Pelan Induk Perisian Sumber Terbuka Sektor Awam: Program
Pelan Induk Perisian Sumber Terbuka Sektor Awam: Program
Pelan Induk Perisian Sumber Terbuka Sektor Awam: Program Kesedaran 'Self Reliance' Fasa III Public Sector OSS Master Plan Phase III – Self Reliance Self Reliance Workshop (1) 1 1 Malaysian Public Sector OSS Master Plan OSS MASTER PLAN PHASES 2004 – 2006 Phase I: Laying Foundation and Early Adoption 2007 – 2010 Phase 2: Accelerated Adoption 2011 – onwards Phase 3: Self Reliance We are here 2 Malaysian Public Sector OSS Master Plan Master Plan Objectives ● ● ● Reduce total cost of ownership Increase freedom of choice of software usage Increase interoperability among systems ● Increase growth of ICT industry ● Increase growth of OSS industry ● ● ● Increase growth of OSS user and developer community Increase growth of knowledgebased society Reduce digital divide 3 OSS Master Plan Framework 4 OSS Key Benefit Areas Strategic Technology Economy Social Learning & Innovating Increase Interoperability Increase Marketplace Competition Information Access National Capability Building Global Technology License Fee Savings Support / Forex Reduction Lower Barrier to Market Entry / Exit Customisation & Localisation Vendor Independence Enhance Security & Sovereignty Enhance Technology Sovereignty Spur New Service Industry Digital Divide Reduction Worldwide Collaboration / Networking Partnership 5 Open Source Competency Centre One-stop, national reference centre to lead, guide and assist government agencies with OSS implementation Why OSCC ? To provide direction in development and use of OSS ● Through information, expertise & physical infrastructure To facilitate collaboration among Public Sector, Institutes of Higher Learning and business communities ● Increasing human capital development ● Positioning Malaysia as a world class OSS technology hub 6 OSCC - Functional Services ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Certification Body – formulates and facilitates OSS certification standards and programmes, e.g. CTP Communication & Collaboration – conducts and coordinates OSS community collaboration initiatives Policies / Guidelines – formulates OSS standards, guidelines and policies Training – conducts OSS training Knowledge Bank – enables information sharing, leverages expertise and matches OSS demand & supply via eMarketplace Research & Development – conducts, coordinates and monitors R&D projects Technical Support – facilitates support requests and advises in OSS implementations, e.g. Panel Promotion & Awareness – creates awareness and promotes OSS and OSCC, e.g. MyGOSSCON 7 Open Source Competency Centre OSS Promotion & Awareness ● 131 OSS talks & presentations ● 38 official visits – ● Delegations from Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Brunei, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Nations 105 OSS seminars, workshops conferences and exhibitions held nationwide 8 Open Source Competency Centre OSS Policies, Standards & Guidelines OSS Implementation Malaysian Government Web Application Guidelines Interoperability Guidelines Framework for OSS (MyGIFOSS) OSS Reference Architecture All documents are downloadable from 9 Open Source Competency Centre OSS Competency Development OSCC Training Participants Over 5,500 trained, 75 certified by OSCC 913 384 540 592 30,500 public sector staffs and community trained from OSS projects OSCC Product Programming System 10 Open Source Competency Centre Technical Support OSCC products support On-site technical support OSCC Monthly Helpdesk Tickets (2012) 90 Remote helpdesk support for Agencies Online products documentation, FAQ and webcast OSS advisory and consulting services 80 Helpdesk Tickets 77 87 72 70 60 50 40 30 19 20 10 0 January February March Month (2012) April 11 Open Source Competency Centre OSCC Services Advanced Virtualisation Facility (AVF) Knowledge Bank & eMarketPlace Help Desk ed t da 3.3 p U rv fo OSCC Mirror OSS Exhibitions and Seminars OSS Development Toolkit 12 Open Source Competency Centre OSCC R&D Services ➔ Research and provide new OSS solutions to public sector agencies ➔ Research and provides OSS interoperability and migration how-to and solutions for Agencies to ease OSS adoption ➔ Provide OSS product benchmark reports and reviews for OSS solutions for public sector agencies ➔ Provide 2nd level technical support to public sector ➔ Identify R&D projects with Agencies and IPTA ➔ Maintain and update existing OSCC products 13 Open Source Competency Centre OSCC Products For Use by Government Agencies MySpamGuard MySurfGuard MyNetWatch MyMeeting MyWorkSpace MySurveillance MyTaskManager MyDesktopManager MyWorkSpace ● ● ● Available to ALL government agencies Product training provided Product website available ● Contains Guides, FAQ, Links, Source Codes 14 Open Source Competency Centre ● ● ● Collaborative network among public sector, R&D and business communities to optimize resources and expertise from communities in complementary manner Smart Partnership Model Government provides incentives to increase usage and development of OSS and provide conducive environment to sustain local OSS community R&D community as centres of excellence to lead research and development 15 From Vision to Reality ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● OPEN SOURCE Free licensing Free distribution ODM User engagement Share and reuse Agility and flexibility Meritocracy Transparency Self governance ● OSCC Products and Services Phase I Early Adoption ● ● ● Accelerated Adoption Laying the Foundation 2004 OSS Proliferation in Public Service REALITY More cost effective, connected and improved Public Service Larger and more competitive ICT industry Improved competence of human capital Lessening digital divide 2006 2007 Phase II Self Reliance 2010 2011 Phase III Moving Forward We Are Here 16 From Vision to Reality ...which resulted in OSS proliferation in Public Sector... milillilioonn 2 4 2 R Y m M 2 4 2 MYR illilioonn)) m 0 8 D S il (U m 0 8 (USD avings!*** ccoossttssavings!*** (Malaysian OSS Master Plan) Cumulative No. of Agencies 800 691 705 708 700 600 ~ 14-fold increase in OSS adoption since the launch of Master Plan 500 400 345 300 200 100 25 51 163 92 131 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 OOSSSS e s u e 7% us OOvveerr997% 17 From Vision to Reality ...supported by growing, thriving and dynamic OSS communities... myopenSUSE Open Source Developer Club Malaysia ( Jom Linux A few OSS Communities in Malaysia (Females Only) Fedora Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Open Source Community Ubuntu-my 18 From Vision to Reality … supported by growing, thriving and dynamic business communities ... “… 39 MSC Malaysian companies in the OSS industry generated RM595 million in local revenues and over RM234 million in export revenues, and these companies employed 6,206 ICT knowledge workers.” Datuk Badlisham Ghazali, MDeC Chief Executive Officer Malaysia Open Source Conference 2010 19 From Vision to Reality The Rise of OSS “Malaysia is demonstrating outstanding leadership & accomplishment in Public Sector OSS implementation with a 97% adoption rate to date” Malaysian Business Magazine Issue Aug 1-15, 2010 20 From Vision to Reality … international recognition “Now the Government of Malaysia proudly reports an astonishing 97% adoption rate for OSS .... and the world should congratulate Malaysia on its outstanding leadership and accomplishments in the past five years of effort..” Michael Tiemann (2010) President of OSI 21 From Vision to Reality … recognition from regional and local media ... ZDNet ZDNetAsia Asia- -28 28January January2010 2010 “M'sia “M'siagovt govttouts touts95 95percent percentOSS OSSadoption” adoption” ZDNetAsia Asia- -28 28July July2009 2009 ZDNet “Exponentialincrease increaseininOSS OSSadoption adoption “Exponential amongstPublic PublicSector Sectoragencies” agencies” amongst The TheEdge Edge- -66June June2009 2009 “MAMPU “MAMPUaccelerates acceleratesOpen OpenSource” Source” TheStar Star- -29 29October October2009 2009 The “Avision visionbecome becomereality” reality” “A 22 From Vision to Reality International Collaborations ● ● ● G2G collaboration with Government of Sudan Collaborative dialogues with Governments of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South Africa and Norway on establishing OSS initiatives Presented in international conferences in Norway, Spain, South Africa, Sudan, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Saudi Arabia and US 23 From Vision to Reality … MyGOSSCON – the premier annual conference ... • • • • MyGOSSCON 2011 Activities MyGOSS Award National Competition for schools International OSS Creative Multimedia Competition Best Exhibitor Award 24 Findings and Lesson Learnt ● ● Building upon successful OSS implementation for moving up the e-Government value chain. Using OSS as a cost effective approach for providing web application services. ● Increasing geographic dispersion of OSS implementation sites. ● Use of OSS in shared or outsourced services. ● Increasing competency within the agencies towards in-house OSS implementation. ● Strategic engagement on OSS product development ● Continuous re-emphasis on policy and practice ● Realignment of strategic thrusts activities towards focused programs 25 Phase III – Self Reliance Public Sector OSS Master Plan Phase III – Self Reliance Self Reliance Workshop (1) 26 26 Strategic Objectives SUSTAINMENT - ensures continuous adoption, implementation and enhancement of OSS as laid out in the Master Plan. Sustainment Self Reliance ENABLEMENT - provides for capacity building in terms of policies and guidelines, technology infrastructure and human capital. Empowerment Continuous Improvement Technology Infrastructure Governance Human Capital EMPOWERMENT - brings agencies to the next level towards self reliance and excellence in innovating OSS technologies and solutions. Enablement 27 7 Self Reliance Strategic Thrusts Enhance Enhance agency’s agency’s OSS OSS human human capital capital through through OSCC OSCC certification and OSS training training ST4 Enable Enable agency’s agency’s ownership ownership and and accountabilities accountabilities for OSS Technical Support operations for OSS Technical operations ST5 Promote Promote agency’s agency’s establishment establishment of of niche niche OSS OSS ecosystem ecosystem based based on on OSCC’s OSCC’s Smart Smart Partnership Partnership model model ST6 Continue Continue to to promote promote OSS OSS solution solution development development projects projects which which are are aligned aligned to to OSCC’s OSCC’s Technical Technical Implementation Implementation Plan Plan ST7 Export Export agency’s agency’s OSS OSS capabilities capabilities to to the global global platform platform RELIANCE ST3 SELF Deploy Deploy technology technology environment environment in in agencies agencies to to support support ‘localised’ ‘localised’ OSS OSS operations operations SUSTAINMENT ST2 EMPOWERMENT Adopt Adopt standards, standards, policies policies & & guidelines guidelines established established by by OSCC OSCC ENABLEMENT ST1 28 Framework – Roles of OSCC 1. Policies & Guidelines 2. Knowledge Bank & e-Market 3. Top-level Change Management 4. OSS Training & Certification 5. Advisory & Reference Support 6. Facilitate Agencies' R&D 29 Framework – Roles of Agencies 1. Agency-specific OSS Procedures & Processes 2. Robust OSS Technology Infrastructure 3. Trained & Certified OSS Technical Team 4. Active Ownership of OSS Initiative & Operatives 5. Agency-specific OSS ecosystem Through Smart Partnership 6. Continuous OSS Solution, R&D Initiatives & Overall Improvements 30 Roadmap Short Term By 2012 Transfer of ownership of OSS initiatives Establishment of respective agencies’ OSS standards, procedures & processes Establishment of agencies’ OSS trained and certified IT teams Deployment of operationready OSS technology platform at respective agencies to support OSS operations Medium Term 2013 - 2015 Long Term 2016 - 2020 Establishment of agencies’ Smart Partnership collaboration platform and ecosystem to accelerate OSS innovation Agencies become subject matter champions for OSSbased systems and able to export OSS expertise to other regions Production of agencyspecific enhanced OSS application solutions and new OSS products for domestic and global utilisation Malaysia to become one of key global OSS contributors Malaysia as a technology exporter rather than a consumer 31 Target – Short Term (by 2012) Short Term By 2012 Medium Term 2013 - 2015 Long Term 2016 - 2020 6 Targets 1. Pilot Self Reliance implementation in at least one Ministry Overall 2. 5 ministries to have their own baseline procedures on OSS operations in Project Management, Software Development, Support & Maintenance ST1 3. Strengthen overall OSS adoption with minimum 60% OSS platform in 5 agencies ST2 6 4. 25 Ministries representatives trained and certified towards Targets ST3 enablement 5. Deliver 110 OSS training sessions with focus on advanced courses on operating systems and systems development ST3 6. OSS teams in all 25 ministries to have OSS certified leaders in at least one of these 6 operational functions ST4 32 Target – Medium Term (2013-2015) 7 Targets Short Term By 2012 Medium Term 2013 - 2015 Long Term 2016 - 2020 1. Implement a ranking system for Open Source maturity in agencies ST2 2. Complete training for developers in 5 Ministries through advanced courses on mobile and database system ST3 3. Establish OSS smart partnership panel with 10 -12 members from the public sector, industry and universities ST5 4. Increase the current OSS products portfolio to 10 ST6 R&D level to advanced stages with at least 2 integration 6 5. Take products enablement with Open Source Targets 6. 1 new OSS Application Solution (product) completed or ongoing ST6 ST6 project at agency level 7. Enhance OSS role at global level with at least 1 Malaysian representation ST7 33 Critical Success Factors ➔ ‘Buy in’ from key stakeholders in the ministries on benefits of OSS from the perspectives of finance, operational efficiencies and overall delivery capabilities ➔ Alignment of agencies’ OSS initiatives with the respective agencies’ overall mandate, goals and the Malaysian government’s agenda for IT in the public sector ➔ Agencies’ effort to play active ownership roles and champion the cause of OSS within their respective areas ➔ Continuous support from OSCC in fostering a healthy OSS ecosystem and enforcing compliance to global standards 34 ✔ Increased growth in local ICT industry Connected Government ✔ Enhanced human capital development ✔ Increased knowledge based society Knowledge-based society ✔ Reduce digital divide ✔ Increased competitiveness and web presence Vibrant local ICT Industry 1Malaysia GTP NEM VISION 2020 Objectives ✔ More cost effective and connected Government Four Pillars of National Transformation Conclusion RMK10 35 Thank You Email: [email protected] Web: Public Sector OSS Master Plan Phase III – Self Reliance Self Reliance Workshop (1) 36 36
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