DINOSAUR DIG - Mother Goose Time
DINOSAUR DIG - Mother Goose Time
Planning Journal Theme Poster DINOSAUR DIG ©2014 Mother Goose Time, Inc. Planning Journal T H E M AT I C S T U D Y Dinosaur Dig notes _________________________________________________________ MONTH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday How can I be a paleontologist? WEEK 1 Dinosaur Dig DAY 1: Paleontologist DAY 2: Excavation Site Group Time 1 Circle Time Song Intro and Inquiry Basic Concepts Fingerplay / Song Investigation Stations Page 6 & 7 in the Teacher Guide Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD What is something that lived long ago? What might you find underground? Introduce Purple Introduce Oval I’m a Paleontologist Track 13, Circle Time CD Digging for Dinos rhyme WRITING SENSORY LETTER/WORD RECOGNITION 12.1 LETTER/WORD RECOGNITION 12.1 Writing in Dirt Photo Excavation Discovery Time A Activity Option 1 Dinosaur Name Practice writing your name and discuss how you got your names. FINE MOTOR 5.2 Activity Option 2 Outdoor Play / Free Play Letter Fossils Crawl under a blanket tent to find lettered rocks that spell the name. VISUAL ARTS 32.1 Field Journal Color the dinosaurs and write notes or draw own dinosaurs, fossils or bones. Excavation Dig Use a paintbrush to clean off dinosaur bones and glue bones together to create a skeleton collage. Put together and take apart puzzles. Play rolling games with balls. NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.2 MEASUREMENT 19.2 SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 3.1 SCIENTIFIC REASONING 25.2 Discovery Time B Activity Option 3 Activity Option 4 Dinosaur Skeletons Count out a given number of blocks then creatively put them together to build a dinosaur skeleton. Land of Dinosaurs Participate in group play by interacting with the poster. Oval Bones Find links hidden around the excavation site (corner of the room), sort by color and size. DIY Dirt Make dirt from baking soda, water and food coloring. Experiment by mixing ingredients and observing changes. Journal Practice Outdoor Play / Free Play Explore Investigation Stations Clean Up Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Group Time 2 Story Music / Movement Closing Reflection Dig Those Dinosaurs by Lori Haskins Houran The Berenstain Bears’ Dinosaur Dig by Jan Berenstain Paleontologist Puzzle Track 6, Dinosaur Dig CD Take Field Journal on a hunt around the room then dance freely to the chorus. Prehistoric Sunset (Instrumental) Track 12, Dinosaur Dig CD Dig through a blanket to find bones (blocks) then dance with them. What do you think would be fun about being a paleontologist? What do you think would be hard? If you were digging outside, what would you want to find? DAY 3: Fossils DAY 4: Bones DAY 5: Tyrannosaurus Rex Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD What pictures have you seen that are from a long time ago? How many bones do you think a dinosaur had? Introduce Number 5 Introduce Pattern ABCD Counting Fossils Track 21, Circle Time CD Finding Bones Track 33, Circle Time CD Do You Know? Track 15, Circle Time CD ART MANIPULATIVE LIBRARY EMERGENT WRITING 14.2 CONCEPTS OF PRINT 11.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY 6.1 SELF CONCEPT 1.3 LOGIC 20.1 SELF DIRECTION 2.1 Go on a scavenger hunt for pointy things. Build with blocks. Play a game of tag. NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.2 SHAPES 16.2 NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.3 PHYSICAL SCIENCE 27.1 PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS 10.1 DRAMA 33.2 Fossil Dough Dinosaur Journal Draw a dinosaur on the cover and name it or write about it. Sorry for Squishing Roll balls of play dough then invite a friend to use a block and squish it. Practice saying sorry and forgiving. Counting Egg Fossils Roll a die and put the same amount of eggs in a nest. Determine if the amount of eggs is more or less than 5. Fossil Press Make fossil dough then experiment by making impressions with various small objects. Building with Bones Dinosaur Beat Explore the direction of text by acting out the story while walking on a line from left to right. Big Dino Bone Problem solve how to trace a pattern, cut and create an oversized dinosaur skeleton on the wall. Bone Patterns Use the Shape Design Mat as guide to create bone design patterns in play dough with the links. Pass the Bone Pass a bone (rolling pin) and say a word that begins with the same letter sound. Decorate Cover What do you know about a tyrannosaurus rex? Review Oval T-Rex Hunt Carnivore/Herbivore Make a snack plate of veggies and meats. Draw a dinosaur card and eat its preferred snack. Dinosaur Dig Game Play a board game and collect bones along the way. T-Rex Teeth Place triangles on a large oval. Count the teeth. Imagine a given number of teeth fall out. How many are left? Dino Headband Practice cutting and make dinosaur teeth to glue onto a headband. Number 5 Explore Investigation Stations Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Fossils Tell of Long Ago by Aliki National Geographic Readers: Dinosaurs by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld I’m a T.Rex! (Little Golden Book) by Dennis Shealy Fossil Story Track 7, Dinosaur Dig CD Pass a rock and listen for the word “fossil.” Jurassic Jam (Instrumental) Track 8, Dinosaur Dig CD Children use sticks to tap out the rhythms heard in the song. T-Rex Attack Track 9, Dinosaur Dig CD One child is the t-rex and leads the others in movements. What kind of fossil do you think you would find in the ocean? In the woods? In the mountains? What would you do if you found a dinosaur bone? Why do you think a t-rex had teeth? M O N D AY T U E S D AY W E D N E S D AY WEEK 1 notes T H U R S D AY F R I D AY S AT U R D AY S U N D AY notes WEEK 1 What are different types of dinosaurs? WEEK 2 Dinosaur Dig DAY 6: Brontosaurus DAY 7: Stegosaurus Group Time 1 Circle Time Song Intro and Inquiry Basic Concepts Fingerplay / Song Investigation Stations Page 6 & 7 in the Teacher Guide Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD How do you think a brontosaurus used its long neck? What body parts helped protect the stegosaurus? Introduce Letter Ll Review Number 5 Stretch Your Neck Track 19, Circle Time CD One Spike, Two Spikes Track 25, Circle Time CD OUTDOOR DRAMATIC PLAY EMERGENT WRITING 14.1 READING COMPREHENSION 13.2 Stretch for Leaves Dino Band Discovery Time A Activity Option 1 L is for Leaf Use leaves to make the uppercase and lowercase letter L. LIFE SCIENCE 26.1 Activity Option 2 Outdoor Play / Free Play Disappearing Trees Play a game to explore the idea of disappearing habitats. Who’s Missing? Look at a collection of dinosaurs and then after one or more is removed, recall which are missing. FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES 21.3 Stegosaurus Shapes Compare differences between children then between dinosaurs. Use shapes to create different dinosaurs. Go for a walk and look for things in tall trees. Tap rhythms on items with hard surfaces. NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.1 NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.2 Discovery Time B Activity Option 3 Reach and Count Leaves Identify numerals and reach like a brontosaurus to grab a leaf with the same numeral. COMMUNICATION 8.1 Activity Option 4 Brontosaurus Puppet Create a puppet dinosaur and tree. Tell a story about what happened to a hungry dinosaur. Journal Practice Letter Ll Stegosaurus Spikes Make your own math game. Use number and spike cards to add or subtract spikes to your stegosaurus. GROSS MOTOR 4.2 Plate Toss Toss pretend Stegosaurus plates into a trashcan or box. Problem solve throwing techniques of speed and direction. Outdoor Play / Free Play Explore Investigation Stations Clean Up Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Group Time 2 Story Music / Movement Closing Reflection Bronto, Friend of Ceratops by Charlotte Vivian Rodenberg Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please? by Lois G. Brontosaurus Leaves Track 4, Dinosaur Dig CD Dance with Brontosaurus Puppets and find green scraps of paper to “eat.” Dinosaur Days Track 1, Dinosaur Dig CD Children dance like the dinosaur in the card you are holding. Why do you think the brontosaurus is no longer living? Would you rather be a tyrannosaurus rex, brontosaurus or stegosaurus? Why? DAY 8: Triceratops DAY 9: Mussaurus DAY 10: Pterodactyl Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD What animals do you know with horns? Why was it good to be a small dinosaur? Review Letter Ll Review ABCD Pattern Stop! Triceratops! rhyme Find the Mussaurus Track 15, Circle Time CD Pterodactyls Play fingerplay TECHNOLOGY MATH BLOCK LETTER/WORD RECOGNITION 12.2 PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS 10.2 CONCEPTS OF PRINT 11.1 DRAMA 33.2 SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 3.3 LOGIC 20.1 Find things with spikes or horns. Play Hide and Seek and hide in tiny places. Play a game of toss and catch. PATTERNS AND SORTING 18.2 PATTERNS 18.1 NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.3 NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.3 GROSS MOTOR 4.1 SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 3.2 Tricera TOPS Charge the Alphabet Hear a word, identify the beginning sound of the word and charge that letter on the Alphabet Strip like a triceratops. Triceratops Mask Paint a mask and cut horns to create a triceratops. Use the mask for dramatic play. Dino Sort Spin a spinner to sort dinosaurs by color then by type. 3 Horns Count out 20 blocks then make groups of 3 on paper plates. Problem solve what to do with the remaining 2 blocks. Dinosaur Patterns Hatching Rhymes Listen for 2 words that rhyme then pop up as if hatching from an egg. Mussaurus Music Make an egg shaker and role-play taking care of a fragile egg. Can you find a mussaurus sleeping in the nest? Egg to Fossil Build a pattern with cards then act out the life cycle of a dinosaur. Leaping Lizard Explore leaping high and long. Measure jumps. What animals do you know that fly? Introduce Number 15 Build a Nest Go Away Read an easy-reader storybook and point to the question mark. Identify other punctuation. Fly Design Experiment with different collage materials to try to make something that can fly or glide in the air. Fish Hunt Pretend links are fish and add or subtract them according to the Math Story Cards. 15 Pterodactyls Use a blanket and work together to toss and catch flying pterodactyls. Count how many flew off the blanket. Oval Explore Investigation Stations Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD The Three Triceratops Tuff by Stephen Shaskan How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Birthday? by Jane Yolen William Worrydactyl (Dinosaurs Have Feelings) by Brian Moses Stop, I’m a Triceratops Track 5, Dinosaur Dig CD Wear masks and dance in a circle. Change directions on the word “stop.” T-Rex Attack Track 9, Dinosaur Dig CD One child dances as the t-rex and the others as mussauruses. Play T-Rex Tag. Flying Pterodactyl Track 2, Dinosaur Dig CD Pretend to flap wings, soar and dive for fish. Where would you want to have a horn? Why? Would you want to be a big dinosaur or a small dinosaur? Why? What is your favorite type of dinosaur? Why? M O N D AY T U E S D AY W E D N E S D AY WEEK 2 notes T H U R S D AY F R I D AY S AT U R D AY S U N D AY notes WEEK 2 What are the body parts of a dinosaur? WEEK 3 Dinosaur Dig DAY 11: Egg DAY 12: Head Group Time 1 Circle Time Song Intro and Inquiry Basic Concepts Fingerplay / Song Investigation Stations Page 6 & 7 in the Teacher Guide Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD How big do you think a dinosaur egg could be? What do you see on a dinosaur’s head? Introduce Letter Ee Review Oval What Is in the Egg? Track 23, Circle Time CD If You’re a Dinosaur Track 17, Circle Time CD WRITING SENSORY EMERGENT WRITING 14.1 EMERGENT WRITING 14.2 Tracing E Dig for Teeth Discovery Time A Activity Option 1 Roll the Egg Roll a ball along a tape (or chalk) line in the shape of the letter E. SCIENTIFIC REASONING 25.2 Prehistoric Postcard Paint a handprint then turn it into a dinosaur. Write or dictate about the dinosaur. COMMUNICATION 8.2 Activity Option 2 Hatching Dinosaurs Eggs Experiment by spraying vinegar on homemade dinosaur eggs. Watch dinosaurs hatch from the egg. Outdoor Play / Free Play Build paths and roll balls and other round objects. Role-play with masks, hats or headbands. DRAMA 33.1 PATTERNS AND SORTING 18.2 Reptile Eyes Play ‘I spy with my reptile eye.’ Guess what the other child is looking at by asking questions and hearing clues. Discovery Time B Activity Option 3 Egg Run Children pretend to hatch from eggs then run for safety before the predator tags them. LIFE SCIENCE 26.2 Activity Option 4 Invent a Dinosaur Draw a new dinosaur on an oval egg. Name the dinosaur, describe its name and characteristics Journal Practice Letter Ee Dino Roll and Graph Make your own math game. Draw a number card and place the same amount of spikes on the dinosaur. HEALTH AND SAFETY 6.1 Eat a Tree Create a Jurassic Tree from broccoli and pretzels then pretend to be a dinosaur and eat off the top. Purple Outdoor Play / Free Play Explore Investigation Stations Clean Up Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Group Time 2 Story Music / Movement Closing Reflection Dinosaur Eggs by Jennifer Dussling Big Old Bones: A Dinosaur Tale by Carol Carrick My Baby Dinosaur Track 11, Dinosaur Dig CD Carry something small as you dance. Pretend it is fragile. Fossil Story Track 7, Dinosaur Dig CD One child is the leader and moves only one body part as the others follow. How would you protect a dinosaur egg if you had one? Which dinosaur’s head is most like yours? Why? DAY 13: Tail DAY 14: Body DAY 15: Feet Circle Time Song, track 1, Circle Time CD How do you think a dinosaur used its tail? What do you think was on the inside of a dinosaur’s body? Review Number 15 Review Letter Ee Move Your Tail Track 11, Circle Time CD One Bone, Two Bones Track 25, Circle Time CD Dinosaurs Have Big Feet Track 21, Circle Time CD ART MANIPULATIVE LIBRARY PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS 10.2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 7.2 SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS 3.1 FINE MOTOR 5.2 SHAPES 16.2 DANCE AND MOVEMENT 31.2 Find places outside to balance. Play a game of Simon Says. Go for a walk and look for footprints or tracks. SPATIAL AWARENESS 17.2 SPATIAL AWARENESS 17.1 MEASUREMENT 19.1 GROSS MOTOR 4.1 HISTORY 24.1 DRAMA 33.1 Whipping Designs Word Sound Tails Explore ending sounds of names and put that sound at the end of every word in a silly sentence. My Dino Tail Draw a picture of self with a tail. Where Is Your Tail? Design your own tail then put it different places on the body or around the room. Describe the location. Tail Balance Explore balancing on one foot without holding on. Then try while holding onto a chair. How is the chair like tail? Fence the Dinosaur Move Your Body Follow two-step directions while pretending to be a baby dinosaur. Dino Skeleton Design a dinosaur skeleton with noodles. Assembling Bones Dig in sand and uncover pieces of a dinosaur skeleton. Assemble the puzzle to create a dinosaur. Dinosaur Night Out Use storytelling wands to help tell a story’s beginning, middle and end. How many toes do you think dinosaurs had? Review Purple Letter Hunt Dino Tracks Set up a path to a hidden treasure. Invite a friend to follow the footprints and discover the prize. My Dino Feet Cut toes and make dinosaur feet. Wear them and explore different dinosaur dance movements. Big Footprint Make a large footprint and estimate how many shoes can fit on the dino foot. Test your prediction. Dinosaur Musicians Play a role in a script and act out the story. Letter P Explore Investigation Stations Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Dinosaurs Alive and Well!: A Guide to Good Health by Alison Green My Big Dinosaur Book by Roger Priddy Curious George: Dinosaur Tracks by Margret & H.A. Rey Prehistoric Sunset (instrumental) Track 12, Dinosaur Dig CD Children pretend to dance with long dinosaur tails. Dinosaur Days Track1, Dinosaur Dig CD Pause the music and put the puzzle together one piece at a time. Dino Feet Beat Track 10, Dinosaur Dig CD Listen for the rhythms in the song then try to stomp them out with feet. Would you want a tail? Why or Why not? How is a dinosaur’s body similar to yours? What would you do if you found a dinosaur footprint in your backyard? M O N D AY T U E S D AY W E D N E S D AY WEEK 3 notes T H U R S D AY F R I D AY S AT U R D AY S U N D AY notes WEEK 3 WEEK 4 What was life like during Jurassic times? Dinosaur Dig DAY 16: Volcano DAY 17: Jurassic Climate Group Time 1 Circle Time Song Intro and Inquiry Basic Concepts Fingerplay / Song Investigation Stations Page 6 & 7 in the Teacher Guide It’s Circle Time, track 1, Circle Time CD What do you think is inside a volcano? What type of weather do you think a dinosaur preferred? Introduce Letter Vv Review Numbers Hot, Hot, Hot Volcano Track 31, Circle Time CD Jurassic Weather Track 33, Circle Time CD OUTDOOR DRAMATIC PLAY EMERGENT WRITING 14.1 LETTER/WORD RECOGNITION 12.2 EARTH SCIENCE 28.2 HISTORY 24.1 Build a Volcano Rain Dance Discovery Time A Activity Option 1 Activity Option 2 Outdoor Play / Free Play V is for Volcano Use links to make the letter V and other letters in the alphabet. Dinosaur Diorama Create a Jurassic ecosystem and play with dinosaurs. Disappearing Dinosaurs Explore word puzzles and identify missing letters and their sounds. Pangaea Puzzle Play a game with towels and discover how the continents separated, changed temperature and moved the dinosaurs. Build with blocks then knock them down. Find hot and cold areas to play. DRAMA 33.2 LETTER/WORD RECOGNITION 12.1 Discovery Time B Activity Option 3 Lava Island Create a pretend volcano and jump over the lava streams. SCIENTIFIC REASONING 25.2 Activity Option 4 Bubbling Lava Experiment with oil and water mixtures. Add an antacid tablet to see bubbles like boiling lava. Describe the changes. Journal Practice Letter Vv Protect the Egg Help the dinosaurs find their eggs before the volcano erupts. Match dinosaurs and their eggs. EARTH SCIENCE 28.1 Track the Weather Set up a weather-tracking center, observe and evaluate the weather for the week. Outdoor Play / Free Play Explore Investigation Stations Clean Up Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Group Time 2 Story Music / Movement Closing Reflection Jump into Science: Volcano! by Ellen J. Prager The Land of Dinosaurs: A Mini-House Book by Peter Lippman Explode Volcano Track 3, Dinosaur Dig CD Pretend to be rumbling then exploding volcanoes. Prehistoric Sunset (instrumental) Track 12, Dinosaur Dig CD Draw a weather picture then dance like dinosaurs in that weather. What would you do if a volcano erupted near you? When does the weather change where you live? DAY 18: Jurassic Plants DAY 19: Extinction DAY 20: Museum It’s Circle Time, track 1, Circle Time CD What do plants need to grow? What does “extinct” mean? Review Colors Review ABCD Pattern Grow, Grow Track 9, Circle Time CD Dinosaurs Alive rhyme Old McDonald Had a Museum Track 29, Circle Time CD TECHNOLOGY MATH BLOCK SECOND LANGUAGE 34.1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 7.1 SHAPES 16.2 LIFE SCIENCE 26.1 NUMBER CONCEPTS 15.3 CIVICS AND ECONOMICS 22.2 Collect leaves, twigs and other items that have fallen from trees or plants. Build a habitat to keep a pretend animal safe. Pretend to be dinosaur displays. Stand on rocks or chairs and freeze in poses. SELF CONCEPT 1.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY 6.2 SPATIAL AWARENESS 17.2 SHAPES 16.1 LETTER/ WORD RECOGNITION 12.1 COMMUNICATION 8.1 Jurassic Forest Where Is Your Leaf? Make a large tree trunk out of brown bags. Trace hand to make a leaf and practice the Spanish word for leaf. Grow a Plant Grow a bean by planting a seed and taking care of it. Would You Rather? Respond to questions by expressing preferences between two choices. Bush Shapes Pretend to be a hungry dinosaur. Listen for a shape and stand on it. Pretend to eat plants. Toe Match Out My Window Listen and participate in a story with fill-in-the-blanks. Use picture cards as prompts or invent your own ideas. Going Extinct Learn reasons why animals become extinct by playing an adding and subtracting game. Fossil Bread Press a cookie cutter into a piece of bread. Butter and shake on garlic salt or grated cheese. Toast for a fossil snack. 1-2-3 Book Make a book and draw pictures to go with the story. What might you find in a museum? Review Letters Ll, Ee, & Vv Museum Walk Dinosaur Display Use blocks to build dinosaur skeletons. Museum Tickets Role-play buying and selling museum tickets. Find the Exhibit Roll a number, letter, or shape and find it hanging upside down or sideways on the wall. Museum Guidebook Share memories and decorate a Scrapbook. Look for similar pictures or symbols. Number 15 Explore Investigation Stations Little Helper, track 4, Circle Time CD Dinosaurs That Ate Plants by Leonie Bennett Edwina, The Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct by Mo Willems Oh, Say Can You Say Di-no-saur? by Bonnie Worth Brontosaurus Leaves Track 4, Dinosaur Dig CD Pass a brontosaurus picture, pause the music. The child with the card pretends to eat leaves. Dinosaur Days Track 1, Dinosaur Dig CD Play a game of freeze dance until all children are “extinct” (out). Jurassic Jam (Instrumental) Track 8, Dinosaur Dig CD Children review the storybook then act it out to the music. Which plants near your home do you think dinosaurs would like? Why? What can you do to protect the environment or animals? What do you know about dinosaurs? What do you still wonder? M O N D AY T U E S D AY W E D N E S D AY WEEK 4 notes T H U R S D AY F R I D AY S AT U R D AY S U N D AY notes WEEK 4 SKILLS AND GOALS 2577 659 3115 5767 7409 Skill 131 716 Goal 730 2577 659 3115 5767 7409 131 716 730 Social and Emotional Development 1.1 Takes responsibility 1.3 Identifies and manages feelings Follows rules and routines 2.1 2 Self Direction 3 Social R elationships 2577 659 3115 5767 7409 131 716 2.2 Maintains attention 2.3 Transitions and adapts 3.1 Builds positive relationships 3.2 Cooperates 3.3 Cares for and responds to others 730 Physical Development 4.1 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 4 Gross Motor 5 Fine Motor 6 Health and Safety 7 Listening Comprehension 8 C ommunication 9 Vocabulary 10 Phonological Awareness 11Concepts of Print 12 Letter/Word Recognition 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 1.2 Builds strength and balance 4.2 Coordinates large movements 5.1 Controls small movements 5.2 Uses drawing and writing tools 6.1 Makes healthy food and exercise choices 6.2 Practices good hygiene Goal Language and Literacy Expresses preference 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 1 Self Concept Skill 13 Reading Comprehension 14 Emergent Writing 7.1 Comprehends spoken language 7.2 Follows verbal directions 8.1 Communicates ideas 8.2 Speaks in sentences 9.1 Builds vocabulary 10.1 Hears small units of sound 10.2 Identifies rhyme and alliteration 11.1 Demonstrates print knowledge Identifies letters and words 12.1 12.2 Makes letter-sound connections 13.1 Responds to text 13.2 Retells, asks and answers questions 14.1 Writes name, words and sentences 14.2 Expresses through writing 6.3 Demonstrates safe practices For more details and developmental benchmarks, reference the Research Foundation book.. SKILLS AND GOALS 2577 659 3115 5767 7409 131 716 Skill 730 659 3115 5767 7409 131 716 Goal 730 Skill Goal Math and Reasoning Science 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 15.1 15 Number Concepts Identifies numerals 25.1 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 25 Scientific Reasoning 15.2 Counts to determine quantity 16 Shapes 15.3 Understands operations 16.1 Identifies shapes 26 Life Science 16.2 Manipulates parts and wholes 17.1 17 Spatial Awareness 18 Patterns and Sorting Flips and rotates objects 27 Physical Science 17.2 Determines object location 18.1 Identifies and creates patterns 18.2 Matches, sorts and charts 2577 2577 659 3115 5767 7409 19 Measurement 20 Logic 131 716 730 19.1 Estimates and measures 19.2 Compares and seriates 20.1 21.1 Evaluates and infers 26.1 Identifies basic needs 26.2 Classifies organisms 27.1 Identifies properties of matter 27.2 Explores forces and motions 28.1 Identifies weather and climates 28.2 Explores ecosystems 29 Technology 29.1 Explores technology 659 3115 5767 7409 131 716 730 Creative Development Solves problems 30 Music Identifies community and family roles 21.2 Explores cultures and traditions 21.3 24History 25.3 3#14+85*$+,-$,# Social Studies 22 Civics and Economics 23 Geography 25.2 Observes and experiments 28 Earth Science 3#14+85*$+,-$,# 21 Families and Communities Inquires and predicts Respects diversity 22.1 Understands citizenship 22.2 Understands concepts of trade Identifies types of places 31 Dance and Movement 32 Visual Arts 23.1 23.2 Uses maps 24.1 Describes past events 33 Drama 30.1 Develops rhythm and tone 30.2 Expresses through music 31.1 Develops dance and movement techniques 31.2 Expresses through dance and movement 32.1 Develops artistic techniques 32.2 Expresses through visual arts 33.1 Participates in dramatic play 33.2 Uses and creates props RECORD OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL 1.1 Expresses Preference 1.2 Takes Responsibility 1.3 Identifies and manages feelings 2.1 Follows rules and routines 2.2 Maintains attention 2.3 Transitions and adapts 3.1 Builds positive relationships 3.2 Cooperates 3.3 Cares for and responds to others PHYSICAL 4.1 Builds strength and balance PHYSICAL 4.2 Coordinates large movements 5.1 Controls small movements 5.2 Uses drawing and writing tools 6.1 Makes healthy food and exercise choices 6.2 Practices good hygiene 6.3 Demonstrates safe practices LANGUAGE & LITERACY 7.2 Follows verbal directions 8.1 Communicates ideas LANGUAGE & LITERACY 8.2 Speaks in sentences 9.1 Builds vocabulary 10.1 Hears small units of sound 10.2 Identifies rhyme and alliteration 11.1 Demonstrates print knowledge 12.1 Identifies letters and words 12.2 Makes letter-sound connections 13.1 Responds to text 13.2 Retells, asks and answers questions 14.1 Writes name, words and sentences 14.2 Expresses through writing MATH & REASONING MATH & REASONING 15.1 Identifies numerals 15.2 Counts to determine quantity 15.3 Understands operations 16.1 Identifies shapes 16.2 Manipulates parts and wholes 17.1 Flips and rotates objects RECORD OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT MATH & REASONING MATH & REASONING (CONT.) 17.2 Determines object location 18.1 Identifies and creates patterns 18.2 Matches, sorts and charts 19.1 Estimates and measures 19.2 Compares and seriates 20.1 Solves problems SOCIAL STUDIES 21.1 Identifies community and family roles SOCIAL STUDIES 21.2 Explores cultures and traditions 21.3 Respects diversity 22.1 Understands citizenship 22.2 Understands concepts of trade 23.1 Identifies types of places 23.2 Uses maps 24.1 Describes past events SCIENCE 25.1 Inquires and predicts 25.2 Observes and experiments SCIENCE 25.3 Evaluates and infers 26.1 Identifies basic needs 26.2 Classifies organisms 27.1 Identifies properties of matter 27.2 Explores forces and motions 28.1 Identifies weather and climates 28.2 Explores ecosystems 29.1 Explores technology CREATIVE 30.1 Develops rhythm and tone CREATIVE 30.2 Expresses through music 31.1 Develops dance and movement techniques 31.2 Expresses through dance and movement 32.1 Develops artistic techniques 32.2 Expresses through visual arts 33.1 Participates in dramatic play 33.2 Uses and creates props Transfer this data into a Child Progress Monitoring Report. ©2014 Mother Goose Time, Inc.
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