POLI.design Welcome Kit
POLI.design Welcome Kit
WELCOME TO MILAN TOOLKIT MIL AN Student guide GET READY FOR MILAN IN 3 STEPS INDEX BEFORE LEAVING DOCUMENTS NEEDED 01 Selection application 02 Visa 03 Health care insurance ACCOMMODATION 04 Finding accommodation UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY REGISTRATION 05 Documents required for registration RESIDENCE VISA 06 How to apply for a Residence Visa 07 Sportello Amico TAX CODE 08 How to request a Tax Code DURING THE STAY TRANSPORT 09 ATM 10 Other means of transport INSURANCE 11 How to take out health insurance BANK 12 How to open an account STUDENT SERVICES 13 Provided by POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano 14 Provided by Politecnico di Milano 15 Other Services UTILITIES 16 How to reach us 17 Useful Numbers MIL AN BEFORE LEAVING BEFORE LEAVING DOCUMENTS NEEDED 01 Selection application Documents required for the selection application for a Specializing Master of the Politecnico di Milano Always refer to the site www.polimi.it/index.php?id=5986 for updated information Applicants with an educational qualification obtained in Italy To make a selection application for a Specializing Master at the Politecnico di Milano you must send the following documents to [email protected]: • application for admission to selection; • curriculum vitae; • any other documents that may be required (e.g. portfolio, certificates of language proficiency, etc.); • a clear, legible scanned copy of your ID card; • a clear, legible scanned copy of your qualifications. Candidates with educational qualifications obtained abroad To make an application for selection for a Specializing Master at the Politecnico di Milano you must send the following documents to [email protected]: • application for admission to selection; • curriculum vitae; • any other documents that may be required (e.g. portfolio, certificates of language proficiency, etc.); • a clear, legible scanned copy of the Degree awarded; • a clear, legible translation of the Degree in Italian/ English/French or Spanish; • a clear, legible scanned copy of the certificate with exams taken; • a clear, legible translation of the certificate with the exams in Italian/English/French or Spanish; • a clear, legible scanned copy of your passport. For each student who is admitted to a Specializing Master, the Politecnico di Milano will send an official letter of eligibility to the representative responsible for the procedures relating to the Declaration of Value to Entry Visa. BEFORE LEAVING DOCUMENTS NEEDED 02 Visa To enter Italy, non-European must obtain a Visa from the Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country of origin. All the necessary information about the procedure for submitting a visa application can be found on the link http://vistoperitalia.esteri.it/home/en An entry visa is a travel document authorising the student to enter Italy but not to stay for the entire period of the Master. To stay legally in Italy, students must apply for a residence permit within 8 days of their arrival in Italy. Without a Visa you will not be able to apply for a residence permit and without a residence permit you cannot stay in Italy for more than 90 days. 03 Health care insurance Non-European students must necessarily have health insurance that covers them for the whole period they remain in Italy. European students can benefit of services provided by the European health insurance card. Both types of students, once in possession of private insurance or the European health insurance card, can benefit from the National or private Health Service and be reimbursed once they return to their country of origin in accordance to what provided by their insurance for any medical expenses sustained during their stay in Italy. BEFORE LEAVING ACCOMMODATION 04 Finding accommodation You can use different channels to find the accommodation you like, we recommend in all cases to reach Milan at least 15 days before the scheduled starting date of the Master in order to establish your permanent residence before starting your studies, choosing the place best suited to your needs. It is always advised to book at least a temporary accommodation for the first and/or second week so you can look for your permanent accomodation with ease. We would remind you that the lease is signed ONLY between the student and the home owner. POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, is NOT responsible for any problems or irregularities that may arise between the landlord and the tenant. In looking for accommodation you can refer to AgenziaUni, a service created by the City of Milan through a joint project with the Universities of Milan, the Lombardy Region and the Fondazione Cariplo. Through AgenziaUni you can: • find information about lease offers; • reduce the time and difficulties in finding accommodation; • get in touch with other students with whom you can share the house; • get assistance for stipulating a regular residential lease; • receive all the information you need about the city and the university. AgenziaUni (www.agenziauni.comune.milano.it) Viale D’Annunzio 15 – 20123 Milano Tel. +39 02 88453435 / 02 88448540 [email protected] As students admitted to a Specializing Master at the Politecnico di Milano, you can make a booking application to some of the accommodation facilities of the Politecnico. You can check these facilities on the site www.residenze.polimi.it by selecting “Milano” under “Città” and “Dottorandi/Master” under “Destinatari”. At the moment, the available facilities are the following: • Campus “Martinitt” • Residence “Archimede” • Residence “C.F. Gauss” • Residence “Casa dello Studente” • Residence “Dateo” • Residence “Galileo Galilei” • Residence “O. Khayyam” To request information, please refer to the “Contact” section on the site or to the following office: Servizi Residenziali Via Golgi, 42 - Milano +39 800022399 - [email protected] BEFORE LEAVING ACCOMMODATION Near POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, there are also some hotels/hostels for short stays: Hotel Sunflower **** Piazzale Lugano, 10 20158 Milano +39 02 3931 4071 www.hotelsunflower.it Hotel Milton Best Western **** Via Butti, 9 20158 Milano +39 02 6680 2366 www.miltonmilano.com Hotel Valganna *** Via Giovanni Battista Varè, 32 20158 Milano +39 02 3931 0089 www.hotelvalganna.com Hotel Bovisa ** Via Emilio Broglio, 28 20158 Milano +39 02 39321100 [email protected] Bed & Breakfast Villa Cheta Via Privata Imola, 3 20158 Milano +39 02 3931 79587 / + 39 320 9617290 www.villachetamilano.com Hostel3 Via Ignazio Ciaia, 5 20158 Milano 02 3982 0435 http://hostel3.it UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY REGISTRATION 05 Documents required for registration RESIDENCE VISA 06 How to apply for a Residence Visa Always refer to the site www.polimi.it/index.php?id=5986 for updated information Within 8 days of arrival in Italy, non-EU students must go to a Post Office which has a “Sportello Amico” helpdesk and request the kit for applying for a residence permit. To apply for a residence permit for study, you must complete Form 1 in all its parts and affix stamp duty of the current value (at the moment it is equivalent to € 16). After completing the form, it must be returned to the office attaching to the application: ALL STUDENTS admitted to a Specializing Master must deliver to the coordinator of the Master for which they have been admitted, the following original documents: • filled out enrollment application with special stamp duty of the value in force (currently € 16)1; • a copy of your tax code; • a copy of your passport/identity card; • a copy of your entry Visa and residence permit (only students from outside the EU). In addition to the above documentation, STUDENTS WITH QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED ABROAD must submit: • declaration of value issued by the Italian consular authorities in the country in which the previous Degree was awarded; • original Degree certificate or certified copy thereof, or replacement certificate of the Degree, if this is not available; • an official translation of the qualification issued by the Italian Consular authorities in the country in which the Degree was awarded. • a photocopy of all your passport pages; • a photocopy of the letter of admission issued by the Politecnico di Milano certifying the course of study you will follow, endorsed by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Representative when granted the entry Visa; • a photocopy of your insurance policy, valid throughout the country, for the duration of the residency permit, against the risk of illness and/or injury. On returning the kit to the Post Office, the applicant shall pay € 27.50 for the electronic card + € 80 fee by “bollettino postale” (Post Office Giro) for a residence permit lasting one year. € 30.00 as shipping cost for the items. For further information and confirmation of costs related to the return of the kit, please visit the website: www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/225/ The stamp duty can be purchased in Italy and is generally sold in tobacco shops or authorised public businesses. 1 UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY RESIDENCE VISA Upon delivery of the kit to the Post Office, the operator will issue a receipt containing a user ID and a password, a payment receipt and a sheet containing the data for the first appointment at the police station nearest to the student’s residence. On the immigration portal (www.portaleimmigrazione.it), inserting the user id and password found on the receipt for delivery of the kit in the “area riservata stranieri” (area reserved to foreigners), you can find general information on how your request is proceeding. Until the moment your electronic residence permit is issued, you must keep the first receipt issued by the Post Office because it is considered a temporary residence permit and certifies the student’s legal residence in Italy. For special requests/information on specific cases, you can refer to: Questura di Milano Ufficio Immigrazione via Montebello 26 20121 (MILANO - MI) +39 02.6226.1 07 Sportello Amico Below is a list of post offices that have the “Sportello Amico” where it is possible to present the application for a residence permit: Milano 84 - Corso Italia, 16 Milano Centro - Via Cordusio, 4 Milano 16 - Via Santa Sofia, 8 Milano 32 - Via Paolo Da Cannobio , 33 Milano 26 - Via Della Moscova, 30 Milano 28 - Via Giosuè Carducci, 7 Milano 23 - Via San Simpliciano, 5 Milano 15 - Via Vigna, 6 Milano 41 - Via Dell’Orso, 11 Milano 71 - Via Cascina Barocco, 8 Milano 65 - Via Benozzo Gozzoli, 51 Milano 94 - Via Dei Larici, 11/B Milano 96 - Via Novara, 31 Milano 99 - Piazza Santa Maria Nascente, 2 Milano 108 - Via Caldera, 126 Milano 61 - Via Rodolfo Carabelli, 7 Milano 3 - Via Gamboloita, 4 Milano 70 - Via Freikofel, 16 Milano 110 - Via Carlo Parea, 26 Milano 104 - Via Cassano D’adda, 24 Milano 90 - Via Friuli, 51 Milano 53 - Via Giuseppe Ripamonti, 167 Milano 9 - Viale Sabotino, 21/A Milano 11 - Via Marcona, 1 Milano 82 - Corso Di Porta Vigentina, 35 Milano 86 - Via Festa Del Perdono, 10 UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY RESIDENCE VISA Milano 24 - Corso Venezia, 42 Milano 49 - Piazzale Costantino Nigra, 1 Milano 39 - Via Luigi Federico Menabrea, 14 Milano 47 - Via Monte San Genesio, 31 Milano 64 - Via Andrea Vochieri, 12 Milano 98 - Via Pellegrino Rossi, 15/1 Milano 91 - Via Enrico Acerbi, 34 Milano 102 - Via Bovisasca, 173 Milano 92 - Via Giuseppe Ungaretti, 12 Milano 80 - Via Appennini, 77/A Milano Cilea - Via Francesco Cilea, 119 Milano 114 - Corso Sempione, 94 Milano 20 - Bastioni Di Porta Volta, 7 Milano 29 - Viale Monte Ceneri, Snc Milano 1 - Via Giovanni Battista Grassi, 1 Milano 6 - Via Paolo Lomazzo, 25 Milano 7 - Viale Gorizia, 6 Milano 12 - Via Sambuco, 15 Milano 55 - Piazza Napoli, 38 Milano 35 - Via Montevideo, 25 Milano 81 - Via Medeghino, 16 Milano 79 - Via Costantino Baroni, 11/C Milano 103 - Via Rimini, 2 Milano Ticinese - Via Ruggero Bonghi, 3/7 Milano 60 - Via Paolo Segneri, Snc Milano 30 - Via Franco Tosi, 11 Milano 95 - Largo Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, 5 Milano 77 - Viale San Gimignano, 10 Milano 107 - Via Guido Coppin, 3 Milano 83 - Via Rosolino Pilo, 19/A Milano 54 - Via Bronzino, 7 Milano 36 - Via Ortica, 19 Milano 44 - Via Luisa Battistotti Sassi, 14 Milano 48 - Via Durazzo, 5 Milano 50 - Via Adelchi, 2 Milano 51 - Via Arquà, 14 Milano 14 - Viale Andrea Doria, 48 Milano 115 - Via Giuseppe Pecchio, 1 Milano 100 - Via Scipione Piattoli, 6 Milano 87 - Viale Evaristo Stefini, 12 Milano 45 - Via Luigi Varanini, 26/28 Milano 58 - Viale Zara, 131 Milano 72 - Via Comune Antico, 1 Milano 67 - Via Pindaro, 29 Milano 66 - Via Mondovì, 2 Milano 88 - Via San Mamete, 16 Milano 97 - Viale Giovanni Suzzani, 2 Milano 78 - Via Ponale, 6 Milano 8 - Via Emilio Motta, 5 Milano 18 - Via Raffaello Sanzio, 32 Milano 56 - Viale Cassiodoro, 4 Milano 59 - Via Rubens, 19 Milano 40 - Via Alfredo Cappellini, 17/19 Milano 19 - Via Gerolamo Cardano, 8 Milano 22 - Via Luigi Porro Lambertenghi, 23 Milano Palazzo Della Regione - Via Algarotti, 1 The residence permit is not required ONLY if the student has EU nationality/citizenship and a valid passport. UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY RESIDENCE VISA TAX CODE 08 How to request a Tax Code EU students will only have to register their residence at the Municipality of Milan. At the following link you will find information about presentation procedures and necessary documents for submitting the application. A Tax Code is an identification number consisting of letters and numbers that is assigned to each citizen for tax purposes and it is compulsory to request it to the “Agenzia delle Entrate”. www.comune.milano.it/wps/portal/ist/it/servizi/ anagrafe/Residenza_cittadinanza/Iscrizione_ anagrafica_stranieri/scrizioni_anagrafiche_ cittadini+UE On the link www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/content/ Nsilib/Nsi/Home/CosaDeviFare/Richiedere/ Codice+fiscale+e+tessera+sanitaria/Richiesta+TS_CF/ SchedaI/Come+si+chiede+il+Codice+Fiscale/ you will find the instructions for presenting an application for the assignment of a Tax code and the related forms. Upon delivery of the application form to the Inland Revenue, the operator will give the applicant a certificate containing the code. Subsequently, the plastic Tax code card will be sent to the address indicated on the application form. ONLY the certificate assigning the Tax code issued by the Inland Revenue has legal force. Agenzia delle Entrate Via della Moscova, 2 20121 Milano Tel: +39 Fax: [email protected] DURING THE STAY DURING THE STAY TRANSPORT 09 ATM ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (www.atm.it) is the company that manages public transport in Milan and in the municipalities of the province. The network includes buses, trams and underground and to calculate the routes available between the various destinations you can use the “GiroMilano” service on the ATM site. City trips have a single fare which costs € 1.50 and is valid for 90 minutes from stamping; it allows a single access by subway, railway and underground railway. The magnetic ticket must be validated at the beginning of the trip and any change of vehicles by inserting it into the validation slot of the magnetic-electronic systems on board the surface lines and, on the underground, at the entrance barriers; paper tickets must be stamped at the beginning of the journey by inserting them in the ticket machine. There are also different types of season tickets available that vary in terms of duration and type of user. At the link www.atm.it/it/ViaggiaConNoi/Abbonamenti/Pagine/ Tipologie.aspx you can find general information for guidance on the characteristics and costs. NOTE: student season tickets are available only for students under 26. For any other need and to apply for a season ticket, please refer to one of the ATM Points that are located in Milan inside the underground stations of: • Duomo M1-M3, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm and on Sunday from 10.15am to 1.15pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm; • Centrale M2-M3, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm and on Sunday from 10.15am to 1.15pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm; • Cadorna M1-M2, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm and on Sunday from 10.15am to 1.15pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm; • Garibaldi M2, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm; • Loreto M1-M2, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm; • Romolo M2, open from Monday to Saturday, from 7.45am to 8pm. DURING THE STAY TRANSPORT DURING THE STAY TRANSPORT 10 Other means of transport Car Sharing For getting around the city, there are several car sharing services for which a subscription and a European and/or international driving licence is often required. More information is available on the websites of various companies: Train In the event that during the stay in Italy you want to visit other towns, the most recommended means of transport are the train and (for long distances) the plane. Train: based on the route and the city that you need to get to from Milan, there are 3 companies available: • Car2Go: www.car2go.com • E-vai: www.e-vai.com • Enjoy: https://enjoy.eni.com • GuidaMI: www.atm.it/it/guidami • Twist: www.twistcar.it • Trenord: www.trenord.it • TrenItalia: www.trenitalia.com • Italo Treno: www.italotreno.it In addition, ATM also offers a bike-sharing service, BikeMi, and on the website www.bikemi.com you can find all the information relating to the service. Flights Domestic flights are provided by various companies (some low cost). The most important ones are: • Alitalia: www.alitalia.com • Meridiana: www.meridiana.it • EasyJet: www.easyjet.com • RyanAir: www.ryanair.com DURING THE STAY INSURANCE 11 How to take out health insurance As indicated earlier, having health insurance also valid for Italy is important because it is necessary to apply for a residence permit. Non-EU nationals are often required to take out an insurance contract to be able to start Visa procedures and, generally, it is validated by the Italian representative before departure, but if the student still has to take out insurance, he/she can choose between two options: • Private insurance policy • National Health Service The National Health Service (SSN) provides comprehensive health care: it is possible to choose a doctor of reference who will take care of any health problems free and prescribe the relative medicines, tests and any specialist visits necessary. Validity: 1 calendar year (from 1 January to 31 December) More information about the characteristics of the service and for submitting the application can be found on the following link of the Ministry of Health: http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6. jsp?lingua=italiano&id=1764&area=Assistenza%20 sanitaria&menu=stranieri Even citizens assisted by a State of the European Union and European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland can benefit from healthcare in Italy. For information on this subject you can refer to the website of the Ministry of Health (http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6. jsp?lingua=italiano&id=2560&area=Assistenza%20 sanitaria&menu=stranieri) and/or the corresponding institutional bodies of the country of origin of the student. DURING THE STAY BANK 12 How to open an account Most banks are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 4pm. To open a bank account you need: • to be of age (at least 18); • have a valid ID card; • have a tax code; • not have been declared bankrupt. In the bank account contract, the bank will provide all information relating to the terms and conditions of service and the following bank details that are necessary to make international bank transfers: • IBAN, International Bank Account Number (also known as CLABÉ or Aba depending on the country), which is an alphanumeric code that identifies your bank account (check char code + National Bank branch number + account number); • BIC, Bank Identifier Code/SWIFT, you need to send money worldwide. Before you can carry out any transaction, you must make an initial deposit to the account. Travellers cheques, cheques and foreign currency can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, railway stations and/or airports. Banca Popolare di Sondrio is the bank of POLI.design and of the Politecnico di Milano, it offers students the opportunity to open a bank account at special conditions and operates two branches near the Campus: Banca Popolare di Sondrio (Agency n. 21) Via Edoardo Bonardi 4, Campus Leonardo Open: from Monday to Friday 8.30am - 1.30pm; 2.45pm - 3.45pm Tel: +39 02 2399 3307 Banca Popolare di Sondrio (Agency n. 5) Via degli Imbriani 54, Campus Bovisa Open: from Monday to Friday 8.30am - 1.30pm; 2.45pm - 4.15pm Tel: +39 02 3932 841 Extrabanca Alternatively, foreign students can also benefit of the services of Extrabanca: www.extrabanca.com DURING THE STAY STUDENT SERVICES 13 Provided by POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano Study Rooms At POLI.design there are some study rooms to which access to students is granted on days off from the Master’s courses. There is free Wi-Fi in all the classrooms. Access to the study rooms must be booked in by writing an email to [email protected] with the subject “Study Room Reservation Request”. Remember to always specify your name, surname and the Master’s course you are enrolled in. Language Courses POLI.design organises Italian language courses based upon verification of a minimum number of participating students (from which the cost of the course depends). In the event there are no courses programmed at his/ her time of arrival, the student can refer to the following site created by the Department of Social Affairs and Culture of Health of the City of Milan http://milano. italianostranieri.org to check the various courses of Italian organised in Milan by schools/institutions. Both types of course are subject to payment of a fee by the student. Special agreements Thanks to some agreements signed, students enrolled in a Master managed by POLI.design, Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, will have access to the following benefits: Design Library, the first international network of libraries dedicated entirely to design. Master’s students will have the opportunity to receive free annual subscription. http://www.designlibrary.it Material Connexion Italia. Master’s students will have the opportunity to receive free annual subscription for access to one of the most important research and consulting centres for innovative materials. http://materialconnexion.com Polifactory, the makerspace of the Politecnico di Milano where new design and manufacturing processes are tested and research on technologies and production and distribution patterns that characterise the evolution of contemporary product-services is carried out. A container of services for the development of multidisciplinary talents which represents one of the avant-garde experiments of the University in terms of experimental training, research and advisory services. http://www.polifactory.polimi.it DURING THE STAY STUDENT SERVICES 14 Provided by Politecnico di Milano A complete list is available on the website www.polimi.it/studenti/servizi Study Rooms and Laboratories As well as at POLI.design, there are also study rooms at the Bovisa Campus of the Politecnico di Milano. The main one is located on the ground floor of Block B9. At the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano there is the availability of a System of Workshops for Teaching and Service. On this link you will find a complete list of the laboratories of the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano: www. dipartimentodesign.polimi.it/laboratori/presentazione Libraries Specializing Master students have the opportunity to access all the libraries of the various campuses of the Politecnico di Milano. For more information: www.biblio. polimi.it IT services Specializing Master students have the opportunity to enjoy free access to some services, such as webmail, storage service and web conferences, etc. www.polimi.it/studenti/servizi/servizi-informatici Of particular interest is the possibility to download some computer software free from the portal of the Politecnico . The list of downloadable software is available on this page: www.software.polimi.it Sport Services As students of the Politecnico di Milano, you will have the chance to be part of different sports teams. You can find more information on the site: www.sport.polimi.it DURING THE STAY STUDENTS SERVICES 15 Other services Catering “La Rossa” Bar is located inside the Bovisa Campus of the Politecnico di Milano. The bar is on the ground floor of Block 5 in Via Durando, 10. It is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm. At La Masa Campus there is the Mensa Pellegrini (Pellegrini Canteen), Block 24 in Via La Masa 34, open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4.30pm. In the streets around the Bovisa Campus there is also a wide range of places where you can spend your lunch break. In particular, in Via Andreoli and in Via Candiani there are different types of activities that can meet most of the choices and needs (e.g. catering to celiacs, vegetarians, vegans, etc.). Copy shops and book shops Inside the Bovisa Campus, on the ground floor of Block B5, there is the CUSL copy shop where you can make photocopies, buy stationery products, buy or book textbooks. There are also other copy shops in the streets surrounding the campus, for example: • Plott & Copy, Via Andreoli 4 • Fotocopisteria, Via Andreoli 18 (Here you can also bind your thesis) • Digital 102, Via Candiani 102 and book shops: • Libraccio, via Candiani 102 • Libreria Edizioni Unicopli, via Andreoli 20 We also recommend Protoshop, a shop in via Candiani 94, dealing with materials for design and architecture. Tourism In addition to its connection to the design sector, Milan is also a city rich in history and art. For information and tourist accommodation, please contact: InfoMilano Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, on the corner of piazza della Scala Tel +39 02 884 55555 [email protected] www.turismo.milano.it Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm Saturday 9am - 6pm Sunday and holiday 10am - 6pm Closed on December, 25 and January, 1 Policiclo A service provided by the Politecnico students that repairs your bike when it breaks down!! www.policiclo.it The bike workshop is located in Block B6 of the Bovisa Campus and is open Monday and Friday from 4pm to 7pm. DURING THE STAY STUDENTS SERVICES UTILITIES 16 How to reach us Poli.Radio Finally, there is also an independent radio of the Politecnico di Milano called POLI.RADIO which can be heard via smartphones. For further information: www.poliradio.it POLI.design is in the Bovisa district, north-west of Milan and is a short walk from the train stations of Milano Bovisa and Milano Villapizzone. You can reach the campus by bus 82 or 92 (bus stop: Via Durando/Via Cosenz) or by commuter train (Milano Nord - Bovisa Politecnico stop) starting from one of the following main stations: Milano Cadorna, Milano Porta Venezia, Milano Porta Garibaldi and Milano Repubblica. To check the train schedules consult the website www. trenord.it; to check the bus schedule consult the website www.atm-mi.it. Those who are not staying near one of these stations can calculate the fastest route to reach POLI.design using the ATM link of the “GiroMilano” service (http://giromilano. atm.it/#/home/calcolapercorso). Once you reach the Bovisa train station, the Design campus is on the left of the station. Once you reach Via Durando, POLI.design is located just down the street, at the intersection with Via Cosenz Poli.shop A store where you can buy goods with the Politecnico di Milano brand. www.polishop.polimi.it The shop is located in Block B8 at the Bovisa Campus. DURING THE STAY UTILITIES 17 Useful numbers Emergency numbers are listed below: Carabinieri - Emergency 112 Public emergency - State Police - Public Aid 113 Fire Brigade - Emergency 115 Car breakdown - ACI 803 116 Ambulance - Emergency 118 POLI.design Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 38/a 20158 Milano tel. +39 02 2399 7206 fax +39 02 2399 5970 www.polidesign.net [email protected]
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