnioff, Ewai They Redis goali, ihes o C.r C.,s so'ne hundredabo ot Re'nrvda twvice Oil two godShots. ThoeAdve. asot no R novr R. Wpas Sarof, it ndrd and black retaliated by attacking. he C.C.,one C s.tanding with Captain WVoolley a ___g, were aliotig the conslpicuotus but Cross stopped every shot. Scars, J. R. TE close second. Thle Blue's team-PRS A. R. Sears. the through %vcnt then Thompson in tators; and it may' be said wa-.s feeble in comparison with 3f11ing-~tht. as there was 110 Tabor defcnse and scored onl a long, SihL.PJ.w~ork Wednesda% morning by .Every~~~~~~hr mih R 20 dietomketecon k ge, got Last v'ear of the A\%'oticis. SmhRP.that hr(rietmaetecut-0 g ame petgodkc eton~ thek ndover was conquered twice by' .K Secr olme ocwel Hut- HoadsvdteBuArnibr" bctirftnh'eyg' ~~~Scored upon with a powerful kick Sp~encer . K ba~~em~~ ~~~rolf Rockwell, "AB dlofStsain' L! teami from Connecticut. and T.h -erysaw wIchirkeu a. ao attack. Burnanm. a this v'ear, with a veteran team, had K staioppweatdD whic Ater h oe gai andHenry Agents-GATES & CAPERS high .hopI', of avenging the defeat. Hazel- '%wihart, J. \v. caisoretimeslpa withe thewvarity tftler. hthe goaliiesopd muchie tinesweot., lt.nuId rihle th r rresmetims ion thowe Copl1ey and Robertson were thle CI. Dxe ball half the length of tile fiedail mii n hs ihrtwo Andover players. ivr Charto pass a beautiful m~ade the reach managers whenthe TdyteLARGE ~~~~bandhu. who headed the ball into V'an Hlorne. J. R., Jr. [. TUBES one the Polo Clubstrion Tllorda 'e 4ice hot" tea (with sugar) wvas the goal for the third score. -Tabor \'ail Horne, P. C. ALCOS O &5 b)eyondhe Road liglhland I of fieldI both tams dluring the attacked and Clouter Scoredl the 5'''to ed acar.Atrheem'sow LIBRARY TO ADDITIONS the against season tlli'; goal first least not groc (T-st-Tst) Last bitt ing on Saturday. no p~redlictions can le 1:-- corlespondent was permitte1 Blue with a low. heard shot. be made as to thle outcome of toSwihart replaced Robie to start Chamberini-Russia'sIron Age%N ! artakce of the Sacred ritual an'l dlav's contest. WV. Poor is still outt nt ly warm his entrails. (Ilhl- the final quarter. Thle Red and Mutzzey-Jaines G. Blaine i Pe'Cofthe line-uip. Iefli;L) Tea"is. after all, you knowv. Black put onl the pressure, and N\\'lite --T~eEio n to of e 19d33s-34pl T e pa J azeltine and flowen camte through itnulathig beverage: esecal f1933 1 thea situiation requires that with twvo. nice, tdefensiv'e kicks. Dotpay ES SA ITW HFL ~ozr be-a-lack of something better. Swihart then dribbled past the en- Doley-Under the Goal Posts Anytime Anywhere, Telegraphed in~ .ifarlo-we Eccles--CIhristophrr went kick his but teani, Tabor tire :-Shcitse MNe). LondonJ.H starting line-ups were as over the goal. A-ndover kept upl a 'ie e.7 anSre 6 T1iamnondl Fischer-fllutstratedMiagic attack, and] .,~~ i ~steady Comp/any F'leniing-One's a mix-uip onl goal fourth the scored N. IL. STATE -- 7DOWR O T N: E abuso It. le. Zins before the Tahor nets. Kerr took \~e~fr ~~'~1 TO RE . N I.Brochu Swihart's lplace. and Swihiart moved HESTR H .1remorv f etrfrvrii Montrone ovrtto cseterlforwardTinipqaof apl.>Ig. rR THE PARAGONSHI the pover C, Lentine (Capt.) Aint IT - The Andover Steam Laundry E S'r *J R - P A D N HIGH GgADE REP.4I1RIN1G h r ()it several liixiIfiNredTeTkiqo Chakrabandlit. SIE rt. Ceriello ups in front ot the Tabor goal, thle Popular Science 3lonthly-ll'oiShesclldfoINdEeSee. d'rs Throuqih thr Ifirrosrope Little Blue forwards mlissedl scoring. otily ~~~~~~~~~re, rg. Nfeluaid Iii"- (Capt.), rg Ch ;:n, #ir ,re ek, 4b~~~~~~ qh. Hanson because there were so miany plaver, rhb. Giarla massed near the mouth of the goal. ceiermytlbb:. rhb, Kersh~aw~ Bradford then entered the game in chb~~ by ~~~~place ~~~~~fods: 6 .0 a titudaiig-Andaver: Dempsey. Bur. fifth and final goal. Rfewij'Rnrkwell. Wolf. Hi~~~hire: Venville G ""~~ ~~~~~ANDOVER Cross, g Bowe, nfl, Elven ROts Tabor By 5-1 NG ~-'For Fourth Victory "" Citntinued from Page 1) ' of the game. Thompson fatmiond both itist missed the MntlwS~,ori ________ ng~Tabor bootersh almost ill t"J~ thiPieo DWICHES STBE ~~~~,Tendel's JUMPINGEnargin d Hammond T usiM FOOTBALL SOCAVERONTAXI SUPPLIES .PILP LL POOi, ~~ea y~~~ik Full Line of % ~ ~ ~~~~~~AND SO CU justRIIGwtliigrofrenrann. JMIGLSOS o- away d ng cor- rly ~ - headed ' SHOP Boys' HEADQUARTERS de Pies and Cake For POR'TATILE PHONOGRAPH4S lB EAM and SODA ikster HOUSE ~~~~~~~~~~Vctr,oubiCnOBusic 307 4thS O Wyo Some of the interestingfeataires are:* RATES the. some for one or two personsl. BRAFSsevdIth'omofnexrcag. thEErom EIn atSnoRIC to Rchare.ele Center (shopping and theatre zones) and Grand Centrol from SERVING PANTRIES - no need to ring for Ice. NOT THE USUAL bedroom and both, but a complete subte E* ~ to the., bycywekmnhsion rhbl. LittleTaif _____ ~ F. CHASE Dame.'H. t'lhl. Davis (Capt.) 11th, Sailor rot, Clouler WOIHTEE youmayoYORKL Funs d Co frbl Nominald Suiratesvof Co2mforootabl dawemnhsao. Ift.) Fro-ittTrfsb Hazeltine, Hill lagg (Cgsp:.i. lhh1 Thompson. rot P LS HEW IEE ABN eiee.! n eaux -iiirtS uhe Successor toAtatie g. Parker nt. o H E SHOE ABN DIA1i..Om BILL POLAND TABORI IHoward. Iff, Rosenfeld. dllh 74~ up a eleven t~~~~'Blue skept SL were halfbacks The attack-. Jiay :us Robie both Itie~ n d ng awy-ne' ______________________eme TheLineuPOLANeD H-uffard. Soscle ime1rica R (Freemnan Roomn)__________________________________________ dIcord length tojf~odv. Viens ConvCrsion) . W\agner-Soc-ia Reformers: Adams Smith, to John, Der-''v of Kerr and sent ill) a nice 0-20 pass on w~hich Swihiart just missed 7 Shortly before the final 0- 0 scoring. 0 Vien,, whistle Mendel took thle ball the ~e~b~s--Andover: Burdick. h tdsoe o h il Point after touchdown: -~tob.Chviey. 7 State-'O0 ht" lt Riv'era--Portrai! of 4~ PENSION PLAN" we con serve you U rnig*O Dvlpn day for $10 a week. Those who cannot utilize or dinners, may invite a like number Enlarging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~luncheons 3 meals a all of -the of guests Outfitter for all "Do you realize that 2 persons may ha e ~~~~~~Phillips Academy Teas 48 MAIN ST., an attractively furnished apartmnent bere with meals for-$45 a u'eek ? 1 PAGE FOUR - :WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, l9t m1ULMAN i~~~~~~~~~~T 't'"t.................- . *-.'. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-..- the6m"'1 mked -andte. bos S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S ~ ~ 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ .o jA St :A XISS i~~~~~~ es )WA Awn Mel is ' ie A di ver~ the ~~~~ IR Stl 'ral. sen . al .the that Cigarette ~tatr-h has lt~n I 'in arotlli' tte th ig, :ilrcai FOUND AND LOST TE TSTSB ett therc.[iperiectijig Street.. (ucor~l uitti. near Sa~e I~~~onkAtii~~~~aiCL ISl with 4 'va Return Return. Cleiiiertt \thlct Id with .bill fiblack. .il -- or1. 1 ov. ir . C)Lross Cotlry9 Lr Pagstrtd . 4C#.iiijnt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Itsd .. hit to iusue. '0!d g, (Ic ilec~-111 34 -without .. aroun hee't ~~~~~dioe. . enit.ii ( . Ii aaz L \u.dnii i s :tn 01(1 lothes, magzines, recorsiand ndgo ofciitr en Iwoldie S te anr al foun can. L 1. It it . !l tP S:L~~ \zeve'l' ~ladr Cl(tlePe, . , work.and bowlingalleys.lp ~p ohrraeakegti ands astGil. l ( t .~ 4.Iip."''eJllL il'iii Olli. of Arder thek -tuiieri .sua -cad .\ ol threcoi thc Blue taking the ______________ v h r~ii~t~ i will sponsor its call for volunteers to help tfir ,.~-. rttM classes, T6&W asked to ~~~ as inanV of their conduct gym arc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e \idve heldwlin011.leys. C.ondtereInceLIillkbea ecrosr-d W llg. I~~~~~~iuhdedoz teorse twantbtoevegooarcavaskod ).tii jjl g rsar ake t.redlp in%1'hs ciinfe)n is I r .'ri'u C wilCaarries gi name* I lsn A~ndovetrle Offd I hck with Cwhi R G ISS vtl nie4 reIgIon 1' .fn \re o in tlawes n ~uilvs unitr halee' t Ili roI , Ctlot front t il es I l) f R(turn Recordenir. Iad o Iiec ck tu with connected ur; subjects indirectly .1amis i Miii l~~~~~~li~~ who will I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ilecirleil the( 411been I 'enon ckSheaffe# \ I Iuletiiu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tely t. fotrdW tay catiod ge hr . k o raiain d 1 Vl-te.poigtai.(te .Sot RtriF tp (7t w t 1 ie trac fro etdl '~~~flu thir Ii tins I Ja~~~~~~~~l. te ANDOVE Lnsttayear.aHLLuSHOP I iia raThepwininghrvlayTo H 0i 13hed l:(jCNClement o Ie Aoas ed w re-col't Lawrenc teitiVui ~~~~~'I hce HESekan tulr-Ixizeikali ih i Ideiefighti.5' cail, schoo rein theightf~n man. fo PHnLIPeI ,~nid~imPg quarerL\--nu tvele fi ail WC in~~i__________________ ld LUPAreDChA Idsriued tno thestpoor of ithrhehtme o Icor st" finising AInpi Te.96 Football Cttrisis Club M iSt So03 and 'PHONE 'vi iuieinrence rii.ahr~it ( .1. .ItispfIlniidto Wlloom enc T d' 5 lIy0 1- 12, 111iidS Or T ee eki 1)rigtefrs t wich rda. pukI) 1-t ru iler li' Page II~ i fro 4r. Ii~-tp \ -~~~~~~~~~ . . . . . ', \Ji ll. .. n~~~~~inethy ill" II 'Ve th3l4 iii and .itrial besides attack e ()l tol gua i. npiratsujc. JohTThe Thir.hea. nagsie ralguic~~'I ilefense. fore r. High Con ord. * 35 ce~~~~~~~~NtsthtpIn C NSIhEIlid are andRonan~~~~~~ail. II (. (. (i I L LE can meet the: Jackson ontan equal footngweiiie~rjne tothe deiding ofihe clbri litner1.~ ,itt e qiiartr-ni I(itli 1 S'iCf tlj-4 to (,~.erco~iit expecteda rc~ They. r1, tithic ti n R e~iSi C w)ir * ~ z tt(,'at t ak d t gLae 6 0 LO E tic is* LEvaN SDILO ra Sdsadr c THE HARTI w rn A MAe er Par rae 36HNE StreetW5Av Tacle Fish~5 1; Acout.Iting placsvCulr lcrcl Anovr, Masschusllett SupiesDuilg rda y Hounesehol ITUD PaRT. JEEE Nto tTwel. 10!OPhJ Street Tel. 1011 31 Ma~~~~~~~inte.A-l -Attt SAM DE: T, NN I Cikn. an SteSOaRk~RNGCHECKSLIS 93a19nai and Picture framing WilComerepToairn AWntnDOEdro eet 23 StiMain ~ a11 ~Jintrs e Shop We LW i lthr caithe . soccerzalields. le atakan defens can make\" tli doppm field triilik .ift r I thehfridal Creek.~~~~~~~~'ll( The other. equals the of any . 2 as 2dSretNwYokCt